#I can dig it
karniss-bg3 · 1 year
Ach I imagine a Kar’niss enjoyer seeks only to comfort the poor soul—- but listening to Raphael boss music got me thinking. The horrors of Kar’niss having another silver-tongued manipulator after being freed from the Absolute (Hope seems like such a TEMPTING offer). *pushes unromancable background antagonists together in a for funsies* He deserves better but the brain worms for tragedy exist here.
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Seriously though, I can see that leading to some really dark stuff. Not that dark is a bad thing, it can lend itself to some intense character growth depending on how the story unfolds. But hoo, WOWEE-BOWEE, that is a shit soup Kar'niss could very well drown in. I don't know if he could survive three cruel masters in a row, depending on how Raphael utilized Kar'niss and to what ends. He is more of a smooth talker and manipulator. Compare that to Lolth and the Absolute and maybe Raphael would be the lesser of three evils.
For some reason the idea of Kar'niss being kept in a cage and dragged all over as a side show act for people to gawk at is something that came to mind. Driders are ultra rare surface side and people would probably pay good coin to stare at the "spider freak". Folks would likely hurl insults at him but that'd be the kindest thing they'd throw. Rocks, food containers, vegetables, he'd be pummeled by anything they could get away with. Drow alone are already treated poorly, a drider would be outright doomed.
Not sure why Raphael would go this route, I doubt he has much use for coin but maybe it's for the pure sick thrill of it. I think I just took 2d10 psychic damage. Poor Kar'niss. D;
Thanks for the ask!
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therichantsim · 8 months
My mom told my great aunt about my story and now she's reading it. She said Octavia / Lady O looks like Donna Summer.
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illiana-mystery · 2 years
For just a 30-second stint, Alfred was once Green Arrow.
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ainyan · 1 year
Tagged by: @irisopranta, @pangolinheart
Tagging: @sasslett, @starrysnowdrop, @starscytheskies, @autumnslance, @mxkelsifer, @sylaurin, and anyone else who wants to play!
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if it isn’t the inventor of girl boss feminism. the queen is without a doubt the most powerful piece on the board which begs the question – why is she doing all this shit for her weak-ass worm of a man? anyway, i digress. the queen is pretty much an unstoppable force. she tears around the board in every direction, leaving a trail of devastation in her wake. no realm is off limits to her, no net ensnares her, etc. her only weakness is, like the knight, she can sometimes fall victim to her own confidence. and after that, it’s a very hard thing to pick things up. as a queen, you are very much the captain of your own ship. you’re killing it, crushing it, often with very little thought for the consequences. do you think the queen has girl power? do you think she effectively utilises girl power through blind adherence to her social system and remorseless destruction of those she deems inferior? nah i’m just kidding girl, go get it
Find the Quiz here <3
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swan2swan · 6 months
Ah, so this is, in fact, an Everyone Dies Anime. Roger that.
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theclockworkjudas · 2 years
Hey what the fuck.
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sorryiwasscared · 2 months
I need to work!!!!
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goodnight-islanders · 4 months
coming back to litg after a good while and went to play stick or twist and they let you fuck *a lot* in this one huh?
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franciskirkland · 4 months
Love your OTP. 😻 Indonesia is also quite robust, showing off some pretty swole arms, so I’m sure he’d make a good fuck buddy as well.
thank you <33 its what she deserves! sadly i know nothing abt hetalia indonesia but hell yeah i don't see a reason he can't get in on it. (oh man ok. ur right. godamn. this guy is a total hunk. oh fuck oh shit)
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(via I got only one bed... which ao3 tag are you? )
the main character, the mood the vibe the moment, you might be a little basic, but cliches are cliches for a reason!
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Can you dig it?
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chalkrub · 2 years
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i know he ate a cheese
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chrislebrane · 11 months
My friends should tell me more TMI stuff. Merely sayin'.
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newtsnaturethings · 1 year
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Hear me out:
I think Zelda should have kept a couple of dragon traits. Just a few.
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ribombeeloved · 1 year
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NPC vibe
shopkeeper my beloved
hey hottie, so know right off the bat that you're so smart and so sexy and everyone should be aware of this. i love that you know what you want in life and so would any adventurer who met you. there's this casual sort of respect people default to when they meet you (or they should) because you seem like you know what you're talking about even when you don't. keep moving towards the goals you have set for yourself, you will reap the rewards of your efforts in due time. i know you are a business oriented individual or at least are an incredibly hard worker that's trying to make a name for themselves, but know that sometimes business and pleasure can coincide and overlap. don't overwork yourself, okay? and maybe give that cute adventurer who keeps coming in to see you a discount here and now. it might lead to something ;)
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I’m Me
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