#I am half alseep know that
frowerssx2 · 2 years
You know know how I had the headcannon that Miru and Kaku were 30% albino King Penguins?? YEAH NO:
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This, this is what they are
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oldmangrau · 9 months
I have learned many things from my years within this mortal coil which we all share. One of those things is that wrath is the quite possibly the most powerful emotion of them all. When wrath is allowed to burn freely, it will destroy all that comes near it, including the one who wields it and all those they may care for, but when tempered with logic and passion, it becomes a force which cannot be stopped. Wrath does not take the form of hatred nor anger alone, it can be those spiteful things that are done simply because someone once said that you would never be able to pull it off. Wrath can be kindness towards strangers. Wrath can be righteous anger from the injustices in this world. Wrath can be living a good life in spite of those who may wish for your suffering. So long as one does not let their wrath consume them, it can become the fire that fuels all of the good in their life. I have also learned that wrath is not necessary for life and that more often than not is a detriment to those who rely on it. Wrath often leads those whom it resides in to be blinded to the things that are most important in their life. Wrath is a poison like many others; when used in a controlled manner, there can be benefits to it, but too much too often and it will lead to many negative outcomes.
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milaisreading · 1 month
Crossdresser!Yn AU:
2 am...
Kaiser, clears throat: Damn, I can't sleep at all
Kaiser: You know, I am feeling very lonely and vulnerable today, I hope a Japanese midfielder won't try to take advantage of it!
CD!Yn: Zzzzzzzz
CD!Yn throws a shoe at his head, knocking him out again*
CD!Yn, half alseep: Shut up! Luna and I are about to get married! Zzzzzz
Ness, startled awake: LUNA AND YOU WERE ABOUT TO WHAT?
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arminsumi · 7 months
i didn't know i posted that satoru smut draft???
WHAT istg when i edit on mobile it changes the thing to "post" and i think i hit post while i was half alseep BUT WHY DOES IT CHANGE BACK TO POST WHEN IM JUST EDITING LIKE
im so sorry for ppl who saw it kjhbvbjk idc if it was enjoyable the point is it's a draft and i wasnt anywhere near done with it. im mad.
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rustycopper4use · 5 months
Its Always Been You pt18
Kyoya’s Reluctant Day Out! Pt 18
(Kyoya x male reader)
 A soft hum of a fan fills the room, weakly blowing out air.  
   And here lies Y/n, despite his many efforts he couldn’t sleep. He’d blame the weather, he never really did well in the heat.
  He rubbed his eyes and groaned.
 His hand moved around before finding his phone. Turning it on as the white burned into his eyes.
   ‘2:00 am’
He scrolled through his contacts before sending a message.
The message was left on read, he rolled his eyes.
 ‘Kyoya I know you’re still up’
Once again left on read.
 ‘I’m coming over’
‘The back door is unlocked.’
Y/n grinned before jumping out of bed.
   He hastily thrown on a hoodie and ran out the door. 
  The cool of the night greeted Y/n as he walked down the street. The slow glow of streetlights accompanying him.
  He turns the corner, looking up at the oh so familiar house. Quietly he walks to the back of the house, going towards the back door he turned the handle and walked in. 
  Heading towards Kyoya’s room a faint sound of typing was heard just beyond the door.
   He swings open the door.
 “So what are you working on, this time?”
Kyoya stared blankly, the computer light illuminating his face.
   “That bad huh?” 
   “ working yourself half to death cannot be good for your health.” Y/n notes, sitting on Kyoya’s bed.
   “It’s not ideal, however, it’s just a sacrifice I have to make to uphold the Ootori name.” He blankly states, pushing up his glasses.
  He continues typing away.
“If you say so.” Y/n lays on his bed, as a comforting wave of silence fills the room.
 As the two enjoyed each other’s company, after a brief amount of time, Kyoya closes his laptop, finally finished. 
  He gets up from his desk and hears towards his bed.
  He looks at Y/n, now passed out.
He takes off his glasses with a sigh and places them infront of the clock on his bedside.
He lays next to him and gets the long needed sleep.
  The warmth of another person brought an odd sense of relief, as he drifts off.
“-This might be one of my best ideas men!” A tall blonde bursts through the door, accompanied by the other hosts.
   “Kyoya time to get up-!” Tamaki stopped right in his tracks. And stared at Kyoya’s bed.
  Kyoya was still asleep, However that wasn’t the issue, on top of him was Y/n. Like his own personal weighted blanket.
“What’s the problem boss?” Karou looks over to the bed also, a devilish grin formed on his face.
  Hikaru pulled out his phone and took some photos. 
  “How scandalous! Didn’t know Kyoya had it in him.” The twins said with a smile.
 “You don’t think they-… that they….” Tamaki mumbled, mouth agape.
  “How cute!” Honey-senpai stood behind Tamaki.
  This was the straw that broke Tamaki.
 “MAMA!” He cried, awaking Kyoya.
 “How could you! After everything we’ve been through!” Tamaki cried. To a now very annoyed Kyoya.
  “Why are you in my room Tamaki..” kyoya grumbled feeling an oncoming headache.
   “Never mind that! Why is Y/n in your bed!” He shirked.
   “Why are you in my room.” He asked, trying to keep his voice down.
   “Tamaki-senpai wanted us to go to a commoners market, to better understand Haru-chan!” Honey-senpai chirped.
  “Don’t ignore me!” Tamaki butts in.
“Keep it down, Y/n is still alseep.” Kyoya harshly whispered, glaring at the blonde.
  He covers his eyes with his arm, wishing for the club to be just a bad dream.
   “Oh cmon! You can’t be in bed all morning! Today is the last day of summer vacation!” Tamaki whined.
  “Wake up..” Honey-senpai gently pulled on Kyoya’s arm.
   “Come on Kyoya.” The twins began to shake him.
   Y/n drowsily moved his head, having all the hosts freeze.
   He just cuddled closer to Kyoya’s chest.
A sigh of relief left the clubs chests.
 Kyoya moved his arm away from his eyes, and slowly sat up careful not to wake Y/n.
  “For your information we were up till 5AM  you morons. Which if you hadn’t noticed makes me less than happy about being woken up.” 
   A shiver ran up the clubs spine.
 “Kyo-chan isn’t much of a morning person huh?” Honey-senpai notes.
  “You have no room to talk.” Mori remarks.
  “Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” Honey looks up at Mori.
“Okay, enough with the commoner shtick. If you formulaic halfwits feel like wasting all afternoon on worn-out old cliches, go right ahead and suit yourselves.” Kyoya grumble lying back down.
   “Well if that’s what you want…” 
 “Well you heard the man! Now let’s dress him to the nines and head to the expo!” Tamaki throws his hands in the hair.
   “What about Y/n?” Honey-senpai tilts his head.
   “Right, twins!”
The two stood up straight.
  “You can take care of Y/n.”
  “Yes sir!” 
The twins eagerly pry Y/n off of kyoya, dragging him to get ‘dolled‘ up.
   Karou pulls out an outfit and puts it on Y/n with a grin.
  “Doesn’t he look great!” The twins cooed.
  “Wait, where did you even get that outfit? We didn’t see in Kyoya’s closet.” Tamaki examined Y/n.
  “We’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity to dress up Y/n! Instead of his poor excuse of fashion he usually wears.”  Karou grimace holding up Y/n’s hoodie, before throwing it out the window.
  After all that fuss the hosts carry the two towards Tamaki’s limo out front.
   As they throw the two, less than gracefully, into the car.
  Finally awaking Y/n.
 He rubbed his eyes.
“What’s going on?” 
 “You’re finally awake!” Honey smiled.
  “We’re taking you and kyoya to a commoners market!” Tamaki declared.
“-and then they left you with me to babysit essentially.” Y/n sighed, as a less then please Kyoya sat on a bench.
He stood up, and rubbed his temple.
“I’m assuming you don’t have your phone on you either.” Kyoya sighed.
  “No. I’m pretty sure the twins took it.” Y/n looks around.
   “What should we do now-“
A small little boy ran into Kyoya’s legs, he lets out a whimper rubbing his head. Looking up at Kyoya he was greeted by a glared. He bursts into tears before running off to his mom.
 “Tamaki’s a deadman when I get my hands on him.” Kyoya huffed.
  Y/n let out a chuckle.
 “Kyoya-senpai?” A familiar voice called out.
  “Oh perfect, Haruhi!” Y/n smiled.
Haruhi walked closer to the two.
 “I didn’t expect to see you two here today.” Haruhi politely said.
  “How much money do you have on you Haruhi?” Kyoya bluntly spoke.
   “What?” Haruhi stared at Kyoya.
Later at a fast food joint….
“Kyoya-senpai, are you sure this is where you wanna eat? There are much nicer restaurants to choose from upstairs.” Haruhi nervously spoke.
  “Well you don’t have much on you, so our choices are limited. Just be sure to get a receipt. Tamaki will reimburse you tenfold.” Kyoya glared.
    Haruhi nervously nodded.
 “Haruhi its our turn.” Y/n brought Haruhi back to reality.
   “Oh! Uh, here, why don’t I just order for us. Do you two know what you want?”
  “You pick. Just get us lots of it.”
   Y/n nodded in agreement.
 “Oh uh okay..” Haruhi’s began to talk to the cashier.
   However the cashier seemed to entranced by the mysterious kyoya. Acting more friendly to them than the other customers.
   “Okay, coming right up. Would you be interested in adding one of our delicious desserts?” The cashier cheerily asked.
 “Thank you, no, I don’t care for sweets.” Kyoya flatly replied.
   “Before you decide, we have a new shake that’s absolutely-“ cashier began, starry eyed.
  “I have given you my answer.” Kyoya coldly glared at the girl.
  The cashier stiffened, a sense of dread fueled her senses.
  “Please be sure to include our receipt.” Haruhi squeaked out. Grabbing the food tray and going off to a table.
 “Kyoya-senpai, just because you’re in a bad mood today doesn’t give you the right go around talking to people like that. The poor girl was just doing her job.” Haruhi scolded.
   “She was being pushy, even after being told no.” Y/n grabs a burger.
   “Yeah but there’s no reason for acting like that. She’s supposed to do that.” Haruhi sighed.
   “Her job is to serve us food, not irradiate me with some weak sales pitch.” Kyoya adds, taking a bite of his food.
  Haruhi just stared at Kyoya eating.
“Now what?” Kyoya looked back.
  “Nothing. I just don’t think I’ve ever actually seen you eat before. Somehow I thought the experience would be more refined. I’m surprised stuff like this even appeals to you.” 
  “It doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest. No doubt, you’ll say I’m callous for admitting it, since you brought me this tripe.” Kyoya stoped to take a drink.
   “Of course I won’t.” She looked off to the side.
 “There’s an understanding between makers of food like this and those that eat it. Quality takes a backseat to convenience. Refinement isn’t part of the equation. It’s meant to be eaten quickly, besides no one of consequence is here to witness my momentary lapse of manners.” Kyoya explain.
  “Hey for the record, I’m saying it benefits me nothing to keep up appearances in a place like this. And that includes any special treatment I may give you here.” 
 “Oh really I would have never guessed that in a million years…” haruhi mumbled.
“Oh my gosh girls, that guy in the glasses is a total hottie.” A girl swooned to her friends.
  “You’re right he’s gorgeous!” Her friends agreed.
Y/n sighed, looking off to the side, the grip on his drink tightened.
   “Um, excuse me, I’m so sorry to interrupt. I was wondering if you’re not using that chair, can my friends and I borrow it?” She sweetly smiled.
   “Why not..” Kyoya sighed.
 “Thanks you so much that’s awesome!” Her friends blissfully giggled.
   “You’re quite welcome.” He flatly said.
 Y/n glared at the girls as they walked off.
 “You’re probably wondering how Tamaki and I compliment each other so well.” Kyoya spoke, catching Haruhi off guard.
  “The answer is simple-“ he smiled.
 “I have something to gain. There is no better motivator than self interest. I have to look out for number one, y’know.”
  “Tamaki-senpai would be heartbroken if he heard you say that.” Haruhi frowned.
   “Such a tragedy that Tamaki’s feelings are one sided.” Y/n joked.
  “On the contrary-“ he pushes up his glasses.
  “He’s understood our arrangement from the very beginning. The same goes for all of them. Hikaru, Karou, honey-senpai, Mori-senpai, and even Y/n. The glue that holds the club together is our mutual egocentricity. It’s the principle that drives the alliance between our families and ensures each of our futures.” He looks at Haruhi.
  “Though, well let’s just say there’s still quite a bit you don’t understand about that. Although Tamaki is a fool, and self sacrifice does come naturally to him. So I guess the point of this is, we are very different creatures.” Kyoya finished his monologue.
The three now wonder the mall.
 “Senpai? I thought you were going to take a taxi home.” Haruhi looked up at Kyoya.
  “I am, but while we’re still here Y/n wants to look around.”
  “Black pearls from ishigaki island. Odd to find them here, considering how much they go for.” 
   “You’re kidding, really? That’s incredible. How can you tell?” Haruhi looks to kyoya.
  “I am a product of excellent breeding.”
  “You make it sound like you’re some pure bred dog, give yourself a little more credit.” Y/n smiled, walking off with the others.
“So kyoya-senpai, why is it after all this time I still know nothing about your family?” Haruhi notes.
  “Because there’s really nothing for you to know about my family. At least nothing that should interest you.”
   “Well that seems to be a little unfair, don’t you think?” 
  “Just what do you mean unfair?”
“I mean that when it comes to my personal life you even keep tabs on who’s my father’s friends from work are while I barely have a clue about yours. So I call that unfair.”
  “That’s a very intriguing notion in its own way.”
 “Well you’ve got two older brothers, right? For starters, you could tell me something about them. What kind of people are they?”
  “They are rather exceptional. Enough so, that my father puts a lot of stock in them. Though as the third son, things work a little differently for me.”
  “I didn’t realize there was so much pressure on you to succeed.”
  “Pressure? Oh no, Haruhi, I cannot think of nothing more fun than this.”
Haruhi let’s out a sigh.
  “Dear me! Pieces from the Komatsu Shoin collection? I never thought that I would fine them here!”
  The voice grabs the attention of the three.
  “Why madam, you have astonishing eye!”
Kyoya glared at the interaction.
  “Kyoya-senpai?” Haruhi was ignored, as Kyoya walked up to the stand.
  “Just watch and see what happens.” Y/n grinned.
“Will all due respect, these are fake.” Kyoya bluntly spoke, interrupting the conversation.
  “Huh?” The lady looked at Kyoya.
 “Hey, get out of here kid, what do you think you’re doing?” The man snarled.
Kyoya picked up the bowl, analyzing it.
  “The shade of blue is strongly reminiscent of Shoin’s work, but looking closely around the base you’ll notice the colour graduation isn’t quite dark enough to be authentic. that and the laquer is too clear.”
  “That’s enough out of you, Mr. Expert! I will report you for obstructing my business!” The man spoked irked at kyoya.
  Kyoya flipped the bowl over looking at the bottom.
  “Just as I thought. The brush strokes on this seal are uncharacteristically broad as well.”
  “U-uh..” the man stammered.
  “For your sake, I hope you have a certificate-“ he looks at the man.
  “That is, if you still keep insisting it’s real.”
  “O-of course it’s real! I have the certificate at home.” He stuttered.
 Kyoya grins at this.
  “Ah, then surely you won’t mind if I call the Komatsu family right now to verify your claim. My own family has dealings with them for generations. It would be a matter of a minute.”
  “Wait you can’t do this!” The man gets dragged out by security.
“Young man, I can’t thank you enough.” The lady bows.
  “After everything you’ve told me senpai, stepping in on a complete stranger’s behalf seems a little out of character for you.” Haruhi spoke.
  “Hm? Oh, that? Well now, she’s hardly a stranger. You mean you don’t know? Her husband is the ceo of a major electronics company.” 
   “Huh?” Haruhi gasped.
“This is my first time meeting her personally, but that ring on her left hand is unmistakable. My family has dealings with her husband’s company.”
  Haruhi is just puzzled.
“Ah, one of the Ootori boys. Imagine running into you here incognito-“ she smiles.
  “The next opportunity I have, I’ll be sure to take advantage of your family’s beautiful health resorts.”
   “We’d be honoured.” Kyoya bows slightly.
Haruhi glared at Kyoya.
  “Hey haruhi.” Y/n whispered.
“Look at the stall she was just at, notice the flags?” He points .
  “The flags…- wait, he couldn’t have-“ 
“Hm hm!” Y/n smiled, walking over to kyoya now looking at a food stall.
“Hey Haruhi, did you know this?” Kyoya called out.
  “Did I know what?”
“Is melon the preferred flavour among snack makers?”
“It doesn’t make sense, the primary ingredient is corn, why go to the trouble of artificially making it taste like fruit? Seems counterintuitive.”
  “That’s an intriguing notion in its own way.” Haruhi spoke with a laugh.
  “Oh was I being funny?”
 “Earlier you were going on and on about how you and Tamaki-senpai are nothing alike. What you just said about the candy? It sounds just like him!” She laughs.
 “You think so? This does seem like something he and the twins would fawn over. Very well I’ll buy them. Haruhi your wallet.” Kyoya holds out his hand.
  “Oh yeah I forgot.” She goes through her purse.
  “Just be sure to get the receipt.”
“Hey senpai?” Haruhi sat down on a bench.
  “Why do you think that Tamaki-senpai is always so eager to help people when they’re in need?”
   “You mean when theres nothing to gain? Who knows.”
  “Maybe he gains the pleasure of just helping someone, just because.” Y/n sighed looking ahead.
  “So when you help someone, how exactly do you benefit from it? Money? Or reputation? Or is it more abstract? Because the way I see it, Tamaki-senpai gets something out of helping others, that doesn’t necessarily mean involving them paying him back. So maybe when you get right down to it, the two of you aren’t so different after all.”
  “Attention shoppers, this is an announcement for a lost child. Attention shoppers, this is an announcement for a lost child. A little boy named Kyoya Ootori is lost inside the store. Repeat Kyoya Ootori is lost. His guardian Suoh is waiting for him at the 2nd floor information counter.”
   “-Kyoya is 5’11”, tall with black hair and wearing prescription glasses.”
Kyoya pushes up his glasses.
 As y/n chokes out a laugh.
 “Kyoya’s guardian mentions he may or may not be travelling with Y/n L/n. Whose whereabouts are also unknown.”
“Oh you got to be kidding me.”
 “That damn idiot. I’ll kill him!” Kyoya glares.
  The three walk up to the second floor, finding the rest of the club.
“Kyoya! Y/n! There you are! We were so worried about you. Why is Haruhi with you?” Tamaki look at the group.
   “Better question is what’s with the dog?” Y/n stared at the blonde dog.
  “Isn’t she beautiful? I got her at this amazing place they call a pet shop!” The dog licks Tamaki’s face.
  “Hey, cut it out Antoinette!”
“How am I exactly like this moron?” Kyoya asked.
  “Maybe it’s the fact that you helped a stranger.” Y/n stands beside kyoya
   “She wasn’t-“
“You and I both know you didn’t see that ring through the stall. You’re not some terrible person, you still have a heart, why hide it.” Y/n grinned.
   Kyoya smiled lightly.
Haruhi stood back and watched the two.
  Then something clicked.
  ‘Oh she gets it now’
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notrightnowsblog · 8 months
How long did it take for Han to connect the dots that if Vader is Luke's father and and Luke and Leia are twins then Vader is also Leia's father?
Three weeks after the Battle of Endor, Han wakes in the middle of the night.
Han: Darth Vader is your father!
Leia half alseep: I know, go back to sleep.
Han: He tortured me!
Leia sighing: Yeah, he did. I should have talked about this with you before but I was worried it might change how you see me and--
Han: He tortured you!
Leia: Oh, yes, that's true. Are you upset that I'm related to him?
Han: Of course I am! He blew up your whole planet! And made you watch! That's so messed up!
Leia: It is, yeah. Luke says he was sorry before he died. Luke forgave him.
Han: Well, I don't!
Leia: Marry me.
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soap143 · 8 months
that 3racha fic was so so good! I love how your stories are always so complete, there's an atmosphere and it makes me really happy to read them, tysm for writing 🩷
since you're open for requests and I reallyyy love lee!han, could you write jisungie being tickled by his hyungs (hyunjin, 2racha and minho) just bc they think he's so cute and deserves to know? I just think tickling is such an adorable way of showing your love to someone if they're comfortable with it! hope you have fun with this request too if you decide to take it 💝
Of course I will take it, requests are very much appreciated. Thank you for the idea, anon! I will try my best.
Ler! Hyung line
Even though Stray Kids have had a rough and busy day, Changbin couldn’t help but notice that Han didn’t seem tired at all. I mean Chan, Hyunjin and Minho were nonstop complaining about their sore muscles and headaches, signaling how exhausted they are, while the only sound that Han made were annoying giggles and sassy lines.
Right now, Felix was massaging Minho’s and Hyunjin’s sore thigh muscles while 2racha were waiting for their turn. On the other hand, I.N and Seungmin had gone out to get some dinner for the whole group. It seemed like a pretty peaceful evening, until the all rounder Han Jisung showed up to disturb that peace.
“Heyyy~!” the quokka said as he aproached the other five members sassily “Ugghh, what do you wantt~?” Hyunjin dramatically whined, partly because he was annoyed and partly because of a sensitive spot that Felix had just shoved the massage gun into. Hannie dramatically gasped and clenched onto his chest, pretending to be dying at the moment “How DARE you be annoyed at me? Don’t you see how cute I am? Everything should be forgiven to me, because of my cuteness!” everyone started laughing at him for his very “meaningful” speech “I think I’m cuter” Changbin protested, poking his cheek with his finger and doing the puppy eyes “Pathetic! Worthless! Zero points! That’s not even half as cute as I am” Chan said, starting to do the aegyo “AAAHH, MY EYES, PLEHEHASE!!” Minho yelled, repeatedly poking the oldest of the group “You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, guys, I’m obviuosly the cutest!” Hyujin dramatically interviened, doing his best puppy eyes and making some very “cute” noises “Oh my God! (in the most aussie accent) What is that?! You call that cute? I’ll show you cute!” Felix playfully yelled “How are going to prove tha- HAHAH STAHAHAP STAHAHAP!!” the ferret almost fell of the couch trying to avoid the younger aussies sneaky fingers “See! That’s so much cuter~”
“STOP! I forbid you from continuing! This is not cute at all. I’m much cuter than Hyunjin!” Jisung suddenly greatly announced “Yeah, he’s right. I mean, his reaction to being tickled is much cuter than Hyunjin’s!” Minho said, sitting up on the couch as Felix finnished the massage “W-what?” “Oh yeah! Yesterday, I scribbled his neck as he was about to fall alseep and I kid you not he had the best reaction ever! He let out the most precious giggle that I have ever heard in my life~” Chan started fake wiping his tears, recapturing the memory “Oh my, I wanna hear that giggle! If it’s cuter than mine, you definitely are cuter than all of us!” Han gulped listening to his hyungs talking about wrecking him. Not like they were being direct about it, but he knew, Han knew that if he does not leave this very instance, he will get tickled to tears. So, he ran for his life, without even looking back. What a stupid decision.
Even if Han felt like he was gliding in the air with speed, Chan was hot on his tail. Jisung tried to make sudden moves to confuse the oldest member, but Chan could read him like a book, not falling for his moves even once. Han tried to quickly hide in the bathroom, locking the door behind himself. He thought he was safe, slumping himself onto the floor, more tired than ever. He was in such a hurry, that he even had forgotten to turn on the lights! Jisung lazily got up and switched the light on. He was not ready to see what he saw. Changbin was sitting on toilet seat, simply smirking right at him. How could he have gotten in there before him?! “AH! Hyung, you scahahred me…” the future tickle victim tried to fish his way out the situation by pretending to be oblivious, but obviuosly that wouldn’t work “Oh, I’m very much aware that I scared you, you screamed like a maniac(🫣)!” Han thought that playing along would make the situation better, somehow “Oh really? Yeah, I-I mean you did spook me quite a bit, I don’t think I’ve ever screamed as loud-“ “Oh please, this won’t work, Hannie, and you know it” Han just gulped. He was very much trapped, with Chan waiting outside the door and possibly Hyunjin and Minho accompanying him.
“Okahahay, this is so messed up Binnie, you know that this is nowhere near right, I mean, am I not cute? Don’t I deserve some mercy? This is NOT RIGHT SEO CHANGBIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING DO NOT GET ANY CLOSER” “Hyung, Binnie hyung you probably meant to say. There is no way out, if you would’ve let us wreck you without any of this unnecessary banter, than maybe we would’ve had some mercy. But now, oh Han Jisung, prepare yourself…” Jisung would be lying if he said that he wasn’t scared shitless. I mean, he was going to die, right there. There was no escape. He could’ve accepted his fate and just given in, but that’s not Jisung like. No, he would try to run away atleast a couple more times, earning himself the worst punishment on the list, but he would not give up, ever. So, in a desperate act, he slammed his body onto the door, trying to unlock it as quickly as possible, almost falling to the ground when the door did push open and running… Straight into Chans arms. He fought until the very last minute, squirming as hard as he could in his hyungs arms, yelling and begging uncontrollably “PLEASE, pleaspleasepleaseease let gohohoho Channie hyuungg~~ You know you love me! I will not survive this! I’ll die! What will you do without me?! Huh? Tell me! Right, you’re useless without me, so if you let go now, we can forget this and leave it in the past and-“ “For goodness sake, stop talking” Chan said, mischievously smiling at his very first stray kid, knowing he was probably gonna be dead very soon.
“Oh, I see that you are back. See, I told you, Hyunjin, there was no need for extra help” Minho said, greeting Chan and Changbin, who came back into the living room with a wriggling in their grasp “Oh, it was a piece of cake(🫣) ! Actually, I don’t even think Changbin’s help was necessary. Han would’ve gotten bored of sitting in there so quickly!” the kangaroo answered, lighly kicking the victims knee, forcing him to fall weakly onto the ground “He got bored even with the best entertainer in the world!” Changbin announced with the brightest smile on his face “Plehehehase, let me gohohoho!~” Han tested his luck one last time, maybe Minho or Hyunjin would have mercy in him… He was very much wrong “Let’s get this done with, Jisung is suffering so much! Can’t you see? He is burning with anticipation! I can tell how much he wants this…” the cat-man teased, approching the squirming quokka. Jisung didn’t even have any time to think before Minho got to work, taking his wrists from Chan’s arms into his own and sitting on his hips “Chan, hold his arms! Changbin, sit on his ankles! Hyunjin, come next to me, I’ll show you all how to get him screaming.” Minho instructed. The boy, laying beneath all of his hyungs, was crimson red and totally flustered. Maybe Minho was right, maybe he did want this? That didn’t matter anyway, because the cat lover decided to begin his tickle lesson “So, he is basically deathly ticklish everywhere, but his worst spots are his armpits and legs, specifically knees” Minho pointed at the spots, lighly poking them making Jisung squeel and jerk to the opposite side “I wouldn’t sugest starting with those, because the session would be over far too quickly. Now, keep in mind that just because I said that his worst spots are his armpits and knees, that doesn’t mean that he’s not ticklish everywhere else” Jisung became the darkest shade of red imaginable, the blush running down from his cheeks onto his ears and neck, like ink “For example, I will show you right now, his ribs are pretty bad too” With that, Minho poked two fingers, both from opposite sides onto the boys sensitive ribs “GAHaha! Don’t do that, please!” The rest of the members, like students, seemed to be paying attention and taking down notes “All right, now that you have a rough idea about the canvas that we’ll be working with, we shall start” the dancer took the initiative by squeezing the lee’s sides “YAHAHAHA, DOHOHN’T Pl-plehehHEAHASE” “Wow, Minho, you are the master! You’ll have to teach me more about this!” Chan teasingly said, sitting on Jisung’s palms and poking both his armpits at the same time “HAHAGAGAHAHAHA PleahehaHahese stop the teheHEHasing~!” “Oh, Minho, he wants us to stop teasing, should we go all in(🫣)?” Hyunjin playfully asked, clawing the poor vocalist’s ribs “YAHAHAHAHAGAHAHAHAGAAAHA NOHOHOHOHOHO MEEHEHEHERCY PLEHEHEHASHSE!” Chan was still poking one of his most sensitive spots, Minho would not stop squeezing his sides no matter what and now Hyunjin was getting him aswell? He was genuinely going crazy.
“This is boring, teacher, aren’t we showing him too much mercy?” Changbin asked Minho from the very end of the victim’s body, where he was lighly, but enough to elit reactions from him, poking his legs and knees “PLEHEHEAHASE PLEHEHEASE MINHOHOHOHO HYUHUHNG!” “Yah, there’s no need for you to be so cute while you’re being wrecked~ As for you Changbin, I mean, don’t you see this beutiful piece of annoying ass that you can get revenge on for all the things that he did and even future one’s?” Minho said with a smirk, knowing this was getting the younger so good “Goddamnit,Binnie, just wreck him wherever, didn’t you listen to the instructions at the start?” Hyunjin scolded, switching from Jisung’s ribs to his sides quickly, making the lee aimlessly beg and jerk from side to side “NOHOHOHOHO, ANOHOHTHEHER SPOHOHOT ANOHOHOTHER SPOT PLEHEHEASE!”
“Minho, do you think he’ll mind a couple more fingers joining in? It’s kind of boring just holding him down…” Changbin asked with an obvious smirk “Hmmm… I don’t know, maybe we should ask him?” the bunny pretended to think for a moment, looking down at their victim, who was almost dying “NOHOHOHOHO, PLEHEHEHASE BIHIHIHINNIE! DOHOHOHON’T” “I think he’ll be fine, go for it, dwaekki boy!” the dancer encouraged the boy, smiling as he watched Han get all red and squirm even harder, if that was even possible “MEHEHEHERCYYY, I CAHAHAHAN’T!” No matter how much the allrounder begged and pleaded, he knew his hyungs wouldn’t stop. Not like he minded tho. Once Cangbin finally joined into the tickling party, the poor boy arched his back in an attempt to relieve the torturous sensation behind his knees. He was laughing so hard that his stomach and head had started to ache and tears ran down from his eyes all the way down his cheeks and onto his neck, damping the collar of his shirt. Hyunjin was switching between poking and showing all ten of his fingers onto his ribs, Chan was massaging circles into his armpits, Changbin just wouldn’t stop messing with his knees and sensitive thighs. But Minho was doing him the most trouble — he kept on instructing the other’s about the best spots and methods while agonizingly massaging deep circles into his hips. He’d never admit it, but actually loved it, but he knew he couldn’t take much more of it, not when all of his worst spots were being attacked all at once.
“PLEHEH-PLEHEHEASE I-I CAHAHAHAN’T BRehehehahe” As soon as Hannie’s laugher went silent, Minho notified everyone to stop. He was very much aware that Jisung didn’t hate it, in fact, he even thought that he might like this more than he could ever hate it. However, Minho wasn’t alone, in fact, most of Stray Kids had noticed their bandmates strange liking for tickling (and found it very cute). With this information in mind, wrecking Han had become the most fun activity both for the lee and ler.
By now everybody had climbed of the red and sweaty quokka, picking him up and laying him down on the couch “I hope we didn’t go too far, Sungie” Chan said, ruffling his kid’s hair and handing him a glass of water “No, I uh, I wanted to tell you something…” “What is it?!” Changbin, Hyunjin and Minho exclaimed, stomping into the room like wild animals. Han wanted to share his very secretive secret that everyone was aware of only with Chan, not trusting everybody enough yet, so having all of his hyungs surrounding him left the poor quokka quite nervous “Umm, gosh how do I say this… Uhm. Ok, so I didn’t specifically hate it” He finally spat out the words, feeling his heart crawling out from his throat “What are talking about, Hanji? What is it?” Changbin knew very well what it was, but ge just wanted to tease the younger a little longer “You know! What you just did right now, almost killing me” Jisung aas getting very much red, not handling the teases very well “Oh no we do not, tell us what is it because we are very much not awa-“ “Please, just quit it, can’t you see that is worse than the tickling?” the victim of the teases let out a relieved breath. Felix had successfully brought all the attention towards himself “Where were you, Lee Yongbok?” Minho questioned, stepping closer to the long haired boy “Yeah, mate, you were gone for a while…” Chan had cought up with the tickle master’s thoughts, sneakily approaching his australian brother asswell “Step away right now, I’m not in the mood at the moment” Oh he very much was. No matter how confident and mean he tried to sound, the elder’s could read him like a book, especially Channie. In all honesty, he had left only because he didn’t want to worsen his very much bad lee mood “Oh, I bet he’s so much cuter than Jisungie…” Hyunjin slowly advanced towards his and his hyungs next victim “YONGBOK RUN!!!!” Those were the very last words that Felix heard before gushing away from the relentless ler’s before he got caught up into their merciless grasp
Hey, thank you for reading!❤️ Sorry that it took so long to update, anon. I’ve just had no motivation to write, but I’m so happy that I’ve finnished it! Have a nice day/night
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aiura-stan · 2 months
0-7, this one for sure isn’t Saiki heaven!
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More evidence for the “saiki just uses low level hypnosis to make people believe whatever they want about him” theory. Actually, I think someone on Tumblr proposed this, kind of going off of his mind erasing power, where the mind just fills in a blank spot with a plausible story. I don’t remember who first brought up this theory. Make some noise if it was you.
I will be completely honest, I don’t remember this chapter at all. Maybe I skipped it or something. More likely, I read it half asleep at 3am.
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I don’t understand why the spirit of the person is the thing that retains the dazed status effect, but then again, this is fiction, and we are pretending that souls exist in the first place in a way that can be separated from the body.
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…okay. Another thing that really could have been put in the manga proper and also the anime. Nendou is being scouted as a PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL PLAYER?? HELLO???? That makes him at least 200% more impressive as a character.
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Um… Saiki… those aren’t lies…
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Hello??? SAIKI??? He’s really about to just leave Nendou’s body and wander around… I’m glad they added a definitive (rather short) time limit to the animanga before the soul has to go somewhere. It does bring up more questions about ghosts, and the religious belief system portrayed in Saiki k, but let’s not think about that right now. From the chapter thus far, seems like Saiki really enjoys taking otherwise purposeless strolls. Old man behavior.
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Yeah, Saiki really is on another level.
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This makes me kind of sad actually?? I’d explain but I’m sure you all can guess my thoughts here. Gah…
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Also, it’s kind of nice to see glasses-less and limiter-less Saiki. He’s actually quite pretty. His limiters do a lot to detract from his looks overall, on account of being highly ridiculous accessories. And his glasses hide his eye color (speaking more of the anime, but you know.)
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I have so many questions about this scene. How does a soul “wake up”? What happens when it does; does Saiki’s soul just automatically get kicked back into his proper body? Why did it take so long?? People can’t (rather: really shouldn’t) pass out for much longer than a few seconds. I’ll chalk it up to another Saikiverse modification where Saiki made real life more like a fictional story (and less harrowing. A world where fastballs are not potentially lethal.) And all of that crap about souls just doesn’t get explained. Okay. So much of this story is left up to readers to fill in the blanks with their own assumptions. Maybe that’s part of what makes it so good. Sidenote: I envy Nendou's superior ability to go with the flow. 'Oh, looks like I fell alseep while taking a shit.' <- Fantastic.
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Jfc Saiki, so little faith in people. (Understandably.)
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Saiki, I fail to see what the spinach has to do with you getting published in Jump.
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In all seriousness, the amount of times that people refer to Saiki’s powers as creepy or monstrous really is… a lot. Like, those baseball guys were calling Nendou (Saiki) a monster just for being (freakishly) good at baseball. Anyways
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Yeah, that’s about what I figured. They’re designed to be read independently. XD. Yeah, sorry, I’m one of those people apparently. Well, I’m sure Asou never expected his manga to be read quickly via scans by English speakers some years after the fact.
I am so glad that Asou sensei got serialized. And that he didn’t let his self doubt stop him from creating Saiki k. Yeah, that’s right. Can’t let the fans down!
よし!that'll do it. See you all next time. 💫
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jentledaisy · 1 month
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05 / 30 / 2024 - an update
as I am sure you remember, at the end of 2023 i made a post. in it, i explained my absence and overall health. much has happened since then.
first and foremost, i would like to say that many of you left me very kind and loving messages, at a time when i was very unkind and unloving to myself. thank you for that. you have no idea how it helped. i am very pleased to be able to tell you all that in the month of January and some of February, i completed my second round of TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation - depression + insomnia protocols) and my second round of Ketamine infusions. i feel much better, mentally and somewhat physically. now as to why i've remained gone, and why i made that post a few weeks ago about how stressed i was. on April 11, 2024, Apollo went in for surgery. he had a tumor on his neck (thankfully benign) and we had it removed. that surgery had gone fine and although it was costly (about 1K) me and my family were sure that it would all turn out fine. however, during his recovery process, I noticed his left eye had become swollen shut and (WARNING; GROSS) had been leaking pus. i rushed him to my vet, and thus began the month-long fight for his eye. for the first couple of weeks, we continued going to my usual vet, for both check-ups on his eye, medicine refills, and other emergencies related to his eye. he was, understandably in a lot of pain. this point in time was when I became the most stressed. I had almost completely stopped sleeping altogether, and kept waking up when I was alseep due to fear of him being in pain or something else happening. three weeks passed, and my vet was at a loss. he had been very clear with me, he had never seen an eye injury this bad on a rabbit before, and he did not know if he could save the eye. and after that third week, he sat me down to explain that he could no longer due anything else, and at that moment, his professional opinion was that I should remove Apollo's eye. he did, however, very strongly urge me to see a veterinary opthamalogy specialist before I made my choice, as he did not feel fully comfortable. at this point i had already spent almost 2K of my own money on appointments, even with help from my parents, and i began feeling very stressed at the financial burden. getting his eye removed would have been 2K more, which was all i had left in my savings. luckily, we did go to see a specialist and she was able to provide us with more medicine, a clearer understanding and some hope. she believed Apollo had managed to create a scab over the initial injury, something she also hadn't seen done in rabbits, and under the scab his eye was healing. it was very similar to a procedure she had done on other animals before, to help eye injuries heal. so she gave us medicine and a plan, to hopefully wait out the scab on his eye. which brings us to one week ago. in this time the scab had grown smaller, and we had had it trimmed around the edges a few times (since we couldn't pull it off we just trimmed it) and while I was grooming him I noticed it was pulling off a lot. I was planning on trimming it again but to my relief the whole thing popped off all at once. I kept applying medicine, as they instructed until today's appointment. now, final hurdle, the appointment today. his eye is (basically) healed! it'll take a while for his vision to return, however it will return. he no longer has to wear his cone or be separated from Leo. I'll be tapering off his medication and he should be completely fine. thank you all for being so patient with me. this has been my life for the past half year and while you don't in any way owe me such patience and grace, I more than appreciate it. <3
— with love, daisy, apollo & leo
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lex-drinks-blood · 2 years
A Steve harrington x male reader where Steve takes care of his sick boyfriend
ok I love this prompt, so yesyes will do!! I'm not even gonna ramble this time, let's just get to the fic.
Steve Harrington × Male Reader: steve takes care of his boyfriend who seems to have come down with a rather bad cold/flu
Warning(s): emetophobia (enough said)
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"Oh you poor thing," Steve cooed, holding your fringe out of your face as you dispelled your illness into his toilet.
"I'm so sorry st-" your apology was cut short by another round of bile creeping up your throat again.
"Hey, hey, hey," steve spoke as he rubbed slow circles on your back, "It's ok y/n, it's not your fault. It's ok."
This pattern of apologies stifled by your vomit followed by Steve's reassurances continued for what seemed like forever before you finally felt confident enough to leave the tile floor of the Harrington's bathroom without worry of puking again.
As you stood up, Steve held his hand on your hip to support your weight in case you were still too weak to stand on your own. One he had you on your feet, Steve sat you down on the lid of the toilet and quickly grabbed a towel from the other side of the bathroom and wiped you off a bit. You didn't seem visibly unclean, but he just wanted to play it safe. It was better to wipe away at nothing than to have you walking around covered in vomit for the afternoon.
After tenderly cleaning you up, he gently lifted you off of the toilet and into his arms. Your head leaned into his chest as your arms found purchase around his neck. "Steve...," you moaned quietly, "I'm okay, you really don't need to do this baby."
"I know," he hummed in response, "I just want to," he cooed.
And with that, he carried you through seemingly endless hallways, up the stairs, and into his room before laying you gently on his mattress and planting a quick kiss to your forehead. "I'll be right back, I need to grab some stuff really fast. I promise I won't be long," he seemed to speak in a somewhat calmed panic.
"I'll be here," you sounded strained but managed to let out a sarcastic chuckle as you delivered the statement.
Steve let out a relieved sigh, "There's my boy," he said, pushing your fringe out of your eyes lovingly. "I'll be quick, I promise. You won't even notice I'm gone," and with that he disappeared into the seemingly endless halls of the Harrington family home.
Despite the fact that he was gone for a totally of barely 5 minutes, Steve was welcomed to his room by the site of you fast alseep on his bed, drool slowly seeping out of your mouth and on to his blue pillowcase.
What in the world am I going to do with you, l/n, he thought to himself lovingly. "Alright pretty boy, imma need you to wake up for me," he spoke as he gently nudged you awake.
You woke with a sharp, almost gasp-like, inhale, "I tried to stay awake... everything just got too fuzzy," you half-whined.
"Shh, it's ok," he spoke as he kneeled beside his bed," I brought some stuff that might help you feel a bit better. Do you wanna try and do that or just sleep it off?"
You stared at him wordlessly before responding with a subtle shrug.
"I think you should try some medicine and see if that helps babe," he said, shuffling through the bag of medicine he had gone off to hunt for just moments ago. "I've got some anti-nausea, some migraine pills, some fever reducer, i-" he was cut of by your strained voice before he could finish his laundry list of medications.
"I don't think I have a fever Steve, it's fine," you spoke, your voice still slightly raspy, "Really, I'm perfectly fine."
Steve reached his hand out to your forehead and sharply pulled back mere milliseconds after his skin made contact with yours, "l/n, you are absolutely scolding," he spoke, beginning to sound rather motherly.
"I didn't notice..." your words almost sounded small as they left your mouth in a hushed whisper.
"Just let me take care of you for today. Please?" his perfect puppy-dog eyes pleaded, "Just for today. I promise I'll let you be free tomorrow," he knew that you were aware that that was probably a lie, but he figured you were probably too sick to care about fighting him on it for the time being.
As he expected, you had given up on trying to fund snarky comebacks or fighting back against his almost motherly doting, your mind and body too weak to think of a good comeback for him at the moment. An almost silent, "m'kay," was all you could muster in response.
With your spoken consent, Steve loaded you up on anti-nausea, fever reducers, cough syrup, migraine pills, and liters upon liters upon liters of ginger ale. To be honest, he wasn't really sure if he should be mixing all of the shit he was giving you, but he figured it would be better to target all of your symptoms now than fight them all later. A theory that somewhat made sense, but was obviously lacking any scientific backing.
"Hey, Stevie," you called, almost sounding like a little kid
"Hey what?" he replied, almost sounding like said kid's babysitter (which honestly wasn't exactly inaccurate at the moment).
"You're really pretty," you strained, fingers already combing through the hair of the man still kneeling next to you.
"That's just the drugs talking hun, we both know you're the pretty boy," Steve spoke through a low chuckle.
"Nu-uh," a hint of tiredness seemed to coat your response.
A warm hand reached out to caress your cheek, "You don't think so?"
You shook your head as much as you could while still pressing the side of your face to the pillows to look at your partner.
"Whatever you say baby, I won't fight you on it today."
"You're no fun, Harrington," you whined sarcastically.
"Maybe when you feel a bit better," he chuckled lowly and placed a kiss on your forehead as he brought himself to his feet.
You watched him curiously as he pulled a blanket from the closet and layed it on the floor beside you. "Stevie?"
"Yes, beautiful?" he questioned, still focused on the blanket he was holding.
"What are you doing?" you inquired.
"I just figured since you're already so warm I could just sleep on the floor. You'd have more space that way anyway, yknow?" he said, still arranging his makeshift bed on the hardwood of his room.
"C'mere," you spoke, outstretching your arms to him, mimicking a child with grabby-hands.
"You sure, honey?" he spoke inquisitively.
"Positive," you strained.
"Okie dokie then," he said as he began to roll up the blanket and put it back where he had found it When he had finished with the blanket he made his way back to his bed and curled up beside you, propping himself up against the headboard and placing his arm around your shoulders, "You seem to be cooling down a bit yknow? That's a good sign I think!" he sounded rather proud of himself as he said that last bit.
"Maybe," you whispered into his chest, already entangling your limbs with his in a sleepy daze.
Steve rubbed gentle circles on your shoulder as he spoke, his lips almost pressed to your hair, "If you need anything just let me know ok?"
No response.
"You hearing me l/n?" he whispered a bit harsher this time.
Still no answer.
When he finally looked down ag you, he saw your eyes peacefully closed as you drifted off to a much needed sleep, "You poor baby," he spoke, almost to himself, placing a gentle kiss to your scalp again, "What am I going to do with you?"
Your drool had already begun seeping into his shirt as you clutched gently to the fabric. Steve didn't seem to mind though, as he had closed his eyes and begun chasing his own sleep almost immediately after ensuring your state of unconsciousness.
Being the babysitter of the group was getting a bit exhausting for Steve, but it seemed like he really believed that it was actually worth the work to him. It was always worth it if it meant he had to take care of you guys. It was always worth it if that meant taking care of you. Especially you.
ok so this one was a bit less organized, I wont lie to you. I'm not gonna lie, the middle of this was written while I was on my break at work 💀 So I'm sorry if this is at all lacking in quality!! Idk, I still think it's kind of cute. I hope you think so too! As always, feel free to leave requests in the comments or in my asks and I hope each and everyone of yall has a wonderful morning, afternoon, and or evening <33
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multi-fandom-imagine · 4 months
⚠️ (Maybe a Spoiler for Mordecai with his past? I don’t know lol) ⚠️
But imagine seeing a little lookalike Mordecai(as seen in the comic) running around the house.
OR three kits running around because he had two sisters. Now tell me THAT wouldn’t be adorable.
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iamthunderhearmehowl · 7 months
BG3 AU Circle of Decay: Dammon Headcannons
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hey hi it's me, again, currently dying from food poisoning at 1am
So I was sitting in my office thinking about how much I love this Tiefling and I realized. . . . .as a character you probably never want to hear that from ANY writer, because that means you'll get emotional damage for breakfast.
🌟 These headcannons are for a BG3 AU called "Circle of Decay", all the content for this AU can be found here -> (Link)
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So we all know that Dammon and Karlach are kind of an item/ its kind of like puppy love - that being said, I dont think the game eludes to it being more than that
BELIEVE ME I WANT THAT TO HAPPEN - ahem - but in this AU it does not happen
Karlach is so busy that Dammon is just doing his own thing and perfecting his craft - he's not the best blacksmith in Faerune for no reason, and while I'm sure he would wait on her - people just be on different paths, you know?
While his main shop is in Baulder's Gate - he will ocassionally go to the rebuilt town of what was once the shadowfell realm - to sell and work on more items
Since the town's form of payment is primarily services and goods and not money - he does get some pretty sweet kickbacks and of course clients who can pay will get their armor and weapons done at a faster rate
His blacksmithing there is not permenant - they just needed someone with services there every once in a while until the town could officially get their own. Think of it as his 2nd base, his vacation forge, 2nd store location if you will.
The Night They Met
When he met Faeryl - the man was like Oh Shit
The poor girl was half naked / covered in blood and hyperventaliting in the corner of his forge
"I'm so sorry. Please don't freak out. I didn't have anywhere else to hide and I don't want my father knowing. "
He asks her if he should grab the local healer and she quickly responds "No. Please don't. The locals already don't like me and they especially won't after this. I don't want to give my father anymore grief "
He brings her a blanket and a dish with warm water and a rag. He kindly asks if he can clean up the cuts and wounds on her back
As he wipes the blood off of her right shoulder he's almost taken aback - The Symbol of House Vandree is branded there in her skin.
"Please don't tell anyone" she's almost crying. He calms her down and assures he wont - perhaps he could walk her home.
"Where are you staying at? I could deliver you to your father"
"Oh. Yeah I'm staying at the old MoonRise Towers "
"Oh you and your father are staying with Halsin?"
"Uh haha technically? Halsin IS my father"
"Oh you must be one of the adopted children"
"I wish. I would've had a less traumatic childhood. Also, I'm 90 years old - so I'm not a child"
Dammon just looks at her for a second. His brain is malfunctioning. It's currently in the endless loading screen circle and playing weird dial up noises. "I didn't know Halsin had biological children"
"Yeah neither did he, nor I - Quiet frankly when that weird mummy said something I thought he was playing a joke"
"But. . . you're drow? Also you have the marking of House Vandree - one of their slaves?"
"Wow you look more confused and scared than I am, and I'm the one who just accidently murdered a family of deer. Look, It's a long, long story. I also hate to ask this - but I'm not too keen on heading back home and getting a lecture"
Dammon aggrees to let her stay for the rest of the evening - only walking her home after all the villager's had fallen alseep and gotten over the commotion of finding deer entrails near town
He does want an explanation of what all is going on if she's going to stay - so she spills everything.
He seems to be charmed by her - she's wrapped herself up in the blanket and has curled up on a cushion next to the fire. The cup of tea he's given her looks so large in her hands
Since that day - she visits him in the morning to bring him honey buns, cinnamon rolls, etc. More or less it's an excuse to see him.
Faeryl ends up visiting him in the middle of the night every so often when she can't sleep - he's normally up still working anyways
Emotional Damage Headcannons
Faeryl does NOT initally tell him that she's pregnant with is child - she's in disbelief. As far as she knew she couldn't conceive - Fey'ri are normally born when Sun Elves and Tieflings interbred.
As far as she knows she was Drow/Wood Elf - it never occured to her that she had Sun Elf in her blood, although she does have noble blood
One day he notices that Faeryl hasn't come to visit in about 2 days - which was unusual
He heads to Halsin's home to see if she's okay; Mol, Arabella, Halsin, and Greta are all in the kitchen looking STRESSED
They explain that Malice and Alistair came for her and took her back home to Menzobarranzan - forcefully - they fucking just kidnapped her and threatened to slaughter the whole town; she didn't have a choice
Halsin is pacing - worried, he explained that she can't hide her belly for long. It's already starting to show a little bit
Dammon is like "Um what?!"
Gretta sits him down at the table "She hasn't told you? She's carrying your babe."
If he were standing up his knees wouldve buckled and he wouldve hit the ground
The man wants to grab a sword and run towards the underdark - but Mol stops him and points out that hes NOT a fighter (MF ACT 2 WAS SO STRESSFUL BECAUSE HE KEPT WANTING TO JOIN IN ON THE FIGHTS AND HIS ASS KEPT DYING - I RELOADED LIKE 17 TIMES)
If House Vandree were to find out that they have a possible Fey'ri in their possession it's over - they're killing her and taking the babe. The child would be the perfect killing machine - Infernal Blood, Noble Blood, Magic Abilities
Eventually it plays out to where they do get a hold of Dammon and force him to forge Armor for House Vandree (for an upcoming war)
they only allow him to see Faeryl for a mere few minutes before they tear them apart
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Anyways - that's all i have for tonight <3 I am currently in the process of writing some scripts to voice act so stay tuned for that.
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johnathancactus · 2 months
getting freaky at 2 am
uhhh just some notes for myself (i dont expect these points to all be sound, its more just writing down some half-alseep notes)
we cant truly understand the mind outside our own simply because we cant experience it (qualia), think back a couple years to when i realized that i cannot know if anybody thinks (they might tell me, but how do i know they arent predetrmined to tell me yada yada yada)
thusly we also cant understand ourselves, because we perceieve ourselves. our "self" is what we perceieve of ourself (think abt somebody and all we know about how they look is a portrait made of them) we cant truly udnerstand ourself because it is always filtered through perception
other people r filtered through more perception, we cant exist within a mind other than our own (annoying af tbh), so we have no way of knowing if they r capabale of thought/real. our perception of the is based off their actions/words. even the people you know closest are a perception of their actions, we cant know the perception of themself they hold or their true self
guhhhhhhhhh also apply this to ai n shit (again, we literally cant know if its concious bc we cant be in its "mind". to a certain degree what makes it diff to other people to us)
uhhh also the entirety of qualia here
anyways to be relevant: simon from soma. man is goung through it, right? hell yeah. anyways, he struggles w if hes truly himself bc hes a copy of his mind, is he concious bc hes a robot all that shit, yeah? well its acatually impossible to know, NERD!!! how do i know that im not predetermined, also???? I DONT!!! oh nooooo, you may think, but wrong!!! we have a CHOICE!!!!! you can either a: choose to believe that you have independent ocntrol over urself (i am freely thinking and i am myself) or B: YOU DONT!! you can decide to determine that you are predetermined. the fun thing is that theres no way to KNOW!!!!!
(btw if ur cruious i choose a bc choosing b basically = dissacoiation which im not up for lately, sadly)
i mean technically i could try to choose b and see how that goes but dissacoaiting doesnt sound like a good idea (unless that is what keeps me thethered from further undertsnaind, and i need to shed the entire concept of "myself" to understand......) but then i start to sound crazy lmao
uhhhh you arnet you but you are you, you to you are the you looking at you, you yourself cant be determined, you to others is what they perceive of you.... nothing si the same for anybody else as it is to you!!! you cant know if my red is yours!!! qualia, baby!!!!!!
tldr you cant know anytjhing for certain and you just gota choose sometimes man
uhhh if anybody wants to add feel free but know that im disgustingly sensitive
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dad-friend · 1 year
explanations below the cut if you want more details:
spring is march, april, and may
summer is june, july, and august
autumn is september, october, and november
winter is december, january, and february
ASTRONOMICAL (yes thats the right word i googled it)
spring starts on the vernal equinox (roughly march 21st)
summer starts on the summer so stice (roughly june 21st)
autumn starts on the autumnal equinox (roughly september 22nd)
winter starts on the winter solstice (roughly december 22nd)
like a kids book;
spring means flowers and mild temperatures
summer means heat and/or beach weather, sunscreen is necessary
autumn means the trees have turned and temperatures are mild again
winter means its cold and dark and there is probably snow
spring starts sometime between valentines day and saint patrick's day (possibly whatever the groundhog decides that year)
summer starts on memorial day
autumn starts on labor day
winter starts the friday or saturday after thanksgiving
listen yall im gonna be honest im making this in like 10 mins while half alseep, im sure theres obvious stuff im missing and i know the fact that im an american doesnt help Imao
however i am fr curious so like. yell in the tags, live your dreams live your truth etc, i genuinely would love to know
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wiggledforsquiggled · 2 years
Okay so I listened to 'Kings and Queens of Wasteland' by Jukio Kallio on loop for like half an hour probs more because I adore that song and then my brain went "hey what if you made a Last Life/HC8 AU based on this song?" and so here I am thinking about the song a lot cus brrrrr.
Also before getting into AU, I just wanna say my headcanons for the Life Series is that it is basically dreams. Dreams that are interconnected, possibly caused by a certain outside force, and because they're going through traumatic things it is hard to recall/very hazy/they don't know if it is real or not.
Anyways, basically in this version A. None of the participants wake up after the first session, they're just stuck there; B. The boogey curse cares over to HC; and C. Renbob and Goatman need a fucking break.
Basically, somehow, The Nothing linked up together with the Boogey curse for unknown reasons (this is like first pass, don't expect their to be a single thought) which forced Last Lift HC members to go into a forced coma. I haven't decided fully yet, but I do know who gets discovered sleeping first.
At roughly the same time, both Ren and Etho are found by their base buddies. Iskall shrugs it off while Doc is worried, who then goes to Boatem to find every single member fully asleep. Due to this a meeting is called, they make plans, so on so forth until the curse arrives to which they also discover permadeath is on. Idk who the first Boogey or death is tho sooo.
Long story short: Doc ends up with the curse and cuts himself off, Iskall makes a fort in a cave system to chill and song songs with his friends, and things eventually resolve with everyone just completely out of it.
Again this is a first pass and I need to watch more povs but my brain is fuckin rotating >:3
yooooo!! this is such a cool au sammy!!
oooooo the LL players being stuck in a coma?? and the hc memebrs finding them alseep ?? so angsty wow
also permadeath suddenly being on for a server that's used to being able to die casually must be terrifying,,, esp w one of ur friends suddenly trying to kill u
it's like double the angst of LL bc (i headcanon) the LL plasters signed up to be there - or at least were aware of the rules. How do the Hc memebrs find out abt the permadeath rule?? surely someone has to die and simply not respawn??
i am glad u say everyrbing resolves bc this could definitly go the tragic route and i don't think i could handle that fjdjs
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carelessflower · 4 months
just a snippet (part of a fic)
"Dinner is ready." Alec called put, as he picked up Max from the highchair. Food staining his face.
"I'll get you all cleaned up and ready for bed." Alec said to no one in particular. He started washing Max's hands as Magnus walked into the kitchen, stretching.
"Finished work?" Alec said, Magnus kissed his boyfriend and son. "Yeah. I"ll put him to bed." Max giggled, as his papa picked up, tickling him, and placed him in the cot, with his toy.
"Is he alseep?"
"He is lying there, yawning."
"I'll go, have some food." Alec said, handing him the plate, as he walked into Max's room.
Magnus smiled to himself, as he served himself a plate of spagetti and mince meat, that Alec made himself, calling it a "lightwood speciality."
He sat on the coach, Alec walking out, holding Max.
"You could'nt get him to asleep then?"
"Ive tried, but he still half awake." Max was sitting in his dad's lap, playing with his stegosuarus. He let out a little roar, as Alec rubbed his back.
A knock on the door intrupted the family.
"Who could that be?" Alec said, looking at Magnus.
"Ill get it." Magnus said, grabbing a baseball bat, to which Alec rolled his eyes at.
"Could be a burglar?"
"A burglar who knocks?"
The knock came again, as Magnus slowly opened the door, a tall, pale, black haired man was standing there.
"Hey, you're going to let me in?"
Magnus opened the door fully, as the taller male stepped in, looking around, before turning his attention to Magnus, who hugged him.
"You should have called and said you were coming?" Magnus smiled, hugging him. Alec stood up, placing Max on the couch, who was watching the man with a cuirious look.
"And miss supersing you?" He ruffled Magnus's hair, as the man turned to Alec and gave him a small smile.
"Oh Alec this is my uncle Lucifer, and Luci, this is my boyfriend Alexander." Alec smiled, as Magnus closed the door behind him, and Magnus led his uncle to the couch.
"Tea or coffee?"
"Black coffee please, two sugars."
Max was still watching, the man.
"Oh this is Max, he is our son, Max this is your great uncle Luci?"
Max was still watching him
Max looked at his papa, before turning his attention to his dinosaur.
Alec returned, putting the coffee and lalte of biscutis. down in front of the male, and sitting besides Max.
"So the name Lucifer?" Magnus gave Alec a look, that read, really? Did you really say that?
"My dad named me, my twin brother Michael had the better name choice. But ive never chsnged it." Luci said.
"So what are you doing here?" Magnus said, who sat next to Alec.
Lucifer looked at the couple.
"Its about your dad." Alec noticed how Magnus flinched.
"What about him?"
"Tia left new york, ol heard ds happened, uls tia gnay anything oi capimao?" (He left new york, I heard what happened, did he do anything this time?)
Lucifer said speaking directly to Magnus.
"Tia uls cor stuff, cirp if tia left new york, da i ah chance tia may noan zacam." (He did some stuff, but if he left New York, there is a chance he may come back) Magnus repsonded, ignoring the confused look coming from Alec.
Lucifer nodded, holding the mug of coffee, and taking a sip.
"Ol gnay ge om marb ar though, tia niis zacam i bab? however, ar i ge a reason ol zir kures, tia told ol de atraah oi de g?" (I do not know about that though, him coming back is possible? However, that is not the reason I am here, he told me to give this to you?)
Lucifer took an brown evelope out, out from his coat pocked and handing it over to Magnus.
Magnus took it and opened it, reavling a cheque.
"He is giving us that much." Alec said, looking at the number.
"Well yeah."
"Ol gnay ge om marb ar. Tia i currently residing g oxford. If tia i niis zacam de new york, ol trian inform g. Dont worry magnus" (I do not know about that. He is currently residing in Oxford. If he is coming back to New York, I will inform you. Dont worry Magnus)
Magnus nodded,
"I should go, need to check on my other sibiling. See you in the morning." Lucifer said, sitting up, as Magnus nodded.
Lucifer left.
"Okay. First, what language was that? Second. Why has your dad given you that much money?"
"He was speaking Enochian. And I dont know the answer that. He cant just give us money."
"A langauge that a group of people speak that belong to a specific country. Your focusing on the wrong part."
"I know. But he is no longer a threat? Your dad?"
Alec nodded, picking up Max, who was falling asleep on the couch.
"Ds gnay g gil lrasd ol dad?" (What do you want from me dad?)
Magnus mubbled, placing the cheqe on the table.
what luci doing here he better not harm a single hair on my bois head
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