#I could write about them for ages and not get bored they can fit in every circumstance
some-pers0n · 3 months
Every once in a while I think about the ship I've been obsessed over for close to two years now and feel like I'm ascending to another plane of reality. Like sometimes you just encounter a ship that hits every single mark and is perfect in every regard and you're left stunned how something like that can even exist
#Anyways I'mma put the actual inane ramblings in the tags#Medic and Engie make me so ill every time I think about them for a while I feel like tearing into things and biting people and throwing up#How something like that can exist completely defies me#I don't know how something that perfect can exist#I'm typically a multi-shipper and while I still kinda am I honest to god don't really care to write other ships#Not cause they ain't good (they are pretty damn good) but because Engiemedic is just on another level#Like dammnnn!! that's why I've spent so long writing a fic about them!#I can't fathom it honestly how characters like that can exist#They're like a slightly warped reflection of themselves#They're both intelligent mentally ill lunatics with no morals whatsoever#The only thing is that Engie is marginally better at hiding it#If you go into headcanon territory than WHOO!! OHH DAMNNN#Like what gets me the most about Engiemedic is how they're so similar#They think and exist on the same wavelength#In tune with each other. Their neurons braided like wires#If I start talking about how the machine and the flesh are not opposites but rather one in the same we gonna be here all day#I just can't...believe the ship exists#Like man how does this happen#You want humour? Goofy wacky experiments and silliness of them violating several conventions#You want angst? Hell yeah they've got plenty of it#Fluff? Buddy I start wailing and sobbing if they accidentally brush hands while working on stuff#I could write about them for ages and not get bored they can fit in every circumstance#They make me SICK they make me CRAZY I love them so so much#They would do anything for each other#I look at what they have and I can feel like I understand what love is#I need to write more oneshots and minifics about them they're so flexiable and fun#Can't wait to do parallels with them in these upcoming chapters#Either way GODDDDD I love these two so much I could go on for hours about them#especially if I'm allowed to talk about headcanons#sp-rambles
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physalian · 3 months
Your colloquialisms are ruining the immersion (or, non-contemporary dialogue)
I am no expert here! Whenever I wrote historical fiction it was anachronistic historical fiction. This advice is from a reader’s perspective and from my experience writing high fantasy.
So what’s the deal with immersive dialogue? I’m going to ignore writing dialects and accents and so-called “old English” with the thee, thy, thou and such. Solely focusing here on the narrative telling me this isn’t set in present times, and yet the dialogue being painfully colloquial like present times.
This is coming from a book I had to read set in HRE times. In it, characters were spouting modern curse words, tacking on verbal tics and crutch words like “or something” and “um” and drawing out words like “daaaamn” and “nooooo”. Rip out the dialogue and toss it in a script with zero context and it would read like two high schoolers from 2009, not two adults from the Holy Roman Empire. Which is a problem, because it completely shattered the immersion. —
1. On so-called “formal writing”
Everybody knows that nixing contractions doesn’t do a damn thing to help your writing look more “formal”, it just looks robotic and stiff, right? We’ve gotten past this as a society? There’s a time and a place for replacing contractions with the full words, but not for every single sentence.
I swear this show keeps creeping into my writing advice but here we go. Transformers Prime. The context for Optimus’ dialogue has a lot to do with his aging voice actor, Peter Cullen, and the perception of the character over the decades from the corny 80s paragon hero everyman type leader to the grizzled and wizened old soul type leader. Optimus isn’t “one of the guys,” he’s old. Very old. He’s the dad of the group (one dad, his grumpy medic is the other dad).
So he gets lines like:
“I fear Megatron’s ambition is at its zenith.”
“But if his return is imminent as I fear, it could be a catastrophic.”
“I bore Skyquake no ill-will.”
He doesn’t curse like the other Autobots. His voice only raises in surprise, horror, or rage. He doesn’t go “um/ah/so/but/eh” and always thinks about what he’s going to say well before he says it. Despite him, Ratchet (the dad medic), and Megatron all being very old, Optimus is the only one who’s “proper” and collected and dignified with his lines. The writers didn’t achieve this simply by omitting contractions, he gets them where necessary and removes them when effective (e.g “We do not.” / “We don’t.”)
2. Thesaurus Rex
Continuing with the Optimus example, no other character in that show would use “zenith” unironically. Or “ill-will”. This doesn’t mean crack open and abuse a thesaurus but there’s a huge divide between:
“Megatron’s gone crazy and he’s going to implode soon” and “Megatron’s ambition is at its zenith”.
I can’ think of a better word to use than dignified, perhaps distinguished to describe his dialogue.
He doesn’t say “what?” when he’s confused, he pauses and says something like “please elaborate”.
This is both word choice and a syntax issue so if you’re struggling to fit a non-contemporary vibe for your work, pay attention to both.
3. When to abstain from cursing
There’s something very special about the dialogue in the Lord of the Rings movies: It’s PG-13 so they can’t curse, but if they had, it would have probably ruined the trilogy. These characters are able to yell in rage and anguish, spit vicious insults at their enemies, and stare down armies that are determined to kill them, all while never breaking the immersion.
Insults like:
“Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear.”
“Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth, you witless worm.”
“Your words are poison.”
And all three were said by or about Grima Wormtongue.
Characters aren’t dumbasses, they’re fools, with the exception of Gollum’s insults toward Sam, the “stupid, fat hobbit”.
Even devoid of name-calling, Denethor absolutely trounces his second son by asking (and I’m paraphrasing) “Is there any man here willing to do his lord’s bidding?” right after Faramir expresses some apprehension about a suicide charge with his remaining soldiers, completely ignoring him and implying that he’s not a real man.
LOTR is full of juicy lines beyond curse words, too. One of my absolute favorites is: “Dark have been my dreams of late” as opposed to “I’ve been having nightmares lately.”
Do you see?? It’s poetry. The motif of Shadow and Darkness as if they’re real, physical things, all the lines of poetry pulled straight from the books like Theoden’s “where is the horse and the rider” monologue just before Helm’s Deep.
It’s dignified.
This one was a bit harder to, ironically, put into words without doing a full-blown case study into either franchise’s ability to write dialogue and monologues. I didn’t even talk about Ratchet’s several monologues (one of which was done perfectly in the sound booth on the first take) because Jeffrey Combs has a voice like ambrosia.
TLDR: Immersion goes far beyond your vivid setting descriptors and the clothing or the names and languages. I mostly write fantasy and sci-fi and whenever I read or watch fantasy and sci-fi that isn’t meant to be a world different from our own, or about characters who don’t speak modern English, and they go off with modern slang, syntax, and verbal tics, it just feels sloppy and weak. Pay attention to the following:
Modern slang and jargon
Filler words/verbal tics
Curse words/curses
Flat, unmotivated vocab
*All of the quotes were from memory because I watch both of these franchises way too often. So apologies if I got any wrong.
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little-hermit-crab56 · 11 months
I've been writing for a while so I thought I'd share some writing tips I've learned along the way.
1. Never sacrifice the flow for a quirky line.
That bit of dialogue or flowery paragraph you really like but it kinda disrupts the flow? Scrap it. I know it hurts, but you need to. If you really want to keep it, find somewhere else to put it where it actually fits in.
2. Dialogue is a dance.
Dialogue should go at the pace of an actual conversation, back and forth with little breaks and pauses. Add as little dialogue tags as possible while still making it clear who is speaking. You can also describe what is happening during a pause in the conversation rather than saying they paused, unless the pause is important.
3. Show don't tell is a guideline, not a rule.
Show don't tell is a very useful guideline, but if you're ALWAYS showing it can get exhausting to read. Skip the boring bits and just tell us what happened, then we can get to the good stuff.
4. If it's boring to write, it's probably boring to read.
If you can cut out a whole scene with little consequence to the story, you probably should. As I said before, you don't always have to show us, you can always tell us.
5. Everything needs to have a purpose.
I know there are probably lots of interesting or cute scenes where your characters are just fucking around, but if it doesn't develop character, relations, conflict, or plot, why should we care? Definitely still write them if they make you happy, but if you're gonna add it to your final draft, make sure it matters.
6. You don't need to explain everything all at once.
I know it feels tempting to put all the lore, and all the character's intentions, and reasonings into the first few chapters, but please refrain, you can reserve that for your character and worldbuilding sheets. Instead, take the time to let us get to know the characters, and the world, in the same way we'd get to know a real person. Make your exposition as seamless and natural as possible. It will take practice to know when to reveal information and when to let us wonder, but you'll get there.
7. Write in a way that comes naturally.
I know you probably have an author you wanna write just like, but that is unlikely to happen. Embrace your natural writing style and perfect it, rather than trying to be something you're not. Writing is an art, you need to find your own style and polish it as best you can.
8. Try to make us feel connected by cutting out certain words like "felt".
"Chad felt like a glass of water." Can be replaced with, "Chad was thirsty, so he reached for a glass of water." Both sentences tell us Chad wants a glass of water, but one makes us feel more connected to Chad than the other. Though both sentences have their time and place, you want to make your audience feel as close to their protagonist as possible. Make them feel like they're there, rather than just an onlooker.
9. We don't need to know every physical detail of your character.
I know you probably spent ages creating the perfect characters and you want to give us the perfect image of what they look like, but it can get monotonous and boring, why do we care that your character has brown eyes unless the colour has some sort of significance? Try to list off only the most notable features of your character and put focus only on the relevant details. Sometimes you can even not describe them at all and throw in little bits of information about their appearance for the audience to put together. We read to imagine, not to have a perfect image painted for us when we could be getting to the plot.
10. You're allowed to be vague.
Allow your audience to assume things, with some things you can just be lazy and let your audience's imagination do the work for you. Of course, don't do this with important things, but you can save so much time you might've spent researching an irrelevant topic when you can just be vague about it. You don't have to know everything you're writing about, so long as you know the bits that matter.
11. Writing is a skill that takes practice.
Don't be so hard on yourself if your writing is a bit cringe, we've all been there. The important part is that you research how to get better and keep writing those super cringe chapters. One day you'll reread something from a while ago and realize you're actually not as bad as you thought.
12. Leave your work to rest.
I know you wanna start editing right away, but once you've finished, leave it for at least a month. The longer you leave it the better, but that depends on your attention span. A month to six months is good if you're really impatient but want a good result. If you keep writing in that time your skills will continue to improve, then you'll be editing that draft with fresh eyes and fresh skills.
And if you're a fanfic author, I usually leave my chapters for a week before editing and posting.
Hope this helps anyone struggling, I thought this might be especially relevant now with nanowrimo.
I recently realized how much knowledge I've been accumulating over the years, I definitely have more but this is all I can think of for now.
I'm no writing guru, but if anyone has anything they're struggling with, I can do my best to help you out, so dont hesitate to ask questions.
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lustfulslxt · 9 months
hi hi! "local" anon here, and i just had a rlly good idea that ik you will deliver perfectly.
matt "accidently" sends reader a d pick and she's all flustered but just doesn't say anything, until like the next day when they all like go out to dinner and everyone's in their own conversation. she just brings it up like, "so what was that pic you sent last night?" and he knows EXACTLY what she's talking about, but is all like "huh? what?"
but then, later that night, she ends up sending a risky pic of her own and then he just texts her saying to like 'come over immediately' or he's coming over to her house and then yk what!!
again, i love your writing and i know you will NOT disappoint with this!! Love you ! 😘
Take The Risk - Matt Sturniolo
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warnings : spicy pics and smuttt
a/n : finally!! am i right?? pls look the other way if this is shit, like actually fr.. lmaoooo
“This is actually impossible. I’m gonna die of old age before I finish this thing.” I groan to myself, letting my head fall forward onto the table.
It’s been weeks of me staring at all of these pieces, all the exact same, aside from the shape. I’m determined to complete it. I lift my head up, an irregular piece slowly falling from my forehead.
“Who came up with this shit? Why are they so against me?” I ask no one in particular, seeing as I’m completely alone.
I’m convinced whoever created this was just trying to spite me. I can never back of out a challenge, they had to have known that. It’s been hours since I first sat down to work on it today, I am bored out of my mind, but I still can’t put the pieces down. Just as I’m about to toss my head back and cry from frustration, I realize I only have five pieces left. I jump forward, laying them all out in front of me, studying their pattern and the way they could all fit together. It takes maybe another ten minutes before I finally get it.
The last asymmetrical piece, snaps into place, completing the array of silver configuration. Twenty two days, six hundred fifty four pieces later. There she sits, in all her glory. Silver (Krypt), the hardest jigsaw puzzle to solve. This puzzle has no pictures, instead, it simply consists of hundreds of silver pieces, with a circular center and surrounding pieces making the finished jigsaw a plain rectangle. I put my blood, sweat, and tears into this thing.
“Never back down, never what?!” I exclaim, jumping up from my seated position, only now realizing how bad my posture is from the ache in my back. I reach my hand around, holding my back as I groan, “Fuck.”
Straightening up, I grab my phone and immediately snap a picture of the completed puzzle. I just have to show Matt, he’s going to be thrilled. I send the photo to him on snapchat, then head to my kitchen. I grab a bottle of water and a bag of chips to snack on, then go upstairs to relax in my bedroom. Once I put my show on the TV, I notice a notification from Matt.
Matty B
Matty B
only took you a month lmao
it was hard asf 👹
Matty B
me too
Matty B
🌚 you can’t just say that then b like ‘mY bAd’
Matty B
i didn’t mean it
Matty B
congrats on finishing the puzzle tho
now i don’t have to listen to you complaining about the creator being against you
Matty B
bro. i was joke
awesome to hear bro
I roll away from my phone, grabbing my chips to eat while I watch TV. An hour goes by, before I make my way to the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth, then strip into my pajamas to finally go to sleep. Walking back into my room, I grab my phone to check one last time. As I plug my charger into it, I notice a snapchat from Matt. Upon opening it, my jaw drops.
There, on my screen, is a picture of a dick. Matt’s dick; fully erect, veins dancing alongside it, the tip pink with dribbles of precum. His hand sits at the base, unintentionally giving me a visual comparison of the size, and boy, it’s something. I can’t help but lick my lips at the sight, before snapping out of it and realizing my best friend just sent me a picture of his cock.
I’m at a loss for words. I can’t even think properly, far from being able to articulate a response. So, I just lock my phone and lay down. Yet, every time I close my eyes, I see his dick staring back at me, begging to be touched. I can feel the arousal building in me, my walls now clenching around nothing. Tossing and turning, attempting to ignore the growing desire, I deeply sigh. It’s going to be a long night.
I look at my phone screen, observing myself in my front camera. I’m currently about to walk into the restaurant where I’m having dinner with Matt, Nick, Chris, Nate, and Madi. I haven’t addressed the picture Matt sent me yesterday, and he hasn’t brought it up either, but it’s still lingering in my mind.
Putting my phone away, I lock my car and strut towards the entrance of the restaurant. Upon entering, a hostess greets me and directs to the table where my friends reside.
“Y/N!” Nate cheers, causing the rest of them to look over at me, smiles appearing on all of their faces.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m a little late.” I apologize, scooting in next to Matt.
“You’re all good, I ordered your drink already.” Matt informs me, “They should be coming around shortly.”
I smile, “Thanks, Matty.”
Within five minutes, we all receive our drinks and order our food. While waiting on our meals, we resume light conversation. However, I cannot stop thinking about the picture Matt sent me. Every time I look at him, I feel my heart beat faster and my breath gets caught in my throat. Are we just going to forget about it? Is that what he expects? I can’t just forget.
As the other four indulge in their own conversations, I notice Matt is silent, so I use this as my chance to confront him about it.
“Matt?” I call out, loud enough for him to hear me, yet quiet enough so the others don’t.
His directs his attention to me, softly humming in response as his eyebrows raise, expectantly.
“Um, about yesterday..” I trail off, attempting to read his body language.
I see him slightly tense up, clearing his throat as he looks at me, feigning confusion, “What?”
I give him a pointed look, “That picture you sent last night.”
He looks around as if trying to rack his brain, his eyebrows furrowing as he shrugs, “What are you talking about?”
I sigh, coming to a realization that I’m going to get nowhere with this. He knows what I’m talking about. I know he knows, I can see it all over him. Two can play at that game.
I clearly my throat and shake my head, “Actually nothing, forget about it.”
For the rest of the evening, we don’t speak on that topic again. We all just enjoy our food and the company of each other.
After dinner, I arrive home and immediately head to the bathroom for a shower. The entire night, my mind has been stuck on Matthew, wishing we talked about it, longing for more. We’ve never been anything other than friends, but he lit something in me, a fire that I can’t seem to put out. Should I call him over it? Should I do what he did to me?
After getting dressed in nothing but a black lingerie set, I sit in front of my bedroom mirror. I do look good, but should I really do this? Just take a picture and send it? I give myself another once over, before deciding to turn around and lean forward, snapping a quick photo.
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I don’t know how much time has passed as I sit there, staring at my screen. My fingers hover over the picture, unsure of what to say, or if I should say anything at all. Taking a deep breath, I full send, then quickly put my phone down, suddenly ridden with more anxiety as I anticipate his response.
Hopefully I’m not reading more into this situation than what it is. Surely Matt is just playing hard to get. If he didn’t mean to send the picture, he would’ve just said that, right? I try to convince myself that he’s just being a tease, but the more I think about it, the more the pit in my stomach grows. After what feels like forever, I reach for my phone and my immediately face falls.
Opened 12 minutes ago.
Before I can even think a single thought, knocks on my front door sound throughout the silent atmosphere. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I grab my black silk robe and slip it on while walking towards the door. Peeking through the peephole, I see Matt standing there, looking antsy. I freeze, my hand stuck on the doorknob, unable to complete the motion of turning it. I toss my head back, taking a deep breath, before pulling the door open. His eyes light up once he sees me, his gaze flickering over my figure before he makes his way inside.
Within seconds, his lips are on mine, needy and desperate. Taking a few seconds to get over the initial shock, my lips move against his, my hands looping around his neck as his hands pull me in closer by my waist. Without removing his lips from mine, he kicks the door shut and walks me backwards, towards my couch.
As soon as my legs hit the side, he pulls back and asks, “Is this okay?”
I eagerly nod, “More than okay.”
A small grin pulls to his lips before they’re back on mine, kissing me with so much hunger. His hands grope at every one of my curves, squeezing and kneading my skin. His hands suddenly grab my robe, pulling it down my arms and letting it fall behind me, before he pulls away and takes in my appearance once again. He licks his lips and tugs his bottom lip between his teeth, and I can see the bulge stiffening in his pants.
“Fuck, you’re so fine.” He groans, pulling me back into him.
His hands forcefully grab my face and he slams his lips onto mine once again, pulling our bodies flush together. My hands tread through his hair, tugging as he turns my head to the side and moves his mouth to work down my jaw to my neck. His breath is hot against my skin, his tongue licking and his teeth biting. I can feel my arousal pool in between my legs, and I have to squeeze them together to relieve the tension. His hands travel down to my ass, tightly squeezing and massaging it, only making me more wet as I let out a soft moan.
He pulls away and rests his forehead on mine, “What do you want, baby?”
I lick my lips, letting out a breath, “You. I want you, Matt.”
Instantly, he pulls his shirt off and comes back to me, pressing his lips on mine again. I reach behind my back, unhooking my bra and letting it fall down my arms and onto the floor. His hands immediately make their way to my boobs, and I’m melting in his palms. He grips them tenderly yet firm, pulling more moans from me. He leans forward and takes one of my nipples in his mouth, sucking on it as he pinches the opposite one.
The desire in me grows stronger with every touch he graces me with. He knows what he’s doing, and I’m weak in the knees because of it. Kissing me with so much passion and lust, his fingers slip into the waistband of my bottoms, pulling them down with ease, only breaking the kiss to fully remove them. My hands tug at his pants, wanting him to take those off as well, which he does, along with his boxers. We’re left standing, completely naked, and hungry for one another.
He places a couple of soft kisses against my lips, before quickly spinning me around and bending me over the side of the couch. His hands travel down my back, applying just the right amount of pressure, causing me to clench in anticipation. His fingers dig into the skin of my ass, jiggling it, and gripping it with enough strength to surely leave bruises. One of his hands breaks away from me, only to come right back with extreme speed and force. I yelp, jerking forward at the feeling of his hand colliding with my bare skin, a moan soon following as he rubs the place he smacked.
“Just wanna make you feel good, baby.” He whispers against my ear, his fingers trailing between my legs, running over my core.
I let out a whimper, pushing back against his hand for more, but his other hand places a firm hold on my back, keeping me in place. His fingers run through my folds, becoming slick with my wetness, causing him to let out a groan. His fingertips rub my clit in slow and soft circles, adding more pressure and speed with every second, leaving me quivering with moans.
“Mm, such a good girl.” He praises, sinking two fingers into my entrance, ripping a loud moan from my mouth.
“Just wanna be a good girl for you.” I find myself saying in between the whimpers of pleasure.
His pace increases, his fingers pumping in and out of me while his other hand runs up and down my back. I could feel the orgasm building so quickly, begging for release. His hand moves from my back, and starts tracing circles onto my clit once more, his fingers inside me going even faster. My legs start shaking and I’m now putting all my weight onto the couch, way too weak to stand on my own.
“So wet.” Matt mumbles in delight at the sound of his fingers in my juices, “Bet you taste so good.”
“F-fuck, feels so good.” I moan, shuddering as he increases his speed even more. “Gon-gonna cum.”
“Let go, baby.”
His fast movements and the sound of his raspy voice fuel my orgasm, my climax falling upon me quickly. I clench around his fingers, letting myself go and cum all over his hands. He continues finger fucking me, letting me ride out my high. He removes his hands from me and I look back in time to see him sucking all of my juices off of his fingers. The sight alone had me clenching again, eager for more.
“I knew it.” He moans against his fingers, “Taste like I could eat you forever.”
I stand back up on shaky legs, turning to face him and pulling him into a deep kiss, our tongues intertwining and exploring each other’s mouth. His hand comes up to my throat, gently squeezing it, pulling me closer, before pulling us apart altogether.
“We’re not done yet, my sweet girl.” He smirks against my lips, turning me back around and laying me over the couch once again.
He wraps his hand around his dick, stroking it a few times, then runs it through my folds, causing me to shake from the sensitivity. Without a word, he places one hand on my lower back and slowly slides himself in my entrance.
A high pitched moan falls from my lips as he groans, tossing his head back, “Fuck. Been wanting this forever, baby. Feel better than I’ve ever imagined.”
I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, sliding backwards to take all of him in me. He moans loudly, tightly gripping my hips. He holds me in place as he starts thrusting, digging deeper into me with every pump. His strokes get faster and harder, our skin slapping together as I become a moaning mess. My whole body shakes with every movement of his, my face buried into the sofa, muffling my sounds as he fucks me. My legs tremble as he hits exactly where I need him, and I instantly begin clenching around him.
His hand wraps around my hair in a makeshift ponytail and tugs my head back, “I wanna hear your pretty moans, baby. You like the way I fuck you?”
“Mmm, yes. I love it-” I sound out, breathless from the pleasure. “You fuck me s-so good.”
His thrusts quicken and his grip on my hip tightens. The knot in my stomach continues growing, proving my statement to be true. I’ve never been fucked like this, and I can’t help but think about how I’m so glad I sent him that picture.
“Fuck, baby. You feel so good wrapped around my cock, taking me so well. My good girl.” He moans, his hips sputtering.
The pressure in my stomach becomes too much and it’s hard holding it in, my hands gripping the cushions beneath me. He leans forward, his hands intertwining with mine as his lips trail open mouth kisses up and down my back. I can’t help the moans that keep pouring from my mouth, feeling nothing but pure bliss.
“I can feel you clenching around me.” He whispers in my ear, “Cum on my cock, so I can fill you up, pretty girl.”
With that, I let go. My entire body shakes as pornographic moans fall from my lips, my pussy clenching around him so tightly. His strokes become erratic and his moans and groans are louder than before. He quickens his pace as he chases his high, instantly filling me up with a loud raspy moan emitting from his mouth. He continues thrusting into me, pushing his cum deeper. He leans back, standing up straight as we both catch our breaths. His hands find my back once again, softly massaging it. He pulls out, my legs twitching from the stimulation. His hands move down to my ass, gently squeezing it, before he helps me up.
“How are you feeling?” He asks, turning me to face him, keeping his hands around my waist for support.
“Like we should’ve done that a long time ago.” I grin, still breathless.
“We can always make up for lost time.” He grins, placing his forehead on mine.
I nod as we both laugh before he places a few kisses on my cheeks and lips. His hand grabs mine and he pulls me even more into him, capturing my lips in a deep but loving kiss.
“Let’s take a shower, so I can clean you up.” He suggests.
My face heats up and I nod once more, following him upstairs as he never lets my hand go.
Our friendship just changed entirely and I can’t wait for what’s in store for us, because I know it’s going to be euphoric.
a/n : tadaaa!!! ugh i hope this wasn’t shit, it’s been forever :((( lmk what you think! requests are closed bc i have wayyy too many that i need to catch up on, but i’m hoping i can get back into it! love uu <333
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diejager · 3 months
HIII I SUPER LOVE UR WORKS!! can u do a stepdad!konig that got her stepdaughter!reader pregnant hksisjsjs
Cw: DARKFIC, STEPCEST, DUB-CON/NON-CON, forced pregnancy, mention of abortion, breeding kink, age gap, age difference, tell me if I missed any.
You’d been… shockingly quiet these past days. Cooped up in your room with little to no interaction with both him and your mother, or with Horangi unless they imposed themselves on you, knocking until you broke in and forced you to listen to them. Mumbling incoherent and sobbing writes that left him confused at most hours despite having heard everything from your pleading cries and grumbling moans when he fucked you in your bed. Or the sudden cold shoulder you gave everyone : him, your stepfather; Horangi, his best friend; and your mother. 
Your rapid change had affected more than him, he supposed, having being forced to comfort your mother when you wouldn’t leave your room unless absolutely necessary. He had to whisper reassurances, mumble out promises that you were fine and kiss her worried tears away like a loving husband would, caring and tender and perfect, but he was getting sick of this act he had to play. She was a means to an end, someone König used to reach his goal. Cruel, some would say, but so was life, and he wasn’t averse to bend the world around him to fit the mould of his small paradise. 
He wasn’t mad —no, how could he when you were being so good? You stayed home, within an arm’s length from him and Horangi, and oh, so accessible to both their hunger and affection. So near that you were seconds away when he or Horangi needed some entertainment when sitting in the office and writing reports became too boring —repetitive and uninspiring. His access to you had grown exponentially, and so had his needs, seeing that you were always home.
He was - would be - proud, truly proud if not for the oddness of it all. The sudden isolation, the sudden silence, the sudden introverted behaviour. It was as if his once bright Schatzi turned into a lonely hermit. König had his worries, ones that he openly shared with Horangi when in your presence, catching the nausea you felt, the morning sickness and the quiet apprehension about their need to question you over and over. 
But it hadn’t clicked in their minds how weirdly coincidental it all was, they were seemingly oblivious to your plight —confused and worried, but all so, so confused about your behaviour. Most questions went unanswered, inquiries ignored and worried glances shrugged. It was a mystery when you wouldn’t tell him anything, keeping your lips sealed and silent while you did… whatever it was you kept hushed in your bedroom. 
Until he stumbled into a pregnancy test, used and accompanied by an old receipt that dated to a week or two prior. It all made sense then, the small clues he picked up left and right aligning to fit a certain scenario. One that both he and Horangi had been striving to reach for a while now. He now had an oversight over all your actions: the pregnancy test, the isolation, the many tabs about abortions and paper clips for different clinics and hospitals. 
Now that he knew, König could finally take action like he was taught. He would plan and strategise to further your pregnancy with or without your explicit consent. He will have this child.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @haven-1307 @shironasumi @lucienbarkbark @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @223princess @maylovesyousomuch @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami
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esoteriamaya · 4 months
The Signs & Romance.
Hey, so I've decided to share some views/thoughts I had on each sign placement whether it was sun,moon or venus. Please share your thoughts about the signs and their views on love! I'm open for the discussion. But yeah. I hope yall enjoy!
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Cancer Suns romantic nature can express itself with leo partners easily. Believe it or not. It is because both tend to want the most out of passionate affairs and leo shows the playful side while cancers show the mystic, hidden side of romance. I believe these two to be really good at making love to each other as one is a representation of the sun (leo) and the other the moon. Also, cancer suns can get along with any leo placement, doesnt matter which one. They balance each other out very well.
Scorpio placements need water placements (other scorpios in particular) in order to truly be understood. It is because these placements are a mirror in their romantic life, for better or for worse. And they need someone who understands their darkness, let alone their karma.
Scorpio placements such as Venus, need a special romance with someone. Even if they though sleep around, there will always be someone out there for them, who shares the same amount of passion and intensity they crave. Not everyone will see this character, it is saved for only one person. And sometimes its just in their mind.
Pisces Venus need to write a book on the love affairs they have in their minds lol. Similar to the scorpio venus, they have room for only one love affair that could stand the test of time. This isn't 'real' persay, but romance with them isn't practical and they need others who can fit into their world, because the imagination is what will run far in their love life. If you can keep them from being bored, then you will have them for ages.
Cancer placements & scorpio placements are the tantra lovers. Their love can be so deep and profound, it will leave a mark on anyone they have that strong compatibility with.
Gemini placements making a square to your sun sign or venus can show a deep appreciation and charismatic nature on their part, believe it or not. They NEED tension or else it will be too smooth, too flowy. And before you ask, doesn't everybody want that? Why, yes.. But geminis are typically like this on their day to day anyways. That's just in their nature. They need something challenging to spark their interests. Ironically, they will love you a lot more if you beat them to the punch. ;)
Virgos & Scorpios can make for a gifted experience together. This is because these two placements form a natural sextile together. They know each others tics, and how to appreciate the flow of their being. Virgos will allow the scorpio their alone time and be the calm auras that they need when their facing certain phases of darkness. Scorpios will be the penetrating touch that the virgo needs when they're feeling. a little anxious. Both come together like the two serpents that they are and form a connection that is raw, powerful and unique.
Aries placements need lovers who are CONFIDENT. And if you're not this will not work out well. This is why they're great with leo and sag placements, and can do very well with scorpios. A little secret is that if your not confident in bed, you're not going to do well with them... And they'll run you like a train if you're not able to stand ten toes to them, let alone when they want to tear open your insides.
Libra suns & moons have the gifted ability to make anyone feel wanted and loved when their in their horizons. So much so, that their transparent nature can show up in their love for the individual of their choosing and bring them into a world they will never forget. If they have scorpio in their chart this could be a 1 of 1. They are choosy lovers like their virgo companions.
Taurus Suns, Moons & Venus need a lifetime partner. They just dont want anyone. Their sex game is crazy. They are the venusians and their true purpose in life is pleasure. Get you one of them lol. Tauruses need love that makes them forget their past. That calls them into a vacation that doesnt ask for them to leave the country. They need someone who is stable, fine, remarkable and has their self in control. Because taurus is always in control, and they need someone to take the steering wheel from time to time... if you know what I mean ;)
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filmbyjy · 7 months
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— the mafia series
PAIRING: nishimura riki x fem!reader
SUMMARY: you were never curious about people's lives but ni-ki's one has you intrigued. why weren't the teachers scolding him? getting mad at him for leaving in the middle class. it was just weird. that is until you find the very reason as to why the teachers were not doing anything. one thing led to another and somehow, you were roped into this mess.
WARNING: blood mentioned, fights and mafia, stabbing. if you remember the dark blood fight scene with sunghoon and ni-ki, you can imagine that but way more gory and also actually stabbing the person with an actual katana (not to sunghoon though, but to an actual bad guy)
NOTE: lord have mercy, this took too much procrastination, sweat and tears to do finish this. like no joke. plus with the edition of me either forgetting to do it or me just having no mood to write. I FUCKING FINISHED IT!!! BE PROUD OF ME 🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼
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being a kid exposed to crimes at a young age wasn’t a peculiar thing. however, it was the life of a young boy who went by ni-ki. you see, ni-ki was one of the seven successful young billionaires in the world. his family name was already plastered to every billboard. the Nishimura Cooperation, they were one of the pillars to korea’s and japan’s success. any normal person would just look at them and acknowledge their power but what they didn’t know was…how did they get their power?
the nishimura family built their entire empire by doing dirty work which led to a huge money income. they bought their way up to the top and managed to gain countless of loyal followers. Eventually collaborating with the Park Corp. which was jay’s family company. Many were surprised to see that ni-ki was dabbling in a little of his family business because at the age of 18, nobody would willingly want to participate in business. The Nishimura Corp was mainly stationed in Japan so ni-ki handled the work done in Korea since he was already here.
as usual, as a teenager, ni-ki would be in school. however, he never studied nor did he care about his scores. why should he when is already a millionaire/billionaire at 18? he could easily buy his way through the system but his parents didn’t allow him. they wanted their son to get his certificate the right way. the same way his 2 other sisters were going through in Japan. ni-ki could only obey his parents’ words, they knew what was best for him. which leads into the female protagonist of his life story, you being his classmate.
ni-ki was like any normal teen boy. angsty, hates school and a little jokester who is always on the verge of getting detention. you had never understood why the teachers never actually sent the boy to detention, it was…weird.
“(name) and ni-ki.” the teacher announces. there was this project that you had for an English class, something about literature and poetry. you had to find some classical romance novel that fits the criteria. which you didn’t fully understand. honestly, you never even liked English class, the teacher just rubs you the wrong way. either way, ni-ki was now your project partner. you were already plotting different ways to approach him and actually get him to do his work. you weren’t oblivious to the fact that ni-ki rarely ever participates in school work.
“hi, we have to do a project together.” you timidly say after you approached him. The boy before you looked bored, seems like he doesn’t fancy English class too. 
ni-ki sighs, “yeah, listen. I don’t really like English class so we should get this stupid project done and over with. i also have other important things to do.”
well, at least he was honest. you hummed at his words, “seems like we have something in common. let’s get this project done quickly then let’s meet in the library at 3pm?”
ni-ki shrugs, “alright then. if i’m late, don’t bother waiting for me. I have a pretty busy schedule and life so school and this project is the least of my worries.”
“no problem, just let me know if you can participate in this project. If you can't, I'll just do it by myself and slap your name somewhere on the paper.” you say. ni-ki tilts his head but he didn’t protest your suggestion.
“that will be great. Now, I need to run some errands.” he leaves the classroom, the teacher not even bothering to even ask where he was going. clearly, they were too used to him leaving the class in the middle of nowhere or maybe they knew something you didn’t.
“he is weird…” you mutter under your breath.
as expected, ni-ki did not show up at the library. you sighed and just continued working on the project. you weren’t exactly surprised he wouldn’t show up but you still hope he’d at least have some manners and actually show up. It was 5pm, you were finishing up on your part of the project. You still had to do his part and then come up with a short little poem because your teacher wanted to make it more sentimental or whatever she wanted.
ni-ki shows up, busted and bruised up. his hair was dishevelled, blood at the corner of his lips, he looked rough. something an 18 year old boy shouldn’t be having, you confused. just as he draws nearer, you notice there was a cut on his cheeks, small drips of blood slowly falling down. you gasp.
“sorry, had some business to attend to.” he says sheepishly.
“this is your business to attend to? why are you so bloodied and bruised up? who did you have a fight with?”
“just some group.” he shrugs. “don’t worry, my older friends were there to help me out. well, it’s not like they really helped.” he mutters the last part.
“uh, well this can’t be some sort of tiny thing. you’re bleeding.”
he reaches to touch his cheek and swipes the blood away. he winces a little and shrugs, “nothing too bad. been through worse. anyways, what’s the part I have to do? feeling a little bad if I don’t help you out a little at least.” you sighed when you noticed the blood he swiped away continued to flow.
“come here.” he tilts his head at your words but still goes over to you.
you made him sit next to you and you took out some antiseptic from your bag. you had one because you usually volunteered at the orphanage and the kids there played quite rough.
“this might sting a little.” you told ni-ki. he sighs and just lets you do whatever it is. you wiped the blood with a wet tissue and then placed the antiseptic on the cut. ni-ki winces.
“while i am curious as to how you got this since it looks like you had a huge fight, I’ll keep my mouth shut.” you placed a bandage on the cut. “there it’s better now. here take this and wipe the other blood that’s dried up on your face.”
ni-ki thanked you quietly. he quickly wipes the blood that you had previously pointed at. “so which part am I supposed to do? also, didn’t the teacher say we have to do a romance novel?” he grimaces at the thought of having to read a romance novel. he was never a fan of romantic things. Sure, he liked cheesy things like matching clothes or matching items but he was too single for that (and still young).
“yeah, it’s some romance novel. from the synopsis, i can tell it’s really similar to ‘Twilight’.” you could hear ni-ki sighing.
“so some vampire romantic novel thing?”
“basically. have you watched ‘Twilight’?”
“no. i don’t have time for movies or series or dramas. i have a busy schedule.”
“sounds…boring but i understand if you have a job and it’s more important than watching a basic show.”
“i-” ni-ki sighs. “we can watch it. well, i can watch it on my own and then read the novel the teacher suggested us to read.”
“alright, we can split it and then summarise the novel with our own thoughts. makes it more sentimental.”
ni-ki nods, “uhh send me a link to the ‘Twilight’ story or something.”
“i don’t have your number.”
ni-ki holds his hand out and you gave him your phone. he quickly types in his number and sends a text.
“there, now i need to go. i have work.” ni-ki doesn’t even bother to wait until you uttered a word, he just leaves. you huffed and looked down at your laptop. maybe you should just stay and complete some work.
ni-ki entered the Decelis Resort and clicked on the elevator button to the top floor. he was met with his 6 other older friends. each of them huffing and sighing, it seems like they found out something.
“uh, what’s wrong?”
“this.” jungwon shows off the screen on their database. a warning which was basically telling jake about his brother. ni-ki tilts his head.
“isn’t your brother dead a long time ago, hyung?” ni-ki asks jake.
“yeah.” nabi says. her arms were wrapped around jake as she comforts him. right, he forgot they got together already and they aren’t blindly being stupid and not confessing to each other (read: please save ni-ki, he already witnessed two of his hyungs kissing their girlfriend/wife).
ni-ki scrunches his face at the affection that jake’s girlfriend was giving him. just as he looks to look over in the other direction, he witnesses heeseung giving his wife heart eyes. ni-ki has had enough of it, he rolls his eyes.
“why did you call me in, i had a project to do with my partner.” he says.
“oooo project with a partner, who is this partner. is it a girl~” sunghoon teases. ah, the ever so annoying thing sunghoon loved to do with ni-ki, tease him. sunghoon should be thankful that ni-ki could hold back his anger. or else, ni-ki would’ve initiated a war crime on him.
“none.” ni-ki simply says. he folds his arm.
“none what?” sunghoon tilts his head, slightly confused at the short answer.
“none of your business.” ni-ki fires back. sunghoon clenches his jaw and gets ready to swing when jay holds him back. sunghoon practically hisses like a cat as he scrambles to get out of jay’s grip.
“okay okay. calm down.” heeseung claps his hand to get their attention. “we called you back here because while jungwon and jake fix the database, you, sunghoon, jay and sunoo are going out to find the target.”
“old school style?” sunoo asks.
“yeah. since our database is fucked up right now.”
“so…how are we going to do that without the database?” sunghoon asks.
“stakeout. you guys should know what he looks like after i send the photo of him. sunoo and jay will be in charge of ground level. ni-ki and sunghoon take high ground.” heeseung explains.
“what about you, hyung?” jay says.
heeseung turns to look over at his wife and the older boys instantly knew. ni-ki was still clueless until he realised…
“OH MY GOD EWWWW. can’t you leave the baby making for another time? we are literally on a mission.” ni-ki fake gags.
“you guys are on a mission. i can stay back.” heeseung reasons.
“you can fight too, hyung??”
“yeah, no. I wanna stick with my wife, thank you very much.”
“whatever, let’s just start this mission. I’ll just take charge as usual.” jungwon says.
ni-ki and sunghoon stayed up above while jay and sunoo stuck below. each of them had their own disguises since they were going in old school style. even if it sounded ridiculous but at least nobody would know it’s them.
“you guys going in now?” sunghoon asks.
“yeah, me and sunoo are going in separately to avoid any suspicions.”
“jake hyung says that they are working on getting the app online. if we find the guy without the app then we just strike and kidnap.” sunoo says.
“hyungs, you two are the only ones who have eyes inside. let us know if you need more help, me and sunghoon hyung will come down and help you.” ni-ki says.
“mmm, will do. you guys watch out from upstairs if the client left the building.” jay says.
“got it.”
both ni-ki and sunghoon watched from above the building. what they didn’t expect was for someone to come up behind them and shove them off the side. ni-ki grabbed sunghoon and pushed him closer towards the side of the building’s wall so that sunghoon could catch himself. ni-ki grabs his grappling hook and throws it so sunghoon can catch it. Both of them were eventually ‘safe’ on the side of the building.
“shit, they’re onto us.” sunghoon curses. “you good, ni-ki?”
“yeah, sure. dangling about 656 ft above the ground is totally fine, hyung.” ni-ki sarcastically says. sunghoon rolls his eyes.
“i can just let go of the rope and let you fall, you know?”
“you wouldn’t, hyung. you love me too much in a brotherly way.” ni-ki says.
sunghoon sighs, “yeah whatever.”
“we should find a way back up. those assholes decided to shove us off.” ni-ki says.
“yeah, we should.”
sunghoon taps on his spy earpiece, “heads up guys, I think they’re onto to us. Me and ni-ki just got shoved off the rooftop.”
“so you guys are just dangling at the side of the building?” jay asks.
“yeah, we need to clear the way. sunoo, could you find a way to floor 76? we’re currently dangling beside one of those hotel rooms on that floor. i think someone is occupying this room though.” sunghoon says.
“don’t worry, i’m on my way right now. they don’t call me sneaky sunoo for no reason.”
“nobody calls you that, hyung.”
“shut up, ni-ki.”
“i’ll keep a look out for the mafia leader. he’s probably in the party they have in the small casino of the hotel.” jay says.
“alright, seems like this is the plan we have for now. we’ll meet up after sunoo saves us.” sunghoon adds.
the wind blew onto their hair, ni-ki sighs.
“is it too late to tell my project partner that i won’t be coming to school tomorrow.” ni-ki asks.
“you’re still worried about your project?! we’re dangling off the side of like one of the tallest skyscrapers right now and you’re worried about that?!” sunghoon says as he is bewildered by ni-ki’s words.
“well, i’m still a high school student. i don’t want to fail my classes.”
“when have you ever cared about school.” sunghoon deadpans. ni-ki was about to counter but ultimately shut his mouth.
“you’re right. i hate school.” ni-ki huffs.
“no no wait. we’re not stopping there, tell me why are you suddenly thinking about this? is this about your project partner? because this is my first time hearing you actually want to go to school.”
“no.” ni-ki simply replies.
“don’t just say ‘no’. there is something more to that. are you falling for your project partner?”
“you’re crazy, why would i fall for my project partner. i’m only a high school senior, i’m too young to be falling in love. i’d rather focus on our mission than her.”
“ah, so it’s a her.” sunghoon egged further. though ni-ki couldn’t see sunghoon face, he knew the older was smirking at him, seemingly amused that ni-ki was actually showing some slight unknown feelings.
“the teacher assigned us together, we’re forced to do it. it’s not like i wanted to do this project with her.”
“okay but is this girl at least cute to you?”
“hyung, can we not talk about this?”
“no no. we have time. there are at least 10 rooms on this floor, sunoo will take a long time. tell me if this girl is your type.”
“i am not telling you and also, i don’t have a type.” ni-ki grumbles.
“so, it’s a yes?”
“i’m just talking to her because i am forced to.”
“does she intrigue you in any way?”
“yo, i am here to save the day.” sunoo opens up the window just enough so that sunghoon and ni-ki could slid through.
both sunghoon and ni-ki climbed through the window quietly.
“how did you get inside the room?” sunghoon whispers.
“simple, the room was occupied by some girls so i just used my sunoo charms and boom they let me in. i told them i’ll be back soon but i’m gonna bolt out of this room after grabbing you guys.”
“the girls don’t appeal to you?”
“oh no, they are just…how do i put this in a nicer term?” sunoo thinks for a split second, “they are way older than me, about 40 years old?”
“ayo?” ni-ki says.
“anyways, we need to get out of here chop chop. i was informed that the system and database is back so we don’t need to stakeout. we can just find and capture the guy with a simple call for backup.” sunoo says.
“great. now, let’s get out of here.”
sunghoon, sunoo and ni-ki snuck out of the hotel room and went to find jay. jay gestures for them to come closer and they went over to him.
he nudges his head to point where the guy stood, “our target is being surrounded by some other innocent people and his bodyguards. we need to find a way to bring them around and away from these people.”
“did you call for backup?” sunghoon asks.
“yeah, they are on the way now. they’ll just clean up whatever mess we’ve done.” jay explains.
“hey umm, guys.” jake says.
“what’s wrong?” sunghoon asks.
“we can see from the security cameras some bodyguards walking to the casino hall. jungwon had eavesdropped into their convo from their walkie talkie. it seems like they’re going to report about sunghoon and ni-ki.”
“shit, we really need to take them down. jay, how about you proceed with sunoo and play a round with our target while me and ni-ki take down those guards.”
“yeah, that works.” jay says.
“perfect, we’ll watch over the security cameras. we’ll report if there is anything else. jay, your men are about 10 minutes away from the location, they’ll come closer after the deal is done.” jake says.
“got it.”
“so? can we go now?” ni-ki asks.
“yeah, let’s go.” sunghoon says.
about 1 hour later, they managed to kick down their bodyguards with no suspicions from other bypassers. both ni-ki and sunghoon locked their unconscious bodies inside the bathroom stall and went to find jay and sunoo. jay flips the coin and it lands on heads, he smirks. he cracks his knuckles and neck.
“showtime.” he mutters.
chaos quickly ensues. everyone was running out of the casino, jay flips his gun and shoots. sunoo slides towards the entrance of the casino and allows all the innocent people out before cooly shutting the doors for all the bad guys. he puts his hands up once he turns around when the henchmen were holding up their guns at him.
“ehem, i suppose you guys have me cornered.” he innocently says. “i suggest you turn around though.” he smirks.
before the henchmen could even turn around, their necks were snapped and they fell to the ground. sunghoon and ni-ki managed to run in time just to help them fight off with jay’s men. ni-ki corners their target in one spot.
“hand over what we want and we’ll let you free.”
the guy laughs maniacally and ni-ki laughs along with him, “no.”
ni-ki stops laughing, “okay then.” with one simple shot, the guy falls to the ground, blood surrounding him. sunghoon winces.
“i can never get over this scene. you’re so brutal and direct with it like no hesitation. at least jay waits for the guy to say something.”
“we don’t wait for people like him and besides, what good is he going to bring us when all he has done is sell personal information, drugs and solicit women.” ni-ki says.
“ni-ki is right though.” jay shrugs. he turns to his men, “anyways, let’s clean this up before police get here. which should be in 15 minutes.”
“10 minutes.” jake corrects them.
“okay thanks.” jay says.
jay pats one of his men's backs, “there isn’t much people this time so it should be easier.”
“there are a few unconscious people in the bathroom. maybe we can use them and turn them into our men.” sunghoon suggests.
“good idea, you heard sunghoon.” jay says. jay’s men nod, they get to work and went to clean up everything while sunghoon, jay, sunoo and ni-ki went back to the Decelis Resort.
ni-ki went to school the next day after not getting much sleep. he was barely awake during the whole class, almost dozing off. it’s not like the teachers cared anyways. well, except for you. you had whacked the table to get ni-ki to wake up. he groans and wakes up.
“nishimura, we need to finish up the last bit of the project.”
“do we have to? i’m tired.”
“yes, we do.”
he sighs, “fine but can we do it after school?”
“we have consultations with the teacher right now and we barely have any work done other than my part.” you told ni-ki.
ni-ki deadpans. “and? look, i barely got any sleep last night due to some things in my life and i want to sleep right now.”
ni-ki almost looked too pitiful, you could see the dark circles under his eyes. the way his eyes were slowly about to shut. the slow blinking. which made you feel bad and so you sighed.
“fine, just sleep. i’ll find a way to cover you from the teacher if he asks.” you say.
ni-ki tilts his head. he was surprised to even hear that you’d cover for him. it’s not like the teacher cared so why did you care? either ways, at least he could sleep so he lays his head onto the desk and falls asleep. you sighed and turned away from looking at him. you still had to do something with the project hence you just continued to work on it without him.
about 2 hours later, the class ends. something was off, really eerie. you had went to the bathroom because you know, you had some business to attend to. you were about to turn the corner to the classroom when all of a sudden, someone bumped into you. you apologise but something was weird about them. they didn’t look like a high school student so why were they here?
ni-ki spots this and so he runs over and grabs your wrist. he doesn’t even mention anything, just grabs your wrist and walks. it leaves you confused as to who that guy was. ni-ki turns the corner and stops.
“get to class,” he says.
“umm, who was that?”
“just get to class. i need to settle something. don’t leave and make sure everyone stays inside.” he warns.
“okay?” you say a little confused. ni-ki grabs your shoulder and turns you around before pushing you a little to direct you to go inside the class. he runs off after. you were still confused.
after school, you still hadn’t seen ni-ki and so you were a little worried. of course, any sane person would be worried for their classmate after they disappeared without a trace. which led to you looking for him. not a very smart idea but what could an 18 year old boy do? he may or not be strong enough to fight some people.
there was an alleyway behind the school. dark and scary. you had to pass by it every time you went home. maybe, they were hurting him behind there. it was possible. you had turned to the corner and ducked behind the wall. there ni-ki was with a foot on top of the guy, it seemed like he was on the phone with someone.
“hyung, can you get here quick? this guy called for some backup.” ni-ki sighs. “you want me to settle with possibly 10 more men coming over? wow, for once you aren’t doubting my skills? i’m surprised.”
“no seriously though, find out why they went to find me at my school. this place is filled with innocent people and it would not be great for them to be caught in the middle.”
“no, the guy is knocked out. may want to interview him or something. he seems like he knows some useful info.” he pauses. “i am not carrying him, i’ll look too suspicious and besides, i have a project to work on with my partner.”
your heart races as you hear his words. wait. that makes no sense, you can’t like ni-ki. you shook your head. it was probably just the adrenaline, there were other things that were more important. who was ni-ki calling and why did he sound like he was on some creepy team. what do they call those people.
“what? obviously! we’re the mafia!” ni-ki says.
ah, right. the mafia. that thought flies over your head until you kept repeating it, you froze. ni-ki was part of the mafia? that explains the cuts and bruises he constantly has. why he rarely gets any sleep. why the teacher does not care. he was part of the mafia and the teachers knew about it. this new found knowledge changes your whole perspective of ni-ki. he was not weird, he was in fact a dangerous person who was living a very wild life.
“okay, get here quick.” ni-ki says before ending the call. you had ran away from there. your legs were dragging you somewhere where you had to process everything and maybe get your mind off it. how do you continue working on your project knowing your partner was part of the mafia?
you had finally sat down in the school library. you were trying to comprehend everything. all you knew was that you can’t let anyone know about this and ni-ki can’t know that you know about him. what if you get hunted down? or what if ni-ki tries to hurt you? you could feel a cold shiver run down your spine, your life may be mundane but there was no way this was real. it felt surreal, this was real life and not a spy movie.
there were footsteps approaching you, a deep voice followed by it.
“hey, we still have to complete our project. we should get it done and over with. i have about.” he checks his watch. “30 minutes or so to spend.”
“we don’t have to do it. if you’re busy, we can just text.” you say. ni-ki tilts his head, he grabs the chair in front of you and sits.
“why do you look so scared to talk to me?” his eyes narrowed. you visibly gulped.
“what do you mean? why would i be scared to talk to you.”
ni-ki didn’t believe you, he leans forward. your breath hitches. his face up close, a strand of his brown hair falling right on his face. he once again tilts his head. “tell me.”
you felt the air being knocked out of you. you can’t look at him in the eyes. your face was heating up, this wasn’t good. “no. i’m really fine.”
ni-ki cocks his eyebrows and clicks his tongue, “then you should have time to do this project. we wasted too much time already.” he finally sits back in his seat, leaving you to able to breathe. his phone rings and rolls his eyes, he doesn’t pick it up.
“so what do we have so far?” ni-ki says.
30 minutes turned into 4 hours where you were working on the project with ni-ki. he cooperated really easily. he does the research and everything you ask him to do with ease.
“nishimura riki.” an unfamiliar voice says. you had looked up a guy with silver hair was standing there.
“hyung, what are you doing here?” ni-ki says not bothering to look behind him as he continues to work on the project.
“we called you hundreds of times and you’re here in the fucking library doing school work?”
“it’s a project. it’s due soon.”
“last i heard, it was due in a week.”
“and? me and my partner haven’t done much.”
“oh my god, this is the first time you’re acting like this. is it because you like her?” the silver haired guy points over at you. you blushed. ni-ki looks up at you and then behind him.
“no. sunghoon hyung, you always assume it’s something else.”
“yeah but you hate school.”
“i’ll go back in a bit. just leave.”
the man named sunghoon glares at ni-ki and then looks over at you.
“you have to be careful, remember. they watch our every move.” sunghoon warns.
“yes, i know hyung.”
“i’ll wait in the parking lot. finish this up because we have somewhere to be.” sunghoon says before he walks away. ni-ki sighs.
“is he your guardian?”
“one of them. my parents live abroad, i have 6 other ‘brothers’ who take care of me.” ni-ki nonchalantly says.
“oh.” you would’ve said more but you didn’t want to mention ni-ki's secret life. it was scary.
“i’ll just complete this last part and then we’re done. i believe that’s what we have to do for the project.” you hummed at his words.
ni-ki does as he said he would, finish up the last part and then packs his stuff. he gets up and pauses. “get home safe.” he says before quickly leaving. your heart races.
2 weeks passed by quickly. it was just like any typical day at school, lessons for the day and then walking back home. you had walked past that dark creepy alleyway when suddenly, a few people had grabbed you. you were struggling in their grasp, fighting your way out of their arms. you kicked and bit their hands, finally they let go and so you did what was best, you had bolted away from them.
you grabbed your phone and dialed for ni-ki. the phone rings and rings as you ran but he wasn’t picking up. frustrated tears fell down your face. you hated feeling helpless, you weren’t strong enough and these people were fully grown adults. you needed help. out of nowhere, someone grabs your wrist. it was sunghoon, he pulls you over to one of the stores at the side of the road and then went through the staff room before going through the back door.
a van was waiting there. sunghoon opens the door and pushes you inside, he shuts the door and the driver starts driving away. you were panting heavily, you were also sure you’d get a bruise on your legs from being pushed into the van. ni-ki pulls you up so you could sit down properly. he places a jacket on your lap to cover your legs since you were wearing your school skirt. he also unintentionally brings your face closer so he could further inspect you for any bruises on your face.
“are you really sure you don’t have feelings for her?” sunghoon says. ni-ki rolls his eyes before dropping his hands to his side.
“can’t i just be concerned for a classmate who literally got chased by some bad guys? any normal person wouldn’t have to go through this if they didn’t interact with us.”
“yeah, whatever but there is something laced under your actions. what normal guy will hold her face like that? you look like you’re going to kiss her.” sunghoon mentions.
ni-ki’s face was stone cold, he definitely did not like that statement.
“do you really have to say that? I’m seriously just showing concern for a classmate.” ni-ki deadpans. you were staring in between both sunghoon and ni-ki, you didn’t even notice the other guys that were staring at you in confusion.
“so, what are going to do now? it seems like those guys think ni-ki has a love interest which means it’s only going to get worse from here on out.” a blond hair guy comments.
ni-ki sighs, “we need a way to distract them, i am sure her parents are going to be targeted next.”
“my parents…they umm aren’t present in my life…” it went dead silent.
“well, that’s good at least. we don’t have to worry about more people getting hurt-” sunghoon gets whacked by a guy with blond streaks in his hair.
“do you have any sense of awareness? she’s only 18 with no parents and you are thankful we don’t have extra people to get hurt??” the guy with blond streaks in his hair comments.
“it’s alright. i don’t exactly remember my parents much. i was really young.”
“so you’ve been living with your grandparents or something?” the guy blond hair adds.
“yeah. pretty much my whole life- hey, wait how did you know?” you had pointed out.
“idiots.” the guy with blond streak mutters under his breath. he holds out his hand for you to shake. “i’m jay. that idiot over there is jake.” he points to sunghoon, “the other idiot is sunghoon. i’m sorry for their stupidity. they clearly don’t know how to empathise with people.”
“it’s alright.”
“we’re here.”
“oh, right. that’s sunoo.” jay pats sunoo’s shoulder. sunoo playfully rolls his eyes before turning to look at you.
he gives you a smile, “nice to meet you, ni-ki’s girlfriend.”
his words fluster you, you didn’t expect to be addressed like that.
ni-ki shoves sunoo. “could you not call her that? she could be uncomfortable for all you know.”
“she isn’t saying anything or looking too disgusted so it is true. she’s your girlfriend.” sunoo shrugs. ni-ki rolls his eyes as he finds sunoo’s judgement of yours and his relationship to be something completely untrue. sunoo snickers before putting up a straight face.
“annoying fucks.” the one with the cat-like eyes sighs. he holds out his hand for you to shake and you took it. “i’m jungwon. the leader of this little…” he looks towards the others and then back at you, “boy group.” he says, dragging out the last part.
“BOY GROUP!?! we aren’t those pretty fuckers who dance and sing.” sunghoon rolls his eyes. “if anything, i’m stronger than them. they probably can’t lift up a gun if they wanted to. scaredy cats.”
“jeez, what’s gotten you so spicy with the topic of ‘boy groups’.” jay says.
“probably cause they get more bitches screaming their names than he ever has.” jake shrugs.
“damn.” heeseung adds.
sunghoon could only sit there and huff.
“okay, that’s enough.” jungwon pinches the bridge of his nose. “sunghoon, you know how to make plans last minute, what should we do?”
“can’t think of anything right now. all the plans i have in my head involve abandoning her.” sunghoon points to you. ni-ki smacks his hand.
“we can’t leave her.”
“and why?”
“because there could be other ways.”
“like what?” sunghoon folds his arms. “how about you suggest other ways, nishimura.”
all eyes were on ni-ki before he sighs, “since they already think, (name) is my girlfriend. we can take advantage of that and find a way to actually infiltrate their base or at least find out who is responsible for all of this.”
“so…you wanna fake date…her.” jay points to you.
“i-” ni-ki could feel his face heat up. “if you put it that way, sure. i guess.” he looks away so you and the other boys don’t notice the colour of his face change.
“i thought you were the one who said that you didn’t want to you call her your girlfriend? what happened to that?” sunoo deadpans.
“it’s just for the mission.”
“uh huh, the mission…ni-ki you like her don’t you?”
“no. i don’t, i just-” he groans. “i’m only 18, i have never fallen for anyone. why are you expecting me to know what feelings are?”
“he is definitely in love.” jake declares.
“uh, guys…i’m still here.” you say.
just as you opened your mouth to utter another word, the driver stops and announces that they had arrived their destination. you had zero clue where they had brought you to. however, the exterior of the place amazes you. it was huge, beautiful chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. there were greenery all over the place.
“welcome to our hotel.” jay says.
“woah. you guys built this place?”
“instructed and led the project. we obviously aren’t made to construct the place because that isn’t our job but yeah, for the most part.”
“it’s pretty.” your eyes trailed around the exterior and beauty of the decor. ni-ki stares at you, you truly looked pretty whenever your eyes twinkled at things you really liked looking at. a smile creeps up but he holds himself back. he couldn’t let anyone see him like this.
“anyways, here are the card to your room.” jay hands you a card. “since the mobsters seem to think ni-ki is your boyfriend, you won’t be able to get home.”
“right but what do i do? i don’t have any of my clothes and other stuff. most of my textbooks are still at home.”
“oh don’t worry about that. i’ll get some people to grab your stuff and we’ll clear it so that you can stay in this hotel safely with our men around.” jay smiles.
you turned to look at the other boys and they didn’t make a single face.
“i get to stay here for free? that’s not possible right? i mean, staying at this luxurious hotel for free doesn’t seem exactly right.”
“you’re right. there is a catch.” jay gets close. ni-ki nearly reaches out to stop him but he stops himself. “help us out.”
“oh, umm. look, i don’t know much about your little scheme. i just know these people you work with just do shady stuff.”
“you’re right, we do shady stuff but it’s not all legal. just…maybe illegal to a certain extent. after all, we do help good people. we don’t kill people unless they’re bad. which is why, you’re safest in our hands.” jay explains.
“alright. what do i have to do?” jay points to ni-ki as soon as you’re done speaking.
“be his girlfriend.” jay simply says.
“HYUNG!” ni-ki says. he could feel his ears heating up.
“don’t pretend i didn’t see how jealous you got when i got close to her. plus, it’s for a greater cause. we can use her and bait out those people and then find their boss.”
“but jay hyung.”
“do the others agree with me?” jay asks. the others nodded.
“sorry ni-ki, we just have to use this method. for some odd reason, they wanna use this ‘weakness’ of you having a girlfriend so we can take advantage of that and find out who is behind this.” jungwon says.
ni-ki’s eyes met with yours before he turn to the other boys, “fine but (name) has to also agree. this plan won’t work if she disagrees, i am not forcing her.”
“wow, the ever so gentleman.” sunghoon rolls his eyes. “(name), what do you say?”
you looked in between the boys and ni-ki. there was honestly no other choice, you were already roped into their life and it would only be harder for you if you just disagree. “yeah, i’ll do it. i’ll be…ni-ki’s girlfriend.” you could feel the heat rush to your cheeks as quickly as possible after those words left your mouth.
“ayyy.” jake smacks ni-ki. “ni-ki’s first girlfriend. now lead her to her room, she doesn’t know the place as great as you.” he shoves ni-ki to you.
“you guys know the place as well as me, why do i have to do it?”
“because she’s your girlfriend now, so be a gentleman and do it. besides, you’ll get jealous if we send her to her room.” jake continues to tease ni-ki.
“very funny. i am not jealous.” ni-ki deadpans.
“yeah and i’m ugly.” jake says.
“you are.” ni-ki yells as he grabs your hand and brings you over to the elevator. you could hear jake yelling a string of curses to ni-ki but he only ignores it. he taps the card on the elevator and clicks on the floor. the elevator closes and you were now in a confined space with just ni-ki.
“we have to make our relationship believable to those bad guys.” he turns to meet your eyes. “any suggestions?”
“uh, why are you asking me? I don’t know anything about dating.”
“considering we worked together during the past project, I think you should know more about love than I do. you did finish your part quicker than me.” ni-ki explains.
“yeah but that doesn’t mean I know much about datin-”
“romance is part of dating so, you should know.”
“well, too bad I don’t.” you say. ni-ki sighs.
“fine, I guess I have to follow my hyungs method.” ni-ki walks closer to you and you can’t help but step back. he corners you in the elevator. “we have to make it believable so you better play your role well or else, we won’t be able to get information we need.”
you meekly nodded. ni-ki was towering over you and it couldn’t help but feel small and helpless. after all, who's to say ni-ki couldn’t just i don’t know take out a knife and stab you. then leave you dead in the elevator. finally, the elevator reaches the floor. ni-ki steps back and grabs onto your hand. he easily interlaces it and drags you over to your hotel room.
it was one of the executive lounges so there were only 2 per floor. Hence, ni-ki was assigned to the room that was nearby yours. he stops in front of the large double door.
“this is your room and since you have no clothes. I’ll just lend you some of mine until the hyungs grab your stuff from your house.” he points to the other door on the other side of the hallway. “that is my room. considering I stay here most of the times, that room is off-limits to other people from booking it. if you need anything, just go over. for now, go in and just rest up. i’ll bring my clothes to you so you change into them and not wear our school uniform.”
you nodded. ni-ki hands you the card to your room and he keeps the other card so he could go in easily and possibly protect you if anything happens. he quickly goes to his room to grab a shirt and sweatpants before coming back and handing them to you.
“we have some ball, party thing tomorrow night and so you’ll be going as my plus one. there are a bunch of big media people going there to create a publicity stunt. it will make this whole thing even more believable since you’re with me.”
“okay, what am i supposed to do in the day though.”
“as it’s the weekends, you can just stay here or around the hotel until the party. there is room service just make your order, you won’t need to pay for it.”
“oh-” you hesitated, “but like isn’t it too much…this hotel is fancy looking and high-end…i am sure the food is expensive too.”
he leans down to your height, “it’s free since you are my girlfriend. the staff at the front desk know you’re my girl. you don’t have to worry.”
you felt your face heat up. his girl. a sentence you thought you’d never hear ni-ki say to you. it almost sounded too real, however you knew this wasn’t real. you were only a victim and ni-ki was your protector.
“r-right, it’s late. have a goodnight!” you quickly swiped the card and bolted into your room. leaving the door to shut quite hard. ni-ki snickers.
‘how cute’ he thought. he catches himself and so he shakes off the thought. it was only for a little while, he can’t fall for you. after all, he was a dangerous guy. it would put your life at risk if there was ever anything going on between you and him. that thought kinda made him sad, he frowns before turning around and walking over to his own room.
at around, 6pm someone comes knocking at your door. you went to peek through the peephole and realised that it was just a hotel staff. you opened the door and they entered with a rack of clothing and a present.
“these are the clothes that Mr.Nishimura hand picked for you.” the staff points to the rack. they hand you the present. “Mr.Nishimura also prepared this for you and told you to wear it for tonight. We will have a makeup artist coming soon to help with the makeup and hair.”
you nodded and the staff left the room. you had opened up the box and pulled out the dress from inside. it falls down perfectly as you hold it up, a beautiful long black dress with ruffles that cuffs around your arm until it reaches just below your shoulder. it was beautiful and it was also paired with a masquerade mask to hide your identity at the ball. the makeup and hairstylist arrives and quickly does your hair and makeup. just as they spun you around to let you look at yourself in the mirror, you were in shock. that was not you. they had tied your hair up in a half up and half down, along with curling the ends in loose curls and even making your curtain bangs look nice.
the doorbell rings, the staff letting ni-ki in. he walks over to you and he pauses in his step when he sees you. you looked beautiful. his heart races, was this love? the boy was completely speechless.
“umm, how do i look?” you had asked ni-ki. his eyes scanned you from head to toe and you blushed under his gaze.
“beautiful. you look beautiful.” he mutters. “let’s go. the older guys are waiting for us. they’re also looking out for the bad guys. security is tight today so you don’t have to worry about getting harmed.”
you nod. “that’s good.” ni-ki holds out his hand for you to take and you do so. he intertwines your hand with his and brings you over to the ball.
just as you entered, cameras start flashing. most likely capturing every part of yours and ni-ki’s arrival because it was it big thing. another member of the Decelis Boys was taken. there were whispers, mumbles and gossips all over the ballroom but ni-ki paid no attention to it as you leads you to where the other boys were.
“nice, the media is going crazy ni-ki. you’ve done it.” jake says.
“now, they’ll probably attack later on so make sure to bring (name) somewhere safe.” jay adds. ni-ki nods.
“you can enjoy your little couple time now. just keep a watch out.” sunoo teases.
“hyung.” ni-ki says. sunoo laughs, he pats ni-ki’s back and the other went their separate way as they split up to cover the ballroom. ni-ki turns to you, “want something to eat? or drink?”
“umm, is there only wine here?”
“i suppose so. hmm, maybe we can eat some nacho chips. i’ll request the waiters to prepare some for us and of course some plain water.” you nod at ni-ki’s words. “I’ll be back in a short while. you’re okay with being alone for a bit right? i need to find the waiter.”
“i don’t mind.”
“that’s good. wait here.” you hummed once more at his words.
right as ni-ki left, someone comes up to you and strikes a conversation. it felt off though, definitely not right like something was about to happen. the guy smirks and hands you a drink that he apparently grabbed from the waiter that had passed by previously. you shook your head and politely rejected it since it was wine and you were still technically a minor here in Korea.
the rejection doesn’t sit well with this guy, he frowns and shoves the glass into your hands and tells you to drink it. thankfully, ni-ki came back on time and shoves the guy away.
“what are you doing to my girlfriend?” ni-ki’s deep voice resonates. the guy wasn’t fazed by it and so ni-ki grabs the glass in your hands before splashing it on the guy’s face. he turns to you and whispers, “run. get to the elevator and click on the penthouse button.” he hands you a card.
you do as he says and left the ballroom. ni-ki taps the bracelet on his wrist. it sends notifications to the other boys. jake and heeseung’s significant other quickly left the place too. jungwon smacks the button on the wall for emergencies. a siren blasts the whole room and it sends everyone in a frenzy. everyone except for the bad guys, ran towards the exit. they stayed and took out their guns, aiming at the boys.
jay and sunoo pulled out their guns and so the battle begins. the bad guys ran towards each of them, but the two boys ducked and shot twice without looking back. jay eyebrows furrowed, this certainly wasn’t going to be a simple fight like back at the hotel.
“they’re stronger now, it seems like whoever is behind this has finally start to slowly show their power and skills.” jay says. sunoo looks down at the weapons and outfit that the guys they shot wore.
“this person is definitely smart.”
“but not smart enough.”
“he could be toying with us, hyung. we need to watch out.” just as sunoo says so, someone tries to attack him. ni-ki slashes his katana right on the guy’s back, saving sunoo and jay. the body falls right beside them.
“i think they’re going to get up to the penthouse. me, sunghoon and jake are going up there. jay hyung, we need more people to get up here.”
“on it. i’ll get some backup.” jay runs off. sunoo nods at ni-ki before he goes to shoot more people. sunghoon, jake and ni-ki went up to the penthouse by a different and secret entrance. once they arrived, it was eerily quiet.
“this definitely does not feel right.” sunghoon says. suddenly, a loud shriek was heard. the 3 of them ran over, only to see you, nabi and eun crouched on the ground with 3 guys cornering the 3 of you.
you had made eye contact with ni-ki, fear evident in your eyes and it makes ni-ki mad. something switched inside him and all that was left was anger. the red vision covering his eyes. he spins his 2 katanas and charges forward easily slashing two of the people. the last guy tries to fight him but couldn’t as ni-ki easily stabs the guy right in the middle. the guy falls to the ground. jake and sunghoon the whole thing with their jaw dropped.
ni-ki turns back to them, the blood right all over his shirt and some on his face.
“guard the elevators and get more people here. check up with the others downstairs. we may need to move. they found our little hiding spot here. i’ll move the girls to the garage since they have no idea where it is.”
with not a single word uttered, jake and sunghoon quickly left. they’ve never seen this side of ni-ki before and honestly, it scared them quite a bit. after they left, ni-ki checks up on you. his eyes softened.
“are you okay?” he asks.
“yeah, just startled. i didn’t expect this to happen. i thought, i was going to die.” ni-ki pulls you into a hug.
“don’t worry, you have me. i’ll protect you…always.”
it was quite a romantic moment, even nabi and eun were shocked to hear this come out from ni-ki. they didn’t expect him to be so kind-hearted towards a girl. after pulling back from the hug, “we should get going.we don’t have much time before they send more people up here.”
ni-ki leads you, nabi and eun to the secret elevator which led to the garage. it was definitely safer around here and there even was backup. there was a loud slam to the door after the rest of the boys poured in. jake and heeseung ran up to their significant other and hugged them. there were small whispers of sorry’s amongst the both of them as they tried to calm down their girls.
“well, this resort is fucked. we have to move somewhere else.” jay says.
“we could move to this resort near the airport. whoever is charge most probably won’t know that we own it.” sunoo suggests.
“we should move there. if don’t move there now, the innocent people staying here will be hurt.” heeseung adds.
“that means we need to divert the attention of the reporters right now.”
“but what could we possibly use to divert their attention from?”
“i think we could use a distraction of love. like ni-ki and (name).” nabi says.
“but everyone already knows (name) is my girlfriend.”
“oh, no hesitation-” jay whacks sunghoon.
ni-ki wraps his arm around your waist, “yeah, no hesitation because she is my girlfriend.”
“holy shit.” jungwon’s jaw drops.
“i’ll give the reporters some scoop about mine and (name)’s relationship details.” ni-ki says.
“but we- aren’t we fake dating?” you looked up at him.
“not anymore.” he simply says.
you could feel your face warm up at ni-ki’s words.
“i’ll tell them that you’re mine and i like you a lot.” ni-ki says.
“damn, ni-ki with the rizz?” jake says.
jake and jungwon gets notified of the police cars and reporters driving to the resort.
“you have to get ready quickly, ni-ki change your clothes and then we need to delete their memories of the fight that happen and organise the place quickly. hurry!”
all of them had quickly done their parts. with one large bright flash of light in the resort, everyone forgets the fight that happened. jay’s men quickly cleans up the place and pretends to escort the affluent towards the hall as if nothing happened before. the place was lively again.
when the police and reporters arrived, it was strange. someone filed a report that there had been a gang trying to tear Decelis Resort apart but the police didn’t see anyone fleeing in terror. they tried to look for the very person who filed the report but when they did, the person seemed confused and didn’t know what they were talking about. they simply just brushed it off and left. of course, the reporters were more nosy then the police they had to figure out what was going on.
that is exactly when ni-ki and you walked towards them, giving them free information about your newfound relationship. the reporters left happily as they could use this huge scoop for their headlines. just as ni-ki got ready to leave with you to meet up with the others. someone taps his shoulder and hands him something.
“this fell out from somewhere i think that waiter over there dropped it. you should really discipline your staff from throwing litter on the ground.”
it was a strange object, something a waiter should not be harbouring.
“thank you for the feedback but mind your language when you’re speaking to one of the founders and this resort.” ni-ki’s tone was laced with venom. the guy nods.
he carefully makes his way to the garage again and hands the item to jake. it cracks open the moment jake touches it.
‘kinda pathetic to wipe their memories don’t you think? it’s a one in a lifetime for those elites to experience such a scare. they should think twice when pushing around people who aren’t rich.’ - a voice recorded message.
“whoever this is definitely doesn’t like rich people.”
“and they used a voice modulator. it’s not their voice. we should run a test at the other resort.” jungwon says.
“yeah, whoever this is…we have to find them. our families are in danger.” sunghoon says.
ni-ki turns to look at you, “are you coming with us?”
“of course, i have to but you have to teach me how to fight. i want to help you guys out. this person will probably take more precautions now.” ni-ki holds your hand and squeezes it.
“that means we will have to miss some of school.”
“is school really our priorities right now when we are being chased by some evil dude?”
“she makes it a point there.” jungwon says.
“alright, we’ll be a team. my girlfriend.” ni-ki shyly says.
this emits groans from the rest of them with how cheesy it was.
“we will, boyfriend.” you could only smile up at him.
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373 notes · View notes
luvsturniolo · 11 months
hii, i love your writing sm ! if it's not too much to ask, could you please do a fic where the reader is matt's girlfriend and he dresses her up in his clothes partly as a joke but also because he thinks it would be cute. i just keep imagining the reader wearing his t-shirts or button up's and baggy jeans/jorts and she's trying to wear his shoes but they're too big on her and matt's just DYING at it. basically just a super cute, fluff moment. thank you sm!
— ★ !! wardrobe
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pairing : matt sturniolo x fem!reader
synopsis : while casually hanging out, matt has the bright idea to dress you up in his clothes as a joke. but he's quickly taken aback when he sees you in them.
a/n : wait this request is so cute , i hope i do it justice 😭
wc : 0.6k
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you've been dating matt for a few months now and his house has quickly become your favorite place. it's so relaxing in comparison to your own.
earlier today, you were overtaken with boredom. so you texted matt, asking him you pick you up. of course, he agreed. you've been lounging around his house for an hour or two, basking in the comfort that comes with being in your boyfriend's presence. 
you guys have watched a few movies, baked a pizza, and simply enjoyed being together. 
you're currently lying on matt's bed, scrolling through your instagram feed while he sits at his desk, writing something down in his journal.
despite not doing anything productive, neither of you could ever get sick of this. you've both come to realize that simply being together —even if it's boring to an outside perspective — is both of your guys' favorite thing to do.
suddenly, matt's head perks up at a random thought. you glance over in his direction to see him already looking at you with a wide smile on his face.
you laugh, "what?"
"nothing, nothing." he replies easily. "i just had a random idea that could be fun."
"well, let's hear it." you say, setting your phone down on the mattress beside you. you turn your full attention to matt as you urge him to tell you his idea.
he sets his pen in the crease of his notebook and before closing it, the pen becoming a bookmark so he can continue to journal later.
"what if," he begins, "you let me dress you up?"
"dress me up?" you repeat, laughing at the strange request. "my clothes are at my place and, no offense, but i don't think yours would fit me."
"exactly." matt says. "the fact that they won't fit is what'll make it so fun to do."
you tilt your head at him, still a little bit confused as to what's going on in his mind. 
matt gives you a grin before standing up from his chair and walking over to his closet. he opens the doors and begins rummaging through random clothing articles.
before long, he settles on a pair of his jean shorts and a baggy hoodie. he holds them up to show you his choices and you laugh.
"matt, that hoodie is too large for you. it's gonna completely engulf me." you tell him.
"pleaseeeeeee!" he pleads. "just try it on. it'll be funny!"
you breathe out a laugh before getting up from his bed and taking the clothes out of his hands. you leave his room and enter the bathroom. you strip out of your current clothing and replace them with matt's.
you look down at yourself and scrunch your eyebrows at your appearance. why is matt so interested in seeing you wear his clothes? in your eyes, you look extremely goofy.
regardless of how you feel, you reenter his bedroom and do a dramatic twirl to show off your outfit.
"cute, huh?" you ask him with a laugh. but matt doesn't respond. he's too busy staring at you — almost as if he genuinely thinks you look half decent. 
"yes." matt finally replies, completely serious about his answer. you give him a weird look, waiting for him to laugh or say it's a joke. but he doesn't. he just keeps staring.
"wait, for real?" you ask.
matt looks you in the eyes before stepping closer to you, "you look adorable, y/n. for real."
he takes your face in his hands, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on your lips. you can feel him smile against your lips and you get an unreal amount of butterflies from the tiny gesture. 
when the kiss is broken, he continues to cup your cheeks as he admires every indivual feature of your face.
"you're so weird." you tell him.
"maybe," he agrees, "but you like my weirdness."
you tip your head upward to kiss him again before saying, "yeah. i really do."
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tags : @kasqnxx @lvrsparadise @prettysturniolo @strniolo @urmyslxt @uhnanix @cupidsturniolo @opheliaofficial07 @thetriplets3 @sturn1olo-ffics @deadxrx @kitaysworld @slaysturniolo
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akumakosuke · 7 months
Yay, I finally finished the first chapter of my new fic...
†Our cursed love†
This is my first time writing an actual fic so it might not be that good, constructive criticism is welcome and encouraged! I would really like to know your opinions on what I'm doing right and wrong, things I should change and so forth.
A little PS this is not going to be absolutely canon, there will be some changes to the lore and techniques so be warned. I am also fully up to date on the manga so there will be manga spoilers.
Please enjoy the first chapter of ‡Our cursed love‡.
No warnings
~_Our cursed love._~
Chapter 1- Our pedestal.
~No one POV:~
The day is like any other day to most people. The sun blazing high in the bright blue sky, perfect white fluffy clouds dot the sky, moving along swiftly with the breeze. The sound of streets full of vehicles and streets full of people fills the air.
The day was like any other to non-sorcerers.
They all go about their lives, completely oblivious to the two Gods currently walking among them, blissfully unaware of the evil seeking to destroy these two Gods.
The day was like any other to the two Gods. Aware they’re being hunted but unaware of each other.
It’s true what they say, ‘ignorance is bliss’ and our two Gods will have to learn that lesson the hard way.
~3rd Person POV~
A young boy, around the age of 9 walks with an unusually cold face for a child wearing a blue hoodie with beige shorts and black sneakers. His expression isn’t the only eye catching thing about him, his eyes are quite simply breathtaking. Strikingly brilliant sky blue orbs. His short, fluffy white hair gently swaying in the breeze.
To passers by he seems like a relatively normal child with oddly spectacular looks but normal is not a word fit to describe this God.
Satoru Gojo decided to take a trip to Shibuya for no other reason than boredom. He knows it’s ‘dangerous’ because of the many, many bounties on his head but does he care? No, of course not.
Why would he care? He’s a ‘God’ right? All these fools are beneath him, besides its clear that none of them would even be a problem, he might be 9 but he knows his place in this world, he knows the ‘blessing’ he’s been born with and he knows how to use it -albeit not well- one glare is enough to dissuade anyone crazy enough to target him.
He can sense them all around him, thinking they’re hiding their cursed energy well but nothing can get past his six eyes, nothing.
~10 minutes earlier~
A young boy with long grey hair tied into a neat pony wearing a (f/c) shirt and (2/f/c) pants that are clearly too big for him and a pair of (f/c) boots steps out of a fancy black car in the middle of Shibuya. The 9 year old closes the door and the car drives off, left unattended which would be odd if he were just a boy, although his expression is somewhat normal for a boy his age, relatively bored, his eyes hidden by a pair of blacked out glasses with a circular frame.
He confidently makes his way through the busy streets, despite his small size he easily navigates a path through the much taller adults, some only sparing him a brief glance but none question why there’s a clear gap between him and everyone, a physically space none of them an seem to cross, naturally and absentmindedly moving around the boy to avoid it.
M/n Goto is aware of this gap as it’s intentional. He’s practicing although the few hungry pairs of eyes on him are distracting. M/n knows venturing out alone is ‘risky’ because of how valuable he is but hes a God isn’t he? Those fools are beneath him.
They’re clearly trying very hard to hide their cursed energy but alas it’s in vain, M/n sensed them following him since he left his estate. It’s not like any of them would be a problem for him, he knows his place in the world, he knows the ‘blessing’ he was born with and he knows how to use it -thanks to his loving father training him since he could walk-, one glare is enough to dissuade any idiotic enough to try and mess with a God, besides nothing can touch him without his permission, nothing.
~present time~
Destiny is a funny thing, many argue its existence.
If destiny exists then freedom cannot.
If freedom exists then destiny cannot.
Many argue its existence, many chose to deny its existence, they chose freedom.
The freedom of choice.
M/n Goto and Satoru Gojo do not believe in destiny.
M/n Goto and Satoru Gojo both chose to come to Shibuya today because they wanted to, they were bored and chose to do the riskiest thing by leaving unsupervised.
They both chose to walk this random street, they both decided they were tired of being followed and chose to turn around. A completely, random choice.
Completely random.
Time suddenly stops for two young, lonely, untouchable Gods.
M/n Goto and Satoru Gojo do not believe in destiny, so what is this feeling? Not the physical feeling of their shoulders colliding.
This sudden tug, this oddly familiar feeling like meeting a different version of yourself.
Luminous, sparkling sky blue orbs meet now uncovered blazing, blood red orbs and for the first time both are in absolutely awe of another’s appearance.
~M/n POV~
‘He- he bumped into me… his eyes… they’re… how did he-? This feeling… who is he, i feel like I should know… wait… he’s…’
~Satoru POV~
‘I didn’t sense him-? He touched me… i was sure i had it on… those eyes, they’re breathtaking… who is he? Why do i feel like I should know him? Wait… he’s…’
~3rd person POV~
“Cursed.” They both mumble at the same time causing both their eyes to widen, both taking a step back from the other.
The warm, carbon filled air suddenly feels a whole lot more suffocating, the feeling tugging at both of them gets stronger and they both know the other feels it.
It’s an odd sight, two unsupervised 9 year old standing in the middle of a busy Shibuya street just silently staring at each other in what can only be described as bewilderment.
For the longest time they’ve both believed them to have no equal. From the moment they opened their eyes they were forced to live in a word beneath them filled with people beneath them. They were put on pedestals so high no one else could ever hope to climb it and yet…
Their lonely pedestal is apparently bigger than they thought, all they had to do was turn around and be confronted with the other.
A shared pedestal is something everyone told them was impossible, they were born Gods among mortals, they were special, miracles, forever alone.
“Goto M/n…” M/n, finally regaining his brain, blurts out, feeling something he’s never felt before, nervous.
“Gojo Satoru…” Satoru eventually replies, having taken a few more seconds to recover and identify the unknown feeling in his chest, anxiety.
“We should probably lose them first before we talk…” M/n suggests, hesitantly turning his gaze away from Satoru and toward one of the groups of curse users currently hiding out in a tall building across the street with horror on their faces because the sheer amount of power coming from the two Gods is mind breaking.
Satoru turns his gaze towards another group hiding on a rooftop few building’s down with the same expression and hums in agreement. He slowly reaches out to grab M/n’s hand, he doesn’t know why but he just does.
The moment their skin makes contact they both jump, the feeling of physically touching another is so foreign, so intrusive yet so natural.
They quickly easy into the feeling, Satoru pulling M/n along and M/n following without complaint.
This action feels so normal it’s almost easy to forget the innocent looking 9 year old boys are running away from assassins hunting Gods not boys.
They both in this moment, forget they are Gods, they forget they are cursed, they both, even if only for a fleeting moment just feel like two normal boys, running freely through the streets of Shibuya, unsure of when they actually started running but unwilling to spend any time thinking about it.
They just run, the destination isn’t a concern to either of them and after running for what felt like both a lifetime and barely a second they stop in a dark, dirty alleyway, joyful laughter still bubbling from their chests as they catch their breath.
“Phew, I’m pretty sure we lost them.” Satoru comments as he leans against the wall, relaxing a bit more because he can’t sense anyone else.
“Hmm, it would be foolish of them to follow.” M/n adds, leaning on the opposite wall, also relaxing.
A short, comfortable silence envelopes the two Gods as their gazes lock, again being completely caught off guard by the other’s eyes. Millions of questions run through both of their minds, having finally found another like them is something they didn’t think possible , they were told it’s impossible.
“How… how did you touch me? Get past my barrier which I’m positive was active?” M/n asks incredulously, he should be absolutely horrified someone can bypass his technique but he isn’t.
Satoru looks at M/n in slight shock, now being made aware the other also had a barrier active at the time of contact.
“I… I don’t know, i also had a barrier active so maybe they cancelled out?” Satoru would have never thought he’d say that with such a casual tone, someone being able to bypass the one thing that makes him untouchable, he should see M/n as a threat but he doesn’t.
“So we both have a kind of barrier technique and they cancel out somehow… that should be horrifying right? Our one impenetrable defence rendered useless…” M/n’s voice drops to a low whisper but there’s no hint of defensiveness, simply taking in the fact he can be touched, he’s not unbeatable.
“It should but honestly it just makes me excited ya know?” Satoru chuckles, his eyes sparkling even more as his usual cold expression replaced a small grin, his heart is still pounding in his chest, the tugging feeling getting stronger the longer the talks to M/n.
M/n mirrors Satoru’s expression, feeling the same pounding in his chest, the tugging feeling moving his feet forward as he takes a seat on the floor next to Satoru, his barrier preventing his clothes from getting dirty. Satoru quickly joins him, activating his own barrier to stay clean.
Although both of them are just 9 years old, being born basically ‘God’s’ they naturally possessed some basic control of their techniques, both already having trained to use their techniques for a few hours none stop before they get tired.
“It is isn’t, my entire life I’ve been told no one would be able to challenge me and I thought how boring that sounds, they said I stand on a pedestal made for Gods and that I alone stand atop it, atop everyone else and then I thought how… lonely that sounded…” M/n says, pulling his legs to his chest as he rests his head on his knees, looking at his new found friend.
Satoru adopts the same pose, his mind and soul filled with pure joy as M/n speaks because he understands, he understands so well and he never thought someone else would understand.
“Mhm, they called me blessed my entire life, a miracle. Showering me in praises and gifts alike, telling me how special I am, how I’m better than everyone else. They also call me a God, put me on a pedestal too tall for a kid… They don’t see the view from the top, they don’t see how big and empty that pedestal is…”
M/n listens to Satoru, there’s something freeing in listening to him speak, like a weight lifted off his shoulders, the weight of being called the strongest and the loneliness that comes with it, a weight no 9 year old should even have to know about.
“Well it was big and empty but perhaps we can share it?” M/n asks with a hopeful tone, somehow already knowing he doesn’t really need to ask.
“I… I would like that. Our pedestal?” Satoru has never felt this type of excitement, the idea of sharing, being equal to someone else, of not being alone is enough to make him feel like a normal kid.
“Our pedestal.” M/n repeats, the word ‘our’ rolling off his tongue so naturally.
“So what do you normally do for fun? When you’re actually allowed to do what you want ?” Satoru asks, clearly excited to do whatever friends do when they hang out, he’s excited because he doesn’t really known what others do because he’s never bothered to pay attention to anyone else, they were beneath him so there was no point in getting to know them but now, now he’s never been more interested in another.
M/n grins, suddenly standing up and looking down at Satoru with a sparkles in his already spectacular eyes. Satoru still can’t believe he likes someone else’s eyes more than his own, his attention immediately glued on M/n. They both feel that tug again as M/n extends his hand towards Satoru, the idea of physical contact regardless of their barriers still seems so absurd but so enticing.
“Wanna find out?”
Satoru takes M/n’s hand, the unfamiliar warmth of another comforting their souls , penetrating their minds. M/n pulls Satoru up and their hands stay linked as they exit the alleyway, M/n leading the way, unknowingly staring the first chapter in a very long and dangerous book.
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probably-writing-x · 4 months
Summary: could you write one an ant from hbh x reader where the readers bee best friends with spider and dusty for years and is dating ant but she gets roofied and they get protective? only if your comfortable tho im just a sucker for hurt/comfort!!
Warnings: Discussions and descriptions of spiking / drugs (support for these issues is linked at the bottom), swearing, mentions of assault / potential assault, alcohol use, panic attacks and discussions of anxiety
Word Count: 3.6k
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“There she is!” Ant grins as soon as you walk through the door, his entire being seeming to light up in your presence.
“Hey! Sorry I’m late,” You smile as you walk into Dusty’s room.
Ant is laying across the bed with Dusty and Spider sat on the edge of the bed playing COD zombies together. Neither of them turn around.
“And hello to you too,” You roll your eyes, closing the bedroom door behind you and walking over to Ant.
“Sorry, hi,” Dusty says quickly, “We’ve just got to-“
His words trail off again as they focus back onto the game.
You look over and Ant stretches his arms out for you, waiting for you to crawl into the space there. He relaxes as soon as you’re in his arms, sinking into the contact as you lay back against his chest, his legs on either side of you. His arms wrap around your waist and his head buries into your neck, kissing the exposed skin there.
“(Y/n) there’s beer in the mini fridge,” Spider mentions, the two of them still directly focused on the screen in front of them.
“They’ve been playing for at least an hour,” Ant mumbles into your ear, kissing you again.
You hum against the contact, “You’re not allowed to play?”
He laughs, “I’m too good for them.”
You’d been friends with all of the boys since kindergarten. Your Dad had enrolled you into a soccer team and you, at the time, were the only girl on the team. At that age, it didn’t seem to matter. All of you stumbled over the ball, scored into tiny fake nets and only played about fifteen minutes before you got bored. You’d then all gone to school together and, really, it felt like you’d been inseparable ever since.
It was two years ago when that had turned into something more between you and Ant. He’d always been the one you were closest to. He was the one, at first, that had always included you in everything. And he was the first one to defend you when someone was rude to you. He made you laugh more than the other two did, as if his humour could be tailored to you. When you were 14, you’d been camping at the lake with the boys. Ant was sharing a tent with you and he’d kissed you. He was nervous and scared and he didn’t know what to do with his hands but it was adorable. He’d got much better at kissing since then. Much better. Spider and Dusty had been weird about it at first - they’d said it would make things awkward and that it would be even worse if things didn’t work out. But then it just… did. You fit together, they realised it as much as you did. And, despite you two being young, nobody really saw this ending any time soon.
“Fucking hell,” Spider grumbles, tossing his controller back onto the mattress.
“Is it over?” You laugh, running your fingertips over Ant’s arms around your torso.
“Yeah Dusty fucked it,” Spider rolls his eyes, “You’ve still got the high score.”
You shrug, “What can I say? I’m just better than all of you.”
“Fuck off we taught you how to play!” Dusty kicks your leg gently.
Ant rests his chin on top of your shoulder, kissing your cheek, “Can’t we just stay here tonight?”
“No, no, no, come on,” You push up from his chest, “We said we’d go.”
“Yeah everybody’s going,” Spider points out, standing up from the bed too, “Plus, we’re already late.”
Ant groans and flops his head back against the pillow below him, “Okay I need to drink.”
The party’s happening in a warehouse downtown. You weren’t really sure how you’d ended up here, but Spider had overheard it from someone at school and got you all invited. There was music blaring from speakers and people you didn’t recognise and a million bodies moving around one expansive dance floor.
Ant places a hand on your back, smoothing his fingers over the material of your top. He liked being near to you. He was sure holding you could make him feel better about anything.
“Should we get a drink?” Dusty yells over the music and the boys agree.
All four of you walk over towards one side of the room and fill up cups from the kegs stacked up on one side. Spider makes a comment about how dirty the cups probably were and for a moment you question if it’s even worth having one. But you pour yourself a cup anyway, taking a sip of the lukewarm beer.
“I’m just going to go say hi to the girls,” You lean into Ant, “Are you guys staying here?”
“Yeah yeah we’ll be about,” He nods, bobbing his head to the beat of whatever song was playing.
“Alright, I won’t be long,” You squeeze his hand and walk off towards where you could see Amerie and Harper on the other side of the room.
That was the last time Ant had seen you before it happened. He watched you as you walked away, he always did. And he watched as you hugged Amerie and Harper in turn, before he turned back to the boys and made a comment about trying to find each of them a wife. He’d finished what was left of his cup and then poured out another one and knocked back half of that.
Dusty said they should go towards the crowd and Ant had looked back to make sure you were still within his eye line. You were with the girls, laughing about something one of them had said. And so he’d followed behind the boys into the crowd, just enough on the edge that you’d be able to see them when you came back. He didn’t think anything of it really. Everyone that you knew was here, plus another few hundred that you didn’t. It was all people your own age, all underage and worried about getting caught doing something they shouldn’t be doing. It was a harmless party.
He only started to worry when it had been a while since he’d seen you. Ant looked back over to where the girls had been stood but he couldn’t see any of you anymore. He’d glanced over towards the drinks, hoping to see you there, but you were nowhere to be seen. Maybe you’d gone to the toilet. He couldn’t see enough through the crowd to be able to figure it out.
“Guys should we go look for (Y/n)?” He’d turned around to the boys.
Spider looked at him with a frown, “She’s not answered your text?”
“No,” Ant shakes his head, shouting over the music.
“What if she comes back here and can’t find us?” Dusty returns.
They all worried about you, always. Not only did your boyfriend, but the other two treated you like a little sister. They were always going to worry.
Before they have a chance to worry any longer, Harper comes pushing through the crowd for them. She’s flustered and out of breath and her eyes are burning with panic.
“It’s (Y/n).”
Ant felt his stomach drop, his entire body go into overdrive at the thought of what could have happened.
Spider grasps his shoulder and it forces him through the crowd, the boys hurrying after Harper who leads them through.
They end up outside, the breeze hitting them as Amerie crouches beside you at the side of the road.
“What’s happened?” Dusty speaks first as Ant rushes to your side.
Your hair is disheveled and your mascara has run and your whole body is shaking.
“She just got like really drunk out of nowhere,” Amerie explains, “We thought she’d just drank too much but it all happened so fast. Like twenty minutes and she was just gone.”
“She had one drink,” Spider mentions, “I mean, we had a beer at the house. But one drink here.”
“What the fuck was in that drink?” Harper shakes her head, “This is fucked up.”
Ant let you fall into him, his arm propping you up against his side as you mumbled incoherently. He knew you couldn’t see straight, from the way your eyes looked darker and uncertain. You were holding onto his shirt and your entire body felt like it could crumble in front of him.
“We need to call somebody or get help or something,” Dusty encourages, “She could’ve been spiked.”
“Who the fuck would do that?” Amerie exclaims, “What the fuck is wrong with people?”
They all look between each other, the panic bouncing in the air between them all as Ant holds you like you’re seconds away from disappearing.
Your entire body feels heavy and trapped when you wake up, like your mind is waking up before your limbs do. Crisp white lights, rhythmic beating, wires and tubes, the distant hum of conversations you couldn’t make any sense of.
You felt sick and hungry and tired and thirsty and yet felt nothing all at the same time. And you were alone.
“Alright alright shhhhhh.”
You’d know that voice anywhere.
“She needs to-“ It cuts off instantly as soon as he sees you, “Wait she’s awake!”
“She?” You croak out, your words hoarse and painful.
“(Y/n),” Ant half-laughs, breathing out a sigh of relief into the sound of your name.
Like the sight of you had made half of his worries float away almost instantly. Your eyes, now semi-adjusted to the light, catch the sight of all three boys making their way back into the room. Dusty’s carrying food bundled into his arms and Spider’s got a balloon and Ant’s carrying the biggest teddy bear he could manage.
“This was the only balloon they had,” Spider grimaces, tying the string to the barrier on one side of the hospital bed.
You catch a glimpse of it, a pink foil heart shaped helium balloon covered in the words ‘it’s a girl’.
“And we got you your favourite snacks, or at least everything that the hospital shop had,” Dusty explains, dumping them down onto the tray table at your bedside.
Ant still hasn’t spoken, like he just needed to see you to make himself feel okay. Like he just needed to know you were here.
“Wh-“ You cough out, pushing yourself up to sit up a bit more in the bed, “What happened?”
“You-“ The boys all look between each other, like a silent conversation, before they all take up spots on either side of the bed.
Spider and Dusty on one side and Ant on the other. Ant takes your hand in his.
“You were-“ Ant takes a deep breath, “We think you were spiked last night, at the party.”
You feel your body freeze like the words have invoked a shock response, trying to rack your tired brain for any sign of memory from the night before. Nothing.
“The girls were with you, Am and Harper,” Spider mentions, “They think it might’ve happened before you went to the toilet.”
“You just got very bad very quickly, and they knew something was wrong. You fell over and cut yourself up a bit and they took you outside and that’s when they came to find us,” Dusty continues, his brows furrowing in their concern.
“You couldn’t really talk, you couldn’t stand, so we called the ambulance and they decided to bring you in,” Spider adds, “We all got questioned last night but we couldn’t really help, we just kept telling them we didn’t know what had happened to you.”
“I don’t-“ Your voice is shaky this time, and you realise how quickly your heart was beating, “I don’t remember any-“
Your bottom lip quivers, your hands starting to tremble.
“I don’t remember anything.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Ant speaks so softly, his arm wrapping around you to pull you into his side, “It’s okay, you’re okay.”
“The doctor told us that you might not remember a lot of it. It’s one of the side effects, she told us it’s like being the most drunk you’ve been, but just a lot worse,” Spider explains, reaching out a hand to squeeze your knee.
You look around at the three of them, faces all full of worry. They were all sleep deprived, dark circles under their eyes, same clothes as last night, surviving off of the adrenaline and worry they’d had since the moment they’d seen you outside. You knew you were okay, the girls had stayed with you, the boys had found you, the boys were here now. And yet a thousand thoughts circled through your brain of what could have been. Of what happened without you knowing. Of what would have happened had you been alone.
You feel the sickness boil in your stomach, churning over with every fearful thought.
“(Y/n)?” It’s Spider’s voice, “You with us?”
You blink away the blur from your eyes and force a small smile, “Yeah, yeah.”
You’re back at school the following week. And everybody is already talking about the weekend. Ant holds your hand as you walk into school, his fingers laced with yours and his shoulder bumping yours with every step he takes. You can see people looking at you, people pointing out the cut on your cheek or weighing up how bad they thought you looked.
“Hey, the guys are already in class,” He mentions, nudging your shoulder as the two of you divert towards class.
You’d been with him all weekend, he’d stayed at yours and done everything for you. He’d made you food, brought you tea, checked on you every ten minutes, let you watch your favourite films. He was determined to make sure you were okay and, on surface level, you were. You weren’t feeling sick anymore, your headache had eased, your muscles didn’t feel as weak, even the injuries from that night had started to heal. But you couldn’t stop thinking about it. And for every time you told Ant you were okay, you felt like you were lying to him just a little bit.
“Thank god you’re here!” Dusty exclaims as soon as the two of you walk in, “I need you to back me up on this one.”
“What’s going on?” Ant frowns, setting his and your books down onto the desk beside the boys.
“Okay if you had to live in a movie, the right option is Avengers, right?” Dusty explains, “Like why wouldn’t you want that?”
“It’s Jurassic Park!” Spider defends, “Who gives a shit about superheroes when you could just walk around with dinosaurs?”
“Did you… watch Jurassic Park?” Ant frowns, sitting down on the edge of the table and wrapping his arms around you so that you can perch between his legs.
“Shit goes wrong in Avengers all the time! And if you weren’t a superhero then you’re just one of those boring people in the street that has to run away from the bad guy,” Spider shakes his head, “What do you think (Y/n)? What film would you live in? Marvel or Jurassic Park?”
“Urm,” You clear your throat, “Surf’s Up.”
“Oooooh, and (Y/n) wins,” Dusty smiles, “Well played.”
They carry on their conversation about films and bring up all of the worst options they can think of. Spider gets Dusty into a headlock when he persists that Jurassic Park is one of the worst options. The two of them go tumbling into one of the desks.
“Hey, you okay?” Ant says softly into your ear.
You turn around and offer him a smile, “I’m okay.”
He kisses your cheek and you stand up from the desk, settling into your own seat with Ant beside you. He puts an arm around the back of your chair, swirling patterns on your shoulder like he always did. He was an affectionate boy, with nobody but you.
“Hey, (Y/n).”
You look up to see Amerie and Harper walking over towards you as Spider and Dusty take the seats adjacent to you and Ant.
“We just wanted to check you were okay,” Amerie says, “Im so sorry that happened to you.”
“Oh, um,” You shake your head, “You don’t need to say sorry. It could’ve happened to anyone.”
“We should’ve been watching more,” Harper encourages, “I mean seriously that’s so scary what happened.”
“Yeah I can’t believe how quick it all went,” Amerie adds on, shaking her head, “It’s seriously fucked up.”
“But we’re glad you’re okay.”
“Thanks girls,” You nod, “And thank you for… you know… helping.”
They both offer you that sympathetic smile you’d been seeing a little too often in the past few days. You appreciated the concern from everyone, it was nice. But you weren’t sure you could deal with another person checking up on you. They cared too much, right? You were fine. You were totally and utterly fine.
But there was a tightness in your chest that wouldn’t let up. It remained sat there, heavy and clenching. And the more you thought about that night, the tighter it got.
“Alright everybody settle down!” The teacher calls from the front of the class and everyone seems to settle into their spaces.
Ant keeps an arm over the back of your chair, as close to you as you can get. And you try to take a deep breath to ease the tightness in your chest. It doesn’t seem to go.
You’ve got sport next, and the boys are doing basketball on one side whilst the girls are on the other. The sports hall feels warm and stuffy and you’re certain the tightness in your chest has only got worse.
“(Y/N)?” It’s Harper’s voice that cuts through to you, flinching you from your thoughts, “You good?”
“I-“ You clear your throat, blinking, “I’m good.”
Just then, one of the boys yells something from the other side of the hall - you don’t know what, but the volume seems to cut through you. You feel yourself flinch again, your chest seemingly tightening even more. You feel like you’re trying to take a step forward and yet your feet are stuck in their exact spot. Like you’re sinking. Your body feels heavy and weak all at once and you’re completely out of control. Your vision starts to blur and your ears are pounding and all attempts at breathing seem to be escaping you. Like your body is fighting against itself.
It’s one of the girls again, coming over towards you in the sports hall.
But you’re not there. You’re back at the party and they’re coming over to you again, and you’re just as out of control as you were that night. You can make out the faint silhouettes of the boys - too far from you. And you can’t get to them, your mind and your body and your brain won’t allow you.
And then it all just seems to go dark.
When you next wake up, you’re in the uncertain surroundings of the nurse’s office. It smells of cleaning products and linen and the bed is rock solid beneath you.
“(Y/n),” The nurse smiles at you from over the room, “How are you feeling?”
Your throat is dry and your head is pounding, “What happened?”
“Well, you had a panic attack,” She says softly, “You didn’t pass out but it seemed you were very close to, your friends brought you here and you fell asleep not long after.”
You nod, “I don’t really remember much of it.”
“That’s okay, that’s completely normal,” She assures you, “There’s somebody that’s been waiting outside if you’re feeling up for having a visitor.”
You nod and sit on the side of the bed, your legs crossed beneath you. When she opens the door and steps outside, it’s Ant that comes in to keep you company.
“There she is!” He smiles softly, speaking so gently it almost doesn’t sound like him, “I thought you might be cold.”
He hands over his black hoodie to you and you pull it on, breathing in the lingering scent of his aftershave.
“How are you feeling?” Ant asks, taking his spot on the bed beside you, facing you.
“I’m okay, I’ve never had that happen before with a panic attack,” You shake your head, “I just couldn’t move or anything it was so scary.”
“Hey,” He reaches out and takes your hand, “You’ve also never been through anything like what happened to you at the weekend, and you’re allowed to be struggling with that.”
“I just-“ You shake your head, “People keep asking me if I’m okay and I keep saying I am but… I just keep thinking what would have happened if…”
Your bottom lip quivers and Ant wraps his arm around you, pulling you into his chest.
“Im never going to let that happen, (Y/n), I promise you,” He mumbles into you, “And I’ll be as patient as you need to help you deal with all of this.”
You pull away from him just enough to look into his eyes, letting them inject into you the warmth that he seemed to ooze.
“We can talk about it, we can find a therapist if you feel like that would help, we can speak to the police again, we can do anything,” He encourages, brushing your hair away from your face and cupping your cheek, “But I need you to know that I’m here, okay?”
You nod and lean into his touch as he smooths his thumb over your skin.
You sniff, “Thats the most serious I’ve ever seen you, Ant.”
He laughs, “Yeah I can be serious when I want to be.”
You smile and he leans in to kiss you as if he wants to seal the smile there. Seal the small fraction of yourself that he could see coming through. And he meant it, he’d do whatever he could to get all of those fractions back.
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malewifeharem · 7 months
celebrity!danheng IL
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彡- ,, a collection of my brainrots about dating danheng as diff types of celebs!
cw ⁞ none unless ur allergic to hot rich dragon fluff. not proofread.
an ⁞ i put my whole badussy into this from 3 am till 8. i wasnt gonna write so much for my first post but ehe.
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imagine dancer!danheng who lets you join him during dance practice. you sit quietly by the side while you keep your eyes on his sweaty, concentrated form. the song he chose blasts in the background and his sneakers squeak with each of his movements. he's dynamic, powerful, sexy and everything you could ever dream of.
sometimes he worries that you'll get bored (as if) so he glances at you occasionally to check on you. the way you flare up in embarrassment at his sharp gaze is just a bonus. you really question how you managed to woo a water dragon twice your age (dilf?) but you try not to think about it too much.
he mutters a breathy "thank you, treasure," as you hand him his bottle. he doesn't realize you smiling like an idiot as you watch him replenish himself, your eyes once again locking in on your boyfriend's ethereal features. his slick-backed hair falls across his face as he tips his head back, revealing his crystalline eyes — divine, tranquil and pure, just like a river — much like his love for you.
imagine author!danheng who dedicates all of his time writing about his one and only muse — you. in fact, he's been writing about you for lifetimes now — in every new lifetime you two share together, he vows to devote his time to only you. when he's writing, he reminisces about your past dates together and pieces his heart and memories together and masterfully fits it into a vessel. once he's done, he proudly sends it to the publisher and patiently awaits the day he can show the finished book to you.
"how do you like it?"
he asks as he curls into you closer while cuddling (aw im gonna eat him i swear), eager to hear your opinion. Although he knows you adore whatever he writes, he still wants to see the way your eyes crinkle as you shyly giggle at the parts you recognize from your own dates. he wants — no, needs — to engrave the sight and sound of you in his mind so he can write it in his next script.
god forbid if anything happens to you. after inviting you into his life, he finds himself unable to write any angsty or tragic stories — he wonders why.
imagine actor!danheng who invites you as an exclusive guest to the film set. he's currently filming for a romance drama which involves him and another actress acting out a couple of lovey-dovey scenes — nothing more than that. that's what you tell yourself as you cringe, your brain conjuring up an image of another woman kissing him outside of set. you push your seething jealousy aside till you're both back in the dressing room. he doesn't miss the way you refuse to look him in the eye as he casually discusses dinner plans with you.
"what's wrong, darling? if this is about my acting during filming, i'll reassure you once more: whatever happens on set, stays on set."
he gently tips your chin up so you're both looking eye-to-eye. he relishes in seeing you all pouty for him, he can't help but chuckle when he observes the slight glossy look of your eyes — they hold a possessive, feisty glint in them that pulls on his heartstrings in the perfect way. he sighs sweetly before pulling you in for a warm hug, his tail coiling itself around your figure — caressing your back and relieving whatever doubts and worries you held before.
"let's create our own scenes tonight, my love."
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ruershrimo · 8 months
take me back (take me with you) | f. megumi x fem! reader | chapter 1: nostalgia
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ao3 link for additional author's notes | playlist | next | m.list
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chapter synopsis:
'“You’re my best friends forever,” you whisper to them. It’s the truth and it’s a promise. The train halts with that chuffing sound all trains produce, and your mother holds the luggage as well as your other hand as you wave to them goodbye.'--- ' It’s very late and I still have so much I want to talk about with you, but I’m really sleepy now. My eyes are barely open and my face is about to fall on the paper, I think. Just know that I'm thinking of the two of you all the time. XX
Love, [Name]
(P.S.: I still have your hair tie. Do you know if I’ll ever be able to give it back?)'
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word count: ~5k; tws: none for now
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Dear Fushiguro Tsumiki, 
How are you today? I’m so sorry that we haven’t talked in so long. 
Forgive me for asking so many questions in this letter— I know too little about writing them; my mother is the one who asked me to write this saying that it would help me keep in touch with my friends or write better (either of the two, I can’t quite remember). 
Between an urban area or a rural area, which would you prefer? I’ve had to go all around the place because of my mother and I’m still all the way in Tanegashima now. If you were to go from Tokyo to where I am, you’d have to either go for a drive lasting more than 20 hours or book a three hour flight. 
I’ve only stayed in the city once— that was when we were still in the same school, and we could all fit in my aunt’s apartment since my father was outstationed for the whole year. But I digress. Personally I prefer the city. It all feels so modern, and so much less empty than how it’s like here on this little island. I mean, we have the space centre, so I can always visit that, but after the third or fourth time you’d probably get a little bored of it too. 
I wish I could go to Tokyo again one day, though. I’d definitely take the time to visit you, too. I read on a pamphlet once of how pretty everything gets in Tokyo during winter time, especially during Christmas. We don’t really celebrate Christmas here but the pamphlet reminded me of that one December when we spent it at my aunt’s, we ate lots of KFC and had a little party while my aunt sang songs and drank enough alcohol to prove she had a liver of steel a million times over. 
It’s nice to reminisce on these things, and it’s nice to reminisce on when we were still there too. I know I never told you this enough, but I was so happy when you walked up to me on the playground that day and asked if you wanted to be friends. I really, really liked your hair and wanted to ask you the same. I was just too shy to do it, and thought that if I would I’d end up messing things up and mortifying myself. I miss that and you and I miss 2010 and I miss Tokyo, and walking back from school with you and Megumi (you were like my cool older sister), and I really, really miss doing each other’s hair. It was the most joyful I’d ever been in my then 8 years of life and every day was a new fragment of happiness to keep in my heart like a picture in a locket. 
Now I really want to go there again, and maybe go to the Shinjuku-Gyoen, or see the lights at night. I wish I could stay for a whole year and see how the trees can change from being highlighted cherry blossom pinks, to lush greens with summer dew on them, to golden ginkgo leaves. I’d keep them with me, too. I hope you can take me there one day and we can see everything together again. My apologies if I’m asking too much of you. 
Also, how is Megumi? I miss him too. Is he the way he was, still? Is everything okay between you and him, still? Unlike elementary school, the boys in junior high are all taller than the girls, so since we’re the same age do you think he’d be taller than me too? Is he taller than you, or are you still one of the tallest girls in junior high like how you were in elementary school? 
It’s very late and I still have so much I want to talk about with you, but I’m really sleepy now. My eyes are barely open and my face is about to fall on the paper, I think. Just know that I’m thinking of the two of you all the time. XX
Love, [Name] 
(P.S.: I still have your hair tie. Do you know if I’ll ever be able to give it back?) 
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The train to the airport is arriving in a minute, and you’re sure your mother won’t let you just wait for the next one, so you’re stuck clutching your little luggage bag as you look at Tsumiki and Megumi, that inseparable pair, and their snowy-haired “benefactor” (whatever that means. You think he’s more like their father sometimes, though). 
Even if you knew it was inevitable and that this day would eventually come, especially with your leaving Tokyo being pulled even earlier than you thought it would, a part of you pretended that you’d still get to stay with them for a little while longer. In Tokyo you’d solidified your place and built your roots— you had friends, were doing alright in school and had even begun to be less anxious about everything. Now you’d be uprooted again, you thought as your fists trembled, Now you’d be back to square one. 
2011 had started as a busy year— your father had begun preparations to move somewhere else where you and your mother could follow him and the three of you would be together again. It was busy for Tsumiki, too, who had more school matters to tend to due to her being one of the best, most well-rounded students in her year (you didn’t know much of the details). 
…it had also begun with you seeing a dog when you were alone with Megumi once. It had these unique markings on its head, with alabaster fur and jaundice-hued eyes. And Megumi then had a panicked look in his eye, asked how and why you could see them as well as whether you’d seen them before, which you suppose caused him to be busier after that, too. Tsumiki and Megumi’s benefactor visited you and your mother the night after, asking to speak with your mother and your mother alone. He paused before you, almost shocked, you supposed, but you couldn’t see through his pitch black sunglasses (he was one weird guy, seriously— pitch black sunglasses? Really?). To which she frowned, as the man uttered that you could be a “window”, but that you could still be able to use “cursed energy”, or something. You’d heard of neither of those, and weren’t able to eavesdrop or discern anything else they’d said. 
Then nobody else mentioned the dog anymore. 
If you questioned any of them, you’d only be told that the dog was a stray, and that those markings must have been a particularly special birthmark. Yet you knew it was all a lie, but after multiple tries you gave up on wondering. 
When you’d first learned you’d be moving yet again, you cried and screamed for your mother to let you stay, and for what felt like hours. After relaying this to Tsumiki, she just put her hand on yours before hugging you— always wise, always kind, always smiling, you can’t say this enough about her. Megumi patted your back before she pulled him in as well, and for once he didn’t shove her hand away. You couldn’t even bother to be confused at that— you just continued to weep as Tsumiki comforted you, whispering, “I can’t promise I’ll always be able to talk to you, but I’ll try my best to keep in touch when I can. And even if we don’t, we’ll always be friends, okay? So we’ll meet again someday, don’t forget that, okay, [Name]?” 
A day after that Megumi told you to stay safe. Nearly ordered you to swear you’d stay safe and protected, always. He said that the world was dangerous since it was full of dangerous creatures and people who could kill you at any moment, but as long as you were on an island like the one you were moving to, you’d be fine. You furrowed your brow at that as he held your hand and felt him squeeze it— subconsciously, most likely. 
“Well,” Tsumiki starts, a tinge of sadness in her tone, her eyes slightly swollen. Megumi’s expression is unreadable but his fists are balling the fabric of his shirt and his leg is shaking. It makes you want to sob and cling to both of them and you know if you did they wouldn’t ever let go, “I guess this is goodbye, [Name]…” 
Before you realise it, tears start pooling in your eyes and soon they’re trickling down your face uncontrollably, just like the day when you’d first met her. “We’ll still be friends, right?” You won’t leave me, right? 
“Mhm!” Tsumiki smiles— she was always smiling, always, even when she was about to cry along with you. Her lip was trembling and for a second you swore you could detect that in the ever-stoic Megumi, too. “It’s okay, you don’t have to worry. We’ll be friends forever, so we’ll surely see each other soon enough,” Tsumiki assures you, close to sniffling, “We made a promise to always be friends, right? So you’ll see the two of us again in just a few years’ time no matter what.” 
“Okay,” you sniff, “I’ll see the two of you when we’re all grown up, and… and I’ll be taller, too! I promise I’ll visit Tokyo next time!” 
“...that’s good,” Megumi says, his leg still shaking discreetly, joining you and Tsumiki’s conversations in a way he’d rarely done. 
Tsumiki nods, “Yeah. That sounds really, really good, [Name]. Wait—! Let me give you something. You can call it a gift!” 
She takes it off, and her hair unfurls like flowers from bouquets after they’re untied, placing the red-ribbon hair tie securely in your palm. 
“Your hair tie?” you ask, “No, it’s okay—!” 
“Please, just… just keep it, okay? It’s a gift from Megumi and I to you, [Name]!”
Then you’re in her embrace again as you clutch the hair tie, while after a little hesitation Megumi joins in and you swear you can see their benefactor smiling— not just the smile he had when you first saw him, this one in particular seemed proud, fatherly, the same way your father did when you told him about how you were able to read through a whole book with beginners’ kanji in it. 
“You’re my best friends forever,” you whisper to them. It’s the truth and it’s a promise. 
The train halts with that chuffing sound all trains produce, and your mother holds the luggage as well as your other hand as you wave to them goodbye. 
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The phone continues to vibrate in your hands as you anxiously tap your foot on the ground. You’re sure it’s going to end up sore. Frantically, you press it almost forcefully to your ear when it stops ringing. “Tsumiki, Megumi!” 
“Are you alright? I saw the footage of the earthquake on the news, are you safe? Were you and Megumi evacuated, are you all safe? Please tell me whether you’re safe—!” 
“Megumi, it’s [Name]!— Don’t worry, we’re safe now.” 
Relieved, you sigh, “That’s good, that’s good,” you say, “It must’ve been really scary…” 
“Mhm— everything started shaking as if we were on some boat in the middle of the sea and the waves started getting wilder, and it was like the ground was rumbling.” 
You shiver. “That sounds so scary…— I’m glad you’re safe, though. I don’t know why stuff like that has to happen so quickly sometimes, and so suddenly, too. And it takes so many people along with it. I thought I could’ve lost the two of you.” 
“Well, we made a promise,” she tells you, “So don’t worry. —Oh! Megumi wants to talk to you. Here, Megumi.” 
“Are you alright?” he inquires, “Have you seen anything scary in the countryside?” 
“Huh? Oh, no, I haven’t seen anything. Why?” 
“Nothing. Just wanted to know.” Now that sounds like a bold-faced lie. 
“Uh-huh, okay.” 
“Hello? Is this Tsumiki? I need to ask if she’s alright—” 
“Oh, little [Name]?” a man says over the phone— the benefactor, you remember, “So sorry, she’s pretty busy right now… call next time, okay?”
“Hello? This is the Fushiguro house contact, right?” 
“Sorry, Tsumiki’s busy at the moment. Me too, actually.” 
“Megumi!” you smile, bringing the phone closer to your cheek in excitement, “How is everything?” 
“Good, to say the least,” he replies, “We’re just a bit busy. Sorry, but I’ve to hang up soon.” 
“Oh, oh-okay! Bye bye, Megumi!” 
“Hi, [Name] speaking. I called twice last month and a few days ago. Are you still busy?” 
“A little— well, Tsumiki is,” the voice on the other side says. You know it’s not Tsumiki, not yet at least. “She’s really sorry, [Name].” 
“No, no, it’s okay! I don’t want to bother any of you either, so thank you for telling me!” 
“Well, if you want I can try to get Tsumiki right now,” the voice offers. 
“Really? Thank you so much!”
The pause that ensues after is followed by the fifteen happiest minutes of your life since February this year. 
“[Name]? Is that you?” 
“Yeah! Hi, Tsumiki!” 
She gasps slightly in the way that children do when in awe or when someone finds out they’ll be eating their favourites for lunch. “Hello!” 
“How are you?” you ask.
“I’m good! Really busy, though, so I’m really sorry if I can’t call you as often… but everything’s been alright. You?” 
“Mm,” you hum, nodding your head even if she can’t see it, “I’m good, too!” 
You don’t know when you started heading to the phone and keying in the number, doing everything but ringing it. You’re busy, too— you’ve less time now to ring them up, and the last time you did, Tsumiki still apologised but sounded a little distant, just that one bit too busy to be able to tend to you. One step farther away from you. And Megumi was seldom ever the one by the phone. Still, you could understand why. You supposed they always had something going on that you never understood or never asked about. That would explain the incident with the unusually marked dog. No, they weren’t sketchy, but there was definitely something they must have known about the world that you didn’t. 
Now you don’t know if you can even muster the courage to talk to you or write to you. The distance between you has widened exponentially and you hesitate just a bit more every time you hold the phone and press its buttons. 
Then the phone rings, and after you hesitate once more, you put it down. 
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If there’s one thing you remember from about half of your life ago, it’s that your first crush was probably Fushiguro Megumi. 
You’re honestly surprised it wasn’t actually his sister. That over Tsumiki and her abundant compassion and beautiful soul, you’d feel your heart leaping and overflowing with warmth because of him instead. Constantly angry, never for once not irascible, always serious and aloof. You’re sure that if you’d met him now instead of back then you’d find him some asshole who you just wouldn’t be able to understand— why’d he always have to seem so angry? 
Yet it was a struggle, trying to understand him. It really was. Maybe you didn’t really have to understand anyone, much less Megumi. He never ceased being so serious and easily angered but you could tell from his eyes that he must have not intended to hurt anyone; half of the time you understood him: like when you could see that glint in your eyes that replaced what would have been a ghost of a smile on his lips, the other half of the time you didn’t: like whenever he shoved Tsumiki’s hand off his shoulder, and Tsumiki just continued to smile. Now, that really confused you. You’d thought about that for days before coming to the conclusion that you’d probably never find an answer. 
Conversely, Tsumiki was kind and patient. If you’d met her now you’d have fallen in love with her immediately and she probably wouldn’t even notice in that terribly goodhearted, unknowingly innocent way of hers. 
In retrospect it should have been more obvious: he scowled at you and if it were anyone else who did so to you back then you would have merely cried and closed in on yourself, yet you never did when it came to him. You just continued to stick to him like those kind of glue residuals left behind after you take a sticker off a table or a price tag from the back cover of a book. You were probably annoying like that. And to some degree you suppose he’d given you his own form of special treatment by letting you do so anyway. 
If you’d known what you were feeling back then you probably wouldn’t have admitted anything, anyway. Probably you would’ve kept it all within you, quiet and unnoticed, trying to drown yourself into life’s backdrop like an insect engulfed in resin. 
But you’re older now, more mature and slightly more outspoken; you’re going to try to be confident and meet someone, this one person alone who you can only meet now without his sister there just because you used to have a crush on him and— 
You don’t think you’d be able to admit anything either. Yet to yourself he’s the first. He always will be, and you’re not sure whether that sounds pathetic, miserable or disgustingly, hopelessly delusional, considering you don’t even want to pursue anything yourself. 
It’s going to be Valentine's Day soon and you’re quite sure that most of your school friends are making Valentine’s chocolates for their boyfriends or their crushes. In all truthfulness, you might as well not feel blue about it— you’re 14, that’s still pretty young, you don’t have to rush things like relationships or confessions through and you’ve been told to focus on your studies instead— but the thought that you’re going to be alone is still kind of depressing. 
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Dear [Name], 
Don’t apologise— it’s partially my fault. I ended up being really busy that year due to something we had to deal with. 
But anyway, it’s been so long! I miss you every day as well! 
Megumi and I’ve been great, and I hope you’ve been too. It’s been a long four years since we last talked (it’s already 2015, how time flies!), but you still sound the same. It’s like you’ve got better handwriting now, though! 
Aside from the fact that I’ve been swarmed with stuff to do (I joined the student council, yay!), junior high has been okay, to say the least— and hey, I’m still pretty tall, you know? Plus, a lot of the teachers say I’m surprisingly tall for my age, heheh. Things are going the same as always. I’ve got accustomed to the loads of homework we have now too. But it’s like Megumi’s been having a problem lately— he’s getting into fights, beating people up, things like that. I wouldn’t call him a delinquent, though: moreso someone who beats the delinquents up instead. I know what he wants to do and why he does it, but I don’t want him to fight other people and get himself or others hurt. 
I’ve tried to tell him this before, to be honest. I’ve tried it many times but each time I must sound more annoying to him than the last— I don’t want to force him to do anything, though, and I understand that part of why he does this is because of his own ideals. I just want him to not raise his hand against others. So I have to resort to this. 
Sorry for spilling it all on paper like this… I just wanted someone to talk about this to, and I thought you would listen to me, I suppose. Sometimes it’s hard— sometimes I really do feel like his parent instead of his sister and it makes me feel so lonely, really. 
Oh dear, what do I do to make him hear me, seriously… 
Anyway, I totally get what you mean— I’ve stayed in Tokyo all my life, but I’m sure that if I was uprooted and had to live somewhere else I’d have lots of trouble. Tokyo to me is my home, and my whole life is here. Moving somewhere else would probably shatter it completely, I think. 
And please visit when you can! Maybe if your mother allows it, we can come to us instead, one day! And it’s not like we can’t visit you either. Our door’s always open. Once this school year ends, perhaps we could stay with you for a night or two! (If you would have us, of course). 
Besides that, I don’t really have much to say. I did have a good day today, though. I went out with some of my friends from school after our classes ended and we ate some donuts. They were so tasty!!! Honestly, whenever you have the time, I really recommend going there with some of your friends after school!! 
Regardless, I think this is all I have to say in this letter. I promise I’ll try my utmost best to always set aside time to write to you!!! Get some good rest whenever you can, okay? Miss you always! 
(P.S.: Do you have an email or a phone number of your own yet? If so, please shoot me an email or give me a call! I can reply more there since I have those now and can use those instead of always relying on our house contact.  You can keep the hair tie, too, by the way! It can be like a memoir (*^▽^*). And it’s for you, after all!) 
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You remember seeing a little dog one time back in your hometown when you were around six or seven years old. 
It was a tiny little thing, with the fluffiest black fur you’d ever stroked, and though every second it was barking louder than your mother could ever handle, it was adorable and seldom threatened to bite anyone. And it liked you— it never barked at you and let you shower it with pets despite how much it had frightened you initially. 
He was irritable but calm, someone who frowned and scolded but never raised his hand against anyone— not even that “benefactor” of his who you’d never heard him talk about without mentioning how much he’d like to punch him someday. You genuinely don’t think he’s ever done so, either. He doesn’t seem like the type: from what you remember, if he were to think he’d hurt someone he knew or evidently cared about— as much as he’d like to deny this, however— he would blame everything on himself, you think. He’d feel the guilt rake through his body and lacerate his skin, piercing through his ribs. Yet he’d keep living, and he wouldn’t tell anyone about it; he’d be so quietly miserable. 
That’s what he was like: quietly miserable. There’s a certain sorrow in the way he does things; you could tell this from the start despite how young and inept at articulating yourself you were at that age. But you’d always known and sensed that there was a sadness running through him, coursing through his veins, one that you could feel like heat from the warm blood beneath one’s skin. 
Today you wonder if he’s the same, if he still seems like the saddest person you’ve ever met, if he still seems like he would have been the saddest and most doleful had he not always tried to act as if otherwise, living defiantly against it. If he hadn’t always been able to keep living while suffering quietly like a child with nothing but muffled sobs in the desolate corner of an empty classroom. 
But at eight you thought maybe you could liken Megumi to a puppy. Or something like that. He certainly reminded you of that all-bark-no-bite puppy from the past. You wondered how it was now, whether it was still being fed and taken care of. 
Tsumiki was vastly different, though— the kindest girl you ever knew, with neat, soft hair and the type of handwriting all the girls in her class wanted to have. She was always smiling, always kind— you thought she was immensely wise for a girl around your age; you always wanted to be as amazing of a person as she was: always hardworking, always clever, always kind and forgiving, no matter what. 
…you don’t even know why you’re thinking about some kids you met once who you’ll probably never see again. Just two kids who you never kept in touch with. Or at least never tried to. You had their contact— you tried talking to Tsumiki a few times, but for some reason she could only ever reply once or twice (she apologised profusely for not being available any time she picked up as well), and as time passed the way the distance between the two of you grew, by the summer of 2011 you’d begun holding a telephone close to your ear without keying any number in it, as if clinging onto it would provide you with any sort of closure. 
You miss them, though: smiley Tsumiki and frowny Megumi. 
Leaning back into the mattress, you trace your fingers over the hair tie on your wrist, fingers rubbing against each thread of fabric in its red ribbon. 
Could you even talk to them or face them anymore after ceasing contact with them for years, though? Heck, you don’t even know whether they’re alive or not. Would they be angry at you? Disappointed? Feeling as if they’d been wronged or left behind? 
Still, you miss them. You really do. 
Your mother’s calls bring you downstairs, and you eat until your stomach is full before washing your plate. The only other step in your routine now is to head up and retreat to your room again. 
“Come down, [Name], could you?” your mother says, interrupting your trip back up, “I just want to talk to you for a second.” 
Now, that… that was a bit strange. Your mother rarely ever asked you to talk to her. You spent enough time with each other as is, doing almost everything else besides being in school or at work in the same house, even if it never meant asking about each others’ day. It just was never part of the conversations you had with each other. You’d ask where she wanted you to throw things or how you could cook something, but she’d never go out of her own way to learn about your own day since you were about nine or ten, and it wasn’t like you ever did either. Perhaps she was trying to make the effort to? 
“What is it?” 
“You like writing, honey?” 
“I mean, I guess so?” you reply hesitantly, “As long as it’s not for school or my grades don’t rely that heavily on a task, writing can be pretty fun.” 
“Good, good,” she remarks, nodding her head, “Actually, I recently found something you may be interested in online. You still have your friend and her brother’s house contact, right?” she questioned. Instantly you know which friend she’s referring to and say yes— how could you not, after all? “Ever heard of pen pals, darling?” 
Which brings you to where you are now: your mother leaning by the door frame of your room as you’re hunched over the table writing the letter. Surprisingly, she really seemed to care about this, even preparing the prettiest paper you’d ever seen, with pastel pink patterns printed on the paper’s edges, and though you struggled with what to say it first the words have begun spilling out of you despite how late it’s started to get. 
You wonder whether she’ll reply. She probably will, though, but a fragile part of yourself surmises that she may not, and although you’d like to talk to her again you fear that because of the time that’s passed things may just not be the same anymore. You wonder if the years have made the three of you infinitely different than your eight and nine year old selves. 
But that was growth, right? So you had to grow and learn how to talk to her, learn how to face her without thinking that she’d be angered or frustrated, or anything like that. And even if she did, even if it would hurt you, you’d be able to live. The world would keep spinning and all that would be lost were two friends who you lived without for about four years, ceteris paribus. Who could claim that the seventy or so years after those four would be any different? 
That’s why you took the pen and paper and started to write, telling yourself you’d face it and finish the letter no matter what. Even if it was short. Even if it wouldn’t be enough to express four years’ worth of unspoken words, from funny things that had happened in school, or what you thought of whatever was on the news, or how your parents had gotten you a new phone. 
As your eyelids gradually grow heavier, you watch how you fill two whole pages in the handwriting you have— you wish it could have been at least a tad bit more similar to Tsumiki’s, who never needed any boxes or lines to write completely straight and uniform for each character as if copying excerpts from finely printed books to the letter. 
Soon, you’re reaching the end of the letter, determined to keep the handwriting legible even if you feel like plopping your head on the table and falling asleep— to some degree you still need it to look presentable, after all. 
“(P.S.: I still have your hair tie. Do you know if I’ll ever be able to give it back?)” 
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@bakananya, @sindulgent666, @shartnart1, @lolmais, @mechalily, @pweewee, @notsaelty, @nattisbored
(please send an ask/state in the notes if you’d like to join! if I can't tag your username properly, I've written it in italics. so sorry for any trouble!)
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pomrania · 5 months
Could They Survive Investigating Kira?
To clarify, this is about the Kira murders from Death Note, not the other manga/anime which has a serial murderer named Kira who kills via supernatural means. Insert "two nickels" meme here.
@couldtheycatchkira asks if a given character could catch Kira, and would they survive. Here, I'm focusing on the second part, and how to consider it. I've broken it down into four major questions:
Are they capable of dying (and staying dead)?
Are they capable of being killed by the Death Note?
Would Kira be able to kill them?
Would Kira choose to kill them?
1. Are they capable of dying (and staying dead)?
If a character cannot die, cannot be killed by any method whatsoever, won't even die from old age, then they survive investigating Kira; they survive ANY circumstance. You don't need to look at any further question, in order to get your answer (although you might choose to, just for enjoyment purposes).
Under this category, I'd also include characters with explicit good luck and/or uncanny ability to survive situations that should have killed them, where they're theoretically capable of dying, but circumstances arrange themselves such that it never actually happens. Not to be confused with "protagonist immortality", where a character survives because if they died the story would be over; this is a character who basically has indirect immortality as a superpower. Or they could fall under the category of "God's favourite chew-toy", where some higher (or lower) power simply won't let them die or stay dead.
Conversely, is the character capable of SURVIVING? In other words, how inherently doomed are they? If they were in a story where "character death" is a possibility, are they a character who's guaranteed to die? Note that this is distinct from being "doomed by the narrative", because that's doomed by ONE PARTICULAR narrative, and "getting Kira-murdered while investigating" might or might not fit their narrative doom.
This is also where I raise the issue of resurrection, and limited immortality. If a character dies but comes back to life, then they count as "surviving"; they need to STAY dead, in order to count as "does not survive". And if they're generally immortal (or at least unkillable), but can be killed under certain specific circumstances, then the question moves to "would Kira be able to figure out, and create, those circumstances".
2. Are they capable of being killed by the Death Note?
If they're immune to Kira's only real weapon, then they won't be killed by Kira; and unless they're otherwise doomed (see above), they'd survive.
Some characters, while capable of dying, outrank shinigami, or have connections that equate to such. The Death Note wouldn't work on them, for similar reasons as how an employee can't fire the head of their company.
Then there's non-human characters. This can be tricky, because in the world of Death Note, there's humans and there's shinigami, and the Note explicitly works on humans but not shinigami. To keep things fun and interesting, I'd say that any type of sapient mortal counts as a potential Death Note victim in the same way "human" does, because otherwise it gets boring; blanket immunity should be reserved for characters who specifically have it.
As for non-sapient and/or non-mortal characters… I don't have any overarching advice for them, except maybe see if you get a definitive answer in the next questions, and if not then you can use "might or might not be able to be killed by the Death Note" as a tie-breaker.
I think this is also the level to look at "characters who couldn't die from a heart attack". The Death Note CAN kill via other methods, but "heart attack" is the default. For this, you need to consider if Kira would REALIZE that simply writing the character's name down (to give them a heart attack) wouldn't suffice, and if he'd be able to figure out a method that WOULD work; but that shades into the next question.
3. Would Kira be able to kill them?
There's two major categories to this question; the issues Kira ran into in his story, and issues we get from characters who aren't "baseline human". I'll start with the second category.
Some characters have unorthodox death requirements, like non-human biology (or equivalent processes if non-biological), or limited immortality. Would Kira be able to figure out that he needs to do something different to kill them, and would he be able to figure out WHAT he needs to do?
Then, the "standard" issues, and what people first think of when they consider "would this character survive investigating Kira". In order for Kira to be able to kill someone, he first needs to know that they exist; then, their full name and how to spell it, and what their face looks like. If he doesn't have all three of those, then that character is safe from being Kira-murdered (but might still die in other ways).
4. Would Kira choose to kill them?
This factor seems to get neglected a lot, judging from the amount of times I've seen "lol they're a public figure, they'll die immediately". But Kira doesn't kill everyone whose identity he knows, because otherwise he'd be easy to locate, as the epicentre of mass death.
First, does the character fit his normal victim profile? If so, then he tries to kill them (which might or might not succeed, as detailed in the previous three questions), even if he doesn't know that they're investigating him.
Next, does he consider them a potential threat? If he doesn't know the character is even INVESTIGATING him, or if he thinks they're incompetent as an investigator, or if he believes he's sufficiently outsmarted them, then they're not a threat, and he has no reason to kill them.
Finally, does he have a reason NOT to kill them? Does he believe they should be left alive, on their own merits; or, more commonly, does he feel that they'd pose more of a threat to him dead than alive? For example, this could be them having information that would get sent out automatically upon their death, or being in a situation where suspicion would fall on him specifically if they die in an unnatural manner.
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ghysry · 1 month
Character pairing: Five/Reader, Five Hargreeves/reader, Five Hargreeves & Reader, Five & reader
Tags: Mentions of death, slight fourth wall breaking, Reader has the power to change the narrative, the first part is boring, the second part is under construction, basically an introduction to what the reader can do! Honestly you don't have to read this but I needed to get started on something, wow that is one long tag, Red text is when reader changes the narrative/fourth wall breaks!
Parts: Part one (you are here!), part two
"The narrative"
There are plenty of things you regret in life. Whether it be telling someone about your feelings or the death of a family member you just wish you could turn back time to stop from happening - the regret is there, or maybe it isn't, but the clear wish to change the narrative is strong enough that you can't ignore it. Which is why you're a particularly lucky one. Being one of the children born from one of the 43 mothers around the world who either had their kids stolen or bought from them, died or killed. Some, you're sure, probably killed their own mother in the time of their birth. A stomach not welded for a child after all isn't a stomach that will survive.
Fortunately enough, your power wasn't anything that would physically change your appearance either. Actually, your power would've helped you change your appearance at any time, it was honestly convenient had you not gone insane decades ago because of it. The power to change the narrative, or in other words, control, was gifted to you simply because you were born on a specific day at a specific time. You were allowed to play god...kind of. You had to write out the original god for every universe and made sure to rewrite in the narrative that you are truly the one and only. Doesn't seem very hard to change the narrative does it? Well, until they started introducing scripts.
Which is what led you to here, on your pastel painted bicycle paddling around someone's version of heaven, waiting for Klaus to die and end up here so you both could talk. Being someone who had control over everything was extremely overwhelming, and of course sometimes you can't just use your power for everything, so, you have to do things the normal human way. Aka, posing as a god to one of Five's brothers so you could pass on a message. You and Five have met before a considerable amount of times, in the first script while he was in the apocalypse, you erased the part where The Handler came and got him, instead, you did.
Long story short, he kind of likes you, but you're a really big fan of those niche slow burns so you decided it would be best to change the narrative to fit that type. Blinking in and out of his life was easy enough, finding the right time to do so was harder than you thought it would be. First, you initiated first contact - aka appearing beside him while he was travelling through the apocalyptic world at the physical and mental age of 17, yet to time travel nor join the commission. Then, you slowly gave him doses of affection over the years, even going as far as to change your appearance to make him believe you were growing up with him. And after he trusted you enough, you pulled him into the commission. It was a cannon event, as they say, so you didn't want to interfere that much, because like it or not, you started falling for him too.
It's raining, the patter of water droplets hitting his clothing was enough to alert him of your presence. It always rained when you got here, that much was certain. It was only where you'd end up in that he had to figure out for himself. Once, it even rained for a week straight before he found you, in some abandoned old house with a TV that was still working. He was shivering by the time he got inside, and you laughed, telling him he looked like a wet dog before handing him a coat jacket. This time around though, you appeared right behind him, his senses alerting the nerves circulating his body that the love of his life was here. Well, the love of his life..as he knew it. It was common knowledge to him that you didn't like him like that, which is why it's only in his head that you two are happily married.
He swivelled to look at you in the face, the similar smile you held every time you appeared was something he didn't want to erase from his mind, never in a million years. "Marigold, you're back." He gulped, pulling at his collar and looking around nervously like a high school boy who was partnered with his crush for a dance. You nodded along, stepping forward and being wary of the rubble surrounding the two of you, this was your big time to shine, you couldn't afford to trip on a little rock now. Well, you could, to be fair, but rewriting the script again would make you lose more marbles than you already lost. "Five, I have to show you something." You, Marigold, well, that's not your actual name but you thought it would be really funny if he called you a nickname by the flower that doomed him and his family from the day they were born.
Eventually you got him to join the commission.
And now you're here, getting annoyed that the person you were supposed to meet is almost late. Well, everything is always on time but you pride yourself on being early, which is why you expected everyone else to be early too - could this guy really take any longer to get here? All he has to do is die for godsake. With the sudden sound of a flutter, grass being pushed aside by a body that just appeared, you stopped peddling your bike and waited for Klaus to gain his lucidity back and notice you there. "Klaus." You called out, hearing him groan before getting up to stare at you, he wasn't exactly standing but he wasn't sitting either, he was kind of on his side with his arm propping him up and a slurred look on his face.
"Oh hey god thing..person..ma'am," Klaus hummed, smiling cheekily. It wasn't the first time you two met and it definitely won't be the last. "I need you to tell Five that Marigold said he looks good in the outfit with the hat." You whispered, still however being on your bike, making it a little hard for you to say what you needed to say. "Your name is marigold?" , "Shush, druggie. Go back to the land of the living now." You tapped him on the shoulder with your shoe, hearing his protests disappear into thin air, and so did he.
"Brrrhhh," Klaus shook, feeling his body return to him, it felt like he just dreamt of a place called the void, but then again in the void it also felt like he was dreaming his entire life up. He coughed and stuttered, Diego's hand on his back bringing him closer to real life faster than usual. "God you really have to stop scaring us like that Klaus." Allison, to his other side, dipped down to discipline him like a child, which is in tune with her character, seeing as she is a mother. "Wait wait wait uhm, uh, where's Five?" Klaus snapped back in - or dare you say, locked in, before aggressively getting up and almost dragging Diego down to trip and fall flat on his ass while using him as a support.
"Five? Well-" Allison stepped backwards, a look of confusion on her face before she was cut off with Five blinking in front of Klaus, apple juice in a fancy glass on his right hand and the will of America - aka a gun - in his left. "Right here," he sipped his pretend margarita, staring Klaus up and down judgementally like a blonde middle aged soccer mom towards the college drop out cashier in a random Walmart. Klaus snapped his fingers, trying to remember whatever it was he had to say to Give that was so important. "Err, uhh, okay here it is, Marigold told me to tell you that she really liked your outfit with the hat," Klaus looked at Five's face for any kind of reaction, violent or not.
"You know Marigold?!"
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
I really like South Park fractured but whole, so maybe you could do Team Stan + Butters reacting to their s/o wanting to be their hero sidekick?
Ughhhhh that’s such a good request. I was like, about to say that my requests are closed but lately I’ve been in a funk and really obsessed with tfbw so NVM I’M WRITING THIS! It might get me out of that funk I was talking about, I need to write anyways. Btw this is all like, aged up to highschool at the very least. You can't tell me they wouldn't still roleplay during highschool because I know damn well they would
You can kinda tell which ones I didn't put too much effort in sorryyyy I just didn't know what to write also also also ignore any mistakes
Cartman, The Raccoon
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• Cartman literally gets so excited it's funny, but if you say anything about him being excited he flips you off and tells you that you can't be his sidekick (he's lying)
• He kinda thinks of everyone on the team as his sidekicks but you're like, his special sidekick and he'll never admit it
• He loves having you as his sidekick, NOW IT'S LIKE ALL OF YOUR MISSIONS ARE DATES!
• Cartman literally throws a fit anytime he has a mission you can't go on, he wants you there SO FUCKING BAD but he'll never tell you that
• He's weirdly protective of you but it's really nice (this totally isn't based off me talking to the Cartman character ai)
• You definitely bring snacks for you guys during patrol and I swear to god his pupils are hearts I'm not even kidding
• In my opinion, patrols and stakeouts with Cartman would be the best
• Out of all of them, he's the one you do the most with. Every other night there's some sort of crazy bullshit y'all deal with
• Most of the crazy bullshit being because Cartman caused it but shhhhh we don't talk about it
• Being his sidekick is a soild 7/10, he can get a lil selfish but he's really fun
Kyle, Human Kite
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• Kyle's excited but more nervous than anything, he doesn't have anything to worry about tho!
• Y'all are a pretty good duo, even though you don't normally go on missions where y'all have to fight
• You guys work more with damage control, I mean kites are pretty fragile and mans is a human kite alien so like
• Not to say he's weak, he's far from it actually! He just has pretty low health and stuff ya know?
• HOWEVER! You're a pretty good healer so it just makes sense that y'all are always near each other on the battlefield, plus sidekick so yeah
• Not only do y'all usually do damage control but also a pretty good amount of recon
• Half of the time you guys end up getting caught and have to run away so you get to be on Kyle's back as y'all are gliding the hell out of there
• Its like, surprisingly fun to be gliding. The wind in your hair and the excitement is the best
• Anyways, because y'all don't see combat too often the patrols are really calm. Sometimes even a little boring but you don't mind, neither of you are getting hurt and that's all that matters
• 9/10, it's kinda boring sometimes but it's pretty nice to be with your bf. At least y'all don't get hurt and can goof off during patrol
Stan, Toolshed
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• Stan's kinda indifferent about it, he's like "cool you're joining me... why?"
• Don't get me wrong, he thinks it's cool you wanna join him! He just doesn't get it too much, isn't it gonna be boring for you?
• Well, ya know what? Now he has someone to spend sleepless nights with when he's on patrol!
• Ngl he underestimated how much he would enjoy having you by his side, he's not lonely anymore AND SOMEHOW HE DIDN'T NOTICE HOW LONELY HE WAS TILL YOU JOINED HIM
• Ahhh, imagine if you had tool themed super powers too?? Y'all share some of his dads power tools and have to awkwardly try fixing them when they somehow break during battle
• You can't tell me Stan hasn't broken them before! He literally throws screwdrivers at people and shoves power tools into the ground, they have to break at some point
• Good thing you guys somewhat know how to fix things, y'all both probably would've been dead multiple times if you didn't know how to repair the shit y'all break
• Y'all have definitely had to clean blood off the tools at the end of patrols/nights. Literally almost every time, he really has to stop throwing screwdrivers at people
• Anyways, Stan thinks you're the best sidekick ever and he loves having you around. Having you as his sidekick is really fun overall, he wouldn't trade you for literally any other
• Being his sidekick is a good 8/10, it's not the best thing to clean blood off tools at 2 am but you don't mind too much
Kenny, Mysterion
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• Part of Kenny is over the moon! The other part, not so much
• He doesn't want you to get hurt while you're his sidekick so he's probably a lot more careful on his missions than he usually is
• There's definitely a lot of flirting between y'all tho, he gets SO cocky when he's Mysterion. Its one of his favorite things to get you flustered and flirt with you like, mid battle
• He doesn't die as much as he used to now that you're there so that's nice! He can't bare having you see him die tbh
• Y'all often patrol more dangerous parts of town so you guys see combat REALLY often
• I mean it's not Kenny's fault that homeless methheads and rednecks keep trying to kill you guys. It's whatever, he's good at fighting and so are you!
• You are by no means delicate, no matter how much he tries to protect you from all the battle you still end up seeing it anyways
• He kinda thinks it's hot that you're so good at fighting, he's literally like "damn bbg, you can beat my ass any day"
• Kenny never gets used to you flirting back with him, he practically short circuits. You think it's cute how he can flirt so easily but get so flustered when it's reciprocated
• In my opinion, being his sidekick is 8.5/10 because of all the fighting and flirting
Butters, Professor Chaos
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• Omg Butters is ecstatic! He didn't know how you knew he was Professor Chaos but he doesn't dwell on it too much
• Now you guys can bring all the chaos your little heart desires to South Park and he's so happy about it
• First South Park, then WORLD DOMINATION!
• You're not exactly one of his henchmen and he doesn't have the heart to call you his sidekick, you're something higher than henchman?
• Does it really matter? He's gonna bring chaos to the world with you by his side and that's all that really matters in his opinion
• Every time Cartman and his hero team beat him up after foiling his plans you always end up having to patch him up which is kinda annoying but it's fun to scheme with Butters during that time
• You definitely end up being the one who reminds him of his common sense, you're kinda like his rock in a way?
• He's so glad to have you by his side, plus now that you're here his plans actually succeed sometimes!
• The younger henchman all ship you guys considering most of them don't know y'all are actually dating, it's pretty endearing
• Solid 8/10, you rarely get hurt and it's kinda painful to see Butters hurt but y'all have a good time in general
No hear me out, like I wanna pick them all up and hug them like teddy bears. They're all so cute as kids even tho Cartman would probably and most likely has committed war crimes they're my lil cutie patooties. They're literally all really close to my height but I don't care I wanna hug them like teddy bears
If anyone has any recs for places to buy like, nice plushies of them I would appreciate it <3333
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stylesispunk · 11 months
"I Couldn't want you anymore"
Artist!Joel Miller x Florist! Reader
series masterlist | prev chapter | next chapter
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summary: when Sarah's mom comes back into Joel's life to fight for their past relationship, Joel needs to convince her he is in a happy relationship with the florist next to his gallery in order to make her go away. The problem is, that he and the florist can't stand each other's guts or that it's what he thinks.
warning: age gap (Joel is 36 and reader is 28). Remember that "Bee" is the reader's nickname, slightly angst, fluff, SO MUCH FLUFF. Things are getting better. no proofreading
a/n: This one is more than 5k. This one is a lovely chapter. The last one didn't do well, so I hope you like this one better. I think I will write two more chapters of this fic, but I think! I'm already working on another thing. Thanks for all those who read this! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated, and please, share your thoughts with me. I love reading your comments. You can send me any ask if you want. No proofreading because I'm too tired :( Happy reading!
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Was there something wrong with you?
There should have.
The constant infinite feeling of being the people pleaser had stolen things from you before. Some dreams, opportunities and chances of loving someone. You had always chosen others before even chose you, you had always hurt yourself before even thinking on hurting someone else, because that was the way life had been for you. You being the one pleasing others, you being the once giving up chances, you being the once being the second option, and now that you were the first for someone, it was scary.
You acknowledge you weren’t Joel’s first person he loved. Nor you were the first person he looked at, but you were the one he was looking at now, and you feared you weren’t enough for him to stay. Perhaps you were ashamed to take instead of giving this time.
The truth was, you wanted so desperately be loved at the same time you begged to be left alone. And how could you not if you biggest fear was ended up alone in a world where love was an idea instead of a romantic sacrifice conveying in a language only two people could understand
You just never thought you’d get this attached to him.
You just never thought you would have to wake and dream about his eyes, the prettiest you’ve ever came across with in a reality you didn’t see before. His eyes were pretty because you were in love with them, they were special because they looked at you with and adoration you weren’t able to see before. And how could you look away nod that you have seen that?
“I feel like a damn tall child, you know?” you said at Lily “It feels like I need to be told what I have to do.
looked at you with a sympathetic smile and replied, "I can see where you're coming from, but love doesn't come with a rulebook, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer to how to navigate it. Joel cares about you, that's clear. And you've given so much of yourself to others over the years; maybe it's time to let someone give back to you."
You nodded in agreement, but the fear still lingered in the corners of your heart. It was a fear that had been with you for as long as you could remember, a fear of abandonment, of not being enough. It was a fear born from a lifetime of people-pleasing, always putting others first and neglecting your own desires and needs.
Lily continued, "You deserve to be loved, truly loved, without constantly second-guessing whether you're worthy of it. It's okay to let someone in, to allow yourself to be vulnerable. Love is a two-way street, and Joel chose to be with you because he sees something in you that he cherishes. Trust in his feelings for you."
You sighed, knowing that Lily was right, but the vulnerability of it all was still terrifying. You had become so used to being the giver, the one who made sacrifices, that being on the receiving end was an unfamiliar and unsettling experience.
“What if he gets bored of waiting for me?” you asked
“Why would him?” Lily questioned.
You Sighed, a mix of clouding thoughts invaded your head "I don't know, Lily. I've built this life that I was happy with, and Joel came along, and it's like everything has been turned upside down. I love him, but it's scary how much he's changed things for me."
Lily gave you a thoughtful look. "Maybe it's not about him ruining your life, but about him being the one you dreamed about” she smiled before continued “Remember when we were kids and we dreamed about our prince charming coming to us”
You nodded at her, gracing a small smile at the memory “Fairy tales aren’t real”
“I’m not saying they are, but,” she paused to hold your hands in a comfort way “I believe there’s someone out there for you because you deserved it”
“How do you know is Joel?” you genuinely questioned.
“Oh no. That’s something only you know” she replied.
“I think he fits perfectly fine to what I dreamed of someone” you added, knowing deep inside that you should your heart won this time.
“You have your answer then, try things with him”
You took Lily's words to heart, her reassurance helping to ease some of the doubt that had been haunting you. The love you felt for Joel was real, and perhaps it was time to embrace it without the goshts of insecurity.
Lily smiled and gave you a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "I'm here for you, Bee, and I think Joel truly cares about you. Give it a chance, and maybe you'll find something worth it”
“You’re only saying this because he is your brother-in-law” you joked.
For the first time in days, you felt at ease and carefree. You knew that there was so much more to life than just finding someone who will love you, but you still want drown yourself in the arms of someone without fear, and just enjoy the warm water caressing your skin.
As the days went by, you tried to open about your own feelings, gathering the thoughts and the courage to let yourself be vulnerable not in front of Joel, but you. To understand that you had the power to make choices about your feelings and acknowledge them. To feel less afraid that some else could hurt you and know that you could take care of yourself, and you will always be. But someone else could joined it, too. And you wanted it to be Joel.
Back when you two first met, you didn’t have to pick Joel. You both had crossed paths by fate and there was an instant connection that both of you ignored for so long, even when the chemistry was there. The lips curving in small smiles once you were together, the spark in the eyes. You understood you weren’t screwed, but lucky.
You weren’t looking for love months ago, nor planning to fall for someone, but Joel happened and there was it. You didn’t want to look at anyone else anymore.
And for Joel, you were the same. You were it. Yes, your heart was heavy, but it was open and ready to face every challenge that lay ahead. Whatever the outcome, you knew it was time to get the answers you'd been looking for days.
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After a few days, one afternoon, as you were contemplating your feelings, you received a text message that caught you by surprise.
Can you stop by the gallery?
You smiled at the screen, not knowing what to answer,after days of silence, you couldn't help but feel the anticipation creeping in your body. Joel's gallery had become a small symbol of a story you wanted to write with him, a place where your connection had first blossomed and you wondered what could be so important for him to text after days of radio silence between two of you.
Your heart raced at the thought of seeing him again and what this conversation might entail.
Of course, I’ll be there at 8 PM.
The gallery had seen the beginnings of your written pages, and tonight, it might witness a significant turning point in your relationship with Joel.
As you waited for the clock to hit 8 p.m., the hours appeared to fly by. Thoughts and emotions raced inside you, with feelings of adrenaline, worry, and panic. You arrived at the gallery a bit early since you didn't want to keep Joel waiting.
You took a deep breath and gathered your thoughts before walking to the gallery, with your heart pumping with every step. When you saw the familiar sight of the gallery's entrance, you entered the space, looking for Joel. The soft glow of the gallery lights offered an inviting glow over the pieces of art on show.
Each piece of artwork had recollections of your previous meetings, each painting and sculpture giving silent witness to your romance path. You remembered the day he kissed you for the first time in front of Lauren, and how upset you were at him for it, then the first real kiss he gave you that night, when he was tracing the canvas of your face. and now, your heart squeezed at the thought of loving him so much.
Your steps echoed in the empty gallery as you reached the center of the space, waiting for Joel to come out. But when he did, he seemed speechless and confused at your presence there, as if you were interrupting his peace.
“Bee? What are you doing here?”  Joel's voice held a touch of surprise as he looked at you.
You furrowed your brows, a little confused. "You sent me a text, Joel. You asked me to come."
He seemed puzzled for a moment, and then he shook his head. "I didn't send any text."
You hesitated, wondering if there had been a misunderstanding. "Well, I received one from you, Joel."
“You know? I’m really busy right now, Bee.” He said, telling you to leave him alone.
“But wait” he said going into his office looking for something. “Since you’re here, you should have this” handing you the keys to your flower shop. You accepted them, feeling a sense of disbelief. “I don’t know if you want to reopened it but, whatever your choice is, is up to you”
“That’s all?” you ask, dumfounded.
Joel nodded; his tone distant. "What else can I say?"
You were agape by his tone towards you.
“I- “
“I’m really busy, I’m behind the schedule with so many things because of the accident so, if you could go – “
His response left you somewhat stunned, and you were at a loss for words. "I... I didn't expect this."
Joel's expression remained a little off "What did you expect?"
You took a deep breath, trying to collect your thoughts. "Well, I thought I came here to discuss... us."
Joel's gaze met yours, and there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "What about us, Bee?"
You felt a lump in your throat, the weight of your not so silent feelings hanging in the air. "I wanted to give us a chance."
But his face remained the same, and once again you felt ashamed at receiving nothing but silence from him all over again.
“Okay” you said defeat less, walking towards the door with your heart in your hand.
“Don’t” he called out.
Joel's voice brought you to a halt just as you were about to leave. Your heart still heavy with the weight of your words and the uncertainty of his response. There was still a mix of hope and uncertainty still tugging at your heart.
"Bee, stop" he called once again.
You turned to face him. Your heart still ached from the uncertainty of what his words were going to be.
 "Please, tell me,” He urged, his voice tinged with hope. "Because there's no way I'm letting you go for a second time."
"Are you for real?" you questioned, your tone challenging as you took a step closer to Joel.
Joel's gaze burned into yours, his eyes filled with love. You felt a glimmer of hope in your heart as you looked at him. The air between you was charged with unspoken emotions.
“I’m obsessed with you”
Joel's admission sent shivers down your spine, and for the first time in a long while, you allowed yourself to feel hope. You took another step closer to him, your heart racing. The room seemed to shrink as the magnetic pull between you intensified.
"I love you so much," Joel continued, his voice filled with sincerity and affection. "And I want to spend my days proving it."
The world outside appeared to slip away as you got closer, leaving only you and Joel in your own small kingdom. The air tinged with thrills, and you couldn't deny the strong pull pulling you together. Your heart crested with a range of emotions, and you whispered, "Make me believe in you, Joel."
Joel grabbed for you without hesitation, pulling you into his arms, and your lips met in a sweet, urgent kiss. The rest of the world faded away at the same time, and the love you both felt for each other became the only reality that identified. It felt like religion was in his kisses.
As you finally pulled away, the intensity of the moment hung in the air. You locked eyes with Joel, your hearts intertwined in the delicate dance of love. There was no turning back now, and together, you were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on your path to healing and reconciliation.
The intensity of the moment lingered in the air as you finally pulled away. You locked gazes with Joel, your hearts in a delicate dance of love. There was no turning back now, and you were ready to face whatever obstacles awaiting you on the road.
Joel attached his gaze to yours, and for the first time in a while, his expression was prone to vulnerability "I love you, and I won't let you go again."
With those words, you knew that you were on the right path, you were safe and you knew your place was in his arms, no matter how challenging it might be.
"Okay, now you stay here," Joel said, gently grabbing you by your waist.
You raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were busy."
He smiled, his grip on your waist tightening slightly. "I don't care. I can do things with you here."
Joel walked you to a comfortable sofa in the gallery where you could sit and see him work. He went about his tasks, occasionally glancing your way with a warm smile that made your heart skip a beat. It was a simple moment, yet it meant everything to you both. The greatest masterpiece you were creating was the art of being together, sharing the same space in peace. 
“What would you say if a take you on a date tomorrow night?” he asked
Joel continued working, but the question hung in the air for a moment before you responded, "A date? You mean like an actual date?"
He chuckled and looked at you, his eyes filled with warmth. "Yes, an actual date. Dinner and everything."
A smile tugged at the corners of your lips, and you felt a rush of excitement. "I'd love that."
"Great," he said, returning his focus to his work. "I'll make sure it's a memorable night."
You admired him and were excited and grateful for what the future held. Joel was working on a new canvas, but it felt like you were both creating a beautiful portrayal of your love story.
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The next day, the sun bathed the city in a gentle, early morning light, filling your home with warmth and hope. You woke up feeling a little stuffy and achy all over, but you were so content and excited about the future of your relationship with Joel that you ignored any bad feeling. 
So, you went on with your routine, preparing a cup of coffee and tending to some flowers on your table, then your phone chimed.
Good morning, Bee. How about going to a restaurant tonight?
You couldn't help but smile at the thought of spending your night with him. It was a simple yet lovely idea.
Good morning, Joel. It sounds perfect. What time?
How about eight? I'll send you the location and I’ll wait for you there?
By the way, can’t wait to see you.
Can’t wait to see you too.
With a sense of excitement, you began to prepare for the day and eventual date, selecting the most beautiful clothes from your closet. You carefully chose an outfit that felt appropriate for the occasion. You chose an elegant red dress with a delicate floral pattern to show how attached you were to the flowers. You felt comfortable yet gorgeous in the gown, knowing that Joel was going to like how you would like.
You then styled your hair in loose waves to give you a natural and carefree look. You wanted this date to be as easy and enjoyable as your blossoming relationship with Joel.
You chose a small amount of makeup to accentuate your natural beauty as the finishing touch. You had a brilliant smile that brightened even more when you thought about him.
You couldn't help but feel a wave of happiness flooding over you as you glanced at yourself in the mirror. Today was the beginning of yet another lovely and real chapter in your journey with Joel, and you were ready to enjoy every moment of it.
But as you were ready, your stuffy nose and aching body didn’t help you to entirely enjoy the moment, so you decided to rest on your bed for a little while before going to you date with Joel, ten minutes would be enough for you to feel rested and freshen up.
But those ten minutes become three hours, and it was already ten past fifteen when you woke with a thud, your heart beating as you looked at the time. It had been two hours since you were scheduled to meet Joel at the restaurant. Panic gripped you as you hurriedly checked your phone. There were missed calls and messages from him, all of which were loaded with mounting anxiety.
Joel had made reservations at a cozy restaurant in town. He came early and waited for you, anxious to see you and make this evening memorable. However, an hour dragged into more, and you were still nowhere to be found.
Joel's impatience escalated to frustration, and he couldn't help but suspect that you had dumped him. He was upset and disappointed, and he was hurt that you had played with his feelings.
Just as he was about to leave, his phone chimed with a text message from you.
Hey Joel, I'm so sorry. I fell asleep. I’m feeling unwell, and I just woke up. I can't believe I missed our date. I genuinely didn't mean to. I understand if you're upset, but I hope you can forgive me. Please let me make it up to you.
Joel's frustration and disappointment were eased by your text message, which arrived just in time. He took a long breath and softened his look as he read your message, realizing that circumstances outside your control led to an unfortunate situation. It was evident that you had not intended to miss the date, and your words seemed genuine with real regret.
I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Of course, I forgive you. There's no need to make it up to me. Your well-being is more important. Let's reschedule for when you're feeling better.
Joel sent the response, satisfied and beaming, and set up a plan to surprise you and take the date to your house, while ensuring you felt well and cared for by him. 
Once you had changed into your pajamas and getting ready for bed. A knock on your door caught you off guard. You hurried to the door, not knowing who it could be. When you opened it, you were surprised to see Joel standing there with a warm smile on his face.
"Joel?" you said, both surprised and delighted to see him. "What are you doing here?"
He held up a bag in one hand and a bouquet of your favorite flowers in the other. "I couldn't let the evening go to waste, and I couldn't stand the thought of you feeling unwell and alone. So, I decided to bring the date to you."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you were touched by his thoughtfulness. You stepped aside to let him in, and he entered with a charming grin. "I hope you don't mind me crashing your place."
You shook your head with a smile, feeling a sense of warmth and love wash over you. "Not at all. I'm just so happy you're here," you walked closer to him “Joel, I'm so sorry about tonight."
Joel smiled warmly and handed you the flowers and a box of chocolates. "No need to apologize, Bee. Are you feeling better?” he asked as he touched your face.
You sighed in relief as you felt Joel's gentle touch on your face. "I'm still a bit under the weather, but seeing you here makes me feel much better."
He nodded; You sighed in relief as you felt Joel's gentle touch on your face. "I'm still a bit under the weather, but seeing you here makes me feel much better."
He nodded; his eyes filled with concern. "I'm here to take care of you tonight, so no need to worry about a thing. How about we enjoy a cozy dinner at your place, just the two of us?"
You couldn't help but smile at his proposal. "That sounds perfect, Joel." his eyes filled with concern. "I'm here to take care of you tonight, so no need to worry about a thing. How about we enjoy a cozy dinner at your place, just the two of us?"
You couldn't help but smile at his proposal. "That sounds perfect, Joel."
and the two of you improvised a romantic dinner at your dining table, complete with candlelight and a cozy ambiance. You realized that being together at home, in such a comfortable and familiar setting, was just as special as going out. In fact, it might have been even better. You were in your little bubble and nobody’s watching as how you could love in secret.
As you shared a meal and talked, Joel's presence reassured you that he genuinely cared for you and wanted to make your relationship work. The date, despite its unusual setting, turned out to be a beautiful and memorable evening that brought you closer together.
Following the romantic dinner, the two of you went to the living room and cuddled up on the couch. You decided to keep the night cozy by watching a movie together.
You nestled against Joel's side as the opening titles rolled on the screen, his arm wrapped around you, pulling you closer. You could feel his warmth and the steady cadence of his heartbeat.
You nestled against Joel's side as the opening titles rolled on the screen, his arm wrapped around you, pulling you closer. You could feel his warmth and the steady cadence of his heartbeat.
The movie was playing, but your focus was mostly on each other. You shared soft smiles and giggling while discussing the film and created your own special moments. The bond between you felt stronger than ever, and it was clear that this one-of-a-kind date night was bringing you closer together.
Joel kissed your forehead, and his tender gesture filled your heart with joy. "I'm so glad you're here with me, Bee."
You looked into his eyes, experiencing the intensity of his feelings. “Are you staying tonight?” you asked.
Joel looked at you with a soft, affectionate smile, his eyes filled with warmth. "If you'll have me, Bee, I'd love to stay tonight."
You returned his smile, feeling a sense of contentment and happiness. "I'd like that, Joel."
Joel leaned in and placed another gentle kiss on your forehead. "I love you, Bee."
You smiled, your heart full of affection and a renewed sense of hope. "I love you too, Joel."
“Now, come to bed with me” you invited him
Joel's eyes sparkled with affection as he took your hand and stood up from the couch. "I'd love nothing more."
You led him to the bedroom, where the warm, inviting glow of soft lighting embraced you both. In each other's arms, you found the comfort and serenity that had eluded you for so long. The journey of healing and rebuilding your relationship was a process, but it was a journey worth taking, especially with Joel by your side.
As you settled into bed together, wrapped in each other's embrace, the world faded away. You knew there might still be challenges ahead, but with the love you shared, you felt ready to face anything.
With a whispered "goodnight," you closed your eyes, drifting into a peaceful and love-filled sleep, cherishing the presence of the man who had captured your heart. And as the night wore on, you and Joel found solace in each other's arms. This time, the story being written was real.
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Next day, the first Sunday light of dawn painted the room in soft golden shades, you stirred awake, finding Joel still peacefully asleep beside you with his arm tightly wrapped around your waist, as if was preventing letting you go from his grasp. You couldn’t help but smile at seeing him in this light, which reflected his features just for you to witness.
You wanted to reached for his face and tracing delicate patterns on his face, but instead you kissed him softly on his forehead, and slipped out of the bed, careful to not disturb his slumber.
You felt refreshed and better in comparison to last night, and you blushed at the thought of Joel being the one who had made you felt like this.
So, in this morning, at your place, the aroma of fresh coffee waved through the air as you prepared breakfast for the both of you.
As you prepared breakfast in the sunlit kitchen, the sound of sizzling eggs and cracking dishes mixed with the smell of made coffee. Joel, suddenly awake and attracted by the appealing aroma, walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around you from behind.
"Good morning," he said, softly kissing your neck. Instantly sending shivers down your spine. “Feeling better?”
You turned around to face him, placing your hands in the back of his neck “A lot better” you said, smiling.
As he pulled you close, Joel's eyes gleamed with an incandescent glow. "I'm glad," he said softly, his thumb stroking against your cheek. The early morning light displayed your shared grins, a silent expression of love in a language you both were learning. 
The world outside appeared to drift away as you stood there, wrapped in one other's arms. It was just the two of you, enjoying the simple joys of a morning together. The sound of eggs sizzling and plates clinking offered a relaxing routine at the start of the day.
Joel leaned in for another kiss, this time on your lips, with a cheeky sparkle in his eyes. The affectionate atmosphere of the moment spoke volumes, an unspoken language of affection. You couldn't help but chuckle as you pulled away, the sound filling the kitchen with a lightness that matched the fixing that was taking place in your world. 
Breakfast continued with shared laughter and stolen glances, filling the air with a sense of renewed strings pulling you together.
 You both stayed in the kitchen after the meal, enjoying the comfort of each other's company. Joel's fingertips stroked soft patterns on the back of your hand, a small gesture that echoed his devotion to you. 
Joel's eyes met yours with a mischievous grin. He closed the gap between you without saying anything, his lips meeting yours in a soft yet intense kiss. The warmth of his grasp along with the softness of his lips, drove an unconscious delay of time. As the kiss deepened, the world outside dissipated
When you inevitably pulled away to breathe, your eyes sank into the brown color of his eyes, expressing the feelings that now could be shared without fear. Joel cupped your cheek with his hand, his thumb lightly brushing against your skin. As if he convincing himself that you were real and this moment wouldn't be taken away from him. 
"Good morning, again," he said softly, a smile on his lips.
"Good morning, indeed," you responded, your fingertips drawing light patterns on his chest. The connection between you was real and confirmed the that new chapter in your relationship was genuine and long-lasting.
Joel's hand stayed on your cheek, a loving confirmation. "I could get used to mornings like this," he conceded, his eyes shining with affection.
You leaned in for another little kiss, savoring the joy of the moment, with a quiet chuckle.
Joel returned your kiss with delicate intensity, his fingers running through your hair as if calming down the shared passion. Every touch, every shared breath spoke of a love that survived storms you thought would never end. 
Joel's lips curved into a sweet smile as you drew back, and he placed his forehead against yours, savoring your closeness.
"I feel like the luckiest person alive right now," he said, his voice a quiet murmur reflecting the emotions expressed in this intimate moment.
"I feel pretty lucky, too," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. Joel's eyes mirrored your own, resulting in a wordless understanding that went beyond words.
Joel's thumb traced soft circles on your cheek, a comforting gesture that brought the two of you back to the present moment. He went for another kiss; he couldn’t help but savoring each second of this morning with you.
This kiss deepened, time seemed to slow down, allowing you both to get lost in the quiet urgency of the moment. The world beyond the shell you'd made in the kitchen vanished, leaving only the warmth of each other's lips and the smooth rhythm of your shared kiss.
Joel's fingers found their way to the small of your back, drawing you in closer, as if attempting to bridge the gap between your hearts. The magnetic pull of the kiss held a quiet urgency, as if both of you were reveling in the depth of emotions that had been rekindled.
Joel grabbed your face tighter, and pushed you backward until your back bumped into the counter, with more forced that intended.
"Easy there, tiger," you teased, joy dancing in your eyes as you slapped his chest playfully.
Joel, feeling the playful mood, smiled mischievously. "Just trying to make the morning a little more fun," he said, his fingers still gently tracing lines on your cheek.
"Well, mission accomplished," you said, your lingering laughter filling the space “There will be more time for that” you added.
Instead of using words, Joel leaned to stole one more kiss from you and told you he had to go home now.
Joel broke the kiss with a sweet smile, his fingertips lightly brushing against your cheek.
"I should go home," he said quietly, his voice a delicate caress in the air.
You nodded in understanding “Go before Sarah thinks I stole her dad”
Once he was ready to go, you walked him to the door. The shared smiles and unspoken feelings filled the air as if you were living a golden world of love.
Joel pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, a gesture filled with devotion to you.
"Until next time," he whispered, and with that, he stepped out.
Closing the door behind him, you leaned against it, a smile playing on your lips. You felt like a teenager figuring out what love was for the first time.
And just as you were lost in your own thoughts, there came a gentle knock at the door. Surprised, you opened it to find Joel standing there again with a conflicted expression, and tinted cheeks on a crimson color.
"Hey," he said, a nervous tone in his voice. “Before I go, I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend, for real this time?"
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a/n: See?Just fluff.
What would you like to see in the next chapter?👀
tags 💌: @joeldjarin @borhapparker @fatima-marisa @kirsteng42 @paleidiot @harriedandharassed @runningmom94 @pedr0swh0r3 @ssacharcoalgrey @missladym1981 @littleshadow17
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