#I apologise if there are any spelling errors
innovativestruggles · 7 months
Yuta & Rika - a speculative analysis
Like with basically any fandom out there, I'm about 3 years late with JJK 0 😩 Regardless, I finally watched it yesterday and subsequently really, really needed to discuss this topic before I forget.
As an anime only fan, I only heard of Yuta from bits and pieces in the anime and from the fandom. That would go for Rika too so I never really understood the extent of their relationship until I watched JJK 0. But oh man, when I watched it, these two took my entire heart and soul.
And whilst I do get why Yuta is shipped with Maki or Inumaki, Rika wins it for me. And before I jump into my explanation, I want to say it outright - Yuta and Rika gives me strong Obito and Rin vibes 😳
Anyways let's talk about Rika.
This sweet yet psycho girl is a super side character (much like Rin), but I did a bit more research into her and it explained so so much more about her character and why she is the way she is (both as human and cursed spirit). Rika lost her mother unexpectedly at the age of 5 and then her father during a hiking trip together at the age of 11. There are speculations (by paternal grandmother) that she is involved in the death of both her parents. I cannot say too much about whether a 5 year old would have too much influence over their mother, but I will shelve this for now. I want to focus on Rika and her father. There is an explanation that one of Rika's biggest dislikes is older men. Let me tell you this - an 11 year old child with an adverse dislike for a specific portion of the population (older men) points towards one thing - abuse. This is an educated guess on my end (and if I was given a case in real life about this, I would come to this hypothesis as well), but the trauma Rika endured shaped her personality and how she would end up attaching herself to Yuta. We don't know exactly what sort of trauma Rika went through, but my guess is some form of physical or sexual abuse. The development of a 'manipulative' personality towards adults is a form of a survival mechanism developed to keep herself safe. Rika's father most likely had a role in her abuse and hence the mystery of his disappearance (and how it alluded to the fact that Rika had something to do with it, together with the explanation of her manipulative personality).
Let's come back to Rika's mother. There are two theories/hypothesis to this.
A 5 year would have enough cognitive capacity to understand that they are in an unsafe situation. However, it is unclear whether Rika's mother had any involvement in Rika's abuse. But what I presume is that she did not have a close relationship with her mother. The reason? She gave her mother's wedding ring to Yuta. A child impacted by abuse by one parent and not the other means they would naturally be attached to the safe parent, so anything sentimental attached to the safe parent would give the child a sense of safety. To give something special away like her mother's ring means her mother meant very little to her, so Rika decided to re-symobilise the ring into something new - something for Yuta. And because an 11 year old most likely cannot afford a ring
The second theory would be that Rika had a close and safe relationship with her mother, and the giving away of the ring to Yuta symbolises the safety and security she finds in him. I.e. the element of safety and security she found in her mother has been transferred to Yuta (via the giving of the ring).
Regardless of what theory we go with, there is too little information regarding Rika's relationship with her mother. We don't know what happened to her mother, whether she died of natural causes or was murdered. But all we know is that Rika most likely endured severe abuse by her father (that may or may not involve other older men).
Looking into Rika's personality. Her proposal to Yuta is a dead giveaway of her need to locate a safe space. Yuta is Rika's safety net. They met at a time where both were quite vulnerable - Yuta being unwell and Rika having returned from a mountain climb where her father went missing. Rika's proposal is an indicator of her need for a new life, the idea of marriage is to be permanently attached to her safety net and to have Yuta take her away from whatever she experienced. Of course, 11 year old children do have a basic idea of what marriage is, but it seems like Rika has more of an underlying idea of what she would like to utilise the marriage concept for - that is, to escape and re-establish her safety within the one person she loves and trusts. This explains her personality as a cursed spirit - jealous, overprotective, intense, emotional and childish. Through trauma, Rika learnt ways to ensure she is kept safe emotionally, psychologically and physically. She is always having to survive day by day until she is finally able to manipulate her father out of her life (again this seems a likely scenario, given the very little info readers are provided). When the one person (Yuta) who comes into her life finally allows her to be a child - to play, to have fun and give her the life she should have been having, naturally Rika would be overprotective of Yuta. As I mentioned, Yuta is her safety net, and to have him taken away (by bullies, by another love interest etc), is the decimation of Rika's own safety.
We were given only very small snippets into Rika's life and what she was like as a human. But her personality carried over into her cursed spirit form, and the basic information provided in the character profile, are both more than enough to deduce that Rika's background is incredibly complex with multiple layers of trauma.
One really big thing I would like to point out is Rika's comment before she moved into the afterlife - she was happier accompanying Yuta as a cursed spirit than when she was alive. This is another important piece of information that showed Rika most likely experienced a significant amount of trauma as a human. What would force an 11 year old child to come to such conclusions? The only answer is abuse. As a cursed spirit, Rika is able to escape everything and be by Yuta's side (almost like the prospect of marriage - "take me away from all this and let me be by your side forever")
For Yuta, I can't speak too much about him because his background as a child is essentially a mystery. Not sure about his parents and how he grew up. But judging from his bond and connection with Rika, I presume he grew up quite lonely and friendless. Whether there was trauma, I don't know but it did mention he had to distant himself from his family when Rika became a cursed spirit. Regardless, Yuta's acceptance of her proposal and his happiness at the prospect of being together forever with her as they grow older indicates to me that Yuta may have some complexities in his childhood we don't know about. But it could just be that he genuinely had a normal childhood and Rika was the one and only person outside his family he connected with. However, we don't know whether his timid nature occurred before he met Rika or after she became a cursed spirit. There are too many unexplained parts with Yuta. Anyways, we know Yuta loved Rika immensely (as much as Rika loved him), and his refusing to accept her death is an indicator of his feelings towards her. Their love for each other is pure and innocent because they allowed each other to live in safety and to be children.
And even after releasing her spirit, Yuuta still held onto remnants of Rika. I do love the idea of Yuta being able to move on and give himself to someone else, but I feel Yuta has a lot more unprocessed emotions regarding intimacy - that though he freed Rika, he seems forever bounded by being with her and only her.
So here's my conclusion for this pairing - their background and their pure love is what really made me love them so much. Does all this sound very Obito x Rin to you? Whilst Yuta is able to bounce back from the grief with the help of a mentor and friends, Obito never did. But they both shared an immense amount of grief from the loss of their loved one at an early age.
And yes, I seem to love my tragic rare pairs...dear oh dear.
Anyways, these are all speculations based on canon materials. So if you have any interesting hypothesis, I'd love to hear it!
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bee-sidebranch · 3 months
Under Pressure
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story exposition for Blinded by Light below
BBL was designed parralel to QS and finished construction a short time after her activation.
It was built by a coalition of powerful religious groups to harness the holyness radiating off of the fissures QS' designers had discovered and was overall a place people visited to worship and philosophise.
It quickly grew to be revered as a god by its citizens, the Iterator that would find salvation, they would let it know this through various festivities, blessing rituals and asking it for guidance.
BBL is soft spoken and socially awkward, he did not enjoy all the attention and often sought comfort in writing. Neither could it handle the expecations set by his benefactors but tried his hardest to live up to their hopes.
He often agonized over what advice to give (which often led to inaction from him), prepared speeches months in advance and generally fed into what his designers perceived him to be, but itself felt it was never enough as it never manged to find the Solution.
QS had always been a source of comfort for it, she treated it like a peer first and foremost and they collaborated on many projects. It considers her its closest confidant even when they never talked about their troubles in earnest.
Without QS to lean on desperation grew in it as the day of mass ascension hung over its head and its populous looked to it for answers. He had none, all of his work never amounted to anything that would bring a safe and surefire way to ascend.
When they left their parting gift was a bonemask he was to wear, carved into it were mantras and poems that were to remind him of his purpose.
He never took it off.
In the present it is comatose, iterating on the Great Problem and dependent on TPSN for its vital functions.
Good i finally have some info written down for all of them, these are mainly for artfight so people can get some extra info if they want to draw my robots (DM me for my artfight do it).
thank you for reading all of these you may have a delicious micro LED 🤲✨️
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JhinThresh server encourages my High Noon obsession, more at noon
Another ramble by a gay cowboy, about gay cowboys, for my gay (cowboys in spirit) friends.
Some NSFW, nothing directly explicit but there's some level of detail. OOC as always but I've been informed I'm based so... hopefully it's based this time, too?
This specifically is about them being drunk. To start, I headcanon Jhin as an emotional drunk (imagine him getting all emotional about his horse loving him too and practically crying in front of a probably sober Thresh who finds this adorable and jealousy-inducing, because Jhin should giving HIM all that attention) and Thresh as a more relaxed drunk--as in he gets a little more loose-lipped. This will also involve my bartender High Noon Jax, because why shouldn't it. We all know these idiots cannot do anything about their feelings without being beaten over the head with a lamp.
More of another "things I wanna write but probably won't" than a headcanon ramble, but whatever. Jhin comes in to the bar, and Jax already has his first drink (of four) ready by the time he's even at the bar. And, of course, being the weirdo bartender; Jax is already asking him if he's asked out Thresh yet. Giving advice, teasing him. Jhin doesn't respond much, just finishes his drinks and gets out as quick as possible. But now there's an issue; he's a bit drunk and now he has Thresh on his mind. Given that I said he's a more emotional drunk earlier, this is a much bigger issue than he thinks it is. He just heads to the barn, because really what else is there to do when you're a drunk cowboy (aside from fucking and/or killing)?
Thresh is there. He watches as Jhin cries over his horse, talks to it. He's jealous for a few minutes. The horse is getting all this attention, and not him? And then Jhin asks his horse what he should do about his “weird feelings” for a certain man. He doesn't mention Thresh's name, but now Thresh is even MORE jealous. Who's this other guy stealing his victim slash weird crush? Unforgivable. I haven't really imagined much past this, and I'm no good with smut, but Thresh probably gets a little drunk himself, reveals himself to Jhin, who is now cagey and cold to Thresh due to not wanting to admit the guy he loves was him, and then Thresh fucks him because he's jealous. Maybe involving a riding crop. And Thresh's chain/rope/thing. And possible admission of feelings. Who knows.
And a second part… flirting. Their flirting is really weird, because they don’t. They just do a LOT of homoerotic touches and things for each other. Both of them realise this, but neither rationalise it correctly and think the other doesn’t think it’s homoerotic. They think they’re enemies/rivals/begrudging friends, despite both of them feeling attached to the other. I went over the physical homoerotic touch aspects in both of my previous rambles, but I guess I’ll go for other ways here.
Thresh tends to braid Jhin’s horse’s hair the same way he always does it. He doesn’t do a particularly good job and Jhin always scolds him and says “that’s not how you do it, you fool” etc etc until he’s giving Thresh a lecture on how to braid hair. This goes on until Jhin ends up just grabbing Thresh’s hands and “guiding him” (aka just doing the whole thing for him) through it. Thresh knows full well how to braid hair after the first time; but he continues to do it just so he has Jhin’s full attention. As I’ve mentioned he cannot rationalise this in a normal way (“This is torture because I’m taking his time and energy away from more important things, to make him easier to break”) and neither can Jhin. He likes teaching Thresh but he’s not sure why (it’s because he likes feeling in control, as well as the feeling of having Thresh as a captive audience) and instead chooses to think it’s just because he likes being correct. It’s flirting, just nonverbally.
On the same note, Jhin tends to make an effort to argue with Thresh over things. Anything, regardless of how monotonous or how pointless the argument is. He likes getting an anger reaction out of Thresh. He finds it hot (which he mistakes for just being an adrenaline addict; they’re not all buddy-buddy so he figures it’s only natural to get worked up by your enemy/rival getting angry at you). He gets genuinely upset when Thresh doesn’t react or argue back or even concede. He wants something other than constant teasing or silence, and when he doesn’t get that something, he gets a bit fussy and usually ends up touching Thresh in some way to rile him up. Sexually or non-sexually, it doesn’t matter. It gets a reaction and he gets to touch Thresh, so it’s a win-win.
If we combine the two, drunk flirting. Jhin gets emotional, so with enough provoking from Thresh usually you can get a flirty comment—albeit vague and a bit unorthodox—from him. He still tries to maintain a mask of indifference or hatred towards him when drunk but he falls on his face and ends up letting a few things, whether they be emotions or words, slip. Thresh, being loose-lipped, is usually the one to end up very explicitly flirting with Jhin when drunk. Compliments his body, calls him cute and pathetic, says he wants to hear him scream. He, of course, has some level of plausible deniability with these comments when sober, but when drunk he doesn’t tend to defend himself. He never admits it’s flirting, but he’ll not say no. Oh also they both get horny when drunk so if they’re later in to their homoerotic rivalry they probably fuck. Up to you.
Also… please read the tags of this post. There’s a few little related side tangents in there, if you’re interested.
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sclerites · 3 months
an explanation of Terminal City for art fight purposes
Terminal city 
A city found on a huge chasm in the centre of the vast crater  where Britain used to be before nuclear annihilation 300 years prior to when the story of my ocs takes place. It was founded as a prison city by the other major powers of the world to store anyone who they saw fit who threatened their world order, however it later became a last-chance-saloon for anyone who was completely out of luck, as much of the outside world considered Terminal City to be the kind of place where if you’re lucky you might be able to carve out a comfortable existence for yourself. This assumption is entirely incorrect as it is a totalitarian police state governed by the senate, a corrupt board of chief executive officers who’s will is enforced by the central officers, a police force that exist almost entirely to ensure the population stay in line. As a result, Terminal city has a thriving underbelly of gangs, drug runners and smuggling.
The senate is lead by a leader they elect every five years, however it is traditional for the leader to bribe their way into this position. The senate are located within the central spire, a panopticon style base of operations located within the centre of the city, which reaches from deep underground to just above the dome Terminal City lays within.
The corrupt nature of this government system is the reason why the rebellion exists.
Terminal City is located within a vast weather dome, as the environmental conditions outside the dome are almost untenable for most humanoid life to exist within due to the equator shifting after the nuclear blast, along with global warming. The dome regulates the temperature, simulates seasons, and is controlled by the central spire.
Terminal city is situated over one of the many chasms that split open when the bombs dropped, revealing the existence of subterrans that lived within the hollow centre of the earth (as the earth is hollow in this world). The architects of the city built it over a chasm so that there could be easier access to the water table, as the surrounding dessert has no ready supply of water.
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tayytayy12 · 3 months
Once I fix me, he’s gonna miss me | LN4 x singer!reader
DR3 x Exgf!reade | inspired by the Taylor Swift song, ‘my boy only breaks his favourite toys’
Summary - After a messy breakup with Daniel reader releases a new album, but no one expects the random love song at the end of it, and they certainly didn’t expect it to be about Daniel’s friend and ex-teammate.
Warnings - Cheating mentioned, swearing, villain Daniel (for the request I love Danny Ric)
FaceClaim - Gracie Abrams
Requested - Yes
Notes - Please give me the benefit of the doubt for some spelling errors, it’s not my strong suite 😭
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Liked by - YukiTsunoda22, TaylorSwift, SabrinaCarpenter, and 5,653,773 others
Yourusername - I’m back, and I’m bringing you a gift to apologise for being away for so long 🤍 my brand new album, ‘My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys’ is out tomorrow, you’ll hear more from me then. I love you 💕
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User4 - This shit looks sad
User5 - Daniel did some fucked up shit in their relationship 😭
User6 - Hoe wdym ‘My boy only breaks his favourite toys’
User7 - Is everyone forgetting Daniel’s favourite bar in Australia is called ‘the black dog’
User8 - He fucked up big time
User9 - Fr, how do you cheat on THEE y/n y/l/n?
User10 - Daniel’s teammate in the likes shows that even the grid don’t agree w how he treated our girl 😭
User11 - Stop making him a villain okay, he didn’t know what he was doing.
User12 - Daniel, and thirty four year old man, didn’t know what he was doing when he controlled, belittled and public cheated on Y/n, a TWENTY THREE year old girl? He knew what he was doing, you can’t defend him anymore.
SabrinaCarpenter - You even look pretty when you’re sad
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Liked by - JackAntanoff, MaxVerstappen1 and 6,545,720 others
Tagged | @/AaronDessner, @/JackAntanoff
Yourusername - My god where do I even start? This album is everything and more to me, really. The last year of my life writing these songs has been my escape from my reality, one that I really didn’t want to be a part of, but it was also one that I didn’t know how to escape, and when I finally did I didn’t know how to let go of all the pain I’d kept with me in that time. So, I picked up my pen and let it do the talking. This is my first album where every song is written solely by me, but of course I had the help of my soulmate collaborators, jack and Aaron to produce and do their magic. The pair of them helped me, along with someone special showed me that what I felt was okay, and valid. These songs are my most unfiltered and my most vulnerable, this is not an album that has been made for the general public. This one is one I made with only you, my biggest supporters and myself in mind. I’m forever grateful of how I’m able to trust you with my feelings without any fear. I love you, and I hope you live this album like I do, or it could help you like it did me. Just remember, you’re not alone in your feelings 🤍
‘My boy only brakes his favourite toys’ is all yours now, all eighteen tracks about my coping mechanisms, and one about how there’s happiness after heartbreak… 🤍
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JackAntanoff - You’re a living legend 🫡
Yourusername - That’s all you New Jersey
User13 - What. The. Fuck. This. Album. Has. Killed. Me.
User14 - I’m sorry but wtfdym miss Y/n Y/l/n has a song where she says the word ‘I’ll get older but your lover stay my age’
User15 - All too well killed me
User16 - I love how you can just tell what songs were produced by jack and what by Aaron
User17 - ‘I know it won’t work’ is so heart wrenching istg no one speak to me
User18 - I’m its biggest stan
User20 - Because I liked a boy is so superior, like she finally addressed what Daniel’s ‘fans’ put her through at the start of their relationship
User21 - ‘Say it once again with feeling, how the death rattle breathing silenced as the soul was leaving, the deflation of our dreaming, leaving me breathed and reeling, my beloved ghost and me, sitting in a tree d-y-i-n-g’
User22 - How did it end is so superior
User23 - Y/n could write Romeo and Juliet but Shakespeare couldn’t write this bridge
User25 - Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead? Did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed? Were you writing a book? Were you a sleeper cell spy? In fifty years, will all this be declassified? And you'll confess why you did it. And I'll say, "Good riddance". 'Cause it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden. I would've died for your sins. Instead, I just died inside. And you deserve prison, but you won't get time
User26 - The smallest man who ever lives reigns supreme on this album
Yourusername - And who is my man? that’s one secret I’ll never tell.
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Liked by - Yourusername, Charles_ Leclerc and 2,536,639 others
LandoNorris - Week off shenanigans, I’m still the biggest Y/n Y/l/n fan. New albums great btw 🫡
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User31 - Everyone is a Y/n fan
User33 - he has taste with call it what you want AND feather
User34 - he made it CLEAR he’s team Y/n
User35 - Thought Daniel was your friend..?
User36 - Everyone ignoring the boyfriend Lando pic
Yourusername - Thanks for the streams 🫡
LandoNorris - no problem 😌
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Liked by - LandoNorris, Lilymhe and 2,726,637 others
Tagged | @/landonorris
Yourusername - Turns out I’m physically unable to do a soft launch so, THIS IS MY BOYFRIEND LANDO AINT HE ADORABLE
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User37 - What the fuck
User39 - I’m in love with them already what
User40 - Y/n you’re truly an icon
DanielRicciardo - wow.
User43 - This is his karma
LandoNorris - You’re cute
Yourusername - Stop I’m blushing.
User44 - Obsessed.
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Liked by - Yourusername, OscarPiastri and 2,644,646 others
Tagged | @/Yourusername
LandoNorris - Lol stay mad, should’ve treated her better when you had her.
I love you so much, and I’m going to treat you that way 🤍
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User45 - LMAOOOO
Yourusername - My god I love you
LandoNorris - I love you so much more
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maimingaffairs · 1 year
hellooo i would like to request something <33
basically hanahaki disease w/ Aleksander? when alina arrived at the little palace, reader had been coughing and Aleksander noticed then reader found out that she was coughing petals and eventually got to know it was a disease with the help of some of the plant expert grishas i guess perhaps the healers? then reader starts to distance herself from Aleksander so he wouldn't know but he eventually found out because one of the grisha witnessed one of reader's coughing session and maybe an angst to fluff fic 👉👈
first of all, i am so sorry.. she's a long one... this has been tentatively proofread so i apologise for any grammar or spelling errors. this is my first time writing this trope so i hope it will do alright. thank u for ur beautiful req, my lovely anon, i love u!
warnings: hanahaki disease, blood, vomiting, aleksander is an idiot here lowkey.
word count: 11.9k
To Love Another & Be Loved (aleksander morozova x fem!reader)
The Sun Summoner had to be one of the nicest people you’d met in your entire life. 
You wanted to dislike her, after all, she was the center of Aleksander’s attention almost all of the time. Not even the scraps of his time had been reserved for you as of late. 
But you simply couldn’t hate her. She was nothing but kind to you. You spent much of your time with her, anyway. You were the only other Tailor besides Genya and often helped her ready herself for important things when Genya was tending to the Queen. At first, your service to her was only out of obligation to Aleksander. After all, he was your best friend and he fought the King constantly to keep you away from the Grand Palace. The least you could do was help a bit. Surely it would be temporary. 
You sat in Alina’s room with her and you focused hard on twisting her hair up and braiding little bits of it to create an elaborate updo. She was to have dinner with the King and Queen and the Prince that night along with Aleksander. You wordlessly pinned up a thin, tiny braid and Alina sighed. 
“At what point does this all just… stop?” She asked warily and you eyed her through the mirror she sat in front of. 
You raised an eyebrow and shook your head, “What do you mean?” You questioned and flickered your eyes back on her hair. 
“Just… the showiness of it all. When do I become a person with capabilities rather than a spectacle?” 
“Likely never.” You replied with a frown and you met her eyes in the mirror, “But that shouldn’t discourage you. Be the best damn spectacle this country has seen.”
Her shoulders squared a bit and she seemed to at least somewhat like what you had to say. You smiled and went back to her hair, your fingers deftly weaving braids and little twists together for a while longer. You sat back after some time and then placed a few decorative pins in her hair, giving her an approving smile. 
“Lovely. I’m sure the royal family will just eat you up.” You teased and rose from the stool you sat on.  
“I’m sure Aleksander won’t like that.” She countered playfully and the smile slowly faded from your face. 
You blinked in surprise a few times and then let out an uneasy chuckle, “So he’s told you his name?” 
You didn’t know why it bothered you. But it did. 
Alina nodded and she slid on her kefta and buttoned it up while she hummed. You eyed her and bit down on the inside of your cheek. It was black, of course. You glanced down at your own kefta and smoothed it down almost self-consciously. You wore a red kefta that was intricately embroidered with blue threads, and you’d never been disappointed in it until now. 
Why not dress her in gold? You asked silently as you stared at her and you felt that same bitter twinge of jealousy you’d felt ever since she came to the Little Palace. Furthermore, the little sparkle in her eyes when she said his name didn't go unnoticed by you. 
“Yes, is it not very common knowledge?” She asked once she finished buttoning up her clothes and you shook your head. 
You opened your mouth to speak but a knock on the door cut you off. You took this as an opportunity to end this conversation before it made you more upset and you hurried to the door. You opened it up and you were instantly met by a familiar pair of dark eyes. A little weight was lifted from your chest and you smiled up at Aleksander who gave you a smile right back. 
“I figured you’d still be here.” He remarked and leaned down to press a chaste and polite kiss on your cheek. Your skin felt warm and tingly where his lips had made contact and as he pulled away, you prayed he didn’t see the way your face was flushing. 
“It probably wouldn’t have taken so long if Alina didn’t have so much hair.” You noted and then tucked a piece of your own back behind your ear, “I haven’t seen much of you recently.” You remarked, trying your best to keep your tone casual. 
Aleksander clasped his hands behind his back and he gave you a wide smile, “Well, as you know, I’ve been very busy. Join me for tea tomorrow afternoon, I would love to catch up with you.” He said earnestly and you felt a tug in your chest. 
“Of course. Tea sounds wonderful.” You replied, and watched as his eyes shifted over your shoulder. 
The look on his face made your own smile falter. His eyes were fixed on Alina who stood behind you and his smile had turned into an awestruck expression, his eyes softening in ways they didn’t even soften for you. 
“Miss Starkov, you look dazzling.” He commented and you suddenly felt very small, standing in the middle of them. 
Her shy giggle sent a gravelly itch up your throat and you blinked a few times, trying to fight back a cough. 
She thanked him and said something else, but you didn’t hear it because a dry, gritty cough came tearing up through your throat. You held your hands over your mouth frantically and doubled over. You felt a hand on your back and slowly you straightened yourself back up and gasped for air, the coughs ceasing. 
“Are you alright? Would you like a bit of water?” You heard Alina ask and you shook your head, shifting your eyes downwards. 
“What was that? Did you choke on a fly?” Aleksander asked with an amused little chuckle. You gave him a terse laugh in response and felt your throat burn again. Another much smaller and shorter cough reverberated through your chest and you held your hands tightly over your mouth. A warm, wet feeling coated your palms and your face paled. 
Once you recovered you frantically balled your hands up in fists and lowered them to your sides, clearing your throat, “I’m not sure where that came from. I think I’ll go make some tea. Have a lovely dinner.” You murmured hoarsely and scurried past Aleksander, not bothering to look back at them. You made it halfway down the hallway before you slowly unfurled your hands and held them up so that you could see your palms. 
They were sporadically coated in blood.
“You don’t have a cold, y/n. Perhaps it’s just the dry air. Winter is upon us.” Genya stated as she stirred a sugar cube into her tea. 
You looked over your shoulder and expected to see Aleksander any time now and then you turned back to Genya with a shrug. 
“I don’t know what else it could be. I can’t stop coughing.” You replied, leaving out the part where most of your coughs dragged blood up from your throat. 
She hummed and took a sip of her tea before shaking her head, “No. Grisha don’t get sick, lovely. You can’t have a cold. Perhaps you’re allergic to something you’ve been smelling or using or eating. Anything new in your diet? Perfumes? Lotions?” She pressed and you shook your head, “Well, then I’m not sure what to tell you. See a Healer if you’re concerned about it but I’m telling you it’s likely the dry air.” She urged. 
You looked down at your own tea and watched tendrils of steam climb the air above it. You let out a sigh and reached out to grab a sugar cube, when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You jumped and spun around, feeling instant relief when you saw that it was only Aleksander who had his hand on you. You sighed contently and leaned your cheek down against the back of his hand. 
“Please, forgive me. I know I’m a bit late to tea. I just had a rather disappointing conversation with a few trackers.” He hummed and then pulled his hand away from your shoulder, leaving you with a certain kind of emptiness. 
He slid into the chair next to you and grabbed your hand tightly, and you felt your heart beat a little bit faster. Genya must have heard it, because she smirked and quickly raised her teacup to her lips to hide it. 
“You weren’t at breakfast this morning.” He commented and tapped your knuckles with the side of his thumb. 
“I wasn’t feeling the best.” You drawled and looked up at his face. He didn’t seem overly concerned when you mentioned that you didn’t feel well, but he didn’t brush it off, either. 
“Odd. Perhaps you should see my Healer.” He pressed and then he reached out and poured himself a cup of tea with his free hand before he released your hand. 
You didn’t respond. Instead, you turned back to your own tea and took a sip of it, looking up at Genya who cleared her throat and stood up.
“Well. I’ll leave you two to it then. I’ve got to get back to the Queen.” She stated and gave you a small wave before scurrying off. 
“Y/n. My Healer?” Aleksander pressed and you glanced up at him. 
You gave him a polite shake of your head and you smiled, “No, it’s all okay. I feel much better now.” You insisted. And it was partially true. You did feel a bit better now that you had some tea. 
You felt his onyx eyes on you as you turned back to your tea and before you could turn towards him, he reached up and brushed a bit of your hair back behind your ear. 
“You look very tired.” He commented and frowned, letting his fingers linger against the side of your face for only a second before dropping them. 
“I am tired. But I have a lot to do today. Besides, I’m getting fitted for my dress today. For the Fete.” You commented, trying to change the subject. 
He hummed and then picked up his teacup, “What are you going to wear?” He asked curiously and he shifted his entire body towards you. 
You looked over at him and slowly turned yourself to face him as well and you gave him a little smile, “Well, not red. That’s for sure. I picked something soft. Pink. A pretty pink dress.”
“Pink is a form of red.” Aleksander pointed out, an amused little smile forming on his perfect lips. 
You giggled and then shook your head, reaching out to give his arm a very gentle smack, “Pink is a very nice color and even if it is red at the very core of it all, I will be wearing it.”
He rolled his eyes playfully and then he chuckled, “Determined little thing, aren’t you?” He asked and then set his teacup down, “I’m glad you’re coming. I was worried you would skip this Fete like you did last year.” 
“Well, last year Vasily was all over me. And I hated it. Of course I didn’t go.” You remarked with a little snort. Aleksander laughed softly and shook his head, turning back to his tea. 
You looked at him, your face softening. Everything about him seemed so… inviting in that moment. The way his hair was immaculately brushed back and curled around the back of his neck, the little curve of his lips as they stayed in their smile from your antics. His dark eyes shone with a rare light of humor and the light of the afternoon sun illuminated them perfectly as you stared at him from the side. He was so heartbreakingly beautiful. 
And you wanted him so badly. You wanted to kiss him, you wanted him to hold you, you wanted him to look at you the way he’d looked at Alina the night before. You wanted to wear black with him and you wanted to be at his side during the Fete. 
You were desperately in love with your best friend, and the worst part was that you could never tell him. 
Your silence must have concerned him in some way, because he slowly turned to face you, the smile slowly vanishing from his face. 
“Y/n, you look like you are about to cry, darling. What’s going on?” He asked softly and you shook your head a few times. 
“N..nothing is wrong.” You lied and felt your throat begin to tingle with the familiar preceding another coughing fit, “I think I just need to go lie down. I feel… unwell.” You added, your voice getting weaker as you tried to keep a cough at bay. 
“Please,” Aleksander began and slowly rose from his chair, “let me walk you to your room, my dear. You are starting to worry me a little bit, if I’m being perfectly honest with you.” He stated and held his arm out for you to take. 
You reached up to grab his arm but instantly yanked your hands back and brought them to your face as you began to cough violently into your palms. The sharp, metallic taste of blood filled your mouth and you heaved forward on your chair, nearly falling off as you coughed. Aleksander’s strong hands caught your shoulders, and before you could protest, he was lifting you up into his arms. 
“Alright. I’m going to take you to your room and then I’m going to send for a Healer. This isn’t natural. You shouldn’t be coughing like that.” He stated. 
You held your hands over your mouth for a while longer as your coughs subsided and you blinked a few times. Once you were sure no more coughs were to come, you pulled your hands up into the sleeves of your kefta and you cleared your throat, wincing as it burned, “No, you don’t need to. I swear to the Saints it’s just allergies, Aleksander.” You said wheezily. 
He looked down at your face and his brows furrowed together and he shook his head, “You have blood on your chin.” He commented and you gaped up at him. 
You reached up and wiped your chin with the sleeve of your kefta and he simply shook his head. You closed your eyes exhaustedly and let him carry you the rest of the way to your room. Once he’d gotten you to your bedroom, he laid you out on your bed and frowned down at you. 
“I’m sending a Healer up here. Don’t be stubborn, please let them help. I’d stay but I’m taking Alina riding. Promise me you will accept the help I send for you.” He said sternly and you opened your eyes. 
You stared up at him, something snapping in your chest. He couldn’t even stay to make sure you were okay? 
“That’s fine. I promise.” You said bitterly and then shook your head, “Have fun riding with Alina.” 
You were sure he caught the bitterness in your tone, because he scowled slightly and then shook his head. He looked as if he might argue with you but instead he wordlessly turned on his heel and left your room, slamming your door behind him. 
A brutal cough tore itself free from your chest and it sent you shooting up into a sitting position. You held your hands over your mouth to catch the droplets of blood that loosed themselves from your throat. Your throat burned as if you were swallowing acid and you miserably pulled your hands away from your mouth between coughs. You stared down at the blood in your hands and suddenly your stomach twisted. You launched yourself off of the bed and grabbed the waste bin that sat near your bed and you coughed violently into it until something sharp tore its way up through your throat and out of your mouth. You had to blink a few times before it registered what exactly sat in the once-empty waste bin; what exactly came out of your mouth. A small cluster of thorns lay in a thick puddle of your blood, and a cluster of bloody rose petals laid around it.
Your mouth hung agape as you stared down into the wastebasket and you pushed it away from you with a frightened yelp. 
Something soft slid against your tongue and you reached up and shakily pulled a blood wetted rose petal off of your tongue, and it was the last thing you saw before your vision went black. 
Something wet and cold mopped across your feverish forehead and you slowly opened your eyes. Someone’s hand moved back and forth in your line of sight and you heard a loud gasp before your hands were being clutched tightly. You cleared the fuzziness from your vision by blinking a handful of times and you slowly sat up a bit to see Genya standing over you with her hands clasping yours. A Healer stood at your bedside with a cloth in her hand and you looked back and forth between the two of them before you let out a raspy sigh. 
“Y/n! Sweetheart! What is going on? Emilia found you this way. She said The Darkling sent her up here to you and that when she came in you were out cold on the floor.” 
Emilia must have been the name of the Healer girl at your side and you looked over at her with a terse smile before you looked back at Genya. Her wide eyes were even wider with fear and you frowned, not wanting to have frightened her. 
“I’m fine, I promise. It just must be aller-“
“It is not allergies!” Genya cut you off viciously and dropped your hand to point at the waste bin, “What kind of allergy has you throwing up… plants?” She demanded and you simply shrugged. 
She exasperatedly squeezed the hand of yours that she still held and she frowned, “Emilia tried to heal you but couldn’t find anything wrong with you. Your lungs sound terrible but other than that, you’re healthy.” She said with worry lacing every word she spoke, “When The Darkling gets back from riding-“
You shook your head and held your hand up, “No. No we are not going to tell him a single thing, do you two understand me? You will tell him I am suffering allergies and will be fine in a week or two. I don’t want him around.” You said in a clipped tone.
Genya looked surprised when you said this but she didn’t protest. Instead, she comfortingly brushed her thumb across the back of your hand and let out a defeated little sigh, “Oh, honey. Are things that bad?” 
You slowly looked up at Emilia and Genya did as well. Emilia looked between the two of you and she let out a little sigh. 
“I’ll go get you some tea for your throat.” She said, excusing herself from the conversation that you so desperately wanted to keep private. 
The moment the Healer left the room, you burst into tears. Your ragged breaths seemed to tear trenches into your throat as you cried and little coughs escaped your lips between sobs. You buried your face in your hands and barely noticed when Genya sat right next to you and wrapped her arm around your shoulder, pulling you against her side. 
“Sweetheart, what happened? This afternoon you were all smiles for him.” She breathed and gently rubbed your arm, soothing your cries just slightly. 
“Oh, Genya. I love him. I’m so very in love with him and he hardly gives me the time of day anymore. He speaks of Alina like she’s hung his entire sky. He looks at her like she’s more precious than jewels. He noticed I wasn’t feeling well, and he couldn’t even stay with me. He just tossed a healer at me and left to go with her. It hurts, Genya.” You cried, hiding your face against her shoulder. 
The red haired girl stroked your hair and your back and your arm as you cried against her and at some point, reached out to grab the cool cloth Emilia had left behind. She gently dabbed it against your cheeks and the side of your neck and she frowned, letting you cry. 
Your chest ached terribly at the idea that you loved your best friend who would never love you back, but it seemed to hurt more that you were all in all losing said best friend. Genya coaxed you down until your cheek was against her upper thigh and she ran her fingers through your hair, dabbing the cold cloth against your burning skin still. 
“Things will work out the way they’re supposed to, honey.” Genya said softly, still trying to soothe you. 
Tears rolled down your cheeks still, but your cries subsided for the most part. You exhaustedly closed your eyes and relaxed underneath the Tailor’s touch. You took painful, deep breaths and attempted to calm yourself. You laid in silence against Genya’s thigh for a long time, the only sounds being your sniffles and coughs and little whines. You desperately tried to clear your head of Aleksander, and nearly had, before your door swung open. You heard the handle smack against the wall, and heavy footsteps made their way across your floors. Aleksander. You laid still against Genya and prayed that he thought you were asleep. 
“Emilia says it’s only allergies.” Genya said quietly and you felt her hand slow in your hair until it rested protectively against the crown of your head. 
You heard him shuffle for a moment before he hummed, “She looks miserable.” He remarked. 
He lifted his hand to touch your arm, but Genya shooed his hand away and shook her head. 
“Let her sleep.” She murmured and you heard Aleksander snort. 
“Well, according to my Healer, she’s been unconscious for three hours up until now. How is she sleeping again?” He asked and you could tell he didn’t believe you were asleep. 
That didn’t stop you from pretending, still. 
“Because she is feeling unwell. Why don’t you come and see her tomorrow morning?” Genya suggested and slowly began to drag her fingers through your hair again. 
“I don’t want to see her tomorrow morning. I want to see her now.”
“I don’t think she wants to see you, moi soverenyi.” The Tailor countered. 
The room was silent for a moment and then you heard the rustle of his kefta as he shifted in place. You bit the inside of your cheek, fighting back every desire inside of you that screamed for you to launch yourself into his arms. Maybe if you did, he would carry you like he had earlier. You wanted to scream how you loved him in his face and cry on his chest about how he was hurting you. But you stayed rooted in the bed. 
“Mm, alright then. Let her know that she needn’t seek me out then. If she truly does not want to see me. I won’t bother her.” He said coldly and you felt your face screw up in despair. 
“That’s not what I’m saying. I’m only saying she likely doesn’t want to be bothered and roused from an already uncomfortable sleep just so you can ask her what I’ve already asked a hundred times. It’s just allergies. It happens with the turn of the seasons.” Genya explained calmly, her voice steady. 
“I’ve known her for years now and she’s never had allergies at the turn of the seasons.” He stated. 
“Well, that’s the only thing that it can be. The Healer said it herself. She’s perfectly healthy otherwise.” Genya insisted. 
There was another long silence in the room and you could feel his near-black eyes boring into you, traveling your crumpled form. But he said nothing more. After a while, you heard his footsteps as he left the room and the door closed, much more carefully this time. 
You didn’t dare open your eyes until Genya sighed and gently tapped the back of your head, “He’s not here, it’s okay.” She murmured and you slowly opened your eyes. 
Another cry escaped your lips. 
The next few days were absolutely miserable. You’d spent the first day and half in your room, and when Genya wasn’t waiting on you, you were alone. Aleksander didn’t come to see you once, and you came to accept that it was just going to be your new normal. 
The first time you emerged from your bedroom in days was for dinner, and Genya held you tight to her side as she walked with you down to the dining hall. Normally, she didn’t eat with the other Grisha, but she had neglected many of her duties to the Queen to take care of you for the past two days. 
Now, three days had passed since you had last seen- or heard, rather- Aleksander, and you sat out in the courtyard on the grass with Genya. The red haired girl had insisted that you needed sunlight and she sat and read under a tree with you while you laid your head in her lap. You could hardly speak, and when you did, your voice was raspy and quiet. Every now and then, the girl would look over her book to check on you, and each time she did, she’d give you a kind smile. 
“Are you hungry?” She asked after a while and brought her hand up to your forehead to feel for your temperature. 
You shook your head weakly and rubbed your cheek with the back of your hand, “I don’t have an appetite, admittedly.” You murmured and she clicked her tongue, but didn’t press the subject. 
You tried your best to enjoy the cool breeze on your feverish cheeks, but you couldn’t seem to distract yourself from the pounding in your head and the raw burn in your throat.
“What are you reading?” You asked Genya absentmindedly and she hummed. 
“Reading up on rare diseases. I found a few books that have information about sicknesses and accounts of Grisha becoming ill with certain ones. I thought maybe it would help us figure out what’s going on with you.” She stated and turned a page as if on cue. 
A warm feeling tickled your nose and you felt it travel downwards until your skin was wet and you gasped and let out a curse. You sat up quickly and held your hand over your nose as it bled and you glanced down at the little bloody spot on Genya’s kefta. 
“Saints. I’m so sorry. I’m such a mess.” You breathed and cupped your hands underneath your nose to catch the rapidly flowing blood. 
The girl simply shook her head and pulled handkerchief out of her pocket and passed it to you, “Don’t be sorry. We can get the stain out easily.” She insisted, and you gratefully took the handkerchief from her and held it against your nose.
“Perhaps we should get you inside?” She suggested and you nodded once. You grabbed onto the tree with your free hand and balanced yourself as you rose to your feet. You felt winded as you stood and your throat began to prickle and you let out a groan that was cut short when you leaned forward and coughed viciously into the sleeve of your kefta. Little petals spewed out of your mouth as you coughed and got stuck with your blood onto the fabric of your sleeve, but you weren’t surprised anymore. Thorns and petals came along with the coughs now. At least now your nose had ceased its bleeding. You wiped your mouth with your sleeve and groaned in pain as you felt Genya touch your back. 
“Oh, Saints. Hurry. Let’s go inside. The Darkling is out here.” She said in a hushed tone, and though you two tried to hurry into the palace, it seemed you weren’t fast enough, because Aleksander called your name.
You looked up at Genya worriedly and she took a glance at your face. Blood was smeared under your nose and on your chin and she let out a huff before she snatched the handkerchief from your hand and quickly cleaned up your face. She stuffed the soiled fabric into her pocket once more and you turned around just in time to see Aleksander approach you with Alina not far behind.
His kefta billowed like smoke behind him in the breeze and when he reached you, his face was nothing short of irritated and accusatory. His beautiful face was set in an angry grimace and his eyes were hard. You shied back slightly and felt Genya’s hand press encouragingly into your back. 
“It must be rather fun ignoring me, since you’ve done it flawlessly for three days now.” He snapped and you looked down at your feet, biting down on the inside of your cheek. 
“I haven’t felt well, I’m sorry.” You mumbled. 
He snorted and reached out to grab your jaw, tilting your face up so that he could look down upon you, “That’s not an excuse. I don’t expect you to be prancing and frolicking around, but as someone who cares about you, I would at least like to be updated about your state.” 
His words sent a shockwave of sadness through your chest and you frowned, your eyes watering. You blinked away your tears rapidly, refusing to cry in front of him and Alina. He let go of your face slowly and he shook his head. 
“My dear, I worry about you, that’s all. I’m not truly angry, oh please don’t cry.” He said softly, his expression ridding itself of all anger as he watched your eyes gloss over with unshed tears. 
You shifted your gaze over his shoulder and watched as Alina gently grabbed his arm and he subtly pulled her into his side. The action had you biting down on your cheek hard, a terrible cough fighting its way up your throat. You felt something sharp rise to the back of your throat and you shoved past all three of them to get inside of the palace, holding your hands over your mouth as you raced to your bedroom. 
You were unsure of how you held it in for so long, but as soon as you got to your room, a violent retching sound ripped it’s way up through your chest and your throat and you fell to your knees and a slew of blood and petals came spewing out of your mouth. The heavy, sharp presence was still in the back of your throat and you coughed, and coughed, and coughed until you felt something shred the back of your throat and come loose. A rosebud tumbled from behind your lips, followed by a thick mixture of blood and saliva. You stared down at the sticky, bloody mess you had made all over your pale blue rug and you brought your shaky hands up to your clammy face, covering your mouth as you sobbed. 
Your chest ached and burned as if you’d swallowed blades and you let out a shrill scream of frustration. You sunk down onto the floor even further and curled up into a ball, your cheek resting a bit too close to the sticky puddle of blood and floral matter. You were too exhausted to care. Everything hurt, nothing made sense. Every breath you took sent shards of glass sliding down your throat and you coughed again, bits of petals getting stuck to your bloodied lips. You slowly closed your eyes and shivered once, reaching down and holding your knees to your chest. 
No one had followed you. Not even Aleksander. Even just thinking his name sent a pang of raw emotion through your chest and a few little tears rolled down your cheeks as you laid against the ruined carpets. Too busy with Alina. Too busy with everything. When did the busy excuses end? At what point did you need to accept that he didn’t love you as much as you loved him, and certainly not in the same way. You cursed yourself for thinking of him. Why were you thinking of him? He surely wasn’t thinking of you. You should have been thinking about why the hell you were sick. 
But all you could think about was Aleksander. 
You weren’t sure how or when, but at some point, you’d been moved up onto your bed and your blood-ruined dress had been switched out for a light, breathable nightgown. A hand dragged itself through your hair slowly and you almost thought you were imagining in your half-asleep state, until you heard voices. 
“I don’t really care. I will remove someone from the frontlines if we must. I need a very, very good Healer and I need them promptly.” 
You recognized Aleksander’s voice anywhere, and now that you were a bit more aware, you could tell that it was not Genya’s delicate little hand running through your hair.  
It was his. 
You kept your eyes closed and tried to enjoy the very minimally important action of his hand stroking your hair so gently. 
“Then find someone. But I don’t think this is anything to worry about.” 
That voice belonged to Genya, and you felt a sense of relief that she was still covering for you. 
“Genya, do not give me excuses any longer. I know she is ill. To the extent and with what, I am unsure. But she is my dearest friend, and I will not be so easily deterred from finding a solution to her health.” He spoke quietly, as if he didn’t want to wake you and you felt your lip nearly wobble. 
You didn’t know if you were joyful or devastated to hear him call you his friend. You longed for ignorance. You longed to think that he was here to confess his love for you, you wanted him to play with your hair like this for hours and hold you in his arms while you slept. 
You wouldn’t get your wish, though. 
“Sir, I think it would just be best to give her space.” Genya suggested quietly. 
Aleksander’s hand stilled against your head and went rigid, “And why do you say that?” He asked coldly. 
“Well, you just hardly… see her anymore. I think perhaps she’s a bit bothered by your neglect.”
“Has she told you this?”
The room was silent and you wanted to sob as you felt his hand slowly leave your hair. You wanted to catch his wrist and bring it back, beg him to never let you go. 
“Well, she always has been a bit of a jealous little thing. She’ll get over it. I’ll be back to check on her tomorrow sometime.” He said dismissively and you felt the bed move and assumed he had climbed off of it. 
You waited until you heard him leave to open your eyes and you let out a long, ragged sigh. You felt the bed dip beside you and Genya was placing her hand against your forehead. She let out a little hum and then shook her head.
“You’re very lucky I managed to clean everything up before he came barging in here.” She said softly and reached down to grab your hand. 
Tears welled up in your eyes and you blinked them away, shrugging. 
“At some point we need to tell him what’s going on, Y/n.” She urged gently and then squeezed your hand as softly as possible. 
You felt a little wave of gratefulness in your chest at Genya’s determined and dedicated presence and you squeezed her hand back, “Eventually.” You murmured and then closed your eyes again, still feeling exhausted. 
“You sound terrible.” She noted and sat up against the headboard, resting her back against it. You very slowly rolled over and laid your head against her thigh and you sighed. 
“You’re my best friend, Genya.” You murmured. 
She let out a little sigh and she laid her hand on top of your head, “You really love him, don’t you?” She asked quietly. 
You didn’t answer her at first. She knew the answer and so did you, but the moment you spoke it aloud, it became real and it became capable of ruining everything. 
“Yes.” You finally answered in a squeak. 
There was a silence that filled the air around the two of you and you felt her lean over the edge of the bed for a moment. When she settled back in her spot, she tapped your head very gently and cleared her throat. 
“I found something. While you were sleeping.” She said almost nervously. 
“What do you mean, ‘something’?” You asked and stared off at the wall ahead of you. 
“I mean about your… condition.” She said quietly and you could hear her flipping through a book above you. 
Finally, she laid the open book down in front of your face and you reached up with a shaking hand to grab it. You sat up slowly with a bit of her help and laid the book in your lap as you peered down at it. The pages were old and weathered but the drawings were clear as can be. Roses were sketched onto the page and you ran your fingers over the paper as you read the text next to it. 
‘In extreme cases of unrequited love, the affected person will become sick with envy and begin to exhibit signs of serious illness…’
You blinked a few times and read through the recorded symptoms. 
Every single one was something you were experiencing.
“No. Absolutely not.” You breathed and looked up at a frowning Genya. 
“The symptoms are all there. This is what’s ailing you.” She said, her eyes growing watery. 
“I’ll spare you the heavy reading. There is no cure, not unless he confesses his true and honest love for you.” 
You felt dread add itself to your already sore chest and you turned your head to look up at her. 
She brought her hands up and cupped your cheeks and she shook her head, “I swear, we won’t let you die. We will find a way. Me and Baghra, Saints, I’ll even tell Him-“
“You can’t tell him.” You whispered and looked up at her tearfully, “You have to swear to me that you will not tell him. Genya, I’m begging you. Let him just… let him be happy with his Sun Summoner. He’ll forget about me, he’s already beginning to.” You said and sniffled, reaching up to wipe your eyes. 
Tears were falling down the redhead’s cheeks now and she shook her head, “No, this isn’t how it ends.” She said sternly and wiped her own eyes with the backs of her hands after she lowered them from your face. 
You leaned your head against her shoulder and closed your eyes, “I’m so tired.” You whispered, feeling exhaustion course through your body at a rapid rate. 
“Sleep, sweetheart. Please. I’ll stay here with you until morning.” Genya promised and you nodded. 
She helped you lay back onto the pillow behind you and she tucked the comforter around your shoulders before feeling your forehead once again.
“Thank you for being so good to me.” You whispered and she gave you a heartbreakingly sad smile. 
“What are friends for?”
The next morning was excruciating. A terrible coughing fit roused you from your sleep and you’d- yet again- made a bloody, flowery mess all over. This time, you helped Genya clean the mess up despite her protests. Once she’d helped you clean up, she announced that she had a hot bath drawn for you. 
You followed her into your bathroom and pulled your clothes off before you stepped into the hot water and let out a long, relieved sigh as you sunk down into it and sat. 
“I need to go tend to the Queen for a little while. I shouldn’t be too long. Will you be okay if I leave for just a few hours? If you need anything, I’ve already informed Baghra of your condition, you can go find her.” She explained and then gave you a little smile. 
“You’ve been busy this morning.” You commented and she shrugged. 
“Well, I’m just making sure you’ll be alright while we figure this all out.” She said softly and patted your head a few times, “Well, off I go. Please, please be careful. And if you have a coughing fit, do it over the tub. We can drain the water easily.” She said, half joking.  
You bid her farewell and she left your room and you sank deeper into the water, letting it soothe your sore muscles, though it didn’t do much for your stinging throat and aching chest. You brought a hand to your forehead and you felt a wave of melancholia drag you down. 
There was really no way that you were going to get out of this alive. It wasn’t like Aleksander was going to burst in on his knees and confess that he’d loved you the entire time, and you highly doubted that if a Healer couldn’t help you, then you were beyond help. You rubbed your temples very slowly and let out a very long, exasperated sigh, which triggered a few coughs. Little droplets of blood flew forward into the water from your mouth and you winced as a few petals loosed themselves from your throat as well. They floated atop the hot water and you picked one of the soft, pink petals up tentatively. It looked like a rose petal. It was a rose petal. You were grateful that it was only a few soft petals this time rather than the thorns and stems you’d cough up other times. You dropped the petal back in the water and you laid your head back against the edge of the bathtub weakly.
Your chin wobbled slightly and you closed your eyes just as tears started to stream out of them. You soundlessly cried as you sat in the steaming water and you reached up to hold your hands over your face as you cried. Soon enough, your cries were no longer soundless and you sobbed into your hands. Your whole entire body hurt and you were in agony. Emotional and physical agony. You wished for it all to stop and you pulled your hands away from your face and gripped the edges of the tub as you continued to cry with your eyes squeezed shut in pain.
Your mind wandered to Aleksander, something it often did, and you gasped painfully. You could practically feel his fingers running through your hair again, and you pictured what it would have been like if he had gathered you in his slender arms instead of just messing with your hair. The thought brought you a split second of comfort before it brought on waves of pain, crashing against your chest like rogue waves in a tumultuous ocean. 
Oh, you loved him. You couldn’t just stop loving him. Even though you sat and wished so desperately that you could. You gripped the edges of the tub impossibly tight and sputtered out a few heavy coughs that left your chest feeling split open. Your bathwater was tinged pink now and there was an arrangement of fragmented and full rose petals floating around in the water.  
A little tap made you open your eyes and you looked up to see Aleksander standing in the doorway of your bathroom. You made a move to cover yourself but he simply shook his head. 
“I’m not looking, it’s okay.” He stated, staying in the doorway. 
You glanced away from him sadly and you gave him a nod. You heard his boots tap against the marble floor and you heard a bit of rustling before you turned your head towards him again to see that he was now kneeling at the side of your tub. 
“You look terrible. Really, really terrible.” He commented. 
“Thanks. You really know how to make someone feel great, Aleksander.” You snapped and narrowed your eyes at him. 
He let out a sigh and shook his head a few times, “You’re still lovely. You just look miserable. Have you looked in a mirror recently? You look malnourished, you look poorly rested. Your face is sunken, your eyes are lifeless, you look terrible.” He explained and you laid your head down on the edge of the tub. 
“I’ll be fine.” You said nonchalantly. 
“Yeah, you all keep trying to tell me that but I don’t believe it all that much. Look at you. You can’t even move without it looking like it’s causing you pain.” 
“What do you care?” You asked and closed your eyes, biting back a sob. 
“What do I care? What do I care? Are you an imbecile? I care more than you seem to even care to imagine!” He snapped angrily and stood up abruptly. 
“Whatever. I know you’d rather be with your Sun Summoner right now. Please just go.”
“Saints, you’re such a bitter thing! You knew what the Sun Summoner coming here would mean. You know what it does mean. Get over yourself, this is bigger than you and your need for attention!” He exclaimed. 
Though he hadn’t, you felt as if he’d lifted you to your feet and slapped you until you fell. You slowly opened your eyes and looked up at him. Your eyes grew glossy with tears and you bit down on your cheek before you shifted your eyes away from a seething Aleksander.
“Please just go away.” You whimpered and brought your hands up to your face, hiding it from his sight. 
You cried silently for a moment and you rubbed your eyes vigorously before lifting your head out of your hands to tell him once more to leave. 
But he was already gone. 
The week leading up to the winter fete was exhausting. 
Not that you had been doing much other than laying around in your room and taking brief walks whenever Genya had a moment to accompany you outside. 
Nothing had improved though. 
You were still weak, still coughing, still in pain. Nothing was better, in fact, it seemed to only worsen by the day. 
The day of the fete was upon you and you had argued with Genya for nearly two hours so that she’d let you go. Finally, she had conceded and told you that you could go as long as you left early and were very, very careful not to cough around anyone. 
“And if you start feeling worse, you’re going right back to bed. Do you understand me?” Genya asked critically as she held a big, white box to her chest. Your dress. She was holding it hostage until you agreed to her terms. 
“Yes, fine, anything! I’ve waited so long to go.” You weren’t sure why you were so excited to go to the fete. You had previously been excited to go because you’d be going with Aleksander, but of course, that wasn’t the case now. You hadn’t seen him in nearly a week. Genya told you he’d been in to check on you while you slept, but you doubted it. You doubted a lot when it came to Aleksander these last seven days. 
Genya set the box down on a small table near the fireplace in your room and she opened it up, humming softly to herself as she did, “Pink? I didn’t pin you as a pink girl.” 
“Well, I am one. And it’s pretty, isn’t it?” You asked and watched as she pulled the gown out from the box. 
It was beautiful. It was a pale shade of blush pink with long sleeves and lots of beautiful embroidery and bead work. The dress earned you an approving sound from Genya and she looked over at you as you sat on the edge of your bed. 
“It is pretty, yes. I’m a bit worried you’ll stain it.” She said and eyed you with a frown, “Are you sure you want to go? You’re still so sick. Worse, even.” She said with a frown as she walked towards you and laid the dress out on the bed at your side. 
“I want to go. We can go together. Besides, I’ve been stuck in here for so long now.” You said, sighing dramatically. Your throat burned with your sigh and Genya watched as you brought your fingers to your throat. 
She quickly grabbed the waste bin next to your bed and held it up to you and you grabbed it. You coughed over it painfully for a few minutes, an array of petals and a few small thorns freeing themselves from your inflicted lungs. Genya held her hand against your back comfortingly and waited for you to spit the last of the sticky blood out and then she gently took the waste bin from your hands. She passed you a glass of water from your bedside table and you sipped it, even though it felt like you were swallowing broken glass. 
“Y/n, you look awful.” Genya said sadly and pushed some of your limp hair away from your face. 
You knew she was right. Your entire face had sunken in and you were aware of the dark circles under your eyes. Any luster your hair or skin once had was now gone and you looked dull and lifeless. You looked almost like a walking corpse. Your nails were thin and brittle and your lips were chapped and had traces of dried blood on them. You did look awful. 
Realistically, you could use your abilities and make yourself look better, but you had absolutely no energy to do so. You were lucky if you had the energy to get up and take a walk with Genya. You sighed quietly and wiped your lips with the back of your hand and shrugged once. You shakily passed the glass of water back to Genya and you rubbed your eyes. 
“Will you help me get ready? Nothing fancy, I just don’t wanna look so unhealthy.” You asked quietly and she nodded a couple of times.
She leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead and then offered her hands down towards you. You accepted them gratefully and pulled yourself to your feet with her help and she passed you your dress. 
“Go change, I’ll help you button up.” She prompted and you took the dress from her and wandered off towards the dressing screen in the corner of your room. 
You slid behind it and undressed yourself with weak, shaking hands, and you pushed your nightdress off of your body. You tossed it aside and then took on the next task of stepping into the soft pink gown. You climbed into the dress clumsily and once you’d pulled the sleeves on and gotten it situated on your body, you wandered out from behind the screen. Genya awaited you by your bed and you made your way over to her and turned around so that the undone back of your dress faced her. 
“You need to promise me one more thing.” Genya said quietly as she began to button up your dress nimbly. 
“What is it?” You asked, looking back over your shoulder at the redheaded girl. 
“Avoid the Darkling at all costs tonight please. Your condition worsens after he’s around, I’ve seen it. Please just, don’t seek him out, stay away from him. Have fun, mingle, have a drink, but leave him alone. For your sake, please.” She begged softly and then finished buttoning your dress. 
You nodded compliantly and you ran your hands down the front of your dress, smoothing it all down before turning around to face her. You smiled up at her and she pointed at a chair in the middle of the room. 
“Sit. I’ll fix up your hair and make you look a little less tired.” She said softly and you walked towards the chair. You sat down in it and you closed your eyes, a prickling becoming bothersome at the back of your throat. You swallowed it down and winced at the sharp pain sliding back down your throat. 
You just had to get through tonight. 
Genya stood behind you and she worked at your hair for a while until it was in simple waves. She then walked around to face you and she determinedly waved her hand over your face a few times slowly. After nearly fifteen minutes of this, she pulled away from you and handed you a hand mirror. 
“I did all that I could. How do you feel about it?” She asked. 
You glanced at yourself in the mirror and hummed. Though you still looked frail, you didn’t look nearly even half as bad as you had beforehand. You looked as if perhaps you hadn't slept in a few days but otherwise you seemed healthy. You looked up at her with a smile and you nodded, passing the mirror back to her. 
“Thank you. Truly, thank you.” You said softly and she gave you a sweet smile in return and kissed the top of your head. 
“I have to help the Queen get ready. Will you wait for me? I’ll come back and accompany you to the party.”
You looked over at her and gave her a little nod and stood up from the chair you sat in. You gave your friend a little hug and she hugged you back delicately, as if she was afraid you’d break. 
“Thank you. Really, Genya. For everything.”
“Don’t start talking like that. It almost sounds like goodbye and I won’t have it. I’ll see you in an hour or two.” She stated and then marched out of your room. 
Goodbye. You scoffed. You didn’t even want to think about goodbye yet. 
But of course now you were faced with the reality of it all. There was no obtainable cure to your ailment. The thought of it spread dread through your body like you’d never felt before and you felt even sicker than you ever had prior to today. 
A particular wave of nausea had you sprinting to the waste bin by your bed and you dropped to your knees and retched into it, your throat getting sliced up with an especially sharp slew of blood and thorns and a few battered petals. The door behind you opened and you heard a gasp from the doorway and wiped your face with the back of your hand before you turned around. 
Still on your knees, you looked up to see Aleksander’s personal favorite Healer, Emilia, standing in the doorway. The two of you stared at each other for a moment before she walked towards you and gently helped you to your feet. She looked over your shoulder into the wastebasket and then she looked up at your face, her mouth making a little ‘o’. She glanced back in the bin and then she shook her head. 
“Are those…?”
“Yes. They’re petals. Why are you here?” You asked and slowly sat down on the edge of your bed. 
“The Darkling sent me to check on you.” She whispered and then she placed her hand on your head, feeling your temperature. 
“Genya is doing a fine job on her own, thank you, Emilia.” You wheezed and then leaned your head into your hands. 
She stayed put for a moment and looked back and forth between you and your bloody, flowery vomit and then she gave you a tedious nod, “Yes, okay. I’m sorry to have intruded.“ she said quietly and you gave her only a small hum in response before she scuttled out of the room, retreating as if you were some feral dog, before you could even think to stop her. You would have certainly been wise to. 
You glanced at the door and felt a cold, sick dread fill your stomach. She was going to tell Aleksander. 
 You sat, slumped, in the chair by your fireplace and you closed your eyes, letting out labored breaths. Your chest had become impossibly tight and you sat in fear that Aleksander would burst in and berate you at any moment now. 
Your eyes filled with tears at the thought of just Aleksander and you wrapped your arms around yourself. It wasn’t like you couldn’t miss him. He was, at the end of the day, your best friend. Or at least, he had been. You didn’t really know where you stood with him now. 
Panic gripped your lungs when you heard hurried footsteps down the hallway and when the door swung open you winced. No yelling ensued and you turned around to see Genya standing in the doorway, gazing over at you with a little frown. 
“Are you sure you’re up to this?” She asked softly as she strode towards you. 
You simply gave her a little nod and you rose to your feet off of the chair and grabbed onto the hand she was now extending for you. She helped you steady yourself and she frowned once, pulling you into a gentle side hug. 
“Okay. The party has already started, I hope you don’t mind. There was a… choreographed display. Of shadow and light.” She explained slowly and then glanced down at you. You knew who she was talking about. Aleksander and Alina.
She gave you a sympathetic smile and you realized your face must have fallen, “I just figured you didn’t want to have to watch them.”
“No, I appreciate it. Thank you, Genya.” You said quietly and then nodded towards the door, “Let’s go. I don’t want to be out long tonight, I don’t think.” You murmured, a frown ever present on your face. 
She nodded just once and whisked you out of your room. The walk from the Little Palace to the Grand Palace was made in comfortable silence and you leaned your head against Genya’s shoulder. She wrapped her arm around your shoulders and gently patted your arm, and you let out a small sigh. As soon as the two of you walked inside of the Grand Palace, you instantly regretted coming to the fete. 
People were crowded around the hallway and spilled out from the room of the event, leaving you hardly any space to breathe. You wrapped both of your arms around Genya’s and you nearly buckled under the wave of nausea that crashed over you. 
Genya slowly pulled away from your side and she grabbed your hand and nodded towards the grand hall, “I’m going to go get a drink. Would you like one?” You nodded idly and she gave your hand a little squeeze, “Okay. Stay here. Don’t get around too many people.” She advised and you nodded again. 
She scurried off hurriedly down the hall and you looked down at your dress. You ran your fingers down the embroidered bodice and you let out a little sigh. You sorely regretted not staying in bed and you looked around at the other partygoers. Some were drunk, others were just boisterous. Most hid their sordidness underneath fine clothes and expensive perfumes. You looked down at your feet and felt guilty for making Genya drag you to the party and you turned to go find her. 
You turned around to see Alina bustling towards you with two guards in tow behind her. You had to blink back the urge to cry when you saw her. She wore a black kefta with yellow and gold embroidery and her hair was done up beautifully. The nausea hit you harder and you held your hand over your stomach instinctively, giving her a terse smile. 
“Hello.” You breathed and leaned back up against the wall behind you. 
“You look beautiful.” She commented sweetly, “Feeling better?” She asked and you gave her a bleary nod. 
“Mhm, so much better.” You mumbled and sucked in a deep breath through your nose. A sharp feeling began to climb the back of your throat and you began to panic. 
“I’m glad to hear, you look so pretty. I’ve missed you readying me.” She admitted and then chuckled nervously. 
One of the guards leaned forward and mumbled something in her ear and she frowned, but nodded. 
“I have to get going. But please, come see me tomorrow.” She pleaded and you gave her a simple nod, your throat and chest beginning to ache and burn all the same. 
The guards urged her forward and everything began to sound as if you were underwater. You stared off absentmindedly after Alina and frowned deeply. Aleksander strode down the hall towards her and his eyes fell upon you. His stern expression seemed to falter a bit when he looked at you and you glanced down at the bundle of flowers he had in his hands. Your eyes filled with tears involuntarily and you watched as he stopped the guards that stood with Alina and he passed her the flowers before he locked eyes with you again. 
Your face burned with shame and sadness and your vision began to blur and shift and you pushed away from the wall dizzily, ignoring the muffled shouts of your name coming from his mouth. You shoved past a few people and gathered the skirts of your dress up in one hand and you rushed down the hallway. You stopped briefly a few times to steady yourself against the wall and you felt a sickening pressure at the back of your throat. You just had to make it back to your room. 
You carried on almost deliriously and you made your way into the nearly totally empty Little Palace. You bustled up the stairs with your hand over your mouth when a sharp cough ripped its way up your throat and you heaved forward, falling to your knees on the stairs as you coughed violently. Tears burned in your eyes and fell down your cheeks helplessly as you spewed the hot, metallic mixture of your blood and bile over your gloved hand. You crawled up the stairs weakly and you pushed yourself to your feet, leaving a bloody smear on the marble floor. You stumbled hurriedly down the hall to your room and you threw your door open as soon as you could. You fell to your knees again and let out a long, sad wail before you were coughing out thorns and petals all over the pristine skirt of your dress. 
The flowery vomit looked even worse tonight, and the blood mixed in with it was darker and there was much more of it. You coughed and heaved and choked on whatever was in your throat until an entire rose bloom came hurtling out of your mouth. You stared down at it shakily and reached out to touch it before you coughed again, much harder this time. Blood flew from your open mouth all over your carpet and your dress and your chin and you cried loudly, lowering yourself to the floor weakly. You reached up shakily to wipe your eyes with the back of your hand and you looked around at the bloody mess you had made and you whimpered. 
You thought about Aleksander again as you coughed more, your chest feeling as if it was going to collapse at any moment. You missed him.  You desperately wished it was you that he gave his affections to. You loved him. It became impossibly hard to breathe and you could see black spots dancing in your vision and you could swear you heard him calling out for you; Something so bittersweet that brought you so much comfort as you laid in a mess of your own blood and shredded flower petals. Your heart pounded against your chest and you could feel cold exhaustion climbing up around your mind. You could still hear his voice, closer now. You weren’t sure if you were ready to die, but at least you could try and make peace with it. You drew in a labored breath and then found yourself gasping in fear as you felt two hands grip your arms. 
You were yanked up against somebody and you slowly looked upwards to see Aleksander kneeling over you, holding you against his chest. 
“Say something, dammit!” He ordered, but his voice sounded far away. 
You tried to speak his name but your chest seemed to collapse in on itself and you turned your head to cough away from him, not wanting to get any blood on him. As soon as you finished coughing, he gripped your chin and turned your head towards his and he stared down at you wildly. 
“Y/n, I really, really need you to say something.” He pleaded and you weren’t sure if you were imagining the glint of unshed tears in his eyes or not. 
You let out another wail and you tried to push away from him, but his arms were like steel around you and you were too weak to even attempt to get away from him, so you resigned to crying in his arms. 
“Aleksander.” You wheezed and weakly grabbed onto the lapel of his kefta. 
“Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you tell me it was this bad?” He demanded and cradled you gently against his chest. 
“You don’t care!” You cried, finding your very, very weak voice suddenly. 
“I do care!” 
“You don’t! You just care about Alina, you want Alina, you need Alina, you’re in love with Alina. You don’t care, and I don’t expect you to. Why should you? It’s my own miserable fault for falling in love with you.” You sobbed and felt as if you were going to vomit again. 
Aleksander didn’t say a single word. Instead, he leaned down until his forehead was touching yours and he nudged his nose against yours just slightly. You fought to get away from him, but he didn’t allow you to move. He shushed you softly as you cried and attempted to get as far away from him as possible and you sobbed, grabbing at his wrists.
“Stop! Please just leave me alone! I can’t take this.” You cried and hit his chest, but he still didn’t move. 
Tears rolled down your cheeks and you sniffled and eventually stopped trying to get away from him. He seemed to want to make it hard for you until your bitter end. One of his hands was gently moving through your hair as it had many nights ago and you whimpered, a sound that broke his heart. 
“I care. More than you know, little love.” He murmured and kept his forehead pressed against yours, “You think I don’t care? How could I not? You are so special to me.”
You cried and subconsciously leaned into his touch as he ran his fingers through your hair. 
“Please stop.” You begged. You wanted to cover your ears. 
“Stop what? Do you not want to hear how I care? How I feel ashamed of myself for making you feel as if I don’t? Do you not want to hear about how in love with you I am?” He asked in a whisper and you froze. His hand continued to sweep through your hair and you let out a loud cry and struggled against his arms as he lifted his forehead away from yours. 
“You’re lying.” You sobbed and brought your hands up to your face as you cried into them. 
“I’d never lie to you about something like this.” He insisted softly. 
“You are lying.” 
“How can you accuse me of that?” He asked, his tone incredulous. 
“Because I’m dying! I’m dying and you know it’s what I want to hear!” You argued, but you let your head fall against his chest nonetheless. 
“I don’t lie. I’ve never lied to you. Saints, you’re inconsolable. I have my own reasons for getting close to Alina, but none of them are even close to being because I’m in love with her. No, my love is saved for you and you alone.” He murmured, “I have loved you for years. Ages. For so long, hoping and praying that perhaps you’d see me in the same light one day. I never wished for it to be like this.” He finished, voice breaking just slightly at the end. 
You felt the tightness in your chest ease up just a little bit and you pulled your head away from his chest so that you could look up at him, only to find him already gazing down at you. You studied his face for any sign that he might be lying to you and when you found none you leaned your head against the side of his arm. You weakly nuzzled your cheek against it and you could hear him let out a long sigh. 
“Are you going to tell me what is wrong with you? Or are you just going to leave that to my Healer relaying information to me?” He asked and you shrugged once, more pressure leaving your chest. 
You let out a pathetic sounding sigh and you clung to him as if someone was going to take him from you and you quietly began to explain your condition to him, leaving little to nothing out. When you finished, the silence around the two of you was painful and you looked up at his face. He seemed angry and he seemed as if he was going to cry, but he looked down and met your eyes, and everything on his face melted into sadness. 
“I did this to you?” He asked quietly and you shook your head. 
“You couldn’t possibly have known. I mean, I didn’t. None of us did until Genya found it in a book.” You murmured and he gathered you entirely against his chest. 
“I’m so, so sorry.” He breathed, his voice practically trembling. 
“No, please. Don’t be sorry. It’s okay, everything is okay now.” You said hoarsely and he shook his head once but didn’t argue further. 
He stayed quiet for a moment before he sniffled and then slowly rose to his feet, pulling you with him, “Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah? And then you can lay in my room.” He suggested quietly. 
“Okay.” You whispered, leaning against him entirely.
You sat in Aleksander’s bed an hour or two later, wrapped in a few thick blankets. You watched him scurry around his room as he tried to ready himself for bed and you smiled affectionately. After a moment he turned to you and let out a small sigh.
“What are you smiling at? You should be sleeping.” 
“Can’t. Not without you.” You murmured and he blew out a few candles in the room before he came and crawled into bed next to you, his arms snaking around your waist. He tugged you against his chest protectively and he let out a long sigh. 
Your damp hair was splayed out over the pillow behind your head and you pushed it away from him, clearing a little space for his head on your pillow. He took the hint and scooted his face closer to yours and he nudged his nose against yours a few times. 
“You looked so beautiful tonight. In the hallway. In your pretty dress. I think pink might be your color now.” He said sweetly and you shook your head, leaning in to peck his lips a few times. 
He took the opportunity to capture your lips in a deep, long kiss and finally when the two of you were properly breathless, you pulled away and shook your head. 
“Forget pink. Black looks nicer on me, anyway .”
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kerrslvr · 7 months
occupied // sam kerr
summary; in which, sam recognises the hotel housekeepers face, and when she walks in on sam in a compromised position, she sees if she fancies giving her a helping hand.
warnings; cocky!sam, dom!sam, sub!reader, oral, fingering, spitting, finger gagging, language, strap ons, penatrative sex, multiple orgasms, i think that's it lol. this hasnt been proofread so i apologise for spelling errors/things not making sense. i got very overwhelmed at the end of this and i just wanted to get it out. thank u to @landopeaches for being my hypewoman every single time x
as you pushed your trolley down the hall, you noticed how quiet it was, with most of the guests still sleeping, and while you wished you were still sleeping, your shift had just begun.
your job was inarguably one of the most boring, mundane jobs in the world, but the money was enough to keep you afloat and if any relitively nice or unused clothes, jewelry or cosmetics were left in rooms, you normally kept them for yourself which was really the only bonus. that, and you got free use of the bar, pool, gym and sauna.
most people that stayed in the hotel would have a paper hanger on the door if they were still using their room, whether they were there or not, although some rooms were just luck of the draw. you could swing open that door and wouldn't know whether you'd see a dead body or a couple going at it, although it was entertaining regardless.
room 724 didn't have a hanger on it's door, and so you figured you'd at least try it. regardless of whether somebody was in there or not, they'd probably be sleeping, or be down at breakfast, or in the gym round the corner. at least, that's what you thought.
oh, how wrong you were.
"oh, f-fuck."
sam's fingers were shaking as she pushed her shorts down her legs with one hand while the other stayed tucked into her underwear. she wasn't sure what came over her that morning, maybe it was the newfound freedom of single life, or the strap-on and toys she had sitting on the shelf in front of her that filled her head with past memories, or the pretty girl she saw at the pool the day before who she hadn't been able to stop thinking about.
it didn't matter in the long run, not really. she was horny and she was desperate for an orgasm.
her fingers brushed her clit multiple times in quick succession and she pulled a lip between her teeth. she wasn't sure why she felt as if she had to be quiet, she'd fucked many different women in this hotel and hadn't had any complaints from her neighbours when they walked out with shaky legs after screaming repeatedly for a few hours.
if the walls were thick enough for her to fuck screamers, they were thick enough for her to sort herself out.
"fuckin' hell," she breathed, allowing her fingers to slip through her own folds and feel herself up. her breath continued to shake, and a moan left her lips when she added another finger to the pressure on her clit.
her free hand felt a bit left out - sam wasn't really one for stimulating her own chest, she normally had a pretty girl on top of her that she could easily slide up onto her face high enough to suck one of her nipples into her mouth and feel the slick of their pussy grinding on her stomach. just the image of that alone sparked a fire inside of sam's body, and her fingers picked up the pace at the thought.
"mhm, o-oh, god," she whimpered, bucking her hips up into her hand and admiring the reflection of her muscles flexing in the mirror beside the bed. "can't cum yet, no matter how good i am."
at least she made herself laugh.
she was really finding her groove, and getting into the rhythm of her fingers, so much so that she didn't even hear the door latch unlocking.
at first, you didn't hear the moaning or the slight creak of the bed, and in a way, you're glad you didn't. she was the hot girl from the pool you'd been eyeing up yesterday. you continued to walk through, only to find her with her shorts round her ankles and her hand in her pants. she was shirtless, completely naked from the waist up and it made your mind spiral.
she still looked as if she'd not been awake very long, her hair still scruffy in a low ponytail and her cheeks and eyes still slightly puffy from sleep, and a glass of water sat untouched on the bedside table along with a mobile phone.
it impressed you that she could get off with just her imagination.
you were so bewildered by the sight in front of you it was as if your feet were glued to the ground, you couldn't move from that spot. even when she noticed you, standing their in your maid outfit. she thought it was a joke, that the people in the rooms next door had heard her moans, and sent up an escort knowing she was alone in the room. that was, until she saw the hotel's name embroidered into the top of the dress.
"oh, uh, s-sorry, i'll... i'll come back later."
at first, she was confused, almost agitated that the housekeeper had come in and interrupted her, and she almost, very nearly, pulled her hand from her underwear and phoned down to reception. that was, until she recognised your face.
the pretty girl from the pool. the one she couldn't stop thinking of. the one she envisioned on top of her, leaving a wet, sticky patch on her skin. she smirked.
"no, you're alright, darlin'," she shifted, her hand still in her pants and brushing against her clit as she moved, "you're the girl from the pool, yeah?"
"uh.. yeah. from yesterday."
"and is this a set up? are you an escort or something? or do you actually work here?"
"well, judging by that," you gestured to the cleaning cart down the side of the room, blocking the entrance, "i'd say i work here."
"great, i don't have to ask you to lock the door behind you then."
your eyebrows furrowed and you looked at her, confused. "i beg your pardon?"
she pulled her hand from her underwear and sucked a finger into her mouth, tasting herself on her fingertips. you couldn't deny the sight before you was already sending heat to your pussy, and you also couldn't deny that she was one of the hottest girls you'd ever laid eyes on.
"help me out, love," she said, so simply, so effortlessly, so desperately, before taking the same finger back into her mouth. "give me a couple of orgasms and i'll give you a pretty good tip."
you hummed, thinking over her offer. "what's in it for me?"
"i just told you," she pushed her legs open further and your head began to spin, "a pretty good tip."
silence fell among you both for a minute as you pondered the offer again. a pretty good tip in her words could've been ten percent or it could've been fifty. or, if your mouth was as good as you knew it was, who knows? maybe you could negotiate the offer.
"if the tips not good enough for you," you expected her to throw the offer away, telling you to forget it if her offer wasn't to your liking, "then i'll fuck you, make you cry, give you a shag that'll be enough to have you desperate for more of me."
"sounds like you're begging."
"do you want to take up the offer or not?"
silence fell again, and for a moment she expected you to turn and run, and you did turn; but to look at her collection of toys on the shelf. she smirked when you bent down slightly to inspect them further, plus, it meant she got to see your arse.
"so, i give you a couple of orgasms, you'll give me a pretty good tip," you hummed, and pulled a dildo from her collection, "and you'll fuck me with this one, how does that sound?"
she smirked and sucked another one of her fingers into her mouth. she knew your answer was yes when you started to pull your apron from the back of your dress, and she watched it fall to the floor.
"it sounds excellent, darlin'," she hummed, "but what doesn't sound good is this little attitude you've got. you're here to help me out, not the other way around. no orgasm, no fuck. understand?"
your underwear were soaked through by this point, and you nodded.
"need to hear you say it, darling."
"i-i understand."
"good," she pulled her finger from her mouth with a pop, "c'mon then, get your dress off, show me those pretty tits and get up on the bed."
you did as she asked, slipping the dress off over your head and taking your bra with it, leaving you stripped to just your underwear, small heeled black shoes and suspenders, which, of course, she wanted you to keep on.
she rested her back against the headboard and you didn't waste any time, your lips immediately pressing into her thighs. she halted your movements for a second and shifted across the bed, in which you followed. at the time, you weren't sure why but you later found out that it was so she could look at the reflection of your behind in the mirror.
she pressed her hand to your jawbone and you looked up at her, "sam, by the way, remember that for later," she shot you a smirk, "and i didn't see the badge on your name because i was too eager to see your tits."
"y/n." you replied, purposely arching your back lower so that she could get a better view in the mirror.
your lips gravitated back towards her inner thighs, your fingers grazing the line of her underwear. she was clearly not in the mood to be teased judging by her hand on your head and her agitated tension, and you wanted a fuck so you stopped.
but, not completely.
your tongue grazed her clit through the soft material of her pants, making an immediate wet patch and she jolted back. your hands pushed at her thighs and spread them apart further so you had enough space to work your magic.
a moan left her lips at your messy, spit covered face. her underwear was completely soaked with your spit, and she rolled her eyes back into her head when you pulled at the material between your fingers and watched as it split in two, leaving enough room down the middle for you to do what you had to do.
"covered in spit already, babe, hm?"
you nodded, a slight hum noise coming from your mouth and reverberating around her vagina, making her squirm underneath you. immediately, she couldn't figure out whether she regretted her decision on fucking you, or whether she thought it was the best thing she'd ever conjured up.
either way, her orgasm was fast approaching.
you hadn't eaten pussy for a while and your jaw was beginning to ache, but you weren't prepared to give up now. one hand slipped between your body and hers, and you spread her lips apart giving yourself more room to work with, and she moaned again, much louder this time.
"gonna make me cum, darlin'."
"already? god, you really were desperate, weren't you, hm?"
"three strikes and you're walking back to reception without your clothes on, y/n," she leaned over your body and slapped your arse, it was loud and the sound ricocheted around the room, leaving a harsh, bright red sting. "that's strike one. don't make me slap you again."
you moaned against her pussy and the vibration rippled through her body and you could feel the muscles of her pubic bone, thighs and stomach all tensing against your skin, and you smirked against her pussy as you continued to eat her out, purposely making your movements loud and sloppy so she could hear them reverberating around her ears for months to come.
"oh, fuck," she cursed, a hand flying to your hair and bunching it in a ponytail, "i'm gonna.. oh, fuck, you're gonna make me-"
"cum for me, sam."
"fuck," she hissed, her hips grinding down on your face as her orgasm rippled over her body, her stomach muscles involuntarily convulsing as her body reeled from the effects of her long awaited orgasm. "oh, jesus christ."
she pulled your head up and admired your skin, glistening with her juices and it was an image that was forever engraved in her brain. she leaned down and carefully, delicately kissed your lips, so as not to ruin the masterpiece her body had made across your face.
you hummed when she pulled away, and followed her lips back up to the pillows, where you instinctively pressed your lips back up against hers and slipped your tongue into her mouth. she allowed the experience, and brought a hand up to the base of your neck where she applied light pressure.
her tongue slipped between your mouth and for a minute you thought about biting her lip and silently scolding her for the move, but you only had two strikes left and the wet patch in your underwear was threatening to seep onto the bedsheets any minute.
you moaned at the pressure on your neck combined with the touch of her tongue on yours and she smirked against your lips, desperate to pull more of the noise from your body. you pulled away first, in desperate need to take a breath.
"lay down, sam," you sucked on the space of skin just below her ear, your words igniting a fire inside her body, "i wanna make you cum again."
she was so used to being the one on top, the one who made other girls feel good that this was a nice surprise. although, the pair of you knew that she was the one in charge, not the other way around.
she laid herself back down, and you immediately cocooned your body around one side of hers, your naked chest resting on her arm and one leg draped over hers as you pushed her muscular calves apart with your foot. your head buried itself in the crook of her neck and you sucked yet another spot under her neck, allowing a bruise to bloom under your teeth.
she moaned breathily, and your hand lowered itself over her exceptionally toned body, travelling lower until your delicate hand was hovering over her tanned skin, the angle of your hand accentuating the v-line leading down to her pubic bone and it made your clit twitch.
your lips trailed down to her collarbone, and slowly and softly, you started to suck on the skin of her chest. she shifted slightly, adjusting to the feeling of your lips edging closer and closer to her nipple, while your fingers carefully brushed against her clit.
she whimpered, but you shushed her with a soft coo, and carried on with your movements. her pussy was wet, coating your fingers in her own lubricant that made it much easier to explore, while your tongue carefully circled a nipple and it left her reeling.
"f-fuck, oh my god," she groaned, her muscles already shaking and tensing out of sheer pleasure, "feels so good, baby, don't stop."
you hummed, and instinctively bucked your hips into her thigh so she could get an insight into how wet your pussy was too, and it made her chuckle softly.
"so wet for each other, aren't we baby?" she spoke softly, "want me to touch your clit too?"
you nodded slightly too eagerly, with her nipple in your mouth, and she shifted her arm so it was stretched just enough to be able to brush your clit every few moments. you wanted more, so much more, but you knew to be grateful rather than greedy if you still wanted your fuck.
as soon as her finger circled your clit, you let out a big whimpery moan, desperate for more, but then she pinched your bum with her free hand and you knew you had to carry on. her hips began to buck when you sped up the movement of your fingers, adding a second to the pressure point on her clit that left her reeling for more.
you knew she wouldn't be long, and you were desperate to get it over with so you could get your kicks, while also wanting her to enjoy the experience and have it leave a lingering impact.
her breathing laboured as you sucked the other nipple into your mouth, and weaved your free hand between your bodies so you could stimulate her other one at the same time, so she had everything going on all at once that was enough to overstimulate her and give her exactly what she wanted all at once.
she started to grind down on your fingers, much like she did with your face, and her free hand grabbed your wrist and held it flush against her body.
"want me to cum again, hm, baby?"
you nodded, a gasp escaping your lips as she added another finger to the pressure on your clit, mirroring what you'd done to her. "y-yes," you choked, "cum all over my hand, p-please."
the sound of your broken voice, the whimpers tumbling from your lips, she found it all too much and couldn't help herself when her second orgasm rippled through her body. she practically growled, her body igniting in flames.
she looked hot underneath you, your eyes scanning over her body with eagerness as her orgasm rocked through her. you pulled a lip between your teeth and watched with admirable eyes right up until the aftershocks of her orgasm faded away.
"hey," she laughed, "you're good at that, aren't you, darlin'?"
"not just a pretty face, sam."
"no, you most certainly are not," she spun around so she was on her side, and allowed you to fall to your back against the mattress, "i wonder if your pussy is as pretty as your face, hm?"
she slid your pants down your thighs until they pooled at your ankles, and she admired the glisten of your wet pussy that shone in the sunlight, and didn't waste any time in getting a taste of you.
"oh... oh my.... s-sam, you're..."
"i'm a woman of my word, babe," she pulled away from your pussy and kissed across the inside of your thighs, "i'll fuck you, i will, but i just need to open you up first, hm? make sure you're nice and wet for my cock, darling."
you nodded, wriggling around on the bed until she stilled you. the anticipation was agonizing. she stilled you with a hand over your stomach, and her tongue moved back to circle your clit, the fingers from her other hand trailing around the lips of your pussy.
you were desperate, aching for the feeling of her fingers inside of you, and so repeatedly teased with circles around your hole, until eventually she slipped them in. one, at first, gently stretching you out with an expert finger.
this was in fact, not her first rodeo.
"tastes so sweet baby, you wanna taste?"
"mhm, please," you hummed.
sam's fingers pressed in and out of you, in and out, in and out, until she gathered enough of your wetness, and you opened your mouth thinking she was going to stick her fingers on your tongue. only she didn't, she licked her own fingers clean and you sat there with furrowed brows until her body drew closer to yours.
she pried open your jaw and spat your juices into your own mouth which left you spiraling. she held your mouth open and let your tongue hang out over your lip, and she continued to spit into your mouth until your tongue was covered in her own saliva.
"what a pretty little spit painted picture you are, y/n," she teased before her fingers slid down your throat and gagged you. you choked around her fingers and instinctively grabbed her wrist, "you got a safeword in mind?"
you nodded and she carried on, her fingers sliding down your throat until the muscles contracted and you gagged, spluttering and coughing when her hand pulled its way back out. her lips pressed against yours in a sloppy, wet kiss and her still-wet fingers slid between your folds and they slid inside you so much easier now.
"oh, f-fuck, sam, y-you feel so... your fingers..."
she smirked, that was the kind of moaning she was used to.
her thumb rubbed your clit aggressively and her fingers continued to curl in and out of your pussy so to stretch you out, getting you ready for her cock.
your whimpers and moans were enough to send her into overdrive, and she knew she couldn't handle it much longer. she pulled her fingers out of you and pulled her lips away from yours, and you lay there, fucked out, when she'd barely even touched you.
"keep playing with your pussy while i do this, babe," she rolled her eyes when you mewled at the loss of contact and pinched your cheeks together, "or else you're getting fucking nothing."
you did as she said and pressed two fingers against your clit, carefully applying pressure that made your head spin. you watched sam get up from the bed and immediately pull her legs through the harness on the shelf. you couldn't help but squirm and moan as you watched her from behind, the view of her front in the mirror as she looped the loops so effortlessly.
"you okay there, baby?"
"i... fuck, i need you so bad, sam."
she turned over her shoulder to watch you as her hands continued to loop the loops and tie the knots, and she smirked. "i know, baby, i know," she grabbed the dildo from the bed, "my cock's almost ready for you, isn't it, darling? hm? you keeping your pussy nice and wet for daddy?"
you froze. just for a moment. at the word she'd given herself, unsure what to make of the situation. and then a moan tumbled from your lips. it was hot, really.
"y-yeah, daddy."
"good girl," she turned around once the dildo was secured, and grabbed the lube from the many different trinkets on her shelf and moved over to the bed, "show me your pussy, baby."
your hands spread your pussy apart right in front of her, allowing her full access. she pumped lube into her hand and spread it all across the base of her cock - not that she really needed it, you were already wet enough, but she just liked to put on a show.
she crawled up the bed on her knees to you until she was kneeling between your legs, and in your desperation you hooked your legs around hers and pulled her in. she chuckled at your eagerness.
your breathing was laboured as you watched her balancing herself on her knees and getting into a comfortable position. she guided her dick to your wet folds and allowed herself to tease you, just for a minute, and her lips locked into yours as she slid inside of you.
immediately, you gasped as every inch slid inside of you piece by piece. "oh, oh, fuck," you whined, "i knew you'd have insane dick game."
her hands spread your thighs apart further, and her strokes became deeper as she fought to hit every spot. you couldn't stop the whines and whimpers that escaped your lips, tumbling out of your mouth with every turn.
your legs wrapped around her waist, leaving her body flush against yours and trapping her in so she had to finish the job she'd promised. your bodies were slick with sweat, and it was arguably some of the best sex you'd ever had.
"your pussy is so fucking wet, y/n," she grunted, pulling out all the way and rubbing the tip of her cock along your clit, before pushing back in, "and yet it's still so fucking tight."
you nodded, moaning deliriously as she hooked one of your legs over her shoulder, allowing the stretch to become deeper, harder, stronger.
"it's still a pussy that was made for you, daddy," you breathed, wrapping an arm around her neck and pulling her down to your lips, "don't you agree?"
sam made a noise akin to a growl, her teeth coming into contact with your bottom lip, biting and tugging on the flesh as if it were her own to play with.
"yeah," she grunted, "my perfect little pussy."
you moaned, raising your back up off the bed and pressing your chest up against hers. her fingers drew messy circles around your clit and you began clenching around her cock, the butterflies in your stomach beginning to swarm.
"sam... 'm gonna, i don't think i..."
"surely you're not going to cum already, darling? i haven't even turned you over yet."
with that, sam pulled out and spun you around, your head pressed into the pillows. she moved you how she wanted you, her perfectly eager little doll, with your arms up on your back and your arse up in the air, giving her leverage to grip your arms as she fucked you full force.
one hand gripped your wrists, while the other spread apart your cheeks as best she could, and as you felt a dribble of spit travelling down from your bum to your pussy you whined and writhed.
"stop being so dramatic, darling," she pinched your bum, "please just let me fuck you."
your words jumbled in the pillowcase and sam didn't have the patience to stop and ask you what it was. she wanted to see you cumming and she wanted to be the one to do it. her thrusts were rapid, the consistent rhythm making you dizzy, and you didn't think you'd be able to keep your composure for much longer.
"sam... s-sam, please, i-i can't..."
"what do you want, pretty girl? hm? you gonna tell me?"
"i... i need to... please let me cum," you struggled with your words through the relentless thrusting of her hips but you were teetering on the edge and you physically couldn't hold it much longer. "please."
your pussy clenched around her dick and she knew you wouldn't last much longer, "seeing as you asked so nicely, my darling, why don't you cum all over my cock."
your hands gripped at nothing, and you'd be left with the sting of your fingernails digging into your skin for hours to come, but you didn't really care in that moment. sam continued to fuck you through your orgasm, her mind reeling as you practically exploded all over her.
every moan and whimper you had rolled into one and your words became incoherent from just before your orgasm hit you, to until you'd ridden it out.
sam pulled her cock out of your pussy and it was followed by a little trickle of juices, which she immediately bent down to lick up. you shuddered and instinctively moved your body away, and she noticed this, patting you on the leg softly.
"i'm still here, until next wednesday," she said after a few minutes of silence, sliding some shorts on over her strap-on, "i was just wondering if you fancied doing this again?"
"gonna tip me every time? seeing as you think i'm an escort," you both laughed and she handed you your clothes as you sat round the side of the bed, "no, that would be nice. but, maybe not while i'm working."
she smirked. "what time does your shift finish?"
"probably about one thirty, providing i don't get fired."
"don't worry," she threw a shirt on over her head, "i'll make sure to give you a glowing review."
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maybeacloud · 4 months
Only The Good Die Young || E. Bridgerton
Summary: Fem!reader is staying with the Bridgertons for the social season and decides to confront Eloise about her feelings.
Word count: 0.8k
Warnings: None
<A/N> This is the first piece of fanfiction I have shared with anyone so it might be a bit rough, but if you have any feedback don’t be afraid to comment! Also, English isn’t my first language, sorry about any spelling errors :P
It was already past dark and most of the Bridgerton household had retired for the night. Only one person remained, curled up on a small sofa in the drawing room, her nose buried deep in a book. You could not help but stare. You were not sure you could ever get enough of it. Eloise’s hair, which had previously been pinned up, now hung loose around her face, and a burning candle cast a gentle light on her face.
You walked up to her, drawing her attention away from the yellowed parchment. “May I speak to you about something?” You said hesitantly, suddenly too nervous to meet her gaze.
She laughed “Of course you may. You can always come to me.” Her smile was as warm as always, and her eyes looked like deep blue waters in the flickering candlelight. You suddenly felt hot, as if you skin was burning, and you forced yourself to look away.
“If we are to remain friends-“
Eloise cut you off; “Of course we are, what makes you believe that we would not?” She tried to make it sound light hearted, but the words came out sharper than she had intended.
“If we are to remain friends” you started again “I can not keep secrets from you”
You looked down on your friend. Her face had settled in a worried expression. You suddenly regretted bringing up the topic but that was to no avail. You must finish what you started.
“I have these - feelings - that I would like to discuss. And I do not expect you to feel the same way…” at this point you had started pacing back and forth like a trapped animal.
“… but in these past few weeks I have come to know you as someone who is not quick to judge others, and I sincerely hope you will grant me that kindness…” Your steps slowed.
“For I hope I have not misjudged you, ms. Bridgerton.”
As you turned to look at her, your eyes meeting for the first time since you started you rambling, you knew you had to tell her. You could not keep a friendship build on lies.
Her eyes were wide and her lips were parted slightly as if she was wanting to say something. You stood in silence for a moment allowing her time to intervene. But she just tilted her head slightly, her eyebrows furrowing into an expression of worry and confusion.
You realised you had dragged this out for far too long. And you suspected your nervous fidgeting had not helped soothe your friend’s worries.
“Every time I look at you, Eloise, it’s as if my whole world disappears and I am left with nothing but blank space; I am left grasping to find my way back to reality because if I am alone with you my mind will wander to places it should not.” You could not afford to stop talking, for if you did you might not find you way back.
“I am willing to throw away whatever dignity I have if it means I get to hold you, and it scares me. Because I- I have never felt like this before.” That last sentence came out more as a whisper.
Eloise sat still as a statue, unchanged, and for a second you started to wonder if you had imagined the whole thing, but then she moved. She straightened her posture, looked down at the book laying on her lap and hesitated for a moment before fixing her gaze back onto you. You suddenly felt unable to breathe, as if a weight was put on you chest.
Eloise, without breaking eye contact, untangled her bare feet from her nightgown and slowly stood up, meeting you at eye level.
Her face was impossible to read as her expression seemed to change constantly.
“Eloise, I-“ You started to apologise, but all words left you as you felt her hand reach for yours. Her touch was warm, like a small spark that quickly grew into a burning fire. She held onto your hand, still with her eyes fixed on you. And without thinking you took a single step, almost closing the distance between your bodies.
She was close enough for you to feel her warm breaths against your skin and you could not pull your eyes from her face. You were desperate to memorise every freckle on her face, the way the flickering shadows from the candlelight softened her features and then there were her eyes. They were like a frozen lake; idle on the surface, but beneath it lies a deeper water, constantly moving with the current. They wandered across your face before settling on your lips.
“Tell me…“ She trailed of, her voice was low and husky. A shaky breath escaped your lips and she took that as an invitation to start slowly guiding your hand upward until your palm rested against the bare skin right below her collarbone. “…tell me if you want me to stop.”
And with that she fully closed the distance between you, and as your lips met hers you knew that you never wanted her to let go.
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between-two-fandoms · 5 months
Thinking about after Buck and Tommy have been dating a while, and they're like having Maddie and Chim around for dinner or something, and it's getting late and Tommy and Buck are cleaning up and have settled into easy domesticity and Maddie and Chimney are having their own little conversation still at the table, but Maddie is watching because that's her brother and she's curious. Buck is talking about whatever his latest research subject is and he realises he's been talking for like ten-minutes straight and that Tommy hasn't been able to get a word in (not that he wants to because he likes listening to Buck) and Buck kind of bashfully apologises for rambling and Tommy just jokingly goes "that's okay, I love you anyway." And Buck doesn't clock it, and him and Tommy continue on, but Maddie does. Because she remembers her brother when he was hurt and yelling at their parents. She remembers younger Evan with his broken bones and desperate eyes, and she's looking at Evan now and he's calm and happy and knows without a doubt that he is loved.
Sorry, my replies tend to be three times the length they probably should be. I just like to babble about how much I love these characters. Sorry for any typos or grammar errors I don't know how to shut up sometimes.
My heart. Nonnie you're making me feel things. Maddie would be so happy for Evan. She's a little hesitant about Tommy at first, he's Buck's first boyfriend. It's all new waters, she's his sister, it's in her blood to be nervous for him. But she trusts her brother's judgment and Tommy seemed like a good guy at the wedding. Plus Chimney vouched for him, he's probably not the worst guy her brother could fall for. (More under cut)
Her sweet, precious, little brother who just wanted to be loved found someone. He found someone who loves him anyway. Evan found someone who she can see loves him so, so much. She didn't have to look too closely to see it. It's not a fake, surface-level puppy dog love either. What surprises her the most is that this is Evan, not Buck, in her kitchen with this person who's opened the world to him. It's Evan who's smiling and rambling and gentle and kind. It's been so long since she's seen him be Evan, and not live with the weight of Buck on his shoulders.
She knows in her Big Sister Bones that Tommy's someone who will keep her little brother's heart safe. Maddie will never be able to explain to Tommy what that means to her in words. But she watches them. (maybe not as subtle as she hoped). She watches her brother interact with him, watches Evan be all happy and relaxed and content. Unafraid to love and unafraid to be loved back.
She listens to how Tommy speaks to her brother. In a low, deep timbre that settles into Evan's bones. Tommy speaks like Evan was made to be cherished, holding his cheek as if Evan was his entire world, standing in her kitchen as they put dinner away. Tommy looks content too, enamored from the sheer energy radiating off of Evan as the night continues. As if being able to have Evan is enough, as if Tommy knows her brother doesn't have to be anything but himself to be worthy of love.
She sees the look in Tommy's eyes and is suddenly reminded of Chimney, reminded of the love she shares with her husband. She thinks Tommy already knows how special it is for Evan to choose you, to be important in Evan's life. She wonders if Evan has realized how gone for the Pilot is for him, probably not. She loves her brother but he can be a bit stupid unless someone spells it out for him. Still though, can tell Tommy's planning on sticking around for a long time, and she hopes he does. Evan and Tommy are good together, good for each other. She relaxes into Chimney's chest, leaning back as they watch Buck and Tommy try to set up a game of Pictionary. "So what do you think?" Chimney whispers, setting Maddie's wine glass aside for her. She looks up and kisses him on the chin.
"I like him," she says, smiling when Tommy somehow gets stuck in the legs of the whiteboard stand trying to set it up. Buck helps him get out of it, then plants a kiss on his lips, all rosy-cheeked and sappy. Yeah, Maddie thinks, Tommy's worthy of her little brother's heart.
I love supportive big sister Maddie with my whole chest.
If anyone's interested I might make this a fic. Maddie's POV ofc.
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urprettylittlething · 19 days
Hiii! Could I ask for a scenario about Cursed Kitty AU? Our little kitty is in her eating season and wants it so much... One morning, she wakes Gojo (or both of them) up with a blowjob... Thanks in advance~ I love this au! ^^
Thank you so much for this request, I truly apologise that it's taken me so long to get around to it but its finally here! I hope its okay <3 I kept it open so you can imagine either Gojo or Geto being the ones to receive the special treatment :)
Yandere - Gojo Satoru x CursedKitty! Reader x Geto Suguru
A/N - thank you so much for all the love coming in on my recent post, it means the world <3 please enjoy this lovely little smutty drabble requested, I don't know if its my best work, I'm feeling a little rusty, but please enjoy nonetheless, let me know your thoughts :) I really appreciate and value what you guys think <33 I love you all so much <3 as always let me know of any errors or missed warnings, I try my best but sometimes I miss things :,)
summary - Kitty is too desperate to wait, so she takes things (a cock) into her own hands.
warnings - Yandere but it's practically non-existent here, could be seen as dubcon since they haven't spoken about it beforehand, but it is very well received and they would 100% want it again, smut ofc, hand job, mixed in with some blowjob action, she's also trying to hump the bed so there's that
genre - Drabble
word count - 450
~spelling and grammar checked~
Snuggling deeper into the warmth that was surrounding her, Kitty searched desperately for any kind of relief. Her stomach muscles were tense, cramping up with every passing second since she had woken up.
She tries desperately to get back to sleep but the pulsating ache between her legs forbids it. No amount of rubbing or humping is fixing this little issue of hers. Even her whimpering and moaning hasn’t woken the two sorcerers sleeping either side of her.
What she noticed though, between all her fidgeting, was something particularly hard between the pair's legs. She could feel the throbbing anytime she brushed up against them, the warmth seeping through her skin. It’s something she is currently craving, yearning for, and since none of them have bothered to wake up and help her, she’s decided to take it for herself.
Shuffling down under the covers, Kitty paws at the first pair of legs she gets to. Nuzzling next to the warmth between the legs she turns her head and starts to suckle on the hard mass through his boxers.
Her hands almost frantically try to tug down the underwear he’s wearing, practically drooling at the sight of his cock being revealed to her.
She thinks that it looks heavy, almost bouncing when she pulls the boxers fully away. The flushed tip was almost dripping with liquid from where she’d been rubbing all over it.
Her ears flutter as her body does a full shiver, licking from base to tip she envelops the head into her mouth, sucking and licking as she does.
Her thighs rub and squeeze together as she moans around the cock in her mouth. Her tail curled and uncurling in delight.
Both of her hands come up, wrapping around his cock as best as they can and start pumping. She knows, has been taught, by the two of them that when she does this she can get the delicious milk they provide just for her. And she wants it bad.
So she lays there, sucking, licking, pumping away at his cock, practically humping the bed in her throes of pleasure. Startled nearly half to death when a hand comes down on the top of her head. Kneading deeply into the base of her fluttering ears and pushing her further down his cock every so slightly.
“Don’t stop now Kitty, come on, keep going.” A deep voice calls out announcing his awareness. Her eyes roll back, now working in tandem for what she so desperately wants.
Between the low grunts and moans she can just about make out a second voice, rumbling deep in his chest as laughter, before the sheets get pulled away.
“…Such a desperate little Kitty.”
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lokideservesahug · 6 months
For How Long!?!
Chapter 1: The Calm before the storm.
Pairings: Logan Sargeant x reader (only briefly mentioned but heavily shipped...),
Oscar Piastri x reader (platonic), Arthur Leclerc x reader (platonic), Mick Schumacher x reader (platonic)...
Warnings: None that I can see?
Summary: A grand reveal comes as a huge shock to everyone.
This is my first time both writing and making a smau so I apologise for how bad it is...
Not betad so apologies for any grammatical errors and spelling mistakes
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Likes, reposts and especially feedback is greatly appreciated. :)
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dollycxre · 8 months
yandere PJO! athena x demigod! darling 🗡🦉 - general hcs
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!!WARNINGS!!: yandere, obsessive and stalkerish behavior, manipulation, really harsh and cruel punishments, Athena loves watching you suffer, clinginess, possessiveness, isolation, deceiving, jealousy, threats, mentions of violence, she's slightly toxic but her immortal heart is in the right place, I lied she's really toxic please don't ever get in a relationship with someone like her
pairing/s: yandere pjo!athena x demigod!darling
A/N: there wasn't enough athena content so I decided to do it myself :) also, this is my first fic and English is not my first language so I apologise for any spelling errors and such!
• you were a demigod who had somehow survived and become an adult, which now meant you had to find something to do. After the roman camp, camp Jupiter and your own camp; camp half-blood had made peace, the older campers from your camp had started going to the college in camp Jupiter. You were bored and decided that it wouldn't hurt to go to college and find something to do after the war against Gaia
• so you started studying harder in the mortal school you went to, preparing to apply to the college. it was a little hard to concentrate, with all the monsters attracted to your scent who had decided that you would make quite the tasty demigod snack and all the jobless mortals who somehow didn't find the time to grow up and instead decided to make your life as hard as possible
• you decided to drop out and study on your own instead, knowing that there was an option to take an entrance exam instead, something you found out from Chiron during an orientation Mr. D reluctantly conducted after mixing several ounces of wine into his diet coke
• to make your task easier, you went to the smartest people you knew; the athena campers, to help you study and of course they were more than happy to. And so, the daily visits to their cabin began
• and that, is when you caught the eye of the very goddess of wisdom and war who the cabin was dedicated to; Athena herself
• at first, she didn't think much of you, just another demigod in her cabin, probably to consult with one of her children, quite a common occurrence, considering how smart her children were, a trait they got from their mother
• but as you started to visit her cabin more and more frequently, she couldn't help but pay attention to you. to her surprise, you wouldn't leave her mind. you always occupied her thoughts and she found herself unable to concentrate
• at first she dismissed it, she always had mortals and demigods alike peak her interest but they faded eventually
• however, no matter how hard she tried, she found herself watching you for hours, learning everything about you and observing your smallest habits
• once she learned about your ambition to go to college and the reason why you visited her cabin, she used her powers to encourage you to focus, allowing your brain to learn easier and faster
• when she couldn't take the unhealthy way you invaded her thoughts anymore, she decided to act on it. she visited her demigod children in their dreams and told them to act as if she was a regular demigod when she showed up at camp. her children, confused but unable to derive their mother's true intentions and wanting to please her, agreed
• the next day, a well dressed yet stand offish girl, about your age, with stunningly intelligent gray eyes approached you outside your cabin and asked you to accompany her and show her around. you were a little stunned since you weren't popular or well known enough in camp to be actively sought out but agreed and started showing the mysterious girl around
• once you finished, she was claimed by athena and you lead her to Cabin 6. you found it odd how everyone in the cabin seemed to stress about her and flinch as if she was liable to burst into flames at any moment but you dismissed it.
• after all, even you felt the very clear aura radiating about the strange girl, the way she talked as if she was much much older and mature than she let on and the pure air of intelligence that seemed to hang about her, the way her piercing gray eyes seemed to calculate every move you made and how her thoughts seemed universes ahead, beyond human comprehension
• she made you lightly uneasy but you soon found out she was the only one who truly understood how your brain worked. with her, your studies went better than you could have ever imagined and you finished your work effortlessly with her. the athena campers however, still seemed jumpy around her, particularly Annabeth, the head counsellor and one of the seven to save the world against Gaia
• you dismissed it again, choosing to turn a blind eye to the girl who had caught your heart. it was almost impossible not to fall for her, the way she made you laugh just with her brutally honest yet knowledgeable words, the way her beautiful gray eyes picked up on every thought that passed in your head and the way she noticed and admired all your little mannerisms
• this girl was, of course, Athena in disguise, choosing to make you fall in love as an ordinary demigod as she knew that claiming you as hers would be a much easier task if your heart was already hers
• once she was positive that she had you wrapped around her finger, she immediately revealed her true form and confessed boldly to you and of course you accepted, mostly out of fear of what would happen to you if you rejected a goddess, not to mention one of the most powerful ones
• Athena, being the goddess of wisdom, is the smartest of the yandere gods. Once she has you, she won't make you immortal like other gods would, instead, she binds your life force to hers, which allows you to function as an immortal but feel pain like a mortal
• she loves using this against you for punishment and her most common punishments are letting you teeter on the brink of death while you suffer in pain and misery
• she's a paranoid goddess and keeps you far far away from the other Olympians. She knows that the minor gods are too terrified to try to cross her or even look in your direction so she doesn't worry about them. She's mostly worried that someone (*cough cough* aphrodite *cough cough*) will take your heart and the casualties of the wars that would follow would have a devasting effect on your mental health
• she only trusts Hestia and occasionally, Artemis with you
• Hestia because she would probably love and take care of you like a daughter in her hearth and Artemis because she would be too busy to pay enough attention to you for you to fall for her, only giving her attention to make sure you were alive and in one piece
• she will also sometimes drop you off at her cabin in camp half-blood, partially so you can reunite with your friends and visit the camp which had been your home for so long and partially so that her children can keep an eye on you
• she warns her children not to let you out of their sight and as a result, you are constantly tailed by atleast 2 of the cabin 6 campers, eager to please their difficult mother and earn her favor
• anyone who hurts you or dares to fall for you is in for a nasty fate
• Athena may not have as much power as Zeus or as much time to craft her punishments like Hera but being the goddess of wisdom and war comes with the additional perks of being able to think up one of the most horrible punishments ever known in a matter of rage filled seconds so most of the campers tend to stay out of your way, which is both depressing and a relief
• she wants you to be the perfect partner for her, someone gullible and dependant so she'll break you with no remorse or hesitation, knowing that you'll imerge from the trauma as her perfect lover
• if your godly parent dares to try to help you escape, she will find out and she will make sure you regret ever getting the ridiculous thought of leaving her
• if your godly parent is a minor god, they wouldn't dare help you, even if they feel pity for you or anger at Athena. She is not a force to be reckoned with and with love influencing her moves, she will make sure they wish they never even tried
• if your godly parent is one of the olympians, they would probably be more defiant and against your relationship but they would still be too scared to try to act too much on it. Athena is a ruthless goddess and though the most rational, for you, she would willingly start a war without caring for the casualties. They may try to help you escape but Athena is always several thoughts ahead. No matter which scenario, which plan, she's already thought about it and prepared for it accordingly, even preparing the horrifying punishment she will inflict upon you for going along with it
• she loves to use the powers you got from your godly parents against you, just to show you how helpless you are even in your own parent's domain
• her child of Hephaestus s/o was sent a bunch of material and celestial bronze by their father so that they can build something to help them escape? she will personally use those very materials to craft the most terrifying monster she can think of at that moment and let you fight it till you almost die from exhaustion, your only weapon a sword made of celestial bronze while she watches with cruel amusement as you scurry about like a rat in a maze
• oh you're a child of Poseidon who was visited by Poseidon in their dreams and advised on how to best use their powers to escape into their father's territory and claim his protection? she will drag you by your hair to the Underworld and throw you into river Styx and let you dissolve and drown in as you pointlessly fight for breath in what should be your area of expertise, your brain in too much pain and too panicked to think straight, until she's thinks you've learnt your lesson
• Athena has already memorized all your habits and routines. she knows everything about you and will instantly notice if even the slightest thing changes. Thats when she goes on panic mode and isolates you completely, not letting you see anyone but herself and spending time with you until she's convinced you've gotten all other thoughts but her out of your mind
• in short, if you want life to be as easy as you can possibly have it when your fate is entangled with an immortal, you should give in to her completely and as soon as possible which would make life a lot less painful for both you and her
• on a softer note, Athena is very proud of you and shows you off to everyone she possibly can once she decides you're too deeply in love with her to ever fall for anyone else
• she's your number 1 supporter and loves watching you work on your hobbies, praising everything and giving as much helpful criticism as she can
• she'd be delighted if one of your hobbies was also one of hers, such as reading or weaving and loves quietly reading to you in her calm, deep yet soothing voice while you play with her hair or weaving you the most gorgeous tapestries of you to make you feel as confident about your self as she can
• she knows exactly what to do to cheer you up and knows enough about you to know what you need through all your emotions which means that she's always comforting to talk to when you're going through difficulties. she's an amazing listener and will quietly listen to your problems and advise you on the best ways to deal with them
• she can easily make you laugh or cry with her words, her knowledge of you letting her know what evokes emotions in you and what doesn't which allows her to manipulate your emotions with ease, letting her twist you into whatever she wants
• Athena has never been a touchy-feely kind of goddess, nor has she ever wanted it. that is, until she met you, of course.
• she is surprisingly clingy and attached to you and definitely has separation anxiety. she loves having you touch her, the contact alone is enough to make her shudder in happiness and relief
• she feels like your affection is a drug she's addicted to and as a result, she's very needy, demanding that you go everywhere with her and will always have her hand around some part of you, making sure everyone knows who's you are while satisfying her need for your touch
• she may decide to immortalize your closest friends and family if you really desperately ask beg for her to and if you behave well for her
• however, from then on, her neediness increases tenfold. she believes that since she's done you such a huge favor by allowing you to have your loved ones coexist and keep you company for eternity, you should always be ready to drop everything and come running to her when she feels like she wants or needs it
• doesn't really care about the possibility of one of your friends falling for you, she knows both of you will be too scared to ever act on it and if it goes too far, she always has the cruelest punishments prepared for both of you, a message that comes across plain and simple: don't take what's hers.
• she could quietly stare at you and study you for HOURS because no matter what you're doing, she finds you to be the most gorgeous and fascinating person on the earth, a creature so perfect, they managed to catch the attention of the goddess who always believed that she was completely immune to the magic of love, someone who relied on rational thought rather than feelings
• every time she looks at aphrodite, all she sees is you <3
• well you if you were a self absorbed, cunning, well dressed, 7 foot tall goddess
• the point is, she loves you, she has never and will never love anyone like she loves you and you will be her pride and joy, always by her side, till the end of time, living with her and loving her till existence itself crumbles to dust.
A/N: heyyy, so this turned out longer than I thought it would but the amount of ideas I kept getting made it kinda impossible not to add but yea :) I hope you enjoyed!
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lichenes · 6 months
"...Losing Dogs"
this one scene from the film when they're drinking and reader loses their keys lol not much in common with the mitski song, just thought it'd be fitting?? (gif's not mine) vincent renzi x gn!reader CW: slight (lies) mischaracterisation, possibly spelling and gramatical errors (sorry!), kissing, the french, SFW wc: 592
_____✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ _____
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Vincent would be considered a patient man by most. Now that he was standing in your garden, amongst the quiet buzz of insects instinctively following the light coming from your phone's flashlight, he found himself... curiously intrigued.
"I could've sworn...." Vincent chuckled at your misfortune, giving you an apologetic look after you stared at him with playful disdain. You continued looking for your lost keys, which you assumed fell out of your pocket when you were sitting near the fire, which was slowly going out, the last of it lazily flicking its scorching toungues over the charred logs.
"They must me around here somewhere, I distinctly remember you locking up the house." Nothing escaped the lawyer's attention it seemed. He took another swig of the beer you two were sharing.
To say you were embarrassed was an understatement, you and the man you've been yearing for for years both were locked out of your house because of a careless mistake you've made. Your cheeks were burning with shame as you scoured for any sign of the small pieces of metal.
Vincent was looking at you with nothing but pure adoration in his eyes. Still waiting for the keys to magically turn up he pulled out a cigarette and lit it, asking you if you wanted a smoke as well. He was a gentleman at heart priding himself on his virtues. Inhaling the smoke he remarked.
"Did you know that you can only trust people if you can put an animal head to their face?" Amused, you stood up straightening your back. "Is that so? What animal am I then?" He answered without hesitation. "A dog. How do you say... a basse- basset?" He added.
You giggled. "They truly are gorgeous animals..." He looked at you expectantly. "You'd be an echidna." You jested. Feigning offence he put his hand on his chest. "Mademoiselle, how dare you!" You both laughed at that giving you ample opportunity to appreciate his smile lines.
A few moments passed and you spoke up. "I guess we'll have to sleep outside tonight." Focusing solely on your unfortunate position it escaped your focus that Vincent was looking at your lips more and more with each passing minute. "I guess so..." he said absent-mindedly.
You gestured towards his cigarette which he immediately interpreted as a request. Vincent passed it to you. "It's like and indirect kiss you know." You winked when you said that feeling yourself cringe at your own actions. He visibly tensed up at your words, giving the impression that you made him uncomfortable.
When you noticed it you wanted to start apologising profusely. Despite years of friendship you still couldn't read him. Lawyers privilege you supposed.
Right in the middle of your first 'I'm sorry' he grasped your cigarette holding hand and put the bundle to his mouth inhaling the smoke and subsequently blowing it in your face with a large grin, getting dangerously close to your lips.
Vincent chuckled at the heat that was eminating from your face and asked "Do you ever wonder..." still so close he put his hand on the back of your neck and put his forehead to yours. He exhaled shakily. "What if..." and put his lips on yours waiting for your reciprocation.
Your racing heart slowed down with each passing second as you grabbed onto Vincent's face and deepened the kiss. His grip on your neck lessened as he relaxed into the kiss.
He was a patient man, just not when it came to you.
_____✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ _____
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mrwxrldwide · 3 months
bau team x bau!gn!reader (platonic)
This is me practicing writing again ! <3
Summary : it’s reader’s birthday and the team surprise them
Warnings : swearing, mentions of neglect ?? Fluff fluff fluff !! I think that’s it ? Maybe mentions of abandonment and abuse ??? Idk. They/them pronouns. Second person.
Word count : 0.7k
Request : no
Also I think elementary is the same as primary but diff?? (Primary finishes at 12 years old) Idk I’m not American I’m just using what I think is right and I don’t feel like researching
“---“ in place of reader’s name / y/n
I apologise for any grammatical and spelling errors or if I’ve written anything wrong
My requests are open for writing only !!!
no proofread !!
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It was just like any other day. You got yourself ready for work, dressed in your usual attire, and had a cup of coffee for breakfast. Was that healthy? Definitely not. Did you care? No, not really.
After spending a total of fifteen minutes getting yourself ready, you finally made your way out of your apartment, closing and locking the door behind you. There was nothing special about today, at least, that’s what you had accepted as a fact over the years anyway.
It was your birthday today. But you stopped caring for those a few years ago, your birthday had just lost its spark after all this time.
Walking into the bullpen, you noticed something was off. Being the expert profiler you are, and just using your fucking eyes, you deduced that no one was in the area— and figured out that they were all in the briefing room.
Frowning, you place your bag down on the floor near your desk, standing up tall and making your way to the room where they probably planned to surprise you.
Why would they care for your birthday anyway? Your parents stopped caring when you finished elementary school, your siblings blew out your candles on the days you actually celebrated it, your birthday gifts came months late as Christmas presents. You were so sure that birthdays didn’t matter. Or, at least, yours didn’t.
Even though you expected a loud yell as a surprise, you still jumped once you opened the door and was greeted with a ‘pop’, as well as confetti blasting in your face and sticking itself to your hair.
“Happy birthday, my darling!” Penelope exclaimed, wrapping you in a tight hug before you could even get a word in. Her head was tucked in to snugly to the crook of your neck that you could smell her strawberry scented perfume, that sweet fragrance filling your nose and instantly calming you down. Penelope released you from her deathly tight hug before the others started crowding you with ‘happy birthdays’ and ‘see you in the nursing home, oldie’, the latter being a snarky comment from Morgan.
After accepting their birthday wishes with a smile (one you tried to fend off, but failed), you look over Reid’s shoulder, seeing a pink and yellow cake set on the table, unlit candles placed randomly on the colourful dessert. Nearly tearing up, you look between all of them and smile. Showing them a genuine smile they rarely saw from you, and this made everyone even more happier.
“If you like the cake, just wait til you see the gifts.” Rossi chuckles, “I’m not sure about all of you guys, but I wanted to go all out— not too all out, ---, don’t you worry.”
You chuckled softly at his little reassurance, but was glad. You didn’t really want them spending so much money on you.
They all laughed at Rossi’s little joke, before Emily ushered you into a seat directly facing the cake, forcing you to sit in it.
“This is all too much, you guys.” You confessed, hiding your actual feeling behind a grin. Though, the smile was a genuine one, you just weren’t used to this much attention all at once. And they didn’t look at you like you were a burden!
“Nonsense, ---, you are apart of our team— our family— and families celebrate birthdays.” Morgan scoffed at you and rolled his eyes, as if your thought that they spent too much time and effort on you was absurd. None of them thought that way, but you did.
After the singing of happy birthday and blowing out of the candles (which you got to blow out on your own), you guys ate the vanilla flavoured cake and opening gifts, smiling and laughing.
You couldn’t believe that this is what birthdays were like, that they actually bought you things and spent time on you. That was your favourite thing about your birthday.
Morgan, of all people, offered to take all of your paperwork. Which was strange. You accepted, obviously, but it was just unlike him. Maybe JJ out him up to it.
If this was what birthdays were like every year, you could sure get used to it.
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The end !!!
Thank you for reading this far, hope you enjoyed it and feel free to request or give feedback !!
- estelle
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httpscomexe · 17 days
You go into Wades room at night but he’s not there after a horrible nightmare so you take the jump and use Logan as a shield instead??//You also act like Wade so Logan kinda hates you
Summary: You search for Wade in the middle of the night after a nightmare, and he's not there, but his bestfriend is.
(Find What I’m currently writing by checking my pinned post)
Parings: Logan x Wilson!Reader
Warnings: Nightmares, mentions of violence, really just angst, no major warnings. I wrote this really fast and with really long nails on my laptop, so ignore any spelling errors. (Almost put "creaming" instead of "screaming" so yea)
Word Count: 1100
“Wade?” Your voice shakes, you had just woken up from a nightmare, and it wasn’t your usual nightmare either. It wasn’t sad or just scary. No. It was terrifying.
You had woken up in your room in the dream from the sound of someone screaming and yelling, it was Logan, you’d recognise that voice from anywhere. Ever since Wade had invited in his new roommate, he’s seemed to hate you, giving you sideways looks left and right, but you hadn’t done anything wrong, or at least you didn’t think you did.
But the same morning when you were awake, you and Logan had gotten into an actual argument, you knew he was drunk. Normally when he came home drunk, he would go to his room and just sleep it off, but this time was drunk and pissed because of something Wade had said, what it was, you didn’t know. But you were sure the entire argument is what led up to the nightmare you had. Another argument, but with violence.
Logan was so mad at you in the dream, you were crying and screaming in pain, but he continued to yell at you and throw everything at you including pots and pans until there was nothing else to throw at the wall, then-
“You’re still up?” The voice breaks you out of your thoughts and you turn to see Logan looking you up and down.
“Just can’t sleep.” You whisper softly.
“Why are your eyes red bub. What’s got you crying?” He tucks a thick cigarette into the pocket on his chest in his flannel and he takes two steps closer to you, making you cross your arms uncomfortably and bite your lip.
You knew it was just a dream, but it all felt so real.
“I just had a little nightmare, where’s Wade?”
“Vanessa needed him.”
Vanessa. His girlfriend. Or fiance, or whatever they called themselves.
“Are you okay?” He takes another step closer and reaches to place his hand on your shoulder, making you wince in fear, which he automatically pulls back.
“I’m okay Logan, it’s just normally when I have a nightmare, I’ll spend the night with Wade.”
“He’s actually good with comforting people?”
“Well it depends really… I’m his sister so-”
“And yet you two are completely different.” He sighs and crosses his arms over his chest, making him appear bigger. More intimidating.
“Sorry if I woke you up, I’ll just go back to my-”
“Do you wanna sleep with me?” He spits it out like fire, pausing for a second as his own words seem to surprise him. “Sorry I just… I hate to see you sad.”
“It’s okay… I’ve bothered you enough today.”
“It doesn’t count if I was drunk. You never bothered me, not as much as Wade.” He tells you, lifting his arm up and moving to wrap it around your shoulders, slowing enough to not make you wince. “Come on, I’ll keep you safe.” He brings you to his room, and the smell of cigarettes and pine wood immediately floods your lungs, you love it.
“Thank you…” You’re still unsure about it.
“Of course.” He locks the door behind the both of you, immediately going to his closet and pulling out a soft blanket. He knows you can’t sleep without one.
“Thank you.” You take the blanket and move to his bed, sitting with the blanket only over your lap.
“Hey uh… I wanted to apologise.”
“For yelling at you earlier. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He sits next to you on the bed, and you can tell his usual hard attitude is no longer there.
“Oh um…” Your stomach drops, the nightmare coming back to you like a bullet just flew through your organs, making you feel sick, a tear falling down your cheek.
“Shit…” He scoots forward, using his thumb to wipe your tears, and you’re genuinely embarrassed. “I’m sorry… What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing… God I’m such an emotional whore…” You chuckle to yourself but then see the look on his face.
“Don’t call yourself that.” He tells you, no joking tone in his voice. “What’s got you sad, be honest.” He gently strokes your cheek, and only then do you realise how close he was to you.
“I uhm… I had a nightmare.”
“I figured that-”
“About you.” He stills, not a word coming out of his mouth as he stares into your eyes. “You were so mad at me.” Your voice cracks, more tears falling down your face which he’s quick to wipe away. “You were… You were throwing everything at me… Hurting me… Then when there was nothing left to throw…” You whine a little, your eyes moving down to find his other hand, resting on his thigh. You bite your lip as you remember how painful it felt… The three claws lodged into your abdomen, as your mouth hung open in a broken scream.
“Hey…” He whispers, moving close and cupping your face. “Honey I wouldn’t ever hurt you.” He stares into your eyes with a sincerity you didn’t know was there before. “I wouldn’t ever dream of hurting you.” He leans down a little to reach your level, trying to be honest with you, and you take a deep breath. You know he’d never hurt you, but the dream felt so real. “How about… we get some sleep. You look exhausted.” He tells you, looking down at your pillow. You nod.
You lie down as his hands leave your face, and you feel him lie down next to you as he turns off his bedside lamp, but you face away from him.
When you feel his body pressing against your back, your breath hitches in your throat.
“Hey, are you still awake?” You nod, not sure if he saw it in the dark. “I’m sorry your dream scared you.” He tells you, his arm moving to wrap around your waist and pull you closer, his arm under your tank top, and you feel his skin. He’d taken off his shirt. “But I promise you, I will never hurt you. And if someone ever did hurt you, I would fucking kill them.” You chuckle a little and turn your head to look at him, your faces barely an inch apart. “Wade is my best friend… and you’re his sister.” He continues. “I would tear apart the entire fucking planet to protect you. Don’t you ever think otherwise.” He finishes by pressing a kiss to your cheek, showing you a softness you didn’t know he had before.
“Thank you, Lo.”
“Anything for you, angel.”
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fortheloveofkonig · 3 months
Okay okay so i have a bit of a silly one. So i have autism and somtimes i will mimic somones accent without knowing it. Can you write a fic for Soap x Reader where he accidentally mimics soaps accent when talking.
N like he gets embarrassed and apologies sooooo much jffjfjjffjfjfjcjf and extra embarrassed because he likes the Scot 👀
Its 4am please excuse if theres any spelling errors
And i hope you have a good day!
Note: Ah, the dreaded draft which I never feel like is enough.
It's short but sweet, I may end up one day doing a part two just to add on to it. This was a cute idea as someone who also mimics accents.
I hope you enjoy it anon <3
(Oh, and the reader doesn't really apologise at all because personally, I feel weird making readers apologise for something he can't control <3)
Content: M! Reader (obv), Fluff, Reader is called Mockingbird (in a cute way)
Summary: Reader mimics Soap's accent, Soap has a hayday.
Mimicry (Soap x M! Reader)
You have been a part of the task force for a bit of time now. Enough time for the group to know that you had a tendency to mimic certain sounds that you heard but that was the length of your mimicry as far as they knew.
The group didn't seem to have issues with the sounds unless it came down to you being louder than you were supposed to be while in the field. It has become a part of their lives and they wouldn't have it any other way.
Soap was the person who started to call you by the nickname 'Mockingbird' and it eventually stuck with everyone as well. He meant it in a joking way, making sure that it didn't harm you in any way, and it kind of just stuck as you started to show a fondness for the nickname.
"Hey, birdie."
This one just made your eyes roll as you rack the weights that you were lifting and sit up on the weight bench.
"That one is a no," you respond, shaking your head which earns a laugh from the Scotsman.
"It was worth the try." He walks over and takes a seat next to you, handing you a fresh water bottle which you eagerly accept and down in a few gulps. He looks over at you as you hand him the bottle back and smiles before throwing it into the nearest garbage bin.
"Nice shot." You hum approvingly before standing up, "Lead the way, I know it's for our daily walk."
The two of you started daily walks about a month ago. Most of the time it was after a long day which left you exhausted and thus not very talkative, which was never a problem for Soap. He loved talking and that was multiplied when he had a good listener such as you.
"And that little dick walked up to him and was like, 'Try me'. Can you believe that? The fucker said that to Ghost! The fucking LT!"
He's been going on like this for an hour, you've barely gotten any words in but you didn't mind much especially since this just meant that you guys got to rest in a scenic spot while he rambled on. Every now and then you responded with one word answers but nothing too big.
He was shaking his head before starting again, "I'm telling ya, these new recruits have an insane amount of confidence and that's fucking 'em over."
You end up nodding, while looking up at the sky.
"Insane that someone would go against Ghost like that." A voice that sounds kinda like yours but with a tinge of a different accent slips out from your mouth. You didn't even realize it at first but when you looked over and saw Soap with a teasing smirk on his face, you immediately knew something slipped out.
You took a moment to regather yourself before narrowing your eyes at the Scotsman, "Shut your mouth."
"I haven't even said anything lad."
"Just thought I heard a mockingbird around, haven't heard one in a while."
He was cut off by you slapping his shoulder and he just burst out laughing.
"You're an asshole." Your voice mumbles through Soap's laughter, and you start to speed ahead away from the Scottish sergeant.
"Lad, wait! Come back, it's important!"
You turn around with your arms crossed and look at the male and he points to the wooded area, he has a shit eating grin on his face.
"It's birdwatching season."
"Oh fuck off, John"
You threw your hands up in defeat and started walking away before Soap ran up to walk beside you.
He stays silent for a few minutes as they continue to walk back to base before he smiles at you and shrugs,
"Just messing with you, it's nice, really. Just gotta push your buttons a bit."
He bumps his shoulder a bit, causing a smile to spread to your face.
"If you tell anyone about this, you're dead."
"Aye aye."
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