#I am sooo going to try and hide from fireworks in video games
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vole-mon-amour · 2 months ago
new year's eve aka:
absolutely tons of people with wild eyes that buy everything they can see
last minute gift buying spree because they definitely couldn't buy it in advance
some people are already drunk to the point of being unable to walk
grocery shopping workers are tipsy and cussing during their phone calls instead or talking normally
the metro is empty but also full, it comes in waves
I have no tree, no tasty food to celebrate, and in no mood wgatsiever. I don't think I'm going going outside for the next 2-3 days. it's all cleaning, cooking, playing Days Gone and avoiding people. man, I hate how many people are outside right now & it's only going to get worse. go home!!
man, I hate new year's eve. it happens every years and I haaateee iiiittt.
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years ago
Hehe hiii I’m writing this before I go on the treadmill lol.
Alright the screaming will be non stop- and I’ll be glad to make girls jealous lol. I am ready to distract some kids. “GO BRIGID!!!!” Yes we do have some vv hit friends esp you brigid, with dyl and Jamie 😏 the girls would be sooo jealous. Ryan and I bumping each other around will be a regular occurrence. Imao “not again...” yesss the boys are embarrassed but still hold onto each other! Hehe poor Quinners hand. Hmmm maybe I will make it up to him later 😏. Dyl would be a nervous wreck lol. I’d probably throw my sweater at him so that he can close his eyes, but he would still annoy me and ask every 5 secs “is she winning?” “How is she doing” “I can’t look” “this is too much for me to handle” and I chirp him so hard, but would understand because he really likes you :)
Ya right after shower etc. And we go out to celebrate the chirping restarts. I would have to many in my head. At the end of the day Jamie and dylan were amazing and you are proud of them. I’ll be sure to try squeezy applesauce!! Hehe I eat cliff bars between breaks but recently stopped because it took me forever to chew lol so now I just bring a banana to my matches. Brigid we should go to Costco together and ride in the cart- I would probably not bring the boys just cuz Costco’s huge and we would lose them hehe.
Yess team TRAMPLE GET READY. We promise not to damage your suit:) the girls would be jealous hehe.
Ig it is hard. But we understand. If me, you and kesh go to their games, would you sit across the rink or w us lol?. Cactus club is great, the food is très bien. Same w Cora! I’ll take you there !!
Imao people would be so confused on why I was crying but I just saw all of you 🥺 yay pls distract me while I warm up my hips w my resistance band lol. Nah it isn’t weird that you aren’t nervous. Look I’m a confident driver but that entire day was weird. It was summer and like an hour and a half before, I was getting my legs waxed lol and my legs were super slippery because of the oil they put on you after hehe. So first of all I was nervous all ready (shaking lol) and then in the car my entire seat was just so slippery, so that didn’t help and it was like plus 29. But anyways I passed, so ig going through that horrible experience was worth it. I’d probably make eye contact w y’all in between points and just burst out laughing but it’s ok. imao at the end I hit Ryan in the face w a ball. He would be mad cuz you start dying of laughter beside him and Jamie’s like panicking because he doesn’t know what to do and he just get you water. But you are still laughing . I’m down on the court also laughing and Ryan’s just trying to climb and get onto the court to chase me around hehe. Awww Quinner my bb, gotta give him my post match kiss. Ooo time to sometimes like I yell at the screen, but I could just see you being annoyed and yelling.
Ooo yes it’s getting semi spicy at Coachella. Dylan’s getting handsy 😏. Ya Jamie would just be glaring at Dylan’s back lol. And you’re just enjoying the view of Dylan’s hair and the performance lol. Oooo you can play w his hair. Aw thank u Braden for offering, I’ll take you up on that .but I can just see Quinner glaring at us too and getting flustered. He would get so annoyed hehe. I’m so oblivious sometimes, but I get down from bradens shoulders and go on yours lol. You can go on mine too:). meanwhile kesh is just in kirbys shoulders chilling and not even paying attention to what’s happening. Oo I’m not a big fan of makeup. I never wear it. I only have a clear lipgloss that I wear to events and sometimes I don’t even wear it lol.
Imma be honest we will probably not last very long on each other’s shoulders but It would be so cute if you are just watching one of the performances and Dylan or Jamie just come behind you and wrap their arms around your waist from behind and put their chins on top of your shoulder or head 🥺 and you are just swaying to the music with them .... Coachella is so fun at night according to the videos my bro has due to the lights and the fireworks that they release at night!! So you can kiss under the fireworks 🥰.
Our outfits would be amazing, like Brigid your hair would be so cute in Dutch braids!! Hehe yes the guys would look so hot, and not even try but just imagine being at Coachella w this team!! We gotta make sure we don’t forget sunscreen lol . And water, gotta hydrate !!
lol that’s fun, we love the treadmill. jk i hate treadmills, i feel like i’m not going anywhere when i’m on the treadmill and i can’t stand it. anywaysssss long post
lmao yes please distract my competition so i can win hehe. honestly it might work bc there are rarely hot guys in the stands at swim meets, so you never know. and then they would be like what are they doing bc you guys would be so chaotic up there lol. and everyone’s squeezing everyone else’s hand but pretending they’re not. “no we weren’t holding hands, what are you talking about?” and you’re just absolutely destroying quinner’s hand, so you have to make it up later 😏 and then dyl is just hiding his face in his hoodie, which make sure you wear a shirt under your hoodie ik i never do lol, but you’ll want one bc it is hot af at swim meets. like when you’re wet you feel cold, but in the stands it’s soooo hot. anyways dyl’s face is in your hoodie and he just asks how i’m doing every 5 seconds. “dyl just look yourself, i can’t tell it’s too close” and then he refuses to look so you chirp him lmao. but it’s ok bc then after i win we all have our epic trample hug lol. i love how it’s turned from a hug into just a huge trample lmao 
haha you and ryan preparing chirps the entire time i’m swimming and just saving them til after lmao. but it’s ok bc i’m just chilling with jamie and dyl who were surprisingly really good at keeping me distracted and getting me all of the food i need. yes try squeezy applesauce, i literally love it sm, like i have a strange addiction to it but it’s fine. oh yeahhh clif bars do take a really long time to eat, i kind of forgot about that. personally i’m a weirdo so i hate bananas unless they’re superrrr green. yesss that’s part of our vacay now (i mean we already had going to a store but it’s fine) and then we make the guys push us around in the carts lol. we’ll def lose them at some point, but yk what it’s fine we’ll find them eventually
haha it’s ok i can still sit with you guys, i’ll just be wearing a usa jersey. probably my 1980 o’callahan jersey i got for christmas bc i love it sm. yes please take me to get food lol
hehe yes everyone is confused why you’re crying and you’re just like i’m fine my friends are just here. yes ofc we’ll distract you from your warmups. oof that whole driving test experience sounds awful. anywayssss yes i could def see you making eye contact with us between points and just start laughing and whoever you’re playing is so confused. hehe and then you hit ryan with the ball and he’s mad at me bc i just start laughing, but then he gets over it and decides to go after you lol. meanwhile, jamie’s just like wtf do i do? and he’s trying to get me to drink water lol. and then ofc you give quinner a kiss. but just be warned if you’re not winning or it’s close and i’m stressed about the match i will start screaming at you lol
oooh yes coachella is gonna be so fun. hehe dyl getting handsy 😏 sorry jamie, i love you too bb, but you got to let me and dyl have our moment. and i’ll just be playing with dyl’s hair while we’re watching 🥰 meanwhile, you’ve taken up braden’s offer but then quinner’s jealous so you feel bad lol. so then we take turns on each other’s shoulders. and then kesh is just chilling on kirby’s shoulders oblivious to all the guys getting jealous lmao. but then later we’re just chilling standing there and then jamie comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder 🥺 and just swaying together to the music. that’s the softest shit. and kissing under the fireworks 😍 the literal dream. anyways yeah the only makeup i ever ever wear is mascara, but that’s hardly ever, but our outfits would be so cute. and we could do matching dutch braids! omg yes the guys would look so hot, but we have to bring sunscreen for our white boys. and yess water bc i’m always dehydrated
ily too 💗
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acindra · 8 years ago
We Only Want To Have A Good Time (1/?)
Chapter 1 | 2
Pairing: Jeremy Heere/Michael Mell
Words: 1.871
Summary: “You’re right.”
“Of course I am. I’m amazing.” Michael said, promptly.
This startled laughter out of Jeremy. “And so humble.”
(Jeremy asks Michael on a date to the Relay For Life)
Read on AO3 or under the cut
Jeremy ran a hand through his hair and frowned at himself in the mirror. He was nervous. “You can do this. It’s just Michael.” he told himself.
The butterflies in his stomach disagreed.
“It’s just Michael. Michael who plays video games. Michael who likes 90’s soft drinks. Michael who forgave you when you were a massive dick to him. Michael who’s loyal and awesome and really fucking cute. Why is he so cute?”
His reflection did not provide him any answers.
“What’s the worst that’ll happen?” he asked himself. “He’ll just say no… and that he hates me and that I’ve ruined our friendship forever- oh god I can’t do this.”
His phone buzzed in his pocket, alerting him that he had received an email.
“Oh! I could text it to him instead!” He pulled out his phone and opened a new message to Michael.
There was a solid three minutes that he stared at his phone, trying to type out the words.
“This was a stupid idea.” He muttered as he locked his phone and stuck it back in his pocket. “Plus, I’m already here, I might as well ruin everything ever in person.” He ran a hand through his hair one more time before exiting the bathroom.
The door to Michael’s bedroom was mostly plain and unassuming except for one thing- it had a poster for Jeepers Creepers on it.
Jeremy stared at the eye in the poster.
The eye stared back, judging him silently.
He considered going back to the bathroom.
The sound of footsteps approaching drove him to open the door and enter Michael’s room; he didn’t want one of Michael’s parents to catch him loitering indecisively in the hall and, god forbid, ask him why.
As he made his way down the stairs, he caught sight of Michael lounging sideways on a beanbag, playing some video game.
He got so distracted he missed the last step and tripped.
Luckily, he managed to regain his balance after wobbling a little and windmilling his arms.
“Watch out, we just put that step there.” Michael remarked, laughing a little.
“I meant to do that.”
“Sure you did. Actually, look.” He pointed at his tv screen where his Animal Crossing character was pushing a gorilla villager into a pitfall trap.
The gorilla wiggled around in the pit for a few seconds then flipped back out.
“See that? You looked just like Peewee. Less buff, though. You should really work on that.”
“I’ll take that under consideration.” Jeremy said, dryly. “Is his name really Peewee?” he asked, incredulously.
“Yup.” Michael popped the p loudly. “So what can I do you for?”
“Well I came out to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now.”
“Pew pew.” Michael mimed shooting him with a gun.
Jeremy mimed getting shot and collapsed against the wall.
“I see… I see a light.” he said, stretching his arm out towards the imaginary light.
“And it’s like the fog has lifted.” Michael sang, watching as Jeremy pretended to die. “Well, shit. I gotta hide a dead body. Better call my best friend for help- oh wait.”
“Aw, you’d call me to help you hide a body? I’m touched.” Jeremy picked himself off the floor and went to perch himself on Michael’s desk chair.
Jeremy froze, halfway to sitting on the chair.
Michael leaned forward off the beanbag and tapped Jeremy’s hand. “Boop.” He sat back. “Now you’re touched. As you were.”
Jeremy rolled his eyes and sat down.
“If you want, we can play a game together. You just gotta wait for me to put in a code with Nook and save.”
“A code?”
“Project Hyrule, man!”
“What, like Zelda in Animal Crossing?”
“Not really. It was a forum or something a long ass time ago- like in the early two thousands- that posted universal codes for items in the game if your town was named Hyrule. I’ve been using it to get thirty thousand bells so I can pay off my mortgage.”
Jeremy watched as Michael’s character initiated a conversation with Nook.
“WB2…” Michael muttered as he input the code from memory.
“Why do you know this?” Jeremy asked, incredulous.
“Ok, obviously. But how did you get from regular internet browsing to memorizing secret codes for a fifteen year old game?”
“I don’t know. I was up late the other night and found it. That’s why I broke out the gamecube, to be honest. It’s actually pretty fun, if a little bit isolated. Kinda reminds me of playing the early Sims games.”
“Gotta get your massaging heart bed on.”
“Speaking of babies in the Sims. Did you know you can have a child live by themself in Bustin’ Out if you kill off the parents? If you get good grades you get a hundred dollars from your grandparents and can then buy pizza or eat snacks instead of cooking food.”
“Bustin’ Out?”
“It’s one of the gamecube Sims games.”
“Did you have to look up the child thing, too?”
“No, that was an accident. I set off a firework too close to a carpet and… well. Fire.” He imitated a large flame with his hands.
“I know I am.”
“I wouldn’t go that far.”
“You’re just jealous.”
Jeremy scoffed. “Of what?”
“I got the brains, the looks, and the skillz- with a ‘z’. I’m the whole package.” Michael boasted.
Jeremy agreed. But he would never let Michael know that. “You certainly are a whole lot of something.”
“Like I said- you’re just jealous.”
“You keep telling yourself that.”
“I will.”
Jeremy watched as Michael steered his character up to the gyroid outside his house and saved the game. “Sooo…. Michael.”
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.”
“Are. Um.” Jeremy picked at the chair. “Do you… er. Are you... busy… on. Uh...”
Michael looked up at him, curiously. “Are you ok?”
Jeremy could feel his face turning red as he struggled to get the words out. “Whatareyoudoingonsaturday?” He rushed out. He fidgeted awkwardly as Michael processed his words.
“Saturday? Uhhh… Probably playing video games? Why?”
“Do you- I mean, only if you want to- d’you wanna go to… um… the Relay for Life? With me?”
“Relay for… Life? What’s that?”
“Oh! It’s. Um. A fundraiser. For cancer research. A-and like all of the clubs at school participate. It’s kinda like a festival? I- I think it goes until, um, six in the morning?” He ran a hand through his hair again. “That’s- actually really late.” He stared down at his hands as he wrung his fingers together. “You don’t want to do that. You’re right, it was a silly idea. I’m sorry I brought it up. Forget-”
“Sure. I’ll go with you.”
Jeremy looked up. “Really?”
“Yeah! It sounds fun. It’s a date!” He joked.
Jeremy felt relief course through him. He couldn’t fight down the pleased smile that broke over his face. “It- it is!” He nodded.
Michael tilted his head. “Wait- is it?”
“Is- are you asking me on a date?”
“Y-yes? ”
“Jeremy!” Michael exclaimed, sitting up excitedly.
Jeremy startled a little.
“I’m so proud of you!” Michael pulled himself up onto his knees and half collapsed onto Jeremy to hug him around his middle.
Jeremy blinked in confusion even as he automatically patted Michael’s back. “What?”
“I know how hard it is for you to express yourself when it comes to liking someone. Usually you run away or- wait.” He pulled away slightly to look up at Jeremy. “This isn’t a joke is it? Cuz that’s really mean and I will get you back.”
“Wh- No it’s not a joke. I. Uhm. Ireallylikeyou.” If he wasn’t red before, he certainly was now.
Michael eyed him, suspiciously. “You aren’t making fun of me, right?”
“What would I be making fun of?”
He gave him an incredulous look. “I’ve had a crush on you? For, like, forever?”
“Oh. I didn’t know that.”
“How?” Michael poked him in the stomach. “Like, are you serious? Are you fucking oblivious? I wasn’t even being subtle after we hit ninth grade.”
“I don’t know! You know I’m really bad at feelings.” Jeremy defended himself, catching Michael’s hand so he’d stop poking him.
Michael looked at Jeremy’s hand holding his and hooked his pinkie over his fingers. “You’re really asking me out?” he asked quietly.
Jeremy’s heart hurt at how vulnerable Michael sounded in that moment. “Yes.”
Michael gave him a lopsided smile. “Cool.”
They smiled at each other for a few seconds.
Jeremy fidgeted, breaking the eye contact and releasing Michael’s hand. “Well... This is awkward. I- I should go.” He made to swivel the chair so he could get up.
Michael grabbed the back of the chair to prevent him from moving. “No! Don’t go. You just got here.”
“Please stay.” He made puppy eyes at him.
Jeremy’s stomach rumbled.
“See! Now you have to stay! I’ll feed you!”
“Okay, okay. How can I pass up free food?” Jeremy asked, a little sarcastic.
Michael slapped his hands down on Jeremy’s knees and hauled himself up to standing. “Don’t you worry. I will provide for my man.” He winked and offered a hand to him.
“Your man?” Jeremy laughed a little as he let Michael pull him up.
Michael furrowed his eyebrows. “We’re- but we’re going on a date? So that means we’re dating? Right? Did I get that wrong? I’m sorry! I just thought-”
Jeremy put his hands up in a placating motion. “I didn’t, uh, think about it. Before.” He waved his hand vaguely. “B-but if you want to be, um, b-boyfriends, I… I’d like that.”
“YEAH!” Michael shouted, excited. “Uh. I mean yes. Yes, I want that. Of course I want that.”
Jeremy looked down. “I’ve never had a b-boyfriend before.”
“I’ve never had an anything before.” Michael pointed out.
“I just mean. I don’t know how good I’ll be. At this.”
“And like what if I do something stupid or wrong?”
“What if someone tries to hurt us because we’re together and-”
“Jeremy!” Michael clapped his hand over Jeremy’s mouth. “I’m gonna stop you right there. We haven’t even gone on our first date and you’re already worrying. Stop it.”
Jeremy’s reply was too muffled to make out. He reached up and tugged Michael’s hand off. “You know I can’t help it…”
Michael sighed. “I know. But you know I’ll always be here for you.”
“You’ll be fine. If you do something stupid or wrong, I’ll tell you and we can fix it. If someone tries to hurt us I’ll kick their ass. Plus, we don’t have to tell anyone we’re together. And whatever happens- we can deal with it. Together. Because that’s what we do.”
“You’re right.”
“Of course I am. I’m amazing.” Michael said, promptly.
This startled laughter out of Jeremy. “And so humble.”
“If you got it, flaunt it.” He shrugged. “Anyways- let’s go get some food in you before you shrivel out of existence.”
“Ok.” Jeremy followed him up the stairs.
“And if you’re good, I’ll feed you by hand. It’ll be gay! I mean great.” He paused for a second to contemplate it. “No. I meant gay.”
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