#I do not remember The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress being this bad. there are things I still remember and like about it.
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cracking open “Are Women Human?” as a palate cleanser after reading Robert A. Heinlein
#this is only kind of a joke#in that I won't be breaking into Dorothy L Sayers just yet#but my STARS Robert!!!#I do not remember The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress being this bad. there are things I still remember and like about it.#so I was actually kind of excited to start this story#but then#but then the main character and his new female partner spent all of one day on a mission and one night reading files in a library#and suddenly she's kissing him?#(I did appreciate how every time she's searched or unpacks or anything we rediscover her arsenal. that's actually fun)#I cheered when the aliens starting killing people because at last we could care about the women#instead of identifying them according to how likely the main character is to sleep with them#(naturally the plot first found an excuse to strip a room full of secret agents)#also the narrator is objectively bad#looking at all of this I probably should just give up#I spent the whole of my cleaning job rolling my eyes and muttering under my breath (but persisting because I didn't have anything else)#I really don't care about the plot#I HATE the main character#on the other hand I always love to see predictions from old sci-fi about the future#it's cool to see what they assumed would stay the same and what would change--and how#it's 2007 and we have flying cars and fire-guns and the Iron Curtain is intact and Manhattan is a crater#we can change our faces in half an hour with some cool guy in a lab coat and I bet no one is layering three camis under a t-shirt#who knows#I'll come back to this tomorrow#2024 reading list#mine
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Red flags in a birth chart for a guy?
The ones I list can be a red flag for everyone - I don't like the term re flag, but these placements in a chart could show that a person can be either prone to toxic behaviours or attract people who are:
Moon or Venus in the 12th House or any strong Moon or Venus-Neptune aspects
Although they are in no way toxic by themselves, they may have real trouble when it comes to the people they surround themselves with, the people they choose as partners. They can be very vulnerable and naive, lack a realistic image of others. So if you are dating them it may be frustrating that they have no idea when people are trying to take advantage of them. Not a red flag, but a heads up for people dating someone with these or people who have these - Be more cautious of people.
Any Mars-Uranus-Pluto hard aspect
Anger issues. They may not get angry easily, but when they do it will either be uncontrollable (Uranus) or extremely intense, vengeful (Pluto). Someone with Uranus aspecting Mars or Pluto may take very unexpected action, they can also be very apathetic when it comes to anger which may make them rationalize anything bad they do. Mars-Pluto aspects can have deeply emotional anger, they can get very affected, they remember anything bad you've done, they may take revenge for something that has happened 20 years ago. Also a Scorpio Mars quality.
Moon-Mars aspects can be troublesome due to acting out based on their emotions = you once again don't know what to expect. It can also show hard time connecting emotionally to sexual partners or having a hard time viewing people you emotionally connect to as sexual partners.
Anything squaring Saturn (especially Moon or Mars)
Not a red flag, but it's a sign that if you cross them even once, it's over. They have no trouble cutting people off. With Moon-Saturn square, they have no trouble saying goodbye no matter what their heart is telling them, no matter how much they suffer. Mars-Saturn squares are generally cold. Once they decide it's over, it's over forever.
Chiron or Lilith in the 7th House or conjunct Venus
Anything in the 7th House can be very reflective. In many cases it's either you are prone to having these qualities in relationships or attracting people who have these qualities in a relationship with you. With Chiron, people can either bring all of their personal pain, "baggage" into their relationship or attract people who bring pain and baggage. Chiron is not bad, it's the unwounded healer, it's the one who tries to get better, learn their lessons, heal themselves and those around them, but before he manages to do that he may have great troubles with their past, have hidden unresolved issues, bitterness.
Lilith in the 7th House in a chart, especially in a guy from what I have observed, can show that he attracts people who are highly sexual, dominant, manipulative, dangerous in a way or he is the one who is prone to these behaviours in relationships. Kurt Cobain can be a good example for the first. Lilith in 7th also may have troubles with harmony, equality in the relationship, issues may underly for a long time, then everything can get out of hand. Can also be a sign of infidelity, having a mistress/being one.
The Chiron-Venus or Lilith-Venus conjunctions are definitely more focused on the self and how people act in relationships.
Mars, Pluto in the 7th House
This will be a bit too generalized, but:
Mars can be very dominant, he likes to lead - in relationships Mars in 7th can be too demaning, sometimes aggressive or attract people with these qualities. It can also show having relationships with a lot of fighting.
Pluto in 7th, being obsessive with relationships or attracting obsessive people. One of the "stalker" aspects.
Saturn in 7th can also show being very controlling in relationships or attracting people who are very controlling, cold, usually older.
Harsh aspect(square, opposite) between Lilith and Juno in a guy can show that he may have the Madonna-Whore complex (seriosuly fascinating, read about it), which means that he may have trouble viewing a wife or a mother in a sexual way, making distinction between a partner and a sexual partner, which in itself can be troublesome. It's basically wife versus mistress.
Venus opposite or square Mars can show that they have very different needs for a romantic versus a sexual partner, it can be a sign that if they pursue you sexually they may have a hard time liking you romantically.
It all depends on other stuff, but this is just a heads up.
All in all, I don't necessarily consider these placements red flags, but if you have them or your partner has them, you have to be cautious of certain behaviours.
#astrology#synastry#red flags#zodiac signs#aries#gay#gemini#cancer#leo#virgo#libra#scopio#sagittarius#taurus#aquarius#pisces#saturn#pluto#lilith#chiron#7th house#mars#moon
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Telling the Bees
“Telling the bees is a traditional European custom in which bees would be told of important events in their keeper's lives, such as births, marriages, or departures and returns in the household.”
This was the idea I had. Several of them. I remembered!
Her time on the First had affected Etien’s process of waking up. She was more aware now of the ambient environment before she even opened her eyes.
Smells—well, there were other reasons she was more sensitive to smells now, but still—hit her while she stayed silent, stationary, eyes closed. No sharp nose-stinging Sin Eater smell, nothing floating on an eternal Crystarium wind, just the familiar scent of wood smoke and a comforting, light birch-and-parchment fragrance.
Combined with the warmth that surrounded her, Etien knew that when she opened her eyes, it would be to see her home.
And indeed it was. As her eyelids lifted, it was to Aymeric brushing back a lock of her hair from her eyes.
“Well, good morning, ser,” she said with a giggle. “You’re up a little early.”
“I am. I was thinking.”
“Oh? What about?” She moved to sit up.
Aymeric gestured for her to stay lying down. “Please, stay in bed. You weren’t going anywhere, were you?”
“Well, the construction of the Abacus—”
“...will continue without your contributions, my dearest.” He leaned across the space between them to kiss her forehead. “You’ve saved Ishgard already, you can let other people fix her up.” He gave her a sweet smile. “After all, you have your own hard work to do building new living beings.”
Etien looked down at her stomach, even though there was still nothing there to see. “I suppose. Am I barred from the Diadem completely?”
Aymeric thought, gaze sliding from Etien’s face to the corner of his eyes. “No, not completely. But please make those excursions short.”
Etien nodded. “All right. So what was it that you had been thinking about?”
Now he cleared his throat, a look of slight frustration coming over his face as he returned to the problem he’d been turning over in his mind while Etien slept. “How we’re going to… break the news. We were quick to announce the engagement. And we were very publicly married; three-quarters of the city was there. But this one is rather more sticky.”
Etien tilted her head. “Is it?”
“Unfortunately. Pregnancy is a rather quietly conducted affair in Ishgard. Not for shame reasons—well. Shame certainly can play a role in the hushed nature. You heard the story of Hilda’s mother. But mostly it’s the climate. Nearing ten years of constant winter is harsh, but the dragons were harsher. Even if the Temple Knights are always itching for ranks to be filled, best not to get our hopes up. Though, we have no need to fear dragons now. Thanks to you, I might add.”
Etien sighed. “I see.”
“It’s early yet, is all,” Aymeric said in an attempt to soothe her. “Though, in my opinion, that is no reason for us not to tell our nearest and dearest the good news. Which leaves us with two main concerns: Lord Edmont and Estinien.”
Estinien let himself in, like he usually did, and wasn’t very surprised by the sight of Etien perched on the loveseat like she usually was, but there was something off about it.
It didn’t feel wrong or bad, just different in a way he couldn’t put his finger on.
He shed his coat, though, hanging it by the door by Etien and Aymeric’s everyday outerwear, and then made his way back to join Etien, sitting down.
“Do you want coffee, Estinien?”
“Not if you have to go to trouble for it.”
The way Etien’s eyelids lifted, as if in shock, only added to the mystery of the situation, but as she stammered her way through an “I— well— all right. But don’t hesitate to ask,” Estinien was already settling again.
“Is everything all right?” he asked her. “You have this air of frisson, and I’ve followed you into situations much more dangerous than this.”
She swallowed, lifting a hand to cover her mouth. “Everything is fine.” She took a deep breath, then gave him a smile. “I’m not trying to worry you, I’m sorry.”
He sat back in his chair.
Aymeric came into the room then, carrying a tray. He greeted Estinien, then put the tray down on the table and started unloading it. First, he placed down the pot of rooibos tea in front of Etien, and she smiled again, thanking him.
As Aymeric kept working, Estinien commented with a little snort,“One would think you were the viscountess by birth, and him your humble servant-come-lover arrived from the Shroud.”
Etien giggled. “I promise you, I don’t ask him to do this. I’m certainly not about to kick these shoes off and use him as a footstool or any of that nonsense. No, he, uh—well, he does it because of what I’m about to tell you.”
“Oh? And what might that be?”
“We’re…” Her ears flattened. “I’m expecting.”
“Why the nerves? It’s not mine, is it?”
She choked on her tea just as Aymeric sat down next to her, setting a hand on her back. She lifted a hand to signify she was okay, but he didn’t remove his hand, just rubbed her back as she started to speak.
“There’s no way of knowing that until they’re born,” she said, playing with the handle of her teacup. “And the likelihood of it is down to calculations, I think. Not something I thought much about.”
“Nor should you, really. I forget sometimes how you respond to even light jests when you’re already on edge.” He glanced down to the teapots, then up to Aymeric. “Might I have a cup of that?”
He poured Estinien a cup of tea, laughing softly (as he always did) when Estinien’s nose crinkled after the first sip.
“I still don’t understand how you two drink this,” he grumbled into the delicate china.
Etien giggled before taking another sip of her tea. “Even before now, my hands shake if I have too much, which is dangerous in my line of work.”
“A line of work that surely you’ll be temporarily removed from?” he asked, eyebrows lifting.
“Well, yes,” she responded with a sigh. “Can’t say I’ll miss all of it. But I will be taking a break. Aymeric is going to be making sure of it.”
“Good. Someone has to keep you still for five minutes.”
“You know, I do miss Ishgard when I’m not here. I’ll enjoy the break, and getting to be here for longer than a moon at a time.”
“So long as we’re all happy about this.”
“Are we?” she asked, inner corners of her eyebrows pitching upwards.
Estinien rose from his seat, coming to a knee in front of her. With a grin that indicated the slight degree of sarcasm, he took her hand. “Mistress Mellifer, or Lady Borel, if you prefer—” he laughed when she flustered— “I’m thrilled for the two of you.”
There was an almost amusing degree of awkwardness as Etien and Aymeric sat down in the foyer of Fortemps Manor.
Still, this took much less bravery than confronting the Archbishop had, or facing the True Brotherhood of the Faith.
So, hands entwined, both with palms sweating, they delivered the good news to the grandfather-to-be.
“Lord Edmont...er, Father. We have some news for you,” Etien began.
He sat down, keen to hear what they had to share with him. “News from the two of you? That is nearly a guarantee of something exciting.”
“A little more exciting for us and our family, to be sure,” Aymeric agreed. “In any event, we came to tell you that in a matter of moons, the family is going to be growing. We aren’t sure yet by how many. Apparently, it’s difficult to gauge the size of Miqo’te litters until much later in the pregnancy.”
A long pause extended between the two couches. As the seconds ticked by, Etien sank her teeth into her lip as she waited for Edmont’s reaction. She didn’t harbor any fear of a negative reaction—that would be highly irregular compared to everything up to this point, to begin with—but she was hoping this surprise wasn’t too much to take in.
He beamed. “Oh, how wonderful! I did wonder when this day would arrive, and it has so much sooner than I dared to hope. I take it you’ve been confined to Borel Manor for the foreseeable future, barring any emergencies?”
Etien laughed. “Not quite. As far as I’m aware, I’m still allowed to take some light travel for a little while longer, and then be reassessed later on. Then I will be corralled into Ishgard, if not the house, until my due date. Whenever that ends up being. Hard to calculate now.”
“My goodness, you really do set out to break every barrier put before you, don’t you?” Edmont asked, fondness in his tone. “Forging peace, righting wrongs committed years to a millennium ago, and now as always, defying the odds. I must admit, I half-expected you to be out there working to rebuild the Firmament by yourself.”
“She did nearly attempt to start that the other day,” Aymeric said dryly.
“Ah. Well, no surprise there.” He laughed. “Help Halone out a little as She keeps you, and take things at a speed slightly slower than breakneck, just this once. For all of us.”
Etien let her eyes shut as she nodded. “I will.”
When Feo Ul had promised that there was always the realm of the dreams, they had been completely serious, and Etien was glad of it. They happened to come for a visit, all bubbles and brightness, on a night where she had been struggling to fall asleep.
“Feo!” She cried, wrapping them up in a hug. “You have impeccable timing.”
“And you do not, my sapling. I’ve been trying to get into your dreams for ages! What kept you up so late? What burdens your heart?”
“Oh, physical discomforts,” she sighed. She’d been doing a fair amount of sighing again. “Just hard to get rest now, I suppose.”
“Shall I have Thon Sul see what they can do for you? As long as we remain here in the dream realm, you’ll have sweet, peaceful sleep, but if getting here is what’s giving you trouble…”
“I don’t know if they can help me. They certainly can’t—Feo, there was something I wanted to tell you.”
“Oh? Have you taken an especially eventful journey you wish to tell me of?”
“Well, I haven’t taken it yet,” Etien said. “But I wanted you to know. The fae like to be kept apprised of these sorts of things, don’t they?”
Feo Ul’s eyes lit up as their expression grew even more keen. “What new path is my ephemeral flower about to embark upon? I stand ready to bestow my blessings!”
She smiled. “Thank you, Feo.” She took a deep breath. “I’m—”
“Oh, don’t tell me!” They chirped, fluttering around her. “You do have that glow.”
“You’re not the first person to tell me that,” Etien replied with a laugh.
“Good, because it’s true. Already you wear the mantle so well. As you wore those placed upon you in your time here.” They paused, looking her in the eyes. “Remember what I told you, about the moment and place you’re in. From what I hear, it goes by fast for you mortals.” They floated lower than Etien’s eye level then, laying their hands just under her breastbone. “I can’t make a pact with them like I did with you, but they’re just as blessed by the fae.” With a nod, they rose again, gazing into Etien’s misty eyes. “Oh my sapling, you have no idea how glad I am those are tears of joy. I worried so when you cried before.”
Etien wiped at her eyes. “What cause would I have to cry now, Feo? I have the best of the worlds here at my fingertips, at the fringes of my mind.”
“And here we’ll remain,” they assured her. “Now, get your rest. You’ll need it for your new adventure.”
With a light sigh, Etien did as she was told, mind eased by the dream spun around her, and the dreams she had coming true.
#fic#Aytien#Wyrmelliferel#Unicorn Fam#tw pregnancy#it's just mentioned a BUNCH#got in my Feo Feelings again#I still need a tag for them
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Safe With Me.
It was rare that drama spilled over when he visited with the Ouyang's because he was a Sect Leader and they always tended to have their best foot forward. Jin Ling enjoyed Bailing, because it was a chance to get away and breath--he had needed Zizhen's help because if he was going to properly organize a wedding he would need someone he trusted to help . He had sent a letter asking if he could visit all formally done, since he did not want to get Zizhen in any trouble by just showing up--he sometimes missed their childhood, when his being heir never mattered, but now him being Sect Leader did. It also meant that suddenly Sect Leader Ouyang thought he wasn't a good influence on his only son.
Jin Ling respectfully disagreed.
He helped the boy have a backbrone he would put himself between Sect Leader Ouyang and his only child without hesitation. Zizhen was his sworn brother, this happened after a particularly terrible Night Hunt. One of their firsts, if anyone asked him. Zizhen was his brother Jin Ling did not believe in half-siblings and if you were a sworn brother you were even better then a brother, as he had told Zizhen, because I chose you and you chose me. Sect Leader Ouyang wouldn't want him, an orphaned boy who put on airs, who came from a seemingly cursed line, who was going to marry another boy. He figured Zizhen's father thought he'd talk him into marrying a boy or something. Which was enough to cause him to bite back his temper. Jin Ling had never been particular interested in boy's or girl's. He figured he'd be solitary. Until Sizhui looked at him in a certain way. He still didn't think of other people as attractive in THAT way. So he figured for him it was Sizhui for him.
He could always bring a social problem he was having to Zizhen, like the courting, like the help with the wedding, though that was more because he was his brother. Jin Ling had confessed more things to Zizhen then most people. They could share their inner turmoil and talk about feeling’s of inadequacy or less then worthy. Jin Ling inherited his from being an orphan which was tragic--Zizhen had gotten his from his father which in the Jin Sect Leader's view was far WORSE because that man willingly did this to his son. Jin Ling would listen and not judge, would hold his hair back when he drank to much and it got it's revenge he would make sure he was tucked in. They shared views they wanted to make the world better, better for the next generation, better for the common folk who had suffered terribly, but many of the Sect Leader's had willing chose t turn a blind eye to how it was.
Harvests that never came in because they couldn't pay to get help. Land that was plagued with monsters because they could not afford the steep rates of some Sects. Hadn't they formed Sects to help those who needed it. Now all that spoke was wealth. His own Sect was terrible for it. They had amassed so much treasure, gold, and land holdings. He used it discreetly, no one could say he was trying to turn the faith of their commoners if they didn't know it was him or his sect involved. He and Zizhen had plans. They would see them through.
Jin Ling was not meant to hear the conversation at hand. He had been in the kitchen with Madam Ouyang she was making almond cookies and those were one of Jin Ling's favorites. He had been learning the recipe. So when he heard all the mean things that was said about him, to Zizhen his eyes darkened. Madam Ouyang looked pale and sad she had given Jin Ling a hug she couldn't change the mind of her husband any more then her son could. It was just a case of him causing grief for himself and she would offer words of comfort where she could. "He's not bad, he's just narrow minded, a reflection of his own youth." she had said to him before disappearing back into the kitchen.
He begged to differ. You never saw your other half in a bad light. He knew this. He would never say she was wrong. If he did he would expect a smack across the face or worse. Slandering a spouse was wrong. Still, Jin Ling stepped into the room when he saw Zizhen exit outside. Angular features gave him the cast of a fox at the best of times and golden eyes only added to the picture. Jin Ling didn't give the man a chance to speak and he stalked like a predator.
"You may have an issue with me Sect Leader, and when you do I would appreciate you address me directly with it. I have never indicated I would do anything to you or yours, Zizhen is like a brother to me, and on that front your getting this one and only warning because I would not hesitate to take the head of any man who hurt my siblings as many times as you have. The person here who is a disappointment is you." he said coldly "You cling to a glory past that is past, you fight change, are you waiting for some great war that will never come to reclaim some form of your fading youth ?" he demanded "Some great event that will make you relevant ?" he continued in the same harsh tone, his golden eyes practically glowed in his face. "I have heard it all, I am ill bred, a little mistress, a dainty little miss, a brat..people have made fun of my loss of parents for as long as I can remember...its all relevant is it correct ? " he shrugged "Maybe, maybe not. The difference between us, is I don't give a damn what people say about me, what they think about me. You are bullied into your position by people who can't see anything but what they can get out of a situation, it was never suppose to be like this." a breath followed. "If I find out that you have hurt MY brother again. I will come here, with my disciples and I will remove you from your duties Sect Leader. You want to see what dark path I can walk down, how much of the Yiling Patriarch is in me. How much like GuangYao I am...keep poking the fox in the hen house." he bowed and spun on his heels. “I will see myself out.”
Leaving what he knew was a seething Sect Leader behind him.
He found him looking out over the water and he composed himself from his temper. His cheeks still burned as he join his Sworn Brother by the water. He knew it was rough it was why he had to tell him he'd always be safe with him. With them. He, Sizhui, Jingyi...even Fairy. Jin Ling looked up, he always did the stars were his friends, they were dear to him. They were the many constellations, the moon was a glowing orb of kindness giving him its blessing when he could not sleep, lighting those places that made him feel dark.
Jin Ling leaned against him an arm went gently around his shoulders. He didn't offer an explanation, he didn't need to. Zizhen knew what he meant. He added "You deserve better then how he treats you.' his tone soft "I will see to it that you are." he added seriously. "I heard what he said about me. " his golden eyes flickered up to the other boy's. "I am sure some of it is true, but the difference is I am not completely grown yet, they make fun of the very barrier's that I am still learning to jump over, I thought at one time it was me lacking.." he said "I discovered its not, its that generation. They all lack a certain common ground with our generation, they are driven by power, by wealth and by the general childish ME, ME , ME , ME." he shook his head "They have become to set in their ways."
He glanced at the nudge to him and offered a quirk of his lips. "I am allowed to get just this sentimental with you." he protested nudging him back. "I have good authority that I might be a little softer around the edges." he gave that small faint chuckle. "Your not fine, A-Zhen." he his gaze was intent "And its alright not to be." he said "It's alright to hurt, its alright to cry...It's alright to be you, because you are you, and that is unique and wonderful. Words wound, and they can cut as sharp as any sword." he was still looking forward at the moon. "This is why we have friends, this is why we were given Sworn Brothers." he continued "You can share the burden and let me help you with it, two sets of shoulders are stronger then one."
@evcryopeneye [ Ouyang Zizhen ]
#Verse: When the Stars Go Blue#evcryopeneye#Ouyang Zizhen#[Ouch my feels ]#[this got long ]#[ he has your back ]
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Darkest Greetings and Salutations My Family, how is everyone? I am doing fabulously, I have a new lease on life and I feel great, it gets a little dizzying but nothing I can’t handle! The only thing that I am NOT looking forward to is the severe cold snap that they say we’re going to experience this week, the coldest it’s been in over a century they're saying, oh joy! And now I shall do my impression of a popsicle encased in an iceberg! Hopefully it won’t be as bad as they say but for right now:
Full Beaver Moon 2019
HAIL THE ANCIENT FAMILY! The Full Moon is upon us and it is a treasure whose worth is beyond calculation. As I sit in contemplation of the things that have happened over the years, I feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders! The shining Moon has been the one thing that has the ability to neutralize any stress I might be dealing with and enables me to meditate on any situation for any length of time. When I sit outside in front of my Altar I can feel the energy flowing all around, especially when the wind starts blowing! The strength of each gust always increases the deeper I go, this is how I know that the energy is moving and the feeling while it’s happening is indescribable! Of course this occurs if one does a ritual inside their home and the feeling is similar but it’s not quite the same as being out in it!
As I looked out my front door I saw the Full Moon in the sky, lighting up the darkness so effortlessly and never asking for anything from anyone to provide this light that so many have relied on to make their way to wherever they were going at night without having to worry about walking off a cliff or into a fight with a beast they had no intention of disturbing! The moon itself is a wonder that many take for granted especially now because people are so busy developing their cities and literally flooding them with artificial light that they all but forget about the Moon and the Stars above them and why?
Because they can’t see them and because they can’t they take for granted that both will always be there since they have always been there. What these people fail to realize is that many of the technological advances that we have now come from studying the Moon and Stars! For example we know that the waves in the ocean respond to the pull of the Moon energy, when you know how waves will react at almost any given time and how high they will get you then can build walls along the shoreline to protect the city. You can also determine when a good time to set sail to a remote location will be as the sea is a harsh mistress and she takes no prisoners!
Tonight’s Full Moon was named the Beaver Moon by the Algonquin Tribe of North America, it was so named because this is the time of year when they would begin to lay traps to catch as many beavers as possible so as to fashion their furs into clothing warm enough to survive the very harsh Northern Winter! As someone who lives in the same general area I can say there are times when I wish I had a few beaver furs to withstand the cold!
During this Full Beaver Moon it is clear that we need to reevaluate many things about ourselves as a species; petty selfishness and instant gratification has lead us to the crossroads we are currently at and to the governments we have, the question is do we fight it or do we work with it and decide among OURSELVES if we like what the current and future ruling bodies have to say? Only one of these roads will determine whether we are taken seriously on any level, especially a political and more importantly an environmental one!
The other thing that has lead us to where we are is that we have forgotten ourselves on a Spiritual level and the proof of that is in our willingness to allow the Earth to be drilled into, fractured and blown open for its oil, gas, uranium and copper deposits, even if it means leveling yet another mountainside or National Park! We wonder why mudslides are occuring, it is due to strip-mining for mineral deposits! If there are no rocks or trees in place to keep the soil from moving, all that is needed is just enough rain to create mud that when it is on an angles WILL begin to start sliding downward! Who cares if ANOTHER THREE THOUSAND acres of rainforest is cleared to make room for grazing lands for cattle? Why should we care, after all the only thing that trees and vegetation do is provide us with OXYGEN! So what if we tear up the woods and natural habitats of Wildlife, how dare they want their homes to remain UNINVADED? Then we bitch and moan about how Coyotes, Bobcats, Wolves and OTHER predators are showing up in the streets and eating the Humans pets! They are doing this because they don’t see a difference between a dog and a badger! MEAT IS MEAT and if we want them to continue to hunt in the woods then we need to LEAVE THE WOODS ALONE!
Humans have forgotten what it means to coexist with the very ecosystem which enables it to live, instead choosing to believe that they are superior, then they don't know what to do when an Earthquake, Tornado or Tsunami strikes! They need to remember they are part of the system, not above or below it, we exist in MIDDLE SPACE and it is absolutely imperative that we work with it for the sake of the survival of the whole!
The reason we have the kind of intelligence we do is not a freak accident, but intentional! We were given the intellect to oversee the goings on of our respective parts of the Earth and to live in conjuction with it! To enjoy life and to protect that which is the most import to ALL of our survival - the thing that Ninhursag, Enki and Ningizheda created and what the Ancient Family as one functioning unit oversees - the HEART (EARTH) of our very existence!
As I gaze upon the Moon I can’t help but wonder if all humans will ever wake up to what they are doing, but one thing I do know for certain is that there are many who have woken up and can see what is happening, not just on a physical level but “between the cracks” if you will, they keep to themselves what they see because they know what’s to come and they also know most humans would deny it even if they were told! There is a reason why the Moon Pool and Trail look so hypnotic on the water… It is the silent voice of the Cosmos calling out to us, whispering those memories we all possess of a life beyond what we are currently living!
Father I implore you to help those whose allegiance to the almighty dollar has led them to not only jeopardize the LIFE giving element of Water, but to sue for the right to endanger it while brutalizing any and all humans trying to protect it! Remind them that not only is it a RIGHT, but that it is a NATURAL ELEMENT, of which EVERYONE deserves access to a clean, NONINDUSTRIAL tainted supply! Remind them that they are not more important just because they have more human currency, nor will they curry favor in your eyes for denying others that which you provided us ALL with simply because they feel entitled to do so!
If we keep on the course we are currently on, cutting down the trees, burning through the rainforest and other wooded areas, stripping the mountiainsides, blasting the ground and gutting the mineral deposits, poisoning the air and water, drilling the shale and messing with fault lines, we are going to cause a global disaster unlike we have ever seen before and we will bring it all down on ourselves!
Great Father who keeps track of everything, I implore you to not lose hope in us just yet because there ARE those who are still fighting and who are not willing to back down! We know that you did not give up on the human race the last time but everyone has their breaking point and if you do decide enough is enough, we are ALL in very real trouble and there will be no escaping the consequences of our actions or the wrath of the Ancient Family! I will not back up or back down to any human regardless of their aggression, until the very last breath leaves my body I will continue to strive, to move forward and to help others do the same!
Even though things seem bleak, even though the future is uncertain, we will continue to move ahead as we know that we can get through whatever rough time or arduous situation because we have our Blessed Father on our side and he has no problem telling us to get our shit together and be ready because we never know just what may be around the corner or on the horizon!
While you won’t fight our battles for us, we know that we are able to combat any situation ourselves because we were created in the image of the most glorious Beings in all the Multiverse! We also know that if we are ever in need of guidance that you will be there to help us along! You may not always use human words, sometimes instead choosing nature’s vocabulary, however if we pay close enough attention we know just what it is you are saying!
Endearing and Fierce Father, I know that we will get through these hard times, I know because as stubborn as people are they are also scared of the unknown and I think once those fears are ABLE to be cast aside that people will calm down. It sickens me that those who are rioting in the streets are most likely only doing so because it’s staged! That they would allow themselves to be bought off like that is a human embarrassment!
On this Full Beaver Moon I wish everyone glad ridings and the comfort of Friends and Family to keep you warm through the rest of the Autumn and straight through the Season of Death! I wish you the peace that comes with taking care of your own and doing what you can to help those that need it! I wish you the presence of mind to always stand up for what is right and to always stand against injustice no matter what form it takes or who the aggressor is! Most of all I wish you Spiritual Guidance and Healing to help you with whatever issues you may be facing, do not ever be afraid to ask Father or any member of the Ancient Family for help when the burden becomes too much for one person to carry! No man is an island and the Family will always stand by us so long as we do our part and do not expect anything especially for them to do all the work!
“If you understand or if you don't,
If you believe or if you doubt
There's a Universal Justice
And the Eyes of Truth
Are ALWAYS watching you.
"When The First Frost Falls And Covers The Ground,
When The Air Hangs Cold And No Creatures Are Found,
When The Earth Is Hardened And The Bears Take Slumber,
When The Birds Fly South Flocking In Number,
When The Snows Are Calling, The Heat On The Run,
When The Leaves Have Fallen And The Autumn Is Done,
We Come Together By Respect And Gratitude Led,
To Say Thanks For Father's Generosity And Put The Earth To Bed!
We Batten Down The Hatches And Get Ready For Winter,
The Resources Become Scarce, The Conditions Are Bitter,
But We Have No Anxiety And No Fear,
For Father Has Taught Us How To Prepare!
With The Skills We Knew And The Skills We Were Taught,
We Gather Our Rations From Father's Great Lot!
Through The Death Season We Will Pull Through,
Until Spring Comes Again And The Rebirth Is Due!
We Take Care Of Ourselves And Of Each Other,
To Ensure The Survival Of Our Sister And Brother!
Never Doubting The Support Of Our Family,
Knowing Always We Are One Even Though We Are Many!"
Etiamsi MULTA Et Nos UNUM Sumus Nos Sto Validus Ut Nos Sto Una!
Semper Veritas, Semper Fideles, In NINHURSAG'S Nomen Nos Fides! AVE NINHURSAG!
(We Are ONE Even Though We Are MANY And We Stand STRONGEST When We Stand TOGETHER!
HPS Meg "Nemesis Nexus" Prentiss
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