#I am very happy with her little acorn hat
silverstudios · 6 months
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Behold, the borrower employee, Acorn. She is very small, but she is a hard worker and does her best. She uses her trusty needle to climb and defend herself. Blame the tiny employee mod for this.
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Easter In The Sanders House
Thomas gets to celebrate Easter weekend with the sides! Patton plans a full day of Easter fun, which gets a little out of hand quickly thanks to Remus...But a dose of innocence should do him some good! (or 50 doses)
Some dirty talk and swearing because...Remus. Also, I have personally ruined my own childhood with this fanfic. -_- But I'll be okay. I promise! Happy Easter everyone!
Easter was usually a house favorite in the mind palace. Though it was a little different this year thanks to COVID, Thomas and the sides could still celebrate it together. They all lived in the same household, which helped a lot. And some of them were capable of conjuring up anything! So the sides could make just about anything if they put their minds to it.
The sides started off with decorating the house with easter stuff. Bits of it were homemade, some of it was conjured up, and a few of the decorations were bought. Example: the huge stuffed bunny. Thomas had bought a medium-sized bunny from Wal-mart, and Patton took it upon himself to make it even bigger! And…
...It ended up being 7 feet tall…
But Patton was LOVING it! He would cuddle it non-stop, ‘feed’ it stuffy carrots, and even brush its belly fur with an old hairbrush. It was quite endearing to watch, as well as a little strange. The father figure would even give it blankets and make it look like a jedi knight. It was actually quite hilarious to see the gigantic bunny looking like the Jawa without the double sash or the gun. Everyone both loved it, and hated it at the same time. Virgil even went as far as to say ‘That’s cursed’! And...he has a point.
The rest of the decorations were banners with hanging eggs, baskets filled with fake grass and plastic eggs, bouquets of real and fake flowers all over the place, and mini egg bowls around the house. There were even little bunnies popping out of mugs placed onto the dining table for decoration! That was Roman’s favorite decoration.
Just like he usually did, Patton set up a little Easter egg hunt of plastic eggs filled wih treats and other little things. This year however, Patton wanted to improvise with extra little items…
Thomas and all 6 of the sides were all ready with their own baskets. The sides’ baskets matched their clothes, while Thomas had a pink basket. Logan was the first to critique Patton’s childish games. “Patton...A little reminder that we’re all in our 30’s. We’re getting a little too old for-”
Patton looked at Logan with a ‘seriously?’ look and squeezed his side. “Hush your piehole. Santa may not exist but no one lets that stop us from celebrating Christmas.” Patton warned casually.
Logan jumped and moved a step away from Pat. “Fine. Touché.” Logan responded.
Roman and Remus both snapped their neck towards Patton. “SANTA DOESN’T EXIST?!”
Logan facepalmed and shook his head while Patton giggled into his hand. “On your mark silly geese!” Patton called. Everyone got into their push position to start running at the ready. “Get set...GO!”
Everyone started running around the house while Logan and Patton just walked. Patton was watching the six boys run around the house with their baskets. There were eggs literally everywhere! And some of them had chocolate, others had origami creations, A few had glitter, a few had cute quotes written in slips of papers like an easter fortune cookie, and other had…
“...An acorn?” Janus asked.
Logan looked over and widened his eyes. “That’s a chestnut oak acorn. They’re an oval-sized breed of acorn.” Logan told him. “They’re usually in more eastern states though. So how did you get it here?” Logan asked.
“I conjured it!” Patton replied. “Good thing you know your trees. You’re gonna enjoy the other eggs near there…” Patton hinted.
Logan looked around for the eggs, opened them up and gasped as he very gently removed it. “A butterfly wing!” Logan very delicately held it in his hand. “It’s...beautiful!” Logan admitted with a smile. Patton smiled happily upon seeing his reaction.
Virgil moved to his bedroom and noticed that there were eggs hidden in there. Virgil opened up, and laughed as he removed them from the plastic egg: They were pins! There was a pin with a salt shaker that said ‘Salty’ on it, a pin of a black cat standing on a skull, a pin of a black rose and a pin with a black cat holding a fish. They were so small and yet, so up his alley. There would end up being more pins, being enamel and backpack versions. It was nice and thoughtful. Sometimes there were dark parts about spring that Virgil enjoyed. And he was thankful that Patton advocated for him.
Logan was having a wonderful time looking at all the spring items hidden in the eggs. There were Chinese Lanterns, walnuts, strawberry seeds, and more! There were even tiny squares that when unravelled, revealed recipe’s that involved Crofter’s Jam! And he even managed to fit Crofters store coupons into the plastic eggs! Logan was smiling and hugging Patton. “Thank you very much Patton. I appreciate the many kind gestures. And I apologize for the insensitive words I said earlier. You can still find ways for 30 year old men to enjoy Easter.” Logan told him.
Patton giggled and hugged him back. “Oh! And one more thing:” Patton conjured up a bunny ear headband. Logan’s smile dropped and he hung his head. “Really? Bunny ears?” Logan asked with a small smile.
Patton giggled. “Do you not remember our promise? You promised during March break that you were gonna wear bunny ears!” Patton reminded him.
“I am aware of my promise, but I’m starting to regret making such a promise.” Logan admitted.
Patton rolled his eyes and put it onto his head. “Perfect! See? It’s not that bad.” Patton told him.
Logan looked up. “Fine. But would you potentially consider making the ears look more realistic?” Logan offered a compromise.
Patton nodded and touched the bunny ears. They turned into brown and white bunny ears, with a very light pink skin all over the inner ear flap. Logan conjured up a mirror, and smiled. “Thank you.” Logan replied.
Remus was running around, acting like a raccoon. “Look at me! I’m RJ! I eat garbage, steal from Karens and ruin people’s lives!” Remus declared.
Roman chuckled and fluffed Remus’s hair. “I feel like you’d be more of a Hammy.” Roman admitted.
Roman snapped his fingers and ran to Patton’s basket. “We got you something!” Roman told him.
Patton turned around and squealed upon the present! There was a chocolate chick, a DVD copy of ‘Over the Hedge’, and a DVD copy of It’s ‘The Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown!’. Patton happily took the DVD’s and the chocolate chick. “THANK YOU! YOU ARE ALL AMAZING!” Patton hugged as many people in one hug as his arms could. If his arms were stretchy like Elasticgirl’s, then maybe he could!
Later on, the family had a lovely Easter dinner. Cooked carrots, roast beef, baked potatoes and packaged gravy for it all. Patton and Thomas all worked together to make their supper, while Logan took some time to make a Crofter’s recipe he was given during the plastic egg hunt. With some time, Logan had whipped together what he called: Loganberry Crumble Squares. A simple recipe of rolled, layered oat crumble with Loganberry Crofter’s put into the middle of them! It tasted amazing! The recipe called for Gluten-free oats, but Logan just picked up regular oats for the recipe. No one was allergic to wheat. So, why worry?
After supper, the family gathered together to watch the Charlie Brown Easter Special. They enjoyed Marcie’s cute little ‘boiling eggs’ gags, and loved seeing Sally Brown and Snoopy playing with the hats! Patton died of cuteness overload at Snoopy and the bunnies dancing, and Janus admitted he felt bad that Snoopy didn’t have an egg for Charlie Brown.
Virgil looked at Janus. “Charlie rarely gets things. He has a best friend and a crush, but that’s about it. Lucy’s probably the reason he doesn’t have anything.” Virgil admitted.
“That’s true. But you gotta admit: Lucy and Shroeder are kinda cute together.” Roman added.
Thomas laughed. “That all depends on Schroeder falling for her as well.” Thomas added.
Logan sighed. “Poor Schroeder...she never leaves him alone. A life of Beethoven and piano playing is much better than a childish relationship with a girl like her.” Logan added.
Janus smirked. “Right! A relationship with Lucy will NEVER work. It’s not like she actually softens up to Charlie Brown near the end or anything...” Janus hinted.
Roman widened his eyes. “Wait, really?!”
Logan turned to him. “That’s true. I also realize she later develops a crush on Charlie near the end of the comic strips.” Logan added.
“So...So Schroeder and Lucy-”
Remus made a downward whistling sound while he lowered his finger and made an ‘explosion’ sound effect while expanding his hands. “But Charlie and Lucy:” Remus did a wolf-whistle before wrapping his own arms around himself and ‘making out’ with himself. “Oh Charlie! CHARLie! YeS!”
Roman gasped in horror while Thomas widened his eyes. “EW! You’re so disgusting! They’re 8!” Thomas yelled.
Roman had thrown Remus off the couch, leaving Remus rolling around on the floor in a fit of hysterics. Janus was snickering into his hand while Logan facepalmed himself. “THEHEY DIDN’T EVEN GEHEHET TO THE BEST PAHART!” Remus laughed.
Virgil groaned. “They don’t need to. This is why they need more than just teachers and shop owners in their community.” Virgil reacted.
Remus stopped laughing. “Why? Because Sally and Linus could be having fun at the back of the school yard?” Remus asked. “Virgil! You naughty, naughty man~”
Patton dropped his jaw and fixed his glasses with a frown. “That’s it! You need a big dose of innocence!” Patton declared, picking him up and dropping him onto the couch. He climbed onto him. “Starting with your hips!” Patton started digging his thumbs into his hips.
Remus’s naughty comeback was quickly overruled by his very own scream of surprise! “FAAAHAHAHACK!”
Patton smirked. “Language! Looks like I’m gonna need to up the ante!” Patton moved his hands to his lower, inner thighs and started squeezing and skittering.
“OHSHIT- GAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Remus completely lost it and just about kneed Patton in the face a few times! “STAAHAHAHAP! TOHOHOHO MUHUHUCH IHINNOCEHEHENCE!” Remus yelled.
Logan couldn’t help but smile at Patton’s way of handling him. He soon started smirking with Patton as well. “I’d almost say you should up this dose to lethal.” Logan offered.
Patton gasped and turned his head to look at Logan with an excited face. “You’re a genius!” Patton declared.
“And a change of lifestyle may even lessen the indecent behaviour. For example: consumptions of veggies and fruits…” Logan hinted.
Patton’s smirk grew so wide almost all his teeth were visible. “Oh! Fruits are a good one!”
Patton looked at Remus with a confident facial expression. “Are you suggesting something more sour? Like...raspberries?” Patton asked.
Remus squealed! And he only heard the word! “NOHOHOHO! NORASPBERRIHIES! BEHEHEGOHOHONE!” Remus ordered. “IHIHI OHOHORDER YOHOU TO-”
Patton took in a deep breath and blew a big raspberry onto Remus’s inner thigh.
Remus squealed and screamed like a bat in severe distress! “AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! AAHAHAHA PAHAHAHAHAHA!” Remus screamed.
“My goodness Remus! You sound like you’re dying! What could possibly be so funny?!” Patton asked.
Janus smirked. “It couldn’t possibly be the thought of playboy magazines or babies making love.” Janus teased, just riling up Patton even more.
Patton clicked his tongue in disappointment. “My my my...I suppose even the smaller doses won’t stop you from your addictive thoughts...Perhaps you really DO need a lethal dose of innocence!” Patton admitted.
Patton hummed. “Well, guess there’s only one way to test if it’s working!” Patton decided. Patton removed his fingers and let Remus have a break. Remus let in heavy breaths at first, to conquer his loss of oxygen. But within two minutes…
“Hehey, hey Janus:” Remus asked.
Janus looked over. “Yes?”
“Imagine Marcie being spicy for Peppermint Patty~” Remus made a sexy roaring sound.
Patton was immediately at him again. “Time for the second lethal dose, you stubborn pickle!” Patton declared quickly.
Thomas wheezed and hung his head. “Did you just call him a pickle?” Thomas asked, laughing.
“Yes I did! Because he’s being a green, sour dick!” Patton declared. While Thomas questioned his ears and sanity, Patton started blowing raspberry after raspberry on Remus’s thigh.
Thomas quickly whipped his head around to see where the unusual sound came from.
Patton had widened his eyes and covered his mouth. “You SNORT?!” he asked, stopping his tickling momentarily.
Remus took a quick moment to breathe and nodded his head. “Ihihi- Ialways hahahave.”
Patton looked at Roman. Roman nodded and shrugged his shoulders. “It’s true. He snorted when he was little too.” Roman admitted.
Patton looked at Roman curiously. “What about you?” Patton asked.
Roman hummed and tilted his head. “Me?”
Patton started staring at Roman with suspicious eyes. “......Logan, get him.” Patton told him.
Logan wrapped his arms around Roman and immediately went for the belly. “Way ahead of you.”
Roman squealed and threw his head back with bubbly giggles coming out. Despite Remus’s laugh sounding more witch-like, The twins’ laughter sounded fairly similar to each other. So now both twins were being tickled for separate reasons; Remus’s being ‘constant potty mouth’ while Roman’s being ‘kept secrets’.
“LOHOHohohoho! Meheheheheaniihihie! Lehehehet mehehehe gohohohoho!”
Patton gasped at Remus’s words. “Threatening me as well!? My goodness...You really don’t learn, do you?” he teased. Patton blew one raspberry on his left thigh, and two raspberries on his right thigh.
“AAAAAHAHAHAHAAA-” With one last snort, Remus finally went silent. He couldn’t really breathe very well at this point and was growing very red. So Patton gave him a break and got off him. Remus took some time getting his oxygen back. It felt great to be able to breathe again. He tried to breathe fairly heavily to get oxygen in faster. With due time, he slowly lost his tomato face and started turning more peach-colored again. With a bottle of water from Patton, Remus was pretty much okay. He was smiling and still slightly giggling after he finished the bottle.
“Are you done with your silly jokes yet?” Patton asked.
Remus lifted his head up, took one look at him and let his head fall back down. “M...Maybe for a bit.” Remus replied.
Patton smiled. “Good.”
Remus laid there for a few more minutes while he took in the sound of Roman’s giggly laughter. Logan was STILL tickling him but this time, he was pinning one arm up and tickling his armpit. To make things even better, Roman was starting to snort as well. And Patton was living for it!
“It’s truly fascinating how both twins have developed a snorty laugh.” Logan added.
“Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup! *snort* Ehehehevihihihil fiehehehend!” Roman yelled to him.
Logan raised his eyebrows. “Evil? You think I’m being evil?” Logan asked.
“Yehehehehessss! Ehehehevihihil Ihihihi- *snort* Ihihi sahahahayhy!” Roman shot back.
Logan chuckled at that. “I am being much more merciful and gentle to you, compared to how Patton was treating Remus.” Logan explained.
“Yohohohou’re tihihicklihihing mehehehe *snort* fohohor noho reheheasohohon!” Roman protested.
Logan rolled his eyes. “Actually, we did have a reason to tickle you. We just didn’t tell you what it was.” Logan added.
“We wanted to see if you snorted too!” Patton declared.
Logan looked at Patton. “Hey! I was gonna tell him when he stopped insulting me with his childish names.” Logan reacted.
Patton snickered. “He was gonna find out anyway. Minus well do it now!” Patton declared, closing his eyes with a proud smile.
Logan sighed. “You’re no fun.” Logan whined.
Patton opened his eyes and opened his mouth in surprise. What did he just say?! “I...After all I planned for easter-”
Thomas quickly put his hands on Patton’s shoulders. “Patton, don’t listen to Logan. You are tons of fun! You planned all this for us, and for that we’re so grateful.” Thomas told him.
Janus, Remus, Virgil, Roman and even Logan nodded. Logan paused the tickling for a moment while Roman sat up.
“Thank you Patton!” All six of them said happily at the same time!
Patton smiled and couldn’t stop himself from tearing up. “You’re welcome guys.” Patton hugged Thomas. Virgil joined the hug as well, followed by Remus.
With that out of the way and Patton cheered up again, Logan resumed tickling Roman for a little longer before letting the prince breathe. Roman’s loss of oxygen was much more minor compared to Remus. But that was only because Remus wouldn’t stop doing the one thing that granted him tickles. Maybe it was because Remus wanted tickles? Or maybe it was because Remus has a legitimate addiction to it.
Whatever the reason, Remus was quick to start up his grotesque headcanons about the Peanuts Characters. This would further ruin Patton’s childhood and cause Remus further fits of ticklish laughter. Perhaps they could consider a new, more effective treatment for dirty language?
Or...maybe not. Remus seems to like it. And no one would wanna ruin his fun! Happy Easter indeed.
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dontcare77ghj · 4 years
Steve x reader x Thor
Notes; This is set in the same universe as Iron. There will be mentions to it but so I’ll add it here. But in case you don’t want to read it, reader is a fae. Her, Thor and Steve are in an established relationship.
You’d been on Earth for years. Had relationships with both men and women alike throughout the years but had never allowed yourself to feel the way you did with Thor and Steve. You’d never allowed yourself love any of the others as you allowed yourself to love them.
Perhaps this had something to do with the fact everyone else had abandoned you in your lifetime. Not your boys, they’d gone out of their way to stay.
Perhaps it had something to do with the fact, the others were all mortal and a part of you knew that one day they would all die. But not your boys, your boys were cursed to the same immortal thread you were.
There were a million thoughts that could be the reason but there was only one reason. You were never fully in love with the others. It was different with your boys. 
You loved your boys. They loved you. It was easy like that. You didn’t have to pretend to be human, you didn’t have to pretend to be normal. You were able to be you with them and they brought out aspects of your personality you hadn’t seen in years and some you didn’t know you even had.
The world was not as dark a place with your boys. They’d brought a light back to you and the world around you, something you hadn’t seen or felt in the decades before them.
“Okay, cancel any plans you had for tonight-.” Steve started as he entered the room with three black bags. “What are you two doing?” He questioned, stopping in the doorway with a confused look.
“Reading.” You answered, looking away from your book. “Are you feeling okay, Stevie?” You questioned him, tilting your head to the side.
“Are you feeling unwell, Steven?” Thor questioned him, looking at Steve in concern. “Would you like us to request Banner’s presence?” Steve continued to stare at the two of you in complete and utter confusion as he stuttered out failed attempts of sentences.
“Stop doing that. Both of you. You're either going to kill yourselves or seriously injury yourselves.” Steve said, dropping the bags and rushing towards the both of you.
“I’m not going to break anything.” Thor denied him, floating out of the man’s reach. 
“Y/N, stop that. You’re going to give yourself a brain haemorrhage.” Steve fussed, looking at you in worry. 
“I’m not even doing anything.” You whined.
“You’re reading a book upside down while floating. Why?” Steve questioned, running a hand down his face.
“I wanted to read; besides it won’t kill me. Worst case is I pass out.” You shrugged.
“And why is Thor floating?” He further interrogated.
“I was bored.” Thor stated, coming closer to you. “And now I’m not.” He smiled, wrapping his arm around you.
“Can you both please come down? You’re going to give me a heart attack.” Steve begged you both.
“What’s in the bags, Stevie?” You questioned, pointing at the discarded bags by the door. 
“I’ll tell you if you come down.” Steve bargained with you. You and Thor shared a look and then nodded. You gestured for Thor to hover above the bed before you released the magic, you’d placed on him and then floated down next to him.
“Now do we get to know?” You asked him, folding your wings into your back.
“We’re going out tonight.” Steve announced, picking up the bags. “Tony is throwing a costume party tonight and I thought we could make a date out of it.”
“That sounds like fun.” Thor said.
“Yeah that could be great fun.” You agreed. “What time does it start? Do we have enough time to get costumes?”
“No need.” Steve said, lifting the bags in his hands up. “Tony has graciously decided to provide everyone with costumes.” He said, handing you both a bag.
“Why do I get a bad feeling about this?” You questioned, looking at the bag with narrowed eyes.
“Because it’s a gift from Tony.” Steve sighed.
“I don’t understand why the two of you are so worried. I think it’s a marvellous idea and who does not enjoy a surprise?” Thor questioned, eagerly unzipping the bag. You and Steve followed suit and opened your bags with slight trepidation.
Steve pulled out a green hat, Thor pulled out an acorn styled one and you pulled out a green dress.
“I’m going to kill him.” You stated.
“Look who’s here!” Tony cheered, raising his drink towards the three of you. 
“Look it’s a dead man.” You responded in fake cheer.
“A dead man? No, I am Batman, you uncultured swine.” Tony mock gasped, handing you a drink.
“And Batman couldn’t pick anything better than Tinkerbell?” You grumbled, taking a long sip of your drink.
“I think I chose well. The three of you look great.” Tony said.
“See, my loves, I told you there was nothing to worry about.” Thor boomed, drinking out of the flask he’d brought. 
“I guess it could have been worse.” Steve admitted, taking a sip out of Thor’s flask.
“Oh yes it could.” You laughed, turning the boys towards the entrance. In walked Clint in a Robin Hood outfit complete with plastic bow and tights. “Jesus Christ Tony.”
“Hey, I gave him real pants, just like I did with your boys. Not my fault he chose the tights.” Tony said, raising his hands in innocence.
“Nice pants, Robin.” You smirked as Clint reached you all.
“Don’t start. Natasha’s already said every joke you can imagine.” He groaned, grabbing a drink.
“That’s because you look ridiculous.” Natasha smirked, quickly popping up behind him. Natasha actually looked quite happy with her outfit and glided over to the five of you with pep in her step. Tony had chosen well for Natasha giving her a Black Swan, Natasha was even wearing a pair of pointe shoes.
“Rude.” Clint grumbled as the rest of you laughed.
“I’m going to get another drink.” You said, kissing both boys. The party had been going for a few hours at this point and most of the guests were very drunk. The three of you had taken refuge on one of the large couches in the back, content on enjoying each other’s company and merely watching the drunken antics of the guests.
“Hurry back little fae.” Thor implored as you pulled apart. 
“Of course.” You smiled and made your way to the bar. As you grabbed your drink you took a moment to lean against the bar and jut watch your boys for a minute. Steve had had a bit too much drink and was leaning against Thor, who had his arm wrapped around Steve’s waist.
“What’s got you thinking so hard?” Clint questioned you, sliding up next to you. 
“I’m not thinking that hard.” You denied him. 
“Yes, you are. When you start thinking really hard, you get a crease right here.” Cling said, poking you in the forehead with his plastic bow. 
“Stop it.” You laughed, knocking him with your elbow. 
“Seriously, what’s on your mind, Tink?” Clint asked you again, throwing an arm around your shoulders.
“Just, just realizing I never thanked you, Clint.” You said, looking over at him with a soft smile.
“Thanked me? Thanked me for what?”
“For this life. For saving me all those years ago and for being my friend. It’s because of you I have this life and this family. It’s because of you Clint, I have my boys. Thank you, Clint.”
“The good scotch always makes you a bit sentimental, doesn’t it?” Clint said, making you laugh heartily.
“Yeah it really does.” You chuckled, resting you head against Clint’s shoulder as he pulled you closer. “But I still meant it.”
“You don’t need to thank me, Y/N. Trust me when I say, you deserve this. You deserve this family and you definitely deserve those two.” Clint said, squeezing your shoulders. “Speaking of them, I think you’re being missed.” He added, pointing across the room. 
Looking up you immediately turned to where you boys sat and saw your boys watching you. Steve raised the flask as Thor gestured you over.
“I’ll see you later, Clint.” You smiled, quickly kissing his cheek before flitting off to the boys. “Well hello to you too, Peter.” You giggled as Steve pulled you down onto his lap. “You’re in a touchy mood, aren’t you?”
“You both just look so good tonight.” Steve murmured, tracing his fingers around the base of your wings. A loud purr like hum escaped your throat as Steve touched the sensitive base surrounding your wings. 
“Perhaps we should take Steve upstairs. Help him lie down.” Thor suggested. 
“I think that’s a fantastic idea, hon.” You smiled, standing and pulling the two to their feet.
“We could go to that gallery tomorrow.” Steve suggested. “You know, the one that opened up near Beanies?”
“Yeah and we can get coffee after.” You agreed. “Hair tie.” You said, holding a hand towards Thor. “And maybe coffee before.” You continued.
“I agree with that plan.” Thor said as you tied his hair off. “Coffee sounds a fantastic addition to our date.”
“I don’t know how you two can drink so much coffee.” Steve said, taking the hair tie you offered him. 
“It wears off too fast to do any real damage to our systems.” You assured him, turning and kissing him quickly. “Just like how your system burns off the liquor so quickly.”
“I don’t care how quickly it burns off, it still makes me feel like shit.” Steve complained as the three of you all shifted so you were laying down in the bed. 
“You’ll feel better in the morning.” Thor promised him. “And if not we’ll make the pot extra strong.”
“Let’s do that anyway. The morning is going to be rough either way.” You grumbled, curling into further into the boys warmth. 
“Get some sleep, if you’re still sore in the morning we’ll run you a bath with one those bath bombs you love so much.” Steve promised you, pressing a kiss onto your temple. 
“You love them too you giant.” You mumbled, pressing your face into Thor’s chest. “I love you two. My giants.”
“And we love you too.” Thor said. 
“Our little faerie.”
@piper-koko-barnes-rogers @hopingforbarnes @skeletoresinthebasement @agent-barnes40 @rvgrsbrns @smilexcaptainx @jelly-fishy-babie @starlingelliot
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Coming soon;
Wanda x reader x Vision
Steve x reader x Wanda
Bucky x reader x Loki
Natasha x reader x Tony x Bucky
Natasha x reader x Wanda
Tony x reader x Steve
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Cookie Run OCs
gdi apparently one of the cookies in cr kingdom is named licorice cookie so screw it i’m biting the bullet and posting my half-baked (ha) oc ideas now even if some of them have already been taken anyway. sorry there’s no art bc i’m terrible with digital stuff and can’t access a scanner to upload my drawings. there are almost certainly going to be more to come later because this game refuses to leave my brain.
Black Licorice Cookie: The powerfully astringent flavor of black licorice certainly isn’t to everyone’s taste - and that’s just the way Black Licorice Cookie likes it! This daredevil of a Cookie loves nothing more than testing her limits, so she’s always on the lookout for something to get her adrenaline pumping. That doesn’t mean she isn’t without her sweet side, however, which comes out most strongly when protecting her precious little sister. Get between them at your own risk!
Red Licorice Cookie (Sibling): Don’t mess with my little sis if you know what’s good for you!
Mustard Cookie (Trust): Nobody else gets me like Mustard Cookie does!
Kiwi Cookie (Friendly): Hey, I’ve got an idea for some cool bike tricks!
Roll Cake Cookie (Friendly): Going for a ride in that road roller and smashing things is such a rush! WHOO!
Initially I had the mental image of her as a Cookie with a web design and a spider pet, but then Truffle Cookie came out, so now I pretty much picture her skill being that she runs a Ninja-Warrior-style obstacle course or something. Maybe her pet could be a black cat instead?
Red Licorice Cookie: Between the fruity fragrance of her signature red hair and her sweet, outgoing personality, it’s no surprise that this Cookie is so popular! Red Licorice Cookie is a champion at gymnastics with plenty of fans, and performing with the ribbon is where she shines the most. She and her older twin sister might be as different as night and day, but their bond is as strong as a thousand strands of licorice twisted together!
Black Licorice Cookie (Sibling): I’ve got the coolest big sis in the world!
Cheerleader Cookie (Trust): Cheerleader Cooke is my BFF!
Yoga Cookie (Friendly): She’s helped me train to be much more flexible for my routines.
Skating Queen Cookie (Admiration): I can’t believe I actually got her autograph!
At first I imagined her as being a sort of epic version of Cheerleader Cookie, performing double dutch with a few friends much like the cheer team. Her pet would be a charm bracelet.
Oatmeal Cookie: Every day at the crack of dawn, this dutiful cowgirl is already hard at work, keeping a watchful eye over her herd with the help of her trusty steed, Raisin. If even a single cow goes missing, Oatmeal Cookie won’t rest until she’s got them home safe and sound. The tricks she can perform with a lasso will certainly knock your socks off! And when the sun starts to set, you can hear the sound of her yodeling from far across the plains.
Peanut Butter Cookie (Family): I’m the luckiest Cookie alive to have such a beautiful gal as you...
Knight Cookie (Friendly): You sure know how to burn the breeze!
Adventurer Cookie (Friendly): Nice hat ya got there, pardner!
Space Doughnut (Tension): Hey, stop spookin’ my herd!
Her skill would probably involve dodging obstacles on her horse while catching some runaway cows, and her pet would be a cowbell.
Peanut Butter Cookie: There’s nothing better for a boost of energy than some delicious, nutritious peanut butter! And forest ranger Peanut Butter Cookie definitely needs that energy, as she spends every day traversing the woods to keep them safe. Whether she’s helping Cookies who have gotten lost find their way home or rescuing woodland critters from danger, you can always depend on Peanut Butter Cookie. She’s especially fond of younger Cookies and enjoys teaching them wilderness survival skills.
Oatmeal Cookie (Family): She and I pack each others’ lunches every day.
Pancake Cookie (Friendly): Be careful climbing trees for those Acorn Jellies, dear!
Cream Puff Cookie (Friendly): I’m sure you’ll get that spell right next time, hun.
Fig Cookie (Trust): They’re always eager for me to tell them stories.
Fire Spirit Cookie (Tension): You keep those flames away from the forest, you hear?
You can probably tell by now that I’ve put like 0 thought into any of my Cookie OC’s skills. Anyway, her pet would be a bear that she helped when it was a cub, who shows up to help her by smashing obstacles.
Coconut Cookie: The Tropical Soda Archipelago has a long history of telling stories through traditional dance. Coconut Cookie comes from a long line of those dancers, and Cookies will flock from every island to watch her perform. Crowned with a garland of bright yellow coconut blossoms, she moves with the utmost rhythm and grace. It’s said that she practices every day so that she can bring peace and good fortune to the islands.
Mango Cookie (Trust): My best friend since we were little - I remember his very first boat!
Ananas Dragon Cookie (Admiration): The Dragon honored my ancestors by praising their dances.
Soda Cookie (Friendly): Going for a ride on the waves is the best, isn’t it?
Squid Ink Cookie (Friendly): Poor little thing, there’s no need to be shy.
My first thought was for her to make a sort of bubble shield out of coconut oil, like Lemonade Cookie but without the magnetic effect (maybe slower energy drain instead?) - I’m still undecided about it though. Her pet would be a bunch of coconuts who make coconut milk potions. Also, I picture her being related to Artichoke Cookie, but he’s not in Ovenbreak...YET? (pls devsis)
Honeycomb Cookie: Out in a charming little cottage atop a hill lives Honeycomb Cookie - and her many hives of Jelly Bees. Years upon years of working with the bees has allowed her to understand them so well, it’s almost as if she talks to them! If you happen to arrive on her doorstep, you can be sure that she’ll treat you to some delicious tea sweetened with honey and send you on your way with a basket of homemade treats.
Herb Cookie (Family): My cute little grandson certainly inherited the family green thumb.
Spinach Cookie (Trust): Oh, how sweet of you to bring me a basket of vegetables, dearie!
Fairy Cookie (Friendly): Ah, you’re so small I mistook you for another bee.
Matcha Cookie (Friendly): A bit of a strange one, but it’s nice to have some laughter over tea.
Not sure what her skill would be, but I think her pet would be a queen Jelly Bee that grows from a baby to an adult as you collect more jellies.
Souffle Cookie: A chef famous for turning simple Jellies into extravagant and delicious meals. Though he can come off as strict and a bit intimidating, he truly does care about creating good food for every Cookie who comes to his restaurant. Souffle Cookie is quite the perfectionist, so if a recipe doesn’t come out as planned, he tends to sulk so badly that even his fluffy chef’s hat deflates! But it never lasts long before he throws himself back into his work with renewed passion.
Sparkling Cookie (Trust): My cooking and your juice is the ultimate combination!
Sandwich Cookie (Admiration): To create such simple but delicious meals...C’est magnifique!
Mala Sauce Cookie (Friendly): Just watch, I’ll create a meal more than spicy enough to satisfy you!
Dr. Wasabi Cookie (Tension): I am NEVER using your syrup as a ‘secret ingredient’ EVER again!
Again, not sure what his skill would be, but maybe his pet could be a spoon. Sous-chef Spoon?
Rainbow Sugar Cookie: Sugar Cookie was always painfully shy and never considered herself all that important. However, everything changed when she met Rainbow Puff, a creature who begged for her help in protecting the happiness of Cookies everywhere from the wicked Dark Puffs. Bestowed with a magical wand, she becomes Rainbow Sugar Cookie, chasing away darkness with prisms of joyous light! RAINBOW...BEAM!
Pink Choco Cookie (Trust): The two of us would make a perfect team!
Wind Archer Cookie (Admiration): Wow...what an amazing warrior...
Sandwich Cookie (Friendly): She makes the best toast as a snack on the way to school!
Dark Enchantress Cookie (Rival): I won’t let a villain like you make other Cookies suffer!
Pomegranate Cookie (Tension): Why are you helping the Darkness?
Originally her name was Glitter Cookie, but then Shining Glitter Cookie got announced. In any case, she’d pretty much be an epic version of Wind Archer Cookie, fighting a big ‘boss’ monster once enough little ones were defeated with her magic.
Jack-o-Lantern Cookie: Trick or treat! Wait, is it Halloween already? The answer doesn’t really matter to this young Cookie, who loves trick-or-treating so much that they never take their costume off! If you don’t have Jellies to give, then get ready for a mischievous trick! But if there’s one thing they love more than getting treats, it’s sharing them with friends, so don’t be shy and join in the fun!
Candy Corn Cookie (Trust): My bestest trick-or-treating buddy!
Devil Cookie (Admiration): WOW! What a great costume!
Apple Cookie (Friendly): Here, candy apples!
Onion Cookie (Friendly): Trick o- um, please don’t cry...
Vampire Cookie (Tension): Hey, don’t fall asleep when I’m trying to trick you!
I thought I was in the clear with this OC when we got Truffle Cookie for Halloween...but then Pumpkin Cookie was an NPC later, lol. At least the name was an easy change. Their skill would basically be like a slower version of Chestnut’s, where you go up to houses and trick-or-treat.
Candy Corn Cookie: This Cookie used to be a scarecrow who stood in the middle of a big field of candy corn. However, they wanted to travel the world, so one night they wished upon a star...and miraculously, their wish was granted! Bursting with curiosity, Candy Corn Cookie is full of questions about everything they see. They still have a habit of chasing birds wherever they go, though.
Jack-o-Lantern Cookie (Trust): This ‘trick-or-treat’ thing is really fun!
Alchemist Cookie (Admiration): Wow, this Cookie knows lots of things!
Blueberry Pie Cookie (Friendly): Ooh, what’s in all these ‘book’ things?
Mocha Ray Cookie (Friendly): Cookies can really live under the sea? WOW!
Carrot Cookie (Tension): Aw, I don’t wanna go back to the farm yet!
Candy corn apparently used to be called ‘chicken feed’, so their pet would probably be a chicken. Again, not sure about the skill.
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rogerbriden · 5 years
Dreamscape P5
Part 4
“Things really are a bit of a mess aren’t they?”
“...I think so...yes. But I don’t know why,” Roger had his eyes closed. He wasn’t sure why he had answered the unknown voice. It wasn’t exactly familiar to him. But it sounded friendly...calm. Like, maybe he could have heard it once, somewhere.
“Well...that’s how life is sometimes. Things get tangled up and confusing. But it doesn’t last forever. That’s the good thing about it all.”
He furrowed his brows and frowned a little harder before hesitantly opening his eyes to peek.
He was...at the table. In the kitchen, back home. Roger turned his head from side to side. There was the sink, there were the counters, and the fridge with all the magnets and the oven- It was all there.
In front of him was a big plate of cookies next to a kettle full of steaming hot tea, and two teacups set for two people. But there was no one around, only himself.
Immediately Roger reached for a cookie and took a big bite. Sugary, soft, warm...Everything a cookie ought to be (he didn’t care for crunchy ones.)
As soon as he reached for another, before finishing the first no less, he paused, the hairs on his neck standing on end.
There was another man sitting adjacent to him now, sipping at his own cup of tea and running his thumb over a datacron. 
He had blonde hair and wore rectangular shaped glasses and a lab coat. He looked like a doctor, almost like the mean doctor from the hospital that Roger had met before several times prior...but...there was something different. Maybe it was his eyes. They were grey, but they were warm, almost golden.
Before Roger could gobble down the second cookie, he drew his arms in cautiously, holding it close to himself as he eyed the other man suspiciously. Walker always told him to be wary of strangers. Even if they looked like they could be nice people. Because a lot of them weren’t always.
The doctor, for lack of better identifiers, eventually looked up at him and smiled. “It’s all right you know. There’s nothing to worry about, so don’t be afraid.” “What’s your name?” “Liam.” He said, sighing almost but still smiling. “We’ve met once before. Not in person, but you met a part of me technically.” “I did?”
“You’re familiar with Jacquemont, aren’t you?” As if on queue, the little yellow bee-bot came flying over from seemingly nowhere, more than pleased to see Roger.
“Jacque!!” In typical fashion, he yanked the bot right out of the air and held him close (cookie still in hand as well,) Jacque letting out a series of ‘happy noises’ as his antenna bobble blinked rapidly and glowed brightly.
“There see? Best of friends even.” 
Roger looked up towards Liam again, “I still don’t know what you meant when you said that we met before.” As soon as he finished his sentence, he squinted. “...Wait-”
“Are you surprised you remembered what I said only minutes earlier?”
“You’ve come far, you know.” “I remembered-” Roger’s eyes darted around almost in a panic. They couldn’t find anywhere to settle at first, until Jacquemont squirmed out of his arms and flew around in circles above him. “But how? Why-” He tried to think about other things.
Some memories came, others refused to. Or maybe because there simply wasn’t anything there.
But the most important ones seemed to still be around. He remembered his room upstairs- all his things and where they were- Walker and Bell and Pepper outside, and the gardens and even the funny looking captain with his green hat and his coat.
And Mara, her too...and Acorn and Walker’s weird yellow friend who was very VERY tall and had a funny metal mouth, and the other Mordesh with the wild dark hair and green eyes who was also kind of mean...
They all weren’t as prominent as the botanist Walker however. 
“I couldn’t really say for certain. Things can change on a whim, without any warning. And sometimes, they change again before you can even figure out what’s what.”
“So...so then- am I better? Am I better now?” Roger asked, sounding distressed.
He knew something was wrong with his head, deep down. Walker wouldn’t always say it- in fact, he never said it at all. But, he knew.
“Well,” Liam adjusted his glasses, "That all depends. Do you want to get better?"
"Well of course. It's not good being sick or...or having something wrong…" Just saying so made him anxious. "So… earlier you- you said we met and then Jacquemont came, are you INSIDE him?"
"There is a small bit of programming, yes. It's gone on for so long without being activated. I left it behind so Walker would always have a piece of me to talk to, to keep him company. But… perhaps it's made him too sad to do so." In turn, Liam also looked sad about it. "I would definitely apologize if I were able."
"Well we should go find him and tell him."
"We? Oh… no… he's already here. You just need to wake up is all. He's been absolutely worried sick about you."
"He has?" The anxiety grew.
From there, whispers began to tickle his ears. They sounded like a muffled voice, but they steadily became louder. Clearer even.
"...don't worry… I'm not going to leave you… it'll be alright… I promise… I'm sorry…"
That was definitely Walker's voice. Roger couldn't tell where it was coming from however. It was like it was coming from...well, all over really.
He looked to Liam helplessly. "Where is he? I don't like this anymore- this isn't home- it just looks like home. I wanna go home, there's nobody here and I don't know why!"
Liam gave him a sympathetic look. "I don't know any more than you do. But, what I can say is this. You really ought to wake up now. He's out there all alone, and he needs you."
Walker's disembodied voice grew more clear. "Everything's going to be fine...we'll go home soon and forget it ever happened-"
They'll forget…
Roger stood up, holding his breath. "If… If I wake up," He wasn't sure how he was going to at this point, "Will I forget everything again? Please.. I don't wanna forget… I'm tired of forgetting… I can't remember anything nice or fun when I'm awake," Tears were welling up in his eyes as he grew more and more upset. "I don't wanna forget…"
"We don't always have a choice in these things I'm afraid. We all do the best we can, and sometimes that has to be enough. At the very least… were you happy?" Liam stood up slowly, as if preparing to send him off whether he wanted it or not.
Roger thought about it, eyes downcast.
Was he happy?
Feelings more than vivid memories came back to him. Nice hugs… never being alone...smiles and a few affectionate kisses here and there. The madness of being doomed to live on repeat.
Was he happy?
"...If Walker's there with me then… then…" He swallowed. "...I'm happy. I am. Even if I can't remember it. I want to go back home now… Please?"
Liam smiled sadly at him. "It's time to wake up now."
Walker remained slumped over Roger in the early morning hours. He had absolutely refused to be removed from the recovery room, and after a lot of fighting (and convincing from Mara) the staff had decided to leave him there like he wanted. Though he was to be closely monitored, of course. For security reasons.
His eyes were shutting themselves and his vision was swirling and fading in and out. He couldn't keep this up any longer. Days without sleep was taking its toll and never felt so close to metaphorical death. Not even Neil working him constantly drained him this much. That anxiety could never compare to now.
Walker held his head up again weakly to look at Roger, feeling him twitch briefly. Maybe now he would wake up.
Nothing happened.
Again he sank into somewhat of a crumpled heap hovering over the bedside.
He didn't care HOW long it would take. He'd wait until Roger woke up just like he promised. And then they'd go home, just like he said they would.
Even if Roger did just stare off into space...and do nothing else.
The guilt hit him like a truck again, and he laid his head down to cry. Again.
"Why did I do it… I shouldn't have- I should have just said no- they had no idea about anything they were doing-" The new experimental procedures, the new medicines, the new everything.
He was the one who turned Roger into a vegetable. It was his fault. And he could have died on the spot admitting that.
But he was still here. Still alive.
Jacquemont laid nearby on another surface, blooping a few times to signify he was recharged. Slowly and sleepily he hovered into the air before opening his eyes fully and zipping over to the two at the bed. He settled down gently next to Roger then, emitting little "purring" noises as he warmed up. That was new.
"Jacquemont what if he never comes back," Walker asked, or weeped. He wasn't sure.
Jacquemont made a questioning sound before his attention darted back to Roger.
Walker noticed and looked up at him. His eyelids were fluttering and his nose twitched.
"Roger??" Immediately he sat up and leaned in closer, holding his breath.
The first things he could see were lights. Faint lights that were blurry, but everything was starting to come back.
His hearing faded back in and he could hear Walker's voice. The feelings in his fingers and everything else came back too, resulting in feeling like he was made of lead, but he could also feel the botanist's hand over both of his much smaller ones.
And a hovering yellow ball off to the side-
Roger stirred some more, fidgeting almost. He wanted to move but found he could hardly do so. Instead he emitted a whine that may have been akin to a chorus of angels for the Mordesh in front of him.
"Oh my g- Roger- Roger it's ok it's ok- lay back- don't worry-"
That was Walker certainly. Pushing him back down gently so he wouldn't move. Why though?
He groggily turned his head to look to the side. This wasn't his bedroom. Where the heck were they? The panic welled up in his chest and he could not contain it. Immediately he choked out a sob.
"Oh no, no no no Roger it's ok, it's ok see?" Walker pulled him into a tight hug, completely smothering him. "It's ok… it's ok… you're ok…" He sounded so relieved, and he felt really hot. Roger couldn't figure out why.
Where the heck were they? And why did he feel absolutely terrible? He hated it. He wanted to go home.
Why was Walker so sad?
Where was he? Why did everything feel like it hurt…
Walker was really, REALLY sad. Or really happy. Roger wasn't too sure.
If only he knew where they were. It didn't smell like home.
He felt sore.
But… Walker was there. That was all that mattered.
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ghostmartyr · 5 years
Pokémon FireRed Nuzlocke [Part 12]
Can we beat the game using Nuzlocke rules and only battling against trainers?
The current answer is leaning towards no. Still, we shan’t give up or in.
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Four badges in. Next stop?
Uh. Haven’t decided yet.
So things did not go what I would call according to plan with the Grimer. Ideally, it would have been a higher level than 30. It wouldn’t need me to hold its hand through a bunch of leveling. It would immediately be an asset. Life would be beautiful. Nothing would hurt.
Only it’s level 30.
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I have a Ground, Water, Electric, and Normal Type in rotation. Grass has historically been a problem, but it is much less of a problem with a Snorlax. Oak isn’t always the most useful, but he’ll be receiving a huge power boost come Surf collection.
Bark and Trunk are going to be wanting all the Attack EVs I can feed them. Sap is going to want Attack as well. And HP.
Its move pool is a huge plus, and I would be happy to have it available, but to make it available, a lot of switch training would have to happen. When Sprinkle went through that, experience gain dropped to a slow crawl. Sprinkle was only level 25, and at an even later stage in the game, but the approach taken with this round was intended to be geared towards a minimum of pokemon.
Other things to consider would be that in the first run, I lost two pokemon, and a lot of work went into making up for that. The two runs can’t be compared fairly with what levels to expect further down the road. ...I. think.
By the first Elite Four fight, Po was level 46. My highest level pokemon was 49.
It did not go well.
I need this one to go better.
Does it go better with Sap, or does it go better with maxing the heck out of the other four.
I really, really want to use Sap.
Having a status-reliant choice instead of a pure powerhouse makes me more comfortable with everything else. Minimize is good. Screech is welcome. Sludge Bomb is welcome. Acid Armor is welcome. Muk is a kickass thing to have available.
But I’m not sure splitting the exp is going to do me any favors this late in the game. Silph offers a lot of lenience, I guess, but. Cycling Road is going to go to Trunk. So is a lot else, and what doesn’t should help out Bark.
Five pokemon starts to be a lot.
I’m trying it out.
Sap, welcome to the team. Don’t die.
In happier news...
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Good job making it this far, buddy.
Route 16, what are we catching here today?
Sap, prove your worth by failing to kill it.
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Damn it, Sap. +123 to you and Bark. -_-
Siiiiiigh. I need 30 pokemon for the Itemfinder.
Now Trunk is just going to claim. As much of Cycling Road as possible. Bark will help when possible. ...Or do I want to go deal with Silph? Hey, past me, wtf is the best way of doing this nonsense?
I’m going to do Silph for the sheer heck of it, I think. I don’t want to get as far as my Rival yet, but. I don’t know. I’m just not feeling Cycling Road right now. Video games are supposed to be fun, right? Let’s chase some damn fun.
And I don’t think I ever got my Route 7 thing. Let’s do that, too. Hi Growlithe.
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Did I misremember how much damage Sludge does???
Yes, I did.
I very much did.
...+130 to Sap and Acorn. -headdesk-
With that in mind, actually, Sap, you and Bark want to try your hands on the dojo next door to Sabrina? Trunk can’t touch any of those guys thanks to the Super Effective problem.
..And Bark can barely touch any of them thanks to her low Defense.
Yeeeeeah, after that short experiment, we’re just gonna go straight to Silph. Where the Rockets are not a thing to be too afraid of.
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Beautiful building.
Hellscape place.
I don’t wanna do this, either. Uh. South of Lavender, maybe?
Out of order ALL the things.
Route 13, let’s catch a thing.
The thing is a Venonat! We now wait and watch to see if it will end up dead like other recent catches for totally unpreventable reasons.
Its name is Oak.
Route 14, in the middle of all these trainers we’re beating down largely out of order.
...Gloom’s technically not viable because Oddish and species clause, but screw it, it’s not going to be used, I’m too lazy to look up what else is here, and I just want this part done and over with. I know that’s really bad form. but. I am not a rules lawyer. once, maybe. not anymore.
Caught. Its name is Oak.
So far with trainers, the way I’m keeping my sanity with exp division is that the Bikers go to Trunk, and Bark and Sap get the Bird Keepers.
It is slow and tiresome. I do not care for thinking when I am playing my video games.
We’re in Route 18 now, and doing the same nonsense to a Raticate. This is it. This is the point. This is where I stop caring about any of the rules except the no grinding thing. Everything else is irrelevant.
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Bark ffs. Stop. Sigh.
+414 exp. Route 18 officially dead.
(Also, this looks like I should have known that she would kill it, but Bark still knows Mud Slap. It does as much nothing as anything on my team can. Still not enough nothing when critical hits are involved.)
Good Rod get so that Fuchsia might have a happier ending.
Back in the realm of completely legal catches, we have a Poliwag!
Throwing a Great Ball proves the best strategy. In that it works. Poliwag get! Its name is Oak.
In other, trainer-related news, Sap hits 34 and learns Acid Armor.
We have also cleared out the section of trainers that is not Saffron and not Cycling Road that comes pre-Koga. Naisu.
-time passes-
So, post-Cycling Road, Trunk is level 41, Bark is level 42, Sap is 35, Oak is 37, and Acorn is 40. I think what makes the most sense in terms of safety is to go clear out the Silph building, then deal with the dojo and assorted Gyms.
I hate Silph Co.
So, so deeply.
Deep breath time.
Oh, wait, I want Oak to have Surf first. Never mind, we can still delay this party!
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Let’s do it.
Hey, and while we’re at it, we have a chance at a Parasect!
We caught it!
Its name is Oak.
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I don’t remember if it was me or someone I knew, but as a child, I have distinct memories of the timer flat-lining just a handful of squares away from talking to this guy. It filled me with enough sadness that I think maybe I was the one having the issues.
The Safari Zone is a lot harder when you have no idea what you’re supposed to do or where you’re meant to go.
Oak learns Surf!
We also give the Warden his teeth back, so Strength get.
I’m gonna see about catching a Route 19 thing. Due to it being something I can do that doesn’t involve the Silph building.
Yes, a Krabby. As we learned from Heero’s run, they make for excellent HM slaves.
Its name is Oak. Sadly, I think it will be replacing Oak in the party.
I think we’re. back to the sad part.
(Route 17 option: Doduo. Status: caught. Name: Oak.)
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Granted, it’s much easier without having to record every single fight, but the memories of the most recent time I did this are harsh and painful and I don’t like them.
Several floors later, yeah okay, this isn’t so bad.
I still hate it.
However, I can safely say I know who the best character in the Pokemon multiverse is.
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Best. Girl.
She’s on floor 9, future self. Sorry about your life.
Because there are so many vitamins hidden around the building, I’m starting to really panic about how my team is going to handle the final parts of the game. I of course love all my children equally, but losing the first team was rough, and I can’t imagine that I’ll continue to engage with my pokemon on any level if things consistently fall to pieces in the very last sequences.
In a funny way, I think the EV training I’m softly tripping through might be hampering things a little. The balance is more sideways than my usual in-game teams have, because I’m focusing a lot on who’s fighting what. There are no random bursts of Defense being distributed, for instance. Oak is the closest to balance, and that’s because Oak had to do most everything before we had a real team (no offense buddy, you rock).
I don’t know. I’m paranoid. Things did not go well with Heero and friends. I think I want to invest in some of the X [stat] items, you know, like the way of the speedrunner, but the way I usually play these games involves brute force.
Full stop.
I can’t repeat enough how little I enjoy thinking in my video games.
But what that means is that I’m not used to using X items. And spending a turn on something I haven’t spent years of background noise thinking about could have disastrous consequences.
The disaster is something I fear. Clearly.
Sigh. There’s not helping it right now, so. Silph.
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I kind of love that your Rival doesn’t appear to do anything at all about Team Rocket. He just shows up because hey, Red will be doing the hero stuff over there! Time to throw down!
Then he loses and just goes back to worrying about his League quest.
He’s almost like a real ten-year-old.
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Acorn thank you for existing.
Wait. Crap, what deals with the Venusaur? Did I decide to just throw Trunk at that? Because that’s what I’m doing?
Yeah, fine, that works.
I got a Lapras.
Its name is Oak.
Sprinkle, I miss you.
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Oh whoops. Acorn’s still in front. I don’t think I want that.
Kangaskhan without a Fighting Type is weird. Not a problem weird, because yay, Trunk exists. But weird. I keep expecting to have something super effective against it.
One Master Ball for me. Yay.
Now off to the dojo.
Where I’m going to try not to get Sap killed by letting him have this fight for great exp. I trust Sap’s moves. I trust the concept of their usefulness. Then I see critical hits and tragedy everywhere.
Do not die.
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Does my hat look black to you.
Level 37 Hitmonlee.
You know. I have the post that says this involves a level 37 Hitmonlee open in another tab. And yet. This still comes as a horrible shock and my brain is already playing taps for Sap.
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The pain of one Hi Jump Kick. Not bad. I think we might make it, little guy.
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We won!
And no one died!
I guess that means it’s time for Koga.
Boo. But we’ll let Trunk punch through. Maybe with Bark, too.
Or Oak can eat a Kadabra. That works.
Trunk makes it through all the pre-Koga peeps with little trouble, and we move on to the man himself.
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Awesome. More awesome is how everyone’s still alive. Oh happy day before we go forth and fight Sabrina.
Toxic get.
Trunk is level 46, as seen above. Bark is 44. Acorn is 42. Oak is 41. Sap is 37.
Oak’s job is to eat Sabrina. With any luck, Oak will continue to be a help with Blaine, though Bark and Sap will want some of that sweet exp too.
...Basically, what this all means is that I’ve stopped worrying about most of what’s going on with my team. I’m now just watching the levels and letting my dread run the show.
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Dread and Oak. The dream team. Oak’s hit 44. I have faith.
.....Ooookay things are going awry because a Calm Minded Alakazam packs a wallop with Psychic, so I’m switching in Acorn under the assumption that he can survive one Psychic and will outspeed the thing.
Pictures taken just before disaster, fyi.
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Houston, we have a problem.
Trunk wraps things up.
But. Uh.
Gyarados damage control is gone.
Acorn is gone.
What even is life without Acorn.
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That critical hit would have been the end of Oak. Your oldest friend. I know we both wanted things to go differently, but I’m sure you understand why this is the end result.
I will miss you.
So much.
The lack of your warm presence will be a loss for us all.
I also no longer have something on my team with Thunderbolt, so. The script is no longer clear. I guess I can be less worried about levels, but. This right here might be the end of this round.
With a heavy heart, we head to the oceans where Acorn should have reigned supreme.
And stop Sap from evolving so he can learn Sludge Bomb at 43. Hopefully doing that won’t lead to another unfortunate accident, but if it does happen, I’m sadly resigned to it.
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I don’t know how many times Sap has hurt himself in confusion in this fight, but it’s too many.
Then the Tentacruel comes in when this is finally over, and Sap hurts himself in confusion.
Sap’s just eating every single confusion problem of the entire run. He’s taking it all for himself.
But. we. get. through. it. As a family.
Hit Route 20, and now I have a level 8 Tentacool. Its name is Oak.
Supersonic is hitting everything and it is absolutely miserable.
Seafoam Island gives us.... Golbat! Apparently we already had a Zubat, so whoops, but in any case, its name is Oak. And needs to be moved from the D E A D box because whoops.
Does Oak want to learn Fly and help greatly with things not being awful?
Boy howdy do I.
And I am at 30 pokemon in my Pokedex, so it’s time for me to go grab my Itemfinder and Leftovers.
...Oh. Golbat doesn’t learn Fly. Well fine then. Another Oak will help me.
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After all.
He is
Oak’s Aide.
Got one Leftovers. Two Leftovers. Awesome.
-many minutes later-
Sap gets Sludge Bomb! Do you know what that means?
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Sap! We’ve done it! We’ve kept you alive! You’ve made it through your trying times as a Grimer!
Now let’s go into that non-haunted mansion that makes up most of Blaine’s island’s real estate.
I’m just going to shove Bark in front and. idk. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I’m just waiting for Victory Road, the day of reckoning, and. Maybe better than last time.
Growlithe caught in the mansion. Its name is Oak.
Secret Key get.
Blaine, why must you be so sketchy.
Okay, so for this Gym, I think I’ll be using Sap more than expected. Bark and Oak will deal with a lot of Giovanni, because they don’t have to worry about Ground really causing an extra problem. That makes this a better place for Trunk and Sap to level up. Agreed?
Yeah sure, whatever.
I guess the other thing to consider is if Bark will really be a help in this endeavor.
She’s very, very fast, and will learn Earthquake naturally. But she can’t take a hit, and with the loss of Acorn, I’m thinking what I have to do is just have Trunk, Oak, and Sap tank everything; lots of X items, lots of Full Restores.
Most of the time, Bark can’t afford to take a second hit of anything.
If I really want to optimize, Cutting down to three out of my four might be the better call.
Ugh, that’s such a dangerous number, though.
Sap has an amazing move set. I really could just...
Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha, Lance, Rival.
Trunk could probably handle Lorelei. Sap could do the Fighting half of Bruno, and the other half isn’t really a problem. The plan with Agatha was always to teach Po Shadow Ball, but then Zaft needed Thunderbolt, so I couldn’t afford it. Lance is hell, but not one a Dugtrio is likely to improve by much.
I have no idea what to do for Oak.
But if I can set Sap up, a lot of problems become manageable. I can’t brute force this. I keep saying that, and I keep ignoring it because that’s not how I play these games. I need better strategies. Bark’s Attack stat isn’t up to being a glass cannon. She’s a glass rifle, maybe. Fantastic, but eating up resources without serving an extra purpose. She’ll be just as dead in two hits if I keep on giving her exp. Leveling could remove that weakness, but I don’t have anything to work with there.
I have to focus on three.
Damn it.
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For now, let’s finish Blaine, shall we.
Got the badge.
Bill Gaiden?
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So he says.
So ends the post, because I just can’t.
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dionysus-is-my-dude · 6 years
Fae - Chapter One
Go easy on me, guys. I’ve never posted original works on here before. I’m an exposition nut, and I haven’t decided on our little human dollhouse maker’s name. What do you guys think it should be? Also, yes, I type in UK English. Sue me. Enjoy!
Fae 1
Humans have nearly destroyed what's left of the Old World. You may not remember what it was like. Hardly any of us do that live today. The elves perhaps, but no one sees them anymore. They live in complete isolation, unwilling to allow any kind privy to their history and knowledge. Many dwarves have integrated with the human world, those wonderful miners and crafters. Humans just think they are short people with a talent for jewelry and gold. I don't know what has become of mermaids, but I do know that sirens have come to land and become quite wealthy as popular performers.
You may be wondering, "All these mythical creatures, but what are YOU?" Well, as evident by my lovely wings, tiny stature, and use of magick, it's quite plain to see that I am a fairy. A sprite, if you'd prefer. Fae folk live in the forests these days, casting circles of mushrooms and flowers to dance and celebrate in, causing mischief for any human who passes by, but generally staying far from your loud and chaotic towns. Fae folk mainly live in small kingdoms, named after the tree we live in or the area of the forest we're in. I live in the Great Oak kingdom, named so because our tree is the largest oak tree in the forest. A perfect place for such a large kingdom of fairies to live and thrive. We have survived for so long due to how deep into the vast forest our tree has grown in. Most humans do not come this far, and the ones that do see nothing due to our glamour.
You see, in the Old World, humans were quite jealous of the elves, fairies, and other creatures of magick and wealth. Humans are known far and wide for their endless greed and thievery, and would hunt us down, either enslaving us or killing us to take our treasures for themselves. That is why so many of us have gone into deep hiding, to protect our descendants from the pain that humans bring. It's the highest law in the Great Oak kingdom, in fact, to never show yourself to any human. For if you are caught, they will take you back to their world and you will never be seen again.
Contrary to what you may have heard about fairies, we are not lazy. The elves are the lazy folk, drinking and feasting and reading all day long. We fairies, on the other hand, can be very busy creatures. In a kingdom as large as mine, there is always a job to be done. Cooking, cleaning, creating tools, weaving, food-collecting, and everything else that go into keeping a kingdom running safely and smoothly. Everyone has a job to do, and mine is important. I'm a seamstress. Fairies in the olden days wore no clothes, but along the way, when humans and their strange fashions were introduced to us, many decided that they wanted to look even more beautiful than they already do. Not EVERYONE wears clothes, especially in the Summer, but whenever there is a celebration or formal feast, you will see many fairies dressed in the finest spiderweb silk and flower petals. Seamstresses are very highly thought of in our kingdom, especially in the court. Anyone who can create gorgeous gowns and ensembles that the royal court will be seen in is considered especially talented.
I work very hard everyday to create designs, collect my materials, and sew them together to make something that the PRINCE may wear. My family has been sewing for the court for a VERY long time, and I take great pride in my work. It makes me immensely proud to attend a celebration and see my pieces being worn.
Ah, but...I often become quite bored. My favourite FAVOURITE thing to do is to leave the tree to go out and find materials. Spiderwebs are popular, as is silkworm silk, but those ARE rather easy to find, though they are considered the most beautiful as they are so delicate. But I adore using flowers and their petals. Unlike silk and spiderwebs, petals only last a short while. You only wear them once or twice before the petals wither and grow dark and hard. That is why so few of the ladies in the court wear them. What good is a gown that dies and becomes ugly only a short time after you wear it?
Still, they're my favourite to make, and I spend a good part of my days flying about the forest, searching for the perfect flowers, and even herbs, if I find any. The Wide Wood provides very few but lovely flowers for me. The pink plums, bearberries, magnolias, and the flowers before they bear fruit on many trees and shrubs. With such a small variety to choose from, I'm always seeking further from the boundaries of the kingdom, searching for something new, something everyone will remember me for.
So I gather supplies into my bag, including a little food if I don't return right away, and make my way out of my home. It's a very nice home, a hollow notch in the tree filled with sewing tools and my bed, which is a small nest that a cardinal abandoned filled with soft moss. Many fairies prefer nice beds, crafted by the wood-workers of a birch tree nearby and softened by woven spiderwebs. But I like the nest. It makes me feel safer and warmer on cold, Winter nights.
With my bag over my shoulder, I flit over to my doorway and look out at the view. It's the end of Winter, the Pussywillow trees beginning to bloom. We'll all be using them as pillows soon. There is no more snow on the ground, but the air is still chill, so I'm wearing my thick shawl made of the pelt of a squirrel. Those in the court would never wear pelts. Only the workers and collectors wear them, as they leave the tree the most. But I refuse to freeze to death to gather my flower petals, so I tighten my belt and take off into the brisk air.
I can't imagine how jealous humans must be of us, of our beautiful wings and ability to fly. It's said that, if a human holds you and believes they can fly, then they will, but only so long as they hold you. I've been told that holding a fairy makes you very happy, too. It's no wonder that humans kidnap us. So unhappy with their greedy, dull lives that they will steal their happiness if need be. Flying through the trees never fails to bring me joy. Seeing the forest floor from high above, the scurrying ground animals and the moss, flying side-by-side with the birds and insects, it's incredible. How could a human ever feel like this? This free?
There are markers everywhere to tell me where I am. And a lost fairy will ALWAYS be able to return to her home tree, besides. A certain patch of mushrooms here, a patch of moss there. All places I've already explored. I want to see more. And today, today I will search further. I NEED to know what else is out there!
So I fly past the boundaries of the kingdom, uncaring of what I may find. We're so deep in the forest. I doubt I'd reach the edge in only a day. I should be just fine.
There are messes of fallen leaves upon the ground, everything still sleeping and withered from Winter's icy hold. I'm not expecting to find anything blooming right now. It's still too early for Spring. I pass by a Pussywillow, unable not to stop and run my hands and cheeks all over one of the fuzzy parts. So soft, like a caterpillar.
Flying East against the Sun is where I know the edge of the forest is. The ones who have reached that far say it's a full day's journey, and that they've seen humans pass in big, machines that move very fast. It does not sound very interesting to me. I want to see what's beyond that road that the humans have created. But, not today. Today, I want to stay within the forest.
I fly lower and decide to land on a patch of moss to eat some of my honey. I HAVE been flying for some time now. Looking around, I see just a seemingly-endless amount of tall trees and shrubs. It's very quiet, even in the middle of the day. The birds are only just beginning to return from their journey down South. Soon, the forest will be filled with their melodies as they attract a mate and lay their eggs, bringing more beautiful songs into the trees.
Once I've rested and regained my strength, I'm back in the air, flying lower this time to get a better view of what's on the ground. Some leaves, but it's too late to collect them. I grab a few acorns, though. They're good for hats, and we make pancakes out of them. Ohhh, but I reach a few pine trees! I immediately dive down and find a pinecone, breaking off the pieces and stuffing them into my bag. These are uncomfortable to wear, but the furniture crafters use them to make many things. Fairies love decorations, and we often change them with the seasons.
A squirrel scurries past me, and it's when I watch it run off that I see it. A house. A human's house. It looks smaller than I'd imagined they would be. Granted, I've never seen a human before. How big are they? Does only one live there? I stay on the ground, staring at it. There are no signs that anyone is home. No smoke from the chimney, no lights from candles, and there isn't one of those large machines. Perhaps it's abandoned! Imagine what they may have left behind!
Steeling my nerves, I fly over to the house and find a window, but there are curtains blocking the view inside. I fly around, looking for a way in, letting out a shout of success when I find one window cracked open just enough for me to slide through.
Inside, the house is dark, but fairies have very good eyes. And we cast our own illumination with our fairy dust. Just looking around, I see a bed, a dresser, a table, a very small kitchen, and...a little house, just my size. With no human in sight, I hesitantly float down to it. It really is a little house! But only half! It's open like you're meant to reach inside and move things around. It looks much nicer than this little house the human lives in. Why don't they live here? Or is this made for their children? How small are human children?
Nothing is real in the little house, though, when I push on things and lay in the bed, finding it very uncomfortable and the blanket much too thin to feel warm. Why would a human make this? What is it for? The furniture in it is very nice. The table is too small for me, but it would make a lovely little bedside table. There is even a desk with frozen, clear water on it so I can see myself, and I sit there and look at my long, brown curls and large, hazelnut eyes. Yes, I was named Hazelnut due to my eyes, though many simply call me Hazel.
I wish I was able to carry this desk home with me. I suppose I could make it lighter with my magick, but that would take so much energy out of me. Such a shame. I wonder if there is any human food I could bring back with me? Flitting over to the kitchen, I open cupboards to find boxes and jars of sweet-smelling things. There is a jar of honey shaped like a bear that is almost as tall as I am! And there's this white crystal-like spice that's really, really sweet. There are a lot of spices I've never seen before, but some are sweet and others are spicy. Strange. Where do these spices come from? What kind of food does this human put them on?
I'm so caught up in my many questions that I don't sense the human returning. I fly down and hide under the bed as the door opens, frozen in fear as the human appears. I cannot tell if it's a girl or boy. They look tall and lean, with very short, light brown hair and dark brown eyes. They are wearing uncomfortable-looking, dark blue pants and a patterned shirt with long sleeves and many buttons. And their boots look much bigger than any that the men wear back home. Their face seems so different yet so similar to my kind's. Not as beautiful, with sharp lines instead of soft cheeks. Their skin is pale compared to mine, as well, not kissed by the Sun after so many years of celebrations. Do all humans look like that? They look sick.
I watch the human set down a bag and take off their boots, going to the kitchen and opening some kind of chest that is holding even more food, releasing air as cold as the wind outside into the room. They pull out a bottle of what must be water before closing the chest, moving to sit at the little table to drink from it. They say nothing. They don't really look at anything either. They just...sit and drink, utterly alone and clearly sad. What are they sad about? That they are alone here? Don't they have a kingdom of their own? Or a town to belong to? Don't they have any friends or family? I've heard that humans are commonly found living together. So why is this one here on their own?
They eventually sigh and put the half-empty bottle back into the cold chest. I freeze and rush back when they start walking towards the bed, but they don't see me, and the bed creaks when they climb up onto it. I hear the rustle of the blanket, then silence. Are they going to sleep so early? The Sun is still up! Is this because they're sad?
I stay under the bed for a long time, but the human doesn't move more than once, so they MUST be asleep, yes? Just in case, I cast a glamour on myself before emerging and floating up. The human IS asleep, thank goodness, but they still seem so unhappy. There's a wrinkle between their brows, and they even look like they're frowning. So sad, even in sleep? So strange. Fairies are very jovial creatures. Elves were, too, at one time in history. Dwarves have magnificent feasts and greatly enjoy singing and dancing. They're quite like us in that regard. But humans, at least from what I've been told by some of the elders in The Great Oak kingdom, are often so sad and miserable with their lives. They find little joy in anything other than power and wealth. Humans often eat alone, live alone, go through their whole lives alone. They barely sing, they hardly dance. Certainly not with each other.
I lift myself up onto the bed and sit, just looking at this human. What makes them sad? Is it because they're alone, out here in the forest? Do they not have any friends or family to spend time with? Oh, perhaps they are dead? Maybe that's why they're so upset.
My own parents are gone. My father abandoned my mother when I was born, leaving behind his entire heritage to grow and live life as a human. My mother passed some time ago, too heartsick to go on. We fairies are so tiny, it's difficult to handle our emotions, especially at the same time. My mother was happy to have me and watch me grow, to teach me the craft of needlework. But she felt heartbreak too great from my father's abandonment. Sadness and loneliness swallowed her whole, until she couldn't fly, couldn't use her magick, and simply wasted away. It was horrible to watch her get weaker and weaker. I tried to ease her passing with my own magick, and I swore to myself that I would never feel the heartbreak of love.
Perhaps THAT is why this human is so sad. They have felt that pain and emptiness, and it hurts ME to see them so unhappy. If I could cease their pain, just long enough for them to sleep soundly, that would be enough. So I carefully move closer, enough to feel their warm breath. Reaching up to gently place my hand on their forehead, I think of happy thoughts: my mother teaching me to fly, showing her the first dress I ever made, the pride on her face. Even remembering those moments puts a smile on my face, and I feel the warm, loving energy move through me and into the human. They gasp softly, still very much asleep, but the crease between their brows slowly disappears, colour returning to their cheeks as a soft smile graces their face, as does mine as I take my hand away. Sleep is important. And good dreams make all the difference.
I fly back down under the bed to grab my back, cast one more look at the dreaming human with that smile, and feel warmth seep into my fingers and toes at the sight. They look much more appealing when they're smiling. With pride humming in my chest, I squeeze out the cracked window and make my way back home.
"Where WERE you? You were gone for HOURS!" is the first thing I hear when I return to my bedroom. My friend, Thorn, the fastest flyer in our kingdom, is hovering in the air above my bed, arms and legs crossed and a very pouty expression on her face.
"I was out collecting things. You know I do that often," I tell her honestly, setting my heavy bag down. "I, unfortunately, didn't find anything all that interesting." Except a human, but she definitely doesn't need to know that. She would go out of her way to cause nothing but mischief for them.
"But you were gone such a long time," she pouts, blowing a long, black strand of hair out of her face. "I was getting worried."
I sigh, wishing I could simply be left alone for the rest of the day. "I appreciate your concern, Thorn, I do. But I'm expected to create the best outfits for the court. I can't simply use the same materials over and over. They'll become bored of me!"
"No one is bored of you," she assures me, flitting over to squeeze my shoulders. "You're the most talented seamstress in the kingdom. Everyone knows how creative you are. You have the most interesting ideas for dresses and costumes. But you know I worry about you when you go off on your own. You KNOW there are humans that sometimes come to the forest." I do my best to mask my fear of her finding out that I actually TOUCHED one. "You know what humans can do to us fairy folk. If they catch you, they'll take you away and suck all the magick out of you."
She huffs and pulls me into her arms. "I'm so scared of losing you like that, Hazel. You're my best friend. The only one to talk sense into me. What would I do without you?"
I hug her back just as tight. "You'd fight for me. I know you would. You'd pull your worst tricks on the human, bite and kick and pinch them until they let me go."
"You're damn right, I would," she agrees. "I wish you'd let me come with you when you go out."
"And take all the fun out of showing you what I've collected?" I tease.
"I'd rather have YOU than some floozy flower petals."
I rest my cheek on her shoulder and sigh. Thorn has always been protective of me. I was such a clumsy babe, always falling out of the tree and hurting myself. She would always catch me before I hit the ground, but if I scraped my legs or hurt my wings, she'd take care of me right away. My mother was fond of her, but told me not to do as she does, for she's quite the trickster. If you hear of humans running from the forest in fear or annoyance, it's because of Thorn playing tricks on them. She claims it's to protect us, but we really know she just likes to play. As the fastest flyer, she delivers messages to and fro. She likes knowing everyone's business, so it certainly is the perfect job for her. But she always makes time to spend with me. And I'm very grateful to her for keeping me company since Mother passed.
"I've grown a lot, you know," I remind her. "I'm not the clumsy child you once knew."
"I know. But I still feel responsible for you," she tells me, then lets me go and smiles. "Come, get changed. You must look nice for supper."
"I can't outshine the court, you know. It would be improper," I smile, watching her flit over to my wardrobe to choose a gown for me.
"You outshine them all the same," she says dismissively with a wave of her hand, then pulls out a simple, white, shawl made of spiderwebs.
I'm the only fairy accepted in the court to bare so much of my nude body. I feel far more comfortable nude, but those in the high court view nudity as an archaic thing. They are constantly clothed in the very finest fashions that I've created for them. But they think of my preference to nudity as "eccentric" and "traditional", and therefore, they allow me to wear what I please, which is generally very little.
I let Thorn dress me in the delicate shawl, and she tells me about her day running messages as she braids my hair before flying with me to the high branches, where the court holds their feasts. She isn't allowed to dine with us, due to her being of a lower class, but she is very encouraging of me being accepted amongst the royals.
She is the only one to know of my disdain for dining here every night, and she is sworn to secrecy never to let ANYONE else know about it.
The Great Oak court is comprised of the royal family -King Stone, Queen Laurelai, and Prince Cedar-, and then various members of nobility, royal bodyguards, and the like. They are very high-class and invested in art, music, and every other important aspect of our culture. For the most part, they are very kind folk. They ARE the ones that do their best to keep us safe and peaceful. And, well, they ARE the ones giving me a job. I'm very thankful for their acceptance and patronage.
I'm escorted to a speaking room, where several of dignitaries are gathered in conversation. Here in the high court, you engage with each other before being called to supper. Afterwards, we'll go to a sitting room to drink and engage for a while longer.
I recognize several of his Majesty's advisers and other high-ranking members of the court, who turn and smile when I entre the room. "Ah, Lady Hazelnut has arrived!" Lord Chamberlain, Ash, declares, his cheeks already very flushed from the pre-supper wine.
"Here I am," I smile in return, flying over to his small group. "Good evening, everyone."
"Good evening, my lady," Lady Ember replies. "Are you drinking this evening?"
"I'll have one or two glasses of wine, yes. You know I'm not the safest flyer when drunk."
The dignitaries chuckle heartily at the joke. "I understand, my lady," Lady Ember says. "Tonight is not much of a celebration. Simply another night until Spring. Stay here. I shall fetch you a glass."
"Thank you, my lady."
"I heard you were out quite late today, Lady Hazelnut," Lord Briar notes. "Your friend, Thorn, seemed intent to organize a search party."
"She's a kind friend, no doubt, but I assure you, I was perfectly safe," I assure everyone.
"Well, did you find anything interesting?" Lady North asks. They're always so excited when I find something I like, which warms my heart to know they're so fascinated by my explorations. They never truly leave the tree.
"I found a pine tree that grew the fattest pinecones I've ever seen," I say dramatically. The high court members LOVE a good story, and I'm told I'm quite good at telling them. "Too large for me to even pick up! I filled nearly half my bag with all the chips off of it. Oh! And on my way back, I was attacked by a crow!"
My audience gasps in shock. "How ever did you make it back in one piece?" Lady Ember asks, having now returned with a cup of wine for me. "I don't see a single scratch on you."
"I had to use all my strength to swing my bag at him, screaming my head off until he fled," I explain. "All he took from me was a few strands of hair, thankfully. I nearly lost an eye!"
"You really should take a guard with you," Lord Briar advises me. "You really are such a tiny thing, my lady. I'm amazed you haven't so much as broken a wing."
"I was raised well, I hope?"
"Indeed," Lady North declares, lifting her glass. "To Lady Hazelnut's safe travels!"
"Here, here!" we cheer, clinking our cups together.
We chat for a short while longer about more mundane things, like how the kingdom is running and the minor issues being dealt with over the course of the day. Finally, we're called to the dining room, which is the second largest room in the tree -the first being the ballroom for parties when it's too cold to go outside. The bark here is so shiny, you can see your reflection, the table long and wide to accommodate all of us and our food. I take my place near the far end of the table, waiting beside everyone else as the Page announces the arrival of the King, Queen, and Prince.
King Stone is exactly as you'd imagine a fairy king to be, if you've ever imagined a fairy king. He's tall and imposing, but with kind eyes and a loud voice that is easily heard by his subjects. Queen Lauralei is beautiful, of course, with flowing, golden hair and bright, blue eyes. She delights all who gaze upon her. And finally, Prince Cedar appears behind his parents. Every bit as tall as his father, with the golden hair of his mother and her blue eyes, he's a very handsome man. Many girls tell me I'm very lucky to be able to dine with him, even though I've told them that he and I sit on opposite ends of the table and never interact over dinner. I'm more than happy to not make a fool of myself where the royal family can see. At least the advisers think I'm simply entertaining when I make jokes and give details about designs I have for any upcoming celebration. We have many throughout the year.
We wait for the King and Queen to welcome us to supper and take their seats before we sit as well. Food and drink is quickly set on the table by staff, and conversations about court duties and other such high-class things lull the room into a peaceful setting. I do very much enjoy partaking in the court traditions. I enjoy entertaining the nobility and hearing the inner workings of our kingdom. Even though I'm simply a seamstress, being at the high dining table makes me feel more important. Like I'm a part of the bigger picture.
"Prince Cedar is apparently asking about your travels today," Lord Briar informs me when word has reached our end of the table.
My stomach twists, my smile suddenly shaky. "Oh? Why would such a brave prince be concerned about little, old me? Does he not have other things to worry about?" Damn, that last sentence came out a little snippish.
"He's quite enamoured with you, you know," Lady North grins. "He often pulls you aside to speak in private, does he not?"
My stomach twists tighter, my hands beginning to sweat as my face flushes. "He simply asks about what I have planned for his attire at the next celebration." That's not a COMPLETE lie.
"Is that ALL you two talk about?" Lady North pushes.
No, but I refuse to speak of it to anyone but Thorn. "Just that," I lie, pushing aside my second cup of wine. The last thing I want to do is get drunk enough to confess everything.
The rest of supper goes smoothly, thank goodness, but...after is what I dread. I try to stay as close to Lady Ember, my closest friend here in the high court, keeping myself within arm's reach of her. But I can't escape him.
"Lady Hazelnut."
My stomach twists so tight that I nearly double over with the pain of it. But I've come to learn how to hide my true feelings, unlike other fairies. So I put on an open face and turn to see Prince Cedar, giving me his most charming smile.  "Yes, my Prince?"
"I heard that you had a scare from a crow," he says. "You must tell me all about it."
I swallow past the lump in my throat. "Surely, you would rather hear it from Lady Ember. You know my memory is not the best, and hers is wonderful."
But my breath catches when he shakes his head. "Nonsense. You're the most dramatic storyteller." He offers his arm, and I stare at the limb like it will burn me if I touch it. "Come, my lady. I promise not to keep you long."
A lie. An outright lie. But I can't say "no" to the Prince. It would ruin my relations with the court. So, putting on a strained smile, I place my hand in the crook of his elbow. "If you say so."
My heart feels like a bird in a cage, and I desperately try not to show it as I let Prince Cedar lead me out to a balcony. The crisp, night air makes my head a little clearer. I very much hope that the young Prince has not had much to drink tonight.
"Isn't it lovely tonight? The moonlight shining through the leafless trees," he describes, looking out into the night.
"I can't wait until Spring," I reply.
"Ah, yes, so you can make your famous flower petal ensembles," he chuckles, and the sound sends a shudder through me. "Now, tell me about this crow who came so close to taking away our loveliest seamstress?"
"He must have simply been bored," I say blandly, all of my normal theatrics gone. "He dived at me, managed to snag a few strands of hair, then flew off when I fought back."
The Prince hums. "You're always so different with the others than you are with me. You seem so excited and happy with everyone else. What makes ME any different?"
Oh, you damn well know WHY. "You're the Prince, your highness. I must be respectful towards you."
"Is this why you pull away when I try to touch you?" he asks, reaching his hand out to hold mine, but I pull away. "Why do you do that?" he insists. "You KNOW of my feelings for you, Hazelnut. I have been courting you for ages, yet you deny my every attempt."
I take a step back when he turns to me with anger emanating from his aura. "Your highness, I understand your admiration of me, but I canNOT accept your feelings. I'm sorry."
"But why?" he demands, his voice getting louder. "I can give you everything you've ever desired. I will give you all of my heart. You will want for nothing! Why do you not love me in return?"
My lungs are beginning to hurt, the cold air biting my throat. I glance back and start moving towards the door. If I can just get away from him and back in public, I can escape. "The heart can't be bought, your highness," I tell him. "Your wealth and status don't matter to me. I can't explain why I don't love you. I simply don't. PLEASE accept my true feelings, your highness."
I'm in the hall now, but he comes right after me, his aura becoming even redder. "Any woman would KILL to be in your position! I have NUMEROUS ladies vying for my attention!"
"Then cast your gaze on THEM and give up on me!" I urge, surging off down the hall faster than he can chase me. He knows better than to cause a scene in front of other folk.
I make a hasty excuse to my friends that I am feeling tired after a very long day, and as soon as they bid me "good-night", I leave the court and fly out, wanting to put as much distance between myself and the Prince as possible. So I fly and fly, uncaring about crows or owls or any other birds. Tears blur my vision, and I hastily wipe them away, but more simply take their place. My aura is a dark blue when I look at my hands, and I rub them together to get rid of the feeling of his hand just barely brushing mine. Enough to make me feel dirty.
He's disgusting. Everything I could hate about a man. Arrogant, conceited, aggressive, and uncooperative. I pity his mother and father. I can't help but wonder where they went wrong with him. Why would a prince go after a seamstress?! I'm only considered high-class due to my work being so popular amongst the court. Nothing more! I don't come from wealth or power. The only reason he must see anything in me worthy to dedicate his time to is my beauty. But there are plenty of ladies far more beautiful than I am! And who come from better backgrounds. Ones who could give him the love he desires. Why would he continue to waste his time after nearly a YEAR of me rejecting his affections? Why ME?
I stop when I smell smoke. Where am I? I flew too far. But where is the smoke coming from? A forest fire? Humans?
I follow the smoke and find the house of the sad human from earlier. Now there's a fire in the chimney, the lights on. Are they still awake this late at night? I fly over to a window and look through it, finding the hot stove now lit, the human sitting at their small table and whittling. There's something different about them. They look...focused. Alert. Damn, did I make it hard for them to sleep now? I should have checked how much of my magick I was giving them. I fly around the little house and find one window slightly ajar, squeezing myself into the very warm home. The crackle of the fire in the stove is soothing to my cold wings, and the soft shhh sound of the human whittling is gentle on my ears after the night I just had.
I can't get too close to the stove without burning myself, but I also can't reveal myself to the human, so I quietly fly over to the bed and slip underneath it. Ah, it's warm here. And quiet. The energy in here is much nicer. I'll just...rest here for a short while...where I'm safe...
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soujun-arts · 6 years
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Case 4 : Cupcake Madness
Reginald’s 4th Case ! English isn’t my first language so bear with me.
You can read the previous cases @ /~SilverBaron
Neovia, 15:30
I'm laying in my bed, staring at the roof of my room. I've been stuck in there for 3 long and boring days already and it doesn't look like it will be over anytime soon... My name is Reginald Acorn, I'm 20, a grey gelert and I'm currently fighting a cold. I'm a detective working for the police force of Neovia. Three days ago, the boss and I had to hide in front of the abandoned asylum to catch all sorts of thieves, including the most annoying one you can think of. And by the looks of it, thieves aren't the only things I caught that night ... But, the good news is, we were able to recover a stolen locket and give it back to Vincent Von Verzweiflung. The look on his face when he saw the "treasure" inside was well worth this nasty cold. I'm getting all emotional just by thinking of it !
It reminds me of how I miss Mama ... When I was young and sick, she would make me the most delicious of cocoa with some marshmallow floating in it. It was delicious and helped distract me from whatever sickness I was suffering under at that time...
A loud knock on my door makes me go back to reality. The doors opens to reveal an enormous darigan skeith, engulfed in tightly fitted trench-coat. A hat is deeply screwed on his head, letting only small tufts of grey hair around the sides of his head show.
_"Oh good, you're still alive kid !" he says, laughing loudly and slapping his stomach.
_"My wife made this soup for you. It's extra spicy but it should help free your stuffed nose." he grumbles as he lays down the bright red tureen on my table.
This tall and heavy Skeith is my boss, "Big Skeith". His name is actually Marcus Worsley but everyone calls him Big Skeith at the station so being the new guy, I just went with the flow. He's a bit rude, has a very loud mouth but I assure you that you could never hope for a better chief of police. He also kind of became a father figure for me since I've never met my own father... I respect him a whole lot ! _"Oh, almost forgot, I also got you this, kid." he says as he puts down a small green bottle on my night-stand. "Should help fight the cold, at least, that's what the pharmacist told me. And if it doesn't work, I can always arrest him!" Big cackles at his own joke like it was the funniest thing he ever said. I smile, not because of the joke, but because I'm genuinely happy he's there for me.
_"Okay, I must leave now, I have a job to do yaknow. I'll stop by later tomorrow to check on you kiddo, so sleep well and eat like there's no tomorrow. See ya !" he yells as he storms out of my flat. Big's appearances are always something.
I taste Big's wife's soup and it's absolutely delicious. No wonder he keeps on praising her cooking everyday ! I'll have to ask him to thank her for me, when he comes back to check on me. It really is spicy though, I thought, fighting the tears coming in my eyes. I glance at the medicine bottle ... I've always hated medicine and mama had to trick me with cookies every single time to get me to take them. The bottle is really pretty and the liquid is bubbling inside. The eagerness to go back to my cases is stronger than my disgust for medicines. I drink a spoonful of it and promptly go back to sleep.
Neovia, 7:15 am
I let out a big yawn and stretch while still laying in bed. The pharmacist kept his promises as I really feel fresh and ready to tackle whatever challenge comes my way ! The only weird thing is that I don't feel hungry at all, and if you know me, you know I always crave a huge breakfast. Thinking nothing more of it, I jump in the shower and let the warm water drench my fur. I wash my grey hair that is a bit sticky for some reason, plus it really needs a trim, they're getting way too long...
Once I've dried myself, I dress with my usual work attire and feel tremendous joy at the thought of finally being able to get back to work. I step outside and let the freezing air fill my lungs. Yes, to another awesome day of investigation !
Neovia, 8:00am
_"Oh hey kid, you're back !" shouts Big as I enter the police station. "Guess that potion and the soup worked well uh ?" _"Yes, they did ! Thank you for taking care of me boss ! And please thank your wife for me, she really is a talented cook !
_"Ahaha, I know, right !! Well, since you're up and ready, how about you join Lenny. He's going to investigate a theft and break-in at the Crumpet Monger.
_"Sure boss ! I'll be going !"
I've never had the occasion to work with Lenny before. Lenny is, well, a Lenny. He's a weird mix of faerie and grey colours and looks always completely depressed. Maybe it's the fact that he is bald that makes him so upset ? He's very nonchalant and walks as fast as snail. He also speaks in a monotonous voice and I always feel like sleeping when I hear him talk.
Neovia, 9:00am
Finally, I can see the Crumpet Monger ! The shop is actually only 20 mins away by foot from the station but Lenny being so slow, it almost took us a WHOLE hour to get there. And since I'm still the newbie, I can't say anything. The Crumpet Monger shop is relatively small but it sells the best baked goods in all Neovia ! A cupcake is drawn right over the porch roof, and just underneath, an elegant door that opens upon a world of delicious treats ! As we get closer, I can see that the door was fractured but the frontage is thankfully intact. Lenny pushes the door and a bell rings inside. We were standing in the entrance when a mountain of hair came rushing out of the kitchen like a storm. Underneath all that hair, a meerca.
_"Oh so yer finally here ! Thank goodness ! As yer can see, we were robbed last night. All ther cakes, scones, pies, tarts and everything in between, gone !" she shrieks, visibly upset.
_"I see." ponders Lenny, completely out of it. _"Did they steal anything else, like the cash register ?" I asked, ready to do my job.
_"Well, yer see, no they didn't. They only stole and ate whatever we had in there.
But ... shouldn't the shop be empty of pastries during the night since you make fresh ones everyday ?" I say, pointing at a small sign saying so by the counter.
_"Oh yer, we do ! In these kind of jobs, we work at lot at night. My main baker was working tonight, made a whole storm of pastries yer see to set the shop for ther morning. He then left for a short while to see our supplier as per usual yer see. It was during that short time ther shop was ransacked." she lets her arm fall flat on her sides. "We lost a lot of money tonight yer see...
_"I'm very sorry Mrs Crumpet. We will do our best to wrap up things quickly so you can re-open again. Would it be possible to talk with your main baker ?"  I glance at Lenny as I speak, hoping he would step in to take the reigns but he was busy dozing off with a bubble popping out of his beak. Charming.
_"Sure yer can darling ! Aaron please come yer !" she shouts.
Coming out of the kitchen, wiping his hands covered in flour on a towel, a young Maraquan Gelert. He's of average height, has a long and weird tail with a, what, fin on it ? He is purple and his hair, which kinda look like algae, is greenish. He wears a big cooking hat on his head and a fancy looking uniform with a star on it. Around his neck, a red neckerchief.
He holds out his hand and I shake it amicably, this guy seems to be really friendly.
_"Hello, name's Reginald Acorn and here's my colleague Lenny Dot. We're here to investigate and we'd like to hear what you have to say please.
_"Thanks for coming, both of you. My name is Aaron Watson, I'm the main baker here. I think you won't have much trouble finding the culprit.
Really ? How so ?" my ears rising up in surprise.
_"Look at this, they left their prints all over the display cases. Should be easy enough to find, no ?
I get closer to the case and indeed, Aaron was telling the truth, you could see distinct prints all over it. I glance at the few leftover cupcakes there, suddenly feeling hungry.
_"Hmm yes, this is all very importance evidence...
_"Hey Regie, I hope you're talking about the prints and not the cupcakes" cackles Lenny, suddenly awake.
_"Of course I am !" I yell angry he found me out. "Dust for the prints instead of dozing off, that'd be helpful" I say, still sulking.
Alright, alright, let the pro do his job baby." he shouts proudly while holding a weird pose, showing off.
_"I really hope you catch that thief, but in all those short years I've worked here, it's really the first time this happens.." adds Aaron, rubbing his chin with his hand, still in disbelief.
_"No offence here, but you seem really chill for someone who had all his hard work eaten without being paid for...
_"Oh, that's because he took out his anger on yer poor innocent dough sweetheart" giggles Mrs Crumpet.
_"Boss, please !"
_"Okay I'm done dusting the prints and taking pictures here" says Lenny, striking another weird pose. "We will have the results tomorrow or so, so you can get cleaning your fantastic shop my beautiful darling." he adds, kissing Mrs Crumpet hand in a what I assume was supposed to be a gentlemen like gesture.
_"Oh, Oh, my, my, what a charming gentleman you are Mr Dot !" says Mrs Crumpet, blushing.
_"Urhg, disgusting." whispers Aaron while laughing slightly. "Then, I'll get back to work, thank you for coming."
Neovia 13:30
I'm sitting at my desk, eating my sandwich. It took us forever to get back here, as Lenny took his sweet, sweet time. Sometimes I really wonder how come this guy still had a job considering how slow he is in everything he does, but Big told me that he's the best when it comes to little details and all the other stuff we tend to overlook. He's currently studying the prints we found and comparing them to the files we have. Whenever someone decides to move in Neovia, they're obligated to give their prints as well, I'm not really sure why, but I guess after being a cursed town for years, they prefer to use some caution. I had to do it too when I filed all the paperwork in the City Hall. I swallow the last bite of my meal when Lenny comes rushing out from the lab and sprint right into the boss's office. How weird it is to see someone as slow as a snail go as fast as a cybunny ... I guess he did find something. Not two minutes later, Big yells for me to come to his office right now. Why do I feel like I'm not gonna like this ?
_"Kid, we have a match for the prints you guys found." says Big, dropping the file on his desk. He turns around to face the window, turning his back to Lenny and I. "The culprit is a Gelert.
_"Oh, really ? Is it that annoyingly annoying jewel thief ? Though, I wonder why he would steal cupcakes..." I say, rubbing my cheek.
_"No, praise Fyora, this guy is innocent for once. Though, I wish it was him right about now...
Knowing how Big despises that thief, I feel the anxiety rushing through my body.
_"That thief never leaves any prints behind, that's why we have so much trouble identifying him... Reginald, don't you have anything you want to say to me ?" he says calmly, turning back to face me again.
_"No.. I don't understand, I haven't done anything wrong..
_"Kid, the prints are yours. Your prints are all over the display cases of the Crumpet Monger shop. Lenny even found some grey hairs that belong to you on the scene, hair that were covered in frosting. You are the cupcake thief." he looks at me, visibly disappointed.
_"But ... I haven't left my flat yesterday.." I cry, upset I could tarnish my reputation this way. "I ate the soup you brought me, took the medicine as well and went to bed. I swear I didn't do anything wrong..."  I state, still sobbing. Disappointing Big is one of the last things I want to do...
_"Look Kid, I know you, I know you're not a thief nor a liar. There has to be an explication, and we will find it." he says, putting his clawy hand on my shoulder. "Oh and wipe your nose, I don't want any snot on my desk!" he adds, smiling snarkily. "Let's go on a walk, I think you need some fresh hair. Thanks Lenny for your work, you can go back in the lab work on whatever you have left to do."
Neovia 14:00
_"Okay, let's go to the pharmacy and see what the guy has to say. I don't feel like you're lying like I said, but how come every evidence found incriminates you..." he grumbles as we walk in the main street.
_"I don't know, I'm really lost here... I don't remember a thing, but I do recall not feeling hungry this morning and my hair being sticky when I woke up." I follow him, looking at my shoes, still feeling shameful.
_"We're here." he says as he pushes the door open.
_"Oh hey it's you !" points a young Zafara with his head full of blond and spiky hair. "How is it doing man ?
_"I'm not your man, kid.
_"Yeah, yeah, what can I do for ya ?
_"I want "ya" to tell me more about this medicine I got from you yesterday. Are there any side effects I should have been told about when you gave it to me ?" asks Big, pushing his finger into the zafara's coat.
_"It was groovy eh man ?!" he says, still pointing his fingers at us. "I think I'm gonna slap some sense into this idiot, if you know what I mean." whispers Big in my ear.
Oh, Oh...
_"Stop being such a moron Arnold !" yells a middle-aged Kacheek, hitting his head with a stack of paper. "Ugh, I swear to Fyora, you're really an idiot. Please excuse my employee sirs. What can I do for you ?
Big Skeith, after a glance at my pathetic face, decides to explain the situation to the Kacheek himself. She closes her eyes as she listens to him. _"Uh, Uh, I see. I do have an explanation for you, I believe. Did you wife happen to add some clawmatoes in her soup ?
_"Yes, it's one of her favourite things to put in there. Why ? Is there an issue with it ?
_"As stupid as it sounds, yes actually. I do not know the full details, but they contain some enzymes or something that react quite badly with the cold medicine your friend here took. They can induce sleepwalking tendencies and cravings when mixed together. Since the poor guy doesn't remember a thing, I believe that's what happen. What were the odds though ?
_"I see, thank you Ma'am ! Please keep slapping some sense into your apprentice.
_"I will good sir, have a nice day, sorry for the trouble !
Neovia 14:30
_"Wait for me here, I won't be long kid." says Big gently slapping my shoulder as he opens the door of the Crumpet Monger shop.
I'm leaning against the façade, still unsure about what's going to happen. Am I going to got to jail ? How are Mrs Crumpet and Mr Watson going to react ? They seem really nice to me and I really don't want them to hate me. As I'm wondering what's going to happen, I hear the bell and the door opens. It's Aaron.
_"Rough day, eh ?" he says as he leans against the shop next to me.
_"Yeah, pretty much. I assume you know everything." I whisper, still full of shame.
_"Yes, I do."
The sharp answer makes me shiver, but I didn't feel any anger in it. _"Look, as upset as I am, we know it's not your fault. Your boss said he was going to pay for the damaged door.
_"Really ? But what about the cupcakes, I mean, I ate all your stock...
_"You sure did!" he cries in laughter. "I can't believe you ate all that without feeling sick, you have some strong stomach kid !
_"Hey, don't call me kid, you're barely older than I am !" I manage to utter as I start to laugh with him.
_"Now that's better ! We have agreed on something with your boss. We're not gonna ruin a promising career, so hear me out. When you're not working your usual job, you'll come and work part time with us, that includes cleaning, deliveries, tasting my new recipes and other little things. That's how you're going to pay your debt to us. Does that sound fair to you ?" he grins.
_"You bet, thank you so much !" I say sobbing, finally relieved from the tension in my shoulders.
Neovia 21:30
I lay down my pen on my desk. I desperately needed to write a letter to mama to tell her everything. After that chat with Aaron, we came back inside the shop were Mrs Crumpet gave me a delicious crêpe to cheer me up. We ended up having a good laugh over this unlikely story and I'm going to start working part time with them tomorrow. I'm really eager to make it up to them. Once again, Big Skeith was there for me, and I can't thank him enough. He talked food with Mrs Crumpet during what felt like an eternity but it was a peaceful moment. As for Aaron, despite him being rightfully angry for his destroyed goods, he opened up to me and showed me how passionate he is about his job. I felt like we were the same on that point. I really wish I can become his friend because I really enjoyed his company. I better go to bed now, I have quite a doozy of a day tomorrow !
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f-imaginings · 7 years
any news on your billford fic? i loved the last chapter
thank you! i loved the last chapter too, it was very fun to write. 
hopefully my schedule clears up a bit to allow for more writing. i’ve been unfairly busy lately, but i’ve got a good 25 pages of the next chapter done already. i feel like even though this chapter is a bit more fillery than some its going to be longish just to fit in everything i want to fit in. i could stand to break it up a bit though, i’ll see how i go. i might get to fit it all in the one chapter. 
because i’m so excited about this next chapter though, here’s an excerpt. bear in mind its a draft tho, things might change between here and publishing.
“You are uncannily happy for someone who’s got blood on theirlip, may I just say.” Ford commented, still a little perturbed by the bizarreway that Bill seemed to be over the moon about having a split lip.
Bill paused, and put his hand against Ford’s cheek, his eyesdarting across every detail of Ford’s face. “May I just say, I don’t think I’veever been more attracted to you Sixer.”
Ford looked mildly offended, and opened his mouth to defendall the other times Bill was clearly attracted to him, but was interrupted byBill tapping Ford on the nose, whispering teasingly just to drive the point home.
“Oh puh-lease. Why don’t cha, WHY DON’T CHA GET A ROOM? HUH?”
Bill and Ford blinked, looking around the clearing, seeingvery little, until they dropped their gaze down from eye height, looking at twovery intoxicated, very little men hiding behind a bush.
Bill rolled his eyes, lamenting the interruption just asStanford adjusted his glasses and leaned down, resting his hands on his knees,peering down at the men.
“Gnomes!” Ford exclaimed with joy, examining the little men.
“Walkin’ around like yer own the place. This is worse thanFebruary all over again.” One of the gnomes slurred, leaning on the other,holding an empty acorn cup in his hand. “Cupid’sssss – cupid’s marrow.”
“I think they’re drunk.” Bill commented, tilting his head atthe gnomes.
“YOU’RE DRUNK!” The second gnome yelled, pointing his tinyhand up at Bill vindictively, before falling over with the momentum.
“Ohhhh, I wish.” Bill muttered to himself, watching the firstgnome try to pull his brethren up off the ground, his stalwart attempt causingthem both to fall over and giggle themselves senseless, until they began to sobhysterically.
“What funny little creatures.” Ford observed, inching closerto the gnomes, pulling his journal and pen out from his coat pocket. “Say, whatare your names?”
“Well I’m Gnorman, and this here is Gneville.” Gnorman thegnome offered helpfully, in between sniffles.
“Why are you talking to them?” Gneville elbowed his friend inthe chest callously. “They don’t know our pain. Just look at them! Swanningabout like a couple of peas in a pod.” Shaking his fist, Gneville ominouslyreiterated. “A love pod!”
Bill recoiled at Gneville’s wording, his lip curling, disgustedby the insinuation, whereas Stanford was somewhat more empathetic.
“What pain? What’s wrong?” He questioned, crouching downbeside the gnomes, curious.
“What’s wrong, he asks. Like the whole damn forest doesn’tknow already.” Gneville scowled, clutching onto his acorn cup like a lifeline.
“We just lost our Queen!” Gnorman confessed, his tonemournful and sombre.
“OUR QUEEN!” Gneville sobbed dramatically, falling to hisknees.
“For 200 years we’ve had her guiding us, watching over the forest.”Gnorman continued.
“She was so beautiful.” Gneville sniffled on every word, anunfortunate dribble of snot trailing from his nose.
“And now she’s gone.” Gnorman took off his pointed red hat,only to reveal another hat underneath, holding the first had in his handswoefully. “Cruelly taken from us, before her time.”
Ford was only half listening, pointing to the second hatunder the first hat and looking at Bill, an excited grin on his face. Who knewthat under a gnome’s hat was another hat? And what was beneath that hat, Fordwondered. The mysteries would never cease.
Bill smothered a laugh by clearing his throat awkwardly,amused by Ford’s reaction. Ford seemed to realise his giddy revelation wasn’tappropriate for the conversation at hand, and sobered up, polite concernreturning to his voice.
“Oh, uh, what took her, if I may ask?”
“A fox probably.” Gnorman admitted in a matter of fact tone. “Ora boy scout, I’m guessing. One of the fat ones.”
“Our vendetta against the boy scouts will be a gloriousrecompense for their transgressions.” Gneville shook his fist again, ragefilling his tiny body.
“We found what was left of her by the babbling brook, in theenchanted part of the forest.” Gnorman put his hat back on his head, nowwearing two hats once more. “May her majestic soul finally rest in peace.”
“The enchanted part of the forest.” Bill rubbed his chin,then placed his left fist soundly in his right palm like an idea had occurredto him. “Say, either of you wouldn’t be able to take us there, would you?”
“To the enchanted forest? What business do you have there?”Gneville asked cautiously.
“Why, to pay our respects to the Queen of course!” Bill saidbrightly, elbowing Sixer to play along. “And to raise a glass in commiseration.”
And that’s where we’re at so far. Ford still has to arm wrestle a unicorn for 30 hours. 
I hope you enjoyed the excerpt and are as excited about the next chapter as I am. Lots of good jokes to come! 
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feverhalo · 7 years
@itsasign said:
"That's the third time you've stumbled in the last ten minutes!" — Nishimura says to Natsume, whose face is pale with only two red spots dotting his cheeks. (I just found your AO3 so excuse me XD You write for Natsume Yuujinchou bless you ♥)
This has so much potental to be adorable, I really hope I got at least something going right.
Thanks for sending a prompt! and I think its the first official Natsume one! :0
Wineberry Pastries      /cheesy title
“Oi, Natsume!” Nishimura shouted across the forest path. Natsume turned, his vision spinning slightly to meet eyes with his friend. “That’s the third time you’ve stumbled in the last ten minutes! You aren’t getting sick again are you?”
“I think my shoe laces are untied,” Natsume gave that half smile of his. He looked embarrassed, color high on his cheeks and even dusting his ears. Nishimura sighed dramatically and Kitamoto gave him a whap about his head. From where he stood, Natsume could hear the gentle scolding about not embarrassing friends.
“Tie them up and come over here,” Taki called to him, her head popping up above the gentle slope of a hill on the other side of the path. “There are huge bushes with wineberries over here!”
“I’ll be right there,” Natsume stooped, he held his hand out to a small forest spirit standing near his foot. He has startled it and it had darted out and flitted between his feet screeching nonsense at him. Perhaps it made sense, but from up at his full height, and with his head swimming as it was, it was hard to understand. He whispered down to it, “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you. Please be careful, I’m going to leave you to your place now.”
Natsume shook his head, words were harder to place right now. He felt like he wasn’t getting his message across. The small spirit lifted its leafy parasol and chirped up at him some more, shaking a small fist. Natsume tapped his finger to the acorn top hat it wore and brushed his finger down the front of its petal-scaled tunic.
“I am really sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you. Its not safe near the paths, though.” He gave his laces a tug before straightening after the spirit seemed to calm itself. It gave a small huff and tugged at its clothing before dispersing into a small plume of soft peach and violet petals and blowing further into the forest.
“Na-tsu-me!” Nishimura called up to him in a sing-song voice, “Hurry it up! We’ll pick the bush clean by the time you get here.” Natsume started forward, his legs felt weak, but they’d sit soon. He ran to the edge of the slope and let his momentum slide him down the dewy grass.
“I’m here,” He panted lightly, “Don’t eat them all before we get back! I promised Touko-san I’d bring some back for pastries.” He frowned and plucked the berry Nishimura was about to eat from his fingers.
“Hey! Taki! Kitamoto! Look at this-!” Natsume popped the berry into his own mouth and half smiled, “Why-! You- Natsume, you’re too cheeky sometimes.”
“That’s right,” Taki spun with a flourish of excitement, “You said she would let us help bake if we brought some back. We should make sure we get enough to make very sweet tarts!”
“No, no, no-“ Kitamoto wagged his finger, “Berries are way better toppings for cakes. A light cake.”
Natsume chuckled, he felt a chill wash over him and shuddered with it. He was happy to have his classmates enjoying themselves in his presence, a little chill or exhaustion wouldn’t be enough to get in the way.
“What do you think, Natsume?” Taki paused in her pilfering of the little red berries from the bush. “Tarts or cake?”
“What does Tanuma like more?” He paused, touching a hand to his face as he considered. Tanuma had to sit out on the expedition today, he had caught a fever and was still trying to shake it. Touko-san suggested making the boy something sweet to bring his spirits up as he was starting to get his appetite back with getting better.
“He likes cakes,” Kitamoto piped up. He slung an arm around Nishimura’s neck, “Right?”
“Cakes, for sure. Pudding too.” Nishimura nodded. He rubbed at his nose to hide his sly smile. Natsume shook his head at everyone trying to secure their favorite treat as the answer.
“Maybe a sweet bun would be best,” Natsume knelt with a wave of dizziness, he started picking some of the lower berries to avoid suspicion. “He is recovering, something too sweet might not sit well. It would be more responsible.”
“Always responsible with you,” Nishimura shrugged, “But I guess it is up to Touko-san. She is the one running the show- I have no idea how to bake anything.”
“Aaah, good point,” Kitamoto crossed his arms, “I really only know how to make pancakes. And that’s not really baking either.”
“Its her kitchen, so of course she would be in charge,” Taki knelt down next to Natsume to help pick some more. They had a nice little pile of berries in a fair-sized container she put down between them. A second container with significantly less was a few feet away at the other side of the bush.
Natsume nodded. He felt his mind go blank. The conversation buzzed around him, and he let himself get lost in picking the ripe little fruits from the branches. He felt the warmth in his face and at the back of his neck and realized he probably caught the fever off of Tanuma.
“Natsume?” Taki’s voice finally broke his haze with a giggle, “Come on, I think we have enough now. That’s near overflowing.”
“Ah, sorry.” He stood up and wavered a moment before stumbling back a step.
“Legs asleep?” Kitamoto joked. Natsume gave a noncommittal hum in response.
“Natsume?” Nishimura grabbed onto Natsume’s elbow to steady him, “you okay?” He frowned.
“Sorry,” Natsume rubbed a hand across his eyes. He felt so exhausted all at once and felt someone pull the container from his loosening grip. “I feel a little dizzy.”
“Aah,” Nishimura pressed the back of his berry stained fingers to Natsume’s forehead, “You’re warm!” Natsume could only give a lopsided smile to the audible frown in Nishimura’s voice.
“What?” Taki sounded concerned.
“I’m okay, I stood too fast-“
“No, you’ve caught a fever too.” Nishimura tugged on his elbow gently, “come on. Lets get back.”
  Touko was worried when Natsume’s friends were the ones to call out on entering. She entered the hall, finding them guiding him to the kitchen table. She followed and fretted over him- he had gone so pale on their walk back and it made his red flush stand out all the more. He looked sunburned, and the cloudy sky outside contrasted so much with that idea it was nearly heartbreaking. Natsume had lost his energy and just rested his head on his folded arms at the table.
Taki got a glass of water for him, while Touko raided the cupboard for the thermometer and offered apologies. Nishimura reassured her it was fine, they should be sorry for keeping him out so long in this state. Kitamoto just stood by Natsume, rubbing his hand up and down the other boy’s bent back as he rested against the table. Natsume insisted, as slurred by exhaustion as it was, that they should all bake anyway.
The others decided they could compromise, and Natsume found himself resting on the sofa in the dim living room while the sounds of people busy in the kitchen drifted around him. Touko made sure he put on an extra pair of socks and brought down one of the comforters from upstairs to wrap around him while he dozed. The warm scent of fresh pastries woke him up after a while, and Taki was just moving to sit between Nishimura and Kitamoto at the other side of the low coffee table. She had placed a plate in front of him with a still-warm pastry on it.
“It should be cool enough to eat now, if you’re feeling up to it.” There was a glass of water and some cold and flu tablets beside Natsume’s plate as well. He nodded, but stayed where he was, sleepily watching his friends have a hushed conversation around him.
Natsume realized he had dozed off again when he heard them say their goodbyes, and thank Touko for lending her kitchen and help to bake the treats. They left, promising to take Tanuma some of the pastries before heading home, and to please let Natsume know they hoped he would feel better soon.
He blinked his eyes open when Touko ghosted her hand under his bangs to feel his forehead, and she apologized. Natsume hummed, he felt too warm and comfortable to do much else.
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More Tomfoolery
Author: The_Leechwife
Year: 2006
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Naboo/Saboo
A swollen moon hung low over Wickham Caves, casting its wan light over the packed field of revellers, heaving like a huge single-minded disco-entity in time to pounding music. Somewhere near the middle of the throng, a very small man in a lopsided blue turban and a tall individual with ginger hair and a raincoat accidentally knocked into each other. “’Right Barry!” Naboo yelled over the thumping trance. Barry squinted through the strobe lights and his face lit up with recognition. “Alright Naboo, haven’t see you in ages!" The gangly Welshman slapped Naboo on the back so heartily that he was almost knocked of his feet. “Not since Morocco last year!” Naboo grinned fondly at the recollection. “Yeah, you ate that whole sheet of acid because you didn't think you could get it through Carpet Customs.” “I know, I lost two days!” Barry wiped a tear of merriment from the corner of his eye. “What’s new with you, Naboo?” “I’ve found myself a new familiar, met him at the zoo, he’s alright. Hey Bollo!” “Huh?” The gorilla was accosted mid-boogie and turned round, lowering his two handfuls of glow-sticks. “Barry, this is Bollo. Bollo, Barry.” “Alright Bollo!” Barry shook hands with the ape as best he could. “Alright.” Bollo peered over his holographic visor to regard this strange cagooled figure with the massively dilated pupils. Naboo had only hired Bollo three weeks previously, and this was his first festival as an official familiar. He'd never seen so many people off their tits in one place! “’Ere, Naboo, I can’t hear bugger all, let’s pop in there for a bit.” Barry nodded at a huge white marquee at the edge of the field. “Yeah alright, c’mon Bollo” The trio entered the chillout tent and picked their way though the groups of wizards, shamans and assorted occult personages in various states of intoxication. Barry and Naboo found a place on a heap of cushions set up round one of numerous hookahs, there were several other figures in white robes sprawled nearby, but they were mainly transfixed by the patterns of the blue lights, staring up and giggling intermittently. Both shamans picked up the nearest hose and inhaled. “That’s better,” Barry looked around in satisfaction, “I was goin’ a bit mad out there. I’m pilling my face off!” “Get us some drinks, would you Bollo? Get one for Barry too while you’re there.” Naboo patted the gorilla on the arm and he lumbered off with minimal complaining. Barry squinted at his hairy back though thick glasses. “He’s a bit bigger than you usually go for isn’t he?” “Yeah, those frogs were doing my head in, cheeky sods. And there’s no chance of me accidentally smoking Bollo either.” “Ha ha, yeah. You and those frogs. Mental.” Barry turned to pass the hookah hose to the person next to him, and did a double take when he managed to resolve her features into a coherent picture. “Alright sexy, I’m Barry. Remember that name, you’ll be screaming it later.” The ample woman adjusted her robe around her frankly enormous bosom. “I’m Blossom, I’m here with my sisters.” She giggled coyly. “Sisters?” Barry’s smile widened. Blossom gestured to the two prone figures beside her, both in the same shapeless white dresses, “Not actual sisters, we're druids. This is Peaches, and that’s Acorn.” Peaches, a slimmer version of her sister, managed to raise a languid hand in greeting but Acorn, a tiny woman with scruffy pigtails, had long since passed out. “Ladies.” Barry beamed courteously if redundantly. Naboo chuckled at Barry’s indefinable appeal with the opposite sex. He was a divvy in a raincoat, but no one ever seemed to notice. The tiny shaman noticed Bollo, laden with drinks, looking lost. He waved and caught Bollo’s eye, but as the ape changed trajectory he smacked straight into a tall man in black heading in the opposite direction. He was knocked right over, and insult was added to injury when the three glasses Bollo had been holding were emptied onto him. Bollo looked blank for a second. “Shit.” He managed. Naboo and Barry hurried over as Bollo helped the unfortunate newcomer to his feet and received a barrage of curses. “Damn you, you complete and utter knob!” raged the soggy individual as the wet feather on his hat drooped down into his eyes, “I’m with the Board of Shaman you know! You’ll get what’s coming to you, mark my words!” “Hey, it’s that Saboo chapie.” Barry grinned, too blissed-out to acknowledge bad tempers, “Naboo, you remember Saboo?" "Yeah, I went to his workshop on 'Dimensional Portals You Already Own' last year. Good stuff." "Alright Saboo?” “Alright? No I’m not all right! This idiot monkey has just soaked me!” Bollo’s face darkened. He thought this fellow was over reacting slightly, even if he was slightly drunk. Though a pacifist by nature, the put-upon primate was beginning to think that this Saboo character would benefit from a ‘Chico’ haircut. “Chill out, this is supposed to be a party.” Naboo raised his hands, placating, “Let us get you another drink.” “Yes, Mick Jaggers all round!” Barry cried jubilantly, “Come and sit with us, we’ve just met these three gorgeous girls. Three of them, three of us…” Saboo looked as though he was trying to stay in a bad mood, but eventually conceded. Bollo went off to make a second attempt at getting drinks while Barry and Naboo led Saboo to their little nest. "He might just have a chance with the unconscious one." Barry added as an aside to Naboo, who sniggered and elbowed his friend into silence. Saboo's dark eyes flicked about pensively as he sipped his third drink and regarded everyone with a critical and slightly squiffy gaze. His feathers had begun to dry out and fluff up again, and this drink, whatever it was, apparently just sugar and alcohol, was excellent. He hadn't meant to lash out a Bollo like that, but he'd only been with the Board a few weeks and found he was always edgy and paranoid as to what was expected of him. He was embarrassed about this weakness, and to cover himself he glared daggers at the ape who he'd somehow ended up sitting next to. Saboo also did not reckon much to the talent round here; Barry was whispering sweet nothings of ever increasing lewdness to Blossom, who was practically offering herself up to him, the second girl, Peaches, had only just come round and looked set to keel over again any second, and the scrawny one had begun to snore. There wasn't enough booze in the world, Saboo thought to himself. The short-arse with the ridiculous 'jack of clubs' hair do was prettier than these three. He opted to draw a line under that train of thought immediately. "Alright?" Saboo started, he hadn't realised he'd been staring at Naboo. "Yes, fine." He snapped, looking over at Peaches who was spinning her wand on the ground, apparently fascinated. He looked up again despite himself to watch Naboo conversing in low tones with his familiar. Naboo peered up into Bollo's face; he could tell Bollo was really drunk, because he had gone all blurry. "Run that by me again?" "I met dis Valkyrie before, said she could get me a shot as DJ at club in town." Naboo looked doubtful. "Aw please. Anyway, dis guy keeps lookin' at me like he wants a fight." He cocked his head at Saboo, making no effort to be discreet. "Oh alright then, off you go." Naboo conceded, "I'll see you later, yeah?" Bollo clambered to his feet. "Meet you by the hemp turban stall?" "Cool." As Bollo plodded off back to the dance floor, Naboo smiled amiably at Saboo and patted the cushion where the ape had been sitting. Saboo shifted over apprehensively. "Bollo's alright really, he's just new. He didn't mean any harm." Naboo was determined, in his hazy way, to smooth things over. "Yes, well." Saboo tried to remain disapproving. Naboo just smiled with the innocence of one who is too far out of his head to begrudge anyone happiness, and held out his hand. Saboo relented and shook it. "What's your name again?" "I'm Naboo, that's who." Saboo was silent for a while, then: "Did you really like my workshop?" "Yeah, it's come in really handy a few times actually." "Oh?" "Yeah. I've got these friends, they're basically idiots but they're alright, and they're always-" "Hey!" Blossom's high-pitched squeal cut in and made them both wince, "That's a great idea!" She snatched the wand from Peaches and spun it on the floor, slightly frustrated when it didn’t point to anyone in particular. Peaches looked bewildered, took a long drag from the hookah, and passed out next to her slumbering sister. "What?" Naboo looked misty-eyed and confused. “We used to play this at summer camp, you have to make out with whoever it points to!” "Good grief, how old are we?" Saboo scoffed. “Are you allergic to fun?” Saboo gave a snort of derision, “You’re the only woman still awake, what if I have to kiss one of these two?” he waved his hand vaguely at Naboo and Barry. “Are we not quite secure in our masculinity?” Barry mocked good-naturedly. “Of course I am.” Saboo brandished his glass, sloshing liquid down his hand, “I’ll take on any one of you. If you felt the power of Saboo, you’d be bent for life, my friend.” Barry wasn’t listening, and had spun the wand and stopped it blatantly with his finger when it pointed to Blossom. Blossom grabbed hold of Barry and bent him backwards over her knee, kissing him with full-force. Naboo spluttered with laughter, his smile lighting up his face. Saboo pretended he didn't notice. "Get a room!" Blossom released Barry with a noise like a blocked sink. His eyes uncrossed and he glared at Saboo. "Fine. It's your turn." "This is so purile." Saboo rolled his eyes, but spun the wand with a flick of his wrist. Barry was not keen on people who were opposed to a good time. He was moving into the 'hallucination phase' of his evening, but had enough consciousness left to stop the wand with a discrete bolt of magic as it pointed to Naboo. Naboo raised an eyebrow. Saboo panicked. "I'm not kissing him!" "What's wrong with me?" Naboo took on an expression of mock indignance, "I've been told I'm charming." "It would be unethical for a man in my position to-" "Methinks the shaman doth protest too much." Giggled Blossom. "Hey, if he's uncomfortable with his sexuality, leave the man alone." Barry laughed. "You're all mouth and no trousers." Naboo jibbed. "It's not that! I'm just-" Before Saboo knew what was happening, Naboo knocked his hat off with a deft back-swipe, took hold of his face with both hands and kissed him hard on the mouth, then sat back smugly. Saboo blinked in astonishment, and tried to frame some sort of retort, but nothing seemed forthcoming. "I knew it." Naboo slurred triumphantly, "You talk loud enough, but when it comes to the crunch-" "The Crunch? Don't you bring the Crunch into this," Naboo had inadvertently touched a nerve, "I practically invented the Crunch!" And with that Saboo grabbed the smaller man by the shoulders and kissed him back. He tasted sweet and sticky from the alcohol, and was soft and responsive as their tongues met tentatively. Much to Saboo's consternation, the look in Naboo's twinkling eyes when he pulled away did not say 'Well, that taught me a thing or two about the nature of the Crunch'. Saboo determined to teach the insolent tyke a lesson if it took him all night, which he rather hoped it would. It occurred to him that he shouldn't be getting into it this much and that he'd regret it tomorrow. He felt Naboo's hands inside his jacket and decided that rather than worrying he would gently push the little shaman back onto the cushions and make out with him some more. Through his scrambled consciousness, Naboo concluded that this Saboo wasn't as much of a twat as he'd first thought. He sighed happily as he breathed in the smell of burning paper and incense. He felt slender fingers slide over his hips and fumble with the sash at his waist, and in return he pressed himself against Saboo's hardening crotch, satisfied at the sharp intake of breath this produced. Saboo pulled away for a moment and looked Naboo in the eyes; having never propositioned a man before, he was at a loss as to how to put it. "Listen, Naboo, I'm… I really…" Naboo smiled, "I know, me too." Saboo sat up, taking Naboo's hands and pulling him up too. Naboo got to his knees unsteadily; getting up had produced the revelation that he'd really had way too much to drink, and was beginning to feel distinctly dodgy. An ominous stirring in his stomach told him he had to get out of here right away. He put a finger to Saboo's lips and tried to look at him with what he hoped was a seductive and fathomless gaze. "Hold that thought, I have to, y'know, take care of something. I'll be back, wait here for me." "Don't be long." Naboo staggered to his feet and swayed perilously for a moment as his head protested against standing vertical. "I won't. Stay just as you are." He attempted to wink, though he suspected he was just squinting, before hurrying out of the tent as nonchalantly as possible. On his way out he noticed Barry speaking garbled, unrelated nonsense to Blossom, who was beginning to realise this man was in no state to give her the sweet loving she'd been promised. "I can see outlines as if they were… colours… look at that!" Barry had become fascinated by a cushion tassel. When he got outside, Naboo looked about urgently. Most people had gone back to their tents or fallen asleep where they fell, a few were still dancing or wandering from one place to he other. The booze was really fighting back now, and Naboo realised he was going to be sick. He managed to get a few paces before his legs gave up on him. "Ooh it's all gone wrong." He observed meekly as he sank to his knees. His stomach lurched and, finding no better alternative, he took off his turban and threw up in it. Bollo had been roused by a bad feeling, and had gallantly left the dance floor and his potential conquest to look for Naboo. He spotted a small, unmistakable figure hunched on the ground, his glossy black head bent over something he clutched in his hands. Bollo decided he was getting good at this whole intuition lark. Naboo looked up through bleary, watering eyes and spat blue as Bollo approached. The ape knelt down in front of him and gently lifted his head. "You're the best familiar ever, you are." Naboo conjectured before hiccuping and slumping forwards. Bollo caught him before he landed in the mess he'd made and picked him up. "Come on den." He sighed, hefting the limp little body over one shoulder and picking up the discarded turban with his free hand. Naboo moaned something indistinguishable as he was carried back to his own tent. As they made their way across the field, Bollo noticed Barry running wildly with his anorak tied round his shoulders like a cloak, holding a cushion out in front of him and yelling at the top of his voice. These shamans, when they let go they really let go. "Ooh, my head. What did I do last night?" Naboo groaned as a tremendous hangover descended upon him the next morning. "It must have been pretty good for me to end up like this, eh?" Bollo merely grunted as he handed his boss a plastic cup of coffee and two aspirin. Later, they loaded their tent and bags onto Naboo's magic carpet, unaware they were being observed from a distance by a dark, glowering figure with a high feathered collar and hat. Saboo hadn't been this furious since that time in college when Tony Harrison had told Saboo's girlfriend he had crabs. He had waited most of the night for this hot shaman sex he was promised; that idiot Barry had got so far off his chops that he had run off screaming with a cushion, the fat girl had gone to find him, and Saboo had sat there with two unconscious women for three hours feeling like a complete fool. He was vexed and humiliated and all manner of fumingly, seethingly, angry. One day, he thought, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day he'd deal that little bastard such a slice of Crunch he wouldn't know what hit him. He shook his fist in impotent furry and stalked off to pack up his things.
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