#I cheer for whomever's songs I like
eddiesxangel · 6 months
Take Me to the Lakes | E.M x f!reader ~ 1/6
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AN: Hello! This is a very overdue, completely revised version of one of the first Eddie fics I ever wrote. Hopefully I fixed all of the issues and things I didn’t like. Fingers crossed I didn’t miss anything… hope you enjoy!!
Master list
Summery: This summer was suppose to be the summer to work at your favourite place in the world with your best friend. But things take a turn when it isn’t your best friend you end up working with.
CW: camp AU, counsellor!eddie x f!camp counsellor reader, popular!reader, 18+ content, drinking, weed consumption, angst, eventual smut, fluff, reader and Eddie are in their 20’s. Part 1/?
wc: 13.4k
Finally, your last freshman year of college exam was behind you. Summer was at your fingertips, and you couldn't wait to get it started. Summer was when you could escape the pressures of college life and the expectations of the people in your hometown of Hawkins. Growing up, you were incredibly popular. You were on the student council, a competitive dancer and co-captain of the cheer team in high school. Dancing was your passion; you enjoyed all styles, from jazz and contemporary to ballet and hip-hop. Cheerleading was also important to you; you made the team in your first year of high school. Although you never set out to become part of the popular crowd, your involvement in these extracurricular activities naturally led you to that status.
“Hey! Wait up!” You turn and see your best friend Ashley running towards you as you exit the university campus doors. “I can’t believe you’re trying to sneak out on me before you’re gone for the whole summer!” She exasperated. “It’s not my fault you didn’t send your resume in time! I put a good word for you and everything.” You huffed back with an eye roll. You and Ashely were supposed to work at the sleepover camp where you’ve been a counsellor for the past two summers. Yet Ashley conveniently forgot to submit her application in time.
When you started working at Camp Murdock, nobody knew who you were. It was a fresh start, a clean slate. The camp is located about four hours north of your hometown, and people from all over come to work there for two months during the summer season. Maybe it was the natural surroundings, but you broke out of your shell during your first summer there.
You were no longer labelled as the prude-popular-teacher’s pet cheerleader; you were just you, the loud, outgoing, funny, and goofy camp counsellor. The campers loved learning silly dances to camp songs with you, and you truly felt like yourself at that camp. This summer, you were looking forward to spending time with Ashley, the one person from back home with whom you feel comfortable being yourself. Unlike yourself, Ashley is a confident and independent girl who never adhered to societal norms or cared much about what others thought of her. She was always the one to speak her mind, dress the way she wanted, and hang out with whomever she pleased. Her free-spirited nature and carefree attitude were a breath of fresh air for you, especially since you've always worried about fitting in and what others thought of you. You had hoped that this summer, you could let your guard down and be yourself, only this time with your partner in crime.
You and Ashley were like two individuals from different worlds. While you were more inclined towards mainstream activities, Ashley had a unique taste in hobbies and interests. She was a passionate photographer who loved capturing the world through her lens. Ashley was also a big fan of the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy game and punk music, and she didn't care much about conforming to social norms. Then there was Ashley's style. She was equally distinctive and rebellious. She had short hair, which was always styled in an edgy way. She loved to wear dark, smokey makeup with lots of eyeliner, which matched her punk-inspired wardrobe. She often wore baggy flannel shirts, big jeans and combat boots – a look very different from your own.
Walking together, you two were like a study in contrasts. You attracted many curious glances from the people around you, especially freshmen not used to seeing such different styles. However, over time, people got used to your strikingly different looks and learned to appreciate the uniqueness of your friendship.
“Ash, why couldn’t you submit your application on time?!” You groan as someone catches your eye, walking out of the parking lot.
Him. The guy you’ve been crushing on since the tenth grade. The upper-class man who was supposed to graduate the year you discovered who he was but was held back a few years. When he finally graduated, you saw him around town occasionally, but now you watched as he exited the corner store across the street from the school.
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me; you couldn’t have—” she cut herself off, noticing you were practically drooling at who caught your eye. “You know you could just talk to him? I always talk you up when we play DND.” she raises her brow. “And say what? Hi Eddie, I’ve been in love with you for three years now. Would you please go out with me?” Ash rolls her eyes in response. “Babe, you know you’re one of the most popular girls in Hawkins. You can have any guy you want! You need to try. Start with a ‘hello,” she said, pushing your shoulder toward his van. “Ashley Joanna Thompson, stop!”Just because you’ll never have boy problems…” you frown at her. “You’re right. I only have girl problems. Men are simple creatures, ” she states as a matter of fact. You once again roll your eyes and glance over one more time in Eddie’s direction, seeing him light up a cigarette as he drives off the lot, blasting his heavy metal. You sigh as you get into your car and drive you and Ashley back to your shared apartment.
After returning home, you took a moment to relax and celebrate your successful day with a refreshing drink. You then continued to pack your duffle bag, carefully considering which items you would need for your upcoming trip. As you packed your last-minute essentials into the bag, you couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia and sadness thinking about Eddie Munson. You remembered the brief encounter with him in the parking lot and realized that this would be the last time you would see him for the rest of the summer.
As the clock strikes 10:00 pm, you try to calm yourself and get some rest for the long trip tomorrow. However, your mind is preoccupied with thoughts of Eddie, and you can't seem to shake this crush off your mind. You've only had the chance to speak to him three times, and they were all brief and awkward "Heys" when you picked up Ash from the DND club. Despite the limited interactions, you find yourself constantly thinking about him and wondering what it would be like to get to know him better. The more you try to push him out of your mind, the more persistent the thoughts become, making it difficult to focus on anything else. You wonder if it's just a fleeting crush or if there could be something more to it.
When you settle into bed, you let your mind drift off to when you first saw him…. As you made your way through the labyrinthine halls of the school, your mind was preoccupied with the task of finding the drama room. You had promised Ashley that you would pick her up after cheer practice and didn't want to be late. After a few twists and turns, you finally saw the door you sought. Glancing at your watch, you realized you were already 15 minutes behind schedule, thanks to the practice running over its allotted time. Without hesitation, you reached for the door handle and pushed it open. “Hey Ash, I'm so sorry I’m late! Practice—“You stop dead, looking at the group of eyes staring up at you. Your cheeks burned, and you felt embarrassed when you realized they weren’t done yet and had interrupted. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I thought I was late.” Giving Ash a knowing look to say, “Help me.” “It’s ok, babe. We will be done in 15 minutes. Right guys?” She looks around at the rest of the club to confirm; your eyes watch each face to ensure they all nod. “Sit with me,” she smiles. You walk around the group of guys, plus Ashley, smiling meekly as they all stare with mouths open but one. As you saunter towards Ash, you notice all eyes follow your every move. When your gaze meets his, you feel a sudden and unexpected surge of fluttering in your stomach. His eyes are big, beautiful, and the colour of warm chocolate. They exude a softness and warmth that make you feel safe and secure.
His hair is longer than any other guy's at school. It falls in soft waves around his face, giving him an air of mystery and intrigue. You can't help but wonder what it would feel like to run your fingers through it. You notice the leather belt he's wearing, with handcuffs as the buckle. It's both alluring and dangerous at the same time.
His shirt is cut off at the elbow, revealing his forearm tattoos. On his upper arm, you see a group of bats, their wings spread wide as if ready to take flight. But it's the tattoo on his inside forearm that really catches your attention. It's a marionette puppet of a monster, but it was being controlled by a hand. It’s a strange and eerie tattoo, but it only adds to his mystique.
“What’s with pompoms?” One of the other guys asks, jerking you out of your trance. “Don’t be such a jerk, Jered. This is my best friend,” Ashley scowls back. Suddenly, you’re very self-conscious about the cheer practice uniform you had on. “I’m sorry to interrupt again; please continue.” You squeak, trying to keep the peace. The group of them roll their eyes, all but him.
You basically run out of there as soon as Ash is finished. “Who was that?!” You nod your head in his direction as you watch the group if them walk away. “Who? Eddie? He’s our Dungeon Master. He's really theatrical, and he makes you picture the scene,” she laughs. “Eddie,” You sigh. “Oh no, you’re joking, right? You’re a cheerleader, and you’re telling me Eddie Munson is your type?” she almost yells while they’re still in earshot. Clasping your hand over her mouth, you look at Eddie, hoping he didn’t hear anything. “Would you shut up? Why don’t you announce it to the whole town?” You spit through your teeth. “Besides, he didn’t even look at me. I’m some scrawny 10th grander. I’m probably not even his type! You see his tattoos, leather, and chains… he’s probably into rocker chics, and he’s what?” “12th grade,” she confirms, and you groan. “I’ll put in a good word,” she teased. “Would you?” You bite my fingers, giving her the best puppy eyes. “You owe me.” She rolled her eyes.
That was three years ago, and Ashley's “good word” clearly wasn’t doing anything. So you roll over in bed and finally doze off.
Your alarm clock jolts you awake, and as you groggily reach over to turn it off, you notice the bright red digits displaying 6:30 am. Your first summer day has finally arrived, but you don't get to savour it with a lazy morning. You stretch your arms and rub the sleep out of your eyes while taking a moment to appreciate the soft light filtering through your window.
As you start your day, you decide to wear your favourite camp clothes—a pair of well-worn jean shorts and last year's Camp Murdock heather grey tank top. Camp Murdock is printed in green to match the forest-green spaghetti straps. You slip on your trusty white Keds and take a moment to admire how perfectly the outfit fits you in the mirror.
Before saying goodbye to Ashley, you pack your food and prepare yourself for the long journey ahead. You have four hours of driving before you reach the camp, but you can't wait to get there. The day is filled with excitement, counsellor bonding, and cabin preparation - all in preparation for the campers' arrival in three days.
As you hit the road, you let your mind wander, thinking about all the camp activities you'll enjoy. The warm sun streams through the car window, and you can feel the anticipation building up inside you. You know the journey ahead won't be quick, but you're ready. You take a deep breath and let the adventure begin. The sweet smell of the nearby lake is in the air, adding to the excitement of being up north. It's so strong that you can almost taste the cool, refreshing water on your tongue. You can't help but feel excited as you imagine the adventures that await you at Camp Murdock.
The camp is 20 minutes from the main road, providing a sense of seclusion from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. As you inch closer, the aroma of the surrounding Birch trees fills your senses, as does the sweet scent of freshly cut grass and wildflowers. After an arduous 4.5-hour journey, you finally arrive at Camp Murdock.
Your blissful thoughts were rudely interrupted by a big van cutting in front of you, nearly hitting your front bumper. “Asshole!” You yell out the window while giving the finger. The driver gave a mocking wave as they sped off. This road only goes to one place. You’ll give them a piece of your mind. Minutes later, you arrive and pull up beside the van that had cut you off. You slammed the door as you exited your small red Ford sedan, still feeling furious. This was definitely not how you wanted to start your day. As you huffed and puffed, you noticed the van looked familiar… but no, it couldn't be the same. It was different; it had to be.
You look around the parking lot and notice other cars from past employees, but you don’t see anyone yet. You feel a small butterfly in your stomach, thinking, what if it is the van you think it is? As you take a moment to absorb your surroundings, you notice the quaint cabins, the inviting mess hall, and the mesmerizing beauty of the lake. You can't help but feel a sense of peace and tranquillity as you stand in your happy place.
The gentle waves of the lake, the rustling of the trees, and the chirping of the birds create a serene atmosphere you never want to leave. Every time you come here, you feel refreshed and renewed, ready to face whatever life throws.
“Bambi! you made it!” You whip my head around to see Robin, your best camp friend, whom you’ve worked with for the past two summers. Every year, counsellors are assigned nicknames a few days before the kids come. “Birdie!” You embrace her in a big hug, forgetting about the van and the possibility of who it belongs to. “How are you?! How did you get hotter? I didn’t think that was possible. Come, everyone’s already here! And you have to meet the newbies.” She smiles. You leave your belongings in the car and rush to the mess hall with all the other staff. “So, see any cuties so far?” You jokingly giggle. “Oh, just you wait,” she blushes, making her cheeks the same shade of pink as her tank top. Glancing around, you see our other alumni. “Hey, guys!” You wave enthusiastically. Your best camp friends, Steve, a.k.a. Moose, Nancy, a.k.a. Scout, and Billy, a.k.a. Coyote. They all embrace you in welcome hugs, and you cannot wait to catch up.
You stood scanning the vast wooden mess hall, taking in the rustic ambiance of the place. As you gazed down the rows of brightly coloured picnic tables, a sense of excitement and anticipation began to build up inside you. You were looking for new faces, hoping to meet someone interesting. But deep down, you knew that there was one particular face you were subconsciously seeking out - one that held a special place in your heart.
As you walk around up to greet more of your fellow coworkers, the memory of the van still lingers in the back of your mind. You can't shake off the ‘what if’ feeling you've been carrying since you saw it earlier. You try to push it to the back of your mind and focus on the task at hand—socializing with your colleagues.
As you make your rounds, exchanging pleasantries with familiar faces, your eyes quickly dart across the room. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a figure — a guy with long, curly brown hair dressed in all black. He seems to be in a hurry and is quickly exiting the building from the opposite side of the room.
You can't help but wonder who and what he's up to. You try to catch another glimpse of him, but he's already gone. Curiosity catches up to you, and you excuse yourself from the conversation. You ungracefully maneuver your way through the sea of people, weaving in and out of the throngs until you finally reach the red saloon doors to exit the mess hall. Taking a moment to pause and assess your surroundings, you are struck by the lake's serene beauty. The water is calm and placid; you know it will no longer remain this still for the next three months. The sun shines brightly overhead, casting a brilliant glow across the water's surface. The light is so intense that it almost blinds you, but you can't help but be awed by the breathtaking view before you. You quickly look over to the cabins and see no one. Then, looking to the left, you can see the sports field, not a soul. Where could they have gone? You think. “Bambi, where did you go?” You hear Coyote, a.k.a Billy, behind you. “I thought I saw someone… guess not.” You shrugged. “Don’t worry, you’ll meet everyone. We’re about to start introductions by the pit.” He smiles. “Ok, let’s get going!” You jump onto his back, and he piggybacks you to the fire pit. You met Billy last summer, and he became a very close friend. He and Steve were your go-to guys for anything.
As you and Billy approach the fire pit to greet the other counsellors, you can hear them chatting and catching up before sitting on the bleacher benches around the pit. “OKAY, CAMP, MURDOCK STAFF, TAKE A SEAT AND LISTEN UP!” The camp director, Carol’s voice echoed from the megaphone. You all listen, and you sit between Billy and Robin. “All right, councillors and staff. Let's review some ground rules before we get to the good stuff.” It's good to know Carol’s megaphone still works. “I know some of you are vets here at Camp Murdock, but we have some new faces, so we need a refresher.” You watch Steve roll his eyes as he sits across from you, and you stifle a giggle. Carol continues, “Basic ground rules: Staff are not to be out of their cabins after 11:30 pm, and staff are not to be in the lake alone or unsupervised by another staff member. Staff are NOT allowed to have a romantic or physical relationship with a camper... That said, staff can be with each other if it is consensual, just not during camp hours.” Carol’s eyes graze the crowd as the groans for the guys all come out in sync. This was not a new rule per se, but it was heavily enforced. Last year, Angela and Connor were caught making out in the barn while they were supposed to be on field duty, and both were fired on the spot. “We, here at Camp Murdock, value the experience of the campers and our staff; we know you want to have fun, and you can do whatever you like after camp hours, as long as it’s legal.” That got some giggles from the crowd. The staff were known to sneak in alcohol and pot from time to time on your off days between camper rotations or just in the evenings to blow off some steam. “What are camp hours? I’m so happy you asked! Breakfast is 8:00 am to Bonfire at 8:30 pm. Campers are in cabins by 9:25 pm. That allows councillors to do what they like before we all have to be in our cabins by 11:30 pm on the dot! Do I make myself clear?” Again, her gaze scans the crowd of young adults in front of her, and you see the crowd nod simultaneously. “Good,” she sighs. “Now, Each cabin will be assigned a bit differently this year. Four councillors per staff cabin instead of our usual 6, and camper cabins will be assigned with 2 councillors for 8 campers. Our ages of campers this year remain the same, eight to sixteen years of age. All cabins will be assigned randomly, and you cannot ask to switch with someone… I will assign that later, before the campers arrive, so you and your partner can set up the cabins as you see fit. Next onto the good stuff!” Carol explained the games and how she would divide the staff into six teams.
Those who had attended the event knew that having Steve and you on their team guaranteed victory. Due to your petite stature, you were small enough to blend in and navigate through the trees without being detected, while Moose, a.k.a. Steve, was the fastest kid in the state for three consecutive years. Together, the two of you were an unbeatable team.
“ALRIGHT, LISTEN UP!” Carol’s voice booms in the megaphone again. “Listen for your names to be called! First, we have the Green team…" your name is not called, “and Next is Purple…” still not called. “Okay, Red Team…” still nothing. “Fourth up, we have the Yellow team…” you hadn’t heard your name yet… “Ok Blue… Edward Munson…” At first, you don't realize it because no one at home calls him Edward, but then you lift your head abruptly when it hits you. Your eyes darted back and forth, scanning the area for a man whose name had been called.
Finally, you spotted him descending the bleachers two rows behind you. He had his brown curls tied back in a low bun, wearing a Black Sabbath shirt with the sleeves cut off, revealing his muscular arms, and his signature black skinny jeans hugged his lean legs. A cigarette dangled from his lips, adding to his rugged, rebellious appearance. You watched, transfixed, as he made his way down towards Carol. He flashed her his charming smile as he approached her and accepted his new counsellor shirt. “Edward, no smoking.” She grabs the cigarette from his mouth and puts it out with her foot. “Whatever you say, boss lady,” he smirks at her and walks to the rest of his team. You looked over to Robin, who was being called next, “Oh my god, it’s him!” You half-whisper to her as she gets up. “What?” she looks confused. “Robin Buckley,” you hear Carol call again. “From school! That’s the guy I’ve been talking to you about since last summer!” You glance in his direction. She smiled and wiggled her eyebrows as she went down so Carol would never call her again. “Miss. Buckley,” for the third time, sounding irritated. “Sorry Carol, I’m coming!” she grabbed her shirt and smiled. “OK! Last, we have the Pink team… Rebecca Dawson, Jason Adams, Connie Tilbury, Christopher Jenkins, Ashton Richards, and last but not least, Y/N.” She smiles, finishing the roll call. As you get up and walk over to Carol to collect your camp shirt, you look over to see if Eddie hears your name being called. As you stare over, he doesn’t even glance. He is too busy listening to Robin talking his ear off, pointing in your direction while standing next to Steve and the others on the Blue team.
As the day progressed, you took a lunch break and caught up with Steve and Robin in the line for food.
“That new guy is pretty badass,” Steve exclaims. “Oh, Bambi would know.” Robin winked. Your cheeks suddenly felt flush. “What am I missing?” Steve looks between the two of you. “Bambi looooooves him.” Robin smiles. “Bird, remember how we talked about you sharing too much? You’re doing it again,” you said in a singing voice to avoid sounding mean. However, your face was a dead giveaway as Steve looked down at you. “Edward? That guy is your type?” His voice was loud a little too loud “Would you shut up? Announce it to the whole camp, why don’t you?” You huffed. “No wonder Billy couldn’t get in your pants last summer,” he said half under his breath. “Hey!” you smack his chest with your empty cafeteria tray.
"Jeez Bambi, chill!" Steve defends himself.
“Coyote is just a friend, and there is no way he flirted with me last summer?” You watch, and Robin and Steve look at each other and then back at you, shaking their heads like you’re the crazy one.
“So tell us more about this, Edward.” Steve raises his eyebrows. “He likes being called Eddie.” You mumbled. You didn't enjoy discussing school and home when you were here. This was your escape, but Steve was a trusted friend. “He’s two years older, and he’s really good friends with Ashley. You know, my best friend from home? and I don’t know; I’ve had a big fat crush on him since the tenth grade.” “Billy’s not going to like this; he has competition.” Steve laughed. “No, he doesn’t because I don’t like Billy like that; now I’m not sure I even like him anymore, knowing he was only trying to sleep with me last summer.” You crossed my arms.
As you were about to continue, Billy and Nancy joined the group, and the subject changed. After finishing lunch and the last two activities, we were all called to the sports field to split into our capture-the-flag teams.
“ALRIGHT PEOPLE, LISTEN UP!” The megaphone was more ear-piercing than ever. “Remind me to bury that thing tomorrow.” You hear Eddie mumble to Steve, and you cannot help but giggle. “The teams will consist of Yellow, Red and Green as one and Blue, Pink, and Purple as the next team. However! I will split up Steve and Y/N to make things an even playing field this year.” Your head whips to Steve, and he mimics you before you both yell, “WHAT?!” in unison. “Common Carol, that’s so not fair!” Steve yells out. “Too bad, Moose. You’ll be with the Yellow, Red, and Green side this year; it's the final decision.” Your shoulders sink with disappointment as you watch Steve walk to the other team, cheering and greeting him with open arms. “Alright, I’ll give you 20 minutes to strategize, hide your flag, and devise a game plan. We meet back here at 3:00 p.m. on the dot!” She blows her whistle, and you move to our headquarters, the lifejacket shed. The group moves as one, and you notice who else is on the team. Birdie, Scout, and, most importantly, Eddie. The rest of your friends move to the front, taking on team captain rolls, while you linger behind, trying to summon the courage to speak to Eddie. This was your chance to get friendly; the universe gave you an opportunity, and you had to seize it.
Eddie lingered at the back of the group, and you slowed down just enough, pretending to tie your shoe so he could catch up with you.
“Hey, Eddie.” You smile at him. Eddie looked at you curiously and was a little caught off guard as if he wasn’t expecting anyone to talk to him. “Oh, uh, hi.” He was curious as to how you knew his name. “I didn’t think I would see you here this summer.” You giggle. “Uhh… yea…?” Eddie had no idea who you were, but he did know one thing: you sure were pretty.
Your facial expression betrays you as you attempt to force a smile, revealing the true emotions bubbling beneath the surface. He didn’t know who you were. You are only with Ashley twenty-four-seven back at home, attached at the hip, and he still has no clue. You feel a rush of heat creeping up your neck and spreading to your cheeks, a tell-tale sign of embarrassment. So you choose to give a slight nod, try to laugh it off and turn back so you can catch up to Robin and Nancy.
How could you be so stupid to think he would know who you are?! Of course, he wouldn’t know. He doesn’t care about cheerleading, pep rallies, or anything else. You reach up to touch the messy bun atop your head and yank out the white scrunchy so you can hide behind your hair, trying to make yourself feel better. As you catch up with your friends, they can see on your face that something is up.
“Oh, don’t get too upset. Bambi, we can still beat them even if Moose was forced to abandon us this year.” Nancy encourages, oblivious to the real reason as to why you’re flustered. “We saw you talking to him; how’d it go?!” Robin smiled. “I’m such an embarrassment; he didn’t even know who I was.” You bury your face in your hands. “I thought you said he’s mutual friends with your BFF,” Nancy, always the observant one, asked. “Ugh, he is! That’s why I’m so embarrassed.” You let out a groan and gazed up at the clear, blue sky. “I’m sure if you reminded him that you are friends with Ashley, he would remember?” Nancy reassured you. “I don’t want to talk about it. Let’s focus on the game." You and the girls round up the team. “Ok, we take this game very seriously here at Camp Murdock.” Nancy huddles you in. “We can still win this thing because Bambi is our secret weapon. Bambi wave so everyone knows who you are.” She smiles. You put on a fake smile and wave at everyone, avoiding one person’s set of eyes in particular. Robin then takes over, “I say we make a diversion. Everyone splits up into two, throwing off the other team. Scout and I will stand guard for our flag.” She points to herself and Nancy. “Now we need someone really fast,” you chime in. No one raises their hand but one. Oh god. “Okay, Edward, you and Bambi will be together, and we will use the same strategy she and Steve used last year.” “She can fill you in. The rest will be split into pairs, and we will point you where to go,” she finishes. “Uh, you can call me Eddie; no one calls me Edward.” He politely corrects.
After the instructions, Eddie makes his way over to your side of the huddle while the rest group off to their side on their own. You're going to kill your friends. They know what they’re doing… “Hey, Bambi? Right?” he smiles. “Uh, um. Yeah, obviously not my real name… but Bambi is fine.” Your mouth was dry, and you felt you had forgotten how to speak. “Sorry about earlier. It’s, um, you look familiar, but I’m not sure where I have seen you before… ” He scratches the back of his head, his bicep flexing as he reaches up, and you can’t help but gawk at him. “Yea!” You say a little too enthusiastically. “I’m y/n, you know…Ash’s best friend…” Suddenly it clicks, and you can see the realization in his eyes. How could he have not known? Maybe its because you’re in your natural state. You have no makeup on, and your hair isn’t all done up either. “I guess I’m not used to seeing you out of your cheer uniform or attached at the hip with Ash,” he chuckles. “So, what are you doing here anyway? I didn’t think anyone else from home would show up here.” You ask. “Well, you know, I had my side business as a dealer at school… that got me by, but after my little run-in with chief Jim Hopper a few weeks back, I decided to take a break for the summer, lay low.” He smirked as you listened. “ I thought Ash would also be working here this summer since she wouldn’t stop talking about it in Hellfire, which gave me the idea. I thought it couldn’t be that hard looking after the little twerps, it’s good money.” “Yea, she really screwed me over with that one,” You scoffed. “Same… we should get her back.” He smirks. “Yeah, totally.” “So, Bambi, huh?” He raises a brow. “Oh yeah, it’s um, just a camp thing. Don’t worry you’ll get an assigned nickname soon enough.”
A moment of more awkward silence fills the air before Eddie decides to speak again. “So, what is the master plan everyone talked about back there?” He asks. “Oh umm, uh, so, usually, uh, what happens, is um, that because I’m um smaller, I uh, hide in the tree line once one of the… uh, other team members finds where the flags are hidden, I sneak off to grab it, and then uh, I’d pass it off Moose—Steve, who’s like the fastest kid in the state, but he’s not here so I’ll be passing it to you and all you have to do is to our zone then we win.” You catch your breath. You’re totally rambling and sounding like an idiot. Why can’t you speak in front of him? “Oh…ok, sounds good.” he looks confused, like he is trying to process the jumble of words that fell out of your mouth, but he gives a reassuring smile. When he looks at you like that, your legs feel like Jello, your heart feels like it will fall into your stomach, and you hardly look him in the eyes. His smile is soft and tender compared to his rough and tough exterior.
So far, things seem to be going according to plan. You both have taken cover behind a fallen tree that has become a makeshift shelter. The tree is old and decaying, and the bark peels off in places. The silence between you and Eddie is palpable, and you can feel the tension building up. You want to break the silence and talk to him, but every time you try, your words get stuck in your throat. You can't help but feel slightly envious of Eddie's calm demeanour, which contrasts sharply with your nervousness. You wish you could be as composed as him, but your mind is racing a mile a minute. The longest ten minutes pass, and finally, you can see Robin running towards the two of you. Thank God. “Ok, the flag is by the infirmary; we just need to distract them.” You walked closely behind Robin as you both made your way through the field, with tall grass tickling your ankles as you walked. You could see the lake's shimmering waters in the distance, and the sounds of laughter and chatter from the mess hall carried towards you on the gentle breeze.
Despite the distance, Robin seemed to know exactly where she was going, her steps confident and sure. You walked closely behind Robin as you both made your way through the field, with tall grass tickling your ankles as you walked. You could see the lake's shimmering waters in the distance, and the sounds of laughter and chatter from the mess hall carried towards you on the gentle breeze.
As you walked, you couldn't help but wonder if Eddie was really as fast as he claimed. After all, if he weren't, it would be quite a defeat. In all your years at school with him, you’d never seen him doing anything physical. He was more of the theatrical, misunderstood musician type. “I hope you’re not lying about being fast.” You whisper to him, not thinking about anything else but the game. “What the freak can’t be quick?” He scoffs. “That’s not what I—” “There it is!” Robin cuts you off, but you can’t help but think about what Eddie said…Freak.
The thing about Eddie Munson is that he stood out from the crowd. He was unlike anyone you had ever met. He had a unique personality that not everyone could comprehend. He was always edgy and outspoken, and he never cared about the status quo. One day, during lunchtime, he even stood on the cafeteria table and screamed at one of the basketball players sitting at your table. It was a shocking event that left everyone in the cafeteria stunned.
However, despite his eccentricities, you always admired Eddie's courage to be himself. You didn't like how everyone at school called him a freak, and you always tried to defend him. You stood up for him whenever your so-called friends made fun of him, but they never listened to you. They would mock you for "sympathizing with the freak," and it made you feel isolated.
Despite all of this, you never gave up on Eddie… your attraction to him was too strong. You always knew that he was a kind and genuine person, and you appreciated his unique perspective on life. You hoped that one day, others would see him for who he truly was and accept him for his differences.
The neon yellow flag was posted beside the infirmary door, and you could see the guards on the lookout. Ashton was rounding the corner, and Robin approached the other side as a decoy. “Follow me,” you whisper to Eddie. You could feel his gaze on your back, burning a hole through the thin material of your shirt. “On the count of three, I’ll run over, grab it and bring it back here for you. One… two… three.” You scurry as fast as your legs can take you. You grabbed it easily, but getting back was the hard part. On the way back, you made sure to hide behind objects, making sure the coast was clear until you heard a “Hey!” Steve’s voice came from behind you, and you ran. “Eddie here!” You yell to get his attention. You should have worn your sports bra today. The straps of your tank top and bra are slipping down your shoulders. You totally forgot that you would be doing this when you got dressed this morning.
As you rush towards Eddie, you notice his eyes widen as he watched you run towards him. You hand him the flag, and he takes it from you, holding it tightly in his hands. You can tell that he is not sure what to do as he stares at you, unable to move. You watch him for a moment as he continues to gaze down at you, his wide eyes focused on your chest. “What are you doing? Go!” You give him a little shove, taking him out of his trance, and then he runs like you have never seen anyone run in your life. The guy was right; he was fast.
You can hear cheering from across the field as you try to keep up with him while running away from Steve, trying not to get tagged. “Eddie, run! He’s coming!” You yell to warn him and he looks back. His long hair getting in his eyes, but he can still see Steve on his tail. “Come on, Eddie, you can do it!” You cheer, hoping he can still hear you. You watch as he touches the team's safety zone! You did it! Your team won! “Sorry, Moosey, maybe next year.” You give him a mock pout as he bends over to catch his breath. “Congrats to the winning team!” Carol cheers. “Now you can make your way to the pit. I’ll give you your cabins, and you can set them up.”
“Hey, you were right. You are fast.” You hear Becca say as the group of you return to the pit. She batted her eyes and smiled at him. Was she flirting with him? The pit of jealousy that was forming felt like a rock in your stomach. You could not let this happen, so you marched over to them. “Hey, we make a pretty good team.” Bumping Becca out of your way. “Hey, yeah, we do.” Eddie spoke and you noticed the glint in his eye when he raised his hand for a high five. A playful smile tugged at the corners of his lips, inviting you to join in on the fun. You mirrored his action, raising your own hand to meet his. When both of your palms touched, a jolt of electricity ran through your body, making your heart skip a beat. You couldn't help but smile back at him as he beamed with delight. “I liked having you cheer for me; I finally get why those jocks have you around all the time.” He smirked, and your cheeks burned once again… maybe you can blame it on the sun. “Oh,” you giggled. Thanks…Um, you know, I don’t like it when you say you’re a freak…” The end of your sentence was hardly a whisper. “Oh, well, it was your friends who started it.” You wince at his words. You hate who he thinks you are, and it is all your fault for letting him believe that you are just like the rest of them. “I ask them not to, but they never listen.” You tuck your messy hair behind your ear. “Don’t worry, Princess. You don’t have to worry about that high school bullshit anymore. “Princess?” You scoff. “Well, you were the Princess of Hawkins High.” He says it is a matter of fact. “No, wasn't, you know nothing about me,” “Woah, sorry, didn’t mean to offend you.” he raised his hands in defence. “What’s going on?” Billy, out of all people, comes running up. “Nothing,” you say simultaneously. “Back off, man.” Billy was getting in Eddie’s face. Why was he acting so weird? “What the hell, Billy? Get away from him.” You tried to shove him, but Billy was a foot taller than you and much stronger. “Look, man, nothing happened.” Eddie backed away. “I’ll see you around, Princess.” He winked and walked off to the pit with everyone else. “That guy is-” “Billy, not now.” You huff, trying to walk away. “Come on, Bambi, what’s going on…” “Nothing, let’s get going.” You pull on his arm to get to the pit.
Eddie never meant to hurt your feelings or make you uncomfortable, but he couldn’t help himself; there was just something about you that he couldn’t resist egging you on. You were so cute when your face would scrunch up and think you looked all mean and scary, but in reality, he could compare you to the mouse from Tom and Jerry. His need to push your buttons was strong. Your perfect, cute, irresistible buttons. Eddie had an urge and wanted to see how far he could go. From the moment you first got flustered, he enjoyed it; he liked making you flustered.
At the pit, you were all lined up to get your assigned cabins. Every cabin was assigned by gender, so girl councillors were assigned with girl campers, and boy councillors were assigned with boy campers. Thankfully, you were assigned to cabin 8 with Robin, Nancy, and Cassie, a.k.a. Clover, one of the nicest girls you know. “I'm so happy we are all back together again this year!” Nancy jumped up and down. The three of you have been inseparable the past two summers. “You guys are so lucky you're bunked together; we’re with the two newbies, Eddie and Ashton,” Billy said while walking beside Steve. “At least we’re cabin neighbours!” Nancy observes, seeing that they were assigned to cabin 7. “Bambi, this is great; you have your own little spy squad,” Robin winked, and you rolled your eyes. “What are you talking about Bams?” Billy asks. “Bambi knows Eddie from home and—” You clasped your hand over Robin’s mouth, not wanting to make anything weird since Steve shared the information about Billy liking you last summer. “And nothing.” You finished her sentence. The boys looked at you confused, but you were sure Steve would tell Billy later, seeing as they’re best friends. You didn’t want anyone overhearing since Eddie and Ashton were coming your way. “Hey guys, what are we talking about?” Ashton approached the group with Eddie by his side. “Bambi was telling us how she and Eddie are from the same hometown,” Billy piped up. “Yea, Princess of Hawkins High here,” Eddie smirked. “Please don’t,” you begged. You hadn’t shared your home life with your camp friends, and you didn’t want that to follow you here. “What’s he talking about, Bams?” Nancy asked. “What? You haven’t told them about how you’re Hawkins it girl? Popular cheerleader, homecoming queen, or ringing any bells?” Eddie questioned. “So you do know who she is!” Robin gasped. “I’m more than a cheerleader.” Your eyes stinging, holding back tears. Was that how Eddie only saw you? You guess that’s the persona you were trying to give off; you cannot blame him. But that will all change; you will make it your mission to have Eddie Munson know the real you. Your friends look at you with puzzled faces. “I mean, that makes sense. Of course, you’re popular; you’re one of the best people we know.” Nancy piped up. “Thanks, Scout.” You gave a small smile.
Setting up Cabin 8 was a piece of cake. You took the bottom bunk, and Cassie took the top. Robin took the other bottom bunk across from you on the other bed, and Nancy took the top bunk. You got along great with your bunkmates; you were really lucky. If anything, you could have been bunked with Sarina and her group, and that would not have gone over well.
As you helped the girls unpack their bags after arriving at your cabin, you looked out of the window and noticed that you had a perfect view of cabin 7.
You took a moment to admire the lush greenery and the serene surroundings, but your attention was quickly diverted when you noticed Eddie walking in and settling down on his bunk. You could see that he had his guitar with him, and he placed it right across from your own bunk.
After helping others with their tasks, you suddenly realize you have left all your belongings in your car. You decide to inform the girls that you needed to run to the car and retrieve your duffle.
As you step outside, you hear the sound of another cabin door being opened, but you ignore it and focus on getting your stuff. You walk briskly towards the parking lot, scanning for your car. Once you locate it, you quickly unlock the door and retrieve your duffle bag. As you are bent over in the back seat of my car, grabbing your things, a voice startles you. “Could get used to the view,” Eddie smirked. “Ahhh!” You jerk up “fuck!” You turn to see Eddie getting his things out of his van parked beside your car. “Excuse me?” “The lake, God, you’re not that full of yourself, are you?” He chuckled. “Oh, right,” you say, rubbing the back of your head, knowing you will soon have a headache. “You know, I wasn’t going to say anything… but you cut me off,” you say, pointing at his van. “Wouldn’t have to if you drove faster.” “I was going 20 over as it was!” “You know, Princess, I see why Coyote likes you,” he smirked. “What? I, huh? Don’t call me that,” He just smiled and walked away carrying his duffle. His arms showed the curve of his bicep, straining to hold up the big bag, the sheen of sweat glistening on his skin, the tattoos being showed off. You bite your lip, watching him walk away. You really needed to get laid this summer.
After dinner, you and the girls had drinks to loosen us up before going to the bonfire. It had been a while since the last time you drank; with finals and studying the past month and a half, no one was partying.
The booze made you feel warm next to the fire, and you could see Eddie sitting on the other side of the bonfire. You couldn’t help but stare until he caught you, and you tried quickly to look away. The second time he catches you staring that night, it didn’t bother you as much as it would have if sober. That was until, the third time within half an hour, he got up. Oh god, you made him uncomfortable.
“Like what you see?” Eddie sneaks up behind you, and you jump at the sudden closeness. “I can’t see much; there's too much smoke in my eyes.” You try to play it off. “Oh, too bad, Princess, because my view was quite clear, had a great view.” he winks. “What did I tell you about calling me that?” You groan. “You’re not helping yourself by acting that way, Prince—” he stops mid-sentence, seeing that you’re giving him a side eye, but he continues on, “Princess,” “I’m not acting like a Princess.” You rolled your eyes, only further proving Eddie’s point. “Could have fooled me, ” He shrugs. “Obviously, you’re not very good on judgment of character.” “No? Enlighten me.”
“Is there a problem here?” Billy somehow appeared again out of thin air and wrapped a protective arm around you. Oh god. “No, Coyote, we’re fine.” You debated whether to take his arm off your shoulder, but you wanted to make Eddie jealous. “I’ll see you around, Princess.” Eddie turned and walked back to the newbies he was befriending. After Eddie leaves your sight, you exhale and shake off Billy, noticing that Eddie is no longer paying attention. “Next time he bothers you, you can come and tell me.” Billy was stern, serious; he had a look in his eye like he’d knock the shit out of him. “Seriously, I’m fine… I gotta go, have an early morning choreography to do.”
The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the campgrounds. The excitement of the upcoming campers filled the air, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the day ahead. As the camp's dance teacher, this was your favourite part of the summer. You loved watching the kids grow and improve their skills while helping those starting out.
As you made your way to the dance hall, you could feel the excitement building within you. The hall was empty, as expected, but you could already picture the kids dancing and laughing within its walls. You walked over to the stereo, put down your towel and water bottle, and tied your hair into a high ponytail, ready for the day ahead.
The room was stuffy and hot, with no airflow to speak of. You could feel the sweat starting to bead on your forehead, so you opened up all the windows, letting a refreshing breeze fill the air, and walked over to the standing fan, turning it up to the highest setting.
As you prepared to start your day, you reached for the mixtape you had created earlier to warm up. The tape was filled with various tracks that you thought would help get you in the right mood. You walked over to the boombox and inserted the tape, pressing play. The boombox was filled with all of your favourite songs, both new and old, from various genres. Your taste in music was eclectic, and you didn't like to limit yourself to a particular genre. You enjoyed everything from classic rock to pop, sometimes metal. If a song appealed to you, you liked it, regardless of its genre.
As the music filled the room, you felt yourself beginning to relax and get into the right mindset for the day ahead. The sweet lyrics of Whitney Huston filled the empty room, and you began getting into the movements but not really warming up anymore because the heat alone did that for you. The next song came on and you made a mental note not to use this tape when the kids came to class. The song that came on wasn’t the most appropriate.
You swayed your hips slowly, getting into it. You don’t dance like this in front of anyone unless you’re in class with friends or on stage. You typically hid your sensuality for only the dance floor or when you were having sex. You know that back at home, you are labelled as a prude, but if they only knew…
As the song progressed, so did your movments. You continued down to the floor, snaking your body before popping your hips up and down quickly before sliding back up sensually. As the music moved, you felt the need to let your hair down so you would incorporate some hair-ogropy. Deciding to get off the floor, you went to stand up but slid your hands up your inner thighs, grazing over your pussy lips, hardly being covered by your dance shorts, and continued to trail your hands up past your hips to your breasts.
You turned and swayed until you caught Eddie gawking at you in the mirror. He quickly shut his mouth when he realized you'd seen him. Honestly, if it were anyone else, you would have stopped immediately being embarrassed to expose yourself like this, but you were in your element, and this wasn’t just anyone watching. You wanted him to watch, so you continued as the song went on. Thinking of the sexiest moves you could come up with. The music suddenly stopped, and you felt thirsty. You hurried towards the sound system to turn down the volume and grabbed your water bottle. You sprinkled some water on your face and took a sip before realizing that Eddie was present in the room.
“Are you just going to continue undressing me with your eyes, or are you going to say something?” You smirked. Dance really brought out the confidence in you that normally you didn’t have. He was speechless, but you finally had the upper hand. “Uh..I…um… I thought this was the music hall.” Eddie gulped, but his mouth was dry. “No, it’s the next door over.” You smiled up at him taking one step closer so your bodies were almost touching. “You uh… you’re going to teach that to the kids?” He tried to joke, but he still sounded out of breath. “No, that’s usually reserved for a special audience.” You bite your lip. “Oh, who’s that?” His confidence coming back. You. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” You took another step closer, so close you could smell his aftershave mixed with his mint toothpaste.
His lips were plump and bright pink, probably from biting them, and his eyes were locked on your chest. You were sweating, and you could feel a bead trickle down between your breasts. He quickly looked back up to your eyes when you cleared your throat.
“I guess I was wrong about you, Princess.” He licked his bottom lip. “You don’t know the half of it.” You turn and walk back to the stereo to turn on the music again. You looked back as you turned the dial. “I’d love to continue this conversation, but I have some choreography to complete before they arrive tomorrow.” You nodded your head to the door, signalling him to leave. “Oh, uh…ok yea, I’ll just um. Thanks.” He picked up his guitar case and ran out.
After all the dances were complete, you headed to the communal showers. The water was always freezing, so you never wanted to stay there for long, but that cold water felt nice on your hot, sticky skin. You started to hum a random song as you ran the soap along your body.
You didn’t even realize that you actually started singing instead of humming. You must have felt comfortable enough because you only sing when you’re alone.
You're done showering by the time you’ve finished the one song; camp showers really were the quickest. You reach for your bath towel and dry off inside the stall before reaching for your clothes, but then remember that you didn’t bring clean ones. All you had was your sweaty shorts and sports bra… You quickly leave the stall, praying not too many people will see you walking back to the cabin in just your towel.
Unbeknownst to you, Eddie was walking by the communal showers when he suddenly halted because he heard one of the most beautiful voices he had ever heard singing an Ozzy Osbourne song. He couldn't resist stopping to investigate. He needed to know who was on the other side. Eddie had been hypnotized, so he didn’t notice that he had been creeping closer and closer to the door to try to hear better over the running water. He was mesmerized by that voice.
When the water turned off, the singing stopped, bringing Eddie back to reality. He realized where he was and what he was doing. Tripping over his feet, he quickly stumbled back, leaving enough space between him and the fire to not look like an absolute creep. But he decided to hang around for a minute or two, pretending to fix his guitar just so he could find out who the mysterious voice was.
As you walk out of the showers, you see Eddie looking just as surprised as you were. Just your luck; the one person you did not want to see while you looked like a wet dog was standing there as if he was waiting for you. You wrap the towel around you tighter, seeing as though you are naked, and you try to avoid him, but he starts speaking. “You know, Ozzy?” He asked, dumbfounded. Oh god, did he hear you? “Uh… yea.” “You have a beautiful voice,” he says without thinking. Of course, it was you. Was there anything you couldn’t do? Eddie thought. You’re extremely smart, athletic, kind to everyone, and you fuck with metal? Why had Eddie never noticed you before?
When you locked eyes with him, his stomach felt like a thousand butterflies had awoken simultaneously. Everything suddenly made sense when he looked at you. The feeling was foreign to Eddie; he didn’t like it. Sure, he had liked girls and had a girlfriend or two, but nothing serious; never had he experienced this strong of a crush develop in such a short amount of time. He tried to swallow it; he wanted to eliminate this feeling, especially because it was you; he was unworthy of it. You deserved someone better. Before Eddie could think his legs were bringing him close to you, he wanted to be near you.
“What?! You heard me?” “I didn’t mean to. You were loud, and I couldn’t help but listen… but not in a bad way!” he said, waving his arms in defence. Was he spying on you? “Fuck! I’m sorry you’re naked, oh god, I mean, I wasn’t looking or anything, I swear! I just needed to know who that voice belonged to! Im sorry, I'll let you go get dressed; I’m not a freak who creeps on girls, I swear!” Eddie was rambling; Eddie didn’t ramble, not like this. Eddie was cool and confident, especially with girls. Eddie was in trouble.
“Eddie, I don’t think you’re a freak. Maybe a perv if you keep walking in on me in these situations.” you giggled. “But this is Murdock, not Hawkins, clean slate for the both of us.” You gave a reassuring smile. “For the both of us?” He questioned “I’m not who you think I am back at home,” you smirked as you began to walk away.
“What does that mean?” He yelled before you were out of earshot. You looked over your shoulder and gave a wink, letting the towel slowly slip as you approached the Cabin door, but you didn’t let him see anything before you walked inside. “God, this girl is going to be my death this summer,” Eddie mumbled to himself.
You called Ashley as soon as you were dressed. You had to walk to the office swing as there was only one phone for the staff and campers to use.
Ring, Ring, Rong, Ri-
“Hello, Thompson residence,” Ash answered “You son of a bitch!” You laughed. “Well, hello to you too,” you can hear the smirk in her voice. “You just so happened to leave out the fact that Eddie Munson has also applied for a job here?!” “Oh yeah, did I not tell you?” “Is this why you didn’t apply?! because you knew I’d be alone with him?” You questioned. “No! I genuinely forgot! But happy accident, no?” she laughed. You twisted the cord around your finger and crossed your legs thinking about it. “I cannot believe you didn’t tell me this vital piece of information.” “I thought it would be more fun this way, ya know? I get the theatrics to keep me entertained while you’re gone.” She was such a little shit “Oh, I’m so glad that my infinite crush on Eddie entertains you,” you chuckled. “Babe, come on, you’re in such a good spot! You’re the it girl, you’ve always been; you gotta loosen up, show him the real you. You’re made for one another he doesn’t know it yet because you don’t talk to him.” she emphasized. “Don’t worry. I’ve talked to him more these past three days than I have in the past three years.” You smile. “Details now!” she screamed. “I think he flirted with me while I got my stuff from my car? And he keeps calling me Princess? He said I’m the Princess of Hawkins High. You know anything about that?” There was a clear silence. “Ash!” The slice told you everything. “Ashley” “What do you want me to say? I’m surprised you didn’t know. Everyone loves you; it’s not a bad thing…” “Whatever, I haven’t gotten to the best part!” “Finally,” she sighed, and you could picture her rolling her eyes. “So I was making my dance routines before the kids come, and I had my mixtape on, so you know I was doing my thing because I was alone, or thought I was alone…” “Stop! he walked in on you?!” She gasped. Of course, your best friend has seen the types of dance you do; she is one of the most supportive people you’ve ever met. “His jaw was on the floor! and I didn’t stop, I don’t know what came over me. I just kept going; it was like my body was on fire but in a good way, not sure how else to describe it.” “Babe, oh my god, you’re going to have him in the palm of your hand before you know it.” She reassured. “And to top it all off, he bumped into me after I got out of the shower just now and told me I have, and I quote a beautiful voice.” You sighed like a lovesick teenager. “Bitch! I repeat, you’ll have him in the palm of your hand. I know what he’s like; he’s one of my best friends.” she exclaimed. “Hey! I’m your best friend.” “What I mean is one of my best guy friends… I know how he is, what he likes; trust me, he’s going to like you.” Ash really was an amazing friend. “I just don’t know if I’m his type. That nagging feeling is in the back of my head again.” “He told me once that you’re pretty,” she said nonchalantly. “What?! You’ve never told me anything before?!” “eh, guess I forgot?” Ash shrugged her shoulders. “Forgot? Ashley, come on! Im dying here. I like him so much I feel like I’m going to explode, and that is vital information.” Why would she not tell you? Maybe you’re too annoying, always talking about your crush on Eddie? “Forget Princess of Hawkins, let’s crown you as Drama Queen,” she laughed. “Shut up, enough about me. How have you been?”
— As the new day dawned, the campers eagerly anticipated their arrival at the campsite. After settling into their cabins, they were introduced to their surroundings and felt a sense of excitement in the air. Each camper was eager to make new friends and start their adventure at the camp.
The first day was filled with the joys of getting to know one another, playing games, and indulging in meals that were prepared for them. As the dance instructor, you were given the task of planning your activities for the first week. While dance was your specialty, the campers would be exposed to other activities throughout the week to keep them engaged.
Mondays were dedicated to dance, with Tuesdays offering swimming and other water-related activities. Wednesdays were all about music, Thursdays for sports and nature, and Fridays for arts and crafts. Campers could expect to rotate these activities throughout the week to avoid getting bored with any one thing for too long.
The highlight of the week was undoubtedly Tuesdays, the day when campers could take a refreshing dip in the lake. Even though swimming was designated for Tuesdays, there was free time every day for campers to explore their interests and engage in other activities, individually and with their new friends. As the summer sun beat down, the opportunity to cool off in the lake was a welcome respite for all campers. The schedule ensured that everyone could try out different activities and make the most of their time at camp.
Nighttime was an all-around favourite. After everyone was settled in their bunks, tummy full of S’mores and smelling of bonfire smoke, you, Nancy and Robin walked together towards the mess hall to find the guys playing cards. “What are we playing, and what do I get when I win?” You asked as you opened the doors. Steve, Billy, Eddie and Ashton all turned their heads to see the three of you walking through the red saloon doors. “Don’t you have campers to look after?” Steve joked. “Could say the same to you,” Robin retorted back “Touché.” He smirked. “Well, now that you girls are here, we’re playing strip poker,” Billy laughed. “Always the charmer,” You winced. “Hey, I don’t make the rules.” He raised his hands up in defence. “Fine, I know I’ll be able to stay warm while you freeze your balls off because I’m going to win.” You stare him down. Billy seemingly always had a new way of getting on your last nerve this summer. After finding out he wanted to sleep with you, all of your fond memories of him have been tainted.
“Yeah, like some girl will beat us at poker? Right guys?” Billy chuffed. The other guys knew better than to start with you or the girls. They weren’t so blockheaded as Billy was. “Not that we are excited to see your tiny dick, but shut up and deal.” You sit down, and you hear Steve, Eddie and Ashton chuckle. Yes, you are competitive, and after that exchange, you were more than ready to beat his ass.
The game went on; Nancy, unfortunately, not the best poker face, was out first, forfeiting before she was naked. Steve, Ashton, and Billy were in their boxers, and Eddie and you were still somewhat modest. All you had left was your hoodie, bra, and underwear, where Eddie had his jeans, socks, and underwear still on.
When his shirt came off, you almost lost your cool. Never had you seen him shirtless before, and it was just as good as you pictured him. He was toned, more than you had imagined, and he had more tattoos than you knew about previously. You had only seen what was on his arms before, but now you got to see a spider tattoo under his left collarbone and a zombie head under that. He has another small heart right above his right hip bone, directly beside when his happy trial started… Robin has to nudge you to break your stare before he notices.
Billy’s comment still burned in the back of your mind. You had to get it together; you couldn’t falter, and you only had fifteen minutes before you had to get back to the cabins. “So you want to call it a night, or are you ready to show me some more skin?” you asked, biting your lip. There were audible “ooooohs” coming from the other's mouths. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Princess?” The game was getting too close until you picked up on his tell. His tongue would peek out of the side of his mouth when he was bluffing. You caught it just in time; you were about to fold when you noticed. “I raised you 15… and my bra.” You run your hand under your hoodie to unclasp it and place it on the table. Thankfully, you wore the nice red lacy one and not the boring brown one.
Eddie's big brown eyes doubled in size, which you didn’t think possible when he saw what you had been hiding under the oversized sweatshirt that hit your entire figure.
“Come on, we could have seen her like that all night if one of you were better at poker.” Billy some showing his true colours of being a total douche. You try to ignore his comment. “Nancy, do me a favour and kill Coyote for me, will ya?” You asked while staring into Eddie’s eyes. You knew you had him. “I gotta hand it to your Princess. You sure know how to keep a guy on his toes.” He folds, not showing you his hand. You breathe a sigh of relief that you didn’t know you were holding. “That, boys, is how it’s done.” You clap, and the girls cheer
The rest clear out, talking about the day tomorrow and their plans. You go to reach for your winnings bra, but Eddie's fingers clap around your wrist, not hard but firm enough for you to stop. He grabs the bra by the strap and twirls it around his finger before you comprehend what is going on. “I think I’ll keep this.” He admires it. “Uh, no, I won, I get it back. You scoff. “But did you win, Princess?” He pouts down at you. “You folded.” You say, standing up to reach for your bra. “Uh-huh, not so fast.” He lifts it higher over his head so it’s out of reach. “Come on, Eds, give it back.” You jump up to grab it, but obviously miss. Eddie liked it when you got visibly flustered, especially when you called him ‘Eds’ for the first time. “I couldn’t let those guys see you topless; what kind of gentleman would I be? Especially after you took your bra off? You heard what Billy said; he’s disgusting; how do you even like him?” Eddie shows you his cards, full house; he wasn’t bluffing. “You let me win? But I caught your tell?” you said with disbelief. “And no, I do not like Billy. He likes me, that’s it. I thought he was my friend last summer, but it turns out he was only doing it to get in my pants.” Eddie was glad and relieved to hear you don’t like Billy but also annoyed and angered that he would treat you like that. “Good to know.” He smirks. “So, my bra?” You try to give him your best puppy dog eyes, but he beats you in that department. “My winning token. I think I’ll hang this trophy over my bed and have the campers see what a real woman’s bra looks like.” He winked and turned around. Eddie couldn’t wait to rub in Billy’s face that he kept it. “Hey! I better get that back by the end of the week! You don’t know how much that cost!”
Sure, you were annoyed, but you were also a little exhilarating that Eddie wanted to keep it.
The next morning, you thought if you could bribe Eddie, he would give back what belonged to you. You got up early to get some coffee and bring it to his cabin to negotiate.
As you returned from the mess hall, you could see three little heads peeping into the window where Eddie’s bed was. “Hey! What are you creeps looking at?” You can’t help but giggle as you watch three petrified faces turn around. “N-n-nothing, BYE!” The tallest one stuttered, and the three of them ran. By that reaction, you had a feeling it was your bra they were gawking at. You knocked on the door three times and slowly opened it up. “Hey, it’s just me. Is it safe to come in?” you asked, not looking into the cabin in case they had been changing. “All clear, Princess, just me in here,” Eddie replied. You opened the door further and almost dropped the coffee you were holding.
Eddie stood there in all his glory, in a beach towel wrapped low on his hips. He must have just showered. His hair was wet and pushed back off his face. Water droplets still ran down to his happy trail. He had more tattoos on his legs and abdomen, but you didn’t catch what they were as he pulled his forest green Camp Murdock shirt over his head.
“Take a picture; it will last longer, Princess.” He laughed, and you snapped out of it. “I uh, um, sorry, here.” You stuck out your arm out to hand him his coffee. “You trying to poison me, Princess? That’s not very regal of you.” He smirked and took the cup. “It’s a piece offering… for my bra,” you stated. “Oh, I don’t think so; you can’t just bribe me with this sad excuse they call coffee. I have my standards.” He stepped closer to the bra hanging exactly where he said it would be. “I think I won this fair and square. I’ll need something much bigger than coffee, Princess.” he tilted his head, raising his eyebrows at you. “Fine, what do you want? A pack of Camels? Weed? Beer?” “You know I already have all those things, but I’ll think about it. Maybe I’ll ask for a favour? I’ll cash it in soon, but until then, it stays with me.” He took a step closer. “You know, a real gentleman would have walked me back to my cabin last night; I was defenceless, not even my bra to support me if I was being chased.” You mimicked him, taking another step closer.
Eddie had no clue what to think. Were you filtering back? No way. Girls like you didn’t go for guys like him?
Eddie had been around the block a few times regarding dating. He was no novice in the game of love, but he had a particular type that he usually went for. The girls he pursued were nothing like you. Unlike you, they were bold and unafraid of getting down and dirty. They were rocker chicks who were not intimidated by Eddie's tough exterior. However, as much as he enjoyed the company of these girls, he knew deep down that they could never be the ones he truly desired.
“You, Sir Lancelot, are no gentleman.”You laughed, unable to keep up the act.
"Lancelot, huh? Is that name anointed camp name?" He smirks, and you nod.
“My sincerest apologies, Princess.” Eddie bowed to you and you laughed again. Eddie swore he could listen to that laugh on repeat. “I’ll consider your apology if you give me my bra back. It’s my best one.” You bat your lashes and give the biggest puppy dog eyes. Eddie didn’t know how, but you broke him with that look. Your eye colour memorized him; it was quickly turning into his favourite colour. “I-I-I” what was happening to him? Why was he blubbering like a preteen asking out his crush for the first time? Pull yourself together, Munson. “Fine, I will because you are the Princess, and I am your knight in shining armour.” Nice. “Knight in shining armour, you say? I think you’ll have to prove yourself more before I believe you.” You brave another step closer, and the tips of your toes touch. “How can I do that, M’Lady?” “I have an idea.” You slowly raise your toes until your head is up and close your eyes. “Princess? What are y—“ “Oh hey guys, oh sorry, was I interrupting something?” Stevewalked in. You let out an annoyed huff. You were so close that you were sure he was about to lean in. “It’s fine. I was just leaving.” You gave Steve a death stare that Eddie had never seen grace your face before. “What did I do?” Steve looks at Eddie. “Beats me.” Eddie shrugged before he took the first sip of the coffee you got him. To his surprise, it was exactly Eddie’s coffee order.
Next chapter
Tags: @littlexdeaths @siriuslysmoking @peachysink @nailbatanddungeon @leelei1980 @daisy-munson @taintedcigs @take-everything-you-can @strangerstilinski @bl0ssomanddie @seb-buckybarnes @chickenandsheep-blog @lokis-army-77 @ali-r3n @erinekc @impmunson @snowflowersstars246 @micheledawn1975 @princesatracionera @bells-28
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
sil!!! congratulations on your milestone, that's an incredible feat! i'd love 📖 with any pedro boy of your choosing!
y'know how when you go to a concert and you get a mini crush on the cute guy (or girl or whomever) that's standing in the crowd before the show starts? or maybe they're manning the merch table? or getting a drink at the bar? sometimes you end up talking to them, sometimes you just look on in awe. it's like, wow THAT beauty is here?? that happens to me at least once every show i go to and i'd love your take on it! either from the reader's or the boy in question's pov!
congrats again, you absolutely deserve it!!! <33
thank you so much for this request bby! I had so much fun writing it and since he is your username, I decided to go with pero 💙💙💙 honestly I could've written a whole one-shot for this
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐩
modern!pero tovar x f!reader
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genre: modern au, strangers to lovers, fluff with a hint of spice towards the end
word count: 0,4k
summary: you go to a paramore concert and meet a charming stranger.
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The air is charged with anticipation as you enter the venue, the distant hum of excited chatter and the occasional burst of laughter echoing through the crowded space. The venue is bathed in a warm, dim glow, the stage set with instruments and microphones. As you make your way through the tightly packed crowd, the buzz of excitement heightens, and your heart quickens its pace.
There, in the midst of the eager crowd, you spot him. A complete stranger who is without a doubt one of the most beautiful people here. His presence seems to radiate a quiet confidence, his dark hair slightly tousled as if he's just stepped out of a breezy afternoon. You notice a faded scar running over his eye. His eyes scan the venue with a subtle intensity.
You hold your breath.
Your eyes lock for a brief moment, and in that exchange, the atmosphere shifts. It's as if the world around you melts away, leaving only the two of you.
But then the moment is broken. The lights dim, and the crowd erupts into cheers as Paramore takes the stage. The opening chords resonate through the venue, sending waves of energy through the tightly packed dancers. The stranger's attention is now fully on the stage and you can't really blame him.
During one of your favorite songs, your eyes meet again, and this time, the stranger offers a smile. It's a small, genuine curve of his lips that sends a rush of warmth through you.
The concert becomes a blur of lights, music, and shared moments. As the crowd jumps and screams, you find yourself lingering for a moment, not wanting to break eye contact.
But then, to your surprise, he walks toward you with a confident stride. His eyes meet yours, and without saying a word, he extends a hand.
"I'm Pero," he says with an accent. "Care to join me?"
The invitation is clear, and without hesitation, you take it.
The music intensifies, Pero's hands begin to trail down your sides, igniting a fire within you. His lips brush against your ear, his breath hot and heavy as he whispers how you caught his eye and how gorgeous you are, which makes your heart race. You turn to face him, your bodies pressing together along with your lips.
The bass pounds in your chest as your lips meet, each kiss sending electric shocks through your body. The intensity between you builds with every touch, the music serving as the perfect backdrop to your desires. As the song comes to an end, you can't help but melt into each other, knowing that this is only the beginning of a wild and unforgettable night.
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bitchinbarzal · 11 months
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it’s the holidays! 🎄🎅🏽 my christmas party event will run from november 8th — december 24th!
you can find my list of people I write for here along with any of my au’s can be requested! and all prompts posted can be found under #lulu’s christmas party
as always, please when requesting add the entire prompt not just the number as this is easier for me - example: 1 "what are you doing up so early?" With X player!
Failure to comply will have me delete your request!
1. "Is that present for me?"
2. "Nobody can have enough Christmas jumpers"
3. "Christmas songs always make me smile"
4. "You have not bought the dog a Christmas jumper have you?"
5. "You're really making me wear matching pyjamas with you?"
6. "I missed you this Christmas"
7. "You have eaten all of those chocolates haven't you?"
8. "The snow looks cute in your hair'
9. Have you ever seen a sexier Father Christmas than me before?"
10. "Let's write your letter to Santa"
11. "It is absolutely freezing"
12. "Why are you sad this Christmas?"
13. "It is so cold, warm me up please"
14. "This is the best gift you have ever given me"
15. "I saw Mummy kissing Father Christmas"
16. "i need you to pretend to be my partner for the family christmas party."
17. “You spent how much on Christmas decorations?”
18. “Don’t eat those, they’re for Santa!”
19. "you broke my heart last christmas, but i'm still not over you."
20. “You need to sleep, or Santa won’t come”
21. “My mom knitted you a jumper”
22. "You bought me a present? I thought you hated me."
23. "You've been playing the same song for three hours. Please, play a new one."
25. Character A and Character B meet in the
ER on Christmas Eve.
26. Character A can't wrap gifts to save their life. Character B is thir neighbor and can
27. Character A's ex will be at the Christmas Party A is attending. Character B poses as A's fiance.
28. Character A vows to do something nice for a stranger during the Christmas time.
Character B is that stranger.
29. Character A and Character B broke up, but now they meet at a Christmas party.
30. "Did you break into my house??" "You refused to put up any Christmas decorations! What choice did I have?"
31. "We made too many cookies."
32. “There’s no way I’m letting you spend Christmas alone.”
33. “Nope. This is not happening. It’s CHRISTMAS.”
34. “Wait, you’re not going home for Christmas?”
35. "you can't afford this..” “it's okay.?”
36. "this is the most thoughtful thing i've ever received. thank you."
37. "what do you want for christmas?" "you." "haha very funny."
38. ”I’m so grateful for you this christmas. i don't need anything else.”
39. “I mean, I knew you had Christmas spirit but this is ridiculous.”
40. “What do you mean, Santa’s not real?!”
41. running into each other at the airport
42. “No, you’ll burn the house down.”
43. “It’s almost midnight.”
44. “This is not for holiday cheer. This is blackmail.”
45. “No more holiday movies. Please.”
46. “Those cookies were for Santa!”
47. “Look out! It’s icy!”
48. “I’d like the snow a lot more if I didn’t have to drive in it.”
49. “Why is it so cold?”
50. “Wait, you mean this whole time, you hated peppermint?”
51. “I feel like there’s more frosting on you than on the gingerbread.”
52. “What are you doing with that mistletoe– oh.”
53. “I guess… this is when we kiss?”
54. winter proposal
55. “So… what are your plans for New Year’s?”
56. “You’re perfectly welcome to kiss whomever you wa–”
57. “Can I kiss you?” “You don’t even have to ask.” 
58. “Surprise! I'm your Christmas present!”
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minminyoonjii · 2 years
Stray Love Haven Day 25 : [Danceracha]
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💗Series Masterlist
Edging|Cock Ring|Jealousy Sex|Voyeurism|Hand Job|Degrading Praise|Wrist Bondage|Dom Sub|Vibrator|Aftercare
💌 This is a work of fiction, I by all means don't force ship anyone. They have the right to love whomever they want.
🍄Wordcount: 1.7K
"Dismissed," Minho said, turning off the music. Hyunjin panted, lying on his back "Finally!" he cheered, brushing his hair away from his face. Minho rolled his eyes, kicking Hyunjin's feet "Get up, you're getting the floor wet," he hissed, tossing a towel on Hyunjin's face. "Ack," Hyunjin sputtered, sitting up. Minho chuckled, wiping off the sweat beading his hair "The choreography is something," he hummed. 
Hyunjin nodded, "Do you think Stays will like it?" he asked, wrapping the towel around his neck. Minho pursed his lips, "If we're looking based on past performances I think they would. I mean Red Lights and Wow were a hit weren't they?" he teased, booping Hyunjin's nose. "Those songs aren't even suggestive," Hyunjin whined, blush tinting his cheeks. Minho gave him a deadpan look, "Are you being serious?" he asked, eyeing the boxes of tissues behind Hyunjin.
"What are you looking at?" Hyunjin questioned, turning his head. He chuckled nervously, "Hyung, please," he pleaded, rubbing his hands together. Minho scoffed, crossing his arms "Speak bullshit one more time and I'll be setting the air fryer's timer," he warned, staring down at Hyunjin. "Thank you, Hyung-nim," Hyunjin said, bowing his head. Minho hummed, furrowing his eyebrows "Where's Bokkie?" he asked. 
Hyunjin looked around the room "I didn't notice he was gone," he said, stretching his limbs. Minho clicked his tongue "Did he run out after I dismissed?" he questioned, drinking his water. Hyunjin shrugged, "He'll be back," he said, rolling his shoulders. A soft pattering of shoes echoed outside the room "There he is," Hyunjin said, chuckling. Felix swung open the door, "I got some drinks," he shouted, running in.
Just as Minho was about to scold him for running, Felix yelped, tripping over his own feet. Thankfully, their manager caught Felix in time. Felix giggled, pressing his hands against their manager's chest "Thank you, hyung. Have you been working out?" he asked, tilting his head. The manager sighed, "Felix-ssi please be careful," he said, releasing his hold around Felix's waist. "Okay," Felix giggled, bouncing towards his lovers.
Hyunjin's eyes widen "Hyung, you're squeezing that bottle pretty hard," he pointed out, tapping Minho's shoulder. Minho looked down at the bottle, sighing as he clenched his jaw "It's fine," he gritted, throwing the bottle into the bin. Hyunjin licked his lips "Is it because of Pixie?" he asked, testing the waters of Minho's anger. Minho stood still, giving Hyunjin the answer. "Hyung are you jealous?" Hyunjin asked, watching Minho's expression turn cold.
"Jinnie there were juice boxes in the vending machine so I got us some," Felix said, handing Hyunjin a carton. "Thank you, Pixie," Hyunjin said, ruffling Felix's hair. "You're welcome. Oh, hyungie I got you one too," he said, skipping towards Minho's direction. Minho pulled Felix onto his lap "Don't move," he instructed, clenching his jaw. Felix shivered, obeying Minho's instructions. "You're lucky I'm being merciful, Yongbok-ah," he said, gripping Felix's waist.
"Did I do something wrong, papa?" he whispered, resting his hands on his thighs. Minho chuckled, "I don't know. Why don't you tell me?" he asked, lowering his hands down Felix's hips. Felix covered his mouth, muffling a moan threatening to slip. Minho sighed, enjoying the way Felix reacts under his touches "It gets you off, doesn't it? Knowing fully well that if anyone turned their head, they would see you acting like the pathetic slut you are," he growled, tightening his grip.
Felix bit into his bottom lip, holding back his whimpers "Please, papa," he whispered, lips wobbling with each syllable. Minho stood up, carrying Felix on his side "Manager-nim we'll be heading back. Felix seems to have twisted his ankle when he tripped," he explained, tucking Felix's head into the crook of his neck. Their manager nodded in sympathy "Should I contact a clinic?" he asked, packing his things. Minho shook his head "No but a few days of rest should heal him right up," he said, smiling.
Their manager hummed, "Alright then. I'll go start up the car," he said, looking for his keys. Hyunjin stepped in, "Hyung there's no need, we already have a ride for us waiting outside," he said, patting their manager's shoulders. "Who is it?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Hyunjin smiled, "It's Changbin hyung. He said he had a meeting for the demo track and didn't mind giving us a ride back," he explained.
Their manager hesitated but nodded, "Okay, call me if anything happens," he said, leaving the room. Minho looked at Hyunjin "Is Bin here?" he asked. Hyunjin smirked, "Well, Binnie hyung did have a meeting but Noona's the one waiting for us downstairs," he said, pressing the elevator button. Minho chuckled, rubbing Felix's back "Did you bribe her with something?" he questioned, stepping out of the elevator. 
Hyunjin shook his head, "I just told her what happened and she was more than happy to help out," he said, looking at his phone. Minho smiled in disbelief "My god, Yongbokkie. Where did you find her?" he asked, walking towards your car. Felix huffed his cheeks "At a park. Where normal people socialize," he said, nuzzling Minho's neck. Hyunjin whistled, "I don't think fueling Minho hyung's anger is the way to go, Pixie," he said, opening your car door.
Felix whined, "I still don't know what I did wrong," he sulked. You chuckled, knowing the whole story "Pixie darling, does groping your manager's chest ring any bells?" you asked, switching your gear. Felix gasped, eyes widening "It wasn't on purpose," he defended. Hyunjin chuckled, "On purpose or not, you know how possessive Minho hyung gets with us," he said, tracing Felix's thigh.
Felix turned his gaze to Minho, only to whimper at Minho's stern glare "Papa," he whined, cowering into the seat. Minho pressed his tongue against his inner cheek "On all fours, stripped bare on my bed," he commanded, keeping his glare on Felix. Before Felix could retort, you pulled up by their dorm. "Ten," Minho said, counting down. Felix's eyes widened as he scrambled to the door. You followed behind Minho "Nine," he continued.
Hyunjin chuckled, watching Felix strip off his clothes "I'm just glad I'm not on the other end of Minho hyung's rage," he said, leaning against the door frame. "Four," Minho said, tapping his watch. You shook your head, "I'll leave you three to it. Chan told me he's getting home in a bit and I really want a nap," you said, yawning. Hyunjin nodded, "Okay, sleep well," he said, stroking your cheek. You smiled, placing a soft peck on his lips "Play safe," you said walking into Chan's room.
"One," Minho said, running his hand down Felix's back. "Papa," Felix mewled, arching into Minho's grazes. "Hyunjin grab a pair of cuffs, a cock ring and a vibrating dildo," he instructed, slicking his fingers in lube. Felix shuddered, clawing the sheets below. Hyunjin placed the toys by Minho's side "Good boy. Remove your boxers and sit still," he groaned, spreading Felix's warm walls. Hyunjin did as told, removing his clothing.
Minho easily slipped the cock ring around Felix's throbbing length. "Papa, no," he sniffled, feeling the base of his cock tighten by the toy's grip. Minho paid him no mind, curling his fingers to brush against Felix's prostate. Weak moans escaped Felix's lips "Jinnie," he whimpered, turning his face to look at Hyunjin. A shudder ran down Hyunjin's body, cock twitching on his abdomen "Ah, fuck," he cursed, sinking his nails into the sofa.
Precum dribbled past his slit, arousal growing at the sight of Felix's pleasure. Minho growled, pushing the tip of the dildo into Felix's rim. The toy breached his hole with a twinge of pain. Felix wailed, head clouded with fog "Papa!" he sobbed, biting the sheets. Minho grunted, easing the dildo to its hilt "You can take it, Yongbok-ah," he growled, fucking the dildo against Felix's fluttering walls until it loosened.
Felix allowed himself to get used, obediently taking what was given to him. Hyunjin's jaw dropped, cock aching hard, carving for any form of friction "God you look so gorgeous, Pixie," he moaned, pressing his thighs deeper into the sofa so he couldn't move. Minho tugged Felix's cock, drawing a sharp cry from him "Papa," he whimpered. "Hyunjin come here," Minho commanded, handing Hyunjin the cuffs. "Cuff his wrists," he grunted.
Hyunjin nodded, cuffing Felix's wrists together. Felix whined, pressing his cheek against the damp sheets. Minho leaned back into the sofa "Sit on my lap, princess," he said, tapping his thigh. Hyunjin whimpered, sitting across Minho's lap. "Safeword when you need to, Yongbokkie," Minho said, turning the vibrator to its maximum. Hyunjin mewled as Minho wrapped his hand around his cock "Stare at our pretty Pixie, princess," he said, pumping Hyunjin's length with vigour.
Felix's body quivered, orgasm coiling under his skin "Please papa," he cried, tears soaking the sheets. Just as Felix's orgasm came, Minho switched off the dildo. Felix choked on a sob, cock twitching at his dry orgasm "Fuck," he whimpered, sniffling. Minho sighed, turning the dildo to its maximum once again, "Who do you belong to, Lee Yongbok?" he asked, stroking Hyunjin's cock at a merciless pace.
Felix wailed, "You!" he screamed, body trembling against the fabric below. Minho hummed, "Do you think Pixie deserves to cum, princess?" he asked, slipping his thumb between Hyunjin's slit. "Yes, yes, yes," Hyunjin babbled, his orgasm building steadily. "Our princess is very generous isn't he," Minho said, stroking Hyunjin's cock. Hyunjin's abdomen tensed, mouth slacking open "Cum, princess," Minho growled, quickening his pace.
Hyunjin's breath stuttered as he came, coating both Minho and his chest in his semen. "That's my good boy," Minho praised, coaxing him from his orgasm. "Precious, remove Pixie's cock ring," he instructed, patting Hyunjin's ass. Hyunjin stumbled towards the bed, head dizzy from cumming as he slipped the cock ring off the base of Felix's cock. Minho turned on the vibrator for the last time, "Cum for us, Bokkie," he grunted, watching Felix wither against the sheets.
Felix keened, body jolting as he came. Thick ropes of cum spurted past his slit. His body convulsed, knees bucking at the sheer intensity. Minho turned off the vibrator, he slowly eased the toy out of Felix's rim "Yongbokkie," he cooed, pampering soft kisses onto Felix's face. Hyunjin ran his fingers through Felix's hair "Did he pass out?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. Minho nodded, "Exhaustion must have caught up to him," he whispered, stroking Felix's cheeks.
"Let's run a quick bath and go to bed, hyung," Hyunjin yawned, stretching his arms. Minho chuckled, kissing Hyunjin's forehead "Good idea," he said, lifting Felix in a bridal carry. 
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diabolimeservavit666 · 10 months
Having a rough day? Glomp!
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Three of those GIFs just makes me want to throw someone off a cliff and one of them makes me want to lunge myself off a cliff but I appreciate the effort (though, I just got the rudest reminder of how lonely I am). I've been stuck in my own personal Hell for far too long, now, and, I swear, I've tried everything but nothing really works.
Okay, there's a fic I really need to read because I think it would help but I don't think it already exists so I'm just gonna lay it out here for whomever sees this and wants to write it. Dean Winchester x reader but platonic, prior to the last couple of Seasons of Supernatural but with no mention of current canon events (that would just stress me out if I know a timeline). It's only Dean and the reader in the Bunker (preferably no mentions of anyone else). The reader's been having a really crap day and has been hiding in one of the spare rooms, playing her favorite Bon Jovi songs on repeat. Dean (who's secretly a softy) makes it his mission to cheer her up. I'm thinking a bond like the one he has with Charlie but I little bit more chaotic because her personality is a lot like Gabriel's but she does have a lot in common with Dean too. Basically, me, sorta. I need a soft fic of Dean but one that makes me feel that for half a second he's right there. I never thought I would be one of these people but I need it in ways you cannot possibly understand. Sorry, this is asking too much.....
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 2 years
Hello M,
Congratulations on your new milestone 💞 many more to coma, I hope. Thanks for this event too.
May I request a rhaenyra x harwin with prompt 26 from the prompt set 1? Can be spicy or very spicy, setting can be a forest or godswood. I'm into size, hand and breeding kinks. Those are my preferences but please change anything you're not comfortable with. Love you ✨
I hope you like this! ❤️❤️
“Name day gift”
Prompt: “I want you to ruin me.” | Setting: The Kingswood at night
Pairing: Harwin x Rhaenyra
Themes: Slow-burn | Smut | Soft
Warnings: Mutually agreed upon open marriage | Hand kink | Size kink | Breeding kink | Kissing | Rough sex | Public sex | Penetrative sex | Cream Pie
Word count: 3.1k words
Summary: On the night of Rhaenyra’s name day feast, Harwin finds out the rumours of her arrangement with Laenor were not just rumours after all.
Rating: 🔥🔥 | Minors DNI | 18+
Want to be tagged? Want to know the rules? Read all here.
Author's notes: I've changed some details, mainly the children of Laenor and Rhaenyra being legitimate.
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Somewhere in the forest, a dragon roared into the night.
Harwin listened to it and shivered. A century of Targaryen rule, a century of dragons in Westeros, and that sound would still chill a man to the bone. When that dragon roared again, a second joined it. Harwin turned his attention to what was going on all around him. A great hunt had been arranged, and a sumptuous feast was planned for afterward, to celebrate the crown princess on her name day. Rhaenyra had turned five and twenty and was already ruling the six kingdoms on her father’s behalf.  
Five and twenty, thought Harwin, and free to do as she wished, or so the court gossip said. Both the princess and her lord husband had an arrangement, it was told. They would do their duty towards their families, providing both with heirs, and then they would free themselves to be with whomever they chose by the time the princess turned five and twenty in age. It was most salacious according to some, but Harwin saw no harm as both husband and wife had desired it.
And would she ever consider him, the future lord of Harrenhal? Would she ever take him to her bed, the way she would in his dreams? Harwin often dreamed of the princess; he even sent his father to ask for her hand, to be considered as her future consort. Viserys’ refusal meant all his dreams would have to remain just that: sweet illusions and pleasant fictions, and nothing more. He would have to content himself with watching the princess from afar. Someone laughed right next to his ear, bringing him back to the present moment. Harwin cleared his throat and looked around.
The feast was already into its fifth hour. Many were deep in their cups; others were indulging in the delicate pastries and roasted meat being served. The king had spared no expense; the signs were evident in the rich food, the splendid wines, and the entertainment that had been arranged for everyone. A Lysene singer sat by the side of the king, playing an intricately carved harp and reciting a song in the musical tongue many of her people were famed for. There were firemages from Volantis, conjuring all sorts of wondrous shapes out of nothing more than flames from their torches. Each act was accompanied by loud cheers, the demand for more, and, of course, bags of silver. Harwin sipped at his wine and sighed as fine Arbour gold washed down his throat. The king had outdone himself, he thought.
Little by little, the tables started to empty. Guests wandered and, in some instances, had to be carried back to their tents. The king retired with the rest of the royal family, and Harwin, now at odds with his time, rose to his feet and walked towards the woods to clear his head. Once safe within the shelter of the trees, he covered his mouth and belched quietly. Harwin had to concede he had never eaten so well in his life.
It was a beautiful night, and the stars were out in all their glory. Harwin reached a clearing and looked up into the sky, wondering how liberating it must feel to sit atop the back of a dragon and soar through the sky. A vision formed of him atop a beast of white and the palest blue, the both of them bathed in the light of the moon. To fly high above your enemies and rain fire down on them, to watch while they turned to ash and...
"A copper star for your thoughts, ser."
Harwin jumped and drew his sword, ready to defend himself. "Princess," he quickly stayed his hand and stood to attention when he recognized the voice that addressed him. "Forgive me. I was just lost in the clouds, so to speak."
"I see." Rhaenyra walked out of the shadows and studied him keenly, her eyes shrewd but without malice. "Pray tell me, what was this vision that captivated you so?"
Harwin sheathed his sword and turned to the sky again. "A dragon, princess. I wondered what it would feel like to fly atop a great dragon."
"A pleasant dream then, but I would not wish for it if I were you." Rhaenyra joined him by the edge of the clearing and leaned against the bark of an old pine tree. "Dragons are willful beasts even during the best of times. And they have to bind your legs and waist to the saddle. Most uncomfortable, if you ask me."
"Your uncle makes it look so easy, though."
"My uncle was born to ride a dragon; even my lord father says so. And the bond he shares with Caraxes is unlike anything I have ever seen in my life."
Harwin considered this, then studied the princess. Such a tiny thing, still, with all of the fine features the Targaryens were famed for. Gold and amethysts adorned her wrists, ears, and throat. Her silver-white hair tumbled freely up to her waist, and she had been garbed in deep purple silk, styled in the Dornish fashion. Her father’s courtiers and the High Septon were scandalized when she walked out in it. The visiting Dornish emissaries, on the other hand, loved it. Harwin agreed with the Dornish. The princess looked like a vision in her dress.
"You stare, ser."  Rhaenyra still looked out into the night sky, her lips curling into a smile.
Thinking he had offended the princess, Harwin coughed and mumbled a dozen apologies, each more sincere than the one before it. Rhaenyra, on the other hand, merely listened to him stumble over his words again and again and laughed so hard she nearly doubled over.
"Oh…oh my word," she said, and wiped her eyes on the edge of her sleeve. "I am not vexed ser, truly. Please, there is no need to abase yourself in such a manner."
"Still," Harwin ground out, "I should not have done it. You are the crown princess, and a woman wed. It was wrong of me to look upon you the way I did."
Rhaenyra studied him again. "Walk with me," she commanded, and turned sharply on her heel. Harwin could do little else but follow her.
There were secret paths leading away from the camp, paths known only to a few. Rhaenyra knew them all, having made her way along such paths many times since she was a child. Harwin said nothing, content to simply follow her.
"I must congratulate you," she said, "On your appointment to the Gold Cloaks. My uncle has nothing but the highest regard for you."
"Thank you, princess." Harwin kept a watchful eye on their surroundings. Thieves were known to frequent unexplored parts of the Kingswood, though they would scatter and disappear into their caves and hiding places the moment a dragon was seen by the borders of the forest. Right now there were several, along with the Kingsguard. Still, Harwin did not want to take chances with the princess’s safety. He readied himself to draw his sword the moment it became necessary to do so. "I did not know Prince Daemon spoke of me to his family."
"Just me, ser," Rhaenyra’s lilac eyes twinkled in the moonlight when she looked over her shoulder at him. "Kepus spoke highly of you only to me."
That gave Harwin pause. Why would his Lord Commander do such a thing? "Daemon only spoke to you? May I be so bold as to ask why?"
Rhaenyra said nothing, merely smiling wickedly before walking deeper into the forest. The music, shouting, and laughter were all but distant murmurs now. Soon, very soon, it would just be the two of them, with no one to see or hear. She had been plotting this after she learned the king had rejected Harwin’s suit for her hand in marriage.
In truth, Rhaenyra would have preferred to wed a lord like Harwin, someone she actually desired, someone who would not have tried to cage her, if what her uncle told was true. Laenor proved himself to be a respectful and dutiful husband who doted on their four children, but his preference for the company of men meant that neither of them would ever truly be satisfied with their lot in life. Their arrangement, which was discussed and mutually agreed upon before the wedding, came into effect the moment Rhaenyra turned five and twenty. With four legitimate children no one could question either of them, and now they were free to pursue whomever they wished. Laenor took up with Ser Qarl Correy.
Rhaenyra had set her eyes on the future Lord of Harrenhal. She decided if she could not have him for a husband, then she would take him as a lover, if he so wished. She continued walking, occasionally looking over her shoulder and giving Harwin a come-hither look. Harwin followed, thoroughly enraptured. Oh, he did suspect the princess was up to something, but whatever it was, it must be something sweet, given the way she kept looking at him. On and on they walked until finally they found themselves within a dense thicket of trees, one that shielded them from prying eyes.
"What are you up to, princess?" Harwin said, and circled her.
Rhaenyra smiled again. She could already hear the desire in his voice. "I wanted to thank you for the gift. The figurine of Syrax was quite pretty…"
Harwin cut her off with a respectful, "But?"
"But," Rhaenyra smiled even more. "It was not what I was hoping for."
Harwin narrowed his eyes, his own lips curling into a smile. "Then what do you desire, princess? A pretty dress, perhaps?"
"I have many pretty dresses, ser."
"Very well then. How about a bejeweled dragon egg?"
"The family vault is filled with such keepsakes already. Try again."
"The head of Lord Otto Hightower, surely. Your uncle is bound to help me do the deed."
"Kepus may even let you use Dark Sister, just to make it quick," Rhaenyra laughed merrily. "No, ser. If my rule is to go unchallenged, I need to maintain good relations with my stepmother and her children. Killing her father would get in the way of all of that. Try again."
Harwin shrugged, pretending to give up. "Tell me, princess, for I have no inkling of this gift you seek."
Rhaenyra smiled—the smile of a woman who knew what she wanted, a woman who was not afraid to reach out and take it if need be. "You ser. I want you."
It all made sense now. The command to follow him, the flirtatious looks. Harwin inched his way closer, wanting the way a man wanted. There was still one more question that had to be asked. "And what do you want of me, princess?"
Rhaenyra stood still, letting Harwin come to her. She had to look up at him, for he was a good foot taller than her, maybe even more. Breakbones, they called him—one of the strongest men in the Seven Kingdoms. Harwin certainly deserved the epithet, after repeatedly beating several knights to the ground in melees. His rich brown hair was always tied up in a neat bun, and his green eyes were always glinting mischievously. Aspiring knights all wanted to be him. The ladies wanted to be with him. Truth be told, more than one lord too. And now, hopefully, he will be hers. She swallowed, her body tensing with giddy anticipation. Her answer was direct and simple.
"I want you to ruin me."
Music to his ears, but still, there was the matter of Laenor Velaryon. The court gossip about them having an arrangement could have been just that: empty, meaningless chatter. "And your husband?" He asked, stopping just in front of her. "What would he say?"
She tilted her chin and smiled sweetly. "He would insist you treat me well before turning his attention back to his lover."
So the gossip was true. There was an arrangement between the princess and her lord husband. Harwin grinned, satisfied with what he heard. "Well then, in that case," he growled and inched his way closer, his arms encircling her waist in a loose embrace, his head dipping to meet her lips. "Come here, princess."
Soft, sensual lips yielded to his. Harwin kissed her slowly, carefully, not wanting to forget his own strength and hurt her. Such a tiny thing still, so small in my arms. Harwin kissed her still, trembling when desperate hands tugged at the collar of his tunic and pulled him even closer. Rhaenyra had to stand on the tips of her toes, but she did not mind. When large arms tightened around her waist and lifted her off the ground, she did not mind that either. She sighed helplessly, a sound between a moan and whimper, when Harwin deepened his kiss, his tongue slipping past her parted lips and dipping into her mouth. Her arms moved around his broad shoulders and she barely felt him sinking to his knees so he could kiss her better.
Rhaenyra returned his kisses with equal passion, clinging to him like she had been deprived of such sweet sensations for years. Her body pressed against Harwin’s heatedly when his hands glided over her back. Callused and rough after years of tourneys and fighting, they soon delved into thick hair. When Harwin pulled away she looked up at him.
The hands that went up his chest were small and soft, and pale against his own tawny skin. They slowly loosened his hair before framing his face. Lavender. Rhaenyra’s skin smelled of lavender. Harwin took a deep breath of it before turning his to her. He pressed his hands over hers and brought them to her lips, slowly kissing the tip of her ring finger, and the next finger, and the next. When his lips closed around the tip of her thumb, Rhaenyra was well and truly lost.
"In the name of the…" she breathed helplessly. “What… what are you doing?"
"Pleasuring you. What else?" Harwin gave her thumb a soft suck before taking it deeper into his mouth.
Rhaenyra could only watch, spellbound, as he did the same for all her fingers, carefully nipping over the tips of each before pulling away. Already heat was pooling in her core and she could feel her small clothes grow damp with her arousal. She started to babble away in High Valyrian, using soft, musical words that struck a chord and set fire to Harwin’s blood. Instead of continuing to kiss her fingers as Rhaenyra thought he would, Harwin grabbed at her hip and cupped her cheek, bringing her in for another kiss. This one was hungrier and more demanding, encouraging the wild demands of her own mouth. Her hair felt like silk in his hands. Her body trembled against his, and she pleaded, Please. All she kept saying was Please, as if she were chanting a prayer.
Harwin growled and pulled away at the thin strips of fabric that covered her breasts, exposing them to his touch.
"Desperate for me already eh?" He muttered, dipping his head so he could have a taste. "I thought princesses were supposed to be well-bred and oh so proper."
Rhaenyra mewled when sinful lips tugged at a peaked nipple. "I am a woman, ser. Even we women have our needs, the same as the men."
"Indeed," Harwin agreed, his voice already hoarse. He dragged her in for another kiss, kissed her till she came apart in his arms, kissed her till she was a whimpering, trembling mess.
Harwin wished they had been anywhere but the forest. He wanted to bed the princess properly, someplace where he could truly have his way with her body. Perhaps some other time, when the opportunity presents itself. He continued to kiss the princess, groaning when he felt her struggle to undo the lacings in his breeches. He had to pull away when she grew frustrated and cursed like a sailor.
"You are desperate," he teased and helped her along, moaning softly when she took his cock into her hands.
"I am, so very desperate," Rhaenyra admitted very willingly, before running her hands down his shaft.
He was just as big as she thought he would be. Rhaenyra hummed sweetly, thinking of how it would feel to have him inside her body, filling her with his seed, perhaps him getting her big with his child. The very notion of it was enough to encourage her to kiss him again. She had already done her duty to the Crown and Driftmark four times over; she now wanted to do it just for the sheer pleasure of it all.  
There was no gentleness this time. Harwin pushed her legs apart, and one hand slid up her thigh, grabbing onto the band of her smallclothes. He quickly tore it away and moaned under his breath when delicate hands helped guide him. The feeling of her warm cunt sheathing him nearly made him lose himself.
"Hurry!" Rhaenyra writhed against him, her entire body throbbing when he filled her completely. "Hurry."
Harwin lost himself to the wildness within him. Ruin her, she said, and ruin her he did. Greed and lust pushed him forward, his hands and teeth leaving very little of the princess’s exposed flesh spared. Rhaenyra did not care, as she had enough and more garments that would easily cover his mark. She just kept encouraging him, her whimpers turning into moans, moans that quickly turned to pleas. Pain and pleasure coursed through her body.
No one made her feel like this, so weak and inflamed at the same time. Harwin’s kisses robbed her of her breath, leaving her lightheaded and dizzy. His embraces were hard, his thrusts pushing her further and further to the edge. Her fingers dug into his back, leaving gouges in his skin. Her hips started rocking, frantic and desperate, her entire body tensing and shaking as she sobbed into his mouth, as her orgasm ripped through her. Harwyn clung to her, not stopping until pure, unimaginable bliss rose through him and he cried out her name. He refused to let go of her until his seed spilled inside of her. They stayed together for as long as they could, only pulling apart when the first streaks of dawn could be seen in the sky.
The campsite was almost as silent as a tomb by the time they returned. No one stopped Harwin while he escorted the princess back to her tent. Even the Kingsguard were nowhere to be seen. Harwin had given Rhaenyra his cape, to cover the evidence of their tryst. A knowing look passed between them before she went in.
Less than a week after the court returned to Kings Landing, a proclamation was issued. Harwin Strong, heir to Harrenhal, would accompany the princess back to Dragonstone as her sworn protector.  
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heroes-fading · 1 year
inordinary notes
local woman figured out the spotify playlist of it all - you can listen to it at that link
icymi i did a joel + ellie musicians au that has become my baby, all of these songs are songs i imagine in this little universe. it’s been a lot of fun to play around with so i’m so. happy. when i hear folks are having a good time with it.
some additional notes about this fic that just didn’t fit but are fun to think about:
- the femme-led label ellie is on for five minutes is inspired by saddest factory records. david offers to drop the defemation suit on the condition that ellie is dropped from joel and tommy’s label. joel makes a call to the other label (who would have taken her anyway) to make sure there’s no gap between them dropping her and her getting immediately picked up with favorable terms. given the circumstances she gets an uncommonly flexible contract. duh.
- the diner joel and ellie go to is actually just a fucking waffle house because if people accept any weird shit unconditionally it’s always at a waffle house.
- joel is allergic to any and all forms of social media. all ellie does is shitpost on twitter. sometimes it’s of joel making weird faces in the sound booth. she has a lot of chaotic energy.
- at some point ellie goes on tour with muna because gay rights!
- ellie is an alternative grammy loser. joel has never won a grammy because it’s funny. she almost doesn’t go to the ceremony and joel hasn’t gone since 2002 but shows up just to support her. he also gets a producer of the year nom that year and loses to his quasi-nemesis jack antonofff. 
- david being a piece of shit inspired by a long line of piece of shit musicians, record producers, and labels from dr. luke to ryan adams to whomever else. wishing all of them a very ***.
- joel’s job inspired by aaron dessner, a musical father to many! his overall performance vibes, on the other hand, inspired by matt berninger - the frontman of the national and a 52 year old with an unstoppable stage presence and the saddest songs you’ll ever listen to.
- joel has been involved in at least 15 physical altercations with paparrazi. ellie has been involved in 2. so far.
- they collaborate on whatever femme + low voice songs you can think of (my picks: coney island, your mind is not your friend, cowboy like me, halloween). joel is usually backing vocals because he doesn’t want to take up too much of the song. 
- tommy continues the long tradition of drummers being the most stable people in the goddamn band. does tlou have any other members? none we care about.
- whatever y’all want to do with this universe i support and love and cheer you on if this inspires anything for you.
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eunbinbe · 1 month
˙ ˖ ✧ — DREAMWAVE AUDITION. eunbin's audition tape for dreamwave.
it feels odd standing in front of a camera like this. the last time eunbin recalls a similar situation was when she was auditioning for the cheer team. she's not sure what was the final push that made her want to submit an audition tape, but this felt like a fun way to get herself more out there. becoming an idol wasn't her number one goal, but it was a dream that continued to linger in the back of her mind. she loved performing on stage and loved the cheers of people watching her even more, so this felt like a natural step to take.
"hello, i'm shin eunbin," she started out with an introduction, giving a slight bow toward the camera before moving onto the questions she would have to answer. "i would say my dream company is studio delta and if i had to choose a second, maybe lime entertainment? of course, i'd work hard no matter where i end up going!"
"i know how to play the piano!" she exclaimed before pretending to play with her fingers for a moment. eunbin hestiates for a second, wondering if her cheerleading experience would count as musical experience, but this whole tape was meant to introduce herself, and she felt like she couldn't leave that out.
"i've also been on my university cheer squad since my sophomore year, marking this my third year on the team. while it may not be strictly musical, it is stage experience, which i believe is important for an idol to have! this also means that i have basic dancing experience, and i know how to choreograph." she sounds a little boastful, but again, eunbin believes that she needs to appeal to whomever this tape will reach, and this is the best asset she has.
"as i mentioned before, i do have a lot of dance experience. i've been dancing from a young age and continued to until now. as a cheerleader, i know how to choreograph my own routines. i haven't done a lot of singing outside of singing along to my university's cheer songs and whatever i sing at karaoke, but i've been told i have a pretty tone."
"as a broadcasting major, i know how to give good speeches and how to speak in a way that projects," she mentions. while eunbin wasn't sure if that counted as a talent, it seemed like an important skill to have if she were to become a public figure. "i also work part-time at a kid's cafe, so i'm really good at acting out parts in story books and whatnot, so i'm good at voice impersonations!"
"i like some older rock band artists, such as buzz and yb band. my father would listen to them a lot, so i think i naturally started listening to them as well. but also, back when i was a student, i loved cherish like every other girl in my grade and jude as well! rock and r&b is my style, but i really love any sort of pop music, too."
with that, she gave another bow toward the camera before hopping over to turn it off. well, there's that. now she'll leave the rest up to destiny.
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ickaimp · 3 years
Russia and Ukraine in Eurovision
A friend knows I love Eurovision and let me know that Eurovision has banned Russia from Eurovision 2022. And I immediatly flailed and info dumped, because hyperfixations.
2014 was the first time I got to see a live streaming Eurovision finale and it was as Russia invaded Ukraine. The 2014 Ukraine entry, “Tick-Tock” by Mariya Yaremchuk, has lots of visual about being trapped and literally running out of time. Which may not have been the intention, but contrast it with the 2014 Russian entry: “Shine” by the Tolmachevy Sisters, which… Has some very 1920s Metropolis propaganda vibes, and the lyrics include: Now maybe there's a place Maybe there's a time Maybe there's a day you'll be mine And this is while Russia is invading the Ukraine. 😬 Very yikes. This sets the tone for rooting for Russia in Eurovision. (nope) 2015, Ukraine didn’t participate in Eurovision, they were dealing with an invasion. Russia almost won, the Eurovision live audience was very vocally FURIOUS, as were the commentators. Thankfully Måns Zelmerlöw from Sweden wins with “Heroes”. In 2016 Måns performed the greatest Eurovision song that isn’t in Eurovison, “Love Love Peace Peace“ where the 2014 Ukraine entry makes an appearance onstage as “Man in a Hampster Wheel”. 😄🐹 Eurovision also changed its judging in 2016. They seperated the judge votes from the audience televoting, which makes the final score less obvious and more of a nail biter. (2021 was fantastic!) 2016 was also kind of interesting as it’s very obvious how much money Russia puts into their entries in “You Are The Only One” by Sergey Lazarev. It’s one of the more technically complex visual entries. Taking a cue from Måns, there’s fancy interactive backgrounds, and the guy walks upright up a wall, no wires invovled. Russia also tried to get Ukraine’s entry, 1944 by Jamala, removed by claiming that it was poltical, talking about the 2014 invasion. Eurovision rules state “no lyrics, speeches, gestures of political or similar nature shall be permitted“.
This was rejected as the song is about the deportation of the Crimean Tatars at the hands of Joseph Stalin, which included Jamala’s Great-Grandmother and her daughters, one of whom didn’t make it.  The lyrics, in both english and crimean, are very emotional and worth a read. Ukraine wins the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. 2017, Ukraine hosts Eurovision. And Russia isn’t in it. 😂 Russia has a song, “Flame is Burning”, they have a singer, Yuliya Samoylova, and the singer is banned from entering Ukraine for breaking Ukrainian travel ban in 2015. 2018... does not go well for Russia in Portugal. Yuliya Samoylova performs a new song, “I won’t Break” and it scores at the bottom of the second semi-finals. Russia fails to make it to the finals for the first time since 1997. Ukraine places 17th. The past couple of years have been kind of quiet. Russia’s 2020 entry, “Uno” by Little Big went semi-viral (personally, I think “Hypnodance” is funnier) and Ukraine’s 2021 entry, “Shum” by Go_A, placed fifth and exploded on tik-tok. And now Russia’s banned from 2022. 😂 It’ll be interesting to see how Eurovision goes down in Turin, Italy this year.
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moon-silvered · 2 years
Dancing in the Moonlight: 01
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Posted on: Ao3
Pairing: Steven Grant x F!TelepathReader
Wordcount: 4k
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4
Genre: Fluff, First Date, Telepathic Reader
Summary: Telepathic!Reader is reeling from sensing an unworldly presence in loyal bookshop customer Steven Grant when he asks Reader on a date. 
You don’t think anything’s weird with him the first time you meet Steven Grant. He’s another customer with a special interest in Egypt given the books he buys. Not unusual, especially not when you find out he works at the British Museum near the Egyptian exhibition. Makes sense he’d buy the books he does from a little bookseller and rare book procurer. The amount of money he dishes out for them is a little worrying, and you briefly wonder how he can afford it but it’s not your business. You really do try to ignore the mental nattering that goes on in most people’s heads.  You had after all made an oath to not go snooping into stranger’s minds with your ability. 
The second time, that’s when you think there’s something off.  It was harder not to go eavesdropping with Steven Grant. It was like he was projecting his very thoughts. Or maybe, they were louder, it was difficult to really explain.  
But it’s the third time, when you focus on his thoughts and the hairs on the back of your neck prickle, you know for sure there’s something off with him.  There’s something– someone else there. An undercurrent voice beneath his thoughts humming along. Not sinister, not benevolent, but wholly extraterrestrial and unhuman. It gave you a migraine to focus on it and you had to take your break early. 
You all but collapse onto the fountain’s ledge, hand to your temple as you try to rub the migraine away.  You’re shaking from the pain made worse by the cacophony of thoughts swirling in the square but it was better than the intensity of what-whomever you had bumped into in Steven Grant’s mind. 
You’re staring at the ground when the aural distortions pulse and intensify as a pair of shoes stop right in front of you.  You look up and he’s there.
“You alright? You look a bit...”
You’re trying very hard not to look, not to listen to what’s going on behind those eyes, behind that brow but it was like telling someone to stop feeling the temperature. Still, you grit your teeth and smile, imagining a coat on your mind to keep out the cold wind. 
“Yeah, ju-just a migraine.” You helplessly stutter and then close your eyes, hoping that would help. It won’t of course. You knew it wouldn’t because it never has. 
“Ah, I’m sorry. If you want, I c-can – I mean if you think you need it. I’ve got–” He fumbles as he pulls a Tesco bag from his other bag.  You watch as he pulls out at first caffeine tablets – the kind people take to stay awake. You used to take them in your university days because they were legal, as opposed to the pharmaceuticals your American mates did to achieve the same. Then Steven pulled out a nuromol bottle. 
“That’s convenient.” 
“Was just at Tescos, yeah.” He explains and holds out the bottle. 
You stare at it and decide it couldn’t hurt. Plus it might make him walk away faster and take whatever presence was in his head far from you. 
You struggle to open the bottle, so he does and hands you a single tablet but you hold out your palm for two. 
“Says to take one,” he explains in a sing song way, like he’s going to tattle, but he’s already tabbing one more out. You catch wind of a stray thought of his. One never works for me either, wish they’d give us the stronger stuff without a script. You get a mental image of him downing twice the recommended caffeine tablets to stave off his sleep. 
You don’t say anything about it, instead you down the tablets and chase em with water. “Cheers, mate.” You fully expected him to walk away after that, but he lingers. 
His fingers grip tight and loosen around his recent book purchases and his mouth moves silently as though he’s working himself up to say something. “I noticed you were reading– well I happened to glance at the book you put down when I came in, yeah? and see I work at the Museum near the Egypt exhibit-“
“I know.” You interrupt him.. 
“You do?”
“You told me.” You state but then quickly doubt yourself. Had he told you? Or was that a fact you picked out from thoughts he had in his head? You think it’s the latter now, especially as his face contorts into confusion. “I-mean I must have heard you mention it to my boss or something.” You wave your hand, trying to be dismissive.  It mollifies him far too much. Why?
You regret it instantly, but you loosen the mental coat a bit to hear.  Thought I lost time again. Your head swirls around that presence again and you wince away. 
“So. I was wondering, if you’re curious about Egyptian gods, I could- we could- if you’re not busy- meet for dinner - or lunch. Yeah, lunch?” He manages out, second guessing every other sentence. 
You stare at him, really stare and finally it clicks. You hadn’t even realized it, too preoccupied with the pain of hearing his thoughts and feeling the presence.  “Are you chatting me up?” It’s a rhetorical question because as soon as you say it, you get confirmation from his thoughts in the form of:  I should have practiced more. She’s probably already seeing someone. Along with those thoughts is a teeth chattering sinister breeze of that being – like it’s trying to push you away.
You would have gone fleeing, if not for the indignant rebellion that roared at whomever was in his mind that wanted you gone. And, though you’ll never admit this to anyone, the way Steven looked deflated like a kicked puppy.
The puppy analogy was too spot on, because his eyes brighten and widen in surprise. Even his smile is infectious and makes your lips lift to mirror his. And oddly enough some of the pain ebbs away, though it could be the nuromol. You’d swear it’s the latter to anyone who asks.
You set a time and place at a little restaurant, not too fancy but definitely not a place to show up in ratty jeans.  You do a bit of gloss and dab some eyeliner on for a smokey-eyed look but you wipe it away when you feel ridiculous with it on and say “Sod it” and go off. 
It’d been years since your last date, you were out of practice. Not that you wanted to be well versed in dating. It was tiresome when you could hear their disingenuous thoughts as they tried to flatter you. Not to mention it was difficult to talk about yourself without hearing every judgmental thought cross their mind for everything you said, wore, and did. At first it made you self conscious, like you had to please them on every thought, until you got fed up, angry, and at times indignant. 
For a time you used your ability to your advantage to get right into the sheets to scratch an itch, but that made you feel worse than when you took their passing thoughts to heart. So you didn’t do that again, at least not intentionally. 
Steven meets you in the courtyard outside the bookshop with a bouquet of flowers. He’s got an awkward nervous smile that suits him. And you can admit it’s kind of endearing, especially paired with the way those dark eyes are glued to you as you approach. His gaze doesn’t do a body check, and instead they remain respectfully – gentlemanly – on your face.  You smile brighter from that alone but all out swooned when the traces of his thoughts reach  you. She’s beautiful. How did I ever manage to ask her with that smile? Always loved her smile, greeting me every time. I’m so lucky. Don’t muck it up. Accompanied by a nervous gulp.
You wish you could assuage his nerves, but that would mean revealing your ability. You hadn’t had the best luck in that. People didn’t exactly find it comforting when they knew you knew every thought that passed their mind. 
You step up to him, mentally prepared for the pain of the foreign presence to try to push you away but surprisingly there was none. The presence was present; now that you knew to look for it. You weren’t sure how you never noticed it before whenever Steven came by. It was so obvious. Perhaps you never cared to look closer until he lingered longer than was prudent at your register.  
You grab the bouquet and glance over the carefully picked flowers. You notice your favorite as a center piece. You look up to his expectant look. “These are lovely. How did you know they’re my favorite?”
“I smelled your perfume.” A second too late he realized how bad that sounded and winced. “That is-I mean you always have them in the bookshop, by your counter. You’re always smiling when you come in with a fresh bouquet. Not that I watched- I mean I did but only- ah.”
Ever the skeptic, you take a look in his head – fighting the presence. Memories flit by of him walking into the bookstore, watching you as you run the till, aggravated over annoying customers only to smell the flowers you kept nearby to relax.  Then memories of Steven paging through flower books, to find the name of them, reading a book on flower language, then looking up and calling local flower shops. 
The entire time you looked, the presence makes a go at you. They’re a torrential gust of wind pushing you away and you almost stagger but hold on until it finally wrenches you away. 
You take a step back, breathless. 
“Sorry, I know, it’s weird. I swear I wasn’t stalking- though now that I say it makes it sound like I did. But I promise you, I only happened to notice and you really seemed to like them and I wanted to get you something you’d like.” He rambled. 
“Steven.” Your voice is soft and you step back toward him and place a hand on his arm over the sleeves of his jacket, in active rebellion against the presence. It roared, attempting to push you away again. And while it could from Steven’s mind, it had no bearing on your physical body. Except of course for the pain, but you could live through it tonight. Anything to spite the being.  “I love them.” You reassure Steven. If he really was a puppy his tail would be wagging quickly with how enthused and happy he looked.
You walk to the restaurant together under the afternoon sun.  Steven talks about the meaning of the flowers, which you already know from his mind but you let him go on as he explains the history and varying meanings and uses of the flowers he picked. Not in a showy mansplaining I-know-more-than-you way, but in a I’m-genuinely-excited-to-share-this-knowledge way. It was endearing. 
As he talks about the things he found interesting in reading and researching it – his mind is resolute, confident. Yet shatters when you get to the restaurant, and Steven ceases talking. 
“Oh my god. I’m an absolute git, I’ve been talking your ear off, not letting you get a word in.” He looks at you in horror. 
“I like listening to you talk.” You pat his arm with a genuine smile. He returns it and the presence in his mind seems to withdraw.  That was odd. 
The hostess takes you to a table for two. Steven is quiet as he pulls out the chair for you. It makes you chuckle and you sit opposite him. 
You order your drinks and platters. Steven orders from the vegan options, which you take note until you catch onto one of the ingredients.
“Oh that has peanuts.” You mutter, with a forced frown trying to hide a mischievous grin. 
Steven looks up and blanches. “I didn’t think to ask. Are you allergic? I can order something else.” He is about to call the waitress back but now you’re smiling. 
“Only mildly allergic. You can order it. Just means I definitely can’t kiss you later if I want to.” You’re joking of course. You definitely could kiss him later but you’d have to wash your mouth out. It was a joke that had the intended effect. 
Steven’s mouth opens and closes in shock as his cheeks darken, throat bobbing nervously. “So-sorry wha- no I can-“ his voices cracks. “I can change the order.” He rushes out and then raises his hand to call the waitress back. You laugh and grab it, intending on bringing it down to the table – completely forgetting a cardinal rule to your abilities. 
Never make skin to skin contact unless you’re ready. And you needed to be, especially with all the weirdness already with Steven. 
The presence is sentient, bearing down from behind Steven. It’s tall, with a floating bird skull as a head and body dressed in strips of floating cloth bandages with gold moon adornments while leaning against a staff. And the pressure, that same gust of wind in your mind is howling, rushing at you like a tornado and you let go of Steven’s hand the moment that thing looks at you with a skull tilt. 
Steven is looking behind him confused as you stare at the spot it had inhabited. “You alright?” 
Does he not know it’s there? 
You look at him and back to the spot, your breath heaving and you nod. “Yeah…um.” You grasp for an explanation. “Must’ve seen a spider.” It feels like a lame excuse, especially because you love spiders. But you do not want to have this conversation.  Not on the first date. 
Were you seriously going on with this date after seeing that? 
With the way Steven looks at you, worried and hopeful, and the nervous insecure chatter bleeding from inside his head? 
Yes you were.
The date gets better from there. He asks what interested you about Egyptian gods, and he’s flummoxed to learn it was him. There’s a moment where his mind spins about whether you did that intentionally to catch his interest. Sadly you reveal it was something you did to repeat customers, that if they were that invested in the topic – then it would make for good reading during down time. Which led to him asking what other books you read and which customers inspired it. Leading to a long list of stories. 
“I read about em, so I have something to say when they come in.” You explain with a shrug. “Gets boring being a cashier, even in a bookshop.”
“I know what you mean.” Steven sighs. 
You laugh. “You work in the museum as a tour guide! That doesn’t sound boring to me.”
Steven looks embarrassed now. “I…well, I auditioned for the tour guide.” She doesn’t know I work in the gift shop. His voice and mind has a sort of sound like wounded pride. 
“Oh. Sorry I just…I thought.” You’re left without words. You hadn’t expected that he could keep that sort of information from you, or from his thoughts.  Clearly he found it too embarrassing to even think about except when confronted with it. “You know what, your boss is a sodding fool for not taking you on then.” 
Steven gives you a half smile. 
You almost reach for his hand, but pause. “Just means we have a lot more in common. Both of us under appreciated and stuck on the till when we got so much more to offer.”
Steven huffs a laugh but nods. “More time to read, I suppose.”
“Or go on more dates.” You counter. Why did you say that?! You can’t take it back now. You couldn’t but want to see Steven in brighter spirits. And besides, he’s not bad. Friendly, knowledgeable, easy to fluster, and he was handsome too, in an insecure kind of way. It’s the way he holds himself, with hunched shoulders so he takes up as little room as possible with his gaze down and clothes that were high quality but clearly he felt uncomfortable in them. 
“S-sorry…dates? Plural?” Steven’s eyes are wide with that shimmer of hope. 
“Unless you don’t want to?”
Steven trips over his own tongue “I do! I mean I would love to go on anoth- more…dates.” He over emphasizes the s. You couldn’t help but laugh. It’s a boisterous sound, that has him grinning and then also laughing. And it’s like something is knocked loose in his shoulders. They aren’t so tense, they’re relaxed.  I didn’t mess it up, like usual. I’m not a failure. 
Your heart breaks a little for this beautiful man, to feel the relief in his thoughts. You decide far too quickly, you don’t ever want to make him tense up again. 
After Steven regaled you about Egyptian tales that you had yet to read about, and you commiserate over your shared experience working in customer support, he walks you back to the bookshop. There’s a moment, a hopeful one from him. You know it’s about a kiss. He did end up changing his order for something without peanuts. 
You hadn’t been kidding about giving him a kiss if it went well but you were faltering now. Kissing him would mean skin to skin contact.  And you hadn’t touched him for the rest of the night on purpose. And the presence was still there, but it wasn’t pushing or throwing waves of mental gusts to get you to leave. But the very feel of it so close was difficult to bear. 
If you kissed Steven, would you see it? You weren’t even sure what it was. 
Still, you step closer. He doesn’t have to look too far down to meet your gaze. 
“Thank you for lunch.” You murmur and he touches your hand.  It’s intimate, more so than a kiss with the way his fingers lace with yours. The warmth of his fingers
She doesn’t have to kiss me if she doesn’t want to.  You hear, clear as day from his mind before he says it softly. She was only having a laug-
You interrupt that thought by pressing your lips to his. His body is frigid in shock and then melts. It’s not a searing kiss, not the stuff of movies, and certainly not raunchy- they’re in a public square for goodness sake! Your noses bump against each other and he has to step closer to you aren’t craning your neck, but he’s smiling even with a close lipped kiss. It’s chaste, and sweet and he pulls away with an unintended promise and taste of more when he licks his lips and yours before. 
You’re the one who is flustered this time. 
“I-“ you’re swallowing and touching your lips with your fingertips, like you cannot believe you did that. “I had a lovely time, Steven.”
And then, he says your name. Only it’s different from all the other times he has this entire lunch date. It’s softer, vulnerable, and with yearning. You want nothing more than to hug him, but you don’t. 
Later when you’re home, you feel completely exhausted. A migraine had worked it’s way up to your temple from the strain of the presence around a Steven. Because even in the kiss, it had tried to push you away, not that you paid it any mind. But now that you’re home you don’t quite care as you’re floating from the euphoria. You hadn’t expected to enjoy the date as well you did.
You pick up your phone and start to text but stop several times before committing to a bit:
You: I would like to submit a review on my experience tonight. 
You watch the icon indicating he is texting start and stop repeatedly before stopping for a long time until an hour later.
Steven: Oh?
You roll your eyes, having a feeling he agonized over what to write back the entire time only to send a one syllabic response. 
You: yeah. a little thing I wrote up just now. 
Steven: Was there something wrong at the restaurant? Was it the spider?
You: nothing wrong with the restaurant. Want to read?
There’s a long pause in his reply, before a simply “Sure” came through.  With a grin, you hit enter. 
You: Went on a date with one Steven Grant, Pros: exceptional conversationalist, puppy dog eyes that make you melt, warm hands. Cons: not very food allergy conscious, kissing skill needs work.  7 out of 10. Would date again.  Does management have any thoughts? 
There’s a flurry of the icon indicating he’s typing popping up and disappearing repeatedly. Then he’s typing for a long time. Too long. You wonder if he’s writing a book or just editing his message over and over again. He seemed the type. 
Steven: Thank you for your input.  I will take it into consideration and review so I can better service you
Steven: ah, wait I hit send too fast!
You: service me huh? That’s some can do attitude. 
Steven: that’s not what I meant!!!
You: are you sure? Because I’m down. 
Steven: !!! You! Let me finish!
You laugh, imagining how warm his cheeks might be as you wait. 
Steven: I will take your input into consideration and review so I can PROVIDE better service to you. At your earliest convenience when might we offer you a more satisfying experience? 
You: I think a more satisfying experience isn’t necessary but a change in venue and activity might improve the rating. It is calculated in an aggregate, not average, manner. So how about a movie? Say this Thursday evening? 
There’s a long, long time before Steven answers but when he does, it’s adorable and you press your face into your pillow with a girlish giggle. 
Steven: If I sneak in the snacks, will I lose or gain points on my review?
You: gain, obviously. Sleight of hand means you’re likely good with your hands in other aspects. Or so I hear. 
Steven: agshekt
Steven: sorry! I dropped my phone. 
Steven: I will bring the snacks then. Meet at the bookshop after your shift?
You: keeping track of when my shifts are? Kind of suspicious there, Grant. Maybe you are a stalker after all. 
There’s no answer for a long time. Not even the typing icon lights up. Maybe you went too far there and he was panicking. So you decide to have mercy on him. 
Frowning, you type a few words, stop then decide to call him instead. He doesn’t pick up the first or second ring but he does on the third. 
“Hello?” There’s a tentativeness in Steven’s voice and you can hear it. 
“Hey. So we’re still on for the movies right?” You ignore your last message sent. You don’t even want to think of it. 
“We are?” Steven asks and then sighs. “I thought maybe I went too far…memorizing your shifts.”
“My shifts are incredibly predictable, being one of two employees in the shop.”
“Yeah.” Steven mutters. You hear him shuffling papers. 
“It’s kind of endearing you paid so close attention, though.”
“Is it?”
“Like the flowers. Which by the way are now in a vase right on my bedside table.”
“Bedside table? Why not the den? Or kitchen?” Steven asks. 
“Because it’ll be the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning.” You say softly.
There’s a sharp intake of breath and release before he hums around a smile. “Now I’m jealous of the flowers.”
“For what?” You prod gently, until you track back to what you said right before. Now you’re the one with warm cheeks. “You-” you stutter and choke on your words. 
Steven’s muffled laugh comes through, like his hand is over his mouth.  “I cannot believe I said that.”
“Nor can I!” You grab a pillow to shove your face into, as if it could hide the blooming heat racing up your neck to your cheeks and ears. 
There’s a beat of silence before, “I-I think I need to hang up before I self combust.” 
“Me too.”
Neither of you hang up again. 
You grumble and catch the tail end of his laugh before you finally hang up first.
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From Blood, Love and Courage - An Angel Reyes/Original Character Story.
So I almost never, ever do this, being as I’m only part way through writing the second chapter, but I just want to test the waters with my audience. I’m feeling unconfident with it, and being that it’s such a battle for A - visibility within tumblr and B - getting more than a handful of people to react with anything other than a like, I thought I’d see if this was worth me actually spending my time writing. So, if you do enjoy it, please do comment and reblog. If it only garners minimal interest, I shan’t continue with it. Sad, but it truly has come to that for a lot of us. Us authors are like plants, water us and we grow. Deny us, and we wither up. I really, really hope it’s a hit!
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Words - 4,625
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Warnings - Mentions of rape and the associated trauma of such to come in future chapters. While I do not plan on detailing these overtly graphically, if the subject is a trigger for you, you’d be best not to begin reading this. 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
The sound of a lone berimbau opening, preceding the scream of guitars filled the air, a few whistles and shouts going up from various members of the crowd. Being a long-time fan of Sepultura, Angel knew exactly what song was currently filtering through the speakers of the venue. Attitude. A strong choice of entrance music for whomever the fighter was making his way to the octagon, although he had no clue over their identity.  
The first two participants in the MMA night he was currently spectating at had been kept a secret, although many in the audience whom were obviously aware of the fighter whose entrance music preceded them cheered their arrival, Angel surprised when behind two big fellas walking down the aisle, emerged a woman.  
“God damnit, Coco! You didn’t tell me this was gonna be some foxy boxing night, man?” he complained, eyes swivelling onto his cohort.  
Coco shrugged, sipping his beer. “Secret billing! I didn’t have a clue either, homes. Anyway, you can’t tell me that shit’s not hot, watching two girls' brawl.” Angel remained silent, his mouth down turning as he thought on that statement, eyebrows rising a little. “Come on! As if you need to contemplate it!”
“It’s hot when they’re brawling over me.”
His words were met with a snort of laughter, Coco bouncing on his heels with amusement, his eyes widening. “And when’s the last time that happened for you, huh? You ain’t exactly swimming in pussy over there, are you? Thinking you’re some Cassanova daddy, pfft.”
Angel narrowed his eyes, unamused as his friends’ observation into the vacancy of his bed. “Fuck you.”  
Coco laughed with mirth, both of them turning their attention to the octagon before them. The announcer had called out the name of the girl fighter, but in his haste to chastise Coco, Angel hadn’t been paying attention. What he did take notice of was the fact that she was hot. Tall, about five seven or thereabouts, a mix of soft curves and lithe muscles, a full sleeve of tattoos reaching her hand on one arm, long, braided black hair, blue eyes and a ridiculously voluminous pout.  
“Bro, she could suck a ping pong ball through a juice box straw with those lips. Am I right?”  
Angel choked on his beer, turning to bump fists with Coco. “Right, man. Although, I ain’t sure I’d want her to. Look at that shit, man. That girl is raging,” he began, watching her stalking around the ring, her jaw set, looking like she meant some serious business. “She prowls, like a tiger. She looks mean.”  
And she did. Because she was. She side stepped around the octagon at a steady jog while waiting for her opponent, the announcer lifting the microphone to his mouth. It was the usual fanfare, the guys talking between themselves, their ears really pricking up when the announcer called out the name Johhny Boswell.  
That word was delivered by both Mayan’s at exactly the same time.  
“No way! She’s fighting a dude?” Angel cried, his head swivelling around to take a look at the guy walking out, his chest stiffening with the immediate discomfort of the idea. “Is that even legal?”
“Amateur circuit, man. The UFC don’t hold shit over ‘em, so they ain’t got no governing body to answer to,” Coco began, who was a wealth more of knowledge on the sport than Angel. “Likely why it was a secret billing though, bro, save any controversy ahead of the match.”  
“I mean, I don’t wanna sound like a raging chauvinist or nothing, but that’s not right, is it?”
Coco shrugged. “These bitches are tough as shit, man.” Gesturing with his beer bottle, he pointed right at the girl, hopping from one foot to the other in her corner, hyped and amped up. “I guess we’re about to find out, though.”
The ref took his place, the fighters touching mitts before the bell sounded, words of encouragement being called from their coaches as they began to circle one another. What happened swiftly afterwards, not one single person in the venue was prepared for, least of all Johnny Boswell. The girl ducked a punch, landing three in succession to his ribcage, her fists meeting bone like lightning. He landed a kick to her side, the only strike he’d make, trying his luck for another. She was too fast though, catching his leg and hauling him by his thigh, throwing him straight to the canvas, on him like a boa constrictor seizing its prey. The noise of his body hitting the deck was deafening from the power of her takedown, Angel and Coco wincing.
Her legs wrapped his chest, thighs squeezing, wrenching his arm under hers and driving her fist against his skull with multiple blows. She was, to put it simply, absolutely savage.
“Holy fucking shit!” Coco yelled, his jaw on the floor, Angel in much the same state, the ref intervening before making a motion with his hands, the bell being rung again. Johnny was out cold.  
“Our winner, ladies and gentleman. Lily Armstrong!” Her hand was held aloft, Lily looking as proud as one could through a mouthful of tooth guard, her coach offering her a hug before she exited the octagon, once again to the roar of Sepultura, the entire venue erupted into cheers, pretty much every single person in there in a state of shock.
She removed her mitts with her coaches assistance, taking out her guard from her mouth and sipping back some water, circling her neck a few times as she began to walk, the air of menace radiating from her, her eyes suddenly snapping onto Angel as he gaped at her in a mixture of disbelief and ‘shit, that chick’s so damned hot’ as she approached.  
“What the fuck do you think you’re looking at, bro?” she barked while passing, Angel and Coco’s heads spinning to each other, looks of surprised disbelief on their faces as they began to laugh.  
“Oh, she’s sparky, dude!”
“Yeah. Fuck, I thought she was gonna jump in and swing at me, man. Jesus!” Angel guffawed. “She’s a fucking lotta something else!”  
“Right? Damn, bitch be walking out to the right song. Attitude in shades.”  
Angel’s nod conveyed his agreement, finishing his beer and heading to the bar to fetch a couple more, sadly of the non-alcoholic variety as they were riding. All around him, people spoke with disbelief about Lily and her impeccable takedown, the savagery of her knockout, the fact that a girl had so easily given a man a whooping. It gave him pause for thought, though, suddenly feeling a little guilty for initially doubting her based on her gender when clearly, she was the better fighter of the two. She just so happened to have tits, which really should have neither been here nor there.  
He knew one thing clearly; he’d hate to get on the wrong side of her, and he was man enough to admit that, too.  
Getting on the right side of her, though? Well... if he happened to see her around after, hmm. She might have chewed him out for staring at her, but Angel Reyes was not one to concede easy defeat. Throughout the next few matches, another four in total, he kept his eye out for her, wondering if she’d come back out to spectate, his searching not going unnoticed.  
“You’re looking for the machine, aren’t you?”
The machine. How accurate a description of the girl fighter with a serious mean streak.
“And what of it?”  
Coco grinned, shaking his head. “Damnit, Angel. You thrive on danger pussy! Whether it’s a girl you know you shouldn’t be fucking, or in this case, one who’d probably snap your junk in two, you’re like a bug at a porch light with those chicks!” He made a flapping motion with his hands, cracking up before turning his attention back to the ring. “Come on, man! Slug him!”
“Well, I don’t see her, so I guess that particular porch light just got turned off.” With the last match coming to an end after two rounds, people didn’t waste time filing out of the small venue, Coco and Angel heading back over to their bikes, the latter doing a double take when he noticed exactly who he’d previously been searching for across the parking lot, leaning back against a street lamp.  
“Ahhh, porch light came back on,” Coco observed, nodding in her direction, his mouth upturning as Angel looked across at her. “Now, what I gotta do tomorrow? Laundry, go pick up a bag of weed, make a little splint for my buddy’s broken pecker, couple of toothpicks should do it.”
“I will fucking plant you into the goddamned asphalt, man!” Angel exclaimed quietly, shaking his head as Coco put his helmet on.  
“Godspeed, homes. If she breaks you, don’t say I didn’t warn you. See ya.”  
“Yeah, later.” As Coco rode out, Angel lit a cigarette and casually walked over to Lily, who was lost in reading something on her phone. The closer he neared, the more he really did see how stunning she was. Her hair had a gentle wave to it now she’d removed the two French braids holding it all back while she’d fought, her muscles shapely without being too bulky, her tattoos of incredible quality and her face. God, her face. She was so pretty.
“You,” he spoke, Lily turning to view him, looking a little puzzled.
“Excuse me?”
“When you asked me what the fuck I thought I was looking at. I was looking at you.”
She closed her eyes for a second, surprisingly looking a little embarrassed. “Yeah, my apologies. I tend to be a little amped up before and after a fight. I go to another place.”
Angel snorted softly. “Where? Seventh circle of hell?”
She couldn’t help but laugh, turning toward him. Oh, well then. What did she have here? He was certainly a lot more attractive than she’d noticed in her adrenaline spiked state. If she was a sucker for anything in a man, it was a tall guy with dark hair and well-built physique. The biker standing before her certainly ticked those boxes. “I think that’s fairly accurate. Lily, and you are?”
Taking the hand she offered forth, he shook it. “Angel.”
She arched an eyebrow. “Why do I get the sneaking suspicion you’re anything but?”  
He dropped his chin a little, laughing softly. “The kutte kinda gives it away.”
“Oh, you could be standing here butt naked and I’d still think you were trouble.”
“Trouble you could no doubt handle,” he offered, drawing on his cigarette. “Well done tonight, by the way. I don’t know much about MMA, but shit, you handed that guy’s ass to him.”
“Yeah, I did,” she spoke with pride, smiling triumphantly.  
“How’d you learn to fight like that?”
“A hell of a lot of building upon natural talent,” she began, slipping her phone back into her pocket, content to give the handsome biker her full attention. “I was a scrapper as a kid.”
Angel nodded knowingly. He’d been much the same in his youth. “I bet you gave your folks a hard time with that, huh?”
Her lips tightened, her head tilting a little to the right. “No folks to speak of. Growing up in the hell that was endless foster families and group homes is why I learned to fight well. You have to when trying to survive in an environment with other damaged kids, too.”  
He raised his eyebrows, flicking his finished cigarette away. “Shit, sorry to hear you had to go through that. What happened to your mom and dad, if that ain’t too personal a question?”  
Usually, Lily would have likely told someone she’d only just met to mind their business, but with Angel, she felt quite at ease with revealing it, for some reason, like he wouldn’t judge. “My dad, I have no idea about, and my mom died when I was four. Heroin.”
“Fuck,” he exclaimed softly, his brows rising. “Again, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, I’m not. She was a worthless junkie who used throughout her entire pregnancy and neglected me for the entirety of our short time together, until I found her dead on the lounge floor. She wasn’t a mother, merely a vessel who grew me, and she couldn’t even do that properly. At least something good came from it, though. My anger at her being such a lousy mother fuels me before I step foot into the octagon. I like to think of it as both motivation to win and therapy, too. Catharsis, if you will, albeit perhaps a little unhealthy.” She paused, her eyes taking him in a little better, Angel’s mouth twitching into a lopsided grin when he realised she was checking him out. “So, what do your parents think about you being an outlaw?”
“Mom was always a little worried about it, that’s how most moms are, though. My pop saw it coming, I think. He’s alright with it. I was never the golden child, like my brother,” he shrugged. “Hey, do you wanna go get a drink or something?” he then offered, gesturing to the bar just down the street on the opposite side.  
She turned to view where he’d pointed, looking back at him with a smile. “Depends on what the ‘or something’ is.”  
He chuckled, liking her playfulness. “The ‘or something’ can come after the drink, if you want?”
Licking her lip, she sent a spark of fire through him, Angel remembering Coco’s lascivious comment about the juice box straw and ping pong ball. It did nothing to quell that burn when he once again noticed the way she stared at him so appreciatively. “Alright, Angel. Let’s go.” Lily usually had a good measure of people upon meeting them, and from Angel, she liked what she sensed, even if he only ended up as a one-night stand. It was very clear, the signals that they were sending to one another, that they definitely intended a bed to become involved at some point during the course of the evening.  
Pleasingly, she also noted that just before they were about to cross the street, he placed his hand in a soft touch against her lower back. It was gentlemanly. It was nice. People often forgot that beneath the powerhouse fighter, she was still a woman, one who liked to be treated with a little courtesy. He showed that even more by quickening his step to open the bar door for her with a smile. God, he was hot.  
“What are you drinking?”
“Vodka rocks, please?”
“Any particular brand?”
“Anything is fine with me. If there’s a difference between the twenty dollar a bottle stuff and Grey Goose, it takes a much more refined palette than mine to notice,” she smiled, Angel nodding at the bartender to attract his attention.  
“Large vodka rocks and a Coke, please.”
Lily looked on at him curiously. “Not drinking?”
“Nah, I’ve reached my alcohol limit. Besides, I’m by nature much more responsible when I know I’ll have someone else on the back of my bike.”  
She liked that, how confident he was without being too cocky. “You’re very sure of yourself.”
He snorted softly, paying for the drinks and sliding hers toward her. “And you ain’t exactly discreet with checking out my junk.”
Oh, so he had noticed her eyes flitting downwards a few times, Lily blushing a little. “Well, you do fill out those Levi’s well.”  
“Easy, girl.”
She was in soft fits at that. “What? I like to appreciate what I intend to put in my mouth at some point in the near future.”  
For the second time that night, he choked on a drink due to a reference about her lips and his dick. Damn, that brazenness. “Oh, you need to calm it down, or imma drag you off into a darkened corner and have my way with you. I’d like to actually get to know you a little before that happens.”
Her laugh was loud, pulling a chair back and sitting down, shaking her head a little. “Okay, I’ll be good.”
He winked, sending her stomach into a perpetual flip. “Not too good.”  
They calmed down their playfulness enough to sit there and talk, learning of each other’s lives, their interests – of which they had a few in common – and their dislikes, some of which were not met well by the other.
“What in the hell is your issue with Judas Priest?”
“Rob Halford sounds like he’s having his nuts trodden on by an elephant!”
Angel was aghast. “You,” he began, waving a finger at her from across the table. “You’ll take that back, missy.”  
“I shan’t! I’m perpetually tortured by it all fucking evening long! That and REO Speedwagon. My neighbour likes everyone else on the block to listen to his awful music, too.”
“Okay, the Speedwagon part I get, because they’re fucking dire, but damn, how anyone can hate Judas Priest is beyond me. They’re classic!”  
“Showing your age,” she teased.
“Hey, fuck you, Lily! I’m thirty-two!”
Her giggle. Oh, it was the sweetest music. “And you?”
“Just turned thirty a month ago.”  
“Wow, I thought you were like, twenty-three or something,” he exclaimed, Lily certain he was just being charming, although she was confident that she looked good for her age. “So, Lily, aged thirty, originally from San Diego, whose five favourite bands are Sepultura, Linkin Park, Meshuggah, Wu Tang Clan and Cypress Hill – great choices, by the way – and doesn’t appreciate the classics, how long have you been doing the MMA thing for?”
“About five years now,” she began, sipping her drink. “Before then, I was into Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, started with a friend of mine just as a form of exercise, because I’m by nature quite lazy other than loving to walk almost everywhere I need to go, which is handy with my piece of shit car. But yeah, so Angie and I began doing that, she didn’t like it so quit, I stayed on and then started kickboxing too, which is how Larry, my coach discovered me.”
“I take it he was one of the big fellas who walked you out tonight?”
“Right,” she confirmed. “He was the white guy. The Latino dude is Ernesto, Angie’s husband, who also coaches me from time to time when Larry isn’t available.”
“And do you wanna go pro with it, or is it just a hobby?” he then asked.
“Ideally pro, but it’s really fucking tough to crack the pro-circuit. The last time my gym had a scout out, they overlooked me in favour of another girl, which I can take on the chin, you know, she was better than me. My fight tonight, though, well, Larry said it’d get tongues wagging, get people talking about me, the girl who took on a guy, even though in the same weight category, and knocked him out thirty-three seconds into the first round.  
“Sure, some might think it a little unorthodox when you take gender into consideration, as it’s still quite taboo, the whole dynamic of men vs women competing against one another, but he’s of the opinion any publicity is good. I guess he was right, too, since I did a little networking after my fight, and I got approached by Bulldog Gear, who make martial arts apparel. They offered me the best thing going, sponsorship!”  
He smiled widely all the way through hearing her speak of her sport, Angel loving her passion, her excitement for it. After such a rough start in life, she deserved it, he thought, something to excel at, a world to be embraced by, people to tell her she was good, that she was worthy.  
“No shit, that’s great!” he enthused, pointing to the bar. “You want another?”  
“Let me get the next round?” she offered, Angel shaking his head.  
“Nah, it’s on me. You deserve it, you won your fight and you got a sponsor. Time to celebrate.” He squeezed her shoulder as he passed her, Lily smiling, fizzing inside a little. He was, by the definition of her mental checklist, everything she looked for in a guy. He seemed really nice, articulate, he was very good looking, well-built, tall, tattooed, and he rode a big motorcycle. It was a little worrying that he was an outlaw, but she could decide later if she could handle that or not.  
‘Girl, cool your jets. You know he’s only being nice to you to get in your underwear.’ It was a toxic trait of hers, and she acknowledged it, to have issues with seeing herself as more than temporary in the lives of any new people who she met. A defence mechanism typical of an abandoned child, one might say.  
One might be very correct.
While he was at the bar, Angel received a text from Coco, opening it up to see a picture of a few toothpicks crudely strapped together with masking tape.  
‘Did she break you yet? It’s here if you need it, homie!’
“Fuck you, Johnny.” he snorted, sending a middle finger emoji and putting his cell away, turning back to glance at Lily. God, she was so cute, and what a fucking nice girl, too. The lovely young woman he was enjoying the company of was a million miles away from the utter tiger he’d watched stalk the octagon before taking her contender down with such staggering, albeit brutal, finesse. He enjoyed that kind of duality in a woman, having so seldom found it before.
“So - and I know you can’t tell me in any kind of detail – what was it about the MC that attracted you?” she asked when he arrived back at the table, thanking him for the drink.  
“Outlaw is all I’ve ever done well,” he shrugged, scratching the back of his neck. The action made his bicep flex, Lily’s eyes nearly falling out of her skull and into her drink. “I think I’d pretty much suck at a nine to five set up. So, what do you do other than the MMA? I take it you have a regular job as well?”
“Yeah, I’ve had all kinds over the years, but I work at Rebel Coffee across the street from my gym at present. It’s handy, since I spend up to three hours a day training, longer if I have a fight coming up. I’ll usually put in a couple of hours prior to work too then as well. Luckily for me, the gym is open all hours, so I can grab a quick session whenever, even if I don’t have someone there to do pad work with me. I wish my apartment was big enough to fit a punch bag, I’d love that,” she spoke, smiling a little wistfully. Most of her lounge space was taken up by the huge cage her beloved Cockatoo, Charlie lived in.  
“You live and breathe it, don’t you?” he noted, sipping his drink, catching an ice cube between his back teeth and chomping on it.  
“Quod me nutrit me destruit,” she spoke, Angel raising an eyebrow.
“Which is Latin for?”
“That which nourishes me, destroys me. I expect I have a tidy bruise forming, I dunno. You’ll be able to see better than me.” Lifting the side of her white top up, she glanced around, Angel craning to take a look.  
“Jesus Christ!” he exclaimed, her skin already turning an aggressive shade of purple. “Yeah, you got a big assed bruise coming up there, babe.”  
Her tummy flipped again at hearing him call her babe. “I expected as much. I should buy shares in a company that makes arnica cream, the amount I go through!”
“What does that do?”
“Expedites healing, brings the bruising out more,” she confirmed, adjusting her top again. “Why are you grinning like that?”
Shit. Busted. “No reason.”
“No, go on,” she urged, Angel wiping a hand down his face as he leaned back in his seat. “You’re wearing a red bra, and I got a real thing for chicks in red underwear. Ignore me, I’ll calm down. Eventually.”
He winked again, Lily having to plant her feet in order to stop herself from surging across the table at him in sexual longing. “What if I don’t want you to?”  
“Then the dark corner is looking more appealing by the second,” he began, rising from his seat. “I’m going for a smoke, try and calm myself down a little. Damn you. And your red undies. You ain’t fair on my male hormones.”  
She could have done with a smoke herself, although she was currently trying to quit and had already smoked her daily ration of four, so waited instead, sipping her drink, feeling like she was effervescing inside. Once he’d returned, they continued their conversation, neither noticing that by the time the bar closed, they were the only two people left within it, save for a drunk guy asleep at the bar whom the owner of the establishment had to rouse via a repeated poking in the thigh with a broom.  
The street was relatively quiet outside, the tinkling of glass bottles rolling along the ground in the distance, a cat meowing, a car crossing over the junction to their right, a woman shouting her vexation at someone within her residence for not turning the bathroom light off. Not another soul was around as they crossed the road and headed down the small embankment back into the venue parking lot, Angel suddenly taking her hand and halting her.  
“So, call it cliched, whatever, but...” he paused, taking her face in his hands and leaning to kiss her. God, her lips. He almost couldn’t pull away to continue. “My place or yours, tough girl?”  
“I’m over in Holtville, how about you?”
Holtville was over thirty minutes away from their current location. Nope.  
“Santo Padre. So my place, yeah?”  
Fifteen minutes. That was much preferable. Her nod confirmed it.
She reached for him, guiding his face to her level, kissing him again, a kiss that deepened in an instant, their tongues softly swirling, Lily draping her arms around his neck, Angel’s winding around her waist, caging her body to his with a soft squeeze. God damnit, how the girl could kiss, Angel feeling that alluring tug deep in his loins, his hands slipping to her butt and grasping the well-rounded cheeks. One kiss, and he was hooked. She had him.  
As for Lily, well, if she’d have taken off her undies and thrown them at a wall in that moment, they’d have stuck to it. Very, very few men had made her ache with arousal just from a kiss, but Angel? One kiss, and she was wet for him. Oh, mother Mary. If he could make her feel like that just from kissing her, what the hell was he capable of conjuring with the rest of himself?  
The way he kissed her had her blazing, the feel of him, the smell of him, the sheer size of the man wrapping her in an embrace of pure muscle, Lily imagining that weight atop her. The thought almost made her knees buckle.  
“How the fuck am I meant to ride a motorcycle in a straight fucking line after that? Damn, girl,” he exclaimed, once they finally broke for air.  
She smiled, a sultry tilt of her sumptuous lips, reaching forward, letting her fingernails trail over the bulge in his jeans that she’d had trouble keeping her eyes away from. “Just you wait until I kiss you there.”  
Angel Reyes had never cum in his pants before, but in that moment, he was dangerously close to doing so.  
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thebubbliestboba · 3 years
Yandere x Reader Prompt - Tanjiro
(Author’s note) Hello! Sorry that I haven’t uploaded since my first post! I’m going to try to be more consistent, but college and work may mess with things a bit. Anyway, here’s a writing prompt for Tanjiro. Hope you enjoy this one ^^
"You can’t go, because I won’t let you.”
Yandere!Tanjiro Kamado x reader
words: 845
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The town of Asakusa was bright and bustling even in the late hours of Saturday evening. People gathered in large numbers as they roamed the streets, shopping, socializing, overall enjoying their time in the city. 
The cheerful atmosphere was contagious, spreading laughter and songs through the air. Most people were having the time of their lives.
Tanjiro Kamado was not most people.
He raced through the crowds pissed as could be, shoving those who stood in front of him out of the way. Normally he would apologize profusely to whomever he bumped into, but in that moment he was too focused on his mission to care. 
You were missing, and he needed to find you.
Scents from all kinds of people and all kinds of things mingled together, warping and wiggling around under his nose like seaweed in the water, but of all of them he was only focused on one: yours. A sweet smell like vanilla and wisteria, it was intoxicating. He craved it, and you, like one would a drug. He sensed it writhe in and out, growing stronger yet weaker, but yet it still remained in the air, meaning you had been this way recently. You couldn’t have gone very far.
Earlier that day Tanjiro had hardly been able to see you. For a few weeks you had been confined to the butterfly estate for recovery, as you were injured pretty badly on your last mission. Tanjiro was mortified when a kakushi had brought you in, battered, bloody and barely conscious. Since then he had pressured the staff on the estate to keep you confined to your bed, assuring you it was essential to your recovery. He didn’t say it, but Tanjiro didn’t want you going out to fight demons again in the foreseeable future, or even ever again. Of course you protested, but he didn’t let up on his word. He cared too much to see you hurt.
Come tonight he finally returned to the mansion after a lengthy mission. Tired and exhausted, he came to your quarters only to find it completely empty. Not just of you, but everything you owned. It was as if you had never been there in the first place. Flashes of the horrible things that could happen to you without him went through the Kamado boy’s head, and he became enraged at the fact you had left him. Completely forgetting about his fatigue the boy turned back around to follow your scent, leading him to the busy nightlife of Asakusa town. 
Tanjiro wondered to himself as he searched. Just what could you hope to accomplish here? You weren’t the type of person to just take off alone in the night to have fun. The boy knew absolutely that you were trying to leave him, so why would you come here? Suddenly his nose twitched, and his eyes widened. Your scent had become stronger; he was getting close. Soon he would have his beloved back in his arms. The thought of your soft form against him caused the Kamado boy to kick his legs harder to speed up.
A few blocks away Tanjiro arrived at the town’s massive train station. Since they were so new, railway stops were pretty far apart; the closest one to the demon slayer headquarters was Asakusa town’s. Now the boy knew why you had come here. The boy sprinted through the entrance and down the platform, his heart thudding faster as your scent increased. As the evening trains would be stopping soon due to the late hours, there weren’t many people at the station. It made it all the more easier for him to spot you, and for that it didn’t take long.
You hadn’t even noticed him when Tanjiro found you, standing at the edge of the platform and wringing your hands nervously. Your back was to him, and you nervously glanced left and right, the boy assumed you were waiting from the train. 
The train that you wouldn’t be getting on.
“Where are you trying to go, (Y/N)?” Tanjiro asked, hand on your shoulder. You shrieked, nearly jumping out of your skin as you stepped back. Tanjiro kept a hand on each of your shoulders, holding you in place as you shook beneath his grip. In a quivering voice you asked him how he was able to find you here.
“Haven’t I told you? I have a great sense of smell,” the boy said. “I tracked you all the way from the estate, you know.”
Your head whipped to the side as a high pitched whistle erupted from the other end of the station. The train had pulled to a stop next to the platform. You looked between Tanjiro and the train before you desperately tried to pull out of his hold. Freedom was just in front of you, and you wanted it so badly. But Tanjiro had no intentions of letting you go, and he gave you a terrifying look, a smile no longer on his face.
“You can’t go,” he said, “because I won’t let you.”
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
Christmas Prompts List 🎄
it’s that time again! christmas is coming! please see below for my christmas prompts list!
when requesting please see my who I write for list here and please ensure you add the complete prompt in your request! for example ‘1. Is that present for me? with elias petterson please!’ not ‘5 with jack’
also a personal note, please try and request a variety of people. it helps make it fun! can’t wait to see what you all request.
1. "Is that present for me?"
2. "Nobody can have enough Christmas jumpers"
3. "Christmas songs always make me smile"
4. "You have not bought the dog a Christmas jumper have you?"
5. "You're really making me wear matching pyjamas with you?"
6. "I missed you this Christmas"
7. "You have eaten all of those chocolates haven't you?"
8. "The snow looks cute in your hair'
9. Have you ever seen a sexier Father Christmas than me before?"
10. "Let's write your letter to Santa"
11. "It is absolutely freezing"
12. "Why are you sad this Christmas?"
13. "It is so cold, warm me up please"
14. "This is the best gift you have ever given me"
15. "I saw Mummy kissing Father Christmas"
16. "i need you to pretend to be my partner for the family christmas party."
17. “You spent how much on Christmas decorations?”
18. “Don’t eat those, they’re for Santa!”
19. "you broke my heart last christmas, but i'm still not over you."
20. “You need to sleep, or Santa won’t come”
21. “My mom knitted you a jumper”
22. "You bought me a present? I thought you hated me."
23. "You've been playing the same song for three hours. Please, play a new one."
24. "Last Christmas, you broke my heart. But I'm still not over you."
25. Character A and Character B meet in the
ER on Christmas Eve.
26. Character A can't wrap gifts to save their life. Character B is thir neighbor and can
27. Character A's ex will be at the Christmas Party A is attending. Character B poses as A's fiance.
28. Character A vows to do something nice for a stranger during the Christmas time.
Character B is that stranger.
29. Character A and Character B broke up, but now they meet at a Christmas party.
30. 31. "Did you break into my house??" "You refused to put up any Christmas decorations! What choice did I have?"
32. "We made too many cookies."
33. “There’s no way I’m letting you spend Christmas alone.”
34. “Nope. This is not happening. It’s CHRISTMAS.”
35. “Wait, you’re not going home for Christmas?”
36. “I mean, I knew you had Christmas spirit but this is ridiculous.”
37. “What do you mean, Santa’s not real?!”
38. running into each other at the airport
39. “No, you’ll burn the house down.”
40. “It’s almost midnight.”
41. “This is not for holiday cheer. This is blackmail.”
42. “No more holiday movies. Please.”
43. “Those cookies were for Santa!”
44. “Look out! It’s icy!”
45. “I’d like the snow a lot more if I didn’t have to drive in it.”
46. “Why is it so cold?”
47. winter power outage
48. “Wait, you mean this whole time, you hated peppermint?”
49. “I feel like there’s more frosting on you than on the gingerbread.”
50. “What are you doing with that mistletoe– oh.”
51. “I guess… this is when we kiss?”
52. winter proposal
53. “So… what are your plans for New Year’s?”
54. “You’re perfectly welcome to kiss whomever you wa–”
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bokettochild · 3 years
Legendary Cousins
So... I promised @peachy-scars that I would write them this a while back when they posted this, and after consulting y’all (I think it was @attllhak and several anons who helped the most) I finally had enough to just go ham and write this beautiful piece of garbage.
Hope you like it, Peaches!
 They had landed in a new Hyrule, and Legend’s instant reaction was to blink and stare about with a conflicted expression on his face while the others had stared in confusion at their surroundings.
 “Why’s this look so weird?” Wind demanded eloquently as he pulled himself out from beneath a giggling Hyrule, who always laughed nervously when they landed in a new Hyrule and seemed particularly giddy today.
 “Wind, manners.” Time chided softly, pulling himself back up and working with Wild to pull his protégé back up, Twilight looking around dizzily as he leaned on his mentor for balance. “You don’t know whose home this might be.”
 “I do.” Legend hissed softly, hooded eyes staring towards a nearby path while a slight smile touched his lips. “New Hero everyone.”
 Glances were exchanged before shooting to the vet in confusion. “How...”
 “You knew there were more heroes?” Warriors sputtered, staring at the vet in surprise while the hero in question pulled himself to his feet and shook out his limbs, knuckles crackling painfully and making the others wince.
 “Time travel mixed with world hopping and the occasional visit to other countries.” Legend answered in a low voice, stretching towards the sky and standing on the tips of his toes (eyes turned away as the vet’s already short tunic rode higher). “I’ve met plenty of other heroes. Five- maybe six? Not sure.” He shrugged, arms falling back to his sides as he moved further into the forest. “Come along, if we want to check up on things we’d best get headed to the castle. Monsters out here are brutal, even if they are bloody crazy.”
 Glances were exchanged again, Wind’s wide eyes growing wider as he mouthed the words ‘six other heroes’ to his brothers.
 “Who met Legend before all this went down?” The captain hissed, pulling Four up onto his back. “Because it sure as heck wasn’t me.”
 No one answered, and they didn’t have much of a chance to as the Vet’s voice broke through the forest, a harsh hiss for them to hurry. “You stay there all day the ‘blins’ll eat you!”
 Eight heroes pulled themselves along, following after as Legend trailed silently through the forest.
 Each stumble or loud noise earned a glare from the vet, and if it didn’t come from them, it made him freeze, steps stopping immediately as his ears would prick towards the sound. More than once, Twilight or Sky had to muffle a laugh in their respective wraps as the image of a bunny starting to alert entered their minds.
 Maybe it’s the laughter. Maybe it’s just their dang Hero of Courage luck, or maybe it’s just because Hylia thinks it funny, but even with all Legend’s glaring and stopping and sneaking, they are attacked just as they reach the edge of the forest.
 The monsters are... horrifying. Nothing most of them have ever even seen, and the only thing they can do as they fight is to take the vet’s advice. “Aim for the eyes! And if you can’t reach them, the ankles!” The vet shouts as he kicks into a spin attack. The other heroes follow suit, ripping into the beasts as Wild pulls back from the group, setting off volleys of arrows as best he can do by himself, and successfully blinding a few of the monsters.
 They’re thick into the song of battle when an unknown voice rings out. “Good golly! Hang on there, sirs!”
 It’s hard to see past the swarms of monsters (seriously, they’ve never been this thick!) but blonde hair and a swinging sword assure them that whomever it is, is likely the hero Legend had told them about. Enemies fall as bombs explode and various weapons pierce through hearts and heads.  
 Once the dust has cleared, they take careful stock of their injuries and weapons (Wild’s shattered another sword and Four is sighing wearily) before turning their attention to their unexpected help.
 Legend and the other hero stand over a dead bokoblin, shaking hands in a friendly manner while the one chatters to the other, the vet smiling thinly but genuinely as he listens.
 “Vet, who’s this?”
 “Ah! You have friends!” A bright smile is turned their way as the swordsman releases Legend’s hand. “Greetings! I’m Link.”
 “The Hero of Koridai.” Legend adds on, rolling his eyes.
 “Aw, come on, Other-Link!” The newcomer grins, jabbing Legend playfully in the side and effectively stealing his breath. “I’m just Link is all.”
 “That’s all of their names too.” Legend wheezes, glaring up at the other.
 The chain of heroes takes in the newcomer, who, much to the captain’s dismay, seems to share Legend’s opinion of pants, as well as a preference for pegasus boots. Bright brown eyes stare back at them, a dopey grin on the hero’s face, but beneath the welcoming grin there's a glint of something sharp and dangerous that has Warriors shuffling back warily.
 “What adventure is this? Finish meeting up with your lovely cousins?”
 The vet huffs a breath, clearing his throat as he straightens up again. “Thereabouts, this’ll be adventure seven.”
 “Ooh, seven. Ouch.” Bright brown turn towards the vet with a sympathetic wince. “Sorry about that.”
 “You had your own quests.” Legend dismisses, as if his words don’t confuse the others. “How’s Zelly by the way? We haven’t heard from her.”
 Link, for lack of a better current name, smiles cheerily. “Half a minute yet there.” Turning to the others he offers yet another impossibly wide smile, it’s very nearly uncomfortable to look at, and Legend is the only one who seems unaffected by doing so (he has seen far, far worse from this world). “We should skedaddle over to the castle.” A halting motion is made towards the castle just in front of them as the newest hero laughs nervously. “As long as you’re there, you won’t be attacked.”
 And for lack of anything else to do, they agree, following after as Legend and the new Link chat in the front, Legend with an amount of patience that has never in their memory presented itself and the new Link with an almost irritating amount of pep and cheer. “Zelly’s doing great, and we’re hoping to visit all of you soon too! Or, we were, but the monsters started getting real bad an’ Zel figured we’d better stay behind to make sure they didn’t cause too much trouble.”
 “How bad?” The vet’s brows quirk with concern and Warriors nearly stumbles at the gentle expression on Legend’s face.
 “Just a bit stronger.” The new Link shrugs, but smiles brightly up at Legend. “It’s not as bad as last time though, so don’t worry your pink head about it.”
 And Legend... Legend actually laughs, reaching up to tug the cap of the other Link as they cross into the shadow of Hyrule Castle’s walls.  
 “What the-” Warriors is cut off with a blaring ‘Beep!’ from Wind, who looks up at him cheekily when the captain looks down at him.
 “Censoring.” Wind chirrups.
 ”Soooo...” Twilight drawls, a smile pulling at his features as he looks between the duo, the heroes all relaxing as they enter the castle gates. “How do you two know each other?”
 “We’re cousins!” Link chirrups happily, shooting another smile over his shoulder that’s just a bit too wide and a bit too sharp.”
 “Third Cousins or...” Legend waves his hand vaguely. “Somethin’. Their father is my second cousin or some sort of thing, it’s unclear honestly, all we know is that Zelda is my cousin somewhere down the line and with those two dating-” The other Link flushes at the statement, face as dopey as Sky’s gets. “He’s bound to be thrown in there somewhere too.”
 “Wait!” Four looks from one of the cousins to the other (there is a bit of resemblance, uncannily enough, even though Link smiles far more than Legend). “Whose time is this?”
 The two share a look, nodding firmly before turning to the others and speaking together. “Both.”
 “Two heroes? In one time?” Time cocks a brow.
 Legend throws his hands up. “You can talk to Hylia about that!”
 “Oh!” Link’s grin widens further as he bounces in place. “And how is Aunt Hylia? Golly, I haven’t seen her in ages!”
 “Aunt Hylia...” Sky blinks slowly.
 The vet huffs. “Fine. She’s letting Fable back into the fighting ring this weekend, figured since the Master didn’t mess things up that it’d be okay to let Hylians head back out there. Hide the evidence if they send me an invite, yeah?”
 “Will do!” Comes the chipper reply, but the other heroes aren’t done.
 “Wait, wait, wait, how many heroes are there in this time?” Warriors looks from one to the other with panic building in his gaze.
 Link frowns in what seems an over-the-top expression of thought. “Do the colors count?”  
 Four chokes.
 Legend flushes. “They count.” His voice is strained and nearly wheezing as swirling hazel stares a hole in his head.
 “And then there’s the Hytopian wannabe, who might very well actually be one.” Link continues. “And the two of us. Does Great-Grandfather Raven count?”
 “Not in this time, he just traveled here briefly when Nayru became corrupted.” Legend drawls with a head tilt, as if talking about meeting your ancestors and de-corrupting a goddess was normal for this world, and with the way Link just nods along, they are all beginning to worry that that is the norm here.
 “Right, so five heroes.” Link nods slowly. “And then we have great-gramps Raven, and whoever- wait.” The new Link’s eyes fly wide open as he motions to Time. “Isn’t that Great-Gramps?”
 Legend and Time both splutter as the vet hurries to correct the other hero. “No! He’s...” Legend looks from the startled Time to his cousin. “That’s the Hero of Time.” He whispers gravely, and Link’s eyes blow even wider as he looks to Time, who winces. They’ve all heard of what happened to the Hero of Time in this world.
 “Oh!” Link breathes, before another smile stretches over his face. “Great-Great-Gramma Lon’s husband!”
 Legend just facepalms while Time stands with his mouth flapping and fingers twitching, the old man now trying to calculate exactly how many children are now officially his while Warriors proceeded to have all the color drain out of his face.
 “How are there two heroes of Courage here!!!!” The Captain hisses, and Link and Legend both look at each other. “And for the love of Hylia! Stop looking at each other all the time, what, can you read minds?!?!”
 And both stare at the captain with the deadest of dead expressions, which actually makes Link all the more unnerving and Legend all the more intimidating. “Yes.”
 It takes a while, but once they meet Zelda, she takes the time to explain.
 “Our fathers are cousins.” She says, smiling at the heroes as they all sit and have lunch in the courtyard, motioning to Legend as she speaks. The vet is currently pulling his hat back off of his face after having it tugged down in vengeance for earlier. “Once both had married into the royal family, there was contention in the kingdom so Auntie Hylia sent Mapa and Papa out here to take care of this part of the kingdom while she handled things in central Hyrule.
 “Most folks call Papa a king because they forget that it’s one country, but what with the high borders and all, it may as well be its own country.” She shrugs as she pops another piece of food in her mouth. “And there aren’t two Courage Wielders, technically. I mean, there are, but Link isn’t one of them.” She smiles in a sly sort of way, too wide, too knowing, too creepy for many of the heroes to be comfortable. “He just happens to care a lot and does what he can.”
 “Oh yeah,” Hyrule nods knowingly, chewing slowly on his own meal. “My brother is like that too.”
 The others, even Legend and Link, turn to Hyrule in shock. “Your what???”
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narutogwriting · 3 years
Greetings! It I. Whomever the f*ck that is!
I don't know if anyone's every told you, but your writing is absolute Grade A Quality. And I, as in me, happen to nurse quite the interest for said A Grade writing. Shocking, is it not? Foolish! Of course it is not! Surprising. That is. It IS the best writing afterall! I- Hm... ఠ_ఠ
Okay, I'll stop horsing around, sorry,,,
I have come to make a request if that is alright with you and you do not have too many already!
I recently discovered the song "Heart Attack" by Deni Lovato and would really love a little story with boisterous and playful reader that's had the second longest-standing crush(after Hinata's, cuse, MAN, that girl be the inventor of pinning no jutsu) known to everyone, but Lee, where the crew could be out throwing one of those rare party where a majority of them can be present, eventually ending in a karaoke where the fuzzy warmth of what little alcohol the reader drank gives them the little bit of missing courage(or sensibility) to, just, climb on a table and spill all their feelings, love and frustration into this one song before loudly announcing that This One's For Lee, like a challenge.
If you would have the space/kindness to add the aftermath where the reader immediately sobers up after comfessing and just, absconds through a window, I would be the most grateful gal alive,,, >v<
I'll venmo you a goat.
Okay this was seriously WAY too fun to right Naruto is my one true love but Rock Lee was my first Naruto crush<3
Pairing: Rock Lee x Reader
CW: good old fluff
Length: 3.6+
Summary: Rock Lee has been your not so secret crush for as long as you can remember. You’re determined to take it to your grave, but what happens when you’re drunk at a karaoke bar doesn’t stay at the karaoke bar...
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The music was loud, the room was dark, and everyone was there. How long had it last been since everyone was able to get together?
The life of a shinobi was a busy, dangerous one. There was little time for laugh and play, especially as you all got older. It was easier when you’d just graduated from the academy. All of the missions given to new genin were level D to C, little things like gardening or finding lost pets that didn’t take much time or require you to even leave the village. It was easy for everyone to find time to get together and hang out.
But as time passed, things changed. Everyone’s ranks were different, some people like Shikamaru took up more political roles in the village. It was easy to drift apart without even realizing it.
So tonight was one of those rare moments where the stars aligned and the old group was able to get together to hang out.
The venue of choice; a karaoke bar.
It was the first time you were all able to drink together… Well, legally at least.
“Thanks, Kiba.” You giggled, giving him a flirtatious wink as you took the drink he’d just bought you, sipping it. Did you like Kiba? No. But was he fun to flirt with? Absolutely. And if that flirting led to him wanting to buy your drinks for you, well, who were you to deny him?
Kiba was cute; that wasn’t the problem. Heck, most of the guys from the Leaf were cute and way too easy to get along with. You’d known them practically your whole life, grown up together even, but despite all their great qualities, it was only one shinobi who had your heart, and he didn’t even know it. 
The first time you’d seen Lee was before the first test in the Chunin exams. He had easily taken on Naruto and Sasuke without batting an eye. He was so swift, so smooth, you’d watched him in awe. He was a bit eccentric, but had a focus and prowess you’d never experienced before. You thought he was amazing.
You were content to watch him from afar until the preliminaries. During his fight with Gaara, you’d held your breath, watched in horror and amazement as he took on the demon of the sand. You didn’t think you breathed once during that battle.
Lee lost, was almost killed by Gaara before Guy stopped him, but it was the best you’d ever seen someone fight in your life.
Timidly and nervously, you visited Lee in the hospital that day. He was unconscious, but in stable condition. You didn’t know what motivated you, but you began to visit every day, leaving flowers and small treats for Lee to wake up to.
When he finally had woken, you were trying to slink out of the room quietly when you heard him speaking, causing you to freeze in your tracks. 
“Who are you?”
Apprehensively, you turned to face Lee with a small smile. You’d never been shy, but there was something about Lee that made you weak-kneed.
After introducing yourself, you went back to his bedside. “I just wanted to tell you that I think you’re very strong. You’re so skilled and quick; I think you’re the best ninja I’ve ever seen…”
You were only thirteen, didn’t have much experience in the ninja world, so the words you spoke were true. You didn’t know if telling him that, as a total stranger, would make him think you were weird.
Imagine your shock when Lee burst out in happy tears.
It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
You supported Lee in his recovery, and even when he couldn’t go on missions himself, he cheered you on from the sideline.
From the very beginning, it was evident to everyone in the village that you were head-over-heels for Lee. Your quiet bashfulness when Lee was around was a stark contrast to your usual loud and confident self. Everyone knew about your crush.
Everyone except for Lee.
“Why don’t you just tell him?” Tenten asked you once. “You never know.”
But you’d only shaken your head. “He loves Sakura. Everyone knows that.” You told her. “Besides. We’re friends. I don’t want to ruin that friendship.”
So despite your friendliness, your flirtatious nature, and the fact that you could have just about any of the rookie nine wrapped around your finger if you so pleased, you weren’t interested in any of them.
Rock Lee was the only one that had your heart and he didn’t even know it. He never would.
Instead of focusing on that, or the cute way Lee’s cheeks went red after he took a shot, or how Lee spent a lot of time that night talking to Sakura, you took shots with Ino and Tenten and let Kiba buy you drinks and danced with Choji when he asked.
Overall, the night was going great. Everyone was having a good time and getting along and so far only Naruto had gotten just a little too drunk; everyone else was riding a nice buzz.
Shikamaru had just finished a less than enthusiastic rendition of “The Lazy Song” that had left everyone doubled over laughing at the irony. “Who should go next!?” Naruto yelled, looking around to see who still hadn’t sung a song.
And okay, maybe Naruto wasn’t the only one who had drank just a little too much. Watching Lee sit and laugh with Sakura the past hour had left you feeling just a tad bit jealous, leading you to drink more than you normally would. He’d barely said anything to you that, and the two of you were supposed to be friends.
“What’s so good about Sakura anyways? She’s really not that great.” You swished the liquid in your cup, mumbling the words you knew you would regret the next morning. Sakura had never been anything but nice to you; you knew she didn’t deserve to be the target of your jealousy. 
Ino snickered. “Geez you’ve got it bad.” She commented with a roll of her eyes before hearing Naruto’s question. Her eyes lit up, and, grinning, she hurried to the microphone, looking through the book of songs available to sing. She flipped through for a moment or two before turning to Naruto and whispering something to him.
All of this escaped your attention as you were drowning in the misery of your own thoughts before you realized: everyone was chanting your name. You blinked, looking around to see everyone staring at you, pounding on tables and counters as they encouraged you to get up and sing.
Laughing, you shook your head nervously, not wanting to go embarrass yourself before Lee caught your eye. Even he was encouraging you to go up and perform. Well, if he wanted you to, then you would sing your heart out!
You downed two more shots before pushing to your feet, which was an obvious mistake.
The alcohol always hit hardest after you stood up.
“Woah, there.” Tenten laughed, standing to help you. Somehow, you made it to the stage. Naruto snickered as he passed you the microphone. He couldn’t wait to see this.
You held the microphone tightly in your hands as your eyes scanned the room with all your friends staring expectantly at you and cheering you on. You felt good. Really good. Your vision was blurry, head dizzy, stomach warm, and everything about you was giddy. It was your turn, and you were ready to make a statement. 
Glancing at the screen, you saw the name of the song appear. Heart Attack by Demi Lovato.
“I’m gonna dedicate this song to someone very special to me,” You slurred into the microphone, giggling. Your friends in the crowd whooped and cheered as the music began. 
“This one’s for you Lee!”
With that, you closed your eyes to block out the reactions of everyone and everything, and you sang. You sang your little heart out, put on the drunken performance of a lifetime. Your years of pent up feelings and nerves and fears surrounding Lee all went into that song.
As you sang the last word, you opened your eyes again, taking in everyone’s reaction. Glee, surprise, happiness. You were grinning; you’d killed it.
That was when your eyes landed on Lee. It was hard for you to gage his reaction. More than anything he looked… confused. And that was when the weight of what you’d just done settled on you. Oh shit.
You’d all but confessed your feelings for Lee… Drunkenly… In front of everyone.
The realization was all it took for you to sober up. Quickly, you shoved the microphone back into Naruto’s hands and fled the karaoke bar.
You weren’t really sure how you’d even made it home. Everything was kind of blurry. You remember running from the karaoke bar, a girl’s voice, probably Tenten’s, calling after you. You remember vomiting. A lot. That’s actually what you were doing now. You’d woken up with your head basically in the toilet.
You could have gone for some blissful moments where you didn’t remember what had caused you to sprint home from the bar, but alas, you couldn’t forget.
You’d confessed your years long crush through song.
How were you ever going to face Lee again?
You wouldn’t, you decided. You would spend the rest of your life in that house. You could have your groceries delivered, you weren’t going to need new clothes if you never went outside. You would just lay in your bed until you withered away into nothingness.
“You can’t stay in here forever,” Tenten rolled her eyes, tugging the blanket that you were hiding under off the bed.
“Watch me,” you whined in reply, holding a pillow over your head. “I totally embarrassed myself! He probably thinks I’m so lame!”
Tenten could only snicker at that. “Lee? Thinking you’re lame? Right.”
It took a bit of convincing, and you were basically kicking and screaming, but Tenten was able to drag you out of your home back into the real world. “No one’s going to care,” She assured you as the two of you walked. “We were all plastered. I’m sure no one will even remember!”
If only that were true. 
“Hey!” Kiba called as he and Naruto approached you and Tenten. “Have you guys seen Lady Tsunade around here? I have this pain in my chest…”
Naruto grabbed Kiba’s arm in mock fear. “Oh no! Kiba, are you having a heart attack!?” 
The two of them doubled over in hysterics; tears were even streaming down their faces. You could feel your face burning red in embarrassment. You’d never wanted to disappear so badly. 
“Beat it you two!” Tenten snapped, grabbing your arm and pulling you away. “Ignore them! They’re idiots!”
Head buried in your hands, you shook your head. “God! How am I ever going to live this down! I’m going home!” You pulled out of Tenten’s grip. “I’m going to move villages, change my name, and make sure Lee never sees my face again!”
“Uh, well, if that’s the case you better run…” Tenten said awkwardly, nudging you. “Because Lee’s coming this way…”
And there he was. In his green jumpsuit, bowlcut and all, Lee was heading straight for you. God you were sure you were going to vomit again.
“Good morning Tenten,” Lee greeted, though nowhere near in his usual upbeat tone. “Would you mind giving us a moment alone?” He asked. Tenten glanced over at you nervously.
“Yeah… Sure Lee…”
“I do not understand it, Sakura.” Lee sighed, toying with the drink in his hands as his eyes were locked on you drinking and laughing with Tenten and Ino. “I have never had any issue telling you that I think you are beautiful. But with her… It is different.”
Sakura giggled, feeling the drink in her own veins. “Because, Lee. You like her like her. You should just tell her!” Even drunk, Sakura would never betray your trust by telling Lee the obvious; that you liked him as much as he liked you. But it was infuriating to sit on both sides listening to the two of you cry over your feelings day after day and not tell you!
Lee shook his head, taking a gulp from his drink. “I cannot. I am not like Guy Sensei, as much as I try to be. I am not cool or good looking. I do not think I am smooth. I do not know how to talk to a girl I like.”
It took everything in Sakura not to burst out laughing. Guy Sensei? Cool? Good looking? Smooth?
“This is ridiculous. How much longer do I have to hear about how great you think she is before you finally tell her?!”
Rock Lee could barely hear Sakura; he was zoned in on you. Everything about you entranced Lee from the very first time he saw you trying to sneak out of his hospital room. You were beautiful, of course. Your hair always seemed to fall just right. Your smile brightened up a room. The kindness in your heart radiated from you. He loved how confident and outgoing you were and that you had an energy that could match his.
It wasn’t like Lee hadn’t tried to tell you before. There were plenty of times when it was just the two of you that he was tempted, but he could never get it out. There just weren’t many people that he connected so easily with. Guy Sensei was his idol; he wanted to be just like his sensei! But that wasn’t the same as having a friend. Even with his teammates, there was a level of professionalism to it all--maybe thanks to Neji--that kept him from feeling like he could truly be understood. 
But with you, everything was so easy. Laughing came easily, talking and opening up about the things he struggled with… There was a naturalness to it he’d never experienced before. He was terrified to lose it. 
So that night at the karaoke bar, he sat with Sakura whining about the same thing he had been for months now instead of doing something about it. That wasn’t like Lee at all, but that was what you did to him. You made him so nervous he couldn’t even be him.
He was sure you knew his eyes were locked on you all night, ogling like a total weirdo. He’d barely even talked to you. He had hoped that the alcohol would loosen him up and spur him into action, but he’d just shut down even more, causing him to wallow in his own self pity.
Why couldn’t he be more like Kiba? He was over there, so smooth and cool, grinning and chatting you up and buying you drinks. Lee wanted to be that guy to you!
“Oh, look! She’s gonna sing next!” Sakura nudged Lee, nodding at the stage where you were grasping the microphone. You were clearly inebriated, and the redness in your cheeks just made you look all the cuter to him.
“I’m gonna dedicate this song to someone very special to me!” Lee’s heart dropped into his stomach. He couldn’t even hope that he would be the one that you would devote a song to. So when it was his name that had left your mouth, he sat in there in a state of shock. It wasn’t even dawning on him. Sakura shook his shoulder excitedly as you belt out the lyrics to Heart Attack. 
“Lee, she’s singing to you!” 
It just couldn’t process. Was it the alcohol? Was it the absolute surprise at what was happening? Whatever it was, by the time you had finished, Lee had continued to stare at you, open mouthed. It was only when you’d sprinted out of the bar that Lee had come to his senses.
He’d done his best to follow you, but he was drunker than he thought and had stumbled around just a little too long. By the time he’d gotten himself straightened out, you were long gone.
He’d stayed up all night long thinking about it, thinking about you. 
The whole night, he turned it over and over again in his mind; what else could that have meant other than you liked him back? It was too good to be true! But it was true? Lee drove himself mad.
The goal with his walk wasn’t necessarily to find you. Moreso, he had just wanted to clear his head, maybe get advice from Guy Sensei. But he’d ran into you and Tenten before he could do any of that.
As Tenten gave the two of you space, he stared at you bashfully. The longer the silence went on, the redder his cheeks became. Just as he was getting up the courage to say something, you broke the ice.
“Lee, look. About last night… I’m sorry. That was so embarrassing! I was just so drunk and… I wasn't thinking straight.” You were rambling on nervously, scratching the back of your head and avoiding his gaze, acting like you wanted to laugh the whole thing off. 
Lee nodded slowly, letting your words sink in. So… He had misread the whole thing, then? The thought hit him like a blow to the stomach, taking the breath straight out of him. That sucked. “Right, of course!” He said quickly. “It is okay, really. I had drunk a lot as well!”
How did he get out of here? Lee was tempted to drop the weights from his ankles and take off running as fast as he could.
The discomfort was plain on his face, though. You knew Lee well; you could tell something was wrong.
You had to drop your playful facade. You felt like you’d really screwed things up. “Are… Are you mad at me?” You finally asked him quietly.
The question startled Lee. He frowned, tilting his head. “Why would I be upset with you? You are my friend.” You could only shrug helplessly. You were sad and embarrassed and confused, and now Lee was upset. Of course you thought it was your fault. You didn’t know that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
The silence was heavy, making you sigh and shake your head. “Well, uh, I should go meet up with Tenten again…” You mumbled, staring at the floor. After this, she definitely couldn’t drag you out of your bedroom again.
You lifted your hand, waving goodbye before turning away. You didn’t get more than a step away before Lee was grabbing your arm, his body reacting quicker than his mind. “Wait. Please.”
Of course you stopped, turning back to face him. You were too fearful to be hopeful, unwilling to get excited for something that wouldn’t happen, but you held your breath anyways as you stared up at him.
“I was not completely honest. I am upset, it is just not with you…” When you didn’t respond, only continued to stare at him with those earnest eyes, he had no choice but continue. He dropped your arm, his hand going to nervously rub at the back of his neck instead. He didn’t know how to do this, but he had the feeling it was now or never.
“The truth is, yesterday when you sang that song, and you said you were dedicating it to me, I believed it was because you had feelings for me. So just now, when you said you were not thinking straight, it made me upset because I have feelings for you. I was hoping that you would tell me that you felt the same…”
You didn’t think you’d ever seen Lee so red before. It was like a cartoon, the way it creeped up from his chin all the way to his forehead, shooting up like a thermometer. You could only imagine that you looked the same. Your face felt like it was on fire. 
It took a moment for it all to sink in. There was a pause before it dawned on you; Lee just confessed that he had feelings for you! He liked you! The giddiness sent trembles through you as you broke out into a huge grin that you couldn’t stop.
“Lee, you idiot!” You laughed, smacking his arm. “I do like you! That’s the whole reason I humiliated myself in front of everyone yesterday!”
You know that look that Lee gets when he’s happy? His pupils dilate, glistening like googly eyes. The blush dusts the tops of his cheeks, he even gets a bit teary eyed.
All classic Lee and exactly what you got after your confession.
“I cannot believe it!” He cried, pulling you into a hug and twirling you around without hesitation. Now that he had confirmation about how you felt, any inhibitions he had been harboring were gone just like that. He wasn’t going to waste another moment not showing you exactly how he felt. “I have wanted to tell you for so long! I just did not think you felt the same way! This is fantastic!”
Lee’s enthusiasm was as contagious as ever. It didn’t take long before you were hugging Lee back and laughing along with him. When he finally calmed down, Lee released you, taking your hands in his instead and grinning at you.
“So does this mean you will go on a date with me?”
“Is that you asking me?” You giggled. Lee nodded enthusiastically. “Then yes; of course I will.”
Lee pulled you into another hug. “Would you like to know something?” He questioned, giggling childishly, so of course you nodded. “I almost had a heart attack asking you that question!”
The groan was immediate as you pulled away, smacking your forehead. “Lee!” You whined, cringing in embarrassment. “I am also having a heart attack trying to work up the nerve to do this…” For a guy that was so fast, he moved agonizingly slow as he leaned down to press his lips to yours. A heart attack, huh? Yeah, you were never going to live that down. But if this was the price to pay, well then, you didn’t mind all that much.
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shadowturtlesstuff · 4 years
You belong with me
so i decided to post wadsworth first. modern au cressworth- you belong with me taylor swift
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Thomas throws his phone down on the bed with frustration swirling around him as he paces. I set down my pen and wait till he turns and spots me. We often find ourselves talking via paper throughout the nights, from questions about our day to helping each other study. It is also often we watch each other be angry at something, yet I've not seen him this bad before. Finally Thomas turns and catches my eye. He stands there for a second before smiling and I quickly move around my various workbooks till I find my notebook I use to talk to him. I take my sharpie and write: ‘Are you okay?’
I watch him shake his head ever so slightly, seemingly baffled at it, but he walks to his window and opens it. The wind brushes his deep brown hair and I can't help but want to reach out and run my hand through it. I curse myself for it as he motions for me to open my window. Moving my books and pens off of me and cursing at my stiff leg as I go and open the window. Somehow I manage to hit my arm in the process and I curse, which makes Thomas laugh slightly so I forgive my body for hurting me. 
“You have a wicked mouth Wadsworth. Did you not learn cursing is unlady-like?” he teases and I relax slightly because of it.
“Fuck you,” I scowl at his smirk and the frigid wind. His eyes light up at my temper. We live across from one another, if we were to reach out we could hold hands. Which we have done. When I got rejected from the specific school I was desperate to go to, Thomas had managed to climb into my room and hold me as I cried. He's only ever needed to climb over twice to cheer me up, the other times have been to study or watch some romance programme he thought was good. I hoped wherever was troubling was something that wouldn't resort to me having to climb over. As much as I would want to, my brain may have a hard time letting me attempt it. 
“I assume dear Wadworth, you want to ask what has made me so irate?” he asks, eyes focused on behind me and fingers tapping his window sill as he sits. I watch as his cat, ridiculously named Sir Isaac Mewton, jumps off his bed and onto his seat next to him. He grabs the cat and kisses the top of his head before holding him in his lap.
“Perhaps,” I say, moving so I rest my head on the wall, “perhaps I merely wanted to ask if Sir Issac was okay.” his eyes shift to mine and despite him still being angry they soften at my attempt at humour. I am not as good as Thomas at using humour to help someone, but he always does it for me. 
“Really? You always refer to him as a little pest, whereas as with me, I am your dearest person, of course you want to know how I am feeling. My son is good though, very energetic today.” he smiles down at his cat. I remember the day he brought him home, he made me go over to his house and we spent all night playing with him. Thomas did, I ended up studying and making notes for the both of us while he gave Sir Isaac a ‘grand tour’ of his new home. The smile vanishes off Thomas's face and once again his gaze goes past me. “I assume you saw the call, well that was William. Yes, awful. Apparently though, there is a rumour that I'm with Miss Whitehall. I don't even remember her first name, but he was convinced of our relation despite my protests. Madness.” I watch him scoff, anger once again taking over his features. His cat nuzzles into him and Thomas leans into his cat. If I wasn't also mad now I'd smile at the sight. 
“Is this the same William that had convinced everyone I was dating him?” 
“Bitch. Why on earth is he such a problem? Where on earth does he even make this assumptions about us?'' I find myself standing and pacing, trying to quell my own rising anger. A year ago, William had been my lab partner for a few weeks, he was friendly, but people had got it in their head that we were somehow together, and he went with it. Gossiped about me, even Thomas, and then was somehow enraged I dared to stop those rumours and be angry at him. I'd come home one day when it was particularly too much, when my father had found out and lectured me about it, as though I was in the wrong for standing up for myself. He'd cancel my lesson with my uncle out of spite, and I stormed upstairs. Thomas had been at the window, as if he was expecting me. One look at his face made me cry. I managed to open my window and he'd once again climbed in and held me as I cried. Then he made us watch this awful romance film together and held me still as I fell asleep on him. 
“I have never once,” Thomas says, dragging me back from those awful memories, “shown interest in her, nor will I ever.” He drags a hand through his hair. “She's just- a lot.”
I huff a sigh. She is awful. Had been awful to Liza and I for years. With her short skirts, high heels and the most rotten attitude I have ever witnessed. It wasn't often that I'd hate someone like that, someone so different from me in nearly every way, but she has tried to make me feel that I don't belong because of my interest in science and not the traditional girl interests.. “That is the understatement of the year Cresswell. Beside, you wouldn't work, she's too- your,” I have no idea how to explain how excellent Thomas is, how wonderful his mind is and how kind he is. It's not a side he shows to most, yet if he was ever with someone like Whitehall, it would be disastrous. I take my seat again and find him looking at me, suppressing a smirk and raising an eyebrow at me. “What?” I ask. I shrink under his gaze, pulling my hoodie over my legs as I curl in on myself. 
“I’m what? I'd be delighted to know your innermost thoughts of me, Wadsworth.”
“Your absurd but fine I'll elaborate,” I roll my eyes as he shifts so he is fully facing me, eyes completely focused, no sign of the anger he had only moments ago, “your too kind, too witty and clever and Whitehall wouldn’t appreciate you enough. You-” don’t belong with her.
Ever since he mentioned the idea of being with someone else, real or not, I have tried to ignore how much it pained me that he would be with someone else. I never expected to want to be with him, yet lately the premise of dating him has seemed very pleasing to me.
“You forgot to mention how handsome I look, or how charming I am, but I'll take it,” his voice is deeper than normal and his gaze travels over me even though his eyes are on my own. Thomas pats Sir Issac and his cat jumps off behind him with a whine. His hand reaches out for mine and I lean forward, wind making my loose strands of hair fly across my face. His hands are warm as I take them but his smile warms me more. It is small but genuine and filled with the normal Cresswell charm mixed with something I can't quite name. 
“I don’t need to inflate your ego further Thomas.” 
“I know but it would've been nice. I did say the inner most thoughts but we’ll get there. Audrey rose-” he looks down contemplating his words before he once again locks his gaze on mine, his dark brown eyes bright, “I dont belong with her, your right, my heart would never belong to her especially since it already belongs to someone else.” 
I blink at the honesty. I want to scream that you belong with me; but if Thomas is in love with someone else then I suppose I will have to find a way to deal with it. I try to keep the hurt of my face even as he smiles at me. 
“I-” Thomas lets go of my hand and stands. There's a silence between us until he motions for me to move. The idiot is going to climb into my house so he can tell me about his new found love. Like the fool I am, I'm going to let him talk about this girl who makes him look this happy. Even though it hurts that it's not me who is making him look like that. Even though I'm the one who makes him laugh when he is angry or upset. Even though I'm the one who knows his favourite songs, the books beside his bed and all his hopes and dreams.
He climbs over and sets himself on the window sill, giving me room to sit across from him. I do, even as I try to ignore the weight pressing down on my chest. “I hope you are happy with whomever has your heart Cresswell.” I say and mean it. I once again curl into myself, hoodie covering my legs as i watch him continue to smile at me, 
“Of course I'll be happy. She's amazing. Let me tell you all about her. I met her many years back and was instantly smitten with her emerald eyes and her quick witted mind. How she sings to herself every morning and how her dark curls fall across her face whenever she sits on her bed and reads. I adore her curiosity for the dead and how wicked her mouth is and how delightful it is to watch your mind at work. I love when she shows me a note through the window to see if I'm doing okay and-”
“Wait,” I blurt out, my mind catching up, “Thomas, are you talking about me?”
“Yes, finally! I thought I'd have to keep speaking forever till you realized it was you.” He starts laughing at my gaping mouth until I collect myself enough to scowl at him slightly for laughing. Thomas reaches out for my hand, moving closer to me until my back is pressed against the wall, my hoodie no longer over my legs as he rests his other hand on my leg, warmth seeping through me. “Wadsworth, darling, I have been in love with you for some time now.” 
Silence washes over us as we stare, trying to convince ourselves this is really happening. “I have something to show you.” My voice is barely about a whisper and I slide out of his grasp even though I don't want to. I walk to my bed where all my notebooks were left open and my notebooks sits. I open it out and let a piece of paper fall out. Facing Thomas I open the sheet slowly, watch him read the words. His eyes lit up at them.
I love you.
I take my place beside him again, his hands finding their way in mine once again. “I wrote that the night after you came here the second time. Something in me clicked that no matter what you'd find a way to comfort me. Not save me, but work alongside me. I wanted to tell you I just couldn't face it. But I needed to acknowledge it. So I wrote it down, and I look at it every time we use the note system; I try to convince myself to show you.” Thomas just stares at me, eyes flicking down to my lips every now and then. His hands are making circles on my leg, not entirely intentional. Thomas has always shown if he is excited or nervous by either tapping or making shapes on surfaces. The world slows completely as he leans in and presses his lips against mine. He pulls back ever so slightly, resting his head against mine and we are both smiling wildly at each other, pressing kisses until he leans further away. Thomas goes back to his side of the wall, which may as well be across the other side of the world, then he pulls me to him and I twist so that my back is against his. He holds me as we both look out the window, enjoying the freeing feeling of telling each other how we feel. 
“Now would be a perfect time to tell me how handsome I am, my love.” 
@fangirling-again @kittycat2187 @goatahoan @city-of-fae @the-hoofflepooff @padfoot-sirius-black-blog @purplecreatorhorsewagon @boredbookwormgirl @goddess-of-writing-wars @lovecakeandmore ​ @yikesitsmaddie @loveyatopluto​ @throneofsc @bookscressworth​
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