#I am a professional lurker
animazi · 3 months
another day, another ask game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
@cheesenames tagged me :) first ever time I've done one of these haha. I am cheating a little bit because these are a) just fan fiction ones, and b) just the ones I've actually started work on...otherwise this list would go on forever
ah yes my beautiful wips (please for the love of god do not look at my ao3 it’s three crackfics and a bunch of some of the most atrociously written stuff out there). these range from 'I've written 2k and just need to rewatch some stuff before finishing' to 'literally a few sentences'
stalking his god
lessons in pedagogy/a good teacher
such men are dangerous
mon mothma is alive
untitled document - silm
tagging time I guess. also with no pressure: @midnight-melancholiaaa, @ozvezdja, @e-the-village-cryptid, @batshape, @cycas, @husborth
sorry for pinging people haha. largely just people I know or whose work I love :)
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dudaroar · 4 months
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finally figured out how to work collections on ao3 after my millions of years of using it and organized my bookmarks a bit i feel soooo much better lmao.
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aces-and-angels · 3 months
zinaeleenyamin -> ahmednimer (new account; prev. was terminated)
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verification source here
@ahmednimer thank you for sending this message to me:
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i am so glad we were able to find each other's pages again! i will respond to your initial message separately/reblog your content in a moment. please reblog this on your account as well so that it will be easier for more people to follow you again in the meantime 🖤
to my friends/strangers alike: ahmed has has already reached out to me in the past and i have promoted his family's campaign multiple times here on my account:
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"Ahmed worked as an accountant in a company, but with the escalation of the war, his professional life came to a halt, and his goods warehouse was burnt, along with his completely destroyed home. They fled to the north, but now they live in the tents of the displaced in Deir al-Balah. The situation is not easy, especially with his wife's upcoming childbirth and their fears of lack of healthcare and unhealthy conditions. Their children suffer from widespread diseases and long for their previous lives and schools. Ahmed's goal is to leave the Gaza Strip to save his family's lives." (see my original post here)
here is the screenshot of nabulsi's initial verification that shows that his old account was terminated (linked above):
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i am so sorry you and your family lost your old account 😞. hopefully this post will gain more attention so that others may find you again as well. may you all stay safe- i am sending all the love from my home to yours 🖤
to my moots/lovely lurkers: please share this post as well as ahmed's (click here to share). for anyone able to contribute financially, please consider donating to their gfm. so far, they have €22,499 raised of €35,000 goal
(tagging for more reach: @appsa, @thecomiclesbian. @papermillll)
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rose-lunaire · 1 year
Hi!! I have been a lurker for a while and now I am feeling brave enough to request!
Can you do a headcanon for the reader being Hannibal’s assistant? Will and Hannibal both are interested in the reader 👀
shout out for all the silent lurkers and avid likers, all inspiring asks and lovely followers! we’ve hit 500 likes! thanks a lot, you can expect so much more pieces in the coming time. this is an excellent idea, i got to work as soon as i read your message, hope you enjoy it as much as i did, have a great day! <3
pairing: hannibal x gn!reader, will graham x gn!reader
warnings: mention of mental illness, obsessive behaviour
you came to know hannibal while working night shifts at baltimore hospital
you were supporting your family through a rough time and nights just payed better
it was rather depressing: nurses were catching naps and doctors counting minutes to the end of work day (or rather work night)
and there was you: giving out coffees and words of encouragement, always happy to help
it would take a keen observer to notice how miserable in fact you were
abnormal amount of pills and concealer in your desk, the faces you made when seemingly no one was watching
towards him you were perfectly professional yet warm, greeting him with smiling eyes and polite nod
he wanted to help you get out of here, find a place for you to get better
so when months later hannibal was setting up his own practice, he immediately thought of you
you seemed like a perfect candidate for an assistant: organised, punctual and your presence was warm and comforting
this was the quickest job interview
when you picked up the phone and heard lecter’s voice, surprised would be an understatement
he was a man of a few words and you could count the times you spoke to him on the fingers of one hand
yet you were touched by the offer and accepted it the same day
the hours were much better and wage way beyond your qualifications, but you were just happy to quit your crappy job at the hospital
this time hannibal was the one greeting you with hot coffee in the morning and if the sessions extended into the evening, you would drink tea together
of course, the job had also its downsides
offering smiles to troubled souls, often comforting them after an especially rough meeting
one time a guy stormed off from the office, yelling insults left and right
you tried calming him down, it wasn’t the first time it happened, but all efforts seemed to angry him even more
he was getting dangerously close, threatening to kill you, when hannibal punched him in the face and shut the door in his face
“i assure you, he won’t step his foot here ever again”
still shaky, you hugged him tightly
that’s when he promised himself to keep you safe
soon many patients started to disappear, filling your days with long conversations with hannibal
the only person he paid attention to besides you was will graham, a detective and hannibal’s patient
not long after you three became inseparable
eating meals together became a daily routine, hannibal insisted on gifting you dresses every time he was having guests
when the host was entertaining the crowd, will kept you company
you were both outsiders and having him by your side was warm, comforting
he would always joke about running away from the party together
eventually hannibal would break you away, scolding will for denying others the pleasure of your company
by “others” he meant himself
he hated the way you looked at the other man, how he clasped your hand sneaking off from the party
the soirées always ended with an elaborate toast, during which he never broke eye contact with you, making you feel like the star of the evening
will was fuming inside but kept smiling till it was time to walk you home
they insisted you needed both of them just in case something would happen
they never let you out of their sight
just in case, you know
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wolsalwastaken · 22 days
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Hi all! Wanted to make a super quick lil obligatory “thank you so much” post /j. Content warning for me getting emotional
So, I want to preface this by saying I’ve been a lurker in many communities for a long time, and even a participant in many.
This community is, without a doubt, literally the kindest community I’ve ever had the pleasure of getting to be in. You guys are honestly so unbelievably kind and funny and creative and talented.
I’ve met so so many amazing people over the past month, and have made so many friends in this awesome community. I’ve stayed up late playing games with some of you, have drawn with some of you, spoken to you guys, seen your participations in my events, or even just admired your art. I feel so lucky to have found such an incredible group of people.
I am almost at 200 followers now (yes I know what that means), and all jokes aside, I just cannot believe it. Never in a million years did I think I’d get to 200 followers in a month of being an active tumblr user- that’s crazy. Like that’s genuinely insane to me. The kind comments and notes and reblogs I’ve gotten are so heartwarming, and I want you to know I read all of them, and I love all of them, even if I don’t respond.
The idea that this many people connect with or enjoy my art is… wild. It’s completely wild. What’s even more wild is, as of right now, my comic is more than halfway to getting monetized. Again, that’s fucking crazy dude. I’m not a professional artist, nor am I an English major who can express my thoughts on all this, but from the bottom of my heart…
Thank you.
(August bulletin board featuring the works of the amazing artists @narikill and @ghostofa-spacenerd, both super talented artists and you 100% should check them out and show them some love!)
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not-poignant · 1 month
Hi! I am usually a lurker, but I have been following you for about a year or so (found from r/MM_Romance AO3 recs search) and my first read was Deeper into the Woods. -- Do you have any recommendations for "realistic" portrayals of sadists? (AO3 stories or MM romance but also open to non-fiction recs/other) -- I do not have any real-life experience with people who identify as sadists or the kink community in general, so I wonder how exaggerated the fiction is sometimes. Thank you for your time!
Hi anon!
I'm going to rec two of my own fics - Spoils of the Spoiled (especially tracing a young sadist who has to figure out where the lines are between reality and fiction in his own life), and Falling Falling Stars (which depicts an experienced genuine sadist who is quite frank/open about talking about it and is comfortable in himself about it).
You probably have a lot more experience with real life sadists than you know, since most of us are just regular people! (And quite a few of us are also masochists as well). Honestly it's possible to see people with sadistic tendencies in every walk of life. From massage therapists who enjoy working the knots out of their clients (including the 'good pain' it results in), to the professional manufacturers of boutique hot sauce, who like nothing more than watching someone suffer through what they created.
(And same with masochists - you need only look at the people who enjoy that hot sauce and the pain it causes them, lmao.)
You might also like the published m/m romance series by Lisa Henry and JA Rock known as the 'Boy series.' It starts with The Good Boy and the sequel is The Boy Who Belonged. It is, imho, a great and realistic depiction of an experienced sadist and a newbie masochist, as well as a trauma recovery story with an age gap, which realistically addresses the age gap, the sadism, lateral ways of being sadistic with someone who finds impact play triggery, and more. For me it's still one of the gold star versions of published m/m which shows the perspective of both characters, so we get to see what they're both thinking, and - imho - it's pretty realistic!
I'm also gonna rec one of my fanfics, The Beast that Chose Its Own Bridle, since a lot of the chapters are from the sadist's perspective, and while the setting is fantasy, the actual thought processes behind setting up scenes, the intention, riding the line between too much hurt and the right amount, what kind of pain is sexy and what isn't, etc. is - I feel - quite realistic. It's one of the things that fellow sadists have praised my work for (that the sadists feel like real sadists, and not just wish fulfillment sadists, who are otherwise apologetic for enjoying someone's pain), and while I still have a lot to learn re: writing in general, it's one of the reasons I write what I do!
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orbital-inclination · 5 months
Can Molten still feel negative emotions or not? I’m unsure since at first I assumed this goop was liquid positivity but now I’m doubting myself- also do you use discord by any chance? :3
i think i first established this in "what i never told you." But yes, he can feel negative emotions! In fact he has a whole complex about it. He was raised to believe he wasn't supposed to feel or express negative emotions. Molt feels there is something wrong with him, something spoiled from the start, because he can feel those things. Molt feels “morally obligated” to not act on those feelings. But he slips up more than he realizes.
Like the way I handle Molt, the way I interpret Classic!Nightmare goes a bit against the grain. I don’t like the idea that goop prevents him from feeling positive emotions, because that makes telling a story kind of hard and makes him feel flat as a character. Instead I think goop works better as symbolic denial of personal growth. Nightmare gives in to his darker impulses because he refuses to believe things COULD get better, for himself and others. Or some sort of character arc like that. It doesn’t have to be that specific arc. TLDR: humans want their characters to be complex and relatable, and I reject the idea that Nightmare can only feel negative emotions.
I do have a discord! But… *leans in close to whisper* I’m a professional lurker. I am a shadow in the server. A glitch of a user name in the corner of your screen, I hardly say anything! I’m not fun to know on discord at all, I’m afraid.
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putschki1969 · 9 months
wow love how u completely disregarded my ask for help with mora...bet you're proud of your decision...but I'm connecting one & one together... remember that show Keiko from like 2013 where she stormed off from the crowd bc they kept chanting her name? Now look at her digital single... キライ。it translates to I hate you. Coincidence? I think not. I mean look at the way she poses...I'll definitely stop following her...I'm surprised Hikaru & wakana arent like her...yeah I'll definitely be leaving her fanbase. I don't fw with artists who despise their fans like her.
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For the longest time I was debating whether to write a reply to this or not but ultimately I decided that I would use this opportunity to post a few reminders for my followers and lurkers.
In my PINNED POST you'll find this little section here👇
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Everyone should click on the link and read what I have to say about asks and messages.
Please be aware that it is a mere courtesy on my part that I am using so many of my resources to help fellow fans with their questions and problems. I am not obliged to do anything on this blog and you are not owed any answers from me. If I can help you, fine, that's great, if I can't help you, tough luck...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The original ask was not explicitly related to Kalafina, it was merely an inquiry asking for tech-support on an issue I literally know nothing about. My knowledge regarding the music platform "mora" does not extend beyond what I have included in my tutorial which quite frankly, I doubt you have even read in its entirety.
As for the rest of your lovely message, all I can say is, good riddance👋 I hope you are serious about leaving the fandom because no one wants or needs toxic people like you around. Also, please get off the internet and seek professional help(¬_¬)
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lemotmo · 2 months
Hi!! I hope you are doing well! I’m a buddie lurker and Painfully Shy so I’m actually a little scared about sending you this, but I wanted to give you an extra extra appreciation to your blog and your posts. It’s been such a breath of fresh air to be able to read level-headed discourse about Tommy’s role in Buck’s story - because it IS Buck’s story (and to an extent Eddie’s, because Buck’s story is always going to be a part of Eddie’s story and vice versa, and that is and always will be canon whether or not buddie happens).
Also, after reading a few of your and your anons’ posts today about how Oliver and Lou don’t get along, I got a little curious and watched that one LFJ/OS interview (never bothered to before) and now I have a lot of Thoughts lol... so I wanted to send you my two cents if that’s okay (otherwise please please ignore me)!
I got a little curious about their chemistry as actors since Buck and Tommy always fell a little flat to me anyway (maybe bc I'm comparing them to Buck with Eddie). And after watching that interview, I am not surprised. I can admit that at face value, I don’t think it was as bad as some people made it out to be, BUT it definitely was not great. Individually, something about Lou’s demeanor just seems so wooden? Robotic? It was extra apparent because Oliver and the interviewers were so much more animated. Regardless, the whole interview felt off and though Oliver did give it a solid shot, they were just NOT in sync with each other.
I suppose someone could argue that they just don’t know each other that well since this is the first (?) and only (??) time they interacted outside of the show. But then I ended up watching an early interview of Ryan and Oliver when they were filming season 2 to compare and… well, there is definitely no comparison. Ryan and Oliver in this interview is SUCH an amazing example of natural chemistry between professional actors. There was a comfortability to their banter and (so much!) teasing, which could have been awkward but they riffed off of each other really really well. And they had just met!
And of course now I'm thinking about the Buddie of it all because I think this is also an example of how platonic chemistry could look like (a la Bobby/Michael and Hen/Chim) and that Ryan and Oliver could be capable of it. But then we get whatever it is that we get whenever Buck and Eddie are on the screen together - which is decidedly much less platonic (“You wanna go for the title?”), much more tender (“I should have been there”), much more sincere (“Because, Evan…”), much more loving (“There is no one I trust more…”), and just so so soft (Buck falling asleep and his permanent spot on Eddie’s couch), etc etc. over the course of YEARS. I have a headcanon that when/if Buck and Eddie get together they will literally be the softest softbois for each other - I’m talking so much (SO MUCH) hand-holding, wearing each others clothes, cuddling, a lot of talking each other up and “that’s MY boyfriend” etc etc etc. they’ll be SO annoying and they deserve it so much after everything. Christopher is constantly embarrassed by his dads which just makes Eddie double-down on the insufferable gooeyness because he lives to embarrass his kid (affectionately) and Buck’s so used to it that he doesn’t even bat an eye - anyway sorry sorry, I completely lost track of this message…
This is the S2 interview I am referencing in case you are curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4asUcdU18ns
So much love to you!
Thank you for your lovely post Nonny!
I agree that the interview with Lou and Oliver isn't as bad as some people make it out to be. It's just that there is zero direct interaction between them and Oliver just didn't seem all that happy to be there, while Lou just kept on talking about himself and his father. BT was hardly mentioned. So, it was literally a 'nothing' interview.
Oliver and Ryan have natural chemistry, I agree. Sometimes you get lucky as a showrunner and you get people with natural chemistry. on 911 Tim got very lucky with Jenn and Kenny, Peter and Angela, Aisha en Tracie and of course Oliver and Ryan. The only ones that aren't currently in a romantic relationship are Buck and Eddie, but they have that same chemistry as the other pairing. This isn't just platonic.
I love your soft Buddie headcanon. Let's hope we'll get to see it someday.
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zsakuva · 10 months
gang when did u get here
I am a professional lurker
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TLDR: I am confused and sad that I did not get to say goodbye to my tc before graduation, and am still distraught over our odd dynamic
So I'm a long time lurker, but I just need to get it off my chest; my tc does make me very confused on his intentions when he hangs out with me, but at the same time I feel v comforted by his reassurance. What killed me, though, is that I didn't get to see him before I graduated a day ago. Last time I saw him a week ago, he enveloped me into a big hug,rubbed my back and whispered into my ear that he "was very proud of the progress I've made over the year"(I was a very outwardly emotionally unstable and disrespectful person last year, still working on it but I digress) and that " if I never believed in myself that he believed In me, and was shure others did too". I miss him, but I'm lowkey glad we didn't get to say goodbye bc I could have made the mistake of telling him and weirding him out, or telling him and him, having similar thoughts regarding me. If either we're the case, it could fuck up our friendship, his career, AND HIS MARRIAGE. I hate myself for this but I do love him, and like an addiction, I have to quit him before it destroys my life for good. I say that, but the line we teeter between friendship, professionalism, and sexual tension keeps blurring, and it drives me off the wall. Maybe God did this intervene between me n him to help guide me away from this sinful path. If so, praise be.
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honnelander · 1 year
dude, I am not used to sending messages, I am mostly a lurker reader, but I need to say this; I started reading your go fish series and I am in awe with how well you can write a scene?? I can imagine perfectly it, like I am watching a screenplay!! I am in love with your writing. Do you work professionally as writer? If not, you should. You are an amazing writer.
this is literally one of the nicest comments I’ve ever seen??? 😭😭 i’m so happy i’m able to properly translate what’s in my head into words and that you guys can see what I do!
and thank you! it’s actually my dream to write a book someday! 🥹 but no, I do not write creatively for a living 🥲
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texasjen13 · 9 months
You're not the only one who gets dark energy from and/or around AB. Sometimes I get visions of people's soul, as in where they are in their eternal journey.
For Chris I will not divulge his current path, as it is an important one he must experience on his own. We are aware of lurkers here, I have felt the interference from AB and her side, and they use readings to manipulate energy.
Which brings me to how I see HER soul. Which, I don't. I see a standing body with nothing inside. Reminded me of a scarecrow, and please do not make fun of this or think I'm being mean—I'm not. I am simply describing what is shown to me.
Her eyes have no white in them just dark. I don't think she is aware of this consciously, because of the darkness she believes to work in her favor. However it's all an illusion.
The reason, from a soul perspective, she is attracted to CE beyond a professional capacity is because her soul is clinging and thirsty for light. Quite similarly to a leech, she needs the "light" of his reputation, his goodness and kindness, especially from his fans, to validate herself.
You will notice the way things "appear" to work in her favor, but they fall apart quickly like this PR shenanigan. Her soul is screaming for any bit of light it can get, as she is operating from a place of empty.
That is why any appearances or work CE does that is tied to her will fail. Her darkness is weighing down on him and preventing him from his own blessings because he is not supposed to receive anything while he is tied to her. Yet, when something fails to give her the reaction she wants, she thinks she needs to do even more (manipulation).
CE is a strong soul but he does not believe this so he lets others have power over him. That is the simple reason this PR has gone on so long. AB thinks by having people like her, by appearing to be someone linked to a genuinely kind soul as CE, it will lesson her karmic load, or maybe she will be able to live with herself knowing her background, what has been taught to her and the way she steals from others.
She believes she has a handle on things but as the universe is energy based, the more she pushes the darkness the harder it will rebound. It will always rebound in the opposite direction of the push. She was supposed to learn this lesson when she desired more from this PR with CE, wanted to be more to him but did not get it.
Maybe she should focus on why nobody seems to be attracted to her energy instead of manipulating theirs, which repels them further by the way. Stop looking at why everything around you seems to go wrong for you and maybe look inside to see your own misalignment.
I don't even know why I'm trying to help her, not that she would see anything wrong with herself. But what we see is a flash of what's really going on behind the scenes.
Readers, protect your energy, protect your gift. Let the universe handle the rest. All that was taken will be returned with a greater force—that is the law of energy.
Thank you 🙏
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tshortik · 1 year
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Henlo, some of you may already know that I am modding a little semi-professional art server! We're looking for some new folks again, so send me a DM here on tumblr or twitter, if you're serious about art and interested in the space! :>
Below some important info about the server 👇
It's a space for adults, who are either hobbyists serious about their craft or professionals! It's for people who wanna get better, make connections and share resources. rn we have a good mix of hobbyists and professionals going and the atmosphere is very chill 😊
It's a 18+ server, but it's still sfw! People have different boundaries, and very explicit stuff can create some very awkward situations among strangers. We'd like to keep that to a minimum if possible. Tasteful nudity is totally fine tho, and if unsure there's always spoilers.
We don't want specific individuals to hog the spotlight (spam in channels, glossing over people, ...) and neither do we want anyone to idolise any artist to a creepy degree. Pity-parties are also not allowed. This is moderated accordingly!
It is supposed to be an interactive, informative and collaborative space. It is NOT a place to be solely used for promoting yourself without engaging with others. If we notice someone only promoting their shop for example, they're out. That really isn't the place for it.
The server will not "teach" you how to draw! Please only apply if art is already a thing you do seriously. I will not give out invites to people that draw stick figures, you should already have a basic amount of knowledge with this skill. This is important because I want everybody to be able to hold conversations on the same wavelength, without feeling awkward about their experience or lack thereof. The server is not equipped to teach someone like a mentor would, and it is also not within anybody's power to motivate someone for this either.
We regularly prune the server! There are lurkers, so you have the chance to react if you wanna stay and just soak in the info, but it is important for me that the space doesn't become too large and inflated, so that people stay comfy talking. Hence why the invites aren't public and why it's a closed server! Right now we have roughly below 100 members, but we are in the process of pruning again.
Just to re-iterate: The server is for mature conversations and mainly focuses on on-topic art stuff. While we do have off-topic channels, it is still primarily a space for people to seriously engage with each other about art of all kinds.
If there are a lot of interests, I might put you on a queue list as to not overwhelm the server with too many new folks, but I will let you know if that's the case. DM me for any questions!
PS: Crypto and AI shit will be hunted for sport 💋
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l1ghtmare · 7 months
about me !! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
i wont be posing much rn
i am a sub
do not, i repeat, DO NOT message me expecting ANYTHING sexual to happen
i am 23
i have a bf i love sososososososo much
i am a professional lurker
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cinisekha · 5 months
pinned post time
my name is ASH (they/them) and this is my main blog, but also not, but also the blog that i operate despite so. My OG account is @cinereys (it's been that way since literally 09) so you'll see interaction/follows coming from there. I am autistic, queer, and chronically anxious (see: lurker) so if i interact with you in any way, CONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE SUPER COOL LETS BE FRIENDS. I draw art (@cineralis) occasionally because I have the great privilege of being married to a professional art director @mattdemino (artstation) who keeps me inspired and practicing.
SPOTIFY (my fanlists)
(ask for my ao3 link i must hide it from irl friends)
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