#I do NOT know what i'm doing with Hank.. he is my least favorite member of the O5 sorry hank. i just don't know what to do with you.
8thparadox · 8 days
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X-Men! I just love drawing lineups it's so fun and relaxing This is for my AU/Timeline I've put together. at this point it is 1975, but the X-Men don't have their first mission until 1976. I'm planning on drawing the other members of the X-Men and other designs for these guys as they grow and change.
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Okay idk if this is the most Obvious shit and im just slow or if theres been an ask about this or something but we need to talk about cloning and the AAHW more imo!!
If the thing about sanf and dei being previous members (and i think doc being confirmed?) then that begs many questions. Jeb and tricky were also members and we know their lore as past scientists for nexus and then jeb was "hired" by auditor and tricky too probably but we dont have a direct confirmation afaik but everyone else is just? Vauge?
Like either A) AAHW has people working for it that are not clones like the mass agents and soldats and engineers and they are never mentioned (which would be stupid imo considering how far we are into the story) or B) they are all clones that dissented which for deimos is yk not far fetched considering his poster outright stating it
BUT THEN THAT BEGS THE ISSUE ON HAND. Everyone that ive seen online considers the agents as personality-less fucking creatures and i think even canon says smt like that about them but like.. if a clone can dissent then they probably Arent as bland as they seem. And even that isnt far fetched, i mean they hold birthdays apparently and play games to pass time. How deep does it go? How much will do they have? They seem to be conditioned to never run when Hank aka (almost) certain death is around which is one thing but are they scared of death? Do they have favorite foods and colors? How human (or in this case grunt) are they? Is it just Some of them that have self awareness/personality? Are they coded to have a personality? If yes is it random or set? Would the AAHW bother to code a random persona generator?? Do they perhaps lose more of their indaviduality/humanity as they progress up on the food chain to be soldats or engineers??
Idk i keep seeing agents n shit in fics and stuff be shown as these sometimes mechanical creatures with 0 varying personality and 0 humanity and it makes me heavily wonder about them. Maybe theyre just a bit dumber than average due to being mass cloned? Shrug. I dont know i think theyre more interesting when considered to be actual people than just. Puppets. They are metaphorical and sorta physical puppets yeah but like they held a birthday man. Fuck. They had a birthday.
Agents keep me up at night.
-anon MMS if i can claim that cuz its funny /opt!!
Glad to know that I'm not the only one who also thinks about the AAHW!
I personally think/headcanon that basically everyone in the AAHW is a clone because anyone that could had been an actual real person is dead (lol). And idk how to explain it but from what I've read they lack S-3LFS, but they still are kinda like people? Like they might just appear like mindless clones who only wanna kill Hank, and they are that don't get me wrong, but I think they also still act like people to some extent (or at least some of them)
I mean one of the agents in MC 9.2 had been writing "We are abandoned " on a wall so to me that says they're capable of understanding their situation and feeling sad (?) about it?
Now I'm not sure on the engineers and the soldats, I mean a soldat literally blew a rocket where their team was because they thought their boss had told them to. Which makes me think two things
1: The AAHW is a bit too blindly devoted to the Auditor. Which is probably because they are clones that were made/'programmed' to be that way.
2: I think that the soldats and the engineers have less "free will" than the agents because of the ATP
There's also something else I wanna talk about
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Like hello? What the fuck did this guy do?
From my understanding what is considered a dissenter in this series is someone who goes against the Auditor and the agency. So what did this guy even do? Did he try to betray them like Deimos and Doc did?
Or was it perhaps something minor like not doing their job? Like actually make a decision for their own and don't do what the Auditor says for once, like how an actual person would do?
I wanna say that's a stupid reason to kill one if their agents, but it's a possibility: the Auditor is shown to not really take it kindly when people don't do their job, she literally sliced a grunt in half for it. Even though all the grunt did was play cards with some other agents.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case this guy was damned a "dissenter" and killed by the Auditor (or maybe the other members) for that reason.
So taken to account that they are soulless clones but can still 1: celebrate birthdays 2: play games to pass time 3: dislike their shitty ass situation I'd say that they have some personality, it's just that the Auditor is too strict to allow them to show/act like it. Because she doesn't want people with free will in the agency he wants mindless clones who'd do whatever she says.
Does this make sense I swear it does in my head I'm just bad at putting it to words.
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jaysevhls · 4 years
There's A Bomb | Jay Halstead
Request: Jay falling in love with Voight's daughter.
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Voight!Reader
Author's note: Requests are open. (The moment with a bomb was inspired on episode from "The Flash" when Joe saved Cecile.)
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Your dad was always worried about you, especially when you told him that you want to be a cop like him. First he didn't approve your decision, but when he saw you graduating the police academy, he knew that it's your right path. He wanted to keep you safe and close, at least he could do that, so he brought you to Intelligence. You were happy there since day one, it was your dream to watch him catching bad guys.
He partnered you with Erin, because he trusted her the most, like you. She wasn't from Voight's family, but she was like sister to you, she knew everything about you.
But after few years it was her time to go and she moved. You took it hard, just like Jay, who wanted to propose to her. You weren't close with him, but the pain he had was very similar to yours. After she left, Voight partnered you with him and Hailey, the new girl, was now a partner to Kim.
Cases that involved drugs were your favorite. Going undercover, to make a deal, that was your favorite part of the job. You were the best in this and you were happy to do it every time. But when kids are involved... This hits just different. You usually took it very personal, it was just too hard to see them working for those bastards.
"Okay guys, we've got a case involving drugs and a murder of mob boss. I think we all know who that is, Alejandro Cortez. 32 years old, he's chasing by police and FBI for 2 years. He killed his own wife, then mob boss, two murders with a bomb. One pinned to the car, the second one in club. He's hiding since then, we can't reach him." Kevin pinned his photo to the board and gave you files about the case."But, we know that his niece was taken from her family and we all think that he took her, because he wants to take a revenge on his brother for turning him to the police."
"All of this because he's angry? And why the kid?" you asked.
"We don't know yet. She's missing for 4 days and the people who saw the kidnapper described him. Description matches to Alejandro. They're living in Chicago, that means he's here and this might be our last chance to get him." you sat on your desk and started to look into the files.
"Hey, you okay?" Jay asked you. Before nodding to him, you brushed his hand with your fingers and smiled at him. He was always caring about you in cases like this, you were so thankful for him. "Let me know if you need anything."
"Y/N? Can we talk?" your dad asked.
"Sure." you walked into his office and closed doors.
"I'm worried about you. If you want I can take you off the case." he said.
"I'm fine, really. It's just... I don't understand some things, I need to figure them out. Don't worry." you hugged him and went back to your desk.
The tension was thick, everyone were working on the case, while Jay was trying to figure out his feelings. He couldn't talk to anyone about this, because they knew that person, especially he couldn't talk about it with you.
God, he wished that you noticed how much he adored you. He stood up and walked to your desk.
"Y/N? Y/N?" he tapped your shoulder.
"Hmm?" you muttered.
"You kinda zoned out, I brought you some coffee."
"Thanks. Do you want to go with me and check on this woman who saw Alejandro? I don't want to go there alone." you asked.
"Of course, partner."
You drove in silence, Jay was watching you the whole ride. He loved to look at your smile, eyes, when you tried to be serious, but he always made you smile and laugh. He trusted you like no one, he could put his life in your hands, because he knew that you'll help him no matter what.
"Chicago PD." you said and knocked on the doors.
"What do you want?" a woman appeared and looked so scared.
"Sophia? We're from Chicago Police Department, I'm detective Halstead and this is detective Voight. We wanted to ask you few questions."
"There's no need to, I already spoke with police." she answered.
"We know, but we wanted to ask about description you gave us. Are you sure that this was the guy?" you showed her a picture.
"Yes, definitely. Now leave me alone." she said and walked away, then closed the doors.
"I think she won't say us more." you laughed and made your way to the truck.
"Yeah Adam, what's up?" Jay said, answering his phone.
"We've got a possible location where Alejandro can be, go and check this place."
"Alright, let's go." Jay said.
"5021 Frank, detective Y/N Voight, we're heading to a possible location where our suspect can be. Plain clothes officers on the scene, roll a backup and ambo."
"Copied 5021 Frank, sending a backup and ambo."
"Do you think he's gonna be there?" Jay asked you.
"I don't know, I just hope to find his niece sooner than him so I could kick his ass after. I mean, she's a kid... How can he do that?" you answered. Jay looked at you worried. After few minutes you were on the scene.
"Take the back, we're going from the front." you said to officers who were there already.
"I'm coming in." Jay went first, you right after him.
"I'm covering you." you pulled your gun low, until you noticed blood on the carpet. "Blood." you both raised your gun and checked the first floor.
"Stairs." Jay said and again you followed him.
"You heard that?" the sound reminded you a cry.
"Chicago PD! Alejandro, put your gun down and come out!" Jay yelled. "Let your niece go first!"
"Stop! Stop!" you looked at Jay confused.
"Alejandro, if you won't come out we'll come for you" he yelled again.
"Wait, it's not him." you looked at Jay and nodded over the mirror where you saw a little girl tied up, sitting on the chair.
"Please, it's gonna blow!" you hid your gun and walked into the room while Jay was calling for a bomb squad.
"Hey, what's your name?" you asked her.
"Lauren." she cried so hard. You needed to calm her down when you saw a bomb pinned to the chair.
"Okay Lauren, I need you to sit there carefully, don't move, okay? We'll get you out of here."
"He said that he's gonna make them suffer!" she yelled.
"Jay? Call for a backup, send them to her parents." you knew that at this point he wanted to kill all of her family, to make them suffer, especially this little girl. "It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna check on timer right now okay?"
"Mhm." she calmed a little. 6 minutes you saw. You knew what kind of bomb was that. Jay told you his stories when he was in the army, you knew more than he thought.
"Y/N? What are you doing? Let's go, bomb squad will help her!" Jay showed up in the room, watching your actions.
"It will be too late. Hey, Lauren. I need you to switch places with me on 3 okay?" you looked at her, she nodded slowly.
"You've got to be kidding me! You want yourself killed?"
"Jay! Just let me do my job. It has 5 minutes timer now, when she'll stand, it's gonna run down, we won't be able to get out of there and they'll be too late. I'm gonna sit there to stop it from going down fast."
"Y/N, please..." he walked closer and hugged you.
"On 3 Lauren. 1... 2... 3..." you pushed her to Jay and sat on the chair. You looked at the timer. 3 minutes left.
"Take her out, I'll stay on the line." you said.
"5021 George, I'm going out with a hostage. Detective Voight will stay on the line." he felt tears in his eyes. He let go her hand and went outside. Lauren went to the ambo to get checked out.
"Halstead, what the hell? Where's Y/N?" Voight asked him.
"She switched places with Lauren, she's holding out the timer."
"Y/N?" Voight spoke.
"D-dad, I'm fine. Just tell the squad to come here asap."
"They're 6 minutes out."
"Well... We've 2." you said.
"I'm calling them." Jay said. He put them on the line to speak to you.
"Y/N, we need you to say how this looks like."
"Well, it has a timer and 3 colors inside. Black, white and blue."
"Okay, that means he used the same bomb as on the vehicle. You need to stay calm and carefully remove the blue one." they instructed you. Your hands were shaking, eyes were blinded and your heart was pounding so hard.
"Okay, yeah, I'll do it." you took a deep breath and take moved slowly to blue cable. You looked at the timer. It has stopped.
"Y/N? Y/N!" Jay was screaming to his radio, but you couldn't respond. You immediately stood up and went downstairs. Tears blurred your vision. You reached out to the doors and opened them. All the members looked at you relieved. "Shit." he said and run to you.
At this point you were crying. He took you in his arms, softly stroking your hair.
"I can't breathe." you choked.
"Easy honey, easy. It's the adrenaline rush, everything is okay." he hugged you tighter.
You had still covered your face with your hands. They were shaking so bad. Jay tried to calm you down, so he took them from your face and kissed."Come on, I'm taking you home." he held you close and went with you to Hank.
"Oh god Y/N! What were you thinking out there?!" now he was the one holding you.
"I was doing my job, I needed to help her." you said as you felt something hugging you from the side. Lauren held your hand hard and cried.
"Thank you, thank you. I wanna be strong as you! I'll be a cop one day!" she was full of energy, she didn't realise what just happened, she was only 8 years old after all... And that fact was making you sick. That little girl almost died because of payback.
"I'm so glad you're okay baby. Go to see your mom." you pointed at police car, who just arrived.
"Hey, you sure you're fine?" Jay asked you when Hank left to speak with Lauren's mom.
"I just want to go home." he nodded at went with you to his truck.
You held Jay's hand the whole ride to your home.
"Can you go upstairs with me? I need someone right now... Also, I have your favorite beer." you smiled.
"Yeah, I'll take that beer." he answered and followed you to your apartment.
You closed the door and went to the kitchen. Taking a beer, you noticed Jay standing in the hallway, looking at the picture frame with you and him. You put the beer down and walked to him. He turned to face you, when you hungrily kissed his lips. The kiss was so desperate, but at the same time filled with passion and love. He put his hands on your back, bringing you closer. When you couldn't catch a breath, you pulled back.
"I love you. I love you so freaking much. I think about you day and night, if you're okay, if you slept enough. When I pushed Lauren into your way... I knew that I'll always want you to be the one who won't leave my side Jay. I want you to be here. Right here, with me." he pulled you into hug, just like before. It was different than the others time when he was with you. This time, there was a real love between you two.
"Y/N, you don't know how happy I am right now. You saved me so many times, you're my little miracle. I was so afraid to tell you that, but now I wish I could say it earlier. Holding you in my arms is the best thing in the world and I'll always be here for you baby. I love you." he kissed your forehead and took you to the couch. You sat next to him and covered you with blanked.
He couldn't stop thinking about how lucky he was to have you. You were his light.
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omigooness · 3 years
If I was going to sort me, and my friends into the four GoT families,
Avery : verr pretty, and ugly at the same time
Kevin(Todd Alison) : knows a lot of things
Ann(hatstall) : seems to love Avery
Emily : cause she is so pretty
Kylyna : somtimes my only friend
LICH : relies on me to destroy planets when he is not there
Lydia : likes Avery
Five(Levi) : for som reason I feel rather fond of him, but i do not know why
Virginia : does she love her mother or not?
Justin Bieber : an old friend
Tsukimi Kurashita : we get along
Lucy Pevensie : children like me
Nyx : funny dog, pretended my mother was her favorite, but I think it was me
June Piper : a twin, leads against me
Vanya Hargreeves : hates me, I get it
Virginia Miller : one of my ocs- maybe she does not hate anywon
Emma Watson : likes me, like she likes Draco, and always has liked Draco
Izuku Midorya : green hair like mine- we are actually quite similar
Reese : a physics teacher, who likes Afrodite
Luca : a boy from elementary school
John Green : evil
Adam : I was not gross in front of him, not at all
Greg : clever kid
McJagger : there are rumors...
Alessia Cara : likes Avery, but I can't tell if she thinks badly of me, so we're cool
Jake the dog : where is the real Jake?
Light Yagami : (i'm the dorky one)
Lauren Lightfoot : me
Alisha Siddiqi : //b//
Riley Joy : my blood uncle raped a foster cousin, and she had a baby, which is related to me by blood
Gojo Satorou : a very powerful man
Nicholas(Niky) : //b//
Isabella King : //b//
Dale(either half) : //b//
Charles Wallace : considers me family, I know the story
Anika : brave little girl
Rick Sanchez : listens to me, like invader zim
Angelo : liked me in high school
Wednesday Addams: //b//
Angel(my dog) : very pleasant and thoughtful
Nobara : queen material
Megumi : Sean Hammet, is attempting to fix his ways
Maki : thought she liked Avery but seems to like me too
Toge : a very beautiful girl, or at least I think so, anyway
Panda : like Santa Claus, but not horrible
Ayato Naoi : //b//
Tyler Dirden : //b//
Aladdin : upset that I don't like him, but listens, comes from a line of KINGS
Camila(Morticia) : both I and she were tasked to take care of Amai(little Satan)
Eren Jaeger : crazy kid, i like him
Muta Kukichi : //b//
Leondro : 'almost' as crazy as me
Shoto Todoroki : likes women, likes me
Rei Ayanami : likes my son Shinji
Raheel Raad : knows more about me than I thought she did
Rick Sanchez : refuses to hate me (because I can't make him do anything)
Ms Starr : 9th grade english teacher
Napoleon : because he is a mis-fit
Edelweiss : a frightening man
Nat : a dork, like me
Surrey : forced to be here(due to a few recent events)
Lenin : where are you?
Sukuna : don't die, please, i'm coming
Tyler Joseph : the message man
Paul : belonged in a house where he could rule without question
Alejandra : joined cause of Lenin
Cameron : sort of a dirty boy
Chris : really good at insults
Harmonia : sort of a 'nasty' personality, like her father(nasty being a positive trait, like how I like broccoli)
Alex Conte : Lenin's right hand
Kiev : another nasty boy
Roy Mustang : is reliable, and a play boy
Lucy Lee : a member of the cat dynasty, and listener
Frodo Baggins : what. Am I doing here.
Shinoa Hiragi : somwon who was nice to me, when I was not nice to her, and the first to surprise me like that
Vino : thought I was similar to Chane once
Hideaki Anno : was once Shakespeare
Maddie : did all the coding in POE
Gramma Ann : 'hip crew'
Katherine Brattpfotenhaur : writes fan fictions
Micarah Tewers : cause she has a good sense of humor
Demeter : in the king family
Vine: understands sister very well
Julia : wants to be rich
Laryssa : //b//
Madison Fragnito: much like royalty
Marina Tinkerbella : safe here
Ra : the sun(the sphynx is part lion)
The Doctor : cause he likes Sersei
Sersei Lannister : //b//
George : sort of dirty
Emma King : //b//
Thomas King : no strings attatched
Barron Von Hindenburg : very fancy
Hank Green : i used to be a big fan, still talks to me
Willy Wonka : great at starting businesses, and, letting them fall over
Cosmo : sad little boy
Eric : still thinks i am a woman
Yogi : //b//
Justin Timberlake : was in an entire movie with me
Anagha Pratheep : one of the only people i liked in middle school
Poppy : loves shopping
Uncle Fester : oldest son of a very rich family
Anna Delvi : likes to spend money
Sameena : from India
Annie Leonhart : wanted to be around Marina
I have had at least had a few conversations with everywon here.
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novelmonger · 2 years
Detroit: Become Human - What they should have done with Alice
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Major spoilers for Kara's storyline below the cut.
I've played through the game twice now, and I'm going back through again to try to 100% it. This is something I thought even in my first playthrough, but the more times I play Kara's scenes, the more convinced I am:
They should have made Alice a human.
You know, I get what they were (presumably) going for. They were trying to show that androids really are just like us - they love, they feel fear and pain (emotional as well as physical), they need companionship and protection, and an android child deserves to be treated well just as much as a human child does. Our hearts are supposed to go out to Alice, and Kara's protective motherly instincts should awaken our own. They certainly did for me; it's why Kara's storyline has always been my favorite.
I also get the feeling that QuanticDream wanted to make us examine our own knee-jerk reactions when we discover that the child we always assumed was human is actually an android too. If there's a sense of disappointment or we feel inclined to pull away from her once we know the truth...what does that say about us? After a whole game of empathizing with androids and rooting for them in their various struggles, why might we have a different experience with Alice?
But all of this is just so much less interesting and fulfilling to me than the story that could have played out if she were human. The way it is now, it's a story of an android rescuing one of her own kind, going through a weird bit of denial that she is one of her kind, and finally coming to the conclusion that she loves her anyway, and is still going to do everything she can to protect her.
But if Alice was a human girl, Kara's story would be about an android who protects a human girl from her abusive father, and then goes through hell and high water to keep her safe. It would be a story about a human and an android having a deep, parental relationship, proving that human-android relationships can be meaningful, peaceful, and wholesome despite what the public thinks. You know...like Connor and Hank. Or Markus and Carl. It just seems so much more thematically consistent that way.
Also, the more times I play through the beginning of Kara's storyline, the more I think that Todd's interactions with Alice make zero sense if she's an android. He acts like she's really his daughter, like he doesn't know that she's an android...when the brochure is sitting right there in his bedroom with her face on it, and he had to have been there when they bought her. (I can't see his wife going out to buy a child android and then bringing her home like, "Yep, I just adopted this girl. There will be no follow-up questions.") And when he goes after Alice in a rage, if you don't get to them fast enough, Todd will beat Alice to death. And yet...you'd think that if he did that, there would be blue blood all over the place, or at least some part of her body that's dented or showing the grey surface under the skin. (Granted, there's no red blood all over the place either, but that's because they didn't want to let on that Alice doesn't have red blood.) And why is Alice's LED not showing? Other than Alice, the only androids who cover it up are deviants...so when did Alice become a deviant? And why did she cover it up, even from Kara?
There are just too many questions that don't have good answers. It seriously feels like they came up with the twist reveal at the last second and didn't bother going back to change enough stuff to build up to it properly.
I want to see the version of Detroit: Become Human where Alice becomes an example of a human whose life is saved by an android. A human who is taken out of an abusive home and raised by an android to become a healthy, fully functioning member of society. What a powerful testimony that would be to the humanity of androids everywhere. More so, I think, than it does if Alice is an android herself.
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Twist 那個油罐車竟然是實景拍攝
Crew Stories 昨天上午11:41 ·
On this day in 1996 Twister was released "That's no moon, it's a space station!" Tom Hanks was the original choice for the role of Bill Harding. Hanks read lines with the cast and even chose the character's wardrobe, which stayed in the final film, before dropping out. Kurt Russell and Michael Keaton were other possible considerations. Bill Paxton was chosen due to his "southern everyman charm" on a recommendation from director James Cameron. Another James Cameron connection is the name on the tanker truck that pushes Bill's pickup off of the tree is "Benthic Petroleum" which is the same oil company that Ed Harris' crew works for in The Abyss (1989). The base camp (where the crew trucks and equipment are staged) for the end sequence was at a pig farm down the road from the well-house. Every morning the cast and crew were greeted by the smell of a 2-acre pig-waste holding pond in the middle of all the trucks. 2nd AD Richard Oswald shared with us that the legendary Newt Arnold, was the 1st AD would do a loud Tarzan howl when camera was ready! During the hot summer shoot the crew went thru tons of Gold Bond for their “nether region” during dustings at lunch. Crew stories member Jeff Machit shared this anecdote about his experience on the film, my favorite Twister moment. “We’re working in the middle of tornado alley during the middle of tornado season. Many of the crew were concerned about what to do if we were threatened by a real twister. Production brought in the local TV weather man to reassure us. He told us not to worry as we have an on site Doppler radar. The radar would give us a 15 minute warning. He also reassured us that there were two helicopters standing by to evacuate all the above-the-line personnel. The rest of crew should find a ditch to jump into.” Some crew members, feeling that De Bont was "out of control", left the production five weeks into filming. The camera crew led by cinematographer Don Burgess ASC claimed De Bont "didn't know what he wanted till he saw it. He would shoot one direction, with all the equipment behind the view of the camera, and then he'd want to shoot in the other direction right away and we'd have to move [everything] and he'd get angry that we took too long ... and it was always everybody else's fault, never his". De Bont claims that they had to schedule at least three scenes every day because the weather changed so often, and "Don had trouble adjusting to that". When De Bont threw down a camera assistant in a fit of rage, Burgess and his crew had enough and walked off the set, much to the shock of the cast. I just talked to the AC now a operator and he shared this with us. “Looking back on it, I wish I had the self confidence and awareness to make an official complaint to the studio. But I was 32 years old with two young kids and I was afraid it would affect my ability to find work. Obviously, those were different times.” The camera grip and electric crew remained in place for one more week until cinematographer Jack N. Green's crew agreed to replace them. Unfortunately with just two days left of principal photography Jack Green was injured on stage, a warehouse. The set was built so the second floor would drop. It was very hot and there was air conditioning that was very loud. A test of the floor dropping was going to be done. The 1st AD called it out. Jack was underneath and because of the air conditioning didn’t hear the warning. Jack was instructing lamp operator Matt Hawkins to adjust a light and in doing so moved him out of harms way. Unfortunately for Jack the dropping floor hit him injuring his back. Jack spent some time in the hospital. Jan De Bont took over cinematography duties for the remainder of the shoot. Halfway through filming, both Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt were temporarily blinded by bright electronic lamps used to make the sky behind the two actors look dark and stormy. Paxton remembers that "these things literally sunburned our eyeballs. I got back to my room, I couldn't see". To solve the problem, a Plexiglas filter was placed in front of the
beams. The actors took eye drops and wore special glasses for a few days to recuperate. After filming in a particularly unsanitary ditch (for the first tornado chase scene, in which Bill and Jo are forced to shelter from an approaching F1 tornado under a short bridge), Hunt and Paxton needed hepatitis shots. During the same sequence, Hunt repeatedly hit her head on a low wooden bridge, so exhausted from the demanding shoot that she stood up so quickly her head struck a beam. During one stunt in which Hunt opened the door of a vehicle speeding through a cornfield, she momentarily let go of the door and it struck her on the side of the head. Some sources claim she received a concussion in the incident. De Bont said, "I love Helen to death, but you know, she can be also a little bit clumsy. " She responded, "Clumsy? The guy burned my retinas, but I'm clumsy ... I thought I was a good sport. I don't know ultimately if Jan chalks me up as that or not, but one would hope so". To simulate the high speed winds that occurs during a tornado and Ritter fans weren’t enough special effects Legend John Frazier and his effects crew (the real heroes of this production) procured some jet engines from a Boeing 707 and mounted them to flatbed trailer! This crew pulled off some pretty epic stuff on this one from dropping tractors from cranes and helicopters to driving a truck thru the facade of a tumbling house! The instrument package used in the movie, "Dorothy", is an homage to the instrument pack real tornado researchers attempt to place in the paths of tornadoes, "T.O.T.O.". Lois Smith's character is reading Dante Alighieri's Inferno when the twister hits Wakita. The book also features a tornado in the second circle of Hell that punishes people ruled by Lust. After the team leaves Wakita, there is a seemingly impossible helicopter shot in which the camera descends several hundred feet in a matter of seconds, ending up mere feet from Jonas's convoy. This was achieved by having the cars drive slower than usual and then speeding up the film. A recording of a camel's moan was slowed down and used as the sound of the tornado. Although Amblin Entertainment has collaborated with both Warner Bros. and Universal on many occasions (Amblin co-founder Steven Spielberg directed films for both studios), as of 2014, this film marks the only time Amblin collaborated with both studios on the same film. The real town of Wakita, Oklahoma had part of its old downtown area demolished by the film crew for the scenes after the twister passes. The studio then paid for the downtown to be rebuilt. The town also kept the new fire truck used in the film De Bont insisted on using multiple cameras, which led to the exposure of 1,300,000 feet (400,000 m) of film, compared to the usual maximum of 300,000 feet (91,000 m). The 35mm short ends were used to shoot Jon Favreau’s SWINGERS. pre production in Oklahoma was briefly delayed due to the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. Many of the crew went to the site to help with recovery efforts. This was the first movie released on DVD, and the last released on HD-DVD. After Bill Paxton died, Spotter Network choreographed 200 storm chasers to spell out "BP" with their GPS tracker blips on a radar display to honor him. This kind of tribute had only been done five times before, and it was the first time it had been done for someone who wasn't a storm chaser. (IMDb/Wikipedia/crew stories) some photos from Sound utility and crew stories member Robert K. Maxfield and Paxtonmobile by Mel Roswell,excerpts from a previous post from Matt Hawkins, Jim Plannette, Richard Oswald If you recognize any crew members comment so we may update. A special Thank you to every crew member that endured this production, you were deep in the suck and it was worth it! These kinds of popcorn movies inspired many of us to pursue a career in the filmmaking process.
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