#I don’t mean to objectify women but holy hell
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Don’t mind me just enthralled with Mavie Hörbiger’s Marie Louise
#Marie Louise#2002 Napoleon comes out with a net win#okay you’ll lose your empire and be exiled to a rock#but this person will be your wife and love you for like 5 years before goldfish memory kicks in and she forgets#it’s overall a solid win#I don’t mean to objectify women but holy hell#’omg. she is so gorgeous. I’m serious
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How are y'all puzzled by the end and how TPTB, Dabb and Singer seemingly got the wrong message about fandom, when I've seen countless of Destiel shippers being "pro-ship". Advocating to treat incest, pedo*lia and best*ality the same as queer ships, and how it's totally ok. How often "meta crew" called me terf, fascist for saying it shouldn't be accepted into our queer spaces. It got Bobo to write a char for superwiki. They prob thought we're all just thirsty women who want to see two dudes b*ng
I have no idea what you are talking about.
I’m not puzzled. I know some fuckery went down. I’ve stated my opinions countless times now over the past few months over on Twitter and since coming back to Tumblr properly on my conspiracies post:
TPTB are all business, and they made a last minute business decision based on backing the Walker horse and not wanting Destiel to distract from Jared/Sam, whilst being fearful of the gAY scaring away the CisHet Male audience that they so desperately wanted to cling on to for Walker.
Singer has always been a bronly. Has always seen any queer subtext purely as homoeroticism and is definitely the kind of person who would queerbait fans to get views.
Dabb was weak. He backed down and let his script get butchered.
I don’t know what you mean by destiel shippers advocating those things? Unless you mean supporting AO3 not being censored and regulated of course? Because if you are one of these people that thinks that AO3 needs censoring then you are part of the problem. Believe me, no one in Destiel fandom that I know of is normalising incest, pedophilia or bestiality. No one thinks those things are part of queer spaces.
Some people multiship though. So long as they respect tagging systems and don’t force other people to have to see nasty stuff like what you’ve mentioned, then let people be into what they’re into. I might personally find it gross, and a bit strange, but people are always gonna wanna explore fucked up topics for all manner of reasons. We ain’t purity police here.
Also something I feel I need to be very clear on, which I haven’t mentioned before but um “meta crew”. Which meta crew would that be? There are many many meta writers in spn fandom. We are not a hive mind. Some are some of the nicest people I have ever met, some I don’t interact with much but write some really beautiful stuff and seem to be good people, but there are others who call themselves meta writers who are just bullies, who mock and harass anyone who disagrees with their opinion. Do NOT lump us all into the same boat.
Why any meta writers would call you a terf or a fascist without a good reason is beyond me. I don’t have context here do i? Could you look back over what you said and consider if it sounded terfy? Or fascist? I dunno man I don’t have a say in this, if people have called you out for something you’ve said, maybe look back over what you said and try to see it from their angle? Especially if it was transphobic.
A general rule of thumb for interacting with any fandom:
Ship and let Ship - in other words, don’t judge people on the pairings they like, even if they are problematic, so long as those pairings are well tagged and labelled so people can block as necessary.
Your kink is not my kink - Don’t kink shame people. If people wanna write really fucked up shit, that’s their right. Again, so long as it is all tagged and clearly labelled with content warnings, then there shouldn’t be a problem. It’s not on you to psychoanalyse people for their reasons for being into twisted things. Some people may genuinely be abuse survivors who are using it as a coping mechanism. You don’t know.
The Archive is a fandom holy place - it is protected. It is adored. Do not attack it or you will feel the wrath of 100 different fandoms coming at you. The archive is free from censorship, free from corporate manipulation, free from outside sources trying to mess with it. The archive belongs to US.
Just generally don’t be an asshole. Fandoms tend to attract people who are different from the general norms of society. We were the nerds and losers in school, the queer kids, the ones struggling with MHI. We all have a lot of shit and are all just trying to navigate our way through life via our passions. Don’t shit on peoples passions. You’ll come across a load of people who disagree with you, and occassionally you might be unfortunate enough to come across actual bullies. But most of the time, it won’t take much to rub someone the wrong way because everyone in these spaces tends to be at least kind of emotional, and attached to their passions. So you really do have to be polite. I can’t even tell you how many people in this fandom hate me - some to the point of obsession and slander. I’ve got a block list a mile long and continue to add people to it. There are posts out there with my name and screenshots from my SM spreading lies and hate about me, encouraging people to laugh at me and accusing me of doing things that I have never had the time or the energy to do. Shit happens. Don’t be those people, and you’re golden.
Superwiki is well known by SPN writers for being a bible of information for the show. The writers have previously confirmed that they refer to the SuperWiki when wanting quick research for their episodes. Yes, Bobo named a character after the person who runs the wiki, but I doubt Bobo is aware of how problematic that person is. The name was just in honour of someone who put a lot of work into building the wiki, hell, even I use the wiki! But I certainly don’t support any of Jules personal views. Don’t read into things like that. It never means what you think.
The thirsty women part I would have agreed with back 6 years ago. But they have adapted with us now. We are no longer Becky in season 4. We became Charlie remember? And after that we became intelligent teenagers wanted to tell an exciting story. If they thought destiel shippers were all about the hot guys banging, they certainly wouldn’t have made the love story canon, and they did that. Remember? Cas confessed his love for Dean, and it was the most beautiful, touching, heartfelt moment in the entire series. They did that. Not because they wanted us to objectify the actors, but because they knew how much that love story meant to us. Unfortunately, the network had other ideas for the actual finale. But that doesn’t take away the writers intentions up to that point. So please don’t erase what they worked for.
Ultimately I’m not sure what point you were trying to make with this ask, but this post is I suppose my very long way of saying you are wrong.
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i’ve seen the discussion going back and forth on boundaries and sexual objectification, and i don’t have much to add to the conversation other than to say everyone is allowed to determine their OWN ‘lines’ and just because we don’t vocalize them doesn’t make them any less valid. but here’s the limits i set for my blog if anyone feels it is important for them to know (<3):
personally I consider ‘characters’ fair game for anything goes, with ‘public personas’ a little more iffy. ‘RPF’ isn’t new - it just takes on a new more accessible/visible form nowadays. i remember reading my first fic about a ‘real person’ back in my LOTR fandom days - it was a story in first person perspective about the main character meeting orlando bloom on a plane before he was ‘famous’. like a lot of these types of stories, it wasnt so much about the person as it was about the meet cute. the actor was just a convenient placeholder with a handsome face and some personality quirks thrown in to make the romance/dialogue more specific. i personally dont read much xReader fic nowadays, but mostly only cause i’m an old fart who can’t relate to the ‘you’ format. i miss the good old days when people actually created OC’s and then inserted them into things LOL. but also LOL if you think i’ve gone an entire year of quarantine without some imagined personal fantasies of joe mazzello (or steve aoki in the years before)(ramilicious can attest to this. she can also attest to most of these fantasies ending in friendship rather than anything explicit cause that’s just how i roll these days lol). the line i draw is i would never post these types of fics in a place where the subject could accidentally find them - you have to go looking for this stuff on tumblr, most fics are given explicit ratings and under read-mores. with the blacklist tags it’s pretty easy to filter things out. its even easier to add filters to ao3 searches. i am NOT going to do something like message steve aoki and say ‘yeah i watched that movie Ibiza like five times, here is my 1k fic where you’re the dj and i’m the one night stand’. but obviously people still enjoy imagining scenarios like these otherwise movies like Ibiza wouldn’t exist?
for art, i consider anything already on display up for grabs, we all know a certain person’s ass is all over the place...all you have to do is google ‘need for speed’ and rami’s name. HOWEVER, in the case of actors i personally would not draw anything more explicit than what’s already there. i’m not gonna draw full frontal nudity for rami (unless he gifts us with it in a movie, i suppose) or anyone. this is 100% a personal choice for me.
i was a sophomore or junior in college when i volunteered as a figure drawing monitor where i’d time the nude model’s poses and help them set up the stage and lighting and such. there was this one guy in his mid forties probably, a regular who came every week, and i always thought of him fondly till one day (the day after i ran into my Hot Programming TA during dinner and later sent him an email begging him to go on a date with me because i was desperate for kissing experience)(and Hot Programming TA emailed me back within minutes saying yes) this artist guy who i saw all the time and thought i knew fairly well, decided to draw me instead of the model. which would have been fine except he drew me naked. i was NOT naked at the time, i was wearing a shirt, and a bra, and a full prairie skirt with alternating calico and floral patterns. he drew what he imagined was underneath all that. he came up to me after the figure drawing session and showed me his drawings and told me i had been ‘glowing’ and my response was to laugh it off awkwardly and get the hell out of there as soon as i gave the model their pay check. but inwardly i was thinking a) i was NOT glowing for this creepy man twice my age and b) i did NOT give him consent to sexualize my body under my clothes and then SHOW me that objectification. i never said anything to him or anything else, i continued to be the monitor, and i continued to field off creepy advances from him including multiple job offers, but when i finally realized i could just...stop..and i passed the student volunteer monitor job on to my friend naeem, i also realized that what that older male artist did was NOT ok in my book. and it was probably not something he would do while naeem was monitoring.
nowadays im working in an industry that regularly objectifies female bodies. in the past year alone i have had to deal with requests to make breasts bigger, i have been given character rigs that in addition to the usual elbow, knee, and spine joints also have ‘nipple’ joints but ONLY for the women (to make them jiggle for animation), every time i send out a female pose i get it back with notes that push it further into the sexy type of body language reserved for women (twist the spine more! sway the back more! give it ‘energy!’), i have been told to erase wrinkles and fat and pores but ONLY for the women (men you ADD pores bc realism! and manliness!) and this is all me working for a company that is actually fairly progressive in terms of sexism compared to OTHER studios.
like it or not, sexual objectification is a huge part of specifically women’s lives and how we react to that is our business. for me, turning the tables and putting men on display feels like fair’s fair. i cant stop the men from doing it, so if i want to enjoy sexualizing male bodies, damn it im gonna! like dang it, boy do i want to send steve aoki a thank you note every time he posts a video of himself doing those ice baths during the sunset golden hour bc holy shit gorgeous or working out in his gym wearing VERY little clothes, but i dont because i know what its like when someone imposes their personal fantasies on the subject. or, god, there was that time i had to unfollow nicole’s insta for a while bc i had a very explicit dream about her and realized, shit, i need to take a break and get my emotions under control before i can refollow. and god some of the stuff i see dudes sending her during her live videos on mental illness/meditation is TOTALLY gross and not something they should be confronting her with. and she’s not even ‘famous’ famous. or how some fans send their idols explicit direct messages without consent. THAT feels inappropriate to me.
a part of me feels like i shouldn’t have to defend this. men don’t. they’re even encouraged in mass media to sexualize women. but i also recognize the importance of talking about consent. the importance of recognizing that a celebrity deserves to have their boundaries respected. these are my lines in fandom. other people have different lines they won’t cross, and that’s okay to me. i block or blacklist any blogs or tags i think go over the top.
heck, even in fandom-only spaces i still try to keep my own more sexual fantasies off this blog and only in private messages with my friends and mutuals, and i feel like that might come across as unintentionally prudish or judgmental sometimes. i’m not ‘horny on main’ very often. but like...every time i reblog that particular ‘washing machine’ gif of joe mazzello am i thinking about him naked and thinking about how he’s got very loooooong feet, and ‘gee i wonder if that means /other/ things are Too Big for my tastes’ but also ‘gosh wouldnt that make a pretty picture to draw’???? hell yeah.
i dont know who is gonna actually read this essay but yolo i guess :)
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I NEVER FINISHED MY STORY OMG. ok so i left off at being too proud to tell my friend she was right and kpop fucked hard. the difference between u and me is that i’m too good of a liar. too good. i kept up the “i hate kpop it’s cringe” facade for ALMOST TWO WHOLE YEARS, I SHIT YOU NOT. why? bc my dumb ass, extra ass, dramatic ass self thought “ok if i’m gonna have to deal with the embarrassment of admitting i’m wrong, i better do it in such an extra ass way it’ll knock ur socks off so hard that YOULL be the one embarrassed not me.” the original plan was to learn the entire choreography to bts dope, bc it’s the song that she told me to listen to and inevitably the song that got me into them, but later switched to bts fire bc i saw too many of those “choreo matches w any song” videos, and then her birthday party came up. and here’s the real kicker. her birthday is April Motherfuckin Fools. so it would be So Perfect for me to reveal my kpopism as a birthday present And a april fools prank in one. so i was Set on the Reveal being on april 1st, but the day rolls around and god that choreo is so fucking hard and i am Not a dancer. never have been. so i abandon that and go ykno what… i’ll do it Next Year. BC MY BITCHASS WAS LIKE NO THE MOMENT IS TOO PERFECT TO DO IT ON A NORMAL ASS DAY ITS GONNA BE ON APRIL FOOLS ON HER GODDAMN BIRTHDAY OR NOT AT ALL. a year rolls by, i’ve told most of our friends except her and they’re all in on it, i’d made so many subtle kpop references to her without her realising they were fully intentional and had too many scares where she almost figured me out but i lied my way out of it, and i’d given up on showing off with choreography bc i couldn’t make that shit look good. i’m not a dancer. i am, however, a rapper, and a damn good one, so i inhaled the agust d mixtape and decided i’d just rap the eminem of kpop’s anthem at her face. in korean. and change the lyrics at the end (if u haven’t listened to agust d, the bridge repeats “i’m sorry” a lot) to “i’m sorry i kept this from u for so long” and “i’m sorry i actually ult got7 not bts” (this was like the april after skz debuted ok i was holding onto got7 for dear life knowing full well skz we’re going to convert me smh) and the best part? she never saw it coming. her official present was a cd with a bunch of kpop on it but she thought it was just a personalised mixtape for her so i told her to play the first song out loud and she knew the song Instantly. it has a long intro so she was like “i guess u did listen when i recommended u this song!! i knew you’d like it since u like rap so much!!” and then i started rapping and i shit u not. she started SCREAMING. like the initial reaction was her jaw dropping and then instinctively covering her mouth but when i kept going and she realised i wasn’t fucking around she just fucking screamed like a banshee. at the end during the sorry bit i threw off my jacket to reveal a got7 shirt on the inside and she fell off her chair and started rolling around on the floor. needless to say it was every bit as satisfying as i thought it’d be LMAOOOO afterwards her ass was like “I CANT BELIEVE U HID THIS FROM ME FOR OVER A YEAR” and when i tried to explain my ego couldn’t take the “i told u so” she was like “you know i wouldn’t have made fun of you for it right? i would just be glad you’re not hating on my boys anymore” so basically i’m a big dramatic fool and she was always too good for me.
don’t mind the weird spaces here my ipad is being all fucky wucky w me rn. damn sad to hear ur sideblog experience didn’t go so well, i’d have shown u the cool side of the fandom if i knew 😤😤 leading u thru the cursed halls of kpop stan tumblr like a sketchy tour guide that’s actually 3 small raccoons stacked on top of each other like a trench coat, like “over here we have the fanfic writers that honestly need to publish a book, over here we have the gif makers that are responsible for my entire camera roll, if we take a quick swerve past the death threat anons and the twt fanwar screenshots - mind ur feet bub the 14 year olds were tryna make a grab for ur ankles - ah here’s the holy grail of shitposts, you might be here for hours, to the right we have the weird aussie side of the fandom that projects our childhoods onto chanlix but also all the members as we decide what their life in australia would’ve been like, and down there is a secret trapdoor to the blogs w endless random headcanons that will make you laugh, cry or blush depending on if the author woke up and decided to choose violence today. enjoy your Stay!” but then again i’m not so active on tumblr anymore (ngl you’ve become the highlight of my tumblr experience these days, interaction wise,) so maybe all my Local Hotspots are inactive now. i know a bunch of them are, it’s sad. “i don’t fw stan twitter for the same reason i don’t hang out in meth dens” oop. guess i’m a meth addict. no but i get u i rly do, it’s a hellhole out there, but the fact that things get shared and spread a lot easier than on tumblr and how short most things have to be (therefor keeping up w my adhd attention span without having to resort to the mental torture that is tiktok, with the added bonus of not always needing headphones.) that i just. couldn’t leave if i tried. maybe i should try being active on tumblr again but it’s a dying site in comparison.
“their music doesn’t consistently hit for me as much as skz” i’m sorry we can’t be friends anymore. what. what. you don’t dramama ramama ramama hey? you don’t feel a little jealousyyyyyy, naega anin? you don’t shoot out, shoot out, shoot out, or aremdaeun love killa love killa? you can’t be your hero du du du du du du du du du dududu? u disappoint me. literally like everyone i know who likes skz music likes mx music like it’s a rite of Passage. they’re kindred spirits, monsta x music is like skz’s music’s cool but mildly heterosexual older brother. neither of them know what a bad song is it runs in the family. and both their music runs in my VEINS. whenever i describe my music taste they’re always the first two that come to mind, skz being my number 1 bc they are my best boys but mx bc of the Flavour. pls listen to the entire the code album then get back to me 😤🙌 ok but fr ur so right they are 7 of the finest men i ever seen (yes i say 7 bc i’m including wonho cause he deserved better and i’ll die on my ot7 bullshit.) like don’t get me started on them either LOL i LITERALLY downloaded that one insta video of changkyun working out his back n arm muscles w his tattoo showing bc i needed that shit saved for Science. they could do Anything w me like frfr. yes vixx is the bdsm contract group i’m telling ya they wildin. or at least they were. it’s been years since their last comeback idk what they’re doing anymore tbh. and yeah that makes sense, savouring the hyperfixation i feel it, but also i’m so attached to skz that i never let it die. like i hyperfixate on other things and other groups but i will Always go back to skz cause they’re my homeboys. hell, they’re my home. being a predebut stay i’ve spent more time w skz than most of my actual family members at this point. but that’s just me you do u boo xx just know that if ur anything like me ur never letting go once skz it’s been my longest lasting fixation cause they hit like Nothing Else Do. ik i’ve already said that but i cannot stress it enough. they’re really special. i’m gonna stop here before i get all sappy and emotional bc i really love those boys so fucking much and i don’t drop the L bomb often. SIDE NOTE I WOULD LIKE TO SEE UR LIST OF GROUPS RANKED BY THORSt. i need to judge ur Taste. and omg cat&dog is such a guilty pleasure song bc the lyrics make me cringe so much bc while pet play can be fun they be doing it in more of an “i’m an innocent soft dogboy uwu” kinda way that just Does Not Sit Right with me. it comes back to the objectifying of asians that asians themselves don’t help in industries like these and maybe i’m looking too far into it when rly it is just wholesome n cute or maybe they are into some pet play shit idk idc i will bop to the song regardless but i will not acknowledge the lyrics nope.
YOURE RIGHT THO SKZ’S OPENNESS IS IN FACT, A BIG DEAL, i’ll grab them for u if u want but i found these twt threads of skz supporting the lgbt community and i just felt a special kind of happiness man like sure the delusional part of me likes going “haha they’re gay” bc my brain likes to imagine them as my polycule of mlm boyfriends bc sometimes thats what gives me the serotonin to get me thru the day ok don’t judge but also bc it’s nice knowing that yes i’ll never know them personally, but at least i can support them knowing they’d respect my gender identity and my pronouns, they’d respect who i choose to love, and that’s already more than the general public can say so shit, it is special! it’s special that they don’t treat being cishet like the norm - they constantly remove gender from their songs and speech entirely, they don’t assume all stays are female anymore, we don’t talk abt the babygirls incident cause we got babystays in the end outta that ok, and it’s just. so refreshing and important to me bc i can’t get that anywhere else!! like my semi ults are the boyz and while i love them very much and there’s no way all 11 of them are straight i refuse, i do get just a little bit sad whenever they she/her their fandom by default and call them their girlfriends n shit even tho i do still identify as a girl, i’m also genderfluid/nonbinary/transmasc, and i have a very love/hate relationship w my womanhood and rarely use she/her pronouns, cause it’s like, do you not see me? see us? the ones who aren’t cishet women? i mean i know kevin does bc he congratulated a fan who came out as nb but it’s just not the same as the openness we get w skz. like how do i trust cishets i could be supporting them as a queer person when in reality they’d call me a slur. what would i know, behind the screen? so it’s so good that skz go the extra mile to make it a safe space for everyone. this is already long enough i will reply to the second half of that ask in another message… tomorrow cause it’s 1am and i’m tired gn -felix bi anon
I'mma have to start putting these under a readmore so that i don't absolutely make everything who is still following me for some reason go totally fucking insane 😂
NDJDHWJJAHFNAKBSJSBFBHHDBDNAJD YOU HAVE NO IDEA THE FACES I WAS MAKING READING THIS, I WAS FUCKING CACKLING AND GASPING EVERY OTHER SENTENCE SO HARD THAT I SCARED THE CATS NDJWHSHSB the fact that you went "oh you want me to get into kpop? Give me a hot minute, and I'll give you a whole ass private concert for free" biduehsjdbd biiiiiiiiiiitch you're a fucking ICON, I stg I could NEVER 😂 (and not just because I couldn't find a tune if you gave me a printed set of Google maps directions and that I embody the steriotype that white people can't dance, like my sister kept sensing me tiktoks of the whole "dance like a white girl" trend going lmfao look it's you and eventually I was like "sis please this trend has me feeling like being white is a disability and these mothafuckers are being ableist 😭 also I could NEVER be that on beat so yall ain't even doin it right 😭😭😭😭"). Tbh if I told one of my friends (lol what friends, i got jokes) to get into Skz and they showed up at my bday and performed the entirety of I Got It I would simply shower them in money and go "aight everyone else go home, you are no longer needed, you are being laid off, your position has been eliminated, we're downsizing, the company is moving up and you're moving out, you are not qualified for this role any longer, best of luck with future endeavors" 😊
I think part of the reason I can't deal w Twitter is the exact reason I refuse to leave tumblr, in that I've been on tumblr since 2006 and twt since 2008, and tumblr literally has not changed at all, not even a little, whereas going from the early days of twt where there were no corporate sponsorships or ads and you had to manually copy and paste someone's tweet and @ them to retweet it, to how it is now, like 90% ads and showing me shit from the timelines of people I don't even fuckin follow n whatnot, it's just not enjoyable. Idk how anyone finds anything on twt, it confuses and frustrates me because I am old and have not adapted well to technology changing 😂 But arguably, the skz fanbase doesn't want me on skztwt anyways so like it works for both of us lmfaooo. I am old and cringey, and also still think of twt as stream of consciousness whereas tumblr is your teenage bedroom where you can decorate the walls with anything that interests you. I do really love the nonsensical kpoptwt shitposts tho fhshsbdjjss like it is a very specific flavor of mental instability that I enjoy immensely 😂 OH and also I initially misread part of that and thought you were saying you actually irl do meth and I was like 😳 WHAT DO I SAY TO THAT. HOW DO I HANDLE THIS. Like how do I express like "I wasn't being judgy of people who use substances cause I've been there but I was just being insensitive 😳" And then went back and reread it and was like WHEW, IM JUST AN ILLITERATE FOOL 😂😂😂😂 ejeywhdhrhjwbfbdjshdhdhd I spent like an hour bwign like "IS THE REASON WE GET ALONG BECAUSE THEY'RE ON METH???? WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS INFORMATION??????" hrhehshe I am literally a fuckin idiot it's fine
It's not that I don't fw them, it's more like... Okay so like there is no situation in which I am going to skip a skz song if it comes on shuffle. You will not ever catch me NOT in the mood to listen to Sunshine, if God's Menu comes on we are THROWIN the meager amount of booty meat I got hither and thither, I could be in the happiest mood of my life but if Ex comes on I will stop to SOB. And I'm not like that with most music, so mx just falls into the category of "there is a time and place." Idk why but it just doesn't forcibly grab hold of my heart and ass the way skz always does. I really don't WANT my skz fixation to ever end, but I know that eventually it'll stop giving me dopamine bevause my brain is my worst fucking enemy 🙃 like my arcana fixation is to date the longest running hyperfixation I've ever had, going on almost three years, and I used to not be able to spend every single second of every day thinking about Asra, but now... I just feel nothing when I look at arcana stuff. As you can probz tell by the fact that I hardly post arcana anymore 😂 So I know that eventually all my happiness will end, it always does, I can never stay just as obsessed with something as I was for long. I CANT SHARE THE LIST BECAUSE I DONT *HAVE* TASTE YET 😭 I'm basically just compiling a list of any group someone tells me I should look into, ranked by how strong the kitty purred upon googling pics of them 😂 My mom read my ass to FILTH over txt lmfao she was like "they're not that adorable. Maybe your standard for adorableness has gone down with You Know Who still on hiatus 🤔" bfjwhdhd like MOMMAAAAA THE LIBRARY IS CLOSED 😂 she attacks me any time I even hint at stanning other groups, she is a skz purist and stans skz only, unofficial Momma Stay of All Stays keeping me in check lmfao.
I feel like skz really do follow thru on their promise that they're a safe space for stays, it's nice to see that they hold space for anyone and everyone in their fanbase and do it in a really simple and elegant way, I feel. Like they never make it seem like "okay here are the fans and here are the token weirdos that were only recognizing to make a buck off of them" the way a lot of artists make it feel like 😑 like they don't go out of their way to act like it's some revolutionary act to do the bare minimum of not shitting on certain parts of the fandom, if that makes sense. They feel very "yeah, of course we love all our stays, this is a welcoming space for literally anyone, that's how it should be, that should be normal," instead of like "Hi fans we love you 😊 and special shoutout to you ell gee bee tee folk, make sure to buy my rainbow merch after the show!!!" you know? Like, they're the friends who would never make you feel weird or different for some shit, the friends that take the attention off you if something they know ur sensitive about comes up, instead of weirdly snapping at whoever brought the unfomfy thing up which ruins the mood and makes you feel tiwce as bad, yk? They just give off this vibe that they, and the space they create with their music, is just a genuine and chill place to be and hang out and relax and bond. I feel like they'd be the friend group that is so goofy and sweet and silly and accepting and lovely and always makes you feel loved and excited to be alive 🥺 They are all good noodles 🥺🥺🥺
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Eyes of Juniper Ch. 2
Chapter 1 -- Ao3 link
Chapter Summary: James wakes up to the 'surprise you've gone mental' to end all 'surprise you've gone mental's
Notes: I wrote this chapter over a year ago and I haven’t changed it a bit, including the notes: Okay, so, I'm a slightly gender critical woman and a feminist (if you feel the need to fight me on this don't just ignore my story and leave pls) so this story is kinda uncomfortable for me to write at moments. I'm trying to be realistic to the general views/actions of male metalheads from the 80s.... But that also means there is a lot of objecting and misogynistic stuff being said. I apologize, obviously I do not at all actually support this stuff in life, but I felt I should warn it is there. I want to state again that I do not actually view women this way, and I fucking hate how we're objectified, stereotyped, and shoved into the bullshit gender boxes, but there wouldn't be a story of i didn't. Okay, now back to the show
(James' POV)
I was awoken by a shriek at bumfuck o'clock this morning, and I was not happy about it. Who the hell is screaming this early in the morning? Well, judging from what I can hear past the bongos in my head, it was two chicks having a fight upstairs. Great.
Also, why the fuck was I down here when my bed was on the second floor of this shitty house? Ah, yes, fuckin' Lars. Little shit had to go and bring home some hippy dippy chick (no disrespect meant, Cliff), which of course meant I had to vacate the premises of our room so he could give her a mediocre fuck.
I groaned and scrubbed a hand over my face, trying to rub away the crust from my eyes and the drool spilling down my chin. A chipped coffee mug and half empty water bottle were suddenly being held in front of me and I squinted up at the source. Cliff!
I slowly sat up, groping around on the back of the couch for some leverage that wasn't coated in tacky month old beer. He patiently waited for me to be upright then handed me the water and coffee. Man, Cliff is by far the best person in the world!
After I had drained both containers, he hauled me to my feet and asked, "Dude, who're the chicks?"
I shook my head, then winced as last night's tequila throbbed. "I don't know, man, probably came back to the house with us. I remember Lars grabbing that chick, did Kirk get one too?"
Cliff looked thoughtful. "Nah, at least I don't think so. He said he was too tired from yesterday morning," he implied with a lewd grin.
I snorted and walked towards the stairs. Despite what some people might think, I didn't have a problem with gay guys. I mean, yeah sure, maybe when I was younger, but seeing two of my closest friends, especially the amazing Cliff Burton, so happy together I just couldn't keep thinking that it was bad. So, no, I didn't really have a problem with it, but I totally teased them. What are friends for, after all?
"Hey, ladies, we do appreciate the service you've done our ugly ass friends, but could you keep the cat fight down until you've left the house?" I yelled, still trying to figure out where the second chick had come from. Maybe Lars had grabbed two? I was pretty sure that I hadn't brought anybody home last night, at least.
Cliff must have followed me up, because he suddenly was leaning on the railing, observing the two petite, scantily clad girls hugging on the landing.
"Aww, they've made up! Good! Now, can I ask what exactly you two were yelling about so loudly that it woke me and my boy James up? Did Lars do something?" He asked, smiling at them, although I could see the confusion in his eyes.
The brunette chick stood up straight and turned to us with a sneer, "I did fucking not!" she replied.
"Holy shit, Lars!?!" I screamed. That looked a lot like Lars, at least. Those swirling Juniper eyes, the little upturned nose, the pouty pink lips. Hell, even the slight accent as he (she?) sassed me was perfect. Did I just walk into an episode of the fuckin Twilight Zone?
"Hi, Jamie," Lars?! sighed, letting go of the other girl to step back and run a hand through his hair.
"What. The. Fuck." It was all I could think to say. I mean seriously, WHAT THE FUCK? What had happened between right now and last night to turn Lars into a (admittedly very hot) girl?
"I don't focking know, man," Lars sighed again, "I woke up, went to piss and my dick wasn't there. Then I heard Kirk scream and that chick I brought home last night started jabbering some shit about respect for women and turned Kirk too, then she fucking disappeared!"
I stood there for a minute, staring at him and taking it all in. It was at that moment I really noticed Kirk, too. Now that Lars had stepped away from him, I could see the slim, still mostly Kirk-like but definitely female, body shuddering in the dingy light from the window down the hall.
Cliff strode over to Kirk then and reached out a hand, gently cupping his cheek so that he could look at him. Kirk still looked bewildered and frightened, but seemed to calm down once he felt Cliff's touch. My bassist moved in closer, murmuring something to Kirk that had him blush and bury himself in Cliff's arms.
Lars seemed to have reached the same conclusion as me: they needed some privacy to talk and calm Kirk down, because he grabbed my arm and led me back downstairs to the couch.
I settled back against the lumpy cushion and waited for him to say something, because I sure as hell couldn't think of anything.
"So, I've been cursed, I guess," he said, sounding a lot more dejected than he had up there.
"Yeah, obviously," shit, I should maybe not sound like an asshole right now, this is a delicate situation! "You said the girl you brought home last night did this to you because of you disrespecting women. You DID grab her ass... "
Lars had the decency to look ashamed, "...well yeah, buT THEN SHE CHANGED HER MIND AND WENT HOME WITH ME."
Oh, great, and now he's getting all defensive and angry like he does when it even sounds like you're insinuating something about his game or sexuality or whatever.
"Dude, she probably went home with you to do this." He harrumphed at my superior logic and crossed his arms, inadvertently drawing my attention to one of the new additions to his physique.
"Alright, so you were a dick and she cursed you to get back at you. Weird magic, but nothing new. But what the fuck happened to Kirk?"
#Metallica#metallica fanfic#fic#fanfic#fanfiction#my writing#lulucrowproductions#tallica#lars ulrich#little lars#kirk hammet#kirky wooi#cliff burton#cliff my man#james hetfield#papa het#chapter two#alternate universe#au#sex swap#sex swap au#magic#slow build\#friends to lovers#fluff#\angst#humor
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Umbrella Academy
season 2, episode 6
I couldn't resist. More live-blogging of this episode.
My poor Allison...
Oh so that's what Handler wants from Five...
Ahah, Luther and Diego pointing out what Reggie did to Vanya and her reaction is awesome.
"no more number 1 or number 2 bullshit" -yes, Diego, baby, you're growing up! Also, him trying to bond with Luther and Vanya on his own accord is so fucking cute...
Klaus doing yoga 😆
Oh, so confirmed that the cult started by accident.
"you're a narcissist"? Ben, you've been watching him closely for 16 years, you know that's not true, you know the narcissism is just a mask, you know Klaus is actually insanely empathetic and compassionate.
Oh, wait, Ben is only saying this crap because he doesn't want Klaus to disband the cult. I get it now, Ben is the one being selfish here.
Oh, so the girl Ben likes is Jill... Boy is smitten.
Ahahah, Ben freaked out by the yoga poses 😆
Jesus, they really don't give Klaus space to breathe.
"my name is Klaus's and I'm an alcoh--- Ah, sorry, that's the wrong meeting" 🤣🤣🤣
Oh God, this is turning into a Spartacus thing... Oh, it's not.
There they go objectifying him and only hearing what they want to hear... These dudes are almost as bad as the ghosts.
Oh so it DID turn into a Spartacus thing!
Klaus tries to do the right and it always blows up in his face, huh?
Ray's priorities though 😆
Ahahah, Allison and Ray pulling a 'Pretty Women' rodeo drive scene 🤣 love it
That's a beautiful dress, Allison 😊
Wait! She's using her powers without the 'rumor' prefix! 😲 Yes!!!!!!
Oh, Allison is losing control... Is this the cost? Getting lost in the power trip? I mean, we already knew but not too this extent.
Lila, your mom is actually protecting you here. Listen to her.
Handler teasing Lila about Diego really is such a mom thing to do.
"I know you fancy yourself a spiritual guru..." - no, Ben, have you not been paying attention? That's literally what Klaus thinks he's NOT but nobody will listen to him. You're right that he needs help though.
Ok, Klaus is right. Ben keeps contradicting himself about what Klaus should do.
"you sound just like Dad" Oh, shit that's a really mean insult in this family 🥺
Holy crap, was that possession?????
That looks severely uncomfortable.
"I think I was inside of you" -.... No, no, too easy, I'm not going to say it. 🤐
Awww, Klaus doesn't even care about the punch.
Dave likes Dune, huh? Good taste.
Oh, the dog tags.... 😭
"it's an honor to die for my country" -no, honey, not like this
Oh shit, timeline changed, timeline changed! Dave is going to wear early. Oh no, oh no, oh no.
The shaking... Poor Klaus... How hasn't he snapped yet?
Swedes in the sauna, of course.
Strategically placed steam 😆
Ah! The Swedes FINALLY talk!
Ouch! Right for the balls. I'm starting to really like Handler.
"unharm my wiener" 🤣🤣🤣 poor boy
Handler, is this your attempt at protecting your daughter from feelings? It's twisted and evil but almost cute.
What the hell does "lavender" mean? Her perfume or something?
Southland Life?
The elevator scene! They really did all come together, I love it when Five is right.
AHAHAHAHAHAH What's with Luther and the stink jokes this season? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
'Daddy's girl' 😆
"team zero" I actually like that Diego keeps harping on the no numbers thing.
"classic" 😆
"hey pop, how's it hanging?" 🤣
"dead, yes, but I'm here! Klaus! Tell them I'm here!" -yes, please, Klaus, it's so cruel that you keep denying him that... 😣
"what are you writing?" Everybody leaning in and Diego getting all nervous. XD they are so conditioned, poor children.
The punch! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
"no, Vanya, don't!!!" Everyone is so scared of her but yet they are still making an effort to include her and that's so important!!
"oops" -that is not the smile of someone that means that oops, Vanya 😆
Reggie's sarcasm 🙄 I can see where half these siblings got their sass now.
Jesus Christ, Reginald is emotionally tearing Diego apart 😭 as much as Diego claims not to care what their father thinks, he cares, he really cares, they all do. I doesn't matter if you know that your parent is abusive, you will always have that visceral pain response of betrayal when they attack you and you will always in some way crave their approval. It's the terrible power imbalance of parental abuse.
There's the stutter! Poor Diego... Don't cry, baby...😭😭😭
Oh shit, Ben!
Reggie is not impressed. I get a feeling that they might have accidentally convinced him to NOT to adopt them...
"you in the cullotes" 😆 Reggie immediately tagged who the leader is
"I feel so violated" -why are they playing this for laughs?? It's horrible!
"oh, possession is a strong word, I'd like to say 'borrowed you'." -ok, so I get why Ben did that, Klaus pushed him too far and he got desperate. But please, PLEASE tell me Ben understands the seriousness of what he did and doesn't start abusing this ability without Klaus's consent.
ok, a serious thought now: no wonder Klaus did drugs, it was the only thing he could control in his life, the only way he had to take some control back, and this possession thing now only makes that more obvious. He has no control over his body if someone decided to take it, no control over the powers that make him see the dead everywhere, no control over his family life (the fact that Reginald locked in the mausoleum is just the tip of the iceberg in his lack of power), no control of the circumstances that killed the love of his life, no control over the masses that objectify him no matter how much he tries to tell them he isn't their savior and to leave him alone, he just has no control and nobody seems to get that, that's why him falling off the wagon is so serious and should be addressed by the family. Klaus deserves a family that cares about his suffering!!!
Congratulations to Luther for standing up to dad for the first time but Vanya is the only one with her priorities straight and goes straight to comforting Diego. And Diego immediately goes back to his passive-aggressive defense system...
I need more Diego-Vanya bonding in my life.
Poor Klaus... At least hold him properly, Luther.
I get a feeling this Grace is going to end up dying and I really don't want that to happen...
"technically I'm older than you right now" -no, Five, your not, you have no idea how old Reginald really is, he arrived in the US a full grown adult in the beginning of the century, he's inhumanly old (I never understood how he suddenly looked old in 89 when he adopted them considering that in 63 he looks almost as he did when he first arrived in the US so those decades before).
Ah, so that's what the ancient Greek was.
Reggie actually dishing out some wisdom and doing so patiently... Who is this?!
Don't you dare apologize, Five! You have nothing to apologize for!
Geez, Reggie and Five acting like they could be friends in different circumstances is actually surprisingly creepy. It also speaks to how fucked up even Five is about Reggie's abuse, even at almost 60 he's still clinging to the idea that maybe Reginald knows everything and has all the answers, he's still hoping that their suffering was for a reason and that Reginald might be proud of him. It's sad.
A cat? Are Swedes... Yes, the Swedes are in Elliot's house. Please don't let Elliot die, I like the poor weirdo.
The Swedes were more interesting when they didn't talk. (Still want to know what the glittery stuff they were drinking is).
"they do not abide women like us around here" -there or anywhere else, Sissy, it's 1963, homosexuality is literally illegal and considered a mental illness
Sissy actually makes a very good point.
Ok, this conversation is already veering their relationship into much healthier territory! Good. But now I'm scared for Sissy...
Damn, I hadn't even finished typing that last sentence and my fears were already proven right. Fucking Carl saw them.
Oh please, let Elliot be alive...
Damn it, I liked Elliot. He was so good to this family... 😩😠😢
"öga för öga"? Seeing as Elliot has something stuck in his eye, I'm going to guess that means 'eye for an eye' or something?
Ok, I googled it, yes, it's 'eye for an eye'.
1982, huh? I'm guessing where about to see badass Five? I hope so.
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Things I Cannot And Will Not Believe Anymore
1.People are inherently evil.
2.People deserve the apocalypse/hell.
3. Women are responsible for the sexual impulses of men/can control the sexual impulses of men.
4. Men deserve authority over women.
5. Doubt is the devil using my spiritual gifts against me.
6.I owe sex to my husband/other forms of submission or obedience to my husband.
7. LGBTQIA+ are confused/evil/led astray -- their orientation/identification is wrong or invalid and forcing them to change/deny this about themselves will be good for them.
8. Women should not be in positions of leadership/roles that are considered to be traditionally masculine. Certainly not over men.
9. Jesus is the only absolution you need for sins that hurt other people.
10. Self-worth is pride/arrogance/vanity.
11. Religious values should dictate secular laws/civil rights.
12. Intimacy (psychological OR physical) that I share with men I love before I meet/marry my husband cheats my husband out of elements of my sexuality/liberties upon my body to which he is entitled.
13. Mental illness is merely a soul crying out for God and professional help is a scam to steal your money and lead you away from God.
14. People in unfortunate situations must have done something to deserve it/bring it upon themselves.
15. Women who have abortions want to kill their babies/hate children/are cruel and callous and loose/would choose murder over living with consequences of their presumed promiscuous lifestyle/believe abortion is the only form of birth control.
16. Men cannot and should not be expected to control their sexual impulses toward others on their own. (see #3)
17. Evidence supporting scientific/medical/psychological advancements that clash with a literal interpretation of the biblical account should be ignored, boycotted, banned, and impeded or even outlawed.
18. Sexual confidence (real or perceived) cheapens one’s worth as a person or invalidates one’s spirituality.
19. Teens cannot be trusted with an actual education in safe sex. In fact, I should deliberately mislead my daughter about birth control until FOUR MONTHS BEFORE HER WEDDING. There’s no way that could backfire spectacularly, cause damage to her health, her marriage, or even my ambitions to have grandchildren one day. (NOT ON YOUR LIFE, NOT FOR MANY, MANY YEARS!!!)
20. People who are not “with” me -- who believe what I do without question -- are “against” me -- militantly attacking me personally. The people “out there” are out to get me. They want to tear down my faith and send me and my children to hell.
21. Teens and unmarried women cannot be trusted with freely available contraception. If we make contraception available, they will do ALL the sex! O.O *gasp! horror! clutches pearls!*
22. It is okay and an expression of Christ-like love to demand that other people forsake their lifestyle, religion, and worldview, but feel personally persecuted and threatened when they question mine.
23. Teens cannot be trusted.
24. Women cannot be trusted.
25. Men cannot be trusted.
26. Doubt is selfish/dangerous/a slippery slope and means I’m not really sincere in my faith, or my faith is weak, or can grieve the Holy Spirit and take away my faith completely.
27. The Bible can and should be used to enforce anti-immigration policy. (see #11)
28. The Bible can and should be used to shame/denigrate victims of police brutality.
29. Unfortunate accidents/hardships that happen to me or my family can and should be seen as signs that God is punishing or testing me.
30. Disobedience -- even psychological disobedience (i.e. skepticism) -- casts into question or completely invalidates my morality.
31. It is okay to rail against affordable healthcare, actively impede it in the polls, then slander health organizations like Planned Parenthood and shame those who accept their help ... all without providing a viable alternative but claiming that the church can do it better.
32. “You just need to have faith”, “It’s a mystery”, “That’s a good/hard question, I’ll get back to you” (but he never DID), or “That’s the Old Testament Law, Jesus freed us from that” (when so many other O.T. laws are quoted and used to define sin, just sayin’ ...) are ACCEPTABLE and SATISFACTORY answers to questions about the 100% literal, true, God-breathed verses explicitly prescribing stoning or marrying rape survivors to their rapists ...
33. People who reject the evangelical message are just butt-hurt, pouty, selfish, petulant liberals who don’t want to face hard truths.
34. People who believe differently or celebrate different religious holidays in winter should be forced to use my seasonal religious greeting and failure to do so indicates a vitriolic antagonism to everything I stand for. But it is unreasonable to expect me to extend the same consideration to them.
35. It is okay to deny/limit/discourage my child’s access to the level of education required to succeed in the world we live in (even with the caveat that it clashes with my beliefs/worldview and I believe it to be false) because I do not trust my child to discern my interpretation of the Bible in the face of a single chapter in their no doubt riveting 10th grade biology textbook. I’m sure they’ll just breeze through that in college.
36. Children are also not to be trusted with intellectual/psychological/spiritual autonomy.
37. Not a single word of this book could possibly have been mistranslated, misinterpreted, metaphorical, made obsolete with time, or simply penned by a woefully misguided human being. (see #32)
38. If I open my mind enough to really understand the person I am trying to reach, my brain will fall out.
39. To seriously question these things is to deny my faith/attack that of others.
40. It is okay to train a child to be a soldier in my culture war.
41. It’s okay -- virtuous and caring, even -- to tell someone who is struggling or grieving that this life is meant to be a trial and their lot will improve drastically after they die.
42. There was a point in human history when water covered Everest by 22 feet of water, and scientists are actively hiding the geological evidence because they are in league with Satan and want me to go to hell.
43. Obedience = protection. “If you just follow God’s plan, nothing bad will ever happen to you.” The Bible is Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth and if you just do what it says, you’ll live a long and successful and fulfilling life.
44. Bad things happen to good people because omniscient God has reason to question/test their devotion. They are just being petulant or are deluded about their secret sin/doubt/disobedience, and if they search themslves and the Bible, they will see that God is well within His rights to hurt their families/hurt them/cause this hardship. (see #1,2,5,10,14,18,20,26,29,30)
45. It is okay -- advisable, even -- to tell someone who is struggling that they are being prideful/sinful/selfish, and they need to “die to self”. That can in no way be interpreted as a message of “just get over yourself or die already.”
46. In fact, just the whole ANY death imagery should be considered kind and appropriate dialogue with a human being who might be thinking of suicide. They should just know that isn’t what I mean at this turbulent point in their life. I have no responsibility to consider any other interpretation of my words or the biblical jargon/verses I use. I have no responsibility to examine what those words/jargon/verses really even say.
47. A survivor of abuse or assault has a civic duty to come forward to keep me and my daughters/children safe, but I have NO civic duty to believe/accept their account if:
a. I know the perpetrator.
b. They know the perpetrator.
c. They wear clothes I disapprove of.
d. It’s been a certain period of time.
e. They behave in a way that I disapprove of.
f. They are “sex-crazed/rebellious” teenagers or unmarried young adults.
g. The perpetrator is a public figure I approve of.
h. They “allowed” themselves to be alone with the perpetrator/somehow “put themselves” in this situation.
i. They continued a relationship with the perpetrator.
j. They are married/related to the perpetrator.
k. I am THE authority on what is abuse/assault, and believe their account does not qualify.
48. Not only do I NOT have a civic duty to believe/accept the accounts of abuse/assault survivors, I have the right to slander them publicly when I don’t. To shame them. To question the veracity of their account in the same breath that I demand why they didn’t jump at the chance to defend the women I actually care about in the wake of their trauma. They are the problem here.
49. It is impossible to have a fulfilling spiritual experience/personal contentment in life if I do not believe all of the things on this list.
50. It is certainly impossible to have a fulfilling spiritual experience/relationship with compassionate and unconditionally loving Christ if I do not believe all of the things on this list.
51. I have a spiritual and civic duty to force society worldwide to conform to my specific beliefs. (see #11)
52. It is okay to tell an underage girl that her clothing is distracting grown men in the congregation, but NOT tell the grown men in the congregation presumably raising these complaints that their “distracting” sexual thoughts are predatory and constitute pedophilia, or even incest in some cases. Similarly, it is okay to tell these girls that their clothing is distracting boys their age, but NOT tell these boys that their “distracting” sexual thoughts are predatory and sexually objectifying their sisters in Christ. It is okay to put the onus of males’ sexual sin/distraction on underage girls who presumably have better things to do (like stress about their skirt and posture and bra straps) than listen to the sermon the men are blissfully enjoying.That isn’t at all distracting or distressing to the underage girls, who need the message ... less?
Will add more as they occur to me. If you feel personally attacked by any of these things I no longer believe, please know that was not my intention, but perhaps you ought to bring that to God and find out why it is so offensive to you that I do not believe it. I was taught all of these “values” in a church by wonderful people who know not what their doctrine really says to the children they are raising and the people they are trying to reach.
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Bamby’s Recs: Aug 2018

This Month’s Recommendations Are…
Feathers by @acreativelydifferentlove
I don’t really get into wing kink, but holy poo this was hot!! Michael!Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader anyone?? 💙
Heal by @kittenofdoomage
A heartfelt and angsty series that’ll rip your heart out. But don’t worry, Jensen is right there for you 💙
Objectified by @covered-byroses
I didn’t ask for this delicious Soulless!Sam x Reader x Demon!Dean work of art... but I’m 100% thankful for it 💙
Save Him by @kittenofdoomage
Some how she’s managed to do it again. A three piece fic full to the brim of angst, smut, fluff and tooth-biting suspense 💙
Tattoo with a Twist by @crispychrissy
Dean trusting her to that point... jeez that's hot 💙
The Edge of Okay by @shy-violet-soul
I didn’t actually read the fic. Still, they reached out to me with a PM and asked me to read their work, and when I explained why I couldn’t they were very understanding, so I still wanted to add them to this list 💙
The Perfect Storm by @crispychrissy
Alpha!Soulless!Sam by crispychrissy, do I need to say anymore?? 💙
The Taboo is in the Blood by @iavengesuperwholock
A Dean x sister!Reader and Sam x sister!Reader that I absolutely love. Hell, the whole Masterlist is incredible 💙
You Know Better by @xteenwolfwritingsx
A Peter hale x Reader fic that I fell in love with last year. It was updated for the first time in ages this month, and I legit squealed like a little girl I got so excited 💙
In Celebration of Appreciation Day This Month...
Can’t Fight Fate has got to be one of the best RPF ABO fics I have ever read. There’s the intense smut straight off the bat, and then you’re hit with immense angst. Only to find yourself smothered by all the fluff. Is there anything acreativelydifferenlove can’t do?? 💙
My go-to Alpha!Sam!girl. There are far too many amazing pieces to pick from, but I would have to say that one of my all time faves of hers (which isn’t even ABO) is By Way of Celestial Navigation. The little bit of smut in the fic so far is incredibly hot, and the rest has you sitting on the edge of your seat in anticipation for what’s to come 💙
I only discovered their work this month, and I’ve already recommended Objectified, but that doesn’t mean I’m not giving them another shout out because that fic was amazing 💙
Two word- Tentacle. Porn. No, I’m kidding!! I mean, I’m not. She really does have an amazing smut fic with some tentacle action going on- it’s called Octo-Dean. But she has a lot of amazing fics. Considering the two of us are pretty much on the same level of fussy, it really shouldn’t be a surprise that I love her work 💙
My go-to Bucky!girl. I haven’t read a lot of her stuff, because I’ve only dipped my toe into the Marvel universe, but her fic Skin Contact is so good. Memorable, honestly 💙
There are several fics I could recommend, but out of all of them I have two favourites. Undiscovered- angsty and smutty, and a Winchester sandwich that breaks my heart while quickening my pulse. High For This- one of the few John fics that I actually like… probably because of all the delicious Sam and Dean action we get as well. The masterlist is filled with incredible pieces, done by an amazing person, but these two I just can’t shake… and I wouldn’t have it any other way 💙
One of my OG girls!! Her fic Irresistible Danger is one of the reasons I found myself on this site. Her fic Underneath Your Skin is the reason I fell for Peter Hale. A fiercely talented woman who write for many fandoms and is perfection on every level, there is no way I couldn’t add her to this list 💙
We’ve got Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Marvel... so many fandoms, so many awesome fics. A couple faves of mine?? Definitely have to be Taboo in the Blood and A Man’s Control, A Beast’s Obsession, just to name a couple 💙
Her series, Writing is Hard, breaks the fourth wall in ways I never imagined possible. The reader is a hunter who reads fanfics based on her and the brother, only to then have Dean suggest they write their own fics… which leads to ten incredible chapters of mind blowing smut. Don’t even get me started on her series Faking It!! Or The Escort!! Everything she writes is… just wow 💙
A legend in the Supernatural fanfic fandom, impala-dreamer is by far one of the best writers I have ever come across. There is nothing she can’t write, and very little she won’t. If I need to cry, laugh or smile, her masterlist is the place to go. But, out of them all, I would definitely have to say that Reflection is my fave fic of hers 💙
New to the Tumblr world, they’ve already made their mark. Strange Empire‘s plot is so different, so creative, so out of the box. I know Jessie has been off line for a bit, but I’m still happily waiting for see what happens next 💙
If you haven’t read Shocking Sensations, you need to jump on that immediately. There are a few fics in her masterlist that catch the eye, especially Flirting with Death, which I hope she gets back to. But I understand the hiatus, and have no intention on rushing her, because work this amazing takes time 💙
Another one of the people that brought me to this site. If it wasn’t for her fic Sunny Days I don’t think I would have ventured from ff.net and come here. Her writing opened up doors I’d never thought to touch before. I thank the universe for giving us JDM, because without him I don’t know if I would have come across kellyn1604 and her amazingly written smut 💙
Honestly... here’s the link to her Masterlist, because there is no way I could pick out just one, two or three fics to link here. Everything, and I mean everything she writes is gold. I live for everything she creates 💙
“Yeah I Have a Great Dean” is, by far, the best dog!Dean fic I have ever read. The third part?? Holy shit!! Wouldn’t it be Nice? Was the first ABO fic I ever read. Seriously, her work is unique in the best way. She knows how to tell a story as if she were actually telling the story to you, face to face. It’s refreshing and amazing, like nothing I’ve seen before 💙
Once more, another talented friend of mine, only this time it wasn’t so hard to pick a fave... Reluctant Trilogy drew me in for the smut, but had me coming back for more because of everything else. A fic that had a plot I wasn’t expecting, but I still fell for every single word 💙
Her fic, Dirty Little Secret, tested my boundaries. It helped push my limits. In the end that meant I got to enjoy a fic I would have otherwise forgone and I’m so grateful I decided to keep reading 💙
Another Sam!girl who has some delicious ABO fics. I cannot go passed What You Need, False (Or Not) Positive or Celebrate Survival. Plus, totally not related to fics, but still very important... have you heard of @scentsfromthebunker?? The blog where you can actually buy scents inspired by people and things from Supernatural?? Yeah, this is the genius behind that gift from Chuck 💙
An inspiring human being and talented writer, sis-tafics is yet another queen when it comes to smut. Her fic, Our Little Secret, is the reason I decided to give reader inserts ago. Break a Little inspired me to break down the wall and write out of the box Omegas. She is incredible, truly something, and I am grateful for all her amazing works 💙
I’m a little biased here, because she’s my friend, but that doesn’t make her any less talented. The Squirrel to my Moose, she has an amazing list of fics. My fave?? A Night to Remember 💙
The last of the OGs, one of the three women who brought me to Tumblr. Her series The Honey House shows a side to Negan that isn’t always brought to light. Knock almost lets me forget Simon’s terrible character development in the show. The way she writes characters we love and know makes it feel as if she’s made them herself, broken them up and made them her own. Absolutely amazing 💙
One of the first RPFs, especially centred around Jared, that I read. The first Gen fic I’ve read. I Know Your Wife (She Wouldn’t Mind) is one of those fics that... what’s the saying?? It’s a gift that keeps on giving 💙
I still can’t get over Smoulder. That’s where my obsession for thigh riding began, and I refuse to look back!! There are plenty of other incredible fics on their masterlist, which I strongly encourage everyone to read 💙
You Know Better was the first Peter Hale series I fell in love with, and the fic that brought me to this incredible Teen Wolf writer. Seriously excited to see where the fic goes 💙
My bestie!! Just beginning to write, she’s testing the waters to see what she likes to write, but no matter what she does it’s all good. Her first go at smut, You Owe Me?? I wouldn’t have even known it was her first if she hadn’t told me. A budding writer I look forward to see blossom 💙
Not to Toot My Own Horn…
Bamby’s Double Delight
The pairing drabbles for my 2000 follower celebration 💙
Can You Feel It?
My submission for @sis-tafics‘ challenge 💙
Dangerous Dance
Soulless!Sam x exotic dancer!Reader miniseries 💙
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TRR Chapter Tie-Ins
Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time
Chapter 2: Welcome To Cordonia
Chapter 3: Reunited
Chapter 4: Save The Last Dance
Chapter 5: Off To The Races
"I am freaking out, all right?!"
The tiny space of the changing room only added to her anxiety. Riley breathed through her mouth, listening to her sister's voice. Each breath she drew seemed to crash against a barrier inside her chest, never quite reaching her lungs.
Dani said over the phone,
"Calm down now. It can't be that bad. Did Olivia pull a prank on you again?"
"No. Olivia isn't the problem today. She actually gave me helpful advice. The thing..."
"Whoa, whoa. Hold up. The girl who almost made you kiss the King's shoe tried to help you?"
"That is so fishy I can smell it all the way here"
"Let me talk. This is big, okay?", Riley took a long breath and told Dani, "The Beaumonts are broke. Maxwell told me last night. Not only are they not going to reimburse me for the Masquerade dress, I am supposed to buy my own dresses and stuff. And that's a big effing problem because you need a different dress for every stupid event here!"
"Holy... what the fuck? Seriously? And Maxwell couldn't tell you this before you travelled halfway across the world?"
"He wasn't supposed to. It's a prestige issue", Riley rolled her eyes, "His brother got so mad when Maxwell told me, who by the way, is like Uppity Nobleman 4 from every period drama ever"
"Damn. What are you going to do?"
"They say there's no backing out now"
"You're actually considering backing out of the competition?"
Riley leaned her back against the wall, feeling frustrated.
"What else am I supposed to do, Dani? I can't afford all this on my own. Not to mention that I'm at every possible disadvantage here. I'm not Cordonian. I'm not rich. I wasn't trained since birth to catch a prince. And Olivia said the press is going to be at the Derby today. You know I always make a fool of myself in front of cameras!"
"Jesus Christ, calm the hell down. You can handle this, Riley. Just stay out of your own head"
"I can't. I'm half naked in a Cordonian dressing room and asking my 'fun' sister for advice. This is all too much. This was supposed to be an adventure and it isn't!"
"Okay. Okay, relax. I am quite sure money isn't the issue here. Everybody knows you have like a buttload of money saved since middle school. Knowing you, you haven’t spent a single cent of it yet"
"Maybe I haven’t. But that doesn't mean I should waste my life’s savings on dresses. I already brought along a great dress. But Maxwell keeps telling me that clothes are important when trying to make an impression here"
"A 'great' dress? Didn't you just pack that blue tarp you wear to every wedding?"
"Hey! It's minimalistic!"
"If you say so", Dani said, suppressing a chuckle, "Look. Don't think of this as buying a dress. Think of it as buying opportunities, where you can impress Cordonians, make the other suitors shake in their boots, make jaws drop. When you're Liam’s princess, you are going to think back on this day and laugh that you got an anxiety attack over buying a dress"
Riley straightened up. She had to ask,
"What did you say?"
"About jaws dropping?"
"No. After that"
Dani chuckled, saying,
"Ah, when you will be Liam's princess..."
'Liam's princess'
Liam’s princess.
Liam’s princess?
Liam’s princess...
Her ears stopped thrumming. There was no need for Riley to hear the rest.
'Liam's princess - me?'
She still wasn't sure she wanted to be, but it was quite titillating to imagine.
Waking up to Liam’s sleepy face.
Holding Liam's hand in public.
Kissing Liam like she was sucking out his soul.
Smithers licking Liam’s face while she watched and got jealous of her own dog.
And if Riley needed the Queen's and the press' approval to be the one Liam belonged to... well...
"Screw it!"
She bought the dress.
'That was...'
Liam couldn't hide the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. His index finger passed along his lips, trying to relive what he had just shared with Riley (Three days in a row!). She looked so playful whenever she kissed him.
And a little surprised, like she couldn't believe what she had just done.
And a little happy, like those quick kisses actually meant something to her.
He hadn't felt so in a while. So thrilled and... naughty. Playing maze-tag with Riley had been exciting, to say the least, but this was different. It was he who had initiated it this time. And god knew where he got the courage from to do it.
"Escorted your beloved to the rest of the..."
Drake. It was only Drake.
He had just caught him off-guard. For a moment, Liam stared at his friend, believing he had heard what he was thinking.
Drake smirked at him. He said,
“Jumpy, huh?”
Pretending to flick lint off his suit, Liam kept his eyes averted. He said,
"We should get going. It's time for the tea party"
"Hold on, Alice. We're not gonna talk about you asking Lady Riley to sit on your back while you did push-ups?"
"It would have seemed rude not to..."
"Yeah, yeah", Drake grinned, "I bet letting her sit on you while you had your clothes on would have been rude too. By the way, it was so rude of her to stare at your abs when you stripped. Women, right? A man innocently takes his clothes off right in her face and she shamelessly looks on? I mean, that must have been so embarrassing for you to be objectified like that for no fault of your own"
Blushing, Liam bit his lip and hastened to leave.
"Shut up", he said.
Drake laughed and followed him out of the tent.
Tag list: @thatspicegirlssong @bowful @zaffrenotes @pixieferry@femmeshep @hopefulmoonobject @indescribablechoices@angelicfangirl @cordonianredruby @brightpinkpeppercorn@princesaakl @romanticatheart-posts @cordoniaqueensworld@cordoniantrash @blznbaby @museofbooks @smalltalk88@stopforamoment @jyreusser85 @custaroonie@mynameiskaylabella @indiacater @lizzybeth1986 @blackcatkita@gardeningourmet @lodberg @zilch3 @thecordoniandiaries @fanfictionrecommendations-com@perfectprofessorherokid @innerpostmentality @carabeth @furiousherringoperatortoad
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TOS Tag Game
OK for starters YAAASSS, feel free to tag me in these every time because I too want to talk endlessly about Star Trek TOS and am always excited to feed the fandom beast.
@burning--amber tagged me in this greatness -- I apologize for the delay but you know, I did have to find a publisher who would sign off on this fucking NOVEL. Because that is actually what I wrote in response. I am so sorry. 😂 When I say I’m here to talk Trek I MEAN I am HERE. To get up to the podium and PREACH THE GOSPEL. I encourage anyone following me who’s thirsty to talk TOS to jump aboard, tag me and give us the T! I want to hear from y’all!
1. Which is the most defining moment for Spock and Jim as couple, in your opinion? One which left you most shaken?
Wow, yes. Ohhhh no. Let’s talk about this. (Who let me out of my cage?) There are so many strong moments in TOS, my GOD. Amok Time is the most infamous and blatant, you can’t really skate over that big guy because -- because -- YOU KNOW WHY. IT’S AMOK TIME. This is the elephant in the room which will stomp you to death if you ignore it. I can’t let myself write a paper with a works cited list on Amok Time right now, I just can’t. That episode -- I mean -- it was literally getting sucker punched in the junk with a slash fandom awakening. Kirk sacrificing command? His career? Risking his life?! Spock becoming completely void, utterly gutted, and a husk of a destroyed existence in the aftermath of what he believed to have actually done to Jim? I don’t know how it’s possible for anyone to watch that episode and not get steamrolled into a human pancake at how real and obvious the Spirk relationship became right then and there. IN THE 60′S! Yup just bros though, just bro things.
I did let myself practically write a paper on how huge Devil in the Dark was for Kirk and Spock -- you get to see two individuals who each have a valid point, who both believe fiercely in their own standpoint, and who ultimately end up adopting one another’s views. It’s a beautiful demonstration of what they mean to each other as equals and as individuals -- how in sync they are and what a significant mutual respect they share.
Throughout the series you’re hearing and witnessing Kirk’s rather open way of expressing affection for Spock. Plato’s Stepchildren is one of those rare opportunities where we get to see the depth of Spock’s feelings for Kirk via his own words and actions. And it is intense enough to make up for how difficult it can be sometimes to get a clear window into Spock’s perspective. It was all out there for anyone to see after Spock witnesses Kirk getting mistreated and nearly being made to inflict harm to Jim. You really get an understanding of just how powerful Vulcan emotion can be in that moment, and holy God, does he have strong feelings about Jim.
But if we’re talking all-encompassing canon then for me the most defining moment for Spock and Kirk as a couple throughout the entire series has to be Spock’s epiphany in sickbay after making contact with V’Ger. We know something happened that catalyzed a rift and separation between Kirk and Spock, and this is the moment their whole relationship comes full circle. The look on his face as he’s lying there shaking his head and saying “Jim . . . I should have known.” Jim’s blatant desperation as he clasps Spock’s shoulders and begs: “Spock. What should you have known?” And Spock reaches for him. My heart drops through me every time he takes Jim by the hand, locking their grip as he stares him dead in the eyes and says: “This. Simple Feeling . . . is beyond V’Ger’s comprehension.” And Jim is overcome, bursting, and he wraps his other hand over their already entwined hands and just nods. Spock nods wordlessly back. That was acceptance. It was acknowledgement. It was forgiveness. It was walking through mental, physical and emotional hell with AND without someone and coming out on the other side again to find each other once more. It was fucking love.
As for the one that left me the most shaken . . . it’s unquestionably the end of Wrath of Khan. From the moment that Jim looks over at that empty chair and you feel a shadow of that dread and realization, Jim pushing a member of his crew out of the way and the entire run down, having to take three men to hold him back from trying to go in there with Spock with tears in his eyes . . . I mean, when we love somebody -- truly, genuinely love somebody -- we might throw around the idea or firmly feel -- believe -- say -- that if given a choice, you’d die for that person. But in living that moment, Spock actually did exactly that out of love. He knew what had to be done and he decided to sacrifice himself for his own family -- for the whole crew of the Enterprise. But there was a reason that the sole person kneeling down in front of him weeping, reaching for him and seeking out his hand, hearing his last words, and sharing his last moments was Jim. It’s so powerful, so utterly heart shattering, such a raw and sad depiction of love, and it turns me into a hot human mess every time I see it. THE FRONT. OF THE SHIRT. IS SOAKED WITH MY TEARS. EVERY TIME. Ahem. So uh, that just happened. There’s Chapter 1. I mean question 1. I swear to God I am not going to write chapter books for each one of these. *Wipes forehead nervously*
2. Which alien race deserved more? What do you think could have been improved upon?
Two episodes really stand out for me as outstanding in the quality of the story; I find Balance of Terror and The Enterprise Incident captivating.They sort of ghost around that decadent and dark history that Vulcans and Romulans share -- they let you see a bit of it, but there is a lot of mystery surrounding it. They pique your interest in wanting to get a better look at those cultures to understand them. Oh trust, I was beyond curious. I was frothing. I know that other Star Trek series have offered us more in terms of the Romulan backstory and history, but I really had a thirst to know more during TOS and I would latch onto whatever crumb they would toss out. Honestly, I would watch an entire series based entirely on ancient Vulcans and Romulans. I mean it, I am thirsty as hell.
3. What is the most disappointing thing about TOS for you?
In all honesty? The fact that it got cancelled after three seasons!!! We were robbed. F u c k i n g p i l f e r e d b u t t n a k e d. I’m sure there was so much ground to cover with the show that they never got a chance to bring into fruition and that frustrates me. If we’re talking some aspect within the show, those occasional moments with women that were so blatantly objectifying -- the ones that kind of jarringly reminded you that this was still made in the 60′s. I acknowledge the time it was made, but it still stings to see that sometimes if I am being entirely honest.
4. Who gets the Mr/Miss.Congeniality award if you were the judge?
I would have to say Uhura. She doesn’t get the kind of screen time that Kirk, Spock and Bones do, but I find the moments that she has with other characters to be very telling. How they react to her and treat her reveals a lot about how valuable and meaningful her presence is aboard the Enterprise. They all have such an immense love and respect for her. You just don’t really see confrontations with Uhura and other crew members -- it’s so rare compared to other members of the crew. She seems to be that person who brings brightness and light and joy to people who may be feeling very out of sorts, low on morale, or lonely in space. I also love that she canonically sings for the members of the crew to lift their spirits and help them unwind. There’s something so pure and warm about her character while also showcasing strength and professionalism in the same vein.
5. Which section of Enterprise are you most curious to see which was never filmed?
The room, turbolift, or jeffries tube that Kirk and Spock would drag each other off to so they could make out, because we all know that it happened. (I digress. Truth be told, it was less about seeing a section of the Enterprise and more about getting a little more intimacy with the crew. I wish there had been more time for moments like seeing them getting ready before work, interacting with their rooms, showing us little glimpses of who they are and where they come from. So I guess having access to more on a personal level with the individuals -- the crew is the section of the Enterprise that I am most curious to see which was not filmed intimately enough to whet my curiosity about them.)
I have two questions.
1. What was the defining episode that you watched that made you go: Yup. I am 100% on board for this. WHERE ARE THE REST. I AM SOLD. THE CHEQUE IS CASHED, I HAVE MADE THE PURCHASE, GIVE ME THE STAR TREK.
Second . . .
2. What. The fuck. Happened in the story between Season 3 and The Motion Picture. I legitimately live on a steady diet of fan theories about this and I’m starved to death. I don’t care if that dead horse has been beaten to glue, I can’t not talk about it. I love hearing what people have to say about that time period. Seriously. What happened between Jim and Spock.
(You know that nobody could possibly know that and you also know that Gene Roddenberry passed away in 1991.)
*Grabs collar shakily* ASK HIM ANYWAY.
ಠ▃ಠ . . .
(¬▂¬) . . .
I really should stop here.
(No obligation, just love and admire your blogs! I’m curious what y’all have to say if you haven’t been tagged yet! <3:
@queenofgol @ashayamspirk @thisisnotahetship @startrektrashface @demonicvulcan @pansexualspirk @homosexualspock @cptkirksnipples )
#spirk#octrekmeta#tag game#star trek#tos#meta#long ass fucking post#do I make any other kind of post?#no#@burning--amber#kirk#spock
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My experience living in the end via /r/atheism
Submitted April 30, 2021 at 02:32PM by hajaco92 (Via reddit https://ift.tt/3gQuROL) My experience living in the end
Feel free to direct me to another subreddit if this is not the right place.
I was born and raised in the End Times. No, it's true, my whole life I have been prepared by the church, my peers, and my family to die. That wouldn't be so bad. After all, everyone dies sometime. It's just frustrating how imminent they always made out to be. Surely this year or next christ is coming. Read the bible. It's all there. We're certain that we're now living through Revelations in real time, clearly evidenced by the wars in the middle east. Left Behind will prepare us for the sudden rapture. It's all the sin that's to blame. All the abortions and the gays, obviously.
So I waited... And I sang and I stood in church and listened to how muslims and catholics and atheists especially would all go to hell. Service after service and people would cry and throw their hands up and some would even scream and lay hands on each other to pray away all the sin and they'd look into my eyes and say "don't you feel it? Don't you feel the holy spirit?" And I would lie and say that I did, when what I actually thought was that either everyone there was mentally ill, or I must be a singularly defective child not to know God. He would show himself if I was more deserving and believed harder.
God, who is all knowing and all loving, but who allows children to be born of rape, destined for starvation. Kids in other countries that the missionaries would save. I mean sure, reading the bible won't put food in their bellies but I guess that's second next to saving their savage souls. Would be a pity for them to starve to death only to awake in hellfire. Jesus said suffer the little children unto me, but I think the church must have read that as let the children suffer. Not sure... Might have been a miscommunication.
So I waited and I watched for christ to make it obvious. I watched church deacons make passes at my mother while their wives watched, only to blame her for it later. I watched elders preach forgiveness as they practiced violence on their kids and allowed their sons to rape their daughters. Probably her fault anyway. The slut. No one wants a sandwich with a bite taken out of it. Nobody likes wearing someone else's sock. Good thing god forgives us our trespasses. Maybe he forgives women too, if they're just quiet and obedient enough. If they just lie still and let the leader of the house have his way, that way he won't cheat too often. It wouldn't be his fault anyway. As we all know women are sinful and provocative....
None of that matters though because we're living in the end times and mostly saved. Obama is so obviously the anitchrist that we're sure to be raptured at any moment! But Revelations does drag on a bit. Thank God Trump came to save us. A shining beacon of christian light upon the land. Who cares if he's never been to church or read the bible? God works in mysterious ways, am I right? And I suppose that if he commits tax fraud, and cheats on his wives, and steals, and sexually harasses his co-workers, and objectifies teenagers, well hey, nobody is perfect and even Hitler went to heaven, and I'm sure god has a plan.
Any moment now we're sure to be raptured because joe biden is clearly the antichrist, or a body double and trump will come back and save us! Any minute now. I mean, I'm glad I went ahead and got a job out of high school because the rapture is taking a real long time and I would have been pretty hungry if I had just hung out and waited to die, but I'm sure He'll be along any minute now. Then all our problems will be solved because he'll kill all those gays and those sluts and atheists like Ocasio-cortez who believe in fairy tales like global warming. He'll come right back and put me in my place and massacre all these sinners because God is love and this is trump country!
Or, maybe he won't need to since most of the unclean already took the fake vaccine with a microchip in it because of that fake virus that definitely isn't real, or is, but you don't have to worry if you're saved. Those of us who opted to accept the mark of the beast will surely drop dead at any moment. After all, this is Revelations and we're all living in the End. We have been since the beginning.
0 notes
S7 E7
"Maybe it is all cocks in the end."
At first I found that hilarious. Then I realized it was just more typical men thinking their dicks are the center of all happiness in the universe.
It's funny how Grey Worm found happiness without a penis (then later, Theon finds courage without a penis), while Bron and and Jaime are both miserable wretches with penises in tact.
The saddest part is, there are many men just like them in real life, who think life must be awful without a dick. In fact, that line of thinking is the entire basis of misogyny. Us poor women. So "inferior" because we don't have cocks.
I like that Brienne and the Hound had their little conversation. Somehow, it was nice to see that. It was also interesting to realize how each of them view Arya: The Hound knew her when she was a helpless child; Brienne knows her as a fierce assassin.
Bron has gotten really cocky. I never before realized it, but he deeply resents having to get by on whatever gold purses are dangled in his face by various pampered lords. Now he gets to play the role of "lord" and could give less than a shit about Tyrion. Kinda sad and funny at the same time.
I guess he only cares about Pod now, as he removed him from the negotiations to protect him.
"Am I gonna die in this shit city?" Lol.
I also love that the Hound called Tyrion out with "This is all your idea." About time someone said something. How stupid was this plan? And why in FUCK did they agree to it?
So does Brienne return Jaime's feelings? When she saw him, I swear she got flustered and short of breath.
Then that look Cersi gave Jaime and Brienne.LOL.
Cersi didn't even blink when the dragon landed. Lmao. Stone cold.
Cersi has got a court wizard who brings people back from the dead. Why did she believe them? They could have had a more powerful necromancer pull that off just to scare her.
Euron is such a bastard but an entertaining bastard. Lol. I like when Jaime got defensive of baby brother Tyrion.
Then Euron cheks out, to no one's surprise.
Jon Snow makes me miss Alistair, haha. Alistair was based partly on him, but David Gaider is white, so no one accused him of "stealing." See, white people are "inspired" when they copy things and black people are "theives with no imagination or writing skill of their own."
I also realized for the first time tonight that Anora was obviously based on Cersi. No wonder I love her Cersi(again, as an entertaining character, not a person).
And man, that was hard seeing Jaime be mean to Brienne. "And tell her what?" sneered at Brienne, like he'd never felt anything for her. I think it was hard for him to finally accept that Cersi is terrible. Throughout the episode, we can see him struggling to accept the truth, and his dismissal of Brienne is his attempt to battle that. He would rather go on believing Cersi is good and misunderstood than embrace the fact that she is actually quite awful and Brienne is the better woman.
So they went through all that trouble and lost an entire dragon just so Cersi could refuse to call a truce . . . sigh. Dany said the same thing I was thinking. Her dragon died for Jon and he threw its sacrifice away (because he's in love with Dany).
And what REALLY drives me crazy is that after Tyrion's plan failed, everyone turned and looked to him for guidance . . . WHY.
Even Varys, the fucking Spider, doesn't have any ideas? Why does everything always rest on Tyrion? Why do D&D have such a boner for him?
I was kind of . . . angry when Tyrion said the only difference between Cersi and Dany was him. It's ironic coming from me, I know (I used to criticize Show-Dany a lot). But seriously? Dany made mistakes when she was a child. Because the books and the show are a bit different, it's easy to forget that Dany made mistakes out of youthful naivety (she was suppposed to be a teenager in the beginning) and not because she was an awful person.
Meanwhile, Cersi is just an awful person.
The level of arrogance it took for Tyrion to give himself all the credit, to act like Dany was just a horrible, impulsive (irrational wimmenz!) Cersi-with-a-leash . . . it's astounding.
I never thought I'd get to a point where I actually stopped liking Tyrion but really . . . Tyrion is starting to sound like a misogynist. He thinks women are wild, impulsive, irrational creatures to be controled by rational, reasonable men . . . entirely ignoring the existence of Jon Snow, who is the living embodiment of emotional impulses. Hell, the entire reason he had to talk to Cersi one-on-one was because of Jon Snow's lovelorn outburst at the negotiations. Jon might as well have shouted, "I love you, Dany!!!"
In short, Tyrion is a misogynist. He's the lowkey kind. Because I don't mean that he actively hates women -- he just doesn't see women as people. He supports Dany simply because he thinks she can be controlled while Cersi can not. To him, Dany is a tool to make the world a better place. He sees her as a person about as much as Jorah, which means not at all.
Interestingly enough, in the very next scene, Dany talks about how a dragon is not a slave. She talks of how her famliy tried to control their dragons and the dragons wound up wasting away. It's basically the same thing Tyrion and all her (male) advisors are trying to do to her, she just doesn't realize it yet.
Sansa calling Arya "Aria." Sigh.
I loved it when Dany basically said "Shut up, Jorah." HaHAha.
Theon, bout time you tried to save your sister, you piece of shit.
While it was great seeing Theon learn from Jon Snow to do the right thing, it was also annoying that -- yet again -- a great female character was regulated to the role of plot device just to motivate him and carry his story arc.
So in essence, Yara was objectified. She became a goal, an object to be rescued, a damsel in distress, moved off the stage so that little Theon could have his story arc.
Sansa and Arya were working together after all. Holy shit. Awesome!!!
Little Finger on his knees begging Sansa to spare him, tears in his eyes. God yes. Hahaha. This made my week. Seriously.
Now we know why Arya handed Sansa that dagger: she was offering her services.
Ayra. So cold. Little Finger: "P-Please, Sansa -- !" SLICE
So that's why Sansa sent Brienne away.
Um . . . where is Robyn?
Cersi is so racist. Calling the Dothroki "monsters." The real monsters never realize they are the monsters. That's actually the basis of racism: zero introspection. I mean, us black people are amoral monsters and lazy criminals. We don't commit crimes because white people oppress us or anything.
I have to hand it to Cersi, though: if Dany and Jon Snow combined can't stop the undead army, what difference will her pitiful armies make?
So Cersi was working with Euron. Shit.
Cersi almost killed both her brothers in one episode.
So Sam was listening to Gilly after all. And Jon's real name is Aegon. Because it's not like Rheagar already had a son named Aegon or anything.
Jon and Dany got it on, and Tyrion didn't approve. (Seriously, Tyrion. Why are you hanging around outside her door in the middle of the night?) The sex scene was also super awkward.
I was shocked by Little Finger's tears. I think Sansa was too. And she knew him longer than Arya, so she had more pity.
"You're still very strange and annoying." Lmao.
Now the Night King has got his own dragon and the undead have arrived.
Some part of me wishes season 7 was the last season.
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Knight in Shining Armor
Prompt: Seeing Sebastian Stan on the street, but not having the nerve to talk to him until he starts getting harassed.
Word Count: 1360
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Warnings: language (I think), harassment, sexual insinuation, nervousness, threats.
Note: First whack at an “actor” fic/drabble/oneshot. Beta’d by the ever perfect @like-a-bag-of-potatoes
Walking along, minding your own business, playing a little on your phone, you happened to look up in the busy streets of LA. You thought your eyes deceived you. No, you were certain your eyes deceived you. It couldn’t be….could it? The Sebastian Stan. The cutest, most adorable, most sexy, most smoldering, most talented, most extraordinary, most perfect man you’d ever been a fan girl of was walking toward you. Okay, well not toward you, per se, but he was definitely heading your direction.
Panic settled on you as your knees buckled. You had extreme shyness, probably bordering social anxiety. Your cheeks heated just looking at him and he hadn’t even made eye contact yet. Examining him in a gorgeous powder blue shirt with a small V and dark jeans, he was still walking, a slight smile on his face.
Seconds were ticking by, you knew this was a make you or break you moment. Do you speak to him? What do you say? Do you wave and keep walking? Do you ignore him? He probably wanted to be left alone, but at the same token, you were a huge fan and wanted him to know you enjoyed his work. Mentally screaming from trying to decide what to do, he was just about to pass you, looked up, gave you a slight smile and nod and walked passed as you returned the gesture.
Your heart stopped. Sebastian Stan’s eyes just met mine, you thought, your knees still like jello. Was this real life? Did that really just happen?
You heard a squeal which made you turn. Three girls were squealing, giggling, hopping up and down as they surrounded Sebastian. They had the confidence to do what you did not. You couldn’t help but stare at the scene unfold.
“Can we get your picture?” one of them asked excitedly. There was one tall light brown haired one, one shorter blonde one, and one with dark brown hair. Each of them were too skinny. The blonde was the one who asked for photos.
“Sure, I have time for a photo or two,” Sebastian replied kindly, his back to you. You moved into the sort of outdoor hallway that was the entrance to a string of stores to get a better view at him from the side, spying on the scene.
They took five pictures. One with each of them alone, then two group photos.
“We loved you in that one movie,” the tall brunette said.
“Oh? Which one?” Sebastian asked with a gentle smile on his face.
“You know, the comic book one.”
“Captain America?” he questioned. Clearly these girls were the type to watch whatever their boyfriend put in front of them, and then they would simply swoon over the hot ones, not dissecting the plot line, how closely it followed the comics, how you appreciated every little flinch and facial expression of the actors…
“There are three of them, did you enjoy one in particular?” he asked.
“Uh...The one where you were bad,” the blonde one tried.
“Winter Soldier?”
“Yes! That one! Oh my gosh, your hair was great in that.”
“Thanks,” he tried but in a way you could tell it was forced. Immediately, you knew he didn’t like being objectified like that. But who would? Sebastian and all of his costars put their all into a movie and people like this only see a sexy outfit and good hair. “Well, I’m off to an appointment. Thanks for the compliments. Nice to meet you all,” he said as he tried to get out of the group of them but they seemed to move closer, like lions hunting prey.
“Where are you off to?”
“Can we come with?”
“I’m single, you know?”
The girls continued to get closer as he swallowed and looked around uneasily, his hands coming up either in defense or to show that he wasn’t touching them.
“Yeah, come on, we're fans, we deserve the same treatment as those nerds that follow you around to conventions,” the tall brunette scoffed.
“They’re fans too,” Sebastian offered in a strained voice, trying to defend his loyal fans but not wanting to offend these girls.
You weren’t sure how much more you could take of this but you didn’t know what to do.
“Jenny! Jenny, get a pic of this!” the blonde one told the dark haired girl as she scooted close to Sebastian and tried to kiss him but he pulled away, as he did, the other brunette grabbed his shirt and pulled him toward her, effectively ripping it. Your blood boiled immediately as you saw red. Your fists clenched and you began walking out when he started to look worried. The girl named Jenny came up and slapped him on his ass as he tried to turn away from the girls.
“Where you going, hot stuff?” Jenny asked, licking her lips. This was sickening.
“Hey!” you shouted. “What the hell is your problem?” you demanded.
“And you are?” the tall brunette asked, turning to you and glaring.
“I’m your worst fucking nightmare if you don’t leave him alone,” you informed, standing your ground.
“Oh, yeah? What are you going to do?”
“I’ll kick your ass and file charges on you for assault and sexual harassment,” you confidently said.
They looked at you for a brief second and then burst into laughter.
“As if. We’re just having fun, he’s enjoying it,” the tall one said.
“You think he enjoys getting cornered, groped, attacked, and insulted. I’m really ashamed of you. As women, you know this shit happens to us all the time, simply for having boobs. Why would you put someone you’re supposedly a fan of through the same distress?”
“He’s a guy, he’ll get over it,” the blonde one scoffed as she crossed her arms.
All the while, Sebastian was staring at you.
“How about this,” you tried again, clearly they weren’t getting the message. You reached in your bag and pulled out a phone. “I’m not fucking around. Leave him alone, or I’ll call the cops and tell them you attacked me. Got it?” If they didn’t leave, your next step was your knife, but you weren’t sure the situation called for that yet.
They glared at you but walked away before turning around to flip you off and shout to Sebastian, “Your movies are shit and so is your acting! Fucking prick!”
You shook your head and stayed your distance from him.
“I’m sorry that happened to you. Don’t pay any attention to them. Are you okay?” you questioned, your face knitting into concern.
“Yeah,” he informed running a hand through his hair. “Thank you. I doubt a lot of people would do that.”
“You’re a human being with boundaries that should be respected like anyone else,” you said simply, shrugging.
“Well thank you. That means a lot.”
“No problem…” You smiled then realized you probably looked like an idiot so you said, “Well, uh, nice to meet you - sorta. I’ll be going now.”
“Wait, I...I’d like to take you maybe for coffee or something? I mean, I was just a damsel in distress here and you’re my knight in shining armor...I owe you.” His grin made your heart stop. Suddenly, you realized Sebastian Stan was offering to take you for coffee. Before your mind could melt down from an overload you answered him.
“You don’t have to do that, really. I wasn’t looking for a reward or anything, just being a decent person.” Laughing lightly, you shrugged.
“No, I know...but...I’d like to get to know the girl behind the shining armor,” he tried again, blushing a bit.
Holy shit. Sebastian. Stan. Was. Blushing. For. You.
Stammering, not wanting to make it seem like you weren’t interested, you said, “Well, uh, yeah coffee would be great.”
“Really? Great. Do you have time now?”
“Yeah,” you said softly, smiling.
Stuffing his hands in his pockets like the adorable man he was, he blushed and smiled sideways at you, leading the way to your date. It took every ounce of energy to not scream, squeal, or die right there from delight.
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When Yuri!!! on Ice was first beginning, it was compared endlessly to Free! Iwatobi Swim Club, but now that both shows are completed, does that comparison hold up?
Text Transcript under the cut
Hey, so do yall remember in the build up to the Spring 2013 season when Kyoto Animation announced that THE SWIMMING ANIME was going to be a full series and the internet, particularly Tumblr, lost its collective shit? I do. I definitely do.
And I’ll be honest, I watched both seasons of Free! Iwatobi Swim Club, and I enjoyed it immensely. I’d probably enjoy the movie too if it EVER GOT A NORTH AMERICAN RELEASE. (Come on Crunchyroll, funimation. Why are yall like this?) I liked the pretty boys and the pretty animation and the fun opening and ending and holy. Shit. the fanservice.
So when, in the build up to the Fall 2016 season, Studio Mappa announced Yuri!!! On Ice, I was pretty excited. It seemed to promise a lot of the same things that Free had: Cute boy sports anime with fanservice and pretty animation. It promised to be like Free! But the Pool is Frozen, the Boys are back in town 2.0 Winter edition. Hell yeah.
Now, those qualities don’t inherently mean that I was going to love the show. Heck, 2016 Summer’s attempt with Cheer Boys was boring as hell. I don’t think anyone even watched it.
But never, really, in a thousand years, did I think that Yuri!!! On Ice was going to be BETTER than Free. But, let’s be honest. Yuri!!! on Ice is better than Free. Much, much, better than Free.
*Please note: Spoilers ahoy!*
So here is my thesis, if you will: Free! Iwatobi Swim Club and Yuri!!! On Ice, despite their obvious similarities, have 3 very distinct differences which cause Yuri!!! on Ice to be more enjoyable and satisfying for me personally: their treatment of same-sex attraction, the development and variety of their secondary characters (particularly women), and the maturity and realism of their emotional depth.
How the shows treat same-sex attraction. For this section, we need to talk about Queer Baiting. What it is, how to spot it, and why, as a queer fan, it kinda sucks.
So definition first. In general, queer baiting is a term used to describe an attempt by canon creators to woo queer fans and/or slash fans by hinting at LGBT+ characters and/or relationships but with no intention of actually making it canon. This is done either by introducing a character who is coded as queer in some meaningful way, or by hinting that two same-sex characters might be attracted to each other but never confirming these things. Worst yet, these HINTS tend to be explained away as jokes, as humor. Often, instead of getting same sex couples, the idea of same sex couples is made into a joke.
Now, the term Queer Baiting comes from a very western context. It is a concept developed in the West to talk about western media, and there is some debate about whether or not that specific term can be applicable to anime and eastern media. Especially since a lot of anime that engage in this aren’t trying to bait QUEER fans, but are specifically trying to bait straight women who like watching hot guys make out. (But then, that could be argued as being partly true in the west as well.) Regardless of whether or not the specific term Queer Baiting is the best to use here, or if we should go with Fan Baiting, or some other alternative, the underlying concept is the same: A show deliberately hints at a queer relationship and then never delivers in order to appeal to a wide variety of fans but lacks real representation.
So, does Free! Iwatobi Swim Club bait? Hell yes it does. It very intentionally seems aimed at Japanese Fujioshi, Japanese straight female fans who like slash and yaoi, and, to an extent, queer fans, who are incredibly interested or invested in seeing same-sex relationships in media. (There’s a whole conversation to be had about fujioshi culture and how it objectifies queer men, but that’s for another day.)
And let me be clear: Baiting doesn’t inherently make a show bad. If nothing else, it can lead to a very vibrant fan community. And as a queer anime fan, I fall for this shit hook line and sinker every damn time. I’m basically helpless when it comes to this stuff.
But make no mistake, baiting isn’t a good thing. It isn’t progressive writing. It isn’t diverse writing. It isn’t writing that helps positive minority representation in media. The goal of baiting it to titillate fans with emotional fan service, but not actually commit to writing lgbt+ characters.
And make no mistake, anime as a whole does not have a GREAT track record with representing lgbt+ people in positive ways. There are exceptions, naturally, but as a whole, there isn’t a lot there that is positive and well done. And if you are invested in seeing that kind of representation, constant baiting can be frustrating and disheartening.
So Free! Baits. The characters flirt and look at each other longingly and splash in the water together and take random spur of the moment vacations to Australia to meet each other’s foster families and all their emotional stakes are tied to each other and nothing. Ever. happens.
Yuri!!! on Ice though?
Yuri!!! On Ice came through for us. I think the fandom is still a little bit in shock. I’m in shock. Because like...this shit doesn’t happen. It just doesn’t happen. But here it is! It happened. They flirted. And blushed. And kissed. And rings. RINGS. YALL. ENGAGEMENT RINGS. And holy shit, the pair skate?!
We have professional figure skaters tweeting about this show and the creator talking about how Yuuri and Victor can’t live without each other for real, and how so many fans got on twitter to thank her for the kiss in episode 7 because this kind of thing just….never happens.
I...I’m sorry. It’s just so, so incredibly rare for us to get healthy positive depictions of same-sex relationships outside of the very narrow genres of Boys love (and Girls love) in anime (which can and do have their own issues). And while Yuri!!! on Ice may not always be EXPLICIT with the romantic elements of the show all the time, they are far from subtle. The repeated declarations of love, how Yuuri is skating to show his love, their love, how meeting Victor has taught him about love, how Yuuri has taught Victor about life and love, only the most hard hearted adamant could try to no-homo this pair. And since the finale strongly implied a sequel, and Kubo has said she would like to continue the story, I think it’s safe to hope for even more romantic development in the future. (Like….a wedding? Please?)
So for those of us for whom seeing depictions of same-sex relationships done well is very important, this is like, a big deal. That’s not to say that Yuri!!! on Ice has perfect same sex relationship representation and is the sole standard bearer without flaw. It certainly has pros and cons, and has it’s own place within the Japanese media landscape. But it’s certainly good, and certainly more satisfying than Free! For me as a queer fan.
But it is not all I’m going to talk about. Baiting VS canon may be the most obvious, and important, difference between these shows, it is not the only one.
2. Side characters! Are like, a thing! There are girls in this show too!
Quick! Name all the female characters you can from Free!
Who all could you think of? The teacher- Ms. Amakata, and Kou, right? Maybe you remembered that Kou has that friend, but I bet you forgot her name (It’s Chigusa). Maybe, like, the wife that Rin stayed with in Australia? Makoto’s little sister? It’s pretty scarce. 2 secondary characters, and maybe 3 tertiary ones.
And it is understandable why this is. It’s a cute boy sports anime. Any amount of time we spend giving Kou screen time is time we aren’t watching Nagisa and Rei flirt. Makoto, being total husband material, is the only one of the boys who we really see their family. Rin and Kou rarely interact. Nagisa’s family is only talked about but never seen. Haru? Was ...born from the ocean, I guess.
Amakata and Kou do have personality, and I love them. But they are only two secondary characters. Makoto’s sister only exists to characterize Makoto. You can’t describe any of her thoughts or likes or personality beyond that relationship. The wife in the couple Rin stayed with? I can’t even find her name on the internet.
Now, name all the female characters you can from Yuri!!! on Ice.
So, there’s Minako. And Mari. And Yuko. And the triplets. And Mila. And Sara. And Yuuri’s mom, Hiroko. And Yurio’s ballet teacher Lilia. All of these characters are seen multiple times, have speaking roles, and have some thought written into them beyond just what their presence tells us about the men. Yuko was the star of the ice rink when she was young. She’s a young mother who still loves skating. Minako was a dancer and owns a ballet studio, loves drinking too much and wants to meet famous skaters. The triplets are young girls who are skating otaku, are over zealous and like being on social media. We can describe nearly all of these characters in meaningful ways without even mentioning their relationships to men.
And look, It’s not a secret I’m a feminist. I like seeing well written female characters. But more than just my preference for some female characters, a lack of women can make a story feel a lot narrower, the world less fleshed out and believable. This gender disparity doesn’t break Free! By any means, and plenty of anime are incredibly girl heavy with almost no boys. We know WHY this happens too: It’s done to more aggressively market the show to an intended gender demographic. But to see a Sports anime able to include a decent number of developed female characters, I think, is a testament to the strong writing of the show and its wide appeal.
3. The emotional maturity.
The last meaningful difference between the shows is probably the most nebulous to describe. The best I can do is this: Free! Tries to capture how emotional teeangers feel about their inner conflicts in exaggerated and juvenile ways. Yuri!!! on Ice shows adults navigating their inner conflicts in more natural and healthy ways.
A lot of this can be boiled down to the character’s ages, and the assumed age of the intended audience, but I think the quality of the writing affects it too. So when the entire swim team has a melt down because they secretly suspect that Rei is cheating on them with the track team, or when Nagisa runs away from home forever because his parents want him to focus on school and not swimming, or when Rin breaks down crying all the goddamn time in season 1 because of...sexual tension with Haru? Or when Rin has to kidnap Haru for a vacation to Australia to save him from an existential crisis we all kinda...roll with it, and post gifs about all our feels, and accept it because they are TEENAGERS in ANIME so everything is really dramatic.
Now, Yuri!!! on Ice is a sports anime about ADULTS. Yuuri is 23. Victor is 27. That doesn’t mean they don’t have problems or deal with drama. But it does mean that problems are met with a sense of realism. Look, Yuuri’s dog died and he bombed his tournament and ends up crying in a bathroom stall. It’s sad, but he doesn’t try to run away and live in a tent. Macchin gets sick and might die, and Yuuri is afraid Victor leaving might make his performance suffer. But they talk about it, and Victor goes to be with his dog, and Yuuri does his best. Yuuri has anxiety that flares up, and Victor does his best to support him. When Victor is overwhelmed at Yuuri’s anxiety and messes up at being a good coach, Yuuri and him talk about it. THEY TALK. LIKE PEOPLE DO. The most emotional drama we get in the series is when Yuuri is considering retiring and cutting things off with Victor in the finale- which gets resolved by the end of that episode. But no one has to bottle up secret career ending injuries for an ENTIRE SEASON from their best-not-boyfriend because they are over dramatic high schoolers.
Ultimately this last point probably matters a lot more to me than most people. Anime as a whole is so super saturated with teenagers with hyper melodramatic emotions that having a sports show where the characters react in reasonable and healthy ways is just really nice.
So what am I saying? What’s the point? Am I saying Free! Is a bad show? No. If you like cute boys doing sports things and can stand or even enjoy the baiting, then hell yes. Watch the hell out of it. Go nuts. Draw fan art and write fic and fight about Makoto/Haru vs Rin/Haru vs Rin/Souske (RinHaru 4lyfe).
But I think it’s important that we appreciate when a show is pretty good and pretty fun like Free, and when a show goes above and beyond. When a show has real canon representation for same sex relationships, and a decent gender balance, and well conveyed emotional depth, I want us to care. I want the difference between a 7 out of ten anime and a 10/10 anime to matter. I want us to recognize when a show makes history.
So yeah. Yuri on Ice isn’t “Like Free, but the pool is frozen.” If anything, Free is “Like Yuri on Ice, but lukewarm and tepid.’
Thanks for watching this video! This channel is brand new, so any likes or comments are super appreciated. I’m really new making video essays instead of just tumblr posts, but I had a lot of fun working on this, and I hope to make more videos like it. If you enjoyed listening to a millennial feminist with a BA in English ramble about stuff I like for a while, feel free to subscribe. I will be trying to make more of these soon.
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The swipe is where the similarity ends. Raya is less like Tinder and more like a secret society. You need a member’s recommendations or a lot of friends inside to join, and you have to apply with an essay question. It costs a flat $7.99 for everyone, women and celebrities included. You show yourself off with a video slideshow set to music of your choice. And it’s for professional networking as well as dating, with parallel profiles for each.
Launched in March 2015, Raya has purposefully flown under the radar. No interviews. Little info about the founders. Not even a profile on Crunchbase’s startup index. In fact, in late 2016 it quietly acquired video messaging startup Chime, led by early Facebooker Jared Morgenstern, without anyone noticing. He’d become Raya’s first investor a year earlier. But Chime was fizzling out after raising $1.2 million. “I learned the not everyone who leaves Facebook, their next thing turns to gold” Morgenstern laughs. So he sold it to Raya for equity and brought four of his employees to build new experiences for the app.
Now the startup’s COO, Morgenstern has agreed to give TechCrunch the deepest look yet at Raya, where the pretty, popular, and powerful meet each other.
Temptation Via Trust
Raya COO Jared Morgenstern
“Raya is a utility for introducing you to people who can change your life. Soho House uses physical space, we’re trying to use software” says Morgenstern, referencing the global network of members-only venues.
We’re chatting in a coffee shop in San Francisco. It’s an odd place to discuss Raya, given the company has largely shunned Silicon Valley in favor of building a less nerdy community in LA, New York, London, and Paris. The exclusivity might feel discriminatory for some, even if you’re chosen based on your connections rather than your wealth or race. Though people already self-segregate based on where they go to socialize. You could argue Raya just does the same digitally
Morgenstern refuses to tell me how much Raya has raised, how it started, or anything about its co-founder Mike McGuiness who owns LA public relations company the Co-Op Agency beyond that the team is a “Humble, focused group that prefers not to be part of the story.” But he did reveal some of the core tenets that have reportedly attracted celebrities like DJs Diplo and Skrillex, actors Elijah Wood and Amy Schumer, and musicians Demi Lovato and John Mayer, plus scores of Instagram models and tattooed creative directors.
Raya’s iOS-only app isn’t a swiping game for fun and personal validation. Its interface and curated community are designed to get you from discovering someone to texting if you’re both interested to actually meeting in person as soon as possible. Like at a top-tier university or night club, there’s supposed to be an in-group sense of comraderie that makes people more open to each other.
Then there are the rules.
“This is an intimate community with zero-tolerance for disrespect or mean-spirited behavior. Be nice to each other. Say hello like adults” says an interstitial screen that blocks use until you confirm you understand and agree every time you open the app. That means no sleazy pick-up lines or objectifying language. You’re also not allowed to screenshot, and you’ll be chastized with a numbered and filed warning if you do.
It all makes Raya feel consequential. You’re not swiping through infinite anybodies and sorting through reams of annoying messages. People act right because they don’t want to lose access. Raya recreates the feel of dating or networking in a small town, where your reputation follows you. And that sense of trust has opened a big opportunity where competitors like Tinder or LinkedIn can’t follow.
Self-Expression To First Impression
Until now, Raya showed you people in your city as well as around the world — which is a bit weird since it would be hard to ever run into each other. But to achieve its mission of getting you offline to meet people in-person, it’s now letting you see nearby people on a map when GPS says they’re at hotspots like bars, dancehalls, and cafes. The idea is that if you both swipe right, you could skip the texting and just walk up to each other.
“I’m not sure why Tinder and the other big meeting people apps aren’t doing this” says Morgenstern. But the answer seems obvious. It would be creepy on a big public dating app. Even other exclusive dating apps like The League that induct people due to their resume more than their personality might feel too unsavory for a map, since having gone to an Ivy League college doesn’t mean you’re not a jerk. Hell, it might make that more likely.
But this startup is betting that its vetted, interconnected, “cool” community will be excited to pick fellow Raya members out of the crowd to see if they have a spark or business synergy.
That brings Raya closer to the holy grail of networking apps where you can discover who you’re compatible with in the same room without risking the crash-and-burn failed come-ons. You can filter by age and gender when browsing social connections, or by “Entertainment & Culture”, “Art & Design”, and “Business & Tech” buckets for work. And through their bio and extended slideshows of photos set to their favorite song, you get a better understanding of someone than from just a few profile pics on other apps.
Users can always report people they’ve connected with if they act sketchy, though with the new map feature I was dismayed to learn they can’t yet report people they haven’t seen or rejected in the app. That could lower the consequences for finding someone you want to meet, learning a bit about them, but then approaching without prior consent. However, Morgenstern insists.”The real risk is the density challenge”.
Finding Your Tribe
Raya’s map doesn’t help much if there are no other members for 100 miles. The company doesn’t restrict the app to certain cities, or schools like Facebook originally did to beat the density problem. Instead it relies on the fact that if you’re in the middle of nowhere you probably don’t have friends on it to pull you in. Still, that makes it tough for Raya to break into new locales.
But the beauty of the business is that since all users pay $7.99 per month, it doesn’t need that many to earn plenty of money. And at less than the price of a cocktail, the subscription deters trolls without being unaffordable. Morgenstern says “The most common reason to stop your subscription: I found somebody.” That ‘success = churn’ equation drags on most dating apps. Since Raya has professional networking as well though, he says some people still continue the subscription even after they find their sweetheart.
“I’m happily in a relationship and I’m excited to use maps” Morgenstern declares. In that sense, Raya wants to expand those moments in life when you’re eager and open to meet people, like the first days of college. “At Raya we don’t think that’s something that should only happen when you’re single or when you’re twenty or when you move to a new city.”
The bottomless pits of Tinder and LinkedIn can make meeting people online feel haphazard to the point of exhaustion. We’re tribal creatures who haven’t evolved ways to deal with the decision paralysis and the anxiety caused by the paradox of choice. When there’s infinite people to choose from, we freeze up, or always wonder if the next one would have been better than the one we picked. Maybe we need Raya-like apps for all sorts of different subcultures beyond the hipsters that dominate its community, as I wrote in my 2015’s piece “Rise Of The Micro-Tinders”. But if Raya’s price and exclusivity lets people be both vulnerable and accountable, it could forge a more civil way to make a connection.
from Mobile – TechCrunch https://ift.tt/2G2sZ4c ORIGINAL CONTENT FROM: https://techcrunch.com/
0 notes
How Raya’s $8/month dating app turned exclusivity into trust
How Raya’s $8/month dating app turned exclusivity into trust
The swipe is where the similarity ends. Raya is less like Tinder and more like a secret society. You need a member’s recommendations or a lot of friends inside to join, and you have to apply with an essay question. It costs a flat $7.99 for everyone, women and celebrities included. You show yourself off with a video slideshow set to music of your choice. And it’s for professional networking as well as dating, with parallel profiles for each.
Launched in March 2015, Raya has purposefully flown under the radar. No interviews. Little info about the founders. Not even a profile on Crunchbase’s startup index. In fact, in late 2016 it quietly acquired video messaging startup Chime, led by early Facebooker Jared Morgenstern, without anyone noticing. He’d become Raya’s first investor a year earlier. But Chime was fizzling out after raising $1.2 million. “I learned the not everyone who leaves Facebook, their next thing turns to gold” Morgenstern laughs. So he sold it to Raya for equity and brought four of his employees to build new experiences for the app.
Now the startup’s COO, Morgenstern has agreed to give TechCrunch the deepest look yet at Raya, where the pretty, popular, and powerful meet each other.
Temptation Via Trust
Raya COO Jared Morgenstern
“Raya is a utility for introducing you to people who can change your life. Soho House uses physical space, we’re trying to use software” says Morgenstern, referencing the global network of members-only venues.
We’re chatting in a coffee shop in San Francisco. It’s an odd place to discuss Raya, given the company has largely shunned Silicon Valley in favor of building a less nerdy community in LA, New York, London, and Paris. The exclusivity might feel discriminatory for some, even if you’re chosen based on your connections rather than your wealth or race. Though people already self-segregate based on where they go to socialize. You could argue Raya just does the same digitally
Morgenstern refuses to tell me how much Raya has raised, how it started, or anything about its co-founder Mike McGuiness who owns LA public relations company the Co-Op Agency beyond that the team is a “Humble, focused group that prefers not to be part of the story.” But he did reveal some of the core tenets that have reportedly attracted celebrities like DJs Diplo and Skrillex, actors Elijah Wood and Amy Schumer, and musicians Demi Lovato and John Mayer, plus scores of Instagram models and tattooed creative directors.
Raya’s iOS-only app isn’t a swiping game for fun and personal validation. Its interface and curated community are designed to get you from discovering someone to texting if you’re both interested to actually meeting in person as soon as possible. Like at a top-tier university or night club, there’s supposed to be an in-group sense of comraderie that makes people more open to each other.
Then there are the rules.
“This is an intimate community with zero-tolerance for disrespect or mean-spirited behavior. Be nice to each other. Say hello like adults” says an interstitial screen that blocks use until you confirm you understand and agree every time you open the app. That means no sleazy pick-up lines or objectifying language. You’re also not allowed to screenshot, and you’ll be chastized with a numbered and filed warning if you do.
It all makes Raya feel consequential. You’re not swiping through infinite anybodies and sorting through reams of annoying messages. People act right because they don’t want to lose access. Raya recreates the feel of dating or networking in a small town, where your reputation follows you. And that sense of trust has opened a big opportunity where competitors like Tinder or LinkedIn can’t follow.
Self-Expression To First Impression
Until now, Raya showed you people in your city as well as around the world — which is a bit weird since it would be hard to ever run into each other. But to achieve its mission of getting you offline to meet people in-person, it’s now letting you see nearby people on a map when GPS says they’re at hotspots like bars, dancehalls, and cafes. The idea is that if you both swipe right, you could skip the texting and just walk up to each other.
“I’m not sure why Tinder and the other big meeting people apps aren’t doing this” says Morgenstern. But the answer seems obvious. It would be creepy on a big public dating app. Even other exclusive dating apps like The League that induct people due to their resume more than their personality might feel too unsavory for a map, since having gone to an Ivy League college doesn’t mean you’re not a jerk. Hell, it might make that more likely.
But this startup is betting that its vetted, interconnected, “cool” community will be excited to pick fellow Raya members out of the crowd to see if they have a spark or business synergy.
That brings Raya closer to the holy grail of networking apps where you can discover who you’re compatible with in the same room without risking the crash-and-burn failed come-ons. You can filter by age and gender when browsing social connections, or by “Entertainment & Culture”, “Art & Design”, and “Business & Tech” buckets for work. And through their bio and extended slideshows of photos set to their favorite song, you get a better understanding of someone than from just a few profile pics on other apps.
Users can always report people they’ve connected with if they act sketchy, though with the new map feature I was dismayed to learn they can’t yet report people they haven’t seen or rejected in the app. That could lower the consequences for finding someone you want to meet, learning a bit about them, but then approaching without prior consent. However, Morgenstern insists.”The real risk is the density challenge”.
Finding Your Tribe
Raya’s map doesn’t help much if there are no other members for 100 miles. The company doesn’t restrict the app to certain cities, or schools like Facebook originally did to beat the density problem. Instead it relies on the fact that if you’re in the middle of nowhere you probably don’t have friends on it to pull you in. Still, that makes it tough for Raya to break into new locales.
But the beauty of the business is that since all users pay $7.99 per month, it doesn’t need that many to earn plenty of money. And at less than the price of a cocktail, the subscription deters trolls without being unaffordable. Morgenstern says “The most common reason to stop your subscription: I found somebody.” That ‘success = churn’ equation drags on most dating apps. Since Raya has professional networking as well though, he says some people still continue the subscription even after they find their sweetheart.
“I’m happily in a relationship and I’m excited to use maps” Morgenstern declares. In that sense, Raya wants to expand those moments in life when you’re eager and open to meet people, like the first days of college. “At Raya we don’t think that’s something that should only happen when you’re single or when you’re twenty or when you move to a new city.”
The bottomless pits of Tinder and LinkedIn can make meeting people online feel haphazard to the point of exhaustion. We’re tribal creatures who haven’t evolved ways to deal with the decision paralysis and the anxiety caused by the paradox of choice. When there’s infinite people to choose from, we freeze up, or always wonder if the next one would have been better than the one we picked. Maybe we need Raya-like apps for all sorts of different subcultures beyond the hipsters that dominate its community, as I wrote in my 2015’s piece “Rise Of The Micro-Tinders”. But if Raya’s price and exclusivity lets people be both vulnerable and accountable, it could forge a more civil way to make a connection.
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