#I didn’t learn about it in grade 4 for y’all to talk shit rn
lovelylunas-world · 8 months
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pipsqueakparker · 5 years
2020 20 Q’s
thank you for tagging me @thehoneyedhufflepuff & @neck-mole!!!
1. Do you make your bed? very rarely. i make it when i do a Big Clean of my room, or like just feel like it. But,,, very rarely. 
2. Favorite number? 23
3. What’s your job? i work in logistics/processing for NYPL (and Brooklyn libraries) and i work a retail store that sells boxes and closets
4. If I could would I go back to school? i’m in library school rn and i only lowkey regret it. the thing is, i love learning, and i love being in classes, but fuck i hate school
5. Can you parallel park? that was like the one thing about the driver’s test i was really good at - i’m not confident i could actually do it today, but i did pass that section and did not fuck it up when i practiced (have not done it since said drivers test tho) 
6. A job people would be surprised I had? uh,,,, i worked an after school program for pre-k - 3rd grade - idk if y’all would be surprised at that, but i know a lot of people including my family and close friends were surprised when i applied/told them i got it bc i have a known history of not enjoying spending time with children (but i have a greater desire for money and it was a private school) 
7. Do you think Aliens are real? absolutely you can’t convince me they’re not
8. Can you drive a standard car? oui, i don’t get to often thanks to NYC but i can
9. What’s your guilty pleasure? watching trashy reality tv or tiktok/vine compilations on youtube? eating ice cream? (maybe that one’s just a regretful pleasure) 
10. Tattoos? i currently have seven. i have ‘cur non?’ on my right forearm, which was my first tattoo, and the result of a mixture of my Hamilton phase and a re-emerging love for the Marquis de Lafayette (who i had a thing for when i was a kid but totally forgot until i got obsessed with hamilton and remembered all the books i read about him lmao), on my left upper forearm i have a purple ribbon/butterfly (like, the ribbon is the body of the butterfly and it’s got lil wings) that i got the summer my mum was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer & its currently the only matching tat i have with anyone ‘cause my sister also got a ribbon tattoo that day, then right next to that right before sr year finals i got ‘you got this’ in my mum’s handwriting from a note she sent me right before finals sophomore year, on my left wrist i have a pill & and a milk carton with an x on it that were designed by my then-friend and that i thought were really cute ‘reminder tattoos’ ‘cause i have daily medication and had just found out i was lactose intolerant, on my left shoulder i have ‘if you’re not afraid you’re not alive’ in one of my best friend’s handwriting which is a quote from tuck everlasting, which was i think the first broadway show we saw together and really the first Show That She Loved that she got to share with me in that way, and most recently (aka two days ago) i got simon’s wings and tail on the outside of my right forearm, designed by @neck-mole & built on by my new favorite tattoo artist - uh, there’s a whole post on that if you wanna know all the meaning behind it lmao. and the next two immediate ones i know i wanna do: vampire teeth/mouth on my thigh (matching tat with my roommate) & my lifelong best friend’s initials somewhere on my body to honor her. ALSO, it didn’t ask for this but anï put it so i will, too, cause why not. i have my ears and my nose pierced (on the right side), and i used to have a monroe and i really miss it. 
11. Favorite color? green
12. Things people do that drive you crazy? exist? no, uh. i think just general ignorance really gets to me especially working retail, like customers that ask the absolutely dumbest shit and by that i mean “do you take this completely different store’s coupon?” or just generally not accepting what i tell them especially when they’re a-okay when one of my male co-workers comes over and says the exact same thing. but just. i don’t do well with people that are ignorant and just continue to be on purpose. also when people walk around you but then once they’re in front of you they’re so slow. and people that walk down or up the wrong side of the stairs - IN ALL AREAS OF LIFE JUST FUCKING KEEP TO THE RIGHT MY GUY. 
13. Any Phobias? hahahah. a lot. spiders, the dark (i’m getting a bit better with that one), snakes, escalators (i’ll deal and use them anyway ‘cause i’m lazy but my heart rate spikes) to name a few. 
14. Favorite childhood sport? uhm, i never really played sports? i did marching band in high school, which does count fucking fight me, but nothing before that. i always wanted to play soccer? but i’ve had this thing with my knee/calf my whole life so i never actually ended up playing except like in my friend’s backyard sometimes? 
15. Do you talk to yourself? oh, yeah, definitely. i will frequently direct it at something whether its my computer, baz, my cat, or whatever is nearby, but yeah. 
16. What movie do you adore? a lot. uhm, national treasure is unironically one of my all-time favorite movies, Hercules is a fucking bop and a half beginning to end and i watch it frequently, i love love Big Hero 6, honeslty the list goes on i love a lot of movies.
17. Do you like doing puzzles? yes!!! i don’t do them often, but i love puzzles!!! i used to do them all the time with my mamaw, ‘cause she often just had a table that we’d put it on and work on it when i was over and i love that shit. i want a puzzle table. 
18. Favorite type of music? lagjowa anything. i listen to anything from broadway musical soundtracks to alternative/emo/goth to R&B, if i vibe with it i like it yknow. which surprises a lot of people, ‘cause i think most frequently i do just fall to listening to a soundtrack or pop or something closer to the alt-pop side, but like honestly. theres not a lot that i’ll be like “nah, change it” 
19. Tea or coffee? coffee. i don’t drink either that often, but i really really don’t like tea. 
20. The first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? i think a vet. at some point i wanted to be a lawyer, yes because of legally blonde. and a teacher. 
uh and i’m probably supposed to tag 20 people but i’m just gonna tag a few and i’m not sure if they’ve been tagged but here we go: @icarus-n-flames @krisrix @warriorbeeofthesea @vkelleyart
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shyloft · 7 years
18 Questions about Music
i was tagged by @slampoety !!
1. Which bands/artist do you own the most albums by? physical albums? infinite i think lmao bc it was like Cool to get the physcial kpop albums bc they came with like?? cards with the members on them? and posters? but i dont know if thats still cool to do im assuming so. nobody really does album packages like korean bands tho lemme tell u 2. What was the last song you listened to? rn i’m listening to the rab version of holding on to you which is like....the fourth time ever in my life hearing it probably like i know this is the og but this is wrong. good but still wrong 3. What’s in your CD/Record player right now? well my copy of electra heart by marina and the diamonds is sitting right on top of it so im assuming it was that. from like. 4 years ago. 4. What was the last show you attended? twenty one pilots in north little rock just this month!!! my mom and my sister drove up there with me and @sweaterdun and it was so fun i’ve never traveled to see a band OR seen a band twice on the same tour like that before it was such a great opportunity this band has been so good to me i love them 5. What was the greatest show you’ve been to? TWENTY ONE PILOTS ERS2016 ST LOUIS 8/2 god. God it was so good i cried twice and i went with my best friend it was the best night of my life so far? like? i cried in the middle of guns for hands because i just couldnt believe i was there and it was so good and i barely stopped crying enough to enjoy tyler flopping around in the hamster ball. and i cried during goner and planned crying through trees but then tyler started talking about waffle crisp 6. What was the worst show you’ve ever been to? gosh idk like? probably some bands i had to go see for my sister like. i remember at blink 182 they were just so piss drunk they didn’t even know the words to their own songs? but like i saw fall out boy right before that so it was still amazing and i didnt mind? like i had to really think about this 7. What is the most musically involved you have ever been? not 100% sure what this is asking but like. i used to play piano and bell instruments like the xylophone and like aux percussion and Some drums....but never a drum set. uh. but like idk i’ve never met a band if this is like about bands? so probably just recently when i skipped school to go see twenty one pilots like 6 hrs away. and like i’m hoping to see them in ohio and i Probably plan on uhhhhhhhhhhgettingoneormoretattoosdedicatedtothem which is a new thing for me i’ve never been this in love with a band in my whole life 8. What show are you looking forward to? i have two shows that i’m forsure going to soonish! in a couple weeks im going to see state champs with my friends and my sister and her friend which will be fun even tho i barely listen to them! and in early june im gonna prob go see bad suns! also idr when but HALL AND OATES omg. and im not gonna jinx myself so i wont go on about prospective shows. this has been an amazing show year ugh 9. What is your favorite band shirt ? the shirt i got at the last foo fighters show i got is sooooo cute its got like ufos and stuff on it and its primary colors on black i love it!! and my ers tank thats like the tank top w the skull that says clique is like the cutest thing top has put out in a Long time 10. What musician would you like to hang out with for a day? ........................twenty one pilots 11. Who is one musician or group you wish would make a comeback? HOZIER! HO!ZI!ER! H O Z I E R 12. Who is one band/ artist you’ve never seen live but always wanted to? florence + the machine ohhhhhhhhhhh my goooooddd i want to see her so bad shes got like.....an orchestra.....or at LEAST a woman playing the harp on stage like i would DIE to see her live i love her its just been so long since shes come to st louis and i didnt know the last time!!! 13. Name four or more flawless albums some really throghout solid albums? vessel - twenty one pilots * ceremonials - florence + the machine * wiped out! - the neighbourhood * hozier - hozier * infinity on high - fall out boy * pure heroine - lorde
14. How many concerts have you been to, total? GOD you see like. u know how every family that can afford to has that one thing that they always make room in their budgets for? like some families go out to eat a lot or go to the movie theater or travel or have tons of pets? i’ve always gone to concerts since i was like rly little
i had to write it all down but i came up with 18 so far not including the 3 im going to soon 15. Who have you seen the most live? fall out boy for sure! once in like fourth grade w a brendon urie acoustic set because panic just like. broke up. the second time was that time with blink 182. the third time was the save rock and roll tour (BEFORE THEY ADDED TOP AND PANIC) where i nearly passed out and got sick from the heat. and then the most recent was the boyz of zummer with wiz khalifa where i officially learned to associate the smell of weed with like. weed. but since 2 of those were for my sister TECHNICALLY? the neighbourhood. i saw them 3x at the same venue they’re sooooo good live 16. What is your favorite movie soundtrack? the great gatsby (2013) holy shit dude
17. What was your last musical ‘phase’ before you wisened up? kpop was my Thing from ages 12 to like 15 then i got depressed and lost interest completely and not to be corny but 21p pulled me out of that :/ 18. What is your ‘guilty pleasure’ that you hate to admit liking? my entire music library is an embarrassment but i really hate getting caught listening to stuff i used to listen to in late elementary school and the beginning of middle school like....the really hard but still corny rock and metal. like. fun fact i know Every single word to bring me to life by evanescence bc that was straight up my fave band. so any time im listening to 2000s rock music or japanese vk in the hallway i make sure i dont let ppl see my screen
hhhmmhmhm so i guess i’ll tag @sweaterdun @chalupacabras @friedlettuce (enlighten me on what people who Aren’t emo fuckers listen to) and ik he just got tagged but @wdbwotv bc if u havent already....i wanna see it. if all y’all want to. sorry u had to read all this WOW
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