#I didn't write only because I didn't take my laptop out of my bag forever lol
pianocat939 · 4 months
Hi I hope you are doing alright. 🙃
But I must inform you of a great lack of, mean girl!donnie!!
Jk but I was wondering if you can do a little headcanon or short story of mean girl!donnie and MC dating. Like how would people react to knowing HOT and smart donnie dating someone who was basically not recognized till dating donnie.
or how would they interact in public and private, how would his brothers react. That kind of stuff
don’t need to don’t want to just asking and I hope you have a wonderful day/night!
Now, I am still on my hiatus for turtle content, but this was an interesting question, so have your rare ounce of food.
Now, if I remember correctly, we had Mean Girl Donnie, Bimbo Leo, Jock Raph, and Nerd Mikey.
Tw: controlling behaviour, mentions of blackmail and stalking, 100% TOXIC RELATIONSHIP
People are shocked for sure. Never would they have imagined the smartest and the most attractive person in the school would be with...a student no one really knows about.
It definitely becomes a hot topic in the halls. Lots of people coming up to MC, wondering how they got Donnie of all people to date them.
Quickly, rumors start up but Donnie quickly shoots down the ones he doesn't like. He likes some of them, like, "They only got him because they begged and offered full control."
Moving on,
He acts very, very mean in public. Literally bullying MC. Whether it's making their reputation worse or making them do lots of stuff for him (not school work but rather more getting him things or general favors).
He refuses any affection. No compliments, no hugs, nothing. You're basically treated like an underling to a cruel boss. And no, you can't leave. He'll destroy your life if you do.
In private, he's practically the definition of a clinger. But like, controlling.
He'll bring you to his grand house often. Shoving his curious brothers out of the way and bringing you straight to his room. Then he'll hold onto your arm, nuzzling your neck. Making happy hums, eyes closed and all.
If you try to leave his grasp when he's in this mood he will pull you back and make upset grunts if you keep trying. He kind of goes nonverbal in this state. You can't deprive him of comfort.
Next, his brothers.
(I'll go in this order: Leo, Raph, Mikey)
Leo is Donnie's biggest rival. Leo wants you just as bad as Donnie does. But instead of control...he just simply wants to be the person you always go to for comfort. He wants to be the one that gets all your attention.
So being him, he'll walk in to Donnie's room, acting like he doesn't know what's going on when he knows Donnie's being clingy. Then he'll "mistake" it as snuggle time and get on the other side of you.
Which Donnie is hissy pissy at.
In general, Leo will always try to get in between the two of you and get your attention.
Surely you'll fall in love with him, right?
Raph is like trying not to be jealous. But highkey is. He doesn't like that Donnie gets to have you! He's much more nicer! Sure, Donnie is perfect in grades and looks, but he's great at sports!
People love to talk to him! And he's sure you do to. So he tries to talk to you when Donnie isn't hovering around you. He tries inviting you to hang out or go watch his games.
Raph isn't as obvious as Leo in trying to get your attention. He's more, normal about it. But his intentions are quite similar to Leo.
Bro. Mikey is a little brat.
Donnie has to deal with him often. Donnie is the only one who knows Mikey tends to have an odd photo and art collection of you. But Donnie can't stop him. Since he purposely tries to be a clean slate.
Nothing to blackmail him about other than his works. Which Donnie can't get into since Mikey keeps it in a very intricate spot.
Mikey doesn't try interacting with you directly. Instead, he'll try to be at places you're interested in or try to do the things you like and make it easy for you to see.
I would say Mikey is the hardest for Donnie to deal with. Since they're kind of the opposites in what they do.
(I'm not officially back, but this was fun I admit. I do like my mean girl Donnie. He's just mad tehe).
(I'll answer questions. I'm not going to make raw content. But if you have any I'll answer. Only on Mean girl stuff though including the other brothers).
- Celina
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write-orflight · 10 months
Golden: Chapter 3
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**Gif Not Mine**
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Pairings: SpencerXReader (Friends to lovers)
Rating: M
Words: 2. 1K
Warnings: No warnings. Over-bearing mother maybe??
Summary: One misheard conversation turns Y/N and Spencer’s perfect friendship upside down. Now, she needs him to play pretend for her parents wedding. Will their friendship last this one little hiccup? Or will it change how they see each other forever?
A.N Guess who's back in the house?? Sorry for my long hiatus I didn't have a way to write for a while but now with my new laptop. I plan on writing a lot more! reply to this if you want to be back on my taglist. Love, Cia
Chapter 3: I know you were way too bright for me 
You sprinted across the quad at record speed. In fact, you’d be surprised if a track coach didn’t try to recruit you because you knew you had to be breaking some type of record. You saw Spencer walking from his Advanced Physics class when you tackled him from behind, sending him toppling over. 
Spencer sputtered for a second before turning over realizing it was you. “Y-Y/N, What the heck?!” 
“Shut up.” You say, from your perch on top of him. You pull the folded piece of paper out of your back pocket, shoving it in the taller man’s face. “Read it and weep.” 
Spencer squinted slightly at the paper. “This is a C…” 
“Hell yea, it’s a C!” You say, excitedly. “In calculus! Effectively bringing my D up to a low C.” 
“And we’re happy?” 
“Yes!” You say, shaking the man by his shoulders. “Because I never have to take that shit again, which means we’re going out tonight.” 
Spencer groans which you mock. “Don’t you think you should be studying instead? To bump that grade up.” 
“Nope, C’s get degrees, so I’m getting shots. Which means you are too.”
“Fine… but you’ll have to let me up first.” Spencer says. You mumble a quick ‘oh yea’ as you get up off the man’s lap. He brushes the dirt off his pants as he stands with a small frown on his face. 
The two of you walk in silence in the direction of the bar just off campus before Spencer looks over at you.
“I’m proud of you for getting a C, Y/N.” Spencer smiles down at you. “I know you were struggling with Calculus. You should be proud.” 
You smile up at the man. Spencer doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to the supernova you seemed to hide behind your teeth. “Thank you, Spence.” 
“Let’s just tell her we both died.” You say, as you drive down the road that leads closer and closer to your childhood home. “We’re in the FBI, she’ll believe it.”
Spencer laughs. “Faking your death won’t solve our problems, Y/N.” 
“Fine… witness protection then.” 
“We’re gonna be fine, our story is air-tight, we prepped for this, and it’s only for a week.” 
You sank more and more into your seat as Spencer turned down Cherrytree Drive, your childhood street. You couldn’t help the dread that entered your heart as you passed the big tree you used to climb as a kid which was also how you broke your arm in the 7th grade. 
Spencer parks in your parents' very expensive, long driveway. Your parents were both doctors and did fairly well for themselves even after retirement due to some good investments. Spencer looked over at the petrified look on your face and gave you a pity smile. 
“Look, if you want we can say there was a last minute case and we can turn back. But it’s your parent’s anniversary and even though you don’t like the circumstances, I know you’d be more upset if you missed it.” You blew a breath, you knew Spencer was right, as he often was. “I’ll be right here… Whatever you want to do.” 
You sigh again. “Fine, let’s just get this over with.” You say, before swinging the car door open. 
The first person you see is your sister running down the front steps, her mellow-demeanored husband following shyly behind her. You run halfway to meet her as Spencer grabs your bags. 
“Y/N!” The wind is knocked out of you slightly as the 2 of you collided. “God, it’s been too long, how come you never visit?” 
“You know, my work schedule. We’re just lucky the serial killers took a break this week.” You laugh at your sister’s scared expression. She never liked the details of your job, being one of those people who thought Serial killers only existed in the 70s. 
She changes the subject almost as soon as possible. “I see you roped Spencer into saving you from the Momster. Do you really think you guys are gonna pull it off?” 
“Well, Spencer seems to think so and he’s smarter than me, so.” 
Your sister hums for a second. “You know, I think you two are gonna pull it off.” She says, in a way that almost sounds sneaky, you raise an eyebrow at her. “You wanna know why I think you’re going to pull it off?” 
You decide to indulge her. “I don’t know, why Rachel?” 
“Because I don’t think you guys are going to make it through the week before realizing you’re madly in love with each other.” She says, making mock kissy faces at you which you push her for.      
“Don’t be ridiculous, Rach, You know me and Spencer are just friends.” 
She holds her hands up in mock defense. “Hey, I’m just saying. I don’t look at any of my friends the way the two of you look at each other. I’m just saying maybe this weekend, the party, all the Romantic energy.” Rachel says, wiggling her eyebrows at you. You roll your eyes at that. “Maybe you’ll see what I see.” Rachel shrugs.
“And what do you see?” You say, deciding to indulge her. 
“A man who's completely in love with you.” She says, turning to the two men who were getting your bags from the car. Well, Jacob was getting the bags from the car while Spencer excitedly explained ancient marriage traditions. You can’t help the smile that spreads across your face. You look over at your sister who is smirking at you, you roll your eyes at her again. 
“Come on, let’s go find mom.” 
You find your mom standing at the kitchen counter baking while your little sister, Isabelle, was sitting on the other side of the kitchen island studying. You walk up and tussle her hair. 
“Hey Squirt!” You say, excitedly. 
“You know, I’m an adult now, right?” She says, hands moving up frantically to fix her hair. “I don’t like being called Squirt.”  
“Oh, I’m sorry, Izzy.” You say, watching her grumble a soft ‘my name is Isabelle’ under her  breath before turning your attention to your mother. “Hey Mama.” You say, softly as you go into her waiting open arms. 
“Oh, my baby! I’m so happy you were able to make it!” She says into your shoulder. She pulls away holding you at arms length. “So… where is he?” She questions in a kind of sing-song tone. 
“Where’s who?” You say, deciding to play dumb to mess with your mother. She just levels you with a look. “He’s getting our bags with Jake.” 
Your mother lets you go to swat at you. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were dating Spencer! Of all people!” 
“Yea, I know, Mama.” You say, already starting to feel bad for lying to your mother. “It’s just new and we work together… we just wanted to keep it under wraps and all.” 
“And it’s not a problem? Working together?” 
You shake your head. “Spencer and I work well together.” 
“No, I mean dating and working together. Your coworkers don’t mind?” 
“Oh.” You say, understanding her question now. “No, none so far. But we do different things for the team.”  
“Oh, I know they were probably rooting for you crazy kids as much as we were. When I told your dad, he even smiled.” She says, happily. It doesn’t sound like much but for the stoic man it was practically jumping for joy. 
As if on cue, Spencer walks in and your mother immediately forgets you exist. “Oh, Spencer!” She says, smiling brightly at the young man. 
“Hi, Ms. Y/L/N.” He says, softly. 
“Oh, honey, you can call me Abigail.” The older woman says. “Or even Mom if you’d like.” 
“Ma!” You say, slightly embarrassed. “Do you think we could go upstairs and unpack? We had a long trip.”
“Of course, honey. I set up the guest room for you guys, unless you want to sleep in your old room?” Your mother asks. You frown at the thought of sleeping in your eye-draining bright pink room with Tween Beat posters probably still on the walls and shook your head. 
“We’ll take the guest room.” You say, practically pulling Spencer away. 
Once the two of you are secluded in the room, you take the first sigh of relief you had been holding. 
“We can still back out if you want.” You say, as Spencer sets your bags down. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know my mom would be so… pushy immediately.” 
“I did.” You give Spencer a confused expression. “I’ve been preparing for this since you asked me. I know what your family’s like, it can't be any worse than what we do everyday.”             
“It could be. It’s my mother.” 
As if you were speaking of the devil, you hear the familiar rapping of your formative years on the door before your mother just fully walks in half-covering her eyes with her hands. 
“Hope everyone’s decent?” 
“We’ve been up here for 4 minutes, Ma.” You say, rolling your eyes while Spencer smirked at the antics of your mother. 
“I just wanted to see what you were wearing tonight.” Your mom smiled. You and Spencer looked up shocked. 
“Umm, what’s tonight, mother?” You say, eyebrows raised. Your mom holds her hands up in mock surrender. 
“I know we said we were only having the two parties for the vow renewal but I was so excited that you were coming home and bringing Spencer. I may have invited a couple of people over for dinner tonight.” 
You clench your jaw, knowing your moms game. “Uh-huh, a couple of people… And how many is a couple people?” 
“Like… maybe 50… or 70?” 
“Mom! We’ve been traveling all day, I hardly think we’ll be the best entertainment.” 
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll be fine. It’s only dinner anyway.” Your mom says, tapping your cheek in that enduring this is not open for discussion way she tends to do. “Now, try to look presentable, people will start arriving by 6.” She says, leaving without another word. 
“Shit!” You exclaim, frustratedly, face planting into the bed “Spencer, honestly if you want to leave right now, I wouldn’t blame you. I should’ve known she’d pull some shit like this.” You say, muffled into the clean sheets. 
You feel a hand at the small of your back. You ignore the warm feeling that travels up your spine at Spencer’s touch. You knew this weekend was gonna be a test of your self-control but if a hand on your back was going to make you dizzy then maybe you needed to be the one to back out this weekend.            
“I know who your mom is too, so I already anticipated it. However, if you just want to leave, we can go.” 
“But then I’d feel bad, I dragged you out here, made you help me with a ruse…” 
“You need to remember, I came here for you. I decided to go along with this for you, because you asked me to. I care about you. I’ll do whatever you want.” 
You turn over and look up at Spencer and you can’t help but feel your heart sink. Here was a man, who had done nothing but make sure you were okay the entire duration of your friendship and all you could think of was the softness of his eyes. How the light in the room danced in his eyes, how his jaw looked in his position above you. Spencer was a good friend, your best friend, and he was here because he wanted to help his friend. And here you were unable to stop the fluttery feeling in your stomach when he looked at you. You knew you liked Spencer but you also knew you didn’t deserve Spencer. As a friend or… anything else. The absolute least you could do was try to be a good friend, so you swallow that feeling before smiling up at Spencer. 
“It’s just the weekend, right?” You say. “Nothing changes.” 
Spencer looks slightly remorseful, only for a brief second before smiling back at you. “Yea.. nothing changes.”  
Perm Taglist: @moonshinerbynight @crimeshowtrash @richardrosejpeg @itsametaphorbriansblog @urguardiandevil @no-honey-no @this-is-why-imma-die-alone @scarletred79@idroppedmygourd @luwheezys @avis-exe @newvialuna @onlyhereforcriminalmindsthings @ceeellewrites​ @eevee0722 @crying-on-the-floor​ @thereaderlexa​ @makeadealwithdean @ifyousawthisnoyoudidnot @spencers-dria @measure-in-pain @jori21 @002345k @fictional-hooman
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whitepawn · 1 year
Moshang superhero!au
Shang Qinghua wasn't lucky by common standards. Well there was always the need to dig deeper then it comes to Shang Qinghua. At first he seems like someone who would be envied dy less fortunate: had a really really nice place in Cang Qiong, was gifted with power of changing reality, got to hand out with the coolest people possible. That was the first layer. The second is: a guy with ability that is hard to get the use of, tons of work, no personal life, even in close future. Then comes the third layer: a man of a grate wit, who successfully mastered seemingly lame ability and fully deserved his place among the strongest. Fourth: ah wait he's a nerd and forever alone. Fifth: he has a crush on WHO?
And the list can go on and on. Shang Qinghua was a mistery. Was he a traitor for allying with supervillain Mobei-jun? Was he really all this nerdy? Is he like gay or something?
And here we have Mobei-jun. People don't seem to have problems with reading him. Approximately you'll need about three seconds to understand all you need to know about him. He's dangerous, powerful, brutal, hot (in a cold way) and wouldn't even notice if he crushed you dead. That's basically how he is. But there's always room for more. Even to his own surprise. Mobei-jun is currently on his way of developing into a mature adult, rather than overpowered giant angsty teen. He's soon to find out that he can be caring, patient, thoughtful, protective and even weak.
But now all we have is Shang Qinghua, exhaustedly falling on his soft amazing bed. Or is he? The very moment he expected himself to be buried in his blanket he seemingly just feel right through his bed, blanket wrapping around him like a trash bag. His fall wasn't to long though. He only had time to group himself a little, before his back met the bouncy material. Shang Qinghua started wiggling himself free and after he did, he started with a great shock at Mobei-jun, who was staring back at him. His slightly raised brows were giving away how much he was took off guard. Mobei-jun seemed just to casually sit on his couch with an open laptop, home clothing – really fancy ones – on.
"I.." started Shang Qinghua. "I told you many times to not open portals in my apartment." He saw Mobei-jun furrowing and instantly lost all his attitude. "Am I needed, Dawang?"
Mobei-juns furrow deepened. "Yes." Was all he said, as he opened something on his laptop and gave it over to Shang Qinghua. In reality, he was very much surprised by his power's outburst. He didn't had this random portal opening situations since he was in middle school. Was he dripping so deep in his thoughts it came to thinking about Qinghua and actually summoning him?
"Ugh, I know this is no problem for you, Dawang" whined Shang Qinghua, wrapping himself up with his blanket. His fingers though started typing as he leaned over Mobei's laptop and started working. "I was so close to sleeping my hunger over." He muttered to himself as if didn't even noticing Mobei-jun was paying him all his attention.
It wasn't really late, especially for Shang Qinghua who would easily spend half of the night scrolling through his phone or writing something. The fact that he really was going to sleep meant that today he really wore himself off. Mobei-jun almost felt guilty for taking sleep Shang Qinghua was aiming for away by this embarrassing accident. Maybe he should've send him back. But he didn't want him to leave. The all reason why he mindlessly opened a portal to Shang Qinghuas apartment was because he wanted him to be here. Just to silently admire his presence. But it turned... Exactly like he wanted. Shang Qinghua was here, and Mobei-jun got to just feel good in his company. But Shang Qinghua was exhausted, tired and hungry, probably sleep deprived too.
That's definitely not how Mobei-jun want him to feel. He opened the delivery app on his phone and ordered some noodles Shang Qinghua liked. He then stood up from the couch and went into his bedroom to make a call. Mobei-jun called one of his minions for them to organise the fastest delivery possible, and after ten minutes a really terrified delivery worker was at his door.
Shang Qinghua haven't moved since he started working so, then Mobei-jun placed a plastic bowl of noodles on the table, his head tilted up and his eyes went wide and glowy.
"You should eat." Stated Mobei-jun sitting back on the couch near Shang Qinghua.
"Dawang!" Shouted Shang Qinghua while looking like all life was slowly returning back to him. "Thank you. This lowly one will never forget you kindness."
Mobei-jun let out a quiet grumpy growl wich made Shang Qinghua huff a laugh in amusement as took a mouthful of noodles. Mobei-jun had ordered himself some grilled meat with vegetables so Shang Qinghua wouldn't be embarrassed of being only one who eats. It was fine, Mobei-jun would gladly spend some extra time in the gym tomorrow.
They ate in comforting silence. Mobei-jun was dealing with some usual mess his subordinates would cause in this time of night by sending several messages to the most responsible ones. Shang Qinghua did pretty much the same but he somehow had the ability to get Mobei's men moving even faster. That was one of many reasons why Mobei-jun valued him as ally.
An hour and a half passed as they sat unmoving, to preoccupied with work. Shang Qinghua usually disliked doing something for long time without change, especially work. But he treated ruling mob as a really nice hobby. More of it, having fully concentrated Mobei-jun near him helped steadying Shang Qinghua's wild mind so he could work for that long without being distracted.
For Mobei-jun, who totally preferred actually being on the field than commanding over a bunch of idiots, he tolerated it many times better then Shang Qinghua was beside him. His pure interest in making Mobei's men doing things reminded Mobei-jun that controlling all of them is actually cool and not pain in the ass all the time. He found the feeling flattering. So he was pretty productive this evening until he noticed that something went strange. He lifted his eyes from his phone and noticed that Shang Qinghua seemingly had fallen asleep wrapped up in his blanket, open laptop in his hands.
Mobei-jun looked around himself as if searching for something to tell him what to do now. He helplessly clenched and unclenched his fists while looking at peacefully sleeping Shang Qinghua. He then took his phone and sent new message but in entirely different tone. And to new contact. To Luo Binghe.
'My hero fell asleep on my couch, what do I do?' he typed.
'OMG Mobei go send me a pic NOW' Luo Binghe was as easily hyped about anything that had a slightest connection to Shen Yuan.
'BECAUSE!! You want my advice or no?'
Mobei-jun hesitated for a couple moments before taking an awkward shaky photo of sleeping Shang Qinghua and send it to Luo Binghe feeling his face warming up in response of this act. He then deleted the photo from his phone, letting Luo Binghe do whatever he wanted.
'Awww he's cute. Not as cute as Shizun tho... Anyways look at Shizun!' And Luo Binghe send him about 30 photos of Shen Yuan lying here and there asleep. Mobei-jun rolled his eyes and let out an irritated growl.
'Okay. You seem to be experienced in such things, good, now tell me what to do.'
'Yeah right. So it's all simple, your little guy looks pretty little so just scoop him and tuck him in. Double check if he's comfortable enough and leave a glass of water beside the bed.' Okay that was cheesy.
Mobei-jun just throwed his phone away.
It never was so difficult in the past. When things like this happened to his exes he always was okay with just leaving them where they were. But this wasn't the same. This was Shang Qinghua. His back already was a mess, he complained about it hurting from his office chair all the time. Mobei-jun just couldn't let him sleep like this, so his limbs will be numb then he wake up. Shang Qinghua wasn't like him, he wasn't built for being in uncomfortable position for a long time. He almost was fragile. It was knowledge that get Mobei-jun to long to get, so he made sure he learned it well.
He realised he was staying unmoving, towering over Shang Qinghua, practically starting at him for too long to be appropriate.
Finally he pulled himself together and reached out to take sleeping Shang Qinghua in his hands. As he carefully lifted him up, he noticed a few things. Shang Qinghua was heavy. Well of course he was, Shang Qinghua was a bit overweight, and now sleeping he made a real dead weight of himself. It wasn't like Mobei-jun had a struggle with holding him. Pretty much opposite. Mobei-jun had lifted many thing way heavier, so that wasn't the case. It just felt right to hold him. Shang Qinghua was warm and soft to the touch and actually feeling him in his arms was strangely comforting.
Mobei-jun cut himself on the place and opened a portal in Shang Qinghua's apartment. He didn't tucked him in, but he did make sure a glass of water was standing near his bed.
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cupoftaae · 2 years
Forever and a day (KTH x READER) series♡ meet the parents. chapter 4
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count: around 3.1k I believe
chapter warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, (theres a flashback) trigger warning for this bc kaito is a little manipulative. Mentions of adhd, medications. There’s a lot of hot and cold behavior between Tae and reader, as well as a fight towards the end. Sorry!
A/N another thanks to everyone whos been liking, reading and reblogging this story (along with my other drabbles). I know my page isnt huge or anything but I love writing and seeing all of the support really motivates me, so thank you :) I also got to sit down and really plan out the rest of my chapters with great detail, I think you guys are gonna like the upcoming chapters so stay tuned (lots of drama)
enjoyyy! (also, I plan to create a spotify playlist for this series!)
A week later.
Taehyung turned around from the stove to face his laptop, currently on the page of something he thought he would never see, a college. he scrolled before turning back to flip his pancake, ensuring he didn't burn it. Over the past week, youve been spending most days and nights over at Kaitos, so he's had more room to think about things.
He wants to become more serious with his art desire, and he wants to prove to not only you, but himself, that he can do big things. So here he is, signing up for local art classes at the college a few streets down. He checked the schedule really quick to make sure that nothing would overlap with the class dates, humming to himself when he realized his first class would be this Saturday morning, the same day his parents were coming for dinner. He sat back against the counter and looked down at Yeontan, who was waiting for bits of food to fall.
Dinner. He forgot all about that, good thing you wrote it on the calendar. would you still even be up for going?
He sat in thought, perhaps too much thought. Taehyung's head whipped around at the aroma of burnt pancakes. "shit!"
maybe he should sign up for a cooking class too?
You and Taehyung havent spoken too much since he word vomited his confessions at you last week. The longest conversation you both shared was 2 days ago when your period suddenly came and you asked tae to bring you to the store late at night because you had ran out of tampons.
there was no discussion about anything he had said to you though, as if there was a mutual agreement to drop it and move on.
he scooped his somewhat burned pancake and put it on the plate, cutting off the black part and managing to revive his breakfast, seeming content with his work. "Not too bad, huh?" he smiled and looked down at his dog, who seemed to assume the food was for him.
Once taehyung sat down at the kitchen counter, he went back to reviewing the art classes website when suddenly you walked in.
The boys eyes darted up to the door, watching you put your bag down and look at him.
"hey" he shyly waved, taking a bite of his food.
you smiled, "hi", making your way over to him and sniffing the air. "you burnt them" you couldn't help but laugh a little.
"listen, it wasnt as bad as last time, taste" taehyung held the fork out with a small bit of food on it, allowing you to try it. "hm" you hummed, nodding. "ok its not charred ill give you that"
He smiled and watched as you sit down and pick tannie up. "so did you have fun at kaitos?" he asked, trying to just have small talk with you.
you looked up at him, "uh yeah, I guess" you shrugged, remembering last night. "we watched sports and he explained the entire game to me like I was stupid and didnt play soccer for 7 years" you laughed and moved your head to get close to the puppy in your arms, allowing taehyung to notice the dark purple mark hidden just above your clavicle.
he nearly chokes on his food, drawing your attention to him. "are you okay?" he nods and clears his throat. clearly you two didn't just watch sports. "im good, just swallowed wrong" he took a sip of his water and tapped his foot, avoiding his eyes from you as he thought of something else to say considering this conversation has now outlasted any previous ones of the past 7 days.
"oh you know this Saturday is the um, the dinner with my parents?" you looked at his laptop, feeling your eyes burn onto him. "oh shit I forgot about that" you smiled and looked over at the calendar on the fridge. "I did too" he laughs.
"you dont have to go if you arent up for it" he mumbles, still unable to look at you. "oh im going, I havent seen them in so long, even if we left off on a bad note, Im still close with them and I think its important to go to the dinner" you spoke matter of factly.
He simply nodded and took another bite of food.
"what are you doing?" you nosily ask, trying to drag out the interaction considering the fact you had missed conversing with your best friend.
He watches you lean over to look at his laptop. "oh its just, something Im interested in doing." tae shrugged, embarrassed you saw the website.
"art classes?" you ask, "I didnt know you liked that type of thing?"
"yeah, Ive always kinda wanted to do it but never had the chance. I mine as well try it right?" he smiled shyly.
"I think thats good for you" you nod, patting his back. "getting out more and stuff, you are always working from home. Oh look, the class is at my college so we might run into each other" you joke and walk off to your room.
the feeling of your hand against his back causes him to tense up, still trying to wrap his head around what he saw. It couldn't have been a hickey, maybe it was something else, perhaps you got hurt, right? .
oh who is he kidding. Who gets hurt on the neck like that, it was a hickey no doubt. (a/n: looking at you namjoon)
why was he kinda upset about that? He respected your space and the fact you are dating kaito, and thats what people who are in love do, they kiss each other....and stuff. He shook his head and stood up, deciding to go for a walk outside to clear his head.
While Tae headed out, you stepped into the bathroom to shower. Staring back at your reflection as you removed your shirt, revealing the dark spots peppering you neck and chest, your mind was brought back to the night prior.
Kaito kissed along your jaw, his hand coming under your shirt to brush your bare skin. you two were watching a soccer game but somehow it turned into a make out session he decided to bring upstairs to his room.
he hummed and pressed his lips against yours, your hand in his hair. he began pushing himself so his body was between your legs, hand now reaching for the hem of your shirt. "hm" you mumbled and pushed him off a bit, making him sit back and look at you. "what?" he asked, out of breath.
its not like you havent had sex with kaito.....ok, no thats exactly it. Youve never had sex with him. The most you two have done was letting him finger you under the blanket while watching a movie, then in return, sucking his dick in the backseat of his car.
He was more than ready to move forward with you, but you for some reason weren't.
you sighed and shrugged, removing his hand from your shirt. Kaito looked back at you before sitting to the side and laying on his back. "do you not want to have sex with me or something?" he spoke up.
"no, no, no, I do!" you lied, suddenly feeling guilt.
"then whats your problem?" he sighed, "every time I start something you always shut it down."
"im sorry" you whisper.
"dont be sorry, just dont lead me on." he shook his head.
you sat for a moment, taking a deep breath before getting up and moving to straddle his waist, his eyes widened up at you.
"im just nervous...ive...never done it before" you lied again, trying to convince him otherwise.
"oh" he spoke, hands on your waist as he seemingly took interest in the thought of him being the one to take your virginity.
the last time you had sex was a few months ago with taehyung. you've never done it with anyone else, ever.
"you trust me, right?" he tilted his head
you scanned his face, nodding. "yeah...."
with that he returned his lips against yours
your fingers ran over your chest, tears brimming to your eyes as you began to quietly sob. It wasn't like you had not consented to it. It was a mutual thing, and he's your boyfriend for god sakes, so why did you feel so damn dirty?
you cried as you showered away your thoughts and tried to wash off the feeling of disgust but it just wouldn't go.
and maybe, just maybe, deep down
you knew why.
Once Saturday had approached, you waited for taehyung to get back home from his first art class, deciding that you both could use a quick grocery shopping trip, as well as stop by the clothing store considering tonight was the dinner with his parents and you needed an outfit.
You looked at the clock to see it was almost 12, why isnt he home yet if the class ended at 11:40?
you decided on cooking a small breakfast while you waited, something for Taehyung too because you just know he had not eaten prior before leaving, and would be hungry when he returned.
Content with preparing some bacon and toast with fruit, you placed the dish on the counter before turning and grabbing Taehyung's medication from the top cabinet. Along with eating, you also have to remind him to keep up with his meds, which he has been taking since he was 13 for his ADHD. Sometimes you believe he thinks he doesnt have it, and thats why he forgets to take it.
finally sitting down to eat, you open up your laptop and begin to type away at some homework you needed to catch up on. You had not spoken to kaito in person since Wednesday night, he asked you for coffee this morning but you made some excuse about feeling ill, which had not been a total lie. You were worried that he was going to expect this of you each time you both met up. You've never felt so wrong about something you had no reason to be ashamed of, and the worst part was, you couldn't even talk to him about it. Kaito would make it some big issue about you 'not liking him enough or some shit'. You just knew you needed your own space for a few days, and were grateful you had extra concealer to hide the past weeks evidence painted along your neck, which you hoped to God taehyung had not seen.
you were drawn out of your thoughts as you watched the door open, a cheery tae walking in.
"hi!" he smiled and walked over, eating a piece of fruit off your plate.
"hey" you spoke, looking at him. "so? how was it?"
"it was so fun!! look, I made this" he held up a small canvas with strokes of multicolored paint splashed across in an artistic way. you nodded, not fully understanding art, in the same sense he couldn't understand literature. you didn't get why paint thrown on a white base was pretty or poetic, but you let him have it.
"I like it tae, good job" you offered a smile as he held it out into your hands. "keep it!" he spoke, turning to go greet his dog.
you smiled to yourself and looked over it before turning around as well, "eat breakfast and take your meds please, I was wondering if it was possible that we could go shopping before we meet up with your parents?"
he nodded and walked over to the counter, following your orders. "yeah we can, they arent gonna be ready to pick us up until 7." he spoke, shoving bacon into his mouth.
"Tae we dont need those, we have so many bags of chips at home" you protested, slumping as you pushed the grocery cart isle through isle.
He looked at the bag of cheese puffs and walked fast to catch up to you, "ah ah ah, nope. these ones are spicy. see?" He shoved it close to your face.
"fine." you sighed, trying to find the stuff you guys actually needed, like milk, coffee creamer, and-
you both turned around to see a younger girl walking up behind you, she had short hair and was bundled up in a large jacket, which is something you mentally mocked considering it was almost April.
you've definitely never seen her before, you turn to taehyung, "who the fuc-"
"annie!" he smiled and bows politely, leaving you in shock as you watched the two interact.
"long time no see" the girl giggled, almost obnoxiously
"we just saw eachother a few hours ago" he spoke
"it was a joke, taehyung" she laughed again, peaking over his shoulder to look at me. in that moment I could have sworn I felt her cold eyes burning into my skin.
"Hello, who is this?" she smiled and tapped tae's arm.
"Oh, thats y/n. shes my roommate" tae grinned at you and returned his eyes back at Annie.
roommate? thats all? no best friend since we were in diapers? You think you know a guy.
"Hi, Im annie. Taehyung and I go way back, and by that I mean we just met today." she smirked, tae laughing and adding on "In art class"
"oh" you nodded, feeling awkward all of a sudden. "nice to meet you" you bowed and turned to your grocery list, trying to seem busy as they continued their talking.
"I really liked your art" tae murmured, "it really feels like it goes beyond the surface" you roll your eyes and turn back, watching them.
"oh that means so much, thank you." she blushed.
"you know, I have a Instagram account for my art....if you wanna follow?" Annie looked up with hopeful eyes, which tae reacted to by pulling his phone out and receiving the username.
seriously....who is this bitch?
"not to interrupt, but I have to get shopping now, we still need to go to the clothing store." you spoke, only facing tae.
"ok" he smiled and said his goodbyes to the girl, waving like a little kid before he caught back up with you.
"shes nice-"
"yah im sure, can we hurry?" you cut him off, watching his eyebrows scrunch before nodding.
Taehyung fiddled with the nearby clothing racks while he waited for you to get out of the dressing room. He never liked to go shopping, but when he went with you he always found it somewhat amusing, unless it was clothes shopping.
He paced slowly before knocking on the door. "are you almost done" he whispered, eyes looking around at nearby people.
"tae" you breathed out, "for the 3rd time, I will be out in a few, be patient." you spoke, aggravated.
he pouted and finally sat on the bench, tapping his feet while playing a game on his phone.
once you opened the door, you couldn't help but giggle at the sight. Like a kid waiting for his mom, he was funny without even knowing it.
"ok, how does it look?" you asked, grabbing his attention to the light brown sweater paired with a black mini skirt. It wasn't too special but it was nice, and it looked professional.
Tae looked up, eyes tracing over you entirely before gathering his words to speak. "uh....wow, you look really good" he nodded and stood up.
"are you sure? the skirt isnt too short, right?"
somewhere in his mind he wanted to make a joke and tell you it wasn't short enough, but he decided against it.
he shook his head. "you look beautiful."
you looked at him looking at you through the mirror as a wave of chills ran through your body.
he came up and carefully felt the fabric of the sweater, the feeling of his hand on you immediately made you flinch and pull away.
ah yes, the thought of physical touch. Something which disgusted you recently.
He frowned and before he could respond you went back to change into your regular clothes so you could purchase and leave.
Once you two were in the car, Tae had offered to stop and get you something to eat, you declined politely while he got himself a sandwich.
You felt bad considering you probably made him feel like he did something wrong, he didn’t. Taehyung wasnt the problem, you were.
The two of you quietly brought in the groceries, setting them on the counter. You began to put things away as you felt taehyungs eyes watching you. “What?” You exhaled, opening the fridge without even turning to direct your voice to him.
“Are you ok?”
“Why wouldnt I be?”
He blinked a few times while his fingers absent mindendly began to pick at his lower lip.
“Don’t do that” you spoke, watching him tuck his hands behind his back.
“It’s nothing I’m just, always checking in. You are my....friend. And I want you to be ok” he spoke as if he was unsure.
You jokingly scoffed and shook your head. “I’m ok Tae, i promise” you turned to him finally and offered a fake smile, something he saw right through but decided against speaking on it.
You heard him sigh before he walked back to head to his room. “I’m gonna shower”
“Ok” you mumbled and finished unpacking the groceries before taking your clothes and heading to your own room.
The clock read 6:40, that meant you and taehyung had to be dressed and ready to go in 20 minutes.
Taehyung decided to just slip on a button up shirt and dress pants, it’s his parents and he doesn’t feel too keen on trying to impress the people who always tell him he’s making the wrong choices.
He brushed his hair, mentally noting how long it’s gotten since the last time he let you cut it. His bangs lightly framed against his face as he sprayed cologne on, leaving the room to knock at your door. “Almost ready? Mom texted, she will be here a few minutes early?” He walked over to the hall to grab his coat off the rack, returning to hear your answer.
“Im doing my makeup!” You responded, careful with the mascara wand because you didn’t want to get it on anything other than your lashes. You quickly brushed your hair, clipping your bangs to the side while fluffing up the ends. You look over yourself, praising yourself for making the right clothing decision, it matched perfectly with your lipstick. You sprayed perfume on, the aroma filling your bathroom as you slipped a pair of small black heels on, making your way to the living room.
You had left your phone out on the kitchen counter while you got ready, something taehyung noticed when he stepping into the kitchen to fill Yeontans water bowl.
Your screen suddenly lit up with a text from kaito:
Kai: hey, still feeling sick? My sister made soup and if you want I can run by and drop some off. If it’s ok i might leave it at the door, i dont really care to run into taehyung.
Taehyung scrunched his nose, scoffing and moving closer to your phone. He was highly confused by the text, turning around and finishing his task.
“Im readyyy” you sung and hopped into the kitchen. Taehyung almost dropped the water bowl right onto the floor.
There you were, black tights , miniskirt, hair curled, all put together with red lipstick.
He swallowed hard, clearing his throat before speaking. “Well then.....”
“Do I look good?” You asked, looking down at your outfit.
“You look even more beautiful than you did in the store today” he looked at the bowl as he tried to speak nonchalantly, despite the fact his heart was racing.
How’s he supposed to suppress his feelings when you are standing there looking like THAT
“You look very handsome, Tae. You always do” you nodded, hoping he didn’t see the way your cheeks burned with blush.
You didn’t always get complimented, it wasn’t like you tried to fish for it either, but considering you have to pull a single “you look nice” out of your boyfriend when taehyung gives them for free is kind of ridiculous.
“Do I?” He teased
“Mhm” you smiled and brushed your hand through his hair quickly. “I like when you don’t use gel, the fluffy look is cute” you laughed and walked towards the door as taehyung put yeontan in his play gate.
He grinned to himself, knowing he will never use that gel again.
Once you two stepped out into the hall, he walked up to you and itched the back of his head.
“So, not to pry or anything, but your phone was left on the counter and I saw that um...kaito texted. He mentioned something about you being sick?”
Your eyes shot wide open, pulling your phone from your purse to look at the said message.
“If you weren’t feeling good you didn’t have to come” He shyly spoke, watching as you waved your hand at him.
“Tae, i lied” you smile, “I just wasn’t up for hanging out with him today.” You add.
“Oh....how come?”
You shrug, looking at him. “I don’t know.”
He looked down at his feet while you two made way towards the elevator. “Also, sorry that you saw him say that about you. He takes things super seriously” you scoff.
“It’s fine, It’s not my priority for him to like me” he spoke, pressing the button once you two stepped in. “Besides, Im the one who gets to hang with you today, so I win” he joked, allowing you to laugh softly and poke his arm.
It was nice to have some normalcy between you both, the past few weeks have been crazy and there’s been a lot of emotions, but it finally feels like things are getting back to the way they used to be.
“Ok so mom said her and dad would be right over here” he spoke as he looked at his phone, then looked up to the curb once you were outside. Your eyes peered around, there was no car yet.
“I guess we can just wait.” He put his phone away and looked around at the people on the street, something you began to join him in doing.
You both happened to catch someone dancing, making you both giggle. Your eyes then darted to an older couple crossing the street, arms linked sweetly. You nudged taes arm, grabbing his attention and whispering “look, it’s you and Annie in the future”
He immediately scoffed once he saw what you were referring to. “Ok I knew you were gonna make fun of me for that!” He whined and shyly walked away.
You began to laugh and ran up to him. “It’s not like that” he began. “Yet” you added on, watching him stop walking and turn to you.
“Ah i see...you are jealous.” He smirked.
“What?? No!! Im not j-...why would you-...what!” You stutter, watching him begin to say something before a car horn knocks you both out of the conversation.
“Hello!!” You see taehyungs mother waving her hand out the window, his father in the drivers seat as they pulled up to the curb. You bowed immediately once you got close, greeting them.
“Hello Mr and Mrs. Kim, it’s been a while, I missed you” you spoke sweetly,
“Ah y/n! It’s nice to see you again sweetheart” his mother kindly spoke
“Hi mom, dad.” Taehyung mumbled, his previously cocky state taking a more shy one.
“My son” his mom gripped his face and squished his cheeks. “Still chubby, good. You are finally eating more”
“Stop” he whispered, checking out of the corner of his eye to make sure you weren’t watching, glad you had been conversing with his father in that moment.
“Ok let’s go!” She cheered, ushering you both into the back seat before telling her husband what restaurant to go to.
they had initially wanted to come over so you could cook for them, but taehyung suggested a newer French restaurant nearby he swore they needed to try. You laughed at his obvious attempt to impress them.
The two of you squished together in the back seat, moving your body closer to the window as the air suddenly left the car. “You look lovely, y/n” taes father complimented. “Thank you Mr.Kim! You and your wife look very nice as well”
“How’s college, dear?” You turned your attention to his mom, who wasted no time digging into details about your life.
“Uhm it’s okay, lots of classes” you smile, watching her nod. “Still majoring in theatre?”
“Of course”
She clicked her tongue playfully, choosing to not make a comment against your choice of career...or lack of.
You silently praise the fact the drive to the restaurant was quick, allowing you time to climb out and avoid the conversation.
“This place is nice” you whisper to Tae, watching him nod. “We don’t belong here” you chuckled, making him laugh as well.
Taehyungs parents join arms before stepping in, Tae moving beside you to mimic their movement, making you blush lightly.
The waiter quickly checks your reservations and moves you to a relatively quiet room with a table by the window, just how you liked.
Once you had all sat and ordered your dishes, the room for conversations opened up.
“Your Hair is getting too long taehyung, why don’t you trim it” his father mentioned as he sipped his wine.
“Ah I know, i usually let y/n trim, but she’s been busy.” He teased, looking at you.
“Busy? With what? Certainly not a job” his mother mumbles as he takes her jacket off and sets it to the side.
“Mom...” he whispered, embarrassed for the way his Parents feel like they can talk about you as if you are their own child.
“Im just out and about, i have school and I’m with my boyfriend a lot” you spoke up
His moms head turned up as you talked, seeming suddenly interested.
“Boyfriend?” She laughed
“Mhm” you nodded
She turned to her husband and raised her eyebrows, both sharing a confused glance.
“What?” Taehyung asks, following their exchange
“Oh it’s nothing, we just...” she shrugged at her son, turning her attention back to you. “We had dinner with your parents a few days ago and we were discussing you both”
“Okay...” you half smiled, wondering what your own parents had said about you.
“And we just talked about like the pictures you guys post online...and we assumed, well, more like got the impression, that you two were together?” His mom admits.
You and taehyung both look blankly at them, silent staring before turning to eachother.
“It’s not a bad thing, your parents and us always said you would both end up together” his father laughed.
“Right, so Im suprised you are dating someone else” his mom inquired
“Starting the night off strong I see” you whispered to yourself, growing embarrassed at this conversation.
The older woman continued to ask questions. “Is it a serious relationship? Doesn’t he care you are living with another man?”
You took a sip of your water, clearing your throat. “Well...we’ve only been together for a little while, and yeah he does but not too muc-“
“It won’t last” his father cuts in casually, “young relationships like that come and go”
You didn’t know what else to do but nod and shove a piece of bread into your mouth.
His mother sighed and took a sip of her wine, “Ah your mother and father will be disappointed at the news” she laughed lightly.
“It’s not disappointing, you guys can’t just assume things” Tae added, stepping up for you as you drowned yourself in gluten.
“Well it is disappointing. We are getting older and you know, we don’t visit as much. I’m reaching the age where I’m ready to be a grandma” his mom adds, making you choke on your food.
“Are you ok?” His father asks, watching you chug your water more.
“Yup! So good! So ok!”
Taehyung seems embarrassed himself, you felt bad for him too. “Mom, y/n and I are just friends and we always have been, there is nothing like that in our future” he brushed off the pain in his chest as he defended you.
You looked at Tae for a moment before looking down and playing with your napkin.
“Sad” she responded, looking up as the waiter came over, delivering the food to each person.
“Thank you” you spoke, finally happy that your pasta had arrived. Tae laughed to himself, of course you’d get pasta at a French restaurant.
It remained quiet for the first few minutes while you all indulged in your meals.
Taehyung looked up from his plate, trying to find something to say.
“Hows everything for you guys? Everyone at home all good?” He asked softly, taking a sip of his Diet Coke.
His mother nodded, “everything is good, your father and I redid the kitchen, and we even cleared out the attic, turning it into a guest room”
“Oh that’s nice” he smiled.
“So you guys can come visit if you ever wanted to” his father added, making you smile.
“Yes that sounds fun” you replied “it’ll be hard to plan something with mr workaholic over here” you joke, nudging Tae.
“Speaking of that, how is work?” His father asks, taking a bite of his dish.
“It’s going well, I mostly work from home, but I’m doing extra hours next week so..” he nodded.
“Working from home? That must be nice, i dont see why you can’t take some college classes from home at least”
You sigh at the conversation once again taking another rude turn. You love the kims, but it’s impossible to talk to them.
“Actually, he is taking a college course” you smile, Turing to Tae to see a mortified expression.“What?” His mother perks up.
“He just did his first class today, it’s an art class, you know, painting and stuff” you smile sincerely. “Art....” his father snickers. You felt taehyungs leg kick against yours, obviously this wasn’t something he wanted to be said. You instantly regretted trying to make him look good the moment his mother commented.
“Ah taehyung you go through life thinking your doing good things but where will an art class get you huh? I worry about you so much...” she sighed and put her fork down.
“When will you take your life seriously? You are 23! I had a kid at your age and was married” She added on, taehyung now scraping his fork against a piece of meat as he avoided eye contact.
This is almost identical to the last time we had all met up, when Tae dropped the bomb of dropping out of college. You hoped this time would be better, but unfortunately, thanks to you, it is possibly even worse.
“It’s just for fun....” you mumble, turning your eyes to see Tae looking at his shoes, tears at the brim of his eyes while he has yet to speak.
“Thats the problem y/n, his whole life is fun, no work, no discipline. And I can’t say different for you.” His father spoke,
“I mean who goes to college and decides to do something as risky as theatre? Unless you plan on being an award winning actress it’s going to get you nowhere.” He sighed, “you two live in fantasy world”
“It’s time to grow up” his mother added, finishing her food.
You felt a hole in your stomach, it was guilt, pure guilt. You didn’t mean to ignite this, not here and not now, when we were supposed to be having fun.
Taehyung shook his head and laughed, taking your glass of wine and gulping it down in a few sips, his face scrunching up before standing and exiting outside. You watch as he goes, standing to grab the left behind jacket and phone. “You’re just going to leave?” His mother questioned, making you shrug. “This wasn’t how dinner was supposed to go, i apologize” you mumble, “we will meet up again before you guys head home, ok?” You add, chasing after taehyung.
You find him outside of the restaurant, sitting a few steps away on a staircase.
You walk closer, standing in front of him.
“I thought you quit” you speak quietly, gesturing towards the cigarette in his mouth.
He doesn’t reply, rather simply glares at you before turning his head and exhailing the smoke. “Look Im sorry, I didn’t mean to expose anything, I feel awful” you reach to put your hand on his shoulder, he shudders and scooches away. “You have a way of making me look like a fool, y/n” he smiles, looking at the cars driving by.
You breathe, watching him articulate his thoughts. “You think I’m incapable of reading books you like” he began to list. “You think that my job is dumb, you think the art class is stupid.” He laughed to himself and shook his head. “You think I’m a complete loser and could never possibly understand what it takes to be smart or successful”
“Thats not fucking true taehyung, stop it” you mutter, feeling like you were slapped. “See, you are doing it right now. You feel like you need to tell me how to act, how to feel. You embarrass me and make me the fool” he began to wipe at his cheek, standing up and walking past you as he spoke.
“You and Kaito must have a blast making fun of how dumb I am” he smiled and exhaled more smoke, looking at you. “You are acting immature, it’s not funny” you spoke sternly. “Oh but it is funny, y/n, because I don’t care anymore. I don’t care about trying so hard to impress you, or being smart like you, or impressing my own parents” he stopped in his tracks as you glared at him.
“You focus on your little life, ok? Focus on college, focus on eventually graduating, focus on your friends, kaito, and hiding hickies because that’s what you do best apparently” he scoffed and put out his cigarette, grabbing the jacket from your hands and walking towards the direction of your apartment.
You are left in nothing but shock, once again, as he leaves you in a speechless position. You take back what you said earlier about you both returning to normalcy, because apparently you take one step forward and 20 fucking steps back with each day that passes. You couldn’t help but wipe the tears that fell from your eyes as you began to walk back to the apartment as well, taehyung now out of your vision completely.
Everything recently in your life has gone so down hill, and you can’t blame anyone else but yourself. Word of advice for anyone listening: don’t live with your best friend then decide to add benefits and grow super attached, break said situation while also pursuing a new relationship with someone else.
It will fuck you up.
A/N: whew.....
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @kthstrawberryshortcake-main
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folliesandfolderols · 8 months
Writing prompts day 21
From this prompt list. I set a goal of writing at least 150 words per day in 2024, which sounds pretty pathetic but if you take into account the fact that I haven’t written any fiction since 2019 it felt like a feasible target. And then somehow it turned into “I’m going to write a single interconnected story utilizing all of these prompts” which ?????, what can I say, I am incredibly foolish and there's no limit to my capacity for self-deceit. Anyway, it's fully drafted now, topped out at about 88k, and I'll be unlocking tumblr posts as I edit.
read from the beginning here
Days 19 & 20 here
24. “Say please.”
Tim fell back into bed as soon as he returned to the Nest and didn't wake up for thirteen hours, which might have been a new record for him. He was conscious of being annoyed before he even opened his eyes, but couldn't remember why until he had poured his second cup of coffee down his throat and his brain finally kicked into gear.
Oh right. Damian had been an asshole. What a surprise.
It wasn't until his fourth cup of coffee, drunk in between bites as he shoveled scrambled eggs into his mouth and typed on his laptop with his free hand, that he recalled his parting verbal shot and dropped his fork on his plate with a clatter.
"Oh, fuck," he blurted, and the horror in his voice echoed through the room.
He ran to his room to look at his phone for the first time since he'd fallen asleep, and found a chain of unread messages from Stephanie.
timothy jackson drake, what the hell did you DO
why is the baby bat down here punching the bag like captain america pining for peggy
I'm not joking he looks gray
like he's sick or something
except for where he's bright red
and he came storming back down here after you two talked so I’m guessing it was something you said
whatever it was I think it was pretty bad
seriously I know my therapist keeps telling me I have to stop triangulating but u might need to do something or debriefs are gonna be a shitshow
unless it was all his fault. idk I’m not ur mom
Tim swallowed, and swallowed again as he scrolled down the screen. Fuck. Fuuuuck. Damian might have started it, but Tim had brought the equivalent of a nuclear weapon to a knife fight. Shit. How tired had he been?
He texted back, i fucked up so bad steph and sent it before he could think better of it.
She responded fast, so she might have been waiting for his reply. No shit? well now u have to do ur least fave thing and I'm guessing it's gonna be pretty rough
Tim frowned. whats my least fave thing
She sent him a string of emoji in various states of sadness followed by, apologize u poor man. I know it burns to be part of the human race and have to admit it out loud
Tim sighed, but she wasn't done yet. A cascade of rapid-fire follow-ups popped down his screen.
and again I can't emphasize enough how little I give a shit if u and dami are fighting except that it makes everything awkward forever
and bruce gets all broody about it which is even more awkward
so pull ur head out of ur ass and pop his free too while you're at it because I was just waiting for him to throw some kind of fat joke at me
and I don't want to kill a young man
Tim snorted. say please
The three dots pulsed for a very long time, and he grinned. Finally, she replied, please, help me, red robin, ur my only hoe
lies i know ur friends
tim srsly pls just make things not suck
He sighed. mission accepted
good. I know he can be such an asshole but he rly did look like he was gonna puke
Tim dropped the phone on his mattress and buried his face in his hands, groaning. Great. Apology it was. Assuming Damian would even accept.
Days twenty-two and twenty-three here
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willsimpforanyone · 2 years
Could you write smut for Alex fierro x she/they reader? Maybe stress relief or somethin?
ooo first magnus chase series request! pls bear in mind i haven't read all the books out and certainly not for a few years so i hope i don't make her too ooc? i've done some research and i think alex is amab so that's gonna play a part here, and i'm gonna use afab terminology for the reader
this is gonna be kinda influenced by my own experience of being fluid so i hope that's okay
alex and reader are also gonna be aged up bc he's forever 16 so this is gonna be a college au bc that's what i know best lol so both are 18+
The word count said 876.
That was it? Three days work and my eyes were aching, there had been a low level headache for the past two hours and nothing was making sense any more.
I pushed away from my desk in frustration, my rolling chair taking me a little further than I had intended. It hit into the plate I'd left on my floor from having lunch at my desk, making an unpleasant clink-y sound that made me flinch and raise my hand to my head.
Today was not a good day.
In acceptance of that fact, I made sure my work was saved, closed my laptop and vacated the tiny space I called 'my office'. The kitchen was cooler and I pressed my hands to the cold countertop, sighing.
I wasn't sure how much time had passed before I heard keys jangling in the lock; it took a moment or two to realise oh! Alex had said she was coming round to make sure I was eating, of course, it wasn't a burglar. Also burglars don't have keys, generally.
Green Day was blasting through his (her? No, his) earphones and a bag full of groceries hung from his hand. He dumped the bag on the kitchen countertop and raised an eyebrow at my dishevelled appearance while putting away his phone.
"Hey sunshine, who died?"
I rolled my eyes at him, but smiled fondly. "My will to achieve academic success, for today at least."
He nodded understandingly, and gestured for me to help put away food.
"Alex, you gotta stop buying me food, I'm fine," I insisted as packets of noodles were pressed into my hands.
Alex shrugged, opening the fridge. "No, for two reasons. One-" Milk in the fridge door. "-you are unbelievably shit at feeding yourself, it's like you're a child. Two-" Vegetables in the bottom drawer. "-I like being able to buy things now and I run out of things to buy for me very quickly so it's food for you, 'kay?"
I laughed, only slightly reluctantly putting things away in cupboards. One of the cupboard doors slammed a little harder than I intended and I winced, cradling my head in my hands.
"What's up?" Alex gently pulled my hands from my head and gave me a look of genuine concern. "You doing okay?"
"Stress headache, coursework has been kicking my ass." I fumbled around for a glass of water. "I'll be fine, just need a break."
"Stressed?" Alex rifled through the bag abandoned on the counter, fishing out a pack of ibuprofen. "Shoulda told me, idiot, I'd have come over sooner and forced you to take a break."
I downed the medication and chuckled. "I'm only taking a break now because words have lost all meaning."
He shrugged. "And you should have stopped before that, but here we are, and I'm not letting you back into that pathetic room you call an office today."
For once, I didn't immediately resist, having already accepted that I would get no real work done today anyway. "Okay, okay, fine, so what's the plan, hm?"
A fun glint came into his eye. "Well, my darling partner, I do believe I have a method for dealing with stress that has proved popular in the past."
"Oh?" I slipped my arms around his waist and he rested his on my shoulders. "A bold claim, considering I'm pretty stressed about this essay thing, it's due in four days."
Alex grinned. "Okay, how about this- I'll help with the essay tomorrow. For the rest of today, I use my method of... de-stressing, sound good?"
His hands were already smoothing over my neck and playing with the neckline of my sweater. I hummed as he trailed his hands down the material and slipping his hands under it to rest on my waist.
I could already feel the tension from my shoulders slipping away little by little. Pressing a kiss to his lips, I grinned. "Well, how can I say no to the silver-tongued child of Loki?"
Before I knew it, I was swept off my feet and into Alex's arms. I laughed as (he? No... no, she was now a girl) she made her way through my tiny apartment to my bedroom and dropped me a little unceremoniously on the bed. Her green hair brushed into her eyes and I pushed it behind her ear.
"I noticed the change, by the way."
Her cheeks touched pink, the way they always did when she realised I paid enough attention to her to notice that her gender had changed, even if her appearance hadn't. "Oh hush, and sit up so I can get rid of that sweater, no matter how cute it looks on you." Always had to fluster me too, the little shit.
Obediently I sat up, tugging her forward by her belt loops and helping her get my sweater off. "Just so I know," she pressed the words into my neck. "Are, like, you okay with typically feminine shit today or?"
I rolled the words 'pretty' and 'girl' around my head. 'Pretty' felt fine, but I wasn't feeling 'girl' right now, and I told her so.
"Cool." Alex stripped of her green sweater vest, leaving her in a loose pink shirt and dark blue jeans. "No babygirl, just baby."
Nodding, I felt a rush of adoration towards her that we could communicate like this. I reached up to grasp the back of her neck and pulled her into a kiss, all tongue and teeth as she almost flopped on top of me. She tore herself away, grabbing my wrists and playfully pinning me to the bed.
"Now, now, sunshine, you're the focus here, stop trying to take control."
I rolled my eyes. "Then get on with it, I'm supposed to be de-stressing here."
"Demanding fucker," Alex teased. She placed my hands on the bed near my head, and gave me a stern look I took to mean 'don't fucking move them'.
My legs were suddenly bare as Alex stripped away the material and knelt between them. "Mhm, gorgeous, just as I thought."
I nudged her with my knee. "Shut up."
"How dare you, absolutely not." She winked at me and shimmied downwards until her face was level with my underwear. "If you don't want compliments, stop looking so fucking fine."
I didn't get a chance to reply when she dived forward and licked the material covering my pussy. I gasped, sharp and sudden, and Alex's cocky smirk could barely be seen from between my thighs.
Her lips danced along my skin, one hand round a thigh and the other preemptively holding my hips down. "So pretty," she murmured, teeth just grazing my sensitive inner thigh, so close to where I wanted her but just out of reach.
I whined. "Alex, come on."
"Again, so demanding." She grinned, but hooked her fingers under the elastic of my underwear and dragged them down, throwing them somewhere in my room. Her eyes widened in delight. "Well, sunshine, you needed some relaxation, hm?" A finger reverently slid down my folds and I shivered- Alex pulled it away and admired the shininess on it. "So wet, baby, it could almost be called adorable."
"Oh, fuck yo-"
Two fingers slid inside me, and my words caught in my throat at the sudden, but not unwelcome, intrusion.
"What was that, sunshine?" Alex's shit-eating smile appeared above me as I panted, pumping her fingers at a steady pace. "Have something to say?"
I shook my head fiercely, relishing in the way my body relaxed under her touch. My headache was fading minute by minute, the tension seeping out my shoulders as I let myself forget everything else but Alex.
Her fingers felt heavenly, a thumb coming just to rest on my clit. She rearranged her hand slightly, crooking at exactly the right angle to have my back arching away from the sheets and pressing my chest into her. Alex buried her face in my neck, humming appreciatively at the panting moans I couldn't seem to stop escaping my lips.
All of a sudden I was empty, Alex had withdrawn her fingers and I whined almost pathetically at the loss of the feeling.
"Aww, don't worry baby," Alex's voice was slightly muffled as she stripped of the rest of her clothes. "I just thought you'd want something a little different."
Eyes widening, I nodded frantically and watched with fascination and anticipation as I watched her slip on a condom, hissing slightly.
It was only a few seconds before she was back, hovering over me and decorating my throat with red marks. Her lips danced up to my ear. "You ready?"
"Gods yes, Alex, please!"
I felt her lips curve into a smirk, and she pushed into me with one swift motion.
My toes curled and my fingers fisted in her hair as she began to hammer against me, hips meeting mine at a furious pace. Her nails dug into my legs as she used them for momentum, the slightly pain coursing through my veins and adding a new flavour to the pleasure she was giving me.
She kept up an impressive pace and I was wound so tight it wasn't long before Alex was reaching down a hand to swirl figure-eights into my clit.
Words weren't a possibility right now, overwhelmed by the glorious feeling of her fucking me into the mattress. I clung to her and make incoherent sounds of pleasure and desperation, mumbling something about needing to come, please, fuck Alex please please let me come please...!
"Come for me, that's it, so good, my beautiful one..." Alex's whispered encouragements in my ear drove me to the edge and pushed me off, and I threw my head back as I let out a choked cry as my orgasm crashed into me at full force.
From the low groan and stuttering of her hips, I vaguely recognised that Alex had come a moment after me.
We lay together, quiet and relaxed. My mind was pleasantly a little fuzzy and Alex was warm and soft and I whined longingly when she pulled out to get rid of the condom and get a towel. Always so careful, she smoothed the damp towel over my thighs and I shivered at the cold feeling. She smiled softly.
"Give me a minute, my sunshine, I'll be back."
Reluctantly I let her go, sitting up when she returned with a glass of water for me. "Drink it all and then we can have a nap, hm?"
I nodded, taking the glass with slightly shaky hands. Alex grinned and pressed a kiss to my cheek.
"So, how was that for stress relief?"
i really really hope this was okay? thank you so much for requesting!
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knockknockchicagopd · 4 years
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❚❙ SUMMARY: Ask your father to not worry about you, if you dare.
❚❙ WORDS: about 750.
❚❙ A/N: I have strong daddy feels for Chris since ever, and this short idea came to me on one of those kinds of days where I need a hug. I just hope you enjoy this fluffy moment. Daughter!reader. This writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted.
❚❙ GIF credits: to @chicagofireadventures.
❚❙ General tag list: @melblacc @rebelwrites @skyofficialxx @sesamepancakes @scarletsoldierrr @mondefantastique @that-chick212 @enbyamaro @inlovewith3 @ocetevasgirl @destynelseclipsa @miahelen @jadakiss13 @mcgreads @graniairish @teller258316 @i-love-scott-mccall @tclaerh. If you wanna be added to my tag list, send me a message!
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“Watcha' doin', kid?”
You can't help but jump slightly on your seat when your father's high-pitched voice interrupts your concentration, not expecting a visit from him in the Chicago Medical library. With a hand on your chest trying to calm yourself, you turn at him, frowning somewhat upset. He sits on the nearest chair shrugging his shoulders and drawing a guilty grimace because of the scare.
“Something happened? Is everyone okay?” You ask confused, lowering the screen of your laptop, until you notice the plastic bag hanging from his right hand.
“This is what you do now, uh? Lie to me? To your dad?”
“I didn't li—”.
“Not again, kiddo. Maggie called me. She said everything you ate today was two bags of chips and a chocolate bar!” Shaking his head as he snorts and rubs the bridge of his nose, your father places the bag on an empty space over the desk. “I understand you have too much to study, that you're on the final exams period, but… how are you gonna be a good doctor, if you don't know the importance of food?”
“Dad, I really have zero time to lose it in the cafeteria or cooking”.
“Mom can cook for you! I can do it too! I can send the candidate with what we prepare in the firehouse, or anything with Uber eats! You have no excuses”.
As your father points out every option trying to not raise his tone of voice, you can feel the bothering growing inside him. You can't be contrary to what he's saying because he's right; you have been so focused on your exams that you haven't taken care of what you eat. You understand he is worried for you, that's why you don't say a single word when he puts your laptop and notes away to empty the bag on the desk. A tupper with pasta and chicken salad, a banana, an energy bar with chocolate chips, a small bag of almonds, and an orange juice. 
Even if you wouldn't be hungry, you would be seeing this dinner right in front of your eyes. You can't hide the adoring grim that, inevitably, is drawn in your face. Watching him opening the container and spearing some pasta with a fork, you tilt your head with curiosity.
“I'm not leaving till you eat it all. So… do it by yourself or I'll treat you like the kid you are still”.
It doesn't matter how old you are, nor if you don't live in his house anymore, nor if you are an independent woman; you will be his little girl forever. He can't be a day without hearing your voice, without checking if you need something, without seeing you. Parents don't have a favorite child, but you are his. Every time you remember how much he cried when you told him about renting a flat with your best friend, you cry too. 
Without a fuss, you grab the fork to bring it to your mouth and start eating. And as you are finishing the dish he has prepared for you, your father looks more relaxed and less preoccupied. He also looks satisfied because he's aware of the amazing cooker he is and how much you enjoy it. Because, yes, it's a pasta salad; but you need to find the perfect boiling time and obtain the perfect texture. He also knows how you like chicken, roast in its juice, and seasoned with a little rosemary. Then, he mixed both ingredients with tomato diced, corn, and some olive oil.
“Thank you, dad”. You sigh feeling your stomach full to the limits, cleaning your lips with a napkin. “I… really needed it”.
“Bet you study better now”.
“I'm sure”.
“Okay, gotta go back to the firehouse. I'll call you in a few hours to don't fall asleep and be on time for your exam”. Leaning on his chair, your father places a hand on your neck to leave a kiss on your forehead. 
“I love you, dad”.
“And I love you, my little girl. I know sometimes I worry too much, but it's only because I want the best for you”.
“I know… I'd never change that from you”.
You watch him leaving the library, taking a sip from the juice he has prepared for you before continuing studying. Without any doubt, your father is the best in the world.
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bbugyu · 3 years
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if you wanted to go to the moon, he would take you there.
plot twist | crash zoom | happy ending
16.1k (lol) | joshua x afab enby!reader, fluff, humor, suggestive, reader is ace lol, youtuber au, chef au, swearing, drinking, detailed descriptions of meals, mentions of past trauma including sexual assault, i swear it's not that deep, lots of implied sex but none on screen (yet), watching movies and playing video games, yes i am trying to set up all my friends, would anyone get it if i said r&r
welcome to part two of classic!! please enjoy this tooth rotting relationship garbo in which i basically announce to the world that i have a disgusting crush on joshua. posting this later than intended but i started working five tens so i'm 😅 a little tired lol. but joshua makes it ok <3
when you mentioned offhandedly that you had never had bibimbap in jeonju, joshua practically dropped the groceries he was helping you bring up the elevator.
"how long have you been in korea?" he asked.
you looked at him, wide eyed. "four years?"
he squinted at you, jutting his jaw out. "and you've never gone to jeonju? it's, like, the food hub of korea. how the hell?"
"i…" you laughed, exiting the elevator when the doors opened. "i don't know? it's never been top priority, i guess?"
"okay, well it is now," he stated plainly, following you to your door while you adjusted your bags in your hands to punch in the code. as soon as the groceries were safely on your counter, he pulled out his phone. "friday to sunday?"
you looked up from the vegetables in your hands. "what?"
he looked at you. "we're going. this weekend? i need to reserve the ktx tickets."
you laughed. "this weekend? joshua, it's wednesday."
"okay, next weekend?"
you stared at him a second, purely because you were in disbelief. "no, i have a demonstration next saturday."
he exhaled, looking at the calendar on his phone. "okay, and jamie's birthday party is the weekend after, so," he paused, looking at you through his lashes. "this weekend?"
you pushed your hands onto the counter and sighed heavily. "when would we leave?"
he grinned, knowing that meant he had won you over. "after i get off work? i can be here by 3:30."
"how long is the train?"
"uhh," he quickly searched for the tickets. "two hours. less than. we can buy snacks for the ride and have dinner when we get there."
you chewed your lip. "i have to edit on sunday, so we can't stay all day."
he nodded, inspecting the time table for tickets. "stay two nights, leave after breakfast?"
you considered that for a second. "i could bring my laptop and export footage on the train."
a smile crept across his face when you puffed out your cheeks in thought. "is that a yes?"
your cheeks deflated as you exhaled. "fine."
"yeah?" joshua grinned at you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and tugging you into his chest. "jeonju this weekend?"
you exhaled again, your arms reluctantly winding around his torso. "yeah. jeonju this weekend."
"you're gonna love it," he said, pressing his lips against your temple. "i helped on an article about hole in the wall finds there years ago, so i know all the good spots."
you giggled, pulling away to look at him with a quirked eyebrow. "you used to write for the magazine?"
he shook his head at you. "when i was interning."
"aw," you poked at his cheek. "intern joshie?"
he rolled his eyes, separating himself from you as you giggled, and he looked at you slyly from the corner of his eye. "joshie?"
you grinned, reaching out to pinch his cheeks. "joshie!"
he laughed and batted away your hands. "joshie?"
you: i think i'm finally packed
joshie: i don't understand why it was so difficult when we're going for Two Days.
you: 😡
joshie: 😘
as promised, he arrived at your apartment in a cab and stubbornly took your roller suitcase despite your insistence that you could handle it. joshua was always doing things like this - for you, you imagined, he would probably even lay down his jacket in a puddle so you wouldn't have to walk through it. but at the same time, he wouldn't fault you for kicking his jacket aside and purposefully jumping in it instead. he would probably join you, even.
he had joked with you that this would be like a work trip for you, but only because he was the one that suggested you film - plus, he reminded you, filming a full video this weekend meant that you didn't have to film next week. and to be perfectly frank, you wanted the break. if you could have a weekend getaway with joshua and then a week long break to have a normal routine without a camera, it was a win-win.
equipped with coffee and cafe sandwiches, you casually kicked your feet and happily sipped at your americano as you edited a picture of it for your instagram story. joshua sat beside you, also doing something on his phone, and you watched him with no intention as he pulled his airpods out of his coat jacket and offered one to you. you looked at him, smiling when he gestured with the open case again.
"i made a playlist," he said quietly as you put the airpod into your ear. he took the one you left and did the same, tapping on his phone.
the thought of joshua hearing a song and thinking of you making your chest flutter to life, the heat rising through you until you were left in a comfortable glow, smiling softly at him as a melody started in your ear. he looked back at you, double taking slightly when he realized you were looking at him.
"what's that look for?" he asked, a sideways grin breaking his face in half.
you shook your head, unable to change your face. "that's, just... really nice."
"making a playlist?" he hummed, settling back in his seat as you stuck your straw between your lips. "i didn't consciously do it. i just started a list of songs to show you because i thought you would like them, and this ended up being a good time to share it."
you sighed dramatically, falling back against the window of the train. "that's even nicer, you dickhead!" he laughed, shushing you and looking around, worried someone might have understood your slightly-above-inside-voice exclamation. "i know for a fact i didn't do anything to deserve the sweetest, handsomest, loveliest boyfriend on the planet, so what's the catch, mr. hong?"
his eyes went to the ceiling as he thought, kneading his lips once before saying, "i think you forgot funniest, too."
"ah," you said, a dry chuckle following the realization. "that's the catch."
"hey!" he laughed, eyes big as he pretended to be offended. "i know i'm funny!"
you giggled with him, mentally noting that you liked the song that he was playing. that he must have somehow picked up on why you liked the music you did. you thought about how you had the same thought, sometimes, when you were listening to music alone in your room and a song popped up on your discovery that sounded like something he would listen to. how you would immediately text them to him, knowing you would forget if you didn't send it right away, and he would react with some assortment of positive emojis. how he must have been doing the same thing, but wanted to be there when you heard them, and didn't have the same flighty memory as you. you brought your straw to your lips again, staring after him as he adjusted something in his bag, taking too long to refocus your attention to story you had been trying to post.
he later nudged you, getting your attention as you responded to an email on your phone, gesturing his finger with the melody, and you gave him a childlike look of awe, as if to tell him that yes, you agreed, this was exactly the kind of run you really enjoyed. he pounded a fist against his knee at the beats, pointing up at the key change, and you exploded into a stifled laugh, your palm covering your mouth. he laughed with you before he showed you the now playing page on his phone, holding it open dutifully as you quickly searched for it to add to your own library.
as promised, joshua provided great insight for the food tour the two of you set out on. travel day, he had told you, meant that you would have something easy - bibimbap and makgeolli at two of the best places he knew, apparently. by the time you made it back to the hotel room you had checked into before headed to the bar, you just about collapsed onto the queen bed.
"i'm so full," you exhaled, eyes dancing across the ceiling. "i'm never gonna move again."
joshua just laughed at you, toeing both of your shoes aside at the door before shuffling into slippers. "we have a full day of eating tomorrow, so you better move."
you let our a breathy laugh, rolling your head to watch as he flopped onto the bed beside you. "i'm glad you also plan trips around the meals."
he gave you a puzzled look. "is there another way to plan a trip?"
you rolled onto your side, tucking your arm under your head to look at him. "some people like sightseeing. or activities."
his brows were still ruffled in confusion as he looked away from you. "i like looking at food. and the activity of eating food."
you giggled, and his face finally broke to reveal the bewilderment had been a bit all along, his smiling laugh meeting yours.
you walked a lot the next day, and you were grateful for the light exercise to help your digestion a bit between meals. the local famous kalguksu for breakfast, a visit to a cafe for coffee before walking down a historical street together. you filmed with a smile on your face, shaking your americano for camera with a colorful background, just for you to pull down the drink and let the beautiful buildings and trees take the focus.
joshua could watch you forever, he was pretty sure. watching you conceptualise what you wanted this out of the ordinary video to look like, seeing the way you managed to be present with him, joking and giggling on your scenic walk, but squeezed his hand in warning before letting go, telling him quietly you wanted to get a shot. he had seen the way you filmed food, and how you filmed your kitchen, which was incredible in its own right, but this was the first time he got to see your process on the fly. when you went to work, as it were, taking in your scenery and deciding the way you wanted to portray it - more thought went into this than filming at the same barbeque restaurant for the fifth time, but joshua saw the similarities in the way your eyes twinkled when you saw something through your camera lens for the first time, even if only the first time that day. the way you would review the footage quickly, smiling at the way it turned out, but announcing that you were taking a second shot for safety.
then, he took you to another restaurant.
you barely noticed the passage of time, but when he conveniently "happened" upon the next stop on your food tour, you were pretty sure your stomach growled at the thought of eating an insane amount of dumplings, and you smiled at him in a way that made him want to cause it constantly.
if having your pick at dumplings was enough to make you giddy like a child, the night market was life altering. the food stalls were set up like they always were friday and saturday nights, joshua told you, and that meant you got to experience korean street food in a way you hadn't yet. you found the best pad thai you had ever eaten, succumbed to the tempting smell of grilled squid when passing a busy stall, and you even got served alcohol practically in passing, the specialty liquor being offered in a way that was hard for either of you to say no to. after a few too many, you had to stop joshua before he dragged you to a choco pie stall.
"we should eat more first," you said, gesturing to a woman making hashbrowns on a griddle. "while we have free hands. loop back around for dessert and buy some for the road."
joshua tapped his nose, then wagged his finger at you. "smart and hot."
you laughed, pulling him towards the hashbrown stall.
that night, you laid in bed beside each other, talking like you hadn't just spent literally the entire day together. recalling highlights of the day, sharing related anecdotes with assorted friends and family. you didn't even want to sleep - your body did, sure, clearly, by the way it kept interrupting your conversation with yawns. joshua would laugh, then yawn in response, and tell you that you should sleep. you would shake your head, a pout on your lips, and he would just smile and keep talking about whatever the yawn had interrupted.
being in bed with joshua wasn't demanding, nor was it uncomfortable, and you were pretty sure that meant something good.
you were making curry. he had mentioned that it looked good while you were watching some show the week prior and you couldn't get it out of your head. so, even though it was midsummer and far too warm for something as hearty as japanese curry, you decided you needed to make it anyway, if only for your own peace of mind. you invited joshua over to cook dinner for him, and he asked where your camera was when he arrived with your requested potatoes (you had some, except they were older than you thought and started sprouting), but you told him you weren't filming tonight.
"this ones for us," you said matter of factly, giggling when he looked shocked. "i don't film every meal, y'know. sometimes i cook things just for me."
he watched you dump the potatoes into the sink to wash. "what if it ends up being really pretty?"
"josh," you said, looking at him. "i don't make things that aren't pretty."
he asked if you needed help with anything, but you just shook your head and told him to relax. that you had made this a million times, and that you could do it with your eyes closed. he asked again if you were sure, and you laughed, scrubbing potatoes and using your shoulder to get your hair out of your face.
"actually," you said, raising the wrist on which you kept a hair tie. "do you know how? my hands are wet."
joshua smiled and nodded, coming over and pulling the tie off your wrist, careful to not get it too wet on your hand. "how high?"
"ariana," you said, making him laugh as you giggled. "as high as you can manage, but i don't really care."
he just smiled, taking your hair in his hands as you washed the potatoes one by one, and you tried to ignore the way you heart skipped a beat when you felt his touch drift across the back of your neck. he gently gathered it all in one palm at the crown of your skull, brushing through it with his fingers. "here?"
"perfect," you said, chewing your cheek and smiling. he pulled the band over your hair, tying it off tightly and pulled at the hair gently to keep it in place.
his hands glided over your waist, leading his arms to wrap around you as his chin landed on your shoulder. "not too tight?"
you shook your head, smiling. "you're multi talented."
"i have a sister," he reminded you, then put a kiss on your cheek.
you managed to convince him to sit at the counter, and he smiled and laughed with you as you conversed about anything that came to mind. he talked about his latest work antics, and you told him about a café you found the day before that you really enjoyed. he watched you skillfully chop vegetables and prepare chicken, flitting around your kitchen with a familiarity that could only be fostered by time. he glanced at the time on his phone, then looked at the door behind him that led to a bedroom.
"is karol here?" he asked. she normally would have emerged to say hi by now.
you looked at him before going back to pan frying the chicken. "no, she's in busan this weekend with some friends. she'll be back sunday night."
an alarm went off in joshua's head, and he tried not to think too deeply about the fact that you had invited him over while your roommate was away. sex hadn't even been a discussion on the table yet, but not because joshua didn't want it - because, frankly, he wanted it - he was just more concerned about you and your wants. for most things, he felt as though he had learned your thoughts and opinions naturally over the last few months, but outside of a few passing jokes, you hadn't ever mentioned how you felt about sex in general, much less sex with him.
so he stared at you, suddenly unable to ignore the fact that you were wearing shorts because of the weather, but they were hidden under the hem of the neutral toned apron he saw in your videos every week. or the way you smiled at him as you talked, your eyes glinting with mischief when you made a joke at his expense, but only made him laugh and want you more. he stood and came around the island, standing with his hip against the counter as the two of you continued conversing and you added the roux cubes to the pot.
his eyes never left you or your actions, and you noticed the way he inched towards you as your cooking became less involved and began to wrap up. you didn't argue when he put his arms around you again, watching you stir the curry with his cheek against your ear. he wasn't in your way, not even when you reached over to pull a spoon out of a drawer to give it a taste and make sure the seasonings were right, so you instead just enjoyed his presence.
you hummed, licking your lips briefly as you appraised the flavor. "not bad," you said, using the ladle you had been cooking with to pour more into the spoon you had just used to taste. you blew on it, then displayed it for joshua, who looked at you in his peripherals before accepting the bite.
"oh, wow," he said, making you giggle as you put the spoon aside. "that's better than a restaurant."
"thanks," you said, tapping the ladle on the side of pot to get the excess back in the pot, a spot of sauce landing on the back of your hand. you put it on the spoon rest next to your stovetop and replaced the lid on the pot of curry, quickly turning the burner to low. "now we just wait for the rice to pop," you said, spinning in his grip and licking the spot off the back of your hand.
joshua stared at you, desperately wishing in that moment that he wasn't such a damn man, because it was clear in your eyes that it was a completely innocent action. you got some of the delicious sauce on your hand, so why would you wipe it off when a towel wouldn't appreciate it like your tongue would? you wouldn't, obviously. he wouldn't have, either, if it had been his hand. but here he was, gaze fixed on your mouth as you pulled your hand away from it, and one of your eyebrows raised when you noticed.
"can i help you?" you asked, glancing down at his lips when he involuntarily leaned into you.
"i-" he swallowed. "sorry, i'm just-"
in that moment, you registered what his gaze meant. and while you were fairly oblivious to most things, you were far from innocent, so you put your arms over his shoulders and knit your fingers in his hair. "you're just?" you prompted.
there was a chuckle on his lips as he backed you against the counter, and he shook his head lightly. "i just think it's insane how into you i am."
joshua had this way of kissing you that made you think his life depended on it. he kissed you like you were in the final scene of an apocalyptic movie and he had come to terms with the fact that this was the end. like he knew that if your lips left his, he would magically disappear before he could tell you how much you meant to him. like he could stop time as long as he had you pressed against him with his hand on your jaw, but the sun was setting and he wasn’t ready to say good night.
when he finally pulled away from you, you were trying to catch your breath as his hands ran down your waist, and you stared into his eyes. his lips were parted, and his fingers gripped at your hips in a way that you knew meant he wished there were less layers between your skin.
your mind raced, thinking quickly back to how long the two of you had been seeing each other. how long you had known that you were interested in keeping joshua around for the long term. you wracked your brain, thinking about when people normally took the next step at your age, finding a discrepancy in the timing. you had made him wait for so long, but this was the first time you had noticed him trying to bed you - though, this was hardly subtle, so perhaps you had missed signs earlier? hell, the two of you had even shared a bed at this point, but you were pretty sure he hadn't tried anything then, either. you considered the fact that this relationship had gone for over two months without so much as a hint to take the next logical step, and you decided that joshua was definitely the only guy you had met in years that you would be willing to allow under your covers.
"the curry can sit for," you started, blinking rapidly as your mouth caught up to your mind. you swallowed once. "well, until tomorrow, technically, but-"
joshua's lip quirked upward. "did you invite me over to have me stay the night?"
"not-" you exhaled. his tone was slightly accusatory, but only playfully, and you found yourself more flustered by the question than you would have liked. "not consciously, but…" your eyes studied his face. "do you want to?"
"are you kidding?" he asked, making you breathe out a laugh, his forehead landing on yours. "did you not hear me when i said i was insanely into you?"
the rice cooker beeped, drawing both of your attention as it sang out a small tune to alert you it was finished. you looked at joshua. "are you hungry?"
he looked back at you, a smile sneaking on his lips. "i mean, working up an appetite wouldn't hurt, right?"
he let you lead him to your bedroom, which he had only been in once, briefly, when he had helped you put some lights away. the two of you admittedly spent most of your time in kitchens or restaurants, the remainder of your alone time being split between joshua's car and a couch to watch a movie, but joshua thought your taste suited his as he glanced around again, and that he would happily lose time in bedrooms with you. you kissed him again, and he was quick to pull you against his body, leaning into you, making you giggle as you bent backwards at the hips. "josh."
"what?" he asked, giving you a half lidded smile as his hand found your jaw, pulling you back into him. "stop leaning back and i'll stop chasing you."
"i'm-" you giggled into the kiss he interrupted you with. "i'm not leaning back, you're pushing me."
joshua made you feel like you were out of your depth, but in a way that was more exciting than scary. it had been ages since someone had been able to surprise you, or had helped you surprise yourself, but today he was doing both. the last time you had let a man into your heart, it had been less than perfect, especially towards the end, but joshua felt like home. cozy. he made you feel safe. like he wouldn't let you fall backwards unless your mattress was waiting for you.
and when you fell, he crawled over you, connecting your lips again with a hand against your jaw, the other holding himself above you, and you tried to restrain a whine.
"josh," you said suddenly, pushing on his chest lightly, processing fully what was about to happen and a shot of anxiety running through your chest. "c-can i tell you something first?"
joshua paused his motions, studying your eyes, his expression skewing scared. "oh, shit, are you a virgin?"
"what?" your eyebrows creased, a laugh on your lips. "no, what the fuck, josh? i'm in my mid-twenties."
he blinked at you. "there would be nothing wrong with you if you were a virgin in your mid-twenties."
"i'm not a virgin, joshua."
"right," he shook his head slightly. "sorry, i don't know. what were you saying?"
you chewed at your cheek nervously. "i just. i haven't… been with a guy in a really long time."
his eyes examined your face, looking for a hint at what you meant, because if it was only what you were saying, he didn't understand why you were so worried. "okay?"
"like, really long," you reiterated.
"baby, i promise," he said, forehead against yours. "i promise you, i don't care."
you exhaled sharply, wishing you could just enjoy things normal people did. that you knew what people wanted out of these encounters innately, instead of having to overthink them. "like, i don't want to… i don't know. disappoint you."
"disappoint me?" his head bobbed backwards in shock. "how the hell could i ever be disappointed when you're you?"
your eyes shut, grateful that he could still make you smile when you felt so out of your league. "i just mean that i-" you paused, trying to figure out how much you were willing to say, and how much you could without ruining whatever mood had been fostered here. "i just don't really do this. like, i feel like i don't know how."
"baby," he said, pressing his lips to yours briefly. "honey, sweetie, darling," he continued, punctuating each name with quick pecks. "you could starfish and i would have the time of my life."
you laughed, a hand landing on his shoulder sharply as he smiled at you. "okay, i'm not that bad, jesus."
"i'm telling you," he assured. "i don't care. i don't care if it's been months or years or forever, i don't care." he paused, appraising your expression. "we don't have to do anything. i'd be happy to just kiss you for an hour and a half if you're not ready."
"no," you whined, crinkling your nose. "it's not that, i just…" you took a breath. "i might just need you to take it a little slow."
"well, baby, you're in luck," he said, giving you a teasing smirk as his lips closed in on yours again. "slow and steady is exactly how i want you."
karol had said you hated men. she hadn't been wrong. you hated a lot of men, and how they made you feel like a prisoner in your own body. you hated the men you had encountered in your past, who made you feel small and weak. ugly and only wanted for one purpose, disrespecting your boundaries, your presentation, and your being. you hated those men, and nothing would ever redeem them for you.
joshua was different, though. he wasn't like them, because even though you didn't say explicitly why you needed a little extra care, he was more than prepared to give it to you. without even needing specific direction, he paid special attention to your reactions. to your body. he waited until you were ready, and asking him for more. and even when he sheepishly admitted that he'd started carrying a condom in his wallet the month prior, you could only giggle and silently be overwhelmingly thankful that he was truly nothing like any man you had ever been with before.
you swore you had made the same recipe you always did, but your curry tasted sweeter than you remembered. maybe it was just that you were eating it in your underwear with a man that made you feel comfortable in your skin for the first time in forever, a home improvement show remaining unwatched on your tv as the two of you joked together.
joshua woke the next morning in your empty bed, and was only confused for a second as he looked around your white walls. he stretched once, then sat up, eyes meandering over your orange patterned rug (one he remembered describing as "groovy" when he had first seen it, which had made you laugh in that way he adored), then noticed your laptop had been turned on. it was saturday, he realized, and you were likely going to edit today so you wouldn't have to tomorrow. he decidedly did not peek, though he wanted to, and peeked out your bedroom door instead.
you were easy to find, standing in your kitchen with an oversized shirt on and your hair pulled out of your face as you formed rice balls. you looked up from your work, smiling when you saw him, placing the triangle of rice you had just made on the cutting board. "good morning!"
it was, he thought. it was a really good morning.
you teased him for hugging you in your kitchen while he was only wearing underwear, saying that he seemed to have made himself comfortable quickly. he just playfully ran his hands under your shirt, saying, well, what about you, then? making breakfast with no pants on?
"i live here," you said, giggling and using your hip to bump him away. "i pay rent. what do you do?"
his eyes darted away from yours as he thought. "sit still, look pretty?"
that made you laugh. "you are very pretty."
he grinned, taking the opportunity to pull you into his chest again. "you, too."
he looked at what you had made, noticing the pot on the stove for the first time.
"soybean paste soup," you said, reacting to his gaze, then pointed at the neat triangles of brown tinted rice in front of you. "mushroom riceballs, and i'm making tamagoyaki next."
joshua blinked at you after processing everything. "do you do this every morning?"
"not every morning," you giggled. "but i wanted to today."
weeks later, you were biting your pinky nail to oblivion as you scrolled through comments on the video you had posted earlier that morning. you were sitting on the couch in joshua's living room, your laptop perched on the arm and your boyfriend fixing something to eat before the two of you sat to watch a movie. you had made a risky move in your video - one you thought would have been fine, but clearly people read more into it than you expected. joshua came over for dinner earlier in the week, when you had made pasta with all the delicious fresh seafood the two of you had found at a market the day before, accompanied by a simple salad and white wine. karol was working late, so you had set some aside for her, but that meant it was just you and joshua in frame when you filmed your usual table setting shot.
people were speculating.
you knew it was inevitable, and a few comments had pointed out the man that had eaten sushi with you in the vlog that included your first date, but at this point, the comments were flooded with questions and hypotheses on who the mystery man could be. most assumed boyfriend - which, while true, made you feel slightly annoyed - and a few wondered if he was your brother, or close friend, but they all noticed that his hands and voice had become regular guest stars on your channel. that, while you still got meals with krys and karol, this nameless, faceless man sat opposite you more often than anyone else.
the jeonju vlog is what sparked the most comments. people suspected some amount of intimacy when they realized this guy was travelling with you, too, and you probably would have thought the same if it had been someone you watched regularly. you had been careful with the editing, only including clips with food and the scenery shots that didn't star him (while you had filmed a lot that did, those were just for your own personal record), but you supposed it was in peoples' nature to try and find a romantic plotline in your slice of life.
"josh?" you said suddenly, pulling your pinky from between your teeth. you heard his vague noise of acknowledgment and spun around on the couch to watch as he cocked his head at you from the kitchen. "should we go public?"
"uh," he paused, looking at the scallion pancake he was cooking, quickly grabbing the panhandle to flip it. "give me, like, two minutes and we can discuss? i'm almost done in here."
you puffed your cheeks out and nodded, turning back towards your computer. "okay, baby."
when joshua came into the living room, the spread he had quickly put together across a tray you had bought for him (because you wanted it, mostly, but karol would kill you if you brought more home), he put it on the coffee table and sat next to you, quickly addressing the subject again.
"people keep," you paused. his eyebrows raised, prompting you, but he only chewed on his bottom lip to let you take your time as you hugged your knees to your chest. "people keep assuming you're my boyfriend anyways, so i'm just thinking-" you exhaled sharply. "should we just say fuck it? just confirm that we're a couple?"
joshua studied you. "you've always been pretty private."
you chewed your cheek, putting your lips against your knees. "that's on purpose."
"you don't have to say anything you don't want to," he reminded you, rubbing a hand against your back. you put your chin on your knees and gave him your biggest doe eyes, making him smile. "they can speculate all they want, but you don't owe them an explanation."
you nodded lightly as you hugged your legs and looked around, briefly studying the tray joshua had brought over. he had quickly stirfried some vegetables, grilled the frozen pork belly slices he always kept on hand, and even cooked your favorite premade scallion pancakes, the spread complete with several side dishes you had made together earlier in the week and two bowls of rice. your brows knit together, fingers itching to film how neatly he had put together a light meal for the two of you because you had said you wanted to show him your favorite movie without interruption, and he knew you would be hungry soon.
"would you-" you cleared your throat, looking up from the food and finding his eyes. "what do you think i should do?"
he let out a breathy laugh. "does it matter? you'll do what you want anyways."
you whined, pushing his shoulder as your feet dropped from the couch. "i'm serious, your opinion matters here. would you be okay with being public?"
"you're joking, right?" he laughed, adjusting his posture, and grabbing your hand to folding it between his. "baby, you know i care about you, right?"
your lips pursed as you nodded, looking between his eyes shyly.
"and you know i would never try to say that i, like, own you, right? like, i don't claim ownership over you as a person."
you let out a short laugh. "right."
he held your hand tighter. "i want to tell every viewer of every single one of your videos that you are mine."
your cheek puffed out as you smiled. "really?"
"especially the reply guys, oh my gosh," he rolled his eyes, making you laugh. "there's a place i think you'd like! i could take you, smiley face. yeah, get lost, creep. move along."
your palm landed on your cheek as you laughed. "shut up, are you serious?"
"you don't see those?" his eyes wide when you shook your head. "baby, there's so many people trying to take you out in the comments. so many."
you giggled, pressing your lips together. "well, there's only one guy that gets to."
"that's right," joshua said, a proud look on his face. "the ultimate reply guy fanboy."
you pushed his chest, laughing again. "shut up."
you decided an faq would do, but in the style of your regular videos. you definitely didn't want to just sit down in front of your camera and talk through questions and answers - that wasn't your style, and would feel wrong uploading. so instead, you spent a few hours compiling questions you had been asked often and organized them in a way that made sense, planning on showing your daily life. questions like what camera you used, what your go-to quick breakfast is, where you bought the clothes you liked - it was easy to plan them out to create a vague storyline of your standard day. you woke up on a wednesday (a day you went to the studio, because many of your questions were about what goes on there), excited to film but slightly nervous. as you set up your camera for breakfast, your phone buzzed on the counter.
joshie: good morning, baby! you got this! can't wait to see you tonight 🥰
you: 🥺🥺🥺 thank you!
the day went well, filming your planned clips on the subway and at the studio, and when your coworker asked what all the questions you were filming for were, you sighed.
"normal stuff," you said quickly, taking off your apron after several hours of cooking and shooting. "favorite recipes, what equipment i use… y'know."
yunhyeong nodded at you, his eyes squinting slightly. "is that all?"
he knew you. he knew how you reacted when you were nervous. how you could practically hide it from anyone, but that certain subjects would always make your eyes look slightly panicked and your speech speed up. the worst part is that you knew he knew, and your facade was almost immediately broken.
"and if i have a boyfriend."
he stared at you for a second before he laughed in disbelief. it took him over a week of bugging you about the guy in your videos before you admitted you were seeing someone, and even then, you only did because joshua had started picking you up from the studio and - against your wishes - introduced himself to your coworkers. yunhyeong thought about how protective you were of your privacy, and how you had never revealed something as personal as a relationship online before - partly because none of the people you had gone on two or three dates with had been serious enough to reveal, but he mostly thought about how you barely even showed your own face. that you stayed mostly silent when you filmed, and if you had to speak, it was a voice that was only adjacent to your usual cadence, as if you were trying to create another barrier between you and your online persona. how you had mourned your grandfather's passing and uploaded your vlog like normal two days later, but called out of work for the week following.
"and you're telling the truth?"
you exhaled, wiping down the stove top now that it had cooled. "yeah, shua and i discussed it. people are speculating, anyways, and it's not like he's going anywhere any time soon."
yunhyeong nodded again, organizing the spices as he put them away. "i'm happy for you."
you looked at him. "what do you mean?"
"it's a big step," he said, purposefully keeping his eyes from you so you didn't get self conscious. "you haven't been this serious about someone the entire time i've known you. i think it's really great that you found someone you care about."
you watched him spin bottles to be label out as you considered his words. "thanks."
he peeked at you, smiling. "of course."
yunhyeong's words rattled in your mind as you walked to the restaurant joshua had agreed to meet you at, filming your feet as you went with the intention of answering a few random questions with on-screen text in the edit. someone you care about.
you thought about how joshua had said the same thing about you when you had asked if going public was something he would be comfortable with. the way it has made your heart flutter. you wondered, briefly, if perhaps this was something more than just caring.
when you were editing the video that saturday, you procrastinated on the last question as long as you could, and when it was the only thing left to do, you escaped to the kitchen to make lunch in favor of finishing the part that was haunting you. your bagel sandwich was delicious, but you could barely enjoy it, mind clouded by the task that made your anxiety peak for seemingly no good reason.
it took you too long to finish it.
when you showed it to joshua, wanting his blessing before you uploaded, he couldn't hide his giddy reaction.
"it's okay?" you confirmed, studying his face.
he nodded at you, lips pushed together into a lopsided smile. "it's really cute."
"cute?" you asked, clicking through the video. "that's good, right?"
"yes," he laughed, squeezing your shoulder to put a kiss on your head. "it's great. post it."
so you did. and while you had gotten a tiny bump when krys excitedly dragged the two of you onto her stream that afternoon, you had no way of predicting the way the rest of the internet picked it up a few weeks later.
"r/relationshipgoals," jeonghan read off his phone, leaning against your kitchen island along with several of your friends that had come over when they saw the two of you on their newsfeeds unprompted. "'cross post from r/cutecouples, the most heartwarming boyfriend reveal you'll see this year.'"
"twitter, too," karol announced looking up from her own phone, seated in a barstool beside him. "you're a twitter moment. people found the clip from krys' stream, even."
you were on the counter opposite them, kicking your feet nervously to the beat in your head as you chewed your lip. you sighed and covered your face. "how long is this gonna last?"
"a while, hopefully," krys said, turning your laptop screen towards you. "your subcounts are insane right now."
you whined into your hands, making joshua appear at your side to put a hand on your spine. you took a breath at the touch, relaxing your tensed thighs on the counter. "it's okay to be nervous," he muttered at you. "but it's also kinda exciting, right?"
you exhaled deeply, letting your hands fall and your eyes trail to his before a smile broke on your face. "kinda."
so after you calmed yourself down, you managed to go through some of the posts about you, and you surprised yourself by letting them put a smile on your face. even the idea of having a public relationship had scared you shitless less than a month prior, but this… this wasn't so bad. seeing twitter repost the same video of you filming your feet as you walked into a restaurant, panning the camera up to reveal joshua sitting at a table and waving excitedly at you. the cuts you made to show clips that had landed on the cutting room floor of past videos - the footage you had taken of him pointing out the new wok you had started using a few weeks prior in a kitchen specialty store, and the goofy face he revealed after holding it in front of himself as he brought it back to you. the video of joshua grasping your hand, panning up to his playfully serious face as he dragged you down a boardwalk in jeonju, gesturing to the sunset. the unedited audio from your first date, when you had said something about it looking really good, and he had said something along the lines of how it would have been a waste if you hadn't recorded, and the two of you giggled together in a way that nervous new couples did. short bits of you swinging your camera around to reveal a laughing joshua as you tried to film quiet shots. a clip of him wearing a triangular menu on his head like a hat, acting as though it was completely normal.
you had a hard time believing anything you ever did would be viral-worthy, but even you had to admit, this was a pretty understandable thing for you to go viral for.
besides, it felt like it made sense for this to be the one thing about your personal life that ended up getting attention. it felt like he was an innate part of you at this point, and that you wouldn't be honest if you hid him.
it was august when he broke your heart.
"how could you?" you asked him, staring in disbelief. "you haven't seen lord of the rings?"
"okay, i lied," joshua said, still washing the dishes. "i saw them when i was a kid, but i don't remember them really."
"well, we're fixing that."
he looked at where you were sitting on his kitchen island - a well known habit of yours at this point. "today?"
"not today," you said, poking your toe at his hip. "this weekend, maybe? if we start now, we'll be watching til you go to work tomorrow morning."
he shut off the faucet and gingerly placed the pan he had just washed on the drying rack. "how many movies is it? i thought it was just three."
"it is," you said, laughing at his shocked look. "the extended editions are around four hours each."
joshua exhaled, leaning against the counter as he used a cloth to dry his hands. "you're lucky i like wasting hours with you."
you grinned, hopping down from your seat. "you're lucky i let you."
and that weekend, the two of you did just that - waste time, ordering delivery food for two meals as you camped out on the couch in various positions as the two of you got comfortable repeatedly. you couldn't help but recite specific lines, mouthing along with every word gandalf said like you had thought of the words yourself. you pointed out behind the scenes facts along the way, even, excitedly saying viggo broke two toes when he kicked that helmet, or how faramir's flames were a mirror trick. joshua watched you, because while he knew it was your favorite movie and he really should pay attention, he couldn't help but get distracted by his own favorite movie, and it starred you getting excited about something you loved.
you slept later than joshua that sunday, and when you emerged from the bedroom, you spotted krys sitting at the island with a plate of waffles in front of her, then found joshua leaned against the counter with a cup of coffee. he smiled when he saw you.
"i made breakfast," he said, gesturing to the counter.
you looked around at the spread as you walked over to him. waffles, fruit, bacon, and the promise of a fried egg upon request - a spread worthy of your own brunching standards. "what about second breakfast?" you asked quietly, in accented english.
joshua laughed, his arm wrapping around your midsection as you came over to kiss him good morning. "elevensies?" he shot back, in the same vague accent.
you broke your serious face to giggle. "luncheon?"
"alright," krys said, voice raised in annoyance when the two of you looked over at her. "i get it, y'all are in love or whatever, but can you have some respect for those of us who are lonely?"
you rolled your eyes, laughing at the fact that she had absolutely brought this upon herself by forcing the two of you together every chance she got, but joshua went cold when he heard her say the thing he had been thinking for a while, but was too scared to say out loud. the thing he felt when you grabbed his arm and told him that if he wouldn't let you carry the ring, then you could at least carry him with all the same dramatics as one samwise gamgee did. when you cried as frodo and bilbo sailed into the sunset for good, even though you had seen it a million times over. the sneaking thought that he was in love with you, but didn't know how to say so. he swallowed down the thought, shaking his head when you raised a questioning brow at him as you dished up a plate of waffles and fruit.
it didn't take you long to trust joshua enough to give him your door code so he could let himself in, but it took him a while to actually use it. he said something about not wanting to intrude, but you told him it was more intrusive to make you come to the door when you could possibly be doing important things and he was completely capable of getting in on his own.
you hissed. you had the thought right before you started this boss battle, that he would arrive before you finished and you would be trapped at your computer. you were right. "in here! gimme like two minutes!"
you heard him enter your room, and his bubbly laugh when he spotted your back at your desk desperately clicking your mouse and striking your keyboard. "wow, is this what you meant by important things?"
"please, please, please," you whined, intermittently squealing as you reacted to the enemy attacks. "i'll get off in a second i just need one more cleansing heart to ascend xin- fuck! not the stupid birds!"
he laughed again, his hand finding the back of your shoulder, thumbs pressing into the constantly sore flesh. you winced as he kneaded his fingers into your shoulder but exhaled, making him laugh lightly when you got knocked over by a boar. "hey, there's a boar there."
"yes, thank you, joshua." you quickly cracked a knuckle as soon as you had down time, sticking your neck out as he continued to massage your shoulders. "i think i have two more waves."
"waves? because it's a water level?"
you groaned into a reluctant laugh. "no shitty jokes right now, i'm trying to focus. normally krys and i co-op this one but she was busy."
he hummed, moving to stand next to you with his hand resting at the base of your neck. "wonder what she was doing."
"don't you live with her?" you teasingly asked, glancing up at him for the first time while sprinting across the platform, your game camera spinning uncontrollably when you suddenly pulled both hands to your mouth and gasped. "what the fuck, joshua?"
he stifled a grin, but it was completely obvious in his eyes as you stared up at him, blonde hair curled lightly to stay out of his face. "what's up?"
you stood from your chair, inspecting his head. "what the fuck?"
he laughed, wrapping his arms around you when you ran your fingers through his bleached locks hesitantly. "do you hate it?"
"i-" you blinked at him repeatedly. "what? no, i don't hate- what the fuck, joshua?"
"what?" he whined, eyebrows tenting at you even though his lips were still smiling. "does it not suit me?"
you held his head and squinted at him. "josh, you're hot. you look hot. but what the fuck?"
he laughed, finally planting his hello kiss on your lips. he watched the gears turn behind your eyes, puckered lips becoming a pout.
"did you go to a salon?"
he grinned. "krys did it."
you made a fist at him, scrunching your face for a second as you exhaled, looking down at the screen right as your last team member died, respawning at a statue. "that's why she used so many smiley faces when she said she was busy."
he put his lips to your cheek, smiling into your skin. "not bad though, right? you got a pretty handsome boyfriend."
and while you would have loved to roll your eyes and tease him, you were overtaken by a giggle as you turned your head towards him again, the tip of his nose gliding across your cheek. "yeah, i do."
his eyebrows went up. "wow, wasn't expecting you to admit it so readily."
you laughed, a light, carefree laugh, your palms on his jaw as you kissed him. "i have eyes, joshua." he just smiled against your lips, lacing his fingers together behind your tailbone, and you pulled away slightly to look up at his hair again. your hands went to his nape, fingertips against his scalp. "how long did it take? you have thick hair."
"we did three sessions," he said. "enjoy it while you can, it might fall out."
you laughed with him, brushing your fingers gently in his bangs again. "it feels fine, though?"
"yeah, i made this incredible discovery that i'm almost positive i'm the first to hear about it. it's called a hair treatment."
you batted at his chest, giggling. "shut up."
"make me," he said, the sweet smile on his lips making the phrase more playful than suggestive.
"i can't believe you surprised me with bleached hair," you said, plopping into your seat and exiting the game. "you know i hate surprises, right?"
"that's too bad," he said, his hand returning to rub against your neck. "i like surprises a lot. get used to them."
you puffed out your cheeks, sighing slowly. "usually people compromise."
"not on this," he stated. "i'm a gift giver."
"yeah, i figured that out when you got flowers sent to the studio on our one month anniversary, then again on our second, then here on our third…"
he was just smiling smugly at you when you stood again, maneuvering around him. "and you love getting them?"
you rolled your eyes, not even commenting when he playfully patted your butt as you went by. "they're always tasteful and it's nice to have some seasonal flowers for the counter."
"so you love them," he repeated. "because it sounds to me like you love them."
you laughed, reaching out to catch his hand in yours and pull him along with you as you exited to the main living area. "and what if i do? so what, joshua hong, if it makes my heart beat a little fast when we suddenly get flowers delivered and i realize it's the fourteenth? are you gonna call me a hypocrite because i vocally advocate that traditional chivalry is bullshit?"
he just listened to your playful accusation, more proving that you were self aware rather than egging him on. "no way," he said plainly. "you can still think traditional chivalry is bullshit, it won't stop me from trying to make you smile."
you felt your face heating up, your jaw dropping slightly to let out an annoyed huff. "cheesy, joshua. i'm offended."
"want me to make it worse?" he asked, wrapping his arms around your waist.
your hands landed on his chest as you squinted at his grin. "i'm scared."
he gave you a crooked grin. "happy one hundred days. i brought sushi."
your head whipped over to the counter, spotting the paper bag with a familiar logo. "from nori table?"
"of course, from nori table."
joshua had promised jeonghan that you would make an appearance as a couple at a party he was throwing the next day, and you found yourself almost nervous. you got on with jeonghan famously - almost enough to drive joshua insane - and you even warmed up to seokmin pretty quickly, but from what you had been told, jeonghan enjoyed partying, and you didn't really like getting drunk.
"you made it!" seokmin grinned big, spreading his arms to signal for you to let him wrap you in a hug. you laughed and greeted him, enjoying the friendly comfort, then watching him hug joshua after he let you go. "and you're blonde! life's good?"
"yeah," joshua said, making eye contact with you briefly as his fingers tangled with yours. "life's good. you?"
seokmin blinked before he said "yeah, good!" and your brow knit slightly before you consciously adjusted your face to hide the analysis of his hesitation happening behind your eyes. "this is your first time here, right?"
you nodded, smiling and following him as he led you into the crowded apartment. "yeah, it's been busy lately. but i finally made it to one!"
"well, you need to meet my friends," he said, continuously looking back at you even as he walked ahead, towards a corner of the living room. "you're gonna love them."
"aye, josh!"
you looked to the source of the call, spotting the guy pulling himself to his feet from his seat on the couch, arms wide in greeting to your boyfriend.
"hey, hosh," joshua said, a sideways grin on and his brows tented as he gave him a quick handshake into a hug. quickly, he put a hand on your opposite shoulder, pulling you towards him and quickly introducing you.
soonyoung initially went in for a hug after your introduction, but immediately noticed the way your eyes widened slightly and instantly pulled his arms down, leaving a hand extended for you to shake. you laughed, taking it, and apologized for not being a hugger.
"no worries," soonyoung laughed, and you wondered if he was always this pink in the face or if he had already started drinking. "seokmin will hug me, right?"
"everyone!" seokmin ignored him, pulling you towards the people gathered on and around the couch. he announced you to his friends then quickly went down the line - soonyoung, seungkwan, jihoon, dongmin, yugyeom - you repeated the names back to him like you would remember all of them, even though you knew you wouldn't unless they became regulars in your life, too.
jeonghan flitted by and expressed his greetings to you both some time later, intending to abscond with joshua for drinks and conversation elsewhere, but he stopped jeonghan from pulling him away before he put a hand on your elbow, looking at you meaningfully.
"i'll be okay," you told him, smiling. "go ahead."
he squinted at you. "you sure?"
"seokmin's here," you reminded him, nodding your head at the boy you had practically adopted as your own brother. "real quick, about soonyoung-"
he quirked an eyebrow at you. "what about him?"
you chewed your lip, smiling. "karol's been a little too focused on work lately, right?"
his eyes widened, thinking about your roommate. his eyes went to the man you had referenced, who was currently chanting something into seungkwan's face as he rolled his eyes. "karol?"
"what do you think?" you asked, looking back at soonyoung.
he blinked. "i think he'll drive her insane."
your eyes shone at him. "i think she'll love it."
he laughed incredulously, registering that you had asked his opinion instead of just doing whatever pleased you, and he wondered if that meant you trusted him. "you're right," he said finally. "try it."
"of course i'm right," you said, giggling against the quick peck he put on your lips. "remove him, jeonghan."
"finally," an impatient host shot back, rolling his eyes in a way that landed in a sly smile at you. "for what it's worth, i think your plan will work."
"didn't need your approval, but i'll take it," you said, smiling smugly at him. "i'll update you later."
the update you gave the next time you saw him, weeks later, was that karol had left the apartment every week since to go be with soonyoung somewhere fun and exciting, and you waved her off with a shiteating grin every week, culminating in the two of them arriving to krys' birthday party hand in hand.
jeonghan laughed, stealing a carrot stick from your cutting board as you arranged them into a rainbow themed charcuterie platter. "knew it. soonyoung loves women stronger than him."
you looked at him as he took a bite. "and karol loves someone she can take care of."
"look at us," he said, waving the half eaten carrot between the two of you with a lopsided grin on his face. "what a duo. we should hang out more. fuck joshua."
you laughed at him, then at the offended look on your boyfriend's face as he walked past. "now?" you asked eyebrows raised as you looked at him expectantly, and he laughed when he realized what the last words out of jeonghan's mouth were seconds before.
"please, this is a child's birthday party," he reminded you, and you laughed at the overexaggerated look he gave you to sell the joke.
you looked over to where krys was laughing with seokmin, soonyoung, and karol, then back down to your work as you nudged around quartered figs with a vague smile on. "seems like the kids are having a nice time."
jeonghan sighed, falling dramatically against the counter. "oh, to be young and in love."
joshua laughed. "karol's our age."
his cheek was planted in his palm, elbow on the counter as he gazed after the group. "i'm talking about seokmin and krys."
"what?" joshua asked, voice nearly cracking, and you let out an explosive laugh. "seokmin and who?"
"stop acting stupid," jeonghan waved ahand at him, then popping his eyes up to catch your look of solidarity. he pointed at you. "see? we're on the same page, which means we're right."
joshua looked at you and you raised your hands in surrender. "are you serious?" he asked. "my sister and-"
you landed a hand on his face, effectively shutting him up as you giggled. "shush, josh. just leave it, okay?"
"good idea," jeonghan sighed, straightening and picking up the platter you had finished. "dining table?"
"please," you responded, looking back and giggling when joshua looked just as dumbfounded as he had before you looked away. "she's an adult. seokmin's a good guy. let it happen."
he closed his mouth, stealing a glance at his sister. "he is a kindergarten teacher."
"and both your best friend and your partner love him," you reminded him. "she could do worse."
he gave you a look. "she has done worse."
"shut up," you said, pushing his shoulder in your friend's defense. "you've done pretty bad, too."
his eyes went to the ceiling, remembering the accidental altercation you had been forced to have with one of his more regrettable exes. "how many times do i have to apologize-"
"you don't," you laughed, putting your hands on his cheeks and focusing his eyes on yours. "but krys is an adult. she's allowed to judge her own partners, and even if she ends up being wrong, she's old enough to make her own mistakes."
joshua huffed, knowing you were right but not wanting to admit it. "sorry i'm trying to protect my one and only baby sister."
"yes, and you're adorable," you assured him. "best big brother ever. but it's her birthday, and if you don't start getting drunk soon, she'll be very upset."
drinking with joshua was fun. because he wasn't much different than yourself - he didn't get crazy, he didn't get loud. he just got loose. he let stupider jokes out, and he was more willing to join in on krys' performative comedy bits throughout the night. you found yourself falling onto a couch with him, giggling as he caught his breath after a particularly involved musical number.
the most fun you had drinking with joshua was in itaewon, long past midnight but still what you considered halloween. you had been dragging karol with you for years, but now you had a boyfriend, and she had a boyfriend, and you both had a new joint best friend, so it only made sense for you to get them all take the train ride out to your favorite part of seoul.
ratatouille. that was the only way you could get joshua to go with you. he wanted a couples costume and he wanted you to be the rat.
"this feels backhanded," you told him.
"do you want to be linguine?" he asked. "i can be sexy remy. i can find grey hot pants, but you have to be the one to attach the the tail because i have no idea what my butt looks like."
you laughed, resigning to your fate and buying the outfit online, then looked at him suddenly. "liar. i know you check yourself out at the gym."
"okay," he said, eyes on the ceiling as he herded a giggling you into his arms. "then… i want it to be accurate, so you need to attach it directly at my tailbone." he cocked his head at you after you settled into the hug. "i have to be wearing them, obviously."
"obviously," you said. "but unfortunately, i already ordered the body suit."
josh pressed his lips together and made a quick fist in victory. "awesome. i-i mean! aww, well, that's fine, i suppose." he sighed dramatically, convincing absolutely no one that he hadn't wanted this outcome all along. "i'll be linguine."
"i don't feel like fighting a bunch of gays in itaewon for your affection anyways," you said, making him laugh and kiss your cheek quickly before pulling away.
"grilled cheese?"
"is that even a question?"
it wasn't a question when you were weaving through throngs of bunnies and angels, either, holding hands with both him and his sister to not lose them in the crowd, karol and soonyoung trailing behind krys, all five of you on a mission to get carbs in you after starting the night off nearly too strong.
halloween in itaewon was different. it was special, you thought. you usually didn't like crowds, but this one felt good. halloween wasn't a celebrated holiday in korea, but with internet, influencers, and immigrants, the culture found its way into the new age scene. you loved an excuse to celebrate your favorite characters by paying them homage, and joshua had thought that was a noble enough reason for him to justify staying up too late and drinking too much.
you had just left the diner themed bar that you devoured griddle top sandwiches from, as well as another drink, and you spotted a familiar angel making a beeline for you.
well, not you.
"how many times have i tried to get you to come to itaewon with me?" jeonghan asked, pushing joshua's shoulder as soon as he could reach it.
joshua laughed, looking shocked by the sudden appearance of his friend. "you never agreed to be remy!"
jeonghan looked at you, and burst into laughter, making your jaw drop in indignance and whacking your fist against both their arms. "at least we're original. way to put in the effort, han."
he shrugged bringing a straw to his mouth, and you eyed the pink liquid that had clearly been funnelled into a water bottle. "i look better than all these clowns and you know it."
"there you are!"
jeonghan spun, the straw still in his mouth. "shit, i haven't lost you?"
seokmin gave him a sarcastic laugh, adjusting the shoulder of his soccer jersey as he walked up behind him, quickly adding to your small circle as he greeted you and joshua. you stepped aside suddenly, revealing the members of your party that had been lagging behind. "o-oh! it's all of you!"
you made brief eye contact with joshua, who was trying to not laugh at your less than subtle attempt. "you match!" you said quickly, pointing out that krys was dressed as a baseball player. "baseball, soccer," you trailed off, looking around for help.
"sports couple," jeonghan said loudly, slipping you a quick look. "cute."
soonyoung had to put his entire palm over his mouth to stop himself from exploding into giggles when seokmin went red in the ears and krys tried to change the subject as kindly as she could manage.
when you finally made it back into joshua's room, it was far too late (early? you could think about it more, but you preferred resigning to the fact that the passage of time was beyond you and moving on), the sun already starting to light the sky as it prepared to break the horizon. when you stole his toque of his head, he put his hand on your waist, backing you up against the closet door and gently working his lips onto yours.
you giggled, your arms landing on his shoulders. "aren't you tired?
"yeah, but," his eyes fluttering over your face. "i just really like you."
you were smiling when he pressed his lips to yours again. "i really like you, too, but we've been at a sweaty block party all night and we need to shower."
"together?" he asked, a spot of childish hope in his voice. "singular shower?"
you sighed on his lips, playfully threading your fingers against his nape. "if you want?"
the hot water felt especially good after trekking home in the cold without a jacket. and even though it was just meant to be a shower, he kept kissing you like it was something more, pressing you against the tiled wall and running his hands all over your shape. you couldn't stop giggling. pushing his hands away, saying you need to wash up, but giving him looks like you wanted him to keep going. you were running your hands over his chest, rinsing away suds, when joshua couldn't help but put a hand at the base of your neck, tipping your head slightly to deepen an already heated kiss.
"cut it out," you muttered against his lips, feeling them curve despite your eyes staying shut.
"cut what out?"
you looked at him, barely processing anything other than how incredibly handsome he was, even with his lashes stuck together with moisture and his hair slicked back against his head. "trying to fuck me in a shower stall."
he laughed teasingly, leaning into you again. "then why'd you agree to come in here with me?"
your back hit the tile again, and you giggled. "to save water."
and then he's kissing you again, a hand steady on your nape as he worked you open, tongue lapping against yours with a desperation that could only mean one thing. you whimpered dumbly, the squeaky whine escaping you with no difficulty as your hands ran up his chest, your grip longing for any amount of him you could get.
his lips leave you abruptly, asking if this was too much. if you wanted to stop. but you shook your head at him, hands eager to feel more of his shoulders, his neck, his scalp, despite your legs starting to give out. steam drifted between you when you told him your legs felt like jello from your full shift of partying, and if he didn't want to hold you up, you should probably take this to bed.
you were giggling as you frantically dried each other off, stealing kisses that were far too deep to be so short and longing touches that could have been interpreted as purposeful drying if you squinted hard enough, but felt much more like careful teasing. his hands felt right running up your body, and your hair was still damp, but that didn't bother either of you when you fell into bed together.
"i cant believe you want to fuck me when i was dressed like a literal rat," you teased.
he laughed, tugging your thigh up on his hip as his nose nuzzled against yours. "a sexy rat."
you giggled, lips parting when he kissed you. "a rat from a pixar movie."
he didn't miss a beat. "a sexy rat from a pixar movie."
you roll your damn eyes at him, and he just laughs, knowing that it mattered very little what you were wearing before, because now you were bare, clean, and safe in his bed, which was exactly where he wanted you for the rest of forever.
the sun was past its peak when you woke, stretching your sore spine and legs with joshua's arm draped over you. his hand seemed to wake before he did, finding your hip and squeezing gently as he took in his signature first breath of the day.
"g'morning." you smiled at his soft voice as he squinted at you, and you rolled into him to plant a kiss on his lips.
"it's almost two," you said finally.
he groaned, burying his face in the pillow. "too early." his grip around you tightened, making you giggle. "nap time."
you whined. "i wanna make coffee before it gets too late."
"i said nap time," he muttered, face still against the pillow.
"baby, i have a headache."
his head popped up, squinting at the bedside. "there's water."
you laughed incredulously. "i need caffeine."
he just pulled you tighter. "i need you here."
"wow," you said, wrapping your arms around him as he snuggled into your chest. "would rather i suffer from a caffeine headache for your own selfish need to cuddle than let me escape for two minutes to make a coffee and come back?"
he smiled, rubbing his cheek against your sternum. "mhmm."
you giggled, carding your fingers through his hair and resigning to a few more precious moments of uninterrupted snuggling before you could relieve the vague aching in your temples.
he did eventually let you slip out of his grasp, and you asked if he wanted a coffee, too, to which he just blearily blinked at you and nodded once. you laughed, finding a shirt in a drawer and pulling it over your head before exiting to the kitchen.
you hit the kettle first, having a craving for a hot cup of coffee rather than the usual iced, grabbing a mug and glass from a cabinet. the espresso machine sat on the long counter against the windowed outer wall, and your eyes danced across the outside world as you made the two coffees. when you returned to the bedroom, joshua was on his phone, and when you cleared your throat, he dropped his phone on the pillow and pretended to be asleep, complete with a loud snore.
you giggled, sitting on the edge of the bed and nudging him carefully. "get up or i'll put the glass on your neck."
he winced at the idea. "evil," he stated plainly, flopping around to comfortably sit up and taking the iced coffee from you.
you sipped your coffee and put it on the bedside table to swing your feet back under the covers. you shoved at the pillows to support your back as you sat, grabbing your coffee and phone to begin your weekend morning routine of checking the news as you sipped at an americano. "i brought you coffee in bed at two pm. i think i'm pretty saintly."
he gave you a fake laugh, making you giggle and push your foot against his leg under the covers in a half hearted kick. "is that why you said 'oh, god' so much last night?"
you groaned. "gross, joshua. and for the record," you said, eyeing him slyly as a smile broke out on your lips. "that was this morning."
"time is an illusion," he declared, taking a gulp from his coffee and setting it down to get more comfortable beside you as you began to read an article. "are we doing anything today?"
you shook your head, eyes still focused on your screen. "nada."
"nothin'?" joshua fished.
"zilch," you concluded.
"rad," he decided, a light tone in his voice as he grabbed his phone to resume whatever he had been doing before you returned. "do you wanna order breakfast?"
you let out a breath, your head falling back as you looked at him. "yes, oh my god."
he laughed, and his eyes ran over your face in a way you recognized well at this point. to you, it was him just smiling back at you, and you liked that it reached his eyes. but to him, it was the way he looked at you when he was memorizing all the little reasons he adored you, and it was getting harder for him to pretend it wasn't more than just simple adoration.
"question," he started, eyes darting away from yours as he licked his suddenly dry lips and swallowed quickly.
"pasta," you said immediately, pulling your phone to your chest as you gave him your biggest, most convincing eyes before a finger came up to demonstrate a point. "and before you say that's not a breakfast food, i would like to remind you that it is 2pm and i had to sit through a hundred of your italian food puns yesterday despite ratatouille being set in france."
he laughed, and you gave him a confused look. "we can get pasta, but that wasn't the question."
your eyebrow quirked. "what other question could you possibly ask me right now?"
unknowingly, joshua let his face settle into the same look he was giving you less than a minute earlier. "would you want to move in?"
your eyes ran over his face repeatedly, trying to register how serious he was as you considered the idea of staying in this comforting bed and presence for the indefinite future, and even you couldn't hide how nice that sounded. the only thing stopping you was that you couldn't bear to leave karol alone. you had been living together for over four years now, she had been your first roommate in korea, your best friend for years, and an inexplicable source of quiet but understanding comfort for you.
"i understand," joshua assured you, placing his hand over yours after you expressed your hesitation. "i don't know what i'll do with myself when krys decides to move out."
you nodded, studying his face but mind wandering to other things. "krys," you hummed, and he eyed you.
"what genius plan is that brain brewing?"
you shook your head, brushing the thought out of your mind - the thought that krys had said something about needing to find a new place soon. the thought that she had said she was never gonna properly grow up when josh was taking care of her, whether she wanted him to or not. "nothing."
but it wasn't nothing. it was a compromise - you and krys would swap leases.
"are you sure?" you asked her, elbows on the island as krys ate the donuts you had anxiously made that morning. you had brought up the idea to her days before, and she excitedly agreed, but something about it felt too easy to you.
"yes," she assured you, wiping her bottom lip clear of powdered sugar. "i swear, i'm sure. how many times do i have to say it?"
you chewed your cheek. "i don't want you to feel like i'm kicking you out."
"you're not kicking me out," she said matter of factly. "i'm moving out. it just happens to be the same day as you're moving in."
you pouted. "and you're moving into my apartment."
"yeah," she said, nodding. "i get to pay lower rent and have south facing windows in my room. i should feel bad about kicking you out."
it took almost a month to organize everything, but by early december you were just waiting for the date. you purposefully scheduled for a weekend, in order to not disrupt krys' streaming schedule and your video uploads, since you had planned to do a separate moving vlog about safely packing tableware. the weekend before, krys came over to her soon-to-be home for your usual monthly brunch.
flipping pancakes that day felt a little somber, knowing it was the last time you'd be cooking brunch while living with karol. you had been with her for four years, and it felt surreal that you were finally parting ways like this. not only that, but you were moving in with a guy. the idea itself scared the shit out of you - cohabitating with someone other than karol. you'd be sharing a room. sharing a kitchen. sharing all of your space - normally, that would scare you away from agreeing, but something about joshua made you feel safe. he made you feel like you would never try to get back the distance you generally held so dear.
months ago, the idea of sharing space like that while trying to decompress would be unimaginable, but recently, you found alone time with joshua just as healing as alone time with yourself, so the idea of being able to snuggle into his side every night actually put a warm feeling in your stomach. you looked at your friends, who were laughing and drinking bloody marys as you tried to keep up with their conversation. your brain swirled, and you looked back down at the strawberries you were cutting, suddenly realizing you had never felt that way about a boy before.
"woah, you okay, babe?" krys bobbed her head downwards to check your face. "are you crying? i thought only onions did that to you."
you threw your head back, sniffling noisily trying to force the tears back under your ducts. karol stood. "oh, my god, what's wrong?" she frantically put down her drink and rushed around the counter to your side.
"wait, yeah-" krys shook her head rapidly, then reached over to take the knife out of your hand, her face creasing into a worried pout. "what's going on?"
you gathered yourself, embarrassed at how quickly you had cried so hard over such a stupid realization. you almost laughed, realizing what a scene you were making. you never cried. you weren't even sure either of them had seen it before now, yet you were ugly sobbing over something that they all probably already knew.
you swallowed harshly, clearing your throat. "i think i'm in love with josh."
krys and karol always knew you didn't truly care about the gender of your hypothetical partner, but that you had avoided men for a reason other than your attraction to them. they knew you gravitated towards women for practically your entire friendships with either of them, they knew that you never liked to get genuinely drunk and instead took care of the rest of them, and they knew you had never been very interested in sex. these were all known facts about you, and your friends understood that you kept the reasons for these facts close to your chest. they respected that.
but you finally wanted to share why. and the why was your ex.
when you had imagined telling your closest friends about your trauma, this certainly wasn't the situation you expected - crowded around the kitchen counter as your pancakes went cold, and only because you had burst into tears. it wasn't the right place, you thought, for you to talk about how he got you drunk. how you were practically asleep. how you tried to push him away but your body was weak with intoxication and you were powerless against him. someone you trusted. someone you loved.
you had always been the type to fight your own battles. you could stand up for yourself without difficulty, yet he made you scared of men. of what they could do to you. he reminded you that despite your effort to air on the androgynous, you had a body that some people might enjoy against your will. he made you want to hide everything about you and your body, wearing baggy shirts and oversized hoodies every chance you got, avoiding the unwanted gaze of men.
but recently, you've been wearing shorts more. you cropped some old shirts you never got use out of anymore to wear to your weekly yoga class. you had even bought a schoolgirl outfit for exactly one purpose, which had been entirely out of your comfort zone until roughly two months prior, but you had happily worn to please a man.
but in your defense, joshua hong was not like most men.
his appreciation of your body never felt predatory, and it always felt like it was bested by his appreciation of your mind. he didn't treat you like a prize, or like you were his for the taking. he appreciated your body as yours. while you may have found yourself the subject of his desire, you were never an object, and it had been a long time since you had felt comfortable wearing the clothes you liked in favor of opting for whatever would hide the most skin.
krys was crying. karol was too, but she was more focused on hugging you tight as you wiped off the tears that had trailed down your face. krys rounded the counter, loudly vocalising how much she loved you and everything about you, and you laughed out loud as she let out an exaggerated wail.
"actually, though," she said, pulling away slightly and sniffling. "drop the address. we're rolling up on this guy tomorrow."
you laughed again, wiping at your face when your arms were free. "wouldn't even know where to find him now."
"good!" karol declared. "fuck that guy! cut him out! you're a bad bitch!"
krys pouted. "i'm really happy josh helped you heal."
you stared at her for a second, registering that she must have been right. you eyes swam over the counter, thinking about all the times he had helped you feel more comfortable with yourself. with everything. enough to let someone in. enough to love. "i guess that's what this is, huh?"
karol cleared her throat. "so, you love him."
a grin broke out on krys' face, and your eyes immediately rolled. "you love him."
"you love him so bad."
"you wanna marry him and make adorable little hong babies."
"oh my god," you said, pressing the backs of your hands into your eye sockets, annoyed laughter on your lips as they bounced off each other. "you guys suck."
joshua started acting… odd. that was the only way you could describe it. there was nothing specific you could name - maybe the way his eyes were moving slightly too quickly from side to side? or maybe it was the way he inhaled a little extra when you asked him what was up, only for him to push his lips into an exaggerated pout and insist that nothing was. whatever it was, it made you watch him a little bit longer, your eyes squinting slightly more than usual.
you called him the day before, asking if you could bring some stuff over in hopes of making the next day as easy as possible, but his response was quick and surprising.
"what do you mean, no?" you laughed, putting down the wooden tray you were deciding the fate of. "do you have a girl over?"
you could hear him faltering on the other end. "and what if i did?"
"good luck getting her to make you breakfast."
he laughed. "i'm kidding. i have a guy over."
"oh?" you asked. "jeonghan?"
"shut up," he chuckled out. "i'm having something installed, but it was supposed to be a surprise."
"joshua," you reminded him, thinking of what the hell he could have meant by something. "i don't do surprises."
"you do now."
you groaned, a palm landing on your counter. "what is it?"
"a sex swing," he said plainly, as though that were the most obvious fact that you could have questioned, and you practically choked on your laughter, not even letting him confirm that he was joking before you were folded over your counter. and quite frankly, you could not wait another day to let him make you laugh like that as a routine.
you finally seceded, but you were glad when joshua arrived - the suv he rented loaded with krys' things - because it was a signifier that the distance between you and said surprise was shrinking quickly. soonyoung had become a surprisingly helpful voice of reason as you went through your piles of tablewares, telling you which ones to leave behind and which ones to take with you. seokmin had even arrived not long after the suv in his own car, a few brightly colored belongings in his backseat. you and karol exchanged a look when you realized he had volunteered to help krys move, but said nothing out loud, knowing she would do nothing but deny the obvious.
after yours and krys' affects were swapped in the car, you looked around one last time before telling josh you thought that was it.
"wait!" krys faltered, realizing she didn't have a good reason to stop you. "i- uh,"
"they know there's a surprise waiting for them," he said, digging the rental keys out of his jacket pocket.
karol looked to you. "do you know what it is?"
"of course not," joshua stated proudly before you could respond. "i'm like a steel trap."
you laughed. "that's definitely not how that phrase is meant to be used."
he raised a brow at you. "that doesn't change the fact that you could never get that info out of me."
"they absolutely could," karol said.
"for sure," krys agreed.
"i just wanted to let you have this," you admitted.
joshua looked between the three of you with his jaw slightly dropped, and seokmin put a hand over his mouth while crossing his arms to disguise the almost laugh on his lips.
"well, i want to see your reaction," krys decided. "so i'm coming."
"wait," soonyoung asked, putting down the retro boombox he had been investigating, among the other things that had been brought from the loft. "like, the surprise?"
"does everyone know about this but me?" you asked, hands hitting your sides in exasperation.
seokmin looked at you with wide, confused eyes. "i don't."
you lifted your hands in a vague prayer towards him. "thank you for your solidarity."
"i wanna see your face, too!" soonyoung said, ignoring you both. "you're gonna freak."
"joshua," you started, turning to him with a look of dread on your face. "what the fuck did you get?"
"i told you!" he exclaimed. "a sex swing!"
there was an excruciatingly long second of silence, making your palm land directly on your face - just above your eye - before seokmin let out a surprised, "a what?"
"he's kidding," you announced, much to the teacher's relief. "and if he's not we're breaking up."
it was decided that the entire party would move to the loft for the surprise reveal, and you watched your friends pile into seokmin's car with your palms sweating slightly and your molars gently gnawing at the fleshy party of your cheek. because, truly, you didn't handle receiving gifts well when you knew what they were, but you didn't have a single clue as to what could be waiting for you in your new home, and that made you a little nervous to have an audience for your possibly piss poor reaction.
joshua's hand found yours on the drive to the apartment. "you okay?"
you blinked and looked over at him, his eyes catching yours between glances at the road. "i don't do surprises."
"so you've said," he nodded. his fingers squeezed at yours lightly and you exhaled. "do you want to know before we go in? you can just act surprised."
your felt your face soften, registering what he was offering you. "joshua, you don't have to do that-"
"i know," he said. "but if it makes you more comfortable, then…"
"no way," you said. "i'll just stop being a baby. you set up a surprise, the least i can do is participate the way you want me to."
he eyed you, then the way you laced your fingers with his. "but you are a baby."
you rolled your eyes. "shut up, no i'm not."
"my baby," he clarified, and you let out an involuntary giggle.
he was guiding you into the kitchen, his large hands placed over your eyes and covering most of your face by proxy, and you didn't quit your playful complaints for the crowd of your closest friends that had gathered around, their presence obvious despite your vision being impaired.
"ready?" joshua asked.
"josh, i literally hate surprises, do we have to do all this?"
"yes," he said frankly. "because i'm doing something nice for us and you're going to love it so can you shut up and let me do this the way i want to like you told me you wanted me to?"
you paused, hearing the way your friends stifled their laughter as you took in a deep breath.
"ready?" he repeated.
"yeah, i guess," you sighed.
the light was harsh when his hands left your face, and you blinked repeatedly at the kitchen that you spent countless hours in, registering what was different. then, it suddenly clicked, the stovetop joshua had always had was replaced by the blue vintage styled range of your dreams.
"joshua!" you gasped, hands going to your face as you spun to look at him, then back at the range. "you bought me a lacanche?!"
he grinned, hands snaking around your waist from behind as you stood frozen in place. "i bought us a lacanche."
seokmin leaned over to krys. "what's a le conch?"
she reached up and put a finger over his mouth, eyes fixed on you. "shh, they're communicating."
you rushed over to the range, joshua following behind you as you ran your hands over the polished chrome handles that you had stared at on the website for years. "and it's all hooked up?"
he nodded, eyes on you with a smile on his face. "tested it last night."
"without me?" you asked, incredulous.
he laughed. "i didn't want to ruin the surprise by burning the loft down directly after."
your finger fidgeted on the handle, looking over to joshua. he gestured for you to go ahead, and you pushed and spun the knob, lighting a burner and squealing. you shut it off again before launching yourself into a hug.
"joshua!" you wailed, arms wrapped around his neck as he laughed, putting his around your waist. "i love it so much ican'tbelieveyouboughtusafucking lacanche range in portuguese blue for no goddamn reason!"
"there was a reason!" he laughed, letting you pull away slightly to study his face. "it's a housewarming gift. i want you to know this place is yours, too, now."
you did your best to suck the tears back into the ducts they belonged in, trying to not show just how much the gesture meant to you in that way, but you were sure one escaped down your cheek when your hands went to the base of his skull, pulling him into a kiss. you forgot the context of the move. you forgot about your friends that had been excitedly crowded in your new kitchen, anticipating your over the top reaction to what they saw as just a new stove. you, however, were overwhelmed by the specifics - the fact that he had picked the color you chose most often when building your hypothetical dream stove on the website you frequented more often than you would ever admit. the fact that it matched the details on the tile of his kitchen backsplash, a detail you hadn't even noticed when you were looking at them online. the chrome vintage knobs, the layout of the burners - everything was exact to what he had seen you dream about, and you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the love and care that expressed, hoping you could tell him just how much it meant by working your lips against his.
"ok, gross," krys announced, looking away when the two of you didn't pull apart. "i'm saying goodbye to my wallpaper and we're leaving. would anyone else like to pay their respects?"
seokmin raised his hand, his eyes on the ceiling, and krys grabbed his arm and retreated towards the hall, karol telling them to hurry as soonyoung put up a hand to obstruct his view of you and joshua. when you finally pulled away, it wasn't for their reprieve, though they reacted as though it was. it was so you could look into joshua's eyes, creased with the grin on his face as you gave him a similar one, and you couldn't wait to cook with him, on your, plural, portuguese blue lacanche range, with chrome classique handles, four gas burners, a griddle, and a warming drawer. and it would be your best brunch yet.
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Bisexual Harry (MILD SMUT w/ MOSTLY FLUFF)
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Harry told me early on into our relationship that he was bisexual. He was so nervous that I would leave him, but it just made me fall more in love with him. He told me late one night about 6 months into dating, on his couch. The second he told me, Harry broke down into real raw tears. The first time I'd seen Harry actually cry. Yeah I'd seen him cry during sappy movies but this was so much more than that. These tears had fear in them. Fear that I would leave him. They had vulnerability in them for being so open. But also a weight was lifted off his chest, just happy to tell me. I held Harry in my arms and cried with him, telling him how much I loved him and that this doesn't change anything. That I loved him just as much.
Only a few people in Harrys life knew he was bisexual. His close family. His close friends. That was it. If it got out in the media, the internet would have gone wild. Of course there were many rumors about his sexuality. Most of them being that he's gay. For the longest time he actually thought he might be gay. He had a lot of 'gay tendencies': painted nails, feminine clothes, pearl necklaces. But he also had very 'mainly tendencies' like watching football and drinking beer with the lads. Harry was just so conflicted all his life. Not knowing what he was. That's until the age of 18. One of his school friends came out as bisexual and that's when it clicked for him. He liked both male and females and he was okay with that. He excepted that part of him. He was more worried about what others would say or think. His family was very supportive. His friends were too. They never treated Harry differently knowing that they were straight and he was sexually attracted to them. Well not so much them specifically because they were more like brothers, but the male species as a whole.
Being in sexual relationships were on a new level of fear for Harry. Fear that when he was having sex with a guy, that the guy would try and convince him he's actually just gay. Or the fear that any women he had sex with would say he wasn't manly enough for them. Needless to say, Harry kept his sexuality a secret from most of his one night stands or short term relationships. He just didn't feel the need to tell them unless they asked specifically if he was bi or not.
Me and Harry meet at a local club in London a few years back. He was with his bandmates at the time. I was by myself because my boyfriend of 2 years just broke up with me. I was devastated and needed to escape reality. That meant drink until my body went numb. Unfortunately for me though, I wasn't that much of a drinker so my body rejected the alcohol pretty fast. I stumbled onto the London streets trying to get fresh air but ended up puking my guts out in a near by bin. Harry just so happened to be outside at that moment and saw the whole thing before his eyes. He rushed over to me and pulled my hair back to prevent more vomit from getting in it. Then he asked if I was alright and who I was with. I told him I came there alone so he insisted I come back to his place. Because my brain was fuzzy from the alcohol, I didn't hesitate one bit. Harry set up his guest room for me and helped me to bed that night. Something I'm forever grateful for. If it wasn't for him, I could've been kidnapped and raped by a stranger on the streets. When I woke up the next day, I realized who's house I was in. All of the music awards on the shelf in the room I stayed in gave it away. I was never a big fan of One Direction, no reason in particular, so I didn't act like a fangirl would have. Before I left his house, he gave me his number to call if I ever needed someone to talk to. Considering he was an international popstar and all, he sure was the most genuine person I'd ever meet. Taking care of a complete stranger and even giving them his phone number. I never thought I'd actually call him though. Or even see him again, but about a week later, I ran into him at a local coffee shop and we started talking form there. The rest was history.
We hung out all the time. He invited me to a few One Direction concerts. Even had sex a few times. Amazing sex I might add. It truly was great. Even though at the time, I had to remain secret from the public. More so said by Harry then his management. Mainly to keep me safe and out of the media knowing how private I liked to be. Three months of seeing each other and he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was thrilled. Then six months into our relationship, Harry realized how serious our relationship was becoming. That we both had strong feeling for each other. So that's when Harry decided to tell me he was bisexual. On his couch. Late one night. He wanted to get it out of the way so he didn't have to hide that part of himself with me. So he could be himself around me. If I excepted him that was and of course I did.
Approximately two years after dating, Harry purposed. He was basically shitting bricks the whole time, but he did it. I didn't hesitate one second before I said yes. We were in love. At this point, the media had found me and Harry out. Most of his fans adored me. Some said our relationship was fake. And others just flat out said I was keeping Harry closeted, not allowing him to be gay. But I knew the truth. I knew he was bisexual, not gay. I never doubted his sexuality one bit. Especially how he devoured my body when we made love. Any gay person would probably gag at the sight of a women's pussy. Not Harry. It was his favorite part of my body. A year after Harry filmed the movie Dunkirk (2017), we got married. It was a small wedding. Just close family and friends invited. It was perfect.
Now here we are in the current year of 2021 and we're still going strong. A few fights here and there, but because both Harry and I have too big of hearts, we always feel bad after fighting and immediately apologize to one another. The media had tried to split us up multiple times but it's never been successful. Our love for each other is too strong and everlasting.
Just because Harry is in a happy, loving heterosexual relationship, doesn't mean he feels completely secure about his sexuality all the time. In the beginning of our relationship, Harry tried to completely throw away any 'bisexual' tendencies he had even though he knew I supported him. For instance, there was many times Harry wanted to paint his nails but didn't. Or would refrain from gushing over sexy guys in movies we watched together. That's when I noticed he was becoming depressed. He stopped writing music. He would disengage in activities we tried to do together. Even pushed me away when I tried to have sex with him. I felt hopeless. Until one morning I asked him what was wrong, and he spilled everything. How he tries so hard to suppress the bisexual side of his character for me. For our relationship. Harry explained that he had the desire to paint his nails vibrant colors and wanted to wear feminine clothes sometimes. Something that was particularly hard for Harry to confess to me was how he even wanted to try anal. On me or me with a strap on fucking him. Right away I made us an appointment to get our nails done at a salon. Then I told him he could wear a trash bag and he'd still be the most beautiful mainly man I'd ever seen. Lastly, I grabbed my laptop and went online shopping for female strap ons, letting Harry pick the girth and size he wanted. Yes I was a little nervous to actually fuck him, but he assured me he would help me out every step of the way. As for anal on me, I mentioned how I would be nervous but how I also trusted him. Trusted him enough to penetrate me anally. That I knew he would be extra careful with me.
Needless to say, I made Harry more confident. Confident in his sexuality. I got him to come out as bisexual to the public. I let him explore his bisexuality in the bedroom. Though of course he still worshiped my pussy. We had weekly appointments to get our nails painted. Harry even wore a dress out to a date night one night. He was super scared and on edge the whole night but I kept whispering in his ear how I couldn't wait to rip that dress off of him and fuck him in the ass until he cried out of pleasure.
I honestly loved that Harry was bisexual. It was almost like a turn on for me. He was both a gym buff and my little princess. He had thick arm muscles and toned abs, as well as pink nails and pearl necklaces. Anytime he mentioned how hot a guy on tv was, we could gush over him together. Or how sensitive and vulnerable he was at times. A lot of guys hold in their emotions, thinking men can't express their feelings, but not Harry. If he felt the need to cry, he would. Right in front of me. It could be triggered by a sad movie or a animal abuse commercial. Also, on the rare occasions he asks for it, I would fuck him with the strap on in his mouth. Though a rubber penis didn't quite taste like the real thing, salty mixed with sweat, he loved to deepthroat it anyways. Watching him choke and gag around the fake penis made my pussy drip. We even bought a strap on dildo that had a vibrator on the back side of it. That way every time the fake cock would enter his mouth, the vibrator would stimulate me clit, giving me pleasure as well.
No matter how much the media tried to convince Harry he was in fact gay and didn't actually like women, he would ignore the rude comments and prove to me everyday that he in fact loved me. Me as a women. Loved my smile. Loved me eyes. Loved the way my boobs bounced while having sex. Often grabbing them in his hands and stimulating my nipples. Loved the way my tight pussy felt around his dick. Or the way my sweet juices tasted on his tongue when he ate me out. Yes he loved dick. Yes he loved balls. Yes he loved being railed to death from behind. But he also liked vagina and he loved boobs. Harry wanted to make love to me and get me pregnant. Watch my stomach grow. Be there to hold my hand when I deliver the baby. Help change diapers at 3 am when I'm to tired to do so. Teach our kids to love and respect everyone and be themselves. Be open to our kids about his sexuality. Give them knowledge on bisexuality and educate them on the matter. Instead of assuming they are straight by asking his future son if he has a girlfriend yet or asking his daughter if she has a boyfriend, Harry will ask if the have a partner or fancy anyone in particular. Love his children for who they are or who they want to become. Be a role model for them. And live happily ever after with me, his supportive wife, by his side.
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admiringlove · 3 years
“you were the one that accidentally got coffee in their hair.”
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— welcome to sam’s brewery, where we commemorate reaching 500 customers! this event lasts for one week, and will only take up to twenty orders(as above that can become quite overwhelming).
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+order: hiya, it's review anon. i love the way you write and congrats for hitting 500!! i want to give you something challenging because you've done a couple hurt/comfort pieces before with good dialogues that fit the story. how about something like, "you were the one that accidentally got coffee in their hair" + akaashi? you write for him really well :) [submitted by review anon]
+word count: 0.6k
+author’s notes: i do think i write for him the most ahah! i have the most experience when it comes to his personality <3 here is the link to the event masterlist, requesting is now officially closed for this event!
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Akaashi's been stressed. 
With mid-terms approaching in less than a week, he's scared that his scholarship won't last. Balancing college, work and expenses felt easy at first—spoilers, it's not. Living alone in a shabby apartment with couples as his neighbors was already hard, and on top of that, the only entertainment in his life was that one novel he decided to bring back from home(along with his phone, but he really doesn't like being on it much). 
So yes, Akaashi Keiji was a sleep-deprived college student, whose life almost ran on coffee, and his will to continue on with his studies was slowly dying. Without Bokuto by his side, he didn't have anyone to keep him grounded. Everything was dull. Anyone would think it's the opposite, because Akaashi is supposed to be the level-headed intelligent boy whereas Bokuto was the obnoxious yet welcoming friend. They used to work on a tandem; Bokuto being the one who calmed him down when his anxiety leveled up, and Akaashi doing the same for his owl-themed friend. 
He hadn't felt more lonely in the past four years.
Until today, when for the first time in weeks, Akaashi ended up laughing out of pure joy. Well, not exactly pure joy, he felt bad for the person who got coffee spilled on their hair in the café line, but it was still atrociously hilarious to him. For the first time in almost forever, he was happy(the guilt was seriously downing him, but he laughed anyway). 
What a wacky morning indeed, he thinks to himself. The doubt-solving sessions are almost of no help during his lectures. He wonders to himself why he's even paying for them—because the teacher wouldn't listen to people's questions, and just ramble about how Shylock decided to scheme out a revenge plan in the Merchant of Venice. 
He sighs for almost the hundredth time in the same day, making his way to the library. If he planned this out correctly, he had a full day to study. Without motivation to, that is. Groaning, the gunmetal-eyed boy strolls over to the back of the library, where almost always a certain seat is empty, and he usually has the place to himself.
Emphasis on 'usually'. 
Because if today couldn't get more hectic, someone was sitting on the other side of the table. His shoulders immediately droop at the thought of having to share his usual spot with someone, but he walks over anyway because he doesn't have the time to procrastinate anymore. With less than a week left, he has to memorize almost half of the intentions behind the stupid characters of Shakespeare's play's actions. And he also has to prepare four essays in that amount of time. 
Akaashi opens up his laptop, his eyes focused on the screen as he types his essay while thinking. He's trying his best, but his mind wanders to his deskmate, who's sitting across from him and is humming. With earphones on, and a white shirt with a slight brown stain on it, he recognizes this person. 
"You were the one that accidentally got coffee in their hair," he points out. They look up at him, their eyes widened as they remove their earbuds one by one and ask, "You saw that?" 
"Yeah, I was actually in line with you," he chuckles, "Unfortunate, really. Thankfully the other person's coffee wasn't hot."
"Nope, they just managed to ruin my favorite hoodie," you groan, putting your earphones in your bag swiftly as you say, "I'm [L/N] [Y/N], currently having an existential crisis because of exams."
"Akaashi Keiji," he mumbles back, "Almost dead because of sleep-deprivation."
Somehow suddenly, he thinks that maybe his life wasn't so dull. He thinks of the possibilities he has with you, and that maybe, you might just turn out to be a better friend than he thought. 
And that, you do. 
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© all works belong to admiringlove on tumblr. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
Don't let the world delete you
All-Might x Male Reader
Request- Can you make a My Hero Academia fic for being all for one's son who's a student at ua cause he hates his dad and his quirk is making invisible and indestructible objects like an wall people run in some stairs an elevator and so on and his skilled in fighting and knows pressure points and all might finds put after the attack at the usj and R tells him he hates his dad and wants to put him in jail after ripping his arms off so he can't use his quirk anymore also R knows about his skinny form
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You are a hero in training and you go to U.A. High School. Your teacher is All-Might and He teaches Foundational Hero Studies. Also, he does teach fighting techniques and your homeroom teacher is Shota Aizawa aka Eraserhead.
You hate your quirks because you got it from your father. You hate him with a burning passion and he is a horrible person. If he was dying and you had the antidote you won't save him.
Your quirk is you can turn in invisible and you be indestructible when objects are thrown at you. And you can go through wall people run in some stairs an elevator etc. You have improved your fighting skills because you know their pressure points, easy for you to fight them.
Your class is A-1, not many like you and your friends because of what happened in the past.
You have been training hard because are quarter-finals of the sports festival.
”Y/N good luck” Kirishima said.
”Thank you” You said.
”This will be a good fight. You and Bakugo are really strong” Mineta said.
You will fight against Bakugo in thirty seconds. You start to stretch out your arms and legs. Bakugo goes to the field first then it's your turn.
Endeavor and All Might are watching the fight between you and Bakugo.
”Y/N has gotten stronger. Tell me, All Might are you going to be his mentor? Not many will take Y/N because of his father” Endeavor said.
”Y/N is nothing like his father. He will be a good hero, he needs a lot of training” All Might said.
Endeavor didn't say anything, they keep watching the fight and it's intense. You and Bakugo are neck to neck. Bakugo started to use his powers to the max, the explosions are intense. But you still can block it but not for long. You used your quirk to go underground.
”Come out and fight me!!” Bakugo yelled.
He is getting ready, when you come out then he will want to attack you. But you have a trick up your sleeve when you came out then Bakugo kicked you in the stomach then started to punch you. One of his kicks hit you in the nuts.
MT lady, was going to stop the fight but you and Bakugo stopped her. You punched him in the face then, You start to run towards him and putting a metal pole that hits his nuts and knocks him.
”Enough!” Eraserhead yelled.
He used his powers to stop you and Bakugo. But Bakugo is passed out and you can't use your powers for a while.
✯ ✬ ✯ ✫
After what happened at the sports festival, All Might became worried about you. You are at home with your mom and siblings, you used to stay on campus but they sent you home. You are in your bedroom and you using your laptop. Your little brother barged in your bedroom
”Y/N! All Might is here!” He yelled with excitement.
Your eyes opened wide.
”Seriously?” You asked.
”Yes!! All Might is here!! I will ask if he can sign my poster!! Do you have a marker, Y/N!?!?” He yelled.
You gave him a pen.
”No!! I want a marker!! My friends will be so jealous!” He yelled again.
You gave him a sharpie and he smiled big. He runs to his bedroom, to get the poster and collectible action figure toy. You go to the living room and he is drinking tea with your mom. All Might is in his form.
”All Might, what are you doing here?” You asked.
”I came to see you and talk to your mom. I see potential in you to be a good hero, but you have a lot to learn. I still have a lot to teach you” All- Might said.
”Y/N if you want to go back, we will always support you. I will want you to follow your dreams and never let the past stop you” Your mom said.
”I want to be the best hero. But I'm not sorry what I did to Bakugo” You said.
”We will work on that too. Y/N pack your belongings because you are going to camp” All-Might Said.
You nod and your brother did get All-Might’s autograph and a picture. Your mom packed a bento box for you and All-Might. Before leaving you hugged your mom and left with All Might.
All-Might and other teachers will go camping with the students. The students will learn to control their powers and go to their med level, learn survival skills, and work together.
Everyone is surprised and happy to see you. Everyone just met the Wild, Wild Pussycats are one of the four hero teams that founded the Union Affairs Office. They are veterans and well known for their teamwork.
Somehow everyone in the camp found out who is your father. You don't know how they found out or who told them, but you don't care what they have to say. You just ignore them.
✯ ✬ ✯ ✫
Class is over and you packing your stuff. You are friends with Midoriya and you do get along with the others too. Expect for Bakugo and other students from different classes.
”Y/N, do want to join us for lunch?” Midoriya asked.
You were going to say something but everyone noticed All-Might is by the door.
”Y/N, lunch?” All-Might asked.
”Okay” You said.
”Y/N later meet us by the lake for a swim” Iida said.
”Sure” You said.
You leave and follow All-Might to somewhere private.
”Y/N I want to show you something” All Might said.
”What is it?” You asked.
He changed into his skinny form.
”This is my true form” All-Might said.
”I know” You said.
”Wait-when?” All-Might asked.
”I saw you training Midoriya at the beach. That's when I saw you transformed and I was surprised by it” You said.
”And you never told anyone?” All-Might asked.
You shake your head.
”No. I'm not that kind of person” You said.
You and All-Might start to eat.
”I fought your father All For One before. You are nothing like him not even close. Y/N, I did mean it when I said you will be a good hero. I want to help you achieve your goal” All-Might said.
”I hate him so much. Growing up, he would abuse me and my family. I want to be a hero and I want to help you stop my father and I don't care how we will stop him. I know he was the first to use all for one power but he only used it for evil” You said.
All-Might can see the hate you have for your father in your eyes. He changed the subject to cheer you.
✯ ✬ ✯ ✫
You and All-Might found out the camp is under attack. You or All-Might can't call for help because there is no good signal. You and All-Might run towards the camp and he transformed.
Your father is attacking the camp with his team. All For One looks at you and All-Might
”You have no chance to stop me” All For One said.
You glared at him.
”I will beat you to a bloody pulp” You snapped.
Tomura and Dabi want to fight you and All-Might. Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, Uraraka, Kirishima, and Mineta are fighting the other villains. Now All-Might is fighting Dabi to get to your father. Now you start to run towards your father but Tomura will try to stop you. But you went underground get away from him
”I wanted to punch you in the face for a long time!” Bakugo yelled at Tomura.
Bakugo punched Tomura in the face and he falls down hard.
You and your father start to fight and he isn't holding back. You are not holding back either, You start to punch him in the chest then did a combo to his face.
”You are weak like your mother. You will never defeat me” All For One said.
All-Might starts to help you. Your father is using all his powers to stop you and All-Might. You were going to kick him in the face but he grabbed your leg and threw you towards the ground. All-Might used his ultimate move to stop him before he hits you.
You struggled to get up but you won't give up. You see his pressure points and that's where you will attack. You start to use all powers to attack him, your father is taking blows to his body. All-Might is also giving him major blows to the body. Then you gripped on his arms tight that he starts to bleed. Then ripped his arms off so he can't use his quirk anymore. He falls down to the ground and you are breathing hard.
You passed out.
✯ ✬ ✯ ✫
You, your friends, and All-Might end up in the hospital. They start to worry about you and go to see you. The doctor told you that you need to rest for a few weeks without using your powers.
Your friends saw you and they all hugged you. You are in pain and they are really happy you are getting better.
”Y/N we are happy that you finally woke up” Midoriya said.
”It’s good to see all of you” You said.
”We don't care who is your father. We know the real you and to us, you are our friend and a hero” Iida said.
Everyone agreed with him. You know he is telling the truth and he wouldn't lie about it.
”We got this for you. It's a get well gift bag. Y/N-” Midoriya said.
He didn't finish his sentence because Bakugo said something.
”Good to see you are awake,” Bakugo said and left.
”You too” You said but he didn't hear you.
Everyone stayed for a little more and ate dinner with you. Later they leave the room and you start to write a letter
{Next Day}
They all go to your room but it's empty. You left the letter on the bed and Iida starts to read it out loud.
”I had a good time being friends with everyone. I won't forget everyone and the good times we had. This isn't goodbye forever just means we will see each other later. Please take care of each other... Okay I won't read the last part” Iida said.
Mineta grabbed the letter and read the last part.
”It says PS, fuck you Bakugo” Mineta said.
”I’m going to miss him” Midoriya said.
”We will miss him too. But I feel he will come back” Todoroki said.
You and your family left Tokyo after what happened, your family wants to avoid the reporters. It won't be easy but your family just wants to lay low for a while. You didn't tell anyone where you are going to live and you also left a letter for All-Might, letting him know that you will be okay.
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shra-vasti · 4 years
MAKES ME WONDER [13/40] The Scholarship Application
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→ Synopsis : Your dream to attend a Seventeen concert was finally coming true but you weren't prepared for the events that were going to follow after Joshua made eye contact with you and chose to make you his partner for the mini game and take you out on a date as a winning prize.
→ Genre : fluff
→ Type : Idol x fan au
→ Word count : 1.2k
→ Taglist : @mngyuheart @vannie24 @uglyratlmao @rjsmochii @dwcljh @noniesgirl @yuriewolfhard @jisungsdreamy @mischeifmakerliesmith5 (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist)
→ Pairing : idol!Joshua x fan!reader
→ Main Seventeen Masterlist 
→ Makes Me Wonder Masterlist 
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The class was boring, not that your mind wasn't clouded with Joshua since you talked with him a few hours ago, even though he was busy he managed to make time for you so you won't feel neglected and it just made you fall for him more.
The bell rang loudly indicating that the class was over, students sighing in relief that they could now go to their home and rest, today has been especially exhausting for everyone.
"Students, there are a couple of new notices attached on the notice board, have a look at them before going off to your homes, you may find something you are interested in."
Miu approached you, bumping your shoulder with hers, throwing a teasing smile on your way.
"I see you had a talk with Joshua, there's a different glow on your face whenever you talk with him, it's easy to tell."
You shook your head, your hand making its way to touch your cheeks, was your affection towards the said boy that obvious?
"Let's go and check the notice board."
"You go ahead, I'll do it some other time, I have an essay to write which I forgot about."
She waved you goodbye, making her way towards the university library and you make your way towards the notice board to check it out.
"Wow, no one really got time to check it out even after the professor clearly told us to."
You stood in front of the notice board taking note of each and every event supposed to take place and the competitions to be held.
You were looking through the different notices when you noticed a small poster had fallen down from the board, you slid the glass off the board and took it out and pasted it back.
You looked at the notice.
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP : Would you like to continue your studies in a different country?
Study in a different environment and learn about different cultures, XYZ University has become a part of International Partnership Universities that could be perfect for your degree. Check out the list of universities below and sign up in your student office now.
What is this? International Partnership?
Your eyes scanned the list of different universities who were the part of said partnership along with your university, until they stopped on a name you weren't aware you were looking for.
Seoul University, South Korea
You took the notice with you as you made your way towards the student office.
"Hello, I'm here from the notice about the international partnership program."
The lady who sat at the reception smiled at you nodding her head, asking you to continue.
"Can anyone take part in the program or do I need to qualify for it?'
"Well, any student can apply as long as their attendance and grades are good enough."
"Just that? I do think my grades and attendance are decent enough, will you check them for me to see if I can apply?"
"Sure, give me your identification card."
You nodded your head, fishing inside your bag to take out your identification card and hand it over to her, you saw her insert the information into her laptop as she checked your attendance and grades.
"You do have decent attendance and good grades so it's safe to say you can apply for the program, do you have your required documents now or you want to submit them later? Also you need to fill this form and attach all the document's copy with it and submit it to me and you're ready to go."
She gave you the form and you made your way out of the office. You were excited to fill this form and go to Seoul to study, it would be a great surprise for him and he could spend time with you whenever he had time too.
Now you just needed to ask your parents permission to go to study in Seoul and you just hoped they would allow you.
"We won't allow you to go all the way to South Korea from here, alone."
"Why do you always have to cut off my freedom because you are too worried about me, even if I want to try some new things, you always show me the negative sides of it instead of encouraging me."
You had visited your parents house in the outskirts of the city since you wanted to talk with them about the program you had applied to, but they downright rejected your request even before listening to it fully, you were actually really excited to go study in Korea but all they thought was how you will go there alone and won't be able to take care of yourself.
It pissed you off since they never gave you the freedom to actually face challenges for you to grow.
"I'm going and that's final Dad, I just came here to tell you about my decision."
"You're going to regret it, can't you see? Your mother's health keeps on getting worse and worse and all you wanna do is go study in some other country."
"It isn't like mom's been in good health, she has been like that since forever, I'm not saying I don't care about her but please stop dragging her health into my decision to study abroad."
Your mother had leukemia and she had been struggling with the said disease since you were ten and it felt wrong that your father was making her an excuse to keep you with him.
The fact was, your parents were overly concerned for you, they wanted you to somehow learn all the hardships of life without experiencing them, they always stopped you from doing anything which they thought wasn't necessary to do according to them.
"Your mother won't be happy knowing you're being a brat."
"I'm going dad, you can't stop me, I don't care now, you've always stopped me from doing what I love, I won't let you and our family problems get into a way of my happiness."
You made your way towards the living room of the house as soon as you said that.
"Break all of your relationship with our family if you want to go."
Your steps halted as soon as your father said those sentences and you turned around glaring at him, disbelief written all over your face.
"You're going to go to such an extent just to stop me from doing what makes me happy? Fine, I don't want to be in any sort of relationship with a family who doesn't even consider my happiness."
You slammed the door shut, not looking back even once because you knew he wasn't standing there to even watch you for the last time.
Your father was a selfish man who only cared about his interests and feelings, never once in his life he tried to understand what his family desired and that's the mere reason why your older brother committed suicide, because your father didn't allow him to fulfil his dreams but you weren't going to let him get in a way of your happiness.
With tears in your eyes you hailed a cab, making your way back to apartment.
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jem-2096 · 4 years
Brunette from Mars - (Peter Parker One shot)
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Warnings: Swearing, mentions of fighting/abuse, FLUFFY AF! 
(This could be read as ftm!peterparker and/or regular MCU Peter Parker)
This one shot is inspired by the song mars by Yungblud. Go give it a listen if you haven't! 
You and the brunette haired boy with deep honey coloured irises quickly became good friends. You commuted to school each morning together after learning you lived in the same apartment in Queens while your first day of highschool in homeroom. You were paired for some lame icebreakers to get to know other students. He had nervously blabbed to you about how he had moved apartments with his aunt over the summer and as you got to know him better over time, he let you know the reason why they moved.
You quickly learned that the brunette was a great listener, quick witted, fairly thoughtful, determined with his studies, had a passion for tinkering with programming and computer tech and secretly kept a picture of Daisy Ridley as Rey from Star Wars in his desk that you won't let him live down. 
Two summers ago, the brunette had quite the glow up that to be honest made your stomach do flips. After returning from a trip to Detroit with his Aunt May to visit family, the brunette came back to school with his braces off and a nice build to him compared to the lanky string bean he was when he had left in that June. 
With this overnight glow up also came this new habit of him flaking on you and really everyone without reasonable explanations. He would come to school with bruised knuckles, scratches on his face, and more often than not bags under his eyes. Although he seemed exhausted, his smile and upbeat self usually didn't seem to waver. His eyes did however seem to say otherwise whenever his honey brown irises met yours. 
Unless he flaked on an important commitment, you didn't display emotions or words for his lack of presence. His world didn't revolve around you and you accepted that. You reminded yourself to try not to hold him back from what he loved because you were a good friend and wanted what was best for him, even if it was draining him. 
"I'm free to study for algebra after dinner tonight." You stated to the brunette, looking past him out the city bus window as the buildings, and trees whirled past you. You weren't looking for an answer at this point, just giving him an open invitation to come over if he had nothing better to do on his Thursday night. You saw him nod out of the corner of your eye as he leaned his head against the pole you both were holding onto and closed his eyes. The bus was quiet this morning as you watched the orange sunrise dance over the brunette's features and could hear the beat of whatever song he was listening to through his headphones. 
A GPS like voice came over the bus intercom as you turned the corner. "Grand Central Parkway at 65th Avenue". You pulled the chord on the side of the bus for the bus driver to stop and gently shook the brunette's shoulder. As you saw his honey coloured eyes once again, you nodded in the direction of the door for you to both get off. 
You were early to school today seeing as you made the transfer bus in time for the first time in forever. Walking through the dewy grass on the field together, you pointed at an open picnic table near the tennis courts. 
Setting your backpack down, you opened it grabbing out two granola bars and an apple. The brunette slumped down beside you to face away from the sun. As he set his coffee on the table, his head immediayley went into his folded arms. You placed one of the granola bars infront of him, and sat facing the courts. Stretched your legs out and crossing your ankles, you flipped through one of your novels, quickly finishing up your AP lit reading before class. 
"Thanks." You heard him pipe up in a monotone voice as he shoved the granola bar in his pocket. You nodded, nose still in your novel. He knew by now that he didn't have to put on an act around you. "We gotta go in, in 20. I'll wake you in 15, kay?" 
He nodded as his head was back in his arms, facing away from you. You heard him let out an audible sigh as you finished up the last of your notes. 
"Pete?" You ask hesitantly, resting your hand on his shoulder. He didn't respond. "You know, you can tell me anything right? I won't push you. The offer still stands. No judgement. Alright?" You say quietly, softly rubbing your hand down his jacket clad back and let it drop off to collect your things and pack up your bag. 
The alarm you set on your phone goes off as you see him prop his head up and wipe his eyes on his sleeve out of the corner of your eye.
'Oh Peter. Sometimes, as close as we are, I wish it didn't feel as though there was a cement wall between us.' You thought to yourself as you scrolled through your phone. As you both stood to walk up to the school, to your surprise, as cold and distant as he had been recently, he pulled you into his side. You wrapped your arms around his torso giving him a quick hug. 
After taking attendance in home room and catching up with MJ about her latest find in the school library, you were dismissed to your first period class. "Leave your window open at 6." You heard the brunette pipe up at your lockers. "Always." You nodded, giving him a small smile before parting ways to your classes. 
You quickly glanced at your alarm clock on your desk reading 8:30 pm. Quickly realizing you were running out of graph paper in your notebook as you flipped to a fresh page, you scribbled down the next practice question. Your headphones blasted one of your new favourite songs as you disconnected them from the bluetooth on your phone to play out loud. "Do you feel like your irrelevant, do you feel like your just scared as fuck.." You quietly sang along, writing a note to get more graph paper in the near future, as you heard a thud from the window beside you. 
Swiveling in your chair, you look up to see the silhouette of the brunette. As he steps into the light of your desk lamp and sits on your bed you can see his eyes are red and his knuckles are beginning to bruise again. He kicks off his sneakers as you hesitantly stand from your chair to go and to sit beside him. 
He immediately buries his face in his hands as he quietly cries. You try your best to not show the hurt on your face from seeing him like this as you gently rub his back. You go to sit behind him up against the wall. You bring your hands around his waist gently holding him, letting your legs dangle on either side of him and rest your head on his shoulder. 
When you no longer hear uneven breathing, you sit back up and one hand goes to the hair on the nape of his neck, softly playing with his locks, while the other gently rubs circles on his back. 
"I'm sorry." You hear him sigh out. "Im so fucking sorry." He pleads as he begins to cry again. "I'm here. Just breathe Pete." You say calmly as you wrap your legs around his waist and hug him tighter. You take deep breaths for him to mimic to try and calm him back down. 
"I keep fucking up Y/n/n, and I don't know what to do anymore." He painfully lets out. You take in his words and quickly think of an appropriate response. "Everyone I try to become close with has ended up hurt or passed away, I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders and have to fill his shoes. No matter what decisions I make I still always end up letting someone down. I'm just so fucking tired Y/n." Although his words are a jumbled mess to you, you nod. You let go of the tense brunette and sit beside him. "Take your shirt off and go lie on your stomach." You say to him as he looks at you somewhat confused but does as he's told and props his head up on his folded arms. 
You can see the faded scars and healed wounds on his arms, shoulders and back, wondering who gave these to him. As you sit straddling his waist, your hands go to his shoulders and back massaging his tense and knotted muscles. He lets out a big sigh of relief after realizing what's going on. He softly mewls as you gently work the knots out. Once all the tension in his back and shoulders is gone, you lay close beside the half awake brunette. 
"Thank you." He states sincerely, as he rolls to face you. You know that his words of gratitude are for more than just the back massage. You nod, reaching your hand up to run your hands softly through his locks to relax him further as his eyes flutter shut at your touch. "We're all only capable of so much Pete. Please, don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm. It's a hard pill to swallow but its impossible to win every battle and win everyone over. I know it's easier said than done, and it'll take some time to figure everything out, but I'll be here every step of the way though alright?" You whisper softly, and reach for his hand giving it a squeeze as he nods. "I'll let you get some rest." You sigh out, sitting up, bringing the blanket at the end of the bed over his larger frame and bend down giving a kiss to his temple. "Goodnight love." You whisper.
After another hour and a half of battling through algebra questions, you quietly change into some sweats and open up your netflix account to get your mind off your math problems and your worries of Peter. Picking up your laptop, your half empty waterbottle falls to the floor with a thud. Your gaze darts over to your bed to see the naturally curly headed brunette sound asleep. Your heart flutters as you catch him pull the covers up to his chin and nuzzle his nose into the pillow and blankets while he curls his legs up into the fetal position. You sit on the floor beside your bed as the light from the movie on netflix illuminates your bedroom. You have the subtitles on and the movie on the lowest volume as you rest your back against the bed frame. 
After a few minutes you begin to hear the brunette stir and roll over to face the movie. "Is this that BoxTrolls movie?" You hear him croak out in a deep voice that makes your heart flutter. "No, this one's Paranorman. It's in my top 5." You respond, your gaze still on the screen. You feel his fingers playing with the ends of your hair softly, trying his best not to disturb you even though you've seen this movie more times than you can remember. 
He pushes all of your hair over to one of your shoulders and rests his chin on the opposite one. "You know, you don't have to sit on the floor right? I don't bite Y/n." He states sleepily in your ear. You quickly catch your breath at how close he is as you comprehend the words coming out of his mouth and nod standing. You place your laptop on your desk chair and wheel it over in front of the bed. Looking over to the brunette laying confortably in your bed, he holds the blanket open for you to get in. "One sec." You say as you take off your hoodie, revealing your white tank top underneath that clung to the hills and slopes of your natural curves. You had ditched your bra long before the Brunette had arrived, remembering that it's laying in the clothes hamper and not on your body. You looked back down to see the brunette's arm still holding the blanket open, his honey eyes on you. They slowly wandered down your silhouette to see the loose sweatpants hung low on your hips and back up to meet your gaze. The dark room concealed the deep blush you felt on your cheeks from his gaze. 'Too late now..' you thought as you climbed under the blanket. Your back rested up against Peter's larger frame. His arm snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to him. "Is this okay y/n/n?" The brunette questioned. You nodded, trying your best to calm your breathing as you felt his warm, gentle touch on your skin. You hoped and prayed he couldn't hear your heartbeat pounding in your chest. 'I feel so safe and at home in his arms but the last thing he needs right now is a girlfriend. And why would he want to be with me anyways. We're just friends and he probably just needs physical affection from someone right now.' You thought to yourself. 
You let out a soft sigh at your thoughts. "You okay sweetheart?" He asks softly, as you feel his warm lips peck the back of your exposed neck. Your face is on fire at this point. 'He's just tired Y/n. Calm down. Dont say anthing stupid'  "Yeah, I just feel safe in your arms." You murmur loud enough for him to hear. 'Idiot. You ruined it. Shit shit shit.' 
It became deathly quiet between you two. You could hear his breathing, the rain hitting your bedroom window, the cars driving on the street below, your upstairs neighbour walking around their apartment and the dull volume of the movie playing from your laptop.
"Y/n/n?" You heard him whisper.  
You rolled over to face him, burying your face in his chest, breathing in his warm cologne and body wash as you wrapped your arm around his waist and tangled your legs in his. Although you didn't have all the answers you were looking for, this the closest you two had been in over a year and you were happy that he was finally starting to let down his walls. 
He stroked your hair, planting a kiss on the crown of your head. "Goodnight love." He mumbled before all the sounds around you in the silence of your bedroom coaxed you to sleep. 
You had woken up to your alarm at 6:30am to find the spot beside you empty. 
The brunette swore that was the best sleep he had had in months he thought, reminiscing as he climbed down the fire escape after quickly showering and getting ready to meet you before catching the bus. You heard a knock on your window before he slid it open and sat on the sil. He fiddled with tge metro card in his hands as a small smile crept onto his face watching you concentrating on finishing your eyeliner and mascara. You take a step back to look in the mirror to see if your wings are symmetrical, seeing the brunette looking at you with a sheepish grin in the reflection. He looked well rested for once, his eyes kind and soft, glancing at you in adoration. Your heart beats out of your chest as you spin around to look at him. 
"One sec." You say quickly rushing out to the kitchen to grab some food before packing up your bag. Pulling on your coat and beanie, as you walk towards the window sill the brunette is lounging on.
"Before we go, I uhm... forgot to tell you something.. last night." He says looking down at his hands as you reach out gently hold his larger ones. "Y/n.. I uhm-" he looks up at you, scanning your features, trying his best to read your emotions. You see him glance down quickly at your soft lips. 'I can't take this. Screw always being a good friend.' You thought as you leaned in, placing a hand on his cheek and a soft kiss to his lips. Your thumb stroked his cheek as he leaned back in for another. Your forehead rested against his. "Was that what you wanted to tell me?" You asked in a hushed tone, looking down at his lips again. He nodded before giving them another peck. "Uhm.. we better go before we-" "oh.. yeah, your right. Shit!" You say, quickly checking the time on your phone. 
As you dashed down the fire escape and towards the bus stop, his hand never left yours as you jogged behind him giggling at his antics of repeating "Shit" as he saw the bus waiting for you at your stop as you both jogged towards it. You couldn't see it but for the first time in a while, a genuine smile adorned the brunette's face and through whatever he was battling with, knowing you were by his side, there would be plenty more to come. 
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foreverweareyoung7 · 4 years
Don’t Leave Me
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Part 1 of ?
Namjoon x Reader
Word Count: 1,189
Summary: You have been dating Namjoon for 2 and a half years. You both are madly in love with each other. But something happens, and it will change your life forever. 
Part 1: Email
As you're sitting there working on your laptop, casually glancing up to see your boyfriend dancing with the other members in practice, you can't help but wonder, "How did I ever get so lucky?"
You and Namjoon have been dating two and a half years. You have been working for BTS since the very beginning. You started at the age of 16, You started off with this small job at Big Hit Entertainment. When you saw that they were trying to find an assistant for a new group that had just formed you were hesitant to apply. Your friend, Min Kwanin, practically made you apply for it. It wasn't that much of a pay raise but you were excited for the opportunity to work for this little, unknown group called BTS. Little did you know that the next seven years of your life would change forever. From traveling the globe, becoming the head assistant to the most well-known k-pop group, to finding the love of your life, and making lifelong friends along the way.
As you sit there thinking about the past you're unaware Namjoon has been trying to get your attention for the past few minutes.
"Hello y/n? Earth to y/n!" he said with a big dorky grin on his face.
"What were you thinking about, jagi? It seems that you were a thousand miles away."
"Sorry, babe. I was just thinking about how lucky I am to be here with you!" you said with a smile looking up at him. He holds out his hand and asks you to come with him. You close your laptop and put it to the side of you. You take his hand, standing, with a smile on your face. He took you out to the hallway. Once the door shut behind you he grabbed you pulling you close to him.
"You think you're the lucky one? I am the luckiest man in the world to have such a beautiful, kind, smart, gorgeous woman like you in my life." He said is he crashed his lips against yours.
 He didn't mind kissing you around the guys. The guys would always tease the both of you. And he wanted to make sure that when he said these things to you it was just the two of you. You could feel the passion in the love coming from the words that he spoke. You never wanted this moment to end. But sadly Hobi stuck his head out of the door and interrupted you too.
"Joonie we have to get back to practice. Sorry, y/n. You can have him back in a little bit." he said with a smile.
You both walk back into the room. You sit back down on the floor and open your laptop to begin to work on plans for a few press conferences for the group. You notice though you get an email from someone you never wanted to hear from again. You are hesitant to click on it. This is a part of your life that you wanted to forget. This was before you met Namjoon and this was before you even started working for Big Hit.
With hesitation you open the email:
                          Hello, y/n.                                                                                                                    It has been a long time since I heard from you. You look beautiful today. That outfit is very cute. I can’t stay away from you. I have something for you to do. You have to leave Namjoon or I will kill you both. I will start with him. I will make you watch as I kill him slowly. Then I will make you suffer. So you can either leave him and wait for further instructions or I will kill both of you and the rest of his little boy band. I will give you 24 hours.  Oh and if you think I am kidding. I took this picture of you waiting outside of your coffee shop and one of Namjoon going to practice.
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You didn’t know what to do. You thought that your stalker had been put in jail. You didn’t want Joonie to see that you were upset so you waited until they started a new song. That is when you packed your stuff and sneaked out the back. You made your way back to the apartment. Your mind was racing a million miles a second. The next thing you remember is ending up on the floor in a ball having a panic attack. 
You felt your phone buzz
Namjoon: “Y/n where are you? Why did you leave? Babe are you okay?”
Seeing that text brought on a new river of tears. You wanted to answer so badly but you know that SS would probably find out somehow. You couldn’t let anything happen to Namjoon. You love him will all of your heart and know what you have to do. 
 To SS:  “You win. I will leave him tonight. What do you want me to do?”
SS: “Very good. I knew you would choose the correct path. I want you to leave him a letter telling him that you feel in love with someone else. That you quit working for them and that you never want to see him again. Then you need to pack a few things and then after that I will tell you where to meet me. Remember if you call the police or hint to anyone about this I will not hesitate to kill your boyfriend and his friends.”
You hurry to pack a bag before Namjoon comes home. You write the note, while tear stream down your face. You tell him how much you love and how you didn’t want to do it this way but this was the only way. The whole time you are doing this your phone is ringing non-stop because of Namjoon. As you walk out of the door you take one last look at the apartment. This is the place where you fell in love with. The place where you both grew as a couple. A fresh stream of tears starts. as you are walking down to your car you see Jin. 
“Y/n? Where have you been? Namjoon has been trying to get ahold of you.” He notices that you have been crying. “Y/n are you okay? Where are you going?” He asks as he sees you with a few bags.  You don’t even answer him. You head for your car. He tries to stop you, but you scream at him to leave you alone. You get in your car and drive off.  
Jin calls Namjoon right away. 
Jin: “Namjoon I found her. She was at the apartment, but she left. She was crying and she had a few bags with her.”
Namjoon: “What the hell is going on! Which way did she go?”
Jin: “She just got in her car and left. I don't know were."
Namjoon: “Thank you I'll go find her.”
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futurepurplepaladin · 6 years
Day 6: Vacation 🏔
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So-this one is a Modern AU- ish-again? Idk even no just know the Paladins are on a vaca and Keith meets you while there!
Words: 700+
Warnings: INTENSE fluffiness
(Make sure to check out @vld-writing-for-all for her HCs!)
Keith trudged down the snow slope, his fingers frostbite and cold under his black gloves.
He definitely wasn’t made for the cold- he hated it.
He breathed out, watching his breath wrap into a cloud of mist in the air. He smiled to himself- it had been a fun day. He had learn how to ski, he went in the snow for the first time in his life, but it was definitely something he didn't want to do again. He was sore from hitting the snow so much, and his skin felt like ice. When everyone had asked for coffee, he quickly agreed to go get it for the group, even though he didn't care for coffee that much. He just wanted to get out of the cold.
Finally, he saw the coffee shop, a rustic sign hanging over the red town door. He opened the gold door knob, and tinkling chime going off as he entered.
The smell of brewing coffee hit him and the whir of coffee machines blending against each other made a welcoming noise.To Keith’s surprise, the coffee shop was empty, except for a frost bitten looking snowboarder and older woman typing madly on a laptop.
He looked around- the coffee shop was very quaint. It was small and comfy, with wooden chairs, warm lighting, and red and gold trinkets on shelves and counters all around the room.
His feet gravitated his towards the counter, where a girl with a messy ponytail was doing-something (he couldn't tell).
She spun around, her pony whipping around perfectly onto her light brown tee. Keith’s heart thumped unexpectedly- she was really pretty.
“Oh hi!” she said walking up to keith, “Sorry ‘bout that, I didn't even hear you!”
“Its-fine,” he replied, his eyes focusing on the worn wood of the counter.
The girl paused. “Wait….are you- Keith Kogane?”
Keith shot up his head in shock. “What?” he asked confused. Does he know her?
“Oh my god, you are!” the girl’s face broke out into a huge smile, excitement evident on her face. “Your the Black Paladin!”
“How do you know that?” Keith asked, his cheeks surprisingly warming up quickly. This girl knows him, and his team. He didn't know what to think.
The girl shrugged her shoulders, a bashful look on her face. “Ima bag fan of you guys… ya know after you saved Earth and all then you have that show.... And you do have the mark on your face,” she smiled timidly, pointing at the spot where Keith’s scar would be on her cheek.
“Oh,” he touched the mark on his face, feeling kinda honoured in a way. He didn't think people actually recognized him.
She smiled again as she put piece of hair behind your maroon colored hat.
“And it helps your wearing all black and red.”
Keith looked down, realizing that she was right- his whole outfit was black, save for the red flannel he wrapped around his jeans.
“Well,” he laughed, “that makes sense.”
She laughed with him, making his chest feel warmer and his anxiety ebb a little.
“So,” she asked sweetly, “what can I get you?”
Keith said “oh” again, realising he was actually here for something. He pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, reading what his friends had asked to get.
She giggled quietly as she watched him- he was really cute.
“Um….” Keith struggled a little to read his sloppy handwriting, “one small chai tea, one medium hot chocolate, one large caramel coffee with extra whip, one large white mocha coffee with extra whip, and… a black coffee.”
The girl wrote down the orders quickly, then looked at Keith with an amused look.
“Let me guess…” she mused as she pointed at each order she wrote down, “the chai is for Shiro, the hot chocolate is for Pidge, the large mocha is Hunk’s, Lance’s is the caramel, and your the black coffee.”
He looked at her with a mix of amusement and astonishment.
“Close… the mocha is for Lance and the caramel is for Hunk,” he corrected good-naturedly. She had surprisingly gotten the rest right.
“Aw shucks!” she joked, scrunching her nose as she snapped her fingers. Keith thought her expression was adorable. “It makes sense thought.”
“How were able to figure that out?” he asked, his stomach itching to know.
“Told ya,” she smirked, “pretty big fan- its not hard to know who would get what.”
Keith nodded in agreement, trying hard to not stare, but stare at the girl. In an effort to not look like a creep, he began to add up the order. It was just barelu under 20 dollars, which was good, because he only had a 20 dollar bill on him.
“Alrightie…” the girl said under her breath as she punched the last few numbers in the cash register, “thatll be 10.50 please.”
Keith looked at her in surprise. “Wait- it should have been a 20, right?”
“Well….you got a ‘Paladin’ discount,” her eyes gleamed with mischief, making his stomach flare up in butterflies.
“Is that even aa thing?” he questioned, a smile playing on his lips.
“It is now!” she laughed, watching his cheeks flare a little pink.
Keith was so confused- a girl had never gone out her way to do something nice like that.
“Well...thanks,” he mumbled, a little lose for words. God how could one girl do this to him.
“Its all good,” she said happily, “I'll get those done in a sec.”
She turned around, Keith watching her pretty hair flip again. He turned his back on the counter, deciding to walk around the store a bit- it couldn't take too long to make a few coffees.
“What's taking so long?” Keith thought grumpily- it felt like it had been forever.
Finally, the girl said something. “So what brings you to Snow Peaks?”
Oh, right,” he thought. That's the place they were staying for the week.
He shrugged his shoulders as he placed his now warm hands in his pockets.
“Just wanted to go in the snow for a bit. Explore, I guess.”
“Know any places you wanna go o here?” she asked conversationally as she placed lots of whip cream on a drink.
He chuckled. “Not really… were kinda just winging it.”
She giggled kindly, looking up at him through her lashes.
“Well, if you ever need a guide, I’ve got you.”
“Thanks,” he said, a small smile tugging on his lips.
“No problem!”
“And… your drinks are ready! Sorry it took so long,” she apologized, a sorry smile on her face.
His slight frustration melted away. “Your good,” he said, “and thanks for-
He didn't know really what to thank and how to say it- thanks for giving me a discount? Sounds too formal. Thanks for being nice to me? Sounds weird. Thanks for being a fan? Sounds way too entitled for his liking.
“-everything, I guess.”
Not amazing but- it'll do.
“No problem,” she waved. “Bye Keith!”
He waved back as he grabbed the drinks, butterflies flitting in his stomach as he felt a little sad. He really liked that girl and wished he could talk to her more.
He walked outside, the bitter cold biting his exposed skin. He set the drinks down on a snow frosted table, wanting to get his coffee out and chug it to warm himself up.
He turned each cup, expecting to see something simple like “Black Coffee” sprawled on one, and saw something much different.
Each cup had a different color and name and symbol to match.
The chai one had “Shiro” in purple and the paladin armor symbol.
The hot chocolate said “Pidge” in green and a little green tree on the side.
Lance’s was in blue and had a seashell next to his name, and Hunk’s was in orange, with a small little gingerbread cookie wearing a bow tie.
Keith smiled to himself, the adorable artistry of his anonymous barista making him feel warm inside. She really did all that for his friends- and that's what took so long.
And he didn't even care.
The smile still on his face, Keith looked at his drink.
His was characteristically in red, his name drawn in pretty cursive. Instead of a symbol, his cup had a phone number, and a message:
(Just in case you still want that tour)
And a heart next to her name.
His stomach exploded in fireworks, her name being repeated in his head.
He liked it.
A lot. He looked back at the coffee shop, and then at the drinks.
He began to walk, the cold not even bothering him at all. His body felt so happy it could burst into flames.
“I guess we'll finally have something to do tomorrow,” he thought wistfully as he saw his friends in the distance.
@vldandyou @vld-writing-for-all @palalovin @panda-noosh @paladinfeathers @pala-done-imagines @voltronshorts @voltronlegendaryimagines @voltronreader @voltron-inserts
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myloveateez · 5 years
Letters From Yeosang
Part 1 ❤
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I got carried away with writing and pretty much got lost in this story. So, it will be in (hopefully only) 2 parts.
I've worked hard and thoroughly enjoyed writing my first ever fanfic. I hope you enjoy!!
"Yeosang, hurry up! Class starts in 10 minutes!"
"I know, Jongho, I'm coming!"
Yeosang rushed to put his papers in his bag, grabbed his favorite black jacket and ran to the door. His roommate, Jongho, had his arms crossed with a smirk on his face.
"Why do you waste your time with those silly letters anyways? Haven't you heard of a phone call?"
Yeosang looked down shyly with his hand behind his head.
It's not a waste of time if you receive one back, I guess."
"Well, come on. We're going to be late. We don't need to miss another lecture."
Yeosang and Jongho are in their second year of college together. They have been best friends since they were in high school. The apartment they share is only two blocks away from the University they both decided to attend. Thankfully, it is close since Yeosang gets distracted easily by various things. Also, oversleeping.
"So is it the same girl?"
Jongho quickly takes a bite out of his granola bar.
"Yes. But we are just friends so don't even start." Yeosang laughed a little.
" all right, but this is the fourth time you've almost made us late because of your little pen pal. All I'm saying is your friendship is causing me problems."
"You could walk alone, you know?"
"Yeah but you would be late more often if I didn't rush you."
Yeosang paused. "Okay, you're right."
They both arrived at their first class just in time. Yeosang got out his laptop to begin taking notes. But he was distracted by the thought of him seeing her after 5 years. He thought to himself, " I can't believe she's coming to visit. After all this time.. And tonight! Okay, Yeosang, focus! Your parents are paying for this class."
After class, Yeosang and Jongho went to have lunch with their friends, Yunho and Mingi.
Mingi looked at Yeosang, who was hardly eating and checking his watch every 5 minutes.
"Why are you so quiet today?"
"His pen pal is coming to see him tonight and he's getting nervous," Jongho teased him.
"your what?!" yunho asked with a mouth full of food.
"She isn't my pen pal! She's a girl I grew up next door to. Her parents are moving here so she's helping them and coming to visit me.. tonight."
"I mean, do you like her something?"
Mingi decides to ask the question everyone was wondering.
"I.. I might."
Jongho decided to chime in.
"Sure he does! But her parents are so strict and will only allow her to marry to their approval."
"Jongho, how did you know that?"
"Just a wild guess" he smirked.
"I just want to see her again. Nothing more. It'll never happen so let's just drop it."
"ohhhhhkay!" Yunho got the drift.
Back at the apartment, later that day, Yeosang waited until around 7:30. She had his address she said she would arrive between 7:30 8:00. He looked at the clock, checked his hair in the mirror when suddenly, a knock at the door. His heart jumped out of his chest as he sped walked to the door. He opened the door and there, standing in front of him, was Jihye.
"Yeosang! Oh my gosh, I'm so happy to see you!"
"You made it! I can't believe you're here."
They hugged for what seemed like forever.
To be continued...
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