#I didn't want ro have to figure out how his hair would work in a profile perspective so boom
panlight · 9 months
Here's my annual ask to see how the Actual Consequences Universe is chugging along. At this point Renee and Phil know, Bella's back in contact with everyone, the Volturi are becoming aware of the situation (IIRC). What goes down this holiday season? Does Bella have to explain herself Aro? Do any of Jake's kids phase? Does Leah ever reconcile with everyone?
So in 2022, Renee and Phil met the Denali coven, and Eleazar realized Renee's latent talent and how potent it is, and that if she became a vampire and could wield it intentionally, it would border on mind control (since MS retconned Renee to have this sort of mental beacon that compels people to help her). Cullens are worried that the Volturi may find out, and lo who calls during Christmas but Aro, but he's calling about something else: they have Joham and at least a few of his children in Volterra, and requires the services of the world's only practicing vampire doctor.
By 2023, Carlisle knows all about hybrids. He's been to Volterra and done physical exams, written up some papers, did whatever imagining and testing that hybrid physiology will allow.
But Carlisle spending any time in Volterra also means that Aro pretty much HAS to know about Charlie, Renee, Phil, etc.
But Carlisle is a favorite of Aro's, and for the moment he is useful to him as a vampire doctor, so Aro just sort of laughs it all off. Caius of course wants to murder them all for breaking the law but but Aro points out that the Cullens technically didn't tell anyone. Billy told Charlie, and Charlie told Renee and Phil. So they get a reprieve, at least for this year.
Christmas is the first time the family has been together in ages; they all agreed that Bella and Alice shouldn't be anywhere near Volterra or Aro might be too tempted by the powers and try to keep them somehow, but Carlisle has spent a lot of time there over the past year, along with Esme, Rosalie and Emmett. Rosalie because she's also had medical training. Esme, meanwhile, has made it personal mission to befriend and cheer up Marcus. It's only sort of working.
It's just the Cullens in person this year, in Europe (but not Italy) while they check in with Renee and Charlie over zoom. They're happy to be together but everyone's lowkey exhausted. Carlisle and Rosalie from their studies of hybrids; Alice from watching out for the family as well as Renee, as she's definitely on Aro's radar now; and everyone from the way knowing hybrids are possible has just shaken up their mental health. Rosalie and Esme are especially haunted by this. THEY can't have children, but their husbands theoretically could. And the children would be half-vampire, so it would be safe to keep them and raise them, whereas adopting a human child would always come with risks. Edward is flailing between "omg I could have impregnated Bella with one of those creatures and killed her!" and "Bella and I could have had a CHILD!" Rosalie and Emmett talked about surrogacy but the conversation ended up in a fight they are still working through. Esme is pretending everything is fine and she isn't constantly daydreaming about raising a child with blond hair and blue eyes, but Edward knows.
The Cullens have not been in the Forks area for the last year, so Jake's really shocked when his teenage son phases. Quil is still phasing because of how young Claire was when he imprinted (sidenote: still hate this part of canon, but), so he asks Quil to look after Willy and try to figure out why the transformation was triggered. They can SENSE a vampire, smell him, but they can't SEE him. It's very strange. Jacob, VERY RELUCTANTLY calls the Cullens. "Can your psychic leech tells us if she sees anything? Is this something to be worried about?" Leah and Seth are with him for Christmas and she rolls her eyes to high heaven about this. She's glad the Cullens are in one of their castles in Europe or whatever this year, but--and she'd never admit this in a million years--she sort of misses Emmett and Rosalie. Doesn't miss her step-sister Bella at all, though.
Jacob's call is a welcome distraction from the hybrid and Volturi drama, so Alice spends Christmas afternoon scanning possible futures. She can't see the wolves, of course, so it's tricky, but eventually she has a vision of Edward and herself going back to Forks and Edward reading the mind of a vampire they can't see. Or, really, can't look at. Edward promises the vampire they won't hurt him, that they just want to help, and Alice opens her eyes in the present and says, "He's a survivor of Victoria's newborn army. His name is Fred."
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Absolute Corruption | The Unplanned "I Do"
Warnings: 18+, tooth rotting fluff, extremely brief allusions to sex.
How do I breathe without you, if you ever go? How do I ever, ever survive?
A late-night conversation while on a trip leads to a sudden life choice that neither Hector nor Adeline will ever regret
I may have cried while writing this... a few times.
Word Count: 1.3k
Hector & Adeline's Wedding Playlist | Picrew Link | Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Adeline wakes up to the soothing feel of Hector's hand running along her spine, his fingers splayed across the skin of her back beneath her sleep shirt.
She tilts her head up, resting it against his shoulder, humming happily, "Good morning."
He kisses her forehead, making her smile, "Good morning, beautiful."
"C'mere," She cups his cheek and pulls him down to meet her lips.
He grins into the kiss, sliding her off him just enough to lean over her, hand gripping her waist.
"Amor," He breathes as he pulls away, "I have to ask you something."
"Mmm, what?"
"You said something last night," He says. He strokes her cheek, chest warming at the way her big blue eyes look up at him, "Something about... if we got married."
"You asked me if we got married if I wanted you to take my name and... Adeline, have you been thinking about getting married?"
She looks like a deer in headlights for a moment, pink quickly blossoming in her cheeks, "I-... I have."
The way he smiles is swoon-worthy before he swoops down to kiss her again, "I love you."
"I love you," She beams back.
He tugs her hips against his and pulls away just enough to press his forehead to hers, melting at the way she chases his lips.
"We should then," He murmurs and she freezes.
"As soon as we get home."
"Why wait?"
He looks at her confused and she tries not to laugh, "You know, the captain of a ship can legally marry people, right?"
"That sounds like something you need to book a time in advance."
"If you want the whole ceremony, sure. But, I bet if we talk to concierge, we could figure something out."
His nose squishes into her cheek when he kisses her hard, both of them laughing as they pull away.
"Are we doing this?"
"I think we are... Now go put some clothes on so I can take them off you later," She smirks, nipping at his bottom lip.
She lets out a shrill giggle when he dives down to messily kiss her neck, his voice muffled against her skin, "Fuck, I love you."
They spend the next ten or so minutes wrapped around each other as he pulls at the loose collar of her sleep shirt, kissing and biting wherever he can reach.
It isn't until a low moan spills from her mouth does she remember there isn't a wall separating their bed from where her sister is sleeping, "Where's Ro?"
"She went to breakfast an hour ago and texted that she was going to go lounge by the pool," He hums against her throat.
"Hey," She lightly tugs in his hair, softly guiding him up to her lips and he lets her, pressing kisses the whole way, "Let's go get married."
The woman at concierge is stunned when they call, to say the least. But she assures them she'll do what she can to pull the captain aside for them.
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"Problem," Ada pokes her head into the bathroom where he's trimming his beard.
He looks over at her, eyes going soft when he sees her little pout, "What's wrong, my love?"
She leans against the doorway, fingers tapping against the tile, "I didn't bring anything white."
He tries to hide his smile as he wipes his face, "Is white really appropriate?"
Her eyes go wide and she slaps his shoulder, "It's Traditional."
"Since when has anything about our relationship been traditional?" He teases.
She nods with a slight shrug, sidling up to him. Her hand is warm on his chest when he pulls her close, "I have the dress I was gonna wear to dinner tonight. Do you think that'll work?"
"Amor, you could wear your pajamas and I would still think you're the most beautiful person on this ship," He purrs down at her.
"You're just saying that so I'll do that thing you like later," She scoffs. Her finger drags down his pec, blushing at his words.
He gently lifts her chin to meet his soft smile, "When have I ever made light of your own beauty for my own gain?"
"There's a first time for everything," She breathes against his lips, heart stuttering when her kisses her softly.
"Not this time, my love."
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"Rowan!" Ada gasps, pulling Hector to a stop in the hall, "She needs to be there. Where did she say she was?"
"At the pool, but-" She cuts him off by tugging him in the direction of the pool deck.
"She could be soaking wet for all I care. I just want my sister there."
And she is. Still in her bathing suit, wrapped in a big towel and barefoot, Rowan stands in next to her sister, dripping on the carpet.
Ada and Hector had rushed her out of the pool so suddenly, she didn't even get to ask what was going on. But now she's excitedly bouncing on her toes because two of her favorite people are about to get married.
The blue of her dress compliments the color of his dress pants and pairs well with his dark green button-down.
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They stand in front of the captain and Hector takes Ada's hands in his.
He slips her mother's wedding band from her right ring finger to her left and lifts her hand up to press the sweetest kiss to the metal.
"Hector, do you take Adeline to be your wife?"
"I do." He beams down at her.
"Adeline, do you take Hector to-"
"I do!" She answers quickly, squeezing his hands. Her cheeks warm, almost embarrassed at her own eagerness if it weren't for the hearts in his eyes.
"Well then," The Captain chuckles, "I pronounce you husband and wife."
As soon as the words leave their lips, one of Hector's arms wraps around her waist and the other holds the back of her neck as he pulls her into a deep kiss. Her feet leave the ground and she kisses back just as hard, burying her hands in his hair.
Rowan's little cheer pulls them back to the world and she suddenly throws herself at them, hugging their waists.
"You're my brother now!" She says excitedly.
He and Ada share a look before they start to laugh.
"I suppose, legally, yes, I am, Sappling," He grins, pulling both of his girls closer, "Does this make me a Rooney?"
"I think... " Ada's fingers lightly holding his chin brings his attention back solely to her, "This actually makes me an Escaton."
There's no way to describe the feeling that fills his chest, complete adoration isn't enough. He suddenly cups her cheeks and kisses her again, even deeper than the last time.
"So then, Mrs. Escaton," He grins as he pulls back, giving her lips another quick peck, "My everything... What should we do now?"
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It's after dinner, Rowan has gone back to the room and the newlyweds are enjoying a drink together in one of the lounges when they hear a familiar tune being played by the band.
Hector sees the soft and almost longing look on her face and he stands, offering her his hand.
She doesn't bother trying to hide her blush as she takes it, "Since when can you read minds?"
He chuckles and pulls her to his chest, his left hand finding her waist, "I've always been able to read your mind, Adeline. You're an open book to me."
There's a few other couples on the dance floor, but to them, as she threads her fingers into his hair and lays her head on his shoulder, they're the only ones in the world.
He leans his cheek against her head, kissing her temple.
"And besides," He pulls away just enough to give her a small spin under his arm before tugging her close again, "I think it's about time we had our first dance."
She squeezes his hand tighter and hides her face against his neck. Then he hears her sniffle so he holds her closer and kisses her hair as they sway to the music.
"I love you," She says quietly, "I don't know how I ever got so lucky."
"I assure you, I'm the lucky one here."
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manawari · 1 year
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"I feel so horrible. . . " Hae-in groaned as she plopped her head against the table.
Yoon-ho and Jong-in shared a look at each other. The latter cleared his throat and spoke. "What is it this time?"
"That. Bastard. Lee. Minsung." Hae-in bumped her fist against the wood to emphasize each word.
"Oh. Figures." Jong-in shrugged and sipped on his drink.
Yoon-ho shot him a disapproving glare and looked at his poor friend. "What happened? Did he arrive late on your date together?"
"Late? Pfft—" Hae-in scoffed and lifted her head. Her eyebrows furrowed in indignation as though she was about to commit a crime. "Worse than that! Do you know what else he said to me instead of apologizing? He wanted to see someone else!" She exclaimed. Her two friends had to look around to see if anyone had been affected by the outburst. Hae-in sighed and combed her fingers through her hair. "I feel like the biggest idiot for agreeing to go out with him— and for the love of God, can't he have some respect? I wasted one hour waiting for his ugly ass to come!"
"Told ya he's a lunatic." Jong-in huffed as he brought the sushi to his mouth.
"At least you know what kind of person he truly is, Hae-in. You're way too good to settle for someone like that." Yoon-ho comforted her. "Just focus on your career as an athlete!"
Hae-in sighed. Deep inside, she was lucky that she always had friends to reach out on without feeling shy. She had her fair share of luck and misery in her life, and sometimes, she felt the misery part weighted bigger than the other.
Then, her phone vibrated against her thigh, so she took it out and looked into her notifications. . . Only then to sprung from her seat. Eyes wide at the message sent by her roommate, Lee Ju-hee.
[ L. Ju-hee: hey! I just left the apartment and I so SO sorry for the late notice, Hae-in. It was urgent and I didn't have time to wait for you to come home— I had to see my grandmother in Busan and will be spending two days there. And as you know, I will be moving in with Byung-gyu as well since his place is closer to the hospital we are both going to work at. Again, I am incredibly sorry for leaving with telling you, Hae-in:( ]
Even with a racing heart, Hae-in managed to type her reply.
[ C. Hae-in: it's okay, Ju-hee! There's nothing to apologize about since you had a family emergency. I'll be fine:) ]
[ L. Ju-hee: oh, really? You better not be overthinking with the expenses while I'm gone! Luckily, Byung-gyu already called someone who is also looking for a place to live. I'm sure you both will get along fine:D ]
[ C. Hae-in: stop treating me like I don't know how to live independently. . . ]
She shut her phone with a sigh.
Ju-hee had been her roommate for a year, and during those twelve months created many memories Hae-in dearly cherished. She was the first female close friend she ever had. Although Hae-in knew Ju-hee would soon move out once she got accepted into the hospital she had been dreaming about, she didn't expect this to happen so fast.
Fate didn't even give her some time to recover from that awful break-up.
She wondered who was her new roommate going to be. . .
Hae-in hoped it would be a decent person, not the type who would be giving her headaches. She dealt enough with those people and she did not need to live with a random person under the same roof.
Once she returned to her apartment and headed to her door, Hae-in inserted her keys into the keyhole and twisted the doorknob open. The first thing she noticed when she had made her way inside was a couple pair of shoes in the small shelf, which she formerly shared with Ju-hee, and it didn't take her long enough to realize who they belonged.
She didn't anticipate that she would be meeting her new roommate sooner either.
Hae-in walked into the living room and found some bags tucked next to the couch. And a person was standing in front of the window with his back facing her. He wore a pair of jeans and a shirt that had a hood.
Wait. . . She was going to share a place with a guy?!
"Um, excuse me?" She cleared her throat. "Are you the new roommate Min Byung-gyu had called?"
"Oh, yes. That is me." He turned his head to meet her. A friendly smile was written on his face. "Please to meet you. I'm Sung Jin-woo. You are Cha Hae-in, correct?"
Hae-in nodded. "Yes, I—" she suddenly paused. She looked at the man again — black hair, fair skin, sharp features, and a strong build to match his tall height. He looked quite different than the last time she saw him. . .
Her heartbeat accelerated. Did he not recognize her?
Sung Jin-woo. . . One of her classmates in senior high school. A former track and field athlete. One of her closest friends who had gone to same university as her. The guy who radiated charisma that sometimes could be intimidating if someone was not able to keep up with his level. And the guy who was obsessed with reading a series that featured an army composed of shadows.
And the most shocking of all. . .
Her ex.
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principal-of-business · 2 months
Enough time has passed, despite her need to say something she doesn’t. Days go by, and she’s worked up the courage to make a move. Tara knocks gently at Schlatt’s door but is quickly gone thereafter. When he eventually goes to open it a plate of lemon italian sfogliatine sits before him. It took her days to figure out what to make, maybe she wasn’t reaching out to him but the entire time she was trying to fix things in her own way. Preparing herself to make the perfect attempt to show she cared. She researched what he liked, paid some random freshman who watched his content 20$ to confirm she was making the right choice, then spent the next few days testing and remaking batch after batch until she had finally done it. Could she have asked Ro for help? Yeah, probably. But that wasn’t the goal, SHE wanted to make this right. This was her simple gesture, not to push him but to maybe…hopefully show she cares. She was an idiot, but she cared. The note read:
I’m sorry, I’m an idiot. You didn’t deserve that, I have no excuses. I’m just incredibly sorry to have lost your trust, and friendship. I’ll give you as much time as you need… I really hope you’re okay. -T
Schlatt had spent his time mostly in his room since the events of the impromptu quad party. It was not unlike him to do that anyway, but it was even more apparent how secluded he made himself to the rest of the house. He only went in and out for classes, avoiding any contact as much as he possibly could with anyone. He had taken to drinking in his room when he finally had a stash again, day drinking on the daily by himself while he worked alone with his cats.
Of course, he didn't open the door or go to answer it when he heard the knock. He assumed it to be Rosanna honestly, trying to check in on him. Or worse, it was Finn, but he knew that he had been avoiding him too and knew better than to think he would anyway. Or even worse.... no she definitely wasn't going to try to talk to him after what he did. Honestly, he had been doing his best not to think about it all.
Why did he have to be right there when she said it? Why did she gave to say it while Finn was on the table with him?? Why did he even get so mad to the point of explosion?! It seemed like the answer was lost at the bottom of a bottle of whiskey and Schlatt was aiming to find it.
When he eventually goes to leave his room to find dinner, alcohol still hot on his breath and burning through his system, he almost misses the little pastry on the ground and was about a hair away from stepping on it. For a moment, he admittedly thought it was an attempt from Rosanna coaxing him to come out like a cat in hiding. He was ready to just walk right over it until his eyes catch the very important letter at the bottom of the note.
His brows furrow now looking down at it, fully noticing just what exactly he was looking at. A lemon ricotta pastry, one of his favorites that he didn't talk about often to anyone. He might've once mentioned it in his early streaming days, but he was surprised anyone actually knew such an intricate detail about him. It almost wigged him out staring down at it, but at his core, he was still fuming, fueled even more so with the alcohol in his system.
How dare she try to level with him in such a way.
There were so many things that ran through his head on what he could do (a very prominent one being to smash it up and leave it out for her to see it). Instead, a scoff somehow managed to escape him, a short laugh erupting while he shook his head in disbelief of it all. He finds his hands closing the door, bolting it up behind him and deciding to just order in for the night.
Why even apologize? After the spectacle he made?
Well he had to make a point.
When it all initially happened, he was surprised she even said it so closely to him it to begin with. But to assume anything about him, especially about "Rose", was what really had him riled up. She didn't even know the half of what was going on between the two of them! She didn't even know "her", or Schlatt! Or any of his business!!
He hated people making assumptions about him, that was for sure.
God the whole thing had him pissed off as he stewed over it while waiting for his food, he hadn't realized just how hard he was clutching the neck of the bottle until the mouth shattered just a bit in his hands, surprising even himself just as some of the whiskey spilled on him. He cursed loudly, lucky that his cats didn't react so harshly this time to his blow-up as he went to clean up the mess he made. There was no glass anywhere but on his hands, some blood washing down the drain as he cleaned himself up. It was then, eyes met his own in the mirror just as he went to return to the bottle, fully getting a better look at himself in the dim bathroom lighting.
A deepened scowl was worn on his face, whiskey stained at the corners of his lips with an icey glare in his tired eyes.
....Why did he even care so much?
It wasn't like she was talking about Finn...
.....And a pastry really sounded good right now while drunk...
He sighed to himself, heavy steps stumbling out of the bathroom back over to the door and slowly unlocking all the bolts to open it again. By the time his eyes adjust to the sight below him, the pit of his stomach tightened in disgust.
There on the ground, a tiny trail of ants had already taken the creamy pastry hostage, crowding around it and trailing away with bits of the breading.
He rolled his eyes at himself, palming his forehead and trying not to gag while he stared down at it.
Of fucking course.
As if right on queue, a notification buzzed on his phone that his order had arrived and was waiting out front for him. With a heavy sigh, he stashed the untouched note into his pocket and picked up the plate to take outside with him as he got his food, tossing the whole thing into the dumpster before he headed straight back into his room for the rest of the night.
Divine Judgement, he guessed.
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gracieiseverything · 1 year
In celebration of Anti's Birthday, please have this G/t fanfic called: Ĥªppƴ ɓıřṭđªÿ țø mĕ....
Ĥªppƴ ɓıřṭđªÿ țø mĕ....
Anti's pov
It's once again my birthday and I have no one, well there's the other egos but they don't even know I exist. Let me explain...I am an ego created by Seán, but the thing is I'm only two inches tall. Because I didn't "appear" when he made me, he thinks he failed.
I've been watching them for a few years at this point, I would love nothing more then to be with them...to...not be alone anymore, I was supposed to be evil according to Seán, but I'm not. I've been living as a borrower since, including following the rules: don't be seen, don't get caught, don't take more then you need, don't take anything that will be noticed if it goes missing.
I think all of them are out right now, I should be able to grab some stuff. I grabbed my makeshift tools and got to the entrance of the hole in the wall in the kitchen, I made sure that it was clear for me to go and it was. I hesitantly stepped out on the countertop and scanned the kitchen, my eyes lit up as I saw chocolate chip brownies, I started running towards them.
I figured I could take a little and have it as a birthday treat, blinded by my love for sweets, I didn't hear or see Jackie come into the kitchen. As I was running, I suddenly ran into something and fell back, it was glass, I paled as I looked up and saw his red gloved hand holding the glass down.
He bent down to be eye level, I'm hyperventilating because I don't know what Seán has said, or if he even told them what he wanted me to look like. I backed up against the glass wall, terrified of getting hurt or dying.
Jackies pov
I was walking around the house, bored as fuck when I wandered into the kitchen. I thought I was dreaming but when I rubbed my eyes it was still there, I walked closer to the counter and grabbed a glass and placed it over whatever was running. I bent down to look at the thing when my eyes widened, not only was it a tiny human, but he looked like the rest of us.
I took in his features and noticed he had dark green hair and a thin red line across his neck. I think Seán described one of his failed egos like this guy, I believe Seán said he wanted his name to be Anti and that he was supposedly evil. But how does he exist? I tipped the glass so he fell to the bottom and I brought him to my room.
I noticed he was crying and had curled up, I looked at him confused. I placed the cup on my dresser, I thought about calling Seán and asking him to come over. I mean he would know more about this than I would, I called him and he picked up after a few rings.
S: "Hello?"
J: "Hi, it's Jackie"
S: "Hey whats up?"
J: "How fast can you get here?"
S: "Is something wrong?"
J: "Not exactly...you know how you told us you tried to create another ego but it didn't work?
S: "Yeah....what about it?
J: "I think it worked, I think I found him."
S: "Really?! I'll be right over."
I hung up the phone and walked back into my room, as soon as I looked over to where I had set him, he glitched a little and was now outside of the cup. I gasped and he noticed me, he went to teleport away. "W wait! I won't hurt you I promise." He stopped and just looked at me for a few seconds before sitting down. I got closer and he started hyperventilating, "Hey, how did you do that? Getting out of the glass?"
I was genuinely curious because I had never seen anything like that before. "It was how I was created..." So he is one of us. "Want to move to the living room? Also is it ok if I pick you up?" He hesitantly nodded his head. I smiled and gently picked him up and held him to my chest as I walked from my bedroom to the living room.
I set him on the coffee table and as soon as I put him down, there was a knock at the front door. He looked a little pale but I reassured him that nothing bad was going to happen, I walked over to the door and opened to reveal Seán. I ushered him in and brought him to the living room.
Seán's pov
I was playing a game in my room when I got the call from Jackie, I was skeptical at first because when I tried to create Anti he didn't appear. Why show up now? How did he even show up? I instantly got an Uber to go to the ego house, when I got there I thanked the driver and walked up to the door and knocked.
Sure enough Jackie answered and waved me inside, he took me to the living room but no one was there.... I knew it was too good to be true. Jackie seemed to read me like a book because he pointed to the coffee table and then I saw something small sitting there, upon taking a closer look I realized he looked like me and Jackie. My eyes widened and I sat on the couch he looks exactly like how I imagined him... "How?" I breathed out.
Anti's pov
Jackie soon came in with Seán, he looked around and then looked sad a little bit, Jackie then pointed to me and Seán followed with his eyes. When his gaze landed on me, he bent down to take a closer look and then his eyes widened as he sat on the couch.
He asked how, and I was hesitant to speak...I know I'm supposed to be evil and that he wanted me like that, but that's probably the only thing that didn't happen when he brought me to life. I wasn't sure how he would feel about me, or if he thinks I'm the bad guy and wants everyone dead. I took a deep breathe and started talking....
"I've been here the whole time....when you created me a couple of years ago on this day, you believed that I didn't show up. I did, but I wasn't human size, when I "Woke up" I was this size....I got scared and ran into the walls and have been living there ever since then." They both looked at me surprised. "Wait, you've been living here? Why didn't you come out sooner?" Jackie asked me.
"After Seán believed he failed I heard him talking to you guys about what he wanted and had in mind for me....one of those things being that I would want everyone dead and that I was supposed to be evil. I'm not though, that's the only thing besides my height that didn't transfer over. I was afraid that if I showed myself, that you guys would recognize me from what Seán told you and you guys would try to....kill me."
I hugged myself still afraid of getting hurt, I didn't want to look into their eyes, they were both silent and that scared me. I slowly looked up at them and they were staring at each other, I looked back down at the coffee table, just waiting for them to kill me. "Anti..." I looked up and Seán had grabbed me, I whimpered a little but he hugged me to his chest instead of crushing me then and there.
"You're safe here." Seán said. "Anti, you're one of us, we would never kill you or hurt you intentionally." Jackie chimed in, Seán nodded his head in agreement and I started tearing up. I won't have to be alone anymore but then Seán realized something and pulled me away from his chest.
"Wait....you said that on this day a couple years ago....that means... today's your birthday isn't it." I nodded my head and they both smiled at me, Seán handed me to jackie...."I'm going to call the others and tell them." Jackie nodded his head and Seán left to the kitchen, I looked up at Jackie wearily because, well I mean, I'm supposed to be the villain and he's the hero.
Even though I'm not evil and don't want to hurt anybody, that doesn't mean he won't try to get rid of me, he hugged me to his chest. "Welcome to the family Anti, you're stuck with us now whether you like it or not." I walked over to his fingers and hugged one of them the best I could. Seán came back and asked what I wanted for my birthday...."This is the best present I could ask for."
"Wait, is that why you were on the counter in the kitchen?" I nodded my head slightly. "I was planning on taking some of the brownies sitting out and taking it back to where I lived, I didn't plan on getting caught." Pretty soon the others came and met me, they were all really kind and caring towards me. I did get some brownie as a birthday treat, not only that....but now I have a family and I don't have to worry about hiding from them.
Everyone was telling me how they can't see me being evil or even wanting to hurt anyone. This is the best birthday ever, even though it started out scary....everything is ok now, better then ok actually. They all accepted me into their family and I couldn't be happier, I'm glad I decided to try and steal brownies today, because this was the result.
Happy birthday Anti
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ty-does-blogs · 4 months
A sore subjcect
Summary: It had only been about half a month since the team managed to get both harry's daughter jessy and their friend Rory back from zoom. But they all could tell the that something had changed in them, as well as their relationship with harry.
final word count: 867
Note: This wasn't supposed to be more than one part but here we are, now three parts involved
Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3
trigger warnings: Mention of kidnapping and mental abuse, and addiction talk. Please read at your own risk
The two speeders skidded to a stop in the cortex." Whats up?" Rory asked placing their hair in a messy ponytail with a clip." We wanted to walk with you rory." Caitlin said standing up from her chair as harry walked into the cortex followed by iris and joe. Barry nodded his head and slightly leaned against line of the desks." Talk about what? Guys im fine." Rory said in a slightly defence tone. They didnt mean for it to be that way, but trying to force them to talk wasn't going to help." Come on dude, we all can see how zoom messed with you. Just wanna make sure your okay." Cisco said holding his hands above his head in defence.
Rory rolled their eyes in annoyance." I said i was fine, i dont need to talk about what happened with zoom." They said again. The team could tell it wasn't working, barry moved his hand over his face before looking to harry for an idea. Harry let out a soft sigh before walking closer." Ro, talk. You know im the last person to know anything about feelings. But i know this is hurting you." He said reaching to take their hand. Rory scoffed and pulled back." Okay, you know what. You wanna know how zoom tormented me saying that no one cared?" They said sighing, one hand moving over brush over their face." How he constantly reminded me i wasn't fast enough to save any person i care about?" Rory said moving further way from the group as the memories of begging with zoom seem to flash right behind their eyes. Harry's hand want to try and touch ro's shoulder but they jolted back." I told you i was fine." Was the last thing anyone herd before their silver lighting flashed through the cortex and out of S.T.A.R. Labs before anyone else could stop them. The team blinked in confusion at what happened, they wanted to help but it seemed it had the opposite effect.
The decision to look for rory was one the team didn't have to make, they wanted to give them space. But they had to make sure rory was okay." i found them, jitters." harry said into the phone as the team had let out a collective sigh. Harry watched as rory thanked the person and dashed out the other side." Now where did they go?" Cisco asked looking at the monitor." Maybe to be alone?" Jessy said walking into the cortex. The team looked to see her and nodded." Does anyone know where that would be?" Barry asked as they noticed, that no one knew them. Yes, rory had kinda grew up with the pair. But there was always a wall between them and the team." I know. Harry said before breaching to star labs, then to them.
Rory skidded to stop, finished the coffee and walking closer to the cliff face. This was their quite spot, one where all the cares and faults of the world didn't matter. One where rory could think. A sigh left their throat as a familiar square box was pulled from their black leather jacket. A small laugh left rory's lips as they reached for one of the many cigarettes in the box, lighting it up and taking along drag." Well this is a sight i thought i've never see." A familiar voice said, rory closed their eyes tightly." Your not real zoom, Your made up by my head." Rory mumbled to themself before taking another long drag." that maybe be so, but im just as real as you make me Addict." The figure taunted. Rory took a deep breath in counting to ten before looking back over the city scape. Taking in another drag rory sighed. They had been clean but all this zoom stuff made them pick back up the habit." So that what you decided to do?" A new voice asked as rory's shoulder tightened." What harry?" They asked in a defeated voice, now wasn't the time they wanted to talk." Look, im sorry about the cortex. but im serious about making sure your better." He started and reached over placing a warm hand on rory's shoulder." I should be fine, honest harry." Rory said looking over, the city lights reflected tear stained tracks that fell down their face." You know im an addict?" Rory asked looking back over the city and light another cigarette taking a long pull from it. Harry shook his head." I mean i've seen the coin you carry in your wallet, but i didn't want ask until you told me." he said standing next to them on against the railing. Rory sighed and placed the cigarette in between her mouth before pulling the coin out." This is what showed almost four years of being clean." She said and lowered her head." why don't you breach the team here and i can talk about it." Rory said with a small sad smile, lifting their head to look at harry's blue eyes. He nodded with a smile back and walked off to breach the team here as rory prepared to finally let team flash in.
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insertdragonpun · 3 years
I drew some Kami things because she is my baby and is so fun to draw.
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acatslifeif · 2 years
ROs reaction to, while they are sitting somewhere alone and minding their own business, MC silently walking into the room and sitting in the ROs lap just snuggling them and placing their head on the crook of the ROs neck? All of this is done with MC being quiet because maybe they had a bad day
I wanted to make one for everyone but it seems my mind won’t cooperate haha. So here’s three of them :)
Matthew sighs to himself as he sits on the floor, the room is filled with darkness, with no light in view. his hand hitch when it makes contact with the rug. He winces, removing his hand to stare at it, clenching it afterwards.
He halts when he hears soft footsteps coming toward him, the figure of a cat showing itself.
How weird, he thought that he made his intention clear this cat is stubborn. He sighs, lifting his hand to turn on a lamp, which makes the room a little brighter.
When doing so, he can’t help but notice how gloomy the cat looks. He lifts his hand toward them to try to comfort them but stops abruptly when doing so, the cat is not far away from him, scanning every movement he does.
The cat, however, took it as a sign to make the first move as they lean their head in his hand without the slightest hesitation, purring.
It’s soft, their fur. It’s easing his mind, ever since the cat been with them..When was it the first time he was that relaxed? No thought comes rushing into his head. He thought, pulling them into his embrace.
A whisper escapes his lips, one the cat would not be able to hear.
“Please – please stay by my side”
Kal types on the computer – a click there and there – the mouse sliding in almost every direction.
Work can be tiresome sometimes, but it's a must. Arranging the paper in the designated files, and emails. They clap their hands together, they deserve a small break, and they will gladly take one.
They reach for their coffee when they hear a small meowing near them, they look around to see where the sound comes from, only to find [cat!mc name] sitting between their feet. They smile lifting them, setting them on their hips.
Well, this is the kind of break they wish to have, and where they thought they didn't deserve it. After a couple of scratches, they return to work. After all, it won't finish by itself.
By the time they finish their work, they lower their eyes to look at [cat!mc name]. A sleeping cat is now resting on their laps, smiling to themself, they pet the back of your furr, making you purr in your sleeping state.
“You truly have brought the happiness we’re lacking, [cat!mc name],” they mutter, booping the cat’s nose.
They lay their legs on the largest stick the tree could offer, their back laying on the tree. The sticks move by the wind, the rustle of the leaves..and the screeching calls of a feline below them.
They sigh, wondering what they want this time, they won’t fall into their charm, they won’t – yet they did. The cat is resting on their laps, they let out a curse for falling for their baits once again.
They wonder if the tree can even support both of you, well the cat is small so they suppose they’re fine – for now.
They’ve never been this close to an animal, only butterflies. Are they as delicate? Are they fragile? What happens if- all thoughts dissipate as the cat starts to purr, making their eyes light up with anticipation. They smile at them, moving one of their hand to rest it on the cat’s heads, their fingers making small movement that ruffles the cat’s fur.
Their hair gets in their view as a small breeze blows. The sky is painted with shades of purple and orange. One would call it a cliche, yet the most beautiful thing out of everything would be that little feline who is now sleeping on their laps.
"Sleep tight, you little one"
Thank you for the ask <3
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Never Letting Go - Vexen
Pairing - Vexen x f!reader
Warnings - none! just an overwhelming about of fluff and a little bit of angsty thoughts.
Word Count - 1504
Notes - i literally love this one with all my heart and soul. vexen is so underrated tbh. i really got a thing for crusty scientists lmaoooo. enjoy!
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Vexen hugged his knees and tried to remember. Small flashes of memories here and there are all that would appear. Warmth. Flowers. The sun. Hands. Her hands. But who was she? Vexen looked out of his window above his bed only to find darkness. Just like always. Why couldn't he remember? It was getting on his nerves. It made his head hurt, but to be honest, when didn't it hurt?
Vexen curled up in a ball and covered himself in layers of blankets. Not like it would help, he was freezing cold after all. He wanted to see the world again. The sun falling and the moon rising. The sound of birds chirping in the morning. Mundane things sounded like heaven to him at the moment and what hurt the most about it is that he could barely remember what it was like to have those things. He wanted more than anything to shed a tear, but nothing would come out. Nothing ever would. He couldn't cry. He couldn't laugh. It's like he couldn't feel… anything. He was a Nobody. A Nobody with no one beside him.
– – –
She laid in bed alone. She was always alone these days. It was raining outside and the moon was shining right in her eyes. It's like she couldn't sleep lately. Something was always keeping her awake. Something just on the tip of her tongue. She denied that she would be thinking about him, but she always was. He just vanished. Gone. Not a word. She tried to find him, but to no avail. It feels like it was yesterday, but in reality, it was probably three years at that point. She blamed herself for losing him. She always did. She was stuck to him like glue and the one time she had to go, he just… disappeared. It wasn't fair.
As the rain seemed to never end, she curled up, covering herself in layers of blankets to remind herself what it was like to be held. She wanted to see him again. She didn't care if he had his nose stuck in a book while she was pressed against his chest, anything would satisfy her at this point. She couldn't even shed a tear anymore. So she just curled up, pretending that he was pressed against her telling her about a new experiment. And maybe if she pretended hard enough, Even would appear next to her, braiding her hair and hugging around her small figure. If only.
– – –
She woke up rubbing her eyes and squinting at the sun. She didn't even know what time she fell asleep. It must’ve been late though since she woke up two hours later than she usually does. At least she didn't have work.
She sighed and walked to the bathroom, looking at the dark bags that hung under her eyes from the lack of sleep she got that week. She didn't know why she suddenly just started thinking about him. It would happen occasionally, but something about that week was tearing her apart. She regretted leaving him. She regretted not being there. She regretted arguing with him.
She put her hands over her face and rubbed down, looking at her tired and sad figure. Nothing to do but get past it. That’s how she always dealt with it. That’s how she would keep dealing with it too. She was still alive and still going, so what was the point of regretting? Especially when she had errands to run that day.
She slipped on her favorite jacket and smiled at herself in the mirror. She was starting to feel better already. Well, sort of. It was enough to get her through, that’s for sure. She was just running errands, it wasn't like she was planning on meeting the love of her life or going to a masquerade ball. Simple stuff.
She took one last look at herself and left. The full streets of Radiant Garden seemed empty. Simple stuff just felt the same to her. There was no change, it was all the same; birds chirping, people laughing with each other while getting stuff like brunch. It was all a big routine that she just didn't want to be a part of anymore. Maybe that’s why she felt so down, she rejected everything that once was and now just isn't. The dog that she used to pet who would bark lazily at her she now avoided. The garden she would visit with Even was a thing of the past now. She wouldn't even look over there. It was like that giant castle was empty now. Without him, she felt hollow. She didn't feel like that always though, the feeling would come and go occasionally, some weeks worse than others. She was used to the swaying of emotions, however. She just ignored them. Let them flow. She would soon be living happily doing her job filling in for those who vanished. She was fine. She just had to keep reminding herself that.
As she finished her errands, she looked over at the castle. Maybe one quick visit to the garden wouldn't hurt. The first step to accepting pain was revisiting it. It was different then she remembered. The blue flowers were replaced with purple ones and the red flowers surrounded the middle of the fountain. She smiled softly, feeling herself tear up. This is where Even found Ienzo. Baby Ienzo. He went missing too. What she would do to have them both in her arms. She took a deep breath and turned to go back home. She dropped her bag and her eyes got wide as she watched a tall figure turn into an alleyway, its long blonde hair flowing behind it. That can't be… Can it?
She quickly retrieved her bag and ran after the figure, seeing a dark portal at the end of an alleyway, the figure about to step in. “E-Even?” She could feel tears begin streaming down her face. This better not be some sort of hallucination. The figure turned around and her heart fell to her feet. It was Even, but he looked… different. Almost ill. His cheekbones were sunken in. His eyes had dark bags and his eyes shone a bright yellow. He tilted his head at her and went to step in the dark portal, but she ran to him, dropping everything behind her. “Even!” Vexen closed the portal behind him and knelt down to her level. Suddenly, he remembered what he had forgotten.
“Come on, Even! You need to go to bed!” She giggled, trying to pull him from his desk, but he didn't move an inch. “Even, I'm serious! Those bags under your eyes aren't so flattering, you know?” Even looked at her with a fake pout on his lips. “That’s not very nice, you know?” She pecked him on the lips and returned the pouty look. “Come to bed with me.” Even turned to his work and turned back to her with a soft smile. “Alright.”
For the first time in a long time, Vexen felt a tear roll down his cheek. It was warmer than he remembered. “Even?” She cupped his cheek, tucking some of his long hair behind his ear. He sobbed audibly, nearly falling in her arms. Emotions hurt. It was overwhelming and it felt like he could explode at any time. His head hurt and the only thing reminding him that he was still on the ground was her touch. She was rubbing his head and holding his face to her chest, reassuring him that she was there.
When he finally could get a full breath in, he looked at her face with such sadness in his eyes. “I-I left you.” “I left you, Even.” “I did something, didn't I? We…” He couldn't remember. It was like everything was still fuzzy. “It was my fault.” She held back tears just thinking about it. “What did I do?” Vexen tilted his head, sinking into her hand that was cupping his cheek. “You didn't do anything.” “What did I do?” The tears she was holding back were burning her eyes now. They were arguing the day before he vanished. She started to notice him getting ill from his experiments. She would see him neglecting things he normally wouldn't: food, water, sleep, Ienzo, her. It was heartbreaking to watch. And she had to tell him how she felt about it, thus, commencing an argument. 
“You stopped caring about yourself, Even.” “Oh,” he looked at her with soft eyes and cupped her cheek and she immediately melted to his touch, not caring about how cold his gloved hands were. “I'm sorry.” Vexen’s voice was almost inaudible, tears choking him up. “Don't apologize,” she hugged around the back of his neck and allowed tears to fall down her cheeks. “I'm just happy to see you.” Vexen pulled her closer and pressed his lips to hers, holding her waist as she pulled him closer, never wanting to let go. How could she at this point?
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whispering-raine · 3 years
Heartbreak - A Sanders Sides oneshot
3rd person POV:
Roman awoke, his eyes fluttering open as he examined his surroundings. He had fallen asleep in Pattons room the night before, so this was different from the normal scenery that covered the room he would usually wake up in. Family photos of the sides displayed in picture frames, kids toys lying everywhere but his desk, which was covered in random pieces of paper and probably a few recipes for cookies and other treats. Pattons room had become Romans safe space, and vise versa.
"Good morning, my dear~" Roman whispered, giving Patton a small kiss on his forehead. Patton gave a happy hum in his sleep, a soft smile following.
But something was off. His forehead was just a bit warmer than usual. His cheeks were tinted just a bit more pink than he was used to seeing. Roman sent a sympathetic look over towards the sleeping boy, walking out of the room.
He walked towards the bathroom down the hall, teaching into the medicine cabinet and grabbing a thermometer. He walked back, Patton still sleeping and hugging a stuffed animal.
Sweat was beaded on his face, which still held a tired smile, disregarding the shape he was in. Roman was careful to be quiet, holding the speaker of the thermometer to muffle the noise as he swiped the metal across Pattons forehead quickly. 102.1*
He muttered a quick "Shit." before taking the thermometer back to the bathroom. He quickly washed it off with warm water, putting the cap back on and placing it in the medicine cabinet.
He rushed out to the kitchen, in which he saw Logan typing away on his phone and almost chugging his daily cup of black coffee.
"Logan." Roman addressed the logical side. Logan almost immediately noticed the uneasy look on Romans face.
"Ah, good morning Roman. Is something the matter?" Logan questioned, putting his almost empty cup to the side and turning off his phone, setting it down on the table quietly.
"Yeah, yeah something is the matter. Can individual sides get sick?" His breathing was starting to get out of pattern.
"Well, yes, I suppose so. Are you feeling unwell?" Logan said in a concerned tone, walking over to Roman and reaching up to place a hand on his forehead. Roman politely moved Logans hand away with his own.
"No, actually, Patton has a fever and I was making sure that this was normal."
"Patton?" Logan questioned curiously. Roman nodded, confirming what Logan had once been so curious about. Logan seemed to think for a second, adjusting his glasses quickly and standing up straighter, although gay.
"Well Nico and Thomas got into a bit of an argument last night, so that may be the cause of it. But I'll do some more research in a little while to do a better and more proper diagnosis." Logan said, sitting back down and taking another sip of his coffee.
"Thanks, Nerd." Roman said before leaving, going back to Pattons room. He was going to make Patton feel better no matter the cost. He walked back into his room, the door creaking the slightest. Roman sighed, a sad smile curling on his lips. He layed down next to his beloved, wrapping arms around him and giving him the softest hug he could manage.
"Mm," Patton hummed, slowly waking up.
"Hello darling.." Roman whispered, rubbing the smaller ones back lightly.
"Are you feeling alright? You have a fever.." Roman asked as he awaited patiently for a response.
Patton could only manage a small shake of his head, leaning farther into Romans touch. "I-Is...everyone else okay though..?" Patton slurred, his words muffled by Romans shirt.
"I'm pretty sure. I haven't checked on everyone, but Logan and I feel okay." Patton responded with a nod, almost falling back asleep in Romans arms.
But he was awoken by the voice again, "Would you like me to make you some tea...?" Patton thought for a moment, before giving a small nod.
"But I can make it myself. I don't want you to waste too much time on me." He insisted, tiredly rolling off of Roman to sit up. He leaned back on his palms, repressing a yawn. Roman sat up with him, putting an arm around his shoulders and rubbing his upper arm.
"You're in no condition to be doing that yourself. I can get it for you, I promise." Patton slid his hand over Romans, intertwining their fingers silently.
"I'll be fine."
"No you won't." Patton let out a chuckle, smiling up at Roman.
"Ro, I'm fine. I'll get right back into bed after I get my tea."
"Fine. Then let me see you stand on your own."
Patton grabbed his glasses off of the nightstand, slipping them on. Roman helped Patton to a standing position, holding him as if he were a kid learning how to ride a bike. Roman finally let go, although only inches apart from the swaying boy. Pattons knees immediately buckled, falling into Romans chest with barely any control of his own body.
"See? I'm fine!" Patton joked, lifting only his head from Romans chest. Roman couldn't help but smile at the smaller boy.
"And this is why I'm making your tea for you."
Patton let out a whine, burying his face back into Romans shirt. The both wrapped their arms around each other, Pattons hung down at Romans waist; and Romans wrapped around his shoulders.
"Come on, let me get you back into bed."
Patton gave in at this point, allowing Roman to pick him up and gracefully lay him back down onto the soft covers.
"I'll be right back."
Patton layed on his bed, trying to stop the world from spinning around him as he focussed on a stain on the ceiling. A few extra minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt, would it? Patton let his heavy eyelids shut as he curled into a ball, trying to get comfortable. He was almost immediately woken up by Roman walking in, holding a glass of tea. The glass had a cat paw pattern on it. It was always Pattons favorite.
"Hello my darling~" Romans voice rang throughout the room once again, placing the cup of tea on the bedside table.
"Hi, honey.." Patton mumbled, rolling over to face Roman. Roman smiled softly, laying down next to Patton.
"Cuddles?" Patton asked, holding his arms out and doing grabby hands. Roman couldn't help but blush at this, sweeping him into his arms and holding him. Patton giggled quietly, smiling and blushing.
"Do you know anything about what happened last night?" Roman spoke up.
"No, is everything okay?" Patton immediately grew concerned.
"Well Thomas and Nico got into a bit of an..argument...late last night." Realization struck Patton like a brick. He finally realized why he felt so horrible. Heartbreak. Then why hadn't the cracks shown up yet?
"Do you have a mirror I can borrow?" Patton asked, sitting up and rolling off of Roman.
"What?" Roman was beyond confused.
"It's complicated! I just need a mirror and quick!" Patton began to shake, worrying about almost everything at the exact moment. This has only happened one other time, and Patton was lucky to survive it. But that was years ago. Patton didn't know if he'd make it through this one. Heartbreak. Such a literal term in the sense of sides.
"I think there's a handheld one on my desk, but that's all the was across the hall. You'd be better off just going to the bathroom." Patton nodded, slowly getting up.
"Are you sure you're okay to walk? I don't want you getting hurt. I can go with you if-"
"I'm fine," He reassured, stumbling quickly out of the room. That left behind a very worried and confused Roman.
Patton ran to the bathroom, holding the wall as he did so. He slammed the door shut, making sure to lock it as he leaned on the marble counter. He brushed his bangs out of his face with his hand, seeing the smallest crack, starting at his hairline and going down onto his forehead.
Patton knew that when something like this happened, Virgil was always affected. Whether Thomas is anxious that Nico doesn't love him as much as he used to, or he's scared that they're going to break up, Virgil is going to be affected to some degree. Patton made sure to put his bangs back in place, going out of the bathroom and towards Virgils room.
He creeked open the door, not trying to scare his dark strange son. Virgils head shot up as soon as he heard the quiet noise. He took off his headphones in a rush as he paused his music.
"Hey Kiddo, can I come in..?" Patton asked gently, peeking his head in. Virgil could only nod and hum, not trusting his voice. Patton walked in, closing the door behind him.
"Hey, Pat." Virgil mumbled, his voice slightly distorted. The father figure was leaning on the door frame, keeping his balance. Patton gave a small wave, walking over to his bed and trying not to collapse on the way.
"Dad, are you alright? Last night Thomas-" Virgil said quickly, before Patton cut him off. Patton stayed silent, but moved his hand up to shove his bangs back and show the small crack - soon to grow bigger - to Virgil. Virgil let out a gasp, he swore his heart stopped for a second.
"I-It can't be happening again...! No! I-I won't let it happen!" Virgil had started crying. Patton let out a choked cough, before wiping Virgils tears away with the other hand. The only thing that could be heard was Virgils rapid breathing, until Patton spoke once again.
"I'm going to be okay Kiddo. Relax. Take a breather." He said as he held Virgils face. His own dizziness almost made him fall over as he scooted towards the scared and anxious boy. Virgil nodded, trying to get his breath back to normal. Patton put an arm around Virgil, rubbing his back in the slightest.
"Here Virge, copy my breathing." Patton took a deep, exaggerated breath, trying not to cough. Patton whispered small reassurances, such as "It's going to be okay." or "Breathe,".
They seemed to be working as Virgil slowly calmed down. Once Virgil could finally breathe again, he layed his head into Pattons shoulder, in which Patton brought up a hand to stroke his hair quietly.
"What if something bad happens to you?" Virgil mumbled, playing with his hoodie sleeves.
"Then we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, Kiddo." Patton said in a tone that was at least one octave down from his normal, cheery one.
It was too serious. And it scared Virgil.
"But Dad..." His voice began to distort again, "...I don't think I can live without you..." This brought on a whole new wave of tears for Virgil.
"Oh Kiddo... C'mere.. It's going to be okay.." Patton said as he wrapped his arms around Virgil as tight as he could without hurting him. Virgil gripped onto one of those arms as if Patton would disappear if he didn't. Patton could feel the crack expanding down towards his eyebrow, something he'd have to cover up later with makeup. But he decided to ignore it for now. Although a tear escaped his eye, he still managed to keep a calm smile on his face.
Meanwhile, Roman was talking with Logan in the kitchen once again.
"I guess I'm just...worried? The last time Patton was sick like this was..." Roman said, trying to remember when the time he was referencing was. Then it hit him, "Thomas' last breakup." It was almost under his shaking breath.
"What're you guys talking about?~" Remus sang, walking in with Janus.
"Oh! Janus! Just the guy I needed to see!" Logan exclaimed, ignoring Remus completely.
"Hm?" Janus cocked an eyebrow, confused but still paying careful attention.
"You were there at Thomas' and Nicos fight, correct?"
But Patton overheard everything. Of course it was Janus who would've been in the fight. He probably caused it in the first place. Another piece of his forehead cracked, leaving a terrible sight. He actually trusted Janus for once. And he was mad at himself for it.
A few minutes passed of overthinking and hugging Virgil. Patton, lost in his thought, barely even heard the small curse that came out of Virgils mouth.
"Shit, Pat, you're bleeding." Virgil muttered, his tears now dry, but the stains still on his cheeks. The hug had ended, apparently.
"Hm?" Patton was still busy thinking, only looking at Virgil in his peripheral view.
"Patton for Gods sake pay attention to me! You! Are! Bleeding!" Virgil raised his voice, done with Pattons bullshittery for today, even though it was only the morning.
"Wait what? Where?"
Virgil reached up towards Pattons forehead, wiping a dribble of the red, sticky liquid off of his warm skin. Virgil was shocked, gasping in the slightest. He put his other, uncontaminated hand on the other side of his forehead, making sure not to hit any of the cracks.
"You're burning up." Virgil whispered to himself, placing a soft hand on Pattons cheek.
"Oh, I would've never guessed!" Patton joked, giggling a bit.
"Have you taken your temperature at all??"
"Roman mentioned something about a fever when I woke up, but I'm not sure if he took it." Virgil thought for a moment, Pattons words finally registering in his head.
"You...slept with Roman...?" Virgil recoiled, making a disgusted face at Patton.
"Not the point, but yeah, I slept with him." Virgil shook his head, trying to get those thoughts out of his head.
"Just...lye down, I'm grabbing the thermometer." Virgil said as get got up.
"But this is your bed?" Patton wasn't upset by this, no, but he didn't want to intrude. Especially considering the fact that Virgil normally didn't like the other sides touching his stuff in the first place.
"And? You're laying down. You're swaying just sitting there. Did you think I couldn't see it?" Virgil growled, putting a firm hand on Pattons shoulder.
"No." His voice was fragile and weak. Virgil could feel his anxiety heighten at this. He's never seen Patton just this vulnerable before. He gave a slight force to Pattons shoulder, pushing him out of the sitting position he was in, and back onto the pillow. He had barely pushed. Just a mere pressure, almost less than gravity gave.
Patton let his legs stretch out naturally, not bothering to stop it from happening. Virgil gave a slight sympathetic chuckle, pulling a thin blanket over him from the end of his own bed.
"I'll be right back, 'kay Dad?"
"M'kay.." Patton mumbled, curling onto himself and gripping the blanket. Virgil gave one more glance towards the curled up figure on his dark bed before leaving the room.
He came almost face to face with a fuming Prince as soon as he stepped into the hallway.
"Well hello to you too, Princey." Virgil remarked sarcastically. Roman just grumbled.
"If that snake wouldn't have been the only side awake during the argument, this wouldn't have happened." Roman just now looked up at Virgil, his eyes brimming with tears.
"Fuck off, I was there, too." He slapped his arm playfully.
"Wait, seriously??" Roman almost yelled, making Virgil wince.
"Yup." He said in a monotone voice, trying to leave the conversation. He started to walk away, but Roman caught his hood, keeping him in place.
"What is it now?" He grumbled.
"Have you seen Patton?"
"Yeah, he's in my room resting."
"Is he oka-" Before Roman could finish that question, it was immediately answered by a scream, coming from Virgils room.
"Shit." Virgil immediately ran back into his room, swinging the door open. Roman followed close behind, worry filling his veins.
Patton was curled up in a tight ball, his hands held over his mouth as black liquid mixed with blood poured from it. Tears were streaming down his cheeks in a steady flow, mixing with the other two fluids. He could barely see, but he was able to quickly yell a, "It hurts!!" as he screwed his eyes shut. He was hit with another wave of pain as more blood poured down his forehead. The crack was at least two times bigger than Virgil had last seen, although he was gone for barely a minute.
"Help.." He whispered as Virgil ran over to him, but Roman was stuck at the door. He couldn't move. He didn't know how to.
"Shh, shh, I'm here. It's okay. I know it hurts. Breathe. Breathe for me." Virgil rambled, holding Patton tightly in his arms.
"V-Virge..?" Patton whispered as he gripped the fabric of his soft hoodie, letting out another, quieter sob. Virgil just nodded, allowing Patton soak his clothes with tears and blood, making a mental note to clean it off later.
Logan walked in, confused but mad.
"WHY IS EVERYONE..." he saw Patton, "...yelling..." he finished, mumbling.
Heartbreak. What everyone in that room felt. Patton. Virgil. Logan. But especially Roman.
He was having his own mini panic attack, still standing in the doorway with Logan. Logan put a soft hand on his upper arm, rubbing circles with his thumb.
"It's going to be alright, Roman. Can you take a deep breath with me?" Logan asked, gripping his shoulders firmly, but in a caring way, making sure to not let go.
Roman gave a hasty nod, looking Logan in the eyes.
"In," Logan started, mentally counting out 4 seconds exactly.
"Now hold," He said as he began to count 7 seconds.
"Now out." 8 seconds.
Logan gave a satisfied smile, "Good. Now, can you try that again?"
They did the breathing exercise for a few minutes, Logan still holding onto Romans shoulders. But Logan moved his hand a bit to wipe a stray tear that was dribbling down Romans cheek, making it dry once again.
But more tears poured as Roman shook Logan off, going to his boyfriend. Logan followed, not having much else to do. Patton had calmed down - thanks to Virgil - the slightest bit. He was still coughing up a bit of blood, and the unidentifiable black liquid from before, though. But he could actually breathe now without letting out another sob, so that's progress. Even if it's just a bit.
As soon as Patton realized that Roman was there, he crawled over to him, laying his head on his shoulder. Roman wrapped his arms around him, giving him a hug, and a small kiss on the top of his head. Much to Logans and Virgils surprise, Patton broke down once again, leaning fully into Roman.
"Let it out, baby. Let it all out... It's okay..." Roman ran his fingers through Pattons soft but tangled hair, giving him small kisses. Patton sobbed so hard that it almost hurt more than the growing cracks. He just wanted to be okay.
Logan sat on the bed next to the others, making a small circle/triangle type group. He patted the sobbing boys back softly, trying his best to be comforting. Pattons eyes began to burn, more than tears ever could. He let out a small whimper, trying not to cry out in pain. He put a hand to his cheek, in which his tears were rolling down. Or well, he thought it was tears. But it was just the same black liquid as before.
What may be the end of Pattons whole life.
His actions being uncontrollable, he coughed hard, more liquid reddening his eyes as he sobbed.
"I-it...h-hurts..." He croaked out, curling in on himself as he shook.
"I know, Pat. Just keep breathing. It's okay. You're going to be okay." Virgil spoke, sliding into the hug. Logan decided to join the group hug, they all held Patton in their arms. Patton gave a sad, bloody, smile, enjoying the warmth around him. He coughed once again, more blood spilling out. None of the sides were bothered by the stains that soaked their clothes. But they were all bothered by the sight of Patton. It hurt each of them.
"I...I love you all.." Patton said much too clearly, pain contorting his face.
What had killed Patton that morning.
[And the artwork I promised in the warnings✨]
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nerdwaifuu-stories · 3 years
The Proposal
Happy (belated) Ninjago Oc Day! Ik I haven’t posted much on this account, but I figured it would be the perfect time to post something about my OCs.
Ig some basic info:
Word count: 4,966
Oc basics: the main two are Hisashi and Emon. Hisashi was a samurai/soldier who I have made Ronin’s (dead) uncle. Emon was a criminal who worked for Chen (although Hisashi doesn’t know about that. He just knows that Emon has previously done crime in his youth), but started to lose interest over time due to several factors. Another oc that’s mentioned is Lex. They are a friend of Hisashi and Emon’s, and they are actually an Oni.
Summary: Taking place roughly 25-30ish years before the Ninjago series, Hisashi is coming home from a mission. Since he and Emon have been together for some time, he figures it’s time to take it to the next step. He is one ring purchase and a ship and train ride away from trying to reach that next step.
If you want to know more about these characters, there’s some stuff on my art account @nerdwaifuu-art.
Hope you enjoy!
Cheers rang through the village as they saw the group in green armor entering the village. The soldiers marched through the middle, many with a look of victory on their faces contrasting the scuff, dirt, wounds, and exhaustion their bodies presented: all a worthy cost for a village's safety. Eventually their march and the cheering stopped as the chief approached the group.
"Oh great heroes, thank you! Thank you for saving us from those fiends! We will never forget what you have done for us! May the Creator bring you prosperity!" The chief cheered. Once he spoke his last word, the crowd of villagers' cheer erupted again, echoing the chief's message. From there, the chief and the captain went off to chat and the rest dispersed throughout the village. Some made their way back to the ship either to rest or prepare for the journey back to the city. Others remained in the village to chat or to explore. Amongst those exploring were two young men: a stout, short dark brown haired chatterbox and a long dark copper haired, silent listener. The two strolled through the village as one chatted away and the other listened while glancing at everything they passed.
"I wonder if the captain saw our hard work out there."
"I mean we were kicking butt out there."
"We should probably go to the medics to get our backs checked from how much carrying we were doing..."
The stout man slowed his walk as he placed his hand on his friend's shoulder, "Hisashi, you good? You're quieter than usual, and it’s hard for you to be quieter than you already are..." He paused before he threw himself on track to a ramble, "Anyways, you just seem out of it."
"Yeah... Uh, yes, yes I'm fine, Shiro," Hisashi stumbled, "My mind's just on, uh, other things."
"Oh? Other things? What kind of other things?" Shiro questioned.
"You know... other things..." Hisashi kept scanning the surrounding stands and buildings.
"No, I don't know other things. How about you introduce me to them?" Shiro coaxed.
With a sigh, Hisashi stopped his mini search and said, "I'm just looking for some gifts..."
Hisashi paused for a second, then said, "For my nephew-"
"Ah, why didn't you say so? No need to be so secretive with me," Shiro smirked, "C'mon, let's go find him something. One of these shops should have something he'll like" Shiro kept his hand on Hisashi's shoulder as he started to lead him. Hisashi resisted the push and said, "Actually, I know what shop I want to go to... I just need to find it again..." He looked around once more and then there it was: a small wooden stand run by a middle aged woman. The stand was covered with an assortment of items: jewelry, weapons, metal decorations, toys, metal sculptures, etc. He saw it the first time he arrived at the village and knew he had to stop by it.
"There it is," Hisashi took the lead and pulled Shiro with him as he approached the stand.
"Ah, hello boys~ Do you see anything you like?" The woman greeted them.
"My friend here is just looking, but I do see something I like," Shiro said, shooting a smoldering look towards the woman. The woman giggled and the two continued to chat (or Shiro commanded the conversation and continually bragged about himself). Meanwhile, Hisashi looked at the items. His eyes kept being pulled towards the actual reason that he wanted to come to the stand in the first place—a set of two matching rings sitting in a wooden ring box. Both were made up of a thick metal band that had a space cut in the middle where the gem was, making it appear as if the gem was floating. On the band, on either side of the gem, was a dragon carving colored gold. One ring had a black tinted band with a white gem while the other had a polished, silver finish and a black gem.
The woman noticed his interest in the rings and, once Shiro had taken a short pause, she shifted her focus, "I see that you've found something you like." She picked up the ring box and placed it in the middle of the table. Shiro shot a confused look at the woman and then at Hisashi.
"Oh, sorry, I was just looking at them. They're very beautiful," Hisashi admitted.
"Haha, no need to apologize for looking at what I'm selling, but thank you. My husband's... well, my late husband's father made them," the woman sighed, "Honestly the story is quite sweet. He came to this village and set up a blacksmith shop. A woman came into the shop one day and he fell deeply in love with her. He expanded his skills from weapon making to making small metal trinkets to give to her—" the woman glanced down at some of the other items at her stand before continuing, "She loved every single one and returned his love. Eventually, he decided it was time. He went into his workshop and began on his favorite project. The next time anyone saw him leave his shop, he went directly to the woman, took her somewhere nice, and proposed with these rings. She wore one and he wore the other..." A small smile formed on her face as she looked back at the rings, "Then they passed it down to my husband to use with me, and now here I am trying to sell them," she sighed, "I have no use for them now, and, even though I'm probably making some people roll in their graves, I need the money..."
"Awww, yeah that is really sweet. It's a shame you don't have a lady friend back at home, unless you and that Lexi girl have something~" Shiro teased Hisashi. Hisashi rolled his eyes. 'That Lexi girl' he referred to was Lex, but Hisashi only saw them as a friend. Instead, he had his eyes on someone else; someone else that he deeply cared about; someone else that he actually had something with.
"Plus we're here for your nephew. I don't think he'll have any use for these rings," Shiro reminded him.
"Um, right, of course..." Hisashi watched as the woman placed the rings back to their original spot.
"Oh, a nephew? Is he into metal work? Or I'm assuming he'll like the toys if he's young or the weapons perhaps?" The woman asked.
"Ah yes, a 5 year old who's into metal work-" Shiro quietly snickered. Hisashi shot a quick glare at him.
"Oh, he's quite young, scratch the weapons then," she chuckled.
Hisashi looked around the table some more and decided on one of the small metal figures and an old pocket watch.
"Ah, I'm sure he'll enjoy that," Shiro muttered sarcastically when he noticed the pocket watch was no longer ticking.
"He likes taking things apart and making new things, so yes, he'll probably enjoy this," Hisashi defended his choice.
"Is he trying to be an inventor?" the woman asked.
"I believe he does have an interest in becoming one. He's been fascinated with all the technological changes going on in the city. I don't understand it, but at least he's getting prepared for the future," Hisashi answered, starting to take out his money for his purchase.
"I forgot Ninjago City was going through all that. All the beautiful wood and clay buildings being replaced with tall metal buildings... It's insane."
"Yeah..." Hisashi and Shiro nodded along. While Hisashi searched for the right amount of money, he noticed that the remaining soldiers started to make their way back to the ship. He glanced back at the rings and turned to Shiro, "How about you head back to the ship while I finish up here?"
Shiro nodded, said his goodbye to the shop owner and left. As soon as he was out of earshot, Hisashi turned back to the stand and asked, "How much are the rings?"
The woman stated the price and said, "So you are interested in them after all?" Hisashi nodded as he took out the right amount of money for the rings, the figure, and the pocket watch.
"So is this for someone or just keeping it for yourself?" The woman wondered.
"I have someone at home waiting for me—"
The woman leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with interest. Before she could ask any questions, with a soft smile, Hisashi whispered, "I met h- uh, this person a while back and now we've been together for 5-6 years now... I figured I should do something special..."
"And decided it was time?" The woman asked at the same volume as him, with a large grin on her face. He nodded.
"Well, I hope the Creator blesses you both," she said, exchanging the items for Hisashi's money. He said his thanks and started to head off to the ship.
"Goodbye, may the Creator bring you prosperity and may the Great Serpent protect you on your journey!" The woman called out.
Hisashi turned around and asked "Great Serpent?"
"Oh, do people in the city not know this story?" Hisashi shook his head, so she explained, "According to some stories I've heard, there's a serpent that sleeps deep in the sea. She apparently used to rule the sea and was the reason for the waves and the storms, so people used to pray to her and give her offerings to keep her happy. Unfortunately that's all I know from the top of my head, and it's all probably just a story."
"Huh, sounds interesting. Thank you," Hisashi said before departing.
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Laying his bed, Hisashi could feel the ship rock back and forth and hear his roommates chatting instead of sleeping, excited to be one step closer to home in the morning. But none of it blocked his focus on reading. His brain refused to let him sleep as the nerves have finally got to him. He had a ring in his possession, and he was hopefully going to give it away once he got to the city. To try to calm himself down in the safety of his bed, he took out some letters he got in the past few weeks. Each one started with "My Dearest Sai," and ended with "I can't wait to see you again. Love, Emon Sharma."
It was odd to think that these letters used to be closed off with a "Sincerely" or a simple "From," and "Love" was never a closing he had seen until 5 years ago. Even though it's been years, Hisashi's heart still flutters when he sees the word in Emon's handwriting. It still feels like such a new feeling, especially when he never acknowledged that such feelings could exist in him when he was growing up. Even when his brother tried to describe them when referring to himself and his now wife during high school, Hisashi never understood. Now he did.
After rereading each of the letters, he held the paper close to his chest. He tried picturing everything that Emon described. He tried remembering each random ramble that he sent him that Emon responded to. He silently laughed at the idea of him trying to make sense of everything Hisashi tried telling him. If he tried sending similar letters to anyone else he knows, they would just skim through everything and ask about how he is and how's work, avoiding to say "please tell me more about this random thing you learned ." Emon would be one of the only people who would say that.
The chatter in the room quieted down and the remaining lights started to disappear. With a sigh, Hisashi caught one more glimpse of the contents of the letters before it went completely dark.
"I can't wait to see you again. Love, Emon Sharma."
He softly smiled, folded the letters, and placed them under his pillow.
"I can't wait either..."
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"Ah finally, land!" Shiro exclaimed once he and Hisashi got off the ship. Carrying their stuff (armor, weapons, supplies, letters, etc.), the two swerved their way through the crowds of people. Fellow soldiers were pouring out of the boat, being welcomed by their loved ones, going to a nearby inn or bar, or already beginning their ways home. Hisashi looked around at who was there, but he knew that his loved ones were in the city, which was a train ride away. He smiled at the thought of coming off the train to them, and clutched the ring box that hid in his pocket.
"Are you sure you don't want to stop for a drink? Or even for a snack?" Shiro asked, following his 6 foot friend to avoid getting lost.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Gotta make sure I catch the train," he said, glancing back to make sure Shiro wasn't too far behind.
"But the train's not going to leave for a bit," Shiro said, puzzled.
"I know, I just..." Hisashi trailed off and stopped in his tracks, leading to Shiro bumping into him.
"Oof- what's going on?" He asked, but got no answer. Shiro looked past Hisashi to see what was ahead, but it didn't click due to so many people being around. It wasn't until he saw two people: a short, medium tanned, black haired man with a scruffy beard and a towering, brown-skinned, short brown haired (hidden under a hat), female presenting person. The man noticed them and started to wave, then stopped and started approaching quickly while dragging his companion with him. Hisashi gripped the hidden ring box tighter as he started walking to lessen the distance. Once he was within a foot of the man, the man threw his arms around Hisashi and nearly lifted him off his feet within the first few seconds of the hug while saying, "It's so good to see you, Sai!"
"Woah, easy Emon. No need to break me," Hisashi chuckled, wiggling a bit to loosen Emon's grip and free his arms. Once they were free, Hisashi returned the hug and pulled Emon close while Emon buried his face into Hisashi's shoulder. Hisashi wished he could stay in this hug forever. He also wished he could just give Emon a big kiss, but he had to wait until they were in private; until they were in the city...
"Wait a minute—" Hisashi pushed Emon out in front of him, keeping his hands on Emon's shoulders—"What are you guys doing here?"
"Lex and I just figured that you deserved a welcome party as soon as you arrived," Emon confessed.
"And Emon really missed you and wanted to see you as soon as possible," Lex added.
"Yeah, that too," Emon chuckled, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. A smile stretched across Hisashi's face as he tried to hold in a laugh. His hand left Emon's shoulder and almost caressed his cheek, but he then remembered Shiro was watching from behind and they were surrounded by other people. He slowly pulled his hand back and hid it back in his pocket, trying to ignore the longing look in Emon's eyes. He then said, "Thank you, I missed you so much too. I couldn't wait to see you again..." Emon responded with a soft smile.
"Well, I missed you guys too," Shiro barged in, now standing next to Hisashi.
"Yes, it's good to see you, Shiro," Lex mumbled.
"I thought you would be much happier, Lexi," Shiro snickered. Lex's eyes were shooting daggers, but they tried to hide their gaze behind the brim of their hat as they said, "We best be going now. Don't want to miss the train." Before anyone could say anything, Lex had already turned around and started towards the train station.
"Ah what a shame. I wanted to talk with y'all more," Shiro sighed, "Well, see y'all back in the city tomorrow!" After an exchange of goodbyes, Shiro disappeared into the crowd.
"Well then, let's go," Emon said, linking his arm with Hisashi's. The two then followed behind Lex, trying to keep up.
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"What was all the hurry about Lex?" Emon asked them.
Lex turned their head away from the train window and said, "Just didn't want to get stuck in one of his rambles. You get him talking and you'll probably end up hearing too much about what happened during the mission. I'm just not in the mood to hear how he 'sliced one man's head off' or whatever."
"That's fair," Hisashi said, also looking at the passing land outside the window. He was there when all of it happened, and he didn't need to hear about it again. He only wanted his mind on one thing and one thing only.
"Speaking of which, how was the mission?" Emon asked.
"Oh, just a typical mission. The thugs were playing hard to get for some time. Fortunately, we stopped them before anything too bad happened, and we didn't have many major injuries this time around. Just some scratches here and there," Hisashi answered quickly. He took one last look out of the window before sitting up and facing Lex and Emon on the other side of the table, saying, "But, despite the mission, the place we were at was very lovely." Emon leaned closer, interested to hear more.
"It was a small village by the ocean. Whenever we had a break, it was so calming to be on the white beach and just listen to the calm waves. And the village was really lovely too. It was filled with small shops and stands, and the people there seemed nice. They were very welcoming and always closed the conversations with something about 'the Creator' blessing you." Hisashi said. Lex perked up to full attention towards the end.
"The Creator? Like the creator of the town?" Emon asked.
"Or the Realm..." Lex muttered quietly, but, when they got confused looks from the two men, they said, "World. I mean world."
"Oh right, that makes more sense," Emon chuckled.
"Yeah, they often referenced them, but I guess they have plenty of other stories too. Before I was leaving, a nice woman at a shop said something about a Great Serpent—" Hisashi then recited what the woman had told him. Both Emon and Lex were leaning in close to hear every word. When Hisashi finished, Emon, with excitement in his eyes, and Lex, looking like they wanted to say something but decided against it, looked at each other, then back at Hisashi.
"Woah, that's so cool! Bet that was fun to hear about right before getting on a ship," Emon snickered.
"Yeah, but it's merely just a story," Lex uttered, leaning back against the seat, "Nothing to worry about."
"Have you ever heard of it?" Hisashi asked them. Lex hesitantly nodded, "All I know about it is the same as what the woman told you..." Hisashi could tell that they knew more, but he didn't want to force anything out of them. He could probably try finding a scroll or a book with more information.
"Anyways, overall the place was really nice. If we didn't have work and other stuff to deal with, I would say we should go there sometime," Hisashi said, mainly glancing over to Emon when talking. The idea of just leaving the city, getting on a ship, and sailing somewhere to explore sounded so pleasant, especially if it was with Emon and even Lex. He would even want to take his nephew once in a while. Just the 3 and sometimes 4 of them on a ship, seeing what the world offered. But their lives didn't allow for that. Hisashi had soldier duties to take care of while Emon and Lex had their own responsibilities, and there was just too much they would be leaving behind. Maybe one day in the future it could become a reality.
"Yeah, that would be nice," Emon said, smiling. Then the table went silent. Lex went back to looking out the window while the other two sat silently. Hisashi started to fidget with the ring box in his pocket, only bringing back the nerves. He looked up at Emon and could see he was shifting in his seat, shooting glances at both him and Lex. He wondered what Emon could be so nervous about.
Lex turned their head and sensed the nervousness sitting next to them and across from them. They shot a "say something and get it over with" look at both Hisashi and Emon.
They both paused and tried continuing, only further interrupting each other, "Sorry, go ahead—no you go ahead—no I didn't have anything to say—no please, I interrupted you—"
With a sigh, Lex barged in, "So, do you guys have any plans for today?" The two paused and looked at each other, waiting for the other to say something.
"I heard the weather is going to be super nice today. Maybe you guys can go to the park," Lex suggested.
"You are such a mind reader. That was what I was going to suggest," Emon said.
"I was actually going to recommend the same thing," Hisashi nervously laughed. He's so glad that he wrote Lex about what his plans were, or he would've just chickened out and waited to do it.
"Hah, perfect. Maybe we can get some lunch too. You're probably starving. I know I am," Emon said with a grin.
"Sounds good," Hisashi replied with a soft smile. He turned to Lex and mouthed the words "Thank you."
They smirked and mouthed back the words "You're welcome."
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"Man, no matter how many times I come here, I always forget how good the food is," Emon exclaimed as he finished paying for the food. In defeat, Hisashi watched the check and the money leave. Him and Emon literally went back and forth about who would pay the bill only to find out that Hisashi had left his wallet at home due to him rushing to get ready and look nice for the day, so Emon came out victorious.
"I claim to pay the next check," Hisashi uttered while they got up and left the café.
"Haha, we'll see if you remember your wallet next time," Emon snickered, "Although it's not like you to forget it at all. Are you feeling well?"
"Yes yes, I'm fine," Hisashi chuckled, "Just adjusting to being home that's all..."
And just being a big ball of nerves, he thought to himself. At least he had the ring with him, or his whole plan would have gone down the drain because of one silly mistake.
"How about you though? You seemed nervous on the train," he asked Emon.
"Oh, uh, yeah. Um, yeah I'm good now. It was just being on a train. Y'know I don't really go on them," Emon said. Hisashi raised an eyebrow, but decided not to  further question him.
The two continued to chat as they walked towards and into the park. Circled by the new skyscrapers, the park sat at the center of the entire city. Full of green hills and growing trees, it was one of the few areas of nature in the city. It was still a work in progress as workers were busy with putting in new buildings, benches, and pathways, but it was still a nice place for a stroll and a proposal.
The two walked through the park, chatting and enjoying the scenery. While listening to Emon, Hisashi scanned the area, trying to find the best area. It needed to be a private area with no one around, but also needed to be a beautiful area.
All of a sudden, Emon grasped Hisashi's hand and said, "Come with me, I know a good place you need to see." He then started leading him up one of the hills, looked around, and then continued pulling him along. Down the hill, across some of the grass, and up a slightly taller hill. Once they reached the top, Emon stopped and tightened his hand around Hisashi's, looking out at the view of the entire park.
"Wow," Hisashi marveled at the view. It was beautiful... and there wasn't anyone else around... it was perfect.
"I know right. I came here all the time when I was younger. When I had no where else to go, I would just come here..." Emon's grip loosened, so Hisashi gently pulled his hand away and backed up slightly. He pulled the ring box out of his pocket and took a deep breath as he went down on a knee. This was it. It was time.
"It's crazy to think that I've come all this way," Emon continued, still looking at the view, "I used to come here as a young thief just trying to survive. That's all I thought my life would be until the day I died. But you've changed that..." Hisashi watched Emon go grab something from inside his jacket, but he couldn't see what. "...You've shown me that there's more to my life. Life is not just about trying to get by. It's about learning and experiencing new things. It's about love. It's about so much more than I know, So, I took you here in hopes that I can leave the lonely, barely living thief behind and enter a new chapter of our lives. Hisashi Arima, will y—" Emon turned around, about to kneel down, but he stopped halfway. In his hands was a long, wooden box with a black finish, kept shut with a golden latch. He quickly stood up and hid the box back in his jacket, his eyes not leaving Hisashi. He ran one of his hands through his hair as his face started to flush red. "Sai, I— oh my god..." was all he could say.
Hisashi sat there frozen, unsure what to do. He had planned this for weeks, but now everything just jumped out of his brain.
"Were you about to propose..."
Emon lips formed an embarrassed smile as he quickly nodded. Hisashi's mouth hung open and he looked down at the ring box, unsure what to say. Should he just try to stick to his plan or let Emon continue?
"Forget about me, go ahead," Emon whispered, gently pulling Hisashi's chin back up.
"Um, well," Hisashi cleared his throat and took a deep breath in, looking into Emon's eyes. They had a sort of calming aura about them now. Hisashi's lip curled up slightly as he gathered his words.
"I guess to play off what you've said, you have changed my life as well. Before I really got to know you, I probably seemed like a stone cold guy whose only purpose was to work until he no longer could. You have added more purpose to my life... so much more purpose. And, despite trying to understand everything, love was never one I could get a grasp of. Now I feel like I know at least a tiny bit about it from the past few years, and I'm willing to learn more with you. Emon, I love you so much. I will love you until the day I die. Even beyond death, I will always love you..." Hisashi took a pause, trying to catch his breath from speeding up towards the end without taking a moment to breathe. During the pause, he decided to open the ring box, resulting in a quiet gasp from Emon. He glanced up at him to see the reaction. His smile was bigger, but was being slightly hidden behind one of his hands. His calming eyes started to tear up as he looked up from the ring to Hisashi.
"Will you... would you... uh..." Hisashi started, but his mind was back to blanking out. Improvising clearly took all his brain power. It was his turn to blush red.
Emon chuckled, took Hisashi's one hand that wasn't holding the box, and asked "Will you marry me?" Hisashi couldn't help but laugh along as he quickly nodded. Emon then took the polished silver ring and slipped it onto one of Hisashi's fingers, and Hisashi put the other one on Emon.
"By the way, that was my line," Hisashi joked as he gave Emon his ring.
"Technically it was supposed to be mine," Emon said before pulling Hisashi up and into a kiss with his arms around his neck. Once they both pulled away, Emon held Hisashi close and rested his head against his shoulder.
"I love you so much Sai, and thank you for the ring. It's absolutely as beautiful as you are..." Emon said, then remembered his proposal gift. He let go of Hisashi, grabbed the box, went down on his knees, and held the box up.
"This is what I was going to give you... I hope you don't mind it not being a ring..."
Hisashi took the box from him and unlocked the latch. He lifted the lid to find a ornate dagger inside. It had a pale green jade hilt with silver sheath decorated with floral motifs and pale green and red gemstones. He gently picked up the dagger and unsheathed it to reveal a silver, double edged blade.
"This is beautiful," he said in awe, sheathing the blade and placing it carefully back into the box.
"I'm glad you think so. As soon as I saw it, I figured it would be a perfect gift," Emon said, smiling.
"It definitely is. Thank you," Hisashi said, giving Emon a quick peck on the lips.
"Well, should we get out of here and start the next chapter of our lives?" Hisashi asked.
Emon took a hold of Hisashi's hand and said, "I'm ready whenever you are."
They took one more look at the view, and Hisashi started to lead Emon.
"Let's go."
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match-up, No. 1
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Anon asked:
"oh hi hello! i just saw the match up posts and i got super excited cause i love your writings and i never had to chance to send an ask like this lol! i'm 19 years old but i'll be 20 this year. i'm pretty tall for a girl (173 cms!) but still i'm on the chubbier side because i eat a lot and im proud of it lol. i have green eyes, and raven black hair, medium length with short bangs, because i dye it regularly, but normally i'm a blonde! also idk if this matters but i'm straight!
i really like cooking, it's a big passion of mine, i also love singing! music is a big part of my life, i cannot go a second without listening to something and i've always been like this. even though i'm not talented about it, i love to listen to it. i'm a big hopeless romantic so i'm a sucker for anything that's romantic, like movies, songs, books etc! i really wish nothing but for real and pure love! i also collect toys and figures cause i didn't had the chance to buy them when i was little.
i really dislike being left alone. i don't have many friends or loved ones, but whenever i have to leave them for something it hurt's me a lot. i don't like too much people around me but i really adore the ones who i care about. other than that, i hate the way i look most of the time. since i was a little girl i was never comfortable with my body and had lots of issues with it but im trying to do my best to love myself!
i know this was too long but i couldnt stop myself so i hope its okay! im so much lookinf forward to this match up thingy! thank u soooo much for the chance! take care ❤️"
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a/n: First of all thank you so much. I'm so so glad to see that you like my work. This is a great motivation for me to keep writing. This really made my day. 💙 And I really hope that you'll be liking what will come next. I really hope that I didn't disappoint you my dear anon. This is my first time doing something like this and going honest I'm really insecure and anxious when it gets to my work. I'm never happy or satisfied by the outcome... But that's not the point. It's about you. So if there is something bothering you please don't hesitate and DM me or anything and tell me. Other than that happy reading! 🙈
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): maybe some grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I'm still improving in every aspect. (Please have mercy on that))
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: Lord know who. IF anyone knows who did it please tell me so I can give credits. Thank you. :) !!!
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• I think that you and Sanji would give a great pair.
• There are a lot of traits of you that resemble that of Sanji in my opinion. And exactly this was the reason why Sanji started to spend more time with you and get to know you more than Nami or Robin.
• Whenever Luffy screams from the top of his lungs "SANJI! FOOD!!" you scream back from wherever you are right now "Gimme a minute and I'll get you something!", before Sanji can react to the food loving man.
• Sanji loves it when you join him cooking because you two seem to be able to work together without having to communicate. But even if Sanji would like to talk to the beauty that was next to him he wouldn't dare saying a word because as much as he loved talking to you he loved listening to you sing while you prepared anything you were on at the moment. Sometimes he would just stop in his tracks and just watch you dance around the kitchen whenever one of your favourite songs starts to play in the radio. He would watch every of your moves and smile like a idiot.
• After some time passing Sanji manned up and asked you out in the most romantic way. Sanji prepared a picnic with some snacks under that one tree with the wing (I hope you know what I mean 😂). Everything was set. You were in the girls cabin reading a novel when you heard a light knock. You didn't look up and just told whoever was there to come in but the person simply knocked another time what made you stand up with a scuff. You were ready to scold anyone that was there for ruining your peaceful reading session but there was no one except of a huge bouquet of red roses. It had a little note in it saying that someone is waiting for you down on deck. With a huge smile on your lips you stepped out of your room just ro realise that the way down to the deck was decorated by flower pedals. The sight in front of you made your heart race. You didn't wanted the feeling that grew with every second in you to stop. But you made it down and was greeted by the blond man you were always fond of. He took your hand in his and lead you to the swing and made you sit down.
• He took both of your hands in his and looked you in the eyes while giving the most sweetest confession ever made. And of course you said yes and wanted to date him
• dating him was the best thing that happened to you. He was sweet and caring. He spend every free second with you. If you were close to him he would always grab your hand and intertwine them. Sometimes he would appear out of nowhere and give you a kiss and compliment a different part of your body just to leave you dumbfounded and confused with a racing heart.
• There was this island the straw hats docked on and to their luck there was a festival planned for the night of the day they came. So Nami and Robin took you shopping and made Sanji go have fun on his own. Unlike these two you wanted something fancy that wasn't a dress but they still brought a few for you to put you in later on. And they managed to get you in a short sleeveless pretty blue-black dress. They did your make-up and theirs and ran out when Franky yelled that the fireworks were about to get blown what was the sign for the beginning of the festival. But you didn't came out because you felt uncomfortable in your current state.
• Sanji sensed that something was wrong and made his way to you only to find you standing in front of the mirror and looking at yourself with a tilted head and slight pout. Sanjis eyes widen at the sight of you. Because of 1. He couldn't believe how good that dress locked on you 2. He was shocked because he knew that you didn't like the way you looked.
• "How dare you!? How dare you not love this beautiful sight?! Baby! Darling! Love! Please don't. You look stunning. Simply gorgeous now please allow me to take you to the festival and brag with the fact that I can call the most beautiful woman mine."
• As you can see Sanji doesn't, can't and won't tolerate you being insecure so he took it upon himself to push your ego and make you love yourself as much as he loves and adores you.
• On the festival Sanji would never let go of you. He would constantly have you close to him so he could protect you no matter what happens. He makes sure to once in a while ask you if you're alright or if you want to go back to the sunny since he knew that you're not a fan of crowed places.
• Sanji left you alone for a few minutes but sat you down on a less crowded and also quieter place to get some drinks. You were happily looking at the ocean when a guy approached you and started a conversation with you. You were clear not liking it but still tried to talk nicely. But the guy seemed to understand your friendliness in a different way and got closer. You told him to keep a distance but he laughed it away and simply acted as if you said nothing. You felt uncomfortable and suffocated so you were about to stand up when Sanji came and kicked him out of the chair with a sweet smile upon his lips saying "Thank you for keeping my seat warm but now move your pathetic stupid ass away and leave me alone with my girl."
• When the guy left he took you in his arms and apologised while sitting you down on his lap while asking you probably a bunch of times of you're doing good or if he hurt you.
• While Sanji confessed his love to you Zoro was in the crows nest watching you two with a disgusted and confused look while silently praying for you to reject him but sadly you didn't. In fact you even kissed him. "TF is that stupid woman doing?!"
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alittleprincehwa · 4 years
 because of a friend ──── ₊˚.𓂸 choi san.
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pairing ─ ₊˚.𓂸 choi san x female reader
genre ─ ₊˚.𓂸 angst, fluff
synopsis ─ ₊˚.𓂸 after your argument, you came back to the apartment but didn't expect to see what you saw.
alexa play ─ ₊˚.𓂸 Star 1117 by ATEEZ
part one ♡︎
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You ran. You ran away from the apartment. You had no idea where you were. But you didn’t care. All you wanted to do was get away from him. You stopped at an empty alleyway. After you called soobin, you waited there.
As if the world was against you, it started raining. You didn’t bring anything with you except your phone. You back up until your back met the brick wall. With no shelter or roof to rest under, you only waited for soobin.
Soon enough, you heard a car pull up. Your head darted to the direction of the noise and see a guy with a hat and a mask getting out of the vehicle with an umbrella. You figured it was soobin due to the height. He saw your figure under the pouring rain and rushed to help you. “ Y/n! Come here! " He called, gesturing you to move toward to him.
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Your feet dragged you towards him. The rain mixing with your salty tears. Soobin noticed how your eyes were dark. No emotion. He decided to ask you about it later and comfort your drenched self. He guided you to the backseat and gave you a towel. He sat on the front and drove off. After you dried your hair, you slowly sifted to slumber.
Later on, you felt an arm nudge you. You slowly opened your eyes, the light jolting you awake. Soobin helped you stand up and towards his hotel room. He gave you clothes to change in. You then sat on the couch with a blanket around you, looking at the ceiling with dull and puffy eyes.
Soobin sat on the opposite end of the couch. “ We fought again... “ You muttered as your expression didn’t change. “ I’m sorry binnie. “ You apologize to the young boy. “ It’s alright y/n. It’s the least I can do for you. “ He smiled, hoping it would lighten the tension. You chuckled dryly before continuing. “ It’s funny how your younger than me but your the one taking care of me. “. Soobin was always like your little brother. You’d take care of him as he also does the same. You’d sometimes feel burdened.
You told him about the argument you and san had. Embarrassed to tell him it was about him. He gave you advice on how you and San could work out things. You acknowledged all he said but told him you didn't want to speak to him yet.
" Of course, I understand. Why don't you stay here for the night? ". " Oh it's alright I can just book another ro- " He interrupted you. " No I swear it's fine, plus there's another bed. " He informed you.
You gave in and agreed. You tucked yourself in the sheets and closed your eyes. You wanted to sleep but the thought of san kept you awake. You tried pushing the thought away but it still remained imbedded in your mind.
Despite your best efforts, you couldn't sleep even for a minute. You got up from the bed and head towards the balcony. Sliding open the door, you step out into the cold night. You suck in a breath as thoughts flooded your mind.
You sigh and rest your arms on the balcony handrail. A stream of tears unknowingly runs down your cheek. You rest your head in your hands. Your cries becoming louder as his and your words repeat itself in your mind. " What are you doing now san-nie? " You questioned, using the nickname you called him, making you smile.
After a few minutes of solid silence, you got up. " Fuck it. " You muttered as you walked to the hotel door. You quietly tiptoed your way as you avoid waking up the sleeping boy.
Before you left the hotel, you made sure to leave a text to soobin. You took a cab to your apartment. During the ride, you leaned against the window as you observed the street lights. The same thought washed over your mind.
The driver stopped the car in front of the apartment complex. You pay him and stepped out and walked to your apartment.
You opened the door and took your shoes off. You immediately smelled the living room that reeked of alcohol. You scrunch up your nose at the smell. You glance at the couch as you slid your shoes off.
Your eyes stayed frozen as you observed the sight before you. It was san on the floor. His hand gripped a bottle of soju as his head was in the coffee table. You stood silent but walked to help him. You set the empty bottles aside and stared at his drunken state.
You sigh again and kneel down to put his arm around your shoulder. You wrap your other arm around his waist and stood up. He seemed shocked at the sudden feeling of someone touching him. As you walk to your shared bedroom, he looks at your face. He was surprised to see you.
He hesitated for a moment. " Y/n? Why are you here... " He spoke, the awful stench of soju mixes with his words. " Yah, why have you been drinking? " You look at his eyes. Sympathy weighed you down. You wanted to cry but had to stay strong infront of san.
" Then what am I sup- * hiccup * supposed to do? " He looked at the floor as you made him sit on the bed. " Don't leave me y/n...please. " He said. You weren't sure if it was him or the alcohol speaking. " I won't leave you san. " You spoke as you lay on the bed you were familiar with. You leaned on the other side, avoiding his eyes.
You closed your eyes once more but heard some shuffling. " Y/n-aaaaaaah... " You heard him whine. At this point in time, you were sure it was the alcohol taking over. " Y/n I'm sorry...I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. " He whispers as you felt his chest against you.
" I'm sorry too... " You murmured. " Yah! You shouldn't be the one sorry. I'm the one that yelled at you. " He quietly says the last part before pouting. " Hey cheer up, it's normal for couples to fight isn't it? " You shifted, now facing him. You smiled at him. You hold his hand as he looked at you.
He flashed his usual cheery smile. It was very contagious and made you smile even more. " I'll only forgive you in one condition. " You say with a stern tone. His eyes instantly jolt up. He pulled out a very dangerous look. The look you always hated. It does something to you everytime you see it.
The puppy eyes.
You breath before you spoke " If you get jealous of me hanging out with my friends ever again, I will not tolerate it. " You playfully glare at him. " I promise. But you should also promise to call me every our of the day. " He smiled.
Before you could argue with what he said, he noticed your change in clothing. " Who's clothes are those? " He raised a brow. You contemplated what to tell him but sought to to tell him " It's soobin's. " You wait for his reaction.
San clenched his jaw at what you just said. Unbeknownst you, San hovered above you. You open your eyes and grow concerned. " San what are you doing? " You ask. " I'll show you how I'm much better than that soobin. " He seductively licked his lips as he ripped the shirt off.
a / n : I'm sorry if this is shitty 😔
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inkshro0m · 4 years
Logan's Secret Emotion - A Platonic LAMP Oneshot
cba to get rid of the big gaps so.... sorry bout that😅
Logan found it very hard to express his emotions. He kept them all to himself in his big brain, the one that's stuffed with knowledge and facts. Or that's what Virgil, Roman and Patton thought...
Patton felt as though Logan found him annoying. The nerd seemed to ignore him or he just had an annoyed expression etched out on his face. Patton always tried to make him feel loved and cared for, and only wanted to express his friendship! Maybe he shouldn't be so bubbly and friendly all the time...?
Roman felt as if he was too... him for Logan. Said man usually rolled his eyes whenever the prince-like man would sing his sentences out, enthusically commenting on the weather, or something like that. Honestly, Roman could be who he is. If who he is is a man who is so extra he could become chewing gum (extra?? the chewing gum???...yeh, that metaphor was wEiRd- hi, future kat here.... pls ignore this =_=) and is just... loud, then too bad for Logan, he wasn't changing.
Virgil felt like Logan just hated him. He was probably too edgy and too emo. The smart guy probably thought he was too anxious for his own well-being and needed to stop, and maybe he just found him too annoying because he was in his way. Then again, Virgil thought that everyone feels that way about him.
One Wednesday morning, Logan received a notification, which is quite rare for him. He usually only got notifications from the news or something.
He was currently solving questions in his favourite problem solving book, 'The Ultimate Trivial Pursuit', smothered in his favourite unicorn onesie, with a coffee sitting out in front of him, slowly cooling down. He rested the book on the table and picked up his phone, opening it up to display one of his best friend- Patton -'s name, along with some tumblr notifications which he just swiped away. He read the text with slightly intrigued eyes following the words displayed before him.
Hey Lo! Sorry to bother
you, but I was just wondering
whether you would like to
join me, Ro, and Virge at
Sanders' Cafe at 12pm?
You don't have to of course,
just wondering! xx
Hmm... did he want to go? Who was he kidding, of course he wanted to go! He loved his friends with all his heart! And yes, he had a heart.
Salutations, Patton. You are
not bothering me. I would
appreciate the oppertunity,
thank you.
What Logan didn't know was that that single message caused an excited squeal to errupt from his beloved friend's mouth upon seeing it.
Three beady eyes had been eagerly watching the three dots slowly bouncing up and down, anticipating for a response. They all felt as though they needed to hang out with Logan more, it felt like he was growing apart from them. Leaving the nest.
Logan had started to get ready as soon as he'd replied, leaving his favourite book and coffee to go cold. His friends were more valuable.
Quickly slipping into his black polo and blue jeans and messily tying his tie around his neck, he was stumbling around the room, way more excited to see his friends than an ordinary person would be. He picked up his comb and brushed his bird nest of hair... how it got this tangled, he didn't know the answer to (which is quite rare). Then, he cleaned his teeth for 2 minutes because body maintenance is important.
Meanwhile, the other three were slightly nervous (even though it is just their friend). What if he was bored or didn't actually want to be there. Roman was the least worried; he didn't really care about what Logan was thinking. Patton just wanted Logan to have a fun time, and Virgil was just his anxious self. What if he was just going because he felt he had to?
Logan was already rushing out of the door and almost tripped down the three steps at his porch... oops. That was just enough to remind him that there are probably people watching... so he just carried on being as fast as he could because why should he have to wait any longer? He tugged at the car door, only to remember that he left his car keys on his bedside table when the door refused to open... dammit!
Sprinting back into his two-story house and up the staircase, he snatched up his keys and went back out to lock the front door (which he'd stupidly forgotten to do the first time). He, more orderly than last time, got into the car and started it.
To check that there where no cars coming, he looked out the window to find a little boy sitting on his bike, wide-eyed. Oh... so there was someone watching...
The embarrassed man just gave him a small smile, just to assure the boy that he was fine. Logan was well known for his stoic manner and teacher-like personality in his neighbourhood, so this must have been pretty weird for the boy... oh well. He can't go back now (both of them can't).
The boy's eyes followed Logan as the car rolled down his driveway. This was awkward. Once the man was sure there were no cars coming to stop him from seeing his friends, Logan pulled out onto the road and sped off towards the cafe the 4 friends where supposed to meet at. Wait... what if they were pranking him? What if they weren't going to come at all? No. Patton wouldn't do that. Neither would Virgil. Roman? maybe, but not Patton nor Virgil.
With anxiety in his eyes, Logan stepped out of the vehicle once he'd parked it and walked, normal pace, into the cafe. His glasses-shielded eyes darted around the room, looking for 3 familiar heads... Bingo! Phew, they weren't pranking him. A tiny smile (you could hardly even see it) made it's may onto Logan's face, all anxiety washed away. He was going to see his 3 favourite people! Those people's heads turned his way when he made it to the table they were sitting at.
Patton's eyes widened upon seeing the necktie-wearing man, despite expecting him. "Hey Lo! I'm so happy you came!", he excitedly greeted, genuinely meaning what he said. The bubbly one hasn't seen the other in over 2 weeks, and that's a long time for him!
Still with a smile that was unnoticable, the formal one slipped into the booth beside Virgil and nodded, "Salutations, I appreciate being able to see you too". He looked around, secretly happy to be with these people again.
Virgil was on his phone, but he'd nodded at Logan because he doesn't want to be rude and be hated even more. Also, speaking wasn't his strong point.
Roman waved, "Greetings, pocket watch! How have you been doing? We haven't seen you in so long". There was slight sarcasm in his tone, obviously a little annoyed that Logan didn't spend more time with them but it wasn't really his fault, they'd need to invite him first. 'Pocket watch' ignored the nickname and the tone, he was used to this sort of thing from the flamboyant man. "Adequate, thank you. What about you? Have you all been doing well?", he looked around the table.
The usual answers came: A grunt from the emo, a "Great!" from the bubbly man, and a "Very well" from the actor.
Logan let his lips twitch upwards to show he cares at least a bit.
"Well, shall we order our drinks? Or are we going to just sit here in awkward silence?", Roman suggested, chuckling a bit after the end of that sentence.
Patton stood up, quite quickly may I add, "Oh yeah! I'll pay for it all; my treat!", he giggled. Everyone reluctantly agreed, knowing there was no point arguing as the dad figure would always win.
Three of them stood up, Virgil staying behind because he doesn't like doing things in groups, he'd go after they'd figured out what they wanted. The emo noticed that Logan's phone had fallen out of his pocket as he'd gotten up, so he picked it up and set it on the table for the teacher-like man to pick up once he comes back. The phone's screen lit up upon contact, revealing several notifications from tumblr. Huh... Logan has tumblr? 'Didn't expect that', Virgil thought. Maybe he'll follow him, his posts must be interesting - seeing as he's very intellectual and smart. He checked the username: '@logical-crofters'. 'Man... he's really obsessed with that jam, isn't he?', Virgil snorted. The darkly-dressed man opened up his own phone and quickly followed him, before the others called him over to choose what he wanted.
Slipping his phone into his pocket and leaving Logan's on the seat, he rushed over to the others to pick a hot chocolate. He'll read his posts later.
Once everything was ordered and everyone was sat down, Logan noticed his phone, causing a confused expression to make its way onto his face. Virgil noticed this, "It fell out your pocket", he simply stated. A nod came from Logan, letting him know he understood.
About 5 minutes later, everyones drinks got delivered to their table. Patton sighed, relaxed, as he smelled the lovely scent of his sweet hot chocolate, which had whipped cream and marshmallows mounted on top of it. Mmmmmm...
Roman happily sipped on his iced tea; it was so refreshing!
While Logan drank his black coffee, Virgil quietly tried to start up conversation, which was a rare sight to see. "So... Logan, I didn't know you had tumblr", this caused the addressed man to almost spit his mouthful of coffee all over Patton, but luckily he's not that careless.
He looked over to the man who'd spoken, "You saw that?". The anxiety that had gone away a while ago had come back, making him fear what the other thought.
"Yeah. When I picked up your phone, I saw the notifications. I haven't read any of your posts yet but I've followed you", he stated, letting him know the details.
Logan let out a squeak that sounded like an 'oh'. 'Please don't read them, please don't- What if he reads them? What if he shows the others? What will they think of me?!'
"Hey, is everything okay?" Patton layed his hand on the almost-panicking man's forearm, bringing him out of his over-working mind. Logan's eyes had been dialating, telling the others that something wrong was obviously going on.
Logan's eyes finally went still, focusing onto the man who was currently comforting him. "Yes, yes. I am fine. Just, Virgil-", he looked at the man he'd addressed, "please do not read my posts..."
Virgil wore a look of confusion. 'Why wouldn't he want me to see them?', he queried.
"Why?", Roman, who'd been quiet this whole time, spoke Virgil's thoughts.
What was he supposed to say? Logan didn't want to let them know why, or his secret would be out! "Just...", he sighed, causing the other three to raise their eyebrows, even Patton. The necktie-wearing man was bright pink, wondering whether he should let the others know what he'd been hiding.
Too late. Virgil was already getting his phone out and clicking on '@logical-crofters' on tumblr. The owner of that account hadn't noticed until a small gasp came from beside him, causing everyone else at the table to whip their heads towards the sound. 'Great', Logan gave up. Virgil knew... he'd definietly tell the others.
Virgil's thumb wouldn't stop scrolling. These posts... they were so sweet! Oh my goodness, Logan, you are so adorable!
Some of the posts read:
"My three best friends: Virgil, Roman and Patton, are the best people in the whole galaxy. I'll bet on it. Virgil is so considerate of other people and is an interesting person over all, he is also fascinated by space, as am I. Patton is, though I don't like to admit it, very funny and adorable... in a friend way. He cares about others so much and does his best to make everyone feel alright. Roman is very creative and a great guy to be around. He is so dramatic, but in a fun way. He tries to agrue with me, which is funny because we all know that I'll win, but he tries his best."
"Patton is so loving and it warms my heart :')"
"I had a long talk with Virgil today and I have found out that he is interested in space!"
"Roman was great at performing as 'Evan Hansen' from 'Dear Evan Hansen' today. The musical was so moving."
Patton and Roman had scrambled their way under the table between them and Virgil to look at his phone with wide eyes, excited to know what Logan was holding from them. Their beady eyes watched the emo's thumb slowly scroll through the posts, reading the compliments and sweet messages talking about them so passionately.
Meanwhile, Logan groaned and stuffed his face into his arms, not before taking his glasses off because... we wouldn't want smashed glasses now, would we?
About 3 minutes had gone by and Logan was contemplating whether he should just leave because this was just way too embarrassing. Suddenly, a pair of arms were thrown around him and squeal sounded, way too close to his ear. Ouch. "Oh my gosh, Logan! I didn't know you felt this way about us, I thought you didn't like us or something but this just proves me wrong!", what it sounded like to be Patton practically shouted into the embarrassed one's ear.
"So you did like the performance! I knew it!", Roman exclaimed. Logan could just see the dramatic pose that man was doing.
There was silence from the darkly-dressed man, which caused Logan to slowly lift his head up, put his glasses back on, and look around. His eyes landed on the silent one. Were... were those tears?
"I- no one's ever said anything like that about me. So... nice", he finally spoke, eyes watering from joy and happiness. He looked up at Logan, a smile creeping up onto his lips. "Thank you, Lo"
This definitely wasn't the reaction he was expecting. "Uh- I... I was just speaking my thoughts. You all mean a lot to me... I know it doesn't show but... it's true", Logan was so suprised he could hardly even speaking in an orderly manner!
All three beloved friends shared a look, one that Logan didn't understand. Oh no...
They all looked back at him..."No thank you. Please-" He was cut short because there were 3 pairs of arms squeezing the usually serious one so hard he was sure that his eyes would pop out, and that's pretty hard to do. "Guys, I can't... breathe...", Logan was pleading now.
They all let go after one more squeeze from Patton, allowing Logan to breathe once more. The dad giggled, "You're so amazing, Lo".
To this, Logan adjusted his glasses and regretfully said, "I believe the correct phrase for this is: 'no you'".
Virgil snorted and Roman burst out laughing. Patton just couldn't resist another hug and Logan was fully smiling. This was very unexpected, but he loved it. They all knew how much he loved them. No more awkward conversing. No more secret emotion...
originally written on wattpad
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Ali & Tommy
Ali: [Let us assume he has gone back to school now and this was a weekend affair] Ali: You forgot your 🕯 Ali: expect it in the post, minus the disappointed note from Ro I've taken out Ali: ✈️ trips not guilt trips, welcome Tommy: leave it in, LOVE to hear what she's gotta say about why I'M the one being a holy show Ali: You aren't respecting the sanctity of her offering, is very much the point and gist Ali: she put more letters to it, as standard Tommy: 'course she did Ali: It does mean a lot to her Ali: but yeah, nice to have my 📅 to myself again, can't lie Tommy: meant so much she fucked off soon as the 🎂 candles were out Ali: You know she isn't the party 'til dawn sort Ali: anyway, they'd be coming in for morning service 😅 Tommy: I know it's her party & she can 😭 if she wants to Ali: If I'd known that was the theme, could've made party bags with 🧅 & 🧻 Ali: well, at least you were in your element 🕺 and you kept Meena and Carly entertained Ali: the hostess not being overly concerned herself, like Tommy: this family's hostess with the mostest has & always will be me, honey Tommy: what else do they teach me at this school, like? Ali: I had no idea you were at finishing school, my apologies Ali: how's things with keeping a man then, Holly Housewife? Tommy: Why stop at strutting with 📚 on our heads when we could do it in 🩰 perfectly en pointe, carrying a sulky ballerina all the while? Basically a Latin motto Tommy: & yet I still can't keep a man, cheers for the reminder Ali: Maybe now you're of age they introduce the final string to your bow Ali: quadruple threat = 🎤🕺🎭🍆 Tommy: 😂🤞🙏 Tommy: stole your girl regardless, tell her to call me when she's slept off the festivities Ali: No doubt she will when she's between the next couple of parties 😜 Ali: your girl is here actually, helping Ro 'organise' her presents Ali: dunno where she parked her 🎃 Tommy: I'll join Fraze in the red corner 😍💋💔🤬🎯👿🥤🤡🥵🛑💘 Tommy: those dolls do go walk abouts if you don't keep a 👀 but obviously she was 🤞🙏 I was still there Ali: He might misconstrue that and come to fight for her honour Ali: 🤞🙏 she's in LDN too, naturally Ali: lots of them are haunted, but that last part of your sentence there is the MOST 😱 ever Ali: it's weird when you approach anything fuck boy like Tommy: miscommunication is his thing™ no hard feels or feelings full stop, 'course 💪🚫😭🚫😍 Tommy: what can I say? being back DOES things to me Tommy: it's all the positive masculine role models this family has Ali: Guess it beats a total lack of @Joseph Ali: though he sent her some book about musical theory so he still manages to be the favourite somehow 🤷 Ali: and hey, dad is the best Tommy: v catty & then cuddly of you, Kit Tommy: he doesn't respond to MY efforts at being a daddy's girl exactly the same way somehow 🤷 Ali: we're both living up to what's expected then 😼 Ali: could just be I'm better at it than you though Ali: if your ego will allow it Tommy: can't let our sister fly that flag alone, like Tommy: as for who's better at kissing the arse of authority figures, don't need to dignify that with an answer 'cause my school report will Tommy: you ain't never been a pleasure to have in class Ali: I might genuinely have to shoot myself if anyone ever said anything so asinine about me so you're right Ali: that would be such a waste of potential, not until I've lead a more scandal-filled existence Tommy: you could respect the hustle Tommy: it's getting me 🩰 perks Tommy: disciplined is the head that wears the 👑 hoe Ali: I know all about discipline, trust me Tommy: we've all read 50 shades, you can't take it as gospel Tommy: Ro could write a better bdsm bibe when she's done at church Tommy: bible* Ali: It's all fun and games 'til I walk in on her flagellating herself Ali: how are we explaining that to the shrinks Tommy: that she misunderstood a more sexy f word? Ali: we don't want to look like we're trying to lock her up for that Ali: way too retro, bro Tommy: She wants to be catholic Tommy: I didn't make the rules Ali: No, then da really would hate you Ali: she's got worse Tommy: Yeah Tommy: I know, no amount of drama from the golden couple could detract Ali: not that I haven't heard enough about that though Ali: guess there's too much to put in a passive-aggressive note Tommy: 🙄🥱😴 Tommy: She wasn't even THAT late & tbh I wouldn't have blamed her for doing a Joe no show Ali: I would've understood if she was upset when she wasn't coming Ali: I am when Joe doesn't, whatever Ali: but I think she was actually MORE upset that she did come in the end, and not just because she was messy, but because Ro thought she wouldn't Ali: I don't get it, they're complicated, always have been but ??? Tommy: she can't hold being a good sister over her, like you can't me being the most fabulous brother in existence 🏆 Tommy: the fuck ups are more fun to bring to a 🥊 Ali: I guess that's more likely than them being all 💕💞 Ali: but fucking hell, does it hurt to hope Tommy: it's hurting you 😿 Tommy: she'll be too hangry to hope Ali: I have no hope or agenda for your 🏆 or 👑 dear brother Ali: but seriously Ali: what does she want Tommy: like you said ???? Tommy: there's every chance I'm bringing too much McKenna magic to the motives & she don't wanna bear a grudge til the end of her days Ali: because it doesn't sound like her at all Ali: if you can't be honest in the DMs where can you, eh, to quote that romcom Ali: fucked if I know what to do about it right now though Ali: maybe I need to sleep off the festivities, or get something to eat Tommy: long as you're not so hysterical you run into the path of an oncoming car, to recall another faithful role of hers Ali: have you adapted that for the stage? Ali: get 5 of you to be the 🚗 Tommy: dibs 'cause I can't do the accent Tommy: not that loads of 'em posh kids can either Ali: they'll have spent enough time gentrifying the east end to have it down, offensively so but all adds to the hysterics Tommy: I'll pitch it then 💡 Tommy: go down better than her 🎤🎵 Ali: better than her when she got hit by the car, like Ali: give me credit or I'll turn up and make a SCENE Tommy: like I wouldn't be LIVING for that Tommy: if we are being honest in the DMS Ali: I'll work on my RICKKAAAAAAAAAAAY Ali: maybe can convince Ro to be Sharon Tommy: hang around your ma in law & you'll ace it in no time Ali: Ha Ali: she'd accept Peggy, not Pat Tommy: fair, Laoise's ma's the one more likely to express herself with big earrings & animal prints Tommy: but I don't know if Sam Mitchell is a favourable role for Carls, what did she ever even do? Ali: Are you trying to tell me it's NOT a look? 🤔 Ali: or that you rate Laoise's mum? Ali: The character, nothing, the OG actress lost her nose so we're all agreed that's a no Tommy: I'd rate seeing her da on the doorstep in nothing but a bow tie for how mortified she'd be when I uploaded it Tommy: Grant's also no, he knocked Martine on her arse way before that car Tommy: but if she's Phil, you're Sharon so that's a yeah from me, like Ali: Don't, her dad always gave me those vibes Ali: and you ain't actually on the street still to have to witness that 🤮 Ali: I don't know how she'll feel about going bald, I'll float it gently before getting out the clippers Tommy: Do Rock's while you're there, he looks feral Tommy: even that nonce wouldn't have him Ali: You know his ears would get chapped Ali: hair is essential or he'll fly away on the breeze Ali: and we'd all be devastated, obvs Tommy: don't start me thinking about that scene in Dumbo, cheers very much Tommy: 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Ali: Such a depressing film Ali: disney gives me bad vibes Tommy: the park is creepy & you won't catch me there Tommy: whether or not Walt was a Nazi it's still a nah from me Ali: Wee bit concerning that emotional manipulation and forced fun trumps facism/literal Nazis for you but we'll 🤐 Ali: ma is in enough of a mood and she'll only direct it at me so nah Tommy: well his racism is disputed depending whether you're in camp 😇 saint him 🙏 or camp cast him into the hellfire 👿 Tommy: the forced fun & emotional manipulation is just facts Ali: 👿 advocate Tommy: I'm gonna go to hell 🤞 he's an ally Ali: 😬 Ali: it's a punishment, not a holiday Tommy: it'll be a grand hol for my pores Tommy: love a sauna sesh Ali: that London smog is not it Ali: how black is your snot? Tommy: as Ro's soul 💀 Ali: Thomas Tommy: Alison Ali: 🛑 it Tommy: she'd 🖤 to hear it but FINE Ali: you're an enabler, it is known Ali: not the kind of encouragement I'm after tah Tommy: enabling you & your lady love to have a good time, yeah 🕺💃 Tommy: & I fully expected her to turn up with a pet raven is all I'm saying Ali: the best was made of it by all, despite it all Ali: even her, in her way Tommy: despite Kayne appearing 🤵🥀 & all in her case Ali: yeah Ali: ugh Ali: he's harmless enough, bless him Tommy: she'd beg to differ right now Tommy: you're gonna wanna hide the 🍄🍄💀 til she calms down Ali: You don't need to tell me Ali: I think he's just really oblivious Ali: like all lads Ali: it wasn't you know...assaulty Tommy: It's not his fault she's team true love's kiss & he AIN'T it Tommy: who could EVER measure up to the 💭💞 Ali: standards, cool Ali: unrealistic expectations, less so Ali: but I can't really advocate for reality at this point in the game Tommy: You don't need to tell me, sis Ali: you're team turn-a-stage-kiss-real, yeah Ali: it's more realistic than fairytales, anyway, look at strictly Tommy: I'm team when's my life been a shitty made for netflix flick never mind a 🐸🤴📖 Tommy: crushing realism ftw Ali: 💔 Ali: If you didn't have a tragic love-life to complain about, you'd be too insufferable 🤴💩 Tommy: comforting Tommy: I'd HATE to morph into Fraze of a few years back Ali: I'll let you know if you start getting freckles Tommy: I'd know if I woke up with those brows Tommy: nowhere to hide, like Ali: 👺 Tommy: 😂 Ali: What are you getting ma for her bday/have you got already (suckup) Tommy: I left it there if you wanna find & shake the 🎁 Ali: Wow, you really didn't wanna pay postage that bad huh Ali: I'll see if I can 🔮 Tommy: with what? I'm skint after buying hers & Ro's Tommy: & it'll be 🎅🎄🎁 before too long Ali: that's what people really mean when they say dance don't pay Ali: gifting an interpretive dance is nothing but pretentious and unwelcome Ali: I can bodge together however many crafts I need and save my dolla Tommy: been there, tried that one Tommy: so much for your so called genius Tommy: ain't even thought of earning any by busting out the 🎅🎄🎵 classics for a busking sesh, works with 🩰 too I'll have you know Ali: 'til you knock over an old lady and have to leg it, like Ali: and if you hadn't noticed, I've been a little busy making a replica Ro, tah Ali: my creative juices are juiced right now Tommy: I'll make it look like part of the show & have the punters eating out of my palm when I catch & twirl any 👵 before they touch ground Tommy: yeah well you've got time from now, fair game on all things yule from Nov 1st Ali: 👌👌 clearly the LDN ones are more receptive because they're vicious 'round here with their 👜s and I'm only trying to give them the tea they ordered Ali: if ANYONE should advocate for Christmas not dragging, like Tommy: it's Irish dancing or fuck all back there, 365 🌧 or ⛅ Tommy: little girls scam every bit of that trade Ali: ironic when it's catch these hands in every other aspect Ali: so you'll fit right in, eh Ali: feel traumatised yet? Tommy: I'll do my best, as ever Ali: 🤴 Ali: meanwhile ma will have to make do with whatever IOU present I can knock up Ali: maybe I'll babysit, that's never not gonna work Tommy: she was on about going out 🍽 wasn't she? Tommy: Carls will never not be down either Ali: get him to make her a cake Ali: sorted Ali: providing he washes his hands...a full hose down may be necessary actually Tommy: she's survived the 🧁 he brings back from school & we've all seen the state of him at day's end Ali: yeah, cheers for the immunity boost little 🦠 Ali: fair, I'm pretty sure we put some weird and wonderful things into our bakes at his age and no one died Ali: Laoise nearly but you know Tommy: close but no 🚬 Tommy: typical of that bitch Ali: sure a 🙏 was said to finish the job at mass Tommy: if you see her ma mascara running in an lbd, I demand to be the first to know Ali: I'll pap her in her time of distress, it's fine Ali: I can hide up trees for HOURS if needs must Tommy: I'm not above piggybacking on the 'tragedy' to get better grades or a hol Tommy: do your part, like Ali: she won't fall for 🍄 again Ali: her brother might if Ro puts 'em in her gob Tommy: 💞 Ali: more of a mood than without Ali: add a little danger Tommy: she'd appreciate the drama more than anything he could ever do Ali: 💔 Tommy: nah, we're not shipping that Tommy: not today Ali: You gotta make some bad decisions before you make the right ones Tommy: a bad decision was the colour of her 👗 Tommy: the last thing that girl needs is a boy right now Ali: Okay you can't come for anyone vis a vis colour, boy Ali: even if I still see it when I close my eyes after however many weeks sewing Ali: but you may have a point re. a boy Ali: just, some socialisation wouldn't hurt Ali: and as far as they go, he's harmless Tommy: 'Course I do, she can barely exist in front of us Tommy: if they went on a date, what's she gonna do, order a glass of water? Ali: like you haven't seen her fake eat a plate of food Ali: it's only noticeable to all us that she's not actually putting any in her mouth Tommy: 🔮✨ Tommy: if he's TRULY harmless he don't deserve to be harmed by her attitude Tommy: which anyone else not bound by family love & loyalty would call something loads harsher Ali: Don't Ali: I feel bad enough for Meena sometimes Tommy: @ Carly too & we all know it Ali: Yeah, Carly can handle it though, she's mostly unphased even if it is a total thing 🙄 Tommy: She's a 👸😇 I doubt Kayne is that pure of ❤️ or intentions tbh Tommy: & Meena can handle anything so Ali: he's deffo a virgin though Ali: which yes, makes for more desperation, but he can't be that forceful if he dunno what he wants, you know Ali: yeah but God knows why she wants to come 'round here and get more of it at times Tommy: No shit, Kit but everyone's seen a porno, it's not the 70s Tommy: dress for it all you like Tommy: maybe she wants to get out of her own 🏡 Ali: everyone also knows it's bullshit Ali: whatever else she's got that much about her Tommy: does he though? Tommy: all I'm saying Ali: either way, it isn't like she's going to have a miraculous change of heart Ali: we all saw how well it went Tommy: Yeah but what if it makes her heart set on finding someone else to play 🤴 Tommy: you'd know better than me what goes on in her head Ali: She's 15, I don't see how any of us can say or do anything to stop her if that's what she does want Tommy: 15 technically Tommy: 🤷 Ali: If we can't make her eat, you know Ali: what hope do we have for anything beyond that Tommy: 0 Tommy: & it's fucked Ali: Yep Ali: but it's not as if that bombshell has only just been dropped, I guess Ali: we'll carry on doing what we can Tommy: 🔮✨ Ali: ✌💚
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the-arcana-related · 5 years
Heartbreak || Lucio
Pov: Mya
Haha this is so bad
"Here we are," I said, a smile etching itself on my face as we stopped in front of the palance gate. "Back at your palace, back in your body," Lucio stared up at the large building, showing his infamous grin. I o ly stared at him, the smile remaining on my face. He looked...so happy. The more I think about it, I probably would too.
"I'm home," he softly said under his breath. I only nodded. He glanced over at me, placing a firm hand on my shoulder. I flinched a bit, shocked at his action. He pulled my close to him, our noses gently brushing together. "And I couldn't of done it without you," he pressed a quick kiss to my lips. I felt my face grow warm. He pulled away. Letting go of my shoulder. I bit my lip.
"Well, we were bound together, so I had no choice," I said, smiling. He softly laughed.
"Yes, that is true. Now, if you'll excuse me," he looked back at his castle. "I have things to do, parties to plan," Ah there was the Lucio I knew. I softly chuckled and nodded.
"Alright, I have to go to the shop anyways. Make sure to stop-" he was already walking off before ai could finish. My brows furrowed a bit but I brushed it off. I started to make my way back to the shop. It felt..weird not being bound to Lucio anymore. As much as I started ro enjoy not being around him all the time, I missed him.
Maybe he'll visit the shop.
-Present Day-
I sighed in frustration, running a hand through my hair as it carelessly fell in front of my face. The potion in front of me was stealing from the fire beneath it. I skimmed through the page of Asra's book, looking at all of his notes. "How did he do this?" I grumbled, trying to follow the instructions.
I had been trying to make a healing potion, usuing the instructions from a notebook Asra passed down to me. But thing's were going as planned. It just wasn't, working, nor mixing right. The shop was basically a sauna from the fire, but it smelled like roses. I was becoming sick of the smell. If only Asra was here, he could've helped me. But he was out on a trip.
Sighing, I put out the fire. Beside me, Ada, my familiar and dog, started to stir. He had been sleeping beside me. He raised his head, looking at me, confused. "Let's go for a walk," I told him. He slowly got up, stretching. I walked over to the door, Ada beside me. I flipped the sign on the door, to say that the shop was closed. Slowly, I opened the door, letting the cool fall breeze inside. I sighed contently and strolled out.
Ada and I set out to the market place. It was unusually packed today. I glanced down at Ada, who looked up at me. We both shared a confused look. "Maybe Nadia is here," I said. Ada's tail started to wag excitedly. I softly laughed at his reaction before going deeper into the market.
I strolled down to the bakery, as usual, but, I noticed a group of people crowded around it. That's when I saw the familiar tuff of blonde hair, and the red fur coat. Lucio. But then I noticed someone attached to him. A girl. Another pang.
I felt a pang in my chest just at the sight of him. One I had felt so many times in the past few weeks. I just stared. I heard Ada started to growl. That's what caught Lucio's attention. He shifted his gaze over to Ada. His brows furrowed, then he looked at me. Shock registered on his face. "Mya?"
My brows slowly started to furrow. "Let's go Ada," I turned on my heel and started to quickly walk out of the market place. Tears started to brim my eyes. I furiously wiped them away.
He'll go to the market place, but he wont take time out of his day to stop by the shop? Say hi to me? Act like I don't exist anymore? Get a girlfriend, possibly a wife and just disregard everything that happened between us? Yeah, sounds like Lucio.
Ada kept up with my quick steps. I ignored Lucio's calls as I made it back to the shop. I swung open the door, letting Ada in, before I walked in and slammed the door closed. The warmth wrapped around me, and the smell of roses had died down.
I heard a hard knock on the door after a bit. "Mya!" I ignored it, walking behind the counter. Another knock. "Mya, open the door,"
"We're closed!" I growled. There was silence after a bit. I let out a small sigh of relief. But it was short lived when the door swung open, revealing none other than Count Lucio himself. "I said we're closed,"
"Why did you run? I figured you would have seemed more excited to see me. Most people are-" I rolled my eyes and started to wipe off the counters. Ada growled at him. He shot Ada a glare. "I thought you liked me too,"
"Ada, settle. Don't waste your breath on him," I patted his soft fur. He nuzzled his head into my touch. I smiled. "I made that mistake a long time ago," I continued to wipe down the counters.
"What? What do you mean waste your breath?" I glanced over at Lucio, the anger slowly building up. He looked confused and frustrated. "I thought you liked me...?"
"Used to," I corrected. His eyes widened. "Then I realized I was only a piece in your plan to get your body back. To get you back to your castle," the guilt was shone in his eyes. He went to say something. I held up a finger, shaking slightly. "Don't, say anything," I swallowed hard, fighting back the tears. "Don't try to defend yourself. You know exactly what you did,"
"Mya, please, I really did l-" I scoffed.
"No you didn't. You used me. Acted like you genuinely cared for me, when all you cared about, was getting your body and castle back," the words started to pour out. "If you liked me, or even cared about me, you would've visited the shop, even if it was a quick Hello. You wouldn't of got hitched with some girl. To be quite honest, I feel bad for her. Shes with a narcissistic, self centered man, who only uses people," my head started to throb, from holding back tears.
Lucio was silent. I only continued. "I opened up to you. I told you everything. I trusted you. I thought you cared about me. I thought I had finally found someone. I gave you my first kiss. I did everything I could to help you," my fists started to clench. "But you used me. Everything you said or did, meant nothing, didn't it?" His silence was the only answered. I took a shakey breath. "Exactly,"
"Get out Lucio," I hissed. He flinched. Sadness etched itself upon his face as he made his way to the door.
"Mya, I'm so-"
"I said get out!" I yelled. He bit his lip before quickly leaving the shop, closing the door roughly behind him. That's then the tears started to roll down my cheek. I slid down against the wall, curling my knees to my chest.
I sat there, sobbing. Ada curled up next to me, nuzzling his head against mine. I let out ragged sobs and started to carefully pet his head. "I hate it Ada," I softly croaked out. "I set myself up for this," Ada let out a small whine. "Now I know why Asra hate's him. He uses people to get what he wants. He doesn't care about people's feelings," Ada nuzzled his head against mine again. "I hate him,"
I hated that I fell in love with him.
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