#I could just pick her out some but that feels like cheating I wanna work with what I get y'know?
arolesbianism · 11 hours
Thinking abt my nuggets again. Explodes them.
#rat rambles#oc posting#in particular Im thinking abt my girl ding shes my best friend#I actually have been thinking abt giving her a funky design if I do eventually draw her but I am facing one key issue#she has like. no ego gifts.#which is sad! I wanna play around with ego gifts more! most of my main guys have boring gifts!#I could just pick her out some but that feels like cheating I wanna work with what I get y'know?#but I dont have her working on anything so she'll probably never get any naturally#so alternatively I could do some like. number generator scenanigans to chose like 3 random gifts to give her#that way I dont get to chose and am forced to work with what I get#which Ill probably do but Ill have to blacklist a few gifts (mainly the eye covering ones since thats an important part of her design)#I might also do this with some of my other gift lacking guys that might help rhem gain some favor with me#Im quite attached to most of my older nuggets but theres only like 3 or 4 of my newer ones Ive been able to click with#and by newer I mean from like the middle of my second runthrough (Im currently on first day reset number 4)#so thats not a good sign for any of them#well tbf a decent chunk of the newest ones are from the last run through so those guys genuinely are quite new#anyways maybe giving them somw gifts will give me more inspiration to actually think of stuff for them#the siblings are the only ones that I have any attachment to right now of the last two batches and ema is lucky to be one I like#and my girl ding earned her position in this corporation so Im obligated to adore her#for context she was one of various nuggets I made to sacrifice to grind out tool abnormality info#but she somehow managed to survive one that I fully expected her to die to so she gets to stay#one of the other ones also got to stay but thats just because I had enough info for we can change anything already#and by stay I mean sit in storage for the rest of time because I think it's funny#he was my guy for whatever the hell the weapon upgrading one is called#for the non leathal ones I just had most of them finish the research and then go to we can cange everything#but he lucked out and got to live#the others didnt tho so rip to them#at least my tool grind is officially complete and I dont have to worry abt it anymore#I also am in general really close to being done with my abno info hunt#I even defeated apocalypse bird a lil while ago so I basically only have white knight to worry abt now
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channieismyboy · 3 months
chanel chance
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{dilf!seonghwa x f!reader}
synopsis: When y/n is alerted that there's been a flood in her apartment and no one can take her, what will she do when Mr. Park asks her to stay with him?
masterlist | part 3 | part 5
warnings: age difference (y/n is 21, seonghwa is 29), eventual smut, language, kind of slow burn, sad attempts at humor - wc: 2.3k
Everyday, a man lives a debilitating cycle. He wakes up, goes to work, sleeps, and repeats this endless circuit. He has gotten used to this schedule over the last few years. The only joy in his life would be brought on by his little daughter, whom he loves with all his heart. He tries his very best to put on a facade of happiness whenever he spends time with her. Wanting to protect her innocence from vague feelings of misery for as long as he possibly can, until he eventually matures.
There was no room for love in his life anymore. Romance is certainly unattainable for him due to his lack of availability. It is not like he does not have opportunities to date, there are plenty of women and men who often throw themselves at him. However, it is merely for his title or money. They want to gain something from him.
This man views love differently than the people who he converses with on a daily basis. Most of those individuals view marriage, or dating as a contract. As an opportunity to enlarge their company’s resources, get more publicity from the media, or even to trick the public to buy more of their products. Since this man has seen this happen numerous times in his lifetime, even had a hands-on experience of it in his home, he has made a choice that he would no longer give romance a chance. As those couples that marry for money, or titles, almost certainly end up unhappy, divorcing quickly after marrying, or scandals of them cheating on one another are posted publicly on the news.
However, this man’s principles had begun to change once he had met someone different. Someone who he found beautiful in every way imaginable, who made his heart skip a beat in a way he never knew it could…
This man is Park Seonghwa.
You check the time, it is now 11:37 PM. You're lying awake, staring aimlessly at your ceiling, with the fairy lights illuminating your otherwise dark room. Replays of a few nights ago rerun in your head. You think about how gentle Mr. Park was with you, and how caring he is with his daughter. It makes your heart ache. You sadly have never got to experience a proper father-daughter relationship, or even one at all. However, you're grateful you have your uncle and your aunt. They've truly made your life special in every way imaginable. Your eyes begin to feel heavy, and the familiar wave of tiredness hits you until you're asleep.
It is now saturday morning, today you will babysit Jieun and today you will finally see Mr. Park. You get slightly too excited about that last part, and shake your head at your thoughts. You have been thinking about him a lot recently, you really shouldn't, for the sake of keeping your job.
You wake up and check your phone, scrolling aimlessly through your socials and texts from Minho and Jisung. Replying to the endless amounts of texts they've sent along with pictures of them on their vacation to Jeju Island. You struggle to get through the pure amount of them.
The afternoon passes calmly. You quickly make yourself some dinner and shower after precisely picking out your outfit to go see Mr. Park while on a facetime call with both Minho and Jisung. as annoying they are, they are never caught wearing a bad outfit.
"Are you calling us so you can look great for Mr. Hot ceo?" Minho asks with a deadpan tone, which juxtaposes with the cute cat in his lap that he's petting every so sweetly. "You wanna impress him?" Jisung adds while wiggling his eyebrows.
"It's not that, I just want to look presentable is all" you fib, while showing them the black skirt, black stockings with a deep burgundy Ralph Lauren knit sweater that jisung had picked out. Minho looks at you with an 'I'm not buying it' face and you cave in.
"Okay fine! Can you blame me for wanting to look nice when babysitting a good looking ceo's daughter? Plus I do have to look professional for this job, I can't just show up in sweats. and he probably thinks I'm a kid, so it doesn't matter anyway" you say, opting for the look you have on.
"Honestly, I would do the same" jisung adds after applauding your look.
After your shower, you get dressed and put on just a bit more makeup than usual, and spray on your 'Chanel Chance' perfume. It won't hurt to look nice for the man anyway. You board the bus and sit down while listening to some music. you're now deep in thought, thinking back to minho's comment. it won't hurt to look good for the man anyway. He's literally a high power ceo, regardless of how he looked, you had to go to his home and look presentable anyway. with a posh neighborhood like his and such a fancy house like his, you would look like the odd one out not arriving dressed in the very few expensive clothing items you own.
Your stop arrives and you head out quickly, mentally preparing to meet John again and explain why you are there. You feel slightly awkward just walking up a hill with nothing else but your purse and phone in hand. You wish you had a car that can drive you around, but it broke down on you and is in the shop being replaced. You try not to think about the bill ahead of you, that's too many scary thoughts in a row.
Trailing along, you are soon met with John at the gate. He looks at you up and down. "Can I see some ID?" he demands. You open your purse and show him your driver's license. He lets you through, luckily Mr. Park's home is close to the gate, so it's not a far walk. You stop at the familiar home. it's 6:25 PM, you're grateful that once again you're early. You quickly double check your hair and retouch your lip gloss before knocking on the door. You wait a bit until it opens.
This time you are greeted directly by Mr. Park, and he glances at you up and down before welcoming you with a polite smile. You do the same, and note how nicely dressed he is. The black buttoned up shirt with just a few buttons undone tucked into his black trousers complement the glasses he's wearing, he look's so professional with them on.
"Hello Ms. L/n, it's nice to see you." he says with a slight smile on his face. "Hello Mr. Park" you greet back with a bright and polite smile.
"Laura, my housekeeper isn't here on Saturdays so it's just going to be you and Jieun for today. Please come in," he gestures into the home. You take off your shoes and enter the place after closing the door. You look around his place once again, still in shock by its size and beauty. Mr. Park sure has taste. You walk behind him and follow him to the living room, where Jieun is already sitting, watching cartoons.
He turns to face you, eyes directly on yours. Suddenly it's quite hot in the room. "I'll leave you both here and I'll be back just before 9:00 PM, call if anything happens, although I know she's in great hands" he says to you before saying goodbye to his daughter.
"Enjoy your meeting Mr. Park!" you say. He exits before lovingly wishing his daughter goodbye.
Your time spent with Jieun is always pleasant. She's as bright and playful as ever, telling you about her latest works of art (cute scribbles) and her excitement to learn more at pre-school. She has such a bright future ahead of her, you think. The time passes quickly as soon it's almost 9:00.
You hear the familiar pitter-patter of raindrops beginning to fall down, and you silently curse to yourself. You did not bring an umbrella with you and now you'll have to walk down in the rain until you reach the bus stop. Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear Jieun scream out for her dad. You raise your head up and you greet Mr. Park.
He places Jieun down and tells her to get ready for bedtime. She does just that after saying goodbye to you with a warm hug that you so happily reciprocated.
"Alright," he says while reaching into his wallet and pulling out many bills. "This should do it for the night" and he gives you the money. You check the amount and your eyes bulge out a little at the amount. 150$ you count and recount again quickly, this is much more than last time. You shake your head and attempt to give him back the money.
"Mr. Park, this is way too much. I cannot accept this amount."
"Please, just take it. It honestly isn't a lot for me and I'm just happy you made Jieun smile so brightly." His tone and expression are so genuine you have no choice but to give in and accept it.
"Okay, I'll accept it this time Mr. Park. Thank you very much."
You head to put back on your shoes and prepare yourself to walk back in the rainfall. He watches you intently, with his head turned to the side as he leans on the wall. You feel as though you're being watched by an eagle, as you feel his eyes never once leaving your form. your cheeks burn slightly.
"Are your friends here to pick you up?" Mr. Park speaks up. "No, it's just me on my own this time" you answer.
"You're not walking home are you? I didn't see a car parked in the driveway when you came." He asked with concern laced in his soft spoken words.
"No. I'm just going to walk to the bus stop nearby-"
"I'll drive you there then" he cuts you off. He sees the familiar look of 'you don't have to' already on your face, the one he just saw moments ago while paying you. Before he lets you speak, he explains himself. "I just don't want you to get a cold out in the rain. I need my babysitter to be in perfect condition, you know."
Yet again, Mr. Park has made it impossible for you to refuse him. "Alright, if you insist, then I have no choice but to say yes" you say with a smile, and you see him laugh slightly at your words.
To say his car is nice, would be a great understatement. You have no knowledge of cars, but even to a novice like you, this car is down right spectacular. The nicely polished black outside with leather seats, just how rich is this man?
Mr. Park opens the door for you and ushers you in gently. He gets in quickly after, and you glance at your phone, after realizing it's been buzzing for quite a while now. You see all the missed calls from your Landlady. Panic surges through you, did you forget to pay your rent? No you remember sending out the amount just a week ago. what could it be then? Mr. Park can tell you're anxious.
"I'm sorry," you mutter. "It's something to do with my apartment, could I quickly make a call?" you ask. "Of course, be my guest," Mr. Park says, gesturing for you to dial the number.
The phone rings and she picks up quickly. "Hello?"
"Ms. L/n, there has been a minor flood in the apartment. You must come quickly and evacuate all of your belongings. We'll need to undergo repairs for about 3 days." You let her speak, and your face drops.
You face Mr. Park and judging from his expression, he's heard everything from your call.
"Were there any damages to my apartment room?"
"Luckily your floor had no damages, it was the floors under you that mainly got affected. Still you'll need to leave for a few days. Please come quick and find a place to stay until then. Goodbye."
You hang up the phone and think to yourself silently. Wondering who you could stay with. Mr. Park asking you the same question out loud. Minho and Jisung are too far away and you don't have a key to their apartment you explain to them.
"What about your uncle?" Mr. Park asks.
"I wish but, they're having renovations and there's barely any room for them in the house." you answer.
It's silent for a moment, the raindrops splattering heavily as the rainfall speeds up, a storm is starting to form outside. You think about any other people you know that you can stay with. The list is already quite short.
"Stay with me," and you turn your head to meet, a shocked expression to his lighthearted smile.
"I really can't. I don't wish to intrude like that." you shake your hands in defense.
"Unless you have anyone else to turn to, I'm your best bet Ms. L/n. You won't be intruding anyway. I'm not uncomfortable with it and I think Jieun would be delighted to have you over for 3 days." he shrugs, waiting for you to answer.
This is the third time he has persuaded you this night. No wonder he's a successful businessman, he can talk you right into doing whatever wants, and you're not opposing any of it.
Staying with him won't be too bad right? I mean he must have room in this mansion of his. Plus he is always busy and I have class so we won't interact as much right?
Your face begins to heat up at the thought of being in such close proximity to Mr. Park. Wait, why are you thinking of that right now?
You exhale and look at him as you've made your decision.
"I'll stay with you."
a/n: hey yall! so long time no see. i'm going to continue this series after not touching it for almost 2 years. i'm sorry for the delay but even i had to know how this was going to end. i hope some of yall are interested in it still (praying actually). anyways please enjoy this part, i'll see you soon!!
please let me know if you wanna be added to the tagslist!!
tagslist: @miamyre @flowersiinherhaiir @vvsmydiamonds127 @prodsh00ky @jhmylove @sunwoosberrie @jenotation @seonghwasstar @zwiehe @nagadiluc @kodzukein @heavenly-mobo @nevieatiny @smeetb0ne3 @yeosxxx @koalakoala8 @imalildelulu @sookacc @lunaa2210 @asjkdk @wal-nutt @iheartyeonjunnn @yoonsanbin
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andvys · 1 year
I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss | part 3
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Warnings: angst, hurt/no comfort, mentions of sex, mentions of cheating, mentions of emotional abuse (Chrissy’s mom), absent parent, daddy issues, jealousy. Billy being Billy… it’s not what you think
Pairings: Steve Harrington x fem!cheerleader!reader , Steve Harrington x Nancy Wheeler
Summary: Someone you don't want to see shows up at your doorsteps.
Word count: 6.7k
Note: @mysticmunson thank you for helping me as always, you're the best! @somethingvicked thank you for the idea with Billy, it's working perfectly for this story
series masterlist
Steve had been so on edge ever since he found out about you and Billy. He knows that Tommy and Carol aren’t the most honest people. They strive off of chaos, they live for the drama and the lies and constantly make up new things to gossip about but for some reason, he believes their words this time. Billy had been following you around ever since he broke up with you– he had been running after you for some time now but never like this. You always rejected him, you were taken and not interested but now Steve can’t help but wonder, were you truly not interested or were you just rejecting him because you were with him? Were you secretly into Billy all this time? The thought of it makes him feel sick. 
He sits in his car, bouncing his knee as he stares out the window, waiting for his girlfriend. The parking lot is filled with students, he hears laughter and different voices. He sees Billy walking towards his car, the usual smug and arrogant look resting on his face. He straightens up, looking around to see if you’re around too, wanting to see if you will get in the car with him. What will he do if you do get into his car? 
Nancy’s voice startles him a little, he tears his eyes away from the blue camaro and turns to look at his girlfriend. 
“Hey Nance,” he smiles. He instantly leans closer to her once she’s seated, she meets him halfway, kissing him on the lips. Her eyes are closed, his are open and they flash with curiosity when he sees you through his window. You look his way and it’s enough for him to tense up. 
He expects you to get into Billy’s car but instead you go the other way, you pass by his car and look straight ahead, pretending to not see him or her. He breaks the kiss, Nancy doesn’t seem to mind, she leans back and puts the seatbelt on as she begins to talk about her project. Steve hums and nods along, turning his head to see where you are going. 
Are you going to Heather’s car? To Chrissy’s car? It turns out to be neither of those, instead you leave the parking lot and walk into the direction of the football field. Where are you going? 
“I figured that we could rent a movie tomorrow since we can’t hang out tonight,” Nancy says, “I really wanna get it done. It’s been nice to hang out with Jonathan again though, we should all go out together sometime!”
“Sure,” Steve mumbles and turns back to her when he no longer sees you. 
Her brows are raised and a confused smile is on her lips, “were you even listening?” 
He nods, “yeah, you want me to hang out with Byers,” he says with an eye roll. 
“Hey,” Nancy mumbles, hitting his arm, “he’s nice, you just gotta get to know him.” 
“Sure,” he chuckles, running his fingers through his hair, “nice.” 
Nancy shakes her head at him, raising her arm, she pulls down the sun visor and flips open the small mirror, a piece of paper that was tucked into it falls into her lap. Her brows knit together as she looks down at it. She picks it up, it’s just a simple brown paper that was ripped out of a notebook, she turns it around. Annoyance bubbles inside of her when she sees the writing on the note. It’s not much but it’s from you, it’s not signed but she recognizes your handwriting and the little heart, only you draw it like that. 
I love you 
She presses her lips together and glances over at Steve who is staring into blank space. 
How long has the note been here? Does he even know that it existed? 
“Here,” Nancy mumbles and throws it into his lap. 
Steve glances at her first, brows furrowed and lips parted, he notices the annoyed look on her face. He looks down at the note in his lap. Oh. 
“I didn’t know you still kept her things.”
Steve blinks as he stares at your handwriting. You drew a little heart next to your I love you. He swallows harshly. The weird feeling in his chest returns yet again. He didn’t even know the note was there– you did things like that all the time, leaving little notes everywhere for him to find. He kept them all. 
“I don’t,” he lies as he puts the note in his pocket after folding it, “I didn’t even know it was there. I’ll throw it away later.” 
Nancy nods, eyeing him from the side. She doesn’t like the way he folded the paper so neatly. He should’ve crumpled it up and thrown it out the window. 
The scented candles in your room are lit, making the air smell like pumpkin spice and cinnamon. The light of your salt lamp makes everything appear softer, you never use the big light in your room, you hate it. The police’s every breath you take is playing in the background. 
“Are you going to the winter formal?” Chrissy asks as she flips to the next page of her new fashion magazine. You are both laying on your bed, the decoration pillows all over the floor. You look at the pretty dresses in the magazine. You would be wearing one of those next Friday if Steve wasn’t such a cheating asshole. 
She glances at you with a sad look in her eyes, “we could go together.” 
You give her a small smile as you shake your head. 
“No, it’s okay,” you say, “I don’t feel like going anyway, he’s gonna be there with her.” 
She sighs, her lips are set in a frown, “you know, I never liked him. As much as I hate to say it, I’m not surprised about his actions but Nancy?” She mumbles, “who would’ve thought that she’s such a.. bitch.” 
“Yeah, looks deceive, huh?” 
You told your friends about what Nancy said in the girls bathroom when she didn’t know that you were there. 
“She looks like one of those church girls.” 
A surprised laugh leaves your lips, “a church girl?” 
“Yeah, she wears those ugly long skirts and those preppy blouses that my mom forces me to wear when we go to church on Sunday’s,” she mumbles, rolling her eyes. 
“Is she a church girl?” You ask. 
She snorts and shakes her head, “I don’t think so, I’ve never seen her around.” 
You nod. 
She flips to the next page, eying all the dresses before her eyes land on the ugliest one, a giggle falling from her lips, she points at it with her pink nails, “looks like something she would wear.” 
You can’t help but laugh. 
“And that’s why she won’t ever be prom queen, that’ll be you,” you say, expecting to see a smile on her face but instead it falls and a frown settles in her features. 
“It’s not prom yet,” she mumbles, “and I don’t really wanna be the queen to some asshole’s king.” 
Raising your brows, you tilt your head as you look at her. Cupping your cheek, you lean your elbow on the pillow beneath you, “you mean, you don’t want to be Jason Carver’s queen?” 
A look of disgust crosses her features and she shudders at the mention of his name. 
“Mom forces me to go with him,” she says, looking like she’s ready to break down out of frustration, “I don’t want to go with him.”
Your gaze softens, you place your hand on her back, “then don’t go with him.”
She keeps her eyes locked on the magazine, “you know how my mom is, I can’t just not go, she’ll make my life a living hell if I don’t do what she says.” 
You never liked Chrissy’s mother, she was always horrible to her. Always pushing her to do and be ‘better’, forcing her to associate herself with people who already climbed up the social ladder, like Jason Carver. 
You sigh, wishing you could help her. 
“What if you just stop doing what she wants you to do?” You shrug. 
She sighs and opens her mouth to speak but you cut her off, holding your hand up, you sit up on your knees, “I know, I know, easier said than done but–” you pause, looking around your room, you eye the freshly washed and ironed cheerleader uniform, the cassettes in the little box on your floor, bands that are his favorites, singers that your friends love so much, you stare at the baby pink wallpaper and the colorful clothes in your messy closet– you should’ve closed the door, the sight of the mess makes you want to groan in annoyance. 
“But?” Chrissy mumbles as she waits for you to continue. 
You blink, tearing your eyes away from all the things in your room that you didn’t come to like on your own. You look back at your best friend. 
“If you do things for others, if you do things because they want you to do them or because they expect you to do them, because they like those things– you will end up feeling miserable at some point, you will lose yourself and one day you’re gonna realize that you don’t even know yourself, that you don’t even know what you like, what you truly want or… who you even are..” 
She lets your words sink in. For a moment it’s silent between the two of you. You look down at your hands while she stares at you. Sadness and realization crossing her features. You are trying to help, she knows it but you are also realizing something about yourself, she can tell by the lost look in your eyes. 
“I know that things would be tense if you just started going against her stupid rules or wishes but you can always come to me if things get tough at home,” you say, reaching out to take her hand, “I’m here and you know my mom won’t mind you staying with us.” 
Her eyes light up at your words, a smile tugs at her lips, she turns her hand around and squeezes yours, “you’re the best, you know that right?” She whispers. 
You smile at her words, you tilt your head, “no, I’m not.”
She frowns and rolls her eyes, “yes, you are.” 
“Says who?” You chuckle. 
“I do,” she says, proudly. 
“Oh,” you smirk, leaning closer to her, you don’t notice the way her eyes widen or the way her cheeks flush a little red, “you do, huh?” 
She blinks, her lips part and she stares at your face. Your face hovers over hers for a second before you lay back down on your bed and reach for the bat shaped pillow, the one you excitedly bought for your ‘halloween’ decoration, hugging it to your chest, you stare up at the ceiling, not noticing her stare or her tense body. 
“A-Are you sure you don’t wanna come to the winter formal?” She asks again. 
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
She looks down at her hands, “okay,” she frowns. 
“Hey,” you whisper, glancing at her, “you’ll still have fun.”
“With Jason?” She mumbles, rolling her eyes, “I doubt that.”
“You can still go with someone else. If your mom is gonna act like a bitch, I’ll kick her ass for you.”
A giggle falls from her lips and she shakes her head as she looks at you with a smile on her face. 
Rolling on your side, you prop your head up on your hand. Curiosity sparks inside of you. 
“Who did you really want to go with?” You ask, “I know there is someone.” You notice the blush on her face and it only deepens the longer you stare at her. 
“Oh uh–” she chuckles nervously, “n-no one, I just, I don’t wanna go with Jason.” 
“Are you sure about that?” 
She nods. 
“You don’t have to be embarrassed, you know that, right?” 
“I-I’m not.” 
“Good, we’re best friends, we tell each other everything, right?” 
“Yeah,” she whispers and gives you a smile that doesn’t really reach her eyes. “I’m gonna go now, I still have to study for the math test tomorrow,” she groans. 
“Oh.. yeah,” you mumble, trying to hide the disappointed look on your face. You hate being by yourself, there’s too much going on in your mind when you’re all alone in this house– you used to love it but ever since he left, it’s just been hard. “I gotta start working on the assignment.” 
Chrissy rolls her eyes just the way she did when you told her about who you got partnered up with. 
“You know, you could still take Billy up on that offer.” 
You snort at her words, “I don’t think we need Billy to kick his ass, Heather will do.” 
“Did you know that she accidentally bumped into him at Nick’s party last weekend? He was holding a drink and it got all over Nancy,” she giggles. 
Your eyes widen, you can’t even fight the grin off your face, “no way?” You gasp.
“Yes way,” she laughs as she reaches for her backpack, “he got all pissed and looked like he was ready to fight but when he saw Heather, he got all quiet– he even looked scared.” 
“He should be,” you chuckle. 
“And Nancy got all hysterical and ran off.”
You snort, “she deserved it.”
“She deserves worse for what she did– they both do,” she sighs. 
She never liked Steve, even before you started dating him, she couldn’t stand him. His presence annoyed her and more so when you two got together and she had to watch how he continuously messed with your feelings. 
“Yeah well, I don’t care anymore, I’m moving on…” 
She knows that there is no truth behind your words, you are not moving on. You still love him, she thinks that you always will. You always looked at him like he was the only light in your life, like he was the one who hung every star in the dark sky, it made her hate him even more because he never looked at you like that. 
“I’ll walk you to the door–”
“No, it’s fine,” she smiles, “you don’t have to.” She walks towards you and pulls you into a hug, “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” She squeezes you tightly before she lets go, giving you another smile. 
“Yeah, still gotta help you pick out the right shoes for your dress,” you say. 
She nods, “and maybe I’ll manage to convince you to come, after all,” she says as she pulls away and begins to walk out of your room, “I’d rather go with you than Jason,” she says quickly before she turns around and leaves the room, saying ‘bye’ in a sing song voice. 
You chuckle and throw your head back against the pillow. 
“Jason Carver,” you mumble in disgust. Not a single person could ever force you to go to the winter formal with him but Chrissy’s mother is the epitome of an evil witch, you know that she will make her life more miserable if she doesn’t do as she says. You understand why Chrissy would rather suffer through the night with him than risk a fight with her mother. 
Not even five minutes after she left, the doorbell rings. Looking around the room, you try to see if she forgot something, that’s what usually happens when she leaves, she rushes back in a few minutes later because she left her keys or something else. Sighing, you push roll out of bed and rush out of the room. 
The doorbell rings again. 
“I’m coming!” You call out, “since when are you so impatient..” 
Your socks are a little slippery on the hardwood floor, careful not to fall, you hold onto the railing as you hurry down the stairs. Grabbing the doorknob, you are already smiling in amusement, “let me guess, you forgot–” with your words caught in your throat and your smile falling quicker than ever, you only manage to stare at him in confusion. 
There he is, Steve Harrington, standing on your front porch with his hands in his pocket and an unreadable expression on his face. What does he want? 
Even though it was him who came here to see you, he stands frozen in place. He stares at you and you stare at him. You are both frozen, time stops, everything stops moving, right now, it’s just the two of you in this world. 
It’s the first time you look at him again, properly. All the sadness, all the pain and the longing comes creeping back. It was there all this time, hidden beneath all the anger but it was easier to deal with it when you started pretending like he didn’t exist anymore, when you forced yourself not to look at him anymore, when you threw all his things away, when you let go of him. How dare he show up here? 
Steve watches the way your eyes flash with confusion, anger and sadness, they soften for a split second. This is the first time you actually look at him again. This is the first time you are forced to acknowledge his presence again. A feeling he can only describe as relief rushes through him when you finally look into his eyes again. 
It feels like forever that you look at each other when in reality only a minute passed since you opened the door. You blink and take a step back, rolling your eyes, you go to shut the door without wanting to hear an explanation as to why he is here– “no.” Is all you say before slamming the door in his face but he is quicker than you, he always was. He places his palm on the door, stopping you from closing it, “wait–”
“Get lost, Harrington.” 
He sighs, he didn’t expect anything else from you.
You try to close the door again but he doesn’t let you, keeping his palm pressed against the wooden door, he stares at you with a stubborn look on his face. God, you want to punch him. 
“What do you want?” You ask as you finally give up and let go of the door, you cross your arms over your chest and take a step back, not looking into his eyes. You raise your brows and glare at him when he invites himself into your house, he shuts the door behind him. You shake your head in disbelief. 
He is wearing the stupid flannel that you used to love so much, the one you always stole from him– does it still smell like you? 
“We have to work on the assignment together.” 
Is he serious? 
“I told you, I’ll do it myself,” you snap at him before you turn around and make your way into the kitchen in hopes that he will leave but instead, he follows you into the kitchen. 
“We’re partners, it wouldn’t be fair to let you do all the work by yourself.”
You clench your jaw at his words, how ironic of him to say that. Turning the light on in the kitchen, you walk towards the fridge and open it, distracting yourself from his presence by staring at all the food and drinks. 
“Oh, don’t worry, I’m used to doing all the work myself, my previous partner wasn’t much of a help,” you murmur, “in any way.”
Steve scoffs at your words, though he looks down in embarrassment, knowing exactly what things you are talking about. He places his hands on his hips and glances at you through his lashes, he eyes you for a moment before he speaks up, “listen, I-I wanna do better in school and I really want to work on this assignment.” 
You close your eyes, shaking your head, you take a deep breath. Why did he have to sit next to you today? 
“Since when do you care about being better in school?” You ask in annoyance, reaching for a water bottle, you close the fridge again and turn around to face him. He breaks eye contact the moment you raise your brows in question. 
He shrugs, “I wanna graduate next year and Mr. Higgins said that I–”
“Don’t care,” you interrupt him and sigh of boredom. 
He looks a little taken aback, furrowing his brows, he stares at you for a moment as he presses his lips back together. When he came here, he didn’t expect you to be so.. mean. Steve only ever knew you as the sweet girl, not once did you treat him badly in all the years he has known you. You never gave him the cold shoulder, not even when he deserved it. You were always kind, gentle and forgiving. 
Heartbreak changes a person but not like this, right? What happened in those two months ever since he left? 
While Steve tries to figure you out. You try to figure out how to handle this situation. 
Should you curse him out and kick him out of your house and show him how hurt you still are? Should you really give him that satisfaction? Or should you pretend to be okay, give him the cold shoulder that you should’ve given him years ago and act like you are fine with this, with working with him? 
You opt for the latter. You don’t want him to see the power he still has over you. You don’t want him to see how much you still want him.  
You can feel his eyes on you, burning into you, it makes your skin crawl. 
You take deep breaths before you look back up at him. 
“Don’t you have better things to do on a Thursday night?” You scoff. You know damn well that he never worked on homeworks or assignments when he was still with you, he had ‘better’ things to do. You were the one that did all these things for him. 
“Can we just work on this?” He sighs.
You roll your eyes and shrug, “yeah.” 
Surprise flashes in his eyes, he didn’t think that it would be that easy to convince you to work with him. For weeks, you wouldn’t even look at him, you wouldn’t even glance into his direction. He figured that it was because of how hurt you were after the breakup but now he begins to doubt that that is why you stopped acknowledging him. 
“Come on then,” you mumble as you make your way out of the kitchen, brushing past him. He nods, looking down at the floor, he turns around and follows you into the hallway, turning the light off on the way out. 
It feels weird to be back in your house, it feels so familiar yet so… strange. There isn’t much in your room that has changed since the last time he had been in here– only the lack of his things is noticeable to him. The bottle of his cologne that used to be on your dresses is gone and so are the collection of polaroids. He frowns, a weird feeling tugs at his heart. You got rid of everything. It shouldn’t bother him as much as it does. He looks around the room that haunts his dreams– a piece of clothing that neither belongs to you or him is draped over the chair by your desk. It’s a black denim jacket. Clenching his jaw, he wonders if it belongs to Billy. The thought of you wearing his clothes, of you being with him makes him so.. angry. 
“Are you just gonna stand there?” You mumble without looking back at him. You are already back on your bed with your notebook in your lap. He stares at you, the moment feels too familiar. He remembers climbing up to your window one night, he wanted to surprise you with flowers. You were sitting on your bed just like you do now but instead of the notebook you had a magazine on your lap and you were wearing pajamas. You looked so cute. 
“We gotta settle on a topic,” you say and raise your head to look at him. 
Steve’s brows are still furrowed, he still stares at you. He feels confused, irritated and a little hurt. You seem so.. okay. You look at him and talk to him as though nothing ever happened. Are you okay without him? Are you happier without him? 
He blinks, snapping himself out of his thoughts, he walks towards your desk, he pulls out the chair and sits down. 
“Yeah.. what do you wanna write about?” 
You shrug, “I don’t know, we could totally write an essay about snakes, there’s one in my room, right now.” 
His lips part and his face scrunches up in confusion, it takes him a moment to realize what you mean. His shoulders slump and he scoffs, “very funny.”
“I know,” you smirk. 
“We could write about basketball–” 
Your scoff cuts him off, causing him to roll his eyes. 
“Or about cheerleading–”
“Are you crazy?”
“I think you know more about cheerleading than I do, you were the one who convinced me to do it after all,” you say, tilting your head at him, “remember?”
He leans back in the chair, spreading his legs, he nods at your words and clenches his jaw, “yeah..”
There is so much tension in your room, his presence makes you angry. 
After the initial shock subsided and the sadness turned into anger, you began to curse him for what he did, especially when you found out that he had kissed her while he was still with you. That is something you will never forgive him, the lies and the cheating. 
The anger makes you feel stronger, it keeps the sadness away, for the most part, at least. 
“How about we do something more classy– although, you don’t do classy, so…” 
Steve rolls his eyes at your words, “not like you do it either,” he mumbles. 
You snort, not showing him the anger or the annoyance that you are feeling right now. You tilt your head and stare at him in question.
“I mean, given that you fucked Billy Hargrove out of all people,” he says with a looks of distaste on his face. 
You almost laugh in his face but you hold yourself back. 
He eyes your expression slowly, waiting for a reaction. He expects you to scoff, to look caught, to look embarrassed, to blush or to deny it all– just the way you always denied your attraction to Billy every time he brought it up but he gets nothing from you. Absolutely nothing and it only fuels his anger even more. The burning in his chest and stomach worsens when you look at him with a straight face. 
You look at him for a while, not moving, not saying anything, he can’t even read the look on your face. After a while, you sigh and look down at your notebook, “so how about we write an essay about Romeo and Juliet?” You ask, “you know, since it’s the only book you actually ever touched.” 
His brows knit together, his cheeks grow red, “are you not gonna say anything?” 
His irrational anger amuses you a little but you don’t show it. 
You look at him through hooded eyes, not raising your head, “I just did?” 
He rolls his eyes and stands up, walking towards you, “I mean about Billy.” 
“What about him?”
“Did you sleep with him?” He asks. 
His eyes flash with desperation. He wants to know, he needs to know. 
How ironic it is to see him beg for an answer when he has no right to even get one. He never gave you the truth so why should you? You are not his anymore.
His eyes are pleading. Why does he want to know? Why does he even care? He has the girl he truly loves, why should it matter what you do or who you do it with? 
“So, I’m not sure if you remember the story but in Romeo and Juliet, there’s obviously that tragic ending so–”
“Y/n,” he sighs. 
You close your mouth and glare at him, you used to love hearing him say your name, now you hate it. 
“Would you rather write an essay about Billy Hargrove?” You ask calmly, giving him a fake smile. 
“No,” he rolls his eyes. 
“Good, cause I don’t either.” 
He runs his fingers through his hair and huffs in frustration, closing his eyes, he pinches the bridge of his nose. 
“We could write about pride and prejudice.”
You lift your chin and look at him in surprise. You used to reread that book all the time, he knows it’s your favorite– he used to steal it out of your hands, reading some of Mr.Darcy’s lines in a mocking way, back then it made you laugh. 
“You didn’t even read it,” you murmur. 
“I can read it now,” he shrugs, “you still have it, right?” 
“We got a week to finish the essay, Steve. It’ll take you days to even finish and understand that book so don’t even bother–”
“No,” he says stubbornly, “I want to.”
You throw your hands up, “why?” 
‘Cause you wanted to choose the book for your next essay, you told him that weeks before.. her. ‘Cause you love it so much– or used to love it. 
He doesn’t look at you, he stares at the ground and shrugs, “just let me do it, please,” he says, “I can get started on the essay while reading it.” 
You try to figure him out. Why is this so important to him? He used to make fun of that book, of you reading so much. He would laugh whenever you offered to read it for him and now he suddenly wants to read it himself? 
Sighing, you get up and walk towards your bookshelf. You bend down and reach for the book before you turn back to face him. 
It feels weird to see him back in your room– a place he spent so many nights in, a place he used to kiss you in, a place he used to touch you in. 
You hold it out to him, keeping distance between the two of you as though you are scared to come near him. His fingertips brush yours when he takes the book from you, warmth spreads across his skin and he finds himself looking at your face. 
You quickly pull your hand back and cross your arms over your chest, avoiding his eyes, “well, you should probably get started then,” you mumble, nudging your chin into the direction of your door, subtly kicking him out. 
“Yeah,” he breathes and looks back down, eying the cover of your beloved book, “what are you doing tomorrow night?” 
Just leave, please. You think to yourself. 
“Well, we could start working on it tomorrow,” he offers. 
“Yeah sure.” You don’t want to work with him, you don’t want to see him but agreeing to it will get him out of your house sooner, “I’ll call you.” 
You can feel his eyes on you, he is staring and it makes you want to both scream and cry. Leave, just leave. 
“I’ll get going.” He steps away, taking one last look at you before he turns around, “good night, y/n.”
You don’t say anything back, you stay silent, refusing to even look at him. You don’t notice the way he halts in his tracks when his eyes fall on the picture on your wall, the only one left of him. Steve knows that you didn’t keep it up because of him but it still makes something inside of him burn. There’s no other reminders of him left, only this one. You could have cut him out but you didn’t, you kept him there. His eyes soften and he glances at you. You are still standing there in the same spot, with your arms crossed and your gaze stuck to the floor. The urge to– no. He takes a deep breath and forces himself to leave. 
Your fingernails dig into your arms, you bite your lip as you feel the tears welling up in your eyes. The lump in your throat begins to grow. Why did he show up? You hear him walking down the stairs and it feels like forever until he reaches the door. The sob begins to threaten to escape. 
You slowly make your way towards your bedroom door, shutting it quietly. You press your back against it and look up at the ceiling. Tears roll down your cheeks the minute you let your guard down. 
“I hate you, Steve Harrington.”
Cold water dribbles down on him, making goosebumps rise up on his skin, he shivers at the feeling but sighs in content when he feels himself getting more energized again. Basketball practice tired him more than usual but that was probably because he stayed up all night, reading pride and prejudice. To his surprise, he ended up liking it more than he thought. Though he can’t stand Darcy for some reason. 
Another thing that kept him up was you. Your indifference, your lack of emotions, the anger and the sadness he had seen in your eyes the last time you had looked at him was gone. There is nothing in your eyes now, just simply nothing. It shouldn’t bother him, in fact, it should make him feel relieved to know that you are not hurting anymore but somehow it hurts him to know that you just don’t care anymore. 
He didn’t love you but you loved him, at least that’s what he always believed. 
Did you realize that you never loved him either? 
“What’s wrong, Harrington? Did you realize that you’re a shit player?” 
He can’t even help but sigh in annoyance. His jaw clenches and so do his fists. He waited until everyone was done showering, not feeling like interacting with anyone, he didn’t know that Billy was still around, if he knew, he would’ve been the first in the shower. 
He opens his eyes and glares at him. 
Billy looks at him with a smirk on his face, he turns the water on and closes his eyes as he steps under the stream. 
Steve decides to ignore him, turning his head away from him, he reaches for his shampoo with shaky hands. Just the presence of Billy is enough for him to shake out of anger. He hates him so much. 
“Heard you were at y/n’s house last night.” 
At that, Steve tenses up. How and why does he know? He keeps his eyes down as he begins to wash his hair. 
“Yeah, so?”
Billy chuckles, taking a moment to reply. 
“What were you doing there?” 
“How’s that any of your business?” Steve mumbles in annoyance. 
Billy shrugs, narrowing his eyes at him, “when assholes like you go to their ex-girlfriends house it’s usually to fuck,” he says, smirking. 
Steve shakes his head, “we’re working on an essay together.” 
To his surprise, Billy keeps quiet for the remaining time. Steve quickly finishes up and leaves the shower after wrapping a towel around his waist, wanting to escape him as quickly as he can. 
Steve can’t stand to be in the same room as him for longer than a minute, he always felt that way about him but especially after hearing those rumors about you and Billy from Tommy and Carol. It still leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. 
Back in the locker room, he scrunches his face up in disgust, it smells like sweat, too much deodorant and cologne in here. No one is around anymore, everyone has already left. 
Steve reaches for his dirty clothes and stuffs them into his duffle bag before he starts getting dressed. He puts on a pair of boxers and his jeans and reaches for his belt when Billy walks back in. 
Steve’s jaw feels tense from all the clenching but he can’t stop it. Every time he sees him, he thinks of you and him together. He thinks of you being touched by him, of you being kissed by him, of you being– god, he can’t stand it. He can’t stand the thought of you being touched by Billy Hargrove or any other man for that matter.
He knows that there is a huge chance that you aren’t with him or with anyone else but he can’t be too sure. 
“Did you fuck her?” 
Billy smirks when the question finally tumbles out of Steve’s mouth, he knows that he has been dying to ask. He stays silent and puts his clothes on instead, taking his time with it. 
Steve puts his sweater over his head and turns around to face Billy, who is already staring at him smugly as he dries his hair with the white towel. 
Steve’s nostrils flare and he feels like throwing a punch at him already, he clenches his fists, fingernails digging into his palms. 
“Why are you asking a question that you already know the answer to?” Billy smirks. 
He stiffens a little, gritting his teeth and fighting the urge to do what he so badly wants to do. 
“I don’t know the answer, that’s why I’m asking.” 
“Why do you want to know?” Billy chuckles as he tilts his head to the side, he throws the towel back on the bench and puts his white tank top on, “you dumped her.” 
Billy walks towards him slowly, he looks confident, he always does. He looks directly into his eyes, the smugness remaining on his face. 
“Let me tell you something.” 
Steve drops his arms to his sides and puffs out his chest, raising his chin slightly. His heartbeat quickens, not out of fear but out of anticipation. 
“When you came to school with your new little plaything, she left. I found her behind the school, she was crying.” 
Nothing good will come out of his mouth next, Steve already knows it. The thought of you crying over him does little to mend the anger in his chest. 
“Wanna know what I did?” Billy asks, raising his brows. He licks his lips and grins a little as he steps closer. 
Steve nudges his chin up. 
“I took her home and I fucked her so hard that she forgot that you ever existed. In fact, I think a good fuck was all it needed,” Billy chuckles darkly as he looks him up and down, “‘cause you clearly never fucked her good enough.” 
Steve is seething, burning and trembling with anger. The smirk on the blond’s face is only fueling his anger. 
“Now I’m not the only one,” Billy smirks at the angry look on Steve’s face. His cheeks are red, the brown in his eyes vanished completely, all there is now is blackness. He is not just angry, he is in rage and Billy is loving it. “A little birdie told me that she’s been sneaking around with one of the stoners, so..” Billy laughs, turning around with satisfaction in his eyes.
Steve doesn’t know whether to throw a punch, to scream at him or at himself for feeling this way. He wants to throw up at the thought of you fucking Billy, of you sneaking around with some loser. 
Billy grabs his stuff, he puts on his brown leather jacket. He can sense Steve’s anger and it makes him feel more satisfied than ever. 
“Let me tell you a little secret, Steve. Girls like her, the ones who get left behind by their daddies, they’re a little damaged but they keep going. They still got a little hope left, but the moment they get their heart broken by some asshole they fall in love with, they’re damaged beyond repair. Even if you come crawling back to her and she ends up being stupid enough to take your sorry ass back, she will never be the same again. You crushed her poor little heart.”
Steve is breathing heavily, his knuckles are white from how hard he is clenching his fist. He would love nothing more than to finally throw that punch but he holds himself back, knowing that it will only make things even worse. 
Billy slaps his hand on Steve’s shoulder, narrowing his eyes, he chuckles, “loosen up, King Steve, go and get your little geek. I’ll take care of y/n, I think she’s better off with me anyways. At least she feels something when I fuck her.” 
And with that, Billy leaves him standing, knowing the damage he caused, it leaves him more satisfied than ever, to know that he messed with him— to know what it takes to mess with him.
next part
only tagging friends!
@mysticmunson @wroteclassicaly @corrodedseraphine @corrodedcorpses @take-everything-you-can @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @sherrylyn628
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angelicsoka · 7 months
IDIOT, l. hughes
word count | 788 words
pairings | luke hughes x fem!best friend!reader, platonic!jack hughes x reader, mentions of unnamed ex boyfriend x reader
summary | in which luke’s best friend is left broken hearted and with a family dinner she has no date to, so he decides to step up and help.
warnings | not proofread. no use of “y/n”. reader was cheated on. lowercase intended. this is a work of fiction, i am by no means saying this is how they act in real life.
a/n | heres one of two of the valentines blurbs i'm gonna post today because i had a sudden urge of inspiration to write (but not for the fics i've already started lmao)
she stormed up the stairs of luke and jack’s apartment complex, tears of frustration welling in her eyes. she felt like an idiot, she should’ve known there was something off with him. that he was spending a little too much time with her. she knocked hurriedly on their door, waiting anxiously for them to answer. after what felt like a century, luke opened the door.
“hey–” he was cut off by her pushing through into the apartment, the tears already starting to fall. “what's wrong?”
“he fucking cheated! that asshole was fucking cheating on me and i didn’t even realize! i feel so fucking stupid.” she cried, wiping angrily at her tears. luke saw red, already grabbing for his keys. “don’t, luke, it isn't worth it. plus, i already broke his nose.” jack, who had paused his game to listen in, whistled.
“damn, girl. remind me not to get on your bad side.” jack commented, dropping the smile when luke glared at him. “sorry.”
“now, i have this stupid family dinner and my parents are expecting me to bring a date! how am i supposed to tell them he cheated on me and on fucking valentines day of all days?” she ranted, the tears still flowing.
“hey, it's all gonna be okay. you just need to breathe.” she took a seat at their island, messily wiping her tears. she took a couple of deep breathes, her anxiety still heightened.
“fuck, i really don’t wanna go tonight.” she groaned, accepting the tissue luke offered her. “and if i cancel, they're gonna ask a shit ton of questions and i can’t deal with that right now.”
“i could go with you.” luke spoke, causing both her and jack to whip their heads towards him. “what?”
“you would do that?” she question, her eyes brightening. “because you don’t have to! i can cancel.”
“no, i want to. i promise.” her face held a beaming smile as she threw her arms around him.
“thank you, lukey! okay, be ready by 7, i'll pick you up! and wear a suit ‘cause we’re going to mario’s.” she seemed genuinely happy as she ran out of the apartment.
“somebody’s in love!” jack sang, laughing when luke smacked his shoulder.
the car was silent, beside the radio that was playing. her fingers tapped against the steering wheel, avoiding looking to her best friend. “what did you tell your parents?” luke asked, looking to her.
“just that i was bringing a guy i wanted them to meet. i left it kind of vague.” luke nodded, looking back out the window. “thanks again, lu. i really appreciate it.”
“of course, anytime.” she smiled, the car falling quiet once more. “you know he’s idiot for cheating on you, right? i mean who would want to cheat on a girl like you.” her cheeks flushed red, a small smile etched on her face. he mumbled something she couldn’t quite pick up, her eyebrows furrowing.
“what was that, lu?”
“i wouldn’t do that.” she almost slammed on the brakes, stunned by his statement. she looked to him, his eyes already trained on her.
“what are you saying?” she asked, the car coming to a stop at a red light. luke rubbed his eyes, clearly nervous. “luke.” she continued to keep her eyes trained on the road, turning into the parking lot of the restaurant. 
“look, you’re my best friend, and i know you are still upset. and i understand if you don’t feel the same. but i–” he stopped, breathing in slowly. “i think i’m in love with you. and seeing you upset over some idiot who can’t see that he just lost the best girl he could’ve ever had, pissed me off. and honestly, i’m glad, because you deserve better.” she felt her heart beating out of her chest, the feelings she had spent years pushing down now resurfacing.
“listen, i understand if you don’t feel the same but–” he was cut off when she placed her hand on his cheek, pulling him in for a kiss. it took a moment, but he slowly eased into it, his hand resting on her neck. “i take it, you feel the same?”
“you’re an idiot.” she giggled, placing a short, gentle kiss on his lips. “of course, i feel the same. but we take this slow, okay?”
“deal.” he leaned in to kiss her once more only to be stopped by her placing a finger on his lips.
“we’re gonna be late.” he pouted, earning a laughing, ‘ok, one more, and then we go in. no more, no less.” he pecked her lips before getting out and opening her door for her. “such the gentleman.”
“gotta make up for lost time.”
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nadvs · 2 months
Hello! Im the anon who asked for a fic with rivaly at college 😍 OMG! I love what this turned in to. You are an incredible writer!! I hope you know that. You have me hooked. You write dialog amazingly. It feels so real. Never stop writing!!
Can you write something about when she get jealous? Maybe when he is in the NBA?
Hope you have a great day!
Love from Sweden
HIII omg it’s such a good premise!! i remember being in love with it the second i read your ask 🙂‍↕️ thank you so much 💘 i’m so touched that people like the au and want more of it 🥹
based on this fic
» au masterlist
rafe can get wildly, intensely jealous. and while they often joke about how similar they are, that’s one trait she doesn’t share with him. until he gets signed and moves away.
he doesn’t have as much time for texts and calls. he’s training with his new team, working up to the season. she gets it. or at least, she tries to.
she already had unwelcome thoughts swimming in her head when he had been signed to a team states away about him getting lost in the fame and potentially being unfaithful. she never worried about him cheating before. and she hates that she’s doing it now.
but she tries to keep it in. things between them are already tense. accusing him of something just because she’s insecure isn’t fair and will likely just push him away.
then, she visits him. they share their first i love you’s. they’re in a good place.
but when the season starts, that’s another story. it’s surreal seeing her boyfriend play on tv on such a massive scale, thousands of seats surrounding the court filled. she’s so happy for him and whenever the camera focuses on him, she can tell he’s nervous and she loves that she’s the only one in the world who knows it.
but then between periods, she catches glimpses of his team’s cheerleaders before the cuts to commercial. and she can’t lie to herself that these girls are beautiful. and she wonders if maybe he already lived out the college fantasy. maybe now that he’s a professional player, he’ll have his eyes on professional cheerleaders. or really, any girl, because she’s sure he could get any girl he wants.
as the season goes on, because she likes to keep up with the nba on social media, specifically him and his team, her tiktok automatically shows her videos and edits of her boyfriend, some comments from fans about how he’s the next best thing, but most from girls going crazy over how hot he is.
it puts her into a funk. he sees gorgeous cheerleaders at every game. he gets comments on his instagram from beautiful girls. the internet is losing their mind over him. how can she possibly compare?
so, the next night she’s on facetime with him, she can’t hold it back any longer. after they talk about their days, she starts to pick at a string on her shirt, looking down.
“so…” she says. “do you ever get a chance to talk to the cheerleaders?”
rafe looks at her with knitted brows. she’s been off since she picked up the phone, seemingly mad at him. it’s not like them to not be direct.
“baby, what’s wrong?” he asks.
“nothing,” she lies. “just wondering if you ever talk to them. they’re good dancers.”
he hates the way her lips are turned into a frown, her eyes off the screen.
“i only wanna talk to one cheerleader and she’s pretending she’s not mad at me right now,” he says.
this earns a smirk from her.
“they’re all so pretty,” she says. “i’m not blind. and you’re not, either. there’s no way you haven’t noticed them.”
“i moved here to play,” rafe tells her.
“and you know girls online are going crazy for you,” she continues. “don’t act like you haven’t seen all the comments on your instagram.”
rafe studies her image on the screen.
“you know you have nothing to be jealous of, right?” he says. he hates to admit it, but it’s kind of flattering, especially because she isn’t usually the intensely jealous type. it shows him she still wants him.
she sighs. of course he sees right through her. not like she’s being subtle anyway.
“i do, though,” she says. “and maybe it’s stupid to talk about because i’m annoying you and making you feel like i don’t trust-”
“you’re not annoying me,” he interrupts. “you’re being really cute, actually.”
“cute,” she scoffs, her eyes still low.
“look at yourself on your phone,” he says. she rolls her eyes and obliges, gazing at her reflection on the screen.
“now what?” she mumbles.
“if you can’t see how beautiful you are, maybe you are blind,” he says.
“stop,” she laughs softly. “it’s not that i don’t trust you. it’s just that… it has to feel like a waste to be getting all this attention and ignoring it all because of some girl back home, doesn’t it?”
“some girl,” he echoes. “you think you’re just some girl?”
she shrugs. his chest aches.
“you’re my best friend,” he says. “i wouldn’t fuck this up for anything or anyone in the world. you’re it for me.”
her vision blurs with tears. she flattens her lips together and finally nods.
“sorry,” she says weakly.
“for what?”
“for being so jealous.”
“i already told you it’s cute,” he says. she smiles again.
“i love you, okay?” she mumbles.
“i love you, too, okay?�� he teases.
they talk for another hour, then she tells him she needs to go to sleep so she’s not totally exhausted for her morning lecture. he has the day off the next day, so he stays up a bit longer on his phone after they hang up.
when she wakes up, she sees hundreds of instagram notifications on her phone. rafe posted a photo of them from the last time she visited, tagging her with the caption: All I need.
before she even gets out of bed, she’s crying. because of how good he is to her. because he’s telling the world he belongs to someone already. because she’s sure that he loves her just as much as she loves him.
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stinkygirl009 · 2 months
Hi, love! I was hoping I could request an imagine where young Johnny Lawrence is super jealous abt his crush (best friend) going out on a date that he tries to sabotage it? By the end of the night he confesses that he likes the reader and it's really fluffy.
It wasn’t a secret to Y/n that the 2 time All Valley champion, Johnny Lawrence was jealous. All of it started when you told him about a guy you met at Leo Carrillo Beach while walking him to his dojo.
“You sure he wasn’t just joking?” The blonde asked turning his head over to you. Meanwhile he was gripping onto the straps of his bag. “Ouch, thanks, Johnny.” Her eyes rolled for what felt like the millionth time today. “Didn’t mean it like that.” He scoffed quietly. “He’s what you gotta understand- He seemed actually genuine! And an extra bonus points for having the hots too.” She pokes her tongue out only half teasing. God, now it was his turn to roll his eyes. the more you said, the more the jealousy was boiling through him. “I don’t see the problem, all the past times you’ve been fine with it! What’s so different this time around?” She asks genuinely curious on why he couldn’t let it go.
“I don’t say anything about the girls you go out with, even though I have my opinions on some of them.” Y/n stated truthfully. “Like Katie,”
“Oh god, don’t bring her up.” He groaned her name, throwing his head back. like nails to a goddamn chalkboard. “I called that shit, remember?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. But this time I have MY opinions on this guy.” He walks in front of you turning around walking backwards. He puts one of his hands up as a counter. “First off you barely know him,” he lifts up one finger. “You barely know the chicks you meet half the time!” She argues back. “This isn’t about me. Second, everyone you meet at Carrillo beach turns out to cheat on you later on.” He tilts his head down slightly trying to reason with you. She crosses her arms looking at him, knowing what he’s trying to do. “Look, Johnny. You’re my best friend. And I get your trying to protect me, but what if he turns out to be good, huh? I have to at least give him a chance.” He swallowed hard. Hearing ‘Best friend’ hit harder than usual. that was the thing. he did want the date to work out. The possibility of you leaving him behind and never talking to him again fill his thoughts over and over. He wants to be the one you want to be with. Truth is he stopped dating after he realized he liked you. And it took him a long time to even come to terms with it.
“Fine.” He huffed shoving his fits in his instantly recognizable red jacket pockets and went back walking next to you. She sighs feeling him almost fuming next to her. After a few moments of silence Y/n nudges him gently. “Hey,” she says softly, looking at him trying to be comforting. He looks over at her. His jaw clenched slightly.
“If he’s shitty then we can egg his car.” Her soft smile turns into a teasingly menacing one. He laughs softly.
“Where are you guys going?” Johnny asks, a plan forming. “To golf and stuff.” She looks forward nearing cobra Kia. He smirks his plan clear as day. If the dates going well. Then he’s gonna have to make it one hell of a shitty date then.
Johnny wasn’t jealous…
Nah, he isn’t. He just made a plan to ruin your date at golf and stuff with Tommy. No for sure he isn’t jealous. “Hey, Tommy.” Johnny nudged his shoulder. Tommy looked up at the blonde almost instantly noticing his tone in Johnnys voice. “Yeah?”
“She here with that dweeb.” Johnny nodded over to you and taller brunette. “You sure this is a good idea? She seems like she’s actually having fun..” Tommy asked skeptically. “Yeah I’m sure.” Johnnys looked over at him smirk widened.
“Ha I won again!” Y/n picked up her pink ball from the hole. “That’s because I’m letting you.” The brunette named Aaron teased throwing the club over his shoulder. They both walked over to the next golf course. “You wanna get a slushy after this one?” Aaron offered with a smile. “Yeah, why not. Cherry slushy and m&ms sound good right now.” She put down her ball and lined up her club aiming towards the ball. “Get ready to lose again.” She laughed and hit the ball almost completely missing the hole.
“Close enough.” He shrugged ready to take his turn. He fixed his posture lifting the club up slightly.
Water sprayed through the area around us. “What the hell?!” Y/n looked around seeing the only one sprinkler go off right next to us. She looks around suspicious that this wasn’t an accident. Her eyes catch a certain blonde haired red jacket boy hiding behind a tree. Y/n just stood there the puzzle pieces connecting immediately with her arms crossed.
“Dude she sees us!” Tommy tried to tell Johnny who was too busy laughing at brunette who was trying get out of the water spraying on them.
“Johnny!” Johnnys eyes look for the voice falling on Y/n. His smile instantly gone. Shit. She stood there disappointed. People around them laughed, trying to cover their faces. She looked around feeling like she was a damn zoo animal. The embarrassment filling her she looking down clearly upset, and began to walk over to Aaron grabbing his hand dragging them to the inside of the arcade. Once Johnny saw her face made his chest tighten. God, he was jealous. And he let take over and embarrass his best friend.
“Told you it was a bad idea, man.” Tommy saw the look on Johnnys face. Johnny felt like the biggest asshole in the whole world. Without thinking he quickly moved away from the tree running after you needing to fix the whole mess he caused.
“Johnny don’t-“ Tommy tried to stop him but quickly gave up knowing Johnny won’t listen to him. “Damnit.” Tommy over his eyes knowing he shouldn’t have agreed to help.
“Y/n, wait!” Catches up to them. Y/n’s jaw clenched trying to not turn around and slap him right then and there. Waiting for her response to no avail, Johnny grabbed onto her shoulder. Oh hell no. She snapped her body towards him letting go of Aaron’s hand. Y/n shoved Johnnys chest. “What the hell were you thinking, Johnny?!” She yelled furious with him. He stumbled back slightly. “Look, I’m sorry!” Johnny tried to apologize. The h/c girls eyes pierced through him like spears. She looked back at Aaron. “I’ll be right back.” She walked in front of Johnny grabbing the front of his jacket pulling him back to a quiet area. She lets go of his jacket crossing her arms feeling the small tears filling her eyes. Not believing he could actually do this to her. His eyes softened noticing her small tears. “I’m so sorry, Y/n. I-I..” he sighed trying to find the right words. “You shouldn’t give that jerk a chance, I know what kind of guy he is. I can tell okay?!”
“You don’t even know him, Johnny!” She scoffed not believing what he’s even saying. “Because I don’t want you to leave me!” Johnnys words slip out of his throat taking a step closer, faces mer inches apart.
Y/n eyes widened at his words. Johnny breathing hitches realizing what he just said. “What..?” She looks in his eyes not believing what he finally admitted to her. Johnny swallows the knot in his throat. “I like you.” Y/n feels her breathing gets heavier. She glances at his parted lips. And swallows nervously. “…me too.” She says softly. “i just thought we could only be friends.” Y/n’s gaze doesn’t move from his face. Johnnys eyes softened. This was his fault. He should have just said something just before the matter of time before he did something stupid, like this.
Without a warning he quickly pecks Y/n’s soft lips. Her eyes widened, he pulled back hesitantly. Slowly a small smile on her face appeared. A few moments pass before she placed a hand on his cheek and leaned up to his lips and gives a gentle kiss on his lips. Johnny melts into the kiss almost instantly titling his head leaning into the kiss better. Y/n pulls away and looks at his reaction. His eyes open by the look on his face he’s obviously shy. Y/n can’t help the laugh falling from her lips.
“You did it wrong the first time.”
“Then you’re gonna have to show me again.” He placed a hand on her soaking wet hair and pulled her into another kiss<3
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(Btw I have seen everyone’s requests! And I’m planning on working on them soon<3)
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juiceedapplee · 2 months
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Afterschool: Couches and Kisses
Gojo x male! Reader
Your order is ready! @darlingminjin
“…Me and Gojo, I don’t really care if you write it as smut or fluff or maybe even both. I just need something to feed my delusions, y’know? ✌️😗 I dunno, probs us cuddling?”
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Being a teacher is hard work, grading homework (taking naps), coming up with lesson plans (receiving missions), supervising hands-on activities (taking kids on missions), and even planning field trips (getting souvenirs during missions) take lots of time and energy. But Satoru still makes time for you no matter what, even if it isn’t easy due to your jobs, him as a teacher and sorcerer and yours as just a sorcerer. And whether that’s through flaunting his wealth by taking you out for dinner and movies or by hanging out together at home playing video games, he still makes time.
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—This is one cuddly man, if he’s to be around you he’s gonna be touching you in some way or another. Whether that’s holding hands or wrapping his arms around you.
“Im gonna put on Love Island, the new season is out and we gotta watch it together I heard it was really good!” You shouted from the living room. It was your turn to pick the days activity and having been out and about for the past two weeks a day inside was long overdue. “It’s season four right? I made Yuji watch it a few days ago, said it was pretty good.” Satoru said as he walked back to the couch, popcorn, some macarons he picked up yesterday, and two bottles of soda in hand. Satoru put the snacks down and plopped down on the couch next to you, pulling you close and enjoying your warmth.
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— There is no way in the world this man hasn’t done the thing where you yawn and then stretch out your arms and put them around the person your with. I think he does it like everywhere at least once.”
Satoru stretches out his arms as he yawns, not-so subtly putting them around you. “So, you come here often?” He says, turning his head to look at you. “Yes I do actually, believe it or not it’s my home.” You respond, eyes still focused on the show. Satoru, with a playful grin says “Really? I had nooo idea. So, you gotta a boyfriend? Or are you single?” Playfully rolling your eyes you turn to face him “Yeah, but he’s out right now. Why? You wanna go out with me?” A look of pretend shock and anger appear on Satoru’s face. “Are you about to cheat on me?” “Of course not baby, I would never, not in a million years.” You respond. “You totally were!” A pout appearing on your boyfriend’s face. “I can’t believe this, my beloved boyfriend just tried to cheat on me.” He huffs and turns his head, his arms retreating from around you and crossing in front of his chest. “Aw, I’m sorry baby. I promise I wouldn’t date anyone but you.” You say, wrapping your arms around him, peppering his face with kisses.
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—His favorite movie genre, probably rom-coms or drama. He loves being able to quote the shows or movies he watches too, especially since he has you to quote them to.
It’s been a week since you watched mean girls with Satoru and he has not been able to stop talking about it. “This is so fetch.” Satoru says while watching you cook dinner. “Satoru, stop trying to make fetch happen it’s not going to happen.” You say back. Satoru lets out a small laugh and puts his chin on your shoulder wrapping his arms around you. Yesterday you tried giving Satoru a quick kiss before you left and he said, “um, lipgloss.” You turned around and walked towards the door dumbfounded as Satoru laughed at the expression you made. As you went to work you could only think about what would happen if you showed him the heathers musical. (I think gojo would love musicals btw)
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—But sometimes, when the movies get sad or filled with romantic drama, he feels a bit insecure. He knows you love him but sometimes he get in his head.
“You would never do that to me right?” Satoru asks. The two of you watching a movie on the couch, the action in question is a girl leaving her boyfriend for someone “better”. “Of course not, I’ll say this as many times as I need but you are mine as I am yours. I love you with all my heart, nothing and nobody can change that. Not even god himself.” You pull him closer, placing your hands on his cheeks, giving him a kiss. It’s not very deep and not very long but your feelings are still clear, love and affection evident in the kiss and lingering touch on his face. “Thanks” Satoru smiles at you, a rare moment of pure vulnerability, a time in which his raw emotions are out in the open for you to see.
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Here’s your receipt!
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My first thoughts when I saw your request were angst, kfc breakup, unrequited feelings. But I believe the kfc breakup was a dream and so here we are!! I wanted to do like a full fledged fic but I made three paragraphs and then stopped for like two hours cause I got distracted and had a headache so now it’s hc’s with mini fics.
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hotxcheeto · 1 year
hi nevy! could u do a chloe X fem!reader but they have a secret relationship? the reader’s friends (victoria, nathan, basically the whole vortex) don’t like chloe at all. meaning the reader would have to sneak out at night to go see chloe. & if ur willing, could u add some angsty smut since chloe really doesn’t wanna be kept a secret anymore? thank u in advance
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Chloe Price x Fem!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, angst, smut, fluff sprinkled throughout, teasing, v fingering ( r! receiving ), kissing, talk of cheating ( no actual cheating ), mean names ( nate and chloe don't like each other )
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - Damn this sucks
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Your dorm room was almost silent, almost.
"I just don't get why you hang out with that weirdo." Victoria said, fixing her eye makeup while sitting at the vanity you had in your room. "Because she's my friend, Vic, just like you are."
Victoria huffed, but nodded nonetheless, looking at you in the reflection as you laid staring at your ceiling. Your mouth picking up where it had first left off,
"And she's not weird. A handful? Yes. Weird? She leaves that part to me." Victoria chuckled at your joke, standing up and walking over to your bed, crossing her arms as she glanced down at you.
"Whatever, I'm just glad you didn't fall for that puppy love crush she had on you. What a lame gimmick." You hummed, feeling the bed dip as she sat down, your door opening at almost the exact same time.
"I thought it was cute." You muttered, messing with a ring on your finger that the topic of conversation herself had gifted you. "What's cute?" Nathan's voice interrupted, the door then shutting.
"Nothing." Victoria stared at you for a moment as you spoke, her eyes then turning to Nathan. "Where the fuck have you been?" He scoffed, sitting beside your head. "What are you? My dad?"
He pulled out something from his pocket that you couldn't see, instead you focused on the way he smelled like old cologne and weed. Victoria's nails tickling your calf as she waited for him to light the joint.
"She's just worried, Nate." He grunted inaudible in response, taking a hit of the blunt before passing it to Victoria. "She should be worried about you. I seen you hanging with that punk ass blue haired bitch, again."
He dragged out his last word, glancing down at you while you only rolled your eyes. Looking away and towards your photo wall, which include said punk ass in a selfie you had made her take with you just a few days before.
"You don't know her." He grabbed the joint from Victoria's perfectly manicured fingers, "You'd be fucking surprised, Y/n/n." "She's done nothing you haven't"
Victoria watched you both go back and forth for a moment, leaning against your headboard. Smoke slowly swirling from her lips
"Whatever, don't come crying to me when she fucks you over." Giggling, you finally sat up, gesturing for the joint. "Sure Natie."
"Aw, Natie, we both know you're soft and squishy inside." Victoria commented, the boy glaring you both down as laughter filled the dorm. "Shut the fuck up, for the love of God."
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"Why can't you hang out Saturday again?"
"I have a-"
"Vortex club party, right."
Letting out a sigh, your head teetered to the left to look at her in the driver's side seat. Hand gripping her steering wheel while the other rested on your thigh, tapping along to the beat on the radio.
"Chlo, we can hang out Friday and Sunday. Promise." Your blue haired girlfriend turned her head, taking her eyes off the road to give you a glare. "Why can't I come?"
Taking a deep inhale, Chloe liked watching you squirm at the question. Laying your cheek against your knuckles while watching the trees pass by.
"You know they don't like you, I'm still warming them up. Doesn't help you bought drugs off Nate and then threatened him-" She laughed which cut you off, her grip becoming tighter. "Right, my fault he's a pretentious, rich, dickhead."
"Chloe, he is not that bad once you realize why he acts how he is." The truck then whipped into the driveway of your house, coming to a stop as she turned to look at you. "Right."
"I didn't judge you based on how you acted. I knew there was a reason you did." With that you opened the door and got out, leaving her sitting there in silence while trying to come up with a response.
Though you thought she was going to leave, like planned, the sound of the driver side door opening and closing said otherwise.
"Damn, don't let the door hit me." She smiled only when you did, following after you and into your house. Close behind while observing you set down your belongings on your kitchen counter.
"I promise Chlo, I will tell them about you when the time is right." The inside of her cheek sucked in, and you could tell she was frustrated. But she didn't stop listening.
"I just want a better relationship between you and them before I tell them about us. They worry about me." She hummed but didn't say anything, the wordlessness overly abnormal.
"I worry about you too, but sure, Victoria's probably single I mean I'm sure she'd love to-" "Chloe Elizabeth Price, that is not what I mean and you know it."
Her mouth shut as she stared, her head cocked to the side while that stupid expression pointed at you.
"Max worries about you. I'm not accusing you of wanting her or vice versa, am I?" With her head thrown back, she groaned, following you to your room. "Babe, I'm sorry." You opened your door, walking towards your bed. "I know. I am too, I'm just trying to keep the peace between people I really care about."
Chloe watched as you began to change into your loungewear, talking as you tossed your shirt away.
"Nate and Vic are coming around. I just need a little more time."
You turned around at her unresponsiveness, noticing her leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed.
"What?" She shook her head, "Nothing. Just admiring the view. You're hot when you're worked up." You stood now in only your bra and whatever bottoms you chose that morning, placing your hands on your hips.
"Is that so?" "Yeah, actually." Humming and nodding your head, you turned away from her. Unclipping the garment and tossing it away with the rest of your clothes from the day.
"You can't distract me by flirting Chloe."
Quickly you stripped yourself of your lower clothing, stepping out at the same time two cold hands landed on your belly.
"Chloe!" Her laughter was audible from her place in the crook of your neck, "You should just tell them already, no matter what they're gonna be mad." "You know why I can't do that. Nate would flip his shit, since y'know, you threatened him."
"Who cares what that asshole thinks about me." You pulled away from her, putting a shirt over your head and turning around. "I do, because he's one of my best friends."
She could tell that once again, she'd upset you. Rolling her eyes and falling onto your bed while watching you search for a pair of shorts.
"And I'm your secret hookup, color me stoked, hotstuff." You turned, practically fuming at this point, slamming your drawer shut in the process. Balling up your shorts in your hand just out of frustration.
"Fuck you, Chloe."
Her stare wasn't on your pissed off face, though, when you walked over to her. She was watching how your hips swayed instead, your bare skin being kissed by the yellow glow of your lamp.
"You know that's not true." She let out a strained laugh, snatching the shorts from your hold. "Do I?" Chloe asked.
"Don't start with that." Chloe smiled at that, or smirked, you didn't notice either because you were trying to get your bottoms back.
"I think I will."
Her cold hand landed on thigh, pushing you forward and tumbling into her lap. Her shoulders became a support beam as you tried not to fall against her.
"We're like Romeo and Juliet." You stated, trying to lighten the mood and pretend you didn't want to pluck her eyes from her head.
"Only Juliet won't tell her evil fucked up family because they don't like that Romeo doesn't suck the Vortex Club's dick." Chloe replied, her fingers slipping between your thighs making you shiver.
And as she inched closer, the more and more you wanted to press your lower half downward to meet her touch. A light throbbing pain beginning to envelop the area between your legs.
"Chloe-" "I want you to tell them." The pad of her finger brushed over your clit, a tiny little gasp escaping your lips. "I can't yet..." She laughed. "Who the fuck said that?"
You opened your mouth to reply but nothing came out. Her hand gathered your wetness while slowly beginning to circle your little bundle of nerves.
"That's what I thought." You glanced down, gripping her forearm as she played with you. Toying with your needy entrance while enjoying the tiny twitches your face made.
Her tattooed arm moving back and forth just enough to make you want more.
"You're such a dick." You mumbled, "Says the one keeping me a secret." You wanted to complain, you really did, but not a word came out. "I don't give a shit whether or not I meet Nathan Bitchscott's standards. But apparently you do."
"No- no I don't Chloe-"
It wasn't just you she was working up now, it was herself as well. Chloe's jaw clenching in aggravation at her own thoughts, but that stupid smile stuck.
And soon it grew wider when two of her fingers plunged inside of your cunt, a much louder sound admitting into the air. You thanked everything that no one was home. Helplessly listening to the wet sounds of her moving in and out at an agonizingly moderate pace.
"Then tell them, because I'm sick of waiting." Her other hand snaked up towards the back of your head. Pushing you towards her mouth to catch you in a kiss. Her lips tasted like cigarettes and the soda you'd given her earlier in the day.
"Unless you're embarrassed? You embarrassed of me, hotstuff?"
She chuckled as you shook your head, a pout on your lips as she kissed you again. Her long fingers reached each and every little spot that made you hum against her open mouth.
"Faster, please.." And like you commanded, her hand sped up. Your body practically locking up against hers, your thighs shaking to hold the rest of you from toppling your girlfriend.
And closer and closer you inched towards your high. Beginning to sweat and pant, holding her, pleading silently, asking for release.
"Come on..." You kissed her once more, your legs giving out as your weight fell against Chloe. Her fingers still moving in and out, your hips humping against her hand which soon allowed a third finger inside.
Her mouth then got close to your ear. Her warm breath tickling your skin as she fucked into you. The pads of her fingers running up and down your walls.
"You tell them, or I take my hand away. How's that fucking idea?"
The noise you made sounded unholy, thighs clamping around her hand.
"I will, I will I promise, please Chloe- fuck." You whined the last word, her digits running along your special spot again and again as you stared into her eyes. "I will please, please let me cum."
Her other hand gripped the inside of your thigh, pulling them apart once again.
"Promise?" She watched your head move up and down quickly as you agreed, "I promise, Chlo, I promise." You whimpered, riding her hand as you tried your hardest to keep yourself close, despite her slowing.
Always the tease.
"Yeah?" Again you nodded over and over until she finally sped up, fucking into you at an unruly pace. Her palm hitting against your clit just right to the point of you crying out into the crook of her neck.
"M'close Chlo- please..."
"Fuck just- let go babe."
And you did, as the coil grew tighter and tighter, her neck vibrated as you moaned. Shaking as your hips sputtered against her knuckles. Pulling away just to kiss her lips, her throat swallowing up your sounds.
"M'sorry.." You muttered against her lips as you pulled back, your hand still holding her wrist that was between your thighs.
"You're gonna tell them, right?"
"Mhm." You nod, earning a sweet smile from your girlfriend.
"Thanks hot stuff."
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sageworld · 1 year
The Christmas Kids • Rafe Cameron. (part II)
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“the christmas kids were nothing but a gift,
and love is a tower where all of us can live.”
he was really sweet in the beginning but then something changed
WARNINGS • Cheating, mentions of sex work, reader catches an STD, overall just a upsetting chapter
christmas kids masterlist; here
it had been hours and you couldn’t stop the tears. you laid yours’ & rafe’s half full bed in your pajamas sobbing your eyes out.
your bed side clock read, rafe still wasn’t home he had texted you saying he was going out with top & kelce to watch the football game at the local bar around 7:30 & that was the last you heard from him.
you ponder back onto the events that had happened before that. you had walked into your local planned parenthood, complaints of vaginal pain, slime like discharge & a overall smell that you’d been insecure about for about two days now.
“hi mrs. cameron, im maddy & i’ll be your nurse today. i see on file that you want to get STD tested today.” your nurse greets you while closing the door behind her.
“yes, i’ve been having some issues and i just wanna make sure.” the small talk continues on for some time before she gives you the small green lidded cup & you head to the bathroom.
as you finish your business you leave it in the small metal box in the bathroom, going back to wait in the nurses office like directed. the nerves running through you.
your phone buzzed.
rafey💍🧿: hey babe, just checked your location. wyd?
y/n: just been having some cramp issues is all.
you put your phone down when the nurse comes back in, your phone binging as you do so but you choose to ignore it.
“hi again, so we got your results back & unfortunately you’ve tested positive for chlamydia.” you don’t hear much past that. trying to swallow down the lump in your throat, focusing on trying not to cry in her office.
“mrs.cameron?” she tries to gain your attention to which you look up to her from your chair, teary eyed. “you will have to alert all partners you’ve been with-.” “i’ve only been with my fiancé, they’re must be some mistake.” the tears start to fall.
“i know this is hard, you should recommend your fiancé come in for some testing as well.” she rubs your back. “i want to be tested again, there must’ve been a mistake.” you sob, feeling the headache coming.
“mrs. cameron, we can test again but i can assure you that you’re positive for it, im gonna prescribe you some antibiotic that you can pick up at any local pharmacy.”
fast forward back to now, over pondering on the events of the day. your heart aches, you knew rafe. you knew of his infidelities but the thought never crossed your mind that he wasn’t using protection.
a nervous rumble fills your belly as you hear the roar of his trucks engine pulling up in your drive way.
your clock now reads, football game my ass.
you knew he was never really watching football, rafe had more than a few addictions. somewhere in between the cocaine and money, strippers had fell into it. there was a club about 30 minutes away on the mainland that you’d seen rafe’s location at a few times. and after a few text searches you knew top & kelce had always gone with him.
at first you didn’t think it was bad, you’d looked at other guys before while in the relationship, hell for your eighteenth girls sleepover your friends got you a male stripper as a joke. that was until you woke up and saw nearly 2900 had been withdrawn from your & rafe’s account. it didn’t say what on but you could only assume he had taken out cash.
as time went on & it got worse, you could only wonder. why them?
he was engaged to you but he always found his way back to them. why couldn’t you be good enough? it felt like no matter how many hours you spent in the gym, no matter how clean and lean you ate it wasn’t enough. you always wondered if he was bored of your body, seeing the same things over and over again. but, that’s not much of a topic you should be thinking about.
you try and contain your sobs as he opens your bed room door, stumbling over to you. it’s clear he thinks your asleep. “mm sweet kitty.” he slurs, liquor taken over him as he bends over the bed to plant a kiss on your forehead.
you don’t move or dare open your eyes even after you hear the door to your master bathroom shut & the shower water turn on.
you shove your face into the pillow and quietly sob, the pillow nearly soaked from the hours you’d spent crying, salivating & snot running onto it.
3:26 am
you quickly open your eyes to see the time as the bathroom door opens again, he turns off the light before hopping into his side of the bed, cuddling you under the covers. even though your backs faced to him you can now smell rafe and not some cheap whoreish perfume.
you debating for a bit, should i tell him or wait till tomorrow
but as soon as you get ready to turn you hear his soft snores.
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6:24 am
despite the lack of sleep you’re up early & cannot stand the idea of staying cuddled up with rafe. you quietly get up and sneak away, grabbing a cute gym two piece set.
after doing a few hygiene things and grabbing the essentials, gym bag, pre work out, stanley, airpods & a small protein bar for the road you’re off.
working out was always a good way to clear your mind, just put your airpods in and focus on you.
your body drips in sweat as you’re 30 flights into your stair master. you’d done a few other things and had been here for god knows how long.
buzz buzz buzz
your airpods ring in your ears.
FaceTime call: Rafey🧿💍
you hesitate to answer but decide to anyways.
“mm kitty, why’d you run off so early?” rafe answers, sleepy voice and still in bed.
“just wanted to get out the house.” you simply answers,looking down to focus on the stairs. “should’ve woken me up i would’ve come.” rafe frowns. you shrug on the camera, “what’s wrong?” rafe asks, your attitude upsetting him.
“nothing just have somethings i need to talk to you about when i get home.” you can tell what you said make rafe anxious as his eyes open a bit.
“really kitty? about what?” his voice holds excitement. ok so maybe not nervous.
“im finishing up here and i’ll tell you when i get home.” the conversation goes on for a bit longer with rafe just wanting you to tell him but untimely he agrees for you to tell him at home, after saying your goodbyes and love yous, you make your descend off the machine.
you don’t wanna go but decide it’s for the best, packing your stuff into your gym bag & making your way out the door.
it feels all too soon as you walk into the front door of your house, the tv playing loudly. it’s a saturday so rafe’s off today, the sound off last nights football games highlights playing.
“hi kitty.” rafe smiles, man spread on the couch still in his pajama pants and no shirt. “hey rafe.” you say blandly, the sight of him disgusting you. “c’mere kitty, what’d you wanna talk to me about.” he pats his lap for you to sit. “i-i think i’m gonna shower first.” the definitely wasn’t a conversation you wanted to have with rafe.
you were sure, rafe knew you knew he was cheating. yet the one or two times you had even slightly brought it up he shut it down saying he didn’t know what you were talking about. you knew he saw your face when you once saw a hickey left on his neck that wasn’t from you. when you can smell another woman on him, when he comes home at the late hours of the night/early hours of the morning.
“no, no. i have to shower too but let’s talk first.” rafe’s voice is soft, inviting it usually is when rafe thinks he gonna get home kind of good news from you. what does he think i wanna talk about?
“rafe, have you been using protection like when you’re having sex?” the lump in your throat forms as rafe sits his body up completely, nervous look on his face. “well uh-kitty we don’t use condoms but you’re on your birth control.” he runs his hand through his hair, a tall tale sign he’s nervous or feels like he’s been caught.
“not with me rafe and, i swear to god if you’re not honest with me i will walk right back out that door and i will not come back.” you’re frustration only grows.
“i-i usually do but just sometimes i don’t but i promise when i don’t i pull out or-or-or i make them take a plan b in front of me i swear.” rafe stands fidgeting with his hands as he steps closer to you. “whyre you asking me this?” rafe stops in front of you, voice shaking.
“i went to planned parenthood yesterday & turns out i have chlamydia. we both know you’re the only one i’ve ever been with so, yeah.” you nod your head, a tear falling as you bite your lip.
“so you’re not pregnant?” rafe’s head hangs low as he reaches for you, making you step back. “why the actual fuck would i be pregnant?” is that what he thought?
“well i saw you went there yesterday and you said cramps but i knew you weren’t on your period because we’ve been having sex like everyday, so i just thought.” rafe explains, grabbing his hair in both hands before letting out a breath of air & before you know it he’s hyperventilating.
“r-rafe, calm down.” you wanna tell him it’s okay just to get him out of this state but it’s not okay, it’s not fair to you. you walk up to him and he begins to slowly place himself on the ground, one hand on his chest and one still in his hair and he tries to find his rhythm to breath. “rafe you need to calm down, now.” your tone more stern as you get down next to him.
“i’m so sorry my kitty, im so fucking sorry.” he sobs into your stomach. “rafe, stop fucking cry please and let’s talk.” you’re over it at this point. you’ve been cheated on, embarrassed & given an std by the man who’s supposed to love you the most & he’s here crying.
he looks up to you, shocked by your tone. “o-okay.” he sniffles, sitting his back up against the side of the couch.
“i’m just going to keep it simple rafe. i want you to go to planned parenthood for antibiotics, i want you to stop fucking these bitches, i expect you home by no later than 10:00pm and if you can’t do that then the weddings off.” you shrug and let out a sigh at the last part. “o-okay, i-i promise.” he stutters out when suddenly it hits him, “please don’t take away the weddding.” his sobs almost remind you of a child who’s favorite toy has been taken as he goes back to crying into your stomach.
“rafe, we’re still getting married as long as you get your shit together.” you sigh, scratching his scalp with your acrylic nails which you know he loves.
“i swear baby, im gonna ma-make this right.”
god i hope so.
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Don't leave
Jeongin x reader, jeongin is toxic and kind of a stalker 🙈, slight yandere jeongin, not proof read😬
Mention of yunjin(yes from Le Sserafim)
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It's been four months since you and jeongin broke up,you were the one who broke up with him. I mean he was toxic he would come back from 'work' with a bunch of lip stick stains on his face and neck. Did he really think that you were stupid? It was painfully obvious that he was cheating, when you asked him about it he would shrug it off and tell you you're being dramatic and that he would never cheat on you.
You left him there was no way you were gonna let him treat you like that, it's been four months since then and you were living your best life, going out almost every weekend, shopping regularly it couldn't get better! "I'm so glad you left him" your friend yunjin boasted as she bit into her chocolate drizzled donut, "Me too, I can't believe I let him drag me like that for so long" You agreed placing down the bags on the table knowing who she was referring too, "Whatever, he's in the past now"Yunjin said wiping the sugar off her hands. You simply just nodded to let her know you understood and agreed with her statment,you and yunjin talked for a while until it was time for her to leave, she went to your front door and waved goodbye before shutting the door.
Whilst you and yunjin were talking you packed the bags away to get it out of the way, you got ready for bed and turned of all the lights in the house,finally able to rest on your bed. As you were trying to fall asleep you had a weird feeling that someone was watching you, it felt like eyes we're starting right at you,this isn't the first time,ever since last month you've been feeling like this. You're just being dramatic, that's what you told yourself,that did make you at ease but it comforted you temporarily so you could fall asleep.
The next day came and it was a normal morning, nothing out of the blue, everything was a it should be. Even though you just went out yesterday, you decided to go out again. What's the harm? You just wanted some alone time. You put on your shoes and grabbed your keys and exited your apartment, once you closed the door you felt the same pair of eyes on you. What was going on? You tried to walk a bit further and the more you walked you realised that someone was following you, you heard footsteps following your every turn and movement and these footsteps weren't your own.To feel more safe you called your friend yunjin
"hey, what's u-"
"yunjin?" You said fear lacing your voice
"Yes, what's wrong you sound scared"
"I think someone is following me"
"I hear the same footsteps" you said in a whisper not wanting whoever was following you to hear the conversation you are having.
"You don't think it's him, do you"
"No-no it can't be, he doesn't know were I live" you uttered knowing immediately who she was referring too.
"Okay listen to me go to the mall, you know the place we visited yesterday. there's always a lot of people there. Stay there and I'll pick you up okay?"
"Okay" you said your voice coming out in a whisper.
You ended the call hesitantly and speed walked to the mall, luckily it wasn't that far from your current location.As yunjin said there were loads of people there any kidnapping attempt would be unsuccessful, you sat on an empty bench and waited for yunjin too come pick you up, bouncing your leg and anxiously looking around,after a short while you spot familiar blonde hair in the crowd. Which caused you too stand up and run to it, your guess was right, it was yunjin.She could she the afraid look on your face causing her to look even more worried
"Do you wanna stay at my place until tonight? "
You nodded in response and clinged onto her arm,waiting to get inside her house already,yunjin walked you to her car and drove away to her house.Once inside yunjin's house you sat on her couch and spaced out until you heard her call out your name
"Are you doing better, you seem.. stressed"
"I just-i've also been feeling like someone has been watching me for the past month"
"MONTH?! Why didn't you tell me this"
You stayed quiet unable to give an answer yunjin sighed and put a hand on your shoulder.Youve been at yunjins house so long that it was starting to become dark outside
"Are you sure you can handle going back home you can stay the night of you want"yunjin offered
"No it's okay, ill be okay"
Yunjin agreed hesitantly and waved you goodbye and telling you to stay safe, you closed the door and began to walk to your house. Halfway through the journey to your house, the sky already became dark, tiny stars highlight it.Peoples lights were turning on and curtains were closing, meaning it was officially night time. You felt a little nervous knowing you were alone at night but you told yourself it'll be okay, keeping you calm, but all that calmness faded away once you heard those footsteps again. Those same footsteps.
This caused you to quicken your paste and walk a bit faster, not wanting whoever was behind you to catch you. The person copied your speed, walking just as fast as you are. They copied everything you were doing,you took notice of this and your heart rate began to speed up and thoughts raced through your head. One of them was "maybe I should call yunjin", you took out your phone and looked at the battery ,2%, your heart dropped seeing this, can you even make it through a phone call? You scrolled through your contacts until you found yunjin, tapping on her icon and calling her. " hello?"her voice from the other side of the phone was heard. "Yunjin I'm being followed again" you whispered,"please help".Yunjin got chills down her spine once hearing this,there was nothing she could do.Your location wasn't on so she couldn't even see where you are and you're probably way to far from her house for her to come and get you before anything happens. "Um, okay,uh"Yunjin struggled to find words as much as she struggled to find a solution. "Run. Just run as fast as can till you make it okay?"Yunjin spoke, this being the only solution she could find.Before you could say anything in response the call ended, your phone died. You cursed as you saw your phone power off, but put your phone back in your pocket and started running. You ran and ran and so did the person behind you they seemed to be running faster than you, scaring you even more. You ran until arms wrapped around you and cold metal sat against your neck.
"Scream and I'll slit your throat"
And everything went black
Sorry for the late post, I've just been having no motivation lately
The last two lines were inspired from this fanfic I read from @linos-luna so credit to them!
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ophelia-writes-fics · 23 days
you're screwed up and brilliant, look like a million dollar man [kilgrave x reader - 18+]
A second run-in with Kilgrave leaves you reeling.
Tags (please read!): smut, fem!reader, AFAB!reader, mind control kink, mentions of marking during sex, fear, implied fear kink, degradation, some praise (but mostly mixed with degradation), humiliation, humiliation/degradation kink, hair pulling, edging, begging, frottage, handjobs, overstimulation, like a LOT of overstimulation, i cannot emphasize the overstimulation enough, possessiveness, light face slapping, mirror sex, riding, clit slapping, painplay, spanking, sadism (kilgrave), masochism (reader), multiple orgasms, a frankly unrealistic amount of orgasms
Word Count: ~6.3k
super dubious consent. like last time, reader is into everything without being compelled (with one smallish exception if you squint?), but again, it's not negotiated
unprotected sex
mind control/mind altering
Kilgrave is still a walking red flag (and we love him anyways <3)
(as always, talk to your partners, get consent, etc :))
part one here
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It had been a long, exhausting week since you last saw the man known only to you as Kilgrave. You hadn’t stopped thinking about him since your last encounter, not just because you’d had to take the next few days off of work afterwards — your boss was worried that getting up onstage covered in bruises, scratches, and bite marks might send the wrong message to the patrons of the club. She’d been worried about you too, but you’d assured her that everything was fine. Which it was. The other reason you couldn’t stop thinking about him was because you desperately wanted to see him again. 
However, you still needed money, so having time off at your night job meant picking up evening shifts at your day job, which was bartending at a casino on the other side of town. It was Thursday, which meant the place was absolutely deserted, and the patrons who did show up were barely drinking anything. The past two hours of your shift had involved nothing but standing behind a bar, staring into space, and wiping down the pristine counter every few minutes in an attempt to look busy.
However, you were snapped out of your mindless rhythm when your coworker tapped you on the shoulder.
“Hey,” she said, anxiously shifting from one foot to the other. “So, my break is coming up and I’m super tired and I really wanna take it, but there’s some weird shit going on in there.” She jerked her head towards the main room. “There’s this guy at the poker table? He keeps winning with the worst fucking hands I’ve ever seen, and it’s, like, insane amounts of money. Way more than I’ve ever seen anyone come in here with. Could you take over for me for, like, 20 minutes? And could you keep an eye on them and tell me what happens when I get back?” 
Damn it. 
There was one man you knew who could definitely win at high-stakes poker with the worst hands imaginable. You didn’t know for sure, but you had a sneaking suspicion that was only growing that you’d be seeing him sooner than you’d previously expected. 
You took the champagne bottle from your coworker’s hands without a second thought and walked into the main room, bracing yourself for whatever waited inside. 
The moment you stepped through the door, all your suspicions were confirmed. Even with his back turned to you, you could practically feel his presence in the air. 
Right there, holding court in the center of the room, sitting at the head of a table covered in poker chips and stacks of cash, was Kilgrave. 
You sighed. Goddamn it, you thought to yourself. As captivating as he was, you were still technically on the job, and you’d get fired if the house lost that much money on your watch. You’d get in extra trouble if anyone found out someone had cheated their way into getting it. Your mind raced as you tried to formulate a strategy. 
Okay. You can’t try to kick him out. If you call security, he’ll just tell them to fuck off and they will. You can’t tell the dealer, because there’s no way he’ll believe that the other players have been mind controlled. Besides, you can’t call attention to yourself. He’ll recognize you. Unless…
An idea clicked in your head. 
There’s no way he’d give up that kind of money, unless he had something better to tempt him.
You weren’t sure it would work, but if it did, well… it was a win-win situation, wasn’t it? 
You slowly crept up to the table. No one spared you more than a passing glance, including Kilgrave, whose eyes were firmly on the cards in front of him. You snuck a look over his shoulder as you approached. He really did have the worst hand imaginable. It was almost funny. 
You took a breath to steady yourself, then softly cleared your throat as you placed a hand on his shoulder. 
You’d been expecting a few different reactions, but you didn’t expect him to shake you off without even looking up. 
Oh, of course he’s a dick to waitresses. It deeply annoyed you that, somehow, this didn’t make you want to fuck him less. Irritated, without giving it a second thought, you gave him a light, backhanded smack on the arm. 
The table went silent. That got his attention. 
He turned around to face you. His expression, which had started as a mix of bewilderment and anger, quickly shifted to one of alarmed recognition. He blinked once, his brow furrowing. 
“It’s you,” he said, his tone unreadable. 
You gave him a tight-lipped smile. “It’s me,” you replied. 
Kilgrave stared you down for a moment. You desperately wanted to break eye contact, for him to forget you were ever there, to just go back to work, until suddenly, his expression changed slightly, and he turned to face the men at the table, setting his cards down. 
“Right. I’m leaving. Do not get up from this table, and don’t cheat. We’ll continue this game when I get back.”
He stood up and took your arm, pulling you away. 
“Are you really just going to leave them there?” You craned your neck to try and see if his command had worked, and sure enough, everyone remained seated and still. A knot formed in your stomach. 
He didn’t answer as he pulled you out of the room and down the hallway to the coat check, snapping his fingers at the employee behind the counter. 
“You. Take over for her. Serve champagne, clean tables, whatever it is she does.” Kilgrave plucked the bottle of champagne from your hand and thrust it at the checker. You hadn’t even realized you were still holding it. “Close the coat check. We’ll be going back there. Don’t bother us.” And with that, he breezed past, pulling you into the coatroom with him and slamming the door behind you both. 
The moment the door was shut, Kilgrave cornered you against a wall — not touching you, but close enough that he could grab you if you tried to leave. 
“What are you doing here?” he hissed. 
“I work here!” you replied indignantly. 
“Tell the truth.”
“I. Work. Here. It’s my day job.” 
His posture relaxed slightly, but he still didn’t step back. 
“Did you follow me here?” 
“No,” you answered, keeping your tone as calm as possible. You just hang around shady establishments a lot, apparently, you added silently. 
He leaned back a bit. 
“Why did you approach me?” 
“Because you were illegally winning a ton of money off the house and I don’t want to get fired,” you huffed, before somewhat reluctantly muttering, “And I wanted you to fuck me again.”
“Repeat that last bit?” 
“I wanted you to fuck me again,” you snapped, a bit louder than you’d meant to. “But frankly, right now I’m not in the mood anymore.”
He pursed his lips. “Why not?” 
“Because you’re keeping those people prisoner in there!”
“Which people?” 
You stared at him in disbelief, trying to gauge whether or not he was messing with you. Shockingly, his confusion seemed completely sincere. “Those men at the poker table. Are you just going to make them sit there for however long you’re gone?” 
He glanced in the direction of the casino and sighed with irritation, as if he’d just remembered they were there, before shaking it off with a slight roll of his eyes. 
“Forget about them. Come upstairs with me.”
Your brain filled with that all-too-familiar cold fog. It felt like you had tripped going up the stairs - your whole body was thrown off balance, your heart raced, and your thoughts raced to catch up after the interruption. What had you been thinking about? Something about the main room? 
You must have been worried about someone covering for your coworker. Yes, that seemed right. He’d told someone to do it, hadn’t he? Yes, he had. Then it was fine. There was nothing to worry about. 
With that, your brain fog cleared, and your worries went with it. You realized you were trailing behind him as he walked towards the elevators. 
As you passed the entrance to the casino itself, you turned your head slightly and peeked into the room. You cocked your head. Huh. I wonder what all those guys are doing just sitting at that table. I don’t think they were there before.
When the elevator arrived at the top floor, Kilgrave walked ahead of you along the hallway to the penthouse suite at the very end, pointing you towards the bed once you were inside. 
You grinned, reclining on your back and supporting yourself on your elbows as you kicked off your shoes, watching him shrug off his jacket and undo his belt before sitting down at the armchair in the corner of the room. 
He then turned his gaze toward you and clicked his tongue disapprovingly. “Stand up,” he ordered, as if it should have been obvious. You obeyed, and it felt like second nature by now. You felt the cold hardwood floor under your feet, even through your stockings, and you couldn’t help but turn your gaze slightly downward as he observed you, scanning you up and down for any imperfections. 
He sighed. “No, no, this won’t do.” 
Your heart dropped. He couldn’t be bored of you already, could he? You felt slightly panicky, as the reality of what he could do caught up to you again. Would he make you forget everything you’d done that day? Forget he existed? Would he kill you? Your mind raced as you tried to figure out if you could run before he ordered you to do anything. You felt your muscles tensing, preparing to bolt at a moment’s notice. 
“Take off your clothes,” he commanded, keeping his dark eyes on you. 
Your whole body flooded with relief and arousal. You briefly scolded yourself as you quickly stripped out of your uniform, the rational side of your brain reminding you that worrying that he was going to kill you if he was even slightly dissatisfied with you is probably a red flag before the horny side of your brain dismissed the thought with a well, he didn’t, and you don’t know he would, so it’s probably fine. 
You stood bare before him, hands clasped in front of you, obediently awaiting his instructions. He beckoned you over with a small motion of his finger, and you sank to your knees in front of him. You fidgeted nervously as he watched you, biting your lip as you worked up the nerve to ask him for what you wanted most. 
“Could you, um…could you do that…thing again?” 
His brows raised slightly. “What ‘thing’?” 
“The thing where you…um…command me, or whatever it is you call it. The mind control thing.” You hesitated before adding a quiet “please.” 
You weren’t sure what you were expecting, if you were expecting any response at all, but one of the last items on your list of things you were expecting to come out of Kilgrave’s mouth was a short, shocked, high-pitched laugh. A grin spread across his face as he stared down at you, and you felt a fluttering in your chest. 
“You really would let me do whatever I want to you.” It was a statement, not a question, but you nodded vigorously anyway. “God, that’s disgusting. You’re so desperate to get off that you’d cum your brains out if I mind controlled you?!” 
You squirmed, face burning as you clenched your thighs, and he laughed again. You felt pathetic, and it made your cunt ache for him. 
He considered you for a moment—you could practically feel him wondering what exactly he should do with you— before stretching one leg in out front of him, positioning himself so that the toe of his brand-new, expensive-looking leather dress shoe was just barely starting to press into your clit. You kept completely still, waiting for his orders, your body alight with anticipation.
“You want to get off that badly, then do it,” Kilgrave said, his bored tone only thinly veiling his enthusiasm to watch. 
You wasted no time, desperately rubbing yourself against him the minute you were permitted to, grinding your sensitive clit against the black leather. You bit your lip, moaning in humiliated arousal at the feeling, watching as your pussy dripped with need all over the supple material as you fucked yourself stupid. 
You felt Kilgrave’s hand in your hair, pulling you closer and shoving your cheek against his knee, holding you in place and keeping your eyes on him as you rutted against him. 
“You’re filthy,” he rasped, pressing his foot into your clit harder as you watched his arousal grow. “You’re disgusting, getting off like this, riding my fucking shoe, it’s fucking vile. God, I just want to watch you do that for hours…and you would, wouldn’t you? If I ordered you, you’d do it. I don’t think I’d even have to control you, I think you just want it that badly. Such a depraved little thing, aren’t you?” 
You nodded, and he smiled at you. 
“Of course you are. Keep going. Don’t you dare stop. I don’t care how sore you get, you’re going to keep going until you wear yourself out. Do you hear me?” He pulled your hair tighter, turning your face to him for emphasis. “Nod if you understand me.” 
You obeyed, feeling the friction against your cheek as you nodded again. You kept going, desperately chasing your orgasm, your senses blurring into a pleasured haze as your eyes rolled back, when without warning, your whole body seized, harshly stopping your motions. It took your brain a moment to process that Kilgrave had told you to stop. You looked up at him, and you must have looked as betrayed as you felt, because a self-satisfied smile appeared across his face. 
“Oh, sorry,” he mocked, mimicking your affronted pout before his grin returned. “It just looked like you were getting close. I wanted to remind you that I didn’t say you could cum.” 
You whined in protest, but the sound was cut off when Kilgrave pressed his hand over your mouth. He leaned back once you were quiet, his detached demeanor only slightly interrupted by the visible outline of his hard cock in his pants. 
“Keep going, but don’t cum. You don’t deserve it yet.” 
You obeyed. Of course you did. Your body betrayed you, automatically stopping you before you could cum, each time getting just that little bit closer before it was ripped away, over and over again until you lost count. It was torture, and although you would have done anything for it to end, you couldn’t get enough, drinking in every sensation at once. All the while, Kilgrave watched you intently, only speaking when you began to beg after what you thought was your seventh time being edged, although you’d long since lost count. 
“Kilgrave, p-please, I can’t anymore, it’s too much, I’m going to break, I can’t take any more!” 
He gave you a mocking little frown in response. “What a shame. I thought you were tougher than that.” 
“I am, I can be! I just — ahh! Please, please, I just want it so bad…” 
“Oh, is that it? You just want it so badly? In that case…” He patted your head, which would have made you melt if it hadn’t been so condescending. “You can make yourself useful, can’t you? Use that empty head of yours and think of something you can do to earn it.” 
You didn’t dare stop rubbing against him, afraid you’d be punished if you stopped edging yourself for even a moment, so you kept going, the torturous friction of the fabric of his trousers against your clit making your heart pound as you leaned forward to undo his belt and take his cock in your hand. 
He offered nothing more than a small moan from between clenched teeth in response, but that was all you needed. You stroked his cock, slowly and gently at first, watching him as closely as you could. You followed every cue his body gave you - every small motion, every sharp breath, every thrust of his hips - chasing them, desperate for more. You wanted to earn it. You needed to earn it. Your body longed for it like oxygen, longed for approval, for your orgasm, for his cock finally inside you again. 
You stroked him harder; slow, steady motions that lavished him with attention and calmed your shaking hands. Judging by the way he gripped the arm of the chair, he seemed to be nearly as close as you were. You sped up both your hips and your hand, trying to finish him off before he could rip your pleasure away again, moving entirely on instinct and desperation. However, as you neared your peak, you felt his hand on your wrist, pulling you away. You looked up, your vision slightly cloudy, prepared to beg him not to stop you, but the command never came. All he did was look back at you, eagerly watching as you fucked yourself against him. 
You refused to let your opportunity slip away. Unless he forced you not to, then you were going to cum. You sped up, ignoring the ache in your muscles. Your hips stuttered and ground against him harder, rubbing your clit with short, rough little thrusts. Your vision was completely out of focus now, your eyes half-lidded — your brain was too fucked out to function properly, let alone see clearly. Every bit of your body burned, but all you could do was keep going and going and going, getting closer and closer, your breath coming in quick gasps as you rapidly approached your peak, and he still didn’t stop you.  
Your entire body tensed as your orgasm hit you like a tidal wave, muscles trembling from being clenched so tightly for so unbearably long. You gave a strangled moan that became a wail as the sensation fully washed over you, and you collapsed against Kilgrave, your hips still erratically jerking against him. You felt overwhelming relief as he let go of your hair; the sudden loss of tension made you realize how tightly he’d been holding on. He shoved your chin upward with his knee, forcing you to make eye contact. 
“Get on the bed,” he ordered, and your stomach dropped. You were thoroughly worn out and so overstimulated it hurt, but the look in Kilgrave’s eyes told you that you weren’t getting a break. 
You clambered unsteadily to your feet, nearly falling twice, legs still shaking. You barely managed to get upright enough to collapse facedown onto the duvet. 
You moaned weakly, feeling Kilgrave’s hands around your hips before he flipped you over so that you were facing him. He leaned in close, lips nearly touching yours, his hands holding your wrists in place by your head, his cock pressing against your clit in a way that had you fighting your own instincts to squirm away from the overstimulation.  
“Now, did you follow my orders from last time?” 
Your mind raced to clear away the exhaustion as you tried to remember the request he’d given you the last time you met, and you nodded. “I haven’t slept with anyone else,” you panted as you tried to catch your breath. 
“Hmm,” Kilgrave purred, letting go of one wrist to tangle his fingers in your hair. “And why is that?” 
You blinked in confusion. “Because…you told me to?” 
Kilgrave clicked his tongue once in disapproval. “No, no, that can’t be it,” he said, his expression one of feigned contemplation. “Any order I give wears off after twelve hours. You wouldn’t know that, of course,” he gave you a quick glance before continuing, “So you must have not wanted to.” 
For some reason, you’d assumed that his commands lasted longer. Looking back, it was odd that you couldn’t tell when whatever power he had wore off. But he was right, you supposed. Whether the thought was originally yours or not, you hadn’t wanted to fuck anyone else for at least six days after the command would have worn off, so you hadn’t. 
You nodded in agreement, a bit dazed. It was so hard to focus with him touching you. 
“And why didn’t you want to?” 
That you didn’t have an answer prepared for. 
“Um…I…just didn’t?” Your response came out like a question. 
“Hmm, not quite.” Kilgrave tilted his head slightly to one side, waiting for another answer, but when you stayed quiet, he leaned in further, lips brushing against the shell of your ear. 
“The correct answer,” he whispered, his tone growing dangerous, “is that you don’t want to fuck anyone else because you’re mine. Isn’t that right?” 
The familiar brain fog took over as you felt a warmth in the pit of your stomach. “Yes, it is,” you replied instinctually. 
“Then say it.” 
“I’m yours, Kilgrave.” 
“I’m yours! Now please, please fuck me, or I swear to god I’ll—“
“You’ll what?” His tone darkened. 
You bit your lip. You didn’t know what to say. You didn’t know what you could do against him. You couldn’t overpower him. You wouldn’t ever want to. 
He reached up and slapped your face — lightly, but hard enough to know that he wasn’t afraid to take things further if you didn’t cooperate. 
“Answer me, slut. What exactly are you going to do to me if I don’t fuck you right now?” 
Your mouth opened of its own accord at his command. “Nothing,” you choked out. “I won’t do anything. I’ll be good.” 
Kilgrave rewarded you with a satisfied “hmm” and a smug smile before pulling away. 
“Show me your neck,” he ordered. 
Confused and a bit terrified, but in no position to argue, you craned your chin upward, closing your eyes as you exposed your most vulnerable flesh to the man above you. You could feel your pulse jump, just below your sensitive skin. You couldn’t hold back a shiver when Kilgrave ran his fingertips, gently and slowly, down the column of your throat, over the nearly-faded bruises he’d left the last time you saw each other. 
He went still for a moment, lingering on the prints of his fingers on your skin before pressing down ever-so-slightly. 
You gasped, but managed to keep yourself from squirming as Kilgrave wrapped his slender hand around your neck, not hard enough to choke you, but enough to make you need to take a deeper breath than normal. You squeezed your eyes shut, pressing your thighs together and willing yourself to be patient, before you felt Kilgrave’s other hand shove your legs apart before slamming two fingers into you. Your body jerked involuntarily as he roughly scissored them, thrusting them in and out a few times before pulling away entirely and sitting down on the edge of the bed. You glanced up at him, slightly confused. 
“Come here,” he ordered, patting his leg in a clear invitation for you. “Face the mirror.”
You obeyed, struggling to move on your still-shaky legs, situating yourself so that your back was to him as you lowered yourself onto his lap. You gasped as you felt Kilgrave press his cock into you as you did so, impatiently forcing you backwards so that he was buried deep in your cunt with barely a moment for you to adjust to the feeling of him inside you. His hands grasped your inner thighs, pulling them apart roughly so that you had no choice but to watch yourself being fucked. He leaned in close, biting your neck before ordering: 
“Ride me. I don’t care if your legs hurt. Don’t stop fucking yourself until I tell you to.”
You were in no position to disobey. You moved as best you could, still trying to stay as close as possible to him, grinding your hips against his lap, closing your eyes as you felt him hit your most sensitive spot. He moved his legs so that they were keeping yours wide open, pinning you right where he wanted you. He grabbed your chin roughly and forced your half-lidded gaze towards the mirror on the wall in front of you. 
“Look at yourself. Look at you, getting fucked by a complete stranger. It’s pathetic. I absolutely ruined you the last time we met and you loved it so much, you just couldn’t help but bother me while I was working, eh? Oh, you must have been desperate for me,” he murmured through clenched teeth as he fucked into you, jerking his hips upward. “No one else can fuck you like this, can they? I’m the only one who can control you the way you love so much, so I’m the only one who gets to fuck you. Isn’t that right?”
There was that possessiveness again, making your heart beat faster than it already was. You reached upward, clutching the hand that held your face, and leaned back into him. 
“Fuck, yes, yes, yes, I’m yours, I’m yours, Kilgrave…” 
His name fell from your lips like a prayer as he fucked you. You worked your hips, bouncing up and down on his cock. Your eyes stayed glued to yourself in the mirror, staring at your fucked-out reflection, thoroughly mesmerized by the sight of his dick inside you. One of his hands wandered to your hip, gripping it hard; you could feel his nails digging little crescent marks in your skin. His other hand found its place at your clit, delicately massaging it with light, little circles, teasing you, tormenting you.
You arched your back in a silent plea for more, your moan becoming a sharp yelp when his hand came down hard and slapped your clit at full force. 
Your legs automatically tried to close, but Kilgrave had you firmly kept in place. He leaned upward, pulling you close, your back pressed firmly against his chest. 
“Oh, what’s the matter, sweetheart? Is it too much?” 
You paused, considering it, then nodded weakly, your eyes screwed shut. Your heart had skipped a beat at the pet name, but you had more pressing matters at hand. 
“Really? You came like a whore when I hit you with a fucking belt, but if I slap your cunt just a bit too hard, then you start whining?” 
You nodded again, feeling thoroughly humiliated. 
Kilgrave hummed in satisfaction. “Mmm. That’s too bad, I suppose. You’ll have to learn to like it.” 
You whimpered and writhed as another hit came, then  another. You moaned, starting to feel the stinging pain give way to a wave of pleasure, but still you trembled, completely overwhelmed. 
“See? Look at you. You’re desperate for it. I know how much you love it when I hit you. Stop squirming and let me give you what you want.” 
Your body relaxed involuntarily, eyes automatically locking onto yourself in the mirror. Again his hand came down, and your hips jumped forward, anticipating it.
You bit your lip as the stinging pain slowly settled into a pleasurable tingling feeling, watching as your clit grew bright red and slightly swollen as Kilgrave kept going, slap after slap after slap until you were gasping for air, jerking your hips against nothing in a desperate bid to cum, your head spinning. 
He stroked your clit with the tip of his index finger, just the barest of touches, but it was enough to make you flinch at the sensitivity. You groaned, but you still thrust your hips forward, wanting more. 
“Oh, look at that. Feels good, doesn’t it? Greedy fucking whore.” He punctuated the sentence with one final, harsh slap before pulling out and moving you off his lap.
You tumbled limply, until you landed in the middle of the bed, facedown and panting, feeling your abused clit throb pleasurably with every heartbeat. You didn’t even have time to try and take a full breath before you felt Kilgrave position himself above you, his cock brushing at your entrance. 
 “Are you gonna be good for me?” he murmured close to your ear. 
You nodded, and you felt him lean closer, his teeth grazing your neck before he spoke again. 
“Then tell me what you’re going to let me do.” 
You exhaled a moan before taking a shaky breath in. “Whatever you want to do. I can take it.”
“Is that so?” 
“Mm-hmm,” you sighed. You wriggled your hips, trying to maneuver yourself back onto his cock. “Just fuck me, I’ve been thinking about you all week — oh my fucking god!” 
Kilgrave had grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked your head back, forcing himself inside of you with a deep moan that was almost a growl as he did so. You frantically moved to match his pace, throwing your hips back against his to meet every brutal thrust. Your eyes rolled back as you felt him fuck against your most sensitive spot, over and over and over again, never letting up, never faltering. 
He slapped your ass once, twice, three times before ordering you to cum. No teasing, no making you beg, just one simple order: “Cum.” And you obeyed, grinding out your orgasm, keening with pleasure as you did so. 
It was nearly a full minute before your brain started working again and you realized he hadn’t stopped fucking you. Your thoughts were hazy, but you had the vague feeling that that was odd. You remembered last time, and how he’d refused to let you cum until he was right on the edge. So, you mused vaguely, you’d figured he was close, but he was still going.
However, you didn’t have any time to think about it any further, because he was ordering you to cum again - the same way, just one blunt command. 
And your body obeyed without warning. 
You normally needed more time between orgasms; your body was still reeling from the last one. And yet, you still found yourself cumming, trembling from the force of it, your cunt clenching onto him desperately. 
Your shaky hands faltered where they gripped the sheets and you briefly scrambled to try and hold yourself upright, but your efforts were in vain. The minute you thought your body was stable, the command came again. 
This time, you completely let go. There was no way you could have even tried to hold yourself together. The pleasure was blinding you, making your heart skip a beat as it raced in your chest. You fell forward, burying your face in the sheets. The only thing holding your hips upright was Kilgrave, his grip on you holding firm even as you convulsed, unable to regain control of your exhausted muscles.
You were nearly hyperventilating now, your breath coming fast and hard as you turned your face to the side and desperately tried to get words out. 
“Wh…what…what the f….fuck are y…you…doing to me?”
You couldn’t see Kilgrave, but you heard the grin in his voice, even as he panted with the exertion of fucking you. 
“You said I could do whatever I wanted. What I want is to see how many times you can cum before you tire yourself out. I’m not going to stop until you can’t move, and you don’t get my cum inside you until then. Besides, being mind controlled makes you a complete slut anyway, doesn’t it? You’d do it, whether I commanded you to or not. Now be a good girl and cum.”
And your body obeyed without question. 
You bit down on the sheets to keep from biting your tongue, half-pained moans of overwhelming bliss escaping from your throat in guttural, needy cries. You couldn’t feel your legs anymore; you had no idea how your lower half was still upright, and you could feel every nerve in your overstimulated cunt begging for a moment of rest that never came. 
For what felt like hours and hours, every time you started to come down from your last orgasm, Kilgrave would order another from you, and you had no choice but to comply. Eventually, your shaking legs gave in, but he just maneuvered you onto your back without hesitation and kept going. 
Around the time of what you thought must have been the eighth one (although there was no way you could have kept track at that point), you mustered every single bit of your strength to try and resist his orders. You held out for as long as you possibly could, letting the cold fog fill your head for as much as you could bear it, your entire body shaking with the effort, until you cracked and the torturous pleasure flooded you, leaving you even more of a wreck than you had been before. Even worse (even better?), the feeling of being mind-controlled by him acted like a direct line to your brain’s pleasure center, and trying to disobey only made the feeling intensify the longer you tried to resist. Whenever you finally let go, your orgasms only got stronger. And the stronger they got, the more vicious Kilgrave became, taunting you as he fucked your dripping cunt: 
“Oh, yes, take it, just like that, we both know how much you love getting fucked like this…oh, are you trying to resist again? That’s precious. Fine, struggle all you like, you know you’re going to cum anyway, don’t you? There you are, just cum for me. Let it all out. It feels so good, doesn’t it? I know, it feels so good for you to be treated like a slut. God, look at your cute little cunt, leaking all over me, making such a fucking mess. Keep taking it. This is where you belong, isn’t it? Getting impaled on my cock. You’re all mine, all fucking mine. Cum for me, cum for me…such a good girl…fuck, you’re so tight, how are you still so tight after being fucked for this long? It’s like you were made for me, made to get fucked by me. God, I love hearing you scream for me…I don’t even think I’d have to tell you to cum at this point, I think you’d just keep going all on your own, wouldn’t you? Mmm, of course you would. But I know what you’d like more than that. You want me to order you to, don’t you? Come on, beg for it…ask nicely…there you go, I’ve trained you so well, haven’t I? Go on then, cum for me…”
Finally, finally, long after every single one of your senses had been dulled into near-nonexistence, long after your dripping pussy had gone numb with overstimulation, and long after you stopped being able to process anything Kilgrave said, your jerking muscles gave into exhaustion and collapsed, leaving you unable to do anything but moan quietly, your voice having gone hoarse ages ago.
As your cunt twitched weakly with what you prayed would be your final orgasm of the night, you felt Kilgrave’s grasp on you tighten. Through your blurred vision, you saw him throw his head back in ecstasy as he came deep, deep inside you. 
Your eyes rolled back and your lids fluttered shut as he pulled out of you, the relief so intense you would have cried if you hadn’t been so worn out. 
You heard soft footsteps as he made his way to the side of the bed, then felt his hand brush something wet from the corner of your mouth. You felt slightly embarrassed at the realization that you were so fucked out that you’d started drooling. 
You mustered your last bit of energy to crack one eye slightly open. 
“Thank you,” you sighed, your lips curving into a smile as your eyes shut again. You thought you felt a hand brush your hair, but you couldn’t tell - you were already half asleep and dreaming. 
When you woke up, it was well past midnight. Your shift had ended hours ago. You groaned as you stretched your sore muscles and rolled over in bed. You were briefly surprised at the realization that you were under the covers, before deciding that you must have pulled them up around you in your sleep. You didn’t let yourself consider the alternative, or that you’d woken up in the exact same position you’d fallen asleep in. 
You blinked a couple of times, trying to adjust your vision to the dark. You weren’t expecting to see Kilgrave there, but his absence still caused a slight pang of hurt. Still, you figured, no one had come up to clean out the room or kick you out since he had, so he had at least booked it for the night. You decided to take advantage of it as your exhaustion caught up with you again and you sank back into a deep, deep sleep.  
You woke up a full twelve hours later at noon the next day. Thank god it’s my day off, you thought to yourself as you gingerly got out of bed. You slowly put on your uniform, picking it up from where you’d left it on the floor, wincing as you moved. Still, despite the slight ache that you felt all over, you’d slept better than you had in ages. 
As you smoothed your skirt down, you felt an odd texture inside one of the pockets, a slight crinkling that gave you pause. You felt your heartbeat quicken as you pulled out a small, folded piece of paper. You slowly, anxiously unfolded it to find three sentences written in pencil. The first was an address — based on the street name, you knew it was downtown, in an incredibly expensive neighborhood. You felt a grin spread across your face as you read the rest of the note:
“Save me the trouble of coming to your job again. 8:00 pm tomorrow.
You knew exactly where you were going to be tomorrow.
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A/N: i literally cannot thank you guys enough for sticking with this, i know the wait has been absolutely insane, but i really do love writing for you guys, and i want to thank each and every one of you for reading <3 as always, my requests are open, and feel free to like/comment/rb if you enjoyed this fic :)) thank you all again for your patience and for all the love - i had NO idea my first kilgrave fic would blow up so much, but i'm delighted that it did!
🍓 the title of this fic is from million dollar man by lana del rey 🍓
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depressedhouseplant · 5 months
🔞 Just Fucking Write - Day 94 🔞
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Prompt: Straight Sex (blame @m-is-mickey for the suggestion) - Juyeon x Giselle (Aeri)
Tags: Unprotected sex (wrap it up, kids), lewds/nudes, oral sex (f receiving), squirting, multiple orgasms
A/N: I picked Aespa’s Giselle because she & Winter did a TikTok with Juyeon & Eric. My other option was Illit, but shockingly people get their asses on their shoulders if you ship a legal member of a group if there’s any underage members. Whatever. All of Aespa is legal. Let’s move on, shall we? This is separate from both the Hyunjin & Jumil Cheating Universes.
Aeri-bae: WYD? 😘
Juyeon picked up his phone when it went off on his bedside table.
Juyeon: Lying in bed. Why?
A pause.
Aeri-bae: Naked? 😏
Juyeon snorted.
Juyeon: Has anyone told you that you think like a guy?
Aeri-bae: Regularly. Wanna fuck then get ramen?
He definitely couldn’t turn that down. Half the group was out of the country and everyone else had gone to bed. He could leave without being interrogated. The girls had just moved into a new dorm and all of them knew to turn a blind eye when Juyeon showed up.
Juyeon: Be there in 10
Aeri-bae: Make it 7. I’m soaking my sheets already
Juyeon’s cock stirred at the thought of Aeri with her pussy out and dripping. Juyeon grabbed a sweater, his wallet, and keys and was out the door. If the traffic was in his favor and he caught the bus at the right time, he could get to their dorm in 7 minutes. Everything worked in his favor. Jimin opened the door and rolled her eyes when she saw him.
”You know where to go,” she sighed as she let him in.
”Thanks,” Juyeon grinned. “We’ll try to keep it down.”
”I got earplugs after last time,” she replied. Juyeon went down the hall and knocked on Aeri’s door. He heard rustling then she peeked out from behind the door. “Close your eyes. I have a surprise.”
”Okay,” he agreed and she pulled him into her room by his wrist.
”Open,” she said. He opened his eyes to see her standing in front of him in a black lace lingerie set. There were no panties, just a garter belt, and the bra barely qualified for the term.
”Holy fuck,” he breathed.
”I want you to take some pictures before we get started. Something we can both enjoy when we can’t see each other,” she told him.
”With what?” He asked dumbly, still trying to take in the sight in front of him. He noticed a distinct glisten on Aeri’s inner thighs.
”Your phone works, doesn’t it?” She teased.
”You want me to take pictures of you in lingerie and have them on my phone?” He asked.
”In progressively less and less lingerie to be specific and I can show you how to encrypt the folder,” Aeri replied. “All the other boys were very enthusiastic.”
Juyeon knew they weren’t exclusive. They’d agreed on that early on.
”How many others?” Juyeon asked.
”Four, but you’re my favorite. And the only one I let raw me,” She grinned, climbing back on the bed. She made a point of crawling so he could see how wet her pussy was. He was dying to get a taste of her before he fucked her.
”I’m flattered,” he said as he stripped to his underwear.
”You should be,” she replied and leaned back on the bed. Juyeon began taking pictures as she posed. Then she reached back and pulled the bra off, leaving her tits exposed.
”You -,” he began.
”Keep going. I’m gonna be naked by the time this little photo shoot is done,” she said.
“Okay,” he nodded, already starting to feel pussy drunk and he hadn’t even touched her yet. Juyeon kept taking pictures until Aeri was completely naked and reclined on the bed, casually rubbing her pussy.
”Let me see,” she held out her free hand. Juyeon gave her his phone and she swiped through the pictures. “You’re also a better photographer.”
”Thanks,” he said as she handed him his phone back.
“Have I tortured you long enough?” She asked.
”Please let me taste you,” Juyeon whined, his dick hard enough to cut diamonds, but still in his underwear.
”Take off your undies and you can have my pussy,” Aeri replied. Juyeon almost fell off the bed trying to get out of his underwear and not lose sight of between Aeri’s legs. She laughed. Once he finally got them off, Juyeon plunged his face between her legs and began licking and sucking. She tasted like honey and it was addictive. She dug her fingers into his scalp and moaned as he licked every drop he could get. He stuck his tongue in her cunt and began fucking her with it.
”Fuck, Juyeon, I’m gonna fucking come all over your face,” she panted, bucking her hips in his face.
”Do it,” he pulled back for a moment. Then he resumed his position between her legs and kept tongue fucking her until he felt her thighs start to shake. Then her pussy started to flutter around his tongue. A few seconds later, she was dripping come all over his nose and mouth. Aeri had thrown a pillow over her face to muffle her cries of pleasure, mostly so she wouldn’t get bitched out by her roommates later. Juyeon sat up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. She hadn’t fully come down from her first orgasm before he slid into her tight pussy. Even fucking four other guys hadn’t loosened her up. The fact she stayed tight was part of the appeal. She wasn’t as tiny as some of the other girls he’d fucked, but she was the one he kept coming back to. Tight, sexy, and not afraid to tell him exactly what she wanted.
”Should I make more of a mess of your pussy?” He grunted as he thrust into her.
”Fucking ruin me,” she pulled him down into a kiss. It was more teeth and tongue than was comfortable, but Juyeon enjoyed it anyway. He sat back on his heels, pulling Aeri up on his lap. He took her waist and began fucking her on his cock.
”Shit, what the fuck,” she grunted as he manhandled her.
“You said ruin you,” he smirked.
”I did, didn’t I?” She grinned. She tilted her head back, exposing her neck for the taking. No marks. That was the only firm rule in the industry. Juyeon wanted to mark her up. To show the other guys he was her first choice. Instead he had to settle for mouthing at the smooth skin as she bounced on his dick.
”Ready to come again?” He asked against her throat.
”Always ladies first,” she teased.
”And more than once if I can arrange it,” Juyeon added.
”Finish me again,” Aeri kissed him again, this time with a little more finesse. He reached between them and teased her clit with this thumb. He felt her body momentarily lock up, then she was coming again, her face buried in his shoulder.
”That…was cheating,” she panted when she finished.
”No, I just know how to properly pleasure a woman,” Juyeon teased.
”When you put it that way,” she kissed him. “Ready to fill me up?”
”Been ready,” Juyeon leaned her back down and balanced himself on his arms before fucking hard into her again. It wasn’t long before he was coming hard and fast into her pussy. He pulled out when he finished and admired the mix of their come oozing out of her red and swollen cunt.
”Can I take a picture of this?” He asked. Aeri looked surprised for a moment, then handed him his phone.
”Naughty boy,” she giggled, spreading her legs wider so he could get a good shot. He showed her the pictures when he finished. “You’re definitely sending me those.”
”Of course,” he grinned. They stared at each other for a moment like there was something more to be said.
”Time to clean up and get some food,” she said. She passed him a box of tissues as she pulled on a robe to go to the bathroom. Once they were as clean as possible and redressed, they left for the 24 hour ramen spot a few blocks from the girls’ apartment. Juyeon found himself holding Aeri’s hand. They probably should’ve worn masks or something else to obscure their identities, but it was 2am and they were both still fucked out. Dating “scandals” had been rampant recently even if it was just two idols of the opposite sex having a normal conversation.
Maybe in a different life, Juyeon thought to himself as they took a booth in the back. Aeri was about to pick up the menu when Juyeon stopped her.
”I want to get a picture of this, too,” he said.
“Seriously? I’m wearing a flannel and my glasses,” she huffed.
”Maybe I want a PG picture I can show my friends when they ask about who I’m seeing,” Juyeon said.
”Fine,” Aeri posed and Juyeon took the picture.
”Perfect,” he said and showed it to her.
”Thanks,” she tried to hide a blush and failed. “Now let’s order. I’m starving.”
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gretavangroupie · 1 year
Vigilance (Chapter 19 Part 2)
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Word count: 15.1k
Pairings: Jake x Reader, OC x Reader, Sam x Reader, Sam x OC, Jake x OC
Warnings: Alcohol, Gambling, Smoking, Marijuana, Cursing, Dramatic Themes. Smut Including: Kissing, Touching, Making Out, Light Degradation, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Biting, Fingering, Name Calling, Edging, Mentions of Sub/Dom Themes, Voyeurism, Orgasm Denial, Unprotected Sex, Rough Sex, Pet Names, Digital Penetration, Spanking. Angst Including: Jealousy, Possessiveness, Toxic Themes, Arguments, Yelling, Verbal Abuse, Verbal Fighting, Extreme Portrayal of Sadness, Crying, Sexual Assault, Cheating on Partner, Abandonment.
This story is a collaboration with my best pal @gretavanmoon.
A/N: Part two of chapter nineteen! This was never intended to be two parts, but it was longer than tumblrs limits would allow, thus, requiring two parts. If you haven't read part one, you can read it here.
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Holding the napkin in your hand your face was hot, flushed with nerves, shyness and embarrassment, but you knew all those emotions were unnecessary. You had Jake by your side, and Elle and Sam were your best friends…the night was yours, and it was young. 
You both slid your empty glasses to the edge of the bar, thanking the bartender as you made your departure. You stood and Jake grabbed your hand, lacing his strong and calloused fingers with yours as you headed out the exit into the main lobby of the hotel in search of the elevator. 
The hotel was still buzzing with people, gamblers left and right looking for a place to cash in their chips. Once you found the elevator, you hopped inside with a slew of other people, you stepping to one side, and Jake to the other. You were happy you’d had that giant glass of water; it made you feel a little less wasted than you were earlier, and definitely a lot better about what you were doing now. 
Amongst the ten or so other just-as-drunk people on the elevator, you and Jake stuck out like sore thumbs. Both pressed against the walls as far as you could get, nonchalant and buzzing with anticipation. You held steady glances to one another as you picked at your nails, and he brushed his fingers over his lips. The elevator must have stopped four times before you even made it to the fifth floor, each time it stopped making time seem to drag on. 
Finally, when the elevator had emptied, you were approaching the fifth floor, your departure floor. 
“Babe, we don’t have to do this, you know. We can get off right here and go to our room, tell them you started to feel sick or something…” Jake finally spoke once the doors closed. 
“I’m anxious, Jake. But I’m okay. I…wanna go. Are you okay with this? If we go…? I want you with me…” you offered. 
“Yes. I want to go. Believe me, I want to go. Badly. I just want you to feel comfortable.” He said, taking your hand in his. 
“I promise I feel comfortable. Sam…he’s no big deal. But this is something new with Elle. And for you…I might just need a pep-talk.” You laughed, trying to shake off your nerves, speaking in chopped sentences. 
He took both of your hands in his. “Love, it’s okay. I’m yours, you’re mine. That’s all that matters. We’re just going to have some fun, experiment…live a little. You and I aren’t married yet, it’s okay for us to go and be young together while we still can.”
You sighed. “You’re right. It’ll be fun. What the hell are we doing?” You laughed, physically shaking your hands out. 
Suddenly your back was pressed against the wall of the elevator. “Do you need me to get you worked up again? Need me to remind you of anything, love?” His mouth was to your neck, and his hand was trailing up your dress, fingers brushing up the back of your thigh and over the curve of your ass. 
“I don’t have a problem with reminding you, little preview, hm?” He gripped your ass hard in his hand, pain shooting through from the residual swollen marks from the belt, but all it did was spur you on. The pain was a hellacious reminder of what he was capable of, and who you belonged to. 
“How was that kiss at the bar earlier? Did you like it?” He asked, a low grainy voice by your ear. 
You nodded harshly, “Yeah, I did.”
“Well let’s go see what else you can come up with. Maybe Elle has some tricks up her sleeve…” his tongue was running along the shell of your ear now, his breath heavy as he exhaled into your ear. 
Just then the elevator stopped and the door opened, leading out to a surprisingly empty corridor. The both of you stepped out, and you brought the napkin up to remind yourself of the room number. 
“508.” You said. You walked down the long hallway to almost the very end, stopping short when you heard music coming through the door to their room. You both laughed. “Definitely them.”
Jake knocked hard on the door as you stood back against the opposite wall, crossing your arms over your chest. Jake stood leaning in the doorway, one hand in his pocket and one high on the door frame. God, he’s hot. 
He knocked again as you heard the music turn down, and Sam greeted him at the door. “Room service!” Jake yelled, pushing Sam back into the room. He turned to catch the door for you, allowing you to follow him inside. 
“I didn’t order anything, dipshit.” Sam said as you both came into the room, the smell of marijuana lighting up your senses. 
“No? Well, your girlfriend did. Wrote her order on a nice bar napkin. Just for us.” Jake sat down confidently in a chair, crossing one leg over the other and resting his hands behind his head. 
Elle was seated on the bed, rolling up a few joints when she saw you. Her sultry eyes darted to you as she licked the paper. “Hey there, gorgeous. Samuel, you not going to offer our guests something to drink? Has my southern hospitality not rubbed off on you at all?” She slurred. 
“Shit, sorry.” Sam said, popping up from just sitting down. He made his way to the mini fridge and bar. “We have tequila, spiced rum, and vodka. And sprite and club soda and some type of weird juice.”
“You know what I want.” Jake said, brushing over his chin with his fingertips. Maybe he is anxious. 
“I’ll have the same.” You offered. “Thank you Sammy.” You plopped down on the bed next to Elle. 
“My pleasure, babe.” He said, winking over his shoulder. 
Jake turned the music back up a bit, and tapped his fingers on the arms of the chair. 
Sam brought you your drinks as Elle stood from the bed, presenting three perfectly rolled joints. “Who wants to do the honors?”
“Got a lighter?” You asked, taking one from her hands. Sam stood quickly, pulling one from his pocket, and handing it to you. He walked over to the large sliding door, opening it up to let the smoke out. A bit of fresh air blew through the room, bringing with it the smell of fried foods and the city. 
You lit the joint, taking a long hit and holding the smoke in. You leaned back on your arms, letting the THC do its work. You passed the joint to Elle as you exhaled, a big cloud of smoke falling from your lips as you coughed a little bit. Instant headrush, your favorite. 
She hit the joint next, following suit and passing it to Sam. “Thanks for coming back with us, we weren’t sure you were going to.” She said quietly under the music. 
“Why would you think that?” Jake added. 
“I dunno, thought I pissed you off earlier. You got awfully cutthroat, Jacob.” Elle replied. 
“Hm, I like a little competition. Little challenge sometimes.” He said, cracking his knuckles as Sam passed him the dwindling joint. “Seems as though you knew just what buttons to push, didn’t you?”
“Seems as though I did.” She said. 
He passed the joint back to you. “Well, it earned you something nice, though, didn’t it?” He said, taking his finger and swirling it in his drink as he exhaled. 
“That it did.” She said sternly, a devilish smirk finding her face. You exhaled the smoke back into the air, letting the high find you once again. Elle scooted closer to you on the bed, sliding her legs underneath her. You passed the joint to her as she took it from your fingers, taking one last giant hit. 
She motioned for you to come closer to her as she held the smoke in, and signaled for you to make a kissy face. You did as she asked, and she placed her hand on your cheek, slowly blowing the smoke directly into your mouth slowly as you inhaled it all. Her hand stayed on your face as you met her eyes, red and glassy and full of lust. You held the smoke for just a few seconds, getting the last bit of a high you were chasing so frantically. 
Once you exhaled, you felt her lips on yours again, this time a bit more relaxed. Your head began to spin, the entire world around you falling into nothingness. Her hand moved from your cheek to around the back of your neck, pulling you a bit closer. The kiss turned from a peck into something a little deeper, with a little more feeling behind it. 
You allowed your lips to part just slightly, letting the kiss move a bit more. You felt her tongue reach to brush your bottom lip before she pulled it back again. No, come back. You copied her motion, slightly bringing your tongue to graze against her lip. She tastes…so sweet…
You breathed a relaxed exhale as you parted slightly, catching her eyes as you both smiled. You dove back in, this time feeling confident. You positioned your body in such a way that you were leaning in toward her across your legs, giving yourself some purchase to reach your hand out and let your fingers play in her hair. Your heart was beating a million miles a minute, but you didn’t want to stop. 
Finally her tongue found yours, plunging into your mouth as she explored. God, you couldn’t get enough. As she pulled back, you let your body weight chase her, not wanting to disconnect. Both of your hands were on her face now, fingers gripping into her waves as she deepened the kiss, sitting up higher on her legs to tower over you. 
Keep going, Elle. 
You felt her fingertip tickle over your barren collarbone, down around to your chest, and trail right between your breasts. Her hand landed on your side, squeezing your hip as she stood on her knees above you. You let a hand leave her hair, finding a grip on her hip, and you pushed your fingers into her curves. You felt like you were floating on a bobber, getting sucked underwater every few seconds only to resurface to the air again. The pit of your stomach grew warm, and you wondered what she was going to do next. 
Her hands felt heavenly on you, without her having touched you much at all. They were small and dainty, but still comfortable and intriguing, a lot like Jake’s touch. 
You had completely forgotten they were even in the room. Damnit. Well, they were getting a show. You began to slow the kiss a bit, feeling like it was heating up, but you needed to recenter. You pulled back a little, releasing your grip on her hip and face. She sat back down on her heels, smiling as she disconnected from you. 
“God…damnit, why did you fucking stop?” You heard Sam ask, his voice crackly and low. 
“Yeah, why did you…stop…” Jake added with the almost exact same tone of voice. 
You both laughed at the situation, bringing yourselves right back to your normal goofy selves, but still full of complete and utter attraction for each other. 
“I have an idea. Samuel, bring me that tequila bottle.” She snapped her fingers to him, and he jumped up like a trained puppy, grabbing the small bottle and placing it in her hand. 
“Y/N, how comfortable are you being topless?” Her words shocked you. 
“What? What do you mean?” You asked, eyes flitting across the room. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at Jake yet, or Sam for that matter. 
“Topless. I can be too, if it makes you feel better.” She said. 
You thought on her words for a second. You obviously weren’t embarrassed in front of Jake, Sam had also seen every part of your body, and you and Elle had seen each other nude plenty of times, changing in front of each other over the years. 
“Um, I guess I’m okay with that. Yeah. Why not?” You said, shrugging it off. You truly felt comfortable, your drunkenness definitely lowering your inhibitions again. You reached for your drink on the table, taking a long swig. 
“Cool. Jake, is it okay with you if Sam and I see her topless?” Elle asked. “And me too, I guess?”
“As long as she’s fine with it, I don’t care.” You heard him mumble, sincerity in his voice. 
“Agreed.” Sam added. 
You nodded, slipping one shoulder free from the strap of your dress, letting it fall to your waist. You looked up to Elle who was still sitting with the bottle of tequila in her hand. You reached for the second strap, letting it fall to your side, too. This exposed your entire bare chest to three people who know you better than anyone, who have all seen more of you than this many times before, but this time, you felt extremely exposed. And you liked it. 
“You’re truly a sight, Y/N. I hope you know. Guys, isn’t she gorgeous?” Elle said sweetly. 
You heard Jake take a long exhale and reposition in the leather seat.
“Absolutely stunning.” Sam said. 
“Driving me wild, Y/N, just like you always do.” Jake’s hollow voice followed. Fuck, his voice. Here we go again. 
You felt your insides churn at their praises, and suddenly you felt all your caution leave your body. This was going to be fine. 
“My turn?” Elle asked, looking at all three of you before she slipped free of her top, exposing herself as well. 
“God, I’ve got competition…” you managed, giving the guys permission to comment as well. 
“Lie back, Y/N. Flat on the bed.” She instructed, and you did. Next she opened the bottle of tequila, pouring just a little bit into your belly button, and into the hollow of your throat. “Stay still, babe.” The tequila was cold, giving you instant goosebumps all over your body, effectively making your nipples stand at attention. 
She hopped off the bed, kneeling down on the floor beside you. She connected her mouth to your neck, sipping up all the liquor and swallowing before lightly trailing her tongue down the center of your torso, over your ribs, and straight to your navel, repeating the sip. 
She took a little more time here, allowing her lips to graze the sensitive skin around your navel. 
“Son of a bitch…” you heard Jake mumble, laughing quietly in astonishment. 
“No shit, you two are truly…” you glanced at Sam, watching him bury his face in his hands as he leaned forward. 
“Jake? A shot?” Elle piped up, more cheerful than you expected. 
“Yeah, definitely.” He responded, his voice sounding sleepy. 
Elle poured the liquor again. Here came Jake, your first eye contact with him since you made out with a woman in front of him. You felt him kneel beside you, catching his eyes as he did so. 
“Hey gorgeous, ready for body shots round two?” He asked. 
“Hell yes, baby. Let me see what you’ve got.” You played, trying not to move or spill the liquor. 
He threw his hair back into a low knot, not caring a bit how it looked, and reached his head down, sipping up the liquor from your throat, then trailing his mouth up your neck and to your ear. He let his face nuzzle in your tangled hair, breathing heavily as he did so. 
“You’re so fuckin’ sexy, baby…” he mumbled just loudly enough for you to hear, before nipping at your ear lobe. He then returned to your neck, trailing tiny kisses down your sternum toward your stomach. The chill bumps returned at his touch, your head spinning wondering what was in store from his beautiful brain. 
You felt one hand snake up and grasp your tit as his tongue met your bellybutton, swirling it around before connecting his lips and pulling the drink. His hand squeezed your breast, and you couldn’t help the tiny whimper that fell from your lips. Instant arousal. 
“Fuck, baby…” you breathed as he sat up and wiped his mouth free of the tiny dribbles. 
“Mmm, say that again…” he growled as he brought his lips to yours, soaked and stained with the strong taste of tequila. You giggled into his mouth. 
“Sam?” Elle offered, handing the bottle to him. The room went silent. “Not up to me, up to you guys. Just thought I’d open the door…” Elle went on. 
Jake sighed. “Just one.” 
Sam chuckled as he took the bottle, pouring the liquid into your navel, lifting the bottle high for a second and making the stream a few inches long. 
“Remember what I said about leftovers, Samuel.” You heard Jake quip. You normally would be offended, but you were too turned on to care. You were about to have Sam’s mouth on you again.
“We see how that worked out, don’t we Jake?” Sam spat back. 
Just then Sam grabbed both of your hands at your sides, and lowered himself onto the bed, perching to face you between your slightly parted legs. Both his hands held his weight on either side of you as he towered above, pinning your hands to your sides. Quickly, he caught your eyes with that look you knew so well. So damn well. 
He bent his elbows, bringing his mouth down low, running his tongue from between your breasts straight to your stomach. His tongue dipped inside your belly button, similarly to the way Jake’s just had, but instead he dug his teeth in a bit, slurping up the tequila, his eyes never once leaving yours. You couldn’t help the tiny arch in your back as he bit into your skin, your body reacting on its own accord. 
Fucking. Hell. 
“Sam…” Jake warned. 
Sam released your hands, sat up and cleaned his mouth off, resting on his knees between yours, a position you never thought you’d see yourselves in ever again. 
“What? Not my fault I remember all her sweet spots. I could show you a few sometime if you’re interested…” Sam said with a quick wink. 
Oh, he’s gonna pay for that one. 
“Just watch your fucking mouth, okay?” Jake warned, knowing that Sam was not paying any attention to him. 
“Alright alright…” Elle interrupted as Sam took his seat back in the chair. Elle came in front of you and grabbed your hands, helping you to sit up. “Open up, baby.” She tilted the bottle back, and poured the tequila into her mouth as you followed her instruction. 
She towered above you again as you tilted your head back, mouth wide open and ready to accept. She pursed her lips, letting the liquid fall in a steady stream from her mouth to yours, dripping a little bit onto your cheeks as she did so. You felt the warm liquor drip down your neck, sliding all the way down your throat and between your breasts. Your immediate reaction was to wipe it clean, but you decided to give the guys a little show, instead. 
You swallowed the tequila, the burn lighting your insides on fire. You took your finger, running it up your skin from where the drink had trailed, chasing it up and collecting it, before licking your finger clean of the remnants. 
You left your finger in your mouth for more than a few seconds, swirling your tongue around it until you found Elle’s gaze, leaving your eyes to stare into hers while you left your finger in your mouth. 
“Damn, Y/N, you really make this easy…” Elle complimented. “Ok, my turn.”
Elle layed back on the bed, her long curls falling over the side in lustrous waves. She handed you the bottle and you continued the theme of the activity, switching back and forth from her navel to her neck. 
You decided it was time to involve the guys. Your head was spinning even more so now, the tequila taking effect and the marijuana now buried deep in your bones. 
“Jake, come here.” You held your finger to him, signaling for him to come and join the festivities. “Take a shot from Elle.” 
“Don’t have to ask me twice.” He relayed, filling her navel with the chilled liquid. He licked his lips before he lowered his head, connecting his mouth to her. She shuddered at his touch, her hand instantly finding his hair as he moved his lips against her. Uh oh, he loved that. It seemed to spur him on, as he slowly ghosted his tongue down to her side, using his teeth to nip at her love handles. 
Elle let out a breathy laugh, showing that she enjoyed it, maybe a little too much. “Jake…biting is my thing…” she said, as either a warning or an invitation. You were fine with the latter. 
“Is that right?” He said, voice gravelly. His eyes shot to yours, then to Sam’s. You saw Sam shrug one shoulder to his side, telling him to go ahead. He continued his tiny love bites, up her side under her arm, onto her shoulder and onto her neck. He leaned his weight to hover above her, the visual of him with his mouth on her making you squirm. 
He went slowly, taking his time as he moved higher, letting his tongue reach out and taste her every so often. God, you were going to dream about this for months. He was in the crook of her neck now, slowly and sensually lying tiny bites right below her ear. His tongue slid tactfully out, leaving a tiny wet trail. You watched as her eyes rolled back and closed, fluttering open and shut as he spoke into her ear. You couldn’t hear what he said, but you could have probably guessed. 
Suddenly you felt Sam’s hand on your upper thigh, squeezing his fingers lightly and ghosting his fingertips as he watched them. Elle let out another breathy giggle, inhaling sharply as he brought his kisses to her jawline, moving closer and closer to her mouth. 
“Sam, Y/N…?” He said without looking to either of you, his mouth hovering directly above hers. You and Sam simultaneously gave him permission, and his lips connected to hers in a fury. You watched as your boyfriend kissed her, slowly at first, just exploring…her hand finding his hair once again. Sam’s hand continued to squeeze your leg, moving dangerously closer in toward your heat as his body inched closer to yours. 
Elle’s hand shot up to cup Jake’s neck, pulling him closer into her. His tongue grazed her lips as the kiss deepened. You felt yourself getting extremely aroused, and felt Sam’s mouth pressed against the back of your shoulder. Another one of your sweet spots. He just kept fucking remembering them. His mouth opened wider on your back, laying hot and wet kisses to the back of your neck now. Fuck, Sam. Stop remembering. 
His hand gripped your thigh, pulling your leg apart from the other as you rolled your head, the combination of his mouth and hand on you making you go crazy. 
Elle’s leg bent at the knee, pulling Jake to lie more closely on top of her. She was enjoying him. And you didn’t care. How could you blame her?
“Careful over there, Jake. Don’t get too carried away.” Sam said, disconnecting his mouth from you for a second. 
“Shut the fuck up, Sam.” He quipped back. 
“With pleasure, brother.” Suddenly Sam grabbed your chin and turned your face to meet his. “I still love pumpkin…”
His kiss. His mouth…your head was spinning, flying off your shoulders like a boomerang into the sky. Every nerve ending, on fire. Your heart was racing, feeling his lips on yours again, his touch…you could hardly form a coherent thought, much less take a second to recognize what was happening. All you could feel was him. Your Sam. Kissing you again. You felt like fireworks were going off in the room, in your head and in your body…insane amounts of excitement filling you to the brim. 
Your brow furrowed as you leaned into him, kissing him back with more unhinged passion than you probably should have in this instance. You knew you had to hold back, but god, you didn’t want to. 
You pulled away, completely flustered and ready, looking directly at him. His eyes were blown out with lust, his hand still buried deep in your thigh muscle, squeezing and massaging as you fought yourself from jumping into him again. 
You slowly shook your head ‘no’, the look on his face like he could devour you right then and there. God damnit, Sam. 
Jake pulled away from Elle soon thereafter, sitting back on the bed, his shirt all the way unbuttoned now, instead of his normal two-button style. Elle must have done that. 
“Shit, Jacob. Maybe we should argue more often, if it’s gonna end up like that.” Elle breathed as she sat back up, hair and appearance a mess. “Y/N, come back to me.” 
You did as she told you, fully entranced by the air in the room, making you feel vulnerable and uninhibited. You crawled her way, letting your mouth find hers again, with Sam still at your back and Jake by your sides. You heard their noises of some type of carnal attraction, speaking little sounds and whispers as they watched the show unfold. But it wasn’t a show, you truly did enjoy making out with Elle. And you weren’t ashamed of it. 
After a few seconds she pulled back. “God, now I understand what you guys meant…she’s absolutely delicious. You’re so tasty, Y/N.” Elle purred, making you feel like you could collapse. 
“Thank you, Elle. You’re fuckin sweet, yourself…” you answered honestly, blushing. 
“I couldn’t agree more…” Sam said quietly. 
“Baby, come here. Come sit with me.” Elle asked of Sam. He moved from behind you on the bed, joining Elle as she began pulling at the hem of his shirt, pulling it above his head and tossing it to the floor. “It’s getting a little warm in here. Thought you might need to cool off some.” 
“The one thing I don’t need to do is cool off…” he kissed her hard, both hands tangling in her hair as they kissed, heating up the scene exponentially. Sam always had his own way of making things so much hotter than they actually were…
You felt Elle’s hand on you as she kissed Sam, pulling you their way. You glanced to Jake, and he raised an eyebrow, silently saying you could make your own decision. 
You took it as an OK, shifting your weight toward them as her hand began tickling over your chest. She pulled away, letting Sam kiss her neck while she looked at you, a devious stare as she cupped her hand around your breast, making you feel something that you’ve never felt before. You let her massage as she held eye contact with you. 
“Christ…” Jake mumbled from beside you. 
Instantly, Sam’s hand was on top of Elle’s, letting her guide their hands as she began to feel all over your body, sometimes gently and sometimes rough. Finding your favorite pressure points and concentrating on them, squeezing your nipples and digging nails into your hips. After a few seconds, you realized that it wasn’t Elle’s hand doing the guiding at all, it was Sam’s. He knew exactly where to touch you to make you go crazy.
Suddenly Jake was on his knees behind Elle, leaning down to whisper in her ear, most likely the same thing he had said to her earlier, something to drive her crazy. Her eyes rolled back again, and her hand disconnected from Sam’s. 
“Babe, can I…touch you?” Elle asked you, the same devilish look pasted across her face. Jake’s face was directly beside hers, the same wicked look of intrigue, looking as though he wanted you to say yes. 
You nodded, slowly, deciding that you were in this deep, might as well take the next step. “Say it out loud, hun. Tell me.” She went on, asking your permission. 
“Yes. You can touch me.” You answered. 
“Jake…?” She asked next. 
“Fuck yeah….” Of course. 
You laid back a bit, not quite sure what to do. This territory was still very much uncharted. “It’s okay, love. Don’t be nervous. Just gonna make you feel good…” Elle went on. 
You relaxed on the pillows, letting one leg bend at the knee, the flowy skirt of your dress falling toward your upper thigh. She gingerly drifted her fingertips up your legs, inching closer toward your center. Your breathing began to pick up a bit as you became more anxious, the nerves finding their way back. This is so strange…but so good…
Her hand pulled the skirt up and she covered your heat with her palm, her touch soft and gentle, much different than what you were used to. Her hand glided slowly, back and forth, side to side overtop of your panties. You realized you had closed your eyes tight, still a bit self conscious of what was happening. She’s your best friend in the world…everything is fine…just let yourself feel it…
You let your eyes open, seeing the three of them watching you intently, the same look on all their faces. One that you absolutely couldn’t describe even if your life depended on it. But it was good. It was so good.
Elle’s hand dipped into your underwear, taking her sweet time as you allowed her to explore you. You felt like you might explode, her touch so intricate and concentrated, even given how drunk you both were. It was madness, how much you felt, how turned on you were…you let your legs separate a bit as she went a little deeper, finding your clit and giving it special attention. 
“Fuck…” Jake growled.
You couldn’t help the reaction your body was giving, your back arched and your hands found your tits, pulling and squeezing them as her hand felt you. “God Elle, yeah…” you breathed. You felt yourself beginning to rush to the peak, the edge of the cliff just within reach. Suddenly your mind snapped to another place. 
“Don’t wanna cum, Elle. I don’t…” you said. 
“You don’t? You don’t have to, hun.” She said, slowing her movement. 
“Not fair to everyone else if I’m the only one who gets to…” you said, earning a little giggle from everyone. 
“Aww, so considerate, Y/N. You’re sweet. But I’ll get mine…” Elle said, looking over to Jake. 
“But god, I don’t want you to stop…” you laughed as she continued gliding her fingers over you. 
She smiled a knowing smile. “I don’t want to stop.” 
You sat up as she removed her hand, giving you a tiny wink as she sat back. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as hot as what I saw just now…” Sam said flatly, he and Jake’s expressions both full of wild lust. Jake wiped his hand across his face, recollecting himself. 
“Mmm, it was hot, wasn’t it? Come here, Sam.” You let the words fall from your mouth before you could stop them, wanting to continue the madness. He glanced to Jake, but found Elle already walking toward him, trailing her fingers along Jake’s jawline. 
Sam took that as an ok, and followed your command, crawling over to you, placing his lips directly on yours again. You weren’t sure how this happened, how you’d ended up completely swapping, but you were enraptured in Sam’s touch right now. His hands trailed up and down you, your hand buried deep behind his neck as his tongue explored your mouth, truly tasting you again for the first time in so long. Your drunken lust was amplified, damn him for being so inebriating to you. 
You glanced behind him, seeing Elle half straddled across Jake’s lap, engaging in the same activity you and Sam were. Wow. This is…insane. 
The room air was heady now, the four of you jumbled into a mess of hands and bad decisions, thick with want and desire and attraction…you never wanted it to end. In an act of weakness, you let your hand brush against Sam’s dick, making him groan quietly into your mouth. 
“Fucking watch it, little one…” he whispered. “You’ll make me do something I regret…”
“This place is already full of regret, haven’t you noticed?” You grinned, letting your hand brush by him again. Damnit, Y/N. Slow down. But you couldn’t help yourself. Sam held some type of nefarious power over you, something you were drawn to in the worst way, one that destroyed you with every passing second. 
He hissed through his teeth, clenching his jaw and closing his eyes as he mentally tried to break away. 
“You still…taste so fucking good…” he mouthed, very quietly. “I don’t think I will ever get over it…”
Shut up, Sam…
“Did Elle treat you right? Make you feel good?” He asked, as you nodded. 
“She made me feel so good…but not as good as you used to…” you breathed into his ear, causing his body to stiffen. 
All of a sudden Jake’s hand was on your leg, his fingertips in your thigh, bringing you back down to earth. 
“Baby, you still good over there?” You heard him ask from behind Sam. 
“Great, baby, you okay?” You responded. 
“Mmmhmm…excellent actually…” you glanced again, Elle completely straddled across his lap, his hand grasping her ass as she hid her head in the crook of his neck whispering to him unintelligibly. You could hear the low growl of his voice, but couldn't make out the words over the sound of the music and the thrum of the blood rushing through your head.
You smiled as he looked over to you, giving you a sweet wink. Where on earth had you found yourselves? Sam looked behind him as well, seeing them in the unholy position. He looked back to you, shrugging his shoulders, and pulling you closer.
You went on this way for a bit, letting Sam’s hands and tongue explore you again, completely not caring for what Jake and Elle were doing at the end of the bed. At one point you felt Jake lie back on his elbows, letting out a guttural moan as Elle must have done something to set him off. You turned your head and watched as he whispered something into her ear again and as she pulled back from him you heard her ask him, voice full of lust, “You promise?”
He hummed in agreement and you looked away quickly before either of them had a chance to notice that you were listening. Your brain began to swirl with thoughts, and part of you felt like ending everything there. Getting up right now and dragging him back to your room. But the warm hands wrapped around your waist drew you back in, reminding you that you were most likely having the exact same thoughts.
“Feeling good over there, brother?” Sam asked. 
“Ha ha, sure as fuck am…she is…” he trailed off as Elle’s mouth cut his words. 
You smiled into Sam’s kiss again, torn up and twisted in your passionate draw to him, coming full-circle in an act that you never ever thought you’d find yourself performing again. 
The whispers filled the room again, and you found yourself trying to listen, but again no luck.
Looking over to Jake and Elle you watched her say something, causing Jake to toss his head back, “Jesus fuck, Elle…”
You weren’t sure what was happening, but he didn’t tell her to stop.
Sam suddenly stopped his actions, bringing his eyes to look deeply into yours, speaking a thousand words in the span of five seconds, telling you everything you already knew, and that it was still true. 
“I know, Sam. I know.” You whispered. 
He laid his head down beside yours with a thud, his mouth directly beside your ear. “I swear to god, I wish…I had…a time machine…” he whispered, making your insides wrench, twisting your heart into a million shreds. His fingers wiped a few stray hairs from your face, the tender touch making you want to cry. 
“Well, we don’t have one, so you better make this count while you can.” You suggested, leaning your mouth closely to his lips, connecting them again. What you felt in Sam’s kiss was undoubtedly something else, something rooted so deeply that you could hardly fathom it. A feeling that was created millennia ago, when we were nothing but stardust, the cosmos creating us out of nothing but the sands of time. 
Pure, infatuating, implanted and ingrained into the soul of every living being. And you felt it, wholeheartedly, with Sam. Just like you had all those years ago, and a few times here and there since. 
But the strange and cruel part of it all was that you also felt it with Jake. The exact…same…feeling. 
You looked behind Sam to find Jake’s head arched back, Elle going crazy in doing everything she could except sexing him. Shit, you found yourself thinking dark thoughts…Is that something you felt like you could watch? In the moment, you thought you could. It would be an absolutely insane visual, both of them so ethereally gorgeous, unhinged and writhing with each other…
You perked up again, Sam standing up to grab his drink. Elle removed herself from Jake, taking his hand to sit him back up. 
“Enjoying my girlfriend, Jake?” Sam spat, sipping from the edge of his cup. 
“You enjoying mine?” He quipped back. 
“Mhm, seems mutual.” Sam said. 
“Definitely mutual…” he growled.
You watched as Jake’s eyes traveled to Elle, standing with her hands behind her back leaned against the table, in nothing but her tight black skirt. You realized that she was just straddling Jake; he had to have seen a bit more than he thought he would. His gaze was sultry, and he bit his lip as she smiled shyly. He was very…very into her. How could he not be? 
“How are you feeling, ladies? Doing okay? Anyone need a drink?” Sam asked, keeping up the role of the host. 
“I’m good, thanks.” You answered as Jake came and sat beside you on the bed, the straps of your dress still hanging low around you. 
“Enjoying yourself, love?” You asked him, smoothing his tousled hair. 
He glanced back to Elle as she spoke closely with Sam. “Yes, very much so…she’s really, coming on strong.”
“Mhmm, I can tell. I think she’s really into you, Jake.” You said, putting a finger to his shoulder. 
“I think she is, too…” he said, falling into a shy grin. 
“Do you want her? Is all of… this…going where I think it’s going?” You asked. 
“What do you mean babe…I…” he looked to you, puzzled. 
“Do you wanna fuck her, Jake?” His face was full of surprise at your inquiry. 
“What? No, baby. What do you mean? No…” you could tell his face absolutely flushed at your words, and he stumbled to find the right ones of his own.
“Jake. You don’t have to lie…I can tell you’re into her, too…shit, look at her…I would be. I can see whatever is happening between you two…I’m not mad baby…” you trailed off, thinking hard about the subject. 
“Why? Do you want to fuck him?” he asks.
“Answer me, and I’ll answer you…” you pressed.
“Fine. Yeah I want to fuck her. I want to fuck her, badly. But you know you’re my girl.” he answers, looking over your shoulder at her.
“What if we….what about a free pass, babe… If that’s what you want…go for it. I trust you, I trust Elle. Asking Sam, that’s another story, but. I promise you, it’s not something that would make me mad, look at us. Look what we’re doing right now…” you motioned around. 
“At this point…” you shrugged, for some reason, somehow or another, you felt as though you could truly let him do this. One time, if it’s what he wanted. You could both have what you wanted. “It’s just sex, babe…I want you to feel good.” you continued.
He brought his eyes back to you, an answer hanging on the tip of his tongue as his eyes flicked to her, then over to Sam. He was considering it, the alcohol helping his decision. 
Yes or no?
“Maybe just–” he was cut off, snapping his head to his phone ringing loudly on the table.
“Who the fuck? Couldn’t have picked a worse time…” he paused, picking it up, “Of course it’s fucking Josh.”
“Hello?” he answered angrily.
“You’re where?” 
“Are you ok, are you with Danny?” he asks.
“What do you mean you don’t know where you are? How the hell did you…?”
“You fuckers got too drunk, didn’t you? No, I won’t come find you! What-where is Daniel?”
“What do you mean you can’t find him? Why did you separate anyway?”
“No, absolutely not. I’m fucking busy, Josh. I can’t come down there.”
“None of your business…” 
“No…Can you please just…”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing heavily. 
“Fuck, fine… I’ll come find you, you damn idiots. Don’t go anywhere, just stay there. I’ll call you when I get downstairs.” he snaps.
He hung up the phone. “Goddamnit, I can never have a single second for myself.” He complained. 
“Are they okay?” Sam asked, turning the music down. 
“They’re fine, I think. Josh got too drunk and twisted around trying to find Danny. Lost him. Said he’s been searching forever.” He answered, looking over to Elle.
“You ready babe? I’ll walk you back to our room first.” He says. 
“Wait! She doesn’t have to go, does she?” Elle chimes in. 
Jake pauses, looking over to you, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Uhh, I don’t suppose so…Baby? Do you… wanna stay? Without me?” He looked to you. 
You bit your lip, and nodded. You didn’t want to leave. 
Jake sighed heavily. “Okay, I don’t like this, but I guess…if you want to stay…”
He bent down to kiss your lips. “God, right when things were getting really fun…I’ll be back baby. Behave, okay? I love you.”
“I love you too, Jake.” You murmured. “Be careful.”
He nodded in agreement but before he left, he leaned over and whispered into your ear, “Remember who you belong to…”
He stepped back and turned to Sam, poking a finger into his barren chest, silently warning him to not cross the line in his absence. 
“I’ll be back, soon hopefully.” Jake walked out, letting the door slam behind him. 
“Mmm…Now we can have some real fun…We have her all to ourselves baby…” Elle breathed. 
Just like that it was the three of you. Left wanting and waiting, and wondering where exactly that line was drawn.
The festivities resumed, just as they had begun. Except this time, you felt less pressured to hold back, letting yourself focus your attention a little better. Letting yourself feel a little more…a thrashing mess of the three of you wound up and not thinking, the alcohol seeping into your brains, lowering any standards you may have had. 
Your mind and body were flowing separately but all together at the same time…hot, heavy, wasted and untamed…and you were living for every second of it. 
Still, in the back of your mind, you wondered what Jake’s answer would have been if Josh hadn’t called. Though you were certain you knew. You could see the look in his eye. 
At one point, you let your hand slide down the curve of Elle’s body, and you felt her shiver and pull back. 
“You okay baby?” Sam asks, putting his hand on her suddenly clammy face. 
She shifts back a bit, swallowing heavily as she runs her hand over her face, “No…I…I’ll be right back.” she says, standing up and sprinting to the bathroom.
“Fuck, is she okay?” you ask, nervously.
Sam sighs, and spins to stand from the bed. “No, she hit her limit before we ever left the bar. The tequila was a bad idea. I’ll be right back.” he says, letting his hand ghost over your cheek, swiping over your bottom lip. 
His eyes break away from yours as he makes his way to the bathroom, leaving you sitting on the disheveled sheets of the bed. Understanding that the fun was more than likely over, you pull the straps of your dress back over your shoulders, and stand up from the bed. 
Looking over the room you spot your clutch and fish for your phone, and any word from Jake, but as you pull your phone out you see nothing and toss it back inside. You make your way over to the sliding door and stare out onto the strip, marveling at the colorful lights and flashing signs. 
You let your mind wander as you let the incomprehensible feelings swirl through your body. As much as you loved Jake, why did your few moments with Sam feel like so much more than they should?
You shake the thoughts from your mind as you hear the two of them coming out of the bathroom. Sam pulls Elle’s dress from her body and slides his t-shirt over her slender frame. Your breath catches in your throat, catching such a sweet and tender moment between the two of them. Something you remember Sam doing with you, time and time again. 
You look away as you hear him tuck her into the bed, whispering into her ear. You make your way back to the dresser, gathering your clutch and heels and making your way to the side of the bed. 
“I hope you feel better Elle, I had fun with you tonight.” You say, leaning down to kiss her forehead. 
Before she can even respond her eyes are closing, and Sam is tossing you a smirk.
You start to make your way to the door, and Sam catches your hand. “Let me walk you back. I want to go smoke anyway.”
“Shouldn’t you stay with her?” You ask. 
“She got sick, I think she should be okay now. Said she just wanted to sleep.” He responded. 
You nod your head, and put your shoes back on as he redresses himself and grabs his room key. Seconds later he is whisking you through the door and towards the elevators. 
“What floor are you on?” he asks. “Actually, do you… want to come smoke with me?”
You turn to catch his gaze, knowing full well he just doesn’t want to leave you yet. 
“Sure Sammy.” you say, looping your arm with his.
He presses the button for the rooftop terrace and after a few minutes the doors are opening, depositing you at the windy rooftop bar. There are very few people around, considering that it's nearly three in the morning, the bar starting to close down. 
Sam pulls you out of the elevator, hand in hand as he tries to find a place for the two of you to stand and smoke.
Around a corner, the wall blocks the harsh wind, giving him his best chance of lighting his cigarette. With a flick of his zippo, the tip of the cigarette glows to life, a stream of smoke blowing from his lips.
He offers it to you but you decline, knowing that the rush of nicotine is the last thing you need in your system.
“You know, you never let me fully apologize for the role I played in the whole Andy thing. I need you to know I’m sorry. More sorry than I have ever been for anything in my life.” he says, taking a pull from the cigarette between his fingers, gazing out onto the strip. 
“I know you are Sammy. I forgive you. It’s done and over now. I was hurt and sad, but I am moving past it. I’m not letting him have control of my emotions anymore. Breaking my relationships with the people I loved is what he got off on. I’m not letting him do that anymore. I know you’d never hurt me. Ever. You all thought you were doing the right thing.” you reply.
He grabs your hand and squeezes it tight, acknowledging your forgiveness, and cementing the words into his mind. It’s quiet for a few minutes, and you can feel his gaze on you as you stare out onto the busy street. 
“I kind of wondered what would happen…” he trails off, looking out into the desert. 
“Just now? With Elle?” you ask, leaning your back to the railing. 
“No. With you and me. After some time…after we were both settled, so to speak. If the flame would still be there.” he admits.
“Oh…” you say.
He takes another drag from his cigarette, his hair blowing gently in the wind. 
“You know what I think?” you ask.
He turns to look at you, eyes dark and piercing even in the dead of the night. He raises an eyebrow.
“I think that you and I both know the flame will never burn out completely. Even if we both want it to. An eternal flame…” you say, trailing off. 
“Do we both want it to?” he asks, resting his hip on the rail as he faces you. 
“I think we need it to…” you answer, as he nods his head. 
“Tonight was…” you start, shaking your head struggling to find the words to say.
“Amazing? Cruel…” he finishes, reaching his hand to your hip, letting his fingers grip into your side. “To have you so close…but still just out of reach. Jake, watching my every move, like I didn’t ruin you a hundred times over right under his nose…”
You swallow harshly, knowing the exact feeling he was talking about. You knew that no matter what could have transpired tonight, it would only be a brief glimpse of what you knew he was capable of.
“What would have happened if Elle never came back?” he asks.
“Sam…” you whine, feeling his grip pull you closer to him.
“Do you ever think about it?” he asks, tamping out his cigarette.
“I don’t know.” you answer.
“Yes you do.” he says, sliding his hand up to rest at your neck, letting his thumb dig into your skin. He always did remember those special points of your body. You groaned at the sensation of his hands on you, away from prying eyes.
“I think… we would have continued doing whatever it was we were doing. I think Nashville wouldn’t have been the last time. Not by a long shot.” you answer.
“No. It wouldn’t have. Fuck, I… I would have done things so differently…I know I sound like a broken record but, I had no idea it would be the last time.” he pauses, “But then tonight…”
You nod your head as you bring your face closer to his, letting your hands rest on his arms. “Tonight…”
“Fuck…” he exhales a shaky breath, “Tonight, yesterday, every day before that, fuck Y/N…”
“What, Sammy…” you say, your lips barely ghosting over his.
“I’ll never stop.” he says, his lips grazing yours.
“Stop what?” you breathe.
“Wanting you just one more time…” he whispers.
“So don’t.” you reply, feeling his lips, cold and wet press to yours. 
The electricity zapped from your toes up through your body, a whimper leaving your throat as his tongue slid across your lips. His hands pulled you closer into him, feeling his bulge press into your stomach. Your hand slid under his shirt, and you were met with the soft warmth of his skin. His lips felt different away from Jake and Elle. Like he was the gravity holding you down to Earth, keeping you from floating away into the cosmos. His hand wound into your hair, pulling your mouth closer to his as his lips reacquainted with yours.
He inhaled a shaky breath, almost as if the contact was bringing him to tears. You peeped your eyes open to see his eyebrows furrowed, kissing you with so much intention you felt dizzy. So you returned it. You let your nails dig into his sides under his shirt, dragging them around to his front, making him physically shudder. Finally, you brought your hands back up to cup his face, pulling yourself away to catch him in a look so devastatingly intense that you felt like you might disintegrate. You were almost in tears yourself. 
His lips plush and pink, still stained with the pressure of trying to consume as much of you as he could, while he could, he blinked rapidly, honestly probably fighting back tears that you knew were also threatening you, too. He clenched his jaw and flared his nostrils, swallowing hard. 
“Y/N, I swear on my life…there will never…” he shook his head slowly, unable to find the words as he held your head steady. He breathed again. 
“You don’t need to say it, Sammy.” You whispered. “I know. I’ve known for years and years…” 
He let a laugh fall from his throat as he tilted his head back, eyes sparkling with tears he just wouldn’t let fall. 
“And what about you, huh?” His eyebrows raised. You knew what he was asking. 
You looked to the ground, searching for some way, any way to tell him, without telling him. 
So instead of speaking, you simply smiled. A wide, toothy and genuine smile that stretched from ear to ear, making you fall into a fit of shyness…nodding your head and pushing back tears. 
He returned your smile. “That’s all I needed, babe. That’s all I needed.” You let a singular tear finally crawl down your cheek, and before you could catch it, Sam’s lips caught it, kissing it away. 
He rested his forehead to yours, bringing you in for a final embrace. “Happy tears, lover. Always happy tears.” 
Your phone buzzing in your clutch pulled you back down to earth, the realization hitting you of what had just occurred. 
You pulled away quickly, grabbing your phone from your bag, seeing a text from Jake.
3:08 am
Jake: I found them. Taking Josh and Danny back to their rooms. Coming for you next. Going to finish what I started…
You let out the breath you were holding, and looked to Sam. 
“I know…” he says, nodding his head in defeat. “I’ll take you back. Thanks for coming up here with me. For this.”
“Sam, we…” you start, but his finger presses to your lips, stopping the words from escaping.
“Let’s go.” he says, sliding his finger down your arm, and lacing his fingers with yours. 
“What floor are you on?” Sam asked as you approached the elevator doors. 
“Eight. Room 801.” You responded as the doors opened, and you pulled the room key from your bag. The two of you stood in silence as the elevator ascended, way too quickly for your drunken state to handle. 
The doors opened and you headed down the hall, hands brushing by one another as you walked. 
“I had a…really good time tonight, Sam. I wish…we could have made it last just a bit longer.” You said quietly as you approached the door. 
“I had a great time, too. Never thought I’d get to be with you like that again. Ever.” He said, inching closer to you. 
“Mm, me neither. It was… a very welcome surprise.” You breathed, his mouth close to yours again. You could feel the tension growing again, threatening to break with every passing second. It was taking everything in you not to push him against the wall, run your hands all over his body, bury your tongue deep in his mouth…and let all the dirty thoughts explode from yours. 
His lips were within centimeters of yours, his nose brushing against your cheek as you fought to keep your breath steady. Your eyes began watering at the situation, the draw so strong you could faint. 
“Goodnight, lover…” he whispered, words hot on your lips as he pulled away, leaving you a heaving mess of winded breaths. You watched as he walked quickly down the hall back the opposite way you came, toward the stairwell. Strange. Maybe he needed to walk. 
As he approached the door, he turned to look at you, giving you one last longing glance before pushing through it. 
You stood for a second. Looking at the door of your hotel room, and then back to the stairwell. A thousand memories replaying in your mind in a flash of noise and color.
Before you could stop yourself, you were rushing down the hallway, not looking back. Your legs carrying you faster than you could think as you ran to the door, busting through it into the dark, shadowy stairwell. 
You found him there, leaned against the brick wall running his hands through his hair. You stood before him as his eyes found yours, chest heaving up and down with his labored breaths. You watched as his breath caught in his throat, face riddled with shock. 
“You fucking came…”
Suddenly his hands were on you, pushing you against the wall with force. His mouth instantly connected with yours as he wound his hands into your hair. 
You kissed him back, hard, violently searching for something you didn’t know you were still looking for. Something you wished away. Something that no matter how hard you tried to deny, would always be there.
He growled with anticipation, grabbing your hand and locking his fingers with yours, trailing your hands between you, forcing you to feel his erection. 
“You feel that, baby? You did that. You’ve been doing that to me all night…” you squeezed him hard through his jeans, cupping him just so that his muscles softened, a whine falling from his beautiful pink lips. 
In a flurry, you unbuckled his belt, button, and zipper, forcefully pulling him free of his confines, taking his dick fully in your hand, already pulsing. 
“God Sam you’re so hard already, what is it you want? What have you been thinking about?” You breathed, all coherent thoughts flying out the window as you let your animalistic instincts take over, beginning to move your hand up and down him quickly. 
“Shiiit baby, you. I’ve been thinking about you, fucking you, making love to you like we used to…miss it so bad, Y/N…” he whispered. 
You quickened your movements on him as he kissed you hard again, hiking your leg up over his hip, your panties absolutely drenched from want. He held your leg up with one hand, pressing himself against you. You swore you could orgasm right then and there, the feeling of his bare skin pressed against you again. Your whimpers carried out quietly through the echoey stairwell as Sam brought his hand to your center, threatening to touch you in the place that for the longest time, belonged to him. 
“Mmm, still get wet for me, baby? Let me see…” 
His fingers found your folds, tracing along the insides as he maneuvered them perfectly, quickly shaking them as he glided up your wetness. 
“Just as I thought, fucking soaked. For me, babe?” He asked. 
“A little bit for your girlfriend, but…” you teased. 
“Shut the hell up.” He laughed, shaking his head. His beautiful, adorable, sweet laugh. 
You pushed your lower half in toward him again, searching for any type of contact as he continued assaulting you with his fingers. Your hand had released him; he was gliding himself in between your folds now, feeling your warmth on him. 
“God damnit, you feel so fucking amazing, and I haven’t even…” his breath caught as you connected your mouth to his throat. 
“I fucking want you, Y/N, so bad I can hardly breathe…I literally can’t stop it….” He went on. 
You felt like another person, floating above watching yourself in the position you found yourself in. So bad, so wrong. Fuck. 
Sam’s hand was around your neck, his fingers on your pressure points as he pressed his dick against your bundle of nerves, making you gush with arousal. 
You whined hard at the feeling. “Fuck me then, Sam. Do it. Like you used to. Fill me up, I need it. I need to feel you again…” someone else was speaking through your mouth, this horrible, detrimental decision already weighing hard on you, but you needed Sam so badly right now, you surely would cease to exist if you didn’t have him. 
Just then he lifted your leg higher, and pressed into you, gently at first, then all the way in to the hilt. The noises that escaped both of your lips were filthy, foul and obscene…your mouth hung slack as you fought to catch your breath, the feeling of him inside you again climbing to the very top of your list. 
“Jesus Christ, Sam, don’t fucking stop…” you sounded pornographic in your words, the sounds you both whined echoing and bouncing off the walls. But you couldn’t care less. He pulled in and out of you at a pace that could kill you, long and languid strokes, already hitting your G-spot with ease. 
“You’re fucking beautiful, Y/N, so perfect, god I missed you, so bad…” he grunted, fighting for his life as he pressed you harder against the wall, cutting off your air supply in the most beautiful way. 
“Sammy…” you whined into his neck, pulling him in closer to you. Arching your back off the wall in an attempt to take him further. Suddenly he pulls out of you, and you hiss with the loss of contact.
“Turn around, put your hands on the wall.” he instructs, spinning you away from him, and lifting your dress.
His arm comes around to your front, and gathers your slick rubbing tight circles over your clit as you feel him press into you from this new angle. 
“Fuck me. I swear to god you feel better than I even remember.” he groans, grabbing a handful of your ass as he pounds into you. You wince as his fingers press into your bruised skin.
“Shit, baby, are you okay?” he asks, feeling you cringe against him, and you look over your shoulder to tell him to continue, but you watch as his eyes take in the state of your backside littered with tiny red bruises. 
“What is this? What is this from?” he asks, continuing to fuck into you at a slower pace. 
“Last night. Jake…He was a little jealous.” you pant out. 
“What at the piano? So he put his hands on you?” he asks, a tinge of anger in his voice.
“No. Not his hands anyways… I asked him to. I wanted it. Just forget it Sammy. He’s not here. You are. You and me.” you plead.
“If he did that for last night, what’s he gonna do about this?” he says, plunging into you with more force.
“Fuck…I don’t know. Kill us both… He’s never going to know. This is it. The last time…” you whine. “Shit Sam… you feel so fucking good…”
“You’re right. The last time…” he says, pounding into you, the loud smack of your bodies echoing through the stairwell.
“Turn around. I want to see your face when I make you cum.” he growls.
“Let’s see if you still can.” you say playfully.
“Don’t fucking test me, baby.” he says as you turn back around, pressing your back to the cold brick wall.
He grabs both of your legs and pulls them to rest around his waist as he re-enters you, a moan drifting into the air. 
“Goddamnit, how am I supposed to fucking live without this?” he grunts.
You arch into him as he hits your g-spot, and you tense around him. 
“Squeeze me like that again, gonna memorize the way your pussy feels around me.” he says, fucking up into you harder.
“I’m…I’m close Sam…I’m…” you stammer.
“I know, I know you are. I fucking know you are, I can feel you. Want you to cum lover, want you to fucking soak me while I ruin you.” he says, his words pushing you over the ledge. His lips connect to your throat, licking and nipping and biting your skin as you pulse around him, the high you’d be chasing for so long finally within reach.
“Let go. Tell me who fucks you like this while you do it. Say it. Say my name as you cum baby.” he praises.
“You! You do Sam, fuck! You do!” you cry, letting his name fall from your lips over and over as the high takes over your body, squeezing him inside of you with everything you’ve got. 
“I’m not gonna last much longer, I’ve fought it too long already.” he pants, slipping in and out of you with precision.
“Cum for me Sammy. Fucking fill me. Want to feel you everywhere.” you whisper against his lips.
A door opening below you, snaps the two of you from your trance, both of you immediately going silent.
“Y/N?” you hear Jake’s voice echo through the empty stairwell just a few floors below you. 
Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Jake. 
What have you done?
Sam slaps his hand across your mouth to stifle the sob ready to spill from your chest, causing you to clench around him. 
Seconds later you hear the door slam closed, and Sam removes his hand. “We have seconds… and I want every last one.”
You let your lips crash to his as his hips snap into you one more time, “I need you Y/N. Need this. I always will…” and with that, you feel him spill into you, the warm sensation collecting inside of you, as his moans drift directly into your ear. You close your eyes and for just a moment you let the outside world fade away. He buries his face into your neck as he cums, holding you tightly against him.
When his grip on you loosens you let your legs drop to the floor as he pulls out. He reaches between you to pull your panties back where they belong, effectively catching the release ready to spill out of you at any second. 
A sick feeling creeps into your stomach as you fix your dress, “Sam, I–” you start.
“I know. Fuck, I know. Go, quickly. Get straight into the shower. Don’t stop for anything. If you see him it’ll be too late.” he says, smoothing his sweaty hair away from his neck.
You turn to walk to the door, and just as you twist the handle, Sam’s hand catches yours. Your eyes flick to his, meeting his deep brown eyes for just a moment as he speaks, “I’ll never stop loving you, Y/N.” 
Your fingertips glide over his as you slide out the door, and away from Sam for the last time.
The walk back to your room felt like it took one hundred years, pacing up and down hallways, losing track of which floor you were on, the elevators being at opposite ends of the hotel…your mind was racing and your bearings were lost, you had fucked up. Royally. 
What the hell were you thinking? That this would just be okay? No. It wasn’t okay. It was bewildering. Breathtaking, the most high-end and insane sex you might have ever had…feeling her again was like seeing someone you thought was dead and gone, rise up and extend their hand to you, dragging you back down into purgatory with them. 
Except this purgatory was heavenly. Blissful, erotic, and downright forbidden. And it was the sweetest thing you’d ever fucking tasted. 
“Fuck!” You yelled as you lost your direction once again, finding yourself crouching on the floor on the complete wrong end of the building. You grabbed your hair in your hands, feeling like like you could rip out each and every strand, just to torture yourself for what you’d just done. 
There was no justifying this one. No explaining yourselves. You’d cheated. On the best thing you’d found in your life. With your brother’s girl. God damnit…He was never going to speak to you again. This was going to ruin everything. Ruin your relationship with him, with Elle, maybe even Josh and Daniel…the band. Fuck. Right before tour. 
You hoped to god that maybe, by some miracle, Jake wouldn’t find out. You’d rather live with the secret guilt than have him learn about it. 
You must have been walking for a half hour at least before you finally found your room, pulling the key card from your wallet and unlocking the door. You sighed heavily in preparation, easing into the dark shadowy room, finding Elle fast asleep right where you left her. You gently covered her back up, tucking the heavy blankets around her. You walked over to the mini bar and grabbed a bottle of water, placing it beside her on the table, should she wake up and need it. 
You took your shirt off and laid back down in bed, as far away from Elle as you could possibly get��the feeling of showing her affection making your stomach curdle. Maybe you should shower. Yes. 
You let yourself stand under the steaming hot water, trying like hell to wash away the scent of sex and Y/N, still lingering heavily on your body. You normally wanted to bathe in it, bask in it, but right now you felt like you couldn’t scrub it off fast enough. You cleaned yourself over and over, until your skin was red and blotchy. 
You finally decided that your skin may fall off the bone, so you stepped out and dried off, slipping back into the bed to let your body drift off into what would hopefully be the deepest sleep you’d ever had. But instead your mind wandered. Tortured itself. The memories of what you’d done, everything building up to it…it was so wrong. 
You rolled over to look to Elle, her chest heaving slowly as she breathed, deep in her sleep. Your sweet, beautiful, strong and perfect girl, like nothing you’d ever imagined…and you stepped out on her. Did the ultimate thing that no trusting person should ever do. You’d made a truly grave mistake. And you knew you were going to pay for it. 
You tap the key card to the door barely letting the light flash before you throw it open. As you step into the room, you see Y/N rushing around the room, tossing her heels to the floor and throwing down her bag as she tried to make her way into the bathroom. 
“Where the hell have you been?” you ask, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I texted you!”
You take notice of her flushed cheeks and her heaving chest as you step further into the room. Odd.
“I’ve been in here for a few minutes!” she says, pulling down the straps of her dress.
“No, actually you haven’t. I was just in here, and you weren’t. I thought maybe you were still in Sam and Elle’s room, but when I knocked no one answered the door.” you snap.
“Must have just missed me in passing then.” she says, letting her dress slide to the floor. Your eyes flash to her nipples, hard and standing at attention, her tits slightly swollen and red, her panties twisted to the side. Interesting.
“Well, I took the elevator straight here and you weren’t in here darlin’…thought to myself, ‘Huh, must have taken the stairs.’ A strange choice surely, but what the hell…Still no sign of you…” you say, placing your hand on her shoulder. Her skin is warm, warmer than usual, and her cheeks pink.
“Oh, I went up to the rooftop bar with Sam, he wanted to smoke a cigarette before he walked me back...” she says. 
You swipe the tangled mess of hair from her bare shoulder, as you pull her body into yours and lean into her ear. “Really baby? Because you don't smell like cigarettes.” you pause, breathing her in, “You smell like sex.”
She turns away from your grasp, and makes strides towards her suitcase. “Did you forget what we were doing earlier?” she says, busying herself with the items in her suitcase.
“Oh, I surely didn’t forget what we were doing. But I’m finding myself more intrigued by what happened when I left. Because this...” you motion to her, “...Is not how I left you.” you snap.
“Nothing happened Jake. Elle felt sick, we all stopped. Sam walked me back to the room.” she says, motioning to the door with her hand. You bite your lips together at the use of her hands. Always her dead giveaway that she was lying, but you hoped to god you were wrong.
“But first a quick pit stop on the roof, right…” you correct.
“Oh, yeah…sorry. What’s with the inquisition? Aren’t you exhausted? Let’s go to bed…” she says, trying to change the subject. But you know. You know her better than anyone knows her. You know exactly how she looks when she's been satisfied.  
“Suddenly I’m not tired at all…” you say, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards you.
You bring your face to her neck and inhale, but what you breathe in is not just her.
“You know, on second thought, you do smell like cigarettes. But you’re not the one that smoked them.” you say, releasing her to stumble back a few steps.
“Yeah, I told you. Sam smoked.” she says, defensively.
“Right, so then what the fuck was his mouth doing on your neck? Your throat? Your chest?! I can smell him all over you Y/N!” you yell, gesturing to her throat.
Her face flashes red as she realizes what you’re asking.
“What are you insinuating Jacob?” she snaps.
“I think you know goddamn good and well what i’m insinuating Y/N! Answer the fucking question!” you yell.
She doesn’t answer, and instead faces away from you, cementing her guilt. 
“Tell me I’m fucking wrong, Y/N! Tell me it’s not what I think! Tell me it's the alcohol messing with my head, because surely it can’t be what I think it is!”
“Stop it Jake!” she screams, a tear springing from her eye.
You step back, and look her up and down, her disheveled appearance finally clicking in your brain. Shock is surely painted all over your face. They didn’t just makeout, no. He fucked her. He fucked her minutes ago.
“Should have known the second I turned my back you would do this. Should have never gone up to their room. In fact, it was never about Elle was it? Just used her as a pawn to get what you wanted. Always just getting what you want, huh, Y/N? You two probably fucking planned this didn’t you?” you seethe.
“Yesterday all cuddled up on the fucking piano… Should have fucking known. I knew this shit would happen.” you snap.
She recoils at your statement, crying harder than you’ve probably ever seen her, but you feel nothing.
“Did he fuck you real good, Y/N? Remember all those special places you just love so much?” you say, shaking your head at her.
“Jake, stop! We…we talked about it! I thought you–” she pleads, trying to grab your hands, but you yank them away from her, completely repulsed by her touch.
“We did?! When exactly did I say it was okay to fuck my brother behind my back? I may have been drinking but I’ll be goddamned if I would ever agree to that! Where’d he fuck you? The bathroom? The elevator? The roof? The stairwell?” you snap, seeing her eyes flash to yours.
“Oh, the stairs…The fucking stairwell I was just in. Probably heard me call your name as he was fucking you, huh? Few more flights and I could have seen you whoring it up with my brother? Fucking sick.” you say, pushing off the dresser, beginning to gather a few things into your pockets.
“You have two seconds…two seconds to tell me the truth. Tell me what you’ve done or I’m fucking out of here.” you say, locking eyes with her.
Her eyes blink away the tears rapidly falling, and her lip trembles, but no sound comes out.
“One.” you say, grabbing your things from the bed. 
“Jake…” she breathes.
“Tell me right fucking now Y/N…Say it out loud. Did you fuck him yes or no…” you press, knowing the answer, but wanting to hear her say it.
You make your way over to her, grabbing her chin between your thumb and pointer finger, as you look into her eyes that are frantically searching yours. 
“Two.” you snap, but still no words leave her lips. She’s done it, and didn’t even have the decency to admit it.
You push her face away, spotting the necklace hanging around her neck, gripping the chain in your fist and snapping the metal as you free it from her. You throw it against the wall as hard as you can as you make your way to the door. “Fucking means nothing! Nothing!”
Her sobs rip through the room, completely devastated, but she deserves it. She completely betrayed you. 
“No! Jake, please! Where are you going?” she begs, tears streaming down her sobbing body.
You swallow harshly, “Anywhere you’re not. Do not fucking call me. Do not text me. Disappear for all I care.” and you slip through the door, slamming it shut behind you.
Your world feels like it’s crashing down around you the second the door shuts. You can hear her cries through the heavy wooden door, and you feel your heart twist in your chest. 
You frantically pull your phone from your pocket, but as your screen lights up with a photo of her you quickly shove it back into your pocket with a disgusted huff.
Trekking to the elevator you press the button for floor eleven, thanking yourself for swiping Josh’s extra room key earlier. You are completely out of your mind as the elevator makes its way up the few floors. 
Stepping out with only your phone and your wallet you search for his room, completely unsure of what you’re even going to say to him when you do barge in. Tapping the key to his door you are met with pitch black darkness and the sound of his snores. 
You shut the door quietly behind you, and kick off your shoes, making your way to the small couch near the window calling the small expanse of cushions home for the night. He hasn’t heard you enter, and you’re definitely not going to wake him up and explain all of this. 
Instead you lay down onto your side and try to close your eyes, but the image of her and Sam in the hotel room tonight is still fresh in your mind. You would have never agreed to any of this had you known. The part that was eating you alive was the fact she wanted him enough to even consider sleeping with him when you left. 
Did you really not satisfy her? Had you ever?
Rolling to your back, you pushed the images from your head, but were met with a new image of her face just a few short minutes ago. Red, puffy, completely distraught. What did she expect? You to not notice?
You felt your eyes well with tears. Surely this wasn’t the same girl you’d loved your whole life. The same girl who said she loved you just the same? The girl who promised to love no other?
A tear slipped down your cheek as you brought your phone to life, once again being met with the image of her, just a few weeks ago at the cabin, curled up in front of the fireplace in nothing but your flannel.
Your heart constricted and a choked sob left your chest. How could she do this to you? Had she not tortured you enough? When was enough, enough? How could the two of you ever come back from this? You half expected her to call you, text you, even though you told her not to. Telling her to disappear? How could you be so cruel?  How could she be so cruel?
Then, your mind drifted to Sam. Your own flesh and blood. The ultimate betrayal. You had been kind enough to agree to the things that happened in your presence. Something you didn’t even have to do. In fact you had even given him a little more than anticipated, and how did he repay you? 
You flipped to your other side, repositioning the pillow underneath you, hoping and praying you would fall asleep soon, and be taken somewhere else. Somewhere where none of this existed. But as your eyes finally grew heavy, your mind was filled with her, and the broken look on her face, as if she already knew it was over.
In his drunken stupor Josh didn’t close the blinds and the blazing hot morning sun peered in through the window promptly at 6:00am. You had managed a few hours of sleep on the stiff couch, and through Josh’s snoring, but you knew you had to slip out before he ever knew you were here. The last thing you wanted to do was answer his questions. 
You pulled yourself up from the couch, and slid your shoes on, making a quick stop in the bathroom before quietly slipping out the door. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, alerting you to your flight in a few hours. Fuck I still have to pack. 
Your mind raced as you made your way back to your room, wondering what you would find when you got there. Your heart was pounding as you opened the door, finding the room silent and a complete mess. It was dark, just a small peek of light shining through the curtains. Just enough to find your girl in one of your t-shirts, and completely wrapped around one of your flannels, clearly falling asleep as she cried into it. 
Your heart ached at the sight of her, mostly because you weren’t sure if she was your girl still. Or if you even still wanted her to be. You took one last look at her, letting yourself have a few more seconds to feel sorry for yourself, and then you looked away. Now it was time to get serious.
You walked over to the curtains, pulling them open to let the bright light in, and searching for your suitcase. You picked it up and tossed it on the bed, before collecting your things and throwing them inside with no care on whether or not you would wake her. She hadn’t considered you, why should you consider her?
The commotion caused Y/N to sit up suddenly, looking around the room. Her eyes were still red and puffy, and you’re sure she had only fallen asleep what must have been minutes prior to your arrival.
“Jake…” she groaned.
You ignored her, staying focused on your task, packing your things neatly into the metal suitcase.
You made your way to the bathroom, collecting up your toiletries and returning to the room. 
“Jake?” she asks, a little louder. 
You take a deep breath and look at her. “Yes?” you snap.
“Can you– Can we talk?” she begs.
“Are you ready to tell the truth?” you ask.
She looks at you, searching for any words that could possibly explain her situation.
“I said, are you ready to tell the truth…” you quip.
You grab a change of clothes from your suitcase, quickly stripping off your dirty, slept in clothes and exchanging them for the clean items. The items that smell like her favorite laundry detergent. That she washed and folded for you, just for this trip. You swallow heavily, pushing the sentiment to the side of your mind. 
Nothing leaves her lips, and her eyes begin to blink rapidly at the harshness of your tone. 
“Thought you wanted to talk.” you seethe.
“I do!” she begs.
“Then fucking say something!” you shout. “It’s simple Y/N. Did you fuck my brother, yes or no?” you ask, condescendingly.
A tear rolls down her cheek, a quiet few seconds passing before she finally whispers, “Yes.”
“I fucking knew it.” you say, slamming your suitcase shut, and pulling the zipper.
“Jake I–” she starts, before you cut her off.
“Do you love him?” you snap. 
She stares at you wide eyed.
“Answer the question.” you say.
She shakes her head in confusion, and scrambles to stand from the bed. She walks over to you, placing her hand on your arm. Her skin on yours feels like hot coals, burning you in the worst way.
“Yes or no, Y/N.” you say, snapping your arm away from her.
“I don’t know! No! I used to love him, I think! I don’t anymore! It was a mistake, Jake!” she cries. 
“You don’t know!? Well, here’s an easy one for you…Do you love me?” you ask, pulling your suitcase to the floor.
“Yes! Of course I do! You know I love you Jake! I love you more than anything!” she shouts.
“Really?! You could have fucking fooled me! I’m pretty sure love doesn’t look like getting railed by my brother in a fucking stairwell while I search the entire goddamn hotel for you! Then trying to lie and say nothing happened!” you screamed.
“Jake! It wasn’t like that! It–It just happened! We were drinking and smoking, none of us were in our right minds! I don’t know what happened! It didn’t mean anything it just…I don’t know…I fucked up! I don’t know!” she trailed off, trying to collect her thoughts.
“I don’t understand Y/N! I give and I give and I give, and it’s still not enough! You still want him! Why? Why am I not enough?! How can you stand there and tell me that you love me, and then do something like this? How can I ever trust you again?” you shout.
“You are enough Jake! I’m just an idiot! I fucked up. I will never forgive myself. Please, please just stay! We can fix this! I will fix this!” she cries.
“As far as I’m concerned, this…” you pause, motioning between the two of you, “...is fucking destroyed. There is no fix. Do you get that?” you say.
She all but crumbles onto the bed, “Jake…please, you–you don’t mean that…”
You roll your suitcase to the door, and twist the handle, “I do. I do mean it.”
“Are you trying to tell me that you weren’t going to sleep with Elle last night? I saw you! I saw you two together. You wanted her just as bad as she wanted you! The whispering! The noises!” she says.
Heat rises into your face, as you let your words simmer in your mind before letting them fall like razors from your tongue. “Of course I fucking wanted to! Fuck we almost did! But you know what would have happened first? I would have fucking told you. I would have made one hundred percent sure that you were okay with it. Sam too. Then and only then, would I have actually considered it. But you know what? Given the circumstances, maybe I still can. What’s fair is fair, right Y/N?” you say with a shrug. You watch her visibly recoil at the thought.
“Jake! No!” she begs, pulling herself up from the bed. 
“What? It’s okay for you to go behind my back, but it’s not okay for me to go behind yours? Interesting rules in your fucked up little game, Y/N…” you seethe, turning towards her.
“It was a mistake…Please don’t go…I’m so sorry.” she cries.
You shake your head, completely distraught over her every painfilled word. It’s then you spot the necklace you threw so carelessly the night before, crumpled and twisted on the floor, causing your own eyes to well with tears. You flip your sunglasses down over your eyes, and swallow back the lump in your throat. 
You turn to look at her one last time. “It’s too late for ‘I’m sorry’, you should have thought about this while you were screaming someone else's name in a stairwell like a whore… I have to go. Need to go pay someone a visit.”
“Jake, please! Please, you can’t tell her! She–Let Sam tell her. Please!” she hardly manages through her constant tears. 
“I’ll take that into consideration…” you say facetiously. 
“I’ll do anything! Anything! Just don’t go…I…”
“No...You know what? I think you’ve done enough.” you snap.
It guts you as the words leave your mouth. The finality of your words rolling around in your head as you force yourself to step through the door and let it close behind you.
As your feet drag you down the hallway, you press the button for the elevator and as the doors slide open you finally know how it feels to be on the giving end of leaving.
Chapter 20
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justhere4kpop · 1 year
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Wooyoung x Single Mom! Reader
Your life gets flipped upside down when you take a new backup dancer job at KQ Entertainment, you lied in your interview how will you get out of this one?
Genre: Mostly Fluff, Some Angst.
Warnings: (?) Angst, Mentions of cheating, self-doubt, and arguing.
w/c: 8715
a/n: Ahhh the longest one I've written so far!!! Oh god, I really hope it's good and that you guys like it, I've never written anything this long and I'm so scared to post it hahaha. I feel like even as long as it is it might feel a little rushed. I have no idea....it took me a long time to write anyways so any and all feedback is welcomed. Okay AH! Enjoy, please!
tags: @cromernet @starillusion13, @jaehunnyy (for you Chippie)
Do I wake up every morning with my hair in every direction, toothpaste foaming at the mouth, a stained t-shirt and pajama pants, and a toddler crying because I can’t hold her? Not every morning…sometimes I don’t get to brush my teeth before breakfast. Today was a really important day for me though and I absolutely could not bring my screaming toddler to my first day as a backup dancer at KQ Entertainment.
“What do you think Sweet Pea? Pancakes for breakfast?” I looked at her. “How about some fruit too? Grapes, Cantaloupe?” she smiled.
“Mama!” she pointed at the plate.
“I know I know they’re coming.” I flipped the stove on and kept brushing my hair. This is what I get for letting her try to braid it last night. “I knew I should’ve prepped last night.”
Of course, the day was going to be crazy, I’m a ball of anxiety there’s no way I couldn’t be.
“Do you like the melon today? It’s in season so it should be nice.”
“Juicy.” she smiled. “I like it!” she raised it in the air.
“I’m glad, maybe I’ll get more the next time we go to the grocery store.” I ate with her and wiped her mouth when it got to be too much.
“Are you excited to hang out with grandma today?” I picked up her plate so we could go wash dishes together.
“Grandma is coming?” she looked at me.
“Yes, are you excited?” I looked down at her and pulled her step stool up since she insists she can ash her own dishes.
“Mmmmm I dunno.” she shrugged and I chuckled.
The doorbell rang.
“Hi Mom, thanks for watching her again.” I sighed opening the door a two-year-old attached to my hip. “Saja, say hi to grandma.” I nudged her and she hid behind my shoulder. My shy little girl.
“Oh still shy as ever I see. Does she talk to anyone?” my mom chuckled.
“She’ll talk to me, especially when she gets upset…she’s just nervous around people. In fact, we were just talking about you coming over.”
“Oh, how fascinating.” she smiled.
“Okay let me just show you around really quickly to make sure you know where everything is. It’s been a while since you traveled here and I really appreciate it.”
I gave her the tour around the apartment, sure it wasn’t big but it was enough to stress me out, and have trouble keeping clean. Important numbers on the fridge, obviously call me if there’s an emergency. Snacks in one cabinet, dry food in another, what she likes and doesn’t so far, what she likes to do all day, hopefully, if the weather is nice they can go to a park. I went to get ready while Saja was distracted and put my bag together.
“Where we going?” she asked and patted my bag by the front door reaching for her shoes.
“Unfortunately today Pumpkin you have to stay with grandma while Mama goes to her first day of work.” I pushed the hair out of her eyes.
“But-”her eyes gazed over. “But I wanna go.” she pouted and big tears started forming.
“It’s just like that time that mama had to drop you off at daycare for the first time sweet pea, remember how much fun that turned out to be. You met Junie, and Kiri.”
“But I no want mama go.” she hiccuped.
“I know baby, I’ll be back before you go to bed I promise. Probably even before dinner ok.” I hugged her and spun her around. “It’ll be hard today, but easy tomorrow ok? Just gotta trust me.”
“Otay.” she wiped her eyes. “Promise come back?”
“I promise. I’m not ever leaving you.” I kissed her forehead.
And so that’s how the first day of the rest of my life began. I got to KQ, nearly died from exhaustion on how much they taught us that first day, raced home to be there for my kid before she went to sleep, and did it again for months, some days it was picking her up from daycare, sometimes my mom would take care of her. Of course, I made some work friends who wanted to hang out but I couldn’t… I can’t just go drinking after practice, I have to get home to watch the new episode of Octonauts, read bedtime stories, and make sure her “homework” (coloring.) is done.
“Oh come on y/n, come out with us.” Jaeun begged.
“I-I really can’t, I have to get back home.”
“What do you have a kid or something?” he teased.
“S-Something yeah. I um…just a tight schedule and I’m trying to make ends meet.”
“Oh second job?” Eun suggested.
“It’s just important and I can’t just…I don’t really have free time. I’m sorry, I really do want to but I have so much to do…” I bowed. “Thank you really. I appreciate it every time you ask me. I’ll see you around.”
I started to leave when a voice spoke up next to me.
“Nice work today y/n.” came the calm cool voice of none other than Jung Wooyoung.
“Th-Thank you Mr.Wooyoung.” I said again with a bow.
“Maybe they can’t convince you out but could I?” he quirked an eyebrow…..Is he flirting with me?
“I’m s-sorry I really have to go.” I picked up my bag and left. Did Jung Wooyoung just talk to me….and ask me out? Are you kidding me? I can’t get…I can’t.
“Mama.” called out the small voice waiting by my front door.
“Hi baby.” I picked her up and smiled once more. “I missed you too.”
“You look upset.” my mom said looking me over.
“It’s ok Mom, maybe later.” I didn’t want to talk about it in front of Saja. “For now, let me see what you learned today?”
“Color!” she ran over to the table after I set her down and started telling me the names of the colors.
“Wow look at you my smart girl.” I smiled and looked at the drawing she made of the rainbow. “Definitely going on the fridge today.”
“Yay!” she smiled and went to pick out the magnet for the drawing.
“I got asked out for drinks again.” I sighed.
“I would’ve watched her honey, you can go.”
“It wasn’t just by my coworkers this time…it was one of my bosses….I don’t know I’ve maybe bumped into him like 3 times but I haven’t really ever had a conversation with him and I…I couldn’t say yes.”
“Why not, it’s been a while since you had a date.”
“Mom I’m not really…dating material…I have a kid and…I don’t know.”
“y/n, you should try it…just…take a chance.”
“Maybe….I’ll…I’ll think about it mom.”
“I just want you to be happy kiddo, and to not feel so alone.”
“I’m never alone…but it would be a little nice to…think about some help…Mom he doesn’t want kids! What am I even saying.” I sighed.
“This one!!!” Saja ran back in with a rainbow magnet for her rainbow drawing. “I want dis one.” she smiled.
“Okay that one it is.” I smiled and took her rainbow to hang it up. “And so now which one is your favorite color?”
“Yellow.��� she smiled.
“Good choice.” I kissed her head. “Come on let’s get ready for bed.”
I got her into her yellow duckie pajamas, we washed our faces, and we brushed our teeth and read together, she’s trying new words but also told me what color each things were. My smart girl.
“Goodnight Princess.” I whispered and kissed her head leaving the room.
“y/n.” my mom called me over. “I really want you to think about having fun with your friends.”
“I will mom…I…They don’t know I have a kid and I just, I don’t know wouldn’t it just be weird I’m suddenly the mom friend.”
“Honey, you already act like a mom because you’ve always been the mom friend.”
“I just don’t want to get hurt again….I don’t want Saja to get hurt again.” I looked back at her door.
One year ago, it was raining, I’d just gotten fired from my job for falling asleep in a meeting because my good-for-nothing partner wouldn’t take care of his own child at 2am. I came home to a screaming Saja, no furniture except her bed and mine, and a letter on the counter with photos of my worst fear….he was cheating on me this whole time. At least he had the decency to leave his keys. I was so scared I called my mom and that night I did the only thing I could hold onto my screaming one-year-old and cry too. I just wanted the best for her, unplanned or not she deserved as much love as I could give her. In some small ways, she tried too, if she saw me having a bad day after I couldn’t find a job she’d offer me a snack, if I fell asleep while we were together she’d curl up next to me and stay put so I could sleep. She was truly one of the best things if not the best thing to happen to me. I just wish I could give her a good life where she doesn’t have to worry about things at 2 years old…she shouldn’t see me cry already. Now the opportunity was knocking on my door, figuratively of course…Just the prospect of a date was terrifying, could I really let someone in like that again?
Jung Wooyoung is nothing but consistent…consistently a pain in my ass, he really doesn’t quit I mean at first it was every other day he’d ask if I was busy after work, but now it’s twice a week…he won’t stop…He’s famous, he’s…he’s an idol he wouldn’t want anything to do with me if I said I had a kid. He’d leave me alone…can I really expose myself like that? What if I get fired? I really need this job…Christ, what am I going to do? Just keep saying no he’ll give up and move on. Right.
“Oh you’re just mad someone actually said no to you Wooyoungie.” San teased his best friend as he pouted at another failed date attempt.
“It’s the way she carried herself, and that she always looks after the others, I mean I’ve seen her make sure everyone has water before drinking herself, and if someone looks unwell she’s the first one to check on them.” Wooyoung groaned flailing on the couch.
“Didn’t know you had a thing for moms.” Hongjoong chuckled.
“What do you mean?”
“She’s a total mom friend making sure everyone else is taken care of.” he smiled at the younger one, rejection never looked so good on someone.
“You could’ve just dated Seonghwa if you were into that.” Mingi spoke up.
“He’s not my type.” Seonghwa flipped the page he was reading.
“No you’re not my type! I’m everyone’s type!” Wooyoung stood up flabbergasted by the thought. “Jung Wooyoung is everyone’s type.”
“Just don’t catch a harassment case.” Seonghwa sighed. “I like her a lot, she’s kind.”
How could she say no to Jung Wooyoung so many times, he’s charming, handsome, funny, super attractive, sexy, cute, hilarious, and a dance machine. Maybe he should start with…
“How about lunch?” Wooyoung smiled.
“Hmm?” I looked up at him.
“Come get lunch with me.” he nodded.
“Oh um I-”
“You never want to do anything after work so why not during, we get a long enough break, I’ll even buy for being a pain in the ass so much.”
“Really Mr. Wooyoung I’m flattered but I have my own, it’s alright.”
“You seriously have to stop calling me Mister, I’m not that old and I’m not even your boss.” he smiled. “Just have lunch with me…us really a group of us are going.”
“I……okay.” I said sheepishly thinking about how much my mom is going to yell at me for not going.
When he said group I wasn’t expecting all of Ateez to be the group. Oh god, do I look okI should really sit like Six feet away just in case there’s cameras and does my breath smell ok?
“Hi y/n!” seonghwa waved. At least he was kind….they all are I don’t know what I’m saying.
“H-Hi Seonghwa.” I flushed and waved back sitting at the small metal table with them, the chairs dragging on the floor causing the shrill sound to ring out.
“Guys this is y/n…the one rejecting Wooyoung.” he smiled.
“Okay so not cool!” Wooyoung yelled. “I finally get her to come down to lunch and you embarrass me.”
Lunch with Ateez was becoming a regular thing, every week now I’d go with Wooyoung and we’d chat and…I almost felt like another member, sure they did this with others but it felt really special…I felt special. Mom was right I do need more friends. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I just let go and got to know Wooyoung. 
“Like a good mother.” Hwa chuckled.
I did a spit take. “Sorry! Just inhaled too much water.” I coughed and my phone started ringing. “Oh sorry I have to take this.” I got up to answer around the corner.
“Mama!” the voice came from the small face on my phone.
“Hi Pumpkin are you having fun with grandma?” I smiled.
“Grandma makes Tteokbokki like you! But not as yummy.” she smiled and held it up.
“Oh? But I learned from grandma so shouldn’t hers be better?”
“Oh now you know it was your grandmother that taught you this recipe, I can’t cook to save my life.” she chuckled.
“And who’s that?” came a voice from behind me.
“Shit!” I jumped and dropped my phone.
“y/n? y/n?” my mom spoke.
“Mama?” Saja called out.
“S-Seonghwa. I-”
“So you are an actual mom?” he smiled.
“N-No I-....I um…it’s my niece and I” I felt the anxiety creep in, I got nauseous and I could taste the bile in my throat.
“Can I see her?” he smiled and sat next to me and picked up my phone but face it away in case I said no.
“Mom I’ll call you back ok. Saja it’s ok.” I smiled lightly at the phone and hung up. “Am I fired?”
“Fired??? For what? Did you steal a water bottle too?” he smiled. “Those are free.”
“No for…for lying about not having a kid.”
“It doesn’t matter that you have a kid pabo.” he picked my face up. “Why’d you hide it?”
“I really needed the job, it’s just me providing and…I didn’t want to be turned down because I have a daughter.”
“I see…y/n you were hired because you are insanely talented and can dance circles around any of those guys, mom or not. I think they wouldn’t have been making you stay so late if they knew, it’s important to be there for a child too.”
“I really need this job Seonghwa.” I felt the tears fall.
“You’re not losing your job honey I promise. It’ll stay between us….only if you let me say hi.” he smiled.
“I…” I picked my phone up and called my mom back. “Hi Mom, um…sorry my um…my boss scared me and he…yeah.” I nervously handed Seonghwa the phone.
“Oh that’s not who I wanted to say hi to hi Mrs. (l/n) you’re very lovely, I wanted to meet y/n jr. though.”
“Oh Saja, come say hi to Mister??”
“Seonghwa.” he smiled waiting for the small child.
“Hi.” Saja said smally as my mom came down to her level with the phone. “Mama??”
“I’m here sweet pea.” I called and peeked over Seonghwa’s shoulder. “Hi baby, what’d you have for lunch?”
“Potatoe.” she said getting quite shy at the man looking at her.
“And?” my mom prompted. “We tried pajeon, and Kimchi for the first time.”
“Kimchi?” Seonghwa smiled, “how exciting. Did you like it?”
“Spicy.” she frowned.
“Maybe we’ll try radish Kimchi she likes crunchy things.” I nodded. “I should get back to my own lunch honey, anything you want to say to Mr. Seonghwa?”
“......pretty.” she blushed looking away from the phone.
I think Seonghwa short-circuited he nearly dropped my phone.
“I’ll be home after work okay, be good for grandma, bye mom, thank you.” I smiled softly and hung up. “Mr.Seonghwa?”
“You really are ana amazing person.” he smiled and hugged me. “Next time we’re meeting in person.”
“Wouldn’t that be unprofessional?” I questioned.
“I don’t care that little ray of sunshine is getting spoiled by her uncle Seonghwa now.” he smiled.
If Seonghwa could’ve felt the eyes burning into the back of his head at the glare Wooyoung was sending the older man he’d probably be dead. I on the other hand couldn’t process what just happened…everything felt so strange, letting Seonghwa in on my secret…I wasn’t sure I liked it but it was…nice to let something out.
“And what were you two talking about?” Wooyoung questioned as we sat back down.
“Nothing, I was just making sure she was ok.” Seonghwa shrugged like nothing happened.
“Sorry just a weird phone call. I’m okay.” I nodded and looked down at my lunch.
“Aww cute!” Wooyoung pointed out the note Saja had wrote for me. “Where’d you get that.”
“Must’ve came with the wrap, I didn’t notice.” I looked at the scribbles that I’m sure were supposed to be words but what really made me tear up was the heart, it was mishapen and wobbly but it was her.
“Hey? Are you sure you’re okay?” Wooyoung lifted my chin up before the tear hit the paper.
“Yes, I’m ok.” I looked at him and blushed a bright red.
“Promise?” he held out a pinky for me. Saja does the same….
“Promise.” I whispered and let a few tears fall.
That’s where my relationship with Wooyoung took a turn. I noticed the small things at first…the little notes in my bag, the heart on my water bottle, and getting me lunch, or a snack, he always came to talk to me during breaks, and we always sat next to each other if we could during things, bus rides to venues for performances, meetings, anything. It all felt so nice. I felt…happy. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to give him a chance…even just one. 
“Hi cutie!” Wooyoung yelled over the phone as I answered.
“Hi Woo.” I smiled lightly at the phone and walked out to the little patio I had.
“Why so quiet?” he questioned.
“No reason. Just enjoying the peace.” I had just put Saja down and I didn’t want to risk her waking up.
“Listen I was thinking-”
“Isn’t that a dangerous game.” I chuckled cutting him off.
“Come to dinner with me?” he smiled. “Please?”
“Before you say no! Just…one chance, look I know you said your ex was terrible and left you with nothing but I just…y/n you’re great, and smart, and wonderful, and beautiful, and…and amazing…please…just one date so I can stop my terrible attempts at flirting. I’m running out of pick-up lines to use on you.”
“Wooyoung I….”I looked back at the apartment and a cool breeze wrapped around me sending a shiver down my spine. It would be nicer to try having someone else around. Was I ready for him to know everything? “Dinner sounds nice. Maybe Friday?”
“Friday.” he smiled, you could hear the grin. The wonderful grin followed by his melodic giggle. 
Maybe we can try again…maybe this time won’t hurt so bad. Maybe he’d stay.
You’re getting too ahead of yourself y/n. Just one dinner, and maybe it’ll be okay from there, just take it one day at a time.
Friday came quicker than I’d like and I still had no idea what to wear, what to do, all I knew was my mom was excited and I felt like I was going to throw up again.
“You know Saja likes watching him perform onstage, she says he moves the most like water.” my mom smiled. “She gets so happy seeing you on the tv.”
“I know…she asks to watch a performance before we go to bed usually.”
“Aren’t you excited?”
“No…I mean I am but, god this could go horribly wrong.”
“But it won’t, I’ve seen the little notes, you have this boy smitten like he’s a teenager.” she chuckled.
“Yeah but eventually I’m going to have to tell him about Her.” I motioned to my daughter.
“How do you know he doesn’t like kids?”
“I didn’t say that, but he has been thinking I’m just some poor single woman this whole time Mom, and I don’t know how to bring that up, Oh hi by the way I’ve been lying to you for 4 months, and actually have a two-year-old, hope that doesn’t change anything.” I groaned and pulled on the black cocktail dress I had picked out.
“Honey, I don’t think it will…you trusted Seonghwa with saying hello.”
“That was over the phone and this is different mom…this is a…potential love interest, you know a maybe boyfriend, Seonghwa is no more than a potential babysitter and even that’s a maybe.”
“I think you should let some people in…it’ll be good for you to have more than just me for her. Also I have plans for tonight”
“I know you’re right mom I just…. MOM!!! And you didn’t tell me!” I groaned and picked up my phone. “Fine.”
“Just giving you an extra push dear.”
“You are…I swear!” I hit dial.
“Hello?” the voice on the other end of my phone croaked out.
“Hey, could you…do me a favor.” I sighed.
“So you want me to meet your daughter, and babysit her while you go on a date with Wooyoung?” Seonghwa questioned me as I stood with him in the hallway.
“Yes…because my mom forced this…”
“How so.”
“She ‘made plans’ or whatever so now I need a babysitter or I have to tell Wooyoung I’ve been lying this whole time.” I sighed.
“Hey hey okay, I’ll do it.”
“I figured since you brought a goodie basket.” I eyed the stuffed animal behind him. “Saja.” I called out coming back inside. “Come meet Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa could barely contain himself waiting to meet my two year old.
“Mama?” Saja hid around the corner.
“Hey sweet pea, it’s okay…remember him, he’s from the tv.” I held out my hand for her and she walked over to hide behind me.
“Hi Saja.” Seonghwa said calmly and in a quiet tone getting down to her level. “I’m Seonghwa, I work with your mama, remember we talk on the phone.”
“....pretty.” she blushed.
“She remembers.” I pat her head. “Why don’t you show Mr.Seonghwa the painting you did.” she nodded and ran to go get her newest art piece and came back over, she stopped and looked between me and him before taking a cautious step forward. 
“Oh my goodness, look at this.” he smiled. “Okay let’s see….a cat?” she nodded. “Wow what a beautiful cat. What’s his name?”
“Rainbow.” she said quietly.
“Rainbow? What a perfect name.” he smiled. “And is mama going to hang it up?” he looked up at me.
“Yes” she smiled and ran off to find the magnet.
“She likes you, I promise, she’s just shy at first.” I breathed. “I have to get going I don’t…want to be late.” I looked at her in the kitchen.
“I promise nothing bad will happen.” Seonghwa tried reassuring me.
“Last time I left her alone with a man he took everything and left.” I brushed him off and grabbed my things.
“Y/n” Seonghwa placed a hand on my shoulder and I tensed up. “I understand, but you deserve some help, and some fun.”
“She’s all I have Seonghwa.”
“Y/n I promise she’s in great care, I wouldn’t dream of hurting either of you.”
I sighed. “Saja. Come give mama a hug please?” she came running over with a new magnet for her cat drawing.
“Where go?” she questioned holding her arms up for a hug.
“Mama is going to go see a friend because she really likes this friend ok? It’s called a date.”
“Date?” she questioned more.
“See when two adults, like mama and her friend like each other more than just friends, which is a very complicated feeling to understand even for adults, they go out to do things together, like eat dinner or watch a movie.”
“To see if they like each other’s company more than other people.” I smiled. “However no one’s company is better than yours sweet pea.” I kissed her nose. “So you stay here and play with Seonghwa and Mama will be back later, like when you stay with Grandma.”
“Are we go on a date too?” she whispered.
“Sure.” I smiled and she was blushing as I put her down. “Have fun okay?”
“Yes ma’am.” Seonghwa smiled and Saja walked back over to her table.
My phone dinged again and I made my way out and downstairs to Wooyoung and his very expensive car.
“Didn’t know you could drive.” I raised an eyebrow,
“Very recent, you look beautiful” he smiled.
“Thank you.” I blushed and he opened the car door for me. “Not so shabby yourself sir.”
“Thank you.” he smiled and closed the door gently and mumbled to himself he told me what he said later was “Wow she looks beautiful.” however I think  “okay rizz master Wooyoung, you gotta work.” sounds more like what he actually said…don’t let him tell you otherwise.
“So I was just thinking a quiet dinner without all the noise from the guys and maybe a walk?” he smiled.
“Sure, I’m just along for the ride.” I nodded. “It’s been a while since I’ve done this so you’re going to have to carry me along.”
“Don’t worry I’ve got you.” he smiled.
Throughout the course of dinner I learned that work Wooyoung, friend Wooyoung, and date Wooyoung are three very different people. He seems different.
“Yeah no order whatever you like.” he smiled and gestured to the menu.
“I’m not used to this kind of stuff.” its usually chicken nuggets and mac and cheese…why am I suddenly craving it…or pizza, I could so go for a pizza right now.
“Well only the best for you.” he smiled nervously. “How am I going to pay for this?!” he thought to himself.
“Right.” I swallowed nervously and looked at the menu. There aren’t even prices listed. “Wooyoung?” I looked up at him over the menu.
“Hmm? Yes, oh did you have a question?”
“Have you ever eaten here before?”
“Oh yeah loads of times!” why am I lying??” 
“What do you recommend?” I blushed a little, I knew he made good money but…I don’t know this seems a bit much.
“Well there’s the uh Hakarl.” he said and pointed. “That’s good and then the Bird’s Nest Soup.” he nodded.
“Oh okay. Why don’t you pick for me, I mean I want whatever you’re having.” I shrugged. He knew what he was talking about.
“I don’t have a clue what I’m saying! What did I even recommend!” he yelled at himself.
When the waiter came back he ordered for us and we left it at that, I finished my glass of wine and looked around at some of the dishes…they all looked interesting…to be kind…I don’t know if I can do this.
“Um excuse me.” I pulled a waiter aside and asked about the dish he had just served. “What did she order?”
“Ah that ma’am is the Bird’s Nest Soup” he smiled. “You see the saliva turns hard-”
“Thank you.” I interrupted and turned back to Wooyoung. Saliva? “Wooyo-”“Y/n” we both said at the same time.
“You go first.” he gestured.
“Wooyoung I really appreciate this but I…I can’t do this…this food is…it’s way too much for me.”
He sighed….here it comes.
“Thank god.” he breathed out. “I really didn’t want to find out what the other thing I ordered is.”
“Can’t we just go get a slice of pizza? Like normal?” I looked down at my hands.
“Please.” he stood up and walked over to our waiter talking to him before handing over his company card and explaining everything. “Let’s go before they bring it out.”
I nodded.
What started off horrible and scary turned into something magic, we found a place by the park close to my apartment and got three sliced of whatever pizza sounded good and just sat in the park. Much more my speed, much more…relaxed.
“I just wanted to impress you.” Wooyoung looks down at the slice of pizza in his lap. “I thought…maybe you’d like it if I took you somewhere special.”
“Who says Pizza isn’t special?” I looked at him but his eyes were turned down to the ground. “Woo?”
“I just….I really like you, especially the more I’ve gotten to know you, you’re kind, and gentle, and just…you’re absolutely wonderful y/n and I really fucked this up tonight.”
“Hey.” I nudged him. “Hey” I said a little more sternly and lifted his chin up to meet his gaze. “I’m still here aren’t I?....I appreciate that you think I deserve some fancy restaurant where we sit 10 feet away from each other and the menus don’t have prices and we’re waited on hand and foot, but…that’s not my speed. I prefer picnics and pizza and bullet train sushi and…fried chicken, and mac and cheese, and stupid little fruit cups.” I smiled at him. “I like it when we have lunch together and we eat ramen or tteokbokki, or even rabokki!”
“I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for Wooyoung.” I kissed his cheek. “I’m having a great time eating pizza in my favorite park with my second favorite person on the planet.”
“Who’s the first?”
“No one you need to worry about.” I chuckled and blushed.
“Ahhh your mom then.” he smiled. “Thank you…for not letting me feel like I completely fucked this up.”
“Quite the contrary, you’ve shown me that I really mean something to you…I mean that place was faannncyyyy.”
“You do mean something to me.” he looked into my eyes and there was that intensity that he had when he was dancing. The look of “I’m doing this and no one can stop me.”
“Thank you.” I rubbed his cheek.
You know how it goes, he walked me home, I got the third degree from my mom on how it went…except Seonghwa joined in, I tucked my two year old into bed and then…I had a full moment in bed in my pajamas where I squealed and kicked my legs and just…he kissed my cheek and held my hand and and and…pizza. Yeah. I could…I could get used to having Wooyoung.
It was just like any other day, it was warm and sunny, Wooyoung wanted to go out on a date and we decided another park date, kimbap which of course he made, in fact he made all of the food we ate, mandu, rolled omelet, potato salad, some pajeon, and finally because this obviously isn’t enough food for two people he also made my favorite cucumber salad . I really am one special girl. 
“Woo this is too much.” I chuckled looking over at him as he kept bringing out more food.
“Nonsense, you’ll love this.” he smiles but you can tell there’s something bothering him.
“Are you ok?” I looked at him his face tight.
“Yeah, no it’s..it’s nothing I’m fine.” he nodded but he seemed more in his own head now.
“How about next time I’ll make the kimbap? I’ve been told I make it pretty good.” I smiled trying to lighten the mood.
Sure everything was going well, I really like him but I don’t know he seems a little distant recently and I can tell something is bothering him. I…
“Woo?” I said putting down my things. “You know we can talk about things right?”
“I….y/n…I….” he started and closed his mouth a few times. “What’s your relationship with Seonghwa?”
“Seonghwa? I don’t know…friends I guess. I mean I can certainly feel safe around him.” I looked at him confused.
“I know…what I’m about to say is…I know…Are you…Are you cheating on me?”
“What no?!” I looked at him incredulously. “Cheating?? Wooyoung I would-”
“Then why is it that you drop everything when he calls?” he looked at me getting a little teary eyed. “Why is it that when he calls you leave the room? Hmm? What private conversation can’t Wooyoung hear?” he was getting upset.
“Wooyoung it’s not like that-” I started.
“Well then how is it y/n! Because it certainly seems like you two aren’t just friends!”
“Woo please listen to me.” I said my voice quivering a bit. “Please take a breath and listen.”
“Then start explaining…I thought it was me and only me.”
“It is!”
“I saw you together!!” he stood up angrily.
“He’s just my friend Wooyoung I swear nothing more!” I looked at him, my own tears blurring my vision. “Wooyoung I would never cheat on you I swear, please just listen to me!”
“So you can lie about-”
“Mama?” a small voice called out. 
“S-Saja!” Seonghwa’s voice called out.
“Seonghwa?” Wooyoung looked over at his friends familiar voice. “What are you doing with a child?”
“Mama!” Saja threw herself into my arms hugging me tightly. “Hi!”
“H-Hi sweet pea.” I looked at her and moved her hair lightly, I could feel Wooyoung looking at the scene before him. “Wooyoung, this is Saja…my…daughter.”
“Daughter? Are you two-?”
“No! Wooyoung I’m just…I just babysit while you two go out.” Seonghwa looked at him.
“Is she yours?” Wooyoung looked at the child and then back to Seonghwa.
“No.” I said and held her closer. “She’s my ex’s…he left…Seonghwa just…he found out I had her and I needed someone to look after her because I really wanted to go out with you but I…” I felt like I could throw up.
“Wooyoung did…I wouldn’t do something like that to you.” Seonghwa looked at the younger male, anger burning behind his pupils.
Wooyoung looked between us grabbing his things.
“Wooyoung, don’t leave…you’ll regret it if you do.” Seonghwa warned the younger male. I covered Saja’s ears.
“Well what was he supposed to think Seonghwa…afterall I drop everything when you call, I go to you when I don’t know what to do, I call you late at night because she’s crying.” I shrugged. “I would think the same….Maybe I should go.” I moved to get up but Wooyoung stopped me before I could get further.
“No.” he looked at the blanket. “Don’t.”
“Saja why don’t you and Hwa go play.” I looked at her and kissed her forehead.
“Hwa Hwa!!! You It!” she got up and ran away.
Wooyoung sat back down and folded his hands together in front of me.
“Wooyoung I…This isn’t how I wanted it to go.” I looked away from him. “I promise there is nothing go on between us other than he’s my babysitter…I think of him as my older brother honestly. I have feelings for you and you only.”
He stayed quiet before nodding and looking over at Seonghwa and Saja playing.
“Why’d you lie y/n? About…her?”
“No one would hire a single mom…I needed the money before she got kicked out of preschool and we lost our apartment so I begged my mom to come help take care of her just until I had enough that I could come clean about it.”
“We have plenty of parents I don’t understand.” he looked at me.
“By the time I finally got to KQ I had been turned down so many times I-I-I panicked it was the only thing I could think of and I was desperate and they..you were all so kind and I-” tears rushed down my face. “And then you showed up and everyone else and then Seonghwa found out and I got scared and you kept asking me out and making me smile and…this isn’t how I wanted you to meet. I wanted you to meet her please.”
He stayed quiet and I wiped my face, before I knew it he brought me into him and rubbed my back.
“I really have made an ass out of myself haven’t I?” he whispered into my hair.
“I understand where you’re coming from though Woo really.” I held onto him.
“Tell me everything.” he asked
I told him our backstory, how my ex left, cheated, basically robbed me, how Hwa found out, I told him what I could and he listened.
“I’d really like to meet her if you let me.” he picked up my face and cupped my cheek. “I promise I’ll listen better.”
“Woo it’s not your fault, what were you supposed to think.”
“That my girlfriend wouldn’t cheat on me.” he squeezed me a little. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too…..I’d really like for you to meet her.” I looked at him. “This isn’t how I wanted you to find out.”
“Whenever you’re ready.” he brushed my hair back often like I do for Saja. “Some times…things work out differently than we want them to.”
“Are you still mad?” I asked.
“I’m still….trying to figure out why.” he sighed. “It makes sense but…I just…I.”
“You can be upset Wooyoung, its a big thing I hid from you.” I shied away from him.”Does it change how you feel about me?”
“I don’t know…maybe? I….I mean-” he looked up at me and I knew he could see it, the heartbreak on my face, I never was good at hiding it. “No baby I-”
“No…no it’s fine Wooyoung…” I moved off him. “I wouldn’t…” I stood up and turned away from him. “I wouldn’t feel the same about me either, it’s probably why I got rejected from everything else.” probably even why he left in the first place. “We’ll just go.”
“No baby, stay. We can have lunch, I’m sorry.” Wooyoung pleaded.
“Mama? Can I has water?” Saja came over tired from playing.
“Here!” Wooyoung jumped up and opened a bottle for her. “I made all this food would you like a snack?”
She looked at me and I nodded and we sat back down only this time apart.
“Y/n.” Seonghwa looked at me.
“It’s nothing.” I turned away from both of them to pay attention to my daughter. “It’s just me and Saja.”
Seonghwa looked over at Wooyoung who looked down at the blanket and pushed food over to us before looking to Seonghwa and away again.
“Saja what do you say?”
“Gram…Sa…Ham…Mama what was it?” she looked at me. “Oh! Hamyida!”
“Good.” I chuckled and wiped her face. “We’ll get going now, thanks for running into us Seonghwa…It was nice to meet you.” I got up and helped Saja up before starting our walk home.
“Mommy?” Saja looked up at me.
“Yes sweet pea?” I stopped.
“Why you look sad?”
“Oh don’t worry angel, I’m okay. I just really thought it’d turn out different.”
“Like what?” she questioned. Every the curious two year old.
“It’s nothing you need to worry about Saja.” I picked her up.
“Can we play with Hwa Hwa tomorrow too?” she yawned.
“I’ll ask him later baby. Let’s get you home.”
I got her home, and of course, she was asleep on me when we walked in. I put her down and sat by her bed, I couldn’t stop the tears that came down my face. I thought everything would work out this time, I thought that maybe…maybe one day he’d be here too…maybe she’d go to sleep and we’d stay up and watch a movie together, maybe we’d play games, or have friends over, or…it was always too much to ask. Too much for me to be happy. Not even a text when I walked through the door. Was this really over?......I’ll turn in my resignation on Monday. 
Monday came and went but my computer screen remained blank, I didn’t want to write a resignation letter it’s only been a few months but, I loved my job, I loved the guys, my friends….I loved him. I called in sick I just couldn’t see him, of course by now Seonghwa and Wooyoung had told CEO Kim who asked if there was anything he could do, if Saja was sick or anything. No. There was nothing anyone could do.
“Mama again!” Saja called out pointing to the finished episode of Paw Patrol. I replayed it for her and pulled myself into the chair more, staring at the blank document.
“Saja I’m going to the potty, don’t answer the door like usual ok?”
“Otay!” she smiled and sang along to the theme song.
I just wanted to splash some cold water on my face, something to get it out of my system.
“Hi!” I heard Saja yell from the living room.
“Saja? I told you-”
“Hwa Hwa!!!” she screamed and I ran out to see two men standing in my now open doorway.
“Sorry, I used the spare key.” Seonghwa flushed and spun Saja upside down.
“Why are you here?” I stood there wanting to grab my child from them.
“Baby I’m sorry.” Wooyoung pleaded. “Please can we talk.”
“No, it’s fine. You don’t need to apologize.”
“I do. Please.”
I pushed him out into the hallway and closed the door.
“Wooyoung you shouldn’t…you made it clear how you felt.” I looked away from him.
“No I didn’t because that wasn’t how I felt. That isn’t how I feel y/n.”
“Then how do you feel, because I think “I don’t know if they changed” after that means anything different but it-”
“It didn’t change how I felt okay! I…I panicked…I freaked out because I…You have a kid and sure I love little kids, I love Kyungmin, I love babysitting, and I love playing dress up and tag and…I really love them you know I do, but…it was scary. I no longer had to impress just you I’d have to impress your daughter, I’d have to figure out how to…be a good role model and…take care of her and I’m just a cool uncle or big brother I’ve never had to…be a parent.”
“You’re not her parent Wooyoung.” I crossed my arms. “And how do you think I’m going to feel! We Slept-” I quieted down. “You were the first person I’ve slept with since I had her and you just……..I’m her parent Wooyoung.”
“Yes but we’re dating, so that means I need to be there for her too, because you don’t just date the one person, that’s the most important person in your life I can’t just…I have to be a good example. None of it changed how I felt about you, after you two left I just wanted to do it all over again, I wanted to ask you on a picnic and play tag and push her on the swings and..please believe me y/n, I want to try again. I feel so stupid ok, I have real genuine feelings for you and I hurt you I know I did, I just…one more chance baby please. I’m sorry y/n please. I promise I’ll spend the rest of my life apologizing if you just give me one chance to make it up to you.”
I sighed. “It’s not up to just me Woo….give me two seconds.” I walked back inside and he stayed in the hallway. “Saja?”
“Hi mommy!” she called out from the couch where she was giving Seonghwa a makeover. “Princess Hwa Hwa.” she smiled.
“Oh how lovely.” I smiled and looked at Hwa…I need a photo. “One photo so we can remember your masterpiece?”
“You can take ONE photo. Make it count.” Seonghwa looked at me and I took a photo of him and Saja.
“Saja honey?” I came down to her level. “Would you like to meet mommy’s friend from the other day? The one with all the food.”
“Yeah!” she smiled. “The one mommy likes!”
“Yes, the one mommy likes.” I smiled. “Come on.”
I carried her to the door and took a breath, everything was going to change once I opened this door.
“Ready!” she called out. Ok.
I opened the door half expecting Wooyoung to dart…thank god he was still there when I opened my eyes.
“Saja, this is Wooyoung.” I looked at him. “Wooyoung this is my daughter, Saja.”
“Hi!” she smiled and waved.
“Hello Saja.” he smiled back. “It’s very nice to meet you.” He pulled a flower out from behind his back.
“Where did you-?” I looked at him.
“Flower!” she smiled and took it. “Mommy likes a maggisin!”
“Would you like to come in for coffee.” I looked at him.
“I would love to.” he smiled
This was it, Wooyoung was entering my life, he was seeing the real me and my daughter. I set Saja down to go play with Seonghwa but she stayed and talked to Wooyoung, she showed him all the pictures she drew and all the things she did for pre-school, he smiled and listened the whole time. He helped with a snack since she was getting hungry and he even let her do his hair, and for once in the past 7 months I’ve known him, I could finally breathe. It felt as though a weight has been taken off my chest and I could actually let him see me, the real me. It felt good. It felt so fucking good.
Wooyoung is a wonderful partner, truly. Saja loves him, she’s started calling him every night before bed if he isn’t here to tuck her in, she likes to tell him about her day, he plans dates with all three of us and sometimes even just the two of us, the guys have slowly been introduced to her and they all claim to be her favorite uncle (we all know its Seonghwa). Wooyoung has been maybe slowly moving in slightly, his stuff appears more and more, and what do you know he’s usually attached to it, and now, almost a year later her birthday was coming up and I had no idea what to do.
“Okay I know it her birthday but I was thinking we could bring her to work and surprise the guys for a birthday party?” he rubbed my cheek, the soft sunlight drifting in for the morning.
“She would like it, especially if San and Hwa were there, and Mingi, she likes being tall.” I kissed the palm of his hand.
“I’m sorry.” he said and looked at me fondly.
“For what?” I questioned.
“For everything. For being ignorant, and stupid. For-”
“You don’t have to keep apologizing for that.” I held his wrist gently.
“I told you I’m apologizing for it every day.” he kissed my nose.
“Good Morning!” Saja called out and climbed into the bed and on top of Wooyoung. “Wooyoungie!”
“Hi Princess good morning.” he smiled and kissed her head. “Did you sleep well?”
“From the looks of her bed head I’d say so.” I chuckled.
“Well I better get those pigtails back in before Hwa Hwa sees you then hmm?” Wooyoung lifted her up and got up to go to the bathroom with her.
“Woo?” he turned around. “It’s a great idea.” I smiled. He smiled back and nodded.
As I made breakfast Wooyoung made sure they got their morning ritual done, you always have to dance in the morning if you want your day to go well according to him. Saja likes spending time with him and frankly, this past year it’s been so nice to not feel like a single parent.
“Okay and 1,2,...3 and 4. Good! Okay Okay. shh shh.” Wooyoung spoke. “Eomma!!” he called out.
“Yes?” I peaked around the corner.
“Saja wants to show you something.” he smiled and nodded for her.
He started playing the music to Case 143, the chorus specifically and she looked like she was going to do it but then turned to Wooyoung and looked scared.
“I can’t” she whispered. He stopped the music and got down to her level.
“Hey hey what’s wrong princess?” he scooped her up.
“I can’t do it.” she sniffled.
“Of course you can.” he smiled. “You practiced hard with me while eomma was busy.”
“Too hard.” she looked away from him.
“I think she’s just nervous to do it alone Woo.” I looked at him and gave him a small smile.
“Do you want me to do it with you princess?” he pushed her hair back.
“Want Youngie do it too.” she whispered to him.
“Wooyoungie will do it too.” he nodded. “Okay? Together?” this time it was her turn to nod.
He started the music over and set her down.
She looked at him as they started and even though she was shy she saw him do it and knew he meant it when he said he’d do it with her. It gave her the boost she needed to do it too. Before my eyes here she was trying her best to dance along to Case 143 by Stray Kids and for an almost 3-year-old, she did a great job.
“Oh sweet pea that was amazing!!” I scooped her up and kissed her face. “Such a good dancer.” I smiled.
“Like Appa!” she smiled and pointed to Woo. I stumbled a little.
“O-Okay breakfast time.” Wooyoung clapped and took Saja and sat at the table to eat breakfast. “Baby? Come eat ok?”
We’d talk about it…after breakfast.
“I’m sorry.” Wooyoung confessed. “She started calling me that last week when I was watching her when you had to stay late with Yunho and I didn’t correct it but she knew you would be scared if you heard and-”
“Is that what you want?” I looked at him. “Is this what you want? You know you can’t leave if she starts calling you that.”
“You are what I want y/n. Nothing else. Just this.” he nodded, I’ve never seen him look so serious. “I may be young and handsome, but I-I I can be a dad too.”
“Are you sure?” I held his hand and he gave me a firm squeeze.
“I’m sure.” he nodded.
“Of course you taught her how to dance.” I wiped my face and chuckled.
“She’s got quite a talent, I think she picked it up from her mom.” he smiled and kissed my cheek. “I’m not going anywhere..in fact, I was waiting until her birthday but…Maybe it’s time I…move in?”
“And what else could you possibly bring over…You already live here.” I smiled and kissed him.
“I have some other things.” he chuckled and kissed me back.
“I love you Jung Wooyoung.” I smiled and held onto him.
“And I love you l/n f/n.” he smiled back and held my hips.
Do I wake up every morning with my hair in every direction, toothpaste foaming at the mouth, a stained t-shirt and pajama pants, and a toddler crying because I can’t hold her? Not every morning…sometimes I wake up in the arms of my loving boyfriend, sometimes with no clothes, and sometimes I wake up to the sight of my daughter getting ready for the day with her two favorite people, I see a smile on her face as her appa cries dropping her off for school, I see the joy on her face when the guys come over and San talks to her about her day, I see my daughter being surrounded by more love than I could ever ask for. Surrounded by her 7 uncles and her appa, better than I could’ve asked for. 
Sometimes I wake up to the biggest smile I could ever see, more radiant than the sun, and I know this is all real. Wooyoung is real, and he’s here Forever.
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lambertdiary · 1 year
I LOVE ANGST could you maybe do a part 2 of sorry won't fix this?? and make it hurt really bad pls
"Sorry Won't Fix This" Masterlist
A/N: I’ve had this on my drafts for like a week but I finally finished it! Sorry it took so long to post (as always). Also I don’t know if “I made it hurt” but I just went for something very dramatic, like actually unnecessary drama, so I guess let me know what you guys think!! Thanks for reading 🫶🏻
Word Count: 2.1+k
Warnings: angst, language, jealousy, Dalton being shitty, heated argument, mentions of cheating
MASTELIST ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎‎✩ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎SEND ME A REQUEST
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It’s Too Late
After the New Year’s party, Dalton tried to go after Y/N, but Chloe and her friends caught him before he could leave the mansion “You’re leaving so soon?” Chloe asked him.
“Uh- My friends are leaving” He replied, looking back at the door, watching them leave together.
Chloe followed his stare and landed on Y/N and Chris, and then got closer to his ear to make sure he would hear her “Well, seems like they have each other, I’m sure they’re gonna be okay” She wrapped her arms around his neck, forcing him to look at her “I want you to stay here with me”
Dalton was at a loss of words, maybe his intoxicated system getting in the way of thinking about the right thing to do, but he nodded frantically when he noticed her leaning in for a kiss again. 
It’s been weeks since the New Year’s incident. Y/N and Dalton have not talked to each other, and Chris was left with the annoying ‘messenger girl’ role. She didn’t wanna have to pick a side, they were both her friends and she just wanted things to go back to normal, but if she had to she would side with Y/N, cause there was no denying it was a pretty shitty thing to do and she completely understood Y/N wanting to cut him off.
Dalton tried to reach out to Y/N several times, but after their heated argument she knew they could never be friends again, but he felt like he could still fix it, even though he probably wouldn’t know what to say and the fact that he never broke contact with Chloe after the party made it a little more difficult, but he made a good job at keeping it a secret from both of them.
For days Y/N avoided going to her favourite places just to ensure she wouldn’t see him before she was entirely over him, but she got tired of being locked in her room waiting for her stupid feelings to go away, so she decided to get her act together and not care about him.
After class, Y/N walked to one of the coffee shops she loved. She was planning on staying there and getting some work done on her computer, so once she entered the café she carefully thought about her order, considering buying something to eat as well.
Dalton was there too, and he couldn’t help but look at her when she walked in. He started sweating and quickly turned around and slowly sank into his seat, hoping she wouldn’t recognize him, the last thing he wanted was for Y/N to see him with Chloe.
“What’s wrong?” Chloe asked, looking around trying to find the reason for his actions. 
“Nothing, this chair is just a little uncomfortable” He laughed nervously.
She got closer to him and whispered “Do you wanna go back to your dorm?”
He nodded as he unhurriedly stood up, subtly looking back at Y/N to try and avoid her. 
Chloe held his hand and Dalton couldn't say no to her, holding her back and looking down the entire time. Dalton felt like he was holding his breath the whole walk to the exit and he was ready to leave the café, but his hopes of going unnoticed vanished when he heard Chloe greet Y/N.
“Y/N!” Chloe exclaimed, getting her attention. Y/N turned to look at her, but her demeanour changed completely when she saw him and their hands connecting “I haven’t seen you since the party”
“Oh- hi” Y/N gave them a phoney smile “Um… I haven’t been around much” She admitted.
Dalton didn’t dare to look up at her, feeling too much shame to meet her gaze “Well we should hang out sometime, I haven’t had a chance to meet with Dalton’s friends” She said looking at him, but his eyes were still fixated on the floor “You never properly introduced us”
“Uh-” He didn’t know what to say or do, knowing that he would probably regret it no matter what “Sorry, Y/N this is Chloe, my- uh, we met in the art building, her roommate is in my class” He stammered.
Chloe’s smile faded a little, but Y/N didn’t wanna be the reason for someone else’s sadness “We should definitely hang out Chloe, we can drag Chris with us too”
Her face lit up and her smile came back “I would love that! I’ll have Dalton give me your number and we can talk” Chloe started to walk towards the door again, she waved Y/N goodbye and left  the establishment still holding Dalton’s hand.
Y/N had no reason to be mad or jealous, she didn’t wanna be, they made it clear they were done with each other last time they spoke, but for some reason she couldn’t bury her feelings, no matter how hard she tried. A day didn’t go by where she didn't regret confessing she still had feelings for him, those words slipping out of her mouth would haunt her in the darkest nights when he was the only one present in her mind. It was obvious he was over her, so why was it so hard to let him go?
She went back to her dorm and tried to get her mind to focus on her schoolwork. Later that night, a knock on her door interrupted her. She left her chair and went to open the door, thinking Chris had forgotten her key again, but instead she found Chloe standing on the other side. Chloe smiled at her and a resentful feeling went through her body. Y/N sighed and smiled back, reminding herself that she had no reason to be bitter towards her.
“Hey!” She said, awkwardly waving at Y/N “I guess it’s a little weird to just show up at your door but I hope you don’t mind”
Y/N shook her head and moved to the side, signalling Chloe to come in “Not at all, don’t worry”
“Thanks” She said, stepping in and looking around, analysing Y/N’s dorm “Woah, your dorm is really pretty, really… tidy” 
“Thank you” Y/N laughed “I guess it’s very different from Dalton’s huh?”
“Tell me about it, when he got rid of a few portraits on his wall to make space to put mine up, he left them on the floor and have been there for weeks ” She said smiling. Y/N just stared at her, wondering if the portraits he got rid of were the ones he painted when they were together.
Y/N was about to say something, but Chloe continued talking “Listen… Dalton told me about you guys” She stopped for a moment “And I think it would be better for us if you… maybe stopped being friends” 
Y/N scoffed, looking away from Chloe to stop herself from saying something she would regret “We’re not friends” She clarified “I don’t know if he told you this but we haven’t talked in weeks, so I guess you have nothing to worry about” She snapped.
“Okay, glad we’re on the same page” Chloe made her way to the door and opened it, but before leaving she turned around one more time and said “He told me you’re still in love with him so I’m sure you understand why I’d feel uncomfortable” She didn’t wait for a reply and just closed the door behind her, leaving Y/N feeling a million different emotions.
Now she was mad, and this time she had a reason to. She looked for her phone and was about to call Dalton, but immediately stopped herself, maybe she had nothing left to discuss with him, it was clear he wanted her out of his life.
Chloe went back downstairs to Dalton’s dorm. He didn’t know where she had been, and him telling her about his past relationship with Y/N and that she was still in love with him was just an excuse to have Chloe stop asking about her after the coffee shop encounter. He never intended for Y/N to find out, and he obviously never thought Chloe would confront her about it.
She stayed there with him for a few more hours, but finally said she had to go back to her own dorm “Are you sure you can’t stay tonight?” He asked her, walking her to his door.
Chloe shook his head and kissed him again “I have an early day tomorrow, sorry”
“Okay” He giggled, caressing her cheek “But I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Of course” He gave her a hug, his hands brushing her back as he inhaled her scent “And don’t worry about Y/N, she’s not gonna be a problem”
Dalton pulled away and furrowed his eyebrows “What do you mean?”
“I talked to her and she basically promised she won’t bother us” Chloe said nonchalantly.
Dalton could feel his heart starting to race “What did you tell her?”
“What you told me” She shrugged her shoulders and kissed him one more time, walking away as if nothing happened.
Dalton stood there processing what Chloe said, thinking about what he should do next. After a moment, he closed the door and started walking to Y/N’s dorm, dreading the conversation that was about to happen.
He knocked on her door and started calling her name more desperately when he got no answer.
A girl in the dorm next door opened her door and looked at him with annoyance “Are you kidding? It’s midnight” 
“Sorry” He whispered as he watched her go back in and slam her door. He was about to give up but the door in front of him opened, revealing a furious Y/N.
“Shit- Y/N, I can explain” He said right away, entering her room.
“Explain what?”
“This- I didn’t mean for any of this to happen” Dalton looked at her expecting some kind of response, but Y/N just gave him a blank stare “I’m sorry, I didn’t think Chloe would take things this far and after the party she just kept calling me so we kept seeing each other. I guess she’s my- She wanted to be more and I-” He sighed, running out of things to say “Aren’t you gonna say anything?”
“Yeah. What the fuck is your problem?” 
“My problem is i’m in love with you”
Y/N scoffed “Don’t”
“Because I would hate to know that you’re chasing someone else while being with me” She snapped “Which you probably did”
“I never cheated on you”
“Well- I don’t know Dalton, I feel like I don’t know you” She could feel her eyes starting to drip, wondering if he did the same thing while being with her “Why are you doing this?”
“Because you were right, it was my fault that things didn’t work out between us and I wish I knew that sooner” He approached her “I just wanna fix things”
She shook her head and took a step back “It doesn’t matter, you can’t do this to her” “But I wanna be with you”
“It’s too late, it’s over”
“Just like that?” He whispered “Then why did you tell me you still loved me?”
“I don’t know, Dalton, but even after I confessed my feelings for you, you still went back to her… And you stayed with her all this time”
“That doesn’t mean anything”
She scoffed again, this time more annoyed “Well, you’re with her now but you’re standing here in the middle of the night saying that you love me. How could I ever trust you?” Dalton stayed silent “I mean, do you blame Chloe for feeling that way? How do you think she would feel if she knew what you’re doing right now?”
Dalton took a deep breath as he tried to collect his thoughts. Y/N was right, and he knew she was “She’s not gonna know”
Y/N’s nostrils flared as her face was contorted with rage “You’re a coward, that’s what you are” She said, pointing a finger at him “You do realise that everything that happened is your fault? From us breaking up in the first place to whatever shit show you have going on with her”
“Y/N I’m sorry, I’ll talk to her… I’ll make it right but please” She watched as he got closer to her “Give me another chance”
There was a moment of utter silence, and Dalton’s eyes never left hers as he waited for her response “You should leave” He tried to beg her one more time, but she stopped him right away “When you talk to her please leave me out of it, I don’t wanna cause any more problems between you guys”
At that moment he completely gave up, knowing that no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to get her back.
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blackdollette · 1 year
i noticed a lack of kappa content too 🤨 if u r fine with writing kappa just hear me out on this (inspired by my c.ai convo with my own kappa bot)
kappa breaking into some random persons house just to steal but shes a bit of a night owl. he quietly walks to the living room and sees this adorable more than likely rich housewife (so yeah theres a tad bit of cheating.) anyways her husbands out for a few weeks for business and shes in her short satin nightgown, sat on the couch and watching tv. and then she sees the intruder and is like "AHH OMG WTF" (rightfully so coz bro BROKE IN) and hes like "my bad. didnt mean to startle you, doll." (coz hes flirtatious like dat) and he walks over and lifts her up, hand holding her neck tightly and he runs his fingers across her pearls, yanking on the necklace. the pearls dont fall ofc (coz real pearls have knots between each pearl to prevent them falling like that... my great grandma had a lot of jewelry and most were real pearls.) ANYWAYS BACK TO MY POINT !!! her husbands been gone for so long so shes getting a tad aroused and he notices coz he can feel the increase in her pulse and hes like "oh do you enjoy that?" and idk what else coz frankly my c.ai convo is very different from what i wrote
i had this exact same convo on c.ai omgg! i love ur requests sm u dont even understand
"im a little shy standing here in my nightgown." | kappa
playing dangerous. - lana del rey
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female!reader x kappa
word count: 632
contents: cheating, home invasion
ps: i have an nsfw fic in my drafts that ive been meaning to get out that would go very well for a part 2 of this. yall should lmk if you wanna see it!
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it was a dark and stormy night. Your husband was out of town for a while, which left you all alone in your giant mansion. even though you’d dreamed of living in a mansion since you were small, it got really lonely when there was nobody to share it with.
thunder and lightning bolted outside, making the entire house flicker with light for a fraction of a second. you were flipping through the tv channels, looking for something good to watch. the clock struck midnight, and at the same second, you heard glass in your house breaking.
you felt your heart stop for a moment. you look behind you, your body shaking with fear. all the windows behind you were intact, meaning that the noise came from something else. You tried reassuring yourself by assuming that the sound came from outside, when you felt a firm hand grab your chin.
you slowly turned your head to see the owner of the hand, and your blood ran cold. you screamed and tried to back up a little on the couch when you saw the weapon in his hand. He looks at you, a little smirk on his face. “sorry about that, sugar… i thought that you’d be asleep.” his voice was smooth like honey, making your heart beat a little faster. he started approaching you slowly. 
he smiles, showing his teeth a little. “dont be scared, doll. If you're good for me, then i won't have to hurt you..” he’s standing right in front of you. your body is trembling with fear. that’s when he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. he brought you to a red velvet armchair and seated you on his lap, his eyes travelling down your body in your skimpy little nightgown.
he brought a hand to your neck, looking at the pearl necklace around it. “my, my… isn’t this precious…” he tugged on the necklace, seeing if it would break. he looked into your eyes, which were still fear-filled. “tell me, sugar… do you live here all alone?” his voice turned to a sultry tone. you tried processing what he meant by that, but he wrapped his hand around your neck, making you shiver.
“n-no… i have a husband…” he hums disappointedly at this. “well i dont see him…” you brushed your hair out of your face. “yeah. he travels for work a lot…” he starts cradling you in his arms, lulling you into a sense of comfort. “it gets real lonely here…” you didnt know why you were opening up to him. maybe it was because you knew he could kill you if he wanted to.
his eyes wandered down to your body, fully soaking in the beauty of it in your dark red nightgown. “this is a beautiful little gown…” he said quietly. He carefully ran a hand down your curves, making your body heat up. It had been a while since you’d been touched like this. You hadnt noticed that you were so deprived.
you take a moment to look into his beautiful blue eyes. they look like two cold pieces of ice. but they were sharp like a blade. his hands moved down to your hips, just barely lifting up your nightgown. “a woman as beautiful as you has no right to be all alone…” you feel your body fillign with desire. You had never been so needy before, but you just felt yourself melting into his touch more and more.
“how about i show you a good time tonight, sugar? would you be up to that?” he whispered into your neck, starting to bite it softly. you started thinking about how wrong this was, remembering your promise to always stay loyal to the man you loved, but you decided to let this strange intruder to have his way with you for the night.
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author's note: im very tempted to post my other kappa fic, but yall should let me know. thank you so much for the request!!
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