#I don't NEED it
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I think the 70s and 80s push to make comics grim, gritty and edgy destroyed something in the medium. I don't want Batman to be a violent rich freak who lets his sidekicks die and who dresses in all black! I don't want a Green Arrow who grows a beard, loses his sidekick to drug addiction and then becomes this stupid preachy political tool for Denny O'Neil! I don't want Frank Miller and Denny O'Neil and Jim Starlin and whoever the hell else to come in and ruin things with their insistence on "serious realism". No! Some realism is fine (the realism of stan lee's sixties marvel stuff is fine, for example), but edginess ruins it.
And to me, DC just blows it on this scale. I don't want my escapist storytelling to feature children dying or getting addicted to drugs! I don't need that in my life! Goddamn it, just give me something like Adam West's Barman show (or like Batman: The Brave and The Bold. That show nailed the right vibes for me, and it was on when i was young).
#I hate the dark and edgy stuff#I don't want it#I don't need it#i'm already a highly stressed person#freaky edgy stuff is just gonna ruin my mood#something i really don't need#comics#comic books#dc#dc comics#anti denny o'neil#anti dennis o'neil#anti frank miller#anti batman#batman critical#green arrow#green arrow critical?#jason todd#robin#roy harper#arsenal#red arrow#speedy
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讘讻谞讜转, 讞讘专讬'讛. 注讬讬驻转讬
爪讬讜谞讜转 讗谞讟讬 爪讬讜谞讜转 讗谞讟讬砖诪讬讜转 驻诇住讟讬谉 讬砖专讗诇 诪讬 诪讝讛讛 诪讚讬谞讛 诪讬 诇讗 诪讝讛讛 诪讚讬谞讛 诪诇讞诪讛 专爪讞 注诐 讗讬专讜讜讬讝讬讜谉 讗讜谞讬讘专住讬讟讜转 注谞讬讬谞讬诐, 讘讬讘讬 讟讬讘讬 讻讜住 砖诇 讛驻讬讘讬, 谞砖讘专 诇讬 讛讝讬谉. 诇讗 讬讜讚注转. 诪讘讞讬谞转讬 诪谞讛讬讙 讗转 讛诪讚讬谞讛 讞讚 拽专谉. 讚讬 注诐 讛讝讘诇 讛讝讛. 讗谞讬 诪讘拽砖转 砖诪讬砖讛讜 讬讘爪注 锟斤拷讜讘讜讟讜诪爪讬讛 讗讜 讗讬讱 砖诇讗 讗讜诪专讬诐 lobotomy 讘注讘专讬转 讻讬 讝讜 讛讚专讱 讛讬讞讬讚讛 诇讛讜爪讬讗 讗转 讛讝讘诇 讛讝讛 诪讛专讗砖 砖诇讬. 讚讬 注诐 讻诇 讛"讞砖讬讘讛" 讜讛"谞讜讗谞住讬诐" 讘谞讜砖讗 讛"诪爪讬讗讜转" 讜砖讗专 住讞诇注. 转讜爪讬讗讜 讗讜转讬 诪驻讛. 诇讗 专讜爪讛 讗转 讛讬讻讜诇转 诇讝讛讜转 讗转 讛诪讬诇讬诐 讛讗诇讛 讗驻讬诇讜. 讗谞讬 诪住驻讬拽 爪专讬讻讛 诇注讘讜讚 讘砖讘讬诇 讻住祝, 转谞讜 诇讬 诇驻讞讜转 讘讝诪谞讬 讛驻谞讜讬 诇讗 诇砖诪讜注 讗讜 诇专讗讜转 讗讜 诇讞砖讜讘 注诇 讛讚讘专 讛讝讛 诪讚讬 驻注诐. 专讜爪讛 讻诇讜诐. 专讜爪讛 谞转拽. 讛注诐 讚讜专砖 讗驻住 砖讻诇 讻讘专 注砖专讬诐 砖谞讛, 讜讗谞讬 住讜驻讬转 讘诪讗讘拽 讻谞讙讚 讛诪讜讞. 诪爪讜转 讚诐 驻诇住讟讬谞讬 讟注讬诪讜转 诇讻诇 讛讬讛讜讚讜谞讬诐, 注讬讬驻转讬.
#讬砖专讗讘诇专#讟讗诪讘诇专 讬砖专讗诇讬#讬砖专讗诇#vent#I'm very tired#if i see another person even mention Israel anymore I'll vomit#I don't need it#people in Europe and America get to care about their everyday life and that's it#i want that
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These buttons look very clickable... enticing even
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Noelle vs. Chocolate Milk
(Textless Version)
#undertale#undertale au#deltarune#deltarune au#utdr#utdr au#utdr art#noelle holiday#noelle deltarune#asgore adopts noelle#spongebob squarepants#meme#i don't need it
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Maybe this is a dumb question, but what's vbs?
Vacation Bible School! It's like a week-long morning camp thing the church my family used to go to does. Our church is too small to do one, so most of us who can go over there and help out.
I'm usually a crew leader, which means I herd kids all over creation and attempt to teach them about Jesus and also stop them from running into a parking lot or anything like that. It's a fun week.
#I just wish I didn't STILL HAVE TO GO TO THE TRAINING#I've been a crew leader for almost TEN YEARS#I DON'T NEED IT#but noooo 'you have to go it's vital info' ITS THE SAME EVERY YEAR#there were TEN MINUTES OF NEW INFORMATION#I DIDN'T NEED TO BE THERE FOR ALMOST THREE HOURRRRRRS#answers from the floor#anon
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was working when the video dropped. Checked my phone and saw the notif/ title. I haven鈥檛 watched it yet I like actually can鈥檛. It鈥檚 like when big was released. I need to mentally prepare. NOBODY PERCEIVE ME
good luck to you. genuinely. hiatus should have been a forever thing.
#i wish they never came back#i take back everything i said about dnpg being back#i was living my life#actually focusing on myself#i want it back#fuck them#i don't need it#answered#dan and phil#gamingmas 2023
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Undead Girl Muder Farce, Episode 8
#he goof but he also attacc#i would literally let him rip out my heart like he did to fatima#no questions asked#TAKE IT#I DON'T NEED IT#undead murder farce#undead girl murder farce#anime#my gifs
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oh wow i have 82 DVDs. not including tv shows. ahhhhahahaha.................... well. at least i didn't buy that sony alarm clock
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nooo i don't want to fall for the mini brands consumerist craze train why did they have to come out with mini books
#i don't need it#but also having a little bookshelf of little books on my big bookshelf of big books is really fucking funny
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*screaming into the void about stupid biological processes*
#i don't want my uterus#i don't need it#it's only making me suffer for two weeks every month#cause apparently pms can last for up to TWO WEEKS which explains everything#I DON'T WANT THIS#god I'm so pissed#this is fucking unfair
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I still really want to get my belly button surgically covered.
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Me: *tries to give horses away for free in a video game*
The people I'm giving the horses to: Here, take my money!
#i literally sent someone a free zebra#and the next day they sent me 20k#today i tried to give someone three free zebras to help them with a project#and they gave me 100k#STOP GIVING ME MONEY#i don't need it#not in the game at least#in real life i very much need money 馃ズ
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#just take my heart already#I don't need it#inhales#SCREEEEEEECH#arcane season 2#arcane season 2 spoilers#arcane league of legends
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Found my new goal.
I don't need a new mug.
The cupboard is full.
I still want it....
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okay i'm not the only one who's tired of these blatantly sexual ads on tumblr lately right?
#whoever is in charge of the ads#PLEASE SCREEN THEM BEFORE LETTING THEM DISPLAY??#i don't care if it's a manscape ad#i don't care if it's a funny ha-ha ad for bread#i DO care if it's multiple images stacked on top of each other of really gross inappropriate images next to products#i don't need it#please do a better job at filtering#please#tumblr ads#ads
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