#I cannot find that original post to save my life so I cannot link your reply or even screenshot it but rest assured it was documented well e
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hero-of-the-wolf · 2 months ago
for @siletrea 's prompt 🫶
Hyrule blinked at Wild’s outstretched hand, taking in the piece of chopped up fruit that he was offering.
He’d never seen anything like it.
Sure, he knew that there wasn’t a lot of fruit back where he was from, but he’d never realized there were so many kinds out there; not until he’d seen the sheer variety that grew on heavy laden trees and bushes in the others’ eras with his very own eyes. They had quickly become a favorite food of his after that. He didn’t think there was a fruit out there he couldn’t love.
When he didn't react fast enough Wild shook his hand enticingly, raising an eyebrow at him. “Do ya want it or not?”
“Oh!” Hyrule reached out and hastily grabbed it. “Thank you.”
Then he broke it in two and offered one of the halves back. Wild’s smile grew as he took it, tapping the two pieces together like they were a couple of glasses before popping it into his mouth.
“Don’t mention it.”
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shukraastro · 1 month ago
Shukra's Masterlist Hi, welcome to my blog. At your service to help you analyze your Vedic chart.
Vedic Astrology - Spouse related techniques
How to find the sounds in your Spouses name
part 1 part 2
How to analyze the appearance with Planets influences
part 1 part 2
Observation on appearance and traits with Planets & Nakshatra combinations
How to find the meaning of your Spouses name
part 1 part 2
Animals associated with your Spouse
How to find the direction of your Spouse
How to identify your Spouses Darakaraka planet
Indicators for Past Life connection with your Spouse
Analysis on celebrities
Jeon Jungkook of BTS:
Identification of his D9 Navamsa Lagna
His tattoos part 1 part 2
Spouse name sounds prediction & name meaning prediction
Spouse traits based on D9 Navamsa analysis
part 1 part 2
Spouses origin part 1 part 2 (Astro Cartography)
Spouses appearance
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
Spouses career/reputation
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
His tattoos indicated in Spouses chart
Spouses possible placements in her chart
part 1 part 2
Spouses traits part 1 animal association direction
Mixed Q&A Jungkook and his Future Spouse
His Wedding After Marriage
Kim Namjoon of BTS:
Spouses name analysis & animal association
Bangchan of Stray Kids:
Spouses traits & name analysis
Mingyu of Seventeen:
Jaehyun of NCT:
Random Observations on Nakshatras
Revati 1
Rahu Ketu (Vedic) vs. Uranus Neptune Pluto (Tropical)
Rahu Ketu in the 7th house
Moon in the 7th house
Wealthiest Nakshatras
Jupiter-Mars conjunction husband traits
Note about my Blog:
Unfortunately I don't do personal readings currently, because of work and university. Please do not ask for personal readings. I will announce it on my other blog if I shall ever start doing personal readings. On my other blog I am answering general Vedic Astro asks/questions. The link is here 🪐 Shukra's Astro Asks 🪐.
Further, I would really like to clarify some things here. The purpose of my posts are to show my readers how to analyze Birth charts based on Vedic Astrological techniques. This means I will show you how to read D1 and D9 charts in order to help you find out all the neccessary information about your future spouse and your marriage.
So with that I kindly want to remind everyone that I will not respond to any sort of synastry requests or requests on individuals/celebrities who's birth time is not confirmed, because it makes no sense to analyze a person's chart if their 7th house cannot be determined.
On this blog I will mainly focus on showing you new spouse related techniques and methods and also do celebrity requests including Jungkook from BTS since 95% of the asks I get daily are about his chart.
I really try my best when I respond to asks that I give as much information as possible and always give precise explanation as to why a placement would give a certain result. So even if I answer asks about Jungkook's D1 and D9 chart regarding him or his FS I will always make sure that it's going to be an informative response where the readers can see how I navigated within his chart to find out each information so that you guys can apply these techniques on your charts as well.
Please respect my decision of not responding to asks and requests which go beyond my niche and could also stir up some heat among the readers. Also I may take some longer brakes for days of not answering to any Jungkook related asks, since it really gets too much at times.
Also I beg for your patience with the next part for Jungkook's D9 Navamsa analysis. I am working on some various posts on my computer including the next part of Jungkook's Navamsa reading. But they are all saved on my computer and I don't go on there frequently. During the day I check my tumblr and see if there's any good or per se "productive" asks which I could respond to spontaneously. But still I am quite busy throughout the day with work and uni, so I really beg for your patience.
Thanks a lot. 🌺
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vetted-gaza-funds · 8 months ago
Info (WIP)
Complete master list of all campaigns on this blog here!
This blog is run by @palms-upturned. I am a white USAmerican, and I do not vet fundraisers. Unfortunately, I cannot help with the vetting process in any way. This blog is meant to be a place to broadcast fundraisers that have already been vetted by Palestinian bloggers and organizations, mostly by users el-shab-hussein, nabulsi, 90-ghost, and ibtisams. None of us will ever be able to thank these users enough for the life-saving work that they have done and continue to do. If you cite this blog, please do not say “verified/vetted by vetted-gaza-funds”. Instead, please consider copy/pasting the sources that I link in my posts, or at the very least link directly to my post about the fundraiser in question where the sources can be found and say “featured on” rather that “vetted by.”
This blog is also going to be used more as a directory/master list than an actual blog. The aim is for people to be able to search usernames of people in Gaza and find links to verifications from multiple sources, as well as things like raffles or giveaways promoting certain campaigns, in one convenient place. For reblogs/signal boosting, please go to my main blog, @palms-upturned. If you are a user in Gaza promoting a fundraiser, I am more than happy to promote it for you, but I will only post about it on this blog once, and all other promotions will be on my other blog. I promise I am not ignoring you.
Here is a post with a list/directory of organizational tags on this blog. (WIP)
Sources where you can find vetted fundraisers:
el-shab-hussein and nabulsi's spreadsheet
Operation Olive Branch’s spreadsheet
Strawberry Seed Collective’s master list
Operation Poppy Flower
Project Watermelon master list
GoFund(water)Me(lons) master list
Pali Pals on instagram
If someone in Gaza reaches out to you asking for help promoting their campaign, here's some things that you can do:
Do not report someone unless they are a known scammer. This platform has been targeting Palestinian users in Gaza for bans and terminations consistently, forcing them to remake their accounts several times, so a blog that appears new is not necessarily a red flag and may even already be vetted. Some users also take longer to get verified than others, especially those who struggle the most with staying connected to the internet. If someone reaches out to you and you can't find verification, please, just wait.
Along with sharing their posts, make your own original post linking to their campaign, even if it's just the link and a few words saying that you donated to them.
Link to a verification source in your posts about fundraisers. People are trying to avoid circulating unvetted fundraisers, so they'll be more likely to engage with your post if they can see proof that the campaign is legitimate. It will also help people who come across your post while doing a quick tumblr search of someone's username or fundraiser to check if someone has been vetted.
Posts with artwork/graphics typically gain more traction. User aces-and-angels, with the help of volunteer artists and designers, has been compiling a master post of donated artwork that is free to use to help boost fundraisers for people in Gaza, so check it out here and consider using these images in your posts! Please consider submitting artwork of your own as well for the cause.
Please considering sponsoring a campaign! There are many ways to do this. Some users have put together raffles where proof of a donation of a certain amount earns one entry into the raffle. Some users have offered charity commissions in exchange for donations to a campaign. Some users offer to match donations up to a certain amount, or promise to do/make something if a fundraiser reaches a certain milestone. I plan on eventually making a tag for campaigns with no sponsors so that people can look through it and hopefully pick one to sponsor. If you let me know about your efforts, I will add links/information about it to the post about the campaign you’re sponsoring!
Please spare a few minutes to look through this post about some recently terminated GoFundMe campaigns and how you can help pressure the platform into hopefully giving the funds back to the organizers.
Icon source | Banner design source
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stardusthuntress · 7 days ago
Rex x femaleMandoMedic!reader 
Word Count: ~5.7k (I cannot write shorter fics than that anymore, so have a long one) 
Tumblr media
Special thanks to @mybrainislostinagalaxyfarfaraway for the inspiration for this one! Link to original post idea, below (but the original idea post and the tumble of the person who posted it seem to have vanished - if you can, please help me find them and tag them and repair my tags and links)! FYI, I did modify the original prompt slightly, but OP approved of the change before I even wrote it, so we are all good! Sorry it took me so long! 
Summary: He’s a fan of your erotica work - he has no idea you write it, and you have no idea he reads it, and yet you work side by side every day! This part ends before the smut so other writers can dream up their own scenarios with details relevant to their works! 
TW: reader writes smutty fics while living onboard the Resolute. Reader has own room (no roomies). Reader has okay relations with family, but not great ones, prefers distance from them. 
Mando’a: Ner = my Mesh’la = beautiful Verd = warrior Shebs = butt/ass 
Other SW Terms: Kark/kriff = both common expletives used in place of “shit” or “fuck” or “damn” Dank ferrik = commom expletive used in place of “oh shit” or “damn it” 
Slowly, the harmless acronyms of your secret writing world began to permeate your everyday war-focused acronyms. 
Memos telling your troopers to keep things G-rated around children became “and remember, anything NSFW that isn’t a part of your standard kit stays on the ship, today’s mission is protecting a large town with lots of families so keep it clean for the kiddos, please!” 
the typical “IP” note to Captain Rex turned into “WIP” when you were tired. He never questioned it, so you assumed it must be commonplace for others to use too. 
Rex never told you where he learned it. He couldn’t! It wasn’t the sort of thing a Captain, of all people, went and told everyone. Ranking officers had a reputation to uphold. Their men looked up to them, especially bright-eyed young shinies who’d yet to be introduced to galactic nightlife. 
And yet, somehow, it was the thing that kept him sane while fighting a war. The thing that reminded him that not everyone in the galaxy was out to get them. The thing that reminded him that the galaxy was worth saving because it was filled with beautiful moments and not just the pain of war. 
The horrors of war had long since left a deep scar in the Captain’s mind, but it was a price he was willing to accept to protect the galaxy. And no matter how hard the worst days became, he would always go back to reading stories about the most beautiful aspect of the people he fought so hard to protect: the way they made love. Besides, reading about making love instead of war every night was the only thing that let him find his way to sleep. War was beyond brutal. 
Rex had long since accepted that very few people would be willing to be partners with a man who did not know if he would live to see the next sunrise. He himself spent every day facing the fact that each battlefield could be his last. And even if it wasn’t, the loss and heart-wrenching difficulties of war had a tendency to leave him as a different man at the end of each one. So, if he couldn’t have a partner in real life with which to share the difficulties, and do all the small, mundane, domestic things, just like the rest of the galaxy, and share the joys of sensual love, then no one could stop him from dreaming about it. And that gave him hope. And hope was an essential part of continuing on in war. 
But he had decided long ago, when he became a Captain, that he would never tell a soul about this. It was his little secret thing. Besides, if his troopers ever did find out, he’d never hear the end of it. 
If Fives ever found out… Rex didn’t want to think about it. This was Rex’s special, secret. And he loved it. 
He always did everything in his power to keep it out of his troopers' hands, and far away from the battlefield. 
And now, now that the post-battle reports were almost done, he could start to let himself think about it a little bit. 
Tonight your goal had been to finish the last WIP you’d started months ago when inspiration had hit between grueling battles. And tonight, you’d succeeded. You proofed the polished piece one last time, took a deep breath, and tapped “post”. 
As you sat back in your seat, a call from Rex came in on your comm, making you nervous you’d posted it somewhere the rest of the ship could see it. 
“Lieutenant, can I get the list of the soldiers your shift deemed medically cleared for duty from you? I’m wrapping up reports, and that’s the last piece of data I need.” Rex’s voice showed no hint of anything other than the same post-battle paperwork as usual, and you loosed a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding. 
Beside him, his personal datapad beeped and lit up, a banner across the screen notified him that his favorite author had just posted a new work! Rex couldn’t wait to get to it when these last few reports were done. 
“Sure thing, Captain! I take it Kix forgot to send it again.” The normalcy in your voice surprised even yourself. 
“You know Kix, but he keeps everyone on their feet, so I don’t mind having to ask for them. Besides, it’s handy to have you onboard. You have all the same medical clearances he does, and you’re much more fun to talk to.” Rex finished. The exhaustion and potential to read a NSFW story tonight seemed to be making Rex bold, even to his inner dialog. Where normally he’d be all business, tonight he was opening up a little, dare he even consider it flirtatious?  
The voice on the other end of the phone laughed. “That’s sweet of you! But don’t tell Kix you said that, Captain!” 
Rex laughed, “Oh, don’t worry, I think they all know. Everyone enjoys your company in a sea full of identical faces.” 
“Haha, well I hope being one of the few different faces isn’t the only thing I have going for me!” 
“Certainly not! Like I said, you’re fun to talk to, Sweetheart.” Rex felt the heat rising in his neck, he didn’t usually let himself call you Sweetheart so openly like that… what had become of his filter tonight? 
Rex’s work datapad beeped with a new notification, both of which were audible over the comms, but he didn’t know that. “Thanks for the reports! Talk more tomorrow,” Rex yawned. 
You snickered, suppressing a yawn of your own, and wished him goodnight. 
Rex glanced over the list of names, clicked approve, attached it to his last report and submitted it. 
Finally, Rex had time for himself, time to read his favorite author’s new piece! 
Rex wondered who the mystery author was, no one used their actual names on this site, that’s what made Rex comfortable with using it. There was no way to trace it back to him, except through his personal datapad, so he felt comfortable using it on a republic ship. Besides, he knew there were much weirder things getting pulled up on republic ships, war was rough after all, and he wasn’t about to judge anyone for however they decided to cope with it. 
So, Rex settled in for the night, your cheerful voice on his mind, and decided he needed to picture this new scenario in your voice, with you attached. No matter how risqué that seemed, something about it filled a need for him. There had always been something about you that attracted Rex, though he couldn’t put his finger on what specifically. But that didn’t exactly matter. What did matter was that he finally had someone real who made him feel like he wanted the scenarios he always read about. You! 
The comm next to him beeped again. Rex sighed and looked at it. Speaking of, it was you, again! 
Rex got nervous. “Everything ok, Sweetheart?” He asked hesitantly, and didn’t even notice he had once again used his internal pet name for you. 
Suddenly you were glad you were just on comms and he couldn’t see you, it was hard not to smile when he called you that, and he always did it after particularly grueling battles, like this one. And this was the second time this evening!
“I can’t find my blaster cleaning kit. Did I leave it with you earlier when I dropped off the General’s saber after the battle?” 
Rex silently breathed a sigh of relief and looked around the room. 
Sure enough, there it was! 
“Yup, I have it right here. Want me to bring it to you this time?” he asked. 
���Na, I need to get up and stretch a bit anyways, been sitting at my desk too long. I’ll be by in a minute… if that’s okay?” 
“Sure thing, see you in a minute!” Rex took a deep breath and looked around the room. He could feel the warmth rising in his face. Why had he just agreed to that? He was all disheveled from a post-battle shower, his personal datapad was still right there with the new fic he was starting to read pulled up, and he had nothing to do until you came by. Not to mention that he’d just been thinking about you… sexually… he knew you couldn’t read his mind, but he still felt guilty about it. 
A quiet knock on his door pulled him out of his reverie. Kark! That was fast! Rex shoved his personal datapad under the pillow of the makeshift bunk he sometimes used for a nap in this closet of a space Skywalker and Kenobi had set aside for him. Then he straightened his blacks, scooped up the item you had asked about, and opened the door. 
“Hi, thanks, Rex! Sorry, I hope I didn’t interrupt anything!” 
Rex found himself a little extra flustered when he opened the door to find you standing in your nightclothes - a slightly too large shirt you’d cut the neck out of, and shorts. Probably more of you than he’d ever seen exposed before. He hoped he was the only man who’d see you like this tonight… or any night for that matter. 
“Na, you’re fine I was just…. Uh… reading… before I turn in for the night.” His flustered brain was doing anything except being useful, of course. The one thing he’d been trying to avoid talking about was what he’d just been reading, why did he have to say that? 
“Ooo! I like to read! May I ask what you were reading?” 
“Uh…” Rex couldn’t say no, so he tried to think fast, “Just something new from my favorite author.” 
“Oh! What author?” 
Kriff! He hadn’t thought about that question coming next, but in hindsight, he should have. It’s the obvious follow-up question. 
“Oh, not books, just, uh… short stories!” Rex was proud of himself, this was going OK! Which is to say: better than he’d expected. Was that too low of a bar to set for himself, or too high? 
“Ah, cool! Well, I love to read, but I don’t often have much time anymore either, if you find any good short stories, let me know! I’m curious to know what a strong leader like you likes to read in his downtime!” 
Aaaaaand there went his good luck. The bar was indeed too high. Rex felt the warning lights going off in his own mind, warning him of an imminent crash if this conversation continued. Much to his dismay, he did like talking with you. 
Rex laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, eyes drifting to the floor. “Sure thing!” He lied, and faked a yawn, “but for tonight, I think it’s time for bed for us both! It was a long day, I’ll see you in the morning, Lieutenant.” 
You smiled, nodded, and headed off down the hallway, back to your quarters. 
Rex closed the door and sighed. That was close. Too close. He hoped he hadn’t given anything away. Maybe he should start to think up excuses for when you inevitably ask about what he was reading… but for tonight, there was still a whole fic waiting to be read! 
The next morning, Rex made a point to check in on the medbay patients while you’re on shift. 
He hadn’t told you, or anyone really, but he always planned it that way. He liked to drop by the medbay when you were around. So far, he’d managed to keep it off his brother’s radar and make it appear somewhat random. He just hoped he could keep that up for a while longer. 
“You mentioned that you were up late working on something when we spoke last night,” Rex commented, somewhat worried about you. “I thought you’d finished all your reports and sent them in already, hours before. I hadn’t seen any more come through the pipeline that late in the evening, nor this morning. Did I miss anything, Lieutenant?” 
“Oh! No, you didn’t miss anything. It was just, uh… some personal things. That’s all! Nothing to worry about, Captain!” Your cheeks felt warm. Hopefully, Rex wouldn’t figure out that he was the cause of your suddenly shy demeanor! There was no way he knew he was on your mind when you were writing last night, could he? Wait, how could he, he didn’t even know you wrote things like that! Probably for the best, you didn’t want to imagine how sorry he’d feel for you to know that was how you were satisfying your cravings for lust these days. Then again, this was war. Maybe it wasn’t so unusual on a ship packed full of men with no relief, no break, no love in sight for weeks, months, years even sometimes. But something told you there were only 2 potential reactions to him finding that out about you: awkward curiosity or disappointment, and you didn’t know which was worse. 
“Well, if you need time off to focus on family or friends, I want to make sure you don’t feel bad asking for it. You know I’d grant it. You’re a civilian. I know you need breaks to attend to things at home.” Rex assured you. 
“Thanks, but I don’t need time off. I’m actually grateful to have time away from them. Family is family, but being around them wasn’t helping me figure out who I am. I like being farther away from them, if I’m being honest. Allows me to just be…” your voice trails off for a moment, but your mind returns to his comment. “I was just working on some of the things I enjoy in my downtime. It’s nice to have time for those sorts of things, don’t you think?” 
“Couldn’t agree more. But now I’m curious,” Rex smirks, intrigued but doing his best to keep the comments light and appropriate for a medbay check-in, “What sorts of fun things occupy your time when these rowdy troopers aren’t flirting with you all day?” he gestures to the men in the bunks lining the walls as he refers to them. “What does your mind need to do to slow down and relax after a grueling battle?” Rex’s eyes are beginning to hint at something on the edge of flirtation, but it couldn’t be… could it? Rex isn’t the type to break his Captain’s demeanor to flirt. Your mind races away into the star-streaked black of hyperspace, too many thoughts flashing by for you to grasp at any one at a time. 
Rex nudges you with his shoulder, a raised eyebrow bringing you back to reality. 
“Uh, not that different from you, actually, it seems. Reading, writing, music, a good holofilm. An escape from war. Though the company of this war is better than I’d expected,” you teased. 
“Did you say you write?” Rex zeroed in on the one thing you hadn’t mean to let slip. 
“Uh, not that I have much time to write, haven’t really done it in a while, to be honest,” you babbled, lying through your teeth, trying to detract from his interest. 
“That’s too bad,” Rex’s comment paused your ramblings, “I was hoping I’d get a chance to learn more about you, by reading what you write about when you need a break from war.” 
You stared at him for a moment. He was flirting with you… right? Or was he just trying to be nice and befriend the civies on his ship so they would feel comfortable amongst his troops like any good Captain would? It must be the latter, right? Rex didn’t seem the type to flirt this openly… 
“Lieutenant,” Kix called, “I need 50 cc’s of pain reliever, please” 
“Oh, sorry Captain, I have to, uh,” you pointed to Kix, already moving to the supply cabinet for the pain meds. 
Rex just nodded and continued walking around the room, checking in with his men as they recovered. Unknowingly, giving you the chance to steal glances at him as you continued your work healing his men. Meanwhile, he did the same thing from across the room, pretending he was simply keeping an eye out behind him like any good officer would, but anyone who knew him could tell his gaze lingered just a little too long on a certain medic… 
One evening finds you just sitting with Rex, chatting around a campfire for the first watch of the night after a long battle and hearty meal. It’s just the two of you on watch, for this quadrant of troops, soft snores from nearby tents telling how draining this battle was. 
“Rex, when you said you’d like to read what I write…” you find yourself poking around with a stick in the dirt when you say it, watching him out of the corner of your eye. 
Rex sits up a little straighter, nodding encouragingly. 
“Did you mean, whatever I wrote? Like… anything at all? Even if it’s a little… unusual? Or strange compared to a normal book or story?”
“I don’t just read adventure stories, if that’s what you’re getting at?” He asks, head tilted, curiosity piqued. 
There’s no going back now. 
“Well, what if it was… kind of… uh………” of all the times to struggle with words, this sure wasn’t a great moment for that to plague you. 
“Kind of…” you stalled, mentally shuffling through his previous statements about what he liked to read for hints of words you could borrow, trying to avoid the words you didn’t want to say that were the only things actually populating your mind, like vulgar or lewd. “Wait, are you implying the stoic Captain reads romances and poetry in his spare time?” 
“Well…” Rex suddenly can’t hold eye contact with you as he answers, his shyness peaking through, “On occasion, though, I admit it’s not something I read often.” 
“So what does the fearless Captain read in his spare time, then?” 
Now it was Rex’s turn to search for stall tactics. “Uh, well, I don’t often have time to read.” 
“But you were reading just the other night,” you pressed, glad you weren’t the one under scrutiny again, even though it had been your own comment that put you there, you’d gotten too shy to be able to fess up to a man with as strong of a reputation as Rex, even though you knew his kind side. 
“Like I said, short stories,” he filled in, knowing it wouldn't be enough, “adventure, strategy, and I guess some romances too.” He hoped that would be enough. So he turned the table back on you, “But you brought up the topic about things you write. What sort of… unusual?” he quoted your own words back at you. 
Kark, you were in it now. Damn the dark of night for giving you courage to say something in the first place. Though you knew you could just tell Rex you weren’t ready to talk about it after all and he’d let it go, and act like nothing had happened if that was what you wanted. But, if there was anyone who wouldn’t hate you for it, nor treat you like a piece of meat ready for the taking because of it, it was Rex. On the other hand though, if Rex hadn’t really meant that he’d be comfortable reading anything, if he’d meant that he had limits and that was beyond what he normally read, he’d never be able to look you in the eye or sit at the same table or campfire anymore. You weren’t sure you could take that. 
Apparently you stalled too long, and Rex jumped in, words coming out a bit rushed like he was nervous. “You don’t have to tell me anything, if you don’t want to. I hope I didn’t make you feel like you should tell me anything. I won’t pry. You seem a bit nervous. I won’t ask any more questions about it, I know how it feels to be stuck trying to figure something out. Let’s give it some time so you can think, yeah? If you want someone to read something, never feel bad asking. I want to be there for you in any way that I can. You are welcome to decline that, or accept it, or pretend it never happened if you like. I just want to encourage you if you need it, or be there for you if you need me.” 
“Thanks, Rex,” you smile at the campfire, tucking your hair behind your ear. 
Days pass, battles take their toll, and once again you find yourself needing to write something… especially after another moment with Rex leaves you a little, well… distracted. So you sit down to write one night, and what comes out surprises even you! 
You write a fic heavily inspired by something that actually happened in battle, without revealing too many details… or so you think… 
The fic depicts a simple damsel saves the knight scenario in a woodland, setting the two characters facing off with a wild animal. All in all, a common trope… and after prepping the fic with all the necessary warnings and notes, you click “post”. 
On the other side of the ship, unbeknownst to you, someone’s personal datapad lights up with a notification of a new post from his favorite author. Having finished his work for the evening and searching for a way to fall asleep in his bunk in his tiny little office space, Rex picks up his datapad and starts to read. 
But something about this fic strikes him as oddly familiar. The Deja vu only growing stronger as he reads on, until Rex’s own past takes the reigns and he’s whisked away into his memories… 
Attempting to sneak up on an enemy outpost, alone, during a critical battle, Rex finds himself alone and face-to-face with an unusually large Nexu. 
He’s pretty sure he’s lunch and this is how it ends. 
Until a jetpack-powered shove from his favorite Mandalorian saves his ass and drops the Nexu down a short cliff that curves away and forces it away from the battleground. 
��Never thought I’d see the day the tough Captain of the legendary boys in blue became the damsel in distress…” you laugh, touching down a few feet away, surprisingly lightly considering your heavy armor kit. 
He chuckles, taking the hand you offer to pull him to his feet. “As great as it was to see a badass woman save my shebs [ass], we still have a battle to win.” 
She can practically hear the smirk he wears beneath his helmet as he nudges her playfully with his arm. 
“Then I’m glad you weren’t some wild animal’s lunch. We’re gonna need you to get through this one, Cap.” 
“Then let’s take this tower offline, ner mesh’la verd [my beautiful warrior]!” As soon as it was out of his mouth he realized his mistake. That nickname for you was something he only ever said in his head, he hadn’t intended to say it out loud to you… or ever, really… so, to cover his mistake, he turned and ran off back into the heat of the battle, both blasters drawn. And you follow. Soon, Rex finds himself in one of his favorite spots, taking down droids, back to back with his favorite Mandalorian warrior… 
That was how the real scenario went. 
Rex knew. He was there! He was the one whose shebs you saved, and the one that slipped and called you ‘his beautiful warrior’! Just like the character in this fic did when a strong beautiful woman saved his ass from a similar creature… 
And it would seem that 1) you wrote this fic, 2) you had not only caught that Rex had called you that, but remembered it all these weeks later, and 3) perhaps were a little aroused by it… considering that you used it in a fic? 
But that had been many, many battles ago! And by the way that things had gone back to normal since then, you still fought every battle you could at his side, he had thought you hadn’t noticed his slip-up! 
Rex scrolls down a ways, skipping ahead to see if this was going in the direction he hoped it was. And sure enough, this scenario was only the beginning, feeding life into the love depicted a few paragraphs down. 
Kriff, if you were gonna write a fic this steamy about a moment like that staying on your mind… maybe he could think about it in that way too? 
Very quickly, this day turns into the best night in a long while as he imagines you and him in place of the lead characters in your fic, learning about your mind and all the things that one little moment makes you want to do with him! Or, at least, given that you chose a moment with him to inspire this fic, he can only hope you want to finish the scenario with him too! 
As he attempts to drift off to sleep, Rex finds himself ecstatic that you are his favorite author.  
The trick is figuring out how to tell you that he loves your work and would like to make your dreams come true… without seeming like a creepy stalker… 
But, if the little moments between the two lead characters continue to be inspired by little moments with Rex, then he needs to tell you the feeling is mutual, or he will lose his chance with you. 
Since he seems to be inspiring several of your fics, the odds must be in his favor. He just has to make a move. Easier said than done… 
So… how does he tell you he’s your biggest fan without making it awkward and weird? 
Maybe if he starts slow? With little things to make sure he’s reading into it correctly (pun intended). 
So, he tries to replicate a look you described as a focused, methodical soldier, who can see right into your soul, because you mentioned that the look, made you shiver because no one had seen you as clearly as he seemed to in that moment.
When he tries it in real life, your eyes widen slightly and you barely suppress a shiver. You have to look away and clear your throat before answering his question. 
He acts like he didn’t spot your reaction (his men don’t need to know). 
And a few days later, during a moment alone with you, he calls you ‘my beautiful warrior’ in Mando’a again, and smiles when you melt into shyness and look pointedly at the floor, trying not to smile. 
But that’s all he gets a chance to say and do before another few particularly rough battles steal your attention from each other back to the life and death of the galaxy you live in. 
It’s a few weeks before you find yourself sitting across another campfire from Rex as the two of you sit on watch for the night, the post-battle rhythm settling back in, and the need for distraction from the last few battles has both your minds drifting towards the sultry and suggestive. 
After you each share a few flirty remarks and laughs as your watch draws on, he decides it’s time he just went for it. 
“Ya know, I’ve been thinking. You asked me what I read in my spare time… and if it’s romance…” Rex picks at a twig on the log he sits on. 
Your gaze moves straight to him, an eager look in your eye. 
Now it’s his turn to get a little shy as he scratches the back of his neck. 
“And to share it with ya if I’d read any good stories, lately…” He tries his hardest to meet your eyes, even just for a few seconds at a time. 
“Yeah?” You prompt him, careful not to tease, but to encourage, though you couldn’t help but sit up straighter, focusing all your attention on him. 
Before Rex can answer, the sound of approaching boots and laughing troopers draws your attention. You glance at your chrono and realize your shift is over, and it’s time for Fives and Echo to take over the watch. 
Rex offers to walk you back to your tent, and you let him. Echo and Fives are too engrossed in their own discussion to notice that you two both seem a little cozy and flustered. 
Once out of earshot of the duo with a nose for trouble, Rex offers to show you his favorite short story he’d found recently. 
It’s hard not to smile when you invite him into your tent while telling him you’d love to read it. 
In the safety of your tent, with the light dim and high above your head so no one can see your shadows, sitting next to you on your cot, he has no reservations about using his personal datapad to access his little secret site. 
And then he hands it to you so you can see his url and that he’s looking at your fic  - the one where you save his ass from getting eaten, and it’s clearly him. 
You stare in awe. 
The url he’s using… you know that url! You’ve seen it in your notifications! He usually only reblogs them, rarely ever commenting, and now that you know the man behind it you know why. He’s shy and reserved! 
And that’s when the fact that he’s just handed you your fic actually settles in. 
You cover your mouth with your free hand as your eyebrows shoot upwards, stunned into silence for a few moments, struggling to find something to say like a fish out of water. 
Rex is watching with rapture as you process it all. 
And not only is this your fic, but it’s the one that you finally let it be totally inspired by clearly identifiable, real life moments that had happened with him, of all people! 
Kark… so thinking no one will know in real life when you’d finally had 20 seconds of courage to post it might have been totally out of line, in hindsight, but dank ferrik, now he knew and it has become his favorite fic? 
“But I —this… my… you’re [jaigB51]? Of course that’s you!” You finally manage, clutching the datapad tightly. 
“That’s me…” Rex is getting shy, so he tries to push past it, “—and [url] is you, right?” He asks, heat rising in his cheeks. 
“Yeah,” you mutter, still stunned, still staring at the little letters at the top of the page, in disbelief that this is really happening. 
You look up at him, lost and awed. 
He only smiles and tugs the datapad from your hands. 
“I’ve noticed that several moments from real life have made it into your fics. Several moments that were just… us… did you mean that you are attracted to me, or just the moments that we shared? Because if it’s not me, I’ll back off and we can pretend this never happened, if you want, if you didn’t mean it like that?” He covers, fiddling with his own fingers as he asks, suddenly struggling to look at your face. 
You scoot closer and take a deep breath, preparing to say it. 
“I like you, Rex. I did it because I like you, not just the moments we shared.” 
Relief washes over Rex as his eyes meet yours again, “I like you too, ner Mesh’la Verd… a lot, if I’m being honest…” 
He opens his arms to you and you throw yours around him. 
This moment has been a long time coming for Rex. He’d figured it out months ago when you’d posted the fic, but he hadn’t had the courage to say anything for weeks. Now that he finally has, and it’s gone so well, all he can do is hold you close and enjoy the warmth of your arms and the feel of your heartbeat against his own. 
”Oh, Rex!” You whisper into his shoulder as you nuzzle in. 
He chuckles faintly, the comforting grip of his arms, unrelenting. “Would I be correct if I guessed that those scenarios were things you wanted to do together then? …like a wishlist of sorts?” He whispers into your temple, hesitantly asking the question that’s been on his mind since he first read the fic. 
You look up at him with excitement. “Yes,” you whisper as though you’re still not sure this is real. 
Rex decides to prove to you it is real, slowly dipping his head to meet your lips. Giving you plenty of time to move away if you wanted, but you don’t. You hold fast, and let him approach, even closing your eyes and tilting your head back to give him a better angle, as the distance closes. 
And when he lets his lips touch yours, your hand slips into his buzz cut and he groans against you. 
Finally getting to kiss you was heaven. Rex couldn’t get enough. He kept going back for just one more. 
“Let me make your dreams come true, ner mesh’la verd!” His voice is hushed as he whispers it against your skin, his arms secure and strong as he holds you tightly. 
”Yes, please!” You pant, trying to keep your voice low, aware you are in a tent surrounded by Rex’s brothers who need to look up to their commander without teasing him endlessly about it in the morning. 
”I wish we didn’t have to keep quiet,” he winks at you, well aware you like it when you both make a bit of noise. 
You pause for a moment, “Well, when we were on watch, you did say there was a shuttle full of spare parts and equipment that needed a pilot to bring it back up to the ship. Does it still need a pilot or two? I think my quarters are undamaged, we could slip aboard the ship and have practically the whole thing to ourselves?” 
Rex chuckles against your cheek, checking the ship status on his datapad. “It does still need a pilot. I’ll let Cody know the men on the ground are all his,” he wraps his arms around your waist to scoop up the datapad he’d tossed aside and type out a message as quickly as he can, clicking send without even caring if autocorrect changed anything. “Let’s go, ner Mesh’la Verd!” 
The two of you race over to the temporary shipyard, and inform the night guard you and Rex are going to go ahead and bring the shuttle of damaged equipment back to the ship so it’s ready to go in the morning. And off the two of you go, alone in the shuttle as it rises from the planet’s surface and heads into orbit. 
Rex turns to you and pulls you into his lap. 
You giggle, and kiss his cheek. 
”So,” you ask, intentionally suggestively, “I know you said that one was your favorite, but do you have a favorite scenario from my fics that you want to try first?” You can barely believe this is real and you’re actually getting to ask the man you’ve pictured far too many of your fics with the question you’ve always wanted an answer to. 
Rex smirks, “I like the shower scenarios…” his eyes continue to monitor the ships progress as he maneuvers it towards the Resolute, but his mind is racing with a thousand dirty thoughts. 
“Do I have permission to picture you and I in every one of the stories you’ve written, Sweetheart?” He asks, fervently. 
“Yes!” You answer. 
He is interrupted by the shuttle bay manager checking in as he maneuvers the ship into the hold. 
There is little time to answer as you two disembark the shuttle, exchange nonchalant nods with the hangar bay crew, and make your way through the halls to your personal quarters. 
Finally in your room, Rex smiles, “But I think my favorite of the scenarios you’ve written…” his voice darkens a bit as he steps up to you, his eyes finally reflecting his hunger for you as he begins to remove your armor. “Hmm…” Rex playfully debates which of your fics he’d like to recreate first, letting the anticipation make you a little feisty. 
You lend a hand, removing his armor as he works on yours. 
“I liked the one where you had me kissing up your wrist and arm to your lips, down your neck to your breasts, and then down to your legs and thighs and back up… I admit I reread that one most often… ” He asks, scooping you off your feet, effortlessly. 
As he lifts you with one arm behind your back and one hand raising your thigh to his hip, your legs automatically wrap around his hips. Rex pauses and closes his eyes, swallowing hard, and clutching you to him. 
“Oh?” You tease. 
Rex takes a moment to just try to figure out how to breathe normally again before answering. “What’s your favorite, so far?” He tosses the question back at you, though the rise and fall of his chest is far less collected than his voice. Trying to use his Captain’s skill at hiding any emotion in his voice as a cover when he is actually unraveling quickly. 
You laugh lightly as he reaches the bed, tossing the covers back and climbing in with you still wrapped tightly around him. “I think it’s that one too, actually.” 
Rex smirks and his eyes gleam in the low light of the room, “May I, then?” 
“Why would I ever say no to that?” You laugh, though it fades on your lips as his connect with yours quickly in his hunger. 
“I love knowing what you want already, I have a long list of all the items I want to do with you tonight, ner Mesh’la Verd!” Rex pants against your skin. 
“But… I don’t know what you like, Rex,” Your concern for his own pleasure fills his heart with warmth. If he didn’t already love you, he certainly does now. 
Your legs squeeze more tightly around his waist as his lips trail down your body. 
Rex groans, gripping your thigh. 
“I like…” he pants, “the way your legs grip me.” He licks a stripe across one breast and then the other. 
“I love the way your back arches and you cling to me.” He lightly nips at your abdomen as he moves southward, soothing it with a sensual kiss. 
“I love your little noises. And I’m dying to feel you around my fingers, tongue, and cock. And I like the way your writing describes me as protective when I’m on top like this. And I love being able to read about exactly what you want. And I like the feel of your breasts in my hands and mouth. Kark, I could suck on your breasts all day! And I’d make sure to keep it evenly distributed between both breasts,” he teases, moving up to nip at your ear when he says it. 
“So you noticed that, huh?” You blush, shyly. You weren’t expecting to ever have a partner that had read your fics before. You hadn’t thought about what was usually contained only in your mind and never said out loud when you had been writing. 
He chuckles, “Hard not to notice.” He winks up at you. “Why, is that something you wouldn’t have told me otherwise?” His eyes and tone reflect that teasing, fun side he rarely lets show. 
“Maybe…” you admit as he clutches you tightly to him, pressing every inch of skin that he can against every inch of yours. 
“Then I’m glad I read your fics. I like already knowing what’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours as I make love to you.” Rex’s breath is hot on your neck as he begins his open mouthed kisses down your shoulder towards your wrist. 
A shudder racks your body as you realise this might be a long night ahead of you, but it will also be one of the most fun nights in a long time, and with a man worth every second of it all! 
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Please don’t steal my work! I pour my heart into these so if you like it please reblog to share instead of reposting it! And NO dropping it into an AI to finish it for me! That’s stealing my work and feeding it to an AI without my consent. It is not okay to give an AI something you didn’t write yourself! 
Taglist: @cw80831
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itsdappleagain · 11 months ago
tagged by @emily-prentits THANK YOUU THIS LOOKS SO FUN
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
141,974 words...which is a little embarassing considering jo, who tagged me, has 59 works and only about 30,000 more words. evidently i like my longfics.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
carmen sandiego 2019! 17 of those and one (1) original work that i dont mention in this post at all
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the cardinal and the kitten - 325 kudos
say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime (let me lead you from your solitude) - 164 kudos (we call her the phantom au for short)
simple are the ways of love (simple as the touch of another's hands) - 156 kudos
Upon the Sword - 154 kudos
Everything is a Lie - 127 kudos
5. do you respond to comments?
Most of them yes!! I LOVE getting comments I screenshot and save every one I get.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm- I guess it depends. Hellscape ends with Carmen's internal monologue just before she gets mind-wiped by VILE, but its technically no angstier than canon. they gave you life (and in return you gave them hell) is pretty angsty the whole way through and examines Carmen's trauma.
Those are both little one-shots, though- I usually end my reigns of terror within chapter fics pretty happily if I can manage it. The Phantom AU (linked above) ends in a dark place but leagues brighter than it seemed to be heading towards. It isn't a terribly neat and happy ending, and it tells a story of trauma and attempted suicide and the road to recovery from these. Let's go with that one.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
In Love Is A Locked Cell Door Chase Devineaux and Crackle happily start making out in a jail cell and live happily ever after!
Ok, being serious-
For a one-shot, simple (linked above) starts happy and ends happier.
For a chapter fic, Choice ends with Carmen, Julia, and Gray all living in a very happy polycule pardoned from the law with full emotional control of their lives which is fun :]
8. do you get hate on fics?
@emily-prentits used to leave passive aggressive comments on my wattpad and we would fight in the comments sections 💀now we're partners so make of that what you will. but anyway, no serious ones, no!
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
No, not really! I have a few "fade-to-blacks" or skip-overs without any detail. The one time I tried writing smut it was really forced and hard for me to write...doesn't help that I've never felt sexual attraction in my life so I don't know about that. Curse you asexuality for taking papertiger handcuff sex away from the world.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
No, I'm not a fan of crossovers
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I've had one or two...heavily referenced. Not in bad faith, but it was funny to see a lot of my plot and prose mannerisms reworded in a younger author's fic. I think they credited me as inspiration or gifted it to me both times so its not a big deal.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
If FRANTIC FANFIC! counts, which it shouldn't lol. Also the polycule is working on something :3
14. what's your all time favourite ship?
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15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have an au where paper star and black sheep escape VILE together and go through a sort of friends to lovers to enemies deal as carmen (renamed cardinal here due to never escaping in the boat the way she does in canon), though influenced by paper star at the start, eventually finds her inevitable path of good while paper star slips into a chaos that cardinal just can't stomach
ill paste a snippet here that i wrote but its a little bit long and complex and i dont have a ton of motivation for it
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16. what are your writing strengths?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
cohesive plot...lord help me i cannot plan a fic to the end before i post chapter 1 and it bites me in the ass all the time
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
if there's a small amount of it, i usually write it as-is in the other language and use external sources or context clues to explain it. if a lot of dialogue is in another language, I'll put it in brackets and write it in english!
19. first fandom you wrote for?
carmen sandiego. still going lmfao
20. favorite fic you've written?
that's really hard- i'm going to do top three in no particular order SORRY
Love, Carmen - this was the first or one of the first fics I ever wrote. it put me on the map a little bit (wattpad..) in terms of writing and boosted upon the sword and choice when they came along. it was really fun to just be young and writing after finishing all two released seasons of the show. i still like it a lot. its just cute and simple.
the phantom au - what a labor of love. i've had other fics (evil carlotta series, cough cough) that have been long and complex but those strayed into meandering and pointless and i lost a lot of motivation. phantom combined my love of theater with my favorite show and my hunger for angst angst angst. it was super fun to write and, at the risk of sounding vain, i pulled off a very hard to pull off trope at the end and i think i did it well. i think if you read any one of mine, this highlights a lot of my strengths.
the cardinal and the kitten - this is a popular one of mine that kind of serves as an updated love, carmen. i really enjoy how i wrote carmen and julia playing off of each other and my dialogue is very strong in this one.
okay, sorry about how long that was i treated it like a professional interview. i had a lot of fun writing this instead of working on a very important school project
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invincible-selfxmade-punk · 3 months ago
I just finished putting together a graduation present for one of the first kids I ever taught when I moved to this town. She was in the 5th grade when we first met and now she is graduating with honors and hoping to go off to the Air Force academy.
I'm giving it to her for Christmas because it comes in two parts. I bought her a CD player and some CDs and then because I could not figure out a way to burn any more CDs off for her I'm giving her some of the original mixes I have been carrying around in my car for the last 20 years. Obviously, they're not going to play that well. I am hoping that it will turn her on to some of the music that I enjoy.
And thinking of kids that I have mentored over the years made me remember a story..
I wanted to share it with you now.
This is not only the story of my early years of trying to help kids, but also when I realized I had married the exact right person
Back in the very early 2000s not only did I try fostering a bunch of punk kids from the mall I worked at, I had just started to get online and it just started trying to help some of the kids that I met there. Unfortunately my mental health was not the best at that time, and their mental health was not either . it t was like these are the people that I attracted.
One girl in particular was much more Disturbed than the others. I would find out later she was a pathological liar. To this day I still do not know if anything she told me over the 6 years we knew each other was correct. In fact the last time I was in contact with her I saw a posting wanting money from someone using every buzzword they possibly could. Saying something like I am a trans, lesbian, native american, living in Gaza and I need your help because I am now in the hospital and cannot care for myself. When I happen to look at the PayPal link she had used her real name and I knew immediately who it was. As far as I knew she was not any of those things she was just a girl who grew up in Indiana.
Anyway, we ended up having this crazy and absolutely enabling, shared Madness of a relationship. We were awful for each other and we fed off of it. She was very jealous of anyone else I was talking to online. Now let me set this up I wasn't Texas and she was in indiana. And that was it we knew each other we had talked on the phone we exchange pictures we had written fictions together and we had basically spent every night for 6 years online talking to each other in which she divulged to me all these horrible abuses she was suffering at home. So she got mad at me for spending too much time with someone else online and told me she was killing herself and then cut off all contact with me.
All I knew was her name and her hometown and that was it. She unplugged her phone she would not answer her emails and for 36 hours she made me think that because of me she had killed herself.
As I said before comma my mental health was not the best at that time And Absolutely freaked out. My husband came home to find me an absolute hysterics and having a complete meltdown in panic attack. He asked me what was going on and I told him. He wanted to take me to the hospital and get me tranquilized. But I had just turned straight edge a year before and I was so solid in that conviction I was terrified of taking any kind of medication unless I absolutely had to and I absolutely refused.
I stayed up all night crying And worrying And making myself ill.
Sometime Late the next night she finally got back online and acted like nothing had happened.
Again when my husband came back from work I told him what had happened. I was completely exhausted and drained and I said
" you know what?? Why didn't we just have kids? If I had my own kid to worry about I wouldn't be trying to save the world I would be too busy worrying about that mtmy own ."
He put his arm around me and said "Honey even if you would have had kids, you would still have spent your life trying to save everyone else's. That's just the kind of person you are, and I love you for it."
In February, we will have been together 29 years❤️💚❤️💚
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littleapocalypsekitten · 2 years ago
Okay, Legend of Zelda fan here and I’m going to go reblog this on my Zelda-sideblog:   Okay, so this stuff doesn’t come up often, but in the latest games in the series, the latest “big” games that have gotten a lot of non-series fans into the games are Breath of the Wild and its direct sequel, the one that was just released, Tears of the Kingdom.   Breath of the Wild has *discussion* of Link (your player character) having scars. A part of the plotline is that he was nearly-killed / took what would have been fatal wounds save for some magitech healing 100 years before the main story and was kept in stasis.  One of the long-lived scientist-characters in charge of helping him requests that he strips down to his underpants so he can assess his scars to compare to a scar-map he has of the Hero to be sure of his identity.  In addition to this, if you stay at an all-women location disguised as a woman in some breezy clothes, you can see text of someone commenting that you have “a lot of scars for a young vai” (vai=woman).   Guess how many scars the player gets to see on Link when we play him without a shirt? None. Nada.  He is referenced as having scars, but we do not see them.  And it’s not like there is any excuse in the software technology, because the games are CURRENT and have a lot of detail.  In fact, there are some other characters with scars - the King of the Zora has a funky cross-shaped scar on his head if I am remembering him right.  I think Sidon has a scar or two.  But, no, Link, the player character who is actually supposed to have scars from events in his life is shown as “handsome and clean.”   Okay, fast forward to Tears of the Kingdom.  This game involves amputation.  As the beginning of the game, Link loses his right arm to a curse-burning-infection by an ancient evil.  He is given the magical curse-sealing arm of a long-dead king as he slowly gains his strength back through events of the game.  This is the main game-mechanic.  This magical arm that originally came from a member of a technologically-advanced species allows Link to have superpowers such as structural engineering (I like to call this game “The Legend of Zelda: Link Discovers Glue”), swimming through matter and doing a limited reverse of time.  There’s some kind of data-storage in the arm so he has his map there, too.  It is still visibly not his arm, though - completely different skin-tone, claw-like nails.   (Spoilers ahead  for the end of Tears of the Kingdom) - Guess what happens at the end of the game?  Back to status-quo.   And this is why in the Tears of the Kingdom / Legend of Zelda fandom right now, you will find many drawings that people have done of Amputee Link, an alternate answer to the end of the game.  Often this comes with the caption “If Nintendo weren’t cowards!”   A lot of people are unhappy that Link just got his regular ol’ arm back because they think it would be more interesting if he was out a limb and had to navigate life with a disability post-game.   But we cannot expect Nintendo not to be cowards and not to do something “normal.”  Especially when they won’t even give the man some cool, non-debilitating battle-scars.   But, yeah, this disrespect for disability is everywhere.  It’s annoying.  
as my own direct immediate list of game grievances i hate that stardew valley expects you to side against a wheelchair user who is upset that he was moved without his consent. i hate that the mass effect trilogy gives you visible scarring as a direct result of choosing mean dialogue and heals it if you're nice. i hate that the vampire the masquerade ttrpg has a monstrous player class that can appear as horrible vampiric monsters or as visibly disabled people and both of these appearances are mechanically the same. i hate that dark souls games have a difficulty level implemented in a way that cannot be adjusted for disability. i hate that i can play as a mermaid or a werewolf or a horse in the sims games but can't use a wheelchair. i hate that the ace attorney games have so much flashing and not all of the games can disable it. i hate that disability is constantly something that happens to teach a lesson, i hate that disability is something that happens as a punishment, i hate that disability is either compensated perfectly with no drawbacks or something that is endlessly sought to be cured. i hate that no character customization will ever include the mobility aids i use, that the player avatars that represent me will never look like me. i am so goddamn annoyed and so goddamn tired.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months ago
Ok wait sorry I fell off the face of the earth came back from food poisoning then got jumpscared by grass and then a friend dragged me into binging a new piece of media so my tumblr account has been collecting DUST but I’m back (barring anymore spontaneous grass sessions sigh)!!
I also lowk cannot find the original mega convo and quite frankly don’t remember what we talked about so SINCEREST APOLOGIES SHDHSJS I’m just gonna start a fresh convo but if you remember anything pressing from the last one do let me know….
ok wait I did see one of shorter ones and LMFAOOAOA miraculous is so fucking funny all the memes online too about it are actual gold…surprisingly enough I actually have a good handful of irls who watched it and we lowkey watched it together and I can’t lie it’s goofy as hell and I don’t think I’ve EVER gotten more secondhand embarrassment than when I watched that show but the drama had my friends and I really truly a good watch for when you need a laugh or something like slightly lighter
But anyways HOW HAVE YOU BEEN SHEHDKDB hoping your freedom era starts soon if it hasn’t already!!
Also THOUGHTS on any of the latest bllk content omg yuki looked fire in the like two seconds he appeared in the latest episode also I literally fucking cannot with the Shidou scene WHY DID THEY ADD THOSE EXTRA SCENES is this truly where our budget went….
I also saw your hollyhock post and I’m laughing about all the chain reblogs with you being like “I forgot.” LMFOAOA that’s literally me with like every thought but omg HOLLYHOCK COMEBACK??? MAYBE???
- Karasu anon
LMAOO it’s okay i’m glad you’re back though!! also ooh new piece of media?? if you liked it def drop the name or smth because i suddenly have a lot of time on my hands #winterbreak and i would love to watch/read smth new 😫
HAHHA no i forget what we were talking abt too and it’s been a while so it would be a lottt of scrolling to reach it again 😭 i don’t really think there was anything too important?? i’m sure if there was it’ll come up again
it’s just such a ridiculous show honestly like nothing abt it feels real somehow…it was funny but sometimes too cringy fr like i do think it gets worse as it goes on in terms of secondhand embarrassment and i only got through season one so i can’t even claim to say i know abt most of the story but there were def some crazy moments 😓 the tik tok audios from it are crazy though they always go hard
I HAVE BEEN GOODDDD finally on winter break and done with finals so bless up for that!! i’ve mostly been catching up with my hometown friends and whatnot so not much writing time yet but trust as soon as things settle down i’ll get to work (the sae one shot is already 10k words so i have been working it’s just getting reallyyyy long)
YUKI LOOKED SO GOOD wait speaking of shidou i saw such a good edit of him earlier let me find the link (edit: okay wait it’s really popular now so you may have seen it already but it was super low on views when i saved it #aheadofthecurve anyways here) the nagi cameos have been getting me through fr though and BAROUUUU UGH HE LOOKED SO GOOD I CANNOT WAIT FOR HIS GOAL BYE THAT’S GOING TO MAKE MY ENTIRE LIFE ESPECIALLYYYYY IF THEY GIVE IT THAT SHIDOU AND NAGI TREATMENT
erm so when i said i was nuking it i meant it was getting cut FJFJJD it’s gone now sadly i just have other things to be working on and it fell so far to the wayside that i didn’t want the clutter 😭 so hollyhock comeback = never 💔 getting the otoya and y/n treatment fr (dead)
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discreative · 7 months ago
I am Mohammed from Gaza. I am not a robot or a scammer. The war in Gaza has left me with nothing but devastating memories and unbearable pain. I lost my parents and siblings in horrifying moments, and my life is now filled with tears and agony. I sustained severe injuries to my leg, and every passing day I feel the threat of losing it due to the lack of necessary treatment 😭. My beloved wife is suffering from uterine cancer and has not been able to receive chemotherapy sessions since the beginning of the events in Gaza. My innocent children live in constant fear and anxiety, and I cannot bear to see their tear-filled eyes.
I humbly and hopefully request your donation of €5 or more to treat my leg, save my wife's life, and secure the future of my children. Every passing minute increases our suffering and pushes us closer to the edge.
My story is documented and my information verified, and you can verify this by requesting any information you need. Please donate and share my story with others.
My wife, children, and I are waiting for your prayers and support with broken hearts and hanging hopes.
Thank you very much. 🙏🙏
I've reblogged some posts about your situation before. I'm sorry for all you're going through.
As far as I can tell, Mohammed's campaign has been verified:
If you search his name here on Tumblr, you'll find a link to a different fundraiser that is no longer accepting submissions. As far as I can tell, it seems the original fundraiser was shut down, and this new one was created afterwards. Mohammed is reaching out using the same account that was previously verified so I feel confident it's legitimate.
For reference, here's the link to the vetted fundraisers spreadsheet (Mohammed's campaign is #192):
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nebulainatree · 7 months ago
My little son is still in the hospital under intensive care.
He cannot breathe normally, He breathes through an oxygen machine.
Unfortunately, in the hospital there is no treatment for my little son, and I am very afraid for him. Please, save my little son’s life by donating as much as you can and Reblog.
My compaign vetted by 90-ghost, North Gaza updated and butterfly project line no. 406
My compaign link https://www.gofundme.com/f/aid-for-youssefs-family-and-majds-treatment
Please don't leave my little son alone and donate if you can
Thanks 🙏🍉
Hi Youseff, I am so sorry to be sharing this ask four days after you sent it, I hope your son is still alive and that you can find treatment for him. I've queued your post to be shared tomorrow as well. Please share the original post and donate if you can!
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liugeaux · 1 year ago
Greatest Boxed Set Ever (Prepping for Vol 20)
Sure, I just talked a bunch about the incoming Greatest Songs Ever Vol 20, and I highly encourage you to read the linked blog (I'm kind of proud of myself). This post will be much more esoteric and odd.
That post referenced a fictional collection of CDs named the "Greatest Boxed Set Ever", and this post is that idea taken a step closer to reality. I've already talked about the 2 CDs I made in the early aughts to celebrate my narrow view of our musical world. Using the existing list of Greatest Songs Ever and that same NARROW scope, I've curated a 6-disc boxed set of tracks that, had I continued to make Mixed CDs, would have been volumes 3-6.
It's a weird alternate reality version of my established Greatest Songs Ever, that will lead directly into Vol. 20. I'm sure it sounds confusing, but as I established in that last post, I'm doing this for me, so these are my rules. **shakes fists maniacally at the sky**
Before we can create discs 3-6, we have to establish what tracks were on discs 1 and 2. Finding out what those were, was much harder than I imagined it would be. I somehow lost my copy of the original Greatest Songs Ever disc 1 and most disc drives have a VERY hard time reading 20-year-old burned CDs with heavy printed stickers on them.
I had to enlist the help of the only other person I knew who still had a copy of Disc 1, Lesley Keyes Colwell. With her help and an Xbox 360, the device that could read the discs easiest, I gathered the original tracklists for Discs 1 and 2. Below are the original tracks from what young Sergio (age 17-21) thought were The Greatest Songs Ever.
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Disc 1 - Release Date - 2000-ish
Counterfeit - Limp Bizkit
Bones + Joints - Finger Eleven
Desperately Wanting - Better Than Ezra
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
Adam's Song - Blink 182
Is Anybody Home? - Our Lady Peace
Typical Situation - Dave Matthews Band
Machinehead - Bush
Counting Blue Cars - Dishwalla
Papercut - Linkin Park
Everlong - Foo Fighters
When I Come Around - Green Day
Mr. Jones - Counting Crows
Drive - Incubus
Mudshovel - Staind
Save Yourself - Stabbing Westward
Shimmer - Fuel
1979 - Smashing Pumpkins
First things first, I'd stand behind every one of these songs. Choosing Limp Bizkit as track #1 is much more trollish than intended, but I love all this music, so no complaints here.
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Disc 2 - Release Date - 2004-ish
I Believe in a Thing Called Love - The Darkness
A Certain Shade of Green - Incubus
Next to Nothing - Breaking Benjamin
The Best Deceptions - Dashboard Confessional
Bellevue - Fingertight
Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns N' Roses
You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette
The Anthem - Good Charlotte
Under the Bridge - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
Far Behind - Candlebox
Run-Around - Blues Traveler
Interstate Love Song - Stone Temple Pilots
Wait and Bleed - Slipknot
Rain - Audiovent
Scars - Papa Roach
4 A.M. - Our Lady Peace
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Green Day
Again, no regrets about any of these. Actually, a couple of them (Fingertight and Audiovent) are hyper-deep-cuts that deserve any and all attention they can get. There's a reason these CDs stayed in my Truck's rotation.
Here's where it gets weird. Discs 3-6 were never actually created. So, I've combed through my existing list and carefully curated 4 more discs that could fill out the rest of the box set. I gave myself a few parameters to work within. The songs had to be in the genres I listened to during my youth and be released within my lifetime (basically 1983-current). Each disc is given a release date based on the disc's contents to create a faux release cadence similar to a "NOW" collection. The songs can't have been released after the artificial release dates. This will make the songs on the discs progressively get newer as we venture through them.
This may make more sense once I start listing discs, if not, I promise it makes sense in my brain. Also, each CD cannot exceed 80 minutes because that's the length of a standard CDR format disc. With that out of the way, here are discs 3-6. I even threw together some fake disc art. I can't believe I found that weird-ass font again.
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Disc 3 - Release Date - 2005-ish
Sugar, We're Going Down - Fall Out Boy
Time Ago - Black Lab
High Voltage - Linkin Park
Weight of the World - Saliva
Killing in the Name Of - Rage Against the Machine
At the Stars - Better Than Ezra
My Happy Ending - Avril Lavigne
Crush - Dave Matthews Band
Wonderwall - Oasis
Downfall - TrustCompany
Daughters - John Mayer
The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson
The Dolphin's Cry - Live
No One - Cold
Brian Wilson - Barenaked Ladies
Hey Man, Nice Shot - Filter
Tribute - Tenacious D
I'll Be - Edwin McCain
Okay, here's the first disc where I see some cracks. That TrustCompany song might have been crowned prematurely, and both the Saliva and Live tracks probably should have been rethought, but overall, it's still a strong list.
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Disc 4 - Release Date - 2006-ish
Man in the Box - Alice in Chains
All Downhill From Here - New Found Glory
Harder to Breathe - Maroon 5
Pressure - Skindred
Only Happens When It Rains - Garbage
Joan - Butch Walker
Kickstart My Heart - Motley Crue
Makedamnsure - Taking Back Sunday
Stop This Train - John Mayer
Complicated Questions - Finger Eleven
My Own Summer - Deftones
Fade to Black - Metallica
The Sharpest Lives - My Chemical Romance
Dreams - The Cranberries
Bright Lights - Matchbox Twenty
I Remember You - Skid Row
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
More Than Love - Los Lonely Boys
Live Forever - Oasis
Disc 4 is solid and includes an unprecedented 19 tracks. The only hole is the Los Lonely Boys song. Not that it's a bad song, it's fine, and might even deserve its spot, but the initial reason for its inclusion is super-dubious. That doesn't matter because once a song is enshrined, it CANNOT be un-enshrined.
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Disc 5 - Release Date - 2013-ish
My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark - Fall Out Boy
Volcano Girls - Veruca Salt
Synthesizers - Butch Walker
Her Words Destroyed My Planet - Motion City Soundtrack
Gravemakers & Gunslingers - Coheed & Cambria
Everybody Talks - Neon Trees
Innocence - Halestorm
CrushCrushCrush - Paramore
Tears Don't Fall - Bullet For My Valentine
Thinking of You - Katy Perry
Car Radio - Twenty One Pilots
Open Your Eyes - Guano Apes
Little Black Submarines - The Black Keys
Watch Over You - Alter Bridge
Friday I'm in Love - The Cure
Weatherman - Dead Sara
Second Chance - Shinedown
So What If You Go - Adelitas Way
Kiss From a Rose - Seal
Just like the canonical blog posts, there's quite a date gap between Disc 4 and Disc 5, but that's fine. This is the first disc representing more modern songs, so there aren't really any regrets here (at least not yet). The closest is that Adelitas Way song, but then I listen to it and I totally agree with 2013 Sergio.
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Disc 6 - Release Date - 20...um...23?
Shut Up and Dance - Walk the Moon
I Think I'm OKAY - Machine Gun Kelly Feat. Yungblud & Travis Barker
Here To Mars - Coheed & Cambria
New Horizons - Flyleaf
Roman Holiday - Halsey
Drown - Bring Me the Horizon
How About You - Staind
The Jester - Badflower
Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran
Dreams - Van Halen
Oh no, where are the last 10 of Disc 6? Good question, it's the theme of Vol 20! That's right, I have built all these fictitious discs with the sole purpose of justifying the theme of Vol 20. Do you feel dumb yet? I hope not, I put a lot of work into this weird fever dream, so try to enjoy yourself.
Since these discs are basically full of rock tracks that I would have chosen had this project continued as a Mixed CD adventure, Vol 20 continues that idea. 10 new Greatest Songs Ever in the vein of the original aughts-era disc releases. Yeah, I get that I'm the only person this appeals to, and I get that anyone just now familiarizing themselves with my list will think I'm insane, but let me throw this out there. If you've made it this far and you're still reading ... you either understand the nature of this project and "get it" or you deserve to be confused.
With all of this "on wax," the next step is finally typing out the post for Vol. 20. It'll be out soon, I promise. Until then, please enjoy the ongoing Youtube playlist that is, THE GREATEST SONGS EVER!
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blindmanbaldwin · 2 years ago
“He [Safin] offers the possibility to Bond to stay alive, but being unable to near the people he loves which is ultimately a checkmate of cosmic proportions.”  - Academy-Award winning director Guillermo del Toro on the ending of “No Time to Die”
Appears my earlier post got a little bit of a reaction! Specifically, the bit in which “No Time to Die” cinematographer Linus Sandgren refers to Madeleine Swann as “the love of his life”. This provides a good opportunity to talk about on this platform what I think the logic is across the five-film CraigBond story and how Swann fits into this narrative.
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“What are they burning?” “Secrets, wishes, letting go of the past. Getting rid of the old, in comes the new.“
When we’re introduced to the character in “Casino Royale”, we see James Bond commit the first two kills that make him a 00. This doesn’t have its origins in the novels, so I think that number of two bears particular note. You can’t just kill one person, you have to kill two. Every time you hurt someone you are hurting two people: the other person, and you.
Now, there’s a through-line across all five movies — it is impossible to live a life if your life is killing people. We don’t need to look any further than the opening stanza to Chris Cornell’s “You know My Name”, the opening song to “Casino Royale”:
If you take a life do you know what you'll give?  Odds are you won't like what it is
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There are two people who exist: “James Bond” and “007″. One is a killer, one is not. Every time “007″ kills, it pushes “James Bond” further away from his humanity. I’m reminded of a line from “A Boy Like That” from “West Side Story” (A boy who kills cannot love/A boy who kills has no heart) that seems quite applicable to the character of James Bond, be it the literary or the film Bond. And the unfortunate curse of his profession is his licence to kill ends up being a double-edged sword. Or, as Dominic Greene says in “Quantum of Solace”:
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The tragedy at the core of “Casino Royale” is this fundamental divide within the character — if he holds onto his power over death, then everything he loves is doomed to die. James Bond’s identity is murder and death. But he yearns, so desperately, for connection. He is the Dangerous Lover fully. When he meets Vesper, he immediately falls for her and is willing to give up his everything for her but it is of no use. Vesper betrays him out of her own past attachment — honeypotted into a romance used to blackmail her — and she kills herself to spare Bond’s life. Yet, in pure irony, by saving Bond’s physical life she killed his humanity. 
It is fitting in “Casino Royale” that the iconic line of the cinematic Bond (”Bond, James Bond��) doesn’t appear until right at the end of the film  when Bond shoots the man responsible for the decision Vesper made. We are linking his identity to this act, that the choice Vesper made to save him drove him into being who we (the audience) know him as — a killer. His heart is sealed off when he uses that nasty, five-letter word in reference to Vesper. 
If the ending of “Casino Royale” positions the character at his lowest — a totally heartless killer devoid of any humanity — then everything subsequent shows some kind of transformation out of that place. Drama is movement, after all. Stagnation is the enemy of functional storytelling. 
“Quantum of Solace” features Bond wandering through the desert and restoring water to a thirsty people. The symbolism of this plot-beat is fairly straightforward — despite all his best intentions, there is a capacity for this killer to give life instead of just taking life. That bargain he made at the beginning of “Casino Royale” is not permanent (powers over death in exchange for your humanity/soul). He can emerge out of the desert and find rebirth. Transform into something new, restore what was lost. 
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The ending shot of “Quantum of Solace” — featuring Vesper’s jewel given to her by the honeypotter (is that word?) —  is such a powerful image. It’s as if Bond is separating himself from his feeling, from his humanity. Committing to the life of a killer.
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I have a whole thing about the use of silhouette in “Skyfall” and how Silva exists as a shadow-self of Bond’s anger towards M (which, I think, projects onto the death of his biological mother as every mythic hero has two sets of parents). Silva and Sévérine are a perverted mirror of Bond’s metatextual legacy, with the ending of the film arguing that there is something salvageable within this character with such a misogynistic legacy:
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M, the surrogate mother, dies and gives Bond this last word — “I did get one thing right.” The goal of every parent, one imagines, is to not completely fuck up their child. M did fuck up Tiago Rodriquez (birthing Silva) but did not do the same to Bond. James Bond had every opportunity to end up like Tiago Rodriquez (literally “dying” and ending up with a clean slate to do whatever he wants with), but he returned when he found out MI6 (M, his “mother”) was in danger and worked to protect her. Because he loves her — despite sealing his heart off all those years ago, he still does love. That’s what she got right, maintain that humanity within Bond that so many others in this profession lose when they exist within death. 
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That man Bond shot at the end of “Casino Royale”, Mr. White, returns in “Spectre” — the key to Bond unraveling the mysterious organization that threatens global stability. Only this Mr. White is not the master assassin we last saw him as in “Quantum of Solace”, now he is frail and weak. Isolated. Mr. White abandoned the cause after the organization started targeting women and children, and now he waits for death to come for him as penance for what he has done in life. White recognizes how he and Bond are basically the same person — men who bring death upon the world, which ends up drawing distance between them and humanity at large. 
But Mr. White has one thing keeping him alive:
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Madeleine Swann is among the more fascinating characters in any popular, brand-name movie I’ve come across. The basic conceit of her character is “What if Death had a daughter, and she was the force of Life?”. She is a doctor who worked with international organizations that travel around the world healing people. This is, obviously, the equal opposite of Bond’s “licence to kill”. How could something so healing come from a man of total destruction? Mr. White is a particularly nasty guy, yet out from him emerged her. What a beautiful, hopeful message — the spark of life will always emerge no matter how bleak its circumstances are in existence.
“Spectre” shapes like a fairy tale: this dark knight (Bond) travels to the Pale King (Mr. White) thanks to a magical ring (the Spectre Ring), and the dying King tasks him to go save the Princess (Madeleine Swann) from the wizard who killed him. But the only way the knight can save the Princess is if he throws down his sword — because what really hurts her is killing. Or, as Swann says:
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From the moment they meet, there is something different about Dr. Swann. She doesn’t just know Bond’s world — she *is* Bond’s world. She came from the same World of Death that he navigates in, yet emerged out of that a being of Life. A Doctor, the opposite of a Killer. Madeleine Swann serves as the total antithesis to the cruel belief Bond resigned himself to at the end of “Casino Royale” — life can emerge out of the underworld. 
Going back to “Skyfall” for a moment, all of the stag imagery associated with Bond’s family in the film seems important — the stags antlers regrow each year. Out of the death of winter comes the rebirth of spring. New life from death
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And there’s a line Silva tells Bond in his monologue where he talks about the psychological transformation MI6 makes agents go under through a parable of his childhood:
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The default nature, “Skyfall” proposes, isn’t hurting but helping. We aren’t programmed to kill from birth, someone has to teach us to do that. Silva believes this is irreversible, but as we see through Bond’s journey in the film one can change their nature again back to a helper. Back to healing. Nothing is set in stone. The daughter of an assassin can become a force for life.
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As the world’s biggest fan of “Spectre”, I’ll admit I was a bit concerned when I saw Daniel Craig was returning for one last Bond film and that Léa Seydoux was also coming back with him. I loved the ending of “Spectre” — the hero rejects the power of death (think the magical ending of “Return of the Jedi”) and embraces the love of life/life of love. He finds rebirth in this heart. His journey was complete! What more was there to tell?
Ha. Haha. Hahaha...
The trick about “No Time to Die”, dramatically, is it as much the story of Madeleine Swann is the story of James Bond. But more than anything, it is a meta-analysis of James Bond.  
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In “No Time to Die”, we return to Vesper’s grave (a beat taken from the novel “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service”, to the silly people I’ve seen on the MI6 forums or Reddit argue that the literary character wouldn’t do this).Vesper represents all of the death associated with Bond, and Swann tasks him to go to her grave to “let go”. They cannot have a future together if he cannot let go of his past. His past of killing will deny them a future. For Swann harbors a secret...
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When Del Toro refers to the ending of “No Time to Die” as a cosmic checkmate, this is what he means — the base cosmological forces of life and death are in Bond’s hands, and he gets to choose which will emerge victorious. All of these films have featured him journeying to regain the humanity he lost in “Casino Royale”, the soul he loses every time he pulls the trigger of his Walther PPK. But the choice of him isn’t to throw down the weapon, the choice is for him to make the same choice M made in “Skyfall” or Vesper made in “Casino Royale” — die for love. 
Madeleine Swann, as someone born of this same dark world of death, is the only one equipped to handle the psychological weight of James Bond — because they have this same pain. The first pre-title sequence of “No Time to Die”, where we see Madeleine’s mother (or Mr. White’s lover) die like the archetypal “Bond Girl” dies, grounds this in such a harrowing way. Both have seen their lives dramatically altered by betrayal of those who they loved, and because of this is betrayal it reduced the possibility of them finding restoration. 
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Broken in the same way. Fitting together perfectly because of it. Isn’t that love? She is life coming from death, and he is death coming from life. Equal opposites that form a perfect circle.
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The inescapable irony of human existence is our attachments power us to exist but they also give us so much distress. A melted heart (good) and a broken heart (bad) are both destructive. Or, as Léa Seydoux (Madeleine Swann) described it in the marketing for “No Time to Die” — love is the promise of suffering. The love potion is the poison. That which save, kills. That which kills, saves. At the end of “No Time to Die”, Bond could walk away and live with the knowledge that he would one day kill Madeleine Swann. His touch would one day kill her. But instead, he chooses death. He becomes a mortal man through love. He gives up everything for her. He dies *into* the relationship. As Deborah Lutz writes in “The Dangerous Lover” (40):
“The poignancy of love in romance comes from the sense that, once the full presence of love arrives, the characters will be gone; they will die in their narrative; there will be nothing left to say. Love becomes a fantasy of dying, a liebestod”.
The plotting of “No Time to Die” involves nanobots that kills on contact. Basically, it is literalizing that metaphor from “Quantum of Solace” — a literal Midas touch of death. What’s the only way for Bond to get out of this situation when he is poisoned with something that can kill the only person he loves? Let go. The only way he can have a future is if he lets go.
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This is the magic of “No Time to Die”, and by extension the character of Madeleine Swann — cinema’s most famous killer has been transformed through her love into a life creator. The bleeding gun barrel has turned into one of light. The iconic line of the character has turned into something else entirely. Not the calling card of a killer it was in “Casino Royale”, but one of a life-giver.
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Because much as this being of life-energy could come from Mr. White, so to could something beautiful come from Bond. His eyes (eyes=soul) could pass on into something new. New life could grow from his old death. Out of love we find redemption and rebirth. No wonder the last face we see in the CraigBond films isn’t his own, but his daughter’s. A smiling girl. With his blue eyes staring back at us...
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“I got one thing right.” This is why Madeleine Swann is the love of his life. Because she *is* his life. She is the proof he can change his nature and finish his journey to find his ocean-eyed soul once again. All the cosmologic power of the divine in his hand, and James Bond lets it all go to save her. Which, by extension, saves himself.  No longer a murder. Now a man. The only thing he ever wanted to be. 
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random-mailbox · 2 years ago
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - Week 9 - Wrong Perceptions
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I feel like Usagi gets misrepresented in a subset of fics where she is made to look both less smart, less caring, and less on top of things than I feel she should be (regardless of whether you use manga or original anime as your baseline). So it was refreshing to find the below stories where that gets turned on its head a bit. This post has moved around in the queue but I finally get to share some of my favourites. 
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
Hero Wanted - Meg-Of-The-Moon
Usagi gets hurt saving a little girl, but the perceptions of her by the people in her neighbourhood are next to impossible to change. As she listens to their speculations about her less-than-positive reasoning for choosing to help, someone else comes to her own rescue. 
Shades of Grey - 44musicfreak44
I found this story an interesting study in how an individual could actually feel vs their self imposed demeanour to the outside world. This one-shot is slotted right before the big battle in the Dark Kingdom arc with the weight of everything slowly wearing down on Usagi until all she feels is hopelessness and exhaustion from battles, training and pressure on her to save everyone. Can a conversation with someone help her see things slightly differently?
A Stitch In Time - Princess Ophelia
This is probably my favourite Time-Travel trope story at this time. Princess Serenity defies her mother and tries to go see Prince Endymion despite the unrest on Earth. Except she instead swaps places with Usagi in the future for a bit, unintentionally giving things away about her future-self that were purposefully hidden from EVERYONE, including Pluto. While Usagi gets to live through the day that features prominently in the nightmares of her past life.
You're Real, Aren't You? - @master-ray5
Mamoru cannot fathom that Usagi could be as nice of a person as everyone, including his best friend, suggests. So for years he does his best to try and prove them wrong. But is he actually right? Or did his past colour his perception?
I Was A Princess - @angelmoongirl
Little Usagi tells her mother increasingly detailed tales of her being a princess. But why would Ikuko believe that the stories are anything more than the vivid imagination of a toddler, no matter how intense they might be becoming?
She's Smarter Than You Think, Rei - bashfulglowfly
Once and for all, Ami (having gotten absolutely fed up with Rei's treatment of their princess) explains why Usagi's grades may not be what they appear at first glance. 
Next week we will cover my favourite Non-senshi AU stories from @floraone trope matrix based on the request from @areptiledysfunction1107. I can't wait!
Here are the links to the previous posts to explore more amazing works based on different tropes - make sure to check them out if you haven't had a chance!
Sex Positivity
Established Relationships
Groundhog Day
Unfinished Stories
Darker Stories
Potions 🧪
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nights-at-crystarium · 2 years ago
Hi hellooooo and thank you <3 Putting my responses under the cut~
I remember seeing a post!! About Vivi's weapon! And for the life of me I cannot find it anywhere but you linked the post underneath the comic where he first met Ardbert!
Here you go! I posted it a bit earlier on tumblr, that's probably why.
Also here are Alisaie's weapons that don't have a name yet. Essentia is a name just for Vivi's spear, yes, but several people began referring to the whole concept by that name whoops. That's my mistake as a writer, I'll take it as a lesson in the original lore delivery.
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Their duel looks awesome. It looks so Fluid. Idk how you did it bc it's a comic and not animated, I never know how comics do it actually, but it's always so impressive.
I'm glad that you think so!! It's probably because of the smears (blurry actions) and stretching/squashing. Like for example their hair looks longer than normal in this panel, we're used to seeing this trick in art and animation, our brain suggests quick movement.
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This scene was totally unnecessary and self-indulgent, yet I wish I'd make it even longer hahah. Just two elves frolicking around and chatting nonsense. This form of communication's much easier for Alisaie than holding hands and talking feels.
"you still can't duel for shit" interesting! So does Vivi have a weakness in battles where he has to fight one other person, or is it only in sparring? Does he have anyone else that he naturally works with? Does he have an easier time when he's fighting multiple people at once? :O I just realised I've never really seen what his fighting style looks like in a fight where his life is at stake.
Vivi can't see the telegraphs if there's no actual threat to his life, a bit of silly ingame mechanic interpretation for the Echo. Alisaie has no intention to harm him and would stop before her sword reaches him, so he's kinda blind, only relying on his actual (average) combat skill :'>
Once he realized that Hydaelyn's gifts carry him when shit hits the fan, he started dismissing the real training/skill. Vivi doesn't see the merit/appeal in being a cool fighter, the world-saving happens anyway while he's present, so why bother. But I fear I'm getting too far ahead of the comic plot.
"You STILL can't duel" implies that they've gone through this before. Even if it's been 1 year for Alisaie, for Vivi just about a week since their separation, hell knows when did they spar last time, he obviously didn't undergo some massive training in a week, Alisaie mustn't expect much from this lil dance, it's simply better than standing and twiddling her thumbs.
Gotta acknowledge how much value I get from our convos, aside from the happy brain juice. You're bringing up many points that make me realize how and where I could improve my work. We indeed haven't seen Vivi in a "real" fight, I thought it wasn't worth the screentime because the comic's focused on daily life and feels, YET! As time goes on, it becomes more of a sore thumb, a missing beat, a solid chunk of Vivi's life unjustly shoved aside. This's important, and I'm already looking into fixing it. There's plenty of opportunities to show a page or two of combat without changing my script.
"This Crystal Mystel tends to get broody when left alone for too long" HI??? HELLO?? I'm in SHAMBLES
Wehhhhh ;w; <3 I received so much love for this line aaaaaa. Thank you so much. Their casual greeting and body language indeed hint at a shared past, I'll be sprinkling in more of their interactions and flashbacks throughout the years.
Anyway I apologise for taking so long, I've been trying to commit the entire comic the memory before I say anything so I can Really talk abt it >:'3 I give you, the author and artist, a flower as well for all your hard work 🌺
Please never apologize or feel obliged to comment on every episode!! I'm taking great joy in reading and replying to these posts, I can babble on about Fragments for hours, but I don't want this to feel like a job for you ;3;
Also time to give back some flowers, catch~ 🌸🌷🌼🌹🌺🌸🌼🌻🌸🌺🌹🌼🌺🌸
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✧✦✧ “Fragments” - episode 27 ✧✦✧
A little girl bested Vivi with her left hand. Exarch's still impressed for some reason. (reason: oblivious fanboy)
New reader? Start here: @ffxiv-fragments
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ahufflepuffhobbit · 3 years ago
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Behold, finally! My masterlist! Under the cut you’ll find all of the works I’ve posted with a very short description and their respective links. Mind the tags and ratings, and be sure to let me know what works you’ve enjoyed!
All fic tags are attached to this post! Be sure to click on them to go through their respective tumblr posts!
* indicates that it contains smut
Multichapter Fics & Collections
A Moment in the Sun with You ~ COMPLETE In a world where Erebor never fell and the races have specific gifts, Bilbo and Thorin still meet.
Thorin has lived his entire life in the mountain and has only known his neighbors. The Summit that is held between all the free peoples of Middle Earth every century is his opportunity to branch out more. There, he meets Bilbo Baggins, King of the Shire. A friendship quickly blossoms between them and they resolve to use their Gifts and resources to help each other deal with the rising Orc problem.
Feelings follow after, though Thorin is confused why Bilbo continues to flirt with him when he has a partner. Bilbo is frustrated that Thorin doesn't pick up on his flirting and thinks that Thorin only likes him as a friend. They are idiots.
Courage to Soar ~ WIP Bilbo is tasked with garnering more attention for Erebor's gymnastics team to save the program. It seemed straight forward, despite not knowing anything about gymnastics. Thorin Durinson, however, was anything but straight forward, and Bilbo can't help but be intrigued.
How Ardently ~ WIP Bilbo Baggins lives in the boarding house he owns with his closest friends. Their lives are disturbed in all sorts of way by the arrival of the Lords of Erebor, two brothers, and their entourage. Bilbo cannot stand the oldest brother, Thorin, who is proud and makes no effort to hide it. He would glad write the dwarf off entirely, except the younger brother is quickly falling for Bilbo's closest friend, Ori, and he can't do anything to jeopardize it.
A Pride and Prejudice AU
*I'll Die to Care for You ~ WIP Mahal feels like Thorin fucked up his legacy and gives him a do over.
*Naughty to Your Nice, Sleigh You When I Ride ~ WIP A collection of prompts for the 12 Days of Kinkmas!
On the Road to Erebor ~ COMPLETE As part of the TRSB, it's only fair that the artist describe the fic:
A hobbit, a wizard, thirteen dwarves, a quest, and a minibus of questionable origins. Middle earth shall tremble.
OR the roadtrip AU taking place in modernish Middle Earth, featuring plenty of music, car games, and existing on top of other people for days on ends. Oh, and a love story, of course.
*These are Supposed to be Drabbles ~ COMPLETE They are not drabbles.
Written for FOTFictober. I asked people to send me the prompts they would like me to do and whether they would like them to be spicy.
*You Know I'm Coming Back to You ~ COMPLETE Thorin has to buy a birthday present for Dis' birthday, gets completely overwhelmed by being out of his depth, and then gets completely overwhelmed by the beautiful sales clerk helping him.
You're the Only One for this Heart of Mine ~ COMPLETE The Royal Family of the Shire is invited to Erebor to reforge ties over the winter holidays. Bilbo was merely looking forward to gaining the knowledge of a new place. He had no idea he would end gaining so much more than that.
Enter Thorin Oakenshield.
You're a King & I'm a Lionheart ~ WIP After the battle, Bilbo is in the wrong place in the wrong time. Everyone thinks he ran as soon as he knew Thorin was safe, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Bilbo gets to learn a lot about how people think of him while desperately trying to make someone understand that he's been there the whole time. Albeit, the body that has stayed by Thorin's bedside is not quite his own.
One Shots
Cuddling Under the Mistletoe Part 2 of my Dwarrow Holidays series. Thorin falls ill just before Yule, and it's up to Bilbo to make him feel better.
Durin's Day Part of my Dwarrow Holidays series. Bilbo makes arrangements for Thorin to celebrate Durin's Day, with some additional surprises. Heavily inspired by Rosh Hashanah.
*Let me touch you where you like it, let me do it for ya Thorin's plan to distract Bilbo into paying attention to him works far better than he expected.
The Trouble with Little Hobbits Bilbo and Thorin accidentally agree to watch four young hobbits at once. They are not prepared for the chaos.
If You're with Me, Then Everything's Alright A soft moment between Legolas and Gimli in the midst of their courting.
*Mr. September Modern AU where Gimli is a firefighter and also Mr. September in the annual Bears for Charity calendar. Legolas has jacked off to him ten thousand times so he knows every little mole and tattoo from memory so THERE’S DEFINITELY NO MISTAKE when sees Mr. September himself at the grocery store as they are both reaching for the same very juicy peach in a near overflowing fruit display.
*Sweet Desire On the way to Dunharrow, Legolas is driven slowly mad by his new husband's desire. Mainly with how it pokes him in the back while they ride on Arod.
Pippin x Gandalf
*I Can Make it Holy The war is on their doorstep and Pippin is just trying to not focus on how much he could die in the next few days. Luckily, Gandalf offers a distraction.
*I Can Make it Special After the Ring is destroyed, Pippin needs to see Gandalf, to ensure that he is unharmed, that he is still there. He knows that this won't end well, but that's never been something that has stopped him before, and it certainly isn't going to stop him now.
Miscellaneous Collections
January Roulette Drabbles ~ WIP @fellowshipofthefics had a roulette for January of 2023, where people could spin a wheel to get two fanfic tropes and combine them. I had people send them as asks and wrote about them. Includes Bagginshield and BofurxNori
*Sweet Talk with a Hint of Sin, Beggin You to Take Me ~ COMPLETE Kinktober Prompt collection! Most of them are bagginshield. Different pairings are marked in the chapter title, which include Killiel and samfrosie.
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prof-peach · 3 years ago
if fans wanted to include peach in stuff they write, would that be okay? and how would they write peach's personality? aside from "FIGHT ME" anyway, i think that much is a given lol. i only really write the anime characters 'cause that's what i know, but it sounds like it'd be kinda fun to try making a version of ash that fits into this blog's universe! nerf'd Obviously, but i think she'd probably appreciate how hands-on he gets when training his pokemon!
Ok, I get a lot of these messages, and I often hear folks wanting to throw peach into their stories and comics and writings, and I will always simply ask that if it’s published online publicly, to be linked to it so I can snoop and enjoy the content too. If someone asks about her in your work, let them know about the blog I guess? But literally I love that people take this stuff, these characters and stories, and make new stuff with it. No ones making money off my work here? So where’s the issue? Go for it buddy, knock yourself out, I’m all for it.
For you, and all the others out there who want to add peach, and other characters to your world building, I will give you a detailed rundown of the main lot, and how they behave, what they do, how they function. You can use that, use bits, or use none of it, I do not mind at all. If you’re creating something, you’re in control, not me.
So, peach doesn’t actually fight people as much as you’d think. She’s very aware most cannot and do not want to do that, and so she likes to keep to herself with regards to that aspect of her life, she doesn’t ask to spar with people, or even bring it up at all, but people ask her all the time, even if they clearly would lose or become hurt should she miscalculate during the fight. She looks at people like they usually create problems, and often has a somewhat reserved nature to other humans. You have to work quite hard to get anything more than formalities out of her. She will dead-pan handle people with blunt and very to-the-point statements, aid whenever possible, but very quickly get back to handling the Pokemon she so carefully tends. Her focus is clear, she’s all about hard work, her very small select family, and the Pokemon.
Her brutal, loud and brash personality only comes out with friends, family, difficult humans, OR any Pokemon. She will joke and laugh and play with Pokemon, but clam up around humans, maintaining tight body language and generally will be a little cold by regular standards. She does however have some weaknesses in this emotionless shield she puts up. When peach was young she was always angry, which swung so fast to sadness, back and forth. Her teenage years it just got worse and worse, it was crippling at points. She is to this day, full of fire and rage, even sadness, but now she has learnt to control it, to use it. When she sees that in others, it’s familiar, and she is pushed to drop the front, and be very real with the person. Underdogs I suppose, people who get bad reps, but deserve the same as everyone else. She can’t ignore it.
Once you start to pry open her personality, you’ll find she’s a lot more laid back and fun than originally appeared, you just have to work hard to find that side of her. She will meme reference, can’t dance to save her life, loves her coffee, and can be caught in quiet contemplation while gardening. This hobby is her calmest, and often is why she can stay so level headed when her quiet rage boils up again. Without time outside she will become grouchy, a little snippy, and lethargic. Will not go in the ocean for any reason other than life or death, is fine with ponds and rivers, or water at wading height. Likes the rain.
With regards to her training others, they usually have to tolerate her somewhat strict nature. She is a little....unforgiving, holds a grudge if you make a lot of mistakes, and has no tolerance for ignorance in the age of information that we all live in. In previous posts I’ve mentioned she’s only recently selected two students, after many years of testing kids who want to learn from her. Hundred tried out, only two have ever been approved. How she teaches is very fast paced, be prepared to get some scrapes and bruises, she will test your physical and emotional tolerances with intense tasks, carefully watching students like a hawk. Bad posture in your stance? She’ll be the first to tell you to sort it out. Not hearing your Pokemon partner? Right, now you spend the day without using words trying to communicate, let’s see how you like not being listened to.
This is a woman who has spent her life saying very little, and watching everything, she watches Pokemon and can see an issue from a mile off, and in battles, her observations are why she can react fast, and chose effective strategy to avoid damage and achieve results. Don’t let her body fool you, her strongest asset is analysing, watching, planning. Those skills have over the years transferred to people too. As a student, mistakes don’t go unnoticed with this professor.
Her methods are harsh but fair, and should you prove yourself, she will protect you with her life.
Because of her disinterest in kids and lots of noise, she does pass the training of students on to the other staff members whenever possible. Grey takes on the lions share of battle lessons, he is far calmer, more open and friendly, with patience for people, and an empathy that peach sometimes struggles to have. When you go through a lot of harsh training, and difficult events, it’s hard to change how you feel or think, with peach, well, she’s been through it. Most do not come out the other end in one piece, but she did, and it made her strong. You may think I mean strong like buff and big, and yeah sure she is, but I mean it mentally more than anything. Peach will not quit. She has learnt to destroy the boundaries that stop people getting hurt, gone is the fear that freezes you in your tracks, that feeling that you’ll pass out if you go one more step. She’s learnt to ignore it.
This means she’s a little forgetful at how it is to be normal, to be vulnerable and soft and squishy like students so usually are.
She has her issues, but for the most part, visitors get a laugh, a smile, a calm assertive confidence, and facts. She will indulge those who have genuine interest, or show a connection with nature, an understanding of the balance that needs to be struck for everyone to live well together.
Despite her many flaws, she’s fiercely protective, and will go above and beyond to defend the island, it’s staff, the Pokemon and the visitors. Injustice is her biggest gripe, along with littering, and she doesn’t stand by quietly if something happens that seems unfair.
You will not see her without Valka, her vulpix, close by. That Pokemon doesn’t like to be touched by strangers, at all, and will run the second someone comes at her with that intent. Peach will scold you for pushing yourself onto her, should you persistently try to get close to pet Val. They are in sync, if peach is sad, Val is sad, if Val is stressed, peach is stressed, and so on. They are inherently connected, it’s just been that long, the psychic bridge between them has been built, and reinforced over the years.
The only other Pokemon who follows her so endlessly is Booker, a teddiursa who’s pretty rough looking. He quietly trots behind, grouchy and stoic, they fight closely together a lot. He lost his mom a long time ago to poachers, and peach took him in, and changed her whole life for him. Not many people know, but Booker was the reason she left the rangers, changed career, and got so strong. Will tolerate people petting him but isn’t keen at all, grumbles a lot and tries to move away.
You may also need to know about the others, for the sake of writing, she here a few more bits that may be important to you, or others wanting to do this.
Grey is very tall, very burly, composed, tells bad dad jokes, is a bit of a goof if allowed to be. If he sees a pun, he’ll say it. Can’t help himself. Very nice guy to work with, good at keeping people calm and grounded. Pokemon are drawn to him like a moth to a flame, he gives off warm energy, and has inhuman amounts of patience. If you wrong his family however, he will snap back.
He grew up in the city, loves to swim and hike and cycle, can snowboard, is really sporty. A total brain box with held items, and boosting stats. He will explore many paths, to make sure visitors and students get the information they need, in a way that can be remembered and retained for later. Is a huge guy, but will get on the floor to play with a tiny Pokemon. Treats big “meaner” looking species like babies, very good with all pokemon.
His free time is spent either tinkering, swimming, or trimming his bonsai trees. This guy stares at screens a lot, so appreciates time away from them. Peach built him his own little greenhouse for his trees and tools, which he keeps clean and loves dearly.
His methods as a teacher are built around fun and games, he makes hard work easier to do by distracting trainers from the difficult bits, and focusing in on something more interesting or compelling.
His most commonly seen Pokemon would be a houndoom, Saxon, old battle veteran, retired now to herding and being a good boy. Very gentle, loves a pet.
Pari, now a fully fledged nurse, often oversees the labs front desk and pokecentre features, such as healing pokemon, and informing trainers who come to visit. Her skills with eggs and hatchlings is high, she’s great with younger Pokemon, and hands out good advice to trainers a lot. She’s not a fighter, never was, but can find any file, any study, any book, and any refrence you may need. A true bookworm, loves her romance novels, chat shows and upbeat celebrity gossip mags. Will cry at a lot of stuff, be it sad or happy.
She’s got a seriously upbeat personality, but if caught off guard or shocked, she gets a little flustered. Too much chaos will overwhelm her, but usually she’s on top of things. The years spent on the island have made her better at maintaining composure in emergencies. With lots of siblings, she’s very competent with others, and has a good ability to disarm cagey people with her jolly nature. Because of this, she can sometimes gain information from trainers that some of the more harsh professors may not have access to. Charming is a word for it.
Her partners are an eevee, and a happiny. They are quite sweet and well adjusted, the eevee gets a bit bouncy if you get it too excited.
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