#I came out to him several times over and he still misgenders and deadnames me
little-lee-froggie · 3 years
I will always be here for you
I got a lot of positive feedback on the last fic I uploaded, so I thought I’d post another one that I made! This one is for MHA instead of DSMP, so sorry if you don’t like MHA. This is technically the only MHA fic I’ve finished! I’m working on plenty, but never seem to finish them, lol! Anyway, here it is:
warnings: gender dysphoria (from a person who has experienced it, and still does), Mineta being absolutely disgusting, swearing, tickling (if I’m missing any warnings, please let me know)
Ler: Kirishima
Lee:Reader (enby masc)
You and Kiri had been friends since the moment you had met each other and your personalities just clicked. The two of you were finally in your third year of UA, and you barely ever left each other’s side.
He had immediately accepted you as trans nonbinary (female to nonbinary) and as soon as you came out to him a year ago he said “Wow, you’re so manly! So, they/them, right? Do you want to go by a new name? Y/N? That’s an awesome name! Hey, don’t cry! I’ll always be here for you and except you for who you are Y/N”, so to say it went well would be an understatement!
Over a year had passed, but some days, dysphoria just came to bite you in the ass, and today was one of those days.
You hadn’t had a hair cut in a while, so your hair was longer then you would’ve liked, plus you had to wash your binder, and you couldn’t find your spare, so you couldn’t have a flat chest like you wanted, and in top of that, Mineta was being repulsive about the fact that you had boobs, just staring at them and making discussing comments.
Kiri could tell you we’re having a shitty day, but he couldn’t think of anything to do to help you without you worrying that you were burdening him with all your problems, so he just offered as much physical support as you wanted, knowing that emotional support would make you feel like he pitted you, and he knew that was the last thing you wanted.
However, even with all the hugs and carrying you around that he could offer you, nothing seemed to take your mind even slightly off of your dysphoria.
All day your normally upbeat and positive personality shifted to a glumey and quiet one, and it reminded Kirishima of after you first came out to him.
He was the first one you told, and so you got deadnamed and misgendered all the time because he was the only one who knew for half a year, and he didn’t want to correct people so that he wouldn’t out you, which also meant he couldn’t call you your preferred name and pronouns around the class because he was the only one you were okay with knowing. Your dysphoria was also the worst it had ever been because you knew what was happening now, but you hadn’t even started socially transitioning, let alone physically, and it hurt Kiri to have to see you so upset and not able to do anything to help you other than what he was already doing, which wasn’t helping you much. He hated seeing you so sad, but he wasn’t able to help, and he hated that more.
All of today, class 1A (besides Mineta and Baukugou) was trying to make you feel better as well, but nothing was working. About half way through the day, Momo made you a new binder that you went to put on in the bathroom, but since you were “so lucky” to sit next to Mineta, once you came back he started to pester you about why you would want to flatten your chest and about how weird it was that you didn’t appreciate the fact that you had a “free show of tits whenever you want” as he put it (ew).
After almost twenty minutes of enduring his harassment and gross comments, you finally lost it and with all the strength you had, you punched him in the face, giving him a broken nose and a black eye, to which Aizawa had to pause class and speak to you in the hall.
After you explained everything and how gross Mineta was being all day and why you just lost it, Aizawa said “Well, first of all, I’m sorry that’s been happening to you, and I assure you that Mineta will be punished SEVERELY, second, I will move you to a different seat so you won’t have to deal with him anymore, but third, you did still punch him, and as much as I applaud you for standing up for yourself, this school has no tolerance for violence outside of training, so I’m afraid that you will have to go back to the dorms and miss out on training today and will be under house arrest tomorrow. However you don’t have to do any chores like Baukugou and Midoria did, just try to get some rest and work on your mental health”. You nodded and went back to the dorms.
After Aizawa had spoken to you, he heard yelling coming from the class, and when he came in, he saw Kiri yelling and tackling Mineta, and pulled Kiri off him. After yet another conversation, Kiri got the same punishment as you, and went back to the dorms where you already were.
You had been crying on your bed for about 12 minutes when you heard a knock and your door open.
“Are you okay?”, said Kiri’s voice behind you, making you sit up and look at him. He came and sat next to you, wiping your tears away and rubbing his thumb over your cheek. “Why do I have to feel like this? Why can’t I just be cis and not have to worry about it? Why the fuck is Mineta like this? Why me? Just why?”, you sobbed as Kiri pulled you in for a hug.
“It’s okay. I’m here, I have you, your safe. Just focus on my heartbeat and don’t think about anything else. Let yourself let go and forget about everything for a minute” he said, letting you hide your face in his chest as you took some deep breath’s and just focused on his heartbeat, just like he told you to. After about five minutes, he asked “Better?”, and you nodded, looking up at him, calmed down, but still sad.
What he said next made your stomach fill with butterflies.
“Good. Now let’s see a smile, hmm?”, he said as he pinned you arms above your head using one of his forearms to hold them in place, and lifted your shirt, skittering his nails all over your stomach, getting sweet giggles and a wide, tickle induced smile on your face.
You started to wiggle slightly, trying not to giggle, but failing miserably, making Kirishima smile at how cute his best friend was, how ticklish they were.
“There we go, there’s the smiley Y/N I know and love! Good to see you back!”, he lovingly teased, making you smile wider, genuinely happy. “Kihihihirihehehe!! Dohohohon’t tehehehease mehehe!!”, you giggled as you blushed, secretly loving it, but you’d never admit that in a million years.
Tickling was a common way for him to show affection for you, waking you up with tickles, tickling you when you were sad, or just to have fun with you, it didn’t matter. As long as it meant he could be the cause of your laughter, he was happy, and so were you.
No one else knew about you liking being tickled or even the fact that you were ticklish, it was just a you and Kirishima thing, just for you two to enjoy together and have fun with, and you liked it that way. Since you both got up earlier then most people in the dorm, it was easy to wake you up that way without being caught, but it was harder to do it just in general, so you were both glad that it was just the two of you in heights alliance, free to have as much fun as you wanted, as well as tomorrow.
“Don’t teases you? But it’s so fun, especially when you’re this ticklish! Tickle tickle tickle~”
He continued to tease you, making you giggle louder. “Nohohoho, yohohou’re beheheing mehehean!! Ahahaha!!!”, you accused, completely forgetting about everything that happened today, just like how Kiri hoped you would.
“Oh, so me helping you smile is mean now? If that’s the case, then I’ll show you what’s REALLY mean!!”, he threatened, as he took in a deep breath and blew the biggest raspberry he could manage, making you scream in laughter, now in hysterics. “KIHIHIHIHIRIHIHIHAHAHA!!!”, you yelled as he slowed down a bit to let you catch your breath, but never stoping the skittering to keep that cute smile on your face as you continued with your sugary sweet giggles.
Once you had completely caught your breath, Kiri moved his hands to your armpits, letting your arms free and allowing them to trap his fingers as they continued to playfully tease your nerves, as he started nuzzling in the crook of your neck and letting his hair drift over your cheek, adding to the ticklish feeling.
He knew from experience that this would make you squeak and make your giggles higher, which he found absolutely adorable.
Because you skipped a grade, you were pretty much a year younger than him, and he thought of you like a younger sibling to protect and make happy as much as he can, so he has a lot of experience tickling you over the past two and a half years he’s known about your sensitivity, so he knows what spots tickle the most and the least, the ones that you like and the ones that you don’t, and the ones that made you laugh loudly and which ones made you giggle and squeak. He knows every place to target to get the best reaction and where to avoid. So when your giggles went from sweet and airy to high pitched and squeaky, it came as no surprise to him, making him smile.
“Aww, is little Y/N’s neck a little ticklish~? Hmhm, we’ll that’s to bad, because I’m neeeeeever going to stop! Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle!”, he teased, speaking into your neck making your giggles even more high pitched from the feeling. As much as he teased you about how he wasn’t ever going to stop, you really didn’t want him to. You had a shit day, and it was good for you to just laugh with nothing holding you back. Plus, you loved it when he tickled you, and he loved that you loved it!
“Hey Y/N~, don’t think for a second I forgot to get your armpits better~…” he teased, as for most of the time he had been tickling your armpits, he was going very lightly so he could focus on your neck for a little while, but now he started to speed up and get a bit rougher (but not to rough so he doesn’t hurt you), which makes your light squeaky giggles turn into a confused mixture of laughter, giggles, squeaks and broken sentences, making Kiri smile wider and laugh with you a bit. You could hear his chuckles next to your ear, the vibrations making you squeak even more, which in turn made him chuckle more, and the cycle continues.
After what felt like forever, he finally stopped, but it was far from over… as he let you go, you were to tired to move, plus the ghost tickles were still making you all giggly, which gave him enough time to pull you down by your ankles a little bit, and move up to your head, pinning your arms above your head again by sitting on them.
You knew what happened next, and your giggly state tried to muster out a plead, but nothing but giggles came out, not that you minded.
Kiri smirked at you, his shark-like teeth showing as he moved his hands to your hips, resting them there for a second. “One…” he started counting down as you closed your eyes. “Two…” he continued as the ghost tickles were gone and it was just nervous giggles coming out now. “Three!” He yelled, but nothing happened.
In confusion, you opened your eyes and met his, and you could see the mischief in them, as he finally started, catching you off guard.
“KIHIHIRIHISHEMAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!” You screamed as he was squeezing your worst spot, just looking right at you, not that you could see it through closed eyes.
“Hey Y/N! How bout we play a little game~?”, he teased, making you blush. “AHAHAHAHA!!!”, was all you could say, so he took it as a yes. “Good! It’s called shapes! How it works is I’ll draw shapes on you stomach with my nose, and you have to guess what it is! Guess correct and you get a reward, but guess wrong and you get a punishment! But here’s the twist… both the reward and the punishment is raspberries! Doesn’t that sound fun~?”, he teased you as you just laughed.
Even if you ignore the clear rigging of Kirishima’s game, it was still completely unfair, because he knew for a fact that you were failing geometry and he was actually quite good at it, so he would probably do shapes that you could never remember the names of, regardless of weather or not he would give you a raspberry either way. On top of that, you would be moving around, so it would distort the shape a bit, plus it was hard to tell what he was drawing in the first place.
“Okay, first one! What shape is… this~?”, he said, drawing a parallelogram, which you knew, just not the name, not that it mattered.
You knew from experience that when Kirishima tickled you with his nose, it tickled a fuck ton, but whenever it happens, you can never remember it being THAT bad. As soon as his cold nose made contact with your warm skin, you squeaked and started to giggle hysterically as he continued to squeeze your hips, lighter then before, but that didn’t matter.
“Ahahaha! Trahahahapehehehezoihihihihid?”, you guessed as you opened your eyes, making direct eye contact with a smirking Kiri, making you blush. “Incorrect~!”, he sang as he inhaled, and before you could start begging for mercy, his lips made contact with you stomach, letting all the stored up air out, making you scream and pound your feet on the bed, laughing uncontrollably.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, you shrieked, as Kiri just laughed into your stomach, sending unbearable vibrations through out your stomach and ribs. “Next shape!”, he said sounding far to happy about it.
Just to tease you, he decided to draw a trapezoid this time to see what you would say. As soon as his nose touched your stomach, you went back to hysterical giggles, and he moved his hands from kneading your hips to poking all over your ribs and sometimes going up to tease your armpits, making your hysterical giggles even louder.
After he finished drawing the trapezoid on your stomach, he spoke into your stomach this time
“Okay, what shape was that?”.
“Squahahahare???”, you asked nervously, not that it would change anything if you got it wrong. “Wrong again!”, he sang as he inhaled.
“NonononoNOHOHOHOKIHIHIRIHIHAHAHA!!”, you screamed as he blew on your stomach, laughing at you as you tried to escape, clearly not seceding. “Ohokay! Last one! I’ll do my best to choose an easy one~” he said as he thought for a moment, never stoping the pokes on your ribs and stomach to keep you all giggly and melting.
“Got it!”, he exclaimed excitedly as he bent down, once again making contact with your skin. You squealed, all smiley through out the drawing. “Okay, done!”, Kiri chirped, once again picking up the pace of the pokes while he waited.
“D-dihihihiahahamond??”, you giggled out, excepting your fate.
“Well, I was looking for rhombus, but I guess they’re the same shape, just different names, so I’ll give you a pass on this one, since it’s the last! Ready for your reward~??”, he teased, putting his face back on your stomach, preparing to attack.
“G-gohoho fohohor ihihihit” you said, anxious, but excited. “Okayyy! Three… two…” he started to count down, then inhaling, not ever getting to one, and letting it go, digging his fingers into your sides as you screamed from the feeling.
“AHAHAHAKAHAY!!! DOHOHONE!! DOHOHONE!!!”, you said right before falling into silent laughter. He chuckled slightly, lifting you up and pulling you into a close hug, helping you calm down, letting you giggle from the ghost tickles left on your skin.
“Feel better Y/N?”, he ask, stroking your head to help you calm down. “Yeahah, thahanks Kihihiri” you said as you caught your breath. “Good. And remember that I’m always here for you! Your never going to get rid of me” he said lovingly. “Nooooo, you’re so annoying!”, you teased as he smirked and started to poke your sides and ribs again. “Oh really? You up for round two then~?”, he teased as you started giggling again.
Needless to say, your laughter when on for awhile after that.
꧁༺The end༻꧂
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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Homophobia, Transphobic, Deadnaming, Misgendering.
The One Where Shouta’s Boyfriend Keeps Getting Deadnamed and Misgendered.
Requested By: Wattpad User
Edited: 1-4-2021
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The mall was full to the brim. Several people bustled about, walking by without a care in the world. Bumping into each other they went by, some not caring, some muttering out little apologies. You tried to keep a tight hold of your boyfriend's hand as to not get separated and lost amongst a sea of people. It was always extremely busy right after new years. Everyone rushed to the stores to return bad gifts that they didn't like or didn't fit, and overall, everything went on sale. Despite the rush, it was always worth the trip.
"You got the list?"
"Yup. First, we should hit 'Dicks Sporting Goods'. We can probably get a really good deal on a new sleeping bag for you, it's kinda old."
"Hey, don't respect her like that."
Shouta scowled down at you as he tore the list of things you needed to search for out of your hands to look at it himself. He wasn't all too sure what you needed to get, and he wanted to prioritize his time by hitting all the stores in a correct time manner. Underwear, Christmas candy from 'Sugar Daddy's Candies' to save for Valentine's day, new binder.
"Give that back, I made the list, only I get to look at it."
You quickly plucked the list out of Shouta's hands and stuffed it in your pocket, crinkling and tearing it a little in the process. Your shoulders slumped and you stared at your feet as you tried to calm yourself down. This wasn't something new, Shouta knew what you were. Shouta knew you weren't born a male but rather a female. He knew you didn't have male genital parts and he knew you used a binder to help rid yourself of your breasts. Despite him knowing it, having him look at your shopping list, one that listed a binder, made you feel self-conscious you still weren't use to sharing this side of yourself with someone.
Your whole life you were repressed from that part of yourself. Your parents, your siblings, your entire family didn't give you that kind of respect. They never respected your pronouns or your new name. They never respected or accepted you. You never came to know that kind of respect and acceptance in your life until you became a hero and began working for UA. Shouta stopped his walking, making an abrupt stop causing you to look up at him in confusion.
"You know I don't care about your binders right? They're something you need, a necessity. It's not something you need to be ashamed of or hide. It's part of you, if you need a new one then that's the first store we'll stop at."
Shouta wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to him so you were leaning into him as you walked across the mall, closer to the store that sold good quality binders. They were a bit pricey, but with the post-holiday sale, everything should've been cheaper. A smile slid across your lips as you leaned into Shouta. You didn't know why you got so worked up and insecure over your identity. He wasn't going to judge you. he wasn't going to shame you or stop loving you.
"You're a really good boyfriend, you know that?"
"Yeah, but I like it better when I hear it coming from my boyfriend."
Right as you were about to bring up Shouta's sleeping bag again, and the possibility of buying a new one for him, someone knocks into you practically sending you to the ground. Shouta was quick to jump into action and grab the back of your shirt to pull on and help you get back onto your feet before you fell on the ground. The person who knocked into you adjusted themselves and gathered their bags before mumbling out an apology.
"I am so sorry ma'am- [Birth Name]? [Birth Name] Is that you? I haven't seen you in forever!"
The mall was busy, but not busy enough. The mall was huge, but not huge enough. You wanted the world to swallow you up. Out of all the malls in Japan, all of the busy malls on one of the busiest days of the year, why did your mother have to come to this one? There was a reason the woman in front of you hadn't seen you in forever. There was a reason you never came around for dinner or holidays, there was a reason you never introduced your family to your boyfriend.
"Hi, mom, it's been a while."
"You should come home for dinner sometime, I and your father really miss our baby girl."
Your mother pulled you into a hug. It was unwelcomed and poorly returned. You didn't want to hug her, but you didn't want to make a scene in public, and certainly not in front of your boyfriend. At an early age, you learned it was easier to just give in to your mother and play nice until you could get away from her. Shouta could notice your tightened and stiff body. He could see the tight smile on your face as you pulled away from her. He could tell how you wanted to get away from her, he wanted to pull you away from this woman, but he didn't want to offend you. You're a pro hero, you can fight your own battles.
"I will, it's just been really busy right now."
You won't. You wouldn't ever come home willingly. It's such a lie, but it'll get her off of your back. The sooner you leave, the sooner you can ignore her. The sooner you can go back to not having a mother. Shouta watched as your mother moved your hair and smiled at you. You kept smiling back with that tight and pained smile. It was the kind of smile you used when a villain was beating you. The kind of smile you had when you were on the battlefield, struck with such pain but not wanting the press to see you weak. Shouta knew what you were doing. Pretend it's okay, pretend it's okay, and she'll leave. Pretend to be okay and pretend to be who you aren't.
"I'm sorry but you must have us mistaken for someone else. This is [Y/N], and he is a man."
His words come out so bluntly and you wince. You just wanted her to go. If you didn't engage in correcting her, she'd leave sooner. You didn't want Shouta to correct her, yet something inside your chest swelled and churned as he corrected her.
"I'm glad my daughter has made such darling friends at her new job, but you should know [Birth Name] isn't a boy, not really."
"Really, and what constitutes a boy? [Y/N] has a male name, and he dresses like a boy. Most importantly, he chooses to identify as a boy."
Shouta links your hands together and your fingers laced into each other. He rubbed his thumb into you in a circular comforting motion and your stiffened body began to loosen up more. You were so afraid of your mother, so afraid of her from years of living with her. It was okay, you didn't have to be afraid. You weren't a little frightened, defenseless, and scared girl anymore, you were a man, and a strong pro-hero.
"For the record, he's not my darling little friend, he's my darling gay boyfriend, and right now we're on our way to get me a new binder. Goodbye, mother."
You don't wait for her reply, you don't wait to see her reaction. You turn around and tug Shouta with you. You pull your boyfriend along with you to 'Trans-Trendy Outfitters' with a small smile on your face. You weren't little anymore, you weren't weak and small, you were a hero. This wasn't something you had to be ashamed of, this was something that made you, you.
"Thanks, Shouta, I- I don't think I would have stood up for myself if it wasn't for you."
"[Y/N], I love you and who you are. It's not right for her to dead name you like that, and you shouldn't be misgendered like that either. Don't give me credit though, you just needed a little push."
Shouta accepted you. He accepted and respected you. Your mother didn't matter, your family didn't matter. He was there and he accepted you when your family didn't. That was enough for you.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Umm, I accidentally deleted the request for this while moving it to my inbox, so here it is. (Also this is like, four months old).
I’m gonna rec this fic which is super well written and adorable
Steve is ftm. (Personally, I’m not a big fan of mpreg unless it’s like, biologically plausible 🤷‍♀️)
Under the cut bc it’s long and there’s a little bit of smut.
Billy’s hands were shaking as he raced out of the house.
He had a bag slung over one shoulder, had already put two others in the Camaro.
His dad had gone in hard today. Three days after Billy graduated high school and he’s already calling him a deadbeat, a fuck up. Telling him to get a job like he hasn’t worked every summer and most weekends since he was fourteen.
He lit a cigarette as he slid into the driver’s seat.
He was gonna make one stop on the way outta town.
Steve had given Billy a spare key months ago, after he was tired of always having to go downstairs and answer the door.
He liked it when Billy just made his way up, started kissing whatever skin was already exposed and asking Steve if he’s wet.
Tonight, Steve thought, was no different.
Billy was kissing up his calf, mouthing along his knee, a few fingers creeping up the leg of his shorts.
Billy was the best sex he’s ever had. Not a lot of gay guys will go down on Steve, some won’t even fuck him. He had been real hesitant to tell Billy, start having regular sex with his best friend, because he didn’t think Billy would want anything to do with him when he knew what he was bringing to the table.
But Billy had told him not to be an idiot, ate him out, and pounded him into the mattress.
And Steve was in love.
So he let Billy fuck him whenever he pleased, because at least Billy was giving him the time of day, at least he was getting some.
He opened his eyes, smiling lazily down at Billy.
“‘Time is it?”
“Almost two.” Billy was curling two fingers into his waistband, slowly pulling down his shorts, like maybe Steve wouldn’t notice.
Steve lifted his hips, and Billy whipped off his shorts, diving right in for his pussy.
He ate him out with the same fervor he did everything. Making all these gross slurping sounds, sucking on Steve’s cock and shoving his tongue inside him.
He made Steve cum twice on his face, as was the norm, before wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, and getting right to business.
He fucked Steve like he was mad at him.
He often did. And Steve knew he wasn’t mad at him, moreso mad at the other him, the him that’s ruined Billy’s life since before he was even born.
Steve wasn’t as dumb as everyone thought. Knew that when Billy snuck into his bedroom at odd hours of the night and absolutely ravished him, something bad had happened with his dad.
So when Billy finally rolled off of him, and lit a cigarette, Steve knew better than to ask.
“I’m leaving.” Steve just hummed at him. Billy sometimes stuck around after sex.
But Billy didn’t move.
“Like, leaving Hawkins.” Steve just hummed again. Billy talked a lot about leaving Hawkins. Steve had always secretly dreamed of running away with him. 
Billy just studied his face in the dark, stubbing out his cigarette and rolling over to hols Steve close to his chest.
Steve closed his eyes, let himself pretend.
Pretend that Billy loved him back.
He woke up to rustling, Billy getting dressed to leave as weak sunlight began to trickle through his curtains.
“Oh shit, didn’t mean to wake you.”
He smiled lazily at Billy.
“You comin’ back over tonight?” Billy looked stiff.
“Probably not. Sorry.”
“That’s okay. I’ll see you later, then.”
“Yeah. Later.” Billy was sitting on the end of his bed, had just finished tying on his boots.
And then he moved, quick as a flash to kiss Steve softly before he was thundering down the stairs.
Steve was just falling asleep as the Camaro roared away.
Billy had skipped town that night.
And Steve never forgave himself.
Steve was leaning over the counter, his head pressed into the cool top of it.
“I threw up all last week, and I just feel like shit.” He had been whining to Robin practically all morning at Family Video.
“Do you think you have the flu?”
“I don’t know, Rob. I mean, my stomach hurts a lot, but like, it feels like I’m just having awful cramps.”
“Are you on your period?”
“Nah. Don’t get it very often with the hormones anymore.”
“Normally I’d suggest pregnancy, but I know you’re in a bit of a dry spell.” He rolled slightly to look darkly at her. “Still no word of Billy?”
“No. The one person in Hawkins that isn’t too transphobic to fuck me, and he skips town.” Steve sighed. “I should’ve known, too. He was being super weird that night.”
“Whatever. When you and I skip town, we’ll have the time of our damn lives, and get you laid.” He laughed softly.
“I’m just gonna go to the doctor this weekend. Get a full physical.”
“Let me know the verdict at and I can come over with some medicine, if you need.”
“Thanks, Rob.”
Steve was lying back on the stiff exam table.
He had already given blood and urine samples, and was just waiting for the doctor to tell him what the fuck was wrong with him.
Sometimes his hormones had to be adjusted, and caused all sorts of weird shit to go haywire in his body.
Dr. Mauch was a kind woman, always been pleasant and accepting of Steve, even referred him to an endocrinologist for his hormones.
She didn’t smile when she came in, though. Just sat down at her stool.
“I’m going to go out a limb here and say that this is not news you’ll be happy about hearing.”
Steve felt his heart drop to his stomach.
“You’re pregnant.”
He blinked.
“I’m sorry, Steve. But you most definitely are.”
“But, but I’m on blockers, and testosterone, and I haven’t had sex in months.”
“I’d say about six months.” His mouth was dry. Billy had left in late May. About six months ago. “And being on hormones is not an effective method of birth control. Some men still get pregnant after taking them.”
“I’m not, I don’t look pregnant.”
“Some people don’t really show their pregnancy. My sister was rail thin the entire time, had a perfectly healthy baby girl. It’s all about your body type.”
“So, so you’re telling me, that I’m six months fucking pregnant.”
“Yes.” He slumped back onto the exam table.
“What are, what are my options?”
“Well, unfortunately, not many. Abortions are only legal in Indiana up to 20 weeks, or five months, or unless the person pregnant is facing severely compromised physical health. There’s always adoption.”
“No one’s gonna want a baby from a trans guy.” She pursed her lips.
“I think that’s a harsh statement. Many people are desperate for babies.” Steve just stared at her.
“So, if I have to take it to term, should I like, go off my hormones.” His stomach gave a lurch at the idea.
“I would recommend it. There’s very little research one pregnancy in transgender individuals. We really don’t know how hormones can affect the baby.” Steve sighed. “I would say, get in with an OB/GYN. I can recommend a few I know and send them your medical history. Your name change and hormone therapy is part of all of it, so hopefully they will be kind.” Steve sighed.
“Thank you, Doc. I really appreciate it.”
“I’m sorry for the disappointing news.”
“Nah, it’s fine.” She gave him a copy of their appointment notes, a list of OB/GYNs for him to research, and a hug before she left.
He drove home slowly, feeling exhausted, like the weight of the fucking world was on his shoulders.
He got home to find Robin sitting on his front porch, her nose buried in a book, a pizza box sitting next to her.
She looked up at him, and he burst into tears.
“Look, Max, if he contacts you in any way, tell him to call Steve, okay? It’s important.” Robin was yammering to Max on the phone, trying to get a way to contact Billy.
Steve was laying on the couch, had his shirt rucked up over his stomach, pushing it out and sucking it in, trying to see any change in his body.
“Just give him Steve’s phone number and tell him he’s an asshole.” She hung up the phone, perching on the armrest at Steve’s feet.
“She know where he is?”
“No. She said he ran off and hasn’t contacted her at all. She didn’t even know he was leaving.” She slid onto the couch, let Steve put his feet on her lap. “You think he’d come back? If he knew?”
“I don’t know. I’m not really asking him to. I mean, I don’t think I’m in a place to take care of it, but I kinda just want him to know it exists. Like, I think he deserves that.”
“I get it.” Her voice was soft. She watched Steve stare at his tummy some more. “I’m sorry. I’m sure this is just, dysphoria out the wazoo.” Steve huffed a laugh.
“I don’t think it’s really hit me yet. I think ‘cause I’m not showing. I don’t look pregnant, so how can I be pregnant, you know?” He sighed tugging down his shirt. “Going to the doctor’s gonna be a damn nightmare, though. They’re too used to dealing with women. It’s gonna suck.”
Steve was right.
Even though his primary care doctor had sent his medical history, he still got deadnamed and misgendered at reception, and intake, and by the nurse, and the doctor when she finally arrived.
They gave him a pelvic exam, getting him in for a sonogram as well.
And as the doctor was moving the imagining wand around on his tummy, and he heard the heartbeat for the first time, something caved inside of him.
A baby. He was having a baby.
And part of him, a really fucking big part of him, was starting to love it.
His parents were home for four days.
And Steve had waited for the final day of their homesteading to tell them.
He’s glad he did.
Diner was as quiet as always, and Steve had nearly choked on the words.
“I’m pregnant.”
His father had gotten out his wallet, asked how much an abortion costs.
“I’m too far along for that. Nowhere will legally do it.”
His mother had just stared at him. His father asked how far along he was.
“Close to seven months. I didn’t even know until like, a week and a half ago.”
And his father had stood up, and the yelling began.
“I can’t believe you. You kick up this huge fuss, make us change your name, and the way we refer to you, go around telling everyone your a boy, and you get pregnant like the little slut you are.”
And he had told Steve to back his shit, told him he was not welcome in my house anymore.
And Steve didn’t have a lot of shit he cared about, the clothes he liked fit in one duffel bag.
His mother didn’t look at him as he left.
He had called Mrs. Henderson from a payphone.
Nobody else could give him a ride anymore, and he wasn’t expecting her to drop everything and drive him somewhere, but she had freaked out at the words kicked out and for getting pregnant, and told him to stay where he is.
She was there with a tight hug and a travel mug of honey lemon tea within twenty minutes.
Steve had asked for a ride to a youth shelter he had read about, but she shook her head, said you’re coming to live with me and Dusty and Steve had cried in her passenger seat, and again in her guest bedroom.
Steve groaned.
He had finally begun showing, just a little bit out a mound near his belly button.
But he felt like shit, had taken to spending most days in bed.
He bat away whoever was shaking him.
“Go away.”
“Steve, it’s Max.”
“I’m sleeping.”
“I found Billy, you asshole. I have his address.” Steve sat bolt up straight.
“You, where is he?”
“Boston. He went east, for some reason. But he sent me a letter, out of the blue, and I told him you had something important to say, but he said he doesn’t have a phone.” She handed him a slip of paper.
“Thanks, Max.” He gave her a weak smile, found her chewing her lip.
“Is he the father? The other father, I mean.” He had told the party about the pregnancy, figured rumors would begin spreading soon enough.
“Yeah. He’s the other father.”
“He wouldn’t have ditched you. If he’d known.”
“I know.”
“He’s not like that.”
“I know.” She stared him down. He kept his face open, honest.
“Are you gonna write to him?”
“Yeah. I just, I don’t really know what to say.”
“Just keep it simple. Tell him he’s got a kid. Let him choose what he wants.”
It took Steve almost a month to draft a letter.
He didn’t really know what to say.
He settled on the bare minimum.
I’m pregnant. And it is most definitely, without a doubt, yours. I’m not expecting anything from you. I don’t want money, or for you to move back to Hawkins. I just thought you deserve to know about your kid.
He read the letter about three times, one hand pressed delicately to his little bump.
I’ve decided to keep the baby. I’m going to raise them. You’re welcome to meet them, and be in their life if you choose, but if not, I’m not going to hold it against you.
He sealed the envelope, leaving it on his nightstand.
And then his contractions started.
He didn’t get around to sending it.
Claudia was the only person in the room with him when he gave birth.
She held his hand the whole time, coached him through his breathing.
And when his son was born, she pet his head, told Steve how beautiful he is.
Steve was slumped face down on the bed.
He had just gotten Oliver down, calmed him down enough for him to finally sleep.
He rolled over, scrubbing a hand down his face.
He had barely slept all week. But Oliver had smiled at him for the first time yesterday.
He turned to lay on his side, zeroing in on the envelope on his nightstand.
He sat up quickly.
Fuck. He needed to send that letter.
He didn’t bother thinking about it, just wrapped his sweater tighter around himself, and hurried to the mailbox. He put the little flag up, leaving the letter in the little inner clasp.
He looked back down at Oliver, running one finger over his fuzzy little head.
He didn’t hear from Billy for three weeks.
He knew the letter wouldn’t take more than a few days to get to him, and it would take just as long for Billy to get him back.
He had pushed Billy out of his mind, figured if he wanted to be part of Oliver’s life, he had given him enough of a chance to be.
He put on a thick sweatshirt, had taken to wearing baggy tops to hide his tits, too sore, too big to bind anymore. Oliver squealed at him when he leaned against the side of his crib, reaching out for him.
He strapped him into his stroller to take him on a walk, stopped dead in the doorway.
Billy fucking Hargrove was in the driveway, standing next to the Camaro like he had just gotten out of it.
His eyes were wide, trailing from Steve, to Oliver, and back again.
“Is that my kid?” Billy’s hair was shorter than when he had left.
“Oliver. His name is Oliver.” Billy stepped around the car.
“Can I, can I see him?” Steve brought the stroller down the driveway, taking Oliver out of the stroller.
Billy held him like he was made of gold.
“He’s beautiful.”
“I think he looks a lot like you.” Billy smiled at him.
“Thank you for telling me. I’m sorry I couldn’t get here, I was waiting for my semester to end.”
“It’s okay. I just, you know. Thought you deserved to know about him.” Billy stared at Oliver, his smile going soft as Oliver squealed, tugging on Billy’s hair.
“I want to be in his life. If that’s okay?”
“Of course it is. He’s your son too.” Billy brushed his thumb down Oliver’s nose.
“Thank you, Steve. And I’m, I’m sorry about how I left. I was going to-” he cut himself off, looking back at Oliver. “I was gonna ask you to come with me. Chickened out last minute.”
Steve’s heart was banging against his rips.
“I would’ve gone with you. Used to dream about running away with you.” Oliver started getting fussy, making disgruntled little huffs. Billy passed him back to Steve. “I was in love with you. You know that?”
“Yeah, I knew that. Was to chicken shit to do anything about it.” Billy was still looking at Oliver, the way he nestled into Steve’s neck. “He loves you a lot.”
“It’s been the two of us for awhile.”
“You’re a good dad. Always kinda figured you would be, though.” Billy took another breath. “You know, you could’ve told me sooner. I would’ve come back.”
“I don’t want you to, to change you life. Don’t quit school, or something.”
“Steve, I got a kid. I want to change my life for him. For, for you.”
“I can’t ask you to do that.”
“No never did. I’m choosing this. I’m choosing my family.” Steve hesitated.
“Would you like to come in? Have some breakfast? You could give Oliver his bottle, If you wanted.” Billy’s eyes lit up.
“I’d like that.”
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writing-with-olive · 4 years
A few tropes to avoid: LGBT addition
Note that this is not a complete list, but rather some tropes that I tend to see a lot that are tiring if not downright offensive and hurtful. This turned out to be a very long post, so most of it ended up below the cut. Press J to skip.
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[id: two flags. The one on the top is the lesbian pride flag. The one on the bottom is the gay pride flag /end id]
Anything hypersexualizing
It’s just... not good representation. No one likes to be hypersexualized. Ever. 
The one gay/lesbian in the heterosexual friend group
This tends to come across as tokenism. Not real representation. Also, people tend to be friends with people they connect with. This is why a lot of LGBT people form groups. It’s actually far more likely in the real world for there to be a gay friend group with one straight person.
The homosexual dies first
Yay there’s a gay/lesbian person! Representation! oh... they died five minutes in? That sucks. 
Look, if there’s a lot of death happening in your story, it’s fine if a gay person dies, but please stop making the first death a gay person. And if you decide to kill of a gay person, make sure it’s not the only one.
The gay that refuses to admit he’s gay but he’s super feminine so he has to be
Femininity does not equal being gay. I’m not entirely sure where this trope (and general misconception) came from, but it’s tiring to see it getting beaten into the ground
Femininity is fine as a trait, but it should not be the tell that a character’s gay. Finding other dudes attractive or being attracted to other dudes should be the main tell.
(Bi/pan, Trans, Nonbinary, Genderflux/genderfluid, Ace/aro all below the cut)
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[id: two pride flags. The one on the top is the pansexual pride flag. The one on the bottom is the bisexual pride flag /end id]
Anything hypersexualizing
See above. I’m tired of it. It’s not good representation.
The bi/pan character is a cheater
Bi/pan people aren’t any more likely to cheat than anyone else. The fact that the general pool of people bi/pan people are attracted to is larger doesn’t really change that. Please don’t make your bi/pan character a cheater.
The “no this character is with a [guy/girl] now so that means they’re [straight/gay] not bi”
This is bi erasure. Bi/pan people are still bi/pan when they’re dating a dude. Bi/pan people are still bi/pan when they’re dating a girl. Bi/pan people are still bi/pan when they’re dating a nonbinary person. Period.
The “this character can’t be bi/pan - they’ve only slept with one gender/they’re a virgin”
Being bi/pan is about being attracted to people of two or more genders/being attracted to people regardless of gender. It doesn’t matter who they’ve slept with. If they’re bi/pan, they find more than one gender attractive.
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[id: the trans pride flag /end id]
“Hi I’m John, but I used to be Jane.”
In no world is this realistic. Trans people are not going to introduce themselves to anyone by using their deadname (their name given at birth that no longer applies to them). There are lots of other ways to show a character is trans.
Trans dudes have to be hypermasculine, and trans girls have to be hyperfeminine
This is just untrue... being a more affeminate trans dude doesn’t make him any less of a man. Being a more masculine trans woman doesn’t mean she’s any less of a woman. Not conforming to the most stereotyped version of their gender does not mean they’re not a valid person
“He - she - did the thing” when referring to a trans woman and vice versa for a trans man in prose.
I specify in prose because if someone has just come out, and characters are tripping up over pronouns but trying to learn and correct themselves, then that’s usually fine (though make sure to research what’s acceptable around this and what isn’t).
The whole calling attention to someone’s pronouns by misgendering someone and then flamboyantly correcting yourself when they’re trans thing can actually be kind of transphobic. When you’re writing prose, you don’t have any excuse so don’t do this.
The trans guy finding a bunch of ace bandages (or something similar) and using them to bind his chest
Yes, this is realistic. Yes, a lot of people do this, but it is an extremely unsafe way to bind. If your character binds, do your research. If they bind unsafely then SHOW THE NEGATIVE RESULTS of binding unsafely (difficulty breathing, cracked ribs, spinal problems, etc) they can be pretty severe. A lot of people don’t know how to bind and take cues from what they see in the media. Don’t perpetuate false information.
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[id: the nonbinary pride flag. /end id]
The nonbinary character has to be flatchested and vaguely masculine in order to be nonbinary
Nonbinary people are still nonbinary when they’re feminine. Nonbinary people are still nonbinary when they’re masculine. Please reflect this in your stories, as people take cues for how society works based off of the cumulation of the media they recieve.
Misgendering during an argument
This is actually really damaging to nonbinary people. What happens is that people see that it’s okay to misgender someone if they’re mad, when in reality, pronouns are a right, not a privilage to be stripped away whenever you get mad. If you were really mad at your country’s leader, you wouldn’t misgender them when you rant. You can hate them with all of your being and you probably still wouldn’t misgender them. Why is it any different with nonbinary people?
All the nonbinary people were AFAB (assigned female at birth)
It’s not inherantly wrong to have AFAB nonbinary folk in your story, but it is nice to see AMAB (assigned male at birth) nonbinary characters as well. There’s a lot less representation for them, so the more representation the better.
Being nonbinary is a phase - you’re actually binary trans or cisgender
Some people identify as nonbinary and do later find out that they identify more with a binary gender, but there’s also a lot of people who are just... nonbinary. It’s hugely dissapointing when a character that’s meant to be representation turns out to actually not be. Especially if they were the only nonbinary character.
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[id: two flags. the one on the top the genderfluid pride flag, and the one on the bottom is the genderflux pride flag /end id]
The one character in the background who’s genderfluid/genderflux in chapter three and then never seen ever again
Just include a genderfluid/genderflux character that’s actually relevant. It’s not that hard, and it’s really not that confusing. Their gender changes sometimes. They might switch their pronouns accordingly. 
The genderfluid character who’s short, vaguely masculine and has brightly died hair.
This one isn’t exactly offensive, per se, but it does feel like this is the only representation of a genderfluid character that I ever see, and that my friends ever see. Diversity is more than just having people who use different labels. It’s also about showing the different walks of life within those groups. There are a lot of genderfluid/flux people who don’t look like the stereotypical genderfluid/flux person, and they deserve representation just as much as everyone else.
The genderfluid character is the alien
This is a cop-out. It’s fine if you’ve got a race of genderfluid/flux aliens. Awesome, actually! Just add a genderfluid/genderflux human character too.
The genderfluid person who wakes up in the morning and “decides” if they’re going to be a boy or a girl today.
There are a couple things wrong with this. The first is that genderfluid people don’t just “decide” which gender they are. Their gender is more of it’s own entity. There’s not much of a choice with it. It just is.
From my own experience I can assure you that genderfluid people don’t just wake up in the morning with a random gender and then that’s their gender for the day. For me personally, my gender will change somewhere between once every three hours and once every three days, but it’s surprisingly rare that it’s overnight. It can even happen in the middle of conversations and stuff like that.
Genderfluid people don’t just switch between being a boy and being a girl. There’s a lot of space in between: nonbinary, maverique, agender, just to name a few.
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[id: two pride flags. The one on top is an aromatic pride flag, and the bottom is an asexual pride flag. /end id]
The character’s horrible backstory turned them ace/aro
This is not to negate the fact that some people do identify as ace/aro after a traumatic event. That being said, most ace/aro people are just...ace or aro. There wasn’t any backstory. That’s just the way they are. Seeing that a lot more represented would be awesome.
The character’s got a mental illness because they’re ace/aro
Being ace/aro does not mean you have a mental illness. The idea that it does being spread through the media people consume is very harmful and it increases the stigma around being ace/aro, in a place where there really shouldn’t be. Yes you can have a mental illness and be ace/aro, but they’re not usually correlated.
The ace character can’t be ace because look they’ve got a partner!
Ace is short for asexual meaning you don’t feel any sexual attraction. That does not mean you can’t feel any romantic attraction. Therefore, your character can be hella ace and still have a partner that they’re romantically attracted to
If your character was aroace (a term that’s short for aromantic asexual), then they probably wouldn’t be interested in having a partner.
The character who’s aro/ace but then “finds the right person” right at the end
If they’re demisexual/demiromantic, then that’s different, but it does make it feel like the “flaw they were overcoming” was being ace/aro, and that’s both damaging to the community, and it’s also just dissapointing. There are a whole host of other flaws that your character could have that are much more worth the reader’s time.
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stonertransdad · 3 years
Life Update since I hadn't been on here in forever
The pandemic was/is wild! Lockdowns started literally around the time we were going to the fertility specialist to get her pregnant. I lost my job to COVID in March shortly before we did the procedure, but we decided there's never really a good time to have a kid. Why not during a global pandemic when one of us in unemployed? (BTW, I don't recommend having a kid during a pandemic. Not being able to go to all of the appointments and having to sit in the parking lot was brutal.)
Let's talk about May friends...it was rough. (TW for mention of suicide btw. I'll post a gif where it's safe to start again if you wanna skip over it.)
So May 1st is the anniversary of my father's suicide. It had been 4 years. I found his body and since he wasn't married, I had to handle his affairs and arrange his funeral. May 1st, 2020 my wife and I had a Zoom game night with our friends and I got drunk because everyone was drinking (except my wife because she was pregnant). After our game night at like 2am, I had a psychotic break. I threatened to kill myself numerous times. My wife tried to talk me down, but eventually called the cops to take me. I thank her for that because looking back, that was the moment I knew something needed to change. I was convinced the cops were gonna kill me because I'm a trans dude in rural West Texas. I legit took the phone out of my wife's hand, hung up on 911, and yeeted her phone across the backyard and tried to hop the fence. Eventually the cops came and talked me down. They took me to the hospital an hour away in handcuffs (for their protection I did nothing wrong). They took me to the religious hospital that I was born in. So when they looked up my info by my name and date of birth from my driver's license (I only changed my middle name) literally all my paperwork and my bracelet had my deadname and wrong gender despite all of my legal stuff saying male with my new middle name. I mentioned it to them and they didn't care. They misgendered me the entire time I was there. I had hit my head hella hard on the bath tub when my wife was trying to snap me out of it, did the hospital even check me for concussion? Nope. I had punched so many things and my hand and wrist were swollen and discolored. Did they check out my hand and wrist? Nope. I was there for over 10 hours before I was able to convince them I was okay and that it was just the alcohol. Did I mention during that 10 hours I was literally out in the hall on a gurney with no mask and this was when COVID was running rampant in Texas (the first time)? I heard people die that night. I had nothing to distract me because they took away all of my personal items and clothes. My wife picked me up and we went home and I have been sober ever since. It's not the first psychotic break I've had with alcohol in my system. Alcohol just doesn't agree with me, but I'm finding new things to replace it with.
TW has been lifted...it's safe now.
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A couple of weeks after that I began teletherapy because I had been on the same mood stabilizer and anti-depressant for almost a decade. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense that I felt like it hadn't been working for at least a year. This is a reminder to check in with your doctor if you feel like your meds aren't working. You may just need a different dose or a new med. There's no shame in that. I bounced around on various medications trying to find the right combo, some side effects scarier than others, but we got there. Before this, I had been diagnosed with ADHD, Major Depressive Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. My therapist threw out my Borderline diagnosis and said it was CPTSD instead, which made sense.
Fast forward to December because my wife was pregnant, I was unemployed still, and we did absolutely fuck-all because the global panini was still raging.
Our son was born on December 3, 2020. He weighed 5lbs 9oz and scared the ever loving shit out of us. He wasn't breathing when he was born so they called NICU in ASAP. I'm freaking out because I can hear and see what's going on while my wife was asking if he was okay as they put her guts back in place to sew her up. 5 or so minutes pass and a nurse asks if I want her to take some pictures. I'm like is he okay, he still hasn't cried. She's like "oh yeah, he's chillin." This goon was being held by a nurse and was just looking around not crying or anything. Chillest baby ever (he still is btw). I held him next to my wife's head until it was time to go back to the room. Little dude did have to spend 4 nights in the NICU because he couldn't keep his sugars or temperature regulated, but he was healthy otherwise. He's now 4 months old and is starting to sit up on his own a little bit and he's OBSESSED with standing. He's still a little guy, but very healthy and growing like a weed. He saves my life daily.
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So after being unemployed for over 9 months, I started a new job working in a call center. I absolutely hate talking on the phone. It gives me anxiety and throws me into panic attacks, but I had been putting out hundreds of job applications since I lost my last job and this was the first offer I got. I wasn't really in a position to turn it down since my unemployment had ran out 2 months prior. It was 2 months of training, then we'd be on our own. I got thru the training and thought I could handle it...until they started putting us on live calls with someone helping us if we got stuck. My mental health hit the lowest point it had in a few years and my wife was terrified she was going to lose me. She convinced me to quit on February 28th (not because I didn't want to, but because I'm a stubborn ass who felt guilty). My meds got tweaked a little bit more dosage wise during this mess.
Starting about mid-February, I was experiencing severe shakiness, tremors, and spasms. I've always been a shaky person and never really thought too much about it, but at some points I could barely feed myself, or get a drink, or hold my son. On March 7th, I tried to make an appointment with my doctor about the weird symptoms I was experiencing, but she was out of town and her next opening wasn't until the 31st. My body said that won't work and my wife rushed me to the ER on the 9th...I had begun having seizures that day. I had no previous history of seizures. Got to the ER and had a seizure literally as I was walking thru the door, so they rushed me straight back. They took some blood and that was literally it. No MRI. No CT. They pumped me full of Ativan and said it was just a panic attack and to go home and chill.
Spoiler Alert: It wasn't just anxiety. I was having 20+ seizures a day. On the 10th, my wife rushed me to a different hospital...the good hospital over an hour away. First we had to drop off our gremlin with my mom to make things a little easier. Yet again, I had a seizure as I walked in the door and was taken back immediately. I don't really remember much because they kept pumping me full of Ativan and morphine because I had been in excruciating pain from the number of seizures I'd had. I do remember them doing a CT pretty quickly after I got there. Then they weren't happy with the results of the CT, so they took me to get an MRI, which showed possible signs of Multiple Sclerosis (but I didn't find that out until AFTER the notes showed up in my patient portal after being home a few days, so I raised hell...more on that later.) They did a 24 hour EEG on me and it showed nothing abnormal. Also, EEG glue is a bitch on your hair and scalp. After looking at everything and given my previous mental health history, they diagnosed me with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures, or PNES. It is a subset of Functional Neurologic Disorder, or FND. I couldn't walk well anymore and had to use a walker when I was discharged. I was in the hospital for 3 days.
When I had my follow-up appointment on the 23rd, I asked why the possibility of MS was never mentioned to me since it was very clearly in the notes. The doctor didn't have an explanation. He called in a referral to neurology so I could get a 2nd MRI to confirm MS and marked it as high priority. He also didn't take my pain seriously. My pain levels had been at a 5 or higher every single minute since they took me off of the morphine in the hospital. He told me to keep taking prescription strength doses of ibuprofen and Tylenol, which I had been. I let him know I had been and it didn't even take the edge off the pain. He ignored me. Leading up to this appointment, I had also added urinary incontinence to my growing list of symptoms and was forced to wear diapers so I didn't have to do laundry all the time. The doctor also took me off my ADHD meds because they were lowering my seizure threshold. He also took me off of my sleeping meds and nightmare meds for the same reason I'm assuming.
I kept my appointment on the 31st with my primary doctor because she's been my doctor for 5 years now and I knew she'd take my pain seriously. She did. She immediately wrote me prescriptions for a muscle relaxer and Tylenol 4. She also told me that my referral had been rejected by neuro. She said my case wasn't a good one for what she called a "wallet biopsy" and the doctors in neurology could be real assholes. She immediately sent the referral to other locations to get an approval. I am still waiting on that despite it being marked as high priority. She wrote me a prescription for a wheelchair because we both agreed my wheelchair was not enough for particular days.
Yesterday my wheelchair was finally ready for pickup, so my wife drove me to go get it. I'm still unable to drive due to my seizures and my tremors and twitches as it's predominantly in my legs and arms. I am an ambulatory wheelchair user now. Some days I can go short distances without my walker, some days I can't go without my walker, some days I can't even get out of bed, and some days I will be using my wheelchair. Don't judge a book by its cover, not all disabilities are visible. I have managed to keep my daily seizure count down in single digits and have even had a few seizure free days. They are still incredibly taxing on my body. I feel like I can't ever replenish my spoons fast enough to keep up with anything in my life.
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So all in all, life has been chaotic. We are moving from Texas to New Mexico in the next few weeks, which should be interesting considering I can't overdo it without throwing myself into seizures. We will be closer to my mother-in-law so she can help us with our son and I can start resting a bit more on the more difficult days. Being a stay-at-home dad with an invisible illness has been one of the most challenging things I've done in my life, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
Sorry this is so long. I just wanted to update my followers since it's been over a year since I posted before a few days ago.
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Lunar New Year Gift for vedrividia!
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Pairing: Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji; past Wei Wuxian/Other (implied) Rating: Mature Warnings: brief depiction of sexual harassment, brief instance of misgendering, implied/referenced past suicide attempt, implied/referenced past sexual assault (off-screen), implied/referenced past forced pregnancy (off screen), implied/referenced underage sex & pregnancy (off-screen), alcoholism, coming out, implied/referenced homophobia Other Tags: trans male character, disabled character, gay male character, open ending, unreliable narrator, angst, tender, chance meeting, confession, reunion, character with incomplete spinal cord injury, iSCI, it probably sounds darker than it is
Summary: On the last eve before spring Wei Ying finds himself at the end of a road. What awaits him on the other side depends on the steps he takes to cross it. Someone walks beside him.
Disclaimer: I am neither Chinese, trans nor disabled. All of the portrayal in this fic is based on research. It's not my intent to offend and I'm open to critique as long as it's respectful and constructive. Wei Ying's journey is his own and does not represent all of the disabled or trans community. The fic is set in a world that closely resembles ours, but where corona never happened and maybe China's laws are just a little less restrictive (but still very phobic), so bear that in mind. I do not own any of the characters.
Notes - Beginning: The idea of trans male Wei Ying had been stuck in my head for a while now, and I've been wanting to try my hand at a trans story, because I've never done that before. This assignment was an opening to do that in a darker, more serious setting. I have also wanted to explore Wei Ying's suicidal issues while translating his story into a modern setting for some time (it was supposed to be a coffee shop AU, only the coffee shop never appeared hah). It was simultaneously hard and fun to write, and I'm grateful for it. @vedrividia​, I hope you like it!
In the past I didn't feel like I could do a good job at representing anyone of an identity I couldn't quite empathize with. Since then I've surrounded myself with trans inclusive media, and followed transgender blogs and channels, and I hope that this fic does right by all of them.
I am aware of some of the potentially problematic topics, but I also didn't want to ignore all the challenges and abuse and trauma that trans folk are forced to endure on a daily basis. (Did you know that trans people have some of the highest suicide rates, and likely to have alcohol issues? Making everyone happy and nothing hurt felt all kinds of wrong knowing that.) I believe that representing both - an ideal world alongside the real and flawed one - is important.
Positive stories are also important - this is one. Or at least I hope I was able to make it one.
On a more cheerful note, there are pictures that served as an inspiration for this story, namely this photoset (especially the pic in the leather jacket, the one on the couch and the close up) done in faceapp by a genius, this brain-frying picture, and of course this picture from the Harper's Bazaar Photoshoot that none of us are over. I completely blame Xiao Zhan's androgyny.
Last but not least, I owe a massive thanks to Laura for the amazing beta they did on a rather short notice and brought this fic to another level. Thank you for your hard work!!! :)
End notes: Wei Ying has an incomplete spinal cord injury in the lumbar area (at L1 or L2). I didn't realize that I played myself when I gave him an incomplete injury, because the lack of references and information is in terms of quantity a total opposite to everything available on complete SCI. Which in turn made the telling of such a story feel even more important. If any of you know of a good resource for the daily life of people with iSCI, I'm all ears.
Even researching the walking aides was a challenge, since most information is on wheelchair dependent people, which Wei Ying is not. He has a wheelchair but he refuses to use it, for several reasons, one of them being image, another being worry of atrophy. He likes a good walk, and there's progress thanks to physical therapy, most of which is covered by insurance. I was debating an exoskeleton/brace for him, but from what I gathered they aren't really useful for SCI (I welcome any additional info about this), and those that would be cost a ton and aren't covered by insurance - which is a big factor for Wei Ying. The toss ended up being between forearm crutches and a walking frame, but in the end I decided on crutches, because it seemed like Wei Ying would prefer them? For now? With crutches he can pretend, and I also didn't know to what extent a walking frame would be insurance covered (in China), and whether he'd be at a point where he would accept one. (I imagine the simple ones would be covered by insurance, the question is whether they make a huge difference to crutches, and whether a rollator - with wheels and a seat is something that would count as 'necessary' in this case.)
However, once again, I am not adequately educated on all that goes into the decision making here. No one ever mentions things like these in success stories. In the end I left it as a room for future development. I'm pretty sure Wen Qing is trying to convince him to get one.
I was debating whether to tag dysphoria. While it is not explicitly stated in the fic, Wei Ying does experience it, although this has gotten better since he realized being trans, came out and started testosterone. His decision to not transition fully is one that many trans people make at a point in their lives, for any number of reasons. This does not mean he'll never change his mind, or won't explore other forms of expression. It's a choice that the current Wei Ying is making, completely independent of future Wei Ying.
It's possible in China to get a gender confirmation surgery, but the requirements sound like a nightmare. The first thing you have to do is get diagnosed with 'gender disorder', be five years in (unsuccessful) therapy for it, at least 20 and unmarried. If he decides to transition fully to a male presenting body he can only marry someone who is biologically female in the future, under Chinese law. (Imagine having to divorce your significant other in order to be who you are. Imagine having to make this decision. It makes me want to write fic about it.)
It also costs a ton, as none of it is covered by insurance. You can only start hormone therapy in order to get surgery, which leads a lot of trans people to acquire hormones illegally and without medical counseling. I purposefully did not decide where Wei Ying gets his T from. I didn't want him to not have it, but I left the how undecided. For the most part I headcanon it as one of the things that make my world a little different, since hormone therapy is a thing that exists outside of transitioning as well. E.g. many female athletes use testosterone to boost their performance, and many other women take it for various medical reasons. I feel like WWX could find ways to acquire some. Now, whether this would be legal or not is left open.
By the way? Never, EVER deadname. Just don't. The moment someone comes out to you as trans, tells you their pronouns and name, that's what you use. You forget everything that came prior to that, wipe it out of your memory, it's ashes on the sands of time unless stated otherwise BY THEM, got it?
Now, Wei Ying's case. I was hesitant about how to approach this, but from the start I knew two things. I wanted the same kind of intimacy of WWX & LWJ calling each other by their birth names as in canon, but I also didn't want to go the way most authors go in this case i.e. splitting the names to pre- and post- transition. It is my understanding that most Chinese names are unisex (if anyone has more info on this, I'd love to have it), or can be used for all genders, and I didn't want to force a gender issue where there wasn't one. However, I also wanted something parallel that could be used in a similar way. What I came up with is what you see in text. While Wei Ying did change his name, the only reason why it's still somewhat okay to use 'Wuxian' is because he explicitly says he likes it. In fact, in my head somewhere in the imagined future of this verse, he and JFM have a conversation about it where JFM tells him if he wants it, it can still be his name - he didn't give it to an image, but a person. IDK how well any of this works, or translates to actual trans or Chinese (or trans and Chinese) people, so if you have words for me, let me know.
On a side note, in 2015 China lifted the one-child policy in favor of a two-child policy. A-Yuan was born in 2017.
Wei Ying attempted suicide between the 4th and 8th week of his pregnancy. During the early weeks the probability of a fetus surviving a major fall (even a fall from stairs) is significantly higher than later in the pregnancy, and the scaffolding he jumped from wasn't actually that high. I'm also considering that there might have been something to cushion the fall that he hadn't noticed (a stray rope, or a net) or been aware of (like padding on the stage), but that's a detail I decided to leave to your imagination. On the other hand, sustaining a SCI during early pregnancy is likely to have fatal consequences, as I found out a week before the deadline. In the end, they both got very lucky. Wei Ying spent the next 3 months in a coma. When he woke up it was too late to terminate. Jiang Fengmian had been adamant that the decision not be made without Wei Ying's consent, which was nice of him, but also ended up making the decision for Wei Ying regardless.
Last but not least, if you've read this and feel like you have something to add, I love any kind of comments, whether you wanna review the fic, have some useful information for me, would like to discuss a point or just like to say hi! :)
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If asked, Wei Ying wouldn't have remembered how he had gotten to the bar. He didn't remember taking a different route on the short walk back home, he hadn't even been aware there was a bar in the first place. He only remembered suddenly standing in front of it, aching to his bones, limbs leaden with a familiar exhaustion, morose and longing for nothing more than a little break. His back was on fire, his leg was throbbing, the skin underneath his binder wouldn’t stop itching and to top it off his stomach had been cramping in a way it wasn't supposed to anymore. His body had decided to give him a wonderful gift for the holiday. Wei Ying wouldn't wish this on his worst enemy, and that spoke volumes to anyone who knew who occupied that position.
Needless to say, he was desperate for a drink.
The bar was almost empty so early in the afternoon, and shortly before the holiday, all the regulars had likely gone home to see their families. It was the time of reunions, the golden week of spring knocking on the door. The whole town looked empty, seemingly asleep and abuzz at the same time, a strange kind of liminal space born in the atmosphere of the coming celebrations, quiet with contained impatience. He had been painfully aware of it the entire week, the turning of another year leaving him nothing to do but watch people go where Wei Ying couldn't return anymore.
The Lunar New Year always made him hurt worse than usual, in more ways than purely physical. Wei Ying had felt that strange air peak today, even in the confines of his tiny office at the back of the Pacific Coffee branch he had been working at for a little over two months. It was a tiny thing on the busiest street of their small town, smelling of comfort in the wee hours of the morning and of salvation late in the evening. The staff had needed support with handling the supply chain, so that they could focus on serving the staggering amount of customers that came in all day.
It had seemed perfect when Wei Ying had first limped inside on his forearm crutches, with a letter of recommendation, feeling smaller than an ant but significantly less tough. The reintegration program had been a lifeline thrown to a drowning man when he had first heard about it. It had been the opportunity to restart his life. Earn an income. Be independent. In time maybe even repay his friends for the kindness they had shown when he had nowhere to go. Now? Now he wasn't sure that he'd still have a job after the holiday was over.
"This really can't go on," his boss had said, midway through the most gruesome shift the shop had ever witnessed. "Half the supplies came in wrong, for the third time this week!"
Sometimes, Wei Ying wondered why he still bothered. He could probably survive on aid and love for himself, and the Wens made enough to take care of the rest. It just… It could have been nice. To be the one to take care of the people he cared about, for a change.
He really needed that drink.
The whiskey looked enticing from where he was half-sitting, half-leaning on a stool, crutches stashed between his legs. He could almost taste it, the phantom of the sharp flavor burning his tongue.
"Hi, darling." An unfamiliar voice startled him out of his thoughts, causing him to tense. He had been aware of the middle-aged man at the counter, but he hadn't been paying him much attention until now. "Can I buy you a drink? How about Sex on the Beach?"
It was difficult to control himself at that tasteless, juvenile joke. Wei Ying could almost taste the bile rising in his throat and the beginnings of what would no doubt become a pounding headache throbbing in his temples. Great. Just what he had needed.
The whiskey bottle called out to him again, beckoning him to the bitter burn.
A drink. That was what he needed - a drink.
Do you really? Need it? The voice of his therapist came to his mind, sudden and uninvited.
"Hey bartender!" The man called out in the most unwelcome case of accidental telepathy in the history of mankind, sneaking one arm around Wei Ying’s waist, a sweaty hand settling on his hip. "One Sex on the Beach for the miss, on my tab!"
There was the rising bile again, tension squeezing his muscles, and the flash of a haughty smirk at the furthest back of his mind. This wasn't what he wanted. None of it. Neither the touch nor the drink, no matter what his mind wanted to convince him of.
It's easier to need than the things that take hard work, the ones you have to earn. It had taken him a long time to admit that.
"I don't drink." Wei Ying said, angling his head as much as the muscles of his neck permitted to look at the guy invading his personal space squarely. "Remove your hand now."
The guy bristled.
"Hey, chill out, sweetheart." He was quick to regain his composure with an awkward laugh and not enough common sense. Wei Ying supposed he must have been used to rejection. Too bad. "You're so tense… Maybe a virgin cocktail then."
His crutch shot up before the full sentence was out.
The man stumbled back with a startled yelp as the rubber point connected with his chest in a sharp jab.
"Hey! What's your problem?!"
"I said I don't drink." Wei Ying was completely unapologetic, still holding his crutch like a sword, but the guy was already walking away, muttering ‘fucking bitch’ under his breath.
"You alright there, girl?"
His gut clenched at the words.
He looked up to meet the only slightly worried, but otherwise unbothered gaze of the bartender and told himself it wasn't her fault. She probably wasn't even aware. He knew he didn't… There was no way for him to pass. There was nothing he could do about that, had already decided not to, not at this time, not in this country. Wei Ying didn't expect people to know on sight. He didn't. It didn't change the fact though that every single misnomer felt like someone was peeling his skin off.
"I'm not a girl," he said to her almost too quietly, but he knew she heard when he met her gaze. A strained silence passed between them in which Wei Ying watched her frown in confusion, then sputter with the loss of words, before awkwardly shuffling off. He smiled wryly. How funny. It really wasn't anything complicated, and yet… So few were able to comprehend.
Wordlessly, Wei Ying slid off the stool and made his way out of the bar as quick as his crutches let him be.
Once outside, the crisp air mercilessly purifying, he realized how close to the edge he had gotten once again. He had to stop doing this. He couldn't afford another fall, another spiral back down the drain. Not when he had just clawed his way out. Not when he had people depending on him now. Tiny people with curious gray eyes, so much like his own. Waiting for him at home.
Something icy touched his face and instinctively he looked up only to find it snowing.
That explained the ache.
The cold always made him feel sore, although he knew at least some of it was phantom pain. He hadn’t retained a whole lot of feeling in his left leg, beyond a tingle that had become almost constant and the occasional twitch. His right leg was fine, it just tended to ache a lot, to a point where Wei Ying sometimes found himself wishing it wasn't better off than the other one. But then he wouldn't get away with 'forgetting' his wheelchair at home, so he quickly dismissed that thought. Besides, there were plenty of people who had it worse. He, at least, could still walk. He could still stand. Kinda. He had no room to complain.
After all, he had done this to himself.
'It's better this way.' He remembered thinking, standing on the top of the catwalk stairs backstage of the high school auditorium. 'A-jie, Jiang Cheng,… Lan Zhan. I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you. I love you. I'll get out of your hair now.'
In the end it had been easy to tip backwards and let himself fall.
Waking up had been the hard part. Not only had he failed, but every reason that had pushed him to end it all had only been made worse. Worse still, after. He had lived though, so that was that. There was no utility in regret. He couldn't go back. The only way was forward now, step by painful step. Standing around and staring at the snow falling was nice, but it wouldn't make the walk shorter. Home wasn't far away. He'd take it slow. He'd be there before he knew it.
He barely took three steps before he felt someone's broad shoulder bump against his, his equilibrium yanked roughly from under his feet.
He remembered falling.
Not the act of it, nor every thought and feeling that preceded it, but he remembered the soft pressure at his skull as he tipped backwards, the endless instant of the free fall, a moment frozen in time. Not the impact, but the inevitability of it, coming, coming, almost there. The loss of control. The frightening, exhilarating realization of his absolute surrender. Not the oblivion that followed but the fragments of muddled awareness afterwards. Disorientation, rock bottom and the overwhelming sense of failure.
It had felt nothing like now.
He felt the loss of ground beneath his feet, the scrape of concrete against his palms, as he all but starfished onto the pavement. A sharp pain. The frustrated annoyance of another thing gone wrong in the long list that made up the day.
Only the failure felt the same, funny that.
"I'm sorry!" Said a deep voice. "I wasn't looking."
"Yeah, no shit." He chuckled, because really, who could have guessed.
"Here, let me help." There were hands on his arm, just as he propped himself up, but he yanked it away.
"I'm fine!" He wasn't helpless. He wasn't, dammit! He had his arms, his abdominals, and most of his legs. Getting up from the ground wasn't such a herculean task for him as for those who depended on a wheelchair. He didn't have to call an ambulance just because he starfished. He didn't need any help at all here, especially not the help of some ditzy stranger with their head in the clouds…
"Wei Ying?"
Wei Ying froze.
Few people on this Earth called him that, and none of them had a voice like that. He looked up to see glowing amber on a face carved out of a dream.
"Lan Zhan?"
Of all the people to be in town today of all days, the least likely would have to be Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan, his former senior, Lan Zhan, his best friend. Lan Zhan, whom he had told his secrets, Lan Zhan, who he… who he…
"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan… Can I kiss you? I understand you don't like me that way, and it's fine, I'm fine, really, but… uhm… It's supposed to be special. The first kiss. I… I want it to be yours. Just one kiss." A child he barely remembered had wanted and wanted, never satisfied. "Ah, it's okay if you don't want to. I get it. It's fine. I'm just being selfish."
But that had been a long time ago. A person he didn't know, a past life that had never truly been. Not for him in any case.
Lan Zhan was looking at him like a ghost had appeared in front of him.
Although, ghosts didn't need crutches. Honestly, Wei Ying did wish he could float quite frequently.
Face twisted in sardonic amusement at that childish wish, he pulled himself up with some maneuvering and a lot of effort. This seemed to wake Lan Zhan from his daze as he quickly followed. Wei Ying didn't miss the sweeping gaze as his once friend took him in, wondering what he saw. A stranger, perhaps? A new person? Him? Wei Ying knew he hadn't changed much on the outside, aside the obvious and maybe in his weight distribution, but Lan Zhan had always had the ability to look past the surface. Was he still able to do that? Or was he just taking in his appearance, assessing his matted, worn out body that seemed to show every year that had passed multiplied by ten? Wei Ying was aware that time had not been the kindest to him, but he was hanging on. He was past the worst now. He was doing better. He was!
He wondered if Lan Zhan still could see that too.
"Wei Ying." His name again, spoken with enough wonder to give Wei Ying the courage to meet his gaze. There was an unspoken question in it.
"Yeah," Wei Ying answered and felt the cusp of a smile pull at the corners of his lips. "Long time no see, Lan Zhan. Fancy meeting you here."
"I really like you, Lan Zhan," the person he didn't know had said, red faced with embarrassment and a shaking voice. "I mean like… like like."
Back then he had believed that moment to be the most nerve-wracking experience he was ever going to survive. Today he missed his naivety.
Lan Zhan gave him a look like he just realized it was really Wei Ying standing in front of him. Like he still could barely believe it. It unraveled a completely different ache in Wei Ying. They had been close once, and though they had always shared their secrets, Wei Ying had seen him so open and unguarded but once.
"I...like...boys," had been the answer. The refusal so, so gentle, unable to accept, thus giving something of equal value in return instead. A truth for a truth, a secret for a secret. "Wei Ying, I'm gay."
Lan Zhan, always figuring things out so quickly, always willing to accept reality no matter how hard it was. Wei Ying hadn't known back then. If he had known… Who knew what would have been then. It didn't matter anymore. It was a life long gone. What remained of it were a few good memories, some of them he wasn't sure were real.
Now, chance had made them cross paths once again, at a liminal space transversing through time.
"Are you hurt?" Lan Zhan's voice brought him back from his thoughts, and Wei Ying looked where he was reaching for his scraped hands and knees.
Lan Zhan, always the same Lan Zhan… "Not selfish."
So wonderful and kind and warm.
"Eh, I'm fine. Nothing Wen Qing can't fix." He brushed his former friend off, noticing how Lan Zhan's eyebrow seemed to go up infinitesimally at the mention of his old classmate and promptly changed the subject. "What brings you to Yiling, Lan Zhan? Shouldn't you be with your family for Chun Jie?"
"I…" Lan Zhan looked away. "Didn't get an earlier flight."
That sounded suspicious, especially since the Lan Zhan Wei Ying knew liked to plan ahead. But Wei Ying wasn't the same he had been, maybe Lan Zhan wasn't either. People were allowed to change. It also didn't answer what he was doing in Yiling in the first place, but Wei Ying wasn't forcing him to tell. Wei Ying had never wanted to force Lan Zhan into anything, he wasn't going to start now.
"Wei Ying." Lan Zhan looked at him again, this time meeting his eyes squarely. He paused. "How have you been?"
Wei Ying felt the loom of a shadow over him, and his gaze dropped to the ground for a second.
"As you can see." He put a reassuring smile on his face as he summoned enough will to hold Lan Zhan's gaze. "Still alive and kicking."
Which was probably much more than the last time Lan Zhan had heard of him.
"I was looking for you. I wanted to see you. After." The what remained unspoken. Lan Zhan's kind heart hadn't changed. Wei Ying sought comfort in it, warmed by the thought of his best friend trying to get in touch even after everything went to hell. "I was told you… left."
Wei Ying made a soft sound of affirmation through the small smile that had spread on his face. "I moved out on my eighteenth birthday. Aunt Yu… I was supposed to stay till graduation, but... ah. I fucked up. Colossally."
"Wei Ying." Lan Zhan remained the only person Wei Ying knew who managed to frown without a single crease on his face. "You were recovering."
"It was fine, Lan Zhan." Wei Ying chuckled even as he held back a sigh. Lan Zhan didn't know half of it. "I moved in with the Wens."
There was a pause.
"With Wen Qing?" Lan Zhan asked and Wei Ying realized that small detail wouldn't have been immediately clear to him, all things considered.
"With Wen Qing and her family." He nodded. After a moment of thought he added. "Not Wen Chao. I know nothing about that douchebag."
"Mn," Lan Zhan agreed and it sounded so wholehearted that it startled a laugh out of Wei Ying.
"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan," Wei Ying said, feeling truly light for the first time in a long time. The smile he gave Lan Zhan felt warm and genuine. He hoped Lan Zhan saw it too, and didn't think Wei Ying was trying to shake him off, when he spoke next. "It's so good to see you. You're the best thing that happened to me today. I would love to catch up, but they're waiting for me at home and I'm already late."
"Mn." Lan Zhan nodded. There was a pause. Then, just as Wei Ying was about to ask for his number, "I could. Walk you. If you like."
"I thought you had a flight to catch." Wei Ying wanted to smack his mouth for how hopeful he sounded.
"Mn," Lan Zhan said. "In the evening."
"Lan Zhan!" He startled, amused and surprised at the same time. "And here I thought your bedtime was nine! Don't tell me you crossed to the dark side."
"It is Chuxi." Lan Zhan's voice was soft with a playful note, and Wei Ying felt his heart turn all over again even as he laughed.
"Aiya, Lan Zhan…" A smile spread on his face. "Alright then. I'd love to have your company. If you're sure."
"I am," Lan Zhan answered. "I would… very much like to… catch up with you."
"Well then." Wei Ying's smile broadened and started again in the direction he was heading earlier. "Right this way, sir. But I'm warning you. I'm basically a snail now."
For a beat there was silence, in which Wei Ying figured that Lan Zhan was probably looking for a proper response. He still didn't know how to handle self-deprecating humor, then. Wei Ying chuckled quietly to himself. The more things change…
"That is alright," Lan Zhan finally said. "I have time."
"Oh, do you? That's great!" Wei Ying grinned from ear to ear, marveling at how easy it suddenly was. "Aah, Lan Zhan I really missed this!"
"Mn," Lan Zhan agreed but didn't say anything else.
For a few moments silence reigned again, of a comfortable kind. One that allowed Wei Ying to bask in the startling, almost miraculous presence of his best friend. Or it would have been, had Wei Ying not been keenly aware of Lan Zhan's intense stare.
"Do I really look that bad?" He teased, hoping to give Lan Zhan the opening he probably needed to ask whatever questions he had. "I've actually gained weight over Dongzhi you know."
Lan Zhan blinked, as if startled to be called out. Wasn't he aware that he had been staring? Or had he not expected Wei Ying to say something?
"You look…" he started, then swept his gaze over Wei Ying.
"Tired?" Wei Ying offered, keeping the humor in his words. The last thing he wanted Lan Zhan to think was that he needed to sugar coat his words around him now. "Stressed? Battle worn?"
"Different," Lan Zhan finished.
"Ah." Wei Ying breathed out, something in his chest tightening. "Good different, or bad different?"
Lan Zhan looked at him for a long moment.
"Different you," he finally answered. A pause. "More you."
Wei Ying's breath stuttered, a small questioning sound dragging itself up his throat.
"Wei Ying…" Lan Zhan hesitated for a brief moment, unsure. "May I know your pronouns?"
Always so straight to the point.
"Pro… Pronouns?!" Wei Ying chuckled but even he could hear the nerves buzzing through that sound. "How did you figure that?"
Lan Zhan just kept looking at him. Wei Ying swallowed.
He had to know. Since he actually asked, he had to already know. Or at least suspect. Be aware. In general, or about Wei Ying? Had he realized in their years apart, or was there something about Wei Ying now that made him guess? No one has ever been able to tell upon glance. No one.
Something fluttered deep in his chest, like the jingles of a tambourine reverberating. It gave him courage.
Wei Ying took a deep, steadying breath. "He, him, Lan Zhan. It's he, him."
He managed to swallow the thousand words that dragged themselves up his throat instead of that one, simple truth. To his credit, Lan Zhan let him, waiting patiently and with complete silence for Wei Ying to say his part.
"I'm trans," Wei Ying added, finding it easier to say after the initial confession. "As in full time, on actual testosterone, trans male."
Their eyes met. A heartbeat of silence.
"Mn." Lan Zhan nodded. "Makes sense."
Wei Ying had not expected that.
In his defense, no one had ever replied like that to him coming out.
"What?" He choked out, bewildered. Lan Zhan was giving him a gentle look, a diametrical opposite of Wei Ying's wide eyes. "Why does that make sense, Lan Zhan?"
"It didn't before." Lan Zhan's gaze dropped. "Now it does."
"What? Why?" Wei Ying repeated, not comprehending a single word his friend had said. At the back of his mind he knew he should be happy and relieved that as dear a friend as Lan Zhan accepted him, and he would be later, but now he was just confused. "Lan Zhan, what are you saying?"
"You confounded me. Before. I didn't understand. It didn't. Add up." He didn't even expect an answer beyond a shrug and an 'It just does', and yet Lan Zhan gave him one, trying to explain like he wanted Wei Ying to understand something important. Important enough to bring it up at their first chance meeting in years. It still didn't clear anything up. The way he was dragging his words out seemed odd too, for how upfront Lan Zhan usually was.
"What didn't add up?" Wei Ying asked again. What about him had confused Lan Zhan?
"I didn't know you were a boy. So it didn't make sense," Lan Zhan answered without looking up and Wei Ying felt dread tighten his stomach into a knot. "But now it does."
"What?" He frowned, the rush of blood pounding in his ears. "Lan Zhan, what are you talking about?"
Lan Zhan finally looked up at him and Wei Ying suddenly felt light headed. The grip on his crutches must have gone knuckle white from how firmly he was gripping the handles. It couldn't be…
"I was confused why I liked you," Lan Zhan whispered, dropping his gaze again. "Why I enjoyed kissing you."
Wei Ying's brain was white static.
No. No, no, no, no, no, no, "No!"
His whole body wanted to recoil with shock.
"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan pleaded but was cut short.
"I confessed to you! I told you I liked you!" He saw the bob of Lan Zhan's throat, how his eyes fell shut as he swallowed. Wei Ying despaired for words that could express the entire scale of emotions he felt, from betrayal to hope, but mostly just... shock. "You said you… You've never… And now, after everything… Do you even… Lan Zhan!!!"
"Wei Ying," he said his name like it was all he was capable of saying, with a hitch of sudden hesitance on the last syllable, a minuscule frown around his eyes, like he realized something important. "Do you still call yourself Wei Ying?"
The quiet question conjured up another memory, of an occasion much kinder.
"It's my birth name," he heard his youthful voice, still too high although most had described it as low. Lan Zhan had raised an eyebrow at him, even more puzzled than before. Wei Ying had laughed as he went to explain. "Same character as in 'infant'. Wuxian is the name uncle Jiang gave me so that I have a better name than, you know, 'baby'. It's a cool name! I mean, 'no envy' come on! Like I have no match in the world! Totally rad, you know, uncle Jiang's naming sense is A+."
"But you prefer Wei Ying." Lan Zhan had looked at him then, searchingly and Wei Ying had looked away with a snort, to hide his swallow.
"It's a terrible name. Who the hell names their baby 'baby'?"
Lan Zhan hadn't replied anything to that, and Wei Ying still remembered his next words, and how they had burned on his tongue, how he couldn't hold them back.
"It's what the people who loved me had called me."
In the present, Wei Ying found himself laughing in spite of the utter shock. Only Lan Zhan. Only Lan Zhan would give him a heart attack first then go make sure he wasn't deadnaming him on top of everything.
"Lan Zhan!!!" He cried out. "That's so not the point right now! But, yes, I do. I changed it back, actually. Officially, I mean."
"You dislike it." It sounded more like a question than a statement, so Wei Ying answered.
"Don't get me wrong, I still think Wuxian is way cooler, and my siblings still call me that, but…" His gaze fell away from Lan Zhan to something more distant, beyond his focus as he struggled over his words, drawing them out only with great difficulty from where they were rooted deep inside of him. "It's the name given to the image of a person that never really existed. Like… the painting of a person you met in a dream. And I sorta… I like to imagine that, regardless of who I am… They would still love me."
They. The people who gave him that horrible, unimaginative name.
"Mn," Lan Zhan agreed like there had never been any doubt about it. Wei Ying snorted.
"Wei Ying," there it was again, his name, spoken so kindly, if not hesitantly as Lan Zhan too seemed to be struggling for words. "I would like to apologize. I hurt you. I have been looking for you to tell you this."
All at once, Wei Ying felt his shock settle into something more profound, like the wave that had swallowed him revealing the depth of the ocean. There was nothing Lan Zhan had to apologize for. Not for the lack of awareness, and certainly not for his feelings. Even their conflicts had always stemmed from a place of deep care.
"No." Wei Ying shook his head. "Not more than I hurt myself, Lan Zhan. Even when you scolded me, you never hurt me."
Had Lan Zhan broken his heart? Yeah, he had. So what? Did that mean he could be held accountable for it? Wei Ying's feelings were his own shit to deal with, not Lan Zhan's. Returning them wasn't Lan Zhan's duty. Even if he returned them, would it be fair to fault him for running away from them? For feeling insecure and anxious about his own attraction? For not knowing these things weren't as clear cut as all the adults around them had wanted to make them believe? It wasn't like Wei Ying had known either back then. He had, perhaps, understood himself even less than Lan Zhan. Most importantly, it was all in the past now. It couldn't be changed. What they made of it now was what mattered.
"None of my bullshit is your fault," he added. "You didn't go and tell me to fuck up my life. That was all on me."
"You wrote," Lan Zhan started, then paused, hesitating, then started again. "In your letter, you wrote…"
Wei Ying picked up on the question immediately.
"Not you," he said, the same words he had penned all those years ago in what was one of only two letters. "Never you. I had my reasons, but none of them were about you. In fact, I thought of you as the last good thing in my life at that point. The one true friend I still had left."
Lan Zhan's gaze fell on his crutches, but he didn't ask. Wei Ying was grateful.
"Come on, I need to get a move on," he said, starting to walk again, smiling at the surprised expression Lan Zhan had given him, when he realized he was still welcome to accompany him. Maybe it was something about that look that made Wei Ying add, after another second of thought, "There are people waiting for my return."
"Mn," Lan Zhan hummed, falling back in step next to him. "That's good. You should have people waiting for you at home."
Wei Ying couldn't help but smile.
"Say, Lan Zhan,…" he said after a few seconds of silence, when all what Lan Zhan has confessed slowly sunk in. "When you say you've been looking for me… You mean all this time?"
"Mn." Lan Zhan nodded. Wei Ying watched him gather his thoughts, the snow fluttering all around them. "I wanted to see you. Ask how you were doing. See if… If you needed support. Apologize. For not being a good friend to you before."
"Lan Zhan…" Wei Ying listened to him, and when Lan Zhan finally looked up at him his gaze was so sincere that his heart ached with it.
"I wanted to tell you the truth." Lan Zhan didn't let himself be interrupted. "That I liked you back. Without any expectations. That I didn't understand, but that it didn't matter. That I could like you without understanding why. That I wasn't asking for anything, just wanted you to know. That I wanted to help, in any way you'd let me."
"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan…" Wei Ying sighed, vision suddenly blurred. He drew a deep breath. "But I wasn't there."
"Mn." Lan Zhan nodded. "I asked your sister where I could find you…"
"But she didn't know," Wei Ying finished for him. No one knew, except one person. "And Jiang Cheng wouldn't give you my address if you held him at gunpoint."
"Your brother knows you're here." It had the structure of a question but it was spoken as a statement, the same kind of incredulous as the look Lan Zhan was giving him. All things considered, it was kinda fair, Wei Wuxian thought as he barked a laugh.
"Yeah," he said, shoulders shaking a little as he snickered. "He's the designated secret keeper."
Lan Zhan just stared, wordlessly.
Wei Ying's smile gained an edge at the unspoken question. He had to clear his throat before he answered. "We're… not quite alright yet, but… Ah, how do I say this? He's the better judge of the situation? With, uhm, aunt Yu, I mean. It's… complicated."
Honestly, when wasn't it?
"I… see." Lan Zhan really didn't sound like he did, but didn't press, continuing his story instead. "Your sister was able to tell me which city you were in. So I… applied for a job."
Wait. Pause. Rewind.
"You work here?!" Wei Ying felt his jaw go slack.
"As an attorney. At 'Xiao and Song'," Lan Zhan confirmed, then looked back at Wei Ying. "Civil law. With focus on LGBTQ+ rights. I passed the bar last year."
"You…" There was so much to unpack in that statement that Wei Ying couldn't quite get the words together fast enough. At the back of his mind he was aware he should probably congratulate Lan Zhan on his degree but he was too stunned by the other, more important implications. "You've moved here? For work? All because… Because… You were looking for me?"
"Lan Zhan!" His amazing friend who, for some reason, in spite of having a great new life had been desperate to find him. "But you… But I…"
"Wei Ying," he spoke so, so softly, but with clear intent to stop any protest Wei Ying might have wanted to utter. It worked. Wei Ying's mouth fell shut, taking his friend in with a bright, wide gaze. "I missed you. I have no expectations. I just… missed you."
Warmth spread in Wei Ying's chest over the tender words, like a dying flame rekindled.
"Lan Zhan..." He didn't quite know what to say, oddly touched. "It's how you knew, isn't it? I'm not the only trans person you've met."
"There was a client," Lan Zhan admitted. "They made me think of you. I have wanted to ask you since. I wanted to know if… If I made a mistake."
He didn't specify what mistake he feared being guilty of. He didn't really have to.
For a while Wei Ying just looked at him.
"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan…" He sighed, a small but genuine smile stealing itself onto his lips. "You… you're something else, you know that?"
Lan Zhan didn't reply, but there was something vulnerable in his expression.
"I missed you too."
Lan Zhan's eyes snapped back to Wei Ying's face, full of naked hope and a surprise so honest and pure that Wei Ying's heartstrings almost snapped. He could accept it. He could accept a friend longing for his company, even as his heart hammered against his chest like it was trying to escape its utter desolation.
"I couldn't have expected you to know something I didn't realize until much later." He hadn't realized there was tension around his friend's eyes until it relaxed.
Wei Ying took him in, his entire appearance and noted that although perfectly poised and immaculately dressed, beneath it all there was an exhaustion, a tension he didn't recognize. He thought about their meeting – the collision of two bodies launched out of their orbit – and everything else Lan Zhan had told him and a question dragged itself on his tongue that refused to be swallowed back in.
"Say, Lan Zhan… Since we are being so honest..." He asked before he could have thought better of it. "Why aren't you in Suzhou yet, for real? You always went home at least two weeks ahead of the festival. Did something happen?"
If there was something happening with Lan Zhan's family… Well, Wei Ying had missed enough opportunities to be a good friend in all the years they had been apart, or even before that. If Lan Zhan wanted to be his friend, Wei Ying was returning that tenfold. A secret for a secret, a truth for a truth.
If Lan Zhan wanted, that was.
For a second Wei Ying wasn't sure, but then the broad shoulders slumped, heaving like a weight was being lifted off them.
"I didn't always intend to go," Lan Zhan admitted. "Brother convinced me at the last moment. I wish he hadn't."
Their eyes met and Wei Ying felt a sudden heat spread through his cheeks at the intensity of Lan Zhan's gaze. He didn't take the bait, waiting patiently instead.
"I came out to my uncle. After the bar." Lan Zhan's gaze fell to the ground again, and Wei Ying already knew what he was about to say, aching dread settling painfully in his chest. "He did not… react well. He tried to set me up immediately afterwards."
"Aw man..." Wei Ying tried to sound both gentle and sympathetic without being too pitying. In his experience that never helped. "Yeah, I get that you didn't want to go home after that."
"Mn." Lan Zhan nodded, but said no more.
"Was she at least pretty?" Wei Ying tried to joke, unable to bear that forlorn expression on Lan Zhan's face and incapable of thinking of anything better to cheer his friend up. It would have been easy in the past, but now, with years containing entire lifetimes between them he didn't know anymore how to make Lan Zhan laugh.
But then Lan Zhan's lips twitched a little, so maybe not all was lost.
"Luo Qingyang," he answered, like Wei Ying was supposed to know the vaguely familiar name. Lan Zhan responded to his confused frown with his own and went on to explain. "You were in the drama club together. She was… Juliet. To your Romeo."
Very few guys had been in the drama club at that time, so Wei Ying had usually gotten the main male protagonist. He had loved it. It had been one of the reasons why he had joined the drama club in the first place. His co-star in all of that...
"Mianmian!" He exclaimed, eyes bright with delight. "It's been ages since I've last…"...Seen her. Seen anyone, he didn't say, schooled his expression and laughed instead. "I can't believe they tried to set you up with Mianmian! How is she?"
"Mn," Lan Zhan made a small sound out agreement that amused Wei Ying, before he answered. "She is well. Studying. Also law. She will take the bar next year."
"All of you are so smart…" Wei Ying chuckled, fond with more memories. "You know I made out with her once?" He promptly laughed at Lan Zhan's expression. "Relax, it wasn't as good as with you."
Their eyes met again and Wei Ying saw something like hope spark in Lan Zhan's eyes, which…
Wei Ying stopped. He let his gaze wander around, collecting his thoughts. He startled as he realized he was almost home, the agonizing minutes he usually needed reduced to nothing in the presence of his friend. The ache that had gnawed at his limbs earlier had all but disappeared, replaced by a longing ache in his heart.
"Lan Zhan," he found himself speaking without the input of his mind. "You said you liked me, so you should know… I don't intend to have surgery." He saw Lan Zhan open his mouth, probably to assure him once more of his pure intentions, which Wei Ying didn't need to hear. "I know, I know, you have no expectations, and I'm not saying we have to, but… My feelings for you never changed. I still like you, but I'm also… I'm a man Lan Zhan, but I'm not adjusting my body. Not to that degree."
"Is it a financial issue?" Lan Zhan asked after a pause and Wei Ying cut him off before he could continue with something ridiculous like an offer to pay.
"It's… not not about money, but…" He thought for a moment about how to say what he wanted to say. "Regardless of that, I refuse to go through all the legal hoops that this government would demand of me, like I'm supposed to beg them just to be who I am. And... Besides that…" He took a deep breath. "I think I'd like to have another child."
"Another…" There was a strangled sound, which he ignored, forcing himself to voice what he'd been struggling to put into words for a while now.
"I want to give it one more try. Voluntarily," Wei Ying found it difficult to say, despite the thought of a baby in his arms filling him with a warmth he wouldn't have expected mere years ago. "With someone I actually like this time."
"This time." There was something very wrong with the tone of Lan Zhan's voice, and as Wei Ying looked up at him, realization hit him with the force of a freight train.
"Oh! Oh no!" Lan Zhan's eyes were akin to saucers, and Wei Ying vaguely thought he had never seen his friend express shock so openly. "Fuck, I'm so dumb! Of course you don't know! How would you know?!"
Of course that very same moment, before Lan Zhan had any chance of collecting himself, a cheerful shout echoed through the street in an all too familiar, youthful voice. "BABA!!!"
Wei Ying winced. In the way life usually was – his life in particular – before Wei Ying could come up with a single word of explanation, there was the flurry of movement, and a warmth enveloping his leg – the better one.
"Baba, baba, you're home!"
Wei Ying's eyes fell down to the source of the excited noise to have two mischievous gray eyes reflected back at him. An unbidden smile spread on his face.
"A-Yuan!" He shifted around a little until he could safely run his fingers through the child's hair, even as he was keenly aware of the man next to him. "Have you been waiting for me?"
There was a twinkle and a nod, his very own baby's face beaming up at him with unabashed adoration. A tiny hand wrapped itself around his wrist and just like that the last of the day's stress fell away. He looked back at Lan Zhan. It was difficult to describe the expression his friend was giving him, frozen with disbelief, shock and something too close to horror, as his mind seemed to be rearranging and reevaluating every piece of information known to him. Finding no point in delaying the inevitable, Wei Ying braced himself and went for it.
"Lan Zhan, this is a-Yuan. He's mine. Gave birth to him and all." He made a point to smile, although Lan Zhan's expression remained unchanged. Deciding to give him the space he needed to get himself together, Wei Ying turned his attention back to his child. "A-Yuan, this is Lan Zhan. He's an old friend of mine from school. Want to introduce yourself?"
"Hello!" A-Yuan said before Wei Ying even finished the sentence. "I'm a-Yuan and I'm already four years old! I like butterflies and bunnies! Baba gave me Radish and a coloring book for my birthday. I was four last month! I love my baba bestest! But I love xiao-shushu und Qing-guma and granny and uncle Shi lotsa too!"
It was an altogether perfect introduction, and Wei Ying felt pride and love thrumming through his heart with a strength he hadn't believed to be possible. He watched the mental math behind Lan Zhan's eyes, a complicated expression spreading on his friend's face. He decided to give him another moment to complete the mental calculations and focused on something else that a-Yuan had reminded him of.
"Speaking of, where's your xiao-shushu?" Wei Ying looked around, then with growing suspicion back at the child still wrapped around his leg. "Did you ditch him again?"
Mischief spread on a-Yuan's face as he hid in Wei Ying's thigh.
"A-Yuan." Wei Ying narrowed his eyes at him, gently scolding. "We've talked about this. No walking around on your own. What if something happened?"
"But I'm with you," came the simple answer. "I have to help you walk. You said! To help you walk I have to take your hand. I saw you and gege wasn't holding your hand, so I came to help."
"Ah, so filial, a-Yuan…" Wei Ying looked up to the skies, silently begging the heavens for strength while fighting a ferocious blush. This child of his was as much a blessing as he was a huge trouble. The best kind of trouble, if Wei Ying was honest.
He was still busy trying to change his smile into something more stern, when as if on cue the uncle in question appeared around the corner, calling for his nephew, looking just as frantic as Wei Ying expected him to be. He waited for Wen Ning's eyes to find them, before he looked back down at a-Yuan.
"See how worried Wen Ning is? You can't do this, a-Yuan." The child's expression fell. "Go tell him you're alright and apologize for running away."
A-Yuan didn't waste a single second, rocketing towards his uncle with an excited call.
With his child safe in the most dependable arms that there were, Wei Ying turned to Lan Zhan again. His friend's eyes were closed, face pulled into a tight expression, lips pressed into a thin line, all of which told him what conclusion Lan Zhan had reached.
"It was part of the reason," Wei Ying said, because he knew Lan Zhan would never ask and he wanted his friend to know. "But it wasn't all of it."
Lan Zhan's eyes opened, his look agonized but not pitying, Wei Ying realized.
"There were many things going on," he said. "It was all so fucked up… I knew I couldn't keep him, and somehow I figured… Might as well go together. In the end we both survived, funny that."
"The father. The father is…" Lan Zhan trailed off, couldn't bring himself to say the name, but he didn't have to. Just as Wei Ying didn't have to answer other than with a rueful smile. After all, there was only one option. Lan Zhan drew a deep breath. "Was it… Did he…"
Here too, Wei Ying knew what he was asking, felt it like the edge of a knife against his skin.
"I don't want to talk about it." He swallowed, a prickling at the corners of his eyelids. "Not yet, at least. I'll tell you the story another time."
Lan Zhan nodded. Worried his jaw. Wei Ying waited.
"Was that why you… left?" His voice was so quiet that if Wei Ying wasn't paying attention, he probably wouldn't have noticed he had said anything at all.
"To put it in the words of aunt Yu, whores aren't welcome under her roof. She threatened to leave uncle Jiang, if he kept supporting me. It's fine," he added quickly when he saw Lan Zhan's face darkening. "Uncle Jiang gave me the trust fund he had for me, which wasn't little, I have a job and I get some aid from the government too. There's also granny's pension and everyone else is working. You don't have to worry, Lan Zhan, we get by."
Lan Zhan looked like he wanted to say something cutting, but luckily they were interrupted by Wen Ning joining them, a-Yuan in his arms. He was probably getting too big for that, but he knew first hand that Wen Ning could lift a full-sized adult without breaking a sweat so he wasn't very worried for either of them.
"Wei-ge, welcome home," Wen Ning greeted him. His eyes wandered to Lan Zhan for a brief moment, then to Wei Ying's hands which were still scraped. "Is everything alright?"
"More than!" Wei Ying ignored the look, grinning and watched a-Yuan beam at him. "Everything's perfect, look who I met in town! You remember Lan Zhan, right? He was in the same class with Wen Qing. Turns out he works here!"
Wei Ying managed to say all of that in one breath before he even realized he was doing it, yet consciously leaving out the bar and without bothering to detail exactly how the 'bumping' went down. Wen Ning took it all in, then gave Lan Zhan a polite smile, his dark eyes meeting Lan Zhan's squarely.
"I know of Lan-xianbei," he said slowly, cautiously polite, before his expression settled into a smile and he inclined his head in greeting. "We've never met officially."
There was a brief round of long overdue introductions, which Wei Ying was happy to ignore in favor of watching a-Yuan grow increasingly fascinated with Lan Zhan. It etched the lines around Wei Ying's smile deeper into his features, in a way he hasn't felt for a long time.
"A-Yuan." he couldn't help but pinch one of the chubby cheeks, after a little shifting of weight. "You keep looking at Lan Zhan like that, he'll think you like him."
"Pretty gege," was all a-Yuan had to say to that, a smile splitting his face, while Lan Zhan's ears turned red. Wei Ying laughed, alight with surprise that the one tell-tale sign of his shyness still remained. Lan Zhan was looking at a-Yuan with increasing curiosity, that pained line from earlier disappearing from his features, slowly replaced by wonder instead.
Wei Ying only looked away when he felt a tiny finger poke at his cheek, angling his head towards a-Yuan to listen to whatever secret his son wanted to share.
"Will pretty gege stay for dinner?" A-Yuan whispered through his hands, causing a complicated set of feelings to run through Wei Ying's chest.
"Sorry, sweetheart, but Lan-shushu can't stay." Wei Ying mock pouted at his son. "He has a flight to catch later."
"Why?" A-Yuan asked, as he did all the time.
"He has to visit his family," Wei Ying answered.
"Oh…" A-Yuan's face fell. There was no doubt in Wei Ying's mind had the answer been anything else, he would have kept asking, but if there was one word a-Yuan understood better than anyone, it was 'family'. It didn't mean he liked it. "But… But I heard! I heard that we will have a party tonight! I cleaned my room, and I did a picture for teacher, and helped granny bake! I was the bestest and uncle said I could stay up extra long tonight 'cause then baba would live forever!"
"I didn't say forever," Wen Ning corrected him timidly, but neither of them paid attention to him, the poor soul. A-Yuan only heard what he wanted to hear, and Wei Ying was too busy making sure his heart didn't burst. He still sometimes couldn't quite believe how much he loved this child.
"Me too." It came unexpectedly from beside him, and when Wei Ying turned to look he found Lan Zhan looking almost as surprised as he felt. "I mean, I also usually stay up longer on Chuxi."
A-Yuan's smile eclipsed the sun. Lan Zhan returned it with an expression so impossibly soft that Wei Ying's heart almost did burst then.
"Pretty gege can stay, and his family can come too, and I will draw everyone a picture!" A-Yuan all but vibrated with bare excitement that Wei Ying felt bad that he had to chide him.
"A-Yuan, do we tell people what they can and can't do, or do we ask?" He had picked the gentlest way possible, but his son still hid his face in his uncle's neck, utterly dejected.
To be fair, Lan Zhan looked rather stricken himself. It was adorable to watch and Wei Ying… Wei Ying knew that no matter whatever feelings he might be harboring, he only came as a set with his son. There was no possible way of heaping that responsibility on another person from the get go, on top of everything else, and yet. And yet. Lan Zhan was regarding a-Yuan with such fondness that it did strange things to Wei Ying's heart, and just like that courage bloomed in Wei Ying's chest.
"How about a compromise? Lan Zhan," he asked carefully. "You still have a few hours left until you have to be at the airport, don't you? Would you… Would you like to come inside?"
"Yes, yes, yes! Please, pretty gege, pretty please." A-Yuan loved the idea, immediately reaching his arms out in silent demand to be held. Wei Ying could only watch as Wen Ning oh so carefully leaned forward and tightened his hold so that a-Yuan could safely launch himself into Lan Zhan's open, waiting arms. He bet Lan Zhan hadn't even noticed how he held them out in a response that had seemed completely automatic.
"A-Yuan," Wei Ying reprimanded him gently, doing everything he could to ignore the adorable pout that pressed into Lan Zhan's shoulder. It was difficult to do with his heart singing like that.
"I would hate to intrude," Lan Zhan replied hesitantly, his eyes not leaving a-Yuan for a second and Wei Ying felt his heart constrict.
"I don't think anyone would mind," Wen Ning said, smiling gently.
"It won't be an issue, Lan Zhan, really." Their eyes met. "We still have a lot to… catch up on."
There was a spark that darkened Lan Zhan's eyes briefly, something heavy settling in the air between the two of them. Chance had brought Lan Zhan back into his life, and Wei Ying wanted to hold on. In any way he was allowed to. As long as he was allowed to.
"And you could meet… You could meet my family." Warmth spread deep in Wei Ying's chest as the word 'family' echoed in his mind, before he added in a whisper. "If you like."
"Wei Ying…" Finally, after what felt like an entire eternity, Lan Zhan spoke, the softest of smiles spreading on his face, gentle as the first rays of the sun on a misty morning. "I would very much love to meet your family."
"Great!" Wei Ying felt the smile split his face from one ear to another and amidst the cheers of his child that echoed the ones in his heart and started towards the door that Wen Ning held open for him. "Come on in then! Let's give everyone the shock of their life that I brought home such a handsome man!"
"Wei Ying…" It was spoken as a reprimand but it sounded like a chuckle.
"Hi, handsome! You're Lan Zhan, right? I've heard all about you!" Somewhere in his memory a cheerful voice greeted the most beautiful youth that there ever was. "I'm Wei Wuxian. I'll let you call me Wei Ying."
The door fell shut to the sound of Wei Ying's laugh.
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nevergenders · 5 years
what’s your favourite thing about set it off?
jokes on you trying to make me pick one thing HA *cracks knuckles*
first of all. they are very talented, they work very hard, and they don’t quit. (yes i said three things but they all go together). they’re very humble about it too!! this band has been through some tough shit, have gone through numerous lineup changes and people stabbing them in the back and nothing can stop them.
and in terms of musical talent, i know at least for cody, when the band was first started people were telling him to quit singing because he sucked. but he has put in so much work and got private lessons and his voice has dramatically improved. like listening to sio’s first ep and what cody sounds like now you get fucking whiplash lmao. and like. just generally a vocalist, he is very very good at That Thing He Does, like creating a certain tone with his voice that lends well to some of the angrier edgier sio songs and i just. love that. i wanna do that. his voice is so impressive now id like to learn from him
and i cant really speak for zach because ive never like heard him play solo or show off but maxx is a fuckin amazing drummer and he’s super humble about it too. and yea theyre never self depricating, just humble!
second thing: they’re always looking to grow. they have let their sound evolve, experimented, and it’s really a trip to hear what they souned like for a song like hush hush versus upside down. once again, whiplash, but they always pull it off. theyre always looking for new directions and new things to try and i know they already have a plan for the next era and i’m so excited for it.
another thing: they care about the fans’ wellbeing and comfort. back in march something came out about one of the bands opening for them that tour that they were making some of the fans uncomfortable and they kicked them off of the next leg of tour immediately.
i could keep listing off examples. in march i passed out at a show, and once i was on the floor the crowd helped the band stop before the next song started, and then everyone was dead silent and stood back patiently while i was being helped. and then in july when i saw them again, zach said “nick youre back!” implicating that when he posted about me passing out on his twitter he saw my reply and checked to make sure i was okay, AND he learned my name! i also saw him checking up on me throughout the show to make sure i was okay and honestly he’s such a fucking blessing!!
another thing: they’re dorky as hell and kind of hilarious. like that’s been there from the start, they have so many silly videos on youtube and they’re hilarious, stupid, and just unashamedly dorky. like seeing them all interact with each other and act stupid makes you want to be friends with them. at least thats how ive felt lmao they are CLOWNS
another thing: they’re very genuine. everyone ive seen talk about it has said they act the same way on camera as they do off camera. and theyre so respectful! they’ve all been very respecful to me when i’ve met them and they have purposefully avoided misgendering me because i think they still don’t know what my pronouns are. also in duality era they preached this whole message about not being afraid of being human, wearing your flaws on your sleeve, knowing that emotions are a human experience, and not being ashamed of yourself.
one other thing: maxx is so fucking nice to me. i watch his streams on twitch and some THINGS have happened ok. one time i requested my own song and he was like impressed that i did it myself and was like asking me questions and giving me positive feedback and i loved that!! and then one stream he had us all watching sio covers and he put up one of my covers he had seen before literally just to hype me up to everyone like he was LITERALLY showering me with compliments, and then he watched what had been my newest cover too and complimented me on that too, and then when that was all over i was like “tysm its so wild that my favorite band supports my music i love you so much” and he said “well nick its easy to support someone when they’re talented so. you’re doing great. you’re incredible. keep it up. it’s amazing” i fucking almost CRIED ok and in addition to that they’ve given me like a whole new audience for my covers because they keep fuckin supporting me back like damn i stan a band that stans me back!!!
and just in general maxx is so soft and nonthreatening and like 99% of maxx stans are queer and he said “gender is a social construct” and he said “be gay do crimes” (after some encouragement thx madi) and several times in streams he just openly talked about how he tries to support the community and fjsjsd he purposefully avoided deadnaming me onstream when he got an amazon package from me with my deadname on it
lastly. their music is just so cathartic. like there are a fuck ton of angry songs and theyre all fun to sing at the top of your lungs, but they also have feel good dancey songs, and their lyrics are always so honest. and ppl try to pigeonhole them but like they are beyond all that
in conclusion i love the set it off boys
thanks for coming to my ted talk the past year has been a fucking rollercoaster ride
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feitanswife · 5 years
Sorry for the fucking essay but no actually I’m not
So I saw a buzzfeed story article on snap and it was from a hashtag on twitter that was trending a few days back, #igotwokewhen or something to that effect.
And it reminded me of something that would be WAY too long of a story for twitter.
Well, several somethings. Three to be exact. This was like a two year process that only sort of included tumblr.
So it started in my sophomore year of high school (10th grade, I was... turning 16 that coming March) and I was in Honors 10th Grade English with the rest of the tryhards.
(Honors didn’t really mean anything in the grand scheme of things, the classes were relatively similar to core, it was basically a box you checked during class selection to say “I want to be in a class with people who give a shit”)
And I was in a corner with two other kids: the one I’ll call Cake Face, and her best friend, Cutie. (Cause they were cute. Like adorable non-threatening videogame-nerd-who-even-I-could-drop-kick-if-they-tried-anything cute, which was very much my “type” in high school as I was in complete and utter denial about my lack of sexual attraction and only let myself grow close to people I could totally take in a fight to ease my anxiety about being touched.)
Cake Face was a terrifying girl who very Clearly had a tumblr.
This was 2014-2015. She Very Clearly Had A Tumblr.™️ like it was Scary.
She sat behind me and she terrified me. I’d known her from 7th grade onwards and until that point I knew 3 things about her: she wore WAY too much makeup, she was a try hard at school, and she hated pretty much everyone.
Except Cutie, who she would kill and die for.
Cutie, whose real name I can’t even remember now, was the first out trans peer I remember having. (I say “out” because two of my best friends who is known for much longer came out later, but at the time to my knowledge Cutie was the only one so I count them as first cause it was my first interaction under the pretense)
Cutie was also the first non-binary person I knew. That is without condition, to my knowledge (I haven’t kept track of many people from high school) as the next notable encounter was well into college.
So now you had me, vaguely crushing on Cutie whose Overbearingly Agressively Supportive best friend sat right behind me.
Needless to say that crush went nowhere, we hardly talked cause I was too afraid of Cake Face to even start up a coversation for fear I’d say something wrong and get my head ripped off. She was openly confrontational with our teacher and the rest of the class and I just kept my head down and said nothing.
Come to think of it, that’s probably what Cutie was doing too. I certainly wouldn’t want my best friend fighting people on my behalf all day. Talk about embarrassing.
But the idea had been put in my head and since I was about ankle deep in Fandom Tumblr that that point (mostly popular anime with some J-fashion on the side) I decided to dip my toes in further.
And while I was still wrapping my head around the vague idea of asexuality and oh no what does this mean for the boyfriend I got last spring my near best friend in the world cane out as a trans guy on like, day one of our AP language and composition class.
Just to me and our mutual friend but like, it happened. The name he ended up choosing could be shortened to a rather gener neutral nickname so he ended up going by that at large, but the actual conversation only happened with us.
(To be fair, his deadname when combined with his middle name was a weed based pun so no one was surprised he changed it. it was also spelled weirdly.)
And that was the first time I’d ever like, fully integrated into the... entire culture of interacting??? I guess??? Like learning the lingo, learning the flags, figuring out what a binder was (and trying to talk him out of wearing it to gym class, irresponsible little shit!) and I quickly became very protective of him.
I mean I was protective before cause he had other problems like anxiety worse than mine and we all know that when a group of friends all have anxiety that whoever’s is currently least active gets to pretend they’re fine and deal with shit. But this was a whole other layer. It honestly made me a little paranoid cause people... people show their true colors at times like these.
Like that second friend he told.
I ended up writing her into a novel just to hit her character with a truck over one (1) conversation.
Cause when my friend was around she was a sweet angel.
But when he wasn’t she was rude as shit and misgendered him constantly. Also she was really jealous of me being better at essay writing than her and like well maybe if you focused more effort into class and less into talking shit about your supposed best friend then??? Maybe you’d know how to write???
And I worked my ass off on a group poster project and she threw it out and redid the whole thing herself cause she didn’t like mine and it’s been like four years and I have never forgiven her for that I had like three panic attacks for that poster and you threw it away?
I’m not even gonna censor her name Fuck You Jillian you entitled piece of shit!
And around that time I also met the most important person of my life.
She’s a year younger than me and three times as smart, she’s still my best friend to this day and all of our friends unironically call her mom.
And she was the first person I came out to as ace.
(Mostly because she did first and the only response I could think of was “me too!” We were eating lunch. I think I was sitting on the floor. She was on a bench. I was looking up at her. Her hair was bright fire engine red and down to her butt and she was in full gothwear.)
It was because of her that I eventually made a new tumblr account (first under lily-of-the-rain, then raininglillies, then Feitanswife which I have no interest in changing cause I can’t fathom anyone else having this url) and sort of dove deep into all of this cause I finally felt like I could.
Like she was the full permission to exist in this space! She ran our high schools GSA and now is Vice President of our college’s Queer and Allues club (which I only joined cause she dragged me)
and all of that while being ace, which I was ultimately horrifically ashamed of until I met her.
Not because I thought it was wrong to be ace, I just thought it made me less important. Just in general. I was less important in the straight world and less important among the lgbtq+ community. No one was gonna make a fuss over me if I just sat down and shut up, but I wasn’t going to be missed if I disappeared either.
I was just what I’d always been, a background character. Meant to be seen and not heard. Don’t make a fuss just sit and be quiet and be glad we saved you a chair at all.
But she wasn’t. She walked in and it didn’t matter if it was a night out or 7 am on a Tuesday she was dressed to the nines, with her nearly neon red hair and a sort of “DONT fuck with me” energy that let her just mow down anyone who wanted to start shit, with her or anyone else.
And people respected her not in spite of who she was but because of it
And that was the final flip of the switch I needed. First it was the awareness, then the caring personal connection, and then there was “you have the right and the duty to flip that fucking switch. It is yours.
Not because someone else told you to or because it affects people you care about, but because it affect you
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omo-kink-blog · 5 years
Being a trans guy with a piss kink
So, this is kind of a result of this week for several reasons and about as personal as I will ever get, more than I ever expected to be on a social media platform.
It took fucking years to be okay with the piss kink that started off as only desperation and wetting, not watersports. I didn’t tell anyone because what’s the first kink people kinkshame? “It’s not like you’re into piss or anything, so it can’t be that weird.” At least three occasions in college I felt that terrible “but I am, but thanks for reminding me this isn’t a safe place for that,” in my friend group. Which was fine, I didn’t rely on their support for that. I knew and quite frankly wanted to be alone in that. I didn’t fantasize about friends or real people, it was mostly fictional characters, which led me to believe I was ace for quite some time.
So, from a young age, I’d had a fascination with standing to pee. I wanted to be able to do that from a very young age. I tried on a handful of occasions a few years before puberty. I was frustrated when I couldn’t do that, no matter what I tried. I kind of gave up after puberty. When I discovered I might be trans, it made sense but I wasn’t in a position to really do anything about it. When I realized I absolutely was trans, I tried some home made things that definitely didn’t work. When I was 21, I think, I invested in an STP device, a cheap ass one that was supposed to be somewhat easy to use. I’d already been binding and male presenting for at least a year, this was what I thought was my final obstacle to being comfortable being a man, if that makes any sense.
Some time before, I realized I was conditioned in a very negative way to not being able to use the men’s room. Thank fuck I was a trans guy and not a trans woman after reading the horror stories of trans women in women’s public restrooms or I don’t think I would be able to get over it.
I remember the whole “go with me” movement that was a thing. It works for women and I, at the time, would have gone with a trans woman into the women’s restroom (I did not pass as a man in any way, I definitely didn’t feel as though I belonged in men’s spaces, though using the women’s restroom gave me hella dyphoria). However, good fucking luck asking men to go to the bathroom with you because you don’t feel safe or comfortable. I’ve felt comfortable asking maybe 2 or 4 men to do that and I have never felt the need bad enough to ask them to accompany me. It was bad enough asking several coworkers if they’d be potentially comfortable enough to “allow me to use the men’s restroom,” followed by a conversation with my conservative male bosses about that topic. Yeah, fuck that. I’ll get to that, I guess.
I wasn’t one to willingly get desperate in public. It was more of a fantasy, so I didn’t appreciate not having access to a restroom, especially when I needed just a fucking moment of peace or simply just to fucking pee, wash my hands, or even blow my fuckin’ nose (mostly an issue at work at my current job).
In college, I had a group of friends who were cis men who were super supportive. One was from high school who wasn’t supportive to begin with but I came to be very close with him in college because he matured. Another was a straight male who was the definition of “ally.” He was the first person to use he/him pronouns in regard to me and the fucking lightbulb went off. I was not genderfluid, I could not be genderfluid. I was a man. There were other things in that span of time that clued me in but that was a big thing. I felt comfortable. I felt RIGHT when he used those pronouns with me. I asked my friend group to continue to do so. Given that there were many other trans people (binary and otherwise) changing their names and pronouns, it wasn’t a big deal at all. People messed up, /I/ messed up. It took quite some time and effort for myself to adjust to using the right pronouns and name. Even today, it takes effort to not immediately turn around to someone saying “ma’am” or “miss.” I haven’t heard my deadname outside of my house in years, so that’s not a big thing.
That same person who used the right pronouns for the first time has also traumatized me a great deal. I don’t think he meant to and I don’t think he knows. It still hurts and affects me more than I would like.
In college, this group of cis men decided to tell me it was okay that I used the men’s locker room to change to go swimming with them. Considering my university didn’t have a gender neutral locker room within probably 0.4 miles, a few buildings over, I didn’t really want to walk half a mile out of my way just to fucking change. Before this, I hyped myself up to use the men’s room, a single stall restroom, in the library, first at 3 in the morning when we decided to pull an all nighter. It was a big step. It may not have seemed like it to anyone else, but I was so conditioned that I felt odd using the men’s room in the library even if it was a single-stall. Often I used that restroom just to avoid the dysphoria of using the women’s room if I didn’t want to use the one gender neutral restroom on campus in the one buildings’ basement.
I trusted them at their word. Surely they knew and would be honest enough with me. If they didn’t feel comfortable enough to do so, they would have said so, right? So I took them at face value. I think it was only one of them with the issue but unfortunately his response masked those around him and now I kind of lump them all into one, as unfortunate as that is. I was alone on one side while the others were together on another side. At some point, I felt the need to ask a question, I guess, and went to the other side. Their response was pure discomfort at having me in the vicinity. My immediate response was understandment, which I fucking hate. It shouldn’t have been discomfort. I shouldn’t have understood and conceded in a way that made it seem like I didn’t belong there. My fucking FRIENDS should not have acted like I was a stranger who didn’t belong. They shouldn’t have told me they were okay with it when they clearly weren’t. I say they. I mean one person. I don’t specifically recall any other reactions because this one reaction was strong enough.
I didn’t dare enter another men’s room or men’s locker room for fucking ages, for a couple years, at least, until after I was on hormones.
So, fast forward to after college. I’m in a job where we take inventory of different places. This means we enter new buildings every day. Often they don’t have gender neutral restrooms. I started this job without being out as trans. My aunt had a major factor in me being brought on. She didn’t know so I had to tell her and then out myself to everyone else, all 60+ people that I work with on varying occasions. It was stressful. Before I even knew all of their names, I was awkwardly trying to out myself as trans.
I left a job where people had finally accepted I was trans. I had a boss who asked whatever came to mind without thinking they were offensive, which was fine with me. I’m used to being the first trans person people encounter, I’m used to the weird (maybe offensive), invasive questions. I answer because they’re mostly asked out of curiosity rather than malicious ignorance. I answer in a way that I hope shows that I’m okay with those types of questions but the next trans person they encounter may not be. I try to educate. My previous boss asked me if I would prefer them to put a lock on the door to the men’s room so I would feel comfortable using the men’s room. I never answered them, but their support was enough, honestly. I had another boss who apologized profusely for misgendering me, but she tried to get the right pronouns. She was one of those who apologized too much. I loved her and her effort, but I did not need the speech each time “It just takes time, it’s hard for me.” I completely get it, I still misgendered myself at the time, I certainly wasn’t going to judge others for doing the same goddamn thing. I didn’t appreciate the few people who didn’t even fucking try, but it’s whatever now.
I missed them when I started this job. I worked (work?) with a lot of men. I work with some women, but it’s a lot of cishet men who are older and white (comes with the area, I guess). They scared me. I did not want to come out to them. I wore buttons, I made jokes, I did pretty much anything to avoid straight-up saying “I’m a trans man, please use my pronouns.” Some caught on, some did not. Some that I thought would have issues caught on quite quickly (so quickly that they were gendering me correctly within a month of me starting hormones, so I definitely didn’t pass). I couldn’t hold it against people for misgendering me considering they met me as my aunt’s “niece.” My aunt’s response was “neice, nephew, doesn’t make any difference to me.” It was the best response I’d gotten from a family member, by far.
I started hormones a few months into this job. I wasn’t supposed to. I wasn’t supposed to start hormones while living at home, for fear of my grandmother finding out. My parent and I had an understanding. I broke that understanding. I was 22 and I did not want to wait anymore. I told them after I got my first shot. They were hurt initially but there wasn’t anything they could do. I was an adult and I had made my decision. Initially, they told me I needed to shave consistently and keep my voice high, but it hasn’t caused an issue so far. My grandmother has only noticed my hairy legs (which can easily be explained away with not shaving, I guess).
There was one team leader I enjoyed working with and I respected at this new job. He apologized for not catching on right away but I was only wearing buttons to out myself. I had/have a hard time telling people who met me as a woman. He still caught on quite quickly. He barely messed up with pronouns after he caught on. He never gave me the whole “it takes time,” thing. Men seemed to have more of an issue with me being a trans guy, so I kind of let my guard down with him being so accepting. I wasn’t used to men being so accepting of trans people. I developed feelings, but at this point I realized I had already realized I was poly and realized I cared more for his happiness than actually wanting to be with him, if that makes sense. I didn’t want to be with him, I wanted him to be happy with his relationship with his girlfriend and their kid. I appreciated his support at work and maybe relied on that a little too much at times (I broke down crying in front of him, something I regret, and talk to him about trans issues maybe a bit too much, because he’s one of the few that might be able to sympathize).
So, at some point we had a travel store that ended up being just me and him. He mentioned at some point, when we were almost there, that he needed to pee, you know, every person into omo’s fantasy. I took the opportunity to mention that he was lucky that he could just use the restroom without issue. We had a pretty nice discussion in which I expressed my desire to use the men’s room without repercussions. I talked to him about how he might personally feel, how those we work with might feel, and we were pretty much on the same page with it. He seemed more aware about trans issues than many other cis men I’d talked to. It was nice to have someone so aware but still so supportive at work. I found myself to be rather appreciative of this and the fact that I really appreciated his work ethic. Surprise, surprise, I ended up catching feelings, something I’ve been dealing with for the past year now. His kid and his girlfriend are fucking adorable and if anything happens to them, I’d hate life even more than I do now.
The more I learn about him, the more I hate it and myself. But that’s a different story. The reason I include him is this week.
I was working in one of his stores, as one does. Break time came around and I wanted to make sure no one else was in the restroom, so I waited a couple minutes. I’d been working with another older cis guy who kept referring to me as she/her, so I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t catch his attention using the men’s room. He’s a nice guy, but I don’t think he’s caught onto the fact I’m a guy. Additionally, I don’t want certain workers to see me use the men’s room. So, I waited a few minutes. Considering I really had to fucking pee, it was a process. I had drank water all night and had tea in the morning.. I have a pretty sizeable bladder, to the extent that it’s not a big deal to wait 8 or 12 hours. I was already self conscious about using a stall vs the urinal because fucking toxic masculinity, despite reading up on male etiquette. Right before I went in, the supervisor (who I know too fucking much about in this respect) and that one man were talking so I thought I could just slip away. 40 seconds later I hear shuffling. Now, I have issues exiting a stall after hearing someone come in. I don’t want people to see me in the men’s room. I’m fucking paranoid and think it’s the guy that has been calling me she/her all week. I exit anyway. Turns out it’s the supervisor. I instantly enter panic mode. I immediately think it’s because I have feelings and a piss kink and watched him drive desperate less than a week ago as well as being jealous over actually being able to piss on the side of a building because of desperation over waiting for the manager to open the building. I made jokes, of course, because that’s how I deal with feelings and dysphoria, because how could a cis guy even begin to comprehend? Thinking about it after that day, I realized that I was more worried about him freaking out on me using the men’s room because “I don’t belong!” because that’s what happened before. I know logically he won’t, but it was the panic attack and the illogical fear that he would turn on me that caused my heart rate to rise and my flight/flight response. It was due to that one time before that caused me to think my friends (or at least supportive coworkers) could just as easily turn on me. I currently trust strangers more than I do people who know me when it comes to this stuff, because thanks to the hormones, I pass better. I get misgendered a lot less. I feel almost like I belong in men’s spaces. Even still, I hesitate every time before I enter a men’s restroom. So many “what if”s pass through my head and ultimately that one exchange passes through my head. “Do I pass enough to keep the next cis guy like him from causing issues?” “If my ‘friends’ have issues with it, surely strangers will?”
It wasn’t arousal at all, as I’d thought, it was PTSD from that incident with my college friends. I was so paranoid that he’d ‘turn’ on me, despite all the evidence that showed otherwise, that I couldn’t think. All I could think is that he was the one that followed me in, if he had issues with it then he should have waited, then he can’t say that I didn’t belong....... A long line of defenses that I shouldn’t need to think of. I shouldn’t have to hesitate before entering a men’s restroom. I shouldn’t think of all the bad things that could happen if I enter a men’s room if I don’t pass well enough. I certainly shouldn’t have to think of all the bad things that can and will happen to trans women who don’t ‘pass enough’ for cis women or cis men to use women’s spaces and who get physically harmed because of it.
Probably a few days later, I decided to pull that STP I bought out again. I had a terrible time with it before. I wasn’t able to use it in the shower without leaking a fuck ton, to the extent that I wouldn’t be able to use it in public. I gave up years ago when I tried. I tried again in the shower and had issues. I tried again just outside the shower and leaked a significant amount, but not as much as I would have thought. I tried again and leaked only a few drops. It was significant progress, more than I ever thought I’d get. It became a possibility, to the point that I wanted to use men’s restrooms to practice instead of using the bathroom at home because unless I had water running, it would be easy to hear the difference and I didn’t want my parent catching on.
So, I waited the other day, more than I should have. I left my job without using the restroom because I didn’t have to go, but my parent picked me up and took me to the hospital where my grandmother was getting surgery that lasted longer than it should have. I had half an hour before I had to leave so I figured I’d wait to use a men’s room on the way so I could practice. Of course, I brought extra underwear just in case, but the coffee shop I stopped at was cleaning the men’s room. Then I went to the wrong meet point, so I ended up having to leave the extra pair of underwear in my car 70 miles away and hoping for the best when I got to the travel store. I took my chances using the STP I have, but I only leaked a few drops, a manageable amount, especially for having a full bladder and a detachable dick. It’d be so much better to practice at home, but God forbid I get any fucking privacy anytime.
I’m doing better than I thought I ever would, but I still haven’t even tried to use a urinal. It’s difficult using a cheap-ass STP that I can’t really pack with, so I have to pull it out of my pocket, position it, and then use, then pack away again. It’s an 8 inch thing that isn’t exactly easy to unpack and pack away. I plan to invest in a better one eventually, but my job hasn’t been scheduling me for a lot of hours, so I don’t want to spend the money just yet. I want to practice in private, usually a stall, before I even attempt to try to use a urinal. It’s a process I’m not comfortable with yet. I’m trying and I’ve made so much more progress than I ever thought I would, but I’m not /there/ yet.
Side note: Another older gentleman came face to face to me coming out of the men’s room at a store, someone I work with. Since then, he seemed to catch on to the whole I’m a guy thing. I aspire to make the cis men at my work that may have issues with trans people to see me (and therefore all trans men) as “real” men. I understand that not all men use urinals or stand to pee, but it’s something I’ve wanted to do since before I realized I was a trans man. It would also make me more comfortable using men’s restrooms.
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hitaka5ever · 3 years
When I got home last night, I was talking to mum for a bit while I had dinner, and something came up where she wanted to tell me something my dad had asked her while they ran errands together
Context first: When I first came out as trans to my dad (we were playing cards with my aunt that day) he had the typical reaction of "but you're my daughter" yadda yadda (I don't remember exactly what he said since it was so long ago, but that was the gist of it) Over time, with my mum referring to me as Rocky and using he/him all the time, he gradually started doing the same thing simply bc he was getting used to hearing her say it (he even corrects himself when he uses the wrong pronouns, like he did the other night) My mum also said it sounds wrong for her to deadname and misgender me now, so she catches herself often and is getting a LOT better (funnily enough, my dad changed his speaking towards me faster than mum did lol)
Anyway, a while back, my dad saw my name and gender change form sitting out, and that's how he found out I was legally changing my name and gender (bc I hadn't found the right way or the right time to tell him properly) I know he saw it bc I was coming out of the hallway to get something from the kitchen as he was leaving, and I heard him muttering something about "getting out of my house". I was confused at first, but then I saw the form I filled out sitting out in plain sight. He even once made an offhand comment when I was talking to his mother (my grandma) about the article I wrote for the paper, where I basically came out as trans to everyone that read it. He said "yeah and tell her what name you're changing yourself to", which was another sign that he knew
Dad never said anything to me directly about it after half a year since he saw the form, but whichever way it came up yesterday, he asked my mum "why does Rocky want to change his last name away from mine?"
The way mum described it, its clear this information about my name has been on his mind for a long time, but since he has very little life skills (no communication is his worst trait) he doesn't know how to talk to me directly about it. So he figured the best way to ask about it is to ask my mum since he had to spend several hours with her running errands
My mum told him about how I don't feel connected to his family at all, and she gave him reasons why, which included how bigoted and disapproving they seem about mum, my sisters, and I in general. He seemed to understand it enough, but at some point he and I will have to sit down and talk about it properly with my own words. It helps that he has that little bug in his ear at least, so I hope our conversation (with mum as mediator) won't be too difficult
I want people to understand that I have nothing against my dad. Aside from being ignorant with some things and being verbally abusive to his kids for years (he's not super bad anymore) he still cares about me and loves me, even if he hasn't been the best dad. For a while I've tried not to let it get to me, knowing how he was raised and not knowing HOW to change himself bc of that, and it has helped a lot, so I'm not changing my last name bc of him. Mum got him to understand that its bc of the rest of his family that I don't want this last name anymore (bc it just hurts me in the long run)
With what little relationship I have with my dad, I don't want to lose it entirely. He's a million times better than the rest of his family (aside from one niece and her family, his family is all ReTrumplican) and I could never truly hate or despise him the way I do his family. If I leave one day, I'd still like to stay in touch with him, even if its just through holidays and his birthday
I'd like to add more, but I'm getting very emotional and crying just thinking about all of this (bc I feel guilty, even though I know I shouldn't be) so I'll leave it like this
TLDR: Dad asked mum why I wanted to change my last name away from his and she gave him some reasons about his family being bigoted and disapproving. He understands a little now, but we'll have to have a longer conversation about it later
PS: I think after I asked my dad "why do you have to be so mean to her (my mum)?" when mum had a mental breakdown after he yelled at her over a simple question, that its given him pause and has made him reflect on a lot of things. Him knowing I want to change my name has made him start to think more too, he just doesn't know how to communicate with mum and me about stuff that bothers him/is stored up in his feeble brain. I hope when we have our (very difficult) conversation together soon that it ends with more understanding and better lives
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what-even-is-thiss · 7 years
As much as it hurts, it takes time for people to change.
We all want for everything to be okay right away. Some of us are transgender and want our pronouns to be used all the time right away. Some of us want to be in multiple romantic relationships at once. Some of us are asexual or aromantic and just want to be accepted as what we are. Some of us are gay, bi, or pan, and want people to understand that love is love. And there are hundreds more things I could think of.
But people don’t change overnight. Some people have had certain ideas drilled into their heads for decades. Ten, twenty, fifty, seventy years. A lot of people are trying to rearrange their entire way of thinking right now. Even in the nineties gay marriage wasn’t even on people’s minds for the most part. Some people are just now learning of the very existence of transgender people.
Here on Tumblr we exist in a bubble. A big gay bubble full of terminology and words we know by heart. A bubble where people know what asexuality is and that romantic and sexual attraction are different and same sex attraction isn’t all about sex and that a trans woman is a woman born with male anatomy and a trans man is a man born with female anatomy and that intersex people exist.
Not everyone knows of these things. My dad never explained to me what gay was because he didn’t know how to explain it without bringing up sex. He sees now that was wrong but in the 90s and early 2000s he didn’t know that. Nobody had given him the proper information. I had to explain to him when I was twelve why sex doesn’t have to be brought into the conversation and that bisexual people exist. Every time I explain things to him I can see the gears turning in his brain taking in that information, adjusting his entire worldview accordingly. He still gets confused about what a trans man is and what a trans woman is, but is trying his best to make the connection there.
I’ve met straight cisgender people who resist ideas that will change their entire worldview. These are the dangerous ones. And often they are the ones that aren’t willing to listen. However, I’ve also met straight cisgender people that attempt, however uneasily, to embrace these ideas. These are the friends that would stand up for me, and the relatives that worry about my safety but don’t want me to be unhappy. And I’ve met queer people that don’t know all the language either.
To us, this is all easy. All obvious. We’ve been here. We’ve found our answers or have been searching for them. We’ve been repressing and searching for answers and hurt time and time again. We’ve made language and created communities. Communities that sometimes fight, but for the most part band together. But not everyone has been searching for these answers and learning this language. We’ve made a beautiful thing that’s built on the backs of those who came before us. We stand on the shoulders of giants and in some cases on corpses. We have lost and fought to be ourselves.
But not everyone has seen it. For those who never had to search, it can be hard to find. They don’t know the questions to ask. They don’t know the language to use because they’ve never needed it. Privilege is having the ability to ignore something. It’s having blinders put on you by society, and often you don’t even know you’re wearing them. I have white privilege. Racism had to be pointed out to me because it does not affect me in a way that’s obvious to me and if I chose to I could ignore it. I choose not to ignore it because that’s the right thing to do, but I still sometimes have the blinders on without realizing it. There’s still new terms and language I know nothing about, and at least once a month an issue is brought to my attention that I knew nothing about before. This is also the reality for straight cisgender people, and in some cases, queer cisgender people or queer people that haven’t found the community yet.
You will meet in your life quite a few jerks. People that will try to make it about them. People that will misgender you on purpose, people that will insist you’re dirty or wrong, and people that just generally refuse to change their mindset. These people are not worthy of your patience.
But you will also meet in your life people that keep messing up but genuinely want to help. A person that keeps misgendering you on accident but is trying to rewire their brain to not do that. A guy that made a gay joke out of an old habit but then realizes afterwards that was a bad thing to do. An old person that thinks you’re referring to multiple people when you call someone “they” and just doesn’t know yet. An average person that doesn’t know what non binary is. Someone who associates polyamory with ownership of women and has never heard of it in a healthy context.
Sometimes being patient with people like that is hard. It might feel like they’re just trying to spite you, or that they’ll never get it, or that they secretly hate you. It can sometimes get frustrating and you may feel tempted to lash out. It can feel like they’re not trying. But this is new to them. There are a lot of people that don’t have to think about lgbtq+ issues 24/7. So they have to remind themselves to think about it. And the human brain is lazy. It likes to take shortcuts. So they’re probably going to fall back into their old habits several times before they actually fall into better habits.
I’m not advocating for just putting up with this. Definitely call them out on it. That’ll make things move along faster. Bring up transphobic, homophobic, biphobic, aphobic, etc. jokes. Correct misgendering and deadname usage. Point out to them that part of being a good ally is to educate yourself and they can google these things quite easily. But what I am saying is that sometimes we have to take a small step out of our cozy little gay bubble and realize what the rest of the world is seeing. Realize that sometimes well meaning people make mistakes, especially when they’re learning, and there isn’t always bad intentions there.
As a trans person fresh out of the closet, I have to remind myself of this on the daily. My family used She/her to refer to me for over 18 years. They were taught that there is no singular “they” and that people can only have one set of pronouns. They’re trying to relearn something right now. It’s like learning to walk on the right side of the road when you’ve always walked on the left, or learning to use a spoon with your non dominant hand. It’s totally doable, but it takes time. And my family knows that every “She” and “daughter” that refers to me cuts like a knife because I’ve told them so. They’re trying. They’re not making up excuses. They’re willing to learn. So when I get angry about it I force myself to step back for a moment. They mean well. They love me. My anger is valid, but they’re trying.
Your anger and frustration is valid, but sometimes you don’t need to act on it. There are other places to put your energy. The world is rearranging itself socially and there are people that are trying to help. If they’re willing to learn and they know they have no excuse and this isn’t about them, then at least try to keep that in mind.
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Let’s talk about misgendering. I know I’ve addressed this before. It used to be a constant sore spot from the time I came out to the time I started passing as male.
High school was a joke. I knew I was trans at that point. I was reluctant to talk about it with the cisgender male friends I had, seeing as they weren’t exactly supportive about the name I preferred to go by. Online was a welcome reprieve, I didn’t have to show my face, I could talk to people. I felt bad about ‘lying’ for some time to some pretty decent friends, however, once I actually talked to them about /why/ I did it, they became the most supportive people in my life at that time. I’m not quite sure what would have happened without them. My family wasn’t the best, I’m sure I’ve gone over that repeatedly.
I got to college where a classmate brought me into their circle of friends, most of which happened to be queer. Even those who weren’t were super supportive (or certainly knew how to pretend to be-again, another sore spot that I’ve gone over repeatedly). It was nice. I didn’t realize that initially and introduced myself as my deadname by wrong pronouns. I had to reintroduce myself and while some people didn’t understand why I didn’t just do that in the first place, they went right along with it, just like they did with the several other people who did the same. I was so used to going by my legal name, by my legal pronouns, I didn’t think I could do anything else. The name thing was something to get used to, not only for those around me but for myself as well. The pronouns, people kept apologizing. They still do sometimes. A quick apology is okay. Ideally, just the correction is necessary. I misgendered myself and deadnamed myself so often at first. I have talked to trans people who had the same issue, I’ve talked to trans people who said they’d known for as long as they can remember and didn’t have this issue. It depends on the person.
In high school and for the first part of college, I wasn’t really all that dysphoric about the lack of facial hair, my body shape, my voice, etc, etc. Hell, I was okay with never starting hormone therapy. It wasn’t a sore spot. I was still all for top surgery; breasts just get in the way, tbh. But it was expensive and I didn’t have the necessary support.
However, after going to counseling, talking to some other trans people (one trans woman in particular, tbh), a switch got flipped and suddenly I was aware in a way that was much more painful. I wanted the flat chest, I wanted everything that would make people think I passed as male without question. A peer referred to me as ‘he’ for the first time without saying ‘she’ first and things just /clicked/. I felt relief and anxiety. I felt gender euphoria. By that point, I believe I was in the process of legally changing my name. The university had quite the time with it, but the professors seemed to not remember me from the first two years I spent being quiet, so they seemed to have an easy time adjusting. My advisor, I’m pretty sure didn’t even come to know me as my deadname.
I realized I wasn’t genderfluid or non-binary. I was a transgender man. I invested in a binder. The first time I put it on, I’m pretty sure I cried or came very close to it. I was still hiding this stuff from my parent, because of a lack of support. I would bind occasionally to start with, it wasn’t a necessity. Everyone around me knew I had breasts, it was kind of hard to hide DD boobs. I wasn’t supposed to start HRT while living with my parent and grandmother, so I got a bit depressed, believing there was no hope of ever achieving that goal. It wasn’t a big deal before, but now it was. It was becoming a chore to explain to people around me that just because I appeared to be a woman, I wasn’t. I wasn’t good at confrontation. My friends were great (well, except for some instances, but again, beating a dead, traumatized horse). I relied heavily on their support, their attempts at not misgendering me, at not deadnaming me. I had a classmate that graduated with me from high school that I thought would pose a problem, but he was fantastic. I know it was harder on him than the rest, considering he’d known me from such a young age, since before we had a concept of gender, part of living in a small town, and he lived probably 2000 ft away from me for the majority of our lives, not that we were close.
At work, I had several older women who tried their hardest. My department manager wasn’t the best, but the effort was made and I could not ask anything more. She was infamous for the long apology, the one I’ve come to hate. It’s nothing personal, I promise, but every trans person knows it takes time and effort. You do not need to go into the whole speech. We’ve heard it before. Hell, most of us have said it before, whether it be to ourselves or others. We understand it takes time. We understand that you met us under different circumstances and that it’s hard to change your perception of us. But the more you do it, the less you have to think about it. Whether it be name or pronouns, the more you make the effort to refer to someone with the correct pronouns, even if it doesn’t match your perception of us, it will come more naturally and eventually you won’t even have to try! How do I know? Because I looked in the mirror, compared myself to every other cisgender male I saw, pointed out all of the areas people would consider feminine or masculine. I analyzed every move, every thought I had. I categorized things as masculine or feminine (in a very binary way of thinking, which is harmful in of itself). I nitpicked myself. I practiced and practiced. No matter what I did though, I couldn’t change my voice, my breasts, my first impressions on people. They perceived me as a woman and I could not change that, no matter how I acted. I could see how trans men fall into the toxic masculinity thing, and I did myself on some instances. I’m trying my best to be better now, but it’s easier when you pass.
I worked in customer service. I didn’t correct customers because they saw me once and that was it. It was pointless. So I got misgendered a fuckton. It hurt, sure. But I forgot about it, most of the time. I tried talking to my transgender parent about it and got indifference or the argument “they couldn’t possibly know,” as if I didn’t already know that. I was looking to them for support, not for them to defend everyone else. I knew logically it made sense, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt any less. It didn’t mean I didn’t deserve support from someone who I thought would get it.
The rare instances I’d get gendered correctly would make my fuckin’ week. I’d be happy the rest of the day. Getting misgendered was just another ‘eh, whatever’ moment, especially at work, or for anyone just meeting me for the first time. I had classes I was out in and my peers were rather great with discussion. I particularly remember touching on trans issues in sociology and having great discussions with a variety of people. They corrected their pronoun usage once they realized I may have looked like a woman, but I outed myself as a trans man.
In my experience, women had a much easier time with the acceptance. I had a handful of men who also accepted me, but women seemed to have less of an issue. I felt more comfortable around men in middle and high school, just because I got along better with them. But after that, women felt safer. Whether they perceived me as a woman or as a transgender man, I felt safer in their presence rather than men.
In the same vein as the legal name and pronouns, I had issues with restrooms. I felt uncomfortable using women’s public restrooms and I felt forbidden to use men’s rooms. The incident with my cisgender men who called themselves friends and who I considered supportive certainly destroyed any progress I’d made. There were times, I’d either put it off or walk across campus just to use the one single stall restroom. I felt uncomfortable having to use a stall every time. It was bad. I left college in June of 2018. I stopped talking to pretty much everyone from college at that point. I stopped counseling.
Before that, however, I left my job with some supportive coworkers. I talked so openly about being trans, those who weren’t supportive were surrounded by people who were. I was terrified. I left this job to take one with my aunt, who didn’t know I was trans, who didn’t really keep in contact with me.
I started in August of 2018. By the end of October, I walked into an appointment I had with specialty care and got my first shot of T, unbeknownst to my parent, my grandmother, my aunt, my current workplace, which I’d only been at for a few months. I wanted to come out before that. I needed to. I was so tired of being misgendered and just broken down. It hurt and I had nowhere to go with that hurt, no one to talk to, no one who got it. My conservative aunt didn’t know, I worked with many older people, older men especially. I was terrified. I couldn’t talk to my transgender parent about it because I’d get the whole speech “you have to understand...” I understood! They didn’t know any better. When I tried to talk to them about anything regarding trans issues, it was them making excuses for cis people. Like, I get it, cis people can’t be expected to suddenly ‘get’ it, but I sought out to complain to another trans person who I thought <i>would</i> get it. The fact I didn’t even have that outlet, it was discouraging, to say the least. If another trans person, if my <i>parent</i> didn’t ‘get’ it, what chance was someone else going to?
I started HRT and suddenly it wasn’t an option anymore. They’d notice. I needed to be out. I should have told my aunt first, I shouldn’t have taken the job without telling her, I shouldn’t have taken the job without telling /them/, them being my three male managers. I was terrified.
I talked to my parent about it. They offered no advice. They left the option up to me. To be fair, I didn’t give them an option with the HRT. I wasn’t supposed to start it while living with them and I did. They were disappointed I didn’t tell them prior, but I think I would have made the same decision given the circumstances. Their condition was that I shave if necessary and keep my voice high for my grandmother (the second of which I did not do, but it didn’t seem to make a difference, she didn’t notice that).
I wore a button at first that said “ask me about my pronouns” or “use male pronouns.” It was a big store that day. At the end of the day, I came out to my aunt, who said “niece, nephew, it doesn’t matter,” which was nice at the time. It was definitely a response I didn’t expect to get, but was happy about. I wasn’t really someone the managers were keeping tabs on, so it flew under the radar for quite some time. In November of 2018, probably a month or two after I came out to my aunt, I was a passenger to a travel store with another coworker (a team leader) who I apparently felt comfortable enough to address the issue with. He’d helped me more than any other person at this job and seemed like a decent guy. I figured he’d at least understand the dilemma I had, given other circumstances. I either didn’t use the women’s restroom and avoided the men’s room, or got over my anxiety (thanks “friends”) and insisted I use the men’s room. It wouldn’t have been bad, but I worked with so many different people in so many different places. A lot of the places didn’t have gender neutral options and I didn’t want to make my coworkers uncomfortable. However, after starting HRT, it was clear I would eventually pass to our clients and it would become unsafe to use the women’s restroom, if that was what they agreed upon. Luckily, I live in NY where the state law is people are able to use the restroom of their gender identity, thank you NYC. Unfortunately NYC doesn’t offer protection up in our very conservative area. When you pass several Trump 2020 signs in small towns, you feel a little unsafe as a transgender individual.
This coworker offered what I would  have considered unconditional support. He even offered to talk to our managers on my behalf. While I asked him not to, as I thought I should be the one to talk to them about it, he did anyways and it made it somewhat less awkward. He was sooo god damned supportive, more so than any other cisgender man in my life offline had ever been. I went into our office probably a week later to talk to the three managers about it, only to have the wind taken out of my sails when they said he had already brought it to their attention and it shouldn’t pose an issue. I had spent an entire week planning what I would say in my defense, because that’s how I thought. In my last job, my manager offered to put a lock on the men’s room so I’d feel comfortable, which I never took her up on. This wasn’t exactly an option in this job and my managers didn’t seem to have ever worked with other trans individuals, so they wouldn’t have really had the forethought or sensitivity training like my last manager to have thought of something like that.
It still wasn’t exactly that easy. I didn’t want to cause issues so I would keep an eye out to make sure no one else from our company would be in there before using the restroom. It was torturous at times, it was unfair, to be completely honest. I hated that I had to do it, I hated that I felt the need to do it, I hated that one person who made me feel so uncomfortable in male spaces that I still, despite passing quite well (I haven’t gotten misgendered by a stranger in <i>months</i>) STILL have minor anxiety about using men’s restrooms. I’m getting better, but I still brace myself for the confrontation that may occur. I’ve had several male workers who have either seen me exit the men’s room or been in there with me but haven’t caused an issue. I have a handful of circumstances I remember in particular. One being an older gentleman having no issue seeing me come out of the men’s room. I don’t think I ever came out to him, but he didn’t even hesitate. I was terrified he’d have an issue with it, but he just treated me as he usually did, nice as could be. I’m pretty sure he stopped referring to me with she/her after that. Another instance I waited to make sure another male coworker wasn’t going in on break because he would always refer to me as she or her. That supervisor, the one who’d shown “unconditional acceptance,” followed me in not thirty seconds later. I had a slight panic attack. I wasn’t exactly ‘passing’ at that time, and it was certainly another coworker, not a stranger. I couldn’t help but think back to that time with ‘friends’ where they were okay with it until suddenly they were faced with the reality that they would be sharing ‘male spaces’ with me and suddenly they weren’t okay with it. I didn’t want to, I couldn’t go through that again, not with the one person at this job who seemed to not only accept me but was able to talk about serious stuff like that, while somehow making it seem a lot less serious. I waited as long as I felt socially acceptable before exiting the stall and proceeded to wash my hands and leave.
Skipping ahead to probably a couple months ago, that same supportive coworker (ally, if anyone deserves that title) got excited over someone gendering me correctly. This, after months of people gendering me correctly. It was still super validating and kind of him. It was nice to see someone else excited over a source of gender euphoria for me. I may have brushed it off at the time because of course others who hadn’t met me before were calling me by male pronouns, I passed well enough. But I think it’s harder for those who met me with their perception of being a woman. I don’t think they’re able to see past that perception as easily as people who didn’t have that perception to begin with. That’s why I don’t mind too much if my coworkers misgender me occasionally, as long as it’s followed by a correction, no apology necessary. I get it, you met me and thought I was a woman, and I didn’t correct you then. However, if you don’t correct yourself, you will get me correcting you. I’m done being misgendered mercilessly in front of clients, ESPECIALLY when I’m the one running the inventory.  I know I pass well enough to clients, I haven’t been misgendered by clients in probably ~8 months, unless they hear one of my coworkers say something.
That leads me to today. Since 2020 started, I’ve been rather aggressive in correcting people about pronoun usage. I was quiet before, to the point that people may not have heard me. However, I now have facial hair and a pretty deep voice. I’ve been passing for at least 6 months now. They’ve had time. If you do not correct yourself, I will loudly do so for you. So, I’ve had rather very little sleep in the last week or so, working and all. I was a bit manic this morning. An older gentleman misgendered me (not the first time, probably won’t be the last) and I corrected him rather publicly (”I’m not a girl, thank you!”) in front of several coworkers. The supervisor, that ally I mentioned earlier, came up to me probably 30-60 minutes later, apologizing for that guy. I had no clue what he was talking about originally. I was over it after two minutes. After being misgendered for 6-8 years, it’s not something you hold close to your heart. He asked if I wanted to know, I, of course, said yes. After he informed me, I felt the need to explain some things. I’ve never had someone apologize for someone else. Especially a cisgender man apologize for some other cisgender man. I’ve talked to this supervisor about some personal things, too, and I like to think he gets it to the extent that he can, just like I can sympathize, but not entirely understand the things he’s got going on. It’s an understanding that I don’t have with many other people. It’s nice in that environment. I’m not sure why he felt the need to apologize, maybe the fact I was so loud about it, but I wasn’t exactly “upset” by it. Rather, I want the correction to be made, because then hopefully he’ll correct himself next time, and the time after that, there may not even need to be a correction. He seemed to think I took it to heart that this person misgendered me when 1. this person misgenders me a lot, 2. I expect this person to misgender me a lot, and 3. I take it to heart <i>every</i> time a person misgenders me. I mean, sure, if certain people were to begin to misgender me, yeah, it would hurt, especially after all the time they put into not misgendering me. But this guy is not and will not be one of them. It was such an insignificant event but I guess my response went above what was expected? Despite being told that my response was completely valid? It was just an odd exchange, although I still appreciated that thought and the fact he listened to my reasoning. That person had no reason to apologize on behalf of someone else, though. I’m rather sorry he felt the need to.
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lyriumboy · 7 years
chapter four.
trigger warnings: reference of abuse, transphobia (deadnaming + misgendering,) unwanted touching
i apologize for the few month long hiatus ! school has been very, very busy for me.
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“You are stripped of everything when you are here. And you are always here."
Hazel stood still, body standing completely straight and stiff, her hands grabbed at her naked thighs, short nails digging into the brown skin as if her skin were the door away from this hellish place and could let her free. Her body was soft, softer then the previous time she had entered this place. Softer from the estrogen she had taken, softer from the lack of exercising.
She was just so…tired. And whenever she was tired, she’d sleep. When she slept, she awoke in a place that wasn’t kind. A place where children died, innocents tortured and where monsters remained hidden, ready to strike at your, rip at your body any moment.
Within seconds, stick like hands were groping at her body. They were raven black, bone thin, fingers were long and parts of the bones stuck out. They groped at Hazel’s growing breasts, then traveled up to her face and squeezed it, it felt as if she were suffocating. The other stick the creature had for a hand stroked her snow white hair that might as well have had thousands of curls.
“Not today. But maybe next time, You will join us here..
The nightmares, they never stopped, they never would stop. All because of the devil Hazel danced with.
“Baby?” The soft voice made Hazel’s body flame up, her eyes quickly shot awake and she felt the stick hands leave her body. She regained consciousness and she blinked several times at the ceiling, taking in sharp inhales and letting sharp exhales leave her mouth. She gulped nervously, feeling the small beads of sweat form at the top of her forehead. “Do you need some water? I can get some-“
"Please.” Hazel croaked, desperate for something to make her mouth not feel dry. Ellie smiled in response and nodded, running to the fridge to get a glass of water.
She looked around the room, vision completely blurry. Hazel then grabbed her white circle rimmed glasses and slid them on her face, and a second later Ellie walked back into the room. Ellie walked over to Hazel and gently handed over the glass of water, sitting on the bed next to her.  “Thanks honey,” Hazel was grateful. Ellie grinned again as she watched Hazel take large gulps of the water, emptying half of the glass in a few gulps.
“Would you mind if I borrowed one of your dresses tonight? A-And you maybe do my makeup? You know I’m terrible with it.” Ellie joked, nervously chuckling as she nervously asked. Hazel nodded, smiling a little bit as she grabbed Ellie’s hand. “Never have to ask, baby. You can take any of my things, promise. What’s the occasion?”
“I was gonna tell Mama about, me being… trans and everything, she’s back from papa’s funeral and I just want to see her.” Hazel’s eyebrows rose and she grinned. “That’s amazing, not your papa dying but, that you’re ready to tell her. You haven’t seen her in what? Two years?” Ellie nodded, strands of her black hair falling in front of her face. “That’s right,
I hope she doesn’t hate me like papa seemed too." The witch sighed sympathetically and placed a gentle hand on Ellie’s shoulder, placing the cup of water on the wooden nightstand and bringing her girlfriend into a hug. "She won’t hate you, your mama is one of the most accepting people I’ve met, I’ll come with you when you tell her since she knows I’m trans, I can ease the ice. Now, let’s go, I have a look I want do for you honey."
“Leg up, ValenVeils! Sollavelle, help him out.” Elliot nodded over to the instructor as he walked over to Savine who was struggling putting their leg up straight in the air. Savine was lost in thought, that nurse, their mother, the odd headache the other day, getting back on track in school, everything was distracting them.
Elliot tapped their shoulder gently and they gasped, jumping out of their thoughts and brought their leg down in a rush, hitting their foot off the hard floor which drew out a hiss of pain.Elliot held back a chuckle by having his hand over his mouth, earning a sigh from Savine who failed to meet his eyes.
“Elliot, do not have me witness your laughing at my suffering or I shall have you suffer as well, mister." They teased. “You’re so dramatic, Haruko wanted me to help out with your leg posture. Says your leg isn’t as straight in the air as it should be. And she used the he pronoun for ya, pretty amazing.” Elliot informed them, Savine’s eyebrows raising. They felt guilty, that they weren’t listening but was glad of what was being told to them. “I do prefer they over he, but he over she. So that’s lovely, thank you, Elliot."
Elliot smiled widely, face brightening up then brought his hand down to their leg, only to have them jump away from him out of reflex, quickly gasping and shaking their head. “I.. I apologize, Elliot. I’m a bit jumpy today-“ “Its fine.” He assured them. “You just got out of the hospital, thinking about bullshit, I get it. I also should’ve asked first. And having ballet on your plate isn’t the most fun thing ever, so let’s work on it.”
Savine nodded in agreement, grateful for Elliot’s understanding nature. With his help, Sav lifted their leg in the air in a straight position all while balancing on their other foot on their tip toes, as well as having assistance from the bar.
Yet this whole time, Elliot had been feeling guilty. His stomach dropping each time he made eye contact with Sav, because he kept recalling the conversation he had with Ian.
He wasn’t sure whether to confess to Sav that they had a huge part of their memory missing and their true love is still out there, or if it was safer for them to remember Ian as an enemy as they once were.
"Wanna grab coffee after this long ass lesson? It's on me." Elliot offered. Yes because a cup of piss tasting coffee will make this all better. Elliot thought to himself
Savine's one eye shot open as they brought their leg down once more elegantly this time. "Only if you're buying me tea. And if it's-"
"-Blueberry?" Elliot shot back with a knowing smirk.
Savine giggled. "Blueberry." They confirmed.
Steam from the tea came up in small herds, warmth crawling through Emeline’s hand as she gently blew on it, taking a sip of it. “It’s only tea darling, it won’t hurt you.” Jodi commented as she came over with another silver platter with tea and a small plate of sandwiches on it.
Constance, Jodi’s youngest daughter’s head shot up as she smelt the familiar scent of tea and saw ham sandwiches.“May I have some tea, ma?” She asked with an excited tone, only to have a glare come from Jodi. "Shouldn't our guest have them first?"
Emeline smiled. "She may have a sandwich, I don't mind. I ate before I came." Jodi shook her head and made a 'tsk' sound. "You should know I will gladly fatten you up child, but here, Constance." Jodi offered by bending over, bringing the platter closer to Constance who gladly snatched a sandwich off the plate and took a large bite out of it.
Jodi then set the platter down on the glass table in front of them and sat on the red velvet couch, pouring herself a cup of tea. "So, did you happen to see Savine today?" Emeline shook her head as she sipped the blueberry tea. "No, I'm afraid not. Her friend, Ethan or whoever, took her to... ballet class or whatever."
Jodi looked amused. "Ah yes, Cassidy, or Elliot, whomever and Savine attend ballet classes. A pathetic idea of an extracurricular but that is none of my concern. What is my concern is," Jodi paused to sip her tea. "...is if you are doing your job."
The room seemed to get tense as Emeline inhaled a sharp breath. "I... did give a small memory, type of thing when Ian called her Sav by calling her that. I'm not sure she remembered." Jodi rolled her eyes and set her cup down, remaining silent for a few moments before Emeline broke the silence. "However... her friends, met up with Ian at some graveyard and they spoke."
"Spoke about what?" That sparked Jodi's curiosity.
"I couldn't make out everything, but from when I was in the form of a raven, I heard Ian speak out he and Hazel both being different genders then their sex."
"They probably also spoke about my darling little Sav." Jodi predicted, intensely staring at Emeline. Constance chirped in with bits of sandwich in her mouth. "Ian? Is that Savie's boyfriend?"
Jodi turned her head sharply to Constance and silently directed her to go to her bedroom, which the young girl immediately obliged and ran into the bedroom. Jodi then turned her attention back to Emeline. "This is a good way to put Savine through hell.  That girl needs to learn."
"What exactly is your goal here, Jodi?"
"Oh Emeline." Jodi chuckled. "This is simply a plaything for me, I gave birth and raised the only living creature in an extinct species. Savine is an Echoturnal, she is also a disobedient child. If I can make her understand the harshness of the world, then it both entertains me and teaches her. Maybe even driving her to be like a coward like her father."
Emeline knew not to press any further.
"Yes, I am afraid Sav is gaining their memories once more and I am afraid that will destroy any healing that this has brought on."
Hakan slipped the glasses off of his face and rubbed his eyes, sighing out of stress. "I did warn you of this." Hakan reminded only to be hushed by Ian. "This was for their safety."
"No, this was a desperate attempt you pulled to make them safe because you think you're killing them in some way. Protecting them was bringing them to me when that poor Echoturnal needed healing." A new voice chirped into the conversation. "It was good to get an insight on a whole new species as well! Echoturnals hasn't been around since... well, way earlier then I can recall."
Hakan chuckled. "A historian nut you are, Gwen."
"If we are finished debating over what is wrong and right for Savine..." That was the prompt that got both Hakan and Gwen to stop having a light banter. "I need to pause their memories from coming back... I-I can't risk them remembering me."
"Why? Do you think it's because they'll hate you?" Ian shook his head, sighing out of annoyance. "No, I erased their memories of us even being romantic, friendly even. I erased memories of their steps towards a cure. They already hate me, and will continue to hate me."
"So then what is the issue?" Hakan didn't see it, he turned his head over to Gwen who was sitting at the table eating soup. Her blonde hair was tied up into a bun, her cheeks similar to a chipmunk as soup was housed in her mouth. "I don't exactly, Ian love tell us." She encouraged after swallowing her soup.
"Savine is stubborn-" Both Gwen and Hakan interrupted, speaking at the same time. "We know." They synced.
"...If they received their memories, they would attempt to try and go after a cure once again. They... they would try and go after Jodi without the necessary training, equipment, strength. They would interrogate me for even more information, they will not stop their actions unless they know for certain they have what they need."
"And what else, Ian?"
He stayed silent. Hesitating, not sure what to say next, yet proceeded anyway. "I just do not want them to pull a foolish act, and hurt themselves. Without these memories, they won't get hurt. I don't want them to get hurt unless they absolutely deserved it or it was required."
Gwen was confused, equally as much as Hakan was. "In what world would they deserve to get hurt."
Without hesitance, Ian fed them an answer. "If they turned to be their mother, believe me, they would beg for death and to meet Mercy instead of Namira."
"Is Savine religious? I never knew of that."
"Not very, just aware there is a higher presence above us. They believe in Mercy and Namir, while I worship another religion. Although, my sister, is far more religious and religion is her whole life." Ian commented, recalling the days where he'd find his sister locked away in her room reading the book of Mercy and Namira's tale, silently chanting the songs to herself, the prayers they wrote, Aria was devoted.
"Ah, I see." Hakan nodded, then looked back at Ian. "You should get Savine back down here, they need their memories. But we will feed it to them a little bit at a time."
Ian shook his head. "I... they'll get hurt, possibly turn into their mother, and they would not want that. I appreciate your concern deeply," He turned around to exit the house. "I... will write."
"Please! You never speak to us, you're like a closed book." Hakan encouraged, getting up to lead Ian out and patting him on the back. "Let me know if there's anything I can do, kid. For Savine as well."
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