#I could talk about zephyr's family all day haha
sun-marie · 7 months
I was tagged by @full---ofstarlight to do this super fun oc questionnaire! Thank you so much for tagging me <33 Since BG3 brainrot is still very much a thing I thought I'd do my two tadpole kiddos 💜
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NAME: Zephyr Elowen Skybreeze, “Zephyr” to honor her late father, “Elowen” being her mother’s maiden name, and “Skybreeze” as her paternal family name
NICKNAME: None really, although her grandfather does teasingly call her “powder puff” from when she was a little girl 🤜🏽💨
GENDER: Cisfemale
STAR SIGN: I’m not much of an astrology person (which is ironic bc I think Zephyr is lol), but I’m going to go with Aries 🔆
HEIGHT: 5’ 5 - 5' 6 ~ish
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: She was born in Mosstone, south of the Forest of Tethir, by her wood elf mother and air genasi father, the latter of which died before she was born. She was raised by her mother and her paternal grandfather while her paternal grandmother traveled. When she was 15 she moved with her family to be closer to her dying grandmother in Baldur’s Gate, where she continued living into the present day. Zephyr considers herself a Baldurian, a Mosstonian, and a member of the Elmanesse Tribe through her mother.
FAVORITE FRUIT: Pears, but really any pome fruit 🍐🍎🍏
FAVORITE SEASON: Winter, she enjoys the quiet of the freshly fallen snow ❄❄❄
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Tea for sure, her favorite is Chamomile (but also she is absolutely not above a good cup of hot cocoa by the fire)
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Generally, a good solid 8, but during the course of the game she’s been having pretty bad sleep and can’t sleep for more than 3 hours without waking up :(
DOGS OR CATS: Dogs! While she likes both, she values the unconditional love/loyalty of dogs, and they are basically the only kind of animal that isn’t instantly intimidated by her / stand-offish to her.
DREAM TRIP: It’s a little corny I know, but I really do think she’s wanted to go to Waterdeep, the “✨City of Splendors✨”, ever since she started seriously pursuing a life of academic study.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 2, a comforter that remains on her bed and a smaller lightweight that she carries from room to room like a cloak lol
RANDOM FACT: Before the events of the game, she had been on a trip to the library of Candlekeep for a little over a week on an academic field trip sponsored by her (currently unnamed) monastery. It was on her way back home that she was kidnapped by Mind Flayers, and all but 2 of the tomes she had been allowed to take home with her were destroyed. Her family had expected her back in less than two days from then, only to be met with radio silence for months as every message she tried to send was shot down.
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NAME: Ruathym Dhalmass, one of the last of the ""distinguished"" Dhalmass line
NICKNAME: He finds other people’s reaction to him being quote “one of the good ones” pretty funny because it speaks more to surfacer’s lack of experience with Drow than the quality of his moral character. He doesn't consider himself a good person and he knows Drow in the Underdark (his sister for one) who are much more “upstanding” than him. So now Ruathym being “The Good Drow” is kind of an inside joke in the party.
GENDER: Cismale
STAR SIGN: I’m gonna go with Taurus 🐂
HEIGHT: 5’ 9
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Ruathym is a Seldarine Drow, and he and his older sister spent most of their early childhood as orphans in the wilds of the Underdark after their parents were killed by Lolth-sworn extremists. Eventually, when Ruathym was about 12, they came upon a Druidic Circle consisting of a colony of Myconids and a few drow and deep gnomes. They took Ruathym and his sister in, and gave Ruathym his deep appreciation for “underrepresented” organic life such as fungi. When asked about his nationality, Ruathym usually just shrugs and says “The Deep”
FAVORITE SEASON: Spring, especially during the humid/rainy months!
FAVORITE FLOWER: Sussur Blooms, though he general prefers the bio-luminescent toadstools to any flower
FAVORITE SCENT: Vanilla beans~
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: He generally prefers coffee, but finds herbal tea to be easier to make and so that’s usually what he ends up drinking 🍵☕
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 4, and that’s only if he’s forcing himself to sleep
DOGS OR CATS: Both! Ruathym is an animal lover to the core, he loves dogs, cats, hamsters, oxen, frogs, corvids, gremishkas, badgers, bears, all of them! He finds that more often than not they’re easier to talk to than people.
DREAM TRIP: Ruathym is not a very ambitious guy, if he could have spent all 500 years of his life in that tiny little Myconid colony, he would 😶 Having said that, hearing Minthara speak about Menzoberranzan does make him wish for a small peek.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 1, well-worn and well-loved
RANDOM FACT: Ruathym is actually a beast on the hand drum as well as a decent lute player, but he doesn’t let anyone else know for fear it will ruin his hardened reputation 👀
tagging @glamfellens, @hajima-7 and @fiendpact! Doesn't have to be BG3 related afaik, and no pressure at all if this isn't your thing 😊
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askteamspirit · 1 year
(💙:Friendship, ❤️:Platonic/familial Love, 💕:Romantic Love, 💔:pain (indirect or situational), 💔💔:pain (directly caused), 💜:mild dislike or distrust, 🖤:strong dislike or hatred)
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💙 💙 💙 ❤️
“I really appreciate him taking me in. … and I hope he finds a way out of the rut he’s in soon….”
💙 💙 💙 💙 ❤️
“Never met another ‘mon quite like him. Cant imagine the kind of prick you’ve gotta be to treat him the way those trainees did….”
💙 💙 💙
“She’s nice but I don’t think she realizes how rough she can be when training… still, I know I can trust her with my life, just like the others”
“They’re all my family”
💙 💙
“She’s nice enough, and she’s helped us out in a fair share of tight spots. But I feel like I still don’t know all that much about her… At least we can always talk about the old computer games I’ve been collecting. She’s always playing those”
💕 💕 💕 💕
“That bonehead…”
💙 💙 💙 ❤️ ❤️ 💕💔
“I’m so happy he’s back in my life again… even if we can’t have exactly what we did before”
💙 💙
“She’s always been nice to talk to. Calming, even. I’m glad things worked out for her”
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💙 💙 💙 💙 ❤️ 💔
“He’s the only face I recognized, and I’m grateful to him for bringing me back, but… I don’t know if I recognize the person behind that face anymore…”
💙 💙 💙
“Somehow exactly the kinda ‘mon I pictured Rax getting with some day. And weirdly the most… familiar of the new faces? Anyway I’m glad someone around here can handle themself in a fight”
💙 💙
“He’s a huge softy but he gets a fire in him when he’s got his mind made up about doing something. I like that”
“They’re all good, kind ‘mon, and anyone would be lucky to have them backing them up. But……”
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 💕
“Oh, she’s a riot when I can get her to actually open up. She’s slowly been teaching me how to play those things Azura’s always snatching up. … She’s hurting about something… I hope she finds the strength to talk to me about it sometime…”
💙 💙
“Nice to know someone else who’s been to the other side and back. And a doctor no less. Way easier to explain the whole undead body thing to haha”
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💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕
“He’s the first ‘mon I ever felt like I could just be me around! And he actually liked me more with the mask off!! I love him so much! … but it… kinda hurts to see him lose that adventurous spirit. I’m happy with how things are, but I hope he figures things out and opens back up… I want to see that light in his eyes again…”
💙 💙 💙 💙 ❤️
“I’m so glad I stopped to look at that map he dropped, we might not have recruited him otherwise! I like when he gets all excited talking about the world map and his theories about it and how to expand it. it, uh, kinda reminds me of myself actually!”
💙 💙 💙 ❤️
“Definitely the one on the team who gives me the best run for my money in a fight these days! It’s incredible how well she uses that ghost-y stuff even though it’s not her natural type. I still shiver thinking back on the night in the mansion! She adjusted to me a lot faster than most people tend to, too. For that matter it was… weirdly easy for me to get used to her too. Maybe it had something to do with knowing Rax even before I did? He even brightened up for a little while after bringing her home, like he’d gotten a better grip on things, but it seems to have slipped again…”
“I’m so glad I finally found people I don’t have to hide from”
💙 💙 💙
“She’s really strong… but she doesn’t seem too happy about it…. I hope I didn’t mess up by talking her into that battle…”
💙 💙 💙
“Sparring buddy!! She’s crazy strong, and it says a lot about her that she doesn’t mop the floor with me right away despite the gap. I close it for sure one day though!”
💙 💔 💔
“I can tell she’s a really kind person, and she’s been through a lot… but it sucks that she doesn’t really get me…”
“We still owe each other a fight!”
“They really just… say whatever they’re thinking, huh… I respect the drive though. Hope their attitude about it doesnt get them in over their head”
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💕 💕 💕 💕 💕.💕 💕
“He’s everything to me. That beaming smile, that infectious enthusiasm when he talks about what he loves… he’s my Light. I’ll do anything to keep him safe. Even- …. Especially from himself
💙 💙 💙 💙 ❤️
“I don’t know if I’ll ever truly forgive myself for hurting her… but I’m so glad I was able to fix it. Everything’s back the way it was now. The way it should be”
💙 💙 💙 ❤️
“I’m glad Zephyr caught his maps before we sent him off. Honestly, our bases started feeling a lot more like homes once he joined. He’s got talent, and a good head somehow both on his shoulders and in the clouds. And whether he believes it he’s strong enough to handle himself. … I think he might actually pull it off someday”
“I have to keep them safe… I can’t lose them…”
💜 💜 💜
“I knew she couldn't be trusted...."
💜 💜 💜
“…. she’s exactly what i was afraid of….”
🖤 🖤 🖤
🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤…
“… whatever it takes….”
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Mai Yamane
💙 💙 💙
“He’s been nice to me while I’ve been here. Admittedly…. I Kinda envy the drive he’s got. Also, uh, really good taste in games. I’m glad he keeps bringing these things back”
💙 💜
“He’s got a good heart but he’s got to get out of his own head. He’s practically smothering them…”
💙 💙 💔
“… I’m sorry I can’t really give him what he’d want. I just… I can’t let Mother win….”
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 💕
“I’m glad she’s gonna be sticking around while the boys go on their trip. It’ll, uh, be nice to have the place to ourselves. … I can tell what’s she’s wanting to do, even if it’ll take her a while to make up her mind on it… And if she goes through with it I think I want to be with her”
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 💔
“I’m sorry….. i’m so sorry…. I miss you so much…”
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the-dragon-central · 5 years
I would love to submit a prompt if you're taking them. I had an idea wherein Hiccup gets forlorn about the fact that his children will never know Stoick (and Stoick would never know his grandchildren), and he ends up discussing it with Valka, either because she overhears him talking about it or he confronts her about it. I realize this is kind of a heavy subject, but it was just something I was thinking about. Thanks, haha!
Hello Anon! @fan-writer02 here. I’m SO sorry this has taken as long as it has. I’ve been sitting on this request for weeks now and have just now had the time to get it written up. But I hope it’s enjoyable none-the-less, and is a satisfying answer to your request. Enjoy!
Hiccup was undeniably tired. His head ached, his chest hurt, and his hand was still bandaged from a few days prior when Astrid had squeezed it too tight. He’d felt something crack, though he’d never tell her that. He’d merely said it was a small sprain and he’d be right as rain in a few days (which he fully intended to be, healed or not).
Poor Astrid. She’d felt awful. “I’m so sorry, Hiccup, gods…“ 
He’d been quick to reassure her. Who was he to complain about a little pain in his hand, when she had just suffered through childbirth? He’d kissed her forehead for the utmost time that day, and smoothed her hair out of her face (with his good hand). “Ast, it helped you bring this little bundle into the world. Don’t apologize." 
The little bundle, of course, meant their newborn son.
Who had, for the past five days, wailed his head off every half hour or so during the night. Astrid was burnt out past exhaustion, and with her body still healing, Hiccup had tried his best to give her a little extra rest. 
Valka had offered to take over his duties as chief until she deemed Hiccup ready to return. He’d protested meekly, saying he was more than capable of deciding when he was healthy enough to resume his duties. She’d only given him the stink eye and looked past him at Astrid for support.
His wife had agreed. "She’s right, Hiccup." 
Of course they’d gang up on him. But, though he hated to admit it, the free time was very nice, and deeply appreciated. He spent a lot of time with Zephyr, who had adjusted amazingly well to the new addition to the family. She liked to hold little Nuffink, and would try to braid his short fluffy hair. She loved helping Hiccup with the meals. It was her special chore to set the table and sweep the floor, which she pounced upon eagerly. She said it was just like when she played house in the forest, only better because this was real. 
After supper one evening, Hiccup helped Astrid come outside onto the porch. She’d been bugging him for the past two days to let her at least poke her head out the door for some fresh air. But with the constant rain, he hadn’t wanted her to get sick. Was he being a little overbearing? Probably. But… he’d never be able to describe how terrifying it is to watch his wife go through… all of that. And have absolutely no control over what’s happening or what could happen. If something went wrong, he was helpless to prevent it. 
So, if he could keep her from falling ill, by Thor’s thunder he would. And Astrid would just smile and tilt her head, consenting all too easily. He knew she was letting him coddle her, not necessarily because she liked it- but because she knew him. She knew he needed that little something.
He helped her sit down on one of their dining chairs he’d pulled from the house. He plopped down on the bottom step beside her, before pulling off his cloak and draping it over her shoulders. In her arms slept little Nuffink. Looking at his pudgy pink face, Hiccup would never accuse him of being a little screaming nightmare at any given time of the day. But, of course, he knew better. As if his body was trying to remind him, he stifled a yawn.
"You should go rest while he’s sleeping.” Astrid said quietly, looking over at him with worried eyes. “Zephyr and I can handle him for an hour or two." 
Hiccup leaned back against the steps and closed his eyes. "I’ll be fine. I’d like to spend some time with my two girls.” He peeped one eye open and smiled. “But do pardon my yawning, milady." 
Zephyr rushed by, her hand clutching a stick with a scrap of fabric tied to the end; a makeshift flag she’d designed out of ‘Momma’s ol’ rags’. In the other arm she clutched her stuffed Nightfury.
Hiccup’s smile faded, and he closed his eyes again. As it often did in such quiet and peaceful moments as these, his mind wandered. Wandered to a past that was better off forgotten, but he just couldn’t seem to forget. 
"I wonder what Dad would say, if he were here.” He suddenly said, surprising even himself. It was something he’d thought too many times to count, but not once had he voiced it. There’d only been one occasion when Stoick had been mentioned, and it was after Zephyr’s birth. Astrid had smiled through her tears and replied strongly, “You’re Dad would be so proud, Hiccup. Proud of you. Proud of us." 
Maybe his Mom had thought he hadn’t noticed, but Hiccup had. He’d noticed how she’d fallen short, her breath had faltered, and how she had quickly slipped out of the room. He hadn’t mentioned it since.
"I’ve already told you.” Astrid’s voice interrupted his musings. “He’d be proud.” Her own voice carried said virtue, he tone warm. He looked up at her, and saw how she gazed at Zephyr, then at Nuffink. She wore a smile so soft, yet so strong; anyone could tell it spoke of a fiery love. Then she looked at him with the same look.
The evening wore on, and Hiccup must’ve fallen asleep, for when he opened his eyes for the second time, it was dark, and Astrid and Zephyr were gone. His cloak was sprawled over his chest and legs. 
He sat up and blinked. A figure was drawing closer until they were near enough for him to see. It was his mother.
She didn’t say anything, only came up to sit beside him. From within their hut, Hiccup could hear the faint sound of Astrid singing a lullaby.
“And what brings you out here, sleeping on the steps of your home rather than in your home?” Valka asked, her voice carrying laughter. She looked to him with a playful smile.
He smiled softly. “I suppose I was more tired than I thought.” He sobered. “I… I was thinking of Dad." 
Her playfulness wilted away, leaving only a weathered face and sad eyes. "Ah, yes. I was wondering…” she trailed off. “I was wondering when you’d bring him up. I’ve noticed how you look at Zephyr, and now Nuffink." 
"He’ll never meet them.” Hiccup said bluntly. He felt so tired. He didn’t have the strength to cry. He only felt… empty. “Dad would talk about Astrid and I having kids. He joked about it constantly, but, deep down I knew he’d give anything to have a grandbaby to bounce on his knee. And here he has two, and he’ll never meet either of them." 
He felt an arm wrap around his shoulder and draw him close, but he couldn’t bring himself to melt into the embrace. He was a man, he was strong. Or he should be.
"How is life so… so unfair?" 
"It’s the way of the gods.” Valka reassured softly. “Stoick is looking down from Valhalla, watching you raise your children. And I know- no, I can feel- how proud he is of you. He’s probably busting his buttons. Imagine him telling Odin about every little progress Zephyr makes. ‘Today me grandaughter broke her first tooth!’ ’T'day me grandbaby took a step! Was Hiccup ‘elping 'er? Bah, who cares! She lifted her own foot.’," 
Hiccup chuckled and fiddled with his cloak. Even though Valka’s attempt at Stoick’s voice was far from the truth- he could still hear him say every word.
She kissed his forehead. "Go rest, Hiccup, and don’t fret about it anymore.” She stood and straightened her skirt. “Tomorrow will dawn a new day, new beginnings. Think of the future and not the past.” She began heading towards the village. “You have two little bundles of proof to tell ye it’s going to be a bright one.” She said, more to herself than to Hiccup. 
He watched her grow further away, until the night entirely swallowed her up. The door to the hut opened, and Astrid whispered his name.
“Zephyr wants you to tuck her in bed.” She said.
Hiccup took one last look at the starry sky above, before telling her he’d be right in. He got to his feet and picked up his cloak, dusting off the few strands of grass it’d collected. He paused, then sighed before looking up again. 
“Dad, you have a new grandson.” He smiled, “A healthy boy. Nuffink. Named after Mom’s uncle…” He swallowed thickly, and tried to find something to say. Finally, he whispered. “You’d love him." 
The stars twinkled back, a silent answer.
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missymarysthings · 5 years
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Alright so my additions to our little map here are as follows: 
I decided that the true name of the North/Northern Lands is Nivalia. It;s partly because while thinking about it I remember the one au where little Crystal is the last surviving member of the Vosmus family and is living with the Schwarzschilds until she is of age to take her place as Queen of the North. I called this universe Heredis Nivalis au (roughly latin for snow heir/heir of snow kind of thing). So it made since to me for the North to be called something related to snow. 
And Vosmus Castle would kinda be there in that narrow center part of the Nivalia.  Since they are the main ruling family it makes sense for them to be somewhat central.
Going counter-clockwise we have that little island off to the slight northwest of Nivalia named Orvea. It is not a well known island, and that is in part because it is mostly surrounded by icebergs. Those that do know of it is likely through the rumors that it is where an ‘ancient’ ice demon dwells. Some may say it’s an ice witch, but there is no well known proof of what is the truth. And the truth is? This is where Katchen Richter is living, and has lived for the past several centuries after her brother ruined things between their clan and the Vosmus of the time. 
Heading just about directly south from there we reach the troubled kingdom of Monit. This is where the royal Accenry family rules(maybe ruled, not sure of the status of things there), and where Midori Accenry was the crown princess. You know, before she abandoned her kingdom and people because she did not want to go through an arranged marriage with a prince she did not know. Even if it would have been for the betterment of both kingdoms. (Side note: To this day I still haven’t tried to think of the name of this other kingdom or that prince, so that place isn't on the map.)
From there we go way southwest to this little country I have named Matek. This place is a very recent brain child of mine that I had no name for until today. Lately I have been thinking of reviving and redoing some of my old ocs from my gaiaonline roleplay days to maybe develop them more. There are two I have in mind in particular and they would be from this country. An unassuming land to many who may just be passing by or through it, but if one really stops and look around they will see those curious of the things in the ancient books hidden in various ruins. Books that talk not of magic as they know it, but of...technology. Whatever that term used to mean, probably something to do with all these metal scraps and wires they find too. Matek is a place of golems, wards, and constructs and the people who care for them and bring them to life. There are the ‘traditional‘ elemental golems that some mages bring to life, but some are now fused with the metals and wires some have found along with those books. And some of the constructs are odd attempts at recreating the things they see in the books, but with no real understanding of what they were truly meant for they have new purpose.
Moving on from Matek and it’s curious folk, we head east and a little more south towards a coast and the islands off of it. Collectively they may often be referred to as the Tropics or the Tropical Kingdom. The true name of this kingdom, however, is Atarmetalia. The two more northern isles, which were once part of the Lawless Lands, were added to the kingdom when the previous king took them over many centuries ago. The smaller of the two is where an semi-active volcano resides. The other island and part of the coast is where some rainforests are. Atarmetalia is the kingdom that is ruled by the royal Atar family. However, in most aus it is now the royal ‘southern’ Vosmus family thanks to Alumin’s marriage to Crystalia and the fact that their sons (Zephyr and Mikael) will rule the lands of the kingdom after him.
And last but certainly not least, if we travel quite a ways by water further east, then drop south we will come to...how to put this? Hmm...I suppose it is best to say that this is where the Shadowed Kingdom was once accessed normally by everyone and anyone. An enigma of a place that did not seem truly affected by the climate of where it was located and time seemed so strange. The sun never seemed to fully shine on land, or the waters close to it shores on any side. It could be jarring to many a traveler back in those times. 
So, how did it end up only being accessible by certain portals or means? How did it end up seemingly disappearing from the waters where it was once found and becoming labyrinthian to those not familiar or from the kingdom? Why is it now mysteriously caught in seeming eternal dawn and dusk, and seeming to be a true kingdom of the shadows? Well, those are pages of it’s history I still have yet to find. Or be told by certain holders of that knowledge. 
But for now that ends my tour and knowledge sharing of my additions to the map. haha.
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masonjar828 · 6 years
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So this is in response to an ask me thing I reblogged. Thanks @kylorenpunk for once again making me do them all 😂 but I ain’t no quitter so let’s begin shall we.
1. Selfie; as seen above
2. What would you name your future kids?; If I could have sole control of naming my kids, I’d go with Zephyr for a girl and Red Nalloh for a boy. I always liked the word zephyr and I like the palindrome name that would come from naming my son that.
3. Do I miss anyone?; I recently moved to the west coast and left a lot of close friends behind so I miss each of them every day.
4. What am I looking forward to?; I recently interviewed for a job I’m pretty excited about so I’m really looking forward to hearing new news from them!
5. Is there anyone who can make me smile?; Legit anyone who ever says or does a kind thing to me I will think about from time to time with a little grin.
6. Is it hard for me to get over someone?; I don’t have too much experience needing to do so but I feel like it takes me a normal amount of time to get back on the level after being with someone 😂😅
7. What was my life like last year?; I was a senior in college man...life was a ball of stress and sleep deprevation for months.
8. Have I ever cried from annoyance?; Not really. It honestly takes a lot to make me cry usually. BUT! Show me something with heartwarming feels and a tear or two will always come.
9. Who did I last see in person?; My aunt while we were watching a movie.
10. Am I good at hiding my feelings?; Maybe? I feel like I am but I also know my poker face is garbage so I could be suckish at hiding my feelings too haha.
11. Am I listening to music right now?; Yes! The new Greatest Showman Reimagined album and it’s utterly amazing!
12. What is something I want right now?; I want more than anything rn to hear back from some job somewhere because I’m so in need of a post-college job 😂😅
13. How to I feel right now?; Bit of a headache and fairly tired but overall pretty happy! Listening to the rain outside helps.
14. When was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged me?; About 20min ago when I said goodnight to my aunt lol.
15. Personality description; I feel the best way to describe my personality is a hyperactive ball of music and useless facts who usually does anything to help my friends, usually at the expense of my sanity at times 😂
16. Have I ever wanted to tell someone something but I didn’t?; There was a time where I desperately wanted to take a risk of telling one of my closest friends just how I truly felt about her but didn’t because I didn’t want to risk ruining the friendship that meant too much to me.
17. Opinion on insecurities; They are a thing everyone experiences and should never be judged on, but I do feel like the only way to truly become better as a person is to actively work to identify and try to work on overcoming or coming to terms with them.
18. Do I miss how things were a year ago?; The constant stress, absolutely not. The friends I got to see daily and never get to see and rarely talk to anymore, all the goddamn time.
19. Have I ever been to New York?; State, yes. City, also yes. Went this past summer to see Hamilton live and my god it was one of the best shows I’ve ever experienced! ☺️
20. Favorite song at the moment?; Hardest question in the world to ask me since I listen to and love so many so songs at once. The one currently stuck in my head is Zac Brown Bands version of From Now On from the Greatest Showman Reimagined soundtrack.
21. Age and birthday; 22 and August 28th
22. Description of crush; No crushes at the current moment but I usually like women a tad shorter than me, with amazing eyes, and a personality that is fun and nerdy so we can make stupid puns and jokes to each other.
23. Fears; Only one real one and it’ll always be snakes. Fuck those venomous and scaly bastards.
24. Height; Like 5’9”-5’10”ish I think?
25. Role model; My dad for sure. He is one of the most loving and caring people I know who can be outright terrifying if he needs to be.
26. Idols; I’m not really the type to idolize anyone tbh 😅 I feel like idolization can be a tad unhealthy.
27. Things I hate; The thing I hate most in the world (apart from snakes, fuck snakes) would have to be the sound of silence (not the song I love the song). Silence weirds me the hell out and I’m not about it.
28. I’ll love you if...; I’ll basically love you if you just show you genuinely care for me and have my best interest at heart. If you do that I’ll basically fight for you til the very end.
29. Favorite films; Star Wars for a series, Airplane! for a individual movie.
30. Favorite tv shows; Brooklynn 99 is my current binge. Others tend to be Star Trek: Next Generation, Cosmos (think this is considered tv), Friends, Avatar, The Last Airbender, etc lol.
31. 3 random facts; About me I’m guessing? I can solve a Rubik’s cube in about 30sec. I can sing the lyrics to literally each and every track from the Hamilton soundtrack. And I can bake recipe for cookies I’ve had friends literally fight over blindfolded if I have the ingredients all lined out first.
32. Are my friends mainly girls or guys?; Girls mostly. Guys tend to annoy the hell out of me most of the time. Even my best friend in the world can annoy the shit out of me fairly easily 😂😅
33. Something I want to learn; How to play literally any instrument. At all. I have wanted to learn for ages but I am just not good with instruments at all.
34. Most embarrassing moment; I tend to repress my embarrassing moments a lot so the first one that comes to mind is when I was talking shit about a professors godawful and stupid teaching method after being given a test he taught us like 30% of and turning around to see him 10ft away and definitely hearing what I said 😐
35. Favorite subject; Any math or chemistry really. #chemicalengineeringlife
36. 3 dreams I want to fulfill; Fairly easy I think. Find success in an area near my family so I can stay close with them after years of being unable to. Find a partner who I can be happy with the rest of my life. And be financially stable to never need to stress about living day to day.
37. Favorite actor/actress; Actor I think Chris Pratt. Actress Anna Kendrick.
38. Favorite comedian; John Mulaney without hesitation.
39. Favorite sport; Tennis. Can’t play it for years and not love it.
40. Favorite memory; Ooh hard one. I think it would have to be the time my family went camping to a place in the middle of Nowhere, Nevada when I was younger and I was able to see each and every star in the sky like I had never been able to before. It made me start to love space and science as a whole looking into that beautiful endless abyss.
41. Favorite book; Hate this because I love reading so so much and it’s like having to choose a favorite child. I think the one I most often reread would have to be The Hobbit though.
42. Favorite song ever; Bohemian Rhapsody I would guess counts the most since it’s the one I will always go back to and enjoy. (Also if you haven’t seen Bohemian Rhapsody the movie yet it’s insanely entertaining and I recommend it hard)
43. Age I get mistaken for; With the beard grown out some age definitely mid-20s, without the beard I’ve been called 18 or younger multiple occasions.
44. How I found out about my idol; See idol question above.
45. What my last text message says; “Goodnight”, sent to a friend I was talking to as they were very close to passing out.
46. Turn ons; If you’re able to engage with me on an intellectual level and be able to just be fun and goofy with me.
47. Turn offs; Trump supporters, Naxi sympathizers, and people who refuse to accept scientific evidence for things like vaccines and climate change.
48. Where I want to be right now; In bed, which luckily I am! 😝
49. Favorite picture of my idol; See idol question above.
50. Starsign; Virgo I believe.
51. Something I’m talented at; Random useless fact storage to be used at bar trivia nights.
52. 5 things that make me happy; Being with family, listening to good music, reading a good book, baking something delicious, and long drives with deep talks with friends.
53. Something worrying me at the moment; Not getting the nice job I interviewed for after the interview going as awesome as it did.
54. Tumblr friends; I have a few friends who have tumblrs like @kylorenpunk, @thepunmaster3000, and @be-inspirational-to-others. Though any mutuals I have I would love to become more friendly with so please feel free to send me a message sometime 😂😋
55. Favorite food; Probably chicken Alfredo I think.
56. Favorite animasl; Dolphins and tortoises 🐬🐢
57. Description of best friend; Tall dude with a short trimmed beard. Musically talented in basically any instrument I can think of. Movie lover to the point of almost insanity. Funny dude who also calls me out on my extremely dumb jokes and puns all the goddamn time.
58. Why I joined tumblr; I was told about it by a friend when I needed to vent a lot and she had me make one. Vented very rarely but enjoyed the weirdness of the site.
59. Ask me anything you want (I’m guessing for who asked me this); @kylorenpunk, why the hell do you make me always do all of these? 😂😅 I don’t mind but lord does it take forever to type all this junk out.
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