#I can’t decide which fits her better tbh
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mouwriter · 3 months ago
How I think arcane characters sleep
feat. Jayce, Viktor, Caitlyn, Vi, Jinx
Wears either shorts or long pants to bed (depending on the weather) but never a shirt. The girlies stay OUT
He switches between laying on his stomach and laying on his back; but doesn’t move that much otherwise throughout the night
Probably snores tbh
Definitely has super comfy slippers that he keeps beside his bed at all times
(Sometimes he wears these instead of shoes when he just doesn’t wanna fw shoes, esp if his plans for the day are just in the lab)
He’s better abt remembering to go to his actual bed to sleep than Viktor is
Scrooge ass nightgown wearer
Doesn’t get much sleep in an actual bed, he oftentimes stays up way too late and just falls asleep at his desk w his uniform still on
BUT. When he actually does go to bed he wears this massive nightgown that has never fit him, but fits him less and less throughout the years
Sleeps on his back, but moves quite a bit bc of pain :(
Either that or he goes into a coma (both from illness and lack of prior sleep
Looks dead no matter what though 😭 got his arms crossed on his chest and everything
People (Jayce) get scared when they find him asleep, they gotta watch him for a minute to make sure his chest is moving
Wears a ruffly full length shirt + pants set
It’s soft as hell TRUST
Side sleeper for sure, switches sides throughout the night
When she can’t sleep she lays facing the window and just stares until she falls asleep
Looks peaceful when she sleeps :)
Gets NASTY bed head though
Light sleeper, doesn’t take much to wake her up; and when she does she’s UP. Like, no “hhgh.. hm??” its just straight “I’m up, what do you need”
She just strips to her underwear when she sleeps, prefers to let the girlies out though
If it’s cold she just wears a jacket, she doesn’t like wearing clothing to bed
Stomach sleeper all the way; also crosses her arms under the pillow
Heavy sleeper, but she still moves a lot?? Like she’ll violently swing her arm or leg and then not move or react to anything for hours
Doesn’t sleep for long though, just out of habit
Snores very softly sometimes, when she’s sick she snores like a monster truck
Only really sleeps post-crashout (more like passes out)
Which. you know. isn’t exactly rare
She’ll just collapse wherever she is, not bothering to change out of whatever she’s wearing, slightly tossing and turning, oftentimes mumbling in her sleep, not waking up for several hours
When she gets slightly more mentally stable (if that can be said), she sleeps when she has time
Sleep schedule? No ❤️ she’ll stay up all night then at 3pm the next day decide she can spare 4 hours for a “nap”
Don’t do this at home kids
Update: made a part 2 for my Thoughts™️
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multiwreckedmess · 11 months ago
February Filth Fest Day 28
Prompt: Mommy Pairing: Neighbor!Wooyoung x older!reader WC: 4k Summary: To Wooyoung, you were everything. You didn’t even know he existed. Older and audacity turned to maximum, he’s determined to make you never forget.
This is a work of fiction, it does not represent Wooyoung or any Ateez member. On top of this it is an 18+ work. For my comfort and boundaries please if you are under age do not interact with this. By clicking the “Read More” you agree that you are of age to interact with my works.
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TW//CW: TBH THIS IS MOSTLY PROLOGUE. Reader called ‘mommy’ and doesn’t like it at first, wooyoung is desperate, age gap undefined (it’s not suggested that it’s HUGE but it’s there). oral (fem receiving). CLIFFHANGER END
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 “You remember Wooyoung right? Youngie?” Your mom tugs you over to a young man, black hair half back in a ponytail, orange shirt just slightly too unbuttoned, kicking back a beer.  “Aw mom! I can see in her eyes she doesn’t!” Wooyoung’s eyes crinkle as he extends his hand to you.  Your eyebrows raise. Mom? Grabbing his hand you shake it tentatively. Strong muscular fingers grip back, fitting your hand fully in his warm palm.  Your mother doesn’t let the silence linger long, mercifully. “Our Wooyoungie has been taking such good care of us while you’ve been off making your own little homestead on the coast!”  “Now you’re speaking far too highly of me. You feed me just as good as well. It’s an exchange of labor for services.” He gloats, swatting lightly at the air in front of himself as if the words praising him still hung there.  “You eat so well it's always a joy to share, besides, it helps me get through the leftovers.” She lightly ribs you, trying to get you to join into the conversation.
 To be honest, you felt guilty. The only child setting out into the world by moving as far away as you could while staying within the continental United States. You’d intended to see your parents more but the realities of limited vacation time and cost of travel hit quickly. The pandemic years certainly hadn’t helped. If anything they prevented you from establishing a normal visiting schedule and left you floundering to fit them in between projects and personal days. You’d finally been able to decide on the yearly block party, held every summer, to make your grand return. Calling up old friends and arranging it this way ensured you’d see most if not all the folks on your obligations list.  However, seeing your mom smiling so fondly at this kid, almost more proud of him than she seemed of you, made your stomach turn. The beast of jealousy churning a pot inside of you. You barely track the rest of their pleasantries, simply watching their borderline flirtatious body language as you nurse your beer.
 “I’ll leave you two to catch up! I swear Wooyoungie has told me so many cute stories of you, I can’t believe you don’t remember him.” Elbowing your arm gently your mom hisses, “play nice, he’s a gem!” Wooyoung tilts his chin up and out, craning to receive a kiss on the cheek from her as you stare.  “So, you and my parents are close,” your lips curl, tiptoeing slowly into the shallow end of the conversation.  “Oh yeah! Well, I started shoveling their walk in the winters and salting the sidewalk which they seemed to really appreciate. So, Mom invited me to dinner after one particularly bad snowfall and I’ve been keeping them company when I can ever since.”  “Mhm,” you hum shortly, suspicious of him. “Well you haven’t murdered them yet.”  Wooyoung cackles, “do I really look like a killer?”  “Isn’t that what all the witnesses in crime series say? That the murderer didn’t seem like the kind of person to do it.”  His eyes flit down from your head to your toes. Wooyoung had always been a cute kid. Charming, sweet, a little spicy, but his good nature charmed the neighborhood. Or at least the adults of the neighborhood. He always got along better with adults. The kids of the neighborhood were less enchanted. They called him a suck up, kiss ass, brat, annoying, and worse all in the name of envy. Envy for how the adults loved him and took care of him. So many neighborhood nights out ended in tears for him, maybe it was good you didn’t recall those days. He shook his head with a smile. “Still I’m a little upset you don’t remember me.”
 “Hey, some of the ‘big kids’ are heading up to the local bar!” A girl named Gina tugs at your sleeve. The street lights flickering on and only the young and unaccompanied left at the party it was a natural progression of the night. A quick four block walk from your home you shrugged, it wasn’t like you held any particular affection for anyone in particular but it also wasn’t an arduous trek. Besides, this is what you came home for, right? Socialize with the ones who knew you before you knew yourself.
 That's how you ended up drinking a gin and tonic at the back of the bar, letting the wash of noise and alcohol blur your nerves. You’d selected gin and tonic out of habit more than anything, the tap list overwhelming and no cocktail menu to be found. A safe bet, difficult to fuck up too badly.  Laughing congenially along to the stories retold by friends, you feel lost in the crowd. Stories that went like “oh remember when Ricky did this” or “Cassy has a funny story about when Hunter lost his tooth” which you didn't remember, why would you? Not to say you shared no memories, just that most of them were the aftermath rather than the incident. Always too buried in your books to notice the hijinx happening. Now burying your nose in your glass you nod along to save face. Yes, you were there but somehow also not.
 “So you remember all of this but not me?” Wooyoung slides along your side. Some form of brownish liquor in his hand.  “No, it’s called being politely interested.”  “Ahhh,” he grins and sips his drink. “I’ll note that, the politely bit. I’m already interested so I think I’m good there...”  You roll your eyes, “interested in my mom.”  “Your mother is a beautiful lady. And smart. And kind. Why shouldn’t I be interested?” He knows he’s being cheeky but part of it is payback for your memory lapse.  “Don’t you love your mommy?”  The word mommy hits you like a truck. Rolling up your spine and crashing through your skull with the force of a brick to the back of the head. “Wooyoung? Oh my god. Wooyoung.” You mutter, shocked, dismayed. It’s him. It’s definitely him alright. Wooyoung grins like a jackal in front of you, gnawing on the small plastic swizzler straw in his drink. “I know you.”  “Do you?”
 Thirteen. That’s how old you were when you went to your last neighborhood block party. It was the last summer you spent preoccupied with fictional boys instead of real ones. There was already a change in the air, all the neighborhood kids seemed just so much younger than despite the difference being only a couple of years. Watching them rough house and play from afar you’d been set out with ‘eldest’ duties so that the parents could absolve themselves of direct supervisory responsibilities. Which was fine to you, you’d be tipped generously at the end of the night by the parents without needing to do too much.  Suddenly two small arms encircled your legs, an equally small face buried in your pant leg, absolutely wailing for mommy. Tapping on the black mop of hair, red eyes and a runny nose looked back up at you and upon seeing your face cried harder. Prying your legs from his arms you lean down to meet his eye level, “can we go find her? Your mom?”  He sniffs and nods, lower lip quivering. “Jung Wooyoung,” his small voice tremors.  Taking his small fist in your hand, you lead him farther into the party. It doesn’t take long to find her, gathered in a small circle of moms, laughing jovially. Her smile fades as she sees you toting her son, face red and puffy.  “Should he be in trouble or someone else be in trouble?” She’s very brief in her assessment, half exasperated half sympathetic.  “I’m sorry I’m not sure Mrs. Jung. He just ran up to me like this asking for you.”  Squatting next to her son you notice, she has the exact same wash of jeans as you. “Jung Wooyoung, can you tell me what happened?”  The boy glances up at you, eyes wide, sitting on the pavement with a hard plop.  “Jung. Woo. Young. Your mom is asking a question.”  He notices you notice him staring and he hides his eyes.  “I’m so sorry miss, I can take care of him from here. He really likes pretty girls but gets so shy around them. You can go!” Mrs. Jung looks apologetically at you, scooping Wooyoung up onto her hip.  Smiling you look him in the eye and wave, watching as he smiles back shyly and buries his face.
 “You were such a cute kid!” You coo.  “Is that really all you remember about me? Cute little kid? Damn.” This was not exactly the reaction he was looking for. Wooyoung wanted the gasp and the dramatic reveal, of course, but being called cute was not the highest adjective on his list. And only one fleeting memory of his mother calling you a pretty girl.  His mother was incorrect though, you weren’t just a pretty girl to him, you were an angel. He was immediately obsessed, watching you silently with flutters in his stomach listening as the adults talked about your achievements. Not only kind and beautiful but smart and self sufficient and bold and fierce. He remembered one of your summers back from college, reading on the front lawn in a bikini, waiting for the sun to slowly turn you a pleasant golden shade. Only briefly passing by on his bike the image seared itself into his mind, fueling his late nights as he flipped through your instagram.  “I really thought the world of you,” he muses.  “And what about now?” You ask with a laugh and a grimace. Wooyoung looks you up and down. “I could ask the same to you, you said I was a cute kid. What about now?”  “Oh come on, you have to know this is a touchy subject for me…you can’t just say that you thought the world of a person in the past tense like that. What, I must be some washed up hag, desperate in her neighborhood bar.”  Wooyoung hums, smirking, “well now i don’t agree with the hag part but I like the desperate, desperate i can work with.” He gently takes your drink and swills the dregs. “Another of the same?”  “I want whatever you got. Order me that.”  His eyebrows shoot up, “oh come on. You’re the older one, you should treat me.” He smiles sweetly and bats his lashes. “I’ll come with you so you know what to order next time.”  You roll your eyes. He’s really too cute for his own good. Your heart sinks a little. He’s really too cute to be hanging around you like he is. But you take his glass with yours and slide them across the wood top bar.  “Two whiskeys, on the rocks!” Wooyoung flashes his winning smile, “on her tab please.” He finishes with a head tilt in your direction and a wink. “You’re such a baby.”  “Only for you mommy.” He bunts the top of his head into your arm as you blanch at the sudden endearment.
 You hate it on instinct. You’re not his mommy, yes you’re older but you're not his mommy. You’re not anyone’s mommy. You don’t want to mother anyone for any reason. You wanted that care and attention. Still, you don’t correct him and let him continue to press his side to yours. The pressure of contact from another person is nice, even momentarily.
 “So,” Wooyoung sips gingerly at his drink, “tell me what you think of me now. I can’t settle for being a formerly cute baby. I won’t.” He pouts, lilting his head.  With a heavy sigh you look him up and down, simple fitted black t-shirt, tight black pants, and moto-boots. “If I were closer to your age-”  “EH!” He shushes you abruptly, finger to your lips. “It’s not about you. Tell me about me.”  “Fine. You want to hear you’re attractive? You’re attractive,” you give him an exasperated glance. The heat of the alcohol warms the sides of your face, making you feel giggly. The whiskey goes down shockingly easily, loosening your inhibitions. “What about me? I’m the one in distress.”  Wooyoung steadies you, bringing awareness to your swaying, letting you lean back against the wall slowly with the support of his hand. “I think you’re the first woman I ever worshipped and now I want to make good on that.”  “Wooyoung, are you coming onto me?” You as incredulously, eyebrows almost launching themselves from your face with the speed they raise at.  “I’d very much like to if you’d let me.”  “You’d like to what exactly?”  “Cum on you. Or in you. Whichever you’ll let me.”  His forwardness leaves you gagging on unspoken words. You think for a second you ought to slap him as you see red around his smug smile. “Wooyoung do you hear yourself?”  Wooyoung slides his hand up, leaning into you on his elbow. He smells like earth and spice and alcohol. “I think you’d like it too. Not to brag but, I think I’m better than spending the rest of the night in your old twin bed with your decade old back massager.”  Stunned by his too all too accurate prediction of your plans your brain barely processes the way you lean into his light kiss on the cheek. Your face feels warm, he is warm. And soft, so soft. His brashness has you melting a little bit, there is no halfway here. No room for interpretation. He wants you, and it makes your stomach flutter and legs turn to jelly.  “So, wanna get out of here?” Wooyoung says with a small smirk, eyes downcast sheepishly. “If we get to my place and you wanna back out I’ll happily sleep on the couch with the cat. I just don’t want either of us to be alone tonight.”  Tender heartstrings plucked expertly by a master songsmith, you sigh. Foolish. Stupid. Irresponsible. What would your parents think when you didn’t come home? Your head shakes as you type out a short text to your mother, a sentence excuse about staying the night with Gina. Or was it Gia? The keyboard swims under your thumb. The rest of you melts and lets the younger man wrap his arm around your waist to guide you safely to a cab. Again you marvel at how warm he is, how his fingers splay casually in the divot of your waist. Cheeks burning you duck your head out of the bar, as though it would be shameful to be seen with him.
 Wooyoung kisses with the desperation of a starved man, drinking in as much of you as he possibly can before coming up for air. The electric lock on the door has barely even finished latching when his arms snake around your waist, lips attaching to the nape of your neck.  “You smell so good,” his face is smashed into your shoulder, the both of you stumble and struggle to remove shoes as he further tangles himself in you. The second you're free of them he’s turning you, pressing your back into the wall as his leg slots easily between your thighs. Winding your hips together you teeter on your tip toe as he kisses you, teeth tugging at your bottom lip lightly.  “Ooh mommy, I’m going to make you remember me-” he moans into your open mouth.  A burst of air comes through your nose as you suppress part of an awkward laugh, “Mommy?”  “Yeah, your baby’s gonna take good care of you.” His mouth stretches into a grin against your cheek, nose bumping against you until your head falls to the side, granting access to your throat. “Right mommy? I’m taking good care of you right?”  Teeth nibbling a searing trail to your shoulder, you can’t help but moan. You don’t hate it. Your mind hates it but your body loves it. His insistent desperation for approval from you is almost as intoxicating as the drinks you’d shared. “This mommy shit is weird Wooyoungie.”  Wooyoung sucks a bruising spot into your collarbone, skin immediately flushing, meant to leave a mark. Shivering you moan again, letting your head fall to your opposite shoulder, grinding your hips against him. “That’s not a nice thing to say mommy,” his grip on your ass tightens. His hands pull you down to him, pressure in your gut building.  “Fuck! Oh baby-” the phrase slides from your lips before you can pause and overthink what this might say about you.  “Yeah, is your baby making you feel good?” He tenderly kisses over the growing bruise. “Wanna be mommy now?”  “Fuck-Wooyoungie-you’re fucking incorrigible,” you groan. Between the alcohol and the pounding in your gut, you really don’t mind it. Silencing the small critic and setting that voice in time out, you slide to his bedroom, stripping bear besides your undergarments.
 “Damn mommy, you’re a walking wet dream,” Wooyoung looks at you from under his bangs, making a home for himself at your feet, waiting for the word to dive in. Eyes traveling up your legs to the crevice between them, he can barely wait longer. He’s been waiting since puberty. The hunger to prove himself to make you his, growing all the more as your life proceeded without him.  His gaze heats you from your core, anticipatory buzz gripping your gut. “Yeah baby?” You practically whisper, throat taut.  Slowly but surely his hands travel the tops of your legs, large and warm on your skin. Everything is burning and tingling and on a knife's edge as they stop at your hips, resting his full weight on you. His face comes barely a foot from yours. “Can you tell me how much you want this?” He smiles, Cheshire-like.  “I’m fucking aching baby,” you plead maybe just a bit too desperately. “Can you help mommy out?”  You can barely finish the sentence before his plush lips are on yours with a bruising amount of force. Eagerly his hands slide between your thighs, tracing the edges of your panties. “Mommy,” he gasps into your open mouth, “are you already this wet?” He teases a thumb over the growing damp spot.  Nodding, your legs slide easily for him. “Yeah baby, all for you.”  Pressing against your clit more earnestly he rubs in small circles. Your head goes back into the pillows immediately, pressure deliciously building in your core. The skin of his shoulders is cool as he nudges your thighs even wider, his lips replacing his hands. A shock of electricity runs up your spine as you realize he’s pulling your hips down against his face, bridge of his nose nudging you through your panties.  “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this,” Wooyoung mutters barely loud enough for you to make out. Fingers slipping between your panties and your skin he can barely breathe as he tugs the fabric over your hips. Caught between a fixated stare and a shyly glancing away he pulls down even more, practically cumming in his own underwear as your cunt is finally revealed. “Fuck you’re beautiful.”  “That’s not even the pretty part of me,” you feel the heat of embarrassment creep up the side of your neck.  Wooyoung looks up at you from between your knees, frowning incredulously. “Every part of my mommy is pretty, especially her cute little cunt.” He says before unceremoniously burying his face in your folds. Licking and slurping like a starved man, you don’t even register the auditory assault, squealing so loudly yourself your head rushes.  “Wooyoung! Oh shit! Oh FUCK!” You scream and fist the sheets, fighting your urge to snap your legs around his head. The pleasure twists in your gut as his tongue flicks against your swollen clit, a finger teasing your hole.  “Grab my hair-” Wooyoung gasps, “pull my hair. I’m not fragile.”  It doesn’t take any more convincing as you tug at his black locks. His lips buzz with moans of approval as you ride his face. His finger crooks inside of you, just enough to press against the top of your walls, right into the squishy spot that blurs your vision and has you seeing stars.  “I’m gonna cum, oh fuck baby, I’m gonna-”  His face presses more insistently against you, practically drowning himself in your sex. If he was going to die young he’d want to die like this, nestled in your heat. “Do it.”  Coating his chin in release your eyes flutter closed. Clamping down around the slight resistance his finger gives. He’s right. Much better than your vibrator. You release him from your grasp as he comes up for air, both of your eyes are hazy with lust as you look at each other.
 “Can I suck your tits?”  Wooyoung’s blunt tone does nothing to disturb your post orgasmic cloud.  “C’mere baby boy,” you say as you slide your bra straps off your shoulders, unclasping the band without a second thought.  Wooyoungs eyes bulge as you so easily and carelessly reveal your breasts, half reclined back in his bed, like he’d imagined all those years ago. It’s nothing to you but everything to him. You see them every day and he’d only seen them in his fantasies. He swipes lazily at the arousal still clinging to his lips and chin, transfixed by your tits. Almost reverently he reaches for them both, fingers fanning out over the pair and squishing into them. “Oh mommy,” he says, leaning down to kiss the top of one, “they’re perfect.”  “Wooyoungie-” you’re nearly dying of embarrassment, heat flashing through your body as he interrupts you.  “They’re just like I imagined.”  “Shut up and suck before I regret this,” you laugh, masking your tension beneath brusque humor. Wooyoung doesn’t seem to mind. In fact his eyes practically sparkle as you demand he follow through on his request. Lips encircling your nipple he kisses tenderly at first, hand resting on the opposite breast to make sure it was also attended to.  Soft skin in his palm and on his lips, Wooyoung hips move autonomously, rutting against whatever warmth his cock can find. His tongue flicks over your hardened nipple, fingers pinching the other lightly and listening for your moans of approval. Again, he flicks harder, pinches harder, and feels you respond louder and harder as he’d hoped. He keeps escalating until it feels like his heart is going to burst from excitement, leaning into you as he nips at your flesh.  Yelping you swat at him playfully, “don’t be a brat!”  “Sorry mommy, i just love you so much,” he smiles and nips again.  Truthfully the pain feels good, stinging only for a moment before the buzz of endorphins rushes through your spine. “S’okay baby,” you purr and coax him between your thighs, tugging at his underwear. “You’ve made a real mess of these.”  “All for you,” he’s breathless as he tosses the ruined pair casually across the room. Leaning close to you again, he kisses you as he rummages under the pillows. You can feel him smile against your mouth as he finds his prize.  Pulling away he brandishes a gold foil packet proudly. “A boyscout is always prepared.”  “Goddamn, is this just a normal thing for you?” Your heart drops just a little bit disappointed that you might not be special to him. He’s just so smooth, every action carefully planned.  “No,” he tears the foil packet with his teeth before leaning in to kiss your cheek. “I heard you were going to be in town and I wasn’t going to lose you again.”  “You sound obsessed,” you giggle, hands tracing the veins of his lower abdomen as you watch him roll the latex over his length.  “Yeah and I’m going to make you just as obsessed about me.”
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Sorry, i just don’t know that i wanted to write more of this. I just do NAWT know how to write a mommy kink, it’s not something i’m particularly into which usually doesn’t really stop me when writing but IDK. I liked the beginning but then the mommy stuff felt shoehorned in.
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years ago
Inspired by this picture basically. In my mind, this is flyboy!Jake, because he is easy and my comfort character - but you can imagine him / read him as any Jake tbh. Credits to @lostinthefandoms11 for indulging my ideas that the slew of pictures from Glen’s sister’s ig has spawned.
You are seated at one of the two chairs in front of the teacher’s table, nodding lightly, lips moving as you both exchange the necessary pleasantries while waiting for Jake to start the session. He had texted you just a minute ago - In the parking lot, see you soon - so you had both decided to wait, rather than begin, after all, you were both her last parent-teacher conference for the day.
Both your heads, you and Ms McKenzie’s, snap towards the door as it creaks open. Jake pokes his head in first, eyes darting around the room, only settling when they find you. You see the sparkle in his greens, the crinkle in the skin beside his eyes before a smile slips onto his lips.
“Sorry I’m late,” he says, voice kept more neutral, further away from his usual drawl because of the setting.
“No worries Mr Seresin,” Ms McKenzie’s voice floats into the air, just that bit breathier and a pitch higher than she had it when speaking to you. You hear the slightest hitch in her breathe as Jake flashes her a polite smile, the rest of his body stepping into the classroom. You really can’t blame her - he looks delightful, hair damp, bits of it casually sticking out from having run a towel over and his fingers through quickly, dark casual button up with just that one button too much open, paired with a set of form fitting dark jeans.
Jake makes his way towards you both, but he doesn’t sit immediately. He reaches for you first to place a hand on the backing of your chair, fingers gently brushing your back as he leans down to kiss you hello. It is a quick kiss on your lips, but something that manages to feel way too intimate with just one other person seated across the table, her gaze directly on you both. Your smile grows the moment your lips meet his. Jake sits, keeping his hand anchored on the back of your chair, and you slide your hand to come to a loose rest on his jean clad thigh. There is a scraping sound against the floor as Jake drags yours chair just that few inches closer towards him. The classroom and teacher in front of him weren’t going to stop Jake Seresin from being him.
His movement is so natural, but Ms McKenzie’s gaze moves along with your chair. Her gaze dips to the hand which you hand which you have on Jake’s thigh and you see the flutter of a frown cross her features. You aren’t the only one who sees it, judging by the shift of Jake’s leg which deliberately drops your hand further down his inner thigh. You find yourself stifling a chuckle as you feel the pads of Jake’s fingers massage your back gently.
“So, you were saying Ms McKenzie?” Jake cuts the silence and her frown, his interjection making the teacher clear her throat hurriedly as she busies herself with picking up the sheets of paper she has in front of her.
“Ye-yes, as I was saying…”
“So,” you wait until you hear the click of the classroom door close behind the both of you before you continue, “Mr Seresin,” you say while batting your eyes at Jake.
It makes him grin, with a slightly raised brow before he takes a step froward in a singular, smooth motion, his body pivoting to press you against the wall of the empty hallway. Your back lands against the cool wall, Jake’s hands slipping onto your waist, and your hands going instinctively up his chest.
“I see my wife has decided to amuse herself by mocking me,” Jake states, his lips skimming across your cheekbone, kissing their way behind your ear, and against the column of your neck.
It makes you chuckle as you tilt your head ever so slightly to allow Jake’s lips better access - married, children under both your belts, and you both are still unable to keep your hands off each other.
Jake brings his head up from pressing a kiss to your neck and you let your lips meet him in hello, properly greeting him for the first time today. He had left too early for base in the morning for you to have caught him.
“One of my most enjoyable hobbies,” you say, between the first kiss and the second which Jake goes in for without hesitation. “You know she wants you to coach the soccer team because she’ll get to spend more time with you, don’t you?”
You tease as Jake presses his body more firmly into yours, his hand skimming from your waist and up your side before it comes to cup the side of your face, his fingers slotting themselves through your hair behind your ear, massaging gently as you lean into his touch; you let your hand drops to his front.
“And I said no because I much rather spend that time with my wife.”
“Is that so,” you hum in response, your hands pressing against his abdomen. After years and children later, Jake still boasted an impressive physique, less lean than he had been years ago, and slightly thicker, but no less attractive.
“Affirmative M’am,” Jake cocks to his head to a side a lazy grin on his features.
“And if your little gremlin was any less of a monster on the soccer field than she is now?” You ask, picking up the nickname you both had for your youngest daughter. Jake was competitive, and you knew part of the reason he said no to coaching, the first being Ms McKenzie’s obvious attraction, was that there really was no need - not with the absolutely fiend your youngest was on the field. All your children had gotten Jake’s athletic ability, but your youngest - well, there was a reason even her grandma had nicknamed her your little terror.
“Well, she gets that from her mother,” Jake says in jest, leaning in to kiss your forehead before moving his lips down to yours again. If anything, she got it from him. This kiss is soft, gentle, drawn out, and he pulls away leaving you wanting more.
“Dinner?” He asks, as he steps away and extends his hand towards you, the knowledge that your children were at home, under the watchful eye of the babysitter. You take it, fingers tangling with Jake’s. Jake loved his children, but without a doubt, his first priority had always been, and was still, you.
“Lead the way Mr Seresin.”
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Vikings and their eras
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Summary: what era would vikigns be in if they weren't in their own
Notes: I did a lot of text for this one, bc I loved thinking about this!! There are some pretty popular characters missing (Ragnar, Sigurd, Athelstan) where I just couldn’t imagine a certain era for them. Thank you so much for your request :)))))) Some of these eras aren’t wonderful or filled with positivity but that doesn’t mean these characters wouldn’t thrive.
tagged: @majesticwren @obsessiveformiyatwins @leithdragon @demon-of-the-ancient-world @alicedopey, @ivarlover @levithestripper @batmandallyboy @akayxo09 @vrtualfairy (hmu to be added!)
based on this request | masterlist | requests are OPEN!
Lagertha would thrive well in times of crises and war (lmao). The black death, WW1 or 2, or long periods of war/famine/sickness is where Lagertha does well. Think about her what you will, but she brings people together, manages them, and takes care of them. She’s a natural leader, and a fighter, so she’s able to protect her community.
We’ve seen examples of this in the series, think during the sickness in Kattegat, or when she takes over and completely builds up Hedeby. People tend to trust her, and especially women look up to/feel safe around her. When disaster strikes, she would be able to save/take care of them.
I had to think about this for a really long time because I think that Aslaug fits so well into the era the show is set in, however, I finally decided on the 1920s. Even as a feminine woman in Viking Scandinavia, she had a lot of authority over herself and knew how to grow a business (Kattegat) when Hirst wasn’t feeling sexist.
In the 1920s, she’d live in a big city, maybe Berlin or New York, and she’d own some sort of speakeasy. I’d love to think that her speakeasy would be a place for the very few pagans of the city to meet up in secret, and she herself would still be a norse pagan, völva, etc. Also, she’d dip her toes into wild jewellery design (think Schiaparelli). Definitely someone who attracts artists and would be considered a muse.
Middle Medieval Ages for sure. He thrives being a knight because he’s a manipulative little hoe that I can’t stand. Gets to do his performative heroism during tourneys and woo women only to leave them all alone.
Rollo is not a good person, esp. towards women. He constantly gets into trouble with the church and with fathers whose daughters he ‘dishonors’. Definitely needs a wife like Gisla to slap some sense into him. I think that eventually (mid forties) he’d start to mature. Also, having children would help him become a better person (I think they should have put that into a show).
Bjorn thrives well in the late 2000s to early 2010s, when travel blogs were on the rise. He’s one of the early influencers, and travels the world together with Halfdan. This only works bc cancel culture isn’t real yet. Bjorn would say some stupid shit and get hounded for it let’s be real. Nonetheless, there is always some rumour about him and Halfdan being a thing (they would be if they both didn’t constantly say ‘that’s gay’).
Alternatively, Bjorn might make a good colonizer (can I say that?), but it’s not like he isn’t that already.
Ubbe would thrive during the late medieval ages (defo not the Renaissance though). He’s the type of man who would enjoy the idea of the charming knight. I think Ubbe would definitely enjoy the idea of quests/saving damsels in distress/having the arranged-marriage-turned-lovestory (he’s a booktok girly tbh).
This doesn’t mean that all of this is totally pure. Ubbe gets some shit twisted in canon as well (ESPECIALLY concerning Margrethe). Maybe his first war was something crusade-like, and he went into it thinking of heroic acts and blabla and then got fucked up by battle and gore. Also has a religion and Madonna/whore complex problem.
In the show, Hvitserk was always seeking sense/purpose while also struggling with balance, which is why I think he would thrive in the 1970s. This is THE era for protests and social change. Climate change, feminism and sexuality all became important topics. Going to protests would be able to give him a sense of change, and I think it would be liberating for him as well, to be able to free himself of his restraints by changing something.
I’ll go into communes a little more for Helga, but I think Hvitserk would thrive in an early commune a lot. He needs to have people around him taking care of his mental health, and this would be great for his mental health. Yes, therapy helps a lot of people, but I think if Hvitserk lived in our time, he would think that talk therapy is stupid, and completely close himself off to it. This guy just needs a lot of love, okay?
Also, he needs to smoke some 70s weed every once in a while.
Just like Hvitserk, Ivar would thrive during the 1970s. However, this is for completely different reasons and also means that no one else gets to thrive. I chose the 1970s because it’s THE serial killer decade.
That honestly sounds terrible but we all know it’s true.
Ivar would be bitter about being discriminated/not being able to fully take part in society/not getting any women and that would turn him homicidal. He definitely overcomplicated his killings and does shitty bloodeagles to get some cool name but all he gets is like “the Viking killer” or something and he’s so mad about that he reveals himself on his deathbed to change his title. It doesn’t work.
Floki just wants to be where Helga is, but he would not thrive in the 2020s. I think he’d get in arguments with Helga about vaccinations. However, I want Floki to be in the 2010s/2020s with Helga. He definitely has some kind of hallucination-related mental illness at the least. I think that especially the season where he acted out against Helga (season 4?) shows that his mental health was making him harmful towards others and probably towards himself.
I can’t diagnose Floki, but I think we can all see that he might have some kind of bipolar disorder/mania disorder on top of a schizophrenia. He needs some kind of meds, and he needs someone to help him taking them.
This is very specific, but Helga would do AMAZING during the early era of Covid (like March 2020). Yes, she’s a very social person, but I do believe that Helga would be part of a quite isolated commune if she lived during modern times, and even during that time be isolated with Floki.
I would like to think that the commune could be self-sufficient and Helga just gets to go ham making banana bread and care packages. She thrives in this time where she doesn’t really have to go to work (even though she loves being a kindergartener too) and gets to take care of the people in her commune, and even further than that from the comfort of her own home.
This woman thrives where no one else does, and that is toxic 2020s twitter. All she does is tweet, get cancelled, tweet, get popular, repeat. She’s so so annoying and bullies a bunch of people who don’t deserve to be bullied. Is most definitely blocked by trump, hailey Bieber and the Kardashians at least.
Makes a living by selling feetpics.
Ecbert thrives in the 1980s. Now. Hear me out. Ecbert in neon Zumba clothes. There, that’s my reason.
I’m just kidding, there’s more. I’m not old enough to fully understand most of the decades I’m talking about in here but the 1980s, it seems, were this extremely colorful and wild decade. Literally everywhere, color just kind of seemed to explode, and I think Ecbert would thrive in this kind of chaotic atmosphere.
(are there people in their forties or older on this post that can verify?)
I’m really sad that we didn’t go into Aelswith more in the show, but I firmly believe that Aelswith would make an amazing Sufragette. Thinking back to her time on the show, she was always very firm in standing her ground, more so than Judith or even Lagertha in some ways (especially in the sense that she was SO YOUNG). She directed and strengthened Alfred, and I think during season 6, she used a beartrap to defend her baby?
Anyway, I imagine her as a rich/aristocratic lady in London who definitely steers the household while Alfred brings the money in (he likes art) and she decides that, if she puts in the work in the house, she should be able to decide over the country that house is in as well.
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devilheartsblog · 8 months ago
Synthwave (Gantlos x Musa) Massive Info Dump
Before I start shoutout to that one Russian who makes edited pics of these two.
Don’t mind me yapping about these two because I think they’d make a good pairing IF you write them well enough. I can easily see Gantlos being used as a moral scapegoat to make Riven look better in comparison, despite Riven saying his gf changed when that’s literally her special interest and she’s the FAIRY OF MUSIC!
Anyway the ship mostly started as a joke when I found out about Fairies of the Black Circle and brainstormed some interactions for a Season 4 rewrite but the more I thought about it the more I think their dynamic works and my friend @calissarowan agrees with me (and in return they lade me ship Dumantlos)
Enemies to Lovers is actually fire
This is my biggest argument for the ship and that Enemies to Lovers is honestly a dynamic I’ve grown fond of after seeing it being done right in some stories.
The biggest one I can point out is Ace Attorney tho it’s more Rivals to Lovers. Long story short Miles Edgeworth is Phoenix Wright’s rival as the prosecutor in the first game. He ends up being a suspect for the last murder and Phoenix, as the defense, decides to take his case and defend him. Throughout the story we learn about their character and how Edgeworth is the reason why Phoenix became a lawyer, and Edgeworth ultimately redeems himself by bringing down the true culprit of the overarching story built up during each episode/chapter.
Gantlos and Musa are obviously enemies fighting to get Roxy and later on the White Circle. While they don’t have many interactions, you can use your imagination; Musa taunting him while he brushes it off to attack her and maybe banters back in a similar fashion to Anagan, and even shits on Riven for being a bad boyfriend. Now if we tweak Season 4 to make the wizards more useful we get the Winx and wizards banding together to stop the Earth Fairies from getting rid of humanity, and as the story goes Gantlos opens up to Musa and they grow closer, eventually fighting tooth and nail to have eachother’s backs. I know this is fanfiction territory but I don’t like how the threat of genociding humans was brushed off while the wizards’ treason and sending Nabu into a coma was treated like blasphemy (which I mostly blame the writers for killing him off tbh)
Basically the enemies to lovers dynamic opens for a lot of character growth and thus better dynamics for them. Not to mention it being very interesting overall when done right.
But Harper, why would they even like each other?
While I can’t give a direct reason my answer lies within the other characters. It’s well known Riven and Musa are very shitty to each other, with how Musa sets up too many expectations on Riven who’s new to dating, and Riven’s jealousy and insulting his gf’s special talent. The others also push them to be together when we all know where this is going… Anyway, Musa has said before she needs someone to support her but it’s obvious she likes bad boys. Well, if you think about it Gantlos fits her type perfectly. Again he’s stoic and a jerk at times but if you’re someone he’s close to he’ll show you he cares. I mean, his concern over Duman is why people shipped them so I can see him comforting Musa when she’s sad or scarred. And here’s a bonus, the reason she gets back with Riven every time is because he’s brave and strong and able to protect her. Guess who stopped the metro to protect his friend despite it possibly costume both their lives: GANTLOS! She’d be head over heels for him if he was a good guy!
For Gantlos you’ll have to bear with me here. I’ve noticed in the show he’s not respected on the same level as the other wizards: Ogron acknowledging his ideas ONLY after he’s proven wrong, Anagan saying he may have lost his mind and Duman insisting he’s wrong in Episode 16 (god I need to make a rant post about this someday). And since Musa can listen to the song in his heart and empathize with him she’d maybe treat him better and with the respect he wants. Maybe they get closer and he starts to have romantic feelings towards her and wants to stay by her side to protect Musa.
The Dynamic:
I should walk you guys through the dynamic we cooked up tho. Gantlos is obviously the jaded and stoic guy to contrast with Musa’s more “romantic” and snarky vibe. Even if Gantlos is evil he’s shown to have a soft side mainly for the people he cares for. Musa would tease him about having a soft side which he would deny until he caves in. I doubt Gantlos would be a pro at talking about his feelings, stumbling on his words and downplaying it, which doesn’t work on Musa since she can read the song in his heart (remember how that was established in one of the movies?) And with both of them being aloof or giving off that vibe even if they prefer to be alone they can be alone together, like two introverts getting hyped about each other.
Of course I can’t ignore the fact they would also argue and fight, Gantlos calling out Musa’s bad traits while Musa insists he’s not being good and he’s still a villain. It’d be rocky and they’d both be stubborn, but I think Gantlos calling Musa out would open her eyes to the fact she’s also to blame, while Gantlos gets talked by Ogron or Anagan that he was being too harsh on a lady. They talk it out in a healthy manner and no drama is dragged out for about 15 episodes.
Dates/Hobbies ideas (a lot of headcanon territory here)
In terms of dates I think it’d range from fun, to chill, to spicy. I can see them just hanging out by themselves listening to music together in a park or Musa’s room. With their more aloof nature they would probably do things like stargazing when it’s peaceful and nobody’s around, opening up about issues they have while the other comforts them.
I headcannon each wizard knows how to play an instrument and Gantlos does the electric guitar which is why he can summon seismic waves and has similar powers to Musa (sound waves, seismic waves, ya know). So he can jam out on a guitar while Musa sings to the melody or sing a song to her. Yes I also think he can sing, but the other characters assume the opposite because of his constant yelling, so him and Musa could duet (and they seal it with a kiss cause dhskdjsj it’s perfect that way)
Restaurants would be nice. I doubt Gantlos eats much, same for the other wizards, so he’d scarf down anything and wait for Musa to finish afterwards.
They could brush each other’s hair, maybe Gantlos braids Musa’s hair if she wants. Musa could also give him a massage whenever cause he needs it.
And lastly I don’t really talk about steamy stuff but I’m 90% sure they’re both freaky switches.
Marriage? Child?
Sorry but I can’t see them married, but that’s because I’m not big on marriages. But either way Gantlos is definitely moving from the sewers to her house and maybe has to work on his criminal record to get her dad’s blessing. I can imagine them having a mesh between a rock concert and the typical wedding stuff for theirs.
I’m also not a fan of fanchilds cause I can easily see the characters being reduced to “mom and dad” but maybe that’s a me problem. I’d imagine they have a daughter who’s very punk/rebel and she’d be a guitarist whose weapon is the same guitar she uses for her rock album.
The End
So far that’s all I have to say about this ship. Maybe I’ll talk about how Riven could factor into this or the tragedy of it all if it follows the cannon ending of Gantlos being stuck in a frozen hellscape after betraying Musa, her friends and the Earth fairies. But otherwise let me know that you think in the Reblogs and I’d appreciate anyone sharing this post because I feel like Synthwave would be a fire crackship.
Otherwise I’ll see you guys next Wednesday, buh-bye!
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snirtsnirkarts · 9 months ago
Alright, to unpack my concepts for The Six Pillars. Just rambling tbh since I didn’t have too much on them, but I did have some ideas.
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So these were so,e of my concept designs on The Six Pillars and what other creatures they would be. Starswirl the Bearded isn’t here because I mean. I’m not changing him much or at least I didn’t plan to. I didn’t make it far enough to really decide, I just know he’s still a unicorn.
Flash Magus would be the first creature they find out to not be a Pony, although they can’t yet find his magical idiom. Finding out all their stories and where they came from would be the first step, they have to find out along the way that they’s also hunting after their idioms to protect them and other against the threats that are appearing along the way.
I think Mage Meadowbrook would have been next, but I’m still on the fence about her being a Zebra, as I thought about making her a Kirin, since I don’t have representation for that party. But I’d designed the Zerba version first, and it wrapped in better to allow Rarity to speak of her legend, or at least the childhood story of it. So I’m still on the fence about it and I’m willing to sway either way.
I think Mistmane may have been next. Now this one I had a few ideas for. As Dragons and Ponies will specifically have a past with one another. An alliance that was broken years back, but is really the only break they have record of. As Ponies and species don’t really like one another, but it isn’t offend that species will make sure to cut all ties, Dragons being one of those species, another being Yakyaks, and the last being Hippogriffs(although it wasn’t actually anything against ponies, just other dangers pledged them and forced them to the seas.)
As it would turn out in dragon lands, they’d completely forgotten or lost their ability to hatch dragon eggs, which was why they previously had an alliance with Ponies, as unicorns, namely Starswirl the Bearded, knew how to hatch the eggs. All dragons were alive when Starswirl was, and knew of Mistmane. But only until she disappeared, not long after the alliance was broken. Since then, no new hatchlings have come about. So Spike, would be a rather important being, making Twilight important if she’d been able to hatch a dragon egg all on her own. This was due to her studies of Starswirl the Bearded. And he did try to train others or take on an apprentice, but ponies found dragons terrifying creatures, and rather them fade into history. The Main Six would of course fix this problem, and Twilight would vow to hatch dragon eggs once more if they could make amends with Celestia and have a royal decree over it.
The order of actually fully learning the other three Pillar’s legends, Mage Meadowbrook, Somnombula, and Rockhoof hadn’t been decided. I was planning to rework the map of Equestria to better fit their travels, and I had thought about turning it into dnd formatting to help with storylines in between. But once more, I lost the motivation for this plan and storyline. Maybe I’ll pick it up another time, but for now. Enjoy my concepts!
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apotelesmaa · 1 year ago
HELLO .WAIT. do you have more thoughts on wxs soul eater au i never considered combining the two even thiugh i am off the walls crazy about the,m
Oh I have. So many thoughts. You asking abt it even made me get up off my ass and draw again. Putting everything under the cut to avoid having a mile long post.
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When I first had the idea I really struggled on who was a weapon/meister but after deciding on wanting to pair ruikasa/emunene up I was like tsukasa and emu need to be the meisters bc 1) it fits with them being the founding duo of wxs 2) I really wanted nene to be a gun 3) fitting tsukasa’s goals into the SE universe worked better if he was a meister. I elected to make rui a whip first and then I realized I could fit a bloodborne reference in there and reference becoming potatoes with the cane. I’m not entirely satisfied w the first pass at designs for the universe (not super close to the SE aesthetic, I cannot draw guns, I’m not very good at character design, etc) but i kind of tried to pull inspiration from:
- tsukasa and emu’s happy Phoenix costumes (split colors on tsukasa’s coat, tsukasa’s boots, the corset/bell sleeves/little cape thingie for emu)
- for tsukasa specifically: piano (b&w colors and stupid long coat tails), his second wxs costume
- emu: bc I drew her last and it was getting late I did less searching and more winging it but I did try to combine the style of her wxs costumes (shoes, dress, striped socks) & general darker Lolita (for lack of a better word) fashion.
- nene: her gaming event card (weird energy ball device thing? Which I would imagine functions similar to dtk’s shooting soul wave lengths thru the thompsons)
- rui: his ugly ass coat (fond) he wears as his first wxs costume. Also becoming potatoes cane handle thing. Him being a trick weapon (bloodborne term, essentially a weapon that can switch between two forms) also kind of lines up w him being a tech genius.
Ok done talking abt the designs onto the in universe stuff
- not basing any au story off the soul eater plot bc it didn’t work out very well (too many pjsk characters) (going with the main story wxs plot w a soul eater spin. Kinda. Gonna have to think abt that a bit.) but if I did mafuyu > crona, miku & the kagamines > dtk and the thompsons. Would that make cfm lord death. Emu would fill a similar role to maka with mafuyu in that situation but in general (besides the surface level similarities btwn tsukasa and black star) nene is too different from soul, emu is way too different from maka, and rui is literally NOTHING like tsubaki so I can’t justify just swapping out emunene/tsukasa with soul&maka/black star&tsubaki. No equivalent to that fucking cat in this universe. & the pjsk characters get to wear clothes when they’re in the weird place weapons’s bodies go when they’re transformed.
- idk maybe the regular soul eater plot is happening/will happen/has happened but this is the Japan branch (oceania branch in canon?).
- vocaloids are professors (not the kagamines. Forever babies.) but if there needs to be a lord death equivalent making that miku would be so funny. Also the normal vocaloid personalities and not the WXS ones for conveniences sake. Uhhh first thoughts for M/W would be meister miku, weapon meiko, meister kaito, luka can go either way tbh, kagamines are both weapons but are each other’s meister.
- similar to how rui did shows on his own for a really long time I think he was his own meister for a while (like Justin Law was). He doesn’t have many souls bc dwma in this universe at least pretends to give a fuck abt student safety so they don’t want to send him out alone on anything dangerous (despite his talent) and he can’t resonate soul wave lengths with most ppl bc they don’t get him. He ended up giving up on finding a meister when he was younger bc of this & just worked really hard on his own. He experiences a similar isolation from his peers that dtk did (ppl find him intimidating/envy at his skill/etc).
- equivalent of him transferring in to kamikou (? Spelling) second year is the kamishiros spending ~10 years in America. He’s still childhood friends w nene he just moved away after they drifted apart and then came back. Mizuki probably did something similar just 2 keep the mizuki & rui connection still there.
- tsukasa’s SE universe goal is to be the best meister - he wants to protect & help people (inspired by saki. I’ll get to that) but the equivalent of tsukasa forgetting he wanted to make ppl smile & believing he just wanted fame would be tsukasa believing he wants to be the best meister for fame/power.
- saki’s chronic illness is a result of black blood due to an incident w a kishin egg monster when she was younger. I think she would be a weapon but along with the canon typical chronic illness symptoms (not erasing those) she struggles for a long time w controlling her ability to change in and out of weapon form. Tsukasa & her *could* have been a m/w pair & have compatible soul wave lengths but 1) he’s overprotective and I think he realized he would not be able to fight without being too scared of getting her hurt 2) saki’s illness means she can’t really enroll in the dwma (yet. She gets there eventually.)
- nene was in the not classes before the plot picks up bc she didn’t think she had what it took to be a weapon. In universe equivalent to her forgetting her lines would maybe be freezing when she was supposed to transform during an important test when she was younger? Not baby age like in canon (bc I know the DWMA likes child soldiers but 7ish is a bit much even for them) but old enough to be taking classes & old enough to be put into not classes as a result. Im not reading SE NOT! to understand how those classes work though so thank god she gets out of those classes
- nene *is* a really powerful weapon she just lacks the confidence and struggles to resonate with people (& unlike rui she can’t wield herself)
- on that note emu can resonate with just about anyone but she hasn’t found anyone that felt right yet, and Tsukasa needs someone who can keep up w the intensity of his soul wave length and hasn’t found anyone who can do that yet.
- ^ similar to tsukasa being a piano prodigy or whatever in canon tsukasa *is* a really good meister, he just needs a really good weapon. Bc his peers would need more training to get to that level
- I toyed with making emu dtk adjacent (daughter of death) (bc PXL -> DWMA) but that would be too complicated with her brothers/dad/grandpa so I disregarded it. Maybe I’ll come back to it. I think it would make more sense for emu to come from a long line of really talented meisters so she grew up training for the job and running around the dwma.
- emu approaches tsukasa and is like we should work together!!! We’ll do better on missions and be able to take down harder kishin & maybe witches!! & he’s like sure why not every star needs a sidekick (obnoxious laugh) even though emu could kick his ass without breaking a sweat (in line with canon). & like the angel she is emu is like (ignores his pre main story dickheadedness) wonderhoy!! (Deathhoy?) okie dokie we need to find weapon partners then!! (bodily drags him to class)
- tsukasa sees rui training on his own and is like wow he’s really talented! Fitting for a future star like me! & approaches him to ask if they can pair up. Rui is like on the condition that you can find my friend a partner in your class (wants nene out of the not classes bc he thinks she’s far beyond that skill level). Emu jumps on the idea and is introduced to nene who is placed in the higher level courses to accommodate this partnership. Idc if that can’t happen in SE canon I think the Otoris have a lot of sway and any potential issues w nene being less powerful (not the case but it’s the assumption made abt not students) can be made up by emu’s skill.
- emu is instantly very taken with nene and they resonate well. I know what u are dot jpg. Rui & tsukasa can resonate but struggle to unlock their full potential (similar to soul and maka struggling with using the witch hunter form) bc tsukasa needs to realize what his real motivations are.
- tsukasa assumes nene has a low skill level at first (similar to his issues w nenerobo. God I wish I could think of a way to fit nenerobo in this au. sorry nenerobo) but is proven wrong when emu wields her.
- equivalent to the climax of the wxs main story in this is nene freezing again during an important mission and the group losing an important target -> tsukasa gets mad and yells at her -> rui fights w tsukasa over this and tells him that he’ll never be a good meister if he cares more about fame and power than people.
- tsukasa chats w the death scythe kaito & realizes the Error Of His Ways -> emu is considering dropping out bc she feels that she fucked up all of their futures as weapons/meisters by putting this into motion but tsukasa has the heart to heart with emu and they agree to continue being a team -> emu and nene partner back up -> they approach rui who has gone back to working solo and he refuses to partner back up w tsukasa
- idk what a good equivalent to the lonely alchemist show would be. Tsukasa and rui need to resonate & work together to help emunene because they’re in peril or something? & rui through the resonance realizes that tsukasa is genuine? Some sort of hand wavey plot device is used to resolve everything.
- I think that emu & rui and nene & tsukasa are also able to resonate and they do occasionally switch it up just for funsies. Emu and rui bc they just get along very well and nene & tsukasa argue with each other but can still function as a team.
- I don’t think that rui & nene can resonate because. Put down the pitchforks please. *Because* similar to their dynamic in pjsk despite their bond and their care for each other there’s a lot of baggage that needs to be worked through. Too many things left unsaid. Etc. they could probably achieve resonance later on but there’s not really a need to given that they’re both weapons and both have meisters.
- Rui thinks it’s a great training exercise to fight tsukasa “how do you expect to get better if you don’t try fighting against a weapon without a weapon… I’m just trying to help you… (fake crying)” “I’m already good at fighting without a weapon!! This is never going to be relevant knowledge anyways!!! You just want to fight me because you think it’s fun!!!!!!” “(switching manipulation tactics) Someone who wants to be a star would want to be prepared for any situation no matter how small the chance is of it happening” “hm…that’s true… ok let’s do it!!”
- cut to them in the nurses office. This is a weekly occurrence.
- emu also thinks it’s good practice to use tsukasa as moving target practice but this is less dangerous and more just continuing tsukasa’s never ending torment (he is a willing participant in said torment mind you)
- like in canon emu pulls nene out of her shell and hypes her up constantly which is huge in getting nene to have more confidence in herself and her abilities. It’s also incredibly helpful to have a meister who will never judge her for freezing and will always meet her halfway.
- also like in canon nene is very helpful with reeling emu in. She’s a very helpful voice of reason/impulse control but one that understands that even if emu’s ideas are unconventional they still have merit (even if they need to be refined a little)
- similar to the soul eater main cast having the self preservation skills of very small stupid suicidal animals hell bent on getting themselves injured or killed (Liz excluded), emu and Tsukasa are very prone to charging in to a situation w/out thinking. Tsukasa is more reasonable but unfortunately his weapon parter is not and rui usually cajoles tsukasa into doing stupid shit. Nene is suffering.
- maybe someday I’ll design rui & nene if I ever go back and refine these designs but I’m really lazy.
- not really sure how I would go around incorporating the wxs arcs into the soul eater universe with regards to PXL selling out and stuff. Making peace with the witches maybe? Something will probably come to me eventually.
- unlike atsushi ohkubo I’m not a terminally horny freak so there’s zero weird shit in this au.
- initial thoughts on the other units: minori(w)/haruka(weapon that chooses to be a meister) + airi(m)/shizuku(w), kohane(m)/an(w) + toya(weapon who was trained as a meister before deciding to be a weapon)/akito(m), mafuyu(m)/kanade(weapon… don’t make her exercise) + mizuki(w)/ena(m), leoneed swaps pairs frequently but shiho & izuka are meisters + saki and honami are weapons. Open to debate for most of these I haven’t given them much thought.
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darkmatilda · 3 months ago
Finally finished the bolter, so here are my comments (yes, I'm always going to do this as a numbered list now it's the only way to categorise my thoughts)
1. I love the bolter (the song) very, very much, and I think the way you tied the lyrics into the plot was really clever. Your description of the feeling she gets when leaving was perfect, and I loved how you tied in the story with the ice
2. Glasses spencer is in my top 3 reid eras (controversially, it ranks higher than boyband reid), and he's just perfect for this fic it makes so much sense
3. I'm an early season criminal minds girl and having elle and Gideon in a fic makes me very happy. I love elle so much she was perfect
4. I'm beginning to think you just like ending fics in a way that leaves people desperate for a part 2? If your planning a part 2 please do and here are my tiny little requests:
○"Splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless, Excellent fun 'til you get to know her" are possibly some of the best taylor swift lines ever and they're from the bolter which is something to take into consideration...
○if you're looking to make a sad part two where they decide to be friends again and he has to watch her go be with other people from a distance 'not strong enough' and 'waiting room' are songs that could be taken into consideration (or phoebe bridgers whole discography)
In summary I loved it, make more song inspired fics and glasses spencer is elite
finally replying to this message bc i had to think through how to answer MAINLY BC YOU GAVE ME SUCH A GENIUS IDEA
i’ll start making annotations to your comments so i don’t miss any of those precious thoughts of yours ❣️
1. while writing this i’ve listened to "the bolter" so many times that if someone woke me up in the middle of the night and told me to sing it, i’d do it effortlessly. I JUST LOVE TAYLOR'S SONGWRITING IN TTPD (i’m a huge fan of taylor’s painful and sad songs bc our mother just knows how to capture those feelings so perfectly, i bow down to loml, the black dog, the prophecy, how did it end...maybe i should write something inspired by those...)
2. glasses spencer and post-prison are my fav tbh 😵‍💫 not a big fan of the boyband era, don’t hate me now pls
3. first season forever in my heart, though i remember wanting to skip ahead bc the later ones seemed more interesting and the fandom was only talking about them...seasons 1&2 don’t get enough credit!
4. i generally have a problem with endings bc I HATE SWEET AND SUGARY ONES, there needs to be at least a hint of pain for the fanfic to stay in your heart longer :> i also love interpreting open endings. even though with the light off was supposed to have an open ending, i caved and wrote (to soothe my and your broken hearts), but this time i don’t plan on doing that, i mean continuing the story from the same point where i ended it (in hotch’s office).
the continuation will be after a time skip where it’s explained that spencer and reader agreed it’d be better to stay friends like they were before AND THIS IS WHERE MY PROBLEM COMES IN
bc i had an idea for the continuation and even started writing (which i’ll explain soon without spoilers ofc) BUT THEN YOU CAME ALONG WITH MUCH BETTER IDEAS
spencer watching her meet others in the same way she met him and realizing he’s not special to her...though ofc it’s not true but he doesn’t know that....god not strong enough would fit SO WELL there
but i don’t really want to end the story on a sad note...i don’t want to end it at all actually bc i had more of an idea for a fanfic series with the same reader that would be connected but in a way where you wouldn’t need to read the previous ones in order
i started writing a fanfic called "alaska nights" where the story takes place some time later (up to a few months, maybe a year) and bau goes to alaska to solve a case and then something starts pulling them together again, eventually they can’t resist and agree that as long as they’re in alaska, they can sleep together, but after that, their relationship will go back to where it was, and bc of that agreement they decide they have to make the most of this pact and visit each other every night 🤗 keeping it a secret from the rest of the team to avoid awkward questions (but queen elle figures it out anyway)
and not to toot my own horn but i really like this idea, but on the other hand, your idea moved me just as much, so here’s my proposal: at the start of december, "alaska nights" will drop (a very light and funny story to let the readers breathe from all the angst...) and then something from spencer’s perspective??? set directly after, showing his pain over their relationship resetting AGAIN, probabably inspired by "not strong enough" but i’m super open to suggestions, i personally love phoebe bridgers too <33
i know i’m repeating myself girl but your engagement seriously moves me, like when i post something, i wait impatiently for a notification from you 😭
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t-the-ring-master · 6 months ago
Spoilers ahead!
A quiet place day one review!
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Late movie review for “quiet place day one”
finished it a few hours ago but C and I were playing a lot of stuff 🤣.
Plot: 6/10. Pretty much the same as the rest of the movies. But I did like the areas and how cool looking everything was.
Characters: 7/10. Love Eric. Sam was annoying in the beginning tbh but I liked her more as the story continued. I did tear up at the end when her and Erik split ways. The nurse deserved better but I knew he was gonna die lol. Monster went Yoink!
Scares: 5/10. I’m more of a shove it in my face, kind of person. I prefer scary games over movies to be fair. But I did think the monster in the rail road scene was pretty cool. When the nurse got snatched, my friend… we’ll call her Void. And I started punching air 🤣. Her poor dogs were so confused.
Ending: 8/10. Shockingly liked the ending. I thought the touch with the note was very on character for Sam, and it even made me tear up. I hope we eventually return to see what happens to Eric or find out more. Maybe he’s mentioned in the other movies (which I have not watched. I know for a fact I’ll hate the pregnant lady in the first movie because who the hell purposely gets pregnant during the apocalypse when you have to be silent? Girl deserved to die if she did.)
Over all: 8/10. Would watch again with my friends family. Void’s mom definitely found Void and my suffering funny lol. Their dogs also liked the snuggling. Also our friend’s mom had some buyers over for some frog tanks, and I’m pretty sure they heard the 3 of us discussing who would die first.
We decided.
C: would last maybe 2 days before sneezing and dying.
Void: a week as long as she isn’t in an explosion or something that would cause her to sneeze, he knack for walking silently would come in clutch.
Me: probably 3 days max before I ran out of my medication and I started having coughing fits from choking on my own spit.
Void’s mom(mama Void): 2 days max. Her and I would probably die together.
Void’s brother(Void Egg): dead immediately. Bro can’t be quiet to save his life and him and I would start talking hot wheels before getting snatched.
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smalltowncryptidfucker · 7 months ago
This pinned post is long overdue at this point, but hey, better late than never, right?
🍄HELLO IT IS I!!! THE SMALL TOWN CRYPTID… guy… sometimes I regret my url choice LMAO🍄
Just a brief explanation of this blog:
This is my main!! I have… three side blogs… and counting… 💀💀 Two of which I hardly use, but they’re still there LMAO. Here they are in case you want to take a look:
💖 @smalltownotomeenjoyer - This is my blog where I shamelessly post about otome games. I post there more frequently than this blog tbh… what does that even say about me?
💗 @smalltownhostclub - This is the one I started for OHSHC, but decided to include Black Butler, mostly because I felt like it.
❤️ @ultimatesmalltownnerd - This is the newest one. I post about Danganronpa here, because I’m cringe trash- but I’m free.
Okay, self-intro time:
🍄‍🟫Pronouns: She/he/they. Gender?? I HARDLY KNOW HER!! (No but seriously, gender is a rule I intend to not follow by any means. It’s totally chill if anyone else has a gender they like, but I don’t, so… I’m just going by the beat of my drum lmao.)
🍄‍🟫The most bisexual individual you might ever meet. This applies to every gender identity, and no I don’t care that Bi technically means two. You can fight me on that.
🍄‍🟫I’m over twenty. No, I don’t trust the internet enough to give an exact age.
🍄‍🟫You can either call me by my url, any combo of my url, or Flynn. Flynn is a name I’m trying out rn, so that might change.
FANDOM TIME!! (These will be the fandoms I post about here, specifically. There are a lot, and I can’t guarantee I will consistently post about any of them.):
✨Gravity Falls
✨Fullmetal Alchemist
✨Stardew Valley
✨Avatar the Last Airbender
✨How to Train Your Dragon
(Might add more as needed.)
Things you should know:
🪴Originally, this was going to be a T+ blog, but I’m gonna up the rating to M. Not because I intend to post NSFW stuff, but because I want to be safe rather than sorry. Enter this blog with that in mind.
🪴I block people- a lot. It’s not personal, but some people post content I don’t like. I only report bots, so if you’re a bot, you’re getting the block/report double whammy.
🪴I believe cringe culture is stupid, and am trying really hard to embody that as much as possible. I’m gonna post about whatever fandoms I want, and that’s final. You guys should try it, it’s so fun.
🪴If you want to block me, go for it! I mean that positively, if my content isn’t your cup of tea, I don’t mind. I realize my stuff isn’t for everyone. I’m mostly here for my own entertainment, and if people like what I post along the way, all the better!
🪴I use a lot of different, typically gendered terms of endearment (ex: man, gurl/girl, dude, girlfriend, etc), and I use them on everybody, regardless of whether they actually fit the gender the terms are meant to convey. HOWEVER!!! If you don’t feel comfortable with me using specific terms, jokingly or otherwise, let me know!!! I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable, even if my intentions are good. I might slip up occasionally, but I’ll do my best.
🪴I’d love to hear from you guys!! If you wanna DM me, send in an ask or whatever, I’m totally chill with that! Keep in mind though, that 1) once again, I am in my early twenties, so keep that in mind if you wish to interact with me. I will do my due diligence to keep things appropriate on my end, so long as you do so yourself. And 2) I have… bad social anxiety, and poor time management, so if I don’t respond to a DM or ask right away, I promise I’m not trying to be rude, I’m just struggling to be a functional human being right now, lmao.
That should be it. If any edits to this post happen, they will be listed below. ENJOY MY CHAOS!!!
(Posted 7/30/24)
(Edit 8/2/24: added a fifth thing to the “things you should know” section.)
(Edit 8/10/24: added a sixth thing to the “things you should know” section.)
(Edit 2/1/25: changes to the fandoms section.)
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theredpharaoah · 10 months ago
Final Trailer Thoughts:
Rhaenyra picking up the sword? I moved! Her learning arms after being the declared heir for 20 years would make sense. I can’t say I’d be mad if they threw that in there.🌚
Daemon not accepting her as his queen and ruler? What? Daemon stood 10 toes down behind Rhaenyra. Don’t piss me off. What could possibly cause this? I wonder if Rhaenyra is mad about B & C? He did that on his own and she might have taken issue with it.
Daemon and Rhaenys going to KL? That didn’t happen. And I saw that clip at the end; it ain’t look like KL so it must’ve been Rooks Rest. I guess she could’ve gone to KL with Daemon and then there? Maybe they don’t kill her there? Are they going completely AU? Listen…I wouldn’t be too mad. I mean the television side of things is ruined cuz Dany died.
Baela is on somebody’s ass! It look like her and Moondancer hunting Christon. I could’ve sworn Baela stayed on DS until THAT event. I’m glad they letting her fight - it fits more with her character - but they better not kill her off.
Rhaena looks to be on DS, not in The Vale. If they are tryna keep the character pool small, then they could give her Silverwing. Silverwing survives after the war, and she’d be old as hell so we’d have an explanation for her death. We don’t have that for Morning. But SW is also one of the biggest dragons and she’d have to be in a lot of battles.
Aemond: “Alicent holds love for our enemy. That makes her a fool.” First of all, calling your mother by her name is weird. Alicent’s bond with her sons is textbook misogyny. Aegon was one thing, but we never saw Alicent have to discipline Aemond or Helaena. Alicent went to bat for Aemond and tried to cut out Lucerys’ eye. She gave a lot for them. And yet, it seems as though they’ve decided that since they’re grown and their father is dead, she now falls under their care. She’s not someone to be respected or taken seriously. And this is what Alicent didn’t understand; you helping men get power wouldn’t get you any special privileges, because that’s what women in your position have always been used to do. You needed to teach them that women are just as powerful as men; that they can have ambitions and should be listened to. But you couldn’t do that because if you did, they wouldn’t have ascribed to the idea that their claim was more legit than Rhaenyra’s. Which tbh, none of them do. Also, Armond your mother holding more love for your sister - who hasn’t done anything to you ever - than you is weird. You want to be a psychopath so bad, but I remember how you felt for Lucerys at Laena’s funeral. And we know you didn’t mean to kill Lucerys. Though playing around on Vhagar’s old and irritable self like that was dumb as hell.
Alicent and Rhaenyra both don’t want to start an all out war. I think Alicent realizes that the men around her hold no shred of love for the other side of the family. And that’s mostly her fault. I think she just assumed they’d love them because they’re all family. And she also realizes that Rhaenyra really isn’t like her. She’s not giving up on her throne to keep the peace. Rhaenyra is perfectly justified in wanting her throne for herself but she also sees it as her duty. She’s not letting up. And I think they both knew Viserys the best and spent the most time around him: they know how much he loved family and how much he’d hate this. But Alicent started this war and everything she’s saying sounds naïve at best and moronic at worst. I understand Rhaenyra doesn’t want to burn everything to the ground or kill family, but ending the war as quickly as possible is the best option. It’s happening so you have to accept it and move accordingly. Don’t make the same mistake Dany did in S7 and 8.
Who is this new blond girl? Is that Helaena and Aegon or Aegon and that new girl? Rhaenys!😭 Is that Vermithor at the end? What is Rhaenyra doing there? There’s a scene where Rhaenyra looks like Dany did after Missandei’s death. And it cuts to Aegon looking the same in the next scene. There’s only one person who should be dying other than Lucerys. Unless she’s crying over B & C.
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ultimateaclrecovery · 11 months ago
So making decisions is hard and I can’t decide what dress I want to wear to my friends wedding this weekend.
My new dress I got at goodwill for seven dollars and is great, BUT it’s a much better fit for my other friends wedding in august with how short and summery it is and it just matches her vibe better tbh. And is maybe too short for semi formal/cocktail at a classic wedding venue vs the summer wedding in the mountains.
The Christmas dress I wore this Christmas to my work partyand I already have pictures in it, and it might be too wintery. But it is all different people.
My former wedding dress feels springy and honestly would match the vibe of this friends wedding perfectly and I don’t have any recent pictures of it BUT I wore at last summer at a wedding with almost all the same people I’m going to be seeing this weekend.
So I’m torn.
In order: new dress, Christmas dress, former wedding dress
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autistic-sidestep · 2 years ago
questions about suranga ! why did they pick their name / do you think it fits them ? what is their gender & sexuality ? what are their (romantic) relationships like ? what is their motivation, either in general and/or to pursue villainy ?
alright let's go!
The name ‘Suranga’ when i originally looked it up while trying to name him meant something like divine? It apparently also means orange, which is funny cos of his arrogance and daring stats lol, though he was more of a bluestep when i first made him, so yeah, oddly fitting. As for why he picked his name, I think I decided it was a name someone he almost came to see as a parental figure in his pre-vigilante days would’ve given their kid, if they’d been able to have one. In some ways, that was his way of honoring them and it was the first thing that could be his (if also something residual from farm training and people-pleasing to need someone else to pick).
he could’ve gone for something more common but then again, it wasn’t a name he was intending to share with anyone else until ortega, otherwise, he was always giving fake names. whether suranga actually believes he still deserves his name, though, honestly varies with his self-loathing levels. this guy has so many complexes lmao.
Genderwise, it’s kinda a mess? At first seeing ricardo on the news gave him some gender revelations, starting to id as a binary trans guy and staying stealth with the rangers (and it was def comforting to know there was a fellow trans man on the team, even if he and sentinel were never close) but it didn’t fully feel right? Then post second escape and through puppeting yasmin he gradually realizes oh, the whole girl thing isn’t so bad when it’s on his terms (or close enough), yoink, my gender now. As yasmin he’s a lot more confident, so he basically trials things he’d never be able to do as himself through her and post-debut, he gets a little bit bolder with his own body.
i’m ultimately imagining whatever mess in books 3 or 4 happens if ace gets their body back like this:
suranga: sorry abt the whole bodystealing thing thanks for the gender tho
ace: ???
Obv with the whole maintaining two different identities thing (without even factoring in argos post-debut), the Autism™, and never really having a stable sense of self thanks to cuckoo training (plus SO MUCH TRAUMA), it’s hard to actually pinpoint what his gender is, at best i’d say something like uh, genderqueer/genderfluid?
Sexuality is similarly a very big mess. He’s definitely aspec/some kind of aroflux, and his ongoing secret crush on ricardo is a jumble of ortega being his first real friend (and not letting anyone else close enough to have other points of reference), and being a simultaneously touch averse AND touch starved mf, and also the gender confusion triggered by ric before even meeting him (‘do i want to be him or be friends with him??’) so suranga’s whole ability to determine if it’s romantic/sexual attraction or platonic feelings is very very fucked. With ortega specifically they used to be very close (he thought the world of him tbh), but with ricardo hovering since their reunion he’s trying to keep him at arms length, because he’s very aware how well ortega can read him. He can’t help but go back to ortega in spite of his efforts to stay away, partly because he wants ortega to stop and/or help him but doesn’t know how to ask, or if he can.
He’s honestly very clueless on the chen attraction thing. There’s the baggage from having known eachother back before, but also post-heartbreak he can better relate to chen (which includes a mutual hatred of stairs!) because of the chronic pain/fatigue problems he’s had to deal with, and spoon is also a big factor - he does prefer cats, and his own cat Fred in particular that stayed with elena after HB,, but getting to hang out with spoon is pretty good too.
As yasmin, he becomes very fond of mortum, but he’s not sure he’d call it romantic attraction, though they might’ve flirted a bit at the start. Suranga really enjoys the doctor’s company and respects her a lot, in part cos it’s so fun to nerd out over tech stuff, and there’s none of the baggage that comes with ortega. he’d rather not compromise that friendship by stringing her along, so I think he makes it clear at the gala on the feelings? i’m still working out his canon route, but for sure he tells mortum the truth in retri. 
Also his flirting as yasmin bleeds over into his argos persona when he fights with argent. he def likes playing with fire lol. Romantic relationships are a big ????
However, in general relationship terms, he’s pretty familial with rosie and his crew, in part cos the dynamic reminds him a lot of the rangers in his sidestep days, and old habits are hard to shake. 
Motivation tends to vary, but the underlying principles are that he’s very very tired and bitter and just wants to feel like he’s in some control of his life again/not powerless - the argos suit is in part a mobility aid, because it lets him do what he could as sidestep, and more. argos gives him a lot of freedom and at times euphoria, but also huge guilt, just as he does with yasmin. he's following the path of least resistance (fate motive), even if that’s driving himself (further) into a self-destructive spiral. at least it’s by his hand instead of someone else’s?
Basically he’s swinging between these two modes: 
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He also does a lot of joking to deflect from when he accidentally lets slip he’s not doing well  (which is. all the time) which is probably best summarized by an excerpt from the Hoots scene:
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Faulty logic aside, there’s a lot of anger at himself, especially his past self for his naivety and getting careless (as much as he tries to bury it, he’s still a hero at heart), but also at the Farm, but it’s not like he can really touch them. I have a soft spot for the outsider scar cos that’s the first one i ever got, and the whole disconnect from the rest of the world feels very very fitting, and coupling that with the suicidal scar (so suicidal from rebirth → outsider into retri), though I have tried him out with puppetmaster too, and maybe some parts from the hunger scar can work too?
idk if he'll actually remain driven enough to stick to being argos, but it sure is fun watching him be a trainwreck about it
this has been a (semi-coherent) ramble about suranga thanks for indulging me <3
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libra-stellium · 2 years ago
Have you seen Ms. Harris Goes to Paris??? Spoilers to follow!!
This is long FYI 🙂
I just watched this movie and I’m drinking wine and couldn’t help but see all the things clicking when it came to astro and numerology!! I don’t think they did it on purpose so it’s really cool to see how it came together anyway. Enjoy 🙂💕
Okay so basically the movie is about this older woman who cleans rich people’s houses and it’s two people in particular and one of them is a young heiress and the character is basically like a spoiled brat with her parents money idk and the other one is an older woman who’s really rich and she gets a dress from Christian Dior and Mrs Harris (MH) sees the dress and she’s like I HAVE to get a Christian Dior dress so she does everything she can to get this dress and goes gambling and she loses her money 😭😭😭😭 and so she essentially gives up and is like well I guess it’s never gonna happen. Bc she not only needs money for the dress she needs money for the plane ticket! Then!!! A man from the military comes and tells her that they underpaid her dead husband or something and she gets enough for the dress and the plane ticket but only for one day!! She has to go, land, get the dress, get back on the plane and come back
First is that the story doesn’t give her an actual age lol google just said she’s “approaching 60” and of course! I was getting second saturn return vibes!!! Bc it happens around 58-60 and the reason why she failed at getting money herself is bc she tried get rich quick schemes and saturn doesn’t fuck with that 🤷🏾‍♀️
So saturn return is about growth you know so atp I’m like what is the growth about to be?? I’m thinking thing like following her dreams bc she’s like I gotta get this dress!
She gets to Paris and tbh everything is working out bc she’s immediately an inspiration bc they’re like WOW a cleaning lady came all this way to get Dior and they’re all supportive. BUT!! The rich people are not as supportive! Of course they have to fuck her over to do the power play. This man invites her as his guest to the Dior fashion show and she has to choose which dress she wants to buy and it’s in Paris in French so the guy who invited her translates for her the number of the dresses she likes
There’s two she likes number 73 and number 89 but 89 is the one she really loves!! This bitch who’s rich hears her and decides to quickly buy 89 so MH can’t get it and MH settles for 73
She finds out she has to stay a week bc she has to get fitted bc the dresses get made customized and blah blah blah not important to my analysis lol she tries the dress and gets the dress and she goes back home and she’s so happy and literally the same day she arrives who knocks at her door??? Young heiress brat! Do you see where this is going????? Brat ruined her dress to this party and wanted MH to help her but MH couldn’t and the girl starts crying and what does MH do??? LETS HER BORROW THE DIOR DRESS and that’s where I started getting mad like stop being a people pleaser!!! And you know what happens ?? That heiress bitch gets the dress caught on fire and it’s ruined before MH even gets to wear it!! And it made front page news! Everyone knew it was her dress smh
Astro steps back in bc in that moment?? She literally gets depressed when she finds out about the dress and when she comes out of it she realizes that she can’t keep going like this. She goes and gives the key back to the heiress and quits her job with the rich lady bc she’s done being the people pleaser! GROWTH! And she says “I want to be seen” 😭
Now back to the numbers and how they relate to her saturn return. “Number 73 spiritually reminds you that you are on the right path in life. Your guardian angels show you the way towards living a fulfilling and successful life. You need to maintain a positive and confident demeanor in order to make your dreams a reality. At all times, the divine realm is urging you to become a better version of yourself.”
That is the dress she settled for in Paris when she wanted number 89! The dress was her last lesson! Be confident and remain positive to achieve success to become a better version of yourself like that is exactly what she was trying to do! But it crept back up and she didn’t stay true to herself and she gave the dress away 😭😭😭😭 I felt so bad for her! But once she realized she had to put herself first do you know what happened?? She learned her lesson and saturn delivered
You know what number 89 is??? Service to others! “As per 89 symbolism, life is short. To make the best out of your life, you need to be ready to make the necessary sacrifices. Be bold and brave in everything that you do in order to achieve all the great things in your life. Live your life to the fullest because you only live once. Live the best life that you can live because no one will live your life for you. Do not spend your life being miserable but instead always ensure that you are living a happy and fulfilled life.” !!!!!!!!! And that’s exactly what she did she took charge and quit the jobs where she wasn’t appreciated to live her life! She wore her 89 dress to a party and had a grand entrance and she was finally seen! 😭😭 and she danced the night away in her Dior dress 💕
Meanwhile back in Paris that bitch who had bought 89 initially never made the final payment bc her husband was a crook and he got arrested and she lost all her money bc it wasn’t their money 🤷🏾‍♀️ Saturn’s karma!
I think that MH had saturn 2H!! Bc it was dealing with her valuing herself like she already knew who she was and what she meant to people and how she could help them but she didn’t see herself as important to take up space you know?? And they say people get karma related to the house saturn is in for the person they wronged and it would make sense that lady lost all her money after wronging MH bc 2H!! 😤
And I also think that she turned 60 at the end bc that goes back to her “I want to be seen” statement bc she’s finally seen at the end of the movie and 60 is a 1H year!!! She would’ve felt hidden away all 12H year at 59 and just going through a lot of subconscious change to come out new when she turned 60 and completed her saturn return!! 😌
Even with the colors of the dresses! Green and red! Immediately made me think of Libra and Aries and how they’re on the same axis but one is ruled by Venus (green) and the other is ruled by mars (red)
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When you think about growth during saturn return you think of all the obstacles that you face that teach you lessons and these obstacles come from aspects that the other planets are making to saturn it’s not saturn as a lone actor! Saturn is exalted in Libra meaning it’s comfortable there so you’re not going to be getting that same tension that leads you to your growth as you would with mars. Which is what we see when she pics the green dress! Appropriately named VENUS! That’s the one where she falls back into her usual habits (saturn) of people pleasing (Libra)! She settles just like she does with everything else.
However, what she came to Paris for is a drastic change in her life. Something to shake things up for her! And who better to do that for you than Mars??? The planet of action! She was drawn to the red dress! Saturn and mars have a lot of tension and that’s what we see happening with MH bc she not only has to fight against the socialite buying the dress first she also has to fight her own feelings of unworthiness! She wasn’t ready to overcome that on her first day in Paris that’s why it didn’t happen until after she left and saw the Venus dress get ruined and went through her depression! Lack of balance! She was giving too much of herself to people to the point where she gave her DREAM DRESS that she worked so hard for to some girl who burned it!
Further, lol, the name of the red dress is what? TEMPTATION!! That is what brought her to Paris! She saw a Dior dress in that woman’s closet she was cleaning and was so tempted to try it on but didn’t let herself so she just held it up in front of her by the mirror 😭 but temptation is ruled by what?? Pluto and Neptune
Pluto the planet of transformation! In a way that destroys the previous version (turned to ashes like the 73 dress) to make way for the new version! It was necessary bc MH would have never gotten the 89 dress without that girl burning it
Neptune comes in because if I’m correct in saying she turned 60 at the end and entered her 1H year finally being seen she would be in a 12H year before while trying to get the dress and 12H is ruled by Neptune bc that’s the pisces house (not her personal house idk what that is bc she doesn’t have a real bday lol) and she finally allowed herself to give in to her temptations by the end! She got the dress she was tempted by, she quit her job like she was tempted to, she made a grand entrance which she was tempted to do before but never did bc she didn’t feel like it was her place and she allowed herself to give this guy a chance even tho she had been tempted for years she felt guilty bc her husband died in the war or something
She also got rid of the burnt dress by throwing it into the river (Neptune!) and making space bc atp she didn’t know she would get the red dress
This was such a good movie imo 💕
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thompsborn · 1 year ago
ooh ooh!! if it’s not too late: could i get a quick backstory on why the Gang is majoring in what they’re majoring in?
okay so peter has already stated what he intends to major in. it was in chapter four when he was talking to harry:
Harry’s brows quirk up, just slightly. “Oh, really? What are you planning to major in?” The question makes Peter perk up—these prerequisites are soul sucking, but he can’t lie, he’s excited to eventually make it back into a lab again. “Biochemistry, physics, and chemical engineering,” he says. Then, more as an afterthought, feeling that bubble of energy that he used to get when making a new discovery in the labs at the tower, or coming up with ideas with Ned, he adds, “I’ve also considered mechanical engineering and doing a chemical physics degree instead of separate physics and chemical engineering, but the more I looked into it, the more it seemed like a good idea to do the individual programs first, and then maybe come back one day for chemical physics in the future, you know?”
i picked these degrees because 1. when looking into them, they just felt like what mcu peter would be most interested in, but also 2. the main majors that peter tends to have in the comics is biophysics, bioengineering, and photo journalism, and since photography isn't as big a thing for this version of peter, the other two felt more fitting, but i thought regular physics better suited mcu peter. and then chemical engineering, while often connected to like industrial chemical plants, is basically the development of products through chemical processes. which is like. literally peter making his spidey webs lol.
i haven't officially stated any of the other characters majors in the fic yet so just to be safe i'm going to put theirs under the cut and use the spoilers tag for this post in case anyone wants to wait until it's brought up in the series! (warning: harry's answer is Very Long)
harley's was obviously going to be connected to engineering in some way, that's just like. very obvious in my head for any version of harley that's based on canon and not a total au. specifically, though, i see harley more of like mechanical engineering. while i see peter as more about the chemicals (even though he would also be good at mechanical engineering, esp considering in homecoming it's mentioned that he used to be in the robotics club) i see harley as more like a bot builder, a tinkering kind of dude. kinda like tony. mechanic, you know? i pretty much feel like every version of harley i've written would major in mechanical engineering.
though on my alt ao3 babyloveparkner i have a fic with harley majoring in mechanical and aerospace engineering, electrical and computer engineering, and minoring in chemical and biomolecular engineering, so like... i think mechanical engineering fits him best but i could see him double majoring in something else.
for homeward bound harley specifically? as of now, where we're at in the first fic, he's planning to major in just mechanical engineering, but as the series continues he may become open minded to doing a double major or minoring in something as well. i can definitely see hb harley getting attached to electrical and computer engineering. i haven't decided yet for sure if he'll actually add something else but at the very least he'll consider it at some point.
gwen was kind of hard to decide tbh? because like canonically she is also a stem major, in the comics she specifically majors in biochemistry, but like. idk i wanted to keep her stem and an absolute genius but i wanted to try a slightly different approach.
currently in the fic she's technically undecided other than knowing she wants to go into stem, but as the series progresses she's going to find a passion for criminal justice and forensic science. i may also have her double up with something else, maybe she'll still also get a biochemical degree as well, but with her being involved in peter's investigation and her dad being a cop i can just really easily see her wanting to combine her love of analysis and science with a passion for solving things and helping people. specifically for hb gwen!!
harry was the hardest to figure out because no matter how much i have looked i have not been able to find a single confirmed major for him in any version of canon. like he's also incredibly smart in most versions of canon, especially the most recent game where he's shown to be as nerdy as peter (even though he also states that peter is the smart one out of the two of them) so it's like...
it's really hard because obviously homeward bound harry is VERY different from any version of canon harry, which was done very intentionally because of the fact that in no way home norman mentions the fact that oscorp doesn't exist (which is why i made it so norman exists in hb but that he tried starting up his business during the five years between snaps and in the same industries as stark industries so, while oscorp does exist, it isn't a huge skyscraper like it usually is, which is why raimiverse norman wasn't able to find it and assumed it didn't exist at all) and then norman says "my son..." with this pained expression on his face, basically implying that harry doesn't exist either. but, like with oscorp, i wanted to make it so that harry does exist but norman wouldn't have been able to find him even if he tried going to like a local library and looking him up.
hence the name change - harry lyman - and, also, by making him harry lyman, peter doesn't recognize his last name and connect that he's the son norman mentioned at FEAST. but also that means harry can't know who his dad is, because if he mentions that his dad is norman osborn at any point then peter will be able to connect those dots anyway. therefore, harry doesn't know his dad, and oscorp is a little starter business between norman and otto that's struggling to make it off the ground and build any traction.
but that fundamentally changes harry in a lot of ways, you know? he doesn't have the same daddy issues he has in canon because he doesn't know who his dad is and has had no influence in his life from norman. the most significant thing about his dad is that he was never in his life to begin with. but that also means harry wasn't raised rich, he wasn't raised surrounded by his dad's business, and he isn't expected to take over the company one day like in canon.
so that crosses business degrees off of the list, because without the influence of oscorp and norman, i don't see any reason for harry's character to be interested in any sort of degree relating to business. plus, there's still the fact that his character is shown to be super smart, so a stem degree would make the most sense, and then also there's this connection between him and his friends because they're ALL going in some kind of stem, which i think is cool.
but what stem degree fits harry? specifically homeward bound harry?
i looked through a lot of lists and did a lot of probably unnecessary research into various different types of stem degrees, and i kept hb harry in my head the whole time - the way i've developed his personality, what would make the most sense?
what i've decided on is applied mathematics.
the reason for this is because i can very easily see harry loving math. i haven't really gone in depth with his background prior to the start of the fic - all that's really been established is that he was raised by his single mom, emily, in the suburbs of new york, and up until esu, he never had any friends, which contributes to why he values his friendships with peter, gwen, and harley so much. and, obviously, he doesn't know who his dad is and doesn't really care to find out.
his background is going to be explored more down the line in the series (i've said this before but by the end of the series there's going to be scenes from the pov of everyone in the spidey squad, including harry, and also one shots from various perspectives as well) but what i'll say here is that his childhood was pretty confusing to him. he was happy with his mom, yeah, and he may not have been raised rich but he was never poor, either - he never worried about food or clothes that fit or losing their house. he grew up comfortable.
but also he grew up unsure about a lot of things. he was never able to make friends because he didn't really understand how. the kids at school never seemed to struggle with talking to each other and making up games on the spot and becoming friends in a matter of minutes, but his brain just never worked like that. he could never figure out what to say, he could never really get into the games the other kids wanted to play, and while he liked running around a playground sometimes, he always preferred a book or a worksheet.
he's not neurotypical, is basically what i'm trying to say. then again, literally none of these characters are, but harry was never like a "normal" kid. (harley is kind of similar in the fact that he never really had any friends in rose hill and he never wanted any, either)
so basically, harry struggled to understand a lot of things, like how to make friends, like why he didn't know who his dad was (his mom has always told him that it doesn't matter, which is kind of why harry now doesn't care because he's always been told it doesn't matter so why would be care about something that doesn't matter, right?), and various other things in the world and the people around him.
but he could always understand math. it's consistent. there's rules. sometimes the rules are confusing and kind of convoluted, but with enough practice, even the confusing and convoluted ones can make sense. there were always things he was curious about, too, though, so while he found comfort in the structure of math, he also found intrigue with other stuff, too. he loved to learn. always has.
applied mathematics feels like it makes sense for homeward bound harry, because applied mathematics is literally the application of mathematical methods in different fields. it can apply to physics. it can apply to medicine. it can apply to finance and business. computer science. engineering. biology. robotics. SO many things.
he loves to learn and i think he would love to be able to apply math, something he's always loved and found some comfort in due to it's consistency and that he's always found fun due to it feeling kind of like a puzzle he needs to solve, to various other fields that he would also love to learn about. it's all encompassing.
that's a really long explanation i'm sorry i didn't mean for the answer to end up this long but!!! those are the majors that i've decided on for the core four in homeward bound!!
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sohmiya · 2 years ago
Hi lovely! I love how you flesh out your ocs, so I was wondering if you had any tips on how you develop them/your process. I was also wondering what inspires their appearance and their fashion sense. What inspires you to give them a certain name? I'm loving all your oc lore, it's super interesting! ❤️❤️
hi!!! it really makes me happy that you’re enjoying learning about my ocs because i genuinely think i’ve gotten better at developing them sjdjsjsj thank you so much 🥹 i got rambly with my answers so under the cut !!
ok so i don’t think i have a fixed process but most of the time i start with the name then i find a fc that matches that or the other way around ykwim (like madelyn cline looks like a loren to me, maia mitchell looks like a kirsten, etc) + i always give them names that i wish i had lololol and this is just a me thing that you totally do not have to do but sometimes i pick names that would look good to me in my “ro x oc” tag LMFAO like one reason i picked the name loren for my a-mancer in golden is because “asher x loren” looks pleasing to me. but yeah it’s just a small thing it’s not important dhajsnsjs oh and i also wanna be able to imagine their ro saying their name hehe
as for the appearance i usually just follow their face claim because i’m not really good with character design. sobs. for their fashion, i just play around with it tbh until something feels right. like i’m always moving pins from one board to another djdjsks sometimes seeing those faceless aesthetic pictures on pinterest also help me because the body type is similar to this oc or their hair is the same as this oc and it helps create this image of my character in that outfit
for personality, i’m usually only able to really develop them when there’s a demo out. similar to what i think everybody does, i pick the choices that feel most fitting for my oc then i branch out from there and start making headcanons. but if there’s no demo, it really helps that there’s a bit of me in all my ocs like emory’s eldest daughter guilt or jasmine’s love-hate relationship with her parents, etc. then by the time a demo comes out, i already know what kind of choices i’ll pick for them
but it’s different for athalia because i was already developing her before i even found an if for her. the first thing about her i was sure of was that she was gonna be an older sister. also because i found two face claims that look alike and i decided i’d make them sister ocs lmao but yeah before i put her in circuit, she already had like a general personality—independent, headstrong and an adrenaline junkie. so the only part that i stressed over was which of the ros would be the best for her and decided on roman because i wanted an oc who would be equally pissed at him and athalia felt right for the job <3
if worse comes to worst and my creative block is being a bitch, i let pinterest decide 😭😭😭 like i’ll see a pin and whichever oc first comes to mind earns that pin in their board and for some reason, it works for me
in a nutshell, i don’t force my ocs into a certain -core or headcanon if i really can’t imagine them in it. like for example, maya has great chemistry with kaidan and phoenix but i can’t imagine her in a poly because i can’t imagine her liking kaidan in that way. something like that hehehe i made a mistake of forcing my earlier ocs in a certain aesthetic that i ended up having a hard time fleshing them out. now i just treat my ocs like people and let them develop on their own in my head. if they don’t wanna be fleshed out right now, i don’t force it shdjjs
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