#I don’t like how she hasn’t donated or said anything about it
detentiontrack · 11 days
sooooo you think taylor swift is gay?
Not necessarily. I think it’s none of my business what her sexuality is BUT I think she’s had some very odd intense relationships with women she was close to over the years and as a lesbian, I think a lot of her songs can connect with the wlw experience. Being insane is just a fun hobby I have. (Read the tags)
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Steve doesn’t notice the answering machine for several weeks.
His time is split between the hospital and donating food and clothes; and when he’s not doing that, he’s helping put up missing posters for people’s loved ones.
It’s only when both Max and Eddie are discharged that he has a moment to even catch his breath—when, half-dozing on his feet, waiting for a microwave ready meal to heat up, he notices the blinking red light in the hallway.
He feels like he’s still in a dream when he presses ‘play’, hears his mother’s voice. There’s people talking in the background, the echoing, constant chatter of a hotel lobby. She’s laughing at something someone must have said before the answering machine kicked in.
She sounds… happy.
“Steve? Steve?” The rustle of the receiver getting briefly pressed to her blouse, a muffled, “Just a minute, hon, he might still pick up.” Then, clearer: “No, you must be out. All right, Steve, it was just to let you know that we’ll be home a little sooner than we—yes, I’m telling him, what do you think I’m doing?”
Steve’s thoroughly grateful that he’s listening to a message, and no response is required—can only stand there, jaw slack, at just how light his mother’s voice is.
“A couple of work things fell through,” she continues with a breeziness that probably means several major ‘things’ went disastrously wrong, work related or otherwise. But it doesn’t sound like she cares all that much; if anything, she sounds excited.
“So I thought we could—well, I don’t know how late we’ll be, but if you’re not too hungry, we could just order some pizza, lazy dinner? Plain cheese for you, right?” The distant ring of a bell on a counter. “Steve, darling, I know we haven’t been—” She cuts herself off with a sigh that’s gone too quickly for Steve to parse.
He hasn’t ordered a plain cheese pizza since he was 12 years old. But she’s trying, he thinks. She’s trying.
“Oh, we’re just checking out. What? No, I thought you had that bag. Oh, well, just—sorry, Steve, see you tonight. Love y—”
The message ends.
In a daze, Steve replays it once, twice—it’s on the third re-listen that he hears the mechanical voice intone what date the message was left.
See you tonight.
He inhales sharply just as the microwave beeps, and then he’s out the door, leaving the food to congeal.
He knows the route they would have taken. Plays it backwards in his head as he drives. Can see them in his mind’s eye taking the exit that leads into Hawkins—his mom berating his dad for not using his turn signal.
He finds the road. Stops. Gets out and presses his hand to the tarmac. He can feel it under his palm, like a scar.
The gates spread, at the end.
There’s no proof, nothing he can point to and say there, that’s what happened to them. Not a trace.
But he knows.
He knows.
“Okay, what’s up?” Eddie asks him three days later.
It’s almost funny, how little things have changed. Steve keeps waiting for a knock at the door, a just kidding! There’s no harried phone calls from their work, so they must have taken extended leave or—he doesn’t know.
He’s never going to know.
“Nothing,” Steve shrugs. “Just thinking if the kids want popcorn now or later.”
Eddie’s suspicion melts away with a snort; it’s too easy. “Stupid question—the answer is always now.”
“Yeah, yeah. Second cupboard on your left, Munson, knock yourself out.”
“What am I, the maid?” But Eddie’s already reaching for the popcorn, opening the microwave door with a clunk, and then there’s an abrupt silence.
Steve realises why a second too late. “Shit, I—sorry, lemme just—”
He picks up the plastic tray full of mouldy pasta and throws it in the trash—feels a prickle of shame as he does so.
It’s stupid that this is the thing that makes his breathing catch. So fucking—senseless.
“Steve,” Eddie says haltingly, like he somehow knows this isn’t just about being absent-minded.
“Don’t,” Steve says.
He knows that’s practically a signed confession already. But Eddie nods and even cleans the damn microwave without a word of complaint. Because the popcorn still needs to be done, and the kids are waiting, and they’re pretending, Steve thinks.
They’re all just pretending.
He loses himself in washing up, makes the water run hot and doesn’t wear gloves, lets his skin scald. They’d all ordered pizza, and Steve had hidden every slice he’d taken, torn them all up and stuffed them into a napkin.
He stops when he comes to a large plate with a floral trim.
Would she have picked this one? he wonders. The pizza would’ve looked pretty, served up on that.
And then, as quickly as that thought came, another takes its place. How dare she? How dare she think that a fucking lazy dinner would fix everything? Did she think he’d just forgive her, forgive them both, just like that?
But she never got the chance. He’ll never get the chance to—
A sharp, stabbing pain. Steve turns off the faucet automatically, sees that the plate has smashed in the sink. A shard of china in his palm.
Eddie’s voice echoes in the hallway. “Um, I called Wheeler? Uh, Nancy. She—she took them all home.”
“Cool,” Steve says, voice tight.
He knows that Eddie has entered the kitchen when he hears a shocked hiss. “Dude, what the fuck? You’re bleeding, wait there, just—”
It’s not a deep cut, Steve thinks numbly. He doesn’t know why Eddie is worried. But he lets him fuss, lets him gently pry the remnants of the plate away, lets him wrap a bandage tightly.
“Hey,” Eddie says. His voice is soft. “Whatever it is, we’ll fix it, ‘kay?”
Steve can’t look at him. Clenches his jaw.
“We will, you hear me, Harrington? I promise.”
Steve shakes his head. “Can’t fix—” he gets out before his throat closes up, and when he glances back, Eddie’s eyes are wide and fearful.
“What?” he says sharply, and he looks almost nauseous, like he suspects he’s about to be told that the monsters are back, that they have never even left. “What the fuck do you mean? You’ve got to tell me, man, just—”
Steve makes an anguished noise that feels like it comes from somewhere in his chest, and Eddie freezes. He considers Steve for a long moment.
“Okay,” he says, a wary placation. “Can you… um. Can you show me instead?”
Steve blinks. He flexes his hand, uncaring of the cut, and jerks his head to the hallway.
Eddie stares. Frowns. Then leaves.
He figures it out, of course he does. Steve just stands there, hears the click of the answering machine. He closes his eyes.
This is all that’s left; these are his scraps. A sigh he’ll never understand. An aborted, “I love you.” It had never come easily to her, but it had left her freely then.
A hand on his shoulder. Steve opens his eyes.
Eddie looks stricken. “Steve,” he whispers, then stops like he doesn’t have the words.
Steve can’t blame him. Neither does he.
“I didn’t—I didn’t know,” Eddie says. “Steve, I didn’t—”
“They were coming home,” Steve says stupidly, feels a bit like he’s twelve years old. “They were—Eddie. They were gonna come home.”
“Oh,” Eddie says, and it leaves him all in one breath. “Oh, Steve. C’mere.”
Steve falls against him, muffles something that’s half a cry, half a scream against his shoulder—and mourns the loss of a conversation he will never have.
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justmeinadaze · 22 days
Secret Underneath Part 6 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: No cliffhanger this time, I promise <3.
Warning: Older (Mid thirties) Sugar Daddies Steve and Eddie/ Young (Early to mid 20s) Baby Fem Plus Size Reader, No smut in this one today, ladies and lads. I didn't feel like it worked with this chapter. I was going to make this one long chapter but I thought it better to split it :)
ANGST, Y/N confronts them about the events of the last chapter. Insecurities get in the way of them and that is explored a lot more in this chapter with mentions of their dads as well as Gina hurting them. She is sullying their image by saying lies (mentions verbal abuse and comments on how the plus size reader is "probably being used" by them because of how she looks) , she does have an incident at a bar with a guy being a dick, they defend her.
Word Count: 4853
Series here/ Donate to Me :)
You broke a rule. 
You went on Google and searched for their lawyer’s information through news outlets spouting anything they could in regard to this case. After finding what you needed, you charged into the building and past a secretary who was shouting for you to come back as you opened the door to a conference room where many sets of eyes including their shocked expressions landed on you. 
“Excuse me, gentlemen, but I need a moment alone with these boys for a moment.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Wilson, she just stormed right past me—”
“No, no. It’s alright, Crystal. Um, let’s take a breather and we’ll be back in a moment.”
As soon as everyone had filed out, your angry eyes burned into them as you slid your phone across the table. 
“That thing hasn’t stopped going off since Gina released your names and quite frankly I’m afraid to look at it.”
“How did you find out where we were?”, Steve asked as he rose to his feet.
“I googled your lawyer’s name.”
“Well, so much for that promise.”, Eddie sassed as he leaned back in his chair. 
“And so much for your promise to take care of me!”, you screamed not caring if anyone heard. “Did you really fucking think that I could stay out of this?! Did you think after what she said people weren’t going to wonder and dig into why I was with you at that party?!”
“You wanted to go and we warned you of the risks of being seen with us.”
“Don’t you dare do that! Don’t you fucking dare place blame on me! I don’t care about being seen with you or if people know that we’re together! What I care about is my job, those kids, and you two!! How can I properly help and protect myself if I don’t have all the facts?! Do you know what she’s saying? She’s saying you two promised to take care of her if anything ever happened. That you were verbally aggressive with her and--”
“Yeah, Y/N, we’re aware of she’s claiming.”, the mogul growls. “Since you’re doing your own research did you go on her social medias? Oh, a lot of fun material there. Now that a fucking judge allowed her to talk about us she’s been posting nonstop about how Eddie would demean her and make her feel ugly. That I apparently offered her money to get plastic surgery to make her look ‘perfect’.”, he sarcastically laughs. 
“You should have told me.”
“Because you think we did what she claims?”
“No, Eddie! Fuck, so I can prepare. What if parents suddenly feel like I can’t teach their kids because of the company I keep? What if the school decides that my association with you isn’t worth the attention? Now that this has come to light I need to be aware of what’s going on!”
Neither man said a thing infuriating you more. 
“Did you not tell me because you thought I wouldn’t want to be with you? Or did you think I’d hurt you like she did?” You laugh as you shake your head. “Jesus. I thought you two were different but you’re just like every other scared little boy. I thought I had given you enough reason to trust me but I guess not.”
“Yeah so why don’t you fucking leave then, you little brat.”
You weren’t sure if they saw it in your eyes but you definitely felt your heart break. Wrapping your arms around yourself, you back away towards the door. 
“I’m so stupid.”
When your teary eyes met theirs, you could tell Steve regretted his words but he couldn’t take them back. They couldn’t take any of this back. Furiously, you reach into your pocket and throw their apartment key across the table before leaving the way you came. 
IHateithere: “Oh my god. Poor Gina!”
NeverHave_IEver13: “She’s so sweet and deserves better.”
CorrodedGirl28: “Fuck Gina Frost. This isn’t the first time she’s made claims against a partner! I met Eddie Munson backstage at one of his concerts and he was so sweet.”
E!News: Mystery Woman seen at the Charity Event with Steven Harrington and Edward Munson has been cited by the men’s lawyers as ‘just a friend.’
ElderEmoKid91: That poor friend of theirs. No matter what people will think they dated because of Gina. 
ChaosRains: ‘Their friend’? Yeah right. Probably as much of a whore as Gina Frost!
JusticefortheUnheard: I bet if this was a man with two women he’d be slated as a ‘hero’ but because it’s a woman with two men she’s a whore. Grow up!
Steve Harrington: Eddie and I are saddened to hear that not only has our privacy been violated but Gina Frost is allowed to continue spreading her lies until we get this matter resolved. We never once raised a voice or hand to her and took care of her like any boyfriend would which she constantly took advantage of…
Steve Harrington: In regard to the young lady that came with us to charity event last Saturday, she is a friend we’ve known for a while. We ask politely that you respect her privacy as what is going on between us and Gina…
Steve Harrington: doesn’t involve her. Thank you for your understanding and we will speak more on this situation when we are finally able.
TMZ: Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson release joint statement regarding ‘friend’ and how they feel about Frost ‘spreading her lies’!
YouTube and TV:
CBS: “Gina Frost, thank you so much for speaking with us today. Before we let you go, what are your thoughts on the young lady they were seen with? Do you have any advice for her in regard to Mr. Harrington and Mr. Munson?”
“Run, girl. Get as far away from them as you can. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they started ‘hanging out’ with a girl like her because of our case. They always wanted me to be perfect. To look like the woman they thought would be equal to them and their status. She’s the complete opposite of what they wanted me to be so dating, or excuse me, being friends with her makes them look good.”
You wiped the tears that fell with your knee as you browse Daddies on your computer. Your phone was still dinging constantly so you kept it hidden in your bedside table drawer. Since winter break had started you didn’t have to deal with work and for that you were thankful. 
Your identity hadn’t been officially confirmed but it seemed to be common knowledge at this point; everyone knew it was you. 
Not wanting to be alone, you ran home into your parent’s open arms. 
“Baby! Are you ok? What’s going on? Tell us everything.”
“I’m so stupid, mom.”, you cried.
“No, you’re not, honey. Come on. I made some coffee. Let’s sit down and talk.”
You told them everything minus the exact way you met them but you did tell them that you had been dating them both and how much you cared about them. When you were met with nothing but love and zero judgement, you cried harder. 
Having fully settled in, you felt yourself getting antsy. After everything, you didn’t want a new relationship, just something casual but after having been with the guys you felt yourself cringing more and more at the stupid flirting that hit you. 
“’Sup, pretty girl? Fuck your gorgeous. Wanna suck my cock?”
“Hey babe. You got an attitude? I bet I can fuck it out of you.”
“What are you doing, Y/N?”
Your head straightened at the message from Mogul/Rockstar. You hadn’t heard from them in over two weeks. What were they doing on this site? You couldn’t help the jealousy that flowed through you even though technically you were on the site first. 
2:13am: What do you want, Steve?
2:14am: I want an answer to my question. What are you doing on this site again?
2:15am: What are YOU doing on here?! And why do you fucking care? You told me to leave remember?
2:17am: We’ve been calling you for the past couple of weeks but you don’t answer. We got worried. Steve thought maybe we could reach you through here but I thought naw. She wouldn’t get back on here so fast. Guess we were wrong. 
2:20am: Don’t you dare, Eddie. Don’t you turn this around on me. You have no idea what I’ve been through! I still can’t believe you didn’t talk to me. You really expected me to sit at my apartment while you handled all this alone. Did you really think she wouldn’t pull me into your thing?”
2:21am: Now because of all the secrecy I can’t help but think what I’m hearing is true!
2:22am: Like what? 
2:25am: Answer. Like what?
2:26am: That you only dated me so it seems like you didn’t want her to be the ‘ideal woman’.
You hear your phone vibrate against the drawer it’s nestled. 
2:28am: Answer the phone.
2:28am: No.
2:29am: Now, Y/N. We need to talk.
2:30am: Oh now you want to talk!? Go fuck yourselves!
2:30am: Mogul/Rockstar has invited you to a video chat!!
2:31am: CurveybabywAttitude declined your invitation to video chat. 
2:32am: Y/N. Answer the fucking phone. 
2:38am: Y/N, sweetheart, please.
2:44am: Baby…
2:44am: Please…
2:45am: We love you. 
2:45am: So much.
Uh oh! It looks like this Baby can no longer receive messages from Mogul/Rockstar! This means you have either been blocked or the Baby has deleted their account. 
“Jesus what assholes.”, your best friend sighs as she takes a sip from her glass. “If they loved you then why did they push you away?”
“I don’t know, My. Let’s stop talking about them and dance!”
To get your mind off everything and let go, you met up with your best friend who took you to a new bar that had been built while you were away from home. Dressed in your tightest black dress and black heels, you grabbed your own drink and danced away the pain. 
Your friend took photos, tagging you together with men in the background casually touching your arm or waist. Your limbs found their way around a cute boy you had been talking casually to and allow him to kiss you. You hated the taste, missing Eddie and Steve even more but you pushed down the feeling as you pulled him tighter against you. 
“Take me home.”, you slurred, making the young man immediately jump to his feet. When you tried to do the same you fell backwards. 
“Whoa, Y/N. Maybe, you should let me take you home.”
“Naw, Mya. I-I-I M’fine.”, you assured as you lightly pushed her to the side and stumbled out the front door. When you tripped again the man wrapped your arm around his neck and began leading you to his car. “Wait—Wait. I’m…I need a minute.”, you whine as you take a seat on the brick wall behind you.
“Come on, baby. You can rest at my place.”, the man cooed in your ear causing you to cringe. “Look we don’t even have to go. We can just fuck in my car real quick—”
“Oh, that’s romantic.”
As you stood up and started to walk away, he grabbed your wrist a bit to roughly and in return, you smacked his cheek before stumbling to the concrete. 
“Ow! Fucking bitch—” As the man began to step forward, someone intercepted, abruptly grabbing his collar and lifting him off his feet. 
“Eddie, let it go, man. Not right now.”, Steve whispers before kneeling down beside you to try and help you up. 
“Get out of my sight.”, the rockstar growls, pushing him away from you. 
“Y/N, stop. I’m just trying to help you stand—”
“I don’t need your fucking help!”, you shouted as you shoved his hand away. “I don’t need anything from you!” 
Trying to push up onto your knees, you became dizzy and fell over again causing Steve to try and steady you while blocking your shoulder from scraping the wall beside you. Your hair was blocking your face but when they heard you sniffle, Eddie crouched down to balance on his heels and tenderly reached out to move some of it behind your ear. 
“I did everything you asked… I didn’t push when it came to your past or dig into your information online. I-I-I respected the anon-ymity and privacy when we first met and took a leap of faith going to that party with you. I flew to visit you anywhere you were and didn’t complain when you were gone for weeks at a time. I made myself vulnerable…for you…but still…you don’t trust me.”
“Y/N, sweetheart, we are so sorry—”
“I want to go home, please, Daddy.”
The way you said that shattered them in two. Just in your voice alone they could hear how much pain you were in yet even in your inebriated state you still yearned for them. Selfishly, it gave them hope.
“Y/N, sweetie! There you are.”, your best friend shouts in relief as she runs to you and helps you to your feet. “Get the fuck away from her. Haven’t you done enough damage?!”
“We just want to talk to her.”
“Fuck you! You had your chance to talk and—”
“Mya, please. Sleepy.”, you whine. 
When she tries to lead you away from them towards her car, you stumble over your feet again but Eddie swiftly catches you and lifts you into his arms. 
“We’ll help you get her to your car.”
“Why? So you know which one is mine and follow me back to her house?!”
“No, so we can help you get her situated and back home so she can rest.”, Steve growled. 
Mya blinks, taken a back slightly by their protective demeanors over you. After taking a moment, she finally nods and guides them towards her vehicle, watching carefully as they place you in the passenger seat. The mogul buckles your seatbelt and gently puts your bag in your lap.
Your half-lidded eyes scan his worried face as your head lulls towards him. 
“M’not her.”
“Who, honey?”
Flashing you a soft smile, he begins to reach out to pet your head before forcing himself to stop and rise to his feet.
“We’re staying at the hotel by the highway; room 118. When she wakes up tomorrow, if you could tell her that, we’d appreciate it.”, Eddie conveys as his sad eyes stay on you. 
“Your fuckers, you know that?”, Mya shouts their way as they start to leave. “Like so much so that I don’t even know where to begin. She used to call me every other day and talk about these new guys she was seeing. She never told me your full names but she told me everything else. ‘Oh Mya, they are so sweet and funny. Steve is amazing at his job and works to hard to make sure everything gets done while still being able to be there for me. I love watching Eddie play on stage. He gets so into the songs and his face lights up when he hears the fans singing along. Falling asleep in their arms is my new favorite place. I finally feel safe.’”
“When the news dropped, I called her but she didn’t answer. I wasn’t worried at the time because the way she described you, I thought ‘Thankfully, they have her and she has them.’ Then she came home and told me about you expecting her to hide in her apartment with zero information on what was happening. How you yelled at her and called her a fucking brat when she called you out.”
“Oh, and the icing on the cake? You tell her you love her for the first time over a dating website AFTER ALL THIS BULLSHIT YOU PUT HER THROUGH! Holden wore his asshole behavior out in the open for all to see. You made her believe you were different, leading her on before breaking her heart. After the stuff I read, I’m starting to believe Gina Frost.”
Both men absorbed what your best friend was saying, different emotions painting their features before finally landing on anger; not at her but themselves. 
“Your right.”, Steve replied in a sullen tone. “We fucked up. Hell, we did more than fuck up…”
“We’ve never cared about anyone the way we do her and that terrifies us. Not just because of our status or who we are even though that’s why Gina used us but…”, Eddie added. “The men underneath the fame and money are incredibly flawed.”
“Gina made us afraid of her hurting us but our own personal bullshit made us afraid of hurting her.”
“So this is better?”, Mya asked.
“My…where…where your phone?”, you slurred as your hand lazily reached in her direction.
“Y/N, I’m taking you back to your mom’s, honey, you don’t know need to call them.”
“No…not mom…Eddie…Steve…I need to make dem come back. They were here an’ an’…”
“How about you call them tomorrow morning, ok? It’s really late and—”
“I don’t want dem to leave again. Mya…please…”
“Hey, hey sweetheart, we’re right here. We haven’t gone anywhere.” Tears start to run down your cheeks again and the rockstar cups your face in his hand. “We’re right here and we’ll be here when you wake up. Just let Mya, take you home and get you in bed. Tomorrow you can call us and we’ll talk then alright?”
After you nod, Eddie adjusts your body again before closing the door. 
“You guys should get going.”
“Do you really love her?”, your best friend asks.
Again, Mya takes a moment to gather her thoughts as her eyes shift between your now sleeping frame and them. 
“Her parents house isn’t far. You can follow me there.”
“Why are they here?”, your father asks in an annoyed tone as he eyes the men up and down. 
“It’s ok, Mr. Y/L/N. They just wanted to help get her situated and then they’ll be on their way.”, Mya answers in equal measure. 
“Is her room up here?”, Eddie inquires as he gestures towards the stairs. 
“Why don’t you come with us so you can get her changed into something comfier.”, Steve follows when your friend nods. 
“Why? You’re her whatevers right?”
“I don’t think it would be appropriate right now for us to do that.”
“I can help you.”, your mom responds out of nowhere. “Come on, gentlemen.”
After they get to your room, your mother turns on your bedside lamp as Eddie gently places you down on your bed. Taping the rockstars shoulder, she hands him an oversized shirt with your college insignia on it and some shorts. 
“Maybe you should…”
“I trust you, Mr. Munson. Plus I’m right here.” Her eyes studiously watch them as both boys work to change you out of your tight garment doing everything they could to not have to look at your body. Steve’s palm carefully cradled your head to make sure they didn’t jostle you around too much as you soundly slept. 
“Do you have a washrag or wipe or something for her makeup?”
Her head tilts at his question, impressed he even thought of that. Disappearing into your restroom, she came back with wet wipes, and Eddie thanked her as he took one and gently cleaned your face.
This was a bit harder to accomplish without moving you as your face scrunched and you whined. 
“That’s it, sweetheart. Blame him. That way if I don’t do this correctly it will be his fault.”, he teased making you sleepily giggle. 
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”, Eddie whispers.
“Thank you, ma’am, for letting us do this. We just wanted to make sure she got here safely.”
“Hm. You wanted to make sure she got back home in one piece but didn’t think to do that when it came to all this chaos you brought her into?”, you mom scolded as she folded her arms. 
“We did warn her—”
“No Mr. Harrington. You may have warned her about your lifestyle but you didn’t do anything to protect her when the fallout of that lifestyle presented itself. Holden ‘warned’ her about what life in New York would be like but when things got hard he abandoned her instead working with her. Like him, you left her alone.”
Nodding, their heads hung as they began to head towards the door before stopping. 
“I’m afraid.”, Eddie announces. “My mom died when I was young, my dad went to jail, people around me told me I’d never amount to anything, and then our ex did what she did. When we met Y/N, fuck, I thought she was perfect… and that scares me. I don’t want to lose her but I also don’t want to be the reason that spark inside of her dies.”
“Seems like a lose/lose, Eddie. But let me ask you something… what if your relationship with her had a happy ending? What if she didn’t hurt you like your ex and you don’t hurt her like people in your life?” She smiles softly as she pats his shoulder. “It’s a risk, boys, but you just need to decide who is worth taking that risk for. You’re more than welcome to stay in our spare bedroom if you would like.”
When you woke up the next morning, you had a splitting headache, thankful that your pain reliever was still in your drawer by your bed. The sound of soft breathing startled you a bit and when you leaned over your bedframe, you were surprised to see Eddie asleep on your floor using his jacket as a pillow. Steve had placed himself in the reading chair you had in the corner with his head leaning against the wall. 
You didn’t realize how much you missed them till you saw their faces and you took the opportunity to refamiliarize yourself as your eyes scanned over them. The mogul was in jeans and a polo making you smile softly while silently missing the sleek suits that hugged him perfectly. The rockstar was still dressed the same as he usually was but his whole demeanor even while sleeping seemed heavy. 
Your heart broke for them until the last couple of weeks caught up with you and you remembered why you were here. 
Reaching for one of your pillows, you threw it their way, hitting Eddie’s chest before it bounced and hit Steve’s lap. 
“The fuck?”, he grumbled as he rubbed his eyes. 
“The fuck indeed. Why are you both here? How did you even know where I was?”
“Your best friend was posting pictures of you and tagging your location on Instagram. You weren’t answering your phone—”
“Yeah, Steve, for a reason. That doesn’t give you the right to come down here.”
“Thank God we did because some asshole was harassing you and Mya was having trouble getting you to her car to take you home.”
“No, Eddie. You playing hero doesn’t absolve you of what you did. You have no idea what I’ve been through!”
“We tried to call—”
“Oh, fuck you both!” As you start to get up to yell at them, a sharp sting runs through knee causing you to wince and sit back down. 
“Shit. Didn’t see that last night. Um, do you have a first kit or anything thing?”
When you don’t answer, the mogul goes on the hunt himself as Eddie kneels in front of you to look at the scrape on your knee. 
“Yeah, you fell on the concrete outside of the bar with some asshole trying to… I told him to fuck off.” Sitting on the bed beside you, Steve opens the little white box and starts to open a Band-Aid before his friend stops him. “Dude, you have to clean it first. It’s like you’ve never been in a fight before. Gimme this.”, he chuckles lightly as he takes the box and pulls out the antiseptic.
“You don’t have to do this. I’m not… I don’t belong to you anymore.”
His movements only halt for a second before Eddie continues taking care of you. 
“I don’t mind doing this. I like taking care of you.”, he murmurs. “Unless you want me to stop.”
“I don’t want you to but I didn’t want you to cast me aside either.”
“Don’t say you didn’t, Steve, because you did.”
“We did.” His response surprised you as you turned your head in his direction. “We talked to your mom last night. She’s a very wise woman.”, he smirks as he watches Eddie continue his task. “Y/N, I worked so hard to get where I am and I don’t just mean taking over my dad’s company and doing the deals I do. When I was growing up, I was never enough for either of my parents but especially my father. In his eyes, I could always be just a little bit better.”
“I could shorten my time by one more second in the pool or get one more minute on the court. My grades could have been one point higher or I could have gotten three grand more out of a deal. He wanted me to be perfect but I learned after I graduated high school that bar was always changing.” When his eyes finally met yours, you saw the pain behind them. “Gina knew all this… that’s why she’s saying that about me. She knows it hurts me…people thinking I’m like my father.”
Eddie finishes placing the Band-aid on your skin and leans back against the wall across from you.
“My dad was a dick…to me and my mother. He cut us down all the time verbally but after she died it got worse. He would tell me I was stupid and a freak just like the people in our town. I left my house with more bruises than I could count on numerous occasions but his words, babe. I carry those everywhere even now. I never once, no matter how angry I was, called her anything demeaning even though I fucking wanted to. She would call us every name in the book but we never once belittled her or laid a hand on her.”
“When we met you, Jesus, I swear there was no girl we had ever met like you.”
“Beautiful, sarcastic, kind, understanding…”, Steve clarified when your eyebrows furrowed. “Y/N, you are everything we’ve ever wanted.”
“Stop…”, you whimper quietly. 
“I feel like somehow she knows that. That’s why she’s saying that stuff about us choosing you because you’re everything she’s not. We wouldn’t change anything about you. Not one thing, princess. But we are so fucking scared of getting hurt again.”
“And we’re afraid of hurting you.”
“That’s not fair.”
“What isn’t fair, honey?”
“Do you think trusting you was easy after what Holden did to me? I upended everything I knew to follow him and he broke my heart. I was terrified of starting over in any relationship let alone with two people but I got to know you and allowed myself to be vulnerable for you… you should be able to do that for me to.”
“You’re right, baby, and we are so sorry. We’re willing to try.”, Eddie pleaded as he leaned up to grab your hands. “We don’t even have to be in a relationship again or do anything sexual. We can start slow and go from there. We just miss you so much, Y/N. The way you smell, your sense of humor, the way you play with my hair when we’re lying in bed or watching tv.”
“The way you listen to us when we talk even if it’s about work.”, Steve chimes in. “Your cute little laugh and the way you wrap your arms around me like you haven’t seen me in years when it’s only been a few hours.”
“Ah good morning, gentlemen and my hung over child. How are we today?”, your mother teases as she grins your way. 
“We’re fine thank you but if you could lower your voice a smidge that would be nice.”, you sass back making her chuckle as both men grin softly. 
“Your dad made breakfast if you and your guests are hungry. Just don’t throw it up or you’ll hurt his feelings.”
You smile as you playfully wave her off before turning your attention back to them. 
“Do you have to go back home for work or anything?”
“No, ma’am. We’re all yours.”
“Unless you want us to go back home.”, Eddie adds with sad inflection in his voice hoping and praying that you don’t. 
“Ok… I’m going to change and then head downstairs. You, um, you should stay for breakfast. Knowing my father, if my mom told him you were staying he probably poisoned something but…I’m sure you’ll be fine.”, you joke as you get up and head towards your closet, tossing them a little wink before collecting some clothes and closing the bathroom door. 
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sailor-aviator · 8 months
Don't Hang'em Til Noon: Chapter Nine
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Don't Hang'em Til Noon: Chapter Nine
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake "Hangman" Seresin is a notorious leader within the Dagger Gang of the old western territories of the United States. You, a recently orphaned socialite from the eastern seaboard, find yourself swept off to live with your older brother who has set down roots in said western territory. Determined to to make the best of your situation, what will you do when said outlaw sets his sights on you?
Warnings: Language, Angst, Smut, Arrest, Admittance of feelings. Think that's it.
Word Count: 7.01k
A/N: And we're back!! I decided to combine chapters nine and ten together, hence why the chapter is so long. As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!! 18+ ONLY!! Find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator! If You're feeling kind, please consider donating to my ko-fi!
Masterlist || DGU Masterlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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It had been weeks since the moment on the train, and you were starting to wonder if maybe you should move back to Baltimore. You hadn’t said a word to Jake since you stomped on his foot, save for the occasional comment about farm chores, and he had certainly done his damndest to avoid even looking at you it seemed.
You found yourself lying awake at night, thoughts drifting towards those of mossy green eyes and gentle touches that made your heart sing and your skin burn with longing. What little sleep you were getting was cut short by nightmares of faceless threats that grabbed at you, tearing your clothes and leaving you gasping for breath as you shot up out of bed. It wasn’t until your eyes would skim over the small, ornate wooden box that your heartbeat would slow and your shoulders would relax. You would crawl slowly out from underneath the sheets, padding over to your dresser where the box sat and run your fingers gently over the ornately carved flowers. Your heart would clench in your chest, and you would try to fight off the tears that gathered in your eyes to no avail.
Stupid, stupid man, you’d think to yourself, scrubbing furiously at your eyes before grabbing the box and trudging back to bed, laying it by your side with a hand on top before drifting back off into a dreamless sleep.
“You look like hell,” Bunny muttered to you one day, polishing a glass as Birdie sat beside you. The teacher had been teaching Bunny how to read, and she had started giving the other girl small writing assignments that she would check over.
“Your penmanship is getting better!” Birdie chirped at Bunny, beaming brightly as she slid the paper back across the bar, casting you a sideways glance. “And she’s right. You look awful. Have you been getting any sleep?”
You grimaced, scratching anxiously at the wood of the bar.
“I have,” you sighed, chewing on your bottom lip. “But it hasn’t been much.”
“It wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain blond that’s been moping around my bar for the past three weeks, would it?” Penny asked, giving you a knowing look as she set a crate of beers down on the counter. You refused to meet her eyes, glancing up when a familiar brunette sat down on the stool next to you.
“Your brother is worried too, you know,” Nat told you, studying you closely. “He says you’ve hardly been eating and that it’s like watching a ghost walking around the house.”
“He’s exaggerating,” you scowled, rolling your eyes. Nat gave you an unimpressed look, and you looked around to see matching expressions from the other women. You sighed, burying your face into your arms atop the bar.
“Somehow, I don’t think he is,” Nat muttered.
“Are you even going to tell us what happened between the two of you?” Bunny asked, face a mask of indifference as always despite her tone of concern.
“Does it matter?” You mumbled, glancing up at her. Penny huffed, placing a hand on her hip as she leveled you with a look.
“It does when I’ve had a moody cowboy practically drink through all of my beer every night for the past three weeks,” she frowned, concern still evident in her eyes despite her disapproving tone. “Whatever happened between the two of you, I’m sure it can be fixed.”
You didn’t say anything, eyes focused on the grains of wood underneath your fingernails.
“I…” You trailed off. “I said such horrible things to him.”
“What did you say?” Birdie asked you, leaning forward and resting a hand on your arm in comfort. You felt tears well up in your eyes, and you sniffled slightly.
“I told him that he didn’t know me, that maybe I wanted to move back to Maryland and marry someone there.”
Silence. You glanced up to see the other four woman all glancing at one another. Penny sighed, looking back at you with a grimace.
“It’s not so bad,” she offered. “You could have said worse, I’m sure. It’s nothing you can’t apologize for.”
“You didn’t see his face,” you countered, sitting up straighter. “And I tried to apologize, but he wouldn’t listen.”
“Jake is stubborn, that’s for damn sure,” Nat muttered, shaking her head. “He always has been, ever since we were little. You know he refused to take a payment for fixing Mr. Benson’s roof last spring? And then when Jake went to buy that emerald necklace for whatever reason, Mr. Benson had to practically shove the necklace down his throat because he wouldn’t accept the money from Jake. Pretty sure Jake snuck some behind the counter when the old man wasn’t looking, anyway.”
“Did you say emerald necklace?” You asked her, head shooting up from where you had rested it back on your arms.
Natasha nodded. “Yeah, it was that really pretty one that sat in the window for forever! I wonder what he did with it? I haven’t seen Sarah with it at all, and she’s the one he buys jewelry for.”
“You mean,” you swallowed, “he didn’t steal it?”
“Jake’s not that kind of man, honey,” Penny smiled. “He sure likes to give off that impression though, doesn’t he? He’d rather you think the worst of him before he corrects you. Thinks it’s the same as humility, the fool.”
“I,” you breathed, feeling your face grow pale. “I told him I wouldn’t accept it because I thought he stole it or bought it with stolen money.”
“Wait, he tried to give it to you?” Birdie asked, eyes wide. “And you told him no?”
“Yes,” you groaned, hanging your head once again. “I’m such a fool.”
“I hardly doubt that it was your own doing,” Bunny muttered, storing the glass she had just finished polishing. “Sure, you’re just as much a fool as he is, but it’s his own damn fault for not telling you.”
“That’s right,” Natasha nodded, turning to face you fully. “You two just need to sit down and talk, tell each other exactly what you mean and what you feel. Christ, I thought your brother was going to chuck that damn pocket watch at Jake’s head when he came slinking into the firm to give it to Benji.”
You sat straight up as your heart stopped, tears gathering in your eyes.
“He did what?” You choked, eyes wide in horror, skin pale and clammy.
Natasha regarded you, seeming to hesitate before continuing. “He came into the firm just last week, trying to give Benji this old, silver pocket watch. Said he picked it up while with you in Baltimore, and that he wanted to return it to where it belonged. I’ve never seen your brother so mad, Scout. I thought he was going to pass out from how loud he was yelling. Told Jake to keep the damn watch and get his head out of his ass.”
You were vaguely aware of Birdie blushing at Nat’s coarse language beside you, but your mind was reeling from the brunette’s words. He had tried to give your father’s pocket watch back? You thought you were going to be sick as you stood, moving to leave the saloon.
“Are you okay, Scout?” Bunny called after you, worry in her voice that was mirrored by the look on Penny’s face.
“I just remembered I have chores that need tending to,” you murmured, moving more on auto-pilot than anything in that moment.
“Do you want me to walk you home?” Natasha offered, already moving to stand, but you waved her off.
“No, no,” you frowned. “I’ll manage on my own, thank you. I have some thinking to do.”
Nat didn’t seem too sure, but slowly sat back down on her stool as you walked briskly out of the saloon and onto the street. The wind whipped at your cheeks, the cold biting your skin and turning it red. You made your way home, mind numb as you replayed Natasha’s words over and over again in your head. He wanted to give the watch back? Was Penny wrong? Were you too late to make amends?
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Your heart beat quicker in your chest as your mind ran a mile a minute, hardly noticing the ranch hands that rode up from the far field as you moved mechanically towards the barn. The horses would need fresh hay, and you were running behind on your to-do list for the day. You made your way up to the loft, pushing a large bale of hay towards the ledge, watching as it fell to the ground floor with a large thud. Making your way back down the ladder, you didn’t notice the figure that hovered at the barn door, too absorbed in your own thoughts.
It wasn’t until you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist from behind as you moved to lift the hay bale that you were snapped back to the present.
“God dammit, Scout,” Jake hissed, picking you up and setting you down behind him. “How many times do I have to tell you that this isn’t a job for you?”
You stared at him, saying nothing as he turned around to start sorting out the hay into the different stalls.
“I can do it,” you muttered, taking a step forward. Jake glanced over his shoulder at you with an unimpressed look before going back to what he was doing. You took a step towards him, then another, and then another, and then more until you were standing by the hay, kneeling down as you pushed his hands away.
“I can do it,” you snapped this time, scooping up as much of the hay as you could before moving to stand, stumbling slightly in the process. Jake started towards you, hand outstretched to help you, but you stepped away, glaring up at him. You wouldn’t cry in front of him, you couldn’t.
Jake frowned down at you, dropping his hand back to his side as he regarded you. You felt your bottom lip begin to tremble, and you turned away, trudging towards the nearest stall and dispersing the hay.
“Scout, stop” he sighed, and you ignored him, moving to continue your task. As you made to make your way over to the next stall, Jake grabbed your wrist, stopping you.
“Stop,” he repeated, eyes earnest, shifting to worry as they took you in. You ripped out of his grasp, immediately going on the defensive.
“What?” You growled at him, mustering up all of the false bravado that you could as you met his green eyes. The eyes that you missed so dearly. He seemed to hesitate before squaring his shoulders and rummaging through his pockets.
“I wanted to give you something before you left for Maryland,” he said. You saw a flash of silver as he pulled his hand out. “It seemed only fair that you should have this back.”
He held the pocket watch out to you, the small bird still swooping at the bottom of the ornate design.
“What?” You asked, eyes widening as you stared at the watch. You couldn’t stop the tears that flooded your eyes, and you let out a choked sob as all of your emotions came crashing down at once. Stumbling to the side, a hand stretched out to brace against the stall door, a wail tore from your throat. It was a sound that even surprised you in how raw and unfiltered it was. You gasped for air, but none seemed to come to you as you choked out sob after sob, hardly being able to tell when one ended and the next one started.
Jake’s eyes widened as you fell apart in front of him, watching you wearily as if you were a wild animal that would turn on him at any moment. He took a tentative step towards you, waiting for you to push him back, but was instead surprised when you grasped at him, falling into his arms and latching onto his shirt as if it were the one thing that could keep you grounded. Your wails and sobs still rocked your body, tears now staining the white cotton of Jake’s shirt as you pressed your face into his chest. His arms enveloped you, holding you gently but firmly as he swayed you from side to side. A hand rested on the back of your head, slowly stroking your hair as he pressed his face into your temple. This was what you wanted.
Your cries and tears slowed to a trickle, sobs replaced by hiccups as you regained control of your breathing, Jake gently cooing at you the entire time. Jake moved to pull away, but you clung to him tighter, glancing up at him with wet eyes.
“Please don’t let me go,” you begged him softly, and you saw a whirlwind of emotion in his gaze as he looked at you. He seemed unsure on how to respond at first, but with a set of his jaw, he nodded down at you slowly.
“I’ll be right here until you’re ready to go,” he said. “I’ll hold you until you don’t need me anymore.”
You shook your head, closing your eyes tightly as you pressed yourself firmly against him.
“I’ll always need you,” you whispered, another sob wracking your body. Jake chuckled bitterly.
“No, you won’t,” he muttered, ire in his tone. “You’ll go back to Baltimore, and you’ll find yourself a husband. Someone who can give you all the things you want. Someone who can make you happy.”
He pulled away with more success this time, just enough to hold up the watch.
“You’ll give this to someone who’s deserving of you,” he whispered, his own eyes shining now. “Someone who you love.”
You stared at him, so many emotions swirling within you. This beautiful, stupid man who had insulted you the first time you met him. This man who had inserted himself into your life with little regard to social etiquette. This man who had pulled a gun for you when you were vulnerable and scared. This man who had carved you not one, but two beautiful presents. This man that had threatened to kill for you simply because you had cried. This man that listened to you and respected your moral code enough to go out and get an honest job. This man that stood before you, ready to let you leave without a second thought because he thought it was what you wanted.
“I’m not going back to Baltimore,” you said finally, face grave as you spoke. Jake’s eyebrows shot up in shock.
“You’re not?” He asked you.
“Jake, it’s been three weeks since we returned,” you replied, frowning. “If I was so eager to go back, don’t you think I would have left by now?”
“I think there’s a lot of planning that goes into something like that,” he countered. You scowled at him, pulling away completely now and putting some distance between the two of you.
“Nat told me you tried to give the watch to Benji,” you accused, glaring at the offending silver pendant.
“Did she tell you that he wouldn’t take it?” He countered with a frown.
“She did,” you confirmed, clasping your hands in front of you. “Said that my brother practically threw it back in your face, he was so angry.”
“That temper appears to be a family trait,” he muttered, and you had to suppress a smile.
You were still mad at him, after all.
“I figured,” he continued, taking a step forward, “that he just wanted me to give it back to you. It’s a family heirloom, and he has his own. It’s an important thing to you, and it’s only fair that you should give it to the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.”
He held the watch out to you, and the two of you stared at each other for a moment. Slowly, deliberately, you reached out and took the watch from him. You ran your fingers over the plants and birds etched into the sides with care, contemplating your next words.
“You’re right,” you hummed, glancing up at him. His jaw was set, eyes glistening as he watched you. “This watch should go to someone who I can call my husband. Someone who can give me the things that I want and who will make me happy.”
Jake sucked in a breath, shifting from one foot to the other as you continued.
“Someone who is deserving of me,” you breathed, eyes shining as you gazed up at him. “Someone who I love.”
Jake hung his head as you finished, and you caught the faintest hint of a sniffle as you stepped forward. You took his right hand in yours, squeezing it lightly before opening it and placing the pocket watch back into his grasp. You gently curled his fingers around it, holding his hand in both of yours as you looked up at him.
His green eyes bore into yours, a questioning look on his face as he frowned.
“I don’t understand,” he murmured, shaking his head. You rolled your eyes, moving to wrap your arms around his neck as you leaned into him. Without a thought, he wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you close as your lips hovered over his.
“You idiot,” you chuckled, eyelids drooping as you stared into his eyes, willing him to see what the two of you had known all along. “I love you.”
Jake stared at you, eyes widened in shock. He studied you, seeming to try and find any trace of deception. When he saw that there was none, a grin broke out on his face.
“You do?” He asked quietly, eyes sparkling with joy now.
“Mhm,” you nodded, leaning in closer so that your lips brushed his gently. “I love you, Jake.”
His lips crashed against yours, desperate to feel you. You kissed him back with just as much passion, breaking away after a few moments. Jake’s lips chased after yours, but you pulled away from him with a giggle.
“Come with me,” you said in a hushed voice, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the barn. Jake followed you eagerly, practically racing you up the steps and into the house. Your home was silent, indicating that no one else was there, and you quickly pulled Jake up the stairs and into your room.
Once you had crossed the threshold, Jake slammed the door shut, spinning you around so that you were pressed up against it. His lips grazed yours as his hands ran around to grab the back of your thighs, hoisting you up and locking them around his waist. His lips molded to yours as he pressed against your core, and you gasped as you felt the hard evidence of his desire press into your most sensitive parts, and Jake used this as an opportunity to slide his tongue against yours in languid strokes.
“Need you,” he moaned desperately, nipping at your bottom lip. Your hands ran across his shoulders, your right running up to tug on the strands of blond that curled at the nape of his neck. He let out a moan that had you grinding your core back against him, earning a whimper from the man in front of you.
“You have me,” you promised, pulling him back in for a kiss. His tongue was hot against you as you continued to grind down onto him. His hands moved to your hips, guiding your movements as he thrust up into you every so often. His lips pulled away from yours as he pressed hot, open-mouthed kisses from the corner of your mouth to the bottom of your earlobe. He sucked the flesh in between his lips, nibbling on it lightly before letting it go.
“Say it,” he breathed, hand palming at your breasts as you let out a wanton moan. You tilted your head as he began to suck on a patch of sensitive skin, making you see stars as he nipped every so often, laving the spot with his tongue. “Come on, honey girl. Say it.”
“I love you,” you gasped when he gave a particularly hard bite to the same spot just as he thrust up into you. Jake smirked against your neck, letting your legs drop from around him as he pulled back. You whined at the loss of contact, which only made Jake’s smirk grow bigger.
“Don’t worry, pretty girl,” he cooed, moving to sit at the foot of the bed. “Can’t do what we’re about to do with clothes on, can we?”
It took you a second to understand what he was saying. You supposed you should have felt apprehension at the very least, but in that moment, all you could feel was a mixture of desire and…love.
You quickly undid the buttons of your skirt, letting it fall to the floor. You then removed your socks and shoes, followed quickly by your shirt and then your bloomers. You were soon left standing in front of Jake in nothing but your corset and chemise. While you had undressed, Jake had removed his own clothing, now standing in front of you in just his drawers. You felt a blush creep up your neck as he stared at you, a familiar warmth in his green gaze.
Jake walked back over to you slowly, raising a hand to unlace your corset. You sucked in a breath as it fell away from you, hitting the floor with a light thud. His hands moved to the bottom of your corset, pausing as he looked at you for permission. You nodded, swallowing thickly as his fingers gripped the bottom of the garment, pulling it up and over your head. You were completely exposed to him now, and you moved to cover yourself out of embarrassment.
“No,” Jake murmured, shaking his head as he gazed at you. “I want to see you, honey girl. Want to see what’s mine.”
You shuddered at his words, a jolt of pleasure running up your spine as you pressed your thighs together. The movement didn’t go unnoticed by Jake who chuckled lightly before turning you gently so that the backs of your knees brushed the bed. He laid you down, shifting you so that your head rested against the pillows. You reached for him, and Jake leaned down to press his lips to yours once again, licking into your mouth with soft, deliberate strokes.
You gasped when you felt his fingers trace your folds, gathering the wetness that lay there and stroking back up to your clit. Your hips jolted off the bed, and he hushed you, pressing his lips in gentle kisses back towards your ear.
“Already so wet for me, sweetheart,” he chuckled, drawing small figure eights onto your clit, and you mewled at the sensation. “Always so responsive for me. Always such a good girl for me. How did I get so lucky to have such a sweet little thing like you in my life, hm?”
“Jakey,” you breathed, locking eyes with his as he pressed a finger into you, causing your back to arch off the bed.
“It’s okay, honey girl,” he cooed, reaching up to stroke your hair. “I’ve got you, sweet thing. Always feel so tight and warm. Can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my cock.”
You felt yourself clench at his words and he added a second finger, scissoring you open as he continued to stroke into you.
“You like the sound of that, huh?” He chuckled, placing a tender kiss to your jaw. “Like the sound of me filling you up? Giving you what you need?”
You nodded your head vigorously, eyes never leaving his. He smirked once again, looking down at where his fingers disappeared inside you before glancing back up.
“Tell me what it is you need, baby,” he whispered, watching you fall apart as he added a third finger and hitting that spongy spot inside of you. You mewled, throwing your head back. Jake kissed down the column of your throat and over the curve of your breast. He took your right nipple into his mouth, laving the bud with his tongue. The sensations were becoming too much, and you felt the familiar tingle begin to grow in your lower stomach.
Jake let go of you with a quiet pop before switching his attention to your other breast. Your hands were still tangled in his hair, holding him to you as your hips raised in time with the stroke of his fingers, desperately chasing your high.
“Come on, sweet girl,” he rasped, gazing up at you from between the valley of your breasts. “Tell me what you need.”
“Need your cock, Jakey,” you whimpered, grinding down on his fingers. “Need you inside me. Need to feel you fill me up. Need you.”
Jake reached up to take your bottom lip between his teeth, sucking on it gently before pulling it and letting it go.
“You have me,” he echoed your words from earlier. “Now come.”
At his command, the pleasure inside you burst, washing over you in waves as you cried out, clawing at his shoulders as he continued to pump his fingers into you slowly, riding out your high. As you came down, he slipped his fingers out of you, and you felt bereft of his touch. You watched in awe as you raised his fingers to his lips, taking them into his mouth as he made a show of licking them clean.
“Just like honey,” he hummed. You reached for him, pulling him to you as you kissed him. You licked into his mouth, moaning as you tasted yourself on his tongue. You pulled back just enough to speak against his lips.
“Want you inside of me,” you breathed, staring into his eyes, the green swallowed whole by the black of his pupils. “Want you to make love to me.”
Jake’s breath hitched as he studied you.
“Are you sure?” He asked you, and you nodded, reaching a hand down in between the two of you to grasp his hard length. Jake nearly choked as you ran your palm up and down him, grasping lightly every so often.
“I’m sure,” you whispered. Jake’s eyes bore into yours before nodding, shuffling out of his own drawers, baring himself to you. Your eyes widened as you took him in. His shaft curved towards his stomach, the tip an angry red as it leaked pre-cum.
You swallowed thickly, reaching your hand out once more to run your fingertips over the head, moving down to grip him firmly. Jake let out a low groan, throwing his head back as you stroked him experimentally.
“So good for me, darlin’,” he moaned, reaching down to remove your hand. He shot you a playful wink as he slipped his fingers through yours, resting them by your head. “But if you keep that up, I’m going to come before we even get to the fun part.”
You smiled shyly up at him as he took a hold of himself, running his length up and down your folds to gather the wetness you so freely gave him. You let out a high-pitched whimper every time the tip brushed against your clit, and you threw your head back at the pleasurable feeling. Finally, Jake rested the head against you, glancing up at you once more.
“Are you sure?” He asked you, and you nodded.
“Please, Jakey,” you whined. Jake pressed a chaste kiss to the corner of your mouth before leaning back. You gasped as you felt him press the head of his cock into your tight hole, the sensation foreign but not altogether unpleasant. He pressed a little more of his length in, pausing to let you accommodate to his size. He cradled you in his arms, leaning back down to whisper gentle words of encouragement into your ear as he slowly pressed more and more of himself into you. After what felt like ages, you finally felt the coarse hairs of his base press against your clit, sending a shock of pleasure up your spine that had you clenching around him. Jake let out a hiss, pressing his face into the column of your throat. Jake took your other hand in his, lacing his fingers through yours and pressing them on the other side of your head mirror to the ones on your right. He pulled back to look at you, eyes hazy with pleasure.
“I’m going to move now, okay?” He asked you, and you nodded, whining as he pulled back out of you slowly before thrusting back in. He continued his movement, brushing his nose against yours as his pace built, the head of him hitting that spot inside you with every pass. It wasn’t long before the vague discomfort gave way to pleasure, and soon your hips were raising to meet his.
“Such a good girl,” he moaned, giving you a kiss that was more teeth than lips. “Feel so fucking good wrapped around me like this. Taking me so well, yeah? Can feel you squeezing me, gripping me like you don’t ever want me to leave. Your cunt is so greedy for me and my big cock, huh? Such a greedy pussy, and it’s all mine now.”
You moaned wantonly at his words, your head thrown back into the pillows as he continued to rut into your soaked core. A squelching sound could be heard from where your bodies connected, but you didn’t have it in you to feel embarrassed. Not when his cock was hitting you in all the right places, his filthy words only adding to your excitement.
“Jakey,” you cried, feeling the pleasure begin to peak. Jake grunted as you clenched particularly hard around him.
“That’s it, honey girl,” he cooed, releasing your hand to cup your cheek as he gazed down at you. “Want you to cum around me, milk me dry. Milk me for all I’m worth. My balls have been aching for weeks. Havin’ to jerk off at the thought of what this sweet cunt would feel like when she drains me dry. Oh, fuck.
He gasped as your pussy spasmed around him.
“That turn you on, baby? The thought of me jerkin’ off to the thought of fillin’ you up with my cum? This pretty, little pussy is just begging me to come inside her, huh?” He groaned, thrusts becoming harder, and you could feel the coil begin to tighten.
“You close, huh, honey? I can feel how close you are. Can feel how hard your grippin’ me. That’s it, sweetheart. Come for me. Come all over my cock.”
His words were all the permission you needed, and you came with a loud cry, body spasming underneath him as he continued to stroke in and out of you as you rode out your high. Jake’s hips began to move faster, chasing his own high as he pistoned in and out of you, the sound of skin slapping echoing throughout the room.
“Gonna fill you up, honey girl,” he groaned, eyes glazed over as pleasure washed over him. “Gonna fill you up, and maybe even knock you up. How’s that sound? Just thinkin’ about you all round and swollen with my baby has me goin’ crazy. Want you leakin’ with my cum by the time I’m through with you. Everybody in town is going to know you’re my girl, and they’ll know how good I make you feel. How good I take care of my girl. Fuck.”
His words had you tightening around him. They shouldn’t have made you feel the way you were feeling, but the sight of Jake so lost in the feel of you as he neared his end had another orgasm ripping through you, right off the back of the first one.
“Knew you’d like the sound of that,” he smirked, thrusts becoming sloppy. “I’m gonna come so hard for you, baby. Gonna fill you up with so much cum you’ll be leaking me for days. Shit. Need to hear you say it, baby. Tell me what you told me earlier. Be my good fucking girl and tell me.”
“I love you,” you keened, barely coherent as wave after wave of pleasure washed over you. “Want you to fill me up, Jakey, please. Wanna feel you.”
“Shit, darlin’,” he gasped hips stuttering, and you felt red hot spurts begin to fill you. Jake pinched his eyes closed, lost in his own pleasure as he began to babble. “Fuck! Oh, fuck, I’m coming. I’m coming for you, baby. It’s all for you, that’s it. Take it. Take all of it and milk me. Jesus Christ. Oh, I love you. I love you. I love you so much, Scout. Oh…”
His hips slowed as his orgasm subsided, and he practically collapsed on top of you as the last tremors of his release rocked through him. You ran your fingers through his hair, skin hot and sweaty as you both calmed down. Jake’s head rested against your chest, and you let out a contented sigh as he placed a gentle kiss to the swell of your breast before looking up at you. His green eyes were filled with love and awe, emotions that you were sure reflected in your own.
“I love you,” he murmured, earning a small smile.
“I love you too.”
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You awoke the next morning feeling a soreness between your legs, but a pleasant buzz filling you nonetheless. You shifted, taking note of the strong arms that held you tighter against a broad chest at your back. Warm lips pressed gentle kisses up the curve of your shoulder and to your temple.
“Good morning, honey girl.”
You smiled turning to meet the bright green eyes of Jake Seresin.
“Good morning,” you greeted softly, turning so that you faced him. His head was propped up against his hand as the other one traced up and down your side. “I’m surprised you’re still here. I figured you’d be sick of me by now.”
“Sick of you?” He chuckled, shaking his head, leaning forward to meet you in a lazy kiss before pulling back. “I’ll never get sick of you, pretty girl.”
“So,” you hummed, glancing at him slyly. “What’s next?”
“Well,” he began, smirking lightly. “I figured we’d get dressed, and we’d go downstairs so I could make you breakfast, and then we have a repeat of last night.”
“Is that all you want?” you asked him quietly, insecurity rearing its ugly head as he spoke. His smirk dropped into a frown, and he shook his head.
“No,” he stated firmly, looking at you seriously. “No, Scout. I meant what I said. I love you. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything. I intend to make an honest woman out of you if you’ll have me.”
You smiled at his words, biting your lip to keep from smiling.
“I suppose you’ll do,” you smirked, earning a chuckle from the blond.
“You’re such a tease,” he admonished, leaning in to press his lips to yours. You opened your mouth to him, letting him stroke your tongue with his in easy strokes.
The two of you jumped as you heard the front door slam shut, Bradley’s voice carrying up the stairs. Your eyes widened as you scrambled to get out of bed, searching for some article of clothing to throw on to preserve your modesty.
“Jake, I know you’re in here. I need your help!”
Jake cursed from the other side of the bed, throwing his trousers and shirt on as you threw your chemise over your head just as Bradley burst through the door. Jake scowled at him, moving to shield your body with his.
“Don’t you know how to knock?” He snapped, glaring up at the brunette. Bradley rolled his eyes, giving you an apologetic smile.
“Hey, Scout,” he greeted briefly before turning his attention back to Jake. “Look, I’m glad that the two of you have made up, but this is serious. I need your help to wrangle the group.”
“What’s going on? Did Javy sleep with someone’s wife again?” Jake scowled, watching you as you moved to put more clothing on. “If you hadn’t guessed, I’m kind of busy, and Javy is a big boy. He can take care of his own messes.”
Bradley shook his head. “It’s not Javy, it’s Bob.”
Jake and you became more alert at that, eyes shooting up to look at Bradley as he stood in the doorway, shifting from one foot to the other nervously.
“What do you mean?” Jake questioned, scrambling to put his boots on.
“Some men down at the saloon were saying some pretty nasty shit to Bunny, and Bob stepped in. That’s when I came to get you ‘cause I knew it was about to get nasty, and I need all the help I can get.”
“Shit,” Jake muttered, turning to look at you. He placed his hands on your shoulders, giving you a gentle kiss to your forehead. “I need you to stay here, honey girl.”
“What?” You frowned, shaking your head. “No, I’m coming with you.”
“Scout, please,” he pleaded, looking at you with furrowed brows. “This could get ugly, and I’d feel a lot better knowing that you are here at home. Safe. Will you please just do this for me?”
You regarded him for a moment, nodding finally, and Jake let out a relieved sigh. He pressed a chaste kiss to your lips before turning to follow Bradley out the door. “I’ll be back before you know it, okay?”
He disappeared down the hall, and a few moments later you heard the front door slam shut once more. You sighed, looking around the room before deciding to strip your sheets. It took you a few minutes to gather all of them, placing them in the basket by the door and moving with it downstairs. You placed the basket by the back door, eyeing the kitchen before shaking your head.
“Ridiculous,” you muttered, making for the front door. You walked briskly down the road and towards the saloon where a small crowd had gathered. You pushed your way through, earning jeers and curses from the people around you. Just as you made your way to the front of the crowd, your heart dropped, ice chilling your bones. You saw Marshal Simpson slam Jake up against the side of the saloon, cuffing his hands behind his back. Jake winced at the rough treatment, Simpson hauling him back so roughly that he stumbled a ways, glaring back at the older man.
“Is this all really necessary?” Jake drawled, sarcasm dripping from his tone as Simpson scowled.
“Yes,” the marshal snapped, pushing Jake forward as they began to walk. Jake’s eyes scanned the crowd as he moved, eyes landing on you, softening. He paused in front of you, and you felt the tears begin to stream down your face.
“Hey, sweet girl,” he whispered, glancing back at Simpson who glanced between the two of you. “Everything is going to be alright, yeah? Don’t you worry about a thing. I’ll be out as a free man before you know it.”
“You shouldn’t lie to her, Hangman,” Simpson said, casting you a sympathetic look. “We all know that this is the end of the line for you.”
Jake frowned at his words, moving to say something before Marshal Simpson pushed him forward towards the town jail. Jake cast looked over his shoulder at you, giving you a tight smile before being ushered through the doors.
Your eyes scanned the street for anyone who might be able to help, but you didn’t see any of the other Daggers as the crowd began to disperse. You felt despair and hopelessness fill you. You had been so close to happiness, and you knew in your heart that Jake was a different man from the one the marshal was sent to track down.
Your eyes continued to rove over the townsfolk before landing on a familiar face. The pit in your stomach dropped, terror gripping at you as your breath came out in short gasps. Black, bottomless eyes stared right at you, a malicious grin on Isaac’s face as he watched you. You choked back a scream as he tipped his hat to you, and a wave of realization hit you.
This had been a setup, a trap. Isaac had planned this, and he had set the Dagger Gang up to be arrested. As far as you knew, Jake was the only one that had been caught, but that would have been enough for the man who stood on the opposite side of the street. You gathered your skirts and ran in the opposite direction, desperate to get away from the evil man. You had to find the other Daggers. You had to find Maverick or Tom. Someone had to have a plan on how to get Jake out of this mess.
You rounded a building off of the main street, leaning against it and sinking to the ground. You let the tears flow freely, the sense of helplessness overtaking you as you realized just how much trouble Jake was in. Even if you managed to get him out, there was no guarantee that it would be legally or without injury to someone, and yet you were determined to try.
You had just had a taste of what it would be like to lose Jake, and the thought alone sent another wave of tears rolling down your cheek. No. No, you would not lose him again. You scrubbed at your eyes, putting on a brave face as you stood. Squaring your shoulders, you glanced around to find you were alone. You made your way back, heading for Maverick and Penny’s home.
Someone would have a plan, and you were bound and determined to help.
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Tag List: @jakeseresinlover @haley-hotchner @queerqueenlynn @dempy @fanficfandomlove @aworldwideapart @stoptaking-the-good-names @maximus890 @sky2nd @devil-angel-winchester @hopip99 @hookslove1592 @lemmons1998 @yuckosworld @uniquedreamlandcheesecake @imamomof8 @pietrothemovie @kmc1989 @mamachasesmayhem @hangmansgbaby @imnotcreativeenoughforthisblog @deliriousfangirl61 @hangmandruigandmav @na-ta-sh-aa @witchybabel @keyrani @i-wanna-be-your-muse @buckysteveloki-me @clancycucumber230 @dreamlandcreations @emotionallysalty @fandom-life-12 @a-girl-who-loves-disney @nouis-bum @topherwrites @squeaky-bumblbee22 @hangmansgbaby @goldenseresinretriever @bobgasm @linkpk88 @number-0-iz @xl-pr @stillreadingfantasy @shibble @horseshoegirl @Emandems10 @nerdytreeflower @roostersforevergirl @bucky-sdoll @alldaysdreamer @piceous21 @ziuridian @princessofglitterland @selse02 @eyeswidecovered
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angelbxxy · 1 year
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Hey y’all idk how this works I’ve never been struggling this hard before. My two daughters lost their dad my fiancé a week ago from a heart problem we didn’t know he had. It was sudden and now I have to plan a funeral alone. I never imagined that he would be gone we were just talking about getting a life insurance policy like a month ago but never did it. I already have our two daughters I gotta take care of on 1 income now I don’t know how I’m gonna pull this funeral off of anyone can help us send him up the right way plz consider donating 🥺😭❤️
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Cashapp $prettymom18
January 15th 2023🚨⏰⚰️
Still waiting on donätîons I currently only have $250(I took out a loan that’s all I was approved for)/$3,400(cost of funeral service and funeral home plus casket. The $3,400 DOES NOT INCLUDE THE BURIAL 🪦🥺😭⚰️😣♥️
Please help us if you are able and I would appreciate it if you can not help us financially, a reblog and prayers will always be appreciated.
RIP my one and only Prince Charming 🥺❤️🪦⚰️
Cashapp $prettymom18
UPDATE JAN15th 8:54pm
Still 0 help but I’m still great full for all the reposts and likes if you know anyone who may be able to help or has a big following on here PLEASE don’t hesitate to tag them in ur repost or just tag them on the comments ❤️🙏
PS my friend said if someone wants to donate but they don’t have cash@pp I can give them her Venmo or chime or PayPal so if that is what is stopping you from donating DM me and I can send you her vënmø or paypãł
Thank y’all again♥️
Katie 🥰⚰️🪦🫶🏽👩‍👧‍👧❤️‍🔥💔✝️
I probably should’ve put this in the original post but I’m having trouble getting donations and I’m doing this all by myself his family hasn’t even called me since I told them he passed and I was a foster kid so I really don’t have anyone to help. The only person that is helping me is financially struggling too but she took out a loan bc my credit sucks so I was denied anyway thank u if u have anyone on here who u talk to a lot see if they can repost it too I wanna get some type of traction lol
Tumblr BLOCKED ME FROM MESSAGES WTF HAPPENED!!!! Someone plz help me get my messages back
Plus still no donations so please keep reposting and thank you for all the support from the reblogs
Jan18 update
Thank you to whoever sent $5 that’s the first and only donation I’ve gotten so far
Please if u can’t donate repost and tag your friends!!! I don’t know what I’m going to do if I can’t raise enough for the funeral, I don’t even have enough for a cremation
Jan 20 update
Im $30 short to start a payment plan with the funeral home I have an appointment tomorrow morning at 9am PLEASE SEND HELP either repost or dono
Anything helps us!
Help us bury my kids dad and my fiancé!
Jan 30th update♥️❤️‍🔥🥺😭🚨
So I DIDNT get enough money to have a funeral for my fiancé 😖😭 we had to cremate him and they put me on a payment plan. I still want to have a repass but I need to get a hall or something to gather everyone. The cheapest one I’ve found is $350 for 5 hours
I want to celebrate his short life and the memories we all have with him ♥️
It’s been 3 almost 4 weeks since he’s been gone and life being a widow mother of 2 is a lot harder than I ever imagined. Please repost even if you can’t help ❤️‍🔥
@localmacguffin @laymedowninsheetsoflinen @enderamethyst @transgendz @othert @pixelstx @spongebobssquarepants @queenpandaxoxo @pukicho @shareyourdollar @mutual-aid-booster @horangi @jacklant3rn @bugs-for-hugs @difficult @commie-cosmo @yellowgirl93 @racism-inc @mousedetective @vaspider @shineemoon @queenpandaxoxo
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Musings on Deep Cover
So, I was fiddling with my ladies of Milgram post, and uh, I started thinking about Kotoko's diss track.
The lyrics transcribed on the Deep Cover video are:
UNDER Doltish 001 Parasite / UNDER Obscene 002 Slut / UNDER Incessant 004 Phony Queen / UNDER Doomed 005 Dissection Pawn / UNDER Concealing 007 Deceiver / UNDER Inept 011 Guard
My favorite is Ninjastic Cheetah's fan edit on YouTube which has these lines:
UNDER A worthless 01 parasite / UNDER A vulgar 02 slut / UNDER A stubborn 04 perjury / UNDER Unsalvageable 05 dissection / UNDER Lying 07 madman / UNDER Unloved 11 prison guard
Again, I love the psychic damage of "unloved" being Es's insult, but that's not the point I want to discuss before I turn in for the night.
Don't get me wrong. I love the diss track. I really do, but if I were Kotoko, I would have gone for the jugular and called out their insecurities when dropping names to emphasize how little I thought of how their justifications:
UNDER Fatal 001 leech / UNDER Lonely 002 little girl / UNDER Whiny 004 usurper / UNDER Short-sighted 005 savior / UNDER Selfish 7 manipulator / UNDER Misguided 011 pretender
Now, as fun as that was, this wasn't just a little aside. In Kotoko's diss track, she doesn't say anything that couldn't have been picked up from listening to voice dramas (if Kotoko did in fact eavesdrop on all the other prisoners' interrogations) or found within the timeline conversations. In their second trial interrogations, Yuno admits to being a sex worker and having an abortion, while Kazui laments the fact that he's lived his entire life as a liar and states that he should have kept lying for Hinako's sake. Shidou agrees with Es that his murders involved his work as a doctor and hints that pressuring families to donate the organs of their brain-dead loved ones wasn't the only murder he's done. I've kind of said it before when I said "Local man discovers empathy," but I think he pushed patients to undergo risky, new surgeries in hopes that it would treat their conditions, and it was only when his wife and two boys were in the hospital that he realized the terror those families felt when their loved ones went under the knife. Haruka admitted to killing things smaller than him to gain his mother's attention and his unhealthy dependence on approval from his "mother" figures is obvious in the second trial. Muu contradicts herself a lot when defending herself from what she perceives to be abuse and preens under the positive attention Haruka gives her. She does seem to think herself above approach like a queen would. With Es? I think it was Kazui who said it best back during the first trial: the only difference between Es and the prisoners are the roles assigned. Undermining their authority and implying they can't do their job is a surefire way to piss off Es. Why do I bring this up?
I think Kotoko may know less than we and Es do.
Mainly because it hasn’t really been explained how the song extraction device works. We know that it pulls memories from an individual’s subconscious and turns them into a musical number. We know that the in-universe explanation for the time gap between trial songs is that it needs to charge between uses. That’s stuff Jackalope told us back in the Welcome to Milgram video. From the voice dramas, we know the general procedure is that a prisoner is called to the interrogation room, Es arrives late as a power move and then interrogates the prisoner until the bell sounds and we can hear machines or something whirring and clanking in the background. Since it’s an audio, we don’t know what the interrogation room looks like before and after the bell tolls, but there seems to be an implication that the room changes and that the prisoners are belted into the chair. I’m not so sure if the chair is real but the first trial voice dramas have me an implication of the prisoners being restrained in some way.
If I had to guess, I would say that the round, bird cage like room we saw in Undercover and Deep Cover is the interrogation room. That would explain what the circular room on the map is (not the one with the numbered cells, the one opposite of that). Undercover implies that the song extraction device opens up to work, but we’re not told or shown how it pulls memories or how it depicts the music video. Es and the prisoner may very well be “asleep” while this process plays out mentally. Or it is projected somewhere within the interrogation room while the prisoner is “asleep” since none of them seem to remember what happens after the bell rings.
I have a thousand questions on how this device works. The only important one is how are the songs shown to Es, because if Kotoko knew exactly what some of the first trial Innocent prisoners had shown in their videos (namely, Haruka strangling his younger self and clearly bludgeoning something to death with a bloody rock, and Muu stabbing Rei), she most likely would have judged Es’s verdicts as faulty and attacked the prisoners based on how she views the crimes rather than relying on Es's verdict. I say this with confidence, because Kotoko has made it clear that her vigilante actives, both in Milgram and before, are a way for her to inflict punishment that others (namely the justice system) won’t dole out to the guilty. She has no problem with skirting the system to do that.
But, if the songs are only shown to Es and Es alone through some kind of mental link, then Kotoko is forced to take Es’s word on what they (and we, the audience) saw. Deep Cover made it clear that Es's refusal to condemn more prisoners is what ticked Kotoko off, since she sees mercy and compassion as weaknesses to be eliminated. Kotoko actually showed a remarkable amount of restraint when trying to sway Es back to her side. It wasn't until Es stood up to Kotoko that she lost her composure.
It also would partially explain why some say that Deep Cover is Kotoko’s musical version of a resume for the warden position. If there is stuff that Es knows that she isn’t privy to because of their warden position, then she needs to obtain either the warden status or an official deputy position to get that information to further influence how Es votes. If she is proving her worth to Es and Milgram, why wouldn’t her subconscious show her desire to be in control the way Es is?
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The Buckley parents were on their best behavior in 6x10 for a reason
In 6x10 “In a Flash”, Chimney was right when he told Buck, “Your parents were on their best behavior. I don’t know why but that’s something new for me to worry about”. He was right to be worried because they do in fact want something and it all started in 4x4 “9-1-1 What’s Your Grievance?”
In 4x4, after Maddie opened the door to greet her parents, she saw all the gifts they brought and she told them they shouldn’t have but Philip responded, “We’re grandparents now, spoiling comes with the job.”  But when Buck walked over to greet them, both of their demeanors changed and it was awkward for a reason. Margaret doesn’t like her son Evan since he couldn’t save Daniel, the son she wanted and planned for.  Her disgust for him was evident when she asked him about the way he still allows people to call him Buck. When he replied, “It’s just a nickname, Mom”, she responded like she was exasperated by him, not the nickname.
In 6x10, when they arrived at Chimney and Maddie’s new house, Buck said all they talked about was the weather when he picked them up and that’s all they talked about during their first dinner in 4x4 before it went sideways.
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Please notice the way Buck was standing in the shadow on the far right while the rest of the biologically related Buckley family members, i.e., Margaret, Philip, Jee-Yun and Maddie were all out front in the light.  It demonstrates how they still PREFER their daughter over their son.  But also notice the way Maddie was in front of Buck which could be due to the fact that she still takes care of him way better than their parents ever did or could.
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When Margaret saw the sonogram on Buck’s phone, her facial expression was panicked and it illustrated how she really felt about the possibility of Buck having a child of his own, even though her mouth said something completely different when she realized everyone was listening to their conversation. Her demeanor changed from panic to happiness when she assumed it was Maddie’s and Chimney’s sonogram and then she called Buck an uncle.
After all these years and the two therapy sessions, Buck mentioned they planned to have with him in 4x6 “Jinx”, they still don’t know him at all and they STILL DON’T CARE ABOUT him either.  They haven’t changed one bit, they’re still selfish and only out to get what they want.
The reason why they’re on their best behavior is because now that they’re GRANDPARENTS, Maddie has the power to cut them off from seeing the only grandchild they have and they don’t want to mess that up.
Reminder, Maddie raised Buck and he told her in 5x15 “FOMO” Jee-Yun wasn’t the first kid she raised, he was.  They’re trying to stay in Maddie’s good graces because she can stop them from seeing her and Chimney’s child.  
If the scenes with Maddie and her parents felt off, the next paragraph could possibly explain the reason why.
It was strange but every time the Buckleys and the Hans discussed something major during their two meals, i.e., when the Buckleys first arrived and the pre-dinner discussion about the sperm donation, Maddie left the room so she could check on Jee-Yun which prevented her from being able to participate in the conversation. Furthermore, Maddie still hasn’t mentioned anything about Buck’s sperm donation.
Based solely on the way they were acting; it appears the Buckley parents gave Maddie and Chimney the money for the down payment on their house because they want access to Jee-Yun.  It was their way of buying them off so they could see their grandchild.
This is SPECULATION! Based on the way the Buckley parents were acting in 6x10, it’s possible Margaret and Philip are hiding something about Buck’s conception because Margaret wasn’t happy when she saw the sonogram and she still wasn’t happy about Buck having a biological child and the looks on their faces told the story.  When Buck said Connor asked him to be a sperm donor, Philip reluctantly said, “And you said yes?”, then Margaret asked, “And you’re the father?”  It appears they know something about Buck’s conception with regards to Daniel that he STILL doesn’t know about and Maddie doesn’t know either.  Also, Philip IS STILL TAKING HIS CLUES FROM MARGARET on how to react and respond to Evan/Buck.
To add more credence to this speculation claim, before her parents arrived, Maddie told Chimney, “It’s not like anybody’s going to drop any deep dark family secrets this time” and he responded, “Not that we know of.  In this family, there’s always an explosion”.  Their comments could be foreshadowing along with the comment Buck made while he and Chimney were cleaning the firetrucks. He said, “You know, I gotta say, I’m just glad it’s not the Buckley Family bringing the drama this time”.
This could be the reason why Buck didn’t mention Daniel’s Juvenile Leukemia to Connor and Kameron when he agreed to be their sperm donor.  It seems like this could possibly come full circle later in 6B.
Buck knows his parents are full of BS because he told Bobby and Eddie while they were in the firetruck, his parents thought him being a sperm donor was an idiotic decision.
Only two more days until 6x11 “In Another Life” airs and hopefully Buck will not redeem his parents because they DON’T DESERVE IT.
Video: Scenes from 4x4 “9-1-1 What’s Your Grievance?” and 6x10 “In a Flash”.
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atonalginger · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @eridanidreams .
If you are reading and have a WIP you would like to share please do!
my wip is the next installment of the Sam Coe x Doc Melody fic.
Here's the ao3 version
Words: 1,303 Contains spoilers for the UC Vanguard questline and early main story mission.
“I have just as much right to those maps as anyone else in the family,” Sam shouted at Jacob.
Cora sat at the table, munching on some candy Jacob gave her. Sam had asked her to let him handle it but Cora wasn’t one to stay quiet, “It’s important, Grandpa. There might be a huge scientific discovery in the Nest and we’ll only know if we get there.”
“You’re not going to the Empty Nest,” Jacob spun on her, “it’s too dangerous.”
“Of course she isn’t, Jacob. I’ll be going with Sam,” Jamie said with a smile.
“You are?” Sam looked over at her, trying not to look too shocked.
Jacob scoffed, “You may have been raised in Ashta country but you’ve been softened by decades of desk work. The fringe would eat you alive.”
“I see you’re still projecting your own insecurities on others?” Jamie tilted her head to one side, “my research takes me to corners of settled space infested with spacers, crimson fleet, and just plain cranky, trigger happy survivalists regularly. Not to mention the xeno plentiful planets I’ve surveyed. I may appear soft, but I’m more than capable in a fight.”
Jacob stared for a moment, looking her over and trying to gauge whether she was bluffing. “Ashta aren’t spacers.”
Jamie rolled her eyes, “No, they’re big, chitin covered stalker predators that sit at the top of the food chain on Akila. And I’ve been facing them with shotgun in hand since my Dad figured out I could fire one without falling over. Stop trying to paint me as some fragile desk sitter when I’m anything but.”
“I’m not handing over the maps.” Jacob crossed his arms, “I will not let you two plunder the family legacy for profits.”
“What profits?” Sam shouted once more, throwing up his hands, “we’re trying to see why the place is void of life.”
“It stands to reason there is something there. Something you’ll run off with and ruin the Empty Nest forever.” Jacob glared at Sam. Jamie sighed and rubbed her temple. Sam went to yell some more but she held up a hand. She took a deep breath and looked at Jacob,
“You’re right, there is something hidden in the Empty Nest. And that thing is disruptive both to modern tech but also to the sensitive sensory organs of xenos like Ashta. That makes it incredibly dangerous for Akila City.”
Sam looked puzzled at her but held his tongue.
“It hasn’t hurt the city in 200 years,” Jacob said with a smug look.
She rolled her eyes, “I don’t mean directly. Use your head, Jacob. If the Empty Nest can’t be detected with tracking scanners and also isn’t full of Ashta then what might fill it’s walls?”
Jacob just stood there glaring.
“Sounds like a good place to hide things,” Cora said from the table with a wink, “maybe those dummies Dad talked down at Galbank were hiding there before coming to the City to rob it.”
“Exactly,” Jamie smiled, “smugglers already love caves. Finding a cave that can’t be traced is like natural shielded cargo. You can put whatever and do whatever you’d like.”
“Anything that is strong enough to deter Ashta would deter people,” Jacob insisted.
“Then how did Solomon find it?” Jamie asked. “Why doesn’t the story include him getting headaches or hiding the location due to dangers. No, he charted its location and talked about it openly because he wanted someone to follow-up on it. Sam is trying to do just that and you’re stonewalling him.”
“You aren’t getting the maps!” Jacob yelled.
“You owe me!” Jamie snapped back.
Jacob blinked. Then he shook his head.
“Yes, you do. And I kept the value estimates on those pieces I gave you. Maps or the full credit value.”
“You know I can’t…”
“Other option is I take up the matter with Leah. Let her know the arrangement and how you’re flaking out.”
“You wouldn’t dare, those where donated.” Jacob was losing color.
“I let you donate them under the agreement I would get something of equal value back.”
“You really think the maps are worth the old things you gave gramps?” Cora asked.
“I do,” Jamie didn’t break eye contact with the old man.
“The agreement was a favor. Like getting you access to a restricted site or…”
“Maps will do. Less work for you too, I know you’re getting up there in years and just want to kick back with a whiskey in hand.” Jamie was now the one looking smug.
Jacob looked like he was chewing his tongue, the silent tension suffocating the room. He reached into his suit pocket and threw a keycard at Sam, “for my office. Take the damn things and go. Cora stays here while you plunder the nest.”
“Was already the plan,” Sam caught the key and hurried to the office door.
“I don’t want to hear any whining about either of you getting hurt,” Jacob said to Jamie.
“Gramps, the Professor has fought terrormorphs, she can handle a few ashta.” Cora was walking over from the trash can as she spoke. Sam stopped just outside the office doorway, the maps now in his hands, and stared slack jawed at his daughter. Jacob shared a similar look.
“It’s a whole section in her latest book on biological threats to humanity from ancient times to now. She fought her first terrormorph on Tau Ceti when she went out to a meet people at a meat processing plant in a tiny colony for other research. The whole colony was dead except for one guest, a xenobiologiest named Hadrian Sanon and—“
“We’ve heard the SSNN reports about Tau Ceti, sweetheart.” Jacob said, “they never mentioned Dr. Melody.”
“I personally requested anonymity during the ongoing crisis. SSNN and FC outlets aren’t known for giving space to instant celebrity and if Hardian and I wanted any chance at solving the puzzle when we needed them to steer clear. After it was over I got permissions from the UC cabinet and the amnesty board to write about my experiences.”
“In the book she wrote about how it felt to have a terrormorph try to hijack your mind. How it made her hear things and see things and at times seemed to pull at her limbs but she was able to resist like Major Sanon and put the monsters down. And one of the Terrormorph in Londinion summoned an ARMY of xenos that burrowed out from under the ruined spaceport and they had to activate this old radio towers to play a frequency to drive them off while also fighting the massive thing.” Cora pointed at her dad, “they had the body of that one on display in the MAST district for a while, remember? We went to see it with Noel and Barret. It was HUGE!”
“It was huge,” Jamie agreed as she closed her eyes a moment and breathed, “wasn’t immune to shotgun blasts.”
Cora let out a bubbling laugh, “No it wasn’t! Blam, Blam, Blam and down it went!”
Sam tripped on his words as he tried to steer the conversation away from thoughts that terrified him, “alright, I think we all now know Doc here can handle herself so lets us go and find the nest. You were right, by the way, it’s smack dab in Shaw territory so we’ll need to be ready for xeno and human resistance.”
“What?” Jacob looked insulted. Not at what Sam said but the idea that Shaw could be set up on perceived sacred ground.
“You heard me,” Sam growled, “Jamie was right.”
“Alright you two,” Jamie winked at Cora and then strolled up to Sam and tugged his arm, “Let’s swing by my ship so I can grab my equipment and then we’ll go empty the Nest.”
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ladydorian05 · 7 months
A Home for Broken Hearts ~ Chapter 4
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Co-written with the brilliant @made-ofmemories
I had a tough week, we had to put down one of our dogs on wednesday, so I really don't have any fun fact or interesting stuff to say about this one chapter other than we really liked it and had fun writing it.
Hope you guys enjoy it!
Chapter 4: A Walk Down Memory Lane
The sound of the front door opening doesn’t alarm Steve, it’s a little early for Robin to be back, but it’s not unheard of for her to return to the apartment on her lunch break or for her to have forgotten something. 
What is unusual is the knock on his bedroom door. Robin never knocks, no matter how many times he threatens to put a lock on there they both know he’s bluffing. The door opens and Eddie pokes his head into the room when Steve takes too long to answer.
“What’re you doing here?” Steve asks in lieu of a greeting, “And how did you even get in?” 
“Robin called, said you might need some help with something,” Eddie steps further into the room and perches himself on the edge of the bed, careful not to disturb anything, “She also told me where you keep the spare key.”
“Of course she did.” Steve sighs. He doesn’t know what she’s up to but he’s seen enough of her meddling by now to know she’s up to something, “Sorry about the mess.” 
He’s more than a little self conscious of the state of his room. He usually likes to think of himself as a relatively tidy person, but he’s let things slip lately. The laundry he still hasn’t done is in a haphazard pile in the corner of the room and the mere thought of Eddie looking over there and seeing his dirty underwear has a blush creeping up the back of his neck. There’s an empty pizza box on the floor, and he’s currently sitting cross legged on his bed surrounded by his ‘ex memorabilia’ as Robin likes to call it. 
“I’ve seen worse. So- what’re we doing?” Eddie grabs a keychain from the pile of trinkets Steve has built around himself and turns it around between his fingers, it’s silver featuring the word ‘Indianapolis’ along the bottom and the skyline of the city. It’s from a 3 day trip he took last year with his girlfriend of 4 months, Phoebe. They broke up 2 weeks later.
“Robin thought it might be a good idea for me to donate some more of this stuff to the gallery.”
“Wait- this is all from past relationships?” Steve nods and Eddie lets out a low whistle in response, “Damn, you weren’t kidding when you said every relationship huh?”
“You don’t have to stay, I’m not sure why she called you. I was doing just fine on my own,” Steve insists.
It’s not that he really wants Eddie to leave. They’ve spent nearly every single day together for a little over a week now, he enjoys Eddie’s company, they’re friends or something close to that at least and it’s not like Eddie is unaware of Steve’s collecting. Still, there’s something about sharing this with him that makes Steve feel vulnerable in a way he’s not sure he’s ready for.
“Uh-huh,” Eddie mumbles, more of a noise than a word. He picks up the small cardboard box Steve has set aside in one hand, an old shoebox with the word ‘donations’ written on the side of it in big blocked out black letters and a trash bag in the other. They’re both empty and Eddie tilts the box towards Steve as if he may somehow be unaware of this, “Looks like it’s going great so far.”
“Alright, maybe I could use a little help,” Steve admits, a bashful grin tugging at his lips in response to Eddie’s self-satisfied smile. 
Eddie shrugs off his jacket, the same heavy leather piece he usually wears. The shirt beneath is cropped just above the navel. Tattoos in the same style as the ones decorating his arms wind their way up either side of his abdomen. The one on the left catches Steve’s attention the most, a large portrait of some kind of humanoid monster that disappears beneath the hemline of the shirt. Eddie stretches and the shirt rides up to reveal the base of his ribs allowing Steve to catch a glimpse of the monster's mouth, made up of petals each coated with several rows of pointed teeth.
He knows he’s gawking, but he can’t help himself and his eyes drift higher. His breath catches in his throat when he sees the outline of metal bars, one pierced through each nipple, visible through the thin fabric that’s clinging tightly to Eddie’s pecs. He forces himself to look away before he does something embarrassing, like start drooling, or worse. 
“Awesome, so I gotta ask,” Eddie says, clearly unaware of Steve’s struggle as he casually sets the keyring he had been fidgeting with aside and holds up a single shoelace from the pile instead, “What’s the story behind this one?”
“Wallace the manwhore, as Robin used to call him.” Steve laughs and both Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up towards his hairline, his face the picture of amusement, “We used to play basketball together in senior year. He was the first guy I got with after I figured out I was bi. We dated for a little while, I thought we were exclusive, until I found out he was sleeping with a bunch of other guys the entire time. That shoelace is from one of the shoes he wore when our team won their first tournament.”
“That’s a lot to unpack, damn. Are all your exes assholes?” Eddie is clearly having fun with this, Steve wouldn’t have taken him as one to enjoy gossip. 
Steve thinks about the question for a moment, one name springs to mind and he smiles fondly at the memory, “Not all of them.”
“I didn’t know you played basketball.”
“Yup, sorry to disappoint, but I’m just your stereotypical meathead jock.” 
“I think there’s more to you than that.” He’s suddenly serious and looking at Steve with an intensity that makes him squirm, “So, What do you say?” He asks, switching back to that jovial tone with ease as he holds up the grubby old shoelace, “Ready to let go of Wallace the manwhore?”
Steve lets out a deep breath. He’s never been good at this part, but Wallace is a good place to start, “Put it in the box.”
It gets easier after that. Eddie helps, he asks questions about everything, gets Steve talking, makes him laugh. There’s something about sharing the stories that makes the letting go part seem a lot less daunting. The box and the bag start to fill quicker than Steve expected.
Eddie is no longer sitting on the bed and is instead pacing around the room taking in the cluttered shelves, occasionally he’ll drift back over to the bed to grab something from the much depleted pile.  He seems genuinely unphased by the mess and it eases Steve’s initial self consciousness. 
If there’s one thing Steve has learnt about Eddie this past week it’s his complete inability to stay still for longer than a few minutes. If he’s not on his feet he’s fidgeting with something, twirling a ring around his finger, tapping at a table top, or bouncing his leg along to an imaginary beat.
“Who are the little hobbits?” Eddie plucks a picture frame from one of the shelves and turns it towards Steve so he can see. 
It’s a photograph of Steve surrounded by Max, Lucas, Erica, Will, Mike, El and Dustin. Lucas has his hand thrown up behind Steve’s head giving him bunny ears while Erica does the same to her brother, Dustin has one arm wrapped around him in a half hug so strong Steve still remembers the pain in his ribs, Mike has his arms crossed mid eye roll, and Will, Max, and El are leaning in with wide smiles just looking happy to be there. It’s chaotic and a little blurry because no one would stay still long enough for Robin to snap a decent photograph, but it’s still Steve’s most prized possession. 
The photo was taken back in Indiana before the kids turned 18 and everyone went their separate ways, scattered across the country. They stay in touch, and he couldn’t be prouder of them all out there in their dream colleges making something of themselves. Still, every now and then he finds himself missing his babysitter Steve days. 
“The kids.” He smiles, but Eddie just looks more confused than before, “I was kind of their babysitter? One of them practically adopted me as his older brother and I soon found out they came as a package deal.” 
He laughs remembering the day he helped Dustin fix his bike in the middle of the street, he hadn’t known what he was letting himself in for at the time. A couple of weeks later and he’d found himself the unofficial babysitter of 7 unruly middle schoolers.
“I looked out for them, kept them out of trouble… for the most part. Actually thinking back on it I did a pretty terrible job of keeping them out of trouble, I usually just ended up getting dragged into it too. I guess I just- I don’t know, felt responsible for them.”
“I get it.” Eddie nods and sets the frame back into its place gently, “I got held back a lot at school, repeated senior year twice, so I was the oldest in my class most of the time and I guess that made me feel like I had to be responsible for everyone.”
“Like Chrissy?” Steve asks without thinking then instantly regrets it when he realizes he’s probably overstepping.
“Exactly,” Eddie confirms, unbothered, “We had this whole band of misfits, we called it Hellfire club. It started as a DnD club but it ended up being more than that and now I’m naming my bar after it. It’s actually how I met my band mates.”
“That’s… actually really sweet,” Steve says, trying not to get all soppy on him.
“I know right? Don’t tell anyone or you’re going to ruin my reputation,” Eddie jokes, speaking in a hushed conspiratorial tone.
“My lips are sealed.”
Eddie smiles at him and Steve looks away bashfully. It’s just a smile but something about it feels too intimate, as if he’s just trusted Steve with some life altering secret.
The moment passes and Steve turns his attention back to the task at hand. Eddie has drifted back over to the bed and is hovering at the side, picking through what’s left of Steve’s ex mementos. Apparently he’s done with the tour of Steve’s room he had taken himself on. Not that Steve had minded, it was kind of endearing how genuinely interested he had seemed in everything.
“Alright, what’s the story behind this?” Eddie asks. Steve looks up from the box of donations to see what Eddie has now. It’s a napkin from a restaurant that no longer exists with a number scratched into it with a blue pen.
“Linda, we were 19. We only went on one date, it didn’t work out,” Steve tells him, “It can go.”
Another item added to the bag and only a few more trinkets left, two of which are from the same relationship, Steve adds them both to the box without thinking about it. 
“Hey, how come you get to learn all about my failed love life but I know nothing about yours?”
“I’m married, his name is Elijah, and we have 3 adopted children,” Eddie says without a hint of sarcasm. Steve’s jaw drops. Eddie looks up, sees his expression then bursts into laughter, “I’m kidding, what do you want to know?” He drops down onto the bed, sitting cross legged opposite Steve. He’s so close that their knees bump.
“I don’t know.” Steve shrugs, “Tell me about your last relationship?”
“Met him at a gig, I broke up with him a month later.”
“He wasn’t the one.”
“The one?” There’s a mixture of disbelief and teasing coloring his voice, “I knew you were a secret romantic!”
“Alright, that’s enough of story time.” Eddie rolls his eyes and leans over to shove at his shoulder playfully when Steve gives him a goofy smile, “Hey, what’s this?”
For a moment Steve thinks Eddie has spotted the pair of glasses neatly folded on his bedside table. People usually seem surprised when they find out he needs glasses, not that he wears them nearly as often as he should. Then he remembers what he had left out next to them. 
Eddie, unconvinced, is shuffling up the bed and leaning over Steve to grab the little velvet box he’s got his sights set on from the nightstand. His stomach flips, filling with butterflies, and it’s not from the sensation of Eddie’s chest brushing against his. He really shouldn’t have left that out, not that he’d been expecting the company. 
“Is this a ring?” Eddie lifts it up to his ear shaking it then frowning at the noise it makes, “Did you propose to someone?” He gasps.
“No and no, can you just-” He makes to grab for it but it’s too late Eddie has already opened it and the silver chain is dangling from his fingers, the heart shaped pendant hangs heavy between them until Eddie grabs it to read the name inscribed into the metal. 
“Nancy? Who-”
“No one,” Steve says way too quickly for Eddie to ever believe that’s true, “That’s different,” He adds, more collected when he takes the necklace from Eddie and places it back into its box. 
There’s a beat of awkward silence that can’t last more than a few seconds but feels like a lifetime whilst Steve shoves the box into the nearest drawer.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overstep, I thought it was just more ex memorabilia,” 
It is, but Steve’s not sure how to explain that right now, nor is he ready to share that particular story. So, he says nothing. It’s not lying if Eddie makes the assumption all by himself, right? Steve just… didn’t correct him.
“I didn’t mean to intrude,” Eddie continues when Steve doesn’t say anything. Steve feels like he should be the one apologizing when he sees those big brown puppy eyes looking up at him. 
“Don’t worry about it, you couldn’t have known.” Steve swings his legs over the side of the bed so he’s side by side with Eddie and bumps their shoulders together, “Besides, I think we did pretty good.” He shakes the box full of trinkets with a smile. Eddie smiles back at him and the tension dissipates just as quickly as it had formed.
It’s mid afternoon by the time they get to Hellfire with Steve’s new donations. Steve convinces Eddie to walk with him ‘to save gas’, though the real reason is so he doesn’t have to experience the heart palpitations that come from even the mere thought of Eddie driving  whether it’s as a passenger or just a spectator. Robin may constantly remind him that he drives like a grandpa, but he quite enjoys getting to his destination in one piece and without any frayed nerves, thank you very much. 
The air outside is sticky with heat, the initial cloud that had blanketed the sky earlier has parted making room for the early summer sun to shine. Eddie walks with his jacket slung over his arm and Steve stops to pull off his sweater a minute or two into the short walk to Hellfire, glad he’d chosen to wear a tee beneath it today. He thinks he catches Eddie’s eyes lingering on the slither of skin that is exposed along his midriff when the sweater rucks up the fabric of his t-shirt, but his eyes dart away just as quickly and Steve puts it down to his overactive imagination. 
“We got two more donations this morning,” Chrissy says as she passes by them at the doorway, paintbrush in hand. She’s always busy, always finding work to be done, “another shoe and a rubber duck. I already added them to the inventory list.”
“What is with the people of Chicago and collecting their exes shoes?” Eddie’s face is scrunched in confusion. He has a point, they have gotten an unusual amount of shoes.
“How come you haven’t donated anything yet?” Steve queries, beginning to unpack his little shoe box full of mementos. Eddie helps once he realizes what he’s doing.
“I told you, I don’t keep stuff from my relationships. I don’t have anything to donate.”
Steve doesn’t believe that for a second, but he lets it go for now, in part because Chrissy is back minus a paint brush but with Robin by her side and they’re both digging through his box of donations alongside Eddie.
“When did you get here?” Steve looks at Robin as if she’s grown an extra head. She’s not meant to be here.
“10 minutes ago, I had a half day at work.”
“It’s kind of sweet that you’ve kept some of this stuff for so long.” Chrissy says to him, her thumb gliding across a desk calendar from at least 5 years ago.
“Thank you!” Steve exclaims with a gesture and facial expression that says ‘see, she gets it’, Eddie shakes his head at them, “Now could you please tell that to Robin?”
Robin rolls her eyes so hard Steve thinks she must be able to see her brain.
“On second thought.” Chrissy grimaces, a toothbrush lifted from the box gripped gingerly between two fingers, “What the hell Steve?”
“See what I have to put up with now? I have to live with this.” Robin sighs as if she’s carrying the heaviest of burdens, but they both know she’d be lost without him.
“That is a precious heirloom,” He assures Chrissy, opting to ignore Robin entirely. He’s aiming for serious but amusement seeps into his voice despite his efforts, “From Oliver. I told you about him, right?” He asks Eddie.
“Is that the one you kept the letter from?”
“Yeah that’s the one,” Steve confirms, “He moved to Canada for a job, we tried the long distance thing, it didn’t work out,” He adds for Chrissy's benefit.
“Still gross.” She sets the toothbrush aside and starts digging through the rest of his collection, the keyring Eddie had picked up earlier, a rubix cube, a button, “Why did you keep his toothbrush if you had a letter?”
“Maybe he has a tooth fetish, Chrissy. Don’t kink shame.” Eddie doesn’t look up from his current task of organizing everything into neat little piles. It’s not going well, he keeps getting distracted by each object he pulls out of the box despite having seen them all less than half an hour ago in Steve’s room.
Robin laughs so hard she snorts.
“I don’t think that’s a thing,” Steve splutters, not as smooth as he’d been hoping for. Going by the expression on Eddie’s face when he finally looks at him Steve would say he’s enjoying this far too much.
“Leave him alone, Eds.” Chrissy flicks Eddie’s head. Steve doubts he even felt it under that mane of his, but he gives her an over dramatic open mouthed expression looking affronted as if she’s just slapped him. She laughs at his antics then collects herself before turning back to Steve, “Ignore him, why did you really keep it?”
“I… I don’t really know,” Steve says honestly, he rarely has a reason behind his choices he just keeps whatever feels right even if that does happen to be a lightly used toothbrush.
“Why do you keep any of this stuff?” Eddie asks, there’s no judgment in his voice, just genuine curiosity. Honestly, Steve had been expecting this one, he’s actually surprised it didn’t come sooner, “I’d understand it better if you kept stuff from relationships that felt really special, but… all of them? Do you really want to remember them all?”
Steve shakes his head, no, “We didn’t really have many knick knacks around the house when I was a kid, I guess this is my way of making up for it.” It’s half a truth, enough for them to drop the issue for now.
“This isn’t a knick knack, this is active trash,” Robin is holding a ball of scrunched up paper and frowning at it as if it’s about to open up and reveal to her the secrets of the universe.
“Shut up,” Steve is smiling when he bats it out of her hand and watches it roll to the floor between Chrissy and Eddie’s feet. He isn’t sure how that one escaped the trash bag and wound up in the box.
It’s a delicate balance finding suitable places for each item, somewhere that they won’t be disrupted by the ongoing construction work or damaged by a careless visitor. A task made even more difficult by the fact that the gallery gains popularity daily and the collection at Hellfire continues to grow. Some might call it cluttered, but Steve likes it. Each piece has a story from the single stiletto heel by the door to the row of lipsticks placed on the shelf behind the bar. 
He never expected this level of popularity when he and Robin had been picking out logos over apple pie. The two of them had discussed making it a real exhibition a night or two ago over a shared meal, a conversation that had started jokingly and slowly grown more serious as more and more people donated things.
A real display to tell people’s stories rather than the mismatch of objects dotted around wherever there’s space. It was little more than a pipe dream, they’d have to get actual funding and they couldn’t run the whole thing from Eddie’s bar forever or the, slowly filling, tip jar. Still, it was nice to dream every now and then.
<Chapter 3 ~ Masterpost ~ Chapter 5>
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evita-shelby · 9 months
Tie Your Heart to Mine
Chapter 16
Cw: mentions of the holocaust occuring, some minor slut shaming and use of an ethnic slur towards the end and mentions of sex
Gif by @sibirr
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The war doesn’t catch them off guard.
Everything had been prepared and now they’d see how far this head start gets them. The two months they got have the factories performing better than the rest who’ve only just switched gears.
Their warehouses were filled to the brim, the wages and hours allowed the staff to live comfortably and save some for the next five years.
1945, a year longer than the Great War and yet the casualties and damage of it will be a drop in a bucket compared to this Second World War.
12 million dead, none of them soldiers.
It filled her with dread to know they couldn’t’ stop it. While they know what happens, fate decides what you can and can not change. All they can do is use their foresight to change what little they can and hope it makes a difference.
Tom had been arrested two weeks ago and put in remand at Strangeways as a category B criminal. He’d gone to have breakfast at home and the police had come to charge him for illegal gambling, and because he is as slippery as an eel, he was put in a prison cell until his trial.
Dia had tried to get him out, but the Sergeant was not feeling like accepting her bail money even after she conjured a real betting license to prove he had done no crimes.
They knew what they wanted him to do, they needed young men who cannot say no to enlisting because the army has no chance in hell of gaining those numbers overnight.
“He left his coat at my place, bought him a fresh pack of cigarettes because I know that’s the first thing he’ll ask for.” Diane said when she showed up at the Bennett’s doorstep with Tom’s overcoat.
“Tom’s lucky to have you looking after him, Diane.” Douglas speaks with approval in his voice and Diane wonders if the wariness he initially had has finally left.
Oh he’s going to hate her when Tom joins the navy, the witch thinks as she muttered thanks and offered to drive them to the prison.
“How did your audition go, I tried to ask Connie, but she was busy with Eddie and I didn’t want to interrupt.” Diane asked wisely leaving the word ENSA out of her mouth as they wait for Tom outside the prison.
“Good, the people said we were great and they’d be in touch.” Lois said knowing her dad won’t try and say anything since they’re in public and in company.
“If you don’t get in, my mom still needs a singer for her charity dinner next week. You’d be helping drive the donations for the refugees coming from Europe and all expenses would be paid for by the Shelby Foundation.” Diane suggested hoping she would mention ENSA on her own.
Douglas didn’t approve of it, but Lois would have to rip of the Band-Aid sooner or late. Diane had suggested they do it on the drive here, Douglas wouldn’t jump out of a moving car to avoid having that conversation with his daughter.
Like how Charlie did when he was approved for pilot training two weeks ago. Their parents had been terrified for him and yet no matter how much their mom claimed she’d kill herself; she never opened the car door.
“We auditioned for ENSA, dad. The recruiter said we were surely getting a call back.” Lois gets the memo and spills it.
Douglas keeps on walking and pretending he hasn’t heard her.
“They go away and entertain the troops.” The young singer adds as if her dad wouldn’t have known what it was.
“Yeah, I know what they do.” Her dad looked out ashen and clenched his jaw to hide his anger and fear and all that clinging to him like a coat. “I just wondered why Connie had you auditioning for them. Knowing that you can't do it, like.”
Douglas needed Lois home; he was not well enough to handle being on his own. Or so he thinks.
“Well, I was thinking about that and...” Lois paused and tried to gently remind him that she is twenty-one, “I was thinking, you know, why not?”
“Why not?” Douglas scoffed and lost most of his argument when they found Tom waiting for them with that carefree attitude of his. “Here’s one good reason why not, right here.”
“Either of you started to smoke? I'm dying for a fag.” Despite Tom smelling exactly like two weeks in a damp prison cell, Diane greets her boyfriend with a kiss at the edge of his mouth --- his dad and some prison guards were there--- only for him to pull her in a tight embrace and gave her what he called a real kiss.
“Coat pocket, got you a fresh pack after finishing yours last week at my parent’s house.” Diane answers as he takes off his dirty shirt and sweater and Lois hands him his clean shirt.
“See, she didn’t forget to bring my overcoat, Loo.” Tom says trying to lighten the mood only to get a glare from his sister. “I'm joking.”
He amends and then adds as he lights his first cigarette of the day. “I smell like a wet dog.”
“Don’t flatter yourself.” His sister chuckled knowing Tom’s news was going to make their dad forget Lois plans on accepting that offer by ENSA.
“When are you in court, then?” his dad asked bracing for the worst. Everyone was aware that most were given a choice, jail or army. Since they wish to make an example of Tom, who knows what they’ll do to make him enlist and have the Germans deal with those they viewed as a lost cause.
 “I'm not.” Tom changed into his clean shirt and began to do up the buttons. He walks faster too, whatever he’s going to say next is enough to make him nervous.
 “You've been on remand for two weeks. They must have charged you with something.” His dad notes his nerves with suspicion. Of course he would, he’s his father, he’d know the moment something wasn’t right with his son just as her dad does with her.
“They were going to. But then I said I'd join up.” Tom can’t even look at them because Diane and his sister know the next words that leave his mouth are gonna be lies.
“The Army?” Douglas tried to hide his fears letting his anger cover the words he said and his children pretend they couldn’t hear it. “No, you'd be better off in there.”
Because there you would be safe.
“I won't actually be joining up, Dad. I'm a conscientious objector.” Tom looked briefly over his shoulder with that mischievous look about him, selling his lie so well Douglas can’t help but buy it.
“Since when?” there is a look of pride in Douglas’ face as he asks his son, believing the lie because maybe this time it will be true. A heartbreaking thing, if you ask Diane.
“About half an hour ago?” Tom looked forward again, his smile dropping because it pains him to see that hopeful look in his dad’s eye.
“I'll get you some leaflets, then.”
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“I’ve been thinking about getting my own place.” Diane said once they arrived at her lodgings. After this he’d go to the recruitment office and disappoint his old man even further. He only needed a quick bath, a good fuck and his clean sweater she’d stolen a night or two ago. His bird loved wearing his shirts and he liked the way she looked wearing only that in the mornings before he left out the door.
Then once he and his dad get into another argument at home, he’ll come back here through the window ---Mrs. Johnson still refuses to just let him in to save face--- and spend the handful of nights he has left with Diane.
“Mrs. Johnson giving you trouble?” he asked as she unlocked her door. Once inside the blond plans to make up for those fourteen fucking days without her.
“No, but I have a feeling its time.” She shook her head and Tom’s reminded of those visions she told him about.
Maybe he’ll leave her with a limp and something else to remember him by when they ship him out to die. He’s got enough for a ring, a simple one because he knows she doesn’t care about shit like money or luxury.
Diane Elizabeth Bennett sounds far better than Diane Shelby, if you ask him.
“What makes you think that, Lady Di?” he teased and slammed the door behind them a little too forcefully.
Two fucking weeks without a cigarette, good food and worst of all, no Diane to keep him company. She’d visited, but save for a quick kiss and some handholding, there hadn’t been any relief for him.
His witch will have to take the day off tomorrow too unless she wants him to ruin her schedule and show her exactly how much he missed her those fourteen lonely nights.
“Gotten tired of having to sneak you in after hours, has me fretting over whether or not you’ll fall and break that pretty face of yours.” Her mismatched eyes light up with lust and all the dirty ideas a good girl in this respectable boarding house isn’t supposed to have.
But she’s not acting on it, Diane wants to talk about this and he’s in no fucking mood for it.
“I’m a good climber, why else do you think they put me up at Strangeways with all the scum of Manchester?” he was not fighting her on the idea, god knows he’s tired of playing Romeo and fucking Juliet in a place where at least a third of the ladies know the rumors about him are all true.
“No fence could keep you from me, bet the sea won’t either.” Diane said with a giggle as they went to the nearest comfortable surface to make up for lost time. “But I need my own house, Tom, I’m tired of having to keep quiet when we fuck.”
Even more reason, gotten so many complaints by the uptight schoolteacher next door who hates him for all the shit he pulled when he was her student. His dad had heard her refer to Diane as the gypsy slut and warned him about her during his last visit. Diane should have a house in mind, she wouldn’t have brought it up if she didn’t.
“If it were up to me, I’d move you into my bed at home. It’s going to be empty anyways, and Lois will need the company. With two posh boys to worry about, she’ll need someone to talk sense into her for me.” He suggests as he took of his shirt and watched her undo the buttons on her blouse as slowly as could.
“My poor, poor brother. He’s coming to visit tonight, only problem Harry’s going to be there too. But enough about our siblings, Tom, fourteen days and nights without you were absolute hell.” His witch said reminding him they had better things to focus on than their siblings’ love lives.
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cyarskj52 · 11 months
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Craquer Azalea wouldn’t have felt compelled to write this letter & even denying that the leprechaun is an abuser, if the victim weren’t a Black woman. & That’s really all this is about. The victim is a Black woman & people are less likely to believe us when we are abused.
It’s funny how she mentioned experiencing sexism & misogyny in the music industry. But what do you think Meg aka the victim experiences as a BLACK WOMAN?? Meg has been harassed, lied on, defamed, etc by the leprechaun & his enablers for 3 YEARS. & You’re contributing to that! You’re a abuser slut! You’re a meat sucker!
Then she mentioned how she is a victim of abuse as if that makes her an expert in determining what qualifies as abuse. Which is totally false. Victims of abuse can get be wrong & be very flawed when it comes to other victims of abuse. It happens all of the time.
Which is baffling because Meg was shot. But that goes back to misogynoir (racism/anti-Blackness + misogyny).. People don’t think Meg suffered enough to warrant her being a victim. People said it themselves after she was shot & they saw her dancing after physically recovering.
He never did anything in front of me”
NONE OF THIS is representative of reformist views.
They are not asking for MERCY or LENIENCY. They are not advocating as community members who want to see him rejoin society successfully.
They are maligning his victim
EVERY letter I have ever written for an incarcerated woman has acknowledged the act they did and what they learned from it. What can be gained BY THE COMMUNITY from what they learned from it.
It’s very important to keep in mind, that restorative justice can ONLY work when the person committing harm/abuse is willing to participate & willing to acknowledge their harm/abuse. It’s also based on what the victim wants & their terms..
So no, we can’t just throw around these terms without actually acknowledging what’s going on. & We can’t ignore victims in these situations. Because this is actually how people & their enablers who don’t care to do better get away with co-opting these things.
And I KNOW Iggy Azalea didnt know anyone would see that letter she wrote because:
1. She is an idiot, evidenced by the grammatical mistakes and her including her full resume in the first page.
2. She had 6 months to prepare for the PR fallout of this AND DIDNT.
If she wanted to sell this, she should’ve been donating to criminal justice reform organizations, calling Kim Kardashian or someone to lend credibility to this, writing OpEds, doing interviews telling personal stories of how she’s learned about reform efforts. SOMETHING.
The IMMEDIATE backtrack and belief the FULL LETTER wouldnt be released is insane.
Girly pop, your backtracking also lets us know you not even a TORY LANEZ supporter. You don’t believe in a reformist or abolitionist politic. You doing this off the strength of an album you’re likely contractually obligated to complete WITH HIM and now you spiraling
And now you’re radioactive.
Because if Iggy Azalea had STOOD ON THIS, a conversation could have been had. Credibility couldve been applied. Because again, Mario is not on my shitlist for this. He STOOD on the fact he wrote a letter for a friend of 7 years(that doesn’t mean he’s forgiven by me for being one of them letters writers)
This is like if I said “Playboi Carti never beat me so he couldn’t have done anything to Iggy Azalea.” THAT IS HOW INSANE THAT SOUNDS.
As a woman you sound INSANE invalidating the experience of another woman because a man hasn’t raped/abused/murdered every woman he’s EVER met
Every woman knows someone who has harmed them, every woman you know and if we don’t learn from it it will be every woman who we will soon to know
Restorative justice is reserved for what SURVIVORS want. What THEY AND THE PERPETRATOR need to be restored. That was an option in the beginning. That was what Megan wanted. Now, it’s too late.
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placeinthisworld · 1 month
heyy, I don’t know if you’ve felt this way but the swiftlyneutral has become so filled with people that want to coddle Taylor so much. Awhile back I was having this back and forth exchange with somebody where they had said that regarding Palestine what can Taylor swift even do and that she shouldn’t have to do anything. I mentioned that hey her billions of dollars can certainly help alot of Palestinians begging for donations.
then the goal post moved to that sure she can make a difference but it won’t really change anything on a grand scale and we don’t control her actions and why am I even using internet connection rather than donating that money and it’s like my god dude my money going towards internet connection is not the same as Taylor swift’s billions like what and we might not control her actions but let’s not pretend that public pressure does nothing. Also I find it weird how everybody keeps saying that these celebrities speaking out does nothing and it’s like are you not seeing the families whose gofundme goals are being fulfilled in a matter of hours compared to the months before like I get that because this is a massive crisis on every level that sometimes it feels hopeless but on an individual level the families who are closer to safety through these donations are obviously going to prefer this than us doing nothing because it makes a world of a difference to them.
then it has devolved into insults about how they knew more than me cuz they were older apparently ( when they don’t even know my age but okay ) and it’s like I genuinely don’t know why people think it makes them smarter to think nothing will actually change so let’s not do anything and literally I have not seen a single person who is advocating for the focus to be solely on celebrities but it is certainly a part of it. I don’t know how there are still people especially on that sub that actually believe that Taylor swift’s billion dollars or that her voice won’t make a difference like how are we still stuck at that part of the convo.
I won’t lie it especially pissed me off when they kept insinuating I don’t actually understand or care about what’s happening to the Palestinians when my own people and country has gone through a genocide and I’m not claiming my advocacy is perfect but I do understand it and I have actually known about Palestine since I was very young.
I’m sorry this was so long I just needed to rant. I kind of hate that that sub has gained so much attention since the album release cuz now it’s becoming filled with people who are deflecting even the most basic Taylor criticism but hide it behind this guise of aloofness. Sorry for any mistakes cuz English isn’t my first language.
GROSSS wtf i’m sorry you had that interaction that is so shitty i’m sorry bestie :(
ugh yeah the funniest think about the argument of “taylor doesn’t owe us anything” (in terms of speaking out against racism, palestine, etc) is that she has SHOWN us that she cares!! there was a long ass period where she was sending her fans money to help pay for shit like school and rent!! she knows she can make an impact! SHE KNOWS SHE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. but she’s still sooooo quiet?? it’s unacceptable tbh, especially with her billionaire status it’s just so icky to me that she hasn’t ONCE acknowledged that genocide in Palestine. like not a simple like about a post about it, not a retweet, not a donation not a donation link. NOTHING even though she knows she’s the most influential person in the world rn.
i’ve honestly never seen anything like that on the subreddit myself. but i also only really go on there and glance through the forums and i don’t really engage much on the platform so maybe that’s why i haven’t seen it much :(
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maddieladner1999 · 10 months
Bad idea right?
I know I said tomorrow but the ideas were in my head already and I wanted to think about other potential chapters.
Chapter 3.
This chapter is Ricky’s POV of the week between visiting EJ and until EJ meets his parents after the play.
Ricky couldn’t help but think of EJ the whole ride home. But he’s only told Gina about what happened and so he needs to tell everyone else. So he spent the ride home thinking of what to say. They had a meeting today and miss jenn sounded upset.
At the meeting, miss jenn tells everyone the play isn’t happening. No one showed up to rehearsal last night but Emmy and principal Gutierrez decided it was out of the budget. After everyone hashes out some history of why they joined and seb and Carlos sing their song it’s over. Emmy runs off to the auditorium where she sings a song. When they get there they are interrupted by Alyson reed and the guy who plays coach Bolton who decide to donate song of their salary from the movie to the play and it’s back on. Everyone is thrilled. Ricky finally sees his opportunity to talk to everyone.
Ricky: I have an announcement if everyone would like to listen for a second.
Gina: hey everyone listen up
Ricky: thanks Gina. So I went to see EJ yesterday as you all may know and we had a very long important conversation. I realized a few things and felt it was important to tell my friends. Gina and I broke up.
Carlos: wait what?
Seb: why didn’t you say something earlier
Ashlyn: I don’t think he’s finished
Ricky: I’m not thanks Ashlyn. There has been a lot going on today and I didn’t wanna interrupt anything. Gina and I broke up because I realized that as much as we tried to make it work the truth is I don’t love her like that no matter how hard I try.
Big red: so wait you still love nini?
Ricky: no it’s the same when it comes to nini too.
Ashlyn: then what happened?
Ricky: It turns out I spent a long time stealing EJ’s girlfriends because secretly way deep down I was in love with him
Carlos: oh my god. Your gay? Ugh my gaydar is so off
Seb: does EJ know?
Ricky: yeah he does and he feels the same way.
Carlos: EJ’s gay too? Ok my gaydar is officially broken
Seb: so are you and EJ like dating now?
Ricky: yes. We are. And I thought I should tell you that not only as your friend because I know you’ll support me but also because he’s coming opening night and I didn’t want to surprise you. Our shows tend to have issues and I didn’t want it to be one.
Seb: of course we support you dude.
Carlos: so wait are you like gay or bi or what?
Ricky: idk yet. Let’s just go with queer for now and I’ll figure that out later
Maddox: well welcome to the club dude. I definitely need to talk to rocket man though.
Jet: that’s cool I guess.
Miss jenn: I’m so proud of you. And we’ve wasted enough time so let’s go rehearse.
EJ FaceTimes him a few nights later and asks if he told the wildcats. He said yes of course. Then ej asked if he told his parents and Ricky realized he hasn’t. EJ says he should tell them soon and Ricky says he will. He hears his dad come in and decides to go ahead and tell him and his mom is flying in for the show on Saturday so he’ll go pick her up and tell her during the car ride from the airport. He and EJ exchange a quick good night and Ricky gets up to go downstairs and tell his dad. He’s worried but he has to tell him. It’ll be awkward if his dad sees him with EJ on Saturday without telling him.
Mr. Bowen: hey Ricky what’s up
Ricky: I had a long chat with EJ at college and I’ve realized a few things. Maybe you should sit down
Mr Bowen: (sits down) I’m a little worried but ok go ahead
Ricky: me and Gina broke up.
Mr Bowen: oh no what happened
Ricky: I thought going to talk to EJ was a bad idea but he had been in my shoes before so I thought he’d understand. But after we talked and sang a song about our issues, I realized that I didn’t love Gina the way I should. I didn’t love nini that way either.
Mr. Bowen: ok I’m confused
Ricky: I kept stealing his girlfriends and I didn’t get why. But now I do. I didn’t want his girlfriends, deep down I wanted to be with him. And as I’m saying all this I’m realizing why I didn’t truly love nini or Gina. I could never love them because I don’t like girls. I like boys like EJ. I’m gay dad.
Mr. Bowen: well that fills in some questions I had. That must of been a really long conversation with EJ
Ricky: yeah well I did stay the night so I had plenty of time.
Mr. Bowen: well I’m proud of you son. So what about you and EJ? You guys still friends?
Ricky: no. He’s my boyfriend now
Mr. Bowen: oh so he likes you too.
Ricky: yeah I guess I should’ve mentioned that earlier
Mr. Bowen: I hope you guys were safe last night then
Ricky: we didn’t go that far
Mr. Bowen: ok yeah I didn’t need to know that.
Ricky: right well I’m going to bed now
Mr. Bowen: me too. Good night.
When the day finally arrived for opening night Ricky was nervous. He always gets pre show jitters but not like this. He figured it’s because his boyfriend is going to be in the audience tonight.
He texts his mom after tracking her flight to let her know he’s going to pick her up so she gets it even she lands. The plane is almost here but it’s a long drive and she’ll probably have luggage so he hits the road. He gets there in perfect timing. His mom is surprised obviously and thrilled to see him
Lynne: so you barely return my texts but you come pick me up from the airport. What’s going on?
Ricky: I have something to tell you
Lynne: oh well I guess we have a long car ride ahead of us so go ahead
Ricky: me and Gina broke up
Lynne: oh I’m sorry
Ricky: it’s ok. I didn’t love her like I should
Lynne: ok idk what that means
Ricky: it turns out all my fighting with EJ stealing his girlfriends was really me deep down hiding my true self and feelings
Lynne: and what are those?
Ricky: I don’t like girls mom. I like boys. I’m gay.
Lynne: oh sweetie, that’s great. I’m so glad you decided to tell me.
Ricky: well I realized all this when I went to visit EJ last week and that’s not all
Lynne: it’s not. What else is there?
Ricky: I like EJ. That’s why I stole his girlfriends. That’s why I couldn’t get along. I thought I wanted to be him but it turns out I just wanted him
Lynne: and does EJ know this?
Ricky: yes. And he feels the same way. He’s my boyfriend now.
Lynne: is he coming to the show tonight?
Ricky: yes.
Lynne: I’d like to meet him
Ricky: I’d like that too
Lynne: so is that why you picked me up? Didn’t want to tell me this over the phone?
Ricky: no I couldn’t. Didn’t seem like the kinda conversation for a phone call
Lynne: well the timing worked out I guess
Ricky: it did. So I already told my friends and dad obviously
Lynne: well I’m glad you told me. I miss it when you would talk to me. I know I live in Chicago now but I’m still here for you.
Ricky: I know I just don’t like the whole you being with Todd thing
Lynne: well I’m not with Todd anymore if that’s what you’re worried about
Ricky: really?
Lynne: don’t think me and your dad are getting back together though
Ricky: I know you’re not. I just didn’t like Todd.
Lynne: well it looks like we’re almost here
Ricky: yep. You ok with staying with us?
Lynne: of course. Plus it saves me money on a hotel
Ricky pulls into the parking space and helps his mom with her things. He shows her her room and goes upstairs. Ricky gets a call from nini before the show who tells him to check his texts. She’s going to send him what to write on her cards to give out since she can’t make it. He of course would do anything for nini so he does. After he arrives at the school, he hands out the cards apologizing for his handwriting. EJ shows up right after he gives out the last one announcing his arrival and wishing everyone luck. Kourtney stops him from kissing EJ because of his stage makeup so EJ takes his cue to find his seat. Ricky tells him he’ll see him at intermission.
At intermission EJ finds him in the backstage area and Ricky drags him out down the hall to an empty classroom.
Ricky tells him that he told his parents and EJ is happy to hear it. He tells EJ that he’s sure of his sexuality now. He’s gay. EJ tells him he’s bisexual and they are of course so proud of each other. EJ tells him he has 5 minutes left before he gets back so they take the opportunity to make out. Ricky of course hates EJ’s perfect hair so he takes the opportunity to mess it up. After EJ interrupts asking what he’s doing he tells EJ that he likes his hair messy like this summer at camp or last week at college. EJ lets him and after a few minutes it’s time to head back. Ricky goes to get ready and goes to preform the rest of the show for act 2. It’s the best performance they have had to date and he can’t wait to do it again next semester.
After Gina’s movie announcement in the auditorium and the reveal of miss jenn and Mr mazzara being together the gang takes the limo to dennys. Ricky couldn’t help but think of nini when big red asked what happens now. Ricky drives home from the school after the limo takes them back to the school to get their cars. He goes straight home, removes his makeup and gets ready for bed. His dad comes to tell him EJ is here. He goes downstairs to see what EJ wants. EJ tells him he wants to meet his parents given that his mom is actually here. He goes to get his mom and introduces his boyfriend. He tells EJ he’s going to shallow lake again next summer along with visiting his mom in Chicago and asks him to join him. EJ says yes and he’ll join him in Chicago too when he visits his mom. His parents go to bed and EJ asks for a ride home. After dropping EJ off and EJ saying he’ll grow his hair out again Ricky goes home. He texts EJ when he gets home and good night. They go to bed. He can’t wait to see what happens next.
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erinlindsayy · 2 years
these broken pieces of us || rhekker
for the lovely @avasrhodes
➺  warnings: implied sexual assault, brief mention of past childhood abuse, self harm, connor is worried about ava, this does have a sort of happy/hopeful ending
✧   a/n: i have rhekker brainrot and i love torturing them oops
↬ like this work? let me know!
★ requests are open–I write for a number of fandoms! just ask :)
☆ comments + reblogs are greatly appreciated ☆
Ava never intended for Connor to find out about her recent foray into old habits, never intended for him to walk in on her undressing from a surgery, sharp red marks under her ribs painfully stark against the sharp contrast of her pale skin.
Then again, she never intended for that godforsaken dinner to turn into something far worse, never expected Cornelius Rhodes to fail to comprehend the meaning of the word ‘no’, to expect sexual favors in return for the donation, because sure--he was an ass, but she didn’t take him for the sort of man to...
She was wrong.
She could still feel his wrists on hers, could feel her brain tense at the knowledge of what was about to happen, because it had happened to her before when she was younger, the warmth of his breath against her skin and--
She shudders at the memory.
“Ave--” Connor starts. “What’s going on?”
Ava quickly tugs her sweater over her frail form, mumbling some lame excuse about tripping and breaking a vase. It’s half hearted at best, but she’s too exhausted to think of anything better.
Connor crosses the room, urging Ava to meet his eyes. He hadn’t intended on saying anything--he hasn’t really wanted to see her, let alone speak to her, but the girl has been withering away in front of his very eyes, and regardless of how pissed off he is, he still cares.
“Ava. Come on. Talk to me.”
Ava just shakes her head.
“‘M fine, Connor--really. Don’t you have other things to be doing?”
Her snark is weak, and she’s already on the verge on crying--or screaming, or vomiting, or worse--she can’t quite tell, and she just wants to go home and block out the world. She knows she’s spiraling--has been since that horrible night when... everything happened.
But at least then, she’d had Connor. She’d had Sarah, she’d had her support system, she’d had some semblance of hope.
And then, Connor had ripped into her without any thought, confirming to her that he did, in fact, believe his father--Ava had slept with Cornelius.
His father had just left out the crucial detail: nothing about that instance was consensual.
“You���ve lost weight, Ava, the bags under your eyes are bordering on mimicking that of a raccoon, and now you’ve got gashes that we both know aren’t from a vase. What is really going on?”
Connor stares at her with burning intensity, and Ava is faced with a choice: lie, and tell Connor that she’s fine, and that she can handle this on her own, or tell him the truth, and hope like hell that he’ll believe her.
After a few moments pause, the truth slips from Ava’s lips, a slippery slimey squalid thing, seeping from her very soul like black ichor from an infected wound. She’s sobbing by the time she gets to the end, and she’s ashamed--she hates being vulnerable like this, and she hates that Connor still manages to pull it out of her, no matter how awful and cold he’s been towards her over the past few months.
“This won’t change anything between us, Connor. I promise. You can continue to stay away, and if it’s easier for you, you can just keep seeing me as a monster. I’m already sort of damaged to begin with, anyways. You can just pretend I didn’t say anything, and we’ll both figure out ways to keep going forward. Just... forget I said anything.”
Connor sighs.
“You just don’t get it, Avey. This changes everything. You’ve been harming yourself for god knows how long, and you’re just now telling me about it? And not only that--my father is part of the catalyst for all of it? Why didn’t you tell me what he did?”
Ava turns away from him.
“How was I supposed to tell you? How was I supposed to know that you’d have my back after you were so inclined to believe your father over me, when you’d already painted me as a vicious temptress--a monster, really? You already broke my heart, Connor. I wasn’t about to have you tell me that I was lying about being a victim as well.”
Connor is visibly shocked. He’d fallen prey to his father’s manipulations yet again, and this time, Ava had been the one harmed. He’d ignored her, had broken things off, had left her stranded on a sinking raft, so blinded by his father’s snaked silver tongue, and she’d been crumbling, rot decaying her very bones down to her soul.
He walks over to her, tentative hand reaching out towards her shoulder. She flinches away from his touch, and Connor can’t tell if it’s from instinct, or disgust towards him, but either way--it breaks his heart.
Ava, ever so snarky and confident, brilliantly fierce and caring, had been suffering miserably, and he’d been so caught up in everything else that he’d completely abandoned her.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, eyes falling to the ground. “I should’ve been there for you, and I should’ve realized my father was scheming.”
Ava doesn’t respond, but she does lean into his touch,  body softening towards him.
“I still love you, Avey. I never stopped--I just couldn’t deal with the idea of you manipulating me, and it’s not the first time a girlfriend had used me to get to my father and his money, and I just... I panicked. Please forgive me.”
The last part is whispered, voice trailing off. Connor knows he has messed up, but he isn’t lying about his love.
“I didn’t just want to be your girlfriend,” Ava whispers. “I wanted everything with you. All of it. But you left. And you took my heart with you.”
Connor moves to wrap his arms around Ava, pulling her close. This time, she doesn’t flinch away.
“This changes everything, Ave. We can fix this. We’ll get through this--together, alright? I won’t leave you again.”
“Promise,” Ava mumbles, face pressed against Connor’s chest.
“Promise,” he responds. “Although, I might need to punch my father in the face. Again.”
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lilyblackdraws · 1 year
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127 - Nottinof Mana
This got a bit long...
Nottinof is a not entirely average human. Her unaverageness stems from her trait to move mana on touch. On direct contact with her body she will move the mana of whoever touches her either into her body or her’s into their body. She can’t turn this off. That’s why she covers most of her body. I do that a lot; give someone a neat ability or trait but they also can’t not use it, which gives them some trouble.
She also has a well above-average capacity to store mana. This could also be called a trait of hers, but it is just what it is. However, as a human she doesn’t possess any natural ability to make use of this mana. She can move it around and store it but that’s about it. Natural Magic is unique to draconics and she hasn’t undergone the training to acquire her own magic sight to use whatever Artificial Magic she might have.
So she opened a mana transfer business. You come in and she pays you to drain your mana. This is entirely harmless, since there are no drawbacks to your mana reserves being empty (unless you wanted to use magic) and it just replenishes naturally. It’s kinda like donating blood. It does come across as a bit shady, since nobody would ever have heard of this kind of thing but it’s quick and harmless. She will then sell this mana to magic-users. She’ll hang around with them so they can have their own reserves replenished by Nottinof to use magic for longer or to use magic that would exceed the required mana that they naturally have.
When she opened her mana business, Nottinof decided it would be best to pretend to be a Draconic, to get more credibility. Humans don’t usually have much to do with magic, especially since Artificial Magic is a recently discovered phenomenon. To that end she had very convincing horn and tail props crafted, which she’d then wear day in and out. However, due to some whim of fate or something they ended up as actual, functional parts of her body. She wasn’t too torn up about it, even if they’re a bit inconvenient when going to sleep. A side-effect was, that her already enormous mana capacity expanded even more. “Mana is stored in the tail, as they say.” she’d sometimes claim. (Nobody says that.) To said tail she tied a lamp that runs on mana. It’s not like it’s an indicator of how much she has, since it’s very mana-efficient. It always burns at full intensity. She’s not much of a fighter, but if she was then she’d definitely use an overly long mallet that conducts mana. Does this do anything? Maybe. I just thought it looked good, I’ll rationalize it when I have to.
I kinda like her. Partially because I gave her a really good name, but I also find her pleasant to look at and think about. She’s one of the best showcases of how I make my characters. She has a really powerful trait, but can’t make any use of it by herself. It’s also potentially inconvenient to her. I wrote a side-story with her in a side-lead role.
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gay-kurapika · 2 years
I know how cynical this makes me sound but I think the biggest thing I learned from my shit situation with my former roommate was that people who say they care about you might not actually care about you. Because I don’t think the way she treated me was at all the way I would treat someone I cared about, but she certainly destroyed my confidence and made me believe I must be a shit person because I didn’t constantly put her before myself. She did things for me, but she always made sure I was well aware that she did them and that I owed her. The night this all went down she said she does everything for me and that I was soul sucking, but that’s honestly not accurate at all. I was financially supporting her. Me, the person who is hugely in debt and works two jobs and literally hasn’t bought anything for themself beyond food and basic necessities in a year, was supporting her financially while she didn’t pay bills or rent in the place she was living for free. She was working 15 hours a week from home making social media posts for a pet shelter, and getting paid for 40 hours a week at $18 an hour while doing so, but somehow never had the money to pay her part of the rent but DID have money for a keurig, a “vintage” toaster, a toaster oven, a new laptop, a new phone, new clothes every week (that one really bothered me since I’m still wearing the pants I wore in fucking 6th grade since I can’t afford new ones), those pre-planned meals sent to you with all organic fancy ingredients that are like $150 per month, and whatever new flavor of the month waste of money thing she wanted. During our fight that led to this she even said she always offers me food when she cooks but I never do and you want to fucking know why? She would wait until I bought food with whatever $30-40 I could scrounge up and then steal my food and cook it, even when I had something planned for myself. I actually on one month planned out every meal I would cook down to the day and bought all the ingredients as an investment and while I was at work she used the entire jar of pasta sauce I had bought that I had intended to last for 6 to 8 meals for one pot of pasta that was nasty and unseasoned and was mostly thrown away because she didn’t portion it out the way I had intended to. I was literally heartbroken, I sobbed in my room after because I knew that meant I’d probably be pulling shit like drinking a bunch of water instead of eating. I begged on here for money that month to get new groceries and then didn’t even get to use it because she didn’t pay rent, I got hit with an overdraft fee, and everything I got from the people that donated to me went to that. It’s ridiculous that she thinks she was supporting me because she cleaned more often. Yeah bitch you’re home 24/7 and I work multiple physical labor jobs and literally also eat at both of them. Why should I come home and do your dishes? And who cares if my room is dirty, I’m the bitch who lives there.
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