#I care them your honor
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squidkid15 · 2 years ago
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Have I mentioned how much I love the fact that Stripes and the Bull Family were on good terms for a LONG time, and they get BACK to good terms so fast.
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shortshowname · 1 year ago
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Purple eyes!!
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real-odark · 8 months ago
he loves his boyfriend, his other boyfriend, and his other boyfriends girlfriend, whose also kind of his girlfriend but not his boyfriends girlfriend, and his boyfriend is not his other boyfriends boyfriend, but he is all of their boyfriends
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umbrace-rambles · 2 months ago
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This is like... the second piece of art I ever did of these guys. One of the early scenes of our roleplay. Zack (owned by @blacksa1t) so peacefully asleep that he could almost believe he was back with his long-lost family.
I loved that scene a lot and wanted to do a little illustration for it
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alexvals · 10 months ago
wanted to write a post on how i like roier's dynamic with all the eggs because he's like a cool funny friend to them most of the time (bonus points: he's a cool older brother of leo) but then got hit with emotional damages because the first time pepito ever saw roier, the guy who everyone says is kind hearted and funny and silly, the guy who'll always make you laugh and feel at ease, being completely dead inside and his usual smile wiped off his face. 0-/-<
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the-ipre · 8 months ago
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[id: a digital drawing of Clove and Arai in their hero forms. Clove has tan skin, vitiligo, and blonde hair in a bun, and wears loose sheer pants, joint braces, and hand/foot wraps. Arai is white with shaggy blonde hair, wearing a cropped black tank top, black pants with a gold belt, and a black and gold tail. The two kneel on the ground and hug tightly, with Arai's back to the viewer and Clove's face pressed into his shoulder. The background is dark, and a gold halo surrounds them both /end id]
happy art fight @stonehenge-asexual and @pawpyrus !!!!
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atomic-sludge · 2 years ago
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When the only life you've ever known is that of a soldier but you start to make friends who aren't that and you start to really care about them and it makes you softer and happier overall but also stronger.
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sunbratz · 2 years ago
"theres no reason for barry to do this" have u considered maybe he just loves and misses his other half i think thats reason enough
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spare-stories-archive · 1 year ago
Braid Buddies
I just love them ok? Ok.
Abaddon sat patiently on the plush pink carpet, his back resting against the foot of the massive bed as Pyrrha brushed his hair. The little princess had been insistent on braiding his hair, as she needed to practice according to her nanny. He understood the reason, braiding was an important skill to learn for those with longer hair. It was a way to protect one's hair from damage, and it taught patients and was good practice for when she had to learn other skills that required nimble fingers. He didn’t think nearly 5 minutes of hair brushing was needed for him, but she seemed content, so he wouldn’t comment.
“Abba?” she asked, running the brush through his now silky smooth locks.
“Yes, your royal highness?” he replied, tilting his head a bit to look at her.
She kept brushing, but it seemed less rhythmic now. “Do… you think mother will want to see my braiding skills? Perhaps let me braid her hair? And she might braid mine?”
Ah. Always a sore spot for the child, and for him. He knew the pain of parents who didn’t care, knew how it hurt to try too hard to gain their approval, just to be shunned. “The Queen is a very busy person.” he hummed, his face neutral, though he was saddened for his young charge.
“Yeah… I know.” she sighed, putting down the brush and finally parting his hair into three sections and loosely braiding. “Am I… bad for wishing she’d be less busy? For wanting her to spend less time on the kingdom and more on me?”
Oh damn his heart. “No, your royal highness. You are not bad for wishing such things.”
She braided his hair in silence for a time, till she tied it off with a ribbon and laid down, her head resting on his shoulder. “I wish mother cared like you do Abba.”
“She cares very deeply, your royal highness.” he said automatically.
“Just not about me.” she hummed sadly, tilting her head so her long red hair draped over her face.
He couldn’t refute it, he’d seen how her parents treated her. They acted as though she was nothing but a toy, or a prized poodle. Just something to be shown off at events, or gawked at by strangers. She was just an item to them, not a child.
He gently tilted his head, bumping it to hers, which was very much not protocol. Though with Pyrrha, there was hardly any real protocol he could follow. “You know… the kitchen is about to be done making dessert. And… I’m feeling a bit tired, I might have to shut my eyes for a moment.”
Pyrrha’s head snapped up, and she grinned at him, the little sparkle in her eyes he loved to see. “Weeeeell, if you’re thaaaat tired. I won’t say anything, and I’ll stay riiiiight here, the whole time.”
He nodded respectfully, “Thank you, your royal highness. I only need a few moments.” He tightly shut his eyes, pretending not to feel her chin leave his shoulder, or hear her giggles as they got further away from him, and he pretended he didn’t hear her chamber doors open and shut. And he pretended not to be smiling as he got up and followed after from a distance. 
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fuckedliar · 2 years ago
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 fingers  flutter  as  she  waves  her  hands  in  the  air,  the  mattress  beneath  her  squeaking  as  she  bounces  from  bare  foot  to  bare  foot. "  oh  my  god!  gen  wake  the  fuck  up!  wake  up!  "  she's  too  excited  to  properly  shake  the  other,  her  pale  brows  drawn  into  focus  as  she  listens  to  the  radio  on  the  dresser. with  a  huff  so  heavy  it  could  knock  sail  boats  back  she  drops  to  her  knees,  bouncing  once  as  the  bed  shakes. a  palm  comes  to  shake  at  the  others  back  before  finally  delivering  a  smack  to  gen's  left  ass  cheek. "  genevieve  o'hara  wake  your  cute  ass  up!  "  a  squeal  is  released  from  her  lips  as  the  announcer  on  the  radio  continues  to  speak,  finally  their  names  are  called  out  and  liz  cant  stand  it  anymore. "  we  won!  gen  we  fuckin'  won!  all  expense  paid  trip  baby!  "
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@fuckfate liked for a thing!
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leonleonhart · 2 years ago
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the hand kiss
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gatoburr0 · 10 months ago
lesbians are so awesome I wish they were real
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quickdeaths · 2 years ago
(coming soon to a blog near you)
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fuckedprophet-arch · 2 years ago
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“Top thirty anime deaths. Number one: Your fucking ass!”
the  hair  on  his  arms  raises  as  he  sees  nothing  but  a  flash  of  movement  before  sabrina  has  him  on  the  floor. clothes  lined  while  trying  to  read  hadn't  been  on  his  agenda,  but  here  he  was  now. arms  wrapping  around  her  waist  to  roll  them  and  push  her  off,  a  laugh  breaking  from  his  throat  as  his  blue  eyes  narrow  to  watch  her. "  you  can't  kill  me  brina,  who  else  would  humor  you  with  this  shit?  "  his  retort  is  laced  with  a  laugh  as  he  crouches  diving  at  her  and  rolling  them  both,  the  coffee  table  next  to  them  saved  from  their  wrestling. he  can  feel  the  jab  she  delivers  to  his  side  and  he  cackles  feeling  her  shove  him  off,  the  couch  catching  his  back  like  a  true  friend. hands  catch  her  own  as  she  lunges  for  his  shoulders,  lips  drawn  wide  in  a  grin. "  wait!  after  this  do  you  wanna  see  if  you  can  do  a  handstand  in  my  hands?  "  the  question  is  cut  off  as  a  hand  smooshes  his  face  and  he  bucks  her  off,  the  ripples  along  his  flesh  a  sure  sign  that  he  was  having  far  too  much  fun. 
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@ripsabrina sent a meme!
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gracefireheart · 5 months ago
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A few sketches of these guys :]
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autistook · 2 months ago
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'When it hurts to look back and you’re afraid to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.'
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