#I don't mean to upset or offend anyone with what I've said. I hope my advice can help some of you who are in a rough spot here
mrabubu · 3 months
I'm looking forward ( not really ) to see the leosagi/'leo is gay' stans getting upset over you drawing of Leo liking girls lol
I can already imagine the mental gymnastics those people will say just to make you look 'homophobic' over a freaking hc ( has anyone else forgotten what that word meant atp? ), that even the creators of rise even stated that they never thought about thinking of their own characters' sexuality, so in reality, there's no confirmed sexuality
I swear to God, those type of people made me annoyed with headcanons, and this is coming from someone who is LGBTA+
Honestly, that kind of reaction would only prove my statements.
I mean, these people don't think about how they're making me, others like me or the creators themselves upset or even offended with their behavior and see no problem with how they're sticking their noses into other people's business and practically forcing all these headcanons. (especially in Leo's case and that load of headcanons people are bombing him with. And sometimes I don't even understand some of these, like, I'm sorry if that would offend anyone, but I really don't get where "Leo trans" headcanon even coming from. And checking red eared sliders biology and markings to what people are usually refer to didn't gave me answers either. But I'm not looking into it further anyway).
With creators I've seen a person asked Ron personally about this whole situations, and he said that the team is trying to avoid confirming anything because people already have "the nasty tendency to sexualize them (the turtles and April) anyway", and that they don't want to fuel that fire. And I really hope they will stand by their position.
And you're not alone, anon. Again, I have queer friends and they're also annoyed by this kind of aggressive behavior.
And no matter how much I love Rise, being in the fandom for almost a year been an emotional roller coaster for me. It still is, honestly, but that's why I'm going to stand by my opinions, but not forcing them. All I'm doing is answering questions and being honest with myself. I'm not going to let people make me a door mat.
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nanamikentorp · 24 days
hi admin, i was the one that sent you that mean ask. i want to apologise. i didn't mean to make you upset with my ask, i am sorry if i had offended you in some way. now that i've reread what j sent, i see how i mean i was being. please keep up with what youre doing and ill make sure to be more mindful before sending an ask. i hope you can forgive me <3
Hello anon. Don't worry. There is nothing to forgive. I was not upset, just a bit irked. It was good for me to also clarify what this rp would be like.
Once again, just a reminder, the rp is not being forced on anyone and you can unfollow if you don't like it there's no hard feelings. Please understand Tumblr is a place where you can curate your own experience. If you don't like something you aren't going to be forced to stay. This isn't school, or a shitty job.
But, all of you are welcome here. We're all just getting through life dreaming of our beautiful fictional husband. So whether you send in an ask or you just lurk and read it's all good.
That being said, I will deal with nastiness firmly. Hence my previous reply.
Anyway, take care guys, my inbox is empty, come send asks to Mr Kento all you like.
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
so we talked about this and I always make true on my threats
Please give us the funny coming out story they all have!! We’re they called out??? Did someone walk in on a heavy make out session???
I'm gonna answer these in character
Soap: "So, I actually came out to Price, once, and he just kind of stood there and for a moment I was solidly worried that he may have been homophobic. So I was sweating, right? This man looks me dead in my eyes and goes 'Goddamnit, Mactavish, I fucking know already. You're a whore! I've heard so many damn stories of you hooking up with half the fucking barracks. If you didn't have the damn tags, I'd call you a tag chaser.' So, yeah. Wasn't homophobic, but did slut shame me. I'm sure it was meant affectionately"
Ghost: "I've never came out. I just mention past male partners and no one is shocked. Wondering if I should be offended or not."
Rodolfo: "I have also never came out. Do I have to? I joined the military for one man, stayed for one man, got well known for being entirely loyal to one man... I sound pathetic. Anyway- Oh, wait, I did have to come out to said man. He told me I should flirt with this woman at a bar and I will admit to just staring at him in shock for a solid minute and just... kind of quietly going, 'but I'm gay' and he looked so confused. I have to admit, it made me feel a lot better because I genuinely thought he was ignoring my feelings towards him until this point. He looked embarrassed, too."
Alejandro: "I came out to the Vaqueros about five years ago. I was incredibly drunk, which is never good for me, and I walked right up to Rodolfo, I threw my arm around him, and said, very loudly, in front of all my men, that I was 'gay as fuck' and that he was the prettiest boy I'd ever seen in my entire life. I'm loud when I'm sober, I was... LOUD this time. I thought Rodolfo was about to strangle me from how embarrassed he looked. It worked out for me, though, because we got together shortly after and hey, look at us. We're married, now. I guess the lesson here is to always go for it?"
Price: "I come out every damn day, kid. I have to consistently reassert that I'm gay. My entire team should fucking know at this rate but I repeatedly will mention partners and it goes kind of like this: Me: So, I went to a bar last night and I met this guy- Gaz: Guy?! Me: ...yes. I met this guy and we went home Gaz: To do what?! Me: ...To eat cereal, Garrick! The fuck do you think?! We went back to my place to fuck! So, anyway."
Gaz: "I got outed to the entire school. It wasn't particularly funny, but hey, saved me a lot of trouble. My school was fairly supportive, save for some assholes, so I never had to worry about homophobia. My foster parents did find out, though, and yeah that was not fun."
Graves: "We're supposed to come out? Damn, I just... mention it in casual conversation. If they have a problem with it, they can take it up with my gun."
Valeria: "Apparently it was obvious. I went and told Rodolfo, because I was really upset and worried about it and he laughed at me. Worst part was, I didn't even know he could laugh. He said 'you make it fairly obvious' and then mentioned that I talk about women way too much to even have had a thought about hiding it."
Farah: "Haha, I still haven't came out. You either pick it up or you don't. I think it's funny to watch people guess what I mean when I say 'girlfriend'."
Alex: "I also frequently come out. The most notable time being when I came out to the 141, we're all gay I don't understand why I had to do that, and Gaz immediately went 'I have a chance?!' and then covered his face and turned a deep deep shade of red. He didn't talk to me for a week, afterwards, I hope because he was embarrassed, not because he changed his mind."
Laswell: "I came out in college. I was kind of crazy, so I went to a party and at this point, I was trying to get by without anyone knowing and I just- this girl sat in front of me and she was gorgeous. Gorgeous body, her hair sort of bubbled around her head and it would shake when she moved, and she would laugh super loud and big and it was so gorgeous. And I remember I was so drunk that I blurted out of nowhere 'fuck, I'm so gay' and she just started laughing. Anyway, a two for one deal because that's how I met my wife, guys."
Roach: I more got told. When I was 12 this guy came up to me and was like 'you're gay by the way' and then just... walked away. Fucker was right, but goddamn.
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
Better half of me - Yosuke Todoroki x Oya!reader
a/n: Hi, it's been a long time :/ Im not sure this one cause while writing this i really was struggling so much :( It was better in my mind i guess. Anyways, here it is. I hope you like it xjdkkf
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: fight, injuries
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Oya High School was noisy as usual. Everyone was discussing the fight that took place yesterday, quite cheerfully together.
There was a fight with one of the high schools in the vicinity and Oya was the winner. Fujio was happily talking about the most interesting incident of the fight.
Y/n was Oya's only female student. She wasn't as strong as the others, but she was always trying her best.
Usually in fights or in danger, her friends would protect her and watch over her. But in the last fight, y/n looked quite confident and strong.
"It's really good to see her getting stronger"
When Fujio said to y/n with a big smile, Shiba put his arm around Y/n's shoulder and laughed;
"I even saw that she was protecting Tsuji at one point. But he never admits it."
When everyone laughed, Tsuji also shook his head and laughed. 
Y/n was happy to see that her friends trusted her. She was trying very hard not to be a burden to them.
"I guess you don't have to worry about her every moment anymore."
Y/n knew the owner of this voice very well.While everyone was quite happy, Todoroki's cold and suggestive voice brought a deep silence.
There was a problem between Todoroki and Y/n that no one knew about.Neither of them would talk about it. In fact, everyone was aware of something. It was no secret that Y/n liked him but no one could understand why Todoroki was being so harsh and mean towards her.
Y/n broke the silence and slid forward under Shiba's arm and smiled.Fujio knew very well how hurt she was. Anyone there could see it when they looked into her eyes.
"Speak clearly what you mean, Todoroki."
When y/n asked, Todoroki got up from his seat and faced y/n.He was still with his usual cold stare.
"Everyone worries about you in every fight. I've told you many times not to come to fights, but you don't listen. One day someone will get hurt because of your stupidity."
"Oi Dorokki, shut up." 
Fujio shouted at Todoroki's harsh words.He knew the two of them were always nervous but he doesn't want to see how upset y/n was.
"Fujio... it's okay."  Fujio looked at her in surprise as Y/n smiled
"He's right, he's telling the truth. I'm not strong, you always have to protect me. But there's something I'm wondering about."  Y/n took a few steps closer to Todoroki "Why do you hate me so much Todoroki? I really don't understand. What's wrong? What could I have done to make you hate me so much?"
Everyone was aware of the hurt in Y/n's voice.  When Todoroki remained silent, y/n shook her head and quickly left the school.Tsuji and Shiba looked at Todoroki in disappointment for a moment and then followed y/n.
"You really are a bigger ass than me, Todoroki"
When Yasushi said angrily, Fujio looked at Todoroki
"Go apologize to her, Todoroki, what you did was really unnecessary."
Todoroki looked around for a while and left angrily.Sometimes he didn't understand why he did it either.He didn't hate Y/n, he loved her. He knew she loved him, but he had clearly closed the issue and hadn't told anyone.
Todoroki knew he had enemies, he knew that y/n was in danger.Although he repeatedly told her to drop out of school, she refused, and this was starting to worry Todoroki more and more each day.  He wanted her to be safe so much that he was willing to break her heart.
What he did was stupid, but he thought that if she hated him or could intimidate her, he would go to another school and she would never see him again.
But he was very wrong.
Y/n was offended by him, the pain in her heart was increasing day by day.Sometimes she really couldn't figure out what she had done to deserve so much hate. And instead of giving up, it only made her more ambitious.
Even two days after the incident, Todoroki was silent.This silence was reflected in his surroundings.Y/n, on the other hand, wa pretending the others as if it was okay, even if she wasn't talking to him.
When Y/n walked out of the grocery store after school, she didn't expect to see Todoroki. When she saw his walking briskly in the opposite direction of his house, she felt that he was doing something mysterious.
She secretly followed him for a while, when she walked into a garden of a school, she was sure that he was going to meet someone. She followed him silently and sneaked in after him when he entered the school gym.
Todoroki was arguing with someone, she was hiding behind the closet by the door, listening to them.  But someone noticed her and dragged her by the arm, bringing her near Todoroki.  Todoroki was looking at her in surprise, she didn't know who the person he was talking to was, but she was sure he wasn't his friend.
"You... Y/n what the hell are you doing here?"
Todoroki's voice sounded angry.Actually, he was just scared.
"I didn't expect you to bring your girlfriend to the fight, Todoroki-kun."
At the boy's words, Todoroki turned to him.He wasn't scared for himself, he had come here knowing it was a trap, but now y/n was with him.
"Todoroki... I..."
Y/n didn't know what to say.This time it was really her mistake, but  it's too late now.
Todoroki was looking at the boy in front of him.  What is gonna happen? Are they gonna fight?  Could he protect Y/n? Why does he look so confident ?
Just then, he realized that behind the leader, someone had cut a rope. When he looked up at the ceiling and saw the rope and wooden pallets above, he knew it was too late.He needed to think fast, he turned to her and quickly pulled her, collapsed onto y/n and they were both under the pallets now...
When Todoroki opened his eyes, he noticed the weight on him and the girl he was protecting under him. Even though he had protected Y/n from the pallets, he had fallen over her. It was quite difficult, but he tried to stand up and dropped the pallets on his back to the ground. He quickly got up and looked at y/n.
Her eyes were closed, her arm was bleeding, and she was unconscious.He was sure she had hit her head.
Todoroki felt his whole body aching.But he was so scared that he couldn't care. He gently shook her, and when she didn't wake up, he called the ambulance. He knew they both had to go to the hospital.
Both were in a good condition.They were kept in the hospital tonight for safety purposes only.In the morning, Tsukasa, Fujio, Tsuji and Shibaman had arrived at the hospital.After all of them checking out Todoroki first, all but Tsukasa left to check on y/n.
"You're lucky, you both survived with only minor injuries."
Todoroki nodded at Tsukasa's touch.He didn't know what to say
"Y/n... why was she with you?"
"I don't know! Damn I don't. I don't know how she found out, why she came, how I was so careless. I... I never wanted her to get hurt."
As Todoroki's voice trembled, Tsukasa sat next to him and patted his shoulder.
"Todoroki... You care about her too. I know that very well. Then why are you so cold towards her?"
Todoroki took a deep breath.
"I care about her. It's not like what she thought, I never hated her. I just wanted to protect her. I thought she'd be safe if she was away from me, if I hurt her, if i break her heart, if she dropped out of school..."
Tsukasa nodded and there was silence for a while. A few minutes later, the others joined them again.Tsuji spoke with an angry tone.
"Y/n looks good. I mean physically."
Everyone in the room understood Tsuji's hint.  Even though Tsuji and Shibaman were always there for Todoroki, they never liked the way he treated y/n. This time they both looked quite angry.
For a while no one spoke.Todoroki sighed and rested his head on the headboard.
"It's because of me. That's why I'm trying to keep her away. She's hurt because of me. It could have been worse. They could have targeted her. I care about her, damn i do. So I broke her heart even though she was hurt, i always did it for her safety."
For the first time, Todoroki was very clear about his feelings, so the others were a bit surprised as well.  But Tsukasa understood him from the very beginning.
Still, this stupid plan shouldn't have continued when Y/n was this upset and they both loved each other.
"Todoroki, talk to her. I'm serious. Tell her how you feel, what you think. You've hurt her enough."
Todoroki shook his head when Fujio said it seriously
"I can't, she'll be hurt more every time she's with me."
"Every time you make her cry, it will be worse. She will make more mistakes, she will suffer more. Don't you understand? She really loves you, she came there for you without even thinking."
For the first time, Tsukasa had raised his voice.  He knew what Todoroki was trying to do, but that wasn't the solution.They both needed to talk to each other properly
After a while, Todoroki left the room and went to y/n's room. When he looked through the window part of the door, he saw that she was crying with her knees pulled up to her and her head on her knees.
He had known y/n for a long time.She was quite emotional, but she didn't like it when someone saw her cry. She hated being weak.
And Todoroki had always told her that she was weak...
He slowly opened the door but y/n didn't notice. He approached the bed, stood there and thought for a few seconds.
When he did what he wanted to do, his body had acted independently.
Y/n was startled with fear when suddenly someone hugged her, but she immediately knew who it was. She was shocked, unable to react at all.She still didn't know what to do when Todoroki whispered quietly.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry a thousand times Y/n. I never meant to make you cry."
Her body tensed even more as a sob escaped her lips involuntarily.Todoroki hugged her even tighter. Y/n spoke with a shaking voice
"Why ?"  Todoroki looked at her in surprise.  "I just want to know why... Why do you hate me? You know. You know very well. You know I love you. But is that a valid reason to hate?"
Todoroki was now realizing how much he had hurt her all this time. He wanted to kill himself when he noticed the sadness in her voice.
"Y/n... I don't hate you. I really don't. I..."
Todoroki didn't know how to finish his sentence.  When Y/n looked up at him, her red eyes and trembling lip had devastated Todoroki.
He lowered his head and tried to speak in a low voice.
"I am sorry."
Y/n looked at him confused this time
"I just wanted to protect you. I never intended to be a mean bastard towards you. I thought if I kept you away from me, if I upset you, you would get away from Oya and all this trouble... I was stupid y/n... sorry. I mean, really sorry."
Y/n knew it was the first time she had seen him like this.He is for the first time so sincere, so gentle. She knew he was telling the truth, and it made her want to cry even more.
Todoroki was aware that the young girl was staring at him without any reaction, it made him very nervous.
Y/n took a deep breath.She looked into the eyes of the young boy. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say. Todoroki, on the other hand, was quite daring.Today he wanted to reveal everything.
"I wanted to keep you away from me because I didn't want you to get hurt like this. But it's too late now. I failed to protect you."
The young boy looked at her in surprise as Y/n extended her bandaged hand to Todoroki's.With warm fingers touching his cold ones, the young girl turned her eyes to him.
"I love you Todoroki, really i do. I know you don't feel the same way but-"
A sudden move, an unthinkable decision. A warm and sweet kiss.Todoroki has never been good with words.
Y/n was staring at him in surprise as the young boy slowly broke away from her.Todoroki smiled faintly and gently took the hand that touched his fingers and took it between both of his hands.
"Will you let me protect you while I'm with you? Can you forgive me despite everything i did?"
Y/n slowly nodded as Todoroki leaned towards him again.This time, y/n knew well what was going to happen, slowly closed her eyes and surrendered herself to the warm feeling of the boy she loved...
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx @satraninalane
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Ominis: Sebastian, please listen to me!
* Ominis tried to keep up with his friend, who had gone far enough from the house to reach an old tree near the river *
*Sebastian finally stopped and turned to see him, still with his annoyed expression*
Sebastian: I'm not interested in what you have to tell me. I know what I saw, ominis.
*Ominis breathed tired and then answered*
Ominis: I know, I kissed Anne. But I only did it because she really wanted to experience what a kiss was like for once in her life.
Sebastian: You are shameless, ominis.
Ominis: Sebastian, you know me! I would never play with something like that! * he exclaimed desperately and then under his sad gaze * with each passing day Anne loses more hope of healing * I shake my head embarrassed * And when he asked me this, I couldn't just say no. I feel like I would have regretted it later.
*Sebastián looked at him seriously and in that he got closer to him. He couldn't help but feel annoyed even with that explanation. Besides, he couldn't believe that ominis thought that Anne had no cure, and that she would one day leave them. However, his annoyance easily increased when he remembered the image of the two of them kissing, but why?
Sebastián: Me, I can understand why Anne wanted to do it. But still, tsk, it annoys me that you got in so easily, plus I know we'll find a cure soon, you two are rushing!
Ominis: Sebastian
Sebastian: Anne will be cured, she will return to Hogwarts and she will be able to meet other boys, I'm sure.
Ominis: And if it isn't?
Sebastian: I know it will be like that. Don't start with your negativity, Ominis.
*Ominis sighed resignedly and nodded slowly. Actually he didn't have as many hopes as Sebastian, he was more realistic. However he knew he couldn't make him change his mind *
Sebastian: Well?
Ominis: What?
Sebastian: Do you like it, Anne?
Ominis: Of course not! I mean, it's not that I dislike it. I like it, but not in a romantic way. Anne has always been like a sister to me.
Sebastian: Mm, good. Then don't you dare kiss her anymore, got it? Even if she asks you for that, or something more intimate...
The ominis face reddened again with shame. How could he think that?
Ominis: Sebastian, by Merlin. Don't be so rude. I would never do
Sebastián: If you were so willing to kiss her, who knows what else!
Ominis: You don't have to worry about anything, Sebastian. This will not be repeated... *he said honestly*
Sebastián: I hope so... And did you like the kiss?
Ominis: What? And now why do you ask me that? *asked nervously*
Sebastian: Just answer.
Ominis: Me, I don't know, I don't mean anything. maybe?
Sebastian: Maybe?
Ominis: It was just a simple kiss. No feelings involved. It was nice, but strange at the same time * he confessed * And I won't say more.
*Sebastián felt strange, he didn't even know who he was upset with*
Sebastian: Fine, so you don't feel anything for her. She's a relief *he said out loud*
Ominis: Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't know that you would think that she was such a bad option for Anne * the blond said somewhat offended *
* Sebastian realized what he had said. But now he couldn't stop. A strange feeling was making him say nonsense nonsense *
Sebastián: Of course you are a terrible option. In fact, she didn't think you were good enough for her, or for anyone else!
"No. Why the hell did I say that?"
*There was a long silence. And the voice of ominis sounded hurt*
Ominis: Really, is that what you think of me?
Sebastián: Me, don't ominis, I'm sorry, I don't know why
Ominis: I think I've heard enough, Sebastian. You made it very clear that I'm too little for everyone. I better go *he raised his wand and started running away*
Sebastian: No, wait ominis!
"No. What am I doing?"
* Desperate he threw a Trip Jinx at him causing him to stumble and fall on the grass. his wand flew away *
Sebastian: Ominis, I'm sorry! *he ran to the boy, trying to explain his confused feelings*
Ominis: Ugh, get away from me!
* From his fall he hurt his knee and now he was desperately crawling forward, trying to find his wand to see *
Sebastián: Please ominis, I didn't want to
*Sebastián was behind him, following him and trying to calm him down. He now he felt terrible about this.
Sebastian: Ominis!
* Fortunately, Ominis managed to find his wand and when he felt Sebastian touch his he turned his shoulder on the ground and pointed his wand at her *
Ominis: Depulso!
* The teenager's body flew into a tree, colliding with his back and falling to the ground in pain. He immediately tried to go after him, but stopped when he saw him running out of sight *
Sebastian: Tsk... I think I'm jealous... *he lowered his head in embarrassment*
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futbofurbo · 7 months
Deleted all my posts because of the malicious messages from anons lately. It shifted my perspectives on my presence and participation in this digital space. I always delete those and never post them because they just don't deserve the space or attention. It wouldn't be honest for me to say that those never upset us even if we already know that most of them are submitted by disgusting anons plus some fans who have maybe taken the whole parasocial relationships to harmful levels. I can’t empathise with hateful anons because I’ve only ever sent anon messages to mutuals to lowkey tell them that I appreciate their existence, and that they make me laugh. I’m also cringe and incoherent when I do it. Full of emojis obviously. Those disgusting anons said I went too far with my jokes about specifically men. Honestly what they've sent actually reads like whatever is the opposite of backhanded compliments, but still completely disgusting. Backhanded insults?
Those anons obviously didn’t attach any links so I don’t even know which are the ones that got them so rattled. I have two most likely guesses. First being the comical series of pics of Son Heung Min which were obviously done affectionately. If I ever were to go too far with it, @steeple-sinderby-wanderers would be the first to tell me off. It’s her favourite you know. I was not joking in my pinned post that I posted previously about wanting to see him win ballon d'ors and whatever else he wants in the future, so why would I ever try to offend or hurt a footballer I think so highly of? I honestly hope it was not because of those. A big reason why I love “sportsblr” is because it is not connected or linked to any official accounts of footballers or their clubs. It also just doesn't make sense that a professional player would scroll through "sportsblr". It has the vibe of like an old skatepark the girlies just feel sentimental about almost.
My second guess is that it’s because of the one about James Maddison's victory over that inferior one? I can't even bring myself to call him a footballer. If those anons were triggered by that one, then happy days, because I don’t even care about that. Because the only thing I worry about is accidentally offending and hurting footballers that I am actually a fan of. The ones that actually give everlasting meaning and beauty to the sport. The ones whose glorious moves make history. If the hate came from the fans of Son Heung Min or other footballers that I support, then I've got to say, if it's not already obvious, that I never meant to offend or insult anyone with regards to that. I’m not apologising, simply clarifying. I have nothing to apologise for so it would be very silly for me to do so.
The purpose of this note is to explain the deletion of my posts. I don't think I will be posting anything any time soon which may be a good thing because whenever I watch football with people they get annoyed at me for using my phone a lot to check what the girlies on “sportsblr” have said about anything. I’ll still to do it obviously, but with a little less participation and interaction. I don't have any friends who are Tottenham fans which is honestly a little frustrating, and the reason why I get so attached to “spursblr”. I don't need it like I need I don't know coffee, but it's still nice you know. The fans on other platforms just don't do it like "sportsblr". The cutest ones mingle here.
I’ll continue watching and supporting all the FCs and players that I support even though I won’t be posting, for now. I’ll always come back COYS. I know futbofurbo never writes in a proper way like this, but it’s still her, it’s me, just without my silly cat persona. I just didn’t want to discount any seriousness by using cute emojis.
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eosthedumpling · 8 days
So I (finally) managed to make an appointment for my 2nd ADHD-test (the result of the first one basically said "can't be diagnosed definitely, please take an ADS-test and try again), which was a bit of a hassle because, well,
which makes it hard for me to remember stuff, like, for example, making appointments.
It's been a few weeks, and I got the results today.
I have 3 diagnoses:
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The first one we already knew about: Autism, Asperger's to be exact (yes, that's not a separate diagnosis anymore in the US, yes, I wish that was the case here as well, yes, that (allegedly) is about to change)
The second one was to be expected: ADHD. Yes. That's why I was there.
Now the third one, the third one is a problem: Transsexuallity.
"Why is that a problem?", you ask?
Well, for one, I think it's not ok to classify that as a mental disorder, that's just mean.
But the real ticker is
I'm not trans.
And this isn't a "crack my egg" realization moment, either, it's just. Not true?
Am I a hyper feminine woman? No. I'm autistic, ffs, I don't understand all those unnecessary rules of femininity, lots of women's clothes are not just plain uncomfy, they give me sensory issues. I'm about to throw out all my t-shirts (that are my size, I'm keeping the baggy ones) because I realised that I don't like having fabric in my armpits (which means all tank tops with tight arm holes also have to go), and I don't wear wire bras unless it's a Special Occasion™.
Did I shave off my hair completely about 3,5 months ago and am currently wearing it in a "typically male" style (short in the back and on the sides, longer and all sticky-uppy on top)? Yes, and so are tons of neurospicy women on the internet, but when I think of myself I still picture long hair, I only did it because it's something that should be on everyone's bucket list imo, as should growing you hair out real long (and my hair was at a really annoying length - to long for man bun, to short to braid, so it was a good time to do it).
Did I just start an apprenticeship as a carpenter, a very physical-exercise-intense, typically male profession? Yes, and am I the only girl in our group of new apprentices? ALSO YES, BUT WHAT DOES LIKING WOODWORKING HAVE TO DO WITH MY GENDER IDENTITY????
Did I tell the psychologist that I can somewhat empathise with people who get upset if someone uses the wrong pronouns for them, because I have an unusual first name that (uneducated) people tend to mistake for a man's name (I'm named after a Greek goddess, ffs, godDESS), so I get letters and emails addressed to Mr. eosthedumpling, which is why I've started adding "(she/her)" to my email signature? YES!!!
So what happened? Where did he get confused? When did being gender-nonconforming start automatically meaning you're trans? When did not liking the way I, as a woman, am treated in a patriarchal society start automatically meaning I must be trans?
I have boobs.
I like them.
I have a vagina.
I like her.
I have a uterus.
I like her, too (the periods we need to talk about, but I'm afraid she won't budge on that for the next 3 decades or so).
I don't have a penis.
I'm... not mad about it? Kinda indifferent about it? Would take one if offered out of curiosity, but only if it comes with a switch-back function (that maybe includes switching the "having boobs" buff on and off whenever I want, don't get me wrong, I love them and I'm not giving them up for anything less than saving my life, but they can be uncomfortable and annoying sometimes)?
So yeah.
Im not sure where I was going with this but I guess we have arrived.
Thanks for patiently reading this kinda long-ish post, hope you had fun on the ride, and I hope I didn't somehow accidentally offend anyone or hurt anyone's feelings, this really only is about me, if you experienced any of the things listed above on your trans journey that's perfectly valid, it's just.... I don't believe your interests and your gender identity have to influence each other in any kind of way, it's ok to play with Barbie dolls AND Hotwheels, it's ok to like blue AND pink (or neither, or only the "wrong" one), it's ok to enjoy cooking and cleaning AND chopping wood and fixing cars or whatever gendered activities you can think of, and if anyone tells you otherwise they've probably been conditioned by society to believe that, have mercy on them
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theharrowing · 10 months
uh forgive me if this is a sensitive topic (i really do not mean to offend) but a couple months back you came up on that tea blog and the thing the person said about you seemed not only to be really weird but also really untrue. at the time your anons was off so i couldn't ask about it, and i guess i assumed that you didn't post about it for a reason, but i am wondering if there is a reason why? it seems like often people who are posted about there just ignore it but it seems weird to me that people aren't doing more to defend themselves? (if i missed a post tho, i apologize. i kept looking at your archive but didn't ever saw one.)
hello, anon!!! sorry it has taken me a while to respond to this one!
this isn't a sensitive topic so much as a convoluted one. but since some time has passed, i can do my best to answer you and hope that it does not spark anyone to continue the harassment train.
in short: the recent post about me was a lie. and i didn't defend myself because doing so with the people who post to that site only encourages them to post more hate. i also didn't want to bring it up because what she said was so disgusting imo that i didn't want to lead more people to seeing it. that is the main reason why most of us don't say anything until months later.
it all sprung from someone upset because we very briefly became pretty close and i confided in her some worries and insecurities i have, and then she showed her colors of being someone who i do not feel safe being friends with, and when i unfollowed, it angered her. she attempted to spew anon hate to me and to my friends, being homophobic, transphobic, and racist. (and i don't mean racist as in targeting white writers like she did in her anon to that blog; i don't believe in reverse racism. she was being racist to BIPOC and Asian writer friends.)
i can guarantee that nobody who posts to that blog who is upset about or divulging things they have seen in a group chat has ever been invited into a group chat. it is always people who are angry because they are not trustworthy enough in the first place, and are never invited.
re: the rest, no i do not talk in super secret group chats about people's dick sizes in that way. i am actually more demi than i think people realize, and talking candidly about genitals is something that kinda grosses me out haha. yes, i have posted publicly about yoongi having big balls and wanting to be smothered, but that's pretty much where i draw the line because i don't like to judge/critique real people's genital size or shape; it leads to a whole can of worms with body shaming that makes me extremely uncomfortable.
i think that because i have talked openly about being in the kink/bdsm scene and even working as a sex worker for a large part of my 20s, people think i am very sex-crazed/a person who has a lot of sex. the truth is, i have slowed down a LOT in my 30s, and my outlook on sex outside the of realm of it being transactional is quite different. i appreciate it more as an abstract concept, these days, and use my experience plus a lot of exaggerating to write fictional stories about fictional characters. the only reason my fic characters are described as having big dicks is because i assume that's what readers of fanfic want. i've only been in this scene for 2 years, and it seems overwhelmingly what people write and desire.
all that being said, if i have ever said anything (publicly or privately) that has made anyone uncomfortable, i am truly sorry. and if anyone is ever comfortable with talking to me, i would love to talk about it, but i understand why that might not be an option.
i try to be candid when approached so if you have more questions, i can do my best. i don't like to get into more specifics of this one because i actually have Korean family and it's not something i share here because i have had strangers online act really weird/gross about it (like wanting to see pictures of a male relative and know things about them) so it's something i hold close to my chest and don't open up about.
it means a lot to me that you saw it and did not believe it. 💜💜💜
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mcalhenwrites · 10 months
Rambles - some writing and personal shit combined.
Okay so I'm reading up on Joyland bc I've been thinking a lot about how much I love broken-down amusement parks in horror, and I'm thinking of using one in a story. I didn't realize the carousel at Botannica is actually the one from Joyland, after it was restored! I also had a friend who was sad to hear that the wooden rollercoaster was torn down years ago, bc they're rare and I think she was hoping they'd repair it or at least preserve it? (She loves rollercoasters.) Then there's the horrifying thing about Louie the Clown being stolen and being found in a sex offender's house, and honestly that creeps me out, but that fucking clown creeped me out as a kid - and I'm not just saying that because of who stole him. Anyway, it uh... led to me thinking about that time, years ago, that I got kicked out of my house during a tornado watch bc I offered to make a side dish for my brother's birthday dinner. Yes. Seriously. My dad wanted a side dish with the hamburgers, my mom said, "I never make one!" and I offered to make one, and my mom went hysterical about how "I NEVER MAKE ONE DO NOT CATER TO HIM" and all that and I was stupid enough to defend myself like, "there's nothing unreasonable about what I just offered?" and just. Yeah. She told me to get the fuck out. (My dad is actually a huge asshole, leagues worse than my mom, but she has her fucking moments. I'm still fucking baffled bc she did make side dishes in the past, we get sides when we ORDER burgers??? Reality was not a thing that day, I guess.) So I left with her screaming and cursing at me. Walked quite a while. All the fuck the way to Joyland, in light rain, during a tornado watch. And thought I might uh. Break in? And find shelter? I had money, but I had like... the check for my tax return but not a lot of cash, wasn't sure where I was supposed to cash that in to pay for a hotel, but also I was worried if I tried to break into Joyland, I'd get arrested. So I walked back home, and my mom was like, "I didn't mean it, I can't believe you actually thought I meant you should leave." :) :) :) Is anyone really surprised why I write shitty parents regularly? :D (I actually had to inform them the kitchen sink is flooding the floor tonight, my dad yelled at my brother for getting it wet during dishes and it turns out there's a fucking LEAK. I'm so fucking mad about it, I wish my brother could get the fuck out.) Anyhow, I'm incorporating this into a story, maybe the new one, maybe a short story, but I'm leaning toward the new one bc Hervey is into horror. (While also being easily scared and having nightmares afterward...) This does all make me glad I'll be finally rid of this bullshit after Dec 6 tho~ I hope I can write a few happier things again once I'm not living here/dealing with stress at a constant. I miss that. I seem to have gotten into a rut of writing mostly upsetting shit/dark fiction, and I want to keep that up - my work is always going to be dark - but sometimes it's also nice to write silly fluff and kink and these days I just don't have it in me to do so :(
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serodev · 3 years
Hello :) I really enjoy your blog and I was wondering if I could request a headcanon for the Main Trio (aka Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke) and the hashiras.
Uhm well I've seen people asking how would they react if they have a s/o who's foreign, so I wanted to make something similar but a little more specific. So how would they react if they have a s/o who's Brazilian? Y'know brazil and japan are very different culturally and stuff, their s/o (they/them or she/her pronouns) is very extrovert, friendly, excited and just a very good person to be around, they're always trying to be friends with everybody and everyone feels comfortable with them because of how much warm and nice they are, imagine that they have a dark brown skin and even when people make fun of them or treats them poorly because of their appearance they never let evident that they're offended. It's very hard to tell whenever they're sad because they're always making jokes about their own feelings because they think it makes them look stronger, but deep inside they're a crybaby but they'll never admit it. I always hear people saying Brazilians have the prettiest smiles so let's say their smile is actually gorgeous and they're almost always smiling, since they try to be the emotional support for their partner. They have a hard time trying to say people's name, like they can't say almost anyone's name because they tend to emphasize a certain syllable, like RengoKU or InoZUke, they're very self conscious about it and if someone tries to correct them they'll be super embarrassed and won't say the people's name for weeks
Oh just a funny info, they always laugh whenever they hear something with "ku" (because ku/cu means butthole in portugues) like "Rengoku"
Okay sorry if it's a weird request please don't make fun of me :') oh I hope you understand what I said! Anyways have a nice day💕
Warnings: None!
Pairing: Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke x gn!reader
Note(s): I'm not sure if you've read my pinned post, but I don't sadly write for female readers. That being said, I hope you don't mind it being gender-neutral! That way, everyone gets a chance to enjoy these headcanons!
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» Tanjiro's definitely happy to spend time with you because there aren't enough positive people in this world, so he's going to enjoy having you around! He's also pretty interested in your culture due to the differences, and he finds your darker skin fascinating.
» Of course, you being a crybaby won't fly over Tanjiro's eyes (or, in this case, nose), so he notices the way you might get upset when people make fun of you. That being said, he's going to do his best to lift your mood up!
» I'm not sure if you're going to have troubles pronouncing Tanjiro's name, but if you do, he won't be mad! He's actually kind of happy that he gets to teach you how to pronounce Japanese letters!
» Okay, let's be fair, he's actually delighted to help you because it means that you get to teach him some words in your native language as well!
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» Zenitsu is going to be a bit weirded out at first because you rarely see dark-skinned people in Japanese. (It was definitely weird in the 1900s), so you have to put up with his weary glances at first.
» Zenitsu gets used to you pretty quickly, though, thanks to your uplifting personality, so you don't have to worry about him too much! However, just like Tanjiro, Zenitsu notices that you can be a crybaby when it comes to certain things.
» From crybaby to crybaby: He's got you. You two probably end up crying together more than once, but hey, at least you have someone to vent to, right?
» The thing Zenitsu is likely the most interested about is your looks because you look a lot different than a typical Japanese person does. It's not a bad thing, though!
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» I hate to say this, but Inosuke's going to be so weirded out when he sees you the first time because what are you? Who are you? Why do you look like that?
» Of course, there's nothing a good slap to the back of the head can't fix, so Inosuke gets used to you pretty quickly. However, I would say that there's going to be another problem, and it's the fact that he gets a bit too interested in you.
» I know it's annoying, but please try to give Inosuke a chance to check you out. He's just really curious to see a person who's really bubbly and who looks like you!
» That being said, Inosuke brings up a lot of things that differ from him, like the way you pronounce his name, the way your hair looks, etc.
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Author's note: I hope you enjoyed these headcanons! I have to say that I felt a bit intimidated by the amount of text you sent my way, but it wasn't too bad once I got to work!
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peekbackstage · 4 years
Thanks so much for sharing your perspective. I've found your posts very informative and appreciate your time and effort. I saw you mention something about XZ's team not doing a great job responding to the situation, though of course they aren't to blame for it. If you don't mind, would you share your thoughts on what a better response might have looked like, and what impact it might've had if they'd done things differently?
One of the things that stands out most to me is how unprepared XZ Studio was when dealing with a PR crisis. It seems to me like they most likely did not have a strong social media team at the time who would have been tracking any trends or conversations associated with XZ. (By the point at which 227 happened, XZ Studio had already been established for about five months.)
It is pretty standard to track your artist’s name and keep an eye on trending topics, especially to get in front any major issues. As 227 began to develop, had XZ Studio been tracking the development on social media, they could have potentially defused the situation very quickly when the big call to action first emerged from XZ fans to report a fanfic to the government. It was so out of hand, and there was no statement from either the company or the artist that it seemed as though both were complicit in allowing it to continue, which is precisely why so many antis emerged, incensed against XZ’s apparent lack of action to rein in his fans and guide them appropriately. 
Much of the backlash that occurred against XZ and his fans is because there was no initial response when the call to action first appeared - they could have essentially stopped it before it got too far and prevented AO3 and Lofter from getting banned. A simple statement from the artist and the management company to defuse everything could have potentially stopped the movement in its tracks, with the amount of influence XZ does have over his fans.
When things did go sideways, there still was no statement or even an apology from management or XZ, who was being criticized for the actions of his fans. Though it wasn’t his fault (technically), the ways in which his fans behave reflected poorly upon him as an artist and an influencer. Had he taken “responsibility” immediately and apologized, it might not have gone so far as a boycott against him that resulted in so many brands dropping him. 
What I think a better response would have looked like once 227 occurred would have been this:
1. Immediately issue a PR statement condemning the actions of the fans and take responsibility for not initially “guiding” fans properly. Apologize on behalf of the company, the fans, and the artist. Statement should also include a note that states the offending content is merely fiction and that there is no truth to the story. There is no reason to be upset over something that is not true or defamatory, as it is imaginary. (This would essentially be a coded statement denying a certain relationship to begin the process of dissociating and creating a different narrative.) 
2. Artist should issue a statement condemning the actions of the fans and apologizing as well. Call to action for any fans who might continue to act out to behave appropriately. Remind fans that fiction is not real, and to stop acting out against something that is imaginary. 
3. Meet with Weibo privately. Ask them to help with community management to ban accounts that are breaking their TOS. Do this very early on in the process. Also, invest a good deal of money to hire an entire social media management team or a company to heavily monitor Weibo and aggressively report accounts that are engaging in defamatory behavior and potentially breaking Weibo’s TOS. Take legal action against anyone who is actively breaking the law. 
4. Book an interview with a large media outlet or a well-known media personality. Allow and even encourage questions about the incident. Artist should condemn the actions of the fans who caused the incident and apologize to the public for their behavior. Artist should also say something like, “The story is fake/imaginary/fiction/not real.” (Saying something like that more or less demonstrates how dumb all of this is.) I am assuming that questions won’t be asked about AO3/Lofter being placed behind the Great Firewall due to China censorship. 
5. Dissociate from anything and everything that might allow others to continue associating the artist with the incident. In XZ’s case, that means dissociating from WYB, because he’s associated with said incident given the fact that this was all caused by a fanfic. Put a moratorium on kadians and any other potential “interactions” that would allow fans to continue to have “content” to discuss on Weibo. The point here is to change the narrative - this way antis won’t also have content they can use to criticize XZ.
6. While this is happening, call all brands and schedule meetings. Attempt to rescue the brand deals. For brands who are very unhappy, offer a contract revision to suspend the contract terms for a set amount of time (such as four months) to see if the issue blows over. (It’s better to put it on hold than it is to have to try and get a new brand deal, especially once the brand’s annual sponsorship monies have already been allocated for the year.)  
Potentially work with third party PR team to circulate rumors among XZ’s fanbase that he is losing brand deals to create urgency for a counter-campaign against antis trying to boycott XZ’s brands. If there are just as many people calling brands to support XZ as there are calling for a boycott, then it would potentially be a 50/50 toss up as to whether or not a brand deal manages to be saved. This might also lead to a surge of sales for all of XZ’s brands, which would then maybe demonstrate to the brands that XZ shouldn’t be dropped.
7. Track sentiment/feedback once all of the above has been completed. If all of the above didn’t help at all, create new action plan which might include withdrawing the artist from all activity for a set amount of time. 
So there you have it. Maybe a response like the above could have potentially ended up with a different outcome for XZ. Maybe it wouldn’t have helped at all and everything would have still been just as bad. We’ll never actually know. 
What I hope is that XZ now has a better team who can handle issues like this in the future, and that he will see a full recovery for his career this new year. If 2020 has proven anything to anyone watching, it’s that XZ’s consumer power is still massive, and that his popularity has not waned at all. The fact that he is still sweeping all the awards that require fans to vote, often winning by millions of votes, and the red sea that fans managed to put on for him during the Tencent awards are undeniable symbols of his enduring popularity.  
This kind of influence is staggeringly powerful - brands and media outlets that previously might have felt uncertain about XZ as an artist most likely will have positive sentiments towards him as a result. 
So, let’s hope that 2021 will be the best year for XZ. 
The future is full of possibilities and the sky above is endless.
Edit: @pepeyee Made it clear to me in the replies that I definitely did not clarify myself or my thoughts on all of the above well enough, so I will be writing a response to all of the above to further clarify some points so that there is no confusion about my stance here. 
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I know I’ve never asked before but I’ve been seeing your amazing work around so if you’re still accepting prompts, #20 for Esteban and Elena?
Oh yes yes yes! (Disclaimer: takes place some time to a few years before Esteban met Shuriki. They're both young teens here.)
20: "You should be upset, you're the victim here!"
The bedroom door slammed into the wall, making Esteban jump on his chair. He immediately shoved a notebook he was writing in, into a drawer and swiftly turned around, blocking the desk with his body.
But Elena didn't even look at him when she stomped into his room and threw herself into his bed.
"How could she?!" Elena yelled throwing her arms into the air.
Esteban winced knowing full well what she was talking about. He crossed his arms and raised his brows at his prima.
"Oh you don't know? She hates me." He viciously spat out the answer to his own question.
Elena sat up and turned to him.
"I'm really sorry, primo." She bit her lip. "I never thought Felicia would do something like that."
Esteban just waved his hand dismissively and leaned back in his chair.
"It's not your fault your friend is a jerk."
"Feli's not a jerk. And she doesn't hate you you know." Esteban's brows raised even higher, causing her to correct herself. "I mean, sure you're not her favourite person in the world after her last concert- even though I told her it wasn't your fault." She precised, seeings Esteban's offended look.
Silence fell onto the room after her words. Esteban turned back towards his desk and pulled closer a book he started some time ago. The subject was finished for him and he would gladly never talk about it again. Now he just hoped Elena has also calmed down and will finally leave his room. But Elena was still sitting on his bed, clutching the the duvet and wrinkling his perfectly made covers. Suddenly she sprung up and proceeded to stomp in a circle behind Esteban's back, prompting him to a deep sigh, which she ignored, still too caught up in her own emotions.
"Still, why would she do something so... so awful!"
Esteban sighed again, closed his book, and turned to her.
"Elena I really don't see why you are getting so worked up about this. She didn't humiliate you in front of all your friends and everyone else who was at Plaza de Villablanca at the time."
"Because you aren't!" Elena answered, throwing her arms in exasperation. "You should be upset, you're the victim here!"
Esteban snorted and turned his back to her.
"Why so you and Victor can make fun of me that I'm always doing much ado about nothing? Again?"
"Oh come on, you know it's different." Elena waved he hand at the accusation. "But you could've said anything, and not just leave!"
"Yeah right, like she'd listen."
"Well, you could've at least tried!" Elena crossed her arms on her chest. "You know, when I first told Felicia about that fobia of yours..."
Esteban's head snapped to face Elena.
"You told her?" His voice was cold but Elena didn't seem to notice.
"Well, you know, not intentionally at first, but it just kinda happened so I didn't see why shouldn't know, after all-"
"Elena, I told you that in confidence!" Esteban stood up, suddenly towering over Elena even though he wasn't that taller from her. "You don't just go and spill your family's secrets to anyone. You know, if you haven't told her, she couldn't have used it to harass me today, so it's your fault as much as hers!"
"Hey!" Elena came even closer, so now they were almost butting heads. "I'm sorry I told your secret, but don't blame me for what happened today, I've never meant for it to end this way!"
Esteban gritted his teeth. So what if she didn't meant for it to happen? It wouldn't happen at all if she hadn't straight up betrayed him.
"Get out of my room." He said in a quiet voice. Inside he was furious, but he wasn't going to show it to her.
Elena huffed through her nose like an angry bull, but turned around and stomped out, slamming the door behind her. For a long moment Esteban stood there, clenching his fists and stating at the door, letting all his mixed feelings rage in his chest. Finally he took a deep breath in... and out. He came back to his desk and pulled the notebook back out.
There is no way, he's going to tell her anything about himself, ever again.
Phew, that was quite hard to write actually. I hope I portrayed them in character, because they're both just so complicated. Thank you for such an interesting request!
Prompt list #1
Prompt list #2
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faulty-writes · 3 years
Hello, I have a headcanon request and it's really sad. If you don't answer this sort of stuff then I understand, but I just lost both of my dogs to poisoning and we believe it wasn't an accident. I've been switching from anger to despair for the past few days, back and forth over and over again, and I'm so sick inside knowing that the person responsible will probably get away with it.
I'd really appreciate some love and comfort from Bakugou, Tamaki, and Mirio. I'm angry and frustrated and sad, and reading and thinking about these three has been making me feel just a tiny bit better.
That sounds horrible, I'm sorry for your loss. I actually lost both my dogs to cancer a few years back. So I understand and I'm also holding onto my kitties for dear life. But I enjoy making comfort pieces, so here we go.
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When you first came to Katsuki with tears running down your face, you expected it to be less awkward. But he just stood there staring and otherwise completely lost as to what he was even supposed to do or what you were upset about.
While a hothead, you knew Katsuki had a soft spot. This was especially true when it came to his friends, but he had never faced anyone with this problem before. But he did know what it felt like, at least partly, to lose someone. Especially considering his own personal experience of almost losing Best Jeanist.
He also knew what fear and sadness felt like, he had experienced those emotions more times than he wanted to admit. But still, he wasn't sure what he could possibly say when you told him you were crying because you had lost your dogs. He hadn't grown up with a pet and knew nothing of what kind of attachment you could get to them.
But he still tried, "What the hell do you want me to do?! I mean, I could blast the extra's face off who...you know...or whatever," his words were mumbled as he reached up to rub the back of his head. He knew he wasn't helping, but he knew he had to figure out a way how.
Words weren't his strong suit and while he wasn't too keen on physical affection. He did offer you a hug or rather he decided to drag you out of the classroom and down the hall, around a corner where no one was before wrapping his arms around you.
Maybe it was the fact you were so small or maybe because he knew you were hurting, but he enjoyed holding you close and gently nuzzling you with his head. He happened to tremble a little when you buried your face into his chest, but part of him knew you wanted to hide from the world.
"Maybe...I don't know what to say, damn it but..." Katsuki was a little pissed words weren't coming to him easy, but if he learned anything from Eijirou. It was to speak from your heart, "It's uh...it'll be okay and stuff just, don't let it get to you and I know it's sad and all. But we'll figure out something together, and...fuck the extras," he stated before he pulled you close once more.
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"Uh...I d-don't," Tamaki was a stuttering mess whenever someone came to him with a problem, he much preferred pushing them onto Mirio, but the blond wasn't around the day you came to him which meant he had to handle it on his own.
He was always shy when it came to physical contact of any kind, he hardly welcomed a friendly touch. But when he heard the rumors of what had happened to you, part of him felt angry. Why did people, no, villains do things like this?
Still, Tamaki offered a gentle hand on your shoulder. "I-I'm sorry, um, t-that probably d-doesn't uh, f-fix anything but...y-you're sad, a-aren't you? I k-know how that feels um..." he didn't say anymore as his mouth was growing dry.
But he still tried to comfort you the best he could, losing someone wasn't easy. He was lucky he had never experienced it. Still, he made it a point to ask you every day if you were okay and offered you a hug even if it made him nervous beyond all hell.
"It's o-okay or u-uh...i-it's going to b-be..." he gently began to rub your back, trying to take deep breaths to prevent himself from going into a panic attack. "I-I'm h-here um, i-if you want to t-talk about it o-or not. Uh...w-whatever you p-prefer."
You took him up on his offer, but he went stiff as a board when you used his shoulder to cry on. At least he was a good listener. "Mm, I...n-never had a p-pet but I-I'm sure...t-they are in a b-better place and uh...t-they s-still love you...I mean y-you're nice and k-kind and..." Tamaki trailed off due to the fact his cheeks were bright red.
Despite his shy nature, he felt like it was his duty to save you even if he couldn't technically do that. But, he tried in his own way. "I um...s-saw pictures of your...um...s-so I made you t-this," he handed you a bento, it looked like a regular meal apart from the fact the rice balls were in the shape and likeness of dogs.
"I h-hope, I m-mean I...l-like food and i-it's okay to miss them," he almost wished he could manifest into a dog himself to bring you extra comfort but instead, he initiated another hug. "I-I'm sure t-they miss you t-too."
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Mirio was always there for people. After all, it was his job as a hero. But in general, the students of Yuuei were like a family, which meant when one of their own was feeling down it spread between members like wildfire. That's how he ended up finding out about your troubles.
While he wanted to directly ask you if there was even a chance what he heard was true. More than anything, he seemed to make it his own personal mission to make sure you were alright. He vowed he would give you a reason to smile again. Even if that was going to be difficult given your current circumstances.
When he first presented you with a pair of stuffed animals, not just any animals. Dogs. He had the hope that it would act as a memorial gift of sorts. "I heard about what happened, I'm sorry sunshine! But I'm here to make sure you smile again, even if you're sad. I hope that doesn't sound too strange," you were sure Mirio had said stranger things.
While the gifts brought you a sense of sadness since your loss, Mirio kept his promise. Every time he saw you, he'd immediately embrace you in a hug. Of course, it was a little embarrassing that these hugs would take place wherever he happened to spot you. In the hallway, classroom, in public. But part of you didn't care.
Mirio always made himself available to you, even if that meant hearing your knocks on his door in the middle of the night. His shoulder was beginning to make a good pillow which caught your tears and while part of you felt embarrassed. It was nice to know Mirio was there to listen to you and the dreams you experienced which as of late were about your dogs.
While Mirio was a hero and dedicated to helping others, you did get a little offended when he mentioned welcoming a new dog into your life. "Sorry, sunshine! I know you're still upset. But I bet you were the best dog parent ever and I'm sure your dogs were super lucky to have such an awesome person like you taking care of them. Maybe you could give that treatment to another dog in need...someday?" you knew he meant well.
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lovee-infected · 4 years
For the anon talking about how they hate how over exaggerated a character is. I am not trying to start hate or anything, but if you don't like the way how someone portrays the character, just stop reading it. Some people don't delve deep, they just want to write fanfics for fun they're not going to make sure it's 100% the characters VERY complex personalities. Or the way how they view a character is different from their beliefs. I've gotten this message before and I am TIRED of it
I think it's a good time to talk about this because I've been thinking about bringing the topic up for a while. To begin with, let's clear something between the two anons because I think it's a misunderstanding:
Note: Please read this, this is important.
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Anon A is saying that they're sometimes bothered by how some fanfics and Aus have a different way of picturing character X, in other words, they don't really enjoy it when a character is bring mischaracterized
Anon B (this anon) is saying that if you're bothered by a fic because you don't like how they're characterizing an specific character, then you don't have to read it.
Let me say that both of these anons are right, yet to think that their ideas are the opposites of each other, is totally wrong. In other words they both have a point, but I guess their points needs a stronger a better way of being explained in order to avoid any further dramas and misunderstandings.
Why am I doing this? Because I've seen -enough- of it. After the twst character analyses, aruges toward the mischaracterizations in this fandom became a thing, it's been causing some issues and arguments between the fans and it's mainly because of how sides fails to explain their points clearly.
Though I didn't really receive any rude asks/comments regarding myself the matter I can still how some fans feel attacked, offended or called out by character analysis posts or have the NERVE to attack or offend others with their own perspective on characters and try to force others into accepting them.
Enough with drama, I'm sick of it. I'm going to explain this as clearly as I can, hopeful that this would at least lessen the chance of having to go through another drama regarding the mischaracterization issue.
1) The concept of FANfiction
First off, the fanfiction itself; what is a fanfiction? What type of writing is considered to be a fanfic? What is it even used for? These are the questions we all need to answer before getting to know the world of fanfic.
Just as its name explains, it's fan + fiction. It's the result of the fan's creativity and imagination taking place in a fictional plot, something that hasn't happened with the original characters and he original story. The fans' imagination is often far beyond the plot which the original story/series/book offers, yet this isn't going to hold fans back from imagining it. Fanfiction is the way of giving yourself (or others) the specific and plot with the original and canon version isn't going to give you, in other words it's a way of getting what you wish to see through a story but this time, it's you who'd decide what will happen.
You are the one who decides how characters will be, you are the one who decides how and where this story happens and you are the one to choose how this story must come to an end. It's all about your own imagination and creativity, which enables you to have power over everything about your own story and fanfiction, everything (In expection gor than legal issues including claiming the original character as yours). You have the power, and you choose how it should be.
2) Fanfiction and mischaracterization
This was mainly the most brought up issue in the recent Twst drama, mischaracterization through writings. Many were saying how they find this annoying and nerve-wrecking, but no one really talked about how mischaracterization comes to life.
Let me tell you, as long your writing is a fanfic, there is a 70% chance of mischaracterizing the plot or the characters and there's nothing wrong with it, that's just how fanfiction works! It isn't supposed to be canon, it is fanon and only fanon. Everything that happens is fictional and fanon based, in other words, it's the fan who decides what should happen in a fanfiction and how it's supposed to be!
One of the Fanfiction's best purposes is giving the fandom a chance to mischaracterize! To write the characters the way they wish them to be and not necessarily the way they truly are. Fanfiction allows us to imagine and create something that isn't true, so let me clear my point here: It's totally okay to change the characters' personalities in your fanfics! As the writer, you have the right to do so, and since writing a fanfic must be for your own pleasure in the first place, no one can stop you from imagining whatever you want! No one can jump out and say stuff like "YOU CAN'T MISCHARACERTIZE A CHARACTER IN A FANFICTION" because that'd be super lame. It's your own fanfiction, your story, your creation and you're free to mischaracterize if that's how you like it to be! And if anyone doesn't like that, remember that they don't have to read that.
3)What is the problem?
Look, we've been going through some drama because of the recent character analyses of twst fandom, and I'd like to explain why. First off, note that I think both sides of the argument have been wrong and I'm going to talk about both of them.
Let me begin with a small example: It's been argued that based to what we've seen from Leona's personality so far, he doesn't seem to be the type to love healthily or even easily fall for anyone. Some of the fans seemed to be offended by the statement and said that "They still want their Leona fluff no matter what everyone else says" okay okay, this is the problem I was talking about: Saying that canon Leona doesn't seem to be much of a fluffy lion or a sweet lover isn't equal to forbidding the fans from writing fluffs for him or picturing him as a adorable and gentle lover! No one has the right to hold fans back from appreciating and enjoying what they like! But it's important to know what exactly is happening.
I'll talk about some crucial points you need to know about character analyses and how it's different from a fanfic in part (4), but before that, let me continue to give some examples of the recent argues and how each of the sides were wrong.
A) You enjoy reading fluffy Malleus content but character analyses have been saying that he isn't as soft and cute as you'd expected him to be. Does this mean that you can no longer ask for wholesome Malleus content or enjoy reading them? -> Of course not! You're still free to read/imagine/write whatever you like with Malleus! No one has the right to tell you what to do, and character analyses aren't meant to be a way to hold you back from enjoying what you like! If you're enjoying something, go for it! In this fanon world no one can accuse you for not following the canon interpretations!
B) You've spent a rather long time getting to know Ace and his canon personality, and you really like the way he is! But by reading fanfics/ fandom's interpretations on him you can't help but to feel like they aren't giving his personality the justice he deserves, and aren't seeing the great and amazing character he truly is. Is it okay to feel upset about this? -> Just as I said, it's totally fine to have your personal interpretations of a character no matter how different the rest of the interpretations are! But the real question is: what should you do when you think fandom isn't doing a character justice? This would be answered in part D!
C) You are enjoying your personal ideas and headcanons with Idia and many are saying that your way of picturing him is so adorable! Does this necessarily mean that the canon Idia as well is like you describe him? -> Absolutely not! No matter how adorable an Au/headcanon is, everyone's free to enjoy it but you should remember that canon ≠ fanon. You are totally free to imagine whatever you'd like! But keep this in mind that you shouldn't insist on your ideas being necessarily canon!
D) You feel like many are mischaracterizing your favorite character and you don't like it, what should you do? -> Well to begin with, remember that other fans have the right to characterize a character just as much as you do! You can't stop them from doing what they like or expect them to change the way they are because of how different the canon interpretation of a character might be. But you as well have a great chance to inspire the fandom by your own ideas! You can try to discuss how different the canon personality of your favorite character is and even try to turn that into a character analysis! This way you'd not only avoid causing any drama because of disagreeing with someone's way of picturing your favorite character, but you will also have a chance to present your personal ideas and characterizations to the fandom in a friendly and polite way!
E) You don't like how an author is characterizing some of the boys, what should you do? -> Easy solution, don't read it. Let me tell you, I have gone through this a lot and do you know what I do whenever I read/see something that doesn't match my tastes and expectations? I keep scrolling! That's all, I don't have to like it, but I don't have to read it either! 😀
F) You're an author and a writing request is asking you to write for a character in a way you just can't or don't want to write because that goes totally against your idealistics and ideas on a character, for example: You just can't write something really wholesome and fluffy for Leona because you can't imagine him being like that, what should you do? -> It's obvious, then don't write it! You have the right to choose what you'd like to write and how you like to picture a character no matter what others think. If you want to picture Leona as an emotional and soft boy, it's totally okay! If you want to picture him as a cold-hearted and mean prince, again it's totally alright! Remember, just like fans you have the right to picture and characterize the characters the way you want to, and no one can tell you otherwise!
G) You've read a character analysis and you realize that you've been mischaracterizing Floyd for a while, should you feel bad or sorry about it? -> Of course not!! Even if you were mischaracterizing him, keep this mind that there's nothing wrong with picturing Floyd as the way you want him to be! As long as you don't claim your headcanons to be canon and share stuff like "Canon from is definitely like this" or "Floyd would do that, canon! ^-^" it's totally alright to imagine him the way you like!
H) You saw someone saying something about Malleus that didn't match the canon interpretations of him. You quickly replied to then and corrected them about their wrong point of view and tell them how the real Malleus is, which kinda led to and argument between you and the person, did you do the right thing? -> Absolutely not! Attacking others out of nowhere and without any context isn't the right way of introducing the canon characterizations to the fandom! Even if you were right, keep this in mind that the other person has the right to picture Malleus or any other character the way they want them to be so if you want to correct them or try to get to know the canon character interpretations, you should do that from the logical and polite way.
I) Someone wrote a character analysis for Idia and said how they find it so annoying when people who refer to Idia as "Baby" and "uwu beanie". You often refer to Idia as baby or cutie yourself and the context of that analysis/general post some how got to you. You feel lowkey attacked and offended, did the original poster say the right thing? -> No, matter what the context is or how accurate and well-written that analysis was, directly calling people who have a certain way of picturing a character "Annoying" is rude no matter how you think of it. Even if the original poster were right about Idia not being UWU, their way of wording their sentence wasn't really pleasant; keep this, in mind that everyone in the fandom is free to picture Idia as they like and it doesn't even matter if you don't like it or not! If you're going to write an analysis/essay regarding a character's personality, remember that you should prove your point and disagree with opposite opinions through logical reasoning and explaining your point, NOT by offending and attacking other ideas by savage contexts like "You have to stop saying that Idia is like this", "I hate it when people say Idia is like this", " It's so annoying to see people saying Idia is like this... "
4) What's with the character analyses then?
There's a difference from the canon and fanon interpretations of a character, this is a truth which cannot be denied. But it's important to remember that just because a canon interpretation of a character exists, you can no longer enjoy the fanon interpretations!
Even I, for example, enjoy picturing someone like Malleus as an purely evil being like Maleficent herself because I enjoy seeing him as a perfect figure for "Mister of all Evil", but in my Malleus analysis post I explained how we should NOT think that Malleus is nothing but pure evil or a heartless monster! See, this is the difference I've been talking about. I'm pretty well-familiar with the canon Malleus, but I'm also enjoying the my own fanon Malleus and I know that the Evil Malleus I admire is a fanon one, not the canon one!
The thing is, character analyses aren't meant to be a way to hold anyone back from enjoying their fanon interpretations or imagining what they like, they aren't call out posts either. They are simply a way of getting to know the characters as if you're getting to know one of your irl friends. You come to think of them, see how deep their personalities are and get to learn more about them!
It's true that reading a character analysis might make you realize that you've been somehow mischaracterizing a character but this, isn't anything to be sorry or frustrated about! Character analyses are written to learn us more about our favorite characters, or as I like to name it, they want to show us that they're a lot more that we may imagine them to be!
Now, you may wonder how can we write a good character analysis without getting out of the line, offending anyone or giving out any cheap information?
I, personally, am pretty strict when asked to do a character analysis. Doesn't matter if I like the character or not, I'd try to judge them nonetheless. You HAVE to talk about both good features and bad features, and you must strictly avoid your analysis from getting personal; you have to make sure that your personal thoughts, feelings and emotions regarding a character aren't effecting your analysis. You shouldn't be writing it in a way to show off with your analytical ideas either.
Some people think coming off as rude would make them sound valid and acceptable, or they might just be used to being a little offensive in general, but as I explained in part 3-I, I won't recommend using any harsh or mean languages at all. Let me note that your way of wording your ideas is crazily important and if you're not careful enough with what you say and how you describe your ideas, your post would be not only be not much helpful as an analysis but also a cause of more drama and arguments. Also, keep this in mind that even the best of character analyses can't totally catch the characters' personalities correctly because we do not own them! Twisted wonderland's characters are a property of aniplex and neither me not anyone else in this fandom has the right to claim what a character is 100% like unless Disney officially releases those details!
Writing character analyses can be hard, from finding enough of hints to defend your point to choosing the right Grammer and way of speaking to avoid any further misunderstandings. But remember, those who write character analyses have no right to attack anyone because of them (They can oppose to different opinions of course, opposing ≠ attacking ), but keep this in mind that readers have no right to attack then because of their analysis either! See, that's a two-sided relationship. Both of the, sides have to learn to respect, both of the sides should, know, their boundaries and both of the sides have to be respectful!
Warning: When I say you're free to do or imagine whatever you wish to do, know that posting and sharing writings too has its own rules. Make sure to put the proper warnings, and avoid using any taboo or clearly impolite and sometimes, illegal concepts such as incest, pedophilia, etc.
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I actually had a lot more I wanted to say regarding the matter but I'm keeping it short, because I know that writing too much would make this boring and pretty hard to read. Hope that it's clear enough and avoid the possible future misunderstandings and arguments regarding the matter. Please, this isn't even about twst, it's about learning to respect each other it's about real life. Having people read THIS is a lot more important than having them read my character analyses or writings.
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mimisempai · 3 years
I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you 1/3
Loki would like to express his feelings to Mobius but doesn't know how to do it, he finds a sympathetic ear in Miss Minutes, without knowing that Mobius is suffering from the same problem...
Chapitre 1/3 - Chapter 2/3 - Chapitre 3/3
A little story, of love, of friendship, of two idiots in love...
1374 words - Rating G
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"Good job Loki!" Mobius smiled at him before continuing, "I'm really going to start thinking you're trying to steal my job."
Loki, once again touched by the praise more than he should, followed him with his eyes as he returned to his office.
"I can see that..."
Loki snapped out of his contemplation at the small voice of Miss Minutes who seemed to have taken up residence on his desk. He had formed a rather curious bond with the small animated clock.
"What? What can you see?" replied Loki, turning to his desk.
"That you're making eyes at him..." she smiled at him knowingly, making Loki realize that there was no need to deny it. He didn't feel like it either.
"So what? Why should I deprive myself of it?"
"Oh but don't deprive yourself for me, my little Loki, though don't you think you should tell him?" she came to sit on the edge of the desk, looking a little more serious.
"Tell him what?"
"That you love him."
"I don't -" Loki paused, because he didn't feel like denying that either. It was the truth after all.
He ran his hand through his hair and sighed.
"This is difficult."
"I know I'm not the best one to talk about feelings, but I've seen a lot of things, so why not just tell him?" asked Miss Minute gently.
Loki sighed again.
"I... I've never actually said those words to anyone, well once to my brother, but that doesn't count. It's not the same thing, obviously. And this time especially I-"
He slouched on the desk and took his head in his hands.
A few seconds later, he felt a small tap on his forearm and he looked up to see Miss Minute settling comfortably against his arm.
"I hope you're comfortable at least?" he asked a little offended to see his arm relegated to the role of chair back.
"It's not bad, but it lacks a bit of fluff, you should think about filling it up a bit, my little Loki."
"Hey, you cheeky little thing!"
"Anyway, let's not change the subject, smart ass! What were you going to say Loki?"
"This time I have everything to lose." he exhaled before continuing, "Mobius is probably, no he's definitely the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm not even sure I deserve it. In fact it's impossible for me to quantify how I feel about him."
"That my little Loki is love, it's impossible to know the width and depth of it. At least that's what I read somewhere."
"I feel like just telling her 'I love you' isn't enough. And besides I don't even know if he feels the same way about me."
He was interrupted by the sight of Miss Minutes writhing in laughter on his desk.
When she got serious again she asked him, "Seriously? It's clear to everyone how you feel about each other, believe me, if you're smitten, he's as smitten as you. You guys are anything but subtle. Mobius and Loki's devotion to each other is probably known on every time line!"
"I can't believe you're laughing at me! Watch out or I'll turn you into a pocket watch!"
"I can't help it, you're so cute when you get mad."
"You're starting to get too cheeky for my taste Mimi!"
"Admit it, you like it."
Loki pouted, not wanting to give in.
"Let's get back to the topic at hand, you say that just telling him 'I love you' isn't enough, how about you tell me why you love him?" asked Miss Minute as she resumed her seat, sitting against Loki's arm.
Loki reflected for a few seconds before he began to speak, "I think the first reason is because he challenges me to be a better version of myself.  Because from the beginning, he kept trying to make me understand that I didn't have to be what others wanted me to be. And despite the times I failed, he was able to forgive me and he continued to believe in me."
"You could be whoever, whatever you wanna be, even someone good. I mean, just in case anyone ever told you different."
"Hm I see," Miss Minutes replied, "What else?"
"He's not intimidated by me, by the entirety of who I am, by my past mistakes, he doesn't lie to me. If I screw up, he tells me, if I react badly, he tells me, but never makes me feel inferior. And in the same way he tells me when I do something right, and that's super new to me, to the point where I'm a little embarrassed at how much it makes me feel good."
"That's just because you're not used to it. Besides, there's nothing wrong with being happy knowing you're doing something right." she replied with a little wink.
"Sometimes he annoys me, because he has this know-it-all side, because he can read me. And for me who spent my time hiding, even from myself, it is sometimes heavy. I want to wipe that little smile off his face! But that's what also makes him understand me perfectly, and since it's also a first for me, well, we'll say it makes up for the annoyance."
"You've learned to compromise, bravo, I'm proud of you my little Loki." the little clock smiled at him again in a cheeky way.
"So you told me about what he did for you, what he's doing for you, what else? I don't know, his appearance for example, some might say, and this is not my opinion so don't hit me, that he is far from your type physically..."
Loki looked offended and replied heatedly, "What do you mean not my type physically?"
He transformed into his frost giant appearance for a few seconds before resuming his appearance.
"What is my type physically? First of all what does that mean, what is that concept? What does it have to do with feelings?"
Miss Minute stood up again and patted his arm, "Loki, don't get upset, I told you that wasn't my opinion. We're friends, right? I like to think so. Imagine Loki, the god of mischief is friends with an animated IA in the form of a clock."
Loki cooled down a bit and smiled at her, seeing what she was getting at, before resuming more calmly this time.
"If the question is whether I am physically attracted to Mobius, and more importantly what is it about him that attracts me, I would say yes I am attracted to him. His eyes, the way they sparkle so much that they light up the rest of his face, the way his smile starts in his eyes. That smile he has only for me. And his hands, Mimi, his hands! They are so strong, any excuse to touch them or to have them touch me. They excite me and make me feel safe at the same time. And I'll let you in on a secret, I'm glad no one knows him in anything but a TVA suit, because I assure you the way the jeans fit his beautiful beh-hmph."
The little watch had jumped up to close Loki's mouth with her two little hands.
"It's okay, it's okay, I think I got it and the rest will be too much for my pure little chaste ears!"
"But it's true! I swear! It makes me want to take off those jeans every time!"
"Lokiiii! That's enough!" Miss Minutes gave him a little kick.
Loki laughed out loud.
When they had both calmed down, Miss Minutes added, "Loki, tell Mobius, tell him everything you just told me, I don't know anyone in the world who wouldn't like to hear everything you just told me."
Loki looked a little sadder and replied softly, "But what do I have to offer him? I am not a good person for him. And I'm still waiting for the day when he can't stand my kind anymore and tells me I have to leave."
"A couple of idiots, that's what I'm saying." said a female voice behind him.
Loki turned around, Sylvie was standing in the doorway of his office, his lover just behind her.
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it.🥰
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pinelesstree · 2 years
aight so I saw your character chart thing and I'm sorry I can't resist
Let all loose with your opinion on Nagito
Give me your opinion on MY hyperfixation character, Jake Rogers
Colin Baxter because of memes
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wHY IM GLAD YOU ASKED-- I'll hold off on my nagito rant (you a good fren for letting me ramble about a game you haven't even played--) So let's start with the first two.
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OKAYYY I don't know how to feel about Jake Rogers because the game doesn't go that deep into him. I would love more of a backstory on him. I think there was definitely more going on than what we saw. I really would have liked to know more than just "oh yeah he blackmailed a bunch of people and sold drugs and everyone's happy he's dead." So the headcannons about him are A+ but canon Jake is wasted potential if I've ever seen it
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Okay Colin is about as interesting as a dry cracker lmao, HER Interactive did really good on some characters and then some were just so boring. But I would have been interested if it were revealed he was somewhere on the spectrum. To me he totally reminds me of someone with Asperger's (with a special interest in art) but this could just be my interpretation. But just at face value very boring sorry Colin
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ah yes my favorite boy with his body count gotta love him
OKAY LET ME EXPLAIN A FEW THINGS so the reason i marked "deeper than they seem" and "not as deep as they seem" is because you really get to know Nagito by watching extra scenes that are easily accessed in the game but you have to actively look for it. So if you don't look into him you miss the facts that 1) he has so much trauma 2) he has frontotemporal dementia, both of which explain a lot of his actions. So yes deeper than he seems. ON THE OTHER HAND all of the characters assume he's super shady and always planning a murder and such. And yes he is manipulative, but at the same time, sometimes he's just vibing. Like leave him alone he's just saying good morning he's not going to try to kill you.
There's a part in the game where you actually get to play as Nagito (I screamed when this happened I was so happy) and since you play first person POV you get to see some of his thoughts. Here are just a few because I do what I want
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OKAY so from the first one, this scene was after he just offended someone and they left. And he can recognize they're upset but he doesn't know why. This is common in patients with frontotemporal dementia; they offend people without meaning to because they're too blunt or say things that typically aren't said because of social rules and such.
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SECOND AND THIRD PICTURE basically just prove he really does want to help his classmates. He wants to be useful and wants them to be happy and safe from danger. Even if his motive is always "for the sake of hope" he still genuinely cares about them. Which is why the other characters in the game frustrate me when they outcast him and treated him like a deranged psychopath (they legit tied him up after the first trial and didn't feed him for like a full day) and I get why they hated him after he… you know, tried to kill everyone except the traitor. But before that, he was morally gray and did bad things, but he was trying to do it for a good reason and to accomplish a good thing. And yes, his apathy towards death (whether it be his own death or someone else's) is not great, but first of all, apathy is another symptom of frontotemporal dementia, second of all he's really used to death because people have died in front of him so many times. Including his dog. Which is still tragic af.
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Fourth picture is just funny my guy just wants to play on a playground but doesn't anyone mad at him. (He'll go on about how he'd love to die and he's a stepping stone or whatever BUT HE DRAWS THE LINE AT THE SWINGSET)
The fans did Nagito dirty by turning him into an uwu gay boy. It will never not drive me insane. Unless someone is projecting in a fanfic, if Nagito cries for no reason I'm going to throw myself out a window. Though I don't like him being portrayed as a deranged lunatic it's not like he's never done anything wrong either. And he's not super sweet soft fluffy boy.
(also we're not talking about my projecting onto him that's a topic for another day--)
Lastly seriously. Why do he look like that. He's a multimillionaire and is coat looks like it came out of a garbage can. Someone please teach this man how to dress.
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