#I don’t feel the need to punch him into the ground so that’s a good thing
sarahwriterx · 2 days
☆꧁ⓑⒺẸ’s WƗѕ𝒽꧂☆
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I took a step back. I could feel the branches and leaves behind me.  I NEVER thought to trapped in a bushes’ dead end in my whole life.
Space grinned, pulling out a gun of his galaxy clothe, looked at me.
“oOoOh gosh! I’m so scared! I need a prince Charming but if you dare to shoot me!” I grinned back and closed my eye.
“HAHAHAHAHA!!! Do you think I’m scared of you, poor star guy? I’ve been waiting…” he laughed loudly.
“I’ve been waiting to get revenge of you… cause what you’ve done with my dear Bee…” He took my chin and looked at me with wild eyes.
“Space!” Now Bee reached to us, shouted.
“Aha! It seems like a big request.  Do you want to wish for it?” I said carelessly.
“HAH- “Space was confused.
Suddenly, Cardamon jump at him and hit him with his hammer hardly, now our Space was dead frog on the floor.
“Go!!!” Cardamon shouted at me.
At that moment, Space dropped his white gun on the ground, it transformed to a wand and he threw Cardamon down by that. His wand this time transformed to a truncheon and they fought to each other.
“ oh yeah? You want me to be a fair-weather friend?” I opened my eye.
“I said, go!” Cardamon kept fighting with Space.
“see? I always want to be a good friend but you don’t believe me!” I smiled!
“GO AWAY!!!!” Both of them screamed at me.
I took a deep breath and left them behind, and left the maze, too.
There were so many skyscrapers, so many high speed cars, so many traffic… and so many luxury market too. And I could see Loop, Deckard and Howell in the sidewalk.
“where is Cardamon?” Deckard frowned.
“He’s talking to our dear commander; I guess he’ll be enjoying it~” I smirked.
“huh? W-What do you mean-“Loop were scared.
“well, guys, since Cardamon and I are veryyyyyyyyy close friends so he said that I am the boss now. You will obey whatever I want!” I ignored the Loop’s question.
“NO WAY.” Deckard frowned.
“HECK YEAH! We still in danger about that crazy inventor but a handsome, gay spaceman is fallowing us too for now, so…”
“ RUN!!” I screamed.
We were in surrounding again, so we all ran to some safe place. But where? I looked at the markets carefully. All them had bad smell, like, customary, profiteer and traitor… I could see just one place for a safe hiding and that was a library. A library could save our life’s but the librarian was closing the library. She had a dark skin and beautiful purple hair.
I used my latest power, with help from stars teleported on girl’s body and threw her on the ground.
“H-HEY!” she was terrified.
My friends entered to the library and Loop shout the door quickly, we all dropped in the dark.
“As I was saying, nothing bad happened if you obey me!” I smiled wildly.
“Go away! You are heavy!” the girl punched me.
I laughed, stood up, and walked toward the shelfs. There were too dark but our body have a soft light so we could almost saw around.
 “They will find us They will find us They will find us…” Loop whispered.
I was looking at some books in shelfs, and threw them on the ground.
“Don’t worry, my dumb friend. If they’ll figure out we are here, never coming for searching into a LIBRARY!”
“Hey, keep respect! And, don’t do mess! These books have been entrusted to me!!” the girl frowned too.
“easy peasy beautiful, you have to thanks the stars, your pity miserable life will be blessing!!!” I threw some books again.
The girl looked at me.
“ we can make your wish comes true!” I blinked at her and picked up another book.
“NOT EVERY WISH!” Howell grumped at me.
“But if we can do hers? Owww! This one have pictures!” and I threw it to Loop’s head,
“Y-You mean... my wish… can… comes… true?” she said as I gone toward the librarian desk and was touching every single thing on the desk.
“yep my dear, why not- ouch!!!!” I got my hand. Something sharp scratched my black glove and now it was bleeding some sticky, sparkling liquid.
She came to me and held me back.
“Don’t touch that! This is a cutter! Here. UM... Take my handkerchief!!” she got me a white handkerchief, that has a wired embroidered.
“well… I wishing for my mother come back to me…” she said.
“WOW!! Such a great wish! But, where is she now?” I cleaned my hand with her handkerchief.
“ she passed away.” A big white star went out of her chest and shined.
“well, Hehehehehehe…” I smiled nervously.
The others looked at me angrily.
“You know what? We can’t make it true for now buuuut someday- Mayyyyybe- “ I laughed a little but it warped up with voice of the moomins. “open it! We know you are here!”
“Siffrin!” Loop shouted.
“I’m sorry my lady, but…” I smiled as I holding her wish’s star in my hands.
“It’s time to RUN!!” I crushed it in my hands, it helped us to teleported somewhere far away.
“Sasha? Look at me, Sasha!”
Librarian girl was in panic. She was crying, screaming. She couldn’t see anybody else. Mr. Petrikov had bad feeling to left her alone in library. Not for the books mess, just because she was hurted and he was not there to help.
Moomins were searching the library carefully and the First Aid Kit was not going to help Sasha. Mr. Petrikov lost his hope soon and rubbed his head.
“Her wish star is crushed.” A cold voice said.
“Mr. Bird! It’s midnight time! What are you doing here?” Simon stood up respectfully.
“sorry about this mess… the books are everywhere… what a shame…” he looked at around.
“Don’t bother yourself, Dear Simon. I not here for borrowing books.” Bird smiled at him.
He took some step forward; he wanted to touch her but Simon got his arm.
“Sasha. is not good… I don’t know what happened to her…”
“But I KNOW. Let me help you.”  Bird pulled him away.
He bended on Sasha and got her chin tightly, it made her to screaming louder. He feed Sasha some kind of drug that was like a gummy bear. Finally, Sasha gulped it.
She got calm little by little and got deep breath.
“Thank you Mr. Bird…” Simon Said.
Bird smiled and went to the door, but before that held Simon's shoulder.
“I know you like to thank me, Petrikov. If you finds out about that star guys you can tell me first.”
“I’ll asking her, Mister-“
Bird smiled at him and then left the library.
This story continues..
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lightlycareless · 1 day
I’m sorry if this is a weird question. It’s totally cool if you just delete this if it is but when faced with another guy bothering Y/N, would he be the type to punch a guy out, intimidate them, or talk out of it(y’know that suave way of staking claim so to speak) :3
Hello anon!!!
Ah yes, the ask I thought I hallucinated by some strange reason 🤣 like, I believed I already posted the answer to this but I didn't???
Either way, this gave me the perfect opportunity to do a bit of angst :) a little "Naoya and Y/N realize being together isn't all rainbows"
warnings: highschool au, kind of. slight mentions of violence. you really worry for naoya. he has yet a lot to learn about being a good boyfriend. it's the early stages of the relationship.
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Honestly, this moment… is something everyone around you awaited.
I mean, Naoya is brash, stubborn, rude, selfish, nobody gets along with him, doesn't have that many friends, so on and so forth.
Thus, it was only natural that he'd eventually rub someone the wrong way…
Or be rubbed the wrong way.
Your boyfriend, as stated, was a threat by himself, but when you were added into the mix, it's like all his foul traits doubled. Not to you, of course not, never to the only other person he considered worthy of him.
But towards those foolish enough to think they still had a chance with you after making his claim. To defy the heir of the Zen'in is to have a death wish—wasn’t that common knowledge by now?!
Yet, to those ignorant of this fact, he is nothing but patient enough to remind.
It happened all so quickly. One moment you were being pestered by a faceless student, insisting you’d leave your boyfriend for someone better, a bit more grounded, implying himself to be that person…
And the other, you were crying, heart thundering and hands trembling as the horrifying sight of Naoya beating that same guy unfolded before you.
The fight did not go without retaliation of course, your instigator never intending to take your boyfriend’s punches without retaliation, which lead you to shriek when a particular sharp blow landed against Naoya’s left side of his face, prompting you to run to their side and do all in your power to separate them—
To no avail.
“Stop it, Naoya!” You cried, helplessly trying to get them away from one another; but you never could compare to his strength. Less when he was determined to continue so. “Please! St—stop! You're— you're going to— you’re going to kill him!”
“What is going on??” Nanami exclaims. It wasn't his intention to get near the commotion, always one to avoid trouble whenever possible, but upon hearing your frightened voice, he ran as fast as possible to your aid. “Y/N!”
“Ken—Kento—! You— You have to stop them!” You wailed, frantically tugging at this arm and evoking a sense of urgency. “They're going to—they’re going to kill each other if you don’t!”
The ones that ultimately manage to separate the two are Suguru and Satoru, just before the teachers stepped in, but not enough to prevent them from being reprimanded by them, taking them to the principal’s office to discuss their rightful punishment—regardless of who provoked who.
“After my family sues you, you're fucking dead!”
“Ha! Do you not know who I am?! I'd like to see you try!” Naoya guffaws.
“Stop it already!” Yaga exclaimed “You're already knees deep in trouble, the last thing you both need is to be expelled!”
Ultimately, the threat of being away from you is enough to keep Naoya willing. One would think that he'd worry more about his family and the issue this small disturbance would bring, but truth is that he's gotten out of worse predicaments: him getting into an altercation with a nobody is not something that would prevent the elders, or him, from sleeping.
Though your prolonged silence, the cold judgment imposed by your piercing eyes, and the subtle annoyance displayed in your touch would; feeling tiny for the first time in his life before you, even when you were so attentively tending to his wounds once dismissed.
“Why are you so quiet, princess? Don’t tell me I scared ya’?” Naoya begins, cutting through the awkward silence settling between the two with a teasing tone he hopes would make light of the situation—make you forget of the blood curling screams you let out when he was entangled with that irrelevant kid who’d more likely disappear tomorrow, and move on…
But oh, how wrong he’d be to choose that path. Make fun of your poor heart.
“What? Thought I wouldn’t win? You know me better than—”
“Is this what it is to you? A joke?” You sternly state, stopping tending his wounds and subsequently quieting Naoya up.
“A joke?” Naoya repeats. “A joke would be him thinking he could win against—"
“Seriously, Naoya?! Is that all you have to say?!” You cry, beginning to crack. “Why must you always take it a competitive thing??”
“Ah, so what was I supposed to do? Let him beat me??” Naoya countered.
“There you go again, taking my words out of context! I didn’t even say that!” you whined.
“Well, it’s not like you’ve given me much to work on, princess.” He scowls. “Why are you even so angry? If anything, I should be the one upset because I got hurt for you, and this is the thanks I get!”
“Oh, so it’s my fault now?!” you gasp, offended as tears began to form in the corners of your eyes. “Was I the one that wanted this—this fight to happen? Did I tell you I wanted to see you get hurt?!”
“It’s kind of expected, don’t you think?” He states, making your eyes go wide. “We’re sorcerers, we’re bound to get hurt—if you didn’t want that then maybe you should’ve considered a different career—
Or a different boyfriend.”
“Is that—is that what you’re going to go with?” you firmly ask, as if giving him one last time to reconsider his words…
Which he did after you set aside the first aid kit, standing up with all intentions of leaving the room that he realized how gravely he’d messed up, quicky to grab your arm and pull you back to him; and though the wounds of his fight made it hurt, more so since you struggled against him, he did not relent.
“Wait, Y/N, please—That came out wrong, I didn’t mean—”
“And what did you mean, Naoya?” you say, with a trembling voice that made his heart sting even more. He’s just gotten out of one altercation to walk right into another one—how delightful. “If it isn’t to mock me for worrying?!”
“No, I wasn’t.” Naoya says, tightening his hold on you, as much as he could anyways. He just… he just didn’t want you to leave, not like this. Not when he needed you the most. “I would never!”
You don’t respond, there wasn’t much to say when his words didn’t match his actions.
“…I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“But you did.” You responded, and now he was able to hear the tears that had begun to slide down your cheeks. “You… you got into that awful fight instead of letting him go and almost got yourself expelled—no, worse! Killed!”
“But it didn’t happen, you know? You… you called for help, and we stopped!”
“Because you wouldn’t listen!” You wept, turning around and taking a good look at his face. Naoya wishes you hadn’t, however, because seeing you cry just broke his heart into a million pieces. “Neither of you!”
“You were like… like an animal out there.” You added. “Nothing seemed to snap you out of trance, and I—I got so scared—!”
“I didn’t mean to scare you either.”
“Does it even matter? You said so yourself, this is what sorcerers are supposed to do.”
“No, you know what I meant—”
“No. I don’t. I really don’t know what you meant.”
“I did this to protect you.” Naoya quietly adds. “I just… got so angry seeing you being bothered by that idiot, that I… I needed to do something. I needed to get him away from you!”
“…Why can’t you understand this isn’t what I wanted?” You sniffle. “I didn’t want you to get hurt, no matter the reason why.”
“I know, I know you didn’t—”
“Then… why did you do it? What made you so angry, enough to beat him up and risk your career?”
The thought of being undeserving of you. Naoya concluded. Because his words had unwittingly struck a nerve, a thought he’s tried his hardest to push deep within the confines of his mind, but until he makes amends with himself, he’ll never be able to escape that fear.
The notion that perhaps there is someone better out there for you… and that person isn’t himself.
And after the way he’s made you cry, such bitter tears… perhaps that was the truth.
“I’ll leave you alone, if that’s what you want.” Naoya quietly concludes, making your eyes widen once more. “So I will never hurt you again.”
“Naoya, that’s—that’s not what I want!” you gasp, heart clenching at the prospect of him leaving you. “Not at all!”
“What good of a boyfriend could I be if I all I do ends up hurting you?”
“And you think that leaving me wouldn’t do just that??” you fret. “That living a life without you won’t make me miserable?!”
“It seems I already do…”
“N—No! I don’t—I don’t want that! I—I can’t allow it!” you sob, immediately wrapping your arms around him. “I just got you… I don’t want to lo—lose you…!”
Now with tears in his eyes, Naoya tightly embraces you, pulling you as close as possible as he reassures your fears away.
“Princess…” Naoya breathes, cupping your face and making you look to him. “It’ll take a whole lot for me to ever leave you. Probably the end of the world—but you’ll never lose me, ever.”
“You don’t—you don’t know how awful it felt to not be able to do anything!” you confess. “I… I tried to get him off you but I—I couldn’t do it—I couldn’t protect you!”
“No, no, Y/N—That’s my job. I’m supposed to protect you, not the other way around.”
“But you—what about you? What if you need me? What am I supposed to do?”
“Leave all the heavy lifting to me, and you…” Naoya smiles, intertwining his hands with yours. “You can patch me up after, eh? Heal me up.”
“Nao—Naoya.” You sniffle, lips trembling as tears continued to flood your face. “Promise me you—promise me you’ll always be careful… please.”
“I promise.” He says, taking your hands to his lips and gently kissing your knuckles. “Though I doubt someone as talented as me might need to make such promises—it’s a given.”
“Don’t be silly…” you murmur, he chuckles. “As long as you’re a sorcerer, I’ll always worry…”
“Good thing I have my mochi to take care of me, hm? Have me in her thoughts while I’m away.” Naoya smiles.
“You better not come back too roughed up, then. Or I—Or I won’t be able to help much…”
“Not that I need much, your kisses are sufficient enough to make me feel much—ah, shit, princess?!” Naoya gasps, startled by the stinging sensation of the alcohol-soaked cotton pressed against his skin. “Should’ve given me a warning, at least!”
“I thought you only needed my kisses?” You gently tease, he frowns. “Sorry, I just needed to clean you up before you do anything else, you started bleeding again.”
“…Fine, I guess.” Naoya pouts, hissing whenever feeling the alcohol against his wounds.
“What will happen with… him, by the way?”
“I don’t know, he’s getting expelled I guess.” Naoya shrugs. “I’ll make it happen if not.”
“What? He was bothering you—think I’m going to let that slide? No one annoys my princess outside of me.”
“… Thank you, for protecting me, really.” You eventually murmur, putting away everything once done. You then lean forward, placing a chaste kiss over his lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too, little mochi.” Naoya smiles, kissing you once more. “My sweet damsel in distress, are you going to nurse me until I’m all better?”
“Don’t call me that—and do I have another choice?”
He snickers. “I guess not, but you wouldn’t want it any other way, would you?”
You smile.
“No, I guess not.”
“I wouldn’t mind if you dressed up as a nurse too, you know? Heard it helps for a faster recovery.”
“Don’t push it…
here, at least.”
Naoya smirks. Maybe he should get a bit roughed up once in a while.
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Yes he'd beat up someone for you, naturally. let's not forget his go-to solution in grave situations is killing someone lol.
Anyways, I hope you liked this little something!! It's kind of refreshing to write the Naoya that has yet to learn how to approach you; like, I know I tend to write him perfect in certain aspects, but he was once a... brat, I guess haha. He doesn't know how to treat people, less the one he loves! We're bound to see more of this flawed Naoya very early in the relationship and I LOVE IT hehehe. I wonder what other stumbles I can write...?
Now, take care and hope to see you soon!!
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handfulofmuses · 4 months
🕯️ (anybody!)
Send 🕯️ for thoughts about your muse!
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His presence is … tolerated?
Everyone else I would have left behind. They would only hold you back from the larger ambitions in life. Most aren’t able to keep up in the first place. It’s either that or getting into fights with someone else. As for him? He is still sticking around no matter the violence. I can respect that.
I saw him as nothing but a coward at first. But there is more to him than the first impression. Loathe as I am to admit it, his cunning is what got us this far in the first place. Besides, he is not as weak as he might seem at first glance. He can fend for himself, that’s for sure. What I don’t get is why he even bothers. He had many opportunities to leave me behind. He could have just let me have a go at Pterano - it’s not like it would get him into trouble.
I don’t mind sticking around for a while longer. Perhaps not just because of our shared goals but It’s not every day that someone‘s presence doesn’t make you want to punch their face into the ground.
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g0dlyunsub · 2 months
don't pretend.
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spencer can see through all of your lies, including the bruises you’re hiding behind makeup.
pairing :: spencer x fem bau!reader
warnings :: mentions of prisons, physical violence, bruises, reader gets injured, patching up, fluff
word count :: 1.6k
author’s note :: oh, looks like i’ve spawned another hurt/comfort fic yet again…
accompanying song :: who hurt you by role model
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you’re an ambitious profiler. 
you’re such an ambitious profiler that you interview offenders with the most extensive list of records whenever you have time. you want to understand more than just the simple question of why they did it. you want to explore the how’s and what if’s.
and you’re soft-hearted, so much so that you jeopardize your own safety. 
things should’ve gone smoothly with your fifth and last inmate of the week, had you been a little more aware of your surroundings.
but you placed too much faith on your ability to make peace with the man who unyieldingly worshiped violence.
that was your only mistake, but it was a costly one. 
you had kindly asked the guard to release the handcuffs, even though he insisted that they stay on. 
it’s alright, you told him with the wave of your hand. 
but you should’ve noticed the look of challenge on the inmate’s face. it was like he was taunting you, almost as if to say, do you really feel safe being in the same room as me?
it was your soft-heartedness that almost got you severely injured. 
he managed to land punches to your left cheek and scratched his nails into the flesh of your leg as he fell, right as he was tackled to the ground. 
he laughed when he saw you holding your hand against your throbbing cheek.
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you arrive at the office as early as you can, a layer of makeup thicker than usual coating the bruise swelling your left cheek. 
you pretend to bury your head in the case file that you retrieved from your desk when the rest of the team started to flood into the room.
when spencer arrives, he gives you a nod and gleefully chirps good morning as he takes his seat beside you. 
spencer knows your routine like the back of his palm – he knows you’re busy with interviews at the federal prison on saturdays and sundays, and he knows you always need a caffeine boost the next morning. you gladly accept the cup of coffee that he sets in front of your hands with a small smile.
as hotch is debriefing the case with garcia, however, you can’t help but feel his eyes drilling into the side of your face, as if he can see through your cover. 
your makeup can’t be that obvious, right?
your thoughts are interrupted when hotch closes the cover of his case file, stands, and announces wheels up in 20. 
you lift yourself with the support of the table and wait for everyone else to exit before you follow, doing your best to disguise the limp in your walk.
“alright. jj and prentiss, go to the morgue. morgan and reid, go to the crime scene. dave, you and l/n can set up with the local p.d. i’ll go talk to the victims’ families.”
as hotch assigns roles to the team, everyone nods when their names are called out. but spencer raises his hand slightly and clears his throat.
“actually, hotch, do you mind if i switch with rossi and set up with l/n and the locals instead?”
hotch hesitates for a second, but nods slowly. 
“sure. dave, you okay with that?”
the italian agent cocks up a questioning eyebrow but gives a warm smile. “i don’t see why not.”
you’ve never heard spencer contest hotch’s orders before, so you’re stumped as to why he’s suggesting an alternative role this time. but you soon brush off the thought, and decide to occupy your time re-reading the case files before the jet lands.
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you sink into your seat with a heavy sigh, forcing your eyes shut as pain travels down your legs. you’re thankful that hotch assigned you to set up at the local p.d., since it doesn’t require much locomotion and spares you the struggle of getting up constantly. you watch as spencer spreads the corners of the map and sticks push pins into the corkboard. 
“how did your interviews go yesterday?” spencer breaks the silence first and moves to grab a red marker. with his practiced hand, he quickly circles the areas of the crime scenes on the map.
you gulp.
“they went pretty well, you know, nothing out of the ordinary.”
spencer caps the tip, and a click sounds as the plastic edges meet. he nods, wets his lips with his tongue, and turns to look at you. you meet his gaze for a brief second before you look away, pretending to busy yourself with the m.e. reports that jj sent over.
“green neutralizes red.”
his sudden remark startles you. you drop the papers in your hands and look up. “i’m sorry?”
“green contains the wavelengths that are missing in red light, so when they mix, the colors neutralize each other. that’s why concealers with a green base are better at covering up more reddish bruising,” spencer elaborates, and starts to match up the photos of the crime scenes to the locations marked on the map.
you blink. oh.
there’s no way he’s talking about you, right?
“um, yeah, green’s a common color corrector,” you mutter as you nervously tap your fingers against the wooden table. “but there weren’t any bruises or marks of assault on the victims.” 
spencer scoffs as you finish your sentence.
“it’s not about the victims. you. i’m talking about you.” 
you swallow slowly. 
“i-i don’t know what you’re talking about,” you try, a fake smile plastered over your face as you shake your head left and right. 
spencer studies you with a scrutinizing stare, eyes boring into yours like he’s counting the number of times you blink.
“could you grab that for me?” he asks at last, pointing to the book that’s two tables away, the one titled florida’s topography and bathymetry. without thinking, you nod and stand.
what a clever way to set you up. now you have to somehow mask the limp in your steps and pretend like the pain coursing through your legs is nonexistent.
you do your best to walk normally, but it’s hard to tell if you’re doing a good job from his unreadable stare. you hold the book out with a bemused smile, hoping it’s enough to cover your pained expression.
he doesn’t look convinced. 
“that,” spencer points to your leg with an accusatory gaze, “why are you walking like that?” 
he swiftly takes the book from you, and your hand instinctively grips the side of the table for support.
“like what?” 
you’re going to make him pry the confession out of you. 
“like you’re hurting,” spencer utters quietly. his last word catches your breath completely.
“is that why you asked rossi to switch with you? so you could interrogate me?” 
“who hurt you?” spencer ignores your question, setting the book aside and leaning over the table to get a closer look at your face. 
instinctively, you retreat and look down, but he walks around the table and kneels in front of you. your brain buzzes with the words he’s just declared. it’s not what did you do, or what happened to you. instead, it’s who hurt you. 
“i… it’s nothing.” you shift in your chair, but he stops the seat from turning completely by laying a hand on the headrest.
“tell me. please.” 
you can’t fake it anymore, especially when he’s already hammered the nail into the hole perfectly.
you rub your sweaty palms on your lap. “one of them tried to hurt me during the interview. i-it was my fault, i asked the guards to take off the cuffs. i thought they’d be more willing to cooperate that way.”
spencer’s expression mellows as you speak, but he doesn’t return a comment. somehow, this makes you even more nervous.
a second after, he lifts his hand and slides a finger along the slightly swollen area of your cheek. he hesitates when you start to wince in pain.
tapping his knee with his index finger, he instructs, “let me take a look at your leg.”
you comply.
when you lift your leg, spencer’s hand slips between the wedge of your platform's heel, and gracefully sets your foot on his knee. 
you observe him gently push the thin fabric of your trousers upwards. you hold your breath when he leans in to inspect closely, and you almost shudder when the vapor of his warm breath tickles the gash on your flared shin. 
spencer steps back to retrieve a first-aid kit lying nearby and rolls up the sleeves of his shirt. without saying a single word, he pulls a cotton pad and a gauze roll from the bag.
as he wraps your leg with the gauze, he looks up to meet your lowered gaze.
“tell me his name.”
you bite your lip.
“it’s fine. you should focus on the geo-profile instead.” you exhale as spencer unfolds the rolls on the hem of your trousers to cover your leg again.
“you do know that it won’t take me long to go through every incident report,” he retorts back with a challenging glint in his eye. your cheeks heat up with a hot flush of red.
goddamnit, spencer reid. 
you hastily brush yourself away from him.
“what are you going to do?”
he pauses, every second of silence only feeding your suspicions. you watch the corner of his lips tug into a smirk.
“you know, nothing out of the ordinary.”
you huff.
“don’t use my words against me.” 
he shrugs with an indifferent expression, but chuckles before standing back up.
“his name. or do we want to do this the hard way?”
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catscidr · 4 months
// taking care of your dogboy (hsr edition!) //
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i. note — sry i havent been posting yall i got a job + ive been working on three cosplays at the same time bc my local con is coming up lmao (´ཀ`」 ∠) however the brainrot never stops. it only takes a break. a little break of approximatively. a month. ish. ......... anyways dog hybrid hsr boys brainrot !!! lmk if we want more of this with more boys •ᴗ• comments and asks are appreciated hehe ii. includes — blade, gepard, boothill and gn!reader iii. cw — slice of life stuff turning into smut, possessive behaviour, overstim, slight dom/sub dynamics, real messy stuff, manhandling. use of the word "hole" to keep reader gender neutral iv. wc — 1,9k
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blade is a mutt riddled in scars and dirty bandages from living on the streets and fighting to survive.
you think he might be some german shepherd mix, but he refuses to let you swab his teeth n gums for a dna test (last time you tried you narrowly avoided a punch to the face. he apologized in his own way afterwards), so whenever people ask, just say he’s a rescue to avoid revealing that you actually just… don’t really know what breed he is. they usually drop the subject and simply go on their merry way, seeing as he wasn’t the type of pup to appreciate affection from strangers anyways– it’s rare for you to leave the house in the first place, though.
you had to switch to a remote job because blade is just so persistent when it comes to you. although possessive is a much better descriptor, because he doesn’t let anyone near you. whenever you leave to get groceries he ends up practically breathing down your neck from how close he gets— acting as if he were your literal shadow— glaring at everyone that gets too close to you. you’ve made it a habit to always go to self-checkout lane so blade doesn’t scare off the cashiers.
the second you get home he’s all over you, determined to rid you of that outside stench and replace it with his own. you started packing your grocery bags in a way that nothing will break if (read: when) you suddenly drop them on the floor, all because you’re so familiar with blade’s impatience.
he holds you still by engulfing your body with his, knees caging your hips as he grinds into you, shallow and deep. blade’s growls and huffs fill your ears just as much as his cock fills your hole, his knot kissing your tightness from the outside.
“do you like this? like how i have to fuck you every time you decide to go outside again when you could stay here,” with me blade omits, his tail swishing back and forth on the bedsheets behind him, the sound just barely grounding you to reality.
your grocery bags were long forgotten on the foor (as they usually are), your mind too foggy to function. clawing at the sheets, you try to crawl away from blade’s grip— to no avail.
he tuts, craning his head to bite down onto the skin where your shoulder meets your neck. “i might just need to mark you for extra precaution,” he bucks into you, knocking the air out of your lungs. you hear squelching, the constant plap! plap! plap! from his thighs smacking against your ass and whine, broken babbles leaving your kiss-bruised lips.
“b-blade, y’can’t- ah,” he shushes you by plugging you full of his lengthy cock, his knot almost threatening to press inside of you. you whimper, feeling lightheaded from a mix of both nervousness and arousal.
he soothes the hickey he left on your neck, licking it languidly as he stills to bask into the way your hole throbs around him. warm and tight and oh so tempting.
“shit, wanna fill you. wanna… have everyone know they can’t have you. you’re mine, mine to love ‘n mine to fuck,” you’re not lucid enough to process his thinly veiled confession, too busy writhing your ass back against him in a feeble attempt to get him to continue moving.
you might want to invest into some good concealer or into those skin coloured tattoo patches to cover the bruises and bite marks blade’ll leave on you if you want to continue being a functioning member of society. you can’t really be walking around in public as if a dog had just mauled you right before you left the house, can you?
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gepard is a golden retriever because of COURSE he is. similarly to blade, he likes to invade your personal space a lot— not because he’s possessive, but because he’s extremely protective of you.
the random bruises you used to randomly notice on your body faded as soon as he came into your life. gepard’s soft, lingering touches healed them; gently placing a hand on your hip before you bump into sharp furniture so it doesn’t hit you, redirecting your head to his shoulder as you nod-off in the train before you bang your head, and so on.
it’s a full-time job and he’s working 24/7, always on the lookout for anything that could possibly hurt you as you saunter off… wherever, without a care in the world— because he took care of everything!
he would clean the apartment for you, cook (though you usually insist you do the cooking; a human doesn’t have the same taste in food as a hybrid), and even act as your own personal alarm clock. gone were the days of being woken up by loud, blaring beeping. gepard woke you up with forehead kisses instead, making your mornings much more pleasant.
but poor geppie, he’s always taking care of you; so take care of him, won’t you?
every so often you’ll sit in his lap to help him get rid of whatever stress he held in his body. your hands will knead at the muscles in his broad shoulders, all while you simultaneously kiss away the strain in his face. his brows are furrowed as you do your best to soothe his muscles; you never forget to smooch his cheek, nose and the corner of his lips.
though the attention and gentle acts of affection always ends with your hands lower than they should be.
“ah ah, no touching, remember?” you murmur in his ear playfully. you had been at it for what felt like hours; gepard’s cock and abdomen was smeared with the remnants of his cum, skin tacky from his previous loads. your hand shows no sign of stopping, not even when he begged oh so sweetly.
“c-come onn. just… jus’ wanna kiss…” and who were you to deny your sweet boy? your lips find his in a heartbeat, his tongue swiping over your own sloppily as he breathes you in like a depraved man.
the only condition you had when you did this was for him to keep his hands to himself— at least until you both decide to move on to something else. until then, his fists clench the sheets beneath the both of you, and his ears stay flat on his fluffy head.
“i’m… i’m close again, g- aah, please, please…!” he begs, cock weeping precum as you continuously jerk him off. you smile, absentmindedly rocking your hips to the rhythm you held him prisoner to— gepard was too engulfed in the warmth of your hand to notice, anyways. “cum whenever you want sweet boy,” you purr, and he keens as he buries his face in your neck, his hips lifting off the bed ever so slightly as they meet your hand and he thrusts, riding the high of his orgasm.
sticky cum coats your hand for the nth time; you relent your grip on his cock for his sake, instead choosing to shower him with chaste kisses all over his face. gepard whines, taking ahold of your waist weakly as he breathes into the crook of your neck.
“geppie, your han-“ he cuts you off, swiftly switching positions so you’re now laying on your back as he hovers over you, chest rising and falling quickly, catching his breath from the intensity of his orgasm. gepard’s tail wags slowly behind him as his hands creep up from your waist to your chest just as slowly- you feel his cock harden against your pelvis, precum spilling from his pinky tip.
“‘ts my turn now,” he huffs, leaning down to nip at your neck.
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boothill is the most obnoxious dalmatian hybrid you’ve ever seen (not that you’ve seen many, or at all). but he’s made your life so fun so you can’t be too mad at him
he’s always dragging you out of bed to go do something— could be going to the park nearby or sit in the living room playing video games on your dusty console, it doesn’t matter because he’ll MAKE you step out of your cozy nest!!
you’re glad he’s friendly, because you’re not sure how you would handle such an excited hybrid when you left the house. people come up to the both of you to chat and he indulges their questions, essentially leading the conversation (while you stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to say).
boothill is also great with kids, unexpectedly. 9 times out of 10 when you go to the park he ends up playing with someone’s child, bright smile on his face as he messes up their hair with a rough hand. they’ll throw a frisbee for him to go catch and he’ll do it happily, or he’ll even… teach them how to beat people up.
(you stare mortified as he teaches a little girl how to throw a proper punch only for her to then punch her parent when she leaves boothill’s side. you go up to them and apologize profusely, forcing boothill to bow with you.)
he also loves to help you out, even though he’s not the greatest at household chores— but he definitely tries! though he is a stellar cook, which never fails to surprise you whenever he’s on dinner duty. he just… really sucks at everything else.
it’s… mostly because he just has so much energy. he sweeps the floor? nope, he’s picking off the pieces of the broom off of the floor because he accidentally broke it. he’s fixing your bed? nuh uh, you’re throwing out the ruined bedsheets because he accidentally tore them to shreds somehow.
so, with all of these accidents happening because he’s just brimming with energy 24/7, you started purposely exhausting him. or, rather, gave him the green light to exhaust you until he tires himself out.
“booth-aah, w-wait, you’re being too…!” you fall over on top of his hard chest, keening at the new angle his cock reached inside of you. he repeated his assault on the spot that made you see stars as your jaw gaped, broken moans leaving your lips.
“don’t tell me y’re tapping out.. haa, already!” boothill grunts, his grip on your hips tightening. he throws his head back with a loud moan, abs tensing as he nears yet another climax— the 5th one of the night. maybe, maybe not. you lost count after the third one.
you bury your face into the crook of his neck, focusing on the feeling of his cock plugging you full instead of the soreness, the burn in your muscles that came from your knees holding you up on his lap.
watching you riding him will always be his favourite thing in the world, even if he always ends up fucking up into you and taking back control at the end of the night.
“gonna cu-uum…” you whine, clenching around his length almost painfully tightly, hearing his breathing hitch as an orgasm is ripped out of him in consequence to yours. boothill’s fingers dig into your ass, his hips lifting off the bed as he cums deep inside of your sloppy hole again, sticky fluid building up beneath the sheets.
you collapse on top of him fully, chest heaving against his own as you come back to your senses, slowly but surely. boothill’s ears perk up, hearing how your breathing had evening out.
“so… got another round in ya?”
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adayumantium · 29 days
Should I Stay Or Should I Go? 
Logan Howlett x fem! Reader smut
a/n: insp by the song by The Clash & graphic by @moosgraphics :)
Summary: Logan Howlett's annoying ass consumes your waking days. You're friends, you're not, you're arguing, you're not...whats the deal? How can such a pain in your ass make you feel so much better?
W/C: 1.6k+ my bad
tags/warnings: ENEMIES TO LOVERS YAHHHHHHHH, implied age gap (but like bc he’s 200,,,), terms of endearment (doll, princess, kid, baby), friendly combat, cursing, MDNI 18+ IM SO SERIOUS, kitchen hate sex WOOOO, vaginal fingering, unprotected piv (WRAP IT GUYS) 
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Your foot connects with Logan’s chest, pushing him back with a swift kick. He grunts, heels dragging as he struggles to regain his footing. Sweat rolls off his temple, making its way down his neck. 
“Can’t keep up, old man?” you smirk, returning to a guarding stance. There were few things as exhilarating as a good sparring match, especially with Logan. You liked the physical challenge of someone bigger and more experienced than you. Not to mention the banter. You would never admit it, but even the most bitter of his words shot electricity between your thighs. 
“Is that mouth capable of anything that doesn’t give me a headache?” he huffs, lurching forward and throwing his own punches.
“Oh, sweetheart, you wish,” you beckon him with a motion of your fingers.
Maybe too cocky, you dodge once, twice, before Logan lands a blow that knocks you to the ground.
“Shit,” you groan, laying your head back on the cool training mat. 
“Had enough, princess?” Logan straddles your hips, towering over you. God, something about him. You consider your options. Against anyone else, a buck of the hips might send them flying, but Logan was maybe 400 pounds of metal and muscle. You were exhausted, sore, and just a bit distracted by the way Logan’s perspiration made his white tank cling to his sculpted muscles. You sighed, tapping the floor twice.
“Whatever,” you huffed, and Logan grinned before getting back to his feet. He held a hand out to help you up, and as your fingers graced his much larger ones, you felt the contact shiver up your arm. You swallowed silently, trying to ignore the tension in your neck and shoulders. 
“Y’know, you’re gettin’ better out there, doll. Maybe one day, you’ll be able to handle me,” Logan nodded. 
“Shut up,” you scowl. 
“Don’t get your panties in a twist, kid. It was a compliment,” Logan rolls his eyes, leaving before you could conjure up a decent comeback. Ugh. As you make your way back to your own room, you can’t shake the interaction. Really, every interaction you’ve ever had with him. It was always teasing, always belittling one another, but you craved every inkling of it. You hated to admit it, but the idea of beating Logan made you want to be better and train harder. You loved having him on his knees, at your mercy. 
Stepping into the shower, you work to scrub the feeling of him off your skin. The feeling of him towering over you on the mat and the way it made your throat feel tight. The smell of tobacco and leather so far up your nose you can taste it. 
How could something so frustrating feel so good? 
Crawling into bed that night was no better. You stare at the ceiling for hours, restless as you replay your conversations with Logan in your mind. He was so infuriating, the way he pins your wrists during drills or threatens to wipe a sly smile off your face. Why are you so desperate to have him be present in your everyday life? Maybe, after all this time, you just have to get it out in the open. It’s late, though; no one can think clearly at this time of night. You eventually drift to sleep, and your subconscious betrays you with dreams of the Wolverine. 
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An early morning jog is always exactly what you need. The rising sun and singing birds are waking up, and it reminds you how nice life in the mansion actually is. Peace and quiet is a virtue in a life as chaotic as yours. Sometimes, life happens too quickly. Short of breath, you fumble back inside, gracious for cool air and endorphins keeping you upright. 
Your stomach growling grounds you. You stand on your toes, pulling cereal down from the cabinets. Opening the fridge, you frown. Who drank the last of the milk? You sigh, a creek in the floor putting your senses on edge. Asked and answered. You whip around to see Logan leaning against the counter nursing his own bowl of cereal.
“Take a picture, huh? It’ll last longer,” he mutters, bringing the bowl to his mouth and taking an obnoxious slurp. 
“Of course you took the last of it, kitty,” you cooed, knowing his disdain for it. 
“Watch your mouth, doll,” Logan grunts, going to rinse his bowl without further acknowledging your physical proximity. 
“Or what?” you challenge, eyes squinting. The calm you felt melts away, replaced by that irritating itch Logan always spiked in your body. Your chest rose with rage, though you were mindful of your sleeping housemates at the early hour. In the loudest whisper you can muster, you let Logan have a piece of your mind. 
 “Seriously, what’s your problem, Logan? All you ever do is antagonize me, and I’m sick of it!” you clench your fists, meeting the man’s eyes. 
“You're playing a dangerous game, darlin',” he turns off the water, placing the bowl in the drying rack. You were fairly certain he was only doing this to piss you off and ignore you further; you’d never seen him do a dish. “Now, shut your mouth,” he growls. Your heart pounds so loudly, you could hear it in your ears. 
“Make me,” the whisper escapes your lips before you could think anything of it, and the world stops turning.
 Logan whips around, using his hips to pin yours to the counter as he greedily presses his lips to yours. Despite your surprise, you couldn’t help but find your hands tangling themselves around Logan’s neck, pulling him closer eagerly. In the chaos and hunger, you bite his lip, briefly making him bleed before it heals itself. Logan slips his tongue into your mouth, making you dizzy as he flicks it over yours. Fuck. You can taste his breakfast, the cereal you never got, and something about it makes you crazier. You run your fingers through his hair, engulfing every inch of him he lets you have.
“Mmm, oh,” you whisper. 
“Antagonizing you.” he mocks you in a whisper, sucking on your neck. “Do you have any idea how batshit crazy you drive me?” Logan scoffs. “Always runnin’ that pretty mouth, always flaunting that perfect body,” he huffs, slipping his hands around your ass and down your thighs as he lifts you onto the countertop with ease. “Probably just to get my attention, too,” Logan shakes his head, playing with the waistband of your shorts. The heat starts to gather in your belly as his fingers brush against your stomach. You tilt your head back, giving him more space for his tongue to explore your neck as he dips his hand into your panties. 
“W-why would I want your attention?” you roll your eyes; in pleasure or annoyance, neither of you can tell as he makes his way to your pussy. 
“Shut up, y/n,” Logan kisses you again, sucking on your bottom lip as his fingers work your clit. You whimper, legs spreading to meet him. “Oh, there you are. Gooooood girl,” he nods. “Finally, ya listen,” he purrs. “See what listenin’ gets you?” he mumbles into your lips, and you can’t help but whimper at his touch. If your fighting was passionate, this was intoxicating. 
“You want me to fill you, princess?” Logan asked, fingers playing with you. “You’re soaked for me,” he chuckled. You nod slowly. 
“What, shy all of a sudden?” he bites his lip with a chuckle, slipping two fingers into your entrance. “Where’s all that bark, baby? I know you’ve got quite a bite on you, too,” he nods, pumping his fingers into you as he runs a thumb along your clit. 
“Lo- fuck,” you hiss, adjusting to the size of his hands inside you. The way he felt made your face flush and your breath hitch, and fuck, fuck, fuck, you wanted more. 
“Just like that, I’ve gotcha,” Logan leans forward, letting you wrap your legs around his back. “You got it,” he comforts. “Cum for me, darlin’?” he insists as you jut your hips forward onto him. Chasing the high, you start to feel the knot come undone, and your breath becomes frantic. Logan holds you, no signs of slowing as you whimper on his fingers. 
Unadulterated pleasure ripples through you, and only then does Logan remove himself from you. As if he couldn’t get any hotter, you watch, drunk with pleasure, as he sucks your juices off of his fingers.
 You take the opportunity to fumble with his belt, eager to know the rest of him. “Christ,” he mutters, working to help you free his aching cock from his jeans. 
Logan’s erection springs free, obviously just as eager to know you. Touching his forehead to yours, Logan pulls your hips closer, teasing your entrance. Fuck, he was big.
“Please,” you begged, and sure as hell he was going to give it to you. Logan buried himself into you, covering your mouth as you gasped. 
“What did I say about shutting up, doll,” he tsked, pulling you down onto his hips again and again. “Geez, you’re so fuckin’ tight,” Logan whispered, thrusts becoming frantic. For the player he was known to be, Logan was awfully smitten with you. “Doll, I- fuck,” he moaned softly, pounding your pussy. “I’m gonna-” 
“Cum in me,” you nod eagerly, wanting to feel his warmth.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, y/n, fuck-” Logan grunted, face dissolving into pleasure as he filled you. Relief coursed through both of you, panting, unable to look one another in the face as the world continued on its axis. “Didn’t think you had it in you, princess,” Logan mumbled, burying his head into your shoulder. “...You don’t think we could do that again sometime, do ya?” 
You smiled. “I told you I could handle you,” you whispered, kissing the top of his head
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suguru’s knuckles are tainted with blood.
oftentimes, you think of yourself as supportive — supportive of him, his passions, supportive of the career he chose. you’d really, really like to think so. 
moments like these make it difficult to say that with conviction.
(he won, of course. suguru always wins.)
but his knuckles are bruised, splotches of purple and blue seeping into the skin, split and dripping with droplets of red. it smudges your palms, when you reach out to take his hand into yours; warm, trickling slowly down the valley between your fingers.
your brows furrow, in badly concealed worry. suguru notices, because he always does.
“don’t worry,” he says, voice a soothing salve to your heart. honeyed, like a coo is resting at the tip of his tongue, waiting to be let out. “it doesn’t hurt.”
he’s lying. you know he’s lying. wounds like these hurt, no matter who you are — even if you’re 6’3, all muscle, a professional boxer with several trophies under your belt. even if your hands are big enough to cover your lover’s like a warm blanket, envelop them wholly, the way he’s doing now; wiping the bloodtrail away with his thumb. even then, it hurts to bleed.
(don’t worry.)
”… how could i not?”
suguru softens. his eyes, still gleaming with the afterglory of victory, crumble with warmth, with fondness. it makes him look a bit like an angel.
his hands, meant to ground you, withdraw for a moment — one of them slipping down to capture your wrist. he leans forward, and presses his lips against your fingers, your knuckles, right up to the center of your hand. softly, chastely.
(he always does this, bends down to reach you. there’s never any need to chase him.)
”i’m sorry,” he murmurs, breath hot against your skin. forehead still damp with sweat, glistening under the dim lights of the locker room. you tuck a sticky strand of raven hair behind his ear, and he smiles. ”that was a mean thing to say.”
”it was,” you agree, gaze still stuck on the bruising.
a raspy chuckle leaves his lips. “forgive me, sweetheart,” he exhales a softened breath, leaving the ridges of your knuckles. ”i won’t tell you how to feel. just don’t want you anxious, you know that.”
”… of course i’d be anxious,” you can’t help but mutter, struggling to keep your spite at bay; lips curling down into a frown. ”you’re hurt.”
”barely,” he soothes you, massaging your hands with his big palms. you should tell him to stop, to just let his busted hands rest, but it feels too good. ”i’ll be fine. and i gave you a good show, didn’t i?”
you snort. ”a little too good…”
suguru breathes out a chuckle, and you can’t help but smile. remembering his form, his punches and jabs, the fire in his low-lidded eyes — it’s always a treat to see him in the zone, even if it leaves you sick with worry. and when he gets truly heated, sweat running down his abs, heavy pants leaving his lips in time with his dodges…
it’s hard to hate it. hard not to enjoy it. even though you have to close your eyes, every time he takes a hit. 
”made you proud?” he asks, awfully polite for a plea. leaning closer, a magnet to your touch, bare thigh brushing against your own. tilting his head, with a softness the average person wouldn’t think him capable of. he’s anything but gentle, in the ring.
he’s silly for asking.
”of course,” you whisper, letting him come as close as he wants. his lips are inching closer to yours, and you say the words without thinking. it’s instinct, muscle memory, you don’t have to try. ”always. you did so well, suguru...”
a hum. low, pleased, buzzing at the base of his throat. his eyes flutter shut, smile creeping up his lips, and you know it does more for him than you’ll ever know — living up to your expectations.
”did you think i was cool?”
a breathy giggle spills from your lips. he cracks a single eye open, pouting, leaning closer still; as if the distance between you could kill him. breath ghosting against your teeth, a shiver trailing down your spine.
”’m serious.”
”of course i did,” you huff, eyes bright with laughter, lips melting into a grin. ”of course you are. pretty sure my knees buckled, once or twice.”
now he’s laughing, and it’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever heard — breathy and raspy, like a trail of smoke, going straight into your lungs. he closes the distance between you, then, still chuckling slightly. grinning, teeth against teeth, stars lighting up his eyes. 
your bruised up angel. 
(yours to patch.)
”let me see,” you mumble, pulling away from the clumsy kiss, fleeing from his hands at the same time. wrapping yours around his, instead; the warmth doesn’t have time to leave him. you examine his purple knuckles, once more, still leaking crimson. ”does it hurt when you move your fingers?”
he tries to close his fist, testing the limits, not quite making the cut. unfurling his fingers, one by one, with a low hum. ”just a bit… feels more numb, really.”
a crease forms between your brows. two sharp teeth digging into the skin of your bottom lip, as you mutter. “… did you already take painkillers?”
”coach gave me some,” he nods, untangling his fingers from yours — lifting just one hand up, bringing his thumb to your forehead, to smooth away the worried crease. ”i barely feel it, anymore. really.”
you wish it was enough to put your heart at ease. but it’s still restless, still trembling, puppeteered by the anxious thread that keeps it tethered to your veins. 
”… and you know i’m used to it,” he adds, smiling sweetly, hand slipping down to cup your cheek. tugging a little at your lip, silently urging you not to bite down on the tender flesh. ”you don’t care, though… do you? my little sweetheart.”
(… uh oh. he’s shifting into mother hen mode.)
you breathe out a sigh, standing up from the bench, before he can start babying you properly. unfurling your fingers from his, reluctantly, not really wanting to let go. ”i’ll clean it. c’mon.”
suguru simply smiles, tilting his head to the right, disheveled bangs following along. fully aware of his own charm, when he’s like this, sweaty and tuckered out — chest exposed, droplets dripping down his stomach, stopping near the trail of hair just below his belly button. you could do without the injuries, but he’s still lethal like this. eyes gleaming with pride, something pleased, when he notices your lingering gaze. you clear your throat, and his smile grows.
when you step away, suguru gets up too. trailing after you, like an overgrown puppy, all the way to the sink, dirty with rust — this venue is older than what you’re used to from his sponsors. but it’s fully functional, cold water spurting out the tap and running through the gaps between your fingers.
you adjust it, until it’s almost lukewarm, and put your hand out towards suguru.
he places his palm over yours.
then you bring it right under the tap. both of them, eventually, watching as the blood gets washed off his fingers and trickles down the drain — a murky spiral, muddying the clear water. you clean the wound as thoroughly as you can, with a wet cloth, without putting too much pressure on the bruising.
suguru gazes at you all the while. waiting.
he’s always been good at it.
”… there,” you exhale, a gust of anxiety leaving your lungs. the pressure on your chest feels lighter, but it’s not enough; your hands start digging through your pockets, through band-aids adorned with sunflowers, a blister pack of paracetamol, fingers curling around a roll of bandages. his very own first-aid kit, always within reach.
without you having to ask, he holds his hands out. letting you work in silence, wrap the bandage around his hand — beginning at the inside of his wrist, twice around, moving up diagonally to the bottom of his ring finger. around, around, making sure it’s not too tight, but firm enough to help. before long, both his hands are covered in cotton gauze, the bruising nowhere to be seen. you can’t help but feel better, even though you know it’s still there.
when you look up, into your fiancé’s eyes, his eyes are crinkled at the edges. he looks terribly fond.
”… thank you, honey.”
(your angel, the inside of your mind repeats. your precious boy.)
his hands radiate warmth, gently cradled by your own. his heart pumping fiercely, hot blood flowing through his veins, even below the coverage. you let out something like a coo, a caring little noise, leaning forward — tipping your head down. you press your lips against his patched-up knuckles, all of them, and you can practically hear the hitch of his breath.
you kiss him with all the care you can muster. like the wounds will disappear, if you cover them in love.
suguru can’t bear it.
”angel,” he musters, and you want to correct him, but you know he wouldn’t pay it any mind. ”look at me?”
you do. drawn to him, a flicker of light, gazing up at him through lidded eyes. he cups the right side of your jaw, and leans in close — one kiss to your cheek.
then another.
”you’re too sweet,” he murmurs, almost agonized. ”too sweet to me, i don’t deserve it.”
you should smack him for that. you won’t, though.
”… you do,” is all you say, shoulders slumping just a little, a breathy exhale slipping past your pursed lips. ”you deserve it. and your knuckles do, too.”
an amused huff of air, ghosting against the skin of your neck as he travels down. leaving a trail of butterfly kisses behind him. ”do they? after they made you all worried…”
”because someone doesn’t look after them properly,” you scoff, smiling all the while, squirming when his lips meet your pulse-point. ”don’t blame your poor hands for your career choice, they didn’t ask for this.”
suguru laughs, and you can practically feel it; his chest rumbling along, like a joyous thunderstorm.
”sorry,” he murmurs, pulling back to look you in the eye, his own sparkling with delight. ”you’re right… good thing they have you to look after them, hm?”
another little breath of a laugh. he reaches for your head, fingers threading through your locks, ruffling your tousled hair with a cotton-clad hand. gently.
”well, i’m sure they’re very grateful, too.” he gives you a smile, and it burns straight through your lungs — almost piercing, in this dim corner of the room. ”we’re lucky to have you, sweetheart.”
a small grin tugs at your lips. at his praise, his attention, just the way he looks at you. suguru has a way of burning brighter than anyone else, even in a crowded room, a turbulent boxing ring. your eyes remain on him, him, him, and it isn’t just his stature, his broad shoulders. it’s his charisma, blinding, a bullet in a loaded gun — the click just before your finger meets the trigger. it demands attention.
(you couldn’t look away, even if you wanted to.)
silence stretches, unwinds, settles somewhere in the space between you. it’s comfortable, being in the same space as him, just resting idly, with his hand falling down to rest at your back. your heart at ease, safe and protected. both of you.
before long, you’re reaching for his face. peaceful, but still gleaming with something like pride, a little sticky with the residue of sweat. his chest moves, the fat of his pecs lifted up, and down, in tandem with his steady breathing. the back of your fingers meet his skin, running against the apple of his cheek. 
”… congratulations,” you whisper, soft with pride, even fiercer than what he must be feeling. ”… on another victory, suguru.”
and his eyes soften, again — inevitable, bleeding heart between battered ribs. he smiles, looking at you like you’re the prize he’s bringing home. 
”for you,” he croons. ”always for you.”
(he’s too sweet; but you already know. he always looks right at you, after the finishing blow.)
suguru leans into your touch, and puts his hand over yours, and you think to yourself that he hasn’t changed at all — in all the years you’ve known him. he’s still that bright-eyed, fire-in-his-veins kinda guy, still just as tender as he’s always been. bruised knuckles, bloodied hands, and all. when he asked you out, he made a promise to protect you — your knight in shining armour, always there to keep you safe.
you’d thought him a bit of an idealist. a romantic. 
but that’s the thing, about suguru, about everything he does. he doesn’t know how to sweep memories under the rug, how to love people without wanting to bleed for them, without tearing himself open and letting them see inside. he doesn’t know how to love in a way that doesn’t feel a little like a blow, and he keeps his promises the same way he catches a swinging fist with his palm; without trying.
you don’t think there’s a language that could hold his love. that could translate it properly.
(maybe boxing is all there really is.)
“… are you tired?” you ask him, after a brief pause, lightly pinching the fat of his cheek between your fingers. watching his nose scrunch up. “wanna go home and sleep?”
“yes, please,” he mutters, a weak smile and a soft groan. “feels like my knees are about to buckle.”
you let out a laugh, raspy with the same fatigue he must be feeling, only tenfold. “oh? what happened to the tough guy act, all of a sudden?”
“i’m always your tough guy,” he tuts, but it doesn’t sound very confident when he has to stifle a yawn in the same breath. nuzzling into your palm, like a sleepy kitten. “tough guys need their rest, too…”
a soft, sleepy grin. “especially tough guys who have been throwing their fists around all day, huh?”
“especially those, yes,” he hums, eyes fluttering shut. “those guys need some extra care.”
“i’ll have to pamper you, won’t i?” you wouldn’t mind at all. he only gives you the chance when he’s a little too exhausted to pretend he doesn’t need it. “make you tea, tuck you into bed? kiss you goodnight?”
at that, he lets out a weak scoff. cracking an eye open, a single slice of amber dye, gleaming with amusement. “extra care. not coddling, angel.”
“oh, don’t be like that,” you coo, almost letting a bout of laughter slip between your teeth. pinching his cheek, again, while he feigns a little frown. “you’re my tough guy, aren’t you? you can take it.”
a breath bubbles up from his throat, too sleepy to be a proper giggle, but dangerously close. dangerous for your heart, the adoration already urging you to pinch his cheek again, maybe bite his exposed chest a bit. he’s so cute it makes you angry. the cutest, most gentle boxer in the world.
“if you say so,” he hums, and you know he craves some pampering if he’s already relenting this early. “what the baby wants, the baby gets.”
“exactly.” your smile is so big it’s hurting your cheeks, but you can’t help it when you look at him. “and my baby wants to go home, doesn’t he?”
a huff. he can’t hide a smile, either. “ah, now you’re just upsetting me on purpose, aren’t you?”
he says that, but his hand still finds yours, fumbles for it in the dark. cotton gauze on warm skin. he squeezes it, gently, and then it’s moving again — curling around your waist, guiding you towards the exit, his jacket hanging on the coat rack. made of wool, a little oversized, even on him. he drapes it over his shoulders, dragging the zipper up to his neck.
then his hand finds your waist, again. 
when you pull the door open, cold air flows into your lungs — a tingle down your spine, the tips of your fingers, cool and crispy autumn air. the dark sky greets you, suguru’s car parked just outside. before you can even shiver, he’s tugging you closer.
“don’t worry,” he whispers, squeezing you against him, eyes rich with care. “i’ll warm you up, sweetheart. just stay close.”
he gives you another blinding smile, the lamp post above you like a halo over his head. breathtaking. your angel, your protector — your big, wooly wolf. 
suguru keeps his promises. he holds your hand, all the way through the car ride home, bandaged skin on top of yours. he melts the cold around your heart, melts all your worries away. supportive, always.
you want to be the same, for him. a pillar of support, something to lean on — a hand to hold, a roll of bandages, a rock to ground his unsteady feet. you want to be there for him, watching him shine. there to meet his eyes, when they search for yours after a narrow victory. there to give him the love he needs.
if he’s the bruise, then you’re the disinfectant.
(you’ll be there, to patch him up.)
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too-much-tma-stuff · 6 months
Finally getting help (prt 9)
“So where’s the brother?” Jason asked as he followed Bruce down the hall. 
“He’s in Tim’s lab. It seems like they’ll be able to share it, which is good even with as big as this place is I don’t think we have room for two mad science labs,” Bruce said with dry humour, making Jason laugh in spite of himself.
“Tim must be thrilled to have a buddy huh?” He asked, still chuckling. No one in this family was stupid by any means, he often felt like the dumb one and objectively he knew he was still a fucking genius. But even with all of them being That smart no one could keep up with Tim’s innovative and scientific mind. 
“I think he might even learn a few things, which is a frightening concept. Danny asked for microwaves and toasters this morning so he could cannibalize them into anti-possession tech. The way that boy combines science and magic is going to give both me and Constantine ulcers.” 
Jason snorted, both at the joke and maybe a bit out of pleasure that someone was going to be giving Bruce a hard time. “Well if you need a babysitter don’t call me. I don’t want to deal with any of that,” he chuckled.
“Oh absolutely not, you would only feed into the chaos,” Bruce said quickly making Jason cackle, because he was right.
“Alright,” Bruce murmured to himself when they reached the closed door to the lab, it was almost lost in the banging inside but Jason heard it. Heard Bruce bracing himself for whatever was going to happen when Jason and Danny met.
He opened the door and across the room Jason saw who must be Danny. He was prime adoption bait with his black hair and blue eyes, but he was… absolutely beautiful, slight and elven, gently curved and wired with muscle. Jason froze, and it seemed so did Danny, staring at each other from across the room. Butterflies fluttered in Jason’s stomach, building till they didn’t feel like butterflies but something buzzing, trying to get out. He could hear the growl coming from his chest, not his throat.
Danny’s eyes swirled with green and he vaulted over the work table, abandoning the half finished tech he was working on to lunge at Jason. He collided with Jason with a snarl of his own, Jason growled and flipped Danny over his shoulder, the hall was a closed space so Danny twisted, running into the wall feet first and landing in a crouch. Jason twisted so he didn’t have his back to a wall anymore as Danny lunged at him again and Jason dodged, pushing off the wall to give himself momentum as he threw himself after Danny. 
Danny grabbed Jason’s arm and used his momentum to throw him over his hip, following him down to the ground, barely missing as Jason rolled away. He didn’t even think to draw a weapon, that wasn’t what this fight was about, they weren’t actually trying to hurt each other. Even as Jason punched down so hard he cracked the floor he somehow knew Danny would dodge, and wouldn’t get hurt. And Danny did, he got out of the way and lashed out in return, kicking Jason in the chest and sending him flying a few feet back giving Danny time to scramble back to his feet and chase after him.
This give and take carried them down the hall and to the landing by the stairs. Somewhere in the background Jason knew that someone was shouting at them to stop, and to be careful, but he wasn’t listening. He was too focussed on the growl emanating from Danny, and from himself which were starting to smooth out again, to feel less like desperate insects trying to escape and more like a cat’s purr, or some sort of song. They were reaching equilibrium, some sort of harmony. 
He didn’t realize how close they were to the stairs until Danny knocked him back again and this time when he stepped back he didn’t land on solid ground. The two of them tumbled down the stairs, rapidly switching who was on top as they fell. Jason could feel himself collecting bruises but he didn’t fucking care.
They came to a halt at the bottom of the stairs with Jason on top, his forearm pressed against Danny’s chest just below his throat. They were both breathing hard, staring at each other with wide blue-green eyes. The growling died down, lowering down into purrs harmonizing with each other as they caught their breath. Jason’s was lower and Danny’s a little higher, it was a hypnotic sound that made Jason feel… peaceful.
Danny moved first, reaching up slowly to touch Jason’s face, but before he could Jason realized what they had done and the position he was in. He had fought with Danny, and he was now pinning an abused teenager to the floor straddling his waist. This looked bad and now that he realized what was happening it Felt worse! He practically shot up off of Danny and was about to bolt before Danny grabbed his hand.
“Wait! Don’t go yet! Let me just, let me get you a specter-deflector so no one can possess you first okay?” Danny asked, sounding oddly desperate and even though Jason wanted to run he nodded.
Danny looked relieved and let go of Jason before suddenly flying up and through the floor above them. Jason blinked at the ceiling above him before looking around him. 
Oh dear, Bruce, Tim, Damian, and Jazz were all watching from the landing above. Damian looked like he wanted to kill Jason himself, Bruce looked disappointed, Tim impassive and Jazz looked… Excited? Why did she look happy?
Danny flew back down through the floor before anyone could think of what to say. “Okay! Here’s the specter-deflector,” He said, clicking something that looked like a watch into place around Jason’s wrist. “That’ll protect you, this is a blaster,” he said, handing Jason an odd sci-fi looking gun. “It’ll reload automatically from ambient ectoplasm, it works best against dead and undead but it can hurt humans too. And.. um, this is my number,” He said, blushing furiously as he handed Jason a slip of paper. “Please text me?”
When had Jason’s mouth gotten so dry?! He had to lick his lips before he answered, painfully aware of how hot his cheeks were and that he must be blushing too. He didn’t blush much, not since his death and resurrection, but he was absolutely blushing now, and he was still purring too if more softly now. He didn’t even know that he could purr, not really. “Ya, Yes, I’ll text you,” he promised before he fled the house. He would have to have some of Alfred’s lasagna later, just then he desperately needed to calm down and clear his head.
Jazz was practically vibrating with excitement and as soon as the door had closed behind Jason she couldn’t contain it anymore. She squealed as she vaulted over the railing of the landing and landed in the foyer and sprinting over to Danny. “Danny what the heck! You have a crush?! I haven’t seen you that passionate in ages!” She enthused scooping Danny up under his arms and twirling him around.
“Jaaazz,” Danny complained even as he went kitten limp in her arms letting her hold him at arms length nearly a foot off the floor.
“I didn’t even know you liked boys! Why didn’t you tell me you like boys!?” Jazz demanded, shaking him a little.
“I didn’t really, I mean I always preferred girls. The only guy I ever really had a crush on was Dash and-” He cut off when Jazz made a disgusted face. “Exactly! That was never going to happen and he was an asshole so I didn’t want to talk about it!”
“Okay ya I understand- Wait you were making fun of me for having a thing for bad boys when your type is asshole meathead jocks!? Ohhh you’re never going to hear the end of this baby brother!”
“Oh my god No!” Danny groaned, finally squirming out of Jazz’s hold and dropping back to the ground stepping back. 
He turned towards the Wayne’s who had made their way down the stairs while the siblings were talking. “Is Jason an asshole?” He demands of Tim, he’s probably the fairest judge in Danny’s estimation.
“Absolutely,” Tim said promptly before realizing what he said and backtracking a little. “But I’m his brother, I'm supposed to say that. Jason’s heart is in the right place, he's a good guy, just kinda violent and a complete jerk,” Tim said. 
“Perfect,” Danny said his expression a little dreamy. 
“Why on earth would you have a crush on Todd?! You could do so much better!” Damian squawked indignantly, breaking the tension and making everyone besides Bruce laugh, and even he smiled just a little. 
“I want to say you did well Bruce, I know it was hard not to break up the fight but so? It was good for them, I hope it won’t be too hard on you if they do end up dating,” Jazz said, patting Bruce’s arm. 
He shifted from one foot to the other a little awkwardly but then shook his head. “No it won’t be, I mean it won’t be the first time, Barbra was as good as my daughter and she dated Dick, and Steph and Tim dated. It’s always a little awkward but I’d rather that than a Super,” He said, shooting Tim a look, he cleared his throat and looked away.
“Well good, we’ll see how this works out but really,” she turned back towards Danny. “This could be good! You’ve always been attracted to violent people but I don’t think that your ghost instincts realized that when Val was shooting at you it wasn’t bonding for her the same way it was for you,” she told him, her tone borderline accusatory.
Danny looked down and shifted from side to side, giving a little shrug. “I know, but she was a good girlfriend, when she wasn’t being Red Huntress and I wasn’t being Phantom. When we were just Danny and Val, it was good.”
“Oh Danny,” She sighed and pulled him into a hug. “I know, but he has the same instincts as you, I’m rooting for you Danny.”
“Thanks Jazz,” Danny said softly, hugging her back.
“Welp, I’m heading back to the lab,” Tim said, obviously uncomfortable with the genuine emotions he made a break for it before he could get roped into any hugs.
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satoruhour · 1 year
ur gonna get sick of seeing me in ur inbox lol but t i’ve been thinking a whole lot about sugar daddies and i need to know what the jjk men would be like as sugar daddies and what type of sugar baby they’d go for and and and their favourite things to do with you, both inside and outside the bedroom 💖 and how likely they are to fall in love and make u their wifey
a/n: i am so normal about jjk men. this shit is so long i got carried away. it’s too long that i’ll need to seperate and post nanami’s and toji’s part in a second post TT pt. 2 here
warnings: long piece, sugar daddy!au, discussions of kinks including daddy kink, creampies / breeding, public sex, exhibitionism, oral (f and m receiving), fingering, facials, cumshots, praise, degradation, dp, threesome, voyeurism, orgasm denial, overstimulation, lingerie, brat-taming, let me know if i missed anything. n*sfw under the cut
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most annoying sugar daddy eva but he’s one of the fun ones where he feels like your best friend and sponsor all in one
i honestly see gojo not having a preference for specific sugar babies, but he doesn’t like babies who are ashamed of their relationship. like it’s one thing to be private of your relationship but another to introduce satoru as just your trust fund without alluding to your relationship
“he’s helping me with my university fees” like yeah any rich FRIEND could do that but it’s different from hooking an arm around his to introduce you two as a couple
sure maybe he may have blurred the lines at first when touches became more personal and whatnot but at this point he’s basically your boyfriend — even if you don’t want to explain the sugar daddy part, he still wants to be know as your partner and equal
you two “met” at an event where you were paid minimum wage for a waitress job, serving drinks to rich ppl and he’s so entranced with how you move. it’s not until later when he goes outside to accompany geto for a smoke that he sees you and your friends who worked the job together just talking and laughing in the parking lot while you rested your feet 
it was cute and refreshing seeing your laughter after experiencing your stoic expression in the stuffy event even he didnt want to go to. since it was once of the first few events he started attending as a new CEO
made an impression by approaching you when your friends went in and your back was turned but you took him as a creep and screamed and punched him and he’s groaning while you just apologise profusely
it’s his fault, he knows, approaching in such a dark area but he doesnt mind the dark bruise forming on his nose bridge even when his best friend was laughing from a distance and youre helping him off the ground. your hands are so soft and your voice so sweet he swears he wants to protect you from the get go
after that whole hooha, he finds out youre still a uni student trying to pay off fees and randomly asks if you want to be his sugar baby and realises he wants you to be his gf when you’re playing some digimon video game at his house, enjoying your winter break. youre triumphant in the round and he grabs your wrist mid celebratory pose and pulls you to him
are you going to punch me for payback? gojo pfts and laughs, and just says just wanted to tell you i like you and LEAVES dude is so afraid of your answer until youre wrapping your arms arnd him from behind muttering out a finally and hearing the vibration of his chuckle
gojo wants his baby to ask for help when you needs it, and doesn’t mind being spoiled
LOVES to buy you flashy stuff. glittery, bright coloured things (that somehow still look classy) that scream expensive. gojo is very good at persuasion. he listens you dont like it however
i feel like the more he gets to know you, he understands your style more so while some of the things he buys are still fairly gaudy, you’re surprised every time he manages to purchase something that fits your preference. he’s gotten very good at it
gojo wires you money when he feels like it, whenever. he calls what he has a “sugar baby radar” and it’s just him thinking youre panicking over not having money for a textbook or something and just types in a random amount to transfer to you lol
he’s just a chill guy though, who wants to be a good boyfriend as he is a sugar daddy. like yeah he’s had sugar babies before and he enjoys giving but you’ve always hooked him in from day one and he realises he doesn’t just want to give you money but love too
gojo wants a bit of balance in the relationship as well — so he accompanies you to fashion stores to try on clothes but he would also love it if you followed him to tailor stores or watch stores for normal CEO stuff 
you roll your eyes but actually you love every suit he changes into, and you always think of taking him right there
he LOVES his sunglasses that’s one thing he’s always dragging you to look at
and then there is interests that involve the both of you: lingerie shopping lol, jewellery, etc
he gets you a little G.S. initial necklace for your second anni and it looks so cute on you
clingy and so annoying bout it. you love it tho, seeing such a rich guy babble out five more minutes with hair sticking out everywhere.
he surrenders to you easily in the way he lets you crash his place whenever you’re cramming for an exam, or just needs some comfort. his things becomes yours very easily and he smiles when he finds himself wanting to learn how to cook properly when you’re sleeping in
likes to buy lingerie that matches his eyes, but ofc also picking your preferred colour. but seeing the fabric that matches the blue of his eyes drives him crazy, but also he gets to say “my eyes are always on you” and it’s just a reference to how there’s baby blue lingerie on you
HES SO LAME . i swear to god.
also a little bit of a boomer when it comes to younger slang and whatnot and it’s endearing to see when he’s supposed to be a CEO but you can’t help but laugh when he asks you for help on what fomo meant
very open on topics that touchy subjects or sensitive things. he may appear loud and annoying but he’s got depth to him due to his hardships since he was young. like yeah sure a guy who already was in line to take over his father couldn’t have hardships when he was young but he’s always despised this line of work. satoru is still finding a way to break off from his toxic family business to create his own, something that wont come without blackmail and scandals
the first time you heard this you were surprised because you had never seen gojo so serious before. he mentions it’s not obligatory for you to open up as well, but you mumble along about always struggling with money and working jobs to make ends meet. it’s not detrimental, but sometimes you wish there was someone treating you to a small meal or drink
this vulnerable state was early on in your relationship as well, and as you two go along, gojo is so grateful to be able to take care of you. it strengthens your relationship as well, because while you have your funny, hysterical moments, being vulnerable with your sugar daddy turned boyfriend is everything you could ask for
gojo realises the first time he might put a ring on you was when you guys had sex that was intense and broke the headboard LMFAO you two laughed about it during it, but during aftercare you’re patting his chest, telling him how you’ll end work early to meet him at IKEA to get a new one tomorrow — that simple act of going with someone to find furniture like ohhhh my god he was so whipped
like it’s one thing to buy clothes and material things but when you said that, flashes of your possible married life flashed before his eyes and he wants to say i love you but finds you’re already asleep. he can’t wait to actually move out of his family sponsored home into an apartment with you. gojo doesn’t care if it’s smaller than mansions and penthouses. if you’re happy, he is.
n*sfw hc’s below
gojo is open to a lot of things regarding your sex life. he didn’t want to scare you when you first started out but when he found out you’re just as much of a freak as he is he’s going to pound town baby!
not big on the daddy kink ngl (and he also because he’s too pathetic to be called a daddy), but loves using it in the context of cumming in you and breeding you and the prospect of you being pregnant with his child. 
even if it’s not on his checklist right now, he just loves the filthiness and saying things like that
loves to fuck in bathrooms of important events, the cold marble against your skin making you freeze up as your eyes can hardly focus on your reflection. you’re just thankful you were able to find the ‘cleaning’ sign to prevent anyone from entering
loves to tease you and threaten to take away his black card and youre whining. hes annoying, asking you to use your words and youre begging to cum on his fingers.
very playful in the bedroom but he’s always calling you his dumb baby who loves getting fucked stupid by him until theres only money and him on your mind
loves it when you wear the extensions to the G.S. initial necklace, buying four more initials: two for your wrist, two for your ankles so he can hear it jingle when you stroke his cock while your flick your tongue at his tip
r hear it next to his ear when your legs are on his shoulder as he rails into you
on a funnier note he would totally fuck you on a bed of money. just for shits and giggles
loves to film you especially in his office, whether you’re playing with yourself or sucking him off or getting fucked he loves it so much bc of the fact he’s so unprofessional in a professional setting
gojo likes it when you initiate sex, especially in places that are risky and pretty public. his office is a starter, coming in dressed in a tight pencil skirt to mirror his insufferable PA who kept making advances on him. she was demoted the very next day LMFAO
but yeah you wore the skirt to provoke him, pulling his tie over the table while a stocking clad knee rests on his wooden desk. there’s a confidence in you he’s never seen before and he just cant resist flicking his eyes down to the suffocating button up shirt you’ve got on
satoru doesn’t care that his whole office can hear you moan out his name or the slaps of his balls on your ass. or doesn’t really care about the construction workers looking at you two go at it like rabbits from the opposite building
the heat of the glass paired with your body that feels on fire is enough to make you lightheaded but the eyes and ears peeking in on your intercourse is so thrilling to you bc you know gojo can just pay them off to shut the fuck up
loves you on your knees giving him head when he’s in an important meeting, the swirl of your tongue feeling so good on his length
but what’s more he loves giving you head even more. doesnt matter where. office table, washing machine, bed, he’s so in love with your cum and cunt and has to eat you out at least once a day
gojo loves to cum in you but also on your face, especially if you wear glasses. seeing his white hot cum splattered on your lenses and your face while your tongue darts out to lick some of it off he swear there’s a few more blobs of cum that seeps out from his tip
warnings for drabble: reader has glasses, pet names, oral (m receiving), deepthroating, face-fucking, praise, facial, cum eating, semi-public sex 
“baby— sweetness, oh my g-god…” gojo whines out, once the board members are out of the meeting room, rolling his chair back slowly while you follow on your knees, cock still in your mouth. he’s glancing down at you with such need you’d think you’re the one leading the relationship, the hands in your hair tightening when you lick down his shaft before taking one of his balls in his mouth, sucking at the sack while pumping him.
the long acrylic nails that he paid for are on display along with your G.S. bracelet as you pump his dick, slick, wet noises fill the spacious meeting room. gojo almost wants to say something but your head descends on his large cock again, taking him right to the back of your mouth when his tip hits your throat and you struggle to keep your eyes open as you breathe through your nose.
“fuuckk… that’s it. take me s’well,” satoru moans at the tears forming at your waterline, pulling your head off for a moment for you to catch your breath and you know what he wants to do, because his hips cannot resist one bit whenever you’ve got his dick in your mouth. slowly, he starts to move his body off the office chair, thrusting up into your waiting, obedient mouth and he moans so loud he isn‘t surprised someone hasn’t come in already.
“so wet and warm, princess— s-shit, can’t wait to fuck your cute little pussy,” he has a foul mouth, and you moan around his length at the words, hands tensing around his thighs as he continued to fuck your face. gojo is so rough that your glasses are messed up, tilting to one side but you continue to feel up his body. you would get fired like this, sucking the cock of someone who has their pants pulled down halfway while wet, gurgling noises fill the space. but you knew the CEO, the man who’s now whining out your name as his hips start to stutter, eyes scrunched up in pure pleasure before forcing you off his cock, hands stroking his leaking cock in quick movements. you adjust your glasses like a good girl, sticking out your tongue as you admire the sight before you. want my cum all over your face, angelface?
satoru whimpers out that he’s gonna cum! with his heavy, beautiful cock out, pumping harshly before he shoots his load all over you, spilling his white, viscous liquid all over your face and glasses and you swallow whatever that’s close to your mouth and tongue, darting out to lick up the heavy ball of cum still leaking from his sensitive tip, and he jolts on your tongue.
you giggle, hand closing around his length once more and gojo just groans at its warmth. he loves it, he loves everything ’bout you and he can’t wait to turn over the tables later when he hears you say, “again.”
doting sugar daddy!!! out of sex life he’s the most ‘giving’, but he has his moments of depriving you of things because you being a brat but yes he’s the softest in the normal context of a relationship
similarly, not much preference for sugar babies but he wouldn’t like babies who ask for too much? idk if that makes sense but it’s more of being given so many options of a type of clothing or bag but still whining to want something more expensive
like the money doesn’t bother him but it’s more of your attitude regarding material things. can’t stand babies who are rotten to the core and are actually spoiled that it ruins the act of him giving you things and of you asking for things because no matter what he buys you’re not satisfied
it also pisses him off if it carries into your way of treating people, dragging him away from his co-workers to only want him for yourself, that sort of thing
yea… that. unfortunately he’s had his fair share of babies like that, bc he’s so generous they end up so spoiled and terrible that even now he’s still getting texts from them. poor guy
he likes if you’re able to bite back with your own sort of fire, he doesnt expect you to if you dont like to but it turns him on seeing you shout at a co-worker for gossiping about your relationship perhaps
he met you through your intern position at his company, and it’s been a few weeks before you’re confused at why the CEO wanted to see you 
hes not one to rush into relationships but he was so interested in seeing you react to being asked to be his sugar baby that he blurts it out and slaps his hand on his mouth. “wrong thing. my bad”
when you’ve been under his care for a few months, he sees how hard you work while completing other assignments at lunch, he wants you to surrender to him when you need the comfort. lets you sleep in his office and reluctantly stroked your hair, shaking when you lean into the affection. ends up sleeping on the floor watching you and gets massive back pain and suffocates when you fall onto your boss at 7am in the morning
unfortunately the two of you were not exactly on the same page that day. you thought it was a one off thing. geto thinks youre already dating. this goes on for a few weeks ;;;
geto NEEVERR asked you out so you were surprised to find that geto wanted to be like, an actual boyfriend and an actual date when he showed you a piece of paper and it was like a new pottery studio that opened down the road
and he just says “i thought we already were dating?????”
yeah like he wasnt giving you more things than usual and being more touchy with you. you didnt want to read into it too much okay!!!!
but it’s fine, because geto was one of the best boyfriend you ever had. youre convinced he would be a great bf even if you werent in this sugar daddy / baby arrangement
geto likes to show you off quietly, a hand on your back and your thigh, or a whisper to your ears that it has the other workers talking, but you don’t mind when the things he says are sometimes the sweetest things. they’re also filthy.
it isnt bc he doesn’t want to show you off, but he likes the attention and gossip when you enter his office for the nth time that day and the eyes on him like he’s committing a crime. he likes the eyes that follow you knowing they can't have you. but he pays them, so they can’t say much
suguru loves to buy things that are for his eyes, going back to the ‘showing you off quietly’ part, like paying for a tattoo on your lower back, an anklet that’s sometimes hidden in your shoe, a belly button piercing, lingerie, he loves it
ofc he loves buying you clothes and dresses too, but he sometimes gets a bit jealous of everyone’s eyes on you so they’re sometimes a little less revealing than you would like
ok i should clarify too: he LIKES everyone’s eyes on you only when he knows he can show and tell them that youre his. but how tf is he supposed to do that with a mere dress??? u get what i mean
he’s not going to be an asshole and not let you wear a revealing piece of apparel that you like tho! but just know what you’ll be getting later at night lol
geto is very on trend as an older person, sometimes sending you tiktok trends you can do or updating you on conventions or events that you are interested in
he likes routine, so everyday he’ll be transferring a set amount of money to you for your daily allowance but sometimes you dont even use it all so it just piles up in your account lol
and he is observant, always wiring you more money than usual if you’re going out with your friends or meeting a friend for a bday, sacrificing his time to learn about your major so he can help you in whatever way he can !!! he’s that sort of bf
gives you handmade gifts sometimes!! it’s soooo endearing when he makes time for it and gives you something that isnt bought w/ money. likes to do those photo ones bc theyre ones that mean more to him, but he also rlly likes writing letters under them and giving you like a seven page letter talking bout why youre a blessing to him
is pretty stylish when he’s not in his suits. likes to wear baggy clothes like he’s nineteen again and he looks young enough to pull it off so you two always look cool when you two go out
weirdly his personality at work and on dates is vastly different from each other. you think that maybe he wants to keep work, work. but later on in the relationship you both realise it’s how you’re so easy-going to be around that he doesn’t have to be dominating with you??? like he’s so okay with you putting bunny ears on him or having his arm hooked around yours instead. basically he’s very comfortable in his masculinity and he wishes he could be like that at work too, but the finance bros would be questioning why this guy was even their CEO
geto listens to you easily. and like i said hes observant, bringing you a glass of water when you’re coughing or opening the blinds of his office when you’re reading. the smile you give him after every favour he does is enough reward for him, and he really doesn’t mind doing all those things for you either.
basically worships you, so when you’re suggesting that his company start having courses for men to learn how to be proper human beings (following your question of why he’s so diff at work vs with you), he’s immediately setting up a meeting to achieve that. the guys who are borderline misogynists obviously leave immediately and hes just like. why didnt i think of that b4????
is always always thinking of you. he’s become so distracted in meetings and conversations sometimes and your spell on him is hypnotising.
the first time he realises he properly loves you (and also wants to marry you) is when you two make love. like yes you’ve fucked and shit but it happens inside a shower where you offered to wash his hair. it’s cute seeing you stand on a small stool to reach his height, but the feel of your fingers massaging the shampoo into his scalp is soooo good. and from there he lets you wash his body with the loofah too, scrubbing down every inch until ofc one thing leads to another
he thinks it was your hands that held so much love, washing his body that the sex was slow and had a lot of feelings laced with it.
he also didn’t want to fall, though. but you slipped a little after coming the first time and geto was able to catch you in time. you shared giggles and a little kiss and he thinks that maybe this life forever with you would be one of the best things to happen to him
his resolve solidifies later when he’s calling his usual tiler to retile the showering part of the bathroom and when he ends the call he just goes would i do this for anyone else?
yeah probably not — and so geto buys a ring the very next day
n*sfw hc’s below
very comfortable with letting you take the lead if you want to, but usually likes to be the one running the show
like gojo he is very open to things but only if you’re okay with it. like you have to be the one to bring it up or he’s afraid he’ll scare you lol
gets turned on easily, but he’s very good at hiding it. like the day you wore a revealing dress to his office. it was so difficult not to moan out when he sees you walk through the door. he wanted to stand up and kiss you SO bad but he was in a zoom meeting with potential clients lmfao
but he made sure you knew you wouldnt be teasing him and getting off so easily that day after he asks you to stay where you were and he ended up making up some lame excuse of having another meeting anyway before he leaves the call and locks the door and slams you against it and he hikes up your dress as he places a leg on his shoulder
geto eats you out right then and there
also rmb how i said he gets jealous of ppl staring at you? well suguru loves it if it were to happen in a sexual context and he gets to fuck you in front of everybody. he just cant show them you belong to him at a normal event in a dress he bought, but he’s totally fine with pounding you from behind and letting them watch as you get ruined with tears and mascara running down your face
can be really mean behind doors if he’s not sweet with you. you like to tease him!!!! Sometimes you’re punished for it!!!! geto loves both ends of the spectrum: denying you your high and overstimulating you. he only ever denies you if youre being a brat but usually he likes to make you cum on his tongue multiple times before he’s fucking you
he enjoys your face of want and need, either grinding against him to cum (denial) or pushing him away despite your body wanting it (overstim)
sometimes makes you work for your allowance and tells you to tell him who’s fucking you so good just for some money in your pocket. your pussy is too good so he was going to give it to you anyway 
is not opposed to voyeurism. usually he brings his best friend over to fuck you and bc he’s a whiny bitch, geto gets off to both of you fucking like dogs in heat with a slow pace to his hand. often initiates threesomes with gojo and makes him the middle man, fucking him while gojo fucks you and he loves it every time. sometimes he makes gojo watch the two of you too
but he also loves it when you take two cocks in you, him up your pussy bc youre his, first and foremost, while satoru takes your ass. 
regarding sex, suguru likes it when you take the reins to pleasure yourself. he gets off seeing you use him as ive mentioned in the previous drabble, and just like the denial / overstim part, loves to see your mouth contort into an ‘o’ along with your rolled back eyes. bounce on his dick, ride his face, slobber over his cock while you rub your clit, he fuckin loves it
not big on the daddy thing either, but it depends on his mood tbh. im not sure how that works but he likes when you use it when youre deep in subspace and just going limp as he fucks you and all can manage is moaning out small “daddy’s” helplessly
warnings for drabble: gojo watches, sub!gojo, voyeurism, insinuation of stsg, exhibitionism, m! masturbation, overstimulation, semi-public sex, oral (f and slight m receiving) / cunnilingus, clit stimulation, pet names, praise, cum eating, implied threesome + 2nd round
“suguru— no, f-fuck, they’re gonna hear!” you muffle your moans with your mouth, hand clasped tight onto your lips while you’re pressed up against the door. you’ve been like this for three orgasms already, legs shaking while you struggle to keep your knees from buckling under you. it’s like geto doesn’t even care how the office door is so thin, occasional thumps occurring from how geto pushes you against the wood. the workers outside obviously know what’s going on, but they don’t dare say a word.
“let me enjoy this, princess,” he manages to say quickly before going back to slurping up your juices, but while you think your situation is bad, you’re glancing over to gojo in geto’s office chair, hand stroking his cock languidly, but every so often you can see how satoru thrusts his hips into the air, needing anything but his own hand right now. “and keep eye contact with satoru.”
geto purrs out his best friend’s name, pulling your hips towards his relentless mouth as your arousal drips down your inner thighs and legs. across you, there’s gojo who looks like he wants to touch the both of you so terribly, but is only subjected to tearful eyes and his warm hand that doesn’t compare to suguru’s or your mouth, little pants leaving his mouth. he watches as you grind your hips into his best friend’s mouth, the obscene noises of your sopping wet cunt makes him twitch in his hand.
“babygirl… suguru…” he whines out, sweat dripping down his body at the stuffiness of the office while the slick noises of him stroking his length reverberates throughout the room. geto hums at his begging voice, but only sucks on your clit harder and it makes you moan out, hands getting lost in his long black hair while your eyes are threatening to roll to the back of your head. the only ground you have now is satoru’s bright blue ones, a shiver going through you when he whimpers out your name
“you’re doing so well, s-satoru… shit,” you’re calling out to the white-haired male who locks eyes with you, both turned on at such a sight: the sweaty hair stuck to your face and your beautiful sounds, the flush on gojo’s cheeks and his angry tip that’s leaking pre-cum. “suguruu… oh my god—”
“yeah?” he speaks in between slobbering all over your pussy, “so fuckin’ wet for me, baby,” flicking and playing with your puffy, sensitive clit with his tongue until you hunch over him on a particular lick, the leg over his shoulder squeezing him so much that it cramps and you’re cumming suddenly and you’re forgetting about satoru and everyone outside. your head slams so hard against the door that you get a little lightheaded, but the crashing of your fourth orgasm is all you can fixate on as your body shudders and incessant whines escape your mouth.
“my favourite meal of the day,” geto smiles from below you and grins when you mumble out how it’s more of his fourth meal of the day, taking a hand from his hair before he places a kiss on the back of it and spares a glance towards gojo who’s close to crying.
with a nod from suguru, you’re walking on shaky legs before kneeling before satoru, wrapping your lips ’round his tip and that’s all it takes for him to cum, shooting ropes upon ropes of hot semen down your throat as you stroke his base. the other is bucking his hips into your mouth at the sensitivity, moaning out both your name and suguru’s.
“attagirl.” you slyly smile at the praise that befalls on your ears before showing both of them the cum that’s left on your tongue, already excited for the next round.
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augustinewrites · 11 months
cw: it’s just angst & jjk manga spoilers
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satoru wakes with a start.
his breaths come a little faster than his body can process, his heart is pounding in his chest, and his head feels like someone’s stuck a hot poker in it. 
it takes him what feels like a few minutes to settle down again, clutching the bedsheets in a tightly wound fist. 
once things seemed to have returned to a normal level, he tries to remember what’d startled him. was it a dream? a memory? had he simply jerked himself awake whilst on the precipice of sleep, like you claimed he did—
his mind seems to be clearing up, because his next instinct is to sit up and make sure you’re okay.
you’re fine, sound asleep on your side of the bed. 
satoru relaxes, albeit only slightly. he’s not sure why he’d been struck with such sudden panic. there’s just this…feeling. he might even go as far as to call it an overwhelming sense of dread, if he were dramatic.
there’s something. it’s hiding in the back of his brain, somewhere even his six eyes can’t find or comprehend. 
he leans back against the headboard, reaching up to run his hands through then lightly grip the strands of his hair. outside, the sun’s barely peeking over the horizon, but whatever had startled him had left him wide awake. 
“the kids are gonna be up soon,” you mumble, pulling him out of the mess of his mind. “better sleep while you have time.” 
time. the word flashes like a flint strike in his mind, but the sparks don’t quite catch yet.
so he lays next to you, wrapping an arm around you to pull you into his chest. he feels a bit better, with you in his arms. 
“what’s wrong?” you mumble, voice thick with sleep. 
“nothing,” he lies.
you hum, but he knows that you know him too well. you always know when he’s lying. 
you twist in his arms so the two of you are face to face, the tip of your nose brushing his. 
your sleepy gaze finds his, sending him a small smile. “hi.”
he doesn’t reply because he finds he’s too busy memorizing the details or your face; the flecks of colour in your eyes, the slope of your nose. it’s as if it’s the first time he’s seeing it.
or maybe the last.
the thought comes out of nowhere and scares him so badly that he tries to pull away.
“hey,” you murmur, cradling his face in your hands. he catches your wrist intending to pull you away, but instead he clings to you like a lifeline. you’re the only thing keeping him grounded. “you’re okay.”
he wants to believe you, he really does. but anxiety is beginning to gnaw on the edge of his sanity.
“something’s wrong,” he admits quietly. “i don’t— i don’t know—”
“you worry too much,” you sigh, your thumb smoothing over his cheek. 
“i just want us all to be safe,” he tells you. 
“i know,” you hum again, smiling a little sadly. “i just wish you wouldn’t let it come at your expense.”
there are a lot of things he wants to say in this moment. he wants to ask why you’re worried, because you know he’s the strongest. that he would rip the heavens apart for you. he wants to tell you that he has a plan, and that he knows it’ll work. 
(a plan for what? he thinks briefly. he can’t remember.)
but most of all…he wants to tell you that he loves you and the life you’ve built together. too much to leave it all behind. 
but all that comes out is,
“i’d rather it be me than any of you.” 
“don’t say that,” you frown. “we need you. i need you.”
there’s an awful ache settled deep in his chest, carving into the place where his heart sits.
“well, it’s a good thing i’m not planning to go anywhere anytime soon.” lie. “i love you.”
he rests his forehead against yours, tangling his fingers with yours. 
the memories hit him like a gut punch. 
handmade mochi. the flick of a lighter. a beach in okinawa. megumi and tsumiki laughing. you in your wedding dress, telling him you love him. 
a crowded station. the beginning of the end. 
his eyelids are suddenly heavy. there’s not enough time, he panics. that can’t be it—
“i’ll be here when you wake up,” you promise, and even though you sound like you’re a million miles away, he can hear the sadness in your voice. “you can rest now.”
satoru closes his eyes.
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pure-smut · 2 months
and they were roommates.
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featuring: Ryomen Sukuna x f!reader
contains: roommate!Sukuna, only one bed, best friends to lovers, spooning s*x, unprotected s*x, slightly possessive!Sukuna, teeny mention of a fight/blood at the start
note: all characters are aged up to 21+!
MDNI | 18+ content
word count: 2.7k
Ryomen Sukuna is, against all odds, your best friend. Yeah, he’s abrasive and antagonistic and - oh my god - so arrogant but the truth is, you’ve always felt safe with him.
The first day you met, a group of boys were bullying you on the playground, taunting you and pushing you to the ground. Sukuna stepped in, scaring them off, but told you he’s only going to rescue you once.
“You need to learn how to punch,” he said.
When you told him you didn’t know how, he taught you. True to his word, the next time the boys showed up, he watched from a distance. When your little fist connected with one of their noses, spraying a shock of blood across your hand, Sukuna clapped you on the back and declared you “cool”.
Years later, you went to college while Sukuna started working in a tattoo studio. Two broke twenty-somethings, you made the only sensible choice and moved in together as roommates.
At first, he was a barely-present roommate. He’d head out to the club and not return for days, dishevelled and hungover. You got used to finding him passed out on the sofa, chicken nuggets still in his hand, or stumbling in at 6am, trying and failing to be quiet.
It was never a problem – not until you started seeing someone.
You had warned him about your roommate but he still wasn’t prepared when you took him home to see Sukuna in his boxers, his tattoos on show, standing in the kitchen eating cheese straight out of the bag. It was a source of endless frustration for you that he can eat like a raccoon and still look like he’s chiseled from marble.
Your not-quite-boyfriend isn’t pleased.
“Why is he walking around in his underwear?” he asks gruffly once you manage to get him into your room.
“Because he lives here?” you sigh.
To tell the truth, you don’t want to talk about Sukuna. You’re horny, you haven’t been laid in months, and you just want to get to the point. So you pull him on top of you, pressing your mouth against his to shut him up.
Luckily, your distraction tactics work. His fingers don’t quite find your clit but he’s pretty keen so you lick your hand and rub it along your lips, wetting yourself for him. He might not be perfect but it still feels good when he pushes himself inside you.
The bed creaks as you fuck, rattling against the wall. You wish it was a sign of how good he is but, in reality, you just have a cheap, shitty bed frame. Which is why, after five minutes and just as he cums, you hear the crack of wood. You both freeze and a second later, the frame collapses against the floor.
“Holy shit,” he says, a grin spreading across his face. “I must be good.”
You laugh nervously and push him off you. He’s already pulling on his pants, making it clear he’s finished even though you clearly aren’t. But you don’t have time to be annoyed – your fucking bed is broken.
Once you’ve shooed him out of the house, your return to your room to inspect the damage. The frame has completely snapped on two of the legs while the other two are bent awkwardly, half-broken. You thump a fist off the ground, groaning, before lying back on the floor in defeat. You press the palms of your hands into your eyes.
This is great, you think. Just fucking great.
You know you don’t have the money to replace it but you’re desperately doing the mental math anyway, checking and double checking how much you really need to eat in a week to survive.
You’re interrupted from your spiralling by a low whistle. You open your eyes to see Sukuna leaning against your door frame.
“That’s impressive.” He nods at the broken bed.
“No,” you sigh, pulling yourself up to sitting. “The frame just sucks. He wasn’t that good.”
“Oh, I know.” Sukuna shrugs and you narrow your eyes at him.
“How would you know that?”
“Dude, these are pretty thin walls.” Sukuna raps his knuckles off the wall as if to demonstrate. “I know what you sound like when you get yourself off. That guy didn’t even come close.”
Your mouth drops open and your cheeks burn.
“Sukuna, what the fuck?” You pick up a pillow and throw it at him. He bats it away with a laugh. “You’ve been listening?”
He rolls his eyes.
“It’s hardly listening when it’s right next to my head.”
“Oh my god…” You bury your face in your hands. “This night could not get any worse.”
Sukuna crosses the room and squats down next to you.
“Listen, forget that guy and forget the bed. I’ll fix it tomorrow.”
You chance a peek from behind your hands.
“Really? You’ll fix it?”
“Yeah, shouldn’t be hard.” He shrugs and you’re not sure if he does actually know how to fix it or if it’s his arrogance shining through.
“You can sleep in my bed tonight.”
You blink at him. Sukuna can be generous when he wants to be, usually when he’s in a good mood, but this is out of the blue. He must see how stressed you are. You beam at him.
“You’re offering your bed?” You ask and he nods. “Where are you gonna sleep?”
He scoffs.
“In the bed, obviously.”
Your face drops and you give him a flat look. You should have known he wasn’t that much of a gentleman.
“I thought you were giving me your bed.”
“I am.”
“Without you in it.”
“Hell no.” Sukuna stands and stretches. “It’s my bed.”
“We can’t share it!” you protest, rising to your feet as well.
“Why not?”
“It’s a single bed and you’re…” You gesture at him. “Huge. I won’t fit.”
Sukuna scoffs again.
“Stop being ridiculous. Just come on.”
Sukuna stalks out of your room and you trail behind him, giving one last mournful look at your broken bed. Damn you, you think before following Sukuna to his room.
Sukuna is surprisingly clean, despite eating like a garbage bin. His room is gaudy, overloaded with trophies from the sports he played in school, but at least it’s neat. You’ve definitely seen worse bedrooms from guys.
Sukuna strips off his t-shirt, leaving him down to his boxer briefs, and climbs into bed. You dither for a minute, tugging down the hem of your night shirt, knowing you’re naked underneath. It’s actually an old t-shirt of Sukuna’s that you borrowed and never gave back. It never bothered you before but now it feels weirdly intimate.
“Hurry up,” Sukuna calls, yawning.
You groan and take the plunge, slotting yourself into bed beside Sukuna. He rolls over so his chest is pressed against your back, his large hand on your hip. His body heat radiates off him like furnace and his chest feels like a slightly softer brick wall.
Annoyingly, he’s right – it’s definitely a tight fit but you can both squeeze into the single space. Admittedly, with less than an inch between you and the edge of the bed. You scoot back, pressing yourself tighter to Sukuna so you don’t fall off.
He tuts in your ear.
“Don’t get me worked up.”
“I’m not,” you huff. “I’m just trying not to fall out of this tiny bed.”
“Mhmm. A likely excuse.”
“Shut up.”
Sukuna chuckles darkly, his hand sliding up your night shirt and resting on your bare hip, making you freeze.
“I don’t blame you,” he says, his voice low. “You didn’t finish tonight. You’re all worked up yourself.”
“Shut up,” you repeat but there’s no weight behind it.
You know you could bat away Sukuna’s hand if you want to, you know he would stop as soon as you told him. But you don’t. Again, he’s irritating but he’s right – you’re still horny from before.
Sukuna lazily traces circles against the bare skin of your hip with his thumb. For some reason, even that simple touch is making you wetter than the guy from earlier did. Maybe it has something to do with Sukuna’s bulge pressing against your ass, a promise of what you can have if you choose. Maybe it’s the confident stroke of his fingers playing at the line between friends and something more.
Maybe it’s because it’s Sukuna.
“Stop me anytime,” he whispers against the shell of your ear. “If you want.”
“I know,” you whisper back.
Even with your permission, Sukuna doesn’t move straight away. His large hand slides up and down your hips, the callouses of his palms catching your skin and causing goosebumps to spring up your arms.
When Sukuna’s hand travels up under your shirt to your stomach, you suck in a breath. You’re glad you’re facing away from him so he doesn’t need to see the flush of your cheeks. He’s not even touching you anywhere sexual but each stroke of his finger feels intimate. Like he’s taking his time with you, exploring the parts of your body he’s never gotten to touch before.
Behind you, Sukuna buries his face in the nape of your neck, pressing teasingly soft kisses against your shoulder. You tilt your head back, giving him more access. Sukuna moves his hand up and up until his fingers brush against the soft underside of your breasts. Your back arches on instinct, craving more.
“I thought you’d be rougher,” you say and you surprise yourself with how breathless you are.
A puff of air escapes Sukuna’s nose.
“Oh, I will be, sweetheart,” he murmurs against your neck. “Don’t you worry.”
Sukuna palms your breast, massaging the soft flesh before rolling your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. You’ve always had sensitive nipples and the sensation makes a light moan escape your lips.
“Mmm, noted,” Sukuna says between kisses, lightly pinching your nipple to elicit another reaction.
He’s really working you up now. You push your ass back against him, grinding against the hardness you can feel through his boxer briefs. Your thighs slide off each other, slick with your arousal.
“Sukuna…” you whine and you feel his grin against your neck.
“What is it, princess?” he asks, still playing with your nipples. “What d’you need?”
“More. Please.” You’ve never begged for an orgasm before and you both love and hate how much control Sukuna has over you right now. “I need to cum.”
Sukuna hums, pretending to think it over.
“I like it when you say please,” he coos.
His hand trails down to your stomach again before stopping. He’s grinding back against you, his cock throbbing and needing some friction. You let out another needy whine – he’s so close to where you need him. Your clit is aching to be touched.
“Please, Sukuna,” you say, giving him what he wants. “Please make me cum.”
Hearing you beg him and whining his name is more than enough.
“Whatever you want, princess,” he whispers before pushing his hand lower.
Sukuna’s fingers find your clit and it’s an immediate hit of endorphins. You automatically spread your thighs slightly for him. Sukuna deftly strokes your sensitive bud, your arousal making it slippery and sweet to the touch. His other arm wraps around to continue playing with your nipples and your breathing quickly turns ragged.
Sukuna has to stop himself from moaning. Your pliant body pressed against him, his cock snug between your ass cheeks, and his name on your lips. He’s often wondered how you’d sound, how you’d feel, but nothing more than a fleeting thought. As soon as you got into his bed, something changed. You felt so right next to him. He couldn’t help himself.
Now he’s harder than he’s ever been before. Because it’s you.
You grasp at Sukuna’s thick forearm, feeling the muscles move as he plays with your pussy. You’re right at the edge and you know you’re about to cum. Your mind is clouded, too caught up to consider that you’re about to cum on your best friend’s fingers. You let yourself melt into it, into him, as he brings you to your climax.
It’s your best friend's name on your lips as your orgasm overcomes you, washing through your body and curling your toes. Sukuna works you through it, his touch softening but not letting up, not until you whimper and have to push his hand away, too sensitive to continue.
Sukuna cups your hip instead, one hand splayed on your breast, as he sucks gentle bruises on the soft skin of your neck. He waits for you patiently as your breathing slows, coming down from the high he gave you.
“Feel better?” he asks, not able to stop the smugness from leaking into his voice.
You want to say something snarky in response but your mind has gone blank, the strength of your orgasm wiping your mind clean.
“Yeah,” is all you can say, dazed.
“Ready for more?”
“I… I can barely feel my legs.” You huff out a chuckle.
“Don’t worry, princess, you don’t have to do a thing.” Sukuna smiles against your shoulder, reaching down to free his painfully hard cock. “Just lay there all beautiful for me, yeah?”
You nod, feeling his cock, solid and hard, slide between your slippery thighs.
At your permission, Sukuna slots his knee between your legs, hooking it behind his knee and pulling your legs apart. He reaches down to line his cock up with your entrance and you feel his fat tip pressing against your hole. When he’s satisfied you’re in position, his hand returns to your hip, keeping your ass flush to him.
“Ready, baby?”
“I’m ready.”
Sukuna goes slow, pushing in the first few inches, and has to clench his teeth to stop himself from moaning. Your back arches and his hand instinctively moves to your naked breast, the feel of it making his cock throb. He wasn’t lying when he said he would be rough – but not now. He needs you pliant first, needs to stretch you out for him.
Sukuna presses deeper, making you cry out. You’re wet enough for him but you didn’t realise how thick he would be. Sukuna whispers praises in your ear, his fingers teasing your nipples again. The idea of him playing with your most sensitive spots, making you as wet as possible so you can take his cock, is enough to make you dizzy with pleasure.
By the time Sukuna bottoms out, sealing you completely, your eyes have rolled back in your head. Every pinch of his fingers makes your pussy clench around him and you can hear his throaty moans. Sukuna wraps his other arm around your middle, holding you to him as he starts to pump his cock in and out of you, using his knee to keep your legs spread for him.
“Oh, god… Oh, fuck…” you gasp, each stroke tipping you closer to another orgasm.
After a few thrusts, once it’s clear you’ve stretched out to accommodate him, Sukuna stops holding himself back. He’s never felt jealous of the guys you brought home before but now he’s inside you, a wave of possessiveness overcomes him.
“This what you needed?” he growls in your ear, his grip around you almost crushing.
“Y-yes, Sukuna, “you gasp out.
He sets a brutal pace, pulling out almost all the way before slamming back inside you. You feel like a sex doll, held in place while he fucks you, using your pussy to pleasure himself. For some reason, that turns you on even more.
Sukuna buries his face in your hair, inhaling the sweet scent of you as your hot, plush walls squeeze him so deliciously.
“This pussy belongs to me now,” he moans. “Gonna - ah – gonna fuck you so good you don’t want anyone else. Understand?”
“Y-yeah,” you stammer out in between thrusts.
If you’re honest, you’d agree to anything right now. Sukuna’s cock drags against somewhere deep inside you, something that’s sending you hurtling over the edge.
“B-belongs to you, S-Sukuna,” you whine. “Only you.”
Sukuna’s never heard such sweet words. He moans, long and low, his cock throbbing as he explodes inside you. You reach your apex together, your pussy clenching like a vice grip around him as you cream on his cock, your nails digging into his forearm.
You both lie there, chests heaving. Even as Sukuna’s softening cock slips out of you, he makes no indication of moving. If anything, his arms wrap tighter around you.
“I meant it,” he eventually says, voice hoarse. “Did you?”
You manage to turn over, wriggling in his tight grip to face him. Sukuna’s pupils are blown out, sweat glazed across his brow. You press a soft kiss against his lips.
“I meant it.”
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tourturestarradio · 1 month
“𝐈’𝐦 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞, 𝐈’𝐦 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐯 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐫.’”
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☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
Prompt: Deadpool/Wade Wilson x kind reader x Wolverine/Logan Howlet, Y/n had a bad day, Logan offers to relieve some stress but you both were interrupted by Wade.
Warnings:, p in v, oral (reader receiving), riding, fingering, finger sucking, Wade and Logan bickering, sex toy used, annoyed reader
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮
You looked at the snarky man in front of you “sir I’m sorry but…” the man shouted over you “for the last time lady my daughter’s wedding is tomorrow! I need these cupcakes!” You dropped your head clenching your fists. 
“Sir please stop shouting, I know you need those cupcakes but you never placed an order for them I’m sorry” you sighed, the male pointed a finger at you “you can just whip up a couple before tomorrow or are you too fucking dumb to do that as well!” You could feel your eyes water as he continued to spit insults at you. 
“I-I’m sorry sir, but..but I can’t I have a ton of other orders to d-do…” you muttered quickly wiping away your tears “you bitch god you’re useless-“ “hey!” The man turned around looking to see who was talking.
Logan stood there with a mean scowl “better watch your fucking tone when you’re talking to my woman.” He stated gruffly, you wiped away your tears seeing as the male stared at him “this pathetic bitch is your girl?” Logan punched the male in the face before grabbing his collar in an instant his blade was held up to his neck “you deaf you dumb fuck?” 
You hurried from behind the counter stopping him “Logan! It’s fine, it’s fine just let him go please…” the man looked frightened, Logan kept him his eyes trained on him “Logan please this day has been hard enough.” You stated, reluctantly he let go.
The man scrambled to get away from Logan. You sighed “thank you…I’ll be leaving in a bit” you hummed, Logan looked at you “you can’t just leave now?” You shook your head “I’ll be fine, and I’ll be home soon.” You sighed rubbing the back of your neck.
Logan kisses the top of your head then left “I was coming to pick you up, walk you home so you didn’t have to worry about dicks like that ” you nodded “and thanks for that but I’ll be okay” you smiled. 
He looked at you “…fine…” he left leaving you to get back to work. 
You walked to Wade’s and Logan’s shared apartment knocking slowly you waited for him to answer the door. When he opened the door you practically jumped on him, he caught you his hands holding your back.
He felt you press your lips against his feverishly, he kisses back of course but after a few seconds he pulled away “Logan…please…please take care of me” you whined today was a terrible day you needed your day to end right or you were going to pop a blood vessel.
Logan tilted his head “that bad huh, want me to make it better?” You nodded your head “don’t worry I’ve got you sweetheart” in an instant he had lifted you off the ground hooking his arms under your legs as he pressed a heated kiss to your lips. 
Placing you down onto the bed you slid off your clothes as Logan did the same “never seen you so needy before” he smirked, you were left in your underwear and bra “just fuck me already” you whined, Logan’s eyes dragged across your body “hopefully these weren’t your favorite set” he commented one of his claws dragging up your leg making you shiver and start to close your legs. 
His larger hand stopped you “keep these nice and open for me sweetheart” his blade dragged against your underwear cutting them off of you, he did the same with your bra. Retracting his blade he ducked his head down between your legs, and just like that you felt all your problems melt away as his tongue flicked against your folds. 
Your hands instantly went to his hair gripping it tightly, “ngh, feels so…good” your thighs squeezed around his head “more….more please!” Your hips grind against his face, you gasped in delight as you felt him push two fingers into your dripping pussy. 
Your moans grew louder as Logan worked wonders on you his ego growing bigger upon hearing you moan his name like it was the only thing you knew, but he didn’t want you to just get off on him eating you out so after a few seconds he pulled away  causing you to whine in frustration. 
Logan placed one last kiss to your dripping g heat “come on I’ve got something much better for you” he hummed, carefully undoing his belt buckle you licked your lips seeing just how hard he was. Your hands grabbed his shoulders “wanna…wanna ride” you groaned, he raised a brow “oh do you?” You nodded again. 
He cupped your cheek “come baby use your words” his thumb dragged across your bottom lip, your tongue peeked through your lips as you took it in your mouth making eye contact with him. He groaned “fuck, the things you do to me”
“Please, Logan…please. I wanna ride you…please” you begged, a smirk grew on his face as he flipped you both over so you were on top of him. 
You hovered above his cock a lust filled look in your eyes. Sinking down onto his cock you squeezed your eyes shut “fuck…so big ah” you moaned, you stayed in place for a moment before slowly bouncing up and down. 
Logan held your hips low groans left his mouth, “that’s it baby, fuck eyes on me” you felt on top of the world right now as Logan rubbed your hips “so good!” Bouncing up and down you grabbed his hand placing it on your breast. Logan let you use him as you please, he want to make you feel good without that annoying fuck in his ear.
He pinched your pierced nipple causing you to clench around him “fuck…so good…you make me feel so good!” You moaned tossing your head back. 
Logan smirked “yeah?” You nodded your head rapidly “yes! Yes!” Your nails scratched down his chest “fuck you’re hot when you do that!” You both froze looking over to the doorway seeing Wade standing there “wow where was my invite? Just gonna have all the fun without me how cruel” he said placing his hand over his heart.
Logan rolled his eyes “you gotta be fucking kidding.” He huffed, Wade came over “what come on peanut I can make her feel good too!” Logan clicked his tongue “yeah but not as good.” You deadpanned your high starting to where off. 
“Oh yeah sure, I’ll have you know! I made her cum four times with only my tongue! You haven’t made her cum once as far as I can tell” he stated crossing his arms, Logan carefully pulled you off of him “yeah fuckin right we were doing just fine before your dumbass ruined everything.” Logan huffed you sat there growing annoyed.
‘Are you fucking kidding me?’ You thought to yourself watch as they argued. Standing up you slid on one of Logan’s shirt that was laying around and got up “and I’m sure the readers would agree I’m better than you! I mean look at the likes and repost I get compared to you!” Logan scoffed “the fuck are you talking about?!” 
You were usually so sweet when they started to argue like this, calmly defusing the situation but you were just to over it.
“Will you both just shut your fucking mouths?” They both hushed looked at you “Jesus Christ, I don’t like either of you right now cause you’re both acting like fucking dickwads. I mean complaining who fucks me better are you kidding me?!” You grabbed your things and left the room Wade quick to follow you as Logan got on his clothes as fast as he could.
“Wait, wait, wait where are you going!” You opened the front door walking out into the hallway “home.” You slammed the door causing the two men to sigh in disappointment “you’re a fucking idiot.” Logan huffed.
Walking into your apartment you went into your room going into your closet, moving aside some folded clothes and shoes you grabbed a box opening it you grabbed the biggest one you saw “guess there is a use to you after all” grabbing the bottle of lube you shut the box and hid it back in your closet.
“A least you can treat me good without any repercussions.” You hummed.
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮
A/n: *amazing caption*
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aajjks · 1 year
loser ≠ lover (m)
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synopsis. He wants you so much, even if you’ll destroy him, because he’d let you.
fem reader x yandere oc.
warnings. yándere, öbsession, masochïstic tendencies, mentions of physical, emotional abûse, unhealthy thöughts, èxtreme obsession, obsessive thoughts.
second instalment x
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loser boy who worships the ground you walk on!
Who licks off the dirt that trails off your shoes as you walk down the school hallway.
loser boy who is so obsessed with you that he can’t breathe if he can’t get a look at you.
loser boy who can’t feel anything but love for you, passion that pumps so hard in his veins for you, who can’t say a word without stuttering except your name.
Loser boy who follows you around like a lost puppy, who doesn’t care if your ‘friends’ cuss at him, if you call him a dirty dog.
At least you’re talking to him! God, he’s so lucky!
“Goodness fuck off! You sicko! How’d you find my address!?” You spit at him, your eyes filled so beautifully with hues of disgust, your luscious lips curled up in annoyance. He smiles so brightly at you, God, you’re so beautiful.
“O-Oh please! C-Call me more names! P-Please!” He begs, on his knees, his raven hair falling on his grey orbs, his lashes wet as he begs you.
You feel embarrassed, He notices, yet he feels his heart burning from the need to hear you insult him.
It’s been too long.
And that’s why he’s here, at 1 am right infront of your door, begging.
“Fucking masochist! You’re so disgusting! FUCK OFF.” The way your shoe hits his jaw, makes him moan out your name like a prayer.
You groan in anger, he gets up again, you struggle against him, your nails scratch him, the burn feels euphoric, he missed you so bad.
“You don’t understand huh?!? LEAVE. ME. ALONE.” You try to get away from him, the boy doesn’t let you, instead he grabs your legs, wrapping his arms around them, “n-no please! take me back please!” He’s sobbing.
Yet his heart loves the thrill of your resistance, it turns him on so much, his pants feel so painfully tight, “NEVER! You ARE NOT GOOD FOR ANYTHING! You are of no use to me anymore!” you keep insulting him, it makes him feel so relieved.
You hadn’t been talking to him for so long, he almost went insane without you.
“Y-YN p-please kiss me!” He stands up, “p-please!”
“FUCK OFF Ezekiel!” His mind blurs.
His tongue lulls out and he whimpers as you finally utter his name out, it sounds so good, so erotic from your mouth, His name was made for you to call out.
He is so obsessed with you.
“S-Say it again… p-please!” Ezekiel stands up, his knees wobble, the stormy grey eyes are full of lust, craziness.
You roll your eyes at him again, it only makes him so much more excited, he loves your rejection so much, he always has.
Because it’s a unique bond between you, you treat him special, he knows.
“fuck off weirdo.” Ezekiel doesn’t say anything but pushes you against the door of your house, “YN…” he brings his face so much closer to you, he feels scared yet thrilled.
You’re so unpredictable, it makes him shake with anticipation.
“P-Please don’t leave- don’t-don’t abandon me! I-I’m sorry I disappointed you b-but he deserved it.” You raise your eyebrows at his ‘apology’
“No. Get away from me you sick freak! You had no right to beat him up like that, who are you huh? My boyfriend? Please…” you scoff, “you’re nothing to me Ezekiel, absolutely nothing.” You spit again at him.
“You’re just a pathetic man who gets me off. You’re just a pastime you get that?” You point your finger to his chest.
“Y’know you’re lucky you have a big dick and a pretty face. sometimes you’re obedient too and you make good punching bag.” You laugh so cruelly, venom drips in your words.
Yet he takes it as words of praise.
“You’re like my dog.”
Yes he is.
“S-So please just take me back? I-I’m so sorry YN…. Please punish me but not like this! H-HIT ME.” He takes your hand and swipes it hard across his cheek.
You gasp in surprise, Ezekiel looks at you with pure desperation. “Please! I-I can’t live without you,” he bites his lower lip, the mole under his lips becomes more evident.
“I-I can please you! I can help you get off! Please let me- give me a chance- I’ll make you cum as many times you’ll want to- PLEASE GIVE ME A CHANCE AT REDEMPTION!”
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charliemwrites · 9 months
Part 7
Content: sparring and injury
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Sparring is one of your favorite activities. With your team, it’s a chance to learn and improve, to keep from falling into old habits. And yes, okay, it’s also become something of foreplay. Especially with your captain, who seems to delight in tossing you around and pinning you with his bulk.
(And Keegan, who came in his pants once when you had him in a chokehold, one your thighs between his. But no, no, now is not the time to think about that…)
You’re not the best hand-to-hand operator on the team, sure. That title belongs to Nikto, who hits so hard and fast you’re down before you even realize he’s swinging. But you’re certainly a force to be reckoned with.
Not this much though.
If you were in the mood to give them credit for anything — and you’re really not — they’re at least subtle. You don’t catch on during the first round with Soap. Your brain has completely transitioned into the comfortable rhythm of practice combat. Something to be taken seriously, but not the high-stress of victory or death in a mission.
No, Soap gets away with it in the moment. You only notice as you’re taking your water break, rotated out with the uneven numbers between your teams. You’re surveying the pairs and notice him sparring with Keegan.
There’s something decidedly more intense about it. Like… like he’s putting real effort into trying to beat Keegan. An effort he did not put into fighting you.
Rage burns through you, hot and thick, buzzing in your head.
Does he think you’re not worth any real effort? Does he think you can’t handle a proper fight, that this is just playtime? Is he really treating you like some fresh-faced recruit that needs to be babied after all this time?
When you captain finishes wiping the floor with Gaz, you go to his side. One look at your face and he knows.
“Whose head is rolling?” He asks, plucking your bottle from your hand for a sip.
“Soap threw our match.”
His eyes flare before he closes them, swallows the water in his mouth and sighs.
“How do you want to handle it?” He asks.
“Wait, wait,” Gaz interrupts. And the look your captain gives him… Christ. To his credit, he doesn’t back down though. “He probably just thought it would be good, yeah? To… let you get some anger out.”
You run your tongue over your teeth, a mean laugh slipping out. The captain arches his eyebrows in what could almost be sympathy. Or arousal, hard to tell when he’s got such a good poker face. (Mix of both, you figure)
“Oh, he wants me to get some anger out?” You roll your shoulders. “Sounds like a great idea.”
Ghost is your last match before reset — before you’ll get a chance to show Soap just how much steam you need to let off.
Except now that you’re looking for it, you recognize almost immediately that he’s throwing the match. Probably especially because it’s Ghost. You never stood a chance against him before leaving, even now you didn’t have optimistic expectations for a fight with him. So the fact that it doesn’t feel like you’re working for every inch you gain…
The final straw is when you try a move from before. Something he never fell for once and always reprimanded you for using. He “falls” for it this time. You don’t pull your punch when it goes directly into his face.
Know immediately that he’s feeling it, that wicked hook Keegan always whistles over. Blinking past his mask. And you don’t let up, pressing and pressing the advantage. Take him down to the ground using all your built strength, twisting into a vicious arm bar and pulling, pulling, pulling—
“Bloody hell, I yield!” He snarls, palm slamming against your thigh.
You release him, but not without one last nasty kick to the soft spot beneath his ribs.
The gym has gone silent. You don’t care, pushing to your feet with hands still balled into tight, angry fists.
“You ever throw a fight with me again, I’ll break your fucking jaw, Riley,” you snarl.
Price, expression stormy, takes a step forward.
“He threw the fight?” He asks.
You scoff, “Either that or the 141’s quality is lacking nowadays.”
You step off the mat to join the rest of your team, exchange a frustrated look with your captain. Nova comes to your side, curling a finger into your belt loop in solidarity.
“Gotta say, Price, I’m disappointed,” your captain says. “This is getting out of control. I won’t have my team put at risk because yours can’t keep it professional. I’d rather just tell Laswell to get you a different support team.”
You’re almost surprised to see how the 141 jolts, four pairs of eyes flicking to you in panic. What in the actual hell?
“Take it easy,” Price says, eyes flashing. “I’ll have a word with them.”
You glance up at your captain, see from the twitch in his jaw and the tightness around his eyes that his patience for this is wearing gossamer thin.
“See to it. In the meantime, we’ve got work to do.”
He turns his back on the 141, and you’re all too happy to follow suit, pressing a kiss to Nova’s cheek when she sends you a worried look. Whatever weird issue the 141 is having, they need to stop making it your issue.
“Keegan, with me,” your captain says. “Nikto, you’re up against the girls.”
Nikto tilts his head in a nod, then jolts as you and Nova take either side of him.
“Gonna show us a good time, Nik?” You coo.
“Always love a tag-team,” Nova purrs.
The captain grins. “Have fun you three.”
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seungfl0wer · 3 months
*Movies an Enimies?*
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Paring: Hyunjin x Reader (fem)
Genre: Pure Smut
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, public sex, Cream Pie, Fem oral, slight choking? Unprotected sex
This may not be suitable for everyone, this is your last warning.
I fully indulged in this one. It just kinda flowed out, I really hope yall enjoy it as much as I did.
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Heading to the movie theater, slightly bummed that your friend ditched you for some new man of hers. You weren’t just gonna miss the movie you’ve been waiting to come out just because she wasn’t gonna come. Did you feel a bit embarrassed going to the movies by yourself? Of course, even more so when the guy doing the tickets said “oh only one?”
Lucky for you when you walked into the movie theater you were the only one. No one else in sight, you picked your seat in the many rows and got comfy. Only for a few minutes later to hear the door swing open. Whoever the guy was that came through was talking loudly on his phone arguing with someone. Then it clicked in, you knew that voice and then it sank in. It couldn’t be, not him not when there’s no one else here. Lo and behold it was definitely him. Hyunjin. The annoying guy who you went to high school with and now have to put up with because he snuck his way into a friendship with your bestie.
Did you hate this man? Well hates a strong word. Did you maybe wanna punch him in the face? Yeah, yeah you did. He’s just always gave off that Im a pretty fuck boy I can do what I want vibe. It irritated you so much but you knew it irritated him even more that you didn’t give him the time of day.
What you made out while not so ease dropping since he was talking so loud was, his date bailed and now he was here alone. He sighed as he hung up slumping into a seat in the back. He kicked his feet up onto the chair in front of him getting comfy as you sunk down as much as you could trying not to let him see you. Please don’t see me is all your mind could think until of fucking course you dropped your cellphone on the ground. You just kinda froze, closing your eyes hoping he didn’t hear that. As you grabbed for you coming back up to sit you’re met with those eyes of his. Piercing through you your heart just thudding.
“Y/n? Ah yeah you being here alone would make sense since you don’t have friends to go out with” he hissed a grin spreading across his face. You wanted nothing more than just to sock him a good one. Just once.
“Yeah? At least I wasn’t stood up” you retort rolling your eyes, you slumped back into your seat hoping nothing more than that he would just leave. But of course not. Why would he? He hopped over the seat beside you, he just kinda stared at you eyes studding your face. You didn’t know what to do your eyes stared back but your heart wanted you to break it up before it exploded.
“So we watching this together or what?” He said bluntly raising an eyebrow. You looked almost confused but blurted out “we kinda have to we are the only ones here dumbass.” He chucked a bit to himself taking your hand quickly before you could protest “great come back here with me.” he said getting up basically dragging you along with him to the way back in the corner.
You groaned “why do I need to be back here with you?” You hissed. You were in a perfect spot why’d you have to move for him? He just smiled and said “oh hush just stay here.” You were gonna say something back but the movie had finally started and you weren’t about to miss it. You slouched into the seat next to him.
Not even 30 minutes in before hyunjin is already wrapping his arm around you. You turn your head to the man but it’s kinda hard to see him but what you can make out is his eyes. His eyes look dark, his plush lips parted slightly. It felt like he was taking your clothes off with his eyes. And truthfully that was tame for what he was thinking off.
Hyunjin moves his body, basically hovering over you his eyes beaming down at you. You couldn’t move, your brain wasn’t responding and your dumb heart was just pounding out your chest. “Y/n you know you’re just so beautiful” he said his words coming out soft but hot. He leaned down to you only inches from your lips “tell me to stop if you want me to and I will” he said giving you a second to protest before kissing you hard. His lips smashed into yours, your eyes fluttered you felt like you could just melt there.
He quickly moved down you kneeling down head kissing your thighs. Your mind finally unfroze remembering you were in public, “wait” you said softly. And he did. He instantly stopped what he was doing staring up at you “what’s wrong?” He said cocking his head to the side. “What if someone” you said before he cut you off. “Y/n I worked here before you can’t see anything in this corner don’t worry” he said his grin creeping up his face “may i continue?” He said pecking your thigh once again. You sigh nodding your head.
Were you really about to do this, not just in public but with hyunjin too? Before you could even think about any of it Hyunjin was pulling your shorts down and panties down. He struggled for a second with your button which made you giggle a little.
Quickly as he got them off he dove his head into your heat. The moan you both let out was almost in harmony. His tongue lavishing at your entrance, he pushed a few fingers into your cunt his tongue now nipping at your clit. You were grabbing at anything you could gripping his hair which only pushed head closer to your soaked cunt. He seemed to enjoy you pulling his hair leaving at soft muffled moans against your folds.
You felt your high coming and it was coming fast. Your thighs started to jolt and close only to have Hyun moan even more. If this is how good he was at just eating you out you didn’t think you could even handle him fucking you. Hyuns finger picked up there pace arching inside you, his hands gripping tightly to your thigh sure to leave marks but god did it feel so so good.
“Hyunjin- I’m-“ you didn’t even get the words out before you came around his fingers. He quickly licked you like a starving animal, cleaning the mess he made of you. You wanna talk about pussy drunk? Man was full on gone from eating you out.
He whipped his mouth off before crashing his lips to yours fumbling to pull his pants down. He sat in the seat beside you again still trying to catch his breath. He patted his lap motioning for you to come take your seat. Your legs were still a bit weak you faced the screen grabbing his cock you slid it up and down your fold rewarding you a groan from the beautiful man below you.
You teased him for a few minutes before he let out a low almost growl “you either sit or I’ll pull you down baby” he said taking your hair in his hand. God did he ever sound so fucking hot. Honestly you couldn’t wait anymore yourself so you slowly sank yourself into him. His cock filled you so well, you both sat there for a few seconds it just feeling to good, before you started to move. He placed a hand on your hip digging his nails back into you, his free hand moved to play with your already sensitive clit.
As you road him the movie drowned out most of your sounds but you both could hear yourselves. He could hear all your beautiful moans, the way you said his name the way your words got stuck in your throat. His groans filling your ears making you closer to the climax again. He pulled you back to him wanting your body against his he bright a hand up to play with your nipples the other hand now around you neck. He peppered sloppy kisses on your cheek whispering in your ear how good you feel.
“Y/n I hope you know how much I’ve thought of this” he said his voice so hot so attractive. “You think of me a lot” you stutter out a small smug grin comes across you face. He laughs to himself a bit “you’d have to be dumb to not see how much I’ve always wanted you” he says stopping your hips. You whine as he stops the movement which makes him laugh more.
He lifts you up, wanting you to turn to face him “I wanna see your face when I make you come on my cock” he says in the most sinful voice. You felt like you coulda just came there and then. He quickly take your thrown seat but this time you sink down fast wanting to feel him again. He quickly grabs your hips before thrusting into you. He felt so good so so fucking good the way his cock just felt like it belonged, like you were made just for him.
He pounded away at you the theater now full of the sounds of you two. Skin smacking, moans, groans and his name. You both were coming undone so fast. He sloppily kissed you pushing his tongue into your mouth to memorize how good you taste. His hand back around your neck softly chocking you. Everything just felt like a dream. A great dream.
“Hyun-gonna-c-cum” you choked out as your high was reaching fast. He nodded “me too” he said trying to catch his breath before following up with “can I cum inside you?” He asked. Not skipping a beat you nodded leaning down to him “cum- cum deep- fill me please” you basically begged. Your words unlocked something in him, his movements were somehow more powerful, deeper even. He gripped your throat making you look at him as both your highs washed over. His cock twitching so deep inside you, feeling all of him release. It felt like you could just die it felt so good you can’t even describe it.
A few minutes passed as you both try to catch your breath, hyun handing you his water and you just chugged that bitch. He smiled chucking at you. He brushed some hair away from your face before kissing your nose. “So- we didn’t get to watch the movie” he said laughing even more.
You laughed along “well someone had other ideas” you teased. You slowly got up feeling all of him starting to drip down. “This just means we’ll have to come back on our second date” he said pulling his pants up smiling as he looked at you. “How about a real first date first” you said back staring him down. “Fine fine but only if I get to tell people your my girlfriend” he said in a hum taking your hand in his. You nod yes “fine I guess it’s a deal.” You said watching the biggest smile come across his face.
You and hyunjin? You’re gonna get bullied endlessly from your bestie about this.
💙 if you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open feel free to send me something🩵
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katakaluptastrophy · 11 months
Can we talk about Magnus in Harrow the Ninth? Because there's a tendency to paint him as this constantly cheerful figure and he's not - he's just very Fifth.
He's the only person who seems even slightly upset about the whole gun-toting horror thing:
“Did the Sleeper get them?”
“Only by assumption,” said Harrowhark, while Abigail’s dolt of a husband said, “I bloody hope so.”
“Magnus,” Abigail said, a touch disapprovingly.
“Well, if the Sleeper didn’t, that’s two maniacs with an ancient weapon and a love of blowing off faces, dear,” said Magnus.
And he's got a very low opinion of Silas:
"She won’t tell me what he said to her, just that he ‘was horrid.’”
“Cheeky little so-and-so,” said Magnus. “If he were my son, I’d give him something to think about. I’m not surprised he’s gone to ground.”
“I would hope your son might be of different character,” said his wife, half-smiling.
“Protesilaus should have biffed him.”
“It’s strange,” said Abigail, ignoring her husband’s exhortations to biffing.
Behind the jolly Jeeves and Wooster-esque talk of biffing people, let's remember that this is Magnus - who from Gideon's POV never saw a teenager he didn't want to adopt - earnestly wishing that a grown man had hit a 16 year old kid.
And when Harrow explains that she thinks she saw him jump to his death, Magnus isn't particularly sympathetic:
“We should have made him a greater priority,” said Lady Pent.
Magnus said, “I’m not certain.”
“We didn’t need him,” he said bracingly.
Abigail said, “We need everyone.”
“I never thought he was quite the thing.”
This "never quite the thing" line is the same one Abigail uses when she says Ianthe shouldn't have become a Lyctor and you get the sense it has a quite specific meaning on the Fifth. You get the distinct feeling Magnus is saying "good riddance" in response to a teenager's apparent suicide.
And then of course there's Magnus' conversation with Harrow as the River bubble collapses, as Harrow debates whether she should leave her body to Gideon:
She said: “If I go back, it will finally destroy her soul.”
It was Magnus who stepped forward and looked at Harrow face-to-face. And perhaps she felt that more keenly: that he was the man who had, in Gideon’s own words a lifetime ago, been nice to her cavalier. His mouth was hard now, but his eyes were as kind as they had ever been. And kindness was a knife.
He doesn't pull any punches in laying out his understanding of the situation to Harrow:
“This whole thing happened because you wouldn’t face up to Gideon dying,” he said, which was a stab as precise as any Nonius had managed. “I don’t blame you. But where would you be, right now, if you’d said: She is dead? You’re keeping her things like a lover keeping old notes, but with her death, the stuff that made her Gideon was destroyed. That’s how Lyctorhood works, isn’t it? She died. She can’t come back, even if you keep her stuffed away in a drawer you can’t look at. You’re not waiting for her resurrection; you’ve made yourself her mausoleum.”
His wife looked at Harrow’s face and murmured, “Magnus, you’ve made your point,” but he uncharacteristically ignored her.
He's trying to get through to her in a very fraught situation, but he's certainly not pulling his punches:
“You’re a smart girl, Harrowhark. You might turn some of that brain to the toughest lesson: that of grief.”
Abigail is also trying to talk her out of things, but she's much more discursive and apologetic. Magnus is kind, but it's kindness as a knife, not a cushion.
Magnus is so often written off as just a silly, goofy character, when he's more complicated than that. He's allowed to have a very real frustration with the River bubble and with Harrow, however much he does also care for her and want to help her.
And you know what, he's a CFO stuck in a horrorscape with his delighted ghost nerd wife and a bunch of soldiers. He runs with it - he cracks one of his House ordinal jokes while physically tackling a gun-toting ghost and makes a decent go at it before getting shot. But he's very much out of his comfort zone, angry, and no longer entirely held back by propriety.
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