#I am happy you 'enjoy' the AU! the concept drives me INSANE too
mari-lair · 11 months
Omg your gon ant au got me fucked up in the best way holy shit it’s the DEVASTATION it’s haunting the narrative while still being in the narrative it’s pain it’s torture it’s having love just a touch away out of reach good GOD I am straight calcifying rn
"it’s haunting the narrative while still being in the narrative" "it’s having love just a touch away out of reach" IS SO IMPORTANT TO ME
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planetsano · 3 years
chubby chaser! kirishima.
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CONCEPT 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪 kirishima with a chubby girlfriend.
WARNINGS 𓆩 ♡ 𓆪 pro hero au, blood, size kink & breeding.
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Kirishima would 100% actively seek a chubby girl. He’s always been attracted to the body type— chubby girls just have more love to give. He’s addicted.
I headcanon that because of the nature of his quirk, he likes soft and squishy things because it feels nice on his skin.
It’s like therapy for his mind and body after using his quirk for long and strenuous amounts of time, especially after a particularly tough day at work.
Pro hero Red Riot coming home to a chubby girlfriend just makes sense? Your thighs, belly, cheeks, extra body fat– its all just so soft and squishy. He fucking can’t get enough of it.
The best thing in the world to him is coming home after a long day to see your full figure in the kitchen preparing dinner. He’ll come up behind you to wrap this arms around your mid section, enjoying how plush you feel against him. He’ll open his mouth when you offer him a taste test to dinner. It’s always delicious.
Kirishima almost always want to share some type of physical contact with you. A hug, a kiss, holding hands, it doesn’t matter he just needs to feel you. He’s so smitten with you. Physical touch wasn’t always his love language until he started dating fat girls.
“Baby, c’mere. Sit on my lap.” Is literally an excuse for him to hug you for a while without you trying to pull away. He gets the luxury of feeling your weight pressed against him and the way your thighs spill onto his. Kirishima will mindlessly knead and tug at your thighs, other times he’ll squeeze your belly fat to see you get all flustered. You usually whine at him to stop but he never does. He loves it.
One of his favorite positions to cuddle in is him having his head in between your thighs. He really loves when you play in his hair, massaging his scalp with your manicured nails. You don’t need a thigh gap because— Kirishima’s head is your thigh gap.
He for sure has some selfies in this position, some he’s even posted on Instagram. He’s smiling like a dork giving the camera a thumbs up with your thick thighs on the both sides of his head. He likes to flaunt his relationship. What can he say?
Kiri loves it when you dress in ways that bring out your curves and confidence. Not just because you look fucking amazing, but exact for the reason that you feel great and that’s what makes him happy.
I need you to know something: Never feel like you’re “too heavy” for this man, and emphasis on man because—
Pro hero Red Riot is an absolute beast of a guy. His years after UA have done him well. He’s well over 6′5 and packed on so much muscle and weight.
Kiri has no issues with lifting you up and fucking you in the full nelson position, standing. The way you jiggle every time his hips snap into yours drives him insane.
Kirishima loves how plush you feel in his palms, your tummy and tits spilling out of his hands. There just so much of you to love he gets so fucking lovesick over it. He thinks he not giving enough and it just makes him fuck you harder.
When he’s eating your pussy, he makes sure to leave you a few marks indented in that soft skin. Sometimes he’ll go into a frenzy and break skin. His teeth are really sharp, he can’t help that you have that affect on him. Kirishima will apologize if he hears you whine, then lick the beaded blood. He swears you taste as sweet as you look.
Size kink is very valid and alive in this pairing. 
When he has you in missionary, he likes to watch how his cock splits your poor cunt open— how his shaft disappears in your puffy folds as he presses himself further inside your hole. Your walls feel so warm and velvety around him, it feels like you. God, he’s in love with your pussy.
“Feels good?” He chuckles. “I bet. Where am I, baby? In your cute tummy? Show me. Give me your hand-- yeah, ‘M right here.” He lifts your belly fat so he can see himself inside of you.
Missionary usually turns into a mating press, his cock abusing your cervix while he’s begging for permission to breed you. Kiri wants to turn you into a mommy so bad. He can’t stop thinking about how gorgeous you’d look carrying his child. You’re going to get fuller, rounder and have a glow. Fuck, needs to see it. So please let him fill your womb with his cum. Make him a daddy.
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© all content belongs to rekiri 2021. do not modify or repost.
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razieltwelve · 5 years
Encounter (RWBY AU Snippet)
“So… you’re that princess my niece has been banging.”
Weiss stopped and turned. Her guards had vanished, and she was no longer walking through the corridors of her palace. Instead, she was somewhere else entirely. It was a landscape hidden by fog although there were shadows that hinted at colossal mountains in the distance.
“What did you say?”
The speaker stepped out of the fog. He was a scruffy fellow with crimson eyes and brown hair. He was walking in what could be called a straight line if she was feeling exceptionally generous. She was tempted to ask him if he’d been drinking, but there was something about him that put her on edge.
She knew what it was.
It was the same feeling she got around Ruby. This wasn’t a man. This was a god.
“Who are you?” Weiss asked. She took a slow step back and then another and another as the god advanced. “Tell me who you are!”
The god smiled and sketched a mocking bow. “I am Qrow, God of Misfortune, Tragedy, and Hopefully One day Booze.” His lips curled in a combination of amusement and contempt. “You’re not much to look at. The way my niece has been raving about you, I was half-convinced you were the greatest mortal in the history of forever.”
“Your niece?” Weiss’s eyes widened. “Ruby?”
“She lets you call her that?” Qrow laughed. “Oh, she really must like you.”
“It’s better than calling her Death all the time,” Weiss replied. “And Death has always seemed more like her title than her name. But… you said you were her uncle? How does that even work? Shouldn’t Ruby be one of the oldest of the gods?”
“It’s complicated,” Qrow muttered. “Hell, look at my other niece. Her father is the Lord of Dragons and her mother is, well, let’s just hope you never run into her. I’m a regular bundle of sunshine compared to my sister. Divine genetics isn’t something that makes sense, mortal. We’re as much concepts and ideals as we are people. Death has always existed, but Death, as in the god of death? Nah. We didn’t have one of those until my niece showed up.”
“Then… who was her mother?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Qrow laughed. “But I’ll give you a hint. Before you can have death, what do you need to have first?”
Weiss’s brows furrowed. Ruby was fond of riddles, but this wasn’t one she’d heard before. “Life,” she murmured at last. “If nothing lives, then nothing can die.”
“Bingo!” Qrow clapped sarcastically. “You can’t have Death without Life, but you know which one of those always wins in the end, right?” His voice dropped to barely a whisper. “There’s a reason Ruby doesn’t talk about her mother much.”
“Why did you bring me here?” Weiss asked. “And where is here anyway?”
“This?” Qrow shrugged. “It’s the Between, a place between the Mortal Realm and the Divine Realm. I wouldn’t recommend getting stuck here too long. It’d drive you insane and then, I don’t know, explode you or something.”
“I just wanted to see you for myself,” Qrow said. “Because my niece doesn’t usually hang around mortals for too long. It makes her sad, you see, since in the end, she’ll have to collect their souls.”
“I know,” Weiss said. “She’s talked about it.”
“Has she? Heh. That’s nice.” Qrow peered at her again. “So… are you banging her? I mean, her clergy is convinced the two of you are going at it like rabid animals, but she hasn’t really shown much interest in that sort of thing before, so…”
“Why are you asking?” Weiss shrieked. “Aren't you her uncle? That’s weird!”
“Hey, I’m just checking. You should be glad her father isn’t here.” Qrow raised his arms above his head. “I mean I turn into a bird, but that guy… yeah… being Lord of Dragons means being the biggest, scariest dragon around. He could just step on your castle or something if he wanted you dead.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Weiss said. Her eyes narrowed. “But if you absolutely must know, then Ruby and I do indeed engage in -”
“So, you are banging. Good.” Qrow gave her a thumb’s up. “I’m going to assume she’s awesome at it because that’s how she is.” He summoned a scythe. “I mean I was the first god to use a scythe, but she got so good at it so quickly that the scythe is basically her thing now. Sure, mine can’t kill anything it touches and cut reality in half, but it’s not half bad.” He gave her a crooked grin. “Stay safe, princess. If my niece likes you, you can’t be half bad.”
Weiss blinked, and she was suddenly in her palace with her guards.
“Your Highness?” one of her guards asked.
“It’s nothing,” Weiss murmured. “We should keep moving. I don’t want to keep my parents waiting any longer.”
X     X     X
Qrow was sitting on a mountaintop drinking with a dragon when Zwei showed up. The corgi hopped onto the makeshift table Qrow had put all the booze on.
“Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re here about. So you like Weiss too, huh?”
The Watchdog of the Abyss wagged his tail happily and barked.
“I’m guessing Ruby knows I paid her little princess a visit. I’m guessing she’s not too happy about it either.”
The dragon gave Qrow a look. Were they going to drink, or were they going to wallow in family drama?
“Just give me a second,” Qrow assured the dragon. “I’ll talk things over with -” Qrow suddenly found himself flat on his back staring up into Ruby’s silver eyes. “Oh, hey… nice to see you.”
“You paid Weiss a visit, didn’t you Uncle Qrow?” Death hissed.
The dragon took one look at the irate goddess and quietly grabbed the booze before flying off. He could enjoy it somewhere quieter.
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
So… Weiss meets Uncle Qrow. It could have gone a lot worse. And in case you’re wondering, yes, that is the same dragon from the snippet with the hapless villager. Qrow’s always on the prowl for good drinking buddies, and dragons aren’t half bad.
You can find me on fanfiction.net, AO3, and Amazon.
Definitely check out my Amazon stuff if you enjoy my sense of humour.
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redlemonz · 7 years
Day #4
I am someone else when I’m with you - someone more like myself. These are the thoughts I woke up to after the events of the last evening. She brings me countless levels of joy that were previously undiscovered before she stepped foot into my life. Her adventurous, outgoing spirit takes you everywhere - from the summit of many mountains, to the depths of the caves, to her own elemental home of water (all kinds of beaches, pools, natural springs). If life was a narcotic, she’d be the enabler. Even putting such factors aside, it’s easy to realise that she’s the human being we all strive to be - “the whole package” as modern day terminology would have it, the one you wish the rest of the world could take example from. Cliche as it all is, she truly does make me feel more like myself - it’s as if I’ve been constantly discovering more about myself through her.
Day 4 - love: the best self torture?
It’s Friday. Generally that’d be one of the most exciting features of any working class hero’s week - however as discovered, time and the brain are your own worst enemies, especially when they team up against you. It’s this time last week it all definitively fell apart for the last time. All I remember thinking is that I was excited to hear her voice on the phone that night after the shitty week without her due to my own insecurities causing more fights. Thinking that she finally understood and listened to me after the millionth time regarding a promise of my recognition being put forward of our existence together to her parents. Didn’t happen. After over a year (officially & unofficially counting), it finally concluded to what my mind would tell me all along - that I wasn’t worth the effort. Though I mostly didn’t see things actually ending this way, because her and the act of lying never went together at all - I had no choice but to accept it. It’s her life after all. Instead, I should have actually listened more to her feelings and stuck with, and by her principles in support (I’ve always wanted to support everything she does, and I failed so fair enough), rather than act selfishly. What sucks though is that after all the time passing, they’ll still never know what I was to her. Because it was never important enough. I was never important enough. I suppose this is the reason that I’ve somewhat started to accept and can have my content moments with this ending, and not go as insane as I imagined I might (though it’s still early days, jinx). Nevertheless, it’s still my first Friday as a lone ranger without her, and I don’t like it one bit. I wish I could turn back this damn clock and rectify all my regretful mistakes, or learn quicker - but it all happened too late. Oh If I could be that guy in “About time” with that capability. Though let’s talk about another one of my favourite movies. I relate way too much to the mindset of the main character in this movie. The way in which he establishes his own fantasy girl (whom for the purpose of projecting literature comes to life), only to be disappointed by his own expectations that he has, rather than let her live her life, make her own choices & be her own person. He learns the common sensical, straightforward truth that he can’t actually control her and hold her back from being her, even though that was never his intention to begin with. He was ultimately blinded by his selfishness, couldn’t handle his insecurities, and thus forgot about the treasure he was blinded by, which in turn he lost. As you would have it, he realised the errors of his ways and the choices he made far too late. He has to let go. Except when it’s happening in a movie, their fates end up aligned once more and he oh so miraculously gets another chance. I wish. Probably doesn’t help thinking about the fun fact that they’re married in real life either.
Just had some nuggets at work! What a momentously ecstatic time in my monotonously linear life currently. Finally got my special of 20 for $10 - it’s suppose to be a bargain anyway. I remember the only other time I attempted to attain this spectacular deal was after we had played some tennis. I won obviously.. well this time anyway. She’s a pretty damn good match in more ways than one after all. It’s why I prefer to have her on my side of the court in both sports & life altogether. We make quite the team. Anyhow the nugget promotion had run out at the time we reached that drive through which was certainly devastating. I’ve made it this far though, so I’ll continue to live. Later that day, we went back to hers for a swim in the pool. Saying that so casually now seems a bit odd, considering that before her, the concept of swimming to me had become mostly a stranger since I was a kid. There was that one time at camp (not band camp, ha) during which I was still fairly new to this Country, in Intermediate school which I don’t like talking about in detail. Essentially it involves the body shaming of an 11 year old me when I was about to join the rest of our camp group for our activity of the day; sailing (she use to sail too - of course she did, the crazy multi-talented beautiful mofo). Since that moment, I learned to keep judging myself through out the years, and on top of my existing mental insecurities and emotional instability, I was unable to take off my shirt due to feeling way too shitty about my physical image. I could exercise and make it slightly better and whatever, but it didn’t alter that fear of public shaming. Until she came along and changed everything that is. She made me care less about these insignificant traits.. and slowly my insecurities started fading away, day by day. I felt more alive and free thanks to her, and am able to be more comfortable than ever with myself when I’m with her. Probably even way too comfortable, as there is a lack of such a limit between us when we’re together.. which is just another delightfully pleasant and fulfilling seam of happiness.
So it’s dad’s birthday. I’ve picked him up a present and am suppose to get a cake on the way back home after work. One of the three lives near by me, so I confer with him that a certain cheesecake shop is nearby us, to which he responds that I should just bake a cake (he would say that, being a former chef and all it’s.. well, a piece of cake for him). But no, not again. The one time I baked a cake was for her birthday - a banana cake covered with my own Nutella chocolate icing recipe. Spent probably ten times the actual required amount of time, and made an absolute mess of my sisters kitchen which I booked out, to make sure everything was perfect. Thankfully, It did actually turn out pretty well and I think she liked it, as she finally received the banana cake I deprived her of the year before through telling people she was allergic to the fruit. My other attempt at baking for her involved some failed cookies (slightly much butter) delivered to her at home, on top of her car during crazy thesis time. Had to also provide a proper block of chocolate with that to make up for the failed attempt. Oh man the amount of chocolate and candy I’ve probably supplied her with is pretty criminal. She would joke about how I’m just fattening her up, which I’d laugh along to but there’s probably some element of truth there. She’s just got a damn good metabolism to be fair. Also for those times where she’s trying to be healthier (which is most of the time) I’d have to resort to ensuring it was a minimum of 70% cocoa dark chocolate. I already miss being her supplier, hence why I had to include chocolate in my flower delivery on day #2 one last time. Though let’s face it, knowing her it’s probably already all gone. In all likelihood it’s the one thing even she can’t resist. Who knows, it’s presumably the reason I resemble chocolate that she even found me appealing to begin with. Jokes aside (not her addiction - that’s real), It just sucks not being able to refill her jar of kisses.
Friday night draws inwards. We’ve just celebrated dad’s birthday at home - my sister, bro in law, nieces and even their kind of cute new au pair whom I dropped near the airport a couple weeks ago came along (cute = short, red head German girl). I debated pretty hard with myself whether to even transfer that thought across, quite thoroughly if I may add, but I guess I can now? I don’t know. Feels strange and unfamiliar because I don’t really want to either, but I figure what does it really even matter. She wouldn’t have cared either way because she’s never even supposedly had a hint of the green eyed monster. Am I sincerely the only one to find that a bit bizarre? Although I confess, my own insecurities have led my mind to be easily manipulated by itself sometimes. However, in my unnecessary self defence against..myself, such does also stem from the initial issue where I’ve always felt hidden on a social scale during our relationship. As if she was always uncertain about me so could ultimately never make the complete leap with her own heart.. which in turn would make me identify further with those very inadequate concerns of being second best standing away on some foggy sidelines, a constant back up until someone more attractive, talented, smarter, and well, just better, would come along. Until the person whom she might actually be excited to introduce to her family could come along, so that they could be impressed and happy with her choice. Understandably, I don’t fit that criteria. Looking back at all our fights this fundamentally core issue for me had caused, I realise now - when I view myself in the mirror that I too, would be embarrassed if it were me. That’s the one lie I didn’t enjoy - “it’s not a big deal”. I’d rather just that she would have admitted it was, so that I could gain more understanding - I mean I don’t think I can be that bad otherwise…Can I? Probably, I guess. Note that this is an unfair representation of her though, don’t get me wrong at all. You have to consider all the facts (which is what I failed incredibly hard to do furthermore at the time, as my heavy emotional weaknesses took over). I seriously just needed to listen to her. Although I guess the counter argument is that I didn’t feel like she ended up ever listening to me either - which left us at a stand still, where we both continuously shot at each other until the mess grew large enough, and we eventually fell apart. Natural attrition, as my work place has been calling it. I was so foolish though, seeking approval from sources that shouldn’t even matter at all, and left me once again becoming fully aware far too late, that I lost the only one that really did matter - hers. I don’t care if I sound like a loser for not saying my own approval here - I’ve never really cared for anyone else’s approval enough previously.. just the one I fell for. She was actually much too sweet in the end when reflecting upon the circumstances, as I did constantly exhaust her with this ongoing insecurity that I created myself. She didn’t need to put up with me for so long, but I do feel a sense of honour and self-worth ironically stemming from the fact that she did. In a way, she kind of gave me recognition and I didn’t even register it until literally this moment - by sticking by my side. Until she couldn’t anymore. Because I wasn’t worth the effort. Which just feels counteractive to the definition of being in love with someone - and I could definitely tell she still was/is from our weekend (+sick day monday). There was a certain spark in our eyes of a possibly better future there, but she would safeguard her heart from taking that leap once again. Her damn smart brain got in the way. Once again, ironically one of the most attractive things about her was my downfall at attempting to fix what is supposedly permanently broken to her. The fact of the matter still remains that love is the most illogical and beautiful phenomenon that we have as human beings, and it genuinely can make us do absurd things and challenge every principle and ethic we may believe in and hold dear, because it’s damn love. It’s what I believe in. It’s the core of humanity and all that is really required - The Beatles were onto that one. Questioning it rather than embracing it is what causes us to slowly limp away into the darkness of our mind, and lose ourselves. But hey, that’s just one prime example’s biased opinion - as we’ve clearly established that my mind is my own worst enemy. I fucked up everything on my own - she didn’t need to assist me in that regard.
All I know now, when thinking about love as per my above discovered profound wisdom (just clarifying that it is in fact sarcasm, in case I haven’t already proven to be arrogant enough asshole at times - but whatever, I don’t need to prove anything), is simply that I just want her to be beside me right now. I miss her presence next to me on a Friday night. I just want to hold her and forget about the rest of this damn world for one more perfectly blissful moment of love, and I know from experience that it’d feel like everything will be alright. But, I can’t tonight. Also I’ve snapped her three times today and offered her a trip to Fiji (my crappy April fools joke, don’t ask - I’ll disappoint once again) after the positive vibe I received from last night, but nothing back. So that’s great too. I’m glad she’s moving on with her life - genuinely am happy in that consideration for her. Maybe I should widen the gap on the bridge between us too, to assist her from a distance (figuratively and literally). I hope she has a wonderful weekend as she deserves, and that the sun shines for her (and the stars at night too). Warning: Incoming dramatic conclusion to day 4 - so please do excuse me for now, as I need to get back to digging this damned endless pit for my heart.
Day 4 - continued - yay!
Hold everything. She just snapped me a cute selfie of her finding an excuse (someone on TV did it so it's a legitimate reason, duh) to have a shot of our fireball. Key word, cute - though I suppose that's literally every snap of her. Alright - so a much better conclusion to day 4. It's absolutely mind-blowing, crazy and 300% illogical how the smallest gesture can turn everything around, isn't it? Must be love.
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