#I am dying to write some threads in these fandoms :)
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Renaissance Starter call ⚜️
Give this a like, comment, or reblog from a starter from any of my muses from Medici, or The Borgias
Specify a muse you want the starter for or from in the comments, otherwise I’ll just throw whatever muse I’m feeling at ya 😄
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lurkingshan · 7 months
Goodbye Cooking Crush
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Aw man, I am so sad this wonderful little show is over. It delivered everything I needed and held up all the way through its run. Everything came together in this finale for some great final payoffs, and the characters stayed true. When we were watching the finale I said to @neuroticbookworm and @twig-tea that this show is writing porn, because all of the narrative threads build and converge in such a satisfying way. I posted a couple weeks ago that this show is exactly what you want from a good romcom, and I stand by it. Great outing for OffGun and a very rewarding show that I will surely be rewatching many times.
As expected, this week delivered a solid, nuanced ending for Ten's family conflict. I loved the way Ten sat Prem down at the family table, took the chair opposite his father at the other end of the table in a clear power move, and told him in no uncertain terms that Prem was his boyfriend and he had to accept it. And his dad did not have a sudden personality transplant; he pushed back and challenged Prem to prove his integrity. It made sense to me that Prem wanted to pay that money back; the money scam from the beginning of their relationship has been weighing on him the whole time, and he doesn't want any shred of doubt lingering over his relationship with his in-laws. My favorite part of that whole sequence was Prem's grandma finally finding out about the money and getting out her switch; this was never Prem's burden to bear alone and I'm glad he learned his lesson about not asking for help.
So Ten's dad was forced to accept Prem when he came through on his promise, and he even offered a classic Asian parent version of an apology by coming to Prem's restaurant to acknowledge him, which is more than I expected from him. My favorite thing about that final scene at the restaurant is that Ten's dad hasn't really changed and he and Ten are not suddenly getting along; their conversation was still adversarial even as he finally explained a couple things, and in the end he was left to eat at the table alone. No unearned parental 180 here. They are not suddenly a big happy family, but they've settled on a detente everyone can live with. It feels right.
And in another family drama, Fire finally found the courage to tell his mother how much she has hurt him, and after an initial rejection, she realized she didn't want to lose Fire and offered him acceptance. I would have liked a bit more breathing room in this plot because her turn felt a little too easy, but it's a side story so I get that they were time constrained. It was nice to see Fire finally stand up for her, and Dynamite begrudgingly accepted into the family. I liked that Dy's family didn't magically appear; not all families will accept their queer children, and that is the reality he has to live with. But it must have felt somewhat healing to see that happen for Fire and know he was a big part of giving Fire the courage to finally come out.
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Meanwhile, the Three Must-Eat-Ers lost the cooking competition but won the hearts of many with the touching story of their final dish, and built careers bolstered by their show fandom. I was so pleased to get the flash forward to show us that Prem did get to open his chef's table restaurant, with Ten's full support (and with rings of some sort on, not sure if they're engaged or married but they are definitely committed). It was the very sweet cherry on top of the ice cream sundae of their romance. Ten and Prem, Communication Kings, are going down as one of my all-time favorite bl couples.
I am agnostic on the final Samsee/Pang reveal, given my hopes for a Samsee/Metha pairing. I'm not mad at the show for not going there--it would definitely have been pairing the spares to put Samsee and Metha together, which I generally do not go in for--and am mostly happy that Samsee found love and Metha is still part of the gang. I would have also loved to see those bullies get some comeuppance, but honestly, bullies often win, and it didn't feel like a true loss for our boys so I'm good with it. This was a solid finale for a feel good show and I will miss it dearly.
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
I don’t know if it's appropriate on this blog but I'm just going for it. How do people make friends in fandom? How do you all manage it? I've been bouncing from fandom to fandom for more than 15 years and have been mostly lurking for the better part of those years. It has been very hard to find friends just in general because of my shyness and all this antiship/proship discourse is making it even harder to even consider putting myself out there. Everyone just seems insufferable. Even the ship and let ship crowd.
A thing I've noticed is that while the proship spaces have better attitudes towards fiction/fandom/fanfic in general there exists this weird hate boner about people with canon ships (in my personal experience, just last week I stumbled on a tweet from a self identified proship account telling people that they shouldn't read fanfic of their blorbos because they are canonically together which made me go huh) and there exists this strange superiority complex, a "you're not enlightened like me" attitude (it's very strange and especially prominent among people who identify as proship and ship the big m/m ship in fandoms of material catered towards male audiences, ik this because I was guilty of this superiority too at one point). Honestly, this "enlightenment", the hypocrisy of preaching ship and let ship but only the way I deem correct (last week I saw a big a proship account shade shippers of a specific rival ship right under their thread about how we shouldn't generalize and I think I lost brain cells) and condescending attitude of "I am not boring like you" and "You're doing fandom wrong" is one of the reasons that has turned me off those spaces more and more. I've noticed it once and can't unsee it because it all gives off this mean girl (gender neutral) energy and puts me off interacting.
On the other hand a lot of the ship and let ship spaces that prefer the canon ships tend to be very anti adjacent even if they actually practice ship and let ship (screaming and crying about sexualization of minors, throwing out phrases like porn addict around). I've seen some very strange sentiments about Europeans there (like thanks for informing me that all of us are monstrous bloodthirsty cannibals I guess) and Japan (which is ironic because it's mostly anime fandoms doing it). It doesn't make me wanna associate with them either.
Nonnie, do you know how staggeringly often I get this question?
A big part of the answer is to not be a lurker. There are reasonable people out there, but they're much less visible than loud assholes, so the best way to find them is for them to find you.
Many of my closest fandom friends are people I met offline, either because they live near me or because we went to cons together. Others are people who turned up in replies on tumblr regularly. You need repeated contact that's memorable enough to recall the person as a distinct individual. I sometimes find that hard online. It really depends on frequency and them having something to say plus a good writing voice.
I know lots of people are shy or prefer to be lurkers. I get why. But you'll rarely meet anyone that way.
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hxlplessheart · 6 months
I’ve decided to open myself back up to finding some more roleplays! I’ve been a bit busy with uni recently and I’ve been missing DMs and such. So, I figured I’d make an official post!
So, Hi! My name varies on the internet, but you can call me V. I’m a 19yo female who has been roleplaying for close to seven years— with a main focus on OC x Canon and OC x OC doubles. My writing style has developed over the years, and I’ve learned how to mirror my partner’s styles pretty well! But, I have a strong preference for literate to novella writing.
My Roleplay Rules and Guidelines:
1. Third person POV writing only.
I really dislike any other POV writing, as I feel like it not only disrupts the flow, but it forces me to have to try and merge my own third person writing into another POV. This makes it clunky and hard to read back on.
2. Doubles for OC x Canon Characters are MANDATORY
I will not budge on this rule. Although I love roleplaying for the connection and a good story, I absolutely will not roleplay just a canon character against your oc because you ‘don’t know how to do doubles’. I know you can do doubles if you wanted to, you just choose not to. And that’s completely fine! I would simply rather not roleplay with you if I am confined to just a canon character and I can’t write my OCs against a canon character. The only exception to this rule is OC x OC threads.
3. NSFW is preferred
I am an adult who is interested in roleplaying adult themes. I am not looking for a strictly NSFW roleplay, but I am interested in the themes being present.
NSFW in this context includes:
- S3xually explicit scenes
- Unhealthy relationships/depictions of toxic behaviors
- Character death/character injuries/ etc etc
- Infidelity/Relationship breaks/ etc etc
This list is not here to be a checklist for everything I want in a roleplay. Rather, it’s a list of examples for what I’m interested in.
4. A minimum of 5 lines is required for a reply
As a descriptive roleplayer, I feel as if it is important to note that I simply will not reply to oneliners, * text, or [Character]:
5. Communication is important!
Please, please please please communicate with me. If you are unhappy with what is going on in a roleplay— please tell me. I will not be upset! Or, if you want to stop, or you’re uninterested in the subject anymore, please let me know! You will not upset me! Also, any sort of NSFW themes must be discussed heavily, and boundaries must be communicated.
6. All participants must be 18 or older
No exceptions.
7. Discord Roleplays Only
And there we go! Those are all of my guidelines for roleplaying with me!
My Fandoms:
- Arcane
- The Arcana
- Gravity Falls
- Resident Evil
- Scream
- Most Slashers
- The Price of Flesh
- Boyfriend to Death
- Lovers Trophy
- Inside Job
- Lackadaisy
- Telltale’s The Walking Dead
- Dying Light 1 & 2
- Stardew Valley
- Hazbin Hotel
- The Wolf Among Us
- The Last of Us
- The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
- Stranger Things
- My Hero Academia
- Ouran High School Host Club
And many, many more
If you have any questions or if you’re interested in a thread please dm me! I’d be happy to discuss specifics from there! :}
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sugoi-and-spice · 4 months
My actual prediction for [REDACTED's] fate at the end of MHA, and just my big ol' meta on the whole situation.
Sadly, I don't think Shigaraki is coming back to life. I really fucking hope he does, but I can't believe it for two weeks and then watch it not happen, I will break . Yeah Horikoshi loves his fake out deaths... But idk, Shigaraki 's body is pretty damn gone. And he tends to pull his punches less when it comes to villains (Twice anyone?!)
I truthfully think the best chance we have of seeing him again is through One for All.
Shigaraki 100% transferred OFA back to Deku with that last bloody fist bump. That moment was a huge part of Horikoshi’s original ending with Bakugo, and I wouldn’t be surprised (or mad) if he decided to try to work it into this new version of his ending.
I think we probably will see Shigaraki again and get some more of that context and closure that we’re looking for, but it will be as a vestige within OFA. That’s my prediction, that’s the best direction that I can imagine this ending going in my little lizard writer brain. And I don’t think I’ll be mad about that. (But idk man, talk to me again in like 2 weeks lol).
I’ve always had a hard time believing that Shigaraki was going to make it out of this series alive. Of course, I’ve always wanted Horikoshi to find a clever way for him to do so without totally betraying his character -- I never believed that Shigaraki should fully join the side of the heroes. It’s just so antithetical to his mission and the message of MHA, nor could he ever just… live a normal life with every crime he committed, and him spending his life in prison would be just as miserable as him dying like this imo, no fucking freedom there. Sure, the simp in me wanted an ending where he got a redemption and life, but I certainly wasn’t optimistic. It would be a HARD fucking thing to do. I certainly don’t know how I would do it if I was in Horikoshi’s shoes, as a fellow professional writer (not just of romance either. I write and edit YA action fiction in my normie job, fun fact). I had hoped Horikoshi would figure it out, and a part of me is obviously hoping that Kurogiri managed to pull some hijinks and somehow warp him away, then he and his friends go on to live like little rats the way they have for the majority of the series, forever, buuuut-
I did always have a feeling he was probably going to go the Vader route.
Honestly, him dying beating the shit out of All for One is a pretty great exit for his character, feels more true than him sacrificing himself for the heroes’ side or humanity’s sake. It is the quickness with which this all occurred, the off-screen rescuing he had by Nana Shimura, and the lack of bodily autonomy in his death that I think is pissing people off. (It’s certainly what’s pissing me off). If we had even just gotten a moment of him having full control of his body again, looking up to the sky and seeing his friends waiting for him as he decayed away – or you know, just a death that lasted longer then two damn pages – I think the reactions wouldn’t be so visceral.
That being said. Horikoshi is a master chef, particularly when it comes to stories of recovering from trauma and getting closure, as well as tying up loose threads imo (remember when everyone though that he FORGOT the traitor plotline? Boy was that an embarrassing time for the fandom lmao),  and this man has been cooking for a while now. MHA has been the best it has ever been in this Final Saga and I don’t think he’s done with this dish just yet, nor do I think he’s done with Shigaraki. Physically? Probably. But everything that Shigaraki represents and stands for in this series, no I don’t think this is the end of that. Just because we didn’t see those moments we wanted in this last chapter, doesn’t mean we won’t see them in the next.
So as shell-shocked as I am right now to see my ultimate comfort character (who I have a tattoo of by the way lol) fade away into dust, I’m gonna trust the process and Horikoshi for now.
It ain’t over til it’s over, as it were.
(And all that being said, I probably will still write a fix it fanfic where he lives instead, regardless of how this is handled lmao)
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putschki1969 · 8 months
hey puts, the captain of kalafina fandom XD i came across this instagram post which i think its talking about backstage stuff about wakana circulating in 2-chan. this is the post https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvy3CuchT-D/ can you share your thoughts about it ? or maybe you can help us what are they actually talking about since we can only use google translate.
Hello there, anon!
Ugh, you are throwing me a curve-ball here, I did not expect to get a question like this. Already feeling exhausted just thinking about writing my reply T_T
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That Instagram post is from spring 2019, a - what I consider to be - particularly dark period in the Kalafina fandom. Wakana was in the midst of preparing for her first grand-scale solo tour after her official solo debut and Space Craft finally put their act together by releasing an official statement regarding Kalafina's state of limbo. In an attempt to put an end to a lot of uncertainty/speculation and to create a clear distinction between Kalafina and Wakana's solo activities, they declared a definitive disbandment. As you can imagine, everyone and their mother had something to say about that. Even Yuki Kajiura, Hikaru and Keiko made statements in response. All of this caused a lot of backlash against Space Craft and particularly towards Wakana herself. The fact that Wakana was still with Space Craft and dared to not address the announcement of Kalafina's disbandment with a statement of her own made many so-called fans very angry and disappointed - totally unwarranted of course.
Suddenly, there was an influx of certain internet trolls who got a real kick out of blaming and villainising Wakana, they made her into the bad guy and came up with a bunch of wild theories that mainly served the purpose of dragging Wakana's name and image through the mud. Needless to say, none of those claims were in any way, shape or form substantiated but as is the case with all negative content on the internet, it drew quite a bit of attention and some people even started buying into that bullshit. The Instagram user you linked to in your ask is a textbook example of one such troll. At that time, a handful of sock puppet accounts were created to feed into the smear campaign against Wakana. Those accounts regularly left nasty comments under Wakana's Instagram posts, pretending to be devastated fans and referring to all sorts of horrible things that Wakana had allegedly done. Most of those posts and accounts got rightfully flagged and suspended but some apparently managed to stay around for a while. They tried to continue their toxic behaviour but once they realised that Wakana's loyal fans would not stand for such horrible defamation tactics, most of them just disappeared again.
As for the information supposedly circulating on 2chan, I honestly give little to no credence to anything that is being said on anonymous text-boards like 2chan or its successor 5chan. As much as the Japanese are known for being overly polite and reserved, they can be incredibly nasty when they are allowed to act anonymously. I reckon about 10% of users who frequently post on these types of text-boards are actually decent human beings. 60% of them are either mentally handicapped, bored out of their minds or simply frustrated with their lives. The remaining 30% are scum of the earth sociopaths as far as I am concerned.
In order to do some research for this post, I went through a few old threads about Wakana containing hundreds upon hundreds of messages. I literally felt my brain cells dying with every new message I read. No idea how others manage to subject themselves to this level of stupidity but I really struggle to tolerate it. Out of curiosity, I would have liked to find a "source" for the specific accusations in that Instagram post but alas, I wasn't able to. There's just no way I can go through everything, sorry. Also, I will not dignify any of these messages or that Instagram post with a proper translation.
Believe me when I say that there is no incriminating material on Wakana out there, these people have zero authentic evidence (photo or otherwise) of her being a "stuck-up bitch", of her "mistreating staff members", of her "bashing Hi/Kei" etc. It's all just a ton of made-up gossip and rubbish. Everyone, please do yourself a favour and just ignore content like this when you come across it. Knowing what those people have to say does not add any value to your life, quite the contrary, it will only poison your brain.
That's honestly all I have to say about this topic.
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sithdestined · 2 months
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Sorry that I uh, went out for cigarettes then just never came back. It's been like two months since I've done anything writing wise on this blog and I would love to tell you that that is going to change in any meaningful way with August but for the first time in a long time, I'm actually...busy? I have been doing things besides sitting at home all day and while I miss y'all and Anakin, it's kind of nice to be out and about and doing things while I can. In September, I will be going back to school and will be back to being chronically online, so that's fun? I'm looking forward to it, but I just wanted to stop in and let y'all know, I have the memes in my inbox, I am looking forward to replying to them now and then when I have some free time and some muse.
I'm not leaving this blog, I'm not switching fandoms, I'm not dropping threads or partners. If you want to keep up with me a little better, I'm almost always on discord. I would love to hear how your summer has been and what you've been up to, so please feel free to hmu. Come let me love you and lets be friends! I will try and be a little more active this month but it's really going to depend on what's happening irl (as well as the weather as for me personally, if I'm sweating and dying, the muse does not flow). I will also try and interact a little bit more, by sending memes or like interacting with ooc posts, because I know most people appreciate that and I love you all.
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measlyfurball13 · 1 year
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼
Well, I'm a fic writer, so prepare for an esoteric assortment of fics in no particular order!
I'll open with my most recent, and the one I consider my best. This is a found family hurt/comfort fic starring Team Dark (comprised of Shadow the hedgehog and his two closest friends Rouge, and Omega, for those unfamiliar with the franchise.) Shadow is immortal, nearly indestructible, and saddled with some truly terrible PTSD around the ones he cares about dying on him, and it was interesting to portray that through a narration style I'd never tried before. This was also the fic where I really fleshed out how I write Omega, who is my all-time favorite character in the Sonic franchise. He's the most delightful blend of blunt and violent but also more caring than he lets on.
This one also deals with the unusually serious subject matter of post-mortem care. I remember waffling about posting this fic for weeks, worried that people would think a Sonic fanfic with such a down-to-earth subject matter would be scoffed at. Surprise! I was wrong. Once I posted it, this fic got a ton of positive attention, which I was grateful for.
Next up is a truly strange pick- it's a League of Legends fanfic, yet it's not about Veigar, the character I hyperfixated hard on for a solid year. I like the fics I've written with Veigar, don't get me wrong, but I like this one better. It stars Kassadin, a lone desert warrior who lost his family to the darkness he's trying to find the heart of, and Kai'sa, a woman who was consumed by said darkness but managed to wrestle back control of her body.
I really got to develop a unique character narration for the lead, Kassadin. It's a particularly strong, mature, and unique character voice, one that I enjoyed writing a lot and am quite proud of. I also leveraged some fantastic dramatic irony- anyone familiar with League lore knows that the monster he encounters is actually his long-lost daughter, Kai'sa. Yet his attitude towards that fact continually fluctuates, before ending on a negative-leaning note, something that was very challenging for me to do! (I'm a chronic therapy-speak writer, something I'm constantly working to avoid.)
I think it's underrated. League isn't a big fandom anyway, and I posted this onto an otherwise Veigar-focused blog. Perhaps I should post it on AO3.
I just had to mention one of my famous Sigma Overwatch fanfics on this list. I wrote a shitload of fic for this character, and almost all of it blew the fuck up back in 2019. I was the first person to post fic for Sigma once he came out on this website! (Not this fic in particular, mind you, but I thought that fact was worth a mention.)
Of my absolute deluge of Sigma fic, this is probably my favorite. The rest are good, but are a little simple. This one, though, has the thematic thread of "control" woven throughout it that I'm quite proud of. I also feel that this is the fic in which I captured the morally grey character of Moira the best- her emotions towards Sigma are complicated, but ultimately, she is his superior and the one responsible for a portion of his mistreatment here at Talon. This fic is essentially about her coming to that realization, and I think that's a powerful moment. It's a character dynamic I haven't seen anywhere else in media/fic. I'm proud that I wrote it.
Okay this next one is weird. By all odds, it should be my least favorite work, right? I'm not a romance writer. Doomfist is far from my favorite character. Hell, I'm not attracted to men, yet this fic continues to linger in my conscience as one that I'm immensely fond of.
I wrote it for and to evoke the writing style of the lovely amazing @ow-old-men. Gabe (op of that blog) has such fucking amazing imagery in his fics, and my imitation of that resulted in some of my favorite imagery and vibes I've ever written. I also think it's some rather strong character work- it's a moment where a confident, practically invincible socialite allows the mask to slip for just a second with a stranger.
Particularly, it's that singular moment that the entire fic was based around, the one that I suggested to Gabe in the first place. The idea that one of the proudest and most powerful men in the world would kneel for you without question so that you could kiss his forehead. Idk man, I still remain in love with the vibes of this one, even though it's so far outside the confines of my usual writing.
And finally, to finish this list off, I just have to plug my longest posted fic to date. This is my incredibly niche crossover of two obscure sci-fi shows that have my whole heart. It was also my first true practice at writing a long-form character arc, to which I think I succeeded.
Kitt, the AI from Knight Rider, wakes up far in the future and realizes that his closest companion is likely long gone. Over the course of this fic, he goes from wanting to deactivate to learning to open back up and allow a new person into his life. There's also some good ol' buddy-cop shenanigans between him and Garibaldi, the security officer aboard the space station that Kitt wakes up on, including a particularly fun scene where Kitt helps him cheat at cards.
This fic is showing its age just a tad with some of the writing and characterization of the Babylon 5 characters, but I'm still immensely, immensely fond and proud of it. Writing this fic taught me a lot that I'm applying to my current projects now. I wouldn't be where I am now without this one.
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buddiekinard · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
GOD. this is really hard but I'm going to do my best. All of my favorite things I've written have been in this fandom, so here's my self recs.
(with your boots beneath my bed) forever is the sweetest con
I really really think this is one of the best ones I've written and it's one of the first fics where I was like oh I feel like I'm really good at writing these two! (Jamie/Roy)
2. https://archiveofourown.org/works/35858293
but i'm a fire and i'll keep your brittle heart warm
aka depressed Jamie fic. I was really worried about this one because it was so very personal to me and I just really wanted to vomit out some things and feelings I had about these characters. (Jamie/Roy)
3. https://archiveofourown.org/works/38257978
this is when the feeling sinks in (i don't wanna miss you like this)
ROY GOES TO DALLAS, TEXAS TO PLAY FOR THE MLS TEAM THERE. Listen this was a bunch of self indulgent mess and I love i t. (Jamie/Roy)
4. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41586048
chemistry til it blows up, til there's no us
Jamie and Roy get married in Marbella and then have to navigate actual marriage. I had so much fun writing this. It came out so differently than how I originally imagined it, and I think that's why I love it so much. (Jamie/Roy)
5. https://archiveofourown.org/works/42271584
i went to amsterdam without you (and all i could do was think about you)
French Mistake AU. Jamie wakes up in a world where his life is a tv show and his boyfriend is an actor named Brett Goldstein and also isn't his boyfriend. This was actually one of the first ideas I had in this fandom and it took me so long to actually write it. I hope other people like it too. (Jamie/Roy)
A couple of honorable mentions because my writing is all self indulgent and it's hard to just pick 5
am i more than you bargained for yet (i've been dying to tell you anything you wanna hear) ~ Roy/Trent, Queerplatonic Roy/Jamie
one single thread of gold tied me to you ~ Roy/Jamie
you can start a family who will always show you love ~Jamie/Roy, kidfic
i hate accidents (except when we went from friends to this) ~ Jamie/Roy
it's a church of burnt romances (and i'm too far gone to pray) ~ Jamie/Roy, nonbinary jamie, bantr au
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psymmetry · 10 months
writer 20 questions!
so aoba tagged panda and yellow (@guesst), who tagged me, but i saw panda's post first for some reason. hi everyone. thanks for remembering i exist, i had to dust off my writer card. i will be responding to everyone's points…
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms d(id) you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
dying doesn’t suit you either (433), trying not to move (same fic) (360), pandemonium (280), it’s not the end of the world (239), soft cream otoshichatta(191). what, no kidnapping fic on here?  no vampirio? vampirio is still my second most iconic work; people mention it to this day 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i think i do. enough that the number of comments is different from the number of comment threads.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably the one where kiri makes azu kill people and then it ends with him dissociating sitting on the bathroom floor knowing that his life is ruined. what a great fic. does anyone else want to read this fic? the statute of limitations has passed i don’t even mind
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
never in my life lol i am a perfect angel
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
surprised to see other people saying they don’t. hey, if you get to write without being a disgusting pervert freak, why not me? if you can be motivated beyond a base impulse. if you can want something closer to pure, just for the satisfaction of pieces clicking into place, words coming easy for once– i want satisfaction in a bad way.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
IN… theory. A. i love crackficcing and B. i feel like it’s hard to find an interesting crossover, which is a challenge, but hm, not really a thing i do. 
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, but someone once used my manga coloring for a fancam. i can’t be mad, i stole that shit in the first place lolol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nooooo (psy is not that famous) (never got a podfic either)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! i have been listed as a co-author for beta-ing and i have also written fics that were completely co-concepted and beta’d by the other person. never written by like, trading off chapters or had both people write extensive passages though. 
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
vampirio #2… i drafted it out and everything… from WIP to RIP… 
i don’t need to finish things for them to count towards my artistic development or whatever. you know, perhaps fans of my work would disagree. perhaps such people would prefer that i post things for them to read
16. What are your writing strengths?
this is too embarrassing. words pretty :> flow flow :> 
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i can’t structure and follow through on anything longer than 10k. i don’t block out time to write.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
tu quieres escuchar mi espanol terrible? en un fic? por que’ yo quisiera hacer este NFDNs?? escribir fic por the smash hit sensation EL CUARTO MISTERIOSO. yo debo mirar mas shows en espanol…. este keyboard no tene un numpad. fun fact. no alt codes para mi
19. First fandom you wrote for?
uuuuuuuuuu nope that’s LIMITED INFORMATION
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
playing the victim. the aforementioned serial killer fic. 
i am tagging @cometkov and @dragonofthedepths! and everyone. everyone at all. if you see this you have to answer all 20 questions. 500 words each. assignment is due 11/30 11:59. by the way, here is a blank to make it a little easier.
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nyamadermont · 2 years
Year in review (eventually)
Thanks go out to @itsmoonpeaches for suggesting I give this a shot.
1. Number of stories posted to Ao3: 14, total, all LOK-based.
2. Word count in 2022: 96,206
3. Fandoms I wrote for: Avatar: The Legend of Korra
4. Pairings: Lin Beifong/Kya II (3); Lin Beifong/Reader (1); Lin Beifong/Pema/Tenzin (9); Other (1 - shorts with various pairs, if any)
5. Stories with the most:
Kudos: Lin’s Interview, part 4 of Give Us Your Hand (Pemlinzin)
Bookmarks: Two Pairs of Eyes, (Kyalin)
Comment threads:  Elemental Changes, Lin Beifong-centric multi-chapter
Word count: Elemental Changes 
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):  I’m sure it’s cheating, but I have 3 answers. 
1: Elemental Changes: This started with an image in my mind, and I wrote the whole thing before I published any of it. And the art I commissioned from @slowdissolve kickstarted a whole new experience for us both.
2: The In-Between Years: I managed to take all 30 prompts from Angstpril 2022 and string them into a mostly coherent story, writing no more than 1000 words at a time. Not every day is a gem, but I am happy with the progress of the story from high angst to an amicable resolution.
3. Give Us Your Hand: What started as a 507-word @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt blossomed into a 46K-word, 9-part series (so far).
7.   Work I’m least proud of (and why): This is ‘least’ proud in a set of stories I’m really pretty happy with. I’m going to throw Now Is Not the Time under the bus, because in retrospect, it’s kind of a rewrite of I’m Sorry I Need You.
8.   Share or describe a favorite review you received: This isn’t quite what the question asks, but having @slowdissolve say she would have done my commission for free was right up there in the highlight reel. And those three little hearts from @mjsharizai are always an absolute treat.
9.   A time when writing was really, really hard: I’m still very new on the writing wagon, having just started writing for a hobby in early 2021. Thankfully, I’m old enough that when it’s hard, I just set it aside and come back when the ideas are ready.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: I just can’t answer the questions the right way tonight. Here, I’m going with the whole Pemlinzin ship. How little goody-goody two-shoes me wound up writing polyamory is something I should think through at some point in my life.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:  
This feels very odd to describe as a favorite. It engendered my first negative review which was so mean-spirited that it was, in its own way, the fire that helped me write the next seven entries in the series. From Mistakes (Give Us Your Hand, part 2):
[Tenzin] sighed. “About a week before he died, she came to visit. She was being Toph, trying to pretend it wasn’t that bad, that he wasn’t dying. Mom left them alone to talk and went to lay down for a little while.”
He shivered. “I wasn’t with them. I just heard Mom shouting. When I got to Dad’s room, Mom was healing him, and Toph was crying. She had punched him like always. But this time, her punch knocked him into the wall and he hit his head. It wasn’t terrible, Mom got him comfortable, but Toph didn’t come back after that. I know she and Mom saw each other at the memorial, and I know they basically made up. But then I hurt you.”
He squeezed Lin closer.
“They were best friends for over forty years. But one argument broke their relationship.”
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: This is a question I think will be easier to answer in retrospect. I was able to complete a couple of larger projects, even after I got so far into them that I kinda didn’t know what to do. I’m just so new at this I mostly can only see my weaknesses.
13. How do you hope to grow next year: Differentiating speaking styles and speech patterns between characters is a sore spot for me re-reading my own writing. I also know I’m not great at describing the interiority of characters. And starting fewer sentences with ‘and,’ ‘so,’ or an adverbial phrase {not an English major, I forget what the technical term is}.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
I think that should be obvious by now. I owe @slowdissolvee a lot of credit.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: 
I’ve been married for 25 years and have 2 kids. There’s a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and memory in what I write.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: 
Be where you are. Sure, your readers are interested in seeing your updates, but your life comes first. #YourAudienceAwaits - and the patient ones are worth listening to. 
I’m going to offer a slightly different perspective than @itsmoonpeachessmoonpeaches, who was so kind as to suggest I take on this exercise. All while not disagreeing with her here:
Don’t be afraid to break out of your comfort zone. You will never grow as a writer if you continue to write the same things over and over again. If you have an idea for something very different, go for it! It takes a lot of effort and time to do something you don’t normally do, but you will end up being better after it.
I know I’ve already written the same story at least twice (see above), but it served me to write both of those stories. I clearly had some thinking to do on the topic.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I cannot put into words how much fun I’m having on Red Jade. Between working with Slowdissolve and getting to read the other Linzolt writers’ stories, I have been grinning for months.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read:
All in fun, friends. If it’s not fun, leave it be: @slowdissolve @orangepanic @master-sass-blast @pamplemousseparadox @superliz6 @chaoticnerdsstuff @wishingforatypewriter
And anyone else who wants to!
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alwaysthesitter · 1 year
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Going to sound like a mega douchebag here and I hate it, but I need to for both my sanity and my time.
Going to be updating my rules some time probably when I'm back about response length. I used to have a rule about it, so this is nothing new, but I eliminated the rule for a long time (almost a year now) because I really just wanted the opportunity to write with everyone in the fandom. Now that the fandom is slowly dying, and now that I have over 300 threads, I feel like I can put it back in place.
Please, for the love of all that is Steve Harrington, please try to match response length. I know that I write a lot, so I don't expect everyone to write as much as me. I'm not that crazy. But I do make it very clear that I'm a multi-para/novella blog. If you aren't, I suggest you just don't write with me. No harm no foul.
I know sometimes we have off days, and that's okay. But if I consistently get ridiculously short responses when I am sending in at least three paragraphs, I'm going to end up soft-blocking. I am so behind in drafts and everything else, and that's because I write with everyone, but also because I take a lot of time and energy and effort in my responses. To only get back 4-5 sentences after that is disheartening, and makes me wonder why I spent so much of my own time writing.
I think this will also help with me not being so backlogged in general, and me being able to put focus into my other blog as well as other passions that I've kind of dropped due to wanting to get through everything on Stevie.
Thanks so much. I know I'm a dick.
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sanversandfriends · 2 years
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Sanvers fans know her from her amazing contributions of art and fic to the Big Bang, but @morganastorm24 is also a multi-talented writer and artist for multiple ships in the DC universe. She also has love of everything Lois Lane. In honor of the Planet's star reporter, we've asked her to share a glimpse into her writing process. Thanks, Morgana!
Tell us a little about yourself. How did you get started writing fic? Have you written for other fandoms? What are your favorite tropes?  
I've been writing for as long as I can remember - even longer according to my mum. I've always loved creating stories and would sit with my teddies and toy horses, reading them stories (even before I could read, because that's what pictures are for, right? Telling a thousand words and all that). For my 6th or 7th birthday, I apparently asked for a "really nice writing set and an even nicer book to write in". I was given a ring binder with plastic pockets, a notebook and a pencil case full of stationery. I still have that ring binder to this day, though it's not filled with all my random childish scribbles like it once was. 
I started writing fanfiction not long after Star Wars: Attack of the Clones came out. That's the earliest fanfic I can remember writing, anyway. I wrote Anakin and Padme's adventures after they got married, and then when rumours started flying about what was going to happen in Episode 3, I wrote my very first "fix it fic" by finding a way to keep Padme alive (as I couldn't bear the thought of my favourite character dying). Most of those very early fics never left the pages of the notebooks they were scrawled in and nobody else ever saw them (thank god!), but it wasn't until I started reading fanfiction online that I realised I could actually do that too - share my ideas with the world. I dabbled a little in fanfic for the tv show Casualty (a British medical drama), had more success with Doctor Who, wrote some more Star Wars, then Merlin and eventually (and most recently) Supergirl (with a dash of other DC). 
What were your inspirations for this particular story? What was it about this/these ships that grabbed you?
This fic was born of a single image - namely Chyler first revealing that she was going to wear a black and blue super suit and become Supergirl for one episode. That image alone was enough to get my mind racing with possibilities and ideas of how it might come to pass. I have to be honest and say I stopped watching the show after the Crisis stuff, so I've never actually seen her episode as Supergirl, but maybe that's a good thing? At least this way I know that my version of her is different and unique.
I am and always will be a huge Sanvers stan, but there's something so appealing about AgentCorp as well, and the show really dropped the ball when they wouldn't let Alex and Lena be together. They're an interesting and dynamic pairing - they share interests, are both huge science nerds and yet so completely different that its great fun writing them both together.
As for Lois and Kara - that one literally came out of nowhere and took me by surprise. I'd never intended for it to happen, and yet now that it has, I'm wondering why I never thought of it sooner!
Has the time spent away from your story changed your outlook or approach to any of the storylines or themes? Have you had any new inspirations or breakthroughs/revelations in the meantime? 
Absolutely. I got to a point with the fic where it had grown stale, and I was constantly hitting up against a wall with no idea how to get around it, or to power through it. So, I walked away from the fic and decided to focus on other WIPs and new creations instead. Coming back to it now, I've been able to see everything with fresh eyes, and I can see not only where I was going wrong before, but also a way to fix it. Changing the villain, adding characters, getting rid of redundant plot threads and adding more relevant pieces has really helped to get this work to a place where finally, I can see the finish line and I know I'm going to make it. That's a huge relief, considering where I was 2 years ago when I first started writing it.
Any advice for new or aspiring fic writers?
Never give up. No matter how hard it might be, just put words on a page. It doesn't matter how rubbish they are, as my BFF always says, "You can't edit a blank page." Let yourself suck, let yourself write horrendously. It's all good practice. Even if those words never leave your notebook or the document on your computer, they've taught you something, they've helped you to improve, so be proud of them.
Writing is also a bit like a painting. Not even Da Vinci or Van Gogh sat at his easel and created a masterpiece on his first try. There's the initial sketches to plan out the idea. That's your plot or summary. Then you add basic blocks of colours. That's your first draft. From then on, you work away slowly, adding details, shading, contouring...those are your second, third, fourth drafts. Keep revising and editing as much as you need - there's no right or wrong number of times you should be doing it. Because each time you do, you're adding more detail to your masterpiece. And what you end up with is a work of art.
One final piece of advice... writing is not a solo event. All those times a writer is depicted sitting along, tapping away at a keyboard or scribbling in a notebook, it's so misleading. Get yourself a writing buddy. DKGwrites and I are best friends, we met through fanfiction (and I'm eternally grateful for that everyday). We have regular writing sessions together, and ok it's 90% messing around, distracting one another, talking utter nonsense or throwing random videos and links to each other, but that 10% when we do actually behave and get down to the task at hand, it's so much more fun writing together than it ever is when we try to write alone. Silliness aside, we help one another, bounce ideas off one another, motivate and encourage one another, and it's the best thing ever. So find yourself a writing buddy, and have a blast!
If you were going to promote this fic with a single line, what would it be? 
What if Supergirl was a badass redhead called Alex Danvers?
We'll have more about her artwork in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, check out her work on A03!
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag dear and talented @aftergloom ! Tagging @jawanaka @andordean @poetikat @stardustbee @storm89 @ro-the-bard-writer @wholelottatiffy @grinningnexu @botherbother-blog @eloquentmoon and/or anyone who’s interested.
1. How many works do you have on A03?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
153,256, discounting a fic translation. 😬
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Witcher (books & game), Cybperunk 2077, Star Wars
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
By kudo ratios i think it’s: the stars are not there, Await the Dawn, The Path of Aloneness, Seeking Resonance, Half Moon, Full Circle, something like that I don’t want to calculate everything 😂
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! To show my appreciation to the commenter, make friends, gush over blorbos. When commenter comments on many chapters I tend to reply in conclusion-ish to one or few of them, because I don’t want to flood threads with my own comment, perhaps out of an ingrained false sense of modesty?
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
…I’m not sure 😂 All of fics are angsty fics, but with a sense of emotional catharsis at the end so I’d hope none? I recall some comments pointed out certain level of heartwrenchingness at Regis/Queen of the Night ficlet, and a little bit with Takemura’s ficlet. I think Blood of Emerald might be the angstiest ending when it’s done (no getting around it there hehe)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Seeking Resonance! But even then readers also pointed out sad sentiments 😆 It’s a fluffy ending imo
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet :)
9. Do you write smut?
Yes! Not very adept but I’m learning.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Sort of. One Witcher x Cyberpunk 2077 long before the game was out.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes and not sure 100% which one (i have no memory); think it’s the Regis Professor AU fic?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but would like to.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Hard question. I’m a multishipper. Maybe Geralt x Yen? Cerys x Ciri x Tankred? Judy x V?
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Aside from one abandoned sequel to my first fic, I don’t think there will be unfinished WIP. I’m just slow at em.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Psychology. Environmental storytelling. Some level of symbolism and metafiction employment. For fanfiction, maybe my close observation and portrayal of canon characters, i dunno; I do go a little lotho-minor-maul method before I can write anyone.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh boi. I’m still quite a novice, so basically everything aside from the few strengths. Especially with structure. Also dialogue. Also visualization of scenes (strange yes, but I am unable to see scenes most of the time, about short of aphantasia). I have great difficulty in writing long works.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If there’s a purpose, whether for worldbuilding inside fiction or cultural reasons in real life. But sometimes it can be the bad kind of jarring. I remember personally opt to not use latin directly for star wars fic, for example (even tho translation sounds stoopid).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Witcher! My Once and Future.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Seeking Resonance I suppose. It’s soft and brought soft feelings to others on bad days. I loved that.
A bit cheating here since I haven’t finished, but I think really it will be Blood of Emerald. It’s basically original fic given the amount of worldbuilding and characters I have to do on my own, and the story is from a legend the length about 2 pages in canon ending with everybody dying (sad, angsty, violent deaths). Rare character, obscure material. I’m writing a full-length fic literally for myself and maybe 2 other people in the entire fandom. It gives me ulcers and insomnia. “odi et amo, nescio” 😂 Jks aside, I think for me there’s the allure like that of Matters of Britain retelling. The ending is set in stone, no one ever gets to know the whole truth. And it’s not even about the “how we got here.” A blink of light long gone by the time it reaches the eye. But for some reason it must be told.
I like Await the Dawn, too. And the stars are not there. Discovering the fun and love for OC first time here huehuehue
Somewhat relevant ramble: reflecting on what aftergloom mentioned in her experience, Q.11 (stolen lines and fics)—my writing is usually detached from my life, and I made a point to myself and closed ones irl that I would be extremely cautious in using real life material in my fiction. But there is a bit of that “grain of truth” in the stars are not there. My childhood crush had an unusual dream about me and I kept the sentiments while writing Maul (it is hard not to write a bit of myself in this character; The Wrath did a good job evoking some memories…). I found it to be a valuable exploration in my approach to writing. I think I would feel ambivalent to stolen lines, as it is hard to keep track of where “originality” begins and ends, but it would be quite an interesting experience indeed if bits of real-life event is written by someone else. ==
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parasitesiren · 11 months
This is a selective, low activity, side blog to @companywrath
I reserve the right to drop threads if they aren’t working out. However, don’t assume that means I don’t want to write with you at all. We can always start a new thread and take things in a different direction.
My replies may not be as frequent as you’d like; I work a full time job. I’ll usually be around more on my days off. Don’t be afraid to shoot me a message making sure I know it’s my turn or asking when I might be able to reply! I’m definitely fine with reminders, just not demands that I do it right this second.
I am 28. I would prefer not to write with anyone under 21.
I'm a filthy rhack shipper, which you'll see featured prominently on my main blog. Some people in the fandom feel strongly about this, so just a heads up.
Please read the trigger warnings list under the cut!
Cults and religious imagery will be present here. The Calypsos run a cult. That's kind of their whole thing.
Canon typical violence will also be present death, dismemberment, etc.
There will be sex here. Both of the Calypso twins tend to use their sexuality to manipulate people. While Tyreen can't go all the way without her partners dying due to her powers, Troy can do whatever he wants, so most of the "deal closing" tends to fall on him. All smut threads will be tagged "mature;"
Troy has some weird complexes as a result of being so enmeshed with his sister, to the point of literally needing her to keep him alive. Sometimes this borders on romantic attraction. Tyreen does not reciprocate and it won't be acted on/written explicitly here, but if that sort of thing triggers you, his inner narrative or the way he talks about her might be squicky.
Troy had an abusive childhood where he was essentially kept fully isolated from everyone but his family. This may be mentioned from time to time, but he doesn't really talk about his childhood much.
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
13, 18, 20! You don’t have to answer all three at once though ❤️
Ahh thank you for the asks!! 💕 I appreciate the distraction! It's at least still got me thinking about fics! Though I might answer 18 in another post since I saw it asked by someone else! And also, these are long-winded replies. Which is why my answers are below the cut because this one got long real fast 😅 Wouldn't be me if I didn't over-explain though!
13. What are some must-read fanfics in your fandoms? Why do you admire these, and how have they impacted your works?
So there are a TON of fics that I would highly recommend from so many incredible authors in the Daredevil fandom that it would take me a bit to assemble a list right now. I honestly need to make a new Matt Murdock fic rec list and sit my ass down and catch up on reading for it. I know there's a ton of newer Matt Murdock fic authors and I'm dying to read y'all's stuff, too. Like I have a massive TBR list. Obviously anything y'all see me reblog I always highly recommend, though sadly I haven't read many fics this whole year because I kid you not, I'm almost always writing and editing in my free time. Which is how I constantly have so much to update every week.
Most of the fics I've read are over on AO3 as well, but the main Daredevil story that comes to mind when I think of one having an impact on my writing is The Red Thread by @pastafossa. I know, I know. It's like classic Daredevil literature at this point and everyone in the fandom has most likely read it or heard of it, but in all honesty, without that fic I'd never have started writing for Matt at all (and sadly I actually am SUPER behind on it because, as I've said, I haven't read much this year 😅). I remember first stumbling on it last fall and being like HOLY SHIT THAT WORD COUNT! And then being SO CONFUSED why it was written in second person as I read it, but everything was so goddamn good--the plot, the characters, the relationships--that honestly I stopped noticing the POV. It took me MONTHS later to discover that was what a Reader insert fic was (because it truly is such a beautiful blend of OC/Reader that I could only ever hope to aspire to). That was the first Reader fic I read and I didn't realize it until I stumbled further into the Matt/Reader section way later on AO3. But honestly, once I caught up on that fic, I was desperate for more Matt Murdock content and was just like, what the hell, I'll try my hand at writing a Daredevil story, too. Thus Life Worth Living came about and every Matt series I've written after that. So TRT honestly had a massive impact on me ever stepping foot into this fandom, especially with the way Pasta writes Matt (and smut, if we're being honest cause 🔥).
20. What’s your favorite work you’ve ever written?
Y'all are probably expecting me to say FFTD or ATY but it's actually Life Worth Living. Admittedly I cringe a bit at the writing in the beginning chapters compared to what I write now because I started it last November, though it has progressively matured a little more as I continued on writing it (and I stopped overusing ellipses which I am desperately trying to edit through as I re-post that fic over on tumblr). But that was the first fic I'd written where I really had come up with so much of my own plot and such a fleshed out OC. It was the first fic I really got excited about writing, and it was the first fic that really drew me back into writing fanfiction after a couple of years away from it. It's also the fic that helped me fall in love with Matt even more as I explored his character when I first started writing him, and it is the first fic where I'd ever written smut. I also spent so much time crafting so many plot twists along with so many little bread crumb clues of things that were coming down the line in that story. Like, I spent a lot of time and put a lot of love into that series--more than I had for anything else before. Though sadly when I re-entered fanfic after a few years away, I learned that OCs are not as popular as they once were, so that fic has been set aside for a bit while I've been working on all these Reader insert fics. Though someday I'd like to come back to it. I've had the next two chapters sitting as rough drafts since April now...
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