#I always try to align species to nationality when making OCs
Heh, I do in fact have a small theory explaining how critters keep cropping up as natives to continents where they do not hail from in real life. Simply being, before the continents broke up, the various beings of Sly Cooper Earth migrated all over, and once the world split, populations were trapped in areas they had not originally been native to. This is how you get, oh say, Gorillas and Armadillos in Eastern Europe (Gronk and Toothpick), or raccoons in Egypt of all places.
See, that’s the thing, though! Outside the cartoony central concept of “raccoon thieves throughout history” - and therefore the world - SC sticks fairly closely to aligning nationality with native spread. I really appreciate that detail.
Carmelita: Red foxes are native to Spain (and damn near half the world, for that matter)Bentley & Murray: If they grew up in America, as seems to be implied, then their ancestry isn’t really geographically bound. I’m sure if we all hold hands and really think about it, we can work out how an American guy can have ancestors from West Africa.
Fiendish Five: Wales has frogs, America (and everywhere) has dogs, Haiti has… crocodiles (though Mz Ruby is apparently an alligator, #whoops), China of course has pandas and Russia has giant owls.
Klaww Gang: France has lizards, India has tigers (which covers Neyla too, who is stated to be originally from New Delhi before moving to Britain), I’m… sure the Czech Republic has at least one type of spider, Canada has bison. Parrots aren’t exactly native to Britain, but again, it’s a country with an extensive history of inward migration.
…okay from here on out things fall apart a little
Don Octavio: according to Wikipedia there used to be a subspecies of European lion? Lived in ancient Rome. Key phrase “used to be”, though. I don’t think that counts. Maybe it’s a reference to Mussolini. Kids love references to Mussolini.Gronk: Gorillas are, indeed, not from Eastern Europe. This is unfortunate.The Guru: Koalas are from AustraliaPenelope: Mice, like foxes, kinda come from everywhereTsao: i just doublechecked china has chickensLeFwee: Who even knows where Blood Bath Bay is? Free space on the board. Where-ever it is, it’s got parrots.Dr M: Is he British too? He sounds it. Every Brit in this series except Raleigh is either a migrant or presumably a migrant’s descendant. Hard to blame the devs. British fauna is pretty… reserved.McSweeney: Nationality unknown. Maybe he’s from Alaska.
Sly 4: See here I was all ready to tear into this game for how tigers are not native to South or Central America (El Jefe could’ve been a jaguar, easy!), armadillos are not native to Eastern Europe, and, for the last fricking time, skunks are not native to France. But having written this out, it’s apparent that Sly 3 is kinda fumbled this too. Oh no! Nuance!Elephants aren’t native to Britain, but I gave Arpeggio and Dr M a pass. Black bears, at least, are native to North America.
Okay, cool, this was meant to be praise for a cool detail but on examination they kinda gave up on it after Sly 2. Guess we’ll have to lean pretty heavily on migration, prehistoric or otherwise.
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lins-fandom-hub · 4 years
HPHM Profile: Em Wen-Hui Lin
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Template by @hogwartsmystory​
Profile subject to change.
Name: Emily “Em” Wen-Hui Lin
Gender: Female
Age: 12 as of May 31, 1990
Birth Date: February 19, 1978
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half-blood (both parents are Muggle-born attending wizarding institutions)
Sexuality: Undetermined
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Ethnicity: Chinese
Nationality: Um...British, I think?
Residence: Oxford, England
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ISFP
Wand: Rowan and Phoenix feather, 11 inches, quite flexible
Animagus: N/A. Of the three siblings, only Clara has become an Animagus.
Misc Magical Abilities: Like her siblings, Em is a Legilimens--although she did not recognize the power until late in her 6th year.
Boggart Form: Her inner demons are her downfall. Her Riddikulus form makes the entire room dark, leaving her in the spotlight, standing in front of the glowing column of a Cursed Vault, while shadows of her past begin to echo her worst thoughts. Most of them pertained Jacob’s permanent disappearance, or her older sister abandoning her for good. She just cannot stand the thought of standing there, helpless while her family suffered.
Riddikulus Form: Her Riddikulus form is of the demons popping like soap bubbles all around her, the voices warbled with every bubble that rose. The prevailing darkness will fade as well. The Cursed Vault will become a giant teddy bear. 
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) Freshly ground mint, cinnamon, freshly baked fudge, and tomato juice.
Amortentia: (What do they smell?) She smells fresh linens, nutmeg, smoke from a fire, and...wait, is that honey lemon tea?
Patronus: If she can produce a Patronus, it would be of a black swan. A little strange when compared to Jacob’s falcon and Clara’s unicorn, but her grace and poise is not to be underestimated.
Patronus Memory: the day the tension from the Cursed Vaults finally subsided and she saw the light return to her siblings�� eyes.
Mirror of Erised: She sees herself with her older siblings, both of them genuinely smiling in happiness. Her family has completely reconciled, and she feels at peace.
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Before Em goes to Hogwarts, she knew already of the Herbivicus Charm, which her father taught her to speed up the growth of flowers. This was very useful for her whenever people requested her to make flower crowns at the arts and crafts club she heads along with her friend Dawn. Em can cast a really good Expelliarmus as well--a powerful one that could send the wand flying far away from the owner. In later years, one should watch out for her Tarantallegra and Obscuro. Unbeknownst to several of her classmates, she could also perform a good shield charm thanks to training with her siblings in her first year.
Faceclaim: TBD
Voiceclaim: TBD
Game Appearance: (may subject to change every once in a while)
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Height: 4’10 at 11, but grows a bit before reaching adulthood
Weight: She is on the slightly light side, lighter than average.
Physique: Relatively frail, but her glare can make up for her strength and power behind her spells.
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Hair Colour: Black
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Modifications: N/A
Scarring: N/A
Inventory: Em carries two silk bookmarks, a beaded bracelet, her wand, a few flower clips, several quills and bottles of ink, and some parchment.
Fashion: Most of the time in school, Em wears her school robes. Yes, even when she’s not in class, she wears her school robes. She would always have a flower in her hair.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Ilvermorny House: Pukwudgie/Wampus?
Affiliations/Organizations: Hufflepuff House (Hogwarts); Circle of Khanna (Hogwarts); Order of the Phoenix (1996-); St. Mungo’s Hospital
Professions: Healer at St. Mungo’s
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: A
Charms: E
Flying: A
Herbology: O
History of Magic: A
Potions: E
Transfiguration: E
Electives: Care of Magical Creatures (E), Ancient Runes (A), Muggle Studies (E)
Quidditch: Em does not join the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, but she is a great supporter of the team in the spectator stands.
Extra Curricular: Arts and Crafts Club (leader), Duelling Club
Favourite Professors: Professor Sprout, Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall
Least Favourite Professors: Professor Binns
Brother: Jacob Pan-Hui Lin
Although she and Jacob never really were that close, she still admires him for what he does and never held a grudge against him for his mistakes. She longs for them to reunite when she learned he went missing, and always wanted to know him and get along with him.
Older sister: Clara Xing-Hui Lin
Em didn’t really get a chance to connect with Clara until the summer before her first year at Hogwarts. Still, she was firm on helping Clara through her trying times and helped her in any way she could to break the final curse and stop R once and for all.
Father: Sueh-Yen Lin
Mother: Renee Lin (nee Tao)
Love Interest: currently N/A
Best Friends: Dawn Everett, Hillary Redstone, 
Rival: Travis Poulter, Eunice Ahn
Enemy: R, Voldemort and Death Eaters
Dormmates: Dawn Everett, three other Hufflepuff girls
Pets: Cheddar (rat), some others TBD
Closest Canon Friends: Penny Haywood, Chiara Lobosca, Nymphadora Tonks, Diego Caplan, Andre Egwu, Charlie Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Cedric Diggory, Badeea Ali, Barnaby Lee, Liz Tuttle, Tulip Karasu
Closest MC/OC Friends: 
Sarahi Silvers (@dat-silvers-girl )
Nora Magnus (@dat-silvers-girl )
Pre Hogwarts: 
Em was around 5 or 6 when Jacob disappeared. Since then, all she had known was broken bonds and tears.
Her sister drifted away from her as well in her first 5 years at Hogwarts. She had to learn in this time to stand alone in the worst of the storm. 
1st Year: 
Em was Sorted into Hufflepuff on the first day at school
The statue curse prevailed during little Em’s first year at Hogwarts
Following the Halloween Feast, Em created the Arts and Crafts club at her friend Dawn’s suggestion--where members create many wonderful things out of everyday items
She and Clara take up Bill’s offer to go to the Burrow for Christmas.
After Rowan Khanna’s death, Em was roped into the Circle of Khanna by Diego Caplan who insisted the group needed her duelling skills
While Clara was preparing the Polyjuice Potion to infiltrate R, Em got to see all the Vaults firsthand that have been broken
Prior to Clara’s trip to the Black Lake with Ben, Merula, and Jacob, Em comes around and gives Clara a flower crown to present to the merqueen
After the curse was lifted, just as Clara threw a party at the Three Broomsticks, Em threw a party in the courtyard with the people who were unable to go to Hogsmeade
2nd Year: 
Em returns to Hogwarts for her second year prepared to help her siblings take down the rest of R
3rd Year: 
Em returns to Hogwarts without her siblings for the first time. However, it was then when she met the Boy Who Lived--Harry Potter.
The year passed pretty normally for her
4th Year: 
When the Chamber of Secrets was opened, little Em was one of the first to ensure that all the younger Hufflepuff students remained calm in this time
She already knew firsthand that Gilderoy Lockhart was suspicious, and so she wrote her mother when he was outed (and his memory was permanently wiped)
5th Year: 
Em becomes a Hufflepuff Prefect for her fifth year along with Cedric Diggory
The year that Sirius Black escaped has been a tough one for her. Imagine Percy constantly on high alert, especially since he’s Head Boy--she’s adapted his high alertness once more, fearing for the entire student body once more
Despite all this, little Em came out successful in her OWLs, obtaining an impressive eight OWLs while only failing History of Magic (she dropped Muggle Studies after her 4th year)
6th Year: 
Enter: The Goblet of Fire, and the Triwizard Tournament!
Em was too young to participate, so she ended up sitting by the sidelines cheering both her friend Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter on
She did not develop a crush on any of the boys in her year (mostly because she can’t be bothered right now with romance, maybe), but she did go to the ball with another Ravenclaw boy in her year
The loss of Cedric Diggory at the end of her 6th year had put her in another mute grief. First, she sat through Rowan Khanna’s memorial--she didn’t expect to sit through another one five years later, and one for one of her closest friends too.
7th Year:
Prior to starting her 7th year, her older sister Clara left for China
Em becomes one of the Head Girls in her 7th year, but the arrival of Dolores Umbridge and the way she instilled all these regulations made her secretly pissed off
She wholeheartedly supported Fred and George in testing their joke products so that they could make a profit out of their talents
When they left Hogwarts on their broomsticks after a while, she too was one of the few who wished she could leave the school but could not
Order of the Phoenix / 2nd Wizarding War:
Em was roped into the Order of the Phoenix along with her brother, Jacob, by none other than Professor Dumbledore immediately following graduation
While her sister was in China holding back the Japanese forces, the times they had to talk were far and few in between--however, they were able to talk when they could, and Em relayed everything that happened to her through encrypted letters sent to her grandmother
Em was the one who alerted Clara of the upcoming Battle of Hogwarts--while the siege went underway, she stuck close to Diego
Em survives the battle--she mourned for Fred and the many lives that were lost
Em ends up becoming a Healer at St Mungo’s, helping those who have undergone traumatic experiences during Voldemort’s rise
Future relationship TBD.
Though she comes off as a shy soul, little Em is not completely fragile. Behind her kind eyes laid years of suffering from her family’s arguments and broken bonds--yet she pushes forward, and her persistence does not go unnoticed
Em is always willing to offer a helping hand, even though she’s the one who needs it most.
She cares deeply for those who she ends up befriending and trusting. This also includes most of Clara’s friends at Hogwarts.
Though soft-spoken and easy to knock over, her spells could pack a serious punch.
Em’s love of Herbology came from her father, whom she loved helping in the family gardens long before Jacob’s disappearance.
She doesn’t play many instruments like her sister, but she has a decent singing voice good enough to join the Frog Choir. However, the thought of that made Em shake her head--she really only sings for fun, after all.
Em’s love for crafts came from the time Jacob gifted her a Hippogriff ornament at her first Christmas that he made himself.
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HPHM MC Profile template
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[Profile template from @hogwartsmysterystory​] [@unfortunate-arrow​ gave me the idea]
Ada’s father profile : here
Ada’s mother profile : here
Ada’s great great grandmother (hphl oc character) presentation : here
Name: Ada Margot Shelby
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birth Date: April 28, 1973
Species: (Human, Lycanthrope, Metamorphmagus, Vampire, ect) Human
Blood Status: (Pureblood, Half-Blood, Muggleborn) Half-blood
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Chaotic good
Ethnicity: Caucasian, White
Nationality: British 
Residence: Shelby house, Birmingham, until she’s 11 and then, the Tonks house
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ENFJ (the Protagonist)
The Mage
1st Wand:
Wood: Rowan Wood
Core: Phoenix feather
Length: 10 ¾ inches
Flexibility: Slightly yielding
2nd Wand:
Wood: Sycamore
Core: Unicorn hair
Length: 10 and ¼ inches
Flexibilty: Surprisingly swishy
Animagus: Falcon
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Misc Magical Abilities: (Legilimen, Seer, Parselmouth, Obscurial, ect) N/A
Boggart Form: Bellatrix Lestrange (explained below)
Riddikulus Form: Bellatrix tripping multiple times
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) Ada smells like lavender (shampoo) and old parchment 
Amortentia: (What do they smell?) Ada smells the sea, apple pie, and jasmine (Penny’s perfume).
Patronus: Hedgehog
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Patronus Memory: A memory of a family gathering during which her parents and great-parents are still alive and her brother is happy; Her first real laugh after her mother’s death caused by one of Ted Tonks’ jokes; A water fight she had with Dora, Andromeda and Ted; Her first roadtrip with her friends accross Scotland (I like to imagine Bill has a car licence).
Mirror of Erised: She sees her entire family alive, along with her friends. She’s surrounded by all the people she loves, touched by those who passed away.
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Spero Patronum
Arresto Momentum
Crinus Muto
Petrificus Totalus
Faceclaim: Daisy Edgar Jones (with glasses and green eyes)
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Voiceclaim: Daisy Edgar Jones
Game Appearance:
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Height: 5’5” when she stopped growing 
Weight: 121 lbs
Physique: Average
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Brown
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Modifications: N/A
Scarring: After the battle of Hogwarts, she has a scar on her right cheek caused by a curse so it cannot disappear. Plus, she has mutiple little scars on her body due to her adventures and her job as an auror.
Inventory: (what do they carry on them?)
Her wand
She wears glasses
A picture of her parents
A necklace with her mother’s engagement ring on it (her brother carries their father’s wedding ring)
A bracelet she received as a gift from her godmother Andromeda Tonks when she was born. She had to readjust it as she grew up. (Tonks got a similar one from her own godmother: Ada’s mother Miranda)
Her Prefect badges
Inside her school bag:
Her Astronomy book and notebook. These are the only ones she carries everywhere because she is passioned by it
An old love note from Penny
The last letter her mother ever sent to her
The first letter Ted and Andromeda sent to her at Hogwarts after they took her in after her mother died, in which they are reassuring her, telling her they will always be there for her and asking a letter every week to give them news (Just like Dora. This particular part was signed by Andromeda)
Fashion: Thanks to Ted Tonks and other Muggleborns she knows, she’s fully aware of muggles’ fashion and she likes to wear some of them:
Denim jackets
Rock band t-shirts
Shirts with patterns
Denim pants
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Ilvermorny House: Thunderbird
Gryffindor house
Order of the Phoenix
Professions: Auror
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: (OWL Grade or ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆) O
Charms: O
Flying: E
Herbology: E
History of Magic: A
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Arithmancy: A
Extra Curriculars:
Quidditch: Chaser
Dueling Club
Astronomy Club
Favourite Professors:
Professor McGonagall: She is Ada’s favorite Professor of all time. Ada finds her excellent, strict but fair, and passionate. When Ada’s mother died, she was the one to tell her. After that, she always checked on her to see if she was ok and always saw whenever she was not, even when Ada tried very hard to hide it. She was an important part of Ada’s recovery after her loss. Ada will always be thankful for that.
Professor Sinistra: Even though she loves most of her classes, Astronomy is Ada’s favorite subject. The subject in itself is already fascinating, but Professor Sinistra add a lot to it. Ada is always captivated by what she has to say about the sky. Professor Sinistra saw her passion, and often allows her to go to the Astronomy tower to watch the sky outside of class. She also often lends her more advanced Astronomy books.
Professor Sprout: Ada also loves Professor Sprout. Herbology class is one of her favorite and it is a lot due to Professor Sprout. She loves the way she teaches, her kindness and her sense of humor. There is a lot about her personnality that she also find in some of her own friends like Dora or Penny, which makes it even easier to like her.
Professor Flitwick: Finally Professor Flitwick. She also loves the way he teaches. After her mother died, she had a lot of trouble to concentrate on the practice of spells and was often struggling to realize them. Professor Flitwick, however, was always patient with her and always treated her with kindness, which finally helped her to go through her struggles. 
Least Favourite Professors:
Professor Snape: Even though she didn’t expect and wanted any compassion about her loss from him, she also didn’t like the way he treated her. Like explained earlier, she had trouble to concentrate after her mother’s death, and in Potion Class, it often ended in screwing up her potions. Snape failed her, which would be totally fine if he didn’t also made petty comments about it. His attitude towards her made her fail a lot of potion classes for years, until her ambition to become auror took the advantage and made her work even harder than ever. This work made her obtain an ‘O’ at her Potion Owl, allowing her to take the class during her last two years. Snape didn’t like it.
Professor Rakepick: Ada had kind of a problem when she was young, it was to trust people way too quickly. And that’s what happened with Professor Rakepick. She trusted her too quickly. At first she admired her, and found her fascinating. Then of course, you know the story. Then her admiration turned into hatred. After that, she had a lot of struggle to trust people she meet.
Brother: Jacob Luke Shelby
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Faceclaim: Robert Sheehan
Relationship with him: When they were young, Jacob and Ada were really close. Jacob was always protective towards Ad and it became the main reason why he worked for ‘R’. When he became obsessed with the Vaults, the two siblings kind of grew apart but were still close. During her school years, she became obsessed with finding him to get him back. When she finally did, with the help of her friends, they finally reunited. She then told him about their mother passing away, as he was already missing when it happened. After everything was over, they got reunited once more and they grew as close as they were as kids.
Father: Luke Anthony Shelby
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Faceclaim: Jimmi Simpson
Relationship with him: Luke was a muggle-born. Ada was eight years old when her father died. He was an auror and was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange as he was trying to arrest her after the torture of Frank and Alice Longbottom. She doesn’t have a lot of memory with him, as he worked a lot to try to defeat Voldemort and the Death eaters during the first Wizarding War. She remembers him as a loving father though. A father who was always trying to find time for his family and telling stories about his adventures to his children, although he kept a lot to himself of course. To Ada and Jacob, he’ll always be a hero.
Mother: Miranda Morgane Shelby née Durand
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Faceclaim: Ruth Wilson
Relationship with her:  Miranda was a pure-blood. Ada was very close to her mother, especially after Luke’s death. Miranda is British on her father side and French on her mother side. Ada’s second name ‘Margot’, is the name of Miranda’s mother. Miranda had always been proud of her French heritage, pride she passed on to her children. Miranda was a very loving mother and was very protective of her children. Her best friend was Andromeda Tonks. The two of them met at Hogwarts. Miranda made Andromeda Ada’s godmother and Miranda was Nymphadora godmother. She died during Ada’s first year at Hogwarts of Dragon pox. Ada kept her mother’s engagment ring on a necklace that she wore for the rest of her life. Since both of her parents were dead and Jacob was missing, Ada had to go live with her godmother, Andromeda and her family.
Other Family
Andromeda Tonks (Godmother):
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Faceclaim: Rachel Weisz
Relationship with her: Ada had known Andromeda since she was born. She always admired her godmother: she was beautiful, loving and always kept her head high against people’s comments on her birth family. Andromeda loved her goddaughter and accepted without hesitation to take her in after Miranda’s death. During her years at the Tonks’ residence, Ada grew very close to every member of the family. Andromeda became like a second mother to her. On her first christmas with them, Ada was very quiet and sad. Andromeda noticied it and decided to take her outside. She then asked Ada to look at the sky, which had no clouds that night. She then told her to look for the Taurus Constellation. After they found it, Andy told her that this constellation was the first one her and Miranda found when they first got paired together in an Astronomy class during the winter of their first year at Hogwarts. They became best friends after that class. Andy then proposed to Ada to talk to the constellation like she was talking to her mother and to choose another constellation for her father. This became a ritual between Andy and Ada. On Christmas day, they would sit outside and look at the sky, Ada talking to her parents and Andy sitting next to her, listening, being there for her if she needed to. It never occured to neither of Ted and Dora to join or disturb this little ceremony. After the Second Wizarding War, Andy and Ada introduced Teddy to this ceremony, choosing other constellations for Ted, Dora and Remus. When Andy died many years later, Teddy and Ada added the Andromeda Galaxy to the ritual. Ada’s passion for Astronomy started to develop during that first night of ritual with Andromeda. When she was thirteen years old, Ada discovered the identity of her father’s killer: Bellatrix Lestrange, Andy’s sister. The latter got really afraid that Ada would be resentful towards her but Ada reassured her that she knew she wasn’t like Bellatrix.
Ted Tonks:
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Faceclaim: James McAvoy
Relationship with him: After Ada started to live with them, Ted quickly became like a second father to her. She found him extremely funny and very loving. He introduced her to a lot of Muggles’ stuff, especially sports. She began to love to go to muggle sport events with him and Dora. She specially loved to go watch rugby and fencing.When Dora and Ada were both at Hogwarts and couldn’t come to their favorite teams or athlete competitions, he would send them a very detailed letter, in which he would told them everything that happened. During the Second War, Ada was the first one to know about Ted’s death. She was the one who told Dora and Andy. The three of them were devastated by his death. A few nights later, Ada and Andy made Dora choose a constellation so they could talk to them.  
Nymphadora Tonks:
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Faceclaim: Natalia Tena (yes, i like her)
Relationship with her: Ada and Dora had knowned each other since they were babies. They spent a lot of time together and were best friends. When Dora was sorted to Hufflepuff and Ada to Gryffindor, the two of them were a little sad that they wouldn’t share a dorm. But they stayed best friends anyway and spent most of their free time together. When Miranda died and the Tonks’ took Ada in, Ted was the one to told Dora. She was extremely sad. Ted also told her that Ada would come live with her and that she would most likely become a sister to her. To that Dora answered : “She always has been my sister”. Dora was the one who was the most present and helpful during Ada’s grief. After their graduation they started the Auror formation together and lived together. It was only after Dora’s wedding that Ada went to get her own appartment, which wasn’t really far from Dora’s appartment. They were both very protective towards each other and whenever Remus would leave Dora and make her suffer, Ada would be very mad at him, watching him with furry eyes for weeks after he came back. When Dora gave birth to Teddy, Ada was there and cried when she first hold him as he was so little. When Dora died during the Battle of Hogwarts, Ada was devastated and she was the one to let Andromeda know. Afterwards, Ada was in Teddy and Andy’s life a lot and she would told him a lot about her adventures with Dora, everytime feeling a void in her heart but always trying to make the boy smile.
Friends, Love Interest and others
Love Interest: Penny Haywood
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Faceclaim: Virgina Gardner
Relationship with her: Dora was the one to introduce Penny to Ada. Ada had an instant crush on her. She was thrilled when Penny accepted to go to the Celestial ball with her and even more when Penny told her her feelings were mutuals. They only started to really date during their 7th year and stayed together for the rest of their life. 
Best Friends:
Nymphadora Tonks
Penny Haywood
Charlie Weasley
Bill Weasley
Rowan Khanna
Merula Snyde
Voldemort and his death eaters
Dormmates: (Who’s in your MC’s dorm with them?)
Rowan Khanna
Pets: An owl named Merlot
Closest Canon Friends:
Nymphadora Tonks
Rowan Khanna
Penny Haywood
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Closest MC Friends (HPHM):
Whoever wants to be friend with Ada, tell me, and I’ll add your MC here!
1st Year:
Ada was sorted into Gryffindor, just like her father and Jacob. Her mother Miranda was a Ravenclaw.
She met Rowan, Charlie and Penny during her first and they all became very close, with Dora, very quickly. 
Ada suffer a lot about her brother reputation and really hates when someone tries to insult him in front of her. Her friends had to stop her a lot to jinx people who would do that
Trying to find her brother became one of her priorities, especially after their mother’s death on February
The first summer she spent to Tonks was both sad and calm. The Tonks made her feel like home and tried everything to make her feel better.
2nd Year:
Ada’s and her friends tries to do everything to fond Ben after he disappeared
Ada meets one of her future best friends: Bill Weasley
In the Second Vaults, Ada finds a notebook and Jacob’s broken wand
It’s during the Christmas of this year that Andromeda and Ada create their star ritual
Ada’s summer is much happier than the previous one. Charlie comes to spent a few days at the Tonks.
3rd Year:
Ada becomes a chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team
She meets Tulip and Barnaby
4th Year:
This is the year Ada and Penny admit their attraction to each other. Tonks was the first one to made Ada notice she had a crush on Penny.
They go to the Celestial ball and on a first date together
The events of the game continue
5th Year:
Ada spend the year in detention, punished by Dumbledore because of the events of the previous years which doesn’t stop her to continue looking into the Vaults
Penny’s sister is trapped into a painting, and Penny is way too worried to continue their dating which Ada fully understand
On Valentine’s day however, Penny ask her out. Even though they spend a lovely evening, that reminds them their feelings are still here, they decide to not date afterwards as they both feel this is not the right time.
Ada share Dora’s dream to become an Auror and she obtains enough OWLs to persue that dream.
6th Year:
Ada is still very much in love with Penny, but doesn’t talk to her about it as she is too afraid she will be rejected if Penny’s feelings changed
Ada is devastated by a certain death (spoiler)
In April, she turns 17 and there is  a big party in the Gryffindor common room. Her friends from other houses are allowed to come to the party. She has tons of gifts including a beautiful watch from Andromeda, a collector T-shirt of her favorite music group from Dora, a dedicated picture of a famous Quiddich chaser from Ted and a little sphere of glass with a little golden flower in it as a pendant from Penny. She adds it to her necklace next to her mother’s ring.
7th Year:
Ada and Penny finally start to date
The story about the vaults is finally over
Ada takes her NEWTs and has enough to begin her Auror formation after her graduation with Dora
Order of the Phoenix / 2nd Wizarding War:
Ada and Penny are still dating. They move in together after Dora married Remus.
Ada is recruted by Kingsley, just like Dora, to become a member of the Order of the Phoenix.
Both Penny and Ada fight at the battle of Hogwarts. Penny is unharmed, but Ada has now a scar on her right cheek. She’s also devastated by Dora’a death
Ada and Penny both move in with Andromeda for a while. Both Ada and Andy needed it
Penny and Ada spend the rest of their life together
They don’t adopt any kids but both are really close with Teddy
Old Age & Death:
Penny and Ada both die of old age
Ada is very empathetic. She really hates to see people suffer and would to anything to prevent it, especially with people she loves
She is also very passionate. When she loves something or someone, she’ll love them with her entire body and mind.
She loves keeping objects that have a powerful meaning to it: Her mother’s engagment ring, letters from people she loves, the bracelet Andromeda gave her when she was still a baby etc. She cherries them because they remind her of good memories
On certain subjects, she’s very sensitive. She would for example get really mad if someone insulted her brother or other members of her family. One day, she was at Diagon Alley with Andromeda and an Pure-blood supremacist recognized Andy and began to insult her of blood-traiter and other horrible stuff. Andy didn’t say anything because she was used to it, but Ada was really offended and she kicked the man between the legs. Ted and Andy refused to punish her for it.
Others stuffs
Ada’s favorite dessert is apple pie. Her mother’s was the best one she ever had. Her second favorite was Andy’s apple pie.
Her favorite colour is red
She loves to wear muggles fashion
She loves french food
Her maternal Grandmother Margot, taught her french and Ada is bilingual
And doesn’t really like British food, except for certain things 
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HPHM Profile - Luca Fawley
This template was posted by  @Hogwartsmysterystory and it looks pretty awesome. I might just go ahead and use it for the whole damn Fawley family. But let’s start with Luca. I’ll try to stay true to canon while still respecting the “Remembrance” timeline’s ideas.
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(That eye color edit looks so bad omg) 
Name: Luca Jude Fawley
Gender: A-Gendered.
Age: 17 as of Year 6.
Birth Date: December 26th, 1972
Species: (Human, Lycanthrope, Metamorphmagus, Vampire, etc) Human, Wizard. 
Blood Status: Pureblood.
Sexuality: Panromantic, Asexual.
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Ethnicity: Biracial, half Scottish and half Iranian.
Nationality: British. 
Residence: The Black Sand Apothecary, in a place called Dulcimer Beach.
Myer Briggs Personality Type: INFP. 
The Mage
1st Wand:Hazel and Unicorn Hair, 10 1/4 Inches, Swishy. This wand was owned by Nina, Luca’s mother. It was given to them after Jacob’s disappearance rendered Nina unable to use her magic anymore. It was just before Luca went to Hogwarts, where they used Nina’s wand until it was broken by Rakepick. 
2nd Wand:Cedar and Unicorn Hair, 11 3/4 Inches, Pliant. This wand was fashioned by Rowan before they came to Hogwarts, but it never “chose” them. It did choose Luca though, in fifth year, just in time for Luca to need another. Rowan could not be happier at this turn of events, and Luca feels as though it’s an honor they don’t deserve. 
Animagus: Black Cat.
Misc Magical Abilities: (Legilimen, Seer, Parselmouth, Obscurial, etc) Luca has extreme proficiency in all types of mental magic - Legilimency, Occlumency, Memory Charms, etc - due to a Dark Curse they inherited. A Curse that has plagued the Fawley family for generations. They also have a magical eye, similar to Moody’s, that replaced their left eye at age thirteen. 
Boggart Form: For Years 1-5 it was Jacob, embodying all of Luca’s subconscious uncertainties about him. Post-Portrait Vault, it became Merula getting tortured. 
Riddikulus Form: Usually nothing. Luca struggles to find humor in their anxieties, and they don’t stand much chance facing a Boggart alone.
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) Luca’s hair has a distinctly cinnamon-like scent, so probably that. 
Amortentia: (What do they smell?) Cat fur, Pine Trees, and Cloves. 
Patronus: Cat. Specifically, it takes the form of Luca’s cat, Mitten.
Patronus Memory: Either the Celestial Ball, or the time they reconciled with Rowan after a feud about Ben, and cuddled them in cat-form. 
Mirror of Erised: After Chapter 18, I’ll give you one guess. They want their best friend back. They want to take back what happened in the forest. 
Specialized/Favorite Spells:The Patronus Charm, the Tickling Charm, and the shrinking Charm. 
Faceclaim: Keanu Reeves. 
Game Appearance:
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This is pretty much their mood half the time. 
Height: 5′8.
Weight:141 lbs.
Physique: Very skinny and small, overall scrawny. 
Eye Colour: Naturally dark brown, but their left eye is a bright blue prosthetic.
Hair Colour: Dark brown. 
Skin Tone: Olive skin.
Body Modifications: The Magical Eye replace their left eye, and their right hand has a birthmark of a black star, known as the Mark of Despair. A byproduct of the curse placed on the Fawleys. 
Scarring: They still have a few faint pockmark scars on their neck and shoulders from when The Fawleys all caught dragon pox in Luca’s childhood. But these can only be seen under the light.
Inventory: (what do they carry on them?) Luca has a tendency to travel light, but they’re also an emotional sap. They carry their wand, the clothes on their back, and “Beatrice Jr.” the puffskein that Beatrice made for them. After the events of the forbidden forest, they also start carrying Rowan’s cracked glasses. 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff.
Ilvermorny House: Pukwudgie.
Affiliations/Organizations: Hufflepuff Quidditch Team, Curse-Breaking Apprentices, The Circle of Khanna
Professions: I see Luca eventually becoming a teacher at Hogwarts, as the permanent Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Can also see Talbott and Penny working alongside them in Transfiguration and Potions, respectively. 
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies: (OWL Grade or ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆)
Astronomy: Poor.
Charms: Outstanding.
DADA: Exceeds Expectations.
Flying:(N/A. I refuse to accept that Flying has an O.W.L exam.) 
Herbology: Poor.
History of Magic: Acceptable. 
Potions: Acceptable.
Care of Magical Creatures: Outstanding.
Ancient Runes: Acceptable.
Quidditch: Chaser. 
Extra Curricular: Luca tutored students in Charms, and spent a lot of time doing volunteer work in the Creature Reserve.
Favourite Professors: Flitwick, Mcgonagall, and at one point, Rakepick.
Least Favourite Professors: Dumbledore, Snape, Sprout
Brother: Jacob. Luca’s favorite person in the entire world. As Luca grew up, Jacob’s disappearance and the subsequent investigation of his actions led to a serious re-evaluation of their relationship. But ultimately, Jacob was always fighting to protect his sibling.
Misc Siblings: Gail, Luca’s twin sister. Depending on which AU we’re talking about, a lot of different things could have happened to her. She could be still-born. She could be raised apart from Luca. She could grow up beside them. She could take their place as the HPHM protagonist. Take heed, anyone writing twin OCS...all these different paths are going to confuse the hell out of you.
Father: Eric Fawley, who died of a Dragon Pox fever when Luca was seven. Though they were still very young when they lost him, Luca and their father had a positive relationship and Eric’s temperament is probably the closest to Luca’s out of anyone else in the family.
Mother: Nina Fawley, formerly Nina Greengrass. She and Luca always had a positive relationship as they were growing up. For the most part, Nina usually appeared to be a pleasant person. However, she also had skeletons in her closet, and as the years went by her mask began to slip. 
Love Interest: Canonically? It’s very likely going to wind up being Merula. She hasn’t been cut from the dating quests yet and I’m an absolute sucker for their dynamic. Merula is lashing out because she’s in pain, but Luca is Healer...otherwise, I really like Luca/Tulip, as well as a poly-ship between those three characters called the Trouble Trio. A small sliver of my heart has also started shipping Luca with Skye as well. Basically, I’m an indecisive bean - but since I’m keeping this as close to canon as possible, let’s say Merula.
Best Friends: By the end of their first Hogwarts term, Luca had formed a true squad with Rowan, Penny, Chiara, and Tonks. The four of them teamed up to trade off sleeping beside Luca each night, to help soothe Luca’s night terrors and insomnia. Luca also saw Ben as a little brother from a young age.
Rival: Ironically enough, it wasn’t Merula. Their rivalry with her was always one-sided. Luca saw far too much of Jacob in Merula, to ever have in them to sincerely dislike her. The only person Luca felt a legitimate rivalry with growing up was Diego. Their personalities just did not click well, and it wasn’t until the N.E.W.T. years that they were able to get past it and find common ground.
Enemy: R of course, has become the deadly enemy that Luca does not understand, but knows they must be defeated. If you were to ask though, Luca’s immediate answer would be Rakepick. There was a time when Luca saw her as a mother figure. But now...after everything she’s done...she needs to die. 
Dorm-mates: (Who’s in your MC’s dorm with them?) Rowan, Murphy, Diego. Though Luca also frequently sleeps in the Girl’s Dormitory with Penny, Skye, Tonks, and Chiara. 
Pets:Mitten the snowy cat. Merula also has a black cat of her own called Bitten. 
Closest Canon Friends: Rowan, Penny, Tonks, Chiara, Ben, Jae. 
Closest MC Friends: This one always makes me shy, because I don’t want to be presumptuous, but some of my favorite MC’s that I’ve seen that I bet Luca would get along with are @missnight0wl​ @thewasp1995​ @back-on-my-tulula-shiz​ @dat-silvers-girl​  @salaofthenight​ and @weirdcursedvaultkid​
Luca was the child of two Healers that met at St. Mungo’s before starting an Apothecary together. Luca saw a lot of their grandparents on Eric’s side, but never met Nina’s family as she was estranged from them. 
Luca knew Jae when they were very young - Jae was friends with Jacob prior to his disappearance. Jacob and Jae would combine their efforts to make mischief, and Luca would never approve. They had a falling out with Jae not long before Jacob vanished, and they maintained an uneasy distance until fifth year, where the kitchen detentions saw a reconciliation between the two of them. 
The Fawley family was notoriously unlucky, and known for madness. Alice Fawley, Luca’s aunt, went insane after she was tortured by Bellatrix. In the last two years of his life, Eric had a breakdown and cut off his own hand in an attempt to remove the curse. But the Mark of Despair simply reappeared on his remaining hand. 
After Jacob disappeared, Luca had a mental breakdown and for years, they could not recall the day that their brother vanished. In the years to come, Flitwick would give them a Pensieve to help them sift through all the turmoil in their head. Luca would eventually learn that their inability to recall the day Jacob disappeared was due to a memory charm placed on them by an unknown entity, perhaps Jacob himself. 
In some ways, Luca is healthier than most people because they are quite emotionally open and not afraid to express their feelings, but know how to do so in an appropriate fashion. They’re also empathetic and able to show kindness and listen when another person needs to express feelings.
In other ways, Luca is a mess. They’re extremely depressed and this interferes with their productivity and relationships. They’re prone to having breakdowns of crying at any emotional shift. They have low self-esteem and tend to believe that they are worthless or a burden. 
That said, they appreciate their friends and loved ones more than they can ever convey. To a fault, even. Not only is Luca loyal, but they are highly forgiving of a person’s flaws if it is someone they care about. One could call it enabling, as they are rarely bothered by offenses that such people commit against them. 
Luca also has a very merciful attitude. Day one, even though they knew it was Merula who blew up their cauldron, they said nothing and simply took the fall, apologizing to Snape. However, once Luca has been pushed to a breaking point, they can show a surprising amount of backbone. It just takes a lot to get this out of them. 
Luca has a nurturing nature and a tendency to reach out to underdogs, to care for those in need. This is what drew them to Ben, Merula, Orion, and Beatrice. Though Luca never holds anger in their heart, the quickest way to see them get angry is to hurt or abuse one of these outcasts that Luca cares for. Part of the reason they become so disillusioned with Dumbledore is because he is in a position of educational power, and the longer Luca attends Hogwarts, the less it seems to them that Dumbledore has any interest in doing his job with integrity. 
Not going to get too much into Fawley family head-canons, since I’ll save that for a different post. But I think Luca was raised Jewish. 
They’re lactose intolerant. 
Their favorite flower is the chamomille, which is the type of tea they prefer.
They’ve always been Pro-Muggle, though they don’t know the first thing about muggle culture. 
Luca never truly wanted to be a Curse-Breaker. It just seemed like a necessary skill-set to learn to find Jacob, and break the Fawley curse.
They’ve known they were trans for as long as they could remember. 
They have exceptional abysmal unique skills at naming. Examples include “Barnaby Jr” the Bowtruckle and “Penny Jr” the Abraxan. 
They are ambidextrous. 
Despite being a mellow person, Luca is oddly drawn to people who are trouble. If a person is problematic, chaos-aligned, or just an overall disaster of a human being, there’s a greater chance that Luca will find them attractive. 
They suspected Rowan of being R for a while, much to their own guilt. It led to a feud, but they made up and were closer than ever.
On the other hand, they never suspected Ben, not even when he was unmasked as the Red Cloak. Luca just had a gut feeling that it was too easy, that it was a setup. But Rakepick saving their life cemented her as an ally in Luca’s eyes...that did not end well. 
Luca never wanted to be a Prefect, but Rowan and Flitwick talked them into it. 
They vastly prefer Wizard’s Chess to Gobstones, something they have in common with Murphy. 
They have an unfortunate tendency to unconsciously project familial roles onto people. Bill and Orion were substitutes for Jacob,  Flitwick was a substitute father figure, and for a time, Rakepick substituted for Luca’s absentee mother. 
Did I miss anything? Hope you guys like it! Should I post others for the Fawley family? 
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Hogwarts Mystery:
Tagged by @slytherin-puffskein sooooooooo long ago and i was working on this and then I TOTALLY forgot about it X”D LMFAO SORRY (This isn’t the greatest XD I may edit later buuuuut whatever I just want to post haha)
Template by @hogwartsmysterystory
Aleksia Liusaidh Aries (the picture but with black hair and braids)
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G e n e r a l    I n f o r m a t i o n
 NAME: Aleksia Liusaidh Aries
AGE: 17 years old
GENDER: Female
NICKNAMES: Leksi, Alek, Kitten, Curse-breaker
DATE OF BIRTH: December 10th, 1972
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good
ETHNICITY: Caucasian
 Main F a m i l y
 FATHER:  William Lee Aries
Black hair, Brown Hazel Eyes
Has one brother and 2 half siblings
Comes from a wealthy and rich family
Met Leanna in a bar in Scotland while on a business trip
Parents approved because of her Pureblood status and beauty, as well the fact that she was slytherin
Married Leanna after she became pregnant with Jacob. 
Suddenly his demeanor changed, and he became very controlling and emotionally abusive.
This eventually lead to more physically abusive behaviour. 
Very close with his family and often has them over
They, like him, are very judgmental and not good people.
They believe that blood must remain pure, and all the others were to be avoided. 
Aries family females have the ability to produce ice glyphs and if powerful enough can summon a ice guardian
He works for the Ministry 
At first was happy with Aleksia, thinking that she could be used to show off. As she got older and became more rebellious, he started to turn his abuse towards her, belittling her and abusing. 
Blamed Leanna when Jacob went missing, which lead to separation
He eventually found a new wife, Emily, who was the perfect wife for him
Had a son 
 MOTHER:  Leanna Mckinley Aries
Brownish-red hair, brown eyes
Grew up in Scotland with 10 other siblings
Was an auror before she married
When she became pregnant with Jacob, is when her and William married.
Began to abused both physically and emotionally when she did not listen to him. To avoid this, she complied with most of what he wanted.
Leanna wasn’t allowed to see her family, being manipulated into thinking that she was unwanted by her own family and that they were her real family
When she became pregnant with Aleksia, she wasn’t happy, knowing that she would have to subject her children to the grasp of William
She saw how Jacob was treated better than Aleksia, but thought she couldn’t do anything about it and thought she would only make it worse
She would be harsh with Aleksia, trying to make her obey her father so that she wouldn’t be hurt by him
Eventually left with Aleksia after Jacob went missing
Became very strict with Aleksia when it came to magic to the point where they often argued
BROTHER: Jacob Aidan Aries
Born in January 14th 
Was spoiled by parents, and was the favourite sibling
Jacob got everything he wanted because he followed everything that his father wanted 
Did what he was told so that he could get what he wanted. He is cunning, and therefore would take advantage of his fathers resources
Hated his father for everything that he was, but never showed it
Vowed one day he would be strong enough to get both Aleksia and him out
When he went to Hogwarts, he befriended Duncan and Olivia Green, and became obsessed with the Cursed Vaults
The Vaults fascinated him, and he thought this as a way to become more powerful that would save both him and his sister
When Duncan was eventually killed, he nearly lost it. He couldn’t believe one of his best friends was dead, and because of him
Rakepick used his need for power to manipulate him into continuing with the vaults until his disappearance
Got scars on his face from his encounter with the dragon
  A f f i l i a t i o n s  //  O r g a n i z a t i o n s
Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Order of the Phoenix
Aries Family
Mckenna Family
O c c u p a t i o n s
Hogwarts student
Member of the Order of the Phoenix
Writer/ Magizoologist/ Animal Rescue
 M a g i c a l    C h a r a c t e r i s t i c
 FORM OF BOGGART: Her father
WHAT DO THEY SEE IN THE MIRROR OF ERISED: Her surrounded by her friends and everyone is happy and safe
1st WAND: 
Vine Wood
12 ¾ 
Phoenix Core
Pliant Flexibility
2nd WAND:
Ebony wood
13 inches
 Astra, a white fluffy cat
ANIMAGUS: Golden Retriever 
What she smells: Fresh laundry and a hint of sandalwood
What she smells to others: Cherry blossoms, chocolate, rain
 A p p e a r a n c e
 Height: 5′3
Weight: 145 Ibs 
Complexion (skin tone/conditions):
       Not completely pale. Can tan
Long blackish wavy hair
EYE COLOUR: Chocolate brown
 H o g w a r t s    I n f o r m a t i o n
Herbology: She’s not bad at it, however, she is just not interested in it.She finds it to be one of the more dull subjects.
History of Magic: Again not bad at it, but it’s suppperrrrrr dull. Well apart from when Bins falls asleep. She loves playing exploding snaps.
Care of Magical Creatures. She has always loved animals, sometimes more than actual people. She loves finding out how to take care of the different animals
Flying: she loves being high in the sky on her broom. And showing off. She eventually joins the Gryffindor team as a chaser. 
Study of Ancient Runes. She sees this class as very interesting and sees the runes as works of arts. 
Severus Snape. He’s just...mean? She doesn’t hate him but he certainly isn’t her favourite, nor is she his.  
Patricia Rakepick: She hates how much she manipulated both her and Jacob. She distrusted her from the beginning, so it wasn’t much of a shock when she finally betrayed them, however it pissed her off nonetheless. 
Minerva McGonagall. Finds her to be a motherly figure in which she likes to confide in. She helps her deal with alot of her emotions she tries to hide.
Filius Flitwick: She holds a great amount of respect for him as a dueler. She wants to learn as much as she can from him. 
Barnaby Lee: Well obviously when they first met it wasn’t so...nice. He threatened to vanish the bones from her body, she challenged him to try like the reckless Gryff she is. However, once Aleksia got to know him, she saw the kindness in his heart and how incredibly sweet he was, which made her eventually fall for him. Aleksia became very protective of him, and ensured that he never felt stupid or unwanted. She knows what it is like to be treated like an idiot, so she makes sure no one treats him that way. 
Merric Nyx and Revena Sevier ( my ocs): Their relationship is siblings. They met back one of the times that Aleksia’s father locked her out of the house, and Merric and Revena made friends with her. She’s very protective of them. 
Penny Haywood: at first she was slightly intimidated by her popularity and thought that she was going to be one of those fake nice people. However, as she got to know Penny she found out that she just was genuinely a nice person. They became very close, and now considers her to one of her best friends. 
Rowan Khanna:  Rowan is Aleksia’s number one supporter since day one. Even though Rowan can be extreme at times, she comes from a place of care. Aleksia considers her to be like another sister and would do anything for her friend. They study alot together and share a similar love for books. 
Talbott Winger: After getting to know Talbott and helping him find his mothers necklace, they found themselves growing close. Sometimes they just enjoy each others company in silence while they read books or just have a conversation about how they want to make the future better. 
Lau King: @slytherin-puffskein Lau and her may be Gryffindor and Slytherin, but they do share a love of mischief and rebellion, even if Aleksia’s is smaller than his. Aleksia may have wanted to fight Lau once because of cookies but she would do anything to protect the sweet orchid boy. He is deemed as her tol freckled son and she will fight anyone who messes with him. She loves giving him hugs and talking with him because he is such an amazing listener. She has definetely fought people for them saying anything about him being a muggleborn. Felix Rosier and Angelica Cole both love and hate these two before the time they leave Hogwarts. 
Sonia Azur: @onboroo This girl. She thinks she is awesome and totally tries to set her and Merric up. Though at first Sonia’s cool nature may have made her think that she didn’t like her, they slowly warmed up to each other and considers Sonia to be a valuable friend. Between her, Merric, Sonia and Revena, they are kind of a force to be reckoned with.  One of her greatest friends for sure.
Alex Johnson ( @cervo-live-in-arts ): Alex is a sweet boi who she considers to be one of her best friends. She likes how open he is about his feelings and encourages him to do so. She will let him vent to her if he so needs. They also enjoy playing Gobstones together, each trying to distract the hell out of each other. Alex becomes God father to her and Barnaby’s kids. She considers him to be like her little brother and is very protective. Alex may have had to hold Aleksia back from headbutting Merula MANY MANY times. 
David Denneth: @callmederok David may seem a bit tough, but he is still a sweet guy, and Aleksia can see that. She thinks that Penny and him are cute, and tries to set them up, only if with consent. They both share a dislike of Merula, and may have set up a few pranks to get back at her before...NOTHING YOU CAN PROVE!!!!!!!!!!! O_O  
Aisling Baskerville @elefseija Aleksia and Aisling are dorm buddies that’s for sure. Both Gryffs are stubborn to the core and together are a great quidditch chaser duo. Both enjoy talking alot in the dorm rooms to the point poor Rowan will probably end up telling the two to shut the hell up. Poor Rowan...XD ahhaa Aleksia is more outgoing but loves quiet moments so I think they would both enjoy reading together. She like Aisling loves mythology, so she would be soaking up any knowledge Aisling has on anything really. Also don’t touch their cookies or talk about either of their heights. They will collectively murder the hell out of you.
Meteolo jinx 
Melofers Jinx 
T r i v i a   ( random facts about them, future job, face claim, theme song, etc. ) :
This life is mine is her theme song 
Has and will headbutt anyone who is an idiot to her or her friends.
Headbutt Merula once for calling Ben a Mudblood. Merula was not expecting that at all. Merula will never admit it ever happened.
Is smol but is strong as hell
Sweets may or may not be an addiction. Especially chocolate
Just wants all the hugs. GIVE HER HUGS PLEASE. 
Total nerd
Lily James as Elizabeth Bennet is Faceclaim
If you get close to her, she will consider you to be her child and she will protecc 
She is very reckless
Has headbutt multiple people
Has a strong kick
Used to have a toy wolf, but her cousin and father ripped it apart.
For Aleksia’s 15th birthday, Barnaby purchases a plush wolf for her, which she absolutely treasures. She always cuddles with it
Aries family females have the ability to produce ice glyphs and if powerful enough can summon a ice guardian. Aleksia is one of the only Aries females that can conjure one.
Barnaby and Aleksia wait until they are 24 to get married. Their wedding is a sweet wedding with close friends 
When the death eaters were freed, Barnaby and Aleksia moved around quite a bit, knowing that Barnaby’s parents would look for him. 
Aleksia’s cousin, Henry joined the death eaters soon after.
Aleksia and Barnaby were separated after a death eater attack. Aleksia was found by Henry and he used the Cruciatus curse on her. He left her for dead, bloodied and broken. 
She was found by Penny and Rowan, who Barnaby had contacted after the attack. 
Has 3 children with Barnaby, Kieran and Kaia, and their youngest Faye. 
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tempocblogaaabc · 8 years
BIRTHDAY: May 19th
ZODIAC: Gemini
Mother/Father - no idea man the kid was dropped off to live with his aunt so Aunt - caretaker
Morris has flat long-ish black hair from not taking the actual time to at least try cutting it. He has a natural olive/tan skin tone. He carries a wiry body from his earlier days. About 5'8 or so. He usually wears a cracked pair of goggles on his head. The kid's got a fair share of scars, the most obvious one over his mouth. His wardrobe isn't really static, but commonly wears hoodies. He has blue eyes.
Morris is constantly on edge. He's constantly worried for the worst to come. He believes that he's more realistic than pessimistic. He hardly ever admits anything outright, dodging any personal questions whenever possible. His solution to most problems is to either avoid them altogether, or run away. He's often irritable, lacking people skills. He avoids people if he can, keeping to himself. He could pretty much be summed up as "properly paranoid". Though cowardly, he is able to stand his own in a fight.
lmao the city still doesnt have a name im working on it
Born in Mexico, his parents legally crossed the border in hopes to have more success in the US much like his mother's sister. Though not extremely wealthy, she lived decently and was more than willing to help them on their way. However, when he was still very young, his parents found that they wouldn't be able to afford raising him, passing him off to his aunt before moving on with their lives. He lived comfortably for the first ten years of his life before his aunt's business went downhill and moved to a shadier part of the city to keep rent down. His aunt resorted to fostering kids on the side in order to get paid by the state. Sure it wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. One particular child stayed in her care for a long while due to complications (talking 11 months - 18 months). During this time, Morris grew very fond of her. Unfortunately, she wasn't the best influence, as she got into all sorts of shit and participated in gang life. Of course, he found this all to be cool/exciting and followed right in her footsteps. She was practically a big sister figure to him. He grew to cause havoc and participate in illegal shit for a good while (half a year?? idk). Which was all fine and dandy, he was p much enjoying himself and pissing off people. One day he's just going downtown and finds the corpse of his "big sister" in an alleyway. Needless to say it was bloody and morbid as shit and probably gave him some serious trauma. (He may have developed ptsd from this) The event had him snap and do a complete 180 after witnessing the body. He desperately tried to get out of gang life, but ended up not being able to escape.
Dark blue.
The shards of our broken hearts.
ur bullshit
Your average hoodies. Most tend to be cheap.
Bees. Flies.
True Neutral
Maybe a coyote or a ferret.
Nitrogen manipulation, picking locks, decent with a knife
Pretty low
[Hysterical laughing]
ded lmao
Probably fruits. Ones with juice like apples, oranges, ect.
In an actual house, preferably away from the city.
None. Often interacts with stray cats and dogs though.
Switchblade, Liquid Nitrogen
Heroic Sacrifice (in mafia) and Sour Outside, Sad Inside
He feels that it's well....dangerous.
Doesn't need to make a living seeing how he lives with his aunt. He tends to steal for extra money though.
He's afraid of the future in general.
Mexican American.
The whole scratching arms thing when he's nervous. Running away a lot.
He'd be really relieved actually. Doesn't have to deal with all this OP gang bs.
(It's me)
[Laughcrying in the distance]
Not religious at all.
Straight B+ or B student. No extra activities.
He used to wear his hair in a ponytail :3c
Sort of.
He believes that people born under certain circumstances, as well as being born with a likeable personality are able to get ahead in life and enjoy it. He is not one of those people.
I was looking for a friend for Jordan/a protagonist buuut he's not so much a protagonist anymore seeing how there isn't an actual/fixed story anymore. I don't think Jordan and Morris would get along anyway haha.
His goggles.
Chinese class haha
Prideful. Scum of the Earth
He's pretty okay with it.
Scratches the back of his neck and his arms.
Has a few adoptive ones.
Probably at some point tbh I mean he's a teenager
Half empty.
He stands neutral on these kind of topics. He doesn't care what others do, as long as it doesn't affect him or anyone he actually cares about.
Sometimes. He prefers to avoid conflict though.
A lot.
[One Direction Laughter]
[One Direction Laughter ceases] [Dead silence]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ephdl5HjIzQ maybe shrugs
He used to wear glasses, had short hair, no scars. Also had a chain hanging from his pants.
The time he got his rolemodel killed lmao. And mafia. The haunted mansion and Denny's were not fun for him.
Watching familiar stray doges run up to him :3. Spending time with Brandon also makes him really happy but also makes him really nervous.
Probably on his sides.
I'd like to think he plays the piano, but then again I like the piano a lot and want all my ocs to play the piano.
He thinks they're pretty much the same.
Gryffindor or Hufflepuff probably.
A stable lifestyle.
If the situation was dire enough, probably.
His nitrogeny powers counts as magic soo
The latter.
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