#I don’t want him to suffer but if he’s going to
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loafysainz · 2 days ago
lando norris!dad x fem!reader!mom
no warn
happy reading!!!
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Lando Norris was a lot of things—an F1 driver, a McLaren superstar, a grown man who played way too much golf—but above all else, he was the clingiest husband on the planet.
Unfortunately for him, ever since they had two adorable little monsters named Noah and Leo, Lando had dropped from First Priority to Third Place in Y/N’s heart. And he was absolutely not okay with that.
So, as usual, the war between Father and Sons continued.
It started at breakfast.
Y/N was sitting at the dining table, feeding Leo tiny bites of his pancake while Noah sat beside them, swinging his little legs and rambling about the dinosaur book he was reading. Lando was right across from them, sulking dramatically, watching his wife and kids like a sad puppy.
Y/N, of course, didn’t even notice her husband’s suffering.
“Mamaaa, more pancakeee,” Leo mumbled, blinking up at her with big, sleepy eyes.
“Awww, my baby is still sleepy, huh?” Y/N cooed, ruffling his soft curls before bringing another bite to his mouth. “Here you go, bub.”
Lando gasped. Out loud.
“Oh? So he gets fed, but I don’t?”
Y/N finally looked up, raising an amused brow. “You have hands, babe.”
Lando placed a hand over his heart, looking absolutely wounded. “I can’t believe this. Betrayed by my own wife.”
Noah giggled, chewing on his pancake. “Daddy, you’re not a baby. You can eat by yourself.”
“But I wanna be a baby,” Lando shot back, pouting.
Noah made a face. “But you’re old.”
Lando dramatically clutched the air. “I’m Y/N’s baby, actually. Right, babe?”
Y/N snorted. “You were my baby. Then we had actual babies.”
Lando gasped again. “So that’s it, huh? Used and discarded. Thrown away like an old toy.” He wiped an imaginary tear.
Noah laughed, and Leo, still chewing, tilted his head. “Mamaaa, Daddy cryin’?”
Y/N leaned over and kissed Leo’s forehead. “No, bubba, he’s just being dramatic.”
Lando narrowed his eyes. “You love them more than me.”
Y/N smirked. “Obviously.”
“Daddy, share Mama,” Noah said, giggling.
Lando scowled playfully. “You share Mama.”
“Nooo, she’s my mama!” Noah argued, wrapping his little arms around Y/N’s waist protectively.
Leo, not understanding but wanting to be included, immediately clung to Y/N’s other side, glaring at his dad. “Mineee!”
Lando gaped at them. “EXCUSE ME. That’s MY wife.”
“OUR Mama,” Noah corrected.
“MY wife,” Lando argued.
“Mamaaa, tell Daddy stop,” Leo whined.
“Tell them to stop taking my wife!” Lando shot back, crossing his arms. “She was mine first!”
Y/N, now laughing, leaned into her giggling sons. “Sorry, babe. Looks like I’ve been stolen.”
Lando huffed, narrowing his eyes at his children. “You two little thieves.”
Noah stuck his tongue out. “Hmph! We win.”
Lando grumbled under his breath, stabbing his pancake with unnecessary aggression. “I’m calling the police.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “For what?”
“To report two tiny criminals who stole my wife.”
Noah and Leo giggled uncontrollably.
But Lando wasn’t done.
If they were going to steal Y/N, then he was going to steal her back.
Later that afternoon, Y/N was sitting on the couch with both Noah and Leo snuggled up beside her. Leo was sleepily sucking his thumb, curled up on her lap like a little kitten, while Noah rested his head against her shoulder, humming quietly as she ran her fingers through his hair.
Lando stood by the doorway, watching with pure, unfiltered jealousy.
No room for him. Again.
Enough was enough.
With a determined look, he marched over, squeezed himself onto the couch, and shoved Noah aside—gently, of course, but enough to make space.
“Daddy!” Noah whined.
“Shhh. I’m taking my wife back.”
Lando wrapped his arms around Y/N and dramatically buried his face in her shoulder. “I miss you.”
Y/N, amused, simply ran her fingers through his curls. “I was literally with you all morning.”
“Not enough.” Lando lifted his head, glaring at the two small humans beside her. “They hogged you.”
Noah pouted. “Mama is ours.”
“No, she’s MINE,” Lando corrected, tightening his grip around Y/N like an overgrown koala.
Leo, still sleepy, mumbled, “Daddy…no fight Mama…”
“I’m not fighting Mama, I’m fighting you two,” Lando muttered.
Y/N laughed, wrapping an arm around her overly clingy husband. “Aww, my poor baby.”
Lando peeked up. “Am I your baby again?”
“Always,” she assured, placing a kiss on his forehead.
Lando smirked victoriously at Noah. “Ha. Told you.”
Noah huffed. “Hmph. Mamaaa, don’t kiss him.”
“I’ll kiss Daddy if I want to,” Y/N teased, pressing another kiss to Lando’s cheek.
Lando grinned like a little kid. “Heard that, Noah? Mama wants to kiss me.”
Noah made a face. “EW.”
Leo, still sleepy but watching everything, suddenly declared, “Mama kiss Leo too.”
Y/N cooed, immediately showering kisses on Leo’s chubby cheeks. “Of course, my love.”
Leo giggled, satisfied.
Noah gasped. “ME TOO, MAMA.”
Y/N laughed and kissed Noah too, making him giggle and hide his face in her shirt.
Lando watched in horror. “Wait, what about me?!”
Y/N smirked. “You already got yours.”
Lando gasped dramatically. “But I need MORE.”
Noah smirked. “Daddy, you said we were stealing Mama, but you are the clingiest.”
Lando blinked.
Noah grinned.
Y/N burst into laughter.
Leo, still sleepy but wanting to participate, softly mumbled, “Daddy lose.”
Lando groaned, slumping against Y/N. “I hate it here.”
Y/N kissed his cheek again, making him perk up instantly. “Better?”
“Hmm. Maybe one more.”
Y/N laughed but obliged, pressing another soft kiss to his lips.
Noah and Leo groaned in unison. “EWWWW.”
Lando smirked at his sons. “Heh. MY wife.”
And with that, the war for Y/N’s attention continued.
Lando may have lost some battles, but he would never surrender.
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di-loves-coffee · 22 hours ago
I cannot stop thinking about this, sooo here’s something that’s in assumption that Danny’s still going to school… a bit more of a father-son aspect here
I’m using some language that’s a bit on the coarser side in this, trying to get into Waylon’s mindset. Also because this mentions racism and racial slurs that I was… not too happy to research. [Don’t worry, neither Waylon nor Danny are saying them, but they’re still mentioned]
•—•~•Called To The Office•~•—•
Damn this kid, making trouble in the second week of school?
They called Waylon to come pick him up for fuck’s sake! What did this twig do!?
Waylon had managed to squeeze himself into a nice pair of pants and shoes to help make a good impression despite his face. Gotham Prep was a ‘prestigious’ school after all. Don’t need his record ruining his kid’s.
Squeezing through the doorframe and awkwardly explaining to the secretary (who looked scared enough to piss herself) that he was there for his son Danny.
Thankfully, she managed to shakily point down a hall— assumedly where the dean’s office was… they called the pretentious pricks ‘Deans’ here, yeah? Rich people probably did stupid shit like that.
Waylon padded down the hall, trying to be mindful of his larger size.
This place felt stuffy and small, like pretentiousness and entitlement… smelt like it too.
He made it to a too-fancy door— probably hard-wood if you asked someone— with a plaque adorning it at what would be an average adult’s eyesight.
It read the words Dean Wilcox in bold lettering, colored bronze as if it was meant to make it feel more important.
Waylon took a moment to steel himself before lifting his clawed hand— clutched in a loose fist— and rapped on the door twice.
“Come in Mr. Fenton,” A masculine voice called from within, sounding older— late forties at just a guess.
Waylon froze for a moment as he fully processed the words. Fenton?
Did they think he was Biologically Danny’s father?
Oh boy, this’ll be a meeting.
Waylon opened the door with a careful grip and squeezed inside, speaking before anyone else could process the shock of him being there.
“I’m- ah—here for Danny? I’m caring for the boy”
“O-oh, well Killer Cro-” “Jones.”
Everyone in the room glanced at the skinny boy— holy shit was Danny bruised?— in confusion after he piped up. Gazes silently questioning the boy’s words.
“He’s Mr. Jones” Danny— the little shit— just doubled down on his previous statement. Not leaving a single millimeter of room for argument.
“W- well, Mr. Jones,” The man— sat behind a large desk— sounded nervous. Which… was probably a good thing depending on the situation, even if Waylon didn’t want to have to play the ‘bad guy’ role, “Daniel… got into an altercation with another student.”
At that news, Waylon glanced down at Danny. Silently asking the boy what happened.
“He was being a dick to my classmate Damian, said some really racist shit.” The little squirt— like always— told it like it was and left no room for argument.
“W- while it may seem that way from the boy’s perspective,” Waylon’s gaze moved back to the Dean, causing him to swallow and look like he just ate too many hot peppers, “young mister Markham didn’t say anything of the sort”
“He called Damian a ‘Dune Coon’.” Danny’s words were said with a flatness that revealed an underlying rage that Waylon himself was beginning to feel himself. “And said he was ‘Unpure’ and a ‘Half-Breed’”
Waylon found his gaze hardening with the newfound information, a harsh fire building under his skin.
“That’s not the matter at hand.” The Dean foolishly tried to salvage the situation. “Your- your ward punched Mister Markham”
“From what I understand here.” Waylon started, eyes carefully watching the Dean as he shifted like a scared hare under his sharp amber gaze, “The Markham boy chose his actions and was made to suffer the real-world consequences of them.”
That had the older man blubbering, trying to save his version of the story.
“It seems to me that your school tolerates racism and discrimination among your student body.” Waylon fixed the man with a dangerous glare, “Now, you can punish Danny however you like, but I won’t be punishing this behavior. And I warn you, if this happens again, I will not be so flippant.”
With that, Waylon deemed it a good time to leave, fixing Danny with a short ‘C’mon squirt’ and squeezing out of the door. The small teen cheerfully following behind him.
So, Waylon adopts Danny.
•—•~•—•Crocodile Dad•—•~•—•
Waylon wasn’t quite sure how he acquired a kid.
In fact, Waylon doesn’t even think he had actually chose himself to keep him. Instead he thinks that this kid chose him.
Right now, the small and skinny black-haired boy who’d inserted himself into his life was sat at the table his weapon’s engineer used to work. Tinkering at the bits and pieces scattered over the messy surface while Waylon himself hovered nearby.
“Are you sure that’s safe for you to be messing with kiddo?” The large, scaled man called to the boy, a hint of concern peeking through the southern twang in his accent. Elongating is ‘O’s and ‘E’s and ‘A’s.
“Yeah, it’s fine, I used to work on my parents experiments in their lab all the time,” The boy called back, and— unironically— it didn’t soothe his anxiety.
“That don’t make me feel any better squirt.”
“Well? Too bad.” This twig was going to be the cause of all Waylon’s fictitious gray hairs, he was calling it now.
Instead of lecturing the kid on safety, Waylon simply ruffled his hair with his large, clawed hands and left him to his devices.
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shroomyv · 19 hours ago
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Pairing: mark grayson x f!reader
Synopsis: mark being a little shit while you’re trying to actually get productive work done.
Warning: probably a tad bit cheesy but who cares
A/N: omg I’m finally writing a story where mark isn’t fucking/getting his brains fucked out say wahhhhhhh. Anyway, just a lil domestic/fluffy lil story while I work on some bigger ones. Nobody can convince me that mark wouldn’t be cute annoying, NOBODYYYY 😞…(I loaf him sm…)
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“Shew shew-“ you grumble as Mark keeps smashing his face against yours while you’re busy working. Your fingers clack away at the keyboard trying to get done as quickly as possible he just bothers you.
“How does this have anything to do with all your telekinesis crap or something,” Mark asked in an annoyed tone continuing to bother you—he wanted to have fun with you while he was free but for once you were the one busy. He was kind of getting a taste of his own medicine.
“Because it just does, now go before I kick your ass.” Powers or not, you still had to do paperwork like anybody else suffering on earth. You said before pushing his face away. That had him intrigued now. How did you even plan to kick his ass, he knew you were just talking shit but now he wanted to see it. So, he kept bothering you.
Whether it was poking at your face, leaping in front of your computer, or making annoying noises in your ear. He saw your eyebrow twitching more and more as you were losing patience. He wanted you to try and fight em. So he kept going.
You finally sprung up—you had had enough of his shit.
“One last chance, go away, Mark” you said squinting your eyes at him trying to seem as serious as you could.
“Not a chance, babe.” He said with a smug grin on his face holding out his arms. He was basically mocking you—wanting you to “do your worst”
You had leaped onto him like a damn cat knocking both of you on the floor as the tussle began. Now, the hard part began—you actually had to kick his ass…
A smirk flew across his face. He knew you had given in—as you began to roll around on the ground with him and tussle now. You two were like a log going back and forth. One second—you were on top of him. The next second—he was on top of you.
“Cmon babe…you’re really gonna kick my ass?” Mark said with a soft smile trying to get you to fold just from his face. You were on top of him in the moment holding him by his shirt collar as you had paused for a second. You honestly wanted to lean in and give him a little smooch but you had to keep your word and kick his little smug ass. Sadly, that wasn’t working out that well (never was going to) so you had to resort to empty threats.
“Mark! I will literally never ever ever kiss you again if you don’t give up like right now!” You threaten as he doesn’t believe it for a single second. He picked you up tossing you on the bed before leaping right back on top of you. He held you tight this time trying to make sure you didn’t move or win as you squirmed like a fish out of water
He was pecking kisses at your face every few seconds. He wasn’t letting up one bit. You loved how sappy he was, like a little puppy. You honestly almost lost for a second, stopping to stare at him. His brown eyes were like a trap for your heart. However, you had stopped for him wayyy too many times before—if you didn’t finish this paperwork now, it wouldn’t only be overdo (once again) but it’d just pile up again. You had to be a person of your word and kick his ass. He was probably gonna let you win anyway.
“MARK!” “Nuh-uh,” you two were back and forth about who was in charge. You sighed using your powers to your advantage just as he was, you were forcing his body to stay on the bed while you finished working. Mark knew he could’ve fought back or pulled through, but he let you have this little win.
“Lemme up-“ mark asked trying his best to annoy you so you’d give in
“No” you weren’t buying his shit for a second not letting up one bit
“Lemme up-“ mark continued the cycle the entire time you worked…he was trying his hardest to be insufferable
You two were just back and forth the entire time you finished your paperwork. Eventually, you were finished freeing him from the hold your powers had on him at the moment. You stood in front of him with crossed arms. “Kicked your ass and finished my paperwork.”
He just rolled his eyes before leaping on you again as the cycle of endless tussling began right back up again. He had let you win the first time since he didn’t even attempt to fight back against your powers. But this time…he’d redeem himself and win. You let him do exactly that—melting into his kisses like butter. He held you tight against his chest as if he never wanted to let go. You’d be a little asshole just like he was earlier.
“Lemme go,” you asked sarcastically
“Nope,” Mark said with absolute seriousness in his voice
The back and forth began once again.
Silence filled the room are you two were absolutely content with each other. You were in his hold and he had you held near and dear. It then hit you in the face that Mark mentioned something about the correlation of powers and paperwork. How he said “the two had nothing to do with each other so why’d you have to do paperwork for it 🤓”
“Mark…” you said softly waiting for his response
“Yes babe?” He was all ears for what you had to say to him.
“Have you been doing the paperwork that Cecil has been giving us—or should I say you?”
Silence filled the air…he wasn’t doing any paper work what so ever…
“Get your ass up and do that paperwork…” you said gently but your face was honestly so stern it had him tense up for a second
“Yes ma’am” he said as he placed a kiss on your head before moving over to the desk to begin his paperwork. He had a shitload to get started on and you’d make sure he finished every little bit before you two had fun again.
He was stubborn and so were you—a match made in (hell) heaven.
a/n: (ik for a fact he would duck and dodge every bit of paperwork he’d have to do…😭)
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shaiyasstuff · 3 days ago
pretend | zayne
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synopsis : In a tale of academic burnout, fried chicken, and poor impulse control, chaos incarnate—that’s you—somehow convinces your emotionally constipated med-student best friend to drink half a beer—which, shockingly, nearly kills him. What starts as a normal post-thesis celebration spirals into an unexpectedly romantic disaster involving one drunken confession, a very dramatic kiss, a desk-clearing moment straight out of a bad drama, and the slow realization that maybe, just maybe, you’ve both been idiots in love this whole time.
content : fluff, drunk zayne, i wrote this with absolute zeal in mind, college!au
writer’s note : the college au is complete!
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“Yes!” you exclaim, throwing your hands in the air like you just won an Oscar for Most Sleep-Deprived Human Alive.
Across the table, Zayne lifts a brow and smirks—annoyingly composed for someone who just witnessed you spiral through caffeine-fueled thesis chaos.
“I’m finally done,” you announce dramatically, like you just ended a war. “Let’s go out tonight. I need meat on sticks and bad decisions.”
Zayne closes his book with a soft thud, taking off his glasses in that maddeningly slow, deliberate way—like he knows exactly what he’s doing to your blood pressure.
“I pity the skewers who will die by your hand tonight,” he deadpans.
You snort. “I pity you, who’ll have to witness me demolish a six-pack like a college frat bro on a redemption arc.”
It wasn’t a dig. It was a fact.
Zayne doesn’t drink—ever.
You’re convinced his blood is 80% black coffee and quiet judgment.
So, naturally, you’d assigned him the title of Sir Zayne, Protector of Drunk Y/N, a role he never officially accepted but continues to perform with the patience of a long-suffering saint and the sighs of a man who has seen too much.
Honestly? If that’s not love, you don’t know what is.
But you and Zayne never crossed the line.
Not because he didn’t want to—at least, you hoped that was the case—but because you never let it happen.
Courtesy of your own sparkling cocktail of overthinking, self-doubt, and the lingering fear of ruining something good.
Zayne was tall, handsome, smart—the kind of man who made professors nod in approval and grandmothers sigh wistfully.
And you? You were the chaotic best friend with a penchant for questionable snack combos and emotional repression.
You’d watched him grow up beside you, shedding his shy, bookish shell to become the quietly confident man sitting across from you now.
The same man who still gave you his hoodie when you complained about the cold and remembered your coffee order down to the sugar granules.
And sure, you said you loved each other. Threw it around between jokes and “don’t die today” texts.
But it was always buffered by a safe, platonic bubble wrap. You never dared to mean it the way your heart did—aching and wistful, quietly begging for something more.
Because admitting it out loud?
That would change everything.
And some things felt too fragile to risk breaking.
“I’m gonna take one very relaxing shower and meet you there, cool?” you say, slinging your backpack over your shoulder like the protagonist of a teen drama walking off into the sunset—except sweatier and more sleep-deprived.
Zayne gives you a look, all cool and composed as usual. “Don’t make me wait again.”
You gasp, offended. “It was one time!”
But he’s already walking off like he just won that round—he probably did, and you’re left chasing after him, muttering something about false accusations and revisionist history.
Back at your dorm, you kick the door shut with your foot, strip off the layers of thesis-fueled misery, and step into the shower.
The hot water hits your skin, and for the first time in weeks, your shoulders unclench.
Your body, a battlefield of all-nighters, instant noodles, and bad posture, finally starts to forgive you.
Maybe tonight wouldn’t just be about beer and skewers.
Maybe, just maybe, you’d let yourself hope for something more.
You step out into the cool night air, tugging your hoodie sleeves over your hands and rubbing them together like a gremlin summoning warmth.
The city hums quietly around you—streetlights flickering, distant honks, the occasional bark of a dog that clearly has beef with the moon.
It doesn’t take long to reach the barbecue stall, that familiar greasy heaven you and Zayne have treated like your unofficial therapy spot for years.
And there he is, already seated inside, calm and collected like he hadn’t just been abandoned seventeen minutes ago. Your favorite order of fried chicken sits next to him, still warm.
Because of course it does.
You beam, tapping him on the shoulder before plopping down beside him. “Was I late?”
He doesn’t even look at you. “By 17 minutes, yes.”
You snort, already digging into the chicken like a woman possessed. “Big deal,” you mutter through a mouthful of food, completely unapologetic.
Zayne simply shakes his head, the corners of his lips twitching in the ghost of a smile.
You were chaos, and somehow, he always made room for it.
“So, what are your grand post-thesis plans, Doctor Zayne?” you ask, popping open a can with a dramatic pshhht that echoes like a battle cry into the night.
Zayne glances at you, then at the can in your hand like it personally offended his morals. “Hopefully not babysitting a tipsy gremlin.”
You raise your can in mock salute. “Too late. You signed up for this the day you let me copy your homework in seventh grade.”
He exhales through his nose, which is Zayne-speak for you’re unbearable, but I’ve made peace with it. “I’m thinking of applying for that research position at the hospital. Maybe specialize in cardiac surgery.”
You pause mid-sip, impressed. “Heart guy, huh? Makes sense. You’ve already stolen mine.”
He gives you a slow, pointed look.
You grin. “Kidding. Kind of.”
He doesn’t reply, just leans back and sips his coffee—the man’s choice of poison—and you wonder, just for a second, if maybe your heart wasn’t the only one on the table tonight.
Who were you kidding? Of course it isn’t.
If there was anything Zayne was good at—aside from saving lives, surviving on black coffee, and giving you judgmental looks—it was being honest. Blunt, even.
The guy didn’t know how to sugarcoat if his life depended on it.
So if he felt anything beyond friendship, he would’ve said something… right?
He wouldn’t just sit across from you night after night, remembering your order, walking you home, and quietly watching over you like some emotionally constipated guardian angel—unless it really was just friendship.
You shove another piece of chicken into your mouth, suddenly feeling very attacked by your own thoughts.
Maybe you were reading too much into it.
Maybe the long stares and rare half-smiles meant nothing.
Maybe he looked at everyone like that.
…Or maybe he didn’t.
But knowing Zayne?
If he wanted something more, he would’ve told you.
And that’s the part that hurts the most.
You finish your chicken in record time, like a seasoned warrior who’s trained her whole life for this exact moment.
Zayne watches you with the mild horror of someone witnessing a natural disaster unfold in slow motion.
“With all that grease you eat,” he scoffs, sipping his drink with far too much elegance, “it’s a wonder you’re still so thin.”
You wipe your mouth with a napkin and flash him a smug, greasy-lipped grin. “Courtesy of late-night study marathons and crippling stress. Better than any diet plan.”
He shakes his head, muttering something about clogged arteries and self-destruction, but the corners of his mouth twitch in that way that tells you he’s more amused than annoyed.
You lean back, arms stretched, feeling the food coma start to settle in. The air between you buzzes with something unspoken—comfortable, familiar, and maybe just a little tragic.
Like always.
You take a long sip from your beer can, eyes narrowing playfully at him over the rim. “You know, you should really start seeing someone.”
Zayne doesn’t even blink. He just turns his head, gives you that pointed, deadpan look—the one that says I’m humoring you, but only barely. “I am perfectly fine, single.”
You snort. “Yeah, perfectly fine sitting alone in your apartment reading medical journals and judging me for my life choices.”
He raises a brow. “Someone has to.”
You laugh, nudging his leg under the table. “Seriously, though. You’re handsome, smart, stable. Tragic levels of emotionally unavailable, but that’s practically a dating app requirement these days.”
Zayne doesn’t respond right away. Just takes a calm sip of his coffee, gaze lingering on you a second too long.
“Maybe I’m just waiting for the right kind of chaos,” he murmurs.
And just like that, you forget how to breathe.
You quickly look away, composing yourself with the grace of someone pretending not to be internally combusting.
The heat crawling up your neck? Yeah, definitely the alcohol. Totally not because of that look or that line.
You take another sip, stalling. “Seriously? I always thought you’d go for the quiet, put-together type. You know, the kind who alphabetizes her spice rack and drinks herbal tea.”
Zayne hums, eyes still on you. “I already have enough order in my life. Why would I want more of that?”
You blink, caught off guard. “So… chaos is the goal?”
He tilts his head slightly, a rare glint of mischief in his gaze. “Not chaos. Just… someone who makes life feel a little less dull. Someone who challenges me. Keeps me on my toes.”
You let out a breathy laugh, unsure if it’s the beer, the tension, or just him.
“Sounds exhausting,” you mutter.
He smiles. “Not if it’s the right person.”
And suddenly, you’re not so sure you can blame the warmth in your chest on the alcohol anymore.
You push all your thoughts aside—shove them into that dark mental closet labeled Feelings: Do Not Open.
With a practiced grin, you raise your can in mock toast. “Well, be sure to send me an invitation to the wedding,” you quip, voice light, smile lighter.
For someone who lives and breathes chaos, you’ve gotten remarkably good at pretending things don’t get to you.
Zayne just smirks, as if he sees right through the performance. And then—without a word—he reaches for a can of beer.
The sound cuts through the air like a record scratch. You freeze, staring at him like he just broke the laws of physics.
“Wait, are you—what—you’re drinking?”
He shrugs, raising the can to his lips. “It’s just one.”
You gape. “You’ve lectured me for years about alcohol rotting brains.”
He glances at you, his voice calm. “Maybe I just needed a reason.”
And this time, it’s not just your cheeks that feel warm. It’s everything.
You cough, almost choking on your drink. “Are you sure?”
Zayne glances at the can in his hand, then back at you with that maddeningly unreadable expression. “What, afraid I’ll lose my sense of control?”
You blink. “Yes! That’s exactly what I’m afraid of. Who are you and what have you done with ‘water-only’ Zayne?”
He takes a slow sip, completely unfazed. “It’s just beer.”
“You say that like I didn’t once watch you refuse soda because it had too many bubbles.”
He shrugs, a faint smirk tugging at his lips. “Maybe I’m evolving.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Or maybe you’re trying to impress someone.”
He doesn’t answer. Just leans back in his seat, eyes still on you—calm, unreadable, dangerous in the way that makes your heart skip.
And now you’re the one who needs another drink.
Soon enough, Zayne learns the harsh truth of his choices.
Because not even halfway through the can, the damage is done—his face flushed a deep, telltale red, his breath coming in shallow little huffs like he’s just walked through a wind tunnel.
You glance over at him mid-sip, eyebrows shooting up.
“…You good?”
“I’m fine,” he says, voice stiff and defensive—classic Zayne—but he’s blinking too much, his back too straight, like he’s focusing really, really hard on staying upright.
You stare. “You’ve had half a can.”
He shifts uncomfortably, tugging at the collar of his shirt as if the night air suddenly turned tropical. “I didn’t eat much today,” he mutters, clearly struggling to save face. “Also, the ground feels… uneven.”
You nearly snort beer up your nose. “The ground is fine. You are uneven.”
His glare is valiant, but his ears are glowing, and he’s gripping the edge of the table like it’s the only thing tethering him to Earth.
“I told you this would happen,” you say, half-concerned, half-delighted. “You’re like a lightweight legend.”
He groans, dragging a hand down his flushed face. “Remind me never to do this again.”
You lean your cheek into your palm, grinning. “Remind me to never let you not do this again.”
He exhales sharply—half sigh, half chuckle—and despite the mess he’s in, there’s still that look in his eyes.
Soft. Open. A little reckless.
And God help you, it suits him.
The night carries on, as nights with you usually do—spiraling steadily into chaos.
One of your many bad decisions includes convincing Zayne to finish the rest of that cursed can. He protests, of course—weakly, half-heartedly, with the conviction of a man who already knows he’s lost.
“I really shouldn’t—”
“Just a little more,” you grin, shoving it toward him like it’s a dare and not a crime against his entire system.
He sighs, long and resigned, then tips the can back with the tragic acceptance of someone walking into a trap they dug themselves.
Moments later, he’s slumped over the table, forehead resting on his arm, a soft groan escaping him. “I think I’m dying.”
You? You’re no help.
You’re already tipsy, which means your moral compass has long since clocked out. You’re doubled over with laughter, wheezing uncontrollably at the sight of composed, stoic, impossible-to-rattle Zayne looking one sip away from meeting God.
“You look like a Victorian lady with the vapors,” you cackle.
“I hate you,” he mumbles into the table.
“This is love,” you giggle, nearly falling off your stool.
And despite the headache he’ll definitely have tomorrow, he doesn’t argue. Not really.
After a few more cans—questionable choices all around—you find yourself leaning back in your seat, finishing the last of your skewers with drunken determination.
The stall’s almost empty now, the night stretching quiet and still around you, save for the low hum of streetlights and the occasional car passing by.
Zayne, meanwhile, is completely knocked out beside you.
Head lolled to the side, glasses tucked away somewhere, lips parted slightly as he breathes slow and deep.
His usually sharp features are softened, flushed, and peaceful in a way that makes your chest squeeze a little too tightly.
If you didn’t know better, you’d say he looked cute like this.
But you do know better, so you just shake your head and smirk at the very real mess you helped create.
Tossing the empty skewer stick aside, you slide off your seat with a wobble, then crouch beside him.
You nudge his shoulder gently. “Come on, let’s go,” you whisper, voice low, a little fond, a little guilty.
He doesn’t budge.
Just lets out a tiny groan, eyelids fluttering like he’s having an incredibly dramatic dream about betrayal and liver damage.
You sigh, laughing under your breath. “This is what I get for enabling you, huh?”
Still, you loop an arm under his and begin to help him up—because even if he’s heavier than you remember and absolutely no help at all, he’s still your idiot to carry home.
And for once, he lets you.
You somehow manage to haul him upright—well, half-upright—his arm slung over your shoulders as he leans most of his weight on you.
He mumbles something incoherent against your hair, something that sounds like “never again” but could also be “chicken skewers are evil.” Hard to tell.
His dorm’s way too far, and in his current state, he’d probably collapse somewhere tragic and inconvenient—like the middle of the sidewalk or a bush with questionable origins.
So, you make the executive decision.
“My place it is,” you mutter, shifting his weight and starting the slow, awkward shuffle back toward your dorm.
He stumbles once or twice, groaning like a disgruntled old man, and you stifle a laugh.
“This is karma,” you tell him, breathless from both the effort and the ridiculousness of it all. “For every time you judged my life choices.”
He doesn’t respond, just leans more heavily into you—like he knows you’ll carry him anyway.
And you do.
Step by step, wordlessly and willingly, until your dorm door finally clicks open and you ease him inside, one breath, one stubborn heartbeat at a time.
You finally manage to plop him down onto your bed with the grace of someone who’s done this exact thing zero times and is running purely on muscle memory and spite.
Zayne flops back like a ragdoll, one arm splayed dramatically over his eyes, as if the sheer emotional weight of the night has bested him.
You shake your head, chest heaving, cheeks still warm from your own drinks. “You’re lucky you’re pretty,” you mutter, mostly to yourself.
Crossing the room, you grab your water bottle—your trusty, slightly dented savior—and take several deep gulps yourself before crouching at the edge of the bed.
Then, without thinking twice, you press it gently to his lips.
“Here,” you say, voice softer now. “It’ll help you feel better.”
Zayne makes a vague, pitiful noise. But he drinks, eyes still closed, brows faintly scrunched like he’s never tasted water before in his life.
You hold it steady, watching him carefully, your expression torn between amused and quietly tender.
It’s such a stupid, intimate moment.
And somehow, it feels like more than it should.
To your horror, he downs the entire bottle. Every last drop.
“Hey—hey! That’s mine!” you protest, trying to pry it from his hands, but Zayne holds it like a lifeline, drinking until it gives a dramatic little hollow gulp at the end.
He sets it down with an exaggerated sigh, flopping back against your pillows like he just climbed a mountain.
“You have legs,” you grumble, snatching the empty bottle. “The water dispenser is literally down the hall.”
“It’s too far,” he mumbles, eyes closed again. “Your bed is nice. I’m dying. Let me die hydrated.”
You roll your eyes, turning to set the bottle aside—and then pause when you feel the weight shift beside you.
Zayne suddenly sits up.
You glance over and freeze. He’s staring at you.
Not blinking. Not swaying. Just… staring.
A little too intently. A little too seriously.
“…What?” you squeak, completely thrown.
He doesn’t answer right away.
Just keeps looking at you like you’ve said something outrageous.
Or like he just realized something important.
And suddenly, the room feels a little too quiet.
A little too close.
He stares into your eyes, and for a moment, everything else fades—the buzz of alcohol, the low hum of the city outside, even the dull ache in your limbs.
Then, slowly, his hands reach out and grasp your arms—not rough, not urgent, but firm enough to make your breath hitch. Before you can say a word, he pulls himself to his feet, swaying just slightly, and starts walking.
Pushing you back with each quiet, deliberate step.
You move without thinking, heart hammering in your chest as your knees bump into the edge of your desk.
You’re trapped between the wood at your back and the look in his eyes—sharp, unreadable, burning through the haze of the night.
“Zayne…” you breathe, voice barely above a whisper, unsure if you’re warning him or yourself.
He doesn’t answer. He just stands there, too close, the heat of him bleeding into your skin, his hands still lingering on your arms like he’s afraid you’ll disappear.
And in that moment, you swear the entire world narrows to the space between you.
And whether it’s the alcohol or the truth breaking free—
You can’t tell the difference anymore.
“Uhm… are you okay?” you ask, your voice uncertain, breath catching in your throat as you stare up at him.
Zayne shakes his head, just once. “No.”
You blink, concern flaring. “What’s wro—”
But you don’t get to finish.
He closes the distance between you in a heartbeat, hands moving to cradle your face as his lips crash against yours.
It’s not soft. Not hesitant.
It’s hungry.
Like he’s been holding it back for far too long. Like something inside him finally snapped loose.
Your back presses harder against the desk as he leans in, kissing you like he’s afraid this moment will slip away if he doesn’t take all of it now.
And for a second—just a second—you forget everything else.
The drinks. The laughter. The years of pretending.
All that exists is the heat of his mouth on yours and the staggering, undeniable truth of it.
His lips crash into yours before you can even finish your sentence—urgent, messy, filled with too much longing and too little clarity. It catches you off guard, your breath stolen, your thoughts scattering like the loose papers on your desk.
At first, you freeze.
Then your hands move to his chest, trying to push him back. “Zayne—wait—”
But he’s already pulling you closer, an arm slipping around your waist, the other sweeping across your desk in one rushed, careless motion—books, pens, everything clattering to the floor.
He grabs your hips and lifts you effortlessly, placing you on the desk like it’s instinct, like he’s done this a thousand times in his head.
“Zayne, stop!” you protest, voice sharp now, your palms pressed firmly against him.
And just like that, he halts—everything in him going still.
His breath is ragged, face flushed, eyes wide with a dawning realization as he looks at you—really looks.
Silence stretches between you.
Then he slowly steps back, as if waking from something he didn’t mean to fall into.
“…I’m sorry,” he says, voice low, shaken. “I shouldn’t have—”
You don’t answer right away. You’re still catching your breath, still feeling the echo of what just happened.
Because part of you is furious.
And part of you is trembling.
And somewhere, buried beneath it all, part of you wanted it.
But not like this.
Not drunk.
Not blurred.
And certainly not like something he’ll regret in the morning.
You try to steady the shaking in your voice, the racing in your chest, and force out a laugh—thin, awkward, strained.
“See?” you say, trying to make light of it, to patch over the tension like you always do. “This is exactly why you should get a girlfriend. Someone to… I don’t know, handle all that bottled-up intensity.”
But he doesn’t smile. Doesn’t look away.
Instead, his gaze sharpens—sober, unwavering, cutting right through your joke like it never existed.
“I don’t want one,” he says.
Simple. Final.
The room falls quiet again. The words hang in the air, heavier than you expect.
Your smile fades a little, the humor faltering on your lips. “Then what do you want?”
He doesn’t answer right away.
But his eyes never leave yours.
And that silence says more than words ever could.
“I want you,” he says quietly, each word deliberate, leaving no room for misunderstanding.
His eyes stay locked on yours as he takes a step closer.
“Only you.”
Your breath catches—completely, helplessly.
There’s no teasing in his tone, no drunken slur, no hesitation.
Just the raw, unfiltered truth of it. It lands in your chest like a drop of ink in water, spreading fast and uncontrollably.
You should say something. Anything.
But your voice is gone, swallowed by the weight of his words and the way he’s looking at you now—like you’re the only thing in the world worth reaching for.
You’d spent so long convincing yourself that he didn’t feel this. That he couldn’t.
But now?
He’s standing in front of you like he’s known all along.
And like he’s finally tired of pretending he doesn’t.
You open your mouth, stammering, grasping for something logical to say—anything to bring the air back into your lungs, to slow your racing heart.
“Zayne, you’re—this is just the alcohol talking, you don’t mean—”
But he cuts you off, his voice low and steady.
“I’m done pretending.”
The words hit you like a sudden shift in gravity.
There’s no hesitation in him now.
No trace of the usual restraint he always wore like armor. He’s standing there—bare, honest, and dangerously close.
You search his face for some sign of doubt, some crack you can cling to. But there’s nothing.
Just the truth laid out between you, heavy and real.
And your heart doesn’t know whether to run or leap.
“I don’t want this to happen just because you’re drunk,” you whisper, barely able to look at him.
It comes out softer than you mean it to—fragile, almost trembling—because beneath all the banter, beneath all the years of pretending, you’ve always been afraid of this exact moment.
Of wanting it too much and it not being real.
Zayne’s expression doesn’t falter. If anything, it deepens—his gaze steady, clear, unwavering.
“I’m not drunk enough to forget this,” he says quietly. “And definitely not drunk enough to lie.”
You look at him, really look at him, and for the first time, you don’t see the walls he always kept between you. They’re gone. Just like that.
What’s left is him.
And the truth you’d both been trying so hard not to touch.
His hand reaches up, fingers brushing against your skin as he gently tilts your chin up to meet his gaze. His touch is careful—soft in a way that makes your chest ache.
“It’s hard to see you trying to push me away,” he says, voice low and raw. “All the time.”
Your eyes widen, guilt and surprise rushing in at once. “I just thought…”
He leans in closer, his breath warm against your lips, eyes searching yours like he’s waiting for you to see what he’s been trying to show you all along.
“No more thinking,” he murmurs.
Then he kisses you again—but this time, it’s slow.
Careful. Like he’s trying to tell you everything he couldn’t say with words.
And when he finally pulls back, he doesn’t move far. His forehead rests against yours, the space between you now completely, irreversibly gone.
“I’m sorry,” he breathes, “about earlier.”
A pause.
“But I’m not sorry for this.”
And just like that, you close your eyes and let it all fall away—the fear, the doubt, the need to overthink every moment.
Because for once, the truth is simple.
He’s here.
He chose you.
And despite everything you tried to convince yourself, despite all the ways you kept your heart guarded—you want him too.
You exhale, slow and shaky, forehead still pressed to his, your fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt like an anchor.
No more pretending.
No more running.
You let yourself fall—not blindly, but willingly. Into him.
Into this.
Into whatever comes next.
271 notes · View notes
dior-luxury · 1 day ago
A Love Worth Fighting For
Background Information: You have been the boys' crush ever since middle school. So, when they suddenly hear about you being in a relationship, they feel an urgent need to win you back and save you from your toxic boyfriend.
( ✧ ) ────── boyfriend stories . fluff/drama - she/her .
- [𝐜𝐡.] ace . deuce . jack . epel . sebek
- [𝐩:𝐬] jealousy . some talk of physical fighting
Note: This piece has no joke, been sitting in my drafts since 2022 😭. So I thought I would re-vamp it, so it can see the light of day
Ace Trappola
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Ace had always been a tease, a troublemaker, the kind of guy who’d steal the last piece of your lunch just to get a reaction out of you. But underneath the jokes and smug grins, there was something real—something unspoken between you two.
Which was why when you introduced your new boyfriend, Ace felt his stomach drop like a rock sinking into an abyss.
This guy? Some pompous, possessive jerk who acted like he owned you? Ace saw it immediately—the way he stood too close, the way his arm never left your waist like a leash, the way his eyes flashed with irritation every time you so much as laughed with another guy. It made Ace’s blood boil.
At first, he tried to play it cool. “Oh, so this is the lucky dude, huh?” he said, smirking, but his voice lacked its usual playfulness. “You sure you’re not just keeping him around ‘cause you lost a bet?”
You rolled your eyes, laughing him off, but Ace knew. He saw the hesitation in your smile.
And then the incidents started piling up.
He caught your boyfriend tightening his grip on your wrist when you tried to pull away. Ace had been ready to deck him right then and there if you hadn’t given him a pleading look. Then there was the time he overheard your boyfriend snapping at you for talking to him—Ace, of all people, who had been your friend since forever.
That was when the urgency hit him like a train. He had to get you out.
The next time he found you alone, he cornered you, grabbing your hand with more gentleness than he knew he was capable of. “Oi,” he murmured, his voice unusually serious. “Tell me the truth. You happy with that guy?”
You hesitated. It was all the answer he needed.
His grip tightened. “I swear, if he’s messing with you—hurting you—I don’t care what it takes, I’ll get you out. Even if I have to be the bad guy in your eyes.”
His heart pounded. He was ready to throw away everything—his pride, his dignity—just to make sure you never had to look that hesitant ever again.
Because Ace Trappola didn’t just lose. And he sure as hell wasn’t going to lose you.
Deuce Spade
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Deuce had always been the kind of guy who charged in headfirst, fists clenched, heart blazing with conviction. But when he saw you with him, for the first time, he froze.
He wanted to be happy for you. He really did. But something in his gut twisted when he saw the way your boyfriend spoke to you, belittled you in front of others, grabbed your arm a little too hard.
Deuce wasn’t the sharpest when it came to emotions, but he knew what this was. It was wrong.
He tried to brush it off at first, thinking maybe he was overreacting. Maybe he was just jealous. He had always cared about you—more than he ever admitted out loud. But then he saw the way you flinched at your boyfriend’s harsh words. The way you forced a smile when you said everything was fine.
And Deuce saw red.
The next time he found you alone, his hands clenched at his sides. “Listen,” he said, voice trembling with restrained anger, “I don’t know what’s going on, but… you don’t have to stay with him. You know that, right?”
You looked away, swallowing hard. “Deuce, it’s not that simple—”
“Yes, it is!” His voice came out louder than he meant, but he couldn’t help it. He had been a delinquent once, but he swore to turn over a new leaf—to be someone worthy of standing by your side. And yet, here he was, watching you suffer because he hadn’t stepped up sooner.
He took a deep breath, then softer, more desperate: “I promised myself I’d protect you. Even if you think I’m being stupid, even if you hate me for interfering, I—” His throat tightened. “I can’t just watch this happen.”
He met your gaze, willing you to understand. “If you ever need a way out, I’ll be there. Just say the word, and I’ll take you away from him. I don’t care what it takes.”
Because he wasn’t going to let you disappear into someone else’s shadow. Not when he had finally realized—too late—how much he wanted to be the one standing by your side.
Jack Howl
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Jack had always respected your choices. He wasn’t one to interfere in your life, and he certainly wasn’t the type to get jealous.
But something about your new boyfriend didn’t sit right with him.
He didn’t like how the guy talked over you. He didn’t like how he always pulled you away from your friends. And he especially didn’t like the way your scent was constantly laced with stress and fear whenever he was around.
Jack tried to ignore it at first, but when he saw your boyfriend grab you roughly by the arm in the hall one day, a low growl rumbled in his chest before he even realized it.
Before he knew it, he had yanked the guy off you, slamming him against the wall with a snarl.
"You don’t touch her like that." Jack’s voice was cold, deadly serious.
Your boyfriend scoffed, rubbing his shoulder. "The hell’s your problem, mutt?"
Jack didn’t care what he called him. His only concern was you.
He turned to you, his ears twitching as he noted the slight tremble in your stance. His golden eyes softened. "Come on. You’re leaving. With me."
You hesitated, your eyes darting between the two of them. "Jack, I…"
"Don’t." His tail flicked sharply. "Don’t defend him. Don’t make excuses for him." His voice lowered, almost pleading. "I know you. And I know this isn’t what you want."
Your lips parted, but no words came out. Jack took that as confirmation.
Without another glance at your boyfriend, Jack stepped beside you, lowering his head. "Let’s go."
You wavered for only a moment before finally nodding. And that was all Jack needed.
As you walked away with him, Jack made a silent promise to himself.
He should’ve told you how he felt sooner. But it wasn’t too late.
Not yet.
He wouldn’t let you go again. Not now, not ever.
Epel Felmier
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Epel never really thought about romance much. He figured if he ever got a girlfriend, it’d be simple—he’d just find someone who liked him for who he was, not some delicate image others forced on him. But you… you were different. You saw him for him, not as some pretty boy, not as someone who needed fixing. You laughed at his stubbornness but never made fun of him for it. You supported him.
And somehow, without him realizing it, you had become important to him.
That’s why it felt like a slap to the face when he found out you were dating someone else.
His first reaction? "Tch. Whatever." He played it cool, pretending it didn’t bother him, even laughing it off when his dormmates teased him about it. "She can date whoever she wants, ain't my business."
But then… he started noticing things.
The way you pulled away from your friends more. The way you barely smiled anymore. The way you flinched at sudden noises.
And the final straw? When he caught a glimpse of your boyfriend grabbing your arm too tightly near the Hall of Mirrors, his voice low and filled with venom as he said something Epel couldn’t hear. But he did see the way your expression went blank, like you were forcing yourself to stay still.
Something in him snapped.
The next time he saw you alone, he stormed up to you, grabbing your hand without thinking. "We need to talk."
"Epel, I—"
"Don’t even try lyin’ to me. I know somethin’ ain't right." His voice was sharp, but there was an undeniable softness underneath. "That guy—he ain’t treatin’ you right, is he?"
You hesitated.
That was all the confirmation he needed.
Epel let out a frustrated huff, running a hand through his hair before stepping closer, his grip tightening slightly. "Listen. I ain’t some prince, and I ain’t got fancy words, but I know one thing—I’d never let you look as miserable as he does."
He exhaled, lowering his voice. "You deserve better. And… I want to be that for you."
His ears burned red, but he didn’t let go of your hand. "So, what do ya say? Wanna ditch that loser and come with me instead?"
Sebek Zigvolt
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Sebek prided himself on discipline. He was not one to let trivial things distract him, especially emotions. But you? You were one of the rare exceptions.
He respected you. Looked up to you, even. You had earned his admiration, something few humans ever did.
That’s why, when he found out you were in a relationship, it was… frustrating. He couldn’t understand why it bothered him so much, but he convinced himself it was fine. If this was your choice, then he would respect it.
But then… he started seeing him.
Your boyfriend.
Sebek didn’t like him from the start. There was something about him that rubbed him the wrong way—the way he carried himself, the way he talked down to you as if he owned you.
At first, Sebek told himself it wasn’t his business. He had no right to interfere in your personal affairs.
Then, he saw your boyfriend yelling at you one day, gripping your wrist too tightly. And that was it.
He marched over without hesitation, standing tall, his voice booming. "UNHAND HER AT ONCE, YOU INSOLENT WORM!"
The force of his voice startled your boyfriend enough that he let go of your wrist, stumbling back. Sebek placed himself in front of you like a shield, green eyes burning with fury.
"You—who do you think you are—"
Your boyfriend paled. Sebek took another step, his voice low and dangerous. "You are not worthy of even speaking her name, let alone holding any claim over her."
Your boyfriend stuttered, clearly realizing he had no chance of winning this. With one final glare, Sebek turned his back to him, grabbing your hand.
"Come. You are leaving with me."
"Sebek, I—"
He turned to you, his voice softening ever so slightly. "You do not need to endure this any longer. I swore to protect you, and I will keep that promise—whether you ask for it or not."
His grip on your hand tightened just a little. "And if you allow it… I would like to stand by your side, not just as your protector… but as the one who cherishes you as you deserve."
His face was red, his jaw tight, but he didn’t waver. He wouldn’t let you go back to that man.
Not when he was right here, willing to give you the world.
235 notes · View notes
fangdokja · 9 hours ago
♡ TW. Dead Dove // Read at Your Own Risk ; ♡ WC. 827
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You shouldn’t have done it.
The moment your lips brush against his, you know you’ve made a mistake.
Your bully goes still. The kind of stillness that makes your instincts scream at you to run, to take it back, to pretend it never happened. But it’s too late. You can feel the heat of his breath against your lips, the faint curl of something cruel forming at the edges of his mouth. Then, slow and deliberate, he grins.
“Shit,” he murmurs, voice dripping with something dark and amused. “Did you just fucking kiss me?”
You say nothing. You barely even breathe. But he sees it anyway—the way your fingers twitch, the way you swallow thickly, the way your pulse beats wildly against the fragile skin of your throat. He sees everything.
His hand moves before you can react, seizing your chin in a grip that makes your bones creak.
“You finally lost the last brain cell rattling around in that empty little skull, huh?” he breathes, mockery laced into every syllable. His fingers dig into your jaw, forcing your head back. His thumb presses into the hinge of your mouth, parting your lips slightly.
Your breath hitches.
“Look at you,” he purrs. “So fucking stupid. Kissing me like you actually want this. You got some nerve, brat.”
You don’t respond, but you don’t need to. He sees the tremble in your body, the way your legs press together in some pathetic attempt to conceal what you already know he’s going to take. And he laughs—a low, sharp sound that makes your stomach tighten.
“Gonna start begging next? Or should I just fuck the words out of you?”
He doesn’t wait for an answer.
The world spins as you’re thrown back, your body hitting the mattress hard enough to knock the breath from your lungs. Before you can scramble away, he’s there, towering over you, caging you in. His body is all heat and muscle, pressing down until you feel like you’re drowning beneath the weight of him.
No teasing tonight. No drawn-out threats, no taunts meant to stretch your suffering until you break. Tonight, he is all rough hands and impatience, fingers digging into your skin, yanking at your clothes. He shoves fabric up, over, off—leaving you bare beneath his gaze.
And he drinks you in.
His eyes are dark and insatiable, roaming over every inch of exposed flesh like he’s branding you just by looking. His hands move, gripping your thighs, prying them apart with bruising force. You squirm, but there’s nowhere to go. His fingers dig in harder, thumbs pressing into the tender skin as he forces you open.
You shudder when his eyes drop to your cunt. You can feel the heat of his stare, feel the weight of it settle in the pit of your stomach.
Then he sneers.
“Pathetic,” he murmurs. “You get wet from this? From being thrown around like some cheap little fucktoy?”
Shame burns in your gut, twisting like a knife, but it’s not enough to drown out the anticipation. The horrible, aching need that coils inside you despite everything.
And he knows it.
His hand moves without warning, fingers pressing between your legs, dragging through the slick evidence of your arousal. His touch is rough, merciless, rubbing against you in slow, lazy circles that make your thighs twitch. You choke on a gasp, hips jerking instinctively, but he just laughs.
“Look at you,” he breathes, voice thick with condescension. “Fucking dripping for me. You really are just a little slut, aren’t you?”
You shake your head, but the lie is weak. Worthless. He can feel the way your body responds, the way your breath stutters every time he touches you.
“Oh, don’t get shy now,” he croons, pressing harder, dragging another choked whimper from your throat. “You want it. You always want it.”
You hate how much it’s true.
The first stretch is brutal.
He doesn’t ease you into it, doesn’t give you time to adjust. He just takes. His cock splits you open, thick and heavy, too much, too deep, stretching you past your limits. Your body jerks, your back arching off the bed, a strangled gasp caught in your throat.
He groans, low and pleased, but there’s no praise in his voice. Only amusement. Only cruel, sadistic delight.
“Holy fuck, you’re tight,” he murmurs, his grip on your thighs tightening until it hurts. “Thought this slutty little cunt would’ve gotten used to it by now.”
You want to tell him to stop. Want to push him away. But you don’t.
You never do.
And he knows it.
He starts to move, slow at first, dragging every inch of himself against your walls, making sure you feel every vein, every ridge, every unbearable stretch. He wants you to feel it. Wants you to know exactly what he’s doing to you.
Your hands clutch at his forearms, fingers digging into his skin, but he doesn’t stop. He just laughs, pressing down harder, forcing himself deeper.
“That’s right,” he breathes against your ear, voice thick with mockery. “Take it. Just like the perfect little whore you are.”
You whimper, shame burning through you, but your body betrays you. Your walls flutter around him, your thighs trembling as heat coils low in your belly. And he feels it. He fucking feels it.
“Oh?” His grin is sharp, teeth grazing the shell of your ear. “You like this, don’t you? You love it when I ruin you.”
He pulls back, just enough to look at you—to really see you. And what he sees makes his grin widen.
“My cute little masochist,” he murmurs.
And then he breaks you all over again.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
♡ List of Fandoms and Characters.
♡ Note. Due to Tumblr policy, all characters are all of age.
Ace Attorney: N/A
Arcane: N/A
Blue Lock: Michael Kaiser, Shidou Ryusei, Yoichi Isagi
Boku no Hero Academia: Dabi, Katsuki Bakugo
Brutal: Satsujin Kansatsukan no Kokuhaku: N/A
Death Note: N/A
Demon Slayer: Sanemi Shinazugawa
DC: Damian Wayne
Dishonored Series: N/A
Genshin Impact: Childe, Scaramouche
Haikyuu!!: Hajime Iwaizumi, Yūji Terushima
Honkai Star Rail: Blade, Boothill
How to Live as an Illegal Healer: N/A
Hunter x Hunter: Uvogin
I'm Not That Kind of Talent: N/A
Jujutsu Kaisen: Naoya Zen'in, Ryōmen Sukuna
Kill The Hero: Park Yong-Wan
Love and Deepspace: N/A
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang: N/A
Naruto Shippuden: Hidan, Zabuza Momochi
One Punch Man: Suiryu
Reverend Insanity: N/A
Undertale Multiverse (Human AU): Bill! Sans, Dust! Sans, Fresh! Sans, Ink! Sans, Killer! Sans, Nightmare! Sans, Shattered Dream! Sans, Underfell! Papyrus, Underfell! Sans, Undertale! Chara
Wuthering Waves: Scar
Your Throne: N/A
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
If you want to be added or removed from the tag list, just comment on the MASTERLIST of The Red Ledger (TRL): Stained in Lust, Written in Blood. Thank you.
Official TAG LIST of “The Red Ledger”: @save4h , @rofkshinee , @songbirdgardensworld , @yanderedrabbles
Test-Phase TAG LIST of “The Red Ledger”: @imnotabot28 , @han11dh , @call-memissbrightside
❤︎ Fang Dokja's Books.
♡ For Reader-Inserts. I only write Male Yandere x Female (Fem.) Reader (heterosexual couple). No LGBTQ+:
♡ Book 1. A Heart Devoured (AHD): A Dark Yandere Anthology
♡ Book 2. Forbidden Fruits (FF): Intimate Obsessions, Unhinged Desires.
♡ Book 3. World Ablaze (WA) : For You, I'd Burn the World.
♡ Book 4. Whispers in the Dark (WITD): Subtle Devotion, Lingering Shadows.
♡ Book 5. Ink & Insight (I&I): From Dead Dove to Daydreams.
♡ Library MASTERPOST 1. The Librarian’s Ledger: A Map to The Library of Forbidden Texts.
♡ Notice #1. Not all stories are included in the masterpost due to Tumblr’s link limitations. However, most long-form stories can be found here. If you're searching for a specific yandere or theme, this guide will help you navigate The Library of Forbidden Texts. Proceed with caution
♡ Book 6 [you are here]. The Red Ledger (TRL): Stained in Lust, Written in Blood.
♡ Notice #2. This masterlist is strictly for non-con smut and serves as an exercise in refining erotic horror writing. Comments that reduce my work to mere sexual gratification, thirst, or casual simping will not be tolerated. If your response is primarily thirst-driven, keep it to yourself—repeated violations may result in blocking. Read the RULES before engaging. The tag list is reserved for followers I trust to respect my boundaries; being included is a privilege, not a right. You may request to be added, but I will decide based on trust and adherence to my guidelines. I also reserve the right to remove anyone at any time if their engagement becomes inappropriate.
Test-Phase TAG LIST of “The Red Ledger”:
♡ Book 7. Corpus Delicti (CD): Donum Mortis.
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aajjks · 1 day ago
The Executioner (m)
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synopsis. After all he was the only guy who would destroy everyone to protect you.
pairing. yandere jungkook x fem!reader.
warnings: vióléncé ánd gráphíc dépíctíóns óf hárm, psychólógícál ábúsé, mánípúlátíón., dárk thémes óf révéngé ánd páín., déscríptíóns óf ínténsívé cáréss, térrór, ánd prófánítý, mátúré lángúágé (prófánítý) ánd viólént áctíóns, YÁNDÈRÈ, RÈVÈNGÈ, 18+, búllyíng.
note. This is heavily heavily inspired by the glory, a.k.a. the Korean drama, which is a masterpiece so everyone should watch it I found this GIF on Pinterest so credit to the real owner and I just want to see on a serious note that if you’re ever being bullied, you have to stand up for yourself and no one deserves that kind of torture. So be kind. And if this flops? that is completely OK I just wrote this because I suddenly felt inspired. ENJOY BUT READ OUT YOUR OWN RISK.
You stand in front of the mirror, staring at your reflection. It doesn’t look like you anymore.
The girl who used to cry alone at night?
The girl who allowed people to walk all over her? Gone. Now, you are something else. Something stronger. Something darker.
They break you. They shatter you, piece by piece.
The mocking laughter, the cruel jokes, the whispered insults— they still echo in your head.
Every memory of their cruelty makes your blood boil.
You promise yourself that one day, you’ll make them pay. But you don’t just want revenge.
No, you want them to suffer. You want to watch them burn.
And Jungkook? He’s been there the entire time. Watching. Waiting. You thought he was just another guy—
Sweet, charming, maybe even caring, but you were wrong.
Jungkook’s darkness runs deeper than you could’ve ever imagined.
It all starts the night you break down.
You can’t take it anymore. You’re ready to end it, to just walk away from the world.
But Jungkook’s there, waiting. He pulls you into his arms, whispers soft promises into your ear.
“I’ll make them pay,” he says, his voice like a knife slicing through the tension. “We’ll make them suffer together.”
And you believe him. You should’ve been scared, but all you feel is relief.
Maybe it’s because you see the darkness in his eyes, the same darkness you’ve buried deep inside yourself. Maybe it’s because he understands.
Together, you’ll take them all down.
The first target is always going to be Minji. She’s the one who started it all.
That fucking bitch will pay.
the one who laughed the loudest when you were at your lowest.
She’s the one who makes you feel like dirt. Jungkook knows exactly how to make her suffer without touching her.
His mind is brilliant, twisted in the best way possible.
“We start with rumors,” he whispers late one night as you both sit together, planning. “Small lies. Just enough to get her paranoid.”
You don’t question it. You just watch as he works.
The first lie isn’t even about her—
it’s about her family. Jungkook makes sure to tell a trusted friend that Minji’s father’s involved in shady business deals.
The seed’s planted, and it spreads quickly. But it doesn’t stop there. Jungkook finds out every little detail about her. The places she goes.
The things she says. The people she talks to. It’s easy to turn them into whispers, into whispers that will ruin her life.
It only takes a few days for Minji to start looking over her shoulder, her confidence slowly eroding as the whispers grow louder.
You see the change in her eyes when she walks past you in the hallway.
The panic. The fear.
She doesn’t know who to trust anymore. Her friends start distancing themselves, not because they think she’s guilty, but because the rumors make them second-guess everything.
You feel the cracks forming. You feel her starting to unravel. And it feels good.
Jungkook’s eyes are dark with satisfaction as he watches her fall apart. “Isn’t it beautiful?” he whispers, his voice dripping with malice.
You don’t even have to respond. You just watch, enjoying every moment of her pain.
“Do you think she’s figured it out?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Not yet,” Jungkook answers, a grin spreading across his face. “But soon. She’ll beg for mercy when it all crashes down on her.”
The next target? Taehyun. That piece of shit who humiliated you in front of the whole school.
The one who laughed while everyone else joined in. Jungkook doesn’t have to say much. You know what needs to be done.
“You want to destroy him?” Jungkook asks, his voice quiet but laced with something dangerous.
“I’ll make him lose everything. We’ll start with his reputation, and then we’ll break him. Piece by piece.”
You can’t help but smile, a dark thrill running through your veins. Taehyun won’t see this coming.
Jungkook’s method is brilliant.
He tells one of Taehyun’s closest friends that Taehyun’s been cheating on his girlfriend.
A small, subtle lie, but enough to set things in motion.
Then, he plants more seeds. He makes sure Taehyun sees a text message from his supposed lover—something that’s carefully worded to stir up doubt.
It isn’t just the girl, though. Jungkook spreads rumors about Taehyun’s family, his past, things that could make anyone question their loyalty.
The next day,
Taehyun’s world comes crashing down. His girlfriend confronts him, furious, demanding answers.
His friends turn on him, unsure if they can trust him. The more Taehyun tries to fight back, the more the whispers grow. It isn’t just about the girl anymore. It’s about his character, his integrity.
Everything he’s worked so hard to build is falling apart, and he can’t stop it.
Taehyun finds you in the hallway, his face red with anger. “You think you can destroy me?” he spits, his eyes wild.
“You and your little boyfriend. You’ll regret this.”
You chuckle darkly, stepping closer. “You’re too late for regrets.”
Jungkook’s hand rests on your shoulder, his presence calming in a way, but also dangerous.
Taehyun looks at him, his eyes widening as he sees the madness in Jungkook’s gaze. Jungkook’s lips curl into a smile, but there’s nothing kind in it.
“You should’ve stayed quiet,” Jungkook whispers, his voice low and full of venom. “Now you’ve made it personal.”
Taehyun backs off, his confidence shattered, but it doesn’t matter anymore. He’s done.
The third target is Jiwoo. The girl who always thinks she’s better than you.
The girl who humiliated you just for the fun of it. She’s the last one you need to break.
Jungkook’s plan is simple: break her mentally. Make her think she’s being hunted.
He starts small—text messages that make her think someone’s stalking her.
I know what you did. I’m watching you.
At first, it’s nothing more than a few strange messages. But soon, Jiwoo’s paranoia starts to take over.
She can’t leave her house without looking over her shoulder. She can’t sleep without checking her windows.
Jungkook makes sure her fear is constant. Her world is falling apart, and there’s nothing she can do to stop it.
You watch her crack, and it’s delicious.
She tries to confront you one day in the hallway, shaking with fear. “You think you’re so clever, huh?”
Jiwoo spits, but her voice cracks halfway through. “You think you can just destroy me like you did with the others?”
You laugh softly, stepping forward with a smile. “Oh, honey. You’re already destroyed. You just don’t know it yet.”
Her eyes narrow. “You can’t do this! I’ll make you pay for this!”
You pause for a moment, then laugh again. “I’m sorry, Jiwoo, but this is just the beginning. You really think I’m afraid of you? You should’ve kept your mouth shut when you had the chance.”
Jungkook steps behind you, his eyes burning with a fire that makes Jiwoo back up instinctively.
He doesn’t even look at her, just stares ahead, his presence enough to crush her will.
“Your life’s already over. It’s just… no one’s told you yet.”
Jiwoo’s face turns pale as she stumbles back. Her fight is gone. She has nothing left.
And then comes the final step. The last target is everyone. Every single person who ever made you feel small. Every person who thought they could walk all over you and get away with it.
Jungkook’s plan is grand. He orchestrates everything, using all the pain and darkness to his advantage.
He spreads lies. He creates chaos. He makes sure that every person who has ever wronged you knows what it feels like to lose everything.
Their reputations are torn apart. Their relationships destroyed. Their lives shattered.
And you? You stand by his side. You’re no longer the victim. You’re the one who makes it all happen.
But even as the revenge consumes you, you can’t ignore the way Jungkook looks at you.
His eyes are always on you, his gaze dark and intense.
You can feel his obsession growing, feeding off the chaos you both create. It’s intoxicating. You need it. You need him.
One night, after the last of your enemies is taken down, you find yourself alone with Jungkook.
His eyes are fixed on you, his body close. The air is thick with tension.
“We’ve done it,” he whispers, his voice filled with satisfaction. “They’re all gone. It’s just us now.”
You feel the heat between you rise. His hand slides to your waist, pulling you toward him.
His lips hover over yours, and you can feel the weight of the moment, the culmination of everything you’ve done together.
“Just us,” you murmur.
He kisses you then, fierce and consuming.
His hands tangle in your hair as his lips bruise yours, claiming you in a way that feels both like salvation and destruction. It’s everything—the revenge, the passion, the hunger.
You lose yourself in it, in him.
When you pull away, you’re both breathless. But this is just the beginning.
“Together,” Jungkook whispers, his voice raw.
It had all started when you least expected it.
You were a victim of the world around you—silent, unnoticed, walking the halls of your school with your head down, trying to avoid attention.
The insults, the whispered names, the cold stares from people who didn’t even know you—
they were all part of your daily routine. You had learned to live with it. It was easier than trying to fight it.
But on that day, something shifted. It started with Jungkook.
You didn’t know him. Not really. He was just another guy who’d somehow managed to rise above everyone else.
The guy who seemed to have it all— charisma, popularity, a smile that could charm the world.
He was everything you weren’t. And, to be honest, you hated him for it at first.
Why should someone like him care about someone like you?
The first time he spoke to you, you thought it was just another joke.
It was the kind of thing people did when they wanted to make someone feel awkward, to point out how out of place you were.
But Jungkook didn’t look at you with pity like everyone else did. He looked at you with… understanding.
His eyes were sharp, not soft like those who tried to make you feel better.
No, his gaze was intense, focused. It made your stomach twist.
He had caught you off guard that day in the hallway. His hand had settled on your shoulder so suddenly, you flinched.
Your first instinct was to shrug it off, push him away, tell him to go back to his crowd of popular, perfect friends.
But he didn’t let you. Instead, he stepped closer, his presence like a wall you couldn’t escape.
“Hey,” he said, his voice calm but firm. “You alright?”
You weren’t. You were never alright. But you weren’t about to let him see that. You barely knew him. Hell, you didn’t even want to.
“I’m fine,” you muttered, your voice thin.
His eyes narrowed, not in anger, but in curiosity. “Are you?”
You hesitated, swallowing the lump in your throat. The truth was, you wanted someone to ask. But you also hated the idea of being vulnerable.
It was a weakness.
And weakness, in your world, was something to be exploited.
“I’m fine,” you repeated, with a little more conviction this time, though it didn’t stop the shaking in your hands.
Jungkook didn’t buy it. Of course,
he didn’t.
“You’re lying,” he said simply, his tone not judgmental, but certain.
It wasn’t the accusation that bothered you— it was the fact that he could see right through you, like your facade wasn’t even worth the effort.
His words hit too close to home, but you refused to let him know that.
You opened your mouth to argue, to tell him to leave you alone, but for some reason, the words caught in your throat.
You couldn’t explain it, but something about him stopped you.
Something in the way he looked at you made you want to tell him everything, to unravel the tightly wound mess inside of you.
But that was insane, wasn’t it?
Why would you trust him? Why would you trust anyone?
“I’m fine,” you said again, almost pleading with yourself to believe it.
He watched you for a beat too long, and then, surprisingly—he smiled. It wasn’t some fake, pitying grin like the others. No, it was a smile that almost seemed… understanding.
“You don’t have to lie to me,” he said quietly. “I know what it feels like.”
You blinked, thrown off guard. “What?”
Jungkook shrugged, his eyes darkening slightly. “I know what it’s like. To be invisible. To be the one everyone picks on. To be ignored… hurt… because you’re not what people want you to be.”
The words hung in the air between you, and for a moment, you just stared at him, trying to piece together what he was saying.
Was he messing with you? Was this some twisted joke? You didn’t know.
“I don’t believe you,” you finally said, taking a step back, wanting to put some space between you.
But Jungkook didn’t move. He stood there, looking at you with the same steady gaze.
“It’s true,” he said simply, almost like a promise. “I’ve been where you are. I still am. I’m not like the rest of them.”
That… made you pause. You didn’t know what to think. Was he just some rich kid playing at empathy?
Or was there something real in his words?
“I can’t help you,” you said, not because you didn’t want it, but because you were terrified of what it would mean. “You don’t know me.”
“You don’t have to trust me,” Jungkook replied, his voice low but firm. “But I can help you. And I want to. If you’ll let me.”
The doubt you felt was overwhelming. You had been burned too many times, left alone when you thought people cared.
No one had ever really seen you.
No one had ever truly understood what it was like to feel completely alone, to feel like you were nothing more than a shadow in a room full of people.
And yet… Jungkook’s offer felt different. He wasn’t offering to fix you. He wasn’t offering some false comfort. It was something darker, something raw that you couldn’t push away.
He understood the pain.
Maybe that’s why you didn’t push him away, why you didn’t shut him down completely.
But you couldn’t trust him. Not yet.
“So, what do you want from me?” you asked, your voice rough, a sharp edge to it.
Jungkook tilted his head, his eyes still intense. “Nothing, not yet. But I’ve been watching. I’ve seen how they treat you. How they treat people like you. And I won’t stand for it.”
You couldn’t tell if he was serious or if it was just some weird power play.
But there was something in the way he said it, something in his eyes that made you pause.
“You want to take them down?” you asked, more to yourself than to him.
He nodded slowly, a glint of something dangerous in his expression. “Yeah. But it’s not just about them. It’s about making them regret ever thinking they could do this to you.”
You looked away, unsure whether to be terrified or relieved. Maybe it was a little bit of both. “Why?”
“Because I don’t like seeing people get crushed under the weight of others. And I think you’ve been crushed long enough.”
The sincerity in his voice surprised you.
Maybe it was the fact that he had seen something in you that no one else had.
Maybe it was the darkness in his eyes that mirrored your own pain. You didn’t know.
But you couldn’t deny it anymore.
“Fine,” you said, your voice steady but unsure. “I’ll let you help me. But don’t think you’re saving me. I can handle this on my own.”
Jungkook’s smile softened, and for the first time, it felt like he wasn’t playing some game.
“I never said I was saving you. I’m just helping you get what you deserve.”
And that’s when you knew. It wasn’t about saving you—it was about destroying them.
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mononijikayu · 2 days ago
start a war — gojo satoru and nanami kento.
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Satoru exhaled, tilting his head, a lopsided smirk tugging at his lips, but his voice was quieter than usual. "Be better, huh?" He let the words hang in the air before nodding, something unreadable in his eyes. "Alright, then. Guess I better not disappoint, huh?" There was a flicker of something in your expression. Perhaps it was relief, or maybe something gentler than that. But he didn’t care to know. Instead, he lets himself drown in the small, knowing smile you gave him. "No, I don’t think you will. After all, your eyes tell."
GENRE: alternate universe - actor/s au!;
WARNING/S: nsfw! (not safe for work), possibly triggering themes - please beware!, afab! reader, use of she/her pronouns, unrequited romance (for now), fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, hurt, love, fluff, humor, light-hearted, falling in love, long-term relationship, marriage, healing, age gap (reader is 12 years older than satoru), physical abuse, mental abuse, parental abuse, domestic violence, retaliation, violence, abuse, emotional abuse, emotional distress, injury, blood, bodily fluids, fighting, mental health issues, loss, hatred, resentment, trauma, depression, desperation, domestic life, confessions, distress, cheating, cutting off family members, escaping, profanity, toxic relationship, drama, depression, bitterness, children, mention of various forms of abuse, mention of violence, mention of blood, mention of bodily fluids, mention of trauma, depiction of various forms of abuse, depiction of violence, depiction of various forms of abuse, actor! nanami, actor! gojo, housewife! reader;
WORD COUNT: 20k words
NOTE: it was hard to write this part of the series because satoru's life was really hard. i hope i was able to portray it well enough, and with good care to the sensitivity of the content. in some ways, the only wonderful thing in his life is his mother and reader. please beware. if you cannot read it yet, you can opt out from this part. your well-being is more important to me. i hope that if you can read this, please know that i love you. and if you are going through what these characters are going through, i just want you to know i'm here for you and i support you. i love you all so much, please keep safe!!! see you in the next one!!!
if you want to, tip!
the good life ― masterlist.
taglist: @not-aya, @nanamin-chan, @qualitygiantshoepsychic, @funicidals, @zanzie, @poopooindamouf, @darlingken, @lillycore, @prosypepper, @sukioyakio, @harrie-fic-center, @yoonseokerist, @midnight-138;
TWENTY YEAR OLD GOJO SATORU THINKS HE’S USED TO IT. This was just his normal life, the accursed life he’s forced to live. He hated it, to be sure. And he thinks it's the worst outcome for any human being to live and breathe such suffering. Yet here he was, in the thick of it. He felt ever so abandoned by what god there exists on the other side.  
The beatings weren’t the worst of it when it came to his father, he thinks to himself. Gojo Satoru could take the blows, he’s known he could since he first felt the blow. He had learned how to brace for them, how to keep his face blank, how to shove the pain somewhere deep enough that it barely registered anymore.
But his poor, defenseless mother—she was the one who suffered the most. And she was too fragile to endure it, too weak to even shout or whimper or even to fight back at all. The illness had already made her frail, had stolen the color from her cheeks and the strength from her limbs. Yet destiny made her suffer more.
Satoru hated it.
He hated the way she still flinched whenever his father, drunk and staggering, raised a hand as if to strike. Hated the way her lips parted on instinct, whispering those same, rehearsed apologies—I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—for things that were never her fault.
Hated how she still, somehow, found the strength to step between them, shielding Satoru when he was the one who bore the brunt of the man's wrath, even when she could barely stand herself.
"Stay back," she would murmur, her voice trembling but her arms unwavering as she held them out in front of him. "Please, Satoru. Don't say anything."
But it was never that simple. It never was.
Because what Satoru hated most—more than the stench of liquor that clung to his father, more than the bruises he had long stopped counting—was the way his hands trembled. Not from fear. No, never from fear. It was rage. Hot, blinding, and useless.
His small fists clenched at his sides, nails digging into his palms. He wanted to strike back, wanted to scream, wanted to do something other than stand there, helpless. But he knew what would happen if he did. It would only get worse for her.
"Don't look at him like that, my son." she pleaded one night after their father had finally collapsed in a drunken heap. Satoru hadn't said a word, but she could see the fury simmering beneath his pale, glacial eyes. "You know what happens when you—"
"When I what?" he snapped, yanking himself away from her touch. "When I make him mad? When I make things worse? As if that bastard needs something to fuel the fire. As if he needs a reason!" His voice cracked, his breath coming out sharp and uneven.
"Satoru, please—"
"Stop telling me to let it go!" His vision blurred, his whole body shaking. He wanted to punch the walls, to scream until his throat was raw. "You let him do this! You always let him—"
Her slap wasn’t hard. It didn’t hurt. But it stunned him into silence.
For a long moment, she just stared at him, eyes glassy with unshed tears, hands trembling just as much as his were.
Then, in a voice so soft it was barely a whisper, she said, "What else am I supposed to do?"
Satoru had no answer.
And that was what he hated most.
Almost as much as he hated having to hide the bruises from Yaga Masamichi when he was still in high school.
That was when it was most prominent.
Satoru had always been strong—physically, mentally, in every way that mattered. But sometimes, no matter how much strength he had, the anger got the better of him. That’s why the bruises happened. That’s why, some days, he’d roll his shoulders and feel the ache buried deep beneath the skin, why he’d clench his fists just to remind himself that he could still fight, even if he didn’t. Even if he couldn’t.
But Yaga wasn’t stupid.
Satoru knew the man saw it—the tension in his shoulders, the careful way he moved, the occasional wince he couldn’t quite suppress when sparring. Maybe it was the way he sometimes showed up to class with a faint shadow of a bruise peeking out from under his collar, or the times he kept his sunglasses on longer than necessary, even indoors.
And yet, Yaga never pushed.
Never asked.
Not directly, anyway.
"What happened to your wrist?" Yaga had asked once, his tone casual but his sharp eyes betraying his concern.
Satoru barely spared him a glance, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Training accident, teach." he said easily. A half-lie, but a lie all the same. “Just held the baseball wrong. You know how it is.”
Yaga didn’t respond right away. Instead, he studied him, gaze heavy in a way that made Satoru’s skin itch. But still, he didn’t push. "Be more careful next time, Satoru." was all he said before walking away.
And that was how it always was. Because Yaga Masamichi knew. He wasn’t born yesterday. knew that Satoru wouldn’t tell him the truth, even if it was obvious. Knew that if he did push, Satoru would just deflect, turn it into a joke, act like it didn’t matter.
Even now, years later, long after graduation, Yaga still checks up on him, whether it be a phone call or a text. Although, sometimes he tries to go himself. But that doesn’t always happen. Still, he tries to do what he can.
"You and your mother are eating enough, right? If not, I’ll send over some food there."
"Don’t overwork yourself. I know you’re taking care of your mother, but take a rest."
"You know you can call if you need anything, right?"
Satoru would just grin, waving him off. "I’m not a kid anymore, Yaga. I’ve got it handled."
But some nights, when the past was a little too close, when the phantom ache of old wounds lingered longer than it should, he wasn’t sure if that was a lie. He wasn’t sure he was actually alright. He wasn’t actually sure that he didn’t need anyone.
Geto Suguru also always noticed. And he expected nothing less of him. He was his best friend after all. He knew him better than most people, even his mother, even Yaga. Even now, years later, when they hung out like nothing had changed, Suguru’s sharp purple eyes never missed a thing.
Satoru had always been good at hiding things, even when he was a kid. All of his pain. All of his anger. All of the bruises that littered his skin like evidence of a war he couldn’t fight back in. But Geto Suguru always noticed.
Satoru would catch him staring sometimes when they were kids, when they were still teenagers. He could feel the burning gaze at his wrists, at the faint marks barely visible beneath the cuff of his uniform. His expression would darken, his jaw tightening as he exhaled through his nose.
"Let’s take him down, Satoru. You and me, we’ll get it done. You’ll be freed from the bastard." he’d say, voice low, simmering with conviction. "Let’s beat him together. Just tell me when and where. I’ll help you."
And good gods, Gojo Satoru wanted to.
He wanted so badly he could taste the urge on his tongue, could feel the violent, reckless need clawing up his throat. He wanted to see his father afraid for once. He wanted to watch him flinch like his mother does. He wants him to bleed like he does. He wants him to feel powerless, to feel like a wounded animal, to feel so weak that he begs for mercy.
But he couldn’t. Not without consequences. Not without leaving his mother in that house alone, with no one to protect her. Not without making things even worse. So he gritted his teeth, shoved his hands deep into his pockets, and told Suguru those words he hated — No, not yet.
Geto Suguru never liked that answer. He never did.
"Not yet?" He clicked his tongue, crossing his arms over his chest. His eyes—dark purple, burning with frustration completely bored into Satoru like he was the idiot in this situation. "And when, exactly, is ‘yet’? When he puts your mom in the hospital? When he finally does something you can’t fix?"
Satoru hated it when he talked like that. Hated how blunt Suguru was, how easily he put words to the thoughts that already haunted Satoru’s mind. Like he was saying something Satoru hadn’t already thought of a thousand times over. His hands clenched into fists in his pockets. His headache from the pressure of his own barely contained rage. 
"I said drop it, Suguru." he bit out, voice sharp, final. “Please.”
And for all that Suguru was stubborn, he did.
At least out loud.
But his silence was never truly silent.
It lingered in the way his jaw clenched, the way his fists curled tight at his sides, the way he always positioned himself just a little closer to Satoru than before, like if he couldn’t do anything yet, he’d at least be ready for when he could.
But his silence spoke louder than his words ever could. The way his jaw clenched, the way his hands curled into fists, the way he didn’t meet Satoru’s eyes—it said everything. He wanted to fight for Satoru in a way Satoru couldn’t fight for himself. But Satoru wouldn’t let him.
Couldn’t let him. Because Suguru had parents who loved him, a future ahead of him that didn’t have to be ruined by a single act of revenge. Gojo Satoru wasn’t about to take that from him. So he swallowed his pride and his rage and let things continue as they always had. Until the night they didn’t.
Until the night his father came home drunker than usual. Angrier than usual. Until the slurred curses turned into the sound of something shattering. Until he heard his mother’s voice. It was a tone too soft, ever still and trembling, barely a whisper beneath the fury. 
"Please… please don’t—"
Satoru was on his feet before he even realized it. The room spun around him as he moved, his vision tunneling, his pulse hammering so loud it drowned out everything else. His nails bit deep into his palms, his whole body rigid, every muscle locked in place as if his own rage was the only thing keeping him upright.
Not yet, he had told Suguru. Not yet, not yet, not yet.
But maybe ‘yet’ had just arrived. Maybe this was it, maybe this time, he can’t help it. Because he couldn’t let it go this time. Because he didn’t want another time. The floor felt too far away as he took his first step. The air in his lungs burned as he took his second. 
His father’s voice—deep and volatile—spat something cruel, something his mother didn’t deserve, something he didn’t fully hear over the roaring in his head. Then another crash. A gasp. A whimper. And that was it. The last thread of restraint snapped. Satoru moved.
He was down the hall before he could think. The door was already half-open, the dim light from the kitchen spilling into the hallway, casting long, warped shadows across the floor. The smell of alcohol was thick in the air. It was pungent, suffocating, clinging to everything.
And there he was. His father stood over his mother, his chest heaving, his broad shoulders rising and falling with every breath. She was curled against the cabinets, arms wrapped around herself, shoulders trembling. A broken plate lay in jagged shards near her knees. Her hands were thin, delicate. And they were shaking. Satoru immediately saw red.
"You bastard." His own voice barely sounded like his. It was low, seething, vibrating with something ugly and raw.
His father turned sluggishly, narrowing bloodshot eyes. "What did you just—"
Satoru didn’t let him finish. His fist connected before he could think. A sickening crack echoed in the air, and his father stumbled back, knocking into the dining table with a grunt of pain. But Satoru didn’t stop. Didn’t hesitate. Didn’t think.
He hit him again. And again. As hard as he could. He let himself push until his knuckles split, but he didn’t feel it one bit. The only thing he felt was the satisfaction of watching his father fall, of watching him struggle to push himself up, dazed, stunned.
"That feel good?" Satoru’s voice was almost a snarl. He barely recognized himself. "You like that? Huh?"
His father groaned, trying to sit up. "You—"
Satoru grabbed him by the collar and slammed him back down onto the floor. "Say it again." 
His breath was uneven, his chest rising and falling so fast he thought he might explode. His hands were still trembling—just like his mother’s had been. "Say something else."
His father didn’t.
For the first time, he actually looked afraid.
Gojo Satoru wasn’t sure how long he would have stayed there, fists clenched, heart pounding, eyes burning with something violent and unforgiving. If not for his mother’s voice.
"Satoru… stop." Her hand wrapped around his wrist—small, fragile, barely a touch. But it cut through him sharper than anything else.
He turned, and she was looking at him, eyes glassy with unshed tears. She shook her head once. Not like this. Not yet. Satoru’s hands dropped. His father coughed, groaning as he pushed himself onto his elbows.Satoru forced himself to step back. To unclench his fists. To breathe.
His mother was already moving, kneeling down, pressing a cloth against his father’s bleeding lip with trembling fingers. And Satoru hated that. Hated how, even after everything, she still cared. He turned on his heel and walked out, fists still shaking.
Maybe 'yet' hadn’t arrived after all.
But it was close.
He was so close to the end of it all.
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IT WAS A NICE DAY TO BE OUTSIDE. Perhaps that’s why Yaga Masamichi asked to meet today. The quaint little café was tucked away on a quiet street just outside Metropolitan Tokyo, the kind of place that had probably been there for decades. 
Faded wooden tables, the hum of an old espresso machine, the occasional clink of ceramic cups meeting saucers. It smelled of roasted beans and nostalgia, of things unchanged even as the world outside moved forward.
You arrived a few minutes early, slipping into a seat by the window, where the late afternoon sun slanted through the glass in golden streaks. The café was quiet, the kind of place where the scent of roasted coffee beans lingered in the air, where soft chatter mixed with the gentle clinking of porcelain cups against saucers.
You ordered a matcha latte and a croissant. The hunger from the long drive gnawed at your stomach, and the heat of the sun had left your throat parched. You figured Yaga wouldn’t mind. He was never one for small courtesies anyway. If anything, he’d probably just grunt in acknowledgment before ordering his own drink, something plain and bitter, like he always used to.
It had been years since you last saw Yaga Masamichi. The two of you had grown up in the same small town, running barefoot through the narrow streets as children, getting into scrapes, building forts out of old cardboard boxes. You lived just a few houses apart, the kind of proximity that turned familiarity into something close to kinship.
But life had a way of pulling people apart. He left for university in Kyoto. You stayed behind, tethered to the countryside, where the same roads led to the same places, where the seasons changed but everything else stayed the same. Well, that was until you had married Kento. 
Yet even then, you knew he was in Tokyo for a while before he moved back to the countryside to go and teach. Even then, you and him never talked again after that. There were no hard feelings, no dramatic goodbyes about all that. It was just a gradual drifting, like leaves floating down different streams. That was how it went sometimes.
Still, when he called out of the blue, his voice was exactly the same. Gruff. Familiar. Straight to the point. You thought to yourself that he hasn’t changed one bit. Perhaps that touched you quite a fair bit. At least one thing, someone from home didn’t change one bit.
"Can I meet you?" he had asked, no preamble, no idle pleasantries. "I have something to ask of you."
“What about?” You asked him in return.
“Just come meet me. I’ll ask you then.” He says, almost too bluntly. “It’s a matter that is too serious to express over the phone.”
There was something in his tone, something weighty, something that made you pause. Yaga Masamichi had never been the type to reach out unless he had a reason. He could have all these years. But he had now. Which means it must be that grave. 
So you agreed. And that’s why here you were. The matcha latte was warm in your hands, the foam swirling lazily on the surface. You took a sip, savoring the earthy sweetness, your gaze drifting out the window. A moment later, you hear the bell above the café door chimed.
You heard those heavy footsteps you could not recognize.  You didn’t need to turn to know it was him. Sometimes, there are just going to be people, no matter how many years pass, who still carry the same presence. 
You could feel the presence of a man who had seen too much, carried too much. He was broader than you remembered, the weight of responsibility settling into the set of his shoulders, the firm line of his mouth. But the moment he sat down, the tension in his posture told you this wasn’t just a casual reunion. Nor did he waste time with pleasantries.
“There’s a kid, [name].” Yaga said, folding his hands over the table. “His name is Satoru. I used to be his teacher in high school.”
“What does this have to do with me?” You gave him a confused look.
“It has everything to do with you.” He retorts, almost too gruffly. “I know it is.”
“I’m going to need more details about this, Yaga.” You sighed at him, leaning slightly into a slouch. “I didn’t drive all the way out here for nothing.”
“You didn’t drive here for nothing, I assure you.”
You gave him a sharp look. “Then start talking.”
“He’s got talent—unreal talent. The kind that only comes around once in a generation. If he had the chance, he could be something great.” He exhaled slowly. “But he doesn’t have that chance.”
You frowned. “Why?”
Yaga’s jaw tightened. “His home life is… bad. His father refuses to support him, and he’s abusive, to both mother and son. And Satoru won’t leave because of his mother. It’s been a year and a half since he finished high school, and he still hasn’t gone to college. He’s stuck, [name]. And I don’t know what to do.”
You leaned back, processing the information. A gifted kid, burdened by circumstances beyond his control. It wasn’t the first time you’d heard a story like this, but something about the way Yaga spoke. It was low, deliberate, with the weight of frustration and something close to guilt , it made this different.
“Why are you telling me this?” you asked.
Yaga met your gaze, his expression unreadable. “Because I think you’re the only one who can help him.”
You blinked. “Me?”
“I don’t know your husband Kento.” Yaga admitted. “I only knew you.”
His voice was quieter now, the weight of old memories pressing into the space between you. He exhaled through his nose, fingers tapping lightly against the ceramic cup in front of him, a steady, rhythmic sound. Like he was trying to piece together the right words.
“And if there’s anyone who can get through to that kid, who can guide him toward something better… it’s you.” His dark eyes met yours, unwavering. “You value education. I knew that since we were kids. And I know that because of what happened, you would want someone like this kid to succeed.”
What happened, huh. The words sat between you like a ghost, unspoken but present, heavy in the air. All the sudden those memories came crashing through to you, almost instantaneously did all those words, all those feelings, all those moments came to you in crashing waves that swallow you whole.
You purse your lips, leaning back slightly, fingers tightening around your own cup. “How would you know that?”
Yaga hesitated, just for a moment. Then, in a rare moment of quiet sincerity, he leaned in slightly. “Because I know you.”
“We haven’t met in nearly fifteen years, Yaga.”
“That doens’t mean you haven’t changed, about this especially. I know you don’t want this kid to be twenty forever and not have anything.” His voice was low, almost a whisper, but it carried. “I know you want someone else to have more.”
You felt it in your chest, in the space between your ribs, in the parts of you that had tried to move on from the past but never quite managed to. You took a deep breath, your hands unsteady as your eyes rose to meet his.
“I know you would want this kid to have something more than what you had, [name].” Yaga said to you, pleadingly. “So help me. Even just this once.”
And just like that, you understood why he had come to you. This wasn’t just about his student. It was about you. About the road you had walked alone, about the chances you never had, about the years spent trying to carve something out of nothing. Yaga knew that weight. He had seen it all those years ago, and now he was asking you to take that pain and turn it into something good.
He was asking you to give this kid a future. And the worst part of it,  you weren’t sure you could say no. You sighed once again, dragging a hand down your face. The café felt smaller all of a sudden, the air heavier. You glanced down at your untouched coffee, watching the steam curl and fade into nothing.
“You’re asking a lot of me, Yaga.” you murmured.
“I know.” He didn’t try to sugarcoat it. He never did. “But I have no one else to turn to. I know you are the only one who can make it happen.”
A part of you wanted to refuse. To walk away before this tangled you into something you weren’t prepared for. But Yaga knew you too well. He knew exactly where to press, which words to say to keep you in your seat.
You tapped a finger against the table, thinking. “Tell me more about him.”
A flicker of something crossed Yaga’s face, and you could only guess it to be some sense of relief or even perhaps gratitude. But it disappeared just as quickly, when he started to think about the student he cared so deeply about.
“As I said, his name is Satoru.” he started, leaning forward. “He’s already twenty years old. Supposed to go to college years ago, but his father gambled away his money to drink and other shit vices. And his mother’s a housewife. So, there’s no luck there. Doesn’t help that he tries to work, but it doesn’t help much when he’s too overprotective of his mother.” Your frown became prominent. “That’s horrible.”
“The kid’s too proud to ask for help.” Yaga sighed with exasperation. “He’s smart as hell, but he’s got no direction. I’ve done what I can, but he needs more than just a teacher looking out for him. He needs someone who understands.”
“Understands what?” you asked.
Yaga’s gaze was steady. “What it’s like to be left behind.”
The words landed like a stone in your chest. You clenched your jaw, looking away. The past had long since scarred over, but there were some wounds that never fully healed. You knew exactly what he was implying, and you hated that he was right.
Still, you forced out, “And you think I can do something for him?”
“I know you can.” Yaga’s voice was firm. “I know that if you meet him, you’ll see what I see. A kid who’s got everything he needs to make it but no one who’s willing to fight for him. I know maybe you could be that someone.”
You let out a slow breath. You weren’t sure if you wanted to get involved. But you also knew this—if you walked away now, you’d never stop thinking about it. “Where is he?” you asked, finally.
Yaga allowed himself the smallest smile. “In the countryside town I’m teaching in. I can try and convince him to meet you, if you want to. But it would take some time for me to convince him. I promise, though. I can make it happen.”
You sigh, rubbing a hand over your face. “I can’t meet him yet.” you say, voice quieter than before. “He might reject me and all of it outright. It’s best to rein him in slowly. So we don’t overwhelm him.”
Yaga doesn’t react. He just watches you, the way he always has—patient, steady, waiting for you to say more. But when you don’t, he nods once, accepting it for what it is. You exhale, reaching into your coat pocket and pulling out a pen. 
The napkin in front of you is thin, the paper rough under your fingertips as you begin to write. The ink bleeds slightly into the fibers, but you don’t stop. Numbers, details, instructions. It has everything Yaga needs to make sure that the young man has some options. When you’re done, you push it toward him.
“Arrange a meeting when the time is right, when you’ve reined him in.” you murmur. “But in the meantime, he’ll get this.” You nod toward the napkin. “This is for him.”
Yaga picks it up, scanning the details. He doesn’t speak, but his brows furrow slightly. You know the exact moment he realizes what he’s holding. “This is a lot of money,” he finally says, looking up at you.
You shrug. “It’s from the money I saved over the years by myself, before my marriage. Much of that is my investment. But I don’t need it…..you know my husband cares for me more than I can imagine. You can use this. I’ll talk to my accountant.”
“That’s not the point, [name].” Yaga says, voice edged with something unreadable. He sets the napkin down but doesn’t let go of it. His fingers press into the paper, thoughtful. “You don’t even know him.”
“I don’t need to.” Your voice is calm, but firm. “Besides, you were the one convincing me to help him, weren’t you? I doubt he’ll leave without his mother. This would be enough money to bring her with him. And for them to be comfortable for a while, until he could find some work to help with his day to day with his mother.”
Because it was never about Yaga’s student. Not really.
You weren’t thinking about some youngling in his twenty year of life, or how he was with too much potential and nowhere to go. You were thinking about yourself at that moment. You were thinking about your own young self, the echoes of grievous youth. You who were still waiting, still stuck, still waiting for something, anything, to change and happen. 
You lean back in your chair, arms crossing over your chest. Yaga is now watching you as you took your time, still collecting yourself. The café feels quieter now, like the weight of the past has settled into the walls, pressing against your ribs.
“I’m not saying he has to take it, Yaga.” you say after a moment, your fingers idly tracing the rim of your cup. “I’m just someone who helps. I can’t force it on him. That’s up to you. To him.”
Yaga says nothing, but you can feel the weight of his gaze, heavy and scrutinizing. “....I know.”
“Give it however you see fit.” You lean back slightly, crossing your arms. “Tell him it’s a scholarship. Tell him it’s a loan. Hell, don’t even tell him where it came from if you think it’ll make him stubborn.” A small, knowing smirk flickers at the corner of your lips. “But if he’s as smart as you say he is, he won’t waste the opportunity.”
A pause. The café hums around you. There were still those muted conversations, the hiss of steaming milk, the faint clatter of dishes from behind the counter. Yaga doesn’t answer you right away. But that was understandable. And you did not care.
Instead, he stares down at the napkin. The one with the scribbled details, the promise of a future written in ink. His fingers curl around it, calloused and rough, before his eyes lift to meet yours. There’s something unreadable in his expression, something unspoken. Maybe he’s searching for a reason to say no. Or maybe he’s just trying to understand why you’re doing this. 
Finally, he exhales, slow and deliberate. His large hands moved carefully as he folds the napkin—not rushed, not careless. A deliberate gesture. When he tucks it into his pocket, it’s with the same quiet reverence as someone securing something fragile.
“…Thank you.”
The words are gruff, edged with hesitation, but sincere. You offer a small nod, a silent acknowledgment that you both understand. Neither of you says anything else. Some things don’t need to be spoken out loud.
“Now, are you hungry or not?”
“Why are you suddenly asking now?” Yaga snickered, leaning against the bench.
“Just order before I change my mind about paying.” You rolled your eyes, drinking your matcha drink.
“Alright, alright.”
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HE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY. Gojo Satoru sat across from Yaga, legs sprawled out, arms folded, the usual cocky glint in his eye replaced with something harder to place, something wary. His foot tapped against the leg of the chair, a steady rhythm, like he was keeping time with an unseen clock.
“So let me get this straight.” His voice was casual, but there was an edge to it, sharp and suspicious. “Some random person I’ve never met, who doesn’t even know me but someone who knows you, just up and decides to pay my way? Like, what, I won the lottery and no one told me?”
Yaga didn’t react. He just exhaled through his nose, already expecting this reaction. “Yes.”
Satoru snorted, shaking his head. “Yeah, right. That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all week. Thanks, Yaga. I needed the laugh.” 
He slumped back in his chair, kicking his feet up onto the edge of the desk, acting like this conversation was nothing more than an annoyance. “Alright, joke’s over. What’s the real reason you called me in?”
Yaga said nothing. Instead, he reached for the folder at the side of his desk, sliding it across the surface with a practiced patience that only made Satoru more irritated. He didn’t move to take it, just eyed it like it might bite him.
“I managed everything already, just like your benefactor asked me.” Yaga said, voice firm but calm. ��Tuition, housing, living expenses—it’s all handled. All you have to do is decide what you want to do next.”
Satoru could not help but just stare blankly at the folder like it was a trick, like if he touched it, the illusion would break and the rug would be pulled out from under him. “This isn’t a joke, Satoru. I promise you.”
Something in Yaga Masamichi’s voice made him stop. The usual sarcasm sitting on Satoru’s tongue dissolved. Slowly, he sat up, planting his feet on the floor before dragging the folder toward him. His fingers drummed against the cover for a moment before flipping it open.
Inside, neatly arranged, were the details like Yaga said. All the bank transfers, the college exam forms, rent agreements, even a breakdown of potential career paths. It was all there, structured and waiting, like a road laid out ahead of him.
His throat felt dry. No one had ever done something like this for him before. Gojo Satoru wasn’t stupid. He knew how the world worked. Nobody gave something for free, not without expecting something in return. His grip on the folder tightened.
“Who?” His voice wasn’t loud, but it was sharp, cutting through the silence like a knife.
Yaga didn’t hesitate. “Someone who understands.”
Gojo Satoru could feel his jaw suddenly tense. That wasn’t an answer. But the way Yaga said it, the way he looked at him, Satoru knew he wasn’t going to get anything else. So he just lets it go for now. He frowns.
He clicked his tongue, snapping the folder shut. “And this benefactor, they don’t want anything back?”
Satoru scoffed. “Bullshit.”
Yaga’s expression didn’t change. “Believe what you want.”
Satoru leaned back in his chair, spinning the folder between his fingers before tossing it onto the desk. Silence stretched between them, thick with something unspoken. It wasn’t just about the money. It was about the fact that someone out there had seen him, had looked at his life, his struggles, and decided he was worth helping. That thought made his chest feel tight, like a weight pressing down on him.
He’d spent years clawing his way through life, telling himself he didn’t need anyone, that he could handle it on his own. And yet here it was—help, handed to him on a silver platter. No strings. No conditions. It pissed him off. Because it meant he had no excuse.
Satoru clicked his tongue again, running a hand through his hair. “So all I gotta do is choose, huh?”
Yaga nodded. “Yeah. Pick your university well.”
For a long time, Satoru just sat there, staring at the ceiling like it held all the answers. He could feel Yaga watching him, waiting, but the older man said nothing. He had learned, over the years, that pushing Satoru never worked. Eventually, Satoru leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. He tapped his fingers against the folder, once, twice, before exhaling sharply.
“You know what this feels like?” he asked, voice lighter than the tension in the room. “It feels like one of those scam emails. ‘Congratulations! A long-lost prince has left you a fortune! Click here to claim it!’” He gave Yaga a dry look. “Should I be worried about malware?”
Yaga didn’t smile. “No one’s scamming you, Satoru.”
Satoru hummed, glancing back at the folder like it might suddenly disappear. “That’s what a scammer would say.”
But the joke fell flat, and he knew it. Because the truth was, he didn’t want to look at this too closely. Didn’t want to pick it apart and realize it was real. Because if it was real, then he had no excuse not to take it. His fingers curled around the edges of the folder.
Yaga, always patient, spoke again, his voice steady. “You don’t have to decide today. I just wanted to tell you.”
Satoru let out a breath that almost sounded like relief. Almost. “I feel a but coming in here.”
But then Yaga added, “But you do have to decide, eventually. Don’t let this go to waste.”
And just like that, the relief was gone. Satoru tilted his head, expression unreadable. “And if I say no?”
Yaga shrugged. “Then you say no.”
Satoru narrowed his eyes. “You’re really just gonna let me walk away from all this?”
“If that’s what you choose, then yes.” Yaga said simply. “That’s what your benefactor said.”
That was the part that unsettled Satoru the most. His whole life, every choice had been made for him, by his father, by circumstance, by a world that didn’t care whether he sank or swam. And now, suddenly, he had control. He didn’t know what to do with it.
Satoru dragged a hand through his hair, sighing dramatically. “Man, I hate this.”
“Hate what?”
“This.” He waved vaguely at the folder, at Yaga, at the whole damn situation. “This whole ‘I get a say in my future’ thing. It’s stressful.”
Yaga’s lips twitched slightly. “You’ll get used to it.”
Satoru clicked his tongue, then stood abruptly, snatching the folder off the desk. He tucked it under his arm like it weighed nothing, like it wasn’t the single biggest decision of his life. He looked at his old teacher with complex eyes.
“I’ll think about it, Yaga.” he said, already turning toward the door. “I promise.”
Yaga nodded, as if he knew that was the best he was going to get. “Alright.”
But just as Satoru reached for the handle, he paused. “…This person.” he said, without turning around. “The one who did all this.”
Yaga waited. “Yes?”
Satoru’s grip on the folder tightened. “Are they gonna want to meet me?”
Yaga considered his answer carefully. “They’re leaving that up to you.”
Satoru let out a small scoff, shaking his head. “Figures.”
And with that, he walked out into the cold winds of the evening, the weight of the neatly pressed folder pressing against his side like a decision he wasn’t ready to make. Not yet. But maybe soon.
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HE TOLD HIS MOTHER ALMOST IMMEDIATELY. In some ways, Satoru knew he couldn’t keep this from her. Something this big, how can you keep it to yourself? Someone else needed to know. And he knew his mother was that person.
The folder sat in the dim glow of the kitchen light, thick with opportunity. With a future. With escape. But his mother hadn’t touched it. Instead, she sat across from him, hands curled around a chipped ceramic mug, knuckles pressed white from how tightly she held it. She hadn’t taken a sip in minutes. The tea had gone cold.
“Satoru, my son….” she murmured, shaking her head, her voice brittle. “You don’t know these people.”
He had expected this. She had always been careful, wary of kindness, of luck. Of hope. “I know Yaga, though.” Satoru said, his voice controlled, steady. “And I know this is real.”
His mother exhaled, slow and tired. “For you, it is.” she whispered. “But to me, I’m still not sure.”
The words sank in like a blade between his ribs. Satoru sat still for a long moment, his heartbeat in his ears. For a while, he had told himself that if he ever got the chance to leave, he’d take it without hesitation. No second thoughts. No regrets.
But that was before he had something to lose. Before the idea of walking out of this house meant leaving her behind. Guilt curled in his stomach, sick and twisting. He had spent his entire life watching his mother weather the storm of his father’s anger. Taking the worst of it. Absorbing it so Satoru didn’t have to. He couldn’t pay her back for that. He couldn’t undo it.
But he could do this.
“Come with me, mom.” he said.
His mother’s head snapped up, startled. “What?”
Satoru met her eyes, clear and unwavering. “Come with me, to Tokyo or Kyoto. Wherever I end up going to school.” he repeated. “We don’t have to stay here.”
She blinked, like she hadn’t even considered it. “Satoru—”
“I mean it, mom.” he said, leaning forward. “You don’t have to stay with him.”
Her fingers trembled. “And go where?” she whispered.
Satoru swallowed. “Anywhere but here. There’s enough money for the both of us.”
She let out a sharp breath, almost a laugh, but there was no humor in it. “It’s not that easy.”
His jaw clenched. “Maybe not, mom.” he admitted. “But staying here? That’s not easy either.” His voice dropped, lower now, pressing. “That’s never been easy.”
His mother flinched, looking away.
Satoru stared at her, his chest tight.
For years, he had tried to convince himself that his mother was fine. That his father’s anger had only ever been directed at him. That she could handle it. But he knew better. He had seen the bruises she covered with long sleeves in the summer. Heard the way her voice shrank in his father’s presence.
He had never asked why she stayed.
Because deep down, he already knew.
“You don’t understand, Satoru.” she whispered. “We can’t just—”
Satoru’s breath hitched. “Then make me understand.”
She exhaled shakily, pressing the heels of her palms against her forehead. “I don’t know how to leave.”
He reached across the table, his movements slow, deliberate, as if any sudden motion might scare her away. His fingers found hers, cold and trembling, and he covered her hand with his own. A silent reassurance. A plea.
"We’ll figure it out, Mom." His voice was softer than usual, a stark contrast to the steel in his grip. He needed her to believe him. Needed her to trust that there was a way out. "Just come with me."
She didn’t respond right away. Her fingers twitched beneath his, hesitant, unsure. He could feel the slight tremor in them, the way she curled them ever so slightly, as if she wanted to hold on but couldn’t quite bring herself to. Satoru swallowed hard. He knew what she was thinking. Knew that years of fear, of habit, of hope that things might still change were keeping her frozen in place. 
But she didn’t pull away. And that was something. For now, that was enough.  He squeezed her hand, just once. Gentle. Certain. A quiet promise. The quiet admission struck something deep inside him. Because he understood. For so long, he had felt like that, too.
His father had built a cage around them. One with invisible walls, lined with rules, punishments, expectations. They had learned to navigate it, to survive inside it. But now, for the first time, there was a door. And Satoru wasn’t walking through it alone.
He reached across the table, covering her hand with his own. “We’ll figure it out, mom.” he promised. “Just come with me.”
Her fingers curled slightly under his, hesitant, unsure.
But she didn’t pull away.
And for now, that was enough.
The night they left weeks later, the house felt heavier than usual. Like it knew it was being abandoned. Like it was trying to hold them back. Like it doesn’t want to be left empty with that crude, brutish and miserable man. But Satoru does not care. He does not want to be here anymore. 
Satoru stood in the dim hallway, bag slung over his shoulder, heart pounding like a drum in his chest. His mother was in front of him, clutching the strap of her own bag with white-knuckled hands. She hadn’t moved in minutes.
“We should go, mom.” he murmured.
His mother didn’t respond. She was staring at the walls, the floor, the furniture—like she was trying to memorize them. Like she was trying to convince herself she could step away from it all. Satoru swallowed hard. He understood.
Because for years, this house had been their whole world. Their cage, their battlefield, their suffocation. Every argument, every bruise, every silent dinner had seeped into the walls. This place had shaped them, broken them, kept them trapped. And now, they were about to leave it behind.
Satoru reached out, his hand hovering just above her shoulder. “Mom.”
She flinched, eyes darting at him. For a second, just a second, she looked terrified, she looked just as much exhausted. Not of him. Of the unknown. Of a life that is now going to be separated from the brutal one she had been forced to live.
“I don’t—” Her voice cracked, her throat working around the words. “Satoru, what if this is worse?”
Satoru inhaled sharply. That fear she felt, he knew had felt it too. The doubt. The what-ifs. The voice in the back of his head that told him maybe it was better to stay where things were familiar, even if familiar meant unbearable.
“Then we’ll deal with it, mom.” he said firmly.
His mother let out a shaky breath. “You don’t understand—”
“I do.” Satoru interrupted, stepping closer. His fingers curled into fists at his sides. “I know what it’s like to be afraid of leaving. To think that maybe… maybe this is all we get. Maybe we just take it. Live with it.”
Her chin trembled. “I just….”
“But we don’t have to.” he whispered. “We don’t have to live like this.”
His mother looked away, blinking rapidly. “This is my home, my son.” she murmured. “This is all I knew.”
Satoru’s chest ached. “No, mom. It’s not your home.” he said quietly. “This is just a house where bad things happened. It was never your home.”
Her breath hitched. “.....It’s not my home?”
“No, mom. It’s not.” Satoru pressed on, voice soft but unwavering. “Home isn’t supposed to feel like this. It’s not supposed to hurt. We can find something better. We can make something better. We’ll build a home together.”
His mother squeezed her eyes shut, one hand gripping the doorframe like it was the only thing keeping her upright.  Tears were forming at the edges of her eyes, her body was shaking. He was losing her. Panic rose in his throat.
“Mom, please.” he begged, voice cracking now. “I can’t leave you here.”
She exhaled sharply, her entire body trembling. Then, slowly, she turned back to face him. And for the first time in years, there was something in her eyes other than resignation. Something fragile. Something afraid. Something hopeful.
Satoru reached for her hand, threading his fingers through hers. “Come with me, mom.” he whispered. “I’m begging you.”
His mother’s grip was weak at first, hesitant.
Then, finally, her fingers tightened around his.
And she nodded back at him.
Satoru exhaled, something breaking inside him. Relief, gratitude, something bigger than all of that. He squeezed her hand once before letting go. She followed him to the door. She hesitated for only a second before stepping outside. And for the first time in years, she didn’t look back.
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HE HAD A DIFFERENT PERCEPTION ABOUT THIS CITY. But it would seem that Tokyo city was quieter than Satoru expected. He thought the city would be overwhelming, suffocating with its neon lights and endless streams of people, but standing in the doorway of their new apartment, it was the silence that struck him first.
No shouting. No breaking glass. No heavy footsteps signaling trouble. Just the low hum of traffic outside and the soft creak of the floorboards as his mother hesitantly stepped inside. It didn’t feel real to him.
“Welcome home, you two.” Yaga said from behind them, setting a thick folder onto the kitchen counter. “I take it you’re getting along well with this apartment?”
“Yeah.” Satoru turned to him, still adjusting to the idea that this was happening. “I guess.”
He wasn’t dreaming, right? 
His father wasn’t about to yank him back with an iron grip, right?
 His mother lingered near the window, fingers ghosting over the curtains like she didn’t know if she was allowed to touch them. Like any second, someone would come and tell her this wasn’t hers to have. Yaga didn’t push her. He just motioned for Satoru to sit at the small, round dining table. Satoru hesitated before finally doing as he was told.
“Alright, let’s go over everything. Now that you got into Tokyo University.” Yaga exhaled, rubbing the back of his neck. He flipped open the folder, tapping a few neatly stacked documents. “There’s quite a bit.”
“Looks like there’s quite a bit.” Satoru says, looking at the binder.
“Your tuition has been taken care of in full. All you have to do is choose your major and register for classes. Everything else, the apartment, utilities, and monthly expenses, and your mother’s health check ups….it’s also been covered. It surprisingly fits for one year from the money we got, so it’s going to be fine.”
Satoru’s hands clenched on his lap. “It still sounds like a scam, even when it's done already. It just still feels unreal.” he muttered.
Yaga snorted. “Yeah, well. I’d be suspicious too, if I wasn’t the one who pushed for this to happen.” He leaned back in his chair, studying him. “But don’t worry. Like I said, your benefactor doesn’t want anything from you, Satoru.”
Satoru frowned. “That also still doesn’t make sense.”
Yaga’s expression softened. “It does, knowing your benefactor, it truly fits.” he said. “Though your benefactor reminded me to tell you to study well, and take care of your mother.”
Satoru blinked, caught off guard. “That’s it?”
Yaga nodded. “And that you go to college, everyday. No classes missed.”
Satoru let out a sharp breath, disbelieving. “That’s really it?”
Yaga’s gaze was steady. “That’s really it.”
Satoru looked down at the folder, at the proof of everything Yaga was saying. His mind raced, trying to find the catch, the fine print, the part where this all fell apart. But there wasn’t one. There wasn’t anything that has been faulty throughout.
Someone—some ridiculous stranger—had decided to give him and his mother a way out. A fresh start. And all they asked in return was for Satoru to live. To be something more than what his father had tried to reduce him to. The realization settled into his bones, heavy and overwhelming.
His mother let out a shaky breath from the window. “I don’t know how to thank them.” she whispered. “This is just….”
Yaga gave a small, knowing smile. “Then don’t, Mrs. Gojo. Really.” he said simply. “Just live well. That’s enough of a thanks to the benefactor.”
Satoru swallowed past the lump in his throat. For the first time in a long time, he believed it. And for the first time in his life, he thought—maybe, just maybe—he had a future. One that was finally his own. 
The apartment felt too clean. Satoru wasn’t used to that. Everything in his life had been messy. Broken things that never got fixed, stains on the walls that told a story of fights and silent suffering. But here, the walls were smooth, the floors unscuffed, and the air smelled like citrus, like someone had actually cared enough to prepare this place for them.
His mother still stood by the window, staring out at the Tokyo skyline, her hands clasped tightly in front of her. She looked so small against the view. Like she wasn’t sure if she belonged there.Satoru ran a hand through his hair and turned back to Yaga, trying to ignore the knot in his stomach.
“So what now?” he asked, his voice flat. “I just… start over?”
Yaga leaned against the counter, arms crossed. “That’s the plan.”
Satoru scoffed. “Yeah, because it’s just that easy.”
Yaga exhaled through his nose. “No, it’s not.” He met Satoru’s gaze, steady and unwavering. “But you’re not alone in this. You’ve got support now. You’ve got options.”
Satoru hated that word. Options. It had never applied to him before. It had always been one way, his father’s way, and if he fought against it, he got beat down, literally and figuratively. But now, he was standing in a place that wasn’t his father’s house. He had a bed that wasn’t covered in cigarette burns. A kitchen where nothing had been thrown in anger.
It was real. It was his. Satoru stared at the papers in front of him, his chest tight, his breath uneven. This wasn’t a dream, wasn’t some fleeting hope destined to slip through his fingers. It was happening. After everything, after years of feeling trapped, after nights of clenched fists and swallowed words—he was finally here.
This was the start. His hands curled into fists at his sides, knuckles white, tension coiled in his shoulders like he was bracing for a blow. For something to go wrong. For someone to suddenly take it all away. Because that’s how it had always been.
He had learned young that good things never lasted. That the rug was always waiting to be yanked from beneath him. That every step forward came with a price. But this time, there was nothing in his way. No one to stop him. No one told him he couldn’t.
He forced himself to exhale, to relax his fingers, to release the quiet fear clawing at his chest. Across the table, Yaga sighed, watching him with that same gruff patience he always had. He gestured toward the stack of documents, the official letterhead, the crisp edges that made it all feel so real.
"Your next step is to register for school and pick your classes," Yaga said, voice steady, even. Then, with a pointed look, he added, "Take your time picking what you want to do—just don’t waste this chance."
The words settled heavily in the air between them. Satoru swallowed, nodding once, fingers tightening over the papers like an anchor. No. He wouldn’t waste it. He couldn’t. He shouldn’t do anything like that. 
Satoru ran his fingers over the papers, the weight of them heavier than it should have been. His throat felt tight, but he forced out a scoff, masking the unease gnawing at him.
"Tch. You think I’d waste it?" He leaned back in his chair, tilting his head just slightly, forcing a smirk. "Come on, Yaga. Give me some credit."
Yaga didn't blink so much as blink. He simply crossed his arms over his chest, unimpressed. "Credit is earned, not given." His tone was flat, matter-of-fact. "You might be smart, but that doesn’t mean you’ll do the work."
Satoru clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes. "You sound like an old man."
"And you sound like a kid who doesn’t know what he’s getting into."
Satoru narrowed his bright blue eyes at him. 
For a moment, neither of them spoke. 
Yaga exhaled sharply, shaking his head. "Look. Just don’t screw this up. That’s all I’m saying."
Satoru glanced down at the papers again, his fingers tightening around the edges. "I won’t."
This time, he meant it.
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EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS WAS UNREAL. Satoru never thought he would make it this far. The Tokyo University campus stretched around him, grand and sprawling, filled with students who looked like they had always belonged here. It felt strange to walk among them, knowing that just a year ago, this had been nothing but an impossible dream.
But it was real now.
He had passed.
He was here.
Satoru kept his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his hoodie, his fingers curling into the fabric as he walked alongside Yaga. It had been Yaga’s idea to come with him, but Satoru had wanted it too, though he wouldn’t admit it. He’d never been the type to need someone by his side, but maybe, just this once, he didn’t want to do this alone.
They walked in silence for a while all around the campus, the low hum of student chatter filling the air, the occasional bike rolling past on the paved paths. Then, the question that had been burning in his mind finally slipped out.
“Hey, Yaga.”
They walked side by side, the hum of the campus life surrounding them. The air was warm, thick with the scent of pavement after rain, and the late afternoon sun stretched golden fingers across the rooftops.
Satoru shoved his hands into his pockets, his posture loose, but his mind wasn’t. Something had been gnawing at him ever since Yaga handed him those papers, ever since the weight of opportunity settled on his shoulders.
His voice was quieter than usual. "My benefactor—I gotta ask." He barely glanced over, keeping his tone casual, as if the answer didn’t matter. "Who is it?"
Yaga didn’t respond right away. Instead, he slowed to a stop, his gaze drifting toward an old stone wall covered in ivy. The thick vines sprawled across the surface, swallowing cracks and imperfections, twisting like they had been there forever. Satoru frowned, stopping a step ahead of him.
"Oi, what are you—"
Yaga let out a slow breath, like he was considering something. And then, finally, he smiles. "She’s your benefactor."
Satoru’s breath stilled.
He turned, following Yaga’s gaze.
And then he saw you.
You stood just past the wall, near the entrance of the university, bathed in the golden glow of the afternoon sun. The light caught in your hair, casting a soft halo around you. You weren’t looking at him—not yet—but the moment Satoru’s eyes found you, something inside him went still. 
At twenty years old, for the first time in his life, Gojo Satoru thought he had seen an angel. 
But it wasn’t just that you were beautiful.
It was something else. The way you carried yourself—poised, yet approachable. The quiet kindness in your features. The steadiness in your stance, like you had already decided you would stand by him, no matter what.
And you had. Without even knowing him. A stranger had given him everything. The weight of it settled in his chest, unfamiliar and heavy. For the first time in his life, Satoru Gojo had no idea what to say. His fingers twitched. His breath came in slow and careful, like he was afraid that if he moved too suddenly, this moment would shatter.
You turned then, your eyes finally meeting his own, and something deep in his chest twisted. How was he supposed to look at you, someone who had saved him, someone who had believed in him when no one else had—and pretend this was normal?
For the first time in years, Gojo Satoru was completely, utterly speechless. And for the first time in his life, he didn’t know what to do with the emotions overwhelming him. Gratitude. Disbelief. Hope. It had been a long time since he had let himself hope for anything.
And yet, standing here, staring at you—he thought, maybe, just maybe, he could start. Silence settled between them like a held breath, thick with things unspoken. Satoru stood frozen, his mind caught in a whirlwind, unable to process the weight of Yaga’s words. 
She’s your benefactor.
You. The woman standing just a few steps away, the one who had made all of this possible, who had given him a chance at something better at freedom without ever meeting him. For the first time in a long time, Satoru didn’t know what to say.
Yaga let out a slow breath, watching him carefully before speaking again, this time with something unusual in his voice. A heaviness. A lament. “When we were kids, you know she was amazing.” Yaga said, his tone quieter than usual. “She was the smartest person I knew.”
Satoru blinked, caught off guard by the way Yaga’s voice softened, like he was speaking of something precious, something lost. “She studied here, years ago,” Yaga continued. “One of the brightest. The kind of student that professors remembered. The kind of person you just knew was going to change the world.”
Satoru’s eyes flickered to you, searching your face for something, for what, he didn’t know. But you didn’t flinch, didn’t look away, as if you had long made peace with the past Yaga was unraveling. “But she never got to graduate.”
Satoru frowned, his grip tightening in his pockets. “Why?”
Yaga hesitated for a fraction of a second before answering. “She became a mother.”
The words landed like stones in Satoru’s chest. “What?”
“She became a wife.”
Satoru’s stomach twisted. There was something unspoken in Yaga’s words, something heavier than what was being said. A life that had been rerouted, rewritten. A future that had been sacrificed for something or someone else.
“She had dreams, y’know?” Yaga said, his gaze distant, like he was looking at something only he could see. “Dreams bigger than this place could even hold. But life had other plans.”
Satoru swallowed hard, a strange, unfamiliar ache settling in his throat. Yaga exhaled slowly, shaking his head. “And yet, even after all these years….” he said, looking at you now. “She's still the same.”
His voice grew firm, looking at you. “Still looking out for others before yourself. Still giving when you’ve already given too much. But how much is that a life, [name]?”
Satoru clenched his jaw, something tightening in his chest. “I….”
“She wants you to live, Satoru.” Yaga’s voice cut through the air like a quiet, unwavering truth.
“To become someone she couldn’t be.”
Satoru’s breath hitched. “Me?”
Yaga nodded at him. “Yes, you. She wants you to be free. In a way she couldn’t. So make everything count.”
That word. Free. It echoed in his mind, sharp and relentless, like it had been waiting for him to hear it all his life. He had never been free. Not from the weight of his family’s name. Not from the bruises hidden beneath his sleeves. Not from the suffocating feeling of being trapped in a life that had been dictated for him before he was even born.
Even now, even standing in this place, even holding proof that he had made it here, a part of him had still been waiting for it all to be taken away. Because nothing had ever truly been his. But then—there was you.
The woman who had given him a future, even when you had never met him.
The woman who had believed in him, even when no one else had.
The woman who had looked at his life—the one he had been struggling to survive in and decided he deserved something better. 
Satoru swallowed hard, his throat tight, his fingers twitching at his sides. He looked at you again, really looked at you this time. And in your eyes, he saw something he hadn’t seen in a long, long time.
Hope. Not just for him, but for what he could be. You had given him a choice. A chance. A way out. A way forward. A freedom he had never known. And for the first time in his life, he wasn’t afraid to take it.
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HE HAD TO BE HONEST, IT STARTED WITH CURIOSITY. A passing thought, a simple question. Who was she? The woman who had saved him, a stranger who had given him everything without asking for anything in return. Yaga had said you were the smartest person he’d ever known. That you were meant for something great.
And Gojo Satoru, who had spent his life feeling like he was meant for nothing, couldn’t shake the thought. So he started searching. At first, it was just your name. A quick lookup on university records, old archives, things easily accessible. But what he found pulled him in deeper, past the point of idle interest, past the point of stopping.
Because you weren’t just smart.
You were a prodigy.
A force of nature they couldn’t handle.
Your name was everywhere, overwhelmingly so. There were the old scientific papers, articles praising your research, university newsletters featuring your achievements. There were awards, national recognitions, competitions where you had left everyone else in the dust.
Satoru scrolled through it all, page after page, eyes scanning through words that felt foreign to him. Chemical reactions, molecular structures, theories he didn’t even pretend to understand. But you had understood them. And not just understood them—you had mastered them.
He clicked on a video link without thinking.
And then—there you were.
Gojo Satoru sat back, stunned.
The screen flickered, grainy from age, but the image was clear enough. You were sitting in a brightly lit lecture hall, across from an interviewer, your hair tucked neatly behind your ear. You looked younger here, maybe barely twenty, but your eyes were sharp, your expression alive.
And when you spoke, Satoru stilled.
“This is what I love about science, you know?” you said, your voice confident, steady. “It’s everywhere. It explains the world. It connects everything—every living thing, every reaction, every change. It’s a miracle, it is life!”
You smiled, leaning forward slightly. “Isn’t that amazing?”
Something in Satoru’s chest twisted. He had never cared about chemistry. Had never cared about formulas or reactions or any of the things you were talking about. But watching you now, the way you lit up, the way you spoke like the world was something worth understanding, for the first time, he got it.
There were more videos. Clips of you working in the lab, hands steady, movements sure. Interviews where you spoke about research projects, your words quick, excited, spilling over each other in your enthusiasm. Moments where you laughed, bright and uninhibited, so full of life it made his breath catch.
You were dazzling. Not just beautiful, though you were, effortlessly so but brilliant in a way that made it impossible to look away. You were more than that. You were a diamond in the rough, among all these people. Among all mortals surrounding you, you looked like a passionate, genuine and wondrous goddess blessing all with your presence.
But then, the more he dug, the more he couldn’t find anything anymore. Everything, all of it had stopped. The records, the videos, the awards, all of it ended at a certain point. No graduation announcement. No further research. Just bitter cold silence.
Satoru sat there, staring at the screen, his fingers curled into his palms. Because he knew why. You have become a mother. And then horridly, a wife. And your future, the one that should have been limitless had been cut off, rerouted, swallowed by a life that wasn’t yours alone anymore.
Satoru exhaled sharply, running a hand through his hair, trying to ignore the strange weight in his chest. Who were you now? Did you still dream of the things you once wanted? Did you still love chemistry the way you had back then? Did you regret any of it? Or did you look at him—the boy you had chosen to help, the one you had given this second chance—and see something of yourself in him?
Satoru didn’t know. But for the first time in his life, he wanted to. And that realization hit him with startling clarity. This wasn’t just gratitude. It wasn’t just admiration. It was something deeper. Something consuming.
And Satoru, who had never cared much about anyone outside of himself, felt an unfamiliar pull toward the woman who had changed his life before he even knew her name. He didn’t think he could ignore it.
It didn’t stop after that first night. If anything, it only got worse. Satoru found himself thinking about you more often than he wanted to admit. At first, it was just curiosity. He told himself that. Curiosity was all well and dandy.
But curiosity didn’t explain why he kept going back, why he kept watching the same videos over and over, memorizing the way you spoke, the way your eyes lit up when you talked about something you loved.
Curiosity didn’t explain why he started reading about chemistry, things that had never interested him before. Just to understand the things you had once been passionate about. Just to know what your world looked like.
Curiosity didn’t explain why he noticed the way your voice softened when you spoke, the way you carried yourself with quiet grace, like someone who had spent too long in the shadows of what could have been.
It didn’t explain the way his stomach twisted when he thought about everything you had lost. The way it ached. The way he wanted to—Stop, Satoru, this is madness!
He cut the thought off before it could form, running a hand through his hair, exhaling sharply. This was ridiculous. You weren’t some mystery to be solved. You weren’t a puzzle for him to piece together.
You were just a woman. A person. But the more he learned about you, the harder it became to see you as just that. Because you weren’t just anyone. You were someone who had been larger than life, someone meant for something extraordinary. And yet, when the world had taken that from you, you hadn’t broken. You hadn’t let it turn you bitter.
You had chosen to help him. And Satoru who had spent his life feeling like no one had ever truly seen him suddenly realized that he had never really seen anyone either. Well, until now. Until you. Until you haunted the narrative of his existence.
He didn’t know when it shifted, when the fascination became something else. Something deeper. Something sharper. But he knew it the moment he caught himself watching an old video of you late at night, long past the point of exhaustion, long past the point of excuses.
The screen flickered, your younger self smiling, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear as you explained something about chemical bonding. Satoru wasn’t even listening. He was watching your hands.
The delicate way you gestured, the way your fingers curled slightly when you were deep in thought. And he wondered, suddenly, what it would feel like to have those fingers traced against his skin.
His breath hitched. The thought came unbidden, slamming into him with the force of something undeniable. And that was when he knew he was in trouble. Because this wasn’t just admiration anymore. It wasn’t just curiosity. It was something more to him. It was something surely more consuming than any other drug in this world.
And Gojo Satoru, for the first time in his life, wasn’t sure if he wanted to stop it.
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GOJO SATORU WASN’T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE. He wasn’t even supposed to be in this part of the university today, but his feet had carried him here, as if drawn by some invisible force. And then he saw you.
You stood near the entrance of the new science wing, speaking with one of the department heads. You weren’t smiling, but there was something almost wistful in your expression, something he hadn’t seen before.
For a moment, he just… watched. It had been one thing to see you in old interviews, to read about you, to trace the remnants of the brilliant woman you had been in the past. But here, now—he could see you in real time.
And you were even more mesmerizing than he had imagined.
Satoru had spent years perfecting the art of reading people. It was second nature to him, the way he could pick up on subtle tells, unspoken thoughts lingering in the way someone shifted, the way their eyes darted or their fingers curled.
And what he saw in you made his stomach twist. You looked like someone who had built a life out of moving forward, like someone who had made peace with the things they had lost. But deep down, buried beneath the layers of composure, he saw it.
The quiet grief. The remnants of a dream abandoned, tucked carefully behind the way you stood so still, the way your fingers brushed over the edge of a desk as if testing its reality. They were all there under the surface.
Something about it unsettled him. Because he knew that feeling. That hollow ache, that quiet longing for something just out of reach. And for the first time in his life, Satoru wanted to know what it would take to bring that spark back into your eyes. What it would take to make you look at him. So he stepped forward.
“You seem important here.” he said, voice light, teasing.
The words made you turn toward him, your gaze settling on him in a way that made his pulse stutter. For a moment, you simply studied him, bright blue eyes, white hair, a sharp grin that hid far more than it revealed.
He saw the way you hesitated when you looked at him for the first time, quietly searching his face as if trying to place him in a category of familiarity, but he knew you wouldn’t. Not yet. Not like this.
“Not at all.” you finally replied, shaking your head. “Just someone who used to study here.”
“Ah, I see.” he hummed. “So, an old-timer.”
You huffed out a quiet laugh. “Not that old.”
But Satoru had already noticed the way you shifted, the way your fingers curled slightly against your palm. You didn’t talk about the past much, did you? You didn’t let yourself linger in what had been. And yet, you were here. Still standing in the middle of a building you had helped fund. Still tracing the echoes of who you had once been.
“What’d you study?” he asked, though he already knew.
“And did you love it?”
Your eyes flickered to him again, as if the question had caught you off guard. Satoru held your gaze, waiting. He wanted to hear you say it out loud. He wanted to know if it still burned somewhere inside you.
“I did, I suppose. I fought hard to get there.” you admitted, voice softer now. “It was my passion, once.”
Satoru didn’t like that word.
Didn’t like the way it tasted in his mouth.
Because passion wasn’t something that simply faded. It was something that lived inside you, something that clawed its way back to the surface, no matter how deeply you tried to bury it. And maybe that was why he was standing here now. Because, somehow, you had become his passion.
“Still passionate about it?” he pressed, tilting his head.
You hesitated. And then, after a moment, you exhaled. “Some passions never really fade.”
Something in him tightened, he couldn’t point out which. Gojo Satoru hadn’t been expecting you to say that. He hadn’t been expecting the way those words would settle inside him, threading into something deeper.
“Passion’s a funny thing.” Satoru murmured, his voice carrying a lazy sort of amusement, but there was something deeper beneath it. Something steady, something careful. “Sometimes, even if you try to leave it behind, it finds its way back to you.”
Your beautiful bright eyes flickered toward him, searching his face, as if trying to figure out why he had said that. Satoru held your gaze, refusing to look away. You purse your lips into a flat line, lowering your gaze.
For a moment, the world around him faded—the distant hum of students talking, the soft footsteps echoing down the hall, the chatter of professors discussing research grants and department budgets. None of it mattered.
Because right now, it was just you. And for the briefest second, he thought maybe you felt it too. That quiet pull. That strange, undeniable gravity between two people who, by all logic, should have never crossed paths—should have never been drawn toward each other.
And yet, maybe they always had been. Your fingers flexed slightly at your sides, a barely-there movement, but Satoru noticed. He noticed everything about you. The way your lips parted just slightly, as if you wanted to say something but weren’t sure if you should.
The way your eyes darkened with thought, with something unspoken, something he was suddenly desperate to know. It made his chest feel tight. You inhaled slowly, as if steadying yourself. And then, after a pause, you exhaled, offering him the smallest nod.
“Maybe you’re right, I suppose.” you murmured.
Satoru’s pulse jumped. Maybe he was. Maybe passion wasn’t something you could just let go of. Maybe, no matter how much you tried to bury it, itt would always find its way back. And as he stood there, watching you, he wondered if the same could be said about people.
If some people, no matter how different their worlds were, would always be pulled toward each other in the end. If you and him would be one of them. You let your serene face relax and echo towards him, a warm smile on your lips.
“You should keep doing well.” you told him, your voice soft but firm. “You should be better. Be what I couldn’t be.”
Satoru expected those words. He had heard them before. Albeit, it was all phrased differently, maybe, but the meaning was always the same. Be strong. Be smart. Be the best. But coming from you, they felt different.
They didn’t feel like there was a demand. They felt like a hope. And when he looked at you, he saw something in your eyes that made his breath catch. It was emotion, all too raw and unguarded, flickering behind the composed mask you always seemed to wear.
It was something he didn’t quite understand yet, but it made his chest feel tight, made his hands curl into fists at his sides. Because for a fleeting moment, he thought that maybe you wanted this for him. Not because of obligation. Not because of charity. But because you saw something in him. Something worth saving.
Satoru swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry. He wanted to ask why you were all about it. You would surely have all the answers. Why did you care? Why did it sound like you were speaking from experience? But he didn’t.
Instead, he just held your gaze, letting the moment stretch between you. Letting it settle in his bones. And for the first time in a long time, he thought that maybe he did want to be better. For you. He would do it for you.
Satoru exhaled, tilting his head, a lopsided smirk tugging at his lips, but his voice was quieter than usual. "Be better, huh?" He let the words hang in the air before nodding, something unreadable in his eyes. "Alright, then. Guess I better not disappoint, huh?"
There was a flicker of something in your expression. Perhaps it was relief, or maybe something gentler than that. But he didn’t care to know. Instead, he lets himself drown in the small, knowing smile you gave him. "No, I don’t think you will. After all, your eyes tell."
And Satoru didn’t know why, but those words settled deep in his chest, warm and steady. Like for the first time, someone believed in him. Really believed in him. And damn it all, he wasn’t about to let that go to waste.
Not when it was you.
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HE WAS SMART, HE KNEW THAT MUCH. But Gojo Satoru never thought he would take this high level of academics seriously. School had always been something he coasted through, excelling without much effort, relying on his natural intelligence to get by. But after meeting you, something shifted.
He wanted to understand you. And what better way to do that than to follow the same path you once walked? So, when it was time to declare his major, he chose to do something in science like you once did.
He told himself it was logical to do so. After all, chemistry was the foundation of so many things, from medicine to engineering, and it held the promise of a stable future. But deep down, he knew the real reason.
He wanted to be closer to you. He wanted to see the world through your eyes, to grasp the passion that once burned inside you, the same passion that had led you to this university years before him.
He sat in the same lecture halls where your name was still spoken with admiration by professors who remembered you. He read the research papers that bore your name, tracing his fingers over the printed words, imagining you writing them.
And with every experiment, every late-night study session, every moment he spent poring over chemical equations, he felt like he was reaching for something greater than himself, it was like he was reaching for you. 
He excelled. Of course he did. 
When Satoru Gojo set his mind to something, there was no other outcome. His professors saw potential. His classmates envied his effortless brilliance. He passed every exam, aced every project, and by the time graduation came, he had done exactly what he had set out to do.
He had become someone worthy of your world.
But then, life had taken an unexpected turn.
It started as a simple favor for a friend. A photographer had been searching for someone striking, someone who could hold the camera’s gaze and make people stop and stare. Satoru just happened to fit the description.
He agreed to a photoshoot, thinking nothing of it. But then, the offers started coming in. Even his mother was surprised at the amount of calls their apartment would get in all hours of the day. It just didn’t feel real at all.
So many entertainment and modelling agencies started to reach out. Many other brands wanted his face. Directors saw something in him, something beyond just his looks. They saw presence. They saw charisma. A raw, untapped potential waiting to be shaped into magnificent talent.
One commercial turned into another. One guest appearance led to an audition. And before he even realized it, his life had changed. He was no longer just a graduate with a science degree. He was now a highly paid, well beloved actor and model.
The world had taken notice of him, and for the first time, he wasn’t just a shadow chasing after your past. He was someone people looked at. Someone people admired. And maybe this path would bring him even closer to you.
Because science had allowed him to understand the person you were before. But being in this world, it would give him a chance to be part of your world now. To stand in places you might see him.To become someone you might watch on a screen, unknowingly letting him into your life.
He wondered if you ever turned on the TV and saw his face. If you ever lingered for a moment, thinking he looked familiar. If, by some twist of fate, you’d be drawn to him the way he was to you. Maybe, you’ll see him and find him handsome too. 
Satoru had always been a genius. He knew that since he was young. And now, he had a new goal. One day, you’d see him. One day, you’d notice him. And this time, he wouldn’t be just another face in the crowd. He would be someone you couldn’t ignore.
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IN SOME WAYS, HE KNEW HE WAS WHAT EVERYONE WANTS TO BE. That’s why Gojo Satoru had always thought the world revolved around him. Not in an arrogant, boastful way—no. To him, it was a simple fact. People noticed him. They always had. Whether it was his height, his striking looks, or the sheer force of his presence, he had been born to be seen.
And yet, for the past few years, there was only one person he had truly wanted to be seen by.
Everything in his life, his choices, his career, his calculated steps forward, all of that had been made with you in mind. So it was ironic—cruel, even—that the first person to truly look at him and understand him in years wasn’t you.
It was Suguru Geto.
This is how it happened.
Gojo Satoru had only been in the entertainment industry for a short time. He had deviated from his modelling career to step into the realm of films and TV. So, when he found himself on the set of Jujutsu Kaisen, a high-budget, highly-anticipated TV project that had the entire industry buzzing.It was just something else entirely.
He had taken the role on a whim, after finishing a film he had just done, where he played the second lead. When this script came to him, it was an offer he couldn’t refuse,his agency said it would cement him as more than just a pretty face, that this was his ticket to becoming a household name in acting.
But the moment he stepped on set, he felt it. That eerie pull. 
That flicker of déjà vu. And then he heard the voice. Smooth. Familiar.
“Didn’t think I’d see your face here.” Satoru turned—and there he was. Geto Suguru.
It had been years. Years since they had last spoken, years since they had laughed together, plotted together, ruled their high school together. And now, here he was, standing in front of Satoru, dressed in costume, script in hand, just like him.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me!” Satoru muttered, shoving his hands into the pockets of his coat.
Suguru smirked, tilting his head just slightly, the way he always did when he was amused. “What? You think you’re the only one who could make it big?”
Satoru rolled his bright blue eyes, but for the first time in a long time, he felt something unfamiliar clawing at his chest. Warmth. He had missed him. Even if he’d never admit it out loud. The past had never really let go of him, after all. And apparently, it never let go of Suguru either.
Satoru scoffed, shaking his head as he looked Suguru up and down. “Tch. Didn’t peg you for the acting type.”
Suguru’s smirk only grew, effortlessly slipping back into the same ease they once had, like no time had passed at all. “And I didn’t peg you for someone who follows directions, but here you are, holding a script.”
Satoru clicked his tongue, flicking the script in his hand. “Who says I’m following them?”
Suguru huffed out a quiet laugh, shoving his own script under his arm. “Some things never change.”
The words settled between them, heavier than they should have.
Because some things had changed.
Too much time had passed. Too many things had gone unsaid.
And yet, standing here now after years apart and now together face-to-face, Gojo Satoru felt the past pressing against his ribs, demanding to be acknowledged. But neither of them said it. Not yet. They knew better than to open those can of worms right now at work.
Instead, Suguru cocked a brow, shifting his weight onto one foot. “So? Are you in this for real, or are you just here to piss off whoever’s in charge?”
Satoru grinned, all sharp edges and mischief. “Can’t it be both?”
Suguru let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head. “Of course.”
The tension of the past still hummed between them, but before Satoru could throw out another quip, a murmur rippled through the room. New voices. New energy. Satoru’s ears picked up on it before he fully registered what was happening as those whispers, low and curious, voices murmuring came just a little too eagerly.
"That guy’s here."
"You mean the veteran actor, high above on the cast list? Yeah, I heard he finally showed up."
"Took him long enough."
“I thought he wasn’t going to accept! Isn’t he too big of an actor?”
“Well, I heard his kids liked the manga. So he said yes.”
Gojo Satoru exchanged a glance with Suguru, the amusement in his friend’s lilac eyes shifting into curiosity. He didn’t know who this guy is, well at least because he hadn’t worked with him just yet. But then someone called out his name, and the second it reached Gojo Satoru’s ears, everything inside him stilled.
"Nanami Kento, yeah, that’s him!" someone else muttered. "You know, the one from 7/3 entertainment? The biggest in the country! The guy’s supposed to be a genius. No wasted effort, precise, focused—completely different from the usual loudmouths we get here."
Satoru clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes. “Oi, I can hear you, y’know.”
The group of staff whispering nearby stiffened, but one had the guts to glance at him and smirk. “Yeah, we know.”
“Maybe you should shut up before I report your behaviour as unprofessional.” Gojo says to them, quieting them down.
Suguru chuckled under his breath. “Sounds like you’ve already got competition.”
Satoru huffed, flipping his script open lazily. “Please. No one outshines me.”
Though it wasn’t obvious, Satoru could feel the blood rushing in his ears. That name he had only ever seen in passing, in small interviews, in articles that always started with the same words. He hated it. He hated him.
“He’s the husband of that famously well renowned scientific philanthropist!” One of the other staff, who was just walking in, was squealing. “I don’t know her name, but I know him! Guys, isn’t he handsome?”
He frowned at those words. He didn’t want to hear the rest of it. The world around him suddenly evaporated. All Satoru could feel in him was genuine grievance, his blood boiling. All he could see was the man standing a few feet away from him. His blue eyes narrowed.
Gojo Satoru barely registered the rest of the conversation people were making all around him. The voices around him became little more than background noise, a dull hum against the rush of blood in his ears. Nanami Kento.
The name alone had already irritated him, but that—husband—that word sent something hot and unpleasant curling in his chest. His fingers clenched tightly around the edges of his script, creasing the paper.
"I don’t know her name, but I know him!"
That sentence alone nearly made him scoff aloud. Of course they don’t know her name. Because that’s how people were. They saw what was convenient. They chose the parts of the story they wanted to acknowledge.
And apparently, the part where you had built your own legacy, where you had worked and sacrificed and given away more than you ever got in return, that didn’t matter as much as the man standing in front of him now.
A man Satoru already despised without even knowing him. 
Suguru, ever perceptive, must have noticed the shift in his expression because he leaned in slightly, voice low. "You good?"
Satoru didn’t answer.
His bright burning gaze was locked on Nanami, standing a few feet away, exuding that air of quiet composure that only made Satoru’s irritation flare hotter. Because it wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair. How could it ever be fair?
You who had given so much to the world, you who had shaped his entire future, you who had stood by him when no one else had were now being reduced to a nameless mention in passing, a footnote in someone else’s story. A footnote in your husband’s story.
And Satoru hated it.
Hated everything about him.
Before he realized it, he was already moving.
Satoru held the handshake for a second longer than necessary, testing, searching. Just waiting for some kind of crack in Nanami Kento’s composure. But there was nothing. Just that same, steady gaze. Unbothered. Detached.
Like he wasn’t even worth reacting to. Satoru could feel his teeth grinding behind his ever-present smile. He didn’t like this. He didn’t like him. But he had played this game before, so he kept up the act, slipping effortlessly into the role of the easygoing junior.
“Man, it’s kinda crazy, huh?” He let out a breathy chuckle, tilting his head slightly. “I always figured we’d cross paths someday, but I didn’t think it’d be here.”
Nanami regarded him for a moment, expression unreadable. “You know of me?”
Oh, he was going to play it like that, huh?
Satoru clicked his tongue, withdrawing his hand as he stepped back. “What, you think I don’t read? You’re pretty famous, y’know. Brilliant actor. Great reputation.” He paused for a beat before adding, “Husband of a certain famous scientific philanthropist…..I think her name is [name] [last name], wasn’t it?”
Nanami looked at him, bewildered for a while. But he gathered himself and smiled. “My wife no longer uses her maiden name. But I’m glad you know of Mrs. Nanami’s endeavours.”
That irritated him a lot. “Oh, of course, who wouldn’t, Nanami–senpai! I attended Tokyo University like her. Same department too.”
“Is that so? That sounds good. I’m sure she will be happy to hear about it.”
“Of course, it would make her feel glad that your kouhai knows her efforts for the world.” He smiles at him, tighter than ever before.
For the first time, he saw something flicker in Nanami’s expression. It was brief, barely perceptible. But it was there. And Satoru felt something sharp twist in his chest. Because that meant Nanami knew.
He knew exactly who Satoru was talking about. He knew exactly what he had just implied. And still, he didn’t react. Didn’t flinch. Didn’t even look uncomfortable. Instead, he simply adjusted the cuff of his sleeve and replied evenly. “I appreciate the compliment.”
Satoru’s fingers twitched. “Of course, Nanami–senpai. Send my regards to her.”
Nanami gave him the same smile he wore on his lips. “Of course, Gojo–san. I’m sorry if I must cut our conversation for a little while. I have to go meet the other staff.”
“Oh, by all means, Nanami–senpai.”
Suguru, watching from the sidelines, let out a low whistle. “Damn, he’s good.”
Satoru shot him a glare before plastering on another saccharine smile. “Well, let’s get along, yeah? Nanami–senpai.”
Nanami gave a polite nod. “Of course, Gojo–san. Let’s work well together.”
And just like that, the conversation was over. Gojo Satoru turned away first, shoving his hands into his pockets as he stalked toward Suguru, his fake smile dropping the moment Nanami was out of sight.
“I hate him.” he muttered under his breath.
Suguru smirked. “Yeah. I could tell.”
Satoru’s jaw ached from how hard he had been clenching it. The entire interaction had felt like a match, a careful spar between two people who knew exactly how to play the game—who knew exactly what wasn’t being said.
And Nanami Kento had won.
Satoru could still hear the measured tone of his voice, the practiced ease with which he had responded. There had been no cracks in his composure, no hesitation in his words. Even when Satoru had practically thrown her name between them like a live grenade, he had remained completely unshaken.
That pissed him off more than anything.
His fingers flexed at his sides before curling into fists again, his nails pressing into his palms.
Suguru, walking beside him, snorted under his breath. “Relax, Satoru. You’re about two seconds away from blowing a blood vessel.”
Satoru exhaled sharply through his nose, rolling his shoulders as if shaking off the tension. “He’s so fake.” he muttered, voice dripping with distaste. “Did you see that? The guy didn’t even blink.”
Suguru hummed in agreement, tilting his head slightly as he glanced back toward where Nanami had disappeared. “Yeah. That’s years of practice, man.” He smirked. “Gotta admit, though—he handled you better than most people do.”
Satoru scoffed. “Yeah? Let’s see how long he can keep it up.”
Suguru chuckled but didn’t comment. He knew Satoru too well.
This wasn’t over.
Not by a long shot.
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THIRTY SIX YEAR OLD ACTOR GOJO SATORU KNEW ALL ABOUT THE SECRETS. But so did everyone else. Everyone kept talking about it left and right. It was in hushed whispers at the bars, murmured conversations over coffee, and knowing glances exchanged in crowded rooms. The scandal had spread like wildfire, unstoppable and all-consuming.
But despite the way they all feigned shock, despite the polite gasps and the disapproving shakes of their heads, not a single one of them was truly surprised. Because they all knew. Behind those shocked faces they put on their faces, they all knew.
They had always known, in some way or another. Some had turned a blind eye, while others had carefully looked the other way, pretending not to see the cracks forming long before they splintered wide open. But they weren’t eager to say that shit out loud. Not because they cared about Nanami Kento, not because they thought it was a tragedy. No, because it would mean looking in the mirror and seeing their own sins reflected back at them.
They had their own affairs, their own secrets buried beneath perfectly polished lives. None of them were innocent. Behind all the kindness they showed in public, behind the poised smiles and well-mannered words, there was something ugly lurking beneath the surface. Self-preservation disguised as moral superiority. They condemned him in private but would never dare speak too loudly, lest their own skeletons rattle too close to the surface.
But Gojo Satoru, he didn’t give a damn about any of that.
Gojo Satoru had never been one for morality in the way others saw it. Right and wrong had always been concepts that bent to his will, things he decided for himself. If it came down to it, he would choose his people over everything else. And you, you were his person now.
He didn’t care whether the scandal ruined Nanami Kento. Whether the man’s reputation was torn apart, his name dragged through the mud until it was nothing but a whispered warning among society’s elite. He didn’t care if Nanami lost everything, if people looked at him with disdain, if his legacy turned into nothing more than a cautionary tale of betrayal and selfishness.
Nanami Kento could have burned for all Satoru cared.
What mattered to him, in the end, was you.
What mattered was whether the wreckage left behind would consume you whole, whether the weight of it would press down on you until you couldn’t breathe. Whether it would leave you broken in ways no one else could see.
And now, years later, it was all out.
The whispers had turned into full-blown conversations, the judgment had spread like wildfire, and you were caught in the center of it all—left to pick up the pieces of a life you no longer recognized.
Satoru saw it in the way you carried yourself. The exhaustion in your eyes, the way your shoulders curled inward, as if you were trying to make yourself smaller, as if you wanted to disappear altogether. He saw the way your fingers trembled slightly when you thought no one was looking, the way your breath hitched when the silence stretched too long.
You were hurting. 
That was unacceptable.
If it were up to him, he would have razed the world to the ground to keep you from feeling this way. He would have turned every judgmental whisper into a scream, made every onlooker regret ever daring to look at you with anything but reverence. He would have made sure that the world never dared to hurt you again.
He would start a war for you if it came down to it.
He would ruin everything if it meant that, in the end, you could smile again. That you could be happy again. Because the world had taken too much from you already. And if it refused to give back what it stole—then he would take it back himself.
And that’s what he has been doing for a while now.
The horrible scandal of Nanami Kento’s long-time affairs had finally come to light just a few months ago. But with the powder keg of the media lighting the way, the news spread like wildfire, and with it came the whispers, the stares, the quiet judgment that hung in the air like smoke.
You found yourself in a secluded park in Tokyo, far away from the murmurs of the city. The sky was grey, the air crisp, carrying with it the faint scent of rain. You sat alone on a weathered wooden bench, arms wrapped around yourself as if to hold everything in place. But the weight of it all pressed too heavily against your chest, and before you realized it, silent tears had begun to slip down your face.
The crunch of approaching footsteps barely registered until a familiar presence settled beside you. A quiet moment passed before a handkerchief, white and neatly folded, appeared in your periphery. You hesitated before looking up, eyes red-rimmed and weary.
“Why are you here?” your voice cracked, barely above a whisper.
Gojo Satoru smiled, an expression that wasn’t quite teasing but not entirely gentle either. “I took a walk.”
A scoff left your lips weak and watery. You took the handkerchief from him and dabbed softly at your damp cheeks, the fabric soft against your skin. The sight of you crying and hurting broke him inside. 
“I’m sorry. This is just….” you murmured. “I was just—taking a walk, and then—” You gestured vaguely, at the empty space around you, at the quiet solitude you had craved until it swallowed you whole. “And now I’m crying.”
Satoru shook his head. “It’s fine. Take all the time you need.”
The wind rustled through the trees, sending a shower of golden leaves to the ground. You stared at them as they scattered across the pavement, as fleeting as everything else. Satoru didn’t say anything else, didn’t press or pry. He simply sat there beside you, watching the world turn as you slowly pieced yourself back together.
He watched you closely, the way your shoulders curled inward, the way your fingers clenched around the handkerchief as if trying to hold yourself together. He saw the exhaustion in your eyes, the weight pressing down on you, and it made something unfamiliar twist in his chest.
Satoru Gojo was not the kind of man who fixated on things like guilt or grief. But when he looked at you, he found himself caring in a way that unsettled him. He didn’t care about Nanami Kento’s downfall. He cared about making sure you didn’t fall with him. 
You inhaled shakily, the crisp autumn air filling your lungs. It felt sharp, grounding, but not enough to ease the weight pressing against your ribs. You tried to calm yourself down but you could feel everything overwhelm you over and over again.
“I should be angry all the time. I know I feel it deep inside me.” you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper. “I should be screaming, breaking things—something. But I’m just… tired.”
Satoru hummed in acknowledgment, tilting his head slightly. “Anger takes energy.” he said. “And you’ve spent too much of that just keeping yourself together.”
You let out a breathy laugh, humorless but not entirely empty. “Yeah. Maybe.”
The silence stretched between you again, but it wasn’t suffocating. It was steady, unhurried, like the wind threading through the trees. Gojo Satoru never rushed you. That was the thing about him. He was the strongest, the fastest, the sharpest from what you heard from everyone. 
And yet somehow, as he sat beside you, all you knew was that he knew how to slow down when it mattered. He knew how to feel the grief of someone who doesn’t know what to do at their own pace, while he sits there with them.
Your fingers smoothed over the handkerchief in your lap, tracing the embroidered edges. “It’s stupid, isn’t it?” you muttered, voice barely above the wind. “To grieve something that wasn’t even real.”
Satoru shifted, resting his forearms against his knees. He glanced at you, his usual smugness absent, replaced by something quieter. “It was real to you, [name]-san. I mean, twenty five years is a lot.” he said simply. “That’s enough. So don’t think its foolish for you to grieve.”
You swallowed, pressing your lips together to stop them from trembling. That was the cruel part, wasn’t it? It had been real to you. The version of Nanami Kento you had trusted, had believed in — he wasn’t there anymore. Because you knew he hadn’t been truly real.
And yet, he had been real in your mind all this time, in your memories for nearly twenty–five years of your life. And now, that version of him was gone, leaving behind nothing but the cold reality of what he had truly been.
You closed your eyes for a moment, inhaling deeply before exhaling through your nose. “How do you do it?”
Satoru raised a brow. “Do what?”
“Not let things get to you.” you said. “You act like nothing ever really touches you.”
For the first time since he sat beside you, Satoru looked away. His gaze flickered to the sky, to the golden leaves dancing in the breeze. “I don't,” he admitted. “I just don’t let people see it when it does.”
You turned to him fully now, surprised by his honesty. The world only ever saw Gojo Satoru as untouchable, a man who laughed in the face of pain, who carried his burdens with infuriating ease. But here, in this quiet little corner of Tokyo, you caught a glimpse of something else.
“Then why are you here?” you asked, your voice softer now.
He looked at you then, really looked at you, and something in his expression shifted. “Because you let me see it.” he said simply. “And I figured I could do the same.”
The wind picked up again, a chill brushing against your skin. This time, Gojo Satoru moved . He was reaching out, hesitating for only a moment before pulling the scarf from around his neck and draping it over your shoulders. He hesitates for a moment before wrapping it on you.
“Take all the time you need.” he repeated. “But don’t do it alone.”
You looked down at the scarf, the warmth of it settling around you. Slowly, you pulled it tighter.
And for the first time in a long while, you didn’t feel quite so cold.
“I wanna take a walk.” You whispered to him.
“Then, I’ll join you.” He says to you, with a soft smile on his lips. “Come on.”
You eventually stood up from your position.
The two of you walked in silence, the rhythm of your steps uneven at first, but slowly syncing into something steady. The late afternoon light filtered through the thinning branches, casting dappled patterns on the pavement. A chill hung in the air, and you pulled your coat tighter around yourself, gripping the lapels as if to ward off more than just the cold.
Satoru walked beside you, hands in his pockets, his presence a quiet but constant force. “Do you want to talk about it?” he finally asked, his voice measured, free of expectation.
You hesitated, your fingers tightening around his handkerchief. The scandal had unraveled like a slow, agonizing wound. The world had always seen Nanami Kento as a man of honor, unwavering in his principles. But now, that image has shattered. Affairs. Years of them. All the women that go through those hotel doors.
Secrets hidden so well that even those closest to him had never suspected a thing. Yet you knew. And you had held it all together. He was your husband. He was all you knew. He was your only safe zone in a world that tries to thrust you forward into the wiles of danger.
You swallowed. “I don’t know what to say.”
Satoru hummed, as if considering. “You don’t have to say anything, you know.”
But there was something in his voice, something knowing, as if he understood the words you couldn’t bring yourself to say. “I thought I knew him very well.” you admitted, your voice quieter now.
“Not all people show their true face.” Satoru huffs softly. “Sometimes it takes time to really know them.”
“All this time, I thought…” The sentence trailed off, unfinished, swallowed by the ache in your chest.
Satoru exhaled, tilting his head back slightly as he walked. “People aren’t always who we want them to be.”
You let out a short, bitter laugh. “That’s a poetic way of saying I was an idiot.”
“Not an idiot. Never that. You’re too smart for that.” he corrected. “ But even smart people can lose with people they trusted.”
You stopped walking, your gaze fixed on the path ahead. Fallen leaves scattered at your feet, swept along by the wind. Slowly, you turned to look at Satoru. His usual carefree expression was absent, replaced by something softer.
“You don’t have to say that.” you said.
“I’m not.” His tone was firm. “I want to defend you. Even from the depths of your darkness.”
The words settled between you, heavier than the autumn air. A lump formed in your throat, and for a moment, you thought you might cry again. But instead, you took a breath, deep and slow, and nodded. Satoru, ever patient, simply resumed walking. You followed.
“Where are we going?” you asked after a while.
He grinned, the playful glint returning to his eyes. “No clue. But I figure if we keep walking, we’ll end up somewhere.”
You shook your head, but for the first time in days, the corners of your lips lifted, just slightly. Maybe he was right. Maybe you didn’t have to know where you were going just yet. Maybe, for now, moving forward was enough.
And so, you walked.
The two of you wandered through the quiet streets, the city humming softly around you. Tokyo never truly slept, but here, away from the main roads and blaring lights, everything felt muted. It was like the world had given you a small pocket of peace.
The wind carried the scent of autumn, crisp and tinged with the faint aroma of street food from a distant stall. Your steps were slow, unhurried, as if neither of you wanted to break whatever fragile moment had settled between you.
After a while, Satoru spoke. “You don’t talk much, do you?”
You shot him a sidelong glance. “Says the guy who barely stops talking.”
He chuckled, unfazed. “Fair. But I mean it. You keep everything in here—” He tapped his temple lightly. “And in here.” His hand hovered over his chest.
You exhaled, shaking your head. “Not everything needs to be said.”
“Maybe. But sometimes, saying things out loud makes them a little less heavy.” He stretched his arms behind his head, tilting his face up toward the sky. “That’s why I talk so much. The words don’t pile up that way.”
You hummed, considering. You weren’t used to this at all. Someone trying to understand you, someone willing to sit in your silence without pushing too hard. Then, without warning, Satoru stopped in front of a small vending machine tucked into the corner of an alleyway.
He turned to you, expression unreadable. “Pick something.”
You blinked. “What?”
“Pick something.” he repeated, gesturing toward the machine. “Doesn’t matter what. Just choose.”
You frowned but stepped forward anyway, scanning the rows of drinks. It was full of those massive cans of coffee, bottles of tea, fruit juice in bright packaging. You hovered over a random selection and pressed the button. The machine whirred, and a moment later, a small can of hot milk tea dropped into the slot below.
Satoru went ahead and carefully retrieved it for you, the warmth seeping through his fingers as he handed it over to you with a small smile on his face. Then, he pressed a button himself, and a second can clattered into the tray.
“You’re being weird about this.” you muttered, accepting the drink.
“I’m always weird.” He cracked his open with a quiet pop. “But that’s not the point.”
“Then what is?”
He took a slow sip, then met your gaze. “You didn’t think about it.” he said simply. “You just chose.”
You frowned, staring at the can in your hands. “And?”
“And…..” he continued as he closed his drink with its cap. “Sometimes, that’s all you need to do. You don’t have to have all the answers right now. You don’t have to know where you’re going, or what’s next. Just—” He gestured at the vending machine. “Pick something. Keep moving. One thing at a time.”
You looked at him then, at the way his usual arrogance had softened into something quieter, something just for you. And for the first time in days, you thought that maybe, just maybe, you’d be okay. You would be alright again.
You popped open the can and took a sip. 
It was warm. Sweet. Comforting.
Satoru grinned. “See? Not so bad.”
You rolled your eyes, but your smile lingered.
You stared down at the can of milk tea in your hands, the warmth seeping into your fingers. A thought crossed your mind, and you huffed softly, shaking your head.
“I should’ve paid for all of this.” you muttered. “I’m older than you, after all.”
Satoru stopped mid-sip, blinking at you over the rim of his can before bursting into laughter. It was loud, unrestrained, the kind that made passing strangers glance your way. You frowned, watching him with mild irritation as he wiped at the corner of his brightly lit eye.
“What’s so funny?” you asked.
He grinned, rocking back on his heels. “You. Acting like that makes a difference.”
“It does, doesn’t it?” you argued. “Seniority matters.”
“Oh, come on.” He waved a dismissive hand. “Can you let me be a gentleman for once?”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “You? A gentleman?”
“Shocking, I know you’ve seen it on the TV.” he said, smirking. “But I have my moments.”
You stared at him, the teasing glint in his eyes, the effortless way he carried himself, and sighed. “Fine. Just this once.”
Satoru gasped, dramatically clutching his chest. “Oh no, what an honor! I’ll cherish this moment forever.”
You nudged him lightly with your elbow, but your lips twitched despite yourself. He was ridiculous, but in a way that made the weight in your chest just a little easier to bear. He bumped your shoulder in return, his grin softening. 
“See? It’s not so bad letting someone take care of you once in a while.”
You didn’t answer right away, instead looking down at the can in your hands. Maybe he was right. Maybe, for once, it was okay not to carry everything alone. “…Thanks.” you said quietly.
Satoru didn’t make a big deal out of it, didn’t tease or push. He just took another sip of his drink and smiled. “Anytime.”
“I appreciate that.” You whisper back to him. 
And so, you kept walking, the night stretching ahead of you, open and uncertain—but somehow, a little less lonely. But at the very least, it’s not a road that makes it hard for you to breathe. Instead, there was warmth. There was tenderness. And there was care.
After nearly half of your life, you found someone who understands.
You finally made a genuinely good friend.
“You’re my first friend in maybe twenty years, you know?” 
Satoru looked at you, surprised. “That’s how long it’s been?”
“Well, when you’re a mom and a wife, your life revolves around them.” You sighed, drinking your drink carefully. “I don’t think I’ve had a life in a very long time. Well, one that’s reflective of myself, at least.”
The words slipped out before you could stop them, quiet but heavy. "You're my first friend in maybe twenty years, you know?"
Satoru stilled, his usual playful demeanor momentarily giving way to something softer. He turned to you, eyebrows raised in genuine surprise. “That’s how long it’s been?”
You let out a slow breath, staring down at the can in your hands, the condensation slick against your fingers. "Well, when you're a mom and a wife, your life revolves around them."
The confession sat between you, raw and unfiltered. You hadn't meant to say it, but now that you have, it felt like the most honest thing you'd spoken in a long time. It was like you hadn’t been yourself for a long time.
"I don’t think I’ve had a life in a very long time." You took a careful sip of your drink, the warmth grounding you. "Well, one that’s reflective of myself, at least."
Satoru didn’t speak right away, and for once, you were grateful. He didn’t offer meaningless platitudes or empty reassurances. He just listened. You exhaled, rubbing your thumb over the rigid aluminum of the can.
 “You spend so much time making sure everyone else is okay—your kid, your husband. You wake up every morning thinking about what they need, what will make them happy. And somewhere along the way, you forget that you had a life before them. That you were a whole person before you became someone’s wife, someone’s mother.”
Satoru hummed, tilting his head slightly. "And now?"
You hesitated. "Now… I don’t know." You gave a short, humorless laugh. "I’m still trying to remember who I was before all of this."
Satoru took a sip of his drink, watching you carefully. “Then maybe that’s the whole point.”
You raised an eyebrow. "What is?"
"Finding yourself again, like this." he said, as if it were the simplest thing in the world. "Not as a wife, not as a mom. Just… you.”
The thought settled deep in your chest, unfamiliar yet not entirely unwelcome.
Satoru nudged you lightly. "And lucky for you, you’ve got your first friend in twenty years to help."
You scoffed, shaking your head. "Yeah, because you’re so qualified for the job."
“Hey, I’m an excellent friend,” he said, grinning. "And, as of today, your official bad-decision supervisor. So, if you ever want to do something a little reckless, a little fun—you know who to call."
You rolled your eyes but found yourself smiling despite everything. "Noted."
And just like that, the world felt a little less lonely.
Yet if you could have known, you would hear something else.
You would hear someone’s heart skipping a beat in joy.
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Nanami Kento wasn’t the kind of man to let emotions overtake him. He prided himself on restraint, on control. That’s what he always has been. Measured, precise. He liked thinking that he was a clear cut above the rest. That’s what allowed him to be what he was after all this time.
Even when the scandal broke, when his name was dragged through the mud, when the whispers turned to accusations and the life he had so carefully built came crashing down—he had endured it all with quiet resignation.
He had accepted that he was the villain in this story.
But nothing had prepared him for this.
The photo was simple, just an ordinary snapshot, but to him, it felt like a knife twisting in his gut. You, sitting on a park bench, looking at something out of frame with a quiet, almost hesitant smile. The late autumn afternoon sun caught the strands of your hair, casting a glow over your bright beautiful features. 
And beside you, Gojo Satoru, wearing that ever-present smirk, his body angled toward you as if he had been caught mid-conversation. His arm rested casually along the back of the bench, close but not too close. Just enough to make it clear that he was comfortable beside you.
Just enough to make Nanami Kento realize that he no longer had that privilege. At least not without you looking at him with such disgust. At least not without you pushing him away from you, caging him with the distance that never once existed in these past twenty–five years.
His breath felt shallow. He tried to convince himself it was just a coincidence. Just a fleeting moment captured in time. But the longer he stared, the harder it became to ignore the way his chest tightened.
He knew you. Knew the way your smiles had dimmed over the years, knew the exhaustion that had settled into your bones from carrying the weight of a life that had begun to feel more like a duty than a love story. He had seen the way you had started to shrink, piece by piece, until the person he fell in love with felt like a ghost within the home you once shared.
And yet, here you were, looking like someone he hadn’t seen in years. Someone lighter. Someone freer. Someone who no longer belonged to him. Someone who is slowly falling out of love with him.
His hand curled into a fist beside the phone, jaw tightening as a thousand memories flashed through his mind. The long nights he had spent making excuses. The lies. The guilt. The quiet moments where he had felt you slipping away and had done nothing to stop it.
And now, Satoru was the one beside you.
Nanami had always seen him as reckless, arrogant, a man who treated life like a game. And yet, in this single image, Satoru looked at peace. And worse—so did you.
A bitter taste filled his mouth. He had no right to feel this way, but it didn’t stop the anguish from settling deep in his chest, pressing against his ribs like an unbearable weight. He exhaled shakily and turned the phone face down on the desk.
There was nothing he could do. No words he could say that would erase what had been done. No way to go back in time and fix what had already shattered. All he could do was sit there, alone in the silence, realizing that the thing he had feared most had finally come to pass.
You were learning to smile again.
And it’s not because of him.
It was all his fault, it was all his doing.
But he wasn’t going to just sit back and let it happen.
Nanami Kento had always believed himself to be a rational man, a man who weighed his choices carefully, a man who never let emotions dictate his actions. He had convinced himself that he was in control, that he could accept the consequences of his own mistakes with dignity.
But this was different. It was one thing to lose his reputation. One thing to become the subject of hushed conversations and pointed stares. He could endure all of that with the quiet resignation of a man who knew he had done wrong.
But losing you?
That was something else entirely.
He wasn’t going to let it happen.
His fingers clenched around the edge of his desk, the tension running through his knuckles, through his entire body. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. He knew he had hurt you, but you were supposed to be his. You were supposed to be the one thing in his life that didn’t slip through his fingers.
And yet, there you were beside Gojo Satoru, smiling like you hadn’t smiled in years. Nanami gritted his teeth. He wouldn’t let it happen.
He had spent twenty-five years loving you. Building a life with you. Living a life where you both were content and happy with your children. His mistakes doesn’t mean he was going to lose you. You said it yourself, you would never leave him. You would only stay with him.
And if Gojo thought he could just step in and replace him, if he thought he could steal you away, that he could make you forget, then he was sorely mistaken. Nanami Kento had fought for a lot of things in his life. His career, his dignity, his carefully built reputation.
But none of it had ever mattered as much as you. And he would fight for you. Even if it meant tearing the world apart. Even if it meant going to war. Even if it meant becoming someone you could never forgive.
Because he could endure being hated by you. He could endure all of the silence, the grief, the suffering. He could endure your anger, your resentment, your rage. But he could not and would not ever endure losing you.
Not to Gojo Satoru.
Not to anyone.
Not ever in this life.
It was till death do part, after.
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paucubarsisimp · 2 days ago
reader taking really good care of Pedri while he has a flu, but then him feeling really guilty and taking even better care of her when she catches it from him?
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pairing: pedri x reader
summary: in which you and pedri get the flu
warnings: none, the flu?
tagged: @barcapix, @universefcb, @joaosnovia, @nngkay, lmk if you want to be added to the taglist
you sat on the couch, a bowl of warm soup in your hands, glancing at pedri who was curled up under a blanket, looking less like the fit footballer you knew and more like a sick little puppy. his cheeks were flushed, his eyes half-lidded from exhaustion, and he sniffled as he reached for the tissues on the table.
“come on, baby, you need to eat,” you said softly, nudging him gently with the spoon, trying to coax him into taking a bite.
he scrunched his nose, clearly not in the mood for soup. “but i just… i don’t want soup… i want cuddles,” he whined, his voice raspy, his bottom lip poking out like a child.
you raised an eyebrow, looking down at him with a slight smile despite his pout. “you need to get better first, pedri. a little soup, and then i promise i’ll cuddle you. okay?”
his eyes fluttered as he shifted, wrapping the blanket tighter around his shoulders and giving you that look—the one that melted your heart every time. “but i don’t feel good… i just want you,” he mumbled, reaching a hand out, weakly grasping for yours.
sighing, you put the spoon down and moved closer, your heart softening. “you’re lucky i love you,” you teased, as you sat beside him, adjusting the blanket around both of you.
pedri immediately snuggled into your side, his head resting on your shoulder, his breath warm against your neck. “i know… but… will you hold me, please?” he asked, his voice almost a whisper, so vulnerable.
you chuckled softly, rubbing his back gently. “always, pedri. but you still need to eat something,” you replied, lifting the bowl of soup in your hands.
he groaned, shifting slightly. “can’t you just feed me later? i really… i just want to be close to you.”
the way he said it made you smile, even though you knew you should probably make him eat. but how could you resist? you leaned down to kiss his forehead, smiling as you breathed in the scent of his shampoo mixed with the faint trace of sickness.
“okay, okay,” you whispered, carefully pulling the blanket tighter around him as he sighed in contentment. “you win this time, but only because you’re adorable when you whine like that.”
pedri’s eyes closed in bliss, a little grin forming on his face. “i’m glad you think so,” he mumbled, his voice growing quieter. “just… don’t go anywhere, okay?”
you chuckled, leaning your head against his. “i’m right here, always.”
and for the next few hours, you simply held him, the world outside fading away as you focused on taking care of him, one cuddle at a time.
pedri had fully recovered from the flu, and he was back to his usual energetic self—smiling, teasing, and doing what he did best. you, on the other hand, were now the one suffering.
it started off small: a scratchy throat, the slight twinge of a headache. but before long, you could feel the fever creeping up, your body aching in all the wrong places. and sure enough, a few hours later, you were tucked under a pile of blankets, curled up on the couch, feeling miserable.
pedri, who had been tidying up the apartment, walked into the living room and immediately stopped in his tracks when he saw you. your cheeks were flushed with fever, your nose red, and you looked as if you were barely holding on. his heart dropped.
“hey, hey, how are you feeling?” he asked gently, sitting down next to you. his eyes softened as he took in the sight of you, looking so fragile.
you sniffled, your voice raspy. “not great… definitely paying for all those cuddles,” you joked weakly, trying to lift his spirits.
pedri frowned, his expression immediately filled with guilt. “no… no, it’s not your fault,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper as he reached out to touch your forehead. “i’m so sorry, i didn’t want you to catch this… i should’ve stayed away from you.”
you smiled faintly, your heart warming at how concerned he was. “pedri, it was bound to happen. it’s fine, really.”
but he didn’t look convinced. “no, it’s not fine. i feel so bad. i just wanted to be close to you when i was sick, and now you’re sick because of me.”
you reached out to gently pull him closer, resting your head on his chest. “you were just being sweet. i wanted to take care of you, remember?” you murmured, your voice barely a whisper.
pedri’s heart ached as he wrapped his arms around you, cradling you carefully. “still… i should’ve kept my distance. i should’ve been more careful.” he kissed your forehead softly, his lips lingering there for a moment as if he could somehow transfer his warmth to you.
“you’ve been taking care of me, though,” you mumbled, your eyelids fluttering shut. “you’re doing it now, too.”
pedri smiled softly, brushing a lock of hair from your face. “well, that’s because you deserve all the love in the world,” he said, his voice full of adoration. “now, let me take care of you.”
he jumped up, his energy still a little too much for your sick state, and soon returned with a tray in hand—soup, tea, and a few tissues. “i know you’re probably not hungry, but you need to eat something,” he said, his eyes full of concern as he set everything down next to you.
you looked up at him, too tired to argue, and smiled. “you really don’t have to do all this, pedri.”
he sat beside you, taking a spoonful of soup and offering it to you. “i want to. just let me take care of you the way you took care of me.”
you reluctantly accepted the soup, savoring the warmth as it soothed your throat. pedri watched you with the softest gaze, clearly content just by being there. his hand rested on your back as you ate slowly, his fingers tracing small circles to calm your shivers.
“i love you,” he whispered softly, his voice full of affection. “just… just let me know if you need anything. i’ll be here, always.”
you smiled weakly, your eyes fluttering closed again as you leaned into his chest. “i’m already getting everything i need,” you murmured, your breath evening out. “just… stay with me?”
pedri kissed your forehead, wrapping his arms around you tighter, pulling you closer into his embrace. “i’m not going anywhere,” he promised. “i’ll be here until you feel better. always.”
and for the next few hours, as you drifted in and out of sleep, pedri stayed by your side—holding you, taking care of you, and showering you with all the love you needed. the world outside faded, and all that mattered was that he was there, making everything feel a little bit warmer, even on your sickest day.
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fearlesschimera · 3 days ago
Friend, I made it!!!! 😂 I'm finally pain-free, so I can write without being interrupted by anything or anyone! ♥️
Let's start with the first part! The opening scene was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. It gave me all the John Wick vibes (I don’t know if you’ve ever watched the franchise, but John is Roman, Roman is John ♥️). Dwayne deserves all the flowers for his entrance, and the same goes for Jacob, who was more than effective! I know Roman still doesn’t fully trust him, but I think he will be a valuable asset ♥️.The part I loved the most was Matteo’s ambush on Luca— that surprise effect was so well executed!!!
And now, the sad notes: Jimmy 💔 I have to say, friend, I have never been more conflicted in my life. Jimmy has his rights and wrongs, and the same goes for Roman. At some points, I wanted to scream at Roman, demanding some kind of mercy, but then, once he touched on certain points, I couldn’t say he was wrong. Same thing for Jimmy. Jimmy lost so much as well! He lost Roman, his father, his brother, and his twin, too, and he’s the one I blame the least out of everyone. Yes, he knew something wasn’t right, yes, he said nothing, but at the same time, he wasn’t involved, and the same goes for Naomi. I appreciated that Roman decided not to tell the whole truth about Rikishi, but if they ever manage to fix this mess in the future, I think he should know—because, even if it’s painful, he needs to understand what kind of person his father truly was. Maybe I’m too soft, but if I were Roman, I don’t know if I’d have the strength to keep Jimmy distant, not forever. Roman is conflicted, which is why I can’t and won’t lose hope 🥺🥺
Standing ovation for the suffering you put Paul and Seth through, friend 😂 It’s hard to say who deserved it more, but personally, I think Paul is a cut above—he was so fake and slimy, the personification of a snake! This sentence was a plus : “So much for that spoiler.” I screamed 😂
Sad notes, part 2: Jey 😭😭😭 A part of me just wanted to slap him hard in the face, and that part wanted to applaud Roman for the physical pain he put him through, but the other part of me, friend… that part cried like a baby! He’s so guilty and naive at the same time. His pride, jealousy, and stubbornness? A lethal mix. If redemption is possible for Jimmy, it’s very different for Jey. He is to blame for his decisions, and sadly, he is to blame for his wife’s death as well—because all of this pain could have been avoided. Now, he will pay the biggest price, and his kids will, too. Solana, being the wonderful woman and human being that she is, obviously asked Roman to spare him, and I couldn’t agree more. I know Roman is moved by anger, betrayal and a broken heart and I’m sure his instinct is to kill him, but I’m not fully sure he would actually do it, even if Solana hadn’t asked. I know forgiveness is off the table (?), but I think Solana’s request was more for Roman’s mental well-being than anything else. Because I think Roman has a soft spot for Jey—despite the conflicts of the past, maybe he is more similar to Roman than he likes to admit. Jey broke a code, broke so many hearts, made mistake after mistake, but… it’s Jey, and it’s not easy… damn it! 😂😭
Friend, the problem is that I need to hug this man 😭😭😭The image of him being home, alone, missing Solana… AND DULCE! 😭😭😭 Roman loves that cutie pie of a dog so much 🥺🥺🥺 And I was so happy he decided to talk with Lita. I was scared that this distance from Solana, combined with this giant trail of blood, would shut him off again, but his progress isn’t completely gone 🥺🥺He misses his wife, and he needs to figure out what to do with Matteo! I’m glad he finally decided to truly acknowledge his presence in his life and the fact that he knows, deep down, that he can trust him ♥️. That man left his wife and kids, too, in order to help and protect his fratello ♥️ (I love seeing some Italian words here and there, friend 😍🥺😂).
I know you’re not going to say anything 😂 but I swear, if that “you know what” is what I think it is—something I requested a while ago… let’s just say I already know I’m going to get complaints from my neighbours for how loud I’ll scream 😍😍♥️♥️😂Roman is surrounded by love. The betrayal was huge, but so is the love he is surrounded by. Life is slowly giving him back everything he lost, and it’s so beautiful ♥️Some voids are impossible to fill, but this is definitely an upgrade ♥️
Now, the end… FRIEND, THEIR MOTHER IS ALIVE???? 😱😱😱 I’m speechless, I’m in shock! What the hell has she been doing all this time? Why did she abandon her sons? We already know she never really wanted, loved, or even liked Roman, but still… WHAT’S GOING ON??? 😱😱😱
Side note: amazing job with the face claim, friend 😍. I’m not the biggest Monica Bellucci fan… that's why she’s perfect for this role 😂😂 However, I do love Harrison Ford 😍
I already know this last chapter is going to be SOMETHING! I loved that this one focused on Roman and his state of mind, so I can already tell it’s going to be even worse reading about Solana—because she has a different kind of approach. She feels everything, she’s a woman, she’s pregnant… a very bad combo 😂🥺😭.
Friend, you are something special. You did wonderfully as always, and I can’t express how fortunate I feel to be a small part of this journey that you decided to share with all of us! ♥️♥️♥️
looking through your eyes + thirty eight | part one
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authors note: see at end of chapter.
warnings: angst and graphic depictions of violence. gore. torture. not for the faint of heart.
story song inspo: ‘looking through your eyes’ by leann rimes
***gif credit goes to @romanreigns ***
cast+ masterlist +story playlist + taglist request form
words: 12k
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"We need Tribal Combat!"
"There's no time for that! We need a leader now!"
"We need to follow the order of command!"
"What command? Roman is dead! There is no order anymore!"
"This is why he should have been dethroned a lot sooner! He left us no heir!"
"The child wouldn't be old enough to rule anyway!"
Aleki runs a hand over his haggard face. In a matter of weeks, he feels like he's aged another ten years.
He's getting too old to be dealing with this shit, and that's exactly what all of this is. A bunch of shit.
"Tribal Combat is the way our ancestors would handle a situation like this," he finally speaks. The situation being the fact that for the first time in his lifetime, the Bloodline is without a leader.
Roman is dead.
Solo is dead.
Roman left no heir, thus there is no clear path moving forward for what should occur. The past two weeks since the former Tribal Cheif's murder has been nothing but chaotic to say the least. Aleki is far too prideful to admit it, but a part of him blames himself. He should have known better than to trust Rikishi to get the job done. Should have known that just like he did years prior with Jey, he'd fall short.
Should have known his plan was not without holes. Holes that have left them in the mess they're in now. Allies demanding to know who is in charge, threatening to sever partnerships with a syndicate that boasts no formal, official leader.
A mess.
"And just how do we determine who is eligible for combat?"
Someone, another annoying voice, inserts their question among the mumbled conversations.
Another Elder handles the answer, offering, "it could be open to anyone."
Sione sighs, saying more to himself than anyone in particular. "Nakoa's bloodline has ruled for generations."
"And now his bloodline is all dead," Aleki counters. Cold. His voice and expression are as cold as the ice in his veins. "His son in his stubbornness has damned us to this mess." He gestures around the room, anger growing as he mulls over the situation. "We should have never allowed him to rule for so—"
His pending rant is cut short by the arrival of another attendee, which instantly has him scowling for two reasons.
One, all attendees who were allowed for this audience are present and accounted for.
Two, the identify of said attendee has him pissed.
"Dwayne." His voice is clipped. "This is a closed—"
"I don't give a fuck," comes the dismissive response of the man nearly insufferable as his late, younger cousin. Dwayne saunters over to an occupied seat, easily grabbing the seat by the back, yanking it out and knocking the person to the ground. A smug smirk sits on his face as he plops down and props his big ass feet on the table. Dwayne lifts the sunglasses from the bridge of his nose to the top of his bald head. "Oh, don't stop on my account."
"This doesn't concern you," Sione dismisses.
"Come on." The 'n' drags on as he props his hands behind his head. "I'm still Bloodline, aren't I?"
"You were apart of Roman's Bloodline, and he's dead now, so you have no place here anymore." Someone, an attendee whose name Aleki would never bother to know, counters with a huff. "Plus, where the hell have you been the past few weeks?"
Dwayne shrugs. "Around."
"Around." Someone else mocks. "Our empire in on the brink of collapse, and you've just been around."
"It's like candy ass small dick over here said." Dwayne gestures with his thumb. "I'm unemployed."
The insulted man slams his fist on the table, shooting up, "you smug son of—"
Dwayne quickly silences him by pulling out his Glock G-19 and shooting him directly in the temple, his lifeless body instantly dropping to the floor. Gasps sound around the table, Aleki angrily calling for security.
"You need to leave now!" He hisses. Aleki glances toward the door, wondering why the hell security didn't come barging in at the sound of a literal gunshot.
"See, I would, but I don't answer to you anymore." Dwayne replies in a significantly more serious voice. Gone is the nonchalant "devil may care" attitude. His big body shifts as he moves both elbows onto the table, gun still in hand. "I only answer to the Tribal Chief."
Aleki hisses. "Roman is dead. There is no Tribal Chief."
Dwayne's growing smile can only be described as sinister and predatory. Knowing. "You sure about that?"
Seconds later, not even a full minute, the sound of grunts and thuds from outside the conference room. The Elders and other attendees looking around in confusion.
Except for Dwayne.
He just keeps smiling.
And an almost thunderous sound is accompanied by two more unexpected arrivals. One significantly more unexpected than the other.
Jacob Fatu's unhinged, crazed look of insanity is accompanied by his big body throwing down two dead guards, their heads awkwardly and sickly hanging from their lifeless bodies. Snapped. Their necks have been snapped.
But, that grotesque sight is severely outmatched and borderline underwhelming compared to the inconceivable sight of a dead man walking.
Roman's hair is down and wild, his murderous gaze steady and focused forward. Brass knuckles attached to a chain are secured to his right fist. The table of men are suddenly in shambles, falling over and working to put as much distance between themselves and the man everyone has believed dead.
Again, everyone except Dwayne.
Aleki can barely compute what's happening before him. So much so that there's no time to react, no time to think, just a tremendous of pain that courses through his aged body. Because one minute, he's in his chair at the head of the table, and the next he's on the floor, an enraged Roman having slapped the heavy metal chain against his body.
The old man cries out in agony as the chain is whipped once more, cutting into his skin and laying heavy onto his already brittle bones.
"Please!" He begs, allotted a brief respite as Roman redirects his focus onto Sione and the other Elders, each being mercilessly whipped with the chains.
He's punishing them.
"You wanna take me out!" Roman's infuriated voice slams against the walls the same way he starts to slam his fists against the broken, bloodied men who sought to see him six feet under. "It ain't ever fucking happening!" Roman lands a bone breaking kick to the neck of one of the elders, killing him instantly. The next is killed not directly by Roman but by proxy, as he screams for Jacob.
Jacob, who grabs his gun and shoots out a window, marches over, snatching the man up, dragging him to the window and not wasting a second of a minute to toss him out of said window.
Onlookers watch in horror as one by one, Roman kills them all in various brutal ways. Suffocation. Slit throats. Snapped necks. A brutal beating with the brass knuckles. Various, violent methods and manners in which each meet an untimely, grisly demise. But, the best is saved for last. Aleki. A thorn in Roman's fucking side since he was a boy.
The older man is barely clinging onto life when Roman easily snatches that life away with each slap of the heavy chain, the brass knuckles slammed onto his face until it's disfigured beyond recognition. And finally, the severing of life is achieved via the slicing of the large hunting knife across his throat.
Heaving, splattered with blood, a slight sheen of sweat on his forehead, nothing but adrenaline and unbounded rage soar through Roman. His lethal gaze falls on the room of people who've been forced to watch the gory bloodbath.
The faintest hint of a smirk on his face.
Dwayne whistles. "Well, if it isn't obvious, he's not dead."
Roman shoots his older cousin a glare. Dwayne simply shrugs while Roman tips the chair back over, kicking Aleki's body to the side, rolling the chair and sitting down.
And silence. A piece of lint could fall off the wrinkled shirt of the man sitting a few seats down from Roman, and it could still be heard.
Fear fills the room and dances off the walls, surrounds the men who just witnessed a bloodbath unlike any.
And then, finally, a brave—or stupid—soul decides to take a risk. Take a chance. "You're….you're alive."
Roman's gaze easily flickers to the man whose wide, horrified gaze is focused on him, trembling finger pointing in his direction. "We—we thought—"
One nod toward Jacob, and the man is barely able to stammer out an "I'm" before his head is violently forced to the side, the sound of his neck snapping followed up with the loud thud sound of it dropping onto the table.
The men around him back and cower away, eager and desperate to escape the death that's already claimed their pathetic lives.
"I was betrayed." Is the first thing to leave his mouth, the word 'betrayal' leaving a bitter, disgusting aftertaste that has him craving more blood. Craving vengeance. "They tried to overthrow me. Tried to kill me, and they should have." Roman stabs the large knife into the table, almost certain he heard someone whimper, as if about to cry. As if they were already crying. "They should have because they killed my wife, and now there's no fucking place on this earth anyone can hide or escape my rage." Saying it aloud is more difficult than Roman anticipated. Playing along with this storyline where Solana is no longer among the living. The discomfort is only quelled by the constant reminder that she is okay. That she's safe and simply waiting for him to return to her after handling business.
And, that's exactly what he's going to do.
Roman digs the knife deeper into the wood. "When I'm done with everyone involved in this shit, the only thing anyone will be able to see is red, and that's the fucking blood I'm going to paint this whole fucking town with." Sitting back in the chair, Roman leaves the knife protruding from the table. "But, until then, I need you all to send them a message."
Another foolish, ignorant, naive soul decides to ask what will be the final thing to leave his mouth before he leaves this room. "Wh—what m-m-message, s-s-sir?"
And for the first time since his entrance, Roman offers something other than a menacing glare. He smiles, but there's nothing humorous about it. If anything, it's predatory.
"That I'm coming."
Similar to the onslaught Roman bestowed upon the now deceased Elders, it's quick and violent. Jacob and Dwayne work almost simultaneously, not killing, but maiming the men. Severed, bloodied pieces cut from bodies. Fingers, noses, ears. Nothing fatal. Just warning enough.
And, it's only when each men has been left with a mark, a sign of Roman's pending revenge, they're ushered and forced out the room. Jacob landing a particularly painful looking blow into the back of the last disfigured, partially dismembered man.
Rolling his shoulders, Roman doesn't even need to instruct them on what to do next. Dwayne is reaching for the laptop, ripping a shirt off one of the dead elders to use it to clean it of the blood. "Fucking disgusting," he hisses, throwing it down once its completed the job.
Roman's eyes cut to the clock on the wall. Right on time.
He's uncaring of his appearance, focused on one thing and only.
Roman is out for blood.
As Dwayne works to get everything set up and synced to the large TV screen anchored onto the wall, Jacob stands off to the side, waiting, observing, protecting almost.
Roman would be lying if he said he wasn't skeptical when Solana first told him about Jacob.
Told him how he allegedly protected her and vowed his loyalty to Roman and Roman only, as he recognized Roman as the Tribal Chief.
The only Tribal Chief.
Told her how not everyone in the Bloodline was involved in the coup, and many were waiting for Roman to show up.
Truth be told, Roman is still trying to test that. Test Jacob. So far, he's proven useful, offering Dwayne and Matteo intel and information on those allegedly involved and those not involved.
He's a a hell of a body to have around, capable of the most violent desecration of people. Useful. He's useful, but only time will tell to what extent Roman can trust him.
Can trust anyone, really.
"It's ready," Dwayne announces. Roman breaks from his thoughts, rolling his shoulders once more, ignoring the throb. Solana would have his ass for all the physical exertion. But, it needs to be done.
The sooner Roman handles this, the sooner he can have her back home with him.
Right where she belongs.
Dwayne and Jacob move to take seats, both on opposite sides of the table but in view of the TV that also serves as a casting source. The television screen is then filled with the exact person Roman wants to see next.
"This is a fucking waste of time." Luca's irritated voice is heard, his irksome ass face focused on something beside him. It looks like he's signing something. "Without someone of Italian blood at the head of your table, we have no alli—"
He stops, finally turning to look at the screen, and if there was ever someone to be as pale as Casper the fucking ghost, it's Luca.
"Roman." He all but whispers.
The Tribal Chief remains stone face. "Luca." He tilts his head. "You look surprised."
The younger man stammers, eyes darting around, hardening slightly when he lands on Dwayne who offers a small, mocking wave.
He then narrows his focus back on Roman. Clearing his throat, trying to play off indifference, he straightens his tie. "We were told you were dead."
"Were you?" Luca makes a sound. "I suppose that would have made things a lot more easier for you, now wouldn't it?"
Luca glares. "Just what—"
"Don't fucking play with me," Roman growls. "Do you think I'm stupid? I know you've been trying usurp me. That you were behind that missing shipment. The hit that killed our men. That you sent my brother to spy on me. That you were working with them to kill me."
Roman refuses to name them. Refuses to have their names on his lips. They're not fucking worth it.
Luca, to the best of his limited abilities, tries to remain unbothered. "I don't know what you're talking about."
At that, Roman chuckles, smiling, looking down and nodding. "That's….that's good." Roman can give credit where it's due. Albeit a paltry amount. But, just as quickly as he was smiling, he's glaring. "But, here's the fucking problem, I'm better. I'm better than you. Better than anyone else in this fucking family. I've always been better, and I always will be better." Always. "And you know what else?" A beat. "I'm always three steps ahead."
Luca opens his mouth to respond, fire and fury dancing in his irises when commotion can be heard through the TV.
Roman smirks.
Luca looks to the side, once angered, now confused, and then disturbed.
Gunshots. It's the sound of gunshots.
He curses in Italian, barking orders at what's probably security.
Roman says nothing.
It makes no difference.
None whatsoever.
He just sits back in his chair, enjoying the sound of men crying out in pain, bodies dropping, bullets being emptied into now lifeless corpses.
Luca's clearly shitting bricks, perspiring, gun in his shaky hand. He calls out another order that's cut short by what sounds like the door being kicked open.
Gunshots ring once more, back to back, strategic and aimed.
Luca curses loudly, holding onto his shoulder where he's been shot.
And seconds later, the base of his neck is exposed as another figure stands behind him, forcing his head back, gun pressed to his temple.
True to his character, Luca uses his dying words to curse at not only Roman but Matteo who stands with a smug expression, giving Roman only a simple nod of acknowledgment.
Roman smirks.
He sits back in his chair, voice calm and collected. A contrast to the mayhem just unleashed. "Luca." The man in question struggles and works to move out of Matteo's unrelenting grasp. "Take this free advice. If you're gonna go for the devil, you should go always go for the head, because if you miss." A quiet chuckle. "He sure won't."
A loud bang followed by blood and brain matter splattering the screen, partially obscuring the view of Luca's lifeless body slumped over.
Like a bug, Matteo shoves him away, taking the seat, seemingly unbothered by the blood that stains his clothes, hair, and skin.
"It's done."
"Good." Sitting forward, Roman's mind travels to the mental list curated. "Get on the first flight back here."
Matteo nods. "Will do." The connection ends, and Roman closes the laptop.
Looking around the room, he readies to order Dwayne to start seeing about replacements for the Elders council but ultimately decides against it.
It can wait.
He has bigger, important things to worry and focus on, like making his way down his infinite kill list.
The OTC is coming.
There are many, many things on Roman's to-do list once he arrives back home. Many bloody, violent things. Lives to take, primarily.
But, while that remains near the top, there are other things that also require his attention. Things he'd moderately prefer to not have to do but things he needs to do.
It's what leads him a few days later standing outside of Jimmy and Naomi's house. One of his first of many stops during his "revival" tour of sorts.
But, the minute the door is ripped open, and Roman is standing face to face, directly across from Jimmy, a new influx of confusing emotions fill him. The same way they paint the face of his wide eyed cousin.
Roman can see the way Jimmy continues to grip the door so tightly that his knuckles whiten. "It's….it's true." Roman's jaw twitches as he briefly looks away. "You're…you're alive?"
"We need to talk," is Roman's response. He looks at Jimmy. "Can I come in?"
A delayed response is followed up with an almost distracted head nod as Roman makes his way inside of his cousin's home, a place he's been in countless times over his almost 40 years on this earth. But, this…..this has to be the first time where it's felt different. Felt off. Felt wrong.
"Where the hell have you been?" Jimmy breathes. Roman turns around to face him, seeing the shock and confusion melt away into a bowl of anger. "We thought you were dead, Roman. Almost everyone thinks you and Solana—" He stops himself, pausing, eyes widening slightly. "Wait, is she—"
A pause. Hesitation. The moment Roman wrecked his brain over and over again trying to navigate the best way to handle such a tricky, complicated, complex situation. Ultimately, Solana's words and recommended or requested approach taking front seat. "She's safe."
Once the words leave his mouth, there's a semblance of regret. Like, he wishes he had gone a different route. Almost like he wishes he'd continued to maintain the story being spread about the fate of his pregnant wife.
Jimmy places both hands behind his head, walking away just enough to blow out a big breath. "What the fuck, Roman?" He growls, walking back over and pointing upstairs. "You got any fucking idea how gutted Naomi and I been?" He scowls, the anger and relief clearly at odds. "Thinking you and Sol were—"
"I know what you thought," he interrupts, hating his own emotions being at war. "You thought what we needed everyone to think."
Jimmy swallows. "Even me?" Silence. He once again motions upstairs. "Even Naomi?"
He runs a hand over his face, and in that moment, Roman can see for the first time the toll all of this has taken on him. He looks drained. "Roman….I know….I know what happened was fucked up. I'm not denying that. But, to treat Naomi and I like this when we ain't even do nothing?" He shakes his head. "When I'm already having to mourn my brother and father—"
"The same people who tried to kill me?" Roman interrupts, his voice sharp and even. "The people who kidnapped and were going to kill my wife?"
"I know that, Uce—"
"Do you?" A pointed question, as anger starts to overpower everything else. "Cause you're acting like I did something fucking wrong—"
"You did!" Jimmy snaps. "You kept us in the fucking dark when we deserved to know the truth!"
"The same way you kept me in the dark?" Is Roman's almost quiet response. He sees the way Jimmy's anger twitches, how it's briefly interrupted by what Roman considers to be a valid point. "For years, your father was trying to get ya'll to challenge me, trying to turn you against me, and you never said anything. Never told me shit!"
"I told you, I didn't realize—"
"I don't give a fuck what you did or didn't realize. I had a right to know!" He needed to know. Roman needed to know that the same people he considered family, the closest thing he had left to a father figure, even with them never necessarily being super close, was plotting against him the entire time. "If you had just told me—"
"Then what? It would have changed something?" Jimmy shouts, also unwilling to back down like the man across from him. "Would have stopped all this from happening? Would change what happened—"
"I don't know!" A forced, short, angry response as the Tribal Chief turns away, running his hand over his face. This conversation is equally heavy as it is challenging. He wasn't stupid enough to expect anything about it to be easy, but Roman can't deny a small part of him hoped it would go….different. In what way, he's not entirely sure. Just something….not this.
"Uce, we can figure this out—"
Roman briefly turns to him. "Can we?"
And, when Jimmy doesn't respond immediately, doesn't respond at all, Roman realizes in one area of all of this shit, they're on the same page. They're both confused as to how to untangle this massive mess of betrayal, lies, and hurt. Because for Roman, it's not even the coup organized by the people he once considered family, it's the fact that he also has to come to grips with that same "family" was a part of the plan that cost Roman his entire immediate family.
Left him essentially alone.
In many ways, that's what hurts the most.
But, it's also something Roman has opted to not tell Jimmy. As much hatred the Tribal Chief holds toward Solo and Rikishi, he can still acknowledge that was Jimmy's brother and father. He won't complicate his cousin's grief.
Because Roman doesn't hate him.
Doesn't hate him at all.
He just can't trust him anymore, and he's not sure if and when that will change.
Which is why he settled on the decision he did. The decision he's ready to finally share.
"When Solana comes home, and she will come home, I don't want to see you."
Gaze focused on the wall art in Jimmy's living room, Roman doesn't need to be looking at his cousin to know he's floored. "W-what?"
He swallows, recalling the specific wording he decided on. "You're out of my inner circle. I'll have Dwayne find a position for you in the Bloodline when things settle—"
"Solana can decide for herself what she wants her relationship with Naomi to be, but I don't want either of you at my house."
"You can't—"
"I can do whatever the fuck I want." Even if he's not entirely sure it's exactly what he wants. It's the best Roman can do under these circumstances.
All he can do.
That doesn't mean there's not the reappearance of that damn weight that's been on his chest ever since he had to leave Solana. Even before that, if he's being completely honest with himself.
"My decision is final, Jimmy." Because maybe sticking to the facts, or rather the stipulations Roman has decided to put in place until he can navigate a better solution might be helpful. Emotions are getting in the way of business.
Jimmy just looks at him, stares at him, unwilling or maybe even uncaring of how visible his many emotions are. "So, that's it?" Roman's jaw clenches. "After everything we been through, the good, the bad, the everything in between. Almost 40 years of friendship, of being family….." He swallows, emotion and vulnerability on full display. "You're like my brother, Roman—"
"But not a brother, right?" Silence. "That's why you didn't say anything."
It's a deeply rooted point of insecurity. One that Roman hasn't really allowed himself to think too much about since he was a kid. That feeling of being "not like them." Of feeling like he didn't necessarily "belong."
An outsider among his own blood.
"This isn't fair, and you know it," Jimmy finally responds. "You're punishing me, punishing Naomi, for something that we didn't even do."
Perhaps. The Tribal Chief won't entirely deny that. He knows he can be vindictive, and maybe some part of him does want to punish them in a way he can't the deceased. But, the vast majority of him only seeks to have a temporary solution in place to relieve him of all the other very many tasks on his plate.
And, the deep fucking truth of the matter is also something he won't allow himself to admit aloud but feels fully.
He needs Solana.
Roman needs his wife to help him sort through all of this. He needs her support. Her safety. Her sage wisdom and soft way of helping him navigate these things. So, until that can happen, this is what needs to happen.
Roman takes a deep breath. For as nice and big a home Jimmy and Naomi have, it's suddenly feels a lot more stuffy than he recalls. A lot less welcoming. His presence more…intruding than anything.
"I have to go." Both a truth and a lie. The day is practically just getting started, but time waits for the Tribal Chief. He could stay longer, could maybe talk things through with his cousin.
Problem is he doesn't want to.
Not right now.
Not for a while, most likely.
Roman is a bit unsure why he's some level of bothered by Jimmy not protesting his leave. It's what's best….
"You're going to do it, aren't you?" Roman's hand is halfway to touching the doorknob when he's hit with the question. The one he knew was coming but hoping wouldn't. The one that makes sense. "You're going to kill him."
His eyes shut.
Debated. Roman debated the hell out of and with himself to try to figure out how he would tackle that one. Of course, Jimmy would want to know that. Would want to know if another person will be added to the list of lost loved ones. Especially his brother.
Roman also considered how to respond to this, how much he wanted to share, if he wanted to grant Jimmy some sense of peace with knowing the answer or grief with also knowing the answer.
Roman swallows once more.
And, he walks out the door.
The only way for Roman to decompress from his heavy conversation with Jimmy and all that will come from the decisions that have been made is to cope the best way he knows how.
Roman needs to cross off another name from his hit list.
Two, precisely.
"Where the fuck are they?" Dwayne complains and swats away a pesky fly that seems to prefer to fly around and in his personal bubble. "Fucking hate the outdoors."
Matteo snickers. "So, you wouldn't accompany Afia, the kids and I on a camping trip?"
Dwayne just stares at him. "Do I look poor to you?"
Roman manages a chuckle and a thought of something else. About the sacrifice Matteo is also making by being here with him. Standing with him. He's also separated from his wife. From his children. Agreeing to no contact to help keep Solana being alive a secret.
Roman swallows.
He didn't really realize until just now how massive an ask that was.
And how Matteo never once hesitated to agree to join him.
The sound of a truck engine revving is a welcomed distraction and something that allows Roman to reorient his focus to the task at hand. Jaw clenched, he watches the ambulance come to an abrupt stop followed by the drivers door being flung open.
Jacob's large body drops down, his boots leaving imprints in the slightly muddy ground as he stomps to the back of the truck and snatches the door open.
Hate fills the Tribal Chief as he watches Jacob angrily and almost erratically yank the two hospital beds out the back, both participants crying out in pain as they tumble onto the ground.
But, the cries of pain from one ease into a sick, twisted, laugh.
Roman's stomp onto his neck effectively silences that laugh. Seth's brown eyes peer up into him, that deranged smile on his face causing Roman to lift his foot and stomp once more. Seth almost instantly coughs up blood.
However, it's wheezing from the rotund man on the ground a few feet away from the lunatic under him that snatches Roman's focus.
Carefully, slowly, he walks over, anger accompanying each step until he kicks Paul over, a loud howl leaving his former advisor's mouth.
Tears stream down his face that has a large bandage on the right cheek and other unhealed cuts around various areas. "Pl—please."
Roman growls. That damn word has easily become one of his least favorites.
Similar to Seth, Roman lands his boot down on the top of Paul's fat neck. As the man screams out in pain, Dwayne chuckles.
"I know that hurt."
It all must hurt, Roman realizes. Hurt tremendously. Good.
For the first time, he takes in the sight and state of the two men before him still in hospital gowns. Their legs and arms covered with bandages, peaks of red, burned skin peaking out, the lesser of their injuries minimal compared to the latter end of severe.
Nothing will ever be severe enough for them.
Roman barks for a knife, and the minute he's handed one, he crouches down and begins cutting. Not just the bandage. The fresh, still healing skin graft underneath the bandages as well. The screams of pain are ear piercing and music to Roman's fucking ears.
Methodically, like a butcher mastering his craft, he cuts away, ignoring the blood and body matter that splatters and splashes his clothes, tossing the mangled, ruined patches of fleshto the side like trash to the can.
Around him, no one interferes, no one stops him, and no one damn sure responds to Paul's blubbering as he transitions between screaming, apologizing, and eventually begging for Roman to just kill him.
That last is definitely on the agenda. Just not yet.
Because, one he's done butchering victim one, he transitions to victim two. Seth. Seth's torture is the eerily the same, the maniacal laughing eventually melting into sobs of agony. But, he doesn't beg for death, doesn't beseech the Tribal Chief for mercy.
No, that doesn't come until Roman is handed the electric chainsaw.
It comes then. Screams and shouts of unimaginable pain as Roman saws off arms and legs, one by one, blood shooting and spurting out. Again, the man intent on making their last minutes on earth nothing but horrific, forever uncaring. It's satisfying in a demented sort of way, but Roman doesn't care.
They're getting exactly what they deserve.
Heaving and sweating from the exertion expended through the torture, Roman only stops when all that remains is exposed bone from where he cut off their arms below the elbows and their knees slightly above the knees.
He would have continued too, if not for the fact both men are starting to lose consciousness, and that won't do.
He wants them awake for as long as humanly fucking possible.
Especially for the grand finale.
Roman snaps, speaking to Jacob. "Douse em'."
An order that doesn't need to be repeated. As Roman lifts off his shirt that's caked in blood, pieces of bone, and human flesh, tossing it to the ground, Dwayne hands him a towel to dry off and remove some of the other unmentionables.
Jacob moves quickly and efficiently, pouring the gasoline all over what remains of Paul and Seth's carved up bodies. Drenches them.
And with a wicked smirk on his face, Matteo tops it off, tops them off with the cherry on top.
An accelerant.
He forces their mouths open, the sound of them gurgling and choking sounded out with a kick to the side of the head. It's effective, allowing him to empty the bottle that he tosses to the side.
"Done," he says, voice ice cold as he goes to stand beside Dwayne and Jacob. None of them showing even the slightest hint of disturbance. If anything, there's more of a pleased, satisfied aura.
Recognizing they've reached the end of the road, that the men are mere minutes away from unconsciousness—and death—Roman stalks over to them. Slowly. A predator enjoying the final moments of his prey's existence. Moments that must consist of pain beyond human comprehension.
He looks down, the sight grotesque and enough to evoke vomiting from anyone without a seasoned stomach, but Roman is anything but. The sight makes him smile. The putrid smell of exposed bone, organs, and extensive blood pleasing to him in every sense of the word.
A dark, quiet chuckle leaves his mouth. "So much for that spoiler."
Stepping back, his eyes dart between the both of them, studying and committing the grisly image to memory.
Gratifying, indeed.
And without much thought, he pulls out the matchbox, lighting two matches, each thrown onto the men.
Turning on his heel, Roman walks away, tuning out their screams of misery and suffering.
"Let's go." It's spoken to the three men with him as they head out of the forest and to their SUV's. Extracting his revenge on the two men grants Roman with a sense of relief. He's relieved to know those two fuckers no longer breathe, or will breathe, the same air as him.
But, as gory and sadistically satisfying as Paul and Seth's deaths are, it still doesn't dull or ease the mixed emotions that fill the Tribal Chief at the thought of his next task.
Arguably, one of the hardest he has to complete.
There's one reason and one reason alone why Roman asks Matteo and Dwayne to be present for this.
One very valid, important reason that can't be ignored or pushed aside. It's not his preference though.
Not really.
This is so personal that it feels almost wrong to have other parties present, but Roman also knows himself. Knows that when he fully succumbs to that uncontrollable rage that dwells within him, he can't see or think beyond it. It totally and wholly consumes him. Controls him.
Thus….his need for a contingency plan.
Roman has his back toward the door that's flung open, the intensity causing nearby photos on the wall to shake. Roman sighs. As effective as Jacob can be, he's…..a lot.
The Tribal Chief turns around just in time to see one cousin throw down the man Roman also once considered cousin.
Considered family.
Considered to be a brother.
As prideful as he can be, Roman would never deny the fact that he could have done a better job with being less hard on the twins. Less…..him. But, the truth of the matter is that despite the frosty disposition and irritation that marred a lot of their interactions, no one but the three of them know what they've been through. The countless times they've had each other's back out in the field. Protecting and looking out for each other.
The times Roman looked out for Jey.
All those moments that have boiled down to and left them right where they are now.
Jey, on the floor before him, hands on the ground, his fiery gaze on the man he also once considered family.
And seeing it, seeing Jey be upset with him?
It pisses Roman the fuck off.
He walks toward his table and grabs the brass knuckles. Both pair.
"Get out." A command directed only toward Jacob who offers no protest, walking out the same way he came in, standing watch outside the door.
Roman has completely tuned out the voice of either Dwayne or Matteo. He doesn't know nor does he care.
Roman lifts his foot, kicking Jey right in the face with so much force that his body jerks back violently.
"You son of a bitch," he growls, not wasting a second to pounce on top of him, aiming for his ribs first. Jey's' howl of pain drives his determination—and fury—and distracts the Capo from his own lingering pain. The injuries that have not yet fully healed, marginally due to the fact that Roman has done nothing but exert himself from the moment he landed back home.
He'd kept his promise and continued rehab, continued to follow the doctor's orders, but that was all in between carrying out violent, bloody, brutal punishments for every fucker who turned on him.
Including the one underneath him.
And thinking of Solana, thinking of how she's not here, not with him, it only deepens the color of red he sees.
It's all he sees.
The sound of Jey's ribs cracking and his fruitless efforts to push the enraged man off him only drive Roman to lift the man up and slam him against the nearest wall. Another brutal kick to his ribs. Roman doesn't care if every single one is broken.
He grabs Jey by the chin, squeezing, enjoying the way his face remains scrunched up in pain. "You broke up my Bloodline." Not the massive crime syndicate that Roman has spent the better half of his life improving and making it into the billion dollar empire that it is now. He's referring to the family component, the familial bond and connection they shared.
That Bloodline.
"My wife isn't here because of you, Jey. You understand?" Roman continues. A part of him wonders if anything, especially that, means anything to Jey. He's unsure if Jey knows that Solana is actually alive or if he even cares, because his wife is most certainly not.
And, it's that, Roman is sure, that fuels Jey's hatred. Has him, despite the brutal beating he's receiving, refusing to cower, to show any sign of fear. Just impenetrable defiance.
"I looked out for you, I spared your fucking life, saved your ass time and time again, and what do you do?" Another fresh wave of rage, as Roman slams Jey's head back against the wall, shouting, "you break up my fucking family!"
Again, double, maybe even multiple meanings, all with one heartbreaking conclusion.
It creates a brief fracture in Roman's anger, paves the way for a small glimpse of what lies underneath all of that fury that courses through his big body. "I would have never done this shit to you, Jey."
Because, he wouldn't. Because for all the bad things Roman is, how awful he could be, he would have never stooped so low. Would have never allowed whatever prideful feelings he was struggling with to lead him down a path that could only end in heartbreak. But, Jey did. His insecurities got the best of him, and it's cost him.
It's cost him dearly.
Because as far as Roman is concerned, Nicki's death is on him.
"So just…." Jey coughs up blood as Roman realizes at some point in his inner dialogue, he'd moved back to pounding Jey into the floor. "Just…do it." Roman stops and stares at him, his own chest heaving. "You wanna kill me…..fucking do it then, Uce. It's…it's what you want, ain't it?"
Roman can see right through it, right through the paltry front he's trying to put up in the face of a true life or death situation. Stubborn as all outdoors, very much like himself, Roman knows that Jey loves his kids more than anything. He would never want to "leave" them.
Especially after what's happened.
He's calling Roman's bluff, and that pisses him to fuck off.
For more reasons than the man under him and the two before him can realize.
Roman closes his eyes.
"Please." It's the pleading nature of her voice as well as the borderline desperation in her eyes that has Roman struggling. Struggling with it all. "I know….I know what he did was wrong."
"It wasn't just wrong, Solana," he calmly counters. Roman is working hard to be mindful of his tone with her. The anger that dances and burning within is 100% not aimed or geared towards her. Whatsoever. "It was unforgivable."
She swallows. "I know." He shuts his eyes once more as she continues to gently massage his scalp with one hand, the other tracing his inked arm, carefully maneuvering the ridges of disfigured skin from his burn scars. "But, I'm not….I'm not asking you to forgive him, Ro."
"No," he murmurs, jaw flexing. "But, what you're asking is a lot fucking harder."
Solana moves closer, her hand traveling to his face. "Roman….his kids lost their mother." She licks her lips and shakes her head. "We both grew up without our mothers, and I know that your relationship with yours was…..complicated, but….mine wasn't and not having her…." Her eyes watering is something he can't avoid. Can't ignore. "No child deserves that, Roman, and you know it." His silence is all that she needs to continue. "Baby, I know I'm asking a lot from you, but….please don't kill him."
He's always said and "joked" about never being able to say no to her. But, this….this might be a first. "Solana…."
"Please, Roman." Her voice cracks as she leans up, her forehead against his, breathing. "For me."
Roman is returned to the scene before him, to the decision he'd made just this morning. A decision he's not sure how he'll handle moving forward, but it's one he's accepted as his final answer.
"I'm not going to kill you," he announces. Jey can't hide his surprise, and Roman would bet his cousin and brother mimic similar expressions.
He hadn't shared his decision with anyone until this very moment.
"And, the only fucking reason I'm not is because of the woman you almost got killed," he hisses. Jey continues to look dumbfounded. "But, you are fucking dead to me in every other sense of the word. You've got a fucking week for you and your kids out of the city. Your security access is revoked, your position with the Bloodline done. You are done."
Jey continues to look around, obviously struggling to process what's being said. Like, he hadn't expected Roman to actually kill him and yet still expected Roman to kill him.
"I never want to fucking hear or speak to you ever again, you understand me?" It's a watered down warning. It's all watered down, truly. Even the fact that Jey lays before him, potentially half dead, in need of medical assistance. It's not enough. Nothing will ever be enough, even if he took his cousin's life with his bare hands. And, Roman knows this.
Still, this has to be one of the hardest decisions he's ever made.
"But, if you ever fucking step foot in this town again, I don't care what Solana says, I'll fucking kill you. I swear it on Fetu's grave." A vow to carry out the act of vengeance, love, in all the irony, prevents him from completing.
It's solely Roman's love for Solana that stops him from killing Jey.
Nothing else.
Literally nothing else.
Roman's final declaration is accompanied by another stomp, this time to Jey's face, effectively knocking him out cold. Standing up and rolling his neck, Roman grimaces and grabs at his shoulder.
Way too much exertion. Not that it makes a difference.
Jey is just one of many he plans to visit today.
He looks over his shoulder, uncaring and unwilling to discuss what transpired. What's done is done.
Roman so casually, and coldly, walks over Jey's slumped, unconscious body and snatches his jacket off the hook behind the door. "Let's go."
Footsteps of the other two men follow him swinging the door open, Jacob standing at attention.
"Make sure he's gone by the time I'm back," Roman commands. What's done has been done, and while there's a tremendous amount of unspoken, unresolved issues between himself and the man he's just effectively banished indefinitely, it's not a task he's up for.
Not now.
Not ever.
Roman meant what he said.
Should Jey ever try to return to the city, Roman will absolutely kill him.
But, until then, he might as well already be dead.
Because he is to Roman.
Following Roman's dramatic, bloody return from his supposed demise, he places the city on lock down.
No one enters, and no one leaves.
Armed guards, a mixture of verified Bloodline loyalists as well as soldiers from the Legado Del Fantasma, remain stationed at every entrance into the city, whether it be by land or harbor, to ensure that this order remains non-violated.
Roman intends for not a single fucker to escape his bloody vengeance.
And bloody, it most certainly is.
Nothing but unbridled rage courses through Roman's body as he spends the weeks making his way down his list eliminating target after target. Traitor after traitor. Life after life, taken.
Doors are kicked down, pieces of shit dragged out. Some granted quick death. Simple head shots that leave blood and brain matter splattered in the nearest vicinity. Some are tossed off of buildings, leaving their splattered remains for all to see. Some are used as examples. Their tortured, mangled remains tied up on display in the middle of the streets as both a reminder and a warning. A reminder of what happens to all who dare to cross Roman fucking Reigns, and a message to those who played in any role in the coup that he's coming, and he's coming for blood.
Roman has the city in a state of terror and fear. Families keeping their children in the house. Picking them up and dropping them off to school to avoid being caught in the cross hairs. A bit unnecessary, as despite Roman slipping back into that dark space that consumed him before Solana, his few morals remain the same. Women and children are off limits.
Neither of those groups are included in his hit list.
Everyone else though…..tough.
But, while the adrenaline that races through him fuels his revenge tour, that fuel of sorts easily melts away when he arrives home later in the evening. Arrives to an empty home. No sweet, delicious aroma of Solana's cooking to greet him. Or the pitter-patter of Dulce's feet as she races to the front door, eager to jump at and try to lick him but mostly just wanting to be petted and to have her belly rubbed. Being able to come up behind his wife, holding her, kissing her temple, taking in the feel of her body up against his.
Things he'd gotten used to.
Things he misses.
He misses a lot.
He misses her.
He thinks about her, about what she could be doing, about whatever pregnancy symptoms she could be experiencing, as he follows along via the app she'd installed on his phone. He checks daily, each time wondering about the swell of her stomach, imagining the excitement she must feel. Or, the sadness.
Because there is something undeniably sad about them not being able to experience this together. Something that was so important to her.
Important to him.
Being there with her to support her as she carries his children, their children, is important to him.
But….but, her safety comes first.
Their safety comes first.
Her absence is with him every fucking second of the day, though on the back-burner when the sun sits comfortably in the sky, and he has the distraction of his murderous rampage. But, when the sun is replaced with the moon, and he lays in that same bed where they've made love countless times, where she's laid on his chest, talking about her day. Where he's held and slept with her, rubbing her belly, allowing himself to feel genuinely happy for a long fucking time.
All of that is soured and dampened by the cruel reality. Solana is not there. Dulce is not there.
She's not with him. They're not with him, because of them.
And then the rages builds up all over again.
It's a vicious, cruel cycle. One that he can't escape. One that leads him to the place he wasn't expecting or planning to visit anytime soon.
Too difficult.
But, necessary.
"Not gonna lie…." Lita trails off, shifting in her seat. It's one of the few times he's noticed she's not almost casually lounged, legs tucked under her. She's sitting with both feet planted on the ground, a small frown on her face. "Believing you to be dead only for you to show up with quite the return….and now having you in front of me, I'm not quite sure where to start except to tell you that I'm so sorry about Solan—"
"She's not dead."
Lita, for all her expertise and experience, can't hide her shocked expression. "What?"
Roman looks away. Just as he battled with whether or not to tell Jimmy the truth about Solana, he experienced the same battle regarding just how honest he wanted to be with Lita.
That's not to say he doesn't have a host of other issues he could probably, definitely, benefit from talking and working through with her.
Like the two panic attacks he's had since returning home.
Or, the several nightmares that have awoken him from the little sleep he has received. The nightmares that started when he was in the hospital in Mexico. The reason Solana refused to go home and leave him alone, staying and sleeping with him. Comforting him.
She's his comfort, and not having her has him six different shades of fucked up. On top of the pre-existing level of fucked up-ness he is on any given day.
If there was any doubt in his mind before just how codependent Roman is with his wife, this whole experience has successfully zapped it all away.
Still, that doesn't take away from the fact that Solana isn't here, and he's not okay, so he needs to find a way to get his shit together.
And, the woman before him is his best bet.
It didn't take much research and digging to realize Lita had no connection or involvement with the coup, thus eliminating her from the hit list. But, there's still this overwhelming importance of only keeping Solana's true status a secret from anyone who doesn't need to know.
And, while Roman wouldn't consider Lita someone who needs to know the truth, it would help him a hell of a lot considering the whole reason he's sitting before her.
Plus….while Roman isn't sure just what trust means to him anymore, he trusts that if she didn't know before, the bodies dumped in the streets, should be all the reminder of what happens to anyone who crosses Roman fucking Reigns.
"She's….she's in hiding. Safe." He clarifies, not willing to offer much more than that. "I'm not bringing her back home until I'm sure it's safe to do so."
"I see…." Lita trails off once more, slipping into her usual sitting position, legs tucked under her. For some reason, it makes Roman feel slightly more relaxed. "It all makes sense, then."
He eyes her. Skeptical. Cautious. "What do you mean?"
She takes a deep breath. "Roman, I don't….I don't fully understand how all the crime shit works, but I know and have heard enough to know that you were betrayed, Solana was kidnapped, and my guess would be that they tried to kill you both." He says and offers neither agreement or disagreement. "I can understand why you're so angry and why you've been on a murder spree, making the town look like something out of a horror movie, but it's….it's deeper than that." She tilts her head, assessing in a low voice. "It's even more personal, because she's not here….you don't have her with you, and that's….difficult, I'd gather."
He looks away once more, fist forming at his side. Roman's voice is also low and quiet, as he admits aloud for the first time, "I'm not….I'm not used to it." He swallows, pushing back the pride, knowing he needs to talk about this. To unload at least one thing on his plate. "I'm not used to….to being without her."
He doesn't really know how to function properly and normally without her. Just knows how to channel all of that frustration in his killing and torturing.
"I'm sure," Lita murmurs.
"I—" He struggles, the word a tremendous weight that weighs him down to the point of needing release. "I miss her."
Lita presses her lips together, voice sympathetic. "Are you….are you able to spe—"
"No," he interrupts, voice gruff. "We're no contact to ensure her location can't be tracked."
"I see." She's quiet for a few minutes, eventually and gingerly approaching all of the other shit Roman now has added to his collection of baggage. "I've also heard that….that you were betrayed from the inside. That it was….some of your family members."
"They were never my fucking family," he growls. Roman has shifted from that place of vulnerability to that stainless steel wall of defense. "And don't fucking call them that."
"My apologies." She nods, recognizing that the extent of his regression might be more than she realized. Understandable though. Completely understandable. "Can I ask you something?"
His hesitation is noticeable. "What?"
"With Solana gone for the time being, who do you have?"
It's a delayed response. The question requires contemplation.
"My cousins, Dwayne and Ava," he finally answers, and for the first time, in a long time, Roman allows himself to be honest about the very thing he's avoided for years. Tried to pretend wasn't a thing. But, it is. And, it's been more than proven in the past few weeks. "And Matteo….my brother."
This time, Lita expertly shields her surprise at yet another shocking confession. "Your brother?" He says nothing. Expected. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had a sibling still living."
Tense and partially uncomfortable, Roman nods. "It's….complicated."
"I bet," she murmurs. "Do you…do you want to talk about it?"
No. He doesn't want to talk about anything. What Roman wants to do is be with his pregnant wife. He wants to not have to deal with any of this shit. Wishes it never fucking happened in the first place, but it did, and now he's here trying to use a dollar store mop for a rainfall of issues.
But, in this midst of this storm of epic proportions, there have been some glimpses of….something.
Like the fact that Roman can't and won't continue to deny something he's spent his whole life avoiding. Trying to avoid.
That he has a brother.
That despite all off the bitter feelings of resentment and jealousy toward the man that got the same short end of the stick that he did, Matteo has more than proven himself to be someone Roman can….can trust.
Such a difficult, virtually impossible thing considering what happened, the depth of the betrayal, but the truth of the matter is that Matteo and so many others showed up when Roman needed help the most.
Needed his brother.
It's why he's decided to stop denying the truth and maybe, just maybe, himself.
Roman shifts in his seat. "I've…I've realized that….I should…probably try to form some kind of relationship with him." Because, it's time. "It's what Solana thinks I should do, and….one of my aunt's dying wish that I….make things right with him."
"Sure." A pause. "But, what about you, Roman? What do you want?"
A lot of things. The biggest thing? His wife back home with him, so he could have her by his side as he works through all this shit. But, that's not an option. It's not an option, and he has to learn how to be without her for the time being.
Has to learn how to navigate the waters closest to him.
No matter how much he hates it.
"I—I—" He also hates this fucking stuttering and stammering. It's so unlike him. "I don't know how….how to go about that."
An almost embarrassing admission but a truth, nonetheless. Solana is good with these sorts of things. Not him.
Lita keeps a contained smile. Regression has certainly occurred but not, perhaps, as much as she initially believed. There's something there she intends to grab and hone in on as much as she can while still acknowledging his already complex treatment plan just got significantly more complicated.
"Well….." She starts, standing up and walking over to grab the infamous box of Giant Uno off her bookshelf. "Murder and mayhem, I don't know, but that…." Trailing off, she takes a seat, offering another small, patient smile. One step at a time. "—That I can certainly help you with."
"Ya know," Ava starts, lifting her beer from her mouth after taking and swallowing a decent ass amount. "I'm a little offended none of you fuckers have invited me along for the kill tour."
Dwayne chuckles, the beer in his hand looking significantly smaller than it actually is due to his big ass overall size. "Didn't realize that was your thing, cuz."
"Psshhh." She makes a sound, leaning back in the chair, lifting her middle finger to the sky. "They came after our family. Of course, I want my pound of flesh."
Matteo's smile is small as he traces the mouth of his bottle. "Well, there still remains a few outliers we haven't caught."
Being reminded of that makes Roman scowl as he tightly squeezes the bottle in his hand.
Despite his shutting down the city, a few bitches were perhaps smart enough to get the hell out of dodge when they realized Solo was also dead. When they realized that while Roman had been "eliminated," not having the protection of the men who led the charge meant their fates were left up in the air.
So, they ran.
Not that it's made a difference. Roman has accompanied Dwayne on various trips to other states where the Bloodline has locations, where tips from traitors who were dumb enough to stick around and ended up singing like canaries from a little bit of torture. Or, if Roman doesn't accompany Dwayne for said trips, Matteo does.
They're smart enough to know it's not wise for all three to leave the city at once. Not when they're working to restore order and balance.
A process that's…..going, which is good, but it's still going, which is the problem.
It's been two weeks, and they're still not there. At that point where Roman can bring his wife home, and that….that's been rough, to say the least.
It helps to have the people around him, but even them combined together don't equate even half of the comfort and relief his wife provides him.
"Good," Ava replies, smiling craftily. "Save some for me, then." She then gasps, looking around the room. "Has big ears told you what we came up with for you know what?"
At that, Roman rolls his eyes, but he can't ignore the skip and leap of hope that dances within at the shift in topic and conversation.
"Hopefully, you did most of the thinking, cause Lord knows this man ain't got a romantic bone in his body," Dwayne scoffs, gesturing to Roman who only scowls in response.
"I'd argue there's maybe one there." Matteo shrugs. "Or, half of one."
Ava snorts. "More like a quarter." Roman flips her off, something she entirely ignores. "Anyway, so here's what we came up with…."
As Ava moves into specifics, excitement painting her face and accompanying her hand gestures as she almost illustrates what they, what Roman primarily, intends to do for his wife upon her return. A plan months in the making, marked and interrupted by several setbacks but something he's ultimately decided to follow through with.
Roman tunes them out to a certain extent, focused less on the conversation at hand and more the people.
In under a year, his life has taken such a turn. Many unexpected turns. He's gained and lost, lost and gained, gained some more, lost some more, and started all over. Overwhelming in a lot of regards, especially considering the latest chapter has easily been the most traumatic.
But, there's also something else he can't deny. Something he's been working on in therapy with Lita, that he'd love to be able to talk with Solana about, but something he can't really deny, nonetheless. Even if he wanted to.
He's gained such a loyal, strong inner circle. People who, if he continues upon the path of honesty, have always been there for him. It's just been him, Roman, who's kept that wall up.
The wall that, according to Lita, kept the "bad" people out but also kept the "good" people from getting in.
She wasn't wrong.
Roman has spent so many years pushing people away, only letting a select few close to him, and while a few of those select few have caused him an insurmountable of pain, hurt and trauma, there still remains the fact that he still has people he can trust.
He still has family.
Even more, Solana's several statements regarding as such return to the forefront of his mind.
"The girls deserve to have a big family who love and support them, Ro."
Solana was also right.
His family might look slightly different now, but they're still family.
"I—" He cuts in, interrupting the conversation among the three regarding that. Equally important but not as germane as what he wants to say. Needs to say, really. "I want to thank all of you."
"Hell hath fucking frozen over." Ava scoffs. "Did you just…..thank someone?" She smirks, crossing her arms, head tilted. "I didn't think you were capable of that shit. Not unless it's Solana."
Roman scowls, but he doesn't disagree. "Are you done?" She rolls her eyes and lifts her hands in a defensive manner, signifying her silence. Roman shifts in his seat, suddenly uncomfortable with the three sets of eyes on him. "I know I….I'm not the fucking best with this shit, but I….I do appreciate the three of you. What you've done…..for me." He primarily looks between Dwayne and Matteo. "Especially you two….you saved my life." He swallowed. "I don't….I don't take that lightly."
"You better fucking not," Dwayne shakes his head, sipping some of his beer. "I don't risk my life for just anyone."
"And, you're not just anyone, Roman," Matteo adds, his tone more on the serious side. Sincere. "You're family."
"We're family," Ava corrects, looking among the men. "A dysfunctional ass family of killers and shit ton of trauma but family nonetheless."
Roman chuckles. "Yeah…." He clears his throat, carefully trying to balance vulnerability with some element of business. "Matteo…." His brother looks his way, eyebrow raised. "You said you trust Vinci, right?"
Vinci. The man who assisted Matteo in making his way back to Italy without the Administration finding out, allowing him the element of surprise needed to carry out his hits. A man who, according to Matteo, has worked hard for and with him for over a decade.
He offers no hesitation, just a nod of confirmation. "With my life." Skepticism is raised. "Why?"
A bit of a delayed response, because that damn trust thing. Roman isn't sure how he's supposed to trust anyone outside of the group of people who helped him ever again, and while this Vinci fucker isn't anyone he knows, Matteo does. Matteo is vouching for him, so that has to be enough.
For now.
"We'll need someone we know we can trust to handle business over there." At that, he and Dwayne share questioning expressions. "Because I need you two stateside with me."
Matteo is the first to respond, that skepticism still looming. "Yeah?"
Roman rolls his neck, explaining. "I….I need people around me I know I can trust." A survey of the gatherers. "And outside of Solana, I don't know anyone I trust more than the people in this room."
Ava sits forward, seeing her cousin's gaze on her. "Wait…." She lowers her beer, small smile growing on her face. "You're inviting me into your inner circle?"
Roman nods. "You may be a pain in the fucking ass majority of the time, but you're smart. Loyal. I know I can trust you, and I know you'd be a valuable asset."
"Hell yeah, I would." She agrees. "Some estrogen to tamper down all that testosterone would probably do you all some good."
Roman doesn't entirely disagree. He just continues to share the tentative plans he's been mentally mulling over since returning home. "I'm also….I'm considering including Escobar."
"Escobar?" Dwayne's look of skepticism sure. "Brotha, you sure you didn't hit that big ass head of yours at some point?" A sarcastic question, of course, but there's also a hint of truth. "You hate Escobar."
"Dumbo hates everyone. What else is new?"
Roman ignores Ava. Her being on his council will be….an adjustment, for sure. "I did, or I do, but….I can't deny what he did, and Lopez wants him to be the liaison between us and the Cartel, so it only makes sense to include him. In some things. Not all."
"Isn't he technically your in-law as well?"
"Don't remind me," Roman mutters, trying to wipe his brother's valid but irritating reminder from his mind.
"I hate to break it to you, Roman, but it seems Solana's maternal side of the family is….large." Matteo's comment doesn't help, but it's not meant to. Meant to remind The Tribal Chief that his future is most likely filled with forced interactions with….people. "It might benefit you to get used to….large family functions."
"Make sure that Stephanie girl is there."
Matteo frowns. "Did she not tell you, not so eloquently, might I add, to fuck off?"
"Sure did." Dwayne answers. Proudly, almost. "I'll wear her down."
"Oh my God." Ava rolls her eyes, standing up and heading to the kitchen. "I need another beer."
"I'll join you," Dwayne announces.
"Please don't," she objects. Not that it makes a difference as he says something about warming up a slice of pizza.
Their departure leaves Roman and Matteo alone. A blanket of silence befalls them. One that has Roman moving around in his seat, eager to down the rest of his beer. In the madness and chaos that's thrived and consumed his life in the wake of fixing everything, this evening of just….calm, of normalcy, is appreciated.
Needed, even.
"So…." Matteo starts, placing his beer down on the coffee table. "Your inner circle…"
The younger man nods, stroking his beard. "Well, there are openings now."
While Roman is dead serious, Matteo laughs quietly, shaking his head. "I bet there are."
For the Elder council as well, but that's also being taken care of. Another task Roman is overseeing with the help of his cousin and the man before him.
"Thank you, Roman." Matteo's voice has shifted to a serious, solemn tone. "I don't take the honor lightly. Especially after what's happened…."
Roman says nothing initially. Just nods as something unfamiliar and indescribable fills him. Emotion, maybe? Some form of it, perhaps. He just knows it's partially settled by the conversation he had with Lita about this.
One step at a time.
"You've earned it." Is the response he settles on. The latter portion of his response a bit difficult for him to share but a truth, nonetheless. "Besides, it might be kind of hard for us to work on this….brother shit, if you're on the other side of the world."
While it's not the first time Roman has referred to Matteo as his brother, it's certainly the first time he's verbalized it in an accepting manner.
Especially in front of Matteo whose small smile can only be described as one of relief.
And joy.
"I suppose you're right, fratello," he hums. "I suppose you're right…"
And for the first time, Matteo's use of the word doesn't anger Roman. Doesn't pick at a long-term, never healing, always open, fresh would.
It feels relieving.
Despite an evening of relaxation and camaraderie, the next day brings about more work. More shit to work through.
"So…." Matteo starts as the two walk into Bloodline Headquarters, Dwayne planning to meet them later in the day, tasked with carrying out a side quest for Roman. "Who are we killing today, fratellino?"
Little brother.
Again, no irritation. No vexation. Just….the calm.
"Depends on who pisses me the fuck off," Roman mutters, and the two brothers share a small laugh and chuckle that's almost instantly washed away from both the minute they walk into Roman's office to see someone already waiting, sitting in Roman's seat.
Roman's fist forms at his side. Alicia's days are fucking numbered.
"You got a minute to tell me who the fuck you are, and maybe I won't blow your brains out just yet."
The man smiles. Older. Very old. His face reveals that he's seen decades of this world past him by, his eyes filled with countless stories of mischief and mayhem. A smirk on his face accompanies him standing, revealing a height rivaling Roman and Matteo's. He comes to stand in front of Roman's desk, leaning back with his arms crossed over his slim build.
"Well, I'll be damned." His voice is thickly accented. Familiar. Italian. "Can't say I ever saw this shit coming."
Roman is ready to kill the old man and be done with it, but Matteo grabbing his arms stops him from adding to his never-ending kill count. Roman looks over to see Matteo's head turned slightly, studying, observing, but something else. Something unfamiliar. Alarmed. He looks alarmed.
Roman frowns. "What?"
But, Matteo says nothing. Not to his brother, at least.
And, at that, Roman's gaze shifts back and forth, quickly, between the two men.
His chest tightens, asking again, but for a completely different reason. "What?"
Gaze on the old man, Roman sees how he simply raises his chin, offering a nonverbal response. And confirmation.
Only then does Roman see it. The slight but now visible similarities between not only Matteo and this man, but himself and the man.
In all of them.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Matteo speaks in Italian, his voice even, the former shock and confusion easing into a coldness that Roman often feels and see in himself.
"Well." The older man makes a sound, rolling his shoulders, face turned up in a brief grimace. "Given all that's happened the past few weeks, we realized it was time—"
"We?" Roman cuts in. It's the first thing he's said to the man he now recognizes the same way Matteo does.
His nonno.
Their grandfather.
This is their maternal grandfather.
"Hi, boys..."
Another voice speaks, but this time, this time there is no word to describe just what courses through either of the brothers as they turn around in almost perfect synchronization. Initially guarded and partially alarmed, that's punted away the minute their sight confirms what the auditory already knew.
Roman doesn't get disturbed often. If ever. It's not in his character. Matteo's neither.
But, it's a miracle that neither man stumbles back at the sight before them.
She stands in the doorway, an expensive, beautiful, intricately designed scarf over her head, tied under her chin. A wrap that slender fingers with disfigured looking skin slowly moves to undo, allowing it to crumple in her hands. She swallows, the lines on her face prominent as she frowns, her familiar light brown eyes bouncing between the two stunned men.
The weight on Roman's chest has grown to an unbearable amount, so much so that it prevents him from speaking. From thinking. From breathing, it feels like.
No, Matteo is the one that finds the wherewithal to speak the word Roman can't find in him to verbalize.
welp. do ya'll agree with roman's decisions regarding jey and jimmy?
also, yes.....matteo and roman's mother is still alive.
reminder: next chapter is the last one.
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ledesaid · 23 hours ago
Billy body-swaps #8
Today there's something new. It's… It's… It's in a box!!!
A coffin?!
The jumper believes the hand is not that of an adult; he notices it when touching the fabric. The fabric is soft, shiny, and, given its inability to yield to his push, it is undoubtedly part of a coffin.
His young host has calluses on the tips of his fingers and knuckles, which tells Billy that he has led a rather active life.
Focus, Billy. He says to himself.
While reviewing the long list of items in Batman's contingency plan, two things come to his mind:
First, all the League is prohibited from going on dangerous solo missions on Sundays. Given the unpredictability of Billy's powers, this makes a lot of sense. So, two months ago, he jumped to a host outside the Justice League and he was trainned for situations like these an external host in a risky situation.
The young man wonders… Who would bury someone alive in this day and age? A mobster, perhaps? Or could this person suffer from that disease called Narcolepsy?
The second thought bubble bursts, and he thinks he remembers old videos of Houdini and the magician Zatara. Curiously smuggled in by one of the Robins when Batman wasn't watching. They did many things with their hands, then their young assistant pressed a button to remove the earth and… That's cheating. Billy doesn't think he can cheat in this situation… or can he?
A third thought answers that question.
Could he hear him?
Normally, he can.
If he shouted from the subway, would Superman hear him?
This doesn’t seem as deep as the subway, but unlike it, there’s nothing for sound to travel through.
The youngest knows that Superman is always alert to his voice. Especially on Sundays during jumps!
An attempt leaves him with a sore throat and no response from Clark.
The contingency plan failed. Plan B?
Exactly. Go back to Plan A.
Batman has a very interesting flowchart...
Billy's new host had a dry mouth, and his latest attempt to call Superman was simply pathetic.
Plan C. Search for whatever you can and use it however you can. As part of the training he's been receiving, he must find something useful among his current belongings.
Nothing in his pockets. But there's a belt with a decent buckle.
Shoes... A tie...
A jacket...
And... Something sharp beneath his back...
It seems to be an aluminum sheet that extends up to his neck.
With all this in his hands... It looks like, after all, he’s going to apply the Houdini method...
Gravedigger: I swear, officer! I saw a zombie coming out of its grave!
Police officer: Right… Do you know that making a false call is a offense?
Booster: You can't be serious!!
Booster Gold shouted at Batman.
Booster: We can recover Ted! Blue Beetle?! A member of the league?! Your friend?!
Batman: Billy is not an object.
Booster: I never said he was.
Batman: But you want to use him as one.
Booster: I didn’t want to believe you were truly the villain the story portrayed...
The Gothamite looks at him and stops Booster with his words.
Batman: Billy doesn't control his powers in that way.
Booster: Of all people… why was your son the chosen one? Why can’t it be my friend the next? Huh, Batman? I don’t buy your excuse! You know something about this, Bruce… and you’re hiding that from us.
The time traveler disappears from the Watchtower with a whisper.
"And I'm going to find out."
Billy don't left his room in the past few days.
He said he was fine. But he hasn’t spoken since his return.
He has lived through so much during his jumps, but this time...
Can you blame him? He just dug his way out of a grave!
And he just brought someone back to life!
This is planting something in his heart, and he fears... fears it might take root. This almost impossible hope...
Is there a possibility of recovering his family?
Billy decides to get some sleep. The adults seem very tense around him...
Especially Booster Gold. Billy knows the stories of all the fallen Leaguers...
It’s better to go to sleep, he tells himself again. He doesn’t want to think about the possibility of someone asking him to bring someone else back…
He doesn’t want to climb out of a grave on his own ever again.
On the other hand...
Jason Todd is recovering very well at Wayne Manor!
There are only a few moments when his mind goes blank. Medically speaking, and based on extremely expensive medical studies, that’s considered a good sign!
And his physical rehabilitation is progressing smoothly.
Medically speaking, this is impossible.
But Jason knows the name of his Meta benefactor, a Meta kid who resides in the Watchtower with a unique code name: Marvel.
The second Robin wants to thank him personally, but Batman has forbidden all communication with the youngest and is deeply offended that Batman believes he will obediently stay at the manor after being revived as a zombie!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | U are here
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green-butterfly-writes · 18 hours ago
Yandere Batfam concept: neglected trans reader
Warnings for: child neglect, unintentional transphobia as a result of child neglect, (non bigoted) religious imagery, blasphemous imagery, idolizing Bruce Wayne
I'm Dyslexic, and don't have a beta, so mistakes are likely to happen.
Standard neglected reader, they are Bruce’s bio kid, don’t get involved in Batman stuff, and end up getting punished to the side.
They realize they are trans while still living with the Waynes, and aren’t sure if they should come out or not. Not that they think the batclan would hurt them, but given the total lack of support or attention they were raised with, they were worried.
After a year or two of suffering through dysphoria and anxiety, they decide to come out to Bruce.
Except Bruce is very difficult to get a hold of. Especially for them. So when they do finally tell him, he’s distracted and not paying attention. The conversation goes roughly like this:
You finally managed to find time he wasn’t Batmaning, spending time with your siblings, or in the office, and even though you’d prefer he look at you and not the paper work he was doing, you’ll take what you can get.
You were in his darkly furnished home office, in a deep blue plush chair sitting at an angle from Bruce, who was behind the large dark wood desk in the center of the room. The walls were lined with bookshelves taller than mount Olympus, each and every one of them filled with neatly organized text books, encyclopedias, and dictionaries.
Bruce sat in front of the only window in the room. It was tall, and a made of neatly organized, fractured glass. It lit Bruce from behind, like one of the stained glass murals from your grandmother‘s church, and made him look like an angel. A heavenly messenger you prayed to every night for protection, and every day for love. But the world is cruel, and so is its creator, so your prayers continued to go unanswered.
“Dad,” you started hesitantly, “I have something I wanted to talk to you about. I thought it best to tell you in person.” Typically, if you had something you wanted to share with Bruce, you would write it in a letter, leave it on his bedside table, and he’d get back to you in a week or two. But you wanted to tell him yourself. You need to see his face when he found out.
Bruce only hummed in response.
“I’m trans. I’m not going by (dead name) any more, I’m going by (chosen name) now. And I’ve changed my pronouns too. It would mean a lot to me if you used them.” You stared down at your lap, fidgeting with your intertwining fingers, waiting for a response.
Silence suffocated you as Bruce continued his even scribbling across his note pad, turning to the next page in the grant proposal he was reading.
“That’s nice (dead name). Why don’t you go see if Alfred needs help in the garden, I’m sure he’d love to hear your stories.”
You felt as if your very soul had shattered into a million pieces. Your heart burred in your chest, and your mouth went dry. It felt like someone had dunked your head a pile of fresh snow and held you there. You couldn’t feel your body, or hear your mind, and at the same time you felt it all too much, and heard it far to loud.
You had prayed to your heavenly messenger, your savior, your prophet. He who had granted you life and meaning. Who had saved you from deaths door, and carried you into his home. And you were just turned away at the altar.
That was the last time you called him dad.
You considered coming out to Alfred, the only member of the family that remembers your existence without you needing to remind him, but he’s old and you wouldn’t be able to stomach another rejection.
The next few years were hell.
Every event felt like a nightmare, trapped in a cage of fabric, every time you put on your school uniform you wanted to scream
Everyone called you the name you were desperate to forget, used the pronouns that made you skin sit wrong on your bones
You stopped looking in mirrors, hating what you saw.
Once you turned eighteen you practically ran out of the house.
You got excepted to a school in another state and took it, never looking back.
You wrote Alfred monthly letters about how you were doing for the first two years, then every other month, then every four. Slowly weening him off of updates about your life. You still send him a card during the holidays and one for his birthday so he knows you’re alive, but the address is for a P.O. box, so he doesn’t know where you live.
It’s now ten years after you left and you’re doing amazing. You’re flourishing in your career, have an amazing group of friends, and maybe most importantly, changed your first and last name. You got the surgeries you wanted, went on hormones, and can look yourself in the mirror now. You love your life
Sometimes when you’re watching tv or walking through the streets, you’ll see advertisements, magazines, or talk shows with imagery of your now forgotten false idol. Sometimes you wonder how he’s doing, how his kids have grown. You wonder if he misses you. Your therapist told you that’s normal for victims of child abuse. You pay the thoughts no mind.
You don’t watch the every move of your golden bat anymore, in fact you don’t watch any. And you don’t realize that he’s watching you, praying for forgiveness, not only for what he has done, but for what he’s about to do.
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heeambi · 3 days ago
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𝓹𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ₊ Park Sunghoon x Reader
𝓯𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 ₊YangJungwon ₊parkJongseong ₊LeeHeeseung
𝐀𝐧 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞
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The dorm was unusually quiet when you plopped onto the couch, phone in hand, lost in your own thoughts. You had been overthinking everything lately—every moment, every glance, every touch that lingered just a little too long.
And it all came back to him.
“Why do you look like that?”
A familiar voice broke you out of your trance, and you looked up to see Sunghoon sitting beside you, casually chewing on a snack. His sharp eyes studied your face with mild concern, though he tried to play it off with his usual nonchalance.
You forced a chuckle. “Like what?”
“Like you just lost a fight with a puppy.”
You huffed, rolling your eyes. “I just have a lot on my mind.”
Sunghoon tilted his head slightly, then, without hesitation, slung an arm over the couch behind you. The warmth of his presence sent a shiver down your spine, but you swallowed it down, forcing yourself to act normal. “Want me to beat someone up for you?” he asked, completely serious.
You laughed despite yourself. “No, it’s nothing like that.” His eyes flickered with curiosity. “Then what is it?”
You hesitated. The words were at the tip of your tongue, the confession that had been weighing you down for months. But before you could decide whether to let them slip, Jungwon strolled in, catching the tail end of your conversation.
“Oh, I know that look,” he said with a knowing smirk. “That’s the I have a crush but they don’t like me back face.” Your stomach dropped. Oh, no.
Your eyes darted to Sunghoon in panic, but he only blinked, interest piqued. “Oh? Who is it?”
“You wouldn’t know them,” Jungwon answered for you, clearly enjoying your suffering. Sunghoon pouted. “You don’t trust me? I’m your best friend.”
And that was the problem.
You clenched your jaw and mumbled, “That’s the problem…” Sunghoon frowned. “Huh?”
“Nothing!” you rushed to say, shaking your head.
But before you could make a run for it, Jay walked in, immediately picking up on the tension. “Oh, we’re talking about Y/N’s one-sided crush?”
You groaned, slumping forward in defeat. “Hyung, please—” Jay shrugged, feigning innocence. “What? I’m just saying, maybe you should confess. The worst they can say is no, right?”
You shot him a glare. “That’s literally the worst possible outcome.”
“But what if they don’t say no?” Sunghoon suddenly asked, his voice quieter this time. You blinked at him, caught off guard. “…Trust me, they wouldn’t say yes.”
His brows furrowed slightly. There was something unreadable in his gaze now, something intense, but before you could figure it out, Heeseung waltzed in “What’s with the tension?”
Jungwon grinned. “Y/n has a one-sided crush. Heeseung snorted. “Oh, on Sungh—” Jay elbowed him in the ribs before he could finish. “—on somebody,” Heeseung corrected, eyes twinkling with amusement.
You groaned again, covering your face with your hands. “I hate it here.”
Meanwhile, Sunghoon had gone completely still beside you. His gaze was fixed on the floor, deep in thought. After a beat, he suddenly stood up. “You guys are dumb,” he muttered.
You furrowed your brows. “Huh??” Sunghoon crossed his arms, staring you down. “If it’s one-sided, that means one person has feelings and the other doesn’t, right?” You hesitated, confused by the shift in his tone. “…Right?” His next words made your heart stop. “But what if the other person is just waiting for them to say something?”
Your breath hitched, and you felt your pulse skyrocket. Was he—was he implying something? Or were you just imagining it?
Sunghoon watched your expression closely, his lips twitching in amusement at your stunned reaction. Then, with a small, knowing smile, he reached down and ruffled your hair. “Anyway, I’m going to the kitchen,” he said casually, as if he didn’t just turn your entire world upside down. “Want anything, y/n?” You only just sat there, mouth slightly open, struggling to form words. “…Huh?”
Sunghoon chuckled and leaned down slightly, voice dropping just enough to make your stomach do a flip. “I’ll bring you something sweet.” And with that, he walked off.
The room remained dead silent until Heeseung suddenly gasped dramatically. “Oh. My. GOD.”
Jay bursted out laughing. “This idiot really thought it was one-sided.”
Jungwon then smirked. “Y/n, I think you just lost the game.”
You were still staring at the spot where Sunghoon had stood, your brain short-circuiting. While he was in the kitchen, Sunghoon grabbed a snack, a smug grin on his lips.
“Half a heart?” he muttered to himself. “Not for long.”
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fancyfeathers · 3 days ago
I imagine that both Dick and Jason's darling state a damn domestic coup together for the right to see their little sister. The threaten hunger strike and everything until Tim lets her go.
And when he does, you bet she's getting the ass whooping of her story by her older sisters. Because how dare she? What the fuck was she thinking? She left their baby sister behind for this? For this mad plan? She really believed she could win against the Capitol alone?
After the whooping, they also probably hug her and cry all together. Tim's darling did everything to save them. She only wanted to have her family back. She planned, suffered and killed for it, and it was all for nothing.
Her only comfort now is try to kill Tim. She's convinced she will succeed one day. She killed many people already to win the Games. She can handle this one. She refuses to play the trophy darling wife part. Not like Tim wants her to, mind you.
Oh god, imagine that Damian's darling reaping is actually the worst one. The most heartbreaking. Her name gets rigged by the Major because his daughter was jealous of her, like with Lucy Gray. And her family is once again standing and watching horrified what's happening. Their baby sister. The youngest. The one they've always protected and pampered. She stands no chance.
And that's when someone volunteers for the other tribute. Steph or Cass's darling (or Barbara's)
Now they have to watch their sister AND their cousin fight and die in the arena.
Yandere!Batfam Hunger Games AU
Okay I genuinely think you read my mind with Damian’s darling, but I’ll get to that in a bit.
I genuinely think that they would do something like that though, probably with more of the goal of getting him to let her go completely, letting the public know she is alive. They just don’t get exactly what they want so a compromise is made instead where they can see her whenever they’d like at Tim’s home where she is kept under lock and key.
They both immediately start crying when they see her, but not before Dick’s darling gets in a slap across her face and yells at her, asking her what she was thinking. Their little sister is not strong enough physically to be a rebel, she may be smart enough to be, bye she needs the physical muscle to back up what she says and thinks, if it was not for her mentor outside of the arena she would be dead and she needs to realize that.
It becomes a tradition for the two of her sister to come and visit her just after lunch everyday, while their husbands are either at the university, game maker meetings, interviews, or some other type of job. Of course their conversations are moderated by a Capitol agent, one of the security guards in the house that know the little secret of Tim’s darling being alive. Then comes the day that Tim’s darling’s Victory Tour is supposed to be if she wasn’t named legally dead, so in her memory the cameras go to interview her family in the district, or what is left of them anyway…
None of the sisters living in the Capitol knew that their parents had died, each of them committing suicide after Tim’s darling was named dead, leaving the little sister in the care of her cousins, the oldest of which is just barely eighteen. Obviously they are angry because this was kept from them, the only thing that is keeping her alive is small amount of money from the sisters’ victories that is getting sent to them every month to pay for her food and her school, the only somewhat nice private school in the district so she could at least have somewhat of a future. She is a smart girl so she is sure that their sister is going to make it out the other side and move on past the pain, but of course she does make an enemy along the way…
So the day of the reaping comes along and since they married into a family of game makers they have to watch the reaping, only for the female tribute from their district to be called and all of their stomachs drop when they hear their sister’s name get called. Even their husbands are just as shocked as they are, this was not planned by them and Dick immediately gets up to make calls because he knows something is wrong and he is the one who knows the little girl the best from the months he spent living with his darling in the Victor’s Village with her family, Jason and Tim don’t do anything to prevent it, just silently watching as the male tribute gets names next and then there is a volunteer. It is twisting the the knife when they see their eldest cousin walk onto the stage, picking up his crying little cousin as those sickening words are spoken…
“May the odds be ever in your favor…”
The two of them are immediately Capitol favorites, the baby sister of three victors and her guardian angel of a cousin and then not the mention her two living big sisters are their mentors. But there is a small technicality…
Bruce sees his youngest son become smitten with the littlest sister, that is fine, just rig the games so she wins, problem solved. But then he sees his adopted daughter, Cassandra stare at the boy whenever he is on the screen (I imagine that in this AU that Cass is from a District Two family who’s father climbed the military ranks so Cass could be Capitol born and was adopted by Bruce either when Cass didn’t want to be a peacekeeper and was abandoned or her parents were killed by rebels).
Now there is a problem of deciding which child gets what they want.
They could pronoun two victors like they did with Katniss and Peeta, and sure that would make the Capitol citizens happy but that would anger the government when the districts start an uprising and the President has Bruce killed, and then it would not be so happy anymore. But there is another solution that would eliminate another problem when it is revealed how Damian’s darling got reaped, angering the mayor’s daughter in her district. Rigging the reaping is illegal and needs to be punished, so kill the mayor and have his daughter kidnapped and brainwashed during the days leading up to the games, it is amazing what cosmetic surgery can do to someone, make them look like an entirely different person.
So the interviews go off without a hitch, everyone in the Capitol eating up the cute little cousins. It is after her interviews when Damian’s darling is pulled away from Cass’ darling, the security team telling her cousin that it is just a quick photo shoot because her stylist wants to showcase her dress in their next fashion show. But in reality she is put into a car and driven somewhere, a quick meeting at the Presidential Mansion because the President wants to meet with her personally.
He speaks to her kindly, inviting her to sit down next to her where he meets with her outside in the garden of the mansion. He asks her if she knew why she was reaped and she admits she does not. He gives her a box with the cards from the reaping in her district, allowing her to read as many as she wants, it is all her name. Now the Capitol does not appreciate when the districts make choices without their permission and so they will be punished, how so is up to her. He reveals what happened to the Mayor’s daughter, they are going to make the mayor’s daughter participate in the games, looking like Damian’s darling and if she wins then she gets killed and Damian’s darling resumes her identity. At the end of their conversation, Bruce comes in upon the President’s invitation to pick up his son’s darling, telling her that she is going to be staying with their family for the foreseeable future.
In the games themselves, they are brutal, making it their goal to kill off the mayor’s daughter as soon as possible. Cass’ darling feels the pain of grief since he now has lost such a large piece of his family, but he has to keep on going since he knows if he gives up then he knows how pissed all of his cousins would be. So he pushes himself to keep on going even after she is gone.
He wins his games, a Capitol favorite, the guardian angel who kept on going as to not let down the ones he has lost. But after he is crowned victor he is taken somewhere, an estate of one of the game makers. He starts sobbing when he sees his little cousin alive and sitting in the family room next to a young man he has never met. The young girl practically sprints into her cousin’s arms, the fact that they both made it out alive is a miracle. Now there is a bit of a… complication.
She is engaged to Damian, the son of a game maker and a future game maker himself, it is the price for saving her life. In a few months it will be revealed what the mayor did and what consequences happened because of what he did and then their relationship will be made public, the Capitol painting it as a sweet and innocent little girl who was saved by the mercy of the Capitol and kept safe by one of the most influential family out of the kindness of their hearts as she recovered from what happened to her. In reality it was her being conditioned into being the perfect little wife for Damian, good behavior is rewarded in misbehavior is punished.
Meanwhile Cass’ darling gets a far more gentle breaking in since he is staying with their family since his little cousin is and he needs to make sure she is okay, she comes and sits with him the middle of the night when he wakes up screaming from nightmares about the games. Taking out for a late night stroll and getting seen by the fans, and over night the Capitol is fawning over the guardian angel victor and adopted daughter of Bruce Wayne. They are a lot more quiet than any of the other relationships, no interviews or anything of the sort, only random public appearances as she slowly breaks him in, a messed up form of stockholm syndrome kicking in, well that is until he finds out the games were rigged for him to win for this exact purpose when he finds letters on Bruce’s desk when looking for him…
He tries to get his younger cousin out in the middle of the night, run away to the north, but it does not take long before they are caught by peacekeepers and dragged back to where they were, locked away and reconditioned to where they need to be.
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kunasthiast · 1 day ago
I loved the one about reader crying with Sukuna. How would he react if his "comfort" makes reader cry harder? Would he panic?
owwkay i love this one T^T so glad you loved the other one!! before i start with this one, i just wanna get this out that we all have different love languages even in every couple – some have the same way of showing their love, some have opposite ones. and it’s not something that should stop you from loving each other lol basically, love languages aren’t one-size-fits-all
anw, here’s how i see Sukuna’s reaction ^^
he’s standing there all smug, utterly convinced he just fixed your little meltdown with his usual “tough love” approach – dragging you outside, shoving food at you, or even letting you pick the music (which is a rare privilege – because we KNOW that the passenger princess is usually the DJ, but nah, not with ‘Kuna)
in his mind? everything’s handled perfectly. boyfriend duties: completed. he did the bare minimum, and obviously that should be enough (for him)
but the unexpected happens: you start crying harder. 
it’s not the quiet, sniffly kind. it’s like full on, chest-heaving, ugly-sobbing. the kind that makes him malfunction on the spot. his brain shuts down.
“are you serious right now?” his voice is between exasperation and genuine concern. “what the hell did I just say? why are you crying harder?”
well, what he did should’ve worked. it always works.
his insults-disguised-as-affection. forced distractions. bribery via all your favorite comfort foods. these have never failed before. and yet, you’re there… crying harder than before.
and dear gods, he’s panicking. not outwardly, obvs. but internally, it’s absolute code red. 
so after a long, long sigh (dramatic, suffering, like he’s the one who’s actually going through it), he does something rare: he shuts up
no more barking at you to stop crying. no more sarcastic remarks. no distractions. instead, he just sits there, watching. letting you sob into his shoulder. he doesn’t even tease you for wetting his favorite shirt (your gift, obvs!)
he would mutter: “alright, alright, I gotchu” and without warning, he pulls you into his lap.
no forehead flicks, no taunts, no lazy, one-armed, half-hearted pats on the back. just a firm steady grip. one hand cradling the back of your head, the other gripping your waist like he’s grounding you. 
“hey. just breathe, dumbass” his voice is be rough, but it grounds you better. “i’m right here”
and that’s it. just presence. just him staying – even though emotions make him want to physically fight the air sometimes
because that’s the thing about him. he’s not mean in a malicious way – he’s just an emotionally constipated bastard who doesn’t do soft the way most people expect. his version of “i care about you” isn’t in sweet words or forehead kisses (okay, fine, sometimes he does that) – it’s more of in actions
the way he adjusts when he realizes his usual methods aren’t working. the way he lets you cry into his favorite shirt without a single complaint. the way he stays with you – even though feelings make him itch (the extra lovey-dovey T^T)
so if someone ever asks if his way of talking offends you? you just laugh. his insults? 50% habit, 30% deflection, and 20% his own brand of affection. if anything, you’d be more shocked if he suddenly turned into some soft-spoken, hand-holding romantic – that’s not him.
and that’s why you roll your eyes when he finally breaks the silence between you with:
“see? got it all out? good. that was pathetic by the way”
“oh my god, ‘Kuna”
“what? you want me to lie? babe, you looked like you were dying. that scared the shit out of me.”
but then lower – almost like he doesn’t want you to hear it: “next time just tell it to me, don’t keep it to yourself that long, okay?”
and if you do point out that he’s getting soft? he’ll flick your forehead and call you a dumbass. because some things – like the fact that he cares – don’t need to be said. they’re just understood 
and at the end of the day? love languages aren’t about compatibility—they’re about effort. as long as both of you are willing to meet in the middle, you’ll always find a way to make it work!
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inadaydream99 · 1 day ago
The Office Dynamics
A/N - I had so much fun writing these! Each of these are inspired by characters and scenes from The Office
Disclaimer: this does not represent any of the members in real life and is for entertainment purposes only!
The Late-Night Desk Conversations
While chan has to stay late every night to keep on top of his copious amounts of work, you choose to stay. Not because you’re so dedicated to your role, but because it’s an excuse to hang out with him. And so, it’s become part of your daily routine to be the only two left at work after hours.
As expected, it’s just the two of you once again, the glow of your computer screens and the sound of the rain tapping against the office windows. You break the steady silence with a yawn, stretching dramatically, which makes Chan glance your way. “Need a bedtime story?”
You smirk. “What, like The Tragic Life of an Overworked Employee?”
He chuckles, shaking his head. “You’re hilarious. Remind me why I put up with you?”
You grin. “Because if I weren’t here, you’d have no one to make fun of your disastrous caffeine addiction.”
It’s moments like this that make your heart flutter. It’s just so quiet, easy, and comfortable.
There are times when you can tell he wants to go, but he always lingers by your desk a little longer, as though he’s waiting for something… maybe he’s hoping you’ll ask him to stay… like right now. There he is, loitering. And you weigh the thought for a second as it crosses your mind.
Your fingers hover over your keyboard, pretending to still be focused on your work. But the words aren’t making sense anymore, and neither is the way your heart beats just a little faster when Chan doesn’t immediately grab his things to leave.
Instead, he stretches again, arms reaching over his head, his sweater riding up just slightly before he lets out a soft sigh. “Alright,” he says, but he doesn’t move. He just looks at you, eyes flickering with something teasing yet unreadable. “Tell me, how much more suffering do we have left?”
You glance at the document in front of you, but really, you’re stalling. “Depends,” you say, leaning back in your chair. “Are we talking about tonight’s workload or the existential kind?”
Chan chuckles, shaking his head. “Both, obviously.”
You exhale dramatically, tapping your pen against your desk. “Well, tonight’s suffering is about… thirty more minutes if we really focus.” You pause, then add, “Existential suffering? Probably lifelong.”
He lets out a low laugh, and the sound does something dangerous to you.
“See, this is why I like being around you,” he muses. “You make my impending burnout entertaining.”
You smirk. “Happy to help.”
A comfortable silence falls between you, broken only by the rain outside and the occasional clatter of keys. Chan, now sat back in his chair and not making any real move to leave, spins his pen between his fingers before finally speaking again.
“You know,” he starts, quieter this time, “you don’t actually have to stay late every night.”
You blink at him, caught off guard by the sudden shift in his tone.
“Says the guy who practically has his name engraved on this desk?” you counter, trying to keep it light.
He smiles, but there’s something softer in it now. “I mean it. You could go home. Get some sleep. Not stress over this job like you do. I’d still be here.”
And that’s the thing, isn’t it? You could go home. You could leave him to his late-night habits, his empty office, his half-drunk cups of coffee and his relentless need to be the last one standing. But you don’t. You never do.
Maybe he knows that. Maybe that’s why he stays by your desk longer than he needs to.
You could say something. Ask him why he always waits until you’re done before packing up. Ask him why he notices your yawns, your stretches, the way your fingers slow on the keyboard when you start getting tired. Ask him why he lingers.
But instead, you just smile.
“Yeah,” you say, looking back at your screen. “I know.”
The Post-It Note Pranks
Your daily routine with Minho consists of endless banter, stolen glances, and… a Post-it note war. A little unusual, yes, but it’s been happening for so long that neither of you can remember how it started… only that you’re both incredibly competitive and stubborn.
Today’s round begins when you stick a note to his monitor: Try to look less busy today.
It doesn’t take him long to retaliate with one on your keyboard: Try to do actual work today.
And so the war escalates. You retaliate with a note on his stapler: I licked this.
So Minho counters with one on your favourite coffee mug: I spit in this. (He didn’t. Probably. Hopefully.)
The next morning you arrive to find a hundred yellow notes covering your desk, each reading: I win.
You huff, turning to the culprit. “Minho-”
But then, from the corner of your eye, you spot a pink one hidden under your keyboard. Sheepishly picking it up, you read: By the way, you look really pretty when you’re annoyed.
Well, that made your heart skip an unexpected beat.
You continue to stare at the note, your heart pounding a little too fast for your liking. Then your eyes flitter to find Minho, still watching you, with his chin propped on his hand and that infuriatingly smug smirk on his lips. He quirks a brow, waiting for your reaction.
Feeling irritation at his clear attempt to fluster you into submission, you grasp a pen and scribble a reply before closing off the few steps to his desk and sticking the note right onto his forehead.
He blinks up at you, momentarily stunned, before peeling it off to read: That’s cheating.
But he simply chuckles, the sound low and amused, and you’re too aware of how close you’re standing. His eyes flick from the note back to you, and for a second, the office noise—keyboards clicking, printers whirring, distant voices—fades into the background.
Then he leans forward slightly, just enough to make your breath hitch, and murmurs, “You’re just mad because you liked it.”
You scoff, crossing your arms even as heat creeps up your neck. “In your dreams.”
He hums, twirling the note between his fingers. “Maybe.”
Before you can fire back, he casually sticks another Post-it onto your wrist. You glance down, expecting another teasing jab.
Instead, it’s just a simple message: Lunch?
You hesitate for only a second before rolling your eyes and scribbling your response. When you slap the note onto his desk, he barely has time to grab it before you’re already walking away.
He flips it over and grins.
Try to keep up.
The “Fake Dating” Bet
You and Changbin are always fake-flirting in the office. It started as a joke - dramatic declarations of love, exaggerated winks, calling each other “babe” just to get reactions.
But then your pesky colleague Jisung bets that neither of you can keep it up for a full week without actually catching feelings.
You and Changbin just share a smug side glance. Challenge accepted.
Day one and you’re already getting alarmingly used to it: Changbin leans against your desk, smirking. “Morning, darling. Did you miss me?”
You roll your eyes. “Tragically, yes. My heart aches without you.”
The problem? You do miss him. You do feel your heart race when he tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear. And by day two, when he casually pulls you into a side hug and murmurs, “You know… we’re really good at this,” you wonder - what if we weren’t faking?
Day Three: You’re officially losing it.
Changbin’s hand finds the small of your back as he guides you through the office, and instead of rolling your eyes or making a joke, you nearly lean into it. When he calls you babe in that lazy, affectionate tone, your stomach does an embarrassing summersault.
Jisung is watching. He’s always watching, a knowing smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth as he observes every lingering glance, every subtle touch. He doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t have to.
“You’re getting soft,” you murmur to Changbin when you’re alone in the break room. You mean it as a tease, but it comes out quieter, more uncertain than you intended.
Changbin raises a brow, stepping closer. “Am I?”
He’s so close. The air between you crackles with something that wasn’t there before—except, maybe it was, and you were just too busy pretending to notice. Although, you don’t step away. And neither does he.
Day Four: You’re so screwed.
You tell yourself you’re overthinking it. That this is just the nature of the bet. That Changbin isn’t actually looking at you differently, and your heart isn’t racing faster than usual when he throws an arm over your shoulders and keeps it there, fingers idly tracing patterns.
Then, after a long day, you find yourself walking out together. It’s dark, the city buzzing with life, and Changbin hesitates before speaking.
“You know this is the last day, right?” His voice is softer than usual, like he’s testing the weight of the words.
You nod. You’ve been thinking about it all day. Tomorrow, the bet is over. And then what?
Before you’re able to spiral, Changbin reaches for your hand. Not dramatically, not for show—just a gentle brush of his fingers against yours, hesitant but hopeful.
“We don’t have to stop,” he murmurs.
You should laugh it off. Call his bluff. Make a joke about it. But instead, you allow his fingers to thread through yours.
“Yeah,” you breathe. “I know.”
The Office ‘Secret Handshake’
You and Hyunjin have a dumb, overly complicated handshake that started as an inside joke but has now become a thing that everyone knows about and finds incredibly annoying.
It’s all dramatic finger snaps, spins, and an unnecessary over-the-head high-five at the end. Everyone rolls their eyes when you do it, but neither of you care.
Until one day, during a particularly boring meeting, when you glance at Hyunjin from across the conference table. Without a word, you start subtly miming the first move under the table.
Hyunjin bites his lip to hold back a laugh before mirroring your movements. You both manage to get through the whole sequence without breaking eye contact, even as Chan - your long-suffering team leader - sighs, “I know you two are doing that stupid handshake.”
After the meeting, Hyunjin nudges you, grinning. “Maybe we should make it our thing for real.”
Your heart skips. But before you can question him on it, he sends you a wink and strolls away.
You stand frozen in the hallway for a second, replaying Hyunjin’s words in your head. What does he even mean? The handshake is already your thing. It’s dumb, ridiculous, and completely unnecessary—but it’s yours. Unless…
Your thoughts short-circuit for a second, the thought coming into your mind and destroying your rationality.
By the time you’re able to shake yourself out of it, Hyunjin has long disappeared, but you can still hear his whistling from down the hall - sounding so casual for someone who’s just wrecked your entire brain.
And it’s not until mid-afternoon when you see him again.
Acting on impulse, you grab onto his sleeve just as he passes you in the break rooms entrance. “Okay, what did you mean earlier?” You try (but miserably fail) to sound casual.
Hyunjin just looks at you with a slow, knowing grin spreading across his lips. “What does what mean?”
You narrow your eyes, knowing that he’s acting sheepish because he thinks it’s funny. “You know.”
He tilts his head, pretending to think, then suddenly steps closer. The break room is luckily empty, but still, the space between you feels too small. “Are you asking if I meant us?”
Your breath hitches, the air becoming so thick you feel like you’re about to suffocate. He watches you for a moment, his confident stare burning into you - trying to read every emotion and thought that flickers behind your eyes. “Because I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t mean it.”
Your brain short-circuits again.
There’s no way he isn’t enjoying this - he has that glint in his eye, the one he gets when he’s teasing but also dead serious. And the worst part? You can’t even think of a good response because you want more, too.
Before you can properly process it, Hyunjin reaches for your hand and, with a dramatic flourish, initiates the first move of your handshake. Automatically, your fingers snap into place, muscle memory taking over. The spin, the sync, the final over-the-head high-five - it’s all the same. Except now, as your hands linger just a second too long at the end, Hyunjin’s gaze doesn’t waver.
“So?” his voice is softer now. “Our thing?”
Your heart pounds, but you can’t fight your grin.
“Yeah,” you smile, lacing your fingers through his before he can pull away. “Our thing.”
The Office Supply Heist
Jisung has a bad habit of stealing things from your desk - pens, sticky notes, even your stress ball. Every time you call him out, he plays dumb. “What? Maybe you’re just bad at keeping track of your stuff.”
But you’ve finally had enough. So you set a trap. Leaving a small notebook and pen on your desk, you write on the first page I know what you’re doing - so when he flips it open he’ll see.
Sure enough, Jisung swipes it within the hour.
When he flips the notebook open and sees the message, he bursts out laughing. “Okay, maybe I take your stuff. But only ‘cause it’s yours.”
You cross your arms. “That’s the worst excuse ever.”
Jisung shrugs, twirling your stolen pen between his fingers. “Or… it’s the best one.”
You roll your eyes, but secretly? You kind of love it. Nonetheless, you scoff, shaking your head as he continues twirling the pen like some kind of smug magician. “So what, you steal my stuff just for fun?”
He smirks. “It’s more entertaining than ordering office supplies like a normal person.”
You narrow your eyes. “You do realize the company provides free stationary, right? There’s literally a whole cabinet full of it.”
Jisung tilts his head, pretending to consider this. “But those don’t have the same charm. Yours are just… better.”
You let out an exasperated sigh. “That makes no sense.”
“It makes perfect sense,” he counters, grinning. “It’s like stealing fries off someone’s plate. They just taste better.”
“That is not the same thing!”
Jisung just shrugs, tapping the pen against his chin. “Agree to disagree?”
You shoot him a glare before holding out your hand expectantly. “Give it back.”
He hesitates, twirling the pen one last time between his fingers. “Hmm. Nah.”
“What?” He leans back in his chair, completely unfazed. “They’ve got sentimental value now.”
You stare at him, deadpan. “They’ve been in your possession for thirty seconds.”
“Yeah, and in those thirty seconds, they’ve become my favorite stationary.”
You lunge forward in an attempt to snatch the pen first, but Jisung is faster, jerking his hand away just in time. Laughing, he tucks the pen into his pocket before grabbing the notebook and standing up. “Tell you what - if you want them back, you’ll just have to come steal them from me.”
Before you can argue, he winks and strolls off toward the break room, leaving you sitting there, half-annoyed, half-amused. You sigh, shaking your head. This is not over.
The “Accidental” Coffee Dates
Felix always seems to be in the break room at the exact same time as you. Suspiciously so.
“Wow,” you say one morning, entering the break room at the same time you do everyday to retrieve your first cup of coffee. “What are the odds?”
Felix blinks innocently, but his cheeks tinge just the slighted bit pink. “What do you mean?”
“You definitely time your breaks to match mine.”
He grins sheepishly, “Maybe I just happen to also need a beverage at precisely -” he pauses to check his watch, “10:03am?”
You raise an eyebrow. “Oh? So you don’t just come in here to check what mug I’m using so you can steal it from me later? Because somehow they always end up on your desk?”
Felix smirks. “Well, maybe I don’t want a whole coffee and I just like sharing yours.”
Well, that makes your heart stutter.
Felix watches in amusement, waiting for whatever sassy comeback you’re coming up with. He’s never flirted with you so blatantly before, but it’s clear he’s trying to figure out if you’re into him too.
You hesitate, your fingers tightening slightly around your mug. The break room feels smaller somehow, quieter, the usual hum of the coffee machine and the distant chatter of coworkers fading into the background. Felix is still watching you, his smirk softened into something more patient, like he’s waiting to see if you’ll take the bait.
Your mind races through the past few weeks - the way he always seems to find a reason to linger when you walk in, how his “accidental” coffee thefts have become a running joke, the way he looks at you when he thinks you’re not paying attention.
Maybe it really was time to stop pretending this was just about caffeine.
You take a slow sip of your coffee, then tilt your head. “So, what you’re saying is… we should just only share one cup from now on?”
Felix grins, but there’s a flicker of something deeper in his expression. Surprise, maybe. A little anticipation. “I mean, if that’s what you’re offering.”
You tap your fingers against your mug, considering. “Mmm. I don’t know. Feels like a dangerous precedent.”
“Dangerous?” He leans in slightly, elbows resting on the counter. “How so?”
“Well,” you muse, pretending to think it over, “first it’s coffee. Then maybe it’s lunch. Next thing I know, we’re getting dinner, and suddenly people start thinking it’s a thing.”
Felix hums in amusement, nodding as if this is a very serious concern. “Sounds risky.”
He takes a step back to fully assess you, folding his arms. “And would that be such a bad thing?”
There it is. The shift from playful to real, the challenge hidden beneath his casual tone. He’s putting the question out there, giving you a choice. Your heart instantly kicks into overdrive.
You could brush it off, keep playing the game. Or you could take the leap.
You exhale, setting your cup down on the counter, exactly halfway between you. “I guess there’s only one way to find out.”
Felix’s smile is slow, knowing. Then, he picks up your cup, slowly lifting it to his lips, taking an exaggerated sip before handing it back. “Guess so.”
Your fingers brush as you take it, and just like that, the game changes.
The Mutual Roasting Sessions
Your entire relationship with Seungmin revolves around mercilessly making fun of each other. It’s just how it’s always been between you, so effortless and lighthearted. And you know he’s as addicted to it as much as you are.
For example, yesterday when you walked past his desk, you caught a glance at him scribbling something, working away like a maniac and couldn’t resist: “Seungmin, you literally have the handwriting of a serial killer.”
“At least I write things down. When’s the last time you actually met a deadline?” He’d quipped after you, throwing you a quick glance that revealed just a hint of his smirk.
Okay, you admit, that was fair… you do have a habit of being a little late with deadlines.
But were you about to let him get away with it? Absolutely not. However the next day, you were mid-roast when Seungmin had suddenly leaned in closer, smirking. “You know, if we ever dated, our love language would just be insults.”
Your first response was to let out a snort, followed by an “If we dated?”
Oh, you’d regretted that right away. It’d only taken half a second to notice the way his smirk faltered. But Seungmin had been thrown off by your reaction for just long enough to let slip the flicker of something real behind his eyes.
“Shut up,” he’d muttered, looking away.
Then later that same day, you’d caught him sneaking a glance at you, and suddenly, the teasing didn’t feel so lighthearted anymore.
Which brings you to present day and, for the first time in forever, Seungmin seems off his game. It’s subtle, but you notice it - the way his comebacks aren’t as sharp, the way he hesitates a fraction of a second too long before responding. The way he keeps sneaking glances at you when he thinks you’re not looking.
If the other day hadn’t happened, you would have found it funny, the King of merciless teasing suddenly being flustered? Hilarious. But now, you can’t help feeling awkward - wishing you’d not made a joke out of him before.
In an attempt to restore your normal dynamic, you try to test the waters. The next time you see him, you make a show of stretching before dropping onto the seat beside him with a sigh. “Man, I don’t know what I’d do without you, Seungmin.”
He raises an eyebrow, suspicious. “Finally admitting I’m the best thing in your life?”
“Oh, absolutely,” you deadpan. “I mean, who else would insult me so consistently? I’d have to pay someone.”
His mouth twitches like he wants to smile but refuses to give you the satisfaction. “That’s true. You’d be lost without me.”
There it is again - that tiny hesitation, the way his gaze flickers to your lips before snapping back up. You should let it go. You should let the moment pass. But you’re insistent.
Instead, you tilt your head, feigning curiosity. “Hey, Seungmin?”
You lean in slightly, just enough to close some of the space between you. His breath hitches.
“Were you serious?” you ask, voice quieter now. “About… the dating thing?”
For a second, Seungmin does nothing. Then, he scoffs, but it sounds a little forced. “You think I’d actually want to date you?”
You don’t even flinch. “I think you wouldn’t have brought it up if you didn’t at least think about it.”
Silence. A long, charged pause where neither of you move. Then-
“Shut up,” he mutters again, looking away.
But this time, when you catch him sneaking another glance at you, he doesn’t look away so fast. This time, he holds your gaze for just a second longer. And this time, you maintain eye contact with him, trying to prove that you’re not as against the idea as you’d initially made out to be.
The ‘Fake Office Enemies’ Game
You and Jeongin pretend to be workplace rivals for fun. You’re not sure how, or why, it started. All you know is that you’re both on the same strange wavelength and just get so much fulfilment from it.
“You got the last blueberry muffin?” you gasp.
Jeongin smirks, taking a slow, deliberate bite. “Should’ve been quicker.”
So you decide to take it up a notch, escalating things by dramatically declaring, “Jeongin is my nemesis!” in front of the entire office.
To your surprise, he steps closer, grinning. “Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?”
You hesitate - too aware of how close he suddenly is. His smile is still teasing, but there’s something softer in his eyes. Something almost fond.
“…I’ll get my revenge,” you say weakly.
Jeongin hums, tilting his head. “Looking forward to it.”
The game, it seems, just got a little more complicated.
You tell yourself it’s nothing - just another moment of playful rivalry, the same as always. But as you settle back into your seat, trying to shake the heat lingering on your face, you can feel Jeongin’s eyes still on you.
The rest of the office drones on, people returning to their work or previous discussions, but your mind is elsewhere. You’re too aware of Jeongin sitting just across the room, the way his fingers drum idly against his desk, the occasional amused glance he sends your way like he knows something you don’t.
When lunch finally rolls around, you make a quick escape, heading toward the break room for a moment to collect yourself. You shouldn’t feel this flustered - this has always been a game. A silly, harmless, pretend-rivalry game.
But the way Jeongin had leaned in earlier, the way his voice dropped just slightly, the way his smirk had softened at the edges… It didn’t feel like just a game anymore.
You shake your head, reaching for the coffee pot, only to find it completely empty.
A familiar voice hums from behind you. “Looking for something?”
You turn, already knowing what you’ll see. Jeongin, holding the last fresh cup of coffee in his hands, lifting it to his lips with that signature smirk.
You narrow your eyes. “You did that on purpose.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he says innocently, taking a slow sip.
Your hand twitches at your side. “You do realize this means war?”
Jeongin tilts his head, pretending to consider your words. “Hmm. Does it, though?” His gaze flickers down to you, the teasing light still in his eyes, but something else lingers there too. Something almost expectant.
You don’t know why your heart speeds up at that look.
Before you can come up with a witty retort, he steps forward, lowering his voice just enough that you can feel the shift in the air between you. “You’re taking this rivalry thing pretty seriously,” he muses, tapping a finger against the coffee cup. “Almost like you actually care about beating me.”
You scoff, folding your arms. “Of course I do. What kind of nemesis would I be if I didn’t?”
He grins, leaning in just a fraction closer. “Oh? So if I stopped playing along, you’d miss it?”
Your breath catches. It’s a simple question. A playful one, really. But for some reason, you don’t have an answer ready.
Jeongin watches you carefully, the smirk on his lips softening ever so slightly.
For the first time since this game began, you feel like you’re standing at a line. One you hadn’t even realized existed until now. And you have no idea what happens if you cross it.
“…I’d just find someone else to be my office enemy,” you say finally, forcing a casual shrug.
Jeongin clicks his tongue. “Ouch.” But there’s no real offense in his voice, just that same easy amusement, the kind that always makes it hard to tell exactly what he’s thinking.
Then, before you can react, he lifts the coffee cup and presses it into your hands.
Your fingers wrap around the warm ceramic instinctively, blinking up at him in confusion. “What—”
“You can have this one.” He grins. “Consider it a peace offering.”
You narrow your eyes. “You’re plotting something.”
“Maybe.” He winks. “But you’ll just have to wait and find out, won’t you?”
And with that, he turns and strolls out of the break room, leaving you standing there, holding the coffee he’d stolen for himself.
Your so-called enemy just let you win. And you don’t know what’s worse, the fact that he did it, or the fact that you kind of liked it.
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