#I do think shonen can be good! I just think it falls almost always even when there's potential into bery shallow writing
Kusakabe, dear, you're too beautiful to be saying that kind of stuff
#jjk spoilers#All the prettiest characters were brought back from apparent death#Nobara was okay and it's true that when I read the lawyer's and Kusakabe's fights against Sukuna I thought it was being kept vague#but to pull a Nobara with all of them... idk#No one stays dead here except for the people who actually care for the kids and by that I mean 'including Yuuji'#kinda lowkey bitter about it#Don't get me wrong I like the characters and also they're super pretty but idk It makes death feel cheap? And the high stakes kinda fake?#Choso Gojo and Nanami actual only characters who died apparently#Well. Poor Itadori#And Kusukabe goes and runs his mouth that way in front of the kid. He is not entirely wrong but also he very much is#And yes he also says 'don't worry it's not for you to feel guilty over anything you're just kids' but also he did very much say that thing#about it all being Gojo's fault for not killing Itadori. In front of Itadori who feels guilty for that precisely#and in front of Megumi who asked Gojo to spare him and also went through the experience of Sukuna using his body as well#So Kusukabe's reassurance about them just being kids and not to feel guilty falls a bit empty#It does feel in character but man it truly makes one appreciate the way Gojo and Nanami dealt with the kids a lot more haha#Ui Ui seems like a dear#Anyway... this chapter felt a bit lame for the most part for me? I like the idea of the characters discussing the could have/would have#and feeling guilt and helplessness over their choices but the way it was done felt a bit lame and without any real emotional punch#It felt more like an explanation to the reader in an awkward way. And there's a lot of empty chat about guilt and grief#without any of the characters really giving off a grieving air about everything and everyone they've lost#And this is precisely what I felt was going to happen with this manga's writing haha#I truly don't understand this kind of writing choices. Contrary to some other shonen writers this author did seem to have the potential#to write this kind of thing well besides the worldbuilding and powers and fight stuff. It's truly a pity. It so breaks my heart#And still this is considered one of the good shonens. Well. WELL haha#I do think shonen can be good! I just think it falls almost always even when there's potential into bery shallow writing#I don't know. Maybe I should read that one Alchemist manga#I've been repeatedly told that one's good and it does seem like it doesn't do... this. But I find the art style so not to my linking#I wish I had never gotten into JJK for real for real. I absolutely adore it. I always end up frustrated. It could be so good. Genuinely good#And yet it's just okay in a sort of forgettable way. What a pity#Everything good ever is present but it never dares do anything to fully explore what it sets. It just does the typical shonen stuff
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animebw · 3 months
Short Reflection: Spring 2024 Anime
I feel like 2024 is shaping up to be an unusual year for anime. Most mainstream shonen and isekai are staggering into audience fatigue of some kind or another, two-cours series are making a massive comeback, and big waves are being made from eclectic shows like Apothecary Diaries and Girls Band Cry that would likely be relegated to cult classic status in years prior. There haven't been many clear standouts yet, but there's a lot of fascinating second-tier stuff bubbling just under the surface. It feels like the general anime audience has grown so big at this point that the way we consume shows and the kinds of shows that break through are evolving before our eyes. Never mind movies like Look Back and The Colors Within waiting in the wings to redefine our notions of what animated cinema can be. All this is to say, I don't know what we'll make of 2024 when all is said and done, but it's gonna be a very interesting story. For now, though, let's take stock of spring's roster of shows to pick out the best, the worst, and the worth checking out. Not counting the shows I've already talked about (Hibike Euphonium's final season 9.5/10 and Demon Slayer's training arc 4/10) or MHA's latest foray, which I'm still waiting to see exactly how it shakes out.
Dead Dead Demons' Dededede Destruction: Please Watch/10
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I'm putting this one right up front because while it's still very early into airing, there's a good chance a lot of you don't even know it exists. Released initially as a pair of movies earlier this year, this adaptation of Oyasumi Punpun author Inio Asano's bizarre bildungsroman alien invasion manga has been retooled into an 18-episode TV series with (apparently) lots of additional footage to fill out everything the movies had to cut for time. Those production circumstances alone would be interesting enough to merit checking it out (fingers crossed Haikyuu can get the same treatment?), but more importantly, this show is just really damn good, and it deserves better than being dropped on Crunchyroll with almost no fanfare and incomplete English subs that don't translate most of the written text. As someone who kind of loved and hated Punpun in equal measure, Dededede feels like all of Asano's best instincts on full display, a riveting exploration of how modern humanity is forced to struggle through "normal" life in the shadow of the apocalypse, asking how we can still set our sights on our futures when there's a very good chance that future might never come. It's messy and difficult, and yet it brims with love for people and our ability to seek kindness and compassion even in the darkest times. Just do yourself a favor and skip the awful "episode 0" prologue; not only is it leagues worse than the rest of the show, it spoils so many details about the story's endgame that it might just ruin the experience outright if you're not careful. You've been warned.
Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Part 2: 1.5/10
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Is the second part of Mushoku Tensei season 2 as apocalyptically awful as the first part? Not quite, no. But that's only because Rudeus doesn't do anything quite as jaw-dropping as buying a child slave or kidnapping and molesting a pair of catgirls with no consequences. I know, the bar is in fucking hell and this garbage fire still barely managed to stumble over it. Otherwise, it remains every bit as vile as always. Here's a fun drinking game you can play: take a shot every time someone this season 1) makes excuses to justify why Rudeus shouldn't feel bad about doing something awful, 2) praises Rudeus to high heaven and calls him the most specialest boy ever, 3) falls head over heels for Rudeus in a matter of seconds. You'll likely pass out before you're halfway through the season, but on the plus side that means you won't have to watch any fucking more. I simply remain baffled that so many people have been fooled into thinking this show is something meaningful and smart, how many people ignore its glaringly obvious awfulness to pretend it's saying things it's not actually saying and exploring ideas it's not actually exploring. All I can do is wait impatiently for Re:Zero's return later this year so it can smack everyone senseless with a reminder of what challenging, subversive isekai storytelling actually looks like. Maybe then we'll finally be able to recognize this steaming pile of misogyny and rape culture for what it is and cast it out without a second thought. We can only hope.
Urusei Yatsura Season 2 (2nd Half): 4.5/10
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I think I've given Urusei Yatsura a fair shake. I've done my best to enjoy it through its weaker moments and painfully obvious crows' feet. But now that it's finally over, all I can think is maybe it was better off left in the past. There are infinitely better screwball comedies that have come since, comedies that have been building off the tropes Urusei Yatsura established and finding much more interesting, meaningful things to do with them. This may be a foundational rom-com text, but fifty goddamn years later all its best qualities have been improved upon to the point of obsolescence, and all that's really left is the gross, dated stuff and the fact that every time it tries to be sincere and sentimental it runs into the unavoidable problem that all the romantic relationships its built on really kind of suck. Sorry, but Ataru and Lum are an awful couple and all the worst parts of this show are when it unironically tries to make you root for them despite them being pretty blatantly terrible for each other. I'll stick with Inuyasha, thank you very much.
Wind Breaker: 5/10
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Man, why does every promising modern delinquent anime end up driving itself into a ditch before long? First Tokyo Revengers, then Bucchigiri, and now Wind Breaker has completed the trifecta. And this one had so much potential! Casting a shoujo-style blushy tsundere bad boy as the protagonist of an otherwise straightforward tough-guy action brawler is one of the most inspired strokes of genius I've seen in a long time (let alone getting the Kyo Sohma's VA to voice him). What better way to explore the emotional human side of delinquent storytelling than with a main character who's arc is all about accepting other people and learning to love himself despite the world's rejection of him? That plus a slick production full of badass fistfights should've been an easy recipe for success. Unfortunately, it falls victim to the most common of shonen death knells: getting stuck in an overlong, dragged-out arc that consists of nothing but uninteresting fights against half-baked antagonists that loses sight of what made this series unique until its final moments. And double minus points for entirely taking place in a single visually dull location that you're forced to stare at for like 5 episodes straight with occasional flashbacks as your only escape. Seriously, you could cut the Shishitoren arc to half its current length and lose very little of value. I can only hope the upcoming second season won't get similarly bogged down, cause a good version of this show is something I desperately want to believe is possible.
Konosuba Season 3: 5.5/10
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So here's the good news first: Despite a seven year gap since the second season and a change in studio, Konosuba's third season is still every bit the same show it was. As for the bad news... well, the bad news is that Konosuba's third season is still every bit the same show it was. Yeah, in the years since I first watched it, I've had to really reckon with all the ways this show fucking sucks, and all of those reasons remain on full display undimmed by the passage of time. It's sexist, it's objectifying, it's violently queerphobic, it thinks sexual assault is the funniest thing ever when Kazuma's the one doing it, it's every bit as misogynistic and masturbatory as the isekai genre it's supposedly satirizing. And it's also still one of the funniest goddamn anime ever made when it wants to be. Seriously, if you just strip away all the godawful incel-pandering that's seemingly endemic to modern isekai, Konosuba's god-tier expression work and pitch-black sarcasm are a blast of laughing gas like nothing else in its vicinity. If it could just focus on telling actual jokes instead of passing off alt-right sexual politics as "comedy" half the time, it would more than deserve its status as a modern classic. But it won't, because it genuinely believes all that garbage is the funniest shit ever. Which is why it'll forever be stuck as a show that you can never admit to enjoying in public without being justifiably judged by everyone around you.
Train to the End of the World: 5.5/10
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It's kind of impossible to describe what Train to the End of the World is about without sounding like you're flipping through ten different plot summaries and choosing words at random. But here's as best I can: a freak accident causes the world to morph into a surreal patchwork of bizarre locales, while also seemingly reducing the scope of the world to a single train line in Japan stretching between rural town Agano and Tokyo's metropolitan Ikebukuro district. When Agano high-schooler Shizuru finds evidence that her long-lost friend Yoka might be trapped in Ikebukuro- and also maybe related to the reason everything went insane- she hops on an abandoned train car with a few friends and a dog and starts the long, long journey to reach Ikebukuro through the madness and chaos that defines the new world. The best I can explain it is Gullliver's Travels by way of Alice in Wonderland and Salvador Dali, each episode taking us to another stop on the train line that's morphed into its own flavor of batshit crazy, from mushroom people to horny zombies to a post-canon bad end magical girl world. Unfortunately, any semblance of a point feels buried under a thousand tons of calcified absurdism too thick for anything resembling sincerity to peek through. There are attempts at exploring deeper themes or character moments, but the show's pace is so blisteringly fast and so deeply uninterested with anything beyond what wild ideas it can pull out of its hat that nothing really sticks by the time the train's rolling on to its next destination. If there's anything here beyond a series of wacky Moments(tm) delivered with the rushed breathlessness of a Youtube video on 2X speed, I can't say it made an impression.
Tonari no Youkai-san: 5.5/10
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I'm of two minds about Tonari no Yokuai-san. On the one hand, it's a deeply heartfelt iyashikei that uses its fantasy elements to explore grief, loss, love, community, and the reasons we celebrate life even knowing it must one day end. This town of humans and spirits living side-by-side feels so real and warm you wish you could live there yourself, and the characters populating it, from earnest nekomata to old gay cars to prickly fox spirits and everyone in between, burst with inner life so naturally it almost makes you jealous. On the other hand, for some baffling reason, this show keeps trying to shoehorn in action plots and sci-fi elements that gel with the quiet, contemplative tone as well as oil and water. I genuinely don't understand why the author thought they needed time-space bureaus and giant rampaging snakes to liven things up when just the main character going through an existential crisis about how they're going to outlive everyone they love is ten thousand times more gripping than any of that other nonsense. On the bright side, the good stuff is still really good, and considering how few of you likely watched this show already, let this be your reminder this your reminder not to let it slip through the cracks.
Go Go Loser Ranger: 6/10
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Is the idea of a dark, edgy twist on tokusatsu where the protagonist is a nameless minion trying to overthrow a fascist cabal of sentai rangers that unique? Not really, no. But god damn if Go Go Loser Ranger doesn't make it work regardless. There's something just inherently fun about watching one of those nameless background mooks that normally exist just to get punted en masse decide "You know what? I'm done being the world's punching bag. I'm gonna become the protagonist of my own story and take these fuckers down." We've all rooted for the underdog at some point, after all. It's only fair the most disposable fodder get a chance in the spotlight. And Go Go Loser Ranger delights in twisting that setup as far as it can get away with, constantly making you second-guess your allegiances to any one side as it quickly becomes clear there are no true heroes to root for in this world, just lots of different people flawed in very different ways, all fighting for their own personal gain. You're never quite sure when someone you're rooting for is going to break your trust with some horrific act, or someone you loathe is going to prove themselves more courageous than they first let on, and it keeps you on the edge of your seat waiting to see when the next shoe's going to fall. Sadly, it also suffers from Wind Breaker's mistake of spending too much time on an overlong arc that's mostly just dull characters fighting in a duller location, but by the end it's shaken off those doldrums and returned to form in a big way. As long as the second season can keep those gears turning, we're in for a good time.
Spice and Wolf Reboot (1st Cours): 6/10
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Let's be blunt: there is no point to remaking Spice and Wolf. The original series is still just as good fifteen years later, and despite the source material continuing past the point it ended, it reached such a beautiful conclusion on its own terms that it more than cemented its status as a true eternal anime classic. Sure, it's nice to experience this story again, to re-aquaint myself with Holo and Lawrence's wonderful chemistry and the fascinating ins and outs of Medieval economics that drive their story. There's a reason I fell in love with this show so many years ago, and Reboot Wolf still has plenty of that charm to go around. But this isn't a re-imagining or a Brotherhood/Froobs 2019 style "proper" adaptation. This is just the same show again but a little bit worse in every way. All I can think of, watching this story I know play out again, is how much stiffer and generic the modern art direction and animation is, how it plays things so much safer with its source material while the original wasn't afraid to make strong changes, how Holo's prickly personality has been neutered into a much more docile, Lawrence-dependent character while the original stood so strong on her own two feet. Maybe it works well enough if this is your first taste of Spice and Wolf, but then, the original show is right there! You could just watch that instead and get a much better experience all around!
Yuru Camp Season 3: 6.5/10
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Speaking of shows that are probably pointless, was there really any need for Yuru Camp to continue after the one-two satisfying punch of season 2 and the epilogue movie? Those endings put such a beautiful bow on the series that anything else would feel superfluous. Especially with such a massive downgrade in the art direction department, Jesus Christ. I don't know who's running studio 8bit's compositing department these days, but between this and the latest Yama no Susume season, it's so painful to see a studio that once excelled at background art reduced to putting filters over photographs and awkwardly slapping ill-fitting moeblob characters on top. The clash between the characters and the backgrounds this season is legitimately painful at times, and for a vibes-based iyashikei like Yuru Camp, that could so easily be a death knell. Thank the gods, then, that most of this series' charm still comes through in spite of itself, the wonderful characters and delightfully daffy comedy still as strong as ever as it extols the virtues of finding your peace in the great outdoors. But if we're going to get any more, then please figure out how to make this new aesthetic not so physically repellent to look at.
Kaiju No. 8: 7/10
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I've said many times that the art of making a Good Enough show is more complicated than most people appreciate. It takes so much skill and talent, so much mastery of the basic building blocks of storytelling, to create something that's just fun to watch plain and simple. And Kaiju No. 8 is yet another example of how impressive it is when one of these shows gets it right. It's a simple, straightforward action show about an over-the-hill sanitation worker getting one last chance to live his dream as a member of the elite kaiju-slaying force that keeps the world safe from the towering monsters that menace it... by accidentally becoming part kaiju himself. The characters are simple but lovable, the emotional stakes are earnest without being overbearing, the action is consistently exciting and well-animated, and the story keeps you on your toes with well-worn tropes executed in novel and exciting ways. I honestly don't think I've seen a shonen action romp so perfectly nail its fundamentals like this since the early days of My Hero Academia. Whether or not this show will also rise to MHA's eventual level of complexity and thematic weight remains to be seen, but for now, it's just plain fun, and an easy recommendation to anyone looking for a good time.
Delicious in Dungeon (2nd Cours): 7.5/10
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Well, I asked for Dungeon Meshi to get darker, and by god, that's exactly what it did. Through shocking plot turns and deeply disquieting thematic touches, this silly little fantasy cooking comedy has developed into something much more sinister and unsettling... while still being primarily a silly fantasy comedy about cooking D&D monsters into mouthwatering meals. I'm still not sure if the tonal whiplash entirely works, but my god does it make this a fascinating show to watch. A single episode can take you from some of the most gut-busting deadpan snark this side of Gintama to a skin-crawling contemplation on mortality and consuming life to perpetuate your own without missing a beat. Turns out, Dungeon Meshi has thoughts on the nature of food as a biological, societal and cultural force, and how that force is not always as simple or benign as a meal shared with friends and family. And it explores those ideas with a quiet dread that makes even its silliest moments feel like a tentative breath before things come crashing down. I have no idea how things will shake out in the second season, but if manga fans are to be believed, it's only going to get more twisted and insane from here. I cannot fucking wait. Just, can Falin stay on screen for more than a single episode without being kidnapped again this time? Girl's such a damsel in distress even Princess Peach is giving her concerned looks.
Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night: 7.5/10
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There is no feeling quite like being a young artist. You're excited to make your mark, painfully anxious about not measuring up while simultaneously being quite full of yourself, bursting with ideas and not quite sure how to execute them, but above all else, in love with the act of creation. And I don't think I've ever seen an anime that so perfectly embodies that messy, beautiful spirit as Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night. Four girls from different artistic backgrounds- an artist, a singer, a musician, and a tech wiz- come together as one to give each other the strength they lack on their own, forming the musical group JELEE as they strive to love themselves and their work through the magic they make together. It's an explosion of passion and joy, often times outstripping its ability to measure up to its ambitions and stumbling over itself, but always shining, always dazzling, always wearing its heart firmly on its sleeve as it celebrates the joy of creation in the digital age and the importance of sincerity in a world too afraid of cringe to accept it. It's also a wonderfully capital-P Progressive series; there's a gay kiss, one character is eventually revealed to be nonbinary in a scene so spectacular I wish I could bump my score up another half-point for it alone. Sadly, it only reaches those heights every so often- but when it does, my god is it a sight to behold.
Girls Band Cry: 8/10
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I remember back when I watched Love Live Sunshine, I wished there was a girls' music anime where the protagonists sung the kind of badass punk rock usually reserved for the antagonists of idol shows. Well, it looks like writer Jukki Hanada and director Kazuo Sakai heard me, because five years after bidding Sunshine farewell, they're returned with one of the most exhilarating, renegade expressions of punk spirit we've gotten in a long time. Girls Band Cry is a supernova, a soaring firecracker of a show that marries an instantly iconic headbanger soundtrack with Hanada's typically spectacular character writing in this tale of five outcasts forming a band and coming together to spit in the face of the world that tried to grind them into conformity. Nina Iseri's arrogant, self-righteous immaturity is a primal scream for the importance of doing what's right over what's easy, and you feel that scream in your fucking soul. Even the show's scrappy CG animation embodies that non-comformist spirit, charting stunning new avenues for 3D anime with some of the most expressive character models and soaring concert scenes you're likely to see all decade. And while the pacing is definitely rushed at points, the overwhelming emotions bleeding from each and every scene make even the weakest moments go down easy. It's downright criminal Toei fumbled the ball on an official English release, but unless you're completely against sailing the high seas, you owe it to yourself to track it down regardless. So raise your middle fingers to the sky, spill your heart from your chest, and let Togenashi Togeari force you to believe in the power of rock all over again.
-Bartender Drops of God (3 Episodes). Too boring to stick with in a pretty packed season.
-A Condition Called Love (3 Episodes). Creepy possessiveness excused for the sake of romance.
Blue Archive (1 Episode). Do you even need to ask.
-The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio (2 Episodes). Awful adaptation that butchers what made the manga so great.
-Whisper Me a Love Song (9 Episodes). The production falls completely apart and it skips the main couple's first kiss. Just read the manga, it's really damn good and deserved so much better.
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centrally-unplanned · 11 months
Anyway, I have been way off the wagon on anime recently - I blame Buffy - so I am catching up! First one was The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You. In this harem comedy our protagonist has accidentally been given 100 soulmates by god, who was distracted watching Laputa: Castle in the Sky while filling out his destiny sheet, and now he has to date all of them or they will die. So he just...does that, and tells them all, and one by one he adds girls to his polycule. Episodes generally alternate between "courtship" episodes where its one-on-one with the new girl, then group bonding episodes where they all hang out together. Its honestly somehow pretty good? The list:
Its very zany, meta, & irreverent. Obviously each girl is a "trope", but they have a lot of fun with them due to the premise. Because everyone instantly falls in love and gets together in one episode, the "will they won't they" tropes don't function, right? They will they'd already! So instead it pits those tropes against the intergroup polycule dynamic for silly shenanigans. Its cute!
My favourite line is when the tsundere chick start's tsun'ing over a homework assignment and one of the girls turns to her and goes "what are you even fighting against in life?" Wrecked.
It has a lot of fun "conceptual" animation bits to express ideas, breaking well outside the box to get those ideas across. If you want to communicate the awkwardness of breaking the ice with a new friend, might as well showcase it with two salarymen descending into a shonen brawl over trying to give the other their business card first, way better than shot/reverse-shot.
It does overstay its welcome on its "bits", hoping to pad length with added jokes that don't have enough to work with since nothing is happening. Like many shows, I could reduce its duration by 25% and lose little, it be that way.
Its "focus on one girl" episodes are inherently less creative, because they have essentially ditched the premise? It does a good job at the trad romantic elements, but I think it would be way more interesting to have the courtships be done by the entire group, and play off that more.
Fanservice is sometimes annoying but its almost always comedic with some payoff. You know the genre, you won't love it, but it won't bother you if you clicked on a show with this title.
For the love of the Oedipal god can the people who make modern anime learn how to draw breasts please? I swear on side profile shots it looks like gravity has been rotated 90 degrees horizontal and pulled their chests into launch position, who wants this?
A lot of the gender & sexuality in anime has been changing recently - I mark it personally to like 2015 or so. Things that were implicit are being made explicit - a lot more characters are canonically queer, increasingly you have characters who are explicitly trans, and relationships have more openly stated consummations & sexual components. All of this is good news, and as a part of that I have slowly noticed explicit polyamory creeping into shows. Harem dynamics always had this handwavy denial of their premises going on, "oh its all tension, the expectation is I will choose a girl from the menu at the end". This tee-hee plausible deniability is just extraneous in the modern era, so you see it falling off slowly. Unlike queer rep I don't think this is too much of a sign of like...growing discontent with obligate monogamy in subculture Japan? But still, its fun to see for what it is, and I do think it reflects a little bit growing openness about how alternative sexualities go beyond niche media consumption in life.
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hiddenbeks · 7 months
5, 12, 13, 17 & 29 for liah hehehe <3
WOOHOOOO let's go this ask game is licherally perfect for liah. thank you red!!!!
(oc battle asks)
5. fighting style?
liah is a soldier and jedi guardian so she heavily emphasizes melee combat with fast and powerful strikes, aiming to dispatch her opponent before they can react or counterattack! she doesn't use force powers much besides augmenting her speed and mobility and the occasional force push when needed. she's a much more physical jedi than bastila or jolee for example.
jedi guardians can also use force jump to instantly close the distance to enemies and it's perfect for liah because she is the frontline fighter and will gladly jump right into the fray before the rest of the party has even drawn their weapons. just picture her zooming and flipping and spinning across the battlefield and just. destroying her enemies with the sheer force of her momentum. god she's so cool. in one in-game dialogue carth says "you've got the skills of an elite commando" and it's like. so true bestie.....
also liah uses a double-bladed lightsaber right. as a padawan she learned that the double-bladed lightsaber can deal more damage but is also more difficult to master than the common single-bladed one so obviously she decided she would have to master it. to challenge herself and to prove that she can. and also because the idea of being more powerful fascinated her. this was absolutely not a red flag and did not herald her fall to the dark side at all
12. what is their attitude towards winning?
to liah winning is something to be proud of and proof that all her training is paying off! she is confident in her skills and she goes into almost every battle with the mindset that she will win. and in a life-or-death situation she will of course do everything she can to ensure victory but in a less serious encounter - like the duel ring on taris - it's more about the opportunity to challenge herself and see how far she can push herself and how much better she can get. i mean she still takes it seriously and expects to win lmao but being the adrenaline junkie she is she's also there to have a good time and enjoy the thrill of the fight.
13. what is their attitude towards losing?
due to her (sometimes unfounded) confidence liah tends to forget that she's not invincible and can actually lose? and when she loses she becomes weirdly frustrated and retreats into the mini gym she set up inside the ebon hawk to blow off steam on the punching bag. but once the shock and anger wears off and her mind is clear she will meditate on what she can learn from the loss. and then she goes back to training to work on her weaknesses so she won't lose next time. it's that unwavering shonen protag style resolve baby
17. speed, strength or strategy?
speed and strength in equal measure? she's not stupid (i gave her 14 int in character creation bc a guide told me to ok) or incapable of devising strategies when a situation calls for it but she is reckless and so certain of her own abilities that most of the time she thinks she doesn't need any strategy besides "lightsaber go wWwoooOom"
this of course doesn't always work and liah will have to confront the harsh truth that she has weaknesses that the others can cover with their strengths. she eventually learns to listen to the more cautious companions and work together with them as a team 🫶
29. who do they want to fight the most?
carth lol... verbally at least. in an actual fight liah would most likely curb-stomp him so it's a good thing their arguments never turn physical. or do they 😳
to give a proper answer tho... malak i guess? like yea she wants to stop him but after the Reveal it becomes personal and she wants to 1v1 malak and will stop at nothing to strike him down herself. also not to get too deep abt this but like... she probably wants to fight herself more than anyone. would love to kick her own ass. unfortunately she can't fight herself physically but damn if she doesn't have some inner war with herself going on 24/7. it's rough.
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topknotstrunk · 1 year
Review Everything 30 - Sweet Tooth, Season 1
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It has been a good, long while since there was a post-Apocalyptic thing I really liked has been airing.
Which is unfortunate because that’s the genre that originally got me seriously into worldbuilding, which is now one of the things that’s most important to me and I spend a lot of time doing.
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Gus is an interesting protagonist for this genre. We’ve had Kids to The Apocalypse Before [one of my all time faves is The Girl Who Owned a City, Green Angel by Alice Hoffman stuck with me when I first read it as a pre-teen, The Hunger Games is a series I have mixed feelings about but was wildly popular, and I’d argue that The Last Of Us falls into this category too, and it’s pretty widely loved] but I don’t know if we’ve had boundless optimist kid being the protagonist like this. At least, not in anything I’ve seen/read.
Gus sort of feels like an anime protagonist in a weird way, like the main boy in a Shonen anime. Sure, he has his moments of fear, and doubt, but ultimately he’s going to have his mind set on the most hopeful outcome and push to get there no matter what.
I find an element of this slightly grating, though. Gus never seems to learn anything from these situations he throws himself into. He picked up some farm steadying skills with his Pubba and can feed himself [we never have seen food be an issue for him so far, though he always eats like it’s the first food he’s seen in weeks he also never complains of hunger or has flagging energy due to lack of food]. No matter how many times charging head first into a situation put him in danger, head first he continues to charge. Same thing for trusting people. Despite the world outside his little homestead showing itself, and plainly, to be dangerous to Gus he continues to act as if he’s a little boy alone in the woods with only people who love him to concern himself with.
The reason I find this odd is that I jumped into this show without really knowing what it was. I have been lamenting not having “a show” because all my favorite cartoons got canceled or cut short basically all at the same time recently. A reviewer I like offhandedly mentioned, “And hey, season 2 of Sweet Tooth is airing, so go watch that.” Then an ASL interpreter I follow shared a scene from season 2 that’s ASL heavy and I went, “Oh yeah, I should watch this.” From those two tiny exposures to the show I had no idea there were other characters that the movie would follow, or that most of them would be adults. I thought it was gonna be a kid’s show. It’s not!  A character being static in something aimed at children is, for me, more forgivable then something aimed at older audiences. Which this show clearly is. Though Gus is ten and the show shies away from almost all sexual content and the fights are almost entirely bloodless, the subject matter and heavy focus on adult characters might bore kids Gus’ age. So I hope season 2 shows some growth for the kid beyond, “Wow, so everything isn’t on fire. Now let’s explore!”
I talk a lot in these reviews, I feel like, about my ability, or not, to guess at where a story is going. It’s just a thing my brain does when I consume media. To the point where, when I was a kid, I had guessed right one to many times and my Family forbade me from saying my guesses out loud. My gasp of realization less than halfway through a movie would draw glares from my family at family movie nights. I was even given a notebook to keep my thoughts to myself in for movie watching. They’re fun people. *eyeroll* All this to say, I didn’t find myself doing that much with this show. The reveal of Gus being patient zero, as it were, made sense, in a “Huh, I feel like I should have seen this coming” kind of way. I had been thinking, and only for that episode, that Birdie was gonna be patient zero, and give birth to Gus as the first hybrid kid. The only “called it” moment I had was like, 30 seconds before it’s revealed who Wendy was to Bear, when we see the back of her head as a little kid. That usually means the show is written well and doing its job, being too interesting for me to analyze in real time. Having too good a time with the show and being to distracted by how annoying Gus can be to make many guesses. XD
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Something I find super interesting the the choices in how the hybrids look. I feel like characters that are important and that we’re supposed to empathize with the most are the “most cute” and most Human. Like, Gus has the tapetum lucidum thing going on, sure, but otherwise he’s a cute kid with deer horns and ears. There are about a billion OCs you could find on DeviantArt that look pretty much the same. He’s the deer version of a Cat Girl. Same thing for Wendy. But then we have, for example, the first character we see the new Doctor operate on and he’s got these big, ugly lizard eyes bugging out of his face, with the top part of his face being totally un-Human, with lizard tongue movements and animal like behavior. All the hybrid kids seem to have /some/ animalistic tendencies, but like, I feel like “we’re gonna cut you up now” might hit a bit harder if the lizard kid just had a little patch of scales and a normal kid face like Gus and Wendy have. IDK though, maybe that’s the point? They seem less Human so those scenes won’t be as upsetting.
Anyway, I’m really interested to know if there’s a reason some kids are cute animal gijinkas and some lean way more to the Cronenberg side of the “humans combined with animals” spectrum. Even if it’s just, “Genetics, some kids get more animal half, some get more Human half.” I’m SUPER not interested in quantifying the reasons and details of “weird deer shit”. I don’t want to know if lizard kids are exothermic if more than 30% of their bodies are covered in scales, I don’t wanna know if wolf kids need to eat an all carnivore diet if their teeth are sharp instead of flat, that shit. The show has some neat fantastical elements, I am happy to chalk up “their physiology is the way that it is” to “because”.
My only real critiques of the show so far are that the effects can be a little hokey, mostly the deer and other normal animals that show up, and that the kid acting can be well... Bad kid acting. Gus does okay most of the time but I have a real hard time feeling upset for him when he’s upset. He’s not great at fake big fear or fake crying, which are two things important to the story that he has to emote fairly regularly. Stefania LaVie Owen is doing an amazing job though, and so is Naledi Murray.
Looking forward to season 2. I like Birdie a lot and want to know more about her. I’d also like to hear about how Pubba felt taking Gus out into the wild, thinking she’d come, only she never showed up. I wanna see Wendy and Bear reunited. I also wanna know why almost every character in this show has a nickname or chosen name. Sweet Tooth, Big Man, Pubba, Bear, Pig Tail, Birdie, is this a thing the creator/s like or is there some meaning to it? I also really wanna know if our narrator is Gus all grown up.
In Summary: Cool world building, fresh take on the apocalypse [bold move making a plague movie while we’re still having a plague], a fun mix of science inspired story ideas and fantasy ones, I love me a good found family, animal kids are goofy but neat, and I wanna see more.
Overall: 6/10
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okami-zero · 5 months
Okami Watches...
Okay, I need to get these new thoughts out of my head proper, or I will be upset.
If you've noticed, my last few ramblings were from a recent rewatch of Ushio & Tora, one of my favorite anime ever. First saw the OVA at... I wanna saw Arisia (a sci-fi con in the Boston area) back in the mid to late 90s, I think. Then, I heard about a reboot being done more recently (ugh 2015 REALLY?! Fucking time, man...). Okay... relatively more recent than the OG. And I LOVED IT. Brought back all the fun and action and banter I loved from the original, but then continued onward. But something occurred to me as my brain was swirling around and digesting the show after the binge, figuring out what it was I liked about Aotsuki Ushio.
Firstly, what I love about Ushio, is he is a stubborn optimist. Hope incarnate. I know the whole "gets back up when knocked down" is a shounen trope (and one many of us love), but I feel like Ushio just... takes more each time to go down, and always struggles back to his feet, teeth gritted and embodying hope itself. He gets absolutely wrecked so many times (and worse a couple times), but he gets back up. Doesn't "shrug it off", like some do. It feels more like he takes in how he was knocked down, acknowledges it and gets better, if only a little bit. He is also willing to shoulder the pain of others - even if they are not very well acquainted - to spare them the suffering. Are you a person who is suffering in some way, driven to sadness or pain? Aotsuki will do all he can to get a smile on your face and the burden off your shoulders. And the fact that he is compassionate enough to begin to realize that there are a LOT of yokai who are just as much people as humans, and they fall into all of the things I mentioned before. He has tears for his enemies, and sometimes those enemies aren't enemies for long. In one episode, there is an enraged yokai, who has been driven from his home time and time again, and has vowed to kill humans in revenge, terrorizing local villages as a preamble to moving on to larger cities, Ushio tells this yokai (a kamaitachi) to kill him instead. If it would make the yokai feel better, if it would banish his hatred, then he was willing to let the yokai kill him, so no other humans would have to die. But just as importantly so the yokai would no longer be suffering from all-consuming hate. The episode is really good, and a lot of feels. I realized that Ushio is what I wish I could be - I am stubborn, and an optimist (and sometimes both at once, like him), but he is much more self-sacrificing for others than I feel I could be, and so supportive you could build a house foundation with how much he supports everyone. And that might just be the line between reality and a shonen protag's fictional life. But I do try to be better. And then the aforementioned occurrence of thought was this:
Aotsuki Ushio is in almost every one of my OCs.
But. more specifically, in Akagi, Xano and Rav (all three of them tanks of sort, HMMM). Now, this it not to say that these three fellas are the same. They are each distinct from one another (I was even pondering mentioning Xano as one of the inspirations for Akagi on one of those "Name six characters who influenced your WoL" things; and I still might!). But they all share similar hard-headed, optimistic views, they are fiercely loyal to their friends and family, are willing to jump into danger to protect others, will give more support than Atlas on 'roids, and will drag themselves to their feet every time they are dropped.
And I really, really like that.
It resonates with me, and at least with my blorbos, they all have a little chunk of some aspect of me in them. And maybe that little chunk of an aspect is the one I share with my boy Ushio (Xano's stubborn "beat it till it stops moving" MO is probably more Tora, though. xD)
Anyway, I needed to get this thought bunny out of my brain pan to sleep, though it will probably keep hopping around for a bit in there anyway. -_- Take care, and if you have not checked out Ushio & Tora/Ushio to Tora, I HIGHLY recommend it. (I've not watched the dub yet, for nostalgia reasons, but there are some awesome VAs on the roster!)
~Okami, out.
0 notes
no-psi-nan · 3 years
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K: Extra Stories of Psychics, Volume 1
Light Novel Translated by: Corredor1230 – Juan Pablo Corredor
(Link to masterlist)
Chapter 5: Avoid it! The Worst Ending
Warning: Angst
My name is Saiki Kusuo. I’m an esper.
I’m sure some of you are tired of me doing the same introduction every single chapter, but I’d like you to just accept it. I have to do it so you’ll be contextualized. Especially now that we have no images.
Well then, like I was saying, I can do basically anything with my powers. I’m as close as you can get to invincible.
For example, I can avoid being ran over by a car with ease, and I can just erase virus from my body before I get infected. Even in the worst case scenario where a meteorite falls on Earth, I can just stop it and throw it back to space. And in an even worse case scenario where an editor decides to take us off the Shonen Jump, I can just come back to haunt him as an after image, and give him a smack from behind the scenes.
Well, I can’t really do that last one. At least I have to publicly say that we won’t meet afterwards.
In any case, it’s almost impossible to hurt me. As long as I have clairvoyance and psychokinesis, I can pretty much react to any incident that comes my way.
To summarize, it’s a great benefit to my own health that I’m an esper. However, I have one big problem.
It will become really troublesome if it keeps going like that.
This morning, I remembered when I looked at the calendar.
I’m going to have to take a day off.
At least that’s what I’m thinking.
I try my best not to stand out in school. Which is why I try to avoid being early or late. Mostly because it attracts negative attention. However, if I’m a perfect record student that always gets there on time, that also becomes a problem.
That’s because of the perfect record award.
It’s an award given to a student that’s never late, never skips school and never leaves early. The award is given publicly. Awards like that are probably done differently depending on region and school, but at PK Academy, the award is very strictly only given to students who never miss a day of school.
Therefore, getting the award means getting noticed by a lot of people, which is the exact thing I want to avoid. Actually, I’m not even sure it would be a lot of people, but even being noticed by one single person would be annoying. Besides, the award ceremony is carried out in front of the entire school. Being called by the principal at the gym and having to reply, stand up and walk in front of everyone else sounds awful. There’s no way I’d ever do something like that. Besides, sometimes even parents show up at those ceremonies in PK Academy. Please give me a break.
My objective is to avoid being excellent or deficient.
I try to place third in five-people races. That’s my position. Coming in first is out of the question, and second is no good either. I don’t want people to cheer on me, but I also don’t want them to make fun of me. I just want to do everything without standing out and live a quiet life. Being known as a lazy student is also inconvenient, and being known as a prodigy student is troublesome as well.
This might be an exaggeration on my part, but I also try to avoid standing out for being too normal. So I’m skipping school today to avoid getting the perfect record award.
I take a quick glance at today’s schedule. I have no important homework for today, no quizzes, and I’m not on cleaning duty either.
Alright, today’s the perfect day.
The best days for me to take a break are days when nothing specially good or bad is going to happen.
Pyrokinesis: in other words, the ability to control fire. It’s a power that could even get strong enough to make flames appear from your hand. Of course, a certain Dark Wings I know would be thrilled to have it, but I’m going to use it for something different.
Using my powers, I can raise my own temperature and make it seem like I’ve caught a cold. It’s kind of hard to control, but after a while I eventually find the perfect temperature. I can’t openly admit that I’m not going to school only to avoid receiving the award. I’m sure my mom would get mad at me for that.
Being able to skip school without any consequences, I just lie in my bed, looking at the same old ceiling as always. First period has probably already started.
I’m going to stay at home all day, so that I can properly pretend that I got sick.
It’s so quiet. Quieter than when I’m walking around the city, or than when I’m at school.
I take a deep breath, and close my eyes.
The amount of thoughts that I can hear at home is a lot smaller than at school. There’s no limit to how many people’s thoughts I can hear daily with my telepathy. But at home all I can hear is the sound of cars passing by every now and then. Since I can’t turn it on or off, this is truly peaceful and perfect for taking a break.
(Agh! I stepped on some poop!)
Well, I can hear the thoughts of pedestrians outside and some of my neighbors every now and then.
(Eh?! I stepped on another one! Damn it, one with each foot!)
This guy seems to be having the worst luck ever today.
“Those damned owners! At least take the time to pick your pet’s feces! Damn it!”
I hear his actual voice coming from outside the window. Good grief… how annoying. I move my sight to the window, still half asleep, and look at the curtains being moved by the breeze.
Oh, the window was open?
I opened it to let some air flow into the house, but forgot to close it later.
I close the window and lock it, just in case. I can do all this still lying in bed, just like I can turn off the lights as well.
It’s still a big upside, even though I have to hear people think about stepping on poop and whatnot.
Thinking about that, I start dozing off.
“Heat up! Come on, do it! Burn, burn!!”
I was dreaming. For some reason I couldn’t see his face well because of the light, but Hairo was there, too. Maybe it’s because I’m feeling guilty for skipping school, but it was a strange dream where Hairo was waving a tennis racket, for some reason.
I open my eyes, feeling warm, and having some trouble breathing. For some reason the room looks brighter than usual… No, that’s not it. This is—
I jump out of the bed. One side of the room is burning.
My bookshelf has completely collapsed because of the fire, and the floor and walls are on fire as well. Even the bed is starting to get burnt. This is bad. I try running out of the room, but I can’t breathe. I can’t see anything. I try to move forward anyways, and eventually I reach the door. I gasp for air after touching the doorknob. It seems like it got hot because of the fire, and now I don’t know whether my mind has gone numb, or whether that feeling right now was pain. Did I just burn myself? This is the first time I’ve ever suffered a burn before. I somehow manage to bring the door down with my body, as it falls on the floor, which is also on fire, just like the stairs and the first floor. Everything’s on fire.
I try to keep my body as low as possible, trying not to breathe in any smoke.
I can’t breathe. I need to go outside!
I get ready to teleport myself outside, but—
I can’t use my powers?!
I’m surrounded by the floor’s smoke and fire again.
Why? Why can’t I use them now? Come to think of it, I can’t hear the thoughts of people outside anymore either. I can’t hear anyone’s thoughts. Even after trying to take out the fire with a swift movement of my hand, nothing happens. I try using my x-ray vision, or my clairvoyance, but I can’t see anything. I’m all alone in the middle of a raging fire. I can’t hear anyone’s thoughts, even though I should, and I can’t see anyone’s face no matter how hard I try. I’m struck by a terrible feeling of solitude. Almost as if I were the only person left in the entire world. I’m surrounded by the fire. I need to survive. I always thought superpowers weren’t that big of a deal. But losing them at a moment like this…
Am I going to die here?
Am I going to die without ever getting my powers back?
No, that’s not it. This is a dream.
I open my eyes, startled.
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I sit on the bed and look around the room. Of course, there’s no fire anywhere. Nothing at all has changed since last time. My bookshelf’s still there, just like always, my television, and my plants, and of course cleft chin Nendo Riki and Dark Wings Kaido Shun as well…
Why are you here?!
“Eh? Finally woke up, partner? We heard that you caught a cold.”
“Are you okay, Saiki?”
For some reason the two of them are inside my room.
Nendo and Kaido… when did you get here? How did you come in? Through the ventilation ducts, through the pipelines, through the window? Was it the window? I’m sure I locked it earlier…
I’m sure I’m making a pained expression. Nendo looks at me and answers.
“If you’re confused, your mom invited us in. She told us to come to your room.”
Why did she do that?
“Also, she told us to look after you since she was going shopping.”
Why did she do that?
So basically, we’re the only ones inside this house. And I’m supposed to pretend that I’ve caught a cold and that I was sleeping. This is the worst. It’s even worse than those Mayan predictions about the world coming to an end.
I unconsciously screw my face as I feel a throbbing pain in my head.
“You should get some rest.” says Kaido, while I remember the dream I just had.
My head hurts. Did I predict the future?
Whenever I sleep and then immediately get a headache, it means that I’ve just used my clairvoyance. Just like with other powers, I can’t just turn my clairvoyance on and off. And it’s not like I can just pick any moment in the future and know what will happen. Clairvoyance suddenly comes at random and shows me events that will happen. It’s usually completely useless stuff, but this time it seems like something serious.
In my vision, I didn’t suddenly lose my powers, but I was always like that. If that were to become reality, then we might as well rename the manga to “The Disastrous Life of Powerless Saiki K”, without the ᴪ, which was just a very geeky idea by the author, that I’ve just had to learn to deal with week after week when we’re published on Shonen Jump. What a scary thought, though. I think we’d have to change the genre to psychological horror.
However, the real problem isn’t that, and neither is it the fact that I saw Hairo in my dream, but that this place is going to catch fire. There’s no doubt that a fire that size would burn the entire house to the ground.
My dream predictions are always 100% correct. This house will burn in the near future. However, I could only see what happens afterward, so I don’t know the cause. Well, I do see two potential causes right in front of me, considering Nendo is just an idiot, and Dark Wings Kaido is obsessed with things that catch on fire. Though since they obviously didn’t just come here to set things on fire, it’s still impossible to know what the cause will be. I can change the future slightly. All I have to do is find the fire while it’s still contained, and put it out before it goes out of control.
Good grief… what a bother.
“Eh? Right, we brought you something,” says Nendo as he brings out something. What?! Don’t tell me this is the cause of the fire! I carefully look at Nendo’s hands.
However, unlike what I expected, it’s just a manga volume.
“You’re free anyways, right? It’s the first volume of Shinseiki.”
“Shinseiki”? I had never heard of it.
I take it and look at its long title “Shinseiki Idol Densetsu: Kanata Seven Change”. I see. I definitely had never even heard of this manga. Well, I kind of get the feeling that someone I know bought it at some point. Also, Nendo said “first volume” but this is more like the “only volume”. Who’s the author? I see. Okay, well, I guess I’ll try reading it eventually.
In any case, this doesn’t have anything to do with the fire.
But now Kaido pulls something out of his pocket.
“Saiki, want to play a game? I’m sure you’re free, anyways, so I brought this to you!”
Kaido had a memory card in his hands.
“It’s loaded with a copy of Wonder Adventure’s Plasma Warrior. You can even enter the hidden dungeons.”
That’s a game that I’ve never heard of, but I still take his useless present. Well, I still thank him for the memory card. I might be able to use it eventually.
But this is still not it.
I closely examine the memory card time and time again. There’s nothing special about it, other than data. How will the house burn down, then? I don’t have this Wonder whatever device at home. But it also doesn’t feel like anything will explode if the three of us try to play it together. I hope not, at least.
I keep thinking about the possible cause of the fire.
“What’s wrong Saiki? Are you still sick?” Kaido asks with a grimace. This is bad, I don’t think I can examine this memory card anymore.
“That’s it! I also brought something useful. Here’s a mask, considering you caught a cold.”
Kaido looks in his bag for a while and takes the mask out.
“Here it is. The ‘Monster Destroyer’ mask that I saw at the pharmacy.”
Here’s the face mask that’s completely useless for my current situation.
I’m sure they were selling it as a party item, anyways. It’s just like those horse masks that were popular a few years ago.
Good grief, what a useless item. Who would ever wear this?
I closely look at the mask Kaido gave me. It’s the kind of product you buy only once in your life.
“Pretty cool, huh? I bought it to match mine.”
Kaido’s eyes shine with excitement as he takes out a similar but different colored mask from his bag. Seems like I found the guy that will buy more than one of these.
This is also completely unrelated to the fire.
I hold the mask as I keep thinking. My prediction will come true no matter what. And it has to happen in the near future. Most likely today. However, I really can’t see what the cause could possibly be.
“Eh? This is amazing!”
Nendo takes the mask away from me, and before I realize it, he’s already wearing it. Good grief, it really is dangerous having him around without knowing what he’s thinking.
“Hey, you bastard, I bought that for Saiki!”
Kaido extends his hand and demands that Nendo return the mask. Nendo just holds it up high so he won’t reach. Then, almost as if laughing at Kaido for being short, Nendo puts the mask on.
“Give it back! Ugh… I can’t reach!”
“Eh? It’s pretty dark and calm in here!”
Nendo is pretty buff, so he really does look like a minotaur with this horse-like monster mask on. Upon a closer look at it, the mask is actually pretty similar to Nendo’s regular face. Maybe it’s because the mask is very well crafted, or simply because Nendo’s real face already looks pretty close to a Monster Destroyer. It’s bizarrely close to his real face.
I look at him, and eventually we look at each other. Or did we? In any case, the horse-like monster face is looking at me.
“Hey, partner. Aren’t you hungry?”
Okay, seems like he’s back to this already. And now that he mentions it, I realize I am indeed hungry. Come to think of it, I haven’t eaten any proper food all day. I’ve just been sleeping.
“Alright, then wait here, partner! I’ll go prepare some good ramen for you! You can’t get better if you don’t eat!”
The bizarre creature with Nendo’s body and the Monster Destroyer head dashes out of the room. Kaido follows him.
“W-Wait! The mask… Saiki, I’ll go help Nendo. I’ll make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid, so you just rest. Sleeping is key when recovering from a cold.”
Sorry for all this trouble, Kaido.
I appreciate Kaido’s good intentions, but there’s no way I can sleep in this situation. Oh well… looks like the cause was you guys after all. I just confirmed the dream I had.
I use my x-ray vision to look at Nendo and Kaido in the kitchen.
It doesn’t mean I can’t do anything just because I’m supposed to be in bed. If I let these two do as they please, I’ll be enjoying their delicious ramen in heaven tomorrow. I need to control them somehow.
In the kitchen, they’re getting everything ready.
Kaido is taking some bowls, and Nendo takes out some prepackaged ramen from his bag.
“Alright, time to prepare some good ramen!”
Nendo is getting fired up. I can’t help but feel worried. More importantly, that mask on his face makes him look like a complete monster. No, that’s not quite right. It makes him look like a complete Monster Destroyer. However, just one look at Nendo’s huge hands makes me think that he must be awful at cooking.
Ignoring my concerns, Nendo rinses the pot with water, and then fills it up to start boiling it. Can he even see what’s in front of him with that mask on?
I look at the stove turn on, and then call it.
This must be what causes the fire. Nendo starts reading the instructions on the back of the package while the water boils. Can he even read what’s in front of him with that mask on? I’m worried.
He mutters something from inside the mask.
“I can just do this by feeling, right? Eh?”
This is bad! Nendo is definitely not suited for cooking!
Kaido, who’s much more careful and delicate than Nendo, should be the one taking care of this. Please, Kaido. Don’t let Nendo cook.
I plead for Kaido’s help. But Kaido is just making funny faces while looking at his reflection in the knife he’s holding.
This is bad! Kaido is also incompetent in his own way!
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“Ha! Ha! Ha! It’s been a long time since I’ve fought some small fries like you!” he says while he flimsily holds some uncut onions in his other hand. He starts spinning the onions around, and lightly rubs his finger against the kitchen knife’s blade. The entire scene is far too dangerous, and I can’t watch.
Maybe he’s a master of the knife?
Kaido finishes cutting the onions, and just as expected, they’re a complete mess, still attached in several parts.
“You’re not cutting them, eh?”
“When you reach my mastery level, just cutting them regularly is not enough.”
What are you even talking about?
He then clumsily starts throwing the onions into the water, and Nendo complains.
“Those onions won’t work like that!”
His voice coming out of the mask. He then forcibly takes the onions from Kaido’s hand. Destroy Onion Monster… for some reason that phrase comes to mind.
“Damn it. Cut them properly…”
He starts muttering, while his mask’s expression remains completely unchanged, and then begins cutting the onions. Looking useless, Kaido also begins muttering some complaints under his breath, and looks for something else to do.
“Alright then… in that case, I’ll take care of the eggs. Eggs are nutritious and delicious. Oh… the shell… No way… The shell fell in…?! Is this what they call fate…?!”
Please, Kaido, give fate a break.
I wearily watch the shell get mixed with the egg white.
“The shell’s still there! Damn it, do it properly…”
Once again, Nendo takes the plate and the eggs from Kaido, and starts separating the egg and the shell with some chopsticks.
I take a look at the nightmarish sight of a horse-like Monster Destroyer standing in my kitchen, the mask dangling all over the place, as he starts taking care of all the cooking.
“Eh? Seems like it’s finally boiling!”
Nendo starts mixing the noodles with his chopsticks, and stirring them around the bowl, looking clearly satisfied with himself. He then throws the egg inside. Then, for some reason, he starts throwing every single condiment he can find in there, one after the other.
What are you doing, Nendo? Kaido, stop that self-proclaimed professional chef! Hey, wait! Why are you adding curry as well? What are you trying to prepare here?! Are you really preparing ramen?
After adding as many condiments as were humanly possible, Nendo takes off the mask, and wipes off the sweat. He then carelessly leaves the mask right next to the fire.
“Whew… It’s hot… Eh? I can finally see in front of me!”
So you weren’t seeing anything…
Now that you can see, at least take a look at what you dare call ramen right in front of you… Though I guess it’s too late to even call it that anymore.
“Eh? What the hell is this?! Smoke is coming from the mask!”
“You idiot! What did you do?! What’s with this smoke?! Ugh! My eyes!”
The mask Nendo took off has caught on fire. Smoke keeps towering over the mask and raising towards the ceiling. Nendo and Kaido start crying in pain, as smoke enters their eyes and surrounds them. I see, so this is how it starts.
This is the moment that my clairvoyance predicted.
Here it is. This is the cause of the fire.
I open my eyes wide. In an instant, I find myself in front of the fire that was rapidly spreading slows down and extinguish it. Now I should turn on the extraction fan. I reach the switch with my finger and turn it on. Fortunately, the two were panicking so they didn’t see me doing any of that.
Once the smoke is out of the kitchen, the two finally calm down, and pick up the mask.
“How lucky. It only burnt a little.”
“That was dangerous. Today is windy, so we have to be careful with fire.”
Though you were the one that started it in the first place.
In any case, with this, I’ve finally cleared that prediction.
I managed to change the future. It should be fine now.
I look at Kaido and Nendo getting back to cooking with my x-ray vision and predict yet another ominous scenario.
And a few moments later—
I hear a knock on the door, and my prediction becomes reality. The… ramen-like thing that Nendo and Kaido prepared is placed in front of me.
“Eat up, partner! It’s delicious!”
You at least tried it, right?
“Saiki, you might not be hungry, but you have to at least force yourself to eat something, or you won’t get better!”
Kaido… actually I am hungry. I am, but…
I take the chopsticks in my hand and take a careful look at the bowl in front of me.
It looks surprisingly normal, though. It’s served in a neat, little bowl that’s actually quite charming. However, its appearance in contrast with their displayed cooking skills just gives it an eerie feeling. I might actually fall sick if I end up eating this. That’s a consequence that even a non-esper would easily predict. They say that food will generally taste as good as it looks. But if I eat this, then I might end up dying and fulfilling the prophecy I saw in my dream.
I can’t eat this…
I look at it, and my face instinctively reacts.
Nendo and Kaido are looking at me, expectant. They tried their best. Even though they just had to prepare a simple instant ramen, the onions, the egg, and then the fire all caused them a lot of trouble.
They don’t know it, but I saw it all with my x-ray vision.
Ugh… There’s no other way…!
I brace myself and take a tiny sip.
My heart is racing as I put the spoon in my mouth, and then eat it. Nendo and Kaido look at each other relieved that I’ve started eating.
The chopsticks in my hand immediately start trembling.
“What do you think, partner? Pretty good, huh?”
“What’s wrong, Saiki? Does it taste bad?”
My entire body is shaking. And it’s not shaking because the ramen tastes bad, or because there’s some raw meat mixed in with it.
It’s just…
No way…
It actually tastes pretty average. The ramen in front of me tastes just like it looks: average.
Nendo… can you actually really cook?
I shudder as I realize the shocking truth.
I never imagined that at least Nendo’s tongue wasn’t completely stupid. I always just assumed all of him was stupid, but this is a nice surprise.
Come to think of it… the one who messed up the onions and the egg was Kaido. In comparison, Nendo was actually considerably competent.
I’m even more shocked than I was by the fire.
I think about it as I keep eating. And yet, I’m struck by a strange feeling.
Wait a minute… this is strange. For some reason I can’t calm down.
I keep drinking the soup.
I predicted the fire in my dreams.
My predictions are absolute, and we averted the crisis earlier… Then, why…? Why do I still feel uneasy? Was that really enough to fulfill the prediction? Can I just assume that Monster Destroyer mask was enough?
Maybe I haven’t reached the moment where the fire actually starts.
I look at the ramen, deep in thought.
Does this mean there’s still something else…?
“Eh, partner. There’s plenty more for seconds, so eat up.”
So there’s still some ramen left…
Seems like I was completely underestimating Nendo’s abilities. I never thought he would even prepare enough for seconds. However, if it really is true that we haven’t reached the fire yet, then I can’t let Kaido and Nendo stay here any longer.
Nendo will definitely try to carry me to safety, and probably Kaido as well, recklessly trying to save us all. It doesn’t take any clairvoyance to assume that’s how it will go down.
As for Kaido, he always forgets to stay in character in moments like that. And I’m sure that he would put my safety over his if something happened. It’s precisely because Kaido is a good guy, that situations like these are particularly dangerous.
That’s why I can’t get them involved any further.
Making them stay would be wrong.
I feel kind of bad saying it after they’ve prepared me a meal, but I need them to leave.
I leave my chopsticks to the side and get ready to tell them to go. I can deal with a fire no problem, if I’m by myself.
If only I could get them to leave before that…
But would that be okay, though? Am I really okay with that?
I feel another throbbing pain in my head. And then in an instant, I see countless images flash in front of my eyes.
I see, so that’s how it is. I never imagined this was the way to prevent the fire.
I take my chopsticks in my hand again and keep eating.
I may have eaten too much.
I stay in place, feeling completely stuffed. I kept eating one ramen bowl after the other, until I couldn’t even move anymore.
This is bad… I’m feeling genuinely sick.
I’m lying down in bed.
“Eh? Partner? What’s wrong?”
“I’m sure he’s just tired. We’ve helped enough. I think it’s time we go home.”
Kaido places a blanket over my motionless body and puts the mask that Nendo had been wearing until just recently over my face.
Why am I getting tortured?
“See you tomorrow at school, partner!”
“Saiki! Get well soon!”
The two say, as they shut the door slowly and leave my room.
I can hear them walking on the floor as I turn around and feel slightly relieved. I take the Monster Destroyer mask off my face and sigh quietly.
Good grief… finally some peace.
I never expected Nendo and Kaido to show up. No one from elementary school or middle school ever visited me.
I hear the front door open and then close. They went home.
Then I hear Nendo’s ridiculously loud voice coming from just outside the window.
“Eh? Did I just step on something?”
I also never expected that eating up all the ramen was the way to avert the fire.
I lie in my dark bedroom as I listen to Nendo’s conversation with kaido.
“Is that a cigarette butt? Who would throw one out in a place like this?”
“We can’t just pretend it’s not there… maybe we should look for a trash can and throw it out.”
And so, they walk away.
The cause of the fire was the cigarette butt that Nendo just stepped on all along. If Nendo hadn’t stepped on it, then my house would’ve caught on fire.
You might think that’s a stupid cause, but that’s how easy it is to change the future. By eating up all the ramen they prepared, Nendo would take a little longer to leave. And then, by chance, he’d end up stepping on the cigarette butt. A cigarette butt that, otherwise, would’ve been blown by the wind into my house and eventually create a fire. Now there won’t be any fire. I’ve avoided a terrible future.
Despite being always so unpredictable, Nendo managed to behave exactly as planned this time.
Their two voices start sounding distant, and then I hear complete silence.
I look at the empty bowl inside the room. The sound of the clock that I’m used to sounds a lot louder than usual for some reason. Maybe it’s because Nendo and Kaido were here just moments ago, but my room now seems incredibly quiet and spacious. Maybe even a little chilly.
No, wait a minute.
What’s this? Don’t tell me I’m actually feeling lonely? No, there’s no way. Absolutely no way. I’m happy that those noisy idiots finally left. In fact, I’m thrilled to finally get to have some peace and quiet. That’s how I’ve always been. When I was in elementary school and in middle school, I always preferred peace and quiet. That’s how I chose to be. On my own accord.
However, here’s a pretty interesting thought.
It might sound strange, but just the fact of letting Kaido and Nendo stay for a little longer, having them cook for me, and then go home, managed to change the entire future.
The future really does change massively even with the smallest changes. Then that must mean that just meeting Kaido and Nendo has also changed my future dramatically. And it will keep changing from now on…
If I hadn’t been placed in the same class as those two, then we would’ve never met, and they wouldn’t have visited today.
I think about it and start feeling uneasy yet again. Why am I feeling uneasy? I’m sure I managed to avert the fire, but I’m still not calm at all. What am I feeling? This is something different.
I keep coming up with different words to describe it as I lie in my dark room, but I can’t find anything convincing.
Damn it, the only one I can think of is that I feel lonely. I feel lonely.
I turn around over the bed over and over as I mull it over. But no matter how many times I turn around, I still feel uneasy.
Good grief… I know I said how not being able to turn my telepathy on and off can get annoying, but at least it does help me organize my own thoughts better.
When I think about that, I realize that I wouldn’t want anyone hearing what I’m thinking right now out of pure embarrassment. And especially if Nendo and Kaido heard this, I think I’d get so embarrassed I could die.
I’m really glad no one can hear my thoughts.
Huh? What? A reader?
Come to think of it, you’ve been reading this entire text all this time.
But that’s okay.
Even readers can’t really know what I’m thinking. I’m sure you don’t know what this uneasy feeling I’m referring to is. There’s no way for you to tell what I’m feeling, when I don’t even know what it is. There’s absolutely no way.
Those of you reading this aren’t espers, after all.
I point my finger towards the switch, and turn the light on, just in case.
I’m an esper. There’s no doubt about it. It’s going to get dark soon.
I start reading a manga in my quiet room.
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sneezemonster15 · 3 years
Calling bullshit on the opinion that Kishimoto doesn't know how to write romance.
The reason why this entire shipping business on Naruto has been going on for over a decade and still going strong, making fans go absolutely mindless, about a story which is not even about romance, about things that are so effective and impactful that the fans feel completely consumed with it, to the extent where they have almost completely defined their life and philosophies on its basis, is because Kishimoto can write a good fucking romance. And that's what he did. That's the reason why ships are fighting with each other, because it's not just about Naruto the manga or Naruto the series, it's about how they imagine their own romance, it's a deep, profound feeling. That's why they have strong motivations and convictions that drive their insight into the story. That's why there is so much polarity in Naruto fandom. They are ready to jump to protect their ship at a moment's notice because that's how much it means to them.
Are you telling me that it just happened on its own? Just happy coincidences and random factors?
A lot, a lot of thought goes behind closed doors of the studios. I know this because I work in the business. The reason why I was so astounded with Naruto's story because it was actually a brave story. A brave concept. In a shonen. Because I am ready to bet a million dollars I don't have on the fact that Kishimoto knew what he was doing. Anyone who enjoys poetry, or literature, or drama can, if not approve, appreciate Naruto and Sasuke's story. Because it's that deep. Because it's that impactful. Because it's that dark. Because it's that tragic. Because it's that tender. Because it's that painful.
Because it's so...
These are all the ingredients of a well written romance. This is the reason why I don't care about other ships because I know that SNS is not random or a projection. It's mindfully and carefully and even tenderly written and developed.
Kishimoto's projection? Oh sure. It stands to reason that someone from his real life affected and inspired his favourite character through and through. He did say that he based some characters on certain people from his own life. And he did base Naruto on his own self, if partly. And the reason why I am able to surmise that he could have had a real crush on someone like Sasuke in real life, is because how clearly and insightfully written and contrasted the two characters are. So nuanced. They are like poetry, that's why I am so dazzled with them. Their story is so beautifully shaped by their characters and growth that it creates a clear impression of who they really are in the story. Soulmates. That's the whole crux of the story. They are written out to be this literally 'once in several lifetimes' pairing that finally broke the bonds of hate with bonds of love and changed the entire world and as a result, grew themselves. This is reflected in themselves what with Sasuke being propelled with hate and Naruto with love and coming together finally in a world that they made happen, for each other. And all of their parts and counterparts with which they think and move and function are so well in sync with each other that they lock together perfectly, like two pieces in a two piece puzzle box.
To say that this intricately and intelligently and tenderly written story is just like, an accident, my lord no!
No. The content that is finally syndicated on screens all over the world, especially with the type of response Naruto has enjoyed, and believe me when I say this, everything goes through many levels of scrutiny during production; to the extent of why would this camera angle work better than all the other angles, here's a flowchart and analysis of all of them and let's spend three days on deciding it while the producers are going crazy frustrated with fanatic creatives. This is a very common thing to happen in most serious studios.
Naruto stood out at the time it came out and reached a much larger audience for several reasons. But one of them was that it got the right exposure and was shown to critics outside of Japan, who could appreciate and admire it's cinematic beauty and this reached a different subset of audience. This extra effort is not consistent but it shines at so many places, because it's just good storytelling technically and aesthetically. And the reason why Naruto and Sasuke stand smack dab in the middle of that storytelling, is because Kishimoto told their story with so much feeling, it literally shows. The nuance is just crazy. Note that I am saying nuance and not subtext, even though it's there in heaps. But I want to make a distinction clearly. Like I can write pages and pages over it. Anyway, their story stands out because the nuances are so well defined and mindfully drawn by Kishi, that one can't help but wonder if Kishi actually experienced them. And they are just small things but still get a lot of exposure in the manga and anime. And because they are so small but clearly noticeable, it makes us stop in our tracks and think. And the thing is Kishimoto could have easily done without them and it would have made everything still seem undisturbed but he chose Not to. That kind of decision is a direct result of deep understanding, feeling and thinking in terms of forming a certain visual approach and meaning. The visual language Kishi has used to show their chemistry, their bond, their need for each other, is so tangible, like you could cut it with a knife, that it makes one feel something is right below the surface, simmering and about to explode, but you can't put your finger on what it exactly is. Until you start to think. And it takes some time.
You think that kind of writing is random? Are you out of your mind?
No, Kishi is a maniac. He pulled something that was not easy at all. He is a genius. He is also sadistic because he knows he didn't give us a resolution. Resolution is cathartic to viewers and the reason that nobody got any with Naruto and still not getting any from Boruto is making everyone go crazy. Fifteen years is a long time man. And I can bet my other non existent one million dollars on it. He owns a lot of rights over Naruto franchise, I don't think he can be cowed down to such an extent even by the studio. Kishi fought studios for a few significant scenes of Naruto and Sasuke, he is not unfeeling about them.
Maybe I am being a mere deductionist but more often than not, deduction is right. It's a valid form of acquiring knowledge. Sherlock is right more times than he is not.
Anyway, my point is, Kishi can write romance. Kishi can write very good romance. He could have chosen to remove some tropes and make Naruto and Sasuke either just brotherly or friendly. But he chose not to. A lot of people think that they are platonic. And I think I know why. But I don't. They are not platonic. They seem like they feel physically aware of each other, acutely so. they just don't know what it is. Maybe Sasuke does, Naruto doesn't. Kishi used also such common tropes to show this element, but just because it is in shonen and between two boys, y'all won't believe it. Don't you feel that palpable feeling, the simmering tension and emotion when they fight at the valley of the end both times? And it makes you think maybe it's just you, and what you are thinking can't be true because this is shonen and it would mean they are gay, let me tell you, no it's not you. It is Kishi. And it takes skill to write. Something like this is almost always used as a trope of unaddressed sexual tension in media. Pick any romantic drama of this genre, where 'hate turned to love' or 'two unlikely people who fall in love' and you would find it in almost every single one of them.
Why do you think Kishi designed it that way? You think with all the detail (action moves are literally inspired by real life martial arts, lighting, sound, editing, dialogues that sound like out of a Bronte novel), that was him just playing innocent?
No. No. No. And No!
He wrote SNS throughout Naruto and Shippuden and is still doing something of an extension of it that has made Boruto a weird and uncomfortable to watch family drama.
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0aurelion-sol0 · 4 years
The importance of the number "3" in SNK.
(This is my second meta so please be gentle with me.)
You might think this meta or theory might be a little bit of stretch but I want to do it anyway because I think there is an interesting pattern with this number throughout the series. It is either something something intentional, the favorite number of Isayama or nothing particular.
But I don't so let's get into it.
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Throughout the series, there has been an important number of groups composed essentially of three people.
They are even right now in the story, three important trios.
The classic one, the E.M.A trio. ( Eren, Mikasa and Armin.)
The veteran trio. ( Hange, Levi, Erwin.)
The warrior trio. (Reiner, Annie, Bertholt.)
And even Jean, Sasha, Connie are a trio.
They essentially all are a big part of SNK and represents each of them, an important of SNK's narrative.
The E.M.A trio is our first and main trio of the series, they represent friendship and even family to some entent in the face of war and conflict. It is also a trio especially built around the relationship about each other. They are also the basis for many of the other trios out there.
The veteran trio is literally about veterans and how they face their responsabilities against war and themselves, they are with the warrior, an extremely tragic trio built around the importance of carrying your dury to respect your fallen comrades even at the expanse your own health. They are essentially a representation of our own veterans who went through war and hell. They are also what the E.M.A trio could become if they become veterans just like them.
The warrior trio. They are a parallel and a mirror of the E.M.A trio. Their relationship aren't the best, they are child soldiers and essentially are a representations of the dangers of war. They are also the other side of the coin and represent the contrast that has largely changed the story.
Each of these characters reflects in another character from the E.M.A trio.
Eren reflects in both Reiner and Hange.
Hange through their obsession with titans and sometimes extreme violence as shown during the uprising arc and even lunacy in her suicidal approach mirrors Eren sometimes. They are both extremely strong willed. But Hange is also what Eren could have been if he grew up in a different environment. They are also extremely androgynous.
Reiner. I don't think it needs an explanation. You can find plenty of other metas out there about how they mirror each other. They are the hero of two different worlds. Isayama has made an interview about how he is the main character now in the manga during the Marley arc. It is also to be noted that their both suicidal. They also have a strong driving force that can push people to follow them. Their character design are also contrary to one another.
It is also good to note that Hange almost killed Reiner during the Shiganshina arc. Perhaps representing or foreshadowing an older Eren confronting Reiner.
Mikasa is reflected in both Levi and Annie.
Levi. Of course I don't think there is an explanation do here. Ackerman. Heavy and important connection to someone else. Strong characters. Very cold and closed people. He is a representation of what Mikasa could be if she lost Eren. Just like he lost Erwin, Mikasa could potentially become like him after losing Eren. Their character design are very much alike and they are both extremely muscular.
Annie. They mirror each other through how different they are to one another. They have a few common aspect. They are in a relationship that is impossible to one another. Annie - Armin, Mikasa - Eren. They are both excellent fighters. They both are cold but care for their loved ones. However Mikasa is a natural born fighter or atleast one that became a fighter through natural ways. Whereas Annie has trained with her father to get there. While Annie runs away from conflict, Mikasa isn't afraid of it as most her life has been built around it. Just like Reiner and Eren, their character design are also very contrary to one another.
We can also note that Annie killed the whole squad of Levi and fought against both him and Mikasa at the same time and that both of them have fallen asleep and dissapeared for a long period of time, at least in the manga's publishing of the chapter.
Armin reflects in both Erwin and Bertholt.
Again with Erwin, there is this representation of what he could become or what he wants to become. We know Armin has always been against his revival and doesn't think he can live up to the commander. They are both extremely smart and have very good results in their strategy and military operations, they both aren't scared to sacrifice themselves.
Bertholt. They both feel weak. They both feel useless. They both use the same logic in some kinda way. They both have hidden talents. They both have a hidden monstrous side in them. They were and are the Colossal Titan. They both have "romantic feelings" for Annie. However, Bertholt doesn't have the same strategic skill as Armin, he even needs people to tell him what to do sometimes. Their character designs are extremely contrary to one another. Armin is bubbly, small and blonde haired. Bertholt is stone faced, tall and black haired.
Erwin and Armin were at the center of Bertholt and their own fates. The Serum event changed the manga. It is only fitting that his parallel gets the Colossal Titan.
If we now look at Jean, Sasha and Connie...
Eren is what Jean can never become. Jean doesn't have the same power or should I say mentality to be able to kill those children in Liberio. No matter how cool he thinks Eren is. He will only have what Eren has failed to use : empathy. And the not-so-much rival of Eren, is in the traditional sense of shonen, the one who respects him the most. Mikasa "loves" Eren and Jean loves Mikasa but she doesn't have the same feelings back just like Eren.
Sasha is what I think Mikasa could have been if she had a family and who she was before losing that family. They have the same moment of definitive action which overcome their insecurities. Sasha facing off against the titan which threatens Kaya, Mikasa killing the man who killed her parents.
Connie's illogical breakdown when he tried to sacrifice Falco is what Armin fears, the feeling of wrong that is inside of him, the feeling of not living up to Erwin. The man who he sees as always putting logic over emotions something that didn't happen when he was revived. The fear of one day responding with emotions rather than logic and will then confirm he was not the right choice.
Historia's trio.
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Historia has three different people in her life representing something important to her.
Frieda = Family
Ymir = Love
Eren = Friendship
But they also represent many of her dualities in her development.
Frieda = Selflessness/ Inaction
Eren = Selfishness/ Action
Ymir = Pride
It is very interesting that one of the most complex character of SNK whose themes still rings true today has this particular set of three people who defines her or at least helps define herself. She then must have some importance to what is going on right now.
Three groups.
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The latest arc has been a war in all the sense of the word with three groups fighting for supremacy.
The Jeagerist, nationalistic organisation and fascistic of the oldest Eldian King's ideology we know. Led by Eren Jeager and Floch Forster with the help of Marleyan Volunteers, Zeke Yeager.
The Marleyans, colonialist, genociders and fascists fighting for the supremacy of Marley and the genocide of Eldian. Led by Theo Magath with the Eldian Warriors.
The Eldian Army ( Survey Corps at most. ) built around the patriotic values of the 13th Commander of the Survey Corps Erwin Smith or the Survey Corps at large. Against the genocide, the euthanisation and hopes for a peaceful and non-violent future. Fights for Freedom and Humanity. Led By 14th Commander Hange Zoe.
So there is atleast a definitive pattern here. Maybe it's all a coïncidence or a stretch.
But I have more.
So let's pass some of them right now.
There are nine titans. 3 x 3 = 9.
The Eldian Military has three branches : The Survey Corps, The Garrison and the Military Police Brigade.
The soldiers use an equipment called the "Three" Dimensional Maneuver Gear.
They can use three weapons : Swords, Guns and Thunder Spears.
There are three titans that attacked Eldia : The Colossal Titan, The Armored Titan and The Female Titan.
In Shiganshina, three titans were actively on the opposite side (not counting Pieck as she barely fought unlike Liberio and The Attack on Eldia by Marley.) : The Beast Titan, The Armored Titan and The Colossal Titan.
This resulted in three groups :
Eren and Armin vs The Colossal Titan.
Levi and Erwin and the rest of the Survey Corps vs the Beast Titan
The 104th and Hange vs The Armored Titan.
The 104th has lost three main characters that were on their side eaten by titan: Marco, Ymir and Bertholt.
Eren has lost three who formed his family : Hannes, His Father and His Mother.
There are three commanders from the Survey Corps that we know who have died. Keith Shadis, Erwin Smith and Hange Zoé.
There are three warriors who attacked Shiganshina with Marley : Reiner, Pieck and Porco.
There are three walls.
There are three royal families.
Ymir Fritz has three daughters.
Eren has three titans : The Founder, The Warhammer Titan and The Attack Titan.
We have only seen three Ackerman fighting: Mikasa, Levi and Kenny.
Titan Shifters have 13 years to live.
Erwin Smith is the 13th commander of the Survey Corps.
We have only seen three nations physically: Marley, Eldia and the Middle Eastern Alliances.
Only three nations plays a significant role in the story: Marley, Eldia and the Azumabito's nation.
The Manga has been divided into three different period.
1. The Fall of Shiganshina to the Female Titan Arc.
2. Clash of the titans to the Return in Shiganshina.
3. The Marley Arc to the War for Paradis Arc.
Now let's look at the page cover of volumes.
Volume 3 shows us our first look at a titan shifter.
Volume 1,2,3 act as a representation of the E.M.A trio.
Volume 1 = Eren
Volume 2 = Mikasa
Volume 3 = Armin.
Volume 13, volume where the Uprising Arc start. The most important arc of the manga in terms of this thematics still relevant today.
Volume 23, volume where the timeskip happens and shows us the other perspective of this manga.
Volume 30, shows us Paths and The founder Ymir.
Volume 31, Future Memory of Eren seeing Mikasa facing the Colossal Titans.
Volume 32, Possible Hope, the Alliance happens. Marley and Eldia helps each other to save the world.
There is still more. My first meta has been about how SNK's afterlife is real.
This makes up for three different dimension.
The Living World.
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The Afterlife
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The Anime also followed that pattern with:
The Third Opening.
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Literally called " Shinzou wo Sasageyo " taking the catchphrase of this manga and making an anthem about it while also having many subliminal message about the story.
The Third Ending.
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It spoils the whole manga and the origin of the story. It reveals the three daughters of Ymir and is the creepiest thing ever put out in this world.
Now for the last point. Yes there's more but It's the last one I promise.
We need to take a look at every chapter who has a three in it. And we can see that in every single chapter something very important happens.
Chapter 3 : Presentation of the three branches of the Military, of all the characters and return of the Colossal Titan.
Chapter 13 : End of Trost Arc, A possessed and uncontrolled Eren Yeager, " I'm willing to be the butcher " while we are being shown an untamed Attack Titan. Possible Foreshadowing of the last Arc with a Possessed Eren Yeager, Mikasa fighting titans and saving people and Armin trying to get Eren to his senses.
Chapter 23: The First appearance of the Female Titan and our first look at the possibility of another Titan Shifter. Also our first look at Ymir Fritz appearances in the form of the female titan as she was a woman herself and because there is no male titan.
Chapter 30-39 : Foreshadowings left and right about what lies inside the wall. The Warriors and about the existence of Marley.
Chapter 33 : First appearance of the Colossal Titans inside the wall.
Chapter 43 : The Clash of the titan begins. The Armored Titan is revealed with the Colossal and fights with the Attack Titan.
Chapter 53 : Our First Look at Frieda Reiss and the powers of the Attack Titan and the Founder.
Chapter 63 : Eren and Historia learns the truth about Grisha Yeager. He's the one who killed her family and sister Frieda Reiss. Historia is confronted to a choice.
Chapter 73 : We return to Shiganshina and establishes our main trio's thematics.
Eren = Rage.
Mikasa = Pride.
Armin = Hope.
We also learn how Eren started to know he wasn't free, through Armin's eyes and passion of the outside world.
Chapter 83 : The Serum Event or Serumbowl start. Levi fights with Eren and Mikasa to choose who will get the spinal fluid and eat Bertholt, the Colossal Titan. Armin or Erwin, who is the right choice ?
Chapter 93 : Marley Arc, Zeke pressures Marley to go and attack Eldia, something they didn't want to do which will result in the festival, the attack on Liberio and the retribution for Liberio and the Rumbling. Reiner prepares Falco for their dark future.
Chapter 103 : The Liberio operation is a sucess. The Warhammer is taken, the port is destroyed and Zeke is retrieved.
Chapter 113 : Zeke And Levi fights, Zeke start his operation to euthanize Eldian. Levi is defeated by Zeke putting him out of the action for a short time.
Chapter 123 : The Rumbling is starting. All Eldians see Paths and hear Eren's speech. Mikasa question her perspective of Eren.
Chapter 130 : The Rumbling has finally arrived in Marley. Eren's motivation are slowly being revealed and deconstructed. Historia reappears after a long period of time.
Chapter 131 : The effects of the Rumbling happens. Horrible death for Ramzi and his friend. Ymir Fritz appears. Eren and Armin connect through Paths. A partial answer to "that sight" is revealed.
Chapter 132 : Floch Forster dies bringing an end to the Jeagearist. Hange Zoé dies making her the third commander of the Survey Corps to die. The afterlife is revealed, the plane takes off and our heroes goes to see Eren.
Again, it's a pattern. I don't know if this is something important or a way of Isayama showing he likes the number three. I don't have a definitive idea as to what this could mean but there is something to dig here.
This leaves us on a interesting and ominous note.
The chapter 133 is right in the corner, if my theory is right. Something important is going to happen.
We've hit our lowest point in the series and the Jeagearist arc has officialy ended. What is going to happen now ? Well...
The possibilities :
1. Historia's pov. It has been a long time, we've asked of her. And it's also been a long time her attitude has made no real sense. At least character wise, she has regressed like every character and it's intentionnal on Isayama's part. She must have some importance.
2. Levi's pov. We've got Armin's, Hange's and Mikasa's. But we don't what he really thinks about all of this of Eren's change.
3. Ackertalk. Levi and Mikasa needs to talk about it. They need to go through this for their development.
4. Levi and Armin talk about his choice to save him over Erwin. They never really got to talk face to face about it. They need this closure and now that Armin is the commander, he needs Levi support the most.
5. Possible talk with Annie about what she did to them. If she ever got on the plane with the kids, I think Annie needs to be confronted with that.
6. Possible new about how or where Zeke is ?
Whatever it is, we're entering the final phase of this manga. This chapter is going to set up the final plot points of the story and now, more than ever, our characters are going to face their biggest challenge.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 3 years
Ranma ½ is GENIUS. Here’s Why by  Bonsai Pop
The thing I really appreciated about Ranma ½ when I was younger, was that it was a discussion about gender without getting sidetracked by sex, the way most “sex comedies” did, especially at the time.  At the time, publishers tried to market Ranma ½ as a “sex comedy” in the vein of raunchy college-setting Hollywood movies or fanservicy Male Gaze series (compare “Futaba-kun Change” or the proceeding “harem genre” that Ranma ½ started).  But Ranma ½ felt more like a discussion about gender more than sex, or even more than sexuality.  And being an AroAce kid, who didn’t know what AroAce was at the time, but was very confused about my gender, I really appreciated Ranma ½’s focus on gender over sex, fanservice, and heterosexuals navigating (sexual) relationships—which, I *cannot* express enough, was the saturated majority of all anime/manga, that even came close to discussing gender, at the time.  I just wanted a discussion about gender, gender roles, complaining about presumed traditional ideas about gender, and how to define one’s own gender despite society’s pressures about gender.  I wanted a discussion about Strength, that the martial arts genre did so often, without an advocation for sexist ideals, toxic masculinity, stereotypes about “feminine” being weaker (even as warriors), fixated only on romance, or any number of female stereotypes, etc.  I feel like I can’t remind people enough of how it was back then, when not only were these toxic mysoginist ideas portrayed frequently, but they were also portrayed as good, true, “right”, or unquestioned.  At least when Ranma Saotome was being a sexist jerk, he was punished for that terrible thinking or eventually had to reconcile with his dissonance.  And Akane Tendo was revolutionary at that time too.  It used to be that on the Shonen genre side, we had only hyper fem, passive, romance-fixated, love interests, OR nagging, cold female characters that really felt like the author was conveying all their horrible views on women in general, OR sexy eye-candy that had close-ups on their boobs or butt so frequently, that it completely made their lack of focus on romance or anything else in their personalities, secondary.  Then on the Shoujo genre side, we had girls who were fixated on nothing but romance, constantly jealous and possessive—and often over guys who hadn’t even proven themselves worthwhile to pursue romantically.  Let’s face it: A lot of Shoujo leading men were often jerks, treated their female love interests badly, and for some reason, she was just supposed to play the devoted “Lady Murasaki” and be totally “in love” with him.  Whyyyyyyyyyy?????????????  Even worse on the Shonen genre side too, because he treats her badly, it doesn’t get portrayed as bad treatment, he doesn’t understand why she’s angry, so she just looks like a volatile nag all the time, often existing only to be objectified or serve as a flimsy motive for his character arcs and actions. It was a pretty bad time.  Not that now has eliminated those problems, but when Ranma ½ and Akane Tendo seem like the shining lights of something different, maybe then you can understand how much I sorely needed Ranma ½ and Akane Tendo at that time.  
Really surprised that this video essay didn’t mention Jackie Chan.  The thing that differentiated Ranma ½ from so many martial arts battle anime/manga at the time, was that Ranma ½’s style of martial arts was inspired by Jackie Chan.  Meanwhile, all the other Shonen martial arts manga/anime were so serious and based more on “cool”, “action” genre toned martial arts movies.  
I’m intrigued by this video essay’s idea that Ranma ½ the series isn’t sexist, but rather, characters within the series are sexist, and are so in order to make a point about how them being like that is messed up.  I need to grapple with this because one of my problems in looking back at Ranma ½ is that it can be a little transphobic and/or homophobic at times.  Like, I’ll never forget when Tsubasa Kurenai was introduced and, Akane, this character that we’re supposed to completely sympathize with during this series, just keeps screaming in Tsubasa’s face that they are a “pervert”, simply because it’s revealed that Tsubasa identifies as a boy but dresses as a girl.  I think the episode just ended like that, and that was supposed to be a joke, but I don’t know whether the reveal’s shock intended on the audience was supposed to be conveyed through Akane and we were expected to have the same reactions as her, or if we were supposed to be shocked at Akane’s reactions and her reactions being ridiculous were the joke.  I dunno; it was a long time ago, I don’t remember much context, and I really should look it back up.  But frankly, there’s a lot of Ranma ½ to sift through and that’s more time than I have, writing this post.  Akane does seem to repeatedly have instances of being perfectly nice to characters, but when she discovers they’re actually guys, she spends a lot of time yelling “pervert” in their faces.  Sometimes I don’t know if we’re meant to see how ridiculous Akane is being or if we’re meant to agree with her.  Again, I watched/read the series a long time ago, and maybe if I re-watched/re-read it now, it would be clear to older me.  Because, when it happens between Akane and Ranma, Ranma has a specific line, grummbling about how Akane was perfectly nice to him, up until she found out he was actually a boy.  And Ranma was a bit nice in his characterization up until that early line of dialogue, so maybe we were supposed to be on his side in that thought.  So maybe Akane spending the rest of the series yelling “pervert” at Ranma (repeated so often it’s essentially their running gag), is supposed to be a joke laughing at how irrational Akane is being.  o.o?  I’d hate to think we’re supposed to be on Akane’s side, repeatedly calling Ranma a “pervert” over a curse that he had no control over getting, and early on was portrayed as a misfortune that the audience was supposed to sympathize and pity him over.  Maybe the whole thing is supposed to point out Akane’s flaws, since everyone in the series is pretty messed up.  (Even Kasumi unsettled me a bit when I was younger, in that she dropped her entire life, to replace her mother’s role when she died.  For me, being a young girl who didn’t buy into those traditional female roles, that were still at the time, strongly pushed onto girls in society, that was a little unsettling.  Still love Kasumi as a person though.)  Akane did have reason to “hate boys”, as the series specifically states early on, but I’d like to think that she was given this flaw as a point to grow away from.  Just as this video essay calls to attention Ranma being sexist and, over the series, eventually growing out of it.  But back when I was young and initially into Ranma ½, I feared that some of these sexist or even homophobic ideas in Ranma ½ were actually reflective of thoughts that Rumiko Takahashi advocated.  After all, there’s a point in Maison  Ikkoku where Kyoko berates herself by saying all women are fools.  Maybe I was too young to see the nuance in a character berating her own mistakes in her love live, vs the implication that all women are “properly” stereotyped into being obsessed with love and end up acting foolish for it.  Nowadays, I can see how we can berate ourselves whenever our specific actions can slot us into generalized stereotypes, and we curse ourselves for falling into proving stereotypes true on occaision.  But back then, when I was younger and watching Ranma ½ for the first time and reading Maison Ikkoku for the first time, I was afraid that such lines were reflective of Takahashi believing such stereotypes as truth.  Which is why I was so happy when sometime after Ranma ½, Inuyasha had a canonically gay character, and instead of Inuyasha calling him a pervert the entire time, he just got exasperated with his non-stop flirting, the way that all the female characters from Ranma ½ are tired of guys who won’t take “no” for an answer.  At the time, I thought, “Yay!  Takahashi has evolved to a less homophobic stance!”  But maybe, all this time, she was always against such things, and merely portraying them, even through characters we were supposed to sympathize with, merely to show how messed up such ideas are.  I really like that thought which this video essay presented.  
But I will disagree with this video essay on 1 thing:  The manga is better.  I’m not trying to be elitist.  I realize that comedy has a very subjective sensibilities, and the anime leans into awkward silence type comedy, whereas I am sick of that type of comedy.  But so many visual gags and jokes in the manga, and Rumiko Takahashi’s style in general, involve panels that are almost completely re-drawn, with only 1 element changed—the gag element—suggesting that the eye is supposed to read from panel to panel quickly (since the human eyes/brain filters out a lack of change, and is hard-wired to focus on changes from previous conditions).  To me, this suggests quick punchlines, whose sudden oddity is supposed to shock, implying an intended fast pacing to the jokes.  And yeah, Takahashi will draw seemingly normal scenes, detailed with all the normalcies of a commonly recognizable environment, then suddenly the next panel is exactly the same except a character is contorted into a silly pose or an absolutely ridiculous creature with an intentionally nonsensical facial expression has suddenly appeared, amid that completely “normal” scene, with all its “normal” details _redrawn_.  It’s why the “evil oni” episode in Ranma ½ had a ridiculous face, despite its supposedly ominous background.  In fact, anywhere Takahashi can fit a gag face, especially if it contradicts the surrounding scene’s/story’s serious tone, she will do it.  She has even said in interviews that if scenes are too serious, she will try to put in a gag in the corner.  I remember reading Maison Ikkoku during a depressive episode (for both me and Godai) and suddenly Yotsuya had poked his head through a hole in the wall, into the scene, shining a flashlight onto his own face, like a kid telling a ghost story, all while he made funny faces and Takahashi’s typical gag with the sign language “I love you” gesture.  The woman cannot let things stay serious (except for Mermaid Saga, parts of Inuyasha, and some short stories), and I love her for it!  ^o^  But the way she suddenly injects ridiculousness into scenes and character designs, suggest, at least to me, an intended fast paced delivery with the jokes.  That sudden shock when you notice Yotsuya making faces in the corner of a depressing scene. That sudden shock, when Ranma is hiding from his mother, and is clinging to the ceiling or futons like Spiderman, and Akane is just supposed to act natural so Ranma’s mom won’t notice where he’s hiding.  To me, this suggests the punchline is supposed to come at you like a sudden punch, unlike awkwardness that hangs in the air.  So when the anime tries to make the joke linger, I just don’t enjoy it as much as when my brain can dictate the faster pacing I want (and believe better fits) while reading the Ranma ½ manga.  
Also, the manga is better because those manga filler episodes were not as well written as the manga.  Rumiko Takahashi is a master of short stories.  And that shows when you run into the less-effective filler anime episodes–even when you don’t know they’re filler episodes!  I remember watching the Ranma ½ anime before reading the manga, before there was even internet lists of which were the filler episodes, and coincidentally, all the filler episodes did not make me laugh out loud, whereas every episode up until that point, had made me uncontrollably laugh.  I feel like the anime thought that because Ranma ½ was an episodic, very silly series, they could just insert anything and it would fit.  But clearly, only  the manga-based episodes��and even individual scenes!—had the nuance of Takahashi’s writing and pacing, to make even an episodic, ridiculous series work.  
  Also, I love how this video essay just lavishes the love on Rumiko Takahashi.  ^o^  
Another thing this video essay pointed out that I appreciate about Ranma ½ is how indifferent Ranma is to all the advances of his suitors or even accidental fanservice.  All the consequential “harem genre” series that tried to emulate Ranma ½ always seemed to include male protagonists who were surrogates for the audiences’ intended horny reactions.  But Ranma was neither turned on, enticed, nor tantalized by even accidental fanservice falling into his lap.  (As Mother’s Basement has noted, harem genre protagonist have a penchant for accidentally falling and grabbing a girls’ boobs, or their face falling into her boobs, or accidentally put into a position to forcibly see up her skirt, etc.)  If anything, he’s more embarassed that he accidentally walked in on girls in undress, rather than enjoying the view OR reacting so long, that the scene drags on, fixating on the accidental nudity/groping/fanserivce.  And I was about to postulate that maybe because most harem genre and fanservice series are usually made by straight men for an audience with a Male Gaze.  But Takahashi wrote Maison Ikkoku’s Godai, right before she created Ranma ½, and he very much enjoyed the view, took peeks, and fixated on any accidental fanservice.  So it’s actually Ranma himself who had reactions and a perspective that were very agreeable to this asexual.  
I hadn’t noticed before this video essay said it, but Happosai really is condemned much more for being the “pervy old man” archetype, whereas other series are very permissive towards that same archetype, even when they’re being sexual predators.  I’d like to attribute this to Takahashi bringing a woman’s perspective, but Sailormoon was also written by a woman and (if I remember correctly) Rei’s grandpa’s pervy ways were reprimanded in only 1 episode then permitted as a running gag in the rest of the series (thankfully, not often).  Then again, lots of the Shoujo genre also advocated for many toxic traditional ideas about gender (like girls picking romantic partners who don’t respect them, and girls being fully devoted/invested in such guys, because they “once” meet the bare minimum for human decency by being nice to them once).  So maybe it was uniquely Takahashi’s prerogative to not let the “pervy old man” archetype slide as supposedly “endearing” silliness.
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ukaiknowsbest · 3 years
long rant on gntma "feminism"
ah now i get it. feminist messages in silver soul were awkward coz after tsukuyo and kyuubei said their pieces, kyuubei was immediately clobbered to unconsciousnes and otae was captured. (is that poetic? a nasty plot twist? a painful slap to reality? maybe? but man it's in bad taste, even i wanted to wring tsukuyo's neck for starting all the women are awesome and men are sht bs speeches. dont we have a word for that? oh yeah she's kind of a TERF after all.)
In the 2 year edo timeskip, the "feminist" messages didn't work coz in yoshiwara your favorite bombshell tsukuyo used "old people = fugly" torture on people.
There was also that little bit of kyuubei telling otae that "if ur a slob like that then ur marriage chances will drop." -> Yo Kyuubeu said that right after she declared otae as the future of women and martial arts, what the fck.
It's a One step forward, then two steps backward dance, if We’re being honest.
Gintama's uhh.. "pure and innocent" lady characters both keep preaching "equality" and "women's rights" but also looked down on other women in their own self righteous way hhhhhh.
Now this is not the first time gintama has done this. Otae uses her beauty to her advantage to bring herself up higher/step on other girls... but i dont think she ever employed the "women=men or women>>men" rhetoric on her own. If she did then it was kinda in agreement to Kyuubei/Tsukuyo (it just abt the war being fight of the women/children too). Otae was never a high handed goody two shoes who thought all women were equal. She has always been this unfair girl TO ALL SEXES through and through. Heck she keeps pushing femininity to Kyuubei even when Kyuubei is always confused af (many ppl like that i suppose but bruh it's soooo uncomfortable to watch.)
That makes Otae both villainous / morally confusing in her own right. But at least she walks the talk and don't give us morality sht with no follow through. (quite similar to Gintoki yknow?)
Tsukuyo/Kyuubei though?? they say one thing abt women's rights and equality and other sht yet perpetuate the exact same opposite. Ugly don't get rights and they insititutionalized it. I get that their upbringing skewed their views on what women/men/people should be. But man their speeches made almost every feminist message on gintama nullify itself. The constant cha-cha-ing of the messages they impart is so frustrating. Is that good writing? Is sorachi not letting their mindsets improve after, what, 400 chapters good character development? who knows!!!!
Nobume's actions in that bit in the time skip with Soyo is questionable too. Yes women can be corrupt but maybe don't show that right after you declare the "women should just run the country" speech? That message is not helping anybody jfc. In fact it confirms Japanese cultural mindset that women dont belong anywhere important hahaha.
Do ya'll know how often japanese female politicians are booed by their colleagues whenever they bring up legit issues parliament/council sessions? the answer is ALWAYS. Gintama just in it's own way say that that's not wrong.
That being said we can always say that Gintama pokes fun at everything just to be on the safe side and please those shonen jump execs right??? LMAO.
Gintama tried okay? You can give sorachi an "THERE WAS AN ATTEMPT" star. but as far as feminism is concerned, the messages just keep falling flat..it's going nowhere other than "some girls fight well and look sexy af" that's it.
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sugasugawarau · 4 years
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Synopsis: You knew that Kageyama Tobio was not your soulmate - and that was why you could not help but succumb to the waves that lulled you away from the shores of fate + semi inspired by Eyes Blue like the Atlantic by sistaprod ft. Subvrbs. Also part of @yacoka‘s collab <3 (2.4k words)
Warnings/notes: Some angst near the end, soulmate red string au, gender neutral reader. No beta we die like Rex Lapis so if I ever feel like it this may be edited at some point asdahdhj idk LMAO
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— Prologue
There are as many reasons to fall in love with Kageyama Tobio as there are fractals made by the ocean’s breath as the world inhales and exhales, flourishes and wilts, conquers and surrenders. It would not even be a hyperbole to say that in number, they remain unrivalled to the plethora of stars that stain the waves with their reflection and run deeper than the scars of lightyears that paint lines from Cassiopeia to Aquila.
After all, he is the darkest hue of navy blue.
Determination that moves in an orchestra of thundering waves, brandishing on its crest an admirable recklessness, heeding not for the need to call upon courage or confidence; polished instinct that endued one with the same awestruck feeling when facing the beautifully suffocating obscurity of their life in this world, a mixture of raw fear and the need to impart a piece of their soul in everything they do despite how fragile the skin shielding their heart is.
But the best part of loving Kageyama was that you were not - or will ever become - destined to be.
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— Shoreline
It was a word that was always thrown about in conversations, the fuel to the catastrophes that were high school gossip chains, and the colour that held the mangled passion of the string of fate. Garishly predestined and easily tangled by unnecessary complications of jealousy and confusion, it is needless to say that you hated red with more passion than the love it emptily promises with a title as shallow as soulmates.
That was not to say you despised love. There was nothing wrong with love itself, a fact which you had decided firmly since the spry age of four years old. What was wrong was its combination with soulmates: a rigid formula, nothing like the walks with your grandmother on the bright summer roads littered with flowers as her calloused palm gently guided you, or the laughter you shared with your friends after a long run in the rain, hugging each other goodbye at the end of the day despite the muddy battle scars covering your arms and legs from falling countless times.
Your mind could have kept you engaged in your internal debate for longer if you were left to your own devices, but an awkward cough and the sound of a desk shifting towards your right brought you out of your reverie, bringing your drifting thoughts back to the classroom surrounding you.
Perhaps your look of confusion came off as hostile, for the dark-haired boy now sitting next to you looked at you with a slight glare that felt forced, an automatic effort to defend himself.
His tone of voice only confirmed your unconsciously off-putting expression as he gruffly stated, “Group project.” to explain his sudden presence.
“Oh. What’s the topic on?”
An awkward silence had ensued while you tried to calmly collect yourself by gathering a handful of pens from your pencil case after being caught in your heinous crime of not paying attention to your English teacher.
“You don’t know?” Came his reply, causing you to occupy yourself by finding extreme interest in a lime green highlighter you did not have any recollection of ever buying.
“Well, I clearly wasn’t paying attention.”
“You… weren’t?” The slight intonation in his tone was a stark contrast to your initial impression of him and caused you to look up at him, almost letting out an amused snort at his befuddled frown to which he furrowed his brows and shot a challenging “What?” in return. Realizing that he was genuine in believing that you were deep in thought over the lesson, a burst of laughter blossomed past your lips, attracting a few odd looks from your nearby peers and an abashed glare from him.
You paused to take a breath, a repetition of sorries stumbling their way out to appease the onslaught of nagging you thought would follow shortly. Instead, all the boy muttered was a simple, “You’re weird.”
“Sure, but that’s beside the point - were you paying any attention?”
Seeing your face contorted to stop yet another bout of laughter to roam its way into the world as a result of his bluntness, he shot out of his seat and announced that he would go ask the teacher, unable to hide his puzzlement as he walked away. He would come to regret this decision when the teacher began to lecture him, earning more heads to turn his way as she scolded him before sending him off dismissively with a sticky note that you assumed had your now long-awaited topic.
Before you could thank him for enduring what could only be one of the worst things to experience as a high school student, he wordlessly handed the piece of paper to you and sat down.
“Kageyama, right? With this project, you’ll have me to thank for the A we’ll get,” you promised confidently, to which he responded with a halfhearted “Good luck.”
If he had been a close friend, you would have taken the small textbook on his desk and gently hit his head at his evident lack of belief in his capabilities, but settled for a clipped sigh instead. After all, you did not want to further contribute to the premature wrinkles Kageyama was making himself prone to with all of the brow-furrowing he did.
This is going to be one long month.
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— Largo
Like how the ocean reluctantly caresses the sleeping shore as it wakes from its slumber during low tide, your lives slowly flowed together.
During the first week of your group project with him, he would greet you curtly, and on a few occasions, you would have short conversations about the outline of your book review.
And this singular week was enough to show that there was some (okay, maybe a lot) of backing behind the teacher’s warning about Kageyama’s dismal grade.
While you flipped through A Midsummer Night’s Dream, you would catch the all-too-familiar confusion on his face - it was written on his features so blatantly that it was almost comical, as if taken straight out of a shonen manga.
“You know if you’re stuck you can ask me for help.”
A slight scowl greeted you over the hedge of pages he had been burying himself in, followed by a biting, “Who said I need help?”
You could only roll your eyes in return.
“Please drop the prideful act. You've been glazing over the same page for about twenty minutes now."
After a few seconds of grumbling did he finally comply, and with your explanations, his bookmark was now comfortably sandwiched between the double-digit page numbers right as the bell rang. You hummed in satisfaction before returning your desk to your original spot, expecting him to rush out along with everyone else - so to turn around and see him still standing there was a bit of a surprise.
“Did you still need help with the last few lines?” You settled on asking, not really wanting to plague your break with work but offering nonetheless. Thankfully, he shot a look of disdain at the play as he stuffed it away haphazardly in his bag.
“No, I just wanted to,” he trailed off a bit, the tinge of red on his ears an out-of-character detail you decided not to comment on, “to say thanks, I guess.”
You smiled softly at the unexpected gesture of appreciation before giving him a teasing nudge which he stiffened slightly at.
“Well, I can’t have you bringing down my mark now can I?”
“Nevermind, I take it back.”
“Too bad, I have those words of gratitude stored nicely in my hippocampus already.”
From there, tutoring sessions with Kageyama became the norm, with you sometimes asking about his volleyball team after he had let slip that you were a better teacher than Tsukishima (something you would be sure to smugly share if you ever met the infamous middle blocker).
By the end of the month, all of the hard work - and a couple of all-nighters due to procrastination - brought forth an A as you had promised.
Even your relentless teasing, varying between “I told you so!” to “You owe me at least three meat buns now” which were all met with an annoyed “Shut up”was not enough to dim the smile he tried to hide.
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— High tide
With the force of nature, the tide rose without warning; from goodnight texts to confessing to the first “I love you” uttered shyly between shameless souls, neither of you was sure where things began, but found comfort in such liberating chaos.
In times where he needed to be held, you were there, and the insecurities you would hide, he would turn beautiful. And today happened to be a day for both as you stared absentmindedly at his bedroom ceiling.
“Hey Tobio, what’s your take on soulmates?”
“We’ve been together for almost a year now, what do you think?” he put his phone down and turned towards you, “I could care less about soulmates or whatever else is worrying you enough to make your overthinking go into overdrive.”
“Rude, have some respect, it’s my profession after all,” you shoved him playfully as he snorted in reply, “It’s just... If your string ever appeared, wouldn't you rather-”
“Listen Y/n, did you know that I’m scared of dying but I’m even more terrified of the thought of living without you? I could never and don’t ever want to replace you. People can talk all they want, if I could find a love like ours without something as stupid as a piece of string then I don’t need a soulmate.”
With a flick to your forehead, he huffed in fake exasperation. “Really.”
“Huh, who knew you could be so romantic.”
“It's not romantic, I'm just being honest, idiot.”
“You sure could make do with some more lessons on manners and social tact. It's too bad you can't pick up on those as well as volleyball drills.”
Before he could retaliate, you enveloped him in a familiar embrace, burrowing your face into the large hoodie he donned.
It was effortless, his company.
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— Ebbing away
But it wasn’t all romantic.
You fiddled with your phone as you waited for any sign that Kageyama had seen your messages, the pack of meat buns you had bought on a whim no longer letting off their fragrant steam. You knew he had an important match coming up against Seijoh, that he had to prove himself, that he lives hungrily and foolishly like no other. But his missing presence went beyond volleyball practice, keeping his distance from you even when he was right by your side.
Why am I stuck reminiscing about the past when we still have each other?
Why does every step I take towards him feel as if I’m only drawing myself farther away from him?
A carousel of rhetorical questions spun around your head as you stopped your slow pace towards Karasuno. You were not blind; you knew the rumours and dirty looks from your classmates were not something anyone could be immune to, that he tried his best to spend less time around you at school. The only conclusion you could reach was that he was ashamed: either of you, or the fact that he had begun to see his red string and could not bring himself to face you.
Ignoring the urge to let yourself cry, you glanced down at your phone once more, 8:30PM flashed across your eyes, followed by your empty notifications. There was no way he’d still be practicing at the school now and even if he was, you doubted he would be happy to see you. Maybe - no, definitely - it would be better to head home, and maybe stop by the convenience store you had bought the now misshapen meat buns from to get some tea and call it a night.
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If only fate did not reciprocate your hatred towards it.
Stepping into the small store, the first person you are greeted with is none other than Kageyama Tobio. The whole situation was like a fever dream, and you would do anything to be able to let out a laugh and have him call you weird all over again. But all you could bring yourself to do was blearily stare at him.
He turned around quickly, as if not wanting to be caught before ushering you outside. “Y/n? Why are you here?” he hissed, a stiffness that he had recently adopted to his body language that you were now all too familiar with.
“What? Am I not allowed to go into any and all convenience stores I please?” You challenged, a part of you waiting for him to care enough to see how tired you were, to actually look you in the eyes for the first time in weeks.
He did not, opting to turn his head towards the door again.
“It’s not that, it’s just-”
“Just what? Tobio, what is up with you lately?” A pause ensued, broken by a small hiccup as your eyes dampened - God, how much more pathetic could you get than crying in front of some dingy convenience store - “Do you even love me anymore?”
How odd. You thought that by finally uttering the final question that had been dancing around your mind free to the world, you would feel better. That he would reassure you, as he always had.
Not that he would at last meet your gaze, grabbing your hand to look at the red string wrapped around your ring finger.
The taste of tears and Kageyama’s eyes as blue as the Atlantic all felt miles away from you as an orange-haired boy stepped out of the store, his mouth dropping into an o-shape when he saw that his string led to you, a disheveled mess arguing with his teammate.
“Kageyama…You knew? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I didn’t want to face the reality of it all. Because I was afraid of losing you.”
“But I wouldn’t leave you-”
“I know you wouldn’t but you should!” Kageyama’s furrowed brows, once a quirk of his that you were fond of, now elicited a sick turmoil in your stomach, “You have to. Please.”
You wanted to yell at him, let the blood pour out of any and all raw words of anger and hurt.
Who was he to decide what was good for you, to throw you at some boy you never met before, to give up?
Then again, you could never say you would not have done the same for him if you knew he had found his soulmate despite the sweet words he had told you so long ago.
So you let yourself go. For his sake.
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davidmann95 · 4 years
now that it's over, thoughts on Bendis' Superman as a whole?
pretenderoftheeast said: So, thoughts on Bendis' Superman and Action Comics' tenure altogether and separately now that it's over?
Anonymous said: Best and Worst things about Bendis' Superman run
Anonymous said: Now that it is over, what are your thoughts on Bendis' runs on Superman and Action Comics as a whole?
Anonymous said: Retrospective thoughts on Bendis' Superman as a whole now that it's, I guess, done?
Anonymous said: Hey so since Bendis’ Superman stuff seems to be done, what did you think of the run as a whole?
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I decided to hold off a bit on writing on this one, if only so that I could reread the Action Comics side of it since Superman stood out in my memory a lot more. But now I have, and as we’re heading into a bold new era of Superman (and it’s coming in fast - just since I made my Superman in 2021 predictions we’ve gotten Ed Pinsent finally reprinting his legendary bootleg Silver Age Superman, Steve Orlando announcing his Superman analogue book Project Patron, an official shonen Superman redesign for RWBY/Justice League, PKJ’s Super-debut turning out far better than I ever expected, Superman & Lois’s first proper trailer largely taking people pleasantly by surprise, and my learning that there’s a Sylvester Stallone Old Man Superman analogue movie titled Samaritan coming out this summer) we’re ready to take a look back with at least a touch of perspective. I’ll lead with complaints, so everybody who’s been waiting for me to say that Bendis on Superman was Bad, Actually, savor this because it’s as close as you’ll get.
The Bad
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* I hate to say it, but rereading that side of the run there’s no two ways about it: the structure of Action Comics as a whole is a mess. It baffled me from day one that it was the more acclaimed of the two books for so long - I guess people are hardwired at this point to think of ‘street’ stuff as where Bendis is supposed to be - because it was immediately clear that Superman had a well-defined story he wanted to tell, while Action was the usual Bendis off-the-cuff improvisation. It’s barely even a story in the same way, and it’s certainly not the ‘Metropolis crime book’ people took it as: it’s 28 issues of Superman and his supporting cast stuffed a pinball machine with the Red Cloud pinging off of each other as we wait to see who falls in the hole at the bottom, and partway through Leviathan and the Legion of Doom and 90s Superboy are tossed into the mix to keep it going a little longer. On an issue-to-issue basis it’s frequently really good, but the core plot of the book is *maybe* six issues stretched out over two and a half years.
* I’ve gone into this some before, but structure-wise Unity Saga also has problems: Phantom Planet rules but either it needed to be cut or the back half needed to be a year all its own in order to accommodate the scale of what it’s attempting. It’s got an interstellar civil war leading into the formation of the United Planets, family drama, Rogol Zaar’s whole deal, and Jon’s coming of age, and I’d say only that last one is really properly served. Even Jon forming the United Planets, while contextually somewhat justified in terms of 1. The situation being so far gone he’s the only one who’d even think in those terms, 2. Things being bad enough that these assorted galactic powers would be willing to try it, and 3. Him having the S on his chest to sell it, isn’t at all built up to within the run itself.
* Rogol Zaar sucks. He’s made up of nothing but interesting ideas - he’s an ersatz warrior ‘superman’ of a bygone age of empires up against the new model, he’s the sins of Krypton as a conservative superpower come home to roost, he’s while not outright said to be definitely Superman’s tragic half-brother and the culmination of everything this run does with Jor-El - but none of them manifest on the page, he’s just a big punchy dude with a dumb design who screams about how you should take him seriously because he’s totally the one who blew up Krypton. Even a killer redesign by Ryan Sook for Legion of Superheroes can’t fix that. There are lots of bad villains with good ideas who are redeemed with time and further effort, but I can’t imagine Zaar getting that TLC to become a fraction of whatever Bendis envisioned him as.
* The second year of Action Comics, after establishing itself in its first as one of the most consistently gorgeous books on the stands, leads with Szymon Kudranski’s weak output and then concludes with John Romita Jr. turning in some career-worst work. The latter is particularly egregious because for that first year Bendis writes a really collected, gentle Superman so him getting pushed into being more aggressive should have an impact, but Romita draws such a craggy rough-looking Superman in the first place that it mutes any sort of shock value.
The Good
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* Superman got his real clothes back after 7 truly ridiculous years.
* Bendis fundamentally gets Clark’s voice in a way unlike almost any other writer - even all-around better writers of the character almost never approach how spot-on he is with having Superman speak and act exactly how Superman should.
* Supporting cast front and center! He writes a dynamite Lois, Perry, and Jimmy (even if many of Lois’s more out-there decisions in the run don’t end up retroactively justified the way you’d hope), Ma and Pa are more fun than they’ve been in decades in their brief appearances, he manages to turn having Jor-El in the mix into a positive, and the Daily Planet as a whole has an incredibly distinctive vibe to it like never before that I hope is taken as a baseline going forward.
* The non-Rogol Zaar baddies? All ruled. Invisible Mafia and Red Cloud are both brilliant ideas executed solidly if overextended. Zod as Kryptonian Vegeta, Mongul as a generational perpetual bastard engine primed to be incapable of self-reflection, and Ultraman as “what if Irredeemable but he’d never been a good guy and also he was a Jersey mobster” are the best versions of those characters by numberless light-eons. Lex is on-point in his sparse appearances. Xanadoth as a mystical cosmic monster older than time who still talks like a Bendis character is however unintentionally a hoot. The alt-universe Parasite is a more intimidating Doomsday than Doomsday ever was. And Synmar as an alien culture’s attempt at creating their own Superman and messing up the formula when they make him a soldier can and should be a legitimate major ongoing villain coming out of this run.
* Pretty much all the art other than what I mentioned already. Fabok does a good job bookending The Man of Steel and Ivan Reis does the work of his career anchoring Superman (special props to Reis as well for drawing the first ever non-Steve Rude interesting-looking take on Metropolis), and meanwhile you’ve got Jim Lee, Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, Doc Shaner, Steve Rude, Kevin Maguire, Adam Hughes, Patrick Gleason, Yanick Paquette, Ryan Sook, Brandon Peterson, and David Lafuente doing their own parts.
* Closely related to the art, all the little flourishes with the powers. Super-speed having a consistent visual with the background coloring changing, Clark internally putting numbers to the degrees of force behind his punches and what situations which numbers are appropriate for, ‘skidding to a halt’ mid-flight before crashing through a window, the shonen-ass major throwdowns as portrayed by Reis, how his super-hearing is handled as a prevalent element. Lots of clever bits that added flavor to what he does.
* While Unity Saga has problems, the whole of what Bendis does in Superman as a means of forward momentum for Clark and his world is excellent. The sort of three-act structure of: 
** Clark is led to question his place in things over the course of a few adventures
** Involvement in the larger cosmos and the impact it has had through and on his family makes him realize the answer to his questions is that he needs to step up in a bigger way because there’s no benevolent larger universe to welcome Earth with open arms, nor a cosmic precedent for everything turning out for the best without some help
** As a consequence of the lessons learned by this change in the status quo Clark is inspired to make his own personal change in revealing his identity (with Mythological basically being an epilogue showcasing a ‘standard’ standalone Superman adventure while simultaneously highlighting his new status quo and how it fits in as a summing-up of Bendis’s take)
…does a great job of shepherding through ideas that lend a lot of forward momentum to Superman of the kind he hasn’t seen in a long time. Not perfect, but far lesser stories with far lesser ambitions have made huge impacts, so I’d certainly hope at least some of this sticks around even if, say, regardless of any retcons to the main line there are always going to be stories with Clark as a disguise and Jon as a kid. Oh, speaking of whom,
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Ahem. Probably a less confrontational way of putting that.
Do I think there was more gas in the tank for Jon as a kid? Totally, making him likeable and viable was the one really good thing the Rebirth era accomplished for Superman and I expect we’ll continue seeing more of it in the future one way or another. But whether or not him being aged up was Bendis’s decision, or working with marching orders to set up the eventually-(kinda-)discarded 5G, the coming of age narrative here is fire. He keeps the essential Clark Kent kindness and bit of Lois Lane cheekiness that reminds you he’s still their kid, which is a combination Bendis is basically precision-crafted to write, but his trials by fire give him a background entirely unlike the by-the-numbers “and here’s how Superman’s great kid grew up to be a great superhero too” narrative you’d expect while still arriving at that endpoint. If superheroes live and die by metaphors then Jon in here is what it means to grow up written as large as possible: leaving home for the first time (and seeming to shoot up overnight!), getting into the muck of how the real world works, being beaten down by authority wearing faces you’ve been taught to trust, scrambling to get through with the whole world against you, and in the end getting through by learning to rely on your own strength while keeping your soul intact and your head held high, and even managing to speak some truth to power. It gives him a well-defined life story with room to go back to and explore the intricacies of each leg of for decades to come in a way Superman hasn’t had since the original Crisis - someone someday is going to write a The Life & Times Of The Son Of Superman miniseries and it’s going to be one of the greats - and negates any question that he’s earned his stature as the heir apparent.
* Coming out of this, Superman’s world is fascinating. He’s out but rather than giving up his day-to-day life he’s openly spending part of his life as CLARK KENT: SUPER-REPORTER and part of his job on the cape-and-tights side of things is now KAL-EL: SUPER-SPACE-DIPLOMAT, Lois Lane coruns a foundation helping people whose personal continuities have been fucked over by Crisis shenanigans, Jimmy Olsen owns the Daily Planet but is still doing Jimmy Olsen stuff because that’s how he gets his kicks, and Jon Kent is going to college in the future. I’m not anywhere near naïve enough to think that’s how things are going to be forever, or shortsighted enough to think there’s no value left in the traditional setups, but god I hope these developments stick around for a long, long time to come and potentially become the new ‘normal’ as far as the ongoing shared universe stuff goes, because it all feels like the right and promising next steps to take for the lives of these characters. However it got here, for all the pluses and minuses along the way even if I maintain the former very much outweighed the latter as a reading experience, Bendis has a lot to be proud of if that’s the legacy he leaves on these titles.
* The recap pages at the desks!
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Why You Should Watch SKET Dance
Why You Should Watch SKET Dance
If I were to tell you what I took away from SKET Dance from old lessons to new, I would say that it said something along the lines of this:
“You are not the mistakes you made in the past. You are not defined the person you were before. If anything, the past is something that you cannot change, but you can surpass those regrets and try to change for the better. Trauma is something that cannot be left behind, but it can get better, especially when you are surrounded by the right people and support. Helping people doesn’t always change the world, but it can change the world of that person and maybe even yours.”
That cheesy quote took a while to write (so did this whole post), but that’s because I wanted to get it right. I wasn’t even sure where to start with this post of sorts.
I will warn ahead of time that if you aren’t familiar with anime, SKET Dance might be an overreach. It does have some references that are niche, and it has a lot of “manzai” (tsukkomi/boke) jokes with tons of mentions. There is fanservice, but no more than you’d see in some of the other series that were released under Shonen Jump. Sometimes the humour and everything can be a little cringy, but I think that’s a given with the fact that you are watching anime.
(This is spoiler-free, gluten-free, no trans fat, and took me too much time.)
I get that it’s like Gintama, but I wouldn’t say it’s a “poor man’s Gintama”. Instead, take it for what it is. It’s like comparing a younger sibling to the older sibling. You’re not letting SketDan shine on its own, and it deserves to.
SketDan has a really simplistic story. It’s about a school club that wants to help people. There is no big war, massive battles, or over-the-top villain that needs to be crushed. I can’t say that it’s episodic, but it definitely leans towards the more “slice-of-life” approach. It has its own arcs that come one after another in good bits and pieces. This series balances itself so well with its drama and comedy. The backstories were done so well, and they didn’t even get to all of them! In fact, one of the best ones was left just in the manga.
The story is made by the characters. It doesn’t rely on the environment or the world around them. Instead, the world to them are the people they are surrounded by. No aliens, samurai, ninjas, or great big event, it’s just them, their high school, and their unconventional club.
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This has got to go down as one of the best ensemble trios in anime. All of them do get their time to develop, and they balance each other out so well. You’d think these characters were friends for their entire lives. I can’t even say who’s the best because I think they’re all the best!
Bossun is a sensitive guy who’s insecure about being the main character of this series (yes, he does mention that). He doesn’t have any spectacular “Shonen Jump” skills. He has no “bankai”, “rasengan”, or “Kamehameha”. He has a hat and goggles. His power is concentration. These are completely valid reasons to be worried about your character status because, on the surface, Bossun sounds downright pathetic (and he knows it). But through the story, you get to see why he’s actually one of the best main characters out there (even if the cast doesn’t want to acknowledge it).
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Himeko is one of the coolest characters in this series. I haven’t seen a weapon of that kind… ever. She isn’t afraid to slap the stuff out of anyone and will do anything for a friend. I don’t want to get into her character too much due to spoilers, but it’s revealed early on that she is quite legendary. She’s quite important for the humour of this story. It’s often brought up that she’s the “tsukkomi” (the one who responds to the “boke” stupid).
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Last but not least of the great trio, we have Switch. This is probably the character I was most blindsided by. Even though I knew his backstory beforehand (nobody stops me from clicking from “show spoiler” button, it’s quite a problem). He’s the local otaku and database. And he’s probably the most observant. Even though he never “talks”, he’s one of the funniest characters in the series even when he isn’t in the limelight. I legally cannot dig into more about his character due to spoilers. You really need to see it for yourself.
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The supporting cast is nothing to put aside either. A lot of them become more and more important as time passes, and the roles they play soon play right into the main plot of the story. We’ve got someone who speaks in ���yabasu”, a ghostly occult member, a samurai, a captain, a tsundere, a visual kei star who doesn’t speak in any actual language, a 1.8m tall woman who can literally murder you with a slap, a voice actress idol movie star, and a teacher who makes drugs and bombs. That doesn’t even touch on the student counsel. Anyways, discovering these characters is part of the charm.
There are too many good faces in this anime. While the art isn’t always consistent, it’s never “bad”.
The faces in this anime are on-par with other comedy anime. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
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*downloads all the music*
I’m going to pretend like I haven’t listened to some of these on repeat since I finished the anime. Not all anime will literally have a designated band that are made after the characters. That was a really nice touch. There are a ton of special insert songs that go with certain arcs too.
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SKET Dance is like any other anime in a way. It benefits from having a good OST. A good OST will add to the story. It will add to the anime, and it will convey all the right feelings. It helps with the comedy, the drama, and the random “what am I watching” moments.
I wanted to save this category for last. This anime actually changed the way that I look at all the main seiyuu of this anime. It’s not that often that the Vomics (voice acted comics) have the same cast as the anime. They fit their characters so well, and I really can’t express that enough. I associate their voices with their character. It’s like how you can look at a picture of your favourite character and remember exactly what they sound like (or maybe that’s just me).
I haven’t actually heard a lot of lead roles by Hiroyuki Yoshino because he has such a uniquely odd voice. I think the last anime I watched where he actually played the protagonist was Kekkaishi which was quite a while ago. He did well for that role too. Another anime where he played one of the main characters was in Hai to Gensou no Grimgar which didn’t have a very enjoyable cast compared to other anime including SKET Dance (but still worth checking out if you like tamer isekai). I’ve also seen him play a suave character, but I actually skipped most of his lines going, “Not this again.” Present Mic is a character that he seems to be popular for, but those specific niche characters didn’t give him nearly the range that Bossun did. From the moments we were laughing with him and at him to the serious moments that really made me go quiet, it felt like he was truly the character.
Ryouko Shiraishi is such an underrated seiyuu. She admits that she doesn’t have a very cutesy voice, and due to that, the number of female characters she can play goes down, but I wouldn’t dismiss how great she is. For one, she’s really good at the Kansai dialect. Second, she plays a lot of younger male characters. She makes Himeko really cute but also really tough and spunky. She carries a lot of the humour as the reactor “tsukkomi”. And if you’ve watched Demon Slayer, she plays one of the demons and is so good at it. I really like her unique voice because it deviates from the norm just like Himeko’s character.
Gintoki—I mean Tomokazu Sugita is great as Switch, and even though sometimes we forget that he’s a legitimate voice actor who can actually voice act and not just scream on command. Of course, he’s funny. That goes without saying. Almost all of his well-known characters are known for being funny. Even the guy in real life is really funny. I’m not sure how much explanation would be needed for him.
Overall, I had such a good time with this anime. It made me laugh, feel the feels, and really smile (I mean the type that people really ask you what the heck you’re watching because you’re smiling like you just watched someone you hate fall down the stairs). It reminded me of what I liked from comedy anime, but it also reminded me what I like about anime that take it to basics with just its characters. Actions and battles are good once in a while, but the characters are the heart, soul, and being of this anime. If you’re looking for a good laugh or smile with a ton of gags and jokes with a great ensemble cast, look no further! SKET Dance is here!
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I’m going to recommend this anime to anyone who has read this, @azroazizah​, @brettyblease​, @tsukiomoon​, and anyone else who likes those Shonen Jump shenanigans.
P.S. It is totally worth picking up the manga after watching the anime.
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jupitermelichios · 4 years
10 Manga Recommendations for Quarantine (or any other time)
People seemed to like my previous recs, so I thought I’d do a few more while so many of you are stuck home with some free time to kill. I don’t read a lot of manga these days, and my tastes are somewhat ecclectic, but hopefully there’ll be something in here for you.
20th Century Boys - Naoki Urasawa
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Kenji didn’t like that a new doomsday cult had started recruiting in his neighbourhood, but he wasn’t going to do anything about it. As least until a letter from an old friend leads him to realise that the cult’s symbols and mythology are based on a children’s story. A story he and his friends made up thirty years ago. Now he must track down people he hasn’t seen since middle school as he desperately tries to remember which of his friends knew the story... and figure out which of them is leading the cult.
This isn’t just the best manga I’ve ever read, it’s one of the best stories full stop. Even if you think you hate manga, I urge you to give this a try.
Claymore - Norihiro Yagi
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Claire was never supposed to be a Claymore. But when Theresa of the faint smile saved her life as a child, she knew there was no other path for her. With few of the supernatural powers granted to her sisters, she struggles to survive as a monster hunter in a brutal world where death is always waiting.
This was serialised in Shounen Jump originally, and it shows in places, but mostly this is a compelling drama, with some of the most startlingly beautiful and horrible monster design in all of fantasy and scifi.
Drrr!!! - Ryohgo Narita (illustrated by Akiyo Satorigi)
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Nothing in Ikebukero is quite what it seems. The Russian Mafia sell the best sushi in town, demons are haunting the chatrooms, there’s a new gang on the streets, and if you’re really unlucky, you might just meet the Black Rider. They say its bike whinnies like a horse. They say it killed three men who tried to kidnap a girl. They say it has no head. They say... that it just wants to do the job and get paid like everyone else.
Drrr!!! is an experience. It blends fantasy and realism in ways I’ve very rarely seen done, and delights in subverting your expectations. Characters who appears to fit into archetypes any manga fan will recognise never turn out to be quite who you think they are, just as the story never quite goes where you expect it to.
Petshop of Horrors - Matsuri Akino
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Do you want a protector? A companion? A friend? A lover? A child? Whatever you need, Count D has the perfect pet for you (even if they don’t always look like animals). Just remember to read the small print, very very carefully.
While there is, sort of, an overarching plot, these books are portmanteu horror in the old style, a series of barely connected unsettling stories strung together by a shared narrator and a handful of recurring characters. Spoopy more than genuinely spooky, and occaisionally surprisingly touching, this is a great series to dip in and out of.
Death Note - Tsugumi Ohba (illustrated by Takeshi Obata)
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“Let's just say this: you will feel the fear and pain known only to humans who've used the notebook. And when it's your time to die, it will fall on me to write your name in my death note. Be warned any human who's used a Death Note can neither go to heaven nor hell for eternity. That's all.“
One of the very rare examples where the source material does live up to (almost all) the hype. Clever, dark, surprisingly apolitical, and just the right amount of very very cheesy.
Tokyo Ghoul - Sui Ishida
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Keneki Ken was an extremely ordinary guy, living an extremely ordinary life... right up until the girl he fancied tried to eat him. Now he’s part of the world of Ghouls, struggling to hold on to what’s left of his humanity as all his old moral certainties are stripped away from him. Ghouls are people, they have hopes and dreams and loves and they deserve the right to live just like anyone else. It’s just that to live, they have kill humans.
Did you want to be cool and edgy as a teenager but you never quite had the guts to do it? Congratulations, Tokyo ghoul is for you. Think of it as emergency rations for your inner Goth.
Black Cat - Kentaro Yabuki
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Sometimes a family is a legendary hitman on the run from his past, his mysterious boyfriend, a recovering child soldier, and the bisexual thief who keeps inviting herself into their lives.
Okay technically Train and Sven aren’t a couple. Technically. Rins is canon bi though so that’s cool. This book is a lovely little time capsule of the days when shonen manga was inexplicably full of bounty hunters with bizarre superpowers going on wacky adventures, and I love it for that. Plus it’s full of that good-good found family trope and we could all do with a bit more of that in our lives.
Beauty Pop - Kiyoko Arai
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Kiri Koshiba is no ordinary teenager. She has a secret, something she hides from even those closest to her. The only ones who know about her special abilities are those she rescues. You see Kiri is secretly... really good at giving haircuts.
This is a deeply silly book, full of deeply silly characters, in which hairdressing is treated with the exact same seriousness that sports animes treat basketball or tennis, and reading it just makes me smile. Sometimes when the world’s a bit shit you just want to read about an undercover hairdresser helping girls with their self confidence and giving them rad haircuts.
Bizenghast - M. Alice LeGrow
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Dinah Wherever is more goth than you. She’s got the wardrobe, and the doomed love, and non-specific mental health issues. Oh, and she’s enslaved to Bizenghast, cursed to spend her nights laying to rest the unquiet spirits that haunt the graveyard there and if she fails, she’ll loose her life... or something worse.
The first volume is definitely the standout in this short series, with stunning artwork and detailed world building, but all of it is a fun, creepy, surprisingly dark story, full of the author’s love for old school gothic romance.
The Wallflower - Tomoko Hayakawa
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Mine Nakahara is concerned that her neice Sunako is never going attract a wealthy husband with a mysterious heart condition if she doesn’t learn not to be such a shut in. So in desperation, she turns to the only obvious solution - give four well-meaning himbos rent free accomodation in exchange for them teaching Sunako to wash, wear something other than sweatpants, and talk about anything that isn’t horror movies.
Sometimes you don’t want drama, or angst, or deep plot. Sometimes it’s enough to watch four attractive and deeply stupid men try to teach the human equivilent of an angry raccoon how to walk in heels.
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So I we started to watch Attack on Titan again after many years and I’ve just finished season two and before starting season three I wanted to take a trip down memory lane and look at all my old favourite AOT fan fictions from 2014 (and see what’s popular nowadays that I may have missed, since wow, a lot has changed since I was last present in this fandom and compared to what’s happening in the current episodes season one was tame).
I’ve noticed a huge divide between fanon and canon and I kinda wanted to ruminate on this a bit.
Eren’s character in the show isn’t my favourite. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still fond of this brash idiot, but he’ll never be my favourite. He falls into this shonen protagonist trope of being hot headed and ill tempered. He doesn’t take advice, he’s not going to listen to plans or authority, he always thinks he’s right and only follows his moral compass, and to tie it all up he’s not even that strong. He can’t back up the threats that he’s laying down and yet he always rushes into situations with fists flying and never thanks or appreciates the characters (Mikasa) that get him out of those tricky situations. The only way to get through to him is to physically beat him down and even then it may not work if he hadn’t already somewhat respected you (Mikasa again). This character type is seen so often in shonen and I’m really not a fan, I like the cool and calculating protagonist better. Someone who has the power behind their threats and doesn’t rush into situations. Again, I like Eren, but I think it’s the other characters in the show that balance him out and the plot itself that makes me like Attack on Titan.
Compare this to fanon where his default character is happy ray of sunshine who’s a little bit naive. It’s a rather jarring comparison but I also don’t necessarily dislike it either. To me canon and fanon characteristics are almost completely seperate. If I had to always think a d compare fan fiction to canon I probably couldn’t read it. I read about happy fanon Eren and see canon angry Eren and to me they are two completely different characters - two completely different people even. If I had to read fan fiction about canon Eren I can 1000000% say that I just wouldn’t. I couldn’t. I’d be totally bored. As I said before, I like Eren but it’s the people around him and the plot itself that makes him bearable. I can watch a show about him because it takes less time and emotional energy, but I couldn’t invest in reading a book about him (which is why I haven’t read the manga either).
This isn’t even exclusively towards Attack on Titan. Back in my Teen Wolf phase I noticed how different canon and fanon characters were. Small secret - I was knee deep in the Teen Wolf fandom before I realised that I hadn’t actually watched an episode of Teen Wolf. One of my mutual’s reblogged TW artwork that was linked to a story and from that I never looked back. When I actually did get around to watching TW I can honestly say I was more than a wee bit disillusioned. Derek and Stiles are obviously not the main characters and I was prepared for that, but then they barely interacted, and when they did interact it was nothing like what I had read about - nothing like what their fanon characters or interactions were like. I can honestly say that I never made it past the first season - the show just wasn’t for me - but I was still thoroughly invested in the fandom for another year or two.
Something about fanon Sterek dynamics just did it for me, their characters and relationship was just so on point for what I wanted, and this is kind of when I came to accept that canon and fanon can be so different that it almost feels as if it’s two pieces of completely different media. I mean, fanon has its own set of rules, it’s own character tropes and story arcs that even completely different authors with completely different stories somewhat instinctively know to follow. I think that’s amazing, but it’s also a double edged sword. See these first two examples were of shows that I A) never watched/finished before reading fan fiction, B) don’t necessarily love love the characters in canon. That means that fanon is more appealing because it takes something I don’t care too strongly for and changes it to something more appealing. But what about when fanon takes something I love and cherish and remoulds it?
I want to briefly take this time to talk about something I’ve dubbed “the twink affect”. When you take a character that’s originally strong willed, self sufficient, and somewhat masculine and you pair the, up with someone EVEN MORE strong willed, self sufficient, and masculine - the “Alpha male” of characters if you will. I find that fanon is incapable of seeing two strong men together in a relationship and will eventually slowly twinkify one of them. Make them smaller, softer, lonelier, less self sufficient and more reliant on others, they need to be taken care of, they’re now a ball of sunshine that’s radiant and joyful, they’re cotton candy that melts on your tongue. You put them next to the pairing you ship them with and instead of seeing two strong men you see a bear and a twink. That’s definitely what’s happened to the two characters/pairings mentioned before and I honestly didn’t mind because I wasn’t protective of the source material, but when it does happen to a character I love it’s the most frustrating thing in the world, and I can’t even complain because I’ve already reaped the benefits from other fandoms. (I am going to complain though, this is my blog and I can do what I want mum.)
I’m going to talk about Mo Dao Zu Shi. Beautiful story that I love in (almost) all its various adaptations, but I’ve noticed the ever slow changing of fanon’s Wei Wuxian. For anyone reading this that hasn’t read MDZS (or if anyone’s reading this at all, I am expecting to just be shouting into the void at this point) Wei Wuxian dies - not a spoiler, it happens at the very beginning of the story - and comes back to life in the body of Mo Xuanyu. Mo Xuanyu is small malnourished and twinky - he even canonically wears makeup (or at least has it in his possession, I’m getting the various adaptations confused and I can’t remember if in canon Wei Wuxian woke up in Mo Xuanyu’s body already wearing the makeup or if he just finds the tin of makeup in Mo Xuanyu’s possessions). Wei Wuxian’s character is also a bit of a tease, and now he’s alive and unburdened by the past he’s much freer now than he was in the past, couple that with the fact that he’s pretending to be Mo Xuanyu (a character who is rumoured to be gay and also a bit insane) he goes all out in pretending to be a shameless flirt, and it’s honestly hilarious, I love his character. So in a sense he has all the makings of a canon twink and I’m really not here to shame on those who portray him that way while he’s in Mo Xuanyu’s body.
My personal issue is with the same extreme twink portrayal while he’s in his original body. In his original body Wei Wuxian is BUFF. He’s hunky, he’s in the top five most eligible bachelors, he’s *car honks* woof woof bark bark *whistles* puurrrr, he’s one of the most powerful cultivators of his generation, he’s a genius too. He’s hunky. He still has the cheeky shameless character, but when you compare him to the male lead Lan Wangji, they’re about the same size and strength. My favourite type of fan fiction in MDZS is fix it/everybody lives nobody dies/no war/etc etc. Basically stories where Wei Wuxian keeps his original body. The fanon twink portrayal of him being so small and soft and weak while in canon he’s one of the strongest and smartest urks me in ways I can’t explain. It’s not what I want, not what I’m looking for. I love him for who he is in canon and to see his character so distorted by fans of the original work is frustrating. I just want to read about Wei Wuxian as a jock with his equally buff and tall nerd boyfriend.
I want to pause here and say that I have nothing against authors that write him in a twinky way, I respect your work and your characters (and as I said before I’ve reaped the benefits of other fandoms twinky character portrayals numerous times), if I read a fic that I’m not happy with the characterisation I just close the tab and move on so absolutely no hate to anyone who enjoys this character type. I’m just ruminating on the fact that I’ve been seeing it happen more and more often lately to the point where I’ve kind of bounced the fandom and am sticking to other works like Scum Villain that haven’t yet twinkified too much (there will always be one or two stories in every fandom that twinkify and honestly? I respect that. Authors said twink rights ONLY, good for them).
Mo Dao Zu Shi isn’t the only fandom I’ve been in that I’ve negatively reacted to fanon. Another one would be Batman (I love Tim with all my heart and I love him getting treated nicely but damn I sometimes wish people would remember how freaking strong and amazing he is too), 2Ha is another I’ve started to see “twinkified” (although I don’t mind seeing Chu Wanning being soft and taken care of, he is canonically called handsome and masculine and he’s quite tall too), I’ve even seen the canonically “top” character (and that seems so weird to write oml) be twinkified by fandom because they want to see him get bottomed for ~equal rights~ because apparently bottoming is seen as a “woman’s position” to them and they’re trying to be woke by switching the sexual positions up but failing to see how misogynistic and homophobic that take is (imma stop myself here because that a WHOLE ‘nother can or worms to be opened right there).
What I’m trying to say is fanon is a double edged sword and I’ve definitely enjoyed some and hated some. I think it’s important to seperate the two. I do think it’s annoying for fandoms to be flooded with mischaracterisation when you actually do like the original characters and I wish there was some way to seperate fandom into “actual canon fans” and “fans of fanon”, but I don’t have a solution and I’ve definitely contributed to the problem in the past so for that I’m sorry.
I don’t know how to end this long ass rant, I don’t know what the goal was in writing this, but taadaa ~ here’s my exceptionally long take on fanon.
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