#I didn't really proofread this sooooo go off
orchidsangel · 10 months
i don't think it's crazy to assume that it's been a while since jason has spent thanksgiving with someone who he truly cares about and who truly cares about him.
i also don't think it's crazy to assume that he's become so used to spending this time of the year alone. patrolling at night instead of going home to a family and eating takeout on days when people typically prepare massive meals to share with their loved ones.
he's so used to it that when you make a big deal of your first thanksgiving together he doesn't really get it at first. to him it's just another day of protecting gotham, to you it's a day to celebrate how thankful you are for the people in your life including him.
you typically spend it with your family, and this year you invite him but he politely declines. says he can't make it, has to patrol, doesn't want to intrude, etc. and you assure him that he can take a night off and it's not intruding if you want him there. still, he's set on not going and you don't push it because you know how to read between the lines, family holidays are a touchy subject for him, it's nothing personal.
when the day rolls around you go to the home of whoever you're celebrating with, and it's great, ofc it is. you're with people you love, eating really good food, catching up with the ones you haven't seen in a while.
and even though you're happy, there's still something missing. someone missing.
if you're out of state, you send him a pic of your plate.
"eating for two."
you excuse yourself from the table, going into an unoccupied bathroom to call him. he immediately picks up.
"eating for two huh?"
"yeah, me and you."
he laughs but you can hear relief in his breaths , and you spend the next thirty or so minutes making small talk. it's not awkward but there's something bigger looming between the two of you.
"i wish you were here." you say
and he responds with, "i know."
"maybe next year?"
"maybe next year."
someone knocks on the door, asking if you're almost done, they're bringing out the pies soon. and you and jason say your goodbyes, you hope in that moment that he knows just how thankful for him you are.
if you're still in gotham, you start the night off pretty similarly. enjoying the food and the people around you, playing games and catching up.
but the second you feel that pang in your heart you start plating up enough food to feed a small army (or 200+ pounds of pure muscle). you put some plastic wrap over it and grab your coat. someone asks where you're going, and you just tell them you have work in the morning.
it's cold outside, the climate crisis making november unbearably cold before snow even hits the ground. and you haul ass to your car, driving totally safely, totally not in a rush to see your boyfriend.
when he opens the door of his apartment he's confused, but he still takes the plate from your hands, setting it down somewhere, and holds you in his arms for a while.
"you didn't have to come."
"i wanted to."
"you should be with your family right now""
"you are my family."
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i have really bad bf!jason brainrot, need to spend the holidays with him sooooo bad and tell him how much i love him. something similar to the second part. (also this isn't proofread my b)
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auroravictorium · 2 years
midnight rain (k.b.)
she was sunshine, i was midnight rain.
Summary: kaz and reader hunt down the person responsible for exposing their relationship to the dime lions, putting the reader at risk.
Pairing(s): kaz x fem!reader (established relationship)
Word Count: ~3.2k
Warnings: fighting, blood, guns, daggers, betrayal, very quick mention of drinking, minor cursing, poor proofreading lol sorry 
Genre: uhhhh primarily angst but there's some fluff at the end!
Author's Note: so i didn't mean for this to turn out as long as it did but... oops 😅 also i promise the next one will be fluffy!! i've been really loading on the angst, sorry. BUT I've got fluff in mind for the next few sooooo <3
grishaverse masterlist
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"What do you think this is about?" you asked Inej quietly, trailing behind her as she led you up the stairs to Kaz's office in the Club. He'd summoned Jesper too, but he wanted to see you first, which couldn't be good. Getting called to his office while the Club was already open meant he was okay with risking kruge being stolen, fake, or not in his pockets. 
"I have no idea. Has he said anything to you?" Inej muttered back. She smoothed her hands down the front of her pants, ensuring her knives were in place. She was on edge, caught off guard by the sudden meeting.
You blushed, though nobody could see it in the dim hallway, and absentmindedly brushed your fingers over your collarbone, where the necklace Kaz had given you hid beneath your shirt. Inej wasn't a fool. She knew about you and Kaz and had been the first to notice the lingering glances between the two of you; then you'd nearly died, and well... "No."
Inej sighed, and you could tell it bothered her that there was information she didn't have.
When you arrived at the door at the end of the hall, tucked out of sight from nosy or drunk patrons, you found your fellow Crows standing outside. They were looking around at each other, waiting for someone to be the first to gather the courage to ask what was going on. As you joined them, you crossed your arms over your chest and clutched your elbows. The air was frosty from tension. Five pairs of eyes turned to you as you joined the semicircle around Kaz's door. You stood between Jesper and Nina and looked around at your friends.
"What?" you hissed. Your eyes flicked to the closed office door, then back to the group staring at you. Matthias looked away when your gaze met his, and Wylan cringed away from the door. Jesper suddenly became very interested in the shine of his boots, and Nina was intensely examining her cuticles.
Inej was the only one who spoke and met your gaze. "Knock when you're ready," she said softly. You sighed and ran your hands down the front of your pants, mirroring Inej's nerves. When your palm brushed the dagger strapped to the outside of your thigh, you felt yourself calm slightly. Not that you would need a weapon against Kaz, but it was reassuring. You'd cheated death once. You could face an irritated Kaz.
"Saints be with you," Jesper mumbled, earning a shush from everyone but you. Wylan jabbed his elbow into Jesper's ribs, making Jesper wince. "Sorry."
"I don't think Saints will be enough," Nina whispered. 
"Not against the demjin himself," Matthias added under his breath.
If you weren't about to face an angry Kaz, you would have laughed at the sight of the Crows avoiding an office. All of you had faced death at least once, bore unsaintly amounts of trauma, and been through entirely too much in your relatively short lives. Yet all of you stood there, hoping that the saints could mitigate the wrath of Kaz Brekker.
Nobody moved a muscle, looking at you expectantly. A few thumps echoed from inside the office, sounding a lot like a cane hitting the ground as a certain demjin paced his office.
You definitely couldn't delay going in any longer. You moved toward the door, and the Crows scattered, disappearing down the hall and leaving you to whatever terrible news Kaz had summoned you to give.
You slipped inside the office and brushed your fingers over your necklace. "You wanted to see me?" you said, shutting the door behind you and lingering next to it.
Kaz was standing by the small, grimy window, reading over a piece of parchment for the thousandth time, judging by his mussed hair. He'd run his fingers through it so much that the hair stuck out every which way and flopped into his face. You longed to reach out and fix it but now wasn't the time.
You sat in the seat in front of his desk, waiting for him to address you. When he finished reading, he set it on the desk and slid it across to you. He jabbed the block of text with a gloved finger. "They know," he said flatly. Your brows furrowed in confusion, and you took the letter to read for yourself. 
Amalia Nikolaeva entered the Emerald Palace at ten past midnight last night. She exited around ten minutes later, holding a bag of coins. She was heading toward Fifth Harbor, but we lost sight due to fog.
It was short, but it was damning. Your blood ran cold, and you looked up from the letter. "Why?" Amalia had been friendly to you while giving you your tattoo, and she'd given no indication of being willing to betray the Dregs. You didn't want it to make sense, but this was Ketterdam. Betrayal was commonplace, lurking around every corner. Amalia's actions made perfect sense. If the price was right...
"The information was too valuable to not hand over," Kaz said. He turned and paced back over to the window. He spun his cane in his hand. "I wanted to tell you before we left that I intend to kill her."
You nodded slowly. It made sense. Kaz had a special treatment reserved for double agents, and it wasn't pretty. He hadn't earned the name Dirtyhands by being kind. "When are we leaving?"
"You're staying here." He didn't turn as he said it, but you knew from his voice alone that he wanted it to be nonnegotiable. He didn't want you to argue. But you weren't good at not arguing when the person Kaz was out to get had practically sold you to the Dime Lions. Amalia had put a bounty of Saints knew how much on your head, and you weren't going to sit back and wait for Kaz and Jesper to return. This was your fight, too.
You stood. "No. I'm coming with you." You stared at Kaz's back, challenging him to fight you. Rage began to burn beneath your skin. It had been almost three years since you'd had to do dirty work like this, since you'd felt the need to do it, but that familiar ruthlessness was waking up within you again. It stirred, waiting to be called into action.
Kaz had recruited you because you weren't kind either. You were both willing to do what needed to be done, even if it meant cleaning blood out of your clothes at the end of the day.
Kaz exhaled, long and slow. He wanted to fight you on this. If he could, he'd tie you to a chair and make you stay there until he returned. But he knew this wasn't just his problem to solve. It affected you too. "If things go south, you leave the city," he finally said. "There's a boat to Ravka leaving Fifth Harbor at dawn."
"I won't do that." You wouldn't leave him to whatever fate this damned city would deal him.
He turned to face you, and his eyes lit up with unexpected fury. "Half the city is after you." Because you're associated with me, he silently added. And I was a fool to trust Amalia to not say anything about me going with you for your tattoo or keep that moment between us quiet. "Promise me."
The look on his face melted your willpower. He meant it. He wanted you to leave him if something went wrong. "Fine," you said softly. You hoped it wouldn't come to that; you didn't think you'd have the strength. "I will."
He nodded, and the ferocity in his eyes dimmed. "Where's Jesper?"
You dropped your voice to a whisper. "Listening at the door."
Kaz silently crossed the room, muttered something uncomplimentary, then opened the door. Jesper and Nina nearly toppled inside, and the rest turned away and pretended they weren't waiting up against the wall. "Jesper, shouldn't you be getting ready to leave?" Kaz grumbled. "The rest of you should be downstairs."
The Crows erupted into murmurs and scattered again. Their footsteps thundered against the stairs as they disappeared back into the noise of the roaring laughter and clinking kruge in the gambling hall below.
Kaz shut the door again and looked at you. "Did you know they were listening?"
"Not until Jesper told Matthias to shut up," you answered, offering a tiny smile. You reached out and gently squeezed Kaz's hand. "It's not your fault."
Kaz squeezed your hand back and released it. He reached for his coat and pulled it on. "If that were true, you wouldn't be in danger."
"I knew the risk. I chose this, Kaz." How could you make him understand that he wasn't at fault for the Dime Lions knowing about you? The only person at fault was Amalia for choosing to turn her back on the Dregs and using your relationship with Kaz as means to do so. 
"You didn't choose the danger. You chose to stop running." He looked at you pointedly, and you remembered when he caught you in an alley nearly three years ago and offered you a place in the Dregs. He'd heard someone was robbing the rich within the Geldstraat and then taking the money back to the Barrel for the prostitutes and beggars on the streets. On rare occasions, you'd even maimed a few of the Geldstraat's richest residents as vengeance, primarily those who used and abused those within the Barrel.
"I chose to be with you and chose everything that comes with it," you shot back, stuffing your hands in your coat pockets. "I don't regret that."
Kaz saw the truth in your eyes, and he nodded his head slowly. He didn't quite know what to say to such an open confession. He wished he could do that so effortlessly.
So, he settled for what he did know how to say. "Are you ready to go?"
You nodded. You had a dagger on your thigh, two on your waist, and a gun in its holster, all underneath your coat. There were additional weapons within the coat itself, but those were merely insurance.
The two of you went downstairs to meet Jesper, and you took the back exit out of the Club. "No mourners," Kaz said, limping ahead of the two of you and gesturing to a carriage he'd already called. 
"No funerals," you and Jesper echoed.
The carriage took you up the East Stave and past Amalia's parlor next to the harbor. According to another report, she was hiding near the Fourth Harbor, hoping to sneak onto a ship bound for Ravka.
"Smart girl, but too late," Jesper muttered beside you, leaning his head against the carriage wall. Periodically, the wheels would hit a bump, and his head would hit the wall with a sharp smack. The sight of Jesper simply accepting the discomfort would have amused you if you weren't about to act on the searing vengeance underneath your skin. Instead, you were unusually calm and found yourself staring out the small carriage window during the ride.
Kaz threw a pouch of coins at the carriage driver when you came to a stop outside an alley that was disgusting by Ketterdam standards. It was grimy, and rats skittered in and out with bits of food in tow. Your need for revenge wavered as you imagined Amalia waiting in that alley for hours, hoping to stow away on a ship.
Then you remembered she sold you out to the Dime Lions, and that fury came right back to you.
You unsheathed your dagger as the three of you entered the alley. Jesper and Kaz took the first two doors, pounding on them and asking the occupants whether they'd seen a Grisha woman of Amalia's description. You moved further into the alley, slowly moving and peering around garbage, boxes, and crates.
You sensed movement to your right and whirled as Amalia leaped out from behind a large crate at you. You dodged, and she went stumbling toward the brick wall. She turned and went for you again, and you clashed with each other. She also had a dagger, and your blades scraped against each other as you tried to disarm the other. Sometime in the fight, her knuckles brushed your face, and pain seared across your cheekbone.
"What did you gain?" you hissed, knocking her back and shoving her toward the wall. You bared your dagger again and slashed it toward her in a wide arc. She ducked, and metal met the brick wall. You turned to keep up with her, not wanting a repeat of a blade between your ribs. "Was it worth the kruge?"
"There's no kruge," she snarled back. She cut the air with her blade, narrowly missing your chest. "Rollins gave me fakes." She dodged a fist you threw her way and launched herself at you. Both of you abandoned your blades in favor of your hands, and you were about to aim for her nose when shuffling came from your right.
The metal end of Kaz's cane struck her in the side of the head with nonlethal force, but hard enough to send her crumpling to the ground. Blood splattered across the gravel beneath you and the wall, and a gash opened on the side of her head. It seeped blood, and she lifted her fingers to it, trying to heal it with her powers. 
You knocked her arm to the side with your foot and stepped on her hand, making her scream in agony. Jesper appeared and pinned her other arm, holding his gun to her temple. She sobbed but stopped moving, accepting that she was vastly outnumbered.
Beside you, Kaz pressed the blunt end of his cane to her throat. "Why did you do it?" he asked coolly. You knew him well enough to detect the fiery anger in his voice. She'd injured you, and he didn't appreciate that. "I paid for your parlor and sent you clients."
"Not enough, not enough," she cried. "I needed more. To go home."
The cane against her throat pressed harder against her windpipe, and she coughed, trying to get air. "Is that so?"
You held up a hand, silencing Kaz as you peered at her tear-stained face. This was not the desperation of someone who just wanted to return home. It was more than that. She wasn't just trying to support herself. "Who are you trying to return to?"
She shook her head, displacing the cane against her throat. A bruise blossomed where it had once been, but she was powerless to heal it with her hands pinned. "I didn't want to," she croaked. "I didn't want to do it. I needed the money."
"She asked you a question," Kaz growled. His hand twitched, threatening to bring the cane down again, and Amalia flinched.
"A boy. My father sent me away because he didn't approve, but I swore I'd return." She sobbed again and let her eyes slip shut. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Saints forgive me."
"Move," you said softly, gesturing for Jesper to release her from gunpoint. He glanced up at you, unconvinced, but you nodded to confirm the order. Jesper holstered his weapon but kept her arm pinned beneath his knee. "Release her. Both of you."
The boys moved back but remained within striking and shooting distance. Unease rolled off them in waves, and Kaz twitched beside you, itching to follow through with his threat. You looked down at Amalia and took in how bruised and battered she was, all because she'd tried to get home. 
You had a choice. You could let Kaz kill her as he'd vowed to do, or you could let her go home. Nothing could remove the bounty she'd placed on your head except for your death or capture by the Dime Lions, but you could provide her with the means she needed to go home. You'd gain nothing but less weight on your conscience. In Ketterdam, that wasn't good enough. There always needed to be more, but for you...
You could nurture that small piece of good within you, protect it from the viciousness of Ketterdam. You would never be kind, nor could you take back the wounds left on her skin. But you could help her where everyone else hadn't.
You reached into the inner pocket of your coat for the pouch of kruge containing your last month's wages. "A ship leaves at dawn from Fifth Harbor, bound for Ravka. Tell them Dirtyhands sent you." You glanced at Kaz, begging him to agree. He didn't look pleased, but he nodded.
Amalia's eyes widened when she saw the pouch of kruge, but you recognized the doubt in them. 
"We have no tolerance for fake coin." You held out the purse to her. "It should be enough to get you wherever you need to be."
Shakily, Amalia sat up and took the money. Her eyes flicked between the three of you. "I'm sorry," she whispered again. 
You shook your head. You didn't want to hear apologies. "Don't. Make it worth it, and don't look back."
She opened the pouch and saw it was all genuine kruge. Slowly, she got to her feet and smoothed out her clothing. Her wounds started to heal, and then she pressed gentle fingers to your face. The bruise there disappeared, as did your growing headache.
Then, without a word, Amalia darted out of the alley and vanished.
"A moment, Jesper," Kaz murmured. He'd been remarkably silent through the whole exchange.
Jesper looked at you as if he didn't recognize you, then left without argument, stepping out of the alley to wait for you and Kaz.
The two of you were silent for a few long moments, looking down at the blood-splattered ground. Guilt gnawed at you. Amalia only wanted to return home to the boy she loved, and the three of you had attacked her. But she'd handed you to the Dime Lions first, and you still had to contend with that while she could escape the city. You weren't sure how to feel.
"That was too kind," Kaz finally said. "She deserved much worse."
You shook her head. "No, she didn't," you responded, then lapsed into silence again. You forced yourself to look away from the bloodstains on the ground.
"Ketterdam doesn't deserve someone like you." Kaz looked up at the cloudy sky, ready to drop rain over your heads at any moment. But still, there were a few patches where sunlight was trying to break through. You were a lot like that, he thought. Sunny and kinder than most in the city, trying to find the patches of good within him and Ketterdam. He was like the rain on a summer evening, washing away the good at every turn.
Kaz didn't add the rest of what he wanted to say. I don't either.
"You deserve more," you whispered, turning your face to the sky. You slipped your hand into his. You wished you could tell him again that you didn't blame him for the danger you were now in, but this wasn't the place. You settled for clasping his hand and lacing your fingers with his while the rest of Ketterdam continued on under the hazy sky.
He tapped your shoe with his cane in response, and it seemed to mean infinitely more now. More than just I'm here. Because you chose him and all of his faults, and you chose this city with its violence, greed, and corruption. Kaz kept your hand in his as he led you back out of the alley and into the carriage to go home, hoping it would tell you just how grateful he was that you were there.
TAGLIST: @tonberry-yoda @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r
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xxxdegenerate · 1 year
Hiya! I saw you're in need of requests!
Ok one piece. Luffy. He is always for weird New people who Peaks his interest
Sooooo. Magician! A real life magician! He would freak out 🤣
The Crew wary, thinking she would hex them or use them to practice curses or other morbid stuff but she is just so sweet! She helps the Crew with her magic, like Chopper or sanji introduce him magic plants he can use for cooking etc. Luffy is more than happy to have her and when Marines come, ready to attack, she just Flicks her hand and the ship gets destroyed in one go, humming before returning to her previous task 🤣🤣
Pls! You would make my day!
I love writing OP reader, and I don't even know why. THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST. (it's acc cool as fuck to imagine this)
Luffy x Magician!Reader
❥note ;; Magician? Hell yee, I feel like I could have done better, or maybe I will write an actual story about this, because it seems really interesting!
❥tw ;; Fighting, cursing // not proofread
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You walked the trail on the island you grew up in. Wearing a cape, with some gloves and a hat. The sun was setting and the breeze was calm. You were the odd one out, but that didn't stop you from having a little fun.
You waved your hand around, causing leaves around you to float about. You smiled as you lifted them up into the air. Going in circles before making various shapes.
All of a sudden, big explosions were sounded in the town just ahead. Now as much as you hate this town, and the pirates that accompany it. You rushed over, using your powers to push yourself faster.
Upon arriving, you noticed the towns people and the pirates were in a heated fight. You looked around, trying to figure out why. You snapped your fingers and some cards appeared into the air, surrounding you.
"Ah the weirdo decides to join in hah?" The captain of the lowlife pirates. You rolled your eyes and turned to face the woman. "What are you doing with the town?" You noticed how the houses were getting torn down and fights happening all around. You also happened to notice someone whiz past you and a loud laugh.
Although you decided to shake that off and keep your attention on the lady. "Just finally taking what is ours."
You flicked your hand and cards went towards her. Blowing up.
She coughed and whipped out her sword. "Two can pl-" She was tackled to the ground and a black haired boy with a strawhat sat on top of her. "What-" You choked out.
One of her crew?
You haven't seen him around here, so he must be. You flicked your hand and the two of them go flying. "Weeeee!" You heard the boy laugh.
"Who are you?" A voice, from behind you. You turn around as one of your cards stop at his neck. You narrow your eyes.
"Why are you tearing apart this town." You demanded an answer.
He tilted his head in response as he took a bite out of the chunk of meat he somehow got. "Tearing? AH woah! Your hat!" He looked confused before pointing at your hat in surpise.
"I have one too! Yours is different." You shook your head and turned around, throwing some of the other pirates off of the people.
"Woah! How do you do that?" You deadpan at the boy who followed you around.
"Are you apart of this fight or not?"
"Join my crew!"
"No! You're ruining this town!"
"No were not, that's not my friends." You were confused, you decided to just blast some smoke and go back towards the fight.
Soon, a pile of pirates sat in the center of the town. Smoke and fire erupting around. "Y/n! You did it again!" The elder lady came and thanked you.
You looked around at the town, meeting the eyes of the boy from earlier. He held a wide smile on his face. "That was cool! Join my crew."
"Who are you?"
"Luffy! I'm going to be the king of pirates."
"Sorry dude, but me and pirates do not get along." You were hesitant.
"Come with me!"
This went on for awhile, as you used your magic to held rebuild and clean the area up, he followed you like a lost dog. Watching in awe and standing on some of the broken bits of wood you would raise in the air. He was starting to get on your nerves.
You pull the wooden plank towards you with Luffy on it. "Okay, what do you want?" He smiles widely at you as he has all day. "You're cool! I want you to join me. You'll love it." He giggled.
You scratch your neck before moving him away. He seemed nice, and he did help you get rid of the pirates. But he was also a pirate.
He stretched his arms and pulled himself towards you, crashing into you.
The two of you rolled before you landed a couple feet away. "Dude-" You grabbed at him and pulled his arm, which stretched. "Okay, that's a little weird."
Deciding that he would probably not take no for an answer you decided to follow him to his ship. You could either get kidnapped, killed, or worse. You knew you had this in the bag though. "If you try anything I'm teleporting away."
He laughed in response as you somehow finally reached the boat. "Didn't we pass this like an hour ago.." He launched the two of you up into the center of the ship.
"Luffy! Why did you take off! You've been gone all day!" An orange haired girl scolded Luffy. A few others appeared and started complaining. "Who is this?" A blonde man appeared next to you with a rose.
"This is.. uh."
After meeting everyone they seemed very weary of you. Luffy described what you could do and they looked hesitant. They haven't seen you in battle, but they don't doubt Luffy.
"She's our new crew member!"
"When did I agree to that!!?"
You bicker back and forth for a hot minute. This man acted like a child and it made you fume. You flicked your hand and hit him on the head with a rock. Not toooooo hard, and not like it would hurt him anyone. He fell down and laughed. "Look isn't that cool."
The others around you sweatdropped and were clearly on edge.
"H-hey guys.." The long nosed dude pointed to a ship that was nearing, quickly.
While still arguing with Luffy about joining, you flicked your wrist towards the ship. The ship erupted. Pieces of wood flying and people yelling and jumping overboard. The crew watched in awe
"You are a bad influence! I am not joining your crew!" He giggled at your reaction. You shake your head and turn around, heading to jump off of the ship. Acting like taking that ship down was nothing to you. "H-hey wait.. are you sure you don't want to join?" The girl from earlier had stopped you.
You narrow your eyes. Did you really want to join a pirate crew? You looked back and see a little reindeer chasing Luffy around. "You're hurt! Stop running around!" Your eyes dart to the side, seeing the blonde serve drinks to another lady.
"Ah fuck it."
Over the past week of being aboard the Sunny. It was a new experience, and you hate to admit you enjoyed these pirates. They were... fun. You helped around the ship, soon they became your family. You helped Sanji and showed him new things, for cooking. You even entertained Usopp and Luffy with your magic.
You were beginning to like the pirate life.
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annab-nana · 9 months
“Can I have some cocoa?” With the stranger things gang🥺 all hanging out at Steve’s house watching Christmas movies🥺
omg of course this sounds adorable!!
warnings: not proofread, kinda long for a blurb i think but i wanted to include as many people as i could
❀ masterlist ❀
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"i thought we were watching gremlins," eddie commented when he brushed past you to grab drinks for robin and himself.
"it freaks will out. lucas too, but he'd never admit to that," you told him while finishing up the mixture for the sweet popcorn. "can you get a head count of how many want popcorn? tell them their options are regular butter popcorn, cinnamon sugar popcorn, or chips which they can get themselves."
"you got it," eddie told you before walking off with two mugs of hot chocolate. as he left, dustin passed him with his eyes on the cups eddie held.
"can i have some cocoa?" the curly-haired boy asked you.
"um, one sec." you paused and turned to the table where the hot chocolate was supposed to be, but it seemed eddie grabbed the last two that were ready. "come back in a little bit. jonathan is making more right now."
dustin left and yelled, "eddie, you took the last of the hot cocoa! i hope you're happy!"
robin's laughter sounded throughout the house as did eddie's voice when he said, "and it's sooooo good."
you rolled your eyes at the pair while getting a start on pouring popcorn into separate bowls for everyone. eddie should be back with a count soon anyway. but, he didn't walk in next.
max and eleven did.
"eddie said you needed to know how many people wanted popcorn," the redhead stated in an almost questioning tone before you nodded.
"six want cinnamon sugar and...." eleven shared with you and trailed off to count in her head, "four want butter."
"jonathan?" you called over to the boy who was mixing hot chocolate on the stove. he turned to face you. "do you want popcorn?"
"um, yeah. i'll try the cinnamon sugar."
"alright, so that's eleven total and i want some too which makes twelve. max, can you grab four more bowls and el, can you help me fill these bowls with popcorn?"
you knew the girls loved to help, so they wasted no time in following your requests. more hands at work made things go by faster anyway.
just as max placed down the bowls you'd asked for, steve appeared in the doorway, his expression not being one of happiness.
"i can't get the vcr to work and i am this close to snapping henderson's neck," he spoke breathily, his eyes bouncing between you and jonathan.
you met jonathan's eye before nodding your head in the direction of the living room. "you know more about that stuff than i do, so i'll take over the hot chocolate. steve, why don't you help me?"
he nodded and the pair of boys swapped places.
"you two got this, right?" you asked the girls to which they nodded. "i want cinnamon sugar too so that's ten of those. the mixture is right here. sprinkle it on and toss it a bit to get it evenly coated. the melted butter is in the microwave. put a little bit on all of it, but more on the ones that are just butter."
once they seemed like they got it, you split to go over to the stove where steve stood. you knew the hot chocolate was almost done when jonathan was working on it, so it's had to be done now.
"you okay?" you inquired of steve when you picked up the pot and started pouring hot cocoa into the mugs that jonathan had set out.
"yeah, yeah. it's just..." he sighed and ran a hand down his face. "keith was on my ass earlier and we were really busy the whole time like there wasn't a break at all. then after work, i had to get stuff for this and ever since i got home, it's been insane. then, the stupid vcr. henderson was trying to help, but he was just telling me what i was already doing and then was saying i was doing it wrong. i let him take over before i came in here."
"have you had any hot chocolate yet? that always makes me feel better," you shared with him while handing him a mug. he accepted it gladly.
"thanks for this," he paused to gesture toward the mug, "and for listening."
"no problem."
"i got it working," jonathan announced when he came back into the kitchen. "they're ready to start if we're ready in here."
you glanced over at the girls who were finishing up the popcorn.
"tell them to come get their popcorn and then we're set to start."
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remember to support writers & reblog :)
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kirans-wonderland · 2 years
If the Shoe Fits I'll Steal it~
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Just a silly goofy idea I had at an ungodly hour of the night. Idk what this party is for but it's happening and you're participating. Not proofread. No beta we die like men.
The ball was going off without a hitch, of course it was, you had planned it fu crowley. Food? check. Music? check. Dancing? uh sort of. Everything was set you could finally relax and enjoy the party. I mean, you didn't get all dressed up for nothing.
Taking out your phone you saw Deuce's name roll across the screen.
"hey De-"
Well there goes your chance at enjoying the party. Seriously how hard is it to get one night's peace. Leaving the party you began to run. Whatever the problem was, it sounded quite serious. In your haste, you lost a shoe. Oh well, you can always go back and retrieve it later, your friends were more important right now.
Little did you know that a certain eel had noticed your quick exit. "Hmmm~ where's shrimpy going?" He folllowed behind noticing the shiny thing you had left in your wake. "OoOoOoOoOoO" aaaaaaand now he's running away. With your shoe.
He's a different breed of prince charming.
The next day the shoe is (obviously) not where you left it. Great. Just great. These were the shoes Crewel gave you. You scoured the area and asked around if anyone had seen it but nothing turned up. You decided to check with the information central of the school, the Mostro Lounge, more specifically it’s manager. (Azul is a gossip pls I will not back down on this)
Azul listened to your query intently but then chuckled. “That sounds more like an RSA problem… but if your issue is shoes, I’d ask our resident shoe expert, Floyd.” Oh dear why him. Your day was already bad enough.
*knock knock* “Floyddd it’s y/n can I come in?”
You’ve never seen a door open faster, and the speed you were pulled into a hug would give anyone whiplash. “SHRIMPYYYY~ You came to visit~” “Yeahmpf” you said muffled into his chest. He kept hugging. You had to hit his arm to let him know you were dying of suffocation. Maniacally giggling he let you go. “SooOoO~ Watcha need?” Regaining all breath you had just lost “well I’m looking for my shoe and I’ve been told you’re the expert” His eyes widened in excitement as he dragged you through the door of his room. “Would it happen to look something like this~” he gestured to shelves on his walls, on which there were shoes. (Yes he’s that guy) Right in the center was your fancy shoe. “Floyd….” “ Yes shrimpy?” He grinned “You TOOK my shoe!?” “uh huh!” “That’s… really weird.” You tried to reach on your tippy toes for the shoes on the high shelf but before you could grab them, Floyd wrapped his arms around you from behind and picked you up. “Nope! You’re not getting it back that easily~” “Floydddd” you whined not even trying to protest his grasp, you were literally off the ground. He flopped down onto his bed with you still locked into his embrace. “If you can escape my squeeze~ you can have the shoe.”
You should just accept your fate now.
Thank you for reading!
@eel-slime-supremacy for your Floyd brainrot
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bluegalaxygirl · 10 months
is it okay if you write about zolu with an reader (fem implied) that love to write like that al she ever does and love books as well?? tyyy remember to drink water
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First off love the images, i love cats so much and they are sooooo cute. Thank you for the love and i'm happy to do this but reader is probably gonna act more like me than anyone else so sorry in advance.
Zoro X Luffy X reader, established relationship, poly relationship, Reader is GN.
Warning: Honestly kinda sad even though i didn't mean for it to be and Fluff.
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^ You write a lot about your adventures with the straw hats so no one ever takes too much notice when you would write but what they didn't know is the romance you would write as well. Your very embarrassed about anyone else knowing and often hide them or close the book your writing in when some on comes over. You've been writing this stuff before even joining the straw hats and its something you love to do.
^ Even though you love reading books and love writing romance your not a big fan of romance books, some of them feel too unrealistic or have complicated relationships. You like passion and trust in a relationship along with fun adventures. When your not writing you always have a book in your hand unless Luffy or Zoro take it out your hands to get your attention.
^ When Luffy couldn't sleep at night you would read too him, and he'd always want one of your adventure books, he says it's because he loved the way you write and describe things but some times you think he just likes either hearing your voice or thinking back to old times and places. It was rare when Luffy would have trouble sleeping but you knew why, the poor captain would some times have nightmares about losing the crew or reliving Ace's death, you'll do anything to help, cuddles, kisses or even a midnight snack much to Sanji's dismay.
^ Zoro would some times ask about your adventure books but mainly because if you were describing a fight that involved him he wanted to proofread it. Well thats what he told you but in actual face he just wants to see how you write about him, the way he fights and looks while fighting. He's taken notice of how you describe him and Luffy in more detail than others, some times making the swordsman blush, but he loves it.
^ Luffy has found you writing romance before, but he's not that good at reading so couldn't make out much, he just thought you were writing about an adventure and the times you, him and Zoro have together and to an extent he's right but you do add a lot more kissing and loving hugs or words of love than in real life. He's the only one you don't automatically close the book on mainly because your confident that he won't read too much, he prefers to listen to you read to him.
^ Zoro has noticed for a while that you would hide certain books in your draws, he's not a nosy person but your normally so open about things, so he often wonders what's so different about those books. His first thought is that they are diaries of some sort, but then he would see you going back and editing your work or rewrite something. He noticed you had one book that would be your draft work and the other would be the finished product.
^ They both have asked you about them but you just tell them its little facts or historical stuff your working on. Luffy was quick to believe you but Zoro not so much, he could tell you were lying and really embarrassed about it. The swordsman's curiosity got the best of him one night while alone in your shared room, rummaging through the draws he found one of your book and sat on the bed reading it.
^ Once he started he couldn't stop, he honestly loved it but was also very embarrassed when he realized that the two male characters you made up where actually him and Luffy. You described them so well, but they had different names and some times acted way out of character, but he liked it. It's way more passionate than your own relationship and it got him wondering if thats what you wanted so started acting a little more like the books.
^ You noticed the change right away and it made you blush all the time, Zoro would hold you close when ever he could and give you long passionate kisses. He would start sleeping next to you when you write no matter where it is, laying his head in your lap, when he'd wake up his hand would rub your cheek as he looks up at you telling you how pretty you are and how good you smell, It made your heart flutter.
^ Luffy noticed the change too but absolutely loved it, seeing you blush more often made him so happy and the loving kisses off Zoro at random moments made the captain almost cling to the swordsman wanting more. Luffy did ask why the change, but he didn't complain, he just hoped Zoro was ok. The answer was simple, Zoro just said he loved you two so much.
^ The swordsman would read your hidden books when ever he knew you would be away, sitting on your shared bed transfixed by your writing, but he knew he would be caught sooner or later so wasn't surprised when you walked in with Luffy coming back early to find the swordsman reading your book.
---------------- Story
You froze standing in the door way of your shared room as Luffy holds you form behind resting his chin on your shoulder "y/n?" The captain asks confused as to why you suddenly just stopped. Zoro lies on the bed with a smile looking up at you and Luffy with your romance book in his hands. It hit you at that moment that this is why he's been acting different. How long has this been going on for? 2 weeks or maybe a month? "Hay babe's, your back early" The swordsman calls out after you don't move for a while. Luffy lets go of you and walks around poking your cheek slightly "Hay what's wrong?" You didn't answer just started walking over to the bed making the swordsman rise an eyebrow, you wanted to cry out of embarrassment and sadness but you managed to hold the tears back as you reach for your book. Zoro pulls the book away seeing your jaw clench "Y/n? I thought you didn't mind Ro reading your books?" Luffy asks walking over to you and wrapping his arms around you again. The captain was growing more and more concerned as your hand shook going to reach for the book again "Give it" You managed to get out only for Zoro to grab your hand "Babe, its fine... Just let me finished this chap-" The smile on his face was sweet and kind but in your head it was mocking you, like all your old friends who used to read and laugh about your writing. "Give it now Zoro" Your yelling cuts the man off making both boys jump in surprise, the shock gives you a chance to snatch the book off him and hold it close to your chest.
You go to walk away but Luffy doesn't let you holding you close to him "Hay wait... Its just a book right?" The captain asks still unsure of what is going on other than you being upset over a book. "Hay baby, i didn't mean to upset you... I really like it" Zoro stands and gets in front of you rubbing your arms only for your angry and teary face to look up at him "Is this why you've been acting different? How long have you been reading this?... This is for my eyes only" You yell as Luffy's arms loosen around you since your no long pulling away, the captain steps to your side and goes to take the book off you only for you to grip it tighter and shoot the man a glare "Ok i'm really confused what's going on?" Luffy asks looking at Zoro then back to you "Nothing" You try and say but Zoro butts in "Y/N writes romance books" Your heart stops in your chest as anger builds up "Don't tell him, its bad enough that you know." Luffy smiles wide and let's out a laugh catching you off guard "I thought you didn't like romance but I'll happily listen to what ever you write" Stepping back you look down at the floor "This stuff is for me and me only" The two boys look at each other sharing a sad look, they thought you would be happy that they liked it but it seemed to have the opposite affect.
"Y/n I'm sorry i went behind your back but i really like it and once i started reading i couldn't stop" Zoro steps closer trying to take your hand but you step back wiping away your tears "Stop it... Stop acting like you like it... just laugh in my face already" You look up expecting the man you love to do so, but he didn't. "I mean it, I love them." This was something so different, he just stood there with a small smile a genuine one. Luffy steps closer and places his hand on your hip getting you to look at him "No ones going to laugh at you. You know we love your writing, i love listening to you read to me no matter what it is." The support they both show for you is not something your used too but you know these two wouldn't lie to you about their feelings, if they wanted to they would laugh at you or mock you but instead their supporting you. Looking between the two, you try and wrap your head about what's happening "I'm really sorry for going behind your back but... can i at least finish the chapter" Zoro places his hand on your cheek "Y-Your not going to mock me? You really like it?" You ask earning a nod from the swordsman, a smile appears on your face as happiness fills you. Luffy suddenly hugs you relived that your no longer sad or mad "We love you Y/N" The captain holds you tight.You wrap your arms around Luffy burring your head in his shoulder "Thank you... i love you guys too" You manage to get out through happy tears. Zoro takes the book form you and places it on the bed before joining you two in a hug "I love you two"
After a while of hugging and words of love and reassurance the three of you sit on the bed Zoro laying in between Luffy's legs while reading the last of the chapter out loud. It was embarrassing but both boys seemed genuinely happy and enjoyed it, Luffy kept you close to his side while looking down at Zoro and the book in his hands. "Oh so thats why you've been acting different. Hay Y/N if you wanted that kind of attention then you should have just asked" Luffy turns to you with a smile once the Chapters over and Zoro closes the book, a bright blush appears on your face as you shake your head slightly placing your head on Luffy's shoulder "I love the affection you two show me and i'm happy with the normal you two... I've been writing romance for a long time and over time its developed to be more passionate" You try to explain the best you can as Zoro puts the book down and places a hand on your leg "So there's more?" The smile on his face makes you laugh "Yes but i don't have all of them with me" Luffy places a kiss on your head wrapping his arm around your waist a few times "I think its awesome, your so creative and i love how you put us in the story" You jump a little at his words, you didn't think he would notice "Also you shouldn't be shy about it" Luffy continues as you lift your head off his shoulder to look at him and Zoro.
Your mind debated weather to tell them or not, Zoro noticed your conflict and rubs your leg before giving it a squeeze "Why did you think we would laugh at you?" The question makes you sigh but take his hand in yours rubbing your thumb over his knuckles "Iv been writing since this stuff since i was 13, it was something i used to get away from reality. I showed my friends once, and they laughed and mocked me for it, after that i didn't show anyone. I wasn't really well liked in my town, the weird book girl. I just wanted some kind of love, someone who cared about me and most of the time id only feel that love form fictional characters that id writes... I didn't stop writing when i got a boyfriend and when he found out he...." You stop yourself feeling tears well up in your eyes, Luffy leans in and places a kiss on your cheek as Zoro sits up and runs his hand over your cheek "Did he hurt you?" The boys both ask fearing what might've happened due to your reaction "No, not physically... He just laughed and said a bunch of stuff" You wipe away a few tears that fall remembering the hurtful words he said, how no one will ever love you like that, how your lucky to have him and you don't need anyone else. You tried to tell him that its not a way of replacing him, you enjoy writing it and yes you want love like that but it doesn't mean you don't love him. "I stopped writing after that, but he would still talk about it... he'd take me out on nice dates only to mock me about the books. Asking me if the date was better than my books and when i said yes, he'd say i'm lying call me names."
Zoro and Luffy pull you into a hug which you gladly take, placing your head in between theirs as they hold you close "We would never do that to you... In fact, it made me think more about our relationship" You raise an eyebrow at Zoro's words as a pit forms in your stomach scared of what he's going to say "Me too... I want more kisses and cuddles and i want you to read to me more not just when i can't sleep" Luffy smiles pulling away to kiss around your face, you giggle as he does before placing a hand on his cheek to stop him so you can press your lips against his "What ever you want Captain" You smile placing your lips on his again as Zoro pulls away giving a loving look to the both of you. After pulling away you look up at Zoro who runs his hand over your cheek "And what do you want?" You ask feeling more confident that they won't mock you or laugh at you "I like sleeping on your lap when you write and i want to read more of your books.. especially the romance ones" With a smile and a nod you lean up and place your lips on Zoro's who kisses back running his hand up and down your back as he pulls Luffy in closer. After Zoro pulls away the Swordsman turns to Luffy leaning closer to the captain "And form you... i want you sit on my lap more and i like your hugs so.. Could i have more?" Zoro asks earning an enthusiastic nod form Luffy who crashes his lips onto the swordsman's while wrapping his arms around Zoro's neck.
You laugh at Zoro's surprised face and how he had to stop himself from falling over, but he soon kisses back pulling the captain into his lap. Luffy pulls away and grabs your hand pulling you in to join the cuddle, you don't complain or resist just snuggles into the two resting your head on Zoro's shoulder "I love you both so much" Luffy smiles pressing his forehead against Zoro's "I love you two more" You smile up at them getting them to look down at you with cheeky grins "No i love you more" They both say before looking at each other "No you" They both yell at each other making you laugh louder than normal "You guys are the best, i'm so sorry for how i acted before but i'm so happy to have you two" You worlds break the two of them up form their heated glares, the two turn to you before Luffy starts kissing around your face as Zoro kisses your neck.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
uwaa please do something with lee!Hiyori 🙏
The hyena's revenge
Haha there's no need to beg, just asking nicely is good enough for me~
This is based around the Jun hyena scout story where Hiyori and the others are teasing him for his role, idk that scene cracks me up XD
Merry Christmas~!
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Hiyori x Jun (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Hiyori
Ler: Jun
Warnings: Tickles!
"Pfft- Hahaha...".
"Ohiisan, how long are you going to keep laughing? It's pissing me off...".
"Ehehe- I'm not laughing Jun, I'm listening seriously!" Hiyori tried to muster up a serious face, but a smile still crept out his lips.
"Yes, I've been listening to you seriously as well. Jun's role as a hyena sounds good" said Nagisa, causing Hiyori to lose it and burst out laughing.
"Don't laugh out loud like that! Dammit!".
"Sorry sorry- But your reaction to my teasing is always so good~" Hiyori couldn't help but keep chuckling at him. His comment made Jun blush a bit, rolling his eyes in annoyance. It looked like Hiyori wasn't planning to stop teasing him anytime soon, so... why not return the favor?
"If you want to laugh so damn badly then here!" Jun lost no time digging his fingers into Hiyori's sides, causing him to squeal and fold on himself.
"wahaHAIT! JUN YOU BRAHAT STAP THAHAHAT!" poor Hiyori went crumbling down to the ground, Jun following him with ease, now opting to dig his thumbs into his hipbones.
"No no, you brought this onto yourself!" Jun's angry glare slowly softened up to a more teasy smirk, having fun in this situation even if the goal was to punish his partner.
Nagisa took a step back, watching the scene in amusement. Not wanting to interrupt their fun.
I'm pretty sure Hiyori's loud bouts of laughter could be heard all across the CosPro building. I wouldn't be surprised if someone filed a noise complaint.
The greenette would twist and turn, throwing his head back as he laughed all hysterically "AHAHAHA! J-JUN STOHOHOP!".
"Hmm..." Jun pretended to think for as he halted his fingers for a moment, allowing Hiyori to catch his breath. He then looked down at him with a sinister grin "Maybe I'll stop... if you beg me to~" and just like that he went back to squeezing repeatedly at his partners hips, chuckling along as Hiyori fell back into hysterics.
"WAHH! N-NEHEHEVER!" of course begging for mercy was hard for Hiyori, he felt like it would hurt his pride after all. And that's exactly why Jun went with that approach. It was nice doing the teasing for a change.
"Suit yourself then~" Jun then abruptly changed to squeezing down at Hiyori's kneecaps, causing him to somehow squeal even louder as he kicked his legs out like a silly 'lil puppy.
It didn't take much after for Hiyori to crack "WAIT! WAIT-! OKAHAHAY! I GIVE! I GIHIHIVE-!" poor Hiyori wheezed through his laughter, his face fully bright red all the way down to his neck. Even his eyes were starting to get sparkly from the tears forming.
"Oh? Is that so? Mm... I'm not fully convinced~" Jun then softly traced along his kneecaps, he wasn't a complete sadist after all. Hiyori would try to catch his breath but would end up hiccuping and giggling all over again.
"Ahahahaha! P-plehehease, mercy!!!".
Jun cringed a bit at Hiyori's shriek, slowing his fingers to a complete stop. Hiyori quickly gasped for breath, sucking as much air as he could through his leftover giggles.
"That should teach you to stop teasing me...".
"Oho please, don't act like you don't like it~" Hiyori sent him a playful wink as he slowly got up to his feet, causing Jun to let out a flustered groan.
Jun really can't catch a break from all the teasing, someone save that poor boy lol
Also I wrote this in like an hour and didn't proofread sooooo... you've been warned XD
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liquidtime · 4 years
Fuck RT and that entire business and Ryan and everyone who isn’t Fiona tbh.
Controversy after controversy keeps coming out of that company. But, you know, I’ve watched so many hours of content from these guys and they genuinely seemed like they were always working towards self improvement, and the improvement of RT. Even though they weren’t perfect, they were trying, and in a community that can be as toxic as the gaming community, I thought their presence was a net positive.
But damn, I’m not so sure anymore.
I’ve never really been involved in the RT community side of things other than reblogging gifs on Tumblr or talking about LPs sometimes. I never had an account on their website, or followed their twitter pages. I’ve been straying from their content for the past handful of years, but I would still catch TTT or rewatch some old videos. But, I was pretty much was ignorant to the inner goings on at the company.
I had no clue Mica got bullied out until they were talking about it, and all the other issues with racism in the community, with Fiona on OT. I just felt so sick about the entire thing, but I wanted to stick around and support them because, again, they all seemed so dedicated to turn things around. Plus, Fiona’s there, and she was talking so passionately about standing her ground and staying no matter what shit was flung her way.
Basically, Fiona lended credibility to their pledge to improve. Enough that I was comfortable continuing to watch. That’s a lot of fucking pressure on one person, who is also suffering from the majority of their online harassment, and to a harsher level. It’s unfair.
I mean, she’s not the only one. Like I said, I’ve watched a lot of content and I believed that they were all good guys, they just needed to listen and learn better from women and poc in their company (and community).
But without Fiona, I wouldn’t have been so confident that improvement would be happening. Again, not really fair to make her carry that burden, but it is what it is for now.
Then, I found out about the abuse allegations against Trevor. (I’m like a year late because I never pay attention to what is happening in the community.) It made me side-eye everything again and take a major step back from their current content. I didn’t really know where I stood anymore.
Ryan sleeping with fans and sending nudes is the last straw for me. It’s hitting close to home, probably because Ryan was my favorite of the AH members. I would never have expected this type of behavior for him, and I guess it just made me see everything else as a facade as well.
I’m not stupid. I know that we don’t really know these people. They all have online personas that they lean in to, and of course they only share the aspects of their lives that they want online. That’s true for any internet celebrity. But, as I have repeated already in this post, you still feel like you get a sense of their morals as humans.
I was truly so caught off guard. I feel like I can’t support any aspect of the company because I’ll just be waiting for the next racist/abuser/misogynist/whatever person to be revealed. Like, Ryan’s not working there anymore. Good. I want to think of Michael and Lindsay, or Gavin or whoever, and be like: they would never do that. But how do I know? I would have never thought that Ryan would have either.
So, we have Mica and the issues Fiona has faced, Ryan and Adam’s relationships with fans, Trevor’s abuse allegations, Joel’s stupid BLM tweets and abhorrent behavior. They had to shut down their stream chat to non first members because of racist language (at least from what I can gather from twitter). Their animation department was accused of overworking employees.
Even thought most of the individual issues have been addressed (most, not all), the company itself seems broken. Like a leaky pipe where you keep cleaning the water, but don’t fix the pipe so new messes keep happening.
I’ve heard that rumors about Ryan sleeping with fans at cons and such would go around fan ‘inner circles’ or some bullshit, so it was kind of already out there, it’s just that the proof got leaked to the greater public. I think my non-participation in the community is honestly the only thing that kept me as a fan for so long. Ignorance is bliss I guess.
So, this is my departure from a piece of media that played a huge role in my life. Hell, I’m glad that AH Live West Coast Tour got cancelled because now I don’t have memories from that, that would turn sour. I certainly won’t be purchasing tickets once they reorganize another tour after COVID.
It’s so weird. I feel like Harry Potter and Achievement Hunter have gotten ripped from my heart. It sounds so dramatic, but these things impacted such a huge portion of my life, it feels odd to not be actively consuming media from them. 
I hope Fiona leaves. I hope she leaves and does something better and becomes more successful. She deserves more that what the company can give her in its current state.
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racinggirl · 2 years
safe haven || charles leclerc 16
type: one shot pairing: charles leclerc x reader word count: 1.5k summary: charles taking care of you whilst you're sick at home requested: yes! “Hi :) First of all, I loove your writing! It's immaculate! Saw you're taking requests and I was wondering if you could do one, where reader is sick (the flu or smth?) and Charles (or anyone you want) takes care of them? Like really fluffy? Thank you so much and have a wonderful week :))” (by anon) Yeeees girl, who doesn't want fluff Charles boyfriend??? Requests are OPEN!!! warnings: mentions of being sick, mentions of !covid!, tons and tons of fluff, not proofread! notes: I'm sooooo sorry it took so long! I just had such a big writersblock and I didn't had the motivation to write anything atm. I will try to write more, I promise! Also, I hope you'll love it! I just wrote it in about an hour or so. I lowkey like it, but if you have tips or just things you really like about my writing and want to see more of, just lmk and hmu!
My masterlist
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‘’I hate being sick.’’
‘’I know baby, I know, but I’m here okay? I’ll take care of you.’’
Those were the words you needed more than anything at this exact moment, in which you were on the couch in your boyfriends apartment in Monaco, your back leaning against his strong chest, his arms wrapped around you protectively. You felt safe, more than anywhere else in the world, because he was your home, your safe haven.
It all started a few days ago, you weren’t feeling too good after the Hungarian Grand Prix, but you tried to brush it off. Just a cold, at least, that’s what you thought. You made sure to do a COVID-19 test just in case, even though corona wasn’t really a subject people talked about anymore, at least, the illness, not the drink, people loved the drink.
Negative, thankfully, so you weren’t too worried about the fact you might have to go in quarantine. Just a cold, right?
No, things got worse, from a running nose to coughing, as well as stomach pains and headaches. You had the flu, and it was horrible. You never got sick, not even a cold would get you, usually. But right now, you could curse the whole world and space, because you absolutely hated it.
You tried to keep your cool, not wanting your boyfriend to worry about you, he had enough on his mind with the final adjustments before summer break. But he wasn’t one to fool, he knew something was going on.
‘’Baby, are you okay?’’ Charles had noticed you were a little less active when you came back home. Normally you’d drag him out for a walk around the harbour, watching the sunset in the evening, or the sunrise in the early hours. But this time, you’d just head straight to the couch, curling up under the blanket.
‘’Did I put the air-conditioning too high?’’ He frowned the moment you reached for the black fluffy blanket underneath your tv.
‘’No, no, it’s fine.’’ You mumbled, a sneeze and a cough giving away your current state.
‘’Are you sick?’’
‘’Yes, I think I am.’’ You mumbled, curling up more underneath the blankets.
Charles smiled weakly, making his way towards the couch as he took a seat next to you, his arms carefully wrapping around your shivering body.
‘’No, I don’t want you to get sick too.’’ You whispered, moving in your boyfriends arms, but you too knew, he was stronger than you, so after just a few seconds of trying to get out of his grip, you gave up, your head resting against his chest as you closed your eyes.
‘’Then we’ll be sick together.’’ He said, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
‘’Charles, I’m serious.’’ You mumbled, removing your head from his chest to look up into his eyes, a sigh escaping your lips.
He simply shrugged his shoulders and pulled you closer, just to give you a peck on your lips. He didn’t care. He wanted to take care of you, because he loved you.
It stayed like that for a few days, you had zero energy, sleeping for almost the entire day, while Charles took care of you, handing you your tea, as well as providing you with the best movies (he picked them).
‘’Babe, you need to go to work.’’ You were on the same position again, under the same blankets – who had been washed twice already by your boyfriend who insisted on washing the blankets everyday to give you a ‘fresh one’ each day – while Charles was making your lemon tea in the kitchen.
‘’They don’t mind if I’m a bit later, it’s summer break anyways.’’ He told you, cutting up the apple slices just the way you liked it.
‘’They do, baby, they want to celebrate their summer break too. I’m fine okay? I’m feeling a little better already.’’ You said, looking at the Monégasque as he walked to the couch, eyes focussed on the tea so it wouldn’t spill, he had filled it to the top.
‘’A little, which doesn’t mean a lot, so I’m now turning on the tv for you and putting on another Harry Potter movie, okay? And I’ll get your sweater in case you get cold and-‘’
‘’Charles!’’ You laughed, a small smile on your lips as you watch your boyfriend ramble on about the things he was going to do for you.
‘’I can do things myself too, you know?’’ You smiled sweetly, his face confused and searching for the right words.
‘’No, no buts, you get your ass to work, I’ll be fine, okay?’’ You shot him a reassuring smile, one he knew was sincere.
After a few seconds, he decided to agree, after trying to search for excuses, which you only rejected. He left for work, but told you he’d be home as soon as possible so you two could order food from your favourite restaurant.
He was an angel, he really was. Every morning he would prepare your tea, cut up your fruits because he knew you didn’t like to eat bread in the morning. Everyday he would give you a little more food, knowing you slowly started to gain your appetite again. Every afternoon he would prepare a lunch, as well as a movie the two of you would watch together. He gave you kisses, which you tried to avoid because you did not want him to get sick too. Every evening he would either order or prepare dinner, and prepare a bath for the two of you to enjoy after chilling on the couch the entire day. After that, he would make the bed, turn on the candles in the bedroom, and give you a massage. He was the perfect boyfriend, and you loved him more every second of every day.
As soon as he came home that evening, he did exactly what he said he would. He ordered dinner, cuddled you on the couch, watching the movie you were currently watching, and waited for dinner to arrive.
After dinner he ran upstairs to prepare the bath, spreading rose pedals he bought the other day all over the floor and bath, filling it up with your favourite scented bath gel and candles for the romantic vibe.
‘’You know.’’ You whispered, leaning against his chest, the warmth of the water around you giving you tingles all over your body.
‘’Hmm?’’ Charles hummed, his chin resting on the top of your head, his arms wrapped around your body to pull you close to him, his breath moving some baby hairs on the top of your head.
‘’I think I should be sick more often.’’ You whispered, eyes closing as you felt his chest move, a low chuckle leaving his lips. He smiled, his hands drawing small circles on your stomach, the circles slowly turning into little hearts.
‘’I think you shouldn’t, because you keep avoiding my kisses.’’ He whispered, his breath hitting your temple since you had turned your head to the side, making you able to hear his heartbeat. His heartbeat, which was slow, relaxed, because he had you in his arms.
‘’I’m only doing that because I don’t want you to get sick, but you aren’t really helping.’’ You giggled, your hand moving to his upper leg, nails scratching his skin in the warm water.
‘’I won’t get sick.’’ He smiled, pressing a kiss to your temple. ‘’My immune system is the best.’’ He smirked, in which you rolled your eyes with a smile as a response.
Once you got out of the bath, he made sure to wrap a towel around your body, doing the same for himself afterwards. He smiled at you, that smile that made you feel at home, safe, here with him.
He was about to lean in to press his lips to yours, when he turned away from you, making you frown. But the reason made you laugh, a smirk on your lips. He coughed, a sneeze following afterwards.
‘’That was just a coincidence.’’ He mumbled, but soon after coughed again, making you raise your eyebrow, the smirk still plastered on your face.
‘’You won’t get sick, huh?’’ You smirked, arms crossed in front of your chest as you let out a laugh, watching your boyfriend cough another time.
He looked at you, his towel moving over his face, a groan escaping his lips. He removed the towel, looking at you as he stepped closer, pulling you in his arms.
‘’At least this means I get to kiss you now, because you’ve already infected me.’’ And with that, he pressed his lips to yours, kissing you softly while the candles slowly dimmed. They lasted for at least four evenings.
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
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✦゜ANSWERED: To avoid flooding the dash with all of these asks, I'm just gonna compile them into one big "masterpost" ^w^
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Anonymous asked: I was just wondering cuz I've noticed on some of the questions you've answered you've talked about having so much info but can't because of spoilers, and obviously you're still making the game. My question is do you have the full sotry written up and now what's left is coding, art, etc etc or is the story still in the progress of being written as well? If you feel comfortable sharing your process and all ofc, don't feel pressed if tou don't! 💕
Yeah! ^^ I've actually had the storyline fully planned out since 2017, but I'm updating and re-writing everything in the 2022 version because the original seemed kinda cringe and didn't feel consistent enough. I've only had Day 1 fully written since 2017, and everything beyond that just a general outline/dot-points of what I want to happen in each of the days. As for the progress: I still need to write the coding and dialogue, draw the backgrounds, update the sprites, CGs, and UI, and a ton of other behind-the-scenes things that probably aren't worth mentioning. ^^;
Anonymous asked: Saw you answer the ask anon sent about how development is going but was wondering if you have a general outline for the whole story (like the ‘normal’ route, ‘good’ route, etc) or if it’s certain scenes you have written and the rest is written as you work on it all? I’m just very interested in how you work on the storyline so I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable for any reason or you just don’t want to answer
Like the answer above, I have everything figured out (all the choices, branches/paths, endings, etc.), but they're mainly just general outlines/dot-points that I need to iron out, rather than a fleshed-out script that I can work with. I usually just tackle parts of the dialogue one scene at a time (usually by mindlessly typing out words and editing it afterwards) before moving to another scene and repeating the process. Eventually you'll end up with a semi-coherent script that you can throw into a text editor to check for spelling and then slap into the game!
Anonymous asked: You should translate it into korean too if you can!
For sure! I'm still looking into hiring translators once I set up a funding system for the game though, so I might put this on the backburner for a while ^^; Fan-translations are more than welcome though (only for the demo), and if people are interested, y'all can get in contact with me and I can send you the script!!
@marina-and-the-memes asked: is there any update on Day 2/how far in development it is LMAO and can we get close ups of the characters eyes bc my phone quality is ass NDJDJDJDJ
Like 80% of it is done! I still need to update all of the old CG art and UI, as well as write/proofread the missing scenes from the script. Everything else is completed though! And as for the eye close ups; you might have to download the images off the 14dwy itch.io page since I'm on mobile rn (and I don't have any images on hand) ^^; But feel free to send in your ask again and I'll upload the images from my computer instead!! (or wait for me to update this section lol)
Anonymous asked: Will there be life after the official game ending Few vn games have this setting, maybe you can consider. Thank you for creating Ren,Love you guys
Like game continuity? I don't think there will be any since the storyline is pretty linear and will eventually have closure once the game ends, so there wouldn't be much content to go through once the game ends ^^; I can look into adding future DLCs though!
Anonymous asked: Sooooo….can we end up with other characters instead of Ren or is our renren our endgame?? I’m sorry if this has been asked before. Pls ignore if it is. Also, I really appreciate how you take the time to answer the asks. No wonder the fans adore you😭💕. Kisses and hugs for you😚💜
Renren will be the main romance and focus for the game, but depending on the choices you make and the bonds you form with the other characters, you'll have the chance to get an ending with them instead! I won't be a fully fleshed out route or anything though.
Anonymous asked: How's development going? Have you made any progress on the game? I really like hearing about this kind of stuff
Answered above! The only reason it's taking me so long is because I'm a full time university student, and writers/artist block is Very Real ;v; I sometimes get burnt out and don't feel like writing, and I'd rather not force myself to work on the script if I'm not in the right mindset, if that makes sense?? ;v;
Anonymous asked: I don’t know if it’s been asked yet or not but will the game have different routes and/or endings? “I can fix him” ending VS “I can make him worse” ending FIGHT
Yes! Right now I have 4 main endings planned for the game, and they will all depend on the choices you make, Ren's affection for you, and his sanity meter (which will be implemented in a future update!).
Anonymous asked: i love love loved the game! im craving more! but im not sure what to look up exactly? what genre of game is this? the whole obsessive lover type haha is there a name? ALSO! where should i go to look for when the complete game comes out?
I'm not actually quite sure what genre to call it ^^; I labelled the game as a horror/romance visual novel, so you could try that? I feel like "yandere visual novel" would yield more results though since the yandere term is more common. I'm also following a ton of insanely talented game devs on twitter who create similar yandere VNs, so feel free to check them out!
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Hey Christina !! I saw your requests were open and I think you write the hq boys sooooo well and I was wondering if you could write something based on the tiktok trend of fem!reader lip syncing to happier by olivia rodrigo and like mutilating a sausage or like an eggplant. You can include any boys you’d like I just think it’d be really funny! Tysm bestieee
pairings: ushijima wakatoshi, asahi azumane, kageyama tobio, daichi sawamura, bokuto kōtarō, & tendō satori, all with a fem!reader
warnings: mentions of cutting up a cucumber/eggplant lol, i think i said the word ‘dick’ in there somewhere, pure chaos that is not proofread at all im so sorry haha
a/n: when i tell you i cackled at the idea of this omg i hope you liked this anon!!!!! im sorry if i didn’t make it the way you wanted but omg i died LOL made this a headcanon/SMAU fic because it fit the vibe hahaha enjoy!!!
haikyuu masterlist
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literally has no clue what this video is
has never even heard of Sour or Olivia Rodrigo even though you played the album over and over again when he was over last
he is very confused as to why you would send him this
Tendō is trying very hard not to cackle at how confused his bestie is but he was the one who gave you the idea in the first place
still thinks you’re secretly upset with him and tries to make sure you’re okay throughout the night
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mouth very dry
trying to think of literally everything he did in the past week
were you angry at him???? did he do something wrong????
he got to the part of the video where you sliced a cucumber dead in half and the man almost fainted
noya is in tears laughing because asahi’s never looked so pale in his life
highkey this was suga’s idea and he’s filming asahi’s reaction for you
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also very confused??? because why do you seem to be cutting the cucumber so aggressively?
starts to wonder if you’re trying to go on one of those diets he’s heard of
but why would you send him this video????
did... you want him to bring you some more vegetables?
still side eyes you throughout the night and fidgets the whole time until you ask him what’s wrong
and then he just keeps blurting out “YOU’RE NOT MAD RIGHT? YOU PROMISE? I DIDN’T FUCK UP????”
pls console him he is concerned
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just 🙂 face the whole time
kinda curls inward a little as he watched the video, gulping as he tries not to cringe too much
Suga dies of later because Daichi tries to explain to him that he thinks you're mad at him
"It's a prank, Daichi, it's supposed to be funny."
"unless you really did make her mad, then you might be in big trouble"
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has never run so fast in his life
you had to be upset with him
and he didn't like knowing he made you upset
also he would like his whole body to stay contact pls so no cut anywhere pls and thank you
so he straight up said BYE to volleyball real quick and ran all the way to your place
even though akaashi tried to explain to him that he didn’t have to leave
akaashi called to give you a heads up, even cracked a smile and a laugh because bokuto reacted 10x more dramatically than he expected
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just cackling his head off cause he loved these tiktok react videos where girls would do this in front of their partners
enjoys pranks thoroughly so you thought you’d get him back with this one
except tendō is always ahead of the game ugh 
you warned him later that if he ever was unfaithful though
you’d slide through him like butter
he believes you 110%, nodding as he clutches his groin in protection lol
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haikyuu masterlist (let me know if you’d like to join!)
@sgue0s @aurumk @neko-chii1 @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells @trashy-simp @jeppiet @tobi-momo @darkvadeeer @haikyuutothetop @livy384 @babyshoyo @jesssobs @b-bakana @just4readingfics @moonlightaangel @crystal-lilac @random-734
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biffhofosho · 3 years
I think I'll comment as I read, since this is my man we're talking about and I love screaming incoherently abut your story into your ask box.
Real question. I know you have everything planned, but are you writing as you publish or you have an outline or is it mostly written and you edit before publishing? Just curious on your process. We do have a few things in common, but more on that on a separate ask..now it's thirst time.
Chapter 14
Of course Shownu had a perfect excuse for ignoring his buddy Wonho was Hoseok
Wonho a stripper? Please, sign me in
Are you one of them???? GURL!!!!! GURL!!!!
Now he's Serving some harsh truths, she's clearly obsessed and it's like she wants him to be the perpetrator.
But are the murder of her sister and the missing women even related? I mean the waitress was clearly a message for her, but all the other just disappeared with no trace? No public messages...
Oh, blood. He looks affected!
Ah, my dear Johnny. .sorry that those pesky vampires are making sure she won't be satisfied with anyone else...
Oh gosh here we go.. and of course he was expecting her. Lord, this man....
Gosh that duality "On the surface Wonho was all sex and sin, and yet, despite the insane physique, he had a gentleness and depth to him" your muse was on fire in this chapter!!!!
And now the song. I'm not gonna survive this chapter, I feel it in my water.
And the things he says to her have me weeping in my hands
"because then you'll leave and I'm not ready for that" wow, I went form horny to sad in seconds...
"you're gonna make me feel good, then right?"
"So good you'll never want to leave me" the feeeeeels just like when honey asked her to stay and she refused and he looked hurt.
There is no mention of her scent? Honey, kyun and Min were visibly affected by it...
Ok there was a mention of the heat.
The way I had to take a break from the story... It was so intense (in the best way) so perfect, so deliciously and elegantly explicit, like all my fantasies on 12k words. I am in awe.
I loved the ending? They just can't escape form eachother and how she makes them feel everything.
Really, don't know what I'm gonna do when this story is over..I dread the moment it's status becomes 100%... I mean for sure I'm gonna read everything else you have, but this story will forever have a special place in my heart.
Were you satisfied then with his chapter, milady? I hope so! Didn't want to disappoint since I knew your feelings for Wonho. ;)
Okay, so to answer your question: Everything is nearly finished. I do not publish anymore as an author unless a multichap is nearly completed for MANY reasons, the first of which is simply because I learned the hard way growing up writing fanfic that nothing's a bigger bummer than disappointing readers who've enjoyed the story you never finish. So no worries! This will be done on the regular schedule I've been working. I can touch on my process more on the follow-up behind-the-scenes you asked about once the final chapter is posted, but basically, about 90% is written with the final 10% fully outlined--I just need to connect the plot points and dialogue with the art and scenery. I edit as I go and then do a final hack-and-slash and proofread of the latest chapter one-to-two days before I post.
Dude, stripper Wonho became SUCH a thing for me this chap, and, in fact, this entire chapter was designed around his striptease. I mean, he would be SOOOOO good at it.
Without revealing too much of my fun, let's just say I generally don't put anyone or anything in a story without a very good reason for doing so... There may be many more threads to weave together in the very near future.
I did my poor Johnny a little dirty. It's not your fault, Johnny! I'm sure you're a rocking lover; you're just up against it this fic! :(
Oh, girl, the muse went OFF this chapter, but who could blame her? And, real talk, I ain't complaining. She gets vivid when she's on a roll, and sometimes it actually feels like I'm in the moment, so win-win.
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Wonho is the perfect balance of sweet, sexy, and needy. Ugh, he just does it for me on every level, so I really wanted that to translate. It's such a breath of fresh air to have such a masculine man be so soft and accessible. *sobs*
Aww!!! Wow, thank you! All of my completed multichaps have claimed a corner of my heart, mostly because of the way my muse essentially requires me to live in the universe for months or years at a time, but STS is special to me, too. Amber isn't like me in so many ways, but I have such a fondness for her. I just wanna take care of my baby girl.
Mostly, I'll just miss your wonderful asks. They always buoy my heart.
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