#I am so tired of the boomer generation of college students
petalsthefish · 7 months
*deep breath*
*screams at the top of my lungs*
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a-very-tired-jew · 6 months
You're not as informed as you think, and age does play a factor.
This is going to ruffle some feathers, but it needs to be said. You're not as informed on the I/P Conflict and the history of the region as you think, and age plays a major factor. Hell, you're not as informed on a lot of topics as you think. I want you to think about what you were doing 5 years ago. Were you still running around on the playground? Were you making dioramas for a science class? Were you in high school worried about being a first year? Were you just starting to pick out colleges or deciding to even go? Did you ever call a teacher by their first name? Now, there is a line that we hear thrown about that people don't fully mature till they're 25. While this is bupkis and misrepresents the research, it is true that the brain does not stop developing till sometime in the mid to late 20s. In fact, the brains of undergraduates age 18-22 and their respective thought patterns more closely resemble high schoolers than they do mid 20s and above. So what does this mean in the course of the I/P conflict? For one thing, this is your first incident. Your first I/P war. Those of us in our 30s and above have seen a good number of them at this point. I even remember when the use of child suicide bombers became a standard method for Hamas and other terrorist groups during the Second Intifada. As such, many of us are used to the manipulation that we see in this particular region. We're used to seeing antisemitism be dismissed and well intentioned people be manipulated. Many of us are just tired because you're going through the same shit we did at your age and we look back and go "oh, we were severely misinformed". Because this is your first, you're super passionate about it, but that passion can be manipulated. Second, you're not as smart or well informed as you think you are. This has to do with the age and maturation thing mentioned above. While 25 is an arbitrary number, there are some milestones that happen by then. By 25 you have had enough life experience to really start piecing together your education, your life experiences, your world experiences, and your respective beliefs into a coherent way of approaching topics. Hopefully by that age you're less likely to have the emotional outburst in response to a subject (think about the stereotypical slamming the door teenager behavior, many of us did that and we cringe thinking about it) and more likely to approach something in a levelheaded and informed manner. Unfortunately there is some research that shows evidence that Gen Z and Millenials are susceptible to propaganda and misinformation, with the former exhibiting behavior akin to Boomers. So keep that in mind that none of us are safe for misinformation, but some generations are worse than others. Now, who am I to say this to you? Some of you are quite mad right at the moment. Some of you have strived to be seen as well informed young adults or to be taken seriously, and in some cases you are. However...
I'm in my 30s and I have been teaching at the college level for a decade and some change now. By no means am I an expert, but I have enough experience to say something. The ages I teach are 18+, meaning I've had students that are typical fresh high school grads and students that are in their 50s. Myself and my colleagues have heard repeatedly from students the "I'm an adult, I know what I'm doing" line to only watch that 18-22 y.o. student fail miserably or come crying to us later. I have personally watched students go through the stages of grief as they realized in my classes that their pet science activism is not what they thought, but they've wrapped so much of their identity around it. You're still learning, and thinking you know more just because you read something online is an issue. You're also still growing and developing as a person. Recognize that you can be manipulated. Recognize that you can be wrong. Recognize your own inherent biases. Then do better.
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APH College AU: Hong Kong
AU Intro here, AU headcanons are tagged #college au musings.
- Music major. However, he took quite a lot of computer engineering and business classes in high school because China insisted (in classic Asian parent fashion), and he still takes them because he sees them as useful for later life (freelance musician or managing a songwriter or something).
- His reasoning for going into music was that it was a relatively cool and not boring job; he wouldn’t have to always be tied to a computer or an indoor office and had more freedom. I think HK kinda hates getting a job in general because he’s got to Do Very Specific Work and doesn’t have time to do side projects/fool around, but he could deal with being a freelance musician or someone who creates background tracks for other artists, game music, etc. Also chose music to spite Yao, because he was expected to do either business or computer science/engineering (but he’s still pretty thankful for taking a lot of business and engineering classes because he legitimately needs them now)
- Soundcloud artist, and has quite a lot of followers. He does a lot of electronic instrumental mixes (idk how to describe it), but also sings sometimes, with lyrics about taking what you’ve got and running with it, carpe diem, breaking away from norms imposed by elders and parents; a mix of hopeful and rebellious. Never writes love songs, because he thinks it’s rather sappy and would rather express love in other (chill) ways. Doesn’t really write sad songs, but there are occasionally ones about rejection and estrangement.
- Re: soundcloud; he really wants to get in their direct monetization program, but doesn’t want to pay for a pro membership. Complains about it a lot to anyone who’ll listen.
- Memes memes memes memes memes
- Trendy™. He knows all the latest fashions and cool things, often tries to brand himself as the one to go to for fashion advice. He gives good advice most of the time (will tell you if your outfit sucks), but also makes questionable decisions (he stripped in the manga because he said Jackie Chen would do it too). Moral of the story, take some things he says with a grain of salt.
- Internet guy (knows all the hacks). He WILL find a free WiFi network anywhere he goes to avoid paying cellular, and knows way more hotspot passwords than he should via word of mouth and eavesdropping.
- Also, his phone is his lifeline. HK: “What do you mean, you’re taking it away from me?” CHN: “You’re using your phone too much; it’s bad for your eyes!!” HK: “No it isn’t! My eyes are fine; you’re the only one who has contacts in this family!! Give it back Yao!!!”
- Routinely called by other students to fix their computers and stuff, charges 25-75 dollars on average per fix. He is such a stickler with prices and absolutely refuses to go lower than a certain price. When Netherlands comes to him for a repair, they’ll haggle for hours and it’s not fun; Leon will postpone literally anything to keep on bargaining and not give up on his offer/price bar
- Avoids 8 AM classes as much as possible, but has never missed the ones he has to attend
- Learned Cantonese to spite Yao. I think Yao would’ve taught all his siblings (the East Asian squad) Mandarin, but they all picked up another language (or dialect of one) somewhere. Leon learned Cantonese specifically because he was lazy and it uses the same Mandarin characters (traditional vs simplified characters but similar enough) but is pronounced different enough that his brother can’t understand most of what he’s saying.
- Gets really whiney when he’s tired, or when he’s frustrated. Complains a lot.
- When he gets really angry, he becomes really cold. He’ll stop talking as much, but other than that he acts almost the same as usual, and it’s hard for people to pick up that he’s mad. However, everything he says kinda sounds passive aggressive, and he won’t laugh at anything. You have to be the first one to acknowledge something’s wrong, and then he’ll talk.
- Re: anger, it’s really awkward if he won’t talk to you because he’s usually really lighthearted, and seeing him serious is rather unsettling. Plus he can end any conversation when he wants to if he wants to make someone uncomfortable
- Is asked to be the DJ for a lot of college parties. He’s the type of person a lot of people vaguely know about because of just one “thing”, the “thing” being that he’s really good at mixing music and has good taste
- He makes sure everyone who even says hi to him knows about his music and his hobby, so he can get popular. Shouts about his Soundcloud profile (it’s not really bragging, but more like advertising himself)
- Types up all his notes onto his computer, but he uses so much slang that his notes read like weird text messages. His history notes read like a giant reality tv drama, because he tends to put things into modern terms and create his own way of remembering things, if that makes sense.
- Hasn’t touched a pencil in forever; he’s so comfortable in the digital world it’s insane
- Buys luxury brands to show off but is also really cheap, and judges certain products hard because they don’t live up to his very finicky standards (read my last post, it’s my take on his consumerism and is more in depth)
- Rather picky with his food, because he has really high standards. He will complain on and on about a restaurant’s noodle’s being too stale or too salty or something, finds flaws in everything when he wants to.
- B to A range grades, doesn’t stress too much over school. He doesn’t mind missing a couple of assignments (as long as they’re not big projects) and makes up for it with his other work
- Delays stuff until the last minute, but doesn’t panic or anything. It’s basically a habit by now; HK doesn’t mind it because it’s efficient and works for him. He can chill for the evening and then get all his work done between 3-7 am
- His relationship with his professors is okay; they all know his name and that he’s the “music dude” but he’s not too close with any of them; he prefers his friends’ company more. He’d get along with fun or young professors better, since they’re more in touch with “the youth” and he doesn’t see them as boomers
- Average at math, kinda bad at science, it’s just not his thing. He does better in the humanities, although he doesn’t exactly enjoy English and history classes. He’s very good at debating though, so his essays and thesis statements are very strong
- He’s pretty functional on 3 hours of sleep, but loves to sleep in when he can
- Proud of his Asian heritage and shows it!! He sometimes shows up at Asian American Culture Club but isn’t very dedicated, because he thinks some of the meetings are a little cringey
- He’d love to have a last name that isn’t Wang (such as any X starting Chinese surname) because he’d love to watch people struggle to pronounce it and he’d love to correct them (in a polite but simultaneously obnoxious way)
Thanks for reading! sksks these were much more general headcanons that probably could apply to nationverse too, but anyways... Next’ll be Taiwan probably!
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beinglibertarian · 6 years
Why We Homeschool
As a homeschooled kid, I have been asked things like why people should homeschool… just a few times.
As you can tell by the font, I aM ToTaLlY nOt TiREd oF AnSWerIng this QUesTiOn.
But to save other homeschoolers from the joy of explaining ‘why they homeschool’ every single time they meet a person, I decided to write this article to explain it to people for them.
A lot of people can’t understand why people would want to homeschool when you have trained teachers, like these great teachers in the image below, who are so great they made headlines! These teachers are certified and can teach your child for you, for free! By free I mean they steal collect taxes from citizens for over $10,000 per student a year to teach them. Economically, it just makes sense to support your local schools.
It’s important to have your child raised in a safe, protected environment. Just look at some of these great success stories:
Without going to school, how would these students have such great social experiences like these? I mean, there is no possible way for a homeschooler to get a social life; it’s not like you can just Google “homeschool groups” and find dozens of groups in your area. That’s just crazy talk.
When I was a child, I remember my family having to go through the tragedy of finding other homeschoolers by joining dedicated homeschool group email lists and word of mouth. Who has time for that? I remember being so alone and antisocial that when I decided to put together a small homeschool play with a few friends, we had to have auditions since there were too many other lonely homeschoolers wanting to join us and we didn’t have enough parts for them. We also had to use local churches to practice in because we couldn’t find any other place large enough for us. In addition to preparing for the play, the cast members would hang out weekly, have parent-approved parties/overnight activities, post-play camping trips and we all became good friends. In fact, some of the cast members got so close that they decided to get married a few years later. Looking back, I realize how deprived of a real social life we had. If we had been public schoolers, I’m sure we would have had classes that would have given us better social lives. Any one of the teachers mentioned above would have made sure that I and my friends had a great time in there class!
People seem very concerned about what happens to homeschoolers when they go to college. I’d be concerned too, especially since studies are showing that homeschoolers do better at college than their peers. You don’t want your child to stand out at a college like that, do you? Just imagine the inequality they would cause by being better than the average student. My inner conformist just shudders at the thought.
The other major problem people have with homeschooling is that it puts the responsibility of the child directly in the hands of the parents. For parents that is scary. If they send their kids to public school, they could blame all of the child’s problem on a failing school system, politicians and lack of funding, then sleep at night, guilt-free, knowing that the government did their best to raise the kids. After all, it does take a village. Homeschool parents can’t do that. Since homeschool parents are directly involved in the education, and ultimately the raising of their own spawn, they cannot shrug off the blame to another. They have to shoulder the entire responsibility themselves! Who wants that kind of responsibility? If a parent wants responsibility, they would have gotten a dog, or perhaps, a cat, or even a goldfish! Not a child.
There’s plenty of other observations you can make about how homeschooling is a horrible thing to do, but I can very quickly answer why we do it. It’s because we are all crazy, socially-awkward, recluses who shriek at sunlight and have nightmares about social interaction.
* Shaun Persian is a 25-year-old enjoying the millennial dream of living in his folks’ basement while he discovers himself and finds new ways to blame the previous generations for their blatant disregard of the Constitution and natural law in our society. His hobbies include doing school, eternally listening to the audiobook of Atlas Shrugged in hopes of finishing it before he dies of old age, pretending to know how to use semi-colons properly; and writing the first 20 pages of his ‘next book’, then decide to write another story without ever finishing the first. He blames the baby boomers for his lack of completion in his writing.
The post Why We Homeschool appeared first on Being Libertarian.
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freedomsoapbox · 6 years
Dear “Moderate” Liberal Millennial Christians: It’s Time To Pick A Side
I  went to a conservative  Christian high school.  Most of my friends from  high school are  Christian.  It may surprise you to learn that many of  them are liberal  Democrats or Democrat sympathizers, though if you  yourself went to a  Christian high school this may not surprise you at  all.
It’s  no secret that many Americans  who claim to be Christian are liberal   Democrats.  But I mention the  phenomenon of graduates from Christian   high schools being (often  becoming sometime during their senior year if  my suspicions and  experience are any indication) openly liberal to   highlight the known  fact that even conservative Christian institutions are producing,  attracting, and harboring liberal activists.
I   say “liberal activists” because, in my generation at least, there is no  other type of liberal. Donald Trump’s election has resulted in what  few  of them were not openly political effectively being conscripted   into  The Resistance.  Most of those millennial liberals who went to my high  school are not as extreme as the stereotypical college feminist. They  don’t talk about “safe spaces”, they don’t sympathize with Antifa  (at  least not openly), and most will be careful not to be seen   defending  Planned Parenthood too loudly.  Their activism is mostly   restricted to  Facebook, just like most activism from liberals and   conservatives alike  seems to be restricted to Facebook.
But   being friends on Facebook is enough to know which side they have   picked.  And as moderate as they may try to appear, they have picked a   side. A few shared memes, liked posts, etc. communicate that they are   members of The Resistance, even if they are only part of the reserve   force.
I have  also been able to intuit   what they tend to think of the group comprised  of me and the other   students from my high school who chose to remain,  or even become,   conservative Christians.  Now I want to make it clear  that none of   these liberal classmates have ever individually  disrespected or   mistreated me, and I have good relationships with most  of them. But as a  whole, they view us as relatively intelligent peers  who have simply   not been fortunate enough to break away from the mental  shackles   imposed on us by our church denomination through our parents  and the   conservative faculty at our high school. I could picture their   collective advice to us being something like “Dr. Peterson (made up name   of our Dean of Students) isn’t here anymore to fine you for not   wearing  a belt.  You need to take some of what they taught us at that   school  with a grain of salt.”
That’s   not to say I think all of them necessarily thought the strict dress   code at our school was a bad thing, but the point is that our high   school was very conservative, had its share of nonsense and bullshit   from the administration, and in general they are kind of glad to be away   from it.  Well, I know for a fact that I and several other of my   conservative peers are glad to be away from that place as well, but   liberal millennials tend to view themselves as supporting characters in a   real-life dystopian story, and it is clear that these liberal   graduates  view our Alma Mater as being beholden to the conservative   dystopia that  is currently headed but not entirely controlled by Donald  Trump.  And  as for their classmates who also remain beholden to this dystopia, we’re  kind of like that kid in the terrible movie Dead Poets Society   who ratted out the Society to the school administration and got Mr.   Keating fired, not because he really wanted to but simply because the   agents of the dystopia convinced him that it was the right thing against   his better judgement.  They, on the other hand, are standing on their   desks, and they are trying to convince us that it’s alright to do so.
This   dynamic is not unique to alumni from Christian high schools.  It is  the  same attitude with which many of the more “moderate” liberals of  all  age groups regard their conservative friends.  It’s not that we’re  bad  people, it’s just that we don’t get it. It is the same attitude  conveyed  a little more condescendingly in articles like this,   which explains a study that purports to demonstrate that being a   steadfast conservative is often reducible to having stronger primal   self-preservation instincts than liberals.  If you want to drop the   clinical facade and judge the article as the propaganda piece that it   clearly is, what the author is really saying is that conservatives in   middle America, by and large, are at best the unfortunate victims of   repressed mild emotional trauma from our parents never letting us leave  the house alone until age 13 for fear of kidnapping, and at worst   atavists whose genetically predetermined responses to stimuli are more   fitting for societies of a more, ahem, simple state  of development.   But don’t worry, society needs folks who possess such  mindstates as   well, after all the root of such attitudes is a healthy  drive for   safety and prudence (wink wink).
You  see  the liberals in my friend circles, especially liberal Christians  who went to my high school, like to share articles like this on social   media.  They will also, without directly addressing us conservative   peers, delineate on how such findings relate to the rise of Nazism and   other hyper-nationalist movements in a manner that they no doubt think  is erudite.
First  of all, as a quick   aside, I’d like to address this narrative of the  rise of Nazism.   Someone needs to point out that while the ability to  regurgitate this tired thesis that Hitler was able to rise to power by  manipulating   people’s primal urges in a population that was starving and   war-traumatized, by giving them an internal enemy (the Jews) to project  their fear and bitterness onto, and by promising them a better life   while not telling them very much about the uglier side of his agenda   until they had been fully initiated, on an essay exam may have impressed   your AP World History teacher, it is at best an oversimplification of   history and at worst disingenuous.  Germany in the 1930s was not just a   country of poor farmers and unemployed Great War veterans who simply  let  themselves be led down Hitler’s path to hell before they realized  their  mistake. The fact of the matter is that Weimar Germany was  already a  society of people who by and large did not value freedom and  democracy  and which already suffered from widespread moral bankruptcy  before  Hitler became prominent. Hitler did not recruit the Brownshirts  by  inviting young men with no future to be part of something greater  than  themselves so much as he simply organized and militarized the  criminal  element of several major cities to serve his purposes.  The  Germans had  to be carpet-bombed and then occupied before they were  ready to finally  be a part of the civilized West. And any attempt to  connect the  narrative of the Nazis to the rise of Trump is, you know,  stupid.
But  anyway, getting back to the  point, I’m focusing on my liberal peers  from Christian high schools  across the nation because I know that we,   conservative millennial  Christians, will have to deal with them in the not-so-distant future.   My liberal classmates may not have much respect  for the conservative  traditions of our school, but they will likely  comprise a large share  of the school’s future teachers, staff, PTO  leaders, Alumni Association  officers, and major donors.  And that’s a  problem. We know where their  loyalties lie, and it is with the  Democratic Party first and Christ  and His church second. You cannot be a  loyal Democrat and have those  priorities reversed. These people will be  leaven within the church’s  institutions.  We’ve seen what their so-called “moderate” liberal parents from the Boomer generation can do to such institutions   simply by being tolerated within them even if most of them don’t go   out  of their way to be liberal activists. And they will be active   soldiers  in the war against conservatism and Christianity, whether they  know it  or not.
And  so I’d like to   address the remainder of this piece to those people.  Not  just my   liberal classmates, but all moderate liberal Christians of my   generation (hereafter “you”):You  have picked a side, and it is the   wrong one.  You think that we  conservative millennial Christians   (hereafter “we”) are on the “wrong  side of history”, but it is actually  you who have chosen the wrong side.   You may very well have chosen the  winning side,  but your side remains  objectively, morally wrong (alternative title for  this piece: Some  Things Young Conservative Christians Wish We Could Say  To Our Liberal  Christian Friends If You Guys Would Hear Us Out).
We   can still be friends.  We have remained friends with you even after   you  have indirectly called us homophobes, fundamentalists,   reactionaries,  woman-haters, and the like.  Many of you have not   directly addressed us  so to our faces, but we happen to fall into the   group of people whom you  regard as such. Nevertheless, we remain your   friends.
But  you need to realize that we  have also chosen a side, and it is  decidedly against everything you   stand for.  That does not mean we stand  against justice, fairness,   charity, and the like. It’s just that those  are the things you claim to   stand for, and I am speaking of the things that you are actually   willing to stand for.  When the chips are down, you will stand for the   evil of abortion. You will stand for middle school students being forced   to share shower facilities with members of the opposite sex, including   adults.  You will stand for police officers being railroaded by the   media and the justice system for doing their job in cases where a young   black man happens to end up dead.
And   you will stand for the persecution of Christians.  Specifically, you  will stand for the persecution of Christians who have not thrown their   lot in with the American persecutors of Christians, which means   eventually that you will stand for the persecution of us.
For   example, whenever you guys rail against a certain Christian artist or   business owner for not accommodating a same-sex couple or someone who   identifies as transgender, it never seems to occur to you that your   Christian friends on the other side of the political aisle could and   probably will be in that same position in the future.  We are afraid to  open our own businesses or go into creative professions because we know   that the minute we cross the LGBT agenda, or possibly the abortion   agenda, we are liable to have our lives destroyed by the government.
And   you support this.  You will side with the government when they come to   take our businesses away from us or even impose criminal sanctions.    Perhaps you will reason that it is regrettable but necessary, and that   it’s our own fault in the end for resisting civil rights.
You   know, I’m not going to go as far as to pull out the “if you’re a   liberal Christian then you’re not really a Christian” card here, but   Jesus does have some strong words of warning for those who persistently  side with the world over Him.  We all side with the world over Him, and   we all do so often. Even the Apostles did. But you have formally   chosen a  side, declared it, and it happens to be the side that is   waging war  against Christ and His Church.Your  excuses that you would   actually be furthering Christ’s love are totally  hollow.  Jesus would   not have baked a cake for a gay “wedding” (or  built a gay couple a   house to live in, being a carpenter), he would not  (does not) support   Planned Parenthood, and he would not (does not)  support the gender   transition process.  If you disagree with this, you  are disagreeing   with Him, the Apostle Paul, not to mention the Church  Fathers along   with every serious prominent theologian throughout the  history of   Christianity until the past three or four decades. Of course,  the   church fathers never spoke about transgenderism, but that’s only   because it is an insane demonic dystopian agenda that even the ancient   pagans could hardly have conceived.  They did speak on abortion and gay   marriage, and their opinions on the matter hold a lot more weight than   yours. Ecumenically speaking, the scholarship on these matters, along   with evolution and some other things, within Christianity is as settled   as you claim the scholarship is on climate change. The denominations  and  clerics that claim otherwise do so ashamedly and uneasily, and can   accurately be described as “Bible deniers”.  And don’t try to bring  lame  arguments regarding shellfish and eating pork into this, because those arguments have been quite thoroughly debunked,   and if you haven’t heard the debunking it’s only because members of   your side ban us from the message boards (one of the things that annoy  us about debating with you liberal Christians is that, while you guys  are generally more willing to at least debate us in the first place than   your more extreme SJW allies, many of you have a tendency to need to   have very basic theological concepts explained to you as if you've never   heard them before.  It makes it difficult for the discussion to   progress when we constantly have to stop and do your liberal pastor's   job for him.)
Of  course, I wouldn’t   expect that to hold much weight with atheists and  hardcore secularists who don’t believe the Bible to have any authority  anyway.  They have   chosen their side, and they are proud of it. But at  least they won’t be  attending a Christian college claiming to want an  authentic Christian  education and then working to tear down  Christianity within that   institution.
Your  Christian brothers and  sisters are being persecuted by the side you  have chosen, and you will  be required to assent to and sometimes  participate in the persecution  in order to be a loyal member of your  Resistance. Although the gap may  be closing, you are still the  out-group within American Christianity,  and yet you demand equal  (greater) say and status. You call our kind  Pharisees while enabling our  persecution at the hands of the side you  have chosen.  You have gone  out of your way to declare yourselves  “allies” to every group from gays  to transgenders to feminists to  Muslims, but we never seem to part of   your alliance. Not that we would  want to, because you’re allied with   enemy powers.
You   see, we don’t disagree with you because we are more afraid or less   college-educated or whatever else you have in mind.  We disagree with   you because the Bible is on our side, the facts are on our side, common   sense are on our side, and moral principles are on our side, and not   yours.  We showed you footage of Planned Parenthood trafficking in baby   parts, and you ignored it. You might be a little uncomfortable with it,   but you would never be as vocally outraged as when a police officer   shoots a black person and it gets the attention of the national media,   despite the fact that in almost every single case your side has been   objectively and completely wrong about both the facts and the law of the   matter.
This  is the point where many of you decide to pull out the “personally  opposed” card. Mainly, you   will use this card in the abortion debate,  since you have long ago   given up pretending to be “personally opposed”  to gay marriage   (although you might be one of the few left who will  admit the inability  to defend gay “marriage” on Biblical grounds but  simply sidestep the issue by repeating the lie that the Constitution  requires the   government to recognize it even though it does no such  thing, which is to say you think that the despot Supreme Court has  absolved you of   having to make any further defense of this abomination  to others or to your own conscience) or gender conversion. Conveniently,  you have   already passed the point of having to worry about being a  scared   freshman girl who now has to share a locker room with a boy. And  come   to think of it, you’ve also conveniently passed the point of having  to worry about being aborted. I’d just like to point out that your  sudden  “personally opposed” fig leaf when it comes to especially morally   uncomfortable topics like abortion kind of clashes with your persona as  a fighter for justice in the face of dystopia.
Of   course you don’t have to use that card often, because compared to your   more extreme, non-Christian contemporaries, most of the political talk   we hear from you centers around the somewhat less controversial topics   like gun control, immigration, environmentalism, welfare, etc. Much  of  what you have to say concerns how “uncaring” our side is more than  it  does any actual evidence, but at least you could hold the Democrat   positions on such issues and still theoretically be a member in good   standing of Christian orthodoxy. These are issues that the Bible does   not give explicit guidance on like abortion and gay “marriage”.  But   there are still two main problems with you siding with Democrats on   these issues. The first is that in most cases your opinions are wrong,   often unconstitutional, and easily debunked. But more importantly for   your case specifically, even your stances on these issues and the way   you argue them betray a mentality that is fundamentally at odds with   traditional Christianity.  For example, when you argue that the New   Testament commands us to accept waves of refugees from Islamic nations,   or to expand the welfare state, or raise the minimum wage, or whatever   else you think is “caring”, claiming that “Jesus would want it”, you  are  twisting His words and putting your own words in His mouth, you  know,  like how you claim we are doing whenever we articulate what the  Bible  clearly says about homosexuality.  Twisting the words of the  Bible to  make them say something they do not and advance an agenda that  is not  Biblical is called heresy. Heresy is not something people who  have  chosen the side of God should be comfortable with. The Bible  leaves room  for Christians to disagree on the worldly, practical merits  of things  like welfare, immigration policy, and gun control. It does  not leave  room for you to make Jesus the champion of causes he never  took up,   especially since there is no reason to believe Jesus would  take up a   political cause despite most of the evidence being clearly  against it.
What’s  more, your  championing of such lesser causes is often used as a fig   leaf to  deflect from your moral cowardice concerning bigger issues like   abortion and homosexuality.  You know you can’t win a serious   theological argument about those issues, so you, like the Pharisees,   make a show of how “caring” you are for others, mostly by making arguments that have no factual basis and usually require someone else to do the “caring” for you.    And in so doing, you show signs of where your loyalties lie. When you   got angry about Harambe being shot, you betrayed your anti-life   colors,  because many of your arguments boiled down to the implication   that the  kid somehow deserved to be mauled by a gorilla or at least   that the  gorilla had an equal right not to be shot as the human child   had to not  be mauled at the zoo.  When you defended Michael Brown and   said his  death was a murder in bold spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary,   you betrayed your warped sense of justice or general disdain for true   justice. Whenever you demand that the welfare state be expanded or   advocate socialism, you ignore the evidence reagarding the welfare state   and socialism. Ignoring the evidence regarding such issues does not   automatically reveal that you harbor anti-Christian values, but it does   indicate that you care more about your public image than you do about   the lives and families that have been destroyed by the welfare state and   socialism, especially when you ignore the historical link between the   abortion agenda and the welfare state and population control and   socialism (or environmentalism).
And when you protest against the Trump administration for wanting to favor Christian refugees from Islamic countries despite that making every kind of humanitarian sense   while simultaneously demanding that millions of unchecked Muslim men be  let in and allowed to stay indefinitely, one has to wonder: whose   side  are you on?
And  if most of what I have said does not actually describe you, if you  actually are appalled  by abortion, would defend my rights as a business  owner if I were ever  targeted by a vindictive gay couple, if you are  willing to take an  evidence-based or at least moderate and balanced  approach to   immigration and environmental regulations, and you don’t  want to put   cops in prison for doing their sworn duty, then one has to  ask: why   have sided with the American left?
Note:   “Trump scares me” is not a good reason.  I was a firm “Never Trump”   conservative in 2016, and did not vote for him.  That didn’t cause me to   throw my lot in with the party that wants to force me to fund Planned   Parenthood.
And one more thing: your  more extreme secularist liberal friends that have gone full-SJW are not  impressed with you.  They aren't impressed with your virtue-signaling,  they aren't impressed with the constant apologies you make for us, they  aren't impressed with your attempts to prove yourselves as [the  Christians that are cool and will respect you](http://thefederalist.com/2015/12/02/an-other-christian-responds-to-buzzfeeds-questions-christians-have-for-other-christians/)  while treating us like an uncle who sometimes says racist things at   Thanksgiving dinners but whom you love anyway.  To them, you're still in  the same group of square losers as us, it's just that they may think   there is a little more hope for you.
I   realize my words so far have been harsh, but they could be a lot   harsher.  I don’t want to burn bridges with my friends on the other side   of the aisle, and I certainly don't think every cause they take up is   completely without merit (for example, I do think conservatives have  railed just a little too hard on the #MeToo thing, wrought with   hypocrisy though the movement has been). But I’m writing this piece   because, frankly, things are going to have to come to a head between our   two sides.  Your side has engaged an unrelenting campaign of attacks  and persecution against those of us who have remained faithful to   Christian orthodoxy for the past two or three decades at least, and we,  orthodox Christian conservative millennials, are not going to defer   responsive action against the agents of those who seek to destroy the   church indefinitely, even if those agents include our friends. So when   you take up teaching positions at Christian institutions only to reveal   your sympathies with the militant LGBT movement, we are going to have  to  move to get you fired. When you start advocating the leftist social   agenda within the church itself, we are going to excommunicate you.  When  your church is caught harboring illegal immigrants in brazen  defiance  of the Biblical command to submit to the civil authorities, we’re going  to speak against your church and possibly work with the   government to  root them out.  The Democrats and the liberal   establishment have  declared total war on conservatives and the   Christian Church in  particular. We are under no obligation to sit back passively and take it  all the time.
So with that in mind, I ask one more time:  whose side are you on?
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maximuswolf · 4 years
A Story with Uncertain Results via /r/ADHD
A Story with Uncertain Results
Hey everybody, I’m new to this subreddit for a similar reason most new people around here are, which is that I was recently diagnosed with ADHD (age 18……. Better late than never I guess). I noticed a distinct lack of full stories on this subreddit, and I thought it would be interesting to talk about mine to compare.
I consider myself pretty smart. At least, that’s what I’ve always been told. I suppose I could be placed in that class of student who frustrates the “good students” by doing as well as them without studying or even paying attention. I never needed to. Elementary school is strange in that it is exceptionally boring from a schoolwork perspective for those even slightly above average in intelligence. I was the “smart kid” in elementary school, and American school systems do a pretty shitty job of identifying problems in students who aren’t failing. For you see, sustained attention problems do not present themselves when assignments take less than 10 minutes. Task switching is not a problem when you finish tasks so early you get a full 30 minutes between them. Emotional regulation problems aren’t considered when you are a boy (boys will be boys… ok boomer). Now, something that’s actually kind of funny about this is that I absolutely should have gotten lower grades than I did. There was a test I took in 3rd grade where I answered the correct letter for the previous question for the middle half of the test and skipped a question, and my teachers only counted the one I skipped incorrectly. According to them, I just went too fast and that was the only problem.
Fast forward to middle school, which I think is the point that a lot of undiagnosed kids crash for the first time. I bombed the second quarter of middle school with possibly more unsubmitted assignments than submitted ones. It took a ton of work to get back on track, but this wasn’t much of an issue either because, even though I had 30 assignments I needed to complete, none of them took more than 10 minutes and I had 3 weeks to do it. Now, had I been unassisted, they simply wouldn’t have happened, but my history teacher used her own class time to force me to complete my missing assignments for other classes and told my parents that it was just a “boy in middle school” thing. Apparently nobody bothered to note that this was not something that happened for literally any other middle school boy. I did fairly well in the rest of middle school, and now we reach the point in my life where all those emotional skills ADHD doesn’t come with kick in. I never had good friends. I’m sure you could’ve picked this up by now, but as a younger child I was extremely arrogant. In 8th grade though, I actually met some people with whom I spoke. Often. The most important person in this group to include in my story is my future girlfriend, and future future ex-girlfriend.
I was vaguely aware of her crush on me for a long time in 8th grade, but I am not a naturally emotionally available individual, and expressing feelings and physical touch made me extremely uncomfortable for a number of ADHD and non-ADHD related reasons. However, this girl was attached to me, and my lack of emotional tact steadily wore down on her emotional state. When I finally decided that I would actually date her in 9th grade, she had depression for reason both under and not under my control (her relationship with her parents was…. strange to say the least). Over time, it became difficult to talk to her and we both decided it would be better if we parted ways, but that started the long chain of persisting mental health problems that I struggle with today.
Low self esteem was a new experience for me, and anxiety wasn’t something I was used to either. They both hit pretty hard. Hard enough that I quickly also became depressed. My grades suffered, and so my mental state suffered, and so my grades suffered further. At the time, I attributed the grades dropping exclusively to my mental state. I barely ended that year without a C, ending with an A and 6 Bs. One B was a for a class in which I had 11 zero quiz grades throughout the year and a 44 test grade. In this class, we were expected to make 30-70 detailed notecards each unit for the subject we were on. Each one could take 5-10 minutes. And they were incredibly boring to write. Sounds like a great assignment for someone with ADHD. Ironically, I remember trying to force myself to write the notecard about ADHD (it was a psychology class, actually).
I struggled with depression off and on over the next two years and anxiety was a problem that just kept getting worse. Junior year went pretty well, and then Covid hit. I lost the ability to do anything. My anxiety prevented me from asking my teachers for help with anything, and I absolutely needed the help. The primary contributor to my anxiety was an inferiority complex developed through my math classes. I just could not do as well as my peers. I would carry our table through problems during units, but when we got to the test, I would do a good 10 points worse than anyone I thought I should be equal to or better than. I also worked to the time limit on every last one, frequently not finishing them.
My grades were shaky at best for every year of high school other than the first, and this wasn’t something anyone, including my parents had seen from me before. I was constantly bombarded by my parents’ assumption that I had just ceased to care and just didn’t want to do any work. It was destroying me. At one point near the end of sophomore year, I genuinely considered offing myself for about 5 minutes at midnight sitting on the couch of my pitch black living room. I didn’t, but it was closer than I’d like to admit.
Back to senior year, and my depression had mostly subsided. I’m dating again, a rather tomboyish girl who I love dearly (she’d cringe at that sentence). My anxiety ever worsened. I procrastinated asking for college recommendation letters long enough that I had to wait to apply regular decision because my teachers would only write recs if given that extra time, and I don’t even know why I couldn’t get myself to ask. Logically it would be a fear of rejection, but I have no idea why that would be as I’ve never really been rejected in a meaningful situation.
My grades have been ok in online school, but the more important part of this final year of the story is finally talking to my pediatrician about my anxiety…. at 18 years old. Some of the problems I mentioned were apparently inconsistent with anxiety, so I was also referred for a psych eval for neurodevelopmental disorders, but I immediately started therapy for anxiety and depression, which had been alright.
I was evaluated in mid-December, and on the 17th of January I had my telehealth appointment for the evaluation. Fuck. When asked by my therapist what I thought might be wrong with me, I responded “social anxiety and mild ADHD.” Boy was I understating. Apparently feeling as though you are far behind your true potential for several years and being constantly bombarded with others telling you you aren’t good enough does a thing to a person. About that off and on depression I mentioned earlier? BAM cyclothymia. Generalized anxiety disorder wasn’t a surprised, but what did surprised me was my diagnosis of not mild, not even just moderate, but moderate to severe predominantly inattentive ADHD. I’ve actually got the scores from the WAIS-IV I took to compare sections that are heavily impacted by ADHD and those that are not. The section least impacted by ADHD is Verbal Comprehension, on which I scored a 127. My other scores are the real kickers though (I sound old here don’t I…. fuck…. I blame having old parents): Perceptual reasoning: 96, Processing Speed: 89, Working Memory: 80.
Anyways, that was something of a shock. Today was my second day on the minimum dose size for Concerta, and….. I feel exactly the same. I might be a little more awake than usual? I’m also noticeably more tired around 6 pm, but that might just be that I have to wake up earlier now.
So anyways, that’s where I am right now. I’m sure this is difficult to read and I apologize for dumping my life onto this post, but I thought it would be interesting to hear some other peoples’ more detailed experiences, thanks for reading if you got this far.
TL;DR Honestly I don’t think I can really TL;DR this but basically, slightly worse version of stereotypical 18 y/o diagnosis of inattentive type
Submitted January 21, 2021 at 10:22PM by Most-Hedgehog-3312 via reddit https://ift.tt/3p6Yeh3
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Confessions of an Incredibly Tired Teacher during COVID-19
Preface:  I want to preface my statement with stating that this is not to rag on the education system for taking precautions when it comes to the COVID-19 panic. These precautions are absolutely necessary for the continuance of education. This is merely to express my frustrations with distance learning.  
I am tired. 
I am tired of 2020.  I am tired of Covid.  I am tired of distance learning. 
I have the unique perspective of being a fresh out of college educator who experienced distance learning as both a college student and, now, as a high school educator.  The only reason I acquired my position was due to the fact several teachers retired from my school system due to the pandemic.  I love my job. I love my kids.  They are not the problem.  The problem is that distance learning is not operating in any kind of effective way.  
I attended university during the pandemic.  I witnessed my ADULT peers refuse to attend Zoom lectures, so when my students, who are literal CHILDREN, refuse to come to class, how on earth am I supposed to be angry?  I can’t be.  I can’t be, because I completely understand. In fact, I truly, from the bottom of my heart, feel horrible for you guys.
How can I be angry at my kids when they don’t show up for online school during snow days?  COVID has taken so much from you guys -- proms, school parties, field trips, sports -- and it absolutely is not fair that you guys can’t have the joy of an ACTUAL day off from school due to the weather.  How can I be mad when my kids don’t turn in their work, because they are just so ready for their break, that, mind you, has already been shortened, because American education cannot seem to get its act together to function halfway efficiently.  This time has especially been trying on students with special needs, whom have struggled the most with these changes.
They are done.  And I am done. 
I have seen several people, mostly Baby Boomers, complaining that “kids have it so easy, I wish I could stay home and play on the computer all day instead of go to school.”  My response to the people who say this is shame on you, because you are part of the problem. These kids do not simply get to stay home and do nothing all day.  They are learning, and they are learning virtually in the middle of a global pandemic that is going to make human history, and, because of this global pandemic, they are facing sets of challenges that no other generation has faced before. I try to have patience with remote learning because we are essentially the guinea pig generation, and, while I hope that this never has to happen again, I hope that, in the event that it does, the system improves. 
But right now, the system is failing.  It is failing the kids, and it is failing the teachers.  And I, for one, am done.  
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pimdak-hilltopple · 5 years
Revolution 1.4
(Sorry for any misspellings! I was writing this to boomers and thought I’d share it here :) 1.4 trillion in debt. That is bound to be a massive roadblock to many people. IDK if you've seen the many articles with headlines like "Millennials are KILLING the fast food industry!" Or something to that effect. A massive factor to the economy is how much "disposable income" or spending money a generation has. Due to things like rising living costs and stagnant wages, the younger generations just can't influence the economy much beyond being too poor to indulge in any luxuries. I saw a comment on FB talking about how my generation doesn't buy motorcycles anymore. It was meant as a joke but my only reply was "They're expensive..." I want a motorcycle one day but I don't even have a working car.
What I'm saying is-by canceling student debt and making college free, my generation would start having more disposable income to invest in the market or a small business. We'd be able to get a high education (which imo can only be a good thing for a society) and use that acquired knowledge to change the world. Already we're seeing a generation more tuned into politics than ever before and I think that will only continue. I mean...there IS a reason why Sanders has everyone beat when it comes to grassroots support. More volunteers. There are younger politicians, like AOC, in office than ever. Greta Thurnberge is a globally recognized climate activist.-She won a Nobel for her efforts in starting and leading the largest activist campaign in the world-
 What I'm basically saying is, many people are sick and tired of the status quo. Where they felt like their voice wasn't heard and the world they lived in was rigged against them. The deck was stacked not in their favor. And they demand change. Obama promised change but didn't deliver. Clinton was the embodiment of the establishment and lost to Trump who promised change but has been extremely divisive. Then along comes Sanders. A man who hasn't flip flopped his entire career. An incredibly consistent politician who's entire platform is built around the working class people. He refuses to take money from billionaires. That makes him attractive to my generation. We grew up hearing grips about how crooked and greedy politicians are. Hearing about money in politics and here's a man who can't be bought. Who welcomes the hatred of the billionaires and the establishment alike. People love that.
 My generation grew up being told to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" but now live in a world where 53% of America is living paycheck to paycheck. Trapped in student debt. With rising living cost and stagnant wages. The degrees the do get no longer guarantee them a job....My generation now has some of the highest rates of suicide. Number not matched since the world wars.
 Given all of that...is it truly any wonder why so many have taken to shouting for a revolution? Why don't they seem bothered by establishment hated topics like socialism/communism? People are starting to see the hatred of the establishment as an endorsement. Like when Hillary Clinton went after Bernie saying no one liked him. His popularity jumped and other presidential candidates spoke up and hugged him on stage.
 It's crazy but my generation has a wholly different way of communication. It may seem silly but a lot of us learn about the world through things like Youtube and social media. Where our voices are more likely to be heard. Many use their degrees to educate on sites like YT. And because of that, people like me exist. I was a republican. I heard the news through Fox or my mom, or whenever the "adults were talking". But after I got YT I started learning more and more about the world and politics. First I was center-right. then Center. Libertarian for a while before hitting lefttube. Or Breadtube as it's called now. And it didn't take long after that. I learned, considered and here I am. An Anarcho-socialist who spends most of my conversation just explaining the definition of the words relevant to the discussion and dispelling propaganda. (Doing so actually got me into studying propaganda and wow it's crazy and fun) We will create a society where these things never happen again. Either through the diligent transformation and improvement of the current one or it's abolition.  We've grown up in a world where the flaws of our current society have been on full display. The curtain Oz hid behind caught fire. We're too poor to buy the bullshit that elite have been selling!
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I'm 24 years old, have a good driving record, and I am currently on with my dad's insurance. I have a 2005 chevy aveo right now, with almost 75,000miles; and I pay $110 a month for insurance. Unfortunately, my car may be reaching it's end, and I may have to get a new car. I've found a used 2002 ford mustang, 2 door and 14,633 miles on it. How much do you think my insurance would go up? My dad says it would sky rocket... But I figure I'd ask anyway! Thanks!""
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thinking of getting a Mazda RX8 for my first car they're a 1.3 so i'm assuming they don't completely rinse petrol because the engine size is quite low? any idea on what the insurance would be for a first time driver, i've been driving 4 months""
Average car insurance prices for 21 year old male?
just started to learn how to drive, i am a 21 year old male living in east london. i wont be getting a good car, im guessing a 2 door over 7 or 8 years old. can i get some sort of idea as to how much i will be paying for insurance? anyone else my age just paid for insurance?""
Looking for add on health insurance my company maxes out at $25000.00?
do insurance companies sell that type of insurance
Car insurance for my daughter?
my 17 year old daughter wants to learn to drive in my car (citroen c3 2059plate) would anybody have an idea of how much it may cost me ! or does it pay to make her wait untill she has passed ? and any ideas on how much if she does pass.. ty .....
Questions bout unemployment insurance in California?
If I get layoff, i was making $2500 before taxes per month for 40 hours a week, how much would I get from the unemployment insurance?""
Do I need to get insurance under obamacare?
I was just hired yesterday as a substitute teacher (part time). I am very confused if I am obligated to get insurance under the affordable care act that will soon come into effect. I ...show more
Can I pay a AAA Auto Insurance bill online?
I'm in California but I don't know if that makes any diffrence.
Can I open this kind of Insurance Business?
I was wondering if I would be able to offer a secondary insurance just for theft or total of a car. My sister has and resells auto insurance but my idea was to offer to modified imports. Or could offer a guarantee to pay difference from what I value the car then what their primary insurance pays? I know you need a license to sell insurance. Any input will help.
Simple ques about Car insurance. Ive had my drivers licence?
For over ten yrs but have never had a car in my name. Also have never had my own car insurane. My driving record is spot clean no tickets violations nothing and im over 30. Would i still have to pay as much as a 21 yr old brand new driver for car insurance ?? am i looked at the same as them ??
New driver and car insurance.?
I'm 15 and I turn 16 on dec 27 and I already have a car and I've seen a lot of car insurance companies commercials but I don't know which one is best. They say they offer great stuff but I don't know which one to go with. Please help me because I want to have my car protected I just don't know which car insurance company is the best one out there. Thanks for helping <{ *__*}>
""What's the cost of insurance on Porsche's, BMW's Ferrari's, etc?""
What's the cost of insurance on Porsche's, BMW's Ferrari's, etc?""
""Affordable Health Insurance, any suugestions?""
I am a nanny. My employer does not offer any insurance. I need primary, dental, and vision coverage. I used to have the best insurance. $5 dollar co pay no prescript payment for generic and coverage for all drs. That was when i was under my mom's blue cross blue shield ppo plan. I cant afford too much but need something. Any suggestions on affordable health insurance?""
What's a good sport bike for a new rider? ?
I know motorcycles aren't safe no matter what but what's an affordable bike for a new rider. I really want something as light as possible. How much is insurance? I don't know anything about bikes but I've always wanted one. Never even rode or drove one.
What is the cheapest insurance in alberta for a new driver?
What is the cheapest insurance in alberta for a new driver?
Health Insurance Question?
I currently have Crohn's Disease and I'm taking daily medications. When I turn 21 my insurance will not be in effect (CCS insurance I believe?) and I will not be able to afford medication and health insurance. My parents don't make enough money to buy health insurance..Does anyone have any idea on how to approach this?
Why is there a huge difference in insurance quotes if all info is the same?
I'm shopping around for insurance quotes because I thought my car insurance was too high. Progressive gave me a very low quote, which I was happy about. It was what I thought I should be paying compared to friends I've talked with. All the other quotes from the other insurance companies were in the same price range and very high. I began to worry that Progressive had some incorrect info, so I called them back, we went over all the info again, and everything is right. They even emailed my quote to me and it's all correct. Should I be worried that the quote is so low or is Progressive just being competetive?""
Changing motorcycles and insurance question?
Long story short I have got a new bike. The bike I am Insured on has about 2 months left before I gather another year no claims. However, I was wondering would/do Insurance companies offer a way for me to transfer the next/last 2 months to my new bike (At a possible cost) then charge me a full year when its due (In 2 months) Any help will be appreciated. I don't want to phone my insurance up cause every time I phone someone like that and tell them I have a new bike I want to insure they go crazy and keep phoning me! I have 1 years NCB and i'll be 18 in 2 months (when I will get 2 year NCB) Cheers Geoff""
How can i lower my car insurance quotes? just turned 17?
i bought me a 1.4 polo and i dont know sh*t about insurance, can someone give me some tips on how to lower my car insurance?""
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house of travel travel insurance quote
Can I claim my car insurance back? It was cancelled after my car was written off & I couldn't afford another.?
My car insurance company cancelled my insurance because I did not buy another car. I could not get another as I'm still waiting for my excess to be paid out. I had paid 4 months of my annual car insurance so had to pay the remaining balance when they cancelled it. The accident was not my fault. I understand that I have to pay a full year's car insurance but wondered if I could claim for the months which I have not been able to benefit from due to the accident rendering me car-less!
18 years old purchasing car and insurance?
I am an 18 year old female and im looking to purchase a car - preferably a new car but we'll see how far that goes... I would like opinions on which car insurance is the best for new drivers. I did a couple of quotes and Geico seems to be good, any other suggestions?""
Insurance on a Motorcycle.?
I am 16 and I am wanting to purchase an '08 250 Ninja. What would I expect to pay every year in insurance? I live in MS if that would make a difference in insurance.
Dental insurance?
Hi, i'm looking for a good dental insurance and a good dentist in philadelphia.""
Car insurance question?
Last week, I had my husband's car parked up at work and I was notified that our car was broken into. The passenger side window was smashed and the thief took our GPS unit. The repair for the window cost 240 and the unit itself would be about 500. My husband call our insurance company and they said they wont cover it because we have a 500 dollar deductible for auto insurance and the GPS is considered home insurance which is 1,000. Is there anything that can be done to have insurance pay for this? I mean we want my company to be responsible for it but they are saying this isn't there issue. Any help would be great Thanks""
Insurance Forum?
Are there any good forums that discuss insurance products without trying to sell you something?
Universal life insurance as a savings plan?? Is that a good idea?
Ameriprise Financial is sellign me 400k life insurance policy that costs 200 per month. They say its like a savings plan because I can access 90% of the 200 per month at any time. Is this a good idea or a scam??
How much will insurance offer for a car I paid 3000 for 6 months ago?
Peugout 106 1.1 Bought for 3 grand 6 months ago although he got it down from 3500 from a reputable dealer. It is likely to be a total loss so how much do you think they will offer me for it?
Does red light camera ticket affect your insurance rate?
If i got a ticket from red light cam, will that affect my insurance? In the state of Missouri""
Does MY CAR INSURANCE cover!?!?
I crashed my friends car. She has liability on her car so now she is screwed with a beat up car. I have full coverage on my car, now would I be able to use my insurance to cover her vehicle that I crashed?""
Car Insurance Quote...?
I've just been reading up on the internet about car insurance quotes and come across this, http://www.saxperience.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-383714.html On there are ALOT of people saying, when it asks for how long you've had your licence its from when you first had your provisional.. is this true??? i bloody hope so cause this would bring down my insurance down A LOT!""
If I put my plates on someone elses car will my insurance cover it?
My brother is a dealer and I will be borrowing a car for a day or two and I am wondering if I take off the dealer plates and put one of my own cars plates and carry my insurance card, will my insurance cover any accidents or damages that may happen? If I need to do anything else, let me know in detail what and any costs.""
Cheapest insurance company for young drivers?
Just wondering what the cheapest place for a young driver to get insurered is from people's experience, thank you""
""I want to buy this car, but have no licence or insurance?""
I found this AMAZING deal on a car, It's a 2000 Dodge Neon, 136k miles, with no crash history, exterior or interior damage and apparently no issues with it (a/c works, heat, radio, etc). She wants $800 for a quick sale to get baby supplies. I want to grab it before it sells because it's affordable and doesn't look too bad off, but I don't have a licence or insurance... I was going to buy it and let it sit in the drive way until I went and got my licence/insurance and stuff, so how do I go about doing this? Is it legal to even buy a car without either? Should I have a friend with a licence drive it to my house? Etc?""
Getting car insurance under parents name (Ontario Canada)?
I am 19, and I want to buy my first car, how ever I cannot pay 600 dollars a month for insurance. My dad does not want me on his insurances because he does not want the risk of his insurances going up if I get in an accident. So I was thinking, would my dad be able to insure my car under a different insurance company than the one he has now, and then just put me on the insurance. There for if I get in an accident, the insurance for the new car would rise, but the insurance for his car which is under a different insurance company would stay the same?. Theoretically speaking, if the above is true, and I do get in an accident, and the insurance rises to a price where I could not afford the monthly payment. Would my dad be able to just cancel the insurance?""
Steps in getting health insurance in one day?
Steps in getting health insurance in one day?
Health insurance part time work ?
how to get coverage?
Can I get an insurance quote if I am not 16?
Today, I got a moped so that for my birthday, I can go and do my CBT on the day. I want to get a rough price of what I would have to pay for insurance. I would like to know what I would have to pay but as I am not yet 16, I cannot yet get a quote. Does anyone know how to get round this as I do not want to lie about my age. Thanks.""
How much would car insurance be ?
I was just wondering how much insurance would be im 17 a girl (ive heard insurance is cheaper for girls) and about to start my lessons but was just wondering what the insurance cost is on a fiat cinquecento or a vauxhall corsa (which model of vauxhall corsa is the cheapest?) I live in a fairly rural area would this make any difference to the insurance cost ? Would it be cheaper to maybe go on my parents insurance ??? Also what insurance company is the cheapest? Please please please someone help :L
How much does no claims effect your car insurance?
Ive just had my windows smashed and was wondering whether or not it would be better to just pay for the windows to be repaired rather than go through insurance. I estimate 700 for the windows. I am 19 and have 2 years no claims, any ideas what the best course of action is?""
Can i use a PO BOX for car insurance mailing address?
When i quoted my car insurance, i used my apartment address. After i bought the insurance, i asked them to change to PO BOX as my mailing address. Later on, when i moved to another apartment, i didn't update my current physical address with my insurance company because i am using my PO BOX as my mailing address so far. My question is if somehow i get a car accident, will the insurance company deny my claim because of not telling them the current physical address? Additional information the past and current of my apartment address are still in the same state, Texas.""
Motorcycle insurance quote?
can you get a quote without entering a social security number? i dont want to give it out
What kind of car insurance should I get?
I ust got my liscence, and I don't have a car yet, but before I buy one, I want to look into what it costs to ensure one. I'm 18, and in college, so i cant afford to spend alot on car insurance. Does anyone know of good car insurance for first time drivers, and how do I go about getting it? I live in New Jesey.....""
What is going on car insurance ?
i had a crash over a year ago, my car insurance took it to court last week due to the other party not having any evidence or produce thier side of events etc. the Judge told them they had a week to comply and they should settle 80-20 in my favour but they still are playing hard ball by saying they think i know my witness, so they should have it 80-20 in their favour , of which i dont. so why are they still not showing their side of the crash etc, and dragging this out. also is this legal?""
Is it possible for me to obtain my own insurance?
I had insurance under my mother in law, she has had an accident and the car has been writen off. She wants to cancel the insurance. My question is , is it OK for me to purchase a car and get insurance in my own name or do I have to wait until the renewal date.""
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Car insurance?
after a claim with my car insurance they wanted the policy payment in full,i would;nt pay it at first because of the crap service i recieved.4 weeks later i said i would pay as long as my policy ran its term they refused but still want the policy money.now they wont release my no claims bonus until i give them the money. what can i do ?""
Can I get a mortgage with no life insurance?
Can I get a 75K mortgage with no life insurance in the UK? If not, will the mortgage company want to know who the insurance is with? Will they issue a mortgage with NO life insurance at the age of 52?""
How much would my insurance cost? (volkswagon knowledge needed)?
Hi so i am in the process of looking for my first car....now i am not spoiled i promise i earned all my own money...My friends father buys cars, fixes them up, and resells them. It so happens to be that he has a very good condition 2001 Volkswagon Passat W8 with basically everything you can get in a car. Sunroof, heated seats, memory seats, cd and cassette player, nice stereo system, auto matic seats, steering radio controls, and a few other simple things... The color is black. Now he is asking about 9000 give or take for the car.. I need help with how much my insurance could cost as a 17 year old. If it helps i'm not in it for the car as much as just something that looks nice and goes that i know wont break down....everything is new, the brakes, oil, everything all checks out....I know that the color and the model will have a big effect with what the cost is... I am pretty much an A to a B+ average student so thats good... I just want a general idea of what it would cost for insurance a month. Like i said the car is black and has stock rims, and has a W8 engine. Please and thank you...If you need information just say so""
Car insurance if I don't drive?
My mom is taking me off of her car insurance policy since I no longer own a car, don't have a job to get one or pay gas, and don't even live with her anymore. Yesterday I got my drivers license address changed to my current address which is with my boyfriend. Now his family is making a big deal about it saying that even if I'm not driving, it's illigal to have a licensed driver living in their house with no car insurance and that I have to be under insuarance. This dosnt make any sense to me. Is it even true or are they misinformed? Please help!!!""
I'm tired of being an agent assistant. What other jobs can i find in the insurance industry?
I have a bachelor in marketing and i've been working as a licensed assistant to an insurance agent. I plan on working here at least another year, but I am interested in learning about other jobs in the industry since our corporate office is nearby. What are some other jobs i can look into? Just looking for ideas, thanks.""
Will my car insurance go up if this happens?
In NY, if you are under 18 and drive past 9pm you can have your license revoked for 90 days. If you are under 18 and drive past 9pm, get your license revoked, will it drive up the cost of insurance? I have State Farm insurance.""
Can some one help me with a car insurance quote?
I am writing a paper, for my english class. I am writing about some of the high priced items in the world today. one area is cars. would any one have a ruff idea of how much it would cost to insure a 2007 Rolls-Royce Phantom for a person that is 27 years old""
I changed my car and the insurance is so expensive?
Hello Everyone, Ive changed my car and I've bought Mazda RX8, the thing is my insurance does not insure these type of car, and they said send us the certificate and we will send you a 3 NCB. I've checked many sites such us moneysupermarket, confused.com etc. and they cheapest quote was 2200 per year. anyone knows how can i get a cheaper insurance for this car ? Thanks""
How much is quad/ATV insurance for a 17 year old?
Coming up to 17 now and I live in the hills of Barnsley near the Pennines and I am thinking of getting a quad for weather reasons and for a bit of fun, I would like a 200cc to a 500cc quad just wondering how much it would cost, thanks!""
How can these insurance companies like Geico claim to save you money on your car insurance when ?
when they are spending so much on stupid commercials
Car Insurance in CA - Question?
If my dad added me onto his insurance policy (Farmers) on one of our family cars, am I allowed to drive the other car as well? I believe that both cars are under the same policy, since the insurance company asked my mom which car she was driving when she was making a claim. Would I be allowed to drive both cars?""
Car insurance in new jersey?
how much is liability car insurance in new jersey
Help on auto insurance decision.?
What company would you go with when getting insurance on your first car? I am 25 and this will be my first car. However, I have been driving since i received my permit at the age of 17 but i received my license at 24. I consider myself a good responsible driver but i know that no matter how good of a driver one is, there is always an idiot on the road who drives wildly. Anyway, Since i lived in Brooklyn, NY all my life i have never needed a car because of the City's Transit but now i moved from Brooklyn and need a car. Geico has been recommended from some people i know but lets put it this way... a quote for the car i want (05 Merc E320) is $2,310 for 6 months. I thought it was just because of the car but then i played around a bit and got a quote for a Chrysler 300 and they wanted $1950 for 6 months. Any better recommendations for insurance in NY? Thanks.""
""After I get my permit, can I buy a car and get insurance? I'm 19 & live in PA.?""
READ FIRST PLEASE. -I'm 19 and live in PA. -I'm getting my permit within a month. Two questions: 1. Can I buy a car with only a permit? 2. Do I get insurance before I buy the car or after I buy the car? 3. Also, I'm buying from a private owner. How do I register it, etc? Thanks!""
Insurance same day proof?
i was pulled over on he 1-9-2008 the same day i received the insurance went to court thought it was done i recevied a paper from the bmv in ohio asked for my insurance sent it to them 2 weeks later was sent another letter insurance same day proof for my insurance company faxed that to them they faxed it back should i had insurance 1-9-2008-6-9-2008(changed insurance companies)my insurance company signed it i sent it to the bmv that apparently was not good now they on the paper which never asked for the time exactly and make and model of car shouldn't they just except what the insurance company sighned and gave them
Is pregnancy considered a pre-existing condition in florida?
IM PREGNANT!!!! I am 7 weeks along and just found out! The problem is I start a new job next week and will not be eligible for insurance until after 90 days.. By then I will be over four months along and I'm not quite sure if they will accept me or if they will say that it is a pre-existing condition? So, my dilemma is either: pay out of pocket until my 90 days are up and hope they accept me OR apply for medicaid and use the health department? If it changes anything the insurance I would be applying for is Florida Hospital private owned insurance.""
Whats the different between Car Insurance and Breakdown Cover?
Thought It should be normally include in the Car Insurance.
What best health insurance?
What best health insurance?
""Car insurance question, does adding someone to a policy for a car you own cost more? so 2 people for 1 car.?""
Okay, young and stupid here with car insurance I am moving to fla, from louisiana. I have a car,and my girlfriend does not have a car. At this point, she refuses to drive the car because of insurance issues if something happened. So, to the question! Will it cost me more money to add my girlfriend's name to my insurance policy, so she can drive the car if I do not need it? Basically, im just adding someones name to the policy for 1 car.""
How do i get car insurance if i dont have a car???
i want to finance a car but i cant do that without insurance, how do i get insurance without a car?""
Help me about my car insurance please?
I havnt paid my car insurance for 4 months but I have enough money to pay it in a few days. I just got the letter that they cancelled myinsurance . I'm wondering if I pay the remaining balance, could i stay at the car insurance company?""
Are young adults covered under their parents health insurance till 26 under the new Obama law?
Is it true that the new Obama law states that children/young adults will receive health insurance coverage until they are 26 even if they are not in school, married, and living out of ...show more""
How much is insurance for a moped for a 17 year old?
I wanna get a moped and im17 years old, can someone tell me the procedure of getting a moped,do i go for a test, and how much will insurance cost for a 50cc ped, thanks in advance""
I have a small business liability insurance question?
We have a contract that will probably not generate that many call if any after the first one and the company wants us to carry them on our general liability insurance. I dont feel we should as its an added expense for something we will probably not get a call from again. what is the opinion of the answers people
How Fast Does Car Insurance Start?
Can I buy insurance today and have it ready same day or next day or is there a long process before it starts. I want to buy a car tomorrow, get insurance, and drive the car to my job by Friday.""
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0 notes
michrob87 · 7 years
Talking about “talk shows.”
Rob Hoffman
on November 16, 2017 at 5:30 AM
Let’s face it, there’s only one way to speak to somebody, and that’s from behind a desk.  The next time you have to speak to somebody regarding just about anything, and you are not behind a desk, chances are they are not going to listen.  In other words, America loves “talk shows.”
For reasons that will most likely be lost to future generations, the American people enjoy watching people talk, and if the host of that conversation is behind a desk, it would seem to carry a gravitas that the American viewing public responds to in a way that says, “Sure, that guy is qualified to ask questions of Paris Hilton, Bryan Cranston, LeBron James, and Supreme Court Associate Justice, Sonia Sotomayer,”  (By the way, that’s a pretty enviable line-up for any talk show.)  after all, even though nobody could possibly be qualified to interview such a diverse group, the fact that the person is sitting behind a desk makes him instantly qualified.
For those of you who are not familiar, this kindly looking gentleman is Jack Paar, the second host of “The Tonight Show.”  The original host was comic “genius,” Steve Allen, the man who invented everything.  Paar would run afoul of the censors when he uttered the shameful phrase, “Water Closet,” when telling an excessively tame joke on his show.  The censors cut it from his broadcast without consulting with him, infuriating the mercurial Paar.  Personally, in a nation where every other public figure of any renown has turned out to be a serial sexual abuser, it’s refreshing to see our sense of decency defended by the friendly neighborhood censor.  (You Tube)
The concept of the television talk show can really be broken down into three categories.
The Late Night Talk-Show – This was made popular by the late, great Johnny Carson
The Afternoon Talk-Show – Here is where you’ll find oodles of pleasant personalities like Ellen DeGeneres, Dinah Shore, Mike Douglas, and of course Oprah!!!! This brand of entertainment is rarely controversial, and the content is “light.” How light you ask?  So light your television might literally float away.  Sometimes on these programs, the host can be seen giving out advice, crooning the occasional standard, dancing awkwardly, and handing out gifts like a new car!!!!!
The Splashy/Trashy Tabloid Influenced Talk-Show – This brand of television talk is populated by the likes of Jerry Springer, Maury Povich, and Geraldo Rivera.  Here you’ll find the hard-hitting discussions that typically revolve around crazy “Klansman,” jealous girlfriends, and contested paternity cases.
Could you live with Regis Philbin?  Well, Phil Donahue did at Notre Dame,and after surviving that ordeal, he went on to practically invent daytime talk television.  He also married that girl.  You know that girl who starred in “That Girl.”  She’s free to be you and me?  (Getty Images)
The late night talk-show is probably the most copied format in all of entertainment history, and it really owes its existence to two individuals, Johnny Carson and David Letterman.  The format is essentially this: A pleasant, midwestern looking man in an expensive suit comes out to wild, over-the-top applause, tells some topical, supposedly biting jokes that attack the status quo, pokes fun at the modern foibles of the era, including what is usually a harmless and superficial attack on whomever the current occupant of the White House is, and then follows their monologue up with a skit or some sort of comic segment where the host sits at his desk and does some sort of bit.  Then the first guest comes out, usually for one or two segments, followed typically by a second, less famous guest, and then finally, either a young or “B” level comedian comes out and does a few jokes, or a singer or band performs their latest song.  There’s usually a ton of commercials, and the television viewing audience rarely makes it to the end of the show since they are too tired.
One of my all-time favorite bits from “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson,” Carnac the Improbable.”  One of the things that I loved about Carson was that he seemed to be letting the audience in on the bit, and that he knew that at best it was corny, and at worst it was awful.  However, Johnny used this idea to make the skit even funnier, while also appearing to be drifting in and out of character, thus increasing his “hip-ness.”  Of course, it was all an act, but he was so effortless at it, the audience never really caught on.  (You Tube)
I have nothing against the current crop of late night television talk show hosts, in fact, some of them I try to watch on a fairly regular basis.  I loved the “Daily Show” with Jon Stewart, and I enjoy his replacement, Trevor Noah.  I like Stephen Colbert as well as Jimmy Kimmel.  I appreciate Jimmy Fallon’s talent, and the fact that he tries to do something different, as well as the fact that he’s a local boy done well, hailing from nearby Saugerties, New York, and attended even “nearer-by” St. Rose College.  However, I find his giggling, and adolescent schtick a bit much for my ever-increasingly curmudgeon like attitude, especially since he’s only a little younger than me.
The fact that there are three fairly successful late night talk shows on at the same time is a borderline miracle, and a sign of how much the times have changed.  For decades, ABC and CBS attempted to dethrone Carson from his late night perch, only to see the “King of Late Night” swat away would-be pretenders to his throne, including Joey Bishop, Pat Sajak, Joan Rivers, Arsenio Hall, and Dennis Miller, (The great impressionist Rich Little used to do a killer Johnny Carson.  I always thought that ABC or CBS should have just hired him to do his Carson impression on their networks.  It could have worked.  Carson was just mailing it in the last ten years he was on the “Tonight Show” anyway.
Johnny definitely had his regulars that would appear every few months on his program.  Angie Dickinson was definitely one of his all-time favorites.  When Johnny wasn’t listening to one of Angie’s inane stories, the two were usually making “googly eyes” at each other.  (You Tube)
For many baby-boomers, The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson represented a coming of age.  I can remember when I was first able to stay up late enough to watch “Johnny,” and I can recall thinking, wow, I’m like an adult now.  There was something “cool” about being old enough to stay up and watch Johnny.  I remember thinking how “hip” Carson seemed, and that in some way, he represented “adult” humor.
As it would happen, Johnny wasn’t really all that hip, especially when he was compared to the man most people considered his heir apparent, David Letterman.  Like Carson, Letterman had a laid back “Midwestern” attitude, but delivered his comments with a sarcastic edge that let the audience know, “Yeah, a lot of this stuff is stupid, and I’m aware that we’re not exactly curing cancer here.”
David Letterman might not have been the classic “good-looking” television host, but his “painted on hair,” and his famous gap-toothed smile, seemed to enhance his outsider, “wise-ass” status.  (Getty Images)
David Letterman actually got his start as a television weatherman.  Letterman became a legendary stand-up comedian out in Los Angeles, and eventually became a fixture on the Tonight Show.  After a failed stint as a daytime talk-show host,  he became the host of Late Night, and it was in this gig where Letterman took Carson’s model, and made it all his own.  He innovated such famous bits such as “Stupid Pet Tricks,” “Stupid Human Tricks,” games with the studio audience where he gave out to all contestants, canned ham, pre-recorded shtick that was filmed outside the studio, and of course, his greatest gift to the world “Larry Bud Melman.”  Letterman’s program appealed to older high school students, as well as the college crowd.  Letterman represented “hipness” on television, and while he was unceremoniously passed over by NBC in favor of Jay Leno when it was time to replace Carson, Letterman was given a late night show on CBS , and he established the network as a competitor in the late night television market.
It’s not exactly Abbott and Costello, but David Letterman and Larry Bud Melman, a.k.a. Calvert DeForest, produced some memorable moments on the Late Show.  (You Tube)
Afternoon talk-shows tend to be a little softer and fluffier.  Oprah Winfrey of course is known as the “Queen of Afternoon Talk.”  Oprah parlayed this success into becoming one of the most influential and wealthiest women in entertainment.  Oprah has established herself as the last word on love, race, which books to read, how to seek forgiveness for a public transgression, who we should vote for, and how to give away a car to a television audience.  However, most afternoon talk-shows were a little bit like “lite” versions of the late night fare.
Mike Douglas was an extremely likable crooner who hosted a very popular afternoon “schmooze-fest,” that featured guests as eclectic as John Lennon, (Who along with Yoko, actually guest hosted with Douglas for a week’s worth of shows.) to Moe Howard from the legendary Three Stooges.
There are two things I’d like to point out here.  First, give it up to Mike Douglas, always a good sport, duking it out with Moe in a pie fight, and secondly, you gotta love Moe keeping his classic hairdo, even though his hair is all gray.  He’s dedicated to the look.  (You Tube)
Even more incredible though was the fact that John Lennon and his wife, Yoko, appeared for a week straight on the Mike Douglas Show as special guest hosts.
This is one of those odd curiosities.  The ultimate square breaking bread with the ultimate in cool.  (And John Lennon wasn’t too shabby either.)  I wonder if 50 Cent ever appeared on Oprah?  (You Tube)
Basically, the afternoon talk-show is good for learning tips on how to keep your children safe at Halloween, dieting ideas, fashion advice, and of course, the inevitable cooking segment. Occasionally an “A-list” celebrity will appear, and act very humble while pretending to be best friends with the host, or if it’s Ellen, they’ll dance, and act a little silly.  The most probing question that will be asked on an afternoon talk-show would probably be something along the lines of, “So tell me Julia Roberts, how do you keep your skin so exfoliated?”
Perhaps the most popular type of daytime talk-show, at least for a few years, was the “flashy-trashy” kind.  This is the Jerry Springer, Maury Povich, or Sally Jesse Raphael category of talk where literally anything can, and often does happen.  These are the programs where Nazis, Klansman, as well as dead-beat Dads crawl out of their rabbit holes and appear for us so we can all rail against them.  Jerry Springer, the former mayor of Cincinnati hosted what was by far the wildest and most popular of this brand of talk-show.  However, once it came out that Springer’s program was scripted, and basically the equivalent of professional wrestling, he lost a lot of the buzz that had at one time made “Jerry” the name to beat in afternoon trash-talk.
I’m not sure what Jerry has cooked up here, but I’m sure it’s classy, and um, fake.  (You Tube)
The sad part regarding daytime trash-talk, is that most of it can trace its roots to Phil Donahue.  Donahue’s program dealt with serious issues, particularly those that impacted women.  Donahue would frantically run around his studio, trying to make sure that as many members as possible of his audience could be heard.  However, from Donahue’s noble beginnings, an unfortunate sideshow emerged where sizzle eclipsed substance, which unfortunately took us from Donahue to Springer.
Of course today, in addition to the three white males who host late night talk-shows, there is Bill Maher, Chelsea Handler, very late night talk-shows featuring the likes of Seth Myers, as well as the soft-spoken Charlie Rose, the professorial talk-show host who can be found late-nights on PBS.  Rose’s talk-show is a bit of throwback to the days of Dick Cavett.  Cavett’s softer approach allowed for real conversation to take place, minus the bells and whistles one finds on so much of today’s distracted talk-show programs.  It’s amazing what one can learn about an individual when the audience isn’t “hooting,” and the band isn’t blaring.
Dick Cavett may not be a household name today, but in his prime, he interviewed all of the biggest stars in politics as well as in the world of entertainment.  For instance, did Dick Cavett interview Groucho Marx?  You bet your life!  (You Tube)
If Johnny Carson and David Letterman were the gold standard in television talk-show excellence, who are the all-time bottom feeders.  Well, since nobody asked, here are my all-time worst talk-shows:
The Magic Hour – This starred Magic Johnson as a late night talk-show host, with Sheila E. as his musical director.  It only last two months, and that may have been too long.  The highlight of Magic’s program, an appearance by the Howard Stern band, “The Losers.”
The Chevy Chase Show – This lamentable effort lasted only three weeks, and that was probably too long.  Let’s just say that this wasn’t in Chevy’s wheelhouse, and he was much better suited for hosting “fake news” on Saturday Night Live.
The Pat Sajak Show – CBS “spun the wheel” on Sajak, the very successful host of Wheel of Fortune, but the quips he dropped so effortlessly on “Wheel,” seemed to elude him on his late-night attempt.  Not even having Vanna White turning letters behind him naked was going to save this program from going “bankrupt.”  (Now that was a healthy amount of “Wheel of Fortune” jokes to squeeze into one blurb.)
Wow, I can’t understand how Sajak’s program failed.  I mean, this is a “heavyweight” line-up.  By the way, and I’m just spit-balling here, I’m guessing that this picture was taken before Rush’s “Oxycontin phase.”  (You Tube)
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the worst, most fascistic talk-show that ever existed, “The Morton Downey Show.”  Downey was a chain-smoking lunatic who screamed at his guests, while his meat-headed audience would get all of their “Nazi-like” anger out, and egg on old Mort in his insanity.
As always, it will be interesting to see who the next great talk-show host will be.  I’m thinking that Howard Stern could still take a run at it.  He already does the best interviews on radio, why not take a crack at television.  How about Barack Obama?  I think people would like to “open up” to the ex-president.  Perhaps Harvey Weinstein can find employment as a talk-show host?  They say that the best way to elicit interesting answers from your guests is to not let them feel too relaxed.  Is there anybody who can make people less relaxed than pervy Harvey?
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