#I believe he deserves better
Crow in Season #1: Solid character introduction, great duels, and great lore
Crow in Season #2: Ha you thought he built the Blackbird himself? Wrong! Also he has a mentor that was never mentioned earlier and that's where he got Blackbird from.
The Pearson arc really killed Crow’s character in 2 episodes.
The show already told us how Crow got Blackbird. The audience can infer from the context that Crow clearly built the machine himself. So why roll that back?
Blackwings? He had Armor Master before meeting Pearson. I know the anime follows it’s own rules but Armor Master requires a Blackwing tuner. So he had to have some of the cards already. So why change that he collected the cards himself?
Black-wing Dragon. Crow was just given it out of nowhere. It’s a signer dragon that technically isn’t even his. It belongs to Pearson. Which makes me wonder if Pearson was going to be a signer had he not been killed? This just adds more questions that never gets answered.
Now stripping all of that away what do we have left? He built Blackbird, no. He found his cards dumpster diving because that how hard life is in Satellite, no. We was hand delivered Black-wing Dragon essentially. Crow didn’t do anything to get the dragon, it was just there all along apparently. It feels like everything we know about Crow is now a lie.
All of these things fit Crow thematically, so why was there a need to ruin his character? Yes, even the dragon fits Crow thematically, so why did Pearson need to be a thing?
As much as I love being a hater when it comes to this arc. But I also hate it because it had potential. Pearson’s whole deal was teaching kids skills so they can make their own way in the world. With that in mind, have Crow build Blackbird using the skills that Pearson taught him. Then use the arc to have Crow realize that he doesn’t have to do something grandiose like Bolton in order to keep Pearson’s legacy alive. Just teaching his own kids is enough. Let him get the dragon somehow and at the end of it all, show Crow teaching the kids how to build a duel runner or a duel disk (with the help of Yusei and Bruno of course. Jack can be the cheerleader). To end it all off, at the end of show have the kids show a completed project to Crow when he announces he is leaving. To show how much they have grown and that Crow doesn’t need to worry. This makes him promise to be strong enough to be the dream they look up to before he leaves.
That is just my take on things. This arc is a mess and I wish Crow’s character was handled so much better than this. It grinds my gears hearing such lies like he was the writers favorite or some other dishonest hot take they come up with.
I wish he had as much favoritism and care about his character as much as people gaslight themselves into believing he has.
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FNAF Circus baby or not, she’s still Michael’s little sister,,
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ataraxiasflame · 4 months
Let’s say that the Az BC was actually a Lucien BC. Let’s say that Lucien had a similar inner monologue during the same interactions with Elain…
…calling her ‘the third’.
…describing touching her as ‘so wrong’.
…emphasizing several times what HE needed from her body.
…claiming he hadn’t thought about a future with Elain beyond the ‘fantasies he pleasured himself to’.
…being willing to kill any other male for showing an interest in her.
Imagine Lucien’s flames becoming embers in Elain’s presence and him pointing it out too.
Imagine Lucien leaving that interaction, after calling almost kissing Elain a mistake, then immediately interacting with another female who caused his chest to spark as he imagined her reaction to receiving the gift he’d originally bought for Elain.
Honestly, even thinking about Lucien doing this gives me the biggest ick, because Lucien would NEVER even think of doing any of this to any female, let alone his mate, but…let’s just consider it.
Can you imagine anyone in the fandom trying to claim that Elain and Lucien were endgame after a BC like this? It would be SO obvious that the author is showing that Elain and Lucien are not compatible beyond their physical attraction even with a bond. No one would be able to argue that the Elucien ship had sunk.
And the way people would rip Lucien to shreds kinda like everyone did to Tamlin for thinking about Elain this way and use it as clear evidence that the bond will be rejected…Even I, a fierce Lucien supported and defender, would hate to even consider defending this kind of behavior from him.
Yes, the big difference between the two BC’s is the existence of a bond between Elain and Lucien. But that just proves my point even more because everyone would be screaming about the obvious rejected-bond foreshadowing because of his behavior.
So why is this behavior considered romantic because Azriel does it? Why does it seemingly confirm to some that Az and Elain are destined to be together? Why is this less obvious because it’s Azriel?
As a BC alone, this chapter makes it pretty clear that E/riel just doesn’t work even when they tried. If they were that compatible, Az would never have been able to stay away from Elain. This was the same guy who told Rhys to chain him to a tree and he would still rip it up to defend his loved ones. He truly believes that the cauldron was wrong and that Elain is his mate? Well, Cassian couldn’t stay away from his mate. Even while dying, he still crawled to Nesta.
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iramerle · 10 months
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Finished Life Is Strange 2 yesterday 😭 loved it sm and I will do more fanart
Ofc got the blood brothers ending because diaz brothers should stay together 😤
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
I can't believe how mixed-up the fandom (and the LOK writers) get Katara and Zuko's characters.
I want to make this clear, just because she grew up during the war, doesn't mean Katara was forced to fight. I honestly don't know where people get this from. Her cultural norms very blatantly dictate for her not to. It was something she vehemently struggled against to be able to do. It was always her initiative and choice to fight because that's who Katara is; a warrior.
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Hell, she's even reveled in dominating her opponents and showing off her skills in battle
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But you know who was forced to fight? You know whose skewed concepts of honor dictated him to fight? You know whose society urged him towards participating in war? You know who was the most at-ease and relaxed working peacefully in his uncle's tea shop?
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The entire concept of Zuko's character is that he doesn't easily thrive as a warrior and doesn't enjoy fighting if he can avoid it. One of the key things he learns post-redemption is that fire isn't just a force of destruction, it's also life and passion. And that's what allows him to be a better firebender later.
So it makes no sense that Katara gave up on fighting before Zuko. And don't misunderstand, both of them should have been still relatively active (because Zuko is a warrior too and the point of this post is not to claim he isn't). But between the two of them, Zuko would have been the one to embrace peace and retire
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dabislittlemouse · 9 months
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I start freaking out whenever I remember that Touya’s backstory will be animated soon in the new season-
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demiboydemon · 1 year
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emmerrr · 5 months
far and away my favourite thing about tsc was the direct parallels we got between neil and jean now that we've been allowed inside jean's head as well.
we have neil who's almost frighteningly self-sufficient; getting to grips with his surroundings when he moves to psu as soon as possible by going for long solo runs, not waiting for his teammates after he's done at the stadium, going shopping on his own for stuff on foot and only buying what he can carry back by himself, hitchhiking back from columbia -- the fact that he could have asked coach or any of his upperclassmen to come and get him not even occuring to him. but through forced proximity, he gets to know them more, and he gets to like them, and they become the people that he would do anything for, that he fought so hard to stay with.
on the other hand we have jean, whose time in the nest has had the adverse effect; he's never alone, he's hardly ever off-campus, and he's never had the kind of freedoms that you'd usually be afforded at college. the idea of living off-campus is horrifying to him, the idea of having his own room is unheard of to him -- and unsettling enough for him to want jeremy to move in there with him. jeremy shows him the way to the court but he's too disoriented to follow along properly because he's not used to being out in a city like this. for years he hasn't been allowed a life outside of exy and the nest, so he doesn't know how to be out in the world. he has no idea how to navigate it. he sees exy as his only purpose, so anything that doesn't seem to serve this goal is meaningless and egregious to him.
...but then there's jeremy, and cat, and laila.
idk, just, something something neil didn't realise how lonely he was until he met the foxes, and jean was painfully aware of how lonely he was despite being stuck with the ravens all of the time, and is now getting the chance to learn that it doesn't have to be like that with the trojans.
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bononocat · 9 months
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obito uchiha my beloved 🫶🏽🥽
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izzystizzys · 4 months
i think if i was commander fox of the coruscant guard and some wrinkled raisin of a man who i was bound under pain of death or torture to protect along with a planet’s worth of ungrateful, uppity rich fucks who couldn’t be bothered to consider me sentient much less deserving of a smidgen of civil rights, looked me in the eye and went i’m going to catch and store a massive, eldritch space monster right smack dab in the middle of all the Most Important And Very Breakable people and places on this planet under the most flimsy, whack-ass excuse you’ve ever heard and also it’s your circus and your monkeys-
well i think i would simply have punted him out the window
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shima-draws · 1 year
Watched the MLB movie and I just. I WANT to gush about it but the fact that Marinette’s regular voice actor and her singing voice actor sound SO different just took me out of it every time and left me feeling very disengaged;; At least Adrien’s singing voice kind of sounds like his speaking voice (and Gabriel’s is 👌 bc my king Keith Silverstein can actually sing and he can sing REALLY fucking well) but Marinette’s. The voices are COMPLETELY different and it threw me off every single time. Like obviously her singing voice is really good and I understand why they picked that person to do her songs but bro you could have at least TRIED to get someone that sounds similar to Cristina Vee. It drove me nuts every time she sang bc I was like “That is CLEARLY a different person entirely!!”
I’m realizing this might have been a dubbing issue but still 😭 I feel like I would have enjoyed the movie way more if it didn’t look like Marinette was lip syncing the entire time bc there was such a huge disconnect between her speaking and singing voice
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dykebakugowo · 3 months
Spinneraki nation how we feeling after the leaks
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venusqq · 1 year
charlie’s standards are so ridiculously low like “this is the best time of my life! i don’t have to hide my relationship AND i’m not getting bullied!!” like jesus christ somebody get this boy a therapist
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tessarionbestgirl · 2 months
Well if anything this finale will make me be pro Aemond because how in the world they want me to support the others that just abandoned him.
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Swiss hurt/comfort because I love him. So, so much. Featuring Dew being the absolute best.
It's a peculiar feeling, being the only multi ghoul in the Ministry. Sure, there are some who come close, like three-elemental hybrid Aurora, but Swiss remains, to this day, the only ghoul to detain control of all five elements. Well. "Control" might be a strong word.
He is good with fire, has always been drawn to this element specifically. Quickly started hanging out with the fire ghoul bunch after his summoning, feeling like he might fit in best with them. He is good, yes, but no more than that. Good. Average good. Nothing like the effortless and precise mastery of the element displayed by the fire ghouls.
Air comes relatively easily to Swiss. He has Cumulus and Cirrus to thank for that. Summoned at the same time as them, he remains very close to the girls, and spent countless afternoon practicing with them, learning how to weave breezes and gusts of wind, earning countless praises and kisses whenever he made progress. Still, Swiss has none of the girls' grace or range when it comes to manipulating their common element.
Surprisingly, he is quite good with quintessence as well. Quintessence, this mysterious, elusive element that's known to be so hard to control, somehow doesn't give Swiss as much troubles as he'd expected. In Aether's opinion, it might be that Swiss is so very curious of people, his mind craving connection, which would encourage the spark of quintessence within his grasp. But of course, because there always is a "but", Swiss is far from fully in control of it. He would never try what Aether successfully does to calm pain, soothe nerves or various other things.
When it comes to water...well. Swiss can, with a lot of focus, fuck around with weak currents, direct some droplets to splash someone in the face, or even, thanks to Rain's patient efforts, developpe small gills which allow him to breath semi-decently underneath the surface of the lake, but that's about it. Swiss, as much as he sometimes wishes he could, will never slink through the currents with the water ghouls' elegancy, silent and blending in so very well with their element.
Which leaves earth. Ah, earth. Swiss can feel it, the thrumming under his skin whenever he's surrounded by the element, in the forest guarding the Ministry's grounds or even Primo's beautiful rose garden. Yet Swiss can barely access to that power keeping itself just out of grasp, almost as if it was taunting him. No amount of time spent in the greenhouses helping Mountain, listening to his advice or copying his careful gestures can change that. But Swiss knows it's there, can feel it, and, on rare occasions, has his suspicions confirmed when flowers sprouts around his horns after being subjected to especially intense emotions.
So that is what Swiss is. Jack of all trades, master of none. And it gets to him, sometimes. He knows, realistically speaking, that people like him. That the Clergy sees him as a blessing, the Siblings are irresistibly drawn to him, that the ghouls are all over him. And yet, sometimes, he cannot help but feel like an outsider, a freak, something that shouldn't be, or at least shouldn't be that way.
It's often Dew who notices first when Swiss starts spiralling that way. Everyone always underestimates how perceptive and attentive to others the fire ghoul is, but Swiss has been on the receiving end of his quiet comfort enough times to know Dew cares, a lot. And somehow, when Swiss is overwhelmed by the objectively speaking irrationnal feeling of not belonging, Dew always manages to reassure him.
Maybe it's because the fire ghoul remembers his water days, when he struggled to connect with his element and felt like a disappointment, even with Mist always fiercely supporting him and expressing her pride in what Dew grew to become. In any case, he always find the words to appease Swiss, or, when words aren't what he needs, what to do to make him feel better.
A hand slipping in Swiss', an arm slung around his shoulders. A press of forehead against his, a cheeky kiss at the corner of his mouth. Sometimes, understanding that all Swiss needs is to be smothered with affection, Dew simply throws himself at the multi ghoul and wrestles him onto his back with surprising strenght before calling for a cuddle pile.
It's harder to feel like an outsider when your packmates are all purring and making happy noises on top of you.
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littlebittyhollowbugs · 2 months
Time to think about how alone the pale king was when he died. He had lost everything. His kingdom yes, but even his closest relationships.
His trusted friends, who became dreamers, gave up their lives and all for a hopeless cause. His wife was driven away by her guilt and her grief. His child who he had learned to love, he sacrificed for nothing.
Almost every character that we know of who had a personal relationship with PK had either been sacrificed or had left him.
And of course all of it was his own doing. (At least largely his own doing.)
Still he sat completely alone in that throne room when he died there.
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