#I don't wanna like discourse over ship names because that is a very very VERY trivial matter
onesidedradiostatic · 6 months
Apparently tiktok picked up on onesided radiostatic ship and are calling it radiosilence. And now that tag has started to spread on the tumblr side of things. And just when we finally decided on OneWayBroadcast too 😭.
I'm aware, the only reason I'm against it is because it mixes in with another fandom (and now I see that precise problem searching it up and seeing a mix of the oseman book and hazbin) if the tag was like #hazbin radiosilence I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it
like to me the whole point of a tag is filtering and if it mixes with something else popular it kinda defeats the purpose, it's like how young justice has a ship name called spitfire and it's a filtering nightmare because it mixes in with mlp
this is not meant to be anything against people who like the name, these are just things that concern me when it comes to tagging of specific ship names
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apathycares · 2 months
Why I think the ending of MHA makes sense (manga spoilers)
So I came out of hiding specifically because MHA ended and this blog started off as a place for me to ignore my other works/fandoms and write stuff for MHA so it's a given that I talk about it. Just a little disclaimer – MHA is not my first fandom, and I've been watching anime for forever, so I'm not biased when it comes to shipping or how mangakas end their work. I'm purely speaking from a place of my own sense of objectivity.
Also, since I don't think I've shared my opinion on stuff too much here so it might be weird to my current followers (hi!!), I'm gonna do it headcanon style.
Midoriya being a teacher is not farfetched – some people have said it would've been better if Hori made him a strategist or something along those lines, but you all have to remember that his only goal has been to be a hero. If he wanted to become a strategist he would've (a) thought about/been suggested that when he was quirkless and (b) there's nothing TO strategize since the big bads are all gone. Hawks is running the Commission. Police exist in this verse. He wanted to be a hero fully, so if he wasn't able to do that, then the next logical step would be to TRAIN the next heroes.
Bakugou wouldn't have become number one straight out of high school. Bffr. I know it's anime and we don't have to use real life logic but it's been said over and over again that rankings are both based on feats achieved and popularity, and even though that man has accompanied A LOT, he's always going to be rough around the edges, and as a hero, people are just not going to rock with that. But, given Endeavour's example, I think he could become number one with his feats alone as the years go on in spite of his attitude.
Midoriya not keeping in touch with the rest of his classmates except Bakugou (or maybe not being able to, whichever way it was translated) is NORMAL. How many of you keep in touch with your high school classmates after the fact, regardless of how close you were? How many of you outgrow your very real and very deep friendships? Eight years is a long time. Bakugou being left makes sense because they've known each other forever.
No ships were confirmed. Please let us leave the ending of that as it is. BUT! Let's all ship who we want, create for the ships that we want regardless. That's the beauty of fandoms. We can toy around and find joy in it, but PLEASE don't push that a ship is canon when it's not. As an old head anime fan, there's a distinction between those two. We can all have fun and accept that the series ended with no ships.
Continuing off of the previous point, I LOVE that the manga ended with no ships. That just gives us full liberties to do whatever the hell we want in this fandom and have fun without people rearing their annoying heads and writing shit comments about their pairing being canon. No one gets any ammo.
Aizawa cutting his hair is a crime.
Did they give Touya an ending??? Why can't I remember??? Well, the fact that he didn't is another crime
Everyone else's endings were solid (and I don't see much discourse about this so let's leave it at that)
See now that I'm thinking about it again, Aizawa cutting his hair isn't a crime....but why did they do him like that???
Giving Midoriya a hero suit at the end of it and Bakugou holding his hand out was GOLDEN (I'm indifferent about the suit because Teacher!doriya would've been a solid ending, but the holding the hand out squeezed my heart that was a BEAUTIFUL ending to the entire Deku/Kacchan storyline)
Some people are mentioning that Bakugou calling him Deku destroyed it but y'all forgetting that THAT'S HIS HERO NAME. Stop being lame.
I wanna know the full rankings of everyone just to gauge where Bakugou and everyone else are. Maybe Hori might do a lil something, who knows, but I don't think we need a MHA Shippuden.
High key, if we do get a spin off or something, we need a Misadventures of InsertSomeoneHere to see what a DITL of them at 24(?) looks like
Now that I'm looking at this...the fact that I watched this at their age and it ended with them being 24 and I'm currently 24 is.......
Anyways! Those are my very rushed thoughts. As much as people like to play around MHA, it was a great manga, it had a solid ending for the lore that the story was going for, and it was a great ride. I'm excited to see when all of this gets animated and we can ride this ride again, but this fandom will always be special to me.
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With Loki coming back I see the discourse over the romance with Sylvie also coming back and I have to say, I think it is one the most pointless discourses I've seen about media ever.
For starters because self-cest is not a real concept. Is not something that can happen in our reality. The moral dylema around loving an alternate version of yourself is purely hypotetical.
So I find strange that there is so many people clutching their pearls at this storyline like is an actual problematic issue. Specially because this has to be the most toned down and universally morally acceptable depiction of what could be considered self-cest I've seen.
They are not the same gender or personality, is consensual, there are no sexual connotations, the show itself adresses it as something that could be considered socially unacceptable. They don't even have the same name. Hell, they don't even look anything alike.
I could even argue this doesn't count as self-cest. A central theme of the show is the question of 'are variants their own person or not?' And very bluntly the show tells you they are.
I don't wanna get too philosophical, but, by the shows own story, Sylvie is not Loki. They tell you that several times. They come from different backgrounds, have different personalities, different opinions, different identities.
Loki's mom is not Sylvie's mom. Loki's dad is not Sylvie's dad. Because branches are individual and unique phenomenons.
The only thing they share is the role they were given to play, and they both ended up rejecting it. Because that is the point of the show. That is why the TVA kidnaping variants is considered bad. Because variants have value and individuality by virtue of themselves.
And don't get me start with the thing with Mobius. Some of you in this ships disscusions are starting to dive into really bad narratives. Like implying that because Loki is bisexual he HAS to romantically involve with a man or else his queerness is erased or 'doesn't count'. Or that because he is bisexual he can't have a close and intimate platonic relationship with another man because it MUST mean he is in love with him.
And I really, really, really don't think what Loki and Mobius have is queerbaiting. It was very evident to me from the begining that their relationship was suppose to be a friendship. I need everyone to be aware that queerbaiting is more that just "a queer ship not being canon when it could be".
We can argue whether Loki indirectly stating he is bisexual and then never mention it again can be considered queerbaiting or not. That is an actual conversation that we can have.
But the current discourse feels like watching people argue with with a blank wall.
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I hate TikTok so much you have no idea how much I hate it they hear one little thing out of context and then they suddenly say it’s canon hurting like half of there own community because they hate queer black people for some god awful reason I don’t even know about the micro aggressions or the fact that people think HOBIE x miles is a proship I will say this once and I will say this again I will LIGIT clear everything on hobie having a canon age because he does not. And I’m tired of people on TikTok and anywhere else saying the same thing and I might change this into my second acc just for flowerpunk and I’ll actually put my name but I’m not gonna cause I don’t wanna have this turn into a big thing if they do confirm he’s over 18 but anyways I’m going to give all my points cause I think people see something and they automatically think it’s true
To the people saying he's 19/20 that was a director talking about his concept design and could be more based on the comics it's safe to assume that Sense another director said it's up for interpretation and Gwen said he's about her and miles age then he's most likely a teen below 18 and was aged Down for the movie and it's kinda obvious because he hangs around the teen squad don't litsen to the misinformation everyone is sayin as well as the clip that people are talking about is completely out of context and so I need you to all stop it!! I’m not even an adult and I despise pro shipping it’s one of the things that triggers me into things it’s weird and it’s weird your putting a silly ship into this horrible topic so many think it’s ok to put in because the age is unconfirmed half of you people just don’t like queer black people and I am one so for the love of god stop calling people proshippers when they view hobie as a kid!!!
Phil Lord who's also a director said it's up to interpretation/headcanon plus even likened him to Sex pistols who started off young. Alsp like I said the whole Gwen and Hobie implied/jokes about being together thing would be weird as f https://twitter.com/sillyabtspiders/status/1666405777009958913?t=ct4kf0PoYIeUHwsP3tsHDQ&s=19
Of course there’s the other video but again that is concept hobie and prowler hobie not even the hobie we See as well as HOBIE is Most likely aged down and based off teen hobie stop bringing it up because it doesn’t matter!!! I’m literally so upset with being called a proshipper and such and it’s actually really stupid that I have to fight on this because everyone other ship is fine except when there both black and queer it’s weird to how much people care and I’m so tired I’m so very tired of it. I literally cannot take it anymore it’s weird you people are just as weird I’m just so upset right now and by the way I’m writing you probably have already seen me post a bit on my main but it’s embarrassing how you all cling to one thing
I feel great comfurt in this ship I do with a lot of dynamics and I don’t even ship punkflower hard I just think it’s cute but the way you people look at soemthing and think “wow proshipper” is insane because eTHATS NOT WHAT IT IS IM SORRY ITS NOT IT MAKES ME SO FRUSTRATED and I can’t tell if it’s cause I’m getting hyper fixated on this or what but I hate when this happens because wir causes so many people stress for no reason but your stupidity
Unless every single director comes out and says that HOBIE is older than 18 and not with Gwen and miles I will delete this and actually admit to it ok I’m not unreasonable I’m angry but that wouldn’t make sense because why would they tease romantic relationship as well as having hobie be with the minor coded charachters all the time
IM SO SORRY IF YOUR STRESSED BY THIS BECAUSE IM THE SAME I JUST FEEL LIKE WE WILL NEVER WIN and it’s so AKWARD I seriously hope that this whole situation gets cleared up and people will be able to ship and have there family dynamics and I’m sorry for anyone who doesn’t wanna see discourse just wanted to finally clear everything up because I know it stresses me out so I can’t imagine how other people feel
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theinvisiblemuseum · 2 years
how about......people demanding wlw rep then never actually engaging with it because the only thing they care about is woke points☕
this really was the wrong day for me to rb this game because i'm seriously genuinely going to be a major cunt about it and i dgaf. that's your warning.
so. here's what i think. in very general terms.
if you don't want to read below the cut (valid) here's all i'll say: stop, actually. i don't want need or care about the megaviral wlw fanfictions of your dreams, because that's not how i choose to engage with fandoms. i already make and engage with the kind of content i want to see which (surprise!) includes a lot of wlw content, but i don't see the need to force moral superiority down people's throats over it. i don't give two shits if anyone other than me is making wlw content. this is fanfiction. fanart. etc. people are allowed to write or engage with whatever they want, HOWEVER if you're throwing a fit over not having enough wlw content and can't name a woman off the top of ur head, that seems like a you problem, idk. basically i choose to actively NOT engage with the type of people screaming crying and pissing themselves over content that already exists that they can't be bothered to look for because appearances and #feminism are all that matters.
if you're here, i'm going to get more cunty, not sorry, you were warned.
the demand for wlw rep is absolutely just dog whistling to seem holier than thou, and like, whatever, most of this shit originates on twitter and tiktok and i've never listened to a word a twitter or tiktok user has said and i won't start now so on the whole i can just put my metaphorical headphones on and tune it out and keep doing my thing, yk? but when it permeates my little den of horror and my brain starts scratching itself, well, i find that sometimes i need to be an asshole and sometimes is right now.
it's not actually a fandom sexism/misogyny issue it's an issue of wanting validation to enjoy certain things, because those things are only cool if the hivemind says so, right? i'm no political expert but i know enough to know that cultlike thought patterns don't lead anywhere good. i've seen zombie movies. i live in america. LOL.
i always joke about how i'd rather die than have my favorite ships become popular (i.e. pandalily, bartydora, lilycissa, etc) but the reason i say that is because a. it breeds discourse that i don't care about, and b. i don't want a bunch of people engaging with content they're not actually interested in just to seem woke or stay on top of trends. it just makes things worse for the people who actually enjoy it.
and while i have your attention, and while i'm being a bitch, wanna know one of the big reasons i think people are crying and whining about the 'lack of wlw rep'? they want other people to care so they don't have to. of course, they don't realize other people already dooooo care, because they're too terrified to sort by anything other than hits on ao3, but that's neither here nor there. no, what they want is for some big strong heavenly god to bite the bullet and characterize these women that, let's be frank, are names on a page and nothing more, so they don't have to. so they can keep on keeping on with the characters they DO care about and toss something around every once and a while about (insert megaviral wlw fic that doesn't exist) to avoid claims of sexism & lesbophobia. AND AS A DISCLAIMER! i don't think people should feel the need to care about a bunch of random characters if they don't want to. once again, this is fanfiction. do whatever the fuck you want. i promise it makes things so much more fun and chill. just because i wanna characterize the shit out of pandora fucking lovegood, i'd never demand anyone else does, and that's the crux of it, isn't it?
this is why it also bugs me when i see posts like 'omg i don't even care who the ship is, i just love sapphics!' or smth along those lines because like, yeah, i love women and i love when women fuck each other and love each other, but i'm not just gonna care about a ship because it's two women. if i did, i'd be more than happy with the pg spoonfed #girlcore sapphic representation in mass media, because half the time it's just two white girls named rachel and brookleighanna whose only defining character traits are that they're gay. nothing more. and sorry, but i'd rather have no wlw content than that. i can't enjoy a ship if i haven't rotated them to hell and back like a rotisserie chicken in my silly little head, often before i've even consumed any content about them. that's the fun of it! i sent like 12 voice messages about a ship i don't even care about that much one time just because i took a shower and had a lot of thoughts. does that mean i'm going to attempt to make them a cornerstone of the Fandom As A Whole and be treated like a celebrity over it? fuck no. i'm just here because i like to have fun and talk to people about characters we all enjoy and create so much lore in my head that only 2 people will ever know about simply because i'm passionate about it and that passion is really enjoyable to me. fandom is a community to me, not a hierarchy, like tiktok or twitter would have you believe, and i think that's what this whole conversation about wlw rep is missing right from the jump. (ta da! i circled back to the point at hand in the end. my tangent had a point!)
yeah so that's my two cents. lol.
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callofdutylorist · 1 year
Speaking of fandom controversy..... i remember when there was an outrage amongst the male gamers when they found out that Kate has a wife. How they literally doubled down and attempted to come up with excuses and "reasons" as to how she said that as a cover up and how she's romantically involved with Price, despite the fact that it's clear that Infinity Ward did it not only to add more depth to her character but also to just not give fanatics any glimmer of hope that there will ever be a romance in CoD games, and they're right. The fact that it wasn't even something shoved into anybody's face nor made a big deal out, bigots were MAD af because a woman isn't interested in a man, let alone Price for that matter.
They're upset that we like GhostSoap, they make "claims" that we ship two straight men, despite the fact that none of these characters really have a personality outside of what they do on the field and chances are it'll stay that way. Imagine saying "straight" because they're both badass men and masculine like they own these characters. In the meantime, fans get fueled because VAs and even the directors of the game support their works. But bigots and fragile minds cannot stand it.
This was sooo ranty and perhaps even inconvenient on my side so i apologize for it but i just had to share how i've seen this community act towards people that just wanna do things that make them happy, and others too.
This is something I've grown more passionate and radical about over the years, as Call of Duty isn't the only FPS I play, and I'm seen very similar outrage occur in Rainbow Six Siege's community (arguably even worse).
It frustrates me, it truly does, and I'm glad the developers are all standing their ground on the matter. Giving out the Stadler (Stich x Adler) banners out for free in CoD Cold War I felt was their own way of flipping the bird toward this unsavory side of the community,
It's unfortunate, and we cannot ignore the homophobia (and other isms) problem in the FPS gaming communities.
Some notable instances for me
The outrage from the lgbt+ banners in Warzone 1
Disgust from Ghostsoap & Stadler shipping
Jumping through mental hoops to justify confirmed lgbt+ characters not being so
Killing players who use specific lgbt+ equipment cosmetics
Referring to said characters as a slur instead of their name/call sign
Whatever the hell is going on with Faze and Faze clan rn
Ragequitting and freaking out when getting best by characters in lgbt+ cosmetics
Harassing popular FPS gamers for coming out of the closet
and more :(
Bigots are illogical human beings they really are. They try to come up with the most outrageous excused so that they can deny the existence of characters like Laswell, Flores, Osa, Pulse, Bell, and more.
For instance the argument against Flores and Osa being in siege is that they don't want "politics" in their anti-terrorism game. Ignoring the existence of Post-Soviet cold war politics, pandemic relations, intercultural discourse, and so I dunno terrorism. (not to mention lgbt+ isn't politics) Like mental gymnastics awards should be handed out for that one.
Don't get me wrong there's been significant improvement in the quality of inclusiveness in FPS communities, and FPS communities have their own form of banter and culture I'm not against. But a fine line does need to be figured out I swear it.
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protectproject · 3 months
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✽ ▬ Just call my name and I'm here for you !
#PROTECTPROJECT : an independent, probably-very-private, & highly selective 18+ portrayal of Anxiety from INSIDE OUT 2. Intruding on the thoughts of Willow ! (est. June 27 2024.) Minors ˎ please don't interact. Non RP blogs welcome; you can stay for the posts, just don't touch my rp stuff. Follows back from @willowshub. Please read rules before interacting (under the cut). This blog is low priority. Spoilers from the film are tagged.
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𝟏. This blog is mutuals only. If I have chosen to follow you, it means I think our muses could have neat interactions together. I will not follow back everyone who follows me. Please do not take it personally!
I am cool with personals/non rp blogs following me, and interaction via anons or chit-chat ooc. I do not do M!.A/magic an.ons though, and will block liberally if I feel like it (of course, I extend you the same courtesy).
𝟐. I am over the age of 25 so would prefer to interact with those 21+ but definitely 18+. So please do not interact with me if you're a minor. I do not do ERP/NSFW here.
𝟑. Typical roleplay etiquette: please do not meta game, godmod, don't take what my character does as a personal attack. All that good stuff.Literally feel free to drop a thread, or send me starters, or plot, or don't. Format or write as much, or as little is as comfy. You never need to explain. I promise, in spite of my anxiety, I try to be chill. I just ask you to be chill and offer me the same in return.
Speaking of, I often silently drop threads and start new ones because my brain be Like That™. But you can always reach out if you wanna continue.
𝟒. DNI stuff: the usual; no proshi.ppers, no bigotry or discourse. If you are a singlemuse blog for the fandom, Jo.jo's Biza.rre Adve.nture, please do not interact. If you are a multi, please tag your posts.
𝟓. This blog likely won't have formatting other than small text and maybe some colour. Please let me know if that bothers you!
𝟔. Since Anxiety is a lil guy personifying An Abstract Concept, I'm pretty open to just doing whatever: making her human, making her someone else's anxiety. Whatevs. I'm not really big into the idea of shipping with her as a heads up- not saying no, just not what I'm looking for.
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juniperhillpatient · 8 months
hey rose, it's heathers anon! been a while! hope you're having a good new year! have you seen the new mean girls?
just wanted to say i saw the post you just made and i wanted to share something that happened last night that really upset me (if that's ok)
remember how i ship janica (janis x veronica) and i realized i really liked shipcest? last night on ao3 two separate people, one after another, made me feel really bad about shipping them (in general), and considering i thought it was a party of one over here it really put me in a bad place.
the first one was a rated g fic with a tag that said "not a ship" and it's like? they didn't tag any relationships in it. romantic OR platonic. so yeah? of course it's not a ship here? no one was thinking that? literally no one? i click on it because it had some things that interested me anyway and the first thing i see is this:
!!!!!!!!NOT A SHIP!!!!!!!! if you ship this please back about 900,000 feet away from me Janis and Veronica are way too far apart in age for any canon ages to work because Veronica is about thirty years older than Janis at any given time so for this story Veronica: 19 Janis: 5
considering they also fucked with the ages for their story to work idk what they're trying to say here. also they made them cousins for some reason.
so that annoyed me and i was ready to write spite fic. but then i decided just close it and quit. but then i was like, no. so i'm writing spite fic.
the other was from a person i already don't like that much on another platform but i stumbled upon their ao3 anyway because i recognized the name. theirs IS a shipfic and i was like oh!! oh okay!!
and then the first thing i see when i opened theirs was this:
Welcome to the second Veranis fic on Ao3 that isn’t a fetish story! No offense to the fetishists, of course, but their work isn’t accessible to most people. [...] This crossover ship used to be my thing, so to speak; in fact, Veranis was my username on every platform for years because of it.
and it's like... there's only 9 fics tagged with this ship. including theirs, 5 are rated t. and the other 3 are m. 7 of those were written by a friend of mine for me. for the longest time the only one was an e-rated work.......... what the fuck are you talking about???
also i think my shipname is better. and i can write better than both of them. idk, i'm just... this ship is already so small, i thought i found more people to get excited about it with even if it's a) with someone i'm not very fond of, and b) without (imo) one of the more interesting aspects of their relationship. instead i feel more alone than ever and it just sucks.
sorry to be a debby downer. hope you're having better luck in your fandoms than i am <3
I find it very strange there are antis for such a small ship let alone that it’s because of age gap discourse when both characters are teenagers in their canon media. ? Also that there seems to be incest discourse when they… aren’t even from the same media let alone related? I mean you can write them as related of course but still…. Idk it’s such an odd, niche thing to try & police people over!
You did the right thing muting them like you mentioned in your other ask. I’d just try to avoid these specific people as annoying as it is to do in a small fandom. Anyway, keep creating the stuff you wanna create & don’t let the haters get you down!
I know you did not ask for advice per se but I would advise against writing spite fic. It’s my opinion that putting that much energy into this kind of discourse sucks the fun out of what’s supposed to be a creative outlet. If you wanna write a fic about Janis & Veronica do it out of love for the characters & your vision for the ship!
I have not seen the new Mean Girls but it seems really cool. My sister who also loves Mean Girls & musicals saw it & really liked it & I like Reneé Rap so I have high hopes 😊
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jojosbabe · 5 years
I have very strong opinions on my fave jojo characters. Or jojo characters in general.
If you do not like my hcs. Or the way i write or do my faves.
Then simply move on. Or even let's change the subject. I do not wanna argue over dumb shit like that.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and views with headcanons and fiction.
I have been through enough fandoms and out of enough fandoms as is.
Just because i have an unpopular opinion. Doesn't mean im invalid.
Either way. Im putting this here because i see a lot of discourse over people's personal interpretations of jojos.
Its dumb. People be fighting over dumb shit. All because i disagree over certain things.
And i don't like people dissing a whole group of people just to make their hcs or ship valid. Thats wrong. Period. Just like what you like. Dont talk trash about a whole group of people. Dont matter if they did something wrong or not. Its not fair. Nor right. It makes you look like a jackasss. Im not trying to be mean. Im trying to speak from what i have observed.
Im saying this because i have seen this a few times before on the discord servers im on.
Most of the time. Everyone is cool. No major problems. But when we have had it. I don't like it and id rather change the subject or drop it. Because that shit gets old with me real quick.
I have gotten legitimate threats from people before for having a difference of opinion on a fictional characters sexuality. It was stupid and just fucking awful.
I got called names and a lot of other nasty things said to me because they can't handle the fact i didn't think a character was literally gay for himself (or his space parasite). XD which was pretty much what they were implying.
I left the fandom not because of jerks. But because i was threatened and it felt toxic not just to my mental health but i physically did not feel safe around these fans.
It was biphobic,nasty and fetishizing af there. Everyone hated everyone who had a different opinion. Its like if you weren't shipping two dudes together and slapping dicks you were the bad guy and the evil one. Thats what they treated you like.
Like most of them unfortunately didn't care the fact i at least tried to reason with them. I even took the step to say fuck you imma do what i want. But they kept throwing shit at me. So i left. Several fandoms. And several things i onced loved i cant anymore. Because bad memories.
However when i found jojos bizarre adventure fans they weren't as bad. Now there are some. But luckily i haven't met many.
I hope it stays that way.
I really do. Because i have been through enough harassment from people.
So im just gonna do what i do. And if people wanna join in. Cool.
If not. Im content making my own content for me. Because im sick of doing nice things for people and trying to interact with fans only for them to spit it back in my face.
Im glad i met the people i did.
Enough ranting today.
Hope y'all have a good day tho
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fivewrites · 8 years
tfw you get told to kill yourself over a ship and with everything that's going on (trump, the blatant double whammy racism/misogyny at school, the homophobic and semi-abusive father) it ... honestly doesn't sound like a bad idea. i get shipping s/eith is wrong but? i don't see them as teenagers? i used to love it and it made me happy but lately with the discourse it's just been adding to the anxiety of everything around me. obv i'm not going to kms over this but it's getting harder.
Oh, damn. That’s rough, buddy.
I’m sorry that happened, and the anxiety thatcaused you. It sucks to walk into a place you enjoy and suddenly runup against someone else’s projected anger.
See, there’s a really interesting thing aboutshippers vs antis this far in the, um, “debate” right now. It’sno longer about communicating with those you disagree with to reach amutual understanding. It’s no longer about trying to convince someone that your ideaology is a better one through discussion and presentation of viewpoints.
It’s become about winning.
And both shippers and antis do this. They both do.So I’m not going to describe one or the other specifically here.
They take their side as a personal projection. Even the given names becomes part of that identity politics. (You are no longer “a person who likes sheith”, you are “a shipper“. A label. An identity attached to you.) Anyattack on that position is seen as an attack on themselves. Thereforeany retaliation becomes instantly personal as well.
“I don’t like what you like” somehow corruptsitself into “I don’t like you”
And there’s very little way to recover from thatonce you start dehumanizing those you disagree with. What’s the pointof trying to bring over to your side someone you don’t like? What’sthe point of treating them with basic human respect and decency?There isn’t much, when you stick to the rational of personal attack.
And pretty soon, “I don’t like you” turns into“You are a bad person for doing the thing you do”
It’s that mindset of irredeemability that is sotoxic in discussion. It’s the idea that you need to dominate yourintellectual opponent, not understand them. And if you cannotdominate them, you must destroy them with terror tactics.
And I’ll say it again. Both sides have engaged inthis. Both sides.
Both sides need to be able to seperate the “whoyou are” argument from “what you do”. I don’t like Sheith, as aconcept, but I’m not going to cyberbully a bunch of teenagers off theinternet because I don’t like it. I’d rather just talk to them aboutwhy I find it bothersome.
Both sides need tolearn to listen instead of shutting down and digging in their heels. Shippers need to stopgetting defensive about the dictionary definitions of pedophilia andstart listening to the reasons why sheith makes antis uncomfortable.Antis need to listen to the ways shippers interpret multiverse and AUtheories and realise that most of them are trying to adjust the worldto fit their creative interpretation, rather than the other wayaround. (I don’t like it, but hey, that’s what they’re doing)
I wanna throw out thisvideo into the void from one of my inspirations on discussingdifficult topics, Jay Smooth. This video is technically about racediscussions, but as a heated topic, I think the point still stands.“Who you are” vs “what you do” is one of the core issues ofthe Voltron fandom’s problems. Just substitute “racist” for“problematic shipping” in this case.
And I want to finish by reitterating that even though I don���t like sheith and shaladin (and I guess a lot of lotor now) content, I still want to extend to you my empathy and warmest regards, because I don’t think anybody deserves to be told to kill themselves over cartoons on the internet.
I hope you’re able to take care of yourself, have a good and relaxing evening, and try not to pass on the hate you recieved on to someone else. It’s gotta stop somewhere. Might as well be with us.
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