#I could not find her in stores anywhere and she was out of stock online. UNTIL.
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norosesnolife · 7 months ago
I have finally acquired Ghoulia Yelps.
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softshimmer · 2 years ago
allow me to walk you through the Halloween costume fiasco that took place over the last two hours
so I had a costume ready that I was gonna wear to work on halloween, it’s basically just a dress that I already owned and I was gonna be a hammer horror girl (really just an excuse to wear a tiny dress and look hot)
my friend was going to this really cool event in brooklyn on friday night and I decided at the last minute that I wanted to go (turned out she knew I’d do that so she got a ticket for me when she got hers weeks ago lol)
the only problem is my costume was way too boring. I needed something more highly stylized. I wanted to keep the dress as the base of the costume so I decided I could be a porcelain doll (very on brand for me). I just needed some lace gloves, white tights, big lashes, and a bonnet. the first three things are easy, but the bonnet proved more difficult. no party city anywhere near me had a bonnet in stock. spirit halloween allegedly has bonnets but they don’t have a store availability feature, so I would have to call each individual store to see if they had any. I started looking into DIY options, but that wasn’t really panning out either because I would need to source a straw hat, and it’s not exactly the season for those
I decide to try smaller local halloween stores to see if any of them had a buy online and pick up in store option. after trying like four, I found one that had all the necessary items AND would let me pick them up in store tomorrow (because by the way, I work the next two days, so time is limited)
I get to the checkout screen and my Apple Pay isn’t going through because of a weird billing address situation. this is a problem because I have not known the whereabouts of my debit card for at least three months. I just use Apple Pay for everything. I try to find my card number both in my apple wallet and in my bank app. no dice. after panicking for like ten minutes I remembered I have a credit card in my apple wallet so I tried that and it went through!!!
so the moral of the story is if you want to look hot bad enough the universe will find a way. thanks for coming on this journey with me guys. it’s been a real roller coaster
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mamabearcatfanfics · 4 years ago
Battle Couple
I've had this little idea for a while, and then decided I could bend it slightly to fit this year's @inukag-week's first battle couple prompt. Because not all battles we face have to be huge ones against a deadly foe. Sometimes the battles can simply be standing up for what's right.
Inuyasha dragged the beanie down tighter over his head, stomping towards the exit of the store. He hated this. This is why he bought things online and had them delivered. Because then he could avoid interactions like he’d just had with that racist arsehole. He glanced down at the text from Sesshoumaru again, wondering if there was some other way he could get this gift for Rin. It was the first time his half-brother had thrown a birthday party for his adopted daughter, and no doubt it would be a big deal.
Rin has expressed an interest in this item. Her birthday party is on Saturday at 10am. Do not be late.
And of course the toy Rin had asked for was sold out everywhere online. The tiny dolls with light up dresses and a matching crystal necklace were apparently ‘the’ toy at the moment. She specifically wanted the purple one, the ‘hope’ doll, because it was her favourite colour, and she already had the other dolls in the set. This was the last one she needed. And he hadn’t been able to find it anywhere. He was failing as an Uncle. The last store he’d been to, he’d practically seen a pair of mothers come to blows arguing over the last CrystalShines doll on the shelf.
He was close to the exit of the store when an intriguing scent wafted past his nose. It was another store employee, dressed in the dark polo shirt and black jeans, with one of those ear walkie talkies they all seemed to wear. She was giggling, talking to someone using the button on her mike, her other arm full of a variety of women’s clothing that she was putting back on the racks. Her arms were a blur as she began sorting them into different sizes, working quickly to make each rack neat and tidy.
He watched as she flitted about the store, talking to a customer, smiling and waving at a baby in a pram, folding jumpers and t-shirts. His eyes were drawn to her dark ponytail; the way it swung as she moved was almost hypnotic. Her glossy hair was black, but had a blue sheen to it under the harsh fluorescent lighting, and he had a sudden urge to reach out and touch it, stroke down the length of the swinging tail to see if it was as soft and silken as it looked.
Without even realising it, he followed her, almost bumping into her as she suddenly spun around to go in a different direction.
“Oh! Good evening sir, can I help you with anything?”
There was a pleasant smile on her face, and she was looking at him expectantly. His voice didn’t seem to want to work now he was actually standing close to her, so he turned around his phone, showing her the picture of the doll.
“This is what you’re looking for?”
“Yeah”, he said softly, his eyes focused on hers as she glanced up at him again. He’d never seen anyone with grey eyes before. It seemed they were lit from within like starlight, and now that he was closer to her, she smelt even better. He cleared his throat, trying to get a hold of himself. “My niece wants one of these for her birthday, and I’m having trouble finding one.”
“Okay”, she said, reaching for the button on her headset to talk to the other employees on the shop floor. “Let me just talk to my colleague in the toy department, and I’ll see if we’ve got that item in stock.”
Kagome watched as the man in front of her visibly deflated.
“Don’worry about it then. Already talked to ‘im.”
And then she got it. Ryan was working the toy department tonight. Ryan the racist bigot who didn’t like interacting with any customers who weren’t white, male, good ol’ boys, exactly like him. Usually he worked out the back in the store room, unpacking shipments, but due to the flu going around and the shortage of staff, the evening shift manager had put him on the floor tonight. And he’d no doubt said something innaproppriate to this gorgeous man in front of her, who obviously had some sort of youkai heritage.
She’d had her own run-ins with Ryan. He’d said many cruel things to her over the past six months, since he’d found out what happened a few years ago, cruel enough to make her run to the safety of the women’s toilets to shed a few silent tears in private. He never bullied her in a place where others could overhear, he always cornered her in dark places where there was no one else around. He frightened her. Jak knew she was uncomfortable around him, and did his best to make sure they were never rostered on at the same time, so it had been a while since she’d had to deal with him.
She took in the golden eyes, fangs and the beanie yanked down hard over his long silver hair, but it was the resigned bitter look on his face that caught at her heart. She knew that feeling. Internally Kagome fumed, but outwardly she hoisted her brightest smile onto her face, wanting to make it up to him. She could fix this!
“Wait. I don’t know the toy department that well, but I’m sure I could help. Just give me a moment to put these things down.”
He followed her to a wheeled rack in the aisle where she hung all the clothing in her arms back up, and then turned to him, smiling brightly again.
“Let’s go to the toy department and see if we can’t find this doll for your niece. When’s her birthday?”
“Oh dear, that doesn’t give you much time to find one!”
“I’ve been lookin’ all week. Online stores have sold out.”
“Well, hopefully we’ll have one in stock. Let’s see, the doll aisle is around here somewhere.”
They walked together down the aisle, both scanning the shelves for the tiny dolls.
“They should be around here”, said Kagome, her finger running along the price labelling on the edge of the shelf, her eyes lighting up as she found the right tag, but sighing in disappointment as she found the shelf empty.
“Yeah”, sighed Inuyasha. “I asked the guy around here if he could find out if there were any more out the back or somethin’ and he, ah…”
“Don’t worry”, said Kagome, a determined look on her face, “I will personally go take a look in the store room for you. Just wait here for me sir.”
He coughed a little, his head turning to the side to avoid her direct gaze. “My name, it’s Inuyasha.”
“Oh. Right. Just wait here for me Inuyasha, and I’ll be right back.”
“Thanks Kagome.”
She blinked in confusion as he said her name, wondering how he’d known it, then realised he had read her name tag.
For some reason him saying her name out loud made her stomach swoop, like she was on a roller coaster, even though her feet were firmly planted on the ground. As he gave her a shy smile, she felt her cheeks begin to heat, and she whirled around, making a beeline for the storage room, talking into the mike on her headset as she left.
“Hey Jak, it’s Kagome – just going out to the store room for a moment for a customer. I’ll get right back on those returns as soon as I’m done, okay?”
“Oooh, tell me it’s the hottie with the white hair that I pointed out to you!”
“Oh it is! Take your time honey!”
“You’re incorrigible, you know that?”
“And you love me for it. Make sure you get his name and number before he goes!”
“For the customer form darlin’, what else did you think I meant?”
She could hear him still sniggering as she released the talk button on her mike, and she shook her head, grinning despite herself. He was her in-line manager and they got on really well, but rarely got to spend time together, as he was usually rostered on during the day, and her in the evenings so her day was free for lectures and study.
Kagome squeezed her way into the storeroom, scanning the aisles of stock yet to be placed out on the shelves. And then she saw it, the edge of a box with a picture of a tiny doll up on the highest shelf.
Dragging over the step ladder, she placed it under the shelf and climbed up, her petite size meaning she had to stand on the very top to have any chance of reaching the box. She just managed to reach the doll with the tips of her fingers, and nudged it. It tipped forward and fell, and with a gasp she managed to catch it with her outstretched hand, teetering on the top of the ladder, her other arm windmilling frantically to keep her balance.
She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her frantically beating heart after her almost fall, the box containing the doll clutched tightly against her. But she’d found one for him, a purple one, just like he’d wanted. She had no idea why that made her feel so incredibly happy, but it did.
Grinning widely as she emerged from the storeroom, she began walking directly to the toy department. She could see Inuyasha there, waiting for her. But she could also see Ryan, his arms crossed as he spoke to him, a sneer on his face. She quickened her pace. Previous experience had taught her that expression couldn’t mean anything good.
Inuyasha stood his ground, hands clenched in tight fists by his sides. He had every right to be here – he was a customer, he hadn’t caused any commotion or damage. Kagome had asked him to wait here. But apparently that wasn’t good enough for this guy.
“I told you already, we’ve got none of what your looking for. Nothing for you. Are you deaf, or just stupid?” The volume of his voice wasn’t loud enough to draw anyone’s attention to them, but definitely loud enough to get on Inuyasha’s nerves.
Inuyasha closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his hands shaking slightly as he held back. He would not punch out this idiot – this was a department store, not a battle ground. Even though he deserved it because he was a racist bigoted shit.
“I already told you to leave youkai! Do I have to call security?”
Inuyasha breathed out slowly, trying to keep any trace of anger out of his voice, even though he wanted to let rip. He’d found out the hard way that security tended to not ask questions, just see his youkai traits and assume the worst.
“And I already told you, another employee was taking a look out the back for me. She told me to wait here for her.”
“Yeah, like I’d believe anything one of you would have to say. You’re all the same. What are hidin’ under that hat huh? Some kinda weird freakish thing I’d bet. ”
Inuyasha turned, his eyes lighting up as Kagome appeared. But she wasn’t wearing the wide smile she had when she left. She was stomping towards them, a box tucked tightly under her arm, the scowl on her face impressive. Thankfully that scowl was not directed at him.
He could smell the nervousness pouring off of her, but you never would have thought it looking at the way she faced off with her work colleague, stepping in front of him like she wanted to shield him from this man's ire with her much smaller body.
“Ryan, I’m handling this customer. And I’ve already found what he needed, so there’s no reason for you to be here. I think you’ve probably said enough.”
There was the barest trace of a tremble in her voice, and Inuyasha moved in closer behind her, wanting her to feel like he was there to support her. He wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, but he didn’t like it.
Ryan rolled his eyes and then sneered at her, his voice low and vicious.
“Ha. Shoulda known it would be you Kagome. Such a helpful little kiss ass. Why don’t you turn that cute little tush of yours around and head back to the ladies department where you belong, unless you’re still that desperate for some demon tail.”
Ryan grinned at the shocked expression on Kagome’s face, posturing like he’d somehow scored a point. “Bit ironic really, you working in the ladies department when you’re anything but. A human ain't good enough for Kagome, huh? Wasn’t it bad enough that the last guy you had got fired, now you’re after customers too? You really are a-“
“Don’t. Say. Another. Word.”
Both Kagome and Ryan flinched at the snarled words behind them.
“Kagome, call your manager”, said Inuyasha gruffly. “I wanna report this guy.”
“It’s my word against yours demon, and little Kagome’s not gonna say anything, are you Kagome, because you’re fuckin’ pathetic. There’s nothin’ you can report me for”, snorted Ryan.
“Oh, I don’t know. I’d probably pick being a racist arsehole, for starters”, said another voice cheerfully. "Then maybe we could add workplace harassment."
A tall man in a tailored suit stepped into view, his dark hair slicked back into a short ponytail. He was holding his phone up, obviously still recording the whole thing.
“Here I was, minding my own business in the Lego aisle while I looked for the perfect birthday gift for my little girls, and what should I hear? An employee bad mouthing a customer, when the customer had been nothing but polite and civil. Don’t worry about proof, I’m happy to be a witness. I was recording the whole thing. From the very first racist slur that left your lips.”
Kagome’s eyes were wide as she glanced from the ponytailed man back to Ryan, and Inuyasha could hear her heart beating frantically. He nodded at her approvingly as she took a deep breath, her hand steady on the button on her headset.
“Jak, it’s Kagome”, she said, her voice a little breathless, but firm. “Can you-“
Ryan lunged towards her.
“Don’t you dare, you fuckin’ bitch!”
Inuyasha ducked out from behind Kagome, his fist grabbing the back of Ryan’s shirt and lifting him into the air, Ryan’s legs kicking frantically as he tried to escape. Before Kagome could move out of the way, his steel capped boot caught her on the chin. She dropped like a stone, crumpling to the floor in a heap.
“Fuck, Kagome!”
Inuyasha swung Ryan out of the way and dropped him none too gently, all his focus on the small woman laying prone on the slightly grubby linoleum floor, still out for the count. He could hear a scuffle behind him as the man in the suit and a few other observers struggled to keep Ryan contained, but he no longer cared about him. He knelt down close to her, gently stroking the glossy dark hair back from her face.
“Kagome, can you hear me?”
Inuyasha shook Kagome’s shoulder gently, trying to rouse her, and her eyes fluttered open.
“Inuyasha?” she said groggily, her arm tightening around the box, a wobbly smile on her face. “I got your doll.”
It took a while to sort everything out. An ambulance was called, and the police. The police took statements from Inuyasha, Kagome and the man in the suit, Miroku. Ryan was fired on the spot, and Jak was positively gleeful, despite the mountain of paperwork he’d have to fill out before he went home that evening. When the paramedic suggested that Kagome should go to the hospital to be checked for possible concussion, Inuyasha had immediately said he’d like to go with her, if that was alright with Kagome, and after a few polite remarks about it not being necessary, she’d gratefully accepted. Jak had positively pushed them into the ambulance together, waving them off with a bright smile. It was the most exciting evening shift he’d had in years.
“You don’t have to stay you know. I’ll be fine, I’ll just get an Uber home.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes, leaning back against the wall, his arm resting on the edge of Kagome's hospital bed.
“For the tenth time woman, I don’t mind. I want to be here when the doctor examines you to make sure you’re okay. And then I wanna make sure you get home safe.” He sighed as he looked at the dark purpling bruise on Kagome’s chin. “I’m just sorry I didn’t throw that fucker down to the end of the aisle when I had the chance.”
“But it’s so late! It’s almost 2am, and you have the party to go to tomorrow. Today I mean.”
“Eh, that’s hours away. She won’t mind if I’m a little late, Rin’s a nice kid. And now I have the perfect present, thanks to you.”
Kagome was quiet for a while. The silence grew to feel uncomfortable, because Inuyasha could sense how tense Kagome suddenly was.
“Inuyasha… I want to explain. About what Ryan said to me.”
“Hmm?” He could smell nervousness again, billowing around her like a cloud, and he didn’t like it. “Doesn’t matter, none of my business.”
“But I want to”, she said, her voice taking on a stubborn edge.
“Fine, I’ll listen. But nothin’ you can say will change my good opinion of you. You stepped up for me back there Kagome, and that don’t happen for me much. I will always remember that.”
Kagome reached out her hand to lightly grasp the clawed one sitting next to her on the bed, and squeezed it.
“Thank you.”
He squeezed back.
“You’re welcome.”
“Anyway”, she sighed. “About what Ryan said. I started working at that department store when I was still in high school, as a weekend job. And there was this training manager, a kitsune. He’d come around every so often, and all the girls thought he was really good looking. He had a little green sports car; a lot of the other girls thought was really important. They all were flirting with him, and then he asked me out. I was so surprised. I mean, me! I’m nothing special! He was so stylish, and so charming. I really thought…” Kagome laughed but it had no humour in it, and Inuyasha squeezed her hand again. She shrugged, her shoulders coming up around her ears as her face turned away from him.
“I was so stupid! It turned out I was right about being nothing special, because he was going out with a couple of girls at every store that he visited.” She flinched a little at Inuyasha’s low growl of disapproval. “There were around ten of us. And because a couple of us were under aged, he was charged. Lost his job. Ryan found out about it a few months ago and thought-“
“Don’t say it”, said Inuyasha gruffly, squeezing her hand again. “Don’t matter what he thought. It’s in the past. And the Kagome I saw tonight was amazing.”
“No I wasn’t!” Kagome shook her head, then winced as her head throbbed, realising that was a bad idea. “I was so scared Inuyasha! I’ve never been able to stand up to him before. But I couldn’t stand the thought of him being mean to you!”
“Then you’re even braver than I thought.” Inuyasha entwined his fingers with hers, and cleared his throat. “Kagome, I know you don’t know me. But I think I’d like to get to know you. Could I call you? Maybe we could go out for coffee or somethin’? I mean you don’t gotta answer, and if you don’t wanna, I totally understand, I mean-“
“Yes.” Kagome giggled at the wide toothy grin on Inuyasha’s face. “Give me your phone and I’ll put my number in.”
“Wait. Maybe you should see what all’a me looks like before you say yes.”
Inuyasha tugged off his beanie, revealing the pointed white dog ears on top of his head. “If you wanna change your mind, I-“
“They’re so cute!” squeaked Kagome. “Please give me your phone!”
Kagome woke up the next morning very late, so late that it was no longer morning at all.
It had been 3am by the time Inuyasha had dropped her home with a bag of painkillers and the Doctor’s instructions for treating her mild concussion. He’d helped her into bed, placed her medicine and a glass of water next to the bed for her, kissed her softly on the cheek and whispered goodnight, closing the door behind him.
She rubbed her cheek gently at the memory of that small kiss, a smile on her face. She still had a headache, so she took two of the tablets, then reached for her phone on the bedside table where it had been charging.
There were two messages.
The birthday girl loves her present! Attached was a picture of a smiling Inuyasha kneeling with his arm around a little girl in a checked orange party dress and sparkly sandals, her dark hair up in pig tails. A wide excited grin split her face, revealing the gap of a missing front tooth. The doll was clutched tightly in her hand, and she was wearing the necklace that came with it.
I told Rin how brave you were, and she wanted you to have some birthday cake. Can I bring some over when you wake up? 🍰
Kagome smiled almost as wide as Rin, despite her headache.
I’d love you to ❤
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Time for the rest of the first challenge. Event. Whatever. Words hard.
[No. 26 - Chase Down The Leader]
We flashback just a minute or so from where we left off, in order to see just how Izuku pulled off his impressive launch across the field. He stands at the start of the minefield, watching other students pick their way through - and occasionally setting off mines with missteps - while having a veritable mumblefest over the mines and the general issue of trying to pick past them. 
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The general gist of the mumbling: The mines are the type that blow up when stepped on, and aren’t that strong, but can throw a student off enough to possibly cause a chain reaction and lose them a lot of time. It’s better to go slow to avoid damage, even for leaping types, and trying to slow others is a guaranteed time loss. Izuku then analyzes the field in front of him, noting the spots people avoid and that most students will be most on guard at the entrance, which means there are plenty of mines left for his plan so long as they stay frosty. 
Izuku puts his armor plate to work digging up mines, muttering about how anti-personnel mines should only be 14 centimeters or so deep (about 6 inches). Jirou, just making her way into the field and using her quirk to… I guess disable mines in front of her? Anyway, she actually notices Izuku is up to something and asks what he’s doing, though I think it’s not one she expects to get answered. In short order, Izuku has a pile of about a dozen mines, and mentally claims he’s taking a page from Kacchan’s book. Meanwhile, Present Mic announces Shouto and Katsuki are still in the lead, and that they’re about to cross the finish line.
Not for long, though, as Izuku names his adhoc maneuver ‘great blasting turbo speed’, throwing himself on top of his armor sheet and onto the pile of mines, launching him over the field and right towards the two leading the pack. Pretty much everyone hesitates or stops to stare for a moment, shook by the sheer brass balls it had to take to literally blow yourself sky high. The two most shook, of course, are Shouto and Katsuki, who only just start moving again when Izuku actually flies ahead of them, forgoing their fight in order to catch back up.
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Izuku considers the whole experience intense, and is even more focused now that he’s managed to gain the lead. However, there’s one huge issue - he didn’t think far enough ahead to consider how he was going to land. As if that’s not enough, Katsuki is throwing himself forward with more explosions, screaming at ‘Deku’ to get back there (presumably to fight). Shouto’s not far behind, giving up keeping the others hindered in exchange for the speed he gets from icing over the field ahead of him - he doesn’t have time to worry about those behind him now.
Present Mic announces the temporary ceasefire between the two in order to chase down Izuku, and how when a common enemy appears, people stop fighting - then tacks on that, well, actually they’re still fighting, just not each other. Aizawa wonders what his friend is even trying to say. 
Izuku starts floating away from his armor sheet, the larger surface area causing it to stall and slow faster then he is. He grabs onto one of the wires as he recognizes this, and that if he loses time on his landing, passing the two again will be impossible. As the two just start to rush past him, Izuku swears mentally, telling himself to not let go - while he’s still ahead, this is his only chance. So, if passing them is impossible, then he has to maintain the lead. 
Somehow, he manages to flip in the air, using the momentum to bring the armor plate swinging around and into the ground right between the two, the pressure enough to set off several more mines. The two are forced to stop from the resulting explosion, while Izuku’s newfound momentum throws him readily ahead. 
As he falls into a duck and roll, Present Mic announces how Izuku blows off the competition with no time to lose. He goes on to marvel at Aizawa’s class, wondering what he’s teaching the kids. Aizawa says it’s not his doing, and that they’ve been spurring each other on all on their own. Present Mic rolls on with his commentary, asking who could have predicted such an incredible turn of events? Aizawa asks if he’s being ignored as Present Mic announces the first one back to the stadium:
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Midoriya Izuku. The crowds go absolutely wild. Outside the stadium, Death Arms recognizes Izuku as the kid from a year ago. At home, Inko falls off the couch sobbing while repeatedly stumbling over Izuku’s name. In an unknown location, Shigaraki watches on while scratching idly at his neck. 
Izuku looks around the stadium while breathing heavily, eventually looking at one spot in particular. Somehow, he’s found Toshinori in the stands, and the two have a Moment™ from across the stadium. 
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These fucking two, man. 
While Izuku is trying to keep himself from crying, the other students start making their way across the finish line as well. 
Toshinori thinks about how Izuku has the spirit of a savior hero to the core, but the sports festival is a competition that tests the exact opposite of that - your willingness to take down the enemy. Heroes nowadays depend on popular opinion so much. So many selfishly seek to beat everyone else. But that’s not Izuku - and that’s why Toshinori chose him, even as he thoughts that lack of selfishness would be his one weakness. He claps in the stands, happy to have been proved wrong and mentally apologizing for doubting him, even as he laments Izuku’s crying habits.
Some business students nearby catch Toshinori’s attention, mostly due to them discussing Izuku’s potential and how they’d market him. They talk about how Izuku’s stock is about to rise, but it’s hard to say what’s still in store for him since he didn’t show his quirk. They then start speculating about how a hero agency would market him if they took it on, with one pointing out how he’s not much to look at, so they’re have to push his skills and his unique, almost artistic sensibilities. When the resources you need aren’t there… Well, we don’t hear how that gets handled, but Toshinori does note how some things never change.
We get a brief narrative insert about the business course, most notably how they have nothing to gain by directly competing in the sports festival. Instead, they hone their skills as salespeople and run business simulations. 
Back with the hero students, we see Katsuki and Shouto both catching their breath. Katsuki is furious at Izuku once again managing to wrangle a win right from under him, while Shouto is just staring after Izuku silently. Present Mic announces more racers reaching the finish line, and that the standings will be gone over later, so the students can catch their breath for now.
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Ochako and Tenya make their way over to Izuku. Ochako calls Izuku’s strategy awesome, while Tenya is in despair over losing a race with his quirk, stating that he still has progress to make. Ochako states that she’s jealous of Izuku’s first place; Izuku flushes and hides his face behind his arms, stating that it wasn’t that impressive, and was still too close. Internally, he laments that he just got lucky, that all his chance strategies happened to work. They say it’s awesome, but it was just a lucky break, and that the real test of skill starts now.
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Anyways, Midnight announces the end of the race, and we get the results:
Midoriya Izuku
Todoroki Shouto
Bakugou Katsuki
Shiozaki Ibara
Honenuki Juuzou
Iida Tenya
Tokoyami Fumikage
Sero Hanta
Kirishima Eijirou
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Ojiro Mashirao
Awase Yosetsu
Asui Tsuyu
Shouji Mezou
Satou Rikidou
Uraraka Ochako
Yaoyorozu Momo
Mineta Minoru
Ashido Mina
Kouda Kouji
Jirou Kyouka
Kaibara Sen
Tsuburaba Kosei
Kaminari Denki
Bondo Kojiro
Yanagi Reiko
Shinsou Hitoshi
Kendo Itsuka
Shishida Jurota
Kuroiro Shihai
Kodai Yui
Rin Hiryu
Shouda Nirengeki
Komori Kinoko
Kamakiri Togaru
Monoma Neito
Tsunotori Pony
Hagakure Touru
Tokage Setsuna
Fukidashi Manga
Hatsume Mei
Aoyama Yuuga
I wasn’t able to find this list in word form anywhere online, so I made it myself. You’re welcome. I also calculated the points each of them had going into the second event, but I’m not gonna worry about that here. I’ll do individual and team points when we actually get to the teams. That way, we’ll know who has which teams’ headbands at the end!
Moving on with the chapter. Midnight announces that the top 42 from the qualifying round will move on, conveniently just including every hero student as well as the two non-hero students who managed to place higher. For those who placed lower, the sports festival will have another way for them to show their stuff!
(Not that we see said show, which I mean, makes sense narratively speaking, but also…)
[I was going to insert the server discussion about my thoughts on the arbitrary cut-off point here, but it’s getting long enough to merit its own post at this point. So look forward to that whenever it goes up!]
Anyways, Midnight continues on, explaining that now the main selection really begins, and that the press corp is going to be jumping out of their seats, so the students should give it all they’ve got. Now, onto the second event, which she already knows - which confirms these are predetermined by UA and they just do the randomizer for the sake of the crowds. Said event is… 
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the cavalry battle!
Kaminari is nervous at that, thinking about how he’s going to suck. Mineta is also looking concerned. Tsuyu notes they’re teaming up, but how, exactly? Midnight explains with a neat little graphic:
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Basically, participants get in teams of two to four, and get into a horse-and-rider formation. The rules are the same as your regular cavalry battle - snag the opponent’s headbands while guarding your own - but with a twist. Each student has an assigned value based on their placement in the race. 
Sato notes that it sounds like the points in the entrance exam, so it sounds simple. Hagakure comments on how this means the point value of each team is based on its members. Midnight snaps and cracks her whip at the students that she’s about to explain, so they should shut up already. 
Individual point values start at five, at the bottom, so the student in 42nd place is forth five, 41st is worth ten, etc etc. However, the first place participant - that is, Izuku - is instead worth a whole ten million points.
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That, my friends, is the face of someone realized they done fucked up.
Basically all the students stare down Izuku as he goes stiff from the internal panicking. Shinsou and Hatsume seem to be shown particular interest in it. Midnight finishes the chapter by noting that the higher-ranked students are the ones to aim for, and that this survival game is a chance for a comeback. It’s anyone’s game!
And with that, we end chapter 26… and volume three. Which means bonus content will be coming soon! See y’all then, and we’ll be back with more sports festival action in the next volume. 
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bluescarfvivi · 4 years ago
A Taste of Christmas!
Merry Christmas @talifu! 
I’m you’re Secret MSA Santa for @msaholidayspirits! You wanted some fluffy, slice-of-life, wholesome goodness with the team? I got you covered! This is the first year I decided going with a fic! Change it up a bit and try something new! I hope you enjoy it, and have a fantastic holiday season!! 
Briiiing! Briiing!
Briiing! Briiing!
Briiing! Briiing! 
“Nggggh...just five more minutes...I gotta...take the potions...to the village elder…for exchange….exotic breads…” 
Something warm and wet wiped across her cheeks instantly waking the bluenette up from her mumblings. “What!? What...I’m here. ‘M...here, I’m awake...” Somewhat. Her eyes held a stark heaviness, slowly blinking and shutting closed on occasion. “Wh...what’s so...you’re so loud...why..” 
“You slept through your alarm Vivi! Three times!”    
No answer.
“...you do understand what day it is, right?” 
“Mmmis jus’...another...day off for me…” Vivi tossed onto her other side snaking an arm around a very blue, very worn stuffed turtle plush. “M’fine…” 
Mystery sighed. Goodness this girl didn’t even realize why he provoked her. He jumped up on the bed, landing on top of the slow-breathing mound. Two paws massaged the sleeping creature beneath the sheets. “Vivi, it is Christmas. I believe you had plans with the others today involving-”
“HOLY SHIT, WAIT YOU’RE RIGHT!” Why didn’t it click?! It’s one of her favorite holidays! The sudden outburst sent the poor dog tumbling off the bed, but thankfully Mystery timed it so he landed on his feet. Vivi threw the covers off (poor Mystery couldn’t react in time when the sheets descended upon him) and ran to her closet. Most of her clothes lay haphazardly or shoved towards the sides in massive, dirty clumps. She saved a specific outfit just for today. After counting through several hangers, Vivi violently heaved the festive garment off its hanger. It looked as if Jolly Old Saint Nicholas literally used all his magic to make the most appropriately, most disgustingly festive, handknit outfit. Handknit too, and paired with bright dark green stockings. 
“What time is it? What time is it!?” There wasn’t any time to check the clock, nor anytime to waste dawdling in the bathroom. A quick splash of soapy water on her face, a healthy dab of deodorant under her arms, and she called it clean. Now to slip on the dang outfit. She flipped the Christmas dress over her head struggling to shove the material past her chest. One little wiggle after another and the rest fell into place. Two arms through each sleeve, a simple fix near the hem, a onceover in the full body mirror and she looked set to jingle some bells! 
“We still have plenty of time before your arrangement at the Kingsmens.” Mystery trotted in with a sheet in tow, and a Santa hat clutched in his mouth. “I doubt Arthur or Lance won’t you give you much trouble if you arrive just a few minutes late.” 
“I still have to put everyone’s gifts in my bag.” Vivi scurried out of the bathroom back to her bedroom. Over on her desk were neatly wrapped gifts, decorated in various colors and tied together with small bows. Each color seemed to represent a certain person, some were rather small while a few took an extra coating of wrapping paper. She did her best! That’s what she figured. “Come on Mystery. Help me find my purse. I thought I had it on my chair!” 
Mystery sighed. “Alright, just don’t get yourself too much in a tizzy.” It had to be somewhere in her room. He remembered seeing it draped on the back of her desk chair, but now it was covered in one of her bed blankets. He grabbed it with his mouth and pulled it off, with no sign of the item in question. Maybe it got lost in the sea of covers? He nosed into the pile, sticking his head further in until it swallowed him whole. A small lump moved around beneath the pile, and after a few moments his head poked out with a small, deep sea blue purse in his teeth. “Purse found!” 
“Good good good!” Vivi swiped it out, tucking it over her right arm, while her left arm held a brightly colored, green and white paper bag full of her presents. She looked like a modern day Santa Claus in her outfit minus the blue boots. “No more wasting time. We gotta get over there or else lunch will get cold!” Her room may be in a tattered mess, but that would be a problem for future Vivi. 
Her feet flew down the stairs taking two at a time, then jumped off right near the landing. A solid stance: give it an 8/10 since she did misstep. Her winter coat lay on the coat rack near the door, along with Mystery’s own doggie jacket and leash. She fixed up Mystery first, then pulled the jacket over her Christmas outfit. Everyone would get quite a festive surprise when she showed this off.
Double check everything. Purse. Gift. Outfit. Purse. Mystery. She couldn’t have forgotten Mystery of all people. Er well...scratch that one. “Let’s get going! I bet you Lance whipped up something yummy and delicious for us!” 
“Hopefully I won’t have the intoxicating scent of haggis clogging my nostrils.” Mystery mused. 
It wasn’t the best of days in Tempo. Cloudy and rather chilly. Even if the weather appeared gloomy, it couldn’t halt the joyous cheers and jolly greetings from the residents. Maybe the weather was holding out for something…
The local mechanic shop came into view. The bright, giant crowned wrench lit up just as usual decorated with garland. A little santa hat topped it all off. The windows were adorned with various strings of flashing colored lights, coupled with dripping icicle lights on the awning. Very festive and inviting. 
“Wow, the icicle drips are new! I couldn’t even grab one of those for the book shop!” Vivi commented while watching the light show. “Duet had to order a set online but they didn’t come until a few days later. Chloe and I managed to hang them up before the store opened.” 
“I’m sure all the little ones enjoyed the festive decorations you two put together.” Mystery nodded with a smile. 
Vivi chuckled. “Alright! It’s time to get our Christmas on!” The duo stepped underneath the awning, and Vivi reached out rapping her hand against the wooden door. No answer, not even muffled voices beyond the doorway. They said they could come by anytime around noon. The bluenette double checked pulling out her cell phone. 12:20PM. Late but not ‘fashionably late’ in her eyes. Another knock still didn’t get them anywhere. 
...until she heard a distance crashing sound. 
“What the…” Vivi moved toward the closest window plastering her face against the glass. She peered inside seeing nothing out of the ordinary. The usual storefront was all she took in, albeit it’d been darkened due to the shop closure for the day. She scanned around the rows of hardware, the front desk, and locked on the low light coming from a doorway. That’s the store entrance to their home, but no signs of anyone. “I can’t see anyone near the back but...you heard that too, right?”
Mystery trotted over standing up on his back two legs so he could take a look inside. “I did...however with this low visibility and the nature of the crash I can’t judge whether it’s something we should be concerned about..” 
“There is a side entrance. Let’s try knocking over there.” 
This wasn’t the usual entrance for customers. It’s like a side-alley back door, where the employees could hang out during their break or needed to take out the trash. Piles of scrap metal and rusty materials lay against the brick walls, creaking here and there in the light breeze. Vivi stepped up the two stone stairs and knocked on his steel frame. “Arthur! Lance! It’s me and Mystery!” There wasn’t a response at first so she tried banging a little harder. “Guys? Is anyone-” 
The door swung open catching Vivi and Mystery by complete surprise. She fumbled down the stairs catching herself on top of the squashed dog. Right in the entrance stood a familiar blonde mechanic. The smile on his square face could brighten any cloudy day. The greens and reds adorned on his sweater complimented the bright red nose taped over his own nose. 
“Heeeeeey Vivi! Uh...sorry for scaring you there!” He offered her a helping hand. “I was about to catch you at the front, but then Lance told me he heard the knocks coming from the side.” 
“That’s okay Artie.” Vivi sighed adjusting the bottom hem of her Christmas dress. “I wasn’t sure whether I should have gone the usual way or try my chances around here.” 
“It’s noooo problem!” Arthur seemed very enthusiastic, and oddly cheery. Maybe it was the Christmas spirit...or he could be hiding whatever that faint trail of smoke billowing in the corner. Something seemed suspicious about that. 
“Well...in any case, we’re sorry for coming here late. I overslept...a bit, but we’re here for a good lunch!” 
“Yeeeeeah, so...about that.” Arthur chuckled nervously. 
“Artie!” The familiar, Scottish drawl of the mechanic shop owner brightened the bluenette’s smile. A shorter man sauntered from behind the taller blonde rubbing a handkerchief over his thick beard. Lance wore a matching sweater, just like Arthur, with a Santa reindeer-horned hat on top. “Why are you letting this lass stand out in the freezing cold!? Bring her in! Come on, Vivi! We’re just about ready to eat!” 
“Thank you Uncle Lance!” Vivi politely bowed, then skipped up the stairs past Arthur’s fumbling expression. 
“Uuuuh Lance, are you sure you...really want to…” 
“Ahhh don’tcha worry there, Artie. The fish may not have come out as perfect as planned, but that’s why we have a backup!” Lance laughed heartily.
“So that was the loud bang I heard, and why you looked in such a titz when you opened the back door.” Vivi commented adding a playful jab at his arm. It wasn’t a big deal or horrible outcome if something didn’t turn out right. Just take Vivi’s own cooking as an example! No one could ever trust what she brought to the table, and Vivi knew it very well. 
“Heh heh...sorry about that.” Arthur shyly smiled and scratched one one his stripped sidebangs. “We really did want to make something special for the holiday, and just for you as well, but…” 
Vivi stopped him with a gentle hand on his shoulder, accompanied with a small squeeze. “You don’t need to apologize for the flop. These things happen, and as long as I’m spending Christmas with my favorite people in the world I’m happy.” She smiled sweetly. 
Arthur returned the smile with a goofy, toothy grin of his own. “Right...thanks Vi.” With that all cleared up, the blonde seemed to spring back to life. He hopped in front of the doorway leading inside the mechanic’s living quarters. His posture mimicked that of a fancy, snobby butler: puffed out chest, arms tight against his sides, his nose stuck in the air, and his hair slicked back. It sure got the giggles out of Vivi. “Now, madame and monsieur, I do hope you have prepared yourself for quite the luncheon.” His rigid left arm extended towards the door, carefully opening it until it stopped creaking. “Do have yourself a wonderful time~” 
Vivi couldn’t stop giggling but played along with this silly act. She politely bowed to the ‘butler’ and curtsied her dress. “Oh thank you my good sir. How polite and...mannerly you are to such an exquisite lady such as myself.” Even Mystery played along bowing his head. The three joined in a fit of laughter before joining Lance’s round table. 
It was a fantastic lunch: a healthy spread of sandwiches, various flavors of chips, and drinks galore. Galaham and Mystery were treated with scrumptious delights. Vivi may have slipped a few pieces of salami, ham, and of course...roasted chicken into his bowl. Arthur’s little ham-ham was treated to yogurt bites. The tiny hamster munched them all down, and then some. At one point he crawled up Arthur’s pant leg begging and scritching his sweater for more sweet treats. He couldn’t resist those beady, black eyes! 
Jokes were thrown plenty around the table. Arthur stabbed two pickles on two separate forks and used those as tiny feet, while his giant head became the make-believe character’s body. Vivi snorted up a storm which resulted in spewing out fizzy soda through her nostrils. Absolutely gross, but hilarious nonetheless. After the clean up, Arthur brought out one of his prototype catapults. He played ‘fling the meat at the Mystery’ while Vivi offered to help Lance clean in the kitchen. All in all a successful afternoon at the Kingsmens! 
A few hours passed, and once everything was set back to normal Vivi and Arthur grabbed their stuff. It wasn’t too late in the afternoon, but their next destination was a bit of a longer distance. Arthur offered to take the van instead of walking there, and when Vivi stepped outside after soaking in the cozy warmth she immediately agreed. 
“I may be back late Lance, so don’t worry about leaving the back door unlocked.” Arthur patted the smaller man on the shoulder. “I got my keys so everything is fine.” 
“Aye, alrighty then.” Lance nodded, and slapped Arthur on the back. Not too hard but enough force for Arthur to cough once. “Just don’t forget to get yer bum back here in the morning. We got the New Year’s stock coming in and you know how it be like around here right after Christmas.” 
“Oh I know...I know very well.” Arthur shuddered. “Don’t worry, and I won’t go too crazy either.” He stepped outside the back door heading for the bright yellow van. Best to start up the old girl and get her warmed up. 
Vivi took one of Lance’s hands firmly shaking it, then politely bowed once again. “It was a pleasure getting to spend the afternoon with you. I enjoyed the food and the good company. So did Mystery.” The dog chimed in with a playful bark. “Thank you so much for inviting me over.” 
“Aaaaah you know we love having you around here.” Lance smiled warmly. “It warms my beating heart seeing you and Arthur so happy.” He jabbed her on the arm. “Now go and git! The Peppers are waiting for you!” 
Vivi excitedly nodded. “Merry Christmas Lance!” She waved as the two ran out towards the van. The passenger door swung open, letting Vivi easily slide into the seat and Mystery hop into her lap. “Alright Artie! TO PARADISIO!” 
“High ho Silver! Away we go!” 
The van took off across the damp ground, smoothly transitioning to the pavement. It seemed like the clouds drew thicker, and darker too. Did the weather call for snow today?
“Feliz Navidad!” 
The joyous, festive greeting welcomed Arthur, Vivi, and Mystery upon their arrival at the local restaurant. The Peppers shut down for the day in observance, but for those lucky few who personally knew the family it meant the whole place for themselves. Garland adorned across the booth seats, white lights draped down from the ceiling, and on each table were candles of various reds and greens. 
Even the Peppers went all out for the occasion, including their outfits. Mr. and Mrs. Pepper dressed in identical red and white attire complete with matching hats. Were they trying to play off Santa Claus and Mrs.? They looked adorable, but the ones who really stole the show were the little sisters. Green and white striped socks, dark green jackets with a buckle laced over the front, red mittens, and pointed green hats with glued on pointed elf ears! 
“I see you two have quite the helpers on your hands.” Vivi giggled and leaned down admiring the girls’ outfits. Paprika gently pushed herself past Cayenne, who kept picking at a small hole in her left mitten. 
“Mama picksed it out four usssh.” Every time her tongue clicked against her front teeth or she made certain hard sounds, a hissing whistle accompanied. It looked like little Paprika just recently lost a tooth! “I helped pick out thhhhhe mittens…” 
“You did a great job helping out your mama.” Vivi smiled warmly. She patted Paprika on the head, careful not to let the hat fall off. Afterwards she stood back up looking around the empty restaurant. The majority of the Peppers were here to greet them, all except for one. “I thought we’d get to see all the family at the front door but….where’s-” 
“MAMA!” A familiar, baritone voice echoed from the other end of the restaurant. The sounds of running sneakers squeaked on the linoleum flooring, and from the “OUT” door bursted a recognizable, purple-haired boy. “Mama, I just took the pork out of the oven, but I think it may have overcooked!” 
Mrs. Pepper didn’t say a word, but the gleaned seen in her right eye said all. No one could get in her way. Her husband immediately stepped to the side allowing the woman her pathway towards the back kitchen. He followed her just a few feet behind. Lewis held the door open until they disappeared into the unknown. She knew what had to be done. No one else could bother her now. Which meant it was Lewis’ turn for his holiday greeting. 
“Vivi! Arthur!” The larger, broad shouldered member spared no time taking each of his friends in a tight hug. He always gave the best, most squishy hugs! Vivi giggled while attempting her own hug back, but Arthur succumbed to the vice grip letting him shake the mechanic around like a rag doll. They shared their laughs then Lewis broke off, making Arthur gasp for more air. “It’s great having you guys over here again. Sorry I couldn’t swing by your place, Artie.” 
“No..” He spat that out with a cough. “It’s...it’s all good, big guy. We had a...great lunch and I know...you always *COUGH* help out your folks here...”
“Veevee….veevee...veevee….” Belle snuck underneath Lewis’ legs and grabbed hold of a hand. “Come over and see what Santa left us!!” 
“Yeah yeah!!” Joining behind Vivi was the troublemaker of the girls, Cayenne. “Santa left a HUUUUGE haul of gifts this year! He must have known I’ve been extra good.” The smaller girl gently pushed Vivi, and with Belle tugging the bluenette towards the tree what could she do. No way out of this now. 
“Well I think the girls are going to kidnap me for a while. If you need me, I’ll be over in toyland.” 
“No worries Viv!” Lewis chuckled waving her off. It’s heartwarming, as their older brother, how much the little ones enjoyed Vivi’s company. She held this welcoming air, always inviting others into her conversations or going out of her way to make a total stranger smile. Bless her little beating heart. 
“...Hey big guy!” Arthur snapped his fingers in front of his face. “Helloooo, earth to Lewis? You still with me buddy or are you wandering off into space again?” 
“Oh!” It took him a few blinks before his mind wandered back to Earth. “My bad, I was just...surprised the girls could take Vivi before even I had a chance to say Merry Christmas.” 
“Well, you know it’s one of their favorite times of the year, including Vivi herself. Have you seen the outfit she planned? It’s like Christmas threw up all over her!” Not much of a complaint, but more of a blunt truth. Arthur loved her enthusiasm when it came to the holidays. 
Lewis chuckled heartily. “That’s Vivi for you though. When it involves something she loves, or spreading some happiness in this quiet town she goes all out.” He placed a hand on Arthur’s shoulder nudging his other arm playfully. “Come on, take your coat off and get warm. Papa made a special hot cocoa blend for today!” 
“Two editions, to be precise!” Mr. Pepper piped up from the kitchen window. “We concocted two special recipes combining the sweetness and rich flavor of chocolate and added a little fiery kick to the batch.” As if he were waiting for this moment, Mr. Pepper brought out two crock pots setting them right below the window. “The one on the left is a chili spiced hot chocolate and the right one is a cinnamon spiced chocolate mix. Add some of our homemade, fluffy marshmallows to the mix and it’s pure delight!” Mrs. Pepper took that cue to slip a small bowl of square-shaped marshmallows on the window counter. Perfect timing! 
“Hmmmm…” Arthur took a moment thinking it over and stroking his maroon goatee. Every time he tried something new here it either ended in his tongue bursting into flames or having a mellow, sweet filled experience. 50/50 shot. He’d bite the bullet. “I think I’ll take a stab at the cinnamon spiced one.” Again, right on cue, a Christmas cup skidded across the window counter. Mrs. Pepper nodded from behind, holding a large ladle on her shoulder then disappearing once again. No other comment from Arthur when he accepted the cup, then scooped about a half-cup worth. He picked a few marshmallows, letting them splash and soak up the hot, sweet liquid. A few ‘huffs’ across the surface and Arthur carefully sipped. 
“They’ve been working on these recipes this past month.” Lewis poked in taking some of the chili based hot cocoa. “My sisters and I were the taste testers. I couldn’t tell you how many batches they worked through until they came up with a finalized product. It’s not the ABSOLUTE final yet, but they need others’ opinions. Our taste buds have gotten used to the flavors by now.”
“Oh..*cough* of course…” Arthur smiled with a nervous chuckle. It’d been one sip but he could feel the kick right in his throat. Delicious yes, but a wake-up call as well. “It’s….*cough*, it’s really good...I’m not dying from it I swear, it’s...really really good with the spice…” 
Time must have passed quickly since their arrival. Mrs. Pepper returned to the front, with Mr. Pepper in tow, leading everyone to the back area of the restaurant. Right through the kitchen and pass the freezers, the Peppers prepared a section of their living quarters for dinner. Various side dishes spread across the table, trays of sliced meats (that pork did come out well) and of course, sweets of all kinds decked out on a table against the wall. That’s what Vivi looked forward to the most. 
The company was lively and boisterous. The Pepper sisters could never sit still in their seats, so they slipped underneath the table at times playing ‘tag’ with Mystery. He kept an eye on them just in case they wound up in any trouble, or plotted causing any too. Such mischievous little girls. Vivi scarfed down everything on her plate, then seconds, and thirds, with a little bit of fourths. Didn’t she already have a big lunch today? How could she be so hungry? 
It’s a mystery Lewis and Arthur never understood, nor did they bother figuring out. 
Arthur talked up a storm about the shop and his new blueprints for the coming year. A working, mechanical arm was his biggest project to date, but it didn’t sound like it’d be easy. Lewis didn’t talk much but laughed and smiled along with the conversations. He enjoyed the warm atmosphere, being around the people he called his family, and having his close friends to spend it with too. 
“Mama! Mama!” After the sweets were eaten and cleared (thanks to Vivi as well), the three little sisters ran into the backroom. Mystery came in tow with a snow covered snout. Paprika ran up to her mother climbing up and sitting in her lap. “Mama mama, itshh shhnowing outshide!”
Everyone scrambled outside. Arthur and Vivi threw their jackets on, Lewis put on a simple coat, and the sisters waltzed outside in their Christmas attire. Sure enough, flaky specks of snow dotted the now blackened night sky. The lights from downtown illuminated off the low hanging clouds making the entire town glow. Combine that with the spots of colored Christmas lights and it made everything look vibrant and colorful. 
“It’s so pretty….” Vivi stared into the sky, eyes lighting up with their own natural glow. “Snow on Christmas Day...who would’ve thought-” 
“INCOMING!!” The sentimental moment came to a screeching halt when a rogue snowball landed right in Vivi’s face. She heard Arthur snickering across the street, and three little squeaks too. So that’s how it would be, wouldn’t it? 
Vivi shook her head, much like a dog, getting rid of the cold, wet snow. “I see you have declared war upon us!” She tucked an arm around Lewis and scooped Mystery into her other arm. “Well, if that’s how it shall be then we will not back down from this battle! Lewis, start piling up snow! Mystery, stand guard and use your small body as a distraction.”
“R-Roger, Captain Vivi!” He broke away and scrambled to start squishing snow into smaller balls. Mystery wiggled free and playfully barked at the girls. Vivi, however, took a chance and scooped up snow in her arms. If they were about to head into battle they would need a solid foundation to keep themselves safe. 
“You’re going down Arthur!” 
Back and forth with the playful, sassy talk. Mr. and Mrs. Pepper watched from the safety of the opened back door. It looked like the snow would continue through the night. The wind and chill could freeze anyone to the bone, unless you were as fired up as these kids. 
Another successful Christmas spent together. What more could anyone here ask for, other than a warm fireplace once the snowballs ceased.
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spaceskam · 5 years ago
for @youaremyworldlois ❤️️
“Do you wanna come stay with me? There’s room.”
“No, no, I don’t wanna get your dad sick on accident.”
“Okay,” Liz said skeptically, “I’m here if you need me.”
“I know, thank you, but I think it’ll be fine,” Alex sighed. 
He was huddled in bed, trying not to pout too much about the situation for the last week. Starting Monday, classes would be solely online which sucked since he was a guitar major and there were few things more anxiety-inducing than being in a small apartment and practicing for hours on end. However, it was only made worse by the fact that he was stuck with his stupidly hot roommate that apparently didn’t have anywhere to go home to either.
“Stay safe, love you!” Liz told him.
“Love you too.”
The call ended and forced Alex to see that it was already 2PM and he hadn’t gotten out of bed. He decided to climb out of bed and face reality. He put on pants and a shirt, knowing damn well his roommate would probably be roaming around. He wasn’t even sure that guy even slept.
For the first two years of college, Alex had lived in a dorm with random guys that always made him uncomfortable. He hated living with strangers in just one room with no semblance of privacy, especially when he had no idea what they would do if they knew their roommate was gay. Then, whenever dorms would close, he would have to couch hop since there was no way he could go back home. 
So, after his sophomore year, he started looking into off-campus apartments. He had a good amount of money saved up and all he had to do was find a roommate. It proved harder than expected because Liz already lived with her boyfriend and Maria lived back home, so he had to actually look for someone he could be comfortable with.
That’s when he found Michael.
Or, actually, Liz found Michael. He was her boyfriend’s brother and apparently a genius that doubled as a giant puppy. He was in a frat and had lived in his frat house for a while before deciding to move out so he could focus better in school. They’d met and Alex had laid out all his concerns and Michael had taken them all in stride, happily agreeing to whatever as long as he had a place to rest his head.
They’d been living together for about six months by the time schools were beginning to shut down and, the closer it got to when UNM would be closing, the more Alex got anxious. Living together for six months didn’t actually mean they hung out ever. Most days, they never even saw each other and he could count the number of conversations outside of ‘I’m going to the store, you need anything?’ on one hand.
But now, according to the fucking CDC, he was going to be stuck alone with him for the foreseeable future.
“Good morning,” Michael said, not even looking his way when Alex stepped out of his bedroom.
“Is it morning?” Alex asked. Michael looked up from whatever the hell he was doing at the coffee table and smiled.
“For you it is,” he answered happily.
That was another thing about Michael. He was so painfully heterosexual that he didn’t seem to have any idea what the hell that smile could do to someone like Alex who basically fell in love with any guy who gave him attention. It was the worst and it would the main reason Alex had no problem keeping his distance from him.
“So, quarantine,” Alex hummed, looking in their newly stocked kitchen for something to eat. He decided on toast and popped two slices of bread in the toaster. “Are you, like, gonna go home?” Alex already figured the answer was no since he didn’t go anywhere to Christmas, but he figured he should ask.
“Nah,” Michael said, “You?”
“Nope,” Alex answered, “So I guess we’re stuck together.”
Michael gave that overwhelming little smirk and licked his lips, cocking his head in Alex’s direction. “I guess we are.”
Alex turned to face the toaster and tried to think of how he was going to survive like this. Why did he have to be so hot and so straight at the same time? It just wasn’t fair.
When Alex had first met him, he’d thought that maybe he wasn’t straight. It was just a vibe he gave off and the way he sat in his chair. However, when he asked Liz about it, she’d basically laughed and said he was the straightest guy she knew. Then, when Alex inevitably let him know that he was gay, Michael just said ‘cool’ instead of coming out as anything other than straight. It was even further confirmed whenever he’d text Alex to make sure it was okay to bring a girl over. Which, that only happened about six times, but still. All girls. Straight, straight, straight.
Not like he’d have a chance anyway.
“What exactly are you doing?” Alex asked, holding a napkin under his toast as he walked towards the living room. Might as well get used to talking to him.
“A puzzle,” Michael answered. However, when Alex got closer, he saw what looked like the base of a miniature house.
“That is not a puzzle,” Alex laughed. Michael laughed right alongside him.
“Yes, it is! 3-D puzzle, it’s a replica of the Neuschwanstein Castle.”
“The what?”
“Sorry, did I pronounce that wrong? I didn’t Google it.”
“I have no fuckin’ idea,” Alex said, shaking his head. Michael gestured for him to sit on the other side of the coffee table.
“Wanna build it with me? Maybe we can actually bond for once?” he suggested. Alex huffed a small laugh and agreed, carefully sitting down across from him and placing his toast on the napkin on the table. “So, Alex, you come here often?”
“Is that how we’re gonna bond? Because I think I might have to go back to my room.”
“No, stay,” Michael laughed, “Help me build this thing.”
So Alex did. It was kind of weird actually spending time with him, but it turns out Michael wasn’t so bad for a straight guy. He was funny and a whole lot better at building than Alex was. 
When the castle was halfway built, Alex felt a socked foot graze his calf. Every hair on his body stood up in alert, eyeing Michael in shock only to see him straight up steal the rest of his toast by shoving the entire thing in his mouth.
“Did you just eat my toast?” Alex scoffed. He was actually pretty thankful for the distraction because he would’ve hyperfixated on that little touch for hours. Who was he kidding? He was going to do that anyway.
“You haven’t touched it for five whole minutes,” Michael said, his cheek puffed out and stuffed with bread, Alex laughed, genuinely laughed.
“What is wrong with you? Were you never taught manners?”
“No,” Michael answered innocently. Which, honestly, just made them both laugh harder. “Also I lived in a frat house with, like, 10 other guys for two years. We consume or we die. You’re, like, the cleanest and most respectful guy I’ve ever lived with.”
“Well, thanks, I guess.”
“Want me to make you some more toast?” Michael offered. Alex smiled and tried not to become too obsessed with his charm, shaking his head.
“No, but I will take you up on a pot of coffee.”
“On it!” Micahel said, standing to his feet and showing that he was in nothing but a ratty old t-shirt and tight boxer briefs and socks with little koalas on them. Alex tried—and failed—not to watch him walk to the kitchen area and slide on his socks towards the coffee maker.
This was going to be a long couple of weeks.
“Hey, I hate to be that fuckhead, but could you turn your music down? I have a lesson.” 
“No problem,” Michael said, turning his music down. Alex gave him a thankful smile and then quickly went to go to his online guitar lesson at his setup in his room.
He had his sheet music in front of him on his stand and his laptop propped up beside it, easily connecting whenever his professor started the video call.
It was weird, trying to take notes and adequately tweak them via video. He was used to being shown in person how to correct his finger placement or his posture. This was just... He wanted to go back to normal.
“Keep up the good work,” Dr. V said. Alex could tell, though, that he was just as irritated with the lack of hands-on teaching. Working with one teacher one on one really created a close bond of trust and familiarity. Alex could fuck up with Dr. V and not even think twice about it. They were like family.
And now it was fucking weird.
“I sent you scans of that more contemporary piece considering it’s less crucial for you to work on your performance pieces. Have fun with it, play around, show me what you come up with next lesson,” Dr. V added before saying his goodbye’s. Thankfully, that was Alex’s last class of the day.
“You’re really good.”
Alex nearly jumped out of his skin when he opened his bedroom door to see Michael loitering a few steps away. He looked like he’d been there for a while.
"Were you standing there the whole time?”
“Huh? No, I, uh, I was gonna ask what you wanted for dinner and then I heard you were still playing, so I was waiting so I wouldn’t interrupt you. And, well, you’re really good,” Michael said, his fingers tapping against his thigh as he rose up on his toes and dropped back down. His curls sprung with the movement.
“Thank you,” Alex said, trying to smile despite the fact that made him uncomfortable. As stupid as it was, he didn’t really like having random people hear him play. It was different when he was actually performing. Whoever was there came to see him and wanted to hear him. But, like this, it felt like he was simply being annoying.
“You know, I always wanted to play guitar,” Michael said, biting down on his lip just a little bit and Alex had to wonder why the hell he deserved that.
“I mean,” Alex started, looking around before being forced to look back at Michael due to the lack of scenery, “Maybe I can show you a thing or two sometime? I don’t just know classical.”
Michael split into a happy grin and bounced on his toes one more time. “Sounds super fun.”
“So,” Alex said, “Dinner?”
Michael blinked a couple times as if suddenly realizing where the conversation had originated. It was the cutest thing.
“Oh, right.”
“We need to do this more often, I think it’d help my fucked eating schedule.”
“Well, we can, if you want.”
“Cool,” Michael said all happily. They were making breakfast together like some sort of domestic couple, bustling around the kitchen to concoct something edible. Eggs, toast, and apparently Michael also needed waffles with those things. 
Alex got to work on the toast and waffles while Michael made the eggs.
“Don’t put any pepper in mine, please, pepper makes me wanna gag,” Alex mentioned. Michael gave him a bewildered look.
“Says the guy who put, like, an absurd amount of Tony’s on his fried rice,” Michael scoffed. Alex grinned. He remembered that?
“That’s different.”
“Is it? Is it really?” Michael asked. Alex laughed and swatted in his direction. Michael grabbed his arm instinctually and tugged him closer. It caught Alex so off guard that all he could do was stare with wide eyes. Eventually, Michael seemed to realize that was a little fucking weird and let go, taking a step back. “Do you want me to put Tony’s on your eggs?”
“Yes, please,” Alex said, clearing his throat in an attempt to not sound like that was weird. Which, it was weird. And absolutely not at all good for him brain that seemed to think Michael was more and more lovable each day.
A couple minutes later, Michael got his attention again.
“Try this, tell me if it’s enough,” he said, holding up a fork with scrambled eggs on it. Alex looked between it and Michael’s eyes a few times before realizing he was just going to feed it to him. Is this what they did at the frat house? He would really like to know.
But, instead of questioning it, Alex opened his mouth and let Michael feed him the bite.
“Good?” Michael asked, smiling all proud of himself. Alex almost forgot what he was asking about.
“Yeah. So good.”
“I’m gonna go insane.”
“Because,” Alex hissed, covering himself with his blanket to try and stifle his words despite the fact that Michael was taking a shower and couldn’t hear him, “He’s so fucking cute and nice. Who allowed him to be both? It’s a goddamn crime.”
“Alex, his niceness is why you let him be your roommate in the first place,” Liz pointed out with a laugh.
“Yeah, so?” Alex groaned, “It’s overwhelming. Do you know what he does for fun? Puzzles. And then, last night I guess he ran out of puzzles, because I woke up at, like, three in the morning to get water and he was building a house of cards. Not just a house, a fucking castle. What the fuck is that? Why am I attracted to someone who builds card castles?”
Liz laughed even louder, “Alex, maybe it’s the quarantine. I mean, you’re stuck with him, so you’re bound to catch some feelings because they have nowhere else to go.”
“Okay, but he’s a straight guy that I once saw wash his hair in the kitchen sink on one side and defrost chicken on the other.”
“Ew,” Liz said.
“I know! And yet I look at him and want to put my head through a wall to stop feeling like a pile of goo,” he groaned, “Sometimes I think he is just instigating it.”
“What do you mean?”
“A couple mornings ago, he pulled me close to him and fed me a bite of eggs. Like, who does that? The more I think about it, the more I think he’s messing with me,” Alex whined. Liz was silent for a moment.
“Michael isn’t the type of guy to just, like, mess with people. Especially not his roommate,” she said cautiously. Alex didn’t know what to respond. “Maybe ask him not to do stuff like that? Ask him not to lead you on?”
“Okay, but I’m not going to ask him not to lead me on because then he’ll think I like him,” Alex argued.
“But you do.”
“But he doesn’t know that!”
“Hey, Alex?!” Michael called from the other room, very quickly making Alex panic about what he could’ve overheard.
“Yeah?!” Alex yelled back.
“Can you get me a towel from the dryer?! I washed them to take a shower and then I forgot!” he called. Alex gulped hard and looked upwards, letting out a quiet, strained noise.
“Yeah, gimme one second!” he yelled, “Okay, Liz, I gotta go, He needs me to get him a towel.”
“Seriously, Alex, you need to ask him—“
“Nope, bye! Talk to you later,” Alex said, hanging up before she could try to pressure him into having an adult conversation.
Instead, he went and fetched a towel and then knocked on Michael’s bathroom door. The door opened only a few inches, but it was enough to see a soaking wet body that was tanned and covered in chest hair and Alex realized he was beyond help.
Instead of risking saying anything embarrassing, he just held out the towel. Michael flashed a smile, a ringlet already forming against his forehead that dripped water onto his nose. How was he even real?
“Thank you,” Michael said, winking before he closed the door again.
Alex decided then and there that it had to just be hormones. He was going stir-crazy with nothing but hormones and a hot guy. That’s it. Because there was no goddamn way he looked that good. Alex had to be exaggerating in his head.
He just fucking had to.
“Okay, you promised me over a week ago that you’d teach me some things on the guitar and you still haven’t.”
“Okay, okay, come here,” Alex said. Michael smiled like a kid in a candy store and bounced on his toes before meeting Alex on the couch. 
Alex had been a little bit better about keeping his distance and giving himself a reality check daily after the amount of wet skin he’d seen during the shower incident. That was really only two days ago, but still. He was reminding himself that he only felt so attracted to him because he had no other choice in the moment or something. Now, however, that was hard to remember when he was sitting so close.
Still, Alex handed over his guitar. Michael looked at him expectantly. It was almost too much to handle.
“Okay, so these things are called frets and the strings are numbered one through six going from this end to this end,” Alex said, pointing at what he was talking about. Michael nodded along. “Okay, so put your index finger on the first fret, second string. Middle finger on the second fret, fourth string. Ring finger, third fret, fifth string.”
Michael slowly did just that. When Alex reached to adjust his finger and hand placement, he let him. He listened well and molded to whatever Alex suggested.
“Okay, now strum,” Alex told him, listening to the sound it made, “And that’s C Major.”
“Oh, shit,” Michael laughed. Alex huffed and rolled his eyes.
For the next few minutes, Alex walked him through chords: A minor, G Major, F Major, the basics. He explained how to hold the neck of the guitar so it wouldn’t cramp up his hand and how to not press down too hard, but also not too light to get the best sound out of it. They walked through them and switching chords. Alex explained how it got easier with time and with calluses. 
“And now basically you can play 90% of pop songs,” Alex said. Michael’s eyes went wide and he laughed.
“Yeah, most pop music is made up of just those four chords or variations of them. Sorry to disappoint,” Alex told him. Michael shook his head.
“Show me another one,” he asked. 
“Okay,” Alex agreed. He leaned a bit close again, talking and guiding Michael through the finger placement for D Major. But then Michael moved his hand off the body of the guitar and to Alex’s cheek, leaning.
For a moment, Alex was frozen and feeling more confused than he had in a long time.
“Sorry, do you not want to?” Michael asked after a few seconds of kissing Alex and Alex just not kissing back.
Logically, Alex should’ve explained that he was confused. He should’ve said that he thought Michael was straight and that, if he was indeed straight, he shouldn’t be doing this because this was mean. He should’ve been an adult. 
But he had been stuck alone with him for three weeks and all sense of logic seemed to fly out the window.
Alex moved the guitar to the coffee table with one hand and grabbed Michael’s neck with the other. He pulled him in for a much more heedless kiss that the first one. Michael made a soft noise of approval as his hands went to pull Alex closer by his hips.
Things moved fast. If it were a normal circumstance or a normal situation, Alex would’ve thought it was too fast. But this wasn’t normal and Alex couldn’t contain himself. He’d been thinking about this for days. Weeks. Probably even months.
He let Michael kiss down his neck, he helped strip them both down, he happily melted when he was finally being touched by someone that wasn’t himself.
He enjoyed every second.
Alex wished his horny brain had warned him that the next morning would feel weird.
He woke up first and laid there, frozen on the couch for thirty minutes because he was too scared to moved. Michael was laying on top of him partially, his head on his chest and his thigh draped against his hips. It was the first time Alex had ever actually seen him sleep and so he was too nervous to wake him.
In that hour, though, he was able to plan what he was going to say. He was going to assure him that it didn’t mean anything and that things happen. It was just circumstances. They could still be roommates. Going down on a guy didn’t make anyone gay. He had it all planned and fully expected a breakdown the moment Michael woke up and realized what happened. 
Only, again, he couldn’t have predicted what actually happened.
Michael woke up slowly, shifting a little bit and stretching his legs out. He didn’t jump or scream. He rubbed his thumb all the way from Alex’s nipple to his armpit and made a sweet waking-up sound before raising his head.
“Hi,” he said sweetly, his voice a little deeper than normal. It was jarring and Alex was trying to find the beginning of his speech. He was only more thrown off when Michael kissed his jaw and put his head back on his chest, seeming comfortable in their placement.
“Hey... Uh, maybe we should talk?” Alex said awkwardly. Only then did Michael seem to react, pushing himself up a little bit. He took in whatever expression happened to be on Alex’s face and sat up completely. Alex followed suit. “So, um, I’m sorry about last night. We’ve just been crammed together and stuff happens. I hope this doesn’t make it awkward between us. We can still be roommates.” Micahel’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion and, with each sentence of Alex’s speech, seemed to become more and more offended.
“What?” Michael asked, rubbing his face.
“I-I mean, don’t worry,” Alex assured, “What happened doesn’t make you gay and I hope you aren’t, like, weirded out by me.”
“Alex,” Michael said, voice matching the offended look as he held his hand up, “What the fuck are you talking about? Why are you acting like I wasn’t a fully engaged participant? Like, I did that on purpose, it wasn’t an ‘oops, tripped and fell onto your dick’.”
Alex gulped, shifting a bit as he began to feel offended. So he wasn’t wrong. Micahel had been leading him on.
“Okay, well, you can’t just act interested in me because you don’t have any girls to hook up with, that’s just—“
“Alex!” Michael said, cutting him off and looking at him with genuine hurt, “Why do you think I’m acting? What the fuck?”
Alex didn’t actually know what to say to that. He stared at him blankly, trying to think of a response that wouldn’t make this situation worse. But he figured he’d already ruined a soft morning by accusing him of things, so he might as well just say what he was thinking.
“You’re straight,” Alex said. Michael huffed a laugh, falling back into the couch and staring up at the ceiling.
“Why the hell do you think that?” Michael asked. Alex sat up pin-straight, looking at him in a whole different light by that one little sentence.
“You... You’ve only brought home girls,” Alex pointed out weakly.
“That’s just not true,” Michael said, looking over at him with amusement rather than anger. Alex relaxed a little. “Ari was a guy, you just didn’t see him, and Dylan was non-binary, you just didn’t see them either—and that’s just since we moved in together. You never saw anyone I brought over, Alex, don’t assume based on names I say and the way I look.”
Alex felt his face flush and he started feeling more than a little embarrassed. In fact, he was so embarrassed, he kind of wanted to cry. Or lay on the floor. Preferably both.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to,” he said, dropping his head into his hands. Michael sighed and shifted closer, his hand pressing into Alex’s shoulder.
“It’s okay. I’m honestly more concerned with how many allegedly straight guys you’ve hooked up with that you had a speech prepared,” Michael said. Alex laughed a little.
“I was the only gay guy in my high school, I got pretty used to it,” he admitted.
Michael clasped his hand over Alex’s shoulder and pulled him in for a hug. Alex melted into it, hoping that it meant he hadn’t embarrassed himself for life.
“I’m bisexual,” Michael said so confidently that it almost made Alex cry just by that alone. He was so sure of himself. 
“So does that mean you were flirting with me?” Alex asked when he got to courage to raise his head. Michael huffed a laugh.
“Wow, thanks for noticing.”
Alex groaned, “God, I’m embarrassed.”
“Don’t be. Just, you know, head’s up, next time we hook up, I’d prefer to have the speech be at least an hour after I wake up,” Michael said. Alex groaned louder. “What? No cute remark about me saying next time?”
Alex held back a smile and glared at the boy in front of him.
“I already know there will be a next time because we are still going to be stuck alone in this apartment for at least a couple more weeks. It’s after that that I’ll have questions,” Alex said.
“So confident for someone so embarrassed,” Michael teased. Alex raised an eyebrow that said ‘am I wrong?’ He got a kiss instead of a response. “Here, to balance out your embarrassment, I’ll admit a thing. The only reason I brought that many people over was because I wanted to see if you’d get jealous and make a move.”
“I don’t get jealous, I just get confused.”
“Noted,” Michael laughed, nudging his nose against Alex’s. It was so much touching, so much affection. Alex couldn’t remember a time anyone had done that to him in a non-platonic way. “Point is, I liked you the moment I met you.”
“Liz insisted you were straight so I kept my distance until I couldn’t because I didn’t wanna catch feelings.”
“Yeah, oops.”
They both laughed for a few seconds before it slowly died down through Michael giving him full heart eyes. It made Alex’s heart go a little haywire.
“Okay, so now that we talked, can we have a redo of last night where you don’t think you’re getting head from a straight dude?” Michael asked. Alex flashed a smile and nodded.
Who knew something good would come out of this?
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cxlvins · 5 years ago
helloooo lovelies ! my name is evan (he/him), i’m twenty-two and from the gmt timezone ! i’m super excited for this to open because i’ve got so much muse right now. i’m down for any and all plots, seriously, i love plotting ! this is calvin, he’s an angry mess of a character, but he’s fun to play, so ! if you just wanna get to know the character, you can skip past the other sections and just focus on personality, i’ve also put some wanted connections in there too ! if you would like to plot, then either shoot me a message here or on discord (heterosexual? how vintage!#8600) or alternatively, like this post and i will message you !
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caution: alcohol, drugs, mental health, death.
›› ✱ xavier serrano, cismale, he/him. you’ve met calvin marx, right? they’re around twenty-three and a twitch streamer. they’re all about thrift store clothing and the faint smell of cologne and cigarettes, hence why they’re known as the spitfire around town. everyone knows them to be pretty gregarious but i’ve heard they’re actually sort of volatile, too… don’t tell them i said that, okay?
calvin grew up very underprivileged for the first 11 years of his life in brooklyn, ny.
his father died when he was 5 years old to a drug overdose, leading his mother became a single mother to him and his younger sister, essentially meaning that calvin had to grow up and be the ‘man of the house’ without having a choice.
because of her new single-mother status, calvins mother had to work 3 different jobs in order for the family to pay rent (a cleaner in mornings, a store assistant in the day and a bartender in the evenings), which meant she was rarely home and left calvin to raise both himself and younger sister.
from a very early age, it was apparent that calvin suffered from anger issues, dyslexia and adhd, constantly getting into fights at every opportunity, his complete inability to focus and never managing to make it through a week at school without a phone call home.
these issues remained untreated, due to his mother putting it down to the ‘boys will be boys’ ideology, and concluding that calvin was just an energetic one at that.
because of this, calvin fell into the wrong crowd pretty quickly and settled into his mindset that he was never going to achieve all that much anyway, because no matter how hard he tried, he could never score well on any test at school.
at the age of 9, calvins mother met, fell in love with and soon married a former client for whom she cleaned for.  calvins new step father was incredibly wealthy, due to being a successful franchisee and also being very largely into stock trading.
calvin, his sister and mother were all moved to his home in cherrybrooks, which calvin struggled to adjust to, as he missed his friends back north.
now having access to as much money as he want led him down an early path into experimenting with drugs and alcohol, which soon became a bad habit.
although he wanted to drop out of school, his new step-father would not allow it, which became a large source of conflict for the family over the course of the next few years.
failing to graduate high school at age eighteen, calvin couldn’t deal with living with his family any more and left the house to move into a small apartment, 30 minutes away, with a roommate (possibly a member of the clique).
calvins only real passions were for gaming and sport, and as he smoked and did way too many drugs to make it in any sporting profession, he turned his attention to twitch streaming. he began this pretty soon and built up a solid fanbase (which he wanted to call the marxists, but in calvins words, apparently some dead man already claimed that title).
calvin is a naturally angry person who can lose his cool and go from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds, he rarely gives off signs that he is getting angry until he boils over, so people tend to watch what they say around him.
calvin is self-serving, his feelings will always come before those around him. although he is getting better at managing this, if something will result in calvin gaining something at the expense of somebody else, he will most likely go ahead with it.
calvin is not well educated, so he doesn’t tend to enjoy arguing with words, as he can never seem to find the ones to correctly express how he feels. instead, calvin is much more likely to act physically when something has irritated him (whether this be on a person or inanimate object).
calvin is an awful liar, he cannot lie to save his life as his face always tends to show when he doesn’t agree with an idea/opion/thought that somebody says. because of this, he is very outspoken, and will just say what he’s thinking regardless of if it’s going to hurt somebodies feelings. he’d rather upset them with the truth, than get caught out for lying.
calvin is an extrovert and gains energy from being around people - the more people the better, because of this, he has become a major party animal and loves attending any and all parties that is going on, despite if he’s fond of the hosts or not.
calvin is a heavy user of drugs, alcohol & cigarettes. this is primarily down to his naturally addictive personality and constant need to feel like he’s happy, so that he doesn’t get sad again. there will rarely be a day where he will not  be intoxicated in some way and he will have a cigarette at least once an hour – and that’s on a good day.
calvin is very much into sports. although not a natural athlete, nor somebody interested in playing sports competitively, calvin loves watching any and all sports, and he likes to play them when he can. due to his smoking habit, he can’t play sports for too long, but will always give it a good go.
similarly to this, calvin is very much into gaming. calvin loves fast-paced games, because they manage to keep his attention despite him not having a very long attention span. most games that he plays are first person shooters, and he’s usually the guy on the mic screaming when a teammate fucks up during online play. a big appeal to him was that games were the only thing he could focus his mind on as a child.
calvin is very much a boys boy, he genuinely abides by the bible of ‘ bros before hoes ‘ because he’s stupid.
calvin hates movies but loves tv, he finds that watching moves involves sitting still for too long, but tv allows him to take more breaks and keeps his interest for longer. although. he’d probably trade both of them for a chance to leave the house.
...003. TRAITS.
[ G R E G A R I O U S ] (+) — a person fond of company; sociable.
[ I N T U I T I V E ] (+) — using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.
[ F O R T H R I G H T ] (+) — direct and outspoken.
[ V O L A T I L E ] (-) — liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.
[ V E N G E F U L ] (-) — not willing to forgive or excuse people’s faults or wrongdoings.
[ H E D O N I S T I C ] (-) — engaged in the pursuit of pleasure; sensually self-indulgent.
CURRENT BEST FRIENDS — Possibly a boy squad? I live for a good boy squad. This person will have similar interests to Calvin, or be able to tolerate his volatile mood.
CHILDHOOD BEST FRIENDS — Someone with a similar upbringing from Brooklyn, most likely they grew apart when Calvin moved to Wilmington.
RIDE OR DIES — Although he primarily looks out for himself, I’m down to have Calvin have one person who he’s loyal to and will refuse to betray, we can come up with a fun reason for why he cares so much if you’re interested in this one.
HIS ROOMMATE — Somebody that moved with Calvin into his current apartment when he moved out at 18.
A GOOD INFLUENCE ON CALVIN — One of my favorite connections for Calvin to have is somebody who knows all of his flaws and attempts to help fix them. They’ll have to be patient, though, as Calvin doesn’t see himself for having any issues.
SOMEBODY HE IS A BAD INFLUENCE OF — On the opposite, I love when Calvin has somebody that he can introduce to bad things, corrupt easily and get a kick out of watching the commotion.
EXES ON BAD TERMS — Cheating on each other is usually an easy one to go with, but if you want, we can think of something more unique as to how it all fucked up and why they now hate each other.
EXES ON GOOD TERMS — Maybe they still occasionally fuck? There could still be an attraction there, but just no romantic chemistry. Alternatively, they tried it and both just couldn’t see it going anywhere.
EXES WITH LINGERING FEELINGS — There’s a ton of different reasons for why there’s still lingering feelings. The feelings could be one-sided or both ways.
EX FLINGS — Started as friends with benefits, one of them wanted more, the other didn’t, they decided to stop before someone got hurt.
FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS — No romantic intention, just a good way to kill time at 2 AM, or maybe it’s easy to know you have someone to go home to if you don’t find someone at a party.
FRIENDS FOR NECESSITY — This friend may not have that much in common with Calvin, they may not really get on in day to day life, but they are always there to get high, attend a party or do something dumb. an easy person to talk to when they’re both bored and wanna get out.
HIS YOUNGER SISTER — If anybody fancies a second character, I’m always down to have Calvins sister in the roleplay. They can either get along or not, we’ll just figure out the details.
EX FRIENDS — Used to be close but now aren’t, plenty of reasons as to why.
ENEMIES — Despise each other, seeing this person literally makes Calvins blood boil. Possibly sexual tension too if that would work, if not, they can just fight a lot.
WILL THEY / WON’T THEY — Lots of leading on and teasing each other, maybe they both think they’re stringing the other along but it turns out neither of them are interested? Maybe they start out not interested and it backfires later, by that time the other could’ve lost interest.
Calvin is bisexual but heteroromantic, so any sexual-based connections can be taken by any gender.
Calvins Pinterest can be located here. Please note that it contains triggers for alcohol, drugs, blood & violence.
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prorevenge · 6 years ago
I led a "revolution" against a horrible lying manager.
To set the scene, I work in a book store, but I'm very much an underling which is what I prefer. I'm usually in the back, helping unpack shipments and prepare them for shelving. I also collect online orders and package them up for shipping, and sometimes I do the night shelving or overnight projects. It's always been my favorite because I rarely have to deal with the managers and it's a much more carefree environment than working the floor and trying to push people into buying things.
Our store has gone through several store managers recently because most of them are getting corporate promotions or they're finding better opportunities elsewhere (our store is part of a nationwide chain and we're sadly struggling a lot against our competitors). Rather than promoting someone within our store who knows how our store functions and is familiar with the employees and their strengths, corporate has been assigning us store managers that are either not from our store, have never been a store manager before, or have no experience in book selling. Obviously, this creates a lot of problems and it's been affecting our store badly. Nothing screws us over worse than when corporate intervenes.
A couple years ago, we got a new store manager that was unfamiliar with the company, unfamiliar with our store, and had zero experience in managing a retail store to begin with. We already had concerns but decided to at least work with her first because maybe she'd be a natural or she'd develop into someone that was good for our store. I'm gonna call her CM for Crappy Manager.
When CM was first brought into our store, rather than taking a week or two to observe our store and the employees before making adjustments and changing things, she leaped right in, changing store policies and taking on other people's tasks. She took over things like the scheduling and making sure we have a daily schedule posted every morning to know where we were supposed to be, when our breaks were etc, and other jobs that take a long time to do and have always been delegated to assistant managers to help things run smoothly. She put people in places where they weren't trained but didn't spend any time training them on their new jobs. She was also very late with every weekly schedule. It would be 9pm Saturday night and we would STILL be waiting for the schedule for the next week. And our scheduled weeks always starts on a Sunday so we'd literally be repetitively calling the store on Saturday night to find out if we had to show up the next morning. So many sections of the store fell into disarray and everyone was getting angry about not having our schedules. She clearly couldn't handle so much and refused to delegate things to change that. On top of that, she gave horrible advice. Just to give an example, she advised the shelvers to hide from customers while they were shelving so that they wouldn't have to be stopped to provide customer service.
But worst of all, she broke the cardinal rule of the store. Do. Not. Mess. With. The. Back. Room. The back room is where we handle shipments and had its own separate manager who ran that area like clockwork. It was completely organized, we had a system we were well trained in, and we have always had things processed fast and all the new product unboxed, organized on carts, and ready to be shelved on time. CM did not bother to observe and of this and put all her focus on that back area. She got it in her head that our store would thrive if we completely changed up the back room... and she had no idea what we actually do back there. First she took away a lot of our carts so we had less to stock our product on (and our usual shipments are anywhere from 150-200 boxes a day. That's a lot of books and we need those carts!). Then she took away the shelving cards we use on our carts to help divide up the titles not only by their main subject like History or Science, but also divided them up by their sub-categories like History: Civil War or Science: Physics. The cards made it so that that the shelvers don't have to look up every single item to figure out where they go. They can just grab them and shelve them, only having to worry about getting the author's names in order alphabetically. So now we have overstuffed disorganized carts and they're not getting shelved on time because the shelvers had to keep looking up where everything goes.
We explained this to CM over and over again in every way we could think to explain it, but she refused to listen and shifted the blame on to us. She also told us that taking away the cards was corporate's idea, not hers, and that they were no longer a required item for the stores. We did our best to try to still get things organized but we were being rushed so fast and had so many books to work with, there was no time to scan through every single item, organize them on the cart and try to remember where we put which sub-section on each cart. I honestly felt horrible for the shelvers and a lot of them threatened to (and did) quit. It made our job in the back room frustrating because we knew we were being forced to screw them over and when things don't work well in the back, it hits the entire store. Less product is being shelved, workers are getting stressed trying to figure out where things go... morale could not have been worse. And the worst part was she refused to listen to anyone who approached her with concerns. Her attitude was "Work smarter, not harder" and "Just make it happen." Sorry, retail doesn't work that way.
This is where I come in. Working in the back -specifically on online orders- I didn't have to deal with her face-to-face much because I was always running around and frankly avoiding her because I didn't want to deal with her. This gave me an advantage. Not only was I able to see the notes she was leaving behind for employees, telling them what they were doing wrong, her bad ideas like making the shelvers hide from customers, and announcing the things she was changing that were hurting our work. On top of that, I was able to eavesdrop on the meetings she would hold back there with the assistant managers, explaining her great new ideas which were all horrible. With so many of my coworkers threatening to quit and getting miserable with work, knowing what they would have to deal with, we agreed we had to do something. So I went online to look up ideas for the best way to handle this and got some good tips.
Now the revenge. I snuck my phone into the back and started taking pictures of every note, every announcement, even the disorganized carts and the giant mess she was creating in the back room (we had a mountain of boxes we couldn't even get to because the carts were not being emptied fast enough to give us room). I eavesdropped on as many of her little meetings in the back as I could so I could keep track of what other policies she was breaking, even caught her trash talking us, calling one of our mentally ill coworkers overly dramatic (even though that coworker never speaks up and just takes it when she's upset), saying we were too stuck in our old ways and too stubborn for change. Even called the manager who ran the back room an idiot and laughing about how pissed off CM was making her. Then I went digging through the store's computer until I found the full list of corporate guidelines, most of which she had broken and didn't care. The biggest of all being the scheduling, and it turns out it's against our state's labor laws for managers to not give us our schedules 14 days in advance.
After I collected as much as I could, I collaborated with other angry coworkers, gathering whatever additional information they had, and together we compiled a document, each of us explaining what was going wrong, what rules and labor laws were being broken, and included all the pictures I had taken with my phone to provide evidence. We did include the disrespectful way she was talking to us and about us but none of us really expected that to be taken seriously as we had no proof to provide. After we all looked it over and agreed we were satisfied with it, we emailed a copy to corporate, a copy to HR, and a copy to the regional manager who had assigned CM to us in the first place. It only took 24 hours before the regional manager was called in and questioned about why on earth he kept CM employed with us and how could he not know all the crap she'd been doing? I would have given him some slack, but the truth was he had visited our store on a regular basis, seen the majority of this stuff, and did nothing since his ass was on the line for hiring her and he didn't want to look bad by admitting his mistake.
Eventually, people from corporate showed up to speak with CM and the regional manager. I wasn't there to see it, but according to the few who did -because it was held in our break room- she was drunk. Honest to god, drunk. She was slurring her words, wavering in her seat, and could barely give a cohesive answer to anything they asked her. It ended in them telling her to hand in her resignation because it would look better for her than if she was just fired. She walked out of there having no idea who had taken this to corporate and even saw the document we'd composed anonymously against her. About a month later, the regional manager also resigned as he did not recover from letting her do this.
We're still having problems with new managers, but our store has now earned the reputation as the store who will not put up with this kind of crap, and that's caused them to be a little more cautious as to who they assign to us. And that, to me, is the ultimate win.
Never mess with the underlings.
(source) story by (/u/Vikkiislost)
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vaguelygeiszlerian · 5 years ago
1 to 50
ok i just saw this existed, i live on tumblr mobile where i ignore the activity tab and scroll endlessly, bear w me
Animated character that was your gay awakening? uhhhhhhh,,,....,,,.. if i remembered anything abt my childhood i would tell u, im gonna say rukia from bleach because i want gorgeous short people to step on me
Grilled cheese or PB&J? peanut butter Always... tho if it was a fancy grilled cheese (there is a special preparation).... i would be torn
What show/YouTube video(s) do you put on in the background when you when you don’t have anything to watch but you want something on? it really depends! i bounce around, i watch a lot of baumgartner restorations, i watch a LOT of nyx fears video essays on horror movies i would never watch, i watch longplays of, like, nier automata bc im still delighted by cryaotic?
Your go-to bar order, if you drink? i dont really get to order a lot of drinks at bars, itll depend, if im with friends ill order as many things off the cocktail menu as my money allows, if im with my parents ill order long island iced teas or whiskey and lemonade
What’s your favorite pair of shoes that you own? i literally own like 3 pairs of shoes, one of which being the only pair i can actually safely wear haha.... but my favorite pair is the black red and gold converse that dont fit anymore but still remind me of high school
Top three cuisines? mexican, italian, whomever the fuck invented kasoundi
What was your first word as a child (that wasn’t a variation of “Mom” or “Dad”)? yeah as said above i have no clue about anything about my childhood so idk i think mum said once that my first proper word was just ‘no’ which sounds abt right
What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had? idk if my last job counts? i mean i used to do all round garden labor stuff until my pain got worse and i literally couldnt anymore so i got relegated to desk work
Look up. What’s directly across from you? oh a container of pesto i didnt like the flavour of and just... forgot to throw out.... i will do that tomorrow
Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general? i have a rwby poster signed by ray and jack? its p cool
Preferred way to spend a rainy day? preferred right now? wrapped in a metric fuckton of blankets w my partner
What do you get on your bagels? What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted? i..... dont like bagels
Brunch or midnight snacks? i live a weirdly scheduled life, midnight snacks and brunch are interchangeable to me now, so both
Favorite mug you own i..... dont really have one? all of my actual mugs that are mine have my deadname on them haha
What coffee drink would you describe yourself as? overbrewed black coffee that someone left to go cold before dumping six packs of sugar in
Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!) ‘ And I don't want your pity I just want somebody near me ‘ bc we all love a bit of mitski when we are feeling the self isolation creeping in
Fruity or herbal teas? fruity teas only! or rather i drink fruit tisanes! but if you mean actual tea then herbal, i only drink peppermint tea
What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless? fruits basket! everyone watch the reboot
That book you were forced to read for class but actually ended up enjoying? all the books i read for class sucked but medea wasnt so bad
Do you match your socks? only when theyre very fun patterned socks, and even then sometimes i will match them to the wrong pair but the same pattern, aka my double watermelon combo (i have a pair of green socks w watermelons and a pair of black socks w watermelons so)
Have you ever been horseback riding? no and i never will because i am fucking terrified of horses
What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc) uh.... uh i mean im not sure if it counts as a phase but i was stupid into vampires (to the point of me and my friends constructing the intricate theory that our teacher was a vampire and we had to kill her by the time we graduated (she was not and we did not and i hate all of those people now) i was just the weird conspiracy kid i guess, we used to spend every lunch staring across the oval at a house we were SURE an alien lived in (it was just a plastic bag being rustled by a fan)
Have you ever been to jail? bkdnbrb god no
What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)? im a lazy susan
Puzzles? i cant solve a rubiks cube but give me a 2000 piece jigsaw and ill sit there for 6 hours trying to solve it
You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it? oh this is tough..... orange juice, the fancy kind but with no bits in it, i used to like the bits but these days i just want a clean juice experience
What section do you immediately head for when you walk into a bookstore? ,,,,,,the ya fiction section, i never buy anything from there but i like to see if series i read as a teenager ever got new instalments after i stopped liking them
What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now? how to sleep like a normal person
Who’s your go-to musical artist when you’re feeling upbeat? uh, it depends! lizzo or my playlist of musicals! (which is literally just starkid/tcb stuff)
Where could someone find you in a museum? i could literally be anywhere, probably in front of some old piece though, just staring for an hour bc im struck by the majesty of it (and my legs probably locked up so i couldnt move anyway)
What’s that one outfit in your closet you never get the chance to wear but want to? so i have a nice white button up and some really nice jeans i just got, and my suspenders, and my cool blue heels that i know i cant wear bc my legs cant handle walking in heels anymore, but it would look cool am i right
Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds? i look up at my roof which is almost entirely covered in glow in the dark stars and then stare into the camera (i wish every day that my roof was like the roof of the healthy harold van, i still have fucking dreams of that beautiful ceiling)
If you could own any non-traditional pet (dogs, cats, fish, rodents, etc), what would it be? non traditional? id want a lizard that could curl round my shoulders like a leathery scarf
Do you have more art on your walls or more photographs? i dont have any photos on my wall so art by default
You have to get one meme tattooed on your body, what meme is it and where does it go? i just want the pensive emoji tattooed in the small of my back so if i wear a crop top everyone has to suffer with me
Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with fuck superheroes they suck, can i hang out with jason todd red hood style
Lakes, rivers, or oceans? oceans, i want to go to the beach so fucking bad
Favorite mid-2000s song i dont really have a Big Favorite but like..... i constantly thank god for esteban
How do you dress when you’re home alone? ive been in the same sweatpants and old paint shirt i got from my painting and decorating course for three days
Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)? armchair closest to the kitchen, perfect to make a quick escape if dad comes in
Knives or swords? knives, i dont have the upper body strength for swords
A song you didn’t think you’d enjoy but ended up loving? oh uh run away with me by crj, *bwoooooooo buhnuhnuuuuuu buhnuhnuuuuuhhh buhnuhnuuuuhhhhh*
Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online? no caption i dont want people to really acknowledge that i post things
Name a classic Vine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anQds9PQ7CA
What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store? hash browns hash browns hash browns ONLY
How do you top your ice cream? god its been so long since ive been able to eat ice cream.... with the reeses peanut butter ice cream shell topping
Do you like Jello? jelly is the pinnacle of our society and i wish i were eating it right now
What’s something that you don’t have a picture of that you wish you did? i wish i had a picture of myself and my partner so i could set it as my phone lock screen (that or i wish i had a picture of me and a friend i really dearly miss bc i have pics of her in my phone but not of us together and i want some but i cant bring myself to say so)
How are you at climbing trees? theres a tree in my front yard i used to be able to hang off but nowadays i think id hurt myself just trying to lift my nasty meat sack off the ground trying
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let-it-raines · 6 years ago
Betting on the Bullseye (18/?)
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Summary: Emma Swan loses a bet that means she has to ask her celebrity crush to be her date to her office’s annual fundraising gala. Killian Jones is that celebrity crush. She expects all kinds of humiliation and for her dignity to be completely lost. What she doesn’t expect is for him to say yes.
Rating: Mature
A/N: I wrote this chapter awhile ago, and I was so proud of the movie title I made up…I checked Netflix the other day, and they have the same movie. So, you know, either I saw the movie without realizing it, or Netflix has some explaining to do…I kid, I kid :D Thank you guys for continuously being the best!
AO3: Beginning | Current
Tumblr: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 
Tag list: @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @wellhellotragic​ @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @captainsjedi @teamhook @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @artistic-writer @branlovesouat @dreadpirateemma @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog @galaxyzxstark @lifeinahole27 @andiirivera @ultimiflos @hollyethecurious @thejollyroger-writer @superchocovian @cs-forlife @qualitycoffeethings @jonirobinson64 @notoriouscs
When he got the call in the middle of August, he felt actual butterflies in his stomach. He’s always hated that turn of phrase, but oftentimes, it’s the only phrase he thinks can actually describe what it’s like to be so damn nervous that he feels as if something seriously wrong is going on in his body. He could feel it in his stomach and in his throat. Hell, he could feel it in his fingers some days.
He was excited.
He was terrified.
It happens sometimes. He wishes it happened more often, but honestly, he wonders if it keeps the excitement for what he does alive to get to read through scripts to find the rare gem that actually speaks to him instead of liking everything that passes over his desk. This one, though, the more he reads it, the more he thinks about it, the more he gets inside of Michael’s head…the more he wants it.
Which is probably why he’s about to throw up as Robin drives him over to meet with the producers and the casting directors. He’s not even really auditioning, just talking to them, but it feels like he’s doing his first audition all over again. It had been for an extra with one line in Grey’s Anatomy, and he felt as if he was attempting to prove himself to be Tom Hanks or something.
It was ridiculous.
He didn’t even get that role. It was one line. He’s pretty sure he was supposed to be ordering coffee or something.
His phone buzzes in his lap, and Emma’s name pops up, instantly calming him down for a moment.
Emma: Go kick ass today, KJ! I love you!
Emma: I also love your ass, but that is totally unrelated to what I’m supposed to be telling you right now.
Killian: I love you too! I’ll try to kick arse with my good arse just for you!
Emma: That’s all I ask.
He does kick arse if he says so himself, the meeting going far better than expected. They want him. He knew that they wanted him, but they actually, seriously want him. He’s still got to do negotiations, to work out a few details and to screen test with potential costars, but he’s got the role if he wants it. It’s all early in the preproduction stages, but damn is he excited.
“You look like Roland after I let him eat more than one donut,” Robin laughs as they drive away from the lot and make their way to go get lunch. “You excited?”
“Obviously, mate.” He pulls out his phone and texts Emma about everything, knowing that she’s at work right now and can’t really talk. He really wants to tell her anyways. “And nothing compares to your son on a sugar high. Absolutely nothing. It’s like he’s been possessed.”
“He has been. By sugar.” Robin pulls off of main road and down into one of the business districts. “You want to go in somewhere or do take out?”
“We can do take out. Just pick something out Roland will like since we’ve got to pick him up from school.”
“He’s not going to be hungry.” “He is if we have any kind of junk food, and I feel like we deserve junk food.” “Because we’ve worked so hard today?”
Sure enough, when they pull up to pick-up at Roland’s elementary school, the boy climbs in the backseat, buckles himself in, and then immediately asks for some of the fries Killian is eating.
Like clockwork.
He swears that every Labor Day weekend his corner of Santa Monica gains at least half a million tourists. He’s sure that’s a bit excessive, but it’s only Thursday and people are absolutely everywhere. It’s to the point that he’s in the grocery store trying to stock up for the weekend, and he can’t turn anywhere without running into a cart with someone stocking up on beer and any kind of junk food he can imagine. He can’t really say much, not when he’s doing the same thing, but he absolutely cannot wait to get his things, check out, and get home before he has to drive to the airport to pick Emma up for the weekend.
He should have just ordered online and had his stuff delivered, but he wasn’t exactly sure what he wanted when he thought about it the other day after he and Emma had talked.
Emma’s had a hell of a few weeks at work, has pretty much wanted to pull her hair out nearly every day, and even though he saw her two weeks ago before he had to come back to California to meet with the producers for this movie (he wishes they’d give it a temporary name other than Project 783 because he’s a bit tired of calling it that), she was too stressed for either of them to really enjoy it. It’s been a long summer. A good one but incredibly long.
He’s pretty sure there’s several songs about long hot summers, and that’s pretty much been his entire summer. With a lot of airports and Uber rides and living out of his overnight bag.
But Emma’s coming in today, is already on her plane, and is staying through Monday. They’ve got his premiere for Highland Waters tomorrow night, a day to themselves on Saturday, and then they’re spending Sunday out on the Jolly with his family, Anna and Kris included. He’s pretty sure Anna has texted him at least five times a day double checking that Emma is definitely going to be here this weekend. Despite how much time Emma has spent with Elsa, she keeps missing Anna.
Anna is not okay with it in the slightest. Sometimes he thinks she’s been his sister-in-law for his entire life instead of five years with the way she treats him. She’s refreshing, and he’s completely sure that she and Emma need to meet on soft ground for when Anna inevitably tackles her.
Yeah, she’s definitely going to tackle Emma.
After he finally checks out and loads his groceries in the car, he drives home a little faster than he should and quickly puts everything away. He’ll have to tidy it all up later, but he needs to go ahead and make his way to LAX because he already knows that traffic will be awful. It nearly always it, and this weekend is going to make it worse.
Sure enough, he’s late to show up, but he hasn’t gotten a text from Emma letting him know that she’s landed, so he parks in hourly parking and makes his way inside, taking the long route to avoid the photographers that stake out at the exit nearest to the parking lot. He doesn’t see her anywhere, but considering it’s at least thirty times more insane than the grocery store in this small corner of the airport, he doesn’t exactly expect to right away.
Killian: Have you landed?
Emma: Yeah, but we’re taxiing right now.
Emma: My legs are so stiff, and the man next to me has talked for this entire flight.
Emma: Ah, shit. He just asked if I’d get dinner with him.
Emma: Why are people so weird?
Killian: What did you say?
Emma: Obviously I said yes.
Killian: Bring me some takeout from wherever you go.
He keeps texting back and forth with her until the texts stop and he’s left simply standing there watching and just waiting for her to show up somewhere.
“Hi, hi, hi,” Emma sighs as she jogs up to him at the airport, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and holding onto him as he tugs her closer, the bill of her baseball cap rubbing into his cheek with the sudden embrace. “How long have you been waiting here? It took forever taxiing after we landed, and then I had to pee, which I pretty much refuse to do on the plane which was hard because I had coffee…and yeah. Sorry for being late.”
“I absolutely do not mind,” he promises, quickly brushing his lips over hers as many times as he can before things turn inappropriate in a very public place. “Even if you were obviously going out to dinner with that man. I’ve just been watching people get black suitcase after black suitcase mixed up with other people’s very similar suitcases.”
“Sounds like quality entertainment.” “Right? Your flight’s luggage is coming out on this belt in front of me, so yours should be here soon. I’m surprised you didn’t do carry-on.”
She shrugs, pulling back from him and tightening the plaid shirts that’s wrapped around her waist. “Too much stuff. I wasn’t exactly sure what to wear tomorrow, and Ruby convinced me to bring…a lot. I figured you could help. Plus, my foundation went over the TSA limit for liquids weirdly enough, which I found out at security. That was a fun time.” “Sounds like you’ve had quite the adventure, Swan.” “I have. Look, there’s my suitcase. Let’s go.”
Emma practically jogs off to get her luggage, and he wonders just how much coffee she’s already consumed this morning. It’s got to be quite a bit, and he knows that she’s definitely going to crash in the middle of this afternoon. But it doesn’t matter. She’s here. She’s here, and he’s absolutely convinced that they’re going to have a wonderful Labor Day weekend with all of the plans that they’ve been making.
He hasn’t been this excited for a weekend in a long time.
“I like this,” he croons as he walks up to Emma at the counter in his bathroom that he’s come to think of as her counter. All of her stuff is there, the things she leaves behind both on accident and on purpose, including the damn toothbrush she ordered replacements heads for and had them sent here instead of to her home. He’d already signed up for the refurbishment ones, but he didn’t let her knows that when she texted him about the delivery. So now he has an entire dentist’s office worth of toothbrushes.
“Thank you.” She finishes putting her earring in and then turns around. “If I move from side to side, the fringe shakes.” She demonstrates for him, twisting and turning so that the white fringe on her dress moves with her, and he’s about as fascinated with it as he is with the smile on Emma’s face. It’s almost like she’s living some kind of childhood moment she never got right now, and all he can think is how happy he is that she’s happy. And how much he wants to spend the rest of his life with her.
He’s known it for awhile even if they’re not there yet, but he’s there. And he’s perfectly happy to go at Emma’s pace. He knows that she’s it for him. All this summer, the months of flying back and forth, of getting brief moments of time together and even more talking on the phone, it’s been difficult, but it’s kind of reaffirmed things for him on what he wants out of life. Emma’s not the first woman he’s been in love with, she’s not even the second or the third, but she’s it in every big sense of such a small word. He somehow…somehow he just knows it with every fiber in his being.
God, he loves her. More than anything.
“See?” Emma laughs, looking up at him as the fringe stops moving, resting back in place and framing her body. “I bought this dress forever ago and have never worn it. It looks okay for the premiere, right?”
“You look stunning, my love,” he promises, taking her hands and kissing her knuckles so he won’t mess up her makeup. His lips move along the skin of her hands until he’s kissing her wrist, right on the small black dot. “And this is perfect.”
“Thanks. You look nice too. Very handsome but,” she reaches up and runs her hands through his hair a little bit, “your hair is too flat. You gotta add a little life to it.”
“How embarrassing will it be for me to admit that I usually have someone do my hair for things like this?”
“Only a little,” she laughs, continuing to mess with his hair, which feels far too good than it has any right to feel. “Why didn’t you for tonight?”
“Smaller event. I’m not even wearing a tie or anything.”
Emma rolls her eyes before turning around and picking up her lipstick and reapplying the red, her tongue poking out the slightest bit. “You are obviously in shambles.”
“Thank you for your never ending support.” He can see her wink in the mirror. “Always.”
The show sends him a driver, which he really didn’t understand for something like tonight when it’s simply a miniseries premier and not a movie, but he’s not going to complain about not having to worry about how much he’s had to drink when thinking about them getting home. So he thanks Steve, before helping Emma into the back of the car, her dress seemingly always in movement, and loading in himself.
Robin’s waiting for him when they pull up to the hotel where they’re hosting this thing tonight, and Steve drops them off at the front entrance where he can see Isabelle getting out of her car as well. Apparently, the producers are trying to schmooze them one last time.
“You ready, darling?” he asks Emma, taking her hand in his, lacing their fingers together as Robin walks them through the front doors. “Yep,” she says quietly, her eyes darting around the room that’s bursting with people. “This is kind of weird.” “Aye, I know. It’s pretty unconventional.” “A pipe burst down at the theater where they were going to do this,” Robin explains, “and they’re having to redo all of the upholstery. And this was a good last-minute option even if things are a little unconventional for it being a show.”
“That’s shitty luck.”
“It is, but this is a nicer place if I’m honest.” They walk into one of the ballrooms, and there’s a wall set up for them to take pictures by, a group of photographers and journalists already taking pictures and interviewing some of his costars. “Jones, you know what to do here. Take your picture alone, then some with Isabelle, and then you’ve got one interview at the end. Emma, you can stay with me if you want to.”
He looks over to Emma, and she nods her head, smiling at him even if her eyes are blown a little wide. “You going to be okay, darling?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She squeezes his hand before releasing it. “Go do your thing, KJ.”
So he does, standing and taking pictures, alternating between smiling and staring at the cameras with an emotionless look. This, to him, has always been one of the most awkward parts of his job. It’s not the interviews. It’s standing alone and having people take pictures of him. So he’s eternally thankful for when Isabelle finishes hers and comes to stand next to him, wrapping her arm around his waist and smiling.
“You’ve got these crazy eyes going on right now, Jones,” she laughs, all the while her pose never fades. “I’d try straightening those out.”
“It’s the damn flashes and the way it’s far too dark in here.”
“You’re supposed to be a professional,” she teases. “Get it together.”
“I would, but your shoes are just so bright that I’ve been blinded.”
She hits his back – hard – and he laughs while they continue to move across the small carpet until they separate to do their own interviews. She’s one of his favorite costars, someone who he actually likes to talk to outside of work, and even though they’ve been finished filming for months, he knows he’s going to miss her when she flies back home to New Zealand instead of staying here.
When he’s finished talking, having gone through Ezra’s entire backstory once again as well as explaining just how excited he is for the miniseries to begin, he makes his way through the doors, figuring that’s where he’s supposed to go. It’s definitely different than he’s used to, not at all familiar, so he waits inside the impromptu theater that he’s just stumbled into until Robin and Emma also come through the doors with smiles on both of their faces. Good.
“You want to get something to drink, KJ?” Emma asks, coming up to him and poking her fingers at his chest. “Because I know for a fact that you hate watching yourself on screen, and I feel like you are going to need a couple glasses of rum for that.” “Are you trying to get me drunk?”
“No,” she promises, wrapping her arms around his neck while he rests his on her hips, feeling the soft material of her dress under his fingertips, “I am not. I’m just trying to make life more bearable for all of us before you whine and moan all about your performance in the show.”
“She’s right, mate,” Robin laughs. “You’re going to give us all hell this entire time.” “See?” she nudges, running her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and pleasantly scratching his skin. “You need something to drink. Plus, I think there may be food.”
“Swan, I would never dare bring you somewhere without food. I’m not a madman with a death wish.”
“That’s a good plan for you.”
After they get their drinks and Emma finds herself some food (“They have mini cheeseburgers, KJ. I knew your job wasn’t worthless.”), they settle themselves down into their seats while people continue to move around them. Isabelle comes to sit next to Emma, and they absolutely hit it off. It’s wonderful, even if most of it is them teasing him, but Emma’s just got this smile on her face, her eyes lighting up with joy…and it’s all he wants. He wants her to be happy, and if it means him suffering through being made fun of and having to watch himself on screen, it’s completely and totally worth it.
Plus, there are other scenes that he’s not in, and those are okay to watch. Those are brilliant to watch because it’s a bloody brilliant show. Emma gasps in all the right places, laughing at all of the totally inappropriate places when he’s doing something like sword fighting, and she spends the entire time whispering a live commentary in his ear that has his stomach rolling while he stifles his laughter in her hair and in her shoulder as he runs his lips across her bare shoulders every time he gets a chance. She smells like her hairspray, her perfume, and a little bit of rum on her breath. He enjoys the spice of it.
He enjoys her.
“That was brilliant,” Emma sighs when it’s over while the room claps. “Is there any way you can get me the entire thing, like, right now? I kind of want to know what happens next without you giving me spoilers.”
“I don’t think I have that power.”
She groans, stretching out her legs in the seat while her head falls back. “What good are you?”
“I thought we already established that the sliders you consumed earlier were what I was good for.” “That’s what your job is useful for. You, on the other hand, need to be worth something.”
“I’ll just have to think on that, love.”
He’s not sure if he ever comes up with something he can be good for since he can’t get Emma the entire season on Highland Waters, but he does get her some more food and a refill on her drink as everyone settles around the bar, chatter and laughter filling the room while music plays on the speakers overhead. He’s not exactly sure who all is here, most of the faces unrecognizable to him, so he assumes they’re executives instead of the crew he was so familiar with while filming. He would recognize the crew.
“So tell me,” Isabelle sighs as she comes up to he and Emma in the lounge by the bar, the wine in her glass sloshing around, “how in the world does Killian Jones get someone who is such a catch like Emma here?”
“I ask myself the same thing every day,” Emma teases, settling herself down on his thigh while he wraps his free arm around her waist, the other hand holding his glass.
“You have literally known her for three hours, Isabelle.”
“Yes, but in those three hours, she has informed me that you organize your fridge and pantry as well as everything else in your house like you’re in some kind of organization club.” “I am not embarrassed by the fact that I’m organized. Emma should be embarrassed by how much of a slob she is.” “Hey,” Emma laughs, adjusting herself in his lap while she slaps his hand over her stomach, “I am not a slob. I’m not a slob,” she repeats to Isabelle, “and really, the weirdest thing about Killian is definitely that he eats his salad without combining ingredients. Like, if there are strawberries in there, he eats all of them before moving onto the lettuce.” “That’s not weird.” “That’s really weird, Jones. I can guarantee it’s not the weirdest thing about you, but it’s pretty weird.” Someone calls out her name, and Isabelle looks away, practically tripping over her own heels even as she stands still. “I’ve got to go, but I’m going to come back and find you guys later.” “So she’s drunk, right? She can’t actually that clumsy all of the time, and if she is, that was incredible acting in that first episode.”
“She’s definitely a bit intoxicated,” he chuckles, tilting his head to the side and brushing his lips across her jaw and down her neck while she moves and gives him more access to her skin, little moans escaping her lips. Bless her. “I think we may be too, but we’re sitting down.”
“Because we’re, ah,” she gasps when he bites down on her skin, and it sends a shiver down to the base of his spine, “intellectuals.”
“Big word there.”
“You really are drunk if you think that’s a big word.”
He hums, leaning back in the chair and yanking her back with him so that she giggles, the sound high and lilting even with all of the sounds in the room. “I think we should go home, Swan,” he growls into her ear as his finger start moving over her stomach, wishing the damn fringe wasn’t in the way. He loved it at the beginning of the night, loved the way it made Emma feel, loved the way it hugged her curves, but he’d really rather she not be wearing it right now.
“I think that sounds like a plan, Stan.”
They load back into the car and get a ride home from Steve. He can’t say he’s ever made out with a girl in the backseat of a car, not since he was a teenager and Liam would have lost his mind had he and Hannah Kirpatrick been in the house, but now as a thirty-three-year-old man, he does just that. She tastes like the spice of the rum they’ve both been drinking, maybe a bit like the chocolate she ate right before they left, grabbing it on the way out the door, and it’s intoxicating as always as her lips move against his over and over again.
They’re probably scarring poor Steve, but he honestly doesn’t care when there’s a white fringe dress on the floor of his living room.
“Okay, so remind me that I am not twenty-two anymore the next time we decide to go out and drink so much,” Emma groans when she wakes up the next morning, her voice far too loud for how much pain he’s in.
“You’re talking far too loudly.”
“Oh my God, so are you.”
He chuckles, even as his head pounds, and wraps his arms further around his pillow, burying his face in the softness while he tries to will everything away. “You are nearly five years younger than me, so you’re much closer to twenty-two and not feeling dead from drinking too much.”
“You have a bigger body mass. Harder to get drunk.”
He kicks out on the other side of his bed until he finds flesh with his foot. He’s honestly not sure what part of Emma’s body he’s kicking, but he doesn’t care. “Rude,” he mumbles into his pillow, turning a bit and opening one eye just so he can see her stretched out as well, her hair covering her face from his view. “You’re not supposed to comment on a man’s body mass.”
“You’re taller than me and weigh more. Your body mass is bigger. It’s not an insult.” He kicks at her again until she yelps. “I hate you so much.”
“You don’t.” “I do.” “Will you still hate me if I go make us some hangover food?”
“Pancakes with chocolate chips and whipped cream would be acceptable. And coffee. And bacon. It has to be cooked in the oven and not the microwave though.”
“Bloody hell,” he grumbles, rolling over in bed and letting his eyes adjust to the light, “how are you being so specific about what you want?” “I am a specific type of person.”
“Okay,” he sighs, slowly getting up from bed and letting his eyes adjust to light, “I will go make us all of that food, but I’m also going to make you eat some fruit, yeah?”
“Fine, Mary Margaret. I will eat all of my food groups.” “Don’t tease Mary Margaret when she’s got a good point. Besides, you eat salads all the damn time.” “Not when I’m miserably hungover and not picking everything out like you do.”
He’s miserable pretty much the entire time that he’s making breakfast, the medicine he took and coffee he’s drinking helping a small bit. Emma eventually joins him, her hair wrapped up in a towel on the top of her head while she’s changed into the sleep shorts she likes and one of his older t-shirts that she must have gotten out of one of the drawers in his closet. Misery loves company, so as he and Emma grumble and groan all while waiting for their food to be cooked, it’s not quite as miserable as it was.
Or maybe it is. He did drink a hell of a lot of rum yesterday.
But eventually he feels less like death and more like a human being. The food helps, even if he does have a lingering headache, but honestly the fact that they hoard themselves away in his bedroom with his curtains closed to block out the sun and do nothing but hide out under the covers while the rest of the country likely has a nice Labor Day Saturday helps the most. Plus, Emma grabbed bags of chips out of his pantry and brought them upstairs with her so they really don’t have to leave his room at all.
Except to go get water. Neither of them thought about water when they both really need it.
“I’m proud of you, you know,” Emma speaks out of nowhere, making him turn his head to face her. She’s got a bag of salt and vinegar chips in her lap, something he already knows makes her tongue break out because his does the same, not that she cares about that, and if he were to shake out his comforter, he knows there’d be crumbs everywhere.
“For what, sweetheart?”
She shrugs, the bit of sunlight that’s peeking through the window casting across her face and hitting the green of her eyes, making them shine even more brightly than usual. “For your premiere yesterday, for getting the role for that movie that doesn’t have a name yet. I totally think it should be called After Life, though. People will think it has supernatural stuff in it when it doesn’t. It’ll just be about what happens after life  is over for someone you love.”
He laughs, scooting up on the mattress and inching closer to her, nearly sitting up himself. “I’ll have to tell the producers that. Get you a paycheck for the name and everything.”
“Always looking out for me.” “Undoubtedly.”
“But I’m also just…” she sighs, her entire body heaving with the movement, and it’s what gets him to sit up against the headboard with her. “I’m proud of you for who you are, for getting this life for yourself, for not letting your past define you any more than it has to.” “Emma, what’s all this about?”
“Nothing,” she promises, putting the chips on the table next to her while he watches her features, watches to see if there’s anything she’s not telling him. “I don’t know why, but I was thinking about the Sorellino’s, about how I was late because of work, and how at the end of the night you told me how proud you were of me. That meant so much to me, probably more than I can ever tell you, but I also realized that I never told you how proud I am of you for the life that you’ve built.”
Emotion lodges itself in his throat, as do the words he wants to say in response. He remembers that night. How could he not? He remembers telling Emma how proud he was of her, remembers the way her eyes lit up and her lips trembled a bit, and he also remembers her telling him that his mum would be proud of him if she were here to see him. And while he doesn’t think what he does is changing the world, he’s glad that he does what he loves. Emma telling him that his mum would be proud of him, well, that was just the same if not better than anything else she could have said.
It doesn’t change the fact that he can feel his entire body heat all the while thinking about Emma and how she thinks him to be a man who she’s proud of, a man who she wants to be with despite all of his shortcomings and failures.
“Thank you, my love.” He leans over and brushes his lips over hers, tasting the chips she’s been eating.
“You taste like onions,” she groans, her entire demeanor lightening instantly so that he laughs against her lips.
“You taste like vinegar, so you really can’t complain.”
“Lucky for you, I do have a fancy toothbrush compared to your regular, manual one.”
“You and that damned toothbrush, Swan.”
She winks, reaching over and grabbing the big of chips before popping a large on in her mouth. “You’re really going to appreciate it when I eat this entire family-sized bag of chips all by myself in the next hour.”
“Those were for you and Anna for tomorrow. She’s going to kill you before she even meets you.”
“Don’t be so salty, KJ.” Emma pops another chip into her mouth while he groans, scrunching up his face. “Totally worth using the word salty for the look on your face right now.”
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braveskyered · 6 years ago
Knights (Part 8)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Arthur spends time with Gwen and Percy like a good dad should. Sure, Arthur has made mistakes, but I'd say he's a great father.
At least he's better compared to some...
Part 8: You’ve Got My Soul on Fire Tonight
- - -
“Well, Gwen, your turn. What do you think?”
“It's... a loose fuse. We'll... need to replace that?”
“Very good. I'm proud of you.”
“What about me, Dad?”
“You'll have your turn at the next car, Percy,” Arthur resisted the urge to roll his eyes in amusement at Percy's annoyed pout.
Gwen has become much more confident in herself, and her speech impediment has dramatically improved thanks to attending multiple speech therapy classes. She loved maintaining cars alongside her father and has a knack for robotics and welding, often helping Arthur with the maintenance of his prosthetic arm. Her love on the color gray never waned, often wearing dark gray sweaters and skirts with black stockings and white shoes. Sometimes she would wear a white tee over the sweaters if she felt decorative, or gray overalls over white shirts if she felt adventurous. She often wore her hair back with a white headband that contrasts well with her black hair. Occasionally, if she wanted to add some variety, she would add a blue ribbon or a gray scarf, or would place a small blue circle pin that used to belong to Arthur so many years ago.
He isn't really sure why he kept it.
Percy had mellowed down on his tendency for pranks, instead focusing on how to use technology to go past its limit. He would find old computers at second hand stores with Arthur to find and pick apart so he can learn how they worked before building computers from scratch. He also has a knack for programming, and would often work with Arthur or his grandmother Caelia into writing or finding the best programs to get their online business running or handling the more recent car model that often have computers within them. His color preference is mixed, often going for a mix of yellow-orange or purple while wearing semi-formal clothing. He often preferred to wear pressed white shirts with a purple overcoat with a thin yellow scarf. Every now and then, he would wear a familiar skull pin on his vest that Arthur used to wear so long ago.
Why did he keep that one? He's no longer a part of it.
For Arthur, it's hard to believe that the twins are seven years old now, in the First grade in school, and here they are, within the private garage of Four of a Kind Queens, trying their hardest to make him proud by trying to identify parts or problems in car engines with him.
It made him feel like he isn't a failure as a father to his two little mechanics.
The new year has already started, and once the holidays were over, it was time for the Knights family to return to work, and school reopens. During the winter vacation, Arthur took the time to teach the twins about the repair work Four of a Kind Queens is known for, and would occasionally find broken toys or various damaged items to bring back and challenge them to see if they can fix them. Sometimes the twins are able to fix something, sometimes they can't, and that's perfectly fine.
“It's gonna be so boring when we go back to school,” Percy groaned, “The teacher there don't make it anywhere as fun as you do, Dad. I mean, everything in class is just so easy, it's boring! It's all stuff you've already showed us to do!”
Arthur rose a brow, recalling that Percy is often considered a troublemaker in the classroom. Whether it's drawing in class or fidgeting in his seat, Arthur noticed that if Percy isn't doing something to keep himself occupied, he gets antsy. He thought back to seeing Percy's report card along with Gwen's, and both have solids As on all subjects, except for the notes from their teacher saying they're too antsy at times, Percy more often than Gwen.
Maybe he should talk to Elaine about this later, maybe see if they can be moved to a class that will challenge them. Although...
“You know, Percy, in that sentence, it's 'The teacher there doesn't make it anywhere as fun,'” Arthur grinned, “Want to look at the next car? Last one for today, and it's your turn now.”
“Percy, my car only took like five minutes!” Gwen protested.
Arthur turned away from the twins for a moment to conceal his lips twitching with laughter. It definitely felt strange at first whenever the twins argue over something like this, but he supposed it could've been worse.
“No way, it felt like hours!”
A wave of heat suddenly passed through Arthur, disorienting him. The section of his left arm where metal met flesh felt warm, nearly hot. He turned, and nearly froze at what he saw in front of him.
...A large golden-colored fox? Why are there little white flames floating around--?
The fangs sinking into his arm.
Arthur managed to suppress most of the fear, but then he felt light-headed, and before he knew it, the world was spinning as his vision blurred from the heat. He held a hand against his head, trying to regain focus.
Why does it feel so hot? Why can't he move his left arm?
The voices of Gwen and Percy crying out were the last he heard before everything went black.
- - - - - - -
Arthur knew that he isn't wanted here.
Some of the Deadbeats would occasionally try to spook him every now and then, but over time he hardly reacted to them due to his own self-loathing.
The punishment from the wraith was painful this time, too. Two separate burns that resembled a handprint on his right forearm and left shoulder. He always spoke politely whenever Vivi was around, but as soon as she left and the two were alone...
He bit his lip, finally letting the fact sink in his brain with a heavy heart that this haunted manor that Lewis had conjured for them, isn't his home.
It's the home of Vivi, Lewis, and Mystery. This is the home of the Mystery Skulls.
Not Arthur's.
He glanced up at the hallway of the manor, then turned away to head back to the room that Arthur had claimed as a workshop and bedroom of sorts. Of course, he had to pass through the hallway that had those six painting ghosts, but while the Lawyer often spat out words that basically told Arthur to jump off that cliff in the cave and die like the vermin he is, the other paintings silently watched him pass. If Arthur hadn't known any better, he could've sworn that he saw the Woman, the Wrestler, and even the Priest give him what seemed to be a look of pity.
...As if.
Arthur entered the room that he had claimed, or rather, was designated as his by the wraith, which he figured was the room farthest away from Vivi's, and wrapped his fingers around the handle of his backpack. Before he realized it, he was packing some clean clothes as if he was going to be gone for a week when in reality he would only be gone for a day or two. There isn't really much in here to be honest, when most of his possessions are still at Kingsmen Mechanics.
He didn't want to be here.
He couldn't tell Vivi about the wraith punishing him when she was so happy to have everyone back together again. She is the one that kept things from falling apart the first time, and she intends to let it stick after getting Lewis back.
He couldn't be here.
He thought about it, and once mentioned to Vivi and Lewis that he should probably leave the Mystery Skulls.
“Wait, what?”
Why did this have to happen...
“If you're not happy here, then just leave!”
That... didn't turn out as well as he thought it would. The hand print burns he received from the wraith after Vivi and Mystery left, the former in tears, after their argument can attest to that. He looked at his hands, and narrowed his eyes in disgust at the metal that make up his left arm. The arm that fell to the demon's control, the arm that caused everything to go wrong, the arm that took away Lewis's life.
Why did this have to happen?
He thought that with the truth revealed to everyone a few weeks ago, after the wraith nearly accomplished mission he was so hellbent on achieving, things would go back to normal.
But after today, Arthur knew that it isn't meant to be.
Gritting his teeth a little to keep himself from breaking down, Arthur proceeded to finish packing all the clothes and tools he knew he will need. If the others here needed any of his tools while he's gone, then... well, that's their problem.
His phone vibrated, and he went to check it, it showed that he received a text from Uncle Lance saying that he is on his way to pick him up. Uncle Lance had sent him a text earlier today that asked him to come help at Kingsmen Mechanics for a week if he could. Arthur frowned slightly, thinking about it somewhat, then sent a reply saying that he will work the hours.
He donned his long-sleeved orange jacket to hide the wounds, grabbed his backpack, and left the room. He ignored the paintings and the Deadbeats, and walked towards the main front door of the manor.
“Arthur? Where are you going?”
Arthur nearly froze, then slowly turned to see Vivi walking towards him, concern on her face.
“Arthur, if it's about earlier, please, I don't want-”
“Uncle Lance needs me to help him at the shop for about a week,” Arthur spoke over her, “If all goes well, I should be back by next Thursday.”
Saying it, he isn't so sure. This isn't his home, after all.
Vivi looked hurt, which made Arthur's chest tighten with guilt. She didn't deserve this, she didn't deserve to have her life ruined by him any more than it already has. She had already lost Lewis once, lost a good portion of her memory involving him, and just now she has Lewis back in her life, slowly falling in love with him again.
She held the Mystery Skulls together, better than he could.
“Arthur, you don't need to leave,” Vivi reached out to him, “We can talk this out. I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. If there's anything I can do, please tell me. I just want everything to go back the way it once was.”
Arthur stepped away from her, not daring to invoke the wraith's wrath. The wraith didn't like it when Arthur had physical contact with Vivi, even if she was the one to reach out.
Dread went through Arthur's body like lightning, and he struggled to keep a straight face as he saw Lewis in his human form approach while being followed by Mystery. To Arthur's surprise, Lewis actually looked... concerned?
“What's going on?”
Arthur's phone buzzed, which he quickly checked and saw a text from Uncle Lance saying that he has arrived, thankful for the opportunity to escape, he turned to the front door. For some reason, Lewis looked genuinely concerned, with no trace of malice whatsoever.
He figured the wraith is just really good at acting as Lewis.
But Lewis, the kind and caring friend Arthur had known before everything went wrong, is long gone.
“I have to get going, Uncle Lance is here,” he turned to the front door, “I'll let you know when I'm done helping at the shop.”
A lie. He is not coming back here.
She tried to reach out, “Arthur, you don't need to leave, we can talk this out. We just--”
Arthur opened the door leading outside.
Lewis, still acting concerned, tried to reach out, “Arthur--!”
Vivi pleaded with him, “Please...”
“Don't go!”
He stepped away from Lewis's hand and walked out. He didn't bother listening to them anymore as he shut the door behind him. He spotted Uncle Lance's truck on the front yard and jogged towards it, ignoring the noise in the manor behind him. Wait. Now that he thought about it, how did his uncle come out here so quickly?
He didn't care, he's just happy to get out of this hell. He knew that he deserved all the punishment for being the cause of Lewis's death, but it didn't mean that he wanted it. He isn't looking forward to going back there in a week, because some of the bruises still hurt when he moves his arms in a certain way. It still hurt for his arm to reach up higher than his head.
Arthur got into the truck, trying to ignore the look of concern on his uncle's face, only acknowledging the latter's quiet greeting with a weak nod.
...Now he just needs to find a way to hide the injuries and scars from Uncle Lance while he's working.
- - - - - - -
Something roused Arthur from the memory of the last time he saw the Mystery Skulls.
The first thing that came to him was muffled sound, he could faintly hear the panicked cries and howls of a familiar voice while another voice tried to sound comforting. The sensation of touch then returned to him, the heat still permeating through his body, but he felt something cool on his forehead. Arthur waited for his senses to come back, and he started to try moving his fingers. His right hand obeyed, but he didn't sense any movement from his left.
Right... if he fell unconscious, then it's only natural that someone would take off his left arm. He would've had nightmares had he kept it on, and Elaine knew that.
What exactly happened again? He tried to remember. He recalled giving Gwen and Percy opportunities to look at some cars he was repairing for customers to see if they can find what's wrong with them. It was a way to bond with them, while at the same time teach them the civilian family trade.
Despite some senses returning to him, Arthur still felt numb. He could barely move his fingers, and suddenly the sense of smell returned. He thought he smelled something cooking, but couldn't quite recognize the scent as it was too faint to tell. Was it close to dinner time? He really wanted to move to help Elaine with the meal prep. It was one of the few slow activities he truly enjoyed doing with her outside of robotics.
Arthur struggled to open his eyes, and eventually did so after some time. As his vision became clear, he realized that he is in his bedroom. He didn't recall going to bed, though. Was he that tired? He looked around, and saw that Elaine isn't in the bed beside him. He then glanced at the clock on the nightstand to his right and saw that the time was past four in the afternoon. If he recalled correctly, the time was around...
Eleven in the morning?!
He tried to sit up, and found that it took great effort to do so, especially since he only has his right arm to work with. He decided to take it slow to keep a head rush from occurring, and noticed a slightly damp washcloth falling off from his forehead. He noticed that he could move his legs, so he slowly scooted himself back against the bed frame to get into a sitting position.
Where's Gwen and Percy?
He heard the jubilant tone of Elaine's voice, and when he turned to look at the door, he saw her looking relieved as she approached.
“You're finally awake,” she breathed a laugh of relief and embraced him, “I'm so glad. How are you feeling?”
Arthur returned the hug with his only arm, “A little disoriented, but I'm all right. Do you have any idea what happened? The last thing I remember is teaching the twins in the shop, and then suddenly it was so hot.”
Elaine grimaced as she let go, “Uh... about that. Do you remember when I told you that in my family bloodline, our power usually awakens once we reach the age of ten?”
He nodded.
“Well, Percy... somehow got his powers early. We didn't think he'd be capable of getting it,” Elaine sighed with concern and turned to look at the door leading outside their bedroom, “The heat you felt was foxfire, and it nearly... well...”
Percy's power? His full attention focused on Elaine, Arthur grabbed her shoulder, “What happened? Is Percy okay?”
Elaine looked uneasy before answering, “From what we were able to gather according to Mama Vivienne and Nana Niniane, Percy's foxfire is a lot stronger than most other types. He didn't know how to control it since it emerged while you guys were at Queens. When he got impatient, he transformed into a kitsune, and the foxfire went out of control, and you got caught in the crossfire.
“If it hadn't been for the protections Nana Niniane and I gave you, the foxfire would have most likely killed you.”
Arthur's heart stopped. He almost died? Wait! That's not important!
“Where's Percy now?”
Elaine looked down with a solemn expression, “He's... having trouble changing back. He's locked himself in his room and hasn't come out. Not even Gwen can get through to him. He's upset that he hurt you since the foxfire fried the circuits in your arm, and... he knows that you're afraid of kitsune.”
Arthur looked at the stump that made up his left arm. Yes, a kitsune did do this to him, even if it was to save him, but the trauma was too great for him to ignore. It taught him at just what a kitsune is capable of doing, and it taught him to fear it. Yet... he only met two other kitsune besides Mystery, the one who saved and traumatized him at the same time.
The first being Niniane. Even though she knew that Arthur is afraid of her other form, she still helped him by blessing him with protection. It wasn't enough to stop all the nightmares or sad memories that plague him, or stop all of the possible harm one could get, but it was enough for Arthur to know that Niniane cared about him. It was enough for his life to be saved from an accidental death.
The second now being Percy, if his other form is a kitsune, then he is also capable of causing so much damage and pain and suffering. Unlike Mystery or Niniane, Percy is just a young boy at seven years of age. To Arthur, it would make sense if his son had no idea how to control his power if it just came to be.
Elaine said that Percy is distraught at almost killing him by accident.
Just like Arthur was when the demon forced him to kill Lewis.
He is not having this. He knew it was an accident. He knew that Percy didn't want to hurt him on purpose. He knows better than to assume otherwise.
He is not the wraith. He will not make the same mistake!
Arthur started to get off the bed, ignoring Elaine's small protest. He saw that he is dressed in his sleep wear, so he decided not to bother with changing clothes (Elaine probably did it while he was unconscious). He thought about getting the previous model of his prosthetic that he kept in the lowest dresser as a spare, but thought better of it. It wouldn't do anyone favors if Percy were to fry the circuits of his spare arm.
“Where's Gwen?” He looked at his wife.
Elaine blinked before pointing at the exit, “She's staying with Percy outside their bedroom door. Somehow, she wasn't affected by the foxfire. I don't think she's getting through to him.”
Arthur nodded, and once he got his bearings, he left the bedroom and walked over to the door that lead to the twin's bedroom, spotting Gwen sitting against the front door, her head into her knees. Gwen looked at him in surprise and relief, and Arthur can tell with a heavy heart that she was crying. He could hear his son crying from within their bedroom.
“I'm okay, Gwen,” he proceeded to knock on the door, “Percy?”
“Dad?!” He heard footsteps that rushed to the door before stopping, “You... You're okay?”
“I am, Percy. Will you let me in?”
Arthur smiled sadly, “Why not? Am I not allowed to see my own son?”
There was silence until Arthur heard a click from the door. Hearing this, Gwen immediately made a grab for the door and went inside, crying out her brother's name. Arthur let Gwen go after her brother as he noticed Elaine walk up to him, nodding at her, he then looked in the twins' bedroom and came across an interesting sight. Huddled near the corner is a large gold colored fox with a single long tail and a white underbelly. On the fox's face, a white spot is marked above and between its pale blue eyes.
It didn't take a genius for Arthur to know that the fox is his son, since Gwen is beside him rubbing the fox's head. He should have felt fear, but instead, he only felt concern and love for his son. He slowly approached, only smiling sadly when he saw the fox flinch at the sight of him.
“G-Go away! Don't look at me! I hurt you! You fell asleep and wouldn't wake up! I couldn't stop the fire, I--”
Arthur cut him off by kneeling beside him and wrapping his arm around Percy's neck and holding his head to his shoulder, the closest to a hug he could give with his one arm. Gwen, seeing the opportunity, hugged her brother with both her arms.
He nuzzled against his son’s head, “I forgive you, Percy.”
“...Dad? But... you hate foxes! Mom said that foxes scare you! Why are--”
“How can I hate you or be afraid of you when you're just a big and fluffy puppy?”
He heard Elaine give a snort. Percy tried to somewhat wrestle away from his embrace, but Arthur isn't willing to let go.
“Did you want that to happen?” Arthur asked, moving his hand to the back of Percy's head.
“N-No! I didn't want to be a fox! I didn't want this to happen! I didn't want to hurt you or scare you or--!”
Words weren't going to get through to the distraught mindset his son has now. He held his son's head closer to himself slightly and closed his eyes. He started to hum the song that plagued his heart and soul.
This time I might just disappear...
This time I might just dis-
His heart still ached when he hummed this lullaby, especially since it reminded him of the past he swore to leave behind.
Oh mo mo mo mo
Oh mo mo mo mo (Oh yeah)
Oh mo mo mo mo oh
But that old heartache is nothing compared to what his son must be feeling now. He felt Percy shift slightly beneath his grip. He felt his daughter's hand on his right side.
This time I might just disappear...
This time I might just dis-
No matter what, Arthur will endure the pain, the painful memories, the nightmares this lullaby will bring him later tonight, all for the sake of these two children. He will live for their sake alone.
Oh mo mo mo mo
Oh mo mo mo mo (Oh yeah)
Oh mo mo mo mo oh
Once the lullaby concluded, Arthur noticed that Percy felt lighter. Opening his eyes, he saw Percy back in his normal human form, clinging to him while crying. Elaine is nearby to Arthur's left with one hand on Percy's shoulder, another hand on Arthur's left. Gwen is still holding on to Percy and himself on his right. Arthur wished he had his spare arm attached. It would've made a good group hug.
But if there is one thing Arthur knows for a fact, is that he will not abuse his son for doing something outside his control like the wraith had done to him for the exact same reason. He has loved and accepted Percy since the day he was born, and accepted that there will be obstacles to overcome once his power awoke, and knew that the same will apply to Gwen once her power emerges as well.
He still fears the kitsune in general, but he will never fear his son. And if by some chance Gwen becomes a kitsune herself, then he will continue to love and accept her as a father should.
The four remained together until it was time to eat their dinner.
Arthur briefly wondered with Elaine when Gwen's power will surface, but for now, he will continue to comfort Percy until the boy has it in his head that Arthur has forgiven him.
The two ended up getting their answer four days later when they discovered the twins' bedroom covered in snow during that morning. Percy is awake and shivering, while Gwen slept without a care in the world, her skin as pale as the snow.
Well... at least it wasn't as disastrous, until Elaine realized with a groan that they'll have to replace everything in the bedroom from the furniture to the carpet.
* - * - * - * - *
Notes: Why didn't Mystery do anything to stop him?
Is it just me, or did something about all this seem off to you?
So Percy is a kitsune with a single tail so far to signify his young age, while Gwen is a Yuki-onna? Their powers emerged earlier than expected according to Elaine. At least Arthur didn't get too badly hurt thanks to the protection blessings. Sure, Elaine and her family probably could've blessed the house with multiple protections to prevent accidents like that from happening, but if they did that, then it most likely would've resulted in more harm than good. I heard that too much magic can interfere with machines and whatnot.
A heated argument between the Mystery Skulls... What do you think happened?
Part 9: Brainsick Lyrics
17 notes · View notes
vaixation · 6 years ago
Why I've been gone for two weeks – Please note that this post is going to contain some serious content. However, this is a really important personal update from me.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: - Animal death - Suicide ideation - Depression/anxiety/dissociation - (Brief mention of abuse/trauma/C-PTSD)
Post under the Read More. - - -
I'm sure there's a lot of people who didn't even notice I haven't been online anywhere for the past two weeks considering I'm a pretty quiet individual and often keep to myself / disappear off the social radar for months at a time. However, there's a pretty specific reason this time why I haven't been around, and it's important to discuss.
At the time I am writing this, it is currently Friday, May 3, 2019. I'm writing this ahead of time because... I cannot sleep and I need to get some of these thoughts off my mind. This week has been the worst week of my entire life, without exaggeration. I'll start from the beginning.
For those that don't know, a tornado came through my area on April 19th. I would like to state right off the bat that I am fine - it missed my house, but only just barely. We can literally see the path / damage of the tornado from our house. Apparently it actually formed RIGHT THERE - the people who live just like three houses up the road from ours said they actually saw the tornado's funnel come down out of the sky. It's wild to think a tornado could come to life that close to our house. We were very fortunate to be okay.
I can't necessarily say the same for others, however. I don't know if anyone got hurt, but I did hear that one person's house was completely flattened. (Apparently there was actually someone inside, but she went down into the basement and was okay. Also concerning her welfare and loss of property - I heard there was a fundraiser that was helping their family out, and they apparently were on the TV at some point too about it all? That's just what I've heard through the grapevine - it's all second hand information so I don't know how much is accurate and I've no way to double-check right now.) (EDIT: I have double-checked for our area now that I have internet again and I can confirm no-one in our area was actually hurt. All the damage is to buildings and property, thankfully.) There's entire areas of trees that have just been wiped out. And I know there was a bus that literally got thrown up by the wind and is now just sticking out of the ground. Last time I saw it, they still haven't fixed that.
Point being, we lost power for a whole day. They managed to fix the power pretty quickly considering the damage, but the internet? At the time of writing this... I still don't have internet. And that's the primary reason I haven't been around. But it gets so much worse from here on out. For me at least.
So, my week was already really stressful for this reason (not to mention MY JOB requires the internet and I have NOT been able to do any of my work; my bosses know my situation but it's still very stressful.) We called our ISP multiple times trying to get it to work - they've sent out two technicians so far and narrowed it down to the modem router. It wasn't hooked up to a surge protector, and the power going out the way it did seems to have zapped the modem router and it no longer works. So we decided to buy a new one, and I swear we went to at least ten to fifteen different stores looking for a new modem router.
The problem is, all the new modem routers in stock are coaxial cable modem routers. Our ISP is only a VDSL / ADSL modem router (requiring a phone line), and we went through several stores looking for a DSL to coax adapter with no such luck. Apparently, an adapter / converter like that doesn't even exist. The closest thing we could find was an ethernet to coax cable, but that's not what we need obviously. Through some other connections we managed to finally just order a DSL modem router via Ebay; it's supposed to get here on Monday of this week, so... we'll see if it does by then, I guess.
(EDIT: It arrived sooner than expected. We’ve been able to get it up and running, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to post this, obviously.)
But, well. That's not really why this has been the worst week of my life. I mean, it doesn't help, but... I can live without the internet for a week or two, you know? I've gone years without it. Whatever.
The thing is...
My cat died.
And this wasn't just some random cat, okay. His name was Chip - or rather, Slavashado. (It's pronounced "sluh-VAAH-shuh-doe") You see, I modeled his name after T. S. Eliot's poem "The Naming of Cats." Within this poem, it states that a cat must have three names. One is a common, everyday, ordinary name. Chip. One is unique to him. Slavashado. And one, only he himself knows. And he took it to his grave.
Chip's been with me basically almost my entire life. He was 21 years old. I'm 26 right now; I'll be 27 in June. So he's literally been in my life since I was 6 years old. He's always been there for me. Always.
So I cannot possibly put into words how heartbroken I am that he's gone.
I love him with all my heart. And I always will. But he's gone now.
I can't even remotely describe how empty I feel. How utterly alone I am. There's a void in my soul that's so deep it feels like it's going to erode me from the inside out.
You know, I've never lost anyone close to me before. It's not that I'm a stranger to death... far from it. I'll get into that later. But... this is the first time I've ever truly lost someone I really, really, truly cared about. I've always thought grief would be a linear thing. I've seen the Kübler-Ross model of grief more times than I can count. "DABDA" for short - Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance.
It's not linear. Not for me. I feel all of these things at the same time somehow. It's not like I felt denial first, then moved onto the angry stage. No. I just feel all of them at the same time. And I'm so overwhelmed. And I'll go from one end of this spectrum to the other end and back again. It's far from linear.
The sad thing is, I feel my grip on this world unraveling each day. My world already ended with Chip... He meant everything to me. I love him more than anything else in this whole world. So... I've admittedly been having some very bad, depressive, suicidal thoughts. I'm not actively going to do something to myself, don't worry. But... I've been thinking lately, you know what? If a car runs over me, I don't care. What if the storms knock a tree over on my house and it flattens me? So what. What if I'm in a car wreck and die? I just... feel so apathetic.
It's like that song. "If the silence takes you, then I hope it takes me too."
But... I can't join him. Not yet. I still have to live a full life, you know? I can't come to you yet, sweetheart. I'm so sorry. I want to, but I can't. Not yet. I have to live a life that would make you proud of me, love.
Maybe we'll meet again in another life. Cats have nine lives after all...
But I've also just felt like I've started to really disconnect from reality, too. The other day someone said something - innocent, really - but the angry part of myself wanted to lash out and destroy and hurt. And the scariest thing was, I almost didn't care. Grief's not an excuse to lose your compassion, but I fear that I'm really losing it. It's hard to feel like anything's real, and somehow everything's all too real at the same time.
His health just... declined so rapidly in the last month. He went from being okay and active and about, to suddenly he can't jump anymore. Suddenly he's very lethargic and having a multitude of issues; he wouldn't be able to stand up without falling over. It got to the point where he wouldn't move around much anymore. I had to take care of him on a daily basis; almost 24/7 I'd watch him to make sure he was okay and wasn't having a hard time pooping/peeing and would wash him because he no longer had the strength to take care of himself or move anywhere or do much of anything.
I had to make a certain mixture of foods the vet prescribed to keep his nutrition levels up and to make it so he wouldn't be constipated, and had to monitor that he was eating / drinking enough. Eventually he stopped eating his food, so I ended up mixing it all in water and making it a liquid paste that he could drink instead, which he would gladly do. There were some glands on his throat that were swollen, so I think it was making it hard for him to eat even with the special food we had.
So... it both was and wasn't sudden. On one hand, it happened so fast? His health just plummeted and spiraled downhill within a few weeks. But on the other hand... he was just doing so badly. We took him to the vets multiple times and, there's really only so much that can be done. He was really old, you know? 21 is a long time for a cat to live. It's longer than most cats. I know he lived a long, good life, knowing he was well loved and cared for. And I truly did everything I could for him. I know I can't blame myself for anything, even though I tried to. I did my best, you know? But nothing lasts forever. All things one day die. It's the law of nature. And I'm no stranger to death. I know all too well this reality.
This isn't something I talk about a lot, but one of my parents was really abusive. She was really abusive to animals too. I've seen death. And horrible, traumatizing things too appalling to get into here. I've known from an early age that all things die. It's one reason I'm not... surprised. In a way, I accept that. I understand. I know.
It's why I'm a little obsessed with "morbid" themes, as others have put it. Death. Bones. Rot. Decay. (Plague flight on Flight Rising, anyone?) None of that is new to me. Finding an intrigue in it is a way of coping with it. Did you know that kids who deal with C-PTSD often recreate their trauma through play? Or fixate / obsess on the trauma somehow? That's why I literally relate so heavily to Henry from Fire Emblem: Awakening. He's the same way. He's seen animal death and cruelty. But he's also un-phased by blood and guts and everything. (He denies his trauma, but denial and even amnesia can be a big, big part of trauma. And the way he talks about his past almost sounds like he's dissociated from those feelings. I relate a lot to that too... I honestly find Henry to be very therapeutic to exploring my own feelings at times.) This is the reason I find horror and creepy content fascinating. And more often than not, it's hard to scare me. Fiction is so much less scary than the real thing.
My point is, I'm very aware of death. I'm aware of that finality. I'm aware of its permanence. Nothing I can do will ever bring my cat back. He's gone. So in a way, I accept that. And in a way, I also can't accept that answer. I miss him. I want him here with me.
In a way I'm kind of thankful that our internet wasn't working. It allowed me to attend to him in his last days without any other distractions. I spent so much time with him. And that gives me so small amount of peace, knowing that.
And I think he knew, the day he died. It was April 28th, somewhere in between 9-10 PM. I can't believe it's only been five days. It feels like an eternity without him here. But, that day, he was suddenly a lot more active than he'd been in months. He was up and walking around and came over to me and crawled up behind where I was sitting and snuggled and cuddled with me. I take comfort in the fact we shared a beautiful moment that day. Just sitting there, petting him, breathing in his wonderful scent and burying my face into his soft, warm fur. The deep purring, the soothing vibrations of his noise. I wish that moment could last a lifetime. I'm so thankful for the time I had with him though. It both feels like it was the right time - that it was meant to be - and at the same time I feel like he's left me far too soon. I miss him. I miss him so, so very much.
At least I got to hold him when he passed. I stroked his fur and cried as the last of his spasms died down. I've always feared I would find him one day and he just wouldn't wake up, so seeing him actually pass... it was scary. But it was good for me too. It brings me some small amount of closure that I could be with him in his final moments. He didn't have to die alone. For that I'm so thankful.
You deserve the best of everything, love. You were my faithful friend and companion for basically my whole life. I'll never, ever forget you.
Where are you now? Are you with the stars? Are you in my dreams? Where-ever you are, I hope you're safe. And happy. And at peace. Because I love you so, so much. And I always will. Now until the end of time, when death claims me too one day.
You know, at the start of the year, on New Year's, somehow... I knew. Somehow I knew this was going to be the year. I don't know why I did, but I just... felt it. And I promised myself, no matter what happens, I am going to make this a good year. And I will. But right now, I'm hurting. I'm hurting really bad.
Nothing lasts forever.
Not even pain. I'll be okay. But right now, I'm not.
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time... That is up to you." - The Happy Mask Salesman, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
We buried him amongst some of the trees growing back behind our house. I buried him with some things - that heart pendant I used to slip into my photographs to mark them as "mine," for instance. It was a really important necklace to me. So I thought it was only appropriate that he have it. My heart belongs to him, after all. I buried him with a book that was also really sentimental to me. It's called Consider Love. The last line in the book was "Consider my love for incredible you." I signed it to Chip (Slavashado), from me (my name). I love you, sweetheart. I love you so, so much. Do you know that? I'm sure you did.
And I sang him a song, one last time. I don't know how many of you know this, but... when I was a child, my parents used to sing me a song. It became really sentimental to me because of this - memories of childhood days long past, so I sang it to him too. I modified some of the lyrics though.
"You are my sunshine, My only sunshine, You make me happy When skies are gray... You never know, dear, How much I love you... Please don't take My sunshine away.
The other night, dear, As I lay sleeping, I dreamt I held you In my arms. When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken, So I hung My head and cried.
You told me once, dear, You truly loved me. And nothing else could Come between. But now you've left me, To fly to heaven, You're amongst The stars and dreams."
I wrote him a letter, drew him a little picture, and wrote down those lyrics for him too. He'll always have it with him. We put him on his bed and put all of that in a box and put that into the ground. We're planning on planting some flowers out there.
Digging a hole is so much harder than I thought it'd be. There's so many rocks and roots and the chunks of dirt can be hard to lift out of the ground. To be honest I wasn't much help though. I basically just cried the entire time. I didn't even know my face could make that shape. I've never seen my own face in such agony before, but looking in the mirror I wouldn't even recognize myself for the sorrow in my features. It's just so foreign. Alien. It's weird to me.
In a way, actually physically burying him gave me closure. In a way it just made it so much worse. I feel all sides of this grief spectrum at the same time. Acceptance. Denial. Those two things are one and the same now.
It's okay to grieve. It's normal. It's natural. But it just hurts so much.
No amount of reading about grief can really... prepare you for it.
I've cried and cried until my head hurts and my face does too. Every time I open the door to my room, it hits me all over again. There's no one here. There's no one waiting for me at home, no small face peeking at me from the top of the stairs. It's so empty here. It's so lonely. It's so unfathomably quiet. And it's just too much.
I've even gone out to visit his grave, came back inside the house, opened the room to my door, and realized - he's not here. And I was literally just at his grave. It's all the small things, you know? I miss him in so many ways, little things I've gotten used to that tell me of his existence, but that presence - it's gone. And when I'm here in this room, it's so crushingly obvious. His aura no longer flows from his position. Where he should be, there's just nothing. He's not here anymore. He never will be here again. I know that. I do. I know he's gone. But it's just... it's so weird.
He's here one day, and gone the next.
"The years now before us, Fearful and unknown. I never imagined I'd face them on my own. May these thousand winters, Swiftly pass I pray. I love you - I miss you - All these miles away..." - Lullaby for a Princess
I thought I'd have more time. I looked at the can of food I had planned to feed him the next day (and I was really excited for him to try this flavor, too) and just lost it. There's not a tomorrow. He's gone.
I found a trace of his fur on a piece of furniture, and I just started crying all over again.
I leafed through some of the few pictures I've taken of him over the years - far, far too few. And I wanted so badly to reach through the screen onto the other side, where he is. Because he's not here anymore. It's just so hard.
I want him to come back to me.
And at the same time, I don't.
It was meant to be. There's no undoing what's done. He's gone. I know that. But it doesn't change my feelings. I miss him. I love him. And I hurt. I need him. What am I going to do without you, love? You were my constant. You were always there for me, every time I've wanted to end my life. Every time I've wanted to give up. You were there. I need you. I need you so much. You've left me too soon. But I wouldn't undo a single moment. I'll cherish each one of them.
"But time is not eternal. Please make the most of your time." - The Happy Mask Salesman, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The fact that it's not eternal is what makes life so precious. Time is what gives each and every moment and second of our lives meaning, because that's time you'll never get back.
It's time like this that I'm also thankful for all the storylines I've grown attached to. Somehow, they're really cathartic to me. And they've all taught me things that have made this easier to deal with than if I didn't have them.
Super Danganronpa 2 with its message that, to give up on life is a blasphemy unto life itself. Don't give up, or you're spitting on the beauty that life is. Even if it's hard. That's all part of what makes life beautiful and worth living.
Or Undertale. That if you could control time, rewind, redo, it'd lose all meaning. Life would be static. Unmoving. And you'd get bored. Very, very bored. You'd lose what makes you... well... you. You lose yourself.
Pandora Hearts, that undoing what's happened - even tragic - would lose the meaning of what's happening. Turning back time doesn't fix things. It destroys what you had. Be thankful for the time you have, however short. Because that's what gives each moment so much meaning.
Majora's Mask, because it teaches me that loss and grief are all a part of life. And you have to learn to move on, and let go. All things come to an end. And that's okay. When one door closes, another opens. Life moves on.
There's... well. A reason why those four storylines are my top favorite storylines. They're therapeutic to me. They help me cope with life in general, and everything I've gone through.
The day before he died, we went out to eat at a Chinese restaurant. The fortune cookie literally told me, "Opportunity is knocking on your door - answer it tomorrow."
"May be a reason why all the doors are closed So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road" - Katy Perry, "Firework"
You know that song, "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day? If I'm not mistaken, it was written after the passing of the singer's dad. And the sentiment is something I relate to. Wake me up a few months from now. I just don't want to be here right now. I'm so tired, and so very sad. There's a sorrow deep inside my soul too heavy to bear right now. I just want to sleep. I want it to be over. I don't want to deal with all of this right now. It's so much, and I'm overwhelmed.
I don't know if this factors into denial, but I've been trying to get out of the house more. Staying here just reminds me of what I've lost. I've been taking walks outside. Just anything to get my mind off of Chip. All the scents and sounds. The life that's buzzing around right now - the seasons are beginning to change into summer, and there's so many insects and birds about. Life continues on.
Somehow it's comforting to me. And somehow it's not. The more time I spend out of the house, the more I can't tell what's real anymore. The real world feels like a dream. Fake somehow. And my house just feels like a nightmare. I dread going to sleep every night. What nights haven't been restless have been filled with fear. What if I have a nightmare? What if I have a dream where he's alive? It will just break my heart all over again to wake up in the morning and realize he's not. It hits me every morning even without that, when I wake up. The sadness returns tenfold each day. I don't know how much longer I can go on like this. Hope seems like a concept far away.
"I'll see you laugh, I'll see you smile, I'll be with you... Just for a while.
But when the morning comes, And the sun begins to rise...
I will lose you.
Because it's just a dream, When I open up my eyes, I will...
Lose you...
I used to believe in forever. But forever's too good to be true. I've hung a wish On every star It hasn't done much good so far.
I can only dream of you, Wherever you are..." - "Wherever You Are", Winnie the Pooh
I know things are going to be okay. But today is not the day.
What's kept me going is busying myself with as much as I can. Thoughts of what I'm going to do each day. I'm taking it one hour at a time at this point. It's all I can do. Just keep going. Just a little farther. The moment I stop to unwind and take a break is when I start to unravel and remember. My thoughts always drift back to the same place somehow. He's gone. What am I supposed to do now?
Perhaps this won't make any sense. And quite honestly I don't care if it doesn't make sense to anyone else, but. Somehow... I felt like Chip has given me one last hope. He left me with something, a feeling. The day after he died, I just... I felt something. Like he was telling me that things were going to be okay, and directed my thoughts to what I should do, now that he's gone.
I want a new kitten.
I'm not replacing Chip. I can never replace him. He's one of a kind, and always will be. But when one door closes, another one opens. I need something to hold. I need something tangible, that's real, to touch, and hug, and cradle, and care for. I need something that needs ME to anchor me to this world, and give me a reason to stay. I need something that can break me out of this cycle of dissociation and ground me. And caring for another life is therapeutic. It makes me feel needed. Like I have a purpose.
Everyone needs to be loved, and to give love.
You know what's wild? The other members of my household unanimously came to the same decision without me even discussing it with them. Somehow, it feels right. I get this weird feeling Chip actually... sort of pushed our thoughts towards this. I don't know why I think that? By all logic that wouldn't be possible but then again, I truly don't think Chip was an ordinary cat at this point. He was so much more.
Do you ever have a dream, and in that dream you just know something? Without knowing why? But you know it for a fact, in that weird dream-sense? For me, that's what it's like. I just know. Even if no-one else believes me on this, I just know.
I'm not great with people. But I love cats. I've always been really good at reading their body language. And I admittedly do like kids. Whenever I go to my family reunions, I always hang out with the kids, not the adults. Their energy is so fun and invigorating. There's so much life in kids, and it makes me just a little happier to spend time with them, even if I hardcore lack social skills. I might not be great around kids, but I really try. I think my cousin’s children like to spend time with me. Their mother keeps telling me so, at least.
Point is, I love that energy. I know a kitten is going to just be energy incarnate. But I think that's what I need in my life. Something to protect and love and spoil. Something to pour all of my affection and effort into. I often feel really restless. Like the life I'm living right now isn't enough. And I'm sure a kitten would more than keep me on my toes and keep me busy. I expect many sleepless nights. I expect to be woken up like 6-7 times per night, even. But you know what? That's okay. I don't mind at all.
I got to play with some of the cats that my relatives have last time I was there and it just reminded me... how long it's been since I've played with a cat like that. My cat was too old to want to play (and I didn't want to cause him issues, he had a heart murmur and so I also didn't want to get him too excited in his old age because oh dear), so I've missed being able to manipulate toys into being a cat's "prey" and lazer pointers and have cats go nuts after it. I've really missed that. So having a kitten that loves to play? Sign me the heck up.
There's a lot of things I wanted to do with my cat, but he was just too old.
You see, I was only 6 when I got my cat. So I was a kid. And I didn't really get to like... spend money on spoiling my cat because at that age it's not like I had money? Once I turned around 20 or so I started really wanting to buy things for my cat, and show him how much I loved him by getting him nice things and toys and a cat tree and all sorts of other things. But he didn't really... like most of what I got him. And it really made me feel frustrated and sad and disappointed because I really wanted to show him how much he meant to me. But at the same time I was afraid of getting him anything because he wouldn't use most of what I'd spent my precious money on. Money doesn't grow on trees.
I understand, he was old by the time I actually had money to do things for him with. But that's all the more reason why a kitten really excites me. That dang lazer pointer I bought? I bet a kitten would love that! (I mean dang I even... bought one that has a USB stick on the end so you can recharge it because I really wanted it to last. Chip was super apathetic to the lazer pointer for the most part.) I wonder if a kitten would like that catnip treat I bought from Jackson Galaxy's shop? (In case you don't know who Jackson Galaxy is, he's a cat behaviorist and honestly knows so much about cats and their behaviors and he very clearly has a passion and great love for feline friends.)
Also that fun little cat tunnel I got my cat. He hated it. I thought he'd really like it because he liked small spaces (I used to have little boxes set up for him because of this) and also he really liked sitting on crinkly / noise-making things like plastic bags and the inside of this tunnel was super crinkly sounding. So I thought it'd be perfect. But he hecking hated that cat tunnel to the point where I almost threw it away because he would avoid it with a passion.
But I bet a kitten would love it. And that cat tree I bought! And I'm gonna get a nice squishy soft bed for him too when I get him since we buried Chip with his bed. And just. Something colorful! And lots of little toys and things! My head fills with so many ideas and plans and things I've got to prepare for for the arrival of a new kitten. I don't have one yet, but I'll get one soon.
It's the only thing right now that fills my heart with hope, and love. I want to take a new life in with me, and care for this new life to the best of my ability, and love him with all my heart. I'm gonna spoil him in toys and fun things and shower him with as much time and affection as I can. I need this. I need something to love and hold and care for. I have some really strong protective instincts, so nurturing something else - it's really therapeutic to me on so many levels.
We're going to get another black cat, just like Chip. I'm not superstitious really, but. You know what I personally think? That black cats bring you GOOD luck instead of bad luck. You're blessed by their presence when they're in your life. It's when they LEAVE you that the bad luck comes rolling in. That's why crossing a black cat's path supposedly causes you bad luck. Because now they're gone.
Plus, cats actually purr at a frequency that's been proven to heal bones and soothe. That's why cats make a really good companion for people dealing with depression, to be honest. And heck knows I have a broken heart that needs mending.
"Everything's gonna be alright, Everything's gonna be okay. It's gonna be a good, good life." - Bebe Rexha, "I'm A Mess"
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livingcorner · 4 years ago
How to Stock an Indonesian Pantry
Depending on what and where you eat, you might mistake an Indonesian dish for an Indian curry, Chinese fried rice, or a Filipino stew. But nothing is quite like Indonesian cooking. And once you learn what goes into it, you’ll be able to recognize it anywhere.
A World of Influences
No doubt, Indonesia’s multifaceted cuisine has numerous influences: Arab and Indian traders brought spices, rose essence, and dishes like martabak (stuffed pancakes). The Spanish introduced chiles. Rijsttaffel (literally “rice table”) is the larger-than-life Dutch interpretation of the traditional Indonesian meal of rice plus several dishes. But the Chinese immigrants likely had the biggest impact, bringing noodles, soy sauce, and soybeans to the archipelago.
You're reading: How to Stock an Indonesian Pantry
Of course, cooking styles and ingredients vary according to region. The food found on Java and Sumatra are better recognized globally—think beef stew (rendang), chicken satay (sate ayam) and chicken turmeric soup (soto ayam). But branch further out to places like Sulawesi (Celebes) and you’ll find meat- and blood-stuffed bamboo tubes, and fresh-caught fish, grilled and served with a variety of dipping sauces (sambal).
But a Dark Horse in the U.S.
While Indonesian cuisine is revered both within the country and regionally in Southeast Asia, it isn’t as well-known as say, Thai or Vietnamese cuisine in the U.S. There could be any number of reasons, but chief among them is population. The 2010 U.S. Census counts only 95, 270 Indonesians in the country. Since Indonesia was a Dutch colony until 1949, it has had fewer political, economic, and cultural ties to the United States than many other Asian nations. For a comparison, that same census accounts for 3,416,840 Filipinos living in America.
Global cuisine is often promoted through restaurants. Unfortunately, the Indonesian Embassy knows of only 34 restaurants stateside. Not that I’m surprised. Many Indonesian dishes are laborious to prepare, and few Indonesians who migrate to the U.S. deign to open restaurants. (I speak from experience; my family ran one in Seattle from 2007 to 2012. It was popular but a lot of hard work. Let’s just say family cohesion won out in the end!)
The good news is Indonesian cuisine won’t be totally foreign to Americans already enjoying Southeast Asian food.
The Essentials
If you’ve cooked Indian and/or Thai food, you’ll find the ingredients familiar. Turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, and coriander are some of the most-used spices. Lemongrass, lime leaves, ginger, and galangal are ubiquitous. Nutmeg, native to Indonesia’s Banda Islands (part of the Maluku or original Spice Islands) is usually sprinkled into Dutch-influenced dishes like macaroni schotel and risoles. These spices and herbs are blended into spice pastes called bumbu, the very foundation of Indonesian cooking. Herbs like lemongrass, salam, and galangal (a trio I dub the Indonesian bouquet garni) are tossed in while cooking and removed prior to serving.
You can easily find Indonesian ingredients at an Asian market that caters to a Southeast Asian clientele, and maybe even at a specialty store. Any other ingredients, like some of the ones below, can be bought online. I have included my prefered brands but in all honesty, some ingredients are so hard to come by, I say take what you can get! Online sources include:
Indo Food Store
Indo Merchant
Ramayana Store
Import Food
Aromatic Ginger
A.K.A. kencur, zeodary
Used sparingly, aromatic ginger’s unique camphor-like flavor is a welcome addition to dishes like vegetables in coconut stew (sayur lodeh) and Balinese duck curry (bebek Betutu). This reddish-brown rhizome is probably one of the more obscure Indonesian herbs—even I only discovered it recently when my mom revealed the secret ingredient in her fried corn fritters. Sometimes mistakenly called lesser galangal, aromatic ginger is available in the U.S. dried or powdered.
A.K.A. kemiri Ingalls Photography
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Read more: What Color Should I Paint My Kitchen with White Cabinets? 7 Best Choices to Consider
Similar in size and texture to macadamias (which is a decent substitute), candlenuts must be cooked—usually pan-fried—first to remove toxins. These waxy, cream-colored nuts are usually ground with other herbs and spices to add body and texture to curries, sauces and braises. They are high in oil content and will go rancid quickly if not refrigerated. Frozen, they keep for up to a year.
Fried Shallots
Fried Shallots
Fried shallots are showered over everything from fried noodles to soups and sambals. My mom even adds it to spring roll fillings for flavor and crunch. Fried shallots aren’t difficult to make, just tedious and messy. My mom would slice shallots (and Asian shallots are tiny, mind you!), dry them in the sun, then deep-fry. When I came home from school as a little girl, I would often find my mom next to a mountain of fried shallots sitting on newspaper to soak up the oil.
For convenience, I buy fried shallots in big containers from the Asian market. These store-bought brands are usually imported from Vietnam and Thailand. My mom swears by the packages of fried shallots she stashes in her suitcase every time she returns from a trip to Indonesia.
A.K.A. laos, lengkuas Penny de Los Santos
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A member of the ginger family, galangal has a distinctive fragrance and flavor. Look for the more tender young galangal that’s pinkish in color. In Indonesian cooking, it is used in braises, soups, and for fried chicken. Peel then chop the rhizome before adding it to a spice paste. Or cut into half-inch slices and toss into soups. If you can’t find fresh galangal, buy them dried and soak 10 minutes in hot water before using.
Indonesian Palm Sugar
A.K.A. gula jawa/merah Matt Taylor-Gross
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Indonesian palm sugar is sold in solid blocks or cylinders. Made from the sap of the arenga palm (and sometimes coconut palm), it tastes of molasses or caramel and is used to make sweets and to balance flavor in certain savory dishes. To measure, shave or grate pieces off the block. Granulated coconut sugar or dark brown sugar make good substitutes.
Indonesian Sweet Soy Sauce
A.K.A. kecap manis James Oseland
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The Chinese introduced Indonesians to soy sauce and they made it their own by adding sugar! The Indonesian version has the usual soybeans, wheat, and salt but also includes palm sugar and molasses. It is much thicker and sweeter than regular soy sauce which is called kecap asin or kecap Cina (salty or Chinese kecap). If you can’t find Indonesian sweet soy sauce (Cap Bango is my favorite brand), Chinese or Thai sweet soy sauce will suffice. Or you can make your own with this recipe.
The fried rice of my childhood is doused in sweet soy sauce, and when kitted out with chopped bird chilies and shallots, it makes a delightful dip for fried fish or fresh vegetables. I buy Cap Bango when I can find it, and Cap ABC is my second choice.
The kluwak “nut” is actually the seed of the kepayang tree, a tall tree native to the mangrove swamps of Southeast Asia. The oily, hard-shelled seeds contain hydrogen cyanide and must be boiled then buried in the ground to ferment and be rid of the toxin. W
hen cracked open, the chocolate-brown meat of the fermented kluwak nuts is ground up to prepare rawon, a thick, black stew made with beef or chicken. Kluwak is also made into sambal with garlic and chilies. Back in the day, my mom had to buy kluwak in the shell. She’d crack open each and every nut and scoop out the meat. It was a laborious process but the resulting dish was so tasty! Thankfully, now I can buy prepackaged dried, peeled kluwak even in the U.S.
A.K.A. jeruk
Limes are indispensable in Indonesian cooking. The juice and rind are both used, for drinks, to flavor marinades, and in soups.
Read more: What Is a Kitchen Hand?
With its wrinkled skin and limited amount of juice, the lime called jeruk purut (makrut, or what used to be known as kaffir), is almost impossible to find in the U.S. unless you grow your own. Back home, my mom used the juice and rind (she’d toss it into the marinade) to brighten the flavor of barbecue foods like grilled chicken (ayam panggang) and satay. The leaves are more commonplace, adding fragrance and flavor to coconut-based braises and soups like tripe soup (soto babat). Potent whether fresh or dried, the leaves can be ripped off the spine and crumpled to release its fragrance and flavor; or slice thinly into ribbons. Frozen leaves keep beautifully.
Jeruk limo (Nasnaran Mandarin) are small and very juicy. They are excellent in sambals and used to neutralize the “fishy” smell of seafood. My uncle has a jeruk limo tree in his Southern California garden and my mom receives care packages every few months. She freezes the limes and uses them sparingly.
Another lime, jeruk nipis, is very similar to key limes. Squeeze over sambals and noodle soups. I often use a combination of lime leaves, key limes and Meyer lemon to replicate the flavors.
A.K.A. screwpine leaves Matt Taylor-Gross
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I’ve dubbed pandan the vanilla of Southeast Asia. This fragrant leaf imparts both aroma and color to many Indonesian dishes, both sweet and savory. Pandan leaves are often tied in a knot and steeped in a syrup that’s added to various drinks and desserts. It is also tossed into sweet snacks like sweet black rice porridge (bubur hitam), coconut rice and curries.
As a coloring agent, the leaves are crushed together with some water and squeezed to release their green juice. Bottled pandanus extract is available, but the artificial flavor puts me off and I’d rather go with frozen leaves instead. I still dream of the pandan chiffon cakes that my mom used to make.
A.K.A. daun salam
Salam leaves (Eugenia polyantha Wight.), a member of the cassia family, add a sweet, earthy flavor to many dishes. They are sometimes called Indonesian or Indian bay leaves. Indeed, they are used in the same way bay leaves are used in Western cooking, but the two are not interchangeable. Salam leaves are only available dried in the U.S. If you can’t find any at the Asian market, omit. It is one of three key ingredients in the Indonesian bouquet garni.
Shrimp Paste
A.K.A. trassi, terasi Matt Taylor-Gross
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As a little girl, I ran the other way whenever my mom started frying shrimp paste. Sometimes, she’d fry it in her gigantic steel wok; sometimes she would skewer a large chunk of it and stick it in the open flame of our gas stove. Thankfully, she always cooked in our outdoor kitchen. The blackened shrimp paste was then sauteed with chilies, shallots, bell peppers and palm sugar to make my mom’s famous chili-shrimp paste (sambal terasi). Raw Indonesian shrimp paste is sold in solid blocks (a pain to break up) as well as in a cooked, granulated form which is so much more convenient to use—buy it if you find it.
In Indonesian, asam literally means ‘sour,’ hence tamarind’s name, asam Jawa. Other sour fruit exist (including asam gelugur and asam kandis) but tamarind is the souring agent I use most often. I’ve seen both dried tamarind pods and “wet” tamarind (coffee-colored blocks in cellophane packaging) at the Asian market, but I prefer wet tamarind. And if I can help it, I never ever buy the ready-made tamarind paste or pulp. It is so lacking in flavor. Break off chunks of wet tamarind and soak in hot water. Sieve to retrieve the pulp.
When Indonesians were given soy beans, they made tempeh—fermented soybeans compressed into savory cakes with a distinct, nutty flavor. Rich in protein and other minerals, tempeh is a nutritional powerhouse and a staple food for many Indonesians, especially in rural areas where meat is scarce. In the U.S., it is a popular meat substitute and available at many mainstream grocery stores. To make Indonesian recipes, buy the plain ones and leave the marinated or smoked versions for next time.
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Kitchen
source https://livingcorner.com.au/how-to-stock-an-indonesian-pantry/
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writingthingsisdifficult · 7 years ago
‘Tis the season to be jolly
Y/N works in a bookshop, and Christmas is getting closer, which means that the amount of idiot customers increase tenfold. Just a fluffy Sam x reader that popped into my head the other day.
All these customer situations are self-experienced. It’s a wonder I haven’t committed murder yet. Also, I wish I had a Sam to help me through the days sometimes (all right, all the time). Oh, the joys of working in retail.
Word count: 3649
“…and you should be ashamed of yourself for not having it in stock! It’s a bestseller! Everyone is talking about it.” The woman huffed as she finished her rant, and looked at me like I was hiding the book just to spite her: mistrust and condescension poured from her in huge waves.
Smiling as sweetly as I possibly could while swallowing every inappropriate answer I wanted to give, I simply shook my head lightly. “I’m sorry, ma’m, but the book really is out of print, as it’s no longer new –“ how I didn’t blurt out that it was old as balls was a mystery “– and didn’t sell as well as the publisher hoped.” It was the fourth time repeating my answer to her – she was persistent, and not a tiny bit stupid. I refrained from informing her in a shouty voice that it was almost as old as me, and in no way a bestseller – nor a classic. Not then, and certainly not now.
“This is an outrage!” the woman bellowed, eyes bulging and a vein threatening to burst on her forehead. “I will send an email to your boss about this!”
I breathed slowly in, then I repeated: “But you will get the same answer from her. It has been discontinued, and it is impossible for me to order it. Maybe you’ll find a used copy online? If you’re lucky,” I added with a friendly shrug.
She glared at me and left without another word.
“Have a nice day,” I shouted after her, but even I could hear the false layer coating my voice. She’d just wasted twenty minutes I could have used to help other customers.
“Hey, Y/N. What was that all about?” The soft voice behind me made me smile despite my horrible mood.
“Oh, heya, Sam.” He was my favourite customer, just about the only one who treated me with respect, and even kindness now just before Christmas. And we were friends, sorta. Or something like that – anyway, we were a bit beyond the employee/customer relationship, ever since I helped him find a book on ancient gods and goddesses, and it turned out he needed it to save my aunt from some stupid deal she’d made ages ago.
After that, we’d started talking whenever he stopped by my small shop, and every time he left I regretted not gathering enough courage to ask him out for a coffee – or beer; whatever, really. I desperately wanted to get to know him better.
And now he stood in front of me wearing that stupid beanie, and that stupid grin, making me all weak and gooey on the inside.
“So what’s up with Miss Grumpyface?”
I exhaled quickly through my nose. “Nothing much. She wanted a book she claimed is a bestseller, only it has been out of print for the last thirty years. What can I help you with today, Sam?”
He chuckled quietly. “Man, I’m glad I don’t have your job. She looked ready to kill a man.”
“They usually do,” I replied while pulling up the search engine on my computer. “Just in to keep me company, or after something special? Not that I’m complaining.”
His smile was mischievous, but he paused before saying anything. “Well… actually…” He paused again, and sniffed. “Uh, you know what? Can you check if there are any books on newer rituals of –“
“Excuse me!” A new woman slid in from the side, holding a large box.
“Just a moment,” I answered with a horribly fake smile – one day my face would be incapable of showing genuine joy, I was certain of it. “I’ll get to you once I’ve helped –“
She continued as if I’d never spoken. “What is this?”
Giving Sam an apology by way of a silent gaze, I turned to face the lady. She was holding up a box of chess. “Um, what do you mean?”
“What. Is. This?” she asked again, shaking the box with each word. The chess pieces rattled violently.
“It’s… uh, it’s a chess game.”
“Yes, I can see that. But is it the game?” she asked, completely serious, looking like she doubted I knew what I was talking about.
Frowning slightly, I nodded. “Yes, it is.”
“So what is in the box?”
My brain stopped for a moment, and I looked at her with despair in my eyes. “A chess board game.”
“So it’s the whole game?”
I swallowed my instinctive response in favour of a confused smile. “Yes. It is the whole game. Complete –
“But… what does it contain?”
Was she serious? I considered looking around for some laughing camera guy, but then I remembered what I’d learned from working in a shop for over ten years.
I took the box from her and turned it over so she could see the picture of a ready game. The pieces rattled loudly again. “Says here it contains one wooden board, thirty-two wooden pieces, and one clock –“
“Oh, so it does have a board too? It is complete?”
Resisting the urge to slam my face on the counter, or even slap her with the box, I just nodded again. “Yes. Yes it’s… complete.”
“Well, it should be clearly marked,” she replied, finally satisfied with my answer.
When she left, I found Sam staring at me with huge eyes. “Wow!” he mouthed.
“I know.” Rubbing my face, I leaned back and watched him through almost closed eyes. “I need a break. Preferably a long holiday.”
“Just a few days left and then it’s Christmas,” Sam said with a sheepish smile. “Weren’t you going to have a couple of days off then?”
“Five days, three hours, and…” I checked my watch. “Fourteen minutes.”
“Well, there you go. Well, I won’t keep you from your job any longer. See you around, Y/N.”
“Uh, see ya, Sam.” His sudden departure puzzled me. Something about his expression, and the hesitation about the book… it felt weird, but I couldn’t place my finger on just what. And I didn’t have time to ponder long – the shop was filled with customers, and just before lunch the Schenker man delivered four pallets with a wicked smile and a promise that he had three more on the car.
Before I knew it, the day had passed, and it was time to go home and collapse on my sofa. And just maybe dream a little bit about Sam while I was at it. Luckily for me, I had the late shift the next day, which meant a chance to catch up on a little sleep.
When I opened the back door and shook off the snow from my shoulders, Jamie grinned at me through his reheated pasta. “Good you’re here. Bea’s been scaring the new cashier again today.”
Snorting, I rolled my eyes. “Jeez. She’s here? But I’m already exhausted!”
“Sorry.” Jamie shrugged and didn’t look sorry at all. “Sleep well?”
“Yeah, but not enough. Is that leftovers from yesterday’s leftovers?” I peered into his bowl with a frown.
He held it up, and the smell hit my nostrils with force. “Uh-huh. Want some?”
My stomach turned. “No thanks. I prefer to live through the day, thanks.” I pinched my nose and headed for the lockers.
“Ha ha. Very funny. Wait, Y/N, that tall dude was asking for you again.”
“Huh? Tall dud – oh. Sam.” I grinned widely. Everyone in the store knew I had a thing him. “Did he say what it was?”
“Nah. Said he’d come back later.”
I automatically checked my watch. It was later now, wasn’t it? Exhaling through my nose, I put away my coat and purse, cringing slightly over how pathetic I felt; drooling over a customer like that. But then again, the hope that Sam would come back later might just get me through the day.
The moment I closed the break room door behind me, a cold hand grabbed my arm and tugged. When I turned, I had to look down to see the owner: a grandfatherly looking old man with big glasses and a walking stick.
“I’m looking for a book,” he said, looking like he wanted to be anywhere but the book shop.
I gave him my best, helpful expression. “Wonderful. You’ve definitely come to the right place. What book are you –“
“It’s by a woman.”
I felt the will to live leave my body. It was too early for this shit. “Right. Do you remember her name?”
“She travels a lot.”
“Uh-huh. Um, then is it a travel book?” I asked, heading towards the travel section.
The man sighed and all but rolled his eyes. “No! It’s by a woman who travels a lot. Do you have it?”
Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I answered: “Well, sir, I’m afraid I need a bit more information. Do you remember anything else? Parts of the title? Or her name?” I tried to wring my brain, but nothing stuck out. I had no idea who he was talking about.
“She travels. A lot,” he repeated, as if I was exceptionally slow.
“I am sorry,” I said, smiling to underline it, “but I need more if I’m going to find out what book you’re looking for.”
He looked around, as if what I was asking for was beyond reasonable; his eyes landed on Sam, and he nodded, wanting support for his outrage. When he got none, his face soured even more, and he huffed and turned to leave. “Well, you’ve been no help at all!” he growled, and swept out of the shop like a fairytale step-mom.
“Wow,” Sam laughed. “You really should have known what he was talking about.”
My heart leapt, but I managed a neutral expression when I turned to him. “Yeah. Actually, I did,” I replied with a wink. “But I like to send people out of my shop without buying anything.”
A woman tapped my hand. “Excuse me, can you help me find a book?”
I twirled on the spot. “Certainly. What are you after?”
“I’m looking for a birthday gift for my grandson,” she said with a wide smile.
I relaxed and smiled back, watching Sam raising an eyebrow over her shoulder.
“Physics book.”
“I’m sorry?”
“I want to buy a physics book for him.”
“Um, alright. I’m sure we can find something that…” I trailed off. Who gives physics books as birthday gifts? “How old is he? We’ve got, uh, some physics and geography books over here, but if you need something more… advanced, we’ve got a fair selection of science books back by the international shelves.” The woman looked a bit young to have adult grandchildren, but you never knew. She could be older than she looked.
“He’s only six,” she beamed, puffing her chest out like a rooster. “But he’s SO smart. I think, if you have a high school level one, that will do. He’s so clever, you know. And super interested in science. Yesterday he even talked about stuff I’ve never heard of.” Her whole body softened, and it looked like she was about to start crying. “My genius boy.”
Not knowing what to say, I grimaced and led her to the shelf with school books, where she picked out the most boring looking she could possibly find. After she paid for it, and I wrapped it, making sure to stick a return note inside, I whispered to my stunned co-worker: “That one’s coming back in a few hours. I just know it.” (And sure enough, just before closing time, an exasperated woman came charging through the doors, holding the book in front of her like a dead bird.
“My mother’s an idiot,” she said with an amused chuckle. “Is it possible for me to return this?”
I nodded and scanned the book. “Of course. Do you want a new book, or just store credit?”
“Do you have the new Wimpy Kid?”
“Of course. Let me find it for you.”)
Sam chuckled from the other side of the row of cardboard Christmas card displays. He really had the cutest little nose wrinkle. Oh jesus! I was in deep. I was just about to make my way back to him when a shrill voice interrupted my train of thoughts.
“Y/N! Darling, baby!”
I flinched from the sharp sound, but just managed to plaster a huge grin on my face before Bea stepped into my view. She’d scared all the employees so much that they scattered like terrified mice once they heard her footsteps – heels clicking over the tiles like drums of doom. But for some unknown reason, she liked me.
Over her shoulder, Sam mouthed: “I’ll be back later.”
I nodded, but felt my heart sink. It didn’t look like a kind of day where I was going to have time to talk to him at all.
Five hours later I just about had it… After unloading eight fucking pallets of board games all alone because my coworkers couldn’t be arsed to help me, I was absolutely exhausted. Kneeling to refill the lowest shelves, I heard someone cough behind me, and I looked up into the benign face of a smartly dressed man in his fifties.
Feeling too tired to get all the way to my feet, I just straightened my back and turned towards him. “What can I help you with?”
There was a sound like a giggle – muted, but definitely there, and I squinted.
“I just need the pen over there,” the man said politely, and then he added: “Wow, you’re just on the right level…” He let the statement fizzle out, but it was clear what he meant, and it made my head boil.
“Yeah, to stab you in the Achilles,” I thought, but instead I smiled sweetly. “Let me get out of your way.”
“Oh no, by all means. The view is nice,” he replied.
I almost lost it, and though me yelling at him wouldn’t cost me my job, it would definitely lead to unpleasantries with my boss, but someone beat me to it.
“Hey, back off, creep!”
Breathing a bit easier, I turned to see a furious Sam glare at the man. I’d never been happier to see him.
The customer puffed himself up, but deflated pretty fast when he noticed who was calling him out. He cleared his throat, grabbed the pen he wanted and hurried towards the register.
I got to my feet and shot a tired grimace after the man, before facing Sam again. “Thanks. You saved me from a few years in prison just there.”
“My pleasure,” he replied with a wink that almost made me sink to my knees again. “But seriously, do people really do shit like that?”
“More than you think. And that was pretty harmless too.”
He looked absolutely disgusted. “You mean this has happened before?”
His innocence made me giggle. “Of course. Several times. This week I’ve had to tell off creeps five times.”
Sam gaped.
I blew air through my nose and nodded. “It’s been a rough week. Probably because all the weirdoes crawl out from under their rocks now. Since it’s Christmas and all.”
“Yeah. Everybody has to come out into society now.” He paused. “Um, listen, Y/N, I –“
Just then, the bell rang. “Hold that thought,” I said, nodding towards the register. “I gotta go help out. But I’ll be back before you can finish that thought.”
The queue was longer than a hard year, and as if that wasn’t enough, the phone started ringing, and it just wouldn’t stop. Silently I cursed it – the earsplitting sound was beginning to give me a headache too – as if trudging over hard concrete and tiles every day and ruining my feet wasn’t enough.
As soon as the stream of customers paused, I snatched the wretched thing and pressed the green button with more force than strictly necessary. “The Little Bookshop, this is Y/N speaking. How may I help you?”
“About time!” a woman on the other end of the line spat. “I’ve been calling for ages!”
Scrunching my eyes closed, I mustered all I had of self-control. “I’m sorry, miss, but we’re very busy today. The queue wound all around the store just now. But I’m here now. What can I do for you?”
“Yeah, about that. I’ve been trying to reach the hardware store next door, but they seem to have switched off their phone. Can you go in there so I can talk to them?”
I actually looked at the phone in disbelief. Was she joking? “I’m sorry, miss, but I can’t do that,” I began, steeling myself to explain how incredibly NOT okay it would be for me to leave the store right now.
“Well, can you at least tell them to switch their phone on again?”
Just then, one of the employees next door walked by, and I flagged him down and asked – hoping I looked very apologetic – “Having phone troubles today?”
He nodded. “Yeah. The phone isn’t working because it’s updating. It’s bliss!” He continued on his way, and I relayed his answer to the woman and hung up. By now the queue had grown to epic proportions again.
“Excuse me? Miss! Excuse me. My daughter spilled her milkshake over there.” She came in from the side, and normally I’d’ve asked her to wait, but the magic words “spilled” and “milkshake” were incompatible with my paper heart, and my head spun so fast I almost hurt my neck.
“I’m really sorry,” she said, and her was twisted in such embarrassment, that I felt bad for her as she held up two books that were dripping with pink strawberry shake.
These things happen occasionally, so I nodded and finished my last customer. “Don’t worry,” I replied. “Let me take those. Just be more careful next time.”
“Thank you. I will.”
One of my coworkers took over my register, and I took the books and went over to the table to inspect the damage while the woman left the store – without a daughter, I noticed.
The sight that met me brought an oath to my mouth. Two books wasn’t the entire damage. Oh no. A full milkshake had been emptied over the table, wrecking books for at least 200 dollars. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I went to fetch a bag and something to clean with.
“Need help?”
“Oh, you don’t have to,” I replied, handing the bag to Sam. “A woman just destroyed four stacks of books. A couple would’ve been okay,” I said after rescuing another stack threatened by the expanding puddle of sugary goop, “but if I’d known she’d killed this many, I’d’ve made her pay for them – or at least some of them.”
Sam nodded and reached for a cloth to help me. “I don’t understand why people drink inside shops anyway.”
“And eat,” I said with a grim look. “Did I ever tell you about that time I followed the trail of a customer by the chicken bones they’d dropped on the floor?” The memory made me wince. I remembered seeing him eat while he browsed, but assumed he put the bones back in the bag or something. I almost threw up when I found the remains later that evening; scattered on the floor as he’d wandered through the store.
“Ew,” Sam grimaced. “People are disgusting.”
“Tell me about it,” I said and threw another book into the garbage bag. “Speaking of disgusting: how’s business going?”
“Oh, same old, same old,” he replied, tilting his head. “Just finished a case up in Ohio last week. Got messy, but I’ve still got all my fingers. Dean does too. Was a close shave, though.”
I let out my breath as I realised I was staring. It dawned on me how scared I was that something was to happen to him. “Thank you,” I said, knowing he didn’t hear that nearly as often as he ought to. “Thank you for keeping us safe –“
“You’re in the army?” and older man interrupted, patting Sam on the arm. “Thank you for your service, sir.” Satisfied with his good deed of the day, the man scuttled off to pay for the treasures he’d found.
“Huh,” Sam chuckled. “That was a new one.” He swallowed hard. “Hey, I was… uh, wondering… you see, I really, ah, like you – you’ve probably noticed me hanging around. This is a bad time. Oh god, I probably look like one of those creeps –“
Shaking my head, I offered him my most sincere smile, the one reserved to friends, and never offered to customers. “You’re nothing like them.” I actually like having you around, I almost added, but thought better of it.
Sam breathed deeply and beamed at me. “’Cause… I’d love to… to take you out, to show you that not everyone is horrible. I mean, you deserve to have some fun before Christmas too. If, if you want to.”
My head spun. Here he was: the man of my dreams, awkwardly asking me out. I searched my brain for a suave and seductive reply, but what came out of my mouth sounded like burping frog followed by a too fast “What, like a date?” I mentally slammed my head on the counter.
“Yeah, like a date. If you want to. I would like to get to know you better.” Sam seemed to have rediscovered his confidence, and the aura around him almost made me tremble.
“Uh-huh. I mean, yes! I very much would like to better you too. I mean… oh screw it. Yes. Take me on a date,” I fumbled, but somewhere inside me a spark of courage rose, and before I could stop myself, I added: “handsome man.”
A flash of pale pink spread over his cheeks. “Awesome. How about tomorrow? I’ll pick you up here around eight?”
“Perfect!” I grinned, already panicking over what I should wear.
Tagging my sweet friends:
@awesomeahwu @funwithfanfics @babeinthebowtie @savingapplepie-eatingthings @winchesterprincessbride @savvythedork @littlegreenplasticsoldier @youtubehelpsmesurvive @blackcherrywhiskey @mrswhozeewhatsis @schwarzwaelder-kirschtorte @aiaranradnay @fandomismyspiritanimal @barneybrigade  @mogaruke @wstrumpel @whovianextrodinare @hennessy0274-blog @sushi-senpai-chan @tardis-is-mine @badasssweetsrebel @jensensjaredsandmishaslover @megasimpleplan4ever @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @iamreadinginsecret
 For some reason there’s a few of you I can’t tag anymore. Sorry.
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orbemnews · 4 years ago
Another Unlikely Pandemic Shortage: Boba Tea A panic erupted on the West Coast this week. Over a drink. It happened when beverage aficionados learned that tapioca, the starch used to make the sweet, round, chewy black bubbles — or pearls — that are the featured topping in the popular boba tea drink, was in short supply. “I was shocked,” said Leanne Yuen, a longtime boba drinker and a student at the University of California, Irvine. “What am I going to do now?” The impending boba shortage is yet another sign of how the pandemic has snarled global supply chains, upended industries and created scarcities of goods from toilet paper and ketchup to electronics. In this case, a surge of pent-up demand for products assembled abroad, coupled with a shortage of workers due to coronavirus cases or quarantine protocols, has caused a monthslong maritime pileup at ports in Los Angeles and San Francisco and left ships delivering goods from Asia — including tapioca — waiting out at sea. Boba or bubble tea, a drink that can be made with milk or fruit-flavored green or black tea, originated in Taiwan and has grown in popularity and prominence in the United States throughout the 2000s. Boba suppliers in the San Francisco Bay Area who are running low on tapioca said their shipments of fully formed boba came from Taiwan, while supplies of cassava root, which is used to make tapioca, came from Thailand and islands in the Pacific Ocean. “It’s all being held up at the docks,” said Arianna Hansen, a sales representative for Fanale Drinks, which is based in Hayward, Calif., and supplies boba to thousands of stores around the country. Ms. Hansen said that shipments had been backed up for several months, and that the company’s existing stockpile of tapioca was running dangerously low. “It’s definitely been frustrating — some people have been upset with us, but at the same time it’s not really our fault,” Ms. Hansen said. There’s no sign that the ship delays will abate anytime soon. The number of container ships waiting at anchor to dock in Los Angeles or Long Beach peaked at 40 in February, according to data from the Marine Exchange of Southern California. That declined to 19 ships on Thursday, still a far cry from the usual zero or one ship that was the norm prepandemic, said Kip Louttit, the exchange’s executive director. Massive cargo ships can take a week or longer to unload, Mr. Louttit said. Five additional ships are drifting out at sea, because there is no room to fit them in the bay. He said it was a nearly unprecedented backup; vessels have not had to drift while waiting since 2004. The situation is similarly cramped in San Francisco, where 20 ships are waiting at anchor and 19 more are “cruising around” offshore, compared with the usual eight or nine at anchor, said Capt. Lynn Korwatch, the executive director of the area’s marine exchange. “The situation is extremely unusual,” she said. Leadway International, another large boba supplier in Hayward, also said its stock of tapioca was low because shipments were coming in slower than usual. The company’s business development director, Edward Shen, said he did not want to call it a “shortage” over fears that might spook boba shops into hoarding tapioca and make matters worse. “Store owners get panicked, so they probably order more than what they need,” Mr. Shen said. Ms. Hansen said she expected supply to return to close to normal by the summer. In the meantime, anxious boba store owners are scrounging for tapioca anywhere they can. “It’s very stressful — no boba means no sales,” said Aaron Qian, the owner of Tea Hut, a boba store with three locations in the Bay Area. “If you don’t have boba, they don’t want the tea. They just leave.” Mr. Qian, 32, said that two of his suppliers were already sold out, and that the other two had been rationing the tapioca he could buy each week. If he does not find more boba soon, Mr. Qian said, his stores will be out within two weeks. Updated  April 16, 2021, 3:55 p.m. ET Despite the pandemic, Mr. Qian said, business had been booming, because with other entertainment venues closed, drinking boba is one of the few avenues for “cheap fun.” Now, he might have to temporarily close and lay off employees. Brian Tran, a co-owner of Honeybear Boba in San Francisco, said he had also been searching desperately for more tapioca. He expects to run out by the end of next week if he cannot replenish his supply. “A boba shop without boba is like a car dealership without cars to sell,” Mr. Tran said. “It’s like a steakhouse without steak.” Boba Guys, one of the most successful boba chains in the country, said in an Instagram post this month that some boba shops had already run out of tapioca balls and that others would follow in the next few weeks. The owners of Boba Guys also operate the U.S. Boba Company, which produces and sells tapioca pearls to other stores around the country. The boba shortage, which was reported earlier by The San Francisco Chronicle, has boba fans in a panic. A post sharing the news in the Facebook group Subtle Asian Traits, a gathering place for Asian people around the world, attracted 10,000 comments and messages of dismay and sadness. Boba is “something that translates across a lot of Asian cultures,” said Zoe Imansjah, a student at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and an administrator of the Subtle Asian Traits group. “Something so simple can bring a lot of people together.” Ms. Yuen, 21, gets boba once or twice a week and sells boba stickers online. She said she had grown up visiting a boba shop near her house in South San Francisco with her parents, and now considers getting boba a great way to socialize with friends. “A lot of my Asian-American friends will bond over boba,” said Ms. Yuen, whose family is from Hong Kong. “Hong Kong has a lot of good milk tea. It brings us back to our roots, in a sense.” Boba isn’t just a California treat, however, and news of a shortage reverberated around the United States. Khoa Vu, a 28-year-old Ph.D. student at the University of Minnesota, said he drinks boba two or three times a week — peach oolong tea with boba is his go-to order. He was dreading having to break the news of the shortage to his 4-year-old daughter. “It’s a weekend thing after we’re done with dinner; I tell my kid, ‘If you eat well, I’ll take you to the boba shop,’” Mr. Vu said. “It’s going to be a shock to her.” All hope is not lost for boba fanatics. Smaller boba suppliers like iBEV, which sells to about 100 stores, might be able to weather the shortage. Carley Olund, an office manager at iBEV, said the company had prepared for shipping delays and had enough tapioca stockpiled to get through it. And Sharetea, a boba chain with dozens of stores across 20 states, said it was not experiencing a shortage. For those boba drinkers who are affected by shortages, this may be a chance to try different toppings in their tea, like cheese foam, fruit jellies or egg pudding. “Maybe I’ll try to take a break from the tapioca to relieve that pressure,” Ms. Yuen said. Source link Orbem News #Boba #Pandemic #shortage #Tea
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putthison · 7 years ago
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Put This On’s 2017 Holiday Gift Guide
Tis the season for fretting over what to get the people. To help with the endeavor, every year, we write about our most recent favorites. So, coming just in time for the holiday season, here’s our 2017 gift guide -- things that would be awesome for anyone in your life. 
Before we get started though, we’d love it if you’d check out stuff from our beloved sponsors. The Hanger Project has some wonderful shoe care products; Proper Cloth sell cozy knitwear (probably hard to gift their MTM shirts without your friend knowing); and Chipp’s grenadines are among the most useful ties anyone can own. Dapper Classic’s socks make for nice stocking stuffers; Huckberry has things for the outdoorsman; and Twillory has both whimsical and basic button-ups. 
Additionally, we have some wonderful gift suggestions in our shop, organized by various price tiers. Throw this corner kick charm on a chain and you have a necklace, or give that clotheshorse in your life this Duke of Windsor themed shoehorn. Our Gentlemen’s Association subscriptions could also be that year-round gift that keeps on giving -- a handrolled and handsewn pocket square, made from fabrics picked out by Jesse, delivered to your friend’s doorstep every month. 
OK, to the gifts!
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Muth's Mudjeskas
I grew up in San Francisco, eating special occasion candy from See's and Joseph Schmidt's Chocolates. A few years ago, a gift guide from Sweethome turned me on to Muth's Mudjeskas, sold through Muth's Candies in Louisville, Kentucky. They're caramel-covered marshmallows, but that hardly begins to describe them. They ship well, everyone loves them, and if I am frank, they trounce their California competitor, Scotch Kisses from See's, in every category. This year I may try the chocolate-covered ones. -Jesse
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Brass Kaweco Sport Fountain Pen
I’ll admit, I am not a pen guy. My handwriting is almost illegible, and so I've always preferred a keyboard to the manual writing experience. But a few months ago in London, I stumbled upon the Kaweco Sport, an inexpensive German fountain pen. The base models are plastic, but the one I bought is made from brass. It's a compact pen, but the hefty metal and large cap make it feel substantial. It's comfortably less than a hundred bucks, writes beautifully, and is handsome as hell. A real "pen guy" probably has ultra-particular tastes you'll never be able to accommodate, but the Kaweco is a great option for someone who’ll enjoy an upgrade from the world of rollerballs. -Jesse
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Glerups Wool Slipper Boots
My wife walked around the house barefoot for decades, unbothered by cold or dirt. My toesies are always frozies, so I never took off my shoes. (I know, I know, but I have wood floors and live in California, where the elements don't follow you indoors). Then my wife’s feet started to hurt and her doctor laid it out for her: you need to wear some support anytime you're walking on hard surfaces. The answer was boiled-wool slippers like these, from Glerups. They keep your feet cozy without overheating, and they have a bizarrely compelling style. Glerups are the option recommended by the product review site The Sweethome, and I trust their judgement. -Jesse
[Pete’s note: I also dig these Tyrolean wool slippers, which have thin leather soles. They're like sweaters for your feet.]
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John Hodgman's Vacationland
Hodgman took a hard turn in his new book, Vacationland. His first three books were compendia of imagined facts. They were deeply personal, but they weren't real. Vacationland is a genuine memoir, a story that follows Hodgman through three parts of life: growing up as a prematurely middle-aged child in a ramshackle house in Brookline, Mass; inheriting his family's summer home in Western Mass; and buying a home in his wife's family seat of Maine. It's very funny, but it's also beautifully written, and ultimately becomes a consideration of the pleasures and responsibilities of adulthood. A perfect gift for the dad who has everything. -Jesse
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Manufactum Map Case
The map case has always struck me as the perfect man's purse. Unlike a big shoulder bag, it's modest in size, but it still has enough distinctiveness from a lady's bag and enough military heritage to feel like a man could wear it. In other words: it's useful enough for a woman, but PH-balanced for a man. The problem with map cases is that the real deal -- often made for European armies in the 1950s and ‘60s -- are made of vinyl and ultra-low-quality leather. Their form is appealing, but the reality is not. The other day, I got a doorstop of a catalog from the German retailer Manufactum, and I was thrilled to find that they have remade the German map case with real grown-up leather. -Jesse
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Felt Hats by Barbara Keal
Years ago, when we were shooting Put This On in London, I met Guy Hills, the proprietor of Dashing Tweeds. Guy is a crackling ball of joyful, boyish energy. He rode around on one of those giant-wheel bicycles, showed us the riverboat behind his house, and told about his tweeds. He also showed us a hat his family had bought him for Christmas. It was a breathtaking concoction from felted wool, a ragged animal crown that reminded me of Where the Wild Things Are. "My friend Barbara made it for me, don't you love it?" And frankly, I did. I'm no furry, no costume-wearer, but it was genuine art. It was breathtaking. So I asked for one for Christmas from my family. It's one of my most treasured possessions. She takes commissions, although they can take a while to make. -Jesse
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Ray Barretto’s Acid
Ray Barretto was one of the great bandleaders of Latin music. He was an accomplished jazz player, accompanying acts such as Art Blakey and Lou Donaldson as a conguero. When boogaloo hit in the early ‘60s, he had one of its signature hits, “El Watusi.” By 1968, Barreto was making salsa with the legendary Fania Records. He was music director of the Fania All-Stars, perhaps the greatest salsa band of all time, and making records under his own name. Acid is more than just a bit of trendy psychedelia. It's a genuinely thrilling record, with salsa, boogaloo, Latin rock, and jazz all in a blender. You don't need to know those genres to appreciate them either because, ultimately, it's dance music. It jams. If this one doesn’t thrill you, you're dead inside. -Jesse
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Aurora Shoe Company
I was flipping through a Japanese fashion magazine the other day, and was stopped short by these handmade shoes from Aurora Shoe Company. They were in a section featuring the editors' personal favorites and I could see why. They're profoundly dowdy, but immensely charming. The Middle English has full size runs for me (including narrow) and is pretty great, but the one I saw was the West Indian. Sadly, they only carry that one in sizes up to 11 womens, which is a 9 mens. Great if you're a Japanese fashion editor, but less great if you're a giant American oaf. -Jesse
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Children’s Books, Who Needs Donuts and Radiant Child
Is there a picture-book-aged kid on your list? I've got three kids myself, and am a real snob. These are two books that meet my standards. Who Needs Donuts is a strange and hilarious story about a boy obsessed with collecting donuts. He learns the true meaning of love. It has the anarchic, deviant quality that animates Maurice Sendak and insane, riotous pictures that you can look at for hours. One of those stories that gets its hooks in deeply and you're not sure how. Radiant Child is a new picture biography of Jean-Michel Basquiat by Javaka Steptoe. Steptoe is a gifted artist himself, and his pictures were built from fragments of Basquiat's past, like literal window frames from the places he lived. He also isn't afraid of the deepest emotional resonances of Basquiat's life and work. The book is largely driven by Basquiat's relationship with his mentally ill mother, and the subject is presented beautifully  and movingly. Steptoe's own mother struggled with mental illness, and in reading, an adult can see the ways Basquiat's story is animated by Steptoe's. -Jesse
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A Small Vintage Steiff Animal
The world is full of Steiff collectors, the world's greatest manufacturer of stuffed animals. There's a reason, too. Steiffs have immense charm, they're distinctive, and more than a little bit beautiful. They also make great gifts. The older, smaller ones are generally well under a hundred bucks on eBay or from a local antique shop, and you have your choice of a century of creatures. You can go with a classic bear, but I love the more unusual beasts, such as lobsters or ride-on turtles or this tremendous fox, which may be begging for a treat? -Jesse 
(Derek’s note: for the menswear enthusiasts among you, A Kind of Guise routinely makes parkas with Steiff’s signature wools). 
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A Plant (and an Accompanying Planter)
I like giving art or decorative objects as gifts (although they can be risky if you don’t know someone’s taste pretty well). Another good gift in this category is a simple houseplant­­—an easy and almost universal present. Houseplants have been undergoing a bit of a renaissance recently, so the availability and variety are broader than they were a few years ago. The snake plant is easy to care for and doesn’t need much light or attention. One of my favorites (still reasonably small—fit for a desk or countertop) is a staghorn fern. Air plants and small succulents can also fit almost anywhere and will require minimal care. If you know someone likes plants and has some space, step up to the monstera, whose distinctly shaped leaves you’ll recognize from Aloha shirts. You can find decent selections online from stores like The Sill, which also offers a 30-day guarantee, your local garden store, or even Ikea. -Pete
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Lizzy Goodman’s Meet Me in the Bathroom
If the Strokes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and LCD Soundsystem were in regular rotation on your first generation iPod, you'll appreciate Goodman's oral history of the New York scene in the ‘00s. Goodman interviewed dozens (hundreds?) of musicians, managers, DJs, and journalists and chronicles how rock 'n' roll re-took over the world from limp late-era alternative rock and Limp Bizkit. The stories they tell are enjoyably revealing, overblown, and gossip-y. Sample quote from James Murphy: “This is me dancing. This isn’t the drugs dancing. This is the drugs stopping myself from stopping myself from dancing.” -Pete
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A Watch Winder from WOLF
If your friend owns mechanical wristwatches, a watch winder could be the perfect gift. There’s a lot of debate on whether they’re necessary -- a winder may or may not extend the life of a watch -- but they do eliminate the need to wind automatics. That can be nice if your friend owns watches with certain complications (e.g. setting the date, which can be annoying if you haven’t worn a watch in a while). WOLF makes some wonderful winders. Handsomely designed and constructed from reliable parts, these are fully programmable so you can set the number and direction of rotations (a good way to customize the winder to best suit your watches). They’re also a beautiful way to display special timepieces -- something to decorate on your friend’s dresser or bookshelf. -Derek
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A Handsome Mach 3 Handle
Gillette’s Mach 3 has spread into almost every medicine cabinet since it was first introduced in the late ‘90s. It’s the safety razor most men, including me, have stuck with since learning how to shave in high school. Stock Gillette handles, however, are pretty ugly -- cheap, plastic, and dinky looking, they’re an eyesore on countertops. You probably can’t get your friend to switch shaving habits, but you can give them a better Mach 3 handle. British brands such as Edwin Jagger sell some handsome ones, although I prefer the more distinctive hand-turned designs found on sites such as eBay and Etsy. They’re typically hand carved from a block of wood, then lacquered with an epoxy to give the surface a shine and water-resistant finish. I like them in buckeye burl woods. Mine, pictured above, was purchased at this shop. They no longer have the handles in burl wood, although you can find them elsewhere. -Derek
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American Trench’s Speckled Wool Socks
Everyone hates cold feet, which is why warm socks make for an easy, even if pedestrian, gift (get it? Pede? Feet? Ok). I like these Donegal-style wool socks at American Trench. They’re cozy, designed to be worn with boots, and made at a Pennsylvanian factory from hardy Italian yarns. The flecks of color give some nice visual interest without being overdone. Kinda pricey at $30, but a two pack runs for $45 and you can keep a pair for yourself. Hard to go wrong with any of the colors, although I dig the yellow ones most. -Derek
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A Fancy Ass Cheese Knife
Everyone has that one friend that loves to host parties. And thank God, because without them we’d never leave our homes. To show your appreciation for their efforts, give them a fancy cheese knife. It’ll allow them to serve up some delicious appetizers, add something to their party decor, and give you an excuse to duck out of awkward conversations at said gatherings (“Is that, is that cheese? Excuse me”). Chelsea Miller sells some lovely looking knives. She makes them completely herself, from start to finish, at her workshop in Brooklyn. The metals are sourced from recycled farrier rasps; the wood harvested from her family farm in Vermont. They have a wonderfully elegant and rustic style about them, and would be something your friend and others can use for years. -Derek
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Billingham Camera Bag
It never fails to impress me how many people are interested in photography nowadays. Unfortunately, most camera bags aren’t terribly great looking -- black ballistic nylon designs with cheap plastic details, they look like the sort of things carried around convention halls. If you have a friend who’s a budding photographer, give him or her a Billingham instead. They’re made in England and look like repurposed traditional fishing bags (Billingham actually started as a fishing bag manufacturer). The interior is padded to protect camera equipment, but the exterior is made from a handsome mix of cotton canvas and leather. You can find Billingham bags new at their webshop or second-hand on sites such as eBay and Etsy. They also used to make camera bags for Banana Republic -- pre-Gap, back when the brand was still a solid safari-themed outfitter. Extra points if you can find one with that heritage. -Derek
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