#I don't want to give too much detail yet bc it's not really set in stone but the odds are phenomenal
wanderlust-----witch · 2 months
Hey all my followers, can y'all do me a favor and send some good vibes my way? Husband and I are anxiously awaiting (what we hope is) good news.
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ireneaesthetic · 6 months
Pointing out little moments and details of my fav s3 scene.
choir practice scene • episode 2
this scene caught me so off guard, in the best way possible.
it only took simon's "you should do an activity you actually like" for wilhelm to drop everything and choose getting to spend more time with him!
simon's reaction at wille joining the choir was also mine: he can't believe his eyes and keeps looking back at him with the brightest smile on his face. and simon shifting wille's attention to where the song lyric is bc it's all new to him is adorable.
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wilhelm's little proud smirk between the kisses while simon is so into it: he knew and imagined simon's surprised and happy reaction to all this, but i bet he was thriving to see it up until this very moment. so he might just be thinking that he made the best choice of his life.
having to practice and wait for everyone to leave was probably torture for simon, when all he really wanted to do since wille came in was this (simon's main love language is clearly acts of service btw *cough*). he felt important, cared for, loved - and couldn't wait to reciprocate it.
also, he's holding the key chain and happens to do the middle finger with the same hand. if you look at it as a way of saying 'mind your own business' to us is quite funny.
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simon setting the rhythm and wilhelm fully going along with it. they don't even separate their lips before leaning in for another kiss - melting into it. they literally said 'no need to catch air bc we're already breathing each other in'.
simon not breaking physical contact even once. his hands are the third main character in this scene: they act like a glue for their bodies and carry so much passion. it is peak chemistry.
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going on his tiptoes to push himself as close as possible and clinging to wille for dear life is the most simon thing he's ever done. love really brings out the cuddliest version of him.
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smiling into the kisses and out of the kisses? insane of them if you ask me (i support it) (keep doing it lovers).
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wille smiling and biting his lip bc he's the one overwhelmed by simon's presence now. physical touch is his love language and he's flooded with simon's - he must feel the luckiest boyfriend on earth.
one of their greatest proofs of love has always been to provide each other's comfort by being exactly what they lack receiving from other people or what they need most of the times - it's a constant learning of how to give and take.
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they can't get enough of it: it's not even only about the kissing but more about their need to just keep pulling the other closer, leaning into each other, slowing their movements to not leg go yet but take time to touch and deeply feel instead - wille's face speaks for itself. this hug is so intimate ugh.
it's finally shown a glimpse of wille's hand on simon's back! it was always there obv but it's nice to see it more properly.
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wilhelm obsessing over simon's neck and simon who tilts his head back to make it more accessible. wille could've done it all and trace the path with kisses - simon wished - but the boy knew what he was doing!
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the way simon looks up at him and wille rubs their noses back and forth, keeping his eyes on him, gives me butterflies.
they're super affectionate and it's the easiest thing for them to do. the intimacy that comes with their whispering, their own personal space becoming one for both of them to share bc it's safer, warmer, a lot more comfortable. everything is such a manifesto of how much they genuinely adore each other - it's what makes this the it scene for me.
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their bottom lips touching are sooo *internally screaming*.
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wilhelm stands still to let simon's lips brush past his own and simon's cheek resting against wille's lips to enjoy the feeling a little longer. they look so peaceful.
it happens after wille's "i like listening to you sing": they went from "he likes it when i sing" / "i do too, don't i?" (locker room's fight in s2) to wilhelm actually telling him that listening to his voice is one of the main reasons he joined the choir. it has to be extremely special for simon to finally hear it.
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idk if it's just my mind making this up but let's pretend simon is kissing wille's neck here!
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wilhelm picking simon up by the waist to carry him elsewhere and keep the thing going more privately. that's my wille.
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can you believe this is the face of someone who's saying that he needs to go? to not miss the bus? he just looks crazy in love to me.
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wille's laugh is cute! and simon throwing his stuff on the floor bc the priority was to push his boyfriend against the lockers to make out will never not be funny.
also, @allthefakepeople once said the only thing that could've made this scene even more perfect is if simon paused when walking away and ran back to wille to steal a quick goodbye kiss - ahhh i'd have been so here for it!
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oinonsana · 6 months
realities, maximalism,and the need for big book™️
some gubat banwa design thoughts vomit: since the beginning of its development i've kind of been enraptured with trying to really go for "fiction-first" storytelling because PbtA games really are peak roleplaying for me, but as i wrote and realized that a lot of "fiction first" doesn't work without a proper sort of fictional foundation that everyone agrees on. this is good: this is why there are grounding principles, genre pillars, and other such things in many PbtA games--to guide that.
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broken worlds is one of my favs bc of sheer vibes
Gubat Banwa didn't have much in that sense: sure, I use wuxia and xianxia as kind of guideposts, but they're not foundational, they're not pillars of the kind of fiction Gubat Banwa wants to raise up. there wasn't a lot in the sense of genre emulation or in the sense of grounding principles because so much of Gubat Banwa is built on stuff most TTRPG players haven't heard about. hell, it's stuff squirreled away in still being researched academic and anthropological circles, and thanks to the violence of colonialism, even fellow filipinos and seasians don't know about them
this is what brought me back to my ancient hyperfixations, the worlds of Exalted, Glorantha, Artesia, Fading Suns... all of them have these huge tomes of books that existed to put down this vast sprawling fantasy world, right? on top of that are the D&D campaign settings, the Dark Suns and the Eberrons. they were preoccupied in putting down setting, giving ways for people to interact with the world, and making the world alive as much as possible.
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one of my main problems with gubat banwa was trying to convey this world that i've seen, glimpsed, dreamed of. this martial fantasy world of rajas and lakans, sailendras and tuns, satariyas and senapatis and panglimas and laksamanas and pandai... its a world that didn't really exist yet, and most references are steeped in either nationalism or lack of resources (slowly changing, now)
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i didn't want to fall back into the whole gazeteer tourist kind of shit when it came to writing GB, but it necessitated that the primary guidelines of Gubat Banwa were set down. my approach to it was trying to instill every aspect of the text, from the systems to the fluff text to the way i wrote to the way things were phrased, with the essence of this world i'm trying to put forward. while i wrote GB mainly for me and fellow SEAsian people, economically my main market were those in the first world countries that could afford to buy the book. grokking the book was always going to be severely difficult for someone that didn't have similar cultures, or are uninterested in the complexities of human culture. thus why GB had to be a big book.
in contemporary indie ttrpg spaces (where I mostly float in, though i must admit i pay more attention to SEAsia spaces than the usual US spaces) the common opinion is that big books like Exalted 3e are old hat, or are somewhat inferior to games that can cram their text into short books. i used to be part of that camp--in capitalism, i never have enough time, after all. however, the books that do go big, that have no choice to go big, like Lancer RPG, Runequest, Mage, Exalted are usually the ones that have something really big it needs to tell you, and they might be able to perform the same amount of text-efficient bursting at the seams flavor writing but its still not enough.
thats what happened to GB, which I wanted to be, essentially, a PbtA+4e kind of experience, mechanically speaking. i very soon abandoned those titles when i delved deeper into research, incorporated actual 15th century divination tools in the mechanics, injected everything with Martial Arts flavor as we found our niche
all of this preamble to say that no matter how light i wanted to go with the game, i couldnt go too light or else people won't get it, or i might end up writing 1000 page long tome books explaining every detail of the setting so people get it right. this is why i went heavy on the vibes: its a ttrpg after all. its never gonna be finished.
i couldnt go too light because Gubat Banwa inherently exists on a different reality. think: to many 3 meals a day is the norm and the reality. you have to eat 3 meals a day to function properly. but this might just be a cultural norm of the majority culture, eventually co opted by capitalism to make it so that it can keep selling you things that are "breakfast food" or "dinner food" and whatnot. so its reality to some, while its not reality to others. of course, a lot of this reality-talk pertains mostly to social--there is often a singular shared physical reality we can usually experience*
Gubat Banwa has a different fabric of reality. it inherently has a different flow of things. water doesn't go down because of gravity, but because of the gods that make it move, for example. bad things happen to you because you weren't pious or you didn't do your rituals enough and now your whole community has to suffer. atoms aren't a thing in gb, thermodynamics isn't a real thing. the Laws of Gubat Banwa aren't these physical empirical things but these karmic consequent things
much of the fiction-first movement has a sort of "follow your common sense" mood to it. common sense (something also debatable among philosophers but i dont want to get into that) is mostly however tied to our physical and social realities. but GB is a fantasy world that inherently doesn't center those realities, it centers realities found in myth epics and folk tales and the margins of colonized "civilization", where lightnings can be summoned by oils and you will always get lost in the woods because you don't belong there.
so Gubat Banwa does almost triple duty: it must establish the world, it must establish the intended fiction that arises from that world, and then it must grant ways to enforce that fiction to retain immersion--these three are important to GB's game design because I believe that that game--if it is to not be a settler tourist bonanza--must force the player to contend with it and play with it within its own terms and its own rules. for SEAsians, there's not a lot of friction: we lived these terms and rules forever. don't whistle at night on a thursday, don't eat meat on Good Friday, clap your hands thrice after lighting an incense stick, don't make loud noise in the forests. we're born into that [social] reality
this is why fantasy is so important to me, it allows us to imagine a different reality. the reality (most of us) know right now (i say most of us because the reality in the provinces, the mountains, they're kinda different) is inherently informed by capitalist structures. many people that are angry at capitalist structures cannot fathom a world outside capitalist structures, there are even some leftists and communists that approach leftism and revolution through capitalism, which is inherently destructive (its what leads to reactionaries and liberalism after all). fantasy requires that you imagine something outside of right now. in essence read Ursula K Le Guin
i tweeted out recently that you could pretty easily play 15-16th century Luzon or Visayas with an OSR mechanic setting and William Henry Scott's BARANGAY: SIXTEENTH CENTURY PHILIPPINE CULTURE AND SOCIETY, and I think that's purely because barebones OSR mechanics stuff fits well with the raiding and adventuring that many did in 15-16th century Luzon/Visayas, but a lot of the mechanics wont be comign from OSR, but from Barangay, where you learn about the complicated marriage customs, the debt mechanics, the social classes and stratum...
so thats why GB needs to be a (relatively) big book, and why I can contend that some books need to be big as well--even if their mechanics are relatively easy and dont need more than that, the book, the game, might be trying to relay something even more, might be trying to convey something even more than that. artesia, for example, has its advancements inherently tied to its Tarot Cards, enforcing that the Arcana guides your destiny. runquest has its runes magic, mythras (which is kinda generic) has pretty specific kinds of magic systems that immediately inform the setting. this is why everything is informed by something (this is a common Buddhist principle, dependent arising). even the most generic D&D OSR game will have the trappings of the culture and norms of the one that wrote and worked on it. its written from their reality which might not necessarily be the one others experience. that's what lived experience is, after all
*live in the provinces for a while and you'll doubt this too!
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alchemistc · 4 months
Just thinking about Buck internalizing 'i don't think you're ready'. Thinking about him running back over his 'I'm an ally' speech and cringing because God, WHY did he say that, why couldn't he have just been cool.
Thinking about him actually sitting in it, and thinking about why the interruption from Eddie made him Act Like That. There's obviously the newness, the discomfort, the fact that Buck hasn't really had a chance to explore much of "Oh, I am attracted to men." yet. He was so busy with nerves and he wanted more time and then there was Eddie, who knows (probably too much) about Buck's dating history and he Hasn't Told Eddie about this. He hasn't had a chance to wrap his own mind around it yet.
Buck usually goes to three people: Maddie, Eddie, Bobby.
And he hasn't talked to any of them. And he's stewing, trying to figure out WHY, because he's always been supportive, so why should he feel any different when he's on the other side of it.
He goes to Maddie and pushes his "I've always supported the gays" agenda AGAIN and Maddie has to parse the details, gently shove Buck in the right direction - well, if you're MORE than an ally now, that could be something that is preventing you from telling your best friend the truth, let's explore that some more.
It takes him two tries with Eddie, and maybe it's the setting (why would you think it was a good idea to come out in the middle of the station, Evan Buckley, supportive ally or no that's not exactly gonna put you in your comfort zone, c'mon) or maybe he just needs to work his way up to it because Eddie is obviously Preoccupied. But he almost lets the moment pass, again, at home, in his own space, bc Eddie is still Preoccupied. But -- but he doesn't WANT to, because they are talking about their love lives and Buck wants Eddie to be an active participant in his thought process just like he always is.
We were on a date, he says, and Eddie takes a second to process. Which. Fair. Buck had leaned against his kitchen island for like ten minutes after Tommy left, that night after he kissed him. Eddie prompts him to repeat it, and it doesn't suck, actually, it feels like a weight lifting off his chest -- "Is that weird?" -- but of course Eddie doesn't find it weird, he just didn't KNOW (so many pieces of the puzzle fall into place for Eddie, holy shit his best friend maimed him because he had a crush on their new friend, holy shit had Tommy been slyly pumping his son for information because HE had a crush too???).
And suddenly Buck is absolutely free to bitch about his love life again, and Eddie is there to give him advice and be fully in his corner and Buck has exactly what he needs to go Full Buck. He's got his sister, and his best friend, and maybe he actually doesn't need Bobby this time because it feels right to call Tommy up and set up a meeting for coffee.
No longer bogged down by "well I'm an ally why couldn't I have been chill about being on a date with a dude" - he can text Maddie that night and be like "Hey is Tommy already invited to the wedding?" and grin when she texts back "Buck what does this mean" and send back "You said you wanted to meet him".
With Eddie's support and his "well then he's an idiot", Buck has the time to mull over what he wants to say, what Tommy makes him feel, what he would want if Tommy was willing to give him another chance. He doesn't want it to be one failed date, he doesn't want to hide Tommy away, he wants something real and something true and something he can share with his family and friends and he thinks maybe Tommy could want that, too.
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mooodyblue · 8 months
Hiiii I’m having a hard time with anxiety tonight bc I have emetephobia (fear of vomit) and I’m feeling nauseous
Could I request cg!e with little!reader who has emetephobia a and she’s REALLY NAUSEOUS so she’s losing her mind with fear and anxiety so bad she can’t stop shaking, she wants to curl in a ball and daddy really is trying yo comfort her?
I hope I gave you enough detail !!! Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
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a/n: sorry this took me forever to write. ty for the request!
pairing: elvis x little!gn!reader
wc: 891
warnings: vomit mention, no actual vomiting involved
-> masterlist
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elvis knew he messed up the moment he rented out a ranch too far from graceland, especially when he was the one doing the driving and you would be in the passenger seat. you didn't do well with long car rides, he learned that the hard way. but his stubborn self rented it out not knowing how far it was. he got it just for the two of you, and now he didn't even know if you'd make it there.
the reality of it all didn't hit him until thirty minutes in to the drive. he glanced over at you waking up from your nap, your arms stretching over your head as you glanced out the window. "still not there?" you asked with a pout on your face.
"no, baby. we still got a bit of time to go." he sighed. "you want a snack? how 'bout some juice?"
"no, i'm okay." you shook your head, facing forward and watching the clouds from the windshield.
some time when by when you began to get antsy, tired of sitting in the same seat for so long. you knew you sometimes got motion sickness, but always tried to take something beforehand to stop it. you turned your head to look at elvis, already feeling a little woozy. "did you bring my pills?"
he bit his lip nervously before giving you a quick glance then back at the road, "no, baby. i'm sorry. i completely forgot."
"oh. okay." you replied nervously. "that's okay."
of course, it wasn't okay. the more he drove, the more you felt yourself begin to get nervous. your body felt weird, there was the queasiness in your stomach, yet your heart felt like it was going at a million beats per hour. you wanted the feeling to pass so badly. your legs bounced up and down nervously, picking at your nails and trying to not think about the odd sensation in your stomach.
elvis noticed, glancing at you. "what's going on? you alright? need me to pull over?"
you wanted to say yes, yes, yes. but you didn't want to go off schedule if elvis had one. "baby, talk to me." he said, interrupting your thoughts and setting a hand on your knee.
"i don't feel good, daddy. i-i don't wanna get sick. i don't...." your eyes started welling up with tears. "don't wanna puke, daddy. i don't wanna."
his heart dropped, unsure of what to do. he knew how you got whenever you felt sick. anytime he, or anyone he knew was about to get sick—they'd be out of the house or he'd make sure you were in the other room. even then, he knew you couldn't stop thinking about the fact someone near you was still getting sick despite being away from it all.
it was worse when it was you. you can't escape from yourself.
"alright, alright. take a deep breath, honey." he said softly, his hand moving to rub at your back. "we'll figure this out. i'm gonna pull over at this lil' gas station and let you take a breather."
you were in tears, hiccuping and fighting off that awful urge to puke—your hands shaking and body trembling as you tried to let that feeling pass. you shook your hands at your sides to try and soothe yourself as elvis pulled into the parking lot, quickly getting out and heading over to your side. he knealt down as he opened the passenger door, taking your hands. "baby, hey. look at me." he looked right into your eyes, "i know you don't wanna get sick. if you need to, then just do it. it's scary, i know. but sometimes your body can't control it."
you let out a soft cry, squeezing at his hands. "i don't wanna."
"i know, baby. god, i know." his tone was sympathetic, doing his best to soothe you in the best way he can. "you wanna sit for a minute and let it pass? i'll go inside and see if they got somethin' for your poor lil' tummy."
you really didn't want him to go, but you took it like a champ and nodded, sniffling and sitting in the car with your stomach churning and head pounding. elvis returned as quickly as he could, hopping back into the driver seat and taking out a couple pills for you. "here," he opened your hand and dumped them into your palm. "these outta make you feel a little better, we can sit here till you feel comfortable again. that sounds alright?" he asked, handing you a tiny juice pouch.
his heart truly ached for you, he hated seeing you like this and always wished he could take that fear away from you, but he understood it was just something you couldn't control or get over.
he smiled as you took the two pills, finishing off your juice and nodding. "thank you, daddy. 'm sorry." you said shakily, wiping at your eyes.
"honey, don't even be sorry." he frowned. "i'm the dummy who forgot your pills. i bought a few extra just in case those wear off. you gonna be okay, lil'?"
"can we wait a little longer before you start drivin' again?" you nervously asked.
he gave you a soft smile, petting at your hair. "of course, sweetheart. of course."
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vampirealpaca · 8 months
My thoughts on the pjo show (now that the season is over) (this is going to run long) Overall Rating: 8/10 :
Ok first of all, I actually LOVED the show and the cast is literally awesome; I do have some thoughts and feelings tho.
The visuals were eating ngl
THE CAST!!!! they literally were amazing cannot stress this enough
I think a lot of the changes were handled super well, especially Medusa (although I don't love all of the changes...see below in the next section lol)
I LOVED the set design for pretty much all of the scenes!!! Like the set & costuming was literally so good; sometimes it looked a little Volume-y but I think it's ok since they also clearly did a bunch of on-location stuff
Driving scene was literally so funny like no notes on that + the acting was On Point pretty much All of the Time.
I actually think they slayed with the special effects
Pretty accurate! (overall a waaaaaay better adaptation than the movies)
More Sally content was awesome!! And I cannot stress this enough the ACTORS WERE SO GOOD in their roles!! Like I think they were the perfect choices ngl and I hope to see more of them in season 2 (if we get one, idk if its greenlit yet)
I also liked how they focused on Grover's character more (lowkey my fav now)
Genuinely had a great time watching the scenes from the books I've loved since Forever come to life onscreen!
The character dynamics were GIVING
Loved getting more info about Percy's backstory
The way they showed the Mist was honestly so cool!! This might be filed under Visuals but still...it was so cool
Fight choreo fluctuated, but I liked the Percy vs Luke fight (altho the scorpion erasure ;-;)
Again the chemistry with the actors like adkjhfdkjdfkjhdfjkhk I think the acting may have been my fav part honestly lol
All of the easter eggs for the fans!!
Rick's subtle rewriting of the story was sometimes very cool! (Like with the water grabbing Percy etc) --- you can definitely tell that he's thinking about how he'd change the story if he were to write it today
...HOWEVER i have gripes :(
I feel like they should've fallen into like…at least one trap without Knowing Everything about it. Like, I get the Medusa change and am pretty on board with it, but I feel like a few of the other changes weren't really necessary & messed with the stakes. A lot of the time it felt like I was watching them explain "Oh you're THIS person so you will do THIS so I will do THIS" instead of like...showing me.
Not enough blood (this is prob a Disney problem, not the show creators fault but like...cmon Disney...they have swords, let the children get More Injured...they are Fighting for their Lives)
Felt kinda...dryer than the books? idk how to explain it...like it felt like there wasn't the same Vibes in some parts if that makes sense, like they switched out a lot of funny moments (esp with how they changed Charon and the Crusty scenes lowkey im bitter)
the tone was definitely sometimes waaay different from the books (like it was way more serious I think, which is good sometimes and less good other times)
Idk if this is 100% true bc my last reread was a few months ago, but I think they separated the main trio more than in the book (?), it felt like they were duo-ed with diff members for a lot rather than building off of their main dynamic -- they had some trio moments but ig i just wanted more (again, I could be wrong on this one tho)
Lotus Casino not really being as Fun (the pumping lotus flowers in the air was a cool detail tho!)
It generally felt like they took a lot of the funny parts in favor of talking more about how messed up the gods are (which I liked sometimes!! but the kids are 12 let them have more funny moments too yaknow) (Rip the Died in the Bathtub line...gone but not forgotten)
I really didn't love the changes that made the story feel more Cliche and Basic (the ones that annoyed me were changing the entire DOA to just Some Standard Death Eater Looking Fellow & Annabeth's interactions with Cerebus being completely changed)
Mixed feelings on Gabe...I wanted him to be more evil at the beginning but I get why they changed it ig. Plus he was literally so funny when he (spoilers?) got murdered by opening someone else's mail. That's what happens when you commit a federal crime ig.
General Character Thoughts:
PERCY: Walker Scobell was such a good casting call... like you can tell he really cares about the books & getting the character right. Acting was on point, sass was on point (but I do wish he got to be sassy a bit More); Really gives off the energy of Percy Jackson and definitely was AMAZING in this role!
ANNABETH: She was spectacular in this role!! Leah got literally all of Annabeth down to a T --- her kindness, her pride, her wisdom, etc etc without resorting to any kind of "stock smart girl" vibe. She was literally SO GOOD! I loved seeing her talk about her dad, and the detail about her not having seen a movie is such a mood and so in-character lowkey. Leah really nailed Annabeth's dry humor and general vibe like dfajkhfdjhkfdhjk
GROVER: He was my favorite! Like, his acting was AMAZING fr!!! They brought a lot of newer things into his character that I think worked really well & it definitely strengthened his characterization --- he was also really funny & so sincere I just loved his portrayal of Grover!
HOWEVER I think some of the arcs are shakier since the characters didn't struggle as much, since they were figuring out a Lot of things
Overall, I took 2 points from the rating because the Spirit and Humor weren't fully there and I felt some of the changes made it feel less like the OG and more cliche (looking at u Charon). However, the great acting, pretty slay writing (except for the tone stuff), Vibes, and all the other stuff I think they did right pulled through to get it ranked a little higher lol. Plus, I liked it, even if I didn't like all of it.
No hate if u loved the show adaptation tho!! Feel free to disagree, these are just my thoughts lol. I really genuinely hope there's going to be a season 2, although I would like if they fix a few of these problems in that potential season (please...let me see what's happening in the dark scenes...please...)
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awigglycultist · 10 months
VHS Christmas Carols first watch thoughts!
Omg the opening number is such a bop
I loved the "it's time... Pennies" lines
I love Janaya
Jim and Della are great
The songs are SO 80s sounding, it's so great, especially my hair/my watch, and they've all been great so far
This song is WILD
"you're more beautiful than ever" AHHH AWW
Omg Jim not wanting to say he gave the watch away yet and just wanting to be close to Della
"because if just a thought can count why not just tell them how it was thought about" AHSHDKSKS
Omg Joey's, Lauren's and Brian's voices/accents in this
Lauren's face when the match girls tries to get her to buy a match lmao
Btw the lighting in this show is beautiful
Poor little match girl just someone buy a match!
Scrooge again??
Oh boy here come the magi again
Matchstick Magic is so good
Oh boy the grandma this is where things start getting sad
Yup she's dead now
Oh Clark talking about turning a blind eye to ppl oh boy oh jeez
Omg Scrooge blowing the candle out
"and he really hates YOU" scared me jdjdjd
Love how they're like actually cowering in fear of him
I enjoying AJ's take of Scrooge and Brian's take of Fred
Bob giving a wave during "here's my man Bob Cratchit"
Scrooge standing on the set above Bob is a great little detail to make him scarier
Oh the way aj sings "theres something I need to sayyyy! Bah humbug! BAH HUMBUG!" scratches my brain
"Scrooge gives a shriek" "AH" JASKAKSISN
I love hurt how confused and scared looking Scrooge is
Ugh marelt forcing Scrooge to sit back down and turn is SO GOOD
The ghosts wrapping him in chain omg omg
Oh woah new part to this interlude song
Jaime's voice here omg
Scrooge doing the jump rope too sjdbdb
The slow mo dancing shdhdb
Love Curt's young Scrooge he's such a nerd (I know in about to hate him)
Wait the reverse, pause and fast forward symbols each lighting up depending on if they're in the past, present or future
Ugh That Scrooge is so good
Omg the way Scrooge looks so sad when looking at Belle and then him getting up into young Scrooge's face when yelling at him
Omg the way he gets so quite on "you don't know what you've lost"
I know he's jdut on the floor bc he's in bed but at first it just looks likes he's contemplating life sjfbfjd
"maybe you're a greedy dick" "that one" djdjdn
Present PUSHING Scrooge and then making him dance!!
Go off Scrooge! Dance!!
Scrooge and Present dancing together is so fun!!
Plz the little dance in the interlude after Christmas Electricity ndndjdnd
Scrooge copying Present's dance lol
The way Curt shrugs after "Peter!"
Brian using the care bear as a mic lol
The way James says "harassed" and AJ says "nooo spirit" and James says "BAH HUMBUG" scratches my brain so much!!
I love just how happy they are, they're HYPED
The way AJ says "tenderness" also scratches the brain
Ugh the DESPERATENESS AJ protays!
"SO HAPPY TO HAVE MET YOU" I love how intense Scrooge is
SJDJDJDBAJ the glasses dropping onto the ground and AJ trying to find them
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soulgathered-archived · 3 months
alright time for the opinion post . I wanna start with a few things that won't need to be spoilered :
I strongly dislike the changes the graphical update did to mae & knew that would potentially sour the way I feel about dt & I was right. there were some angles that got me all "oh u know what I totally am on board with this!" & then the angle would change & I'd, in reallife, make a lil offended gasp bcs "ohh no. hate this ! hate this ! I want my wol back" this isn't in regards to mods. I just legit miss vanilla mae from pre-dt. miss their old lips (which are the biggest issue to me) miss their old eye shape, their face shape etc.
if you cannot handle someone critiquing something you love ( mind you that I love 14 too ) then this post is not for you. the amount of disgusting hate i saw towards people with legit critics of the expac is... baffling. the devs won't be able to grow if we just coddle them.
I still think ew should have been 2 expacs, to finish the arr-ew storyline better & set up the new one.
I have played with JP voices since HW because this was an actual advice back in the day. HW + its patches were not big enough yet to warrant having to listen to what ARR delivered. I also always watch at least one streamer play 14 with english VAs to get both experiences ! because yeah actually english gives you the proper feeling of scale & distance by having characters with accents. as far as I can tell right now I think all the DT voices are amazing
& from here on spoiler territory !
...you were warned if you are still here this is on you .
but I wanna start with stuff I liked / adored .
wu.k lam.at & ko.ana's family bond. I will forever be weak for chosen family bonds & they are soso cute. I love their personalities. I wanna see more of them.
In general the environmental story telling & the details they put into telling the stories of region was soso much better, loved it. I loved exploring the zones & noticing stuff or just talking to NPCs.
the end reveal with the key showing the az.em symbol made me giggle. I am sure it won't lead to a "oh so az.em fucked up" thing but it still amuses me to think they did.
happy kr.ile got character development, she really does deserve it & she is a lovely addition to the team.
erenvil.le, ko.ana & wu.k la.mat are among my faves now without a doubt.
the third & lvl 95 dungeon music slapped. actually when the music is good it's SO good.
t.uli.yollal is stunning, feels so lived in. I like spending time there & just zooming around. srsly the graphic update looks so good in environments & the DT ones are soso stunning. also best inn / tavern room we ever had. who needs housing i am staying in there !!!!
however a good base does not make a great game & overall the story was just. mid. it exists I guess. it feels so weirdly cut off from past expacs? like you tell me they didn't hear shit about anything ever? other continent or not how do you miss the final days I don't care if it was "contained to some places" that kinda stuff goes around.
I don't need the people to know the wo.l's name or look but come on you have heard of them + the sci.ons. I know ppl say "we don't need to always be the mc stop demanding that" ...sorry that in a game that I pay money for I want my character to be important. all our character does is nod sagely to give WL some confidence & half the time she isn't even looking. if i can write my character out within seconds & end up at pretty much the same point at the end then there was no point for us being there.
this legit felt a bit like them looking at what ppl adored at previous expa.cs, copying it & copying it worse. zone 6 ? this might be my biased but like changing it as we did? that should have been an amau.rot or elpi.s thing. at least that had impact. I only cared for one character in there & yes her memories being shut down was sad but like. kay.
...can we stop with fantasy races who love money btw? I am sure it was not meant that way but man did that make me feel uncomfy as a Jewish person. especially the whole 'they used to be slaves now they are merchants adoring money' GUESS WHY SO MANY JEWS WERE MERCHANTS !! guess what was one of the few things they were allowed to do esp when romans took em along as slaves.
However in the same sense I did love the tradition of remembering the dead because that way nobody is really gone. Again I doubt SE planned that they accidentally nailed Jewish philosophy but that was fun.
....zor.aal j.a was boring. I kept waiting for some big twist but no he's just another daddy issue guy. only that the story really wants me to believe his dad is great !! so caring !! ....can't fcking see his son's own issues. the guy who DEFINITELY knew about how fcked bless.ed siblings were & he can't see the strain that being called a "miracle" put on his kid? this is why i waited for some plottwist of ZJ having other plans all along.
also I am sorry "we had war 80 years ago people are too comfy with peace" ...that. that is within living memory especially with 14 races ! that was the worst motivation. at least stretch the time!!
sph.ene was actually fine I like her, it's just.............we had her. several times. hello there moe-fied as.cian ! hello there not-amau.rot. totally not. this is not copied homework. at all. it was just a narrated last dungeon once more telling us about how great things used to be until they weren't. it totally wasn't "person who was loved by their people got twisted to save them" this is all...so...new...
this is a nitpick & an amusing one but ere.nvilles accent just makes no sense anymore. they really just wrote smth & were like "screw established stuff from before" ( i don't remember if it's a quest detail or one of the extra published stories but they had to go back & rewrite smth bcs it contradicted DT )
which maybe is my biggest gripe with the story. unless they HAD to acknowledge smth from previous stuff they just. copied it - in a worse way, for me at least - or just ignored it which at times felt so insulting.
the scene with the sick kid? eh hello? fairly sure we fixed stuff like that. we can just go grab ali.saie later & bring ange.lo along--? i feel like in previous expacs wo.l at least would have mentioned that to sphe.ne but then stuff with ZJ goes wrong so it gets pushed aside (but it's at least on our mind & not a surprise when the solution appears randomly bcs I fear that just might happen)
....most of the scio.ns felt like they were forcefully written in just so we had full parties for trials.
minor dumb stuff that is very me specific: i don't like sol.ution 9. i don't like the aesthetic, the vibe. just i don't like it. didn't like the ending song either. felt very shou.nen isek.ai-ish it's just not my type of song.
...wu.k lam.at i love you but you are among the worst trust characters i ever encountered I am sobbing i dunno if this is supposed to reflect her personality or she is programmed that badly. I never struggled with a trust so much.
I don't mind the trope of "love & friendship will safe the day" but....again it was just done better in the past ( end of ew, drk story, stb why we went with ly.se & stuck by her, arr raids...just. it has been done better )
as much as this probably sounds like just hating in truth it was. absolutely an okay expac.........just very mid. we had better, we deserve better but this wasn't "the end of 14" like how some ppl act. it served its purpose & i so hope that as the story goes on we look back at it more fondly for setting stuff up. a severable start to a new story. probably. depends what the future brings. a 6/10 for me.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I get your point (the recent post you made) but I think there was and is a serious shift from how Byler was treated pre-vol2 and after that. It's not exactly being promoted anymore. In fact, Mileven was being promoted more after vol2. And I think if the writers wanted to show and signal Byler to the audience, they should have and should kept promoting Byler. So far there is literally no promotion or signaling regarding Byler, only about Will's feelings and how Mike will accept Will being gay when he comes out. They definitely should be using promoting and markering NOW especially before the filming starts, imho.
I understand where you're coming from and I slightly agree, but I also disagree.
This is kind of like the whole discourse about Mike's monologue, and how if they wanted byler endgame, they shouldn't have done that bc it was too confusing. So many bylers will argue that they wish they could have gone about it differently and how that whole ordeal is a big reason they have doubt?
But the reality is, it had to go down that way.
This is a series long straight-bait we're talking about. A plot twist involving a queer slow burn romance. It's a revelation of quite a few that is being saved for the last season. They needed to make it seem possible, while also giving this guise that it is impossible. Hence Mike's monologue.
And so if the plan is for it to be mostly a surprise, you don't clue your audience in fully about the surprise, before that revelation happens. And that revelation isn't set to happen until late s5, with heavy setup early s5 at best.
Arguably, what they're doing right now works in their favor in a lot of ways.
Redditors and GA are still very convinced that Byler is not happening, which is the way the Duffers want it, at this time!
Bylers are adding up tremendously bc there is already enough in the details to convince those willing to actually look at things with an open mind, and that's also simultaneously what the Duffers want, at this time.
And yet, along with that, they obviously want doubt in the mix on both sides, which is why they sort of whiplash the fans back and forth, making them confident, only to tear them down with doubt.
It's also not even about us being convinced right now, but after the fact once that revelation happens. For example, fans will be able to look back at the s4 poster and go OH Mike is staring at Will and his feet are pointing towards him, almost like he is choosing him... it all makes sense. That detail wasn't there necessarily for people at the time to be convinced fully, but for people in the future to not be able to say it came out of nowhere, bc there were at least some hints pointing to it all along.
We also have to keep in mind that this revelation is going to potentially be followed a lot of harsh feedback from homophobes, which means they're gonna need to be ready to stand beside their decision to go the byler route. This means the Duffers and cast themselves voicing support to combat that. Which is why I do agree a shift is inevitable going into s5, though that doesn't mean it wont be gradual.
This is also why they have to be really subtle about it in the first place, so they don't scare away the homophobes before they even reach that revelation. They would much rather trick the GA and fans with mindsets like those on reddit into thinking they're right so that they tune in, while also being subtle about it so that those same people can't make excuses when all is revealed.
If this was a straight slow-burn, maybe they could be more obvious about it like you would prefer, but that's not what we're dealing with here.
We wont start getting semi consistent promo for s5 until they start filming (maybe an announcement regarding it) and even then it's still not going to be full fledged promo until we get an official date, which probably won't be until the end of the year at the earliest.
I would also disagree that they're still promoting milkvan from strictly romantic lens. Most of their posts related to milkvan are ambiguous and that combined with them acknowledging byler by name is aligning with the shift necessary to set up this surprise.
At the moment, they want the core audience to believe that the monologue was 100% genuine.
And so until they want us to think differently about it, they're going to stay very subtle.
But I can guarantee you, that when s5 actually nears and we're looking at 6 months until the premiere, followed by 3 months and then weeks and then days, that shift is going to become a lot more obvious. And it's going to eventually lead to ambiguous comments from the Duffers, making snide comments that force the audience to question things they have made them believe up to this point...
Similar to those cryptic tweets about Will's birthday, all it takes is them sarcastically acknowledging Mike's monologue in a different light, for that shift to suddenly take place more obviously and for them to really make a point that nothing is what it seems overall, mostly in relation to the byler revelation obviously.
In large part, more than any other season, s5 is going to be promoted in a way that encourages the viewer to rewatch the show and pay attention to the details so that they can be ready for what is to come. Which means the Duffers and the people involved with the show (including social media), are going to be stringing the audience along to accept this truth as we get closer.
As much as I would love for them to give in and just admit to it right now, or better yet to make it more obvious by dropping milkvan all together, that's not happening, not any time soon. Because that would make the GA too close to the truth and for now, they want them to stay ignorant in the mean time. Right now we're in a hiatus which means no official promo circuit is going on outside of casual references here and there. Right now this is where subtlety thrives.
But I assure you, once we get closer and we get dates and posters and interviews directly related to the s5 promo circuit, the shift is going to become more obvious bc they are going to be dealing with homopohbia and backlash and so that shift is something that will need to be clear beyond just it being thrown at the audience at the last minute. It might not look the way we want it to bc we want to just throw the proof in anti's faces to be like told you so!
RN we should just enjoy the ride and the fact that the ga is so confident, despite all of the evidence already stacked against them. If it was any more obvious than it already is, the duffers would be at risk of ruining the surprise... tbh I genuinely can't even believe with everything at this point most fans still don’t see it coming.
Things are definitely going to get interesting though... And when that shift happens, like for real, we'll know.
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forever-will-last · 5 months
How did this amazing polycule come to be? Both in verse and in the discord if it isn't too much trouble
Sooooo in verse? I don't have an answer LOL the lovely thing about crackfic is you don't always really need an explanation for stuff like this. I have no idea how this polycule came to be but what I DO know is that the in verse characters do NOT follow canon. There was no burn book. There was no bus. Regina still got her back fucked up at one point (not entirely sure how yet, or if I'll go into the details of whatever accident she did have at all) but that's just bc I love disabled and chronically ill Regina and want to write her into some of the one shots.
When did these characters meet? Was it high school? Was it college? Who fucking knows! All I know is the EARLIEST in their four years we'll see is the fall semester of their sophomore (second, for the non Americans) year of college with occasional references to things that happened spring semester freshman year (I only mention this bc I literally reference exactly one thing from freshman year in chapter 3, not sure if itll ever pop up again) because I'm being purposefully vague about it. Maybe later on into writing in this verse I'll have more of a concrete answer but I wouldn't count on it lmfao.
As for the discord server, that I CAN give a better answer on! And this is going to be the WILDEST answer of all time so hang in there.
So we have channels for three different poly ships in our ships channel list on that server: one for Polystics (Regina/Gretchen/Karen (and sometimes Cady, depending on the person/mood/setting/etc)), one for Nightmare Blunt Rotation (Regina/Cady/Janis) and one for Dream Blunt Rotation (Cady/Gretchen/Karen). Now, Nightmare Blunt Rotation as a joke predates me joining that server, so I can't really give you much on how THAT came to be, but Dream Blunt Rotation's name was spawned as a riff on the other, obviously.
Literally just last week we were having one of our "blending sessions" where we basically just brainstorm back and forth about what a specific character or characters would do in a specific situation that can be varying degrees of angst. For example, one of these blending sessions is actually how the entirety of the first Dead!Aaron AU Fic came to be.
In this particular session we were taking a deeper dive into "what if Regina jumped in front of the bus and it wasn't an accident" essentially and I had said something along the lines of "Sui***** Regina in any partnership (take your pick from the standard and adjust their reactions accordingly) where she doesn't let on that there's anything wrong until an attempt."
I was primarily thinking of Cady, Janis, and Gretchen when I sent that, as those are the big three Regina x ___ ships in that server, but someone else said "consider Polystics where she attempts bc she thinks the other two would be better off without her" and this had me thinking. What if there was an insane polycule of Polystics + Cady + Janis...
So I asked the fateful question of "do we have a silly name for this yet like NBR and DBR?" The original suggested names were "Pile of Lesbians", "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall", "Mean Girls", and then... The brilliant Tumblr user Sexycornenthusiast busted out "The Psych Ward" and that was it. We all laughed really fucking hard and knew that had to be the insane name.
This all happened on 4/17 and then on 4/20 I got astronomically high as god intended but I really wanted to write. Now, I have a rule for myself where I don't write fic I intend to publish when I'm high or drunk bc I generally write very serious fic (I cannot imagine what hell chapter of a thousand pictures i would have put out with the level of high I was). But I still REALLY wanted to write so I was like fuck it and asked for one-shot suggestions.
Someone recommended hitting Regina with progressively weirder things throughout the day, as we have an ongoing joke about the various shit Regina gets hit by in fanfic (there's a PHENOMENAL cadina fame au another server member wrote where Regina gets hit by a golf cart and then in my main fic a thousand pictures Regina gets hit by a chair). I loved that idea but was like "wait what ship should I write this with bc I want the first thing to be her getting elbowed by her partner when she wakes up" and someone suggested psych ward and that was it. I knew what I had to do.
After I wrote that one shot i started getting more ideas for this crackfic and decided to make a one shot collection set in the same AU because fuck it. The world needs more crackfic and by God does the world need more psych ward.
(final fun fact before I end this behemoth of a post - I tagged every possible duo/trio of psych ward on the fic on AO3 because I do intend to have at least one chapter dedicated to each possible pairing or trio and there are SEVERAL tags where this is now the only fic in its tag and SEVERAL of the trio tags I had to fully type out because they straight up did not exist at all LMFAO)
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neverchecking · 1 year
(Forward real quick into Chain era Hyrule)
Sage keeps calling Sweetpea 'Fugus' because he's like a 'goddess damn mushroom that wont die'. Sweetpea is all "That's the nicest thing you've ever said about me! I love you too!"
(And to be perfectly honest, the whole Sage is approachable thing is kinda his own fault since Sweetpea loves kids and they sometimes get Sage and Sweetpea confused and Sage just goes with it. Cause ya know, they're kids. Aaliyah is giving him so much shit and Tia's just happy he's talking to someone.)
Sweetpea is the only version of that Link that isn't attracted to Aaliyah and the Triplets are like "You have terrible taste." (Instead he has a thing going on with Sidon and Yona. Sage doesn't want to know the details and if Sweetpea keeps telling him said details, Tia is about to be down a family member. Sweetpea realises his other counterparts don't have the same tastes as him and promptly chooses Chaos :D )
He thinks the way Wild and Cal are immediately gone on Aaliyah is hysterical but also is like lowkey running an intervention that's 68% effective so they don't have two dead bodies on their hands.
Of course when he spots a chain member flirting with his princess, Sweetpea is like "The Fuck you are :)" and is setting the Wolves on them while he distracts Tia.
(I feel like one of the older Chain is the way to go. Either Warriors, Twilight or First if we include him. Cause the idea of one of them being harassed by the Menaces all while Tia is mostly oblivious is funny. He can hold his own but he might need back up. Thank gods Wild is helping, even if its for his own benefit.)
Sage calling Sweetpea Fungus (I assume that's what you meant?) and Sweetpea just being like '<3 I knew you'd soften eventually brother!' and Sage is setting him on fire is so funny to me like-
Sweetpea is the brother that's all 'Friends! Love! Flowers!' and Sage is the one that barks.
(Okay, but like Sage is good with kids. He just doesn't have the patience for the adults that come with them. They all love the twins but the adults are like..."are you sure?' It's both heartwarming and the funniest thing ever. Bc on one hand, this man has literally slaughtered monster camps single-handedly. On another, he lets the village children braid his hair, flowers and all.)
(Sweetpea is counting down the days until he can call himself an uncle, man. Whether it's Tia finally finding someone or Aaliyah deciding its time to settle down. Bc he is going for the title of best uncle ever. It will be his.)
Sweetpea is the only one seeing Aaliyah for who she really is lmao. The triplets calling his taste terrible is actually so hilarious. Like they're just drooling over her while she chops logs and Sweetpea is gagging in the corner. He's seen her eat dirt before. He knows what she's like. ALSO Sweetpea being an oversharer when it comes to Sidon and Yona is so funny. Sage has no patience for it, but he's secretly the softest brother to sweetpea, so he 'listens'. But if he has to hear one more bit about Zora anatomy he's blowing up the place.
Sweetpea is the most annoying big brother when it comes to Aaliyah. Those two are throwing down every chance they get.
He's running distractions and lowkey foiling all of Sage's murders attempts. Wild and Cal owe him such a big thank you. And they don't even know it.
Imagine him spotting it and he just nudges the two feral beasts like 'Hey, someone is hitting on big sister-' and watches as they go absolute feral beast. like just D:< biting and tackling.
(Okay hear me out. All of them. So now it's three on three. Wars vs. Sweetpea, knight v knight. Twilight vs. Sage. Successor V Predecessor. First vs Aaliyah. The most composed knight in the timeline yet v an undead feral creature who was never meant to play a big of a part as she does who now has this super powerful rock on her side. Sweetpea may just look past Wild's obvious attempt on getting close to his SIL for the extra help.)
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hyp-no-tic · 1 year
Prediction/wishlist for the upcoming GMMTV event on October 17th. Thank you @icouldhyperfixatehim for creating this awesome bingo card.
I'm really late to the game but here's my bingo card for tomorrow's presscon!
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At the end of the day, what I really want is to be surprised: give us things we didn't know we wanted, take risks. I want the actors to have fun with their new roles and I want them to do different things than what they're used to. Oh and let actors rest between jobs and PLEASE give the directing teams enough time to edit their series, stop rushing them to shoot and edit.
More details under the cut about what I think we're getting, things I desperately want and things I'd really like to see.
Things I'm fairly sure we're getting:
Earthmix series
Firstkhao series (pretty much confirmed)
Geminifourth series (pretty much confirmed) 
Some kind of season 2 for either/both Home School and Midnight Museum (HS I don't care for but khao+gun? SIGN ME UP / MM only bc I wouldn't say no to more TayGun and TorGun)
WinnySatang series (since they now have their logo I'd say it's pretty much confirmed as well)
Things I will riot if we don't get:
Mark fucking Pakin KISSING (I don't care who but my man got to have someone to kiss). Let’s be real Mark needs another main role or at the very least a very good supporting role because he is doing a SPECTACULAR job in OF as Nick. And I like that he isn't fixed in a CP so give me anything.
P'Jojo said somewhere that he'd like to do a domestic cutesy BL, please give the man what he wants. As a general rule, GMMTV should just let Jojo do whatever Jojo wants to do, period. (No P'Jojo is GMMTV 2024 Part 1)
More mature/adult BL (not necessarily romance office), just PLEASE LET THE BOYS AND GIRLS ACT THEIR AGE P L E A S E (or you know, use the youngins you have to play high schoolers ffs).
Neo Trai SERIOUS ROLE (listen Neo's got amazing comedic timing but he is EATING IT UP in OF).
Fluke Pusit main role (or really good supporting role) same for Gawin Caskey
AouBoom or just more Aou Thanaboon (haven't seen Hidden Agenda yet but I looooved him in BMF)
Another political drama (à la The Eclipse, Not Me)
More ensemble cast like Moonlight Chicken or Only Friends (not necessarily for the messy gay shenanigans but bc I LOVE seeing the boys act with/against each others)
If GMMTV is too scared to give us more GL (since 23.5 still hasn't aired) at least give us MORE secondary GL couples in series.
Things I would really like to see:
P’Aof recently said in a interview that he would like to work with actors he hasn't work with yet and that among gmmtv he hadn’t had the chance to work with Gun (or Krist) soooooooooo this could be the year is what I'm saying.
I want another OffGun (though I’m not holding my breath especially since we still haven't got Cooking Crush but ahem, P’Aof, P’Jojo, P'Waa anyone?)
Or even better: OffGunTayNew in the same series??? (BL or not I don't even care, I want them on the same set)
PLEASE give me something by the BMF production team (P'Waa Waasuthep, who also directed The Gifted) because Be My Favorite is definitely one of my favorite series of the year, it was perfect.
Since remakes are in right now, you know what I would love a Thai take on? Color Rush! I really liked this KBL, it had SUCH an interesting premise but… *sigh* it was way too short to be impactful imo (the vibe of the show though omg). (P'Nuchy? P'Golf?)
More trans characters with great supporting roles/strong storylines, more non-binary characters
More QUEER ELDERS!! Different generations of queer interacting (ex: the gay uncles in My Ride the series, they were EVERYTHING)
I would like to see more of Nonnie, I like what little we've seen of her in Only Friends.
I wouldn't say no to more mix and matching between the CP but helas we know how that's being received with OF from some fans... (my Firstmix heart is crying)
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shadowkoo · 1 year
hello! i've been looking through eerieedits tutorials about banners but i was wondering if you could give some advice on fonts and how to place them & make them look pleasing? 🎆🖤
of course! i'm more than happy to help!
i normally start with my background, photo + gif overlays, coloring files, etc. then move on to placing the member png - which i typically place on either side, i don't like to place them too close to the middle of the banner for this exact reason of font placement. (if you're not using a member png then it doesn't matter as much on where you decide to put the title of your fic.)
fonts are last bc i don't know how i'm going to set up the images yet, it's easier to me to do it this way. sometimes you'll still have to shift things around but the placement of everything is usually very close to how it originally was.
once you're ready for fonts, think of what types you want to use. i normally use a combination of a block font and a script font (i made a post a while ago about font pairings that may help you too).
if the title is long, i like to emphasize certain words or the 'main' word too that way it doesn't take up a whole lot of space on the banner. I also like the words to overlap, but that's a personal preference!
i also have certain 'rules' and best practices already in mind when it comes to creating banners that i learned when i got my degree in graphic design. some that come up most often are:
leave space along the edges of the banner, don't let the font touch the edge.
in some cases the title can 'bleed' onto the subject (member pngs) but it really depends on the placement and as long as the text doesn't go over anyone's face).
keep a good ratio for title vs subject - i like to set up my banners to be 700 pixels wide and 300 pixels high, and then i use a 70 / 30 ratio for text and subject - so 70% text and 30% subject (not including background).
if the background is super detailed, try not to place text over anything of importance.
and there are probably more but that's all that i can think of at the moment. of course, if you ever need anything explained or want advice for a banner you're working on - my dms are always open and i'm more than happy to help!
below are some examples from my portfolio that may be helpful to visualize what i mean too! feel free to use any of those titles + font placements as an example :) hope this helps and best of luck designing!!!
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rainytypology · 1 year
you can’t type idols because a lot of them are giving personas by their companies. you say rm is “careful with his words as to not offend others” but as an INFJ and someone who’s been a fan of bts for years i can say this is the farthest thing from the truth and that he’s generally out of touch and tone deaf when it comes to other people’s feelings. bts also took an MBTI quiz during one of the most recent run bts episodes (not 16 personalities, but the official mbti test using functions). rm got ENFP in that episode which is basically what he is. even if you wanted to categorize him as an INXJ type which he’s not, he’s definitely not introverted in any way neither does he exhibit any J tendencies. the closest INFJ in bts is probably hobi, because aside from the whole “sunshine” persona if you listen to what others who have worked with bts have said about him, what other members say about him, and what he’s said about himself (especially in those Disney+ promo interview he did) then you’ll know. he himself said he’s quiet when he’s by himself and he says his parents worry about that too, plus in group settings he always listens while everyone else talks, he’s considers himself a sponge and soaks in other people adapting to their thoughts and feels, he’s a stickler for details and organization, and a complete perfectionist. hobi also isn’t the stereotypical ESFJ that a lot of people would have you believe. so if you’re going to type people then do a better job than surface level observations.
Yes I'm well aware most idols have a persona and I try my best to look past their set image by looking at interviews, watching the shows they're on, their personal content, reading about other's perspectives on them etc. So no I do not only have surface level observations, I actually do try to dig deeper into them. I only have short descriptions for my post (I'm sure you're referring to my recent post of the list I made) as I didn't want to make the post too long. If you look through my blog, I actually have longer analysis posts for idols, so I didn't see the point of going more in depth in that post.
Here is my bts mbti post with brief explanations. I don't have individual ones for them yet, which will have more details. You can see the other posts I've made here.
And yes I did watch that ep where they took the MBTI test... I'm pretty sure it was still 16personalities or something similar to it bc I did not see them discuss cognitive functions in the videos. The test typed Jungkook as an INTP and Suga as an ISTP. Do you really think Jungkook is an Ne user and Suga is a Ti dom with aux Se? I don't see Ne usage with Jungkook, the same with Ti and Suga. Suga uses Se, but he is not comfortable with it enough to have it as his aux; he's always had much better use of Ni and Te, hence INTJ.
Hobi is not an INFJ and your explanation for him being the closest to it is vague and can apply to any type honestly. ESFJs can be quiet and observant...It's very Fe to watch the reactions and emotions of others and the environment. Adapting to their feelings and thoughts is very Fe. That is why I think he is a dom Fe user. I also don't see him use Ni...his perfectionism stems from Si, along with his need for organization and structure. It's also why he's very detail oriented. Ni does not bother with the details or at the least is not as attentive as Si. Intuitive perceiving functions are generally more focused on the big picture. Hobi is pretty good with his tertiary Ne, it's prominent in his creative process compared to Ni doms Suga and RM (yes I'm still going with INFJ. I know there's a huge debate between ENFP and INFJ with him though).
Also I'm not an expert in MBTI, it's just something I've always been really interested in. I happen to like kpop as well and noticed the misconception of MBTI within it and decided to make this blog. It's mainly more for my entertainment and to learn more. I know I will not be accurate 100% and state that in my posts that they're subject to change, but I know for sure I am likely more correct than 16personalities lol. Honestly you can't really type anyone - only people can type themselves accurately.
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liliansun · 1 year
day 17/365 of haechan appreciation~
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the sunflower urge to gatekeep is strong today (once again)
i'll be honest - i hate writing in anything other than black.
6 questions for a bored/procrastinating sunflower :)... lilac i'm expecting answers btw and i'll share mine below
what are your three favourite hairstyles/hair colours on haechan and tell me why in detail
how would you describe haechan to a friend?
if haechan were a demon, what are the five items (doesn't necessarily have to be 'items' either) you're using in the pentagram to summon him?
6 reasons why you like him? (short answers. bullet points. essays - just give my man some loooove)
if you had haechan as a contact in your phone, what would his contact name be?
what do you think people overlook or may miss about haechan? something you wish he got more credit for? (something like that - 'you may miss at first glance if you're not looking at him the way I am' kinda thing)
fuck. so many options. i want him to do that silver/white hair colour again from superhuman and get appreciated more for it. loved that red on him. purple too...... black. i don't actually know.
i think an actual conversation i've had about him is - *onslaught of photos* he's my baby. what do you think of him? // i approve. he's pretty. // i'm glad you know.
personally - kimchi jjigae, his camera, renjun, bucket hat, anything remotely related to michael jackson.
always wins. incredibly clever and witty. belongs on stage (everywhere) - he just knows where to look/how to act etc. articulate speaker. his smile and laughs. SO RNB ORIENTATED.
here's his options; (1) jjigae (2) beba (3) kiddo (4) baby (5) sunshine sunmine (not really it just came to my head) (6) the reason i'm going to die an early death
he's seriously overworked (not a secret) but i think he thrives from it? like take his hiatus for example - it was like he was restless throughout the whole thing. i think his stage has oddly become his comfort space?
listen, purple is my favourite colour but this just does not feel right.
Listen, having to change my color palette on the app doesn’t make it any better 😭 OKAY OKAY LEMME ANSWER.
1. PURPLE. it’s my favorite color overall so it’s kinda 🤭biased but purple hyuck really has a special place in my heart. Black haired hyuck makes me..feral. Like I literally become another thing I’m not even human atp I might as well be a dog bc I’m barking and howling at the moon for black haired hyuck. Lastly (and I don’t think we’ve gotten this like in actuality but have had a taste of it) I want BLUE HAIRED HYUCK. y’all know Jeno and Nana and even mark ROCK The blue hair,, just let hyuck have it please I’ll literally PAY. 👰‍♀️
2. (This is giving me butterflies just thinking about it) okay how would I describe him to a friend,, I’d probably say he’s the light on the darkest days. His smile instantly brings smiles to everyone around him and he’s funny,,the kind of funny that makes your stomach hurt when you laugh too much. He’s kind and caring and the most considerate person I think I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet and boy is he clingy, but if he wanted me to I’d hold him and never let him go and tell him how much he is appreciated and loved and how deserving he is of all he has and will become.
3. IF HYUCK WAS A DEMON PLEASE LET HIM BE MY DEMON PLEASE EITHER HIM OR RENJUN LETS BE HONEST. Ehm I’ll be setting up my lil pentagram w ofc a steaming hot bowl of kimchi jjigae, the nail ring the dreamies wear, a hoverboard from chewing gum, a Michael Jackson vinyl (thriller ofc) and probably doyoung so hyuck has something to do when I’m at work 🤭
4. Only 6?? Okay,, that’ll be hard but I’ll narrow it down. (1) his dedication to his music and performances makes my heart feel full (2) his laugh, oh boy his laugh really just replays in my head whenever I hear it sometime throughout the day on a video or etc. god I love his laugh. (3) the way he loves and takes care of his younger members in nct but also cherishes and absorbs all the love from the older (specifically 127) members. (4) his teasing of his members and even the fans, he just knows which buttons to push and when to stop and I cannot tell you how bad I’ve laughed w this boy just egging the dreamies (5) his entire fucking existence likee 🤕🫶 (6) his voice,, it literally gives me chills and I cannot describe the serotonin boost I get when I see him on my feed,, also his stage presence?? IMMACULATE. FUCKING. IMMACULATE.
5. POOKIE BEAR is one, hyuck 🫶 is another, the bane of my existence (affectionate) is another one I think of a lot, baby daddy is def a crowd favorite and lastly my sun 🫶
6. Honestly I wish people paid more attention to him when he’s feeling dejected and idk if it’s obvious, but he deals w a lot (I’m not him so idk this factually but I think it’s worse w the dreamies) and kinda keeps to himself when he looks like he’s down in his mood and it’s just sad bc people love him and appreciate him but at the same time walk all over him and it’s just sad,, I just think sometimes some things are taken too far and it hurts him more than we know—so I want people to appreciate the fact that he takes shit w a grain of salt when it comes to some things
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skittidyne · 2 years
12 and 18 for the writer ask meme?
12. Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
i suppose there's a couple, but overall i've hit most of my targets! i do want to write sloppy drunk sex, if that counts as a trope? and i'd love to try my hand at a royalty type type that has ladies in it (shoves blood will have blood under the bed) so i can have fun with the devotion of ladies in waiting...
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
(uh. pedestal spoilers ahead. a fic that is 11 years old...)
throughout the ENTIRE fic, there was the warning of the dark-haired monster, and later on, we had nick's famous black hoodie. (separate things, but related in what i pulled off - bear with me!) pedestal was sparse on physical description, but what we did know: that nick wore a black hoodie, that nick had black hair, that the narrator looked like his little brother, and that lola dressed like a goth and had black hair.
this was set up in the 10s-20s of a 160 chapter fic.
fast forward to after nick goes evil - we catch a handful of incriminating glimpses of a figure in a black hoodie. the narrator is repeatedly warned about the dark-haired monster, too. the narrator, and the readers, assume these to be the same person*.
cue the finale.
lola is the figure in the black hoodie; she's one of the big bads. seriously, that reveal - the foreshadowing of a GOTH TRAINER but everyone was sooooo focused on nick, readers and narrator a like - still fills me with golden light. i can't 100% say with certainty that it was planned from the beginning, since pedestal was written so long ago and had zero outline for most of the fic, but i am good at accidental foreshadowing like that. or maybe my subconscious hoards details like that to pop up in my conscious mind later. i don't know how it works, but i love it!
it didn't get as much reader attention, but at the very end, des (pedestal), the narrator's starter, watching the approaching moral event horizon - i'll just put an excerpt here.
"You are going to stop the dark-haired monster?" Des questioned, voice low and even more frightening.
I looked back down at Lola. Pitch black hair, always had that dark of hair. She had been behind this all. She had twisted Nick, put him up on the white thing's pedestal just to help him fall again. He had died because of her. "I am."
"No." Des shook his head and took a step towards me. He reopened his eyes and they were hard. Resigned. "I am."
"...What?" No. I wasn't going to let him do that—but in my surprise, he had taken a couple more steps towards us, until he was so close I could have reached out to touch him.
I started forward, intent on wrestling him back if I had to, but he told me simply, "My color eyesight is not very good."
I paused, set back by his bizarre and random statement.
Des turned on me and physically pushed me out of the way, placing himself between Lola and I. "To me, your hair looks as dark as hers. I will not permit you to do this, Trainer. Not to her, not to anyone. Can't you see what she is trying to do?"
as i said, it didn't get as much reader attention, but given the comparison with nick's brother (and a very lively art community, so there were canon character designs), the narrator could've been the dark-haired monster, too. not black hair, but dark brown - and what does it matter to a starter pokemon?
i'm still very proud of pedestal, and those plot twists are still high up on my heart pedestal of Written Things To Be Proud Of
[ask me more things here!]
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