#I can only imagine how excited people who have been waiting since 1.1 are feeling!
caramel-flan · 2 years
Asdfjkslhjh congrats to fellow xiaoven, zhongven, zhongxiao fans and zvx truthers excited for Lantern Rite this year!! This is your time!!!!
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lov3nerdstuff · 4 years
Voluptas Noctis Aeternae {Part 7.15}
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*Severus Snape x OC*
Summary: It is the year 1983 when the ordinary life of Robin Mitchell takes a drastic turn: she is accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the struggles of being a muggle-born in Slytherin, she soon discovers her passion for Potions, and even manages the impossible: gaining the favor of Severus Snape. Throughout the years, Robin finds that the not quite so ordinary Potions Professor goes from being a brooding stranger to being more than she had ever deemed possible. An ally, a mentor, a friend... and eventually, the person she loves the most. Through adventure, prophecies and the little struggles of daily life in a castle full of mysteries, Robin chooses a path for herself, an unlikely friendship blossoms into something more, and two people abandoned by the world can finally find a home.
General warnings: professor x student, blood, violence, trauma, neglectful families, bullying, cursing
Words: 4.5k
Read Part 1.1 here! All Parts can be found on the Masterlist!
When the door fell closed again and Robin was left standing in the hallway by herself, in her pajamas, she sighed to herself. What a way to start a birthday… But then again, a part of her (an unsurprisingly large one) was also quite excited to have a very good reason to go find Snape once more. Not that she planned on staying longer than necessary, but the prospect of seeing him at all brought a smile to her lips and thus she started making her way towards the office. Still in her pajamas, much to her discontent. Not that she minded Snape seeing her in flannels and her Queen shirt at this point, he'd had that pleasure far too often already to pay mind to it by now, and it was rather the act of walking through the castle in her pajamas that she wasn't too fond of. But it was in the middle of the night, which made it unlikely that anyone would even see her at all. Thus she made her way out of the common room and through the dark hallways until she arrived in front of the office, where she unlocked the door only to find the room behind it dark and empty. Odd… didn't he still have those essays to grade for Monday? After checking the classroom as well and finding it in the same state, she went to the lab next, but it also proved to be vacant. He can't seriously have chosen this one instance to actually listen to her suggestion of going to bed early, can he? Insufferable idiot… but it wasn't his fault that she was trying to save his arse from some pathetic prank.
Robin groaned under her breath, putting her head into her neck for a moment before she made her way back down the hallway and towards where she believed his private chambers to be. It honestly wasn't too difficult a task to find the right place once she actually tried to, and before long she found herself in a hallway she had never been in before. It literally only had one single door going off to the side, and that made matters rather easy for her. As she stood there, trying to decide if she should knock or speak, she couldn't help wondering what the professors' rooms looked like in the castle in general, and Snape's room in particular. Certainly it was more spacious, and probably a lot more comfortable than the dorms as well. Would it have the same dusty and gloomy aesthetic as his house back in England? But then again, he spent way more time up here, he had said so himself… so his rooms here might just as well look entirely different.
Shaking her head to herself to put an end to her useless string of thoughts, she finally decided to knock. Three times, certain, and firmly as always. Generic as it could be. It took a few seconds but then she could hear movement, and finally the door was ripped open with a force that had her taking a step backwards instinctively. As soon as his dark eyes fell onto Robin however, the scowl on his face was gone in an instant and his entire demeanour changed from sheer furor and annoyance to question and concern.
"Robin! What-..." He started in mild surprise, but cut himself off after a second as he took in her appearance, then glimpsed down either side of the hallway, and finally just pulled her into the room before shutting the door behind them again.
Of course Robin's heart wouldn't miss the opportunity to start racing again, and for a moment she allowed herself to inspect the room she now found herself in. It was similar to his house, and yet entirely different in a way. First her eyes were drawn to a fireplace with a sofa in front of it, as it was the brightest spot in the room, lit up and tinted in a faint orange glow. The walls around it were lined with shelves, filled with books and quite a few other things actually, which she didn't have the time to inspect right now. But there was a small table with two chairs along one of those walls, hiding some of the books and objects from her vision, and she allowed her eyes to linger there for a moment only, before the next curiosity caught her attention. On two walls there were surprisingly large windows for a room in the dungeons, which could only mean that they must be in one of the corners of the castle that were facing the cliffside instead of the black lake… There was no water behind the glass, after all, unlike the common room on the other side of the dungeons. Robin frowned for a second as she thought; she didn't know a single other room down here with a windowed corner. Obviously being the only professor who lived in the dungeons had its perks; he got the very best room of them all. Honestly, she wouldn't even be surprised if he had the nicest room of all the professors. So her eyes wandered on, over the large desk which was even more meticulously organised than the one in the office, and over the wall of ceiling-high shelves that separated the room and shielded off the far right corner. Her gaze fell onto a four-poster bed that looked much like the students' ones, but about double the size, with the softest looking duvet she had ever seen, and dark green sheets that seemed almost black in the candlelight… she quickly looked away before she had the time to blush. Geez, it was just a bloody piece of furniture; get a grip, idiot! As she averted her eyes, she also saw a closed door other than the one to the hallway, and she simply assumed that it would lead to a private bathroom. Finally when she had roughly taken everything in, her eyes returned to Snape only to find him observing her in obvious amusement already.
"Are you done with the inspection?" He asked with one raised eyebrow, and now Robin did feel the heat creeping up her neck after all. Thank god it was quite dimly lit in here.
"Not nearly. But that will have to wait until a later point in time." She replied honestly, despite being called out for her undeniable curiosity.
"What brings you here then? Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine… I thought you would still be in the office, to be honest. I didn't think you would actually take my advice about getting some sleep."
"I do take advice, occasionally, but only when nobody can tell that I do." He replied almost easily, and Robin had to smile in return. "But I would still feel a lot better if I knew what brings you here."
"It's nothing of any gravity, really… But it couldn't wait until morning."
"Building suspense as always, are we?" He quipped, and motioned to the sofa, before sitting down himself. Robin followed the example, and crossed her legs beneath her like she always did. For some reason, she felt no less comfortable being here now than she was in the lab or the office. All three rooms were very much Snape, in their neatness and calm and familiarity, and perhaps that was the reason why she loved either of them so much.
"Yes, no suspense, I'm sorry." She said as she shook her head to herself again, and finally started explaining. "I'm here because tomorrow morning some kids want to put salt into your coffee."
For a moment, there was silence. Then Snape started laughing, actually laughing, and Robin didn't know if she should laugh too, feel offended, or stare in awe. Either would have been an appropriate reaction, and since her brain couldn't settle for one, she did all three at once, which must've looked odd enough for him to stop laughing at last. Instead, he looked at her with a small smile now, which Robin still couldn't really put much meaning to. Why was this so amusing to him? He hated these things, all those imbeciles and their childish jokes… usually, at least.
"I don't understand what's funny about it." She decided to voice her thoughts at last. "I spent an hour being mad about it and trying to find a way to prevent it from happening, and you just… laugh?"
"I can see how that seems unreasonable, yes." He replied, and his amusement now toned down a bit. "Believe me, I wasn't laughing at you. Neither about the issue itself."
"Then what's so funny?"
"For one, I'm simply relieved that you are only here about a practical joke, and not about another situation that might end with you being hurt. Then of course there is the absurdity of the entire situation… I hadn't imagined that it would be salt in my coffee that would bring you to my room for the first time."
"But you did imagine what exactly would?" She quirked an eyebrow at him with a smirk, deciding that humour would be a better way to deal with his words than turning into a flustered mess again would be. He probably hadn't meant anything by it in the first place. But still, for a moment, she was sure to see an actual blush on his cheeks for once, a faintest tint of crimson, but it might as well have been the light of the candles, a mere shadow. It made her heart skip a beat nonetheless.
"Tell me more about that practical joke." He said a moment later, not even trying to hide the fact that he wasn't answering her question. "How did you come to know of it?"
Robin sighed, and did them both the favour of ignoring the previous conversation indeed. "I don't know much… Some sixth year by the name of Parker planned it with his friends. They're going to put salt into all the drinks for the head table in general, and obviously everyone finds it hilarious. Cas heard from Simon, and she told Jorien and me about it just an hour ago. But no matter how stupid of a predicament that puts me into, I couldn't let it happen without telling you. To save your morning, at least."
"I imagine you wouldn't want me to put an end to it then, before the disaster ensues… That would certainly reveal your involvement."
"I would appreciate it if you didn't. I know it's probably a stupid situation for you too, to know and not tell your-..."
"I don't particularly care, actually." He shrugged, with an almost humoured expression once again. "I will certainly undo the damage before enjoying my own coffee, but my colleagues' fates are their own. And I wouldn't put your relationship with your roommates at risk over something as imbecile as this."
"Thank you! Really, I appreciate it. But I have another favor to ask of you, one that's not entirely my own." Robin replied with an apologetic expression. "Can you please tell McGonagall about it too, before breakfast? And ask her not to spoil it either? I know, that's going to be incredibly hard, but it is really important to me."
"I certainly will tell her if you'd like me to. However I am curious to know why your mixed sentiments for her seem to have changed enough to warrant such concern about her now."
"They haven't changed at all… It's about Jorien. She wants McGonagall spared, but can't reveal it as her own intention for various reasons, so I told her I would do what I can."
"And why don't you simply tell her yourself like you are telling me now?"
"Well, I don't think McGonagall would've been happy to find me in front of her door at this time of night." Robin said with a humoured smile, then had to snort. "Especially not in my pajamas."
"Indeed, I don't think she's particularly fond of Queen." He mused, and Robin had to laugh even more at his tone. "If your apparel is the problem, you could have warned both her and me in the morning. Not that I would dare to complain, but why did you choose to do it now instead?"
"Finding you in the morning was my plan, originally, but I was made aware that I won't be able to. I was just about to go to sleep actually, hence the pajamas, when Jorien told me that I wouldn't get a minute to myself before breakfast because of some plans they have made for my birthday, and-..."
"What time is it?" He asked and his voice was suddenly rid of every humour at all, as was his face.
"Eh… around one thirty at night, I think? Perhaps two already?" Robin frowned at him, in confusion about the sudden question and abrupt change in his demeanor. "Why? Is something wrong? I mean, I know I probably shouldn't be here at this time of night and all that, but-..."
"Then it is your birthday already…" The edge was gone from his tone immediately, leaving only a quiet statement with a tinge of sadness.
"Yeah, it is. What's wrong with that?" She asked in return, her expression a mirror of his own right until he got up from the couch and made for the other side of the room without a word. Robin's heart squeezed together for a second, then she jumped up as well, out of sheer nervousness, but stayed standing between the sofa and the fireplace, feeling lost as her eyes followed him through the room. Had she done something wrong? Or said the wrong thing, perhaps?
Snape merely picked what looked like a piece of paper out of a stack of documents on his desk, then returned to Robin without any ado. Her eyes didn't leave him once, but only met his at last when he stood in front of her again. All the small tells of emotion on his face showed guilt, a hint of annoyance perhaps, both directed entirely at himself as it seemed.
"I tend to forget about time and such trifles when I am in your company. I apologise for the delay." He said after a few seconds, then held out the paper to Robin, an envelope that once again had his own name written on it. "Happy birthday, Robin."
The nervousness that had churned her guts seconds before was replaced by a soaring wave of warm adoration with a start, at both his words and the fact that all he had been upset about was forgetting to congratulate her. If he wanted it true or not, that was incredibly sweet. In Robin's eyes at least. With a smile she yet again had to tone down a little, she took the envelope from him, but instead of opening it right away, she merely held his gaze.
"Thank you. And don't worry, time is entirely irrelevant to me; I am happy that you remembered at all." She said sincerely, still in a fight with herself to not reveal too much of her own adoration. "If it wasn't for the entire 'celebrating into the day' thing, I probably would've only remembered that it's my birthday tomorrow morning."
"You will have to tell me more about what your roommates have put you through, but first I would like you to open that envelope. I meant to give it to you at the end of the day, but seeing as you are here right now, the beginning of the day will be just fine as well."
"Alright…" Robin said, and she couldn't help her curiosity for much longer anyway. Thus she turned the letter in her hands, inspecting the already broken seal with a smile, a frown and a huff. "The letter is from the ministry…"
She rolled her eyes with a smile, but then finally tugged out the two sheets of paper from the envelope, and unfolded the first. For a minute, she read over the letter that was indeed addressed to Snape, and almost as expected, she didn't understand a word of it. It was signed with a name she had never heard before, but the subtitle said that he was representing the department of admissions. A title as generic as the name itself. Other than that, the letter mainly stated that Snape's request had been accepted and processed thanks to the aforementioned reasons (which unfortunately weren't stated, but surely would've given Robin a hint about what this entire thing was about), and that the ministry would keep an eye on the issue nonetheless. After reading it twice and being left no wiser, Robin took a look at the second page.
To her great surprise, this one had her own name on it, and it looked a lot more like the official document she had received from the ministry after successfully completing the apparition class last term. Her frown deepened as she scanned every word and number on the form that looked more like a license almost, if the standardised look of it was anything to go by… it certainly would explain why the letter came from the department of admissions. But other than her name, a few numbers and the current date, the twentieth, she didn't get too much information from it either. Entirely confused now, she looked back up at Snape who had carefully observed her while she had been reading.
"I would love to tell you I'm happy about the gift, but I have absolutely no idea what any of this is about. I don't even know if it's a gift or a warning or a death sentence." She started with a helpless chuckle, sounding almost as lost as she felt. "Perhaps we could skip the part where you roll your eyes and make me guess for once, for the sake or my birthday. Please?"
"It's not precisely a gift in common terms." He explained, and thereby complied with her request without mention. Robin didn't fail to notice though how mildly uncomfortable he looked, and she wondered if it was about the subject itself, or the mere fact that he was finally admitting to giving her something like a gift at least. "It is a solution to a problem you have. Or rather one that you had, until now."
"Who's the one building suspense now?" Robin smirked at him, to which he merely let out a huff that was supposed to cover up his own not-smirk. It didn't work, and he probably knew, so he went on to explain.
"I do realise that I had no right to solve this problem for you, and I also know that you never made a problem of it in the first place." He said, which made matters no less mysterious at all. "But I know that it has been burdening you for a while now, and I had to put an end to it. Try to, at least. So what I did was to write to the ministry and request for you to be given a certain and admittedly quite rare professional authorisation that allows you to handle certain substances that are subject to permission."
"I… which… what?"
"Perhaps we should approach the matter from a different perspective that is less… political. You obviously are aware that the objects we have gathered over the summer, the subjects of the theories in your handbook, all share one essential attribute: they are rare, some even extremely rare, and therefore very valuable. Yes?"
"And you see how that correlates to the horrendously high prices one has to pay for them in any shop that sells ingredients for potions."
"Now, the reason why these objects are more often sold on the black market than in any reputable establishment is quite simple. The vast majority of rare objects and ingredients, and thereby almost all of the ones in your handbook, are subject to permission, which means that without a permit from the ministry, you aren't allowed to sell them. This leads to the problem that most shops are generally short of these ingredients, seeing as the ministry rarely gives out such a permit, which in return makes the ingredients even more expensive. These issues can be evaded by selling on the black market, which however almost always results in selling under value to sell at all."
"I understand. But why doesn't the ministry want to give more people such a permit? Wouldn't that make things a lot easier?" Robin frowned, and she felt like the biggest idiot ever, with a large knot in her brain. She knew she was missing something very obvious, but she just couldn't tell what it was.
"Imagine what would happen if every idiot was going after these ingredients for the mere sake of selling them. Not only would most of them die before they even reach their goal, but there would be thousands of people roaming through both worlds and destroying everything in their wake for the mere sake of making money off these objects. The ministry can't risk that, and therefore they are very selective about those who they grant this permit to. They wouldn't give it to me when I tried a few years ago." Snape said, then motioned to the papers still clutched in Robin's hands. "But they gave it to you. People have known your name ever since the first conference you attended; important people who have enough influence to see to it that my request was accepted."
"But… what… I…" Her brain was completely out of it for a moment, until she gave herself a mental slap. "I only research rare ingredients because I love doing it, and I gather them for you and me to work with… But I've never thought about selling them before."
"I know. Your passion for the work we do, the work you do, will always be your highest priority, but that doesn't contradict selling what you don't need for yourself." He stated, then sighed while the subtle discomfort returned to his expression. "Even a mere handful of the wraiths' moss from last year's excursion would suffice to make a small fortune. I know you have been concerned about how to make a living without your parents' support for a while now. This is the solution. A possible one, at least."
For a moment then, the weirdest thing happened; Robin's mind was entirely blank. A mere white noise of too much to process, too many thoughts tumbling over one another while each was too briefly existent to be grasped. So she just stood there, papers still clutched in her hands, and stared at Snape with wide eyes and parted lips. Frozen in space and time.
"Breathe." He reminded her then, with an expression so uncertain it seemed almost uncharacteristic, and Robin did breathe indeed. Once, twice, thrice… then her mind exploded into a colourful variety of emotions, and she finally snapped out of her freeze only to throw her arms around Snape an instant later, hugging him as tightly as if her life depended on it. If he wanted it or not. He didn't have a say in this, not right now.
"Thank you…" Robin breathed as soon as she wasn't entirely choked up anymore, and she couldn't even bring herself to care that the tears that were running down her cheeks now were drenching his linen shirt. "Thank you thank you thank you."
His arms wound around her in return almost instinctively, pulling her closer and keeping her steady as she stood on her tiptoes. But when he spoke up, his voice was quiet, sad almost. "What did I do wrong this time?"
"What? You did nothing wrong!"
"But you are crying, which usually is a direct result of whatever matter I have screwed up this time."
"I'm happy, you dunderhead!" Robin couldn't help laughing through her tears, and her arms around him tightened even more. He really was no better at closer human interactions than she was, and it was relieving to see sometimes. "Happy, and overwhelmed. Positively! This is so much more than just a birthday present to me… You really did save my butt yet again."
"Nonsense… I did nothing more than to write a letter to the right person, asking the right questions. It hardly is a gift at all. I didn't even have to pay for it." He replied in tangible defensiveness to being thanked, but Robin wouldn't let him get away with it this time.
"Didn't you tell me two or three years ago that caring for someone extends beyond the material?" She asked while the tears slowly dried out, leaving her voice muffled by his shoulder rather than emotion, and finally the overwhelmed feeling made way for sheer happiness. "This is the best possible example of it. It might only look like a piece of paper, but it's so much more to me. It shows that you know me, know me so well that you don't even have to ask to know what's on my mind. It means that you willingly dealt with people you despise, because I know just how much you hate ministry officials, and writing to them in a nice enough way to get them to do something for you can't have been easy. And foremost, the fact that you didn't just give me a gift, but actually thought of a bloody brilliant solution to an incredibly important problem for me tells me just how much you actually care. If you want to admit it or not."
"You haven't the slightest idea just how much I actually care." He replied under his breath, and it sent a deep shiver through Robin, one which obviously was noticeable enough for him to follow it up by lightly tracing up and down her spine with his fingers. Bloody hell, she could've died right on the spot from the sheer emotional intensity of this alone.
"You're getting better at showing me." She finally made herself reply, in a voice way too breathy to be anywhere near appropriate, but it didn't matter in that moment. Not when her mind had enough trouble keeping her from doing something incredibly stupid.
"May I ask you something you might find rather odd?" He spoke up a few seconds later, and his hand stilled on her back, splayed out so that his fingertips brushed her sides.
"Don't you always?" Robin chuckled softly. "You can ask and say anything at all, you know that. Odd isn't a thing between us anymore." The question he did ask then, however, she had not seen coming at all.
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seiin-translations · 4 years
2.43 S1 Chapter 1.1: Young Yunichika
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For this whole series, just imagine that everyone except Haijima is talking in dialect
Translation Notes
1. Itoko (従姉妹) is the Japanese word for cousin, so Kuroba’s itoko is Itoko, it’s a pun
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Continuing to fall almost nonstop since New Years’ Eve, the snow completely buried the school building right after winter break. It was just like a drifting classroom isolated in the gaps of space-time. The window glass that was pure-white with condensation cut off any connection to the outside world, and the air warmed by the stove amassed in the classroom without circulating. Steam rose gently from the brass basin that was placed on the stovetop, and the air near the ceiling appeared to flicker.
The old school building seemed to be creaking under the weight of the snow, and he was afraid that it was going to collapse, but it had held up every year without any problems. If only somewhere else in the school—like around the principal’s office—had been crushed flat, the talks of renovation would have proceeded quickly.
I mean, Grandpa can just make a donation. Should I try asking him seriously this time?
He thought that for a moment, but there was no doubt that he would have graduated by the time the new school building was completed, so that was a little silly. The middle school in the neighboring Suzumu City, which he had visited before at a town exchange event, was a new, clean, and sturdy reinforced concrete building, and the entire building was warm even though there were no kerosene heaters to be seen anywhere. He received a culture shock when he learned that the toilets were not cold.
I wanna be in high school soon, he thought vaguely. Since there were no high schools in town, you would have to go to Suzumu City for the closest one. However, the one year and three months until graduation was a length that could be called an eternity.
Fourteen years old. He had finally just started the third semester of his second year of middle school.
“The transfer student’s late, isn’t he?”
After performing the penance of opening ceremony in the frigid gym, Kuroba Itoko said and she hung her behind on the edge of his desk during the strangely slow waiting time after they returned to the classroom. “Heave ho,” she said as she wriggled her butt back to put her thighs on his desk, so Kuroba Yuni reflexively removed his chin resting in his hands on the desk and leaned back. This is just a bit embarrassing, oi… Even if all the female middle and high school students in the city did it, it was hard to understand why so many girls were shortening their skirts when the circumstances in this snowy country was different.
Itoko’s class was Class 2 next door, but she often made trips to Class 1. From entry to elementary school to middle school graduation, the faces in each grade didn’t change fundamentally, so everyone knew each other even though the classes were different. She seemed to have gotten some kind of information from the group of Class 1 girls who were still talking at the doorway even now.
That was right, a transfer student was arriving. There was no small amount of excitement in the air in Class 2-1 for the big event of the new semester, which was rarely encountered. It was a depopulating town where the number of people in school decreased, but rarely increased. What was more, apparently the transfer student was coming from Tokyo, so the expectations were high no matter what.
“I wonder if he’ll be cute. I hope he’ll be cute.”
“He has a normal face. Maybe a bit below normal.”
“You knew him until you guys were in senior kindergarten, right? He might have gotten cute.”
“I’m telling you, he didn’t. He’s going to be a pipsqueak with glasses who’s bad at sports. He became a wuss who’d get scared by this amount of snow...”
“What’s with you, are you sulking? You really are a little kid…”
“Shut up. I told you stop acting like you’re my big sister. The teacher’s coming soon so get back to your own class.”
As soon as he told her to stop, Itoko said, “Yes, yes, what a hopeless kid” with the utmost superior look on her face, shrugged her shoulders and jumped down from the table. Her short skirt fluttered lightly.
“I’m wearing underpants, so there’s no use peeking.”
“Did you make knitted panties? So ugly. I don’t get why you try so hard to look like that.”
“Being stylish is all about grit.”
Brushing aside the unintentional insult that rushed out of his mouth, Itoko slipped through the gaps between the messily aligned desks. Since she didn’t deny the knitted panties, did that mean that was true?
Kuroba Yuni and Kuroba Itoko had the same family name, but they were not siblings. It either made it confusingly similar or easy to understand, but…Itoko was his cousin. (1) They had the same grandfather and their fathers were brothers. She always acted like his older sister, but they were the same age, and since Kuroba was born in September and Itoko was born in October, he wanted to assert the fact that he was the one who was older.
She turned her miffed face away and rested her chin in her hands again. Kuroba’s seat was at very back by the window—until today. When he came to school today, a brand new desk and chair was brought in behind him.
He wiped the condensation on the window with his palm. Even when he cleared away the white film, all you could see beyond it was a blanket of white snow. The snow had stopped for now, but heavy snow clouds remained in the sky, and it wouldn’t be unusual if it started snowing some time again. There was a narrow path created from the school gate to the building sandwiched between walls of snow, but since the snow removal operation in the early morning, it had gotten buried again by the continuing snow.
He squinted outside the window to see if there was anything visible in the white. He was a slow and clumsy kid, so I hope he didn’t get stuck buried in the snow or something…
The truth was, Kuroba took pride in the fact that he was looking forward to the transfer student more than anyone else, a hundred or a thousand times more than Itoko or his classmates. Even though he was supposed to have finished moving house during winter break, he showed no indication of coming over to his house to show his face, so he was just a little frustrated about that and his excitement went down. They parted with each other in senior kindergarten, so it had been eight years. He wondered if he had been thoroughly steeped in Tokyo and forgot about this place.
Although, it wasn’t as if Kuroba remembered a lot either. He could remember meaningless episodes like what he did to get injured or what he did to get scolded, but as soon as he tried to systematically trace his memories, they became hazy. Like a snow scene that became misty with a glass that was already clouding over again—
In the midst of the white, he could see a flicker of something black moving.
Surprised, he half-rose to his feet and pasted himself to the window. There were two figures walking in the gorge between the walls of snow that seemed like they could collapse at any minute.
“…He’s here!”
He unintentionally exclaimed, and the miscellaneous chatter that filled the classroom quickly faded. There was a beat, and then shouts of joy rose. His more than thirty classmates surged towards the window and lined their faces.
The smaller figure, dressed in a stocky blouson down coat, was an old lady when he looked closer. So that means the other, bigger figure was…? Wait, how can he be that big…He was confused for a moment because he didn’t match his image of that kindergarten kid.
However, as soon as he strained his eyes and looked into his face, a warm-colored lantern lit up the snowy landscape of his white hazy memory, and a fresh image appeared in his mind.
“I’ll never forget you, Yuni… But, goodbye…”
Certainly, there was the face of a crying kindergartener who came to say goodbye to him while sobbing eight years ago. His pale face was drenched with tears, and even his glasses were wet. No matter how much he wiped them with his hands, large drops of tears continued to run down his cheeks, so much that he was worried that he was going to squeeze all the water out of his body.
That’s right, the glasses. He was already wearing glasses in kindergarten, and that might have helped giving him an introverted and quiet impression. Glasses and short and bad at sports. That was exactly his impression at that time. Once he remembered one thing, the vivid parts increased one after the other. One lantern lit a new lantern, and it became brighter and brighter.
Immediately, he stopped caring about how he didn’t come to see him over winter break or any of those small grievances. With impatient hands, he unfastened the screw lock on the window frame and threw open the window. The cold wind blew in and his classmates reproached him with “It’s so cold—“, but everyone’s voices bounced off him. Fine snowflakes blown up together with the wind struck his face. He shook his head and brushed away the snow.
He leaned so far out the window that it looked like he was about to fall down and raised his voice.
The figure stopped and looked up. His eyes met his through thin-framed glasses. How will he react at first? His heart was beating fast from the anticipation.
He just reacted in such an indifferent way, like he just happened to exchange lines of sight with a stranger. He moved his face down without changing expression and disappeared into the shade of the eaves of the school entrance. The old lady who was left behind bowed slightly like she was troubled and followed after him, her snow boots making crunching noises.
Huh…? Did he…forget me?
Feeling let down, Kuroba stood stock still near the window. The two footprints that continued from the school gate were swept away by the white snow-mixed wind as the hanging lanterns that lit his memories went out with a puff.
“Haijima Kimichika-kun came from Tokyo. It seems that his grandfather’s house is in town, and he lived in Suzumu City until kindergarten. Perhaps some of you might know him.”
The gazes of everyone in the class was focused on the gangly school uniform standing at the teacher’s podium. How tall is he, it looks like he’s about the same as me? Kuroba thought absentmindedly as he stared at the small tip on the first stroke of “Hai” from the family name that was written vertically on the blackboard by the homeroom teacher. From among the three past elements of glasses, being tiny, and bad at sports, the glasses remained and pipsqueak disappeared. The remaining unknown was his motor skills.
He had a pale, smooth face and a rather neat set of features. If he had to decide between strong or weak, he would say they were weak. Depending on how you looked at it, they might look reptilian. At the very least, the characteristics of an idol-like pretty boy that Itoko had sweetly hoped for were nonexistent. To be frank, he seemed unfriendly. He still hadn’t smiled even once since he entered the classroom. He didn’t even try to look around at his classmates’ faces, just pursing his lips together and staring at his feet. Hmm, shyness?
Suddenly called on by the teacher, he made a stupid “Yeah?” sound.
“Haijima-kun played volleyball in his last school, so he will be joining the volleyball team. Please teach him about the team activities. Also, Haijima-kun’s eyesight is not good, but as you can see, he is tall, so you will move a seat behind. He will be the second from the back by the window.
Still without saying a word or even making a sound, Hajima nodded, took his bag and descended from the podium. Everyone’s interested gazes moved with his movements. As he turned twice at right angles and walked over to him without hesitation, Kuroba hurriedly got up as though to jump out of the way, and he put his bag on Kuroba’s seat with a thump before sitting down.
“Oh,” When Kuroba started to talk to him,
He glared at him with a sideways glance, looking suspicious. What he placed on his desk was a somewhat stylish dark red backpack that looked like something from a school in the city, and had a somewhat stylish, unfamiliar school emblem embroidered on it.  
“No…it’s fine.”
Kuroba took the seat behind his, thinking, Well, if he’s fine with it, then I guess it’s okay. Unlike his desk, which had scribbles carved all over it with a cutter, the desk prepared for Haijima was still brand new, the surface shining brightly.
“Hey, how tall are you? You’re seventy, right?”
He leaned over the desk, poked the back before him and started talking to him. Kuroba was 173 centimeters. He had heard that the average height for second-year middle school boys was around 160, so he was on the considerably tall side.
Haijima turned around, looking like he couldn’t be bothered. His narrow eyes glared at him again. A gaze where you couldn’t feel anything like charm or friendliness at all, as if all the temperature was absorbed while passing through the thin lens of his glasses.
“Your position?”
That was the first sound he made since entering the classroom. Similar to his eyes, the way he spoke made you wonder if he had thrown away all his charm and friendliness at a station on the express train ride here from Tokyo. His voice finished changing…maybe? He had a low voice that carried well. It was just a bit frustrating.
“On the volleyball team?”
Haijima raised his eyebrows and repeated his words when Kuroba was just staring at him vacantly. Huh? His intonation felt strange. He was speaking in standard Japanese. Has it always been that way? It shouldn’t be like that, though.
“Oh, oooh, that’s what you meant by position?” This guy talked in a way that lopped off the context before and after his words. “Well, let’s see, I feel like we didn’t really decide them…”
“You didn’t decide? What do you do in matches?”
“Matches? Ah…”
He hadn’t heard that word in a long time. After gaping like it was someone else’s problem,
“We’ve never been in a proper match. It’s a club of guys who only belong to it in name only, and the practice days are whenever. Look, you have to join a club here. Don’t you know that?”
An expression that actually looked like an expression appeared on Haijima’s face, it looked like. Though it was only slightly, his narrow eyes widened—is this shock? And then his eyes suddenly lowered, his mouth turning down at the corners. Is this sadness?
“Oh, was your old school really strong?”
Crap, I might make him cry. He didn’t really understand, but he felt that he said something wrong, and when he panickily tried to stay on topic,
He heard that. No way, did he click his tongue just now?
“So you’re just uselessly big?”
He heard a sudden, unbelievable insult from the mouth of the transfer student, who one would think would be generally burning with the desire to build good relationships with the people at his new school. With that, Haijima abruptly faced forward and started emitting an aura of “Don’t ever talk to me” from his back. Kuroba could do nothing but stare at that amazingly obstinate back with his mouth wide open.
“I’ll never forget you, Yuni… But, goodbye…”
Which station did you lose the “Chika” from eight years ago who was sobbing because he didn’t want to say goodbye?
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umnvatra · 4 years
take me with you [zhongli]
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fem! reader, fluff.
word count: 2.2k words
warning: contains spoilers of 1.1 story quest, "A New Star Approaches".
notes: wanted to post something before Zhongli's banner officially gets released in game! To my fellow travelers who are pulling for him, goodluck. Ad astra abyssosque. May the archons be with you. I haven't written in a long, long time so i apologize if the fic seems rushed or smth shdjdjsjdj
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The winds on the harbor are as gentle as ever, brushing his hair lightly as he stood waiting. For some reason as always, he couldn't stop his heart from beating fast in his chest, anticipation eating away at him. It gave him the urge to pace back and forth, but he held himself back. It's been awhile since he's felt an emotion this strong before.
The feeling of awaiting someone's return.
Unconsciously, he held a hand up to his chest, where he could feel his own heart beating wildly. Calm, he thought to himself. Well, he supposes that it couldn't be helped. He missed you so, so much after all.
He knew he could not come with you on your adventures. As much as it pained him to part with you, he had a job at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and you had a quest to fulfill. However, on your time away from him, he could not stop feeling anxious, worried, and most of all, melancholic. Your presence was something that he got used to, to the point where going on everyday without you made him feel as if something was amiss with his day.
When the silhouette of The Crux appeared on the distance, he felt his heart beat faster and he finds that he couldn't stop himself from smiling. Finally...
Without thinking, he immediately steps down into the docks of the harbor, awaiting for the ship to set anchor in Liyue.
The sight of you and Paimon's floating figure appears on top of the ship, with Beidou following shortly after. He could see you waving at him enthusiastically from afar, making his smile widen more than it's supposed to. It's silly, of course. How Zhongli himself acted so differently around you.
When the ship drew nearer, it seemed that you couldn't contain your excitement anymore as you immediately climbed the sides of the ship and jumped, your glider spreading its wings as if they were your own. Zhongli couldn't help but chuckle at the surprised exclaim that came out of Beidou and Paimon at your actions, but it didn't seem like you cared. After all, you had your eyes on him. The pixie immediately followed after you dejectedly as the captain couldn't help but break into an exasperated smile.
He came closer to the edge of the dock, spreading his arms out. He already knew your habits. And if so, he knew that at this moment, you wanted him to...
"Catch me!" You shouted, before retracting your glider. As you fell towards him, Zhongli had already readied himself for impact only to catch you on his arms in time. He struggles to regain balance for a little only to have laughter erupt from you both, your arms automatically wrapping around his neck.
After a month, you have finally returned from Inazuma.
"You lovebirds sure missed each other that much, huh?" Beidou teased, stepping out as The Crux anchored. She looked highly amused at you and Zhongli as she made her way towards you both. Zhongli gave her an appreciative smile in return.
"Beidou. Allow me to express my gratitude for escorting [Name] back safely to Liyue," he says, to which the woman playfully rolls her eyes.
"Oh, don't sweat it. Besides, it was fun to bring [Name] aboard the Crux," she says, casting a grin towards you. "She is... a strong spirit. I gotta say, i'm impressed, Zhongli. The electro archon had lifted the Vision Hunt Decree because of [Name] over here."
At that, Zhongli's eyes strayed back towards your face, who now gave him a shy smile. A feeling of pride bloomed in his chest, and he couldn't help but smile warmly down at you. "Indeed, she is."
"Well! I'll be going to get dinner for myself then. I heard that Xiangling will be cooking in Wanmin today. See you two lovebirds," Beidou said. Paimon lets out a sound of dissatisfaction as she places a hand on her stomach.
"Uuuuugh. Paimon is hungry too. I could really really use some food right now," she says, looking towards you for approval. Zhongli sets you down on the ground as you dusted yourself off.
"Right. I'm hungry too," you say before casting a glance at Zhongli. For some reason, you felt shy around him right now. He looked handsome and elegant as ever, and you looked a little disheveled from your trip from Inazuma. Anywho, his beauty is still enough to make you flustered. "Zhongli? Do you want to come with us?"
"Let it be my treat," he says, making you and Paimon look at each other hesitantly. Before any of you can question him, he brings out a wallet that, surprisingly, had mora in them. "I bought mora with me this time."
"Just so you know, i don't have all day," Beidou calls out, catching all three of your attention. You and Paimon look at each other excitedly before nodding.
You intertwine your fingers with Zhongli's, giving it a squeeze. He looks at you then, and couldn't help but notice the new bandages and scratches that were on your body. You smelled like sea salt and the earthy tones of wood, but he did not mind. In his eyes, you still looked as beautiful as ever. Especially when you smile at him so lovingly like that.
"Let's go," you said softly, tugging his arm.
In order to celebrate, Xiangling overdid herself by whipping up a deliciously cooked Adeptus Temptation for you and Zhongli, and Tianshu Meat for Beidou. Paimon gets the to share with you and Zhongli much to her dismay, as she absolutely does not like how both of you dote on each other and feed each other occasionally. The four of you dine together, laughing and conversing with each other with Xiangling constantly popping up to join in on the conversations too. It was quite a strange sight to behold, having the captain of The Crux dine with the consultant of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and the Traveler who aided in saving Liyue from Osial.
None of you cared though. Especially Zhongli, who was basking in the present, feeding you food and gazing at your face from time to time. Even with you here, his heart trembles with such longing.
When you're finished eating, Beidou ruffles your hair and laughs at the sight of your pout. "Unfortunately, i have to go and tend to some business now." She sighs. "Sport, take good care of yourself. And you too, parlor man. I'll see you two when i see ya," she says, clapping a hand on your shoulder. Both of you bid her goodbye and watch as she disappears amidst the throng of people in the harbor.
Zhongli takes your hand in his and smiles. "Should we go then, my dear? You look like you need some rest."
You flush at the nickname and nod, squeezing his hand again. Paimon sighs quietly behind you, a hand on her head. Oh bother, here you both go again.
And just like that, you all make it back to the guesthouse where Zhongli stayed in. As soon as the door closes behind him, he eyes each of the scars and fresh bandages on your form.
"...And that's Paimon's cue to leave," she says, looking unamused as she fades into trails of constellations. You let out a light laugh at her comment, making the tall gentleman near you relax visibly at the sound. Perhaps you should apologize to Paimon someday for making her the unintentional third wheel on your relationship.
"How was it?" Zhongli asks, clearly referring to Inazuma.
You squeezed his hand, excitement evident in your eyes as a large smile appeared on your face.
"You wouldn't believe it. Inazuma.. it was... crazy," you said.
He leads you towards the couch as you tell him animatedly about your adventures in Inazuma. Raiden, how her rule affected the people in Inazuma, the technology they had, and about a certain vagrant who turned out to be a Fatui harbinger. He carefully combs and unknots your messy hair with his own fingers, listening attentively to your stories. In his mind's eye, he could picture out your journey in trying, and surviving Inazuma. All the piece of history, the emotions of the shogun herself, and the power of the seemingly innocent Harbinger stood so clearly in his head. By the time you were recounting your battle with the fatui, your voice was already slightly hoarse from the amount of talking you've done.
Your adventures always sounded enjoyable and full of wonder to him. With your goal, you are slowly uncovering each and every mystery there was to find in Teyvat. Although you expressed some sadness about the gnosis of the electro archon, Zhongli kisses the crown of your head tenderly, his actions so genuine that it made you relax immediately.
"You've already done the best you could. I am sure the thought counts to Raiden," he says, drawing soothing circles on your palm. You turned towards him with a smile before suddenly enveloping him into a tight hug. He gets taken aback at first, but he slowly relaxes and hugs you back just as tight. He inhales your scent and holds you close, the emotions that he'd been holding off for so many weeks finally spilling over.
"I... missed you," he says into your hair, voice uncharacteristically vulnerable. You chuckle, the vibrations running through his chest and his stomach.
"I missed you too. You have no idea how much i.. couldn't stop thinking about you when i was in Inazuma," you said, your voice becoming low. "When i was trapped in there, i was afraid for a moment. I thought... i couldn't see you anymore. But then i repelled those thoughts away. I told myself that if i fought hard enough, i could see you again for sure."
He squeezes you. That was certainly a terrifying possibility. One that he only realized on his days apart from you. He almost berated himself from letting you go too easily. After all, he knew how dangerous Inazuma was.
But there was no need to worry anymore, as you returned to him safely. Alive. And healthy.
"I wouldn't want to imagine what would happen if you could not come out..." he confesses. At his words, you run your fingers through his hair in hopes of comforting him.
He wouldn't say that he'd let you go so easily again though.
"I would never let that happen. When i faced off with the harbinger, all i had to think about was my brother... and you," You said, making him break out into a smile again. Empowering. Your words always empowered him. No matter how simple.
"Where is your next destination?" He found himself asking, even though he already had an idea.
You break away from the hug, staring at his intense amber ones.
"I have to go to Sumeru next before the fatui can stir up problems again," you respond, your eyes set in determination. Zhongli nods his head in understanding. Of course the shogun directed you next to the Archon of Wisdom next. It was only natural.
"Then... could you take me with you?" He asks, voice almost sheepish. He looked expectant and openly searched your own reaction, but before you can even respond, he opens his mouth again and the words stumble out. "I find that without you here, i get rather... lonely. I feel that something is amiss— " he pauses, exhaling. Goodness, he wasn't good with expressing his emotions.
"...And i decided that i wanted to take on your journey with you. To fight alongside you, no matter what happens. I want to explore what Teyvat has to offer with you, even if it's dangerous, i- oof —"
He gets interrupted by you enveloping him into an incredibly tight hug that made him feel as if his bones were going to get crushed. Zhongli fidgets uncomfortably, not used to you hugging him this tight when you speak again.
"I thought you'd never ask," you murmur, smiling into his skin. For a long, long time, you'd been worried that you'd have to leave him always just to reach the rest of the regions. Of course you knew that being in a relationship while having a quest such as yours was going to be one full of hardship.
But everything is okay, especially when Zhongli carefully breaks the embrace and cups your face with his hands slowly.
He already made arrangements and talked with Hu Tao. She was willing enough to let him go of his position on the parlor. Leaving Liyue would possibly make him homesick, as he knows no other region like the back of his hand other than it, but he knew that he wanted to go with you no matter what, or where. And he was prepared to take on this journey with you.
It would be of no easy task. He knew an adventure could mean so many things. Joy, rage, curiosity, conflict...
And yet he wanted nothing more than to go with you. And possibly even come with you to your own world.
He leans in, capturing your lips in a slow, sensual kiss that would mark his gratitude.
From the entirety of Teyvat, up until the stars.
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somekpopfics · 7 years
November Rain (JungkookXOC)
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Angst/Romance/Dystopian JungkookxOC story with some JiminxOC. Extended on several parts, total ~37k words. You can read Part 1.1  / Part 1.2 / Part 1.3 / Part 2.1
Part 2.2
I spent most of the next two months hands in hands with Jimin. It was scary, the way he managed to make my heart flutter in such a short amount of time. It had become easier to leave Jungkook in the corner of my mind since school was over, as my match was one of the only person I would see since then.
“What’s on your mind, Dayeon?”
I opened my eyes to look at the head not to far up from mine and I smiled. Jimin might have seen the small frown on my face when the image of the one I wasn’t supposed to think about popped in my mind.
While he was sitting comfortably on the freshly cut grass of the Center park, legs stretched and arms holding himself behind his back, I had my head resting on his lap. The part of my legs that weren’t covered by my shorts was caressed by the warm and tingly grass.
Of course, this scene was rather familiar to me, but Jimin had been insisting to lay by the sun for a bit. I couldn’t say no, but I also couldn’t chase away the image of Jungkook beside me.
“I… I was just thinking about the Matching Ceremony.”
It was only half a lie. The Ceremony was also filling a big part of my mind as it was approaching way quicker than I thought. The Matching banquet seemed not so long ago, yet almost nine months had passed.
Since we would be living in my city, the Society decided it would be nice to have our Ceremony at Jimin’s city instead. It wasn’t very complicated, nor as stressing as the Matching Banquet considering we knew exactly what would be the unfold of it. Both our families and friends would attend. I would be walking on an alley with my father, who would then accept the continuing of the ceremony by shaking my match’s hand. One of the Matching Ceremony’s representative would lead the event, and after exchanging our vows, we would exchange the rings and seal the Ceremony with a kiss.
Our first kiss.
Jimin smiled as he looked up to the sky again. “The last months arrived so quickly… I can’t believe the Ceremony is so soon.” He thought out loud and I closed my eyes again, relaxing by the sound of his voice. “I’m rather excited for it. It means our adult lives truly begin.” I simply hummed in agreement, too lazy to formulate an answer, and there was a short silence before he spoke again. “Are you excited about it?”
I opened my eyes again to see he was staring down at me. For a second I noticed what seemed like a flash of worry pass in his eyes but I reassured him with a smile. “Of course, I am.” I sat up beside him and rested my head on his shoulder.
We stayed in this position for a while, not needing any words to fill up the atmosphere. Jimin shifted a bit closer, one of his hands resting against one of mine while his head leaned on mine.
“Is… Is the kiss scaring you?” His voice was a bare whisper when he spoke. I had learned enough about him not to need to look to know he was blushing. There weren’t many things we didn’t know about each other anymore. Not only the time we spent together made us know one another more, but it also created this thick bond between us.
I shrugged at his question, keeping my eyes on the horizon where the sun was slowly making its way down to the trees. “Maybe a bit, but the Ceremony as a whole scares me more. It’s so… I mean I know it’s going to go well, but it’s such an important step in our lives, it’s stressing.”
Jimin hummed and I felt his thumb drawing small patterns against the top of my hand. “It is, but I promise it’ll go perfectly fine.” He answered and I nodded slowly, feeling him shift a bit. He moved his head away from mine and I felt him place a kiss on my head.
It felt like my heart had skipped a beat. Each minute that I spent with him made me grow fond of him more. When he was by my side, Jungkook would almost completely fade away from my mind and thoughts.
It upsetted me, every time I went back home after spending the day with my match, because my best friend wouldn’t go away. He wouldn’t leave me alone, leave my heart alone. Jimin made me happy and I knew I made him happy, too, yet it didn’t matter how drawn to him I was, Jungkook was always filling a tiny part of my mind. I couldn’t stop missing him.
I couldn’t stop missing his eyes, his face, his touches, his presence by my side. Spending 18 years with someone and having them disappear all of a sudden changes everything. I would have never been ready for such a change. I wasn’t nine months ago, and I still wasn’t to that day.
I closed my eyes tightly before opening them again. My reflection in the mirror was still the same, so I figured it wasn’t a dream like I thought it might have been.
Yura was standing behind me and I could see her eyes were a bit red. I turned around to face her and gave her a comforting smile. “Don’t be like this, the Ceremony hasn’t even begun.” I told her and she smiled back, one tear quickly running down her cheek.
“I know, Dayeon, but you just look so pretty… And I can’t believe I’m right here by your side for this.”
I went to her and took her in my arms, hugging her tightly. She did just the same before moving back to have a look at my clean white dress. She turned me around and I looked at myself a second time, eyes wandering up and down my tall figure through the glass.
I smiled at my reflection. I was indeed pretty in this dress. My hair was curled again, just as they were for the Matching Banquet, but this time I decided to tie them up in a bun. There were a few little crystal-like pins decorating my hair, a few strands falling loosely around my face. The dress was so long I couldn’t see my feet at all. I looked just like the princesses in the storybooks we were reading when we were younger.
An employee from the city hall walked in our small dressing room and I turned to face her. The lady smiled to me, complimenting my look before announcing the Ceremony would begin shortly. I only had a couple of minutes left before my father would come and get me. She motioned Yura to follow her and my friend nodded, giving me a last quick hug and a subtle peck on the cheek before leaving.
“You got this, Yeon, you’ll be the most shinning stars of all tonight.” She whispered to my ear before following the employee and the door to the room was closed.
I went to sit on the small couch on the side of the room and closed my eyes for a moment. I tried imagining Jimin in his suit, waiting for me at the end of the alley with his angel-like eye smile.
But who I saw waiting for me was Jungkook instead.
I gasped and opened my eyes immediately, feeling guilt spread in my whole body again. I shouldn’t be thinking about him, especially on this day. I stood quickly and paced around the room. Jimin, Jimin, Jimin, only think about Jimin. I repeated to myself over and over again as I stepped around the room. How dare he pop up in my mind during such an event? It was simply unfair.
I walked to the mirror and stared at myself again, slightly frowning. Today, you’re getting officially matched with the one who is right for you. It’s not time to think about the one who it was a mistake to fall for.
The door to the room opened again and I turned around, immediately smiling when I saw my father peeking in. When he saw me, his face lighted up as well and he walked inside, closing the door behind him. As he took several steps in my direction, I noticed his eyes seemed teary.
“Oh, Dayeon, you look so incredible in your dress, your mom is going to love it.” He said as he arrived in front of me. He stayed still and looked down at me, probably wishing to keep this image in his memory forever.
I knew my father wasn’t one inclined to physical affection a lot, but I still went to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my head on his chest. “Thank you, dad.” I whispered to him and, to my surprise, he did rest his hands against my back before pecking my forehead softly.
“You make me think of your mother like this, Dayeon. She was just as stunning as you are. I was the happiest man when I saw her walking down the alley with her father, and I’m sure your match will be just as happy.”
His words warmed my heart and I thanked him before moving back and turning to face the mirror again. I made some last fixes with my dress and hair before turning again. “So, it’s time?” I asked him and he nodded, giving me his arm.
“It is, sweetheart.”
I nodded and wrapped my arm with his. We exited the small room and he brought me to the main room where the Ceremony was held. The two large doors were closed and I could hear people chatting inside, probably getting ready as well. The chatters slowly faded and it became completely quiet. I wondered if my father could hear my heartbeat from where he was.
The official Matching Ceremony’s song started playing in the other room and it was the signal for us to go. I straightened my back and took a deep breath before my father pushed the door open and we stepped inside the full room.
On the right of the alley, the benches were filled with people from Jimin’s family as well as his friends. The benches on the left were occupied by my family and friends. Everyone turned from their seat to look at my father and I, some gasping, some aweing and some tearing up.
At the end of the alley, along with the Ceremony’s representative, was my match. Park Jimin. He was standing straight, his hands in front of him with a bright smile on his face. He was looking straight at me, his eyes filled with what I came to know was love.
Just like Jungkook used to stare at me.
I almost tripped on my own feet at the thought and unconsciously held tighter onto my father’s arm. I hoped he would only think it was out of nervousness. My smile never left my lips, or I really wished it didn’t. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Yura on the left side of the small stage. She had a genuinely happy smile on her face as well, and in her hand, was a small box.
On the other side, her match, Hoseok, was holding another box as well. Our rings. How odd it was that our two witnesses had to be matched together. Just like my parents’ were.
And just like Jungkook’s.
This time I wasn’t able not to look down at my feet for a mere second. When I looked up again, we were getting closer to the little stage and I saw Jimin’s eyes silently asking if everything was alright. He probably noticed my uneasiness, so I comforted him with a smile and he let it slide, smiling back to me again.
My father brought me up in front of my match and let go of my hand before turning to the other male. Jimin, his smile not leaving his face, looked at my father and bowed at him. “Park Jimin, by the care of a father for his daughter, I accept the love that has been blooming between the two of you.” His low voice echoed in the quiet room. Like this, he looked like the most powerful man. After shaking Jimin’s hand, my father took mine and gave it to my match. “Han Dayeon, by the power of a father on his family, I wish that you take Park Jimin’s hand and that this love continues flowering until life has given you all it has to offer.”
The room became completely quiet again and my father, after bowing one last time, walked down to the benches to sit by my mom on the first row. When my eyes met her, I saw she was already crying.
The representative invited our witnesses to bring the rings, and so did they. Yura and Hoseok walked to us and each opened their small boxes, which contained the two golden rings. In my box was Jimin’s while in his was mine. Jimin was the first to take his and when he looked at me, it felt like time had come to a halt.
“Han Dayeon.” He said and I felt a shiver running down my back. “Until life has given us all it has to offer, I, Park Jimin, promise to give you everything a man can give to the woman who makes his heart swell. There will be only you, and I promise to hold onto your hand as tightly as I can as we discover the path of life together.”
With that, Jimin slid the golden ring on the right finger and I felt something warm fall down my left cheek. I quickly blinked to make the tears go away and took the ring from Yura’s box before looking back at Jimin.
“Park Jimin.” It was hard not to let my voice crack, but I had to look strong in front of everyone even though I was so close to collapsing. “Until life has given us all it has to offer, I, Han Dayeon, promise to give you everything a woman can give to the man who makes her heart swell. There will be only you, and I promise to hold onto your hand as tightly as I can as we discover the path of life together.”
One more tear ran down my cheek as I slipped Jimin’s ring on his finger. I didn’t know why I was crying, but hopefully they were cries of happiness. The Ceremony representative then raised his two arms and smiled at us.
“Two rising children of the Society now have their hearths filled with love, and may this love perpetuate even after life has given you all it has to offer.”
I was so lost somewhere in Jimin’s eyes I was a bit startled when I blinked and found him so close, his nose barely touching mine. “I think we have to kiss, now.” He whispered and we both chuckled. I nodded slowly, heart racing in my chest when I closed my eyes and inched closer.
His lips were soft against mine, putting a bit of pressure, but not too much, just enough to make me feel completely dizzy with what I figured was love. I was holding so tightly on his hands and could barely hear the people cheer and applaud around us. All that was occupying my mind was my match, Jimin, and his lips against mine sealing our future together.
And, of course, somewhere deep, deep in a corner, Jungkook was there, too.
After the Ceremony came the diner and the first dance. Everyone had the chance to get a piece of cake after the copious meal and, when the tables were freed from the plates and food, the representative came and asked all the couples to stand for the dance.
Jimin stood first, giving me his hand and I gladly took it, giving him a smile as he led me toward the middle of the room for the first dance. It wasn’t a very complex one, but we still had to learn it and be sure to master it before the big day. Jimin, who was an excellent dancer, took the time to help me through the several mistakes I made as well as the numerous times I stepped on his foot. He had been patient the whole time and seeing how much he cared about me only made my heart beat faster for him.
Once in the middle of the small dance floor, he brought me a bit closer, one of his hands circling my waist and the other holding onto one of mine while my other went around his neck. “Do you remember everything I taught you?” Jimin asked and I nodded slowly, looking down at my feet and doing my best to remember every little step and turn.
The music started and so did we. Jimin smoothly led the dance and I followed him as well as I could. Dancing had never been a strong ability of mine but I tried my best to make him proud. As the song went on, more people joined on the floor until all the couples were turning around and moving in synchronization.
I looked around as everyone danced and smiled as I saw my two parents in each other’s arms. It was beautiful to see them like this, both lost in the other’s eyes with a smile on their faces. Like this, I could easily imagine them during their own Matching Ceremony, my mother in a dress similar to mine and my father in a clean suit as they exchanged their first kiss.
Not too far away, I also spotted my friend, Yura, in the arms of her match, Hoseok. They had their Ceremony a week ago, which I attended as her witness as well. Both were giggling, Yura messing with a few parts and Hoseok trying his best to hold her straight up. I had learned from Jimin that both were taking dance classes together, so I figured Hoseok was just as skilled. Like this, our two friends looked like two kids playing around, and it was such an innocent and beautiful sight. From the beginning, I was already certain they would fit exactly together.
When I turned back to look at my own match, he was looking back at me and I noticed a small, subtle frown on his face. “Is everything all right, Dayeon?” He whispered to me and, even though I wanted to say everything was fine, I realized it wasn’t.
There was something, someone, missing.
Jimin sighed and leaned a bit closer, his forehead resting against mine as we continued dancing. This way, no one could really see our faces clearly, so only I could see his expression change into one of worry as my smile crumbled. “What’s wrong?”
My eyes fell onto the floor where our feet still moved around. It surprised myself how I was able to keep dancing while my mind was completely busy thinking about other things.
It was rare that I would let my wall break in front of him, especially because the reason I had built it wasn’t one I could scream to the whole world. There were some times, though, when it was simply too hard to smile in front of my match, so I would use all of my strength to modify the reality into something more right. Something I had the right to think.
“I wish Jungkook could see me today. I wish he was there to dance with us as well.” I confessed, closing my eyes to avoid Jimin’s. I would usually avoid his eyes when I had to talk about my best friend, but that only made it easier for him since, this way, he didn’t need to hide his pain. Thus, I never saw it.
I heard him hum, his hand caressing my back as we continued swaying among the crowd. I knew he didn’t know what to say, and it was completely fine like this. I didn’t really expect him to say anything either. I understood there was simply nothing to say. Nothing could have made me feel better. There were no words to sooth the pain of a loss.
In the arms of Jimin, my newly husband, whom I loved and cared for, I continued dancing until the songs were over and the couples parted. We had stayed quiet for the dances that had followed and bowed once the music came to an halt. Then everyone applauded and the echo of the last clap marked the end of the Matching Ceremony.
Long life to the matches, and may this love perpetuate even after life has given you all it has to offer.
But the Society couldn’t just stop after one mistake, could It?
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jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
You just. What’s going on, guys? It’s K-Dub here with another episode of Crypto Zombie. Welcome back to the Channel. Hope you’re having a great weekend so far, having a look at what is going on. We are having a little bit of a mixed day today. You know, some of the all coins are up 0.3 point 1.6 percent. Bitcoin down point 4 percent really since yesterday. Not really much has changed. We did dip down to about six thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. Now, in yesterday’s video, we were talking about whales moving twenty five thousand six hundred and eighty four bitcoin. And actually today we do have some confirmation on a move that might have triggered some of this sell off. So I do want to talk about what that was and what we should expect, because now we have some analysts coming out saying that Bitcoin has to go down to $3000. In fact, one of them is an analyst who did accurately call the dip down to three thousand eight hundred dollars. So I do want to sort of analyze that today. At the same point, I do want to zoom out, have a look at the macro trend. Are we sort of where we should be for Bitcoin’s position right now in sort of that reha cumulation stage leading into the having, don’t forget. OK, the having is coming up in about a month from now. So I do want to get into all that. And we do have actually some big news today that came out. It’s something we’ve been waiting for for quite some time. And today is the day and we’re going to get into that. So we do have some positive news. We have a little bit of negative news. And we also do have a Bitcoin transaction for one point one billion dollars, which are going to get into in just a bit. And if all that sounds good to you, well, you know what to do if you are not subscribe to the crypto zombie channel will do consider it. We do this for the most part every single day. Without further ado, let’s dive directly into the chart so you can see right here, we did, in fact, fall out of this ascending wedge. We are sort of just hanging around this previous resistance right here, turned suppor. OK. Now, I do want to point out yesterday we did actually have a lot of bitcoin on the move. And if we have a look right here, there was a thousand Bitcoin that were deposited onto Hoby. And you notice that literally minutes afterwards, Bitcoin did, in fact, have a major move. So it does look like we did have some whale investors that were looking to actually sell yesterday and we did see that reflected in the chart. Now, before you freak out and go, that’s it. We’re going to zero there selling. I’m going to show you something that is actually very positive. As far as the data, even whale data is concerned. But super quick, let’s have a look at the chart. You will notice that unfortunately that selloff did now put us underneath the support, the previous support that we had. You know, we had it here. We touched down here. We had support here. Well, now currently we are actually sitting below it. So now we’re underneath the support. And the support is acting as resistance. This isn’t necessarily too good short term. Now, if we were to break above this, then we could see ourselves back around the hartline and we could have a seven thousand five hundred dollar bitcoin maybe buy. I don’t know, the end of the weekend. That is possible. However, there is also the scenario that we break to the downside. And you will notice that if we actually extend this line out from the ascending triangle that started out from the dip, we are sitting directly on the support or the resistance actually of the top. And the thing is, is if we fall down, we could be looking at a 6.6 K level lower than that. Well, that would break us all the way back down to the bout, almost like the six thousand six thousand one hundred dollar level for Bitcoin. Would I become bearish? Not necessarily. We would still be putting in a higher low. That would be higher than this low back here. So on a short term timeframe, that wouldn’t be too bad for bitcoin. Now, having a look at crypto cappo or crypto Cabo. Now, keep in mind, this guy, he did actually predict the $3800 dip. He says this time it’s different. Right. Obviously, a bit of sarcasm. And he’s sort of pointing out all these run ups that Bitcoin had. You know, obviously, he’s saying that we are in a continued bear market and that basically what we’re having right now should be no different. And we could be looking for a further dump, maybe a big double bottom out around the $3000 level. That is a possibility. If you’re a bitcoin bear and you’re looking to, you know, potentially short the market, that is that is a possibility. You can make money by logging Bitcoin and shorting Bitcoin. Right. However, having a look over here, this is what I want to point out. We have noticed that balances on exchanges have reached a six month low, which means that investors are pulling even more money off exchanges than we had even spoken about a week ago. So what does this mean? What are people looking to sell? Well, no, because here’s the other key metric. The number of Bitcoin addresses holding over one bitcoin has reached an all time of eight hundred and three thousand. So you could see right here that the number of addresses is actually increasing, showing that bitcoin bitcoiners are actually holding bitcoin. They’re pulling it off exchanges. They’re saying, I’m not interested in trading. I’m interested in holding the bitcoin right now. Now, maybe they’re excited. About the upcoming Bitcoin having, which is literally in about a month from today. So that could be one thing. I mean, having a look at this chart. Obviously Bitcoin inflation versus time. Where would you want to hedge your bets? Right. But I know what a lot of people are saying. Yeah. Yeah. We’ve been hearing about this for quite some time, but the bitcoin price has been doing nothing but going straight down, not really straight down, but basically down since the all time high of 20k in twenty. It’s three years later. What is going on? Well let me just point something out real quick, OK? So we were discussing basically gold having this amazing run up, right. Gold is literally acting as the store of value now before somebody chimes in in the comments. I know this is the gold futures chart. The physical gold chart is different. I know, but I’m just using this as an example. OK. Now, look at the last time that gold was at these prices. It was basically eight years ago. OK. So, look, gold had this peak up here at around 1900 and 20 bucks that it kind of did what Bitcoin did, where Bitcoin had that crazy, you know, volatility after twenty seventeen. And then it went into the twenty eighteen bear market. Well look gold had a very similar market. In fact if we have a look pretty much from the last time it was that price. I mean look at how long gold kept going down and down and down. I mean basically gold really didn’t start showing any sign of recovery until about two thousand three hundred sixty six days later. And considering the fact that, you know, we’re looking at almost seven years of gold losing value and going sideways and Bitcoin’s only been down since December of twenty seventeen. Right. It’s really not that bad. But I feel like because it’s bitcoin, people just expect prices to just move. But really what we’re having right now is an opportunity for massive accumulation. I mean, now everyone’s like, darn it, I wish I had bought some gold, but can you imagine holding gold for these eight years? Right. While it was just losing value, that’s what I’m trying to say. Hindsight is 20/20 and people can definitely get super impatient when it comes to these assets. But if you do believe in bitcoin long term, the way that I believe in Bitcoin long term, then really this is just a blessing in disguise. And yeah, I mean, if you’re looking at dollar cost average, now is the time to do it. Obviously, if you are looking to short bitcoin, you can do that obviously over on some exchanges such as buy it and other leverage trading platforms. But I mean, you could also just take this opportunity to hoddle bitcoin and accumulate. Right. If you do believe in it long term. I mean, actually, if we have a look at this right here, pretty much just looking at the bull bear cycle, I’ve gone over this a few times on the channel. But right now we are in what is considered the re accumulation stage, which is this purple box. And if you look at the previous to re accumulation stages, they weren’t that exciting and none of them actually broke the previous all time highs. I mean, look back here, when we had the high in the previous basically bull market back just before twenty fourteen at the end of 2013, we didn’t actually see those levels again until 2017 actually not until sort of the second quarter of 2017. So we had to wait that many years until we saw the price reach that high again. So imagine all the people in the previous cycles saying, well, this isn’t worth it. You know, bitcoin is going to zero, whatever. Well, look where we are now, guys. We’re exactly where we should be. I mean, if you look at the stock to flow ratio, obviously you realize that Bitcoin is basically just being bitcoin right now. One other thing I want to point out is not just the fact about the price and all that other stuff, but we had over here a we had one. No, sorry, 16. No. One hundred and sixty one thousand five hundred bitcoin essentially that was about one point one billion dollars. And look at the fee right here, 0 0 0 1 bitcoin. Now if we actually copy that and put it into the bitcoin price right now, look at this guys. You had 1 billion dollars worth of bitcoin moved for sixty nine cents. So forget that it’s bitcoin just in general. Where can you move 1.1 billion dollars on the most secure network on planet Earth for less than 70 cents? Now, I know there’s maybe some other cryptocurrencies that are faster, whatever, but they’re not as secure as the bitcoin blockchain. And I know people are saying, well, what about gold? OK, try moving an ounce of gold from here across the world in under 10 minutes for 70 cents. Not going to happen. Not going to happen, guys. You’re gonna have to send it in the post office, right. And I mean, unless you’re doing a digital transfer. But I mean, if you want to transfer the actual gold itself, well, that is one situation. So now let’s talk about the big news of the day and then let’s get on out of here. So the day has finally come for institutional investors at Fidelity Digital Assets. They can now trade bitcoin finally on U.S. based exchange. Harris has. I know it’s been a while, but it’s finally here, guys, so through a strategic partnership designed to increase cryptocurrency exposure for big players, Fidelity’s stable of vetted institutional investors will have increased access to Bitcoin liquidity. Why is this important? Well, if you aren’t aware, Fidelity Investments manages 8.3 trillion dollars in customer assets. Just think about that amount. According to the CEO of arris X, he says Our time tested and proven central limit order book ensures that the best price on the market is available to everyone. And they also had a comment from the head of product for FDA saying We believe that arris X is central limit order book exchange model is critical to the maturation of crypto markets coupled with their technical after Tudeh accessible order sizes and a robust regulatory framework. arris X is an attractive solution to securely access digital assets. Keep in mind the USCF T-C did grant arris ex a clearinghouse licence last year. In addition to spot trading, the New York based Digital Asset Exchange, which is also backed by giant brokerage firm T.D. Ameritrade. Okay, so this is pretty logit operates a cryptocurrency futures market. So this is big news, guys. This is gonna be more sort of exposure, I guess. You know, a lot of people think that all the investors that are going to be in are in right now. I don’t think that that’s the case. I still think that some people are not in some people don’t want to be exposed to something as crazy and volatile as Bitcoin. Right. It is considered quite risky, I mean, considering how small the market cap is. So this just brings it more validity. It brings it more exposure. And with 8.3 trillion in customer assets under Fidelity investment, it does sort of give a lot of potential liquidity to move into Bitcoin. Should it look attractive to these new investors. Finally, I want to end on one one sort of maybe this might, you know, concern some guys out there. I know quarantine is getting kind of crazy. I know I’m going a little bit stir crazy in my house. I mean, I’ve been trying to go for bike rides and hikes just to kinda, you know, get out in nature. But obviously, you can’t go out to any public places, which I mean, realistically, you know, whatever. That’s another story. But anyway, we do have the IRS announcing Friday that it was launching a tool for eligible U.S. citizens and residents who don’t usually file a tax return to be able to obtain the twelve hundred dollars from the government. So pretty much hours after this decision, you had good old Jack Dorsey over at Square saying you can get your twelve hundred dollars even if you didn’t file a tax return in 2019. So over at Square, you can download the cash app and this will basically allow you to have that direct fund of the stimulus into your bank account. And this is looking like it’s going to be launched on April 17th. So definitely check that out if you have it. And yeah, I think that’s it for me today, guys. So thank you so much once again for coming back to the channel. If you’re not subscribed, do consider getting subscribe. We make these updates for the most part every single day. We also have a free telegram group up here. If you’re interested in joining, it’s totally free. You know, you could just hang out, talk crypto with a bunch of other like minded individuals. And obviously you guys know, you know, if you do want to support the channel, I do have links below. You can sign up for by bit. You could buy yourself a ledger. Doesn’t matter to me, though, guys. All it requires you to simply stop by, say hello, drop a comment, and that’s good for me. So thank you so much for coming back again. You guys rock. I do love you. My name is K-Dub. This is Crypto Zombie. Until next time, stay crypto and of course, peace out.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-big-news-millions-of-investors/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/615304553097789440
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
You just. What’s going on, guys? It’s K-Dub here with another episode of Crypto Zombie. Welcome back to the Channel. Hope you’re having a great weekend so far, having a look at what is going on. We are having a little bit of a mixed day today. You know, some of the all coins are up 0.3 point 1.6 percent. Bitcoin down point 4 percent really since yesterday. Not really much has changed. We did dip down to about six thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. Now, in yesterday’s video, we were talking about whales moving twenty five thousand six hundred and eighty four bitcoin. And actually today we do have some confirmation on a move that might have triggered some of this sell off. So I do want to talk about what that was and what we should expect, because now we have some analysts coming out saying that Bitcoin has to go down to $3000. In fact, one of them is an analyst who did accurately call the dip down to three thousand eight hundred dollars. So I do want to sort of analyze that today. At the same point, I do want to zoom out, have a look at the macro trend. Are we sort of where we should be for Bitcoin’s position right now in sort of that reha cumulation stage leading into the having, don’t forget. OK, the having is coming up in about a month from now. So I do want to get into all that. And we do have actually some big news today that came out. It’s something we’ve been waiting for for quite some time. And today is the day and we’re going to get into that. So we do have some positive news. We have a little bit of negative news. And we also do have a Bitcoin transaction for one point one billion dollars, which are going to get into in just a bit. And if all that sounds good to you, well, you know what to do if you are not subscribe to the crypto zombie channel will do consider it. We do this for the most part every single day. Without further ado, let’s dive directly into the chart so you can see right here, we did, in fact, fall out of this ascending wedge. We are sort of just hanging around this previous resistance right here, turned suppor. OK. Now, I do want to point out yesterday we did actually have a lot of bitcoin on the move. And if we have a look right here, there was a thousand Bitcoin that were deposited onto Hoby. And you notice that literally minutes afterwards, Bitcoin did, in fact, have a major move. So it does look like we did have some whale investors that were looking to actually sell yesterday and we did see that reflected in the chart. Now, before you freak out and go, that’s it. We’re going to zero there selling. I’m going to show you something that is actually very positive. As far as the data, even whale data is concerned. But super quick, let’s have a look at the chart. You will notice that unfortunately that selloff did now put us underneath the support, the previous support that we had. You know, we had it here. We touched down here. We had support here. Well, now currently we are actually sitting below it. So now we’re underneath the support. And the support is acting as resistance. This isn’t necessarily too good short term. Now, if we were to break above this, then we could see ourselves back around the hartline and we could have a seven thousand five hundred dollar bitcoin maybe buy. I don’t know, the end of the weekend. That is possible. However, there is also the scenario that we break to the downside. And you will notice that if we actually extend this line out from the ascending triangle that started out from the dip, we are sitting directly on the support or the resistance actually of the top. And the thing is, is if we fall down, we could be looking at a 6.6 K level lower than that. Well, that would break us all the way back down to the bout, almost like the six thousand six thousand one hundred dollar level for Bitcoin. Would I become bearish? Not necessarily. We would still be putting in a higher low. That would be higher than this low back here. So on a short term timeframe, that wouldn’t be too bad for bitcoin. Now, having a look at crypto cappo or crypto Cabo. Now, keep in mind, this guy, he did actually predict the $3800 dip. He says this time it’s different. Right. Obviously, a bit of sarcasm. And he’s sort of pointing out all these run ups that Bitcoin had. You know, obviously, he’s saying that we are in a continued bear market and that basically what we’re having right now should be no different. And we could be looking for a further dump, maybe a big double bottom out around the $3000 level. That is a possibility. If you’re a bitcoin bear and you’re looking to, you know, potentially short the market, that is that is a possibility. You can make money by logging Bitcoin and shorting Bitcoin. Right. However, having a look over here, this is what I want to point out. We have noticed that balances on exchanges have reached a six month low, which means that investors are pulling even more money off exchanges than we had even spoken about a week ago. So what does this mean? What are people looking to sell? Well, no, because here’s the other key metric. The number of Bitcoin addresses holding over one bitcoin has reached an all time of eight hundred and three thousand. So you could see right here that the number of addresses is actually increasing, showing that bitcoin bitcoiners are actually holding bitcoin. They’re pulling it off exchanges. They’re saying, I’m not interested in trading. I’m interested in holding the bitcoin right now. Now, maybe they’re excited. About the upcoming Bitcoin having, which is literally in about a month from today. So that could be one thing. I mean, having a look at this chart. Obviously Bitcoin inflation versus time. Where would you want to hedge your bets? Right. But I know what a lot of people are saying. Yeah. Yeah. We’ve been hearing about this for quite some time, but the bitcoin price has been doing nothing but going straight down, not really straight down, but basically down since the all time high of 20k in twenty. It’s three years later. What is going on? Well let me just point something out real quick, OK? So we were discussing basically gold having this amazing run up, right. Gold is literally acting as the store of value now before somebody chimes in in the comments. I know this is the gold futures chart. The physical gold chart is different. I know, but I’m just using this as an example. OK. Now, look at the last time that gold was at these prices. It was basically eight years ago. OK. So, look, gold had this peak up here at around 1900 and 20 bucks that it kind of did what Bitcoin did, where Bitcoin had that crazy, you know, volatility after twenty seventeen. And then it went into the twenty eighteen bear market. Well look gold had a very similar market. In fact if we have a look pretty much from the last time it was that price. I mean look at how long gold kept going down and down and down. I mean basically gold really didn’t start showing any sign of recovery until about two thousand three hundred sixty six days later. And considering the fact that, you know, we’re looking at almost seven years of gold losing value and going sideways and Bitcoin’s only been down since December of twenty seventeen. Right. It’s really not that bad. But I feel like because it’s bitcoin, people just expect prices to just move. But really what we’re having right now is an opportunity for massive accumulation. I mean, now everyone’s like, darn it, I wish I had bought some gold, but can you imagine holding gold for these eight years? Right. While it was just losing value, that’s what I’m trying to say. Hindsight is 20/20 and people can definitely get super impatient when it comes to these assets. But if you do believe in bitcoin long term, the way that I believe in Bitcoin long term, then really this is just a blessing in disguise. And yeah, I mean, if you’re looking at dollar cost average, now is the time to do it. Obviously, if you are looking to short bitcoin, you can do that obviously over on some exchanges such as buy it and other leverage trading platforms. But I mean, you could also just take this opportunity to hoddle bitcoin and accumulate. Right. If you do believe in it long term. I mean, actually, if we have a look at this right here, pretty much just looking at the bull bear cycle, I’ve gone over this a few times on the channel. But right now we are in what is considered the re accumulation stage, which is this purple box. And if you look at the previous to re accumulation stages, they weren’t that exciting and none of them actually broke the previous all time highs. I mean, look back here, when we had the high in the previous basically bull market back just before twenty fourteen at the end of 2013, we didn’t actually see those levels again until 2017 actually not until sort of the second quarter of 2017. So we had to wait that many years until we saw the price reach that high again. So imagine all the people in the previous cycles saying, well, this isn’t worth it. You know, bitcoin is going to zero, whatever. Well, look where we are now, guys. We’re exactly where we should be. I mean, if you look at the stock to flow ratio, obviously you realize that Bitcoin is basically just being bitcoin right now. One other thing I want to point out is not just the fact about the price and all that other stuff, but we had over here a we had one. No, sorry, 16. No. One hundred and sixty one thousand five hundred bitcoin essentially that was about one point one billion dollars. And look at the fee right here, 0 0 0 1 bitcoin. Now if we actually copy that and put it into the bitcoin price right now, look at this guys. You had 1 billion dollars worth of bitcoin moved for sixty nine cents. So forget that it’s bitcoin just in general. Where can you move 1.1 billion dollars on the most secure network on planet Earth for less than 70 cents? Now, I know there’s maybe some other cryptocurrencies that are faster, whatever, but they’re not as secure as the bitcoin blockchain. And I know people are saying, well, what about gold? OK, try moving an ounce of gold from here across the world in under 10 minutes for 70 cents. Not going to happen. Not going to happen, guys. You’re gonna have to send it in the post office, right. And I mean, unless you’re doing a digital transfer. But I mean, if you want to transfer the actual gold itself, well, that is one situation. So now let’s talk about the big news of the day and then let’s get on out of here. So the day has finally come for institutional investors at Fidelity Digital Assets. They can now trade bitcoin finally on U.S. based exchange. Harris has. I know it’s been a while, but it’s finally here, guys, so through a strategic partnership designed to increase cryptocurrency exposure for big players, Fidelity’s stable of vetted institutional investors will have increased access to Bitcoin liquidity. Why is this important? Well, if you aren’t aware, Fidelity Investments manages 8.3 trillion dollars in customer assets. Just think about that amount. According to the CEO of arris X, he says Our time tested and proven central limit order book ensures that the best price on the market is available to everyone. And they also had a comment from the head of product for FDA saying We believe that arris X is central limit order book exchange model is critical to the maturation of crypto markets coupled with their technical after Tudeh accessible order sizes and a robust regulatory framework. arris X is an attractive solution to securely access digital assets. Keep in mind the USCF T-C did grant arris ex a clearinghouse licence last year. In addition to spot trading, the New York based Digital Asset Exchange, which is also backed by giant brokerage firm T.D. Ameritrade. Okay, so this is pretty logit operates a cryptocurrency futures market. So this is big news, guys. This is gonna be more sort of exposure, I guess. You know, a lot of people think that all the investors that are going to be in are in right now. I don’t think that that’s the case. I still think that some people are not in some people don’t want to be exposed to something as crazy and volatile as Bitcoin. Right. It is considered quite risky, I mean, considering how small the market cap is. So this just brings it more validity. It brings it more exposure. And with 8.3 trillion in customer assets under Fidelity investment, it does sort of give a lot of potential liquidity to move into Bitcoin. Should it look attractive to these new investors. Finally, I want to end on one one sort of maybe this might, you know, concern some guys out there. I know quarantine is getting kind of crazy. I know I’m going a little bit stir crazy in my house. I mean, I’ve been trying to go for bike rides and hikes just to kinda, you know, get out in nature. But obviously, you can’t go out to any public places, which I mean, realistically, you know, whatever. That’s another story. But anyway, we do have the IRS announcing Friday that it was launching a tool for eligible U.S. citizens and residents who don’t usually file a tax return to be able to obtain the twelve hundred dollars from the government. So pretty much hours after this decision, you had good old Jack Dorsey over at Square saying you can get your twelve hundred dollars even if you didn’t file a tax return in 2019. So over at Square, you can download the cash app and this will basically allow you to have that direct fund of the stimulus into your bank account. And this is looking like it’s going to be launched on April 17th. So definitely check that out if you have it. And yeah, I think that’s it for me today, guys. So thank you so much once again for coming back to the channel. If you’re not subscribed, do consider getting subscribe. We make these updates for the most part every single day. We also have a free telegram group up here. If you’re interested in joining, it’s totally free. You know, you could just hang out, talk crypto with a bunch of other like minded individuals. And obviously you guys know, you know, if you do want to support the channel, I do have links below. You can sign up for by bit. You could buy yourself a ledger. Doesn’t matter to me, though, guys. All it requires you to simply stop by, say hello, drop a comment, and that’s good for me. So thank you so much for coming back again. You guys rock. I do love you. My name is K-Dub. This is Crypto Zombie. Until next time, stay crypto and of course, peace out.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-big-news-millions-of-investors/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/04/bitcoin-big-news-millions-of-investors.html
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
You just. What’s going on, guys? It’s K-Dub here with another episode of Crypto Zombie. Welcome back to the Channel. Hope you’re having a great weekend so far, having a look at what is going on. We are having a little bit of a mixed day today. You know, some of the all coins are up 0.3 point 1.6 percent. Bitcoin down point 4 percent really since yesterday. Not really much has changed. We did dip down to about six thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. Now, in yesterday’s video, we were talking about whales moving twenty five thousand six hundred and eighty four bitcoin. And actually today we do have some confirmation on a move that might have triggered some of this sell off. So I do want to talk about what that was and what we should expect, because now we have some analysts coming out saying that Bitcoin has to go down to $3000. In fact, one of them is an analyst who did accurately call the dip down to three thousand eight hundred dollars. So I do want to sort of analyze that today. At the same point, I do want to zoom out, have a look at the macro trend. Are we sort of where we should be for Bitcoin’s position right now in sort of that reha cumulation stage leading into the having, don’t forget. OK, the having is coming up in about a month from now. So I do want to get into all that. And we do have actually some big news today that came out. It’s something we’ve been waiting for for quite some time. And today is the day and we’re going to get into that. So we do have some positive news. We have a little bit of negative news. And we also do have a Bitcoin transaction for one point one billion dollars, which are going to get into in just a bit. And if all that sounds good to you, well, you know what to do if you are not subscribe to the crypto zombie channel will do consider it. We do this for the most part every single day. Without further ado, let’s dive directly into the chart so you can see right here, we did, in fact, fall out of this ascending wedge. We are sort of just hanging around this previous resistance right here, turned suppor. OK. Now, I do want to point out yesterday we did actually have a lot of bitcoin on the move. And if we have a look right here, there was a thousand Bitcoin that were deposited onto Hoby. And you notice that literally minutes afterwards, Bitcoin did, in fact, have a major move. So it does look like we did have some whale investors that were looking to actually sell yesterday and we did see that reflected in the chart. Now, before you freak out and go, that’s it. We’re going to zero there selling. I’m going to show you something that is actually very positive. As far as the data, even whale data is concerned. But super quick, let’s have a look at the chart. You will notice that unfortunately that selloff did now put us underneath the support, the previous support that we had. You know, we had it here. We touched down here. We had support here. Well, now currently we are actually sitting below it. So now we’re underneath the support. And the support is acting as resistance. This isn’t necessarily too good short term. Now, if we were to break above this, then we could see ourselves back around the hartline and we could have a seven thousand five hundred dollar bitcoin maybe buy. I don’t know, the end of the weekend. That is possible. However, there is also the scenario that we break to the downside. And you will notice that if we actually extend this line out from the ascending triangle that started out from the dip, we are sitting directly on the support or the resistance actually of the top. And the thing is, is if we fall down, we could be looking at a 6.6 K level lower than that. Well, that would break us all the way back down to the bout, almost like the six thousand six thousand one hundred dollar level for Bitcoin. Would I become bearish? Not necessarily. We would still be putting in a higher low. That would be higher than this low back here. So on a short term timeframe, that wouldn’t be too bad for bitcoin. Now, having a look at crypto cappo or crypto Cabo. Now, keep in mind, this guy, he did actually predict the $3800 dip. He says this time it’s different. Right. Obviously, a bit of sarcasm. And he’s sort of pointing out all these run ups that Bitcoin had. You know, obviously, he’s saying that we are in a continued bear market and that basically what we’re having right now should be no different. And we could be looking for a further dump, maybe a big double bottom out around the $3000 level. That is a possibility. If you’re a bitcoin bear and you’re looking to, you know, potentially short the market, that is that is a possibility. You can make money by logging Bitcoin and shorting Bitcoin. Right. However, having a look over here, this is what I want to point out. We have noticed that balances on exchanges have reached a six month low, which means that investors are pulling even more money off exchanges than we had even spoken about a week ago. So what does this mean? What are people looking to sell? Well, no, because here’s the other key metric. The number of Bitcoin addresses holding over one bitcoin has reached an all time of eight hundred and three thousand. So you could see right here that the number of addresses is actually increasing, showing that bitcoin bitcoiners are actually holding bitcoin. They’re pulling it off exchanges. They’re saying, I’m not interested in trading. I’m interested in holding the bitcoin right now. Now, maybe they’re excited. About the upcoming Bitcoin having, which is literally in about a month from today. So that could be one thing. I mean, having a look at this chart. Obviously Bitcoin inflation versus time. Where would you want to hedge your bets? Right. But I know what a lot of people are saying. Yeah. Yeah. We’ve been hearing about this for quite some time, but the bitcoin price has been doing nothing but going straight down, not really straight down, but basically down since the all time high of 20k in twenty. It’s three years later. What is going on? Well let me just point something out real quick, OK? So we were discussing basically gold having this amazing run up, right. Gold is literally acting as the store of value now before somebody chimes in in the comments. I know this is the gold futures chart. The physical gold chart is different. I know, but I’m just using this as an example. OK. Now, look at the last time that gold was at these prices. It was basically eight years ago. OK. So, look, gold had this peak up here at around 1900 and 20 bucks that it kind of did what Bitcoin did, where Bitcoin had that crazy, you know, volatility after twenty seventeen. And then it went into the twenty eighteen bear market. Well look gold had a very similar market. In fact if we have a look pretty much from the last time it was that price. I mean look at how long gold kept going down and down and down. I mean basically gold really didn’t start showing any sign of recovery until about two thousand three hundred sixty six days later. And considering the fact that, you know, we’re looking at almost seven years of gold losing value and going sideways and Bitcoin’s only been down since December of twenty seventeen. Right. It’s really not that bad. But I feel like because it’s bitcoin, people just expect prices to just move. But really what we’re having right now is an opportunity for massive accumulation. I mean, now everyone’s like, darn it, I wish I had bought some gold, but can you imagine holding gold for these eight years? Right. While it was just losing value, that’s what I’m trying to say. Hindsight is 20/20 and people can definitely get super impatient when it comes to these assets. But if you do believe in bitcoin long term, the way that I believe in Bitcoin long term, then really this is just a blessing in disguise. And yeah, I mean, if you’re looking at dollar cost average, now is the time to do it. Obviously, if you are looking to short bitcoin, you can do that obviously over on some exchanges such as buy it and other leverage trading platforms. But I mean, you could also just take this opportunity to hoddle bitcoin and accumulate. Right. If you do believe in it long term. I mean, actually, if we have a look at this right here, pretty much just looking at the bull bear cycle, I’ve gone over this a few times on the channel. But right now we are in what is considered the re accumulation stage, which is this purple box. And if you look at the previous to re accumulation stages, they weren’t that exciting and none of them actually broke the previous all time highs. I mean, look back here, when we had the high in the previous basically bull market back just before twenty fourteen at the end of 2013, we didn’t actually see those levels again until 2017 actually not until sort of the second quarter of 2017. So we had to wait that many years until we saw the price reach that high again. So imagine all the people in the previous cycles saying, well, this isn’t worth it. You know, bitcoin is going to zero, whatever. Well, look where we are now, guys. We’re exactly where we should be. I mean, if you look at the stock to flow ratio, obviously you realize that Bitcoin is basically just being bitcoin right now. One other thing I want to point out is not just the fact about the price and all that other stuff, but we had over here a we had one. No, sorry, 16. No. One hundred and sixty one thousand five hundred bitcoin essentially that was about one point one billion dollars. And look at the fee right here, 0 0 0 1 bitcoin. Now if we actually copy that and put it into the bitcoin price right now, look at this guys. You had 1 billion dollars worth of bitcoin moved for sixty nine cents. So forget that it’s bitcoin just in general. Where can you move 1.1 billion dollars on the most secure network on planet Earth for less than 70 cents? Now, I know there’s maybe some other cryptocurrencies that are faster, whatever, but they’re not as secure as the bitcoin blockchain. And I know people are saying, well, what about gold? OK, try moving an ounce of gold from here across the world in under 10 minutes for 70 cents. Not going to happen. Not going to happen, guys. You’re gonna have to send it in the post office, right. And I mean, unless you’re doing a digital transfer. But I mean, if you want to transfer the actual gold itself, well, that is one situation. So now let’s talk about the big news of the day and then let’s get on out of here. So the day has finally come for institutional investors at Fidelity Digital Assets. They can now trade bitcoin finally on U.S. based exchange. Harris has. I know it’s been a while, but it’s finally here, guys, so through a strategic partnership designed to increase cryptocurrency exposure for big players, Fidelity’s stable of vetted institutional investors will have increased access to Bitcoin liquidity. Why is this important? Well, if you aren’t aware, Fidelity Investments manages 8.3 trillion dollars in customer assets. Just think about that amount. According to the CEO of arris X, he says Our time tested and proven central limit order book ensures that the best price on the market is available to everyone. And they also had a comment from the head of product for FDA saying We believe that arris X is central limit order book exchange model is critical to the maturation of crypto markets coupled with their technical after Tudeh accessible order sizes and a robust regulatory framework. arris X is an attractive solution to securely access digital assets. Keep in mind the USCF T-C did grant arris ex a clearinghouse licence last year. In addition to spot trading, the New York based Digital Asset Exchange, which is also backed by giant brokerage firm T.D. Ameritrade. Okay, so this is pretty logit operates a cryptocurrency futures market. So this is big news, guys. This is gonna be more sort of exposure, I guess. You know, a lot of people think that all the investors that are going to be in are in right now. I don’t think that that’s the case. I still think that some people are not in some people don’t want to be exposed to something as crazy and volatile as Bitcoin. Right. It is considered quite risky, I mean, considering how small the market cap is. So this just brings it more validity. It brings it more exposure. And with 8.3 trillion in customer assets under Fidelity investment, it does sort of give a lot of potential liquidity to move into Bitcoin. Should it look attractive to these new investors. Finally, I want to end on one one sort of maybe this might, you know, concern some guys out there. I know quarantine is getting kind of crazy. I know I’m going a little bit stir crazy in my house. I mean, I’ve been trying to go for bike rides and hikes just to kinda, you know, get out in nature. But obviously, you can’t go out to any public places, which I mean, realistically, you know, whatever. That’s another story. But anyway, we do have the IRS announcing Friday that it was launching a tool for eligible U.S. citizens and residents who don’t usually file a tax return to be able to obtain the twelve hundred dollars from the government. So pretty much hours after this decision, you had good old Jack Dorsey over at Square saying you can get your twelve hundred dollars even if you didn’t file a tax return in 2019. So over at Square, you can download the cash app and this will basically allow you to have that direct fund of the stimulus into your bank account. And this is looking like it’s going to be launched on April 17th. So definitely check that out if you have it. And yeah, I think that’s it for me today, guys. So thank you so much once again for coming back to the channel. If you’re not subscribed, do consider getting subscribe. We make these updates for the most part every single day. We also have a free telegram group up here. If you’re interested in joining, it’s totally free. You know, you could just hang out, talk crypto with a bunch of other like minded individuals. And obviously you guys know, you know, if you do want to support the channel, I do have links below. You can sign up for by bit. You could buy yourself a ledger. Doesn’t matter to me, though, guys. All it requires you to simply stop by, say hello, drop a comment, and that’s good for me. So thank you so much for coming back again. You guys rock. I do love you. My name is K-Dub. This is Crypto Zombie. Until next time, stay crypto and of course, peace out.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-big-news-millions-of-investors/
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
You just. What’s going on, guys? It’s K-Dub here with another episode of Crypto Zombie. Welcome back to the Channel. Hope you’re having a great weekend so far, having a look at what is going on. We are having a little bit of a mixed day today. You know, some of the all coins are up 0.3 point 1.6 percent. Bitcoin down point 4 percent really since yesterday. Not really much has changed. We did dip down to about six thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. Now, in yesterday’s video, we were talking about whales moving twenty five thousand six hundred and eighty four bitcoin. And actually today we do have some confirmation on a move that might have triggered some of this sell off. So I do want to talk about what that was and what we should expect, because now we have some analysts coming out saying that Bitcoin has to go down to $3000. In fact, one of them is an analyst who did accurately call the dip down to three thousand eight hundred dollars. So I do want to sort of analyze that today. At the same point, I do want to zoom out, have a look at the macro trend. Are we sort of where we should be for Bitcoin’s position right now in sort of that reha cumulation stage leading into the having, don’t forget. OK, the having is coming up in about a month from now. So I do want to get into all that. And we do have actually some big news today that came out. It’s something we’ve been waiting for for quite some time. And today is the day and we’re going to get into that. So we do have some positive news. We have a little bit of negative news. And we also do have a Bitcoin transaction for one point one billion dollars, which are going to get into in just a bit. And if all that sounds good to you, well, you know what to do if you are not subscribe to the crypto zombie channel will do consider it. We do this for the most part every single day. Without further ado, let’s dive directly into the chart so you can see right here, we did, in fact, fall out of this ascending wedge. We are sort of just hanging around this previous resistance right here, turned suppor. OK. Now, I do want to point out yesterday we did actually have a lot of bitcoin on the move. And if we have a look right here, there was a thousand Bitcoin that were deposited onto Hoby. And you notice that literally minutes afterwards, Bitcoin did, in fact, have a major move. So it does look like we did have some whale investors that were looking to actually sell yesterday and we did see that reflected in the chart. Now, before you freak out and go, that’s it. We’re going to zero there selling. I’m going to show you something that is actually very positive. As far as the data, even whale data is concerned. But super quick, let’s have a look at the chart. You will notice that unfortunately that selloff did now put us underneath the support, the previous support that we had. You know, we had it here. We touched down here. We had support here. Well, now currently we are actually sitting below it. So now we’re underneath the support. And the support is acting as resistance. This isn’t necessarily too good short term. Now, if we were to break above this, then we could see ourselves back around the hartline and we could have a seven thousand five hundred dollar bitcoin maybe buy. I don’t know, the end of the weekend. That is possible. However, there is also the scenario that we break to the downside. And you will notice that if we actually extend this line out from the ascending triangle that started out from the dip, we are sitting directly on the support or the resistance actually of the top. And the thing is, is if we fall down, we could be looking at a 6.6 K level lower than that. Well, that would break us all the way back down to the bout, almost like the six thousand six thousand one hundred dollar level for Bitcoin. Would I become bearish? Not necessarily. We would still be putting in a higher low. That would be higher than this low back here. So on a short term timeframe, that wouldn’t be too bad for bitcoin. Now, having a look at crypto cappo or crypto Cabo. Now, keep in mind, this guy, he did actually predict the $3800 dip. He says this time it’s different. Right. Obviously, a bit of sarcasm. And he’s sort of pointing out all these run ups that Bitcoin had. You know, obviously, he’s saying that we are in a continued bear market and that basically what we’re having right now should be no different. And we could be looking for a further dump, maybe a big double bottom out around the $3000 level. That is a possibility. If you’re a bitcoin bear and you’re looking to, you know, potentially short the market, that is that is a possibility. You can make money by logging Bitcoin and shorting Bitcoin. Right. However, having a look over here, this is what I want to point out. We have noticed that balances on exchanges have reached a six month low, which means that investors are pulling even more money off exchanges than we had even spoken about a week ago. So what does this mean? What are people looking to sell? Well, no, because here’s the other key metric. The number of Bitcoin addresses holding over one bitcoin has reached an all time of eight hundred and three thousand. So you could see right here that the number of addresses is actually increasing, showing that bitcoin bitcoiners are actually holding bitcoin. They’re pulling it off exchanges. They’re saying, I’m not interested in trading. I’m interested in holding the bitcoin right now. Now, maybe they’re excited. About the upcoming Bitcoin having, which is literally in about a month from today. So that could be one thing. I mean, having a look at this chart. Obviously Bitcoin inflation versus time. Where would you want to hedge your bets? Right. But I know what a lot of people are saying. Yeah. Yeah. We’ve been hearing about this for quite some time, but the bitcoin price has been doing nothing but going straight down, not really straight down, but basically down since the all time high of 20k in twenty. It’s three years later. What is going on? Well let me just point something out real quick, OK? So we were discussing basically gold having this amazing run up, right. Gold is literally acting as the store of value now before somebody chimes in in the comments. I know this is the gold futures chart. The physical gold chart is different. I know, but I’m just using this as an example. OK. Now, look at the last time that gold was at these prices. It was basically eight years ago. OK. So, look, gold had this peak up here at around 1900 and 20 bucks that it kind of did what Bitcoin did, where Bitcoin had that crazy, you know, volatility after twenty seventeen. And then it went into the twenty eighteen bear market. Well look gold had a very similar market. In fact if we have a look pretty much from the last time it was that price. I mean look at how long gold kept going down and down and down. I mean basically gold really didn’t start showing any sign of recovery until about two thousand three hundred sixty six days later. And considering the fact that, you know, we’re looking at almost seven years of gold losing value and going sideways and Bitcoin’s only been down since December of twenty seventeen. Right. It’s really not that bad. But I feel like because it’s bitcoin, people just expect prices to just move. But really what we’re having right now is an opportunity for massive accumulation. I mean, now everyone’s like, darn it, I wish I had bought some gold, but can you imagine holding gold for these eight years? Right. While it was just losing value, that’s what I’m trying to say. Hindsight is 20/20 and people can definitely get super impatient when it comes to these assets. But if you do believe in bitcoin long term, the way that I believe in Bitcoin long term, then really this is just a blessing in disguise. And yeah, I mean, if you’re looking at dollar cost average, now is the time to do it. Obviously, if you are looking to short bitcoin, you can do that obviously over on some exchanges such as buy it and other leverage trading platforms. But I mean, you could also just take this opportunity to hoddle bitcoin and accumulate. Right. If you do believe in it long term. I mean, actually, if we have a look at this right here, pretty much just looking at the bull bear cycle, I’ve gone over this a few times on the channel. But right now we are in what is considered the re accumulation stage, which is this purple box. And if you look at the previous to re accumulation stages, they weren’t that exciting and none of them actually broke the previous all time highs. I mean, look back here, when we had the high in the previous basically bull market back just before twenty fourteen at the end of 2013, we didn’t actually see those levels again until 2017 actually not until sort of the second quarter of 2017. So we had to wait that many years until we saw the price reach that high again. So imagine all the people in the previous cycles saying, well, this isn’t worth it. You know, bitcoin is going to zero, whatever. Well, look where we are now, guys. We’re exactly where we should be. I mean, if you look at the stock to flow ratio, obviously you realize that Bitcoin is basically just being bitcoin right now. One other thing I want to point out is not just the fact about the price and all that other stuff, but we had over here a we had one. No, sorry, 16. No. One hundred and sixty one thousand five hundred bitcoin essentially that was about one point one billion dollars. And look at the fee right here, 0 0 0 1 bitcoin. Now if we actually copy that and put it into the bitcoin price right now, look at this guys. You had 1 billion dollars worth of bitcoin moved for sixty nine cents. So forget that it’s bitcoin just in general. Where can you move 1.1 billion dollars on the most secure network on planet Earth for less than 70 cents? Now, I know there’s maybe some other cryptocurrencies that are faster, whatever, but they’re not as secure as the bitcoin blockchain. And I know people are saying, well, what about gold? OK, try moving an ounce of gold from here across the world in under 10 minutes for 70 cents. Not going to happen. Not going to happen, guys. You’re gonna have to send it in the post office, right. And I mean, unless you’re doing a digital transfer. But I mean, if you want to transfer the actual gold itself, well, that is one situation. So now let’s talk about the big news of the day and then let’s get on out of here. So the day has finally come for institutional investors at Fidelity Digital Assets. They can now trade bitcoin finally on U.S. based exchange. Harris has. I know it’s been a while, but it’s finally here, guys, so through a strategic partnership designed to increase cryptocurrency exposure for big players, Fidelity’s stable of vetted institutional investors will have increased access to Bitcoin liquidity. Why is this important? Well, if you aren’t aware, Fidelity Investments manages 8.3 trillion dollars in customer assets. Just think about that amount. According to the CEO of arris X, he says Our time tested and proven central limit order book ensures that the best price on the market is available to everyone. And they also had a comment from the head of product for FDA saying We believe that arris X is central limit order book exchange model is critical to the maturation of crypto markets coupled with their technical after Tudeh accessible order sizes and a robust regulatory framework. arris X is an attractive solution to securely access digital assets. Keep in mind the USCF T-C did grant arris ex a clearinghouse licence last year. In addition to spot trading, the New York based Digital Asset Exchange, which is also backed by giant brokerage firm T.D. Ameritrade. Okay, so this is pretty logit operates a cryptocurrency futures market. So this is big news, guys. This is gonna be more sort of exposure, I guess. You know, a lot of people think that all the investors that are going to be in are in right now. I don’t think that that’s the case. I still think that some people are not in some people don’t want to be exposed to something as crazy and volatile as Bitcoin. Right. It is considered quite risky, I mean, considering how small the market cap is. So this just brings it more validity. It brings it more exposure. And with 8.3 trillion in customer assets under Fidelity investment, it does sort of give a lot of potential liquidity to move into Bitcoin. Should it look attractive to these new investors. Finally, I want to end on one one sort of maybe this might, you know, concern some guys out there. I know quarantine is getting kind of crazy. I know I’m going a little bit stir crazy in my house. I mean, I’ve been trying to go for bike rides and hikes just to kinda, you know, get out in nature. But obviously, you can’t go out to any public places, which I mean, realistically, you know, whatever. That’s another story. But anyway, we do have the IRS announcing Friday that it was launching a tool for eligible U.S. citizens and residents who don’t usually file a tax return to be able to obtain the twelve hundred dollars from the government. So pretty much hours after this decision, you had good old Jack Dorsey over at Square saying you can get your twelve hundred dollars even if you didn’t file a tax return in 2019. So over at Square, you can download the cash app and this will basically allow you to have that direct fund of the stimulus into your bank account. And this is looking like it’s going to be launched on April 17th. So definitely check that out if you have it. And yeah, I think that’s it for me today, guys. So thank you so much once again for coming back to the channel. If you’re not subscribed, do consider getting subscribe. We make these updates for the most part every single day. We also have a free telegram group up here. If you’re interested in joining, it’s totally free. You know, you could just hang out, talk crypto with a bunch of other like minded individuals. And obviously you guys know, you know, if you do want to support the channel, I do have links below. You can sign up for by bit. You could buy yourself a ledger. Doesn’t matter to me, though, guys. All it requires you to simply stop by, say hello, drop a comment, and that’s good for me. So thank you so much for coming back again. You guys rock. I do love you. My name is K-Dub. This is Crypto Zombie. Until next time, stay crypto and of course, peace out.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-big-news-millions-of-investors/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/bitcoin-big-news-millions-of-investors-brand-new-access-to-btc-38k-first
0 notes