#i know i said no discourse but fuck dude. this is so dumb.
dukeofankh · 6 months
The discourse about whether romance novel fans are porn addicts is dumb and hilarious. Like, are the books deeply pandering escapist fantasies that usually veer into deeply horny fuck scenes? Yes. Are they PORN though? Oh, absolutely also yes.
The issue isn't whether it's porn. It's that porn addiction isn't real, and getting mad at women for reading porn makes even less sense than being mad at men for watching it, considering at this point the people aren't even real so it's not even like there's a risk of exploitation.
Does it make someone an addict to consistently read books that make them feel good? No. Might not be the most challenging or enriching thing ever, but who gives a shit. People don't have an obligatory quota of deep existential thought that they're shirking by reading thinly veiled Reylo fanfic. Reading words isn't something you can be addicted to. That's not what addiction means. Just straight up. Even when it's compulsive or self-soothing behaviour, that's still not the same as an addiction and you need to stop acting like your youth pastor and/or favourite sex-negative tumblrista knows better than a field full of people with PHDs in neurochemistry, who consistently maintain both the conclusion that the only aspect of porn consumption that is bad for you is the shame some people feel for consuming it, and also that since people can develop compulsive relationships to anything including eating hair, laser focusing on that happening with porn specifically is pretty clearly just a basicass moral panic.
If I could watch movies about a cool awesome guy that everyone thinks is the coolest, and all the dudes are like "oh no here comes the coolest dude ever, I lose and you win" and the girls are all like "but you only have one penis and me and my gorgeous frenemy each have several holes how are we going to figure this out?"...I...would? And I do? Its not hypothetical. I am a dude. That's what a lot of media aimed at dudes has, historically, been. Wish fulfillment. Ladies should also get wish fulfillment.
Like, is it cringe to see people geeking out about their porn in public? Yeah. I don't tend to do that, personally. I think that since people tend to see women's desire in a toothless and objectified way, there's a tendency for some people to overlook how broadcasting it can put people off in public spaces. But that's more of an issue of social media cramming everyone into the same space and destroying the barriers between niche hobby spaces and adult spaces and people's public news feeds. The women reading the porn is fine. The women liking the porn is fine. The women talking to other women about how they like the porn is fine. Something annoying you or disgusting you is fine, but then that's kind of all that can or should be said. There isn't a step two. There isn't a step where you should shame and smear people until they never annoy or disgust you.
At this point society's morals are pretty broadly varied. Theres only a few things left you can call someone that are received with the scorn and shame you meant them with in any consistent way. And that's why everyone spends all of their time calling people they don't like either pedophiles or addicts. It's getting tiring.
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11x13kyle · 1 year
stan and kyle have been together for what at this point is probably like 2500000 years, but their relationship was pretty private because stan was in the closet for a while
when stan comes out, it’s another 4-6 months before his relationship with kyle is made public (passive voice because it was NOT by choice)
there’s a lot of relationship speculation, but kyle is really NOT one of the people that is suspected, aside from a couple of reddit posts with like 2 upvotes that say shit like “my money’s on kyle from fireside chats pod”
most of the replies to this are like “dude what the fuck are you talking about. just because they’re from the same place and the same age like next you’re gonna say craig tucker is the secret boyfriend. get real.”
there are anon submissions on deuxmoi about stan
some directly allude to kyle, others are bullshit
prior to being publicly in a relationship, stan and kyle are out to their friends and family on personal accounts but not in the public eye. stan’s socials are mostly business anyway, and kyle’s socials are mostly discourse and drama and bullshit. he mentions having a boyfriend but is very vague about it
that said, they are seen spending time together but its seen more as them running in the same circles rather than them being close (god forbid CLOSE)
*callout post voice* hey can you tag your c/r/i/m/s/o/n d/a/w/n posts???? their lead singer has literally been seen spending time with the f1r3s1d3 guys so he probably shares in their reactionary viewpoints and that makes me uncomfy ://
kyle and cartman occasionally mention an elusive friend named stan and give barely any details about him so people think stan is just some dude that they know irl and not lead singer of hit band crimson dawn
and no one’s gonna think it’s him because stan’s cd persona is just so normal that no one is going to connect the dots and go “oh this batshit insane person from their stories is the same person who is relatively regular on stage!”
there is minor speculation because they did grow up in the same area and are the same age but people enjoy their delusions and cognitive dissonance
speculation is still mostly redditors that get barely any interactions
slightly before the outing butters casually refers to stan as kyle’s boyfriend but people just think he’s being homophobic
this is after stan comes out so people think he’s mocking stan for his sexuality --> butters homophobia allegations, cancellation #832349038 for him. just another tuesday
cartman addresses this on fireside by saying something along the lines of: look, i know butters, and i can confirm that YES, butters knows exactly what he’s doing. he hates gays, he thinks stan is a dumb fag, and he is violently homophobic, and--
people love to ask craig and those guys about it on their podcast but they never answer anything because fireside is the enemy and they actively dislike them
craig answers exactly once with the response: “who the fuck are kyle and eric?” and that’s it
on a personal level, kyle is cool with tolkien and jimmy, but they all collectively despise cartman, so fireside as a pod is not a friend
stan and kyle’s relationship is eventually outed because butters accidentally lets it slip like for REAL on his show and shit hits the fan
“Who is Stan Marsh’s Boyfriend and Why Should You Be Concerned?”
after stan and kyle are publicly an item stan goes on the pod a couple of times, but not until the initial outrage dies down
when he comes on the show it’s treated as a Very Special Episode. kenny guest stars so that he can help cartman to terrorize stan and interrogate him with wildly personal questions
stan fucks around with his answers
“who tops?” “..........we’re both virgins?”
this answer leads to cartman and kenny taking 10 minutes to debate the reality of this assertion
kenny asks if they know about the camera that cartman has set up in their bedroom
cartman has seriously considered putting a cam in kyle’s room so he doesn’t laugh as hard at that as one would think
kyle is so fucking angry. he’s making a pissed off buzzing sound the whole time
at some point, i don’t know when, stan definitely pulls out his cartman impression
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simnostalgia · 11 months
can’t lie dude there’s a massive difference between somebody having a photo of their teen sim in an underwear and “proship” where people openly support incestuous and pedophilic relationships. between you and me (and i’m saying this on anon bc i don’t want to get involved with any of this 😭) all of this is dumb but there’s a massive difference between falsely accusing somebody over THE SIMS and somebody who thinks it’s fine to look at art of a grown ass adult fucking a child because it’s fiction. your concerns are valid but you’re getting that mess of discourse mixed in with this for nothing. had a fun time on your blog while it lasted tho
super long rant but...
I've said this before and people got mad at me but like... I don't disagree with anything you're saying honestly. Like, OBVIOUSLY a full grown adult shouldn't be fucking a child. That's FUCKED UP.
But I mean, clearly the people who said that didn't think so? I mean, isn't that sort of the problem with this sort of thinking? Everyone thinks that THEIR extremely specific idea of what is and is not reasonable to assume is the right one.
I mean, take furries for instance. Doesn't anyone find it weird that we don't target furries that way? I mean, you may argue that "Well, anthro animals DON'T exist so we're not worried about protecting them" But we've seen SEVERAL groups of furries that have actually ended up being active zoophiles but not many groups of fanfic writers who were actually pedophiles working as some sort of cabal.
Like, I'm not trying to throw furries under the bus. But why do we all assume that we understand that it's harmless as they understand the difference between fiction and reality?
I'm not arguing that it's RIGHT or WRONG, I'm arguing that there seems to be no cohesion in what most of the 'progressive sphere' regards as being kosher.
Why is it that we assume someone writing that sort of fiction is some sort of deviant and not just someone who want to see the actors portraying those characters together and yet assume differently for any other kink?
I think there is an ulterior motive to cause bouts of accusations and recrimination in queer spaces and that young queer people were wrong made to believe that this would benefit them, when really this rhetoric just feeds alt-right orgs like Gays Against Groomers.
They know what they're doing. And many progressives in our spaces don't want to hear it because accusations have become a good way to get rid of those you don't like with flimsy evidence and even flimsier arguments. Once someone asked me to help them get rid of @blueheavensims because he was making poseboxes that were 'kind of rapey' and when I was like "'would you be willing to help me contact that advertisers for hunter420x's website, who has actual animations of children being molested" she was like "no, sorry".
and while I'm not naming names, this is someone that many of you know and respect as a simmer with 'good values'.
This isn't about what you should and shouldn't be allowed to write because honestly that was never the issue. It was about giving young progressives the rhetorical tools to destroy themselves for petty interpersonal drama while the right reaps the reward of figuring out how to get queers to accuse THEMSELVES of being pedophiles by co-opting progressive language.
Everytime I see a 20 year old with a 'dni proship' i assume its someone who would spit on an actual SA victim before helping them. You just pretend to care about this shit because it makes you feel like a better person when you're trying to ruin someone's life.
TL;DR: Write whatever the fuck you want. The people who will get mad at you generally care less about you doing it than how it looks. They'll tear down the person who said something they don't like over the actual powerful pederast every time. It's all performative bullshit.
Like, it's not that hard to see what most of you are doing, you're NOT that slick.
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crof-fwf · 11 months
The joke / take / argument about "The Cishets dudes did it again ahh"
Well hello.
As always I make another appearance since I have inspiration to write about the topic of the day. In this case I want to start with a post that I found a long time ago and a recent one, these posts are for reference so I can talk a little about the topic of this post.
Well let's start with the first case:
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Well in the "deep context" is the same discourse about the "Canonical designs vs Fanon or "Fix" redesigns about the cast, in this case the "individual" aimed about how the "Cishetdudes" have an inclination or "preference" about some archetypes of some "redesigns" of Yang.
... So, me being a "Cishet dude"... should I consider this "archetype" of "redesign" like a pander for me?
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... What the fuck?
No . "Where the fuck i should find these "appeal?"
To continue, i also present this quote:
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"All the men in the replies..."
"Mens" in the post: 4 of the 17 replies
1 Sharing 2 fan arts of "redesing" of Yang (not being similar o anything to the "archetype" presented by the "author"; i have to say what that outfits were fine.)
1 Critizing Blake outfit (ended being blocked by the author)
"This is stil better"
2 of the 4 "mens" said that (I don't even know if it was said for irony, but just in case we'll say "yes.") :
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Bonus: a person drags a "redesign video", to agree with the author of the publication:
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"But F0under, you clearly see what they´re joking hehe, they´re mocking "dumb redesigns"
My dear and honorable reader, I know that people make fun of stupid people, however I would like to point out and ask how these individuals have to think that everything bad about "redesigns" being stupid, poor quality and etc. This fandom necessarily tends to say that "The Cishets Guys ...". Although in the case of those 2 individuals who said "looks better" we can leave it in a statement or make fun of the post by saying it ironically.
But anyway, If you ask me about the designs, I think that any canonical or fanon outfit is fine for me (I don't see myself as very demanding)
With this I want to point out what the Fandom is like; especially with the toxic part of the "female fanbase community" tends to be "toxic and prejudiced" when it comes to Yang's redesigns for pointing out an Oversexualization in those designs ( + the "imaginative addition" of believing that the characters' clothing was equivalent to their sexuality... [taking into account the part where she grabs the flag in that fanart]).
As the "first post/case" makes me think of this tendency of using the same phrase, to say a questionable take or make some "rant".
In the next post that will be presented below:
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The author begins by making a mockery of those who make a “Yang x Self Insert” being a reference to the drama “Ships with Yang x Male”.
Although the author insisted (subsequently) that "her publication is not intended to prevent people from shipping any Yang x Male".
The thing is that you immediately think that this is associated with the "Ships between Yang x Male" (regardless of whether the male characters are OC or Canonical)
And within the context (that I understand) it is about how some Fanfics, Fanarts, etc. have existed. That they have always been accused of being cringe and disrespectful. In fanfics: Because of how "Gary Stue" the character is and how poorly they write the characters (especially Yang). In the Fanarts: If it is OC/Canon character it may be because it is a "generic design", as well as how they are represented in said arts.
Thanks to the amount of this "junk content" in this category of Ships, this is how the community has come to imposingly generalize all material that comes from this category (Yang x Male [OC/Canon Character]).
So this category has already become tainted due to its junk content. With this, prejudices and stereotypes for that category are created by the fandom.
But well, anyway. That drama is already so "marked" and "symbolic" that it was honestly no surprise that people made the kind of comments that one would already be imagining… Oh yes:
"PLEAZ, LeT YIkes AL0ne."
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One thing is that the author makes fun of "Yang x Male" (especially in the trash stories) and that comments automatically appear for her that say: "Keep cishet men away from her (yang).
Which is barely left as "a post making fun of "Yang x Male (due to the issue of poor quality fanfics)" But the question now is that she gived "like" to those comments.
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(Sorry... I have the interface in Spanish)
Which makes the skepticism notable and even more so taking into account that in her words:
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Although, one can agree regarding the need to improve the standards of "M/F Ships fanfics/fanarts and the redesigns of Yang". But the question is when people doubt about the intentions behind "that joke." And this doesn't "help at all" seeing that she gives "likes" those types of comments.
And the problem is that it can be implied that she complements the message of her post with the comments that she liked (taking into account that those comments were written in her same post)
This question and doubt about their intentions arises due to how the fandom is earning this reputation of "Hating Cishet dudes", since it seems its the same about how they called out the "Cishet dudes" who criticize the series but also to the fans of those ships (due to the "profile "from those who make those poor quality Ships)
Coming to imply that any content, criticism, Ship, Fanfic, Au, HeadCanon, and much material that encompasses "FanWork" is destined to be of poor quality, offensive, repetitive, and disgusting, as long as the creator is a "CisHet Dude."
And all this "fame" of prejudice is sustained thanks to a minority of users who end up "favoring" that image of the "CisHet Dude of the fandom" that has been created in the fandom, adding to how they are used so that the fandom can affirm and sustain said prejudices based on the activity of said users.
At this point the jokes or arguments of "Cishet types are like/are like:" are being used noticeably and repetitive way. which regardless of whether they use it as a "phrase", "mockery", "joke", etc. They may unconsciously or discreetly make it clear to the rest of the fandom members about their true mentality.
AND NOT. I am not pointing to narratives of "Male Oppressed" and those mental gymnastics stuff, because it is stupid to reduce the intention of my post to this… so I emphasize: "This topic is about RWBY fans using this phrase and always ending up with questionable comments that make you wonder if they are "/j" or if there is "a double intention."
But hey, at least if you are a "Cishet dude" you will already have the idea that you are not welcome in this fandom almost full of misandrists.
But at least you know that I don't judge you :)
Literally when i see these kinds of posts like: "cYzHeTS SaYiNG / CriTIZNG ...", that makes me think that now they are ironically assuming that my 2 dear (female) friends who watch the series are men... I mean, for them it seems only the "CisStraight Men" criticize:
"Ship of the Golden Eggs"
"The Girl Who let her little sister drink that tea because her sister wasn't her neko girlfriend"
"The character with cat ears who has everything at her favor"
In conclusion:
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"Fucking town (or well, fandom in this context), full of stupid people"
Postscript: Hello, I'm sorry if my activity has been reduced lately, and to tell the truth I haven't forgotten about this account since I love writing posts for you... But hey, the important thing is that I have content to share for you, dear ones.
So I will be (trying to) cooking up more topics that will be presented later. :)
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Goody - two - shoes discourse has reached the VTSOM fandom. Ugh.
Just finished Vincent : The Secret of Myers, SPOILERS and opinions on its fan discourse below -  ISTG if another person says ‘Vincent should've seen that bad end coming because he was going TOO much down a dark, vengeful, murderous path and EMOTIONALLY - DRIVEN REVENGE BAD 11!!!’ I’ll go berserk. Bruh, ALL THE CHARACTERS in this game are morally grey (less so for Draco, it seems). Vincent is brutally murdering the core members, and people’s issue with that is that he’s apparently also killing those sidepiece employees who were very selfish but not fully evil, just like he used to be. Now, regardless of whether or not he’s killing the less shady workers too (I personally think it’s not clarified so far, though sparing other pawns like him would make his revenge ethically sound), get out of your asses for once and see how convincing ‘BUT I WOULD NEVER SINK SO LOW IF I WERE HIM, I’D STEW IN MISERY OVER MY TORTURE LIKE A GOOD VICTIM INSTEAD OF GOING ON A BLOODY RAMPAGE TO TAKE BACK SOME SEMBLANCE OF CONTROL OVER MY SHITTY LIFE’ sounds.
 Dude, first of all, once you’re self - centred and socially desperate enough join a cutthroat MNC as their top dirty - dealing lawyer -- and then get fucked over horribly despite reluctantly licking the company’s boots -- you’re also self - centered enough to seek vengeance at all costs. And barring the whole corrupt lawyer thing, being self - centered isn’t necessarily bad. An ordinary person wouldn’t have the means to take on Myer Corp. and that’s why most ‘normal’ folks would just give up on revenge, willingly (if they’re of the insane ‘I will suffer in silence and simply expect to get over the horrible destruction of my self like a good girl’ variety) or unwillingly. But Vincent has the genius, the insider info and the wealth to fuck over Myer Corp.’s experimenters - SO WHY WOULDN’T HE ? 
Yes, his ostensible targeting of a probably memory - wiped Vanora is not at all a good move - in fact it was mostly quite dumb and could’ve been averted since altering memories can definitely change a person’s goals, loyalties, personality and philosophy (Vanora at the game’s start, before Vincent intentionally reminded her of her past, was harmless). But Myer Corp sent her to kill him, and maybe he was paranoid that she could be a sleeper agent, BUT most importantly his terrible experiences have understandably fucked him up psychologically and he’s NOT thinking straight at all. Therefore Vanora and those he killed may be brainwashed company pawns just like him, following callous orders for self - preservation or profit, but it’s hardly easy to empathise with that when you’re stewing in your own hell. That’s something smoothly said but rarely done, and very few of you morality hecklers would be saintly enough to pull it off if you were in his place. 
Do you seriously think that ANYBODY is such a dumb baby lamb that they’ll simply get over their life being ruined, having to eat humans to live, suffering long agony; perk up, fix a smile on their face, and try to live out the rest of their life like they’re fucking Jesus Christ a - okay with being crucified ? No, and whether they were a bad enough person to be called hypocritical for their obsession (like Vincent probably is) DOESN’T MATTER. Because the alternative is fucking unrealistic and oppressive (like Madoka Magica’s bird - brained ‘happier ending’ where the puella magi swallow their pain and straight up have to die so that their pain won’t make them lash out in the only way they can). 
Point is, Vincent’s mad fixation on gorily wiping out Myers IS, as far as we know, NOT good, yes. But given his realistically morally grey personality, his trauma and his circumstances, it makes sense. Similarly, his attempt to kill Vanora after HIMSELF ensuring she’d remember her past and calling her loyal to Myers at heart was SUPER DUMB and horrible - but it makes sense given the above. The world is full of Vincent Edgeworth, Self - Preserving Ex - Corrupt Lawyers. Unconditionally loving, naive, selfless Dracos are rare. 
And tbh, I personally find a fucked - up Vincent very interesting, realistic and poignant. I don’t care that he’s problematic because he’s super well - written.
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mermaidsirennikita · 11 months
What did you mean by twilight being “era specific” in your tags on the reblog about upcoming reboots?
I think that when Twilight came out, the book especially (which built a ground fanbase for the movie to launch from) there was less pseudointellectual web analysis, PLUS there was less care for the genuine problems with the series. In some ways, Twilight Discourse helped propel some early era "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!" puritanical bullshit.
things people weren't clocking super heavily when Twilight came out that I think are legitimate issues:
--Stephenie Meyer is a devout Mormon, and as such her politics seep into the books; the conservativism surrounding sex despite the inherent titillation of "when will they fucking fuck"; the anti-choice messaging; the racism, which lemme tell you, has some Very Specific Implications when it comes from a Mormon author. (Now I.... clocked her as soon as I saw the name "Stephenie", and had it confirmed as soon as I read she was named that for her dad, for reasons I won't get into. But a lot of people didn't.)
--Going back to the racism... It's real bad, and the movies made it worse by casting a white guy the most important indigenous role. Everyone else was played by Native actors. Not Jacob Black, the third most crucial character in the entire series. The fact that they baldly got away with that in 2008? Says a lot. Like, they weren't even trying to pass him off, they just went "well, he can tan". In fact, I think Taylor Lautner SAID he'd work up a tan for the second movie. I mean, he was already pretty tan, the just sprayed him down further. Problem solved, right?
--Nessie is dumb as hell in general, but it's also like... so anti-choice. Like. Bella is literally dying lmao. But not only is it presented as Right and Understandable that she'd want to die to birth this demonic child--the crucial thing about this is that EDWARD, MY MAN, is presented as the bad guy for really, really wanting her to abort. He is being completely logical and a loving partner here. He rightly points out that they have no fucking idea what this kid is, and also, most importantly, he loves Bella and puts her first and wants her to LIVE. Can I just say--unintentionally, the romantic hero everyone was losing their shit over in 2005-2012? Being super about his wife having a life-saving abortion? Kind of iconic. Edward is a pro-choice ally, lmao. (He even tells Jacob like "FINE WHATEVER IF SHE WANTS A BABY THAT BAD YOU CAN FUCK HER IDGAF" in what is. Objectively. A hilarious scene. I've seen Edward antis try to paint this as like, him trying to control her bodily autonomy--dude, Edward could have physically forced Bella to get an abortion. He does not, he simply wants this woman to LIVE.)
But then, as soon as the demon baby is born, he's all in love with her because he realizes she was a Soul Baby this entire time. Lol. No. In a post-Dobbs world, I don't know how you do this, and I think that if you have to entirely redo a crucial part of the series, why. bother. making it.
Never mind Jacob falling in love with a baby.
There are other problems, obviously, but you also have the SAVE THE GIRLS FROM THEIR HORNY DESIRES crowd, who thinks the entire series should be thrown in the trash because Edward is a) abusive because he doesn't want Bella to go be a frosty delight and die or b) abusive because he does want Bella to be a frosty delight and die c) abusive because he doesn't put out (a truly wild take lmao, he's sexually manipulating belly by dangling his cherry in front of her, and she somehow has zero alternatives, certainly not the other guy vying for her hand) d) abusive because he like, tries to buy her a new car and give her nice things...? e) abusive because he doesn't love the idea of his girlfriend hanging out with another guy who tries to kiss her and shit f) abusive because he DOES want her to hang out with that guy and wants her t have werepuppies to distract from the loss of their demon babies.
There is a lot of discourse around Bella, Edward, and Jacob that I find very stupid. I cannot imagine it's going to be any better in a post-Twitter post-X world.
I also think that, frankly? The youth want different things. If they want vampires, they want the Gothic melodrama (and more racially conscious updates) of a show like Interview with the Vampire. If they want teen content, they want teen content that incorporates people who aren't universally cishet and white (Quileutes aside, and as we have discussed... bad).
UNFORTUNATELY, the teens are also less horny, apparently, than they were when I was a teen. Which I think is the result of puritanical stuff/the conservative appropriation and perversion of theoretically solid progressive concepts.... among other things... and we need to make it so that teens feel comfortable with exploring things in an emotionally and physically healthy way. BUT. That's going to take time, and I don't think that the thing that really helped Twilight surmount the discourse, which is that--we Twihards were largely very horny about it--is going to work right now.
Also; if you are not a puriteen, I don't really think Twilight's particular brand of "oh my god, he might just touch my lips while I wear my khaki skirt" horniness is going to work for you, either. Like I said, it was a specific time. The kids who were really anti-sex were less the liberals who are worried about fictional characters' consent being violated when we watched movies... It was Silver Ring Thing kids, who lemme tell you, as someone who did not partake but knew several... Those kids.... wanted to throw down. Really bad.
And so Twilight appealed to that mindset that was like, pervasive in 2008--you don't abstain because you don't or shouldn't want it, you abstain because it's this thing that you will be able to have as soon as it is Right to have it. Like the Jonas Brothers! They did that, right? They really committed to the purity rings, riiiiiiiiiight?
The knowledge that you're waiting for this thing that you have a semi-specific timestamp on (your wedding night) and it's going to be sooo worth the wait (it will not, at least not for a while lol) was this deeply titillating thing for much of the target audience, because that's what Twilight was almost literally evoking. Edward wouldn't have sex with Bella until their wedding night, but he TEASED her. The entire series was arguably abut this leadup to the sex. And boy, was it disappointing! But until it happened, I think the series really captured that breathless anticipation. And I just don't think people are currently very interested in that.
They might as well have been soaking
Also. Bella's dad is a cop.
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
if you go into the totk tag or the totk ganondorf tag a lot of people say the game is racist because ganondorf is a dark skinned dude. lots of folk also say it's racist because they made him green because they're trying to hide the racism
Anonymous said: 😬😬😬 Oh God, not the fucking Ganondorf is racist because he's a dark dude, from a race of brown skin people discourse again. But in case you didn't know, yes totk has been called racist because it shows Big G as being "evil for no reason", Rauro is apparently racist because he colonized the entire hylian race and made himself king over them as a foreigner, and now oppresses the other races that way, and Ganondorf is the only one who stood against Rauro's god complex and is demonized for it.
This tired-ass argument again?!
My God, that shit-take isn't just the town bicycle, it's the post-Pride Parade Glory Hole, that's how tired and overdone it is!
It's especially dumb here because at least in the past (though the argument was still dumb then) people were trying to make the argument 'So, there's only one dark-skinned person in the game and it's the villain? Really?'
But with ToTK specifically, we have more dark-skinned characters that are good versus the one that's evil. Hell, fucking Queen Sonia has dark skin!
And Ganondorf's been green since he debuted. Otherwise he would be fucking charcoal grey with hot rod flames like Demise was.
Seriously, anytime someone brings this nonsensical argument into the sun, I just want to put a caption underneath it that says 'When Westerners Feel the Perpetual Need to Look at Foreign Media Through an American Socioeconomic Lens'
Anon 2:
Rauru. The goat-alien who is a blatant angelic metaphor (the whole 'heavenly beings coming down to bless the common man and bring them to a higher level of existence but fail due to the corruption of man'). Who, along with his sister, is the last of his sparkly magical race. Who married a dark-skinned Hylian woman. And is ruling over a growing empire of primarily-Caucasian elf-people.
Is racist.
Okay. Reading comprehension is obviously dead here in the West and it is leeching over into the video game audience.
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cowboycakes · 2 years
hey sheppie, can you tell me some things you love about johnny joestar 🎤
finn. you shouldn't have asked (yes i'm going to tell you so many things i love about johnny. thank you for asking i love you i squealed when i saw this.) but, like, don't feel obliged to read this. i am in love with him. i am obsessed with him. you've been warned.
tw: my opinion and my own (dumb, prob wrong) interpretation of johnny is in here. like lowkey johnny discourse. this post is kinda sad too. mentions of mental illness and (jjba canon) violence/death. also me gushing about johnny obviously.
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#. johnny is so beautiful. like he has the most breathtaking face ever (esp in official art and towards the end of sbr. official art of johnny is what broke the camels back and made me watch jjba.)
#. prettiest when he cries.
#. i relate to him, and his character makes me feel less alone. he's sad and i am too. it was refreshing to see a male character feeling emotional and defeated and explicitly showing it instead of keeping a straight face. i enjoyed seeing a character who feels perpetually guilty and seeing how that guilt intrudes his mind constantly, to the point that his guilt physically follows him around (as danny the mouse.) he's ashamed and he hates himself. and every time he'd break down from said guilt and shame and self hatred, i would be like "no! its not your fault! don't cry!" and that helped me reflect on my own life... sometimes life hands you shit cards, but that doesn't make you deserving of it. and the human spirit is still built to overcome it. johnny reminds me of all of that.
#. cowboy! yee haw!
#. i love his storyline. i loved how much backstory araki let us see (though reading that shit was painful.) and i love love love johnny's monologues throughout SBR, especially how his narration at the beginning parallels his narration at the end. way to crush my soul.
#. i know he's kinda framed to have "righteous" goals... but imo he's amoral and most of what he does is out of self-interest, and i like that about him. only time he breaks away from that mindset is when someone he cares about is in question.
#. he's a nervous lil guy. i like nervous guys.
#. kissable face. cutie patootie wanna snuggle him. he just looks like he's good at cuddling and he's lowkey wearing jammies. the other day my irl friend was like "johnny looks like he's wearing a onesie" and that's kinda right. his clothes look soft i wanna put them on.
#. he’s got the hottest poses sorry i don’t make the rules. he's always arching his back n spreading his legs n shit
#. we are both horse girls.
#. he's OP as fuck. AND he's willing to throw everything away and sacrifice himself to achieve his goals, which was extremely exciting to watch. like every fight scene with johnny in it had me so hype. like the FUCKING SCENE WHERE JESUS SHOWS UP AND JOHNNY USES HIS NAIL BULLETS ON HIMSELF. one of my fav scenes ever.
#. LOOKS SEXY WHEN HE'S MAD <3333 and when he's not mad he's just being cute. he's so damn cute.
#. hates the american government.
#. dude's kinky!
#. i love his relationship with gyro. canonically, i don't know what it is. i do believe they loved one another, like so so much. i think they had what love is at its core: devotion, loyalty, sacrifice. and they both had goals consuming them the whole time, but their love for one another ultimately outlived those goals, and johnny's love for gyro outlived gyro himself. the way that gyro's last thoughts were of protecting johnny, the way johnny prayed for gyro's safety and it was all in vain, the way johnny ended up carrying the wrong corpse "home." all of it is absolutely gut wrenching and i cry about it daily and it makes me love johnny's character even more.
#. i love his sarcasm and deadpan expressions
#. TUSK!!!!! tusk. the cutest ever. that's my baby. and the way Tusk is named after a song from my favorite band... Araki did that for me and only me. i love that tusk evolved as johnny's character developed. i love how johnny freaked out when tusk first appeared. like dude chill that's just a little pink guy.
#. i love his name. jawny.
#. johnny showed concern for lucy when barely anyone else did. and lucy deserves the world. so.
#. stupid little hat with stupid little hair horns
#. fat booty.
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Okay, I've never told this story before, mostly cause the kink in question has A LOT of discourse [NOTE: I don't have an issue w/ the kink myself, but I don't participate in it anymore] & I don't want people focusing on that part [when I was a dumb kid who didn't understand what the kink was or even what kink was].
Also parts of this story are just cringe & :/// & it's like embarrassing to share-
Okay so-
I was 14 & this dudes FRIEND messaged me [I was on those teen dating tumblr pages for context. Also it was a page for ddlb [or ddlg, cgl, mdlb, mdlb, etc] for teens] asking if it was okay for him to message me. Allegedly he saw my post on said friends tumblr & liked me, but didn't have tumblr himself, so he asked his friend to message me on kik - which he had. So idk why his friend messaged me on kik instead of him messaging me, but I digress. [But now that I think about it, I don't think either of them SAID "He doesn't have tumblr" so he might've had one]
She was like "My friend saw your post & wanted to know if you wanted to talk ?"
So I was like "Sure, whats his kik ?"
An important thing to note is my age range was 14-15 MAYBE 16, since I was 14 & didn't want to talk to people older than me. Also I expressed several times I was strictly SFW & didn't want to be I'm a polyam relationship.
Okay, back to the story.
So I message him & was like "Hey is this [him] ? [His friend] gave me your kik. Sorry if this is the wrong person
IMMEDIATELY after confirming he is that guy, he is like "So are we dating ?" Like ?!?! Mind you I don't know this guys age, anything about him, etc
So I was like "Uh we just started talking- How old are you ? Where are you from ?" & he said his age: 17 [Seventeen]. [He also gave his location, but that doesn't matter]
Again, I made it clear I preferred someone 14-15 MAYBE 16
But I was 14 & had no backbone so I decided to give it a shot.
After giving his age he asked if we were dating AGAIN, & I was anxious, so I was just kinda like "Sure".
Now a lot happened, so here are the major things:
-Tried to pressure me into getting a third, then when I agreed & we found someone, he lashed out at them [apparently the third in question had a BF [somehow he found out but I didn't ?] & the BF was chill w/ him having a second dom [me] but not anyone else. Idk]
-Pressured me into sexting [again, after me expressing wanting to be SFW only]. It basically went
Him: "Pllzzzzz"
Me: "No I'm not comfortable w/ that"
Him: "Please"
Me: "No"
Then back & forth until I relented
-Weirdly got upset that I roleplayed having a dick & was really hung up on the fact I didn't IRL [he knew I was trans but he was like "But you have a pussy ://"]
-Tried to pressure me into sending nudes/videos of me masturbating [basically went the same as the sexting - I'd say no, he begged, I'd say no again. BUT the GOOD news is my dumbass couldn't figure out how to take pics/vids of that, so I didn't send any [Thank fucking god] & eventually he dropped it]
-Again I was the hhh dom :/// so he'd have me stay up late writing him bedtime stories
-Sent me a video of himself jerking off w/o me asking [& we weren't like sexting]
& probably other stuff I'm forgetting.
I was so much of a pushover, I had to send an ask to a DDLB account I followed at the time [idk the account] basically explaining the situation & asking "Is this enough to break up over ?" [Hint: You don't need a reason to break up. If you aren't happy, that's reason enough to leave. But even more so if the relationship distresses you !!!] & obviously they were like "Yeah ofc !!!"
So I DMed him & tried as nicely as I could to call things off [I don't remember what I said but I don't think I brought up any of these issues] & I remember being in the lunch line, trembling, sending the messages & reading his reply [which was basically "What the fuck fuck you" & other similar unkind things].
This happened a while ago, but I still think about it a lot, mostly due to the fact I'm always worried I'm overreacting ? Like obviously it wasn't a healthy relationship/dynamic, but I see some people say 14 w/ 17 is 100% fine & other say it's gross & I think it's gross, but do I only think that because of this specific instance ? Does it class as grooming or am I grasping at straws, which doesn't make sense for me to do cause it's not like I want it to be grooming or something, but still. Was this enough to have triggers from ? [His name, which I'm kinda over [became a fan of a band w/ a guy who has a similar name, so that helped], & an emoji, which I won't disclose cause while a lot of people I know use it, its easier to just scroll past than to ask people not to use it. Especially since there are assholes who would use it just to upset me [I don't think any of my friends/mutuals would, but I mean strangers who see] ]
Idk the point in making this - I don't think I've told the story in full, besides my NSFWtwt account, but still......
Theres one other similar story I've been wanting to tell, so idk maybe I'll tell that one too. But this post is long enough, so not here [maybe a second post or a reblog]
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blessyouhawkeye · 2 years
...they also said they wouldn't consider putting trigger warnings on the kinnporsche novel because they felt the novel's content didn't require it. (that's just like. patently untrue but the way from what i've heard the novel makes the series look like a kid's movie.) those two points are kind of broken telephone information...
The thing I don't understand is, if book readers have already told you that the book is already full of problematic themes in addition to explicit r*pe scenes, and you know you are triggered by it and can't handle it, why would you still voluntarily choose to read the book???
A great portion of the English speaking KP online community has taken the advice of other book readers when they tell them that the novel is a dumpster fire, don't read it... people who aren't even triggered have abstained from reading the books simply because it's not good writing style wise or they simply don't want to read those types of scenes...
Book readers have also given disclaimers on the type of stuff in the book. If you are easily triggered, why would you still choose to read it? It doesn't make sense???
literally what did i say about not wanting to get into discourse. but also this ask is so baffling to me.
i haven't read the book. i don't plan to, not because of the content but because it's fucking terrible. i don't think it needs trigger warnings because i'm "easily triggered" i think it needs trigger warnings because of the lengthy and graphic rape scenes. saying people who are "easily triggered" just shouldn't read the book is a fucking insane statement that 1. pins the blame on the person who would be negatively affected by the content (most commonly SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT, which is why that turn of phrase is NUTS to me) and 2. takes the accountability away from the authors, who should be aware of the very serious subject material in their novel and not take it as lightly (like they currently do).
also, as someone who doesn't speak thai i have the unique experience of hearing about the novel through people who have read it, due to there not being an official translation or decent fan translation. so i know the content of the novel because people who've read it warn international fans about it. BUT IT'S A THAI NOVEL? NOT EVERYONE HAS THAT EXPERIENCE? SO weird of you to frame the conversation about the novel and trigger warnings around ENGLISH SPEAKING FANS?? thai readers deserve content warnings too, especially since the show has gotten so popular and people might be seeking out the novel for the first time.
i don't want trigger warnings for me personally i want them for everyone, especially those would would actually be affected and for those going into the novel blind.
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abusivelittlebunny · 2 years
I hate to bother you again but. You should really finish sandman. Like everyone is unhinged, hot and gay. And i really, really wanna see more stuff with dream getting dicked down so i trust you with it <3
OK major spoil and piping hot tea warning ⚠️
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Alright I finished the sandman so here's my personal and might be controversial opinion: I did not like it. I didn't hate it, but I definitely did not like it. I watched the whole thing but honestly I only started because I was in a really bad place and wanted to distract myself by watching some dumb show but the thing is that there were a multitude of things that distracted me but by how frustrating they were.
Listen, I've never read the comics, I've no idea what the discourse is about in the main tag I'm not on Twitter I don't care I don't care, this is just my own opinion and if you do not agree with it or you've enjoyed it yourself then hey kudos to you, I in no way want to take that away from you it's just that I... have beef with it. Not even beef, just frustration.
The whole show is going way too fast, they want to pack as much action and information into every single episode that it just becomes more like a too fast too spinny Rollercoaster where you don't even know what's happening before it's over which is not to say that the plotlines are obscure and deep and if you didn't catch that reference you won't get it, no, the show makes everything very spelled out and very - as we say in Hungarian - chews the food for you and spits it into your mouth. But because of this too fast pace we get no time to emotionally attach ourselves to storylines or characters at all, even Dream is a character we can't feel much sympathy for even though he's the main character because we keep cutting back and forth between different shit happening constantly. The cutting is actually hilarious to me in the first few episodes, -it was ridiculously bad - later on I just didn't pay much attention because I was mainly drawing while occasionally glimpsing up at the screen and mainly just listening because otherwise if I pay too much attention I get too frustrated. So yeah this is more of a put it on in the background and don't take it seriously kind of media.
There's also the problem of like... the acting? Besides the nonsensical storylines (like Dream said his siblings were well-aware of his imprisonment but none have come to his aid and then Death gives a speech that (for me) felt pretentious and made no sense of how she was "worried about him" and how "stupid and self-centered" Dream is for not reaching out to her after he escaped??? Then talking of how she missed him at the family dinners??? Girl literally move a piece of grain to break the fucking dust circle keeping this hoe imprisoned and don't act like he's the one selfish for being traumatized and having abandonment issues. It also pisses me off about her that she's like oh well that ain't shit dude wanted eternal life so you know what sure let's grant him that but then she takes the baby away saying yep that's all you get like. She talks like she's compassionate but does not come across that way at all no matter what music they put in on the background.)
The lady from doctor who who plays Johanna Constantine like. Cannot act for the life of her its so distracting. She has one facial expression and does not change it no matter what the context is, and in that way I sadly have to say she's a good followup for Keanu Reeves' John Constantine. Make no mistake, I find Keanu Reeves lovely, he's a great and gentle sweet person with the most beautiful face on God's green earth and I love the John wick movies he's great at action scenes, but the dearie is not a good actor. Wooden and feels awkward as shit. Same as her. Very beautiful face, very unable to act. The whole storyline with her losing a kid she adored and then her ex girlfriend just felt so horrible to watch but not because of the inherent tragedy of what we witness but because her acting makes us unable to take in that scene. The ex gf's last nice dream is of them smiling at each other on a field but the supporting actress gives so much more depth to it than Johanna who even when she should be acting outraged and concerned we get nothing from her performance nor after when she says goodbye to Dream. There's plenty more where that came from (Lyta's crying scene made me laugh she tried so hard not to show enough grief that would ruin her beauty that it just looked funny) but I had to mention her especially because she really made me want to stop watching altogether. That's not to say there's no good performances in the Sandman tho, the actor that plays Desire completely caught me off guard they are incredible: they barely had any time on screen but they're so expressive and unique and made a shiver run down my spine from just one smile and that chuckle had me screaming its like bestie is compensating for all the bad acting alone I hope to see more of them in the future.
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There's also the thing that this show feels more like a collage, which is funny because in the extra episode recently dropped the writer's book that gets Calliope's powers is said to transcend and merge genres which I could feel regarding this show but not in a good way. It doesn't feel innovative it feels like ten different writers are trying to cram in their own ideas of what this show should be about and it feels like a turmix of ingredients not belonging together; the gore feels weird after the whimsical scenes, the Disney like wonder of dreamland is cut short by dwarf Cain putting a red hot poker through dwarf Abel's face for being too sweet, the discussion of loss and trauma and need for love feel meaningless when the cereal convention is shown in such a "fun" "badass" light where a p*do gets screentime with p*do jokes when he's around a kid that make you not laugh but think who the fuck let this be put on screen? If the show wasn't so crammed these contrasts might not feel so obvious but I get that Hollywood is going on 8 lines of pure coke per second and they need to put everything out in as short amount of time as possible, not trusting that these tiktok teens will keep watching if there's even a second of trying to digest what just happened.
There's also a lot of cringey stuff that just made me hurt physically, like the constant Keira Knightley pouting of the main character dude with the Bella Hadid cheek sucking in and the same Edward Cullen stare but I'm sure plenty 15 year old girls who experience this for the first time will wet themselves because they didn't live through the Twilight craze of the late 2000s - early 2010s; or most notably the fight scene between Lucifer and Dream that just made me think of elementary school girls in recess role-playing ponies that freaked me the fuck out when I was a kid. I just kept thinking yeah they gotta dnd fight because Gwendoline Christie could break that cracker biscuit twink in two with a snap of her fingers if it was a physical fight.
Contrary to popular belief I don't think racial and sexual diversity is enough to compensate for the lack of good writing, I think it's a cheap shield to shrug off criticism and dehumanizing to these marginalized groups, which is also very ironic in light of the extra episode where the crusty writer dude says that he wants to cast women and poc for his on screen adaptation and then publicize it so the studio can't back out due to the public backlash it would cause. Very self aware funnily enough. There are also a lot of very convenient resolutions to plots that have me roll my eyes back into my skull constantly but let's not get into all of them because I'll never stop complaining.
But I know you didn't come here to hear my opinion on the show itself only the emo twink in it so let's get into that.
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Sure, Morpheous is fuckable, sure he's princess pretty, sure he's a bottom, but the type of bottom that is like how dare you make assumptions that I, an Endless, would enjoy a phallic object in my-kyaaa~♡ so yeah he's a pretentious little bitch that would rather die than ask for what he wants and you will not pull it out of him either you have to fucking read his mind and bear with the disappointed pout when the sex didn't turn out as he didn't fucking wish for. He's also an utter pillowprincess, if you get him into bed he'll not even raise his own legs you have to spread them for him because he's too proud to do so himself even though he loves to get his guts rearranged. I bet he secretly has a kink chamber for his own... well, dreams of what he wants to be done to him where he gets pushed around, held down, savagely taken by a very well trained dream meant to serve him in the most delicious way possible without him having to ask for it. He basically creates himself a pro vibrator rather than ask Hob to fuck his mouth like it is the source of eternal life.
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Another gay I want to talk about is the Corinthian. Because he's really a great character and I do believe he's a one true dom vers. He'll rock a twink's shit to Hell and back, and you know he's all for watching as your eyes turn all blissed out when he's milking your prostate, BUT I also think he's a great powerbottom. We mainly saw him flirt with twinks but I do like to think he gets the occasional sexy big bear daddy within his charms and powerbottoms the soul out of them. I mean this stance alone is telling: sexy long legs and sweet strong thighs that'll bounce that ass up and down your dick at such a pace you're two seconds from Heaven and you haven't even tasted those milky tits yet. I mean, if evil why he milfy?
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Dream: Corinthian you were my greatest creation I had so much hope for you, you disappoint me greatly-
Corinthian: says the bitch that can't ride nor suck dick so he makes up noncon scenarios for himself where he doesn't need to do all the work 💅
Dream: 👁👄👁
Corinthian: btw how big is Hob's dick or will I get to suck it before you? He might want a bottom that tells him exactly what he wants and two extra holes to stick that dick into-
Corinthian: see I can suck dick while maintaining conversations and having a sippy from my drink at the same time-
Corinthian: you just mad I can get dicks in the waking world and not make myself dildos out of sand-
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Corinthian: *gets unmade*
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 324: Is There a Force Field Around Him??
Previously on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal was all “please tell Midoriya that I spent a concerningly small amount of money upgrading U.A. into a wacky physics-defying funtime grid so as to make the final battle much more confusing for everyone.” Present Day!Mic (or Present!Mic, if you will) and Jeanist were all “if only somebody could deescalate this dangerously unhinged mob, we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.” Ochako was all “LISTEN UP PEOPLE.” The mob was all, “god??” Ochako was all, “NO, IT’S ME, OCHAKO. I’M REALLY HIGH UP ON THIS BUILDING AND THE VISIBILITY IS LOW DUE TO THE RAIN, SO I CAN SEE HOW YOU MIGHT MAKE THAT MISTAKE. ANYWAYS, DEKU WAS OUT THERE RISKING HIS LIFE FOR YOU CLOWNS EVEN THOUGH HE’S JUST A KID, SO I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IF YOU COULD ALL REMEMBER HOW TO BE DECENT HUMAN BEINGS, THANKS.” Let’s see if her Big Scolding Energy has any impact.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “so I have this speech planned out, and it’s really good, but it also only really needs about 6 to 8 pages, but I’m gonna see if I can stretch it out to 17 pages so I can kill time before we get to the next volume cliffhanger two weeks from now.” Anyway but it really is a good speech though. There are feels, and tears, and more talk about how Deku is so in need of a shower that just looking at him requires a tetanus booster, and more feels, and more tears, and bonus ship drama, and an iconic callback to the very first chapter which reframes the entire series in a new context in a totally epic and moving way, and it’s all very good. Except that Horikoshi is determined to never let anyone actually give this kid a hug. Who hurt you, dude.
omg we are opening on a callback to chapter 212, a.k.a. the chapter with by far the cutest flashback that doesn’t involve any baby Todorokis
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baby Ochako is lethally cute. she could literally murder someone with her cuteness. I just want to scoop her up and play airplane with her until she accidentally activates her quirk while we’re spinning around and we both helicopter up into the air never to be seen again
“a child’s insistence” huh well that’s all well and good, but I sure hope this doesn’t mean we’re going to drag out the whole “sternly lecture the obnoxious citizens” plot for another whole chapter. no offense but I think we’re good
so page 2 is just continuing the whole happy/worried faces monologue, which of course is very important to Ochako’s character as it provides the context for why “who protects the heroes” ended up becoming her thing. and this is making me think we actually are in for a whole second chapter of this sob. when will my boy finally get to rest
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HORIKOSHI: [reaches for a box of tissues while tearfully penning an homage to his beloved Spider-Man 2, specifically the train scene where the crowd sees Peter without his mask and they suddenly realize just how young he is]
lol at this one guy who can feel the mood of the crowd shifting and is all “WAIT, NO, I WANTED TO KEEP BEING AN ASSHOLE DAMMIT”
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as many pointed out last week, this man is wearing an All Might shirt. that’s some fantastic irony there
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“LITTLE GIRL, I HOPE YOU’RE NOT SUGGESTING THAT WE SHOULD ALL BE WALKING AROUND DRESSED LIKE A SOVIET-ERA BUS STOP.” heh. last week I said I was ashamed of BnHA being my favorite manga. that was a lie, actually
(ETA: in the original Japanese Ochako’s next two lines are basically “the only ones covered in mud will be us heroes!” followed by “please give us some time to get rid of the mud”, with that second line basically being the single funniest thing I’ve ever read rdslkjl. Ochako thank you so much for supporting my running gags. “YEAH WE KNOW HE’S DIRTY. WE ARE GONNA TRY AND CLEAN HIM UP, BUT IT MAY TAKE A WHILE, I’M JUST SAYING. I MEAN LOOK AT HIM. HE LOOKS LIKE AN ASBESTOS COSPLAY.”)
doesn’t the megaphone kind of look ever so slightly like an axe that she’s wielding maniacally here
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easy there Lizzie Borden
also that’s a really bold claim to make there. and not one she necessarily should have to make, either. but as we all know, there’s nothing that shounen manga likes more than having its heroes bravely hoist heavy burdens of responsibility like good self-sacrificing citizens
p.s. lowkey loving how Kacchan is positioned here standing slightly behind Deku. not presuming to stand in front of him all overprotectively (because he would hate if anyone ever did that to him), and kind of being unobtrusive and letting others take center stage -- but still being close enough to Deku that he can catch him if he stumbles or passes out again
(ETA: or maybe not lmao.
DEKU: [falls to his knees]
KACCHAN: [glancing up from his phone a few minutes later] “someone just sent me the stupidest meme about milk crates -- oh. uh. you good...?”
really, son. “the burdens you can’t carry, we’ll carry them for you. ...later, I mean. right now it’s late, and we’re all cold and wet.”)
also lowkey loving this OchaTsu moment here
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I was going back and binging Ochako chapters this past week for reasons, and I gotta say it really stuck out to me just how often these two are paired with each other. they do everything together. it’s a really sweet friendship that often goes unappreciated but it’s very cute
meanwhile, not to be outdone by the OchaTsu, Iida is staring at Ochako with open admiration talking about how she’s fighting too. it’s been so long since we’ve had any IidaRaka you guys. I was starving and I didn’t even know it
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THE LIGHT IS BACK. he finally looks like him again. what a cathartic fucking moment omg
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BUT, jokes aside, truth be told this is the exact right approach to take imo, and something that’s long overdue. I’ve said this before, but this new generation of heroes is shaping up to be much more transparent than the All Might generation. they’re basically abandoning the almighty, untouchable Superman “heroes as gods” concept in favor of the more nuanced “heroes as people” concept instead. and that’s a good thing. seeing their heroes as humans, with human limitations and weaknesses and flaws, will hopefully not only lead to more scrutiny and accountability, but also more awareness of how hard some of them are working and how much they’re sacrificing. that’s something All Might never quite grasped back at the start of the series -- that the weak, vulnerable, injured him could be just as inspiring as the mighty, invincible him -- perhaps even more so. there’s a power in seeing otherwise ordinary people show extraordinary bravery and compassion. it inspires others to try and do the same
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so he was still back at the hospital this whole time?? smdh at this disrespect. that feeling when your sexy self-insert character’s powers of rationality are too strong, and so you have to nerf him so that he doesn’t ruin your Deku Angst arc twice over by (1) immediately talking some sense into Deku and making him come home Right This Instant Young Man, and (2) not allowing him to leave U.A. in the first fucking place. excuse me, you want to do WHAT now, Midoriya?? that’s it, go to your room
also living for Katsuki and Hawks’s soft expressions. Shouto’s too, although his is tinier and harder to see. and Jeanist’s 12-foot-long neck. imagine Jeanist’s head with Mic’s hair. maybe Jeanist had a mohawk back in the day and that’s why U.A.’s doors are so big now
speaking of soft faces, Enji’s is also excellent
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what could this random close-up possibly imply?? hell if I know. but Horikoshi truly fears no discourse and that’s what I love about him
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“smh my child is so dumb.” poor Ochadad. your child is cute af count your blessings
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I’m telling you guys. lethally, catastrophically cute
this speech is still ongoing lol. Horikoshi you’re doing so good but I think we get the point now my dude. you gotta learn how to transition out of these things
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“there we go” Horikoshi says, crossing off the last line on his list of Ochako ships. “that’s all of ‘em”
poor Ochako is just repeating the same “LET HIM REST, PLEASE, WITH EVERYONE’S COOPERATION, IF YOU DON’T MIND, WE APPRECIATE IT” talking points over and over again hoping someone will throw her a bone and acknowledge her already. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP HER
literally they’re all just staring up at her silently omg. work with me people!!
now she’s saying it for the 56th time but more dramatically all of a sudden
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they got so dramatic that for a minute I thought she had suddenly leaped off the building or something
look, not to rush you or anything Horikoshi, but I’m starting to get the feeling that this is yet another one of those “the volume is ending soon so I need to either hurry things up or slow things down in order to make sure we end it on my perfect cliffhanger ending” chapters where you go to ridiculous lengths to drag things out much to the exasperation of your week-to-week readers
(ETA: ftr, volume 31 ended on chapter 306, and I’m predicting that vol. 32 will end with chapter 316 (a.k.a. “you’re next!” [explodes]). I’m guessing vol. 33 will follow suit and likely end on chapter 326, so keep your eyes peeled for a big cliffhanger in two weeks’ time. Deku’s dad?? All Might in peril?? U.A. traitor at long fucking last?? we shall see.)
is Deku straight up falling in love with Ochako right on the spot lol what is happening
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I know I just said that I enjoy when Horikoshi gives zero fucks about discourse, but shipping discourse is a whole different beast lol. I hope he’s prepared
(ETA: and for the record, I have no interest in shipping discourse either, as always. and I think this scene can be interpreted as platonic, tbh, with the context being that Ochako was literally introduced as someone who was willing to help him so casually without a second thought, and now here she is saving him again.
I don’t think it really fully hit Deku until this moment how much he needed saving. like I said in another meta somewhere, selflessness is basically just selfishness on behalf of others. and Deku is selfless to a fault, but that’s okay, and it doesn’t mean he needs to change -- he just needs friends who are willing to be be selfish on his behalf in turn. and I think the full emotion of what it means to have friends like that just hit him at last. everything his friends have done for him, how much he needed it and didn’t even realize, and how grateful he is. anyways what a terrible day for rain.)
-- son of a --
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is he apologizing?? or pleading?? please tell me that’s not the case, because what the actual fuck. Deku you beautiful precious radiant selfless child, this is the exact opposite of how this should be. all these motherfuckers should be on their knees apologizing to you
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A KOUTA IS GOOD TOO!!! oh my god if Kouta hugs him I will seriously 100% straight up cry. go on and test me
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is this man expressly forbidden from drawing hugs in his contract or something. DO YOU DO IT JUST TO SPITE ME?? this is tyranny, sir
AND I KNOW, THIS PAGE ACTUALLY CHALLENGED THE VERY PREMISE OF THE SERIES ITSELF, AND HERE I AM COMPLAINING ABOUT HUGS, OR THE LACK THEREOF. “this is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes.” and just like that, he waves a polite middle finger at all of the Strongest Greatest Chosen One shounen protags of old, in favor of something much less conventional, much more interesting, and much more suited to Deku’s character. because if that one sentence doesn’t just sum up Deku to a T. he gladly relinquishes his Greatest Hero status in favor of acknowledging the hero in everyone. what a class act. that’s my protagonist
I love this kid so fucking much I swear. only just PLEASE. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. GIVE HIM HIS HUG
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deadletterpoets · 2 years
I don’t want to say I’m shocked but I honestly don’t know how TT can see a tweet that was not even directed towards them and somehow make it about them and have so many people who work at DC apologize to him about it while never addressing the actual person who was being harmed in the tweet. He said it wasn’t about shipping but only an hour later wrote under a tweet “exhausting” when someone tweeted: it kills me that comic readers are raging war on the internet today about a comic book couple that haven't been together for 30 years now.. 30 years !! Give it rest kids!” Is he really that ignorant? Does he really not see what he did was so wrong. I honestly hope Anna Diop is okay and knows she’s so loved.
Yeah, it's all a fucking mess. First off a lot of the DickBabs vs DickKory discourse isn't even from Kory or Anna Diop fans, it's often DickBabs ppl starting that feud (including Tom Taylor) so the fact he acts like he hates seeing the feud is dumb as fuck when he helps instigate the shit so much. Then the actual problem here was that ppl (while the actual screenshot was just one person we know it's many ppl attacking Anna Diop for years) were using his Nightwing book and the ship of DickBabs to send racial attacks to Anna Diop and not once does his "thread" that he tells ppl to read actually say anything about Anna specifically as she's the one being attacked, but of course he throws in a "I've been attacked too, but this isn't about me" and yet you found a way to make it about yourself anyway. He just generalized the specific racist attack and then compares it to attacks he receives as well.
And because he brought it up we got a whole ton of comic book professionals continuing to ignore the original racist attack on a black women to console the white dude that's so sad people are being attack, including him, but this isn't about him. Shut the fuck up, Tom.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Oh look at that, Patrick yet again confirmed to be a rusty, sticky doorknob intellectually with his whole "I KNEW ABOUT THIS CUT AND JENSENS MOTIVATIONS ALL ALONG."
So here's the real tea: the original line was that. They even recorded that. Jensen, himself, recorded it, and wasn't even aware it was cut, because he talked about the scene as if it involved Cas at a convention. (x)
And that's before Meredith's personal friend went on a twitter rant correcting you inconsolable dipshits about how upset everyone was creatively it was cut and how important the original form was.
I cannot emphasize this enough. That is the exact opposite of what Pat thought it accomplished. It's another walking piece of shit Jensen was tired of happening, that he's going to stop.
Congratulations, Pat, you just put on display The Whole Problem Jensen Is Fixing.
Good game, dipshit.
stop dude, just stop. you literally cannot comprehend how embarrassing this is to watch you guys scramble to find an answer that works for you on. I promise there fucking isn't one. There's no magical key. Every one you've tried just opens the door more to what Jensen's doing and you're refusing to catch a clue.
stop dude. just motherfucking stop. I'm not fucking with you. I'm not rolling you. There's a reason you're striking out at every swing you're taking dude. just stop, jesus christ, you have no idea what's happening.
i know you wanna pretend real real bad I'm making it up like the original ending or the omissions or the pilot or any number of things but I'm sorry, it's a fucking thing, and it's happening, whether you're on board or not, and I'm begging you to save yourself weeks and months of embarrassment and failure and to just kindly shut the fuck up until you actually figure out what's going on, rather than trying to build a defensive shield to imagine what you WISH was going on.
I genuinely don't know what Pat, Vinnie, Kelios, lolj, Rowan think they're doing in this discourse. Genuinely. They seem to think everyone's working off the same wild ass extrapolations they try to rise from the pile with only to be immediately kicked in the face by reality every time. Like 6 weeks is coming in 6 weeks whether you want it to or not dude. Time's gonna keep moving and reality's gonna keep moving forward, and it's going to keep following the same damn path you're teapot shrieking in denial of and looking for any door out, only to smash into walls when you try.
maybe the whole point on their end is to spread misinfo and dissent in the final weeks? I genuinely can't tell, but that's the only "net positive" they could perceive yielding out of these futile antics.
Go pay another 5K to someone, Patrick, maybe they'll tell you what's happening then.
I know at this point just about everyone that matters has figured out how full of it the dude is, but it's worth calling out now here, among all things, while he tries to stir dissent against this show out of fear of it.
christ, DUMB motherfuckers.
I keep coming back and editing because I'm just overwhelmed how DUMB they are. They thought the boycott was about jared and "failed" even though every post said it was about stressing CW tax bracket to force sale which is exactly what happened. They denied the ending, the ommissions, the pilot.
DUMB motherfuckers I can not emphasize this enough DUMB MOTHERFUCKERS.
Cannot figure out why I've been so goddamn smug since December 2022 and over arguing with or entertaining their bullshit fucking points while they were convinced I should be miserable and feel like I lost something with that finale lmfao
it's just. Pat unironically sourced The Entire Problem Jensen Is Fixing, and willfully and maliciously--and frankly ignorantly--attached the liability in its removal to Jensen when that made zero sense to begin with even from outside view.
DUMB motherfucker.
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Hey I was the person who sent the tomura/tenko ask! I just wanna clarify that I mostly avoided the fandom because of all the discourse so now it's like... diving into it and seeing people take "sides" is feeling like I am sitting down for a test I didn't study for. I have a pretty good idea in my head (I was in camp "same person but trauma makes things weird") and then I see 1 *slightly* convincing argument and it's like "well this person knows more than me". (1/4)
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Ahh, I see.
Well first: I'd be curious to see what slightly convincing argument it was, because any argument that sides with the "Tenko and Tomura are different people" take is usually just full of bullshit lmao. Me, and several other people I can think of off the top of my head could probably rip it to shreds, and probably have already in countless metas about the subject.
Second: Tbh, the "villains should just be killed and put down" crowd doesn't even bother me at this point. Canon has worked against them so hard for the past two years that any time I see those arguments I just go "Oh honey, it's okay" (derogatory). The people who have bothered me with this whole Tenko/Tomura thing are actually people who like the villains, but for some ungodly reason view this as "I lost my favorite character and Tenko is a character I don't even know >:(" type of situation. Which, in one of those links in my previous response to you, I linked to that very post where I said that that was just really plain dumb. Because they're the same fucking person. Lmao. No, the people who bother me are the ones who want "Villain King Tomura Shigaraki" to reign supreme and completely break character for their own fanon version of him. I am not holding back anymore, that is literally how I'm reading those takes. Which dude, if that's the version of Shigaraki some people like, that's fine! But if you're gonna send me an ask about it--get ready for my response. Lol. This take also is followed by what I personally consider to be completely fanonized versions of the League as a whole and each League member, but that's a rant for a different post.
I ranted about that whole situation here this morning actually lmao.
Third: You really don't need to find logic in it. Because it's symbolism, nothing more. There is no physical manifestation of Tenko that is going to emerge from the vestige and takeover Shigaraki's existence. It's symbolism, and it's put there for us readers to understand what the author is trying to do with Shigaraki. It's also there for the protagonist to have a gateway into Tenko's heart and mind and find out the root of the issue and save him by addressing it 1 on 1. Because much like the rest of the League, Shigaraki does not disclose what's actually on his mind. He trauma dumps his complicated, messy emotions on people--but until MVA he didn't even understand the source of those messy emotions. After he recovered his memories--guess what--he STILL didn't disclose that information to anybody! Not the League, not anyone. That's why it was such a breakthrough for Izuku to see the crying child inside--the real representation of what's going on inside Shigaraki's head. Because Tenko isn't just the solution to saving him, he's also the answer as to why he needs to be saved in the first place, and the answer to what he needs to be saved from. Because it isn't just AFO he needs rescuing from, he needs it from himself too. That's why someone has to help him, and that's why little Tenko was shown to the main character--so he could start somewhere and work toward reaching him and digging him out of the dark pit Shigaraki is currently in.
I get the anxiety from reading bad takes, or even slightly convincing arguments that back a bad take. But honestly I've relaxed a lot since around this time last year, and I've stopped caring what other people say if I can tell that they're basing takes off of what they WANT and not what they're actually seeing. I try to read objective (as much as possible) metas that use manga panels and context to back their arguments, and that's usually how my mind is changed on things (and my mind does get changed a lot from these types of posts!). Or on other occasions, how I find other people who think the same as me, and it's comforting. I ALSO try to be as objective as I can, by using manga panels and dialogue to back up what I'm saying. I suggest making sure if you're reading people's metas, make sure they're backing their argument with canon by using manga panels and dialogue from the characters and such, and not just saying what they find ideal and most appealing and saying that it's what is happening, when it's not. You can avoid a lot of annoying, stressful takes that way.
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darlington-v · 3 years
I’d say fundy and wilbur is more neglect if anything, primarily only when pogtopia happened. Before then, he was if anything too overbearing but with good intent imo
anon idk how to tell you this but neglect is still abuse.
like, if your parent is neglecting you, they are abusing you. because they are neglecting to give you the care that, as a parent, they are obligated and responsible for giving you.
like child abuse is primarily about not fulfilling your responsibilities as a caregiver. like abuse from your caregiver is different from abuse from a friend because you have different expectations of those people.
also??? no???? dude, c!wilbur was emotionally neglectful during the lmanburg period as well iirc? and overbearing with good intent doesn't make it NOT abuse. along with the fact that he wasn't just being overbearing, he was infantilizing fundy. like, maybe it was out of a place of care, but it is still infantilizing.
put the dumb minecraft roleplay out of your mind, though, because parental neglect, ESPECIALLY emotional neglect, is becoming a bigger and bigger issue as parents continue to just shove an ipad playing cocomelon into their childs hands to stop them from crying. parents just shove a screen in front of their kids now so they don't have to take care of them.
now... not providing your child with love and care is abuse. it is emotional neglect and it has lasting affects that c!fundy continues to display. he throws himself into the arms of the next person at the slightest sign of affection because his dad didn't give it to him. he was too busy with work.
this is a real situation that many kids AND abused adults can relate to. this situation can literally be applied to real life situations. like, i'm tired of this like "c!wilbur didn't abuse c!fundy" bullshit because like this is wayyyyy too fucking close to home for MANY people on the internet.
kids who grew up on the internet get this. and if you're a kid that was raised by the internet and you think your parents didn't abuse you, i got news for you!
they did. regardless of their intentions, the facts are that parents who do not raise their kids, do not provide care, INCLUDING EMOTIONAL, for their kids, have abused their children.
but keeping their intentions in mind is how you, the abused child, can repair your relationship with your parents or AT LEAST recognize that they were probably trying their best. keeping their intentions in mind can help you place yourself in their shoes and ease the anger and pain that comes with that.
the intentions are important but they do not take away the fact that the child was still abused. like i said, context is important for abuse. it helps us learn, it helps us understand, it helps us find the strength to forgive.
but this is NOT something imma argue about because, as a victim of parental neglect, it will get me so pissed off that i won't be able to coherently respond. and iont wanna deal with that!
i avoid c!wilbur and c!fundy discourse because i cannot mentally handle strangers on the internet telling me my abuse isn't REALLY abuse because some fucking british twink plays their meow meow in a minecraft roleplay. my statement at the end of the abuse post is for self reflection for a specific set of people. it's not an invitation for debate because, like i said, i aint arguin about this.
@fishjuice can provide more insight on c!fundy and c!wilbur, but i won't argue about it.
you can politely ask me about parental neglect in good faith, though. i could talk about that shit all day because it's super important to me and i know waaaaay too many people who can relate on some level.
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