#I didn't want to choose KP scenes
risu442 · 1 year
🌄 🎇👀 ..... hopefully got it right this time 🤣😅
Hey! Sorry for the super late answer but... yeah. 😮‍💨 But here I am and I am really glad you asked! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
👀 what do you think about about love triangles in BLs?
Hmm, so-so. But as I see it mostly represents lust and not real love. Or one is suffering because the main let them hangin' and not turning them off once and for all. And oc many times after the oh-so-big love they can stay easily friends. I don't see that as too realistic. If the love was true and was able to cause so much harm, saying friends is not easy. Because the feelings stay just as strong as they were - but if they can't live them, it turns into hate. The bittersweet taste of unrequited love will stay.
But oc it can happen like this in real life. Maybe I would like to just enjoy a media that represents the power of clear and healthy communication.
(I wouldn't mind TRUE polyamory either IF it was about LOVE and not LUST.)
🎇 favorite ending
It is a tough one! Because tbh I don't like most BL's endings, so I had to scroll through the ones I watched and tried to remember their endings and how I felt. And I decided next to A Tale of Thousand Stars! It was heartwarming, and even the story could surprise me. It was a very pleasant surprise! 💕🙏
🌄 your favorite scene of any BL show
Okay, I dunno if this scene is in The Untamed series (because I never saw it just with jumps to see how much it follows the novel - and erhm, no comment), BUT! I adore LWJ and WWX's first-not-first kiss! It happened in the past when they were still young, if I remember right 17 years old, maybe. WWX the way he is, went for a hunt on a mountain, blindfolded.
Yes, LWJ "attacked" him with a passionate kiss - and I understand why people find it unpleasant - but God, what it implies! The longing for what is behind it! The way Wangji had to hide it while his mark was on WWX's lips! And when it finally turns out that it was Wangji who stole WWX's first kiss... It is just an amazing storyline built for that scene. I loved it. (Plus blind folding here or there, the chemistry worked there, too, even if it caused more harm at the moment).
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petratherrock · 7 months
Watched Kung Fu Panda 4
I have...feelings...
Spoilers ahead
I didn't like it.
I can't believe there comes a day when I say that I don't like a Kung Fu Panda movie. The previous three have been amazing, all three of them imo
This one tho....
1. It irked me that the Furious Five didn't make an appearance, like, they're friends??? I understand it's probably budgeting issue, Beyonce and Jackie Chan, Ian McShane and Gary Oldman all in one movie is probably not affordable
But come on???
2. When Tai Lung appeared in the first 5minutes I was hyped that they might be redeeming him and Po will be choosing him as the Dragon Warrior
I know, it's not possible because he's literally been sent to the other realm but c'mon
For the sake of the plot i would've accepted any twist if it means he gets to be the Dragon Warrior
It would've been delicious, but nope my hope was dashed.
My bad i guess lol
3. Look, introducing a new character to be The Dragon Warrior just doesn't sit right with me. The story was uber cliche
I could smell the "i was taken in by villain and so I'm leading you to your doom and now i regret it we're friends again and I get to be the chosen one" from the moment Zhen pulled the 'was taken in by someone' thing
Call it misogyny. Maybe it is.
But I'm really sure i won't have any problem with it if they wrote Tigress or Snake as the Dragon Warrior
It's not about Zhen's gender.
It's about how it's written
4. It just felt like they wanted to cram as much as possible in a movie resulting in a chaotic but predictable storyline
I was bored. It didn't interest me as much as I always did with the previous movies
A lot of jokes also kinda fell flat which is sad because I always find the jokes in Kung Fu Panda really funny
5. I miss the Furious Five friendships with Po.
Esp Po and Tigress.
Viola Davis as The Kameleon tho? 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 I adore her voice. 💯/💯
I wish there's more time to develop her story because The Kameleon was terrifying--quite possibly the most terrifying KP villain. Totally overpowered at the end, but even before that when she could turn into just anything she wanted, she was already terrifying af imo
If they'd just use other characters in the franchise that we already know, they wouldn't have to waste sm time introducing Zhen and making us empathize and like her, thus giving more time for us to feel for the villainess or elaborate her story like Tai Lung, Lord Shen, Kai
Maybe it was just me tho. Maybe I'm too old for KP and it's catered for children so now it falls flat for me
She just came outta nowhere, little lore, introduces herself in a few sentences and we're expected to take Po and Zhen's side because she's the villain. There! Is! Not! Enough! Material! To go on with!
Too many redundant scenes
Once again, I blame the writing and introduction of a whole new character just to make her the Dragon Warrior
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bcbdrums · 1 year
As much as I love Drakgo and KimRon don’t you think the ships felt a little one sided?
i'm not totally sure what you mean. do you mean, in terms of the characters' feelings for each other?
if yes, there's a lot apparent in canon as far as Kim/Ron are concerned.
Ron has entertained the idea about he and Kim as a couple for a long time
Ron chooses to stay friends in case being a couple didn't work out
Kim "waited 12 stinking years for [Ron] to kiss [her]" quote from Homecoming Upset, indicating clearly that she's liked him from the very beginning
that's...really enough right there. it's unspoken since we don't get to see about romance from Kim's perspective that much (because to talk about it is to be vulnerable, and some vulnerabilities heroes don't reveal) but her comment about the twelve-years thing shows that she was almost certainly just as concerned about hurting their friendship as Ron was. it's not one-sided, it's just that we're not allowed to see Kim's vulnerable side in this way.
now on to Drakgo. Drakken comes to Shego's rescue with a giant robot in Go Team Go. she comes to his rescue in: A Very Possible Christmas, Clean Slate, Graduation... Shego comes back out of jealousy in Mad Dogs and Aliens. that's twice she leaves a vacation for him, once she comes back just because she wants to, and in Graduation puts herself in dire harm's way to save him.
Drakken fantasizes about Shego water skiing in Kimitation Nation and that's also the episode where he calls her "dumpling," not a typical pet name for just one's sidekick. Shego is constantly hanging around Drakken in a bathing suit, tanning and hot-tubbing in the lab which is wholly unnecessary. in Graduation she even changes out of the swimsuit to her normal suit in front of him.
their relationship is an old married couple vibe, not a twitterpated teen first love vibe. so they come across differently than our teens Kim and Ron.
this is just a handful of examples, but i could go on... point simply being, it's not one-sided in either case.
i think the reason people may not see it is...because the show isn't a romance. it's an action cartoon. the romance was never the focus. the show was meant to end with So the Drama, the kiss being the final scene, and all of S3 teased it blatantly even with Kim and Ron poking fun at it themselves when talking about Agony County, the in-show soap opera they watch. ending on making the ship canon is a perfect ending, but the romance was never ever the point. it's all there, but it's never in your face because....that's just not with KP as a show is about.
appreciate the ask, Anon!
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aeternallis · 6 months
such an interesting meta with kim, even if i have a bit of a hard time swallowing that he would ever pose a threat to chay. he's never been aggressive towards him, and he protected him at the warehouse even if chay didn't know until later. so i feel like on the contrary, they're the healthiest of the three
Heyya nonnie~ 
It took me some time with this response, apologies for that. 
You're the nicest of all the anon asks I got in response to what I presume to be this meta that expressed the same sentiments, so I don't mind entertaining you. Hehe! 
I agree, Kim has never been physically aggressive towards Chay, but the way I see it, it doesn't mean the potential isn't there. My own sentiments on this have not changed; the potential and the breadth of what this entails is what holds my attention for this couple. Now, up to where you choose to go with that is entirely up to you; I myself don't know up to what point the idea of physical aggression from Kim towards Chay can go (if it even goes anywhere), because we don't have a KP S2, all we can do is speculate on the crumbs we got.
And we in the Kimchay fandom speculate, don’t we? Every fic author who’s written a Kimchay reconciliation fic with smut involved has played with this potential, even if the potential is zero. XD For my own reconciliation fic though, I dialed it up to a 6 at least, ahahahaha. Besides that, my belief with this is in keeping with the overall themes of the show, yknow?
After all, the show asks their audience a vital question within its narrative: what consequences and hardships do Porsche, Pete, and Porchay endure, to be loved by these Theerapanyakul men?
In my defense it's not as if I pulled that aforementioned meta outta my ass, I do have an explanation for it. Lolol
It's not something I mentioned in my original meta because I know most people on here have issues with the novel, but there is a noticeable change to Chay's characterization in the adaptation. From my own experience and understanding, seeing the changes from book to show is able to provide more clarity on BOC's intent with their changes and overall presentation of the drama, which I think is a good thing, overall.
In the book, Chay is a lot more like Porsche, both in his personality and his way of thinking. For example, take a look at this scene from when Tawan kidnaps Chay, and how much Chay mouths off to him:
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In the adaptation however, Chay is knocked out during that scene, so the framing of that situation is very different; he’s portrayed to be a lot more helpless and weak, because of the fact that he was knocked out. I go into the consequences of these changes on a different meta, mostly talking about Porsche and Chay's relationship, if you're interested.
Another example I can think of right off the bat: when the reader first sees Chay and Kim meet (again, as it's implied that there is bad history between them) in the book, Kim pretty much kabedons Chay against the wall, and Chay retaliates by kicking him in the groin. Lol
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These are just two examples, but by bringing these scenes up, I want to highlight the change from book to show: in the show, Chay's personality is framed to be milder than Porsche, as someone who’s not a fighter, as someone who's more optimistic, and as someone whose instinct it is is more to call for help than try to fight off an enemy. Barcode's take on this character is a lot more docile (in the beginning, at least), naively bold when compared to the book character, and he doesn't have much of the spunkiness that Porsche has, yknow?
Again, on paper not that big of a change in the long run, but a noticeable one nonetheless.
In episode 5 when Chay talks of his admiration to Kim, he states that he wants to be more like Porsche, and one of Porsche's most defining characteristics is his fighting skills. It's due partly to his fighting prowess that he's able to better enforce his boundaries with Kinn. It's an added asset for him, as it is for Pete to Vegas, but it’s not necessarily the only thing they both have going for them.  
And yet, why doesn't Chay know how to fight? Why doesn't he seem to have the disposition for it? Was he never provided or had an opportunity to learn? Perhaps Porsche kept him from having to learn; this matches up with how overprotective he is of Chay, one could argue.
Again, because of how Chay's character is framed in the show, he doesn't have the brazen attitude that he shares with Porsche in the book (in fact, a few times Porsche even mentions how much Chay is like him); on the contrary, he's a lot more self-reflective in the show and quite thoughtful. This manifests itself in his natural talent when it comes to writing music, especially how he was able to write the 1st version of WDYS in Kim's studio.
Because of this notable change in Chay’s character in the show, the physical power imbalance between Kim and Chay is a lot more noticeable, hence why Kim’s potential aggression towards Chay is more keenly felt in the show (case in point: their bar scenes, lol), at least the way I see it. 
For reals, I still question why they altered this part of the book characterization when they chose to adapt this IP. Lol
Imo, BOC discards Chay’s penchant for impulsiveness and brazenness (similar to Porsche when fighting an enemy off) in the book, but in turn, elevates his mental fortitude when he’s wronged. In the show, it’s definitely more a showcase of his inner strength and self-respect that he in particular was able to draw his boundaries against Kim (aka blocking his number, not picking up his call, etc), without ever having to physically fight him off, as opposed to Porsche and Pete.
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divorcedmalewife · 2 years
for the ff end of year ask game: 10, 23, 27 <3
10.) shortest wip of the year
that would go to a fic where I just have a scene between Porchay and Porsche. I have no idea where the scene goes next and what come after. it's sitting at a crisp 385 words. in fact I'll just post it right now.
Porchay is sitting on his bed, scrolling through social media when he hears a knock on his door. He knows it's his brother. Who else would come to his door?
"Chay, why didn't you go to your interview?" Porsche asks in a surprisingly calm voice as he enters Porchay's room.
Porchay sighs and sets his phone down on the bed. He knew Porsche would find out eventually but he was hoping it would be later.
"Why do you care," Porchay hates the words as soon as he says them. He sees his brother flinch, but his face slips with a sad look. Porchay can't look at his brother. He sighs and looks down at his hands in his lap.
"Chay, I know things have been difficult lately,” Porsche says.
Porchay doesn't even let him finish.
“You have no idea what I’ve been going through,” Porchay says and brings his knees to his chest. “Hia,” Porchay’s voice cracks.
Porsche sits on the bed next to him and wraps an arm around his shoulder. Porchay’s brain tells him to shake it off of him, to tell Porsche to leave him alone but his heart tells him to stay. To soak in his brother’s comfort. Chay’s brain tries to remind him of why he is angry with Porsche. His brain tries so hard to keep his rebellious streak burning
But trying to maintain anger can actually be exhausting. Who knew?
Porchay leans into his brother’s side and cries into his shoulder. Porsche doesn’t say anything; he just silently strokes a hand up and down Chay’s back. The hand occasionally comes up to the back of his head and just rests there.
Porchay has missed his brother so much.
Porchay misses how they used to be. He misses how easily he could tell Porsche anything. And now there is a sea of decisions and hidden truths between them.
Porchay hates it so much.
Porchay is just… so tired.
“I’m sorry I’ve been a shitty brother recently,” Porsche says, breaking the silence. “I miss you.”
Porchay cries harder.
“Hia,” Porchay sobs. “I’m so tired.”
“I know. I’m sorry,” Porsche's voice cracks, squeezing Porchay harder.
23.) fics you wanted to write but didn’t
honestly I'd love to be able to write some sort of kimchay slowburn but I find it so difficult to maintain a longer form of writing. my sweet spot has always been between 5k and 8k words. I wish I was one of those writers who could write those 80k-100k fics.
27.) favorite fanfic author of the year
oh you cannot ask me this there are just so many kp fanfic authors that I've followed how can I choose 😭
here are some in my recent history (don't ask me about bookmarks I don't use bookmarks and idk why)
WildelyDawn (this is self explanatory, they're an amazing writer and one who knows kimchay fic has read I'll Ignite For You)
MajorinMonster (another self explanatory one. so many solid kimchay fics
Sweet_William who doesn't just have banger kimchay fics but also has banger MDZS fics.
Atlas I really enjoy their trans masc Kim works. we need more of those kinds of fics.
Wikichedia I mean first of all they have the most iconic bottom Kim fic but also I just really enjoy how they write Kim!
and there's so so so so many more but even going through my history and finding these ones took me a half an hour but just know i love so many authors in the KP fandom.
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kinnspocketporsche · 2 years
I know this was The Conversation but I don't think we would've had it if not for their previous talk.
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If it wasn't for Pete saying "I'm not eating I'm not fighting you" and "I'm not choosing to be abused" and "I don't like it, I'm not hungry I won't let you blame me for a fight I don't want to have. My actions are not defiance, they're just actions" and all of his other double-sided statements
If it wasn't for him backing those words with actions: escaping without a weapon and yelling/thrashing around/physically objecting to his abuse
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If Pete had brought up his own father before that, we would've had this Vegas:
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"Only the fool thinks honesty is real."
Instead, even before The Conversation, we see Vegas gently cradling Pete.
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Even before he thought Pete died, Vegas was starting to care. He was starting to catch on to the fact that Pete had been giving him the answer to the question Vegas asked his father:
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Pete has been showing him, as a survivor of abuse, what he can do. Vegas has been seeing 2 choices: succeed and be rewarded, or fail and be punished. The same 2 choices he offered Pete. Pete found - and is giving Vegas - a third possibility: the truth. The truth that Vegas didn't choose to be raised by an abusive father. The truth that Vegas can't win if he fights. Vegas might not have the option to remove himself, but he can choose to see that the fight has been rigged against him the whole time.
As per usual, my inbox and messages are always open for more KP talk :) This scene - the whole show - has me in a chokehold.
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stormyoceans · 2 years
Hehe, I will oblige: top 5 Vegas and Pete moments like it could be Vegaspete as a couple or them separately and if you want a non-KP ask: top 5 beverages?
I'm melting under this heat also, your thoughts would be a welcomed comfort!
THIS IS SO SWEET 🥺 and this heat really is unbearable, so please make sure to stay hydrated!!!
i already answered my top 5 vegaspete moments as a couple here, so im gonna go with my favorite scenes of them as characters!! (i wanted to make gifs too but it would take me ages to do them, i hope it's okay anyway ;;;;;;;)
1. pete smiling as he's about to get tortured by vegas in episode 10. that's my unhinged little boy who laughs at death in the face and will make the devil fall in love with him HE'S TRULY THE MOST CHARACTER OF ALL TIME.
2. pete resigning in episode 14. god this is such a MOMENT, because yeah, this is pete choosing vegas, but it's also pete choosing himself, choosing to put his mask down for good, to finally put his own needs above anyone else's and be true to his feelings. this is the culmination of pete's journey as a character and it's so satisfying to watch.
3. pete fighting porsche and then volunteering to go to the minor family's house to clean up porsche's name because pete trusts him in episode 10. JUST PETE BEING THE MOST COMPETENT BADASS he will do his job and won't let his emotions get in the way of work, but then he will go and sacrifice himself at the altar for the same friend he had to fight just minutes ago. THE MOST!!!!!! CHARACTER!!!!!!
4. pete speaking up for porsche's sake and telling kinn he has to be patient and calm with porsche in episode 5. like.. he didn't have to say that!!!! he answered kinn's questions and kinn was leaving, he could have left it at that, but he knew his friend was suffering so he had to help even if kinn could have punished him for not staying in his place!!!! SOBBING BECAUSE HE IS TRULY THE BEST OF FRIENDS.
5. pete breaking down at the safe house in episode 13. this is so incredibly painful to watch so i didn't know if it would make the list since there are other moments i adore, but i just love how we finally get to see what pete is truly thinking and feeling.
1. vegas cooking for pete in episode 13 aka the malewification of vegas theerapanyakul. LISTEN. he was just!!!!! so HAPPY to be cooking for pete!!!!! all he wants is to love pete and take care of him and give him everything. MAKES ME INSANE.
2. vegas doing what he does best in episode 10: manipulate manwhore and manslaughter. i feel bad for tawan but the way vegas used him and then got rid of him without blinking an eye is [CHEF'S KISS].
3. everything about vegas in episode 14. LOOK I KNOW THIS IS CHEATING I JUST CANNOT PICK ONLY ONE MOMENT. vegas saying he won't let anyone hurt pete?? vegas sauntering into the main family's house guns blazing?? vegas saying 'but i still can't figure out where to shoot first. head. chest. or the heart.' to kinn?? vegas pointing his gun at pete but then lowering it immediately?? vegas seeing his father dead on the ground?? vegas breaking down?? UGH HE WAS JUST SO GOOD IN THIS EPISODE.
4. vegas saying 'riposa in pace' (rest in peace) to the italian don in episode 7. no this isn't my italian's ass being biased what are you talking about. actually everything about vegas in episode 7 was GREAT too HE NEEDS TO STOP HAVING SO MANY GOOD MOMENTS.
5. vegas bringing the little bag of goodies to pete and pol during their stake out in episode 6. HE IS SUCH A LITTLE SHIT I LOVE HIM (but seriously i love that you can clearly see he has this lighter side of him where he enjoys joking and bickering and messing with people in a more 'innocent' way)
FAVORITE BEVERAGES (yeah im doing this one too sfjksgfj)
1. WATER. i know this is the most boring answer but i truly never appreciated cold water more than in this god damn heat.
2. cappuccino. there are 40 °C outside and i still refuse to give it up.
3. tea. literally any kind of tea. you can have it hot, you can have it cold, and there are so many type you can drink a different one every day.
4. campari spritz. im not really a cocktail kind of gal but in this heat a good spritz is everything.
5. black coffee. look. i got insomnia. a woman gotta stay awake somehow (but i also enjoy the taste and the intricate italian rituals that go with it).
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jb-blue63 · 2 years
Hot Take: but I think people were too quick to hate on the new chapter from the VegasPeteStory
As someone who have read the VP special chapters in the novel many many times... might I add and have waited for a good translation of the new chapter before actually reading it here is my opinion:
I think wasn't actually that bad as people online were making it out to be, I mean yeah it could've been better written in some parts specially that nc scene cause god was that uncomfortable. But other than that I think the whole chapter actually makes sense in the novel-canon at least. I mean this is the continuation of the last book of KP which was Vegas and porsche teaming up to kill korn cause he's manipulative fuck.
Like we can't really expect Vegas and Pete to be all lovey-dovey family immediately right after all that shit that went down in the kp novel and emotional turmoil that they experienced, plus the fact that both of them is still dealing with their own flaws and insecurities. I think It only makes sense that vegas will fall into that possesive and secretive behaviour specially since he's an abuse victim who's now being forced into this whole parenthood that he most likely have toxic ideas about because of the way he was raised by his father. Also he didn't even want Venice in the first place he was so close to throwing that baby into foster care if it wasn't for his love for pete and let's not pretend that vegas isn't trying to be better for his family despite his MANY flaws
And it also makes sense that pete would think vegas is cheating on him because of his undealt insecurities specially towards porsche, but do we actually think that vegas would CHEAT!? ON PETE!? the same man who would rather DIE from his hands than from anyone else would fuck another man's ass like come on now did we even read the same novel. I mean he's obviously lying to protect pete and not get him and his family be involved in shady shit vegasporsche is dealing with and let's not forget that pete is still loyal to the main family despite choosing vegas, so it makes sense why vegas couldn't tell him anything. I think the VPstory chapter actually makes sense for their characterisation in the novel, plus this is just one chapter, so I didn't really have that much expectation for it since there's a WHOLE ASS NOVEL waiting.
But what actually bothers me is the fact that people online expected this VP story to be fluffy and cutesy?! Like WHAT?! HELLO?! Like I get that series-watchers will likely think that way but didn't they read the actual trigger warning for this
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like if that doesn't scream a DERANGED MAFIA! storyline with DARK THEMES! I don't know what will. I mean if you're looking for a fluffy VP story don't. read. the. novel. stay on ao3 or wattpad if you want because the novel will only upset you.
Also if you don't like it don't read it, this isn't me defending daemi or anything cause I also don't agree with a lot of the shit they say online, also lowkey hate them. But you have to understand that without daemi we wouldn't have the series so my advice is to just ignore their childish antics online
Now the rest of the story has yet to make sense specially leaving pete with a gunshot wound like WTF porsche but I'm sure it'll be better explained once the whole novel is out which I don't know about you guys but I'm excited for cause this bitch likes the dark, deranged, and toxic gays that is VP-novel
Anyways here's an actual good translation of the chapter because I don't trust google translate
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thatgirl4815 · 2 years
It's really interesting how morality has divided the fandom. Some people want to brush it off, some want to be blunt, some want to create petitions - which feels a lot like virtue signaling, imo - but there really is a gamut of emotion that is going on. Makes it a tense experience sometimes.
Although I think it shows that the show is doing its job at getting people to engage with it and not be apathetic.
But people who petition, I hate to say, have the least critical thinking skills of the bunch.
Hello!! :) Ah morality...the topic to divide all fandoms. Morality is such an interesting thing, because I think everyone--at least, I'd like to think everyone--knows that the dynamics in this show are far from healthy. There is manipulation, there is toxicity, and while we're at it, there's just flat out murder all the time (we can't just forget about Kinn shooting that one guy in the face in the opening scene of Ep1).
I agree that some people choose to simply brush it off as a product of the mafia genre, but I actually enjoy the discourse around morals...where I get frustrated is when people act like the show should be cancelled because of it. I mean we get a disclaimer at the beginning of each episode that the creators are not advocating for any action in the series. Additionally, BOC has taken measures to warn people about certain dangers, particularly those associated with Porsche's drugging. They know that what happened in Ep4 was wrong, and more importantly, they want us to know that they know that.
This show was going to be polarizing no matter what. But I think it's only truly polarizing if we assume that everyone who watches and enjoys this show encourages its content in the real world. Morality as a subject, particularly a psychological subject, is a necessary consideration with a series like this. I agree with you that it's important to engage with this type of media.
For me, it's just plain fun to think about the characters' perspectives. And yeah, you can acknowledge that KP's dynamic was born out of toxicity, but you shouldn't feel guilty for liking a show like this. At the end of the day, it's fiction that doesn't pretend to be a model for real-life relationships. It's like every other show about gangs and crime. You can be interested in the characters, heck you can even root for them to succeed in their crimes, but that doesn't mean you think what they're doing is right from an objective standpoint.
Finally, people who petition...yeah. I just don't see what they hope to achieve with that? I can't lie and say I didn't see this coming after that first trailer. After Ep4, I contemplated coming back to SM at all because I knew this was going to be polarizing. But I'm glad I did because I think talking about these concerns is necessary.
Anyways, thanks for the ask! :) Have a great day!
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boysbeloving · 2 years
Now that I have had some time to think, let me put down some personal (unpopular??) opinions on KinnPorsche the Series
Episode 5 DELIVERED on the KP angst. Being an angst ho, it was everything i wanted. The way Porsche is confused and hurt, the way Kinn tries but completely fails and falls into the familiar and expected space of simply punishing anything that 'distracts' him. The way porsche chooses to distance himself and the way kinn goes after him. i also love punch-to-the-gut angst so when kinn says 'i'm replacing you' it GETS ME EVERY SINGLE TIME...episode 5 is my favourite
that being said, in episode 5 i would have preferred that the part where kinn went to porsche's house didn't have comedic elements...and didn't have that funny background music going on...just...full on FEELS and apology and hurt and kinn softening for very first time...(mile's voice becomes so soft and tender it's so AMAZING)
Episode 7 was THE PEAK of the series. A very charged mid-point. There was so much happening in the episode it was everything.
Episode 13 should not have had the KP pool scene. For me episode 13 was Vegas and Pete. Bible and Build SOLD the performances and it was so painful. Top-tier angst again. I don't think any scene got overshadowed or anything but i just feel that the pool scene could have been in another episode. The mutual I love yous should have been exchanged by KP in episode 13 but maybe not in the pool
Episode 14 should have had sex scenes. The pool scene could have been here. and maybe one more.
Vegas was to die originally and the vegas-pete-macau family scene is an afterthought and filmed and added later. If vegas had died, the potential for angst would have skyrocketed...and i would have loved it...but...it would have also broken me and my mind would be MORE than usual occupied with the series...so i'm quite glad that vegas got to live despite getting shot some 4-5 times in the episode (suspension of disbelief kicking in very strongly besties)
There should not be a season 2 of KP :))))) the cast as a whole can do another project....mayhaps a comedy series...and the couples can also do other projects as leads (looking forward to the next MileApo project)...but not a KP season 2....the series has ended well...let it be (BOC should capitalise on the strong screen presence and chemistry of the actors and explore different things...KP will be in a league of its own for a while...don't go back to it)
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blessyouhawkeye · 2 years
...they also said they wouldn't consider putting trigger warnings on the kinnporsche novel because they felt the novel's content didn't require it. (that's just like. patently untrue but the way from what i've heard the novel makes the series look like a kid's movie.) those two points are kind of broken telephone information...
The thing I don't understand is, if book readers have already told you that the book is already full of problematic themes in addition to explicit r*pe scenes, and you know you are triggered by it and can't handle it, why would you still voluntarily choose to read the book???
A great portion of the English speaking KP online community has taken the advice of other book readers when they tell them that the novel is a dumpster fire, don't read it... people who aren't even triggered have abstained from reading the books simply because it's not good writing style wise or they simply don't want to read those types of scenes...
Book readers have also given disclaimers on the type of stuff in the book. If you are easily triggered, why would you still choose to read it? It doesn't make sense???
literally what did i say about not wanting to get into discourse. but also this ask is so baffling to me.
i haven't read the book. i don't plan to, not because of the content but because it's fucking terrible. i don't think it needs trigger warnings because i'm "easily triggered" i think it needs trigger warnings because of the lengthy and graphic rape scenes. saying people who are "easily triggered" just shouldn't read the book is a fucking insane statement that 1. pins the blame on the person who would be negatively affected by the content (most commonly SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT, which is why that turn of phrase is NUTS to me) and 2. takes the accountability away from the authors, who should be aware of the very serious subject material in their novel and not take it as lightly (like they currently do).
also, as someone who doesn't speak thai i have the unique experience of hearing about the novel through people who have read it, due to there not being an official translation or decent fan translation. so i know the content of the novel because people who've read it warn international fans about it. BUT IT'S A THAI NOVEL? NOT EVERYONE HAS THAT EXPERIENCE? SO weird of you to frame the conversation about the novel and trigger warnings around ENGLISH SPEAKING FANS?? thai readers deserve content warnings too, especially since the show has gotten so popular and people might be seeking out the novel for the first time.
i don't want trigger warnings for me personally i want them for everyone, especially those would would actually be affected and for those going into the novel blind.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Just watched the ep and found ur blog coz that last scene was so tonally inconsistent that I had to find people who felt the same so i can stop thinking about it.
RIP bigg
Wow being a bigg enthusiast from ep1 he just was a hopless employee in love with his boss. That was it. He was just there for porche to not die. It's soo infuriating seeing how incapable they make him to be. I just hope we see a funeral for his honourable sacrifice.
I keep convincing myself that they will make kinnporche more likable as eps progress but it's the opposite. I just can't wrap my head around both of them forgetting My beloved pete and not address anything that happened , how am I supposed to be invested in them as leads if their power dynamics is just subtly hinted ,Taken granted & isn't showing any consequences ig it could be too early to expect such arc but the last scene was played for laughs . And I'm not so keen abt such an imp part of the story is starting in such a tone . It almost feels like it wanted to reach but didn't want to. Guess I mistook what the show wants to narrate. Also if does flesh out the other characters and not ruin kinn porche I will sleep peacefully.
in summary
Pete the forgotten-Bigg the loverboi goes to save his boss's bf - vegas the dick electrifier- Kim the prince charming - Ken the beheaded mole - KP the fart apologists - Chay best boi.
Ah, welcome to my tumblr, where we talk about the power imbalance and the weird tonal shifts and get real salty about the show sometimes because, yeah. Yeah. We all knew from the trailer that we needed fart jokes, slapstick and one character doing all the emotional labor for the other... Yuuup.
Big deserves a real funeral and to be recognized and while I hope he is... I don't feel like this mafia rewards loyalty so I'm not holding my breath. I mean, Kinn literally forgot about Pete after he offered to go to his death in order to prove Porsche innocent... a fact that Kinn already knew and didn't need any proof of. If that's the reward that Pete gets for his loyalty, why would we expect anything better for Big? We don't reward loyalty in the Thai mafia, we just make fart jokes and let our bodyguard boyfriend tell me about his stress and then offer no comfort. Can we really expect loyalty from that?
Oh, yeah, the narrative. Apparently, it's just about all the green flags in their relationship and how sweet and cute they are? Didn't you realize that this mafia drama was going to be about how cute they were and how romantic they are and how great they are and how wonderful it is that Kinn will refuse to apologize and Porsche will choose to forgive him and nothing matters but them. Nothing at all. Not even the part where Kinn literally has life or death control over Porsche and can, in fact, control all of his choices.
Like, even if Porsche did say he was going to resign... Kinn doesn't have to let him go. They have a literal jail cell in their basement. He is a mafia leader. If Kinn told Porsche he had to stay, he'd be trapped. He could be locked up in a room, he could be chained to a wall, he could be put in jail, he could just be shot. Hell, Kinn could order Chay kidnapped and held in the cell to keep Porsche with him. Kinn could order Chay killed or beaten just to prove his power and to make sure that Porsche stays with him.
Kinn and Porsche are my least favorite part of KinnPorsche and it's really weird to say but it's absolutely true because I can see so much depth in them but the tone the show keeps using with them gets rid of all that depth.
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thii-nii · 2 years
BL ~ Drama Asks
I was tagged by @pharawee. Thank you!! 🌺
1. If you had to watch one drama forever what would it be?
I don't rewatch dramas a lot. Usually, I really love something while I'm watching it and it means a lot to me in that period of time. But when I try to rewatch a drama months or years later, it often feels really awkward and I hardly ever finish them. So most of my favourite dramas occupy a special place in my heart, but I'm reluctant to rewatch them. (+ There are always so many new dramas that I want to try and that are waiting for me to fall in love with them! XD) That said, if I had to choose one, right now I'd pick Kinnporsche. It's a combination of different genres, so I'd be able to enjoy lot's of different emotions. Additionally, there's just so much to love in Kp, lot's of awesome themes, intense moments and lovable characters. I actually want to rewatch Kp right now, because there still are so many things I want to try making, that I didn't get around to before... but I'm still in my procrastination period. lol
2. If you could change the ending of a drama which one would it be?
Well, Kp ended most recently and we might not get a season 2, so... I'd want to see a different ending for Kim and Chay. I mean, if we actually get a season 2 I'd love to see them find their way back to each other (while also getting to see more of angry/feral Kim & rebellious Chay), but if this is the overall ending, it feels a little cruel to have both of them be in so much pain. (Not to mention that no one even knows they were a thing?? I need them all to spend time together and for Porsche to kick Kim's ass a bit for hurting Chay.) And, of course, "History is only written by the victor" .... ???? Well, well, well, wellll..... I need some conclusion to Korn's messed up games.
3. Name your favorite drama and tell who your favorite character was.
I'm so bad at choosing favourites. But, uhhh, Kinnporsche (Porsche, Kim, Vegas); I told Sunset about you & I promised you the Moon (Teh, Oh-aew); Not Me (Yok).
4. Name a drama you dropped within the first few episodes ~ we all have at least one!
As I said earlier, I love trying out new dramas. But that also means I end up dropping a lot of them. Of the ones airing right now, I dropped Unforgotten Night, Check Out (I enjoyed Ep 0, but I couldn't even get through the first episode 😞) & Even Sun (just last week; it has Boun & Prem and such a beautiful setting, but I noticed I wasn't really paying attention anymore, so I let it go).
5. Name a popular drama you've never watched and why?
Hmm, The Untamed & Advance Bravely. I don't know why? I've seen them around a lot and I feel like I should've at least tried them when they were airing, but somehow I didn't and still haven't.
6. Name a drama you regret watching.
I usually drop them before I have too many regrets. But there were a few really popular ones that I continued watching, simply because I kept seeing so many gifs of them, only to still feel kind of meh about them at the end. >_<
7. Name a drama you thought you’d never watch but did and did you end up liking it?
The only one I can think of that might fit this question is 3 Will Be Free. It wasn't really on my mind before, but since I was in the mood for something a little darker, I remembered gifsets of this drama and wanted to give it a try. I've seen two episodes so far and am still interested!
8. Name a pairing you want to see?
Ohhh, as long as it has one actor I like, I'd already be super happy. But hmmm, maybe Mond Tanutchai & Gun Atthaphan (since we never got Gramblack and I like their bickering friendship); Jeff Satur & anyone that's not a baby.... Jeff Satur & action scenes... no wait, where am I going with this...
9. Name a pairing you didn’t think had chemistry?
Nat Natasitt & Max Kornthas in the few episodes of Cutie Pie that I've seen.
10. Name a pairing you have seen in another drama that you like?
??? I'm interpreting this as: a pairing I've seen in a drama that I haven't (fully) watched? Yim Pharinyakorn & Tutor Koraphat (also Cutie Pie). I liked them enough to look up their clips on yt after I dropped Cp.
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deadqueerdetectives · 2 years
BL Drama Asks~
Tagged by @softkuea thank you lovely, and glad to see you on my dash <3
If you had to watch one drama forever which would it be?
Listen, this is going to be predictable but it has to be KinnPorsche. The amount of scenes I already replay constantly. The amount of nuances there are to pick apart.
If you could change the ending of a drama, which would you choose?
I gotta take for the team and choose History: Make our Days Count. Should the title have been a hint? Sure. Were any of us emotionally prepared for that (unnecessary) ending? Nope. And heck, we, and the characters, deserve better.
Name your favourite drama and who your favourite character was.
I’m pretty sure at this point KinnPorsche has taken its throne as my favourite BL of all time. It’s taking Thai BL, and BL in general to an entirely different context and that’s worth applauding. But I’ve never had as much genuine enjoyment from start to end as I did watching KP. As for my favourite character.. that’s tough.. but it’s gotta be Kinn. He had me from “I’m more like my Mum” *kills a guy*.
Name a drama you dropped within a few episodes.
So, I actually do this a fair bit. I like to give most shows a chance, but with the increasing over-saturation in BL, many don’t hold my attention. Some of these include: Don’t Say No (no explanation necessary), Bite Me (I just found it boring, soo much empty space) and Physical Therapy (it just lacked substance)
Name a popular drama you've never watched and why.
Ossan’s Love (either version). I’ve heard the name around a fair bit so I’m kinda just assuming it’s popular. As for why I haven’t watched it, I guess it just skipped over my radar? I don’t know anything about the plot or anything, and haven’t looked into it. That simple I guess.
Name a drama you regret watching.
Tonhon Chonlatee. This one might be controversial… but I didn’t enjoy much at all about this show, I’m not sure how I even finished it.
Name a drama you thought you'd never watch but did and ended up liking it.
I’m just gonna go with a recent one because my memory is too shit for this. Triage. I never watched the trailer, it was never really on my radar, I wasn’t invested in the pairings and I didn’t put it down on my to-watch list. However, upon seeing many users I respect the opinions of recommend this drama, I decided to give it a watch. KinnPorsche had ended and I needed to fill the giant hole it left. Boy, once I started Triage I couldn’t stop watching it, and finished it within 24 hours.
Name a pairing you want to see.
This one’s tough for me… it’s not something I think about often, I take what I’m fed lmao. I’m not sure this 100% counts but, I would love to see First and Gawin in their own series.
Name a pairing you didn't think had any chemistry.
This is probably controversial of me too, but Yeonwoo and Yoohan in Colour Rush. I mean no offence - but this may be due to Hyunjun’s acting for me. While I’m at it, unpopular opinion, I think Yeonwoo and Sehyun had more chemistry. Overall not as big of a fan of this drama as many seem to be.
Name a pairing you've seen in another drama that you like.
I don’t understand this question at all. What does it mean by ‘in another drama’? Therefore I’m just going to skip it lmao.
@angelbesideme @bearinglight @lovepattranite (feel free to ignore)
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kinnsporsche · 2 years
no words for this episode!! i’m absolutely speechless!! it killed me and i went to heaven. typing this from the afterlife. this was the cutest, softest most perfect episode ever. god I love the honeymoon phase. they were so giddy and in love and horny <3. it was a much needed episode for my heart. their date was adorable and I loved how p was asking for advise because he wanted it to be perfect <3 but kinn was just happy to spend time with him and indulge him with his photos bc he loves him 1/4
I also love the running joke of the other bodyguards thinking he always gets punished. yeah I’m sure his legs were shaking but not why you think :) also, who’s doing product placement like kinnporsche? I never wanted to buy bread so bad in my life. I literally can’t say anything else except that it was a perfectly cute episode. one thing that was a little weird is kim saying p could be korn’s son or something? wtf is up with that? I really hope that was just a throwaway comment but idk why they would even suggest that. anyway, I don’t even want to think about the possibility so I will choose to ignore it. and kim!! boy you’re on thin fucking ice. I just know he’s gonna break porchay’s heart real soon and I’m not ready for it. however, I’m more than ready for a little tawan drama. I’m actually feeling better about this storyline since we found out that k didn’t shoot him out of jealousy. he deserved to get shot for betraying him like that lol I’m curious how he survived or what went down exactly and why he’s back. also, I was dying to see some vegaspete but that didn’t happen so I’m a little disappointed but oh well. it was a perfect episode for kp’s relationship so I’m not complaining. looking forward to the pool scene next week 👀
kp anon unfortunately its illegal for u to die how do u expect me to live without your asks hm? illegal come back to me right now
porsche asking for dating advice because it's his first real relationship and he wants it to be good for kinn is something that can actually be really personal. god and his little self-deprication creeping in at the end of it when his plans kinda got ruined and kinn's just there with the fattest fucking grin on his face because this is the best date he's ever had. and i thought about this during the week but, porsche being the one to take kinn out is probably something he's also never had before, you know? he has money, he's fucking loaded, so he's always the one buying people things, probably was the one who took tawan out, etc. but porsche is like nope, fuck that, it never ben occured to him that kinn would be the one to do all this, HE'S the one who wants to take KINN out and i bet kinn's never had that before i bet it made his heart do dangerous things!! and yes!! the photos god, the way his mafia boss persona just drops around porsche when they're alone, he's just this guy who'll do anything to make his boyfriend happy, he's so whipped for him im 🥺🥺
from what i've seen/can remember from what i've been told in the novel (🤮) there's an actual angsty sub-plot about them potentially being related (they're not in the end) so im guessing the show was just lowkey throwing shade at that? bcs i really doubt boc would go there after all the changes they've made to the series so far. and also, re: vegaspete, in the novel that starts around the same time as the tawan sl so it will probably pick up this episode or next episode!!
i know a lot of people were calling this episode a filler which is such a disservice because it's such a necessary episode? how are we expected to root for a couple that are only thrown together in life-or-death situations without getting to see their progress, without getting to see their softness when they're with each other, without getting to see their feelings, without getting to see how the two of them could just be if their lives weren't entangled in such a mess, you know? just because it didn't necessarily drive the plot forward a huge amount doesn't automatically make it a filler episode!
and i know a lot of people are also worried about tawan coming between them but i genuinley dont have a single worry about that. kinn is so GONE in porsche, and he's aware of the fact that tawan never loved him, idk why people think he would possibly even think about going back to him? is tawan going to get into porsche's head? yeah, absolutely. but i have no doubt that kinn's gonna prove his devotion and probably bang all of porsche's insecurities out of him so he cant use his legs for approximately 48 hours 🥰🥰 whether that pisses tawan off more and makes him do something more drastic to get to them both idk im not sure yet but everybody even tawan's actor keep saying how much of a bastard he is so 👀 lets go villain arc
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