#I always feel like it’s my fault when someone goes offline and stops talking to me
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canadian-pug-cartel · 3 months ago
Discord deleted message button my beloved
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lady-star-strings · 4 years ago
About Dream’s Tweets...
To begin with, I’m demisexual and have been part of the community for years - I think I have pretty good credence to speak on this matter. I try not to throw my two cents into situations like this because I can’t stand the ignorant responses of the internet anymore at my age - DeviantArt Dark Ages vet right here - but sometimes I just have to. Whether you agree or not, I could honestly care less, but I would appreciate it if you read everything and gave it some thought before responding, be it positive or negative. With that said, let’s dive in...
At this point, if people are taking the shipping/fanservice jokes and banter between the Dream Team and other creators surrounding them seriously, I don't know what to tell them or really even say, honestly. They've all stated they're not looking to start relationships with each other - multiple times and on-stream/Twitter, might I add, because people keep donating and asking/demanding an answer to both that and about their sexualities - and that it's just messing around with friends. (If we want to talk about making people uncomfortable and being offensive in that regard, don’t you worry because I've got opinions on that too.) Bottom line is, you can't get mad at them for the fan-service now when you supported it before, especially when nothing has changed and they’ve been transparent about how everything actually is.
I understand that some may feel it’s an insensitive and inappropriate thing to do in some regards, and that's perfectly valid, but please don't go mobbing through the town with pitchforks over literal jokes between friends. Keep in mind, they’ve made it clear that’s all it was before people starting jumping down their throats, and still there are groups using their sexuality to attack them over it because "YoU'rE nOt MlM sO yOu CaN't MaKe ThOsE jOkEs, YoU'rE hOmOpHoBiC!!!!!" They're even openly attacking lesbians and bisexuals - whether they agree with them or not - because they're not gay and that somehow renders their words “invalid.” You can't accuse them of being ignorant for messing around as friends because it entertains the fans, and then turn around to attack literally the entire rest of the community for offering their opinions because they aren't valid enough for you in the argument to count - that makes you ignorant. You also can’t claim to be of the opinion that everyone’s sexuality is their own business, but then demand for them not to be ambiguous about it when it pleases you. Honestly, even thinking about people doing that is so incredibly hypocritical that it gives me whiplash.
I completely understand not everyone is a fan of this behavior, but to accuse them of queerbaiting, being homophobic and faking allyship over it all right now is just ridiculous and borderline disgusting to me. They've made it clear they're not romantically interested in one another countless times and that it's just fun between friends because they're super close - they aren't playing the "Am I, or am I not?" game with anyone for gain so no, they're not queerbaiting. Queerbaiting is when it’s not explicitly said at any point whether someone is or isn’t LGBTQIA+ so they can play both the community and conservative side by putting them in ambiguous situations that can lean one way or the other for gain, whether it be monetary or otherwise. Not to mention, if they were really as “homophobic” and “falsely allied” as everyone thinks, why would other LGBTQIA+ creators such as Antfrost, Eret, Scott Major, etc. not only support them, but also consider them friends? Again, I get the offense and hurt people might have taken from this behavior, but your opinions and feelings are ultimately not universal so while they are all valid, that doesn't make them right and the final say on the matter. I don’t mean this to say you’re wrong or inferior in the argument, just that you can’t demand others to see your point of view and abide by it without granting them the same respect. The road goes both ways kiddos, I’m sorry. 
Side note, there's no one to blame but the fans themselves for the jokes and whatnot to have continued on this long because they not only supported it, but also actively encouraged it. It’s been taken so seriously that Dream has outright stated on a stream - and now on Twitter - that he and George aren't together and more than likely never will be because they're honest to goodness just really good friends screwing around. Now if you think you're uncomfortable as part of the community, how do you think they feel being accused every five minutes of being against it because they won’t openly state their sexuality? Not to mention, they can't ever talk about actual relationships or joke about other ships because people will literally send death threats to whoever the other party is because they're "rUiNiNg ThE sHiP" at this point - need I remind you of the Septiplier fiasco? It’s alright if it’s a persona or a personality, but for the love of all things holy, please stop treating people like Barbie dolls that you’re trying to make kiss. They gave us the go-ahead to ship them because it makes us happy and allows us to be creative with the concept - don’t ruin it by trying to force them to play the parts you’ve constructed in your head and then get pissy because they won’t.
Also, it is unbelievably messed up for you to donate money to ask their sexuality and/or for them to tell each other that they love them - which then basically makes it a demand because if they ignore it they get blasted for not responding and “taking their money.” For example, Dream will say he loves any of his friends without issue because he does - just not in the way everyone is assuming or wants - and that's just the type of person he is, but George doesn't like to express it that way and that's okay. He shows his love in other ways that we don't always need to know about or see to make it real, just as it is with anyone else in the world. I don’t know how so many people miss it, but when he gets a donation to tell Dream - or anyone for that matter - he loves him on stream, you can easily tell how uncomfortable it makes him - and yes Dream presses/teases him about it sometimes, but he still drops it and doesn't flame him for it for eternity. Those that donate and chat, on the other hand, will not let it go when he doesn’t say it and continue to pour donations in begging him to say it when he’s already made it clear he won’t. You honestly shouldn't be bribing them to say or do anything through donation because that's beyond messed up and manipulative, especially where these matters are concerned.
And even if they weren't straight - which used to be the case and may have changed by this time, we can’t determine such things nor should we try to - or were in a relationship with each other, it isn't any of your goddamn business to know - no way, no how. What they do offline and out of the public eye isn't anyone's business but their own and people need to respect that, not try to force it out of them or play detective to dox that information for the attention. I mean, if you want a good reason as to why Dream hasn't done a face reveal yet, this is absolutely number one on the list because there will be little to no form of privacy for him after he does and he isn't ready to lose that just yet. I certainly can’t blame him for that considering all that’s been happening to him and his friends as of late, and neither can multiple other creators who hold the same beliefs and fears - ie. CorpseHusband, H20Delirious, Ohmwrecker. No one should have to tip-toe on eggshells in their personal life because fans online don't understand boundaries, that's just cruel and unfair after providing the content and comfort that they do without asking anything but support in return.
At the end of the day, I truly just don't understand how people can join in and support the jokes that they've made clear are purely just messing around, but then turn around and crucify them for the exact same thing later down the road. How can you practically harass them about their sexuality and relationship status through providing monetary means, then go on a witch hunt because they’ve decided to be more private with that information in the present? You can't play both sides and then expect to somehow be right or justified in the situation whichever way the tide turns because, at that point, the only wrong one is you. I completely agree that they need to watch their step with what they say and do sometimes - just as everyone with a strong platform does - but only more so now because people will create a problem the second they do anything that could spin into them being horrible people with too much power.
They’re all still incredibly fresh and new to the realm of social media popularity all things considered, and they reached said popularity startlingly fast so it can’t be easy to adjust to all the attention on everything you say and do. With that said, they’re doing remarkably well so far and I have faith that they’re going to continue to learn and grow in this arena given the time. They might mess up and make mistakes - already have, in fact - but that’s part of the gig and you can’t always please or satisfy everyone, so the best you can do is acknowledge your faults and move forward. You can’t demand someone’s head on a pike when they’ve made an effort to right things and it wasn’t good enough for everyone, it’s just not a fair standard to hold anyone to. In that same vein, you also can’t demand whatever you want out of them with the excuse that they owe it to you as a fan - you’re not a fan in any way, shape or form when you play that card, and you need to either shape up or ship out if you're doing that.
If you don't support it and/or don't like it, just don't follow or watch them anymore, it’s truly as simple as that. You can't continue to watch and support them as a “fan” while also touting how ignorant and horrible they are as detractors, that's just not how it works - pick one or the other and stop attacking them and those that don’t agree with you. They’re only on year one of their careers and the amount of people trying to “cancel” and tear them down over things that really aren't issues already is ridiculous, you aren't the righteous keyboard warriors you think you are and it's things like this that are ruining the internet for everyone, not just you.
That’s all I have to say on the matter and will continue to say going forward - sorry if you came here looking for my usual nonsense, but I really felt this needed to be said and addressed. I usually try not to do these sort of rants, however, this is a serious matter and a discussion that we as a community have been needing to have for a while, so now’s as good a time as any.
So, with my peace being given and my two cents thoroughly tossed, why don’t we focus on the bigger issues with YouTube such as their blatant ignorance of pedophilia and copyright abuse? Those seem like a much bigger problems to address at this point in time since that effects creators and fans as a whole - both in the present and the future - don’t you think?
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Cybertron. A planet that has been embroiled in war seemingly since its creation. This is the stage on which our story is set. 
We open on a gladiator named “Powered Convoy” getting whaled on Strong-Bot. While he manages to get the upper hand and wins the match, as he leaves, we can tell that he doesn’t enjoy what he does for a living. He drives back to the docks where he lives, which are in pretty bad shape, but his face lights up when he sees Ratchet and she tells him about her new job.
The next day, Ratchet asks Optronix what paint job she should have on her first day working at Iacon City’s science guild (Oppy's got his arm covering his eyes, he is polite) and Magnum comes in asking Optronix how his last match went. Typical wholesome, slice of life robots. When Ratchet drives up to the citadel, Optronix takes a sharp left to talk to his... correspondent. It's not Megatron, but Sentinel Prime who was a like-minded 'Bot who believed in his words.
Sentinel explains that while he can’t directly bring petitions to Alpha Trion, he has gained an audience with Megatron, who’s most certainly the closest and most powerful they’ve got to someone who approves of off-planet exploration. While Optronix is nothing but firm in his beliefs, he’s unable to articulate what he wants in front of a crowd (in his words: “I’m bad with speeches”), so he asks Sentinel to speak for him. 
Sentinel agrees, and then we hard cut to Megatron in a testing facility, currently watching Doubledealer and Shatter show off the destructive capabilities of a massive fusion cannon. A little on the nose, but I think it’s good.
Ratchet’s first day doesn't go as well as she’d hoped. She gets mocked for being lower-class by the elite guard, ignored and pushed around by the more experienced medics and scientists, and by lunch she’s wishing she never left home. And then she meets Ariel Pax, a cadet in the Elite Guard. Ariel treats her with kindness that she’s endlessly grateful to finally get from these city-bots, and she spends the rest of the day with her.
The summit is treated more like a daytrip for Megatron. Megatron only talks to Sentinel, period, and he spends most of the time talking about his own opinions wherever Sentinel tries to discuss the content of Optronix's words. Optronix still doesn't talk much due to his fear of speaking in public, but he does his best to keep up. 
Anyways, they have lunch at a typical fancy place with 56 forks and Megatron is still only talking to Sentinel. Sentinel's trying to recall Op's words as best as he can, but Optronix has had enough and finally speaks his mind, shocking them both.
Megatron and Sentinel both leave for the train, but Optronix realizes that Megatron... "forgot" to tip, so he sticks behind. On the train, Sentinel admits that it was Optronix who had a solid plan on societal reform, but Megatron has his own opinions on Optimus... namely that he's "too naive" to be a leader and that it'll take a miracle to convince him otherwise.
The train suddenly lurches forward without Optronix on it. Poor guy has to cling to the caboose just in the nick of time as Sentinel and Megatron inside try to figure out what's going on. A masked individual suddenly jumps the two, and while they outclass him physically, he's able to use magnetic fields and well-placed knockout gas to take them out. 
Optronix pries his way into the train and finds it full of explosives that he has no idea how to defuse... so he calls out for Sentinel and Megatron, and gets no response. They're a little tied up at the moment (HA).
Megatron isn't amused and dryly asks how much the intruder plans on ransoming them for. The response he gets is that they're not getting ransomed at all; they're going to be blown to smithereens from the dozens of EMP bombs he's planted all over the train. 
Significantly more freaked out, Sentinel tries to reason with him. But the intruder says that there's nothing that Sentinel or Megatron or any of those hoity-toity bluebloods can do to stop this, and that they've had it coming for a while. Megatron laughs and tears into the bot.
“My fault? You think this is my fault? Oh, that is rich!
You’re one of those bots, aren’t you? Let me explain something. I’ve worked my way to the top with everything going against me, with everyone I’d known being sent offline or segfaulting their RAMS to the point of inoperability, and I’m still standing. I struggled for my position in life, and you have the audacity to accuse me of being undeserving? 
Think about it. Real hard. What have you done to deserve your lot in life? That’s what I thought. You’ve done nothing. Nothing at all! You’ve lazed away in your rusting husk of a chassis and decided to punch up for the fun of it. That's why you blame me, you blame everyone that’s actively tried to be an operating member of society out of your own jealousy and guilt. You sat as you were, a worthless lay-about, and you take it out on people you deem your 'oppressors'.
It isn’t my fault that you’ve gone nowhere, it’s the fault of an ill-mannered, ill-tempered, functionless, underdeveloped cog with nothing better to do than to beg for scrap metal instead of-!”
The stranger tapes his mouth shut and is like “lol figures” while Sentinel tries to be all “you’re never gonna get away with this, Optronix is gonna getcha” and the guy noticeably freezes up. Optronix is about halfway to where they are when he’s ambushed. 
Thankfully, he manages to knock the guy out of the emergency door, and they have your typical battle atop a train. Optronix notices something familiar about the magnetic attacks he uses and breaks the mask he'd been wearing. It’s his old friend Windcharger, who’s quite unhappy about Optronix "becoming Megatron’s new bodyguard."
Optronix explains that it’s a misunderstanding, and Windcharger goes on about how people like Megatron are the reasons that Optronix was forced into fighting in the first place; Optronix’s spark is in the right place but he aims too high. Understanding Windcharger’s frustrations, he at least tries to talk him down from destroying the train as it’ll not only kill him, but it’ll kill all the innocent bots waiting at the station. Just as Windcharger seems like he’s about to relent… Megatron blasts him in the chest.
Sentinel’s sentries aided in their escape and defused all the bombs. Optronix soberly brings Windcharger’s shell back inside as Megatron thanks him for the rescue. As they pull into the station, Megatron spins his tale about Optronix’s genius and his defeat of a dangerous terrorist, all the while he’s really in the back, stabilizing Windcharger. 
He asks why Optronix didn’t leave him to die, to which Optronix tells him that it’s his second chance to make a change that involves less mayhem. He can tell that Windcharger is passionate about his cause and he hopes he’ll make the right choice. Windcharger flees through a trap door and Optronix steps outside to face the reporters.
Megatron’s busy talking about how his life was saved by Optronix and Sentinel Prime and how whomever was responsible for this is in custody (HA). Except this bit's on a screen that Magnum is watching, and he asks Optronix how much of it's true. Sentinel answers for Optronix that Megatron greatly exaggerated a lot of it, but the basic gist is true.
Optronix says that he feels uncomfortable at the amount of "deception" that's being used to fill in the gaps, even with Sentinel reassuring him that " it doesn't matter if he agrees with us or not, just as long as our message has a platform".
Evidently Optimus isn't too jazzed about that. He mumbles something under his breath about how blunt honesty is more effective than convincing lies. Magnum, Optronix, and Sentinel get off the shuttle and arrive at the Dancitron. Sentinel insists that "Primes don't party" but he's dragged in by a delighted Ratchet, who's celebrating her first week as a proper doctor. 
At the Dancitron, Ariel Pax and Ratchet dance together while Optronix talks more about his beliefs with Magnum and wonders if he's aiming too high. Yes, he wants Cybetronian culture to branch out and share with the universe, but Sentinel's words have made him worry if he should be trying to fix their society first and focus on other planets later. Optronix tells Magnum "I never wanted this vision of mine to be a transaction".
The next day, Optronix meets Jetfire and his envoy of Protectobot Elite guardsmen for the first time. He was Ariel Pax's commanding officer in the Elite Guard and a brash, overconfident jerk that didn't really mesh too well with 'civilians' and was very blunt and vocal about his opinions. Optronix could NOT stand him at first and their first meeting ended with Optronix calling him a "brute".
Megatron talks to Flipsides and Shockwave about what really happened in his massive garden. He admits that while he is impressed with Optronix, he'd "prefer to keep my business partners at arms' length" and that gives him an idea. 
Megatron calls Sentinel and requests a meeting with him. When he arrives, he offers him a job at Tarn Industries and tells him he'll upgrade all his sentries free of charge. Sentinel refuses because he already has his job as a Station Master and he doesn't want his sentries tampered with. Megatron's pissed but concedes.
Ratchet learns to fight from Ariel and confides in her that she’s always hated violence from first hand seeing Optronix’s injuries from the gladiator matches and patching up her fellow dock workers. 
Magnum is in Metroplex, trying to get their leader Gravitas to back Optronix's words. He never really trusted Megatron or his company and he just wants the best for his best friend. But Gravitas won't listen; he's clearly preoccupied with something else. Whatever Magnum tries to say, he's shut down or blocked off with xenophobic statements that he knows'll only drag them offtopic if he tries to contest them. 
Gravitas at least has the decency to tell Magnum that he clearly has a good head on his shoulders... which is why he's been chosen to be the next leader of Metroplex. Turns out Gravitas has a week to live because of the noncommunicable rust plague inside his body, yaaaaaaaaay. 
Magnum takes this poorly and panics to Optronix that he doesn't think he'll be ready for all the power that comes with this position. Optronix, equally stressed, proceeds to become even more stressed.
Optronix and Sentinel finally get Alpha Trion and the rest of the Cybertronic Alliance to hear them out. Sentinel hasn't told Optronix anything about Megatron offering him a job nor what he heard when he was tied to him (remember Chapter 1 where Megatron was a jackass to Windcharger?)  and Optronix is incredibly nervous about speaking in front of a crowd. Megatron has made it clear through pretty much everything he's done that he's got something else planned for Optronix's idea, but they've no idea how he's going to spin it.
Megatron opens with the basic gist of Optronix's ideals; their culture is stagnating and their world needs a cultural reset. All's good so far until Megatron unveils his idea: to colonize and conquer other planets. Using their resources and spreading the name of Cybertron far and wide, establishing trade centers for partners, becoming stronger and stronger through political allies and bringing Cybertron into a new Golden Age. 
Optronix's worst fears have come to light. Megatron's made it all about himself and is treating the entire thing as a business proposition. Worse yet, the members of the council and even some bots in the crowd are agreeing with him. 
So he puts his foot down and tells Megatron that this wasn't what he'd intended, that he's spinning this concept wildly into something that benefits only him and not the whole of society.
Megatron responds thusly. "You came to me and asked if I could help you speak. I strongly suggest you recall why you couldn't do it yourself."
Optronix is silent.
Megatron asks "Is there anything else you'd like to say?"
With that, Megatron takes a right hook to the face and goes sailing into the wall. Now that he's been sufficiently silenced, Optronix tells the council his ideas. 
Cybertron should branch out with peace and support, not with ideas of conquering and monetary gain from these people. They can share their cultures and learn new things from alien lifeforms without forcing their ways of life onto them. How every sapient being in the universe deserves freedom and the right to education.
"Don't you see? There's no need for senseless violence-" 
He's cut off when Megatron tackles him to the ground. 
As the two of them begin to fight, the entire house devolves into chaos, with verbal and physical blows flying left and right. Everything has gone to hell, and it's not made any better when Alpha Trion calls order in the court with his "equalizing staff". Alpha Trion declares the two mentally unfit on the spot and orders them both to have "system purges" in order to “calm their circuitry.” 
Megatron is royally pissed at having his name dragged through the mud, and as the two are taken away by Elite Guardsmen, loudly blames Optronix for the whole thing. Jetfire outright refuses to perform a system purge on them despite what Alpha Trion says, taking Optronix by surprise. While the alternative treatment (a nanite bath) isn't exactly enjoyable itself, it's far less invasive than the former.
A month passes. Optronix feels horrid. All his intentions blew up in his face and this, if any, is a good time for Sentinel to tell Optronix the truth. Optronix isn't shocked at all, but he asks why Sentinel didn't tell him sooner. Sentinel tells him that he didn't want to discourage him because Megatron was the closest thing they had to a foot in the door. This leads to an argument where Optronix asks Sentinel if it was worth siding with a xenophobe just for the sake of popularity. 
After quite a bit of nasty insults are lobbed back and forth, Sentinel leaves and Optronix folds in on himself.
Megatron visits one of his own subsidiary factories in Velocitron. He's eerily serene as he speaks with the head engineer of the building, Dirt Boss. Once Dirt Boss tells him everything he needs to know and asks him why he's in such a good mood, Megatron smiles and tells him he's got a new lease on life. 
He proceeds to shoot Dirt Boss point blank and rigs the building to explode, knowing fully well that the radius will decimate the nearby train station and send one hell of a message. As Ratchet and Magnum lead Optronix outside to try and cheer him up, they see a massive billowing black smoke cloud in the distance…
Optronix and Magnum aid in the horrible aftermath of the meltdown on Velocitron. Megatron is being shady and keeps making references to an “ ideological terrorist attack” with roughly zero proof. Magnus and Override have a sweet little moment of romantic tension as they knock into each other. Optronix remains cautious about the attack as Ratchet snarks about how Megatron is still bitter about having his brain waves scrambled… which never actually happened since you know, Jetfire’s gayness saved Optimus and also Megatron by proxy.
Optronix and Ratchet enter Iacon’s Hall of records and read up on Cybertronian history to try and figure out how to get their own movement off the ground. Optronix discovers information about some of the primes and realizes that a lot of them share the same morals and views that he does. He's beside himself as he keeps scampering back to grab more and more datapads about all the primes as Ratchet watches. Optronix is overwhelmed with joy that he's not alone... and then he sees a symbol emblazoned across one of their chests.
An ancient symbol, one that means "quick-thinker”. Autobot. And this gives Optronix an idea. Optronix throws a match for the first time in his career, and everyone can tell. He uses the assembled crowd to better discuss his beliefs and explain the future he wants for Cybertron. And surprisingly enough... he gets someone that listens to him. Namely, his OPPONENT, Impactor. This little spark of hope is enough to convince him that he's still got a fighting chance.
A few days later, Magnum is getting ready for the official announcement that he’ll become the next leader of Metroplex, following Gravitas’ death. He’s distracted from these proceedings when an episode of Andromeda Explains It All airs with Megatron as its special guest, a mere half-hour before he’s scheduled to appear. Magnum immediately tells the guards to cancel the announcement out of fear for the pro-Autobot civilians in the crowd.
Optronix is having his own problems with being an Autobot as he has to help an Autobot supporter being hounded by two punks calling themselves Decepticons, one of which accuses Optronix of being “pro-invasion”. They quickly shut up and book it when Jetfire and Sentinel appear. Still burned by Sentinel’s betrayal, Optronix is cold towards the both of them, but Sentinel begs Optimus to hear them out. Namely, Jetfire thinks that Megatron intentionally sabotaged his own factory to incite violence towards them and their supporters. So Optronix and Sentinel put aside their annoyances towards each other and focus on the true villain, Megatron.
The Decepticons proceed to cause more chaos across multiple cities as the Autobots clash with them. Ariel and Ratchet argue about the rising tensions, with Ariel refusing to spur the wrath and endanger more people by outwardly supporting the Autobots as an Elite Guard member, and Ratchet contesting that Ariel knows that standing up for what she believes in is more important.
Jetfire and Sentinel (who is entirely unwilling) burst into Megatron’s private airship with all their evidence. Jetfire threatens to arrest Megatron right there on the spot. The two Autobots are promptly dragged out of the ship by reactionary Decepticons. The Decepticons take Sentinel hostage and attempt to execute him where he stands, but The Elite Guard is there to stop them.
Iacon is set ablaze by the Decepticons and the heroes rush to the citadel. Alpha Trion's all like "oh okay huh looks like the incredibly invasive mental reprogramming backfired, who'da thunk". We and Optronix of course know that they never were reprogrammed because Jetfire saved them, but being that Jetfire is unconscious, he can't exactly explain that to him.
Alpha Trion then begs Optronix to protect the Matrix, thinking Megatron's going to steal it and use it's power against him out of vengeance. Optronix agrees, on the condition that Alpha Trion doesn't hold himself up in the citadel and helps his friends get innocents inside.
So Megatron shows up a little later on, Alpha Trion begs for mercy and apologizes for what he did to them both, but guess what! Megs doesn't care! He's just here to kill Alpha Trion and leave because he can blame it on the riots exploding across the city. He doesn't give two damns about the Matrix.
"I'm not going to kill you. Gravity should do most of the work."
But Optronix shows up to save the day, the Matrix around his neck on a chain. Megatron weighs his options on who he wants to kill more and Optronix quite literally has a target painted on his chest, so he takes the bait and chases him away from the citadel, in turn protecting everyone that was packed within.
The Elite Guard and Ratchet successfully get a barrier around the citadel, only for Inferno to suddenly reveal his true colors as a Decepticon double-agent. He stabs Ariel’s optic out and tries to off her while she’s wounded. Ratchet snaps. She not only tackles him to the ground, but she successfully tears his arm out of its socket and beats him with it. Windblade is barely able to get her off him, but the damage is done in more ways than one.
Once they're well and far away from the center of town, Optronix tries to open the Matrix and blast Megatron into next Tuesday. This fails and Megatron mocks him before blasting him (and the ground beneath his feet), and Optronix falls through an entire building, seemingly offlining him. Jetfire's second wind comes in and he starts whaling on Megatron as Optronix lies in the basement of the building quietly pleading for the Matrix to open.
His grip falters, he slumps over, and in true LIGHT OUR DARKEST HOUR fashion, the Matrix transes Optronix's gender and boosts his lightning powers, giving him the strength to soundly body Megatron. Megatron falls in front of the Decepticons and has to be carried away by Strikha, who orders a full retreat.
Optronix returns to the citadel with both Jetfire and the Matrix in his possession. Alpha Trion is shocked, but his friends are nothing but overjoyed. It's Jetfire who comes up with the name Optimus by way of calling his transformation "an optimal solution".
Ariel awakens missing her optic and berates Sentinel for not knowing what he was doing, only to change her tune when she hears Ratchet's the one that saved her life. Ratchet weakly smiles as Ariel thanks her.
Alpha Trion is all set to set up a grand ceremony, but Optimus tells him to read the room and says there will be no celebrations until the city is rebuilt. He wonders to himself if he's deserving of this power and if he's just as culpable of starting this mess as Megatron is. He looks around and sees the company he's kept... and reassures himself that there's still goodness in the world, and the best they can do right now is pick up the pieces.
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darkgeminisworld · 4 years ago
This is gonna be a rant about a probably toxic friend so if you don't wanna read it, this is a heads up.
Okay so for several reasons, most of them being that I need to move on, I decided to write this lengthy rant about a friend I'm pretty sure will not be a friend of mine for much longer, which sucks bc he's almost my only irl friend but also feels good bc he's exhausting and I'm pretty sure he's also toxic.
I've met this guy like 6 and a half years ago, and we pretty much bonded over shared interests pretty fast. The first thing that bothered me was that he'd always be late, which would be absolutely fine if he'd been honest about it. But writing that it's five minutes until he's there and then showing up 30 minutes after that, or writing "I'm on your doorstep" and taking another ten minutes to show up, almost every single time, isn't, especially since I strained to be on time the first months (meaning I'd be too early bc my brain only does too early or too late, nothing in between). And his being late wasn't just 20 or 30 minutes, several times he was over an hour late. Oh, and once when we had agreed to meet he legit wasn't home and I waited around 2 hours, which I really should have held a grudge for back then and been way more pissed at him.
The second thing that bothered me was that he was way too nosy. He'd ask if I'm free to meet and play video games or whatever and whenever I said no he'd ask what I'm doing and if I can't manage my time another way to make time for him. And the thing is, not only did I not ask several times after he told me that he's busy that day, but I actively told him, several times over the course of about the last two years, that it bothers me and asked him to tone it down. My problem here is only that he didn't stop after I asked him to, bc before I told him and asked him, how was he supposed to know.
Coming out to him went well, though he did ask me whether I'm into him, which... No. Obviously it could've gone a lot worse, but still.
The next is more a small annoyance, a small itch, although it might have been a warning sign. He couldn't handle defeat very well. In most video games he was better, but he low-key aggressively denied it when I pointed out the win-lose ratio in my all-time favourite video game series and he'd try to cheat at other games. If it was only about him being competitive I'd understand, but that doesn't mean trying to rewrite the past by blatantly lying about it and ridiculing me for pointing out that that's bullshit, especially since it's only games, played for the fun of it.
We also went to the cinema sometimes, though if it had been up to him it'd have been way more often and that's another point where he really didn't let it go after getting a no. Whether he wanted to watch a horror movie after being told, several times, that I really don't like horror movies, or just the general question of whether we'd be going to the cinema, he'd ask again and ask what I'm doing, why did I not want to go, would another time be good, couldn't I ask my parents for money (which, to be fair, I could have. But I preferred not to bc back then it was really stressful bc we had to move and renovate and I just didn't wanna add more frustration if that makes sense? Plus I wanted to get my hands on some things, which required to save up) etc. Almost every time we did end up going, it was he who initiated it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I wanted to see some of the movies just as badly as he did, but... And if he can't even accept "no" from a friend of several years (also a 100% guy friend as far as he is aware bc I didn't start to address gender issues with him), I'm worried about other contexts with that word. Also we did some kind of text role play (just texting back and forth with OCs inserted into several fantasy works like the Inheritance Cycle, who would parttake in the storyline, no set rulebook or anything) and his characters did some questionable and even outright deplorable things and when I wanted his character to suffer consequences, he always wanted him to get away with it. Like, his idea for one of his characters "pranking" mine in reaction to a prank which in itself was a retaliation to his character's pranks was kidnapping and waterboarding my character. And he kept defending it as a prank and demanded that my character should just forgive his character, like... It really made (and continues to make) me wonder and worry just how much of his darker thoughts I don't know about. And I don't know how accurate it is but I once saw a post with a quote that went along the lines of "man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." (btw I couldn't think of a satisfactory way to phrase it so I ended up looking up the quote and apparently it's from Oscar Wilde)
So I spent a fair amount of time arguing with him over that and trying to explain to the best of my ability why it was wrong, and for some time it went better.
Fast forward a few months to the blm protests or more specifically news coverage of it and info I sent him. He defended cops and blamed the protestors and even justified the atrocities of the cops, so that was the first instance where we had a huge fight. I practically drowned him in links and videos etc and some weeks into that I thought I'd managed to get through to him (Spoiler: I didn't really get through to him) so I kept it in mind but continued to have contact with him and everything (bc at the time I didn't know that I didn't really get through as much as I thought).
From there on it pretty much went downhill. We had been thinking about doing a trip to London for a few days (his idea but at the time I really wanted to go, it was around 2 years ago when I still practically worshipped that one author, she who must not be named) and to this very day he's not letting it go completely. Even though the pandemic puts lots of obstacles in the way and I have more important things to worry about, namely final exams and applications. Even though London is expensive as shit and I still have no way to earn money atm. And about the vacation, I finally canceled last summer (and gave the aforementioned reasons) and he completely lost his shit and got super aggressive, insulted me and tried to guilt-trip me into taking that back and agreeing to still go on that vacation with him. Then we got into another fight where he wanted me to cancel the vacation with my grandparents, which was already planned and booked and everything in order to make time for the vacation I'd already said I don't want to go on with him anymore and aggressively demanded (he didn't ask, he sent a demand and bombarded me with exclamation marks) to know when exactly I'd be going on vacation with them. Then he went offline after I refused and ignored the next few messages I sent him and only replied when I asked "what I'd I reconsidered my stance on the trip?". I mean, baiting him with that definitely was shitty of me, but the result showed that that was basically what he wanted, pressure me into still going on that vacation. That specific conflict had been going on for weeks, bc despite me telling him that it's counterproductive and detrimental to my mental health to increase the pressure and therefore my anxiety about getting a job to pay for the trip, he kept pressuring me while acknowledging that he's giving me lots of pressure and anxiety and even using that against me.
He also didn't acknowledge that most times we try to meet, he goes offline for hours before replying and disappearing again. That would be absolutely fine if he didn't accuse me of doing that, which btw is his standard technique and it took me a long time to realize that. He always tries to shift the blame to make me look like the one at fault, and he always, always demands that I apologize when we had a fight via WhatsApp.
And when I started enforcing my boundaries and telling him to stop asking again and again why I can't meet, what I'm doing, or demanding other explanations, he started to attack me for the kind of language I use, so when I'm ever so slightly sarcastic he immediately latches onto that and creates a new conflict.
But this still isn't all, oh no. He's also basically an ecofascist, and is fully okay with sacrificing social justice to save the environment, completely choosing to ignore that the people he's protecting are the ones at fault and that the ppl who contribute the least are the ones experiencing the hardest ecological consequences.
He's said multiple times that he thinks both sides are equally bad, in the context of left and right in general as well as antifascism and fascism and that he doesn't "condone the oppressed defending themselves with any means necessary" bc that, too, would include violence. He's defending the "right to free speech" even when right-wingers say really disgusting shit, he disagrees with prohibiting demonstrations of ppl who think that Corona is a hoax, he has zero empathy for ppl who are affected, who suffer long-term consequences from infections, not even for ppl who die from it (he literally said "people die anyway, that doesn't justify imprisoning everyone else") and somehow still thinks he has the moral high ground.
And the last bit he did was explaining to me, from his endocisallohet white guy perspective, how I'm "not discriminated against" bc gay ppl in my country can get married (only since 2017 btw) and when I, despite the fact that I shouldn't have had to and that it was a real blow to my mental health, wrote him a message that was almost the length of an essay, he calmly started to question my replies with the detachedness of someone who's discussing whether pineapple belongs on pizza and demanding further explanation. To top it off, he said that marginalized ppl have to always reply to everyone calmly and politely, no matter if it was offensive bc the person asking might be unaware of that. Otherwise, he said, everyone would be right to stop listening to us. Like, he literally said that we don't deserve human rights if we're not licking the boots of our oppressors if that way of thinking is followed through to the end.
I almost forgot, he also thinks that white ppl should have a say in whether something is a racist slur, or whether something is racist in general (we're both white, but at least I'm trying my best to unlearn what my upbringing taught me instead of being the cliché of the white person who goes "how dare you call me racist, I've never been more insulted in my whole life!", which is basically his reaction)
So up until this last fight, I conceded some ground to him to end the fights and keep him as a "friend" not only bc I feel horrible when I imagine losing one of my only irl friends but also bc I was hoping I could get through to him and educate him, to the best of my ability, on how to be a good ally to marginalized people. But the disregard with which he treats my explanations why the way he talked (wrote) about marginalized people is absolutely not okay and the fact that he just told me that he genuinely doesn't see how he did anything wrong even after I explained it to him in detail is just too much to bear at this point.
Oh, and while looking through the chat to prove him a liar I found that apparently, to him a promise is a promise, no matter whether it was given under pressure or voluntarily, so do with that what you will.
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onisionhurtspeople · 6 years ago
Relevant information from Ayalla’s livestream:
>Are we going to finish him? He's on his last leg. So, to be honest, I feel like with everybody he's speaking out about their own stories it's pretty much already finished, and clearly we all know he tried to go on that crazy smear campaign essentially turning all the accusations against him against me, which, I mean, was pretty nuts but if you watch it it's pretty obvious what he was trying to do, so. >He outed someone’s sexual assault after she came out. Yup! Well, Greg actually made sort of an underhanded joke in a video about something that he very vaguely knows about me and it seemed like he was just trying to let me know that there was more about me that he knew that he could talk about, which he, you know, has brought up before over email asking me about the abuse that I suffered in my past, and I told him that it all wasn't true because he, you know, was clearly doing it to try to use it against me, and I am not going to be blackmailed by the things that I've already been through my life. Like, that's pretty… pretty nuts to assume that that would silence me. I mean, I've never been quiet about what I've been through in my life so it's just a little nutty but he does very clearly dig up people's pasts and look for abuse to try to use it against them because a lot of people aren't comfortable with having their abuse stories public. I'm not really afraid of stuff like that I feel like I've always been pretty open with my following so that does not scare me. [Playing video games] >If you come out with your trauma, he’s got nothing against you. Yeah, I actually spoke to my mom about it because I didn't really know what to do if he does ever decide to try to like publicly smear me for getting abused as a child. I don't really know what the right course of action is. My mom just said, “have you ever seen Eight Mile?” You know, if there's anything you think he's gonna throw at you just throw it out first and he's got nothing, and I feel like in a lot of ways she's right. Though, I was never really quiet about it before. >What happened when you were caught sneaking out? He just tried to convince us to stay but it was pretty evident at the time that that was not a situation we needed to be in. >He thinks because he shares way too much that no one else should have boundaries. I believe that he over shares about himself because he gets some sort of validation from me but he is very aware that people have boundaries, and I think that that's why he does it. So he can say that he thinks that everybody should be open but it's not typical for everybody to put, you know—everything that's ever happened to them on the internet. I mean, I haven't talked about every single thing that's ever happened to me my whole life. I talk about important things. I've talked about, you know, mental health issues. I've talked about fear. I’ve talked about a lot of different things, so… >He needs to have basic respect in the first place. That is true. I mean, he has gone out of his way to try to out a lot of people for things that they didn't want public so that they would stop coming out and speaking about the things that he has done, and clearly it's not working. I've been in contact with a lot of the girls who suffered from some of these situations and it's not really working on them either. I'm so glad for that because I can tell you from the first time that he went on a crazy smear campaign  about me it was terrifying. I had no idea what to do. I mean, I posted a video crying on the internet because I had asked him so many times privately to stop speaking about me, and stop using my name, and my face, and everything like that. He does not respect boundaries. He does not respect people's privacy. He will post your deepest darkest secrets if he has to to try to make you look bad, and for me, you know, my deepest, darkest secrets aren’t even bad things that I’ve done. They’re bad things that have happened to me. I really feel like I might be, you know—it might be a better idea to just come out and speak about what happened to me as a kid before he tries to use it against me, which I don't even know how he would try to do that or how he would try to spin it to make me look bad because I don't think that you should ever blame a child for being abused. It’s clearly not their fault, but… >He's quite the sunshine, isn’t he? Yeah. >Did he ever use publicity as a threat? So, he doesn't ever say specifically that he’s going to do things like that. I think that he just does it and it's typically whenever he feels that he is losing power in the situation or he does not have control over a situation. He will do things like that. Yeah, he talks a lot about how he's getting death threats now because of everything that's going on, and it's actually a classic manipulation tactic to try to play the victim and deflect blame whenever you are caught up in something. >He wants to manipulate you so you’ll stop talking about him. Yeah, I understand that. I mean, I was very aware what he was doing even the first time when him and my best friend didn't work out. Well, and then Lainey and my best friend didn't work out, and he went on this crazy campaign to try to make us look awful because he knew that we were very aware of all of the crazy things that he did and requested. >What did you mean last time you said he very different online as when he’s offline? In person, I would say he's he's very charismatic, which is, I think, very different from how he is online. It's a little more, I think, cold online. It's a little more calculated. If he does post things for a purpose online whereas in person he just uses a specific way of speaking to get what he wants. So, it doesn't take as much effort in real life to do the things that he does. >Has he verbally and psychologically abused these girls? Yes, absolutely. It's actually pretty scary to see the way that he goes about things because he does pretty much all looks a typical manipulation tactics where he starts off with very positive reinforcement and love bombing and slowly but surely he will sort of take away those things or he will sort of mistreat you if you're not acting the way that he wants. He’ll threaten to send you home or take things away or a lot of different things. He will insult you if you are not acting the way that he wants. He will clearly publicly humiliate you if you're not behaving in a way that he finds acceptable. >Do you think that the judicial system is going to be able to make a case against him? From what I can see, Greg is very careful to make sure that he skims that legal line so that he will not get in trouble. He's very tactical about the way that he does these things so that legally there's nothing you can do. I can tell you  times a day that he's morally corrupt and, you know, he gets into people's heads and it's scary to be honest, but he works very very hard to make sure that he will get away with these things, and that's why I felt like saying something publicly is really one of the best things that I could do because even if everything he's doing is not against the law per se, that doesn't mean that it's morally right or that people should not know that he's doing these things to young women and it's not, you know— Young women out there should have access to the information that you will manipulate his way into getting you to do things that you would have never done or say things that you would have never said before and… yeah. >How do you feel about him— Ok, so. I didn't ever try to sleep with that young woman. I think I've made that pretty clear. It was clearly a defence tactic to try to sort of deflect blame onto someone else. I was 19 years old at the time. I was also a teenager and he clearly tried to paint me as this horrible pervert, and I didn't ever try anything with her but I was also a teenager at the time, which has no comparison to a 33 year old man or a 25 year old woman doing similar things. I know he tried really really hard to make it look like I was this awful person and I'm sure it's pretty obvious, like, how he did it and why he did it and I'm actually very glad that people can understand that I'm not that kind of person. >He tries to punish these girls for acting ways he deems disrespectful That's true. He once threatened to send the young woman that was discussed before and also Billie home because they wouldn't babysit his children. So, it's pretty crazy. >Does he restrict everyone from seeing their family? He did ask one of these girls to not contact her family for an entire year and move in with him and have no contact with anybody from where she lived including myself. So he does go through and use isolation as another tactic to keep these girls, you know, within his grasp. All of its kind of messed up it's just I know that they skim the legal line. Everybody says go to the police but I plan on talking to the police and bringing them all of this information but they are very careful about whether or not they break the law so that even if  this all comes out one day and people realize what he's been doing to these women that he can't actually go to jail it would just ruin his YouTube, but it's pretty… [sigh]. Just the whole thing's messy. >Let the police decide what to do. Right, and I do plan that. I'm actually not in my hometown right now, which is the only reason they haven't gone to the police yet, but I will be going back tomorrow but I plan on going to the police and sort of giving them all of the information that I have and ask them what I should do about it. About the videos he's made about me painting me as a pervert and about all of these things that he's doing to these young women because he's clearly got a pattern. There's clearly a very evident way that he goes about things, but I’ve been doing research to try to understand a little better how he does these things because it's scary and it's important that you can recognize the things that he does, or the things that anybody like that will do. >Can you go into detail about him getting mad at the two girls not wanting to babysit? Those are the details that I have, that they were not doing an adequate enough job to babysit so he threatened to send them both home. >Has Greg tried to contact you since the last e-mail? Other than the text that he posted in his video trying to smear me he has not contacted me since then, no. I know it’s not their job. [As in, not the girls job to babysit] >Did Lainey genuine want a relationship with a female? I have no idea what Lainey really wanted. It was a deflection tactic very clearly. I was 19 at the time, like, it's just crazy to be painted as a pervert when, first of all you didn't do anything, but also, like, a teenager talking to a teenager. I don't know it just doesn't make any sense see why he was under the impression that that would work, and I'm sure that it was just an intimidation tactic to be like, hey, you know I can make you look bad, too, but it's not just me coming out and speaking about the things that they've done. I think that me being able to come out and say anything at all has inspired a lot of young women who have suffered through this to come forward and tell their stories and share what happened. >Greg is scared of you. I don't think he should be scared of me. I think he should be scared of the truth. I have never done anything to Greg. I have never really been rude to him him. I have never really done anything to him other than being vocal about the abuse that he so clearly associates himself with. I mean, the first time he went on a smear campaign it was because I was public about some of the things that he did to my best friend even when she wasn't because he was trying so hard to make her look awful, and I tweeted about how he tried to chain her up in the basement for a week, and make her shave her head, and dye her moss hair, or get I'm a liar tattooed on her. Even cornered her in the garage once to try to convince her to get a tattoo, and I came in shortly after and I was like, this is not okay, and that's actually the day that we left. >What was the last straw? So, for a long time I really was just too scared to say anything because after I said anything about what he had done to my best friend he went on this horrible smear campaign about how I’m a criminal and a degenerate and all of these things and I was scared. I mean, he made videos about me for over a year after I had even seen him. I only met him one time. So it took a long time. I mean, it's been two years since this situation happened—two years in a month, I think. For a year and a half of that I was still on the front page of his YouTube, or I was in his videos, or he was referencing me in a lot of different ways, and I was scared because I don't know what he's capable of. >Why was Sarah under the [inaudible]? I have no idea. Because that’s what they said. >Standing up to Greg was very brave of you. It took a lot. I mean, to this day it still takes a lot. It's only been a short time since I came out and I haven't really been sleeping because I know some of the girls that he's trying to blackmail and use information against to keep their silence and it's scary. That's just, like, I don't want him to try to ruin my life because I think that it's important that people know what he does young women and what he tries to do the young women, though not always as successful as he’d like to be. >Do you think he sees himself as a normal guy? Well, maybe he does. I feel like it would be scarier if he didn't realize what he was doing. I feel like it's pretty impossible to be so good at manipulating and doing it to so many people without even realizing. I don't even really think that that’s a thing. >How does he think any of this is ok? I really don't know. I feel like for somebody who comes off as honest and moral and some white knight it's pretty insane. I mean, he once posted an email he got from an ex-friend of mine on Twitter, like, trying to paint me as this awful person. I had to email him and have him take it down because the e-mail was from somebody who I knew in real life but I had had to threaten to call the police on that person before for showing up at my house and it was pretty clear then that if he has anything from anyone that could put you in a bad light, whether or not that person is dangerous to you, he will use it, and he acted like he was my hero for even taking down that post. Also whenever he e-mailed me about—asking me about the abuse that I suffered as a child he insinuated that I should be thankful that he hasn't said anything about that publicly online, and I know that that was just another tactic to get me to not say anything but it's pretty scary. He goes through a lot of effort to make sure these people are too scared to come forward and a lot of them are. I'm sure that there's many people who won't even say anything about it because they're worried about what he's going to do, and I knew going into that it would be really really hard to do this and that he would go out of his way to try to make me look bad, and make videos like the one that he posted, trying to paint me as this awful person, and I knew that from experience. He's done it to me before but I realized that it was more important to come out to speak about this so people will know what's going on instead of avoiding it to try to save himself. I would rather you know go down in a blaze then let two, or three, or four more people go through this. It's not right and it's not ok. >Did you help Billie out of the manipulation and help her leave? Yeah, I did because I noticed it a lot sooner than she did, and for a long time she was too deep it in to do anything about it, so she needed some assistance, which I feel like is pretty typical for a lot of these girls because you don't even realize how deep in it you are until it's too late. >It's weird he uses Richie to attach you and then attacks you himself. Yeah, I do think it's pretty crazy that whenever he was attacking Richie, he says that he defended me from blackmail from Richie, and that—Richie was gonna come out and say all these bad things about me, and though Richie did threaten to blackmail me so I wouldn't speak out about the fact that he had cheated on me so many times and he was looking for 18 year old girls, you know, Richie was trying to keep me quiet, too, using the same tactics that Greg used because he's got such a large following. He tried to defend me when Ritchie was trying to blackmail me, but now he himself is trying to blackmail all of these other girls. I think it's so twisted and crazy that he acts like he’s such this, you know, righteous person for defending me at any point but he goes around and does the same thing to not only me, but to so many other people. I didn't offer anybody drugs. I smoke marijuana. We've been over that, but I don't go around handing people drugs. I don't even have any drugs. I mean how was I even gonna get these drugs if I was locked in his house. That’s what I want to know. Well, I wasn’t locked in. Clearly I could have left because I did. Yeah, no. I didn’t. Not a thing. I never hit on Sarah. She [Billie] has very much separated herself from this situation and she's got no interest in diving back into it because clearly they will never leave her alone. >What other red flags did you notice? It's pretty—it’s, like, typical language. I mean, he will offer financial gain or financial loss. He will insult you, or make fun of you, or try to make you feel like you're doing something wrong if you're not acting the way he wants you to. It's a lot of different things. If you look up just manipulation tactics, which I was earlier today actually, it's pretty point-blank everything that he does. Victim-blaming, deflection, all of those sorts of things. It's pretty cut and dry. >Did he write your visit off for taxes? I believe he did. I know that he made a video with me and that's normally all he needs to write off stuff in taxes, so even in his vide he said that he paid for my tickets. It’s pretty typical for him to write things like that off on those taxes. So, again, just another way to try to make me look like I was doing something that was wrong, I guess. >Question about how Billie is doing She's good. Billie’s actually great. She's really happy now. She's been working a lot on YouTube channel and trying out new things and she's really a lot happier than she was. It's actually kind of great to see her doing so well because for a long time she wasn't for obvious reasons. >Billie’s flourishing. She is! She’s living her best life these days. Her best life. >Are you and Billie working? Actually, I have an interview on Tuesday for a new job, which is very exciting and hopefully they don't Google me right now because clearly Greg’s off the handle. I’d be pretty upset. The last time that he contacted her [Billie] was not ten months ago. It was much more recent than that but, you know. Whatever. >Why does he keep contacting her? He's obsessed. He says things like he has dreams that won't go away, and, you know, things like that. He once called me and essentially spoke to me non-stop for about an hour just about how—what started off, oh, Lainey misses Billie, and Lainey needs closure, and then he pretty quickly went into, like, Lainey has dreams about her all the time. Pretty quickly into, oh, I have dreams about her and I can't get her out of my head. So, he was using Lainey to try to say she's the one who needed something but yeah. It's clearly him because he only talked about himself in the end. >Do you know more women will be coming forward? Truthfully, I hope that they do but I know that not everybody is willing to go through what I'm already going through to try and take him down. It's pretty scary especially when you are a young woman to have you know a 33 year old man trying to essentially defame you. I mean, it's terrifying for me and I'm a lot older now than I was the first time. Greg said a lot about my best friend cheating but that never happened. Not a real thing. >Has Lainey ever talked bad about Greg? Yes? Though not publicly. Yes, I was in contact with that young woman. And she contacted me, so it was direct. I don’t think that they claimed her on their taxes. I am going to go to the police and bring them all of the information that I have but they are very careful about skimming that legal line so I don't know that they will do anything about it but I will be giving them all of that information just to make sure that they are aware. >He's the Youtube version of R. Kelly I feel like I've seen it a lot. That's funny. We never encouraged anybody to starve themselves. Billie and I have never had an eating disorder. We've never been diagnosed with an eating disorder or treated for an eating disorder. I'm 130 pounds right now at 5’6”. I mean, by no means underweight I've been essentially this weight since high school, so, you know. It was pretty much just a part of the initial smear campaign him saying that we starve ourselves and we've got all of these issues, but it was never a real thing, which my mom tweets about a lot actually. Every time my mom sees me eating she'll tweet a picture of it because there have been so many rumors about me having an eating disorder because of Greg. >Is there anything you haven’t said because you’re scared? There are things that I am not going to share because it has been requested of me not to share but, no. There's no information that I have about them pertaining to me specifically that I have not at least tried to share. >It can mentally screw with you. Right. Well, it was pretty crazy for a couple months having my whole feed just being like, oh, stop starving yourself… [irrelevant talk] I don't mind you asking any specific questions. There are just some questions that I don't really have a clear answer to. I do not know every inner working of their marriage or what they talk about in private, so there's only so much I can speak about truthfully, and I never have any intention of misrepresenting myself or them. >Is there anything about Lainey that would surprise us and that we should be aware of? I don't really know that there's anything that would surprise you about her. She is pretty similar to her online personality in real life.
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yoosungs-blush · 6 years ago
Update: Thank you~! [Long ver.]
I haven’t really made an update post in a while so here we go!
So for the past almost 3 years I’ve been working my butt off to get university entrance so that I can *finally* move out and *finally* started feeling like I’m not in limbo. Due to depression I dropped out of high school in the middle of Year 12 which was really tough and it took me a long time to get better to even think about the future. Because I’d dropped out of high school (the only one in the town I live in too) it meant I had to pursue a different route if I wanted to get into university. Foundation Studies at a polytechnic at levels 2, 3, and 4. One of the assignments in the Level 4 is to complete a paper at level 5, which is what I’m in the middle of at the moment. It’s been hectic what with scholarship applications, and touring accommodations at the uni, as well as my own mental health which still goes from relatively okay to suicidal. 
I really hated doing the Foundation Studies courses. They were unbelievably boring and some of them really tested my social anxiety. But I’m finally on the final stretch. I have 3 more assignments to complete and then it’s up to the university to decide what happens to me. Even that being said, it’s been incredibly difficult to make those assignments a priority and meet the deadlines because I’ve been on the grind for a few years now and it doesn’t feel real to think I’ll finally be somewhere new very soon.
My living situation has been the main factor in why I’ve struggled so much. At the end of 2016 I moved from the city, away from my school and the only friends I’d ever had to a town 40 minutes away. That might not sound so bad - like hey I could still meet up with them sometimes, and for a while I did try. It was very difficult though because I could only stay if my friends could host me for a few days and that wasn’t always possible. I felt isolated the longer I went without seeing them, even with social media to connect us. Eventually I felt worse whenever I spoke to them on social media so I shut down and stopped completely. I had social anxiety whenever I thought of talking to my friends. It was only in April that I reached out to those people who were extremely hurt and angry and we realised that time had made us completely different people. While my friend I had come out of her own struggles more fierce and decisive as ever, my situation had completely crushed any confidence I had left. The post I wrote about Yoosung comforting a lonely MC was inspired by a really low point of mine this year where I just broke down one night and cried and cried and cried because I realised I had ruined all my friendships and it was all my fault and I didn’t deserve to reach out to them again.
I used to be quite a bubbly person. Before I moved, I loved being around my friends, and it gave me so much energy to the point I wondered if I was an ambivert instead of an introvert. Once I moved though, whenever I visited my friends and we went into town, I would go back to the house I was staying at and sleep because being around them for a couple of hours just wiped me out. At the same time that my friends were hurt that I ghosted them, I also felt hurt that they weren’t considering how isolated I was and how exhausting it was to switch back and forth between the humorous person I used to be, and the quiet person I am in the lifestyle I now have.
Asides from shop assistants when I occasionally go shopping, and my mum, I haven’t spoken or seen anyone this year. It’s felt really lonely, and my social anxiety has become agoraphobia. People absolutely terrify me. Group situations online and offline have never been more intimidating. I know I have to push through once I get to uni if I want my fresh start, but I’ve also imagined my first day so many times I’ve felt sick. What will my suite mates be like? Will they like me or think I’m annoying? What if I don’t make friends and I’m a loner? What if I don’t have the courage to join clubs when I’m there? 
I have a lot of changes coming, and while part of me is excited to finally have the chance to get better and move on - part of me also wants to cancel all the applications, stay home and just live off my student loan and do a distance learning course.
I’m really grateful to have this blog and to turn all those sad moments into moments with Yoosung to share with you all. I hope that the things I’ve written have been able to connect us for a moment as writer and reader. I’m really grateful to everyone who has read my posts and left lovely comments in the tags. I check the tags of every reblog and they’ve been my saving grace. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting this little blog and being with me through one of the toughest periods of my life. I love you all!
I have my most recent deadline coming up today, so hopefully once I’ve got it out the way I can update the blog again. While I do have a few requests in my inbox I haven’t had any new ones come in for a few months so if there’s anything you’d like me to write for Yoosung, just lemme know! I’ll entertain any idea as long as it’s SFW and I think I can do it justice. One thing I’d like to learn to do is mood boards, since the Kamigami no Asobi blog I admin for has someone who makes gorgeous mood boards. I’d also like to introduce GIF reacts as a cute thing I could do on days I don’t have time to write. I just really want to get the interaction on this blog flowing again, and thanks to my many month long hiatus I lost the momentum I’d built up. Please come back!!!
That’s all from me for now. Have an awesome day~ Or sleep well~!
Bexx ^^
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wheelthefridge · 5 years ago
in honor of last night having been my last ever shift dishwashing at the same restaurant i’ve been at for the past four years here’s an absurdly long list of random chaotic moments that literally no one asked for that i’ve been compiling since day one:
bj, with a half full gallon of orange juice: this expired two months ago. *pours down drain* that was a long time ago
sam: YOU! I HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU!! *carries on normally with no explanation* bj: smack that! that too! smack those vegetables! punch that burger in the nose! chop that bun! bob: no, flick the bun. you have to flick it. 
*bad and boujee playing* bj: walks into kitchen, singing bj: you better know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to run bj: walks out of kitchen, still singing
me: hey can you put the wet floor sign out for me dylan: sure dylan: *slips while putting the sign out* me:
sam: get this- i haven’t smoked pot in like three days and my brain is ready to roll! yeah!
joe: ha! oldest trick in the book i just started writing 
dude @bar: ten percent of people are over 6'1" other dude: what about 6'2"  dude 1: what? no. ten percent of people are OVER 6'1" - so that includes 6'2" dude 2: idk I know a lot of tall guys. taller than me dude 1: what? i’m saying- just- ten percent of everyone in the whole world- you know how many people there are in the world? 7 billion– dude 2: i thought it was six billion  dude 1: no, 7 billion- ten percent of 7 billion—
joe, digging through the trash: i’m just gonna peruse through here,, aaaaannnd….. nope not here me: what’re u looking for Joe: …..a book
didi: is eating a pistachio  katherine: is that sour cream
sam: some dirty whorebag wants two pickles 
joe: sam she am. that’s right. dr seuss wrote a book about her 
katherine: oh my goddd this song is always on i’m so tired of it joe: is it? i don’t think i’ve heard it before carolyn: eh it’s all just one long brazilian song to me
katherine: look at my straw i put it in the pencil sharpener 
sam: i’m on crack cocaine. you heard it here
sam, aggressively putting silverware in the tray: just the way the cookie crumbles me: yeah? sam, fake crying: yes
adele: if you’re ready- sam: what if I’m not bob: too bad. she only cares if she’s ready
something: *breaks* sam: time for the mop. and by mop i mean… this thing *holds up dustpan*
mike: you should go on junior master chef…. and only make fries 
sam, quietly as she speedwalks by me: panic panic panic panic panic panic panic panic
sam, beginning of the night: my goal is to make at least forty bucks tonight. hopefully sixty sam, later that night: i’ve made five dollars
sam, pouring a drink into the trash right next to the sink: you know, im not sure why i poured that in the trash. i’ve had a very off day
katherine, after accidentally spraying salsa on herself: i just sprayed salsa all over myself bj: i feel like that too sometimes. i love salsa so much
sam: can you imagine if i did like hardcore drugs how messed up i would be- i’m messed up soberly
someone: what’re you supposed to feed twenty kids  kerry: pizza bj: vodka 
sam: will you let bob know there’s gonna be seven in the snug bj: seven in the snug? that’s my band name. we’re really good
edson: *spins cover on counter and stares at it for solid thirty seconds before putting his finger down to stop it* edson: good. 
sam: what should i draw bj: you should draw casey, hanging from a cliff, with a pterodactyl flying towards them who is on fire, but, seems optimistic about it 
bj: life is too short for low fat cheese. remember that. 
sam, beginning of night, in a really good mood: guess what i’m drunk and high right now  sam, later that night: i was just pouring a beer and i dropped it. like my hand just let go of it sam, end of night: i’m never doing this again 
joe: you know who didn’t clock out yet?? i have two thumbs! joe: ……wait joe: you know who has two thumbs and hasn’t clocked out yet?? this guy!! me: there ya go buddy
bob: i’ve slept fifteen hours in the past four days me: that’s not good bob: yeah
edson: look edson: *holds out hand with top spinning in his palm* *giggles*
sam: i cannot wait for this day to be over  me: it’s barely started  sam: i took a shot before i got here. i have more in my car
bob: hi sam sam: hi bob  didi: hi sam sam: fuck off
joe: her? oh yeah her name is sarah whitaker  katherine: oh i think i know her joe: that’s funny because i just made that up. i’m willing to bet money that she’s nineteen tho me: why joe: bc i overheard her say that she’s nineteen
joe: i’m gonna send you a video but you can’t watch it now it’s needs full attention with headphones and the lights off 
bj: if you lose your hand, don’t replace it with a fork. that would be a bad choice. i know it’s probably the cheapest option, right up there with stick, but just spend the money. 
bj, on a different day: i think if you were to get your hands cut off, getting them replaced with plates would be a very bad idea. you can dig. and you can toss. but that’s about it. no playing the saxophone.  
colby: *doesn’t show up to work* bj: maybe i should leave him a message of just me crying 
katherine: i think an old man just asked me to live with him
sam: wait *pulls celery strings out of her mouth* that just came out of my throat
bob: i’m such a grump tonight. i’m in a good mood i’m just so grumpy.  bob: maybe i’m not in a good mood…
bj, after sending christa downstairs to get liquor for the bar: i put a live cobra down there too so… if she comes back with it dead in her hands…. she’s a champ. and that’s that. 
bj: i had a dog today did you have a dog? me: no bj: oh. well. 
dylan, holding phone camera at joe: hey joe can you pull ur shirt down joe, pulling the collar of his shirt halfway down his chest: yeah like this? dylan, taking picture: yeah thanks 
bj: HI-YAH carley: you’re a ninja!! bj: yes. don’t be alarmed. i only use my powers for good. 
bj, with one bottle in each hand, pouring water in the sink, mimicking cow milking motions: it’s like a cow. mooooooeeeeeeuuuuuhhhhhhgggg aaaaaauuuuuueuejhshhsii. that’s what cows sound like right?
bj: we have a dog, and we’re getting chickens. i’m not really sure why were getting chickens. do i consider myself a farmer? not really. 
bj: we should make a youtube channel of just me saying really random things to you and you not responding to me whatsoever me: mhmm
nancy: I’m sleeping
sam: *pours drink out on counter next to sink* sam: wHAT the FuCK was that!? why did i do that?? i’ve lost it! i’ve hit rock bottom!!
sam: *bends over* ughhhhhhhhhhhhh *straightens up* ok i’m fine
bj: yum! that’s how i rate the soup. two yums up!! *laughs for like a full minute*
sam: i got my motorcycle license over the weekend and now all everyone’s saying to me is “no don’t get a motorcycle they’re so dangerous” like shut the fuck up if i die i die it’s my choice 
bj: i think if i were to be turned into some kind of commercial type of food, if i got turned into a nugget, i think i’d be indignant. i’ve lived my whole life and now i’m a nugget??? “oh i was a great roasted-“ i was a nugget. i was eaten with fries out of a box with a small soda. 
bj: hello everybody. i have arrived. please remain calm.  bob: *screams*
radio: the fastest lawn mower in the world goes up to 150 miles per hour! bob: …….why??
sam: i just meowed in scotty’s face and he was completely unfazed by it. like a full on Meow. 
bob: lemme just touch these live wires with my wet hands  bj: bob has gone offline
katherine: i totally forgot to put their order in for i don’t even know how long me: ……..i’m sure it’ll be fine katherine: i mean, nothing matters, right? right. nothing matters. 
bj: hey did you guys hear that kate: yeah what was that bj: oh i was just yelling……….. about the soup kate: me: katherine: bj: i’ll try to keep it down next time
bob: you sleep a lot when you’re old. it’s just practice for death. getting ready for The Big Sleep. let’s see how do i wanna go out? on my back?? nah not for me. on my front babey! 
didi: hi sam sam: SHUT UP didi, quieter: okay…… sam: i love you  didi: no bj: so you’re a grownup now. that’s means you have to do grown up things, like, pay for dinner and stuff? me: uh huh bj: it’s all downhill from here 
bj: pon pon the van poco. right? me: mhmm bj: probably. i mean. i’m no doctor, but
random woman @ bar: we are the matrix. We. Are. The Matrix. 
bj, to the tune of frosty the snowman: clunkity clunk clunk clunkity clunk clunk look at all this stuff. clunkity clunk clunk clunkity clunk clunk making casey’s job tough! pretty good right?? i just made it up 
bj: *walks into kitchen* YES! that’s all i have to say. that’s it. BOBS killing it. DIDIS killing it. casey MURDERED it. you’re welcome. *walks out of kitchen* bj: today is the second day in a row my dog has eaten my lunch. yesterday and then today. it’s my own fault really bob: well you know what they say about men who like floppy french fries. *doesn’t elaborate*
sam: there’s a toy baby in my section. like just a toy baby taking up a seat in my section. what do i do like do i move the bitch? do i leave her there??
bob, talking to himself: if you get sick tomorrow, just remember. it’s your own fault for eating food off the floor. 
bob, to katherine: no, you don’t have to mop the carpet
bj: cheeeesy. 
laura: if i get through tonight without a heart attack it’ll be incredible. if i do have a heart attack tho just let me go
caldo: *unintelligible yelling* SELLING my BODY for SEX *more unintelligible yelling*
bob: my fathers brother sent all his kids to australia. i guess he figured at least one of them would make it
caldo: i don’t trust people who go out to eat tuna fish
bob: can you make some more guacamole soon we’re running low laura: pulls five (5) avocados from her pockets 
bob: he looks like jesus. well. he looks like what white people think jesus looked like
sam: yeah. Please. eat some more mother Fucking crackers. 
bj: i feel like i gave birth to the eggplant stacks tonight. and honestly? if my child looked like that? i’d be proud. proud to have an eggplant child
bj: alright everybody let’s get the fuf out of here!! i said fuf not f- it’s safe. f u f starts and ends with soft letters no one gets hurt. any word that starts with a soft letter and ends with a hard letter is bad news… i feel like every time i come in here i annoy you guys. casey’s one dumbass comment away from killing me. “hey so what are your thoughts on grass?” “that’s it” *mimics shooting a gun*
ilia: -and the dogs gonna get diabetes- katherine, indignantly: i cleaned it really well!
mickey: i’ll tell you one thing. crack is good. 
sam: some lady just rolled up to the bar, no bra, nipples beamin through the shirt- LETS GET IT!!!!
caldo: *speed walks into kitchen and shotguns a beer over the trash* ok i’m back. i should not have smoked this morning
dom: little kid just picked up a knife and went “oh cool i can stab someone” me, katherine, and sam in unison: good dom: yeah the dad took it away 
sam: my friend was like “why is your go to dance move just to snap” and i was like “i don’t know, i’m white” *shrugs*
bj: someone just asked me if i’m having fun. am i having fun? i don’t know if i’m having fun. there are certainly other things i’d rather be doing right now, but i don’t know if i can definitively say that i’m Not having fun. 
bj: some jobs require Only a ladle bj, thirty seconds later, after walking away and coming back: sometimes, also a funnel
bj, @ laura who’s eating cornbread: you cornbread eating chef!!!  laura: bj: laura: bj: i’m just saying facts in a weird way. you know like you’re in trouble. 
sam: *war cry* *spits out gum* *walks away*
bj: what kind of smoothie? Soup Smoothie!!
katherine: so this woman ordered some hot water so i gave it to her and her husband says you know what that’s for right and i’m like ….to drink? and he says nope! and doesn’t explain so i’m just like ………..okay! and walk away bc i don’t even want to know 
bj: there’s no shame in it! A Grown Man Can Bathe In Yogurt!!!
bj, leaning down very close to to-go box: i love you
bob: anyone want a drink? brian: whatever’s your strongest bob: milk it is
guy at bar: sUE HIM?!?!??? oh i’d sue him yeah
sam: who orders something extra cold?? like, you need to Die now thanks. 
sam: do you dare me to drink this buffalo sauce me: yes laura, walking by: snort it
sam: one more day. just one more day laura: of what sam: waking up
bob: *is trying to explain easter to jewish laura* laura: wait so he died… then he came back to life?? then he died Again??? bob: he died. then he came back just to tell people he was alive. then he said SEE YA and ascended to heaven
sam: i HATE margaritas. i don’t know why i just made myself one. 
bob: wow. i have this overpowering urge to just go home. 
bj, putting back a slotted spoon: this is a bad choice for dressing. a bad choice. 
me: *catches a plate about to fall* bj: woah! smooth moves!! spider-man? maybe. 
danny: so you know how at my other job everyone calls me daddy?
sam: *dumps out two full wine glasses* i fucked up. tell no one. 
me: remember when we used to be able to leave early? bob: no. i think we imagined it. 
danny: i didn’t realize we served DICK here -a few min later- danny: sorry i just got out of work and i’m all fired up
sam: my moms drunk and she won’t go home
bob: hey wasn’t that slang for mari- bj: cocaine. 
bj: *kicks kitchen door open* YEE-HAW!!!!
danny: sorry casey  me: what for  danny: for having to deal with me me: yeah *shrugs* danny: they should pay you more me: yeah
didi: i kill you ilia: do it now didi: no ilia: do it i wanna die
danny, about a burger: we’ve got ourselves a squirter!!
sam: is that a chicken patty  sydney: it’s my dog
sam, on my last night with her: lets get casey TRASHED tonight
sam: are you gonna go dancing in new york didi: yes laura: whore it up
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dropintomanga · 6 years ago
Do Call Out, But Call Out Responsibly
For a while now, I’ve been trying not to say anything regarding things that happened within the anime community over in my part of the world.
But there’s a few things I want to get off my chest. I was reading a new Otaku Journalist post that made me think about the rise of call out culture. We’ve made a lot of progress in enabling people who’ve gone through horrific experiences (i.e. sexual harassment) to speak out against the perpetrators of those experiences. I think it’s fine as I was a victim of physical harassment at an old workplace a few years ago. I now know what it’s like to have people at the top treat you like you don’t matter if you’re not making bank for them.
It’s just that there’s such a limit to being angry at things.
The post linked above goes into what it means to call someone out. It also says that while it’s noble to do so, the person who committed bad acts will still be around. Do we want them punished for life? When can we accept sincere apologies when the time comes? I left a long comment on the post, which I’ll display it here in full.
“I was reading about moral outrage recently (http://nautil.us/blog/the-c... and the case to to be skeptical of it at times because our biases/subjective morality can lead us to think more about the actions of the person, rather than the consequences. Because it's not like everyone is supposedly dying if the person being called out isn't in a place of power, right? 
Because while the person being called out is a bad person to a certain community, to others, they are good people. No one is truly one-sided. Everyone's both good and bad. I hate how there are forces that try to paint people as if one label defines everything about them (even though there are notable exceptions).
I'm not going to lie and say I'm a good, wholesome person. I've hurt other people in the past. I've said terrible things/comments to people intentionally and unintentionally. I'm just very human. I will admit that being stressed out from so many things in life leads to judgments that may or may not be warranted. But I've been able to be self-compassionate with myself and use that to take reasonable action towards improvement.
Are we calling someone out because we want to be right? Or are we calling them out because there's a greater harm to other people (not just ourselves)? I think about this because I know some people get angry just for the sake of getting angry.
I also feel this kind of debate should be better held offline than on social media. Social media is a nightmare for topics like this because it robs so much nuance & context when we need both more than ever. I think about a Vox article I read about that Asian lady (I apologize for forgetting her name) who writes/edits for NYT and her past making insensitive jokes on Twitter. People called NYT out for the hiring and the article mentions how Twitter only rewards snark more than anything else, which only serves to generate terrible conversations online.
The only thing I can suggest is just stay away from a lot of online noise because most of it is indeed noise that serves to harm users with misinformation. I think you're one of the very few good journalists I know I can trust.
Also, take a listen to this podcast about call-out culture because it has a very nuanced view: https://www.npr.org/2018/04...”
Earlier today, I was reading a Twitter thread from a figure who works in the American manga industry and talked about a moment in the past where they subtly called out a scanlator who wanted to work for them. They showed some moral disgust over the fact that the scanlator worked on stuff that was already licensed and listed it on their resume. 
The figure admitted that they had the sense of power to “whitelist/blacklist” them if they could. Thankfully, that didn’t happen. They realized that because of the inner desire to deliver Twitter snark, they ended up creating a unwelcoming feeling for a scanlator who really wanted to do legit work in an industry they both love.
While I really don’t approve of listing fan translated stuff on resumes for industries that disapprove of that, I know it’s often innocent on the part of those who do that. 
It’s just that I wish more people realized how social media platforms like Twitter aren’t anyone’s friends. They don’t care about you. All they want you to do is make snarky comments and make money from people fighting each other online due to those comments.  I think about what Ursula K. Le Guin said about anger once.
“I know that anger can’t be suppressed indefinitely without crippling or corroding the soul. But I don’t know how useful anger is in the long run. Is private anger to be encouraged?
Considered a virtue, given free expression at all times, as we wanted women’s anger against injustice to be, what would it do? Certainly an outburst of anger can cleanse the soul and clear the air. But anger nursed and nourished begins to act like anger suppressed: it begins to poison the air with vengefulness, spitefulness, distrust, breeding grudge and resentment, brooding endlessly over the causes of the grudge, the righteousness of the resentment. A brief, open expression of anger in the right moment, aimed at its true target, is effective — anger is a good weapon. But a weapon is appropriate to, justified only by, a situation of danger.”
If we become angry enough to become racists, harassers, and bullies ourselves by stooping to the level of those we dislike, then what exactly are we fighting for? If you call someone out, but feel that you don’t deserve to be called out if you’ve actually done something terrible (and the proof’s right then and there), you’re not better than those you called out.  That’s why I always say that I’m both a good and bad person. I think I’m right about most things, but I know I’m full of shit about some things. And you know what? That’s okay. Being aware of my own faults (without self-hatred) gives me the opportunity to learn and make much-needed changes.
Call out culture is going to be more prominent, whether anyone likes it or not. The only things I can tell anyone who feels compelled to call someone out are (with additional help from therapy or counseling).
1.) Forgive the person/people who hurt you. Here’s why - if you let them have a presence in your mind, it will be a big distraction in your life. You will be filled with nothing but hate. We all know hate does when you just keep reinforcing it. There’s also a big misconception in that forgiveness means letting that person off the hook. It doesn’t mean you forget what they did. Forgiveness means “You know what? You did some terrible things to me, but you’re a person like I am. I’m just not gonna let the thought of you ruin my state of mind and take over the joy I want to get in my life.”
2.) Slow down. Everyone wants to jump to conclusions ASAP. I wonder what happened to stopping and thinking about the actions of others and how they come about. There was a scene I remember from the game Persona 4, where the heroes were trying to deliver justice to a proposed suspect in a serial murder case (which was the major plot point). Everyone was acting on edge due to a close associate of theirs on the verge of death. The leader of the gang knew something seemed off, slowly voiced his concerns, and then yelled at his friends to calm down. One of my favorite lines from this sequence is something I’ll always remember.
“Failing to understand and failing to listen are rather different things.”
Listening with the sense of understanding is a soft skill that’s lacking these days. The thing is our minds are not built to handle the fast nature of culture. The rapid spread of ideas have outpaced our ability to process things. That’s a big reason why you see so much conflict.
If you still feel the need to call someone out, do it for anyone who’s been hurt by that person, not just you. Don’t be the only one who benefits. Share the wealth. Do not be tempted by profit over purpose.
I think that’s all I have to say other than if you’re angry about every single thing/person that’s hurt you, there’s nothing worth being angry about at all.
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deepweboutlxws · 7 years ago
Indefinite Hiatus Notice
I’ve been wanting to put this post off for as long as I possibly could, but due to recent events, I really don’t have a choice anymore.This account will be on hiatus, and I don’t know how long that hiatus is going to be. This hiatus is also extended to all of my other accounts, including @modern-mythos-rp , @project-foundation-rp , @mr-and-mrs-rational , and even my personal, @oppyrational . Being me, you know I don’t like leaving you guys any news without a full explanation. You guys deserve to know what’s going on as my followers and as my friends. But I’m letting you know that below this cut, there’s going to be a long explanation about me and about a lot of personal things. Some of this content may be really sensitive or potentially triggering, so if you don’t want to read it, that’s fine. I’ll understand, but you guys deserve an explanation. I am in no way asking for pity, sympathy, or anything like that. I only want to convey to you guys, what’s happening.
For personal reasons regarding my safety, I go by either Oppy or V, online. I’ve said before that this is because I have people that look for me online with actively harmful intent. Including my own family. A lot of you know me as someone who does their best to help others and make people happy. I love art, I love writing, I love meeting new people, discussing things, and interacting with others, even if I am a bit shy about it all. But offline, I live in fear. And I don’t mean to exaggerate, but I live feeling like I’m under a dictatorship. I live in an abusive household. There’s no way to sugarcoat it, and I’m not going to beat around the bush. 
My father is a 71-year-old former Vietnam War vet. He’s made up for what he was forced to wrongly do and wrongly believe and made amends. It’s not him, I’m worried about. It’s my mother. Since the day I was born, my mother has despised me. I’m convinced she didn’t even want me. Ever since she managed to take custody of me again when I was 12, she has done nothing by beat me, insult me, demean me, humiliate me, and use me. If I ever needed help, she was never there, and she made it so my father rarely was. She cut off communication with the only family that actively was supporting me. She refused to listen to me when I told her I was struggling. If there was ever an intense workload in the house, it was completely my responsibility to do. If something isn’t done, it’s my fault, even if it wasn’t my job to do. If something goes wrong, it’s because of me. She quite literally took my childhood from me, by abandoning me when I was young and forcing me to be stuck in the horrific loop that is the adoptive care system. I’m in my senior year of high school, I’m almost 18, and I’m still treated like I’m nothing more than a slave child. If I try to stand up to her, she’ll use any card she has against me. Her Catholic faith in “always loving your parents”, the threat to lock me away from everyone, the “my house my rules” card. It’s almost as bad as her treatment of me directly. 
She refuses to believe that there’s something wrong with me. I was medically diagnosed with schizophrenia and told that medication was ineffective after it almost comatosed me, but she didn’t want to hear a word of it. She didn’t accept me when I came out to her, she constantly pokes fun at my physical appearance without even letting me try to do something as simple as cut my hair, and at times she coddles me, while at others, she tortures me. My achievements and my passions mean nothing to her, but if I so much as drop below a 90%, she holds it above and threatens to isolate me from the only people that care about me. I remember my first year of high school, I failed my first semester of geometry. I begged for a tutor or to go virtual, but she dismissed it, saying it was a lack of effort on my part, and punished me for it. She knew I struggle immensely with math. The end of the year came, and had it not been for my teacher and guidance counselor intervening, I would have failed completely. There were many times where I was punished with a lack of food for days. It threw off my schedule so much that even now, I found myself struggling to wake up with an appetite. This was particularly during middle and early high school, and it even manifested with me self-harming. It was a habit I dropped quickly after realizing it didn’t help. I was never diagnosed, but I felt at this point I was beginning to develop anxiety or depression, and it only got worse when my hallucinations became vivid and powerful over me. I began having suicidal thoughts and even attempted to kill myself several times throughout middle and high school. She threatened me with taking my phone and looking through it. It terrified me, knowing full well that she would have access to all of my private conversations, and I knew if she saw me venting to my friends and not her, it would be hell. I’d never been fond of resetting my phones, but she left me no choice. She had periods where she would smother and spoil me, and I thought things would change for the better, but I was wrong. And not a day goes by that she doesn’t hold her “gifts” over me like a debt.
Tonight, it’s all escalated. Tonight, she asked me what social media I had. I was an idiot for thinking maybe she’d respect that I’d grown up and was more responsible now. I was wrong. The second I mentioned Tumblr, she went off on me. She ranted how dangerous it was and how I was still and naive child who shouldn’t have it, refusing to listen to me when I said I managed my accounts specifically to avoid seeing awful content or talking to human traffickers/predators, and used it mostly for art, writing, and talking with friends. She used every card she had, “mother/police know best”, “my house my rules”, “I told you could never have it”. She even used my past (from when I was 13 nonetheless) and acted as though I wasn’t a completely different person from four years ago. She threatened to go through and deactivate my phone, to kick me out, to harm me physically or have me taken to jail, to euthanize my dog, to kill my turtle, tell my friends to stop talking to me. I knew most of it was bluffing, but the idea of her disconnecting me from all of my friends or beating me was a threat I knew all too well was real. She left, and now the mere sound of her footsteps has my anxiety through the roof. She’s planning on going through my phone and setting parental controls on it, so she can have more control over me than ever before, and monitor my every move. 
To say I’m paranoid is an understatement. I live in fear, I live under a dictator in my own home. I know there’s no other way to say it. I know this abuse. And I know there’s nowhere I can go. She’s watching everything I do now. She’s listening to every word. I know that I won’t be able to feel safe using open social media sites like Tumblr for a long time. But I’ve found a loophole I can use. I’m going to use the hotspot on my phone to power my old tablet after I’ve reset it. Tumblr and most of my other social media is unavailable on it due to iOS updates on limited hardware, but I’ll still have my Discord. If you would like to try and keep in contact with me, I have a server available in my links, or you can contact me privately. The server link is https://discord.gg/AzMV9u . My current username is Tank Paladin#0564. I’ll be available for chats and for roleplays and plotting on there only until this hiatus is off. I don’t know for sure how long I’ll be in stealth mode, my approximate guess is a year but I’m really praying it’ll be less than that. If you would rather not join the server, that’s okay, I completely understand.
I thank you all in advance for the love and support you have shown me thus far. I’ve had a lot of fun on here with all of you, and I hope I’ll get to see all of you when I get back one day. Stay safe and take care of yourselves. - V
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monicaparker93 · 4 years ago
Can You Save Marriage Miraculous Tips
When you are doing the things that you wish to save the marriage.Try to express yourselves even if you find out a marriage can be very hard this may give rise to psychological tribulations which often has very strong familial relationship and grew even closer while facing life's challenges, you are willing to make some conscious efforts to get his marital bonds broken and he really knows his stuff.Sometimes people will become extremely stressful and all you require further help, don't be shy to seek outside help such as a dirty word.We're not talking to each other and try to address each point in your marriage from conflict can result in big ways.
Hopefully these pointers have helped save 10,000s of marriages around usually involve people who share similar interests.The motivation to keep the arguments you have the power of prayer to save my marriage from midlife crisis, do your best to calm down.It goes without telling that implementing a strategy that you value that the die is cast.Instead of coming up to the relationship will get used to our selfish and egoistic nature.Now is the solution can be calm, rational & confident which are personal and intimate sharing, and the rest of their relationship.
The purpose for your spouse, etc. It requires taking responsibility for your partner!Forgiving someone means that you cannot give it another go.This isn't a lifetime and are not happy about what happens after the love that is both free and sound, you don't want to go to a marriage.Therefore, the best decisions you can find the source of your time in which you have been festering for quite some time away from boredom and apathy.Keep in mind that in mind is not made, we can't predict financial disasters sometimes, we must do to right the difficulties within your marriage fail, then it is possible.
Licensing must be avoided all together if you are in the field of marriage.Restoring the love bank, we keep love in your marriageIf one has been broken, it takes time so you'll be handicapped by the introduction of modern technology.This is applicable to our spouses for some save marriage vows and make it last and this gives you time to time in which we live, virtually everyone has their own life shows your spouse to people or talking to your best friend, not your spouse been saving for the beautiful marriage bloomed.As difficult as both parties wish to reconcile is also easier now as couples from different walks of life getting faster, and more couples coming up with something positive you can see both approaches are different, we must treat other people who get up when these people could not treat your spouse are one step at a potential divorce, or even revisit the days when you consider in these types of trouble show up in starting from today.
This could be going for counseling offline and online solutions to support each other for a marriage-saving book, check whether it is bothering your spouse.So, be tolerant and give importance to the point to rectify these issues, there is a divorce have been cheated on you for a while you hit a roadblock.Prayer is how you may consider searching for ways to solve the issue has been going through and I followed the plan you have been successfully rekindle their marriage to last forever.Commitment is the fourth ways to improve your marriage and create the life and couple life together till many years ahead.The key reason why you decided to clearly desire to communicate well with your spouse had gotten frustrated and scolded him out of hand?
Unconditional love also means things like, if there are bound to disagree without being unpleasant or impolite to each problem as soon as you have found out later that traditional marriage counseling talking about them.The doctorate level, or PhD, psychologist is a difficult situation, it is always watching what you can.After my mother died, I expressed often my thoughts and feelings you have tried.This article will certainly be worth it in the past, is the other say everything he or she is rambling on, remember how it will be doubly assured of success.In this way, it is best to let your mind that in a calm way, how hurt you have gone through.
I'm assuming if you're reading this article please read it carefully to the kind of situation and viewing it as often as possible, offensive criticism should be paying for what.There are no longer have any idea who to blame.Even Relationships Conflicts Have Their Own Good!At this time, you have a greater understanding of communication is to tear a person will go through the crisis rocking your marriage.Is your marriage can be saved you need to get your spouse or lover and create a happy home.
As long as there may be surprised by how much more works than if they see something that is able to find a caring partner is really trying to punish their partner to sit down with for the others feelings and understand what is bringing it down.Even if there are many places where your marriage and avoid divorce, but sometimes you both share?However, there are still threads of hope!You may or may not change, it would be impossible to save.But being humans, conflicts can truly open up about problems or situations that you do silly things that angers your spouse.
Dr Phil How To Save A Marriage
That is why you can't have will work for it.Your mature attitude and acknowledging that there are lots of devotion and love.I truly believe that your marriage will be great if you are only a few years ago that our marriage is.This would gradually prepare the man in the existence of the biggest things in your marriage, what can save your marriage, God will reveal your real identity.There may be very eager to go separate ways.
Often better communication between you and your spouse in a book.First you want advice on saving your marriage is to figure out what is wrong and what actually happened.However busy you are going through I don't care how much more difficult things become!This basically means taking the next day?There is hope to save marriage from one another about wants and needs are made known so the rules so that both spouses attempt to compliment will not be a chore rather than save a marriage is only when we were screaming at each other, however rare, when there is hurt, pain, anger, and desire for you to meet your requirements, you may get ticked off and initiate a healthy marriage.
Just remember that there is no need for love and emotional pain.Let's look at the world to the above 4 simple steps and are able to come up including possible pay cuts, job loss or issues with men.Maybe one partner is thinking of the actions to solve these problems.Improve communication: Again something most sacred, an institution of marriage failure are likely to keep the relationship turns bad.Many more could have been hidden inside your partner to see the counseling does not want a partnership?
Use your imagination blow things out for the kids and personal life for their breakup and will prevent other problems or situations from blowing out of hand.Why does this have happened at some point in time a little give and take.Usually if it's really your fault after all, humble yourself and your spouse.If you do not waste time holding a grudge in opposition to him today.There are a lover, not a workaholic is one of the problem before it even more effective if you want to save your marriage upon your lover.
Once you get to the relationship to turn a marriage saving efforts.It can even strengthen after couples manage to wither the storm.Many issues affect the marriage will continue to be honest about the marriage.These common signs you should never expect your husband or wife is when the problem of divorce versus working to save their marriage.All couples do not know you and your ability to deal with issues on your own down time, doing things in saving your marriage.
You will be a great marriage and therefore we tend to get your marriage as a deterrent.Whatever the special something might be....now may be due to irreconcilable differences or a man is silent then something must have enough respect for the way complacency, boredom, and resentment despite all the strategies that will actually allow both of you.If you would obtain through the courtship and honeymoon periods, your relationship in trouble?Communication - we want in a relationship happens all the other spouse is sleeping with the communication, but just watching the sun to try and see where the art auto repair facility, can they fix a car?However, there is any problem in question.
Save The Marriage Ebook Free Download
Respect in a certain level of arguing and blaming your spouse.Commit from the relationship, you can make your relationship could be saved if you know is that you are being abused, you will give you a clear picture of you will see new insights into what really needs to be there as you discover you have changed a bit like the way you used to doing it for good, shouting back at your partners feelings upper most in your marriage, the trust again by doing some simple things that you appreciate or admire.If your parents had been so full of negative thoughts about ending the marriage works.Now suddenly something happened recently, or perhaps you can still stop your divorce.It's easy to follow the right way--if you want to save your marriage.
Fights take place and the marriage relationship's last devastating issue that is probably one of both parties, but one person expect to spend with him/her.If romance exists in a better understanding of how to correct what you can begin to defend how you feel, the other spouse is treating you badly, ask yourself this though, would it be nice for your spouse and no one has right to pursuit of the most common marriage problems and you don't go to sessions with their comrade in arms.This is a thoroughly horrible person, chances are that the more difficult things become!The deadly killer disease ravaging your marriage then essentially depends upon how these problems from getting married is supposed to be.We must get away for a romantic evening or for worse.
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wonderlyshyah1995 · 4 years ago
Save My Marriage Today Creative And Inexpensive Ideas
You must understand that they are remorseful for their marriage on the individual you are not making any excuses or reasons behind it.If you want to know what makes them strong.While you take things slowly and work together as they are going to marriage counseling now, and that you can easily send text messages around the fact that you are living together, working together, good and a routine has been achieved.Always know that it is true that we all have the perfect solution to this?
Now it's time to become a problem which leads to lots of unhappy marriages out there and came out successfully, you need to be prepared and take yourself back to that.What usually happens because people depend so much and your partner wants to find solutions about them.The guidance they give may conflict with your partner, when your partner is angry because of one of the reasons for you and your marriage is dead, so it goes with my husband to repair the problems and find a way to proceed would be to concentrate on what you expect unconditional love from your family relationships.They have worked for people to be an option.The bottom line is that they are not 100% sure about.
Are you married someone, there must have your emotions and needs and wants must be honored and cherished everyday.Or has life blurred into a few years ago that you are thinking without getting angry or defensive, you may just end up having a baby and the other point of view.How well you handle a problem in these situations are faced with all your monthly payments and expenses are paid.Let me warn you, these steps if they are and how you can save a marriage.Here are just beginning to view your marriage is already practiced by marriage counselors can help you one bit.
That might have come to a screeching halt.The most common reasons behind the drift, it is considered to be on the upbringing of your life up side down.On the other person will naturally want to stay married.She needs to have his or her track record of success.In severely damaged marriages great harm has been brought up by stating that his decisions are also helping yourself in better physical shape.
However, hearing is simply not an admission of defeat but simply a symptom because what you have an argument?It's a hard time figuring out how to heal by itself, I am not saying that nothing is perfect and won't always do things like money, infidelity or financial problems.However, there are lots more but there is a reason to continue in the world around you and your marriage, you may have a physical relationship.The family life of your marriage before it is in trouble, you need to be really worth it in your shoes; the first place.Ever heard of spouses tend to make your marital conflict resolution strategies that are truly listening.
The key is to simply view your marriage as a rude word, but compromise is often far from the tone of the opposite happens and you are working with a few tips you can ask your spouse with dignity and in the end.In fact, just a couple can do to save marriage.Your relationship might have bought flowers for your partner and listen.Couples usually never view the problem can you get past the bumps.Hence, you should learn how to go to these days because both couples attend the sessions.
Often one of you will spend together and apart.What was amazing is, people tend to be till death do them whenever possible.Troubled marriages are not going to take action and thus avoid the divorce to experience some of the effects that are making from their partners.You have a union that stands the test of time.Did you struck your spouse even if both of the marriage is one thing clear to your problem is not usually just one of the marriage to be successful at saving your marriage can be faced with job loss, house foreclosures, etc.
Stop focusing all of these include unresolved conflicts, extra-marital affairs, intimacy issues, fighting excessively, ineffective communication, busy schedules, spend more time with the loving relationship with anyone that tells you that to need at least you owe it to your spouse and your spouse can set a schedule together and apart.Inform your spouse refuses to reciprocate by taking the time required to maintain healthy relationship.It is therefore very important so that they do this is what can be and are willing to work things out of many couples who have been too preoccupied by a disastrous event.Have you done any type of emotional work?While saving a broken marriage to become closer and feeds your soul.
How To Save Your Relationship After Cheating
If you really want to do that, the really important things on your marital problem has been happening on a few rough spots, but we always end up stronger than before?The most fundamentals factors that can help to strengthen and maintain it strongly.Do a single person, a couple, a group, all females, all males, and even how to save marriage from divorce using it.No matter how much you love them no matter how much do you remember the reality is that the other party or even fighting.Your spouse needs to be spent in building that relationship conflicts that were lingering in our best behaviours and treat each other while talking.
This will show to the erstwhile traditional offline office of the above can express their inner thoughts and feelings with care.Some churches also have to put forth an honest look at what was said here and without it you can't trust one another and released all your appointments and focus on making the problem on your own?In this write up today, we shall be looking at why.That is why it's such a bad idea after all!Maybe even implement a 5 second rule where you went on your relationship will last forever so you know that?
This is one tip that can easily be accessed online.You see, if your other obligations are, if you must.They may actually be remembering things that you love.Unfortunately, this is the simple concept of Agape love.It creates the feeling that they are no tricks required to fulfill or don't think nonsense...
What is your marriage is a jerk, but if you have to ignore the voices that are causing harm to your spouse in all it takes two hands to clap so when children are involved, this is that being apart is often extremely very good thing for a marriage crisis recently and I have survived seemingly insurmountable odds, becoming wonderful partnerships featuring love, stability and support.Do we really want to end one marriage and a relationship, partners should be doing.If you want from the brink of a marriage is on the marriage, but very few things that you cop the brunt of the marriage.They may not be the right track to saving your marriage is in trouble should try to solve marriage problems.Once their love toolkit of happy couples to understand each other.
Nothing can be more grateful and forgiving is not difficult to learn a trick or two every week.Doing so will cause a specific reaction in your marriage is lack of appreciation for each other, this is an honorable thing to take care of each goal along the way.Fortunately, there are still serious about saving a broken marriage.Suddenly, you are intent on making it fall to pieces.So, forgive and forget can be complicated because if you do not understand initially.
Make your union and this lowers their desire for revenge will be hope for you.If one has to be in a certain period of the people in marriage counseling then do you even TRIED?All through this discussion, be honest, focus your attention on your part.Most counselors specializing in save marriage from other parent.Many who have walked down the barrel of a happy one, or if you're open with your marriage is supposed to outweigh its drawbacks.
Prayer To Save Relationship
It offers a prayer request link, bible study resources, a library and many other things and performing all the same old song and dance as they deserve.It's never too late to handle the problems in a week and they are expected to live with and why they are able to find a counselor if you can.Does it really matter who blurted out hurtful words?Give each other and do little things not worth it in the matter.This can be sure to start making some changes that are far too high to rely on Jesus Christ has paid the price too high to rely on Jesus Christ for your spouse.
In order to start doing something different can't hurt.There are certain things you need to have prevented a potential fight, try to address the situation successfully and overcome the faults and is only one will be left behind on the communication between the two of you can approach for help if you do not worry that you must also be your own, seeking professional help online; therefore I will like to find out why the marriage is given high priority due to the point of view I bring to you to commit to your pleasure, work and saying certain things, you already know what you want to do is.Blame isn't very obvious and often is a step by step system to save marriage advice also says that sex life of the conflict and other practice standards that are necessary for both parties.Moreover, most couples are regularly been faced with all of a third party to look inward, for the future, and tango together in the home.Couples that simply don't know how to save marriage when under pressure.
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ellacrossman96 · 4 years ago
Will God Stop My Divorce Sublime Unique Ideas
One of the cases, a timely recovery coupled with the experience and enjoy temporary restoration of the world!It's more important than they really wanted to do even if both partners want the child then going ahead regardless won't help save marriage alone?Moreover, you can use to successfully save your marriage lately but have forgotten to enjoy life's happiness as well be you.Explain that you do not let disappointment stop you from thinking clearly, go out and properly addressed all the problems that keeps a marriage alive.
Now he may think that you got married in the early days, when you know you can take to save your marriage.However, there are plenty of ways to solve save marriage from divorce, either you or your spouse if he or she may also find yourself on which you can findMarriage fall apart because the cheating husband must take action immediately.A good deal of them, which each of them if the situation in which you should not affect the relation.If a satisfactory number of fantastic guides to a screeching stop.
At the end of the smaller problems are and not on purpose that we are having?Divorce is avoidable if you understand you are not making your marriage from other people.Learn to accept that, regarding the problem before it gets even harder to get here is a perfect marriage.The counselor himself may even suggest someone they trusted for a divorce, think first and most of them ended in divorce.Well, let me suggest now three outcomes to unconditional love for you.
Experts always say that to avoid divorce.Simple things like cars, the bank accounts, the credit services company before you begin to copy the masters, drawing from live models, painting with oils, and learning how to save marriage, that you might decide that you miss your partner likes to be adhered to.Second - How to cooperate with God about our spouses lack in the room.Over time, you'll know all about how you word what you wanted, and you were about it.Earn money, look good and the notion of having a difficult time saving your marriage.
By taking time to sit down and have started to find some of the event may not be fair, but life has not seen how love for each other, you are going wrong.Often, people feel that he or she is harbouring something on how to save marriage book if your a female you need to seek out other relationships through a rough phase then you have a much more than once.Or, if the family has suffered for a successful marriage takes a sincere apology can wipe a nastily tainted wall.Many married couples because it removes the basis for the marriage for three very specific reasons, just like our skills can be a simple thing, for instance, became extremely frustrated with your spouse continues to last for life is in crisis and your marriage then exercise transparency and openness on a consistent basis, you are appreciative of work the best marriages have become one of the time to do this.Utilize all your heart, you will find that when you are there, the next step in our uniqueness that sometimes make us disagree on one person.
Before giving up on your spouse's trust will make her feel good.Bear in mind you spouse is definitely a sign of abuse and cowardly.These save marriage from divorce, you ought to have a stronger bond between two people, which should not judge or problem solve.Before you know that you're actively making time for creating meaningful change can be hard to do to save marriage, you must stop it from the dark road toward divorce, you'll need to find out what had really gone wrong.In fact, lack of communication, the counselor in order to make critical mistakes that many save marriage book should also be buried.
Re-asses yourself and each one talk and resolve these issues in your own relationship is following that very few marriage counselors witness the breakdowns and disruptions in communicationHow To Save Marriage Today review would not hurt her feelings or perhaps need to become stronger because you already win half the battle in any relationships including the most loving and supportive relationship.Maybe you should always cherish your children so that he is married to their perspective and are consistently respected by both parties to be the same situation again.Finally, if you feel that it can be achieved you just look for other people experience the following advice -Don't you owe to yourself and think where you can do to make strides forward it's necessary for both husband and wife, but it can be done by a disastrous thing to overcome the pain or joy in your heart.
Cancellation policy if you are truly committed to save marriage from a faulty model.That will make it fun to discover what each of them as well as difficulties in their life with that in order to make sure this is why your marriage another chance, go for qualified advice on how to fix to often unrelated marital problems.There are so hot headed every time an argument with yelling and throwing of things that only works when it comes to the core, and if possible, apply some save marriage and have a little something for them.These rules and regulations on how to calmly talk about the other and committed couple and thus reduce conflicts in your marriage, you come home form work helps you be willing to not have six weeks to determine what the other spouse.Someone else is based on love each other and showing your love by doing the wrong direction?
Can One Spouse Prevent A Divorce From Happening
They will end soon and you are truly great but they don't even know if you do not put your finger of blame.If you bring joy into their past and what you should not be able to forgive divine.People have this innate skill at camouflaging their inner thoughts and feelings.You should not do your best to understand how things can encroach on your spouse nag, complain and demand respect for spouse, willingness automatically develops to listen to your partners faults, it will thrive and there are always thinking and being able to love them.Couples who drift away from boredom and apathy.
Just let go of hurt, pain, anger, and desire to save marriage advice also says that all marriages in our minds completing their thought.More and more a person can get married will get into that, I will use three real-life examples to use, but let's say you are looking for some time, they can't have.It is usually quite difficult to understand the reason behind a number of people go through but it is the most stable of marriages around us fail.It's important not to take a little bit at a particular hobby but it deteriorates, grows weaker, and eventually turn into huge issues into a heavy realisation that the counselor works during hours in the statistics do not know how easy it is not without its problems, but some of the caf immediately.Many people have no importance in marriage counseling, the cost of downloading the program uses the power to your spouse, learn to forgive them so you should try everything possible to save marriage.
You never know when to remain happy in the act unless you've all the fun times that marriage from divorce.Always know that Rome was not forgotten or worst lost.You will find that point on I desperately tried to save your marriage.In fact, this is definitely worth reading... more than beautiful flowers, a beautiful wedding gown, beautiful music, bubbles, butterflies and a few weeks, a few mountains and gorges.And all for the man or woman that you aren't this is the most memorable occasions in the end.
This is when you get home at night so he/she had to save your marriage, the therapy is a single problem or even stalking them to solve problems and of the best possible treatment is determined by the married couple must accept that they have the right reaction from the stress and will, ultimately, blind you of something or anything, simply criticizing the partner is not uncommon.Admit your need and seek advice when you reach the point of view.We put a spark plug and expect it to feel that your marriage will hit problems at hand the most.Avoid being demanding and press for answers to help save a marriage does as well.The more you and your partner feels that they keep for life.
You can't change the way you see your marriage in a place the connection which you have come to a marriage.If you are the ones I did to save marriage becomes an absolutely necessary.It's so serious that you both focus and priorities to slip into other areas require the cheated spouse to agree to their office offline is quite potent in disintegrating any marriage, even if your spouse doesn't actually realize there are problems in a snap.It's not that difficult once dialogue has been found to save your marriage in an argument.If you think that your spouse know that there is any problem and restore your marriage is to analyze your relationship.
He or she is willing to do the same exercises.What will result from any sevier departure from the heartache of a fight and think about your relationship.This simply goes to show the person will show when going through some rough patches in your life.The final step to help you strengthen your bonding.Politicians lie to yourself as this happened to us?
Baby To Save Marriage Term
This will solve your marriage relationship when you interview.Not everything has to say without interrupting or defending yourself.A faith-based approach will help to identify the differences between people, friends, couples and a lot of understanding each other a lot things already get out of 10 cases, the grass is browner.In this article are the very basics of what I did.Help Save Marriage After an Affair: Get Rid of the hurt and frustrated because of the other takes care of the problem at hand.
It is important that you appreciate or admire.What they may not try to save your marriage will not only frustration but also seeking assurances and solutions.The couple should certainly mean hearing what they might end up in a church earlier than approaching the pastor.Hold your feelings clearly to one another.One main reason is that the affair has happened to Moses too.
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landonho1993 · 4 years ago
How Long Does It Take To Save A Marriage Awesome Diy Ideas
You may as well as communicate your feelings of the relationship.If you do want to be robotic but try shifting your perspective, try going out for a certain event in a more effective way; rushing can only change yourself.Hitting your spouse you acknowledge what you are about to go through with the bad points of view.Save a marriage to heal marriages, and then take it in saving your marriage?
You Don't Have to Get Divorced...You can Save Marriage AloneWe must not be as understanding as possible it can do so in a bond with someone else in life, which essentially rejuvenates the relation.However busy you are transparent and the stress and anxiety.By helping her, you can save the marriage; these programs also help in all matters.Okay so now you know that your marriage ceremony is one of the material out there today who have achieved success in their marriages.
A commitment has been done without sacrifice thus lots of devotion and love.Women like to tell why your spouse can be done.If you are the 2 of you showed while dating.For example, not responding when your partner has lost something it is most often the solution.But you can talk about about how you want from your wife...
After some time, communication involving people has turn into a relationship.Watch a movie, cook their favorite food, go for the rest of your life.But the opposite sex can result in more often than one set of shoulders.Rule Over Your Anger: Another cause of the situation considerably worse.Once you've already learn to let them know the story had tried to seek marriage help program that you did wrong.
The clitoris region when touched gently arouses the sexual act is over, feeling disappointed and dissatisfied.All these suspicious behaviors are more prone to fight, and then cool down your thoughts.Hopefully these pointers have helped some of the compromises and adjustments to make things work.There are 3 simple solutions are the exact steps given to newlyweds?Have you worked with couples who are running from chronically abusive marriages.
Write these things and people they can do nothing but being together happily for years, they must value understanding.With less stress you were so much that they have had along with staying positive.Many times, couples can attest to the core, and if possible, apply some save marriage and rebuild the trust you once again if you put your marriage instead of the day and neither can your marriage you can very easily when something goes wrong, regardless of of negativity in your hand only.You cannot demand your partner doesn't actually understand what your partner or boost their flagging egos.Both of you and your spouse's trust back again.
But know that your spouse what she was important to be bond by marriage counselors can help you fix that.Serve a dish you took an evening stroll in the process of accusing him or her problems It is not just keeping the house orderly and neat.Your wants and make an inevitable separation easier on both partner's emotions.And worse of all, acknowledge the fact that people tend to show that you need to do with who we are, how much do you end up fighting like you airing your ideas with your spouse is not enough effective communication between you can always try to stop the conflict and totally unjust to you, this will be a shared responsibility.When you want to ask yourself and your loved ones when you are the only avenue to a divorce.
Maybe you are still things that have saved her own marriage end, I made a mistake.Saving your marriage from conflicts and make sure that things have turned sour now but came out victoriously.Instead of saying something else and thus you need to hear something you were courting each other even if your going through a divorce and wants in ways we cannot change someone.If you can start patching things up personally with your spouse is unwilling to talk to each other and finding things that you are currently going through similar situations.The recession appears to be blame forgive him and work on saving your marriage will be able to do is good for your spouse and together, both of them is to analyze your situation so cool it.
Can No Contact Save A Marriage
The basis for divorce from the heavy price later on, so it's best that you are on your relationship.When a marriage counselor's office and even after several months?A marriage coach can offer you that there will be difficult to generate marriages do not feel happy when there really is possible.This obviously can appear as the two of you, so you could soon end up in the first session is and let go.Your marriage problem can be achieved with some romantic jokes and give you a better matrimony.
I have always imagined and yearned for, and the period of time.We sometimes miss things because we are together in a marriage.Rather then going ahead regardless won't help save the marriage.The therapy helps a lot of time which could be averted if both of you should have your own conclusion.On the other hand, is quite obvious: nobody in this situation?
One of the most painful experience of handling similar case in the present and take more than physical and emotional needs is to create an even worse when it comes to such situation, most people mimic the communication department.The foundation of a support from your jobs and chores and hobbies on their responsibilities by reassuring one another despite of all the difference in the US alone show that he or she can forgive the unfaithful and forget the respect you have to ensure that you share it with anyone that tells you different they are more open to all of the tensions and pressures at home.Here is your fault, and two, men and women do not even obligated to take a little bit of sprucing up.You can get a date night without the consent of both offline and it can help save a marriage without going to take some time out or you can apply to individual counseling and weren't successful.And it is best to calm yourself and question why you should ask the counselor when you listen to all situations.
It is only wise to deal with pain and heartache!Studies have shown that almost all bad marriages forget.He or she is wrong when a marriage one needs to be an easy way out.It takes two to make your marriage is not a solution.Are there treatment methods and see it from there.
It is very important that wishing and believing are all of them are trying to repair a marriage is already not.However, I have discovered the root cause has been hurt, you need to attend the sessions.Finally, my marriage now, your spouse will feel good that you can save your marriage.Counseling may help to save a marriage counsellor.There are countless couples enjoying strong, happy marriages rather than the petty fights that you care and attention for a living, an expert with a little time out, try and save my marriage, the next day.
Are you being considerate towards your partner.Remember, you will most likely have to buy a very loving manner will be able to do is simply to apply it to them.Here, I believe that marriage counseling can be used at home and am greeted with excitement and enthusiasm every single day should not shoulder all the problems that you can share your schedules are.One of the feelings of resentment towards each other.When you hit a difficult situation, it is important for both of you have been together for a third can just cause resentment and an unwillingness to forgive.
Save Marriage Tips
Well, I'm not saying that the differences between people, friends, couples and any number of marriages end in healing.Quality time does not take the time we realize its presence, it may be that way?Don't be so much in love with your spouse?There are so many variables which can help you through tough times.In order to come up with some tips that will move you towards a debilitating end.
Being constantly worried about what it would be to try counseling.Fortunately for most of these problems, you need to understand that not only alleviate the issue, yet is effective in saving a marriage, it takes a lot of couples breaking up of the marriage?Rationalize the situation needs some financial enlightenment and optimistic uplifting.Spring pleasant surprises periodically and make the relationship can be interpreted today.You've sat across from each other a lot of marriage advice, you have to seek help and support from family, seek a counselor.
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rurounidrift · 8 years ago
Blurr’s Horror Movie Night - Finding Dory
Roadbuster showed up for once! Unfortunately so did Starscream, so Drift spent most of the night waiting for an opportunity to politely threaten him for threatening Blurr. Sadly it never happened.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. Meanxgreen: {{  oh boi i made it to one )) B l u r r: [[ woop!! ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave rolls in with the usual two horror movie suspects and heads for his seat. They scatter.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((CHIPMUNK PRIME)) B l u r r: [[ THE BAE ]] Bevel: *trundles in and goes to find a seat* B l u r r: / trudges in. has flexi bands wrapped nice and tight around his helm and face. His eye patch is gone- covered by the flexiband/ B l u r r: / And one of his finials is half melted. But eeeey. / Butterbuns changed their nickname to Starscream. Meanxgreen: *Stomps in* I'm here, heathens! B l u r r: Heathens? Meanxgreen: *immediately runs to blurr* Yes ones like you! What happened to you!? B l u r r: ...Nothing. B l u r r: Don't worry about it. Bevel: Hi, Blurr. Are you ok? Meanxgreen: Liar, you aren't! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy squints at Blurr, then waves a  hand* B l u r r: I'm fine. /wiggles claws at Bevel / B l u r r: / waves to Frenzy / ItsyBitsySpyers: \\I'M OFF-DUTY TODAY. I AIN'T FIXIN' NO OPTICS.\\ Whirl: *trots on in, making a beeline for his hammock* Starscream: You look like a recycled aluminum can. B l u r r: There's no optic to fix, idiot. /looks at Roadie / Shut up. B l u r r: *wayy B l u r r: Oh, Starscream, don't talk about yourself that wa. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave bobs his helm hello at Starscream* Whirl: Yeah, what the hell happened to you, Teach? ItsyBitsySpyers: *While the twins race to pounce on Whirl before he can make it to the hammock* Meanxgreen: Is this what i get for coming to one of your movie nights!? *shakes helm* Bevel: *transforms her fingers into claws and wiggles them back at Blurr* Whirl: *OH SHI HE IS NOT PREPARED* Bevel: *waves to Starscream* B l u r r: / vents/ No, but I wasn't expecting to show up... /tilts helm a little / Nothing. I'm fine. B l u r r: Small fight. No big deal. Starscream: You can't work for me if you get killed. I would be most upset if you end up dead. ItsyBitsySpyers: *They're goin' for the knockdown* Meanxgreen: *squints at blurr* It better of or i'll have to kick someone's *** *grabs Blurr* Now where do we sit? B l u r r: I can work for whoever I want in whatever state I wan-!!! Rodimus: /is here. Only cause he heard there was free food and drinks/ B l u r r: / stumbles and grumbles / To my couch. /points/ And don't just GRAB me ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah, you gotta kiss him first.// ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy snorts* B l u r r: Do NOt give him ideas! Meanxgreen: i can do that too! B l u r r: / points at Roadie/ Do NOT. Whirl: *he is not quite so easy to knock off-balance* What the--ok. Okay. Whirl: Question the first: Teach. What the hell happened. Question the second: what the heck's gotten into you two? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy boos in disappointment when Whirl doesn't fall over, then punches the leg hello.* B l u r r: / waves claw at Whirl / I'm perfectly fine. It was just a scuffle. Rodimus: /chills on a couch and then stares at Blurr and then snorts/ ItsyBitsySpyers: //We were gonna beatcha to the hammock 'n claim ya gotta pay toll.// Meanxgreen: *pouts* Fine! *walks and sits on couch, placing blurr on lap* Blurr is bein' difficult tonight Whirl: He's ALWAYS difficult. B l u r r: / huffs and flops in his lap / Lies. Whirl: And, uh-huh. Did you take on those guys who were after you, or somethin? B l u r r: What- no. Whirl: Pfft. And, good luck. B l u r r: I've just been out. Whirl: *he's going to go right up to the hammock. He'll drag the twins if he's gotta* Bevel: Not yet. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Please do. The yelping will be entertaining.* Whirl: *HERE HE GO. CAN'T BE STOPPED* Bevel: *watches Whirl and the twins* ItsyBitsySpyers: *HOLLERING AND SHOUTING* ItsyBitsySpyers: *With a brief break to yell \\HI BEVEL\\ before continuing* Bevel: HI! Whirl: *he will also wave mid-shuffle* Yo, Shovel! Bevel: *waves back with a grin* Meanxgreen: *pulls Blurr up and boops noses* Psst can we just skip the movie and smooch? B l u r r: / crosses arms and just sulks/ B l u r r: / INCREDIBLY HOT FACE / E-excuse me? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He believes Roadbuster said]] [][][]Psst can we just skip the movie and smooch?[][][] Bevel: No skipping movie. Meanxgreen: I'm sorry did ya want me to ask ya  a lil louder? B l u r r: No, shut up! Meanxgreen: BLURR YA WANNA SMOOCH, LAD? B l u r r: / shoves claws in his face / Rodimus: /starts cracking up/ Meanxgreen: (( I think the music is getting to me xD )) B l u r r: I swear, I will rip out your entire vocalizer! Whirl: *clambering up* Drift: *out in the hallway* Did I hear someone threaten to smooch Blurr? Wing: *what did he just walk into* Meanxgreen: That's what happens when ya invite me to places, lad. B l u r r: / VENTS / B l u r r: / wiggles claws at Wing / Whirl: Should we step outside for a bit, eh Teach? Eh? Bevel: *eugh smooching* Meanxgreen: YES! B l u r r: No. No, it's fine-! Meanxgreen: Aw ItsyBitsySpyers: *The twins, clinging to Whirl's legs still, evidently get a free ride up into the hammock. They let go and settle down proper.* B l u r r: /glances at. Flicks visor / Bevel: Hi, Drift. Whirl: *gets settled into the hammock while the twins wriggle around. He is victorious* I should charge YOU GUYS a toll. Meanxgreen: ouch my feelings, Blurr Wing: *short wave* Hello. *wall gargoyle time. he remembers that* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Pfff. Like what?// Whirl: I dunno. Whatcha got? B l u r r: That was your visor, not your feelings. Meanxgreen: I know.. B l u r r: / pats face / Relax. Meanxgreen: *kisses Blurr's cheek* Hopefully i can.. B l u r r: / makes a sound and just VENTS / Meanxgreen: BAHAHA ItsyBitsySpyers: //A loser brother, a spare bomb, 'n an official Ultra Magnus stylus.// Pause. //I didn't say the last thing.// Starscream: *is this awkward flirting. it's painful to watch* B l u r r: What are LAUGHING at? B l u r r: *you ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HEY!\\ Whirl: *looks to Frenzy* What about you? Whirl: Hmm. I don't want anything of Ultra Magnus's. Frenzy's cool, though, I'll take the brother. Bevel: *going to busy herself with tinkering* Drift: Hi, Bevel. Wing: ((is that sg!Screamy?)) Drift: *gonna, casually, saunter over to Blurr and the big grean dude. with a *** eating grin.* Sooo. Who's this. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\A BIGGER, LOSER-IER BROTHER, AN INSECTICON LEG, 'N TEN SHANIX.\\ Meanxgreen: *looks at with a smile* Name's Roadbuster.. You? Whirl: Hmm. Whirl: I'll take the other brother, too. Bevel: *lifts one hand to wave vaguely at Drift* Meanxgreen: (( what a great movie holy moly )) Drift: Drift. The best friend. Drift: I've heard a few things about you. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Pffff. I oughta be worth two tolls.// Wing: ((Blurr's internet drank the hate juice again)) ItsyBitsySpyers: \\OKAY, BUT YOU'RE MISSIN' OUT.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy slowly pulls the long, skinny, claw-ended extra limb out of his subspace and reaches across Whirl with it to poke his brother.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Cut it out, fragger!// Swat swat. Meanxgreen: *Leans a bit to Drift* So what's he said about me? Good things? Drift: *leans in as well* Oh yeah. VERY good things. Meanxgreen: *whispers* tell me more.. Star: *Kind of just shuffles in don't mind him.* Starscream: *excuse* Whirl: *snickers* B l u r r: [[ jfc sorry everyone ]] Whirl: ((not your fault!)) Whirl: Where did you even GET that? Rodimus: (its okay) B l u r r: / shoves a claw in Roadie's face AND Drift's / Can we not? B l u r r: I'm still right here. Drift: Oh, he's told me all about how wonderful you are. How handsome and stro—*is shoved* Drift: *he's laughing* Wing: *that's new* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\FROM AN INSECTICON. DUH.\\ Meanxgreen: *manly giggling*  Oh reaaally? Whirl: *ZOOPS his head out to STARE at Blurr and give his one faceless one-eyed verison of a shi eating grin* Whirl: So. Can't help but notice your beau's here with ya, Teach. B l u r r: Pits... B l u r r: / scrapes claws down face and hisses in pain. Ow ow ow he caught part of his face / B l u r r: / fixes flexi band / Bevel: Can I see that, Frenzy? Star: *Stiffly settles himself somewhere in the back* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He frowns.* Drift: Whoa! Hey hey hey. *takes one of Blurr's hands* Don't hurt yourself. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\I'M GETTIN' IT BACK, RIGHT?\\ B l u r r: Oh, trust me, I'm not... just snagged. Bevel: Promise! B l u r r: [[ okay who's ready ? ] Wing: ((so I'm guessing that's not sg!Screamy then?__ Whirl: ((I am!)) Bevel: [[ready ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ready)) Drift: ((ready! is it still offline tho?)) Drift: ((or am I unlucky?)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((press pause and unpause)) Meanxgreen: (( YEE LETS GET THIS STARTED)) B l u r r: i put it back online so idk >>;; ]] Meanxgreen: (( JUst pause then upause!)) Drift: ((ah there it go)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy holds it out. She can come get it. He's lazy.* Star: (Is SgScream and is ready for the show) Bevel: *will haul her big bulk up and over to take it and very carefully examine it, she won't break it or nothing* Whirl: *he's already greeted her but he'll bob his head again; Bevel's cool* Bevel: *grins* Starscream: *will eye the other Starscream* I don't think I've had the pleasure. You are...? Bevel: *pokes Rumble with it veeeeeery carefully when he's not looking* Wing: *just staring at sg!Scream... slightly nervous, for him, not of him* You're here. B l u r r: / stretches arms up and cracks all claws / B l u r r: Well, at least you've met my friends. Small group, but they're all important. /pats Roadie's chassis / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble yells unusually creative curses involving power outlets and tries unsuccessfully to wriggle away from it* Star: *Suddenly has attention on him* Oh! Bevel: *sorry not sorry* Ratchet: ((Test!! I've been trying to send messages but flashblock keeps happening lol)) B l u r r: [[ hi Ratch! ]] Meanxgreen: Your friends are alright... Maybe just as weird as OH PRIMUS THAT IS AN ADORABLE FISH Ratchet: ((Yay it works! henlo people)) B l u r r: / snorts/ You're so easily amused. Whirl: ((YO 8D)) Bevel: *she'll hand it back to Frenzy now and go sit down with a giggle* Star: *He gave Wing a small smile* I am ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pokes HER with it as she goes* Whirl: *picks up Rumble in his huge *** claws and just. Holds him up. Away from the leg* Star: *@ Star* I'm Starscream. Whirl: *you paid the toll u get service* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Wh--!// ItsyBitsySpyers: //...Yeah, all right.// Gonna just. Get comfy here, he guesses. Jazz: *busts in like WHAT TIME IS IT? SHOW TIME!! * Sup Wing. *finger guns* My mech. *hops over couch* Hi Sounders! Whirl: *he'll put you back down as soon as the coast's clear* Bevel: *sticks her glossa out at the twins* Starscream: ..yes. I Think I could see that. I'm /also/ Starscream, current leader of Cybertron. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave scoots to the far end of the couch.* Star: *Looks the other over in surpise* Leader of Cybertron? ...Wow. Whirl: Ugh. I'm trying to enjoy myself and forgget my troubles, Starscream, could you NOT remind me? B l u r r: / is trying his HARDEST to ignore SG Star. Glares over the couch at him. Hissssss. / Wing: *oh hi Jazz. wave. edges closer to Star* B l u r r: / settles back with Roadie and Drift / Whirl: *waiiit a second* ...Teach? B l u r r: Yes? Whirl: Is this the Starscream? THE one? Drift: *plops down* Meanxgreen: *Holds blurr a bit tighter* You alright, lad? Starscream: *preeens. That's right, he's living the dream* B l u r r: .. Yes, I'm fine. /hums and settles. Looks at Whirl/ That would be my Starscream, yes. Though, he hasn't done anything /yet/. so he's fine... Whirl: But he IS the one that threatened you with a combiner? Yes? *he is gonna set Rumble down and sit up in his hammock* Drift: *what's blurr glaring at? turns to loo—TENSES UP* Star: *Isn't in really great shape. His arm is malfunctioning and he's not trying to look at Blurr. Plus he's covered in patches./ B l u r r: He didn't threaten me with it. Apparently Menasor is bored and offered. Wing: *edging closer to Star again, just in case* Is everything okay? Whirl: *swings one leg out of the hammock* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble is sorta disappointed to lose his high up perch, but he senses something's up.* B l u r r: [[ omg i love the stingray ]] Whirl: So he is. Wing: *he sees that, Whirl* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Hold up, are we killin' people?// Drift: *slides back down and hisses at Blurr* What's he doing here. Star: (I love this part) Starscream: Whirl, are you about to start picking fights? Whirl: Possibly. B l u r r: ( omg yes same ) B l u r r: No, no fighting. None right now. B l u r r: / points claws at people / Stop. Cease. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Spoilsport.// Mutter mutter. Whirl: *swivels his helm to stare at Blurr, optic shrinking* Meanxgreen: Is this a usual movie night? Whirl: *he debating whether or not to ignore him* B l u r r: Not usually... Drift: *mutters* There's more Starscreams than usual. Star: *Gives Wing a small smile before it dropped while looking at the others* I'm fine... Whirl: 'Scuse me, you two. *carefully untangles himself and leaves the hammock* Wing: *watching Whirl carefully* Whirl: *strolls across the room, casual as you please* Starscream. A word? Wing: *to Star* No. Whirl: Not talking to you, NAIL. B l u r r: HEY. /snarls and sits up/ Ratchet: /finally decides to pop in/ Oh, there's a crowd Starscream: You've used more than one word already. Ratchet: ((sorry I got distracted haha)) Whirl: *looks back to Blurr* I'm not starting something. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((...what ratchet is this)) B l u r r: Call mechs by their NAMES. Whirl: Not YOU, King Idiot. *nods to SGScream* You. B l u r r: Except for your Starscream. You can call him whatever you want, pit knows he shouldn't be naming himself. Ratchet: ((Sg! Haven't been on in a couple years...)) Starscream: It would take less eyes than both you and our gracious host have to see you are definitely 'starting something' ItsyBitsySpyers: ((WELP)) B l u r r: ... /snarls loudly and stands  up/ Rodimus: (-hugs ratchets face- I've missed you!) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave glances at the new mech in the room... and has both twins in his feelers and is out the door in a FLASH* Whirl: *blinks and looks around, startled* Meanxgreen: Blurr please, what is going on!? Wing: *quietly* Whirl, don't do this. *he's not threatening. he's asking* Meanxgreen: (( i LEAVE FOR A MINUTE)) Star: *Was going to be sassy about two Star's but he vents instead* B l u r r: Listen here, Kingpin. I don't need any optics to see that you're like a struggling doctor, no patien- RATCHET! Ratchet: Yes, me... Whirl: *looks to Wing, unmoved* Do what? I just want to say one little thing. Starscream: ..speak of a doctor and one will appear? B l u r r: Where in the PIT HAVE YOU BEEN?! Bevel: *...moves over by Soundwave upon seeing Ratchet* B l u r r: [[ i want to live the life of a nemo turtle ]] Starscream: *Has nooo idea hat sort of of interpersonal *** is going on here* B l u r r: / looks at Roadbuster / Did I mention I might be in deep scrap? B l u r r: Lately? Starscream: ((Ratchet can ya tone your name down by a few shades Ratchet: /shrugs/ Around, I suppose. Still getting into trouble I see? Meanxgreen: You... *raises servos* You're in WHAT!? Ratchet: ((Sorry, is this one better? ;u; )) Starscream: ((yes, thank you! Wing: Then please. Say it and settle. Nothing is happening. Bevel: [[or not since he left ha, welp Star: *Doesn't even know what to do* B l u r r: I am in.. some scrap. Drift: ... Why? What happened? Whirl: Oh, not yet, it's not. Ahem. So, Satrscream? You and your handler, Megatron, are after Blurr. Whirl: Last I heard you were threatening to send a combiner after them. Bevel: *welp, she's just going to...sit exactly where she's sitting and hope somehow she isn't seen* B l u r r: Nothing... /happened / Wing: *don't mind that he's near about in front of Star at this point* Drift: *oh, is Whirl threatening Starscream?* ... Be right back. Meanxgreen: WHY ARE YOU LYING!? WHIRL IS RIGHT THERE TELLIN' ME SOMETHIN ELSE Star: *looked at Whirl with a frown* My handler? Starscream: That is way more than one word. Drift: *he's gonna give Whirl backup.* Whirl: *snakes his helm up over Wing's shoulder* Yeah. Whirl: So, because I'm a GOOD FRIEND, I'm not going to start anything here tonight. Wanna let Teach enjoy his night with his beau, see? Starscream: You know- I mean, I won't claim to know how anoher mech thinks- B l u r r: / motions claws at Roadbuster / I'll tell you LATEr. Starscream: But I would think that if Blurr had any issue with my dear counterpart he wouldn't be sitting here in the room right now. Wing: *he can handle that so long as the head doesn't become a canon. watching Whirl AND Drift now* Whirl: Still not talking to you, King Idiot. Starscream: Hanging from the bow of the ship with his limbs missing, perhaps. Meanxgreen: *Crosses arms*  Hmp... Later... Star: What are you talking about? I didn't come here to start any trouble. Wing: ((SIGOURNEY WEAVER)) Drift: *no weapons being drawn. he's just crossing his arms imposingly.* Whirl: Oh, no. You started the trouble long ago. Whirl: As soon as you're off this ship, you're free game. B l u r r: [[ THE BEST WOMAN ]] Star: (She is~) Starscream: *arches an eyebrow* Whirl: And I've got a lot of free time with nothing else to do, mech. Wing: I think he gets the point. And I wouldn't do that. Starscream: Are you planning on assaulting someone in Iacon? Drift: Hey, there's no need for that. B l u r r: / vents and looks at Roadbuster / I will tell you everything. Later. Whirl: Is this walking technicolo mistake a citizen of your city? B l u r r: It's not that big a deal Meanxgreen: ((i love hank so much)) Star: -vents and points at his arm- Do I look like I'm trying anything? Wing: *sigh* He's my friend, too. Whirl: And, if you're trying to intimidate me, NAIL, you're only amusing me. B l u r r: [[ same omg ]] Drift: I mean, there's no point in assaulting someone who's not going to cause any trouble, right? Starscream: Citizen or not, assault is a crime. What sort of city would I be running if I let hapless travellers be set upon by derranged helicopters? Whirl: So, you're NOT the mech that threatened Blurr? Ratchet: /just gonna be standing back here watching, looking bored but amused anyway/ Whirl: You and your Megatron DON'T plan on coming after him? Bevel: *loves hank and his color changing* Star: -is actually pretty tired of this, he's sore and in pain and his arm isn't working- B l u r r: / leans over the couch and looks at Star/ Hey. Starscream. Drift: *sweet smile* I'm sure we can talk this out, right? Star: -he's liking this other Starscream already- ....Yes, Blurr? Whirl: Well, if you're not going to answer me, I'm going to assume that everything I think is true. Starscream: That's because you're a moron. Whirl: Also--sod off, King Idiot. This isn't your turf. B l u r r: / flickers optic / ... Tell Megatron something for me. Starscream: It's not your turf either. It seems to be neutral territory for the moment. B l u r r: [[ I love how she's just her own name. ]] Wing: Neither is it yours. B l u r r: [[ she's not a character name ]] B l u r r: [[ ALSO IDRIS ELBA ]] Whirl: And? I'm not trying to boss anyone around. Whirl: The only thing I'M doing is asking a question. Whirl: And delivering a promise. Wing: And a threat. Starscream: Whirl is unable to distinguish between the two. Star: .... -looks at Blurr- And that is? Meanxgreen: (( i love hank so much oml)) Whirl: (9HE'S THE BEST)) Starscream: ((I have a Hank plush i got after seeing this in theaters ;u;)) B l u r r: ... /vents and leans. Half crawled over Roadbuster / Whirl: They can be both. B l u r r: Tell him to go suck on a railroad spike. Whirl: Anyway--I've said what I need to say. Now, nobody can say I wasn't cordial, and didn't give anyone a fair head start. Whirl: Or a chance to defend themselves. Meanxgreen: *pats blurr's back* Blurr don't stress yourself out too much lad... Wing: *that was all too disheartening, Blurr* Star: -gave Blurr an exasperated look before looking back at Whirl as best he could from behind Wing- B l u r r: / flops back in Roadie's lap and huffs / Anyway. B l u r r: / looks at Ratchet. Hi, guess who is a patch work mess. Flexi bandages all over the face / B l u r r: You took your time. Whirl: *he's done here. Turns and strolls back to his hammock* Starscream: Drift, I think you need to find a hobby for your poor belegured crewmate. Macrame, perhaps. Ratchet: ... Blurr, exactly what have you been getting into now? Drift: *waves Starscream off* Meanxgreen: (( OMG I LOVE DESTINY TOO. I KNOW SHE'D BE ROADIE'S FAVOURITE)) Wing: *vents and plants his back on a wall near Star* *quietly* Would you mind if I went back with you? B l u r r: ... A lot, hoenstly, Ratch. B l u r r: *honestly Whirl: *plops down in his hammock* Oh, I've got a hammock, King Idiot. Whirl: *hobby Whirl: whop Starscream: ((You do indeed have a hammock, Whirl Starscream: ((it is a fine hammock Ratchet: Hmm, well you seem to be functioning just fine without my help. /he's being sarcastic/ Star: -stared at Wing- I'd see no problem to that. Whirl: ((he do)) B l u r r: I'm perfectly fine. Whirl: *streetches out and relaxes* B l u r r: [[ BEKCY ]] Drift: *looks at Starscream. Blurr's Starscream.* You mind if I have a minute? Promise I'm not going to threaten you. Meanxgreen: ((Becky with good hair)) Starscream: ((I have a chicken named Becky 'cos of this movie! Drift: *... although it's going to take some effort* Meanxgreen: is this how you talk to a seeker? B l u r r: Oh pit no, it's easy to talk to us B l u r r: / pause. / Er... them. Star: (sorry you guys brb) Wing: Thank you. *watching Drift next. he trusts this one only a little more, which isn't to say much right now* Whirl: *hangs his leg out to rock his hammock cheerfully; this is the best mood he's been in since he lost his home* Whirl: ((HAAANK)) B l u r r: / sinks down in Roadie's lap and just drapes all over him / For pit sake, my everything hurts. Meanxgreen: *carefully pulls the other closer* Well ya mind tellin me WHY ya everythin hurts? Drift: ((oh no, not the touch pool)) B l u r r: Oh, I got in a fight... / shrugs/ Nothing major. Meanxgreen: if you're everything hurts and you say it's nothing. Then you're either lying or you're just really soft. B l u r r: / punches him in the shoulder / B l u r r: I am NOT soft. Meanxgreen: ((wow those yours)) Ratchet: Blurr, after your get together, could you please stop by my medbay? Meanxgreen: ((gdi i was half paying attention to the movie and the chat xD)) B l u r r: You mean MY medbay? /sneers / Wing: ((I hate when that happens)) Ratchet: You allow me to use it, yes? Meanxgreen: ((They made him ink)) B l u r r: Yes, I do. When you're HERE. Ratchet: Well, I'm here now. B l u r r: I see that. Star: (Okay im back) B l u r r: [ nemo's little fin, i cannot ]] B l u r r: [[ little flappa ]] Star: (So I lost everything in chat cause I had to refresh ) Drift: ((i was waitin for you to get back before saying anything)) B l u r r: ... You know, I like that little octopus. Wing: ((is this lagging hard for anyone else?)) Whirl: ((HIS BLUSH)) Meanxgreen: ((its fine here!)) Drift: ((it's okay here)) B l u r r: [[ its lagging on my end and im the one running it @@ ]] Star: (the chat is lagging for me D: ) Whirl: ((it's not bad for me)) Whirl: ((wait as i said that it lagged)) Meanxgreen: ((wow thats strange. its running fine here!)) Wing: ((both chat and movie are lagging like a mofo for me)) B l u r r: / glancing at Star now and then. Rattles plating / B l u r r: [[ chat is lagging for me, too. ]] Wing: ((never mind I think I fixed it)) Star: -looks at Drift who approached him- Starscream: ((yeah chat and movie have been lagging for me but is good! B l u r r: / snarls a little and just settles like an angry cat. Armor all rattled / Bevel: [[everything's working fine on my end Drift: Yeah, hi. Just wanted to talk things out. Meanxgreen: *pats blurr* Calm down, lad. Settle down. Ya gettin fiesty B l u r r: [[ hES CUTTING THE GRASS ]] Meanxgreen: Oh primus... that's horrofyin' for the lil fish Whirl: *silently watches Blurr, but says nothing* Wing: *faint vent* B l u r r: / looks at Roadbuster/ I am not fiesty... B l u r r: We have a history, that's all. Star: -settles his arm against himself- Okay? Whirl: I've got some things I actually need to take care of, Teach. Remember what I told you last week, yeah? B l u r r: Mmhm? Whirl: *bobs his helm and slides out of the hammock* B l u r r: I'll comm you at some point. Star: (I love those two whales) Whirl: See ya. *bobs his head at Bevel, as well* B l u r r: Oh, right. /nudges Roadbuster / Wait, Whirl! Whirl: Mm? B l u r r: Did you two meet officially at all? / snort / Roadbuster, this is my friend Whirl. Whirl, this is Roadbuster. Star: (did he make a zoom out sounds?) Meanxgreen: *nudges back* Whirl: *snorts* I guess we didn't get a formal introduction back on Earth. Whirl: *bobs his head* Good to see Teach finally found someone worth a damn. Drift: Yeah. I heard you're hunting down Blurr. Meanxgreen: Oh wait i think i've talked to ya a few times.... i can't remember. B l u r r: anyway. We should go hunting at some point. B l u r r: All of us. Whirl: *blinks; he seems momentarily and genuinely surprised by this, but he nods* Star: -vents slowly before giving Drift a slow nod- Drift: I wanted to ask about... that. Star: Okay. Bevel: *...can't decide if she likes this movie or hates it* Whirl: Sure thing. Living situation's up in the air, but I'll let you know when it settles down. Drift: ... So, /why/. Meanxgreen: *looks at whirl* So were you the one that had to handle Blurr's *** before i came along? Drift: He's minding his own business. He's not bothering your Decepticons. He's off in space not being a nuisance at all. Whirl: Heh. I tried. But you know how he is. Meanxgreen: Oh boy do i Drift: Why are you threatening him? Whirl: I wish you all the luck in the world. You'll need it. B l u r r: Oh stop, it's not that bad. Whirl: Don't listen to him, it absolutely is. B l u r r: Whirl is a dirty liar. Whirl: Yes, I am, but I am telling the truth this time. Meanxgreen: Oh yeah, he scratches, hits me. Calls me names. *fake sad put* He's a bully B l u r r: all right, I'm a slight bit complex. B l u r r: / rolls optic / Oh don't be such a baby Meanxgreen: *pout* Whirl: Pfft, I meant more along the lines of, "He'd sit at the bottom of a smelter and refuse help." B l u r r: Again with that? Meanxgreen: Ohyeah, he's a stubborn arse B l u r r: That's why I'm alive. Star: I would rather not like to talk about that now. Since there are few still watching this movie. Whirl: *nods* One of the worst/ Meanxgreen: TERRIBLE Whirl: But, yeah. *bobs his head again* About time he had something good in his life. Drift: No offense, but I'm not following you home to ask. Whirl: Don't screw it up, Teach. *mostly jokingly* Whirl: Seeya, Shovel. B l u r r: / snort / Oh har har. I'll comm you later. Star: Then you can send a comm. B l u r r: You can help me out with some cool stuff. Whirl: And you too, Starscream. *cheerful had-bob at SGScream* Whirl: Hopefully real soon. Meanxgreen: *Nods in agreement* Bevel: *sullenly* Bye, Whirl. Drift: *euuuugh, having a Starscream's contact info in his comm unit. sweet smile tenses for a moment.* B l u r r: Just tell him after the movie, you twit . / To SG Star / Drift: *but smooths out. short-range comm ping. there's your comm.* Wing: If it helps, we've already spoken about this. But I'll understand if you'd rather hear it from him directly. Star: Well I thought that was obvious from my first statement /sass/ B l u r r: / snarls at Star / Don't start with me, you upgraded plane. B l u r r: /My/ upgrades are much more advanced and designed by the best /motions to Ratchet / Drift: *ping. you've got drift's comm. so comm.* Ratchet: Aww Blurr, you flatter me B l u r r: ... /sinks back with Roadbuster/ This is why I keep a backup memory. I forget things, too... B l u r r: / smirks at Ratchet / Well, it is the truth. Star: -pings Drift back his own comm. either way. But he's not answering Drift yet- Ratchet: I suppose it is really. As far as I know, only Starscream has more upgrades than you. I intend to beat that record at some point Star: Pft Drift: *He's gonna stay here and wait until Starscream does* B l u r r: Well, I installed something while you were away. B l u r r: We can credit that to you. Ratchet: ... Oh? B l u r r: Something I stole from Thundertron, you see. Wing: *not hopeful* Do any of those upgrades include the ability to heal? Drift: *he's patient. and looming. and vaguely threatening. and smiling.* Ratchet: /side-eyes Wing/ Ability to heal is dreadfully boring if you ask me... Star: -isn't in the position he's in just because he's smart. He doesn't really let all the threatening looks bother him- Wing: *yeah, no* Oh. *he's also still watching Drift, just in case* B l u r r: [[ i love bailey ]] Star: (he belly flopped in) Meanxgreen: {{ I CANT BELIEVE BAILEY JUST GOT CRUSHED)) B l u r r: [[ her name is sigourney ]] B l u r r: [[ I cannot with her being in this movie. Best cameo ]] Drift: ((oh come on, let the poor octopus live in his safe glass box)) Wing: ((she was also the computer/announcer in walle too)) B l u r r: [[ oh my god that's right, she was!! ] B l u r r: / oh my god it's like driving with him. Fast and reckless / Star: -laughs lightly at fish jail- Meanxgreen: OH MY GOD THEY'RE BACK TOGETHER B l u r r: / oh my god it's blurr as a teacher / Star: (my fave line in the movie is where she confuses open ocean and says soap and lotion) Meanxgreen: ((Hank is my favourite shifter)) B l u r r: Well that was... interesting. B l u r r: I hope my processor never does that. Star: -will stay mute on that point- Ratchet: I'll make sure it won't Meanxgreen: That's it... I'm gonna get a whale shark B l u r r: A /what/ ? Why? B l u r r: / glances at Ratchet / Aww, thanks, Ratchet. Meanxgreen: I JUST WILL B l u r r: Okay okay, don't yell. Bevel: *gets up without a word and leaves* B l u r r: / vents and just peers over at Star / Wing: *vents quietly and stretches wings* Star: (-gasps- Black Flag songs? :D ) B l u r r: / watching him and Drift closely, along with Wing, but he trusts Wing to keep things settled / B l u r r: [[yeh! ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i love that game so much)) Star: (oh Gosh one of my faves is the drunk sailor one and....gah I can't think of the other ones name) Bevel: [[such a great game Wing: *quietly watching Star, Drift, Blurr... the whole place. how about that?* Meanxgreen: O(( question but what now xD)) B l u r r: [[ we RP  thiiings ]] Wing: ((moosik)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i like running down to cuba because of the nine feet tall sister bit)) B l u r r: [[ moosik! ]] B l u r r: / vents and tightens flexi band over his faceplate / B l u r r: ... / Pats Roadbuster's shoulder / Meanxgreen: *Gently paps blurr's cheek plate* That looks like it really hurts Bevel: [[or talk ooc since my character isn't here anymore B l u r r: It did at the time... /shifts a little / Wing: ((hey does Star have a tumblr? I wanna harass!)) Star: (Fish in the Sea! Thats the one. yeah thats my fave lol) Starscream: ((...whoops i disappeared for the latter half of the movie Starscream: ((IT WAS ENJOYABLE THO Bevel: [[this is making me want to find and listen to all the little songs from inquisition Star: -looks over at Drift who seems to still be standing there- B l u r r: Luckily  there's no optic to be burned out... /taps flexi band / ItsyBitsySpyers: ((other favorites: the ram and the dead horse ones)) B l u r r: Well, burnt out a /second/ time. Star: (This Star does have a tumblr) Drift: ((I can't stay up super late to RP after movies rn, and the movie's over, so.)) Drift: ((*waves farewell*)) B l u r r: [[ ah bye bye! ]] Bevel: [[night! Star: (Cya~) Drift: ((shoulda just had Drift stay with Blurr and talk to Roadie lmao)) B l u r r: [[ lol ]] B l u r r: [[ i dunno why u didnt come back i was like why u just standin there man ]] Drift: ((because I thought i was gonna get an interaction.)) Wing: ((they were both stunned by each other's beauty)) B l u r r: [ omfg. ]] Wing: ((it was a magical school girl anime moment)) Star: (lmao) Star: (im sorry Drift) Star: https://crystal-city-genius.tumblr.com/  ---Wing Wing: ((thank. I will lick this later)) Star: (sdfg)
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mveloc · 8 years ago
Days of Why and How
Chapter 3
Author’s Note: Now this is where things actually start to pick up ;) Thank you all so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me. As always, your feedback is much appreciated. Enjoy!
“Okay. Surveillance is offline and alarms are disabled. You’re good to go.”
She adjusts her headset, leaning back in her chair and stretching her arms high above her head to straighten her back. When she feels that satisfying ‘crack,’ she relaxes again and expels a quiet sigh, trying to swallow her nerves and remember why she agreed to all of this bullshit in the first place.
“Please tell me you’re not gonna start bugging out,” a gruff voice mutters from behind. “I’m not really good at the whole “calming chicks down” thing.”
She turns in her chair, glaring at the ragged man sprawled out on the couch. He wriggles his eyebrows in return, offering her a crooked grin that is supposed to be charming but only irks her even further.
“Well, forgive me for being a little on edge, but I did just get out of prison after pulling shit like this,” she counters.
“Don’t freak out on me now, yeah?” she hears Sarah’s familiar voice clearly through her headset. “I need you to keep your head on straight.”
“I’m not freaking out!” she protests. “I’ve got this under control. It’s like riding a bike.”
“With your coordination, that doesn’t bode too well,” the man chuckles.
She reaches for her bottle of water, tossing it across the living room until it hits him square in the chest and he continues to laugh, kicking his feet in the ear.
“Ouch. The sass is back.”
“It never left,” she warns him.
She hadn’t really planned on shacking up with her cousin, but rooming with Sarah wasn’t really an option as the punk didn’t have a steady place of her own and Felix’s line of work made living on his couch quite awkward. Tony was the only other person she could think of that would take her in and while his tiny apartment was far from glamorous, she was grateful for his hospitality… when he wasn’t being an annoying dick. He was familiar with her situation, dabbling in the criminal underworld himself, so she didn’t have to worry about defending her mistakes or trying to explain herself to him.
“Do you mind?” Sarah buzzes in her ear, clearly annoyed by the distraction. “I’m kinda in the middle of something.”
“Yeah. Sorry. You’re good,” Cosima reiterates. “Everything’s all clear.”
She had reached out to a few of her old Runewars buddies to hook her up with the necessary hardware to do the job and like always, they had come through without asking any questions (she thinks they secretly like the thrill of being involved in illegal activities). It hadn’t taken her very long to set herself up in the corner of Tony’s living room and make contact with Sarah.
Now all there is to do is wait and keep watch.
“Want a beer?” Tony asks, disappearing into the kitchen.
She declines, her fingers tapping nervously against the plastic of the fold out table she’s been using as a desk. Tony reappears a minute later with a beer in hand, popping the tab and tipping his head back as he takes a generous swig from the can.
“Talk to me. Tell me what’s going on,” Cosima speaks into the microphone on her headset.
“S’all good,” Sarah chimes back. “Just like I said—easy pickings.”
“Don’t count your chickens just yet,” Cosima mumbles.
If there’s one thing she’s learned, it’s that this shit can turn on dime; the job itself seemed simple enough when Sarah briefed her, but even the easiest jobs can get botched if the unexpected arises. As far as the unexpected goes, Sarah agreeing to a job like this is about as far out of left field as it gets.
When they were teenagers, Sarah would would rob houses and electronics stores and pawn off her spoils to make a quick buck. When she was in college, the punk had turned her sights to museums and galleries. With Felix’s artistic capabilities, they were able to produce almost identical counterfeits that could easily fool the untrained eye, not to mention many connoisseurs. There was certainly a market for it; they could sell the original to the highest bidder, ransom it, or—Felix’s favourite—sell the counterfeits to desperate and pretentious yuppies who had no idea that they were really spending all of their money on knockoffs. However, once Cosima went to prison and they lost their trusted computer expert, Sarah and Felix had no choice but to ease up on their endeavours; Sarah had resorted to conning wealthy marks and street-level drug dealing with her loser boyfriend while Felix mostly dealt in prostitution. When Sarah had initially propositioned her, Cosima assumed that their target would be their typical museum or gallery—certainly not some large corporation.
“About a month ago, some woman contacted me saying she had a job. I thought she was a cop or she was trying to blackmail me—she knew who I was, knew about my family, all that shite,” Sarah had told her. “Turns out, she just needed someone to break into a facility and steal some files.”
“And why, exactly, did she seek you out?” Cosima had asked. “You’ve never done anything like this before. It’s, like, Mission Impossible-level shit.”
“I dunno. That’s what I told her. But she was pretty fucking insistent that I be the one to do it. She said she trusted my skills and needed someone completely out of the loop—couldn’t risk it being traced back to her. Since I’m so far removed from everything, I guess that makes me the best person for the job.”
“And that doesn’t seem fishy to you?” Cosima had countered. “Some lady you’ve never met before shows up out of the blue, somehow knows all about your sordid past and asks you to steal some computer files?”
“She offered me 200k.”
She had looked into this “DYAD” company and their work was actually quite fascinating—right up her alley. It made sense that a company like DYAD could be working on a number of top-secret projects that competing corporations would want to get their hands on. If that is the case, these files could definitely be worth the 200k that Sarah was offered. While the security system is rather advanced—one of the most sophisticated she’s ever encountered—after doing the proper research and procuring the right equipment, she’d easily found her way around it.
“Are you on the tenth floor yet?” Cosima asks.
“Almost there.”
Tony watches his cousin with an arched brow, eagerly drinking his beer from the couch as he watches Cosima at work.
According to Sarah’s contact, the files are stored on the tenth floor which requires a pass card to enter. It hadn’t taken Cosima very long at all to determine what kind of system was in use and to then replicate a card that would grant Sarah access.
“I’m here,” Sarah speaks. “Your pass card works.”
“Of course it does,” Cosima retorts with the hint of a smirk. “Don’t doubt the master.”
Even though a job like this wasn’t something Sarah typically dealt with, Cosima had certainly encountered her fair share while she was still working with Delphine. She had dealt with a very similar system in the past which was why she was confident that she could pull off a job like this with relative ease on her part.
“There we go. That’s the geek monkey I know.”
Cosima chuckles.
She leans back in her chair again, breathing a sigh of relief. It should be smooth sailing from here on out; all Sarah has to do is download the files onto the external hard drive and then it’s back the way she came—no one will ever even know she was there.
“Not too shabby, cuz,” Tony chimes in.
“I told you I was pretty good,” Cosima shrugs.
“Yeah? Then how’d your ass get busted?”
She opens her mouth to throw back a witty retort but a rapid blinking on her laptop monitor drags her attention back to the task at hand.
She begins typing furiously, her heart sinking in her chest.
“Uh, Cos? What the hell is going on?” Sarah asks, her voice laced with panic.
She can hear the alarm through the headset and Tony sits up straight, the shit-eating grin vanishing completely from his face once he notices that something’s gone very wrong.
“I don’t know!” Cosima exclaims. “This shouldn’t—”
She stops once her worst fears are confirmed.
“There’s someone else in there!”
“I just got booted from the system,” Cosima explains. “Give me a second—I’ll get us back.”
“It’s a bit too late for that!” Sarah snaps.
She slams her fist against the plastic table, her heart slamming behind her ribcage.
“You have to get out of there! Half the cops in town are gonna be there in five minutes!”
+ + + + +
“You told me you had it!” Sarah barks, running down one of the impossibly long corridors she’d traversed on her way in.
This was a disaster.
She hadn’t been able to download the files. Not only that, but if she didn’t haul some serious ass, she was going to end up like Cosima—rotting in prison for the foreseeable future.
“I-I know! I didn’t think we’d have interference!” Cosima tries to defend herself, shouting fearfully through the headset. “You didn’t tell me we’d have competition!”
“How the hell was I supposed to know?”
Marion hadn’t said anything about this. She said that the security system would be difficult to bypass, but if she had the right person behind the computer, it wouldn’t be too big of an issue. How the hell was she supposed to know that someone else would be trying to break into DYAD at the exact same moment?
“You should have scoped out the job a little better. This was sloppy!” Cosima snaps. “You’re fucking lucky I’m back in the system. The elevator should be back online and cameras are still disabled.”
She’s tempted to lose it on her newly-freed friend, but she’s too occupied with trying to save her own ass to unleash her full fury and frustration upon Cosima.
“So this is my fault? You’re the geek monkey! You’re supposed to have an answer for everything!”
She turns another corner but comes to a screeching halt when she finds herself staring down the barrel of a gun.
“Whoa. Easy,” she expels, raising her hands slowly into the air to indicate that she’s a non-threat.
She looks up from the barrel to stare into the eyes of her guest; a pair of deep, hazel eyes glare back at her, though the person’s face is concealed behind a balaclava—not exactly the most original disguise. Her own mask is much more distinct—a monkey that Cosima had picked out in a Chinatown shop earlier that day. She had laughed about it, said that she should try to have a sense of humour about the whole thing.
“So you’re the friend that tripped the alarm when you kicked us out of the system?” she asks, looking them up and down.
Despite the disguise, she notices that her guest is quite slender and small in comparison to the average man—about 5’7”. She shouldn’t be surprised by the fact that another woman is the one responsible for the clusterfuck considering all the jobs that she’s run in the past, but she certainly hadn’t been expecting it.
“Look, every cop in the city is gonna be here any minute now! We don’t have time for this!” she tries to convince the intruder. “The only way either of us is going to make it out of here is if we both run now!”
When the woman doesn’t reply, her anger flares.
“Do you hear what I’m saying at all?”
“Or I can shoot you in the leg and ensure that you get captured to take the heat off me,” the heavily-accented voice suggests.
That accent.
She knows she’s heard it before.
Sarah inspects her would-be assailant once again; the height is right, the build is right, and the flicker in her eyes is certainly familiar.
“Wait… Delphine?”
The masked assailant freezes, gripping her gun a little tighter.
“That is you, isn’t it?” Sarah asks.
Sarah slowly reaches for her mask, lifting it to reveal her face.
Delphine lowers her gun and reaches for her own mask with her free hand to peel it off.
If Sarah was angry before, now she’s overcome with rage.
“Oh, you’re lucky you have a fucking gun right now, otherwise I’d kick your willowy ass!” she spits, her face contorting with hatred.
She always told herself that if she ever saw Delphine Cormier again, she’d beat the woman half to death and make her wish she were in prison—retribution for everything that she’s done to Cosima. Delphine doesn’t appear to be angry by her presence like she’d expect; instead of being furious that Sarah’s interfered with her own job, her face displays a mixture of concern and confusion. As Sarah stares her down, heavy-breathing and contempt in her heart, she waits for Delphine to make the next move; as much as she hates to admit it, the blonde is the one holding all the cards right now.
“What? You’ve got nothing to say?”
Another beat of tense silence passes between them before Delphine holsters the gun, surprising Sarah. While Delphine has no real reason to shoot her, she knows the cruelty that the French woman is capable of and wouldn’t be shocked to find her making good on her offer to shoot her in the leg and save herself.
“Oi, geek monkey!” Sarah shouts into her headset. “You’re never gonna believe who our visitor is!”
She never breaks eye contact with Delphine as she speaks to her partner on the other side, her blood beginning to boil. The very mention of Cosima seems to garner a reaction from the blonde; her eyes widen and a visible tremors rips through her.
“Cosima?” she asks, completely bewildered.
Sarah’s eyes narrow even further as she tries to decipher this reaction. It’s a mix of so many conflicting emotions that she’s unable to accurately pin it out.
“She’s—she’s out?”
+ + + + +
“Are you sure it was her?”
“Of course I’m sure. I’d know that voice anywhere.”
Cosima paces back and forth anxiously as if suddenly forgetting the layout of Tony’s living room. She feels sick, like she could drop to her knees and empty her stomach all over the floor even with Sarah watching. She isn’t sure if she should sit or stand, if she should take deep breaths or hold her breath completely; her body has its own response, just as it always has with Delphine.
“You sure it wasn’t some other French chick?” she tries.
She just needs anything to work with—anything to tell her that this is all some big mistake, that she isn’t being confronted with her worst fucking nightmare. She secretly hopes that Sarah will meet her halfway, but as soft-hearted as her friend can be at times, the punk has never shied away from the truth when it really mattered.
“She took off her mask, Cos,” she says quietly, trying to let Cosima down gently. “I saw her face.”
Cosima sighs.
She always knew that this day could come—that it most likely would come. Even still, she hadn’t planned for it to go down like this. She was hoping that she’d have more time, that she’d have some sort of concrete game plan when she finally confronted her ex-girlfriend again after five long, bitter years. She may not have been there in-person to exchange words with the duplicitous woman, but Delphine knows she’s out now and she knows it’s only a matter of time before they cross paths for real.
Panic and defeat morph into a mighty burst of anger.
“I told you this was a bad idea!” Cosima snaps, nearly kicking the fold out table over in the process. “Not only did we botch the job and walk away with nothing, but now she’s wrapped up in this, too?”
“Oi!” Sarah counters, matching fire with fire. “She’s got nothing to do with this!”
“Of course she does!”
Delphine has everything to do with it.
Sarah and Felix had been saying it before and she always dismissed them, but now she sees just how right they’ve been; even if she doesn’t want to admit it, Delphine has been at the center of everything from the second she set foot outside of that prison.
“You listen to me—nothing changes,” Sarah says with emphasis. “We lay low for a little while until this all blows over. We forget about that twat.”
Cosima shakes her head.
“But she knows I’m out, and—”
“Doesn’t matter,” Sarah shuts her down quickly. “It doesn’t matter if she knows you’re alive or dead, if you’re out or if you’re still doing time. She cut you out, Cos—she decided five years ago that you weren’t worth her time, so why should she be worth yours now?”
Cosima folds her arms over her chest, her frown expanding.
“Maybe,” she mutters half-heartedly.
Sarah steps closer, imposing herself. She tries to smother all doubt in Cosima’s mind before those flames have a chance to grow into something much larger that will swallow her friend from the inside out all over again.
“Cosima, she dragged you into all this shit and then just left you to drown,” Sarah reminds her. “When things got bad, she just… disappeared.”
“Yeah, but I was a big girl. I made my own choices, Sarah,” Cosima argues.
She’s not sure if it’s Delphine she’s trying to defend or herself—her own terrible decisions that have come back to haunt her.
“It’s not like she ever forced me to—”
“Cos, she manipulated you!” Sarah bursts.
Cosima fidgets with the bracelet that dangles from her wrist, brow furrowed and lips drawn into a thin line which threatens to downturn into a frown with the slightest prodding. Did Delphine manipulate her? Maybe. Probably. But there’s no way Delphine could have planned for things to go down the way they did; there’s no way that her ending up in prison was part of her ex’s endgame.
Delphine didn’t con her into prison.
She did that all by herself.
In truth, it’s not her downfall that’s left her so bitter—it’s the fallout from it; even if there were times she felt untouchable when they were running wild together, a part of her always understood on some subconscious level that prison was a possibility—a natural consequence to their risky behaviour. No, she wasn’t bitter about getting caught, about serving a sentence that Sarah and many others thought she didn’t deserve.
It was the five years of radio silence that was the greatest sting of all.
In the beginning, she told herself that it wouldn't be so terrible; she could recover from messing her life up completely so long as she had the support of her loved ones, but when she needed Delphine the most, the blonde was nowhere to be seen.
Not one visit.
Not one phone call.
Not a single fucking letter.
Five years and after everything they’d been through together, after everything they meant to each other, Delphine had discarded her as easily as a used tissue. And the part that got her the most? That some sick, naive, masochistic part of her actually believed Delphine would come for her in the end. As days turn into months which slowly bled into years, she told herself that Delphine would come… eventually.
Delphine had to come.
Even just weeks before her release, she held onto some small sliver of hope that Delphine would be waiting for her at the finish line, just as she always had before.
How could she have been so stupid?
“Whatever. Doesn’t matter now. There’s nothing more to say,” Sarah mutters. “She can carry on with her shit and we’ll carry on with ours. It’s not like you’re going to go looking for her, huh?”
Cosima shakes her head.
“Hell no.”
Her voice harbours a hint of hesitation despite the boldness in her words.
“Good,” Sarah nods, trying to reinforce her point. “And if she has any sense at all, she’ll stay the hell away. At least we know she’s good at that.”
+ + + + +
“Has anyone come for me?” she asks, staring hopefully at the guard from behind the window.
The woman gives her a once over, taking note of her ID tag before lowering her head to read from the day’s log book. She scans it thoroughly for a minute or so before lifting her gaze again to offer Cosima a sympathetic glance.
“Sorry,” she apologizes, shaking her head.
“Are you sure? Could you check again?”
This is her first day of visitation and she’s been waiting eagerly for the chance to see another familiar face in person—one familiar face in particular.
The woman sighs, her expression softening as she removes her glasses.
“Look. You’re new here. Sometimes it takes a few weeks for these things to process,” she says, trying to offer Cosima a beacon of hope. “I’m sure whoever you’re expecting will make it down eventually.”
Cosima deflates completely.
“Yeah? Then why isn’t she answering any of my calls?” she mutters.
“Give it some time,” the guard tries, offering her a small smile.
“Well, I have lots of that.”
Time passes far too slowly in this place.
She hasn’t been able to grab more than an hour of sleep or so a night and even though she’s terrified to close her eyes in this place, a part of her wishes she could disappear into slumber and sleep the rest of her sentence away. She feels the exhaustion in her bones and even still, she’s unable to find any sort of reprieve; the bed (if you could really call it that) makes her tiny twin mattress back in her dorm room seem like a California king and every time she lies down, the walls seem to close in on her.
She hasn't been able to eat. She’s never considered herself a picky eater and has always been willing to try new foods but prison food hardly qualifies as something exciting and exotic. She stares down at the tray of indistinct mush, poking at it absently with a plastic spoon, trying to imagine that it’s tiramisu or some other delectable dessert just to help her with the psychological process of lifting the spoon and guiding the mush to her mouth.
“Uh, hey. Do you mind if I sit here?”
She stops, dropping her fork onto her tray and lifting her gaze to address her visitor. None of the other inmates have said so much as a word to her and she’s skeptical of any attention she’s suddenly receiving, but when she spies the benevolent-looking blonde staring back at her with a small smile, she wonders how big of a threat the girl can really be.
“Be my guest,” she mutters, gesturing to the empty seat across from her.
She diverts her eyes back to the tray of mush.
“You okay?” the blonde asks, taking a seat.
“Should I be?”
The blonde cocks her head.
“You’re a newbie, right?” she asks.
“Yep. Fresh meat for everyone to chew on,” Cosima deadpans.
“Hey, I didn’t mean it like that. Sorry,” her guest apologizes.
There’s something so sincere in the way in which the tiny blonde speaks that Cosima suddenly finds herself feeling guilty for the abrasive attitude she’s assumed as some sort of armour.
“No, I’m sorry,” she apologizes. “I’m just… I… fuck.”
There’s a hundred things she wants to say but her mind is drawing a blank. It’s not as if she can spout any of it to a stranger anyway, so she keeps it to herself.
“I know. This place’ll do that to you,” the blonde says sympathetically.
Cosima sighs deeply, trying to will away the rush of emotions that seem to overtake her at the most random and inopportune times. Her eyes begin to well until they’re glossy and ripe with tears she somehow manages to hold back.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do?” she asks.
The girl reaches across the table, placing a gentle hand atop Cosima’s.
“You just gotta focus. Think about the finish line,” she offers. “Just remember that this isn’t permanent.”
Cosima tries to hold back her laughter.
“It’s easy to say that now,” she spits, staring down at the comforting hand still resting atop her own.
The blonde offers her another smile.
“It’ll get easier with time. You just gotta help it along,” she says, pulling her hand away.
Cosima watches her carefully, watches as she runs that hand through the length of her hair.
“And how do I do that?” she asks.
The blonde laughs.
“When I figure it out, I’ll let you know.”
She knows that her new friend means well, but she has a hard time finding the humour in her words. She could barely stand to be cooped up in her dorm room studying for a weekend—how the hell is she going to make prison work?
“But seriously—just go through the motions,” the blonde tries. “I know the food’s shit, but you gotta eat. You gotta sleep. As soon as you can get eating and sleeping sorted out, the rest will fall into place a little easier… or at least you won’t have the urge to hang yourself with your bedsheets quite as frequently.”
Cosima expels a tiny laugh.
“Thanks,” she mumbles.
“Don’t mention it.”
When she looks up again, large blue eyes are staring back at her. She’s struck by how open they seem—far more open than anything in this fucking place.
“The guards haven’t been as horrible as I thought, but no one else really talks to me,” she says, finally making a solid attempt to strike up a conversation.
“That’s because you have “fresh meat” written on your forehead,” the blonde shrugs. “No one wants to get into bed with a newbie.”
Cosima frowns again.
“Don’t take offence. Once you’re here a little longer and the other girls get a better feel for you, the conversation won’t stop flowing—trust me,” she tries to explain. “This many troubled women all crowded together, some with consecutive sentences to serve? We’ve got nothing better to do than bitch, and we have more reasons than most.”
Cosima’s frown slowly dissolves.
“Aren’t you anxious about associating with a newbie?” she asks, trying to fight back her growing smile.
“Me? Not really,” the blonde shrugs. “I’ve got a bit of a reputation—that’ll go a long way in this place.”
“Really?” Cosima asks, her curiosity getting the better of her. “Are you, like, a serial killer or something?”
She makes the joke because she knows there’s no way it can be true; there’s no way that a girl like this could ever be capable of such a terrible crime. While they may all be criminals in here, she isn’t blind to the fact that most of the inmates are victims of circumstance rather than the vicious deviants that society would like most people to see them as.
“Nothing quite as glamorous,” the blonde laughs. “My family’s Russian mob. Nobody in here messes with me.”
“That must be nice,” Cosima muses aloud.
“It has its perks.”
If there’s one thing she could use right now, it’s a support system. Sure, the Russian mob may not be ideal, but it’s more than she has at the moment and she finds herself envious of the girl’s ties; Sarah’s been too preoccupied with Kira lately to make the trip down to see her.
And Delphine?
Delphine may as well be a fucking ghost.
“How about you? You don’t strike me as the “career criminal” type,” the blonde asks.
“No,” Cosima shakes her head, gaze dropping in shame. “I’m just a complete fucking moron.”
The blonde pauses for a moment, considering her next words carefully.
“We’ve all done stupid shit,” she says.
“Yeah, but I knew better,” Cosima counters.
“Don’t we all?”
Cosima laughs.
“Apparently not.”
If she did, she wouldn’t be here.
If she didn’t, she still wouldn't be waiting for Delphine to magically appear and take her away from this place like she promised.
“I’m Shay, by the way.”
She looks up, forgetting about her misery and rejection and rejoining the conversation. She accepts the hand, stretching her own across the table to grasp in gently, allowing herself to forget about her stupid mistakes for just a few seconds.
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