#I am a nerd and I will not apologize for this
thatfrenchacademic · 2 years
Hi. I just read your answer to the nonnie who asked about some theory. I, too, am a student of IR (second year) and I was wondering (if you have spoons, of course)... what exactly is positivism? I just don't get it. I read the book you mentioned in your answer, I also read the books our profs recommended, I even googled and read different articles, but... I just don't get it. I can't explain what is positivism in IR: I was wondering if you could, maybe, explain it, like "Positivism and postpositivim for dummies". Thanks a lot! :)
Hello Anon!
You have no idea how happy this question makes me, because I genuinely think it is one of the most under-explained aspects of IR to undergrad, despite how key it is. So here is your "positivism and post-positivism in IR 101" under the cut!
So get this.
To understand what we are talking about, we are going to talk about ontology and epistemology - and stay with me here, I swear it is actually fun and not very hard to understand.
We are in the XIXth century, and French sociologist August Compte had the (at the time) brand new idea that rather than wondering how society should, how people should behave, or more metaphysical questions, we should just look at how society works, and understand how it works. Just like you would study why plant grow in certain environment and not others, how alloys are formed or how the body works, you can study society, politics (international relations!) and find out rules, laws, to explain how things work. If you drop a ball from a building, it will always fall toward the ground at a given speed. If you have two equal superpowers dominating international politics, the system will always be more stable than if you have more.
Now, there are actually a whole lot of assumptions, here. First, ontological assumptions (="what is reality?): you assume something about reality. You assume that there is a single thing, called "society", that EXIST, and we can all have the same understanding of what it is. But ok, most theories would agree with this today. But then, you have an epistemological assumption (=how can we KNOW reality?): you assume that not only this reality, in theory, exist, but that we can gain knowledge of what it is, in an objective fashion. We can research it, empirically, because we all experience the exact same reality, we can gain a shared, common understanding of what is society, and how it works. THIS, is positivism.
Therefore, positivist theories are those who really treat political science (including international relations) like a SCIENCE. It tries to uncover an objective truth, which not only DOES EXIST (ontology), but that we CAN EMPIRICALLY DISCOVER (epistemology).
This why so many positivist authors will refer to philosophers of science like Popper, Kuhn, Hempel, coming up with theories which must then be tested against reality, in a way that is transparent, falsifiable, replicable. Really see it as "biology, but about society". If it ain't testable, replicable and generalizable to other situations, it ain't a good theory.
The thing is, for International relations at least, this was developed mainly by white straight men based in the US, from the 50s to the 00s. In a sense, because the pool of researchers was so uniform, they never doubted that there is a shared single reality, that they can all agree on what it is, that they get to experience the same reality, that they are objective in their research.
But you know. At some point, people who were NOT cishet white US males started to be heard as researchers (finally). And we realised that those ontological and epistemological assumptions we had ? They might not be THAT obvious. Maybe you cannot, actually study society with the same objectivity as you study plants. Because you are PART of society, as a researcher. Or because society itself is not a single, unique thing which can be explained and understood empirically through general laws.
Classification, here, becomes a bit more tricky, so here is an attempt (but I have seen other classifications just as good and valid).
Post-positivism tends to agree ontologically (there is a single reality, out there, somewhere) but not empistemologically (we don't get to empirically explore it like we would for astronomy, because each theory and theory-testing cannot be free from the structure of powers in which they are created).
This includes all theories like feminist theories, queer theories, post-colonial theories... Typically, they do not try to "explain", to provide big all-encompassing laws of how IR work - because you can't, according to them. Instead, they look at everything in context, reflecting on their own subjectivity and the subjectivity of everyone else, accepting that they will explain an event rather than test a theory through said event. There is often an emphasis on discourse, meanings, agendas, values, and time-place specific understanding of it all, as well a power dynamics between various communities and how it shapes both IR and IR theories.
Interpretivism tends to disagree ontologically (there is not single reality of society which exist in theory, society does not exist in and of itself but only through experience, therefore there can never be a single "society", only individualized experiences of it) and therefore also disagrees epistemologically.
I am much less familiar with interpretivism, but from what I understand, it focuses quasi-exclusively on subjectivity and individual experiences - therefore, I am not sure how well developed in could be in international relations? The idea is that nothing is taken for granted, no concept existing in one time-place can be assumed to also exist, in a comparable manner, in another time-place. Halperin and Heath have a really great discussion in their manual and if you are curious about it, they can explain it much better than I every could - but once again, not sure how relevant this one would be to IR.
So there it is.
Hopefully that will have been of some help. There is really no way around it, you need to go back to some basics of philosophy of science to understand what is happening with positivism and post-positivism ! But you do not need to read through all of Popper (derogatory) to understand what's up either. You've got this!
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lyneytricks · 8 months
if i see another video making out scara's resentment towards ei to not matter and be wrong because of ei's intentions when abandoning him i'm going to literally throw something out of a window.
it doesn't matter what ei's intention was!! she literally abandoned him during the most important part of his life. idgaf if he looked the same as he does now, he was a child and he didn't know shit. ei just!! left him!! the fact that she had no ill intention doesn't dismiss the fact that it was harmful!!
(also let's not forget that she let him to sleep. for like. years. until someone found him. isn't that worse than death? how could you claim to "set someone free" when you throw them out as a lifeless corpse, not able to do anything until they are found? how could you say that?)
imagine using that logic on a crime dawg. yeah i killed them but it wasn't my intention so now their loved ones can't be mad at me for doing so, and they also need to forgive me. WHAT THE FUCK???
even wanderer says it in his voicelines. jesus christ. ("she completely neglected her own creation, and to add insult to injury, she said it was because she 'couldn't bring herself to intervene' in my fate..")
small p.d: i almost forgot about the feather ei gave him. (almost everyone does i'm ngl) yes, it was a way to, i guess 'protect him'? in a way? but, the fact that she gave him one thing (that does hold value, yeah, but god) while never even aknowledging his existence does not make her better.
(i can't remember the exact line in the HOOD set but oh my god. that "and she will not abandon you" someone says when seeing the feather, him knowing full well that she has done that. oh my god i need someone to hold me down)
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wayward-sherlock · 8 months
do you have any fic recs? thank you!
HELLO ANON I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO ANSWERING THIS ASK SINCE I GOT IT (im going to assume you mean byler fics since that is my most recent specialty🫶):
a cruel summer with you by the amazing @campbyler is by FAR one of my all time favorite fics. never in my entire four year fic reading career have i read something that obviously has so much love (and lore) put into it. if you haven’t read it already (or interacted with their blog, which i highly suggest!) this would be one of my first picks! (anything by suni or thea or andi is guaranteed to strike you speechless, though, so definitely check them out as authors, too!)
take a little moment (find the right words) by my lovely friend @astrobei is definitely also in my top all time bc i am SUCH a sucker for college aus it’s not even FUNNY. anything by suni is a banger, honestly, but this one specifically nails the miscommunication/idiots in love trope AND has rotund ducks. what is not to love.
a body in motion (also by @astrobei) is one of the best and most visceral mike character studies i have ever read. i’ve read it twice and the playlist has a permanent place in my spotify library. i don’t think i need to say any more.
sleeping with the lights on by singingseok is another mike character study that tore my heart from my chest and made me watch as it picked it apart and sewed it back together. okay. it’s SO good i highly recommend it for sure!
literally anything by @parkitaco is going to be fantastic, but three of my personal faves are the gaps and the silence, the windows of this love, and you were bigger than the whole sky because apparently i love sobbing into my pillow in the middle of the night. it’s healthy sometimes.
the strawberries are dying by my favorite doopel @lighthouseas is PERFECT if you’re looking for a unique take on byler with a historical spin <3 im a SUCKER for historical aus as well so this great depression fic was so incredibly perfect hehe
landslide by chamb3rs is. it’s so good i don’t even have words. it captures the spirit of senior year of high school so well, especially now that i’m in it lol. anyway, i’ve read this one twice and will continue to read it again for the rest of forever <3
and lastly, if you’re looking for spiderman aus (which i LOVE), look before you leap by lumism, the higher i climb, the farther i fall by @andiwriteordie, and mike wheeler’s guide to falling in love with a superhero by @smoosnoom are all wonderful perfect places to start 💗
i hope this gives you a good place to start anon :3 and also that im not overwhelming you. lol. but feel free to check out my bookmark page here for a more complete list of fics i’ve read!
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pulpitude · 5 months
even more ilw incorrects but compilation mode because i have a lot of post ideas for this 😭
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posting these has just become regular routine for me now. expect a lot more of these on your dash. apologies in advance
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yareyaredolphin · 11 months
(in relation to my last post) im gonna be real when i found out tucker was from michigan (which was embarrassingly recently mind you like ive been a fan of this stupid show for like two years and scoured everyones wiki articles 400 times over and i somehow never ever caught that how does that even happen) i flipped the fuck out. like i went completely apeshit. like when most people would yell FUCK YEAH and move on i sat in the corner mindlessly repeating "hes just like me" and rocking back and forth for like three straight hours, and it went on for so long that my mom had to physicially drag me out of the corner and drive me to the hospital because she was concerned for my well being, but when we GOT to the hospital they looked at her like she was fucking insane because she took me to the normal hospital for some reason(???) when everyone knows damn well i have to go to the special hospital with all the famous people like taylor swift and the power rangers, because a normal hospital cant give me proper care when theres hordes of people surrounding me trying to get a good look at the most badass charming and attractive guy in the world (that and flash photography gives me headaches). so by the time we pushed our way through the crowd and made it back to the car i was already back to normal (and really we didnt need to go to the hospital in the first place i was totally fine i just needed a minute) but i had this newly found joy and whimsy and i have had slightly more spring in my step ever since course i hced it before anyways but knowing its true just hits different i guess
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ilovedthestars · 1 year
Hello there, I am a space nerd, a fact I’m sure no one guessed from the fact that I go by Stars on the internet. I am here to explain how the moon works, because I think it’s cool and also something that most people don't know. This is mostly an infodump just for fun, but may also be vaguely useful for artists, writers & stargazers.
By “how the moon works,” I mean that although pretty much everyone knows about the moon’s phases, not everyone really gets how they affect things like when & where the moon is in the sky. See: the common idea that the sun is in the sky in the day, and the moon is in the sky at night. You know this isn’t strictly true if you’ve ever seen the moon in the sky in the daytime, but do you know how it actually works? If I gave you a moon phase and a time of day, would you be able to tell me whether the moon was in the sky or not?
I am here to (hopefully) explain how you can do that! With scribbly diagrams! Please join me under the readmore if you would like to come to my TED talk.
First of all, to avoid any accidental curse-of-knowledge assumptions on my part, let me define some terms!
First off, the phases of the moon, which you probably know most of, but bear with me. A “full moon” is when the moon is fully illuminated and appears as a circle in the sky. A “gibbous moon” is when the moon is more than half full, but not completely full—it appears large and roundish, but not a circle (not everyone knows the name for this one). A “half moon” is when the moon is half illuminated and appears as a semicircle—this one has some other names that I’ll get to in a second. A “crescent moon” is when the moon is less than half illuminated and appears as a concave curve. A “new moon” is when the moon is completely dark from Earth’s perspective and can’t be seen in the sky.
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Also, “waxing” is when the moon is transitioning from new to full, or getting bigger in the sky, and “waning” is when the moon is transitioning from full to new, or getting smaller in the sky.
Speaking of “half moon,” I frequently confuse friends by calling this a “first quarter” or a “third quarter” moon. Those names refer not to the illumination of the moon but to the full cycle of phases. If you think of the moon phases as split into four quarters, starting from zero at a new moon, then halfway to full is 1/4, full is 1/2, halfway back to new is 3/4, and then we’ve reached the end/beginning of the cycle with another new moon. So one of the half moons is a first quarter moon, and the other (with the other half illuminated) is a third quarter moon.
This is where I have to add a disclaimer—I am in the northern hemisphere, and I am familiar with astronomy in the northern hemisphere. If you are in the southern hemisphere, to you, I am looking at the moon “upside down.” Yes, really. If you’re using my diagrams, flip them upside down. I’ll try to be clear when I’m talking about stuff that flips between the hemispheres, but it’s something that I struggle to wrap my head around too, so apologies if I’m confusing or miss something.
So, here’s a diagram of the moon phases to show you the difference between first and third quarter moons, but if you’re in the southern hemisphere, please flip it over to see what they would look like for you. (The chronological order still goes in the same direction as the arrow, the moon itself is just the other way in the sky.)
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The fun trick I was taught to remember which way the cycle goes is “light from the right.” (Southern hemisphere people, you’ll have to flip this one.) Light, or shadow, moves from the right edge of the moon to the left. So if the moon is a crescent and the right edge is lit up, it’s waxing, or moving towards full. If the moon is a gibbous with a dark right edge, it’s just past full and will be waning towards the third quarter over the next few days. If you look at the diagram above (and imagine the crescent and gibbous phases transitioning in between), this might be easier to imagine.
Like I said, for the southern hemisphere this would actually be “light from the left.” If you’re near the equator and the moon is overhead, you could use “light from the west,” because that’s secretly the real rule. Another thing that’s useful to know for stargazing—the moon, sun and planets follow a path in the sky called the ecliptic, which is roughly over the equator. (Not exactly—it wiggles around relative to earth’s surface, because of the tilt of the earth’s axis that causes the seasons, but it stays near the equator.) If you’re standing in the northern hemisphere, the equator is south of you, so the ecliptic is also in the southern part of the sky. When you look at the moon, it will always be in the south, so the west-facing side of the moon will always be to your right. Likewise, if you’re in the southern hemisphere, the moon (and sun, and planets) will always appear in the northern half of the sky, so west will be to your left. Light moves across the moon’s surface from the west to the east.
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Now you can impress people by looking at the moon and saying, “Oh look, what a lovely waxing gibbous!” (I don’t actually know if the is impressive, but I do it all the time. For bonus points, get an app on your phone that tells you the phase of the moon and check it frequently so you can plan when to stargaze. Then you can casually mention that the moon will be full in a couple days when it’s not even in the sky, and maybe people will think you’re a werewolf.)
Now that I’ve explained the moon’s phases, I get to explain how they’re related to the time and place that the moon is in the sky. See, most people (I assume) don’t think twice about things like, say, a book describing a crescent moon in the sky overhead at midnight. But that actually can’t happen! And it has to do with the moon’s position in the 3D solar system, and how that maps onto our sky. This is kind of hard for me to explain without a lot of 3D hand gestures and pointing at the sky, but I’m gonna do my best to show it in two dimensions.
So, most people probably know that the moon’s phases are caused by the sun’s light illuminating half of the moon, and since the relative positions of the moon, sun & earth change throughout the month, the half that’s illuminated moves around the moon and changes how it looks from our viewpoint. So, a very basic rule: the side of the moon that’s illuminated is the side that’s facing the sun.
So, when the moon is full, that’s because the side that faces us is also facing the sun. This means the sun is directly opposite the moon. Here’s a very scientific diagram:
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In case it’s not clear, this is a “top-down” view of the solar system where the moon, earth and sun are all in the same plane (in this case it doesn’t matter if we’re looking at the north or south pole, the positions would look the same). It’s also obviously not to scale and very simplified, but the point is to demonstrate that the moon is opposite the earth from the sun.*
The little person on the earth is of course spinning around as the earth rotates once per day. But at this point in the lunar month, you can see that when they are on the side of the earth where they can see the moon, they are also on the side facing away from the sun. When the moon is full or close to full, it’s opposite the sun—it rises around sunset, sets around sunrise, and is at its peak in the sky around midnight. This is how lots of people tend to think of the moon rising and setting, but it’s only true when the moon is close to full!
If that doesn’t make sense, here’s a diagram of when the moon is at the opposite point in its cycle, a new moon:
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When the moon is new, the side that faces the earth is dark, which means the opposite side is facing the sun. The moon is on the same side of earth as the sun is. The little person spinning around the earth won’t see the moon in the night sky, because the moon is close to the sun in the sky,* and it’s actually rising in the morning and setting in the evening at this time of the month! You can’t easily see the moon when it’s new, but it might be visible a few days before or after this as a crescent. You’ll only see a crescent moon in the sky during the day, or close to dawn/dusk—it will be close above the horizon where the sun has just set or is about to rise. (The light edge faces the sun, so if it’s near the horizon in twilight sometimes it will look like the light edge is actually pointing down, with the tips of the crescent pointing up in the sky.)
*A side note on eclipses: My diagram is oversimplified! The moon, earth and sun aren’t actually all in the same plane all the time, they’re slightly misaligned. So even when I say the moon and sun are “directly” opposite each other, or aligned, they aren’t lined up perfectly enough to cast shadows on each other most of the time. When they do line up perfectly at the right time, that’s when you get a solar eclipse (when the moon is new) or lunar eclipse (when the moon is full).
Okay, so when the moon is full it’s in the sky at night, and when the moon is new it’s in the sky during the day. What about in between? This is where it gets a little confusing, especially for those of you in the southern hemisphere, who are going to have to flip everything I say. Apologies in advance, but it kind of hurts my head even to explain how this works in my own half of the sky.
So, when the moon is half-full, at the first quarter and third quarter of the phase cycle I explained above, the sun’s light is coming (from our perspective) from the side. The moon is ninety degrees away in its orbit from full or new, and the sun’s light is effectively perpendicular to our viewpoint, instead of parallel. This time it matters which way we’re looking, so these are a top-down view from the northern-hemisphere side. If you’re in the southern hemisphere, I think you can flip which is the first & third quarter to make this accurate.
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As you can see, when our little person is spinning around the globe, they’re going to be seeing the moon high in the sky right around the line between night and day. From a northern perspective, the earth spins counter-clockwise (vice versa from the south), so if you picture the person spinning around their little earth, you can see that the first quarter moon is going to be visible when they’re spinning from light to dark (sunset) and the third quarter moon is going to be visible when they’re spinning from dark to light (sunrise).
Bonus fun trick: If you remember the rule of “light from the right” in the northern hemisphere and how that determines the order of the phases, and look at these diagrams again, you can figure out which direction the moon orbits the earth from this viewpoint. (This is, in fact, the only way I can remember which direction the moon orbits the earth, despite being far more complicated than just memorizing it. If you’d like to make a game of it, I’ll put the answer at the bottom of the post).
Remembering how this looks from this top-down floating-above-the-earth perspective is hard, but you don’t really have to. I only explained it so it would make sense when I went back to my earlier visualization, from when I was explaining how “light from the right” works. I’m a very spatial learner, and I like picturing things relative to my own body, so this is how I remember when the different phases of the moon appear in the sky:
Imagine you’re standing, facing the ecliptic, where the sun and the moon travel through the sky. In the northern hemisphere, you’re facing south, with east to your left and west to your right. Imagine that the sun has just set, falling beneath the horizon to your right. Imagine that the moon is full, and hopefully I’ve explained well enough that now you know where it will be—cresting the horizon at your left. Imagine the opposite too—the sun is rising in the east at your left, as the full moon sinks in the west at your right. The new moon’s position, if you’d like to visualize that, is effectively the same as the sun.
Now, the difference between the two half-moons. Light comes from the west—in the northern hemisphere, your right—so when the right half is illuminated, it’s the first quarter of the lunar month, waxing to full, and when the left half is illuminated, it’s the third quarter, waning to new. One is high at dusk and one is high at dawn. Which is which?
You’re facing south. Picture a first quarter moon, right side lit up, at its peak in the southern sky. The light side is always facing the sun. Where is the sun? It must be to your right, touching the horizon in the west, setting. The first quarter moon is in the sky before, during and after dusk.
Picture a third quarter moon, left side lit up, at its peak. The light side faces the sun. The sun is to your left, touching the horizon in the east, rising. The third quarter moon is in the sky before, during and after dawn.
When I imagine this, I’m standing on my back porch, where I often go outside and stargaze. My telescope is small and one of the few things it can see with any detail is the moon. I want to be able to look at the moon just after dark, without having to stay up too late—and this memory device, of facing south and imagining the sun at my right hand to the west, is how I remember that the first quarter is the best time for me to observe the moon. It will be high in the sky at sunset, easy for me to see over the houses and trees.
If you remember that the moon waxes and wanes from the west (right in the north, left in the south), then you can fill in all the gradations of crescent and gibbous moon between the four main quarters. (As an example, if I wait a few days past first quarter to go outside and look at the moon, it’s waxed into a gibbous moon and it rises later in the evening, peaking in the sky closer to midnight. Another example: a waxing crescent is between a new moon and first quarter, so it will trail behind the sun and be above the horizon in the southwest at sunset.)
I hope that all of this makes sense and is useful to someone, whether for figuring out when you can observe the moon and where in the sky to look, or for thinking about how to place it in the sky in your writing and art. If nothing else, I hope I have brought you entertainment, and/or ruined the way the moon works in Minecraft for you forever. (It rises and sets directly opposite the sun!! Even when it’s a new moon!!! Light doesn’t work like that!!)
And finally, if you were trying to guess, the moon orbits the earth counter-clockwise if you’re looking down from the northern side.
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willowser · 2 years
Ik you posted that drabble of nerd bkg and reader getting back together but can we see the in between stage where he was trying and she wasnt having it 🤭 there smt about him being held accountable for his actions that i love LMAO
we can absolutely see this !! 😤✨️💕 you are god darn right you keep him accountable !
i think he tries that first time with his ridiculous "you don't know what you're talking about" spiel and you just shut the door in his face LOL like "are you seriously saying that to me right now ?" SLAM. GOODBYE.
after that i think he's seriously so stumped. he goes to that coffee shop to see you studying with todoroki and he can't even hide his shock, just stands there in line, watching, not casual at all. that time is a little hard !! bc you think maybe he's here to apologize for real and you just watch him, arms crossed as todoroki reads in his own little world, and then bakugou just leaves LOL bc he's a loser !!
after that, you're even more pissed LOL he catches you in the library bc you are actually there searching for a book and he turns down your aisle. and he opens his mouth to try and say something, but he can't 🥺 bc he doesn't know what to say !! and you notice and it's your turn to leave this time, storming right past him as he balls his hands into fists !!
the only time he manages to say something, it's: "will you just listen to me for one damn second ?" as he's practically chasing you across campus, and he HATES this, bc enough people saw what happened in the library that day and know all about it, and now they can see him clearly struggling to get your attention. but you just shake your head, hugging your books tighter to your chest before turning to stare down at him, one step higher than he is on the stairs.
"how about you tell mina and then she can just tell me later."
and the last thing is when he calls you 🥺 and he's not expecting you to pick up, but you do 🥺 and you're silent on the other end for so long that he wonders if maybe it's an accident, has him asking, "hello ? you there ?" and you just hum once 🥺 and tell him, "yeah, but not for long. just missed your voice." and then you hang up !! 🥺 cut him off !!
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thresholdbb · 10 months
Me when someone casually mentions Star Trek
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humblemooncat · 10 months
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Wow, I actually took some slightly sfw shots of these two for once.
These are models I made to mess around with nsfw poses when practicing with crimes and ivcs, as well as lighting on different skin tones, but since I actually got some cute shots of them I guess I can introduce them.
I can't even make models without giving them some sort of character, so may I present Sehu'a Taali and Valan Hyskaris.
Sehu'a is a Keeper who was abandoned by his tribe when he was young. Valan took him in after finding him alone in the wilds of Dravania, having been holed up near Tailfeather himself. Sehu'a doesn't trust easily, and it's taken Valan a while to get him to open up. Now they're inseparable. (Also, this is the first time Sehu'a's said this to him, thus the surprise)
I'd go more into detail, but I don't really think I'll be able to post much more of them unless I get some tasteful shots. Which tend to be rare because it's for practice, not usually to post. I got the ones above and this lone one Tumblr might allow out of like 30+ screens, so- (Screen under the cut just in case)
But if anyone's curious, I can be swayed to share more about them at least. :3c
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zwathsort · 7 months
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One of my few dragon OCs. This guy is Nerde! :D
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r.une is so awesome! he's the kindest guy ever and I always drop by the thieves guild whenever I'm not doing anything just to hear his pretty voice
#ash rambles 💚#and he's handsome!#steal me away 🐉#ugh it's been so long since i've played s.kyrim#or uh. anything other than c.yberpunk#school keeps me busy and#i also got some wisdom teeth removed today! and two other teeth! it's... not the most comfortable! I'm trying to stay chill about it but#FUCK i miss solid food so much#anyways I'll try my best to get some sleep! I'm trying to downplay it but it's probably not a good idea to like. not rest after all that#so yeah if i havent been as activate as of late it's just a mixture of that + school + me trying to platinum cy.berpunk 2077#i think I'm at about 75% trophy achievement? which isnt bad at all#sorry i was talking about r.une#s.kyrim has ass lighting but. his eyes are actually green! i just think he's sooooo handsome!#I can't really kiss since my face is all swollen but i am mentally kissing him all over! he's just such a sweet guy! i know i ship with a#lot of men that are a little rough around the edges but. not him#he's just a genuinely nice guy#(ignorethat hes part of the thieves guild)#oh speaking of I've started to play o.ctopath 2 again. starting to drag myself out of my gaming slump#it's just... been such a crazy last few weeks. with school and life and my mouth... and the roadtrip in which our tire went kaboom in the#middle of nowhere.. everyone is okay but it's still definitely a moment that made me go 'what the hell is wrong with ash's life' LMAAAOO#gonna save that story for the grandkids! BAHAHAHAHAA#oh speaking of kiddos. i've been developing the kiddo for s.eifer a lot as of late! her name is selena + she wields a gunblade like her pap#and just like how her papa has a thing for s.quall (/hj) she has a thing for s.quall's kid LMAAAOO#ah shit it's almost 3am.. I'm gonna go to sleep! i should rest after today#good night my friends#or. well. good morning. since you know. it's so late ajdkahsjq#I'll get back to the regularly scheduled f/o posting eventually <3#your knight until the end 🤍#also also I've been reading john koenigs the dictionary of obscure sorrows and annotating it like the nerd i am. fucking hell it's so good#apologies to all my friends who keep getting spammed with me analyzing it LMAAAAOO y'all are the best
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sir-ghost-the-green · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 💜💜
This is really sweet! Will do! This isn’t going to be in any specific order lol. Things that make me happy:
- My dog bc he’s my world honestly. I know he’s not a thing but I couldn’t talk about what makes me happy and not include my bean, it simply wouldn’t be complete.
- When I’m asked about one of my fixations and the person I’m talking with actually cares and wants to listen. Or asked about anything, really, I like to talk lol.
- The English language in just about every form; reading, writing, audio, spoken in person, all of it.
- Accessibility!!!! My gods I cannot tell you how happy it makes me when places and things are accessible for all sorts of people. When I and people with disabilities far different than mine are all being properly accommodated it fills me with joy.
- Making things. I joke that my hobby is picking up new skills, but that’s really because for me making something new with my own hands and skills is such a significant source of happiness that it’s hard not to constantly pick up new projects.
Thank you again for asking me Magpie!!
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sapphic-scylla · 1 year
Person: “Your name is so well thought out and it fits you perfectly. It must have taken years to figure that out!”
Me, a transgirl: “Hahaha yeah, a lot of thought went into it for sure…”
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halflingcaravan · 1 year
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Look, I know that in many ways he has the savvy of a petrol station sandwich…
But really, if you’re going to set up a code loop or a mathematical recursion… you need to have some kind of ending condition!
The recursion needs to reach a limit if you’re going to have a finite process, there needs to be a “while” for your “do”…
It’s this kind of ad hoc willy-nilly tossing around of recursive structures is just foolish. Do better Donald… 1 out of 5 stars…
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moonfurthetemmie · 11 months
School kicked our asses today and kept us busy; sorry about not answering any of the H!DS asks
though maybe I should. say something before I go to bed NAJSJS
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enigma-absolute · 1 year
get loved, nerd
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