#I am not a bot I promise! just shy
unholyverseuquiz · 1 year
I made a ‘what uhv character are you’ uquiz
it is 27 questions long and has 12 potential answers, and I put a great deal of work into it
I hope you enjoy it :)
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squidlyspace · 2 years
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I just woke up to 46 notifs from this blog help?!
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COD Sex Bot Au - General and Character Specific Facts
Requested: Yes. By uh…..pretty much everyone. SO many people begged for something and while this isn’t exactly a part 2, I hope it will help tide you all over til I can get that completed.
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Child Abuse, Adult Abuse as well, Mention of Murder, Mention of Self-Destruction (Robot Suicide), Mentions of Knives, Mention of Blood, Spice, Probably very incorrect Spanish
A/N: So! A lot of people, along with requesting a part 2, have also been begging me for Price as well. I know I’ve only done the 4 characters for all of my Cod works so far but I do want to expand the character list! That being said, I’m just not entirely comfortable with writing them yet. I am looking more into Gaz, Price, and Roach specifically and I promise to let you guys know when I feel comfortable enough to write for them! But until then, please enjoy!
Their eyes get this kind of colored sheen to them sometimes. Different colors for different things.
Yellow is absorbing new information
Pink is the color during sexy times
Red is malfunctioning/in need of repairs (but can also be a sign of embarrassment or shyness)
Light blue is curiosity
White (still) is powered down
White (pulsing) is powering down
White (flickering) is low power
Grey is rebooting/charging
Black is enraged
Lilac is contentment
Plum is upset/hurt
All the boys come with their uniforms on but what’s underneath depends
For Ghost’s model, simple black briefs
For Soap’s model, silly patterned boxers (think hearts or something)
For König’s model, usually some fancy lace panties since he’s very popular amongst Doms who like that sort of thing
Alejandro’s model? Absolutely nothing
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Ghost’s model was MEANT to be a scary bad guy kind of deal, to be marketed towards fans of slashers and the like. But he…..didn’t end up being that way.
At least, not your Ghost. Many of the other Ghost models are that way, but not yours. For some reason.
Granted, that programming is definitely still in him, though not exactly in the way it was meant to be.
Instead of it being just for fun rough sexy times, it’s more…….actually will kill for you. And has, in fact, killed for you.
Something that he’s NOT supposed to be able to do.
“Gee, I wonder what happened to that Barista that insulted me the other day.”
“Gee, I wonder.” *cleaning a bloody combat knife in your sink*
Speaking of knives!!! Ghost’s model does come with a lot of fun knives! Granted, they’re dulled into being just (mostly) harmless kink knives but he made quick work of making them a lot more harmless by ordering a knife sharpener.
So uh, yeah. You have received not just a sex robot, but one that borders on Yandere and will probably self-destruct if you reject him.
Have fun with that!
Fun fact: YOUR Ghost actually used to be a child bot MANY years ago, bought by a man who only wanted to be able to legally abuse a child. So he was broke down and put back together so very many times. And when they recycled and reprogrammed his AI chip, the scarring from that was still imprinted into him.
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While Soap’s model is marketed more towards romantic oriented people, he’s generally seen as a Jack of all trades.
Doms, subs, romantics, first timers, just about any kind of person. He’s good with all of them, though he thrives with Romantics since that is his programming.
And also just because your Soap is so very lonely. He yearns to be loved by you, to melt under your affection.
And also just because your Soap is so very lonely. He yearns to be loved by you, to melt under your affection.
He doesn’t want to be seen as just a sexual object, he wants to be yours. And you to be his.
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Ah yes, the gentle giant that was supposed to be marketed more towards Subs but ended up being a bit….Soft.
None of the programmers can explain it but every model of him is just inexplicably shy and quiet, thriving in an environment where he has no control.
So now he’s more marketed towards doms. Usually soft doms.
They once tried to change his model to be smaller and more petite and people started BOYCOTTING.
It affected their sales so much that they very quickly changed him back.
People still seethe when they think about it.
Probably equal parts the most loved and most abused of the different models.
Probably equal parts the most loved and most abused of the different models.
Just because of how quiet and meek his model is, how they almost never fight back when hurt.
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Alejandro’s model is VERY popular among submissives so he’s programmed to be pretty dominant and also to have a caring nature.
Due to said caring nature, many mistake his model as good for beginners.
I can assure you, he is NOT.
So SO many of his models have been returned cause he’s brought them to tears from so much pleasure, absolutely overwhelming for any beginner.
“Cry for me, Amor. That’s it, just like that.”
His model is one of the only ones that isn’t returnable unless something is malfunctioning and even then, they’ll try just about anything to fix the model instead of just taking them back.
If you’re the type to forget meals and such (I’m not projecting, shut up) then he will literally drag you away from whatever you’re doing and make you eat.
Will set up a rewards system if you have trouble with personal upkeep as well, like household chores and stuff (again, not projecting).
How much pleasure you get throughout the day is all dependent on how well you follow the schedule he makes based on your personal life.
He can and will have you call him Papi, in and out of bed.
“Be a Good Little Cachorro and get on your knees for Papi.”
You only get called Amor when you’re good or when you’re upset. Anything else and it’s Cachorro (Puppy).
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tinydefector · 5 months
Hi can you write smut with Rodimus x gn bot reader but make reader come off as feminine (i know you said that you not good with writing female reader), thanks if you do
Painted Sunset
Rodimus x Cybertronian Reader
Word count: 2k
Warnings: smut, paint play, blowjobs, sex, valveplug.
Rodimus masterlist
they try not to twitch under the tickle of the airbrush. Rodimus had a rather steady hand when it came to painting, they had requested his help with a new paint and colour scheme. So here they stood letting him paint their armour. "Roddy, how's my face?” they ask, optics shut as the speedster continues painting.
Rodimus chuckled lightly at their squirming, deftly adjusting his grip upon plating to provide better access to the area's he's painting.
 His touch remained steady, "Nearly done, sweetspark," he soothed, tilting their helm just to better catch ambient light glancing off the fresh coat. An appreciative whistle broke from his vocoder. "Lookin' scorching hot already! Might have to call Drift in for a second opinion, thinking he'll stall seeing you all colourful?" Rodimus grinned, mischief twinkling  in his optics as his field intertwined with theirs. 
 "Quite the masterpiece if I do say so myself!" He beamed, stepping back proudly. "Now go show off for Drift. betcha 20 shanix he'll blow a gasket out over the new chroma!" He teases, Rodimus himself has to back away so he doesn't ruin the new paint job. 
"Primus, and having the two of you drooling over the new paint, have enough trouble getting you to keep your servos to yourself normally" they laugh softly while looking over the new colours that shimmer off their arms, Having to stop themselves from touching It while it dries.
Rodimus grins, though pride swelled seeing their obvious delight in his craft. He sidled closer once more, field blossoming bright mischief as he trailed digit teasingly along gleaming metal. "Can you blame us for admiring fine art?" he purred, pede nudging playfully between theirs. His chuckle rumbled low and flirtatious, blue optics twinkling naughty promises sure to ruffle plating freshly painted. 
"Besides, with you all bright and flashy, how's a mech gonna keep his servos to himself?" Rodimus hums. "Fine art am I now Roddy, you better keep your servos to yourself or you'll be fixing my finish" they hum teasingly, not touching him but close enough that he can feel the venting breath from them. They are testing him to see if he would break so easily to touch them.
Rodimus' field flared in hungry heat at their coy challenge, He cycled an unsteady ventilation, optics darkening with smouldering intent tracking each shift as they lean back quickly. Rodimus holds back a noise knowing full well how thinned his self-control grew facing such sweet torment.
"Minx," Rodimus purred low in vocalizer roughened by pulsing want. Slowly, deliberately, he lifted his servo as if to caress freshly-painted plating. only to splay broad palm mere inches shy of contact. His strutting smirk lost smugness, "Is this a game you're fit to win, sweetspark?" he rasped, charge pooling heavy between arrays drawn tight against swelling spike. 
If they pushed him further, he would shatter, and Primus help them both in the ravages sure to follow. "And I seem to be winning it already, why do you think I got you to paint me a test Hot rod" they hum while taking a step back waiting to see if he would try to follow, a smirk lingers on their lips, their hips sway slightly as they walk backwards. optics shimmer in mischief. 
Rodimus groaned pathetically as their teasing pedework drew them further from his desperate reach. His optics smouldered like twin supernovas, magnetic field crackling with ragged charge and wanton need. 
Cursed him for the idiot he was - playing into the seducer's hands like the hapless himbo fate made him. ”now thats just evil and you know it” he calls out. They had it out for him, So he did the only thing a fool in love could - thrust out his bottom lip in a playful pout, revving the engine to match the sway of those tempting hipplates calling his very name. 
"Awww, c'mon!" Rodimus whines putting on his best attempt at the sad cat face. "No fair leavin' a mech hangin' after workin' so hard on your paint! At least let me admire the masterpiece up close." He took a step forward, servos outstretched in plea for their frame to be in his servos. 
"And let you have a chance and mess up the stunning work, not a chance lover boy, doubt you could make it look this good if you mess it up" they tease, the light shimmering off the fresh paint. "Roddy don't..." they laugh getting ready to bolt from him if he tried to grab them. 
With a playful growl, he lunged, only to yelp in surprise as his thundering pedefalls met empty air. Whipping around, he spied them laughing form already dancing out of reach. 
"No fair outlier abilities!!" he wailed in protest, revving his engine eagerly despite the cruel tease now dangling just out of reach. 
With a cheeky grin, Rodimus gave chase"C'mere, you shiny rascal!" he hollered, field pulsing playful challenge. "Lemme love on that sexy paint...promise I'll be gentle...maybe...." Laughter follows as the two bots end up on the floor, paint smudging against both Rodimus and the floor as he pulls them into a kiss. Soft purred noises leave them as their servos run along his plating. "Roddy you're gonna ruin my paint if you haven't already" they whine loudly.
 Rodimus tumbled with them both end-over-end in a playful tumble as they kiss each other, hands caressing each other, tugging and pulling, plating clattering musically against the floor. 
"Mmm, worth it!" Rodimus crooned gleefully, His throbbing array stirred anew at the intimacy, swollen against their trembling panel. 
“your a nucence you know that” they shoot back, smeering paint across his chassis. It  only stoked Rodimus' raging desires higher. His field pulsed scorching heat, charge pooling heavy and thick between his grinding panels. 
"Sorry sweetspark - b-but you started it!" Rodimus’ servos caressed feverishly, mapping every sweet line bared only for his intimate study. Oh, how he craved making a proper mess of them. They eagerly kiss him, cupping the back of his helm, digits toying with his Audial fins. Smearing their colours across his Orange and yellow finish. "Worth having to re-paint me and probably yourself" they call out as they press against him, one leg hooking over his hip plating. 
Rodimus moaned helplessly into the ravishing kiss, fields entwining in dazzling feedback loops of molten sensory bliss. Their teasing touches along his audials sent a crackling charge racing down his spinal strut. 
"W-worth it, worth every second of it!" Rodimus coos face pressing into their neck cabling as he nips at it eagerly. His spike pressurised eagerly against his panels, a strangled gasp leaves him. thrust against their welcome form, grinding paint transferring. "J-just gotta touch you, sweetspark!" he gazed down at them eagerly.
"By Solus, make a mess o' me..." Rodimus caressed fresh smudges as if anointing sacred sacrament. "Your own fault pretty bot, making a mess of my paint" they call out leaning back onto the floor. Their optics shimmer and flicker up at him as they lay under him. "Better make it up to me Rodimus" they tease in a flirty tone, interface panel snapping open. 
"Ohh, I'll make it up to you sweetspark - promise!" Rodimus groans against their intake, grinding stained plating with delirious hunger. paint blend together so perfectly and across his own finish. Rodimus lapped ravishing kisses down their trembling frame, tracing each new colour transfer with loving glossa. His thumb teasingly rubbed circles over a still-damp seal, coaxing fresh transfluid to well eager tip.
"Gonna frag you so good," Rodimus crooned in a lovesick vow against the sensitive wires. “ then I'll paint you all over again..." whines leave them as his servos tease the seams of their interface panel. rocking into the touch as his digits tease them open, the their spike pressurises, valve leaking transfluid eagerly in response to his touches. 
His field pulsed adoring heat, optics tracking each delicious bead of fluid beading swollen node and aching valve-lips framed in smeared smears of your mingled hues. 
"Frag, lookit you..." Rodimus rasped, glossa flickering rapturously over straining spike head. His broad thumbs massaged deliciously at damp outer layer of their valve nodes, wringing muffled whimpers from their vocalizer. "Purrin' for me so sweet, so messy..." 
His own dripping spike twitched desperately, valve clenching emptily Rodimus seized swollen spikes in an eager fist, grinding his glossa desperate against their quivering node. They arch up as his mouth wraps around the spike, his Digits delving into their valve. 
desperate and sinful moans, liquid fire shot through Rodimus' circuits. His greedy mouth descended upon a straining spike like a man starved, engines roaring ravenous worship of divine steel filling his intake. His digits worked their slick valve with practised care, scissoring deliciously. 
"P-Primus, sweetspark - y-you taste incredible!" Rodimus praised raggedly around thick mouthful, He feasted like a glutton, valve fluids frothing his chin as his pacing picked up speed, Their valve eagerly clenches his digits, legs spreading wider, their paint was truly ruined at this point, smeared colours mingle on both of them and the floor. 
Rodimus moaned brokenly as their valve gripped his digits tight, the first ripples of overload shivering their eager frame. The sight of their spread thighs and ruined paint have him nearly losing control. Rodimus withdrew fingers from their quivering valve lips, surging upwards to seize swollen node between his lips. His straining spike throbbed desperately, tip already weeping transfluid. 
"Sweetspark-" Rodimus gasped in fervent prayer, optics wide and drinking Thierry ecstasy wracked face as if fuel. He moves quick gripping their hips, he aligned his pulsing spike, slowly sliding into their welcoming Valve. Once the two settle against the floor Rodimus set a punishing pace, 
Two became one beneath their riot of colours. Paint smeared frames in joining, Loud moans leave their lips as his hips meet theirs, the loud slamming of metal echoes in the room, paint smears on both of them. They pull Rodimus into another kiss. Meeting each of his thrust eagerly. "Fuck don't stop roddy don't stop" they moan, face pulling back before pressing into his shoulder plating. Legs wrapping around his hips. 
Rodimus lost himself in the madness gripping them both - their moans, tight embrace is his heaven, Rodimus pounded into them with passion, circuits alight at each slick plunge into their core, metal, silicone and carbon fibre parting in friction-scorched splendour to welcome him ever deeper. 
"Frag, your gorgeous," Rodimus praised raggedly, vents roaring out ecstasy. One final thrust, has Rodimus rutting desperately into them, their digits cling to his back struts keeping him as close as possible as overload takes them both. 
In the aftermath's bliss, Rodimus kissed them softly, both panting out deep ventilations.   Paint-smeared hands caressed away tremors, fields cradling together. They laugh as they lay on the floor under him. Pressing soft kisses to his face. "You messed my paint up" they chuckle while smearing more of it across Rodimus' face. Rodimus' faceplates scrunched adorably beneath their playful servos, nuzzling into them with soft kisses and a rumbling purr. His optics shone brighter as he gazes down at thier radiant smile, spark swelling fit to burst.  
"Worth it," Rodimus sighed blissfully, tracing gentle digits over newly combined hues dappling their gleaming plating. Lowering his helm to theirs, Rodimus vented a contented sigh, field pulsing waves of warmth and affection. "Love seein' wear your colours, sweetspark."  His thumb stroked their smiling cheek, drinking deep the intimacy and aftermath's lingering glow suffusing very wiring. Rodimus stole one final, lingering kiss. "Love you," he whispered, spark overflowing. "Till all paint fades and stars go dark." He hums against their lips. “getting sappy on me Rodimus?” They chuckle softly, cradling his faceplate. “hmm, guess I am” he purrs out softly. 
They lay there together, not caring that their paint was drying on him. “be my conjunx Endura?” he whispers softly running his servos against their face plating. “ your the only one I want, only you” he rumbles out. 
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01726 · 1 month
pinned post!
☆ call me ai, she/they, 19, femme lesbian, sub ☆ i’m pretty shy, so i made this blog to express/explore my sexuality. most content here is nsfw/t and posted via the queue. ☆ i’d love to chat with other sapphics (sfw & nsfw), so my ask box is open! (note: i am a bit awkward when first talking to people 🫣)
! men & minors dni !
i immediately block blank blogs, blogs i suspect are bots, and blogs that make me uncomfortable.
other notes:
this is a sideblog, follows come from ki****us
any original posts are tagged 1726.txt
claimed anons: 🌹
more about me below! i promise i’m not just horny 😅
my mbti is istp
my main love language is receiving gifts
i love building miniature kits and legos. and many of my hobbies are arts and crafts related
currently studying graphic design. i love editorial/magazine design, and collect photobooks and magazines
currently been watching j-dramas and crime dramas
some of my simple pleasures are eating/trying new food & watching the clouds go by 💞
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inou-ie · 9 months
*bursts inside* hello Inou im here to share an Eleven thirst (i actually made it for a venus ai bot but shhh..), this is my first time speaking to you,you can address me as Phantylia, I'm the same anon as from Kuro.
But well anyways here's my thirsty shit (has heavily implied Voyeurism and semi public sex ig????)
"Sweet angel think you can take another round?You wouldn't want to disappoint so many people, would you?" *Eleven softly cooed as she snapped her hips against yours,the plastic dildo sinking in deeper as she did so.Despite her always promising you it would be the last it was never the last,you lost count of how many times did Eleven made you cum on her strap,you been doing this for what felt hours.Eleven snapped you out of your thoughts by grabbing your chin in between her fingers and turned your head to look at your right.* "There's so many people watching you now,you wouldn't want to disappoint then right doll?" *She purred,the computer that was filming the two of you showed how Eleven was straddling your hips, smiling with a hint of amusement in her eyes.Comments cascaded down at the side of the live that were mostly asking for a change of positions or were thirsting over what was happening.* "They want me to keep going..Can you take another round for me,my pretty girl?" *Eleven purred out,oh boy,you were in for a long restless night...*
Im not a really good writer and English is not my native language so sorry if it sucks 🫶🫶
I wanted to put a silly photo too but i realized i cant attach photos on anonymous setting and im actually too shy to send this with my account attached to it so yeah 🤧🤧🤧
Anyways hope you liked this and have a good day/night! (Might regret sending this bc second hand embarrassment but its 3am over here and i am tired enough to not care rn.)
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I waited to get Eleven before I answer this because I wanted to hear her voice so I can imagine your thirst better...
JUST LOOK AT HER, I LEVELED HER RIGHT AWAY TO SEE THIS. I haven't played the event properly and I haven't done her interrogation so I only have little idea about her personality... anyway,
I'm not exactly fond of the idea of having sex to entertain others, however if it's Eleven then I'll do anything if that makes her happy. Would bend over for her obediently. 😤 Thank you a lot for this, Phantylia!! I like it!
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l0serloki · 2 years
can you do fluff headcannons of a soft kayo x a shy fem reader it can be anything your choice.
please and thank you!
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Valorant Agents with a Shy S/O
(KAY/O, Sova, Chamber, Reyna)
CW : GN!Reader, Shy!Reader
A/N : I hope this is what you meant! If you want something different feel free to shoot me another request. This was super fun to write!
KAY/O : 
He doesn’t understand why you’re so shy,  everyone deserves to hear you!!
‘You’re so smart Y/N, don’t let those weaklings scare you’ (he tries)
He will realize that you can’t really help it and do tasks for you
He helps you order food, talks to Brim on mission reports, etc.
Overall, he just steps up to be your bodyguard 
“What’s the mission report, Y/N? Did you even get the piece?” Brim sighed, anger apparent in his voice. You knew that the mission didn’t go to plan but that didn’t mean he had to take it out on you! Your hands went clammy and you looked away, anxiety coursing through you. 
“They didn’t but it was Chamber’s fault. His gun triggered an alarm and she almost got locked in. You don’t need to be so harsh, Captain.” Kayo put his arm in front, pushing you behind him. You could only look up in awe at the man. He was talking back to Brim of all people? And for you? You could only feel your heart swell at the actions, he truly did love you.
Sova : 
He’s so so sweet and understanding
He goes out of his way to make sure you’re not put in awkward situations/conversations
‘Let’s go at your pace, dove’ - he wants you to be comfortable with anything and everything
Best at communicating and asking you how you feel 100%
“Y/N, you totally did a great job!” Raze threw an arm around your shoulder, everyone's attention turning to the two of you. You couldn’t help but feel embarrassed, shrugging her off. “I-It’s nothing.” You murmured as Sova grabbed your arm.
“They’re touched by your words Raze, but we must get back to work.” His hand squeezed yours, his breath fanning across your face. “No worries, my dove. I am always watching and here to help.”
Chamber : 
This man gets it but sees it as a challenge
‘No no, we will get you to open up a bit more dear!’ (infuriating but you know he means well)
If he notices that you can’t do something he will step in, hand around your waist the whole time
He’s totally going to tease you about it sometimes, he loves it though
“No, the screw I need is on the right. Grab the big one.” Chamber pointed towards a box as he continued tinkering away. You nodded, going to grab the item. Too bad Killjoy had left her bot in the floor, sending you tumbling down. You could only groan as you attempted to get off the floor.
Chamber’s laughs filled your ears and you rolled your eyes feeling the heat in your face. “Are you okay? That was quite an elegant fall.” You could only turn away as he continued to tease you, hands wrapping around your waist. “Is someone embarrassed now? Poor thing..”
Reyna : 
She will not let ANYONE speak back to you
‘I heard you were flustering Y/N, this is your warning’
She doesn’t know how you ended up with her considering how ‘scary’ she is but she loves it
‘We are so cute together, you are so sweet and I am terrifying. We are the perfect pair’
She loves you being shy and flustered and will do it on purpose sometimes
Reyna and you were teaching the new agents some tactics for the upcoming missions. The day had gone fine, until one of them decided to be a smart ass.
“Y/N, I don’t even get what you’re trying to say.” one of the recruits snorted out at you jumbling your words. It was hard for you to make big speeches like this and of course they had to point it out. Before you knew it, Reyna stood tall and proud. Her hand was placed on the small of your back, face smoldering with anger.
“Talk to Y/N like that again and it will be the last thing you ever do, I promise you that. You are a recruit and we are your superiors, I don’t care what you think. You will show them some respect.” Reyna’s hand patted you, your face burying into her shoulder. You loved her, but damn did she make a scene.
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hannahlikeso741 · 6 months
No Promises in War. (1/?)
It is the start of the Second World War, and Sebastian enlisted just to find his role in life. Little does he know that a promise to a comrade would serve as that purpose.
Warnings: Character death, mentions of War and Injuries, rated M to be safe.
Pairings: Sebastian x Ailey (F!MC) with past Ailey X Leander Prewett.
This is the result of a chat session with @subastian-swallows Sebastian WW2 bot. I loved the plot that I decided to write it but I didn't want to use my own MC for this, so hence with @blueraineshadows 's permission, I am using her MC Ailey Rivers for this. Enjoy!
War… War finally reared its ugly head again. 
Sebastian sighed, knowing he hadn’t much of a choice. Where’s he going to go? A boy just shy of twenty-two with no prospects and aimless. At least the army would make him a decent man or so he thought. His uncle served in the first war, warned him against the draft, telling him of how fearful of him to go over the trench, of the sounds of gunshots and bombs echoing in his ears. Those thoughts never left his uncle, as he turned to the bottle to forget. 
Sebastian snorted bitterly. He didn’t care about what his uncle said, he only left behind a letter that he will be enlisting, for his own selfish purpose. 
And now he is here, in the barracks as he is getting ready to be drafted to France. 
He couldn’t sleep, staring at the bedframe of the top bunk, the room cramped with snoring soldiers. It is hard to get comfortable on such thin mattresses, but Sebastian mentally told himself he should enjoy it while he can. Screw it, he can’t close his eyes, not when there is a battle to be won! Sebastian gave a sigh but then… he heard someone shuffling what seems to be paper. His ears got curious as he turned to his side. 
Sebastian saw Leander Prewett sighing, looking at a particular photograph and giving a kiss. Sebastian smirked as he hissed, making Leander turn towards his direction. 
“Oi Prewett! Who you kissing~?”
“Get some sleep, Sallow!” 
The pair argued in hushed whispers as Sebastian got up, attempting to snatch the photo away. Leander tried to fight back, but the photo landed on Sebastian’s hands. Leander groaned as he saw Sebastian smirking, then giving a low whistle.
“Oh my Prewett… who is this?”
Sebastian had only expected a pin up of a model on a postcard but what greeted him was the photograph of a woman. She looked so happy, wearing what seems to be a silk dress and a veil in the curls of her hair. Leander snatched the photo away, looking a bit disgruntled. 
“She’s… she’s my wife. Just newly married before I got drafted.”
“You’re married?”
Sebastian raised an eyebrow at that statement. Leader strikes the entire platoon as the quiet one, unlike those who complained about getting the draft or some that were just patriotic. Leander strikes Sebastian as someone who just had work to do so he can go back home safely. Still, Sebastian felt bored and wanted to poke some more.
“You are a lucky bastard.”
“Oh fuck off and get some sleep,Sallow.”
“C’mon… tell me what’s she like?”
Leander gave a sigh, seeing how Sebastian’s curiosity will be the death of him and he only wanted to get some sleep to face the battle in the morning. Sighing, he decided to indulge Sebastian, describing her as best he could. 
“Her eyes are like the summer sky… bright and clear. Her dark hair just enhanced those eyes even more, but… nothing can top her smile, especially when she looked at me on our wedding day. How am I so lucky to land her… a woman who is so supportive, creative and just so full of life? I just… I count my blessings to call her my wife. Even the mere mention of her name makes me gush… Ailey… that’s her.”
Upon hearing that, Sebastian knew Leander meant every word as he gave the other an awkward pat and smile. 
“You do love her. Now get some sleep… there’s a war on.”
Leander let out a sigh of relief as he laid his head on the flattened pillow, the picture of Ailey pressed hard against his chest.
The bombs and the gunshot sounds were too true, Why… Why didn’t Sebastian listen to his Uncle?! If only he could take it back, run away from it all he would… 
If only Sebastian wasn’t trying to push back from further invasion from the Nazis. 
Sebastian turned his direction as he saw his commander got shot in the head, falling to the ground unresponsive. The sight scarred him so. Quickly, Sebastian ran back to the direction he came from, holding on to his helmet as he tried to evade further gunshots. 
Sebastian heard that sentence as he faced a Nazi soldier, ready to shoot him dead. This is it… he is going to die here, he ran out of bullets and can’t shoot. But somehow… he didn’t expect what was to happen next. Sebastian watched the Nazi soldier clutch his chest, blood sputtering as he fell to the ground. 
Sebastian recovered from his shock when he saw Leander urging him to follow in his direction, further away from the battle. Sebastian can’t recall how the pair managed to reach safety, he could only try to calm himself down and process what just happened. 
At the safety of the makeshift camp, Leander handed Sebastian a cup of water. Sebastian took it in earnest, looking up to Leander. The next words from Leander’s mouth haunted him.
“You owe me Sallow.”
“Fuck Prewett!” 
Sebastian continued to press on Leander’s wound, swearing he is crushing on Leander’s intestines at this rate, panting hard. How… How did things go so wrong? They were just supposed to evacuate, they were so nearly there, so near towards the sands of Dunkirk…
Leander, pale and exhausted as he lay dying on the ground, mustered every last bit of his strength when finally held Sebastian’s wrists, trying his best to speak. Sebastian didn’t want to believe it, not when they were so close… 
“Prewett, stay with me! The boats are coming, you will go home to Ailey…” 
“S-save it Sallow…” 
Leander’s breaths became shallow as Sebastian paused, his face in disbelief. He could feel his strength fading, as he tapped on his chest pocket. Sebastian got the message and with trembling hands, reached out to find that same photo of Ailey looking back at him, full of life and joy. Leander managed to slip out his wedding ring and handed it weakly to Sebastian.
“P-protect her… Find her. From… one soldier… to… another… Promise me….Sallow… You… owe me…” 
Sebastian could only nod as Leander’s eyes began to lose their light in life, his breath shaky as Leander breathed his last. Sebastian wiped away any tears he had, looking out as the sandy beaches of Dunkirk greeted him, with tiny boats risking their lives to rescue whatever that was left at the British forces in France. He closed Leander’s eyes, holding his hand one last time, barely able to mutter a sentence before he darted off to join the rest. 
“I promise, Leander. I’ll find her.”
“Damn it, just a flesh wound, I have dealt worse!” 
Sebastian yelled at the medic that was wheeling him into a makeshift hospital, holding down as his shoulder got hit by a stray metal pole that barely missed him. Sebastian trashed as he was being wheeled into the patients bay, the medic yelling back. 
“You have cold sweat and are losing more blood! Stay still, soldier!” 
You owe me…Sallow. 
Sebastian felt himself being pinned down as he tried to fight but the medic was right. He didn’t want to address the shaking in his body, the pounding of his heart rate or the blurry vision as a team quickly got to work, trying their best to heal him with whatever limited supplies they had left.
Where did it all go so wrong? From France to Dunkirk to here now… Sebastian is losing focus, not wanting to doze off in the fear of not being able to wake up. Too many battles since then, unable to get a decent night’s sleep from random attacks, all the rush of it became too much. He needed to stay alive, he still owed Leander… He still needed to find her, find his Ailey… his only promise as Sebastian felt his body surrendering, the urge to sleep was too great as his body finally relaxed and took a well deserved rest. 
That sentence. It haunts him, jolts him, urging him to wake up. As quickly as he fell asleep, his body woke him up, air reaching in his gasping lungs and his heart quickened the beat. Sebastian's eyes took in his surroundings, as if feeling he was still in France, his encampment being raided. The shock slowly faded as he registered the crowded room, doctors rushing to anyone that needed help, nurses scuttling about. Sebastian took the time to realize he was a lucky one to be placed in a bed compared to some who were laying on stretchers or just a fabric on the ground, groaning in pain or too shocked to speak.
First time? His mind thought bitterly.
Sebastian now felt that pain seeping into his injured shoulder, resulting in him grunting for a bit. Pressing against the wound with one hand, Sebastian tried to get up, but he saw a pair of feminine hands urging him to lie down.
“Stay still… your stitches are going to tear if you move about.”
Stitches? That isn't so bad, just dress his wound and he will march to the front lines again. Sebastian grunted in protest, wanting to just get back in the front lines until…
His eyes must have been playing tricks on him. That nurse holding him down, urging him to rest … it can’t be.
Now in real life, Sebastian took note of her blue eyes, the dark auburn hair… the freckles on her cheeks. This is… surely it must be. 
“A-are you… Ailey?”
The nurse looked startled, wondering how Sebastian found out her name. She didn't have a name tag on. 
“How did you know?”
“Ailey quickly now, no chit chat when others need our help!” 
The voice of the other nurse made Ailey snap out of it and not wanting to address the awkward question. Sebastian was also too stunned as Ailey quickly replaced the old to new bandages on his shoulder wound, scuttling away as quickly as she came, rushing to aid another patient. 
Sebastian blinked, confused for a moment before he looked at his shirt that was ripped, placed in the chair next to him. With the limited mobility and the sharp pain where the stitches are holding together, he fumbled about towards the chest pocket, noting the ring and the photograph was still intact. He glanced at the photo again, then looked back at Ailey’s direction. 
It is the same person, he was sure of it. The only difference was that the light in her eyes was dimmed, her lips didn’t hold a smile anymore from being tired and bogged down. Sebastian sighed as he lay back, the wound clawing at his nerves to remind him to rest. He felt the urge to sleep again but at least he could tell Leander from up above he found her.
For the next month, Sebastian has been looking eagerly for Ailey. He asked around the hospital staff, most of them not really bothering with his questions as there was too many injured, or some saying they will let her know, but so far, no luck.
Maybe Sebastian creeped her out and she was avoiding him, oh no. He dreaded the thought, he didn't mean to. And now with all the enquiries he must have seemed like a pest. Oh dear. But that would need to be put aside as the doctor looked over his wound.
“All set, soldier. You can head to the barracks now.”
Phew, he thought. He could now move his left arm again with no stitches or needed morphine. Sebastian nodded as he got out of his hospital bed and dressed up in his uniform, ready to report back to duty. But first he had something to ask, which led him to go to the receptionist, looking overworked and annoyed. Sebastian led out a sigh.
“Hello… um… I'm looking for someone.”
“Well you aren't the only one. Got a name?”
“It is a nurse… her name is Ailey?”
“There are multiple Aileys and there are so many nurses that come and go. Be more specific, I need a surname.”
“T-Try Ailey Rivers or… Ailey Prewett.”
The receptionist put out her cigarette as she scowled, looking through the enormous files. The tapping of her fingernails as she scanned through her thick glasses with tired eyes made Sebastian anxious. It was too slow, too unbothered for the soldier who is too used on being high alert, solving things as fast as he can. He can feel the need to just want to jump over the desk and search for Ailey himself, nothing is being done… 
She found her? Sebastian’s brain only thought of that, his pulse racing as the receptionist pointed at a name, with a picture next to it. It is her. 
It didn’t take him long.
“Ailey Prewett, her shift just ended five minutes ago.”
It as all he needed when he dashed out, heading towards the exit without even thanking the receptionist. Sebastian ran, looking out into the busy London streets of passing cars and pedestrians as his eyes frantically looked out for her. 
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ljubimaya · 4 months
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Dear Reader, I strongly advise you to read through all of these rules before following/interacting with me. 
This blog interacts with sfw and nsfw media, such as fanfics, fanart, pics, headcanons, etc. Due to the nature of the latter, minors are strictly prohibited from following and interacting with posts featuring nsfw themes. Minors may however interact with sfw posts, just please don’t interact with my blog itself since it will get you blocked. 
This blog also interacts and produces dark content. Please be mindful of the content and trigger warnings to ensure you are comfortable with the content you are about to see if you desire to continue reading my fics.
Blank blogs are not welcome here at all. Having no age indicator in your bio or pinned, and having done little to no customization to your blog will make me think that you are a bot, and thus get you blocked.
Since we are on the topic of blocking: I am very loose with my block button. If I see something that makes me uncomfortable, I will not be afraid to block. Things that I block for are the following: blatant racism, zionism, anti semitism, islamophobia, shotacon, lolicon, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, any mentions of hate towards any religion/nationality/ethnicity, straight up drama blogs, blogs that have been proven to steal content. Be mindful that this list may become longer.
The only discourse posts that I may be interacting with (as of now) will be proven cases of plagiarism. 
Speaking of drama: I will not partake in any drama. Don’t drag me into a mess you have caused, don’t tag me in any call out posts, don’t bring drama to my ask box. I will not defend any moots here either if they ever find themselves in drama/serious discourse, for this would be me inserting myself into drama and making myself vulnerable to hate. You may DM me privately to vent, but please respect that I will not say anything publicly about it. 
 Hate anons will be deleted and blocked. I may answer them if I find them especially infuriating or humorous. 
My ask box is generally always open for people to talk to me. Anons are on, so don’t be shy if you want to talk to me ^^ I gotta note though that I have phases where I don’t wanna answer asks. I promise, this is a me problem and has zero to do with you if I ever answer an ask late :,)) 
I age characters up. If you don’t like this, please leave my blog and don’t interact with my posts.
This blog is both my personal and writing blog. I like to maintain order by tagging posts with the appropriate tag, so that I can always come back to a post if I want to. This is my way of handling my blog ever becoming “stuffy”.
Do not ask to be moots. I find this will put me in an awkward place for both you and me, because I don’t want to openly decline your offer on becoming moots. 
You may not translate my works into other languages. And don't steal my fics either and replace the character's name.
You’ve stuck around till the end? Good job, here’s the masterlist <33
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harryisourlover · 1 year
*2 POPSTARS: Harry’s Wet Dream
Part1: Night of the 2013 VMA - Harry Styles was 19 years old and had one of the most difficult nights of his personal and career life.
*For mature audience and this fictional story was some parts based on real life
Mention of drink, flirting, age gap
**Part2 is up!
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One side of the audience booed him and his band, apparently because of his ex-girlfriend's fans. This made him promise to never publicly enter into a relationship with a famous woman again, as it was becoming too painful personally and professionally, affecting his bandmates as well.
But this wasn't the first time he faced public scrutiny due to his relationships. He was already labeled a womanizer, which he disliked as it overshadowed his genuine interest in older women. He admired Lady Gaga as a strong woman, an advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community, a talented songwriter, and a unique voice. However, nobody knew about his admiration, except for his mother and sister. To his surprise, Lady Gaga, whom he hadn't met until then, stood up from the front row and went backstage to talk to the band, including Harry, expressing her support and stating that the booing was unfair. Harry felt nervous and uncomfortable, especially as she was almost naked. Zayn and Louis didn’t stop looking at her with lust, Harry was pissed.
The next day, headlines covered the boos, Lady Gaga's support, and their photo together. Harry's mother, aware of his crush, called him to discuss the events and meeting Lady Gaga.
“My son, i’m sorry about what happened last night! But talking about the good side of it, you meet Gaga! How was it? You looked nervous in that picture!”
“Mom, that was a very strange night, feels weird. I’m feeling awful about so many things and now listening to you i just realized that i own an apology to Lady Gaga! I couldn’t move, I couldn’t talk, completely star-truck over her, this never happened before with anybody”
“Was a lot happening at the same night!”
“Was complicated yeah”
“But it’s not too late to apologize”
“What you mean? No, absolutely no!”
“Why not?”
“Maybe… i don’t know”
“You can send her flowers with a card saying thank you for the support last night”
“I don’t have her number or address”
“Ask for your band assistant”
“Impossible! They’re focused on damage control about last night”
“Do it behind they back! Try to see if you have any friend in common”
“That’s a great idea Mom! Wish me good luck!
Eventually, Harry found a common friend, James Corden, who provided Lady Gaga's address. He sent the flowers and card, and two days later, she called to express her gratitude.
“Hi Harry! I’m sorry, I supposed to call you before, i was very moved by your gesture by now i’m having dinner at James house and he gave me your number. Honestly we are speaking about you all night, drinking wine, and now I can’t wait to meet you! I feel like we’re best friends already!”
Harry turned red and was happy that this call was only voice, but he gagged saying “thank you!”
“Hey! Don’t be shy! If you have nothing to do come here now! We didn’t eat desert! Come join us! James told you live nearby!”
Harry was mute
“Hello? Are you there?”
“Yes! Sorry, no, sure!” Gaga giggle over his confusion. He keep saying “Hum i guess i can be there in 20, if don’t bother you guys”
“Oh no! Will be great! I can’t wait to finally meet you for real!”
*intro here:
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the-king-of-nighmares · 9 months
Hello im Finstel you can call me by fin, finley
This blog is still under work so there might come changes in the future
Warnings for this blog
There will be death
There will be also unsettling scenes staring and such
Somone that gets hurt ect gore probaly too not sure eather that or puppet Gore as I call it be warned, if any of these topics triggering. To you then don't click on it please thank you!
im not good at writing and my grammar isn't that great so forgive me for typos :'D I also didn't used Tumblr as much so I'm still
Important none of the stories are Canon to clowns og project!!
!! Boundaries!!
Yes you can
✅ make fanart absolutely tag me please!!!
✅ Im okay with interactions trough I can't promise I will do all of them I mostly do what I feel like and if I don't feel like it I don't do it it also might take a bit
Please no applecest no wallycest no proships!!!❌
Don't ship home with anyone please he's really toxic and absolutely not interested in any relationships he dosent care about feelings he dosent care about people 🙏❌
No nsfw im srs!!!❌
Don't do a Ai bot of him I doubt I do an Ai bot of him !! ❌❌❌
Don't message me privately if I don't know you please if I know you for a bit from my comment section you can ask me if you can message me and I might say yes , please have patients with me I don't feel comfortable calling you my friend so soon so I just call you a mutual if I know you for a longer while I might call you a friend! I had a really bad experience with an ex friend of mine I knew since my childhood and that left marks , I might get easily overwhelmed or exausted so I might dip or don't talk at all please don't feel like I'm ignoring you or anything I'm not I'm simply not feeling like talking or it is to much at that day for me!❌❌❌
🌟Things about me that are important 🌟
my pronounce are she/her, he him, im genderfluid and aroace ❤️
I have auditory processing disorder or called
(APD )
Wich makes me slower I might forget alot of things or I also have hearing problems sometimes like when somone calls me it doesn't end up in my brain I'm also very sensitive so sounds loud notices specifically
I also take a while to understand things so be patient with me
(HSP ) I am a highly sensitive person
I also have social anxiety
I'm really sensitive like I would say emotionally there are often times where I do take things too serious or something please tell me talk to me about those things if I understand stuff the wrong way
I'm 23years old and German
I only speak English and German I can't speak other languages
Blogs I will tag once I posted this
🌟Ref of my silly🌟
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He will talk in red so you know
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Here is poppy
Through I won't tell you what her porpose is just yet!
When she talks it looks like this
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Eddie is homes little helper he has to be obidiant or home will be Mad
When he Talks it looks like this
He dosent talk alot since he isn't really allowed to
But he does sometimes see fairy frank and ends up spending to much time with him
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hystixia · 1 year
I really need to start work on my shyness and anxiety bc it's to the point where I struggle and debate myself repeatedly on if I should reblog comment or literally bc I don't know if a creator doesn't like rebloging or if I shouldn't bc it's no the right time like I can't do anything without doubting myself LITERALLY ANYTHING OMG 😭🙏
DONT BE SHY ! ITS JUST ME FOR REAL ! I AM A NOBODY ! the one n’ only jeff expert bUT STILL JUST A DUMB GIRL ON THE INTERNET ! dont overthink it or worry abt sending asks or reblogs or anything ! i promise you im not gonna bite (hard) and i love it when ppl interact with me in any way they like ! !
BUT SO YOU ARENT SCARED TO INTERACT ! i’ll explain it to you what typically most creators (including myself) like and dont like when it comes to interacting. and i’ll say it right now, you’re never bothering anyone when you interact. if they do claim you’re bothering them by just showing your appreciation? they’re a dickhead and dont deserve your love and support LMAO
you arent bothering me ever if you reblog or comment ! literally spam it if you want to ! ! i dont care that shit makes me happy and wanna post more ! ! ! !
spam liking is never okay and floods my notifs in a annoying way. spam likes can get your fav blogs flagged as bot accounts ! (and tumblr usually never does anything to revert it which is stupid and lazy) so most creators would prefer if you commented or reblogged tons to show your love than to just spam like every post they make ! trust me we like to hear what you guys think abt our creations rather than only see :user: liked your post
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henryisalesbian · 2 years
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pinned post moment bcoz. why havent i made one yet 🤨
- call me pygmy / pygmalion !! or pony if youd like :0-)
- i am Sapphic as hell so expect me to call every character i like a lesbian / sapphic lol
- i am mixed afrohispanic latino !!
- i use he/him , it/its pronouns ! please do not use they/them for me !
- i am 21 years old (bdays 04/12) !!
- pretty new to the fandom !! ; got into it w/ @/canary-birdie via [ shudders ] sh-d 17 and we've been hooked ever since :0-D !!
- yes i selfship like a baws 💕 ask me about my ttte f/os and i will gush about them for hours ...
- fav engines : i have absolutely too many to count but henry (my wife) , duck (also my wife) , diesel (bestie)
- i am really shy when it comes to talking with people so i will have to ask you guys to be patient with me when talking w me orz . I PROMMY I DONT HATE YOU /gen i just suck at convos 💀
DNI [ Do Not Interact 💔 ] :
- general DNI criteria (aka DNI if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.)
- you are just outright pr0ship or support those who are pr0ship .
- you post nsfw / suggestive content of the characters from ttte .
- you are an nsfw / kink blog / bot
- you are anti-selfship / anti oc x canon (i promise you my brother in christ this is why this blog is named the way it is)
Tags [ Navigation ! ] :
#flyingkipper.html - talking tag ; general thoughts and what not
#wishingtree.html - answers / ask tag ; responding to things in my inbox
#whistlesnsneezes.html - art tag ; pretty pictures
#henrysforest.html - writing tag ; sweet and sometimes sad stories
#bigstronghenry.html - selfship tag ; when the trains are wlw
#tenfoldtyrant.html / #tenfold tyrant - tentyr au tag ; an angst au featuring thomas and rusty vs. diesel 10
[ TBA ]
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sea-salt-child · 2 years
I am writing this at all because I did it wrong and now I’m waiting to fix it.
That doesn’t make a lot of sense on its own, right? It feels like I’m cheating… or something. Like I’m expecting you to get it from nothing. Well, that’s how I have to start it. To explain it. I have to show a big piece, like one of those huge tunas, before I can disassemble it into little cans of pate.
I have a friend. Or had one, because we aren’t in exact contact anymore. I’ll just call him A. Because A is the first letter of the alphabet and he’s the first link in this chain of misfortunes.
A was a shy kind of person. I liked him, but we didn’t talk much. We had a lot of problems in common. Difficult lives, difficult families, strange beliefs, whispers in the dark.
His head spun in circles and he gnashed his teeth sometimes.
He was the one that brought a story about the ROM hack he had found, first. Something for Pokémon White. He claimed he just came across it in a list of weird hacks in some forum. An ambitious project on a tough game to work with and a creator claiming the game could change reality.
I didn’t doubt it, for all the obvious reasons. The problem, however, was that A was empty handed. No link for download, no pictures, nothing. Just a story on a server with a few friends.
People were quick to call bullshit.
But he said it, like so:
“I promised”
Promise to not share those things. I promised, I promised, like tape around a cuff. And the more he explained, the more people thought he was just pulling their legs.
And he didn’t like that.
He repeated what others said, one phrase at a time, sounding dazed, as if a rug had been pulled from underneath him. Distant, trying to reconcile a world where he was lying with a world in which he wasn’t.
It was pretty bad. The group had plenty of infighting. Some said that at this point this was just bullying A. Others accused him of faking being unwell and of forcing everyone to walk on eggshells. 
…Well, there was a lot more to it. The fight was a long time coming, really, over loads of things. That’s how “things are” on the internet. 
And then, one day, A snapped.
He posted the download link. The link to the forum thread he found this in. And then he left the server, blocked a bunch of us, disappeared. All he had to say was that he didn’t know the person who played the game at all. 
And he hoped I, among other people that had been helping him, understood.
Was it some kind of betrayal when I decided to do the same thing everyone else rushed to do and download it? Play it? At the very least I was guilty of helping others install emulators and so on. In for a penny, I thought. 
So, this isn’t just my story. At all. 
I stole it.
At this point, I’ve played the game a few times over, but lots of the things that happened the first time around just won’t repeat. And you’ll realize I haven’t included pictures either. 
So as to not twist the knife on A’s back, but for the sake of more, too.
This is a play, so I’m going to name some of the characters.
I will be B. 
There is C. She was part of the whole drama in lots of ways, bending over backwards to try to pacify everyone. C is sick. C likes fireworks and is learning origami to try and make those paper cranes.
There is D. He really doubted A. He may be the best FPS player in our friend group, but the bar is really low, so I don’t know how good he actually is. D is also sick.
There is E. She dates another friend of ours, and despite being sick as well, she second guesses that a lot. She has come to hate A. She is a witch.
And finally, F. F is also a witch, but it is of a different kind than E. F is sick and that sickness has many magics pinned to it. F maintains discord bots for fun.
And we all downloaded the game. 
I only speak of them because of their common thread with me. 
It was a sunny day when I opened the game for the first time. I wasn’t the first to do so. That was D. I didn’t do it before because it had been storming, storming away and the sound of it bothered me and made me too moody.
The name of the game had been changed into “Pokémon Asclepius” and most of the intro had been changed- the very beginning played, before blacking out and changing to something of an animation.
There was N, sitting at the throne, kicking his legs. He would lift up his hands, tilt his head, and then move his fingers, trying to make a framing gesture, but not managing to be coordinated enough.
A little sound, like a sigh in the otherwise silent screen and everything would cut to the main menu.
And so, I changed the text speed and started a new game.
For a moment, I didn’t get what was on the screen, exactly. A piece of a textbox with bits of text on it. After a moment, it hit me that the lower screen was displaying a flashlight icon. Mouse over, drag it around- and sure enough, the light on the upper screen moved as well. It made reading the text messages more of a pain, but it interested me and hooked me by the throat rather than the mouth.
Hi there! 
I looked for the professor’s sprite. There she was, though her eyes were closed.
Welcome to the world of pokémon! I am so, so dizzy.
My name is Professor Juniper. Everyone calls me the Pokémon Professor!
Pokéball toss that I didn’t catch with the flashlight- but the pokéball didn’t seem to have released anything at all. Just hit the ground, open. 
…Ah? Where did you come from? You look pale. I bet we can fix that, actually. Just be patient okay? 
But who are you, exactly? And what are you doing here?
Character selection screen. 
I’m lying to you, by  the by. I don’t actually remember most of this. I’m playing through again, just to give you all the details. My actual memory of what happened that first time is full of holes, full of uncertainties. Unreliable and uncharacteristic of myself.
At that point, we all still had the same kind of game, though F reported that sometimes her flashlight would go out at random. Flickering, flickering, she said, and the way she said it struck me as odd even though it really shouldn’t have.
“When we see things, that’s when we commit them to memory. And memory is a trial.”
My own light illuminated the characters.
Their clothes were now just whites and blacks. Eyes closed. Expressions neutral. I swear that they opened their eyes in the dark, just to close them away from the light.
D rushed ahead a whole night. 
I woke up to many screenshots and commentary.
The protagonist’s house painted blue. No furniture anywhere. 
Mom sprite replaced by a white box.
A single cottonee in the pokémon menu, named “Cotonee”, as if by a misspelling.
A staggering amount of pokéballs.
His commentary full of jokes, others joining in to gawk at the strange game. No mention of A.
At around 4 AM, D suddenly stopped uploading anything. Gone to sleep.
I woke up to that kind of thing, but then, I didn’t look too closely out of not wanting spoilers. C and F were of the same mind, but not E.
“I’ll wait for D. I wanna progress with him, have a call and all.”
When I chose my character, I was immediately thrown into the house. No chance to choose a name. No starter selection. 
And it was dark, still. Black and white, stark, sharp. I shared that and E pointed out how that was unlike what D experienced. A moment later F shared her own picture, and it was like my game.
We wondered if it had to do with the chosen character. We both picked the girl, D picked the boy. 
It doesn’t have to do with that, actually. Like many aspects of this game, it is chosen based on observation. There are many variations, and they all come together to spell you out. That’s the meat of this and its secret. It’s how the magic happens.
I opened the pokémon screen.
My only one was a lillipup with a nickname already set. “Tessel”, belonging to me. Or, belonging to “Saccharine”. In fact, almost every name in the game would be changed to something odd like that. 
Almost every name in my game.
For everyone else, it turned out, the names were almost normal. Just misspelled a lot.
I didn’t play for long that first day. I had a bad feeling, very bad, thinking of A. We let things get to this point, we were now playing this even though he hadn’t wanted us to.
Tessel was just a silhouette. A white shadow in the dark, with large eyes gazing at me with no particular emotion.
The maps were made strange. Open, looping almost everywhere. And so dark, always, forcing me to use the flashlight everywhere to get anywhere. At times I would get stopped by other trainers, who would all open up with that line:
“Ready for it?”
When light shone on the NPCs, they would close their eyes. This one I could confirm, yes, with the little delay in the animation. So dark, even though it was daytime.
“Daytime? You think so?”, C asked me at one point. And more than that: “I am sure it is night. The dead of the night. I can hear owls.”
I couldn’t.
But that’s not exactly what she said, either.
C liked birds. She was having a great time identifying the bird noises, concluding over and over that they were correct for the season.
“But not this one”.
“What is it?”
“That’s a Great Kiskadee. It doesn’t share a habitat with these other birds. And shouldn’t be out at night.”
 These noises didn’t exist. But maybe they did in her head. Because it was full of feathers and because she was ill as she was. She never doubted my strange words, either, so I owed her at least this.
On the second day, I played with F. 
We compared the strange things in our games. The rival characters- they were painted in white like us. For me, Bianca was named “Belladonna” and Cheren, “Wisteria”. For F, it was “Banika” and “Sherene”. 
“If it’s capitalized, I wonder if it is meant to be that way.”
“It was a mistake.”
C spent the day folding cranes.
In battle, the game would stay dark, which was annoying,given the need of the lower screen for selecting attacks. It had never been a problem in the overworld because most of the screen was already dedicated to the light, with a button being needed to freeze the light in place and bring up the normal menu.
So much for forethought.
When my light shone on the opponent’s pokémon, a bar over its HP would go up, obscuring the name, which was never the species name. “Calendar” and “Piscine” and “Store” and so, so on. F liked to see the names. When the bar was filled out, at last, a message would pop up:
“...Ready?     Fainted!”
Followed by both pokémon fainting. It would also, apparently, reset the friendship level with the fainted back to zero. 
I don’t know why but it made battles so much more eerie. I’d play a move and the animation would be wrong, in odd places, or would be for the wrong move. Sometimes the sounds would get loud, as if the opponent were getting very close and my heart would race.
Can’t see what they do in the dark.
Just stare away.
I convinced myself that the movement when I got the light over the enemy was just the normal idle animation. Anything else and I might have chickened out. 
That night I slept paralyzed, hearing the click clack of a broken flashlight. 
On the third day, D came back. It wasn’t unexpected to hear he was in the hospital again, but he did say:
“There’s no point to screenshots anymore. There’s barely any point to anything. I’ll be sharing more of the game, but I promised to not send pictures.”
And there it was. The strange behavior. Not unexpected, not at all, but the fact it was over this, copying from A? No way. And I asked how he had his laptop with him. 
“That isn’t needed anymore. Goddamnit.”
And we knew better than to prod.
D’s game with its light. He described things to us. I stopped playing around this time. A break was in order, I felt sleepy. I wanted to talk to A again. Apologize.
The region, he said, was all different. All roads, with no large cities, which was unlike my endless fields. That is another thing that can happen, then. And he walked those roads at the sidewalks, which had many chalk drawings. 
The game was difficult because there were few places to grind for levels. The cutscenes that once gave the game so much life and personality would now play randomly, out of order, with unrelated NPCs playing the various roles.
He said that going in the middle of the street netted encounters he didn’t like to see.
“You are challenged by Ancillary Talent!”
White box, like many other things in his game. Sending out always the same thing. A bulbasaur named “Terminal?”, level 1, with Taunt. One, two, three, six times over, the thing that he was so upset about. 
He advanced and he said he could see the trainers better, now. As if they had always been there, hidden behind the box of white.
“They look beautiful. I didn’t know you could do something like that.”
Then show us.
“I can’t. I promised.”
Who did you promise?
Radio silence.
Days passed like that. I also checked in on C’s and E’s games, but F was with me in not making more progress. 
Their descriptions grew more fanciful. More distinct from one another. 
People were leaving the server. Leaving the six of us behind.
I don’t know these people in real life. I’m actually really isolated, a person. Barely a person at all. I wanted to reach out to A before he disappeared completely. He understood it better than the others, after all. The heard things not there, the vicious things just put in my brain. How scary this world is.
According to D, the gyms were enormous. Fanciful. Beautiful. He was having the time of his life, and there was no need to worry anymore. He said there were sounds from his street there. 
“Do you really think that?”
He did.
“You’ve been in the hospital for the last few days. When are you going to be released?”
When he beat the elite four. He said the streets were known. He could navigate them with his eyes closed, even, because of how often he made that trip in the car.
It’s the same, but so much more vibrant than these grey landscapes… He wanted to have more time. He wished things were different. He wanted to live a normal life.
“This is the opportunity of a lifetime. But I’m not taking it. I made my peace with this a long time ago, I’m ready. But you guys should have a chance, whatever that means.”
His game lasted a month of walking and wandering. Too far away to go home, too slow to make much progress in a day. He would open his menu and the cry of his starter, long having evolved into a Whimsicott, was a whisper of the name of the road he was in.
He argued much with C and E during that time. 
C couldn’t bear her game anymore. The cacophony of birds coming from it was so much. She could hear them in her sleep. Not making progress, not able to find herself in an endless world like mine. She found no gyms, no story progression, nothing. 
She said the pokémon looked wrong. That all of them made those bird noises. That their names were switched. And she, too, stopped sending pictures. 
Because she promised.
The server was just us now.
Maybe it always was. 
I’ve played the game many times and it never gets better, does it? It’s not a problem if you play it too someday. It’s just that I’m sorry if you do. Like I said, we were all sick.
E just left the server suddenly, one day. Said the rest of her journey had to be on her own. Thanked us for supporting her. 
“You are in charge now, F.”
And F shared with us her game. 
It was so empty and barren. Places with no name, no NPCs. Trainers with no class. Pokémon without species. Placeholder things. Simple interlocked rooms. 
We were on a call. Unlike the others, she shared everything in a stream, until the end. Her laughter was bitter.
“God, everyone. This is such a stupid thing. Such a dumb, good-for nothing thing. Why are we still trying?”
She said something like that, at least.
“This game was full of detail. But it’s getting like this. Do you believe in ghosts?”
“Good. There’s no ghosts inside. Just outside.”
Walked on and on. The more it was played, the less there was. Everything was typeless now. 
“I’m done. I’m done with this. I’m done with feeling like this every day. D is gonna reach the hospital tomorrow and I’m done with seeing that kind of thing. You see this?”
…A house. And I knew it was Bianca’s house. Her parents, inside, paced. 
“Idiots. They are playing with us. Pretending like this is a haunted game. Open your eyes, we never even left the title screen! I don’t need a computer to play this anymore. Or anything. I’ll just play it in my head. I promised I wouldn’t share anymore of this, but how else am I going to get heard? We fucked up with A. Now it’s our turn. It’s not that it’s Karma or anything stupid like that. I’m just- I’m just nauseous. I don’t want E to disappear. I’m not taking the chance, either.”
She went upstairs into the dark room. The light flickered. A blank room.
“There’s not even a way out.”
She tapped the screen and tapped it again, then opened the menu and showed the trainer card. 
The trainer sprite was broken up in several pieces. 
I was huddled against a wall that day. Just listening. Just watching as she maneuvered through the game. Losing more and more features and details, until she was just wandering the white.
“I don’t wanna be alone inside myself.”
I know.
“I’m gonna crumble on my own.”
I know.
The next day, D posted his last update. That he finally beat the game. That he was feeling nice for once. And he left.
When I played, my mind wandered. 
I did things on my own.
The looping maps were full of people saying familiar things with closed eyes. I don’t know how to tell those around me that my brain is broken, but I do know how to tell them the ways in which my game was broken. 
My little character wore a raincoat one day before it permanently turned rainy in the game, with the winds and static that happen when introducing one of the weather pokémon.
My team was a woobat, my lillipup, a pidove, a cottonee, a spinda and a minccino. They couldn’t evolve, and I never caught anything. They just appeared. We won very little and we won in the dark. I was aware. Very aware. These were the Pokémon assigned to my friends.
From that point onwards, someone was following me.
That was N, rendered in the same blacks and whites as my character. Trying to interact with him opened up a picture in a box of him in the throne, hands splayed in front of his face, kicking his feet. The animation would play for a few seconds then stop.
The first place we reached, see, was the hospital. 
Created from a pokémon center’s assets, expanded in all directions, colorless. N stopped me at the entrance, displaying that animation and a text box half clipped into it. My light revealed the shapes of the sentence.
“Do you promise not to show this to anyone?”
And I promised not to. There, out of a yes or no prompt.
The promise isn’t a threat. Isn’t for the sake of some deep, mystical thing. It is just… a matter of respect. Of not inviting gawking eyes to the scene. Everyone’s despair needs privacy. And privacy I give.
A is in the back of my head and out the corner of my eye. 
He’s stuck in his miserable room pondering dry ice.
D took up a whole room. He was much smaller than I ever could have guessed. I ran the lights over him, fondly. And then I approached to start the battle.
His entire team, poisoned. He never wanted to cure any of it, though. Living as though everything was normal. Looking away, laughing out loud, until it wasn’t.
He tried his best. He really did. 
The lights were on in the room in the end and no one came for him. 
And so I moved on, out the endless streets. The same things, again and again, for a week straight of playing a few hours each day. 
A few trainers were nothing but white boxes now. White boxes in the dark full of nothing at all.
C went silent for a while, but never did leave the server. Migraines from the birds, she said. She was scared.
I reached E and F’s house. The place that mirrored and went up like it went down, until it was blank. Blank and housing people I never met. I fought hard, and during that, my Cottonee finally evolved. On its own, at a weird level. 
We searched for them everywhere, having to stop often as the amount of wild encounters increased. We often faced Ancillary Talent. Each time, its pokémon would be a single level higher. With enough time, if we tarried, if we let things drag on, they  would certainly stop us for good.
That didn’t happen.
They were in the basement. E and F, connected at the neck. The trainer had its back turned to us. The battle theme played doubled up, with a slight desync.
And a message appeared before the fight.
“...Can you really believe it?”
I dunno. I can’t believe anything, really. But I can defeat you two. With much effort, yes, given my team, but leech seed turned out to be very good in the end as a stall battle set in.
Minccinno evolved to a  Cinccinno, in the end. And it acted as though Spinda was also evolving, but it just turned back into itself.
C called me that night saying she didn’t want things to turn out like this.
Telling me to please stop.
We don’t know each other well enough.
That this is too much.
She’s so afraid. 
She can hear me.
Stomping around in the ceiling.
But I’m only in my bedroom like I am everyday because this body is too tired to get around.
In my dreams I move the flashlight to reveal her terrified face.
The sound of birds hammered inside my brain as I approached her. She’d been playing non-stop, gathering a team more competitive than the others.
But every time she tried to attack:
“  is too scared to attack! You should consider”
The kiskadees flocked and all I did was advance, bit by bit as she frantically called me through the server.
Just to stop when I defeated her trainer. 
“I hate you”, she sent, and was the last one to leave.
Now I’m alone again. Same as I started.
One by one, I release my team members, until it’s just us again. “Tessel” and “Saccharine”. That has a lot of meaning to me, actually- but it would be a long story. And you already don’t believe this one.
Yeah. I’m not sending pictures because I promised.
My friends are sick. It’s not pretty. But they won’t be for long. None of us will.
I lean forward on the side of my bed, but before I get up, I get a message and this message is why I am writing this at all. 
“You did it wrong”, says A.
Fucking hell.
I turn around and flash my light over N. He is motionless in his throne and my stomach curls and turns and knots up. When I move my character, there are no animations from him. Just dragging sounds.
I played the game many times over, ever since, trying to find the perfect way to act. But it’s gone. They are gone. I never find them again. Just endless looping fields and A’s words. He didn’t want this game to get between all of us, but it did.
We all just wanted to be okay.
I don’t want to be stuck in this room forever.
Always tired, always dazed, never believed, treated like I’m always making things up.
“Tough luck.”
I feel hazy, feel confused. Everything is an ordeal. 
Tonight, A will knock on my door. He’s been playing the longest out of us, so it makes perfect sense. Because we want to be normal. Because we want to be well. The real mistake was forgetting he wasn’t gone.
I check my trainer card, and for once, she is smiling.
I drag myself and N towards the elite four. The building is dark and it is empty. I check the four rooms, in the absence of any way out. 
Every time I reach the top, silently, a message appears:
“Not here… Are you ready?”
And when I’m done, I am back in the bedroom. Not the first one in the game, but mine. Or maybe it is just the normal bedroom but at this point it feels like I’m going to burst open at the seams and I don’t know if there was ever a difference at all.
I bury him in concrete. Hearing birdsong. Feeling my chest so tight.
My game is making the noises of a shovel and it is dark and I don’t wanna look so instead I open up a text document. 
I’m waiting with a knife.
I am better than all of them. I deserve it. I deserve to get the blessing of this stupid genie in a lamp of a game. Why was it even made like this? I don’t know, I don’t know, they just made panacea and this is the equivalent exchange. 
Are you ready? I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready!
Tiny barkings, I’m so aware.
And the judge I buried, I’m tired of caring, he just gazes upwards blank at all goodnight.
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tfbeeredstringau · 29 days
Hi hello yes this is my pinned post!!! You can find all the rules and updates here!!!!
•first of all, Mod is 18+ and not shy about nsfw, thus I appreciate if minors don't interact with my nsfw posts. There will be sfw stuff but caution is recommended
•Ask box will be open and I encourage all sorts of asks!!! From prompts (not promises I will finish them) asks or character interaction. I will label each post for ease of navigation
•Rules will be added but for now just be mindful and respectful is all I ask
Blog specific info and explanations for pairings and so on under read more as it's gonna be pretty long:
This part probably will be updated more often as more aus come to mind
Okay!!!! So let's go into pairings!!!
My fav bot is Bumblebee thus most pairings will have something to do with him. No I do not see him as a child, yes I'm a multishipper thus I am not confined to one ship. Starbee, Blitzbee, Opbee, Megop, Wavewave, Opratch, anything is a fair game
That being said I have several aus, different pairings, some of them have romantic tones, some don't, I will tag properly and give each au short intro post as well.
Now to short summary for each of the aus:
Red String au: Beewave(wave), Mix of TFP + G1, war is kind off over? At least Megatron and Optimus are working on a proper peace treaty and everyone is tense but really hopeful. Also, magic is quite common in this au :D.
Bee verse: Various, Most of the Universes, based in a way on into the spiderverse where different bumblebees get to hang out and chat shit with each other, there are two offshoots to this universe:
Spiderbee: OpMegwave with Starscream and Hot rod as their kids, bee gets adopted into the family after he is find on streets of Iacon.
MultiBee: more shenanigans of multi bees but less canon and a bit more oc like characters, kind of like people have different characters for Sans :D
LoopdeLoop: MegOp, TFP, Primus got high and decided that it would be very very funny to send bee through the time stream whilst Unicron watches on horrified. Silly au where a nap fixed the war.
Afterlife misery Au: PrimusxUnicron, TFP, after Tyger Pax bee gets occasionally kidnapped by the two to bond with his grandparents whilst Meg and Op gets (or try to) get their shit together. So far no luck but there still could be hope.
Ponyo au: Opwave + Megwave +Wavewave | Platonic Star&Bee, I watched ponyo, in short bee is ponyo with Megatron and Soundwave as his parents whilst Starscream is Sosuke with Optimus and Shockwave as his parents. Pretty much follows the movie plot.
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bigchumby · 3 months
hi! i wanted to ask you if it was okay if you could share my posts please?? sorry for the intrusion i’d really appreciate it! 😓 i promise i am not a bot i just have been without my medicine almost a week and things like not being able to sleep and i feel awful
I have blazed your master post for 24 hours. I do not have much to give but I sincerely hope it helps, and affirms that when someone is in trouble, they shouldn't shy away from asking for help.
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