#I can’t remember but I think I’ve heard pro birthers say that they already went through the trauma of rape
womenaremypriority · 10 months
People who are “pro life with exceptions for rape and incest” are just coping tbh. They have half a conscience to allow exceptions but don’t think it through or really do much to ensure that it happens. But could you imagine? Prosecuting rape is hard and painful enough, putting abortion access on the line as well is psychotic. I legitimately can’t imagine much worse than being forced to explain to a courtroom what happened to you and prove that you need an abortion. Especially in a conservative area, you would get so much judgement. Even if you were the “perfect victim”, it probably wouldn’t do much to help you. Also do you just need to prove rape or say who did it? Because if you needed to accuse someone- and I’d think a lot of juries would want that to make it more concrete- then false accusations would skyrocket, right? Because some women would probably lie to get an abortion? Which I don’t think anyone should lie about rape, but I sympathize with why someone would be pushed to that, if they weren’t raped but want an abortion. Or do you just get a doctors note?? Somehow?? Maybe you don’t need to prove anything to a court, but you simply need someone to say it happened? But the only remotely assurance way for that to happen would be immediately taking a rape kit, and that material evidence can’t be taken after a day or two- so, if you don’t go to the doctor or police right away, then you can’t even do that. You would need to go to a court anyway because there’s likely be no physical evidence on you other than the pregnancy, which you wouldn’t even know about except for a while. Unless there’s something I’m missing here? I’m not an expert on rape (fortunately) but I can’t imagine any working scenario for rape and incest exceptions that aren’t barbaric and traumatizing. And this is mostly in the context of how I know pro lifers talk, and of how law works in my country (the USA) so it might be different elsewhere. But again really I can’t imagine anywhere this would work.
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