#I am happy that so many people like my Eclipse design. Even if I have to read questionable comments ksadkaskjdakjs (I find them funny)
vectorisheree · 1 month
I really like your Eclipse, could you maybe draw him hugging Y/N? (If you don’t do Y/N stuff I’m sorryy) your art is so epic <3
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Not quite a hug but he wouldn't have enough room for all his arms!
Drawing soft Eclipse feels so wrong like who is this man and why is he smiling like that
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cookiiemancer · 5 months
Hi, I’m back! I had a few unasked questions that just stuck with me for a while, and I finally broke! I hope you don’t mind answer them! It’s ok if you don’t want to! 🧡
- Who’s the youngest?
- Who’s more rebellious?
- Who’s better at talking with angry adults?
- Who hates cleaning the most?
- Do they make challenges with each other?
- Have Sun or Moon (or both) ever had a fight with Eclipse? (If so, who wins 90% of the time?)
- How did Sun and Moon find out about Eclipse?
- Who’s your favorite to draw, and least favorite to draw?
Sorry if that was way to many questions! I’m just a little curious, that’s all! Hope this doesn’t bother you, either.
Hi! Please don't worry about sending too many asks! I am happy to answer to any questions and sometimes i get a nice idea for a picture. I do really appreciate every single one i receive, even if i don't answer them all :)
Who’s the youngest?
Sun and Moon are both the youngest!
Who’s more rebellious?
This one I didn't think about it to be honest. I wouldn't be able to tell right now who.
Who hates cleaning the most?
Sun! He hates messes but hates cleaning even more. He stands it better when, there's other people helping him clean.
Do they make challenges with each other?
Yes! Most of them are harmless ones, like winning games, dressing as each other (the kids love this one).
Have Sun or Moon (or both) ever had a fight with Eclipse? (If so, who wins 90% of the time?)
When it comes to physical fights, uhhhhh... Once, at the begining. Emotions were very high and Eclipse was very confused. He's stronger than you think. Other fights, well, they try not to, and if it happens, they try to get to a midpoint.
How did Sun and Moon find out about Eclipse?
They were contacted by Freddy about a prototype found in a warehouse. They found soon enough that the bot was actually sentient once powered on. Old Papa bear thought that those two would be able to help Eclipse get adjusted. It took a bit of time.
Who’s your favorite to draw, and least favorite to draw?
Fave to draw? Ya boy, Eclipse. I am quite proud of the design lol. I don't really have a least favorite. Depending of my mood or how the art comes out I do get frustrated sometimes when Itry to get a specific pose or expression and fail.
These were fun! ^-^
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myrmica · 2 months
4, 12, 26 for the artist ask game? :3
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
if we're talking characters subz is the hardest member of eclipse to draw because his skin has too many elements and leaves way less room for interpretation than zam or vitalasy... so it's not even that he's hard to draw (i had a harder time settling on a vi design by far) but he's less FUN to draw because i wouldn't ever design a character with most of those elements if i was left to my own accord. they call me the guy with hyper-specific aesthetic priorities
SUBJECTS in general... i have a hard time with expressions/facial features so i'm almost never happy with how they come out and it makes me not want to look back at the art. but that means it's very satisfying when i AM happy with them . i'm quite pleased with these zams because i like how i drew his face although now i realize they are both eyes closed smiling. this is because my favorite parts of expressions to do are like, the way the brow wrinkles, or how the nose gets scrunched up when you smile
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12. Easiest part of body to draw
lately legs... i love drawing legs i enjoy the shapes. it's like there's a contour line running down the middle of the leg from the knee to the big toe and noticing this made it so easy & fun to draw legs from basically any angle. shoutout to arms also. big fan of limbs
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
HMMMMMM this is an interesting question... i can't think of anything that was Super out of left field. sometimes i get "awwww cute" on something i'm going for more drama or tension with which always amuses me like wow... maybe it is cute ^_^ and sometimes people point out cool details or thematic stuff i didn't do on purpose at all which is a satisfying feeling. the most interesting might be any time i show my art to somebody irl or who has no context for the conventions of digital art in general let alone the specifics of the characters i draw because it's a good gauge for how well something reads on its own merits
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My year at a glance and the ranking of the cream of the crop
I consumed 206 media this year according to MDL. Of these, 1 TV show, 60 films/short films and 145 dramas. This includes 72 media that were released this year or whose airing ended this year.
I diligently awarded stars from 1 - 10. At a glance, there were 1 one, 2 twos, 2 threes, 6 fours, 7 fives, 6 sixes, 14 sevens, 13 eights, 10 nines and 11 tens (am I too easy to please or just too nice?).
For the following rating, I simply ignored the fives to sevens and concentrated positively on the eights and higher, and took everything below five into account. The results for the individual countries with more than/equal to five contributions this year are as follows:
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Old Fashion Cupcake
Eien No Kinou
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry
Kabe-Koji-Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized
Takara-kun to Amagi-kun
South Korea
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Once Again
Semantic Error
Choco Milk Shake
Happy Ending Romance
Oh! My Assistent
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DNA says love you
About Youth
My Tooth Your Love
Plus & Minus
Papa & Daddy 2
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180 Degree Longitude Passes Trough Us
Bad Buddy
Secret Crush On You
Ghost Host, Ghost House
Before I get to the crème de la crème, here are a few honourable mentions and, of course, the series that one would prefer to forget again.
Honourable Mentions
Apart from the five best, there were of course many other wonderful media that fascinated and captivated me. Others were just a little better.
The Miracle of Teddy Bear
The Eclipse
Not Me
Love Mechanics
Roommates of Poongduck 304
Ocean Likes Me
To My Star 2
Remember Me
Those that one would like to forget
5. Even Sun – just boring
4. Fahlanruk – boring and repetitive forced drama with unlikeable characters
3. Coffee Melody – boring with an unlikeable main and painful acting
2. That’s my candy – stupid, confusing story with no likeable characters
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1. Check Out – this was pure trash, lame story, whiny characters and zero chemistry
But now! The crème de la crème!
Once Again
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No other series this year has taken me away as much as this one. It is everything at the same time, a warm blanket to snuggle up under and the angry person who snatches it away again. It is my comfort show and at the same time the show that has given me the most emotional damage. It's not big and lavishly shot and yet the story is touching and the relationship is so precious. The supporting characters are also well written and serve a purpose. This is like a little treasure and I wish more people would find and cherish it.
2. 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us
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I have written my fingers to the bone analysing and picking apart every little detail of this fantastic series. More than once, the series has left you desperate along with the characters and pulling your hair out in rage. It is intense, grim and insanely insistent. It doesn't wrap you up like a warm blanket but, on the contrary, it pulls our protective hands off our faces so that we look and realise. Realise that not everyone can be saved, that people are different, that trauma leaves traces, that words can be weapons, that life means taking the leap to the other side of the bridge, even if you might fall. An insanely great series that deserves more attention!
3. Old Fashion Cupcake
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Oh how glad I am that I found this series. A series about pleasure and about allowing yourself to experience indulgence. It is not only a story of two people who become closer over eating desserts together, but also of a man who learns to enjoy life again, even though he thought he was not allowed to do so because of age, being single and being a man. The series works to soften a certain image of men, always aware of the society in which it operates, and manages to do so in an admirable way. Nozue's story gives courage and makes you happy, at least me.
4. Semantic Error
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Okay, who doesn't know the series? The story of the cool design student and the nerdy and cool computer science student became so popular that there were even billboards of it. And rightly so. The story is well thought out, well executed and very well acted. I've seen it several times by now and am happy that I can now watch it without interruptions thanks to the movie. And if you can't get enough of it, the Manhwa is highly recommended!
5. Triage
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A series about time travel, desperate love and character development of the finest kind! The series has made a lasting impression on me. It has drama, but is not overdone. It has a story that is comprehensible and exciting. The characters grow with the story and the chemistry is good too. All in all, a little hidden gem that should have had much more attention than it got when it aired (which was also because it was/is hard to grab for international fans).
I am looking forward to 2023 and what the year
Now I'm excited to see what great and not so great series 2023 has in store for us and most of all I'm looking forward to experiencing them with you!
Thank you all for such a great journey this year!
And that is a wrap!
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neverkayzat · 1 year
This is the post where I go insane over every single detail I shoved into the Art of Scraping Through fanart I did recently! I spent around twenty hours on it so now you have to suffer my info dumping :')
Before I start ranting, I have to give props to Squaffle! They made me realize that I can make fanart of fanfiction by making fanart of fanfiction. Wow. I am really smart. Also, I used their designs as inspirations for what I used in this picture. Their art is phenomenal! Check it out! :)
First: The background!
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There's something outside of each window! Each window is copy and pasted, but there is an outside. Even if you can't see it. Also, to the right is the Steelers flag (Pennsylvania football team) and a newspaper of the bar opening. You can barely see this in the final version.
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Right above Frank's head is the map of West Grove (where they are)! Also, the second image is just a bunch of assorted photo's. I was trying to capture a really run down bar that has black and white pictures of the owners and old pictures of when their bar was a hit. Didn't reallllllyyy manage it, but hey, the pictures look nice :)
Second: The people
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This is what the back, back ground people look like without any blur. Also, don't mind Frank. He was the last thing I drew.
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These three are OC's of me and my friends, but humanized. Starting from the left is Eclipse, then Vas (who is conveying that Linen, another OC, is saying hi), and finally Arsonist, who is complaining about the humanization. I love sneaking goofballs into pictures they're not meant to be in.
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On the left is my persona. It's me guys!! In the final, the only unblurred thing you can see is the fingers. On the right is Canvas, another OC, however you can just see her hair.
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This guy in the background is also another OC (my word I'm fitting everyone in here). Not much to say, just that I was up at one in the morning drawing this goober. This is when I hit the ten hour mark.
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This is a picture with only the middle people. I remembered that I didn't need to draw full people here. Also that they didn't need to be super detailed.
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Fun fact! The guy on the left is someone you cannot see on the final because of cropping. I realized that this picture was not center, and centered it. These two are inspired by my brother (left) and father (right).
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This guy is another OC, Bithal. I hate her.
Third: Overall Details
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Every beer bottle has AST on the logo. For Frank, it's hard to see because his fingers are covering it up, but it's there!!
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There are more drinks on Marc's side to show his drunken state. Also, his beer bottle is empty while Frank is still working on his, as seen in the final picture.
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Marc's entire outfit. Oh my god.
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The scratch thing on both of their skin! This is also seen basically everywhere but shhhh.
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One final detail (probably will be multiple if I know myself well) to conclude this is that color theory is super cool. Marc is all warm colors. His outline is a mixture of yellows and oranges. These colors are associated greater with topics such as happiness and positivity. However, his outfit, demeanor, and outline is a contrast to Frank's deep blues. His outfit is mostly comprised of cool colors, those which normally resemble sadness, isolation, etc. Essentially, what I'm trying to get at with these colors are that Marc is more open in this scene (alcohol be like) while Frank is still the man we know.
Also, his laughter and bubbles are teal because in the comics, teal is one of the main colors that represent Moon Knight. Look at the Mackay run with its major use of teal. It's beautiful.
AANNNDD there are dots everywhere. I love the dots. There's so many of them. I constantly found myself asking "can I use dots here?" and the answer was yes. Yes, you can always use dots here. At the beginning, it was so the picture could resemble an old comic style, but I kind of gave up six hours in and went crazy without any motive.
I hope you enjoyed my very, very long rant on what this picture is all about!! I really enjoyed drawing this! See the final post here!
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hootcifer · 3 years
talking about toh | season two, episode eight: "knock knock knockin' on hooty's door"
holy shit
sorry this was a few days late, i was equal parts busy and lazy.
previous | first | next spoilers under the cut, as always
the beginning
awww hooty’s writing to lilith! like he promised!
btw, just so you guys know, i’ll be referring to hooty with he/they pronouns, because it makes sense to me. also i use he/they and i’m a hooty stan so it works.
I realize now that i spelled “hootsifer” wrong in my url. oh well, i like “hootcifer” better anyway. (also the url “hootsifer” is taken anyway)
oh no, hooty feels unimportant! i’m sure the large majority of the fandom is okay with this, but i’m not! poor thing.
i found it adorable that luz wants to find a way into amity's heart (even though she's had a place there since grom). how she would use the echo mouse for that, i don't know.
luz saying "we have to go" was almost a direct parallel to amity saying "I GOTTA GO" in "wing it like witches".
king's plot
i love how king is going through his angsty teen phase. that's hilarious.
why the fuck does hooty just eat people?! and then just act like that's an okay thing to do?!
i think it's a fun detail that hooty is wearing king's teacher hat from "the intruder". i love little things like that.
i like how this episode gave us some lore as to how demons on the isles work. they emerged from the muck of a decomposing titan? that's dope! it's also cool how there's three main types of demons.
hooty is a worm?!
on the board with all the bug demons, i recognized the butterfly alador kept chasing in "escaping expulsion", as well as adagast from "witches before wizards", the bear trap demon from "the intruder", and the kindergarten teacher from "i was a teenage abomination".
it was neat to see the fairy from "a lying witch and a warden" and the butterfly... thing from "witches before wizards". more neat continuity stuff!
what did king say with his dance? i'm very curious.
maybe king didn't want to talk about the cocoon, but i certainly do! what the hell happened?!
because of some of the images in the background when hooty was talking about demons, we can infer that some students of hexside are demons and not witches. i wonder if witches are more powerful than demons, or if they're on the same level.
other biped demons i recognize are the bounty hunter, tibbles, one of the pirates, warden wrath, and braxus.
i also saw a cat-person. are catgirls and catboys a thing on the isles?
i like how tiny nose and hooty are friends. somehow, it makes sense.
was tiny nose playing on a nintendo switch? that's cool.
we got to see even more past demons from the section about beasts, such as the ratworms, the echo mouse, the trash slug, the selikdomus, the slitherbeast, and the snaggleback.
has tiny nose's voice changed, or is that just me?
i'm really curious as to what the heck king is. is he a unique kind of demon? a hybrid, maybe?
i thought it was sweet that hooty and tiny nose tried to celebrate king for who he is, even though it just made him sad. they're trying.
eda's plot
hooty had a good point in wanting eda to sleep. sleep is important! says the guy who regularly stays up until at least midnight.
i completely understand hooty's fear of the owl beast. remember what happened last time?
the cookies hooty made were very cute. i loved that.
hey, the sleeping nettles are back! the same thing luz and hunter used a few episodes back to put kikimora's steed to sleep.
we got to see eda's dad! we know very little about him, but we did see him. also, did he look like nigel thornberry to anyone else? no? just me? okay then.
it broke my heart seeing raine and eda breaking up. it was neat that we got confirmation that they were together!
eda clearly regrets pushing raine away. poor thing.
who is the cloaked figure? i've seen a lot of theories that it's amity, but that makes no sense. i don't think she was even alive at this point. it could be odalia, though. that would be a cool twist.
the little owl beast was so cute. i want a plush of that.
HARPY EDA! holy shit, she's so cool. top tier character design.
luz (and amity)'s plot
you better bet your ass i have a lot to say about this! plot! okay, let's start from the beginning.
i was really hoping we would get some mutual pining lumity this season, and by god did it deliver! luz referring to her as a "cotton-candy-haired goddess" was too cute.
from what she said, it sounds like this isn't the first time luz has tried to ask someone out. she's so afraid of getting rejected. wait a minute, amity was afraid of getting rejected too! that's a parallel i didn't even realize!
i wasn't expecting to see amity this episode! it looks like her parents let her keep her purple hair. that, or the twins are using illusions to hide her hair from their parents.
i love how hooty's solution to getting amity to the owl house is to straight-up eat her. that's one way to do things.
i really want to know more about house demons. are there more than one? are they all bird-like? are they born as houses or do they just inhabit houses? so many questions and not enough lore!
the way luz interrupted amity when she suggested "forgetting" about what happened in front of blight manor reminded me of how eda kept interrupting king last episode when she thought he was going to tell her he was planning on leaving.
i'm not gonna lie, i skipped through the majority of the tunnel of love scene. that kind of thing gives me second-hand embarrassment like you wouldn't believe.
my heart shattered into pieces when amity said that the idea of her adting luz was stupid. she obviously doesn't believe it, but she's probably been trying to convince herself of it.
this part had me terrified that the lumity plot for the episode would end there. thank goodness it didn't, eh?
the ending
okay, okay, let's start from when hooty freaks out for a third time, after the tunnel of love.
i thought it was funny how hooty ripped himself out of the door in order to run (?) away. at least we didn't have to hear all the sounds this time.
wait, "things always get weird when hooty's upset"? has this kind of thing happened before?
gosh, the part where king's voice powers saved luz and amity was so cool. i saw somewhere that the animator wanted to reflect the lesbian and bi flags and they did a great job.
eda encouraging luz to ask amity out was so cute. we stan a supportive mom, always.
and then comes the scene everyone's been talking about. oh my gosh, this was done so beautifully! it was equally awkward and cute, the way it should have been, and the fact that they both asked each other was perfect!
LOOK AT HOW HAPPY AMITY IS WHEN SHE SAYS YES!!! this is the happiest we have ever seen her, and it's adorable.
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something i really love about this scene is the fact that they didn't say "i love you" or even kiss, like what seems to happen in a lot of confession scenes. they just held hands. it was probably one of the most realistic confession scenes i've ever seen. it kind of reminded me of when my gf and i got together.
oh yeah, that's right! they're officially together!!!!!!! FINALLY!!! i was not expecting anything that happened in this episode, but out of everything this one was the most surprising. holy SHIT! we have a canonically sapphic couple! in a disney cartoon! a disney cartoon!
honestly, i hope everyone has gained more respect for hooty after this. they've helped further the plot more in one episode than anyone else has done throughout the rest of the show.
we got to see king's dad properly for the first time! i don't think we'll see him in "eclipse lake", but maybe we will in the episode after that? i hope so.
everyone's freaking out about hooty eating the letter but... can't they just... throw it back up? like they did at the beginning of "really small problems"?
to my knowledge, the next episode is going to be about amity looking for an ingredient for the new portal. i also know that eda, king, and hunter will be there too. i don't know what to expect, but i am very excited. until next time!
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jadekitty777 · 3 years
On Your Six, Chapter 5
Day 5: Mission Go- Cooking for @taiqrowweek
Wait what do you mean I switched the prompt days around? Dunno what you’re talking about ;)
(Don’t worry it’ll make more sense in the long run)
Rating: T for this chapter, M for overall
Words: 2.5k
Summary: Qrow was what most of society would call a small-town criminal. But to those oppressed, he hoped only to be a healer. In an effort to make a change in the world, he moves from kingdom to kingdom, searching for branded omegas in need. His goal? To turn the derogatory words the reformatories forced them to bear on their skin into works of art.
Then one day, his past catches up to him in the form of Taiyang, his former best friend, with a brand of his own stained onto his skin and a plea for help in his eyes. Qrow has no choice but to answer, even if it means he’d have to face his mistakes once and for all.
[An ABO-style universe in a modern-day style Remnant. No Grimm, because people are the real monsters in this one]
Ao3 Link: On Your Sleeve
Tai had started feeding him.
At first, it had begun with little things, shortly following that fateful day he gave him the picture. Prepackaged snacks or fresh fruits or vegetables as a healthy addition to the cheap, instant lunch meals he could easily afford. Then it quickly dissolved into tubberware covered leftovers of various pastas or stews, things that kept well and were well adept at making in large servings.
By late May, with the advent of Qrow’s twenty-sixth birthday, Tai arrived at his place loaded with grocery bags, a proper skillet and a determined purpose to make his favorite dish of chicken curry. It was, hands down, one of the best meals he’d had in years.
Yet, even after the occasion passed, the trend continued until it seemed Sunday became the day his stomach most looked forward too. Normally, Qrow would put up a fight about being doted after – Tai wouldn’t be the first omega to develop the habit. The most prominent of whom had been Maria, whose sessions had to be shorter than most both due to her age and the difficulty working with thinner, more wrinkled skin.
But she had also been a grandmother. A feisty one, who smacked him on the head a lot with her cane, but was also kind and worried and constantly remarking on his too-thin frame until he just gave up and let her do whatever she wanted.
But with Tai, he couldn’t even manage to feign annoyance. In part because Tai’s cooking was damn good and he’d be a fool not to gobble it up at every opportunity. But also, because it gave an excuse for their sessions to run long.
He didn’t even think it was a one-sided endeavor. Beyond the innate omega instinct to care for and Tai’s naturally generous personality, there was a loneliness in those blue eyes that told the truth behind all the fumbled attempts to waste time or make breaks run longer. By July, Tai wasn’t leaving his place until at least ten at night.
Neither of them complained about the arrangement.
Then August rolled around, and Qrow had an absolutely foolish idea.
The first Sunday of the month was on the 5th and it passed with little incident or notice. They were back at the first of the designs, arguably the most complex with the amount of color layers needed, so their dinner was nothing fancy. Just simple sandwiches and side salads, so most of their time could be spent under the needle instead.
He’d banked on that happening so that what would happen next wouldn’t have a chance of paling in comparison.
You busy tonight? He messaged early Wednesday.
Tai responded a few hours later, probably when his first break popped up. No. Why?
Come over after work. I have something to give you. He replied after he’d finished with his client for the day, sometime early afternoon.
The final response was cheeky and towards the end of the school day. You’re about as subtle as a brick.
Almost at 6 P.M. on the dot, there was a knock on his door.
“Coming!” Qrow called, dancing between the kitchen and the table to make sure everything was perfectly in place. He gave it all a satisfactory nod, then hurried over, sliding the door open only enough so he could wedge between it and the threshold, blocking Tai’s view.
The omega looked different, fresh out of work. His blond hair had been lightly gelled, just enough to give it a bit of bounce. The casual wear he was normally in was swapped out for a more professional look; pants and a collared shirt ironed of any wrinkles and shoes shined enough they gleamed.
So of course his eyes fell onto the one thing that completely ruined the look with a teasing snort. “Nice tie, Tai.”
“You like it?” He grinned, pulling at the absolutely hideous yellow abomination that was covered in yapping cartoon corgis. “The kids love ‘em. They call me the Funny Tie Guy.”
Oh Gods. “Bet you get a kick out of it every time.”
“I literally can knot get enough of it.” Tai had the nerve to wink as he said it too.
Qrow groaned. “You are so lucky it’s your day. Speaking of-” He swung the door open, revealing the room with a flourish.
Admittedly, it wasn’t much. Still, it was satisfying to see the way Tai’s face lit up with joy as he spotted the modest little table set for two, dinner already set in their bowls and the most expensive white wine he could reasonably afford already poured. The omega looked from it to him, grin growing, “You did all this?”
“Yeaaah.” Qrow flushed, trying to hide his anxiety. He’d never been great with giving gifts. “Happy birthday ya big lug.”
Tai laughed, throwing an arm over his shoulders and pulling him into a hug. “Thank you. This is just what I wanted.”
He could have stayed there forever – but he didn’t work himself to death to let dinner go cold. He pat his back, mindful of the healing wounds, and said, “Let’s eat.”
Qrow’s relationship with cooking was disjointed and the spread seemed to reflect that. The fried rice was perfect; it was one of the first things his mother taught him how to make on the stove. The garlic broccoli, more of a staple in the Xiao Long family, had a bit of crunch where some of the pieces hadn’t fully cooked through because he hadn’t had Tai beside him to remind him to stir. Just like the many other easy things he helped him learn how to make when he found out he and Raven had been living off nothing but white rice and peanut butter sandwiches for months.
The moo shu pork was the trickiest and most complicated dish by far and nothing he’d ever even attempted before. His amateur hand left it looking a bit of a mess as they poured it onto the tortillas. Unpretty as it was in presentation and lacking a few of the pricier ingredients like oyster sauce and sesame oil, the marinade had the pork still bursting with flavor.  
The wine was there to act as a garnish to make the food seem better than it was. Which was probably why Qrow kept pouring it until he and Tai had split two and a half glasses between each other. Either that, or because Tai was adorably chatty when he was tipsy.
“So, there we are, watching about thirty of these Fayblades spinning around, knocking into each other and some of the cheaper ones are falling apart. Everything is going too fast for any of us to do the math problems on them. And Missy and I just look at each other like we both just realized what a horrible mistake we made. It was only the first week back and I was pretty sure we were about to lose an eye or something.” As he told the story, Tai animatedly gestured around with his glass, liquid sloshing almost past the rim. “We get the kids to back up until they all stop. Then Missy starts gathering a few up, saying how this time we would try less so we can actually keep count – when Velvet speaks up from the back and says ‘Blue wins 124 to 90’.”
Qrow polished off his own glass, setting it on the table. “That’s the quiet one with the rabbit in her bag, right?”
“Mmhmm. She kind of tries to hide when everyone starts looking at her, so I don’t say anything right then. Just take it as fact and move on. But when recess comes around, I pull her aside and ask her how she knew the answer. And she tells me, completely serious mind you, that she’s a camera. So it was easy to do all the math when she basically had the pictures saved in her head. And I’m like, holy shit!” He taps his temple for emphasis. “She has a photographic memory.”
“Ain’t that just a myth?” He asked, starting to gather the empty dishes.
Tai waved him off. “Pfft. Qrow, you gotta stop thinking like the world’s just a big science textbook. It’s more like a-a fairytale! Where magic can happen at any moment.”
“Tai, you’re drunk.”
“I am not!” This time, when he gestured, some of the wine hit the table. He blinked down at it. “Ah, shit!”
He laughed. “Man, you still can’t hold your liquor.”
“You dishonor me.” The omega accused, pointing to his right hand as if it were an exhibit. “I’m holding it just fine.”
That only made him laugh harder, until he had to wipe tears from the corners of his eyes.
Somehow, they found themselves laying side by side on the bed, shoulders pressed together. Tai’s scroll was balanced between the head of the bed and the wall, the display playing the finale of their favorite show growing up, Silver Eyes.  It was the height of the final battle. Rosette was locked in battle with Bastinda while the rest of her friends lay, unconscious or ensnared in traps, around them.
“Do you not yet see how pointless this all is? How my power eclipses you all?” Bastinda snarled as she swung her wand down. “You’re all just insignificant riffraff!”
Rosette seemed to find some strength, blocking the attack with her broadsword. “You’re wrong! No one is insignificant! Even the smallest of us has something good to contribute.”
“Foolish child!” A powerful gravity spell threw Rosette to the ground, knocking her sword out of her hand.
“Gods,” Qrow griped. “This is cheesier than I remember.”
Tai shushed him. “Hush, the best part’s coming up!”
He rolled his eyes, but his traitorous mouth smiled all the same. Alright, so maybe this part was pretty hype. Watching it play out again on the screen, he felt ten again, practically glued to screen as his excitement built.
A large shadow stretched across the valley, delaying the witch from striking the final blow as she turned to the source. Up on the hill, sun behind him, was Zwei. Rosette’s little corgi that had been with her from the start of the show. He came racing down the hill, stubby little legs barely able to pick up speed.
Bastinda sneered, pointed her wand at the dog. “Pathetic.”
“Zwei, no!!” Rosette cried, tears filling her eyes just as the blast fired.
It seemed like the end for the lovable pup as smoke filled the air.
And then, with a blast of light, something came flying out of the dust and landing before the witch. The world rumbled under powerful paws as the giant white wolf stood before her, letting out a powerful growl that brought her to her knees.
“I don’t believe it!” Blanca cried from her mirror prison. “Zwei’s a Guardian!”
The rest of the finale played out just as he remembered, Zwei turning the tide of the fight and giving Rosette a chance to free her friends, all of them coming together for one final attack that rid the world of the cruel witch once and for all. After that, the wolf turned back into the lovable and more marketable corgi pup, and everyone headed home to enjoy true peace for the first time in a millennium.
Tai sat up as the credits began to roll, stretching his arms above his head. “I still think it holds up pretty well.”
“Sure, if you ignore the fact they completely sidelined Silver Eyes. It’s only the title of the show.” He snarked.
“Come on now. It’s not about the power ups. It’s about the journey and the-”
“Friends they made alone the way.” He mimed gagging. It was only the motto shoved down his throat at the end of almost every episode.
Tai merely laughed at his antics, picking up his scroll and slipping off the bed. “It’s late. I better head home.”
Maybe it was the vestiges of the alcohol or maybe it was the other’s scent, sweeter and more inviting than usual, that loosened his tongue enough to offer, “You could crash here, if you want.”
“In your bed? We hardly fit.”
Acquiescently, he rolled onto his side, practically shoving himself against the wall as he pat the wide, empty space. “It’ll be fine. And your drunk.”
“Hardly. And I’ll have to get up early to get back home and get ready.”
“It’s fine.” The noise left him involuntarily. It wasn’t a growl, really; it was barely more than a rumble. Regardless, the regret hit him instantly as he bit down on his tongue and turned his face up apologetically.
The omega just arched a brow, entirely unaffected and unimpressed by his pitiful display. Then he chuckled, any meteor-sized tension there could have been burning up long before impact could be made. “Gods, you’re such a punk, you know that?”
“Alright, you win.” Tai set the alarm on his scroll with his right hand, while he crossed the room and got the lights with his left. He used the glow coming off of the device to find his way back, dropping it onto the nightstand. In the bits of moonlight coming from the window, Tai became an erotic beauty as he undid his tie and buttons, shrugging out of his shirt. His belt hit the ground next – though mercifully he kept his pants on.
Qrow watched him, utterly transfixed, as he lowed himself to the bed, mattress dipping anew with the readded weight as the omega stretched out onto his stomach. Beyond all comprehension, he had to fight every muscle in his body from reaching for him. The need to bring him close and curl around him was overwhelming. So, he shoved his hands underneath the crook of his neck and locked his elbows.
Why had he thought this was a good idea again?
Tai heaved out a long sigh, mumbling, “Goodnight Qrow.”
He swallowed, voice barely above a whisper as he responded, “G’night.”
Without a clock in the room, there was no telling how long he lay there, coiled up tight like a spring waiting for the pressure to come loose, listening to the sounds of Tai’s breathing slowly evening out. It wasn’t until Qrow was absolutely certain the other wouldn’t wake that he risked it.
Though it felt a bit reprehensible, it was with that same uncontrolled desire in which he found himself scooting his upper half forward, inch by agonizing inch, until the bridge of his nose was pressed up against the curve of Tai’s shoulder.
His eyes slipped shut, breathing in deeply. The omega’s scent swirled around him, sunflowers and soil and bright summer days; a smell that was unmistakably, irrevocably Tai.
Here. With him.
Slowly, the rigidity to his muscles relaxed and he finally drifted off, the scent embracing him as securely as its owner could.
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thereaderstea · 3 years
Hello tor-mon!
I just saw your response and honestly you flatter me too much, you re-read it ten times? This is the highest form of praise!
Secondly, I was wondering what things you personally like to see in the horror/yandere genre? I have been trying to come up with ideas for my next fic and am a little stumped. So, I figured who better to ask than my favorite reviewer in the whole world?
What is a fic you always wanted to read in this genre? AUs you don't see too often? Something you just really want to see! I'd love to hear your thoughts 💜💜💜
Merry meet, deliciae! Of course! Your writing is the perfect material to reread! I reread your fics all the time, and your writing never loses its effect! True beauty!
First, I’m honored 🥺 And second, I’ve got you, deliciae! A lot of these ideas are supernatural/paranormal/magical because that’s my usual realm and I am wholly unoriginal and empty-headed when it comes to the Normal world 😅
Yandere AUs
Among Us au: I believe this is a potent au filled with lots of possibilities, especially with the addition of the Town of Us roles (Imposter Lovers immediately screamed yandere at me). The two possibilities that stuck out to me was 1) the classic yandere is the imposter and mc is a crewmate (and mayhap the crew think the mc is sus 🤭), and 2) the mc is the imposter with a yandere crewmate (i.e. the yandere!crewmate simps for the mc). 
Battle Royale au: I remember you mentioning a long while back about starting your blog in part because of chinkbihh’s Quarter Quell but wasn’t sure what else to bring to the table? I have a singular idea and some alternate settings that employ a similar taste of the Hunger Games (because I, too, love chinkbihh’s yandere Hunger Games idea):
Hunger Games: game designer and hunger games survivor. The yandere is on the game’s designing team and the mc is a survivor in the games. The yandere does all they can to ensure the mc’s safety and victory in the games, and well, the mc may escape the games unscathed but they can’t escape the yandere’s clutches. 
S.O.S.: This is a game on Steam. You’re on La Cuna island, where you have to fight monsters, avoid becoming infected by the monsters, yoink a crystal on the island before other players do, call in the helicopter, and secure your spot home. There are thirty-two players, only three seats home, and you definitely didn’t sign up for this fight to the death 😅
Dead by Daylight: This is a game on Steam. There’s one killer and four survivors (but who says it has to be those numbers?). The survivors have to fix the generators to open the gates and escape, and the killer is having fun chasing the survivors, messing with them using their special abilities, taking them down, throwing them on hooks, and sacrificing them to the Entity. It’s ten times more terrifying to play with friends, and while I love the teaming up, I love a shameless, no-regrets betrayal between good friends more 🙂 (sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice)
Witch au: I believe there are a few aspects of the witch-y world that could be brewed with yandere, namely:
love potions
curses, hexes: anyone who tries to get between the mc and the yandere is cursed
a case of an accidental summoning of a djinn, demon, or some other being who becomes rather fond (and possessive) of the witch (or vice versa!)
empathy (specifically feeling others’ emotions): this could create some good internal conflict. If the mc is an empath, then what if they feel the yandere’s ‘love’; would the mc also become a yandere? 
fortune telling/scrying/clairvoyance or claircognizance/psychometry: you’ve actually hinted at this concept in Solar Eclipse and it’s such an intriguing concept, so here’s another version
dream walking/lucid dreaming/astral projecting: I read a book where the mc dreams of a town and her duty is to protect the town from the djinn. She loses her brother and so when the djinn approaches her in her dreams she makes a deal with a djinn to get him back (sort of like Persephone :D), but she didn’t think it was a real deal until she woke up. The interesting part was that she was chained to the djinn, and the djinn could use those chains to summon her to him, even across dimensions.
Tuatha Dé Danann/Sidhe/Fae au: besides the Unseelie being cool candidates for yanderes (glamour, master manipulators, and typically violent? perfect grounds to make a yandere), there are aspects of Fae folklore that I love and think would be pretty cool in yandere:
names: names hold power and if you tell a Faerie your name (specifically your full, true name), they hold power over you. the Fae are tricky, so it can be easy to literally hand your name over to them. 
faerie rings: if you step in a faerie ring, you’re trapped until the Faerie who created the ring comes to collect their trappings. But faerie rings are also rumored to be portals into the Fae realm
selkie: in folklore, men would convince a selkie to marry them and hide their seal skin as a means to trap the selkie with them. if the selkie ever finds her seal skin, she’ll dip on the man and return to the ocean.
Slaugh Sidhe, or the Wild Host/Wild Hunt: the Slaugh Sidhe are hosts of restless, unforgiven dead, sometimes rumored to be Fallen Angels. I believe the Headless Horseman is in the Hunt as well. They roam the Earth on Samhain and hunt during the night; they prey on humans and will steal their souls. You can also inadvertently call the Slaugh to you by saying their name during nightfall or feeling hopeless (they prey on sadness, broken hearts, and the depressed). 
each-uisce, or each-uisge: a shapeshifting water-horse; it typically takes the form of a man on land and a horse in water. Though if in the form of a horse on land, a human mounts them, and they smell water, the uisce will drag the human down into the water and eat them
zombie apocalypse au: I haven’t seen too many yanderes in the zombie apocalypse, but it sounds pretty cool (way I see it, the yandere is prepared to keep mc alive and the mc gets to kick some zombie booty! win-win!)
Yandere Situations
Storyteller: this is the perfect place to crack out fairytales! the Storyteller forces the character to live out retellings of fairytales (best if used with people the character knows). 
Shapeshifter: the yandere!shapeshifter shifts into a new person every time their relationship with the mc goes wrong. Doesn’t matter how many times it takes, the shapeshifter can become as many people as they have to be to end up with the mc :)
Resurrection: the mc kills the yandere plenty of times, but the yandere resurrects themselves every time. In the time it takes for the yandere to resurrect themselves, the mc runs/escapes, trying to get as far as they can away from the yandere. The yandere is rather amused with the game of cat and mouse; how far will the mc get this time?
Necromancy: the yandere is a necromancer and perhaps didn’t get to save the mc in time (or killed the mc themselves) and so they reanimated the mc. Maybe the mc loses a little bit of their soul with every revival, maybe they don’t, but one thing’s for sure: death isn’t an escape :)
Phasmophobia: this is another game on Steam. you are on a team a paranormal investigators, and you’re trying to document what type of ghost is haunting a location. This time may be your biggest break yet, but your latest ghost is a huge puzzle and also rather keen on keeping you...
Yandere Pairings/Characters
human and angel (bonus if there are clipped wings ☺)
witch and familiar
serial killer and grim reaper
forgotten deity and lone follower
thief and detective
time traveler and immortal
I hope this helps spark something even if you don’t use any of them, and lmk if I should clarify something or if you need more assistance! I’m happy to help ☺
Blessed be, deliciae! and may writer’s block not plague you!
your lil monster delight, tor-mon 🖤
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
001 - Kingdom Hearts
Favorite character: On the villain side: VEXEN IS BEST ORGANIZATION XIII MEMBER. Shoulda stayed evil, though. I like it when he complains and screams about everything and hates everyone. He's one of my favorite villains, just, like...in general. So fun to write. Also attached to Demyx, but I actually liked him more in III than II because it reminded me of my rawr lolspeek weeb days when I f/o'd him without knowing what f/o'ing was and then transitioned this to shipping VexDem like heck. On the hero side: MY GIRL KAIRI! But honorable mentions go to Sora, Riku, Aqua, Ven, Terra, Xion, Roxas, Lea, Ienzo, any Disney character I loved beforehand (this is way too fuckin many to list), Merlin (OKAY I WILL SINGLE HIM OUT), Yen Sid (I'LL SINGLE HIM OUT TOO), you know what let's also single out the Mickey+Donald+Goofy power trio...just...any KH hero who isn't part of the Yozora stuff or the KHUX stuff. ...Except I also LOVE Strelitzia, and she is the only KHUX-exclusive kiddo I care about but I care about her MANY. (Oh, and there's a least fave I have who's a "hero" but that's a debatable label). I would go on about why I love all of them but...that's too many characters to elaborate on
Least Favorite character: See, I think the real answer is Yozora, but the thing is I just tend to forget about him or not care (unless I'm doing a weird AU where he's Noctis' bratty Nobody, don't ask). He kinda represents the Shark Jump and I don't like watching that scene where he literally petrifies Sora for not being strong enough. But again, I can just kinda forget about him if he's not fed to me through a social-media unit. The one I LOVE TO HATE is Master Eraqus. The man actually triggered me back in the day. He is purity culture. He is the overbearing parent who will not accept you unless you are perfect. He is by and large the reason VAT didn't communicate with each other properly. He was the one who taught Aqua to think in absolutes. He lied to Ventus for years and then insisted to kill him was the only option, and then, when Terra tried to defend his brother figure/friend without knowing WHY Eraqus was doing such a thing, Eraqus didn't offer an explanation and instead switched targets to Terra citing that the problem was Terra's lack of OBEDIENCE. Eraqus is just very "my way or the highway" and uses his moral high horse to justify doing things that utterly lack compassion in any regard, which is something that GETS to me on a deep level, and let me tell you, I hated him for so long until I realized he was actually a super fuckin fun guy to imagine as a Bigger Bad in AUs that either have the KH protags teaming up or have villain protags needing a "greater good lawful evil" figure. And I just have found too many good memes about him cheating at chess and killing children. I have to laugh. Making fun of him is fun. He's a ridiculous character. That said, this recent trend of "erase everything bad he ever did and paint him as the ultimate hero of the saga" makes me raise eyebrows for SEVERAL reasons
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): VexDem, SoRiku, Kairi x Jaune Arc (RWBY), Aqua x Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy) x Bayonetta, IsaLea, Ventus x Papyrus (Undertale), that was six but they all needed to be mentioned
Character I find most attractive: Ienzo. HOO BABY he is adorable. I saw someone make a Valentine's Day gifset of KH and FF characters shortly after III dropped and seeing his smiling face paired with a romance quote made my heart FLUTTER
Character I would marry: Probably Ienzo, see above. He's also a very kind guy. Favorite redemption in the modern era.
Character I would be best friends with: I hope the Destiny Trio would adopt me into their friend circle the way they've tended to do with every other inter-world denizen they've come across. I would love to have them as my positivity squad. Or, y'know, two positivities and one "it's okay to screw up" guy. Just. I would love to hang out with them. I often worry that I'm unlikable to my faves, but even though I would usually prefer to hang with the villains, I can pretty much guarantee these three would be open-minded about me. (Do I kiiiiinda wanna be friends with Vexen though? Of course I do. He'd hate me but maaaayyyyybe he would see me as one of his pet idiots who makes him look smarter, and we could bond over our fragile egos?)
a random thought: You ever think about that one NPC lady in Traverse Town who refused to tell you where she was from because it was none of her business? You ever wonder where she WAS from? What her world was like? How she ended up being the survivor of the Ansem Apocalypse when it hit her? All I know is that when I read her lines out loud (I used to read KH speech balloons out loud all the time), I gave her a Southern accent for no discernible reason and I stand by it. That woman has a twang.
An unpopular opinion: I don't want KHUX to be canon because I feel it's smaller-scale and takes a lot of mystery out of the worldbuilding. I always assume that the KHverse just includes ALL worlds in fiction, and that includes their thousand-year histories, meaning the Age of Fairy Tales should've happened long long long LONG LONG LONG ago and not five generations. And whatever screwed up the world should've been more than just five people having a fight, and whatever saved it should've been more than just five people getting along, and Daybreak Town really suffers from having to stick to mobile-friendly graphics and therefore is the least aesthetically attractive KH town ever, and I don't like that Lauriam and Elrena used to be such selfless people. I do still love Strelitzia because she's shy and relatable and quirky (sitting on the roof) and she questions authority and if you go with shipping subtext she's probably bi (or pan?), but I don't like the "Lauriam's dead sister for his arc's drama" bit. I liked when Marluxia was angry because he wanted to run Organization XIII but it was in the hands of an idiot who wasn't him. And more than anything I just like imagining that the Age of Fairy Tales was something bigger, further in the past, and more mysterious than something designed for a mobile game. Scala ad Caelum, however, I like a lot better because there IS a lot of mystery there and also it's a very pretty town with an amazing design.
my canon OTP: I really only count the Disney couples as the "canon" ones, so this is a question of picking my favorite Disney couple that shows up onscreen. I hope I'm not forgetting an important one, but I think the title has to go to Aladdin/Jasmine, which is always perfect in everything. (This would be an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STORY if KH had ever adapted Treasure Planet, and if it ever gets the mind to adapt Treasure Planet then even if I don't care about that game I will immediately declare that Amelia/Doppler takes the KH canon OTP crown. *taps watch* Get on it Squenix)
Non-canon OTP: SoRiku, which I counted as "basically canon" after DDD until III decided it wasn't sure. But I'm just a sucker for how DDD is the two of them all "HE'S GOT MY BACK AND I'VE GOT HIS AND I'D DO ANYTHING FOR HIM SO LONG AS HE'S HAPPY." It's just the best kind of Friends-to-Lovers, except when you take all canon into account it's Friends-to-Rivals-to-Enemies-to-Friends-to-Lovers and that's a very juicy dynamic. BUT ALSO: VexDem, which is a nostalgia ship SO STRONG I had to accept that it eclipsed my former Vexen ships by a mile and I wanted to go back to my roots. That one, I have a much longer essay about that I'll just have you refer to so I don't repeat myself for pages. To make a long story short, their scene in III was JUST DELICIOUS.
most badass character: OOF THEY'RE ALL BADASS but in the end it's between Sora and Aqua, because Sora gets the widest RANGE of abilities across the series that he masters while Aqua gets the most POWERFUL abilities due to her Mastery (Command Styles seem like they'd be the most OP things ever in-universe and I'm here for it because flashy battle moves make brain go brr).
pairing I am not a fan of: SOKAI, Xehaqus, RikuNami, Vanitas/anyone not evil
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): OH BOY. KAIRI THE MOST. YOU ALL KNOW WHY: lack of screen time, Fridging for drama, forced romance to invite death flags (they really wanted to milk that death to get people talking didn't they?), giving Alyson Stoner ZERO direction to actually follow up on Hayden Panettiere's performance. But then I remember that they made Vexen redeem and lose his entire personality and I just...uuugghhhh. I can't believe he died twice in this series. And then Demyx is FUN but also I know he's flipped sides as well, which means he won't be fun much longer! Xehanort seems to switch motivations to whatever makes him the biggest threat (and several of Eraqus' old flaws seem to be mysteriously glued onto him), Sora isn't a motormouth anymore, Riku just doesn't get anyone who cares about him anymore because everyone's distracted by Sora and Kairi, IS ANYBODY GOING TO ADDRESS THE ACTUAL ISSUES THAT DROVE THE WAYFINDER TRIO APART, oh God Marluxia and Larxene you're good guys now what have they done to you
favourite friendship: I really like each of the trios. But you know what's even BETTER than the trios? If you put...all of the trios together...meaning Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Aqua, Terra, Ven, Roxas, Xion, Lea, Hayner, Pence, Olette...and then you added Isa back in there...and you gave them Ienzo...and you brought back Naminé...and you say that Subject X is Strelitzia and you have her turn back up so she can have justice done...AND YOU HAVE AN ULTRA KEYBLADE GROUP OF FRIENDS. As for Vexen, any purely platonic relationship I have for him is a crossover but trust me I have many crossover pals for he
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: See everyone I listed above in the friendship question. They can either mentor me or let me be their big sis/mom. But also, I will GLADLY be Merlin or Yen Sid's daughter. (But also would I kiiiiinda wanna be a VexDem daughter? This is the worst idea. Still wanna try)
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antihero-writings · 4 years
Stolen Sunlight
Fandom: Tangled | Tangled the Series | Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure
Summary: Arianna never thought she'd find herself afraid of a fourteen-year-old boy, but the events of Secret of the Sundrop won't seem to leave her.
She needs to talk to Varian in prison. Not for his sake...but for her own.
Character focus: Arianna and Varian
Notes: This is a fic I started writing many many years ago, during the hiatus between seasons 1 and 2. I intended to post it way back then, as a long one-shot. I continued to occasionally work on it over the years, however, it's proven one of the hardest fics I've ever written to edit, (mostly due to the amount of internal monologue).
I finally decided that probably the only way to get it actually edited and posted is to break it up into multiple chapters, despite the fact that it's essentially only one scene, and I feel like that messes with the format. Hopefully it'll help me edit, and end up making it easier for people to read too XD I might post the full version of this, unbroken up, too after I finish it. But I finally got fed up with my editing process and decided this was the only way.
I'm aware that plenty of other people have written Varian and Arianna fics over the years, but at the time I started this there weren't that many yet, and I worked so hard on this, I still wanted to post it, even if others have done things like it. Plus, I'm not sure how many people have written it this heavily from Arianna's perspective.
I hope you all enjoy it, either way! Please don't hesitate to leave a comment to let me know, if so!!
Chapter 1: Fractured Memory
Sun splinters through the castle windows, designing reflections on the newly polished floor.
When she walks into the library, her mouth drops open; The entire room gleams. That Corona sunlight bounces between the tiles, tables, and shelves like a little boy full of energy, laughing as he leaps around the room. 
It may be a royal library, but there’s usually still a layer of dust draped over everything, sealing up the gaps, and clogging up the stories. The servants try their best, but it’s hard to get into all the crevices between the shelves, the cracks between the pages. 
The tiles glitter, the shelves look new, the books don’t cough up dust when she lifts them, even a few of their bindings are mended. 
She stays a while to admire it before heading back for her room, and as she does, Arianna smiles, her gait almost dreamy—so like her daughter’s. 
Who would take such care to polish her library? She appreciates the gesture more than words can express, but she would like to say ‘thank you’ at least. 
A curious sight down the hall interrupts her wondering; a laundry cart, moving on its own. 
A very full laundry cart, that is…Cassandra doesn’t usually fill them so much.
“May I…help you?” she walks up to the cart, tilting her head, strands of hair falling to the side. 
“Oh, no, it’s fine! I got this!” the laundry cart replies. 
The ventriloquist reveals himself: a boy steps out from behind it. She guesses he must be one of Rapunzel’s friends, since she doesn’t remember seeing him here before, and he doesn’t exactly look like a royal servant, (despite the fact that he’s performing one of their jobs).
He pushes back his hair—black, with a streak of turquoise at the front—and smooths out his apron. Upon seeing her, his eyes widen with shock.
 “Oh!” he stumbles, attempting to bow too low, too quickly, “Your majesty! I-I am so sorry! I didn’t realize—!”
She laughs, holding out a hand to steady him. 
“Don’t worry. Please. I’m Arianna.”
“Oh—O-Okay. That…seems to run in the family,” he mutters beneath his breath. “I’m Varian.” He leans confidently against the laundry cart…which starts moving, so he pulls it back with all his strength before it gets out of hand.  
“Oh! Varian! Rapunzel told me about you!”
He freezes, his eyes trailing back to her, like people talking about him is usually a bad thing. “She…She has?”
“Of course!” she steps closer. “You’re the alchemist, right?”
He pauses, blinks, then his face breaks into the biggest grin. He clears his throat, rubbing fake dirt off his gloves, trying to hide his joy, as he looks back up at her. “Ten points to the lady in the crown.”
She smiles.
“Are you here for the completion today?” 
He nods. “I think I’ve got a pre-tty good chance of snagging that first prize if I do say so myself,” he pulls on his apron straps, then pauses, realizing how arrogant that sounds. “Not to uh…toot my own horn or anything. But it doesn’t seem like there’s anything like my invention in the running, so I think once Master Doctor St. Croix sees it he’ll be impressed! At least I hope so.”
“Well, if your invention is anything like the ones Rapunzel has told me about you’ll have no trouble snagging that blue ribbon.”
“Oh stop,” he flicks his wrist to wave her off, but is beaming from ear to ear. 
She notes that she may be encouraging him a little too much. The experiments Rapunzel has told her about aren’t exactly all blue-ribbon worthy. Or, perhaps they would be…if they all worked properly. At the same time, she isn’t sure labelling him as dangerous, and reckless is really fair. She and Willow had tried out their share of inventions, which often failed in a grand array of explosions. If they had worked properly, growing up wouldn’t have been as colorful. At least he was trying his best to help people with his inventions. Without the explosive failures, there was no room for fiery success either. 
 “Wait, shouldn’t you be there with the other contestants now?”
“Oh, yeah.” He says nonchalantly. “But I figured since I’m going second-to-last I’ve got a decent amount of time before I have to present. Cassi—Cassandra has agreed to be my assistant, so I’m helping her out with her lady-in-waiting duties first.”
“Don’t let her make you do all her work.” She says in a motherly way. Then gasps, “The library!” 
 He winces. “Did I do something wrong? I-I can fix it, don’t worry!”
“No, no!” she puts her hands on his shoulders, “So you were the one who cleaned it?”
She pulls him into a hug. “Thank you so much.”—his eyes widen with shock—“I’ve never seen the place look so beautiful.” She releases him. 
“Oh!” he rubs the back of his neck and the smile turns sheepish.
“That must have taken you hours!”
“It was no big deal. Nothing a little home-alchemy can’t fix.” He says like a salesman.
“How did you do it?”
“Just a compound of my own invention,” he digs in his pocket and holds up a little, blue orb between his thumb and forefinger. “Most people don’t understand the more practical uses for alchemy.” he marches forward, hands on his hips, in a hyperbolic show of pride, making his voice sound deep, “that’s why I make it a mission to show the world the value of alchemy! To boldly go where no man has gone before!” he laughs, his pose collapsing, “Or something like that.”
No wonder Rapunzel had such nice things to say about him. There weren’t a lot of people out there who were so…genuine. People who cleaned libraries because they needed cleaning, who created solutions for problems simply because they needed fixing. 
 “Maybe one day you can teach me.”
“Really?” He drops the ball and it explodes into a sudsy mess on the already polished floor. “I mean, not that I think a queen should be doing housework! But…really?”
“Please,” she waves him off. “I wasn’t always a queen, you know. If Willow and I had had tricks like this maybe our house would have always looked like a pigsty. Sometimes I think we started going off on adventures just to get away from the smell.” She leans in closer, whispering behind her hand, “One time, I set the kitchen on fire trying to bake a birthday cake for Frederic.”
He laughs, then pauses like he isn’t sure he’s allowed to. “I guess not every queen is scared to get her hands dirty, huh?”
“Uh huh,” she puts her hands on her hips, “You should have seen the look on his face.”
“Happy birthday huh?”
“Now make sure to always send someone to Monty’s for his cake…spare us all.”
He fails to keep himself from laughing again, then pauses.
“Well… I really should be getting back to these chores. This laundry isn’t going to clean itself, amIright?” he bobs his head and walks backwards to the cart. “But it was really nice talking to you, your Maj—I mean,” he points, “Arianna.”
“Let me help you! This cart is too heavy to carry on your own.” she rushes over to the other end—he’s so thin, she’s afraid he’ll snap in two if he does all the chores by himself.
“No no!” he comes dangerously close to slapping her hands away. “I mean,” he smiles nervously, pulling his fingers close to his chest, realizing his outburst to the Queen. “I wouldn’t want you to get your…er…royal hands dirty…Right?”
She smiles. 
Well, if a little stubborn. 
“As long as you’re sure.” 
* The scene shifts, smearing like a painting left out in the rain. The reflection becomes more sinister; a glowing tower of amber, and encased within, a man reaching to the sky as if trying to catch rays of sunlight; as if light alone can break himself out of his prison of stained glass. The curtain to this godforsaken show is crumpled at the bottom. A giant machine stands in the middle of the room, made of metal, lightning, and cold, haunting music. 
The room smells like sulfur, and rust, and a lot of other chemicals she can’t quite place. Things from the earth which don’t smell natural at all. 
The same boy stands before her. The same, and yet…not the same at all. Along with the light from the windows, so too has disappeared the light from his eyes. The blue is something akin to moonlight; less the gleam of day, the reflection of the sunrise, full of hope, instead, more an eclipsed glow, shrouded by darkness. 
She feels that rusted metal, the cold in his eyes, wrap like icy hands around her ankles. 
She looks quizzically from her cuffed ankles to him. Doesn’t the warden usually cuff the prisoner’s hands? 
He seems to understand her confusion, because he answers her unasked question;
 “Please,” he scoffs. His eyes meet hers, and he smirks. The words, the smile, no longer contain compassion, they are manufactured with bite and scorn; “I wouldn’t want you to get your royal hands dirty.” 
He tugs hard on the chain, showing that it’s connected to the lab’s floor, as if saying to a toddler You’re stuck here, understand? He walks back over to his desk—littered with bottles, liquid bubbling and seething like his emotions, an array of colors that tell nothing of what they contain. 
If the color green is sleep, then what color is death? 
She looks up at the golden tower in the center of the room. She doesn’t want to, but she can’t look away. 
—Look away…like Frederic did, when people like Varian were crying out for his help against the rocks. Look away, like Rapunzel had to when the storm was coming, and Quirin was being imprisoned. Look away, like they all did after the storm passed.
 She still couldn’t believe her husband would, could do something like that. That was the reason she was here, the reason the boy was hurt, the reason…the mistake, the poorly made choice. 
No, she couldn’t think that way. Besides, she knew he had his reasons, that he wanted to make sure people didn’t panic, and he wanted to keep Rapunzel safe. It wasn’t his fault he didn’t fully understand the situation. 
And she would never blame Rapunzel. Rapunzel had had to make one of the most difficult choices of her life that day, had had to learn too much about being queen, too soon: that it was about choices, and sometimes those choices would be leaving behind the one, for the sake of the many. 
And the amber was the other reason, and that wasn’t Frederic’s fault...The amber Varian himself had mistakenly made.
Still, it would have been so easy. So easy to come back to him once the storm had ended. So easy...
So where did the fault lie, really?—
Was it amber? Was amber the color of death? Or just another kind of sleep? 
The boy’s eyes shift, glaring at her with nothing more than bitterness. 
Or was it blue? The color of the moon, a well-timed strike of lightning, an icy landscape. Was blue the color of death?
 “What are you going to do?” 
“Yeah,” he scoffs, “I’ll reveal my whole plan to you. Let me go into the tragic backstory of Varian,” he waves his hand grandly, “The poor boy, who lost his father to an experiment, a few rocks, a storm, and a princess’ broken promise.” He leans on the desk, resting his cheek in his hand in some mock-loving fashion, his eyes aimed on her like gunfire. “It’s simple; Rapunzel broke her promise.” He stands back up to his full height—which, admittedly, isn’t very high, but it’s more impressive from her place on the ground. “I tried asking nicely for her help, and I was denied.” He jabs a finger on the table to emphasize his point; the first sign of violence. “Now I’m going to ask” he smirks, tilting his head to the side, his eyes half-lidded in the dark, “not so nicely.” 
He pauses a moment, glancing at the chemicals on his desk. 
“I once said I’d teach you the ways of practical alchemy.” He reaches forward and takes up a flask. “Well, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind, but I will show you something.”
He walked over to her, holding the flask full of something green and frothy that smells like dog breath.
Was it green? Was death’s color the same as sleep? The colors of leaves and grass and everything everyone thinks is a sign of life. ...It would be a cruel joke.
“This is a little solution I like to call…Varium.” There’s something hurt in his eyes when he says the word. “You see, when it reacts with the rocks,” he runs his fingers along the black spire jutting through the wall between them—one could be fooled into thinking in an intrigued way, but there was something harsh in his touch, resentful in his eyes, “it has this tendency to—” he held it over the stones, the liquid trickling slowly downwards in the flask, teasing her breath to catch itself and fall. He turns the bottle upright, and bites his lip, closing his eyes, willing himself not to turn around and look at what this has done before. 
What he’s done. 
“Well, you get the idea,” he mutters, returning the flask to his desk.
She doesn’t have to ask, and he doesn’t have to finish. 
“You think if you threaten me Rapunzel will work with you?” there’s a bite to her words. 
 “Ten points to the lady in the crown.” 
She pauses as he returns to work, her eyes trailing along the chain, the floor, jumping onto the windowsill—the rocks interrupting her gaze at every bend and break of the room—searching for any way out, any chance at rescue, anything her husband and daughter could use against him.
Was death black? The color everyone thinks it is. The black of these rocks, the low blue glowing beneath them, destroying his home, destroying their hearts, their chances at friendship and…It surely seemed like it. 
“She won’t, you know.”
He raises an eyebrow as if to say oh, you think?
“Rapunzel.” She tries to urge her confidence, like a stubborn pet, to come out, but it shies away by the second. “She won’t help you.”
He smiles. “You make your hypotheses, I’ll make mine.”
“And what are yours?” her own eyes are half lidded. 
He thinks over his words. “She can’t…help but help. She always had this sick compassion about her.” After a moment he adds softly, “…but only for her kingdom.”
Anger, injustice, bubble within her chest. 
 “You don’t have to be like this, you know.”
“And she didn’t have to break her promise,” he tilts his head, “ya know.”
She grits her teeth, clenches her fist. “I met you once. What happened to that boy who—”
He laughs a little, cutting her off. “Yeah, well, he learned a couple things about the real world.”
For a moment, just one brief moment, there is something there. Something in his eyes, a memory, a reaction, like the chemicals. Something real, something lost, something hurt, something…something not this. Incased within a prison of blue—
And then that moment ended.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] 100 Days - Kiro (Day 51 - 100)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for e-mails which have not been released in English servers! 🍒
What’s the 100 Days Companionship Event?
Day 1 - 3: here
Day 4 - 30: here
Day 31 - 50: here
Day 51
The game we played together has released new DLC. Want to come online tonight and play it?
Day 52
Each time I see delicacies in comics, I always find them especially enticing. Next time, let’s try making them together, okay?
Day 53
If I sleep one hour less and wake up one hour earlier, I would have two more hours to chat with you. The ancient people are right - sleeping and waking up early improves one’s quality of life.
Day 54
I heard that a new braised goose cafe opened recently. I’m using my gaze to hint to Miss Chips to hand over her resting time this evening.
[Note] I’m not sure if there’s a typo but I don’t think “撸鹅” (“lu e”) means anything? I’m guessing it’s supposed to be be 卤鹅 (which shares the same pronunciation), which means braised goose. Do correct me if I’m wrong!
Day 55
Today is an exercise “cheat day” - let’s have a sumptuous meal together? How about that hotpot stall from last time?
Day 56
Today, Apple Box and Cello each took one of my socks into their mouths and ran…. Only after scrambling for a while did I manage to leave the house…
Day 57
There’s a new movie to film, and I don’t know which role I’m getting this time. I hope I wouldn’t have to cut down on fat again…
Day 58
The days of eating salads are about to begin again… Next time, I’ll definitely ask Savin to pick a fatter role!
Day 59
The fruit flavoured milk I loved when I was young… as expected, it’s still just as delicious now!
Day 60
I helped Mango Ice’s owner design a perfect walk procedure. In the end, it didn’t follow the route and frolicked around! Technology doesn’t understand Corgis!
[Trivia] The last sentence probably doesn’t make sense in English, but it’s a play on words in Chinese because technology 科技 (’ke ji”) has the same pronunciation as corgis 柯基 (“ke ji”)!
Day 61
I swear - the reason why I snatched the last ice-cream from you is solely because I was afraid you’d catch a cold. It’s definitely not because I wanted to eat it myself!
Day 62
Guess where I’m sending you this e-mail from? The highest mountaintop of Loveland High!
Day 63
Why is your teddy bear plush wearing the same sweatshirt as I am! Could it be…
Day 64
The most amazing part of autumn is how it combines everyone’s happiness into eating hotpot and lying under quilts.
Day 65
Let’s watch a movie. I heard that the new superhero is modelled based on a stag. I wonder if he’d be awesome!
Day 66
I discovered that the most dangerous place is the safest place. Savin will never find the snacks I’ve hidden in his office, hahaha!
Day 67
Are you thinking of me? I can’t be the only one secretly thinking about you, right?
Day 68 (Halloween)
Title: Exclusive sweets
Ding dong ding dong, Miss Chips, open the door quickly! If you don’t receive the exclusive sweets, Troublemaker Kiro will definitely not leave!
Day 69
When one is hungry, everything looks like food. I even saw a sandwich walking over to say hello…
Day 70
I woke up early to play a game, but it was undergoing server maintenance. I’m so angry!
Day 71
The newly released sake flavoured soda is really strong. I’ve decided to use it to deceive Savin so he’d give me a day of rest to see you.
Day 72
Today, I reached out to touch a stray cat’s head and it didn’t dodge. I’m happy, and feel as though I’m the chosen one!
Day 73
I played baseball after such a long time. It’s a pity you didn’t see how incredibly dashing I looked.
Day 74
Perhaps it’s because of the season, but I’ve been feeling blue recently. The symptom is that I want to see you at every moment.
Day 75
One of my earpieces is broken. I suddenly feel so helpless without surround sound QAQ
Day 76
Miss Chips is truly my medicine. The moment I see you, I feel my entire world becoming sunny and cloudless!
Day 77
Your new hairstyle today is really cute. Looks like you flop around in your sleep too. I actually like that tuft of curled up hair!
Day 78
When will there be a legally recognised Eating Hotpot Day - the kind which lasts seven days a week?
Day 79 (Single’s Day)
Received a gift from a five-year old little fan. He used autumn plants to make a portrait of me, so today’s Kiro has a maple and blueberry scent!
Day 80
Today’s achievement: Anonymously posted a karaoke recording, and the comments reflected that “the singing seems to sound like Kiro!”
Day 81
I played a new game recently, and the main character is a hacker. In the end, he was fighting and killing all the way - we hackers are not like that!
Day 82
Do you still remember that pop-up donut shop from last year? This year, they announced that there will be a new theme. Looking forward to it!
Day 83
The script for the new movie is quite similar to the very first role I took up. Even though it’s a similar role, I’ll play it with a different feeling.
Day 84
Saw an old grandfather clipping an old grandmother’s nails. I also want to clip your nails once. Is that okay? I’ll definitely be very careful!
Day 85
Today, a stray cat was sleeping underneath the van. In order not to disturb its sweet dream, I decided to be fully equipped and ride a bicycle to meet you.
Day 86
Why can’t I remove the bitterness of black coffee even after adding so many sugar cubes, yet just one you can make my life so sweet?
Day 87
Everyone will experience a few meteor showers, a few solar eclipses, and a few red moons in their lifetime. I hope you’ll be by my side during these special moments.
Day 88
The sweatshirt you’re wearing today is really cute. I couldn’t help but place a toffee in your hood. You haven’t realised it, have you?
Day 89
I felt as though I sang incredibly well in the bathroom, so I recorded a section and sent it to you. Listen to it quickly!
Day 90
I really want to watch movies with you, the both of us shutting the curtains and burrowing in a small room together. Let’s make it a reality tonight!
Day 91
I’ve thought of an ultimate way to eat mangoes without dirtying our hands. Want to know what it is?
Day 92
You looked really cute when I caught you secretly listening to my song! Actually, there’s no need to do it secretively. You can express your favouritism to me unabashedly!
Day 93
Suddenly recalled those rocking cars which could sing in front of the supermarket entrance. Did you ride them when you were younger?
Day 94
Every time I cover your eyes, you’d call my name at the first try. Is it really that easy to guess?
Day 95
How does Savin always manage to find my hidden snacks? I suspect that he has installed a surveillance monitor on my body!
Day 96
Let’s go to the KTV. I want to hold a concert with you as my only audience.
Day 97
Out of curiosity last night, I bought a large pack of strange flavoured chips.  I tried one bag today, and now I feel as though I can see little green men from Mars flying in the sky.
Day 98
In the future, let’s frequently flip through these sign-in records. Even though it’s a little shameful, I really want to recollect this period of time often!
Day 99
There’s a kind of liberating feeling when it’s after work and I’m in the car on the way to you!
Day 100
I wish to tell Miss Chips, who’s persevered in signing in over this period of time, that she has worked hard! Looking forward to the next game with you!
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Spotlight: Rise of the Radiotrons
Here it is folks, the first fan canon spotlight, showcasing Rise of the Radiotrons created by sleeveev! You can find this over at @riseoftheradiotrons and also on AO3! This is a long post, fair warning.
Q) Give us a run down of your cont! What's it about, what's it called, what's it like?
the cont, despite being called Rise of the Radiotrons, revolves around five main groups of characters, and the mystery that accidentally intertwines all of them. a lot of false identities, undiscovered pasts, mystery that you need to read all the way through to really uncover. it also takes place during the attrition phase of the Autobot-Decepticon war, and Megatron and Optimus are... dead. but... weren't they made immortal by the Eternal Surge? where are they?
Q) What characters take the lead here? Any personal favorites?
characters that take the lead? hoo, boy, there's a lot. and be warned, this is OC-heavy. Wavecrash, Blackarachnia, Sparkplug, Pascal, and Ness make up the Earth detective team, the first to investigate the Radiotrons: Nanotube, Quicksilver, Greenscreen, and [REDACTED] (that is not their name, you will learn it later!).
Starscream, Moonkiller, and Pharma investigate a series of rust-related murders, later with the help of Eclipse and Terraform. the two they investigate? two hulking beings that carry a rust of sheer destruction of anything metal, Turbulence and someone known only as The Crimson Doctor. the third part is mostly with just a few characters. Dial-Up and Absolute Zero are in a cat-and-mouse chase, Dial-Up attempting to capture Absolute Zero and return him to the prison he escaped from. other 'bots come into this story, including Pylon, Airachnid, Suture, and Cyclonus, but they are not the main focus.
Turbulence.  this motherfucker. this moldy bitch.
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my personal favorites? i love Sparkplug, i love my little gaming PC gal. The Crimson Doctor has also grown on me quite a bit. i'm gonna make fat robots and you can't stop me.
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Sparkplug above, Crimson Doctor (Crim) below
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Q) I love how he isn’t crimson at all.
oh you'll learn why he's crimson
Q) Ominous! Is there a bigger point to this, like a theme or some catharsis? Or is it just fluffy fun?
a bigger point to this? well, i have quite my fair share of trauma for being in a military family - being on the home front of a war i never even learned about until i was like 12. i wanted to show the horrors of attrition above all, because attrition is the part of war that everyone seems to forget, but is possibly the most dangerous part of it. everyone's killing each other over resources, dying of preventable diseases, resources are spread thin among soldiers and thinner among civilians. it also lets new, perhaps worse groups arise from the dust.
war was never about who was right. it was about who could live longer. and RotR, with its rampant killings that people can't even begin to investigate until their leaders are toppled from their thrones and complete anarchy reigns among military sites, is a testament to that.
war was the cause for part of the namesake of the Radiotrons themselves - the Great Radiation Crisis. war was where everything went wrong
Q) How long have you been working on it?
now, for the slightly less dark - it varies from character to character! while the official plot of RotR was established on August 25 this year, some 'bots go much further back - Pascal's earliest concepts were made on May 8, Nanotube's were made on April 25, and The Crimson Doctor's roots go as far back as a character called The Crimson-Eyed Doctor, a character created on Dec 11, 2019 (happy belated birthday, Crim!).
Q) You’re very meticulous with your dates!
i lose track of all time otherwise
Q) Give us a behind-the-scenes look! Show us a secret ;))
behind the scenes.
this is a mystery cont.
i will start with some no-context spoilers, here.
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and, now for something a bit more genuinely secret.
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whether this is a crimson doctor or a red herring, you decide.
Q) Where did you draw inspiration from? What canons, what other fiction, what parts of real life?
this varies from subtle to shameless.
my cont would fit best in an comic format, so it makes sense that i was inspired by IDW - and that it was my entry into the TF fandom! there is also some TFA bits in there, but the majority of it is personal robot worldbuilding, with a couple sprinkles of headcanons and OCs taken from Afterburn, a cont made by a longtime friend of mine.
other fiction i took inspiration from is mostly in the character designs. Blackarachnia was loosely inspired by Tawna from Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time (you went through such a good revamp sweetie. neon lesbian.). if you can't tell that Turbulence took inspiration from Cioccolata from JJBA: Golden Wind, i don't know what to tell you. Crim took less inspiration from a character and more from a trope - the "ever-obedient villain subordinate". i just sucked all of the homoeroticism out of it, and also decided to give him more of a self than just someone who serves the villain.
here's Tawna (specifically Crash Bandicoot 4), one of the big inspirations for Blackarachnia's design! we don't talk about your past sweetie.
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and Blackarachnia headshot to compare, because her fullbody is still in progress.
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i am sharing this specific image of cio, one of turb's inspos, because i BASED A TURB PIECE OFF OF IT.
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real life? RADIATION, RADIATION. i have radiation and radioactive things and the PERIODIC TABLE as a special interest and it SHOWS. it's all radiation. even the names. Quicksilver comes from mercury, Starborn comes from all elements being created from stars in space, Nanotube comes from carbon nanotubes, and [REDACTED] comes from... well, you don't know yet. there's also the whole attrition war thing, for real life inspiration, too.
Q) Show off something you're really proud of, a particular favorite part of your cont.
this piece of Eclipse and Turbulence('s hand), for one
(the image is at the end of the post under a readmore, as it contains eye trauma, eye touching, and roboblood)
and another thing i am particularly proud of are all my worldbuilding posts! they look like textbook entries kinda but i really really love em. here's one of them, though there are many more on the blog!
lastly, my favorite character introduction post. if you know Afterburn, you may be pleasantly surprised seeing this.
Q) Ah, that guy.
fun fact about RotR Absolute Zero! his color palette is taken from a diagram of a human heart. here is the motherfucker in question,
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Q) What other fan canons do you love and why? Would you like to see them interviewed?
Afterburn. my best friend made this i can't just NOT advertise it. go look at it there's murderers and there's an OC that's actually very inspired by not one but two of my creations (the original OC he was a fanformer of, and his altmode - I'd had thoughts of various greenhouse 'bots like that). @transformersafterburn​. please don't simp for Abzero. or maybe do. he's a better option than Turbulence.
Mirror Mirror. found at @transformers-mirror-mirror​, it's got so many epic character designs and realistically sized altmodes despite not having realistically sized altmodes this makes me go happy flappy and is also inspiring a future project of mine, also Shattered Glass!
Q) [insert flattered keysmashing from me, creator of New Primes of Cybertron, otherwise known as TF:SNAP]
Thank you very much veev! Everyone go check out Rise of the Radiotrons! Stay tuned for next week, when we’ll get to see some Shattered Glass...
(aforementioned image under the cut, warning for eye trauma, eye touching, and roboblood)
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No, your horoscope has not changed.
You might have seen a recent article circulating that NASA has revealed a “brand new” sign of the zodiac Ophiuchus and that most people don’t have the star sign they think they do. When I saw it, I found myself disproportionally angry but not for the reasons you may think. I am passionate about astronomy and astrology (in a passionate about sofas kind of way) and due in part to the fact that today is the four month anniversary of my lockdown, here are my thoughts on “Have you been reading the wrong star sign all this time?”
In this essay, I will explain to you the science of what is meant by the procession of the zodiac, why you haven’t been reading the wrong horoscope, and indeed why your currently familiar star sign need not change.
Firstly, I refute that the information presented is news. That the zodiac rotates incredibly slowly in relation to an Earth year has been known for at least decades, of particular note is the 1969 song Aquarius (Let the Sunshine In) by The 5th Dimension, the lyrics of which directly relate to the notion of the precession of the zodiac. The meaning of the “age of Aquarius” is during the age, at the vernal equinox (the day in spring when the day is equally as long as the night), the Sun relative to Earth will be passing in front of Aquarius.
Another point of contention is that the constellation Ophiuchus is new. Unless you consider the time of Ptolemy (circa 100 A.D.) new (which I understand in geologic terms is quite recent really), the collection of stars vaguely resembling a man taming a snake being called Ophiuchus is not new. Ptolemy named 48 constellations including Ophiuchus at the time, and today the International Astronomical Union (IAU) recognises 88 agreed upon constellations and their boundaries as of 1928. 47 of which have kept their names to this since Ptolemy; the 48th, Argo Navis has since been split up into smaller, more manageable constellations. The other “new” constellations were either too far south or too faint for a man in A.D. Greece to see.
Let us now consider the meaning of this new set of dates proposed for the new boundaries of the zodiac. They are based on the dates when, relative to Earth, the Sun appears as a star within the IAU boundary of the constellation. The result of that is that most of the dates that we’re used to calling a certain star sign actually fall when the sun is within the boundary of the constellation before it, for example, my birthday is the 25th February which traditionally has been Pisces but when I was born the Sun was actually in front of Aquarius. A secondary result is the path of the Sun known as the ecliptic, passes through Ophiuchus’s designated area (more than it does than the neighbouring Scorpius!) and we are thus left with 13 ecliptical constellations.
Here’s why it doesn’t matter
The first port of call is to people who think horoscopes and astrology is all made up. In which case, none of this mattered to you before so why would it now! If when someone asks you your star sign you say “err, I think I’m a Taurus? Or maybe I’m a Libra?” then truly you may continue to do so.
If instead you feel a tingle of truth to it and feel a little disappointed that you might not be the star sign you thought you were, I ask you to posit the following few things:
Perhaps all we have wrong are the names and the stereotypical behaviours of the signs have shifted from one position to another over time.
The people who write horoscopes have been working under the assumption that people born between date X and date Y behave in this certain way or have that certain event in their future so unless you were secretly born on a different day you should read the same one as your birthday suggests. If everyone is wrong, no one is.
The way the zodiac has been traditionally determined is by splitting up the year into twelve equal(ish) units starting at the vernal equinox. When they were first devised, constellation boundaries were not set in stone and the dates we are familiar with lined up far closer than they do today. It seems far more likely to me that if horoscopes and astrology are real, when you were born relative to the seasons will have a far bigger impact on one’s personality than which stars happen to be behind the Sun.
I enjoy the fact that there are people interested in astrology that are taking an interest in the astronomy behind it, but as far as horoscopes go I think that it’s better to consider which twelfth of the year your birthday falls in as the determining factor, at some point in history (likely when they lined up) a conflation occurred wherein those twelfths were named after constellations the ecliptic passes through at that time of year, and now those names no longer align as they used to.
Changing the system would mean the divisions are no longer equal, there would be thirteen of them and in another 2000 years another shift would be necessary. In terms of divination, 12 is an easier number to work with than 13 due to factorisation (the whole fire, earth, air and water signs system would need to be reworked).
Due to the existing stereotypes behind the zodiac, altering it as much as proposed will result in more of those people who say “oh I always knew I was more of a Gemini” and many angry people who will say things like “No way, I’m a Sagittarius through and through”. It’s far more productive to keep the names and dates of the star signs the same to avoid confusion and treat the name as a sort of flavour text that keeps people happy while knowing the truth of where the Sun is during any given month.
Of further note is the fact that other signs in the horoscope divination system work in a way that splits a circle into twelve even pieces with little regard for whether the constellation is exactly in that particular line of sight according to the IAU.
In conclusion, there are people in this world that put enough stock in the stereotypes built into the current system that changing even just the names of the times of year they were born will throw them off. To those people I say do not worry, a Libra is still a Libra, a Capricorn is still a Capricorn, just be careful to know what that means celestially. In addition, it is much more useful (and consistent with other systems in place) to consider a year cut into twelve equal pieces and base horoscope divination around that, giving the twelfths names as we see fit rather than trying to mould ourselves weirdly proportioned thirteenths of a year based on which stars happen to be eclipsed by the Sun.
If you still think that your horoscope doesn’t relate very well to you and that you’ve been reading the wrong one, what can I tell you? Maybe you secretly were born in a different part of the year!
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under the cut: a conversation shadow had with another hybrid he ran into while visiting the planet Fazai
“You’re... a hybrid... too?” Shadow could already feel, though fainter than he might have from a full blood, Eclipse’s response to his confusion. Amusement and soft excitement buzzed in the back of his head, simultaneously his and not.
“Did you think you’re the only one? The Black Arms didn’t just go after earth you know...” And the two of them shared a jolt of discomfort at the mention of the terrorist group. “My mom was from Otheon! It’s pretty far from here. It feels kind of... strange to be here doesn’t it? Like. It’s not mine. It’s like, ‘do I even have the right to be here.’ ya know?”
“I understand the feeling.” Shadow replied, though he probably didn’t need to. He could feel Eclipse’s relief to be talking to someone that ‘gets it’, and he knew that Eclipse would feel his, even if he tried to hide it.
“Like sure, I’ve got relatives here somewhere,” He continued on, voice leveling off for a rant. “But they would never recognize me! Am I a tourist here? Or is it, like, coming home? Would my parents have even wanted me here? They were on opposite sides of a hostile takeover, for goodness’ sake, how would this have even worked out?”
Shadow thought to himself that Black Doom probably would have wanted him there as an heir. His mother, though, was likely long dead by now. The sentiment floated across the hivelink and Eclipse glanced over in sympathy.
“Sorry. I know you’ve got it worse than me. My parents... at least... well. I know that they wanted me. They wanted each other... I can feel that they did. It’d be kind of romantic if it weren’t so messed up. Even if it was a bad idea, and a bad relationship, they wanted to. Being born from a guy like Black Doom...”
They shared a moment of resentment for that name, which will live in infamy for many years to come, Shadow hoped it was strong enough to cover his emotions underneath, that flash of self-pitying jealousy he felt for someone who had at the very least, been conceived as something more than a tool. He knew, deep down, that it wasn’t, that’s not how this works, but it was a comfort to pretend he thought it was.
“That really sucks.”
They sat for a moment in silence, looking out over the planet Fazai. Observing the planet that is their parents’, their ancestors’, their cousins’ and grandparents’, but not quite theirs.
“Why do you come here?” Shadow asked. His voice was low and private and conflicted emotions thrummed between them.
“I...” Eclipse watched the sky for a moment. The stars seemed brighter here than they did back home. “...I guess the same reason as you? I’m trying to find the answer to all of those questions. If these are my people, I want to learn how to be one of them too. I want to ‘come home’ here.”
“And Otheon?” Shadow felt as if he was close to something, and he couldn’t put his finger on what.
“That’s home too! They can both be me! If I could be a member of the collective and a good citizen of Otheon... I think that’d make my parents happy. That’s what they wanted, after all.” Eclipsed turned to him and flashed a wide grin. “Of course, that might be easier said than done.”
Shadow blinked, expression blank, shocked for reasons he didn’t know. He was almost tempted to put it on his new acquaintance- tell himself he was only feeling this awe and inspiration because Eclipse was, that he was simply lifting it from the hivelink. He knew better, though, of course.
“I... hope that you can be successful.” He said after a moment, breaking eye contact as he spoke.
“Yea. You too.”
Something warm and fuzzy spread between them. It lasted only a moment before it was interrupted by the delight Eclipse felt when, at last, a warp portal opened nearby to what seemed to be a largely aquatic planet.
“That’s mine!” he chirped, springing to his feet. “I gotta go, my friends are on the other side. Thanks for waiting with me- we should talk again some time!”
And Eclipse waved and Shadow nodded and a moment later his only company was the dull buzz of thoughts and emotions streaming through his link to the Fazai, alone yet connected to everyone on the planet simultaneously.
Shadow only knew of one of his parents, and he knew even without the hivelink that he would not have approved of Shadow attempting to assimilate both halves of his genetics into his identity. Shadow smirked to himself at Black Doom’s imagined reaction; he was not above doing things out of spite.
Listening to the steady hum of the Fazai, Shadow watched the stars and thought about his friends for a little while longer.
i turned eclipse from the archie comics into a hybrid because i didnt feel like designing a fazai hybrid of my own. i imagine having another halfie around would help shadow a lot in coming to accept who he is and such.
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imz1-z1 · 4 years
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First group under MM Entertainment
They are reason MM entertainment changed to music label from the dance studio
Debuted in 2017 with song called Bir Qadam, debut MV was for Beri Jaqynda
Their fandom name is MADwave 
Besides their group activities all members do other jobs such as being dance teachers, because they pay for their MV’s themselves!
Watch their documentary with English subs here
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Roman Park  Born in 16.09.1997, Almaty Half Korean Family: mother, sister (his sister have twins)
He is Mad Men’s leader, rapper and dancer. He makes some of their choreos too
Aron is a huge Blackpink fan and his bias is Jennie. He also like BTS, Bigbang
Have 12 tattoos, some of them are same with Khvan Ruslan
Aron said he won’t take anymore tattoos
Eclipse tattoo on his clavicle is unfinished one
His first tattoo was “Be yourself” which he got when he was 17 and it’s most meaningful to him
His favorite tattoo is girl in the arm
Aron had piercing on his lips
Can play piano and dombra, went to dombra classes because of girl
Have trypophobia and claustrophobia
Aron have a cat which name is Ikki and dogs (Richard and Hika)
He wants to have two kids
Likes manga
Aron is interested anything that develops you spiritually and physically
Likes sleeping, sleeping and sleeping
People call him sleepyhead
Loves pizza
Coffee lover
“For eating there is a separate place in my heart.”
Ideal girl (2017): No one knows what kind of person we’re going to love, maybe they're gonna be the complete opposite of the ideal. That’s why I don’t have an ideal type. But there are qualities that I like. Those who have excellent taste in clothes, can cook well, with restraint and kindness.
In 2018 answered to same question again saying: I look at the soul not the looks
Joined to Madmen because of Tim
His closest friends are Tim, Khay and Khvan Ruslan
Aron’s favorite color was long time purple but then he changed it because too many liked that color
“I’m not an expert at love, so I’ll say one thing, happiness is worth fighting for.”
Aron never have regretted anything in his past because for him it makes him the one who he is today and that’s why he doesn’t even want to fix anything from this past
“You shouldn’t regret something that has happened.”
Have said that what inspires him is past, this moment and future
“I want to stay true to myself, stay the way I was born, the way my mother raised me.”
He likes that things are in order
People think Aron is very responsible leader and he takes care of people really well
Bad habit: licks his lips too often
He isn’t punctual
If he would have superpower he would like to heal people
For him ideal day would be spend whole 24 hour in one day with his mom (2019)
He doesn’t really watch movies, but during quarantine he did watch some
After graduating from school he didn’t continue to uni
Secret talent: he learns choreos very easily
He did describe himself in three words: stubborn, not punctual and hot-tempered (2019)
Aron doesn’t like people who smiles at you but talks bad behind your back
When he was 16 he did run away from police (NTK interview 2020)
Have drank so much that he couldn’t remember a thing in next day (NTK interview 2020)
Never kissed a girl in first date (NTK interview 2020)
“I always think of my loved ones.”
“I want to tell you so that you always remain the same regarding the circumstances. Never listen people who surround you and go to your goal. Do what you like. Wear the clothes you like. Just stay independent.
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Tin Khai Lun aka Khay Born in 11.08.1999, Almaty Korean
His position in group is lead vocalist and lead dancer
Scared easily
Khay had opportunity to live in South Korea but decided to debut with Madmen
His fave food is Tteokbokki and lagman
Loves spicy food
Studied in School of Fine Arts: art and technical design
Speaks Russian, English, some Kazakh
Started dancing in 2010
In 2012 started to listen Kpop because went to Korean Festival
His favorite singer is GD
Hobbies: drawing, playing basketball, dancing
Can play guitar and piano
Ideal girl (2017): Cheerful and well mannered. With smiling eyes. Girl should have a good appetite and a great sense of humor. Understanding and sharing my interests. I like the looks of the singers: IU and Jisoo.
Khay has been wearing glasses since 1st grade
He likes to solve Rubik’s cubes, his record is 49 seconds
People say it’s easy to get along with him
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Alikhan Asen aka Mark Born 24.07.1999, Shymkent Kazakh
Group’s vocalist
Before Madmen he was in Sevenlight, after Sevenlight disbanded he did solo stuff
He is still close with some 7light members (Sai, Kael)
Have said that Kael is his best friend
Is closest one with Aron in Madmen
When he was in 7light he did cook for the members
Likes to play guitar, but can play dombra as well
Religious person
"Being good human as much as I can, don’t jump in front of anyone, not thinking misdeed about human beings, not making bad things."
Qualities which he likes in people: I like those who don’t be stilted and be real, honest, positive. People who are LOYAL to their own work, to the ones they walk with.
Qualities which he doesn't like in people: Telling many lies, being stilted, thinking of only themselves getting something illegally, jealousy, vaunt
He is scared of snakes and spiders
Ideal type (2021): I’m thinking, there are characters as many as the amount of people living. Every person is not the same, so I cannot say “yeah that’s my type”. I think the person you really love becomes the ideal for you even though they have minuses. There is no standard “ideal”, every person changes it according to their choices. Am I right?
Mark prefers to write Kazakh in Latin alphabets
Said that his bad habit is that he is so sensitive
Since 4th grade he have been doing music
Did learn to play guitar by himself because his mother wanted him to play dombra
Mark moved to Almaty to study
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Alimurad Ibraimov  Born in 06.12.2000, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Kazakh Family: mother, three older sisters (Kamila, Akzhanat)
In Madmen his position is vocalist
He can play piano
Haven’t dated yet anyone
Moora’s first book which he did read was “The Little Prince”
He have played basketball 
Loves anime especially Naruto
Moora got his first tattoo in 2020
Shy but when he is comfortable with people he is loud
His favorite cartoon is Lion King
People say he is smart
Said that his bad habit is laziness
Perfect day: To be home with his relatives
Likes to play video games for example Tekken and Mortal Kombat
Before joining to Madmen he was in dance group called LevelUp
Have said that his closest friends are Aron and Rem, he even got necklace from them which he cherish a lot
Prefers black when wearing clothes
"This is my life, this is my world." - about his family
His favorite food if meat but he likes everything which have tomatoes in it
When he was asked to describe himself in 3 words he said: Lazy, gets angry easily but calm fast as well
"My mood gets up every time because of my mom"
Speaks Kazakh, Russian and English, prefers using Russian
Aron was Moora's first choreographer in MM
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Born in 8.12.1999, Kyzylorda, Qarmaqshy region Real name: Ahmetqali Madiyar Mazityli Height: 178 cm
People call him Madi, he didn't want to have this as his stage name so people wouldn't confuse him to Madi Rymbaev
He likes to listen Bruno Mars, Maroon 5
Before he became MM trainee he was in Qpop group called RedBlaidd, they did one song and disbanded due different views
Madi’s cousins are Ace from Ninety One and Ash from NKI
He is choreographer under MM entertainment
Speaks Russian and Kazakh
In group he is vocalist
His favorite food is burgers
Likes to eat a lot
Before he joined to Madmen he was in Madness
One of his closest friend is Madness's Sula
He is extrovert
Likes watching anime, especially Naruto
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Masakbay Rakhat aka Rem Born in 30.03.2000, Almaty Height: 173 cm Kazakh Junior Clan, Älimuly, Jolshara Family: Mother, father, brother (Nurken) and little sister (Dilnaz)
Studies at Almaty’s college named after Tchaikovsky (choir conductor)
He is Mad Men’s vocalist and makes music for their songs
Rem’s favorite color is black
His fave movies are Slipt and Shutter Island
Rem made his first money as singing in Tois
Watches anime and his favorite is Naruto
Rem have dated 8 girl’s
Talks most from Madmen
Loves meat dishes
Have cat named Umi
Did leave from Madmen in March 2021, is now at TikTok House Bip House
Ideal girl (2017): A girl with whom it’s convenient at any circumstances
Bad habit: he can sometimes just lives inside his head
Rem collects action figures
Have run away from police (NTK interview 2020)
Dated two girls at same time (NTK interview 2020)
Rem have kissed a girl on first date (NTK interview 2020)
Came to MM when he was 14
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Erasyl Abdraliev aka Young Born in 01.08.2002, Almaty Family: mother
Is Mad Men’s youngest member
Erasyl was part of Madness (is still close with them!!)
Likes K-Pop, manga and anime
Young can speak Kazakh, Russian and English
He likes to watch videos of space and stars
Is afraid of heights
Likes to stare stars
His closest friends are Sula, Renat and Aldiyar
Did leave from Madmen in March 2021, nowadays is dance teacher in LY entertainment
Young can play dombra
He loves to play video games
When he joined to Madmen he worked really hard for becoming better at dancing
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Timur Kurmangaliev Born in 20.06.1997, Almaty Tatar-Russian Family: mother, father and sister
His favorite good is pilaf
He was Mad Men’s visual and vocalist
Scared easily
Tim can play guitar
He is Mad Men’s shortest member
Lived in Moscow for a while in 2019 is now back to Almaty
He left from Mad Men in 8th November 2018
After he left from Madmen he worked for a while in MM
Ideal girl (2017): Charismatic, economic, well mannered, kind and responsive
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gingerpeachtae · 5 years
Concentric [5]
Words: 6.2k
Genres: fantasy!AU, angst, fluff, enemies to lovers, eventual smut (?)
Warnings: none
Summary: You had been ready for the end of the semester. You had been ready to spend time away from your best friend, Jimin, and finally move on from the feelings you harbored. Yet, after your friend was forced to reveal a secret, you found yourself in a new world that was chock full of magic, war, and wonder. So, here you were, basically thrown into your own fantasy novel, with your best friend on one side, and six male warriors on the other.
A/N: LMAO I said I cut this chapter in half but it’s still long as h e c k... why am I like this 😅 anywayysssss ENGOY 🥰
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The light from the setting sun pierced your eyes as you emerged from the tent, causing you to squint. In an attempt to save your corneas, you raised a hand to shade your face. As you blinked to refocus your sight, you saw Jimin in what appeared to be an argument with Jungkook. Although it seemed that all of the actual arguing was only stemming from the former.
“Where is she!? Why didn’t she come out with you!?” You could hear the panic seeping into his voice.
Jimin went to move around his brother, but Jungkook stepped into his way.
“I told you she’s fine. Just give her a damn minute, okay?” Though you couldn’t see his face, you could still picture the roll of Jungkook’s green eyes.
“Why the fuck does she need a minute? I swear, if something happened-”
“For Exia’s sake, nothing happened! She’s okay, she’s safe, and she’ll come out when she’s ready.”
“When she’s ready? Why the hell does she need to get ‘ready?’” Jimin’s voice was now laced with anger. “Answer me, Jungkook!”
The rest of their argument faded into the background as you fully stepped out from the shadows of the tent, which caused the rest of the kiela to notice you. Their concerned faces shifted to relieved as they took you in, though some of their eyes lingered on your bloody hands. They looked at them curiously, wondering why Jungkook had been so messy in dispatching the male. He was usually clean with his kills. You saw them glance at your hands, so you nervously rubbed them against your legs, trying to remove the red stains. But you didn’t say anything. Instead, you glanced over them, doing a quick mental count. You counted up to four, five…
“Little scorja!” A weight suddenly plowed into your side and pulled you into a tight hug, squeezing the air from your lungs.
You smiled into the chest of the grey-haired Saeni, holding him just as tight as he swayed your bodies. Since you were smooshed against Tae, you missed the way Jimin’s head swiveled over, his non-swollen eye welling up with tears. He whispered your name like he was unsure if you were really there.
You let out a surprised grunt as another body slammed into you.
You shut your eyes, enjoying the moment. “Hey Hobi.” You tugged them both closer.
After a few seconds, you stepped back and gave each of them a serious, but happy look. “I’m really, really glad you’re okay.”
Then, your gaze shifted to over their shoulders. To where Jimin and Jungkook were watching. Jungkook merely gave you a nod before walking off. Jimin, on the other hand, quickly burst through the two Saeni and engulfed you in his arms.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry Y/N.” He almost sounded broken, both in tone and in his inability to say anything else.
You pulled back and gently took his face in your hands, slightly wincing at the busted state of his features. Seeing the tears falling down his right side and leaking down the other made your own eyes blur. Taking a deep breath to maintain your composure, you wiped his tears away with the pad of your thumb and let out a teasing chuckle.
“If you don’t stop, I’ll have no choice but to make a sweater with your tears.”
“A SpongeBob reference? Really, Y/N?” He let out a sad excuse of a laugh, which made him hiccup.
“Yeah, well, it got you to smile didn’t it?”
Pressing your forehead to his, you went on to whisper how you were okay. He was okay. The kiela was okay. You were all okay. Everything was going to be okay.
A hand came to rest softly against your shoulder. You looked out of the corner of your eye and saw Namjoon. He gave your shoulder a squeeze as you shifted your attention to him. Keeping one arm around Jimin, you turned to face the brown-haired Saeni. Right behind him, you saw Jin, who gave you a grateful smile before bowing his head.
The leader of the kiela raised his other hand to rest upon Jimin’s shoulder but kept his yellow eyes on you. “Thank you. Thank you for warning us, for risking your life to do so.” He then bowed his head before continuing.
“Without your help… I don’t want to imagine what might’ve happened.”
You offered him a sheepish smile. “You don’t have to thank me. You guys did all the work.”
Jin’s dark eyes met yours. “If you hadn’t given us that information, there wouldn’t have been anyone left to do work.”
“I just did what I had to do.” You shrugged.
“But that’s just the thing… You didn’t have to,” Jin replied.
“Why would you risk yourself for people you barely know?” Namjoon asked.
“Look, on a basic level, you’re Jimin’s family, so that makes you important to me too.” You felt Jimin’s hand around your waist give you a squeeze. “But beyond that, even though we just met a few days ago, I care about each and every member of this kiela. I’d be damned if I just let you die without trying to prevent it.”
Jimin hugged you closer, murmuring into your ear about how much of a Mama Bear you could be. He may have been teasing, but you knew that he really appreciated what you said. Namjoon and Jin both smiled at your declaration and nodded their understanding before backing away. Tae and Hobi, on the other hand, cooed at you and jumped in on your and Jimin’s hug, creating one, big cuddle huddle.
Up in a nearby tree, where you couldn’t see, was Jungkook. He hadn’t wanted to watch the others dote on you, so he had chosen to try to ignore you instead. Yet, as the Saeni listened among the bugs and the bark, he had to fight the corners of his lips from upturning at your words.
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“…he was born during an eclipse, hence why he is able to do magic. Saeni born during eclipses, solstices, equinoxes, and similar phenomena are the ones who are able to manipulate Illain’s energy.”
You listened to Hobi attentively while he told you about his and Yoongi’s past as you made your way back to camp, where the mint-haired Saeni himself was waiting.  You couldn’t fathom how worried and anxious he must be.
You winced as you raised your right leg to step over a fallen tree. You were pretty sure you tweaked a muscle at some point during the day. Both your legs were sore, your arms were sore, hell your entire body was sore.
That’s what happens when you don’t stretch before running through the woods, dumbass. You chastised yourself.
After successfully hobbling over that damn tree, you glanced up to Jungkook. Not to check on him. He may have been somewhat gentle with you inside the tent earlier, but he was still a coconut-headed asshat. No, you were checking on the person strung across his shoulders. Your eyebrows lifted as you watched Jimin’s apricot head bob with Jungkook’s steps. Not long after you all began trekking back to camp, he had passed out. Because of course. What more could happen on this stupid, forsaken day? After he had collapsed, you had gawked at his unconscious body for the second time that day, wondering how you were going to carry him. Without a word, Jungkook had walked over and hoisted him over his shoulders without a second thought. Apparently, since he was the strongest out of the kiela he was also the designated carrier for whenever someone was unconscious... or at least that’s what Tae told you. But it was also Tae, so you weren’t sure how seriously you could take his comment.
After verifying that Jimin was still securely hanging from the male’s shoulders, you returned your attention to Hobi.
“Unfortunately, there is a… stigma around eclipse-born Saeni. They’re surrounded by a lot of superstition pertaining to bad luck.” The white-haired Saeni took a deep breath and started playing with one of his many knives. “Because of that, his parents didn’t want him and threw him out of their home.”
You look at him in shock as he continued.
“They just… didn’t care. They didn’t want him. He was only five.” Hobi’s chest was rising and falling rapidly, like he was trying to reel in his emotions.
When you saw him clenching his hand into a fist, you reached out, grabbed it, and gave it a squeeze. He let out a shaky breath. Tae, who had been listening in on Hobi’s other side, gently pried the knife out of his brother’s hand, returned it to its sheath, and took ahold of that hand so that Hobi was getting sandwiched in comfort.
“One day, my dad found this skinny, little Ilto kid hanging around the outskirts of our village. His clothes were in rags and he was all skin and bones, eyes basically sunk into the sockets.
“It took a long time for him to trust us, but eventually, we got him to move into our home and join our family. He’s been with me ever since. Since he was seven and I was six.”
You continued to hold his hand as he described how Yoongi transitioned from stranger to acquaintance to friend to best friend to brother over the years. He didn’t voice his… other feelings toward Yoongi. He really didn’t need to. It was evident that Hobi cared for the other Saeni beyond words.
A year after they joined each other’s lives, they both started training as BTS Saeni. At first, the other kids tried to antagonize Yoongi for starting a year later than usual, but they quickly learned he was not easily bullied due to his scrappiness in a fight. A byproduct of his time living on his own. And once they learned he was an eclipse baby, most did their best to avoid him. 
After just a few months of training, he started becoming quite skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Not to mention that he was also working on his control over Illain’s energy. The combination made him one of the most terrifying trainees, especially with his grumpy disposition.
Along the way, the mint-haired Saeni garnered a high level of control over his magic. After some tinkering, he found a way to teach Hobi how to harness small amounts of Illain’s energy too. Something the white-haired Saeni explained should not be impossible, since he was born on a regular, Opitax morning. It was even more strange, because Yoongi had tried teaching the other members of the kiela, but none of them were successful. Only Hobi was.
“Maybe you were conceived during an eclipse,” you joked.
You gave Hobi a nudge with your shoulder, which in turn, caused him to bump into Tae. The archer retaliated by giving Hobi a nudge of his own. But that brat made his so much more forceful than yours. The domino effect of Hobi then knocking into you most likely would have made you fall on your ass if it weren’t for Hobi tightly clutching your hand. You sent Tae a playful glare.
“Do you think that could be the reason, hyung?” Tae asked.
“Ewww. Stop. I don’t want to think about my parents doing… that.” The Saeni between you two visibly cringed.
You frowned, not at his words though, but because his voice sounded weird. It sounded muffled.
Deciding not to think anything of it, you teased, “Oh, ‘cum’ on! Don’t tell me sex embarrasses you?”
You were proud of yourself. You even think Jin would praise you for that one.
To the contrary of your smugness, Hobi’s light brown eyes slowly turned to you. He looked utterly humiliated, but whether it was because of (in your opinion, great) horrendous pun or because he was actually embarrassed that you were talking about… that, you weren’t sure.
The other Saeni, however, started cackling. But the sound was even quieter than before. It was like you were listening under water. Your confusion grew as the sound of Tae’s laughter faded even though it looked like it was still going strong.
What the hell?
“Uh… Hey guys?” You were beginning to get worried.
Both males gave you their attention, Tae even said something. Or at least you saw his mouth move. You couldn’t hear him anymore. Neither of them. But you could still hear the forest around you. Just not the two Saeni right next to you or the others walking nearby.
So apparently, more could happen on this stupid, forsaken day. Great.
Your walking companions’ eyebrows furrowed. Hobi’s mouth moved but you had no clue as to what he was trying to say.
Freaking out, you stopped walking and through your linked hands that meant you forced them to stop too. You brought your free hand to your ear and shook your head to indicate that you couldn’t hear them.
They stared at you blankly for a few moments until Hobi’s eyes light up. It was like you could literally see the lightbulb go off over his head. He wrestled his hand out of Tae’s grasp, who’s face looked betrayed, and started turning around while searching the forest floor. You let him yank you around until he finally stopped and pointed to a small flower then pointed at his tongue.
“You want me to eat that?” You inquired skeptically.
When he repeated the gesture, you repeated your question.
He rolled his eyes at you and pulled one of the petals off the flower and placed it on his tongue. It really reminded you of what you had to do every morning with-
My freaking petals wore off!
Seeing the lightbulb go off above your head, Hobi spit out the petal and gave you a dimpled grin. Walking you both back over to a pouting Tae, you could see Hobi begin to explain to him what was wrong. Once he understood, the grey-haired male scrunched his nose at you before reaching down to grab Hobi’s hand again. After the three of you were securely linked, he pulled you forward to start catching up with the others.
As your trio galivanted your way through the forest, you saw Jin look over his shoulder and shout something toward you. Obviously, you had no idea what the fuck he was saying, so you didn’t respond. After a couple seconds of silence from you, he fully turned around and shouted again. You looked to the Saeni next to you, hoping they would yell back for you about your predicament. But nope, they just snickered and kept their mouths closed.
Little shits.
You returned your gaze to the eldest Saeni who was just staring at you in bewilderment. By now, Namjoon and Jungkook had stopped moving as well. The leader looked at you with concern while Jungkook looked at you like you were the biggest dumbass on Illain. Sighing, you brought your free hand up to cradle your head to wonder what you ever did to deserve this shit today.
Finally, you dropped your hand and yelled to Namjoon, “My petals wore off, so I can’t hear any of you! Or, you know, speak Saeni anymore!”
Thankfully, Namjoon was a doll and informed Jin and Jungkook of the situation… unlike the two little shits next to you. You just thanked whatever higher being was out there that Hobi had only done a spell to conceal everyone’s voices. It would have been a real bitch if there had been a glamour too.
After another hour or so of dragging your legs while Tae and Hobi dragged you, the group finally made it back to camp. As you brushed a leafy branch out of your face you saw Yoongi pacing around and muttering, a scowl plastered on his face. He was so caught up in his head to even notice everyone’s return. That was okay, though, because as soon as he came into view, Hobi let go of both your and Tae’s hands to rush forward and yank the magic user into his arms. A bright, but brief, flash of mint-blue light erupted from Yoongi’s hands before he recognized who had pulled him close. The hands that had been about to perform some spell instead went around the white-haired Saeni and hugged him back. You couldn’t help but smile at the reunion.
Namjoon and Jin greeted Yoongi next, not by giving him a giant hug as Hobi had, but by clasping each other’s forearms. While Jungkook gently lowered Jimin down on to the ground, Tae made his way over to the mint-haired Saeni and gave him a hug despite the elder’s attempts at shoving him off. As the archer reluctantly retracted his arms to allow Jungkook to do the forearm clasping thing, Tae gestured back to you while speaking with Yoongi. The latter’s petal pink eyes darted over to you and you gave a tiny wave, not wanting to interrupt his moment with his kiela. He kept his eyes on you as he nodded at Tae’s words and brought his hands up, which began glowing.
Realizing that Tae had told Yoongi about the petal’s magic fading and that he was probably about to make more, you quickly shook your head and hands.
He paused, the light not fading but not glowing brighter either as you turned to Namjoon to say, “He doesn’t need to waste his energy making more right now. Please. I’m just going to sleep anyway. It can wait until morning.”
The yellow-eyed Saeni translated for you and you let out a sigh of relief as Yoongi shrugged and lowered his hands, their light completely fading away. Assured that he wouldn’t be wasting any energy on you, you approached the magic user. Ignoring his protests, you wrapped your arms around him to give him a careful hug. He was up and moving now, so he seemed to be all healed up, but you weren’t totally sure yet, so better safe than sorry. You let him go after glancing at his grumbling face. Once released, he shifted his gaze downward, though doing so didn’t fully hide the small smile that graced his lips. You let out a light laugh when you saw it, but still moved away to give him space.
While the kiela went about starting a fire and Jin took out his cooking utensils, you wandered over to where Jungkook had placed Jimin. You laid down next to your best friend, doing your best to ignore his beaten features as you looked at his face.
Love you Slim Jim. You thought fondly before closing your eyes and drifting off to the sound of rustling leaves and a crackling fire.
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When you cracked your eyes open the next morning, you registered that you were laying on a mat instead of the dirty ground and that someone had placed a blanket over you. You wondered who had done that for you. You were definitely thankful. Sitting up and stretching, you glanced next to you to see Jimin curled into a ball, still snoozing away. Your lips quirked up while you looked at his softly snoring form. After brushing some of his orange hair back from his face, careful not to apply too much pressure to his injured face, you straightened and meandered over to where Yoongi, Tae, and Namjoon were sitting. You really wanted to talk to Jimin, but you didn’t want to disturb him from his rest.
“Morning.” You yawned when you reached the others.
“Good morning Y/N.” Namjoon said.
Yoongi extended a fist, which revealed a pink petal and a yellow petal resting in his palm when he opened it. You thanked him and popped them into your mouth, body locking up momentarily from the sensations they conjured. After your vision cleared, you thanked him again so that he could understand you. He hummed in response.
“Morning little scorja.” Tae handed you an apple when you sat next to him.
“Mmm good morning Tae Tae.” You said as you booped him on the nose, precisely on his mole.
He gave you a big, boxy smile at the nickname, blue eyes brightening with joy. As you finished your breakfast, he asked if you wanted to watch him shoot. Curious to see what he could do, you agreed. Plus, it would be a good way to pass the time while you waited for Jimin to wake up.
After walking a little way into the forest, you sat against the base of a tree while you observed Tae practice. It was hard to call it practice, though. The fluid and precise movements of the Saeni as he effortlessly notched arrows and sent them to his targets was pure art. He didn’t just stand still and fire at the same tree either. Instead, he ran around, constantly in motion. Jumping, diving, rolling. Anything to make the shot more challenging. And he still hit every one on the mark.
It distracted you for a good while. Until he had to stop to collect his arrows. That’s when THE question sprung back into your mind. The one you needed to talk to your snoozing friend about.
Unable to contain it any longer, you spoke in the most unsuccessful nonchalant voice to ever grace Illain, “So… Jimin’s a prince?”
Tae’s hand stilled as he went to grab the shaft of an arrow. “It’s, uh, probably better if he explains it.” He yanked the arrow out and didn’t look your way.
The fact that he refused to look at you now brought up another question you had been wanting to ask but you weren’t quite sure how to.
It was silent for a few heartbeats until…
“Hey Tae?”
“Yeah, little scorja?” He still didn’t look at you, choosing to focus on returning his arrows to his quiver.
“Do you hate me?”
That got his attention.
He instantly shot his head up. “What?”
“Well, um…” You still weren’t completely sure how to say it, but you decided to just rip the band aid off. “Jungkook said that I’m the reason your kiela isn’t whole. That I’m the reason your family is broken.”
Your head lowered to look at your twiddling fingers as you finished. You hoped he didn’t hate you, but with what Jungkook had said, you wouldn’t hold it against him. You still hoped he didn’t, though. You really, really hoped he didn’t.
“Y/N, look at me.” It shocked you to hear your real name from his mouth.
You lifted your gaze to him and flinched when you saw how serious his blue eyes were.
Here it comes… You thought glumly and braced yourself.
“I don’t hate you and the others don’t hate you. None of us do.”
Your jaw dropped. “But Jungkook-”
“Can be immature with his feelings since he’s the youngest. But please believe me when I say that what he said is not true. He just blames you because he thinks there needs to be someone to blame for Chim having to leave. It doesn’t make it right but just know that I don’t think he actually resents you.”
“You didn’t hear the things he said to me, Tae.”
He approached silently, plopped down next to you, and wrapped an arm around you. “I’m sure it was absolutely horrible… but also completely false.” The Saeni sighed. “Jungkook may seem like this strong, confident hard ass, but that’s because he’s been through a lot, so he feels like he needs to be a lot. If you get to know him, the real him, he’s not like that.”
“I don’t know... but you obviously know him better than I do, so…” You took a deep breath. “I’ll believe you. He’s still an asshat though.”
“Can’t completely disagree with you there.” Tae rose to his feet and pulled you up with him. “Enough of this sad talk. What’s something that makes you happy?”
Food. Discounts. Finding a fic I forgot the name of after an extensive search. Food.
“Oh! You’re a dancer too, right? Like Chim?”
“Yeah I am.” You smiled. “Dancing makes me really happy.”
“It’s decided then! Teach me some dances.”
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You braced your hands on your knees as you watched Tae do the Soulja Boy dance as you sang the lyrics for him. Granted, your “singing” at this point was more like wheezing due to your heaving laughter, but whatever.
You had first taught him one of the simpler hip hop routines you knew, not wanting to make it too difficult for him. Turns out, that was unnecessary because the Saeni could easily keep up. And not only could he keep up, but he was also good. Sure, he had this weird, but oddly sexy, habit of sticking his tongue out as he did the routine, but to each their own.
Since he had gotten the steps down fairly quickly, you moved onto a more difficult routine, which he also mastered. After that, you decided to just teach him a few funny dances, the current one being the classic Soulja Boy.
Your laughing was interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. You looked up from Tae’s boxy smile to see Jungkook standing several yards away looking rather awkward. His hands kept fidgeting, apparently not knowing what to do with them. He settled for crossing them over his chest.
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh, hey Coco. What’s up?”
You watched his eye twitch at the nickname, but he didn’t comment on it. “What are you doing?”
“Teaching Tae some dances… wanna learn one?” You asked hesitantly.
The grey-haired Saeni had said that Jungkook truly wasn’t this aggravating “Chad” of a guy when you really got to know him. So, you decided to pull up your big girl panties and to try to extend an olive branch.
Tae gasped in excitement at your offer. “Come on Kookie! It’s so much fun!”
“I’d prefer not to get skinned alive by Hobi hyung when he finds out you’re dancing without him, so… no thanks.” Jungkook’s green eyes shuddered as if recalling some horrific memory.
Likewise, Tae immediately stopped his giggling and started to panic. “Shit, shit, shit. He got so mad last time!” He ran over to Jungkook and fell to his knees in front of him. “Kookie, please, please, don’t tell him. I’ll do anything!”
You blinked a couple times at the exchange.
Good lord, what did Hobi do to them!?
Jungkook tipped his chin toward you. “Give me a few minutes alone with Y/N and I won’t say shit.”
The Saeni archer dropped his exaggerated act and rose to his full height to stand evenly with Jungkook.
“Not if you’re going to yell at her. She doesn’t deserve that, and you know it.”
Your eyes ogled in disbelief as you watched Tae stand up to his own brother for you.
He really doesn’t hate me…
You felt like you could cry from happiness and relief. Yet, as honored as you were by Tae’s act, you also knew that something good could come from a talk with the burgundy head. Or you really hoped it would be good. You walked up behind Tae and placed a hand on his shoulder, telling him it was okay. He turned to look at you, but found you were facing forward, your eyes glued to the pea-green ones in front of you. Jungkook met your challenge and stared right back.
Neither of looked away even when Tae threatened, “If I hear any shouting, I’m coming back and kicking your ass Kookie.”
As he left the two of you alone, you copied the youngest Saeni and crossed your arms over your chest. Then you waited. And waited… and waited.
“So, are you just going to stare at me?”
His green orbs widened and he suddenly looked to the side then at the ground. He mumbled an answer, but it was too quiet to hear.
Geez. Who is this guy? What happened to the asshat?
“What was that?” You asked in a prodding tone.
Jungkook groaned, bringing his head up to look at the sky. “I-I just…”
“You just what?” Yes, you were sort of provoking him, but the boy needed a push if you’ve ever seen a need for it.
He shot his head down to look at you in annoyance. “Ijustwantedtothankyouforyesterdayyoudon’tneedtobesomean.” As soon as he finished his face heated up and his gaze darted away again.
You gaped at him. Both because of his thanks and because he had the audacity to call you mean. You!
“Excuse me?”
At your question, he raised a hand to rub the back of his neck while the other went over his mouth to cover a forced cough.
He still refused to look at you, but sighed and said, “I just wanted to say thank you for risking your neck for us yesterday.”
“Oh, um, you’re welcome. It’s really no big deal. I just did what I had to.” You rubbed your arms at the awkward tension in the air and pursed your lips.
“I want to offer you a deal.”
“Look, your technique sucks, and you’ve obviously never been in a fight, but you helped us, and I can’t ignore that. I’m the best fighter here, so I can teach you if-”
“If you’re about to say something like suck your toes or worship the ground you walk on, it’s gonna be a no from me, dawg.”
“First Coco, now Dog?” The Saeni scoffed. “Make up your mind, human. Also no. I don’t want your mouth anywhere near me and I don’t need your worship. I already know how good I am.”
There’s the asshat.
“Riiiiight.” You drawled out. “So, what’s the ‘if?’”
He smirked. “I’ll teach you how to fight if you can last a single minute against me.”
You paused to weigh his offer. Yes, you wanted to learn how to protect yourself. You didn’t want to be a liability to others anymore. You wanted to prove yourself. Plus, it would also just be super badass. On the other hand, you also knew how extremely skilled Jungkook was. While you had only seen glimpses of him fighting, you had heard the others’ comments, so you knew that he was a force to be reckoned with. Which would probably make him a good teacher but...
“Just one minute?” You verified.
You weren’t an idiot. One minute in a fight may sound short, but it seemed like a long time. Granted, you’d never been in a fight, but Jimin made you watch a few MMA matches before and-HOLY SHIT!
Jungkook’s fist appeared out of the corner of your eye and you instinctively ducked, falling down on your butt. He didn’t even laugh at you, as he was already gearing up for another hit. You quickly rolled backwards over your shoulder and got up on your feet, squeaking when you felt the air of another punch, kick, or some other flying appendage miss you. Not bothering to waste time to look at the Saeni, you took off running. Weaving around trees and leaping over logs, you did your best to lose Jungkook in the forest. You couldn’t hear him, but you just knew he was right on your ass. The thought made you pump your sore legs faster.
“Ya! Little human!” He called out to you as you continued to scurry away like some rabbit evading a fox. “You’re supposed to be fighting me, you idiot!”
“You never said shit about fighting! Just that I had to last a minute, you dickhead!” You screeched in return.
You sprinted around another tree. Slid down into a ditch. Jumped over a tangle of roots and sharply veered to the left.
In the back of your mind, you knew that there was no way you should be standing right now. If he was really trying, he would have KO’d your ass on the first punch. He was going easy on you. Way easy. But why? While you were preoccupied trying to deduce why he wasn’t just finishing you off, you failed to notice his figure stepping out from a tree ahead of you. Not realizing his presence until you were basically on top of him, he reached out a hand and wrapped it around your throat as you ran past. 
The throat again? AGAIN!?
You did your best to dance out of the way, but it was absolutely futile. Your forward momentum came to a sudden halt as he threw you down. Landing straight on your back, all the air in your lungs was forced up and out.
Your mouth moved like a fish as you tried to get oxygen to return to your lungs. Jungkook glanced down at your heaving form before turning away.
“It’s only been 40 seconds… seems like you won’t make it.”
Like hell I won’t.
Before you could think twice, you rolled to your side and tripped him with your arms. As he stumbled, you got your ass up and ran off again. By now, you should only have 10 seconds remaining.
You went left around a tree, then right, then right again.
4… 3… 2… 1…
You rounded left around one last tree and folded your body due to there being a low branch at your head’s height. Unfortunately, that meant that the fist meant for your stomach connected directly with your face instead.
You heard Jungkook curse just before his fist made contact and then everything went black.
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“What were you thinking Jungkook!?”
“Chim, I already said I’m sorry! It’s not like I was aiming for her fucking head!”
“Guys, if you’re going to scream at each other, can you at least do it somewhere else?”
“He knocked her out, hyung! How can you not be yelling at him!?”
“It was an accident!”
“And he already apologized… even though you’re not the person he owes it to.”
The delightful sound of yelling, angry, and frustrated voices infiltrated your ears as you became conscious. Groaning, you opened your eyes and tried to figure out what was going down.
You were laying down with your back on a mat, a blanket folded beneath your head. You were back at where you assumed was camp, due to the blackened and ashy wood that you could see piled nearby. Hovering over you was Yoongi, who gave your head a pat when he saw your y/e/c eyes open. Toward your feet was Jimin and Jungkook, glaring at each other.
Yoongi gave you a final pat before rising and walking into the trees. “Well, I’ll leave you children to figure this shit out.”
“Hyung! Where the hell are going? Y/N-”
“Is already awake, you dunce. I’m going to find Namjoon.” He sent a wave over his shoulder without looking behind him.
At his words and exit, Jimin whipped his head to you to find your eyes on him. You gave him a sheepish smile.
“See!? I told you she was going to be fine!”
No matter how badly you wanted to smack Jungkook in that moment, you had to do some damage control before Jimin literally went crazy. You hastily stood up, although that wasn’t the smartest move on your part. Immediately, you went dizzy and had to grab ahold of Jimin’s arm to steady yourself.
After collecting yourself, you said, “Slim Jim, it’s fine. It was an accident. If he had actually wanted to hurt me he would have done it on the first swing.”
“The first swing!?” Jimin was seething.
“You didn’t tell him about the deal?” You addressed Jungkook.
“Deal? What deal?”
Jungkook’s let out a nervous laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I, uh, offered to teach her to fight if she could last one minute against me.”
Jimin slipped out of your gasp and got into his brother’s face again. “Are you insane!? You could’ve killed her!”
“Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.” You stepped between them, putting a hand on each of their chests. “As much as I appreciate you looking out for me, Jimin, you don’t get to decide what I do or do not do. You’re my best friend, not my keeper.”
He dropped his head to look at your hand resting against his chest, apricot locks hanging over his forehead. “I-I know. I’m just worried about you.”
“And I’m thankful for that, but you also need to step back a bit, okay?” You patted his solid frame and he nodded.
“Okay.” You turned to face the other Saeni. “Now, you.”
His eyes widened at your “let’s get down to business” tone, but he didn’t back down.
“You seriously need to stop making me unconscious. It’s the second time in like four days, dude.”
The burgundy head tilted his head. “Maybe if you knew how to throw a punch you wouldn’t be so easy to beat.”
You rolled your eyes while Jimin growled. “Well, now it’s your job to teach me, Coco.”
“Seems like it.” Jungkook snorted. “You barely lasted the minute, so we’ll have to work on that.” He turned to leave but paused and looked over his shoulder.
“Hey, little human. You… you weren’t as helpless this time.” Emotion flashed in his green eyes but before you could determine exactly which, he faced away from you. “Just be up two hours earlier from now on to train.”
With that, he left. It was only you and Jimin now. Just as you went to say something to your best friend, a sudden revelation dawned on you.
“I don’t have an alarm! How the hell am I supposed to do that!?”
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