#I don’t know the logistics of dragon dreaming in show but like it seems she can’t control what she sees and when so like hypothetically
halfyearsqueen · 3 months
she has a pair of dragonglass candles she found in the year 114 AC, after taking dragonstone as her own seat.
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strawberryqueen00 · 1 year
Do you think that Viren is dead?
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I hope this meme accuracy describes my words. If not…oh boy
But legit…there’s a chance. So Aaravos very clearly words it “the blood of your child” not the “life of your child” the blood. That is some SUPER specific wording I’ve been thinking of. Because well…Claudia is currently missing a leg and is letting a lot of blood. But Aaravos also uses the words “sacrifice” later. This implies a death(or that there just needs to be ENOUGH blood that the only one to get it is death which Claudia bleed out could provide).
But then there’s the question of
1. Can they find Viren in time. He’s in the woods(i assume this isn’t that big of a deal)
2. Would Claudia even have the strength to do this?(would be interesting if Terry used dark magic here 👀 but also unlikely)
3. How does she figure out how to do the spell. The homunculus saying “Blood of Child” seems like a detail that the writers very likely put in to let Claudia know about the blood but who tells her the symbol in the spell? I guess the homunculus could draw the symbol in the ground?
But we’ve seen this happen before where Claudia has done something the person didn’t want/had accepted reality in Soren. Soren was fine with what happened after the dragon fight. And having the extra drama of Claudia using dark magic to bring him back if he didn’t want to. THE ANGST YOU GUYS!
But I’m not just conflicted from a logistical perspective but from a character perspective.
If the story better if Viren comes back?
Is it more narratively fufilling for Viren to choose to die a meaningless death without dark magic when he was so prideful of positions of power. Of being remembered for something greater than this. To die on his own terms humbly on the ground, forsaking that thing that his pride focused on so much?
To some him dying without seeing the rest of the gang or them knowing he gave up dark magic is a waste. But, I don’t think so. Because it is a legitimately an interesting take to have a villain come to a moral change and become a better person without the heroes ever knowing. That you can grow as a person even in your last moments and that you don’t always have to reconcile with the people you hurt for your growth to be valid.
They can still hate you and you can grow as a better person and that’s okay.
So. Do you understand why I made the meme I did st the top of my post? There are so many unique possibilities for Viren’s development from this point forward if they let him live or not.
I don’t think it’s as obvious in one side of another if his death will be permanent.
Now time for a crack theory if you were there just for that answer you can leave. I don’t fully believe this but as a not normal.tm person. My brain is…interested in this potential connection. Follow my lead for a second.
So. Terry is an Earthblood Elf and we have seen in the show and the spellbook that they can control plants and stone. And the image we’ve seen at the beginning of every episode? Viren turning to stone. What if Terry had a way to seal Viren in stone in a state where he’s on the edge of death until they can help him?
This is also an additional theory that works here.
Just to be clear, I even LESS believe this but the threads are there for it.
We know that humans can have revelations about the Arcanums after their dark magic dream. What if, in this moment of death. Of accepting life and staying true to his beliefs, grounding himself for the first in his life. We know from the Tale of Xadia books(sorry using wiki screenshots my phone is cringe) the associations the show has with Earth. We know we can trust what the book has to say about Arcanums and the show because what they say about the Ocean is what Callum uses to learn it.
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A lot of these currently don’t currently fit Viren but they could in a symbolic sense. In the future(harmony to represent the growth he’s made in his relationship with through Terry along with harmony in himself AND harmony between dark magic and Arcanum magic! Patience he showed in how long he waited for the throne and his plan but also a symbolic patience of how it’s taken for him to get here,
Before this he’s also been shown to be stubborn, resilient, he literally is a representation of the deep history humans have with dark magic. HOW MANY HAS HE TRIED TO HEAL PEOPLE WITH DARK MAGIC GUYS COME ON! BALANCE! BALAANCE Light and Dark come on!
This is all just a crack theory but the more I connected then points made and more sense. The narrative potential of the greatest user of Dark Magic in the series. The Magic that hurts creatures to use, becomes a magic user of EARTH AND NATURE. To heal what he has done. To take what he used to use and help it heal and grow. Like talk about a full circle opportunity!
But it’s pretty unlikely with what we know and it anyone wants to write a fanfic or make art off Earth arcanum Viren AU PLZ @ me I love this.
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beavesaintmarie · 6 years
okay i usually don’t meta outside of my tags lol but i felt like with all this new GOT content we’ve been getting lately i should probably layout how i feel about dark d/any and mad queen d/any theories and what they mean to me. cause i think the two are often conflated and mischaracterized and i just wanna set the record straight on my end. 
now if you know me, you know that i am no d/any fan. by even the slightest measure. and i make no apologies for that. but i do not believe that d/any is going mad in S8. 
i think d/any has become relatively paranoid in recent years but i also think that is to be expected given her background of living under the constant threat of assassination when she was younger. 
but i do think d/any absolutely has the capacity to allow her more darker impulses to rule her emotions and therefore dictate her behavior and choices in s8. 
cause let’s be honest here, d/any’s ambitions for the IT have completely defined who she is as a character these past 8 years. her dragons, her mission to occupy that seat of power and her belief that she is the rightful heir to the throne is her identity.
j/on now becoming a real threat to that; to her identity, will cause issues between them. i think it is naive to believe that on with a series such as this, that the biggest bombshell, 20 years in the making; will have little to no impact on all of these characters’ lives. it’s been carefully constructed to have maximum impact. it’s a tectonic shift in the lives of not only j/on and d/any but also their allies, the starks and the rest of westeros.
and it can’t be solved easily with the option of marriage because of one of these characters would have to agree to take the role of consort, therefore having their power diminished by the other to some degree because at the end of the day whoever is the sovereign is the one with whom the real power rests. 
there’s no real concept of co-rulers in westeros. people often cite alysanne and jaeherys but there are instances in F&B where it was clear that no matter the great influence alysanne had over jaeherys; the final word was ultimately his. meaning that if they came to a stalemate, he was the tie breaker. 
and j/on agreeing to be consort even though he is true heir doesn’t work once you look at the logistics of his own popularity throughout the realm. he’s not just any ole johnny appleseed. 
he’s been hailed as a war hero, people know that he was raised by the most honorable man in westeros and some even consider him to be some kind of god for having literally died and come back to life again. all of that coupled with the blood-claim makes him the king westeros has been wanting and needing for a long time.
and it is of little matter, whether or not, he wants the throne. we’ve seen time and time and time again j/on be put up for jobs he didn’t want but ultimately took on because it was the right thing to do or because it enabled him to get things done that were for the good of the realm. so if he survives and if westeros or what’s left of westeros wants him to lead them, then as history has shown....he will ultimately do so. 
and frankly, d/any’s introduction to westeros has been a VERY rocky one. i won’t go into all of the details but from s7, we can easily infer that the people might not view her as quite the savior she was viewed as in essos.
even with the upcoming WFTD, where most are hoping she proves her worth as a savior of the realm; one could make the argument that if she never had her sights set on conquering westeros and never brought her dragons there with the express intentions of doing so, the NK would have never gotten his hands on a dragon; therefore making his threat to the realm an even more devastating reality than it already was because now he too has nuclear fire power. 
and it also bears noting that she is one of the very few characters left who still has the same primary ambition she’s had since season one and that is why her story ending in her getting the thing she’s always wanted flies in the face of the very structure of this series.
none of these characters get exactly what they want or they do but in a totally different way than they were expecting which......is sometimes worse than not getting it at all. 
every single person who has actively pursued the IT or even pursued association to the IT has failed in that regard and have been punished by the narrative. cersei being the last person left to be punished. 
and d/any is no different in that regard. she is pursuing a representation of absolute power that at this point has become a proverbial relic of past seasons whereas most of the characters have moved on and have evolved past their season one hopes and dreams. 
which is why i think that once d/any is faced with the many realities she will have to face when she hits WF, it’s going to be very hard for her to process the concept that everything she has worked for for most of her life might be taken from her on a technicality. and i can hear the chorus of ‘well j/on and d/any love each other so they will decide to rule together’ but as i mentioned before, as nice as a notion as that may seem; no matter what: there is only ONE seat of power. 
d/any would have to sit next to j/on the rest of her life with the knowledge that he’s getting something she’s dedicated her life to even though he’s never wanted it and from that grows resentment and bitterness. so i don’t see how that makes for a happy marriage in the long run. 
and if j/on has to sit next to her for the rest of his life, he’d be a living reminder that she is effectively a usurper. and is occupying a seat that is not hers by right. that was given to her by j/on just cause he didn’t want the job. 
...and let’s not forget the concept of a ‘usurper’ is something she has bore nothing but pure contempt for for years. 
so no matter how you slice it, d/any wanting to take what she deems to be hers with fire and blood is the very essence who of she is. she has reiterated it many times on the show. she’s done good things in the pursuit of power yes but at the end of the day, it always comes back to that mission of sitting the IT for her. 
and that notion is at the root of the dark d/any theory. a theory that posits a d/any throwing away any pretenses of this being a noble mission and pursuing the IT with an even deeper passion because she wants it, because she has always wanted it, because it is the crux of her identity, because she believes herself to be only person who truly deserves it because no one has given as much to the cause as she has and therefore whoever stands in her way is a threat. 
right now she believes herself to be the rightful heir but once it’s been made clear to her that she isn’t, will she just abandon everything she’s worked for? her years in essos building her armies, the years waiting for her dragons to grow and most of her youth dedicated to this one cause.... 
will she be satisfied with divesting herself of the identity of being the last dragon? is she even capable of taking on a new identity now when this one has been so heavily entrenched in who she is?
will she be satisfied with having to share power she’s never had any intentions of sharing? 
should she be satisfied? 
and if you’re a d/any fan........would you want her to be satisfied giving all that up? 
lol i’m not a fan of hers and even i feel a way about the idea of her giving all that up... 
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sterek · 6 years
Hey! So I’m new to the fandom I watched Teen wolf seasons 1-6 within 4 days lmao, but I was just wondering could you recommend the best sterek au fics? Your blog is amazing btw!
Sorry it took me a while, but here you go! These are my favorite AU fics in no particular order :) (and thank you boo
A Crooked Way to Fly by andavs [14k G]
“We can’t just leave him here to die.”
“He’s an emissary, Scott.” Derek tried to make his tone empathetic, but Scott’s tendency to fight back on everything always grated on his nerves. “His pack is gone, he won’t survive more than a day or two either way.”
“Then we should stay with him.”
Derek sighed as he studied the man for a moment; he was too pale against the fur rim of his hood, almost grey from lying out in the snow, and his cloak was stained with dark dried blood around a protruding arrow shaft. It was unlikely he would even last the night. They would probably be able to carry on in the morning with little time lost, if any.
It wasn’t a horrible idea, Derek decided reluctantly. They hadn’t been able to set up a real camp for a few weeks in the open foothills, and they were all on edge from sleeping in exposed areas. A defensible place to sleep would be good for them, even if they were surrounded by death. They would be able to give the pack proper burials, at the very least.
“Fine. One night,” Derek relented, already moving away to check on Isaac. “He’s your responsibility.”
Put Down in Words by paintedrecs [203k, M]
“Oh,” Stiles said, his voice coming out low and breathy, “fuck me.”
“I don’t think that’s on the syllabus, but we can check to see if there’s a spot open in any of his classes,” Scott said, grinning.
“This isn’t an actual professor, though,” Stiles insisted, unable to resist brushing his thumb over the sharp line of the man’s bearded jaw. He was laughing at something off-camera, the shot taken in three-quarters view, his coat collar casually rumpled and opened to reveal a sliver of a simple grey t-shirt. The whole thing was deliberately calculated to lend him a more accessible feel, and god help him, Stiles was falling for it.
When Stiles signed up for Dr. Hale’s intro to history class, he had two goals: knock out the credits his advisor was bugging him to complete before he graduated, and spend a few hours a week daydreaming about his sexy professor’s salt and pepper beard.
Derek, a few months away from turning forty and not sure when his life had started feeling so damn lonely, had never encountered someone like Stiles before. Bright-eyed, sharp-tongued, determined to throw Derek’s carefully cultivated world into disarray…and absolutely the last person Derek should be falling in love with.
Cupboard Love by mklutz [32k, G]
He’s carefully balancing the sandwiches and the two biggest tupperware containers he could find that both had functioning lids when the front door opens and he almost drops everything right there in front of the stupid fountain.
If that’s Derek Hale, he’s definitely not a mountain man.
One life stand by Vendelin [84k, E]
Stiles is used to selling himself to make ends meet. But it's getting harder to keep those ends meeting, and there's only so much of Stiles to go around. Until a too-fancy car shows up in his neighborhood, and he meets Derek Hale.
All Derek wants is Stiles's time, someone to stay on his arm for events and smile for the cameras. It's the easiest job Stiles has ever had, the best-paying one he's ever had, and he's more than happy to sign up.
Derek is everything and nothing Stiles expects him to be, with his tailored suits, sharp mind and his quiet way of caring. But it's just a job and Stiles never meant to fall in love.
In Other Words, Baby, Kiss Me by primroseshows [61k, E]
Stiles has simple goals in life. To successfully complete his secret radar project without getting fired, to get a cottage on the Moon, and to untangle his mess of feelings for Moon Station 3 deputy, Derek Hale. Heck, he'll even settle for two of the three.
The Circus at the End of the World by mikkimouse [91k, E]
Three hundred years ago, the world ended not with a bang or a whimper, but with magic.
Since then, magic has been outlawed, and the world has clawed its way back to some kind of stability, with people and shifters alike divided between living within the walled safety of the Havens, or the small, less protected outposts dotting the frontier.
Derek Hale and his sisters, Laura and Cora, are the proprietors of Hale's Circus of Magic, Monsters, and Mystical Wonders, known colloquially as the Circus at the End of the World. They and their ragtag pack ride the rails between the outposts and the Havens, performing for those who can pay (and some who can't). Their circus is a small haven in and of itself, a place of safety for those who have nowhere else to go.
It's a quiet life...until Stiles Stilinski joins the crew.
The circus has something Stiles needs—a ticket into the Haven of Santa Francesca. His father has been abducted, and Stiles is determined to get him back no matter what he has to do.
But Stiles has another secret, one that puts him and every member of the circus in danger. And if he's not careful, it could get them all killed.
The Silent Fury by andavs, rosepetals42 [31k, M]
Derek is about to leave, content with the smell of blood as proof that the Fury is dead when he hears it.
A heartbeat.
It’s faint and uneven and even with its help, it takes Derek a full minute of scanning the clearing before he finally spots the small heap that must be the human. It’s down on the far side of the canyon, almost completely hidden by a tall oak tree and–Derek jumps down before he thinks about it.
He knows what he has to do. Furies are dangerous. Furies are fire and smoke and a funeral he barely remembers. He lands almost silently and makes sure his hands are fully shifted into claws and then slowly moves forward.
Or, a How to Train Your Dragon AU
Kindred Spirits by Stoney [104k, E]
Anne of Green Gables/Teen Wolf AU.Stiles is the adopted son of the Sheriff, brought to Beacon Hills to hopefully stay for good. A family, a best friend, school, Jackson as Josie Pye (because who else could he be?) and the mystery of a dark haired, green-eyed boy which leads Stiles to discovering a secret within himself.
Sell Your Body to the Night by Dira Sudis (dsudis) [121k, E]
"No," he repeated impatiently. "I'm not a cop. I'm someone who wants to exchange my money for your sexual services. I was told you were in that line of work."
"I, uh, yeah, sorry," Stiles said. He glanced around again and then up--the full moon was almost directly overhead. Just one of those nights, maybe. "Yeah, I am. I do that."
But Then What... by Stoney [24k, E]
Senior year is almost over, and all Stiles needs to do is keep his head down to survive. A teacher calls in a favor, leaving him stuck tutoring Derek Hale, one of the most popular jocks in school and a member of a group of douchecanoes who have bullied Stiles for years. He's someone Stiles totally hates. Totally. Like, doesn't like him even a little bit. DEFINITELY isn't attracted to him.
Except that is a total lie. Fuck his life, seriously.Senior year is almost over, and all Stiles needs to do is keep his head down to survive. A teacher calls in a favor, leaving him stuck tutoring Derek Hale, one of the most popular jocks in school and a member of a group of douchecanoes who have bullied Stiles for years. He's someone Stiles totally hates. Totally. Like, doesn't like him even a little bit. DEFINITELY isn't attracted to him.Except that is a total lie. Fuck his life, seriously.
Little Wild Animal by DiscontentedWinter [61k, E]
Derek Hale finds a feral human on his pack's property.Humans are supposed to be extinct.But then, Stiles is full of surprises.
(also read the other work in the series, it’s more original fic than sterek but i adore it!)
I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek by DiscontentedWinter [51k, M]
Stiles finds a baby on the porch.
It looks exactly like him.
Well, this is awkward.
Don't Speak by fatale [68k, T]
The Alpha pack has systematically attacked Stiles and his friends for months, testing their strengths and weaknesses. When one of the Alphas goes after Stiles, he awakens in the hospital and realizes that something's wrong. Very wrong. All sounds seem to hurt him, he can't understand what anyone is saying, and when he tries to speak, it's gibberish. How is he supposed to deal with the fact that he's lost the ability to communicate with his dad and his friends?
Without his ability to talk, his sarcasm, and his wit, what does Stiles even have left? Enter Derek, the only one who seems to make it better.
Occam's Razor by MissAnnThropic [49k, E] [and also read the sequel!!]
When Stiles goes to sleep, he’s a junior in high school. He wakes up in a world where he’s twenty-four and married to Derek Hale. Stiles just can’t seem to catch a break.
Specialized Technical Intelligence and Logistics for Earth and Space (S.T.I.L.E.S) by Yiichi [63k, NR]
“What the hell kind of a name is Stiles?” he asked.
“You know, a series of sounds spoken in a particular sequence that represent my identity, primarily, referring to me?“ the AI – Stiles – answered cheekily, crossing his own arms in front of his chest, mirroring Derek’s position.
“Ooh, this one’s feisty,” Peter smirked.
Tiny Houses by ohmyjetsabel ]77k, E]
"So this is what Stiles does. He lies in Scott’s bed and waits for Melissa to say she’s found someone to get it out of him, to cure him of the wrongness and the bad, and he dreams.
God, he dreams.
He dreams of fire and swollen bellies and that scene in Alien, of giving birth to jackals through his urethra, the whole horrific nine yards. His head is a terrible place to be, he can’t imagine his stomach is much better, why anyone would want to put a thing inside of it."
Stilinski's Home for Wayward Wolves by owlpostagain [35k, T]
“At least your puppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them to be well-mannered.”
“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly.
Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges, abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up and all but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, and sure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock duct taped to the vinyl siding:
DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school and accidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
The entire Bodice Ripper 'Verse byStoney!!!
Fly a Little Faster by mirrorkill [32k, T]
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
Enemy Lines by qhuinn (tekla) [149k, E]
This is the story of werewolf Derek Hale and human Stiles Stilinski: two people who grew up in the same town but completely different worlds, their realities split by the war between men and wolves.
Years later when Derek returns to Beacon Hills, he does it as Alpha of a military pack on a mission to capture those responsible for the region’s resistance. With his main objective, Sheriff Stilinski, out of sight, he settles for the next best thing: his son, Stiles.
Neither of them suspects they’ll need to trust each other if they want to make it out this alive.
an exaltation of larks by llassah [25k, E]
There are times when he feels as if they could fall into bed together, easy as breathing. If Stiles were not highborn, if he were an omega without connections, Derek would be sorely tempted. As it is, he resists. Derek wants, he yearns, but he resists. Still, the sight of Stiles in his cot is enough to test him, even now that it is familiar. At the end of each lambing season, he sleeps for a week, worn down by months of hard work, of relentless struggle. He doesn’t know how he’ll feel by the time Stiles leaves, how he’ll feel after long days and longer nights spent resisting the insistent tug of Stiles’s scent and the inclinations of his own foolish heart.
All Derek wants is to get through the lambing season with his body and spirit intact. He had thought that the blizzards would be the main danger, not a highborn omega with beautiful eyes and a stubborn streak.
Move A Mountain by ZainClaw [69k, E]
Stiles goes camping with his friends in New Mexico after graduation where they befriend a biker gang led by Derek: a guy whom Stiles can’t decide if he will be either relieved or devastated to never see again once their week is up.
The Importance of Turning Around Three Times Before Lying Down by otter [31k, M]
It’s like this dog has walked out of all of Stiles’ childhood dreams and into the real world just because Stiles wanted it hard enough. He is the most awesome dog ever, and he and Stiles have a bond. A deep, unbreakable bond because this animal is his soul mate, obviously. Now he just has to convince the dog of that. 
Stiles's Story Time by trilliath [125k, E]
Where Stiles is a librarian who is in charge of the kids' reading hour and such. And Derek is 6-year-old Scott's adoptive dad. And Stiles has his own take on Stories and Scott loves wolves and Derek tries not to admit that he likes the way Stiles's face looks in those glasses.Or something like that.
Not Your Disney Romance by Rawren (Zimothy) [42k, M]
After a long-forgotten agreement of an arranged marriage between Derek and the daughter of another pack's alpha resurfaces, Stiles takes it upon himself to become the most amazing fake fiancé that a clueless, desperate alpha werewolf could wish for.
There is a Brotherhood by minusoneday [21k, E]
So far, college has taught Stiles three things:
1) Eight am classes are cruel and unusual and should be avoided at all costs, even if it means having to enroll in something truly hideous instead, like Econ 101.
2) Dorm security is just as tight as Stiles’ orientation leader had promised it would be, and the dude guarding Scott’s dorm in particular does not respond well to bribes.
3) Mrs. McCall clearly had no clue what she was talking about when she’d insisted that Scott and Stiles needed to branch out and room with strangers, so it’s all her fault that Scott ended up with a total dick of a roommate and Stiles got stuck all the way across campus with some guy who has a girlfriend two towns over and is thus never around.
Or, the one where pledge brothers Stiles and Scott start a prank war with Derek Hale's fraternity.
Prince Among Wolves by Rawren (Zimothy) [101k, E]
Looking for full day/evening sitter. 2 twin boys age 4. Must have exp. w/werewolves. Must be human. No pedophiles. No teenage girls. Pay negotiable.
What I Did On My Summer Vacation by grimm [118k, E]
There's something weird about Beacon Hills that Stiles can't quite put his finger on. The way everyone in town knows his name the day he arrives. The way they insist the melancholic howling that echoes through the forest every night is just a dog. The way his dad denies getting a dog, even though Stiles comes home to find one sprawled across his bed, some big black thing whose eyes gleam red in the right light. The way that massive oak tree out in the woods vibrates under his touch, pulsing with sickly life.
There's something weird going on in this town, and Stiles is determined to get to the bottom of it.
Cornerstone by Vendelin [83k, E]
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else. 
[Not!Fic] Random Craigslist Missed Connections Derek/Stiles Not!Fic of Doom by fire_juggler_writes (fire_juggler) [17k, T]
An AU in which Stiles is lonely and addicted to the Missed Connections page on Craigslist, Derek is a hermit with a persistant sister, Scott gives unexpectedly good relationship advice, and it all ends happily-ever-after.
Trust Fall by Stoney [144k, T]
Stiles is fairly certain that a case could be made for every bad thing in his life coming back to Peter Hale. This time it's pissing off a powerful witch, who retaliated by swapping Stiles and Derek a la Freaky Friday, because sure. That makes sense. Um, there are GPAs on the line, not to mention the whole thing where his dad wants to shoot Derek on sight. Except who he sees as Derek is actually Stiles, and Stiles did not sign up for filicide.
Great. Wait...does this mean he's the Alpha until they figure this out? Holy. Shit.****
Derek had stood in front of the bathroom mirror for a few minutes trying to control the panic as he saw himself as Stiles. As the loud mouthed human friend of the pack. He was going to kill Peter. He was going to kill the witch, then he was going to kill Peter. Maybe even resurrect him again just to kill him all over.
They were going to have to play this cool. They would have to stay calm and focused. Which is of course why the universe threw him into this situation with someone who physically couldn't be calm and focused.
Of course.
Stand Fast in Your Enchantments by DevilDoll, Rahciach [76k, E]
"Stiles knew damn well what a pissed-off wolf sounded like, and every hair on the back of his neck was telling him that somewhere in this room was a very pissed-off werewolf." An AU in which Derek is feral, Stiles is magical, and they eat a lot of fast food.
Safety in Silence by Survivah [66k, M]
It's perfectly understandable. Even Derek wouldn't want to be Derek's soulmate. 
Where The Inevitable Isn't by Survivah [41k, M]
Stiles has a magical thingamajig that's supposed to get him out of danger. Trouble is, it took him really, really far out of danger. Like, to the point where he isn't in the same universe anymore.
"A part of Stiles had been thinking that he’d come home, and just go, 'hey, Derek, are we mates and you just haven’t said anything about it?' and Derek would reply, 'now you mention it, we are indeed! Now come to my bedchamber, where we will have super hot sex and then cuddle after!'"
"Pretend this is our den, kay?" by Survivah [16k, M]
In which Stiles is raised by (were)wolves, and he and Derek are childhood sweethearts that never stopped. Also, Kate Argent is a homicidal maniac but a very helpful plot device.
The Boy and the Beast by Dira Sudis (dsudis) [116k, M]
In which events in Beacon Hills go rather differently from the start, and a Beauty and the Beast (ish) story ensues. (Scott is not a teacup and no one sings about their feelings.)
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buckaroo-shopp · 4 years
Skull Couple Heart Shape You And Me We Got This Poster
DRY DREAMS OF FURTHERING THE EITHER CRYING OR EXPLAINING YOUR GIGGLING THE STORY FOR SO LONG WE’VE BEEN AWAY FROM THESE CHARACTERS FOR SO LONGand JUST TO BE WITH THEM TO BE BACK IN THIS WORLD IS REALLY SPECIAL SEEING JOHN RECEIVE THIS INFORMATION ABOUT WHO HE IS ASSUMING THAT PEOPLE WHENEVER YOU CAME TO THE STORY IN WHATEVER WAY BOOKS SHOW SOME COMBINATION HE WONDERED ABOUT THISand WAITED FOR THEM TO FINALLY SEE IT WAS REALLY SPECIAL AMENITIES AT ALL THESE REUNIONS NOW ARE YOU SEEING THE INJURY ARE YOU SEEING JOHN JOHNSON BRAND LIKE THE LIST GOES ONand ON IT WAS JUST REALLY COMPLICATEDand VERY FRAUD IN A WAY TO FILTER THE STORY IT WAS ALSO REALLY SHOULD ONLY START TO KNOW I RIGHT NOW WHICH IS HOW WILL HAVE TO ARRANGE WILL DEFINITELY PROBABLY NEED TO BRING LIKE A DESIRE CDI BUDGET IS ALSO IS A QUICK BREAKand WILL BE RIGHT BACK ON TOP OF ROOMS AFTER THIS IS CRYSTALLINE CULTURAL IMPACT APPEALS TO DIEHARD GENRE PEOPLE ALSO HAS REACHED INTO THE PUBLIC CONVERSATION TO SAY MY DIVINITIES THE UNSECURED PAYMENT ADDRESS QUESTIONS LINE ON HASSAN’S ON THE WEDNESDAY BENJAMIN IS A DEEP DIVE LOOK AT EACH IMMIGRANT UPSET EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE ABOUT THE MOUNTAIN WHO IS STILL WITH US THOUGHand ON OUR COVERAGE ON RINGER WITH SINISTER and IT’S A BRAND NEW Cast AS YOU CAN ONLY WE ARE BACK ON SOFTER THROWING STICKS FOR JOINING US I TALKED TO THRONES IF YOU GUYS WANT TO REACH OUT TO USand WE NOW WE GET TO A SEGMENT OF THE DYING I CAN’T WAIT TO GET TO THIS ONE IS A FIREand ICE WINNER OF THE WEEK DELIVERED BY HOUSE WAYS A REALLY SMALL FROSTY WHEN YOU ORDER DELIVERY OF THE WENDY’S SPICY CHICKEN COMBO USING THE PROMO CODE HOUSE WENDY’S ON DOOR HIS DELIVERY AT ON THE WEEK MALLORY EXTREMELY CHALLENGING TO LOCK IN ON BECAUSE ALL I CAN WITHOUT ANY FEAR THEY ARE THROWN BUT HE DOESN’T WANT THAT IT’S A BIRDand IT’S VERY COMPLICATED GENRE TO DRAGON BUT ANDROPAUSE WATCHING HIM WHILE HE TRIED HAS ACCESS TO ALL OF YOU IS BEST TO SCHEDULE GOING WITH SANS THE BECAUSE THE PERSON WHO SEEMED MOST IN CONTROL OF LIKE THE COURAGE OF HER CONVICTIONand ALSO HAD THE MOST OTHER PEOPLE EITHER ADVOCATING FOR HER WERE SAYING LIKE SEEMS TO HAVE LIKE REALLY FIGURED OUT THIS EMAIL COURSE DANNY WAS NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE SHE WAS SAYING WHY DOES YOUR SISTER NOT LIKE AND OR RESPECTIVELY BUT SEEM TO HAVE A PRETTY GOOD YOU HAVE TO BE MY FRIEND BUT SHE HAS TO RESPECT HIMand THAT WAS REAL HE GOT A WRITER HE’S BEEN ALONE THIS WHOLE TIME HIS BEST ELI SIRI ON JAVELINS FRONT HIS EYES TO HIS ROOMMATE FOR MANY YEARS UNDER THE MINUTE THE SWEET YOU ARE JUST CHILLING DOWN THERE EATING DUDESand GOATSand WHATEVER ELSEand NOW HE’S FINALLY GOT HOLD ONLY RIDE ON A GREAT ONE THANK YOU BECAUSE SO OFTEN THROUGHOUT THE STORY WE SAID WHY DANNY GIVING THIS AREA IS ALL ONLY JUST ROOM TO GROW IN ROME BUT YOU RIGHT AFTER HE HAS HIS AUTHORITARIAN SAYINGS THAT A GET A SECOND IN THE MIX FINALLY WONDERFUL FOR VEGGIESand WHAT ARE THE WEAK MALWARE OF THE WEEK WAS ON THE JESUS YOU A LOSER I AM A LOSER IT’S NEURON GRADE IS DEFINITELY NOT GETTING INVITED BACK TO THE FANTASY SWEET AFTER LOSING HIS PRIZE CAPTIVE BECAUSE HE WAS UP IN THE FANTASY SUITES RIGHT LIKE COME ON MY GUY IS STRONGER LOCK ON JUST SOMETHING TO MY ARE THE WEEK IS I IS KHYBER BECAUSE CLAIRE WHEN HE SAID THE WALL JOB HE WAS VERY EXCITED FOR A REUNION WITH ALL OF THESE REANIMATED CORPSES THEY COULDN’T WAIT TO USERS IS HANDLING DEBTS MY LOSER OF THE WEEK IS PROBABLY THE ELEPHANT TRADERS OF THE GOLDEN COMPANY UNDERSTAND HOW IF YOU ARE A HIGH LEVEL ANIMAL TRAINER WAS GETTING ELEPHANTS READY FOR BATTLE LIKE PRESUMABLY IS AS THEY WERE FOR MERCENARY GROUP I WOULD IMAGINE THAT THAT HAPPENS RELATIVELY FREQUENTLY BUT THERE’S LIKE THIS CATCH REALLY DON’T LIKE LONG SEA VOYAGES SO STUPID LIKE WHERE THE ACTION THAT YOU GOT WHERE IS HIS FIRST ROLE IS THE DISPUTED LAND LET’S BE FAIR THERE MAKE ANOTHER MAKING THEIR THEY’RE NOT IN THE DISPUTED LANDS IMAGINE CIRCE’S YELP REVIEW OF PROMPT RESPONDED TO MY EMAILS LOVED HIS NAME TO REMEMBERand DIDN’T SEEM TO GET UPSET WHEN YOU’RE ON CHILDREN’S GUYSand A GAMBLING GAME GONE WRONG BUT REALLY OBSESSED WITH ELEPHANT SHOW WHILE WE RUSHED BY I WAS LIKE THE CIRCUS LEFT TOWN THAT WAS WATER IN THE MANAGERS OF ELEPHANTS JUST NEED TO NEED TO STRICKLAND DID LOOKING LIKE THAT WITH YOUR ON I THINK THAT ACTUALLY THEY SEEM TO HAVE ATTENTION ALREADYand EVEN WONDERING IF MAYBE NEURON IS AGAIN FAMOUSLY THE COMPANY NEVER BROKE THE CONTRACT WE WONDERED IF MAYBE THE LOGISTICS OF NEURON BEING THE ONE TO RETRIEVE THEM WOULD MAKE THEM LOYAL TO HIMand SAID ASSERTION BACKand BE A PART OF WAS AT SOME POINT BUT THE HAS THE POTENTIAL TO BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND THAT STRICKLAND IS HAS NO INTEREST IN DEALING WITHand HERE I GET CUT OUT OF THIS IS A WAY HE’S A DANGEROUS MAN SO WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO THAT IF HE GOES ROGUE WAS HE THINK ABOUT HIS COUSIN ROD STRICKLANDand HIS CAREER IS BE A FOCUS SAY NOW IS OUR FIREand ICE WINNER OF THE WEEK DELIVERED BY ASSET HOUSE WENDY’S LET’S GET INTO THE SMALL COUNCIL WERE ON TWITTER WERE TALKING ON TWITTER ATTACHED ROSE TO SEND US YOUR QUESTIONS CAN SEND US YOUR COMMENTS OR THEORIES IF YOU GOT ANY GOT A COUPLE OF HITS FROM THE SMALL COUNCILS LET’S SEE THOSE NOW THE FIRST ONE I GOT HERE COMES FROM DAVID OXMANand HE WANTS TO KNOW WHAT DID YOU GUYS THINK OF THE NEW OPENING SO MUCH TODAY HAS A LOT THERE ANYTHING YOU GUYS REMEMBER FROM THE OLD IT’S A VERY VERY DETAILED YET THERE’S A LOT THERE I WILL SAY SO ONE THING I NOTICED I COULD BE WRONG BUT IF YOU NOTICE THE TARGET AREAand PORTION OF THE CRYSTAL FIRST OF ALL WINNERS ALLand SO THEY MADE IT DARKER THE TARGET AREAand PORTION IS VERY INTERESTING BECAUSE LIKE ON THE FAR LEFT IS THAT IS THAT LIKE IT IS THAT THE BLEEDING SARIS AT THE MEETING IS THAT THE METEOR THAT’S FALLING LATER THAT GOES WITH LIKE WHEN THE PRINCES PROMISES MUST BE I MEAN IT SEEMS TO BE SOME KIND OF LIKE FALLING ASTROID METEOR WHICH IS VERY INTERESTING OBVIOUSLY WE NEED TO GET LIKE A LOT DEEPER INTO IT BUT YEAH THERE’S A LOT TO DIGEST THEREand THAT’S ONE OF THE FIRST PACKAGES LIKE A PARSE EVERY SHOT THAT SEEING THE WALL YOU KNOW THAT THE WALL FALLING ALSO JUST HAVING THAT IS LIKE OUR ENTRY INTO YE RIGHT WHERE WE LEFT OFF WITH THE VIKINGS ARMY MARCHING THROUGH BUT AGAIN JUST CONFIRMATION THAT THIS FORCE YOU WHEN ARTERIES ARE PROCESSINGand WOLLASTON THROUGH IT ALL JUST TO BE REMINDED THAT IS NOT TRUE IT WASN’T FOR THAT ACTUALLY BUT IT’S NOT SURE NOW IS IS A VERY EFFECTIVE WAY TO GROUND YOURSELF IN THE STORY AGAIN RIGHT AWAYand AGAIN SEEN THE CRAP SAMMY HAD WE NEEDED MORE CONFIRMATION OF THE CRIPS OR TO PLAY A PIVOTAL ROLE THE SEASON BUT WE CERTAINLY GOT IT EASY PERCENT BUT IS USUALLY PUT IT IN THE INSURANCE LIKE OF EUGENIA ANNALEE EMMONS SHE TREATS OUT IS BEST WRITTEN SO FAR VOTING FOR THEO’S WELL DESERVED HEAD BUT I WAS A PRETTY GOOD ONE DID YOU A FAVOR REUNION EXAM FOR BEST ANYTHING OUT THERE JAMIE I JEANNIE BRAND THERE’S LIKE THE SYMMETRY IS GREATand LIKE THE YOU KNOW THE THINGS AS YOU SAID THE THINGS THAT YOU DO THAT HE DID FOR LOVE PUSH BRANDON OUT OF A WINDOWand HE’S DOING THINGS FOR DIFFERENT REASONS NOW WHICH HAS BROUGHT THEM BACKand THAT LIKE YEAH YEAH BRANDS YOU ANYTHING FOR HIS IS OF REACTIONS ANYTHING BUT ONE THAT I THOUGHT WAS INTERESTING WAS LIKE I WAS A ROOTSTOCK ABOUT HOW JAMES CAN HAVE A ROUGH GO OF IT ONCE EVERYBODY FINDS OUT HE’S THERE REALLY KNOW HIS INTENTIONS BETTER THAN ANYONE RIGHT I CAN AS ENEMY HE’S JUST HE TOLD ME I’M NOT NOT RANSACKING RELIGIOUS HE’S LEFT A PART OF HIS LIFE BEHIND I WOULD BE VERY COMPELLING FOR SAW HIM REENGAGE WITH HIS HUMANITY THAT THIS SEASON BUT HE IS GOOD TO BE ULTIMATELY PROBABLY OKAY WITH EDGING SHAFFER ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT LIKE MASTERINGand OTHER THAN THAT ONE WHICH WAS ALWAYS A WONDERFUL SPACE PROBABLY ARIand JOHNand ARI AGAIN JURY YOU I FOUND THOSE BOTH VERY ELECTRIC FOR DIFFERENT REASONSand AGAIN JUST LOVE THESE STORYTIME COMPLEXITY OF HAVING ARIA ADVOCATE FOR SIGNS IN THAT EXCHANGEand IT JUST WOULD BE VERY EASY TO SLIP BACK INTO ARIANA JOHN GRUBB’S BEST FRIENDSand RNS EITHER DIDN’T JOHN DIDN’T REALLY REALLY APPRECIATE MOVING BEHIND AS ALL THESE CHARACTERS HAVE MATURED BRAIN CONFLICT TALKS ABOUT HOW HE’S DIFFERENT BUT ARE YOU JUST SEEMS TO IT’S LIKE A REALLY AMAZINGLY NUANCED PERFORMANCE BY VISIBLY BECAUSE SHE’S GOT HER LIKE SHE’S STILL OF THE WORLD SHE DOESN’T JUST GET TO ROLL AROUND IT IS BUICK I’M HAVING A VISION SHE’S BUT SHE’S SO MUCH FROM YOU SO PROFOUNDLY CHANGED BY ALL THE TRAINING SHE’S GONE THROUGH ALL THE EXPERIENCESand TRAUMAS SHE’S GONE THROUGH IS INCREDIBLE I LOVE ALAMOand JOHN IS LIKE REGARDING NEIL’S I CAN BE USED FOR OR FIVE TIMES A YEAR THIS IS FROM CD GORDON WITH A GREAT TWITTER HANDLE ACTUALLY DEFECTIVEand BEFORE I READ CDS TREE I JUST WAS A THESE GUYS ARE DOING AS THE MINISTER JASON WILL BE OBVIOUS IN WRITING IS AMAZING AT THE Mr COLUMN ON THE RINGER SO IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS HIT HIM UP WITH THOSEand CD GORDON ASKED WAS HARRY STRICKLAND BROUGHT TO WESTERN ROASTS SO THAT JOHN COULD END UP WITH BLACK FIRE IS FOR A LANEand EXPLAIN WHAT THAT MEANS IS SO LIKE LEAST THE COMPANY OF THE TOP THE GOLDEN COMPANY WAS FOUNDED BY DISAFFECTED MEMBERS OF THE EXTENDED TARGET AREAand FAMILY THESE WERE THE GREAT PASTORS WHO WERE FATHERED BY EGON THE UNWORTHY WHO WAS A VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY BAD KING SC WAS EXTREMELY PROFLIGATE HAD A LOT OF KIDSand HE GAVE ON THE CONQUEROR SWORD TO ONE OF HIS PAST HURTSand THAT WAS SEEN AS LEGITIMIZING THAT PORTION OF FAMILIES CAUSE THE CIVIL WAR THE BLACK FIRES LOST THEY THE SURVIVING MEMBERS THEN FLED TO SOS WHERE SOME OF THEM FOUNDED THE GOLDEN COMPANY INCLUDING ABEL RIVERS ANOTHER ONE OF THESE GREAT PASTORS WHO FLED WITH THE SWORD BLACK FIRE DISORDERLY ON THE CONQUEROR SO DO THEY STILL DO THE PHYSICAL INCOME IS THE SWORDand DO THEY STILL IDENTIFY WITH THIS OFFSHOOT TARGETING HOUSE TBD BUT IT’S PRETTY INTERESTING TO CONSIDER THE FACT THAT THERE’S NOT A LOT OF TIME TO LIKE FILL THAT UP BUT IT’S PASSING THINK THAT THEY MIGHT BE IF WHAT VALUE WOULD THAT WAS JUST HILARIOUS AS IS THE WORLD OTHER THAN HE ON THE ONE I THINK THAT JOHN’S RELATIONSHIP WITH LONG CLAWS OF LAND SALES FOR THE YEAR C4 COMMANDER MORE HAS BEEN LIKE ONE OF THE REAL HEARTBEATS OF THE SHOWand IS LITERALLY ALL OF THE NORTHand JOHN NEEDS TO BE ANYTHING TO REMIND HIMSELF THAT HE IS SO UNLIKE IN TRADING FOR A TARGET AREA WOULD BE VERY SMALLand SYMBOLICand IN A WAY THAT YOU FEEL TOTALLY RIGHT TO ME HOWEVER IF LONG LIFE IS LOSTand WE HAD THAT TRAILER THEY WERE WAS HERE POSTER THAT WE GOT IN THE TRAILER OF THE SNOW COVERING WINTERS ON THE BATTLE WRECKAGEand LONG CLAWS IN THERE NOW IS THAT LITTLE FOR YEARS ABOUT WHAT WE DON’T KNOW BUT THERE IS A COMPELLING ONE I WAS IN THE RECORD BUT THERE IS A VIDEO JOHN WIELDING BLACK FIRE HIS 88 ON THE CONQUERORS SWORDand MANY ARIANA FINDING DARK SISTER IS SAYING HE IS WHY SWORD WHICH WE HEARD HER TALK ABOUT SHE MENTIONED THIS IS HIGH WHEN YOU HAVE OFFICE AS A HEROINE OF HERS I THINK THAT YOU YOU YOU I MOST GIRLS LIKE YOUR AGE TO CARE ABOUT THE EXCESS OF WAS INTO THREE EYED RAVEN THIS IS OUR SECOND HEAD TOWARDS THE COMING EPISODE SPECIFICALLY NEXT SUNDAY’S EPISODE IF I HAVE TO GUESS THAT SEEMED A LITTLE BIT LIKE A STORM CLOUD GATHERING EPISODE RIGHT BEFORE FOR SURE WE GET IT IN OUR HOMES DEPARTED INVERTED EPISODES BY EITHER ANYTHING YOU GUYS SAW IN THE TRAILER FOR COMING SOON NEXT WEEK THAT YOU THOUGHT WOULD BE AN INTERESTING CLUE THEIR REVIEWERS WOULD BE BE INTO NECESSARILY IN THE TRAILER BUT I DO THINK WAS I DON’T KNOW IF THE GOLDEN COMPANY LIKE HAVE BLACK FIRE PRETENSIONS OR BUT IT DOES FEEL LIKE HE DIDN’T BRING THESE PEOPLE OVERand THEY JUST HAVE THE MOTIVATION OF LIKE MAKING I FEEL LIKE THERE’S ANOTHER THERE’S ANOTHER LEVEL THAT WERE GOING TO DISCOVER WITH THEM THEY HAVE LIKE THEIR OWN MOTIVATIONSand AS YOU NOTED HE LOOKED PRETTY PISSED THAT YOU’RE ON LIKE TO SLAUGHTERING HIS DUDES I THINK THAT THERE’S GOING TO BE SOMETHING OUT THEY WANT SOMETHING ELSE WHEN YOU WERE THE FIRST THURSDAY THEY WORK WELL THEY WERE EVER GAVE THEM A COLLECTION YES OF THE YEAR I WENT OVERand PAID WEEKLY WORK FOR YOUR THE IRONY IS USED THEM BEFORE WE HEARD THIS COME UP IN A CONVERSATION WITH CIRCE ABOUT HER PAYING HER DEBTS ARE LED EARLIER SEASONS BUT THEY’VE BEEN USED TO RETRIEVE GOLD FOR THE IRON BANK BEFORE WHOEVER PAYS A CONTRACT TO THE AIRPORTand WE DON’T KNOW WHO THAT IS TECHNICALLY IT SHOULD BE CIRCE BUT WHAT’S THE FINE PRINT WE DON’T KNOW ME THE MOST INTERESTING THING IN THE TRAILER OBVIOUSLY ALL OF THE JAMIE EXCHANGES IN A DANNY CHALLENGING JAMIE IS GOING TO BE A PRETTY CRAP HE’S BASICALLY ON TRIAL VICTORY WAS A LOT OF FORESHADOWING FOR THE BATTLE EITHER BEGINNING OR WILL GET THE DEFICITS CALLED WINTER FELLand AND THEN WE QUICK SHOT OF WHAT APPEAR TO BE DANNY WITH JOHN KREPS SO SHE IS SHE DIDN’T TELL HER DOWN THERE BECAUSE I THINK THERE COULD BE A STORYTIME PACK HERE WHERE JOHN IN THE CLASSIC THERE’S NO TIME FOR THAT I WAS LOOKING FOR HE SAYS NOW HAS TO WAITand THAT THAT’S POST BATTLE BUT JOHN’S CASEand WITHOUT SAYING BY THE WAY ON YOUR UNIT IS ACTUALLY TO COME UP AT SOME POINT WITH HER IS NOT THE WIDER REALM SO HIM CHOOSING TO REVEAL THAT IN THE CRIPS TO BE VERY POWERFUL I THINK ONE THING I KEEP THINKING ABOUT WAS THE THE WAY IN WHICH OF THE 19 ACROSS THE WALL OBVIOUSLY WAS WITH THE DRAGON THE ICE DRAGON I WONDER HOW FAST TO GET YOUR DRAGON FIGHT LIKE IF YOU WITH THE DRAGON LIKE WHAT WE CAN GET SOMETHING REALLY GNARLY REALLY FAST MAYBE EPISODE THREE BUT IT SEEMS LIKE WHENEVER THEY SEE THE END OF THE TRAILER FOR C EPISODE TWO SCARES THE HELL OUT OF WE DON’T SEE THE NIGHT CAME ORVIS AREAand IN ANY OF THE SEASONING TRAILERS ANYTHING SO THAT BE BECAUSE THE 19 IS NOT ACTIVE ADULT SEEMS HIGHLY UNLIKELY RIGHT SO SOME SORT OF DRAMATIC ARRIVAL WHY IS JOHN WRITINGand DRAGGING OUT OBVIOUSLY THAT MATTER IDENTITY IS IS ISSUED IS ISRAEL PARAMOUNT BUT THERE’S ALSO THE PRACTICAL STORYTELLING IMPACT OF THAT WHICH IS ONE WAY THAT A LOT OF PEOPLE CAN ESCAPE QUICKLY IF THEY NEED TO EVER MAKING CLIENT ON THAT DRAGON WITH HIM A LOT TO ME LIKE PEOPLE BUT ARIEL THAT YOU KNOW IT IS NOW THAT IF YOU KILL A LIGHT WALKER ALL OF THE WHITES OF THAT WATER YOU ALSO FALLand IT IS ALSO CAME IN FROM THE CONVERSATION WITH WAYNE WHEN BARRICK COMES UP TO JOHN IS LIKE THERE’S A 19 JUST KILL HIMand JUST SOCIETYand IN THE AIRand SHOUTS TO BARRICKand TORMENT STANDING ON THE EDGE OF THE WALL AT EAST WIVES THE END OF LAST SEASON LAUNCHING ZERO SPHERESand EURO ARROWS AT THE NIKE SHOT MY DUDES TAKE A FULL COURSE EVEN MAYBE WE KNOW YOUand TELL YOU THAT HE’S ALWAYS HAD BLUE EYES SURFING DOWN ALL THE DISTANCE BROUGHT TO LIGHT RUNNING TO WORK ON THE IS WHAT THEY’RE LIKE YOU ANYTHING THAT WAS EPISODE ONE THIS IS THE EPISODE ONE OF TALK WITH THRONES WERE JASON ATENCIO MALLORY RUBEN I AM CHRIS RYAN KEEP UP WITH THE WRITER ALL WEEK WE GOT AMAZING PODCASTSand ARTICLESand VIDEOS FOR YOU TO CHECK OUT OKAY WITH THRONESand WILL BE BACK HERE NEXT SUNDAY AFTER DOOR GAME OF THRONES WILL SEE THAT Will off the Raiders game of thrones after show this is our after the series show I am Chris Ryan that is Jason conceptualand this is Valerie Rubin we have watched all game of thrones on multiple time is overand we are here to talk to you about how her feelings about it you know we watch the finale on Sunday night process we talked about on top of thrones talked about it on podcast talked about in our personal lives strip is richand fulfilling one we have talked about it not not but I’m sure CDS have any different perspective now that it’s been a Skull Couple Heart Shape You And Me We Got This Poster couple of days Jason started with you all really having lot as well as I think it as you as I get farther from it some of the better moments stand out more of the first half of the season I thought was really strongand really good episode tonight is 17 as I think will stand as one of the great episodes of game of thronesand evens up in the Raiders yet even even in the evening as it we entered like the back half after a long night there’s moments in there that that stand out as well I think that those will come to be finally is the kind of heat from the finale guys down Valerie Rubin Christopher Ryan game of thronesand the said you my dear friendand colleague boy I say they do a lot of emotions a lot the process I think that I am still in many ways processing the seasonand series finaleand much of the season I similarly Jason you know the things I loved about the season I find myself latching on to the meaning doesn’t totally align with the reality of what know for example I just like to to Jamie’s character arcand with writing brief you perhaps you gotta be putting up the finale itself I brought him a time that will haveand I found you know really like a lot of exhilarationand emotion in the first 40 minutesand in the closing montage with the Starks characters that I love so much I sorta does feel like the Dragon pit was like a fever so again lows you are will stand throughout time as a while jokingly seeing the light like I I still maintain that that drove on flying off with Dannyand his whole clown vault was like that 40 minutes that were made to show her you were sorting the writableand then it turns out is actually in Brenda’s mind I might is like you we start talking about game of thrones cause I professionally what one time ago but surgeries after shows around season six like for season six I guessand if you told me at the beginning season 6A that this is how game of thrones is goodand I doing okay but free good that’s uninteresting that they can there’s a Circe battle there’s the nurses told Garyand this kinda comes outand that’s how it wraps up I just never would’ve guessed that the sort of final 20 yards would’ve played out the way they did yeah absolutely I find myself liking all of the spectacle on the grandeurand pretty comfortable with the actual final destinationsand landing spots are mostly charactersand still do sort of wishing that we had more time to get thereand I think of season sevenand eight have each been the standard episodes we would have a lot fewer questions about how we got from point a to you a lot of the discourse around the shortened time frames been aroundand fairly so that Danny her turn to despotism but it really stands out the most with brand with brand being elevated to King this is a guy who the pitch for him into areas where this here’s the person with the best story you that story was not on the shofar sees you that so in that sense you know you said to me the inheritance back in season 56 like that’s really interesting I hope they’re laying the groundwork for that right right nowand some of it just didn’t seem like a got there especially particular brand stuff as well brand is obviously spent a lot of time kind of give your thoughts about how the last season when the last few episodes went quickly I would like to make a pivot towards maybe some more celebratory aspects of of of of the discourse yes well that positiveand so now what did the show mean to you personally shout out this game of thrones to the totality of that sort of start with the tears right awayand I’m glad I will also run things my lifeand like I mean that sincerely it’s been an increase writable part of my professional life has brought me great joy to discuss it with colleaguesand people I care about immenselyand know this question in some ways does connect to the first one how is about the ending because I think that as we move further for the way for meaning caring is one of the cool things about the show in community around it is that we also can easilyand interrogated it in a way that stems from how much we loved itand that will not go awayand it will always be reasonable to ask questions about it but I think we will just the further removed we are from the final moment find ourselves really thinking about the things we loveand gratitude that I haveand a lot of us have for being able to share this thing togetherand I think with a lot of things in life right now the digital age you gotta feel very aloneand not to like channel my inner tear in here but a great story can really bring people togetherand game of thrones to what you that’s what I mean ice I feel the same way on it moreand strictand pragmatic level it’s been great to be employed these last few years avoid that go to Trader Joe’s like when I can buy food this is goodand then I’d them all my landlord the first month of this writer will unite it’s just incredible story I think you I’ve come to the place with the books where I appreciate the world buildingand whether or not he gets to the ending I think that part of it will stand alone just there are many stories that you can fall into is totally as dishonest argument thronesand I think that’s the thing I really appreciate about this is this this fully realize world that you can fall intoand explore every part of it back through the history of this fictional history across this fictional globe we think it’s a globe you might be shaped like a globe commissioned like an egg one but just as a way to escape the worldand I really value that you is for me you know I just echo your both of you guys thought this but obviously one of the sore central thread throughout like this last decade of my professional career for the most part so it’s been a really like meaningful spike presence in my life but anything I think it is been really fascinating really awesome to see how many different ways there are to appreciateand enjoy itand how well of certain departments of of the world like on portersand like that you can cut itand how you’re supposed to enjoy it people can have game of thrones their life as a trashy beach read or as like a test or as a fine piece of art to be regarded as like from a visual standpoint or its launch the careers of 23 dozen people that will probably be watching for the next 20 years of our lives and’s that that that that sort of blossoming of all these different things that will kind of always be feeling the ripple effect the shows are really over your knowledge of the books but also because as you guys proved with about it something that actually does withstand repeated viewings looking for different nooksand crannies of it looking under the hood a little bit like how they make this workand why why do they do thisand why not even picking wages actually like thinking about the mechanics of story thinking about the mechanics ofand also thinking about real life stuff like historyand loyaltyand betrayaland familyand nationhoodand all that stuff that is all wrapped up in the shows like I thank you for giving me so much inspiration to think about stuff like that I was really wonderful freeand it’s just such a good way in richand rewarding text whether or not the books or the show the shelf courses a text toand being able to return to it constantly the way you think about a story is on the one hand kind eternaland constant if you love itand it’s this really steady most comfort that the course your life but also the way relatable change in the context of your lifeand give them a man that’s pretty exciting to think about what EOT. As he was 15 years old from West Orange New Jersey shaving off. Was on the wheel fortunate raises some and lowers other some low and it just keeps going so this is not some horrible permanent situation that we are that we are in in the past we really didn’t know how good we had under Obama did me I surely didn’t send the reading on her memory under her memory by voting a Chris I know your heart is heavy I know everybody’s heart is heavy but on her memory by she she she never gave up she never she never gave up six of swords based on pentacles while we have to be be very very careful when you vote Linda I know your heart is happy I know all in this together where this together okay on Angel spark sitting here having chills thinking about what’s to come are going to be okay were going to get through this Chris I agree she never gave up we can’t give up now exactly honor her by voting honor her by carrying on brainiac I totally agree with that asked for an early Christmas present a certain couple of chestnuts roasting on an open fire Rachel starting on a very careful when you go
Source: Skull Couple Heart Shape You And Me We Got This Poster
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Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love:
From mother nature this is a Skull Couple Heart Shape You And Me We Got This Poster man made threat by our own negligence we now see the virus ricocheting across the country from one state to another today we trail the world in defeating Cove we have over 5 million cases Americans learn the critical lesson how vulnerable we are when we are divided and how many lives can be lost when our government is incompetent but we learn something us my friends we saw the negative but we also saw the positive as they prove their way failed we prove that our way succeeded that America can still rise to the occasion we can put our differences aside and find commonality government can tell the truth and can build trust we can judge by content of character rather than color of skin we can care for one another that Americans can work together and forge community and a competent government and of course we will wear masks because we are smart and because I care about you and because you care about me of course we will socially distance because staying away shows how close we actually. It was interesting she thinks it discovered that she thinks that Ron was actually the makingand she wanted to reason why was pretty new to me to on the results ordering in the will check it out yetand is drawn to it so I guess I missed the gown number eight is what ofand then she said she feels like are you kill Danny albedo I’ll be okay with I was in a runand run ship as well as my by if we were to read it I know Guidry is the other one the fuck are you on all you we don’t yet he one like him a much seasonand he has a claim to the throne that’s not a formal line of madness is a would say this what makes Soares the main sword fight he got his first reason Terry got hook like that until the third is part of the story for I think you are you evil triathlete he’s a long distance runner long distance paddler with the third would be but Amara I sent I’m glad the shows fucking over I decided to do what he needed that much I’m just angry about it is wrestling on TV right now is ischemic throatsand don’t don’t let in the salutation about the room it for what it was in high pool due in orders you literally we say here for a while know how long 30 minutes talking about intricacies of the character plotsand you wrote to me that she felt bad it’sand they do their doing now spoils the rest like I will share this with you on the future when in the future I would like to the spin off the air for what 10 years I still don’t know washes friends eyes to watch the wire I’m never gets to watch game of thrones I’m never to be like watching enthralled you will believe the show because they’re going to get like six to the six seasonand what the RIVER five seasonsand I meet someone who didn’t watch game of thronesand I was excited like I met a virgin who didn’t realize there was something cool out there likely to do a little of this great event that’s what sex is a that’s what David would like to you don’t know I envy that you have this life experience that you haven’t started on yetand now I still goodand I recommend people I wouldn’t recommend it to someone to watch is a good show because seasons are still so so good that even with the enemy away ending I think I think the know it is the top 510 show a question that is yet so easily with a shitty ending is still better than most stuff but if if if can turn arrow survives I will test it out if anybody but John kills her I also will not like that at all I I would be happy if we get a little twist their right John are in the that good guy the hero the perfect person first eight years now what killer number is up north just you know is traveling in the ran for six that it’s okay with John Snow back to his this new way to go about your condition you if he goes back to the wall what would be the point of that would be practical from nowand be gross you will share with you in the wild that would be a logical form would be goldplated retarded he didn’t like the wall like I don’t know we like to be in the nights watch the actual issue curriculum is one he liked being in charge of itand he was all honorable about it more watch experience like you to remember him always having something horribly wrong he wasn’t a fighter he was like a cook or clean or something like that he wasn’t a leader in although is stupid thank you. McLaughlin to talk to and learn something from her you want to share with your daughter while I think the most surprising thing with that conversation with Carly was that know she is a supermodel even deals with body image issues and I think that says a lot since November at some everybody struggles with is a supermodel who literally gets paid to to you have the ideal body type are the ideal look so that I think that’s that’s one thing but also it is is coming to the unreal expectations and standards that we put on people it’s it’s unfair and I want my daughter to hear that somebody like is for a long time and is is there such a consummate professional even deals with that because he knows it’s not fair to a lot a lot of people a lot of girls little girls around the world so I think it’s very important for very young people do now and that’s important here talking working on yourself but also the same time for me to getting ourselves embroiled in remembering perfect but we can make our life See Other related products: Skull Couple Heart Shape You And Me We Got This Poster
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usashirtstoday · 4 years
Sword Dual Wielding Vintage Retro T Shirt
DRY DREAMS OF FURTHERING THE EITHER CRYING OR EXPLAINING YOUR GIGGLING THE STORY FOR SO LONG WE’VE BEEN AWAY FROM THESE CHARACTERS FOR SO LONGand JUST TO BE WITH THEM TO BE BACK IN THIS WORLD IS REALLY SPECIAL SEEING JOHN RECEIVE THIS INFORMATION ABOUT WHO HE IS ASSUMING THAT PEOPLE WHENEVER YOU CAME TO THE STORY IN WHATEVER WAY BOOKS SHOW SOME COMBINATION HE WONDERED ABOUT THISand WAITED FOR THEM TO FINALLY SEE IT WAS REALLY SPECIAL AMENITIES AT ALL THESE REUNIONS NOW ARE YOU SEEING THE INJURY ARE YOU SEEING JOHN JOHNSON BRAND LIKE THE LIST GOES ONand ON IT WAS JUST REALLY COMPLICATEDand VERY FRAUD IN A WAY TO FILTER THE STORY IT WAS ALSO REALLY SHOULD ONLY START TO KNOW I RIGHT NOW WHICH IS HOW WILL HAVE TO ARRANGE WILL DEFINITELY PROBABLY NEED TO BRING LIKE A DESIRE CDI BUDGET IS ALSO IS A QUICK BREAKand WILL BE RIGHT BACK ON TOP OF ROOMS AFTER THIS IS CRYSTALLINE CULTURAL IMPACT APPEALS TO DIEHARD GENRE PEOPLE ALSO HAS REACHED INTO THE PUBLIC CONVERSATION TO SAY MY DIVINITIES THE UNSECURED PAYMENT ADDRESS QUESTIONS LINE ON HASSAN’S ON THE WEDNESDAY BENJAMIN IS A DEEP DIVE LOOK AT EACH IMMIGRANT UPSET EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE ABOUT THE MOUNTAIN WHO IS STILL WITH US THOUGHand ON OUR COVERAGE ON RINGER WITH SINISTER and IT’S A BRAND NEW Cast AS YOU CAN ONLY WE ARE BACK ON SOFTER THROWING STICKS FOR JOINING US I TALKED TO THRONES IF YOU GUYS WANT TO REACH OUT TO USand WE NOW WE GET TO A SEGMENT OF THE DYING I CAN’T WAIT TO GET TO THIS ONE IS A FIREand ICE WINNER OF THE WEEK DELIVERED BY HOUSE WAYS A REALLY SMALL FROSTY WHEN YOU ORDER DELIVERY OF THE WENDY’S SPICY CHICKEN COMBO USING THE PROMO CODE HOUSE WENDY’S ON DOOR HIS DELIVERY AT ON THE WEEK MALLORY EXTREMELY CHALLENGING TO LOCK IN ON BECAUSE ALL I CAN WITHOUT ANY FEAR THEY ARE THROWN BUT HE DOESN’T WANT THAT IT’S A BIRDand IT’S VERY COMPLICATED GENRE TO DRAGON BUT ANDROPAUSE WATCHING HIM WHILE HE TRIED HAS ACCESS TO ALL OF YOU IS BEST TO SCHEDULE GOING WITH SANS THE BECAUSE THE PERSON WHO SEEMED MOST IN CONTROL OF LIKE THE COURAGE OF HER CONVICTIONand ALSO HAD THE MOST OTHER PEOPLE EITHER ADVOCATING FOR HER WERE SAYING LIKE SEEMS TO HAVE LIKE REALLY FIGURED OUT THIS EMAIL COURSE DANNY WAS NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE SHE WAS SAYING WHY DOES YOUR SISTER NOT LIKE AND OR RESPECTIVELY BUT SEEM TO HAVE A PRETTY GOOD YOU HAVE TO BE MY FRIEND BUT SHE HAS TO RESPECT HIMand THAT WAS REAL HE GOT A WRITER HE’S BEEN ALONE THIS WHOLE TIME HIS BEST ELI SIRI ON JAVELINS FRONT HIS EYES TO HIS ROOMMATE FOR MANY YEARS UNDER THE MINUTE THE SWEET YOU ARE JUST CHILLING DOWN THERE EATING DUDESand GOATSand WHATEVER ELSEand NOW HE’S FINALLY GOT HOLD ONLY RIDE ON A GREAT ONE THANK YOU BECAUSE SO OFTEN THROUGHOUT THE STORY WE SAID WHY DANNY GIVING THIS AREA IS ALL ONLY JUST ROOM TO GROW IN ROME BUT YOU RIGHT AFTER HE HAS HIS AUTHORITARIAN SAYINGS THAT A GET A SECOND IN THE MIX FINALLY WONDERFUL FOR VEGGIESand WHAT ARE THE WEAK MALWARE OF THE WEEK WAS ON THE JESUS YOU A LOSER I AM A LOSER IT’S NEURON GRADE IS DEFINITELY NOT GETTING INVITED BACK TO THE FANTASY SWEET AFTER LOSING HIS PRIZE CAPTIVE BECAUSE HE WAS UP IN THE FANTASY SUITES RIGHT LIKE COME ON MY GUY IS STRONGER LOCK ON JUST SOMETHING TO MY ARE THE WEEK IS I IS KHYBER BECAUSE CLAIRE WHEN HE SAID THE WALL JOB HE WAS VERY EXCITED FOR A REUNION WITH ALL OF THESE REANIMATED CORPSES THEY COULDN’T WAIT TO USERS IS HANDLING DEBTS MY LOSER OF THE WEEK IS PROBABLY THE ELEPHANT TRADERS OF THE GOLDEN COMPANY UNDERSTAND HOW IF YOU ARE A HIGH LEVEL ANIMAL TRAINER WAS GETTING ELEPHANTS READY FOR BATTLE LIKE PRESUMABLY IS AS THEY WERE FOR MERCENARY GROUP I WOULD IMAGINE THAT THAT HAPPENS RELATIVELY FREQUENTLY BUT THERE’S LIKE THIS CATCH REALLY DON’T LIKE LONG SEA VOYAGES SO STUPID LIKE WHERE THE ACTION THAT YOU GOT WHERE IS HIS FIRST ROLE IS THE DISPUTED LAND LET’S BE FAIR THERE MAKE ANOTHER MAKING THEIR THEY’RE NOT IN THE DISPUTED LANDS IMAGINE CIRCE’S YELP REVIEW OF PROMPT RESPONDED TO MY EMAILS LOVED HIS NAME TO REMEMBERand DIDN’T SEEM TO GET UPSET WHEN YOU’RE ON CHILDREN’S GUYSand A GAMBLING GAME GONE WRONG BUT REALLY OBSESSED WITH ELEPHANT SHOW WHILE WE RUSHED BY I WAS LIKE THE CIRCUS LEFT TOWN THAT WAS WATER IN THE MANAGERS OF ELEPHANTS JUST NEED TO NEED TO STRICKLAND DID LOOKING LIKE THAT WITH YOUR ON I THINK THAT ACTUALLY THEY SEEM TO HAVE ATTENTION ALREADYand EVEN WONDERING IF MAYBE NEURON IS AGAIN FAMOUSLY THE COMPANY NEVER BROKE THE CONTRACT WE WONDERED IF MAYBE THE LOGISTICS OF NEURON BEING THE ONE TO RETRIEVE THEM WOULD MAKE THEM LOYAL TO HIMand SAID ASSERTION BACKand BE A PART OF WAS AT SOME POINT BUT THE HAS THE POTENTIAL TO BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND THAT STRICKLAND IS HAS NO INTEREST IN DEALING WITHand HERE I GET CUT OUT OF THIS IS A WAY HE’S A DANGEROUS MAN SO WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO THAT IF HE GOES ROGUE WAS HE THINK ABOUT HIS COUSIN ROD STRICKLANDand HIS CAREER IS BE A FOCUS SAY NOW IS OUR FIREand ICE WINNER OF THE WEEK DELIVERED BY ASSET HOUSE WENDY’S LET’S GET INTO THE SMALL COUNCIL WERE ON TWITTER WERE TALKING ON TWITTER ATTACHED ROSE TO SEND US YOUR QUESTIONS CAN SEND US YOUR COMMENTS OR THEORIES IF YOU GOT ANY GOT A COUPLE OF HITS FROM THE SMALL COUNCILS LET’S SEE THOSE NOW THE FIRST ONE I GOT HERE COMES FROM DAVID OXMANand HE WANTS TO KNOW WHAT DID YOU GUYS THINK OF THE NEW OPENING SO MUCH TODAY HAS A LOT THERE ANYTHING YOU GUYS REMEMBER FROM THE OLD IT’S A VERY VERY DETAILED YET THERE’S A LOT THERE I WILL SAY SO ONE THING I NOTICED I COULD BE WRONG BUT IF YOU NOTICE THE TARGET AREAand PORTION OF THE CRYSTAL FIRST OF ALL WINNERS ALLand SO THEY MADE IT DARKER THE TARGET AREAand PORTION IS VERY INTERESTING BECAUSE LIKE ON THE FAR LEFT IS THAT IS THAT LIKE IT IS THAT THE BLEEDING SARIS AT THE MEETING IS THAT THE METEOR THAT’S FALLING LATER THAT GOES WITH LIKE WHEN THE PRINCES PROMISES MUST BE I MEAN IT SEEMS TO BE SOME KIND OF LIKE FALLING ASTROID METEOR WHICH IS VERY INTERESTING OBVIOUSLY WE NEED TO GET LIKE A LOT DEEPER INTO IT BUT YEAH THERE’S A LOT TO DIGEST THEREand THAT’S ONE OF THE FIRST PACKAGES LIKE A PARSE EVERY SHOT THAT SEEING THE WALL YOU KNOW THAT THE WALL FALLING ALSO JUST HAVING THAT IS LIKE OUR ENTRY INTO YE RIGHT WHERE WE LEFT OFF WITH THE VIKINGS ARMY MARCHING THROUGH BUT AGAIN JUST CONFIRMATION THAT THIS FORCE YOU WHEN ARTERIES ARE PROCESSINGand WOLLASTON THROUGH IT ALL JUST TO BE REMINDED THAT IS NOT TRUE IT WASN’T FOR THAT ACTUALLY BUT IT’S NOT SURE NOW IS IS A VERY EFFECTIVE WAY TO GROUND YOURSELF IN THE STORY AGAIN RIGHT AWAYand AGAIN SEEN THE CRAP SAMMY HAD WE NEEDED MORE CONFIRMATION OF THE CRIPS OR TO PLAY A PIVOTAL ROLE THE SEASON BUT WE CERTAINLY GOT IT EASY PERCENT BUT IS USUALLY PUT IT IN THE INSURANCE LIKE OF EUGENIA ANNALEE EMMONS SHE TREATS OUT IS BEST WRITTEN SO FAR VOTING FOR THEO’S WELL DESERVED HEAD BUT I WAS A PRETTY GOOD ONE DID YOU A FAVOR REUNION EXAM FOR BEST ANYTHING OUT THERE JAMIE I JEANNIE BRAND THERE’S LIKE THE SYMMETRY IS GREATand LIKE THE YOU KNOW THE THINGS AS YOU SAID THE THINGS THAT YOU DO THAT HE DID FOR LOVE PUSH BRANDON OUT OF A WINDOWand HE’S DOING THINGS FOR DIFFERENT REASONS NOW WHICH HAS BROUGHT THEM BACKand THAT LIKE YEAH YEAH BRANDS YOU ANYTHING FOR HIS IS OF REACTIONS ANYTHING BUT ONE THAT I THOUGHT WAS INTERESTING WAS LIKE I WAS A ROOTSTOCK ABOUT HOW JAMES CAN HAVE A ROUGH GO OF IT ONCE EVERYBODY FINDS OUT HE’S THERE REALLY KNOW HIS INTENTIONS BETTER THAN ANYONE RIGHT I CAN AS ENEMY HE’S JUST HE TOLD ME I’M NOT NOT RANSACKING RELIGIOUS HE’S LEFT A PART OF HIS LIFE BEHIND I WOULD BE VERY COMPELLING FOR SAW HIM REENGAGE WITH HIS HUMANITY THAT THIS SEASON BUT HE IS GOOD TO BE ULTIMATELY PROBABLY OKAY WITH EDGING SHAFFER ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT LIKE MASTERINGand OTHER THAN THAT ONE WHICH WAS ALWAYS A WONDERFUL SPACE PROBABLY ARIand JOHNand ARI AGAIN JURY YOU I FOUND THOSE BOTH VERY ELECTRIC FOR DIFFERENT REASONSand AGAIN JUST LOVE THESE STORYTIME COMPLEXITY OF HAVING ARIA ADVOCATE FOR SIGNS IN THAT EXCHANGEand IT JUST WOULD BE VERY EASY TO SLIP BACK INTO ARIANA JOHN GRUBB’S BEST FRIENDSand RNS EITHER DIDN’T JOHN DIDN’T REALLY REALLY APPRECIATE MOVING BEHIND AS ALL THESE CHARACTERS HAVE MATURED BRAIN CONFLICT TALKS ABOUT HOW HE’S DIFFERENT BUT ARE YOU JUST SEEMS TO IT’S LIKE A REALLY AMAZINGLY NUANCED PERFORMANCE BY VISIBLY BECAUSE SHE’S GOT HER LIKE SHE’S STILL OF THE WORLD SHE DOESN’T JUST GET TO ROLL AROUND IT IS BUICK I’M HAVING A VISION SHE’S BUT SHE’S SO MUCH FROM YOU SO PROFOUNDLY CHANGED BY ALL THE TRAINING SHE’S GONE THROUGH ALL THE EXPERIENCESand TRAUMAS SHE’S GONE THROUGH IS INCREDIBLE I LOVE ALAMOand JOHN IS LIKE REGARDING NEIL’S I CAN BE USED FOR OR FIVE TIMES A YEAR THIS IS FROM CD GORDON WITH A GREAT TWITTER HANDLE ACTUALLY DEFECTIVEand BEFORE I READ CDS TREE I JUST WAS A THESE GUYS ARE DOING AS THE MINISTER JASON WILL BE OBVIOUS IN WRITING IS AMAZING AT THE Mr COLUMN ON THE RINGER SO IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS HIT HIM UP WITH THOSEand CD GORDON ASKED WAS HARRY STRICKLAND BROUGHT TO WESTERN ROASTS SO THAT JOHN COULD END UP WITH BLACK FIRE IS FOR A LANEand EXPLAIN WHAT THAT MEANS IS SO LIKE LEAST THE COMPANY OF THE TOP THE GOLDEN COMPANY WAS FOUNDED BY DISAFFECTED MEMBERS OF THE EXTENDED TARGET AREAand FAMILY THESE WERE THE GREAT PASTORS WHO WERE FATHERED BY EGON THE UNWORTHY WHO WAS A VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY BAD KING SC WAS EXTREMELY PROFLIGATE HAD A LOT OF KIDSand HE GAVE ON THE CONQUEROR SWORD TO ONE OF HIS PAST HURTSand THAT WAS SEEN AS LEGITIMIZING THAT PORTION OF FAMILIES CAUSE THE CIVIL WAR THE BLACK FIRES LOST THEY THE SURVIVING MEMBERS THEN FLED TO SOS WHERE SOME OF THEM FOUNDED THE GOLDEN COMPANY INCLUDING ABEL RIVERS ANOTHER ONE OF THESE GREAT PASTORS WHO FLED WITH THE SWORD BLACK FIRE DISORDERLY ON THE CONQUEROR SO DO THEY STILL DO THE PHYSICAL INCOME IS THE SWORDand DO THEY STILL IDENTIFY WITH THIS OFFSHOOT TARGETING HOUSE TBD BUT IT’S PRETTY INTERESTING TO CONSIDER THE FACT THAT THERE’S NOT A LOT OF TIME TO LIKE FILL THAT UP BUT IT’S PASSING THINK THAT THEY MIGHT BE IF WHAT VALUE WOULD THAT WAS JUST HILARIOUS AS IS THE WORLD OTHER THAN HE ON THE ONE I THINK THAT JOHN’S RELATIONSHIP WITH LONG CLAWS OF LAND SALES FOR THE YEAR C4 COMMANDER MORE HAS BEEN LIKE ONE OF THE REAL HEARTBEATS OF THE SHOWand IS LITERALLY ALL OF THE NORTHand JOHN NEEDS TO BE ANYTHING TO REMIND HIMSELF THAT HE IS SO UNLIKE IN TRADING FOR A TARGET AREA WOULD BE VERY SMALLand SYMBOLICand IN A WAY THAT YOU FEEL TOTALLY RIGHT TO ME HOWEVER IF LONG LIFE IS LOSTand WE HAD THAT TRAILER THEY WERE WAS HERE POSTER THAT WE GOT IN THE TRAILER OF THE SNOW COVERING WINTERS ON THE BATTLE WRECKAGEand LONG CLAWS IN THERE NOW IS THAT LITTLE FOR YEARS ABOUT WHAT WE DON’T KNOW BUT THERE IS A COMPELLING ONE I WAS IN THE RECORD BUT THERE IS A VIDEO JOHN WIELDING BLACK FIRE HIS 88 ON THE CONQUERORS SWORDand MANY ARIANA FINDING DARK SISTER IS SAYING HE IS WHY SWORD WHICH WE HEARD HER TALK ABOUT SHE MENTIONED THIS IS HIGH WHEN YOU HAVE OFFICE AS A HEROINE OF HERS I THINK THAT YOU YOU YOU I MOST GIRLS LIKE YOUR AGE TO CARE ABOUT THE EXCESS OF WAS INTO THREE EYED RAVEN THIS IS OUR SECOND HEAD TOWARDS THE COMING EPISODE SPECIFICALLY NEXT SUNDAY’S EPISODE IF I HAVE TO GUESS THAT SEEMED A LITTLE BIT LIKE A STORM CLOUD GATHERING EPISODE RIGHT BEFORE FOR SURE WE GET IT IN OUR HOMES DEPARTED INVERTED EPISODES BY EITHER ANYTHING YOU GUYS SAW IN THE TRAILER FOR COMING SOON NEXT WEEK THAT YOU THOUGHT WOULD BE AN INTERESTING CLUE THEIR REVIEWERS WOULD BE BE INTO NECESSARILY IN THE TRAILER BUT I DO THINK WAS I DON’T KNOW IF THE GOLDEN COMPANY LIKE HAVE BLACK FIRE PRETENSIONS OR BUT IT DOES FEEL LIKE HE DIDN’T BRING THESE PEOPLE OVERand THEY JUST HAVE THE MOTIVATION OF LIKE MAKING I FEEL LIKE THERE’S ANOTHER THERE’S ANOTHER LEVEL THAT WERE GOING TO DISCOVER WITH THEM THEY HAVE LIKE THEIR OWN MOTIVATIONSand AS YOU NOTED HE LOOKED PRETTY PISSED THAT YOU’RE ON LIKE TO SLAUGHTERING HIS DUDES I THINK THAT THERE’S GOING TO BE SOMETHING OUT THEY WANT SOMETHING ELSE WHEN YOU WERE THE FIRST THURSDAY THEY WORK WELL THEY WERE EVER GAVE THEM A COLLECTION YES OF THE YEAR I WENT OVERand PAID WEEKLY WORK FOR YOUR THE IRONY IS USED THEM BEFORE WE HEARD THIS COME UP IN A CONVERSATION WITH CIRCE ABOUT HER PAYING HER DEBTS ARE LED EARLIER SEASONS BUT THEY’VE BEEN USED TO RETRIEVE GOLD FOR THE IRON BANK BEFORE WHOEVER PAYS A CONTRACT TO THE AIRPORTand WE DON’T KNOW WHO THAT IS TECHNICALLY IT SHOULD BE CIRCE BUT WHAT’S THE FINE PRINT WE DON’T KNOW ME THE MOST INTERESTING THING IN THE TRAILER OBVIOUSLY ALL OF THE JAMIE EXCHANGES IN A DANNY CHALLENGING JAMIE IS GOING TO BE A PRETTY CRAP HE’S BASICALLY ON TRIAL VICTORY WAS A LOT OF FORESHADOWING FOR THE BATTLE EITHER BEGINNING OR WILL GET THE DEFICITS CALLED WINTER FELLand AND THEN WE QUICK SHOT OF WHAT APPEAR TO BE DANNY WITH JOHN KREPS SO SHE IS SHE DIDN’T TELL HER DOWN THERE BECAUSE I THINK THERE COULD BE A STORYTIME PACK HERE WHERE JOHN IN THE CLASSIC THERE’S NO TIME FOR THAT I WAS LOOKING FOR HE SAYS NOW HAS TO WAITand THAT THAT’S POST BATTLE BUT JOHN’S CASEand WITHOUT SAYING BY THE WAY ON YOUR UNIT IS ACTUALLY TO COME UP AT SOME POINT WITH HER IS NOT THE WIDER REALM SO HIM CHOOSING TO REVEAL THAT IN THE CRIPS TO BE VERY POWERFUL I THINK ONE THING I KEEP THINKING ABOUT WAS THE THE WAY IN WHICH OF THE 19 ACROSS THE WALL OBVIOUSLY WAS WITH THE DRAGON THE ICE DRAGON I WONDER HOW FAST TO GET YOUR DRAGON FIGHT LIKE IF YOU WITH THE DRAGON LIKE WHAT WE CAN GET SOMETHING REALLY GNARLY REALLY FAST MAYBE EPISODE THREE BUT IT SEEMS LIKE WHENEVER THEY SEE THE END OF THE TRAILER FOR C EPISODE TWO SCARES THE HELL OUT OF WE DON’T SEE THE NIGHT CAME ORVIS AREAand IN ANY OF THE SEASONING TRAILERS ANYTHING SO THAT BE BECAUSE THE 19 IS NOT ACTIVE ADULT SEEMS HIGHLY UNLIKELY RIGHT SO SOME SORT OF DRAMATIC ARRIVAL WHY IS JOHN WRITINGand DRAGGING OUT OBVIOUSLY THAT MATTER IDENTITY IS IS ISSUED IS ISRAEL PARAMOUNT BUT THERE’S ALSO THE PRACTICAL STORYTELLING IMPACT OF THAT WHICH IS ONE WAY THAT A LOT OF PEOPLE CAN ESCAPE QUICKLY IF THEY NEED TO EVER MAKING CLIENT ON THAT DRAGON WITH HIM A LOT TO ME LIKE PEOPLE BUT ARIEL THAT YOU KNOW IT IS NOW THAT IF YOU KILL A LIGHT WALKER ALL OF THE WHITES OF THAT WATER YOU ALSO FALLand IT IS ALSO CAME IN FROM THE CONVERSATION WITH WAYNE WHEN BARRICK COMES UP TO JOHN IS LIKE THERE’S A 19 JUST KILL HIMand JUST SOCIETYand IN THE AIRand SHOUTS TO BARRICKand TORMENT STANDING ON THE EDGE OF THE WALL AT EAST WIVES THE END OF LAST SEASON LAUNCHING ZERO SPHERESand EURO ARROWS AT THE NIKE SHOT MY DUDES TAKE A FULL COURSE EVEN MAYBE WE KNOW YOUand TELL YOU THAT HE’S ALWAYS HAD BLUE EYES SURFING DOWN ALL THE DISTANCE BROUGHT TO LIGHT RUNNING TO WORK ON THE IS WHAT THEY’RE LIKE YOU ANYTHING THAT WAS EPISODE ONE THIS IS THE EPISODE ONE OF TALK WITH THRONES WERE JASON ATENCIO MALLORY RUBEN I AM CHRIS RYAN KEEP UP WITH THE WRITER ALL WEEK WE GOT AMAZING PODCASTSand ARTICLESand VIDEOS FOR YOU TO CHECK OUT OKAY WITH THRONESand WILL BE BACK HERE NEXT SUNDAY AFTER DOOR GAME OF THRONES WILL SEE THAT Will off the Raiders game of thrones after show this is our after the series show I am Chris Ryan that is Jason conceptualand this is Valerie Rubin we have watched all game of thrones on multiple time is overand we are here to talk to you about how her feelings about it you know we watch the finale on Sunday night process we talked about on top of thrones talked about it on podcast talked about in our personal lives strip is richand fulfilling one we have talked about it not not but I’m sure CDS have any different perspective now that it’s been a Sword Dual Wielding Vintage Retro T Shirt couple of days Jason started with you all really having lot as well as I think it as you as I get farther from it some of the better moments stand out more of the first half of the season I thought was really strongand really good episode tonight is 17 as I think will stand as one of the great episodes of game of thronesand evens up in the Raiders yet even even in the evening as it we entered like the back half after a long night there’s moments in there that that stand out as well I think that those will come to be finally is the kind of heat from the finale guys down Valerie Rubin Christopher Ryan game of thronesand the said you my dear friendand colleague boy I say they do a lot of emotions a lot the process I think that I am still in many ways processing the seasonand series finaleand much of the season I similarly Jason you know the things I loved about the season I find myself latching on to the meaning doesn’t totally align with the reality of what know for example I just like to to Jamie’s character arcand with writing brief you perhaps you gotta be putting up the finale itself I brought him a time that will haveand I found you know really like a lot of exhilarationand emotion in the first 40 minutesand in the closing montage with the Starks characters that I love so much I sorta does feel like the Dragon pit was like a fever so again lows you are will stand throughout time as a while jokingly seeing the light like I I still maintain that that drove on flying off with Dannyand his whole clown vault was like that 40 minutes that were made to show her you were sorting the writableand then it turns out is actually in Brenda’s mind I might is like you we start talking about game of thrones cause I professionally what one time ago but surgeries after shows around season six like for season six I guessand if you told me at the beginning season 6A that this is how game of thrones is goodand I doing okay but free good that’s uninteresting that they can there’s a Circe battle there’s the nurses told Garyand this kinda comes outand that’s how it wraps up I just never would’ve guessed that the sort of final 20 yards would’ve played out the way they did yeah absolutely I find myself liking all of the spectacle on the grandeurand pretty comfortable with the actual final destinationsand landing spots are mostly charactersand still do sort of wishing that we had more time to get thereand I think of season sevenand eight have each been the standard episodes we would have a lot fewer questions about how we got from point a to you a lot of the discourse around the shortened time frames been aroundand fairly so that Danny her turn to despotism but it really stands out the most with brand with brand being elevated to King this is a guy who the pitch for him into areas where this here’s the person with the best story you that story was not on the shofar sees you that so in that sense you know you said to me the inheritance back in season 56 like that’s really interesting I hope they’re laying the groundwork for that right right nowand some of it just didn’t seem like a got there especially particular brand stuff as well brand is obviously spent a lot of time kind of give your thoughts about how the last season when the last few episodes went quickly I would like to make a pivot towards maybe some more celebratory aspects of of of of the discourse yes well that positiveand so now what did the show mean to you personally shout out this game of thrones to the totality of that sort of start with the tears right awayand I’m glad I will also run things my lifeand like I mean that sincerely it’s been an increase writable part of my professional life has brought me great joy to discuss it with colleaguesand people I care about immenselyand know this question in some ways does connect to the first one how is about the ending because I think that as we move further for the way for meaning caring is one of the cool things about the show in community around it is that we also can easilyand interrogated it in a way that stems from how much we loved itand that will not go awayand it will always be reasonable to ask questions about it but I think we will just the further removed we are from the final moment find ourselves really thinking about the things we loveand gratitude that I haveand a lot of us have for being able to share this thing togetherand I think with a lot of things in life right now the digital age you gotta feel very aloneand not to like channel my inner tear in here but a great story can really bring people togetherand game of thrones to what you that’s what I mean ice I feel the same way on it moreand strictand pragmatic level it’s been great to be employed these last few years avoid that go to Trader Joe’s like when I can buy food this is goodand then I’d them all my landlord the first month of this writer will unite it’s just incredible story I think you I’ve come to the place with the books where I appreciate the world buildingand whether or not he gets to the ending I think that part of it will stand alone just there are many stories that you can fall into is totally as dishonest argument thronesand I think that’s the thing I really appreciate about this is this this fully realize world that you can fall intoand explore every part of it back through the history of this fictional history across this fictional globe we think it’s a globe you might be shaped like a globe commissioned like an egg one but just as a way to escape the worldand I really value that you is for me you know I just echo your both of you guys thought this but obviously one of the sore central thread throughout like this last decade of my professional career for the most part so it’s been a really like meaningful spike presence in my life but anything I think it is been really fascinating really awesome to see how many different ways there are to appreciateand enjoy itand how well of certain departments of of the world like on portersand like that you can cut itand how you’re supposed to enjoy it people can have game of thrones their life as a trashy beach read or as like a test or as a fine piece of art to be regarded as like from a visual standpoint or its launch the careers of 23 dozen people that will probably be watching for the next 20 years of our lives and’s that that that that sort of blossoming of all these different things that will kind of always be feeling the ripple effect the shows are really over your knowledge of the books but also because as you guys proved with about it something that actually does withstand repeated viewings looking for different nooksand crannies of it looking under the hood a little bit like how they make this workand why why do they do thisand why not even picking wages actually like thinking about the mechanics of story thinking about the mechanics ofand also thinking about real life stuff like historyand loyaltyand betrayaland familyand nationhoodand all that stuff that is all wrapped up in the shows like I thank you for giving me so much inspiration to think about stuff like that I was really wonderful freeand it’s just such a good way in richand rewarding text whether or not the books or the show the shelf courses a text toand being able to return to it constantly the way you think about a story is on the one hand kind eternaland constant if you love itand it’s this really steady most comfort that the course your life but also the way relatable change in the context of your lifeand give them a man that’s pretty exciting to think about what EOT. In March over the tracking board headline Peter Pascal joins one room to see what is realand is Chris Pine coming back I suggested he avidly had the answer after being very cagey about his summer plans I deftly heard that day he was gearing up to returnand now we have official proof how they explain. It was those Americans our ancestors they were on the receiving end of a democracy that had fallen short all their lives they know how far the daily reality of America strayed from the and yet instead of giving up they joined together and they said some some way we are going to make this work we are going to bring those words in our founding documents to life I have seen that same spirit rising these past few years folks of every age and background who packed city centers in airports and rural road so that families would be separated so that another classroom would get shot up so our kids won’t grow up on an uninhabitable plan Americans of all races joining together to declare in the face of injustice and brutality of the hands of the state of black lives matter no more but no less to that no child in this country feels the continuing sting of racism to the young people who led us this summer telling us we need to be better in so many ways you are this country’s dreams fulfilled earlier generations had to be
Source: Sword Dual Wielding Vintage Retro T Shirt
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Need that opening sautéed it seems to me like I can’t usually crying in the beginning the line can either way you don’t have you cry if they do have you know you to be itself I think you do need that site beginning that line in their first the other music that is very famous from the lion King you’re not can I have the out John songsand as much as I loveand that can you feel the love tonight is my favorite song about lines about to do it but it’s not to be in until I know the as far as I’m concerned but I love everything all the decisionsand that made so far about this filmand they wanted to do on our hearts as they want to Harkness back in the jungle book can have a Sword Dual Wielding Vintage Retro T Shirt few of the songs that they had the classic Disney version you’re certainly can see that in the line because it played so well the jungle book reasonably equally as well for better in a liking UW to get that that opening numberand it escape as a house gone again carriers by holding you of a number babyand I do Eric was phonetically correctand it. An opportunity come the above graph suggested you never ever doing it without I think that I get out to specialize fishing me start with an honor to only certain types of line for certainly the fishing the only certain types of jigs can be real mindful of other people having mission every other weekend like a space writing about out of them now so real a rabbit trails beefy bombs five bucks apiece is J all probably 1000 years of bread so you both there bagand ran her ass in the biggest grad I’ve ever seen in my life 24 inch only makes it thinnerand 24 inch 25 beautifuland see a 40 000 fishing bullets like that that is not the spot as they make a down real down servicer or macro center as you are bring tarpon about the best thing fixed the problem the second meeting of your as many as there is this led to the bottom line Like them a lot to get stubborn all array sharksand we like one Amber had earlier thinks I got 1000 pound hammerhead waterand I said I was five dollars nowand I’ll get a make you pay my but the guys good friend of mine Boniface videos to campus to campus here soon think he needs to assess the literal fish connected about this point here. By Its a Longtime Republican How Long Do You Tie You down Has No Clue How to Run a Business Let Alone an Economy by on the Other Hand the Plan That Will Strengthen Our Economy for Working People and Small Business Owners from Me like a Simple Republican Restaurant New York City Chancellor’s Political Career Planning Issues Related to Lending a Selling Point When I Find Joining for Paperback Really Is Recognition for Our Icon Is America’s at a Crossroads Sometimes Elections Represent a Real Choice the Choice We Make As Individuals and As a Nation about Which Path We Want to Take When We Come the Challenging Times America Is at the Crossroads Today the Stakes in This Election Are Greater That Any of Modern Times Many of Us Have Been Deeply Concerned about the Current Path We Been Following for the past Four Years As a Path Is Led to Division Dysfunction Irresponsibility and Growing Vitriol between Our Citizens Continuing to Follow That Path Will Have Terrible Consequences for America’s Soul See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt
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wolvesandfoxes25 · 7 years
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Why is Jon/Sansa endgame?
Hello to all, once again. Of course, I’ve decided to do another small, well, LARGE meta on why I personally think Jonsa is endgame. Now, these are my points, and my views, if you don’t agree, you’re free to do so. On we go now.
Now, since season 6, I’ve started shipping Jon and Sansa. Believe me, before season 6, I never thought they would even meet each other. But, I was surprised, and was also very surprised by the chemistry they had with each other. From the get go, from the scene where they discuss home and from there, I was very...suspicious of their interactions with each other. Now, personally, I have no brothers. I do have sisters though. I would never act with them the way Sansa and Jon act with each other. The stares, the heavy breathing after arguing, the protection speech. 
Moving on...
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Point 1: They look like Ned and Cat reborn. Even book wise, Jon is said to look the MOST like Ned, even Cat says so. Sansa herself is compared to Catelyn numerous times. By Petyr, by Lysa, etc. Now even though Sansa is compared to Cat, she doesn’t treat Jon the same way Catelyn did. After meeting him again, she becomes very close with Jon. She learned from  her mistakes. Anyway...
At the wall, after his death, when Jon came back, he started to wear his hair in a man-bun, and it matched Ned’s perfectly, almost eerily. Sansa also started to wear her hair in ‘northern’ braids. Much like her mother did. Even in season 7 now, she wears her hair a lot like her mothers, with a touch of Cersei in it. 
Jon/Ned- Honorable, broody, tries to do the right thing all the time, protective, etc. 
Sansa/Cat: Red hair, has the ‘tully’ look about her. Sansa also has the gift of observation, a lot like Cat did. Etc.
Now, this relationship. Cat and Ned’s. They were not married for love, they were married because Catelyn was engaged to Ned’s brother, Brandon. He however, met his end in Kings Landing when the mad king Aerys invited him and his father, for a peace summoning. He was burned alive. To join the two houses, Catelyn and Ned then married. Over the years, Catelyn said their marriage was built up, ‘stone by stone.’ They also had the most loving, healthy relationships on the show. 
In Season 7 Jon and Sansa have had so many parallels to Ned and Cat. Their looks, and now their actions. 
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Point 2: Their chemistry!!
Like I said in the introduction to this meta, their scenes in season 6 were so...tense. This scene specifically. They just ooze sexual tension. Like...their are so many unspoken words between them. So many things they want to unleash, all the anger they have pent up, not exactly at each other, but just in general. 
Hell, Kit said himself. “Sansa twists him in ways no one else can. She gets under his skin.” We’ve seen this before, with Ygritte. When they were together, Jon and Ygritte argued a lot. It came to a boiling point when they fucked in a cave. Jon and Sansa’s chemistry has yet to come to the ‘boiling’ point. In the tent though, with all the heavy breathing, the lighting, and the intense eye contact, I was halfway expecting Jon to throw Sansa on the table and fuck her senseless. 
If they weren’t ‘brother and sister’ no doubt that would have happened.
I’ve also said before that they have this unspoken thing to their relationship. They can communicate without words. Like when they were meeting with Lyanna Mormont, Jon knew when to jump in when Sansa needed him, and Sansa knew when to jump in when Jon needed her too. 
I love that.
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Point 3: Their compatibility.
Now, at the moment they do consider themselves ‘brother and sister.’ Even though they don’t act like it.
Now, season 6 and 7 has shown us that Jon needs help when it comes to political aspects of ruling. And Sansa, well, she admits that he’s the ‘military man.’ Sansa knows the south, because she was experienced it, she’s tasted the betrayal, the death, the hypocrisy. She’s been flung into it, the only thing that protected her was her ladylike facade. 
Also, in the books, Jon and Sansa dream of having children that look like their deceased siblings. And have their names. They dream of returning to Winterfell, they think about it constantly. Also, the books show the parallel journey that they both take. It isn’t as noticeable in the show, but book-wise, it is very plainly seen. 
Also, my last meta was about redheads, and why Jon seems so drawn to them. He’s drawn to them because of two women he couldn’t get to notice him. Cat especially. I also mentioned that he ‘detested’ ladies, but that’s just a front because of the wounded pride aspect of it. He knows he’ll never be with a lady of a great house. He ‘hates’ them, but begins to love Ygritte because of her stories, and singing. Now, Jon himself, for Sansa, is her hero. 
In the books, she dreams of someone beheading Janos Slynt. Well, someone does...Jon Snow. 
He’s brave, gentle, and strong.
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Point 4: The Stark name..
I wrote a comment on a video a long time ago, stating that Jon and Sansa are the only two who can rebuild house Stark. If Sansa were to marry another, her children would not have the name Stark. Arya herself, has never wanted that life. Bran, he can’t procreate, because his ‘anatomy’ does not work. He says it himself, he’ll never be Lord of anything, he’s the three-eyed raven. 
This is where Starkbowl threw me. They said at the end of season 6, Sansa was pissed because she wasn’t crowned Queen. I didn’t believe that then, didn’t believe it between seasons, and I sure as hell don’t believe it now. Sansa knows if she were Queen, she would be forced to marry a random Northern Lord. Or Baelish would try to get his hooks in her again. She would be sold like cattle once more. I think Sansa was very glad that that wasn’t what happened. 
Now Jon: Yes, it is true that Jon is basically a Targaryen. However, if he were to marry a Stark, he could take her name. If he so chose to do so. She could legitimize him as :Stark: by the only way really...marriage. 
When Jon’s parentage becomes a known fact, and it will, probably in season 8. We saw the way the Northern Lord’s reacted when they heard Daenerys was in Westeros. How will they feel knowing that Jon, their KING, is a Targaryen? They only put him that spot because they thought he was Ned Starks son. Well, he isn’t. He’s Rhaegar Targaryens. They won’t bend the knee to a dragon. But, if Jon were to marry a Stark, his claim would stay strong, and the Stark claim would stay even stronger. Their children would be Starks, the name carrying on. 
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Point 5: Their blood relations..
“But, they’re siblings!” False. They are NOT siblings, they are first cousins. And yes, in TODAY’S TIMES, I repeat TODAY’S TIMES, it is seen as taboo, but, back in medieval times, it was considered normal. Even in civil war times, for those who have seen Gone with the Wind, the Wilkes married their cousins. They always did. Melanie was Ashley’s cousin. Also, Sansa was going to marry Robyn Arryn, he is also her first cousin. 
Now, looking at blood logistics here:
Siblings share 50% blood relations.
Aunt/Nephew share 25% blood relations.
1st cousins share between 7-12% blood relations.
Also, the Stark line has married cousin/cousin before. Even uncle/niece before. It was not common, but it did happen. It has happened in the Stark line. Ned’s mother and father were cousins. Tywin and his wife were first cousins. 
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“Were will you go?” 
“Where will we go?”
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“I won’t ever let him touch you again, I’ll protect you, I promise.”
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“We need to trust each other, we can’t fight a war amongst ourselves, we have so many enemies now.”
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“Do you think I’m Joffrey?”
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“You’re as far from Joffrey then anyone I’ve ever met.”
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“You’re good at this, you know?”
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“You are. You are.”
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“Would that be so terrible?”
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“You know him better than anyone, what do you think?”
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“You’re abandoning your people! You’re abandoning your home!”
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“Until I return, the north is yours.”
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“I love Sansa..”
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“As I loved her mother...”
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“Touch my sister, and I’ll kill you myself.”
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^^^^^^(NOT MY PIC!!!)
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What does LF know?
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“Does she miss me terribly?”
Jon’s expression: =.= bitch please. I will throw your little ass off here.
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“I didn’t ask.”
And more to come with Theon, and the Hound later this season.
I think I’ve made my point, loud and clear. 
Also, one last thing:
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shardclan · 7 years
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The move to House Betelgeuse was...complicated. Structurally, it was perfect. Magically, it was safe. Those who came earliest to claim homes shed their humanoid shifts almost instantly and soared into the open airspace without reservation. They were home at last, and the Seat was a vague threat of distortion and unpredictability that only made things feel more Arcane for them.
The tribunes and the stragglers were the ones who came with torn expressions.
Ashes looked miserable and was uncharacteristically quiet. House Betelgeuse was his concept and now that it was realized, it was his responsibility. He couldn't not live there, for his own reasons and for the sake of clan trust in the structure. But Stellaria had firmly and willfully refused to live there. She opted to stay with Arcanus at Noon Point instead. While she wasn't yet fully grown, she was already hard at work in the logistics sector so it was not as though Ashes had any power over her decision. She was and always had been her own dragon but it showed in his dejected sulking that he had been hoping they could all stay together as a family.
Saber was somewhat distracted. He and Galbana trusted House Betelgeuse. They did but... Verbena was precious beyond measure to them, and Foster was still young and growing. In spite of firm belief that they would be perfectly fine, every time they looked into their childrens' golden eyes they were terrified of the worst case scenario. If there was any hiccup, any slight sneeze in the magical checks and balances, they were too young to have any resistance at all. But Saber and Galbana were integral. They were first dragons, and the oldest pair, and unlike Ashes they couldn't say that Verbena or Foster had made their own decisions on the matter. Verbena didn't want to be separated from her family, and Foster was too young to make that call for himself. So there was a certain protective fretfulness that caught him looking up toward the curving inner tiers of the structure even as he directed others.
Kea and Iblis were happy enough to claim a new lair with Clover. It was Lamium that left their family nervous. He was long since grown, and the decision was his, but all three had that overbright cheer of dragons doing their best to convince themselves everything would be fine.
Telos sat under the disc, enjoying the opportunity to stretch her full form and take a break from paperwork. While her tail was flicking rather lazily, she was watching the comings and goings and taking the reports as they came. Behind her, Arcanus stood in front the Starwood Portal like a living mountain. He was guarding her, but he was also guarding the portal itself. Camellia and Lutia were already on the other side, and at present they were the only ones authorized to go through.
"I get the feeling the next Sunbeam Sentinel is going to be very high on my required reading list," Telos mused.
"You expect something Equinox can't tell you?"
"Equinox is not a journalist. She takes complaints and requests and gets first impressions. Valuable, but not as personal as Mamblory's approach is going to be."
Seemingly at the mention of his sibling, Miscedence appeared. He scurried toward her somewhat clumsily. His bag overflowed with papers, and his fins were half-wilted with the unexpected exertion of the day.
"Apologies for my shabbiness," he wheezed. "May I sit awhile?"
"Please, you seem to need it. What has you so harried?"
"The size of this place, you could say. The families are taking up residence on the higher floors but--" He pulled the stack of papers out and glanced at her massive face. She looked content enough and he didn't care to shift either, so he read them aloud. "Where was I... Ah yes, most families are taking the space above the Disc as their living space. We have ahh... something like a third of our number taking residence.”
Telos’ crystalline brow furrowed. “Only a third? That seems low. Surely it should be half?”
“Not necessarily, your Majesty. There are those holding out for the other house of course, but a significant number of dragons have made permanent living spaces elsewhere in our territory. Cloudwhyte and Alchemilla come to mind.���
“Ahh, of course. Those who have built homes within their businesses.” She clicked her jaw thoughtfully. “Perhaps this structure is uselessly large then. We may have overspent for nothing.”
“Not necessarily. You see--” He shuffled through the papers until he found several bound at one edge by a glob of beeswax. “Here. These are requests for additional space on the ground floor to be used for businesses. We have here ahh... Clover is looking to establish an apiary and garden.”
“Separate from the Leyline Gardens?”
“I believe this will be more of a visual garden, rather than one of utility.”
“Likely both if she’s also asking for apiary space. She’s missed Arcane beekeeping I bet.”
“Likely. What else, what else... Penitence is requesting a secondary jail considering the distance to Noon Point, Enyi has no plans to live here but has requested permission to make a proper courtyard by the fountain area, Kea wants to plant some trees, I’ve got a request for a stargazer’s supply shop, a steward’s hut, there’s been a request to relocate the Library here--”
Miscedence flinched. He knew she would say no when she got the request, but he hadn’t expected it to come out to suddenly and forcefully while he was merely listing them. But it wasn’t as though he didn’t know why.  
In the shadow of the disc, not so far away from where they sat, the Celestial Vault twinkled. The natural light of it reached out like morning light spreading across a clouded sky. The Library was the only place in Noon Point where a dragon could practice their magic without getting in trouble with the law. It was called such for being a place of many tomes and grimoires though none called the place home. At least once per eon someone tried something a bit too ambitious and destroyed the entire building.
“No indeed,” Miscedence agreed. “Much too volatile.”
Telos climbed to her feet with a deep breath. “Send Ashes to me when he’s done here. You and Tungsten too. We’re going to have some hard laws to draft about use of magic in this House. Bestealcian.“
The coatl materialized half-way up one the the pillars that encircled the vault. “My lady.”
“Swap places with Arcanus. Don’t get too fresh if anyone gets curious and wanders over.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it~”
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heartslogos · 7 years
newfragile  yellows [57]
“You want to march on the Dales,” Varric says.
“Corypheus wants to march on the Dales,” Cullen corrects, “In order to get to the Temple of Mythal.”
“The Dales haven’t been breached since ye olden days,” Varric says, “The Orlesians bite their nails and handkerchiefs from across the fucking waters staring at the Dales and dreaming. Corypheus can’t actually get to the Temple.”
“Has anyone told Corypheus that yet?” Sera asks, “Someone go do that. End this entire shit show. I’ll watch, yeah? Cover their retreat as the common sense bounces off the stupid?”
“If Corpheus wishes to march on the Dales,” Lavellan says, sounding incredibly bemused as she walks towards them, “I would not say that he is welcome to try as that would not be the most appreciated diplomatic or responsible response, but as a private person he is most welcome to try.”
“I’d say snooty overconfidence,” Sera wrinkles her nose, “But you’re right. No one fucks with the borders of the Dales. We’ve had Jennies disappear trying to get in. Then they reappear in like - friggin’ Kirkwall or wherever confused of how the flames they got there. Creepy shit, yeah, but none of them have ever been hurt.”
“We’re a private nation,” Lavellan muses, resting her hand on the back of Cullen’s chair, “We don’t like it when people come uninvited. When they are invited, we are most accommodating.”
“Josephine has always said good things about the embassies in the Dales,” Varric says, “I’m pretty sure she says that to me because in some circles I’m a wanted man.”
“Just some?” Cullen asks, raising an incredulous eyebrow.
“It’s all a matter of perspective, Curly. My checkered past isn’t the topic of conversation here, though. It’s the fact that Corypheus wants to march on the most heavily guarded nation in all of Thedas.”
Lavellan hums, “The Emerald Knights are in the middle of preparation as we speak, along with the Hunters and Fangs of the Dales and my Keepers. When he makes his attempt we will be prepared. The Temple of Mythal is a most sacred place within the Arbor Wilds. Even without us there to watch its walls - he would not be able to take it so easily. She dislikes intruders as much as the rest of us.”
“Mythal,” Lavellan replies, “Her Temple guards against outsiders. In the long history of the Dales, we have sent many Keepers to the Temple but all of them return empty handed and confused - as Sera’s Jennies do whenever they try and enter our nation. She does not want to be disturbed.”
Sera groans, “Ugh, this.”
“You will see,” Lavellan says, “Once Inquisition forces arrive, you will see. She fights and resists - she does not want to enter the modern world.”
“So we have permission?” Cullen glances up warily, “Inquisition forces have permission to pass through the Dales?”
Lavellan looks down at him, “I have received word back from the Keepers, if it is what I believe is the best course of action to deal with this pestilence of Tevinter scum, then yes. They will support the Inquisition should we pass through the Dales. And I do believe it is what is best, so we shall, indeed, be passing. Prepare the Inquisition to move. I was on my way to tell Josephine and Leliana - we will have to figure out the logistics of moving our non-Inquisition allies. I will not have just anyone moving through my nation.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lavellan look so excited before,” Dorian says.
“She likes animals,” Cole says, “Animals are simple and complex, but so warm and so practical. She likes the way they think. They think like better people. Why can’t people just be like animals are?”
“Right,” Dorian turns to look and Lavellan is still crouched down next to Storvacker, talking to the bear like she might talk back.
Though - given the vast amount of things they’ve seen and done, the bear just might.
“Point is, I think happiness looks very good on her and it makes her look so much younger,” Dorian says. “Happiness is a good look on most, but on Lavellan it’s all the more precious because usually she looks very imperious. Which is also a good look on her - somehow it doesn’t come off as irritating.”
“I’m sure she’ll thank you for the compliment,” Bull says, examining some of the things he’d bought off an Avaar merchant to bring back to Skyhold. Some interesting carvings and a couple of potion ingredients for Stitches.  “For your reference, she also looks that excited fighting dragons. Since, you know, you chicken out every time she brings one up.”
“It’s a natural response,” Dorian snaps, “Who in their right mind gets excited at the concept of fighting a dragon?”
“I do,” Bull says, “Cassandra. Sera. Lavellan.”
“Notice how not one of the people you’ve just mentioned can even be considered to be close to rational, logical, common sense wielding people.”
“Tell that to Lavellan, she’ll still thank you for that compliment.”
“The common masses think like drudges,” Cole murmurs, “Better to think wild and free and possibly wrong to find something new and untouched than to stagnate with the rest.”
Dorian throws his hands up, “I am surrounded in the strange and unfathomable.”
“Glory upon the most Holy,” The words echo and bounce through the tall trees, rippling over the plains.
Lavellan, astride her hart, doesn’t seem at all moved by the pronouncements, riding straight through them.
She raises her hand and the large intricate gates of the Dales open.
The gates and the segments of wall that line the Dales are mostly symbolic - they are easy to cross, not particularly made of any sort of siege material. The gates and walls are plain stone and wood - on some sections with climbing ivy or painted murals. But they are important.
Anyone trying to cross, or found on the other side without permission will be removed.
Most people have never seen what lies beyond.
The gates open and Lavellan rides through them, travel cloak billowing behind her, “Keep riding,” She calls out, “We do not stop, we do not stop until we are at the first checkpoint.”
“Checkpoint?” Blackwall glances towards Grim who shrugs.
“The outer wall is a superficial structure at best,” Dalish says pulling her hart closer to them, “Mostly it’s for those who check in formally and for patrols of Knights to watch things. But there’s a dead zone beyond - in case it is ever breached - that way the inner walls have time to prepare and fortify themselves. The real walls of the Dales lies within for about a half day’s ride and from those it’s another two days until you reach the first village.”
“Impressive planning,” Blackwall says.
As they ride into the shadow of the beautiful walls, the glitter of the armored Emerald Knights can be seen - a courtesy, or a warning.
“Do they even approve of the Inquisition?” Rocky asks, sitting behind Grim on his horse.
“They approve of what the Inquisition does,” Dalish says, “But I think it’s understandable that they don’t approve of a mostly Andrastian force riding through their country.”
Horns sound and they look to see more horned stags - some with riders, some without - running towards them, turning at the very last moment to run aside.
“An escort?” Blackwall asks.
“Most likely,” Dalish says, “Just to make sure none of us get ideas and sneak off to explore.”
“Secretive bunch.”
“Careful and with good reason.”
“Glory upon the most Holy,” Voice from the Knights chant, “Judgement upon the Prideful. Glory to the Arrow of the Gods.”
“And that’s not worrisome at all,” Blackwall mutters.
“Welcome to the Dales.”
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snorlaxlovesme · 8 years
two of the many questions about Niall Lynch that haunt me every day
How did Niall’s dreaming work?
Both Ronan and Kavinsky end up in Cabeswater when they dream. In the final showdown of TDT, when Kavinsky dreams the dragon, he and Ronan are both dreaming. “Guess our secret place is the same” is what K says when he sees Ronan there. The reason Cabeswater kept surging and disappearing is because Kav and Ronan were both dreaming something big for most of the book and using up all the ley line’s energy, causing it to pop in and out of existence.
But Niall Lynch?? He was a dreamer before Ronan was alive. So where was his “secret place” if Cabeswater didn’t exist yet? The ley line would still be the one powering his dreams, but where was he stealing from? Was Cabeswater’s entity still able to fuel dreamers before it was manifested into Ronan’s dream forest?? 
And with the ley line not yet woken, how was Niall able to dream up so much?
How did Niall know the language of the tir e e’lintes?
His will was written specifically with the loophole for Ronan, one that only Ronan would be able to translate and one that Ronan would be able to carry out. But how did Niall know the language?
Like, the only options I can think of are: Cabeswater, an actual tree-lighter, or Aurora Lynch.
But it can’t be Cabeswater, can it? The reason Ronan is special to Cabeswater isn’t only because he was the one who manifested it. Ronan is the only one who can communicate with it. In TDT Ronan says “Didn’t you know my father? We’re both Greywarens.” And Orphan Girl responds “You’re the only one.” and “Many thieves, only one Greywaren.” Cabeswater shows Ronan that many people in the past could make their dreams real, but far fewer could speak to the dream. It seems to be implying that Niall was not one of them. So even if Niall was able to physically or unconsciously travel to Cabeswater after Ronan had dreamt it, I doubt Niall would be able to communicate with it.
As for an actual tree-lighter, I can have as many disjointed headcanons about Niall Lynch meeting Artemus as I want, but without any canon info, I have to disregard this possibility as well. 
Which leaves Aurora. Now Aurora is a DREAM, so for her to know this foreign language kinda makes sense right? But Matthew is a dream as well and never showed any sign of knowing this language. 
But Orphan Girl did. Now Orphan Girl could have learned the language from living inside Cabeswater/Ronan’s dreams for so long, but it’s also possible she just inherently knows it. Orphan Girl was essentially Ronan’s familiar. She was with Ronan in almost all of his dreams and always acted independently from Ronan, never acting a certain way because he specifically dreamed her to. 
Which makes me wonder if Aurora wasn’t a Matthew-type dream like we’re made to associate her with, but rather Niall Lynch’s version of an Orphan Girl. Instead of Niall dreaming a woman he could love into reality (like how Ronan dreamed up a brother he could love into reality i.e. Matthew) what if instead Aurora was Niall Lynch’s familiar? The woman who starred in all of Niall’s dreams. Who helped him learn how to take things from them and warned him of danger. Maybe she was the only person he ever felt close to in his lonely life, and one day he asked her if she’d like to come with him to the waking world.
Does that mean all dreamers have a familiar that makes in appearance in their dreams and helps them achieve whatever goal they have in mind? Niall with Aurora, Ronan with Orphan Girl, and Kavinksy with...Prokopenko? Do all familiars speak the language of the trees? Is there a reason for this?
I don’t know, I just know that Niall knowing the tir e e’lintes language isn’t just something he could inherently know on his own just because he’s a dreamer. Ronan is a dreamer (and a helluva lot better at it than Niall, since he’s connected to Cabeswater AND has the energy of a woken ley line to work with) and he isn’t fluent in the tree-lighter language at all. So Niall must have learned it from SOMEWHERE.
Idk I’m basically trying to say there’s so!! much!! That we don’t know about dreamers in general and/or Niall Lynch specifically. Prayer hands that the #dreamertrilogy gives us more info about the logistics of dreamers!!
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chestnutpost · 6 years
This Theory Explains Why Tyrion Looks Distressed In The New Trailer
This post was originally published on this site
By now, you’ve surely seen breakdowns of the “Game of Thrones” Season 8 trailer, you’ve heard the theories about dead Starks rising from the grave, and you’re ready for trailer No. 2. But before you move on, there’s one question that begs further discussion: Uh, what’s the deal with Tyrion?
Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage), despite being one of the most popular characters in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire novels, is shown in the trailer just for a brief second, looking up and appearing somewhat distressed. The moment got us wondering what he was looking at, and, through all the theories and possibilities, we keep coming back to one thought:
Tyrion may be watching Jon Snow ride a dragon 
HBO What are you looking at, Tyrion?
Tyrion has been staring at dragons in “Game of Thrones” promotional materials for years. In a Season 5 poster, he took in the sight of a dragon. Then, the Season 6 trailer showed him holding a torch during the scene where he unchained Dany’s (Emilia Clarke) dragons. And the Season 7 trailer featured him watching the dragons from the edge of a Dragonstone cliff. It’s like, we get it, dude, you like dragons.
Given this, it’s reasonable to think he’s looking at dragons in the Season 8 trailer, too. But could he also be watching Jon Snow (Kit Harington) acting like some hotshot dragon flyboy? And what would that mean?
Let’s examine the evidence:
The logistics check out
At this point, everyone expects Jon to ride a dragon in the final season. (It’d probably be more shocking if the King in the North just stayed grounded.) The Ringer’s “Binge Mode” guessed that this moment from the trailer would possibly be when Jon would “mount up” on Rhaegal, a dragon conveniently named after his biological father, Rhaegar Targaryen: 
HBO How to ride your dragon?
The trailer also features this fiery shot of Drogon and Rhaegal soaring through the wilderness. With HBO having edited out characters from trailers in the past ― much like Marvel does all the time ― it’s suspected that this sequence may actually show Daenerys Targaryen and Jon riding dragons side-by-side in the final season:  
Though some believe Tyrion is actually shown at King’s Landing in the trailer, it’s more likely he’s at Winterfell, where he’d have to be to bear witness to all of this. Redditor Excellent_Aerie explains:
OK, now that there’s at least a possibility he’s looking up at Jon, another hint seems to be that troubled expression on his face. 
Tyrion’s look is reminiscent of his last scene in Season 7
HBO Have we seen this look before?
The last time we saw Tyrion, he was also looking distressed as Dany, Jon and the King in the North’s golden ratio hiney were all getting to know each other behind closed doors. His look in the Season 8 trailer immediately harkens back to this moment, possibly hinting he’s looking at Dany and Jon again.
Dinklage later explained the Season 7 look to Entertainment Weekly, saying, “Obviously he has feelings for Daenerys. He loves her — or thinks he does. She’s awe-inspiring. He’s questioning that because he doesn’t have a good track record for falling in love. There’s jealousy wrapped up in there.”
Translation: Tyrion hates that Jon Snow is sliding into Dany’s DMs, but his “jealousy” likely goes beyond that.
Jon’s sliding into the dragons’ DMs, too!
Long before Tyrion met Daenerys, dragons were pretty much all he ever wanted. In Season 6, he professes his childhood love of dragons when removing Viserion and Rhaegal’s chains. He even dreams about dragons in Martin’s books. Tyrion loves dragons so much that there’s a popular theory that he’s secretly a Targaryen. (The shot following the Tyrion moment in the trailer is a dragon breathing fire, so that theory lives on.)
Just think about it from Tyrion’s perspective: If you saw Jon — the guy who’s dating your crush — getting the experience of a lifetime flying on a dragon, the experience you’ve dreamed about since you were a little kid, wouldn’t you also make a poo poo face like this?
Yeah. Same.
Tyrion’s concern could foreshadow a much theorized betrayal
Tyrion is one of the most beloved characters in the series. He’s charming, he’s witty and we’re still waiting for him to finish that joke about the jackass and the honeycomb he keeps starting. It’s weird that he’s not in the trailer more, so we’re guessing it’s for a reason. Perhaps Tyrion has something cooking behind the scenes that can’t be revealed yet?
If sad Tyrion is looking up at Dany and Jon riding dragons, it could fuel the theory that he’ll betray Dany (and subsequently Jon) before the series is over.
Let’s go way back to Season 2 and Dany’s super fun side adventure to the House of the Undying. 
In the TV series, after Dany’s dragons are stolen by a warlock who looks like he’s had too many blue raspberry Blow Pops, she goes to Qarth’s House of the Undying to retrieve them. During this excursion, Dany sees a snowy throne room, a tent with Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa) and, eventually, a chamber holding her dragons. That basically sums it up. However, in Martin’s novels, the holy texts whence HBO’s “Game of Thrones” was born, Dany experiences many more visions, including hearing a prophecy that she will have three betrayals. This comes from Martin’s second book in the series, A Clash of Kings:
Three treasons will you know… once for blood and once for gold and once for love…
Daenerys is convinced in the books that Mirri Maz Duur, the maegi who left Khal Drogo in a vegetative state and took the life of her unborn baby, was the first treason for blood. Jorah Mormont could be the second treason for gold, as he was spying on behalf of Varys.
Though the HBO version differs from the books, those two betrayals have remained, so it’s possible the show will include Tyrion as the betrayal of love. (In addition to Dinklage’s comments, the Season 7 scripts confirmed Tyrion’s love for Dany as well, according to Vanity Fair.)
Perhaps supporting this well-worn fan theory of Tyrion’s betrayal is his Season 7 tete-a-tete with Cersei (Lena Headey), where he tells her, “I don’t want to destroy our family. I never have.”
Tyrion’s potential treason could be for love of Dany or simply love of his own family. Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) is coming North after all, and he was just fighting a war against Dany in Season 7. There may be ample opportunities.
Is Tyrion looking up at Jon riding a dragon? We’ll just leave this damning piece of evidence here:
Case closed?
The post This Theory Explains Why Tyrion Looks Distressed In The New Trailer appeared first on The Chestnut Post.
from The Chestnut Post https://thechestnutpost.com/news/this-theory-explains-why-tyrion-looks-distressed-in-the-new-trailer/
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