#I don't know if this is Funny or Shocking- 💀 (it's both-)
r0tt1ngr4bb1t · 1 year
I'm 'bout to ruin Y'alls Entire Career with this--
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Can I ask for a follow up on Australian bat!bro reader where he gets annoyed bc they won’t let him drink alcohol or smth? Here in Australia there is alot of underage drinking. (I mean I got high and tipsy at my 17th birthday party with parental permission💀)
Just thinking about the culture shock most of them would get 😭
Lol, it's the same thing here where I live. Alcohol flows around here. Despite being an adult, I don't drink at all. I just hate alcohol. Also, I know this is short, but it's fine...
Summary: (Y/N) wants to drink. The fam is not allowing it.
Warnings: Underage drinking,
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Australia and America couldn't be anymore different when it came to drinking. In America, a simple of drop for a person under 21 is disappointing to parents. Siblings would probably be happy and proud and would look for each.
In Australia, you just need parent's permission. Oh how nice that was back then. (Y/N) remembered how he got tipsy on one of his birthdays at the time. It was lit and (Y/N) loved it. Of course, he wouldn't drink as if he is an alcoholic.
He would only drink in company of others and that would be a glass tops. Not even a second one. He can't get embarrassed in public now. But there was a slight problem now too.
His family is the biggest problem. Well, some of them are, not all of them are the problem.
Jason is amazing when it came to drinking. The two would sometimes drink together and it was so fun. (Y/N) didn't like to drink something like a shot. He would like to savor the flavor of the drink, whether or not it was some wine or scotch.
Or even some votka.
You don't just drink it, you savor it. And that's what he does every time he drinks with Jason. Sometimes there are times when they just drink in silence, enjoying the company. That usually meant that sharing a bottle something between them two.
Sometimes it was just quiet chatter in between them. It was funny and Jason was the supplier for them both. In return, he got 5 bucks from (Y/N) for his efforts.
It's not easy to hide anything in this household. Everyone was trained to observe and it was just... Sometimes it gets to you and you try hard to hide things.
Damian is the one who doesn't care, but would advise (Y/N) not to drink it. Damian is only thinking about his self awareness and his cognitive thinking in some situations.
Damian is just like Bruce, can't drink for the life of him. Not that he wants to anyway. It's not good for your awareness and Damian always had to be vigilant and observant.
And besides, Damian likes (Y/N) and he just wants to make sure that he is okay. He also likes (Y/N)'s accent a lot. And considering that (Y/N) is not a vigilante and despite the training, (Y/N) is a cinnamon roll according to Damian.
Dick was the one who was against it completely. He didn't like it, he hated it and he wanted (Y/N) to stop drinking. He remembers nearly having a heart attack when he saw (Y/N) drinking for the first time, ever so nonchalantly.
He never ran so fast to get the glass out of (Y/N)'s hands. He was so confused at (Y/N)'s blank look and a simple what. It seems that the concept of drinking below the age of 21 is a foreign thing, something unheard of.
And that's when he got vigilant with (Y/N). It made (Y/N) sigh every time he saw Dick lurking somewhere, watching him. It made his insane and that's how he got better with hiding alcohol.
(Y/N) thought that drinking below 21 in America is like being an alcoholic.
Tim didn't have a say in anything in regards to this matter at all. He was addicted to coffee and he is the one who needs to kind of let go of it. So much caffeine is not healthy at all.
An occasional drink is fine. So much cups of coffee are not.
The two just shrugged towards one another in passing, (Y/N) with some alcohol and Tim with his coffee. They didn't even say anything to each other at this point. Just a nod or a shrug of their shoulders.
That was more than enough.
Now Bruce... Well, he knew that Australia has different laws and that drinking there is something that's more lenient. In America, unless you turn 21 you are, in (Y/N)'s mind, you are really missing in life.
The first time Bruce saw (Y/N) drink he paled and tried to get it away from him, but then asked him about the customs regarding the drinking in Australia.
(Y/N) explained it to him and Bruce advised him not to drink. Well, Bruce started hiding the alcohol in the house. Nobody really drank so it wasn't a difficult thing to hide. However, he knew that Jason is a supplier.
So he had to keep an eye out.
And Alfred? Oh boy, that man hates when (Y/N) drinks. He doesn't care about traditions in Australia. He spent some time in Australia and while he loved the Aussies and the way they drank, he didn't like it when his grandson did.
(Y/N) knew that he had to evade (Y/N) with everything in him. Jason hid the alcohol in his room, knowing that Alfred rarely goes into his room and (Y/N) and Jason agreed to it.
The last time when (Y/N) got caught by Alfred, a shoe went flying past his head. There was yelling and Alfred threatened with something bigger. (Y/N) managed to duck just in time to get in his room where Jason was waiting.
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a-998h · 8 months
I’m so sorry if I’m like bothering you😭 But like I just have so many questions-
So what if in the same scenario where (Reader) is like really strong and kills monsters like the ask from before
And once they find out that some of the Archons/other people are really old they’ll make soo many jokes about it-
Like if Zhongli was like “Please (Reader), I don’t mind if you see me as a father-figure, I won’t be mad if you call me Dad,”
And (Reader) who’s like 12-14 years old is like “You’re too old to be my Dad, you’re more like a grandpa.” And then they just walk away, and Zhongli just lays on the floor, heartbroken
And if (Reader) beefs with Wanderer, and he’s being mean they’ll be like “Shut up old man!” Or like “Your still this immature at your grown age?”
And for Nahida, they would just hold her in their arms, she would be the only few people that (Reader) doesn’t actively make fun of, and they’ll show genuine interest on how she’s so old but looks so young, and they would like sit with her and talk about their world
But suddenly everything takes a turn when (Reader) is sitting with a character (One who’s thousands of years old) and (Reader) just turns to them and’s like “Y’know, I realized if I stay in this world, that means you and a lot of the others are still gonna be here when I die” and then they’ll just calmly turn back to look up back at the starry night-
You pick which ones would be bawling their eyes out or how each character would react-
And then reader would go up to characters who aren’t thousands of years old and would assume they are and they would be like “You look old” or like “I feel like your actually an old person”
Like they would say this to Itto, Cyno, Diluc or any other characters of your choosing (Hopefully those three aren’t thousands of years old from what I know💀)
Have a good day!
🍉 Anon you never fail to inspire me and my devious little mind, and for that I thank you. I'll start with the mocking age headcanons then move into the existential dread the Creator inspires.
(Included characters: Venti, Zhongli, Ei, Nahida, Itto, Wander, Diluc, Cyno, Xiao, Neuvillette, and Xianyun)
Age jokes
“Please (Reader), I don’t mind if you see me as a father-figure, I won’t be mad if you call me Dad,”
“You’re too old to be my Dad, you’re more like a grandpa.”
Your response/ jab at his age makes him pause
At this point no one in Teyvat besides Traveler and Paimon know that Zhongli is Rex Lapis
Is not surprised the great Creator knows things, but he wasn't expecting you to know that
Uses the jokes to mess with you in small ways
Whenever you ask to do any monster killing he'll pull the deaf old man bit, just to annoy you
Will also make you do harder chores by pulling the old man = bad back
It's funny... to him, he also uses this as a teaching moment
Laughs it off
Another that uses your jokes to mess with you
When you ask him to do something, he'll hold his hand to his ear and say "I'm sorry little windblume, I didn't hear you. My hearing must be going at this age,"
But jokes on him, you use his perceived old age to try and limit his wine drinking
That fails, but you tried kid
Whenever you run around Mondstadt or do monster killing, he sighs and talks about when he was young
You both annoy each other and it is glorious
She is shocked
She knew you liked to joke, but she didn't think she was that old
Because you're talking to the Riaden Shogun puppet most of the time, you don't get a reaction
Your jokes don't get turned on you
It's kind of boring
Only one who doesn't get age jokes
You are genuinely curious about how she looks young but is really hundreds of years old
You both talk about the advantages and disadvantages of being physically young but mentally older
Still unnerved by your monster killing and has her friend Wanderer watch over you
Huffs of annoyance
she then scolds you herself before snitching on you to Neuvillette
In the ends she'll forgive you, once you bribe her with sweets
“Shut up old man!”
How dare you!
His face turns shades of red no one knew were possible
Will respond by calling you brat and saying how cute you are in a teasing tone
Will be petty
“Your still this immature at your grown age?”
Turns even redder
You both beef with each other and it makes other worried
Will granny pinch your cheeks
Still smug about your monster killing, if bribed he'll help you
Your beef is both worrying and entertaining
He doesn't really understand the ages jokes
Thinks that you're just being mean
He'll snitch to grandpa Zhongli
Once it's explained to him by Zhongli
He just is confused
Why are you joking that he's old?
Just a really clueless when it comes to these jokes
He thinks it's because his hair is white
Now, he'll try his best to be the cool young uncle to you
He also doesn't want to think about how old he is
Will try and go monster killing with you
When he sees your strength... proud
Will carry you around and be like "Look at my awesome friend!"
So yeah, like a grandma showing off pictures of her grandkids
Is surprised
It's probably his grumpy face and his voice
Whenever you make ages jokes he tries to scold you about it
Whenever you run into the desert to do monster killing he'll chase after you to stop you
Try and pull this in the rainforest and he'll have Tighnari case you do to stop you
He thinks you make jokes about his age because of his hair color
Proud of your strength but still worrys about you
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This is the face he has on the inside
His voice and resting bitch face is probably what makes you think he's old, at least he thinks so
Think Kaeya is the one who is telling you he's old
He canonically 22 so this hits him hard
Tries to keep you in the manor at night
When he sees you sneaking out to kill monsters.... dad mode ™️
The more he scolds, and tries to act like a dad the more you call him old
You'll be the reason he ends up with grey hair, eyes bag, and wrinkles
Grandpa number 2
He already deals with Furina, so he's prepared
Whenever you poke fun at his age, he'll scold you for it
He'll never say it in public but you and Furina are his grandbabies
Your monster killing worries him, like a lot
So much that he has the melusine spy on you and report back
You often get scolded for reckless behavior
He is the more strict of your grandfather figures
Glares and scolds you whenever you call him old
He thinks your jokes are very disrespectful
Would be upset if they started rubbing off on Furina
Considering she tells Paimon to "respect your elders" when Paimon made her mad
She doesn't really care
To her, age = experience
She will act unaffordable by you monster killing, but it scares her
When you joke about her being a grandma, she plays into it
It's not to annoy you either, she just thinks she's your grandma
Will do standard grandma things
Whenever you try and get her to stop, she just responds with "nonsense!"
Now time for existential dread
“Y’know, I realized if I stay in this world, that means you and a lot of the others are still gonna be here when I die”
Crying on the outside and the inside
Nahida, Itto, Venti, Furina
Cries on the inside only
Neuvillette, Zhongli, Diluc, Ei
Doesn't know how to properly talk to you abut it
Cyno, Xiao, Wanderer, Xianyun
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werewolf-witchboy · 1 year
Rodrick Heffley X male reader
You and Rodrick are both emo, dumb, and queer. 💀
This is shorter than what I usually post.
Also, for some reason every time I typed "Rodrick" it always autocorrected to "Rodriguez" lmfao. I tried fixing it every time it did that, so hopefully there aren't any leftover "Rodriguez's" that I didn't catch.
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You can't help but find it funny that Rodrick's mom busted him for having a porno mag, you teased him about it for weeks.
However, what you've just found in Rodrick's closet was a lot harder to tease him about. You didn't even think you should mention that you found it, you debated on keeping it a secret forever.
Rodrick had asked you to run up to his room to grab another pair of drumsticks for him, which he said was in his closet.
The drumsticks were nowhere to be found, so you had to dig around a little. Instead you found another porno magazine- which wouldn't have even phased you honestly, only what shocked you is that it's a gay porno magazine.
Rodrick was the type to make jokes about himself being into dudes, but you didn't actually think he was. After all, he has been your best friend ever since you moved to Plainview at the beginning of your Freshmen year.
You've both been through so much together; struggling through all 4 years of highschool as the wild emo outcasts, graduating, and forming the Löaded Diaper! You've even come out to him and told him you like guys, so you didn't think he'd keep something like that from you.
Maybe it's not that big of a deal. He probably didn't even know he had a gay porno mag amongst all of his junk. For all you know, it could have been one of yours that you left at his place.
Then again...why would you bring one of your own porno's to someone else's house?
You must have been taking forever getting the drum sticks that you originally came for, because minutes later Rodrick came through the door.
"You find em'? I know my closet is a mess, but-" Rodrick froze when you bravely showcased the magazine instead of a pair of drumsticks.
"Let me guess...this isn't yours?" You teased, mocking what he told his mom about the other magazine.
Rodrick stood up straight and cleared his throat, then strode over to snatch your find away.
"It is mine. Not like you should be surprised."
Well now your brain is malfunctioning.
"Um I am a little surprised, considering my best friend never told me he also likes dudes!" You try not to sound hurt, but it was kind of hard to hide your frustration considering you told him everything.
Rodrick legitimately looked dumbfounded and you tried not to laugh through your pout.
"What do you think I mean whenever I say shit like 'Kellin Quinn is my dream guy' and 'I'd kiss you if you'd let me'?!"
Your eyeliner smudged eyes are probably buldgeing out of your head right now.
"Um...I thought they were jokes?" Even as those words are coming out of your mouth you felt kinda stupid. For as long as you've known Rodrick, he's always said stuff like that.
Anyone also knows that Rodrick is never subtle when it comes to flirting, so you should have probably known that all of the random pickup lines he's used on you were most likely serious.
Rodrick's mouth hung open. "So you're telling me that I've basically just been hitting on a brick wall for 5 years?"
"i'M sOrRy! You know I have low self esteem! Whenever people like me I never notice because I don't think people will ever like me!!" Words all blended together as you spoke in a fast panicked pace.
Rodrick quite literally facepalmed.
You're lucky your obliviousness is cute or else he'd pumble you for talking down about yourself.
"I don't even know what to say right now." Rodrick was lost for words.
You awkwardly fiddled with your fingers, still sitting on the floor of his room in front of the closet. "If it means anything, I've had a crush on you for almost as long as I've known you." You puffed your cheeks out, feeling them becoming warm, probably turning pink.
Rodrick choked on his own spit. "iF IT MEANS ANYTHING TO ME???? HELL YES IT DOES!! How the heck you have a crush on me of all people?!" You looked down at the floor, kinda shocked that he doesn't understand why you'd like him.
"You're literally a hot emo boy who wasn't mean to me when I moved here. I had nothing before I met you, and you took me on so many adventures and showed me so many new things. I'm glad I met you, and it was hard not to fall for you."
It felt like you ranted a little too much, probably spilled a little to much and made yourself seem like a bit of a lonely loser without Rodrick.
You got a little scared when he wasn't saying anything. Your gaze lifted from the floor to meet his calculating expression.
His reply was simply just "can we makeout?"
aNd oF cOuRse yOu sAid yEs, and he tripped over his own shoes when tried to tackle you on the floor. The two of you ended up tangled together in a heated makout session that felt so satisfying after pining over each other for 5 damn years. You're both so stupid I stfg lol.
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“The updates are making me like Idia more, but in the same way you'd like a character for being pathetic” I’m shocked you didn’t like Idia at least from what I remember? He’s basically the same as Rollo (a character you do like I think) and in more ways than one. They’re both gloomy looking guys and traumatized big bros that are self righteous and pathetic. What kept you from liking Idia before if you don’t mind me asking?
[Referencing something I said in this post!]
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Okay, confession time: when I was a little kid (I’m talking like 7-10 years old), I was SUPER into Greek mythology and more specifically the story of Hades and Persephone. I ate up ALL the Hades and Persephone retellings/reinterpretations I could find and actively hunted for more 💀 so you’d think I’d like Idia, who is twisted from Hades, given how I gravitated to Octavinelle because of my attachment to The Little Mermaid in my childhood…
I think what puts me off of Idia in spite of his similarities to Rollo, a character I do really love, is a combination of Idia's appearance and his attitude.
To tackle the shallower aspect first, I actually don't like characters that look "too" gloomy. I would say Rollo is stoic-looking, but not gloomy? He has a pretty neutral face most of the time and the only gloomy thing about him at a glance is the dark circles under his eyes. With Idia... There's a LOT going on here. The hair is definitely unique, but I've never been into super long hair. The nature of it kind of overshadows his face and Idia usually looks miserable as a default. I've mentioned before that I'm unnerved by his coloration too; the super pale skin plus the blue lips is reminiscent of a corpse and, well... while I do see there being an audience that finds him beautiful, I don't think that's a cute look for him.
Now, his attitude. I'm not going to fault Idia for being passionate about his hobbies, as we all have our niches that we're super into. What irks me is how Idia expresses himself and acts out on behalf of those interests. He talks down to people who "don't get it" and takes other measures to defend the things he likes that I think is crossing a line. For example, he tracks down the IP addresses of Ignihyde mob students that defaced his favorite idol group's website. In the EN version, Idia threatens to doxx the mobs too (though he never does, this was just a localization decision). Yeah, you could do that I guess... but should you? 😭 The other characters also do questionable things (as a J word fan, I cannot deny this) but those actions are usually so outlandish no one irl would do it (like how Azul is a high school student that runs his own shady business). Idia's behavior, meanwhile, embodies some very real and very toxic aspects of fandom culture. I think part of why I disliked Idia at first is also his manner of speaking; it's riddled with so much internet lingo that it's hard to take him seriously sometimes. This is even more true of the EN version of the game, which has added even more slang than was in JP. Like... sorry, am I NOT supposed to be giggling when OB Idia is making threats while talking like an enraged gamer (both in EN and JP)? There is a ceiling on how much pathetic I can take in one sitting, and Idia far exceeds it every time he talks. Other characters (like Rollo making cheesy villain speeches, Azul being teased, Jamil's DOKKAN, etc.) have their moments of funny ha ha-cringe as well, but at least I can still see them in a serious light.
Books 6 and 7 are enhancing my opinion of Idia solely because they focus on the "traumatized big brother" part to his character. In Glorious Masquerade too... Idia gets the courage to call Rollo out because he knows their experiences are so similar. I think the storyline was done very well, and I loved seeing how Idia grows from an event that no doubt affected him deeply and still continues to influence him to this day. It's clear that he cares deeply about both Orthos and will step up to protect them. I LOVE THAT FOR HIM, it's not as though Idia is completely throwing aside one brother for the other, he's acknowledging them both as his "true" brothers. The way he goes from laughing to crying in his post-OB flashback... Idia getting so mad at us attacking Phantom Ortho with lightning... the willingness to "go" with OG!Ortho to the world beyond... apologizing to Robo!Ortho for falling for the dream's promises of eternal happiness... Aaaah, it's just too good 😭
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vanessaedp · 1 year
Sweetheart |•| Simon Riley x Fem Reader
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fluff, angst if you use a magnifying glass 🔎, Ghost being a cutie patootie, sexual innuendo once, 141 meets ghost's s/o for the first time, soap ans gaz love cats, i hc gaz has celiac disease
not proof-read bc i cant be arsed soz lmfao 💀
also reblog pookies and i'll give you a free foot massage
Three months without your boyfriend.
Your eyes scanned the new book you bought, 'Psycho by Robert Bloch'. It was a good book. 'I think everybody goes a little crazy sometimes' Norman bates said in the book. It was a line you related to heavily, especially when Simon went out on his missions. You were left all alone with your cat, Eleanor. Although, she was an adorable, orange tabby cat she reminded you of Simon since he bought her for you. Everything in this house reminded you of Simon. Half of the stuff in the living room he had bought because he'd rather gift you something than hug which you understood because he had opened up a tiny bit about his past and it seemed traumatic. Simon gifted you the most lavish things to equal the amount of times he wanted to hug you but couldn't due to his past. It was sad to think he had to buy your hugs but you appriciated the gesture.
"Right, I haven't had the chance to tell her that you lot are coming so if she freaks out don't worry." Simon grumbles.
The rest of the group nodded. Price was sitting in the drivers seat with Gaz beside him, they were both chatting about how the mission went while Simon and Soap were sitting at the back. For once, Simon showed some emotion. Nervousness. His leg was bouncing and his fist kept clenching and unclenching.
"You alright L.T?" Soap piped up, looking at his obviously anxious supervisor. Simon nodded.
"I hope she's doing alright." Simon stared at Soap with that stoic expression. Price and Gaz stopped talking and Price turned his head a little, keeping his eyes on the road.
"I'm sure she's fine. From what you've told us she can put up a fight so if something was to happen she'd be cool as a cucumber." Price smiled, trying to lighten the mood. Simon grimaced at the last part of his sentence but Price wasn't wrong. You knew Taekwando and you were flexible. Simon was shocked the first time you showed him how to do a backbend and that beautiful arch your back made that caused him to feel-
"Yeah, Ghost. She seems really nice. I've heard her while you two were on call. It's funny really. She sounds so sweet and bubbly and you-" Gaz stopped himself. "Well..." He trailed off when he saw Price shaking his head at him.
"He means that you two are polar opposites." Soap chimes in. "But you know what they say." He nudged Simon as if he already knew what he was going to say. "Opposites attract."
"Fucking hell." Simon let out a deep sigh. "Are we almost there?" He sounded impatient.
"Just around the corner, mate." Price reassured.
There was a knock at the door.
You poked your head from your book, folding the page over and stepping off the couch. You sighed. It could be Simon, then again it could be your SHEIN order that was due to arrive yesterday. You walked over to the door and opened it, gasping when you see your boyfriend, Simon.
"Simon!" You smile, stepping forward. Simons breath hitches and you notice this so you take a step back. He feels guilty. He had just been gone for three months and he's too scared to embrace his own girlfriend of 4 years? No. He won't let his fears get to him. Not when he's just left you for so long. Simon steps forward, pulling you close to him and hugging you. His arms stretched around your waist and he rested his face in the crook of your neck, you heard him inhale your perfume.
You were too distracted about the fact that Simon is hugging you that you don't realise his friends were here. You lifted your head to see them awkwardly looking away. "Simon, you never told me you brought your friends." You laughed when he pulled away, you could see the embarrassment in his eyes when he realised he had dived into your arms infront of his boss and co-workers.
"Yeah." He shuffled to the side and they all met your eyes. You smiled and waved and they did the same, mumbling some "hi's" and "hello's". "This is Soap."
"I believe he prefers-." Gaz speaks.
"Pipe down." Soap interrupts him.
Simon gave Soap a harsh pat on the back and Soap gave him a dirty look. He points to Price and Gaz. "Thats Price, my captain and Gaz."
"Oh, its so nice to meet you all. Come in, i'll get you all something to drink if you'd like.
"Um.. alright then." Price smiled back and entered, Gaz and Soap followed close behind and Ghost shut the door.
"I'm gluten free, by the way." Gaz says, looking around your massive living room. It has cat toys everywhere and Gaz nudges Soap. "They have a cat." He whispers and Soap looks thrilled, his head darts around in search for the feline.
While your in the kitchen making the men something to drink, they all settle down on the couch. Eleanor walks in and nuzzles against Ghost's leg. He leans over and pets her, scratching behind her ear. Soap looks in awe. "You never told us you have a cat." He scolds Ghost.
"You never asked." Ghost mumbled, picking Eleanor up and stroking her soft fur. "I missed you, Ellie." He whispers and holds the cat like a baby, loud purrs from Eleanor filled the room.
"Can I hold her?" Gaz asked, peeking over Soap's shoulder to look at the tabby cat.
"Me too, please." Soap asked, feeling his heart melt when Ghost placed Eleanor on Soap's lap. "Oh my god, who's a good kitty?" He says in a baby voice as Eleanor stretched across him and Gaz's lap. Their hands eagerly petting the cats fur.
You return with a tray of coca colas in bottles. "I made sure it was gluten free." You laugh and take a seat in an armchair. "I see Ellie has taken a liking to you both."
"Is that her name?" Gaz asked, looking up at you for a moment before sipping his cola and petting the kitten.
"Well, she's actually called Eleanor but me and Simon just call her Ellie." You smile.
"How old is she?" Price asked, scratching Eleanor's chin, smiling down at her. She purred away peacefully.
"Um.." You glanced at Simon who held up 3 fingers. "She's 3. She's a tabby cat so i'm just glad they don't grow too big."
Price nodded. "She's adorable. Be careful though, Soap and Gaz might want to steal her from you. They love animals." Gaz and Soap didn't even look up from the cat but they nodded. Eleanor let out a meow and they both went 'Aww'. "How long have you two lived together?"
"2 years I think. My dad left most of the inheritance to me so I asked Simon if he wanted to move in with me. And now we're here." You shrugged and Price nodded.
After about 2 hours of talking and joking Price checked his watch. "We should go now. Gaz and Soap have training tomorrow." He lifted up Eleanor from his lap and placed her on the couch. "Thank's for having us." Price smiled.
"Thanks." Gaz said with a smile before giving Eleanor a scratch on the chin. Soap did the same and nodded.
"Bye, you'll have to come over again!" You waved them off, shutting the door when they drive off. You re-enter the living room and sit beside Simon. "They seem lovely." You look up at him.
"You haven't known them as long as I have." Simon chuckled darkly, his arm hesitantly reaching over your shoulder and hooking around to pull you close to him. He looked down at you.
"So.. do you want to order a take-away or do you want to go out?" You nestled your cheek against the side of his chest.
"Can we stay here?" He asked, sinking into the couch. "Like how we are now. I don't want to let you go."
"Okay, Simon." You nod and smile. And he didn't let you go. He made sure you fell asleep and woke up in his arms.
eat up guys
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rubra-wav · 7 months
SFW Vox x Reader head anon request where the reader was his nibling on Earth but he died when they were very little. They ended up very lost and numb due to the death and found the only time they felt anything was in a fight so they became a bouncer, which is actually what led to them dying at 28. Reader doesn't realize who Voc is until they hear him speak.
Vox x Former relative reader headcanons
A/N This is a very hyperspecific request, so I hope you understand I've made it a little more general. 🙏
General plotline and idea is kept tho - bit vaguer, however.
Reader was his favourite relative btw, if this man saw just some random family member come up to him I think he'd just swat them away faster than light ngl.
Cw: Sfw, platonic obv 💀, gn reader
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- When you showed up before Vox, he didn't recognise you at all either. He'd died when you were young, and when demons die they don't exactly come back looking 'normal'.
- So when you show up before him after seeking him to speak for several weeks - sending letters to meet him in person like your life depended upon it, claiming you had something very important to discuss with him, he doesn't recognise the sinner who clearly died while enthralled in extreme violence before him.
- When the people who escort you into the room leave, leaving you two alone at his request, Vox's first instinct is to interrogate you.
- He immediately assumed you had some sort of blackmail on him and were trying to play games to extort money from him or something.
- But, when you're lunging forward at him to wrap your arms around him while calling him an extremely specific nickname he hadn't heard in decades, he's at a complete loss in disbelief.
- When his initial shock wears off and he realises who you were to him, he doesn't know how to react properly and sends you away, saying he needed a bit to think and he'll contact you again.
- The conflict between his past self that he was when he knew you, as compared to the self he is now, has him absolutely reeling.
- It wasn't exactly foreign for him to come across people who knew him from his shows when alive, but not somebody who had actually known him as a family member - much less one who still thought highly of him after everything he'd done to end up there.
- When he finally calms the hell down, he tells you not to tell anybody you two are related for your own safety (and his own image), and that he will help provide whatever you need.
- He'd be distant as all hell from you, but would still want you to be safe. Both of these are due to him having a particular soft spot for you even now.
- Would probably consciously make an effort to try be an asshole to make you not want to see him- then feel kinda bad when you still want to see him and obviously still very much love him. 💀
- Even if you want to spend time around him really bad, he'd probably not give in most times.
- if he does spend time with you though down the line, he's just screaming inside the whole time because he actually gives a fuck in the same way he did back in his life and that's terrifying to him after living in hell. You don't get to his standing with caring about many people.
- Would be super paranoid during the whole thing as well about someone somehow finding out (especially the Vees because he'd never hear the end of it and if Val ever tried to flirt with you he'd probably go apeshit despite his on and off thing with him. )
- If anyone ever saw you were a soft spot to him, that would instantly make you a target. And, because it bruises his ego to know he still gives this much of a fuck about a relative who he hadn't seen in decades.
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Writing this made me realise just how funny Vox would be as one of those bitter adoptive father figures who didnt sign up for this shit but just very begrudgingly love their 'child' and fucking hate themselves over it. 💀
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fatuismooches · 9 months
AUAUUAGGWGGSFYEUVUDVIBDIBFKN HIIII Giggling about akademiya dottore again...
Like one day theres a group assignment but he finds himself with no partners!!! mostly because he's so difficult to work with. But suddenly reader just jumps out of their seat, strolls over to the teacher, and DEMANDS to be Dottore's partner.
Everyone just kinda goes "huh???" and before the teacher can even answer reader just strolls over and sits next to Dottore with a smile. ACTING LIKE NOTHING EVEN HAPPENED? Dottore is so confused and in shock. I like to think he just STARES at them for a good 3 minutes straight. agauuuaaggh
my brain hasn't thought of anything after that but the brainrot is REAL. MY BRAIN SO BIG AND FULL OF DOTTORE. I need to force myself to write omg 😭 im so lazy.
also im glad u like my art LOL ig u just know who I am now 💀 its funny tho so no worries - 🐓
It's not uncommon for Dottore to be partnerless for group activities. There was probably a point when some scholars tried to be paired with him so they could get good grades thanks to him, but needless to say it... didn't work out the way they planned. So usually it's either he has no partner for group assignments, or the professor picks partners and he's forced to work with someone else (he had zero communication with said partner... this is the only time he gets a less than-perfect grade, for poor collaboration... he's always grumpy about it).
When the professor lets the other students mingle with each other, Zandik doesn't even bother to move from his seat, already planning out everything he needs to do for the project. He just hopes he'll be able to work by himself in peace, and that he won't be bothered by the shallow minds of his fellow classmates. However, he could not have predicted your little... show. Just what do you think you're doing? And who are you even? He can't seem to recall your face.
(Little does he know, you've signed up for this class just because you heard he was enrolled in it, and you've been waiting for a group project to be assigned so you can be his partner, and then (hopefully) befriend him).
Other students are incredibly worried for you, like hey, you can join our group! Three people in a group are totally fine! You don't need to subject yourself to working with the Outcast! But nope, you've already made yourself cozy in the seat next to Zandik's, inwardly SO giddy but meanwhile, your partner has a dozen thoughts running through his mind. Mostly he wonders what's wrong with you and the feeling that this group project won't be the normal kind.
He's right on both of those things because no matter how hard he tries to avoid you, after that day you always seem to pop up out of nowhere, genuinely excited to work on the project with him and listen to his thoughts. (You even came to his dorm room with your part??) It's really weird and you are too.
But by the end of the project, he hates how he wants more.
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vampirewrestlinglover · 4 months
I don't know if you take requests or not, but here goes nothing: What if there's a spike x reader where the reader is a slayer yet she's ofc like the opposite of Buffy(goth, rebel, lives in a trailer with her mother), and when Spike figures out there's another slayer in Sunnydale, he's in disbelief, and then he sees hee in like full goth getup and everything and assumes she's a vampire💀. But then she tells him that she's a slayer and he's taken aback and stuff(I'm thinking that it'll be funny).
I'm not the best writer, but i'll do my best-
"So, i'm assuming you're not a vampire?" Spike had welcomed himself into your trailer and was met with a wall of stakes and crucifixes that only made him slightly nervous.
"What? No." You slowly approach him, a stake behind your back and a look of both confusion and annoyance on your face; You really want him out of here. Your mother would be home from work soon after all. "Alright," Spike held his hands up in mock surrender, though it was clear this was kinda funny to him, "i'll get out of your hair in a bit. I just saw your badass get-up and thought you were a vampire. Not another bloody slayer." You lower your stake and look him up and down, then you look at yourself; You couldn't deny that he was kinda cute, even if he was possibly a horrible human-or undead-being. And you also couldn't deny that you did look kinda like a vampire.
"Uh, thanks I guess?" You were looking everywhere but at your target by now. You had no clue what you were supposed to do with him. At first you wanted him gone, but now you kinda wanted him to stay with you. "Are you gonna leave now?" You pushed your... feelings aside for now and tried to stay focused on getting this man, this blood-sucking, hot awful man, out of your home.
"Oh, so you don't want me here?" Spike's voice was slow as he walked even farther into your trailer despite you grabbing his arms in an attempt to stop him. He knew what he was doing. He knew you kinda liked him. "Fine, I guess i'll leave and never come back. I'll just be lonely for the rest of my poor, undead life." He dramatically threw himself onto the couch, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table with no regard for your things.
"Get your nasty shoes off my fucking table. NOW!" You drive your stake as hard as you could into the wood, making a small dent you knew your mother wouldn't be pleased with. Spike just stared up at you, shock and amusement mingling in his eyes. "Well well, looks like someone's got a bad bloody temper, huh?" Spike stood up and placed his hand on your cheek, a smug grin on his stupid face. "That's alright luv. I like a good temper."
You turn to look out the window and see your mother pulling up, completely unaware of what was unfolding in her house, and you knew you had to act quickly. "Can you turn into a bat or something?" You ask, the small amount of patience you had dwindling quickly. "No." Spike answers quickly, too quickly, but you don't have time to question him and instead grab his hand and drag him down the short hallway.
"Well, if you can't fly out of here or whatever, you're gonna have to stay in my room until you can sneak out once my mom's asleep." You continue power walking until you reach your bedroom door and open it, being greeted by the sea of posters and CDs on your wall.
"Maybe i'll shove you into the back of my closet and forget about you until I eventually move out of this shithole and I have to dig deep into my closet to get my things and i'll find you back there. That sounds exciting, huh?" You weren't looking at Spike so you didn't notice the large, shit-eating grin he had on his face.
He'd gotten into your room like he wanted to, but now what?
Hopefully this is what you had in mind and it didn't suck too bad!
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dnpbeats · 6 months
how dissapointed would you be if dan and phil revealed they both have romantic partners and its not each other? really curious to know your thoughts on this!
Hmm okay. Honestly I think I would be more shocked than disappointed!! Because I genuinely don't think that's a possibility atp. Now, I think on some level I would be disappointed, not necessarily bc they aren't together but bc that means that they've been click baiting the hell out of "phan" and making fun of phannies 💀 like I think when they do it now, it's funny af and they deserve to be able to do that if that makes sense? Because it's kind of a "they know we know" situation, and also after all the shit the phandom put them through, I'm like yeah!! Say you're getting married in a gaming vid title, make fun of people who obsess over every time you touch!! But I'm viewing them doing all of this with the assumption that they are together. So if they were like "psych no we actually are not together" I think my initial reaction would be like, a little off put I think. like then they'd be making fun of fans for wrongly assuming they're dating yk? and also part of me feels like they should just come out and say they aren't together if they aren't. but upon further reflection I don't think that's fair of me to say (you are witnessing me think this through in real time anon LMAO). Because like at the end of the day, regardless of if they are together or not, that doesn't change the way the phandom used to treat them/their supposed relationship, so shouldn't they be allowed to take the piss either way? and really, they don't owe us any details on their private lives and that still stands if they aren't together so rly they don't have to tell us if they aren't dating, right??
so all of that is to say, yes I would be disappointed at first, not bc they aren't together but bc of how they've joked about it, but I don't think that disappointment is fair to them so I'd get over it asap! lol
(I also think a part of me would be a little sad that they like "didn't make it" or whatever (since we know they at least used to be together), but again I'd try to get over it bc there is still so much beauty to be found in their relationship regardless of if it's romantic or not!! and that would actually be wild if they were such good friends after breaking up! so I think that there's still a lot to admire even if they weren't each other's romantic partners)
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
So its confirmed. Now let me grab my popcorn and watch the insecure jikookers crying.
I don't care about others, but i hate insecure onces. Like if they're not sure then why tf they are a jikooker by themselves. I know what's a job and why people do their job
Let's just support jk instead of being nosy 💀
Idk why this girl is calling her "bestie" when she doesn't know her but okay 😂😂 first of all I was so shocked to see how young she is 👀 i didn't expect her to look that young. Anyway, it don't matter. Ignore the wishy-washys my lovely. They suck and they will always suck no matter what.
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The way I hate them is not even funny 😂😂
Anyway, I just wanna remind fellow Jikookers to watch themselves... just... watch yourselves. SEVEN and JJK1 is a test. I repeat this is a test. Time to find out if you really love BOTH Jimin AND JK like u claim.
Just now. Today. This was happening.
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This account tried to message them and once she dropped the name Jimin, the convo was halted.
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But when she asked about another member/singer suddenly Spotify had the answers??
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Like, even those who accuse us of conspiracy theories have to find something wrong with this picture.
We spent like 2 hours tagging Spotify to correct this error and they finally did. But why did it have to happen in the first place?????
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Meanwhile JK's promotion pictures are still popping up all over the world.
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And as suspected, JK will get radio play in the US among a million other things other members did not get. Jimin, did not get. This DJ whoever he is just confirmed this
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Kanmom has more here.
I already talked about this very sensitive topic here. Reminded everyone that this is not JK's fault. He has nothing to do with what the company does for him or didn't do for Jimin. JK did not concentrate on FACE as much as he did for no reason. He knows, just like we do, the company didn't do the most for Jimin. The least we can do, is give this man credit where it's due. He tried to support Jimin as much as he could. If he could grab Jimin, throw him over his shoulder and run from BH, he would. But alas!
We'll do good to remember JK is not BH. He is not Hybe. So are you a Jikook supporter or are you a Jimin solo?
Jikookers, I ask; do you love both Jimin and JK?
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lalasknives · 10 months
whats ur favorite danger force episode?
Uncle Hambone is on top for me. It's such a confort episode filled with fluff and funny moments. We also see new sides of our characters, like Bose woke up that day and decided to be so sassy to everybody for no reason, and he STILL wasn't able not to fidget or get nervous around mika. In the end, tho, I really like how he mustered up the courage to ask her out on a date (in his own way, but yk💀). And just after that, we learn that Mika doesn't think with her heart or that she is always trying to find the logic behind what somebody said without ACTUALLY listening to what they said, and that her explains the 'what?🤨' reaction.
I don't think I even have to explain chapa's motives and actions during this episode. Her soft side for her sister made such a huge impact on me as an older sister. I couldn't even begin to explain why I think that's so important for her character and how I think that's such a good way to end her season 2 storyline. (Actually, I can, and I did it on my page, you just have to scroll a little bit around to find my chapa analysis).
Well, as for miles, although he didn't leave a big impact on me this episode, I liked how they(the writers) decided to finally not isolate him from the rest of the group, like they were doing for HUGE chunk of season 2💀(bisky billions, Jack the clipper, the girl who cried danger are big examples of that).
We, also, should really talk more about the colors and the color palette during the entirety of this episode because I could talk about it for DAYS. The drastic change between the warm tones at chapas house and the cooler ones at the man's nest, with dark night sky in the background, is *chef's kiss*. I could also talk about how I think it was meant to symbolize bomika's feelings for eachother, how the warm tones were meant to indicate bose and his welcoming and cozy nature, while also indicating that he knows and he is aware of his feelings for mika. And that's what chapa represents (metaphorically), feelings. Chapa needed to come out of her house because she was needed in the man's nest to quite literally shock it back to life, kinda like mika (who is represented by the cooler tones) needs someone needs to shock some sense into her (maybe bose revealing his feelings for her) and get her head out of the dirt.
Chapa's porch would indicate both bose and mika since it's a mix between both warm and cool tones.
While still speaking of color palettes, everyone's outfit was really likable.
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scurvyratt · 10 months
I watched Precious (2009) a couple months ago and was under the impression that it was a comedy due to all the jokes that I've seen about it, I was shocked to find out that it was actually a drama. It disgusts me how a film that is about the continuous rape and abuse of a 16 year old girl was turned into a huge joke simply because the girl in question is fat and black. If Precious were a skinny conventionally attractive white girl the response to the film would be wayyy different. (Mind you, people would still mock the movie because women's suffering will always be funny to the general public, but y'know)
I'm actually not a big movie watcher but I was sooo engrossed in the film and it was all I could think about for days. It totally blew me away and made me emotional which is not very typical of me lol. I re watched it today and loved it even more. Unfortunately I made the mistake of going on to letterboxd to read others reviews... Most were from MEN, WHITE MEN, who kinda misunderstood the movie imo?
Some of the complaints were that "the mom is horrible" like... yes? Another was that the film doesn't go in depth enough into the education system/other systems that caused Precious to end up in her situation. But like,, imo the movie was mainly about Precious' relationship with her mom, her discovering herself, and her journey to a new beginning. If you wanted to watch media about institutional corruption go watch the Wire or something lol.
Many people were confused by the fantasy/day dream sequences as well. I think that not only were those a form of escapism for Precious, but to also show how she's just a teenage girl. Precious has been taking care of both of her parents since she was a child. Her father forced her into the position of wife/partner. He forced her to become a mother twice. Her father then left and her role as her mothers care taker was exacerbated.
Many black girls (children) are called "fast", as in developing sexually "too fast", which is a harmful stereotype that is imposed on them simply for existing/developing/growing up. This is how Precious' mother, and society (she was kicked out of school for being pregnant), view Precious. Precious' mother knows that she was raped (and even rapes her herself), but doesn't care.
Since everyone views Precious as an adult, these day dreams serve as a reminder of the fact that she's just a 16 year old girl who fantasizes about being loved (by her mother, by the world, and a boyfriend). And it day dreaming is a common trope for teen girls which is why this all matters lol.
I think her youth and naivety is also shown when she has an outburst in class and yells at Ms. Rain. She says: "You don't know what it's like to be me! I've never had a boyfriend! My daddy said that he wants to marry me, but how could he do that? That's illegal!". The first thing Precious brings up is that she's never had a boyfriend, although she has a million other worse problems in her life that she could be complaining about. The only problem she has with her father wanting to marry her is that it would be illegal, and not the thousand other things that are wrong with that lol. But anyways, Precious is just a teenage girl at the end of the day and her biggest problem in life (or what she wishes was her biggest problem) is her desire for a boyfriend.
Other things that people disliked were the filming style/soundtrack. I have nothing to say about those really lol. If people didn't like those then... idk.
Anyways... other things about Precious that I adored/noticed:
Mo'Nique 100% deserved that Oscar, she was truly astounding. Especially in that final scene where she becomes so emotional, but for HERSELF💀. Also her wearing foundation that was way too light to the welfare office... (colorism is also part of this movie!)
Precious' first baby being named "Mongoloid", presumably because Precious' mom named her that and Precious went along with it. You can tell that Precious does not like that name though since she calles her "Mongo" instead. Mongo was also born under the worst circumstances; on the kitchen floor while Precious' mom was kicking and berating her. Precious' second pregnancy occurred while she was starting her journey (of self-discovery/independence, etc.). She has hopes and dreams for this baby and for herself. Her son was born in the hospital with her friends surrounding her, her mother nowhere to be seen. She names him Abdul Jamal, which in Arabic means "servant of beauty". Anyways I thought that was so cute :(
I loved her relationship with her classmates too. They were so supportive and fun lol
There's probably other things but I can't think of them rn lolz
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doudouneverte · 2 years
Not so perfect little girl
a/n: i changed a little thing in the request and sorry for the lack of interaction between the twins and the R
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*not my GIFs*
Wanda Maximoff x Sister!Reader x Pietro Maximoff; Clint Barton x Teen!Reader(platonic)
Request: Requested by [@darkstar225]
I'd like to request a comfort/hurt fic with Maximoff!Sister (You could do it as sibling if you don't feel comfy writing a female reader, sorry if you do) if possible, I don't find that many fics about this, especially with Pietro included 💀
The other Avengers could be platonic, maybe she/they have a bad day in school and get hurt and the others find out, tell Wanda (if she doesn't find out first and talks with Pietro about it) and try to make her feel better or just stay there with her, just a suggestion. Whatever you do ik I'll love, tysm for reading this and hope you have a nice day <3
Summary: You feel not enought...
Type: i tried to do a H/C
Warning: low self-estime(?)
word count: ~1300
The Avengers were in the living room when a phone rang, and they stopped their activities to know whose phone rang. But they didn't have to search for long until Clint picked up his phone.
"Hello?" he said.
"Mr. Barton?" a man asked on the other side.
"Himself," Clint replied.
"I'm Mr. Johnson, the principal of Y/n" he said, and the archer started to worry. "I called you because we have a problem with Ms. Maximoff," your principal explained.
"Okay, I'm on my way," the archer said and immediately left the tower. During the trip to your school, he was very worried. When you came to New York with your siblings, Steve became their guardian, but you asked Clint to be yours; he was the only Avenger you were pretty close with at first. You started school for a few months now, and you have been a good student until the last few weeks.
You had been in Mr. Johnson's office for a moment before you heard knocks on his door. He walked to open the door, and your body tensed when you saw Clint. But the avenger tensed when he saw your state; you were covered in bruises and your lips were bleeding. He quickly ran to you after he greeted your principal to make sure you were okay.
"What's happened to her?" he asked worried at the other adult in the room.
"That's why you're here," Mr. Johnson said, taking a seat. "Y/n, started a fight against three other classmates," he explained, and Clint looked at him in shock.
"Wait, did you see her condition? Are you sure because, from what I see, she was the victim of her classmate." the Avenger said, and you chuckled.
"Mr. Barton, Y/n broke the nose of one of them; the ankle of the second, and the wrist of the last," he replied. "And two of them were guys from the football team." he added, and even if he knew he should be angry, Clint couldn't help but chuckle. "Listen, I know it seems funny, but I have to deal with six angry parents. I'm sorry, but I must expel Y/n for a week." he announced.
"What? But it wasn't my fault." you defended yourself.
"I would let it slide if it was the first time I saw you in this office, but unfortunately for both of us, it's not." your principal said, and the archer frowned his eyebrows.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"It's nothing." you said, but the man in front of you didn't think like you.
"Y/n spent the past few weeks skipping some classes and even detention." he admitted, and Clint was now looking at you. "I don't know what happened with her, but I'm sure she could use this week to think about her attitude." he added, and if glare could kill, your principal should be six feet underground now.
"I'm sorry, I'll talk with her about this." the Avenger, and after they said their goodbyes, you were now in Clint's car. There was a silence; he didn't start the car; you knew how long he waited, and honestly, you were too tired from the past few weeks to play with him.
"I'm sorry." you whispered, and he looked at you. "I shouldn't do that, but that's not my fault, I swear. I was with my friends, and one girl came to sit in front of me and started to say some hurtful things about Wanda and Pietro." you explained, and he nodded.
"And for the past few weeks?" he asked, and you didn't reply. He started the car, the drive to the tower was quiet when you arrived, he didn't unlock the doors. "So, are we talking now, or do you continue to act like a spoil child?" he asked, and you lowered your head.
"What do you expect to hear? I'm not the perfect little girl you want me to be." you replied, and he was shocked, not only by your words but also by your tone.
He placed his hand on your shoulder, and you met his gaze. "Who wants you to be a perfect little girl?" he asked, and the tears started to fall on your cheeks.
"Everyone." you admitted between sobs, "They always said I should do more, that I could do more. But what if I can't?" you said. Clint didn't say anything and just gave you a side hug. "I'm sorry." you said, and the archer pulled you away to look at you.
"Why?" he asked carefully.
"To not be enough," you replied, and instantly fell apart again. This time, his hug was tighter.
"You're enough Y/n" he said.
"But why does everyone have to say I should be more? Smarter because my sister is, or more athletic because my brother is? Or I should have powers because they both have." you said while you were crying.
"Hey little bunny, look at me." he ordered, and you looked at him. "I don't know who said that, but I can assure you they didn't know you. You don't have to move things with your mind or run faster than any arrow I could shoot to be someone. You're you. You're Y/n Maximoff; you don't have to be someone else." he said.
"How do you do that?" you asked him, and he frowned his eyebrows. "How you can fight among super soldiers, god, a man with an iron armor, enhanced people, a Hulk, and even your best friend have a little super serum, but you don’t seem to be a burden." you explained, and he laughed.
"Honestly, I don't know myself, but I think that's just why I'm training." he replied. "You don't have to be someone like them if you don't want, you can be just you. I'll always be here with you, we will be the only fully human beings in this group of super people," he smiled.
"And how should I be able to do what I want when every time someone or something reminds me what I should be." you replied, and he sighed.
"You know, I don't really trust in fate. But I start to think that maybe if life hadn't given you superpowers, it's not because you're not worthy or anything, no, I think life gave you a way to distance yourself from them. You don't have to be like them; you can be just you." he said, and you chuckled.
"I don't like superhero speeches," you replied, and he laughed.
"It was not really a superhero speech, more of a father speech." he said, and you cried again. "And if you really want to be an Avenger like them, I think Tony would be glad to make you a suit." he added, but you shook your head.
"If I become an Avenger, I want to be a hero like you. I don't need any armor." you said.
"You know I'm not someone you should take as an idol. I did bad things before being the man I am today." he said, and you nodded.
"Yeah, I know, but you helped Natasha when she needed it, and you helped us too. I don't know, but I think if life decides to make me just a simple human, I think I could be a human hero, and I need to learn it from the best of them." you said, and he hugged you again.
"You're too kind," he said. "But you still expelled for one week, so you'll have to talk with them about this, and I'll see what we can do after that." he added, and you smiled. “Look at you; they didn’t miss you.”
“You should see the other guys” you joked, and he rolled his eyes. When he unlocked the car, you opened the door, but before you walked to the tower, you looked at him. "Thanks, Clint. You're the best second dad I could dream to have." you said, and you left.
In the car, Clint had tears in the corners of his eyes. He called Laura and told her about what had happened. "She called me her dad." he said, and Laura smiled.
"She's already a big sister for Cooper and Lila, so I'm not really surprised," his wife replied.
In the tower, you talked with Wanda and Pietro, and even if your brother teased you, they promised to never let you feel like you were not enough. They liked you just like you were—with or without power, you were still their baby sister.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
Featherary day 19: Threat
I haven't watched bsd since like... last year?? So pls cut me some slack akhfksjfjs
Anyways I decided to write for my two gay babies bc I love them sm and they deserve the world 🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍
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Atsushi x Akutagawa (romantic)
Lee: Akutagawa
Ler: Atsushi
Warnings: Tickles!
"Happy Valentine's day!" Atsushi greeted his partner in their shared apartment as he sat down next to him on the couch, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"What's that?" asked the port mafia member, seeming a bit confused.
"You don't know what Valentine's day is?".
Akutagawa shook his head in deal.
"Well, that's okay. I didn't know either until Dazai told me. Anyways, it's a special day where you spend it with the people you love".
" ...What does one exactly do on Valentine's day?".
"Hmm... I'm not sure..." Atsushi pondered for a moment. "We could... go out to eat? Watch a movie? Go for a walk?"
With each suggestion, Akutagawa would only shrug, seemingly not convinced.
"Hmph! You're no fun!" Atsushi crossed his arms and pouted like a toddler, clearly just fooling around with his antics.
Akutagawa scoweled "You're such a whiny baby".
"You're one to talk" Atsushi retaliated as he gave his partner a poke in the side to emphasize his words, causing the serious one to yelp. "What was that?" Atsushi asked with a raised brow.
"Nothing...!" said Akutagawa a bit too quickly. His pale cheeks slowly turning into a soft, pink color. Of course, Atsushi was anything but convinced. Curiosity killed the cat and he went in for a second poke, but Akutagawa snatched his wrists before he could make contact. "If you poke me again you'll lose a hand" he threatened, trying to sound as malicious as possible. Still, the soft flush on his cheeks betrayed his serious demeanor.
They both stared into each other's eyes, as if trying to challenge the other to make a move. Not long after, Atsushi used his free hand to softly squeeze at Akutagawa's side.
"HAH-?!" he was caught so off guard that he ended falling flat on his back, giving Atsushi the opportunity to straddle him along the waist.
"Not so tough now, huh?~" Atsushi taunted down at him with a teasy grin on his face. Without wasting much time, he snuck a hand behind Akutagawa and started to softly scribble his back with his nails.
Akutagawa's eyes widen in shock from the ticklish sensation as he tried arching away from the touch, but what he wasn't expecting was for the Weretiger to attack his tummy with his other hand. "Y-YOU ARE SOHO DEHEHEAD!" cackled out the port mafia member, being effectively trapped between Atsushi's tickly hands as he scratched relentlessly at his tickle spots.
"I think you're in no position to yell out threats~" Atsushi climbed his fingers up to his partner's ribcage, tickling the front and back of the sensitive spot.
"GYAH! PFFT-!" poor Akutagawa started spewing out all kinds of funny sounds, even his threats started to become incomprehendable.
"Aww~ I didn't know you were so ticklish~" the Weretiger teased as he reached his fingers up to Akutagawa's underarms. But before he could strike, he was suddenly pinned down by his seemingly flustered partner.
Atsushi grinned up nervously at him "Uhmm... W-we can talk about this?".
"You had your fun, now it's my turn~" Akutagawa smirked down at him before going to town on his tickle spots. Atsushi's laughter quickly filling up the room. I guess this was a nice way to spend Valentine's day
I feel like this is so ass I'm sorry to myself 💀
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bangpop91 · 1 day
9-1-1 8x01 reaction
I'll keep my reactions and thoughts below the cut for anyone avoiding spoilers. But I also use 911 abc, 911 spoilers, and lauren watches for tagging if you'd like to black list them.
I love that they are setting up the airplane arc right away. But the pilot is kind of a douche
I have a shitty meme that I made to hold up as a sign every time Gerrard is a human rights violation. The episode tally will be with my shitty meme at the bottom of the post
BTW, I want to smack the shit out of Gerrard fuck that guy
Don't know how I feel about them doing the "Epstein List" plot line with Athena and Dennis Jenkins.
Oof. The beginnings of the cracks between Hen and chim
Chimney and his movie references. Love that running character trait
The hot shots arc is actually really fun.
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The bee allergy emergency is terrifying tbh
Gerrard is actually pretty terrible at his job... also, don't yell at Josh, Gerrard, you human hemroid
The fucking bees in thie second drivers mouth. shudders it's like something out of American Horror Story
The mom and daughter both being allergic and getting stung 😭😭😭
"Why do I taste honey?" 💀💀💀 this show is a comedy
Buck showing his competence? I love to see it?
Okay but that little girl is being so brave! I love to see it.
Gerrard being incapable of accepting that anyone could possibly be smarter than him. Color me shocked.
I can't wait to see more comedic house hunting for Bathena
But I do love this interaction between them. It's perfect.
Did we need the Harry Potter reference 🙄
BUCKTOMMY!!!!!! They are so damn cute i love them.
Eddie coming in clutch with the dad jokes
Oof. This hurts. Eddie trying, and Chris not being ready yet. Chris thriving in Texas and Eddie trying to hide how much it hurts. They couldn't even let him watch them sing happy birthday?!?!?
This might be the absolute dumbest influencer. Hosting a massive flower filled garden/launch party during bee-nado.
Poor Sheila
Gerrard telling Buck to let the grownups handle it. As if Buck isn't the one making his dinosaur ass look good to the captain
FLIGHT OF THE BUMBLE BEE!!!! Top music choices were made.
Eddie being chased by a woman of bees
Hen and Chim really truly are amazing paramedics! I love that we get to see parts of Eli teaching Chim that being a paramedic is about improve
Hen calling out Gerrard without calling out Gerrard. I love her.
This flashback is painful but also great to remind the GA who Dennis Jenkins is
It's interesting seeing Athena in the position of Amir last season.
I love how much competence everyone is showing this episode!
Prince Andrew ordering a hit! Less likely than you think! For legal reasons, this is a joke
This actor having a weird bro crush on Bobby. Trying to method act as Bobby.
Fucking Gerrard
Buck's face 😭😭😭
Looping around to the plane emergency!
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Held up my sign : 15 times
At the end of the Gerrard arc, I will let you know the grand total of how many times I held up my sign.
Final thoughts: I loved it! I can see why Oliver was giving it such high praise. It was action packed, funny, while also hitting the more painful emotional beats. It had so many lovely character moments to set up the different character arcs of 8A. Also, I loved the Bee- Herring.
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