#I could only find the og pic black and white
kingkangyohan · 1 year
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I don't think I will ever come back to this, so here is a doodle of my Elijah and her domestic brat
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wifediaries · 2 years
‘Rosy Blog Chic’ Makes it’s comeback for Spring
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What is Rosy Blog Chic? Take a deep dive to 2013-2014 with me, the era of Instagram filters (No, not the face ones-- the original presets on the editing tool) Ariana Grande’s Yours Truly album and its impact on fashion at the time, and OG tumblr core. As Spring rolls around, I feel myself reaching for the same pins on pinterest that I did back on Weheartit in 2014... and I’m ready to bring it all back. 
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The year is 2013, and you are sat in your bedroom watching Zoella on Youtube and painting your nails in a DIY manicure. Something about this era screams early girlhood, having fun and not caring if something is perfect, as long as it looks pretty. At the time, tumblr and Weheartit was alive with ‘rosy blogs’, and if you search hard enough-- the graveyards of abandoned blogs still remain untouched, like a time capsule of such treasured years, reaching its peak at 2014. 
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Where did the name ‘rosy blog’ come from?
No one knows. After many google searches, and coming up with nothing -- I can only assume it was coined from the huge insurgence in ‘rose gold’ at it’s time, florals and roses being featured in lots of rosy blog posts, and the ‘rosy’ warm, pinky filter that was laid over all the images to give it that classic look it was known for. These days, the aesthetic is more popularly claimed as ‘girly 2014 aesthetic’, ‘yours truly era’ or simply ‘2014 core’. As a long time girly girl, I am truly advocating to bring this style back. Here’s how. 
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Taking a step back into this era, what better time to incorporate floral prints into your wardrobe that spring? Ditzy print, crowded florals on dresses and skirts and sunflower crop tops (Think old American Apparel) are the perfect ways to incorporate a Rosy chic back into your wardrobe. It’s girly, and can be worn super casually as these are not items that technically ever went out of fashion or became played out. 
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Undeniably, polka dot was huge in this era. Something about it can be so youthful, whilst also carrying this timeless chic that is vaguely reminiscent of the 50′s/60′s (See Audrey Hepburn, or kitschy housewife aesthetic) A simple black and white will totally do the trick maybe with pearl accessories or ribbon embellishments but a pink and white polkadot is super adorable too! 
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When looking back at the fashion of this era, a few brands stick out to me as being staples of their time. Thanks to early Ariana Grande, Wildfox became hugely popular-- especially in their knit pull overs, sweaters, and sunglasses. They were often pastel colours, donning some kind of cute cartoon print over the top such as a rainbow, or hearts. Another big brand that took over this time period would be American Apparel, and a quick search into ‘vintage American Apparel’ or selling sites would lead you exactly to what you need, the same goes for Vintage Victoria’s Secret PINK items -- however you might find some luck in their current resurgence of ‘Originals’ now being sold on the website. I recently copped some OG fold over leggings! For more girly, era relevant brands-- look into H&M, Brandy Melville, vintage Topshop, Hollister and Abercrombie for that classic girly girl look. Or, dig back into your closet and see if you kept anything from this era!
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To truly encapsulate the way this era unfolded, try your hand at taking cute pictures and laying an warm-vanilla toned filter preset over the top. In this era, people would take pictures of just about anything cutesy-- think your cute tea mug, a girly phone case, your strawberries and nutella mid day snack, this could even consist of whatever show you’re watching on Netflix photographed on your laptop on some sweet bed covers -- the perfect hobby for a lazy day! If you want to take it that step further, collate these pictures into a bordered collage to really push that early-years-instagram aesthetic. 
To begin with outfits, there are a few staples I would look out for. When thinking Rosy Blog Chic, what springs to mind instantly is a bralet / crop top paired with a skater skirt. At first glance, this sounds totally out dated-- but to me, there is something so timeless about these kind of looks. This will be perfect as the weather warms up, but whilst its still cold, you can always pair it with a chunky knit cardigan and tights-- also staples of its time. Pumps, mary-janes, brogues and flats are all appropriate shoe choices for this look. 
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Another casual look that is less strictly 2014 would be an off the shoulder sweater, leggings / yoga pants, and a pair of ugg boots. This is more appropriate for colder days and definitely will give you an old school Victorias Secret model off duty look. 
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A common theme in this era of online photo’s was pyjamas! Again, perfect for a lazy day-- the girl behind the camera was often seen to be donning full length or shorts and a tshirt sleepwear in cute prints and colours. Whether it be VS classic stripes, polkadot/animal print, vintage Disney movie print, florals,  it doesn’t matter as long as it’s cute. 
To accessorize, bows were a huge deal. Whether its clipped to your pony, worn on your handbag or simply just there for decorating, oversized bows were one of the first trends Ariana Grande brought to the internet. The accessory portion of Rosy Blog Chic seemed to take a more classic, timeless and girly route that can often be seen in modern Coquette fashion today-- meaning ribbons, pearls, and lace to up the girly factor by 10. 
Try your hand at home made manicures if you are currently giving your nails a rest from Acrylics or gels! Essie nail polish was at its peak during this era, as everyone seemed to be rocking natural length pale pink nails! I love long nails, and they were still super popular-- this is just for those who want to give their nails a rest. 
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Did I miss anything? Let me know! I hope to be seeing Rosy Blog Chic more and more this spring! 
Mimi 💗
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sergeantnarwhalwrites · 4 months
Final Fuck You to my Undergrad Uni
I personally think it's more like a monologue. But here it goes. A bit of a long piece of explicit writing about my 4 years at this shit hole. Glad to be done here ✌🏾. Grad pic beneath the cut
Tag list (normal poetry peeps and people I saw like the og post): @nanashi23 @winterandwords @vacantgodling @the-void-writes @weirdgirlcroix
Imma have to start this off with the fattest fuck you 
Fuck the campus 
Fuck the board of trustees 
Fuck the professors that should've been denied their doctorate degrees
And fuck you 
For thinking I'd respond kindly to all the times you've fucked me over
I wonder how many times I can curse 
Before you flag parental advisory 
To a campus full of fucking adults 
And those underage kids you drag in wasting potential 
On these hills that make me wanna eat ammo 
And chomp on gun barrels till my gums bleed 
And I get a few more cracks in my back teeth
I wonder how much money I've blown 
On liquor bottles that suck at deluding 
And beer cases that take their sweet fucking time 
In numbing my mental anguish 
Shits got those razor nails that can gouge 
And maybe I'd enjoy the sting 
If the bitch wasn't clawing out my eyes
Then stabbing straight through my stomach 
Twirling my intestines like spaghetti dinner 
With my blood gushing out onto the only carpeted floor in the fucking building 
Wouldn't be the first time this place tried to bleed a nigga dry. 
And my account's touched the negative for vending machine sodas and Monster energy drinks 
But at least they make damn good microphones
Cause I've gotten a little to used to putting on shows
Even if the alcohol, caffiene, and paranoid fuckery 
Warped my heartbeat
And it beats to the tune of decorating my fridge with knuckle imprints
Cause why the fuck would I spend money I don't have on a pretty decoration
And it even beats to climbing through windows for projects that root so deep the only thoughts I think are on the time that ticks by
And hunch a little more into myself as our equivalent of Walmart security roams the lit halls
And the clacking of their keys reminds me that I've imprisoned me
And sometimes my heartbeat matches my fists hitting my desk drawer 
Till the shit up top falls 
And the pencils are the only thing raining 
Cause I already spent all my money by just fucking living
And my heart tries not to beat through my chest 
When my family asking for funds that ain't ever exist
The fattest fuck you goes to 
This hell hole 
Where the flames are white hot with white people
Who love to toss shit into the flames 
And their alabaster babies 
Who ain't ever seen a black kid 
Say the world's most insensitive shit
And act suprised when their "ocean eyes" give reptilian beast instead
And I'd rather drown myself in the lab sink 
Chew on the bacteria loaded chunks along the way
Than pretend they're as gorgeous as this bitch ass campus.
I'd love to say thank you 
Hell I'd even say I'd love you 
It's a lie real easy to slip off the tongue as of late 
And maybe it's the brain damage of back to back all nighters
Or being dragged into unconsciousness on tables and radiators
Could even be the liquor that don't even taste the same 
And sometimes I still toss the cap and drink straight from the bottle
Drink that shit like the holy water I've never dared to bathe in
And I'm sure to keep my head back
Even if the shit tastes like failure and fear 
Then again when does a half assed attempt taste better than a solid victory
So I make sure I don't spill
And I'll beat it into the ground 
A STEM major is a wicked thing 
I lost two family members and couldn't even leave 
You suffer in every nook on campus just to come back home and asphyxiate in your at home lair
And I ain't one for wailing to fabrications 
In books translated beyond their original truths 
But God 
Thank fucking God 
I am done...
Wasn't so sure I'd live to see the end
And for that I'd drink again
And I'd find a use for all those middle fingers about to spawn
But for now I'll spare the vulgaruity
Cause my mouth real good at not being pretty
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lantern-hill · 3 years
honestly my advice to baby studyblrs is just do whatever you want. if you feel like getting twelve hundred mildliners and you can afford it and you want to make really over the top color coded notes do it. you want to spend ten hours on canva and photoshop making a header for your blog, or for your masterpost? go nuts. you want to put a super saturated pastel filter over every photo? sure, do it. you want to raise the exposure of every pic so high that the paper blends into your white desk? why not?
i used to take an erasable highlighter and make the most complex, confusing notes ever. i used to do calligraphy titles for every. single. header. and add in highlights with white pen and drop shadows with black pen. i used to make my post headers animated gifs with smoke or rain or whatever on top for the aesthetic. i used to have literally hundreds of spotify playlists for very specific moods and i used to bring a metric ton of markers and fucking crayons or whatever to school every day. i used to spend like three hours every week setting up next week’s bujo and a full day every month on the monthly layout. 
and yea, now i literally just keep a black pen, a ruler, a pencil and a couple highlighters in my pencil case. now i bullet journal with the cheapest dot grid notebook i can find with my One Good Black Pen only, no colors, barely any calligraphy, maybe a sticker or two once in a while. now i don’t even use a ruler on my weekly setups and i scribble things out instead of painstakingly using white-out. now my notes are pencil, pen and a highlighter *sometimes*. 
but i don’t think i would feel as comfortable with my notes or my bullet journal if i hadn’t gone through the phase where my notes were extra and color-coded af, and i still highlight the sides of my notebooks so i know which is which from above or below. yea, my bullet journal is pretty spartan, but i still like to flip back and look at the pages i have that are perfect aesthetic collages. plus it’s nice knowing that i could do that if i wanted to. and i genuinely think the phase where i spent 3 hours on every page of notes helped me get better at taking the quick notes, because i know what’ll work for me now and what won’t. 
i don’t regret the phase where i spent hours trying to figure out the best way to optimize my tagging, even though now i usually just slap on “studyblr” “og” “dark academia” and throw my shit out into the void. so sue me. 
i guess what i’m trying to say is if you’re just starting a studyblr, do whatever you feel like doing, and if you don’t feel like doing what you were doing anymore, switch it up. i’ve taken like six months off of posting and i’ve posted every day for weeks. i’ve edited photos to look like they were taken on the surface of the fucking sun and i’ve edited photos darker than my nightmares. you don’t need to be consistent, i STILL am not consistent with my content. throw shit at the wall, see what happens. have fun, get stupid.
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angel-of-death-2015 · 3 years
🔥 What is an unpopular opinion you have on Resident Evil? Could be about the games or the movies.
The new movie is trash. That alone is enough 💀 A grown ass white man can have his shitty fanfic get turned into a movie? Then why hasn't anyone hired me? At least I give a shit about storytelling.
Overall? The series dipping away from the OG lore isn't working out. RE7 and RE8 almost have NOTHING to do with Umbrella. Umbrella is a whole afterthought in both games. The only things Umbrella-related is Chris Redfield showing up to clean up the mess at the very last minute and a little letter about Spencer we read for two seconds. There are other ideas we could've expanded on like Alex Wesker returning after she successfully possessed a kid at the end of Resident Evil Revelations 2. When it wasn't Wesker, Alex was the only kid outside of the siblings that was successful with keeping tabs with Spencer and fucking shit up behind the scenes. We could bring back Sherry, Jake, Sheva, and Carlos for a new game and throw in Christopher Cakes Redfield. This whole vampire/werewolf shtick and hardly any absured zombies is fucking stupid.
It's also so fucking white. The very few characters of color we have and all of them excluding Ada are hardly thought about. Sheva was fucking LUCKY to be the main female protagonist in her own game. But her story of being a survivor from Umbrella's tyranny on her country, her people, and all of Africa that caused her to get involved in several political scandals just to LIVE due to constant manipulation from both ends (in Kijuju and in America right before she was guilted into joining the BSAA) was drowned out and turned into a wild goose chase for Chris to find Jill after seeing one mere pic of her that could easily be photoshopped. And Sheva was constantly erased from the covers of HER GAME THAT SHE'S THE STAR IN by both the fans and Capcom. She was replaced by Jill Valentine, who was just a SIDE CHARACTER that only has less than twenty-minutes of screentime in the entire game that doesn't include the DLC. Hell, even with Carlos Oliveira in the Resident Evil 3 Remake. He's constantly stripped of his personality and dumbed down to be dumb as hell by white fans who only see him as a stupid hot Latin lover lap dog for Jill. Carlos has wit and is intelligent. He's not a fucking himbo that solely exists to worship a white woman for white fans to get off to.
And speaking of Jill, she's a full fucking white woman. She is not half-Japanese. Full fucking stop. People only hung onto the ONE LITTLE TIDBIT that her mom was supposedly Japanese in the very first or second game she starred in just to be racist to Hannah John-Kamen, the mixed black actress that portrayed Jill in the recent movie Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City. Racist fans were PISSED that a black woman got the role of their sassy white badass #567677 so they used that severely outdated "fact" that doesn't mean shit just to be assholes about Hannah. Because if Jill being half-Japanese was really important, then why the fuck has NO ONE created such outrage about Jill being casted and modeled after monoracial white women for every single game, movie, or other forms of media for twenty-five years? I'm so fucking serious. Even in Resident Evil 5 with the files you have to find about Jill that's written by Wesker, Jill's race and nationality is "Caucasian" in black and white. Not mixed. Not half-Japanese. Not half-Asian. Jill Valentine is not half-Japanese. She is a full white woman. The people who only cling to that one "fact" about her that has never been consistent and enacted on by the writers and developers of the games for twenty years are die-hard OG fans that aren't pressed about it because they forgot or don't care because it's obsolete or racist fans that used it to harass a black woman for earning the role in the movie that IS JUST A SHITTY FANFIC THAT IS NOT A COMPLETE FAITHFUL ADAPTION TO THE FRANCHISE. Because if Jill's heritage was really important, we would've actually seen ANYTHING about it be implemented into the games. Carlos Oliveira's heritage is important because you KNOW and SEE that he's a brown Latin American. Sheva Alomar's heritage is important because you KNOW and SEE that she's a black woman who was born in the city/country of Kijuju in Africa and how Umbrella has experimented on her people. Stop the cap about Jill. She is a white woman and a lot of white fans were bold as hell to turn her into a white feminist and be able to enact their gross racist fantasies on Carlos with her.
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greekgrad07 · 4 years
Okay guys, I think it’s time...
So for years the Harry Potter fandom has been fancasting these four boys as the Marauders:
Aaron Taylor-Johnson as James Potter
Ben Barnes as Sirius Black
Andrew Garfield as Remus Lupin
Jamie Bell as Peter Pettigrew
Now there are some alternatives for these fancasts but the four above are the most popular and are the ones you will probably see most often. However, it was pointed out a while ago that these actors are literally old enough to now play the adult!Marauders. Our boys have officially grown up :,(
So... I decided, why not find some more age appropriate Marauders?
Obviously the four og’s will always be the go to, but I thought it would be fun to cast them with people who fit the age range. Now, this is all just my opinion so don’t take it too siriusly (lol get it? Like Siri-? Okay, moving on).
Starting off with the legend himself, we have Noah Schnapp as James Potter:
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When it comes to casting James I think it is very important to remember that Harry looks just like his father. Idk if you noticed but it’s mentioned once or twice in the books 🙃
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And I mean... look at this. You can’t look me in the eyes and tell me that they don’t look alike
(also s/o to @wallowskywalker for creating and posting the pic of Noah edited as Harry Potter! I edited the scar out of the first pic to give it more of a James vibe but guys the original edit is amazing and all credit goes to them :))
Next, we have Finn Wolfhard as Sirius Black:
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Yes, I know, this kid is everywhere, but look at the facts:
Finn is already often used as early year versions of Ben’s Sirius and/or Regulas, so he obviously has the Black family look.
If you really wanna see Finn as a Sirius-like character, watch The Goldfinch. His character Boris reminds me of Sirius so much and he even gives his friend in the movie, Theo, the nickname Potter because of his glasses.
Plus there is the added bonus that him and Noah are actual friends in real life and have filmed together so it wouldn’t be hard to edit them together.
Joshua Bassett as Remus Lupin:
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I know y’all love this recent white boy of the month so here’s why I think he would be a good Remus.
Honestly, I had trouble trying to decide who could do our precious werewolf justice. I eventually decided on Joshua because for some reason he gives off big ‘adorable and wholesome/responsible and studious’ vibes and that’s what our Remus is all about.
(Plus, imagine him and Finn as Wolfstar 👀)
Graham Verchere as Peter Pettigrew:
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When I saw this kid in Stargirl I instantly thought he gave off big Peter vibes. The energy I got from Graham’s character was very ‘I’m just happy to be here’ and I think that honestly sums up Peter. Early on in the movie there was a scene where a rat climbed onto Graham’s shoulder and that’s when I knew it was fate.
(He isn’t necessarily big like Peter was described in the book but neither is Jamie Bell so 🤷‍♀️)
Danielle Rose Russell as Lily Evans:
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Now I know some of y’all are gonna be mad and/or confused about this one.
Again, this is just my opinion!
It took me forever to find a Lily Evans that I liked. Now I know that there are about a hundred young ginger actresses and that half of them work with Finn Wolfhard, but they just don’t fit the image of how I see Lily Evans.
I’ve always had the headcanon that Lily’s hair was more auburn red or dark red rather than just ginger, and that she had little to no freckles. I mainly think this way because it differentiates Lily from Ginny.
I also know someone is going to bring up her eyes, but if we are casting off of movie!Harry (like casting Noah as James based off of his similarities to Daniel) than her eyes match Daniel’s blue ones perfectly. I mean, it’s better than Rowling saying, “The only really important thing is that his eyes look like his mother’s eyes. So if you’re casting Lily, there needs to be a resemblance, but they don’t absolutely have to be green” and then casting a girl with brown eyes to play Lily (no hate, just facts).
Plus, Danielle already plays a witch on Legacies so why not???
Final Points:
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(I’m not great at editing please don’t judge me)
(Also, all I did was photoshop the new faces onto an edit with the og fancast so s/o to whoever made the original :))
You can disagree with these, that’s totally fine. Obviously, I would never try to replace the original Marauders, they’re iconic. This was just something I thought of for fun :)
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Lost and Found (Jumin Han x Mc)
Chapter 1 (1,877 words)
Description: If black cats were a negative omen, did that mean white cats were a positive one? Of course, Mc never believed the superstitions revolving around cats, but it was a fleeting thought that had crossed her mind as she found herself mysteriously joining an organization which involved the owner of that equally mysterious white cat. Mc didn’t quite know the odds, but she knew they were low. However, she wasn’t sure if she believed in coincidence either...
Author’s note: Heya! I’m not very far into this (only in the middle of chapter three) and i have a very loose picture of where this is going so I’m not sure how long this fic will last. Anyways, for now, here’s chapter one! I usually regret posting my fan fictions later on but lets hope that doesn’t happen with this one hehe. 
This fic is sort of an au. It still loosely follows the og Mystic Messenger timeline, with some changes. One being that I’m going to slow down the flow of things. That way Jumin and Mc will have more time to develop feelings for each other. So i guess you could call this slow burn?? Anyways, I hope you enjoy, and if there are any grammatical errors, sorry!
Next chapter
Chapter 1
Meow! Mc made her way to the door of her apartment building. Meow! Before she could enter, her phone began to buzz in her pocket. Meow! She furrowed her brow and looked around. No cat in sight. After a shrug, she proceeded to read the text message she had just received. Meow! 
“What the—” Spinning her head around once more, Mc spotted a white Persian cat primly sitting not more than ten feet away. “Hey, kitty!” she cooed, kneeling down and holding out her hand. “Come here, baby.” The feline took her time, zigzagging toward Mc. She warily sniffed the hand offered before rubbing her face on it and purring. “Aww you’re just a sweetie. What you doing out here all alone, hm?” Of course, the response was purring. Mc scanned her surroundings again, only to find the street void of people. She returned her attention to the fluffy fur-ball, who was now on her back, playfully kicking and biting Mc’s hand. “I wonder how long you’ve been out here,” she mused. “Not long, I’m guessing.” Her coat was still relatively pristine. Mc proceeded to scoop up the cat and enter her apartment building.
Once inside her unit, she put the Persian down and made her way to the kitchen. Grabbing a chair, she placed it under an array of cabinets, moving aside the spices to grab the can of cat food in the back. Glancing at the can, Mc felt a small wave of sadness wash over her. She demounted from the chair and retrieved a tin bowl that hadn’t been used for a month now. After she dished up a few scoops, she placed it on the floor and waited for the feline to eat. She didn’t. Well, not at first. She sat there a moment, staring at it, then at Mc. “Go on.” Mc scratched the cat’s head and gradually ran her fingers down its back. That is when she dove into the meat; however, the moment Mc stopped, her (apparent) master chirped a series of short mews. Mc smiled. “Ah, so you won’t eat unless you’re pampered while doing so? Spoiled much?” But, not being able to resist that cute furry face, she obliged.
Next, Mc showed her new guest where the litter box was before plopping herself and the cat on the bed, both falling fast asleep.
The following morning, Mc asked around the area to see if they owned a white Persian cat, and showed them a picture. No luck. She knew it wouldn’t be that simple, seeing as she had never seen the cat before. 
  Thirty minutes passed before she returned to her apartment. She noticed the food she had left out before leaving that morning was licked clean out of the bowl, and it’s devourer lounging on the bed, bathing herself. “Oh, so now you’ll eat without me petting you?” Mc retorted, feigning annoyance.
After eating her own breakfast and taking a shower, she heard a knock on her apartment door. “You have a key, you can open it yourself!” she lazily shouted from atop her mattress. There was some fumbling before a woman entered. She had cropped hair that looked like milk chocolate and smooth light-brown skin.
“Well, excuse me for wanting to be polite!”
“Sav, our friendship is way past politeness.” Savannah collapsed onto the bed beside Mc and simply shrugged.
“Hey! Why is there a ton of fur on your comforter?!” Mc tore her gaze away from her phone.
“Uh so I sort of picked up a cat last night.”
“Wait, wha—?! Where is it? You got over Minnie already? I thought you said—“
“No, no, no! She found me last night and she was alone and I couldn’t leave her so I’m just letting her stay here until I find the owner.” As if she had been summoned, the feline in question hopped onto the bed and curled up next to Mc, completely ignoring Savannah. She rolled her eyes,
“Typical cat. So—,” a yawn interrupted her, “how do you plan to find this mystery owner? How do you even know she had an owner? Or what if the owner was being abusive, so the cat ran away.”
“Uh, that’s definitely not the case. Jeez, Sav, this isn’t some tragic pet movie.”
“But how do you know that for sure, hmm? For all you now, you could be trying to return her to the hell she just escaped!”
“Look at her coat. It’s extremely healthy. Look at it. She’s clearly groomed regularly and gets the best food. No one who cares about their cat wouldn’t abuse their cat.”
“Eh, wasn’t that a double negative?” Sav interjected. Mc put her foot on her friend’s head.
“The point is that I need to find the owner. They’re probably worried sick. Like— just imagine if the owner was a little girl. Hm? Sav, would you want some twelve year old girl to be crying and worried sick about their dear lost kitty cat?” Sav sighed exasperatedly.
“Fine,” she groaned. “So, what are you doing to find this twelve year old girl?”
“Well I already checked most of the other units in this building, and I just posted a pic on Instagram and Tumblr asking if anyone had lost a cat that looked like this one.”
“Well, I just posted it. Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t have tons of followers like you who see my stuff instantly.”
“O—kay... so what do you plan on doing in the meantime?” Mc sat up.
“I guess I’ll continue to ask around locally. Wanna join me?”
“Ehhh what’s in it for me? A good conscience knowing I just saved a twelve year old girl from the depths of despair?”
“Well, that, and I’ll buy you a Starbucks.” Sav bolted up.
Their inquiry proved to be unfruitful. That day, which had previously been planned out as a day they would hang out together before Savannah had to leave the city for a shoot, was spent up almost entirely looking for the owner of the mysterious Persian. It was four in the afternoon when Sav began to complain. Honestly, it surprised Mc that she managed to last that long.
“This is not how I imagined today was gonna go.”
“Me neither,” Mc mumbled. “How about we grab some dinner? Or do you need to head back and pack?”
“Who do you take me for? I’m already packed.”
“Alright, let’s get some dinner then, Miss proactive.”
The next day also unearthed no evidence as to who owned the cat. Mc decided to spend the day inside watching Netflix and YouTube, but kept a wary eye on her social media sites. She had made multiple posts, but the few replies she had gotten were along the lines of “Aw, cute! Hope you find the owner.”
The weekend ended. Mc had begun to think that she would have to keep her new feline friend until, on Monday morning, she woke to find that Savannah had called her three times and texted her five times. “Call me.” “Mc wake up!” “Hey its abt the cat.” “Call mehhh.” “Hellooo?” Mc bolted upright and dialed her friend.
“Finally! Don’t you have work today?!”
“Never mind that! What’s this about the cat?”
“Right, right. So you know how you said it could be owned by a twelve year old girl? Turns out she’s a twenty-seven year old man.”
“Wait, what? How do—”
“And guess who that is?”
“Ju-min Ha-n!” Silence ensued. “Yo— please tell me you know who that is.”
“Uh, well—” An exasperated sigh came from the other side of the phone.
“Seriously, Mc, how do you live in the same city as the corporate heir to one of the most famous companies in South Korea and not even know who he is?!”
“What?! If he’s as important as you say he is, how the heck does his cat end up on the streets? Are you sure? How do you know she’s his?”
“I saw an online news article. Can you believe he had a news article put up about his missing cat? Usually people just post papers around saying ‘MISSING CAT.’” Mc replied thoughtfully,
“He obviously cares for her a lot.” Mc paused. “I can relate.”
“Anyways, he said he’d reward anyone who found her and returned her to him unharmed. The amount is uh... steep.” Mc brushed passed her friend’s statement.
“Send me the link to the article.”
“I cant. The photographer is here and ready to begin the shoot. Sorry! Just look up ‘Jumin Han, cat’ and you’ll get plenty of results. Talk later!”
Savannah wasn’t lying. There was more than just one article covering the topic. Mc clicked into the top website and scrolled down to the contact information. There was a phone number and an email address. Mc decided to dial the number right away. She hadn’t truly thought about it, as she was not apart of the high class world, but she subconsciously was expecting Mr. Han himself to pick up. She was startled when a female’s voice sounded on the other end.
“Hello, this is Chief Assistant Kang speaking.”
“O-oh... um... hello.” Her surprise was evident in her tone, but fortunately, the woman seemed to not notice or care.
“Do you know the whereabouts of the feline belonging to Mr. Jumin Han?” So formal. Mc could detect the weariness in the voice. In fact, the statement was monotone, as if the speaker had relayed it more than a million times that day.
“Hello? Miss, if this is a prank call I will hang up.”
“No! Please don’t hang up!” Mc sighed and continued. “I think I have Mr. Han’s cat.”
“‘Think’ or ‘know’?” She still didn’t show any type of surprise or urgency in her voice. This chick’s probably heard a lot of claims of having or seeing the white Persian; what with that reward, Mc mused.
“I’m pretty sure. I’d say she looks the same as the pictures in the ads. And her demeanor and coat scream ‘pampered.’” The woman’s voice grew more attentive.
“And where is the cat now?”
“Here with me at my apartment. I found her wandering near my apartment building and after she took a liking to me I took her in.”
“And how long as she been with you?”
“Since Friday night. I would have contacted you sooner but I had zero clue who she belonged to.”
“Could you provide any proof that you in fact do possess my employer’s cat?”
“I can send you a photo I took.”
“That will do. Send it to the email address on the website you got this number from. Goodbye.” Click.
Mc did as instructed. After ten minutes lapsed, she received a reply. It’s contents were along the lines of: 
“Mr. Han has identified the cat in the photo as his own. As soon as possible, please, bring her, safely and comfortably, to—” and an address was added. Mc glanced at the time. It was almost 5 p.m. and that meant rush hour. Taxis would be difficult to come by; but when the C&R corporate heir’s cat was in need of returning to her owner, how could one refuse?
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lightsandlostbells · 7 years
Druck episode 1 reaction
I’m really enjoying Druck so far! My ideal remake would be to start with a new script and story, for sure, but this one seems very in line with Skam’s principles and style. I found myself looking forward to upcoming clips.
Clip 1 - Jonas gets on a soapbox
I really love that they revamped Jonas’ opening monologue to something that is apparently relevant to German teenagers and potentially lays out some of the themes covered in the show, and that it kept the rough, raw look of the visuals.
One of the things with Skam France and Skam Italia is that a lot of people reacted by saying, “wow, they’re all so beautiful” and internally I was like nnnnnnnoooOOOOO that’s not the point but I didn’t want to be a dick about that. 
Lol at the same song playing when Leonie walks across the yard being the same song in the Skam Italia trailer. According to Wikipedia, “Bad Girls” has also been used in Skins, Gossip Girl, and 90210. It is to teen drama shows what “Hallelujah” is to sad crying scenes.
Well I immediately bought this Isak (Matteo?) having a crush on Jonas, just saying.
As far as cutting to Matteo similar to how Skam France showed Lucas … I preferred this because it’s not giving away Matteo’s feelings. Lucas definitely had a vibe that ~Something More was up that the audience should suspect. This wouldn’t have pinged me, as a new viewer, that Matteo has a secret that Hanna doesn’t know. Like I could have bought he was just bored of watching his friends make out.
Clip 2 - Hanna and Jonas in the bedroom
So Hanna and Jonas have great chemistry so far! They definitely have that easy, established couple feeling and seem comfy with the physical affection.
Youth by Daughter is such a Skam song that I’m sort of shocked it hasn’t been used already.
I was hoping for another glimpse of Matteo but I will accept his love of memes.
Is the Hero Party Druck’s version of Russ? Sounds like. Is it a party where people dress up as superheroes?
Clip 3 - Amira’s introduction
Um, YES. Good job, Druck.
This scene was a brand new spin on an existing clip! This is really what I want to see - taking the old material and making it fresh and distinguishable.
So the theater kids were changed into a refugee welcome group, and of course they assumed Amira was a refugee. I liked that they established this specific commentary.
The girl from the club gives Amira a little smile after she explains the purpose of the group as if to be like “we help people like YOU” and Amira’s just like yep … not this shit again.
Amira! Loved her immediately. She and Hanna probably just did their homework in companionable silence after this encounter, but it’s already pretty cool that the Sana character is the first one of the girl squad established (other than Eva/Hanna).
There’s a sign for a party in the background, is that the Hero Party?
Also, I like Hanna making a self-deprecating joke about herself being the one who needs tutoring. 
But honestly, how lovely that Amira got to share this moment with Hanna and even make a joke about white Germans. Because you know plenty of white people Would Not Get It.
Aside from his cultural obtuseness, I’m kind of fond of that dude and his giant hair.
Clip 4 - Matteo gets a ticket to the love nest
Well this remake just came out and said what I thought was always implied, that the reason Jonas doesn’t want Matteo to be alone is because of his family. I don’t mind this dialogue being forward since “weird family” could pertain to a lot of things, not necessarily serious (I don’t know what the exact words imply in German). Like, his family could be really into hunting for cryptids. It’s vague enough not to take it too seriously.
Listen, while I love Hanna and Jonas so far and think they have terrific chemistry, I could totally ship Jonas and Matteo. Jonas just seems really fucking excited about Matteo coming with them.
Where the fuck did Matteo come from???? It was like he teleported. We saw right over Hanna’s shoulder before he appeared and no one was there.
Though I see he took a pic of them while they were chatting that he posted to IG, lmao.
I kinda like this casual loungey, come up and sling an arm over your shoulder Matteo. He definitely seems the most chill of the Isaks so far.
ALSO they did the whole thing of Matteo watching them leave, HOWEVER this is why it works for me here more than in Skam France: they don’t show his face. They don’t make it seem like he has a secret. I definitely think you can infer that, but I also think you can infer something more simple, such as how it’s symbolic of how he’s the third wheel in this relationship. I think OG Skam did that best by having Isak trail after them, but this wasn’t too OTT. 
So it looks like we’ll be getting the full cabin episode, not just a weekend?
Clip 5 - Party
The title card being for Monday is a pretty big mistake, though I saw that the official account responded to it and apologized.
Hanna singing as she’s getting dressed is a really nice touch. We all have our getting-ready-to-go-out anthems.
Mia is already feels more like Manon than Noora, in that she’s a got more of a softer, sweeter initial vibe. I did like that they showed her watching Hanna get dragged by Leonie and deciding to cheer her up. And that they had her clarify that she had to leave (for some unspecified reason) because it was always kinda funny that Noora made a dramatic first impression and then disappeared into the night, leaving Eva wondering “who is that mysterious yet sexy stranger...”
Vilde (Kiki?) giving an actual description of Sam makes sense, like damn, there could be a dozen Sams in that club. And having the mix-up still happen is a bonus.
But most importantly, obviously, is that Kiki thinks girl Sam is extremely hot. Look, one of these remakes has to deliver on gay Vilde. Don’t keep dangling the carrot and then taking it away. plz.
I LOVE Amira and this seems like a major change in characterization from Sana? Not that Sana was allergic to fun, but I have a hard time seeing her show up at parties without her squad. Amira is actually present at parties and dancing - alone, it looks like - which is something I wondered about Imane in Skam France. What made Imane want to get in on Daphne’s party? If they go with another “the girls are planning to throw a party” plotline as a way to do russ, then it’s a decent setup for Amira to actually be seen partying. But I really hope that they take this shift in characterization to greater depths and don’t just kind of adapt Sana’s dialogue and personality around Amira. I really want to see a distinct character develop, and this is a good start.
I instantly want to see more of girl Sam and I kinda love that she’s the character with the distinctive lipstick on this show.
Kiki being like “you both have the same name, you’re both black, we get it, super funny” and asking them to leave - damn, congrats on making the worst first impression of the Vildes? Even if I get that she’s upset at the moment.
Penetrator (?) Sam seems a bit dorkier and less like a douchebro. But maybe I just feel that way because he’s posing with his cat on Instagram.
Liked that they put in Hanna sitting in front of the mirror taking off the makeup, her hair messier, as a contrast to the fun sexy getting ready scene. Just some quiet reflection of the bummer kind. That’s always how it feels after a party that turned out to not be so fun. At attempt was made to be social … and the attempt had limited success.
Changing Hanna’s parent from a mom to a dad (assuming there’s only one parent around) is a small yet potentially interesting change. Especially because conventionally, relationships between daughters and mothers are considered to be tighter than relationships between daughters and fathers, though this is by no means universal. I’m quite excited to meet Hanna’s dad and see how the parent-child dynamic plays this time around.
General comments:
From what I can tell, some of the Druck actors are in their teens and some are in the 20-22 age range. Because overall these do seem to be younger, inexperienced actors, I’m more inclined to be lenient on their performances than the other remakes. I think this is fair - Skam France and Skam Italia cast older actors to play teenagers, and in the case of Skam France many of them had already been in movies and TV shows (not sure if it’s the same for Skam Italia), so I do have higher standards for their acting. If they are going to sacrifice authenticity, then it better be for the sake of talent, otherwise what’s the point?
I mentioned this in a Skam France post too but I find it distracting that the clips end with a title card, even though they might not be able to do anything about it. It’s just a little reminder that you are watching a TV show and it takes away from the immersive experience.
One thing I noticed on Instagram is that a lot of the characters seem to have pictures of them when they were babies/little kids. That’s pretty typical for people to post on social media, it was just common enough that it caught my eye. (Hanna/boy Sam/girl Sam/Kiki, if you want to look. Cuuute).
I saw some people thought Matteo was too obvious in his feelings for Jonas, but while I thought the chemistry was there, I personally didn’t feel that it was too distracting.
On that note, I’ve been thinking about whether it’s OK to show characters other than Hanna’s (Eva’s/Emma’s) POV and I think what generally works for me is:
a) does this shot reveal something that our main girl couldn’t pick up on from the rest of the context of the scene 
b) does this shot reveal something that the audience shouldn’t yet know 
c) is this shot taking over our main girl’s big emotional moment. 
If so, not a good idea. Basically I think what works for me is brevity and ambiguity.
The reception to Druck seems to be very positive so far, going off the tag’s content. I think the enthusiasm is support for the idea that many Skam fans aren’t 100% opposed to the remakes as long as they feel like the show captures the spirit of the original series.
However, it would have been interesting to see what the reception would have been if Druck premiered first - is it that Skam France was more polished than some people preferred, and Skam Italia had some aspects from the casting and the trailer that turned people off, that Druck seemed like a strong alternative? Or if Druck premiered first, would we be more cynical about it? (I think this could have been true to a degree, but there are also some changes, like Amira’s introduction, that might have intrigued the fandom.)
I am feeling good about this show but I’m also trying to keep my expectations in check, lmao. If I expect it to completely revamp the Skam S1 storyline I’ll probably be disappointed; however, what I hope for it is at least some minor changes in characterization that create distinct, consistent personalities and that they write the script forward from these changes rather than contorting the story to fit them, if that makes sense.
I think calling it Druck is in itself a good sign, in that it seems more indicative of wanting to create a clear identity outside of a Skam remake and appeal to German teenagers. “Skam” is not a word that means anything to French/Italian viewers unless they know the original show.
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valvntinass-blog · 7 years
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me ?? late 2 the party ?? ofc ( it’s also be i’m a complete embarrassment & also wanted to attemPT to write smth worthy of reading ) but hey there, demons. it’s me, ya girl, aka shan aka probably the worst ?? anyway i’m chillin in the gmt timezone probs for the rest of my life bc who has the money to move anywhere else these days ?? i’m 19 w she / her pronouns & spend waY too much time on photoshop & instagram so i’ll probably disappear for hRS just to make smth or go cry over some insta model ?? ummm i watch too many tv shows ( s/o to the og joey tribbiani up there ) & am alsO a huge film buff !! ( kinda mad bc apparently the newest transformers is supposed to be the last one like ?? whY end it like that ?? ) anywaY imma stop rambling bc i’m a rambler & am literallY just gonna copy & paste most of my app bc i’m too lazy to write it all out !!
˚✧* ( CINDY KIMBERLY, FEMALE + SHE/HER ) welcome the exuberant valentina morales. this club’s great for twenty year olds. plus, i hear you’re the skux, huh?that’s interesting, since you’re so manipulative and devious. but i guess it makes some sense given you’re coquettish and alluring as well !
    ❛ congratulations, you’ve had a beautiful baby girl ! ❜
    these are the words that francisco & nadya morales would never forget. for years, the power couple of barcelona had been trying for a daughter, after being blessed with a handsome son, alvaro morales. & then by some miracle they had her. a gorgeous, tiny baby with jet black hair & dark brown eyes. her name ? they called her valentina.
    that girl was a sweet child. she had a smile that could make the wind blow & a laugh so contagious that when other hear it, they had to join in, afraid of missing such an beautiful experience. she lived to make people smile, to see them happy & be the one who makes them happy. she loved to pick roses & to smell flowers, be surrounded by nature & love. she was happy.
    her parents were naturally busy, however. her father, being the owner a well-known &successful business, which had been passed down from generation was always travelling to different places, sometimes taking his family with him. whereas her mother was a model who people loved worldwide, so valentina, so small & young was left in the HANDS of her older brother.
    valentina grew close to him. he was like her best friend, he confident. he helped her with her homework & protected her from anyone who would try to do her harm. he loved her, & she loved him, & whenever all the family was together it was complete bliss to her. she couldn’t think of anything she wanted more than this.
    growing up, it was clear to see that valentina had talent. not only were her features soft& pretty, much like her mother’s, but she had a love for the camera & the camera had a love for her. she wasn’t quite sure what career she wanted, however her mother did. but as a child, growing up in spain & knowing little english, how could you ever do something with that ?
    she did, though. she was taken to small photoshoots at home to kick start her career, &for a relatively shy & timid six year old, this was scary yet oddly exciting. needless to say, valentina loved it. but she loved something else, too. at school, they did plenty of plays &productions which valetina threw herself into. she loved it. she loved acting & singing &dancing, almost as much as she did modelling. then she knew what she wanted to be — she wanted to be a model, but she also wanted to be an actress.
    she was comfortable. she loved her life & wouldn’t change a thing. but then her parents dropped the bomb that they were moving & val felt her dreams shatter into a million pieces. moving to america was hard at first. she barely knew any english & the city was intimidating. but as she lived on & met the tempest, the hellion, & the quixotic, things started to even out & as time when by she was pretty much in the same place she was before she moved.
( TRIGGERS ; CAR ACCIDENT, DEATH )     but then came that night. when the crash happened, her heart broke. she never even got to say goodbye to her brother which just made her hurt more. it made her nights restless ; she couldn’t close her eyes without seeing it so she seeked comfort in other people. she slept around, not really thinking about what people would call her. she needed the distraction, & distracting it was. her parents disagreed but she ignored them. she learned to separate her emotions from her thoughts so she became devious, flirtatious, poisonous. anything to forget about the empty feeling in her chest.
    over the years, val has altered incredibly & now works as model for img models. she goes to college, however recent opportunities have made it so she hardly has time for it any more & so tends to cut class to work on her acting career. she tries her best to work her schedule around her friends as well as her arrangements for the night time. never the same person, is a rule she’s set for herself. she’s scared of attachment & anything that could mess with her feelings. god help everyone if that happens.
val has two sides to her. there’s the sweet side, which can throw people off when they experience her devil side. she’s been described before as a ’ quiet genius ’, meaning that she can seem all cute & innocent but in the meantime is probably planning your downfall. she’s incredibly destructive, reason being why she doesn’t believe in romance or love so her interest in the tempest is quite confusing &annoying for her. but val can be very possessive & jealous, so if she ever found out about the quixotic’s feelings she’d probably flash a smile but secretly would be thinking of all the ways she can destroy them. even though they’re one of her best friends & val is incredibly loyal, nobody gets in the way of what she wants. val can be very withdrawn, however, which would probably be an issue for the hellionbecause she’d rather be out sleeping with someone than she would talk about her issues.
ENTJ ; as an ENTJ, val is very leader-like. she focuses on the most efficient &organized means of performing a task. this quality, along with ger goal orientation, often makes val superior leader, both realistic & visionary in implementing a long-term plan. val tends to be fiercely independent in her decision making, having a strong will that insulates them against external influence. generally highly competent, val can analyze & structure the world around her in a logical & rational way. due to this straightforward way of thinking, val tends to have the greatest difficulty of all the types in applying subjective considerations & emotional values into the decision-making process. as an ENTJ she often excels in business &other areas that require systems analysis, original thinking, & an economically savvy mind. she is a dynamic & pragmatic problem solvers. she tends to have a high degree of confidence in her own abilities, making her assertive & outspoken. In her dealings with others, she is generally outgoing, charismatic, fair-minded, unaffected by conflict or criticism. however, these qualities can make her appear arrogant, insensitive, & confrontational. she can overwhelm others with her energy& desires to order the world according to her own vision. as a result, she may seem intimidating, hasty, & controlling. she tends to cultivate her personal power. she often ends up taking charge of a situation that seems ( to their mind, at least )to be out of control, or that can otherwise be improved upon & strengthened. she strivea to learn new things, which helps her become a resourceful problem-solver. however, since she relies on provable facts, she may find subjective issues pointless. she appears to take a tough approach to emotional or personal issues,& so can be viewed as aloof & insensitive. in situations requiring feeling & value judgments, she is well served to seek the advice of a trusted feeling type. when striving toward a goal, she often puts personal needs aside until the work is done ( & may expect others to do the same ). for this reason, she may be considered self-sacrificing by some, but ’ cold & heartless ’ by others, especially those who prefer feeling.
HOW VAL FEELS ABOUT BEING A MEMBER OF THE EXUBERANT CLUB ;val is very prideful, so being a member of one of the most affluent clubs in new york really does make her hold her head a little higher. she’s already boastful, but to have this privilege is just as good as winning an oscar to her. she loves the privacy & the inclusivity of the place, meaning that she finds herself feeling very comfortable & rewarded.
001 ; valentina is more known for her talent in modeling & acting, but what many people don’t know is that val loves to dance. since she was a child, whenever a song came on the radio she would be moving whatever she could in the back-seat of the car & one time, when she & her brother went to the mall her favourite song came through the speakers & she just dropped what she was doing & started dancing. she’s an avid fan of music & so can dance to any song, especially spanish songs because that’s a part of her heritage & they’re generally good for dancing.
002 ; val is a very dedicated vegetarian. she says it’s to aid her diet ( because god-forbid if anyone thought she cared about anything for one second ) but in truth it’s because she’s highkey against animal cruelty & won’t eat something that another creature has died for. to be honest, she has a huge love for animals & is the ambassador of a cause that’s fighting against animal cruelty, & although her reasons are genuine she tells her peers that it’s just for the promotion. yeah, right.
003 ; she absolutely loves roses, specifically white ones. whereas people are forced to believe it’s just because of the aesthetic — after all, everything val does is for the aesthetic — the reason is actually deeper than that. when she was little, her family went to a rose garden & her brother told her to pick her favourite rose. she spotted a pristine white one, the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen & he picked it for her to take home. the rose lasted a good couple of weeks before it died, leaving val feeling devastated. she’s never told anyone that story in fear they’ll see through her cold mask.
004 ; she’s an exquisite baker. before moving to america, she used to visited this bakery on the weekly. her parents were good friends with the bakery owner & so when val wanted to learn how to bake something new, she’d always go there &they’d teach her all their tricks. val likes to bake for her friends her friends on the daily yet claims that it’s just to pass the time rather than a genuine hobby, but if you go to her place you can guarantee that there’s always cookies on the table.
005 ; is still very connected to her life in barcelona. she visits her friends & family there as often as she can & loves indulging in her hispanic lifestyle. although spanish is one of her main languages, she’s fluent in many others & won’t hesitate in using them to her advantage should the opportunity arise. she’s very culturally orientated & still favours her old life, however she claims to love america more than anything & that clouding her emotions is the best thing she ever did.
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sunkissis · 6 years
My bestie Aimee came to visit us for ten days in July! The last time we were together in Paris was March 2015.
Since it was the middle of summer and unbearably hot in Paris, we took a road trip to the seaside towns of Deauville, Trouville and Honfleur. Lucky for us, the weather was much cooler. We stayed at a beautiful, historic bed and breakfast in Deauville. I finally struck gold with my car rental skills. Not only did I get the actual car I reserved, a sweet ass brand new Volvo, but it was white which they never have (so sick of driving silver and beige cars!) If we ever buy a car in Paris, I am seriously considering a Volvo. I mean, if I can’t find a vintage Fiat Pop 500 with an automatic transmission or my dream car this light blue beauty. I guess Liv would have to sit on the hood.
It was a quick two hour drive west so we stopped in the village of Buorneville which is in the Normandy region. We needed to stretch our legs and I had to take a pic in front of this adorable Mairie. Little did we know that we stopped right in the middle of an insect horde and we were covered with hundreds of tiny black bugs. It was awful. Liv noticed them first and next thing we knew they were all over us. I have many things I cannot tolerate and bugs is high on the list. They were in my braids, all over the rental car, in our clothes. I was miserable during the rest of the drive. I planned to take photos of the picturesque village of Pont-Audemer but we just drove through without stopping. We felt like there should be warning signs saying watch out for tiny almost microscopic bugs that don’t bite but crawl all over you! Has that ever happened to anyone else? I still itch just thinking about it.
When we arrived in Deauville at our hotel Villa L’Augeval thirty minutes later we immediately jumped into the shower and changed.
Our room was quaint. Aimee, Liv and Lulu had their own tiny room to share.
The view from our window was more impressive than the room. This lovely church bells chimed every hour. Liv was stoked because our hotel had a pool.
We headed to a restaurant in Trouville-Sur-Mer for dinner which was highly recommended by our French friends.
  Trouville-sur-mer is a 15 minute drive from Deauville and it’s so cute. Most of the houses have a Art-Deco Victorian style. We drove around picking which mansion would be our future beachside vacation house.
I am no fan of onions, as many of you may already know, however I have always been enticed by the smell of French onion soup in the past. I saw it on the menu and decided that I would be brave and give it a try. Aimee was excited to order seafood and oysters. Antz got a steak and Liv ordered something simple from the kids menu. Lulu just ate bread.
Well my dears, the onion soup was a big disappointment! I was excited to see the raclette of cheese covering the top and it smelled yummy but beneath the bland cheese was a bowl of warm water and big, almost raw onions. I was hoping for the creamy broth of soft onions I have seen at restaurants in LA but this was Normandy style which seems to translate to no seasoning. The plate of shrimp I ordered were served cold to my dismay and Aimee didn’t enjoy her food either. Yet another expensive meal we wish we just went to McDonalds. I swear I am trying my best to open my palette to French cuisine but no luck so far!
Liv got an ice cream cone for dessert. Antz took these lovely photos by the Trouville harbor, I love my new Modcloth dress which was giving me 1950s vibes and it has POCKETS!!
We dropped Aimee off at the hotel so she could take a nap and sleep off her horrible dinner and we drove to the beach to catch the sunset.
The Deauville American Film Festival has taken place since 1975. The Promenade des Planches was built in 1923 and now has the names of popular American actors and directors. I was surprised by some of the names we saw but happy to find my imaginary lover Jeffrey Goldblum. Olivia only knew Jessica Tandy from her role in Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds.
The next day happened to be July 14th which is Bastille day in France! We began the day with a refreshing swim at our hotel.
She still loves to bellyflop!
We checked out of our room and headed to the beach for breakfast. But first, Liv challenged us to a game of table tennis. I beat them both!
I found the OG actors on the planches further down the boardwalk. Liz Taylor, Bette Davis and my girl Grace Kelly.
After promising Liv we would return so she could spend a day playing in the sand. We headed to Honfleur to spend the rest of the day before driving back into Paris.
Somehow there is an unspoken rule that when we see a Ferris Wheel, Liv must ride it, no questions.
It appears carousels follow this same rule as well.
Being weird with my best friend 21 years later.
The Honfleur harbor is giving me Copenhagen vibes.
Aimee was super stoked to finally get a delicious bowl of mussels! I don’t know how she eats them.
We listened to a French band play while we dined. There was a World Cup games playing so the entire town was distracted. I drove through Versailles to see if we could watch the Bastille day fireworks on our way back to the city but it was so crowded we couldn’t find parking and we were tired, so we zapped a few Invaders (how cool is this beheaded Louis the XVI?) and like the old, lame folks we are, we went home to bed.
Summer in Paris: BFF Visit My bestie Aimee came to visit us for ten days in July! The last time we were together in Paris was…
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kissxng · 7 years
11/13/17 about me
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? al i think? 2. Are you outgoing or shy? i’m somewhat outgoing but certain situations with lots of people that i don’t know make me feel shy and anxious 3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? my sister and parents for thanksgiving, but also molly and my buffalo girls this week! 4. Are you easy to get along with? sort of... haha 5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? maybe if i were with them, they’re a good person so i’d hope so 6. What kind of people are you attracted to? tall white boys with long hair that like angry music and rough sex, but also snuggling and telling me i’m pretty. commitment issues are a bonus. 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? no, but i wish i could be 8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? uh jordan and drew 9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? not at all 10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? my roommate alesha 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “here’s a pic for proof” showing my parents my midterm grades lol 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Daylily-Movements, The Grey-Movements, Crash-You Me at Six, Pull Up n Wreck-Big Sean, and Ric Flair Drip-Offset & Metro boomin
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Only sometimes
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Yes 15. What good thing happened this summer? I did a lot of really cool things with my friends, went to NYC with my best friend Kate, went to warped tour on Long Island, hiked with my family, and smoked a lot of weed with Alyssa and Tori <3 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yeah haha 17. Do you think there is life on other planets? It’s possible 18. Do you still talk to your first crush? No omg 19. Do you like bubble baths? Yes 20. Do you like your neighbors? No the bitches that live in the suite next to me are always loud as fuck 21. What are you bad habits? Being LAZY, piling lots of clothes on my desk chair instead of putting them away, not making my bed 22. Where would you like to travel? Amsterdam, Colorado, California, the Grand Canyon and Yosemite National Park, Lake Tahoe 23. Do you have trust issues? Yes it’s very difficult for me to trust people 24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Going to BED 25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My thighs and my stomach 26. What do you do when you wake up? Check my phone and pee 27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? In the summer I wish I could tan easier 28. Who are you most comfortable around? my sister 29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? no 30. Do you ever want to get married? someday 31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? yes 32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Liam Payne and Zayn Malik LOL 33. Spell your name with your chin. - 34. Do you play sports? What sports? I ski and I used to dance 35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV 36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yes 37. What do you say during awkward silences? nothing because i am Awkard 38. Describe your dream girl/guy? someone that can enjoy really sweet and simple things in life, but also likes to take risks and do things that push their comfort zone. Someone that is full of love and can love me as intensely as i want to love them. Someone with a creative soul and a logical mind lol. 39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? I really like Zara and Urban Outfitters 40. What do you want to do after high school? I’m in college and plan to go to graduate school after 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? No 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? That i’m either very mad or uncomfortable or in a bad/upset mood 43. Do you smile at strangers? no 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? outer space, the bottom of the ocean sounds fucking terrifying 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? my alarm 46. What are you paranoid about? never finding love 47. Have you ever been high? yes LOL 48. Have you ever been drunk? uh yes 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? not that i can think of 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? medium blue 51. Ever wished you were someone else? yes 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? i wish i was 20lbs thinner 53. Favourite makeup brand? kat von d b/c her liquid lipsticks 54. Favourite store? urban outfitters 55. Favourite blog? mine 56. Favourite colour? black and purple 57. Favourite food? as of lately i’ve been a slut for a good burrito 58. Last thing you ate? mint chocolate cookies 59. First thing you ate this morning? water and a mint lol 60. Ever won a competition? For what? not that i can recall 61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? nope 62. Been arrested? For what? not yet lol, i hope never 63. Ever been in love? no, but i did briefly feel like i was falling in love with someone 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? we got drunk in his dorm room off of cheap shit beer and were holding hands listening to the front bottoms and watching one of their music videos and we just started kissing. it was really nice. 65. Are you hungry right now? no 66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? i don’t have tumblr “friends” 67. Facebook or Twitter? twitter 68. Twitter or Tumblr? twitter 69. Are you watching tv right now? no 70. Names of your bestfriends? Ashley, Vicki, Kate, Alyssa, Tori, Alexis, Alesha, Alex 71. Craving something? What? love 72. What colour are your towels? the towel i’m currently using is pink 72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 3 and a pillow pet 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yes 74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? over 50 75. Favourite animal? french bulldogs 76. What colour is your underwear? green with limes on it 77. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla 78. Favourite ice cream flavour? cherry garcia, ben and jerry’s 79. What colour shirt are you wearing? white 80. What colour pants? none  81. Favourite tv show? shameless or greys anatomy 82. Favourite movie? don’t have one 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? mean girls 1 OG 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? mean girls 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? regina 86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? dory 87. First person you talked to today? someone in my first class 88. Last person you talked to today? alesha 89. Name a person you hate? garrett 90. Name a person you love? ashley 91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? ellery 92. In a fight with someone? no 93. How many sweatpants do you have? like 5 pairs 94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? prob like 20 or 30 lol 95. Last movie you watched? can’t recall 96. Favourite actress? don’t have one 97. Favourite actor? idk someone hot 98. Do you tan a lot? no 99. Have any pets? no i wish 100. How are you feeling? annoyed 101. Do you type fast? yes 102. Do you regret anything from your past? yes, i do stupid shit 103. Can you spell well? yes i love spelling lol 104. Do you miss anyone from your past? yeah fuck 105. Ever been to a bonfire party? yes! 106. Ever broken someone’s heart? no 107. Have you ever been on a horse? yes when i was little 108. What should you be doing? my OB paper 109. Is something irritating you right now? my throat hurts 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? yes.. 111. Do you have trust issues? yes you already asked me this 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? honestly can’t remember but i think alexis 113. What was your childhood nickname? loooorrnnn 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yes... 115. Do you play the Wii? yes i fuck w mario kart 116. Are you listening to music right now? yes, ghostface killers by 21 savage 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? no i don’t eat chicken but i used to like it 118. Do you like Chinese food? YES 119. Favourite book? the clique series was pretty dope 120. Are you afraid of the dark? yes.... 121. Are you mean? yeah lol 122. Is cheating ever okay? no 123. Can you keep white shoes clean? for a certain period of time 124. Do you believe in love at first sight? kinda 125. Do you believe in true love? yes 126. Are you currently bored? no 127. What makes you happy? feeling loved and being high 128. Would you change your name? probably not 129. What your zodiac sign? cancer 130. Do you like subway? yes it’s delish 131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? i don’t really have a best guy friend but if i did idk what i would do 132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? alesha you already asked this 133. Favourite lyrics right now? “you are the rustling of leaves and you are that honey suckle breeze” -movements 134. Can you count to one million? if i really wanted to i could 135. Dumbest lie you ever told? idk when i was like 15 i had cut myself (purposely) on my stomach and my mom saw and i tried to play it off by saying i fell in a bush at my friend lisa’s house but in hindsight i know she didn’t buy that lmao 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed always 137. How tall are you? 5′9″ 138. Curly or Straight hair? straight 139. Brunette or Blonde? blonde 140. Summer or Winter? summer 141. Night or Day? night 142. Favourite month? either october or december 143. Are you a vegetarian? yes! i have been for 3.5 years 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? dark chocolate 145. Tea or Coffee? iced coffee or mint tea 146. Was today a good day? it was okay 147. Mars or Snickers? snickers 148. What’s your favourite quote? HE NEED SOME MILK -vine  149. Do you believe in ghosts? yes, spooky 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? nah im lazy
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808randolph-blog · 7 years
#808Randolph The $6 Secret to Getting Rid of Brassy Hair: Food Coloring and Vinegar: Changing your natural hair color is a God-given right, but it's not without its follies—I mean, pretty much everyone who messes with dye has scrambled to figure out how to get rid of brassy, orange hair at one point or another. I'm a brunette who started coloring her hair in eighth grade—a semipermanent potion that imparted a quintessentially late-'90s auburn tint that I applied in my friend Elisabetta's Upper East Side bathroom—and since have experimented with almost every shade in the book: Black, Debra Messing red, mousy brown, light brown, espresso brown, and DIY ombré among them. Eventually, I realized that the best and most flattering color for my skin tone is cool medium brown with a few blonde highlights. Easy, right? You'd think, but it's taken me years to pin down a colorist who understands the exact science of working with brown and blonde without depositing any warm tones whatsoever. Shout-out to Julie at Pembley! MORE: Here's Exactly How to Curl Your Hair Like a Pro (3 Easy Steps) Still, my hair does tend to pull red after my color's faded, and both my highlights and base tend to get brassy with time—something that bothers me way more than it should. If I see one trace of orange, gold, or red tones, my day is pretty much ruined, dramatic as that may be. That's why two Saturdays ago when I couldn't get an appointment with my colorist, I spent the entire day researching DIY fixes for brass tones (beyond standard purple and blue shampoo). Most of what I found wasn't bad, but tended to leave my hair looking a little fried and only truly worked on the blonde sections. I needed an overall fix, which is how I stumbled upon a concoction of red and blue food coloring and distilled white vinegar. There are numerous blog posts and Pinterest boards dedicated to this method which all vary slightly from one another, but the basis is the same—mixing red and blue will make purple, which neutralizes yellow-orange shades, and white vinegar is pretty much the OG for legitimate, holographic shine. Here's exactly what I did: 2 1/2 cups of white vinegar 10 drops of blue food coloring 3-4 drops of red food coloring Some beauty bloggers use neon purple food coloring for vibrancy, but I couldn't find it at my local store—and when I get the urge to mess with my hair color, waiting a day or two for Amazon to deliver is out of the question. I needed those red tones gone, like, yesterday. I found mixing red and blue worked like a dream, as long as the concentration of blue is larger than the concentration of red. Photo: Perrie Samotin Once I mixed the ingredients together in a measuring cup, I brought it with me to the shower, where I used shampoo and conditioner as I normally would. After rinsing, I poured the entire toner mixture evenly over my hair (be careful to tilt your head back to avoid getting it in your mouth and in your eyes—vinegar burns like a mother, something I learned the hard way), let it sit for about ten seconds, then rinsed it out. From there, I combed my hair, added my usual mixture of Phytodefrisant (a quarter-size amount), Redken Frizz Dismiss Rebel Tame (a nickel-size squeeze), and a few pumps of Shu Uemura Straightforward Time-Saving Blow Dry Oil Spray, and let it air-dry for about an hour. During that time, I could absolutely see a difference in the tone of my highlights, but it wasn't until I used a hair dryer that I was able to see zero traces of brass throughout. It really, really worked. Photo: Tiffany Hagler-Geard/Perrie Samotin For further evidence of how well this worked, reference the photo above. The pic on the left is me a few months ago; the right, me after my at-home toner. Some sites prefer to swap out the vinegar for white conditioner, but I'm going to stick with the vinegar—my thick hair usually leans toward matte, so it's nice to have that extra boost of shine. So far, I've done the toner treatment twice—it's not permanent, so it won't eradicate brass for more than a week or two, but—as someone who will wear a hat if my hair starts to turn orange until I'm able to get to my colorist—it's been a game-changer. It also costs around $6, which is cheaper than a chemical-filled boxed toner. MORE: You Need to See This Woman's Botched $300 Hair Dye Job Originally published February 2016. Updated May 2017. http://bit.ly/2pcpXwK
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