#I do not have the patience and they scae me
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impossiblekittydelusion · 3 months ago
"Oh people change their minds all the time :)" fuck off fuck off fuck offfffff! I am telling you i do not have not will not ever want kids! This is something i have known about myself since i was twelve! Can't you fucking respect that?
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twofacedbelief · 5 years ago
Ao3 Links: WhumpTober series Local Cryptids Belief/Deception
Day 24 + 25: Secret Injury + Humiliation Warnings: Lots of focus on what makes up a body
Scae hasn’t gotten a moment to scaleself since scae woke up, and it’s starting to take its toll on scale. It was okay at first when scae rested against Virgil, but then scale had to look after Remus until he finally crashed from the mixture of coffee, energy drinks and dayquil. Gathering everyone to give them a basic rundown of what had happened had taken the last out of scale. Willpower only lasts for so long, and while scales body may look fine from the outside… well, deceiving others had always been scales strong suit.
Trick clenches scales teeth as scae struggles to not show any signs of weakness. If only Roman would leave before scae can’t hold it together any longer and collapses! Scae doesn’t need the humiliation on top of everything; it was awful enough that Roman pressured scae into revealing exactly why scae had a new shape. Scales patience is wearing thin, and scae knows that scales injuries will only remain internal for so long. Oh, scae loved Remus, but an incomplete body could only take so much.
If someone opened scale up, scae would look like an anatomy doll; scae had a skeleton and organs, but there weren’t any nerves; there weren’t any fat or muscles. The circulatory system only flowed through scales organs, leaving scales limbs cold and heavy. In short, scales body was little more than a pretty shell; scales concentration had been slipping too much when scae created the new body. Lacking the internal support, was it any wonder that scales ribs had pierced through scales lungs? It would have been fine if not for Remus’ antics, but now scae is barely standing upright.
Scales skin feels sticky, not from sweat, but some sort of thick fluid. Scae looked down to see red spread through the yellow fabric of scales dress. Blood. The broken ribs must have pierced through the shell of scales skin since there wasn’t any muscles or fat to keep the broken bones from moving outwards. Scae coughs and more blood comes up through scales mouth.
“Trick!” Roman looks shaken, his skin shades paler due to worry. His hands come up uselessly as he reaches for scale, unsure what he can do to help.
“Really didn’t want you to see me like this.” Scae smiles, but it doesn’t last very long. Not having a nerve system means not feeling the pain, so scae doesn’t know how bad it is. Scae only knows that scae’s bleeding out.
“Me specifically, or anyone?” Roman asks. His eyes are transfixed on the spreading blood; scae assumes the question is just a way for him to keep his thoughts from spiralling.
“Does it matter?” Scae laughs, but it quickly turns into a coughing fit. Scales lungs must be filling with blood as they speak. Scae would do something about it, but scae doesn’t know what.
“Let me help,” Roman begs. “Tell me what’s wrong so that I can fix it.”
Scae has a scathing reply ready, unwilling to show even more weakness by accepting help, but scae has to swallows it down as blood runs down scales chin. The blood is coming out through the wound, rushing up scales throat, and filling up the empty shell that is scales body. Scae can’t die, but it also means that scales hearts will continue to pump out blood. Unless something is done, scae will be little more than a fountain of blood on the living room floor.
“Unravelling was so easy. It didn’t need any thought; I wasn’t aware that I had done it until it was almost too late.” Scae pauses to empty scales mouth of blood. It isn’t pretty. Talking through the blood is awful, but scae has to explain if scae wants help. It hurts scales pride to ask for help, but feeling humiliated by scales weakness is preferable to what might happen otherwise. “Creating a body takes a lot of concentration, and I rushed it. The inner makings were less important than the outward presentation.”
Roman nods, probably turning scales words over until they make sense to him. He stands up from the sofa, hands glowing with creative power. In any other situation, the sight would have been breathtaking.
“I need to touch you and channel my powers through your body to right out the wrongs.” Roman explains. His jaw is set with forced calmness, as expected of royalty facing an unusual predicament. Trick is almost overwhelmed by the determination in his gaze.
“I trust you.”
Three simple words. The honesty tastes bittersweet in scales mouth, a harsh contrast to the iron flavour of scales blood. Roman looks over scale, probably searching for any sign of a lie. His shoulders sag with relief when he finds nothing. A single step is all it takes for Roman to step close and put his glowing hands on Trick - one on scales cheek, another over the wound.
The living room lights up with the golden power of creativity. Trick feels like scales body is filled with warmth; the nurturing, healing warmth of someone that loves scale. It would take scales breath away if scae could breathe. The abundance of blood gets redirected into veins and blood vessels as scales circulatory system spreads like threads through scales body.
“You have two hearts,” Roman breathes out; the words not much more than a whisper full of astoundment. He weaves muscles, tendons and nerves together through Trick’s body, keeping the healed bones and organs in place. “Two different circulatory systems.”
“I need both,” scae is quick to mention. It wouldn’t do for Roman to change that. “One warm-blooded, one cold-blooded.”
“You’re beautiful inside out.”
Fat is the last thing to fill out the still empty spaces in Trick’s body. Scae sags against Roman; no energy remaining after moving on pure willpower for so long. Scae had barely heard what Roman had said - something about beauty? Being able to soak up some of Roman’s warmth matters more than what he had said; scales warm-blooded heart is just big enough to keep scae from being sluggish. Without any outside warmth, scae runs constantly cold and any change in temperature immediately affects scale.
It might just add on to the weakness and humiliation that scae has felt, but Trick nuzzles scales head against Roman. Scae wants nothing more than sleep, and Roman is warm.
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