#I dont draw them together bc i have less ideas
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itz-pandora · 10 days ago
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This is why he's not a cat person
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beansprean · 11 months ago
Hii!! Just wanted to ask how you get your poses on characters just flow so naturally? Is it like 2nd nature to you or does it take a really long time to get the poses right and natural? Bcs i've always struggled with that
Just wanted to ask since I really love the way you draw poses and perspective!! (Might be a weird complements but yeah sksnsksosj)
its DEF not 2nd nature lol ive been drawing for over 20 yrs now and still struggle with stiffness and line weight and foreshortening on a lot of poses. the best advice i have is to USE REFERENCES!! draw parallel to them, trace a sketch model over them to work off of, cut them up and splice them together to get closer to whats in your head, take photos of yourself, ask your discord friends with diff body types to show you their knees, etc etc etc.
@adorkastock is a FANTASTIC place to find both mundane and dynamic poses. I also recommend fatphotoref.com, publicdomainpictures.net, vishopper.com, line-of-action.com, and referenceangle.com as well as any free use stock photos.
(Protip: on image results on search engines, you can filter by creative licenses! go to the top of the results page; on google its under tools > usage rights, on qwant its under filters > any license, and on duckduckgo its in the 'all licenses' dropdown. u can choose 'creative commons' 'public domain' 'non-commercial' etc. This seems to help filter out AI results lol)
one thing that IS 2nd nature to me and i think helps put a lot of life into my drawings is that my sketch layers are very loosey goosey. when ur doing ur first sketch, dont worry about anatomy or anything, just doodle loose lines that have the shape/feel of what ur lookin for. THEN i worry about references/anatomy etc on a 2nd sketch layer, with my lower layer reminding me where to put emphasis and weight and what type of emotion/expression I was going for etc.
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Its a lot harder for me to draw smth good without some kind of foundation, and a sloppy sketch layer gives me that AND lets me get out the idea quick and return to it later, while not feeling pressure to make it perfect! i tend to lose a lot of that whimsy and movement during the inking stage, which im still trying to figure out lol - but i think thats pretty universal? My example here is more cartoony so its less of an issue but you can see it a bit in the bend of the fingers and elbow.
Good luck on your drawing journey!!!! i hope this was helpful or at least interesting lmaoo
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ganondoodle · 11 months ago
Hello 👋
Swallowing my nerves at last to send you an ask! I was just wondering, what inspires your designs? Are their inspirations in stuff like movies or games? Or just things you come up with yourself?
i .. honestly its kinda hard to tell, sometimes i just randomly think of something, like some detail, or color combination and try to incorporate that into a design somehow; it can come from anywhere, like the color scheme of a pithaya/dragonfruit is something i have been wanting to make a design with for ages but havent come up with anything good in all those years ;O;
im a very easily fascinated by color, espeically in nature, like sometimes i just stop and stare at something like i froze in time bc i just woooooooooooooah color! i probably look like a weirdo doing that though
its really hard to pinpoint anything specifically, the most is probably .. other artists? i guess? which always makes me nervous bc my memory is shit in most areas of life and i worry myself to pieces whether i unintentionally "stole" an idea and just dont remember and think it was my own, it goes further that sometimes i see something that makes me want to draw a similar concept but dont bc i dont want to 'steal' even if that couldnt be further from my intention (have been accused of that before ..)
that said for my ocs specifically .. most are rather old and have just kinda evolved out of their awkward first iterations (shargons first iteration was a hauro-howl- copy that was really just some human covered in feathers .. another oc was once a hellboy copy but in green- havent drawn nor redeisgn them in ages lol), the biggest inspirations for them is a mix of animals, bonus if you dont see them often- im a big shark, whale and sea creatures in general nerd so i tend to take from them as a priority but always trying to be less directly animal and mostly just .. features that work together
Eadrya is one of the newer OCs- i started to write but then looked at my folders and oh they are from 2017 .., i even made a design timeline for them how much they, and my art, have changed back in 2020, so thats also way outdated now lol (they apparently started as a whale .. thing? its like a pokemon evolution lol)
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this is them now (i like this sketch still, though shargons design is now also outdated lmao)
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this ones from early 2023 so also outdated now but you get the point
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for demons i try to be a bit more wild on shapes and colors while still adhering to the rules of how they work (humanoid form, demon form, animalistic, one element each and more or less made to fit that, 4 arms is very common, look to be bost scary and wild but also something that would make you stop in tracks and stare in awe and fear if you crossed paths)
often times designs just kinda .. happen, i have maybe the idea ok i wanna make something with a white and red pattern also moose or those big horned cows are cool and kinda scary so maybe sth akin to that (though this one is technically a redesign too- its also pretty much entirely different)
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for non demons but still non human i go for a much more restrained design, mainly inspired directly by an animal and giving the color scheme a good spin, plus adding unconventional body shapes, like ki'ita is also a good example, her old idea was just orca anthro pirate and just by making the white green instead in her most recent redesign already adds that little spin to it
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that can have its pitfalls though, as i often fall into the big arm small head small legs scheme over and over xD
alot of it is trial and error, deciding on the colors can take me hours bc im always searching for my little rule of having one contrast color that shows up in very few places to draw attention to it (like with Eadrya its those bright yellow eyes and thingy at their tail)
and that is all about myy own ocs, when its fandom stuff it works kinda similar though, either in the connections i wanna draw or just thinking it further- like how deities in destiny work also just kinda .. happened like an ever derailing train
like for demise i was at first really just im gonna give him horns bc horns are cool and he got those on the starting mural in the game- so how his hair work? well maybe it isnt hair actually and just unbound energy, im making him a deity too and fit hylias design to his so, yeah, then so how does it work, ok he gotta have a skeleton still, but what if his entire actual body is made up of pure magical energy with its core in the ribcage? with the core in the ribcage >:3c and the scales you see are just like cooled down lava as an armor bc his thing is fire and earth !! the normal blood? is a thin layer of skin imiated from mortals to keep the scales together and flexible so if he ACTUALLY gets hurt hed bleed magic that looks more like lava and any normal blood you see is just the armor- so why does he have a skeleton still instead of being just energy? maybe its gotta be bound to something OH and what if all of the deities started as mortals like a mirror to the trio later on and the gods cannot have direct influence to the worlds so they needed a right hand that is neither god nor mortal but both by killing a mortal by whatever their element will be (demise burned, hylia drowned etc) and their skeleton and spirit is kept but put into a body of magic- OH what if their spirit core is like almost piloting their bodies like a mech in a way bc if youd look close youd see that every strand of magic is actual a hand of their spirit so it makes it more weird and other bc hed be able to reach out with thousands of burning claws of all shapes and sizes like the beheaded forest god at the end of mononoke- SO if hed lose and arm or something all those strands would untangle and rearrange his bones back together-OH MY GOD the whole armor idea works so well for ghirahims dark armor so what if demise had two swords once and lost one and since has forged an armor similar to his own for ghirahim out fo fear of losing him t---
and that all is a process that happens over several weeks and months not rarely while i am drawing something mindlessly and suddendly *have a thought* and omg that makes so much sense-
so "what" inspires my designs? an ever derailing train of thought about making cool thick monsters that arent the evil thing to get rid of for once? cool color schemes? idk it just kinda happens??
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rueclfer · 12 days ago
congratulations you have now infested my brain with the idea of convict!touya and like criminal psychiatrist (i don’t think this is the right term?) reader. like a less toxic and more fun joker/harley quinn dynamic tihihi
so um so um so um lets yap abt it now bc im LISTENINGGG okay so thinking about touya who wont talk to anyone but you and even then, he doesnt like answering questions and tries to derail for the entire session but you dont care bc anythjng that'll get him to talk right? WELL you start finding yourself laughing along and disregarding the therapy all together bc hes just thaaatttttt charming and funny and whenever you walk by his cell he throws up a peace sign at you like a fucking dork and um um un um he draws you things and sneaks them to you throughout the week bc he cant wait until his sessions to give them to you and i ju- EXPLODES
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nus4y · 2 months ago
2024 Fic Writer End of Year Roundup
Answer and then tag three or more creators to keep the game going!
(If you're in my answers consider yourself tagged if you'd like to play!)
1. How many words did you publish on AO3 in 2024?
51,695! About 30k of it is from Clerical Errors in Love
2. How many fics did you complete this year?
Four! One multi-chap and 3 oneshots!! I did them relatively close together as well since i only started publishing my works Oct-Nov?
3. How many in progress or ongoing fics did you start this year?
I dont think i have any ongoing fics rah
4. What was your favorite thing you wrote?
Oh god where do I start!! Am i allowed to say nearly every chapter of Clerical Errors? I think chapter 6 had to an all time fav wink wink
However I think my pride and joy was my trans masc Azriel fic Take my heart pull it apart It’s actually very dear to me despite being pretty short.
5. What piece was your most experimental or different from your usual style?
I’m having major imposter syndrome honestly, I’m not even sure what my style is I’m still very new to all of this haha
6. Did any fics surprise you - either while writing or their reception?
Uh YEAH!? The amount of comments I got on Clerical Errors was genuinely mind blowing to me, especially considering that was my very first piece of work I had ever published aajkajaka
7. Do you have a fic you wrote and loved that went under the radar? (This is your sign to reblog/repost it!)
Ugh absolutely I love Take my heart, pull it apart and This World Was Never Made For Me soooo much. I suspect they’re less popular bcs they’re not ship fanfic but ah i love writing angst!!!
8. Who is an artist that inspired you?
@lucychanart @palomita-de-la-sangre both have insane artwork
9. Who is an author that inspired you?
@greenvelvetcouture @g00seg1rl @chunkypossum @ tessabeth @the-darkestminds @jules-writes-stories @neciebee @fourteentrout
10. Who is a new author you discovered?
@g00seg1rl Oml bro writes the most DELISH smut i have ever encountered. As in full body blush type shi AHAKNSQOMA
11. Did you do any collaborations? How did it start?
Nope! I just fucking got here bro
12. What accomplishments are you proudest of?
Honestly just opening Google docs and writing something actually worth reading. I’ve never really been good at creative writing to be honest but lately I am kinda proud of myself for writing that much!
13. What did you learn about writing or creating this year?
You will have a million ideas but unfortunately your brain takes a stupid long time to put that all into coherent writing/art 💔😭😭
14. What are your creative goals for 2025?
I definitely want to draw more, I have animatics planned and want to take a shot at full animation!
I’ve also got quite a few fics lined up which I am SUPER excited for!!! The titles being
-Crawling back to you
-Tongue tied
-Lonely is the muse
-Addicted to you
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yuukei-yikes · 4 months ago
Hey vinnie! Really love your comics! I was wondering, what's your process when it comes to drawing them? Do you come up with dialogue first or draw the figures and piece together the dialogue, and how do you go about doing layouts?
this ask reminded me i have a whole ass "process vid" of THIS COMIC from over a year ago where u can see exactly what i do to plan that comic lol this is embarrassing i never thought id share it so do NOT be mean
i was curious myself how it looked which is why i made it heh this is 50 min of footage in almost 2 mins and idk why my superhero movie is the song of choice this is from a while ago OK... u can see i literally have no idea what im doing i just DOODLE i just go for it
i talk some more under the cut i <3 art but i am a serial doodler
i use the power of imagination a whole lot bc i have a pretty busy life so when i get an idea im like working it out in my mind as i live my normal ass life. when i actually do sit down to make it, first i sketch it all and will usually write certain bits in each "page"
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its pretty similar. but as u can see i tend to skip some dialogues that im like. meh ill figure it out later. i just write what i know i wanted to add. and then i figure out the rest when i get to it, or i even change up what i already got, which results in it not being super planned. for example here i made ayano repeat "this is something..." in both her dialogues and i didnt realize until i finished and read the whole thing over but i was lazy to change it heh... but that was bc i write as i go and u can tell in mistakes like that.
as for layouts... erm i barely make actual layouts. this is kind of the same process for everything LOL except sometimes i feel like making actual boxes to put the characters in, but otherwise u can see that the majority of my comics are just all over the place like this. during the sketch i do separate it but then i try to divide it with only the speach bubbles. the layout where i put little boxes is when i dont mind making many pages, bc it fits less stuff.
otherwose i tend to do stuff like this:
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which looks a lot more crowded. the reason is, i post here and on twitter (more amphibia on twitter) and since u have a limited amount of pics u can post (here in tumblr it used to be 10 pics), i wanted to fit as much as possible in only 1 page so it wouldnt be too many pics, and it morphed into this sort of layout that i became used to.
im a Go For It kinda guy when it comes to drawing. i like doodling and sketching and going with whatever i got first. the only reason i dont start the comic right away and even do the sketching first is bc i want to figure out where ill put everything, not so much bc im worried abt the art looking better in one or the other. as u can see the art is very similar in both cases
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quinnonimp · 5 months ago
whatre ur thoughts on canto 5 (so far) i need to hear it
OKAY SO gathering my thoughts on it is difficult unfortunately since i focus on getting through all the gameplay first, theeen go back to reread the canto to fully focus on whats going on u_u but !!
the intervallo was fun !!!! lowkey wish it was a real beach episode but obviously that would never happen in limbus (made me want to draw a real one though) . the 3 scrapyarders have a fun dynamic w the team & it was as cute as intervallos usually are (i really love intervallos .. & just general side content . i eat that shit up)
as a splatoon fan ofc ill like the sea aesthetic of it all .. rip ishmael she wouldve loved splatoon . plus fish ice cream is a funny idea im glad charon enjoyed it lmao, was nice to know that her & verg hung out in town
fun to hear saude is alive ! im not particularly attached to any of the npcs but im glad she got promoted . the lccb guy w brown curly hair looks like me and i was surprised when he showed up
i found ishmaels behavior & mindset pretty interesting ! to me shes sort of in the middle tier of characters-i-like - but so far this canto has written her in a very effective way, and i appreciate characters that have an extreme sense of determination & care, and her quest for revenge is compelling
yi sang being seasick is terribly relatable it made me like him more LMAO . i enjoy how much more talkative he is rn even if i dont have a deep connection to his character . my feelings on him after canto 4 have definitely improved (he used to be at the bottom tier together w 2 others 💀), & also bc i got his walpurgisnacht ID and im a huge funeral of the dead butterflies fan ..
I HATE RICARDO 😭😭😭😭 yes its a skill issue . but i also dont rly like his character i dont think hes that funny . being stuck on his stage was genuinely frustrating esp with the thought that the final boss of the canto is gonna be even more difficult . sorry . i know a lot of ppl love him and im sure his stage was fun mechanically to someone
the scene where we learn dante has a self destruct button was so much less sad to me than it shouldve been bc when it was explained i got mega distracted thinking abt barbwire (my oc) ..... woops .. still really liked that scene though . dante holds the number one fave spot together w don for me so im always invested when we get focus on them, and this in particular was impactful, especially with faust being clear about their chances of survival in that moment and the indigo elder telling them to "get used to the idea that not everything can be brought back" . themes of permanence & temporariness are super appealing to me and i love extracting that out of dante
when the indigo elder got revealed i was immediately like "oh yeah dons gonna freak tf out with 2 whole color fixers on the same bus" . i was right . she shouldve been allowed to have a way bigger reaction though i mean this is a huge deal .. anywho i like him ! he might be the npc i find most intriguing so far, and im very interested in seeing him & ishmael interact more
so yeah uhmmmmmmm thats what ive got so far while doing a mirror dungeon . im at 5-32 (shoutout to my friends list for getting me past 5-30), so once ive finished the canto i might add onto this post if u wanna hear more or ask specific things !
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meimeikyu · 8 months ago
you 🫵
are there any silly things with the festivalverse gang that aren't reallllyyyy important to the storyline but are neat? Just lil things (for example: my hc that cross is allergic to soy! stuff like that) :D
ghskgshkghsk YES!!! I love projecting silly little details on them,,, mostly on dust he is the victim of most of my projection sorry man
on the allergy topic!! my friend (hi ink) is currently attempting to make my dust have a broccoli allergy! we have a deal that if it draws dust having an allergic reaction to broccoli ill make it canon and ive seen the wips so its technically not canon yet but will be (this is fcking hilarious to me btw it started bcs he was threatening me about it-)
hmmm other stuffs,,,,, killer really likes drama shows of most flavours!! them and dust will watch medical dramas together bcs dust likes the medical aspect and killer likes the silly drama n romance (this one is pure projection,,,, im watching 2 med dramas actively)
hmm ok now im thinking about shows / genres they like so killer really likes dramas n esp workplace dramas (cop, med,,, theres others i just cant think of any of them) n i think action too esp,, cross really likes fantasy and mystery (i think cross would be a good omens fan i cant explain why but canon to my au <3),,, dust likes horror (GENRE NOT THE PERSON) depending on the mood, med dramas (he has a lot of medical knowledge for. totally normal reasons <-lieing),,, but SCI FI. his fav < i am once again projecting. I think horror would like more reality based shows, n more calm stuff (she doesnt get why some of them wanna be stressed out irl then watch fake ppl be stressed),,,
not really important but killer n cross r both albino!!! bcs design purposes (see i made killer albino b4 i finalized crosses design in my mind and then i was like well i want cross to be and. i dont wanna change killer so they both r!!!) its less 'noticable' with killer tho bcs they dye (well make cross dye-) their hair as well as the uh. lack of eyes. they both r tho!! :D
Inks tattoos are NOT consistent! They change constantly no ones ever seen them change or move but every time ppl see him they r different n no ones quite sure why or how (they just sillay like that :D)
Error n Nightmare are canonically married. no ones quite sure how or when that happened or. why (are they in love romantically? the answer is debatable. they are married!!) this has no relevance to most of the story they r both just freaks like that (affectionate)
Ok slightly lore relevant but i wanna add this one too so error doesnt really? exist properly in time??? bcs technically error is one of the "younger" created gods but also it kinda. slipped thru a crack in reality and thats how we ended up here (antivoid) so its not just taht it has a bad idea or weird perception of time it just. physically exists outside of linear time. so error technically became way after nightmare but nightmare knew error as existing before her bcs of errors time fuckery. nightmare is aware of how error functions but the only one(s) who can properly perceive time before error existed and after are reaper and life. Ink also doesnt really exist properly in time but in a less obvious way? ink has a definitive start of creation date but is aware of everything that happened before that he just didnt exist in it,,, after his creation tho? very debatable how he works in time. the only ones hes really close to is dream n error and dream is not sure and you will never get a proper answer out of error lmfao
ok sorgy lore infodump done im insane about them can u tell
ghskghskg theres prob way more but this is all i can think of rn i hope u enjoy!!!!
also i swear i prommy i dont only have lore for the bad sanses i just. mostly talk about them n have more for them bcs they r my favs (which is bad for them. i put them thru the horrors sory guys) BUT the other guys have lore too!!!!
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sillyandquiteawkward · 3 days ago
How do you push through character making or the worry you won't like them,art or videogames?I've lost the whismy of committed oc making,and without throwing personal mental health stuff it's making me to scream bc I wanna create and have fun so bad again,but perfectionism is ruining it.Seeing yours and others art keeps me hopeful though,especially when talking about your art bc well,you make such lovely and silly ocs and they're fun to read and look at.(thank you btw,keep creating anf being whismy 😭)
when it comes to my general or fandom ocs, i dont tend to make them in search of perfection. my idea when it comes to ocs is not sacredness, but fun little tropes to play with like dolls. in most sense im just playing around with dolls as i learn and grow as a writer and artist. ultimately there isnt any committing to be done. if i wanted to i could redesign and retcon ocs. but i could also just shelf ocs and try again. especially when youre just fucking around its really focusing on what type of ideas you want to explore and just go with that, without thinking about what others might think of. sure down the line, eventually you can try to solidify ocs into less nebulous ideas, but in the meantime, while youre learning, its best to keep thinks fluid. play with ur touys. do not set out to create THE oc. create lots and lots and your fav baby will eventually turn up. then you can nab em and play with them more.
when it came to my manifesting familiarity ocs, which are something i have to commit to a design and solid character with for the foreseeable future, at some time during the design process you just have to say ok. if i dont put this oc down now i will never start my project. i have to settle on something and just GO. and youll have ideas at the beginning of the project about your ocs, and by the mid way or end of it, your oc will still have grown some and evolved (and thats before their character arc). my best advice to try to draw/write about this character as much as possible before starting so you can really see if they are going to vibe with you and the work their in. you can also do things for them like give them new outfits or hairstyles in the story, or switch the main character or swap side characters. shake things up in ways that will work with your project and keep you feeling refreshed.
best of luck to you, i hope any of this is helpful. you have to kill the perfectionist side of you (just a little) and get silly and stupid with it. i prommy its ok and no one is going to get mad at you and if they do, kick their ass to shut up island. you cant really force whimsy, but you can try to make up dumb things to kind of soften the landing and warm up your silly bones. slowly invite the whimsy in by playing with no stakes. hit random on a character creator and try to read their vibes and give them a stupid name like grimson bones and then write them a tragic backstory or a cool mary sue backstory. just for funsies. that sort of thing. if youre having trouble coming up with things, just yoink ideas from media you enjoy while youre playing around and mix them together in a big pot.
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wh00pwh00p · 1 year ago
@glupiypryanik THIS IS FOR YOU (n also a great excuse to info dump about my babies)
so i have technically 5 OC worlds (minus dnd characters), i say technically 5 because i post like 4 of them here??? the other one is mainly written so i dont have a lot of art of them. but i also have ideas for how id love to present these worlds in the future..... like making some into shows or comics (i probably wont ever do that bc time but one can dream)
im ganna cover them one world at a time from least to most info??? i think?? its a long one.... much longer than i thought.... (i might just keep adding as characters get more info n stuff)
Nova & Circus (doesn't have an actual name yet) :
Nova and circus are roommates n live in a world which is like a near future with lots of built up places heavily based on cities like Tokyo, Seoul, New York and LA in there too. very entertainment industry heavy. Nova is an Idol (i specifically draw from the aesthetics of J-pop idols and a little from K-pop idols) she is very busy all the time which leads to her being very tired when shes not doing work. she also very much enjoys her work and is relatively popular. Circus is a streamer but does like live radio type streams, he used to be a DJ and producer before he started his own thing and now he also helps produce some of Novas music. hes much better at doing his own thing and he doesnt work well with like strict schedules and such. do they have to live together? no, they both make more than enough to live separately and be pretty well off. are they living together because they are dating? maybe but dating is taken very seriously within the Idol scene and it could cause problems for both of them if they were dating, which they are definitely not doing (/s)
Heavens Finest :
oh Delilah. Heaven in this universe isn't somewhere for the dead but more so a place for angels, these angels have a normal working society where everyone is delegated jobs. Delilah was delegated the job of a guardian angel, guardian angels in this universe are the beings that give you a sense of safety, they are the beings that give you the impulse to look before crossing the road or to watch your step. Delilah is horrifically bad at this (partially on purpose). everyone Delilah is sent to keep safe dies within 2-3 business days because she's either gotten to work late or was far too preoccupied doing literally anything else than her job. however shes also the queen of weaponised incompetence, every time her boss threatens to move her to another sector she happily reminds them that she will screw up anything, anywhere, anytime and out of pure fear theyve had to keep her on. as Delilahs story continues her boss gives her an ultimatum: If the next person she guards dies within a week they will let her go. Delilah happily accepts however what she doesnt realise is that shes been assigned the stupidest yet seemingly invincible guy who just. wont. die. her story evolves from her passively letting people die to her straight up trying to kill this guy within a week.
Bp&I :
this universe is a pretty normal modern world filled with halloween monsters. Skeletons, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, think of any classic scary monster n they are here. the main groups (the biggest groups) are: werewolves, vampires, skeletons, witches, zombies, demons, ghosts, sirens and ogres. sometimes (like a 1/1000 chance) a monster can have a seconds supernatural ability, these can be anything from turning invisible to being able to speak to cats. this universe exists alongside our own, for some this is their afterlife and for others our universe is a source of food (especially for vampires and sirens). another big part of this universe are the Fighting Tournaments. every month has a tournament on the last week of the month. these tournaments consist of one race (eg: an entire vampire tournament, an entire ghost tournament so on so on) this is primarily to do with the fact that some races are less or more effected by other races (eg: ghosts cant really be touched by non ghosts unless the ghost puts energy into being a physical thing and this also effects them using objects and such or vampires are more vulnerable to things like fire but demons are immune). these tornaments give non ranked fighters the ability to enter the ranked places. once a year their is a 'Ranked only' tournament which takes place over most of the month where the top 10 from each race compete to take each others rank. Rank 0s are the highest ranks and essentially run the world. Bloodpact is a vampire who also has the supernatural ability of a necromancer, shes able to bring back people she has drank from to act as undead slaves. Bp holds the 3rd spot within the vampire ranks, shes known for having an energetic and deeply chaotic personality and fighting style. her main weapon is a harley quin-esque hammer. Ink could not be further from Bp if they tried. Bp essentially picked Ink of the street to be their mentor. Ink is a ghost with the ability to shapeshift and has always wanted to be a high rank fighter after waking up here after dying. Ink is extremely chill n mildly worried about Bps caffeine addiction.
tbt the best way i can describe these two is 'Autism n ADHD solidarity' Bp may be Inks mentor but i think ink is objectively more responsible. Bp does also have a manager to keep her (and now Ink) on track in their activities.
The Bastards :
the name sounds mean but trust me they deserve it.
this story takes place on a planet which is made up of a single planet which is mainly desert but has some very large interconnected cities and towns within large bubble like structures which create almost fake environments. they can produce different types of weather and grow crops within them. however people do live outside of these bubbles, in the desert areas. this is a modern fantasy-esque space setting (a lot ik) think like Coruscant from star wars mixed with the envoriment in the Darling in the Franxx enviroment. large pockets of perfect land and infrastructure held within localised stationary domes the capability to mimic different enviroments and weather.
this is a rough idea of what its probably laid out like:
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the agriculture domes are the least populated, dominated by fields and farms. these farms are able to produce most types of vegetation and can produce enough food for the vast majority of the planet.
main cities and sub cities have very high population densities (like i said think coruscant) minor cities are like the usual cities we have (think new york and london) the towns are less dense more like large sub urbs.
the smallest domes are either villages or business quarters.
the small red cubes/rectangles are settlements outside of the domes, these houses may seem to be of lower quality than the ones in the dome but theyre just much older and built for the desert conditions.
there is one main intergalactic ship dock far from the main urban areas however some of the outer dome settlements have their own landing zones for their own ships or to get deliveries
talon lives outside of the domes, he and his dad run a ranch with a focus in raising and breeding the older more traditional native breeds.
Heartstopper lives in the main city in a relatively nice penthouse gifted to her by her parents before they disowned her
cat scratch lives in the main city in a dingy basement apartment in the....not so nice parts of the main city Cat Scratch, Talon and Heartstopper all despise each other.
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(arrows pointing to someone is why they hate the person its pointing to, it was just far easier to put into a diagram.)
all three of them have become bounty hunters due to life circumstances and had a pretty bad kill on sight mentality towards each other however one day they are essentially arrested and given the choice to either go to jail for the rest of their lives or become a unit to fight more dangerous crime groups. as much as they all hate each other they all hated the idea of prison more.
now these characters are supposed to be bad people however i wanted to build them in a way that gave them stories which are just bad life circumstances or events and essentially what would happen if people neglect the fact that they are deeply effected by these things and continue to bottle it up and ignore it instead of... yk.... going to therapy. just keep this in mind as i explain them.
Cat Scratch was orphaned at a very young age, never stayed in one place for long and was always bouncing homes or families. all this contributed to them harbouring a pretty strong hatred towards the world, they blamed other people their entire life, never trusted anyone and became just very violent as an outcome. as previously mentioned they were bullied during school pretty heavily by talon n his group of goons TM which onl;y made this worse as she then had to physically fight these people. as they grew up they met new people, they met heartstopper (though she wasnt heartstopper then) and a guy who they both fell for. cat scratch believed they should have him and they did get him eventually even if it did destroy their friendship with heartstopper and required a few extra steps. this didnt last long however and eventually Cat Scratch had to make it by themselves... again. they turned to bounty hunting as it was profitable enough to keep them off the streets and... a good way to get some anger out...even if it was pretty violent.
Heartstopper had a pretty good upbringing, her family was upper class and were relatively wealthy and yes maybe she had to fight for attention sometimes between her and her multiple siblings but it was never bad. she always had a knack for lying though, just little white lies here and there and pocketing a couple small things here and there (only a stick of gum or a lipstick here and there). she grew up got a good education, great grades and eventually a good job with even better money and met new people. she met cat scratch and a guy they both fell for. heartstopper knew they both had the same feeling but he obviously chose her and she hoped that cat scratch understood that. a little bit later and they were engaged and happy. only what was supposed to be the happiest day of her life became the beginning of the end. he never turned up. not only did he never turn up but no less than a week later sensitive private images, videos, messages were suddenly not so private. the emails to her work, the lies within these emails lined with sensitive content were the final straw. her family had turned their backs on her, her job had let her go and frankly she had nothing else. these things were her life. she had no money, no life and no aspirations so she said fuck it and became a bounty hunter... a much less violent one but a snake in long grass type. if lies were so easily spread about her, then why not everyone else.
Talon would tell you he had a normal upbringing, he didnt. hid mother left when he was very young and has only ever lived with his dad on their ranch. talons dad isnt exactly a good person, pretty horrible honestly, a notorious bigot but talon didnt see that at the end of the day he was his dad and that was all he had. par a few animals and his bird, rogue, obviously. talon knew he was different. not really because of his physical appearance, horns n tails were rather common at his school but inwardly he was conscious about something. it annoyed him when he saw people who were seemingly comfortable in their skin and cat scratch was one of them. it annoyed him that they would walk around as if they had nothing to lose, how theyd look at others with disgust as if they felt like they were above others. one day he and his friends, admittedly, got a little too rough. turned out this cat has much sharper claws than they thought. the next thing talon was aware of was lightning like pain stemming from his spine and the fact that it ceased as soon as he screamed in pain as if they realised he was awake and stopped. after the pain he realised he couldnt notice anything else, he couldnt see anything else. later hed be told his eyesight was unrecoverable and that his previously tan complexion and brunette hair were now stark white and his horns and spines a silver colour. as shit as it is to loose your eyes you get used to it, you find other means of navigating, for talon it was rogue. like a guide bird if you will. she even helped with using firearms, some things were off the table but if he could set up a place to camp out rogue helped with aiming and guiding him on where to shoot through sound or touch. as talon grew up he learned to ignore the feeling that he was different, as his dad grew old he took on more responsibilities around the ranch and just didnt have time to think about it anymore. money got tight a couple times and talon decided he needed to pick up a side hustle... a bounty hunter would probably make just enough.
as the story of the bastards develops they learn to trust and understand each other. they learn that at the end of the day theres not much they can do except to strive to be better.
key story moments include cat scratch almost dying due to their own reckless behaviour and having to trust the other members to not let them die and thank them for helping when they could have let them die on the mission, heartstopper fully breaking down on a mission and admits that she barely knows who she is anymore after the others confront her on her lying and manipulation of other people leading to her having to revaluate her life and open up to those around her and talon finally finds out why hes always felt different after meeting cyrus and falling pretty horrifically in love with him over the course of a short stay during a mission and having to recon with the fact that this could destroy everything hes ever known and being backed by the others in accepting himself and what he wants.
these guys are little shits but they get better n i love them, they are definitely the most in depth characters i have along with being the most depressing but i enjoy playing with the nature vs nurture aspect of terrible people yk and how some of them can get better if they only had good friends and/or therapy (dont worry i will send these idiots to therapy once theyve finished their main stories)
if you got this far heres a pic of one of my cats :3
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rzyraffek · 2 years ago
I just wanted to say that I really love your writing, and was hoping to send you a request. If you’re not interested feel free to ignore.
I saw you were open to writing for underrated slashers, so I was wondering if you could write something for Dominic from The dare. I just watched it and I’m so obsessed with him. There’s literally no writing for him, he’s so underrated.
In terms of the writing, I just want something fluffy. Like being childhood friends, getting separated, and then meeting again as adults. I’m being vague just in case you decide to watch the movie. I don’t want to spoil anything. I trust your amazing writing skills. ❤️
Again, feel free to ignore if you’re not interested. Thank you 💕
Thank you!! That's v nice of you😊😊 also thanks for movie recommendation!!! It was great tbh! The killer looked like brahms but gym rat😭😍 im obsessed!!
Sfw, they/them, mensions of trauma but on movie level so nothing new!
Dominic (from The Dare) Headcanons!!
While I was watching the movie I thought "man this is gonna be hard to write" but when I saw that u mention 'childhood friends' prompt and OMG ANON YOU ARE GENIUS
Childhood friend with this guy.. What worse could happen?
Imagine this: s/o and Dominic are bffs and one day Dominic sadly gets bullied but what can s/o do about that really? There's 4bullies and only two of them ://. I can imagine s/o ending up looking for him afterwards, and even lutteraly forcing police department not to close that case
He prolly kidnaped them due to silly goofy mood. Nah but for real he kinda hoped that they still like him?? (He mensions in movie that he wish he had family and kids just like main character did) and also he hopes s/o is as sadistic as him and will revenge bullies with him
S/o has to have huge 'I can fix him' vibe if they somehow stay with him
Also this guy never had a gf or even a kiss soooo yeah he will get flustered if s/o grabs his hand or call him some nick names. If s/o says something along the lines "Love you honey" He will just stand there sweatin bcs he has no clue what to do??? Should he say thank you?? Should he smile??? "Uhh😰😰 you too?"
Hes very pretty but hear me out. Masks stays on
After opening up and making sure s/o doenst skedaddle when left alone for more than second he turns into such simp, like "Domi its cold can you bring me a blanket :(" "yes honey, what color? What texture? I hope you dont mind wool .. i mean if you do i have few other blaknets but not as warm I- i mean i can go make you one?? O-or..." this guy🙄
He gets way to flustered! Things between them needs to go slow or his heart will explode. Lets stay with lil smooches and handholding for now please
do no DO NOT ENTER BASEMENT PLS plsplspls!!! Why?? Ee well😓😓 I kinda still have those people in there... they deserve it! (Sure they do)(but he feeds them so no worry
As i said before, he is a gym rat, his s/o could lay on his back and he still would do push ups(tbh he enjoys that bcs not only he exercise but also spents time with them)
He would love to go to park with them, watch a movie in cinema, talk shit about neibours. Sadly he thinks that due to his eee chilhood trauma he cant do all this stuff :((. Hopefully his s/o will help him change his mind! Help him leave all that stuff in past.
He do be laying on floor drawing with crayons and waving his legs in air (also humming)
His love language is definitely quality time. He loves doing anything with them really! S/o wants to cook something together? Get him an apron! S/o wants to cuddle and watch movies? Say less He will get some blankets and make couch mega comfy! S/o wants to dance or goof around just vibing? He can try that!
About 'play fighing' well that's not the best idea, I mean he likes it?? But it kinda gets into his head?? And he might to something very hurtful and bad acidently
What he loves the most are little things. How s/o knocks on door of his workshop before entering to make sure he knows that they are entering, or how they grab his hand when they are stressed, or how they bring him food when he's too busy/overwhelmed to do so himself, or when they give him space and understanding when he needs that, and when they lisen to him mumble about the horrid stuff he witnessed
He loves kissing them on forehead, hugs from behind, playing with hair, lazy mornings including snuggles
Sorry for long wait, I have a lot of stuff to do latley!! It is 2am I just finished watching move! I really hope those headcanons fit into your Dominic interpretation! Also good news! I think I might include his silly fella in my future headcanons! Cuz hes goofy! Please give more movie recommendations!
Love you all cya in next one
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rogdona · 1 year ago
Look man- just wanna say your art is literally gorgeous bro- It's very catchy and cool- but uh- that aside- I hope ya don't mind the question- but would ya mind giving some few tips on how to draw anatomy and how you color? because your art is so pleasing to look at- like bruh it's so pretty-
first of all THANK UUUUU!!!! im sososos happy u like my art!!!!!!!!!💕🌺🌷💕🌺🌷💕🌺🌷❤️♥️💕🌺🌷💕♥️❤️🌹🌹❤️♥️🌺💕!!!!!
i dont mind the question at all!! ill give u some tips on how i draw!!
BTW! these are just some tips ab what i do to draw the way i do, this is not an universal rule let alone mandatory!!
NOW ONTO THE STUFF U CAME FOR! under a read more so i dont clog ur dash bc i got kinda tecnical w some of it..! IT GOT WAY TOO LONG IM SORRY!!!
lets start with color then!! 🎨
i always see ppl saying that color theory is rlly hard and they never understand it, and tbh u dont need to learn it in depth at all!!
to make colors look good you need to think them as a group instead of choosing them individually...
though what i do is different, theres a post going around that says tinting all the colors w one brings the drawing together, and it does!! its a p good tip if u dont want to eyeball it like i do!!
but heres my process; lets say u have a sketch and an idea of what colors you want; your character is in a forest walking through the trees! what i do is choose background color and start from there
if you chose a cool color, when you start painting the rest of the picture drag the hue a little closer to blue or purple! if you chose a warm one, closer to yellow or red! if you want your drawing to have a greenish tint drag it closer to green or yellow! you get the gist of it, bring the colors closer! if theyre on opposite sides of the wheel it might be difficult, but usually bringing them closer to gray does a good job!!
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also unless youre trying to get contrast on purpose, choosing colors w similar saturation(intensity!) helps unify the drawing!
say you want a drawing that is mostly grayish tones, make sure all your colors are desaturated (less intense, pigmented)
now say you have an existing character w a set color palette (we'll take my character elias as an example) and want to draw him in green and yellow or bright magenta and blue
i saw this explanation on a tiktok long ago but i literally cannot word it better and found it real useful
to translate the colors properly u need to think them on a scale, which ones are the darkest, lightest, and where does the rest sit?? Once you have that you can make ur own scale w the colors you want to use, and as long as the difference between the colors stay mostly the same u will be able to translate them p much to whatever!!
my drawing was done quickly so its not the best example but u get me
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i think thats it for color now, but if i think of something else ill add it and tell u!!
now onto anatomy 🧍🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️
and ill be honest w u here, i have no clue how i learned anatomy, let alone how to teach u but ill try my best here!!
and tbh, learning every bone, muscle, etc is smth rlly tedious to me so i cannot assist u there bc i dont know
ALSOO references are ur best buddy, use them!! even if its not the exact pose or angle ur wanting to draw it can help u visualize what u want and tell u what goes where!!
even if its not for the pose or angle, a skeleton can help u see how the body part works!! i look at animal skeleton legs all the time to help me draw my ocs!!!
but yeah!! i think anatomy is smth that u shouldnt take very seriously bc most of what gives personality to characters is exageration!! or made up parts!!
but like, if u want to know my way of drawing smth specific u can tell me!! i have no problem showing u how i do things!!
but since i wasnt very helpful when it comes to anatomy, im taking the liberty of adding an extra bullet point to the post
composition!! 🌇🌃🌆🏙️
composition is the way you show the image, how you place things in your drawing!!
in school they make us take audio-visual production classes, which truly isnt as interesting as it sounds but they taught us some p cool photography tips that also apply to drawings!!
one of them is the rule of thirds! basically, you divide the canvas in 9 equal parts, and the places where the lines join are the places where the eyes are most drawn to!! heres an example i found on the internet
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so if you place something on those spots it will get the attention, bc the brain is used to the focus being on the center so taking it out of there makes u want to look why (or at least thats the explanation they gave me!)
also, to draw even more attention to those spots u can make a visual path that leads there!! here some crude examples by yours truly
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the first one traces a path up to his head, the second one all start from there outwards
they also gave us tips for cropping images though these dont rlly matter that much, but like for example it looks better if u dont crop it at the joints, and if a character is looking somewhere you should leave some space in the direction they are looking to! heres some doodles to show u what i mean
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i used to have a document full of things like that for photography but i cant find it rn, if i do ill tell u!!
moving onto the final thing, this is not quite a composition thing but rather something to give characters more personality: make them interact w their enviroment!
rather than standing looking at the camera make them use, touch, see whats around them, even if u draw them in a blank space the way they take it up shows u a lot ab them
for ex, if theres a wall they can lean on it, if theres a window they can be looking through it(maybe u can see them from the outside! framing inside framing was also smth that they taught us in that class!) if theyre standing they can be fixing their sleeves, holding their hands behind their back, tucking a strand of hair behind their ear, scratching their neck, etc!
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AND YEAH!! thats what i keep in thought when i draw!! i hope u find it at least a little useful or interesting ahdhjska ill admit i got a little carried away but i love drawing and these are topics that interest me
ty for the ask!!! 💕 👋
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mestos · 1 year ago
CA headcanons that im too lazy to draw or have no idea how to write
Putting them together to keep my brainrot ongoing and ONE DAY draw them...
- i am a firm believer in glasses shinichi. i know glasses for this character is stupid lore integral but i literally don't care. My basis is that repercussions of being shrunken takes form in the slightest ways, such as weaker immune system plus weaker vision. it was inevitable anyway as well, given his bad screen practices and genes. he wears circular glasses though as shinichi and only wears it at home, and vehemently refuses to be seen outdoors with glasses.
- that post that's like, "i love my men with blood on their hands and traumatized"? i love to hc b.o takedowns where he actually kills gin. shoots him. Fucking murders him and destroys his principles. i need him to actually face a stake in his life and be it this sort of loss??? so much room for growth.
- contrary to how hes portrayed, even if he praises holmes as his god, he genuinely does read other mystery novels. often seen with a pocket mystery novel
- tbh. i think of them as different people but not haibara/shiho as different people Hahahah!! I love the idea of growth in the form edogawa conan. I think in a no antidote route, conan is less serious, still snarky, but more willing to tease. exceptionally casual and confident, but humbled with scars. Understands his limits but also very sweet to his gf
- in a no antidote route, i also hc conan to be more explorative. my conan experiments everything with his two bros mitsuhiko and genta, praises them both, and actually wants to find a seperate hobby that makes him different from the shadow he once was
- in a no antidote route he also dyes his hair a lighter brown to be different
- hes closer to mitsuhiko! in fact he is so proud of mitsuhiko very often, and supports him where he can. they study together. he and genta are both in soccer teams, and they go to practice together and hang out with the team
- also i am in firm belief he can be a romantic if hes not thinking about it. but sometimes he does know what hes doing. and is pretty damn good at it.
- unsurprisingly easily jealous but isn't that petty about it
I have lesser HCs for haibara bc i actually am fine for the most part with the canon supplement material. i just feel bad for her lol i want to save her from the show's canon...but!
- her self destructive behaviour can sometimes cause a wedge between them. he is very patient with her all things regardless, but they have had a fight about it before—and she knows she needs to do better, in order for their relationship to work. He cant always be the only one apologizing
- despite being the one who seems unfallible she's just very good at hiding when she's embarrassed/affected by shin/con. he gets pretty good at figuring this out a few years into their r.s.
- (SA mention) i definitely think she has some kind of unprocessed SA trauma behind her, but contrary to what people may think, she isnt sex-repulsed or unwilling. they have healthy times for it and both of them explore things at their own pace together. she trusts her partner with herself and has found her own autonomy after everything
- i double as a seraran stan but i think she and ran would actually be good friends too!!!!!! even if she wouldn't be as close to her as shin would ever be, they have lunch together once a month as adults and often talk about their partner's tendency to get sucked into cases and their fangs...
- i strongly hc shiho as demisexual/demiromantic. even supposedly if in any canon of mine she doesn't get w shin (unlikely) she takes time to herself and live freely independently until she finds her own partner. i dont think its some cut off goal of hers to get one anyway, she feels loved as she is and is fine with that
- she has trouble voicing when she's touchstarved. he tends to notice, though, and acts quickly. she avoids the feeling vs him being needy about it
- in a no antidote route she experiments growing her hair out once. it felt foreign, and difficult to maintain her curls, so she cut it the next summer. shin liked it either way though
CoAi/ShinShi :
- ShinShi move in together at age 20-21. he proposes relatively early—only after 3 years of dating—but they dont get married until they are like 26. they just kept putting it off lmao
- penthouse apartment in the city. Its luxurious but shiho constantly jokes about the idea they get bombed. shinichi doesnt like it.
- Shin gets his license immediately after turning 20. Shiho tends to do most of the driving still, but they take turns during road trips with the kids
- If ShinShi revealed their identities to the kids (whether the kids figured them out on their own or not), shinichi puts on his conan glasses for them and shiho puts on a similar, adult sized sleeveless turtleneck whenever they're together. they assume the roles of Conan and Ai with them (even going as far as introducing themselves as such to other people with the kids). It gives them a state of normalcy even if they have a larger age gap, intergenerational friendship alongside some parenting.
- they do get two dogs. shiho allows him to name only one of the dogs and of all names he chooses its freaking watson. the other dog is named vivi. short for vivianite, a mineral that can form on decaying corpses. Watson is a german shepherd while vivi is a pomeranian husky mix
Will update if i ever think of more
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worldofgoo · 2 years ago
yayayay yippee (≧◡≦) i love how vibrant & lively your art is, i think my fav pieces are Horse Surgery & hanyuu (even tho i have no idea who that is) but that one wip with the rainbow is also v ery special 2me because it reminds me of my fav kind of weather ^_^ generic Which Program Do You Use question & also which programs have you tried so far? which one would you recommend for someone whose only experience so far wiht digital art has been scribbling in ms paint -_-? on topic, what do you draw with (mouse, phone, drawing tablet, ??) & was it easy for you to get used to digital art? i always get overwhelmed by the amound of different functions available so im not sure where to even start, any advice? which physical art forms do you like / would you like to learn (anything at all, i personally have been getting into air dry clay... well actually ive been using my sisters playdoh but maybe ill purchase smthn fancier :3) & final question how do you come up with poses to draw? your characters (+creatures) seem very animated and i really like that :)
HI okay i guess ill answer these in a list. actually will put it under the cut since i ended up saying a lot (and dw i enjoy being able to talk a lot so thank you!)
-THANK YOU im glad some of my more recent works (in my more current style) are appealing 2 people! like i wanna draw my own way even though i think it gets less notes... the higurashi fanarts (hanyuu and shion) r very memorable pieces to me because its when i started doing the loose sketches with the thin lines and block colors and thats the direction i reallyreally wanted to take my style in. also the rainbow is rian my friend rian
-i draw in paint tool sai! the only program i used before that was sketchbook pro, which i didnt like because the brushes were kind of... blurry/smudgy? sai allows you to zoom in and draw pixel by pixel which is something i like, and i like the way it does its blending. its also just easier for me to understand. i didnt pay for it i think i found some deviantart page that had the link, id have to find it again
-i draw with a wacom intuos tablet! its lasted me... almost 10 years now. ive heard newer ones are poorer quality in terms of at least the nibs needing to be replaced constantly, so idk what the most recommended tablet these days is. ive drawn with my mouse and tbh it caused awful hand pain so i would not recommend this. i draw on my phone with my finger sometimes but i find doing it on my laptop easier, however it is doable once you get used to it
-the way i got into digital art... well. i still have an archive of my earliest art if you wanna see! i was 14 n just drew random shit, often lining over doodles i did on paper and coloring them in. i think esp if youre overwhelmed start with making like throwaway experimental pieces, scribble around, doodle stupid things and color them in with different brushes and see what you enjoy. and then you can just keep the files to yourself if they dont look too good or maybe itll look interesting, it depends i guess haha. the other thing that ive always found helped me was telling myself id draw every day even if it was a little scribble or the tiniest amount of work on a wip bc getting a habit going helped my art a Lot beause it helped me spend more time thinking n focusing on it
more specific advice for sai that i found useful- using clipping groups & the preserve opacity functions are both lifesavers in terms of not spending so much time trying to color in the lines. if you color in a base layer you can just put everything above it as a clipping group and just not worry about it anymore. i also really like using the filters (like multiply) to mess around with the colors a drawing has, though sometimes its more effective to just select a layer/individual color and fuck with the hue/saturation/etc until it looks good. when i color, esp when its not turning out how i wanted to, i rely on shifting colors A LOT. n also mixing colors together using a blending brush and then colorpicking the intermediate color. very useful
-for the most part i stick to uncolored pencil doodles on like, notebook paper (even though i have some fancy supplies X[ one day) but i LOVE making things with clay, wish it was more accessible to do at home. i have a handful of clay animal statues and stuff that i made in my ceramics class in high school. would looove to do more
-because my poses tend to be very pushed/cartoony using references of real people isnt always useful (though obv knowing the basics of anatomy always helps) so in those cases ill use other cartoony art i like as inspiration, i try to see what i like about their poses nd emulate that with my own. sometimes when im struggling ill just do a bunch of studies where i copy art i like to try to get a feel for what im missing. mostly ive realized i like when the pose conveys some level of like, volume and taking up a 3D space (which im still definitely not a master of but bullshitting it can be fun). and i also like to have a balance of curved and angular shapes. sometimes i try to just do a pose that conveys a specific emotion or i just make shit up lol
alsooooo i cant reccomend aimless doodling enough! just random shapes, turning the random shapes into creatures, trying and trying and trying different ways to draw something until you like it, i feel like the things my hand makes when i shut my brain off and just scribble can inspire me as well, and i try to emulate whatever i made by chance while doodling. and if your doodles turn out better in traditional i tend to consider using a photo of a drawing as a way to skip the "preliminary sketch" phase nd drawing a rough sketch over that which i then use for my drawing (or just directly color since i draw very fast/lazy...)
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liquidstar · 1 year ago
hi with this post going around i wanna copypaste some replies i left in response to another reblog too. the rebloger was saying that its also okay to enjoy problematic content (which, to be clear, i agreed with on a base level, but felt it needed more context since that can often be code for something much less nuanced)
this one should come with a bit of a disclaimer about whatever the thing youre enjoying is and in what way though. thoughtcrimes arent real, but actively choosing to watch lolicon hentai is a conscious decision. though ik thats not what youre talking abt here, i just feel like its something important to bring up, bc of how these types of discussions can get warped to mean "my frozen incest fanfiction is actually totally ok and if you disagree youre harming ppl w OCD" which i dont want the take away to be. i dont want ppl to use vague stereotypes of my disorder as a talking point to justify that kind of shit- because thats not the point and also doesnt help people with OCD at all! esp with POCD to be lumped together with... that crowed. again ik thats not what you mean im just saying it to clarify the slippery slope before someone takes it there for real! critical thought is important at all turns and such. and people with OCD are not incapable of critical thought, or understanding when media can actually be harmful in the real world. we still know how to separate the two, as should most people. that's what i mean by the response to it mattering more than the act of consuming. we might struggle a bit more with aspects of this, usually in the mental side (ruminations and obsessions) and thought crimes arent real! but actual actions are!
unfortunately, you wont actually see these replies if you check the comments (which is why i added them here). because i was blocked seconds after leaving them. apparently, even though i gave the responder the benefit of the doubt with the whole "slippery slope" of "yeah! fiction doesnt effect reality! lets all draw explicit content of children!" i checked and they... actually did in fact write what seems to be voltron pedoincest fanfiction and had "antis dni" in their bio (i missed that somehow, honestly thats on me). i think they also deleted their reblog, so i doubt people will find them. which is for the best because im not trying to get harassment sent anyones way either.
but this is still exactly what i was afraid of- our disorder being used as a talking point for the same stupid pedantic tumblr discourse that was the issue to begin with. being used as if we're not autonomous people who can make our own choices regarding media consumption, but rather an objectified hypothetical to get a moral one-upping in the black-and-white view of the outgroup. stop that shit. if youre here to do that either way YOU are part of the problem. you are not helping those with OCD this way. and the second that is pointed out you will delete the post supporting them and block the op? fuck you!
and the thing is, in terms of OCD, ANY mentality with a set of morals presented as all-or-nothing black-and-white is harmful. if youre seeing this and thinking it "dunks" on the other side of the discourse, youre missing the point. because the other side does the exact same shit. in this case, the argument with that "pro" crowed is basically "either all media depictions of xyz are good, or all media depictions of xyz are bad, and since i enjoy some depictions of xyz then they must all be good, and anyone who says otherwise is an evil anti" (aforementioned black-and-white thinking).
so with that, you posit the idea that anyone who has any sort of critical thought or issues with certain tropes of depictions of sensitive topics in any piece of media ever, must be an Evil Puritanical Conservative, ergo you have to never voice critique in media or the way it's engaged with. HOW THE FUCK IS THAT BETTER FOR PEOPLE WITH MORAL OCD? YOU ARE JUST AS BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
dont you dare use this shit as a talking point in your pedantic discourse when the whole point of the post is THATS THE ISSUE TO BEGIN WITH! this shit is just as much the root of the problem as what i was talking about in the post. dont use this shit to outright tell us that we cant think for ourselves and have to go by your stringent unnuanced discourse as a guide. thats the issue. thats the problem i was talking about to begin with. YOU just as much are the voice of the fictional tumblr discourser inside our heads, youre just using different buzzwords. and this site continues to be awful to people with OCD. fellow OCDers do yourselves a favor and, like me, get the fuck out of these groups.
look this site really is awful for ppl with OCD so i just wanna reassure anyone that you are not Tainted Forever for consuming a piece of media with questionable content. the fact that youre able to recognize it speaks to your critical thinking skills, which is good, certain depictions should be critiqued. but you dont need to ruminate on it to the point where you begin to feel guilty for simply witnessing gross or creepy writing choices. you dont have to vindicate yourself to the fictional tumblr discourser inside your head, saying that youre now a bad person bc you watched the wrong anime. your actual response to it still matters of course, but thats that and this is this. just seeing it is neutral, you didnt commit a thought crime. its literally fine.
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ihm-bread · 7 months ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
post them together now
cal notes:
most of this is taken from the map sprite the rest is headcanon
i did have notes on everything but im too lazy to retype it
i know the horns are wrong i barely know how to draw horns so i just stuck with the icon ones...i believe the group photo is more recent so u can see my lame doodle of them to the side
skin might be off i wasnt too sure when i was color picking it might be slightly lighter/darker idk
eyes i was just too lazy to actually think of a color so it just matches the hair
pls give him eye makeup and a chest ok thank u very much
seridia notes:
her hair seems way more stylized than his, so i just kinda uhhh tried
her horns in the map icon dont seem visible? in her silhouette so i just kinda shrugs
also im sure the circlet is gonna be more detailed im just uncreative
speaking of i just kinda put her in whatever so i didnt just have her nakie, less an actual headcanon bc im sure both of them are gonna be dressed way better than i can ever design
same with the earrings idk i just kept htem simple based on the icon
much like cal i just picked a random eye color tho this time i made it different from her hair
same with the makeup, considering matching red with cal but shrugs u get the idea
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