#I am so sorry xD
lordofdestructionm · 1 year
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elmaxlys · 1 year
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Enemy Donato used "Happy Trans Day of Visibility"! It's super effective!
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link-is-a-dork · 1 year
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Madame Couture: “What is THAT?!”
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gallopinggallifreyans · 3 months
unfortunately there’s not much in my bookblr tag,,, I also have my bookblogging tag (also admittedly not much there).
but I came here to say I can’t believe you mentioned that evil evil place to me in my safe space…
you can whack me with a shovel next time we meet
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symbioteburnout · 7 months
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Starts blaring this over her speakers as she starts rocking out.
"Fuck! The Shit! Fuck the fuckin' shit fuck! Shit! the fuck! Shit the shitty fuck shit!"
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definesanity · 1 year
Using a Pyro character really Melts through La Signora's first phase.
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divinityunleashed · 2 months
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He was right. It was too quiet. So Neptune hatched a plan. She bought the most dimensional piercing speakers imaginable, installed them at the top of Planeptower, plugged them into her phone, and blasted a meme straight towards the dashboard:
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alquer · 9 months
I'm so sorry to my followers/mutuals, I have two modes: 1) Tag everything as thoroughly as possible 2) Fuck the tags Which will we get? Only depression knows!
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 2 months
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Heroes of Millennium (HoM) AU
Act 1, Omake (Extra): Master of Time - (here)
Act 1: What was left behind. - read here
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azure-steel · 2 years
"I must admit, I rather like this feisty attitude of yours~" || Lóng
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Unprompted Asks - ALWAYS ACCEPTING
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He doesn't know this guy, and if he wants to be completely honest with himself in that moment, Cloud doesn't really much want to. All he knows for certain is that being followed around by some weirdo who thinks he's a dragon (Like... what even is that???) is bad for business yet shaking him off is proving somewhat of a challenge.
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"Don't you have better things to do other than pestering me? Buzz off, yeah?"
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aimless-passerby · 13 days
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Role Reversal/The Shire Falls Instead from @bagginshieldweek24 prompts but it is actually this idea I've got recently.
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eeveeliciousrp · 2 years
Me RN with a big thirst
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extratiredofyourcrap · 2 months
*crawls from the trenches*
This animatic is a snippet from @gentrychild ‘s fic Anyone!!! If you’ve been following the production, you’ll know that I’ve had quite a difficult run with this project, (The old files became unusable and I had to re-create it all in two days cause it’s technically one of my finals) but!!!!! I hear by declare it good enough!!!! I might do more with it later, but I’m not sure lol
Sound design and art is all by me, but y’all should definitely check out Gentrychild and their fics, literally all of them slap
Okay I’m gonna sleep now :3
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sygneth · 2 months
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A couple more sketches following this comic: they went picnic! (with a special thank you to everyone complimenting my backgrounds, you're all so kind!!!)
Holmes College Adventures Masterpost
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blind0raven · 11 months
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Jack's fans are screaming, i can hear em
I showed these to my friend, AND HE SAID ABOUT RIDDLE "he's giving really big fruity twink energy" AKKFKSKSNDN IM DYING!!!! BUT HE'S NOT WRONG!!!
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regular-gnome · 5 months
Now you've got me curious gnome. What WAS the relationship between the archivists when they were younger like?
(Also I LOVE your work and look up to you ALOT. Have a nice day/night!)
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Their relationships have changed since childhood, running through extremes and attitudes but ultimately focusing on a common goal and set of routines. Adding to it, there isn't exactly anyone else older who could be there for them in the long run, so for better or worse all issues are build on or/and resolved between them. In the end.. it's not like they have anywhere else to go, and they don't exactly want to be alone in the void. They stick together, even if some are gone for periods of time
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(But I'm glad you enjoy the things I draw! It always makes me happy to see you pop up in my notes and see your interpretation of the celestial critters:P have a cool daynight too!)
About the colors of the cloaks when they were kids, in some previous comics they shared the same teal cyan hue as an indication of being part of the group. Buuut, they already have affiliation indicated by the shadow face ornament.. and keeping the same colours made it difficult to distinguish them. Soo, this is one instance where I need to backtrack a design choice. Not counting in the more casual clothes besides robes that apear in comics too
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