#I definitely didn't write down everything I tagged in the first post but whatever
eissaphir · 1 year
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lovelybee666 · 8 months
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
I already published it in one of my first writings but so that they don't bother to see it, they both play hide and seek, tag, maybe truth or dare, etc.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He thinks everything about you is beautiful, from your eyes to your your toes (if you even have toes or feet).
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
If you are sad he tries to cheer you up either by giving you physical or verbal affection, drawing, talking, watching something, whatever cheers you up.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
It sounds strange but he would like to have a family (he knows he can't 😞) he would like to see you and him with his little children but since he can't, he use his stuffed version as one and depending on how you are, you will play along or try (don't even think about telling him that it's stupid of him or I swear I will come to your house with a gun 👹 /j)
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He's in the middle 👍 there's not much to say honestly
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Look, I don't know what happened but it was probably your fault😒(just joking) their arguments probably don't go beyond a few raised voices, the second the discussion ends there are two options, the first is that he run to you and apologize or that he is lecturing himself with his tail down.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He is VERY grateful and even thanks for things he shouldn't(I'm sorry this is short, I couldn't think of anything)
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Imagine there is a door, that door symbolizes honesty now look at Dogday's door that door is so open that the door flew away and the frame too.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I'm already doing a hc of him jealous so this will be more summarized and shorter, It's difficult for him to get jealous since he trusts you TOO much but if he is jealous he will try to get your attention hugging you and saying your name over and over again.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
The first kiss was okay although he had never kissed so at first it was a little awkward, as time went on his kissing skills improved(he definitely didn't ask Bubba, Cickin and Bobby for advice☺️ DEFINITELY)
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He was nervous, he asked Catnap if he could come and support him, he complied as a good friend and he was a little far away but behind you with a sign that said "YOU CAN DO IT, DOGDAY!" or said what Dogday was supposed to say because he probably forgot(I promise to make a more detailed version soon in the not too distant future).
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He wants to marry you but since you and him are toys you can't but still in some creative way you got married, they used a fabric that they found with the help of Crafty and they got married, it was actually something funny and adorable to see (YOU DEFINITELY WORE THE SUIT AND DOGDAY THE WEDDING DRESS‼️‼️) by the way, the ring was some donut-shaped gummies.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
I already made a post about it but I wanted to make a little update here by adding "angel" and "star"
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It's VERY obvious, just watch him for a few seconds and you'll see how when you're close he moves his tail and seems happier, he stops what he's doing and comes to greet you giving you a hug while his tail moves at a thousand miles an hour, he's not sure if he's in love, he confuses his feelings and thinks maybe he just loves you as a close friend (spoiler, it wasn't)
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He's a big fan of PDA and even once probably shouted from somewhere quite long how much he loved you(a worker or Miss Delight scolded him because the children were supposed to be sleeping at that time), He loves to hold your hand and kiss your nose, he probably emphasizes 24/7 that you're dating him, he is very proud to know that you are dating him, If you are not a fan of PDA, he respects it and when you are alone he gives you a lot of kisses on the cheeks and hugs you.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
There's not much to say but technically you're second in command for dating the guy who's the leader👍 IDK MAN
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He is cliche AND creative, He likes to do very cliché but very creative things at the same time, They are going to have a date with red petals and candles, yes, but instead of candles they will be candles with fun shapes, the petals will be daisies (clearly I don't get them from a destroyed Daisy) and the chairs are chairs of frogs, he likes to do the same things that are romantically cliché but at the same time add things that have nothing to do with it or make it chaotic.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
ABSOLUTELY YES, it will help you in anything, believe 100% that you can achieve any goal you have.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Every day he do something new with you, one day you are looking some ants working and the next you are creating a base to protect yourself from a non-existent deadly virus that he created with you.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Depending on who you are, he probably knows a lot about you and is quite empathetic (I couldn't think of anything here, I'm sorry)
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
For him you are the most important thing in his life, his top is probably
3. Humans
2. His friends
1. You
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
When you give him the cold shoulder after an argument he goes to Catnap and Catnap has to deal with his best friend crying because you don't listen to him
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Y E S He is very affectionate although obviously there are days when he is less affectionate.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He will be looking for things that remind him of you and hugs them while waiting for you to appear.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He is willing to do almost anything for the relationship, his only limits are attacking or killing someone for obvious reasons.
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I FINALLY FINISHED THIS, now I will have to do other pending things
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zpiderwebs · 1 month
In regards to your post about possibly taking Gravity Falls requests. If you're down to write I'm down to read. I've been searching for a fic where Ford is filled in on Mabel's past trouble with the gnomes and Gideon and he is very not okay with it.
A/N: HOLY SHATT WAIT wait...thank you for this request! I love that prompt. Ford would definitely be super concerned about the messes she got into but glad she was able to pull away. He'd start keeping an eye out for anyone near Mabel that isn't someone he already knows. ALRIGHTY. Here you go!! My first request I've gotten! YAY.
Enjoy! :3
"Gnomes and a gremlin?"
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It was another summer and surprisingly normal day. The heat was fine to tolerate. Stan was doing his usual scamming with tourists, Mabel was out with Candy and Grenda, leaving Ford and Dipper alone in the living room. Dipper was sitting on the ground, switching through channels while Ford was sitting in Stanley's seat, writing down about whatever came to his smart mind.
Dipper glanced at the clock on the wall as it ticked. He wanted to play mini golf with Mabel, but since she had told him that she would be catching both Grenda and Candy up on her new crush, he figured it would be saved for another day.
Dipper sighed, placing the remote down as he looked up at the ceiling. "Man, Mabel's gonna be late today. She's gonna be gone all day, rambling about her new crush she met at the arcade the other day when we tagged along with Soos and Wendy."
"Wait, Mabel has another crush?" Ford asked as he took a moment to look at Dipper in disbelief.
"Yeah. The millionth one, but, at least, it's not like the few horrible ones she had earlier this summer." Dipper shrugged and sighed. Ford raised a brow. What did Dipper mean by that?
"Elaborate." Ford set his pen down and looked at Dipper with a serious look. Dipper sighed again, groaning as he buried his face into his hands.
"Uh..well, the first crush and boyfriend she had when we had just arrived here..was..unexpected." Dipper frowned at the thought. "His name was Norman. Well, their. Mabel and they all started dating. And well..turns out they were a bunch of gnomes disguised as a boy. They wanted to make her their queen..and well..when they revealed themselves to Mabel, she obviously didn't want to and turned them down. Their leader, Jeff, decided to take her by force. And a lot went down..we then got to a point where she got captured, I saved her, we got chased, and we defeated the gnomes. Basically, that was her first boyfriend. A bunch of gnomes."
Ford..was flabbergasted. His eyes were wide as if he had seen a ghost and his jaw dropped.
"WHAT!? GNOMES!?" Ford shouted as he dropped everything from his lap and hit the ground with a soft thud due to the carpet.
"That's not even as bad compared to Gideon." Dipper frowned even more as he got shivers at even mentioning that name
"..Gideon? Oh, man. I'm concerned at who your sister got into trouble with.."
"Trust me, I'm always concerned. Gideon was...something. Gideon was Grunkle Stan's arch enemy. Gideon badly wanted the Shack and they fought back and forth and all that mess. He also deeply liked Mabel..like..obsessive. She had agreed to go on a date with him when she genuinely didn't like him. Grunkle Stan wasn't happy about his great niece going out with his enemy. A lot went down. He lied to Mabel and did a lot of horrible things. He even kidnapped her with a huge robot when he had took the shack an-"
"HE KIDNAPPED HER!? Your telling me..a little gremlin like HIM..kindapped Mabel!? That is unbelievable!"
"Basically." Dipper shrugged.
Ford let out a big sigh as he looked exhausted. Like he had just gone through another 30 years in that portal.
"Gnomes and a gremlin? Christ, what messes did your sister get into." Ford murmured out as he leaned back. Dipper sighed. "I'd like to know too."
"Well, this is unacceptable. If I ever see that Jeff gnome or that little Gideon, I'll be sure to tell them to keep a massive radius away from my niece."
The next morning, Ford kept looking at Mabel. She quickly realized he had been staring hard at her while she knitted a new sweater for Waddles.
"Uh, Grunkle Ford? Is something wrong? You keep staring at me." Mabel murmured as she raised a brow.
Ford cleared his throat and looked away for a moment. "Apologies, Mabel. I'm just..I..who is this new crush of yours? Do you know what he really is?"
Mabel's eyes widened. "What?"
"Mabel, you dated gnomes disguised as a boy and a little gremlin named Gideon for Christ's sake!" Ford shouted out.
Mabel sat there for a few moments and letting out a nervous laugh. "Oh..yeah. I did. But I can reassure you I've been doing better at picking my crushes! This new boy is normal and NOT Gideon!"
"Glad to know.." Ford murmured. "Just..don't get into any more messes like that."
"Got it, Grunkle Ford!" Mabel grinned.
But, from that day on, Ford began to sometimes follow Mabel around and make sure whoever she was with..was normal. He was armed. Just in case.
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necrotic-nephilim · 3 months
Sorry if this might be a rude question but why don’t you just make a seperate account for your nsfw fics?
not rude, it's a valid question! tbh it's a combination of a couple reasons.
i started posting anonymous dead dove batcest fics long before i had the balls to make a tumblr. at first i was content to just leave them unassociated with each other because i didn't really care about them being tied to me. i made this blog to actually show solidarity to my partner who wanted to make a sideblog for Sandman comic stuff so we could cheerlead each other and be brave together, since i've wanted to make a batcest sideblog but i've been nervous about actually having to get it going. (mal ik you're reading this go be brave and actually make your blog so i can cheerlead you damnit-) only did it dawn on me then that i should probably mention the fics i've written on the blog after like, three of them were posted anonymously. and it would've annoyed me to have half of them anonymous and half of them not, because notifications for them would've gone in different places. i could go back and take my fics off anon if i wanted to, but i can't switch the account they're on without taking them down entirely and that'd fuck over people who have them bookmarked already.
which, ties into my second reason, if i made an entire second ao3 account it'd be harder for me to see notifications, reply to stuff, and post things for both accounts because i'd have to constantly switch. and honestly i'd be terrified of accidentally posting on the wrong one on a brain fog day. posting fics is always the most tedious part of writing them for me lol. it's easier for me to stay logged into one account and have all of my stuff in one place for me and just use the anonymous collection when i feel like it. if ao3 pseuds worked like tumblr blogs, where you can't see all my side blogs but i can, i would've used pseuds, but since you can see all pseuds on an ao3, i felt it was a moot point.
and the last reason is i just feel more comfortable being anonymous on ao3 because of the rise in anti culture. on tumblr it's very easy for me to just filter that out and find the people i want to follow and block the people i don't. i don't mind getting hate, on tumblr or on ao3. but i think, for whatever reason you want to blame it on, there's been a massive boom of antis on ao3 who are very entitled about how they read on ao3. i tag extensively, but i just feel safer from getting targeted attacks if everything i write on ao3 isn't attached to one profile. if people like a fic i wrote, want to find more i always link my tumblr in the notes, but if an anti wants to get huffy with me, they can't easily track down my other things. they definitely could if they wanted to, but being anonymous on ao3 just makes me feel more secluded, in a weird way. it's like saying "if you want you can come find me but on here i'm just a weird faceless guy throwing stuff in the void". i've used ao3's anon feature a lot, actually, i used to be a hydra trash party dumpster kid back when that was in it's prime.
i also used to be vaguely popular on a different tumblr blog and my main ao3 and while i think it'd definitely be cool if i got a decent chunk of followers on this blog too, i don't really miss having fanfiction do so well i got targetted hate on all of my fics from the same people, i had my fics stolen, etc. it was really exhausting for me. i have 120+ works on ao3, not counting what's anonymous, and that level of exposure tires me, even when i use my main ao3 to post things that aren't trashy. it's just a weird feeling knowing so many people are subscribed to you on ao3 and what if you post something they won't like because you jumped fandoms again, or you're posting something niche, or you don't think it fills enough fandom tropes to be well-liked. i used to obsessively think like that, and it made me not write the things i wanted to because i cared about numbers. and i don't want to slide back into that hole. writing on anonymous is mostly to remind myself i wrote this for me, and if other people like it, they can come find me, but i don't have to perform like that anymore. if i get a really weird fucked up idea, i can write the really weird fucked up idea. at the end of the day, just makes me more comfortable! but i get it's a super confusing set up from an outsider perspective so, i really don't mind the question, thank you for asking!!
#necrotic festerings#batcest#pro ship#necrotic answerings#tbh asking the question gave me the chance to explain it so ty!#might link this in my about me or my masterlist for ease of access#i don't want to like. overstate how big i was on an old blog bc i was not like. a celebrity by *any* means.#but i had a ship-specific blog and i was certainly a “big name fan” for that specific rarepair#and it like. took over my life when i was a teen#i look back on it fondly now but i really regret that i would obsess so heavily over numbers and what made a fic do well#my favorite fics to write were htp back then bc for htp culture writing on anon was normal since that was during the dreamwidth days#and i just. liked that veil of anonymity and i think i defaulted to that when i decided to finally start posting batcest stuff#(all of this makes me sound so old i'm only 22 i just started fandom really fucking young which i don't recommend)#and when i say one fic got big. i mean it. i have found that fic on instagram and pinterest and tiktok and even. facebook.#do you know what it's like when your fic gets reuploaded to facebook without your permission and you see what boomers think of it.#that was so mortifying.#funnily enough the boomers were actually really nice i was just shocked to find it there scrolling one day.#it was instagram that was super mean to me and traumatized my ass. man ppl dug into me for the tinest things. do not miss that.#anyway the point is#i've tasted vitality and niche fandom status(tm) and i hated both. and i just cannot do that to myself again#ergo#anon on ao3 and a blog to post my thoughts when i have them.#it's a nice system for me#i have some stuff on my main ao3 that toes the line of like. dark dead dove trash.#and i had antis get mad at me bc their fave fluffy fic was written by. gasp. a proshipper.#and yeah that soured me to existence on ao3.#getting into the rise of anti culture is a whole other discussion that'd have me going on for hours but i will shut up now.#wow this got long. i like to fucking talk don't i.
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carica-ficus · 2 months
"Nona the Ninth"
Reading progress: 274/477 (57%) Read through since last update: 158
Reading this book is such a joy. I keep surprising myself by how easy it is to read. I go through twenty pages without even realizing. it I missed reading such books. I missed being so immersed in a book. Man, it feels good! I decided to share some really CRAZY ideas in this post because my reading diary is meant as a brain dump. Don't take them too seriously. I just like thinking about all the possibilities. (I'm usually wrong, but it's fun to see by how much.)
So, notes:
I was so into these last two chapters that I didn't even remember to comment.
I love how Pyrrha calls Nona all these cutesy nicknames. And how sweet and gentle she is with her.
I audibly gasped when Palamedes needed to confess to Pyrrha that Cam sold her cigarettes. Literally 😮. Only for Pyrrha to take it as a champ. (She obviously took enough shit that day.)
So, blue dot in the sky. Earth or Uranus? Or Neptune? I'm guessing we're on some moon, but not sure which one. Considering they keep talking about how hot it is and that it's almost always day, they should be somewhere near the center of the solar system. Might as well be Venus considering how everything is VERY toxic and they need to wear gas masks outside. (Addition from future me: Bruh, I have no idea.)
Palamedes, my man. 🤝 This is a guy that knows what it's all about. (The nurse thing. I'm dating one, so yeah.)
Been thinking about Harrow and how she ruled on a dead planet and how John promised her new people when she succeeded with her task as a Lyctor. New people. New future. But where do all those bodies come from? So, my random thought of the day is that maybe she got promised some of the bodies transported in the Convoy? Speculating, speculating, I know. But I decided to write this down, so I can reflect on it later. (Future me: Still have no idea what the Convoy is for, but with everything happening, this idea really is a LONG SHOT.)
HAHAHAHAHHAA Palamedes calling Cam a hypocrite. Love it.
I keep forgetting to comment, and a lot's been happening. The "little" meeting Cam, Pyrrha, and Nona had with the Crown and the Comander was insightful, but difficult to follow. I got like? Half of it? But managed to understand the most important things - there's a craft in orbit and they have no idea what it is, there's some background for the first book and Cytherea's mission, then we see Judith and Crown realizes Cam is hiding Palamedes. Marvelous.
Millie? Lol, I'd be mad too. I have no idea why Palamedes didn't react. I certainly would.
Nona's the weapon. Cool. They're growing their own Lyctor. So, the body needs to be a necromancer that ingested the soul of a cavalier? Yeah, whatever, we'll see. My money's on The Body being Nona, but who even knows at this point. (Not me.)
But one thing I am excited for (after I finish Nona) is FINALLY going into the locked tomb tag without the fear of spoilers. Can't wait!
Fuck! That's true. Nona truly is Camilla's age. And Corona's. I keep imagining her younger because she is childlike, but I shouldn't. Granted, I think that's also the point of Muir writing her like that. Nona is constantly babied and talked down to because she doesn't understand the world as the rest of them do. She can't. At least not yet. Anyway, yeah, this sentence reminded me to adjust the way I imagine Nona. She definitely needs to be a little taller in my head. (Even though she is still shorter than Camilla.)
"Beef." 🙄
HAHAHAHAH crying again. Yeah, me too, John.
Yo. What the fuck.
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Makes sense because Gideon has taken over Harrow's body, but still. Huh? (At least that's my guess. I don't know)
Oh yeah, ok. Are John and Harrow somewhere by the River like how Harrow's dreams were? Also, still guessing at this point, but I've been thinking about this ever since John's chapters started. (Primarily because their location is very surreal, very dreamlike.)
"I've carried you, Warden. And I've carried your memory... I'd rather carry you." AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Ok, so... If Hot Sauce didn't know Nona was a Lyctor, what was the secret Nona told her when they were lying next to each other at school?
Okay, wrapping off here because this post got a little long. I'll do my best to finish off this book quickly because I have a trip coming up next week and I won't have the time to read which will make me frustrated because I HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. Anyway, I'm really, really loving Nona so far. It's very different and the pace was quite slow, but I love that about Muir's writing. Every book in this series has been a breath of fresh air, something so unique, but familiar at the same time. ❤
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rochelle-echidna · 10 months
@micheladee tagged me in the "post a couple paragraphs of your WIP" share-a-thon, so figured I'd go through my Word docs and see what I could find - thank you so much for the tag, Michela :)
Truth be told, if y'all will allow me to vent a bit first... it's been a bit of a shitter these last couple years, especially wrt getting any sort of writing done. Never mind with fics (of which I feel awful I've barely started anything new, even the WIP below is from last year) - but I've also been trying to finally write a novel of my own after realising I really, really want to... and the words just aren't coming. Whether it's because of fear of ridicule, fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear of financial stresses, fear of whatever... it's been really fucking rough since my spouse and I moved cross-country, and I've def been feeling ashamed at my lack of creative output :(
On the bright side, I'm getting some help with therapy and I'm doing a couple workshops to get me back into the swing of being creative so that I can tackle the work-life balance and not feel like the entirety of my (and my spouse's) survival rests squarely on my shoulders. Whether that means I'll be able to post any new work soon is up for debate, but honestly just taking these baby steps is better than nothing, so I'll take what I can get (and my body + mind can give).
And I know there's no "admission fee" to partake in fandom, but I still feel I'd be remiss if I didn't offer a huge apology for not positing fics recently, and especially for not commenting on fics y'all have made in these last several months - please believe me when I say I see y'all's work and it's great and makes me feel so many necessary things, even if I'm not able to type the words on AO3 atm.
Anyhow, just wanted to share an update with y'all and let you know I'm still here, still alive... just taking it one day at a time for now in order to keep my sanity strong!
Enjoy this little snippet of a WIP below, and I tag whoever so chooses to participate in this game - even if I'm quiet, I love seeing everything you lovely people write :D
When he was thrust back to reality in his own body, there was the usual disorientation that was to be expected of someone summoned through the dark arts. After all, if the infamous Thief King from 3,000 years ago had existed as a separate being before, there was no reason Malik’s other half couldn’t, too. Except… Ryou Bakura hadn’t exactly planned for this extra passenger to crawl his way back from the shadows alongside the former spirit. And what “Malik’s other half” – the phrase enough to make said individual gag – definitely hadn’t expected was for such confusion to be tainted by a profound sadness… one that had permeated his entire being for the last six months. Or however long it had been. Malik had gotten what he’d wanted, Ryou had gotten what he wanted, the Thief King had kind of gotten what he wanted – and all that “Malik’s other half” had gotten was a sense of displacement, dysmorphia and disdain. “You know… he’s welcome to stay here, Malik.” “You weren’t conscious during that damned duel fifteen years ago, host. Just be glad you weren’t privy to his cruelty firsthand.” “He’s right, Ryou. You’ve done enough already. There’s no need to put yourself in more danger.” “But there’s not much harm he can do now. I mean—" “I can hear you all.” Three pairs of eyes had greeted him when he’d first turned over on a – soft – bed. His hands had been bound, and he’d growled and snarled so much that he’d made Malik and the Thief King back up – but not the white-haired man in-between them. “You probably have lots of questions right now. And…” The blush that formed on the man’s cheeks had sent a – strange – shiver down his spine, warming his bound wrists. “I’m sorry I don’t have many answers.” He had merely hmphed at that, avoiding eye contact with his “main personality” and the thief who’d dared face him. Instead, he focused on the wide eyes of the man who must have been called— “Ryou… it’s no use. We need to send him back before he does some real damage again.” “Snap out of it, landlord. Just look at how he’s staring at you.” But the man – Ryou – had just tilted his head and let loose a very small smile. “What’s your name?”
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parvuls · 1 year
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I saw several people wondering how to participate in this bingo event. so this is how it goes: you look through your recs, you fill out the card, and... you post it 😉
to make this even more interesting, every author that gets tagged in a bingo card is now challenged to fill their own. I said what I said.
main character is a side character to fail better by orphan this is an unusual rec for me since the main character is camilla collins, and the main relationship explored here is jack/camilla. but really, I adore it because it's a rare example of an outsider pov on jack through the eyes of someone who likes him, and maybe sees more of him than he know. there's something very sad about jack at this point of his story, but his and canilla's awkward attempts to make something real of what they almost have are really endearing. plus: even if jack didn't fall in love with camilla, I definitely did.
still a WIP Increasing Engagement by always1895 I have a problem of hoarding WIPs and occasionally checking on them like I'm waiting for them to return from the war. this is one of those WIPs. there are two things I can never turn down, and those are social media fics and an enemies to lovers arc. just know my ass is sat down for whenever this fic is finished, and yours should be too. (*) if anyone knows the author's tumblr handle, please tag them!
short fic Patient as Pie by @edgarallanrose no fluff hits quite as hard as zimbits fluff. this short fic has jack being needy and affectionate and domestic, and it just makes me warm and gooey inside whenever I read it. which, you know, is often.
inspired you to write Two Things Only by @thewesternredcedar I'm going old school with this one, because whenever I think of a fic that inspires me I think of the summer I read this fic six times to get through my own fic. this may be in my top ten favorite fics of all time. it has endless amounts of pining, hilarity, silliness, and to top it all off, it's set during my favorite time to read about: right after graduation and before Y3. it does such a good job of nailing that jack and bitty essence that I just can't help coming back to it for inspiration.
bookmarked recently (...ish) say my name (and call me a liar) by @weneedtotalkaboutfic it may be cheating to rec a fic that was written for you, but uh, I don't care. this fic just hits all the right spots. it's smart, it's funny, it's mysterious, it's sexy, it's emotional. it has both super slow-burn and whatever the opposite of that is, thanks to a wonderful two-person-love-triangle. and if that's not enough, the real star of this fic is jack zimmermann and the journey of his sexuality and his happiness, which just blew me away.
BONUS: canon divergence But this place still stands, this place remains unchanged by @doggernaut I already have my bingo but I have more to rec, so. this fic is a really fun glimpse into a future that could've been, and it's supported by a wonderful ensemble cast (of both canon characters and realistic-feeling OCs). this fic made me laugh out loud and clutch my chest, and even though I knew where the story is headed, I couldn't wait to arrive there with it.
BONUS: isn't on AO3 lighthouse au by @appalamutte this is one of those tumblr snippets I wish I could will into becoming a full fic. just that one scene, along with the bonus background, made me fall instantly in love. historical au's can be hit or miss for me, but this was so unique and so intriguing, and (as already established) I can't resist a good enemies to lovers action.
BONUS: FREE here you come again by @ivecarvedawoodenheart honestly, no one rips my heart out of my chest quite like syd does. the first time I read this I was too emotional to think thoughts, but the second (and third, and fourth) I was just like: tell me everything about this. immediately. the phrasing lives in my head rent free? this short fic literally does.
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saviourkingslut · 5 months
Hi! I saw that you mentionned scrivener in your latest post and I've been meaning to try it. Is it good? I'm a one-doc-per-chapter kind of person so I wonder if it would work for me.
hi, sorry for the somewhat late reply, i wanted to include some screenshots to make my explanation a little clearer but didn't have the energy to sit down for it properly before now. if you're a one-doc-per-chapter writer i definitely think you should consider it! scrivener's most important feature, i think, is that it gives you:
the opportunity to split up your writing any way you want, whether per chapter, per scene, or even per paragraph...
...but all your writing is always within immediate reach, and you can restructure it whichever way you want.
to make that a little clearer, i've included a picture from my own work. scrivener is mostly geared towards creative writing, but i use it for my dissertation and that works very well too. this is the general interface, where you can see i've been writing an introduction:
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scrivener's most important feature, to me, is its 'binder', which is this bit:
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at the top, you'll see 'draft' - this is the entirety of the project you're working on. in this case, that's my dissertation. underneath, you see a little book, called 'introduction' - that's a main part of the draft. and underneath that, you can see a couple of folders and documents. that's all the different parts of my introduction. you can create as many folders and put as many different documents in those folders as you want. what i find incredible about this, is that i have an overview of all my topics, and that i can switch between all my different topics without having to open different documents OR put all my shit in one big document, which always makes me lose my way completely. and if i feel like restructuring my text? well, i can go to the binder, and drag the texts to another spot there.
since you like to work by chapter, you could just structure your binder like that in a way that works for you, but you'd still have access to all your other work if there's ever a moment when you need to refer back to it. or if you're working on multiple chapters at the same time, you can just switch between them.
something else that has helped me a lot is the 'research' part of the binder:
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the 'research' part is meant for you as a writer to put down all your resources - your pdfs, your images, whatever you're using as reference while you're writing. now, because im writing an academic text and need more references than the average (fan)fiction writer, im using zotero as a reference manager. instead, im using the reserach folder to store my writing plans so i can reference and update them there. you see that 'reorganisation' folder there: it's also where i store my texts when i notice that the current structure is not working at all and i need to start over - but in such cases i don't need to write all the text itself from scratch again. this way i can keep everything within easy reach and copy-paste in the same document (you can split your screen within the program, and work in two documents at once).
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what's also great are the tools. in programs like word or google docs you'll find some of these, but not all. as you can see, the first symbol leads to a sidebar where you can put a synopsis for the specific text you're working on, and it lets you add notes. the second one lets you add bookmarks to your text, like texts or references you want within reach immediately. the third one lets you add specific metadata or tags. the fourth lets you make snapshots; scrivener saves all your work immediately, but if you're about to make a big change, you can create a snapshot and roll back to that if it's not working out after all. finally, there's the comments, which speak for itself. all the way down the bar you'll also see that you can label texts ('no label' here, there's a colour system) and note what part of the writing progress this part of the text is at.
what i personally like very much is the bar at the top that now says 'opening 2.0'. you can see a light blue bar at the bottom of it: that indicates my writing progress. you can set a writing goal in number of words for your project. for my entire 'introduction', that's 8000 words, and as you can see im nearly there. if you hover over the 'opening 2.0' bar, it'll shift to show you the number of words you've written AND the number of words you've written in that specific writing session like so: 7300/8000 | 345. what i like is that it counts the actual words written - if i've deleted a sentence, my count goes down again. that's useful for me because i tend to think 'oh i've written so much today' while all i've been doing is tiny edits for 2 hours, but not actually put down more words.
there's MUCH more that scrivener offers, but i can't explain it all here. they offer a free trial for 30 days, and it comes with a practice document that explains all the features to you by making you work in the program. id recommend giving that a try if you're interested! the program is expensive (it cost me 70 euros) but it's absolutely been worth it for me. i used to have long-ass documents with half-finished paragraphs and snippets of thoughts and sentences all over, and this has helped me structure my texts more easily while also not cluttering my workspace with loose thoughts and ideas because i have more places to put them now.
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 6 months
15 questions for 15 friends
I got tagged by @voylitscope and @booksandabeer. Hello, I hope y'all are doing very well today.
Are you named after anyone? >>> Yes, my dad, being the third child, my parents thought this was amusing. I used to hate it (my relationship with my dad is COMPLICATED and my name is gender neutral, which as a more or less gender neutral adult, I like, but as a kid who felt really confused about gender, I did not).
I've grown into it. Our first and middle names are one letter different, but, fun fact, when I bought my house they spelled my name like his name on the deed and he briefly owned my house, I guess? I mean, I fixed the typo. I joked about it to the real estate agent people and they were like "your dad didn't actually own your house just because of this typo, you know that right?" and like yeah, I know, it's just funny.
When was the last time you cried? >>> I rarely cry, for whatever reason. I occasionally get a stoic, manful misting in my eyes or brief tightness in the back of my throat I have to swallow down while staring into the distance. It's probably not healthy, but I have bigger fish to fry. (and if I'm crying into my fish frying grease the tears will make the oil will pop everywhere, so we can't have that, this metaphor is getting confusing).
Do you have kids? >>> I do. I talk about them all the time because they are fun interesting people and also my pals.
What sports do you play/have you played? >>> My rebellion as a child was to not play sports, which I definitely regret, but I did do ballet for a long time, I was always a "back row" dancer e.g. the worst in the class but there's nothing wrong with spending a great deal of time doing something you're quite bad at. Anyway, I'm better at ballet than most people who never took lessons.
Do you use sarcasm? >>> No. (hahahahahahahahhhaaaa)
What’s the first thing you notice about people? >>> Ummm...vibes?
What’s your eye color? >>> Glowing red when I'm doing an evil spell, but otherwise blue.
Scary movies or happy endings comedies? >>> I almost never watch movies. What kind of movie is Lord of the Rings and The Winter Soldier? Those two, plus a few others.
Any talents? >>> I am good at making quick assessments and breaking down complex things into simple, easier to understand things, which, damn those ancient Greeks for always being right, is probably as much of a weakness as a strength. Also I have won a blue ribbon for quilting at a state fair which is very wholesome as I am a wholesome, stoic midwesterner.
Where were you born? >>> A very wholesome, stoic hospital in the rural midwest, surrounded by cornfields to the horizon.
What are your hobbies? >>> laying in bed and reading, walking places, sewing things, writing stuff, wishing everyone would leave me alone for ten damn minutes, feeling antsy when no one is bothering me.
Do you have any pets? >>> I just posted a picture of my cat. I didn't mention it there but she has bad eyesight and can't jump up to things, she often misses so just climbs everything or stays on the ground. It was great when she was an outside cat because she couldn't catch birds, though she would sometimes manage a snake and bring it in the house and leave it in the laundry basket.
How tall are you? >>> 5'11" but for what it's worth I'm the shortest person in my immediate family.
Favorite subject in school? >>> I really liked sociolinguistics classes in college. I liked art and biology and creative writing classes too. I like a lot of things. I like learning. I loved going to college. I'm a first generation college student and aside from the angst and bad attempts at romance and depression and anxiety and panic attacks, I really did feel lucky the whole time I was in college.
Dream job? >>> I need a job that helps people because I can only make myself do something boring if it I feel like I "owe" someone. I need a job that changes every few weeks so it is less boring. Both criteria I basically have, except I would like my current job to be less stressful and endlessly high stakes, except if it wasn't I would probably be bored, and also I would like fewer people that annoy me.
God I'm supposed to tag people now. What an absolute nightmare. Okay. I'm doing it. Don't hate me. @burberrycanary @msilverstar @bookgeekgrrl @fsbc-librarian @late-to-the-party-81 @blackwood4stucky @otpcutie
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lizardlicks · 10 months
Nine People You'd Like To Get To Know Better
I was tagged by @blu3berrydraws, @erisenyo, and @paramouradrift lol thanks guys!
Relation Status: Married to my best friend and high school sweetheart
Favorite Color: green. any green. give me a green I will show you how beautiful it is
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet tooth is currently satisfied. Spicy is just kind of a bonus. I think savory is looking good rn.
Three ships: Zukka is the obvious current answer, but I am a habitual multishipper by nature, so here are three ships that I very much enjoy which might not be on your radars!
First is @ablueeyedarcher's fault: How/Piandao. The SS CapyPanda. Are they minor characters who only show up for two or three episodes a piece? Yes. Do I care? No. Let them smooch.
Number two is Jee/Bato. Look. Jee is a tired gay man, He has served his time. Let him get out there and get the good dick. He's not a home wrecker though, he's not gonna get between whatever Bato has going on with Hakoda... unless maybe they invited him to get between them more literally.
Third is Zuko/Kuei. I know the the post canon comics pitted these two sad bitches against each other but listen, here me out. They're both young, inexperienced leaders dropped head first into navigating attempting to deescalate their countries post a century of hostilities with minimal helpful guidance, and they were also both used and betrayed by the father figures they we supposed to trust and rely on. What if when left alone, face to face, they bonded over venting their similar frustrations? What if that bonding turned into an unlikely friendship? What if that friendship tripped and rolled down a rocky hill of something more and they ended up in a secret affair between the heads of two of the world's most powerful states? What if it all came crashing in on them, but they couldn't untangle their very real feelings from their duty as leaders? What then?
First ever ship: Oh snap this is reaching back into Ye Old memory banks here. If I'm being totally honest I think it was the pink and green (later white, much later all the rest of the damn colors) rangers from the original run of the American version of Power Rangers. The internet didn't exist as we know it today so it was just a group of a half-dozen 7-9 year olds G O S S I P I N G on the playground between rounds of pretending to be actual velociraptors.
Last Song:
(Two Steps From Hell is my go-to writing times tune everything out music)
Last Film: Technically it was me and the rest of the adults post Thanksgiving diner keeping a running background commentary going on the worldbuilding choices in the Paw Patrol Movie that the little kids insisted on watching. Real answer, the last movie I sat down to watch with intention was Across the Spiderverse.
Last thing I Googled: solar chistmas lights. My coworker was complaining that her only outdoor outlet shares a load with an indoor one (which?? rude!) and her partner wouldn't let her put up more Christmas lights. I had to show her. The way her face lit up as she IMMEDIATELY zoomed to Amazon and started filling her cart. Apologies to her poor family and neighbors, but I definitely made her week and possibly her entire New Year.
Currently Reading: Hey did you know that @erisenyo is already releasing stuff for zukki week because she is. you should definitely go read that.
Currently Watching: Rewatching Blue Eye Samurai while spouse watches it for the first time. He's been big into old samurai and wuxia films since I can remember so I'm just sitting here anticipating his reactions to every easter egg and trope call back they've stuffed into this show and also spotting things I missed on the first round.
Currently Consuming: Peppermint mocha and a cheese, egg and sausage tornado. Don't question me.
Currently Craving: My cozy bed. Also a nice big bowl of curry.
Currently Working On: The next chapter of Learn to Carry Love. I'm so so so close to the finish aaargh!
Current Obsession(s): *Gestures at my blog*
And with that I'm gonna taaaaaaag @ablueeyedarcher @rainbowbarnacle @paintsplattere @allgremlinart @saccharineomens @thepioden @siggymcpissyface @curlicuecal and @yandereleorio! No obligation of course, just for a fun time if you wanna :D
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panicatthediaz · 2 years
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This concludes chapter 3, posted earlier to my AO3 because timezones apparently glitch it out. This is currently one of my three longest parts :') And like I said there, I have no idea how long this entire fic will end up being. I hope you enjoy part 9, 'cause I definitely had fun writing it!
[Part 1] – [Part 8] – [Part 10]
@madaboutmunson @lamburrito @benjaminrussell @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @dijkstraspath @swiftiebuckleys @spectrum-spectre @epiclazershark @redheadchimechild @steddie-there @gayngerthings @manda-panda-monium [Let me know if you want to be tagged!]
Pin a String to My Chest - 9
"... And that's what she's doing," Steve finished explaining the current supernatural happening, El trying to find Eddie in his own mind.
Wayne took in the explanation silently, as he'd done every other time. If it weren't for El's demonstration earlier, he wasn't sure how believable any of it would be, but Wayne knew they weren't lying.
Or, well, he hoped he did.
The man nodded slowly, fidgeting with the necklace in his hand. Dustin had held onto that pick necklace until he saw Eddie's uncle a day after everything happened, and Wayne hadn't let it go since.
Everyone else had explained what happened since '83. Nancy had said he'd been a little amused by being right about a Creel doing it all, he'd just missed a generation.
He'd also been reasonably horrified when Nancy and Robin talked about Starcourt, but that had been the worst it got until this spring break.
"Say, Harrington," he spoke after a few minutes of radio static filling the room. He didn't take his eyes off of his nephew on the opposite corner of the hospital room. "I reckon I oughta thank you."
Steve turned sharply to face him, frowning in confusion. "What…?"
"I don't think that many people would actually carry my kid out of any kind of situation," he shrugged. "Even before all this."
Steve nodded slowly. "Sir—" A glance from Wayne, eyebrow raised, had him correcting, "Wayne…" He sighed. "Truth is, two weeks ago—" before all of this— "I'm not sure I would have…"
"You didn't know Eddie," he said, as if Steve admitting that he wouldn't have tried to help Eddie somehow was normal. "I mean, you knew of him, what people said about him, just like I knew of you."
He grimaced. Whatever Eddie had told Wayne had come from his highschool years, and Steve knew there wasn't much good there. Or maybe it'd come from later, from the ridiculous amount of first dates. He knew what that looked like.
"It's not all bad, Steve," Wayne reassured, glancing at him with a smile. "Not from Eddie."
The questioning noise that escaped him made Wayne's smile widen.
"Eddie always said, 'Harrington's always tryin' too hard to please someone'." Wayne's impression of Eddie was pretty good, making Steve snort. "He never elaborated on that, by the way, always shrugged it off when I asked what he meant."
Steve looked down, focusing on the spotless tile of the hospital room. "I, uh, I didn't know he noticed that." What else could he say? Eddie apparently had him figured out a long time ago.
"He talks big and he's always been wary," he smirked, "But he's always been curious about people too."
Steve nodded and let the silence settle between them. He didn't know Eddie as well as he'd like to, but hopefully he could remedy that soon… Assuming Eddie would want to hang out, which he also hoped would be the case. Steve had admitted a while ago that he needed a friend his age that wasn't Robin or his ex.
A sniffle came from Eddie's bedside as El took off the bandana from her eyes some time later. Wayne was up and next to her faster than Steve had expected, but he was just a second behind him.
"You okay?" Steve asked, standing behind her chair as El reached to grab a tissue from the table off to the side.
"Yes." Her reply was a little muffled by the tissue. She did her thing a bit longer than usual, but there was no noise of discomfort or any complaints, and her nosebleed wasn't that bad, so he'd let her be while he talked to Wayne. "Sorry, I got distracted."
El nodded, tossing the bloodied tissue away. She looked at Wayne with a smile and shiny eyes.
"He is in his memories, so I didn't talk to him," she explained, "But he is resting. He will wake up soon."
It was like the whole room relaxed a little, the air feeling less tense than before. Steve felt his shoulders relax, and it seemed that Wayne's entire body loosened and he held himself upright with his hands on Eddie's bed.
Steve knew from Dustin that he'd been working as little as he could afford to, worried about Eddie and staying at the hospital with him.
El stood slowly, surprising both men by hugging Wayne. She didn't wait for him to return the hug.
"I saw some of his memories," she announced, only letting Wayne go enough to look at his face. "You were in a lot of the good ones."
"Lord knows he didn't get many of those as a kid," he grumbled, his expression creasing with whatever thought he just had.
"He had you," she said, in that firm way she had when no one could really change her mind. It made Steve smile. "I think he is lucky to have you."
Wayne cleared his throat, returning El's hug a little awkwardly.
"Pretty sure he's been my favorite person since he learned to talk," he admitted with a choked laugh. "Only ever stops when he's asleep, and sometimes not even then."
Steve snorted, drawing attention to himself and making El chuckle.
"Yeah, I can see that," Steve said softly. "He always seems to have something to say."
"I'm glad I can help him say some of it," Wayne sighed, looking at Eddie and taking in the visible bandages in his arms and left cheek. His torso had even more bandages hidden under the hospital gown and the thin blanket.
"He is healing. He is safe," El reminded him, as if she could sense where Wayne's thoughts were going. Wayne nodded absently, not taking his eyes off of his nephew. "But you worry, anyway." She was smiling when Wayne looked at her. "You are good for him."
"I try to be," he mumbled, moving to sit on the other side of Eddie's bed.
El nodded, thoughtful for a moment. "You remind me of Hopper." She glanced at Steve before adding, "You two worry a lot."
Wayne frowned, apparently confused by the comparison, and turned to Steve. "Her adoptive father," he explained. Steve could only guess that Wayne filled a fairly similar role in Eddie's life. He had no idea where Eddie's biological father could have been, but the fact the man had taught a kid how to hotwire a car didn't sit well with him.
Before Wayne could reply through his surprise, a knock at the door drew everyone's attention and Hopper poked his head in.
"El, we gotta go." He nodded at Steve and Wayne in acknowledgment and let out a weary sigh when his eyes fell on Eddie. "He okay?"
"He is resting," she replied. El pulled the hood of her jacket over her head, waving to the two of them and following her dad out.
"I should probably go too," Steve said. He'd been the only one in the room in the times he visited Eddie before, and he found El and Hopper at the front desk this morning. He wasn't sure what to say to Wayne now that the silence was settling with no one else in the room to break it. "Let you get some rest."
"Not that these chairs help much with that," Wayne sighed. "But thanks."
Steve nodded, walking to the door with his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker.
He turned back to face Wayne. The man was staring at him with narrowed eyes, looking for something in him.
"Just because you think you wouldn't have saved my nephew before all this," he spoke sternly, "It doesn't make the fact you did it last week any less important, alright?"
Steve nodded, unsure once again of what to say. He wiggled his fingers in a wave and left, Wayne's words bouncing in his head all the way to his big empty house.
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technicallyverycowboy · 6 months
Writing Patterns
[How to play: Write the opening line from the last ten fics that you posted and see if there are any patterns!]
Tagged by @cryptidafter and @blue-grama <3
1) I Would Eat His Heart - NontPorsche, Playboyy
Porsche doesn’t say much to Nont after he gives up pretending to be Nant and spills out everything he knows.
2) The Edge in Your Affection - FirstSoong, Playboyy
First shows up to Soong's place with a bag stuffed with his unwashed clothes and the sheet he yanked off Zouey's bed.
3) I Can't Be Let Down - BostonRay, Only Friends
Ray met Boston for the first time at Yo’s.
4) By the Edges - VegasPorsche & KinnPorsche, Kinnporsche
The job goes well, for a definition of well that includes a dozen dead men.
5) In Your Doorway - BostonTop, Only Friends
Boston doesn't answer the phone when Top calls.
6) The Lights Didn't Flicker - VegasPete, Kinnporsche
The safehouse slowly becomes their home as the weeks turn into months and no consequences for Pete's happiness and Vegas's life come down on their heads.
7) Both Hands - KinnPorsche, Kinnporsche
"This is so fucking boring," Porsche murmurs.
8) Whatever Else That Touches You - KinnPorsche, Kinnporsche
It's actually Tae who asks first, several bottles of wine into dinner at a very expensive restaurant that Porsche is only slowly getting used to as being what passes for casual among Kinn's friends.
9) Hold Me Like a Grudge - VegasPete, Kinnporsche
Vegas's first mistake was thinking telling his father was the hard part.
Given that being too wordy is often the thing I'm fighting against with my writing, I'm surprised how many of these lines are pretty concise. Also lol at my deep and undying desire to start a story in the middle of or right after some Significant Moment.
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cyrassol · 1 year
man i haven't been on tumblr for so long i forgot how this goes, but uhhh here ig??
18+ only, s'il-vous-plaît
i realise this won't stop any minors who really want to be here, but a) please, b) you'll be blocked if i find out or suspect you're underage, and c) if you really want to see sex-related stuff then you should be learning about safe and consensual sex and, let me tell you, DoL and its fandom ain't the place for it my dude
and with that out of the way
hi! i'm cyra, you may use any pronouns but she/her usually works!
i am in my mid-20's, a funny little tidbit that surprises me everytime i remember
artist, despite what my shitty lighting and shading skills may tell you
sometimes, SOMETIMES, i also write
(psst if you want to see anything in particular relating to those things, feel free to send requests, ask box is open)
i am. terrible. TERRIBLE. at DMs. if you send me a message and i never reply or even read (does tumblr give read receipts?), know that it is not about you personally! i just get crazy anxious about text messages in general, so if you want to talk to me please send an ask or tag me in a post instead :) i understand it isn't the same (which is why i prefer it lmao) but it has a much, MUCH higher chance of being seen and replied to!
gdi i keep editing this post and adding shit to it but! i typically only tag characters and my stuff, but if you want me to start tagging specific topics/triggers then all you gotta do is ask me to and i will :)
welcome to my DoL blog! i can also be found on reddit with the same username as here :)
for the curious, info about my PCs are under the cut!
Arden, my main PC. Genderfluid, but she/her is what she uses the most out of convenience. Official sources of income are her dates with Avery and modelling for Niki, but most nights there's also a shadowed figure breaking into Danube street mansions—oh, you've seen it? No, you haven't—and on Fridays you might see a masked figure go into the brothel for a weekly private show. Love interest is Avery, though both have the mindset that theirs is mostly a transactional relationship. Arden's also down bad for Wren, but for now it seems to be unrequited.
Monroe, my baby secondary PC. Herm/intersex, but although he does occasionally dabble in crossdressing for work, he goes exclusively by he/him and masculine terms. Sex worker, and pretty sought-after, too—Briar would lose quite a lot of money if Monroe stopped showing up one day. Unfortunately, it's come at the cost of his reputation, something he's already being blackmailed for. Love interests are Sydney and Whitney, though both relationships are something Monroe entered into extremely reluctantly given his current circumstances (and also because Whitney is... Whitney).
Adeline, my "forsake civilisation, return to nature" PC lmao. Cis woman with the wolf transformation, which she definitely did not get through the mushroom route. Plantpeople enthusiast, but her true love will always be the wolf pack and its leader. She did get kidnapped by Eden once after she got lost in the woods during a hunt and, while she escaped, sometimes Addie finds herself thinking about the hunter with curiosity—after all, didn't she also fight the Black Wolf at first before knowing better? Maybe the hunter isn't so bad either. Probably the only one of my PCs who'll become a parent.
Vincent, my final PC (for now?). Cis man with a huge everything—huge heart, huge muscles, huge... dick. Gentle giant, it's a wonder he ever escaped Remy's farm—probably an accident tbh, must have fallen into the river or something because this man was as well-behaved as they come. Nowadays his mind is pretty much healed from whatever weird trance he'd been in back then, but despite how happy he is with Alex and the farm, sometimes he remembers his days at Remy's with longing—Vince doesn't let himself wonder if it's the place or its owner that he misses, though.
All my PCs are in their 20's, btw! They also all exist at the same time, maybe one day I'll make a post with all their connections to each other and other NPCs :) It'll be... a mess lmao
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advernia · 1 year
— godfather death. assorted post-reading notes for this post!
to no one's surprise this was SUPPOSED to be longer again LMAO but yeah!!! i was trying to limit my writing into smaller sections in order not to get so hung up on adding details....
anyway!!!! godfather death ft. viper siblings... well... the longer i thought about it, this would've been better if i placed the shroud siblings but i drew jamil on the randomizer so okay????
it's implied, but the viper parents have passed away already for this fic, around when jamil was seven years old. how old najma was then idk bc the game doesn't mention their gap LMAOOO but maybe around three or four years old tops?
actually in some renditions of the fairytale, the godchild is an only child or the youngest in the family. i was toying with the idea of najma being the godchild, but since jamil is the focus.......
now would jamil tell the whole truth about the herb + godfather appearing and stuff to najma??? well... he'd just tell her about the herb, that's all. i've wondered if other renditions of godfather death has the godchild mentioning the knowings of their treatment to others, but....
though i don't think najma wouldn't mind not being in the know as long as it doesn't harm anybody? like yeah nice herb so it heals ppl mhmmm no bad consequence on you or others? alriiight! this is probably the reason why she insisted on tagging along with jamil ever since he had healed her friend. she just wanted to make sure everything's ok (and also, just to see the herb work wonders again).
the thing about the godfather she'd really like to ask though, but if jamil's not gonna talk about it then fine.... but probably over time she decides to drop this completely bc if the herb is that powerful, then what about the person who used to hold it? maybe it was better that she didn't know and instead take things into stride. at first she was pretty skeptic about jamil's godfather like bruh u seriously had a godfather???
jamil here lives a rather ordinary life, very routine. it's no exaggeration to say that receiving the herb turned his and najma's lives upside down. they got by normally before, but as jamil slowly made use of the herb they were able to eat decently on a regular basis then eventually rake in more cash and eventually travel out of their hometown.
in some renditions of the tale, the godchild sets up a clinic themselves. here i find it more appropriate for jamil to choose traveling around healing people instead of opening a clinic himself considering his careful nature. those he heals aren't just for charity, either - he'd definitely account some benefit on the people he chooses to heal. though probably there are also those he chose to heal in order to up his reputation or to get some rumors going.
that aside, as jamil is careful, he'd prefer not many people be looking into him closely. explaining the herb to najma is one thing, but to other people... definitely not. being too renown is dangerous, and while the godfather had not mentioned any drawbacks about losing the herb or whatever, those are chances jamil would not risk.
i wanted to add a portion of najma and how she saw jamil as they traveled.... like, in normal cases, if someone had that powerful herb, they'd go around healing a lot of people as much as possible. someone like a saint, or a hero in fairytales. but the thing is, jamil is no saint, nor was he a hero. he was just... jamil. he could've done better, he could've done worse. but no, he did what he always did - be the older brother who did what he had to in order to live well.
okay now i didn't add a portion explaining the thing about death & the herb either. the if death is by the head of the patient, they could be cured but if death was by the feet they would die part. najma's last words would've made more sense if i added a portion hinting that she was getting an inkling of this. lazy me would say that its implied stuff or she gets to learn about it bc jamil tells her, but yeah. kinda regret not placing that there.
if i'd add that portion, it would probably go around the lines of najma wondering why sometimes, whenever jamil would visit a patient, he'd look at the person from head to toe then nod. well. it's not actually an odd thing to do, but eventually najma gets the feeling that jamil is nodding at someone. someone who is not the patient. thus she says her end line at the last scene: has your godfather come to visit me, too?
big question! would jamil trick his godfather to save najma just like the fairytale??? WELL! if u want an honest answer out of me i'd say no but the sap in me says yes what a pickle lmaoooo real reason why i left this hanging.........
........ the godfather i had in mind was sam but yeaaaah i think crowley would also fit here idk ksksksksksks
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morbiderotica · 2 years
this is such a dumb question, but how did you start your blog? like, how do you even put yourself out there?
this isn't a dumb question at all!
this isn't my first blog, i actually had another where i posted stranger things content/fics. i had the tumblr acc for a while to read fics and i decided i wanted to post my own so i literally just sat down and wrote a steve x eddie fic (we don't talk about it) and posted it. and then later that night i made a masterlist which took me forever to figure out.
honestly, i recommend just looking at other people's blogs for inspo and figuring out how you wanna organize your blog, like for me, in particular, i have my navigation, various custom tags i use, request rules, and a masterlist. none of these things are required at all but definitely help just get everything in order.
for beginners, i recommend navigation and a masterlist at the very least. it doesn't have to be fancy or anything like that because the great thing about tumblr posts is that you can edit them so you can change them up as many times as you want.
my first masterlist was super simple it literally just had masterlist as the title and the name of the fic and the link. it doesn't need to be fancy or anything it just needs to be functional.
i initially didn't have a navigation and it wasn't like awful to the point where everything was falling apart but having one definitely helps. you can put all your links to your important posts like the masterlist and explain a little about you (optional) and you can even put your request rules on the navigation. (personally, i like using a different post so my nav isn't super cluttered!)
custom tags aren't needed but they keep all your stuff in one place. like for example i wrote/write for wednesday and death note on this account. i don't write for wednesday anymore so trying to find all my wednesday fics would mean a lot of scrolling but if i just look up the tag i correlated with all wednesday fics they're all in one place now.
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if you're just starting out you might not wanna take requests because they can be overwhelming. when i first started writing for wednesday it was a super popular show i think it came out like 3 or 4 days before i started writing and i got like 10 requests the first day and was super bombarded. but if you do take requests, rules are a great thing to have, you know things you wont write and anything else you want to be included when someone is requesting like for example "when you're requesting, please specify what gender and/or pronouns" but to be honest not a lot of people read these, so its a 50/50 thing and can always be added later if you decide you want that. (same goes for everything else)
but when you're putting content out there it's important to tag correctly so that your post gets seen, especially if the fandom is small or not super popular at the moment.
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in the picture, you can see
my custom tag for that fandom
the fandom the fic is from PLUS the fandom x reader
all the characters alias the fic is about PLUS the characters x reader
a lot of writers or artists are heavily underrated so if you want you can encourage the people who read your fics or look at your art to reblog it if they like it so more people will be able to see it and tumblr will promote your post more. (pushed to the top of the tag)
i'm still trying to figure out the algorithm myself and how to use tumblr fully so it's okay if you don't get it on your first try! there's always room for error and improvement. and if you're scared about hate or people laughing or anything like that remember that they probably couldn't create something better and that the block button is there for a reason!
i hope this helped and if you have any other questions my asks AND dms are always open! don't get discouraged and do whatever makes you happy! good luck! &lt;3
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fregata-magnificens · 2 months
10 questions for 10 writers
Thanks for the tag, @arokel! Thanks to today's Windows outage, I actually have time to think about this, lol
(Heads up: I don't actually know enough other writers to tag them, but I'm thrilled that you thought of me!)
1. Is writing a hobby or a way of life?
A hobby. One that sucks me in for a few weeks or months at a time before I lose interest, only for me to catch the bug again a few months (or years) down the road. Hence this tag dead-ending at me.
2. A journal full of notes or a clean completed manuscript?
A secret third thing: a messy brain-dump into several google docs.
3. Who or what inspired your writing?
What inspires me to write? The drive to create. It's one of the easiest, quickest ways for me to get something out of my head and into reality.
Or is it what inspired the way I write? I don't know if I could choose one writer or work. When I really think about it, it's actually (im)probably some of the "classic" stuff I read in high school? I'd say that Ray Bradbury's short stories are one of the things I most look up to as far as writing goes, and I'd like to think I've been influenced by them.
4. Which is worse: Someone you ‘idolize’ reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
I can't sing but I think if someone I really looked up to (and who I didn't trust with my life) got that kind of deep look into my psyche, I would just poof out of existence.
5. Has writing from someone else’s POV changed your perspective?
I wouldn't say that writing from different perspectives has changed my own, at least not directly. But writing "as" different characters is definitely a way for me to explore different aspects of myself.
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
AO3. The lack of social media functionality is perfect for a fandom recluse like me. Oh, and the ability to orphan works and delete your profile forever is comforting.
7. AO3 word count? And are you satisfied with it?
Only 20,616. The fact that the words are countable (rather than living somewhere in my head) is plenty satisfying.
8. What movie/book gripped you irrevocably?
By now you've probably gotten the sense that I tend to get obsessed with one thing at a time, so I won't go with my gut, which says "whatever the last thing I really liked was".
But, and this might be an unfortunate answer, but the Harry Potter books. I have so many fond memories of just dropping everything I was doing to devour them, and of the feeling I got whenever I'd put the book down that I just returned from an adventure. I loved that the books grew almost exactly in time with me. I have no attachment to the stories themselves, especially now, but I can't deny that the experience of reading them changed me. It's incredible that stories can have that kind of effect on people.
9. What’s the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it?
Any compliment I get about my writing is The Highest Compliment I Could Ever be Given, at least at the time. Adjectives like "unique" or "distinctive," when earnestly offered, are some of my favorites.
10. What defines your writing style?
Posting once every three years, lol. But really, looking back at what I've written, it's a little... sparse. I tend to spend a lot of words on the physical environment and what's happening, rather than what's going on in someone's head. It's a balance I'd like to try to strike a little better, but it's very "me".
Oh, and being a stickler about punctuation and formatting. Commas and semicolons and em-dashes all have a specific job to do, dammit!
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